#My knees hurt and i'm mad at my government
animatedtext · 1 year
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requested by cemsanches
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chansshands · 4 months
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Physiotherapy and coconut oil.
Just a thought on this
Pairing: idol!Chan x fem!reader.
Genre: fluff, crack maybe??, friends/co-workers to?
Warnings: make out session, half naked Chan?????, mention of handjob, handjob, mention of anger issues, dry humping, mention of food and alcohol, mention of dom!chan, sub!chan, softdom!reader, let me know if I miss something. DO NOT USE COCONUT OIL ON YOUR PRIVATE AREAS!!
Author note: we need to talk about this outfit, I know that I'm late but bro, look at him, his stupid boobs, and arms, and abs? I'm on my knees, hair in a ponytail, ready to do my job. why? because I'm a whore for this man, also his physiotherapist is lucky as fuck, I mean he or she or they can touch this man, without anything on...I’m too tired and lazy so not proofread
(the recipe of the pasta mentioned in the story is here especially for my vegetarian and lactose free friends 💅🏼)
Also fun fact: being a physiotherapist is my dream job and this makes me way too much delulu.
I’m so insecure about my English, as I said it’s not my first language and I’m always scared to make mistakes or stuff like that, so if you find mistakes please let me know, I’ll be thankful and also my English will improve!
As always requests are open!💘
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A knock from the door of your little studio call your attention
“C’mon in, the door is open”
You say, closing your laptop to pay attention to him
A head covered with a black beanie and a smile with a pair of dimples appeared at your door.
“Hello, my beautiful, amazing wonderful y/n, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and-“
“What did you do?”
You cut him off
He close the door behind his back
“Let’s say that hypothetically I went to the gym”
He sits right in front of you
“Mh, you do it every day, what’s the problem?”
He giggles a little
“You know last time that we saw each other?”
He asks
“Yeah, umh Wednesday?”
“Mhmh, and what you did to me?”
“The-what? The usual massage? Back, neck, thigh, basically the whole body”
“Exactly, and you know that I was mad because of that little thing that I won't bring it up again?”
“Yes, what’s the problem Chan? I have a lot of things to do”
“Excuse me, what?”
You asked confused
“I-uh- don’t get mad please, you know that I love you, we are friends right? Your hair looks pretty today”
You look at him, raising your eyebrows waiting for the real answer
“I went to the gym, right after our session, and I lifted a couple weights, and umh- I heard a crack on my neck, but now everything hurts, so can you please fix me?”
you raise your voice
“I’m sorry I was mad”
You say
“Not the government name please, you scare the shit out of me when you call me ChRiStoPheR. And I know okay? You have all the rights to be mad at me, I’m sorry, but I was about to explode, my options were the gym or the big boss face”
“Take off your shirt”
You sight
“I love when you say that”
“Shut up, before I punch you in the face”
You say
He says
You stand up and search on the little cabinet everything you need for the massage
“I’m sorry”
He looks at you
“It’s okay Chan. But when I tell you to rest after our sessions it’s because I mean it, it’s part of the healing process. Even Changbin listens to me, and you, more than me know that he’s a gym rat.”
“I know, I’m sorry I was just-“
He says taking off his shirt
“You know that you can talk to me right? I’m not just here to fix y’all muscles, I’m a friend. You can call me, anytime, you say “y/n I had a bad day can we talk?”. 5 minutes walk and I’m at your dorm, and you know it Channie.”
Your tone is sweeter now
“It was three in the morning y/n, I- I didn’t want to wake you up, I’m a man, I can’t-“
“So sweet of you to think that I sleep at three. and Channie yes, you’re a man and you’re human and as a human you have emotions, it’s okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes or mad, sad, angry, emotionless, it’s totally fine, if you feel like you're about to explode than you need to talk"
He looks at you, silently
"you can call, or FaceTime me if you don't want me around, we don't need to talk about what's upsetting you, but you can't be alone with your thoughts"
"didn't know that you were this sweet you know?"
"I'm not sweet"
"mhmm, you're right you're more like a mom"
he smiles at you
“What? I’m younger than you”
“Meh, just a couple of years”
He says smiling
“C’mon, don’t stare at me like a little puppy, and put away the damn dimples, with those abs you look everything but cute”
“Oh yeah?”
“Shut up and lay on your stomach”
“Mhhhh, okay okay”
He lays down, giving a full view of his back, wider than when the two of you met, if you had him as a friend with benefits (for your studies of course) during your anatomy exam, you would probably have had the best score of the class.
As soon as your hands touch his back he twitches
“Ah fuck”
“I barely touched you”
You say
“Your hands are fucking cold y/n, where did you keep them inside the freezer?”
“God, you scared me. Don’t be a pussy, they will warm up, I promise”
You say touching him again
“Mhhhhh -he cries- usually you don’t have cold hands”
He says
“Because you’re the last one that I treat, I.N always get my cold hands, and he got used to it”
“Oh poor I.N, he-ah he has-ah to get through this”
“Stop whimpering”
“I’m not whimpering”
“Yes, you are”
“No, I’m-ah not”
“See, you’re a whimper man”
You say massaging the lower part of his back
"I'm not-ah-fuck"
"next time, if I say that you have to rest, go home, take a warm shower, eat something, and go to bed, you're lucky that you don't have a fever"
you slap his back
"aah what's wrong with you?"
"you're an asshole, and you act like a child"
you slap him again
"stop slapping me"
he says sitting down on the small massage bed
you slap him again
"oh my god stop it"
"no - you slap his chest - you know that you could've hurt your self huh? you and your stupid anger issues - you slap once again - what you were trying to gain to stupid bitch?"
"stop slapping me"
he says blocking your wrists
"I said I'm sorry, next time if I'll feel overwhelmed I'll call you okay? just bring soju with you"
"soju? wanna get drunk?"
you ask trying to escape from his grip
"fuck yes, I need to get drunk"
"I'll buy soju on my way home and you can come over okay?"
"you’re inviting me in your house?"
he asks, caressing your wrists with his thumb
"yeah, you know no boys around so we can talk freely, and I'll make dinner"
"mh...okay then"
he says smiling, showing once again his stupid dimples
"now, let me finish my job okay? go home, take a warm shower and then come over"
"okay mom"
you try to hide a smile
"now lay down"
he stares at you
you say, and this bitch lays down, just because you said please? fuck it's going to be looong night
"try not to whimper this time okay?"
you whisper near his hear
"I'll try, ma'am"
you just got out of the shower when you hear the doorbell
you scream, trying to dress yourself as fast as you can, not thinking about who's your guest, but honestly you don't give a fuck, you're in your own house and it's summer, that's what you think trying to justify your shorts and tank top
"Hi Channie, I'm sorry I made you wait, come in"
"Oh, Hei no worries it's my fault, I should've texted you"
he says taking off his shoes before getting inside
"I wouldn't answered you, my phone died at work, and I was so late that the moment I came home, I prepared the sauce for the pasta and I jumped into the shower"
"no worries -he giggles- wanna help with dinner while you dry your hair?”
"oh no, stay away from my kitchen, set the table and open the red wine that you find in the counter"
"yes ma'am"
he says
"damn, this wine looks good where did you get it?"
"oh-my mom send a bunch of stuff from Italy to me, so I don't get homesick"
you say stirring the sauce
"stuff like alcohol?"
"yes, and food"
you laugh
"sooo much food, the best that I can do is sharing, you know sharing is caring"
"and what are you making tonight?"
he says looking over your shoulders
"mh, pasta all'arrabbiata"
"i have no idea of what it is but sounds good, also I've never heard you talking in italian, sounds sexy"
"stop it"
you say turning towards him
"what I'm not doing anything"
"you're flirting"
you say
"flirting? I don't know what flirting is"
he says with a smile on his face
"oh put those dimples away"
you say turning to the kitchen counter, checking if the pasta is ready, or maybe you don't want to show him your cheeks getting redder
"we can sit, while we wait for the pasta”
you say walking towards him
“wanna a glass of wine?"
"please, yes"
you say almost disparately, he pours two BIG glasses of wine
"cheers, to the best physiotherapist ever"
"to the most stubborn person I know, who can't listen"
you say looking him in the eyes
"cheers Chan"
"cheers y/n"
"so you think I'm stubborn huh?"
"oh yeah, definitely"
he asks sipping his wine
"why what? why I think you're a stubborn?"
he nods
"you don't listen to people who care about you? and you do almost everything without thinking? and you think you're invicible, you try to keep everything on your shoulders forgetting that you're a human? mh yes, you're a stubborn"
"damn, you can't lie huh?"
you say sipping some wine
"can I check the pasta or you're going to kill me?"
"no, I'll check it, in my house guests don't make dinner"
"mh, can I come here more often?"
he asks giggling
"of course, the door is always open for you...I mean you guys, you know, you and the boys, all of them"
you get up, slapping mentally your face
what the fuck y/n behave yourself, he's just a friend. A hot one tho, but just a friend.
thanks God the pasta is ready, you mix it with the sauce and then pour it in two plates
"here we go"
you say sitting next to Chan, he waits for you, and after you take the first bite, he starts eating with you
“You need something else?”
"absholutely noth, thish ish perfect"
he says with his mouth full of pasta, you smile at this sight of him, without his working dark aura. People says that he's scary as fuck when he's working, and they mean it, he change completely, especially when he is in the studio, it's like an alter ego (we can call it Christopher yeah)
"so...you like it?"
you ask taking a bite a food
"yesh -he swallows- I want you to come at the dorm and cook for me...I mean us everyday, oh you should do a cooking competition with Lee Know, I would probably die because the good food but it would be a great death"
you laugh
"it's called food coma"
he asks
"mhmm, try my nonna's food then we can talk about food coma"
"nonna is...?"
