#He's got such a deadpan voice most of the time but when he is HAPPY you hear it
mrfoox · 9 months
The amount of happiness I get from one good friend sounding happy and telling me a story is unreal
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lovebugism · 3 months
can i request angst☹️☹️shy!reader barely ever talking and being soo hyperaware of everything and steve slowly breaks her out of her shell? then she overhears him saying she talks too much and she just feels bad and reverts into herself
Angst w happy endingn if possible please ily!!🫶🏼
ty for requesting!! — steve tells you he likes when you talk a lot (shy!fem!r, hurt/comfort, established relationship, 1k)
Your smile is wide and unknowing. Steve thinks there’s something extra special about it because you don’t even realize it’s there. “—And since Eddie was working the register, he let me take one of the new tapes for free. You know, to try it or whatever, and he was all like, ‘flattery works with me,’ and I was like, Steve would keel over if he was here right now.”
A giggle spills from your mouth when your rambling ceases, lips curling and eyes crinkling.
Steve blinks at you with his own absentminded beam, too busy thinking about how pretty you are to react properly to your story. 
Your smile sobers slightly. “What?”
“Nothing,” he assures with the shake of his neatly styled head, rogue strands of chestnut hair draping his forehead. He shrugs and leans his elbows over the Family Video counter you stand across. “You’re just… You’re talking a lot. ’S nice.”
Your face heats. Your chest burns with a similar fire. Your eyes widen ‘cause you didn’t realize that you hadn’t shut up until now. “Oh… Sorry—”
“No, it’s good!” he tells you, laughing. “It’s a compliment.”
“Is it?”
“Yeah! I mean, I used to have to bribe you to get you to talk about your day. Remember that?”
Benny’s Burgers was your very best friend at the start of your relationship. Steve would always buy your dinner — not in exchange for you to talk exactly, but in the hopes that the additional time spent with you would help you open up. It did. Most of the time, anyway.
Your nose scrunches. “I thought you took me out because you liked me?”
“I took you out ‘cause I liked you and because the sugar rush from the milkshakes made you talk more.”
You nod once. “Right.”
The conversation ebbs. The store gets eerily silent without your voices to fill it. Steve, undeterred by the lapse in dialogue, flashes you a lopsided smile. “Wanna show me the tapes you bought?”
“Yeah,” you murmur and push off the counter. 
Steve watches you over his shoulder while you saunter down the hallway where your bag is kept. The breakroom door squeals open and shut again. A voice sounds suddenly from beside him. “Nice job, dingus,” Robin chides, gritty and montoned.
His head snaps to the other side, brows twisted with confusion. “What?”
“You hurt her feelings,” she answers like it’s obvious, dropping a stack of VHS tapes on the counter with a heavy thud.
“I didn’t even say anything!”
“You said she was talking a lot.”
“I said that I liked it!”
Robin rolls her ocean-blue eyes, huffing ‘cause he’s too oblivious to get the point. “Yeah, but if I said, Wow, you have a ton of gel in your hair— but it’s styled really nice today, it’d give you a whole complex. Wouldn’t it?”
The make-believe compliment is dreadfully backhanded. Steve’s face floods with a gentle horror, the realization of a fallacy he hadn’t realized he’d made. “Shit…”
“Exactly,” Robin deadpans. “Now go take care of your girlfriend, dingus.”
He finds you in the breakroom, idling in place. You’ve got the cassettes in your hands, and you fidget with them between anxious fingers — like you were planning to come out sometime, but not quite yet. 
You tense when the door creaks open, relaxing again when Steve enters.
“Whatcha doing?” he wonders with a crooked, pink smile.
“Getting the tapes,” you answer in a mousy voice, waving the pieces of plastic in your hand.
The door clicks shut behind him. He inches towards you, fond and terribly soft with it. “I missed you,” he confesses in a faint murmur. His wide palms settle on your sides. You warm instantly under his touch.
“I was gone for two seconds,” you respond with a quiet laugh.
“Yeah. And I felt like I was dying.”
You meet his pout with a small smile, blinking up at him with sparkling doe eyes. “You’re so dramatic.”
“I just love being around you, alright? Sue me,” he argues, squeezing softly at your hips. With a quieter smile, he confesses, “And when I said you were talking a lot— I didn’t mean anything by it, you know?”
You’d disappeared back here because you thought it was something silly to be so upset over. He’d told you it was a compliment, but it didn’t really feel like one. Your brain refused to be anything other than hurt by his well-intentioned remarks. The ache in your chest became unignorable, and you shrunk inside yourself accordingly.
“I know,” you murmur.
“I love hearing you talk,” he tells you, shy smirk widening to a lopsided beam. “It’s my favorite thing in the whole world, actually.”
Your lips purse to the side. Your anxious hands fidget with the plastic cassettes in your palms, aching to hold him. It takes you a moment or more to find the courage to speak. “I’m just… I’m normally super aware of… when I’m talking too much, you know? I was just… Excited, I guess.”
“You were. And it was really fuckin’ cute.” A laugh sputters from his lips. He wears all the love he has for you in the deep honey of his eyes, rich and swimming with warmth. “I love seeing you happy.”
“Well, you make me happy…” you whisper, gaze averted. “So, it fits…”
“Yeah, it does,” he murmurs in response, ducking down to kiss you. It’s chaste and terribly fleeting — lips locking together one moment and then smacking in protest when they separate the next. 
It takes your eyes a second too long to flutter open again after he’s pulled back from you. You find Steve already grinning as he nods to the tapes in your hands. “Wanna pop those into the radio? So we can listen to ‘em while I work?”
Your brows pinch with a distant worry. “Won’t Keith get mad?” 
“Probably,” Steve answers with an uncaring shrug. “You don’t have to worry about him, alright? I’ll take care of you.”
You melt.
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chuluoyi · 7 months
drunken angel
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- nanami kento x reader
shibuya? what shibuya? nanami's picking me up right now!
genre/warnings: fluff, comfort
note: they did say... delulu is solulu
series masterlist | oneshot masterlist
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You giggled uncontrollably as you were seated in the backseat of a cab.
"Kentooo," you gripped his necktie with this ridiculously wide grin on your face. The world was a really happy place for you now, even if it was a little spinning and you felt a bit foggy.
Nanami sighed, resigned. It wasn't typical for you to get drunk, but when you did, you became quite a handful. “Come now.”
You let out a whine, and as he himself took a seat beside you, you wrapped your arm around his waist, nuzzling your face into him.
—and clingy. You became at least thrice clingier than you usually do.
"Love you, mwah!" you slurred with literal hearts in your eyes, batting your lashes at him. Nanami maintained a deadpan expression while looking at you.
Still, he couldn't deny the thumping of his own heart when those words slipped from your sweet lips, thinking how absolutely adorable you were while at it.
He had been scheduled for a mission near Shibuya, anticipating a night of exorcising curses and returning to find you asleep in your shared apartment. But no, something seemed to have irked you tonight as you went and got wasted, and he found it out only after you called him in your drunken stupor, asking to be picked up.
Of course, he would come to get you. Finishing off those measly curses swiftly, he hurried to your location in no time at all.
You looked up at him with watery eyes, frowning at his lack of reply. “Kento, y'know that… right? Riiight?”
"I do," he gruffly replied, mindful of the taxi driver's amused chuckle. "Don't talk too much now. You're drunk."
"But I want to talk, Kento!"
Nanami shot an apologetic glance at the driver through the rearview mirror, and adjusted your position so that you could rest your head more comfortably on his shoulder.
"I love your smile," you sighed against the soft fabric of his suit. "You look most handsome when you do..."
“Hmm?" Nanami watched you, feeling his face getting warmer despite himself. Okay, you were a clingy drunk, but you were sweet.
"And I love... how considerate you are..."
"But... I just wish... you would take care of yourself more."
Your words caught him off guard. "I already do, love."
"You don't," you spat petulantly, your gaze dropping with dejection.
"How so?"
You were no longer bubbly—you looked like you had been awake for three days straight and it finally caught up to you, as you finally succumbed to exhaustion. You had the appearance of a kicked puppy and Nanami swore you were the cutest girl he knew while being drunk.
"You're always rushing headfirst into danger. You'd do anything for kids. Especially that… Itadowi kid!" you pointed out with a deep crease on your forehead, clearly dissatisfied.
It wasn’t the first time. Nanami knew better—he didn’t miss the worry in your eyes as you saw him off, and the evident relief on your face as you hugged him whenever he came back. It was just that you didn’t voice it as much.
“I’m just… worried that…” you mumbled with a pout, totally heartbroken, “one day… you might…”
And the fact that you still felt like that even in your half-conscious state… his heart broke a little inside.
He waited for you to continue with somewhat of a bated breath, when suddenly you leaned back on the seat and pressed your eyes together, wincing, “Ah… my head’s spinnin’”
Nanami’s face flashed with surprise and then understanding as he clasped your hand in reassurance. “Soon. We’ll arrive at our place soon. You’re going to bed then, okay?”
Even when he knew that getting drunk warranted your current state, it still made something inside him churn with concern. Nanami never liked seeing you in any kind of discomfort, no matter how trivial it was.
Upon returning to your place, Nanami took charge. He helped you change into your sleepwear, and gently removed your makeup as best as he could (he confused cleanser with micellar water). Even as your vision swayed and blurred, you recognized the way he lifted you and carried you to the bed, carefully tucking you in to ensure you were settled in as comfortably as possible.
You had this dopey smile on your face as soon as he slipped beside you in his own pajamas, blearily looking at him.
“Kento, you’re…” you whispered, still under the alcohol’s influence and yet sounded so incredibly sincere. “You’re s’good to me…”
Gods, so endearing, Nanami thought to himself. It felt nice to hear you say that, but more than that, you were completely vulnerable, trusting him entirely with your essence, and you were his—his cherished angel.
“Don’t go…” you added, the smile vanished into a sad frown. “Don’t ever leave me…”
"I won't," he replied firmly, cupping your cheeks and pressing his lips on your temple. "I'm not going anywhere, yeah? You have nothing to worry about."
It was never in him to to say much, but when he did, he meant every word of it.
“Mmm, but…”
"Sleep now, love," he muttered, enveloping you in his embrace. He pulled the covers around both of you. Nestled in his sturdy arms, you fit perfectly. His hands rubbed up and down your spine, and you sighed.
“Mmm, wuv you so, so much,” you slurred for the nth time tonight, eyes closing and a step away from going to dreamland.
In that moment, Nanami made a silent vow to do whatever it took to ensure you remained safe and happy like this always.
You were the reason—the only person for whom he would set the world ablaze, even at his own expense.
Ah, but he wouldn’t let that happen now, would he? How was he supposed to put a ring on your finger if he was gone?
“I love you too… my dearest.”
. . .
and you thought then, that you just had the most beautiful dream—one where you were right where he was.
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bitchimasnake-sss · 7 months
"my girlfriend's a nerd" ft. the monster trio!
self explanatory self-indulgent drabbles to soothe my book!loving ass
ft. luffy, zoro and sanji x fem! reader
set-up: you like books, he likes you that's it
warnings: none lmao this is very sfw. one might call it wholesome even.
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thats my baby ^^
— im not even sure if this mf can read 😭😭
— honestly 9/10 chance he can't but when has that ever stopped him from being our most supportive himbo king
— go king give us everything!!
— he doesn't get why you read books when instead you can be like sleeping or eating or looking at the sea but well, he doesn't question it
— he just thinks it's a weird hobby you have (i don't think he's aware of how freakishly illiterate he is)
— but just cause he thinks it's weird that doesn't mean he wouldn't hug you half-asleep when he hears you sobbing into the dead of the night or he wouldn't listen with keen interest when you explain the plot of your favourite book as he wraps his arms around you and hums into your hair
— will 100% offer to fight the author/ tear up the book everytime he sees you having a breakdown over a particular scene/character
"who should I kill?!" the deadpan seriousness in his voice is what terrifies you
"nobody! I'm okay–"
— after you explain to him that hurting somebody is not necessary and you're fine, he will try to coddle you with extended hugs and food (lots and lots and lots of food).
"yn you should eat something! should I get you something to eat??" you can hear the panic in this poor boys voice 😭😭
"no luffy, its okay. im fine!" you say through sniffs and snorts, eyes bloodshot from crying over ink on paper
"brb" and he gets you dinner enough for 5 people because that's how he knows to comfort you (willingly took sanjis kicks and namis punches to accomplish this mission)
— since he's a clingy little child, he will hold onto you some way or the other when you're reading
— you're reading in your room while he's fast asleep? his arm is draped across your waist lazily. you're on the other side of the deck, sunbathing and reading? his hand is stretched out from where he's sitting and on your thigh (ussop tripped thrice over his hand, rip god ussop 🙏) . you're reading during breakfast cause the book just got so good? his toe is rubbing your calf up and down periodically (he won't stop no matter how many weird looks you give him)
— conclusion: he doesn't at all get it what it is, but if it makes you happy he will spend all the berries in the world to buy you those books (plz know if you actually ask him to jokingly off an author for killing your favourite character, he will do it. please don't ask him that.)
— he's just so supportive and nice 😭😭
"my girlfriends a nerd, I love her" (ussop explained to him what a nerd was and now he's introducing you like this to everybody)
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the shades tho 😎
— I'm convinced this mf can't read either
— even he can there's like literally no evidence to prove it and the entire crew has come to the conclusion that he gets lost even with clear directions because he just can't read please 😌👌
— at the start, he actually thinks it's dead stupid to invest so much time reading books when you can do other stuff like getting stronger, sleeping, literally doing anything else (luffy backs up his opinion with full enthusiasm)
— i mean like he's seen you sob at 7 in the morning over breakfast cause your fav character died and now he's confused as to why are you spending money and buying books if they make you cry so hard (he doesn't understand the concept of angst im afraid)
— but over time he just accepts it as something you enjoy and well, if it makes you happy then who is he to question it?
— acts like he doesn't care/isn't listening when you're rambling about the plot and how thE MAIN CHARACTER IS IN LOVE WITH HIS ENEMY AND VICE VERSA SKEJFHSJKSN but is actually fully listening
— he's actually invested at one point
"but they are enemies? why does he wanna be with him?"
"you don't get it! thats the appeal!!"
"the appeal is forcing a knife on somebody's throat?" he's laughing, "as if you'd enjoy it if i threatened you with my swords"
"... i would actually enjoy that"
he is now asking nami for loan to send you to a therapist (nami has seen you nosebleed over fictional characters and is considering giving money away to zoro for free. you really do need help.)
— as I said, he's invested now (although he does question your taste every now and then) but he'd force you to either summarize the plot to him as he trains or read out loud so he can hear the story as it goes.
— so naturally you're now sitting on his back, reading out loud as he does push-ups
— this beloved himbo has now formed strong opinions about characters and will battle you with headcanons because "there's no fucking way the hero would ever go back to the villain after that! that's ridiculous! if he does I'll sell my swords off."
— will remember the stuff you told him, no matter how trivial, so if you get off an island and he spots a keychain from your fav book series he's spending whatever money he has left to buy you it
"oh excellent choice! who are you buying it for?" the shopkeeper lady questions aloud
"oh, my girlfriend." he's smiling, "my girlfriends a nerd."
— actually looks forward to you telling him all the plot details and jokes at this point (one might call him a part of the fandom now)
— when you're a crying, sobbing mess because a character died, he's genuinely comforting you (no matter how bad he is at it)
"yn it's okay, you want some sake?" he is hugging you, patting your head like you're a child
"no 😭😭" you sob harder into his chest
"well... that's the best i can offer"
he tried. it's not his fault you don't wanna drink your feelings away.
— conclusion: he started off thinking its stupid and now he's an honorary nerd. would never admit it though. stubborn asshole.
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he's actually so pretty tho ^^
— he actually liked reading books before you even joined the crew although his tbr consists of cookbooks and auto-biographies about the people he has some interest in
— he started reading so that he could impress zeff with his knowledge on cooking and other miscellaneous stuff (imagine kid!sanji reading a book till late night under a lamp cause he wants to impress his old man that's so cute 😭😭)
— respects your hobbies when he finds out you like reading
— and then he sees your book collection. whY ARE THERE LIKE 5000 BOOKS HERE?! NOW HES SCARED FOR YOUR SANITY CAUSE GIRL WTF
— he hears you recommend a book to robin/nami once and now he's running to the nearest bookstore on the next island you guys land on to buy it
— he obviously did it to impress you and win you over but goddamn that book was actually pretty nice. so, the next time he asks you for recommendations he's actually a bit sincere
— now you're both in a book club of your own (which makes luffy mad cause why are you leaving him out of conversations :/)
— like zoro, he often asks for updates on the book you're currently reading while he cooks everyone food. he loves hearing you talk about the things you like.
— when he sees you crying over books, he is making you sweet stuff to soothe you, holding you and rubbing your back supportingly, peppering kisses to make you feel better
— he's so fine 😫😫
— anyways, also def the kind of person to ask you to roleplay things in real life
"yn-saaaan" his voice is bubbly, "can i ask you something?"
"the last book you read–" his face is going a little bit red, "you think we can maybe... do that irl?"
now it's your turn to go red
— but no fr, he's so so supportive of your little hobby like yes baby! read those books and have fun imagining people in your head
— 100% matches your vibe when you crush on fictional characters cause "you're right. he is actually very attractive" (a bi king we love)
— once zoro made fun of you for reading and this was his response: "you can't even read, mosshead. the next time you speak shit I'll kick your ass."
now they are fighting while ussop, luffy and chopper laugh in the background
— but yes he loves staying up late, reading with you before you both cuddle and fall asleep
— you once read about a specific sort of dish in a book and mentioned that it sounds delicious so now obviously he has to go make that dish. it doesn't matter if it's 1 am at night.
