chrisili · 4 months
Happy new year!
Just wanted to throw out a happy new year to everyone! And literally thank you for all the support you've given me so far??? I have 20 followers? And like hundreds of likes when I was here thinking NO ONE would care about my writing. But thank you so much and I am planning on uploading a lot more next year so stay healthy and happy bye! 🩷🩷🩷
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chrisili · 5 months
Till next time | pt.1
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Pairing: Edmund Pevensie x fem!reader
Summary: Prince Caspian and his maid escaped from his uncles castle. After reuniting with the Narnians and unexpected visitors, Y/N learns how to sword fight, how to be tough and how to love.
Warnings: spoilers if you haven’t watched/read Prince Caspian, cursing
Genre: angst, fluff, rom-com
Word count: 4,6k
A.N.: I am a Peter girly but… when you have three Narnia one shots written and two of them are Edmund related, do you actually deserve that title? Anyways, I changed Edmund’s age a little bit because it is a fan fiction and I can and because it’s gonna be a thing in the second part. Yes, a second part. I planned this as one only but it seems too long and rushed and doesn’t make a lot of sense to keep it in one part, so yeah enjoy!
Masterlist | pt.2: coming soon
“A son! A son! Lady Prunaprismia has this night given Lord Miraz a son!” The mans voice echoed behind Prince Caspian and his maid Y/N. They had just exchanged their last words with Cornelius, Caspians teacher, before riding out of the castle. With a concerned look he stops his horse, Prince Caspian moves his head to the right, looking at her. She just puts a hand on his shoulder and gives him a reassuring smile, even if she was scared to the bones herself. He sighs deeply and nudges Destriers side for him to run off again. While being followed by Miraz’s men, Y/N was holding on to Caspian while looking back terrified.
Prince Caspian rode both of them into the woods until Destrier kicked off his back. Them on the ground now, they immediately started to get surrounded by two dwarfs, names Trumpkin and Nikabrik and a badger, Trufflehunter. Trumpkin would be taken in by the Telmarines while Caspian would blow Queen Susans old horn, given to him by Cornelius. Later they were both sleeping in the little home of the badger and the black dwarf, which was in fact, the inside of a tree.
Y/N already sat awake at the dining table with Trufflehunter and Nikabrik, all three waiting for Prince Caspian to wake up. She was a lovely girl, always smiling and always kind. She had a lot of things to be thankful for and although a lot of those things have now been taken away from her, she was still with Caspian and that was all she needed.
“This bread is so stale.” Said Nikabrik while tearing the bread into two halves, not giving the other half to Y/N. He didn’t like Y/N, it was nothing personal, she was one of them and that was reason enough.
“I’ll just give him some soup. He should be coming around soon.” Said a different voice, Trufflehunter. While the young prince had already woken up and was now silently walking in the direction the voices were coming from, was the badger giving Y/N some soup already. She nodded her head smiling and said, “thank you very much.”
“I don’t think I hit him hard enough,” replied Nikabrik and Y/N swallowed hastily, “I think that you shouldn’t talk so foul of the Prince while he is sleeping just in the same room as you are! Especially not in front of me!” She didn’t say it mean, arrogant or threatening.
“That is right and besides that, he is just a boy!” Replied Trufflehunter.
“He’s a Telmarine, not some lost puppy. You said you were gonna get rid of him.” Y/N, who had also just woken up a few minutes ago too, choked on her soup as she heard Nikabrik say that.
The badger looked softly at Y/N and then roughly back at Nikabrik, “No. I said I’d take care of him. We can’t kill him now. I just bandaged his head. It would be like murdering a guest!”
“How do you think his friends are treating their guest?” Nikabrik said while looking disgusted at Y/N.
“Trumpkin knew what he was doing, it’s not the boys fault or hers.” Just before Y/N could speak for herself, Prince Caspian jumped into the main ‘room’ grabbing one of the pokers by the fire and started to fight against Nikabrik.
“Hold it. No, no!” Yelled Trufflehunter.
“Your highness! They are Narnians, they are just trying to help!” Y/N said urgently, quickly getting up and extending her hands to calm Caspian down.
Both stopped fighting and Caspian looked at her with wide eyes. Nikabrik just scoffed and put his sword back. Y/N walked over to Caspian and he looked at her intensely waiting for a more in depth explanation. “Prince Caspian, this is Trufflehunter and this is Nikabrik. They helped us escape from your lord father’s soldiers, one was caught… but he will be alright, right?” She said looking around for an answer. “Right.” Said Trufflehunter who was now cleaning up the soup that was so sadly spilled all over the floor.
“Wait, hold on. Am I hearing this right? Prince? That disgusting piece of a man is your father then?” Said Nikabrik jumping up again holding out his sword but Prince Caspian defended himself immediately, “my uncle! And… he wants me dead.” Said Caspian now sadder than ever, having now realized in what kind of situation he really is.
Not shortly after, Prince Caspian and Y/N went out into the woods again looking for… well they didn’t really know themselves, more Narnians? In the hope for them to follow Caspian? To defeat Miraz?
“My lord!” Y/N yelled after Caspian while she was panting, hitting rocks and punching branches out of her way. “My lord please wait! I am not that fast, wearing a dress in the woods is not easy!” She said hopelessly but also slightly laughing at herself. Prince Caspian turns around and quickly runs up to her, helping her walking further extending an arm for her to hold on to it. Almost like he was her servant not the other way around.
“I really hope it’s gonna work.” Caspian said after a while, still walking close to his only friend. “My lord?” She looked at him questioning. Y/N, who unfortunately did not have the privilege of receiving the same education as the prince was visibly confused, she had no idea what he meant. “The horn Cornelius gave me. It’s supposed to help us, bring the four kings and queens back or… even Aslan.” Y/N only gasped at that and shook her head in disbelieve. She sincerely hoped that it was true but it seemed to far fetched to be real.
While they continued walking, they eventually noticed they were being followed by none other than Trufflehunter and Nikabrik. They later met Reepicheep, the bravest one foot tall mouse you’ll ever see in your living days. Soon they would talk to all the old Narnians and unite forces to fight against Miraz.
This time walking in the woods, Y/N found herself not only surrounded by Trufflehunter, Nikabrik and Prince Caspian. This time there were hundreds of other creatures with them and oddly enough, she had never felt safer in her life, in all those years in the castle than she did right now with bulls who could speak the same language as she did.
They continued walking until Caspian heard some footsteps, he extended an arm to symbolize for the others to stop and wait while he walked further, just a few seconds later Y/N heard blades hitting against each other. Metal on metal, Caspian was fighting and he was fighting someone skilled.
Y/N started running with the others, eager to help their hopefully soon to be king. When Y/N arrived in the heart of the forest, the weirdest thing happened. She saw four people she’d never seen before but one caught her eye specifically. The boy with the blue cloth and dark hair, he stood beside two girls, one seemingly younger and the other one older than him. Edmund the Just, she thought. Now having talked and laughed with the other creatures nights before, she now knew a lot more about the legends of old and she immediately saw. She kept starring at him until he eventually realized someone was watching him, their eyes met and he just looked at her. His gaze was hard to describe, he looked at her interested, fascinated even.
After first complications they followed Prince Caspian to Aslans Tomb. Days and days of planning and fighting followed, them getting into the castle, Caspian having a mental break down because of his father, High King Peter being helpless for losing so many soldiers and friends, things didn’t look too well and Y/N hated herself that she couldn’t do anything to help.
She was just on the edge of the forest collecting mushrooms and different kinds of herbs. She was so busy aggressively pulling out random weeds at this point that she didn’t even hear footsteps appearing behind her.
“You don’t look very happy.” A male voice said and without turning around, checking who it might have been she just answered.
“No. I. Am. Great,” she huffed pulling more and more after each word.
“Are you sure? Because you are killing the meadow…” The male voice replied and something happened Y/N really didn’t intend to happen. She pushed all her rage and anger at the poor man who was trying to comfort her.
“Listen, why don’t you just leave me alone and play swords like the other wanna be soldiers? I am sick and tired of you men trying to control everyone just because you are men! Your decisions have brought us nothing but misery and just because I am a woman doesn’t mean I am weak or less smart than any of you! So how about you fuck. Off!” She said while standing up and angrily turning around in the last part.
Her heart, soul and brain died at this exact moment at this exact spot.
In front of her stood King Edmund, the handsome young man she had liked since the day they met. They had not really spoken to each other yet so she couldn’t have known it was him. She clasped her mouth with both her hands while her eyes almost fell out. She didn’t know what to say and she hoped if she just stood still long enough, she would turn invisible and he’d leave.
That did in fact not happen.
Edmund stood there eyes almost as wide as hers. If you had talked to Edmund that way five years ago he would have yelled at you and made you hate yourself and your life, if you had talked to Edmund that way five years ago and you were a guy he would have probably thrown a punch at you right here right now.
But, judging by the fact that right now is not two years ago and that the person in front of him was not a random guy but a very beautiful, hardworking and usually lovely girl that he very much liked, he just nodded and said, “right, sorry to bother you.” With that he walked away. Well, until Y/N reached for his arm, not because she had anything to say, it was more of a reflex. He looked down his arm and then turned a little to look at her. She just looked at him like a fish who didn’t have enough water.
With every word she slid down more and more being on her knees and then holding on to Edmunds legs while crying bitterly. She didn’t even stop there but I’ll spare you the rest. Edmund just looked at her with wide eyes but he caught himself pretty quickly.
While she was still mumbling apologies and ways how he could kill her or probably send her to hell, he just grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up so she was standing in front of him. He smiled at her but didn’t let go of her shoulders. “Y/N, right?” He asked softly and she nodded while wiping away her many, many tears. “Good. Listen to me, I will not kill, banish or punish you in ANY way. We are ALL on edge and I forgive you.” He said very slowly and clearly so she would understand.
