#I haven’t tried a comic in forever
a-flappy-bat · 5 months
okay so this is silly but would you, could you, draw Alan Wake and Dr. Darling meeting, but based on the "Ma! There's a weird fucking cat outside!" video with Alan saying that and Darling looking sort of like the weird fucking cat? lmao
…Idk if this is even remotely close to what you intended 😅 but have some extra scribbly scribbles based on this video
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Don’t ask me how Darling is outside Alan’s window.
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the-prussian-nap · 10 months
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Day 23, Dreams
Emmet dreaming of his future friend and dream job!
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relaxxattack · 8 months
Piggybacking off the last anon, what is it you like about Jane so much? I find my feelings on her kind of mixed but I lean towards positive.
okay i haven’t read act six in probably like 5 years so bear with me here. *cracks knuckles*
jane is sooo so interesting and it’s really a shame people miss like everything fun about her.
pre-scratch she used her detective work to literally succeed at tearing down the crocker cooperation, to the point that HIC has to fucking abandon ship and head into another universe to have another shot at her evil empire. pre-scratch jane is also fucking hilarious! if you didnt enjoy her antics with john as nannasprite you must just have no heart
meanwhile HIC breaches a new universe, and her FIRST fucking order of business is to NEUTRALIZE JANE CROCKER because of how goddamn detrimental she was to HIC’s plans the first time around.
not ONLY does HIC pump subliminal messaging and brainwashing into nearly every aspect of jane’s life, she also tries to straight up mind control her basically whenever possible! she ALSO sends assassination attempts after jane 24/7! (people will seriously try to say that jane lived a safe normal life… as if she wasn’t almost killed by walking into her backyard.) this is because HIC is fucking scared of jane, as she very well should be!
jane is also NOT a boring weepy annoying crybaby like everyone and their mother complains about. jane is literally the most fucking supportive friend and emotion-repressing dumbass you could ever hope to meet. jane combines john’s emotional repression and jade’s intentional cheerfulness together into one of the most fucked up cases of emotional repression in the whole comic
act 6 suffers from a LOT of shitty writing choices, but it’s not jane’s fault the whole act turns into a soap opera— and she’s ALSO not the only one who acts all soap-opera-y either! literally all of the alpha kids suffer from this, people just like jane the least so they project it all onto her. despite the fact that she did her very fucking best to NEVER talk about her feelings, to the point where she ONLY started telling people about shit when she was mind-controlled or took mind altering substances to make her do so! and you can say “ohhh that’s stupid she shouldn’t repress things in the first place how dumb” but, one she’s sixteen, and two, everyone eats that shit up when it comes from like. literally any other character.
people (cough hs2 writers) act like she would actually be “pushy” with a relationship on jake— as if she wasn’t literally the one who helped him make the decision to explore dating dirk?? because she thought it was the right thing to do???
jane is incredibly thoughtful and mature and people really throw all of those traits out of the window with preference for a version of the story where she Comes Inbetween Their Fave Gay Pairing as if she wasn’t, again, the one who got them together. jane is also extremely interesting in terms of queerness; she’s got the makings of a really interesting arc, not to mention she’s the only human girl that dresses mainly masc! there’s a lot there that people just don’t care to explore.
people just have less patience for the prospit kids in general. not to mention homestuck fans love to be misogynistic and berate jane for stuff they love the men doing, or claim she’s coming between them when she’s not, etc etc. and then because no one was writing fun meta posts about her, nobody ever rereads the comic to grab little scenes or lines to expand the online discussion about her! and then because there’s no discussion about her, people assume she’s boring and don’t go looking for bits to start discussing, which cycles on and on forever until we have the ripple effects we see of that misogyny today. which mostly consists of, “oh i hate jane because she was a villain is hs2”, or, “i know hs2 isn’t canon but i still don’t care for jane because she doesn’t do anything that interests me.” (and she’s only not interesting because of the cycle i mentioned before causing NO ONE to have meta discussion about her).
idk, it’s been a while since ive read so i could be talking out my ass but that’s what i’ve got.
TL;DR: jane is fucking COOL, she just suffers from intentional fandom ignorance. and she’s also a canonically hot, fat, masc woman, so i don’t know what else you could possibly want.
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dpr-stay · 11 months
Whoops | YT22
Yuki Tsunoda x driver!reader
SMAU & written
Warnings: A little bit of smut (more lime iykwim) Still would recommend MDNI
Wc ~ 2.3k
Hey y’all 🤪
Anyways, wrote this last night and spent forever doing the social media part bcs it was fun. Haven’t edited it! Sorry! And it may be a bit ooc (?) but I imagine Yuki as some suave guy behind doors so whoops.
(Also sorry if you’re here for stray kids)
Heavy hands lay secure on your hips as you sat perched on his lap. Dark eyes stared into yours, both of them encapsulated in unrestrained lust. Yuki squeezed your hips as he brought you in for another kiss.
If only Franz Tost could see you now, huh. He’d been hesitant about hiring a girl to fill Gasly’s seat after he left because he was worried that her and Yuki wouldn’t get along. Boy was he wrong.
Yuki groaned into your mouth as you lowered yourself down till you were aligned. A quick nudge of your hips caused you both to moan, as the tension from the day released out of the both of you.
It was tough race, you barely making it into the points and Yuki a bit below you. The car was shit, but that was to be expected. You’d both spent countless hours in the sims, trying to somehow uncover a way to make the car work better but it was a lost cause.
After one long day that you’d both spent in the sims, you’d arrived at your hotel rooms that were side-by-side at the same time and the rest was history. You wouldn’t say you used each other, there was definitely some level of emotion involved (if the way you spent more time together than anyone else and the numerous times you’ve contemplated moving in together count) but it was definitely a more effective stress relief than collapsing in the gym.
His hips shifted upwards, causing a tingling sensation to spread through your lower half, a sensation that was increased the longer he continued doing that. You brought your arms around Yukis neck, bringing him in for a kiss as you adjusted your hips to match his speed.
He leaned his head back as he closed his eyes and you smiled, quickly leaning in to begin kissing his neck.
“Honey…” He sighed, as you continued moving your hips, his excitement very obvious even through the jeans he was wearing.
“Feels good right?” You murmured on his neck as you began sucking, trying your very best not to leave a mark. That may have been a lie. A deep mark started to form on his skin and you smiled as he continued sighing his pleasure.
“I may have left a mark.” He groaned, this time in mock annoyance, and a giddy smile overtook your lips this time as he brought his head down to look at you, his own smile making your glow brighter.
“It’s hard to be mad at you.” He whispered against your lips and you responded with a quick kiss on his lips, continuing your eye contact, as you didn’t trust yourself to respond appropriately with words.
He gently bucked his hips in response to your kiss and you gasped as a jolt of pleasure ran up your spine. He smirked against your lips and he leaned forward to grab the back of your thighs.
A loud banging on your door startled you both out of your daze, a yelp leaving your lips as Yuki nearly dropped you. You both, almost comically, turned to face the door as the banging continued and the person behind it started to shout.
“Hello? We’re here to film that room tour?” Shit, you’d totally forgotten about that. The team had organized for a film crew to come over and do a nice tour of the hotel room you were staying in. Wasn’t that tomorrow? You cleared your throat before yelling out.
“Yep just give me a minute! I’m finishing a round of Mario Kart!” You quickly hurried to jump off Yuki and started running around the room, turning on your switch and throwing a controller at Yuki.
“Just go with it!” You pleaded and he nodded, a firm nod with a small smile on his lips. God his lips are gorgeous aren’t they? Fuck, not right now!
You sprinted to the bathroom and tried to smooth your hair to look normal and splashed your face with water, hoping it would cool you down.
You ran back to the main area of the room, threw on your Alpha Tauri shirt and turned around to find Yuki booting up Mario Kart on your room's TV.
You sighed, physically feeling your shoulders and tension deflate, before leaning in for one last kiss.
“You look beautiful.” He said as you pulled away and you slapped his shoulder, duly noting the blanket he had thrown over his lap as he sat on the edge of your bed.
“I’m supposed to be turned off right now, not turned on.” You said bashfully and he grinned before you turned back the door and opened it.
You came face to face with a man holding a camera and a man holding a microphone. Your eyes widened.
“Hi there! Should we get straight to it?” The man holding the mic asked and you nodded before turning to the camera and introducing yourself.
“This is the uhh standard room. I’m pretty sure all staff got it, it’s pretty good.” You said as you opened the door.
Yuki waved at the camera from his spot sitting at the edge of your bed and, to their credit, both the other men tried to look unsurprised.
“We were playing Mario kart together, getting out all the aggression from the track.” You explained, over-gesturing with your hands. They both nodded and ‘ahh-ed’.
“So anyways, here’s the bathroom.” You led them into the bathroom, did a little tour, showing them around the room. You opened a few drawers, forgetting about the one that held Yuki’s toiletries bag and quickly slamming it shut. You met their curious looks with a quick “Can’t reveal my hair-care secrets!” And tried to carry on.
You took them through the small kitchenette, showing them the teabags you brought from home and showing them the high quality green tea bags Yuki bought you as a gift. You asked if they wanted a tea and the cameraman took you up on the offer, so eventually you were brewing four teas, one for every person in your room.
Eventually you all moved to the dining table beside your bed, the cameraman setting up his camera to face your bed with you in front of it before you were asked some relatively normal, non-invasive questions which you really appreciated. Yuki was also asked some questions, mostly about how good he is at Mario kart.
You ended up giving them a small tour of the bed, not much to see there. You took them through your switch, let them play a game on it, before eventually showing them the view from the hotel room, letting them onto the balcony.
As they surveyed the view, Yuki came up behind you, quickly muttering into your ear a complaint that they were taking too long. You rested your head back on his shoulder and murmured that they would be gone soon.
And they were, with a final sweep of the room and a panned shot of you sitting at the table watching Yuki play Mario Kart, they were out, thanking you for the tea and for being such a good host.
The second you had closed and locked the door, Yuki was at your back, missing your neck and grabbing at your waist to lead to your bed. You smiled and let yourself be walked backwards before he turned you around and kissed your lips.
“Been holding back for an hour lovely.” He whispered as he subtly pushed you backwards onto the bed, you landing with an ‘umph’ which he released a giggle at.
“Mhhmm I’m sorry about that.” You responded to his previous statement. “I thought it was another day.”
“It’s ok.” He said as crawled over you, beginning to mouth at your ear. “Just means I get less time to fuck you, yeah?” You groaned in response and he laughed at you.
“If people knew how much of a smooth talker you were…” You trailed off as he continued down from your ear to your neck to your collarbones, leaving small bites as he went.
“Lucky they don’t, means I get to use this.” He said smugly before leaning over to the bedside table and retrieving a condom. You rolled your eyes, a fond smile playing on your lips, as he flashed the condom at you. He reached back to place the condom back on the table and moved back to you.
Wait. Hold on.
Yuki continued to kiss down, leaving small nibbles on your collarbones as your eyes shot open.
Oh fuck.
You released a loud gasp and Yuki pulled back and looked up, worried.
“I’m sorry! Are you ok…?” He trailed off at your flabbergasted expression as you both sat up.
“Yuki.” You began, grabbing his shoulders.
“Did you reach in the drawer to grab that or not?” You asked, drawing him close to you. His face immediately paled as he took in the implications of what you said. He scrambled to move closer to the edge of the mattress, turning to look at the side table.
“I swear I reached in, didn’t I?” He said, turning to you but you could only look on in horror.
“There’s no way right?” He started. “We didn’t just film a room tour with a condom on the side table?”
You groaned, grinding the heels of your palms into your eyes as you learnt back into the bed, hoping the mattress would swallow you whole. Yuki let out an incredulous laugh, barely registering the hand you slapped his thigh with.
“What do we do?” You eventually asked, staring at the roof.
“I have no clue.” He said as you rolled to face him. His face softened as he reached out a hand to put on the side of your face.
“We might have to tell people.” You groaned in despair, closing your eyes. The last thing you wanted was for people to think the only female driver was fucking the other drivers. You were only fucking one.
You also didn’t want to have to deal with HR and the complications that would pose, you’d mentioned Franz Tost as a joke but damn. You really don’t want to have to deal with all the questions about your loyalty to the company and if you were just there because of Yuki.
Saying that, you were also reminded that you’d have to face the media and twitter if you confirmed it. Cheers to more speculations as to whether you were the gridwhore or the gridslut. Somehow the same thing with different names.
To be fair, you'd have to face the media anyway in this scenario. You couldn’t just chase them down and ask them to do the story again ‘just because’ and you were certain some eagle-eyed fan would definitely notice the package in the original video anyway. Yuki interrupted your thoughts by speaking.
“You know I’d fistfight someone for you?” You opened your eyes to face his genuine ones, the seriousness of his face causing you to smile.
“I know. I’d do the same for you.” The smile he had in return caused you to grab the hand he was holding your face in and turn your face to kiss it.
“I could call Pierre, he’d probably know what to do.” You immediately scoffed, closing your eyes and laughing into Yuki’s hand as you grasped it.
“I’m serious! He might have some sort of way for it to be passed off as something else!”
“Darling, I’m not sure about that.” You were careful to make your voice not sound condescending.
“You never know!” He said, pulling away (which you did definitely not whine at) and grabbing his phone from the table, quickly dialling Pierre’s number.
You watched as Yuki paced, giving you a thumbs up when the call went through. The loud blasting club music through the phone did clue you in to that though.
“Hi Pierre!” He started and you watched as he moved from foot-to-foot.
“I’m glad to hear that.” He said and then continued. “Sorry to take you away from your party but I have a question.”
A pause.
“Ah ok. If you needed to pass off a condom wrapper as something else, what would you choose?” Yuki said, giving you another thumbs up.
The raucous laughter Pierre released was heard through the phone (he really ought to turn the volume down) and it made you start to giggle, especially as Yuki furrowed his eyebrows.