"oh, my grandma, she is a great chef"
"then I have to meet her"
he says finishing his plate
"in order to meet her you have to go to Italy, also she doesn't speak a word of English or Korean so you have to learn Italian"
"for good food? I'll do everything. You can be my teacher, I'm sure that you know how to speak it"
"me? your teacher?"
"why me?"
"because you can speak Italian and I want to spend more time with you"
you choke on wine
"you what?"
you try to speak between the cough
"you okay?"
he asks patting gently your back
"yes, I'm okay, thanks. You really mean it?"
you ask
"that you want to spend more time with me"
"yes, and I don't mean at the studio. I want to know you better as a friend, as a person"
"fuck Chan"
you get up, taking both of the plates to wash it
"fuck Chan what?"
he follows you at the sink
"we can't, you-you can't know me better"
"why not?"
he asks shrugging his shoulders
"because-I can't"
"mh? you have a boyfriend in Italy?"
"then why I can't know you better?"
"my...my contract, I signed a contract when the company hired me"
he asks
"I can't have anything with my patients, and you're one of them"
you say looking at him
"where is the problem? -he asks- we're not at the company, we're just two friends who had dinner together, with some wine"
he says getting closer to you
"Chan please...don't"
"what? I'm not doing anything"
he says
"I know, it's me, I'm the problem, I don't know if I can contain my self right now, not after what you said"
"then do it, don't contain your self"
"this-you move your hands between your bodies-won't happened ever again"
"I can't make this promise"
he traps you with his arms between his body and the sink
"fuck Chan"
you say before kissing him on the lips, they’re so soft and you fucking knew it.
“We shouldn’t do that”
You say in between the kisses
“Shut up”
He says lifting you up, your legs locked behind his back
“Fuck-fuck-fuck it’s cold”
You say when your ass touch the marble of the kitchen counter, he giggling in your lips. Hands on his curls, pulling almost too roughly but he doesn’t seem to mind it
“That’s the revenge for the massage with your stupid cold hands”
“Yeah? If this the revenge that i get I’ll switch your turn with I.N so you’ll have my cold hands on your body everyday”
You say kissing his neck, way too roughly, biting and sucking his soft skin. For sure he’s going to have marks all over his neck tomorrow, but there’s make up to cover it up right?
“Sofa, please”
You say looking in his eyes
“Fuck I love when you beg, it turns me on”
He says picking up by your thighs, walking to the small sofa in your living room.
“You get turned on easily huh?”
“Shut up, I bet that you’re wet since I came into your house”
He says sitting on the couch, your legs on each side of him
“I’m always wet when your around”
“Yeah? So many lost opportunities for my dick”
He says pouting, placing his hands on your ass
“None of my business”
You say smiling, kissing his lips again and again, his tongue sliding inside your mouth, so gently and sweet, he taste like good wine, and you feel you can almost get drunk just with his tongue (maybe you’re already are)
“Stop grinding on my dick or i will fuck you in this small sofa”
“Such a dirty mouth Christopher”
You say grinding on him once more
“Mmhph please don’t use that name”
“Why not whimper man?”
You say placing your hands on his abs
“Your accent, I don’t know it’s just, I don’t know”
“Wow, you have clear ideas”
You laugh getting more comfortable on his lap, even if there’s something hard hat almost bothers you.
“You know what I’ve been thinking the whole day? At the studio, in the shower, even while I was in the car to come here”
“Your hands, and that thing that you said to me”
You’re confused, trying to understand what his talking about
“Your handjobs”
“Ooooh that, why? I mean it’s just a handjob”
You say shrugging your shoulders
“Yeah but why they’re so special?”
“Oh you wanna know the key huh?”
He nods looking at you
“My job”
“They teach you how to do-“
You laugh shaking your hands
“Because of my job I have to use a lot of massage oil, coconut oil and stuff like that, so my hands are soft”
“Oooh so that’s the key”
“Yeah, some love, and coconut oil or lube”
“So that’s why you smell like coconut”
You laugh
“Yes, but I have a question”
“What’s up?”
He asks
“Wanna try?”
You look at him
“Oooh that? I-I mean if you want to”
“I’m asking for your consent Chris, I’ve teased you enough today”
You laugh
“You think? I’ve been hard the whole day, my balls might be turned blue, so it’s a yes”
“Give me a second okay?”
You leave a kiss on his lips and go to your bed room searching for the coconut oil (that of course it’s in your bed side table for scientific purposes👀) you glance quickly your self in the mirror and you’re a mess, but don’t mind it.
“Here I am”
You say, sitting once again on his lap
“Let me warm you up a little more yeah?”
You say kissing his lips way more roughly than the first time, and a moan slips into your mouth
“Here you are my favorite whimper boy”
You say grinding your hips on him
“Mhhphf, I’m not whimpering, it’s just that- it’s the first time that someone - I’m the one who’s on top usually”
“Uuuh we have a dom here mh? Interesting, but let me be the one in control tonight yeah?”
“Please…y/n it hurts please do something”
He says in a desperate tone, kissing you so roughly that your lips are going to be swollen tomorrow
You work with his pants, taking out his warm and hard cock, that is leaking pre-cum liquid
“So needy”
You look at him in the eyes, you open the little jar and squeeze it a couple of drops drop in your dominant hand
“Can I?”
“Yes, please y/n please”
You slowly trace you fingertips around the head of his dick, spreading the pre cum liquid, making his dick slippery.
You wrap your hand around his dick, stroking it up and down so slowly that he looks so desperate.
“God- Please move, this is so frustrating”
He says placing his hands on top of yours
“Ah-ah put this hands behind your back, you can’t touch it”
“But it’s my cock”
He says arguing
“You have two options, you can place your hands behind you back and let me do my job, or I can tie you up so can’t move at all”
You say still stroking his dick
“No, no okay, I’ll put them behind my back”
“Such a good boy”
You kiss his lips, a deep moan sleeping out of his mouth. You place your hand on the base of his dick, using a tighter grip then before, moving it up and down paying attention to his head and to the most sensitive part of it.
You keep moving your hand on him, and you know that he’s close by the way he move his body, the way he breathe, and the way he’s looking at you, his hands on your ass has a tighter grip now
“Fuck, I’m about to cum, please, please don’t stop.”
And of course you don’t stop, you already played too much with him, you stroke his cock faster now and he cums, a warm load of white and thick liquid running down his dick. You lick your fingers smiling, his head resting on your shoulder.
He giggles
“What-who are you? Jesus Christ I’m-”
You giggle with him
“Now I’ll have a boner every time you treat me at the studio, you and your stupid coconut oil”
You laugh louder now, knowing that it’s not a joke.
“You laughing at me?”
He asks looking at you
“Yeah, maybe”
You shrug your shoulders
“Right…let me see if you can handle Christopher, yeah?”
He gets up, picking you up on one of his shoulders
“Waaaaa, what does this mean? Chaaaaan put me down”
“Ahah, Chan is not available at the moment call him later”
He says picking up that stupid coconut oil and walking away from the couch
“Now, tell me where is your bed room”
A/N: I think this is my first real smut, uhm this is so embarrassing, imma eclisse my self bye love you
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
And they were Roomates (part 3)
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A/N: Wahoou... I didn't expect this to get so much appreciation. I remind everyone that i accept tips even thought my content stays entirely free for everyone as i don't really do this for money but for my horny demon persona. This is probably getting more parts at this point
accepting some headcanons, situation ideas for these two as i'm slowly running out, it might take me longer to write if i can't find stuff.
TW: violence, blood, crusing, etc.
Love ya'll enjoy.
You frowned, trying to make your laptops fit in your bag. You were heavily frustrated today. 
It didn't exactly differ from your mood for the past three weeks. THREE WEEKS. He was gone for three weeks and you had 0 news. You stopped fighting with the zipper of your bag to sigh. 
Of course, as if the situation wasn't frustrating enough, you had spent the last week on a mission with a team who's sergeant hated your guts. Sergeant Keller. You were just hoping to end this as soon as possible. Avoiding the sergeant was now your top priority. You had managed to get on his last nerve by defying him at the meeting and proposing a plan that was better than his. The furious look he had sent your way promised havok if he found you alone. Which you totally were right now.
The sound of footsteps made you freeze. Spinning around you cursed. 
You didn't have time to finish, thanks to the punch to your sternum making you drop to your knees, breath caught in your lungs. 
"You are a little bitch." 
The remark passed through you like a yawn. What bothered you the most was the blows you might receive. He wouldn't kill you, or actually hurt you badly because you were still a valuable asset to the government and the military. But he'd still make it painful. 
"You're… just… mad… I'm better than you…" you hissed through breaths.
This time the kick to your ribs made you whimper. Grabbing a fistful of your hair he lowered himself next to you. 
"Stop fucking acting like you're a hero. You're a fucking terrorist. You should be dead, a bullet through the brain. Know your damn place." 
He hissed through gritted teeth. 
"You want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid" you teased. 
The two other kicks, one to your stomach the other landing on your wrist were expected. 
You couldn't let yourself be spoken like that… it hurt but fuck you weren't going to let him talk down to you. 
You were hunched over on the floor, hand over your ribs, and right wrist badly hurting.  
The sergeant threw you one last glance before heading out. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. 
You took several minutes trying to calm down the pain before standing up, grabbing your things and darting out. The cold hair made you huff out little clouds. The 21st of December… you had spent many Christmases alone… but you didn't feel as lonely as you did right now. 
You bit your lip. Keeping the tears at bay… but had long lost this fight. 