She nodded, “so the guillotine? I’ll get it.” She started to walk in whatever direction because to be completely honest with you, they didn’t have a guillotine.
“No no no no, no, not the guillotine.” He said reaching after her. “NO. KILLING. Understood?” He tried explaining again. Y/N looked confused at him with her tears building up again, “but I said- I said-” “Yes, I know what you said. But it doesn't matter, it is alright okay? Don’t worry about it. We all make mistakes,” then he looked a little hurt, like he remembered something from his past, “and we deserve a second chance as long as we acknowledge that mistake. Okay?”
Y/N nodded. “Good. Would it be okay for you if you took your basket and helped cooking for dinner? I have to practice with the others and some of those mushrooms look delicious.” He said smiling and with that Y/N completely snapped out of it. “Mushrooms, dinner, food, of course! Would I be okay?! That is my job! Sword practice of course how could I be so stupid, pardon me King Edmund. I should really go, cook and stuff like that.” She grabbed her basket and basically ran away from him, he just looked after her smiling to himself.
Later after dinner, Y/N sat further away from the bonfire holding herself comforting, thinking about today. Caspian walked over to her and sat down beside her, she didn’t even greet him, that’s how bad she was feeling.
“So… you’d like to yell at me too or is that a thing between you and King Edmund?” He said laughing while drinking some wine and she looked at him shocked. “How did you? Did he tell you-” “I haven’t really spoken to him but, you were crying and yelling in the middle of our base, basically. You think no one heard?” He said with one eyebrow lifted and Y/N just let her head fall into her hands. “I am an idiot and I suck.”
Caspian just nodded, “yes, do I want to know what happened?” With her head still hiding in her hands she just shook her head and Prince Caspian let it go.
The next day was horrible. Y/N was too embarrassed to look at anyone so she left early into the woods, or so she planned. On the way outside she heard Prince Caspian yelling after her, “Y/N! Y/N! Hold up!” She sighed sadly and turned around with a trained smile. “My lord?” “Yeah yeah, I have a little quest for you, nothing major. High King Peter will duel my uncle but someone has to bring him the message. … will do it, being accompanied by a giant, a centaurs and you.” He said kind of mumbling the first person.
“A giant, a centaurs and what will go with us?” She asked stretching her neck a little so she would understand better.
“ing Edmns…” he said mumbling again.
“Sorry, what?” She asked again walking even closer to Prince Caspian. “King Edmund.” He said hiding his smile, of course it was King Edmund.
“I, Peter, by the gift of Aslan, by election and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel and emperor of the Lone Islands, in order to prevent the abominable effusion of blood, do hereby challenge the usurper Miraz to single combat upon the field of battle. The fight shall be to the death. The reward shall be total surrender.” King Edmund read all of this off his scroll in front of Miraz and the other lords. Y/N stood a little in the back not too far from Lord Glozelle. While Edmund rolled his scroll back up, Miraz started talking.
“Tell me, Prince Edmund…”
“King.” Edmund interrupted and Y/N smirked at his remark.
“Pardon me?” Lord Miraz asked with a startled look on his face.
Edmund looked up from his scroll, “it’s ‘King Edmund,’ actually. Just ‘King,’ though. Peter’s the High King. I know, it’s confusing.”
Lord Miraz and Lord Sopespian looked at each other puzzled.
“Why, would we risk such a proposal when our armies could wipe you out by nightfall?” Miraz asked.
Edmund looked at the lords as he studied their faces, “haven’t you already underestimated our numbers? I mean, only a week ago Narnians were extinct.”
“And so you will be again.”
“Well then you should have little to fear.”
At that Miraz laughed out loud. “This is not a question of bravery.”
“So you’re bravely refusing to fight a swordsman half your age?”
Y/N turned around so her wide smile wouldn’t show. Lord Mirazs smile on the other hand faded instantly as he leaned forwards in his chair. “I didn’t say I refused.”
With a lot of talk and arguing, it was decided that they would fight each other. On their way back, the giant and centaurs in the back and Edmund and Y/N in the front, they started talking. “First of all I want to deeply apologies again for how I behaved the other day King Edmund I shouldn’t have-” but before she could finish her sentence he held out a hand and shook his head smiling. She smiled back and started a new topic, “I just wanted to say, the way you talked to these lords was incredible. I have never seen such courage before especially at your age, although I probably shouldn’t say that.” “My age?” He looked at her amused and she blushed a little, “you know, judging you are like… 15?” At that Edmund laughed out loud and she looked at him confused. “Did I say something funny?” Edmund shook his head still laughing, “no, no you didn’t. It’s just that I am 17 and technically I am 32.”
(My math goes like this: LWW Edmund is 12. I aged them up so that instead of waiting one year to go back they waited five, because. Anyways, 12 plus 5 is obviously 17 plus the 15 years they spent in Narnia before going back the first time.)
“You are older than me? I will be 17 in only two months…” she said surprised and he looked at her still amused.
“Y/N” he said. She looked at him questioning. “Would you like me to teach you some swords ‘play’?” She cringed at the word ‘play’ remembering their earlier encounter with each other. “It would be an honor your highness.”
“Just try to hit me, don’t worry too much.” And with these words Y/N swung her practice sword as hard as she could at Edmund, him not having imagined her to hit as hard as she did, he almost lost balance defending himself.
“Wow wow easy, alright, you almost killed me.”
“I am sorry but you said to hit! And not to worry!” She exclaimed straightening herself.
“Yes but this time maybe a little less force okay? You are very good but you’re wasting too much energy on one swing.”
She nodded and got into position but he looked at her feet and shook his head. “That’s not it, you have to-, wait let me help.” He went over to hit her feet softly with his so she would stand steadier. “Also you have to hold the sword a little higher.” He took her arm from behind and pushed it upwards. His gaze then slowly went to hers. They were incredibly close to each other, noses almost touching.
“EDMUND!” Peter yelled from the inside of their base. “We have to talk about tomorrow, come on!”
Edmund just kept looking at Y/N and yelled back, “Yes Pete! On my way!” He kept looking at Y/N for a few more seconds, then he slightly bowed and turned around to get to Peter.
Y/Ns legs became weak and she dramatically fell to the ground, her head red and hands sweaty. “I am done.”
Done, was also King Peter way later after he fought Miraz, after Caspian couldn’t kill his uncle and after the war was over. Y/N had been fighting very well, she was scared but determent to help and so she was a great fighter. After meeting Aslan she felt great, they had won and the Narnians were free again. It was time to celebrate, dance and be happy. Everyone was in the new conquered castle, drinking, singing, eating and confessing.
One confession should be especially interesting for you, dear reader.
“Your Majesty, can I speak to you for a second?” Y/N said after walking over to the big table where all the old and new, kings and queens of Narnia sat. Edmund looked at Peter and he nodded with a smile. Edmund and Y/N walked out of the main hall to a more quiet place. They walked down the hallway and Y/N suddenly stopped which made Edmund stop too.
“I wanted to tell you something…” she said looking at him nervously. “I don’t expect you to say it back, I don’t even expect you to answer me at all but I have to get this off my chest.”
She was fidgeting with her fingers looking down at them, she was extremely nervous but she had to tell him how she felt.
“I… well, I- the first time I saw you, I was extremely fascinated by you. You were just… incredibly handsome but that’s not all obviously! Over the last weeks I have thought about the way you think and the way you talk and I love all of it. The way you express yourself is so beautiful and the way you care about your family really made me realize how must I love you. I love you King Edmund and an awful lot of that too, it is so much love that it almost hurts and I can hardly breath. There are no words in this world to describe my love for you… I’d probably have to invent another language just to slightly express how I feel.”
She had now looked up at him and her tears started building up, not because she was scared of sad. It was because all of her emotions were too much to be held in her body, she was overwhelmed and to be honest after all that happened she was very happy to let it out. Edmunds expression was evident, he was smiling one ear to another and with that he hugged the girl in front of him tightly and laughed, “I love you too, I love you, I love you, I love you so much.”
Y/N laughed and cried more into Edmunds shoulder while she hugged him as if her life depended on it. They looked at each other and without another word they kissed both smiling and as happy as one could be. As Y/N wanted to break the kiss, was Edmund just leaning in more and more pecking her lips not wanting to let her go and she laughed even more pecking his lips back. Their foreheads rested on each other and he whispered, “I love you.”
“Ew.” Came a voice from beside them around the corner, it was now King Caspian and Queen Susan who had just gone for a little walk around the castle. Y/N eyes widened as she let go of Edmund, not immediately or hastily. “King Caspian,” Edmund said smiling nodding his head while still holding on to Y/Ns hands and Caspian nodded back smiling, “King Edmund.” They smiled at each other while Susan cocked up an eyebrow looking at Y/N questioning but she just shook her head slightly confused.
“I think we should leave them alone, don’t you?” Caspian asked Susan as they were turning back to where they came from. Susan nodded, “I wasn’t planning on seeing this as it is.”
The next morning everyone met up to send the people who did not want to live the new way, to the old place where the old kings and queens of Narnia lived also. After Lord Glozelle and Caspians aunt left with his cousin, the people got suspicious.
“HOW DO WE KNOW HE IS NOT LEADING US TO OUR DEATH?” One shouted and the others agreed, Y/N stood in the front close to Edmund and she looked worried at him but he gave her a reassuring smile just as she had done to Prince Caspian at the beginning of this story.
“Sire. If my example can be of any service, I will take 11 mice through with no delay.” Reepicheep, the mouse, offered while talking to Aslan. But Aslan only looked at High King Peter and something very uncomfortable started to build up in Y/Ns stomach.
“We’ll go.” Peter said and Edmunds heart sank into the earth beneath him, “we will?”
Without further explanation Peter just walked up, “come on. Our time’s up.”
