mehonaspace · 2 years
Excerpt from book "The journey within - Life inside out"
The years on my body count almost to 35. Does it mean much to me? Not really! Sometimes you can use it as leverage to drive a pointless conversation about age and what life has to offer, but ultimately, it doesn't matter. I've come that far, and to be honest, I never thought I would make it to this point in time. I never expected to feel comfortable in my presence and see strength and sovereignty were once was bitter self-hate and disgust. But here I am! I shook off the mental shackles of my past and rose within myself to great heights. Now, I am aware of many things. See energy moving where consciousness directs it. I see different layers and dimensions of consciousness vibing throughout our daily lives. And the more I feel, the more I see. The more I see, the less I can handle the mundanity of human life. That is not to say that all choose to live a boring life. I admire the new souls who bring in this spark that reminds me of home. The world might look crazy now, but I can already smell the tranquillity and grace that hovers over an unseen horizon. It may be 100 years from now on, but a new awareness of how we value life is already at our doorstep. It leaks into our conversations, dramas and circumstances and paves the way forward. Many souls came here to prepare for this change, and the new ones have arrived, starting to lay tracks into a kinder future. As for me, I am tired. I never seemed to fit into this dimension of dense environment. But I came here and, throughout the years, finished my personal journey to realisation. Enlightenment, we called it back in the days. It sounded so nobly and splendid - what a great laugh it was at times when we realised how cruel and devastating it could be. Everyone loved to be the butterfly, but nobody can prepare you for the breakdown of your identity within your personal chrysalis. The "dark night of the soul", we called this phase. What emerges is an awareness on many levels and the integrated truth of who you are. I flew a few rounds with my new wings. I enjoyed the sunshine on my skin; I valued what I deemed joyful, and I radiated my light throughout the human emotions that run through me. More chapters of this life as Leroy could be written, but I am tired. The world I want to live in is not yet fully present. It is undeniably in the process, but I want to finish my story for this lifetime. I gave what I could offer, but my longing for home has become too great. People don't like the idea of someone taking his own life. Given how often we take lives, be it for food or ego, it is hard to believe. On the other side, most humans never got to experience having their senses stretched open so wide that they could feel the glory of the other side. I remember home, and I miss it. It is not my soul that commands me back there, but the human within me who is too tired to continue on this planet. Many choices are ahead indeed, in many directions. I choose to close this chapter of this lifetime and transition my essence back into the other realms. Some will judge but let me assure you that I go in peace. I lived my life, and I finished it knowing that I had completed what I came here to do. I have no longing in exploring further on this human path. I now desire peace beyond the physical shell, where my consciousness can thrive more easily. From there, I will help with many others, supporting those that choose to stay on this planet to build the new earth. One last time though, my human heart reaches out to those that I came to know in this lifetime. There is great appreciation for you here, and I honour each of you to have blessed my life with your light. I hope you will all realise that I go in love and with no pain in my heart.
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mehonaspace · 2 years
Depression - Sickness Of The Soul
Another day of heavy rain showers hit Sydney's streets. Pedestrians cling desperately to their umbrellas but are betrayed as the wind continues to flick them around. As the rain stops, the humidity in the air takes over as a dominant sensation, rewarding those that chose today to walk the streets in lighter outfits.
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From the upper level of my hotel room, I overlook the crossing of streets outside. I watch as men in construction clothes, business people, students and mothers with prams hastily pass by. The pace of their footsteps reveals one common trait - they all walk in purpose!
Everyone carries a goal with them that they adhere to. Some are on the way to work; others may meet friends and family or run errands. Whatever it may be, "purpose" casts the determination into their existence.
For a segment of their time, life is filled with... something. Something that leads to something else, hits the mark or fulfils a goal. As humans, it seems to me that we feel weirdly satisfied only if we have a meaning or role assigned to us. Most of us play roles we don't even like, but as long as we have a feeling of purpose, we play our part with the passion of a professional actor.
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What would happen if we let go of the need for purpose?
I hover over the scenery with a pensive gaze as I suddenly realise the tall tree in front of my window. Its leaves chirp eager in the wind while the branches rock steadily to a calmer rhythm.
It is most likely that the city planted this tree here to green the place, providing shade and adding to a cleaner environment. Whatever purpose we may have given it, the tree stands tall now and grows independently from our opinion within its own reason. The more I look at the sprinkles of nature planted around the buildings, the more I can feel a majestic and captivating presence emanating from it.
I pull my attention back to the somewhat vibrant street life and come to realise that nobody looks up or around. All are trapped in some kind of tunnel view, following their goal or being sucked into the seductive realities our digital century provides.
I remember at this point the latest news headlines: Russia at war with Ukraine!
After numerous Covid updates dominated the media for the past two years, divided nations and locked us anxiously in our homes, we arise to the reports of more conflict and political games and machinery. Through the power of social media, we can now raise our voice, listen to opinions and most and for all side, where we want to stand on the topics that rattle the world.
A feeling of exhaustion streams through me as I think of it. The game of conflicting poles, and the need to side with any of them feels old and doesn't resonate with my understanding of what life is about.
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Up here in my hotel room, close to the sky, I am on the same level as the treetop in front of my window. How different the perspective if you watch the world from above...
Today, I was supposed to start my new job as a fitness trainer but had to finish intensive online training on the brand, customer service procedures, and policies before my first shift. Going through the material, I face the standardised corporate attempt to force me into a specific behaviour while adding as much workload on you within the most diminutive time frame.
The efforts, research, and scripts to make customers feel looked after and valued are inspiring. However, along the way, it seems that the strict focus on customer well-being over staff health became silently but undeniably the unbalanced norm of today's society.
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The demands of industries such as hospitality, for example, are famous for cutting you off your social freedom and expect you to make sacrifices for your boss, the company and, of course - the customer.
The health industry had nurses worldwide increasingly fighting for lives with little changes to improve their wages or work conditions.
I see no difference in the way we let our current system treat us compared to the inhumane conditions we apply in our food production industry.
We spent most of our life cramped within the fencing of our work environment, letting money-making concepts suck blood, sweat and grace out of our existence and having medication, drugs, or bad habits treat the results of our broken spirits.
On a global scale, in terms of individual choices, living in the western world represents nothing but the "free-range" livestock experience compared to the somewhat confined life conditions provided in other parts of the world.
If we follow the notion of "freedom in the western world", it is baffling to see how mentally, physically and energetically broken people living there are. While depression is a worldwide phenomenon, it seems that the luxury of a broader palette of life choices to suit individuality also leads to a greater sensitivity if something is out of alignment with what we want.
In other words, the greater the opportunity to delve deeper into who we are, plus being fortunate to explore our dreams and desires, the more obvious and heavy weigh the assigned roles and goals that won't lead us to express our authentic selves.
Western lifestyle is less about living a good life but more focused on finding purpose amidst an abundance of triggers for our ego.
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I live currently in Australia, and the number of young people proudly stating the amount of different medication they ingest daily to cope with depression is concerning. It is good that we make it socially acceptable to have discussions about mental health; however, it is frightening to see that instead of changing the system we live in, we mute our spirit to cope with the distorted demands that cause those problems.
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I firmly believe this is the challenge of our generation and timeline. As mentioned before, we don't just exploit our animals to feed our questionable needs; we apply the same treatment to ourselves and end up just as exhausted and broken. The first step to break that generational cycle of soul abuse is to become aware of it.
A rather uncomfortable phase, as most of us, can tell.
Once you are aware of how much you force your soul to keep up with the inhumane conditions we commonly accept as our living environment, you tend to become depressed.
The more you get to know the freedom of your spirit and the sensuality of your soul, the less tolerable is a life outside of this natural condition.
At first, you try to cope and fit in. Others before you were able to make a living here on this planet, so why can't you?
As you try to keep up with what life demands, you swing in and out of emotional distress until, once again, life becomes unbearable. You reach rock bottom, your ego shatters, and the empty image you tried to uphold sweeps away with the new wave of realisation that just hit you.
A life out of alignment with your core just doesn't fulfill you anymore!
Your mind might not be able to pinpoint the direction to go from here, but your soul clearly doesn't want to live like this.
You witness your peers, friends and family being somewhat able to make it through life, but you also notice the drama and noise they carry around and load upon each other.
Suddenly, the difference in life approach and perspective between human and soul becomes more prevailing. You start to detach from common social activities or people around you and find greater comfort within your own energy. You tip-toe into what it means to be yourself and realise how certain habits, belief systems and aspects governed your life decisions. It is here that you start the subtle process of integrating your mind conditioned humanness into a new self-awareness: a soul-guided existence.
The soul doesn't care about your income, status, or ego. The soul wants to reach out to life with the ability to take it in on levels that make it sing and dance to wind and rain like the tree branches attached to its divine root. Nature grows gracefully in its spirit, and its trees stand tall and proud, overshadowing our human concerns. Unbothered by what we think their purpose should be, they radiate a presence so significant that doctors advise us to walk in nature to recharge ourselves.
Given that, in simple terms, a tree does nothing but stand in one place and grow, it is most interesting that, as humans with all our abilities, we rarely come to radiate such a majestic aura. At least not until we come in contact with who we truly are.
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This is a journey of self-discovery I see most people on at the moment. It is a difficult path because it requires looking within to find answers that truly represent you. The road leads through the challenges of self-acceptance, self-love, trust in your own wisdom and allowing - without judgement what unfolds from there.
The tools of the old human do not apply on this journey as it requires you to open up and allow a greater awareness of who you are to create the next moment. Along the way, new elements of yourself reveal themselves to you - Senses that help you have compassion and a deeper understanding and knowingness for your path, which help make the process easier.
Those personal journeys are necessary to turn the world into the place our souls long for. You cannot keep walking on the main road if you want to explore a new path...
The journey to individual sovereignty is frightening as you ship through the ocean of mass consciousness. Know that it is you who masters the sea your own. Calm the storm by allowing what is and letting the soul guide the sails. Dare to let go of a purpose and let what is you naturally come forward to play with creation.
And eventually, the human said: "Dear soul, wherever you go, I follow!"
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mehonaspace · 3 years
Stormy Weathers Precedes Clarity
I recently came across an interesting post of a black influencer that I follow on Instagram (#charitycroff).
He told his story of transformation when he dropped out of college and found himself back in the hood feeling depressed, a burden to the ones around him and a failure to this world.