The way home was spent crying. You were thankful no one was out at this Wonderful late hour. You had managed to reach your apartment door, tears blurring your vision, and your aching side and wrist throbbing. 
Your hand was shaking as you put the key in the lock. You pushed the door open slamming it behind you. You locked it, heading for the living room. You let your things drop on the couch. You spun around to the counter, flinching heavily as you sat down on one of the stools. You tried to breathe through the pain, throat burning as you tried to keep yourself from crying even more.
Suddenly your ears picked up a sound from behind. Jumping down and turning around you froze. 
The silence was deafening. Rage and pain filled your brain. How dare he? Just… what?! 
"What the fuck?!" You half screamed, tears now freely falling. 
"Sparrow." His tone now much more firm. "Are you alright?" 
You chuckled, throwing the most cynical smile you could find in you. 
"I'm amazing." You hissed. 
"Stop. What's wrong? What happ-" 
"None of your business." You spat. 
You were furious. You were absolutely broken and in pain. He walked up to you, leaving a few steps in between. 
God… you had missed his eyes… you mentally cursed yourself at the thought. 
"I know you're angry. But tell me." 
"Angry? You think I'm angry? I'm furious! You left ! Without a word! I'm in pain!" 
That was true. Physical and mentally. You were trying to keep your voice down. But his words kept repeating in your mind. 'we're not friends'. 
You took a deep breath, both staying silent for a long minute. 
"Sparrow… tell me." 
You closed your eyes for a second. 
"Why?" You asked. 
You looked at him, eye to eye for once. You were genuinely asking him. 
"Don't tell me you care… you made it clear. We're not friends." 
"No. No. Not this time." 
You felt the heavy crush of your exhausted mind and body. You wanted to escape. You needed to. You walked around him. He grabbed your bruised wrist making you whimper in pain. 
The silence after was tense. His gaze had heavily darkened. He was… furious. 
"Who?" Was all he asked. His tone was the coldest you ever heard him. 
You walked to the cupboard, your initial destination, grabbing something inside. You ignored his question entirely. You placed the black mug on top of the counter. He eyed it. A white skull was drawn on it, with the letters lieutenant Riley. You had it made for him as a Christmas present. 
"I figured, you hate Christmas. Though I read no stupid file, it was kind of obvious." You started. Eyes not leaving the object. "I still bought you a Christmas gift. And I know it's not Christmas yet, but. I don't think we'll spend it together." 
You looked up at him. "Now you can hate me as much as you want…" you whispered. 
You didn't wait for any answer at all. You simply headed to your room, locking the door behind you. You got into bed, wincing at the bruises now forming all over your skin. You cried. Letting the tears and tiredness take you to sleep. 
The morning was rough. You had called Laswell, informing her that you were unable to get to base that morning. She gave you immediate permission to work from home. You sighed. Getting up, you threw one of your signature baggy shirts that reached the middle of your thighs. Your eyes were puffy. You could see it in your bedroom mirror. The bruise on your wrist was bad but the one on your ribs was nasty. 
You made sure that your long sleeves hid the bruise. 
Your ears picking up sounds very unusual to your apartment made you frown. Multiple voices could be heard from the living room. 
You opened the door, curious. You could hear ghost's raspy voice. You also managed to hear captain price's. You walked to the living freezing at the entrance. Many eyes were now stuck on you. 
"Hum…" you tried. 
Ghost was the first to move, straightening himself as he scanned your body, wrist, down to your naked thighs. 
You blushed. You were a bit too underdressed suddenly. He was back after all. And he … had … guests? 
"Ah ! Miss sparrow!" Price smiled happily. 
His smile was so contagious you couldn't keep yourself from smiling back. 
"Good morning captain price" you answered with a smile.  
He walked to you, surprising you with a hug. A very suspicious hug as he barely squeezed you. It was more… testing the waters. As if, checking for any injuries. You still hugged him back. The rest of the men in the living room were still staring at you. They all had a giddy smile on their faces. 
"Here. Let me present to you the rest of the squad." He said, positioning himself behind you, hands on your shoulders. 
"This is sergeant John soap McTavish." He explained, pointing to the man with a mohawk. 
"Hi!" He greeted, the taint of a Scottish accent on his voice. 
"This is Kyle gaz Garrick."
The man with a cap stood and threw a wink at you. He sat down back down rather quickly for some reason. 
"And this is Colonel Alejandro Vargas. Not really part of the squad but he's here on permission for a month." 
The man stood walking to you, taking your hand delicately in his, dropping a kiss before smiling. 
"A pleasure." His voice tainted with an accent as well. 
You blushed. Sending a smile to everyone. 
"And gentlemen this is… sparrow." He said. 
He didn't have much more information to add so you did. 
"I'm a hacker. I work for the military but I was actually your enemy a few years ago… my code name is sparrow." 
The man with a mohawk, now Soap to you jumped at the information. Fear reached you, thinking that once more… this would be like sergeant Keller. 
"You're a hacker?! Fuck that's so cool!" 
You smiled, relieved. 
"We were going to have breakfast. Would you like to join us?" Price invited. 
"LT got muffins!" Soap added. 
You glanced at the man in a balaclava, eyes widening as you saw him stand against the counter, a black mug in hand. He… was using your gift. The realisation making something burn in you.
"Hum… sure." You answered, smiling at the men. 
Everyone answered at the same time a variation of happy words. Quickly interrupted by a very familiar raspy voice.
"She's going to change first."
Everyone turned to ghost.
"I..am?" You suddenly questioned his behavior. 
He walked up to you, price stepping back from you. 
"Sure, we'll wait. We'll prepare everything." Price said, with what seemed to be a signature smile on his lips. Ghost softly wrapped his fingers around your good wrist and positioned his palm at the small of your back, beckoning you to walk back to your bedroom with him. 
Once inside he closed the door behind him. You were still mad at him, even though it seemed to fade by the minute. You decided that pushing his buttons would make your point. 
"Why do I have to change? I don't want to change." You spoke, crossing your arms over your chest. 
He froze in place looking at you. You could feel his eyes traveling down your thighs. You blushed heavily. Without a single word he managed to answer. So you teased even more. A bitter feeling at the words. 
"I don't think your teammates are interested. And I don't think you'd care if they-" 
"Listen carefully." He threatened now closing in, trapping you between the desk and his body, hands on either side of your body. Slightly hunched over you to get to your eye level. 
"If Vargas looks at your thighs with that 'i want to fuck it' look again, I'm beating the fuck out of him in the living room." 
You gasped, eyes glued to him. Was he…jealous? 
"Now you do whatever you want." He said in a low voice. 
"Are you jealous…" you answered in a low voice. 
He flinched slightly. 
"No." He quickly answered. 
Of course not. Why did that thought ever cross your mind?
"Whatever… I have to get to base anyway…" you mumbled. 
"We'll take you." He said, moving back and taking a last glance at you before stepping out. 
You stood there confused for a few seconds. This man was unreadable. Terribly confusing. One moment he hated you, the other he threatened to beat up his friend because he was checking you out. You sighed, heading for your closet.
You were in the noisy car as you drove to the base with everyone. You had surprisingly spent a very pleasant morning with everyone, heading back to the base after lunch. You had to, unfortunately you needed to get back on the mission and you needed to be with the team for that. 
You weren't exactly excited to see Sergeant Keller. You just hoped you'd stay out of his radar. 
Arriving in the middle of the warehouses and building, ghost parked. Everyone jumped out of the vehicle, you following carefully trying to not wince. Ghost kept his eyes on you and it was hard hiding the injuries. 
"What time you done sparrow?" Soap asked. 
"Hum… don't really know…" you answered genuinely not knowing when you'd get out of the hell of a room you were about to get to. 
"We can wait for you, we all have time to lose." Gaz added. 
You were now incredibly sure ghost had somehow told them about the bruises he saw on your wrist. 
"I don't know…" you tried. 
"We'll wait. Text me when you're done." Ghost ordered. 
You looked at him, deliberately rolling your eyes at him before heading into the building. 
You could hear soap and gaz laughing before quickly shutting up. 
The hours flew by you, and you were pretty glad of that. You just wanted to go back home. You were also very glad that the mission was finally coming to an end. Your part would be over tonight, so you'd be far away from sergeant Keller. 
The clock showed 7pm. You watched everyone as they put away their stuff. Grabbing your phone, you texted ghost. 
-"I'm done. In case you actually waited…
- "Copy."
You rolled your eyes again. You were putting down your phone when another notification rang. 
"Of course I waited. We're out front."
You felt a ping in your heart. What was going on? Why was he so… protective all of a sudden? You stood up grabbing your things when a sharp pain to your ribs made you yelp. 
Turning around you saw Sergeant Keller behind you. The asshole had poked exactly where he had kicked you the day before. 
"You and I need to have a little talk." He threatened. 
You looked around. The room was empty. Fuck. And of course you were caged in between the table and him. The door to your right would be hardly attainable. 
"You really adore me don't you sergeant?"  you teased, a little shiver of anxiety running through you. 
"You have such a big mouth. Somebody ought to make you shut it." 
The slap across your faces stung. You had managed somehow to bite your lip in the process, little droplets of blood on your tongue. God damn it. 
"I literally didn't do shit this time Keller." You rang, rage slightly rushing through you. 
"You're right. Just thought I'd make you remember your place one last time. So you wouldn't go pretending to be part of the good guys again." 
"I AM part of the good guys for fucks sake!" You yelled. 
He grabbed your throat. Making you grab his wrist. 