Y/Ns mind had already gone blank while the others were talking, they were saying that Peter and Susan were not needed in Narnia anymore and that Lucy and Edmund would return. While Susan went up to King Caspian and Peter and Lucy to Trumpkin, Edmund did go to Y/N holding her hands with his.
“I am so sorry… I had no idea this was, this was how it was going to be.” Edmund said with glossy eyes looking slightly down into the girls eyes and she looked back at him worried.
“I don’t want you to go.” She wanted to say so many things, so many more words but she couldn’t, her throat was tied.
He shook his head now tears flowing down his cheeks, “I don’t want to leave.”
Y/N turned forwards Aslan, “Aslan, couldn’t I go with them? You said everyone could choose to go or stay.”
Aslan smiled at her shaking his head softly, “I am afraid not dear one. Edmund and yourself have quite an important role in the future. Things must happen the way intended.”
Y/Ns looked so incredibly sad, it was hard to look at her without getting sad yourself. “Will I see him again then?”
Aslan smiled and nodded and Edmund and Y/N looked at each other hopeful.
Their foreheads rested against each others savoring their last moments together until next time.
“I love you,” he whispered, heart hurting. She closed her eyes as she whispered back, “I love you.”
Then they kissed each other before hugging as tightly as they could. Both of them crying and everyone feeling sorry for them, they parted. He was about to let go but she held onto his hand and he looked back.
Her eyes said: don’t go.
He turned around again and cupped one of her cheeks kissing her one last time, their salty tears being the last thing they tasted from each other before Edmund turned around again and with one last look at her over his shoulder, he left.
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chrisili · 5 months
𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒾𝓈 𝓌𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊?
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Pairing: Peter Pevensie x fem!reader
Summary: Your childhood best friend starts acting super odd and after a little incident at the train station you actually understand why.
Warnings: Spoilers if you haven’t seen the first and second movie, lots of arguing
Genre: friends to enemies to lovers? Angst? Fluff
Word count: 2,8 k
A.N.: Eh so, I actually thought this story further, like a lot but I don’t know if the rest is worth writing/reading so IF you think this needs another part eh, tell me? But again heads up, no idea if it is worth the time. THANKS FOR READING THIS ANYWAYS!
Peter hugged his beloved mother one last time. “Promise me you’ll look after the others,” she said. “I will mum,” he said with a thin voice, eyes shut tight. She loses herself from the hug, smiles at him and nods, “good man.” After having said goodbye to the other three children too, she looked at them all, “alright, off you go.”
Peter and the others grabbed their luggages and started to walk closer to the train they are supposed to go in to. “Peter! Peter!” A small voice cried out, the oldest sibling looked into the direction where the voice was coming from, it was Y/N. Y/N was Peters childhood bestfriend, they went the same way to school everyday, although going to different schools because of their genders. They lived close to each other, played outside a lot and spent their times studying together (Sometimes, because both of them were not very keen on studying anyways).
Y/N stood there with her four brothers, waiting to go into the train too. Peter smiled seeing her as she hurries over, he waves shyly trying to walk up to her. “Peter, what are you doing?” Asked his sister Susan while grabbing his arm. “Just a second, really.” He replied, giving Susan his luggage so she could put it in already. She looked at him annoyed but took it anyways.
Peter and Y/N now stood in front of each other, slightly shouting because of all the noise. “Where are you going?” She asked right away leaning in a little so he would understand better. “Some kind of professor, it’s gonna be boring really.” He said slightly chuckling. “How about you?” “A cook I think, we will probably help out in the kitchen a lot but it’s okay.” Y/N said smiling.
“Y/N come on!” John, one of her younger brothers yelled from the back. She turned around, “Yes I am coming!” She yelled back annoyed. She turned back to Peter and smiled sadly at him. “I hope you will be safe Peter, I am gonna miss you.” He was close to tears for he felt the same thing about her. When she saw that he was trying not to cry in front of her she exclaimed, “Oh Peter!” Hugging him tight with her eyes shut and tears at the corners. He hugged her back tightly, wrapping his arms around her back and crying dryly into her shoulder.
They both stopped hugging each other and with one last smile they both ran back to their families. You may be wondering, if they are both going into the same train, why wouldn’t they just say goodbye then? This was not possible due to the fact that the train didn’t have any walkable connections between the wagons. So, both were sitting in different wagons and off the families went. Y/N and her four younger brothers traveled to the mentioned cook and Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy to said Professor. Peters story you obviously know about already, Y/N arrived at a small house with no garden and no play space. They had to help in the kitchen, wash the dishes but keep quiet and under no circumstances touch. The. Food. All five of them in the kitchen, you can imagine it was a little crowded and plates sometimes fell to the ground, shattering with a high pitched sound, with the one dropping it being punished badly.
Y/Ns brothers were all younger than her. John the second oldest being only one year younger than her, 17. Oliver, the middle child, 15. Finn, 12 and the youngest Harry, 10. It was very scary for all of them but it was the scariest for Y/N, taking care of four pubescent boys looks hard already but is worse doing it.
Let’s skip time a little here, after a couple of weeks they all came back to their homes. Obviously having got to go back to school. Y/N was very happy seeing her friend again and of course the other siblings too but somehow Peter had changed over his time at the professor, he seemed more mature and even angrier, prouder and overconfident. I, of course know why he suddenly behaved so strangely having lived in Narnia for the last 15 years but Y/N didn’t and there was no one to tell her. With Peter starting getting into fights, Y/N was kind of scared of him, where was her sweet and funny Peter all of a sudden? They, naturally, grew kind of distant. They still saw each other every morning or on the streets and greeted each other, maybe smiled shortly and then continued their way.
Peter regret deeply where their relationship headed but he couldn’t have told her, she wouldn’t believe him anyways and she would think he was crazy (which she already did to be honest).
Let’s skip a little more to one fine morning, or fight morning. Y/N was close to the train station she had been using for the last years, looking at newspapers and thinking about getting some candy (which she could hardly afford but the thought was still nice). Being caught up in her dreams she only noticed her brother Oliver running up to her when he was already in front of her panting. At first she couldn’t understand what he was saying because of all the huffing but then she did, “John, he is fighting! You have to do something, the other boys are way bigger than he is!” Without having fully registered what her brother had said she was already dragged down the station. Oliver could of course, like Edmund did, help his brother too but he was a very gentle and calm soul and had no interest in fist fights.
Running down the stairs Y/N saw a lot of people in front of her blocking the view. But after some tip toeing she saw her brother, Edmund and Peter fighting against a bunch of older boys. Thankfully a police officer tore them apart and Y/N squeezed her way down to her brother. After John was done talking to the officer, Oliver and Y/N walked up to him, not very far from the other two troublemakers (Edmund and Peter) sitting on chairs by the wall.
“What on earth is wrong with you?!” Y/N exclaimed while hitting her brother with the newspaper on his head. He rubbed his head slightly, still full of adrenaline and anger from the former fight. “Nothing is bloody wrong with me! These guys attacked Peter and I helped him, that’s it.” Hearing Peters name made her slightly angry, she glanced over to Peter who was still sitting in his chair, his blonde hair slightly over his face, looking back at her. She immediately looked back at her brother with an angry face.
“It was Peters fight then, not yours!” She said in a loud voice.
“So what? Edmund helped too!” John replied with an even louder voice, almost screaming.
“That doesn’t matter at all! Edmund is Peters brother, you aren’t!” She yelled at him.
“I wish I was!” Yelled John back, almost running away with fury.
Oliver looked back and forth between his two siblings, unsure what to do but when John hurried away, he looked at Y/N and she just nodded saying he should go with him. Y/N sighed heavily looking to the ground, she picked up her suitcase and walked away too.
“Y/N!” Peter yelled from behind, now standing hoping she would stop. She did. She also turned around slightly and looked at her former best friend, she was annoyed. “What?” She said almost rolling her eyes at him. He walked closer now with small steps, almost like approaching a deer. Y/N turned around fully now, facing Peter with her heavy suitcase in her left hand and the newspaper in her right one. “I am sorry okay? I didn’t want him to fight on my behalf either, I would have told him to leave but that’s not really possible while being kicked in the face.” He said trying to smile a little at the end.
“Not hard enough…” she mumbled.
“What was that?” He asked not having fully understood her.
She just shook her head and looked into his eyes and for the first time in a year she realized how much he had actually changed. His face and especially his jaw was a lot sharper, his face was slightly longer and had matured a lot. His blonde hair was longer and it looked gorgeous on him. Having noticed how handsome he actually was she started to blush slightly, then she shook her head again trying to free herself out of his trance. The other three siblings thought about interfering but they were too amused by the drama.
“I said not hard enough! It doesn’t matter if you wanted him to be with you or not, if you hadn’t picked up a fight in the first place, he would have not been involved!” Y/N said with a firm voice, she knew her argument hardly made sense but she was angry and she hated Peters beautiful hair. He looked at her stunned, “didn’t you hear what John said? They attacked me first!”
“And god forbid you’d just walk away!” She said with the same amount of anger as Peter did.
“I shouldn’t have to!” He said trying to stay calm.
“You know what Peter, do whatever you want, I don’t care. I really don’t but at least don’t stop me, then try to apologize to me and then be angry at me anyways! Because I am done with this! Ow.” She said while turning around having felt that someone or something had pinched her. Peter looked at her confused, not even a second later Lucy felt the same thing and yelled at Susan, “OW!”
“Quiet, Lu.” Susan said calmly, looking at her sister.
“Something pinched me!” Said Lucy back, pointing at the wall.
“Hey! Stop pulling!” Exclaimed Peter turning to Edmund as he had suddenly felt the same thing, Edmund raised his hands a little in defense, “I am not touching you.”