From there, he continues to describe how he found his way out of misery as his newfound mindset led him to the success and positive influence he represents now.
I think, especially nowadays, people and influencers underestimate how important such stories are. Our digital spaces are covered in positive thinking guides, inspiring quotes and step-by-step guides for the way to "ultimate success".
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What is missing are the actual real-life experiences of everyday individuals making personal breakthroughs. Stories of ordinary people sharing their encounter with taboo topics like suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety and self-worth and overcoming such.
Instead, we have the "pretty side" on display, denying the fundamentally emotional and mental journey that precedes a healthy level of awareness.
Yes, we do have the programs of those who made it to the status of celebrity gurus such as Tony Robbins and Dr Joe Dispenza, who share their inspirational content with us - but we need more of them! We need stories of those along the way.
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Once you have reached the status of celebrity and riches, I think you are perceived as already far out of reach for most people. Even though they admire your persona, you most likely represent to them the wide gap between them and the success they desire. You are up there while they are down here, and all they get from you is some practical impersonal manual on how to climb the ladder of success.
I appreciate the little nuggets of personal confessions people make about the struggles along their way. I like when you can relate and really have a close-up of the process a person went through as they evolve into a more constructive understanding of themselves.
We all have an eerie interest in the darkness a human can experience. Crime documentation is thriving on streaming services because we are curious about how others handled their dark aspects and how these looked. We all relate to the emotional pain to which human life subjects us, and we actually just want to know how to best deal with it.
We compare and judge other peoples demons while desperately hiding our own. Many try to avoid and ignore their darkness, but it slips into our reality anyway, eventually playing out on levels beyond the close grip of the human mind.
Each of us has to face what we fear, and we must make it acceptable to openly address what is happening within us.
Because the story of your pain and the wisdom gained from your transformation matter!
Telling about how you encountered your own demons may shine the necessary light through the darkness someone else is facing.
We all are on different levels of our journey to self-awareness. To be of assistance to another, various approaches of understanding, inspiration, and upliftment are essential.
Your way of dealing with things matters! Your life story matters! Your darkness is important, as is the process of enlightenment that origins from it. Tell your whole story so we heal another holistically.
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I think in times where it becomes more trendy to aggressively promote "Positive Vibes Only", let's remember the following:
The level of strength, character, personality and authentic presence you develop by facing your darkest moments far surpasses any mental approach of a "positive vibes only" mantra.
Wherever you are right now along your human emotional journey, embrace the energies you feel. Acknowledge what you perceive within you! Cry, shout and fear until exhaustion.
You will fall back on those emotions anyway until you fully accept them, so you might as well face them entirely. Be within your atmosphere, be with your own energy and observe yourself with compassion for your journey.
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But in the words of Abraham Hicks:
"Just don't make a business out of feeling miserable!"
Never feel guilty about your pain and struggles. Understand that working through your darkness is the pathway that makes you the hero of your own life story.
The world outside often creates the atmosphere within us. To be able to master the weather inside of you, accept the process and don't be ashamed for being where you are at any moment in time.
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mehonaspace · 3 years
Your presence matters
A sudden impulse made me lay down my Kindle, turn off the big light and turning on my Salt Crystal lamp. Combined with another night lamp, the room was now flooded with a calm and warm atmosphere that complimented my soul and mind.
I immediately felt the difference in vibration as I withdrew from digital media. My focus centred within the aura of my room and finally moved inward.
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I’ve learned over time that sometimes I would have those streams of energy passing through me. I would feel sad, euphoric, estranged or somehow touched by something for no apparent reason. Streams of consciousness from deep space within, or the aether around me.
It always turned out to be an invitation to shift my focus inward and listen in to whatever was ready to come through.
I had to feel what was there and let it pass through. It usually was a feeling that resembled some wound deep down in the unconscious mind or a longing of my soul.
Though, it wasn’t always about my personal feelings. Sometimes I just picked up some energy aspects that were around. They would pass through me as if they were my issues, but were actually not.
Nevertheless, it was necessary to feel them. Being aware of them was as important as letting them pass through.
Bringing energy to the surface through feeling it and consciously acknowledging its existence frees it from being locked.
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As we navigate through the perception of our daily life, we naturally pick up the energy of our surroundings, which usually triggers a response within us.
The consciousness behind the lens we choose to see through determines the reaction we create within us.
In the course of our daily life, what we perceive can cause discomfort. Our focus can get misaligned and our mood irritated. It is this feeling of dissonance that results in stuck energy aspects lingering in the atmosphere, around and within us.
If we never address those aspects or perform actions (such as sport, meditation, being in nature) to move and thereby release the stuck energy, it becomes a continuous mood that accompanies our lives and surroundings.
It is time for humans to understand that life is happening in a multidimensional way. There is the human perception and experience, but there is also the perception and experience of your soul and multiple layers of its experience, taking place simultaneously.
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Our existence is comprised of several bodies of perception. Some cultures and spiritual organisations defined them, for example, as Lightbody, emotional body, astral body, etc.
It is not necessary to define them for now as it will only distract from the simple fact that they all are lenses of perception.
A multitude of senses runs through us and conveys information about our NOW experience to our core being. The core of our being is the very consciousness of pure existence, that might be known today by the "I AM".
If we take the time to feel those words rather than trying to comprehend them with a human mind, it will be easier to understand.
So, a myriad of senses reaches out and within to explore 'WHAT IS" from this very core of pure existence.
Every experience originates from an awareness of "I EXIST". From there, senses explore and expand this awareness.
As humans, only some of the information we receive through those senses can be felt within the spectrum of our human mindset. Most of it moves subtly through multiple dimensions within us, influencing and penetrating various aspects of our existence.
We have to understand that we are not just human but a vast universe. There is much influence, creation, motion and evolvement, alchemistic processes and expansion happening within us in EVERY MOMENT.
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Under the surface of human awareness vibrates an ocean of perception. Various aspects of our existence exist within a multitude of interdimensional layers that influence another, limited only by our ability to be aware of them.
I sat in the warm aura of my room. The coziness invited me to close my eyes while gentle music streamed in the background, distracting my mind.
I felt a stream of emotion coming up. Feelings of sadness and fatigue rose to the focus of my awareness, building a creek of heaviness around my heart and solar plexus. I took a few deep breaths and observed how those emotions rose higher. Ready to express themselves in tears, running down my face. As I let those feelings pass, I distil wisdom from them and channel their origin. All experience carries a message about how it came into existence and its passion for transforming into something new.
And I speak to myself:
A part of me is tired and exhausted. The human world is in so many ways oppressing for the spirit of my soul that it dims the light of my passion.
Living in human reality still requires slipping into roles that feel empty to my soul. Roles that provide the fuel necessary to uphold the illusions of an environment that we agreed upon as a human society.
Our focus is constantly drawn into the bombardment of noise and energetic junk. We watch, think, speak and feel junk, and the time for recovery is insufficient if you keep up the pace that society makes you believe you have to keep up with.
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There is a profound feeling of fatigue within me that seeps into my life experience on the physical plane. Something that lets me hesitate to express myself and embrace this life in full.
It is not social interaction or events that I am speaking of. Instead, the experience to sense and take in with an openness that is far more graceful than anything human experience is familiar with now.
The balancing between the knowledge of the soul’s divine heritage and the act of pressing your consciousness into the tight costume of humanness requires much compassion and recalibrating.
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It is an act of continuous inner upliftment and a deep compassionate understanding of how the process of evolvement is unfolding on earth right now.
Many humans feel the same way. Few face their feelings, fewer understand. Though, many are in the process of becoming aware.
It is an important time to be here. The shift in consciousness that humanity goes through requires the conscious presence of individuals.
It is not all loud words that lead to actions, which lead to movements, that the world needs now. It is souls that shine their light quietly and calm, over the tumultuous ocean of human experience. Being living examples of divine wisdom integrated into human experience.
Feeling and expressing the multidimensional sensuality of consciousness is still not fully understood by humanity. It is challenging for the individual to live in an environment that continually penetrates the lower instincts and superficial senses while not acknowledging the multitude of awareness happening within them.
Those that walk this path, will eventually and without effort act as beacons of light as they emanate authenticity expressing the wisdom and knowledge they gathered along the way. Those individuals are now already going through their personal journey of self-discovery and "enlightenment" or "realisation" as you may call it and can be found in any part of the world, within every society, occupation and all walks of life.
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Their process of transformation will emit the conscious light, contagious enough to ignite the change all souls long for.
It is a movement that happens throughout lifetimes. From a divine perspective, it is but a blink in time but within human terms, a lifetime and its challenges can feel exhausting.
Realise, your presence matters!
Your experience and how you transform what you feel is important!
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The illusional environment humanity currently accepts to exist in, emits low vibrations. Those vibrations create a fog that makes it hard for the soul to shine through. Since the mind still acts as the primary monarch and powerfully reigns human reality, it can be even more challenging to stay in tune with your soul.
Integrating the mind into divine sensuality and thereby transforming the effects of lower vibration into wisdom, compassion and love for yourself is the alchemy necessary to shift into higher awareness.
The divine alchemical process of transformation is not just a spiritual and theoretical concept. It is a practical experience of the soul that involves every aspect of your awareness, even beyond the limits of your human mind.
It may feel exhausting at times, and it can make the soul feel a longing back to the natural state of freedom that it calls its home. But for now, your presence on earth matters.
And you didn’t come here unprepared. You came with all tools necessary to live and thrive in this evolving environment of significant change. You carry the remembrance of divinity. Your senses reach far behind the human veil and allow you to communicate with aspects of your higher self and entities that assist humanity’s shift in consciousness. Your understanding of the process that you are going through ultimately hones the ability to exist on multidimensional levels of experience.
Being human at this time and being conscious about your soul’s divinity requires the individual to exist in two worlds simultaneously – for now.
The more you integrate the wisdom of your current life experience, the easier the process and the more ease you feel along the way.
Eventually, you will lay down any doubt and limits and be sensual to the core of your being. You will embrace the gift of humanity through the senses of your soul and while you smile at the idea of this dream, we smile back at you from the reality where this is already true.
For those that remember, and for those that feel and see behind the veil of human illusion:
Your Presence Matters – Now More Than Ever!
Listen and feel deep into yourself to hear and know that you are not alone on this path.