“Of course I’m serious!” He said, starting to pace again.
“Why? We accidentally had one out on the side table when a room tour was taking place.” He explained as he finally sat down after you patted the space in front of you on the bed.
“What? Who? You know who!” He said and you tilted your head in confusion. He sighed before muttering into the phone.
“Yes, the person I had a crush on the whole last year. Go away.” You tilted your head back as a wave of elation washed over you, it was always nice to know the people you want, want you too. Even if you’d been dating, it’s still nice to know.
Pierre’s reaction to this could also be heard through the phone, a loud “WHAT?” that had Yuki sighing before hanging up. He took a second before looking at you.
“Useless.” He simply said and it was enough to send you into a minutes long laughing fit. He giggled along with you, though he admittedly found it a lot less funny.
“So there’s nothing we can do?” You asked and he nodded.
“Seems like we just have to let things run their course.” You nodded in agreement, already having mentally prepared yourself.
“However…” You looked up at the tone of his voice.
“We could… Y’know… use the condom?” He said and you started to giggle again before nodding.
“Seems the only acceptable course.” You replied and he smiled before climbing back onto the bed.
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Yippee, does this mean I can make a masterlist?
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dreamypqulson · 1 year
— and i know we got some potential, cause that look you gave me was so gentle
summary: cordelia tutors you when you fall behind in your herbal class unbeknownst to her that the reason your so lost is because you can't take your mind off of her.
pairing: cordelia goode x reader
word count: 1200
a/n: i know i haven’t posted in awhile and i have requests that i have to write but this was just a little scrap that i’m deciding to post so nobody forgets about me! :)
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It was awful, really. And you felt bad for it. For wasting her time. This is not going to help. If you needed some extra help in your herbal class, then you need assistance from Zoe, or Queenie, or Myrtle, someone who is not this woman.
It was comical, and you almost laughed right in her face when she ask you if you wanted her to tutor you later in the evening. You didn't need help. You were a smart and powerful which. You just needed her out of you head. There was too much of her to even pay attention to the task at hand.
And it hurt too. There was no denying that. With the many obvious signs that she was helplessly in love with you, you ignored them all. She's the supreme for god sakes. She was so close yet felt so out of your reach.
You were just wasting time in this goddamn greenhouse. Every minute with her counts, but right now, you were just staring straight at the wall behind her, daydreaming of what you could be doing instead. What— no, who you could be kissing and showing you truth to.
You hear her snapping and it pulls you out of your deep trances. It's honey brown eyes and hair golden in the moonlight that's shining through the roof window that you notice first. "Are you even listening?" She doesn't sound annoyed, but she's clearly had enough of this. All this. What even is this?
"I'm sorry, Miss Cordelia. I am, I just—"
"You don't have to call me that, ya know." It hurts too much to not call you it. If you call her Cordelia then it seems to real. She's not your mentor, not your supreme, she's Cordelia. And so you stand behind that Miss Cordelia barrier that you build. The one that Cordelia tries so hard to break down.
"I know." As you stare into her eyes so warm that you feel as though your melting, as they soften as they stare back at you, she cups you heated cheeks. You know that she feels how hot they are, you know that she knows what is going on with you, but still, she asks,
"What's really going on? You're one of my strongest witches, sweetie."
You truly want to tell her that she's so distracting because you've unwillingly fell in love with her. Because, then, maybe you'll be able to pay better attention in class. But instead you tell her, "I just haven't been sleeping right," sugarcoating your love for her and letting it melt in your mouth.
It's not a complete lie; because you cannot sleep when she walks by your room to assure that you are safe in bed. You cannot sleep when you've see her only an hour before your rest in a simple pajama slip. Milky silk and see-through if it were any thinner.
"We should make you a sleeping potion then." She knows your lying, but she is not going to force you to be honest. That's not what she is here for. She just wants you to be ready. She would wait forever for you to tell her how you feel.
And then she's gathering the ingredients. Patting around the greenhouse as soft as a spring day, and you have to look to see if she is even walking. Look to see that she's not flying around instead of walking like an angel that you could mistake her to be.
She stands behind you and her arms are locking you in between the table and her body. She's wearing a nightgown like every other night and you can feel her breasts press against your back. Your breath hitches and you think she notices because she asks if you're okay. You nod, because you cannot speak, you cannot do anything besides stand there as if you were built with cement.
Her blonde hair falls against your shoulder and you get a strong whiff of her lavender shampoo. She smells so sweet and you feel like you are being embraced by a fresh pastry.
"Do you remember one of the key ingredients for our sleeping potion?" She tests you, because she knows that the day she taught this, her shirt seemed to be just a little shorter cut than usual. She knows you weren't paying attention to sleep and potions and herbs that day.
"Um...," you feel so pathetic for not knowing. So useless. "No, not really."
She smiles still. You can hear it in her voice, "That's just alright. Chamomile is one of the main ingredients." She speaks softly and begins grinding the chamomile into the mixture. Her freckled arms rub against yours with each movement. Bare skin against bare, and you yearn for more.
These emotions are too strong for your body to handle. They cannot fit as you are too much already filled with Cordelia. You are going to explode if you don't let it out somehow. And so you stand there and permit silent tears to roll down your face.
You assume that Cordelia won't notice, but a warm tear ends up landing on her hand and she cannot stand there and pretend that it didn't happen. She doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, but the only way she knows to make everything better is to be upfront and loving.
She grabs your waist, gently, and turns your body so your facing her now. It's so close; you can feel her soft breath against your face and her legs are practically intertwined with yours. "I don't want you to lie to me anymore," she doesn't sound angry still, just so desperate. And you know you look a mess right now but she thinks you're so pretty.
"I don't think I know how to not do that," more tears fall down. You are so afraid because you know that it's too far this time. There is no going back to what you once were with Cordelia just an hour before this.
"Show me?"
Your trembling hands cup her cheeks this time, smooth beneath your palm. You don't want to pull her forward, you need her to show you that she isn't the supreme right now. You always need her.
"It's okay," she merely whispers, nods, and smiles softly. And you forget about you fears, about the sugarcoated emotions on your tongue. You lean forward and everything's so fuzzy and blurry around you; like a fever dream, but it's oh so real.
She moans into your mouth. She sounds so pretty against you. It's the perfect combination of her vanilla chapstick and your strawberry one to create the sweetest taste.
Her hands are still on your waist and she pulls back, but only her lips so she can rest her forehead against yours. "Not so scary, right?"
"Well i'm scared that I just fucked everything up."
She shakes her head and smiles delicately at you. "You didn't fuck anything up. I would've been out the door by now." Your laugh and hers are a soft melody that echo against the four walls of the greenhouse. She grabs your hands and tangles her slim fingers with yours. "I. love. you."
"Promise me that it's what you want." You still can't believe it. But you can't have it if it's not real.
"It's what I always wanted. What I wanted when I met you. What I want, still, now."
"Then you should know that I always wanted it. I love you too. So much."
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah @goodeday2u @lanawinters-ily @strawberryshorttcakkee @sapphicforsarahh @ahsfan05 @stayevildarling @isle-of-earle @cordithatgurl @mistysswampmud @billiedeansbitch @billiedeanspearls @cigaretteology @favoriteredhead @lovingsarah @cordeliass @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog @multi-royalty-main
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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mayaflowerxs · 2 years
Synopsis: In his twenties and finally getting himself in a committed relationship means the lack of experience. And for being the best step sister you are, you help him get better by teaching him. A twisted way to have him wrapped around your finger.
Warning: SMUT . Stepbrother!Haechan x Stepsister!Reader. Cheating, swear word usage, manipulation, dumbification, jealousy, squirting, nonconsented recording, reader overall an antagonist, a hater and just not a good person. A slight Mean Girls reference ;)
Pairing: Haechan x reader
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The spoon in your hand was gripped tightly. A large scowl on your face that you find impossible to cover up, eyes icy cold as you watch Haechan feed his girlfriend as if she isn’t capable of doing it herself. A scoff leaves your mouth as you manage to cover it up with a cough. Looking down at your food you continue eating. It’s not that your not happy for him, heck it’s a miracle the boy finally managed to get himself a girlfriend. The family worrying that with Haechan’s overly jokester side may result with him staying single forever and yet now that he’s finally here, with a girl by his side you really wished you’d go back in time to the times where you gave him hell for not being able to pull anyone. And now as the days go by you have no peace in your own house. Every damn day she’s here and her high pitched laugh makes your eyes roll once again, how you haven’t strained them yet is a mystery. You and Haechan don’t have the most solid relationship. I mean he’s a bit of a nerd. His friends have even created their own club because no other real clubs would accept them even though he claims they’re ‘too cool’ for the real deal. Hours constantly spent playing video games and binge watching anime. Reading whatever special edition comic book they purchased and spending all night on the phone squealing like little girls talking about their favorite part.
You were used to the boy that you constantly fought to get to the bathroom first. The one you bang on your wall to get him to shut the fuck up and the one you’ve encountered a few interesting run ins with. Several times you seen your step brother wearing little to no pieces of clothing. And while you, someone whose completely different from him. One who dares pretend you too aren’t ‘family’ because of how much of a loser he is, you have to admit he has a smoking body. One you tend to fantasize doing such vulgar things to you. Nights and nights spent locked in your room, hand down your shorts and eyes closed shut as your mind runs wild with the image of Haechan and his body. So maybe seeing him with a girlfriend is just ruining that for you. You no longer can see him as the dork who tries to prove to you that he can be considered hot. Trying to flex his arms and take cringy selfies. Now he’s Haechan, the guy with a girlfriend that can’t seem to stop sucking his face. She’s ruined him. Her disgusting lips on his, always finding a way to climb on his lap right as you enter the area. Pouting her lip injected lips to feed her and fake a baby voice to get him to do whatever she wants. He’s a loser yes but not a bitch.
And if he were to become a bitch. It certainly wouldn’t be with someone who has spent her daddy’s money to shove plastic in parts of her body that didn’t need them in the first place. And so when his girlfriend finally leaves and he comes back with a goofy looking grin on his face, you simply throw a pillow at his face to remove the idiot look off him. Without a word, retrieving yourself back to your room.
In college you’d expect it to be different from high school and in some cases yes. Thing is, the one thing that hasn’t changed yet is the status one has. Haechan is bunched with the geeks, nerds, and losers. Bottom of the list that is far from where you stand. Popular, rebellious, daring and witty. Many know you for many reasons. Good and bad and it’s why so many want to get a piece of you. To have the glory and say they got close with you. As ‘friends’ or hookups. You were seen as an ultimate trophy. And while you have a reputation to maintain, Haechan cared for no such thing. Partying? Nah. Getting high with friends on a random Tuesday? Nope. Shoplifting on a Thursday night? Nuh uh.
You don’t really understand where your mother and his father got the idea that you two would mix well. You two lived two completely different worlds, you always held some sort of resentment toward him. He was too good, too nice and too pure. You hated how caring he was. How forgiving he seems to be and it irritates the hell out of you. You practically see the bright white aura vibrating off him. But it’s also something you find endearing about him. A Friday night can end with you stumbling into the arms of said guy. Calling him in the middle of the night, pleading for him to give you a ride home and even though he told you the previous party it’d be his last time and with you promising that you wouldn’t get too drunk he still came to pick you up regardless. A hoodie over him, looking so soft and cuddly that has you craving him all over again. Wrapping your arms around him as you give his cheek a big smooch.
“Haechanie!” You squeal excitedly as you walk out the large house and into his arms. A small disappointed sigh comes from him but helps you stand regardless. “My feet hurt.” You pout, “Well you shouldn’t have worn heels and especially be out this late. Thought you promised no more.” Whining when he begins to nag, you nuzzle your face in his neck. “Carry me?” A thing you also know about the said boy is how difficult it is for him to say no. And at times like these, almost every attempt of yours end in your favor. Arm gripping behind your thighs, lifting you off the ground as he wraps your legs around your waist you try to ignore the throbbing feeling. Biting your lip as he makes his way back to his car. The lust was obviously building and the closer the proximity was the closer you just wanted to rip his clothes off him.
Coming home, Haechan managed to walk in without getting you two caught. House dark and quiet as he makes his way upstairs. You still cradled, arms secretly around his neck as your hot breath blows his skin. Chills that rises down his spine. Gulping as he tries to kick your door open and settle you down. You didn’t want to pull away, fuck you just wanted to beg him to take you right then and there. His messy fluffy hair and glasses propped on his nose was too much to you. How does the dork manage to get you so turned on? Taking off your heels and grabbing a wipe to take the makeup off. Pulling at the duvets to get you under but you whine, “Haechanie the dress.” Helping you get out of it, you lean in closer until your faces are only an inch apart. You hold back the smugness when you notice him gulp. Eyes going back and forth between your eyes and your lips. “Goodnight.” He quickly kisses your forehead and walks out. A bit confused that you didn’t give back a snappy remark at how soft he is. Something you always made it clear you hated.
You couldn’t take it anymore. Another fucking day with her here, hands gripped tight as she was practically grinding her ass on him. So ticked by her presence you made your way out of the living room and into the bathroom. Dialing a number you least expected, “Hello?” Lee Jeno, one of Haechan’s loser friends. Also apart of his dorky club, also a hacker. “It’s me y/n.” You say monotonously. “Oh! H-Hey y/n, I didn’t expect a call from you.” “Were you expecting any calls at all today?” Before he can stutter out another response you cut him off. “Listen I need a number, can you find it for me?” Hearing rustling from the other line, “Yeah sure! From who?” “The mother of Haechan’s girlfriend.” “Jenna’s mom? Why do you-“ “Jeno can you give it to me or not?” “N-No! No! I can, hold on just give me a second.”