Y/N looked at them confused and a second later the wind in the train station seemed to pick up immensely. Papers flew around, the light started to flicker and all of their hairs and clothes blowing around.
“It feels like magic.” Lucy said excited looking at Susan.
“Quick, everyone hold hands.” Said Susan after grabbing Lucy’s and Y/N’s hand. Y/N thought this was a bit silly and she didn’t want to hold Peter’s hand but she did it anyways. Edmund having a very similar feeling to Y/N just yelled, “I’m not holding your hand,” at Peter. “Just…” Peter blurred out and grabbed his brothers hand while feeling slightly warm because of Y/N’s hand in his left hand.
The five of them stood there in the train station and in the next moment they were on the beach. A beautiful white beach with the bluest water Y/N had ever seen, the other four just started to undress and run into the water laughing. Y/N didn’t pay too much attention to them, she just looked around the scenery not understanding in the slightest where she was or what just happened. When Peter looked at Y/N he walked over to her, sand on his bare feet and his shirt wet.
“You like it?” He asked her smiling from behind, he was just so incredibly happy to be back so that he barely noticed Y/Ns shocked face. She didn’t turn around, she just looked up the mountain to Cair Paravel or anyways what was left of it. “That’s not- I don’t- Where are we and why are you not freaked out, like at all?” Peter came closer standing beside her looking up to Cair Paravel too. “Because we’ve been here before.”
Later they explained everything to her, about them being kings and queens, about the white witch, Aslan, Tummnus, the beavers, the 100 years lasting winter, the wardrobe, the professor and everything else not leaving one single detail out of the story. Y/N was clearly confused and had to think about all the information she just gathered.
Peters thoughts were right, if Y/N hadn’t been magically ported to Narnia herself she would have not believed a single word but now she actually considered it.
Even later they had realized that the ruins they currently walked in had been their old castle, Cair Paravel. They found old chests and Y/N slowly understood why Peter had been so different over the last year. That night, all five of them tried to sleep in the castle ruins but Peter, he was sitting by the edge of the mountain, his legs close to his body and his head resting on his knees.
(For a better experience you could listen to Merry Christmas – Piano Version by Flying Fingers on Spotify starting now! :) )
“You know, you should really sit back a little, you might fall down.” Y/N said appearing behind Peter and sitting beside him, only a little further from the edge. He smiled at her a little tired and then kept looking straight forward into the night sky.
“I am sorry.” He said not looking at her.
“And nothing.”
“No angry remark or anything?” She asked him extra dramatic as a joke.
He just scoffs, “stop it, I am not nearly as aggressive as you claim me to be.”
Y/N just slightly laughs. “True… I am sorry too. I shouldn’t have treated you the way I did.”
“You had every right. You didn’t know, I should have been the one to tell you instead of just going around and acting like a king.”
“Yeah about that, am I supposed to call you ‘your majesty’ now?” Y/N said slightly laughing and Peter joined her. “I would be delighted if the beautiful lady Y/L/N just called me by my regular name.” He said in a jokingly kingly tone and they laughed again.
“Beautiful huh?” She said nudging his arm slightly with hers and he smiled at her nodding.
“Certainly, lady Y/L/N you must be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life.” He said bravely as the high king he is but Y/N got slightly flustered and turned her face to the front, away from Peter.
“Well you’re not the only one with good eyesight. Earlier at the train station… I thought you looked really handsome. I must have been too caught up in my own world to notice how handsome you’ve gotten in the past year.” That said he looked at her a little stunned and she quickly added, “not that you weren’t handsome before! It’s just I haven’t seen you in a while, at least not really and I was just surprised and why aren’t you stopping me?” She whined while rambling on and on.
Peter smiled at her again, “I appreciate it. I- I- Can I- Can I… kiss you?”
He said all of a sudden which may seems weird to you but you have to understand that both of them were in the most beautiful setting in the whole universe. The stars being much brighter in Narnia in the sky with the clearest beach in front of them on a little mountain, a slight breeze rushing through their hair. Having just reconnected with your best friend you had liked in a romantic way for forever, you would feel very similar to what they felt, happy.
Y/N just bit her lip, not in an erotic way. It looked more like a smiling donkey, she was just as happy and overwhelmed with feelings as he was and she nod her head up and down while smiling still. He touched her left cheek so softly that he almost didn’t feel it at all, then he leaned into her also smiling and they kissed each other, eyes closed and heads slightly tilted. It was a short but intense kiss for none of them had ever felt so safe in their entire life. Their foreheads rested against each other and with their eyes still closed they both laughed into the night.
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chrisili · 6 months
⋆⭒˚。‎♡‧₊˚ 𝑀𝑜𝓋𝒾𝑒𝓈 ⋆⭒˚。‎♡‧₊˚
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chrisili · 6 months
Edmund Pevensie:
My apologies (Edmund x fem!reader / fluff, rom-com)
Till next time (Edmund x fem!reader / angst, fluff, com-com) pt.1 pt.2(coming soon)
Peter Pevensie:
What is wrong with you? (Peter Pevensie x fem!reader / friends to enemies to lovers, slightly angst, fluff
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chrisili · 6 months
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ 𝒜𝓃𝒾𝓂𝑒 ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖
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My hero academia
Jujutsu Kaisen
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chrisili · 6 months
𝒥𝓊𝒿𝓊𝓉𝓈𝓊 𝒦𝒶𝒾𝓈𝑒𝓃
3650 Days (Gojo Satoru x fem!baker!reader / fluff, rom-com)
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chrisili · 6 months
𝑀𝓎 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑜 𝒶𝒸𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓂𝒾𝒶
Our son (All might x Inko / fluff, rom-com)
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chrisili · 6 months
My apologies
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Pairing: Edmund Pevensie x fem!reader
Summary: You and Edmund have to explore the underground together, alone and you punch him in his face. Accidentally.
Warnings: Make out session
Genre: fluff, rom-com
Word count: 2,3k
A.N.: So extremely obsessed with Narnia currently sooo here you go. This is in the time of Prince Caspian just for the plot but I imagine Edmund a little older here.
“Cas, wait! Woah,” while you were, almost casing, after your brother you tripped on a rock. You two were currently in the woods walking to your base where all the other humans, animals, dwarfs, centaurs and what not, were stationed. Caspian turns around to look at you almost tripping on a stone, let’s say he didn’t exactly try to be decent.
“Sister, if you keep this up the King is never gonna want you.” He said laughing while holding you to steady yourself. You look at him half blank, half annoyed. “Yes I am sure out of all the possible situations in the world, tripping in the woods would be THE reason for King Edmund to not be interested in me.” You slap his arm as he tries to help you and you resume your path. “Anyways, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. You and the High King Peter assigned me and Edmund to go deeper into the base to explore, to see if we find something useful, right? So, naturally, my question is, why the hell would you do that to me?”
Caspian pulls an arm around your shoulder while he walks with you, “why dear sister, here I thought I was doing you a favor? You obviously like the King and he obviously likes you back so why not spend some time with each other, together eh?”
You nod your head and squint your eyebrows sarcastically. “You know, that is a great idea! How about you send me to uncles castle and we can die there, together eh?”
Caspian looks at you suprised. “I don’t understand?” You roll your eyes, “clearly.”
“Brother tell me, have you maybe noticed how I act around the King?” Y/N asked while they were now on the big meadow in front of their base. As narrator, I have to agree with Y/N. With the handsome dark haired King around her, her head gets all blurry and it is hard for her to think. Although she really likes him she starts being more sarcastic than she already is when she sees his big brown eyes. With Caspian not taking your nervousness seriously and High King Peter actually adoring the thought of his little brother and Y/N, there was nothing to be done.
So you and King Edmund were now in the underground, exploring, dying (Just kidding, only you were, out of nervousness). Edmund was holing up his flashlight to look around, while you were holding a regular torch. You guys didn’t actually talk a lot because your brother was right, the King liked you back so naturally he was pretty nervous too.
“King Ed-” congratulations, you started chocking on your own saliva not even having spoken two words! You cough a little so your voice would come back. “I apologize, King Edmund. I was just wondering why your thing is a lot brighter than mine.” Edmund looked at you and chuckles, which warmed your heart and made your cheeks slightly pink, not that it mattered because it was too dark anyways.
“It’s a flashlight. It has batteries in it, it’s actually hard to explain.” He said scratching his neck. You just nod and kick yourself mentally for even bringing it up. As you two walk further you come across a kind of door frame. There was the frame but no door and in the room behind it was heavy blue lighting, shining though the ceiling, which was of course the moon. You both walked in and not even a minute later a heavy metal door was falling in to the frame. Both your heads turn immediately and you run up to the door.
“No, no, no, no. No please open, please don’t noo…..” you whine while hitting and punching the door to get out. As you realize that the door doesn’t actually open you drop your head with closed eyes.
“I didn’t realize it is such a burden for you to be alone with me.” Edmund said in a sarcastic voice while he just continued walking into the room, which was by the way massive. Not really a room, more like a cave. You turn your head to Edmund and then you started walking after him. “Your Highness I apologize deeply, again. It is not a burden being with you. It is just…” He turns around to look at you, you both standing pretty close to each other while he looks you deep in the eyes. You look back into his and you start giggling covering your mouth. Edmund lifted an eyebrow at you but before he could respond you heard a loud sound coming from the cave.
Both of you slowly walk into the direction where you heard the sound coming from. “I think you should go and look.” You say standing on your tip toes to get a better look from afar.
“Me?” Edmund says also looking into the dark in front of him.
“I think it would be better if you went.” Edmund said.
“Funny, because I don’t agree with your opinion in the slightest.”
He turns to you with an imitating look. “Your Highness.” You add.
Edmund breathes out heavily and starts walking up ahead. The further he goes the more he disappeared until nothing was left but darkness again. You started to kind of freak out in your head, because what’s being worse than being alone with Edmund in a cave is being alone with dead Edmund in a cave.