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mehonaspace · 3 years
The Covid Chronicles - The Last Chapter
"There will be no return to the "old normal" for the foreseeable future."
- WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
In two weeks, Sydney will start emerging out of lockdown. I will get back to work after more than two months break, and slowly, life will be vibrant again.
It might seem that our lives turn back to "normal", but so much happened during this pandemic, significantly impacting each of us in some way or the other. Whether you fought against it or you just went along with the stay-at-home orders, it touched something deep down in all of us. And whether you were brave enough to look it in the eye, whatever it was you faced during this lockdown, or whether you run away from it, you will bring the results back into the "new normal".
I was in a kind of twilight zone the past two weeks. Meaning, while I was mentally preparing for getting back to a regular work-life, my soul kept me awake at night, and I found myself questioning once again what it was that I wanted from life. I realised that this question came from deep within, and I pondered tirelessly to the point that my mind approached a state of anxiety.
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Image by Jan Alexander from Pixabay
In a slight panic, I started watching positivity videos, listened to spiritual teachers, read wellbeing books, and yes, I admit it, I drew a tarot card on a website that offered the service for free. I just wanted to be sure I didn't miss anything!
I knew those were old ways of approaching what was bothering me, but I wasn't ready yet for the answer. I sat down to meditate but couldn't really quiet my mind enough to achieve meaningful results.
So I just observed my desperation grow inside me. It felt unsettling and as if someone was knocking on the door, but I just tried very hard to ignore it.
I distracted myself by slicing a big piece of the drama pie on social media. Doing what everybody does, when they have too much time on their hand and are unsatisfied with their life, I started commenting on sensitive posts.
The illusion of empowerment being a keyboard warrior, engaging in meaningless but heated discussions with other bored people around the globe, served as a temporary distraction to my nagging feeling that something wasn't right.
I welcomed the deep dive into the vast ocean of online drama, where the platforms keep you busy with notifications about when and where another member vomited their bullshit over your own nonsense.
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Image by John Hain from Pixabay
Who needs physical warfare when launching attacks on digital media is so much more convenient, entertaining and equally toxic?!!
Here, in the online community, we masturbated another over who would phrase the bigger insult in the most subtle but transparent way. The longer we dragged out the comment thread, the further away we drifted from the actual post content until nothing left but the merciless fight for the survival of our fragile egos.
I argued on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter about racism and American politics (I don't even live there or ever set foot in the country). I continued to vent about religion and parts of today's society, and when I couldn't find anything else, I ranted about the extended delays of the local delivery service. And oh boy, did I feel good as I dressed myself in ignorance and arrogance while walking the competitive catwalk within my digital environment.
As I Lulled myself in the illusion of righteousness and superior entitlement, I realised I was no different from the violent covid-protesters that I just condemned a few weeks earlier.
I might have found another cause to rant about, but the energy behind my inglorious outbursts hid the same motivation: Frustration, fear and self-doubt!
As I went along with my human outbreaks, another aspect of mine kept observing myself in the background. I could feel it chuckle every now and then, but I was not yet ready to sit down and encounter it. Though I knew, it had something to tell me.
Instead, I kept playing the clueless victim of my emotions. Asking, "What is it that bothers me? Why do I feel this way?"
Finally, after the social media game turned out too boring to continue and the books I read and the videos I watched didn't reveal any new answers, I sat down and said - let's talk! I am ready to face myself!
And as I was ready to listen, the answers streamed right out of my soul, and the bigger picture became clear.
I felt frustrated because my mind had the time to focus on common topics without interruption during the past weeks in lockdown.
There was no work or other people that would distract me from pondering stuff. I increasingly measured my value on things that don't really matter to me, but I somehow forgot that along the way.
I studied and felt unease about where my studies would lead me in a few years. I did some additional online courses and panicked about where that would lead me. I started going to a chiropractor and worried about how my physical habits impacted my body. I watched videos and read books about wellbeing and felt like I wasn't doing the right things in my life. The more time I spent online, the more I was influenced by human stuff.
All of this carried me away from my soul's perspective and the blessed environment and circumstances in which I actually live right now.
I literally had no financial, emotional, physical or mental problem other than what I chose to be present - out of boredom and by following an old way of evaluating life.
Being in lockdown, I had a lot of time and that time exposed me to the number one killer of happiness - my own mind. Or, in other words, the old conditioning of how my mind approaches human life.
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Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash
And as I sat there in the middle of my room, my soul kept conveying its insights to me, and I kept listening to the wisdom it distilled from my experiences in this lifetime.
What really bothered me was the fact that I still haven't given up looking at life from a solely human viewpoint.
The closer we reach the date of emergence from lockdown, the more I feel I approach a crucial crossing in my life. A final decision is hovering over this feeling of agitation. An internal commitment awaits that determines how life will unfold for me from now on.
So far, I have lived life between the old way of going about things and then breaking free and following my soul's longing for a different kind of life approach.
Constantly feeling tensed, confused, lost and conflicted between being partly in touch with my intuition and being pulled back into the consciousness of the old human matrix.
It is a matrix so disconnected from its non-physical source; its inhabitants struggle to shift their consciousness beyond the illusions that set the limits to the wellbeing of their true spirit.
I now realise I didn't come here for this! My life path didn't unfold as it did for me to stay in the old way of approaching life. More accurately, I didn't come here to feel trapped in the identification and limits of a human mindset.
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Coming here unto this planet, my soul incarnated purposely into an environment that subjected me to feelings of guilt for who I am. I meant to work through those feelings to discover and eventually embody the treasure of freedom buried beneath them.
Through the longing of my soul for said freedom, I escaped those conditions at some point. My intuition and sensitivity guided me through illusions of obstacles and challenges that my human mind conjured up as a result of my conditioning and interactive environment.
I witnessed how I clumsily tried to act like a "normal" human and how I failed after every few steps. Meanwhile, the actual (r)evolution and the purpose I tried to hide from kept unfolding inside me.
The old human matrix that I grew up in connected with the divine consciousness that my intuition brought forward and stirred up enough trouble for me to walk towards change.
Under the direction of divine alchemy, the process of transformation to the new human was initiated.
The tug-of-war between the guidance of divine intuition and the perceived demands of a human mind and world nurtured an inner conflict. It is through this internal friction that I carved out and honed the perspective of my soul on what a fulfilled life would mean to me.
Now, the time has come to fully commit to the identification of whom I have become.
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Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash
No amount of books, videos, spiritual, emotional or mental advice, no physical discipline, friend, lover or family can assist me on the last step of my path. The step away from self-doubt, triggered by the old human matrix, goes beyond the illusions of mind and matter and fully immerses in the newfound truth of a meaningful life.
As we approach the end of this lockdown, my soul seems to ask me: Are you ready now?
Do I want to keep looking at myself from an old limited perspective, or do I give in to the knowingness of my divine identity?
The old matrix draws its identity from looking at your bank account, career, physical appearance, house, etc., and the conclusions of your mind about those things, in accordance with what society deems valuable.
Looking into the world through the eyes of my soul, I can see the motivation behind our systems, actions, and mindsets is a result of the disconnection from our divine nature.
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Photo by Pier Monzon on Unsplash
I didn't come here to live up to the standard of a dying world that harms my spirit. I came to be the standard of the new world.
I came here with the knowingness in my heart that the soul - not the mind, should be the creator of reality.
I may never be fully understood in this lifetime; I may always carry an aspect of weirdness with me that others can feel, but something about me may resonate within some of them as I live my truth. Something about my light will remind them about the divine heritage they carry in their own hearts.
I came here with many others to express and embrace the new standard, and through that, we announce that the time has come for the divine-human.
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Photo by Alejandro Benėt on Unsplash
It all starts here, on a personal level.
Am I ready to let go of the old matrix and perspective?
Do I trust myself and allow self-doubt to be replaced by the knowingness of my intuition? My soul eagerly waits for my mind to open up and surrender its power to the wisdom in my heart that is ready to burst forward as the leading creator of my life.
From which perspective I perceive, I will create what is.
If I continue living from within the limits of a human mind, I commit to the continuation of struggle. Struggle to reach some point of perfection and looking for something to achieve to justify my existence.
If I integrate the human mind into the wisdom and expression of my soul, I keep witnessing the natural unfolding of life.
I commit to creating my life from a place of knowingness, divinity, and self-love rather than a place of disconnection with roots anchored in illusion.
What I should do next doesn't matter. Instead, true creation is about who I am now, and now, and now...
I decide who I am as I am not determined by the illusion outside of me.
The commitment I have to make is to really integrate and feel this truth every step of the way.
Leaving self-doubt behind, I come forward as the new human and look at my reality through the eyes of the divine. May your light and my light ignite the spark of remembrance that this world needs to wake up to a new era - the era of the divine-human.
Let's be the standard of the new "normal."
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Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay
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mehonaspace · 3 years
The Need For Selfishness
The world is full of it, right? Selfish people that don't care about others. There are a few exceptions here and there, but we wouldn't live in such a separated world if people cared more for each other, right?
Kinda, I'd say.
It depends on how you look at it and which form of selfishness we address.
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Original Photo by Steven Wright on Unsplash (edited by blog author)
First of all, it is impossible to be not selfish. You can pretend and hide your intentions from yourself or others, but in the end, every word you say or action you perform will give you something back. It's natural because your observation and perception of reality always carry a response back to you. There is always something in it for you, be it emotionally or physically. The question is, how meaningful is what you get back?
When we talk about the negative aspects of selfishness, we usually refer to behaviour that acts in contrast with the "greater good".
Have you had a look lately at our current "greater good"?
Have you had a look at the people and organisations that ask you to contribute to their definition of "greater good"?
The complex net of branches growing through Charities, Wars, Religion, Politics, etc., generate big business through other people's conscience. A deeper look into their true agendas often leaves the question of who actually benefits from contributing to the promoted causes. The intentions of those asking us to offer our energy often seem to lead to their very own financial, political, corporate or personal advantages. Selfish agendas feeding on your investment. The effects turn out rather corrupted, and the promoted problems stay unsolved.
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Photo by Katt Yukawa on Unsplash
How much of your energy do you compromise to the requirements of your job or social environment in your personal life?
How much do we contribute to the needs of "unselfish" systems powered by selfish agendas and is it still worth it?
Have you questioned your emotional, mental and physical investment lately?