A few minutes go by before another number was dialed. A few seconds later and the phone picked up. “Hello?” “Hey! Is this Jenna?” “No, Jenna isn’t here this is her mother. Who’s this?” “Oh! Well I’m Katie from Planned Parenthood, I was just calling to say that I have her test results. Please have her call at the earliest convenience, thank you!” Hanging up the call right after, you walk out the bathroom and back into the god forsaken living room in which didn’t take much for another phone call to happen. Eyes directly at the tv screen as Jenna answered, beginning to panic when she can’t seem to make her mother calm down. “I don’t understand? What are you talking about?” You can hear the shouting coming from the other line and with a proud smirk, you quickly wipe it off as she stands up abruptly. “I’m sorry I got to go, something’s come up. Sorry babe.” “Oh it’s okay! We can always hang out tomorrow-“
“Tomorrow? But Haechanie I thought you were going to come to my recital?” You say sadly, sad eyes as you stare into Haechan’s. “Oh that’s right I did say yes to that. I’m sorry Jenna, some other time?” Nodding her head, she grabs her things and goes to lean in for a kiss but you’re quick to stand up and ‘accidently’ knock into her. “Oops I’m sorry! Man I can be very clumsy.” “It’s okay.” She whispers, giving him one last goodbye as he walks her out. When the door finally closes you relax. Watching Haechan go back to the living room, you eye him. Hands to himself and pink cheeks. It’s obvious how inexperienced this boy is and how easily flustered he gets.
Going to sit next to him, you gain his attention immediately. “Hey.” He smiles warmly at you. “Are you a virgin?” His eyes widen at the sudden question, “What? Why would you ask such a question?” He laughs nervously. Face turning red with embarrassment. The little control you had quickly goes out the window as you climb onto his lap. Hands raised as he grows rigid. “Y/n! What are you doing?!” Cupping his face you lean in closer, “Have you ever wondered what it feels like to have your dick wrapped in a nice tight hole?” Gulping, he finds it hard to place his eyes at. Too embarrassed to look at you and too flustered to look below your face. And yet pathetically, his cock hardens at your naughty words. “Don’t say such things!” He tries to scold you. “Why?” “Because this is wrong- oh!” Tilting his head back as he feels you grind on him, face leaning down to peck kisses on his neck. Tiny hairs lifting at the touch. “My pussy’s throbbing for you baby.” Shaking his head, he sets his hand in your hips. Wanting to push your away and instead keeping you in place.
“We can’t do this y/n, we’re family now.” “We’ve never been family Haechan. Don’t act like you haven’t peaked through my door while I was in nothing but in a bralette and panties. Like you don’t fuck your pillow and whine my name.” Tsking, you take his hand and shove it down your shorts. A small groan escapes him as his fingers immediately gets covered in your slick. “My baby boy is all grown up, he’s got himself a pathetic girlfriend who’s obviously trying to take things further but you won’t. Tell me Haechanie, is it cuz you never been inside a cunt before?” Moaning he drops his head to rest on top of your breast and nods. Patting his soft hair, biting your lip as his large hand grips firmly on your hips. Loving the feeling of his hands, feeling yourself slowly go crazy for him.
“Poor baby so inexperienced, you want a lesson from me mhm? Want to learn how to fuck like a man?” Nodding his head pathetically he mumbles a soft please. “Can’t hear you.” “Please y/n. Please teach me.” Satisfied with his answer, you get off his lap. About to protest but he shuts himself off when you pull him by his collar. “Let’s go to your room baby, want the memory of finally becoming a man to stay in the bed you sleep in.” Haechan was painfully hard, pants tight for his comfort and it’s sad just how quick he fell under your trap. Eyes filled with nothing but a plead to fuck him senselessly. Pushing him back on the bed as you lock the door behind him. Climbing on top of him when you begin your assault on his neck. His breathing quickening as his chest heaved. Hands going back to holding onto you for dear life, eyes closed as he savors the feeling of your lips on his skin. Growing oblivious to you pulling out your phone and propping it on his nightstand. Camera app opened and facing you two in which you press play. A little gift you plan to make for his dearest Jenna.
“Touch me Haechan. Feel my breasts.” Guiding him up to cup your boobs , love seeing the hunger in his eyes. Love how captivated you have him. Taking your shirt off to give him a better view, push up bra working wonders for you. Giggling, you wipe the slight drool that falls out of his mouth. “So cute, all needy and drooling. You want me Haechanie?” Not trusting his voice he goes to nod but you have none of that. “No Hyuck, use your words. You want me?” “Want you so much.” He whimpers. Pecking his nose, you sit up and take off your bra. Letting your breasts fall freely, grabbing his hands to squeeze them. “Play with them baby, pinch my nipples feel how hard and sensitive they are for you.” He couldn’t help but arch his hips up. His hands felt great against your tits so great it’s sending shock waves to his dick. A rather loud moan emits from you from the unexpected thrust. “Fuck Haechan do that again.”
Obeying you he lifts his hips and he too lets out noises of pleasure. Biting his bottom lip to keep him quieter but a slight slap from you as you grip his cheek. “I wanna hear you Hyuck, be a good boy and be as loud as you can fucking get.” Taking off his shirt you lean in to start sucking large red hickies from his neck, not going lower until you find his soft spot he can’t stop taking large deep breathes. A red trail going down his chest, licking right above his waistline as you look up at him. Meeting contact with him as you proceed to undue his belt. Pulling his jeans back, a wet patch there that you can’t resist to lick. “Oh fuck!” He gasps at the sudden feeling. Head thrown back as his thrusts up again. “Hold my hair back baby while I suck every last drop out of you.” You tell him and go to pull down his briefs. His hard cock springing back to lay flat on his chest. Tip red and veiny, large and screaming to be touched. Feeling bad for the many years it’s only action it received was Haechan’s hand. Feeling his warm hands come to take a hold of your hair, gentle with it as he makes sure to hold every strand of it. Watching a few drops of precum ooze out of him, a hiss coming from him when you grab his dick, hips out of control as his legs begin to squeeze you in place. A smack to his thigh has him releasing his hold on you.
“Be good Haechan.” You tell him sternly as you lick his entire underside of his dick. A loud moan can be heard throughout the room, a proud smirk as you look over to the camera. Haechan in all his glory shown naked on his bed with his stepsister giving him head. Noises one never heard come from him. Dropping your saliva down on his tip as you use your hand to cover his entire eight inches wet. Veins getting more prominent and glistening by it. Tiny little feathery kisses planted on his tip, love teasing the shit out of him. Love seeing how far gone he’s getting. How loud you can make Haechan when it’s all just begun. Love how you are pleasuring Haechan and not her. You were going to take his virginity away and you will be showing Haechan no other woman is good enough for him. A silent promise that by the end of the night, Haechan will become yours and no one else’s.
“Please!” Haechan pleads as the teasing is getting too overwhelming. Tears begin to brim his sockets as he tries very hard to not hurt you by fisting his hand. “Fuck my throat Haechan.” “Don’t wanna hurt you.” He mumbles. “You wanna fuck like a man? Then satisfy your lady, and I say. Fuck. My. Throat.” Having no other self control, he fists your hair and begins to force his inches up your mouth. Beautiful grunts come out of him with how great your mouth felt wrapped around his cock. His hand can’t fucking compare to the warmth and wetness of your mouth. Your tongue licking his cock even when it’s brutally slamming the back of your throat. The feeling so great he’s nearing his release so soon. Feeling blessed having no reflex, you let Haechan fuck your throat until his body pleads no more. Eyes always on him and his face scrunching. Brows furrowing and Adam’s apple becoming prominent. Sweat beginning to form on his forehead, a sight heavenly to you. “Angel I’m close.” He whines. Going to pull out, you grip his hand and push it away. Gasping when you begin to bob your head, sucking your lips to tightening your lips around his large girth. Tongue flickering back and forth around his tip as your hand goes to work for the rest that can’t fit your small mouth.
Going so fast Haechan is left gripping the sheets tightly. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He chants like a mantra. Head thrown back as he feels himself pour his semen down your throat. Looking back down and falling in love with you swallowing every last drop. Licking his tip clean and opening your mouth to show him not a single drop was left. Kissing his lips, he kisses you back just as needy and with want. Growing more confident he wraps his arms around you. Pulling you closer as he shoves his tongue in your mouth. Feeling and tasting himself, large hands cupping your face as his thumbs caress your cheeks softly. When letting you pull away for air you feel sex driven like never before. You’ve never felt so much desire to fuck someone until now nor the thrill of foreplay. And yet currently in your step brothers bed, him lying obediently underneath you. You just want to fuck him all day and night, with absolutely no breaks.
But this is all a teaching lesson. Haechan can’t be experienced if he doesn’t learn and while you really just want to hop on his dick, you force yourself to be patient. “Lay back down baby.” Doing as he was told, he waits needily for your next decision. Surprised when you begin to crawl up to his face. “Wanna be good? It’s time you repay me baby, eat my pussy.” He froze, confused on what to do next and he doesn’t start working you up until he feels your hand pull him closer to you. Shocked by how well he was doing, a pro working his game as if he’s done it a million times before. Room getting louder and louder with the combination of your moans and the slurping sounds Haechan’s creating. Hands gripping you down firmly on top of his face, needier than ever and hungry for more of you. Never did he think he’d love pussy so much and now here he is going crazy for it. For you.
This wasn’t his ideal way of losing his virginity. He always wanted it to be special and for that he thought special meant romantic and soft and yet having you suffocating his face with your cunt couldn’t get anymore romantic for him. Sucking and nibbling has your thighs shaking, body screaming for the upcoming release. Mouth hanging wide as your head is thrown back. In pure bliss by his mouth working wonders. “So good!” You praise him, something you notice brings him great joy. Proven right when he begins to nuzzle his face closer, refusing to tilt his head back for a breather. Loud sucking noises are heard and your moans turn into slight screams. Hands gripping the bed frame tightly as your entire body jolts. Hips lifting off his face that he quickly pulls back down. Forcing you to take every inch of his tongue shoving its way up your hole. Walls clenching and the familiar euphoric feelings washing over you. So strong you begin to see spots. So much spots. Finally pulling away to breathe, Haechan still doesn’t stop his assault on your clit. Rubbing harsh circles to get you to cum again. The idea of squirting on his face fascinating him. And with scrunched brows, he rubs figure eights quicker and continues to lick until you couldn’t anymore.
“Baby no more - God!” Words cracking and short breathes squeaking you feel another strong build up and before you can fully process it, you’re climaxing all over his face. So wet it was underneath you. Pillow drenched and thighs covered in your essence and still Haechan took every drop gratefully. Cute puppy eyes looking up at you, silently asking if he did alright as if he didn’t just get done fucking the daylights out of you with just his tongue. Climbing off him, chest heaving as you lie on the bed on the opposite end of him. Desperate to try and catch your breath that you don’t predict Haechan’s sudden moves. Chucking the drenched pillow off the bed and wrap your legs around his waist, he leans down to suck dark hickies on your neck. A confidence you never seen in him. Taken you by surprised but still enticed by it. A hand lazily run through his now wet hair. Hips softly grinding into yours, a moan from both mouths when your sensitive genitals touch.
“Need you y/n.” He whines in your ear. Lifting his head to look you directly in the eyes. Not being able to contain himself and leans down to kiss your lips. Loving the taste of your lips, obsessed with every part of you he can’t seem to feign ignorance after today. Feeling the passion through his kisses, a loving attraction one that screams how whipped he is for you. Pupils dilated as his brown orbs showed softness. Vulnerable looking face that looks at you for reassurance and guidance. His touches so gentle and kisses holding lots of meaning, how on earth could you ever deny him?
“Fuck me Hyuck.”
He does it gladly.
“Oh ! My…f-fuck…” Haechan can’t seem to put words together as the feeling of your walls wrapping themselves around his girth. So sensitive he fears he won’t last as long as he hopes. Having to freeze and compose himself which you give him time. A hand caressing his cheek, legs spread wide for him to have as much space as he wishes. “Take your time- Shit!” You didn’t expect the sudden hard thrust into your core. Each one, another harder and faster thrust has his pelvis coming in contact with yours. Your arousal completly covering his entire dick. So wet you’re almost confident the neighbors could hear. You couldn’t control yourself, your moans keep getting louder the more your stepbrother pounds you. He knows your body so damn well in such a short time. Knows how to angle his hips to fuck the blissful feeling into you. Thighs smacking into his as his hands keep you firmly on the bed. Wanting to see your face contort into pleasure every time he plunges his cock into you. Needs to know he’s doing a good job in satisfying you.
His thrust begin to falter its pace. Sloppier and quicker as he begins to reach for his high, shaking his head as he keeps tensing. “Not coming until you do.” He says huskily, eyes drawn between your swollen cunt and his slick covered cock. How well you fit him even with how big he is, proud you took him so nicely . Like you were meant for him and only him. Leaning down to peck your forehead, even with his lustful eyes he still shows fondness for you. “My angel.” He mumbles as he begins to shake from the need to fuck his cum in you. An arm wraps behind his neck, “Cum with me baby.” You whisper to him, nodding he applies most of his weight on top of you. Arms hugging you closer to him as he rests his chin on your shoulder. Soft kisses trailing up to your neck as he keeps pounding into you, biting his lip when he is reaching his end.
“Fuck! Fuck!” He breathes out as ropes of his warm white cum shoots deep in you, a slight bulge forming in your abdomen of the tip of his dick. Releasing around his dick you feel yourself get full. When you thought it was over he continued shooting more cum into you, so much pent up he concludes. Looking down to seeing some oozing out of you. Groaning as he lazily fucks into you, a slight frown forms when he sees more of his cum is slipping out of you. Pulling out, he is quick to salvage some of it with his fingers and shove them inside you. Pecking your stomach in comfort when you let out a loud whine. Gripping the messy sheets, eyes forced shut and head laid flat on the bed. Trying your hardest to not fall into subspace.