“Your Highness? Your Majesty? King Edmund?” You yell into the dark not getting an answer back. It would be an understatement saying that you were shitting your pants at this point. But you completely lost it when something tabbed your shoulder, your screamed as loud as you could throwing a punch at Edmund. Yes your read that right, the thing tabbing your shoulder was Edmund who was actually excited to prank you a little bit but now he was just holding his eye while tumbling back. “OW!” He yelled painfully while kind of falling and sitting on the ground. You run up to him and kneel beside him.
“I am so sorry my lord! I didn't see you! I thought it was something that wants to murder me, I was looking out for you and you didn’t come back, I got so scared without you so, oh please my King forgive me. I didn’t mean to really!” You keep rambling about how you are sorry while pulling a beautiful lace handkerchief out of your small satchel. You put some water onto it, also from your satchel and you start to lightly tab it on to the kings, now blue, eye. He hisses at first and moved away because of his reflexes but lets it happen right after. His eyes are closed while sitting there with you, you try to cool his eyes while no one was talking. You were deeply ashamed having punched the love of your life, I mean the king. (obviously)
“First you can’t bare being in one room with me alone and now you punch me in the face, you must really hate me.” He laughs a little still eyes closed. You take his hand with both of your hands, your words desperate. “Oh no, no your Highness. Quite the opposite really! I, in fact like you so much that I am strongly ashamed of myself. I’ve never been so ashamed in my life my lord, I mean it. Around you my head gets dizzy and I don’t know what to do or how to speak, what to say or how to act. I didn’t want to be in a room with you because I was afraid I was going to mess this up, which I obviously did. I don’t expect you to forgive me for I have done such a terrible thing.”
Silence. Deafening silence. Edmund opened his left eye (the good one) and looks up to you. (You kneeling and him sitting you were above him)
“You always hit people in the face you ‘like so much’?” He asks mockingly and you look blankly at him with your eyes building up some tears. When he sees your tears his face changes, he sits up and cups your face with his warm hands. He removes your tears with his thumbs repeatedly because you just wouldn’t stop crying.
“Y/N now I have to apologize. I was insensitive, I shouldn’t have mocked you about your feelings. Please stop crying, I can hardly see your beautiful eyes.”
Your heart stopped beating and you died on the spot, at least that’s what it felt like. “My what?” You said almost whispering, having stopped crying immediately and just looking blankly into Edmunds face. He smiled a little while holding your face softly.
“Your beautiful eyes, I always love looking at them. Just like the rest of you actually… I really like looking at you. Does that sound awkward? It does, doesn’t it?” He says dropping his arms while staring at the very interesting stone floor.
“Your Highness, I like looking at you a lot too.” You say smiling and he looks up at you again. He really wanted to keep staring into your eyes but for some unknown reason his eyes started to look at your lips instead. He took your face into his hands again to pull you closer and just before your lips were touching, he looked at you again, asking permission. You smiled and closed the distance between you.
Both of your eyes were closed, I mean his anyways because you hit him but still. You put one of your hands on his shoulder while moving the other one to cup his hand that is still cupping your face. It was just a peck but when he was about to pull away, you pulled him back in. This time moving your lips against his. Edmund was smiling widely into the passionate kiss while moving one hand down your neck. Without realizing it you climb onto his lab and kiss him faster now, both of your breathing sped up and you could hardly keep your hands to yourself. He actually bit your lip and you moaned a little into his mouth, that’s when you pulled away.
You looked at each other breathing fast, hair messy and unable to speak. Edmund tho was the first to say something. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have. I went too far.” You shook your head. “No that is not it. It’s just I mean, it’s not really romantic here.” You say laughing a little and he starts laughing with you. Both of you helped each other up, having hearts in all three of your eyes.
Edmund told you then that when he went into the dark he actually came back through the dark, meaning it was kind of a loop.
“Are you saying we are trapped in here forever?!” You exclaim looking shocked.
“I don’t know, it seems to be some sort of magic, we could climb the wall but I don’t know if we fit through the holes.” He says looking up at the ceiling.
“Your Highness, no offense but even if I wanted to I couldn’t climb these walls, any walls for that matter.”
“Edmund.” He says not looking away from the ceiling.
“Excuse me?” You ask back.
“It’s Edmund, not ‘your Highness’.”
“How about, my love?” You ask chuckling and he looks at you blankly.
“Or not, it was just a thou-” you couldn’t finish your sentence because Edmunds lips pecked yours smiling. “I would like that very much, my queen.” He says kissing your cheek.
You couldn’t say anything because another voice appeared. “Edmund? Y/N? Are you in there?” You hear King Peter yelling from the other side of the metal door. Edmund rushed over to the door and yelled back. “Yes Peter, we are in here! Do you think you can open the door from outside?” Not having even finished, the door went up and on the other side were Peter and Caspian smiling.
“You idiot! You planned all of this didn’t you!” You yelled at your brother, storming to him and hitting his arm. He tries to shield himself with his hands while he was laughing. “So what it worked, didn’t it?”
“How did you use magic?” Edmund asked his brother.
“What are you talking about?” Peter said confused.
“The cave, it brought me back when I tried to walk further.” Peter started to laugh, “no offense brother but I think you might have lost your orientation in there blaming it on some magic." Edmund just scoffed and turned to his left.
“Oh god, Edmund what happened to your eye!” Peter asked worried wanting to touch Edmunds eye softly but Edmund slapped Peters hand away. “Y/N punched me.” On command, Caspian hit your arm hard. “OW! What was that for!?” You exclaimed while holding your arm. “How dare you punch the king of Narnia! You should apologize!” Caspian answers with a joking angry face. “Oh I’ll apologize all right!” So you and your brother actually started hitting each other or something.
Edmund then took you by your shoulders, away from Caspian walking with your hand in his. He took you out so you both stood under the moonlight, kissing each other softly.
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chrisili · 6 months
3650 Days
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Request: Nope
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x fem!baker!reader
Summary: Gojo falls in love with a baker, although she doesn’t show any interest in him they make up a deal, if he buys a Croissant everyday for the next ten years she is gonna marry him. How will their relationship involve in that time?
Warnings: none Ig
Genre: Fluff, comedy, slightly suggestive (really like 3 lines), drama (lil bit), Time skip!10 years
Word count: 4,4k
A.N.: My second fan fiction and let me tell you I am actually really proud of this one. Based on the fact that no one read my other one, I am not sure if anyone will read this but at least I will lol. Sorry if there are any mistakes, I proof read this three times but I am stupid. Enjoy! NOT MY GIF OBVIOUSLY!
“Man I am telling you this one last time, don’t get in my way when I already have things under control!” Said the black haired male angry as he walks beside his best friend Satoru Gojo. The white haired beside Geto just groans and hangs low with his entire body while walking. “But you are sooo slow! How can I help it?” He replies with a small smirk in his face. “Gojo, this is no joke. Get in my way on more time and I will-” “What? Hm? You will do what?” Gojo and Geto now stand in front of each other on the streets, looking angry at each other. Before one of them can make a move they hear a loud bang on the side.
“Come back here again and you will be sorry! This is a bakery not a singles bar you perv, yeah run you miserable worm!”
To explain, this is what Gojo and Geto are looking at currently: A girl their age, 17-18 years old, wearing an apron and holding a pan. She is screaming after a man who she had kicked out of the warm and bright bakery she, is probably working in. The man laying on the ground looks first shocked at the girl but then starts to run. The girl is breathing heavily and looks angry after the fleeing man, with one swift motion she turns around and opens the double glass door to get into the bakery.
The young men are looking a little confused until Geto breaks the silence. “Anyways, I will-” but before Geto was able to finish his second attempt to finishing his sentence, was Gojo already holding up his pointy finger, symbolizing Geto to shut up.
With long steps the tall boy walked into the bakery looking for the young woman he had just seen on the streets. The bakery was full with people drinking coffee or eating biscuits, many girls turned their heads to the entrance looking at the two handsome males entering. Geto smiled at a few of them but was mostly confused of why he was actually here? Gojo on the other hand was only looking for one girl and she was there right behind the counter.
A smooth motion and his arm was already resting on the counter and looking at the girl in front of him. The girl slightly jumps when she turns around and sees Gojo but she caught herself pretty quickly.
“Hello sir, welcome to bakery Lula Love what can I get for you?” she smiled kindly at Gojo ready to take his order. Geto appeared besides Gojo and was looking at the many cakes, biscuits, types of bread, cookies, donuts and what not. “I actually would like to take a-” today was not Getos day because without moving his eyes away from the lady in front of him, Gojo just hits Getos chest and starts talking instead.
“I would like to have your phone number in my phone.” To make it worse Gojo was actually sliding his flip phone over the counter into her direction. Her face changes from shocked to angry. “Another one huh? Let me tell you this buddy, we are not a singles bar and if you don’t want to eat anything I’d recommend for you and your friend to leave. Immediately.” Gojo was not really, well, listening. His heart war pounding, his eyes changed into a heart shape and his ears actually blend out EVERYTHING. “What’s your name beautiful?” Was all he said and let me tell you, Y/N was not pleased. Geto already turned around and left the bakery, he was waiting in the front now because he was done.
“Are you deaf or just stupid?” she asks him with frowned eyebrows. “I’ll be whatever you want me to be actually.” Was Gojos very smart reply. Y/N was now grabbing an empty coffee cup and threatened Gojo the same way as she did with the guy before him, who was actually trying to flirt with another customer but they looked very uncomfortable so Y/N helped. Gojo although didn’t budge, obviously. Y/N was slightly confused, what was she supposed to do? She can’t just hit him with a cup? Nor can she scream at him in front of all those people. “Don’t overthink your pretty head.” This was the last straw, she actually wanted to hit him with the cup now, so, she did. Well tried to, see Gojo is not a regular handsome high school student, he is a sorcerer and by the way the strongest one there is. So did the cup actually hit him? No. Did he take the cup out of her hand while it was in motion? Yes. Did he just put it down on the counter so no one gets hurt? Yes.