Are you selfish enough to care about what you get out from what you put in? And when I say YOU, which identity within you profits from your contributions?
Your ego or your soul?
Which of both measures best the quality of what you get out of your investments?
It requires a lot of introspection to be aware of ego-based agendas that stand in the way of your own happiness. Contrary to most spiritual concepts, the ego isn't something bad that needs to be overcome, though. It got a bit of a bad reputation over the past centuries, especially when eastern spirituality merged with the teachings of the western New Age spirituality. In an attempt to reach a state of "enlightenment", people tried to cast their ego out through mediation and felt bad for being unsuccessful.
Generation long religious and political indoctrination has us believing a good person is one to give, share and sacrifice. I mean, aren't those the heroes of the scripted realities sold by our entertainment industry? Give for your country, your friends, your family, or just the stranger on the street. We can argue whether or not this concept was needed in the past, but we should challenge its value moving forward.
I think, in general, there is a misunderstanding when it comes to the difference between a confident sense of self-awareness and harmful selfishness.
Before you reach deep into your pockets to slap my arguments with some eye-watering example of pitiness, I welcome you to hear me out first.
I have confidence that humanity can reach a level of maturity that allows for generally peaceful, compassionate and respectful coexistence in the near future. We probably won't reach a state of perfect utopia because the nature of reality is constant evolvement. An aspect that humanity often struggles with because it keeps existing definitions and concepts being challenged. What often stands in the way of progress are cultural habits, emotional and cognitive patterns and the individual willingness to go beyond them.
Our intense history of violence, oppression and survival despair carved out a commonly strong desire for specific core values: Personal freedom, financial freedom, quality of life, equal access to valuable education and health care and respect and acceptance for individual expression that does not harm others. The intensity of such desires is in different stages throughout the world. Still, they come to the surface whenever a major crisis arises. When we talk about the "greater good", we should talk about a worldwide system that supports and aims for those goals.
So what do we do to get there?
Global discussions about meaningful collaboration and equal and effective distribution of knowledge, technological and other advancements are part of it. But, - and that's the crucial point, it starts with each of us first. It begins with a shift in consciousness in each individual.
Do we actually understand what that means?
Besides the simple confirmation to wanting change for the "greater good", you have to act on it. And contrary to popular opinions, to offer your energy to others first, you actually have to learn how to master your own energy.
You have to be able to household your energy levels to be of value to yourself. Only then can we be of value to others. Reaching a personal state of sovereignty and helping others to achieve the same.
Life is always about you. You are the creator of your life through your perception. Therefore it is crucial to invest in your relationship with yourself. Your life is about how supportive, compassionate, empowering and committed you are about to embody your soul's passion and unique wisdom. Each of us has to realise that it is the personal process of inner self-discovery that triggers a change in our outside world.
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Photo by Anway Pawar on Unsplash
Can you hear the message in that?
You have to focus within to identify and call yourself out on your own ego-based bullshit agendas. Primarily those that put yourself in a state of emotional, mental and - often resulting from that - physical imbalance.
Wait, didn't you just say the ego isn't something bad? Make it make sense, please!
First of all, what is your ego?
Today, it is primarily an artificial construct of your mind and emotions, in constant interaction with the influences of your environment. It is a dynamic aspect of your personality. However, it is currently limited to your ability to comprehend the multidimensionality of reality.
Your ego is the identity through which you define your human awareness.
You cannot and should not intend to destroy your ego, as it provides the narrative of your physical life story. What we should aim for is to expand the awareness of our identity into the realms of our soul.
The ego is only one aspect of your broader consciousness. Created to help you navigate the complex settings on this planet. The soul breathes life into your ego, making way for your existence as a human.
Your soul exists beyond the realms of your ego, in an eternal state of divine awareness. Only a part of this becomes manifested into your human vessel, and a crucial part of it is your ego. The soul doesn't know the answer to 1+1, and it doesn't know how to crack a joke. It is not even able to get up from bed in the morning - but your ego does! The ego has the ability to play with the instruments of your body, mind and emotion and wave them together as a complex net of human expression.
The issue in our current world is that we reduced our identity to a limited comprehension of reality. We believe our ego is our sole identity and struggle to look beyond this illusion. We keep overvaluing temporary gains and accept the leash it puts us in. The emptiness we feel from such brief settings has us in constant hunger for rather meaningless satisfaction. We try to confirm, protect and enhance our identity whenever we are confronted by conditions that feel threatening to our ego. Our current systems, behaviours and individual conditions are a product of a distorted sense of self-awareness. The ego is vulnerable and fragile without your awareness of your soul.
While our technological developments accelerate, our consciousness is lagging behind. Nowadays, we utilise our digital social environment mostly to contribute to a hostile atmosphere for another. Be it harmful content put out purposefully; or becoming victims of edited material we accept as truth - our ego is in constant survival mode and seeks to adjust itself to keep our identity confirmed and competitive in this environment.
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Photo by mariel reiser on Unsplash
We rarely question the value of our reactions to the illusions we perceive. That is because we do not realise them as illusions. Some people talk about "the matrix" and the conspiracy that would hold us back from our true power. But frankly, this is just your own laziness distracting yourself from the truth.
If you want to go beyond the illusion, it doesn't help if you look it straight into the eye and go into its details. You only get lost doing so. If you are unwell, how useful would you consider it if your doctor examines your reflection in the mirror instead of checking your actual physicalities?
Introspection helps you get a sense of who you are. Taking a step back and reflect on your mental, emotional and physical reactions to the circumstances in your life paves the way to ground-breaking realisations. Exploring your inner universe reveals the connection to your core energy. The goal should be to integrate the ego into the broader awareness of your soul. We have to commit to a connection with our spirit. You have to be selfish enough to take the necessary steps that lead your focus within to the emissions of your soul.
A condition of wisdom, peace, compassion, understanding and unconditional love is steadily conveyed to you by your soul. You have to connect to that core if you want to master a world of illusions.
Imagine yourself standing in the middle of a mirror maze. All sorts of different mirrors reflect a distorted image of yourself back to you. It's great, fun, but you cannot use the illusions as orientation whenever you decide to walk out. Instead, you have to come back to a sense of self-awareness. Re-connect with an inner sense of self-awareness and be guided from there.
It is the journey into self-awareness that leads to the tools for a significant shift in consciousness. Until now, the harmful selfishness that held us back resulted from having our focus far out in the illusions, away from who we truly are.
Connecting to and staying in your power can seem selfish because you call out manipulation when you encounter it. You walk away from conditions that feed off your energy, and your primary focus is to stay aligned with your core.
Your journey into your sovereignty helps you see through the illusions around you. You begin to understand why you behaved in certain ways. The connection to your soul provides the compassion you need to go beyond old habits rather than staying in a state of condemnation. The qualities you acquire from such a valuable connection with yourself transfer to your approach to life and other people. You begin to realise and address their ability to do the same.
A world where most people are in sync with their true spirit will contribute to a society of sovereign beings. The positive effects of this trigger the shift that transforms our systems into effective collaborations that serve "the greater good".
What we need is for people to be selfish enough to care for a meaningful connection with themselves.
What we have so far are people who don't really care for their personal well-being but contribute to a condition that harms their spirit. They are selfish when it comes to feeding off the illusions provided to them, but it actually leaves them literally self-less.
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mehonaspace · 3 years
An Instagram Influencer (#inspiredtowrite), dedicated to getting authors to follow their passion, started a new 30-days challenge. Sharing the little everyday miracles of our day to help each other get us through the dominant voice of pandemic and advocating awareness for the beauty and magic within and around us. A beautiful invitation to be conscious of our individual atmosphere.
Recently, I threw my old bed out and decided to sleep on the floor. Before bedtime, I would roll out my yoga mat, cover it with several blankets to cushion the surface, and in the morning, I would roll it back together and stack it away.
The decision came after a few weeks into the current lockdown, when it dawned on me how I wouldn't leave the bed but operate my day from there on my laptop. To not fully transform into a worn-out pillow myself, I had to do something about it.
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Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash
I was determined to uplevel my environment and invited the winds of change to blow through my lockdown lifestyle.
Much has shifted since then. Now, every day I wake up to my personal little fitness playground, a proper workstation, and more space in general.
Rolling up my night camp after waking up prepares me mentally for the projects I want to get done throughout my day. Physically getting up and visit the various little areas of my 26 square meter room keeps me motivated and creative.
My window proudly faces most sunlight throughout the day and gently invites my soul to smile back at a new opportunity to reach out to life.
I take a few deep breathes to arrive in the day before fully committing to anything.
The first action of my day is usually to pick up my phone and check the news. A somewhat questionable habit, I admit, if you want to stay balanced. Nevertheless, it also reminds me to appreciate the immediate freedoms and potentials that I wake up to, even during the lockdown.
My favourite part of the day is undoubtedly when I turn on the volume and blast some music, fine-tuning my mood. My soul celebrates in euphory, being entirely entwined and massaged by the ecstatic beats of sound. The music penetrates my nervous system and inspires my creative senses as much as the little meditation snacks along the way.
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Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash
The greatest gift that the lockdown brought to my life experience is the freedom to be myself in such a prolonged time.
I don't have to pretend to be more or less of what I am now.
I have complete control over what to focus on and have an even more conscious approach to what nurtures me throughout my day, emotionally and mentally.
I know this decision is always available but gets a bit overlooked when sucked into the usual duties of our jobs and social expectations.
Rays of sunlight cast a golden glowing atmosphere into my room, cutting through the floating dust flakes that carry their very own energy of zen.
Almost unseen, gently levitating next to my awareness.
How immensely vast reality becomes if you shift your perspective. Each detail holds an entire dimension of its own that can be dived into.
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The world around us is eager to reveal its treasures of realisations and sensations. We only have to allow our awareness to settle for the now moment and ride the opportunities that arise from there.
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mehonaspace · 3 years
The Racism Trap
The way we approach the topic of racism is how most of us do - from an emotional perspective.
Now, I have my personal experiences and the strings of thoughts and emotions connected to them. Those get repeatedly triggered by
social media accounts I follow, addressing the topic
books I read
continuous experiences
events happening around the world and brought into focus by media outlets
There is also the "black community" trying to advocate awareness for existing racial issues, creating unity and re-establish a sense of empowerment amongst black people.
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And there is the "white society", whose legacy is a system of white supremacy still strongly in place in large parts around the globe.