Feeling arms wrap themselves around you, you are picked up and engulfed in Haechan’s warm embrace. Plump lips pecking your temple as he pushes back your hair from your face. “Did I do good?” He asks nervously. “So fucking good. My good boy.” You play with his hair, seeing a small twinkle. The cute adorable smile and dorkiness making its comeback to him. Cheek covered in tiny kisses from him, you lay in his chest happy you achieved your goal.
You haven’t sent the video yet. You felt it was too soon, you wanted to make sure Haechan was yours all the way and it seemed to be proven correct by the subtle touches and clinginess he shows. “I see you two are really getting along!” Your mother claps her hands happily as Haechan’s father smiles warmly. She wasn’t totally wrong. The days they aren’t home it’s spent with your back blown and Haechan close to losing his voice by how well you suck him. As the days go on it’s even gotten riskier. At night when the desires are high, you couldn’t give a damn that they were in the next room to Haechan’s. A hand covering his mouth as you bring a finger to your lips. Bouncing on his cock as the bed slightly rocks into the wall, his hands already gripping tightly and securely around your hips.
During the day when they’re downstairs doing god knows what while you’re too busy being railed by Haechan in the bathroom. A leg lifted as he fucks you up on the sink, large mirror giving you two a full view of the sins you two were continuously making. Even in the same room as them you two dared touch each other. A movie night that has you two sharing a blanket ends with him shoving his fingers in your cunt and you fisting your hand around his hard cock. Finger furiously teasing the tip. At school you two even ditch your friends to go have sex. Janitors closet, bathroom stall, empty classroom. You two were sex addicts for the other. Haechan can’t stay away from you he needs you all the time. He feels sad when he can’t hold you. Something as simple as hugging you is a necessity for him and so when his girlfriend comes around and she’s the one hogging him rather than you he can’t help but find it irritating. He wants you and only you. No woman not even his girlfriend who he thought the world of can compare anymore. He’s falling in love with you and he doesn’t know whether he should worry or not but when the day ends and he’s back in your arms he know longer cares.
And so when Saturday came, roughly awaken from his dream of you. A loud shouting coming from the front door, he isn’t as bothered for the reasoning behind it. An angry looking Jenna, phone in hand showing him the video you sent her. An hour and a half of you two fucking each other’s brains out. Eyes bloodshot and hot tears smearing her mascara, arms wrapping around his mid waist that he soon identifies them as yours. A prideful look on your face as you lay soft kisses on his bicep. You weren’t worried nor anxious. Sending her the video was just the confirmation that Haechan was now officially yours and no matter what she has to reprimand him of, he won’t care.
“How could you!”
A shrug from him, had him closing the door in her face. Turning around and smiling down at you. Both parents out on a five day business trip, five days to show each other some more how well you two mix. Five days to show you how much he loves you and five days to show him you indeed have him wrapped around your finger.
“I love you.” He plants a kiss to your lips.
“So much.”
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mugentakeda · 4 months
the weirdest thing about it just being the four of them is how insistent lu ten is about him and azula getting a vote in everything. hes trying really hard to stop feeling weird about it.
at first, zuko was more than okay with just going with whatever mom and lu ten have in mind. theyre the grown ups, after all, and they make a good team. they haven’t been captured, or even chased, so that has to mean something. it never really hit him how well they got along until now that theyre alone. he can’t help but start wondering about how long they knew each other before he was born.
and things between him and azula have been… awkward. he doesnt really know what to do with how well shes been taking this. something her and lu ten both do is that when they think nobody is looking, they get these really tense and faraway looks on their faces.
zuko is pretty sure it has something to do with dad and uncle.
it might be bad of him, but hes not all that upset about being away from dad. hes terrified of what will happen if they get caught, yeah.
but they wouldnt have any kind of fun in this crazy new life if dad was here, would they?
last night, lu ten grilled a bunch of big red fish over a fire, with some steamed bamboo. mom acted out a story for them as entertainment. its something she hasnt done in… well, forever. but she would stop and ask both him and azula what happened next, they both would yell out the possible answers, and mom would pick either or and change the story depending on which she chose to make the ending unpredictable.
its the ease he feels on ember island when just the four of them go, just in a different place. so maybe it’s not as weird as zuko thinks it is.
mom and lu ten decided that leaving was the only way to be happy and have opinions, so they left. the palace rules stopped that, and nobody went along with palace rules more than dad. so he didnt get to come with. mom and ursa aren’t very upset about that, so neither will he.
at the cost of his dad, yeah, and thats traitor talk, but hes alive, isnt he? agni hasnt struck him or everyone else down for being glad dad isn’t here, has she? he’s okay with that and they’re okay with that.
zuko decides as he stares up at the blue sky peaking between the tree tops, that he wont feel bad about wanting to be happy and giving his opinion anymore. and he’s not weird for that if mom and lu ten aren’t weird.
azula is way weirder than everyone that’s weird on the whole earth combined, though. so it might be harder for her to not feel bad about wanting to be happy or giving her opinion. or being happy about things that arent weird, because only the weirdest things make azula happy.
lu ten is better at talking to her than anyone else, but…
he scoots next to her on the rotted log she’s resting on, watching mom comically struggle to help lu ten prepare breakfast.
“do you miss mai and ty lee?” he asks her, forcing himself to sound casual. she hasnt tried to set his butt on fire since they left, but who knows what might change that.
“miss them?” she repeats, but not like shes mocking him for the question- more like she’s asking herself again.
“like, do you wish they were here too?”
his sister makes a face. “why would they be here? this is a family affair.”
“just go with it. for the sake of the question.”
azula rolls her eyes, but hums thoughtfully. trails off.
he tries something else. “do you think mom’s storytelling last night wouldve been better if ty lee was there doing interpretive dance?”
to his surprise, she snorts. “probably,” she replies. “and mai would probably enjoy the macabre of it all. the more drama and bloodshed, the better. you wouldn’t know mother likes all the dark ones just by looking at her.”
azula turns to him, suddenly. there’s something mischievous in her eyes that zuko immediately distrusts. “why are you asking? do you miss mai?”
his face immediately flushes. “no! i was just asking, cus, well…”
“oh, don’t feel the need to explain yourself to me, zuzu. its just the four of us in the middle of nowhere, after all-“
“i was just asking, cus you haven’t seemed… well… sad. about leaving. dad and the palace and stuff. you didn’t even say much when we had to burn our old clothes and wear this green stuff instead.”
azula pauses. she doesn’t quite scowl at him, but she furrows her eyebrows and twists her lips in this weird, thoughtful way. she turns back away from him and sighs.
“cousin lu ten didn’t carry me out of the palace like a little baby. he had to convince me why i should choose to come with. so this is me, standing on the decision i made. why should i be sad about something i chose?”
“i was asleep the whole time, but i think i would’ve said yes to mom if i was awake, too. i just wanted to know why you said yes. cus you… had more going on than i did, back home. this is… way different, for you.”
zuko really wants to believe that she didn’t just agree because she knew that dad wouldn’t punish her if they got caught. and he won’t know if shes lying to him about it either.
“i don’t think i would’ve said yes if mother was the one that came to get me instead of lu ten. even if, deep down, i wanted to come with. and then i would’ve been mad about it forever, and hated her and you and lu ten for leaving me. because mother just took you while you were mostly asleep, and now shes just lucky that you ended up being okay with it anyway.”
zuko startles at how easily she’s talking about this. maybe it’s the distance?
“but lu ten and i… are in the same boat. we’re the same, like how maybe you and mother are the same. and he told me how he felt. and i guess i figured i’d feel the same. so i decided to do the same as him, too. and i have yet to falter, just like how lu ten hasn’t faltered.“
his sister turns to him, very seriously. “father wouldn’t have done interpretive dance to mother’s stories. one day i’ll do interpretive dance to mother’s stories, and so will you and lu ten. so only people that are willing to do interpretive dance to mother’s stories are missed by me. does that make sense?”
he thinks he gets it. in this crazy situation, not feeling bad about wanting to be happy and having opinions probably would mean the same as being willing to do interpretive dance.
“i think my interpretive dance would be better than yours,” he blurts, instead of answering.
azula blinks, then narrows her eyes. “you wish.”
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gffa · 1 year
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taytrashmouth · 1 year
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Im not a kid Joel!
Joel miller x female reader
Description: camping out in the woods after a pretty rough escape from a group of clickers and a bloater. Joel accuses you of being a kid, another piece of cargo that had to learn when to stand back and you loose it with his constant mood and tell him just how wrong he is
TW: mentions of rape, substance abuse, murder, teen pregnancy, blood, yelling, swearing etc.
————————The Last of Us————————
The fire was cracking and the noise of the wind flowing through the woods made me tense.
Ellie had fallen asleep reading her comic, she had a long week, after escaping all the clickers, watching Sam and Henry die. All of it.
Joel and I stayed up, keeping watch.
“Why don’t you get to bed, I can keep watch.” Joel spoke up.
I just shook my head. “Wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway, hurts.” I pointed to the huge slit down my face, from my lip to my eye. Some raider attacked me.
There was a short silence.
“Thank you.” I spoke up. He just frowned.
“If you hadn’t have shot that clicker when I tried to save Ellie I probably would’ve been dead, we both would’ve.” I looked at his messy hair in the orange fire light and I thought about how messy my long hair looked after a couple weeks without a brush.
“Yeah well you should know when to step back.” He mumbled.
“Excuse me? I saved her.” I pointed to Ellie who was curled up in her sleeping bag.
“No you endangered her, if you hadn’t have moved in the way I would’ve had a clear shot and killed the damn thing sooner!” Joel was yelling in a hushed tone trying not to wake Ellie.
I stared at him in shock.
“You’re no better than her, you’re a kid, and you don’t know what you’re doing.”
I scoffed. “I’m 37 Joel! And might I remind you that the only reason I’m here is because Ellie is the first one in 20 years that is like me.”
I watched Joel’s eyes trail to my healed bite on my neckline.
“Why the fuck are you even mad!?”
“BECAUSE YOU COULD HAVE FUCKING DIED Y/N! And I don’t have time for your childish behavior! It’s bad enough having one of you!” Joel yelled.
I Flinched.
“Joel I am many things but a child is not one of them….I wasn’t a child when at 5 years old my dad left and I wasn’t a kid when my mom overdosed and while she was out my stepdad raped me, when I was 8, and 9 and 10 and every year after that until I was 15 and I got pregnant.”
Joel stared at me. I had tears in my eyes but my gaze never left him.
“I wasn’t a kid when I gave birth at 16 and my mom kicked me out, or when the outbreak started when I was 17, with a 1 year old and a shitty boyfriend called Dan….but I loved them both.”
Joel watched my tears fall down my face rapidly.
“And I definitely wasn’t a kid when at 18 Dan got bitten and he didn’t tell me, I woke up one night to find him chewing up my two year old, and I haven’t been childish since I put a bullet between the eyes of my baby and the man I love.”
My voice was shaking.
“Now you’re an asshole! And I don’t deny that I might not know what I’m doing but Im still alive and I’m here. So do not take whatever anger you have out on me.” I finished.
After about 10 minutes Joel spoke.
“I’m sorry y/n.”
I didn’t look up, I just started walking towards my sleeping bag.
“What was its name?” Joel asked. I stopped walking.
“His name was Joel…” I whispered.
He was quiet, probably thinking about how I complimented his name when we first met.
“I lost my kid too”
“I’m sorry.”
“First day of the outbreak, her name was Sarah.”
I turned around and sat next to him.
“I’m only mad because everyone I love, i loose and I can’t loose you too y/n- I can’t-“
“You love me?” I interrupted.
Joel just looked at me, shocked at what he had just admitted.
His eyes fell to my lips and I took that as the green light. My lips were on his, both chapped. He pulled me closer to him and my hands were in his hair and his were on my back. The kiss felt like it lasted forever before we broke apart.
“You’re still an asshole.” I sighed with a smile and for the first time since Ellie’s diarrhea joke I actually saw him smile.
We both started laughing and our foreheads were touching, looking at his every feature so close was so intense.
“For Mr tough guy your kisses are real sweet.” I joked.
“I think it’s past your bedtime.” Joel sighed.
“You’re not the boss of me.” I laughed.
“With almost 20 years between us I think I am” he gave me a look that told me he was in charge and I liked it, it made me feel a twist in my stomach that I hadn’t felt in years.
He picked me up bridal style and I laughed and kicked as he put my on my sleeping bag and kissed me so gently as he walked back to the fire holding his gun, ready to protect me, to protect Ellie.
I smiled as I stared at the stars.
“Fucking finally!” Ellie whispered next to me.
“You little shit!” I whisper yelled and she just smirked.
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twistedtummies2 · 2 months
Top 10 Portrayals of Inspector Lestrade
Having just finished my list of my favorite fictional detectives, I felt it was time to return to my absolute favorite of the bunch: Sherlock Holmes. In the past, I have done lists related to Holmes himself, as well as his friend and colleague, Dr. Watson, and his arch-nemesis, Professor Moriarty. I recently revisited those three countdowns to see if I would change anything, and…at the moment, no, I think they’re still pretty solidly set. HOWEVER, I’ve never gone over any of the other major characters in the Sherlock Holmes universe since those three. I haven’t covered his other allies, or any other noteworthy antagonists he faced. So, I decided it was time to fix that problem. These lists WILL have descriptions, but they’ll be very brief, partially just because I don’t have a TON to say about most of the characters/portrayals involved. We’ll start off with a Top 10 devoted to Scotland Yard’s most competent detective, Inspector Lestrade.