Y/N was really annoyed, who does this guy think he is?! She sighs and figures there is no way he is going away right now. “Okay you know what mister flash, I am NOT giving you my number. You can, like a normal human being, accept that or like a baby, cry about it and sit here all day long. Gojo was full on ready to stay the whole day but duty calls and so do spirits, so with a wink behind his glasses he just walks away and leaves.
But dear reader don’t fear for this story continues.
From then on it was Gojos personal goal to go into Lula Love and make this woman fall for him. Y/N was honestly so close to quit her job when she saw the white haired guy walk in for the fifth day in a row. But over time she got used to it and they even, unknowingly, created some kind of routine. Satoru would walk in everyday asking: “Number?” while holding up his phone, to which Y/N would only reply with: “Croissant?” while holding up a paper bag with one Croissant inside. Gojo bought the Croissant everyday but she never gave him her number. Until she did, time passed pretty quickly and Satoru would actually grow on Y/N. But he always wanted more, after her phone number he wanted a date, after a date he wanted a second one, a kiss, a couple picture, her to be his girlfriend and so on.
On one Saturday morning he came into the bakery like it was his own house. “Y/N, my love! How about a kiss?” he said sitting down in front of the counter waiting for her to reply. “Sure” she said and when I tell you Satoru was shocked, he almost lost the blue in his eyes. “Wait what?” he asked her but she just laughed at him, implying that she clearly meant it as a joke. Gojo was not happy, he was pouting and sulking now losing his blue for real this time. Y/N just laughed but then looked a little bit guilty, he may be a confident ass who was way too stubborn but she still liked him kind of. She sighs, “let me tell you something. Buy a Croissant from me for the next, I don’t know ten years everyday and I’ll…. Marry you?”
You may be thinking why the hell would Y/N do that? Well first of all she thought there is no way a person could keep interest that long and actually make such an effort, so naturally she would get rid of him and it would cheer him up and she wouldn’t feel bad no more.
She was right because Gojo sat up straight and looked deeply into Y/N eyes. “Are you for real? Like are you serious? Like a hundred percent?”
“A promise is a promise. I am solemnly promising.”
“Deal, no take backs!” He jumps up and down, kisses Y/Ns Hand and runs away happily with his paper bag. Y/N stood there confused looking at her hand. “Hey! That’s 2.30$!”
I would like to jump those ten years with you but there are two things I want to show you before we do.
After approximately one and a half years nothing really changed, Gojo Satoru still bought his Croissants counting the days and Y/N… well maybe something changed. Could it be possible that she had fallen for the young male who was now almost 19 years old?
Already sitting by the counter, Gojo was actually waiting for the rain to stop. Actually he was appreciating the time with Y/N but don’t let her know! Oops. He had some hot chocolate and some Dangos in front of him looking at Y/N doing her work.
“Satoru, you never actually told me what you work as. Is your job that embarrassing?” she asked teasingly while preparing coffee for another customer. Gojo just laughs slightly and takes a bite of his Dango stick.
“No, not embarrassing. It’s just complicated and I am not sure if I should tell you, it could get you into great danger.” He was chuckling but Y/N wasn’t, she was kind of persistent. Now she HAD to know what he was working as.
“Well I am sure I can keep up?” she said but Gojo only put out some money and finished his Dangos. “It’s better you don’t know. Hey, a beautiful face like yours should not be frowning.” He leaves smiling, leaving Y/N behind worried.
The next day was a very unpleasant day for Satoru, a male worker was at the counter. Where was his girl? What happened to Y/N? Did he say something wrong? Is that guy her boyfriend? Does she have a boyfriend? Did he ever ask if she had a boyfriend? Is she dead? Stuff like that, but there was only one way to find out. Ask.
“Hello sir, what can I get for you?” greeted the male worker Gojo as he sat down with dramatically squinted eyes. “Where is Y/N?” he asked bluntly and soon the male worker had about the same expression as Gojo himself.
“You Gojo?” he asked with a nod.
Gojo nodded back. “Yeah so?”
“Y/N said she doesn’t want to see you anymore. Said something about you working some strange business.”
Gojo thought for a second and then nodded again. “Where is she?”
“At home.”
“Where is ‘at home’?”
“I ain’t telling ya shit.”
Gojo just smiled at the man and looked around, no one was in the building but two very stupidly acting males. What else is new. Then, Gojo hit the workers head on the counter and hovered over him.
“Listen you fuck, I am gonna say this one time and one time only. I have some very important thing with Y/N going so you either tell me where she lives or I will smash your head into this counter.”
What the poor worker obviously didn’t know was that as a sorcerer Gojo was not actually allowed to hurt a normal human being, but threatening one seemed fairly legal right?
The man was not of a very strong nature and actually gave Y/Ns address away faster than bread in the morning. On his way, Gojo noticed that Y/N lived outside the central city in an apartment. He was about to go inside the house when an older lady walked out to bring out her trash bags.
“Grandma, you should not be lifting those heavy things! Here let me help.” He took her trash bags to the cans and threw them inside. He clapped his hands clean and smiles at the woman who was very shocked to see such a handsome young man help her. “Do you have to go upstairs?” He asked her a little louder so she could hear him clearer, she just smiled and shook her head. Gojo bowed and went upstairs to see his girl. “Since when do they make such handsome men?”
Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong
“Yes yes I am coming!” Y/N hurried to her door and opened it, she immediately shut the door once she saw who was behind it. Her back was pressed against the door and her breathing was heavy.
“Y/N please let me in I need to talk to you.”
“I am sorry but I don’t want to be friends with you anymore!”
“Friends? You’re my fiancee! Anyways, please let me explain.”
“No, go away! I don’t want to be friends with a Mafia gang member!”
Gojo was slightly confused, a Mafia gang member? He chuckled, no, he actually laughed out loud so much that he had to hold himself steady on Y/Ns apartment door. “You think I am part of the Mafia?” Y/N didn’t reply. “Oh come on! You really think that? You can’t be serious, that is why you disappeared?” Again no answer. “Fine. I’ll leave you then.”
Gojo was walking down the stairs and Y/N relaxed a little behind the door until she heard loud noises from outside and someone actually crying for help. It was Satoru! He was falling down the stairs!
Y/N immediately opened the door and ran down the stairs after him. “Satoru! Are you okay? Oh no please don’t be dead!” She was sitting beside his motionless body and took his head onto her lap. His eyes opened slowly and he reached out for her cheek to caress it, she froze and just let it happen. He smiles at her while rubbing her cheek softly with his thumb, she closed her eyes and just felt his touch on her skin.
“I thought you don’t want to be my friend anymore?” Gojos voice was so low and quiet that she almost didn’t hear him.
“I still don’t” She said smiling leaning down a little to his face and he leaned into her too. Before they closed their gap completely she realized the position he was in.
“Yes, love?” He said with his lips already poking out and his eyes closed.
“Did you just pretend to fall?”
He opened his eyes and gasped out dramatically. “Do you really think I? Me? Gojo Satoru would actually do such a thing?!”
You just leaving him on the ground and walking back to your apartment was answer enough. But this whole thing had two positive outcomes, first of all Y/N was now 100% sure that she was in love with the young man and second she now knew Gojos Job.
He hurried after her and tried to explain, she didn’t want to listen but he convinced her, naturally. He explained what a sorcerer is, what spirits do, how he is obviously the strongest of them all, blah blah blah. Y/N was shocked and didn’t really believe anything that Gojo said.
I will now take you to the place where Y/N very much so realized that Gojo was in fact NOT lying.
We are now half way through, three and a half years later and Satoru still buys his Croissants everyday but the bakery is not where I wanna start this part of the story. Gojo and Y/N now being 22 they both have gone through a lot and although none of them would actually say it but they are each others best friends and they love each other. Gojos love is pretty obvious but Y/N is still holding back, sometimes she feels like she loves him more than anything and sometimes she wants to rip his head off his shoulders, she still doesn’t believe him about his job and what crazy human being buys a Croissant everyday for five year just because she said he should?
Anyways, Y/N was on her way home accompanied by no one else but Gojo. It was winter so it was getting dark pretty early and him being the gentleman he had become over the years, wasn’t going to let her walk home alone.
“You look beautiful in the moonlight, love.”
“Aw thank you Satoru, that is so kind.”
“… don’t you wanna say it back?”
“Gojo Satoru!” A male voice echoed through the entire street but only Gojo could hear it. Gojo holds onto Y/N signaling her to stop walking, to her he just looked like he heard a noise and was trying to identify where it came from.
“Eh Gojo?” She asked but he quickly put a finger in front of his lips, quiet. Y/N was confused but she waited patiently for Gojo to move again.
“Tell me sorcerer, why is the cute girl in your arm not freaked out? You guys are so arrogant, thinking all of you can just defeat a spirit but let me tell you. NOT ME!” A big pile of violet slime appeared around the corner, a spirit who looked pretty weak.
“Satoru, let’s go. It’s really cold, nothing’s there.”
The five eyes of the spirit widened and his long mouth turned into a smirk. “Noo way, don’t tell me the great Gojo Satoru is dating a human girl.” The slime laughed and Gojo moved Y/N behind him to protect her. “I am just helping a lady home, if you leave now I’ll give you time to live till tomorrow.”
“Who the hell are you talking to?” Y/N asked as she looked around the streets confused.
“Me sweetheart.” The spirit revealed itself to her and Y/N actually screamed as she saw the slimy blob in front of her. All of a sudden she couldn’t move no more, her breathing fastened and her heart started pounding. Gojo thought it was cute that she was scared but what made HIS heart beat faster was her actually holding onto him tighter now.