"You think playing around with your little laptop after you were hunted down for multiple crimes makes you good? You think this is your redemption arc? Fucking idiot" 
You hissed as he pressed against your ribs again. He let go of your neck, now grabbing your bruised wrist and squeezing. You yelped in pain. Of course… using the already bruised parts not to add anymore evidence. 
"Fuck… stop Keller!" You yelled through gritted teeth. 
"Little bitch." He answered, a punch to your bruised ribs, this time making you cry out in pain, vision darkening at the intensity.
You barely heard him walk in. You didn't fully understand why Keller was thrown across the room. When the pain was finally slightly down you looked up, eyes widening at the sight. Ghost had Keller by the throat against the wall. He had apparently punched him already, as by the evident blood running down Keller's nose. 
"Ghost…" you tried. 
"Get out." He ordered. 
"What..?" You asked, shocked. 
"Soap and price are waiting. Get. Out!" He ordered, barking the last word. 
You flinched, but moved, hand over your ribs, running out. You heard Keller get punched one more time. 
Fuck fuck fuck. Your eyes stung with tears. Throwing open the heavy metal door, cold air biting at your skin, your eyes searched for price and soap. They were right in front, heads turning to you, instantly running as they saw the blood on your lip. 
"Sparrow!" Your heard soap. 
You breathed heavily. Ears slightly ringing. Price and soap stood next to you inspecting you. 
"Ghost…" you tried. 
"What?" Soap urged. 
"He's… he's beating up Keller… you got to stop him!" You yelled. 
Alejandro and gaz showed up running up to  price. Price cursed heavily. 
"Alejandro gaz! Stay with her, soap, with me!" He yelled. 
Soap and price rushed past you, as Alejandro and gaz surrounded you. 
"You're alright princess.." Alejandro said, a worried look on his face. 
"I'm fine… I'm fine… it's just a few scratches." You reassured. 
You turned around staring at the metal door. You were shivering. It was probably the cold… or probably the panic coursing through you. You were so thankful that he had shown up. But you were extremely worried about the trouble he was going to get into because of you. 
"Come on.. sparrow get in the car." Gaz asked. 
"N-no… I… ghost " you stumbled over your words. 
"He's coming back, don't worry. Price and soap are with him." Alejandro tried. 
"No!" A whimper escaped your lips. 
Your brain was a fuzz. You didn't know exactly what you were feeling. Any anger towards him had vanished. You were worried, you needed to see him. 
"Come on Sparrow, we're taking you home." 
You shook your head, making you even dizzier than you already were. 
"We'll bring him back, we promise." Gaz assured. 
You took a deep breath finally following them into the car. Tears fell down your cheeks, the cold hair had helped them turn your cheeks red. 
You glanced one last time towards the door before Alejandro and gaz drove out. 
@lemontails @cabreezer0117 @tomhardy41 @brxghtixghtz @shuttlelauncher81 @pinkdazelight @sirenbunnylol @snortangeldust @novausstufff @gasstationfifacard @emotion-not-hot-yes-hotel-trivago @simpforavillain @minimisthios @catied32 @poohkie90 @watermaylon-writes @thereealink @meimhem @sorryi-mtrash @gaymistakeboi @bittersw33t-lotus @gh0stm3g @freckledmuffin @itsasecrets-things @xback1021 @connierk690 @feedthefandoms995 @friendlyneighboorhoodgothicpagan @dead-noodles @friendly-reject @critter-mylo
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Angsty Kaku fic???
notes - hi :) i really like one piece :) and i wanted to get out a lil angsty Kaku fic, so here :) GOD I LOVED WRITING THIS!!! <333 I hope my Kaku simps enjoy! Have a good night everyone :)
word count - 504
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Your heart felt like it had shattered into a bazillion little pieces. Why would he do this to you?
For five years, you knew Kaku as the reliable shipwright who wouldn't hurt a fly. People looked up to him and all smiled when they saw him soar over town to go fix another ship. He was welcoming, silly, and never failed to have a smile on his face.
And for five years, he was your everything.
Were those picnics fake? Were those long walks around Water 7 a lie? When he kissed you, was it all just a big scam?
When you heard that he was working for the World Government and wanted nothing more than to hurt new friends that you had made, you felt destroyed. The man you had trusted for years, the man who would come home and fall into your arms after a long day, the man you fell in love with, was nothing more than a ruse.
“What the fuck, Kaku?!” you exclaimed when you finally got to see the sorry excuse that called himself your boyfriend. You didn't care if you had a sprained ankle and were covered in blood and dirt – you were too pissed off to care.
“y/n, look, I–” Kaku put his hands up in defense and fell to the ground as you slapped the absolute shit out of his face.
“I don't want to hear an excuse, Kaku! Five years. Five fucking years!”
“y/n,” Kaku rubbed his cheek that was now turning red and started stinging real bad. “I didn't want to hurt you. I just–”
“Stop talking, Kaku!” Your eyes were burning from the red hot tears that began flowing down your cheeks, and you could barely see Kaku past the blur.
“y/n,” he walked to you slowly at first and you began to feel your knees buckle. You guessed all of that damage done to you was finally kicking in. As you nearly fell to the ground, Kaku caught you in his arms before slowly bringing you down to the ground, sitting next to your weak body.
You managed to sit yourself up slightly, leaning on Kaku’s shoulder. “Why did you do it?” you whispered, choking on your own tears.
“I've always been this way.”
“No, why did you lie?”
“I didn't lie,” he sighed. “I just never told you.”
You both sat in silence for a moment, just listening to the chaos right outside of the doors of Enies Lobby, neither of you knowing what to say.
Five long years of this stupid thing you called a fling. Even after the bastard lied, you couldn't help but love him.
“I know you’re going to be mad for a long time, y/n,” Kaku said, kissing the top of your head and standing up. “But I'm going to love you for even longer.”
Before you could even respond, he left, and you didn't even care. You knew you were going to see him again soon, that much was obvious.
one piece masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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jj-the-writer · 1 year
Parental Love.
TW: Gunshots, death, description of mortal wound
-5 months earlier-
In a somewhat remote village in the Kingdom of Luxen, was raised a boy named Leo, and he discovered he could produce flames with his hands at the age of 10, when his parents heard about it they immediately called the government's emergency calls, and informed them of the fact. When the person on the phone heard that, he froze in shock but told the distressed woman on the phone that everything will be okay and that they would call her as soon as they can. The man hung up the phone and quickly left the room and off to his superior.
"General Tengziou sir!"
"What is the matter?" Responded the General in curiosity.
"We've received a call from a family in the village southeast of here that their ten year old son had developed a flame haunt."
The General responds calmly and tells his subordinate to return to his post and tell her that their people would visit personally as soon as possible to inform them of their mandatory actions to keep the kid, he chuckled to himself as he said that.
Once left alone in his office he reached for the phone.
A day later, in a remote village...
Leo's parents hear the doorbell to their home and open the door to reveal a woman and two men, the woman starts talking.
Tall woman: "We have been informed that you called about a kid having a Haunt, was that you?" She asked with a smile.
Leo's mom: "Yes that's right, you see we're very scared, we spoke to a person on the phone,, they told us you'd be showing up to inform us of what we need to do in order to keep him."
Leo's dad: "It happened very fast yesterday we haven't been able to think this through, so we were hoping you could enlighten us."
Tall woman: "Oh is that what they told you...? I'm afraid you have been misinformed, you see, there's nothing you can do to keep him here, he's a threat to our nation, and he is going to be held captive for the rest of his life." She said, with her smile barely wavering.
Leo's parents looked at the woman in front of them and thought she was insane for keeping a happy face considering what she was talking about. Leo's mom became furious at her and could barely restrain herself.
The tall woman nodded with a smile and spoke again. "In that case I feel inclined to inform you of what we do with people who go against the law..." As these words left their mouth, the two men behind her stepped up and showed the mad and scared parents their guns that were strapped to their belts without saying a word.
Leo's mom gasped at the sight of the guns and she covered her mouth with her hands as her eyes began to tear up.
Leo's dad: "YOU DARE THREATEN US INSIDE OUR HOUSE?" He said as he grabbed a shotgun they had as a decoration on their walls. But before he could lift it up to aim, the two men were already aiming towards both their heads.
Shelingia's mother: "Let me put this a way you understand, let us take the kid in peace, or you die right here, right now." Her smile completely dropped. "You have until I count to 10 to decide."
A few seconds of silence befall the room...
The two parents started panicking.
Cold sweat started running down both their foreheads.
The brunette mother dropped to her knees, her eyes running.
The ginger haired father dropped the shotgun in despair and fell down to his knees.
The mother interlocked her hands and started praying. Only thing the people in the room could make out was "Oh spirits of old...".
The father removed his glasses and wiped away his tears with his finger before putting them back on.
The father swallowed and then took the courage to speak. "Please listen to me, he's a good child, he only ever talks about becoming a hero and saving the weak, the spirits haven't messed with his mind, he doesn't deserve any of this..." His eyes started running again. "Please don't hurt Leo, my son... He's done nothing wrong...."
The woman halts her counting and decides to respond, an action she considered to be very kind.
"Listen, the spirits of old take time to act, you believe we haven't tried to keep a person with a Haunt alive and raised normally? They all turn their back to the world in the end, so let us take him and your life will be spared, no one has to die today."
The mother's praying got faster.
The father sighed, grabbed his shotgun and stood up again. "I won't let you take him while I'm alive."
The woman responded: "Well then, I'm sorry but-"
Suddenly, footsteps from inside the house running around can be heard, and soon enough a young boy with dark ginger hair and big round eyes peeked his head through the door that lead into the living room. He looked around, he saw his father holding the shotgun he remembers being on the wall, his mother on her knees who's head had made a sharp and sudden turn to look at her son with tearful eyes, two men pointing something at his parents, and a tall woman who was smiling.