In the books, Lestrade is one of Holmes’ closest compatriots. While the super sleuth frequently interacts with various Scotland Yard officers, Lestrade is the most recurring, and has the most rapport with Sherlock. Their relationship is an…interesting one, to say the least. On the one hand, the two do care about each other, and there is some level of mutual respect under their respective, prickly surfaces. However, the pair bicker constantly, and always seem to be trying to one-up each other. Holmes concedes that Lestrade is probably the best detective at the Yard, but with the caveat that he is “the best of a bad bunch.” Lestrade, meanwhile, often tries to downplay Holmes’ unique skills in favor of boosting his own ego, and is forever frustrated by Sherlock’s antics. At the same time, he recognizes Holmes is very helpful to himself and the force, and for all his faults, he always manages to help the Inspector catch the crooks in the end. Indeed, the main reason Lestrade usually fails is because he ironically tends to jump the gun: he’s someone who fails to look at the big picture, or else notice the smaller details, which is what Holmes is very good at. If he just took his time more, he could probably get to the bottom of things more quickly…but Holmes can do all that in an instant, so it’s a good thing he’s hanging around. Different interpretations throughout adaptations and reimaginings of the Holmes universe have reinterpreted Lestrade in a number of ways (and with no less than two different pronunciations of his name; “Leh-strawed” seems to be the most common, but a couple choose to say “Less-trade”). Some versions of him are more comical and bungling, while some are more serious but still not quite as brilliant as Holmes. Some make the character more bullheaded and easily angered, while others make him more supportive and friendly. Many of the best find some sort of balance between these disparate elements; while he may not get the kudos that Holmes and Watson get, Lestrade is an interesting character in his own right, with a lot of layers writers, actors, and directors can play with. Having said that, here are some I particularly enjoy. So STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW! Here are My Top 10 Favorite Portrayals of Inspector Lestrade.
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10. Frank Finlay, from A Study in Terror & Murder By Decree.
Finlay played Lestrade, by sheer coincidence, in two completely different films that have the same premise: Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper. He looks, sounds, and generally behaves exactly the same in both movies, too. It’s rather uncanny, really.
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9. Eddie Marsan, from the Guy Ritchie Films.
In the first film, Lestrade is a major character, and the way they play with his relationship with Sherlock is surprising; it’s just a shame he’s little more than a cameo in the second film.
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8. Jeffrey Jones, from Without a Clue.
Arguably the most bumbling version of the character on this list. However, since this movie is an outright comedy, I don’t mind this. Plus, Jeffrey Jones is just a lot of fun as an actor, in general.
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7. Peter Madden, from the 60s BBC Series.
In some ways, I think this might be the most book-accurate take on Lestrade, especially in terms of physical appearance. Madden only played the character in the first season of the series; in the second season, actor William Lucas took over. Weirdly enough, Madden did appear in the second season playing a completely different character in one episode. Not really sure why he was recast.
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6. Dennis Hoey, from the Universal Films.
Alongside Jones, the most bungling version of Lestrade, frequently used as comic relief. In most of the films - not all, but most - he makes Nigel Bruce’s infamously doofy Watson look like a genius in comparison. He’s a lot of fun, though, and the chemistry between the three performers is great every time.
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5. Rupert Graves, from Sherlock.
Arguably the most serious version of Lestrade on the list. I love the sort of normalcy he brings to the crazy world of Holmes and Watson, and the way he’s able to just put up with all the nonsense Sherlock shoves onto him, as well as find ways to rein Holmes in.
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4. Archie Duncan, from the 50s TV Series.
This Lestrade is able to be extremely funny without actually being a moron; while he always needs Holmes to help him out, it’s mostly just because he’s impulsive and hotheaded, and therefore doesn’t always think things through or notice the details Sherlock notices. (Just like in the books.) Duncan, like Peter Madden, would weirdly play other characters in the show BESIDES Lestrade, including a villain in one story. Very talented performer who was always good to see in action!
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3. The Version from Moriarty the Patriot.
This is probably the most friendly and encouraging version of Lestrade on the list, though he still gets righteously annoyed with both Holmes AND Moriarty in the series. I love his energy and the integrity the character has in the show; like Holmes, he’s willing to bend the rules to see justice done, and will never give up no matter what, which explains why they like each other above all else.
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2. Akiko Morison, from Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century.
This version is a female descendant of the original inspector, named Beth Lestrade. She actually was more of a standout to me in this show than Watson was! Once again, this version isn’t depicted is an idiot - she’s fiery, strong, and very good at her job, with great instincts. Her problem is that, once again, she doesn’t always pick up on the details or fully understand the situation, which leads to conflict and her need to have Holmes around.
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1. Colin Jeavons, from the Granada Series.
The definitive take on Lestrade, just as Jeremy Brett was the definitive take on Holmes, in my opinion. Jeavons plays Lestrade as a slightly pompous and rather sarcastic police officer, but he also seems to be one of the versions of the character who has the best sort of relationship with Sherlock. I love the chemistry between the pair, and how they each seem to sort of admire each other, though neither will ever admit it. At the same time, that competitive rivalry between the two has rarely been showcased better. Altogether marvelous.
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losingherface · 1 year
Forever Anniversary
Ellie x fem reader.
Info: It’s readers and Ellie’s anniversary.
Warnings: Smut, 18+.
Written because of this request so thank u<3
Ellie had been stumbling around her little home all morning, decorating it or more specifically trying to make it ‘nicer’ with candles sitting around the place.
She had spent all these months leading up to this day reading cheesy love comics, or books thinking that flower petals covering the bed would make you stay and fall in love. You thought it was cute how she had been for the past few weeks.
You made your way over but was stopped half way by Maria. She had been smiling at you which made you feel awkward but of course, you quickly smiled back.
“Good Morning, Maria.”
“Good morning, Y/N….I’ve been hearing about you…a lot.”
“Oh i’m sure.”
“How long has it been…you and Ellie together?”
“It’s been a year..a long one but it’s been worth it for the most part. I guess.”
The two of you walk together, eventually stopping at Ellie’s porch.
“You’re all she talks about. We found her diary and read a little..I know that’s messed up but ..it was cute she’s like a little kid. So emotional. She tries so hard not to be too which is the funny part.”
Possibly Ellie had heard, she quickly opened her front door and saw the both of you standing there. You had been chuckling and blushing at the new information you’ve learned about Ellie.
“Maria. Good morning…. hey y/n.”
“Hey babe.” You tippy toe to get in a kiss but Ellie refused, still looking at Maria with a face full of embarrassment.
You smiled a little knowing she’d open up when the two of you were alone. and it’s like Maria had read your mind.
“Alright, I’m going over to Joel’s. If you need anything let me know.”
Ellie nodded her head and grabbed your arm, pulling you into her little home.
As soon as she closed the door, she cupped your face and kissed you hard. “Happy anniversary.” She said breathlessly. “Happy anniversary, Ellie. Where’s the diary?”
“It’s not a diary, it’s just where I write out my thoughts and schedules. Important stuff.”
“Like a diary…” You say looking around her room. “Aha!” You see the diary under her pillow, grabbing it as she tackles you -preventing you from reading it.
She surrenders, burying her head in the pillow as you read it out loud.
“You drew me?! Why haven’t I seen this??!” You say, showing her the drawing of your face.
Ellie was red like a tomato. She mumbled, “Yes..can you put it back now. This is kind of embarrassing.”
You ignored her and flipped through some more pages.. a page full of ellie’s writing. The room was suddenly quiet as you read this.
“It was Y/n and I’s first date tonight. She smelled so good. and looked incredibly nice. It’s shocking because this is Jackson. There were no perfumes or anything- her natural skin was breathtaking though. We sat in a high grass field with our guns on our sides, lying on a towel Joel gave us. We lied there looking at the sky change from day to night. She kept her leg wrapped around mines all night and it made me laugh a little when she rubbed my stomach. God she’s so beautiful it’s so awkward. I’m hoping she comes by tomorrow so I can give her a slice of cake that Maria made. I can say I made it just for her. It’s strawberry flavor- her favorite. I really wanted her to come to my room tonight but she has patrol early morning and I didn’t want to bug her. Please come to my room Y/n, Please.”
You look at Ellie. “Aw baby…. this is so cute.” You laid beside her, wrapping your leg around hers and leaning in for a kiss. You pulled away and whispered for the first time, “I’m in love with you.”
Ellie’s eyes widen. “Really?”
“I’m…….in love with you too.” She smiles, gaining some confidence to kiss you back passionately.”
You pulled away, caressing her cheek- “Wanna make a cake, Joel found some mixes.”
“Wouldn’t they be old?”
It had been night and the two of you were enjoying possibly expired cake mix cake at Ellie’s house. It was chocolate- not your favorite but it sufficed for the night.
Ellie’s candles had been lit. It was the nicest moment you had ever experienced since arriving to Jackson. You never thought that what you would read in books could ever be possible in this reality.
Ellie had stood up, offered a hand for your cleared dish and walked it over to the sink. As she was cleaning, you thought that since it was your anniversary that you’d spice things up a bit.
You walked over to her bed, sitting on it with your knees as you begin to slowly unravel your cardigan.
Ellie had noticed and walked over to you. “…I was hoping you would initiate it.” She laughs, leaning over with her knuckles pressed in the bed, giving you a hard kiss.
She pulled away, caressing your thighs as you started showing your legs. Her hands went to your hips, pulling at the cloth and looking up at your eyes, asking for permission. You kissed her nose and watched her slide your shorts down to the ground.
Your legs were glimmering in the light and you were effortlessly beautiful. Ellie always blushed while slowly undressing you. It’s always like it’s her first time seeing you this way and you loved that.
She sat beside you. The both of you made eye contact as you slowly moved her hand back onto your thigh. Leaning in for a kiss. Ellie smelled of mint- possibly coming from the pack of floss she’d been using. Her lips were buttery soft and her skin was dewy.
She leaned back as you wrapped your legs around waist, pulling off her black shirt, revealing her sports bra that was so sexy on her.
“I love you so much.” You mumbled.
“I love you too.” She caressed your chin and ran her hand through your hair purposely causing you to go down.
You got off of Ellie as she opened her legs for you. She helped you pull down her jeans. The natural smell of her skin and all the movement that was happening was making you go insane. You couldn’t wait any longer. You wanted to….no needed to taste Ellie. You hadn’t heard her moans in a while and thought this was the perfect time.
You were in between her legs, face so close to where she needed you most. She had to control herself so that she wouldn’t just shove your head there.
You looked up at her once again, smiling, as you began kissing her inner thighs. They were gorgeous, you didn’t want this to end. As you got closer and closer, you noticed how wet Ellie was. Which made your pussy have a heartbeat, you let out a small whimper at the sight.
You pushed your hair back as you began kissing her, then using your tongue gently near her clit.
“Oh my….god.” She said softly, her hand resting on your head. You teased her for a bit, licking, sucking and kissing everywhere but the spot.
Ellie whimpered a bit which set you off. You glanced at her before immediately using your fingers to get a better feel of her clit. You begin sucking, and fingering at her, her home was full of her loud moans and whimpers.
every chance you got to look up at her, you noticed that she had a beautiful glow and blush on her face. Her hair slightly stuck on her face due to the sweaty and her legs moving and hands gripping the sheets or your hair. You felt like a god. And she was turning you on.
Soon after, Ellie couldn’t control it any longer and came. It was mesmerizing. Some of it was left on your lips and chin. What a beautiful person, you thought.
You rested your head on her thigh, making eye contact and softly smiling. Ellie sat up, smiling at you and biting her lip before pushing some hair out of your face and giving you a kiss.
“I love you.”
“You’re adorable, I love you too.” She said before leaning back.
“Come here…..I want you on my face.” Ellie said, and you couldn’t resist. The night had just begun. You climbed up on her just before hovering over her face. She didn’t want to wait as she aggressively pulled you down and shoved her tongue inside of you.
“Fuck, ellie!” You shout at both the pleasure and how quickly she got to work. Her hands were tightly holding onto your ass as you basically rode her face with little room to move from her mouth.
Ellie was obviously starving, watching you eat her out because she was not letting you go, at least not until you had came all over her face.
You felt her tongue all inside of you. You were screaming so loud that a part of you was afraid someone was near and could hear the two of you going at it. Part of you didn’t care.
All the nights spent in Jackson, the both of you needed this night. Not like you both hadn’t been this way before, but still. It being your anniversary made it 10 times better.
Eventually, you came. Like always. Ellie never failed at doing that. She let go of her tight grip she had on you and you got off of her. You fell into the bed as Ellie immediately started cuddling you and kissing soft kisses on your neck.
You smiled, wrapping your leg around her.
“I’m so lucky to have you.” You say. “It makes me kind of scared.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere, nothing will happen to us. Yeah?”
You nodded, snuggling in the crook of her neck as she held you in her warm embrace all night long.
A/n: Sorry if some things sound dumb lmao :) <3
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liyawritesss · 1 year
ᴛʜᴇꜱᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴍʏ ᴏɴʟʏ ɪɴᴛᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ
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Pairing: MCU!Riri Williams x Black!Masc!Reader
Genre: Fic
Synopsis: Riri brings you home to meet her mom for Thanksgiving, and you have a heart-to-heart about your intentions with her daughter.
Warnings: BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER SPOILER READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!, homophobia if you squint, the 'relationships' talk is briefly mentioned in regards to Riri
A/N: I have so many feelings for Riri. Comic book and MCU versions. This fic has a mix of both, I tried my best to mesh them both together smoothly. Riri is a character I already feel is gonna be close to home for me, and I can't wait to see more of Dominique Thorne's portrayal of her.
Tags: @verachii @inmyheadimobsessed @badass-dora-milaje @babyboiboyega
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There’s no reason why Riri should be the one nervous, you think, as you pull up into the driveway of her home. If anything, you should be the one sweating bullets in the passenger seat. And yet, the irony in such a situation is almost uncanny.