— when nami asks him what he's cooking, he just smiles and shrugs, "i dunno either, im just trying to make yn happy. she's such a nerd"
— conclusion: an enabler, an enthusiast. this man is ready to buy you books and then read them if it makes you happy. only the finest for his favourite lady <3
a/n: enjoy my wayward thoughts about these fine men!
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pixiesfz · 20 days
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so long london v.m x r
plot: the lead up to vivs departure
warning: mostly fluff and some angst
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You were mad.
You knew another contract wasn’t going to be made for Viv when she came home and told you that he never played her at Everton.
She had scored the most goals whilst being managed under his name, she was amazing at the game. She was a defender's worst nightmare.
You would know you used to be one.
It was when you played for City. No matter how hard you tried, every single game she scored past you. It made you angry whenever her name was on their starting sheet but of course, she would have been on the starting sheet.
She was the best number 11 the WSL had ever had.
Your hate grew into an admiration for the Dutch whenever she shook your hand with a smile “Good match” she would always say “Good goal” you said back, and she shrugged “You made it very hard for me”.
You both would laugh before returning to your teams.
You never realized that your cheeks blushed whenever she shook your hand a bit too long or smiled whenever the ball turned around and she had to turn into a defensive player.
She always used her hands to hold your hips after you got rid of the ball, stopping herself from bodying you over.
You were both relatively shy off the field, whenever there was an event and the teams were allowed to talk you both never talked together by yourselves, always just in a group of people but you always found yourselves looking at one another.
It drove your teammates insane.
Then when the next season arose you were told you would be put on loan to Arsenal, just for a season to let you have more experience with other players as you took over for Leah Williamson as she was out with an ACL injury. You were Manchester blue through and through.
You would be welcome back at any time.
When the news was announced you got many supportive messages from both red and blue teams. Steph, your captain wishes you luck, some of the younger girls shuttered you wouldn’t be there to sneak them treats at games, and some of the Arsenal girls were excited about your arrival.
You quickly become friends with Katie, also already being friends with your Australian teammates.
You were very excited when Viv’s name popped up on your phone late at night.
Viv_miedema: Welcome to Arsenal, I’m very happy you're on my team now even if it is just for a short while (:
You blushed and replied, thanking her.
It wasn’t long until you were training, film camera near you to document your first training. It wasn’t too bad, you were comfortable, but you had to stop yourself from yelling out the wrong names at certain times.
Katie laughed at you when you stuttered with a name but Viv slyly walked from behind and whispered their name from behind you.
“Vivvy the hero” Katie cooed before the tall women walked away, unbeknownst to you with blushed cheeks.
The first week was over and you had opted to sit out on the first game, choosing to sit next to Leah on the bench so you both could analyse and she could teach you more about the team. You were scared the English Captain would not want to help you, scared you would be replacing her but she was nice.
She wanted what was best for her team and she knew it was you.
Your homework session had worked when at training you had easily gotten the ball off a majority of your teammates and kicked it away.
Viv watched you with a smile, determination written on your face.
Katie, her defender scoffed “What?” Viv asked “I can’t believe I didn’t notice this until now,” she said and Viv quirked her brows “What?” she questioned again and Katie gave her a deadpan look “You have a crush on City” she said, using her nickname she gave you.
Viv widened her eyes “No” her voice grew quiet “and Katie covered her mouth in shock “Oh my god you actually fucking do” she said, excitement taking over her as Viv slapped her arm “Shoosh” she shushed Katie.
“How long?”
“We are at training.”
“Balls at the other end”
“Katie” Viv grumbled and Katie laughed, already scheming in her mind.
You were happy in the training, making sure to high-five Leah who laughed at the energy you still had.
Caitlin slapped your back in the changing room as you were untying your shoes “I have an idea” she started off and you shook your head “No, your ideas suck”
“This is a good idea I promise,” she told you and you looked at Steph for help who looked away “Don’t drag me into this”.
You sighed and sat up “what is it?”
“Wanna come on a double date with me?” she asked and you stood up to walk away but she grabbed your wrist, sitting you back down “Please? She asked again, giving you puppy eyes and you sighed “Who is it?” you asked, and the girl clapped her hands, excitedly.
She never told you who the girl you were going on a date with looked like she just told you it was one of Katie's friends, which made you feel a bit better. Katie had a good eye and would only befriend people with good intentions.
“Not that I want to start dating a total stranger but how do I look?” you asked Caitlin and Steph who were sitting on the couch waiting for you to finish getting ready.
You wore a simple pair of denim jeans and a nice-fitting top that sat nicely around your arms. Your hair was up but it was curled.
“You look nice” Steph smiled and Caitlin smirked at her phone “You might need to bring a jacket” Steph yelled out when you turned to your room “No!”
“Your date must give you theirs”.
“I might just put one in the car though, girls are usually the same size so it won’t be oversized Stephy,” you said, using hand gestures to make Caitlin laugh “I’m just trying to romanticize this up a little bit okay, leave me alone”
“All right, we will cause we got to go”.
You played with your fingers in the car, tempted to text Viv asking her to pick you up as Caitlin drove.
The more you thought about it the more you wanted to be in her presence rather than a random girl you had never met in North London.
You looked up to Caitlin who looked back at you with a smile, comforting you “Okay” you replied and walked out of the car “Katie and the girl is already there” Caitlin told you as you both walked in “Why don’t you use her name-“ you trailed off before you saw a smirking Katie and a dazed Viv.
“What?” Caitlin smirked “You didn’t think I picked up on your little crush, I’ve noticed this since you were still at City”
“I’m going to kill you,” you told her before you walked up to the two girls “hey babe,” Caitlin said, kissing Katie on the cheek as you and Viv looked at each other “uh hi” you blushed and Viv’s hands rubbed over her thighs “Hi” she smiled back.
Katie and Caitlin looked at you both hesitantly, scared they had crossed a line but when you sat down and filled both of your cups with water they knew they had just given you the right push you both needed.
Now for their last step.
“I actually wasn’t feeling that good” Katie piped up and Caitlin placed her hand on top of yours “Really, should we get you back home?”
Caitlin definitely was not an actor.
“Yeah maybe” Katie sighed, and Viv turned around “Should I take you back?” she asked and Katie shook her head “I drove so I can take her back myself,” Caitlin said “You two stay, Viv can drive you back later,” Katie said before they both quickly got up and walked away, you and Viv watched as they giggled with each other through the window.
“Do they know-“ “No they definitely do not” Viv answered your question as you both laughed “How are you?” you asked the girl who sat up “You don’t want to leave?” she questioned and you shook your head “I mean we’re already here and Caitlin left her card” you smirked, holding up the card that your friend had left on the table.
Viv smirked and then laughed “That’s good because I didn’t want to leave either,” she said and you blushed “Well that’s good”.
You both would label that as your first date, even if it wasn’t planned by the both of you but it didn’t stop you both from going on more. It was on the fourth date that Viv acted differently and it worried you a bit, she was short with her answers and kept on fumbling with her hands.
It was in the car when you figured out “Are you okay?” You asked and she furrowed her eyebrows “Of course” she said and you nodded “You’re just acting a little bit weird I guess” You shrugged and Viv opened her mouth to answer but nothing came out “Viv?” you asked and she shook her head “Can you close your eyes?” she asked with a blushed face, she usually wasn’t the one to blush so you smiled “okay” you obliged and closed your eyes, facing her.
You felt her soft hands grasp your chin and your lips parted at the feeling before she leaned her lips to yours, you smiled before reaching your own hands out to her and pulling her a bit closer as you kissed for the first time, you both smiled into the kiss and only leaned away when you both had to breathe.
“You don’t have to be nervous to kiss me” you assured her and pulled her in again and she graciously kissed you back.
Since Viv technically kissed you first, you decided you would be the one to pop the question for the Dutchie to be your girlfriend. It was on a rare free day and instead of being incognito at the men's City game, you took her to the restaurant where you went on your first date.
“This is cute” Viv hummed as you took her to the same table you sat at the first time, still with two spare seats next to you to represent your missing friends.
You fumbled with your rings the entire time as you waited for the right time to ask her but Viv being the most observant person ever reached her hands out to yours, covering them “Are you okay?” she asked and you nodded your head “yep” you said, your voice squeaky.
Viv quirked her brow at you, not believing you and you took a deep breath “I was just wondering” you said before Viv smiled at you, calming you “If you would like to be my official girlfriend?”
Viv squeezed your hands and smiled “I thought you would never ask” she teased you “You knew!” you realized and she shrugged “Katie is very bad at keeping secrets”.
Viv felt like home.
So when your loan had finished and you had to choose between City and Arsenal you chose to stay at Arsenal for another six months on a contract.
You watched as one night Viv landed weirdly on her knee, her knee had been bothering her weirdly and this would definitely not help. Then when she had felt slightly better Jonas put her back on the field.
You hoped it wouldn’t be too early.
And It almost felt like everything would be fine, especially when she shot a goal against Liverpool, you were quick to run from the other end of the field to jump in her arms.
“I’m so proud of you” you whispered into her ear and used your arms to hide yourself kissing the side of her neck.
She laughed, squeezing you and light-heartedly telling you to get back to your position.
Then she was sent off, Alessia going on for her, you saw her wobble on her knee.
You went off shortly after, subbing on for Leah as she had returned from injury.
You sat next to her on the bench, laying your jacket over both of your legs before reaching your hand down to draw circles on her knee which she nodded at you..
You should’ve seen the signs from Jonas that he was trying to ice Viv out and you hated yourself for not. You held her in her house when she sobbed into your shirt, scared that her knee was going to end her career.
All you could do was hold her.
You were frustrated for her, even when her knee was healed Jonas still didn’t play her, at first you thought it was out of fear but it wasn’t until the last Everton game you realized it could be because he just purely didn’t want to.
You were near the boundary line, watching as Viv stood up, ready to go on and you smiled at her, she smiled back with a nod. Fans cheered as they thought Viv was returning to the field and so did you.
Your smile fell as you watched Jonas walk up to her and pull her back forcefully, turning her to the bench.
You felt hot, anger that had been bubbling had now spilled over, all you saw was red and it wasn’t because you had Arsenal girls surrounded before you.
“Oi!” you yelled out to Jonas as Viv also defended herself “Touch her like that again and I’ll fucking quit! You want to win? Put her on!”
You ran away back to your position, immediately regretting your actions as Katie patted your back “I’m sorry” you said and she crossed her head “Don’t be” was all she said before running back to her spot.
Jonas took you off after the next goal, Lotte going on after you.
You felt defeated as you looked at your manager, tears pricking at your eyes as you could’ve just possibly ruined your career. You were only brought back into reality when a comforting hand grabbed yours.
Viv who also had tears in her eyes “Can we leave?” you ask and she nodded as you both shook hands with your teammates on the bench and walked through the tunnel to go home.
When you reached Viv’s home she turned to you, locking the doors.
“How long do you have left of your contract?” she asked and you threw your head back, trying to remember “End of the season”
“He’s not giving me a new contract” she admitted and you shot up “Viv-“ “City always said they’d have you back right?” she asked and you nodded your head “I get reminded every transfer season”
“I’m leaving Arsenal,” she said as if it was the first time she had admitted it to yourself.
“I don’t want to be at Arsenal if there’s no you,” you told her and she smiled, tears now starting to run down her face “What about at City?” Viv asked and you smiled “really?” you ask and she nodded
“I want to play with you- I want to stay with you.”
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blkkizzat · 6 months
𝙅𝙅𝙆 𝙈𝙚𝙣 𝙁𝙖𝙫 𝘼𝙡𝙩 𝙁𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙠 ♡
FOOT JOBS ft. Suguru Geto x Reader m.list
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summary: Suguru loves your feet and you are about to find out just how much. ♡
cw: foot jobs, dirty talk, slight dubcon, slight femdom, cum eating, Suguru being freak nasty. a/n: everyone be proud of me because the first time ever I promised I would release a fic on a day and it came out on that day. Look at god bitch, it's a miracle, lmfao. wc: 1.7k slightly black fem coded, no descriptors
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Suguru is a freak. This should be a surprise to no one. 
There’s a lot of kinky shit this man is into. However not wanting to scare you away he will gently ease you into his profound depravities as the relationship progresses.
When it came to feet It's not like it was hard for you to figure out Suguru was partial to yours. As a good boyfriend Suguru paid for all your manis and pedis but he was always giving you extra to be sure you got the upgraded spa pedicure too. When you got home he never missed the opportunity to give compliments on how good the colors looked on your pretty toes to contrast your skin, how soft your feet were, etc.
However his bigger kink revelations always caught you off guard as they stemmed from the most innocent interactions. 
You learned Suguru liked foot jobs from simply brushing his hair.
You and Suguru often found yourselves in this position. You were sitting on the sofa with Suguru situated between your legs on the floor in front of you while you brushed through his pristine locks after a wash day.
Suguru brings his arms over your legs to wrap around him, pulling them into his lap. 
Content with this position, he will occasionally give your legs affectionate pats and lean down to place chaste kisses on your knees while you watch TV together.
You giggle from the tickle of his kisses. 
Times like this were a happy place for you and you hummed contently as you continued brushing his hair not realizing this time your pretty freshly manicured toes were also brushing against Suguru’s cock. 
Suguru on the other hand noticed right away and his hands flexed into fists over his knees as he tried not to be turned on by your innocent movements. 
Yet the soft caress of your feet over his bulge with the gentle hum of your voice was slowly driving him crazy with need.
Suguru has little to no willpower when it comes to you so he isn’t able to hold back for long at all. 
You gasped dropping the brush to the floor when you felt the soles of your feet being pressed against his bulge. Suguru was forcing your feet to cup his fully bricked up dick over his sweats. 
Surprised, you jerk back instinctively but your legs and feet are kept firmly in place by Suguru’s massive hands around your ankles.
Suguru leans his head back into your lap to look up at you, his long hair splaying across your bare thighs. He may have been looking at you upside down right now but his fiery eyes full of lust pierce you all the same, sending a familiar heat into your belly.
The cute peaceful moment of watching tv and pampering your boyfriend ruined because your boyfriend now decided he wanted his cock pampered by your feet.
Seeing you deadpan, Suguru quickly turns needy. 
Yet, Suguru in depravity mode is anything but whiney. 
His voice is seductive, low and husky. The slow drawl of his words when he begs you never fails to make you wet.
“Please baby. You’ll do this for me, right Y/N?” 
Not waiting for your reply Suguru releases shallow breaths while rubbing both your feet down his length, pressing down gently to curve your feet to mold even more against the shape of his cock.
“Need to feel those pretty tootsies wrap around my cock, babe.”
You can feel him twitching beneath your feet as the heat of his cock radiated through his sweats. 
As much as you may initially balk at his kinks, you can’t deny how attracted you are to him when he is trying to coax you into doing something absolutely filthy. 
Suguru’s eyes dramatically lull back into his head and his lips part a bit wider to release a moan when he feels you flex your foot against his cock of your own will. He wants you to know just how much he needs this.
You smile down at him, giving in to his pleas but with conditions. 
“Fine Sugu, but you're taking me to get another pedicure tomorrow.”
Those were more than acceptable terms to Suguru and no sooner than you uttered “Fine” Suguru had already pulled back his sweats to free his aching cock from its confines. 
His veiny length sprang back up to hit his stomach. 
“Someone’s eager I see.” 
You muse watching the way Suguru’s girthy red tip was already leaking as it swayed, twitching in anticipation.
“Very. You have the sexiest fucking feet I’ve ever seen Y/N. God, you don’t know how long I have wanted to feel them on my dick, princess.”
You blush heavily as heat runs down your body and your pulse increases. 
You have never even thought of doing something like this before, it really wasn’t your thing. But you are turned on by his words despite yourself and you bite your lip hoping you would do a good enough job for him. 
Scooting your bottom up to the very edge of the sofa with your feet still in Suguru’s lap, your left foot supports his cock upright while the right plays with the tip. Hooking your toes over the leaky slit on his cockhead you collect precum and spread it over his length with the ball of your foot earning you a low hiss of approval from him.
It isn’t long until his slick makes it easy to use both feet to encompass his dick, sliding them down to the base. Encouraged by his groans, you gently roll his cock between the arches of your feet before you return back to the top to tease his fat tip and repeat the motions again.
Leaning back onto you, Suguru has a vice grip on your thighs. He’s transfixed by the skillfulness of your feet but it's so hard to keep his eyes open and focused when you are working him over so well.
You’re so good at this he can’t help but praise you (and also tease you a little).
“Ah, H-Hah! Shit baby, you’re too gonna milk me dry. Sure you haven’t done this before, Y/N?”
You rolled your eyes.  Not that he can see you anyway as his own eyes are glued to your toes rubbing down cock as you go a bit further this time to fondle his sack as well.
“As if! You're the one who is the dirty ass perv Sugu!”
Suguru doesn’t miss the playfulness in your voice but fuck calling him a pervert while jacking him off with your feet activated something within in him. 
“Shit, Y/N yeah that’s it.. Fuck, baby! Tell me how dirty I am for loving how these gorgeous slutty toes are tickling my balls. Looks like I’ve discovered a hidden talent of yours babe, who knew you were just as good with your feet?”
You’re glad Suguru can’t see you. 
You’re still blushing hard but even more embarrassing is the heavy lidded look of lust on your face as you really begin to enjoy the power you have over him. 
You’re making him crumble into pieces by a little fondling of his dick with your feet. 
“F-Fuck. Gonna come so soon already princess. Keep it up.”
You knew he was as well as you could feel his body squirm and his cock pulsed against the pads of your feet.
Your own legs are now trembling. Never doing this before and the awkward angle of you being positioned above and behind him had your legs burning and your feet tingling as if they would cramp soon. 