White society consists of individuals experiencing race from an entirely different standpoint. Racial issues are something most white people either never experienced personally, consciously don't want to get involved in, purposely ignore or contribute to.
Before we go further here, let's clarify that this post's purpose is not about blame. It is about giving my impression of where black and white communities correlate within the human system and what we can do about it.
But since the topic is race and its issues, we will have to look at ugly things.
I said it's going to be a tough one, and I mean it. It doesn't matter which colour your skin is; what I am about to convey will trigger and surprise you. So, I invite you to just observe what we are about to discuss here and don't put your ego into the matter. Be assured that my intention is indeed to go beyond the contrast of black and white.
Sit back, fasten your seatbelt and wander with me through one of humanities most sensitive topics.
In 2020, racism was put once again into society's focal point through the death of George Floyd, who was murdered by a police officer during an arrest.
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From a black perspective, given the history of racism, especially in America, nothing was surprising in that case. The crucial key element was that somebody with a phone camera was there at the right time, recording the entire scenario. Besides many different forms of evidence displaying similar humiliating situations for black people (be it by police, their white neighbours or even strangers that just randomly call the police on them), George Floyd's case was the one that made it to the top list of public attention.
Unfortunately, with humans, it is mostly traumata that triggers change.
Getting out of comfort zones, taking up challenges and overcoming limits often precedes great despair. The George Floyd case sparked such a change and caused a ripple effect on the vast ocean of mass consciousness.
People around the world went to the streets and said, "No more!". And there, the discussion began about a new definition of who we are as humanity. It also increased the focus on the struggles and dissension that exist.
Dealing with racism leads white people often to arguments about who they are not, while the legacy of historical racism requires black people until today to define who they are. The entire topic is but an identity crisis for both communities.
The Black Community
What may sound like one voice of unity is in itself a diverse structure, consisting of black-skinned people and their varied experiences and viewpoints. It is also telling how we rather use the term black "community" instead of "society", as we do when describing the unit of white people on the globe. The word "community" mirrors exactly the minimised social stance we take when there is actually a majority of black people living on the globe.
The history and troublesome experiences of the African diaspora (most dense in America and the Caribbean) established a powerful and solid character behind the term "black community". In the face of racial issues, the black community is where all black folks lean on when looking for a sense of identity, empowerment and solace. But as mentioned before, we are not just one united voice.
For those growing up in western society, the definition, freedoms and limits of a progressive lifestyle are gapping compared to black people in African or Eastern culture. Thus, as soon as the focal point shifts away from racial issues, the black community is as much divided on any topic as it is the case in white society.
The only strong bond that unites the black community is the colour of our skin and the experience of racism that is triggered by that.
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White Society And The Current System
History has it that white colonialism had a powerful impact on the globe. Unfortunately, human history is filled with violence against each other, no matter the skin colour.
However, we must raise awareness for the current system we live in, where whiteness is advantaged and entitled compared to being black.
White people exploited mental, physical and environmental black and indigenous resources and constructed the current system on the backbones of the suppressed.
There is no single aspect within our interactive structures (economics, politics, education etc.) that does not display the footprint of white colonialism and/or its disproportional effects on black lives.
From the head of white successors on African and Caribbean money to the depiction of a white Jesus figure praised around the globe - whiteness is promoted even when illogical.
Traces of racism and glaring inequalities in living opportunities, prosecution, education, business and social interaction are still prevalent. There is also the aftermath of enforced family separation, neglect of interracial children and the psychological and physical abuse of blacks by their white oppressors.
There is looted identity in the museums of white civilisation and distorted history in their books.
Statues of white oppressors like Belgium's King Leopold II., still throne upon everyday life and are honoured for their contribution to an inglorious past.
Thus, being black within the dominant structures of a white system subsequently requires black people to go in critical confrontation with their own identity, to an extent that white people never experience.
Black people carry within the ancestral trauma from a not so distant and very intense impact of an oppressive system.
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The legacy of white supremacy created a world in which your skin colour does matter, in particular white skin colour!
We must understand that the system results from racism and still holds traces of active efforts to suppress others.
White people deceived, conquered, brutalised, raped and tortured indigenous and black people, clear off any charges.
As a matter of fact, in many instances, they even made the oppressed pay for when they eventually reached some level of independence.
Improving the current system requires active awareness and engagement on the issues that prevent progress. The challenge modern white society faces is that theoretically, most white people do want better for all. But the comfort of existing entitlements hesitates to move effectively in the direction of meaningful change.
There are still purposely racist white people in social and crucial public structures whose voices and actions are louder than the intentions of those that try to be "woke".
In the realms of political correctness, white people become so confused about what to say and what to do to address topics of race that some get frustrated. Evidence of such frustration fuels the black perception of white people being unwilling even to promote simple steps of change.
It also cannot be denied that white people generally reach quite fast a point of exhaustion, defensiveness, and ignorance when interacting with the traumatic incidents of the past and their results.
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Given the uncomfortable past, it is logical that white descendants don't want to be associated with their legacy, though they benefit from its results. Those who are bold enough to walk within the awareness of inequality within the system find themselves in an even more difficult corner, asking:
Does acknowledging the past as a white person mean to feel shame for their own skin colour? How to talk about this past as a white person without having to point out that you are not responsible for what happened? How to discuss among other white people that are not ready for change or approaching it differently? How to meet black people at eye level and not causing any offence or trigger an accusation of racism? What does change towards equality actually mean for white people?
The white identity is challenged, and it is indeed easier for many to stay where they are within the system and ignore what's going on.
Personal Impressions
I will briefly cover my personal experience to make visible racial aspects, circumstances and conditions modern life still offers black people.
Born as the child of a German-Iranian mother and an African-American GI-soldier, I was given away to white foster parents.
I don't know my father as he went back to the US before I was born, and I was told my mother took drugs, which was why I was taken from her. My German grandmother didn't want to care for me because I was black, and she didn't like her colleagues to talk about her having a black grandchild. At the time (1987), in conservative Bavaria - Germany, it was also not looked nicely upon children that resulted from a non-marriage entanglement.
My foster parents had five own grown-up children, and I was their only long-term foster child. They already were quite old, and my foster-father was in retirement.
The details of my upbringing can be read in my autobiography, and I will only cover highlights of the racial discrimination I experienced.
Both people were horrible, but my foster mother was in particular nasty and mean. Whenever she was in the mood, she assaulted me and engaged me in mentally and physically disturbing games.
I had to kneel naked on a piece of wood while she would stand behind me, occasionally beat and tell me what a worthless nigger I was.
I had to stand naked in the stairwell for hours to strip me of my dignity.
I was not allowed to attend my church firming because my foster mother decided I was not worthy enough on the day of the event. Instead, I had to write thousand times: "Ich bin eine dreckige Auslaendrecksau" ("I am a dirty foreigner bastard")!
When I reached the age at which the youth welfare office would ask me if I wanted to get to know my real mother, my foster mother explained to me that she was a "Niggerhure" (nigger whore) that people laugh about. She threatened me if I would agree to see my birth mother, she would beat me to death - and given what I experienced, I believed her.
She held a knife on my throat and prophesized that niggers like me end up on the streets anyway. There was no place and reason for me to exist, and I was only good for the money.
Two times per week, I was to take a bath, and she loved to come and watch me during this vulnerable moment. She would stand behind the open door, invisible enough so I wouldn't see her but loud enough for me to know she was there. At some point, she would reveal herself, point to my penis and ask me why I didn't wash it correctly. After that, she forcefully did what I will not further explain.
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I ran away from this family at the age of 14. For most of my early childhood years, I was allowed to stay in the middle of my room. Sometimes I could read some children's books, and I could also do my homework for school. I was not allowed to have friends or play around. Standing in the middle of my room was the safest way for me to be. It was best to avoid showing any signs of my own will and individuality.
I want to point out that at this stage of my life, I didn't fully understand that the colour of my skin was the subject of this violent behaviour. I grew up as the only black child in the village; I compared and identified myself as somewhat white. Sure, I saw I had dark skin, and I sure hated it, but I didn't fully comprehend my outside appearance and what it meant to others.
In the years to come, when life further introduced me to social life, friends, and workplaces, I realised that my skin colour was the reason for irritation. When I applied for jobs, I preferred not to put a picture on my resume to boost my chances for an interview. When I got to know new people, they usually expected some sort of "cool gangster."
When experimenting sexually, I was reduced to the size of my penis and expected to fulfil the fantasy of a dominant and aggressive black rapist. This continued experience led me to the conscious choice not to date white gay men anymore.
As I mentioned earlier, it took some time for me to realise that I was black, though my skin colour is rather brown as to being dark-black.
People would sometimes say, "you are not really black", but society surely treated me as such. Whenever I grow my hair, which naturally turns to dreadlocks when long, I have people trying to touch my hair. The excitement for such a common human feature is, until this day, beyond my understanding. It is also disrespectful when people rub their hands in there without even asking. When applying for a job, I sometimes was asked to cut my hair off to be considered for the position.
I hated my hair and my skin for many years. I felt utter disgust and was afraid looking into the mirror because I thought it "abnormal" if you are not white. The beauty standards around me consisted of entirely white models, and my environment constantly confirmed that I didn't belong to this society with my appearance.
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The experiences of my upbringing and the path that I walked from there made me commit myself to a journey of self-discovery. While I acknowledge racism throughout my life, if I look behind the masks and scenes, I come to question racism.
My foster parents used the language of racism to hide their own emotions of insignificance and sadness for life.
The people I met throughout life that fit the term "racist" were rather victims of their own powerlessness, idealisation, hidden admiration, prejudices, ignorance and mental limits when confronted with my physical appearance. None of this defines my identity, even though some might have put more effort into trying to convince me that it does.
From the perspective of a higher mind, I believe that racism is an illusion that we keep reinforcing from both sides of the contrast.
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The Nature Of "The System"
So with all that put into perspective, the colour of our skin seems to automatically assign us specific roles, expectations, advantages or drawbacks in our societal interaction and navigation.
When we talk about "the system", we refer to the construction of economics, politics, social structures and every other segment that we utilise to preserve and enhance our human existence.
Now, as humans, we have similar features that define us as a race, but the core nature of humanity is an expression of cultural and individual variety.
We have to keep that in mind when we aspire to a global goal of equality. Global equality - and it doesn't matter if we discuss this in terms of race, gender, social class and status or anything else - is part of a shift towards a social state of balance.