The two of you pull up to three-bedroom bungalow, common in the South Shore neighborhood of Chicago, decorated festively for the holidays. Riri caught you off guard when she asked if you wanted to spend the holidays with her mom and her. Mainly because, well, you had never met her mom before. Normally you’d meet the parents before such a milestone, but Riri had been putting it off due to her own anxiety. Having been together since January, though, she came to the conclusion that it’s finally time to come clean about this part of her life.
“Baby,” you call out to her, providing a comforting hand on her knee clothed with her favorite pair of blue jeans, “it’s gonna be okay. Shit, you’re more nervous than I am.”
“I’m sorry-” she begins, leaning back into the tan-colored leather fabric of the car seat. “It’s just- this is my moms, and I haven’t brung anyone around since Nat, and-”
Natalie, the one friend Riri did have in her youth, who met an untimely death from a drive by shooting. You’ve heard this testimony a few times - Riri doesn’t like to talk about it much, but when she does, it’s always in a very serious moment.
“Riri, I get it. It’s okay,” you respond softly, giving her knee a squeeze. She looks at you with her bright, lively eyes. The same eyes that caught your attention back at that New Years Eve party where you first met. Riri had always been an introvert, but if it was something she couldn’t verbalize, her eyes could tell it all. And right now, they’re pleading for this evening to go well.
“You know you still have time to chicken out-”
“Don’t even try it, Ri,”
This exchange brings a short laugh from the young and gifted engineer, as she watches you gather your phone and keys and exit the car. In a short moment, you’re at her side, opening the car door for Riri to step out. Her pink cashmere sweater does little to nothing to protect her from the November chill that has set itself into the air. Once the car is locked up, Riri’s feet, the only thing kept warm on her body thanks to the black ankle cut Ugg boots she had on, makes a beeline for the side door that leads into the humble abode. You follow shortly after, the wind starting to break through your clothes as well.
“Ma, I’m home!” Riri calls out from the doorway, and immediately the smell of soul food consumes both of you. The smells are distinctive - freshly baked mac-n-cheese that just got pulled from the oven, the greens simmering on low heat on the stove ready for plating, amongst other staple foods of a black household. The lighting is warm and inviting, and there’s some old school blues being played on a speaker coming from the kitchen. If this isn’t what home feels like, you don’t know what does.
Riri gestures to you to follow her as her mother responds from the kitchen. Riri’s mother turns from the stove to embrace her daughter, and is slightly caught off guard by the other presence in the home.
“You didn’t tell me you were bringing someone else over, baby,” the older woman says as she releases Riri from a signature mama-bear hug. She smiles warmly at you, to which you shoot one back. There’s an uneasy pit in your stomach caused by the anxiety of such a moment, but in an effort to make a good first impression, you ignore it and make the first move.
“It’s nice to meet you, ma’am,” You begin, extending your hand out to greet the older woman. She takes your hand into her own, and the softness of her skin spreads a calming warmth throughout your arm. "Oh, hun, I ain't no ma'am yet. Call me Ronnie."
“Momma, this is (Y/N),” Riri chimes in, swallowing the lump that’s formed in her throat from the interaction thus far, “my girlfriend.”
What you expect is for the world to freeze, for Riri’s mom to go stiff and ridged with discomfort. You expect her warm demeanor to change in an instant, for her to retract her hand, to give you a curt greeting and not another word. It’s the only experience you’ve ever had when it came to moments like this with previous partners.
And yet, they never come. Instead, Riri’s mother pulls you into a mama-bear hug, officially welcoming you into her home.
“‘Bout time she brought you home, had me wondering if y’all were hitting a bumpy patch,” says the older woman, which has your eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. Riri said she hadn’t mentioned she was dating anyone, let alone a girl, to her mother, so why did it sound like she knew all along?
“Oh, don’t look like that, baby,” says Riri’s mother as she lets you go, catching the look on your face, and the nervous one that Riri sports as she stands off to the side, chewing on her thumb nail like it’s one of the chicken drumsticks that sit pretty in a serving basket on the kitchen island.
“Forgive me,” you begin, sheepishly fumbling with your hands, “I just thought- Riri never said-”
“C’mon now,” the older woman interrupts, “a mother always knows.” And that’s enough for you to drop the subject, but Riri, on the other hand, is staring wide eyed at her mother in disbelief. “Momma?!”
“Oh hush, child,” the older woman replies, “you come back from MIT and suddenly you outside every other weekend. Of course you got yourself a lil’ boo, otherwise you’d be in here every Saturday morning hogging my damn TV!”
“Ion wanna hear it,” says Riri’s mother, raising her hand in the air signaling the halt of the conversation, “now take (Y/N) and get the good dishes from the glass case and set the table. Food is just about ready.”
Frankly, you were glad Riri’s mom dismissed you two to table setting duty - you weren’t sure how long you could keep a straight face in front of her. The exchange between the three of you was something you never saw coming, but you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t fun, in an odd secondary coming out kind of way.
“I thought you said you never told your mom?” You mumbled to Riri as she’s setting down the china on the placemats you were putting down.
“I didn’t,” she replied, “but that mothers intuition is a bitch.”
You laugh as she continues to mumble on about how she ‘don’t go outside every other weekend’, which both of you know is a lie. The one time Riri did go to a party, it was the New Years Eve party you two met at. You weren’t a student at MIT, but a friend of one, and you were also a Chicago born, and so the two of you just clicked. If it weren’t for your adventurous nature and classic dating etiquette, the young engineer would definitely - like her mother said - be in the house during the weekend hogging the TV. She was an introvert like that, was never one to initiate a conversation nor spark a friendship. Though it never bothered you as much, and you understood how Riri came to be the person she is, and that her standoffish nature came with the territory. Riri said it herself, you were the first person she opened up to fully since the death of her step-father and best friend. You promised yourself that you would do everything in your power to not jeopardize her healing journey, and if clinging to you would aid in Riri going back to her old, energetic self, then you’d gladly do all the reassuring, pay for all your little midnight rendezvous, and everything in between.
You loved Riri, from the girl you caught sight of that fateful night, to the headstrong, confident woman she was becoming.
The dinner portion went swimmingly. Many stories were shared, including Riri coming clean about what happened in Wakanda and why she was gone for so long (there felt like a piece missing, as you could she was visibly struggling when explaining a few parts, but as this was a story previously mentioned to you and that prior she stated that a part of said story she was not able to disclose to anyone, you wouldn’t push further). Her mother was slightly rattled at the story, it being her first time hearing about her daughter getting ‘recruited’ by a foreign nation thanks to her outstanding engineering intelligence, but nonetheless, supportive. It wasn’t every day your daughter gets to be in close proximity of African royalty, after all.
Then came the story of how you two met, which was a simple as the beginning of any regular college romance - the two of you spotted each other across the room at a party, you gathered the courage (with a little help from your homegirls) to approach Riri, and you two clicked from there. You did the pleasure of excluding the bit about a drunken kiss shared under a mistletoe while dancing to the party music, unsure of how Riri’s mother would react to that part. Riri seemed thankful for the exclusion of this fact as well.
With dinner done, you offered to help with the cleanup, and with three bodies moving in synchronicity, what would have taken at least an hour minimum for cleanup was done in twenty minutes. Now, the three of you sit on the couch with the television on some random network with a random show playing. Riri’s mom sports a wine glass with her choice of champagne, while the two of you sported canned sodas. From the way the evening had went, you were all but expecting the one fated question to be asked:
‘What are your intentions with my daughter?’
“Now, (Y/N), you knew this was comin’, so I want you to answer me honestly,” the older woman begins; she’d been nursing her wine for a while now, trying not cause you any unnecessary anxiety (of which, her efforts backfired completely).
“I’m sure Riri has told you the story of her step-dad and her best friend, Natalie - bless their souls,” she takes a sip to this, as if it’s for the aforementioned people, while you adjust your sitting position to face the woman directly. Riri is behind you, her full body weight leaning onto your back, her chin resting on your shoulder, watching her mother interrogate you, fully ready to end the conversation if it becomes too out of hand. It’s almost as if she saw this coming, too, and has prepared her defenses.
“My baby don’t just bring anybody home. And I’ve been hard on her about that, because I know how men are out here. And when she came to me and told me she liked girls, I became even harder, because as a woman, I know we break hearts too, sometimes even worse.”
She takes another sip from her wine glass, and with the way your heart is pumping furiously in your chest, you’re glad that the sound of it isn't audible, otherwise you think it’d shatter the glass in her hand.
“So, I have to ask. What are your intentions with my daughter?”
You took a moment to look at Riri. Your eyes locked. You drew in a breath, and recited your answer.
“Well, I will have you know, Ms. Ronnie,” you begin, addressing the older woman by her name, “Riri came into my life at a time when everyone was leaving me. And her presence has been liberating for me. I’ve asked the universe to take those away from me who aren’t going to help me be a better person- ‘cuz when we met, I was in a dark place. The universe took those bad people away- people who weren’t going to help me excel to my highest being, and…and sent me an angel who taught me more about myself and about love than I could ever imagine learning on my own,”
The weight on your shoulder shifted ever so slightly, but you continued; “I intend on making Riri the happiest girl in the world by any means necessary. I may not have it big right now- I’m working towards making my dream work for me- but when I get my money right, I’m going to repay your daughter for saving me in my darkest moments. If she wants the world, I’ll give her the universe, because she deserves it more than anyone in the world.”
You took a pause for a moment, reaching back for Riri’s hand. Once you’ve taken into your own, interlocking your fingers, you locked eyes with the young engineer, continuing once more; “And once I’ve made her the happiest woman in the world, I plan on making her the happiest wife.”
At this point, you forgot about Riri’s mother sitting to your right on the other end of the couch. In staring into Riri’s dark onyx eyes, you were completely enveloped in her. The Versace perfume you bought for her earlier that week, the warmth of her pink sweater that contrasted against your own clothes. The way she was holding her breathe, the way that her eyes were searching for an ounce of doubt or an inch of a lie in your own.
“Are you serious, (Y/N)?”
“You know I don’t play about you, Ri,”
If it wasn’t for remembering that her mother was in the same room, you would have kissed her. But it was the thought of her mother that caused you to break eye contact with Riri. Even more, the realization that you just spilled your entire life plan to the mother of your lover set in, and suddenly, your body was aflame in what you couldn't tell was either embarrassment or pride. Embarrassment because it’s her mother. Pride because of the amount of love for Riri that you had to be able to say all those things in front of her mother.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” said the older woman, taking a swig from her glass, “You’ve found a keeper, baby.”
At this, Riri wraps her arms around your neck, burying her face into the crook of it, in an attempt to hide the humongous smile that’s plastered on her face. You chuckle a bit at her, a smile of your own making its way to your lips.
“Your daddy would be proud, Ri,” her mother added on, “and he would have loved the shit out of you. I’m sure he’s up there smiling down on us right now.”
Riri peeks from her place in your neck, making eye contact with you once more. The smile on her face makes you melt. You’d do anything to keep that smile there for eternity.
“He would, wouldn’t he,” she whispers, more to herself than to anyone else. You place a kiss on her forehead, and she retreats back into the warmth of your neck.
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If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don’t be shy to send in a request!
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So, I did a thing. *shrugs* Call it a fever dream or whatever BUT ITS TIME FOR VENGEANCE AGAINST ALL THE FANARTISTS WHO MAKE ME FEEL THINGS.
I have returned the favor. I hope y’all cry, or I didn’t do it right. 😈🙌🏼🔥
@funneylizzie I’m starting with you.
PS it’s written low key in stage directions because I may or may not comic it. Maybe. 😅😎👉🏼👉🏼
Based off of ROTTMNT Future Apocalypse: Enjoy
A Little Ninja’s Mission
Casey, the residential and most well loved 5 year old of the entire resistance base, wakes up in the middle of the night, hearing noises down the hall.
Being the ever brave little ninja that he is, Casey sneaks into the next room with his little hockey stick, trying to see who or what exactly has broken into their little underground sanctuary.
He’s surprised to see Adult Leo running through a series of exercises, progressively getting faster and more intense as the night continues.
Casey observes silently from the shadows, watching as Leo engages in battle over an invisible enemy, over and over again. With each swing of his katanas, the pure unfiltered rage burns in Leo’s eyes, causing little Casey to step back in fear at seeing his beloved sensei so unhinged.
When suddenly Leo stops and stands shakily on his feet, sweat dripping down his forehead, staring at something unseen before him. His katanas lower and the sound of haggard breathing can be heard.
Casey looks up in concern as his sensei suddenly drops to his knees, and the sound of wrenched weeping can be heard. Adult Leo drops his katanas with a clatter and curls into himself, the heels of his hands pressing into his eyes, as tears drip mournfully down his cheeks.
“I’m sorry…I’m s-so sorry…too late…always too late.”
Unsure on what to do when seeing his generally composed and confident sensei so shattered, Casey retreats back to his room, and stays awake for the rest of the night, unable to get the haunted look of Leo’s broken face out of his little head.
The next couple days, Casey doesn’t necessarily avoid Leo, but he does keep a watchful distance. He doesn’t talk with Leo when Leo tries to engage him with his teasing, but rather he pulls away to hide behind his mother, still observing Leo with a troubled little pout.
Leo notices, he has to. The safety of his little band of friends and family depends on his ability to quickly read and react to situations. However in his forever mental turmoil, Leo sadly believes that he deserves Casey’s shunning. He deserves all the pain. It’s his punishment for his failures, so he gives Casey his space and retreats further into himself.
His mother, observing Casey’s abnormal behavior, pulls him to the side one day and bluntly asks, lightly rapping Casey’s forehead.
“Ok, Squirt. What’s cooking in that noggin of yours? You've been avoiding Master Leonardo all week. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”
Cassandra widens her eyes dramatically, and wiggles her fingers spookily.
“These momma eyes see everything.”
Casey looks at the floor, and remains silent. The slightly insolent behavior causes Cassandra to frown, her brows creasing in concern.