Noticing you struggling and movements slowing Suguru’s large hands clutch the tops of your feet to enclose them around his cock, shaping your feet around him into a makeshift fleshlight as he wildly pistons his hips up into them.
A few more erratic thrusts and it’s not long before you feel warm liquid spill across your feet as Suguru moans, loudly cursing a string of obscenities as he spurts out more ropes of his cum. He soils his abs and pants but it’s nothing compared to the fountain of cum that fell on your feet. 
Suguru’s thick load is sinking further between your toes and down to your ankles before dripping onto the floor. 
“FUCK… that was so fucking hot Y/N!”
You had to admit, watching Suguru cum that hard was sexy. That said, it was also a big mess too and you didn’t exactly enjoy the sticky slimy feeling between your toes. 
“Sugu go get a towel please babe.” 
You whined after allowing him a few minutes to get his bearings. You did not want cum to start crusting between your toes. 
“You mean, you want ME to get it?”
Suguru looked back at you smirking and you once again rolled your eyes. 
You weren’t trying to trail jizz footprints all over the floor nor were you trying to slip on cum and break your neck on the hardwood on the way to the bathroom. 
“Babe, Come on!” 
You whined again and Suguru laughed deeply before giving you a mischievous grin.
“Awe princess... I’ll take care of you so there’s no need for a towel Y/N.”
Puzzled, you were about to question him before you saw him turn around to face you. 
Suguru rose to his knees, never letting go of his grasp on your legs. He laid you back gently to rest against the sofa while he brought your ass further off the edge to press flush against his lap. 
You soon found out exactly what you meant as he licked a long trail up your foot, cleaning his cum off your feet with his own tongue. 
Your body jerked as his salacious lapping and sucking between your toes tickled like hell.
“S-S-Stop it! S-Su-Sugu! T-That’s so gross!”
You squealed through laughter. 
Suguru raised his brow, popping a toe in his mouth while he spread your other leg open wider.
His gaze landed on the large stain on your pretty white panties. 
“This slutty pussy seems to enjoy it babe. Tell her not to worry, I’ll take care of her soon enough.”
Suguru moaned out his nasty promises while suckling on your appendages. He noticed the wet spot over your core increasing and the look of both arousal and shame on your face was making him hard as fuck again.
It was then Suguru decided you would be getting a new pedicure every day for the next week if necessary as he would have you indulge him in this more often from now on.
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© ʙʟᴋᴋɪᴢᴢᴀᴛ 2023. ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛꜱ ʀᴇꜱᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ. ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ, ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ, ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴏʀ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇꜱ ꜰɪᴄꜱ, ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇꜱ, & ɢʀᴀᴘʜɪᴄꜱ. ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀʟʟ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʙʏ ᴍᴇ ᴜɴʟᴇꜱꜱ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴡɪꜱᴇ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴇᴅ. ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ.
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a/n: Thinking Toji or Nanami might be next. But taking a break to work on a Gojo fic and some holiday stuff! Comment on m.list to be tagged.
Reblog to have Geto lick on your toes but likes and comments are always appreciated.
tags: @ryomens-vixen @littlemochabunni @biscuitsngravie @callm3senpaii @honeeslust @aydene
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shogunish · 1 year
𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝗺𝗲.
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pairing. gojo satoru x f! reader
genre. smut, pwp, friends to lovers
warnings. explicit sexual content, hair-pulling, raw sex, female masturbation, handjob, fingering, mating press, lots of cum, squirting, loss of virginity, uneditet
words. 5k
summary. Gojo Satoru has absolutely no business knowing that you're still a virgin. It will only result in your demise: never-ending comments about your lack of experience until you have no choice to smack him over the head upside-down.
note. special thanks to @cinnamonmon for indulging my fantasies and pouring gasoline into the fire ✨
comments and reblogs are highly appreciated <3
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Discussing Shoko's and Gojo's sex life is most certainly not how you expected your day to go.
Gathered at a table on a terrace, surrounded by lovely flowers blooming and the serenity of the Jujutsu Campus, you unhurriedly sip your soda. Depending on who is talking, wide, curious eyes jump from Shoko to Gojo and vice versa.
While you are happy to be spending time with your friends, you can't contribute anything to the conversation.
Apparently Gojo's awkward sex moment was when he was drunk and rubbed a girl's thigh for 10 minutes straight, firmly believing he had found her clit. Laughter bursts from Shoko's lips and you swear her coffee almost came out of her nose.
"No way! That sounds like something you'd do sober, too," she teases once her giggles die down.
Satoru pouts as though he is seriously wounded by his friend's words that stung like needles. "So that's how you think of me? I assure you this was a one-time fuzz up!" He smacks one hand to his chest where his heart is and raises his other hand much like he's vowing to never fuck up so majorly again.
Admittedly, this is one of those stories that have even you grinning into your glass. But the conversation quickly moves on; Shoko talking about the guy who took her virginity, Gojo confessing his favorite position (a string of words you had never heard of) and the several reasons why he liked said position so much.
It is a stretch of time ㅡ or maybe only 5 minutes ㅡ until Satoru puts the spotlight on you.
"You've been awfully quiet, [Name]. Cat got your tongue?" His voice has a teasing lilt to it and a smart comment lies on the tip of your tongue, but Shoko decides to answer in your stead.
She twirls a strand of hair between her delicate fingers. "[Name] can't add to the conversation because she's still a virgin," Shoko deadpan with not even a hint of a teasing tone laced in her voice.
"Shoko!" You look at her, betrayal and embarrassment written all over your face. A jumble of words, or rather letters, spill from your mouth like water from an overflowing sink, trying to save the situation. You flail your hands through the air, making all sorts of wild gestures and attracting quite a few curious looks from sorcerers and students alike.
Gojo Satoru has absolutely no business knowing that you're still a virgin. It will only result in your demise: never-ending comments about your lack of experience until you have no choice to smack him over the head upside-down. If annoying people was a sport, Satoru would definitely win the Olympics with flying colors.
"Are you for real?" Despite the blindfold hiding his eyes, you can tell that he's genuinely surprised. "And here I thought you'd have several men at your feet by now." Ah, there it is. His trademark grin which you can recognize from miles away.
Satoru would never say it out loud, but he thinks you're really pretty. You're blessed with humor, intelligence, strength in battle that even he recognizes and a smile that melts hearts on the spot. All these attributes that he silently adored about you are obvious as day to him. To think that no other man sees it proves that he sees more through his blindfold than some other folks do with a pair of lame glasses.
Yet, Gojo thinks that it's better this way. At least, he doesn't have to worry about someone else sweeping you off your feet.
Shoko rests her cheek on her fist, a warm breeze blows through her chocolate hair. "Right? [Name] most certainly is pretty, but she prefers to stay at home on her days off and play video games. The only thing she pulls is the blanket over her head. It's a shame," she muses.
Has Shoko just..roasted you? You're flabbergasted.
"I'm still here and can hear you, you know!" Heat sits high on your cheeks, threatening to melt you from within, but you have to get a point across. Embarrassed, you gaze to the side; the sliding door to your right is suddenly much more interesting than your oh-so-beloved friends. "There's no shame in not having had an..well..you know..yet," you grumble.
Satoru snaps his fingers. "You mean an orgasm."
Oh, you've just dug your own grave, haven't you? You wish for the ground to swallow you whole and never spit you back to the surface again if it means escaping this ridiculous situation for good. If you could, you would just drop your forehead onto the table and groan in agony.
You will never hear the end of it.
"So not even an orgasm by yourself?" Satoru digs and stuffs a chip or two into his mouth; they're your favorite flavor and usually you would steal 70% of the bag's content, but you have a reputation to defend right now.
A reputation that's crumbling, because lying to Gojo is impossible.
Defeated, you meet his gaze and sigh. "No. But it's no big deal, anyways. I don't have time for any of these things."
"No time, huh..," Satoru echoes your words quietly and slouches back into his seat. It's almost suspicious how easily the 1,90m tall bother on legs drops the subject, but maybe it's because he knows you're lying through your teeth.
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The clock strikes 10 in the evening when you're in bed, the lights in your bedroom dimmed and dipping the room in sweet orange hues. Your shirt is pulled over your chest, tits exposed to the air and nipples hardening at the change in temperature. Nimble fingers slide from the valley of your breasts down to your stomach and linger just above your panties.
How stupid, you think. Who couldn't make themselves cum?
Perhaps, the earlier conversation you had with Shoko and Satoru still weighs heavily on your mind and perhaps you have a point to prove that you aren't as clueless as everyone (including yourself) believes.
"Hmph, this is ridiculous," you huff, push your panties to the side and slide your finger through your folds. They're already wet and sensitive, probably glistening in the dim lights. A content sigh escapes your lips.
But when you slide a finger into your pussy and can't reach that oh-so-sweet spot everyone keeps talking about, you groan in frustration. Thrusting your finger into your cunt does nothing but spread the slick and no matter how much you rub at your pussy, it doesn't feel quite right.
Frustrated moans and groans grow in volume. At some points, colorful curses leave your mouth and you give up on pleasuring yourself.
"Fucking hell, this is stupid!," you yell and continue your little rant until a knock on your door interrupts you, ripping you out of your headspace. Once your clothes are back in place and you look acceptable enough to be seen by people, you trot to the door with bare feet. "Coming!"
When you open the door, you certainly don't expect Gojo to be on the other side, a concerned look on his face which isn't obstructed by a blindfold or sunglasses for once. "Are you alright? It sounded like you got injured."
"Injured..? I'm not.." Confused, you look up at the taller man until it clicks and heat explodes on your face. Oh dear lord, no. He must've heard you trying to touch yourself and mistook your pathetic attempt at pleasing yourself for having hurt yourself on accident. "Oh..Oh fuck.."
You drop your forehead against the wooden door frame, not daring to meet Gojo's eyes. The fact that they're not covered makes the entire situation even worse, somehow. "It's not that, I was..just busy."
Gojo cups his chin in thought, mulling over your words and you can visibly see the gears in his head turning. Unfortunately for you, Satoru is smarter than he acts. A smirk graces his lips as he laughs. "So that's it? Oh man. You really suck at touching yourself, you know?"
"What the hell do you know about my body?!" You cross your arms over your chest and turn your head to the side, not sparing your dearest friend another glance. Having this conversation with him in the hallway is embarrassing enough already. "It's not as easy as it sounds! And keep your voice down!"
"You're the one making a fuss right now," Satoru states and pops into your personal bubble, scrutinizing your face from your eyes swimming in embarrassment down to your trembling bottom lip. "Seeing you all pent-up like this almost makes me want to teach you."
The idea popping into your head is the dumbest thing you have ever thought of, but what other choice do you have? At least once, you want to taste the ecstasy everyone keeps talking about and there's no one you trust as much as Satoru, even though he could be annoying.
"Could you?"
"Could I what?"
"Teach me how to touch myself."
To your surprise, Satoru agrees and you invite him into your place. It's exactly this dumb request that lands you in your bedroom with Gojo Satoru sitting on your bed and asking you to strip down first. To his surprise, you're oddly compliant and do as you're told.
"Get comfortable and relax, [Name]. It's just us." Satoru's voice is calming as you lie nearly naked in front of him. Your entire face feels hot as you catch him eying your boobs, the curve of your waist and the cute panties that separate his gaze from your bare pussy.
"Touch your tits. Take your time and don't rush," Gojo says with a slight tilt of his head. "You're supposed to enjoy it."
You gulp down the lump in your throat, muttering a "fine" as your hands slide from your collarbone down to your breasts. Insecurity fills your veins, you hesitate and your eyes flicker up to Gojo who's comfortably watching you and assuring you with a nod of his head. You cup your tits, fondling and squeezing them lightly at first.
For a reason you couldn't quite place your finger on, your tummy is already feeling funny. Is it because Satoru's watching you or..?
"Good. Now go ahead and play with your nipples. No need to go all out just yet, be gentle at first." Eyes blue like the skies intently watch your fingers flick your nipples before rubbing them in slow circles. Gojo would be lying if he said that he isn't feeling himself getting hard merely because you're touching yourself in front of him. "That's it.."
After some time, you pinch and tug at your nipples until a whimper slips your lips and goosebumps are scattered all over your skin. It feels good, you notice. The previous hesitation goes up in smoke as you get comfortable with yourself, with Satoru watching you closely.
"Feels good, doesn't it?," he questions to which you nod your head yes. "It does," you whine.
Oh, you have absolutely no idea how sweet you sound, do you? Gojo has to adjust his sitting position or else you'd sooner or later see the boner in his sweatpants, asking for your attention and sweet release. He doubts his right hand will get the job done tonight.
"You know, it's not fair," you suddenly speak up, voice shaky and uncharacteristically insecure. "I'm nearly naked and you're fully clothed..," you trail off, cheeks burning.
Gojo chuckles, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Are you saying you want me to undress like you did?"
In the past, you've seen Gojo shirtless quite a few times and it never fazed you. But now that you are half naked in front of him, pussy wet and aching for some friction, you are painfully aware of the way he's built as he strips down to his underwear.
He's broad and buff in all the right places, the muscles in his arms bulging whenever he flexes his biceps. Not to mention his slim waist and the white happy trail disappearing into his boxers, leading to the erection between his legs.
"Go ahead and touch your pussy, rub on it. Get to know what feels good for you."
Following his words, you shimmy out of your panties and dip your hand between your legs where your folds glisten with your arousal. It's wetter than it was before, allowing you to slide right through the slit and making you sigh in pleasure. You spread your folds, circle your entrance with the tip of your finger and moan at the sensitivity.
Gojo watches your pussy flutter around nothing at the feather light touch and has to ignore the throbbing and twitching of his cock. If he could, he would jerk off while guiding you, but he can't do that. At least not yet.
"Now you rub your clit. Slowly," Satoru instructs. His icy blue eyes are glued to your nimble finger sliding through your slick folds, searching for the bud and glistening in the dim light of your room.
A frustrated huff slips your lips. "I can't find it.."
"Are you serious? It's right there."
Gojo takes pity on your pathetic attempts of pleasing yourself. Grabbing your knees, he spreads your thighs apart, scoots closer to your heated body and presses his thumb right to your clit. "There."
Immediately, your back arches off the mattress as Gojo draws a high-pitched, pleased moan from your glossy lips. Thighs twitching, you buck your hips into his hand and whine. "Again," you demand through a haze of longing and desire.
Gojo has to take a breath through his nose to compose himself. How often had he dreamed of you asking for his touch underneath him, soaking his fingers and thighs spread apart so prettily? His right hand can't compare to the real thing.
"Are you sure?" He strokes the pad of his thumb over your clit and watches you tremble with mesmerized eyes. White strands of hair frame his face as he tilts his head to the side.
Frantically, you nod your head, but Gojo tuts at this. "Use your words, sweets," he commands and you give in to his every word.
"I-I'm sure," you stumble over your words and catch his gaze, holding it with heat on your face and a softened look resting upon your features. "Please, touch me, Toru.."
"That's a good girl," Satoru smiles to himself as he drags his finger down to your fluttering hole and circles the slick flesh. Slowly, he inserts two of his fingers into your cunt, curves them upwards and rubs that sweet spot within you. "This is the spot that you'd wanna rub when you finger yourself, but now that I look at your hands.." Gojo trails off and takes one of your hands into his own, smirking when you squeeze it. "You probably won't reach it on your own."
Moan after moan spills from you, hips buck into his hand for more, more, more. You throw your head back into your pillow and dig your nails into the sheets until your knuckles go white. Heat pools in your lower abdomen and slides up your spine until it spreads to the very tips of your fingers. "A-ah, Toru! Right there," you whine. "Don't stop.. Feels s'good."
Satoru chuckles. "You're so sensitive, it's cute. I'm so lucky to be the first to see you all wet and needy, ain't I?"
Each squelch of his fingers is followed by a moan or whine, sounds that Gojo could listen to all day if you'd let him. Your slick trickles down to his wrist, stains your inner thighs and leaves a damp spot on your once clean sheets. The heel of Gojo's palm rubs your clit with each precise movement of his hand, leaving you no choice but to squeeze your thighs shut.
"Aw, is it too much for you?," Satoru coos in faux sympathy and uses his free hand to grab your face, making you look up at him through half-lidded eyes with your lips all puckered. "Fuck, aren't you a pretty little thing for me," he groans.
You want to answer, but all that comes out is a string of letters that sound an awful lot like his name, all fucked out and gone.
Gojo forces your thighs open again, watching his fingers disappear into your cunt over and over again until he's pounding them into you, juices dripping down to your ass. Your gummy walls tighten around his digits until Satoru is sure you're about to suck him in.
Suddenly, he pulls his fingers out of your fluttering hole.
"Why'd you stop?," you whine in pathetic tones as the sweet tension leaves your muscles and the knot of warmth disappears from in-between your legs.
Satoru caresses your thighs; from your knee up to your inner thigh and across your stomach until his hands caress the underside of your tits, his thumbs flicking your hardened nipples. Just like that, he draws a whimper from you. "If you're gonna cum, it's gotta be on my cock."
It takes a moment for your brain to process his words, but when they do, your gaze travels from Gojo's stupidly handsome face down his abs and stops at the twitching bulge between his legs. A damp spot of pre-cum rests on the top of his erection, making you lick your lips.
"Your cock, huh..," you echo his words like you're drunk on him, his touch, like you're drunk on love. Absent-mindedly, you sit up and place your hands on Gojo's broad shoulders. You had never realized just how well-built and firm he really is and it makes you gulp.
Slowly tracing your hands down his body, you slide his boxers down his legs and toss them into some corner of your room. Gojo's cock springs free, smacks against his abdomen once and stands at attention. Pre-cum pools from the tip and a delicious vein travels from the base all the way to the red, swollen head.
"Teach me how to touch you," you whisper.