“Don’t be scared, I could kill him in my sleep.” Gojo smirked and only looked at Y/N but she couldn’t move her head away from the monster even if she wanted to.
“Oh well, seems like you are stealing my screen time. I don’t want that really so, bye.” Gojo snapped his fingers and in just one second the spirit had cuts all over him and in the end, disappeared.
“Y/N are you okay?” He asked her placing his hands on her shoulders to shake her awake from her shock. Tears started to flow down her cheeks and then all of a sudden she hugged Gojo as tight as possible. “Don’t let me go, please don’t” She said with an empty expression but tears still running down her cheek. He was shocked first but then hugged her back tightly, caressing her hair and brushing through it with his fingers. “Shh, everything’s alright baby. It is gone, it won’t harm you.”
She looked up from his shoulder into his face. “I wasn’t worried about me! I was worried about you! I couldn’t have protected you even if I wanted to, knowing that maybe it could kill you and it would be my fault because I am just a baker!” There she cried some more, this time with emotions and it was breaking Gojos heart. He would have expected everything from her but that, her crying over HIM, her being worried about HIM.
Satoru Gojo is a very respectful man, a gentleman, so he wanted her to say yes to him first, give him permission. Tell him that she needed him, that she wanted him, that she only lived for him but he couldn’t control himself. He was just a young man being deeply in love with the woman crying on his shoulder. Satoru cupped her head with both hands and studied her face, she was so beautiful that the sun and the moon were actually jealous of her. She was smart, she was feisty and madly in love with the man in front of her. And just like that, he kissed her.
He was scared that she would block him, push him away, call him names, leaving him here and never wanting to see him again. Quite the opposite happened, she put her hands over his and kissed him back. Their lips moved in perfect sync together, he put his hands slowly and almost asking, on her waist while she put her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.
In the middle of the street, in the night, with only a streetlamp and the moon watching was them kissing each other passionately. The kiss got heated over time, both of them had waited for years for this to happen so they let all their emotions out now. “Y/N I love you, I always have. Please please please be mine.” Gojo begged her while giving her sloppy kisses on her neck and lips, moving his hands up and down her back. “I am yours Satoru, I’ve always been yours.” She said kissing him deeply again while tugging on the back of his hair softly.
Before this goes any further I’d say we move on, hm?
5 years later
10 years had passed now since Y/N and Satoru first met in the bakery she worked at back then. Don’t worry she still works there, but she also worked there back then right? Gojo still buys his Croissants, but because of a tragic event, Gojo actually couldn’t go alone.
“I can’t believe I have to take you three useless children with me!” Gojo whined with his hands on his head.
“Sensei! You said you wanted to see your girlfriend so we are going with you! I wanna know what she is like and especially what she looks like!” The pink haired guy named Yuji Itadori said in an exciting voice following his teacher.
“Exactly! I also wanna know who would be so sad in their life to actually date a guy like Sensei Gojo.” Nobara Kugisaki, another student of Gojo, whispers to Yuji. “Ey Megumi, you’ve seen her right?” Megumi Fushiguro, the boy Satoru took in when he was just a child, just nodded. “Is she hot?” Yuji asked Megumi. “Answer that and your head will be gone, as for you Itadori.” Gojo actually kicked Yuji into his knee and he screamed in pure pain.
“OW OW OW! YOU’RE A TEACHER YOU CAN’T DO THAT!!!!” “Wanna test me?” Gojo asked with a creepy smile and Yuji just shook his head. “Great, come on children.”
Shortly after they arrived at the bakery. Gojo immediately ran up to Y/N. “Y/N! I missed you so much!!! You won’t believe it, they actually made me bring the children!!” Y/Ns tray almost fell out of her hands as the loud voice surprised her. “C-children what children?”
“Us.” Megumi said with a little smile, he always liked Y/N, she was kind and she spent a lot of time with him growing into the young man he now was.
“Oh my, Megumi! I’ve missed you so much! Since you live at the academy now I hardly see you anymore! And you guys must be Nobara and Yuji, so nice to meet you. Gojo acts like he doesn’t care but he would die without Megumi.” Y/N whispered the last part and they laughed already loving her.
“The only way I am dying is if I don’t get my morning kiss!” Yelled Gojo like a little child. “You already had it this morning, we live together. You are such a silly little man.” She said, still pecking his lips and smiling while moving behind the counter.
“Here is your bag and I am sure Gojo would be delighted to buy you all something to eat?”
She hit his head with a newspaper.
“FINE. Take something.”
They all said goodbye to Y/N. Gojo was actually acting like the end of the world was outside of the bakery, he held onto her leg and turned chibi style, wow scary. Anyways, they all went on a mission and having Gojo and three extremely strong first graders with you it was quite easy and a quick job done. On their way to the next mission, the kids demanded a lunch break. Threatening Gojo with the head of the academy or the police or something, he actually didn’t listen. He let them have their lunch break and while they ate he also took out his Croissant.
“Let me get this straight, you’ve been eating a Croissant for like 10 years everyday? Isn’t that like, boring?” Nobara asked while eating her egg salad. Gojo had heart eyes looking at the Croissant. “Of course not, they are made by Y/N and she puts different fillings in all the time! At the beginning it was just plain Croissant but as she fell in love with me more she put chocolate, marmalade and even ham and cheese inside! Based on that I knew that she liked me more and more everyday, my little sunflower. I wonder what you put in there today.”
His students looked at him like he was mentally ill but he didn’t care. He bit into his Croissant and started chewing not actually getting a different taste than a regular Croissant until he tasted something weird. “Love, why does this taste like paper?” He said to Y/N because in his heart she was always there, just kidding, he is nuts. He put the bite into his hand and actually saw a piece of paper inside, he took it and looked at it. It was a blank piece of paper or so it appeared but when he flipped it, there was something written on the back. It was a little hard to read because well, he had been chewing it but he could make out three letters. Y E S. YES. Yes. Yes?
“Losers, what does YES mean? Is that like slang?”
All of them still looking disgusted because of the whole puking out your food and looking at paper inside thing, tried to think. “You mean the word, yes?” Megumi asked.
“No mister I know everything! Y. E. S., that must be a short form for something. Yes doesn’t make se-” he cut himself off widening his eyes as he realized. He was gone faster than any of them could have said spirit.
Back at the bakery, Gojo run in panting and holing up his piece of paper. Y/N saw him and started to smile widely.
“You got my message I see.”
“You bet I did. Is this, is this what I think it is?”
Y/N just shrug her shoulders and smiled. He walked over to her and held the paper almost into her face.
“Is this your marriage acceptance?”
“Happy 10th year anniversary love.”
Gojo laughed and started crying because of how happy he was, he lifted his soon to be wife and swirled her around. They kissed each other deeply and they lived happily ever after.
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chrisili · 6 months
Its all good. I dont mind waiting. But thank you for accepting this request for me. I appreciate it and I hope it goes well for you with writing this story. 😁
Our son
Request: Yes. So sorry I didn’t save the exact request. I completely forgot but next time I’ll remember! But thank you so much for requesting and being my first ever requestee? I hope this is anything like how you wanted it, it might be a bit boring but I still hope you can enjoy it a little! <3 @princeasimdiya12
Pairing: All might x Inko
Summary: Izuku introduces his two favorite people to each other. Mama Midoriya and Toshinori! (Plays in the time of Izukus training, before the entrance exam)
Warnings: none Ig
Genre: Fluff, rom-com
Word count: 2,1k
“56… 57… 58… 5- ow!”
While Izuku was counting his new success of lifting a fridge around 60 times, was All might just throwing a freshly eaten apple at his student, or what was left of the apple. The young Midoriya lost his balance and was almost crushed by the heavy piece of junk. He fell backwards on his behind and after a second of uncontrolled breathing he looked at All might shocked, confused and honestly a little judgy.
“Young Midoriya, if there is one thing you have to learn, it is how to protect yourself and others!” The blond was just sitting on a big pile of junk and in the next second he jumps down in his hero form and shines like the sun itself. Izuku always admired All mights smile and his will to help each and everyone so of course he values his opinion immensely.
Izuku got up fast and straightened himself, arms tightly pressed onto his body. “Yes I understand! I will take more care next time!”
All might leaned over the young boy. “What if there isn’t a next time? You have to be awake young Midoriya, one mistake can be fatal. Always remember that and by the way, good job on hitting 58 but you should aim higher! Like the star-” with his sentence not even finished All might’s body changed and now he was skinny might with coughs and blood coming out of his mouth.
Midoriya hated seeing his childhood hero like this, if only he could do something to help…
“...All… All might, would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow? My mother is making Katsudon. We could talk the program over with her and you could get to know each other! She has been worried about this whole training thing, maybe it could help her understand better and you could gain a friend!”
All might was not only losing blood now, no he was also losing sweat. Fidgeting with his fingers like a school girl he answered in a very low tone. “That seems like a bad idea, I could lose my form in the middle of dinner and no one can know that the coolest, strongest, most handsome, most intelligent, funniest,… (Some time past here actually) hero in the entirety of Japan, is now… this.” Gesturing to his now weak body to strengthen his argument.
Long story short, all might HAS to do it because Midoriya wouldn’t budge and for some reason he likes the boy a lot sooo here we are. Oh, was that just the door ringing? Let’s see who it is!
“All might! (Who would have guessed?) You look so… fancy!” As Izuku opened the door the next day at 6 pm he was slightly surprised by the tall man in front of him. All might was wearing a blouse and a tie with fancy pants and leather shoes.
Izuku pointing out his new look, All might got slightly pink cheeks over his big comic smile. He just nodded and stood there like the door itself.
“… well come in!” said Midoriya excited and lead the muscular male into the dining room where his mother was almost done preparing the delicious food soon to be served.