Perfection will here never be achieved because there will always be a desire for development. It is the very nature of existence to express itself in variety. New aspects will introduce themselves to life, while old concepts may lose value.
I am but convinced we can reach a state of greater balance.
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The alchemy of transformation seems to be triggered by the friction of contrasting poles.
It is this game of contrast that promotes the necessary movement towards an environment of mutual understanding. The tug-of-war between black and white people was the essential driving force from which the ideal of equality could even form as a desirable concept for society. But, we cannot shift towards this ideal if we keep doing what we are doing. We cannot stay in a pattern of blame, and we cannot keep contributing to a condition of despair.
I hope I can successfully convey the important message in here: No matter the colour of our skin, if we want to move forward, we have to accept at some point that the traumatic and disturbing history of human interaction also bears the very idea, potential and the necessary tools, to develop a society, that eventually serves the majority - equally.
This requires each individual to let go of bonds and concepts that tie us to karmic patterns between victim and abuser. We have to release ourselves from roles we keep playing and assigning.
We could say:
White society must accept, reflect and take up awareness and responsibility for the history of inequality that still nurtures the current system. They should foster a genuine approach for development - not based on emotions of shame or guilt but instead with an intention for collaboration and education.
The black community has to be mentally ready to go beyond deeply integrated emotions of unresolved psychological wounds, fear and the very role of victimhood.
Well, that's the tricky point because black people still battle intense trauma of an unresolved past that gets additionally triggered by each new incident that confirms prevalent racism.
They also still search for a sense of identity within themselves. The black diaspora introduced to the white system became the confused fruit of an uprooted tree. We are different from the root in Africa, and as much as we long to return to a sense of belonging, the further we try, the more obvious the differences in life approach with our brothers and sisters in the motherland become.
And Now?
Given the century-long integrated and inherited patterns around the tug-of-war between black and white people, it won't be easy to create a smooth shift within society. Most certainly not, if we keep operating from an emotional level and a closed mindset.
You see, the entire topic is nothing other than an identity crisis on both sides. Something that cannot resolve if one side keeps contrasting the other. We have to elevate our mindset and consciously perceive another beyond human labels.
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Beyond skin colour lies the individual journey of each soul.
Our ego will most likely have a hard time with this. We love labels because that's the standard way we humans define and reinforce our identity. Our ego will not easily give up emotions of defensiveness or blame. It will cling to them like a dog on its favourite play-toy.
But if we want to rise as humanity, we literally have to rise in consciousness. We have to raise our perspective to a level of a broader understanding of who we are.
Our emotions around race will not dissolve immediately. The process includes combining and integrating the lessons and wisdom behind our contrasting experiences when moving forward.
We must look at things differently - with the eyes of the soul. The soul distils wisdom from and breathes meaning into each experience.
Our soul is not trapped in human stories, limits and definitions. It operates from a divine understanding of eternity and evolvement beyond the mortal veil.
The souls perspective is one of unconditional love and compassion and emits those insights at any moment in time. It is up to us to be aware of and allow ourselves access to those emissions. Those words may sound cheesy, but I invite you to feel into the very meaning behind them.
The soul is an awareness of empowerment. It doesn't need contrast but transforms contrasting experiences into wisdom.
The unique power of the soul is meant to shine through the human vessel. Its light has the ability to touch another in a meaningful way and uplift beyond the spectrum of human judgement and identification.
We spent centuries following religious and spiritual concepts, trying to understand and acknowledge a greater meaning behind our existence.
But we won't be able to perceive divine perfection in our reality unless we go beyond the human mind and allow the presence of our soul to dominate our life experience.
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The journey to equality is a journey to empowerment.
The journey of empowerment is an individual journey of exploring our authentic selves. Something that the very system we live in requires us all to do.
Technology-Induced Change In Consciousness
Facilitated by rapid technological development and confronted by numerous social media channels that encourage self-expression, we all face currently a crisis of identity.
Our digital century provokes comparison whenever we use our mobile phones, laptops and tablets. Our digital identity is easy to access and alter. Checking our social media profiles, we are confronted by how others present themselves and challenged by how we will present ourselves.
While digitality provides immense potential for personal freedom, it also proves to be a seductive challenge for our mentality.
You have to know who you are and be confident in yourself not to fall victim to the digital environment of keyboard warriors, cancel culture and follower competition.
The content you provide and follow is your responsibility. Your digital output attracts digital input, and because we tend to utilise our devices so frequently, our intake affects our entire mood, habits, life and well-being.
We can quickly lose control over the urge to present ourselves enhanced and likeable or busy trying not to miss out on the latest trends and notifications.
While theoretically obvious, it seems that most of us forget that we are not our digital social media alter ego. The pictures we post may seem like a representation of our personality, but in reality, they are nothing but a brief snapshot of a (mostly artificially altered) moment in time. The posts we like and the opinions we share may seem like we have a firm objective in life but mirrors only one of the various beliefs that linger within us.
What does this have to do with race and racism, you ask?
Technology and Artificial Intelligence doesn't differentiate between black or white skin colour. It requires the individual to take responsibility for their in- and output. This, in turn, basically asks us to be clear and aware of who we are in order to control what we get and what we will become.
The utilisation of digital applications exercises the mindfulness required to regulate mental and psychological input and output.
The content we keep following becomes us and has the potential of significant influence on our identity. Amidst various digital opinions and profiles, where do we position ourselves, and what is our agenda with our output?
Those are the questions that help us discover who we are, what influences us and how to stay empowered in the face of variety.
Though digital technology can display racial content, it is in itself a neutral tool that allows you for a far-reaching expression of yourself. The digital challenges project on our devices, our personal struggles with identity and empowerment. No matter the skin colour.
Being aware and exploring how to be responsible with our in- and output, we learn to take responsibility for our own identity.
Digitally and in real life, we have to ask ourselves, how much of our identity is made up of content or people we follow/listen to and what is our very own intuitive truth?
Are we ready to collaborate, educate, inspire and uplift each other through authentic soul content? Or are we still victims of the labels we put on ourselves to tell a story in which we feel confirmed rather than authentic?
It is easier to identify with a group, to reinforce some sort of identity.
I can play with labels that describe where I was born, my gender, my sex, my skin colour, religion, political views etc. Those can be used to manipulate, control and influence others, but all of those things are nothing but illusions that distort and distract from who I truly am.
The story that I tell will always be a human story of what I experienced. But the wisdom behind how I balanced illusion and intuition along my way is the actual content that defines me.
My actions and output reveal where I stand compared to the aligned relationship between my authentic self and the illusions I fell victim to.
The human journey of a white person and the human journey of a black person is always a story about how aligned we become with the soul within us while being objected to the illusions of physical reality. It is, therefore, the same journey, played out on different sides of the racial contrast.
True empowerment and equality lie beyond this contrast and have first to be realised from within. Looking outside of us, we will only find a distorted picture of what we allow ourselves to be.
Humanity is used to operate within five senses and three dimensions, but I think hot topics like race and all emotional trigger points around it invite us to go beyond. I believe as a society, we finally are on the brink of a significant shift, ready to tap into our multidimensional nature. Multidimensional meaning, being aware of an imbalanced condition while not being trapped in it.
Instead, reaching another level of awareness that allows and therefore creates a dimension of balance.
We have to understand and be compassionate about the fact that everyday human life sucks us into a still low vibrating mass consciousness.
It requires your efforts to develop an enlightened awareness of the relationship between you and you and vibrate your highest understanding. Shine your soul wisdom upon the often troublesome topics of humanity and realise, you don't need your race or any other labels to do so.
It looks dim at times, and history proves we navigated some dark chapters. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that we gradually move into divine sovereignty, and I wish for all of us to be so in sync with our soul that we can sense the truthness in these words.
In the end, it is up to you to contribute and create your own empowerment. The shackles of the past don't have to keep binding black people into victimhood and white people to its cause. If everyone takes the necessary steps to understand who they genuinely are, there will be no need for separation. If you can face your own illusions of identity, see through the labels you assign to yourself and go beyond them - there we can meet another in great respect, compassion and understanding.
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mehonaspace · 3 years
Commitment Issues?
- Or The Importance Of Your Relationship With Yourself
Looking back on the few occasions I was in a relationship, I undoubtedly am not the most committed component.
I genuinely loved, appreciated and shared great moments with all of my partners, and I have no regrets for any of those interactions. I am, however, also grateful that I ended those relationships rather soon than later. The toxicity that my inner separation from my partner projects on the relationship, would just be too harmful for the both of us.
Many of those partnerships didn't pass a six-month line, and for the most part, it was me wanting to break away from the ties of such intimate connections.
Was there potential to work on some of these relationships? Certainly, there always is room for growth for everybody involved. However, I knew when I reached my limits and I rather have myself or my partners walk away when there is nothing more to offer.
What I see in other relationships is that people trying to be committed for the wrong reasons. There is no doubt that many have a hard time being alone with themselves. The emotional, physical and mental content from a partner, provides often more security and stability, than our own mindset and personality. There are still too many people trading personal freedom for harmful relationships.
Most are afraid of failing the social expectation of being in a partnership. We still celebrate relationships as a major achievement over being single.
I come to disagree largely on that matter. There is no doubt that sharing your life with a partner brings a lot of additional value to your life experience. However, I do believe coming to a point where you are able to nurture yourself emotionally and mentally, gets you to a state of self-awareness that saves you from a lot of questionable commitments. It also hands you a level of independence and peace, that I am not willing to give up for a continuous game of "needy-feedy" play of drama.
I don't mean this as an attack on relationships, because partnerships provide indeed an extraordinary variety of unique experiences. What I am focusing on here is the aspect of putting intimate relationships with others on a pedestal over your relationship with yourself.
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Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash
I often hear others put the label "commitment issues" on people like me. If you look at my upbringing, you could find all sorts of reasons to make an "issue" out of who I am today. But here is a different point of view that is in line with my soul and the truth that I carry within me:
I don't have commitment issues at all!
As a matter of fact, all I did since escaping a horrifying past, was working on the relationship with myself.
I committed all my efforts to get to know and be in love with who I am today.
I am not to easily share the fruits of my efforts with someone that still has to do that kind of self-work, - and I mean that in the most respectful and loving way possible.