Gojo has a hard time controlling himself when you say these things in that voice of yours and give him those doe eyes. But he also has a hard time saying no to you. "Wrap your hand around the length like this.." Grabbing your hand, he makes you wrap your palm around his cock; a shiver goes down his spine as your fingers nearly don't fit around the girth. He's hot and heavy in your hand.
"Then you wanna rub it and twist your hand a little," Gojo instructs and guides your hand up and down his cock just like he said. His head falls back into the nape of his neck and a groan vibrates deep in his chest. "Rub the tip with your thumb. The slit is fine, too."
And you do just as you're told. Carefully, you rub the swollen tip with your thumb all while gliding your palm along his cock. Sticky pre-cum pools from the slit and when your thumb catches some of it, making the slide so much warmer and wetter, a loud groan escapes Gojo's lips. He wants to thrust into your palm so badly, but just before he could..
You're apologizing and pulling your hand away, shock and guilt written all over your face. "I'm sorry! Did I hurt you? I didn't mean toㅡ"
"Hell no." Satoru is quick to wrap your palm around his cock once more and tighten your grip to thrust into your fist. "You feel fucking good. Keep going, sweets."
When his hand releases yours, you nod at him and drag your fist down to the base of his cock and slide it right back up where your palm squeezes the tip. His pre-cum now sticks to your palm, each rub sounding wetter than the one before.
Groans and moans spill from Gojo's mouth. He no longer feels the need to thrust into your hand; not when he rests his forehead on yours, his hot breath fanning your cheeks and basking in the feeling of your hand wrapped around him. Large, calloused hands glide from your shoulders to your arms and cup your tits. Satoru fondles them, squeezing and groping you to his heart's content.
"You're so beautiful," he mutters. His curious hands are now cupping your cheeks, skilled fingers move away some stray strands of your hair before his thumb catches your bottom lip. "Can I ㅡ ah, shit ㅡ kiss you?"
Your grip around his cock tightens, making him hiss. You smile at him like you're in love. "Yes, please. Kiss me, Satoru."
Gojo crashes his lips into yours, one hand keeping you in place by the back of your neck while the other one grabs your ass, pulling you closer to him. You moan at his touch, at the way he bites your bottom lip and sneaks his tongue into your mouth to dance with your own.
Satoru groans into your mouth when your fingers graze his balls, squeezing and fondling the flesh lovingly. He wraps his tongue around yours, sucking on the slippery muscle until a combination of his saliva mixed with yours trickles from the corner of your mouth. Delicate fingers get caught in Satoru's hair, pulling and tugging at the roots and always asking for more.
Gojo pulls you impossibly closer until you're on his lap, your pussy kissing the length of his cock and slicking it up. He can't take it anymore.
Breaking the kiss, a string of saliva connects his lips to yours and you find yourself pushed into the mattress.
"I need to be inside you. Now." Gojo towers over you, easily covering your frame with his buffer one. His eyes, once as bright as the clear skies, are now as dark as the depths of the ocean. Drops of pre-cum land underneath your belly button, pooling there and warming the skin. "Will you let me fuck this pretty pussy? I promise I'll be gentle."
Briefly, your eyes flicker down to his cock and you wonder how he's supposed to fit inside you when you had been clenching around his fingers already. But your need to feel Gojo inside you is greater than the questions floating throughout your mind. "Please. Fuck me, Toru."
Something akin to boyish delight lights up the blue of Satoru's eyes. Grabbing his cock, he makes sure to slide through your glossy folds and groans at the warmth you gift him. When the head catches your clit and Satoru smacks it with the tip, he smirks at the way you arch off the mattress.
"Ugh, stop teasing and fuck me already!"
"Who knew you were so bossy in bed?," Gojo teases and the next smart comment lies on the tip of your tongue, but it's wiped clean when Gojo presses his cock into your sloppy hole.
You dig your nails into his bicep, whimpering at the burning stretch but it feels too good to complain about it. Your pussy sucks him right in until he's nestled within your gummy walls, tip pressing into all the right spots and twitching within you.
"Fuck, you're so tight and wet..," Satoru groans, wraps one of your legs around his waist and drapes the other one over his shoulder. He sinks a bit deeper into you until his balls are pressed to your ass. "It's so much better than I imagined."
Drawing his hips back, Gojo thrusts into your pussy with a groan and sets a pace that makes you wrap your arms around him, digging your nails into his back. His weight pushes you into the mattress, each stroke of his cock making you moan louder than before.
"You're feeling good, huh?" Satoru smirks above you and grabs your hips to hold you in place, picking up the pace. Skin smacks against skin, your pussy squelches and leaves a white ring of cream around his cock. "Gonna turn you into a pretty mess once I'm done with you."
All you can do is take whatever Gojo gives you. The leg draped over his shoulder dangles in the air, your tits bounce in tune with his thrusts. "Fuck, gimme more, 'toru.. Need all of you..," you babble.
"More? You're a greedy thing, aren't you?" But Satoru fulfills your wish regardless. Sneaking a hand between your bodies, his fingers are quick to find your puffy clit, rubbing figure eights into the nub. Tears spring to your eyes, brimming your waterline and blurring your sight.
"Toru! Ah, fuck! Hah..shit, yes!" You chant his name like a prayer, throw your head back into the soft pillows and drag your nails down his back. You'd certainly leave some scratches, but Gojo doesn't mind. Not when it makes his cock twitch within your sloppy walls, leaking of pre-cum.
"There, yes, there! Just like that." Hot tears roll down your cheeks and into the clavicle of your collarbone as Gojo hits that sweet spot which makes you see stars over and over again.
"Right there, huh?" Sweat trickles down Satoru's temple, a few strands of snow white hair sticking to his forehead as he pounds you into the mattress. He grips the back of your thighs, folding your legs up to your chest and putting his full weight on top of you.
You cry his name, grasping at anything that was Gojo; his back, his flexing bicep, his tousled hair. Anything that you could reach as he abuses your poor cunt. "That's it. Take my cock just like this and I'll make sure to fill you up," he praises all while digging his blunt fingernails into the flesh of your thighs. He'd definitely leave his mark on you.
Mewling at Satoru's promise, your hole flutters around his cock and sucks him right in before it clenches down on him.
"T-Toru," you stutter as he drills his cock into you, a sob rocking your shoulders. "H-How do I know I'm about to ㅡ fuck ㅡ cum..?"
And when Gojo pinches your clit, his cock pressing into your sweet spot and your eyes rolling into the back of your skull, your orgasm comes crashing down on you in waves.
A loud scream of Satoru's name is ripped from your throat and your back beautifully arches off the mattress. Clawing at his back, several sobs spill from your chest and it's so fucking wet. Your pussy is gushing all over his cock, wetting not only his lap but your stomach and sheets as well.
Satoru rubs your clit in hard circles, letting you ride out the waves of your high. "That's fucking nasty, baby. When I said I wanted you to wet my cock, I didn't think you'd squirt," he laughs and pounds into your spent cunt until you're moaning again, begging him to stop.
"Too much..Toru, 's too much!" Your squirm underneath Gojo but all he does is hold you still as he presses his hips flush to your own. He buries his face in your neck, holding you so close that your tits get pushed up against his chest.
"Shh, let me fill your pussy, pretty girl," he shushes you and with one final thrust, thick ropes of cum fill up your insides until it leaks out from where his cock plugs you. Gojo groans right into your ear, grinding his sticky cum deep into your cunt before he slowly pulls out.
His tongue sticks out to sweep over his bottom lip as he admires the creamy mess he's made of you; covered in not only his but your cum alike, lips swollen from his kisses and the several prints of his fingers on your skin. Satoru smiles at his handiwork.
"I don't think you've ever looked prettier," Gojo swoons, a soft look in his eyes.
"Ugh..," you groan, feeling full of his cum that seeps out of your cunt. "Shut up, Satoru.."
Contrary to popular belief, Gojo Satoru has the decency to take care of you after he has folded you in half and drained every last bit of energy from your body. He is gentle when he cleans you up with a warm washing cloth, but still an asshat about it when he says "Whoops, there's more coming out. You should really focus on keeping my cum in, love."
You want to slap the grin off his face, but lack the strength to do so.
So instead, you let him dress you into a fresh pair of panties and a hoodie that was several sizes too large. Gojo is dressed in casual sweatpants and a loose shirt. The bed is made and a couple of snacks are now in front of you and Satoru, the heat of the moment gone just like the Earth-shattering high he gifted you.
"Satoru..What does this make us?," you cautiously ask with a mouth full of a couple of gummy bears. There is nothing else that you cherish as much as his friendship and trust in you, but sex destroys every friendship, right? Fuck, you shouldn't have gotten carried away.
"Hmm..," Gojo hums an leans back, supporting his weight with his hands behind him on the soft mattress. A pair of pitch black shades now rests on the bridge of his nose, yet you can clearly see the playful glint in his annoying, beautiful eyes. "I guess I gotta think of a way to introduce you as my girlfriend now."
Your head whips towards Satoru, owlishly staring at him. "Eh? Are you serious?"
"I, Gojo Satoru, would never lie about this!" He raises his hands like he's surrendering, like he's about to whip out a white flag and it makes you chuckle. "So, what do you say?"
With your knees tucked underneath your hoodie and pulled to your chest, you let a pout grace your lips. "I guess I would love that.."
"It's official then!," Gojo exclaims, tosses his arm around your shoulder and pulls you flush to his side. Playfulness quickly turns into tenderness as he presses a soft kiss to your hairline.
"You're mine now."
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musical-shit-show · 2 months
little taste of heaven
Pairing: Adam (Hazbin Hotel) x Sinner!Reader
Inspiration: Prompts #53 (“why don’t you make me?”) from Prompt List #1 and #78 (“oh, i’m gonna fucking ruin you.”) from Prompt List #2 with added inspiration taken from a request from the lovely @odins-nsfw
Warnings: cursing, Adam is an asshole (what else is new), tiny bit of angst if you squint, general kinda rough smut (18+, MINORS DNI!!!), oral sex (female receiving), face sitting, digital manipulation, unprotected sex, Adam and reader are definitely toxic, enemies that are also lovers :)
Word Count: 2,149
Author’s Note: This took me a little longer to write but I’m very happy with how it turned out! Definitely getting more comfortable with writing smut, and writing for Adam is still proving to be very fun. Thanks to everyone who has interacted with my other Adam one shots (which you can read here and here); it seriously means so much to see the positive feedback. I still have one more request in my inbox, but I will definitely be writing for more Hazbin characters as the year goes on (especially since we don’t know when the show is coming back). But if you’d like to submit an ask, check out my About Me page, Prompt Lists, and other works in my Masterlist! Thanks and happy reading, depraved sinners!
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“Hey, toots, settle a bet for us, would ya?” you heard Angel Dust call to you from across the hotel lobby. Ever since Charlie Morningstar successfully staved off an attack from Heaven’s army, you decided to join her crusade towards redeeming the seemingly irredeemable.
You were first assigned as a quasi-concierge, since you had spent most of your time in Hell bouncing from one side of the Pride Ring to the other. You hopped up from your desk and met Angel, who was slumped across the bar; Husk was silently cleaning a glass, a small smirk on his feline face.
“What’s up, guys?” you breathed, counting the seconds until your shift ended. You were grateful for the free accommodations that the hotel provided, but you didn’t expect the afterlife would involve diving into the wonderful world of customer service.
The porn star shifted his gaze to Husk, and you could tell they were both up to something. “Are ya fuckin’ the angel or what?” the bartender asked, his voice gruff. Angel almost spit out the swig of malt liquor he had just taken.
You feigned confusion, turning to the spider-like demon. “Angel Dust, I think I would know if I were fucking the biggest porn star—”
“—Actor,” you corrected yourself, “on this side of Hell. You should know he’s not my type, Husk, honest.”
Angel Dusk tsked. “You know that’s not who we’re talking about, babycakes,” he said, his voice lowering, “We’re talking about the angel. Or, I guess the fallen angel.”
Oh, shit.
You shifted uncomfortably on the barstool, swirling the whiskey glass Husk had placed in front of you. “No clue what you mean by that.”
“Bullshit,” Husk said testily.
“See, I told you she’d lie,” Angel drawled, smiling smugly, “You can read it on her pretty little face.” You could feel the heat creeping up your neck.
Yes, you had been fucking Adam. And yes, you had been keeping it from the rest of the hotel residents. Even after showing up—in a new demonic form, no less—to be redeemed, you knew no one, not even Charlie, trusted him fully after the last botched exorcism and direct attack on the hotel itself.
But he was drawn to you almost immediately, singling you out as someone to pursue and torment. And stupidly, you found yourself attracted to him, despite your better judgement.
“Who told you,” you deadpanned.
Angel Dust’s gaze flickered from you to Husk and back again. He sure knew how to be a fucking tease.
“Your stupid boyfriend,” Husk confirmed, not wanting to torture you any longer.
“Ya shoulda seen him bragging about it last night,” Angel added, no doubt living for the drama this would cause, “He’s got some loose lips once the booze starts flowin’. Real keeper if ya ask me.”
Stomach in knots, you attempted to put up a brave face, even with their taunting. “He’s not my boyfriend,” you said definitively, now feeling anger welling up inside you.
This was all Adam’s fault. He couldn’t keep his fucking mouth shut and now you were the one dealing with the humiliating fallout. “Fine, fuck buddy, whatever,” Angel corrected, watching as you stood up from the barstool in a huff, “Doesn’t sound like it’ll last very much longer, given the look on your face.”
You rolled your eyes, completely over this conversation. “Would you excuse me?” you asked rhetorically, your voice dripping with poison. Even Angel looked perturbed for a moment.
Husk glanced over to his companion as you hopped off the barstool, practically seething, “Yeah, ‘course toots,” Angel called after you, still clearly tickled by this development. He loved this kind of soap opera drama bullshit.
You were still able to hear Husk say “Oh she’s gonna fuckin’ murder him,” as you climbed the steps and stomped to Adam’s room.
Pounding on the door, anger and embarrassment grew like a vicious virus inside you. When no one answered, you pressed your ear against the door and was met with the irritating sound of a whiny electric guitar.
“Perfect,” you muttered to yourself as you grabbed the ring of keys Charlie had given you when you were on shift. Even though you had technically clocked out, you weren’t above bending the rules to give Adam a piece of your mind.
You threw open the door, letting the thud as it hit the wall startle the fallen angel strumming his guitar lazily. “Jesus fu—” he started to say as he shifted on his bed, but then his eyes softened at the sight of you, “Oh, hey babe—”
“Don’t you ‘hey babe’ me, you fucking prick,” you spat, fire practically spewing from your mouth, “You’ve been telling people about us?!”
A tense pause.
Another pause.
You could feel your eye beginning to twitch.
“Ugh, fine. Yes. But what’s the big deal?” Adam asked incredulously, finally putting his guitar down.
You paused for a moment, your anger simmering. The big deal was that you were embarrassed. That the thought of you and Adam going public made you look like a desperate sinner latching onto the only other wayward soul that would look your way.
And hell, you actually liked sneaking around, until he ruined it with his big, dumb mouth of his.
And maybe, just maybe, you were afraid that once the novelty wore off and everyone knew about you two, Adam would leave you behind and move onto the next shiny new toy to waltz into the hotel.
“Cat got your tongue, dollface?” he prodded, wanting to get a rise out of you. It was one of his new favorite pastimes.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, your anxiety being replaced by annoyance. “Jesus fucking Christ do you ever shut up?” The former angel smirked, his eyes flitting up and down your form.
“First off, don’t take the Lord’s name in vain,” he said as you rolled your eyes, “It’s fucking rude.”
You wanted to punch him.
“Second, why don’t you make me?”
That was the last straw.
You lunged at him, practically pouncing on top of him to kiss him hungrily. Adam knew exactly how to push your buttons, and pathetic as it was, you actually fell for it every time.
You were straddling him, and felt him wince as you bit his lip in the heat of the angry makeout. Adam knew you were pissed, and the more you fought for dominance, the harder he felt himself get. 
After all, pleasure always tasted sweeter with a little pain. And you tasted fucking delicious.
Adam groaned as you pulled away from him, your face still radiating with heat and anger. You weren’t letting him off that easily, and he knew it.
“Lie down,” you muttered, your eyes scanning his smug expression. “Now.” Wordlessly, Adam complied, lying on his back as you removed your pants and underwear swiftly.
Adam raised his head slightly just in time to watch you remove your shirt and throw it across the room in a huff. He waited patiently for you to do his own disrobing on his behalf; the lazy bastard loved when you rode him.
But he didn’t feel the desperate grasp of your hands around his cock.
No, instead, you climbed up his chest, until you were eye to eye, his gold pupils dilated. “I’m going to have to take drastic measures to shut you up, aren’t I?”
Adam felt his pulse quicken. “What’d you have in mind?”
A sinful smile spread across your face. “Something I know you hate,” you teased, cupping his face gently, doing your best to seduce him into submission, “And something I happen to know your bestie Luci is very talented at.”
Adam gripped your arm, pulling your hand away from his face. You became frightened for a second, before he started peppering the inside of your wrist with small love bites.
The games you played toed a dangerous line between love and hate, and luckily Adam had been fucking you long enough to understand the moves you were making.
“I’m not eating you out,” he said, his expression darkening, “And don’t try to bait me with that little pretty boy. It won’t work.”
You felt your pulse quicken; clearly you had struck a nerve. You just had to push him a little further to get your way.
“Is that why Lilith really left?” you said, rolling your hips against his, feeling how hard he was underneath you, “Because you couldn’t…satisfy her the way that Lucifer could?”
You knew this would send him over the edge. And the moment you looked into his burning gold eyes, you knew you had won.
A small victory, but a victory nonetheless.