“Mom this is All might! All might this is my mother Inko.” Inko turned around and saw the man twice her height in front of her. She smiled shyly and extended a hand which All might… does not take?
He just nods again, this time at her and keeps his smile. Inko was a little irritated but didn’t mind it further. While All might was already seated onto the table, Izuku and his mom prepared the rest of the food and placed it down so they could start eating. It was, to express it gently, awkward. Very awkward. Inko and All might did nothing but smile and eat their food while Izuku looked at both confused.
But the little hero he is, he was ready to save the day! “This is delicious Mom! How did you make it?”
“With meat honey” was not the answer he wanted to hear.
All might just leaned over to his student and whispered something to him.
“Do you have a bathroom young Midoriya?” Izuku got up and helped All might find the bathroom. When he came back into the kitchen his mother was using some newspaper as a fan for her hot and sweaty face.
“Mom what is going on? You are not talking to him. Are you okay?”
“I know sweetheart, it’s just… he is your favorite hero and you always wanted to be like him. I don’t want to ruin this opportunity for you, All might is also a big celebrity! I don’t know how to talk to people like him!” Her panicking was not Izukus plan of helping All might but on the other hand All might hasn’t spoken all night so maybe this whole thing wasn’t much of help anyways. Maybe showing his hero his childhood photos could help lightening the mood? So off the young Midoriya went and not even one minute later All might was back in the dining room.
Inko sitting on the table alone didn’t freak All might out at all… just kidding, he was terrified. With a blinding smile he sat back down on his spot and looked at the woman across him.
“Hahaha if you knew how often Izuku watched this video of you saving hundreds of people, you would… not believe it! Hahahaha!” Inko trying to save the very silent conversation didn’t work at all because all All might did was nod, again.
Inko let out a big sigh now. “Okay mister All might, I am sorry but to be completely honest with you, I am extremely nervous. I’ve never spoken to a hero before yet the number one! I apologize if I appeared unkind but I don’t want to ruin this for Izuku, he has been working so hard and I am really proud of him. I guess, I am scared of you maybe changing your mind about training him…” The soft and kind lady Inko is, she started to cry slightly which might have woken up the tall one in front of her.
He hands her a tissue with a, very unusual for him, big smile. “The young Midoriya is doing fabulously in his training and rest be assured he will always be my student no matter what. To be completely honest with you too… I am also nervous.”
Inko looked shocked. “Noooo!”
“No no I am serious really!”
“But you seem so confident! And your outfit is so beautiful, I felt really ashamed looking at my clothes.”
“What? You can’t be serious! A beautiful lady like you looks elegant in everything! Besides I have been sweating so much that I can’t even lift my arms.”
And just like that the ice between them was not broken but crushed. They laughed and enjoyed a great time together. Izuku still not coming back, they both had kind of forgotten that he was originally part of this dinner. Maybe that was his plan all along?
“Oh All might that did not happen! You are lying!” Inko laughed and laughed at All mights stories and couldn’t stop in the slightest.
“No really, he actually tried to attack me with a banana and please, call me Toshinori.”
After a while of funny stories Inko became a little sentimental. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course Inko, what do you want to know?”
“Why did you choose my son? Why Izuku?”
All might was not prepared for a question like this, he couldn’t tell her the secret about his quirk but he felt very passionate about the young boy so he wanted to praise him.
“Because in his heart he already is a hero. The young Midoriya is very passionate, very ambitious and very kind. He is smart and has done more heroic things than some of the professional heros out there. He doesn’t want to be a hero for the fame or the money, he wants to be a hero for the people and that’s what makes him the right fit. A young boy like him having all those traits is hard to find and I would be ashamed of myself if I wouldn’t support him all I can. I am guessing he got a lot of that from his mother.”
Inko was speechless, someone else seeing all of those things in Izuku made her hopeful and happy. SO much that she started crying again.
“Oh no Inko I am so sorry I didn’t want to make you cry!” All might was stressed.
“No no, it is just that I am so happy. Actually he has a lot of those things because of you, you inspired him so much throughout his entire life that he basically became you. I could not have influenced him the way you did and I am very thankful that you did.”
Now All might was on the verge of crying but the number one hero doesn’t cry. Never. Just kidding, he did cry.
“Let’s just say we both raised him well.” Suggested All might with his own tissue now on his eyes.
Inko just nodded. “Yes we did.”
“Our son is growing up so fast!” All might being lost in his little Izuku fangirl moment did not realize that Izuku is in fact NOT his son.
“… excuse me?”
“Our son, he is growing so fast!”
“Toshinori, Izuku is… my son.”
Toshinori realized that he didn’t actually have any children and was slightly embarrassed. Just slightly of course which meant that sweat was actually shooting out of his face, but at least he kept his smile!
The night ended and Inko and All might were already standing by the front door to say goodbye to each other until a certain green head appeared. Izuku came back with a million spiderwebs around his head and a very dirty picture book. “FOUND IT! I found it!” He ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, a couple seconds later he walked out of the kitchen backwards looking over to the front door.
“All might? Are you leaving already? But it’s only… 11 PM?!” As he looked at his watch his eyes almost fell out, did he really spend over three hours looking for pictures?
“Honey, where were you? I thought you had fallen asleep.”
“I am sorry mom can’t talk, I still have some weights to lift!” Just like that he ran upstairs again just to realize waaaay later that he didn’t say goodbye to his mentor, which he was very sorry about but he decided to make it up with lifting a hundred extra.
Back to the present, Inko and All might stood confused by the door and looked after ‘their son’.
“I will see you tomorrow young Midoriya!” All might shouted after Izuku with little hope that he had actually heard him. Inko just chuckled nervously and turned back to the tall blonde in front of her, she was fidgeting with her fingers and looking down to her feet. It’s not like she didn’t enjoy the time she spent with All might, it might be because of all the time she spent with All might that she was now a little nervous again.
All might was, of course, cool with the situation. So cool that he couldn’t move a muscle and just stood there like a scarecrow.
“So, thank you for this fun evening! Hahahaha, you can come over anytime if you want hahaha.”
“Yes. I enjoyed myself. Thank you.”
What makes All might the number one is that he never backs down. So, the winner he is, he wanted to give the tiny woman in front of him a hug. Inko, mother of the future number one hero had the same idea, so while they were both trying to hug each other they actually hit their heads and soon both of them whined in pain.
All might's body shot up into a straight position and his cheeks appeared to be a very dark shade of pink, Inkos head had been pink the whole night so who knows how she felt.
“I... I am sorry, get home safely mister All might.” All might actually stood there for a while after Inko shut the door close really fast to avoid any further embarrassment. He was frozen but melted at the same time and after this night he would definitely come back to the Midoriya household because he is here!
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chrisili · 7 months
⋆˚✿˖° 𝑀𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉 ⋆˚✿˖°
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𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓉𝑒𝒹: 𝟣𝟦𝓉𝒽 𝒪𝒸𝓉𝑜𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 𝐼 𝐿𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝒰𝓅𝒹𝒶𝓉𝑒𝒹: 14𝓉𝒽 𝒩𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥
𝒰𝓅 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝒶 𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉? 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝑔𝑜 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒:
𝑅𝓊𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐹𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑜𝓂
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chrisili · 7 months
Rules and Fandoms
Hello, here is a hopefully very detailed list of what I write about, how and who... I guess. So if you want to request something why don't you read this post a little bit and it will be veeery easy to tell me what you want!
What exactly can I and want to write?
Why is the font so dramatic? Anyways, I don't have a wide knowledge when it comes to what people want and request so I'll just tell you what I know haha. If you may have any requests that do not fall into a category I listed here feel free to still ask me about it!
So, I am fine with any kind of genre but smut/nsfw. This might be updated in the future but for now it isn't. I however do not have a problem with scenarios that initiate those things such as make out sessions, flirting or loving dirty talk idk call it what you want.
I can write Y/N or ships in the specific fandom as long as I like the ship and actually see it happening. I won't write any age inapropriate ships or ships I don't like. Any story that doesn't involve a romantic scenerio and is just a cool story is of course very welcome too!
I write Y/N in female or gender neutral, preferably female.
I write scenarios, MLT, oneshots, reactions, imagines... what I don't usually do is make a whole book. Something that spreads over a lot of chapters. I can see two or three happening but nothing more really haha.
Who am I writing about and where are they from?
The font wow. I am gonna list fandoms I am confident about. These are fandoms in which I know a lot of characters and what they are like! If you'd like to request a character in a fandom NOT listed here, no harm done in asking. I also might not list fandoms in which I only know one character so again no harm in asking! This list will be updated from time to time because there is no way my brain can name all the ones I know in one day.
Naruto/Naruto Shippuden
Jujutsu kaisen
My hero academia
Owari no Seraph
Avatar the last airbender (Listed here and Shows)
Harry Potter
How to train your dragon
Princess diaries
Marvel universe related
Avatar (Pandora type)
The Hobbit
Lord of the rings
Avatar the last airbender (Listed here and Anime)
Anne with an E
The big bang theory
Malcolm in the middle
New girl
Once upon a time
Winx Club
Red dead redemption 2
Detroit become human
The legend of Zelda (I played a lot of games, chances are high that I know every character)
Hogwarts legacy
Until dawn
Maze Runner (,Scorch Trials, Death Cure)
Percy Jackson
And that is it for today kids. If you have any requests ask me and don't be shy, come to me and bye! :)
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chrisili · 7 months
Miss who
Hello everyone, I have no idea if anyone is gonna see this or not.
In all my old, broken bones years I've never posted anything on tumblr. But I like to write so I am maybe, or not idk, asking for requests or if anyone wants to have anything written or anything anything anything.
Anyways, I've never written publicly so idk what people do but yeah. I will write stuff if I like the character and know the fandom sooo slide in I guess <3
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