My upbringing was unfortunate, and once I ran away from those circumstances, I struggled with absolute self-hate as a consequence. When I looked in the mirror, I faced utter disgust. The guilt I felt for my existence didn't allow me to see any beauty in who I was.
When I interacted with others, I could sense their strong personality while I was merely making it through the day fearful of others and life itself.
I didn't know who I was, where to belong and why I was still here.
During the age of 17 and 26, I had several quite strong attempts to end my life. None of them was successful, which lead me to believe that I was even too weak and useless to finish this "simple task".
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Photo by Reza Hasannia on Unsplash
When I came home from work and reflected on how my day went, my mind would torture me with mean self-talk, crushing any glimpse of self-worth. I doubted every step I took in life; I hated myself for not being confident enough, successful enough, strong enough, "cool" enough, fun enough and not "normal" enough to fit in.
I felt uprooted, totally lost and unbelievably lonely.
I was desperate for love. My heart would break at the end of the day as I realised that there was nothing for me out there. People regularly associated my black skin and rasta hair with some idea of a "cool black dude", hip-hop traits, basketball and all sorts of cliches.
All I had to offer was an insecure gay dude with a low voice, anxiety and a lot of social weirdness going on.
Of course, you come to meet people, friends, or even strangers telling you how beautiful and valuable you are. However, if you don't feel it for yourself, you come to realise how powerless the opinions of others actually are.
So, I started working on the relationship between me - and me.
Every waking moment of my life, I committed to figuring out a sense of worthiness. Amidst the trials and tribulations, illusions, desires and belief systems I faced and contributed to, I committed most of my time to consciously reflect the agenda of my fragile ego and the intuitive emissions of my soul. At some point, I began to realise, that integrating my soul's point of view into my human perception of life, holds the key to a level of freedom, I wasn't even able to fully comprehend at that time.
It didn't start out of love. It was through the means of survival that made for the most significant changes.
Life doesn't care for your upbringing or why you are the way you are. It requires you to deal with what you've got at any given moment, and it is up to you to make "the best of it".
Besides my inner conflicts, I still had to go to work and pay rent, so I had to go out there and face people and life.
Another big drive in my relationship with myself was my spiritual connection. I had impactful psychic experiences that I needed to understand, and I felt that they would be an essential lead to the answers I was looking for.
I looked into religion and didn't find the answers there but another set of rules, rejection and guilt baggage.
The rise of New Age spirituality flattered my ego much better and allowed at least some kind of purpose within the doubts and emptiness that I would generally feel. But the answers weren't there either!
The search for spiritual connection led right back to myself. I came to understand that my perception of who I am matters. If I wanted to free myself from the burden that I carried, I had to try to comprehend what the soul means, that I was aware of.
I took a very conscious approach in my life in finding out who I am beyond my human limits. I reflected, dissected, pondered, and analysed every interaction, decision, communication, and action I took. Whenever I realised that my mind was running in circles, I would finally come to the point of listening to the spiritual connection that was always there, guiding me along every step of the way.
The feelings of home, peace, love and worthiness come now from within.
I accept that some days, I just like to have a bit of drama and human crumpiness. Everyday life amidst the craziness of others and your own drama, can get you fueled every now and then.
The person I am today is full of appreciation for who I am. I carry myself through each situation with unconditional love and compassion. I am my very best friend and I treat myself accordingly.
Sometimes my body feels stressed, and my mentality challenged, but my general well-being never gets to a deep point of despair or such strong conditions as hate.
I love how far I came. I love how I look at life and the way I approach it. There is tremendous freedom and peace within me.
I dived deep into the vastness of my inner universe, and the more I bask in it, the less I need from outside. I have a strong relationship with myself. I am the highlight of my life and the lighthouse along my path.
I came to such a deep understanding and desire for connection with who I am that it becomes challenging to spend prolonged time exploring others in an intimate relationship.
After an exhausting day at work, I want to come home to myself. I appreciate spending time in my own energy, feeling my own presence. There is such a divine feeling of grace in those moments when I quiet my mind and just allow my soul to come forward to be present with me. All needs are fulfilled in this safe space. All life understood, all pain forgiven, all doubt dissolved in clarity. How could any other human possibly be to me what I have already become to myself?
I appreciate and celebrate intimate encounters with others for as long as they are meaningful and balanced for all involved. But I am not afraid to let go, and I am aware that sooner or later, I long back to be with myself again and explore the wisdom and treasures that others inspired within me.
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Photo by Ali Zahdhan on Unsplash
There is great peace and love within us, worth to be uncovered.
I remember it wasn't too long ago that storms and waves of constant change and destruction shaped this inner island of mine.
Now the waters are clear, the winds are still and the volcanos and earthquakes formed a sharper structure. The light of my soul becomes more transparent through my human path.
I wish for everyone to be in love with themselves first and I have no doubt that from there, partnerships will look very different to what we celebrate as the common norm today.
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mehonaspace · 3 years
Conspiracy Theories, Uncertainty And The Chance To Get To Know Yourself
12/07/2021 - Sydney entered the third week of lockdown due to Covid.
There are all sorts of emotions and viewpoints associated with this pandemic that most of us have already read, heard about or experienced first-hand.
I see friends now turning to conspiracy theories - and, let me be clear: I don't know if some, all or none of such theories are true. All I can say is that I witness friends that usually were not prone to such beliefs suddenly try to get me on board for such ideas.
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Photo by Tarik Haiga on Unsplash
But I had my fair time with conspiracy theories myself. I dug into that quite deeply for years, and I gladly pass this round. It's a rabbit hole with no end and leaves you feeling powerless, scared, hateful and suspicious towards the world.
I don't regret having opened up my mind to a different perspective of what could, would or even might be the "truth" behind the scenes.
But "truth" in human terms is very subjective, and in the end, none of us will ever decipher the complexity of what is going on, nor should we want to spend the time trying to figure it out. People can die a happy life without even once touching the subject of any conspiracy theory at all.
I concluded that it doesn't matter who controls - or is under the illusion of controlling the world if any such mindset even exists.
In my little daily reality, I realise that the control over my life lies primarily and vastly in my own - perspective. And I have a much better leverage point of influencing my reality from that empowered stance rather than from a dramatic angle that triggers all sorts of distorted emotional and cognitive reactions.
YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY. To deliberately do so, you have to be fully aware of yourself and not get lost in the drama. Protect your creative energy by being aware of what you are consuming, emotionally, mentally and physically. Be conscious about what you are reacting to.
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Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash
One must also discern that reaction doesn't equal creation.
To create is drawing power from within, your true self. Sourcing from a consciousness that isn't limited by human beliefs and definitions. It deals down to expressing your own unique energy into this physical world. You might be inspired and influenced by what's around you, but ultimately you follow your own preferences on how you want to experience your reality.
On the other hand, reaction contains very little creative energy as it is, for the most part, a triggered response to already existing conditions. If the influence of what's around you overshadows your own unique spirit, you end up creating a pattern that can easily lead to a perception of victimhood.
One can argue that if you create your own reality, mustn't reaction be part of creation? Indeed, in the true nature of things, this is correct. You exist, therefore you perceive. Perception is creation.
I just like to differentiate between actual creation, which originates from a soul-inspired passion for life, and reaction, a creation deriving from within the limits of human perception.
If true or not, conspiracy theories will keep you in a pattern of reaction and victimhood, muting the connection to your own spirit.
Interestingly, people who dig deep into conspiracy theories are actually looking for their own empowerment. Ironically, the deeper they dig, the further they get away from what they are looking for. Like the carrot hanging in front of the horse, the goal of freedom seems so close, if they just can resolve this next puzzle of hidden secrecy. However, behind one mystery is another one, and another one, and an entire web of complexity spans worldwide, which cannot be resolved.
You can try by spending a lifetime figuring out peoples motives. You can research political, business or other group agendas and how they relate to each other or impact the world. I certainly do believe that it is important to be aware of how things interact with each other. But you have to draw the line when what you believe to be the truth becomes a toxic influence that puts you in a defence mode. Otherwise, if you keep digging, you end up blocking your potentials and tools for creating a life that you actually want to live.
Keep in mind that nothing you will ever read or hear about conspiracy theories is the ultimate truth. You get bits and pieces of different people with different viewpoints and agendas. Some might be true; others might be made up. For most of us, it is not part of our destiny to unveil a hunger for power within the world, as this is already quite obvious.
Don't waste your energy on figuring out the distorted ways of people hunting an illusion of control.
Instead, household your energy wisely and contribute to true empowerment by expressing your own true self.
The "true self" is an awareness of senses that integrate human features but most importantly exists outside its limits of space, time and mind. It is unique, and it resides in an eternal state of freedom.
The shadows that many human experiences seem to cast on our soul are nothing but the veil we put over our intuition by looking outside ourselves for alignment.
The soul cannot be harmed, destroyed or held captive. Nobody can ever take away your soul, but you, as the human, can hide its power from yourself. You most likely don't do this intentionally, but as long as you look outside of yourself for answers about who you are, you play a game of seeking and hide, not realising that all you are looking for is inside.
I find this time we live in very interesting for this very fact.
The energies behind this current Covid-19 pandemic are broad and nuanced, but one is sticking out quite obviously: Uncertainty.
Something very familiar to me and probably most of those people devoting their life to discover themselves, going within and facing what's there. As I said before, you create your own reality - from within. Because of this, the energy dynamics outside of you will change once you shift your attention inside.
In the darkness of your inner universe, hidden behind various human agendas are aspects of fear, emptiness, pain and all sorts of unpleasant conditions. Being aware of those is a mature step in understanding who you are and why and how circumstances play out in your life.
Discovering what lies behind your perceived limits and weaknesses and exploring your potential means that you most often end up not following the usual roadmap of society's expectations.
Often, it feels like a pull from mass consciousness is trying to draw you back into its norms, standards, and limits. But the deeper you get in touch with yourself, the more intense the longing for free expression will get. Once you uncovered how your own feelings of powerlessness and lack of self-trust lead you to specific actions and dramas, you become very sensitive to other people's agendas as well.
The more you shift towards a more balanced life approach staying outside of drama and being in peace with your own energy, the less you will find yourself longing for interactions that introduce such imbalances into your life experience.
The process of getting there is what often creates circumstances and feelings of disconnection with the very world and people around you.