“Casey Jones. Look at me.” Cassandra says sternly. Casey only slightly shakes his head, a mirroring frown scrunching his tiny face.
Commander April O’Neil, who has been observing this interaction silently from the corner, pulls away from the wall and walks toward the Casey’s.
She smiles at Cassandra as if to say “I got this” and kneels down in front of tiny Casey, reaching out to ruffle his mess of black hair.
“Come on, Kiddo. Spill the beans.”
Little Casey’s hands tighten into fists, his shoulders start to tremble, but still he won’t look at April or his mom in the eyes. April rests a hand on his shoulder and prods gently.
“Casey…what’s wrong?”
A small sniffing can be heard, and Casey suddenly looks up, pleading in his eyes as he stares at Commander O’Neil and his Mom.
“Why is Master Leonardo so sad, Momma? Why does he cry by himself at night?”
April pulls her hand away in surprise and looks at Cassandra in shock. They both stare at each other for a moment, registering what that means, before Cassandra’s eyes lower and quietly says,
“So he’s doing it again...”
April pulls back slightly to massage the bridge of her nose with frustrated growl.
“I shouldn’t be surprised. He’s been so recluse these past couple of weeks. He’s acting almost like D-“ April stops herself and mournfully clears her throat before continuing, “His insomnia hasn’t been this bad since…since the accidents.”
She says with a small sigh. Little Casey looks up tearfully between April and his mom, confused at their reactions and reaches out to plaintively pull on Cassandra’s hand.
“Why is Master Leo sad, Momma? What’s wrong?!”
Cassandra looks at April, who smiles solemnly, and let’s out a sigh herself. She lowers herself to the ground and opens her arms to Casey. He immediately runs into them and wraps his arms around her middle, sniffing. Cassandra cradles Casey, pulling him close to her chest.
She’s silent for a minute, rocking her baby slowly before taking a deep breath and saying softly,
“Hey Squirt, you remember Slash? Your one favorite stuffed tortoise that you'd carry around with you everywhere? “
Little Casey stills at the name and shakes his head yes. Cassandra pulls back a little bit and lowers her forehead to his, making eye contact with him.
“Do you remember how sad you were when we lost him during our last evacuation? You cried for a lot of nights after that because you missed him. You loved him so much that it didn’t feel like home without him right?”
Cassandra doesn’t wait for Casey’s response before pulling back so she could rest her head on top of his, stroking his hair absently as she looks somewhere far into the distance.
“Master Leonardo is very sad right now because he lost some people very close to him. They were kinda like his Slashs.”
Casey is quiet for a minute, his little hands tightly grasping the cloak at his mother’s back. He turns upward slightly while listening to his mom before whispering quietly,
“His brothers?”
Cassandra’s hand freezes right above Casey’s head and she glances at Commander O’Neil who sits next to them, with the sheen of tears in the corner of her eyes.
Cassandra lets out a heavy sigh, her shoulders slumping, and she tightens her hold on Casey ever so slightly.
“Yes, some of Master Leonardo’s brothers. They’re not coming back, and he cries because he misses them. He misses them a lot, and he doesn’t feel at home without them.”
Little Casey chews on his mom’s words for a second before suddenly pulling back to look excitedly at his Mom.
“It’s sad that Master Leo doesn’t have all his brothers anymore, but … he has us doesn’t he? He doesn’t have to be without a home; w-we could be his family!
Tears well up in Cassandra’s eyes at the innocence in her son’s eyes, and she glances over at April who leaned forward to rustle Casey’s hair again. She grins, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks.
“You’re right, Kiddo. He does have us.”
Cassandra sniffs, refusing to show such uncontrolled emotion in front of her child, and leans forward to smirk at Casey.
“What do you say, Squirt? Do you think you could be our little ninja and help remind Master Leonardo that he isn’t alone?”
Casey looks up at his mom with an emphatic determined nod.
“You can count on me.”
Casey, determined to fulfill his ninja mission, prepares all the rest of the day. When night time finally approaches, Casey is shaking with anticipation. He was going to remind Master Leo tonight if it was the last thing he did!
He arms himself with the biggest blanket and the biggest stuffed animal that he had claimed after searching through the random boxes they had stored at the base.
The blanket was once a dark, rich, violet color but had now turned grey with all the dust and grime from constant travel. However if one looked hard enough, they could see the slight greyed-white markings of what looked to be scientifically formulas spread all across the blanket.
The stuffed animal was a faded pink teddy bear that had obviously seen better days. One of its button eyes was missing, and it had a shredded right arm that was barely holding on. There was a little tag on it’s rump with the letters R H smeared in red marker. It was almost as big as Casey was, and he had to struggle to pull it and the enormous blanket into the next room where he sat in wait for Master Leonardo to come.
It didn’t take long. Within the next couple minutes, Leo walks into the room, his steps heavy and slow. He leans against the wall, his chest rising and falling with shaky breaths. He has his eyes closed in a grimace, slowly hitting his head against the wall before schooling his face and reaching up to pull his two Katanas out of their sheathes on his back.
“Master Leo?”
Leo freezes at the sound of Casey’s little voice and whirls around brandishing his two Katanas in surprise.
“C-Casey? What are you doing here in the middle of the night?! Is everything alright?!”
Leo’s words slur together as his eyes frantically search for danger in the room, his katanas weaving to and fro with each jilted movement.
Casey flinches back at having Leo’s frenzied actions pointed at him. His feet stumble back, as he trips over the massive blanket that was pooled on the floor. He lands on his bum and looks up at Leo with wide eyes.
Leo pulls back sharply with an ache in his heart as he sees the slight fear in Casey’s eyes. He lets out a disheartened sigh and sheathes his katanas. Leo drops to one knee with a little side smile, and holds out his one normal hand in what he hopes is a nonthreatening manner.
“Hey there, Bud. What are you doing up so late? Did you have a bad dream?”
Casey just stares at Leo for a minute before remembering his purpose and quickly shakes his head. He scrambles to his feet and folds his arms with a stubborn frown, trying to look serious. Which honestly backfired because it makes his bottom lip stick out making him look unfairly adorable.
“Nuh uh. I’m here on a mission.”
Leo blinks in surprise, titling his head with a confused smile on his face.
Casey nods emphatically, and reaches down to pull the giant teddy bear and blanket into his arms. He staggers forward, straining with all his little might to try and reach Leo.
Leo watches with an amused smirk at Casey’s attempt to carry the heavy load for only a moment before deciding to take pity on him. He reaches forward to pluck the blanket and teddy bear from Casey’s arms and sits down with his back against the wall to place them in his lap.
Casey isn’t too far behind them. He immediately crawls onto Leo’s lap and flops heavily against him as only small dramatic children can do. The toll of staying up and dragging his weight causing Casey to get sleepy.
Leo chuckles and wraps one arm around Casey, lifting the stuffed animal to shake it him.
“And what little mission is that, Bud? To bring me this-“
Leo freezes as he gets a real good look at the stuffed animal, his eyes widening as he glances at the shredded arm, the one button eye and the all too familiar scrawl on tag. He recognizes this bear. Leo’s breath hitches. This…this was Raph’s teddy bear!
Leo stares at the teddy bear, not sure if he was seeing things clearly and then slowly back at Casey who watches him with concerned eyes.
“Casey…where did you get this?” Leo asks with a strangled voice.
Casey’s brows pull in worry at Leo’s pained voice. He starts hiccuping and leans forward to wrap his arms tightly around Leo’s middle.
“I don’t want you to be sad, Master Leo. I thought a stuffed animal would help you feel less lonely. I know my stuffies do. ”
Leo looks down at Casey in shock, trying to figure out if Casey knows what this teddy bear means. Who’s teddy bear this is, but his focus was elsewhere as Casey’s little body trembles slightly as he hugs Leo, tears slowly running down his face and onto Leo’s war dirty plastaron.
“You’re not alone, Master Leo. You never have been.”
Leo bites his lip at the words, and feels the all too familiar pain within his heart roar to life. He closes his eyes against the ache in his eyes that always precedes the tears.
Leo reaches down to pull the giant blanket around himself and little Casey’s shoulders to help ground himself. He stops only for a moment, glancing at the dusty violet fabric in his hand when he recognizes the markings on the blanket.
Leo has to bite back a broken laugh. Even with his brothers gone, they once again left physical reminders of their presence, reminding him that they were never really gone.
He curls protectively around Casey, hugging him closely to himself as he haggardly whispers the words,
“You’re right, Bud. Anatawa hitorijanai. I-…I’m not alone. We’re never alone. ”
They stay that way together for the rest of the night. Casey slowly relaxing as he falls asleep in the safety of the arms of his sensei, his lazy measured little breaths matching Leo’s slow drumming heartbeat.
And for the first time in a long time, Leo sleeps soundly through the whole night. His little guardian angel, his twin’s blanket and his big brother’s teddy bear, all tightly, tenderly wrapped up by his side.
Hope, as fragile and yet steadfast as she was, had been reignited.
Looks like the little ninja fulfilled his mission after all.
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gonerboy · 2 years
Delta Experiment - Update (+ Survey)
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“...what, never seen a banana phone before? yeah, ripe.”
(Survey at the end of post)
Hello, everyone! GonerBoy here.
I have some news. Not really good news, and not really bad news, either... but some news is generally better than no news, so I figure you all deserve the truth.
My mission’s been going well. It’s been over a year since I officially started, and I plan on finishing next fall -- so, about another year from now.
Delta Experiment is a fun series. But, it’s also one that takes a lot of time and effort to put together... and I just don’t have the time to devote to such a massive project at the moment. And being honest, I’m not sure if I ever will.
What I’m trying to say is, I don’t think this project would ever be fully finished if I tried to keep going the way I was before. And by the time I did finally get to the later parts of the story, more official Deltarune content would have been released, and I might end up questioning the use of continuing in the first place.
Not to mention the fact that I have other plans for projects -- some of which even have to do with Deltarune!
So: What does this mean for Delta Experiment?
Well, even if I don’t think I can ever finish the series properly, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to share my thoughts with everyone. I do think a lot of things about the series would have been worthwhile, and I would be devastated if I had to keep them all to myself forever.
So, what I’m thinking of doing is creating Chapter Outlines for the remainder of the story. They would give basic overviews of the plots and themes of each planned chapter, along with some sketches, illustrations, and dialogue for important scenes. They would release one at a time, and likely have some time between each installment.
This way, no one will be left on a cliffhanger, and some moments can still be shown in full - just, without all the in-between bits that take so long to get through.
Please keep in mind that these will take some time to complete -- I haven’t even started yet, and there are 7 more chapters to get through... ^^;
What will I do, now that Delta Experiment is gone?
Well, uh... you could always follow my personal blog! *Cough* shameless plug...
I haven’t been too active there yet, but I’m slowly trying to change that. I do a lot of things on there, such as...
OC Designs!
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(Huh, these guys look familiar...)
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Collei - Genshin Impact
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Dess - Deltarune
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“Chris” - Deltarune
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Roll, Blues and Tempo - Mega Man
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Comic shorts!
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And some longer-term projects, like...
Sonic: GUNShot - What would have happened, if the raid on the ARK went a little differently...?
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(and more...?)
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Again, please consider following @gonerboy​. It would mean a lot to me to have the support of the people who enjoyed my previous work.
I’m sorry to anyone that is disappointed by Delta Experiment’s end - I really enjoyed spending time with everyone, and I’ll always treasure those memories. With any luck, knowing how the story would have gone will help bring some closure for all of us. Keep an eye out for those Chapter Outlines.
You know what they say: Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. And on the bright side, this means I can share lots of hidden things that would have been spoilers otherwise!
If you made it to the end, here’s one last survey.
Thank you. I really can’t say it enough.
Stay awesome.
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ryuichirou · 4 months
A couple of replies! Starting with the one related to our Jamil art from yesterday hehehe.
Anonymous asked:
Scarabia n.1 boyfailure! You made him look so cool!!!!!!! I tend to rag on this design quite a bit, but I think Jamil's OB has become my favorite exactly because to me it's almost equally ridiculous and awesome. With the kind of life he has, he deserves to act a bit silly (violently attacking people).
Also I can't stop thinking about the jp fandom calling his outfit "ecchi". Honestly, I really can't blame them... I like the legs...
Yessss him!!! Thank you so much, Anon ❤️ Ah Jamil and his silly emotional self… laughing maniacally kicking people around lol
He really is ecchi, the legs are amazing. While it took us 4 days to finish this one and I’m very satisfied with it, a part of me wishes we drew his legs too, they are absolutely criminal.
Overblots are such a delight and a pain to draw at the same time. I’m very happy we finished Jamil… it’s been a year since our last OB boy…
irregardlessly-tish asked:
The headcanon about Ortho and Mira got me thinking about Ortho being rivals with a house Alexa and similar things. Ortho hating on commercial use AIs being all grumpy "you're giving the rest of us a bad name! >:["
(this is related to this post)
Omg YES Ortho and his surprisingly serious beef with all these AIs!! He is MUCH BETTER THAN ANY OF THEM, right? >:( !!!!
Anonymous asked:
So I saw that in a past ask that only two guys in Idia’s shippings is actually interested in becoming serious with him. How does Lilia see him then? As a friend with benefits? And is Idia aware of this or does he think they could become an actual thing?
The thing is, I don’t think Lilia is interested in having actual committed relationship with anyone at this point. I don’t know if he ever did (well, with one particular exception in his youth), but now he pretty much lives in the moment and enjoys human connections that happen to him right here and right now. Idia is pretty young, so Lilia wouldn’t want him to get too attached. While Idia isn’t a fae and his lifespan is much shorter than Lilia’s, Lilia is pretty old and yeeeeaah actually dating him would be rather cruel. I also think that Lilia probably considers himself not really... worthy of such a dedication? Idia is young and is going to change someone for serious relationships, and Lilia doesn’t see himself as someone who Idia would actually be in love with. Lilia doesn’t know how much he means to people around him, and Idia is no exception. So this approach would actually hurt Idia more in the end.