“Oh, I’m gonna fucking ruin you,” he growled, tugging at the hair at the nape of your neck. You smirked as he finally complied and laid on his back. Adam would rather give up control than have his skills in the bedroom be compared to the King of Hell.
You knew he was insecure, and if he was going to be a dick about it, the least you could do was take advantage.
Before he could change his mind, you placed each thigh on either side of his head, kneeling until your aching core met the lower half of his face. After a few seconds of resistance, you felt his lips part and flinched as his tongue slid into you.
“I can’t believe this was—ah—” you bucked your hips as he found his way to your clit, “This was the only way to get you to shut the fuck up.” You felt a hum of disapproval as his slender hands found his way to your ass.
You smiled to yourself as you felt the annoyed hum that radiated from your stubborn lover’s mouth. Finding your pace, you felt the tension in your abdomen rising as Adam continued to eat you out.
For not loving the act, you had to admit he was good at it. Feeling his tongue swirl inside you sent a shiver down you spine, and you felt a yelp leave your lips as he slapped your ass as you continued to buck on top of him.
In retaliation, he tried teasing you with small sucks and flicks, but you didn’t care; the fact that he was focusing on your gratification for a change was rewarding enough.
After a few minutes, though, the fallen angel had had enough of your domineering; if he was going to finish you off, he was going to do it his way.
Coming up for air, he placated you by circling one of his fingers around your clit. “Alright baby, you got what you wanted,” he breathed, “Now it’s my turn.”
In one fell swoop, he flipped you over onto your back, and disrobed in the blink of an eye. ‘Showoff,’ you thought to yourself, annoyed by the lack of his mouth on your pussy.
Before you could protest, two of his long fingers found his way inside you, pumping and curling to hit your sweet spot.
“After this, I’m gonna fuck you into oblivion,” Adam muttered, his tempo growing more erratic, “You’re lucky I’m even bothering to get you off after your little outburst, but you can consider it a favor this time.”
You tried to focus more on satisfying sensation you were feeling than his bitching. “It’s the least you could do after that bullshit you pulled with Husk and Angel,” you said, feeling a bead of sweat roll down your back as you tightened around him, “They’ll fucking crucify me.”
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic, baby,” he cooed, resting his thumb on your bud as he continued to pump his fingers into you, “Now be a good girl and cum for me.”
It only took a few more moments of stimulation for you to humiliatingly come undone around him, knowing he’d make you pay for it later.
Getting off always seemed to come with a price when it came to fucking Adam; at the very least you were able to shut him up for a few glorious minutes.
You contemplated if the grilling from the other guests and constant bickering was worth it, but you didn’t have much time to change your mind. Adam pulled you off your back and onto your stomach, and you winced as he slammed his cock into you, your ass on full display as he took you from behind.
You gripped the sheets, the friction of him inside you equal parts painful and gratifying. ‘Another question for another day,’ you thought, burying your face into the mattress as he fucked you at an agonizingly delicious pace.
Right now, you had a pissy angel to placate and a couple of sinners to swear to secrecy.
Royally fucked didn’t even begin to describe the mess you had gotten yourself into.
thanks for reading! please like/comment/reblog if you enjoyed and want to read more! :)
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ssparksflyy · 2 months
helllo can you do just a fluffy jason grace x reader athena that wanted to make her crush fly please something simple thank you;)
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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levitating ✶⋆.˚
pairing: jason grace x daughter of athena!reader warning(s): lowkey ooc jason word count: 810 a/n: ty for requesting! heres somethin short n simple for ya ♡♡
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when asked to fly by other campers, jason usually had no problem with it. if they asked him to do it for help, he'd quickly do it, happy to help them. if they just wanted to see him fly, he'd float just a few inches off the ground and even pick the kid up if they wanted to. he usually was happy to fly for other campers.
you'd made a bet with him. you bet that you could somehow trick him into flying without being asked. being a child of athena, who was pretty good at coming up with plans, you felt pretty confident in yourself. but jason also felt confident in himself. learning how to say 'no' was something jason had gotten used to lately, and he believed that he would be able to avoid any tactic you used to get him to fly.
the rules were simple. you try to make jason float, he tries not to. if he flies in front of you, because somebody else asked him to, it doesn't count. if he flies in front of you for any reason that doesn't involve you asking or doing anything to make him fly, it doesn't count. you also weren't allowed to say that something dangerous was happening, cause, that just wasn't fair.
it was wednesday when you'd made the bet. you had until friday afternoon to make jason fly.
honestly, you hadn't thought it would be as hard as it was. a part of you hoped jason would fall for something simple, but he was surprisingly good at avoiding your attempts to make him fly. you tried things like throwing something at him super high, so he'd have to fly up and get it, but he simply just let it fall to the floor. you tried putting unavoidable things in his way, but that's when you found out jason was a great jumper and was up to taking a longer route (freak).
you even tried pushing him off the rock climbing wall, but turns out he was also good at that too!! seeing him beating all of your attempts was only fueling you more ( and draining your brain ).
it was friday morning when you came up with an plan that jason was sure to fall for. you'd convinced a tree nymph to put your sword at the very top of her tall tree, and called jason over. yea it was kinda of desperate but hey, so were you.
once he walked over to the tree you pointed up at your sword, "got stuck."
he gave you the most deadpan look you'd ever seen, "literally how does that even happen?"
you shrugged, "can you help me?"
he rolled his eyes and just as he was about to fly up, he stopped. instead of doing the easy thing and flying up he walked over to the tree and started climbing.
"youre joking." you said, watching him climb up the tree.
holy shit hes got a fat ass
jason had somehow managed to climb up to the very top of the tree, grabbed your tree and climbed down, all without getting knocked down by the nymph. traitor.
he jumped down a few branches high, landing right in front of you.
"i believe this belongs to you, m'lady" he said, holding out you sword with a cocky smile.
you grabbed the sword for him, muttering a small "thank you"
"aw what's wrong? bird brain mad she couldn't trick me?" he said, moving closer to you, "better think of something quick cause your times running out."
you paused for a second, unsure of how to respond. your eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips, an idea suddenly crossing your mind.
you grabbed jason by the collar of his shirt and kissed him. when you pulled away, you looked down at the floor and smirked.
"i win" you whispered smugly, still holding onto his shirt.
"huh?" he asked, his voice cracking and cheeks flushing.
you let go of his shirt and took a step back, motioning your head towards the ground. jason looked down, confused. he was floating a mere inch off the ground.
"you start floating whenever you get surprised." you said, grinning.
"what?- i- huh???" he said, confused out of his mind, "wait- so that's what the kiss was for??"
"in the moment, yea. but ive also been waiting months for you to do it, so i thought i'd take matters into my own hands" you said, a smile slowly forming on your face.
"damn, months?? you should've told me" he said, smiling, "can i make it up to you?" he took a step closer to you and placed his hands on your hips.
a giggle escaped your lips as you slung your arms around his neck, "of course, sparky."
he closed the space between you with a sweet kiss.
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a/n two: i was fr like 'huh i feel like ive seen sparky somewhere besides jason' its my url. bffr. n e wayz i hope u enjoyed this nd have a good day/night !!
peace from manhattan,
percy jackson ♡
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polarisjisung · 9 months
synopsis: when you tell your best friend that you don't have a date for senior prom, you never thought you'd also end up telling him why
wc: 1.1k
pairings: best friend!mark lee x fem!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: like one cuss word maybe
notes: I saw this cute kid on tiktok taking his best friend to prom and my mind instantly went to mark
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To you, Mark Lee genuinely looked as though he'd gone insane.
His wide eyes bulging from their sockets, hair slicked back with a hand atop his head, mouth agape.
"Dude, you're playing" he confirms another time, and you don't understand what about the situation seems so difficult to grasp for the older, not when the words were spilling from your mouth in front of him.
"No mark, I'm not, I don't have a date" you deadpan and his eyes physically can't grow any wider if they tried to, so instead he begins shaking his head frantically, and shock isn't an expression mark wears regularly but he certainly wears it with full meaning, you realise.
You didn't have a date to prom. It was surprising to most, you had no shortage of people asking you out, no negative attributes to stop people asking you out, no reason for you to politely decline them the way you did, it made no sense to anyone, not your parents who simply didn't understand your logic or your friends who didn't see why you'd turn down the hottest guy in your year, not your best friend, mark, who didn't understand why you of all people didn't have a date to prom.
"Like you really don't have a date? like seriously?" you'd always been impatient and as your eyes bore into his mark puts his hands up in defeat
"okay okay I got it"
He seems tense for a moment, worried, and you know that expression, the one where his brows furrow and his lips turn downwards at the corners so very slightly
"You look constipated" you tease, mark doesn't seem to take notice however, lost in his own world, until you lightly smack the crown of his head.
"What?" he squeaks, staring up through the strands of brown hair that cover his eyes.
"don't stress markie" you take a seat on your bed next to him, "I'm happy without a date" and mark searches for anything in your voice that proves otherwise, but he can't find a single ounce of hesitance
You giggle at him from across the bed, standing up and marching over to your wardrobe
Mark remembers his prom last year, the one kid who didn't show up with a date ripped to shreds for being a loser, still famous in his uni life for being the nerd who couldn't score a date to prom— he knew your case was a little different, you were well liked at school, but people would talk no doubt
"You can't go without a date," he sighs, the hand in his hair now holding one of your decorative fluffy pillows painfully tight
"yes I can mark" you don't turn around, searching for the long plastic protected dress in your closet.
"people talk a lot of shit, I don't want you to be the brunt of their jokes y/n" he's serious, you can tell from the way he's not using all those mark words he'd use to address you, how he uses your name
"i don't want to go with anyone else, though," you pout, quickly upturning your lips when you find the baby blue dress at the back of your closet
Mark chooses to ignore it, the part of your sentence that awakens the disgusting feeling of the green eyed monster inside of him at just the mention of you having someone who you liked, he certainly didn't need details
"Come on, you know what people are like"
"yeah mark, and I dont care, they'll talk their shit regardless, if not today then another day, its none of their business if I have a date or not, that's all up to me"
He doesn't respond, trying to figure you out, why you're so defensive all of a sudden when, just as you said, you usually didn't give a shit what people had to say, mark included on the matters you'd already made your mind up for
"besides" you're whispering, hoping that Mark only hears your words if they'll end the way you want. "If you want me to have a date so bad, why don't you take me?"
Mark freezes, the pillow in his hands falling to the floor and in the reflection of your floor to ceiling mirror you notice two spots of bright red spreading across his cheeks and over his ears.
He heard you, that was for sure.
"don't ask things of me that you don't want me to do" he scoffs, bright and beady eyes turned dark in a second, when suddenly mark, who'd never been noticeably taller than you seems to tower over your figure.
"and who's to say I don't want you to be my date" you have no fear left in you, you'd hidden it for years, cried yourself to sleep the night mark had taken someone else as his date to prom, sent him those anonymous letters every valentines day, watched as he played volleyball with the guys on the beach with his wet hair matted to his forehead, heart thumping at every sight of him "whos to say you're not the reason I haven't said yes to a single promposal"
"You don't mean that," marks usual excited, enthusiastic voice is gone, a soft tone coming from somewhere within his throat now replacing his carefree way of speaking
"I don't want a date if its not you"
Your own tone drips with sincerity, so genuine, so tender, so sweet that he doesn't know how to respond, not with those eyes of yours staring so expectantly into his, not when he feels the heat of your breath against his neck, not when you take his hands into your own, interlocking your fingers as you flutter your eyelashes with each blink
"I think I love you" he spits out, and this time he freezes in place, not a thought in his mind until your voice breaks through his trance
"Enough to take me to prom?" you smile, those pearly whites that had his heart skipping a beat on perfect show as you pressed your forehead against his
"Enough to take you to a thousand proms"
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fluentmoviequoter · 4 months
i was wondering if you can do like a secret admirer / friends to lovers thing with tim bradford? like reader or tim are sending each other notes and get them something that they’ve mentioned before but never had time or the resources to get. sorry if that sounds confusing
I hope this is along the lines of what you wanted; if it's not, let me know and I'd be happy to try again! Thanks for the great request and please feel free to let me know what you think!🤍
Secret Admirers
Warnings: fluff, brief angst, friends to lovers, obliviousness, brief LA Rams slander
Word Count: 1.9k+ words
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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“How am I supposed to consider you a friend when you say things like that?” you ask.
Tim shakes his head. “You’re just mad because I’m right.”
“There are other things to do besides football,” you argue.
“I thought it was my night to pick.”
“You always pick football.”
“The Rams are playing.”
You sigh dramatically, leaning against Tim’s shoulder. “Fine, turn on the game, let me lose a few more IQ points.”
Tim’s shoulder moves below you, the only sign that he’s laughing at your actions. If you didn’t want to watch football, he wouldn’t make you, because he’s a good friend. No one knows; you only got close to him because of your relentless pursuit of getting to know him. And now you’re inseparable.
“You know you’re my closest friend?” you ask.
“Then you should get out more,” he deadpans.
“You love me.”
“Whatever you need to hear.”
“Tell me I’m your best friend and I’ll tell you the Rams are making it to the Super Bowl.” You lower your voice to add, “For once.”
Tim’s eyes narrow as he moves to look at you. “You have to mean it.”
Nodding, you put on your most serious expression.
“You are my best friend,” Tim says.
You smile brightly, and Tim presses his lips together to hide his smile.
“The Rams are going to the Super Bowl. Guaranteed,” you tell him.
“Well now they are. You’re our luck,” Tim mumbles, leaning back against the couch again.
“Heard that.”
You haven’t seen Tim in almost a week. After the game ended, a win for the Rams, he got called into work and has barely been home since. Just long enough to sleep and eat each night before he’s gone again. Los Angeles has been dealing with numerous crime sprees, like a miniature version of the Purge that the Mid-Wilshire Division faces singlehandedly.
Your stomach rumbles around lunchtime, and as you reach for your bag, you realize Tim probably hasn’t had a good meal this week. Dialing the number of his favorite restaurant, you place a huge order to be delivered to the station, not even thinking about letting Tim know who it’s from.
Knowing Tim has food he’ll enjoy, you rest a little easier and continue your day with a small smile.
“Hey,” Tim sighs, letting you inside. “Sorry I’ve been so busy this week.”
“No problem, glad you’re home.”
“You’ll never guess what happened,” he says. “Someone sent a ton of food from my favorite restaurant yesterday afternoon. The timing was perfect; we were all exhausted and starving. And… it’s been so long since someone just did something nice for me like that.”
Tim smiles as he shakes his head gently.
“I wish I knew who it was from so I could thank them properly.”
You consider telling him, but first, you ask, “Think it’s a secret admirer?”
Tim barks out a single laugh. “Yeah, because this is going to become a regular thing.”
That’s all the answer you need. Keeping your mouth closed, you nod and become Tim Bradford’s secret admirer. He deserves everything and more, and it’s up to you to show him.
You’ve always felt something for Tim, and as you start taking note of little things he likes or wants, you avoid confronting what these feelings could really be.
“More to come,” you say as you finish writing the letter.
After a few days of giving Tim small gifts and becoming more attuned to his wants and likes, you add handwritten notes to your deliveries to add a personal level. He hasn’t seen your writing enough to determine you are his secret admirer, so you give him the acknowledgment and words of affirmation he craves, often without knowing.
Securing the note to the top of the box, a new Rams jersey, you smile. Being Tim’s secret admirer makes you happy, but more than that, it makes Tim happy, which is the one thing you want in the world.
Tim opens the box before the letter, his eyes widening at the brand-new, once-worn Rams jersey. Closing it quickly, he reaches for the letter before stopping. Tim feels strange accepting the gifts, especially one that is so expensive. But, if whoever this is wants to do something so kind, the least he can do is accept them. It’s not just about the money, though, Tim realizes. His thoughts often drift to you, and he can’t place why, but he still wonders if accepting something from others will create a rift in his relationship with you.
First, it’s not too expensive. You deserve so much more than you would ever be willing to get for yourself. So, accept it and enjoy it.
Tim shakes his head; whoever wrote this knows him better than he thought. They’re probably close.
Happiness isn’t something you have to earn or prove you are worthy of.
Closing the card and tucking it underneath the jersey, Tim prepares to leave for the day. After stowing the thoughtful gift from his secret admirer in his backseat, he drives to a nearby store to pick up a few things for dinner.
While shopping, Tim sees something you have always wanted but have never been able to afford. After receiving so many kind gifts and hearing the exact words he unknowingly craves, he feels a strong urge to give you something you want and deserve, too.
It's after dark when he leaves the store, so Tim decides to put it on your porch in the morning as a surprise. You’ll know his writing, so he prints a note that you deserve nice things, even when you don’t feel like you do.
Once it’s safely on your porch before sunrise, and Tim is driving to the station, he realizes that he doesn’t like having a secret admirer. Not because he doesn’t like the gifts or the money spent on him, but because he doesn’t want to lose you if the secret admirer wants more.
Tears gather in your eyes when you see the gift on your porch. After years of daydreaming about spending that kind of money on something you love and then talking yourself out of it with an argument that you don’t deserve it, you don’t know what to do. The note attached to it silences each of the thoughts racing through your mind.
Being a secret admirer and having one are very different things, and you’re not sure you like this.
Each gift Tim receives over the next week deepens his frown, even as he reads the kind notes attached. He wants to know who it is, so he can explain that he’s grateful, but it needs to stop. You’ve stayed at his side through each letter, glad that someone is being kind. Tim’s contention comes from the fact that when he gets something, he wants to call you and share it with you, but that may not be fair to you. Yes, he’s your secret admirer, but he doesn’t want to lose you because of his. It’s probably an irrational fear, but if someone is doing this and expecting to move forward into a real relationship with Tim, he can’t. He won’t.