Suddenly you see the patterns and energies behind what is presented to you, and for the most part, you come to realise that our usual way of human life rather distracts us from where our true power lies. The constant need for approval highly increased through our utilisation of social media; the neverending fight between the contrasting poles of "good" and "bad", narrating the stories of victims and perpetrators - you simply don't feel the desire to be part of those games anymore. For the games are an illusion. You know that because you identified your own games. You know yourself; therefore, you understand the reality that is presented to you - because your reality is you.
A more balanced approach to life follows the discovery of your own power. Householding your own energy becomes an essential tool in staying in your own power while navigating throughout human realms.
To give the topic of current uncertainty a bit more playtime here, let's dive into it a little more as it is more present than ever.
Once Covid-19 started, we witnessed for the first time in this century that people - officials, government bodies, health authorities literally didn't know what to do. Nobody knew where it came from, nobody knew what to do, how to react. In the meantime, people died - a lot of people - and that increased panic even more.
It seemed each government applied their own approach to fighting the virus. Some gave it a strict lockdown response, while others tried to keep the economy going and rely on people's own decisions to "do the right thing". However, "doing the right thing" is defined differently by all of us. We might keep our distance from strangers, but the decision line is quite blurred when it comes to family and friends. When those close people fall sick, it's even harder to say what is right and what isn't. Depending on religious beliefs, scientific or emotional interpretation, there are just too many different opinions.
One year into the pandemic, we still don't really know how to react. Once we started thinking it's over, a new variant emerges and shakes up the entire planet. Times are uncertain, which leaves way for vulnerability, suspicion, blaming and speculations - basically the raw material for any good conspiracy theory.
Uncertainty is a gift and a curse depending on exactly how far you are on your way to taking responsibility for your own life.
Uncertainty asks you to shift towards your own creative power. It requires you to be grounded amidst chaos so that you can anchor yourself into your preferred reality. It literally paves the way for you to create your own reality by challenging you to go beyond your fears, beliefs and perceived limits.
If you choose so, uncertainty will lead you to trust in yourself, while outside of you, the wind of change is blowing your old reality apart. Making way for another aspect of you that then interacts with life on an entirely different level.
Sometimes those changes are so subtle you might not even recognise them. But, while you were taking the time to figure out what to do, what you actually want from life and how you will achieve it, something deep inside you gets triggered. The very soul of you likes when you ask those questions because many of us deny and suppress the fact that most time, what we do is not in alignment with what we actually want for ourselves.
Once you had a few breakdowns, you come to see the irony that we humans often and only then come in touch with our divine creative nature when we face significant trauma.
Uncertainty is probably the most human inconvenience we try to avoid. We are still very mind-focused beings rather than conscious entities. "Conscious", meaning, living soul awareness that integrates aspects of the human mind, heart and spirit - but - most importantly -, all senses that go beyond that.
For now, the mind still enthrones human life, and the condition of uncertainty feels like the toxic venom of a snake. And isn't that what really was introduced with Covid-19? Besides the physical illness, uncertainty was the virus that spread worldwide and shook up our systems to their very core. Economics crumbled, health crumbled, politicians crumbled, families crumbled, personalities crumbled and laid bare a new playground.
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Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash
Welcome to the new world!
In new age circles, it is common knowledge that we live in extraordinary times.
We were introduced to the concept of "The New Human" most dominantly in the early 60s, and it became a consistent notion from various channelers around the globe since then.
Going back to the term of the "Harmonic Convergence" in 1987, to the official announcement of the new age in 2012, we finally came to the point where we clearly see that change happens on every corner of this planet. Rapid change.
Demonstrations about and against common beliefs of any kind, be it sex, religion or race, global warming, misuse of power, and now the impact of the current pandemic.
We are all required to rethink our attitude and approach to life. We are all invited to challenge the way we lived and to step up our game.
There is no question that things can seem quite negative and sad if you look at the rate of death that happened through Covid-19. Or if we look at the number of dramatic videos emerging, making us witness acts of ill will, seeing people in power abusing the very same. The drama that comes with riots, protests, violence and proof of emotional immaturity could easily overshadow the subtle but persistent impact of powerful intentions for the greater good that also arise.
We are indeed shifting in a better direction. Those dramatic events happen because of the very shift in consciousness that continues to occur around the planet. People say "No!" to the old ways of living. Naturally, there will be those that cling to power and put up a fight when confronted by the idea of losing it.
There will be waves of adjustments, and given the variety of expression and viewpoints on this planet, we might never come to a point of oneness. Still, we start leaning in the direction of a joined agreement about sharing core values throughout society. Those new fundamental concepts will be implemented by industries such as business, politics, teaching, entertainment, and the vast majority of life on this planet.
Humanity is in labor, ready to birth a new system. Which system it will be, is up to - your perspective. You can use your creative energy to focus on others that tell you that we are all controlled and soon will be enslaved by 5G, Covid vaccines and microchips, or you use this time of uncertainty to take a step back. Step back and go inside, take a time-out and reflect and reshape your values and output.
This is indeed a time of many changes and uncertainty, but it can also be an opportunity to surf this new wave, transform and thrive. Things may never be "normal" again, but the old "normal" was never really something to settle for if we are honest. There is more opportunity for fairness, for emotional awareness and emotional maturity, there is more opportunity for inclusiveness and compassion in human interaction. Those are the things that happen as well, don't let the focal point of drama-based reactions and the contagious anxiety because of the unavoidable change be the compass for your own reality. Instead, take the opportunity and get to know yourself and sense who you are beyond the expectations, fears and limits of your human mind.
Be guided from within and then define what life means to you, and be assured that once you are in sink with your own truth, you will naturally create all things you need for your human reality.
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mehonaspace · 3 years
(Spiritual) Freedom - an unpopular opinion
(From Website: Mehona.Space - Blog Post: "The Covid Chronicles")
Sydney is currently in its fourth week of lockdown. The frustration grows with every new day, and so do the numbers of Covid infections and the uncertainty that accompanies them. Economic, financial, social and individual uncertainty all proves to be a challenge on political leaders and the mind of any individual involved and affected. While the pandemic ravages worldwide, I believe it has its most significant impact on first world countries. That's not to undermine the hardships of other parts of the world but to highlight how comfortable we feel in our entitlement and how different our definition and approach to so-called "freedom" are.
The challenges at hand; businesses are unsure if they will make it through the current restrictions due to loss of income. Individuals are left uncertain when they can get back to work or if their old job will still be available once lockdown has ended. People start questioning their freedom every new day as they long to go back to their old lives. This is indeed a simplified look-out, focusing on why people started to go on the streets and protest, not considering the circumstances of people who are now battling the virus and facing immediate health challenges.
Thousands of people protested yesterday in Sydney against the lockdown, breaching public health orders and demanding "freedom" from the restrictions the government implemented. Fueled by inflammatory media and coated with conspiracy theories, a fiery event of drama starts playing out big time. As of now, individuals affected by the lockdown get a weekly payment of up to $600 to assist them financially. Businesses receive another financial package, and while it may be true that it is not enough to cover expenses, people forget that it is a support payment - not an income. It is financial aid as an immediate response to a state of emergency. While protesters hold up signs for what they supposedly fight for, what they actually fight against can be found in most people's conversations with their friends. The most common complaint is "I watched all Netflix series that are available, I am bored", "I don't know what to do, I just want to be out and have fun again", "I don't know what to do with myself". The main issue first world countries face is not entirely about the economic impact on businesses; it's about the attack on their entitled comfort zone. There, you have it! Yes, the current situation impacts your mental health, "Karen", I understand, but to be honest, stop making more out of that as it is. You are not out on the streets for a genuine call for freedom. You are here because you couldn't stand to face yourself anymore. The loss of purpose that your job and everyday life provided you threatens your identity. It made room for a feeling of emptiness and boredom as the lockdown continued. You started reflecting on your life, and because your entitlement and comfort disabled your creativity to explore and expand your purpose, you start demanding your old life back. Suddenly, those conspiracy theories that you would have brushed off as utter non-sense years ago became very tempting. A welcomed distraction from the fact that you are too afraid to face yourself.
You threw stuff at mounted police yesterday in attempts to seduce a "perpetrator" that would prove your self-proclaimed victimhood. You demand "Freedom" while running away from the condition that would help you discover the true meaning of what you are asking. You shout "Wake Up, Sheeps" while you are running with the herd in the hamster wheel of complaining and blaming. No sight of true empowerment; you only contribute to perpetuating the same drama that we had before. There is nothing new, enlightening or revolutionary that you provide. Your concern for freedom and empowerment is at its loudest when asked to wear a mask and stay at home. You stayed quiet all year while profiting from your advantaged lifestyle that denies your freedom demands in other parts of the world. Parts that contribute to your comfortable, stylish and entitled life but have limited access to those aspects in their own home country.
Surfing on the wave of new-age spirituality, you tell people to "make a change", but your call for freedom is a testimony of how ready you are to go back to the same jail cell. Your inability to discover your own creative nature leaks through your requests for freedom. The fact that you feel suppressed while still having all the comfort of western life (e.g. running water, electricity, food, entertainment devices) is a joke in the face of struggles that people in Cuba, Ethiopia, Madagascar, and other disadvantaged countries experience.
If you want to be part of the spiritual revolution, start by facing yourself. Start by emitting a balanced vibration in the face of crisis rather than fueling the fear and drama that transforms people into brainless rioters.
You believe the government created conditions and circumstances to take away your freedom. In reality, life gave you an opportunity to find true freedom where it always has been - within you. Use your energy to fuel your potential for a genuine change in how we approach life and be the beacon of liberty that you claim to be.
The current crisis is a challenge that holds potential for new ways of business, economics and a much needed new evaluation of how we value social life and job wages like such in health or social work.
So next time when you protest for "freedom", ask yourself if it is for true liberty or simply a demand to get back your entitlement to reap the benefits of a broken system.
If you cannot find temporary freedom in your own four walls while getting financial aid and having the comfort of western life, you simply don't value your actual freedom.
If you cannot find a connection to your own creative nature to handle a few weeks of lockdown, ask yourself if this might be a good time to push the emotional and mental boundaries. Go beyond your fragility and  explore your true potential. Don't ask others to help you reinforce your identity and giving you security.
Reinvent yourself to come out of this stronger. The freedom and benefits of the first world still provide all of us with enough tools to create liberty and expand our potential!
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