"Daddy..? What's going on? And why's mommy on the floor? Did you drop your food again?"
His mother looked at the woman in front of her and only managed to say "Wait-" before she smiled sadistically and said:
Two gunshots fired at the exact same time, and the two grown parents fell to the floor, their faces unrecognizable from the bullets they just took to their forehead, and all the blood that splattered on to them and on to the hardwood floors.
Leo covered his ears and closed his eyes at the sound of the gunshots since he was so close, loud noises startle him after all. Once he opened his eyes he saw his parents laying down in a pool of red, unable to understand what just happened, he runs to their side.
He shoves his dad's lifeless body and says "Get up! Get up! Why are you on the floor?!" He looks up to his face and sees a gaping hole right above his eyes, pouring blood, he looked at his mother, the same thing to her as well. Once he realized that his parents wouldn't be getting up this time, he started crying and screaming. "MOM! DAD!"
The tall woman behind his back spoke to the men behind her "Put him to sleep, we need to get going, it's a long way home."
Suddenly everything went black for Leo.
The next day, at a secret establishment...
A girl is in a white room as big as a basketball field, throwing kicks and punches in rapid succession on a training dummy that says "inflammable" on it. She thinks to herself...
"Mother should come back here soon, with the new kid she was told to go retrieve..."
She lets out a sigh.
"Well, I should stay focused on my training or Father will get mad again and... I'm not keen on experiencing THAT again..."
Fire appears on her leg and she jumps up before landing a midair kick on the face of the dummy.
Her heavy breathing can be heard through the whole room.
"If I use this power for too long I start to feel drained... Just a little more..."
She lands a few flaming punches on the dummy.
"I wonder what the new kid's haunt looks like. It might be ice, or even electric currents, my parents haven't found one of those yet, they might be frustrated if it's an already discovered one... What might they do to that poor child..."
With that thought she got angry at her parents and her frustration led her to kick the dummy so hard she hurt her ankle.
"Ow, Shit!"
She sat on the floor and rubbed her ankle
"Okay it's not too bad... I'll just need to be careful with that foot for a day or two."
She hears the door open and quickly stands up and puts her hands behind her waist. "Father, you're here, welcome." She said to the man with square glasses who walked in the room.
Father: "I am, I also see you're slacking on the floor... In any case, I wanted to inform you that your mother has arrived, she asked for you to go to the cells, it's about the most recent Haunted specimen."
Shelingia thinks to herself, "What could she possibly have to say to me of all people about the kid? Well... Best not keep her waiting, she tends to get irritable if she waits for something too long..."
Shelingia: "Very well, thanks for the information Father, I will see myself to the cells immediately."
Her father responded "Good. Don't be late for your mother Shelingia. And... You should hope I don't catch you slacking again." And then he left the room.
Shelingia didn't say anything but simply looked at the floor before making her way to the cells.
Later, in the cells...
Shelingia walks through the cells looking for her mother, she sees her in the distance and walks closer, once she gets close enough she puts her arms behind her waist and announces herself.
"Mother, you asked for me?"
"Gah! You little... Don't speak so suddenly while I'm working! In any case, I did, we brought a new Haunted in today, and you might be surprised that he has a flame haunt, just like yours."
"I'm not surprised, if there can be more than one person with the same ability I can't see why other people having my haunt is any different. But I should play the part to avoid any unnecessary arguments..." She thinks once again before deciding to speak, and faking an interested voice.
"That is indeed intriguing, it is rare, is it not?"
"Correct, this boy is the only person with a flame haunt other than you that we have ever encountered, who knows, he might prove himself more useful than you have."
"So you brought me in here to remind me that I'm a failure in your eyes... Typical Tuesday." She thinks, but doesn't address her thoughts in any way.
"I am amazed mother, great find indeed." Said Shelingia with her fake voice.
Her mother responded while looking at some papers she had in her hand. "Yeah whatever, go now I need to work, feel free to return to your training."
"Very well, Mother." Said Shelingia. While she was ready to turn and leave, she glanced at the boy in the cell, he was fainted but his eyes looked like he cried very recently. She lets out a sigh and walks to her training room even if her thoughts were cloudy.
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You
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Pairing: Dabi x villain!Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, non-con, stalking, mentions of human experimentation, non-consensual drug use, lots of swearing.
Words: 1841.
Summary: Running away from the lab where you had been experimented on for years, you have no choice but to join the League of Villains to escape from the government. Of course, you don’t expect things to go smoothly, especially when one mutilated son of a bitch just can’t leave you alone.
P.S. I’ve suddenly remembered Rogue who had been my favorite character once; the heroine’s Quirk is partly based on her ability.
My dear @navegandoaciegas​, this is my first attempt at writing Dabi. Hope you’re going to enjoy reading it ❤
"Fuck, how much can you drink at once, birdie? Ain't you scared to pass out in a place full of men?"
Oh God, it was that smug bastard again. For the past couple of days Dabi couldn't get off your back for a full damn minute.
"Men? Here?" You opened your eyes and raised an eyebrow at the man whose face was right above yours as he leaned on the back of the couch where you laid. "I see just a couple of kids and one burnt corpse who can never fucking shut up."
"Oh? Wanna see how well can a burnt corpse fuck you up?"
Always up to a challenge. You rolled your eyes at his obvious display of hostility despite the fact he'd most definitely lose against you. Besides, Shigaraki would barely enjoy you two ruining the League's hideout, and upsetting that asshole ready to go berserk any moment certainly wasn't one of your priorities.
"Just go fuck yourself, would you? I'm not in the mood to bark at you."
"Well, then don't. I didn’t come here for that, actually."
This was something new. He suddenly became calm as you studied his grotesque mutilated face inches away from yours. Your expression didn’t betray any emotions either since you weren't shocked or disgusted by the way Dabi looked: you've seen worse in the laboratory, and repulsive things had long stopped looking repulsive to you.
"What are you here for, then?" You asked him, trying to remember if you finished that second bottle of sake or not. Since the time you accidentally got one of those useless Quirks, you couldn't get drunk anymore - now strong alcohol only made you sleepy.
"I've always wanted to ask why the fuck are you wearing these." Dabi pointed out to the black leather gloves laying on the coffee table in front of you, and you rolled your eyes again. One more useless question.
"In this team of no-brainers you're the last person I expected to ask me this question." Groaning, you moved up a little to take more comfortable position and stared at the man above you intensely.
"Don't you want to gather as many Quirks as possible? If so, why wearing gloves when you can only get a Quirk through touch?"
You were close to snapping at him, and it certainly made Dabi look even more smug.
"Who the fuck do you think I am, a garbage bin?" You barked wishing you could teleport the bastard somewhere to Hawaii. "I only take Quirks I need, and it isn't easy to find those in that damp of useless abilities regular citizens have. Besides, some Quirks are quite dangerous for their owners and I'd prefer them not existing at all. You, of all people, should already get that, Pretty Face."
He smiled at you, but you saw his hollow eyes sparkling dangerously at your last remark, and you felt his body emanating heat he could turn into his famous blue flames within a second. Nasty shit, that what's you thought of his Quirk. Who on Earth would want anything like that? You doubted anyone but a true psychopath could really appreciate something as fucked up as Dabi's ability to burn anything and anyone, himself including. You definitely didn't want to use his Quirk despite already taking it as almost all of those belonging to the League of Villains. It wasn't intentional, though.
"You'd better start watching your mouth, birdie. You ain't back in the lab." His smile grew wider as he saw your expression darkening at the mention of the lab.
Fucking son of a bitch. You bet he'd go insane during the first month being locked up there.
"Huh, calm down, dear. I think it's better we get along."
You sent him a glare wishing you could throw his overconfident ass out of the window. Dabi loved messing with fucking everyone, Shigaraki included, but he was still a valuable member of the team. Killing him would do you no good.
Showing him your middle finger, you put your head on the pillow and took the half-empty bottle of sake. Thank goodness you didn't finish it. You hoped Dabi would vanish by the time you were done.
You spent a few minutes in complete silence as the man kept leaning on the couch and watching you drinking while you did your best trying to relax. Why the Hell was Dabi stuck here with you? Didn't he have any other things he should be doing now? Was he here to get under your skin even more? Shit, you just wanted to be left alone. You wanted it since the time they brought you to the lab, but since then somebody had always been getting on your nerves one way or the other.
"Seriously, what do you want from me?" You grunted as you opened your eyes again and stared at Dabi's face. "You wanna take the couch or what? I ran out of sake if you're here for it."
There was that smug smile again. Saints, the guy had been creeping you out with his long intense stares for quite some time, but today he was even less bearable than usual. He definitely wanted something from you, and the feeling was making you uneasy.
"You wanna hook up, birdie?"
You thought you were gonna choke on air when you heard him saying that. What? Seriously? Did he hurt his head so bad last time heroes attacked? So, that was the meaning of those stares, then? He thought you were the one he could stick his dick in. Wincing from the thought like from a toothache, you squeezed your eyes shut. The guy was clearly mad.
"Are you out of your mind? Why would I want to hook up with anyone?" You huffed with irritation and realized Dabi was having way more fun than you.
"Don't tell me you're actually a virgin."
"You think I can be a virgin with the life I'm having?" You sounded more bitter than you thought you would, and the man above you chuckled. He was getting on your nerves more and more with each passing second.
"Then why not? Sex is a good way to relax. You certainly seem like you could let off some steam." You flinched when Dabi extended his hand to you, but he had only brushed of a lock of your hair out of your face. "I bet I can help you with that better than most of the team."