On Friday, the end of his first week as your secret admirer, he sends you a bouquet, not made of flowers, but of things that constitute your favorite hobby. It’s incredibly thoughtful, and the note comes straight from his heart. He mentions something specific about your past, smiling as he pictures your excited smile.
When you accept the large arrangement, your eyes widen as you reach for the card first. The last line mentions something you’ve only talked about once. The one time you confided about it to someone was to Tim Bradford.
Your jaw drops as you realize that Tim is the only person who could have been doing this over the last week. That means he probably knows that you’re his secret admirer, too. Grabbing your car keys, you drive straight to the station, ready to tell Tim it’s been you and you meant every word you said.
“Who dropped it off?” Tim demands.
“Sergeant,” the woman begins.
“Don’t tell me that it was a delivery, they have to give a name. I need to know who is giving me this stuff because I can’t accept it!”
You stop in the hallway, listening to Tim’s raised voice as he refuses to accept a gift. 
“I can look into it.”
“Please do,” Tim says, quieter.
Stepping out of the hall and walking toward the bullpen, Tim sees you, and his shoulders drop in relief. He walks to your side and leads you somewhere private to talk.
“You don’t want a secret admirer anymore?” you ask softly, your fingers brushing the edge of the envelope hidden behind your back.
“Why not?”
 Tim sighs, rubbing his hand on his jaw before answering, “Because I’m in love with someone else.”
Even though you were sure the letter was from him, you drop your eyes and begin second-guessing yourself. Maybe you mentioned it to someone else, or they just found out. Tim notices your change and steps closer.
“What’s going on?” he asks gently.
“Nothing, I just- I should go.”
You rush out, and Tim can’t chase you because he has to work. He calls and texts you throughout the rest of the afternoon, growing grumpier with each ignored message and ring.
When he finally gets off work, he drives straight to you and knocks on your door, determined to get answers.
“I thought it was you,” you admit, opening the door and not letting him speak. “I was getting letters too and I thought they were from you.”
Tim’s anger dissipates nearly immediately with your soft voice and downcast eyes. “They were. The letters were from me.”
“That’s why I can’t let whoever is sending me such thoughtful gifts continue,” Tim interrupts. “Because I have feelings for you.”
You pull Tim inside, leaning against the door as you say, “But it's all been from me.”
Tim’s eyes widen, and his mouth gapes open as you pass him an envelope. He opens it, nearly choking on air as he sees two tickets to the next Rams game.
“Why didn’t you just tell me at the station?” he asks, looking between you and the tickets before moving toward you.
“You said you were in love with someone else,” you answer with a shrug.
Tim chuckles, letting you see his smile as he bends to look into your eyes. “Because I didn’t know it was you.”
“I was going to tell you. At the game, if you’d let me go.” You fiddle with your fingers until he slides his hand between yours.
“I have a better idea.”
Tim sets the tickets on the table behind him. Turning toward you, he takes your face between his hands and kisses you. His slow, languid movements reinforce everything he has expressed through his actions and written words over the past week.
You gasp when his lips meet yours, clutching his shirt in your grasp as you kiss him, letting your actions speak yet again.
“Will you go out with me?” Tim asks, breathless as he pulls back, his hands dropping to your waist. “Some walking angel gave me a few Rams tickets, and I’d love to take you.”
“Depends,” you answer with a hum. “What are your thoughts on secret admirers?”
Tim squeezes your waist gently. “I love mine.”
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starscabaret · 3 months
☆Meeting Yandere! Vincent ☆
pairing: yandere! Vincent x fem reader 
summary: Meeting Vinny <333
warnings: n/a 
authors note: 
Vincent had brushed into the small town a few months earlier on a contract for his engineering firm. The job paid well and he had little to no attachment anywhere so he made the move. He lived in an upscale condo about 30 minutes out from the actual town he’d be working in. Paid for by the company of course. 
He had a routine, call mom once a week, send a letter once a month, go to work every weekday, go to the gym every weekday, grocery shop on Sundays, and get a haircut every 3 weeks. Not much changed for him really unless it was necessary. 
He liked it that way, in his free time he drew, invested, and dabbled in a few books and tv. He wouldn’t call himself the happiest man alive, but he was getting by, and his mom was doing well. That’s all he ever wanted. 
Just like any other day on the job site Vincent set in his small office inside the mobile trailer going over blueprints and whatnot. That is until you came banging on the flimsy trailer door. Vincent thought the damn police were here. Lo and Behold when he opened the door there you were in pajamas, and slippers, and sleep still in your eyes. 
As soon as the door opened you spoke, “Look man, I really was nice at first and didn’t say anything but do y’all have to be so loud at 7 am? It’s waking me and my son.”
Vincent stood there deadpan he didn’t know what to reply. There was nothing he could really do to delay construction in the early hours without derailing the whole project. And normally he would have slammed the door in your face had it been anyone else. But you, you made his heart beat fast and he blanked on a response. Besides the fact that he was a man of very few words.
“Come in.” He said as he pulled you into the office like trailer.
“You seem to be the boss sir, is there anything you can do?” You said while rubbing your eyes.
“You must live in the house a few acres over, what’s your name?” He spoke low and grumbly.
“Yeah I do, it’s a family house but no one gives a shit anymore. All moved off to the big city, scared of the water. Oh, Im f/n l/n” you replied in an annoyed tone.  
“I can’t tell them to halt all work in the morning is there anything I can do instead?” He asked, wanting to remedy this. He didn’t want to upset you. You were alluring to him. This was also the most he had spoken to anyone in days.
“You come to explain to my son why you’re disrupting his sleep!” you said with irritation in your voice.
When Vincent got to your home to apologize to your son, he was met with Ben. Ben was a 3-year-old beautiful Doberman. 
Vincent was a bit relieved it was a dog and not a child, as he was already daydreaming about how he would give you your first child.
Vincent didn’t speak much or have the best social skills but he knew that his interest in you wasn’t normal. Nor did he know how to express such interest.
Good thing you found him handsome, and took interest in his quiet reserved demeanor. You had to know more, you had to dig past the surface. You were bold and willing to take charge and make the moves. You had never seen a man like him in your town before, or anywhere for that matter. 
You were happy you went and complained that morning. Who said complaining didn’t get you anywhere?
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lovebugism · 6 months
Okay, for your Blurbcember what about "Don't you think gingerbread houses with gingerbread men are kinda morbid? I mean, it's a house made out of flesh?" with Steve? And reader just pauses, bag of icing in hand while the gingerbread roof slowly slips off and stares at Steve like boy, I love you but what tf is in your eggnog?
you might be genius for this one, anon. hope u like it!! — you, the grump of the group, try hopelessly to decorate a gingerbread house with your perfectly ditzy bf (grump!reader, established relationship, fluff, 0.8k)
blurbcember ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
“We can’t decorate this if you keep eating all the candy. You know that, right?” Your voice comes in a concentrated, half-annoyed monotone. You’d be grumpier about it if you weren’t so focused. Now, you’re more worried about piping even shingles on the gingerbread roof than your boyfriend eating all of your supplies.
Steve stops chewing with a cheekful of something sugary. “Sorry,” he apologizes, mostly muffled.
You lay the piping bag on the tabletop and flash a deadpanned glance to the boy beside you. With his hair grown out and pushed over his head, chiseled jaw scruffy and unshaven, and ugly Christmas sweater pushed up to his elbows — you think he’s the coziest he’s ever looked. Far too pretty to be mad at.
“Can you hand me the gumdrops?”
He nods enthusiastically, happy to finally help in some way. He reaches to his left for the plastic bag of vividly colored candies. The bag is lighter than he expected, and much much emptier. It shouldn’t surprise him. He’s the one that ate them all.
“Sorry…” he repeats as he passes the bag to you. He gives you a crooked smile in return, an enthusiastic glimmer in the honey of his eye. “It looks really pretty so far, though!”
“Yeah, no thanks to you,” you murmur. 
Dustin told you that this was usually a team effort, a friendly competition between the whole group, but your fingers are the only ones cramping now. You delicately stick each gumdrop into place and try to ignore how tense your wrist has gotten. You figure the Henderson boy must be much of the same in the living room — he’s too much of a perfectionist for anything else.
“You’re the one that told me to stop helping!”
“‘Cause you almost broke the ceiling off, remember?”
“You underestimate my strength, sweetheart,” Steve argues, only half-joking. He leans his elbow on the table and props his scruffy chin on a balled-up fist. “My strong hands can crack that gingerbread, no problem.”
“Yeah. Okay,” you scoff.
“It doesn’t have to be perfect, okay? We just have to make it better than Dustin’s, because I do not want to spend another year with that little shit bragging about making the best house.”
Dustin Henderson is a little super genius, and Nancy, Robin, and Will are the judges this year. The odds of beating everyone’s favorite smartmouth aren’t exactly in your favor. You’re not the most creative person either, but you are pretty competitive. To a fault, some might say.
Honestly, the only reason you took this gig was because you wanted to spend more time with Steve. 
He doesn’t need to know that, though.
“Well, you didn’t have me a year ago, did you?” you quip, eyes still trained on the creation before you.
Steve grins so wide that it’s audible in his sickly sweet tone. “No. I didn’t. I got real lucky this go around, didn’t I?”
His smile grows when your face screws up in annoyance. “You’re disgusting…”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Hand me the candy canes,” you tell them. And then, because you’re trying to be nicer — “Please.”
With his lips quirked in a lopsided smile, he hands you the plastic bag. You stick a couple of the mini sticks into the makeshift yard, then break the ends off to use as windowsills. You put two of them together in a heart shape and stick them to the front of your house, just below the roof.
Steve’s chest swells with warmth. “Aw, that’s cute. You big softie.”
“Shut up…” you grumble.
“It’s a compliment,” the boy laughs, a sunshine sound that turns the kitchen golden. He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest. The bottom of his sweater lifts slightly, flashing a sliver of his stomach. “It’s real nice, you know, for a gingerbread house and everything.”
You squint at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well, I mean— don’t you think gingerbread houses are kinda morbid? Like… It’s a house. Made out of their flesh.” He explains it all like it’s obvious, like it’s a thought he’s had a million times before. He scoffs out a laugh, amused by your visible confusion. “It’s kinda weird when you think about it.”
At a loss for words, you blink at the boy beside you. You don’t think you’ve ever been more dumbfounded — more in love with anybody else in the whole entire world.
Steve is so much different than you are. You’re sometimes too serious, easily annoyed, and a little bit gauche. And Steve is… like walking into the sun. He’s like walking into the sun for the very first time after a terribly long winter.
“What?” he says, chuckling at the silence. The plastic on the table crinkles audibly when he reaches for another gumdrop. He chucks three into his mouth at once, then remembers he isn’t supposed to be eating them at all. “Oh, shit— sorry, babe.”
“Did you spike the eggnog?” you blurt.
“No,” he scoffs, trying to get the candy out of the back of his teeth with his tongue.
You shake your head with a distant smile and try hopelessly to hide it from him. “You’re crazy,” you murmur under your breath.
Steve grins, lopsided and rosy, and with grains of sugar stuck to the corners of his mouth. “Yeah. For you.”
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theemporium · 10 months
Ok your jealousy fic gave me an idea… what about if Daniel actually does find Sunshine behind bars after a night out gone wrong
this was written in like 15 minutes because I couldn’t help myself shshshsbsj but enjoy! and thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
Daniel should’ve known better.
In the past, a lot of his relationships failed because of a lack of understanding. Whether it be the world of his job or the group of people he hung out with, most girlfriends didn’t make it very long before they realised they wanted more and went running for the hills.
You were different because you were already immersed in the world of Formula One. You were an engineer, you travelled with the team, you understood what pressure he was under a lot of the time.
And it meant you understood the other drivers too, that his friends were your friends before you both started dating. Daniel loved that, he loved that you got along so well, he loved that your lives were so intertwined.
And yet, in moments quite like this one, he can’t say he’s all that grateful for the friendships you made.
He should’ve known better when you said you were going out with Max and Lando. He was invited, after all it was summer break and they had weeks to enjoy before they were flying across the globe again. But he declined, happy enough to kiss you on the lips and tell you to message him if you wanted him to pick you up.
Except, he never got that text. In fact, he received no text at all. Instead, Daniel had been woken up by the shrill of his phone ringing, his hand blindly reaching for his phone from his spot on the couch where he dozed off.
But his eyes shot open once the words ‘police station’ and your name was found in the same sentence.
That was how he found himself walking into the local police station in Monaco, haphazardly dressed in whatever hoodie and shorts he could find before he quickly made his way over. He followed the officer into the back, finding you sat between Lando and Max, all with sheepish looks on your face as you sat in the holding cell you had been locked in for the hour.
“Hey, baby.”
Daniel shot you a look—one that was equally reciprocated to both boys on your side, before he turned to the officer again.
A whole load of paperwork and twenty minutes later, the cell was opened and the three of you were scampering out like scolded puppies with your tails between your legs.
It wasn’t until you were all back at your shared apartment where the silence broke. Daniel was far too tired to drop the other two boys at their own homes, just muttering that they could each take a spare room.
After they gave him an explanation.
“This better be good,” Daniel grumbled, his hands placed on his hips. It was nearing an ungodly hour in the night and he wasn’t sure how much of this story he could handle.
“It wasn’t my fault,” you said to him.
“Really?” Daniel deadpanned. “Then who’s fault was it? Because you were the one in the cell.”
“This bitch!” you insisted. “She wouldn’t leave Lando alone! He’s a baby! He needed help!”
Lando nodded solemnly. “I am a baby. A hot baby, but a baby nonetheless.”
Max’s nose scrunched. “That’s not how that works.”
“So, what? You’re in jail because some chick didn’t leave Lando alone?” Daniel interrupted, pressing his fingers to his temples. “Sunshine, that doesn’t make any sense.”
“Well no,” you started, a sheepish expression on your face. “I was in jail because even after all the verbal warnings, she wasn’t getting the hint.”
“She tried to stick her hand down my pants,” Lando added.
“So I punched her in the face,” you finished.
Daniel blinked. “You punched her?”
“Yes,” you said, without an ounce of regret in your voice. “Right in the face. Think I broke her nose.”
“Oh, you definitely did,” Max hummed. “I heard it crack.”
“I—” Daniel sighed deeply before looking at the two boys. “How did you two end up in jail then?”
“Some dude got involved and tried to hit me—” you started.
“So, I hit him first,” Lando said with a slightly embarrassed smile. “It hurt. Like, a lot.”
Daniel could barely wrap his head around the whole matter before his eyes fell on his teammate. “And you?”
“I don’t really know,” Max admitted with a shrug. “It was either punching the security guard who tried to throw us out or the hundreds of euros worth of damage we made at the bar after I shoved the man Lando punched into the bar and all the shelves came crashing down.”
Daniel pressed his hand against his chest like he was genuinely winded.
“Baby—” you moved to step closer to your boyfriend.
“Just…let’s get you all to bed, yeah?” Daniel murmured. “I can feel a headache starting and I need at least a few hours of sleep before I can deal with this.”
Both boys didn’t need to be told twice before they ran off down the hall, knowing where their spare rooms were already. However, you stayed where you were, looking nervous as you stared at your boyfriend.
“Are you mad at me?” you whispered, your voice soft and quiet and unlike you.
“Sunshine,” Daniel’s face instantly softened as he moved forward to cup your face. “Of course not, baby, I’m just…overwhelmed. You were just protecting your friend…even if it got really out of control.”
“I’m sorry you had to come bail us out,” you murmured, your arms wounding around his torso.
“Just gives me plenty of ammo to use against you three,” he joked playfully before leaning down to kiss you softly. “C’mon, let’s get you to bed before you start planning your next felony.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re acting like I’m a criminal.”
“Well, in the words of Britney herself, I’m in love with a criminal,” Daniel grinned widely.
“You’re cheesy.”
“You like it.”
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pedropascallme · 4 months
The Weather Ain't Been Bad
Pairing: Damien Haas x f!Reader
Summary: “You had barely made it off the last step, rounding the corner to the kitchen, when you heard a voice call your name. You flinched, hand flying to your chest in a brief moment of panic, not suspecting anybody else to be awake, let alone downstairs, while you were roaming the halls like some kind of restless spirit.”
Warnings: SMUT (18+ MINORS DNI) p in v sex, dom/sub dynamics, fingering, oral (f receiving), spitting, Damien is a biter but we knew that, lots of begging and even more praise, Damien likes getting his hair pulled but we knew that. If I missed anything please let me know!
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“You look dumb.”
“I’ll literally—look at me, look at me. Shut up.”
You listened to Shayne and Angela argue in the back seat, their back and forth had started as a game of I-spy and quickly devolved into improvised insults on hour one of the drive after a patch of traffic resulted in a lack of things to spy.
“Literally nothing you say could ever affect me I don’t care about anything you have to say to me.” Shayne deadpanned and you heard Angela let out a shrill sound as she tried to climb out of her seatbelt to punch him in the arm.
“Hey, you know what would actually be really fun?” Damien, driving, looked back at them through the rearview mirror, “If you guys would, uh, shut the hell up?”
You laughed quietly; head propped up on the window as you watched the California landscape go from dusty highway to snowcapped trees. Hours long car ride aside, you were happy to be making the trip. It had never occurred to you that upon Anthony’s return to the company there would be a renaissance of Smosh content that didn’t have to do with the main channel, but when they announced the return of the Winter Games you felt a swell of joy—it was nice to be part of something that went back so many years and still continued to entertain the masses, especially when that something made you feel a cathartic sort of nostalgia.
And now, sitting in the front seat and listening to your friends threaten each other in increasingly ridiculous ways, watching Damien’s hand on the steering wheel, it went beyond simple nostalgia: It was pure ecstasy. The low hum of music on the radio paired nicely with the long road ahead, and you leaned back, closing your eyes for a moment.