But another thing is, Lilia also hates having these conversations, so he isn’t going to have one lol To him he’s just having fun with Idia as long as it’s fun for them to be around each other. And since Idia is pretty young, Lilia also naively believes that whenever they stop spending time together, Idia will get over it. So yeah in a way he is still being cruel, albeit unintentionally.
Idia doesn’t know what their relationship is. He is a pessimist, and he just knows that something is unavoidably going to go wrong at some point, but he is also in love and really doesn’t want it to end. He probably tries not to overthink it to avoid getting too hurt and disappointed, but deep inside he would love to spend time with Lilia forever.
This reply ended up being not so funny, I’m sorry—
Anonymous asked:
Say, a quick question about fem Kalim, since she is the heiress of her family, would she be subjected to the same marriage law as Princess Jasmine where she has to marry by the time she turns eighteen?
Huh! 🤔 Good question, I haven’t thought about it.
It’s a bit tricky because the Asims aren’t really royalty + Jasmine was the only daughter and Kalim has 30+ siblings…  but for the sake of some juicy drama it could still be the case (being forced to marry during your 3rd year of college, yikes).
I guess it’ll depend on the scenario we’re going to go for any specific post or comic.
Anonymous asked:
hey saw you're getting into Treyvil! I read a really adorable fic on AO3 called Adequately Inadequate. I think the author was something like FabFoxFics or something like that.
Thank you for your recommendation, Anon! ❤️
While I don’t really read fanfics, I’ll still post it in case anyone is interested. Maybe I’ll check it out too…
18 notes · View notes
Take Me Home for Christmas (College!Steve Harrington x Reader)
Take Me Home for Christmas (Rated G)
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Pairing: CollegeAU!Steve Harrington x Reader (gender neutral)
Word Count: 2.2k+ (it's a longer one!)
Warnings: References to uncomfortable family relationships(?), suggestive content, fluffy cuteness
Summary: Inspired by the song, "Take Me Home for Christmas" by Dan + Shay; It's yours and Steve's first winter break as college students. When you have to go back to your separate homes for the holidays, Steve doesn't want to say goodbye just yet. Little did you know what other surprises would be in store...
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Baby, when December comes
When it's gettin' cold outside
And your bags are packed
I don't wanna say goodbye
“Remind me why you have to go again?” Your boyfriend asked you from his position beside you. He was supposed to be helping to pick which clothes to pack for your family’s annual holiday celebration. Keywords being “supposed to.” Instead of stuffing fabric into a suitcase, the two of you were cuddled on your twin-sized bed. Your head was resting against your boyfriend’s chest, which proved to be a more-than-adequate pillow.
“Steve,” you hummed. “We’ve been over this. I have to go, at least for a little bit. Then I’ll catch a flight out to Hawkins after Christmas so you can introduce me to all your children.” 
“They’re not my children,” he was quick to correct, although he had a ghost of a smile against his lips. When you first met Steve and heard about his found family back in Hawkins, Indiana, it was impossible to think those kids were anything but his. The way he practically lit up talking about Dustin’s latest invention or Will’s new comic idea made you want to kiss him senseless (and you had on several occasions).
To anyone else, the topic of having and wanting a big family would be a major red flag on the first date. But it felt natural for you and Steve. The two of you bonded over your shared desire for a family in the future. Like Steve, you were an only child who grew up with a relatively strained relationship with your family. However, unlike your boyfriend, it seemed to be easier to perfect and enjoy your I’m-here-but-not nods and less-than-interested hums of acknowledgement as you got older. Who knew that being part of a big extended family meant acting in the world’s most realistic play?
It was simultaneously your favorite and least favorite time of year. On one hand, you were able to catch up with family that you actually liked being around and haven’t seen in forever. On the other hand…were those family members and questions that increasingly encroached closer and closer to overly personal territory. At least this year, when Grandma Cecile badgered you about your dating life, you could finally tell her you have a boyfriend. You already knew most of the time would be spent talking about your boyfriend just because you’d miss him so much. 
You and Steve met early on in the school year. Robin Buckley, Steve’s best friend, was assigned to be your roommate for the semester. Now, Robin was amazing, but you had to admit she could be a bit…spacey at times. When classes started, Steve had visited your dorm no less than three times in the first week because Robin had left her notebook in the classroom or wanted her sweatshirt (which was actually Steve’s) back but forgot to grab it before the big game. Sure, you had hit it off with the dark haired freshman, flirting every now and again, but you quickly put a stop to it. With how close the small-town hometown duo appeared to be, you had automatically assumed they were a couple and tried to respect their privacy. 
Robin was quick to clear up the confusion, though, when she noticed how awkward you appeared to be around Steve. “You know the dingus and I are, like, totally platonic, right?” she asked you during one of your late night conversations. “Like, platonic with a capital P.”
“Oh,” you replied. “I guess I just assumed that—“
“Oh, yeah, no, totally! It’s not uncommon for us to get that question. I mean, we are really close! But that’s just because we’ve been through a lot together— and I mean a whole lot of shit.” There was a brief moment of silence. “You know he’s, like, totally head over heels for you…right?”
“You didn’t know?! God, wow, you both really are helpless…or is it hopeless? Probably both, but you know, if you both can’t tell that you love each other…it’s probably more of the latter.”
A few weeks later, the two of you (finally, according to Robin) stopped skirting around your obvious (again, according to Robin) attractions to the other and went out to see a movie the film club was showing. So what if Steve didn’t completely understand the premise of Empire Strikes Back? The way he smiled and nodded while you ranted about certain aspects of the plot made you feel like the most special person in the world. The two of you were inseparable the remainder of the semester, much to Robin’s mock dismay. You couldn’t help it. Every day you spent with Steve made life so much better, from the simplest of smiles to the gentlest of kisses against your cheek. 
“But why can’t you just come home with me first?” Steve’s voice broke through your thoughts. 
“Because Christmas is in two weeks,” you explained with a sigh as you sat up to ultimately take on your original task.
Your boyfriend groaned dramatically. He lifted an arm up to cover his eyes. “Two weeks?! I won’t see you for two whole weeks!”
“Oh relax, lover boy,” you reached over to sleepily pat at his abdomen. “Just two weeks without me, then you have me all to yourself all through to the start of the next semester.”
Steve groaned again. “We just finished finals,” he whined. “Don’t remind me there’s more!!” 
“God, I’m not going to miss your whining.”
When I see the trees light up
When they hang the mistletoe
“Are you sure you have everything?” Steve asked, hand on his own suitcase handle. He glanced behind you at the suitcase, carry-on, and backpack waiting by the front door for the taxi. “Pajamas, dress, hairdryer?” 
You couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped your lips. “Yes, mom,” you teased. “Everything is packed and within a reasonable limit of the TSA’s guidelines.” 
Steve nodded absentmindedly, eyes transfixed on something else now above your head. “Good, good,” he acknowledged. “But, uh, I meant…are you sure you’re not forgetting anything?”
Brows furrowed, you tilted your head and followed his gaze in confusion. Everything clicked into place the second you recognized a familiar white-berried plant placed in the doorframe. “Steve Harrington,” you mumbled, a smile gracing your features, “how long has that been up there?” 
“Long enough for me to wonder when you were going to notice it,” he whispered back before he leaned down to press his lips to yours. He tasted like that of chocolate and cinnamon from the farewell breakfast you two had shared that morning at your favorite nearby cafe. Your hand reached up to cradle his neck, currently covered by a soft brown and white flannel scarf to shield him from the cold winter air, which prompted him to pull you closer by the waist. Neither of you wanted to let go, but you knew it had to happen. 
“Call me as soon as you land tonight,” you whispered against his lips, eyes locked onto his own half-lidded ones. 
Steve nodded and searched for your lips once more to kiss you softly. “Promise,” he whispered. “You’ll be the first to know.”
“‘M gunna miss you so much. You better be ready for the best hug of your life in Hawkins after Christmas, Harrington.” 
The boy before you gave a cheeky grin. “Hopefully it’s more than just a hug, babe.” 
“You’re disgusting,” you gasped and swatted at his arm playfully. 
“Hey, you’re the one that put us in the gutter now, babe,” Steve attempted to defend himself. “I just meant kisses.” He puckered his lips and closed his eyes for effect. 
A honk sounded from behind you, signaling the arrival of your cab. Heaving another sigh, you pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. “I have to go.”
Steve nodded. “I know,” he said. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”
You nodded, appreciating his respect for your not wanting to say goodbye. The two of you had both done your share of those and it made things feel much more finite than they actually were. “Miss you already!” you exclaimed as you started to load your luggage into the taxi. 
And I'm by the fire
I don't wanna be alone
“Hi, hello!!” you exclaimed as you ran up to the counter. Checking your watch, you still had….ten minutes to spare. “I’m here to check in for my flight? Seat 3A?”
You had had the worst experience with airport security once you arrived. First, you were selected at “random” for a security pat down, then were subjected to watching your suitcase being torn apart due to a metallic zipper on one of the dresses you had brought for the festivities. Not only that, but you had ended up at the wrong gate and thought you had missed your flight thanks to a less-than-helpful attendant. This trip was off to a fantastic start. All you wanted to do was plop down into your cheap economy seat, lean back that half an inch recline that was provided as part of the “luxuries” afforded to you through your ticket, and pass out for the first hour of the trip. 
“Oh, yes,” the clerk smiled gently at you as you lifted the ticket into view. She flipped through her little booklet on the desk and raised her eyebrows slightly. “Well isn’t this a treat? It looks like you’ve been upgraded to business class. Your new seat number is 45C.” With another friendly smile, she printed out your new ticket and held it out. “Enjoy the flight and happy holidays!”
“Uh…yeah, you too,” you responded politely as you began to make your way into the boarding area. 
Upgrade? Was it possible? Did someone at the airport feel bad about your travels so far and take pity on you? Either way, you weren’t going to complain. You had heard the rumor of moist towelettes and additional footwell space available in business class. Now you’d be able to check it out for yourself. As you strolled through the aisles of seats, you felt a renewed burst of energy once you left economy seating. You were finally on your way after hours of security and stress. 
After a few minutes of walking and mumbling the number to yourself, you finally found your seat. It was much more spacious than where you would have been sitting and you spoke a silent prayer up to the travel gods for helping you. You placed your carry-on and backpack up in the overhead compartment, making sure to take out your walkman before plopping down in the seat. You took a deep breath, closing your eyes for a moment in an attempt to get some peace. There was a small gust of air against your face and the sound of fabric squishing leather nearby. When you opened your eyes and turned your head to meet your seat partner, your breath caught in your throat. 
“Hey, travel buddy,” Steve flashed you a toothy smile. “Think you can squeeze in room for one more at Christmas?”
“What are you doing here?!” you exclaimed in a barely hushed tone. “You’re supposed to be on a flight to Hawkins with Robin tonight!”
“Yeah, well you see, babe,” your boyfriend began to explain. “I decided to take a little detour.” 
You crossed your arms across your chest. “What kind of detour?”
“The….two-and-a-half week long kind?” came the sheepish response. 
“Steve!! You can’t- why?” you sputtered. “What about your family? What about going back to Hawkins?!”
“Look, it’s okay,” Steve soothed. ”I already called your parents and asked about it. I’ll stay through Christmas and then we can celebrate with Dustin and the other little shits when we fly back on the 27th. Your mom said it was fine. In fact, she said everyone was pretty happy to hear I was coming…once they found out who I am, I mean.”
You cringed at the explanation. So your family already knew. Your mom knew, your dad knew, which probably meant your grandmother knew. And once Grandma Cecile knew…..everyone knew. “Oh God,” you groaned, hands reaching up to cover your face. 
“Babe?” Steve’s voice was concerned now. “Babe, what’s wrong? Did I do something? Are you mad?”
“No!” You replied way too quickly. “I’m not mad and nothing’s wrong per say. I just…may not have explained to my family that we’re….” You made weird gestures with your hands in an attempt to select the right words. 
“Dating?” Steve supplied, causing you to nod. 
“Yeah,” you admitted. “It’s just- every year I’m badgering about my love life or what I plan to do. And this year, I- well I finally have something I can be happy about sharing. I got into a good college, made some great friends….started dating my boyfriend.”
Steve grinned. “Boyfriend, huh?” 
You felt the bright flush crawl up your neck and rest itself against your cheeks. “Yeah,” you admitted quietly, “boyfriend. Is that- is that okay?”
Steve’s response was a gentle press of his lips to yours. Yes, it said. That would be more than okay. You allowed yourself to relax against his hold and return the affectionate gesture. It was a feeling you thought you had needed to deprive yourself of for the next few weeks. Even though it was a shock, you were glad Steve was coming to spend the holidays with you. 
You just hoped that your family wouldn’t scare him away. 
All of your traditions
I wanna know 'em all
You'll check every box off of my list
If you take me home for Christmas
Author's Note: So sorry today's fic got out so late -- I meant to post it sooner, but due to life getting in the way, it just didn't end up happening. This is one of my favorite stories I've written for the event so far...I'm really hoping that the timing of it's publication doesn't make it flop :(
If you liked this story and want to see more like it, make sure to leave a comment and reblog! Likes are very much appreciated, but it's the other two interactions that really help me out as a writer. It spreads the word about my work AND gives my brain cells the happiness they need to be motivated to keep writing! To make sure you don't miss out on all things Stevemas and ficmas for this year, maybe consider giving my blog a cheeky follow. With Tumblr eating posts in tags, it might help keep you in the loop as to when the next fic will be posted, as well as other crazy happenings in the life of El!
Until next time, my little sparks <3
Taglist: @bakerstreethound
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