"Sex is painful, and I don't like pain. Go have fun with Toga, she seems more into that than me." You narrowed your eyes at him, your hand almost touching his neck if the villain decided he'd go further without your consent. His stupid grin going wider was making you more and more mad.
Of course, he wouldn't go to Himiko. That asshole had his own type, and she certainly didn't fall into that category. Why did you? You had no idea, but you doubted he would ever lay his hands on you. Yeah, you knew what sex was, and it had nothing to do with pleasure like in those stupid romantic novels you once bought. It was humiliating and painful. If you had a chance to get back to those who did it to you back in the lab, you'd rip their hearts out of their rib cages.
The expression on your face didn't seem to faze Dabi even the slightest bit, and you rolled your eyes in irritation. Apparently, he wouldn't give up unless you showed him you weren't some doll he could play with, and Shigaraki was probably going to get real mad at the both of you this evening.
All of a sudden you felt some strange tickling in your muscles you had never felt before. What was that? Confused, you quickly glanced over the room to see no one except Dabi still on his spot. What was that? Was it some hero's work? Had they found your hideout? No, it couldn’t be. You'd hear them, feel them before somebody even set their foot on your territory. It wasn't a hero.
Unwilling to wait for any surprises to happen, you used a regeneration Quirk, the one you were gifted on your 14th birthday so you could heal yourself after they ran the tests without troubling a healer too much. Strangely, the Quirk did nothing about the tickling, and you felt your legs getting weaker. What the fuck was that?
As you raised your head to ask Dabi for help, you suddenly realized he was eager to see what you were doing. He looked like he enjoyed watching you in such state, confused and even frightened, your knees slightly trembling as if you became weak within a couple of seconds.
It was him. He did something to you. The bastard had the nerve to do something to your body so it'd be easier to handle you.
"What have you done?" You hissed at him while he chuckled, pointing at the bottles of sake on the table. "Have you poisoned my drink?"
But the regeneration would work in that case. You knew for sure.
Running his finger around the shell of your ear, Dabi hummed with content, "Poisoned? Come on, who do you think I am, an Evil Queen? That's just a little handy potion that has a tendency to slowly accumulate in your body. Makes you a little softer, don't you think?"
Oh. Oh. That's why he was always watching you. He had no idea when the effects would start to show. Did he fucking realize it could happen in the heat of the battle when you needed your Quirks the most? Did Dabi have any idea what would happen if heroes managed to lock you away again?
"Seems like you planned to abandon me if heroes attacked, didn't you?" You gritted your teeth when Dabi got on top of you, his hands on your chest as he caressed your body like a lover would, his hot fingers getting under your clothes.
"Of course not. I'd play your personal hero and save your stubborn ass the trouble of murdering everyone."
While you desperately wanted to kick him off you came to realization you weren't able to even stand up, your arms and legs so weak you could barely move while Dabi had no problems stripping you out of your clothes, his hands on the your thighs as he took off your pants.
Shit, shit, shit. You couldn’t use any Quirks to hurt him, all of them barely responding to your call. What was that potion? Why nobody in the lab prepared you for this? How on Earth did that shithead obtain such a dangerous thing?
"If you hurt me, I'll rip your brain out of your skull and bring it to Shigaraki as a present."
His chapped, disfigured lips brushed against your neck almost gently when the man murmured, "It doesn't have to be painful, birdie. I'll show you how much fun we can have together."
Tags: @coolio-love @awesomerextyphoon​
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toofunflower · 2 years
Locked, level cleared, societies 'defaults' and a thousand flowers: Shigaraki x traumatised!oc
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The only memories I have that I am in this installation being used as a weapon. In the beginning I cried a lot, I was punished doing so. I learned thru the years how to contain, better said, to lock any emotions out of my system. The emotions will only get in the way the people here give me purpose to. To kill.
My name? I don't have one. I'm not worthy of the doctor says to me.
Electronics and a muzzle always attached to my skull, when I'm sleeping, when I'm walking around, when I'm in a fight. Always.
From time to time I think I've gone mad, seeing things that aren't there and objects that usually never move are moving.
I live in a white room with one glass wall where people all over the world observe me, do experiments on me. I am treated like an animal in a zoo, just forced to let people look at me without attacking them.
I forgot how to smile, cry, scream, yell, hate or fear. I'm just a porcelain doll, and an object to be used. A thing that no one cares about.
Sometimes I wouldn't even be used as a weapon, but as a stress relief for the guards to have sexual intercourse with.
The events I spoke about caused me to have a lot of scars. Knife scars from all the surgeries I had from the experiments, fighting scars, abusive scars. I have them all.
This morning I've just got some shock "therapy", so as they called it. My body was all worn out of energy so even the slightest move would make me tremble on my feet and I just sat there in the middle of the room on an iron chair. I still was focused on my surrounding as good as I could do at the moment, but I couldn't foresee the event that happened next... an black warp was forming beneath my chair letting me eventually fall down in empty space that lead me in a shady looking bar with neon lights above the bar counter.
Shigaraki's POV:
The greatest weapon of the government at my fingertips, that is like music to my ears. She is laying on my bar counter at this verry moment, I expected her to scream, yell or even cry for being here, but her face was so emotionless, her mouth was shut, her eyes were so dull, so lifeless. "why did you bring me here? What purpose do I have to you?" she muttered under her breath. "you are powerful in several ways mentally and physically. I have an offer for you, a well-paid job. Would you like to join my league of villains darling?" I said in a honeysweet voice. Still her vision was lifeless no emotion present, I myself do not get the creeps that easily, but her behavior got a little shiver down my spine. "Will you hurt me? Will you let me suffer for purpose?" her monotone voice echoed thru the room. The pain in her question I felt from miles, who hurt this girl? What did she go thru in that villa? These questions flashed over and over thru my thoughts. "No... maybe the worst that I may do is threat you..." I informed her coldly. "no chains?" "No chains..." I assured her. She took my offer verry polite and sat on her knees on the floor instead of a barstool.
"what are you doing? The chairs are seriously across you miss." Kurogiri said worrying over her. She stayed silent for him and threw me some look for approval of some sort. I growled why she was staring at me so intense and not answering Kurogiri. "You need to give me permission to speak right master? I am your property from now on so you rule my actions." She poke. I shook my head heavily at her words, "No, no, no. You aren't my property, just my employee and don't call me 'master' it creeps me out! Just call me Shigaraki Tomura or otherwise boss or sir something in those terms." I stuck my tongue out of disgust. "You are a strange subject sir." She spoke in a ghostlike whisper. Says the one who calls the person she just met 'master', I thought to myself almost losing it and laugh in her face. Kurogiri was already overflowing her with hospitality and began to show her towards her room.
Suddenly I heard something hit the cold hardwood floor behind me. She passed out...
... POV:
Darkness... the only thing I can remember before I got to the government installation. The only thing I saw at this moment. A white streak formed at the end of the room, for some reason I ran towards the object, slowly the streak formed into something bigger... A person. They had burn bruises all over their body and had a cracked face like a shattered mirror. Spiky white hair was present on their scalp. "do you remember me?" they spoke like an old computer program. "What-?" I breathed confused. "Do I need to be more specific doll? Do you remember how you heartlessly left me?" they gritted their teeth. Peoples voices echoed thru the room, "worthless child", "you're an embarrassment to me", "TRY HARDER!", "you do not belong here freak...", "just kill yourself you are of no use to anyone so you won't be missed."
The voices became to much and I lost grip on my actions. Clawing towards my surroundings, slowly covering my body with a black glistering liquid, screeching loud.
I woke up...
The first person I saw was my new owner taking care of my unworthy body, "sir what are you doing, touching a despicable creature like me? You are taking care of it like it's a sacred kind of being." Only a 'tch' left his lips, but still continued treating me with kindness, I grabbed his wrist harsh. He froze. "please stop that sir. I don't like it how this is making me feel. It feels like my heart is going to explode into pieces, it's making me nauseous." I growled at him disrespectful. "that 'thing' is called happiness and just accept it from me this kindness is something you need to get used to, because I will spoil your low self-esteem ass with it. And don't think about this too much this means nothing..." he growled at me and slammed the door behind him.
I started wandering around the building to observe the new territory I was living in from now on. Most of the rooms were empty or filled with weaponry, but the basement was a different story. Strange black creatures were locked in tubes with blue fluids inside of them, I mostly admired the work that has been done on these remarkable creations of someone, but a weird idea came in my thoughts. "What would it be like to be in one of those tubes? Looks comfy." The mutated beings looked so peaceful and I wanted to feel the same at the time and god know how that idea will come out, but I will find out at that moment. Extra arms formed on my back letting me to have more grip to climb up the glass cylinder, when I reached the edge I dipped my toes in the clear blue liquid and dropped the rest of my body in the tube. When I baptized into the fluid I annulated the extra arms, created gills on the sides of my ribs and my neck replacing them. I felt peace for just a minimized moment, up until my body rose somehow out of the substants, it broke the peaceful silence in my surroundings. "Dumbass what the fuck were you thinking? You could have drowned in there... and how did you get that mother fucking high anyways?!" My owner yelled at me confused while he pulled me out (in bridal style) of the strange purple substance that brought me here in the first place. "Why do you care so much sir? It is not like you can't replace me for someone worthy of your presents or even be referred as an equal." These words slid ghostly out of my mouth while his expression hardened before my eyes. "Why do you keep doing that...?" he whispered annoyed. I was slightly confused, because these were the manners I was taught at the installation, so I said to him, "what do you mean sir? I can't understand your wording." Shigaraki at down on the couch, still with me in his arms now installed on his lap. I began to panic, thinking what he might do to me on the couch. According to my several experience with sexual assault this man was like every other one I've met. But his next action surprised me a lot more then what I expected him to do to my body "You were taught to put yourself under any sort of person you meet and be okey about it? That is one sick bastard who said that to you. You are now part of the league and we all are equals to each other, so put all the bull crap you learned in there and be kind to yourself." He whispered, probably because mister Kurogiri was also listening to the conversation and felt ashamed due that he is the leader with a feared reputation. "I will keep that in mind sir... thank you..." I whispered back at him. He showed me a little gentil smile, "you're smiling... One level less to achieved." He said while caressing my cheekbone softly with the backside of his index finger. I felt my lips with my fingertip to find a big grin spread across my face. "one level achieved sir..." I whispered under my breath.