You felt a hand on your knee, giving you a short squeeze. You opened your eyes, grabbing Damien’s hand and squeezing him back.
“What?” You playfully pushed his hand back towards his body, and he gripped the steering wheel.
“You’re my GPS, you can’t fall asleep.”
“I could navigate!” Angela leaned forward, elbows on the center console.
“You—you would get us lost in your own house, you psycho.” Amanda piped up for the first time in several minutes, placing a hand gingerly on Angela’s shoulder and laughing.
“Hey!” Angela turned her attention away from the front seat, pushing against Shayne, who had started laughing at her expense once more.
Damien glanced at you from his peripheral, as if to silently lament about your friends in the back seat, and you glanced back, smiling.
You appreciated the moments you got to spend with Damien. It wasn’t like they were rare; since you’d joined the cast, he was always someone you’d found a sort of reliability in, and a shared sense of humor went a long way. He was always a beacon of tranquility amongst the chaos of the office. He could be just as rowdy as everybody else—and often was—but he was always able to weed out when somebody needed a moment to recalibrate, and it felt like he knew what you needed before even you did sometimes. But he seemed to have that effect on most everybody, and you didn’t want to push too hard for something that might not be there, despite how happy you were to feel his hand on your back when he guided you through crowded spaces, or to hear him say your name in that faux-crestfallen way when you cheated in cards.
He turned his gaze back to the road, and you found yourself leaning against the window again, passively looking at his reflection in the trees that darted by, and thinking things that you decided should remain unsaid.
The house was gigantic, and even that was putting it lightly.
In theory, you recognized that you worked for a multi-million-dollar company, but it was more than a little weird to be standing in the doorway of a house big enough to hold at least 20 copies of your own apartment inside of it.
But you understood the want to splurge; it had been years since the last Winter Games, and even longer still since there had been a Games with Anthony. It was exciting, and even before you had gotten to the cabin-style mansion, there had been a buzz in the air; cast and crew alike vibrating in anticipation of a vacation-like period where things would be more akin to camp than to work.
Filming started immediately, and you barely had time to think about what exactly was happening before you were back in front of a camera.
Shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the cast, Ian and Anthony made picks for their respective teams; it was easy to forget that you were in a new space—it was like you’d never left the office, still in good company and laughing until your cheeks hurt. You donned the bright blue shirt that had been handed to you, and wondered how many raunchy, snow-related jokes you’d have to hear over the next week.
“Be honest with me,” you put the shirt on over the one you were already wearing, joining the side of the room with the rest of your teammates, “Are we gonna lose?”
Damien laughed, “With that attitude? Probably.”
Maybe the best part of the trip was the fact that this year marked the first time that everybody got their own room. You’d heard the stories—not that they were all that bad, but it was nice to know that even when surrounded by your friends for two weeks, you’d still be able to duck out for some private time in your own space.
Except that your room was freezing.
You hadn’t noticed it upon your arrival, coat still zipped up and adrenaline on high, but once you had showered and readied yourself for bed, you recognized the deep, unwelcome chill in your bones. The source evaded you; the windows were closed, the ceiling fan was completely still—it was a frustrating end to a long day.
You gave up, putting on a heavier sweatshirt and deciding that locating the source of the frigid air was a problem for tomorrow. There had to be extra blankets somewhere, and you tried to recall whether there had been any on the couches downstairs. Even if there weren’t, getting out of your room and regaining a little feeling in your fingers sounded appealing.
You quietly exited your bedroom.
Tiptoeing down the stairs, you shifted your weight awkwardly from side to side to avoid any sudden creaks from the old wood. The house was silent—save for the wind outside that howled against the windows every few moments—and you didn’t want to disturb the peace.
You had barely made it off the last step, rounding the corner to the kitchen, when you heard a voice call your name. You flinched, hand flying to your chest in a brief moment of panic, not suspecting anybody else to be awake, let alone downstairs, while you were roaming the halls like some kind of restless spirit.
“I’m sorry—did I scare you?” The familiar sound of timely apologies, whispered from across the room. You felt your heart settle. “I’m sorry.”
“Jesus, Damien,” you took measured breaths, “scared me.”
“Sorry,” his voice was low. He stood behind the kitchen island, hair messy, and it was clear he was struggling to sleep as much as you were.
“It’s ok,” you walked towards where he was standing, leaning over the island to grab at his arm reassuringly before letting go; his skin was warm against your palm, and even in the dark of the room you were unable to tear your eyes from him. “I didn’t think anybody else was up.”
“Yeah, well, it’s not by choice,” he sighed, “my room is a sauna.”
“You’ve got your own room, you couldn’t just strip down?” You raised your eyebrows, teasing him, trying not to think about how he might look spread out on his bed with nothing on.
“There are only so many layers I can take off until it’s, like, my skin,” he smiled, and you broke out into a quiet laugh.
“Well, my room is freezing, so,” you collected yourself a little, “I came down looking for more blankets, but if you wanted to switch…”
“Is the window open?” He furrowed his brow, seemingly concerned by your discomfort.
“Not even a crack,” you clarified, “Your room sounds like a dream to me right now.”
You didn’t realize how it sounded until he let out a snort, “Yeah, I get that a lot.”
“You know what I meant.” You rolled your eyes, and he reached over the counter to brush his hand against yours in a gesture of peace.
You stood quietly together, enjoying each other’s company and the calm of the house. You let your hand remain under his on the granite, and he didn’t make any moves to separate from you.
“Thanks for being a good sport about navigating,” Damien ran his other hand over his face, tired after the seemingly endless day. “I know it probably wasn’t your first choice.”
“Yeah, well. You better thank God we’re on the same team, otherwise I’d use 'competitive determination' as an excuse to get back at you for keeping me up." You shot back jovially, “But, you know…it was nice to help you out.” You paused. “I liked it, actually.”
He shot you a small smile, which you returned, and the two of you let silence fall again.
“How about I see if I can find the source of whatever it is that’s making you so cold?” He tilted his head, sincerely offering to help you, and you could never say no to an offer like that.
You could never say no to Damien.
“That would be nice.” You curled your pinky into the palm of his hand before turning to lead him to your room.
You were friends, always had been upon your entrance into the company; he was an undeniably important presence in your life for that very reason—he was there. He was always there when you needed him. He was supportive and kind and stupidly funny, and, yeah, incredibly attractive. But that didn’t mean it had to be something more. Just because you looked forward to the days he came into work with dark stubble that contrasted with the silver of his hair, just because you forgot the rules to certain games sometimes because you were too focused on the way his sleeves fit around his arms, just because you loved the way his eyes trailed over your face when you told him a story and he got just as animated as you did—it didn’t have to be anything more than friendship.
But realistically, despite your insistence to your friends and to yourself that you considered Damien a great, strictly-platonic friend and nothing more, you knew what you really wanted.
You knew you wanted more.
And despite the innocent context under which you were bringing him up to your room, there was a surge of adrenaline that coursed through your chest while he trailed behind you.
“Jesus,” he pushed his shoulders back upon opening the door to your room, goosebumps pricking his skin. “Some weather we’re having.”
“I told you,” you pushed past him, kicking a stray pair of socks into the corner. “You still think you can fix it?”
“They actually call me Damien “Fix-It” Haas,” he cracked his knuckles, “Don’t look into it.”
You smiled, shaking your head, spreading your arms out to signal that he could poke around freely.
It took him approximately ten seconds to locate the thermostat behind a curtain.
“Are you serious?” You kicked yourself for missing what should’ve been so obvious.
“I’m Damien,” he went straight-faced, “And this says sixty-five degrees—how are you not frozen solid?”
“Pure will.” Your head fell back in exasperation, “How did I miss that?”
“You’re tired,” he softened, “It’s been a long day, y’know, and I bet a lot of people are too dumb to look behind curtains—”
You cut him off with a curt but soft shove to his chest, and he grabbed your hands after they made impact, both of you semi-delirious from lack of sleep and falling into a fit of giggles. He removed one of his hands from you, leaning back to change the thermostat.
“It’ll heat up eventually,” he started, “What number do you want it at?”
“So, that is not a number,” he smiled at you, “I’ll put it in the seventies.”
“Thank you,” you wriggled free of the grasp he still had on your wrist, “My hero.”
You stood facing each other for a moment, neither of you ready to part for some reason.
“I should go to sleep,” you finally spoke.
“Yeah.” He agreed, voice sounding raspier than it had before. He started to walk towards the door while you leaned back onto the pillows on the bed.
“Damien,” you didn’t know what you were doing, or if you should be doing it, but it felt only logical in the moment, “Stay.”
You watched him freeze in place, turning back to look at you.
“I mean…if your room is uncomfortable to sleep in—what, are you gonna sleep on the couch?” You continued, rambling to find reasoning behind your sudden offer, “You can just stay here tonight.”
“Seriously?” He scanned your features, trying to figure out if you were serious or if this was just a joke that he hadn’t caught onto yet.
“Are you sure—?”
“I’m just saying, it’s not fair that you have to spend the night in discomfort. Especially after you fixed the temperature in here.” You felt a red heat rising in your ears, but you soldiered on, still waiting for a yes or no. You watched as he turned to walk towards the door again, and your heart sank a little, before he closed the door in front of him and walked back to you.
“One hell of a sleepover—one bed, no snacks, and you don’t even have a Wii,” He feigned disappointment.
“But I hear when mom goes to sleep, they bring out Kevin’s mom.” You smiled, digging your heels into the comforter, and he laughed at the callback.
He sat on the mattress, leaning back on the pillows with you, and you used it as an excuse to angle yourself towards him, resting your head lightly on his shoulder.
“I can sleep on the floor. If you want…” He whispered, and you felt his fingers trail up your own hand.
“No,” you turned to look at him, still on your back but suddenly very aware of the proximity to which you were lying next to each other, letting him continue to run his hand along your arm. “It’s still cold in here.”
“I can turn the heat up—”
You watched as he traced the curve of your elbow with his finger before letting it fall back to your hand, “Damien, stop being a gentleman. Just share the bed with me.”
“Ok.” He stopped moving, gaze falling on you and swallowing shallowly. You laced your fingers with his. You were certain he could see your heart beating through your ribcage, or at the very least he could see the way your pulse bounced in your wrist. “Yeah, ok.”
You didn’t undress, didn’t even get under the covers, but something felt so intimate; a shift in the air. Maybe it was the new warmth that permeated throughout the room, but it was different, in the best way.
It felt like more.
He didn’t touch you, didn’t even graze your back when you turned over to get comfortable. But you felt his breath on the back of your head, rustling your hair and drifting over the back of your neck.
Your eyes stayed open, unable to let sleep take hold despite the tranquility; the moon bounced off the snow and caused a dim light to trickle through the window, and you were wide awake.
You shifted again, turning back over to face Damien. His eyes were closed, and you watched the subtle movements of his body, chest rising and falling softly with each breath.
“It’s creepy to watch people sleep.” He whispered, and you bit your tongue, unsure of what to say. Busted. He opened one eye and broke into a small smile. “Are you gonna murder me?”
“Haven’t decided yet.” You whispered back, nearly letting the sound of the wind outside drown you out.
“I could take you,” he propped himself up on his arm.
“Is that a challenge or a blanket statement?” You raised an eyebrow, “Because I wasn’t going to murder you, but those are fighting words.”
“What do you think?” He was goading you now, waiting to see if you’d back down from whatever this was, if there was a line you were going to draw.
“I think I could kick your ass.” You sat up on your knees.
“Yeah?” He looked at you, skeptical. You couldn’t think of what to say, couldn’t tell what this was, or what would happen if you crossed the physical boundary into his space.
You threw caution to the wind for the second time within the hour. 
You launched yourself towards him, and he let his arm fall to the side, lying on his back as you clambered to straddle him. Grabbing his wrists, you pulled his hands above his head, letting out a small huff of victory.
You couldn’t recall a time where you’d ever been this close to Damien before. There was a pool of heat in your stomach that you tried to write off as a burst of energy—adrenaline hitting in the middle of the night—while you rationalized being in this position with him. With your friend. It was just wrestling; a playful act among companions. You’d seen people do it all the time in the office. Courtney put Spencer in a headlock the other day—you’d seen her do it to Ian the day before that. It was fine. It wasn’t anything other than roughhousing.
It didn’t have to be anything more.
“I told you.” You gloated.
“I was in a vulnerable position. This is hardly what I would call a fair fight.”
“Don’t be a sore loser.”
“I’m being a sore loser?” He smiled, all teeth, and you were about to respond, tell him that you had won, fair and square, and that if he wanted to lose again, you’d grant him the rematch he clearly wanted so desperately.
Instead, he flipped you onto your back, knee between your legs and one hand pinning your wrists above your head just as you had done to him.
“Never let your guard down,” He laughed, and you bit back a smile.
“That’s not fair.”
“That’s what a sore loser would say.” He taunted, and you thought you felt his grip tighten around your wrists.
You looked up at him, unsure where to go from here.
Surely, you’d separate, turn over and away from each other, fall asleep, and then act like nothing was different tomorrow—because nothing was different. Nothing had changed. This was nothing.
But you liked the way he looked like this; his knee caught between the V of your own legs, the muscles in his arm tense from the grip he had on you, his other hand planted on the bed at your side, just close enough for you to feel the heat radiating off of it. You watched him swallow.
“Tell me to let go,” he whispered, his voice gravelly. “Tell me to let go and I will.”
You didn’t move. You didn’t make a sound. All you could do was stare up at him, before you reminded yourself to speak, to say anything, to finally reveal what it was you wanted.
“Kiss me.” You were worried he wouldn’t hear it over the wind, words coming out small and breathy, but you saw the way the muscle in his jaw clicked.
He was on you instantly, colliding with you in a frenzied kiss. He let go of your wrists, and your hands came down to trail over his back, pulling him closer to you by the back of his neck. He bit at your bottom lip, and the sharp sting was counteracted quickly by the way his tongue darted over it, exploring you while you whined underneath him. He licked into your mouth, and you sucked at his tongue before letting his exploration continue, your hands reaching under the back of his shirt in an attempt to get closer, to let him suffocate you with his attention.
He pulled back, lips pink and cheeks blushed, his hand coming to hold your jaw and encourage you to open wider. He spit into your open mouth, before pushing on your jaw, encouraging you to close it. You did, swallowing his offering before opening your mouth again, sticking out your tongue as proof of your deed.
“Fuck,” he growled, hand still on your face when he reconnected his mouth to yours. It was needier now; sloppy and wet, and you could taste him perfectly like this, your spit mingling with his, licking into his mouth to get as much of him as you could.
He trailed down your body, leaving kisses on any skin available to him. The collar of your shirt exposed your clavicle, and he bit into the skin around it, sinking his teeth into you just enough for red marks to appear, before sucking a bruise onto the skin of the bone.
“Camera,” you reminded him haphazardly, “Nothing the camera can see—” You combed your fingers through his hair, pulling hard to ensure he listened to your warning, and he groaned at the pressure, removing his mouth from you.
“Right,” He was breathing hard, thumb rubbing circles on the bruise he had just made, low enough on your chest that your shirt would cover it—a secret between the two of you. He leaned back down, lips wrapping around the pulse point below your ear and peppering gentle kisses on it. You ground your hips onto him, his knee still planted between your thighs, stabilizing his position, and you felt the fabric of your pajamas catch perfectly on your clit, letting out a soft moan.
Damien watched, lips parted, as you bucked your hips against his thigh; some area of his brain wanted to let you continue, let you bring yourself to the edge by using him like this, but that was outweighed by the part of him that wanted so desperately to be the one making you cum; he wanted to make you fall apart, wanted to see how pretty you looked when he was making you feel good.
He moved his leg, effectively straddling you, and you let out a whimper of discontent, disappointed by the sudden loss of friction when you had been so close to what you needed.
“I know, baby,” his voice was cloying, clearly finding your whines enticing in a twisted sort of way; call it sadistic, but he didn’t want you putting in any work—he wanted to be in charge of all your pleasure. “I’ll let you finish, I promise,” he licked a stripe up your neck. “Tell me what you need.”
“Want your mouth,” you were quick to answer.
“Ask nicely.”
“Please, I want your mouth on me Damien—please.”
“You want my mouth?” He nipped at your jawline, “Want me to fuck you with my tongue?”
You nodded, entranced by how devious he looked, pupils blown out, swallowing the moon’s reflection, silver hair messy from being pulled on and falling over his eyes, skin flushed pink; you were absolutely overcome with need watching him at his most primal.
He moved further down your body, situating himself between your legs and tucking his fingers beneath the waistband of your pajamas; you lifted your hips when he began to pull the fabric off of you, slowly, and you tried in vain to push your pants off faster.
“Uh-uh,” he moved his hands to cover yours, “be patient.”
You removed your hands from the flannel waistband, placing them over your chest and trying to crane your neck to watch him. It felt like an eternity before he finally let the fabric pool around your ankles, sliding them off with help from you kicking gently against the air. If ever there was a time to be thankful that you didn’t sleep in underwear, it would be now.
Moving back towards your core, he pulled your legs over his shoulders, still concentrated on making you comfortable even while most of his focus was on your naked cunt.
“Do you always get wet this quickly?” He let you hook your knee behind his head, looking up at you from between your legs.
“Shut up,” you felt suddenly embarrassed, as if it was only now, with his breath fanning your spread legs, that he had become suspicious of your attraction to him.
“That’s a no, then?” He smirked and your embarrassment dissipated when you saw the prideful smile.
Damien’s eyes shifted then from your face to your inner thigh, turning his head to suck marks on it just as he had on your neckline. He bit into the supple flesh, just hard enough to leave an outline of his teeth, before kissing bruises onto the same spots. You let out a contented sigh, and he squeezed your other thigh before turning his head again to repeat the process on that side. Licking stripes up your legs and into the joint of your thigh, he stopped short of where you wanted him, letting out a hum every time you exhaled in frustration at the lack of attention your cunt was getting.