I stared the space in front of me, the evening had arrived sooner than I thought, we already had dinner and I was in the mood to watch some news. I snatched the remote from the counter and switched to 'Japan's News Of Today'. The journalist started speaking in a concerned tone, "People of Japan... Today our beloved heroin 'Subject-24/7' or Nakuru Kanako has gone missing from her apartment, our resources say that she was kidnapped by some sort of villain with a teleportation quirk, because she never left the room and non the less she wasn't there. Please contact the caretakers if you see this woman this will help a lot with the case and will hopefully return the unique heroin into our lives. If you're watching right now, please stay safe and may the heroes save you in time." I growled at suds a idiotic joke, caretakes my ass. They all tortured me up until knowing the door between life and death was too close to each other, raped me over and over again. "I've never heard so much bullshit in one sentence... Heroes are just pawns, weaponry and of the government that only care about money and fame, only when there is a camera rolling nearby than they decide to be a 'hero', but when there is no filming at the scene then they just neglect the people who actually need help. The conclusion always stays the same, violence breeds violence, there is no difference between us and the heroes, only because we have different methods, don't have a label on us and are considered 'defaults' of society, we're not 'normal'." I gritted thru my teeth. The idea only that they may find me bringing me back to that hellhole gave me the feeling that my gut was turning around, making me nauseous doing so. It was a long time that I recalled this kind of feeling, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was called. Something eating me away, killing me slowly from the inside out, burning holes in my brain. My body started to shake heavily, not being able to get a hold of myself. Suddenly the bluenette pulled me into a hug from behind, hushing me softly. It felt so right, so calm, he whispered kind words into my ear, his heartbeat had a verry low rate that was relaxing my tense figure, his face was buried in the crook of my neck letting his warm breath tickling me by doing so. "You already know how corrupted the heroes are with their so called 'piece'. You are just getting better and better the more moments I get to know you. You're just a perfection of the corrupted society." He mumbled, I felt him forming a wide psychotic grin plastered across his unique face. "I never got your name... What is it? I bet it's as cute as you~." He praised me with his honeysweet voice, this had more effect on me than it should have, because a blush was creeping up my neck making my cheeks a cherry red color. "It's Subject-27/7 sir... doctor always said to me that I wasn't worthy of a normal name for the low being that I am..." I gently whispered. "Don't think of anything what that foolish man ever said to you, you're a perfect equal in every possible way in the world I will create for the like of us, people that the heroes ignored in our time of need. Let me give you a name, let me make you my equal." He cooed into my ear. I asked him what he had in mind for a name that defined me that well. "Ichika (一千花) meaning 'one thousand flowers' due your indescribable beauty." He purred giving me all sorts of emotions that were unexplainable at the moment...
I know this is OOC but it's so cute as a big brother attitude
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morallygreyprompts · 5 years
Ok so I'm a total sucker for villains getting whumped- can I get Villain getting captured by the 'good guys' and the last thing hero says to them essentially boils down to 'I hate you'. Except that said 'good guys' turn out to be terrible people, Hero and their friends find out they're hurting Villain and storm over there to rescue them but Villain's so messed up that they only recognize Hero?
Ask 94
SAME. I should do it more often, to be honest ^^’ This is a mega oof request and I cannot wait to get this written XD And I wrote A LOT. Like 2K (Mostly in lesson, might I add) so enjoy. It is quite the whump.
The heroes wrestled Villain down onto their knees and tied their hands behind their back whilst Hero loomed over them. “So you’ve won,” Villain grumbled, trying without success to snatch their hand back. “Now what? Prison, house arrest, cage in your cellar?”Hero shrugged. “I don’t know. The Government wants you, said they had a new secure facility for you and any other… villains, like you.”
“Sounds boring. But a villain? That’s what you think of me?” Villain smirked. Hero leaned in close to their face, Villain could only see some odd mix of anger and relief. “I think so much worse of you.”Villain turned their head to see a van pulling in, some grim and stony looking agents inside.
“Looks like my taxi is here,” Villain muttered.
Villain was lifted to their feet and dragged off in the direction of the van by the other heroes.“Hey, [Hero],” Villain called. “All this- this was fun. I hope we can do it again some time.”“Hold it,” Hero said. Their friends stopped, waiting for Hero to catch up. Villain tried to smile away the concern that rose in their chest. Hero was inches away from their face, but Villain wouldn’t break eye contact, wouldn’t wipe that smirk from their lips.
“Let’s make something very clear,” Hero resumed. “I hate you with every speck of my being. I never want to see you again and I don’t care what happens to you. You’re going to rot in there and it’s the least you deserve.”Villain’s face fell slightly. “You don’t mean that. We’ve hardly got ourselves a clear cut relationship here, but-”“Relationship? There is nothing between us, not even an acquaintanceship. You’re a thorn in my side I’m glad to get rid of. I mean every word- get them out of my sight.”
Villain fought against the heroes, shouting “You don’t mean that! I know you don’t! If you hated me you’d have killed me! Hey, where are these guys taking me? [Hero]!” Hero paid them no attention. They’d turned their back on Villain and waited until they were bundled into the van, restrained adequately and whisked away.
Hero stood in the still air, taking deep breaths, trying to block out Villain’s voice that still rang in their head. One of the other heroes came over and put a hand on their shoulder. “You good?”
Hero turned to face them and nodded. “Yeah, just- It. It’s finally done. They’re gone somewhere they won’t hurt anyone but… they weren’t that dangerous compared to some- so why is the Government taking them there of all people?”
Other Hero shrugged. “They’ll be looked after and the city is safe. I know you’re very good at it, but, don’t think too far into this.”
Hero nodded and watched the van fully disappear out of sight.
“They don’t mean that,” Villain mumbled, their thin arms swaying in the shackles above their head. “They don’t mean that. They’ll be sorry, they’ll help. They’ll help, they care. They have to care…” They were so busy mumbling to themselves, trying to find a way to fix the hurt Hero had caused them that they hardly noticed the two guards coming into their cramped cell, constantly illuminated with white light which glowed on the white tiles they were sat on.
It was only when their hands were freed from the shackles that Villain said, “What’ll it be today? Hmmm? The chair? The table? The bath?”
Villain groaned as one of the guards grabbed them by the wrist and exposed a vein for the other to catch with a needle. “Hm, something new then?” they guessed before their eyes slipped shut.
New and underwhelming considering some of what they’d been through. They were hanging from the ceiling by their wrists, but the group of half a dozen guards around them was torture enough. It was quite clear what they had in mind, it had happened once before, but not with this many people. The leader didn’t hesitate in starting, they punched them until their knuckles bled. Villain could hardly stop their vision swimming by the time the next one came at them.
They felt bones break, skin tear and blood pour from their nose, lips, eyebrow and after that Villain was too out of it to know what was going on, but they didn’t stop. Not until all six of them were satisfied and Villain was left hanging, unable to keep their feet at all. Unconsciousness kept claiming them for a little while, like waves on a shore. The entire time they could only think of one person, Hero. That was the only person they could remember anymore.
“Bring them in, it’s time they got in on this,” one of the guards said. Villain was amazed to see one of their Henchmen walk in, one of the younger ones. Villain had considered them family. They didn’t let their surprise show, but that face filled them with hope.“Come on then. Show us what you’re made of,” one guard said.“If you hit them any more chances are they’ll die,” Henchman pointed out, acting unphased. Or were they unphased? Did they care? Hero didn’t, why should anyone else?
“Then aim for the gut, now come on!”
Villain didn’t look at them as they punched them in the gut, in the ribs, and the rare strike to the face. Villain was past the point of making noises, past the point of trying to raise their legs to protect themselves. All they could do was lie there limp and accept the pain at the hands of someone they once thought was a friend. It wasn’t like they had a choice, but the concept hurt them more than any blow, but not as much as Hero abandoning them.
A particularly nasty strike to the stomach winded them, and Henchman stopped, panting.“Burnt… out. A.already?” Villain tried to taunt. They couldn’t see their reaction for their blurring vision, but Villain was sure they saw surprise.“It’s a start,“ one of the guards grunted. "Drag them back to their cell. We’re done here.”
Villain fell into Henchman’s arms as they were released. They held them with as much care as they dared to show in front of the others.
Once they were back in their cell, Henchman waited at the door until they were alone. They took out their phone and Villain couldn’t stop them from taking pictures of them.
“Trophies?” Villain wheezed, curling up on themselves. Their ribs throbbed and their breathing was dangerously shallow. Their body shuddered with exertion. Henchman didn’t answer, but the pitiful look on their face was enough for them to guess that wasn’t what they were for.“Rest up. They’ll probably be back for more soon.”
And watched the door shut, just like they’d watched Hero turn their back on them. They were alone again, and that hurt more than anything.
“They care,” Villain started murmuring to themselves again. Their white lie, the false promise that kept them clinging onto hope. It was something they constantly chanted to themselves now. “[Hero] will come… They care… they, they have to care.”