He liked riling you up, seeing your brow furrow and your cheeks redden in frustration at not getting what you had asked for.
He relented when you started whispering pleas of his name, hand buried in his hair and pulling gently at the roots for him to use his mouth on you like he had said he would. You gasped at the contact of his tongue on your clit, the way he flattened the muscle to slide over you before moving it in slow circles over your bud. His fingers dug bruises into your thighs, holding them over his shoulders and pulling you closer to him when he finally started licking circles around your hole.
“Fuck—fuck!” you couldn’t get another word out, too focused on the way he dove into you and lapped up your slick. He was messy but masterful, letting your juices and his spit trail down over the curve of your ass while making your back arch off the mattress, hand still in his hair and unsure of whether you wanted to push him down further or pull him off due to the overwhelming sensation.
The sounds were pornographic, wet and filthy, and when you pulled harder on his hair he let out a low growl that displayed his pleasure while heightening your own.
“You taste so fucking sweet,” he groaned into you, spitting onto your dripping cunt before indulging once more in your taste. You became aware of the way his hips ground into the mattress with every flick of his tongue and every mewl you let out. “Cum for me like this, baby, can you do that? Let me taste it?”
You threw your head back at his words, pressure building in your stomach at the way he clearly got so much enjoyment from making you feel good, paired with the way his teeth grazed your clit, sucking on you until you saw stars and then pulling away to do it again. One of his hands fell from your leg, and he brought it to your cunt, spitting once before pushing two fingers in. You squirmed, moaning, as he curled them towards him and fluttered them over the spongy spot inside of you. He dragged his tongue over your clit one more time, and you were catapulted over the edge, dizzy with lust, pleasure coursing through you like an electric current.
Damien moved back up the bed, hugging you to him while you trembled with the aftershocks of your orgasm, muttering words of praise.
“Did so fucking good,” he kissed the top of your head, “Such a good girl—was that ok? Are you alright?” His thumb ran over your cheek, and he dipped his head down to leave kisses in its wake.
You let out a shaky breath, adjusting your position to throw your leg over his side before wrapping your arms around him to pull him down for a kiss.
“So good.” You muttered, tasting yourself on his lips. You rolled your hips against his lazily, reaching down to trail your hand over his evident bulge. “More.”
“Yeah?” He groaned, taking in the way your hand felt on his clothed cock.
“Please.” You looked up at him through your lashes.
He reconnected his lips to yours, moving slowly and swallowing your sounds.
“You want me like this?” He whispered, hands sweeping over your body, “Gonna let me fuck you into the mattress?”
Your hips bucked on their own accord, and you nodded feverishly. He sat up, pulling you up after him, and reached under the hem of your shirt to help you remove it. He got distracted by the sight of your chest, the swell of your breasts and the way you looked at him expectantly.
“You’re so pretty,” he almost laughed, absolutely delighted by you, as he leaned down to suck a bruise on the valley between your breasts. He nipped at the pillowy skin, teeth skimming your nipple when he took it into his mouth, barely putting pressure on it until your hand flew to his hair in a gesture to make him continue, to give you more. You whimpered, sitting on your knees with his face pressed against your chest.
He stood up, removing his shirt quickly before untying the cord of his pants.
“There’s really nothing sexier than a man in pajama bottoms,” he made a face as he fumbled with the knot of the string, finally undoing it with a sharp tug.
“I’d have to agree.” You shot him a smug look and he shook his head, smiling. He situated himself back on the mattress, pushing you onto your back and kissing your neck. You let out a quiet yelp when you landed on the pillows, laughing softly. You still felt dizzy, the entire situation leaving you completely shocked but admittedly thrilled, and when you saw him looking down at you, you felt words leave your mouth before you could filter them.
“I’ve wanted this for a really long time.”
Damien smiled again, kissing your forehead before dipping down to trail kisses over your jaw. “Me too.”
“So, uh,” You let your hand wander down his body, stopping at the base of his cock and teasing your fingers around it, “You gonna fuck me into the mattress now?”
He grabbed your hand, and in a parallel to the situation that got you here, pinned it above your head.
“Is that what you want?” His pupils swallowed his irises, giving him the appearance of someone completely lost in desire. It made you greedy for more.
“Yeah.” You breathed.
“Tell me.”
“I want you to fuck me.”
“No. The whole thing. Say it.”
“I want…” You felt dirty saying it out loud, and that was half the appeal, “I want you to fuck me into the mattress.”
“That’s right. You gonna beg for it?”
You liked him like this, so cocky and domineering. It made you feel breathless, head swimming with what was to come. Dominance looked good on him.
“Please, Damien,” you swallowed, squirming slightly in anticipation.
“C’mon, you can do better than that.” He practically scoffed, “Beg.”
“Fuck me, please,” you felt yourself growing frustrated, and you could feel your heart beating in your cunt. “I was so good—I’ve been so good, please, I’ll take what you give me I promise just—please, please fuck me.”
The hand that wasn’t wrapped around your wrist fisted his cock, and you tilted your head to watch him stroke himself while he lined up with your entrance. You whined, hoping that maybe it would make him move faster.
“What did I say about being patient?” He chided, and your head fell back onto the pillows.
“Please, Damien.” You couldn’t have hidden your eagerness if you tried.
“One more time.” You felt the tip of his cock between your folds, collecting your slick and nudging your entrance.
“Please—yes!” You gasped when he pushed his hips forward, eyes rolling back slightly at the way he filled you completely in one stroke.
“Good girl.” He grabbed your other hand, now pinning both your wrists down over your head, giving him a full view of your body underneath him. “You feel good? Worth the wait?”
You nodded your head, mouth open and eyes wide, mesmerized by the stretch and the feeling of him seated deep inside of you.
“Tell me—use your words,” His own patience was wearing thin, and you could tell he was waiting for the opportunity to fuck you the way he wanted to.
“Feels so good, Damien,” you nodded again, “Move—fuck me, please.”
He exhaled, content with your answer and subsequent request. He drew his hips back far enough to nearly pull out of you, before slamming back against you and bottoming out completely. You let out a moan, and his free hand covered your mouth.
“Gotta be quiet, baby” he whispered.
You nodded underneath his hand, remembering all the other people in the house, and he pulled it away from your mouth before pushing two fingers through your lips.
“That’ll keep you busy, right?” He smiled and you moaned softly around his fingers, tongue circling them behind your lips.
Damien copied his initial sharp thrust, pushing into you with enough force to move you up the bed repeatedly, watching the way your breasts bounced with the movement. Letting go of your hands briefly, he brought one of your legs up to his shoulders, deepening the position, and you whimpered around the fingers in your mouth.
“God, you’re fucking perfect. Sound so pretty, baby” he groaned, grinding his hips against you to get a feel for how deep he was inside of you, “So pretty letting me fuck you like this.”
He took his fingers from your mouth, toying with your nipples and using the residual spit to lubricate his movements. His other hand left your wrists, focused now on holding himself above you while he drove in and out of you.
You squirmed under him, overstimulated and needy, and your newly freed hands grabbed at whatever they could hold onto; one gripping his arm, nails leaving crescents in his skin, while the other fisted the sheets, and Damien took note of the way your face contorted when his thrusts became rougher.
“You like that?” His voice was as kind as it usually was, but with an edge to it now, driving into you hard. “That feel good, baby?”
Your moans were increasingly high-pitched, and all you could offer was a jumble of reassuring whines. You pulled him down by the back of his neck, lips meeting for a feverish, passionate kiss. He bit your bottom lip, keeping it between his teeth and tugging at it, before letting his tongue push forward into your mouth.
You moaned into him, his cock pushing against your most sensitive spot. You arched your back, silently begging for more, and he followed your unspoken instructions, fingers finding your clit between your bodies and kneading tight circles over it.
You let out a ragged cry of his name, cunt squeezing around him as you came; he pulled you into him, arm wrapping under your body, to kiss you fervidly, groaning at how you felt clenching so tightly around him.
“That’s right, baby, cum for me,” he fucked you through your high; long, deep strokes at a much slower pace bringing you back down to earth, “Good fucking girl.”
“Oh my god,” you mumbled, drowsy and overstimulated, happy to be enveloped by him.
“Where do you want me, baby?” His thrusts picking back up slightly, eager for his own release.
“Anywhere you want,” you kissed up the side of his neck, whining at the feel of his cock as he dragged his hips back before sinking back into you, “Wanna make you cum, please.” You rubbed your cheek against his, the friction from his short stubble soothing you.
“You want me to cum for you?” Even now, he kept teasing, “My good girl wants me to cum for her? So fucking greedy.”
You whined, wordlessly, trying to move your hips to match his thrusts, intent on pleasing him the way he had you.
“Spit,” he offered you his hand, and you licked his palm before spitting into it.
He squeezed you tight, using the arm still underneath you to lift you up slightly and get a few last thrusts in as deep as he could manage. Upon pulling out, he fucked his fist with the hand you had prepared for him, spilling over your cunt. You whimpered at the feeling, and the thought of his cum mingling with your own between your legs.
Breathing heavy and uneven, Damien took a moment to collect himself. He leaned over the side of the bed, finding his discarded shirt and grabbing it; he wiped between your legs, careful to go slow and gentle over your more sensitive spots. He threw the shirt back over the side of the bed when he deemed you properly cleaned up.
“Thank you,” you spoke up, nuzzling into his side.
He hummed, kissing your head and moving stray hairs from your face. “Was that…it wasn’t too much, was it?”
“Damien,” you looked up at him incredulously, “It was perfect.”
“Not too rough?”
“The perfect amount of rough.”
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, rubbing his thumb over your skin. “Did you mean what you said?”
“That I wanted to make you cum?”
“Well—mm. Kinda gathered that that was the truth. No, I mean, when you said you’ve wanted this…for a while.”
“Of course I meant it.” You fidgeted with the fingers he had draped around your shoulder. “Did you mean it when you—”
“Yeah.” He cut you off.
“You didn’t know what I was going to ask.”
“What were you going to ask?” He quipped.
“Now I’m not telling you.” You rolled your eyes, playfully turning away from him. Damien used the hand he had on your shoulder as leverage to pull you back against him, and you landed against his chest.
“Did I mean it when I said I wanted this, too?” He finished your question for you, “Yeah. I meant it. One hundred percent, I did.” He pressed his cheek against the crown of your head, “Was worried that wanting more was a, I dunno, like a…thought it would make you uncomfortable. So, I just—not that I don’t like being your friend—but I tried to behave myself. Y’know? Even though...” His gaze flicked over your face, "I always wanted more."
“Is this where you tell me that you orchestrated this whole thing by turning down the heat in here?” You joked, tired and satisfied and so utterly content that he, too, wanted more than the friendship you had cultivated with one another—thrilled that you had been on the same page all along; the initial paranoia over the implications of being attracted to the other, and now basking in the relief that your affection was mutual.
“I’m flattered that you think I have that kind of forethought. But no,” he laughed. “Just got lucky.”
“In so many respects.” You giggled, listening to his heartbeat against your cheek.
“Thanks for letting me stay.” He held you tighter, as if a loose grip would cause you to slip away from him.
“Thanks for staying.”
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niphredil-14 · 4 months
The platonic Leo request got me thinking…
What if, in a romantic scenario of Donnie x reader where they’re Leo’s best friend? Donnie falling for the idiot and reader is the idiot, wingman Leo let’s go.
OOH I LOVE THIS IDEA! Sorry it took me so long, life's been hectic. Warnings: fem reader, she/her pronouns used. Word Count: 1.3k
BAD DIRECTIONS (Rise! Donnie/Reader)
She was convinced that Leo did not in fact live in the sewers, but instead, that his home was a labyrinth that had her completely turned around and lost. Leonardo had given her what had sounded like clear directions to the bathroom, but evidently were not clear enough. She was just about to cave and call Leonardo, when a voice made her pause.
“Hello?” Came from behind her. She turned, to find a turtle standing in the hallway a few feet away from her. She didn’t know Leonardo’s brothers very well, only having spoken to them shortly and infrequently, and not seeing much of them as most of the time she spent with Leo was at her place. Despite the unfamiliarity, if the amount of purple he wore wasn’t a dead giveaway, the various tech he carried on his person definitely was.
“Oh, hi!” She said, slightly startled. “Uhh… Donnie, right?” He nodded in response.
“You’re Leo’s friend, right?” He said their name. She nodded, just the same as he did. “What are you doing just hanging out in the hallway? Did Leo ditch you? That ass.” Donnie said, falling into a slight ramble.
“Oh, no, no, no! He didn’t ditch me.” She said. “I just, um, well, it’s kind of embarrassing, but I got a little lost on my way to the bathroom.” She explained. “I was just about to call him.” Don let out a slight snort, and turned around, starting to walk away.
“Follow me.” Was all he said, not waiting for her to hurry to catch up to him. He led her through twisting, confusing hallways that she did her best to memorize, so as to not get lost again. His strides were long, and she somewhat struggled to keep up. Finally he stopped beside a door, and turned to her. “Here it is.”
“Oh! Thank you!” She said. Don made a soft affirmative hum and began to take a few steps, so she entered the bathroom. When she emerged, she found Donnie standing a few feet away, leaning against the wall scrolling on his phone. At hearing the door swing open, he looked up, and tucked his phone into his pocket. She was evidently confused by the fact that he was still there, and quirked an eyebrow up. Before she could question him, he spoke up.
“Go back in and wash your hands again.” He said, deadpanned and serious.
“I- What? I just did.” She responded.
“Yes, for thirteen seconds, which is insufficient. You should wash for at least twenty seconds to prevent illness. Sing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice.” Flabbergasted, she reentered the bathroom, and rewashed her hands, taking care to intentionally sing obnoxiously loud.
“Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday,
Dear Donnie~
Happy Birthday to you!”
With the door being open, there was no resistance for the sound to reach his ears, and he let out a small snort, musing to himself what perfect sense her and Leo’s friendship made. It was endearing to him, in a strange way, her act. And it was slightly frustrating that he knew the same amusement would not be present if it were his brother doing the very same act, instead of the cute girl he was always talking about. From how often Leo spoke about her, Donnie felt like he had already known her well, for quite some time, even though they had not spoken to each other more than four separate times. And deep down, in a part of him that he shoved every thought that he didn’t feel fully prepared to acknowledge or process, there was stored a feeling of slight jealousy surrounding Leo and his best friend. She was clearly quite the character, and Donnie had found himself drawn to her, wishing that perhaps he could grow close to her as well. She had begun to sing the song for a second time.
“Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday-“
“My birthday isn’t for another four months.” Donnie interjected, correcting her.
“Dear Donnie~
Happy – four month early- Birthday to you!”
She had dragged out the last syllable of his name in her song, and had switched from singing to speaking when she said “four month early,” before switching back to singing for the rest of the song. He smiled slightly, and breathed out a silent laugh as he shook his head, which she, luckily for him, did not witness as she was preoccupied drying off her hands. Walking out, she held her hands out to him, palms up.
“Do they meet your standards, oh Lord of Proper Hygiene?” He glanced down at her hands for a moment, and gave a curt nod.
“Yes, they do, Oh Lady of Unnecessary Sass.” She gave a small giggle, that he generously returned. As their laughs quieted, a short silence fell over the two of them as they looked at one another. It did not turn awkward until after a few seconds, after which Donnie coughed to clear his throat, and turned away. “Do you know the way back to Leo’s room?” Her eyes widened, and her cheeks slightly flushed in embarrassment.
“Oh, um, no.” He laughed lightly, genially, and motioned with his head for her to follow him.
“I’ll walk you back.”
The journey to Leo’s room didn’t take more than two and a half minutes, but it was filled with conversation that flowed smoothly and naturally. The pair found themselves standing outside of Leo’s door far too soon for either of their liking, but reluctantly, they pulled their conversation to an end, regardless.
“Thanks again for helping me, I know it was a pretty stupid situation on my part.” She giggled to try to mask just how deep her embarrassment ran. He offered her a smile softer than he willingly would to most others he didn’t know all that well, and reassured her.
“The lair was specifically designed to be labyrinthian and confusing, in case any of our enemies were to find it, the odds were against you from the start.” Just as they were about to say their goodbyes, the door swung open, and Leo stood in the entryway with a ridiculously smug look on his face.
“God!” Leo gasped, as if in pain. “That took you ages!” His words were directed at her. “You have got to cut down on the Starbucks.” Her mouth dropped, and fire filled her eyes as she jumped at Leo, swatting at his head.
“Leo, I’m gonna fucking kill you!!” His laughter resounded throughout the room and hallway as they play-fought. When the fight had finished, with Leo yelling,
“Uncle! Uncle!” As she sat atop his shell, beating his head with a pillow, she had turned to the doorway, only to find Donnie had disappeared. It was then, almost as if on cue, that her phone pinged in her pocket. She dropped the pillow, and pulled out her phone. She had received a text from an unsaved number. Opening it up, she found several images had been sent to her, all maps and schematics of varying complexities. After staring for a moment, she put the pieces together and realized that they all depicted the lair. Three bouncing dots appeared at the bottom of the screen, android then she received another text.
Unknown: If the maps are insufficient, and you find yourself lost again, feel free to contact me. -Donatello.
A small smile graced her face as she stared typed a response.
YN: Considering my serious lack of direction and spatial awareness, I’ll probably take you up on that. Thanks, Donnie c:
She was broken out of the spell by Leo’s voice from beneath her.
“So,” He began, dragging out the word. “You and Donnie, huh?” He teased, winking at her, and it hit her.
“Oh my god! You gave me bad directions on purpose!” She screeched, and reached for the pillow again, resuming her assault.
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