Hero slammed Henchman into the wall of the store they’d ben trying to rob. “You picked the wrong store,” Hero grumbled. Henchman didn’t retaliate. “I need your help. That’s why I’m here, doing this.”“Yeah, right.” Hero grabbed them by the collar and marched them out of the store and into an alleyway.
Henchman used their arm like a windmill to free themselves and they stepped back. “Before you start anything. Look. Just look, I need to show you this. After that, you can do what you want.”
Henchman carefully took their phone out and shoved it toward their face. Hero took a moment to focus on what the image was.“[Villain]… What?”
“That ‘Government facility’? It’s a lie. It’s just a group of people who want to make [Villain] suffer for everything they’ve done. Everything they haven’t done, rather. You guys really don’t understand how [Villian] is. You’ve just pinned every crime on them that you can think of and they haven’t done half of it!”
“Is that so?” Hero raised an eyebrow.“[Villain] doesn’t kill,” Henchman snapped. “And they are getting tortured out there. You have to help them, please! You’re their only chance.”
Hero frowned. “Show me that picture again, I need to look again.”
Henchman did so, this time showing them more than one, showing Villain curling up, hugging themselves, the blood dripping onto the floor. Deep scars and sores showed on their wrists and arms. Their face was completely masked in bruises, and they were so thin. So weak…
“It’s been months since they went there… How did you get this?” Hero asked.“I infiltrated the place. I needed to know [Villain] was okay… They’re all I’ve got.” Hero could hear the upset in their voice, the dampness forming in their eyes.“Is this a recent photo?” Hero continued.
“I took this picture yesterday and it really doesn’t show how badly off they are. The first time I saw them I. I had to beat them. They need you, [Hero]. They murmur your name all the time, they’re clinging onto the hope that you care, that you’ll save them. That place, it’s driving them mad. I’ll do anything you say if it means you’ll get them out of there. Hell, I’ll beg on my knees! You’re their only chance.”
Hero’s face looked blank. So many emotions hit them at once that none of them seemed to register in their mind. Anger, confusion, guilt, upset. They couldn’t process it. “You’re coming with me. I’m getting the team and I’m getting them out of there.”
Henchman’s face lit up with hope. “Really?!” They bowed their head low in genuine gratitude. “Thank you, thank you so much! You’ve no idea how much this means to me- and to them.”
“Just get me in there, and if you’re lying then I’ll have you in a worse state than that picture.“
Villain rocked back and forth in their corner, mumbling about Hero. Their ribs screamed at them but it was a pain they were accustomed to. They wanted to sleep, but that would only come to them when they were truly exhausted. They kept their swollen eyes closed to keep the painful light out. It was the only comfort they had now.
Their will was breaking. Villain had never wanted to go home so much in their life. They were never given time to heal and the injuries were stacking up so badly. They’d already suffered water torture this morning, getting dunked in the bath for what felt like hours. It probably was; whoever had them here enjoyed their suffering. No one was going to help them. No one cared. This was all they had to live for now until they were finally permitted to die.
“They don’t care…” Villain realised tears sneaked through their flimsy defences. The cold realisation that they were alone burned their chest, or was that just their over-exerted ribs and lungs? Villain didn’t know and didn’t care anymore. Seeing Henchman had been the final straw, the final betrayal. They were alone, with only the suffering to keep them company.
When the door opened that night, Villain braced for another attack. But when Hero showed up at the door, Villain couldn’t accept what they were seeing.
“[Hero] again… and who are these…” Villain dismissed their sloppy thought process. “Hallucinations… More lies… more trickery. [Hero] doesn’t care. No one cares…”Hero came closer to them, followed by their team, and Henchman in their uniform.
“No more… please… no more,” Villain whispered.
“Shh,” Hero said gently. “Sit up. You’re stressing your ribs, sit up for me and it’ll be better.”Villain didn’t move, didn’t acknowledge what was said. “You’re… not. Not real…”
“I am, [Villain]. I’m here, I’ve come to save you. [Henchman], they raised the alarm. We came as soon as we heard.”“[Hero] hates me… won’t come.”
Hero crouched down beside them and put a warm hand on their shoulder. “I am so sorry, [Villain]. You were right, I never meant those things, but I was upset. I want to fix this- I should never have let it happen in the first place but I want to help however I can now.”
Villain still didn’t answer.“Sit up, please,” Hero said gently. “It’ll help.”Villain strained their weak limbs to force themselves back against the wall, sitting up, face shiny with sweat, hair long and filthy, tatty and unkempt.
Villain reached forward and hugged Hero, not caring for the pain in their ribs. If they hugged it, it would disappear. It would go away and leave them to rot. But it didn’t. Hero stayed there, hugged them back, stroking the back of their head.
“I’m going to fix this,” Hero promised. They paused when they heard Villain sob, the way they pressed their head into the crook of Hero’s neck. Hero felt hot tears of their own.
“[Other Hero], get me that wheelchair. We need to get them back to the base, desperately.”Other Hero left and returned triumphant a few moments later. Hero struggled to help them in, but Villain would not let go of them. “Who are they?” they asked.
Hero looked at their team in confusion. “You… don’t remember? They’re my team. They want to help you too. It’s okay.” Hero managed to slip away from Villain so they could push the wheelchair, but Hero had to hang a hand over Villain’s shoulder for them to hold.
“They care,” Villain continued to murmur again with a weak smile. “I knew they cared…” They went limp in their chair.
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spoopyghostgirl · 4 years
So I'm just gonna post a character thing for my Mass Effect OC Hades
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Name: Hades Alexandria Demetriou
Title: Commander, Spectre, Princess
Nickname(s): Charming, Hey Hey, Hot Head, Star Dust, Super Nova Girl
Gender: Female
Age: 26781 years old
Birthday: August 18th
Previous Homeworld: Olympus
Current Homeworld: Olympus
Sexual Orientation: Panexual
Race: Celestial
Voice: Asami Sato
Personality: Hades is a shameless flirt with a short temper and sociopathic tendencies. She tries to be a good person but isn't always the best at it. She is playful and light, commonly being asked if she "takes anything seriously", which can be a good thing when winning people over and a stressful thing when someone's already mad at her. She smiles constantly, being the child of an ambassador and is use to pretending to like people she doesn't. Good for diplomacy, to a point. Will throw hands in necessary. Big into giving nicknames.
Family or Relatives:
• Brother (twin): Poseidon Alexander Demetriou
• Sister: Artemis Emilie Demetriou
• Brother: Apollo Leoni Demetriou
• Brother: Aries Emanates Demetriou
• Brother: Zeus Aniello Demetriou
• Mother: Rhea Alexandria Demetriou
• Father: Kronos Emilio Demetriou
Morality: Chaotic Evil
Pre-Service History: Hades was born around 26781 years ago. She was born on Earth, though she isn't human. She was born during the period her parents were on Earth, parading around as Gods to those who were less evolved. For awhile things were great, until her father and his siblings decided to run tests on the humans. She and her two older brothers, Poseidon and Zeus turned against them, banishing them from Earth and taking over as the big three. For a time, there was peace, the trio restoring what their parents destroyed and helping guide the humans down more peaceful paths. Soon, the humans began to war amongst themselves in the name of the god they most supported. This was what ended the Elementals time on Earth. They left, returning to their home planet. When they returned, they discovered that their mother had founded a new government and led their people to peace. Several smaller "Gods" took to the moons around the planet, making them their homes, and beginning colonies while her mother and father ruled as the King and Queen of Gods. It wasn't long after when her parents were approached to join the council and the other races of aliens. Her father was ambassador for awhile before he decided to take time off, offering the position to Hades. Thankfully, the council, having her of Hades skills and abilities, was chosen to become a Spectre while her older brother, Zeus, became the ambassador. This all happened within 2000 years of the series starting.
Psychological Profile: Ruthless
Addictions: None particularly, partially an adrenaline junky
Role model(s): Her father, a powerful leader. Her mother for her kind heart and ability to charm just about anyone.
Beliefs: None
Habits: Running in the morning. Practicing both hand to hand combat and her shooting skills. Talks with her hands and has problems standing/sitting still.
Hobbies: Enjoys listening to music and art. Has a large garden of flowers on her home planet that she had originally planted and maintained to impress a girl. Likes to paint and sketch.
Source of Anger/Hatred: Some of her siblings (Aries). Anyone who is stupid or intentionally hurtful. Those who would threaten those she loves. Idiots. People who can't see what's in front of their faces. People who talk down to her or people she cares about.
Source of Sadness/Sorrow: Nothing really.
Source of Fear/Phobia: Fear of spiders and heights.
Likes: Books. Music. Art. Cats. Being physical. Tattoos.
Dislikes: Spiders. Idiots.
Weight: 120lbs
Height: 5'7
Build: Lean Muscular
Scar(s): One, center of her bottom lip. Faint scar from all the times shes split it open.
Tattoo(s): Floral tattoos on both arms around shoulder to bicep. They're of flowers that she grew in her garden with Persephone. They took the flowers to the tattoo shop and had them dipped in ink and then Persephone pressed them to her skin in an intricate pattern which was then tattooed over. They're cobalt blue and black on her left arm and a deep violet and burgundy on her right.
Skin Tone: Hades is fair, tending to spend most of her time in her armor.
Facial Features: Full lips, with a pouty lower lip. Small, Roman nose. High cheek bones. Dark arched brows. Large almond shaped eyes and long dark lashes. A small freckle under the other corner of her right eye. Small scar on the center of her lower lip.
Hair  Style:
ME1: Short and white, buzzed on the sides, long on top
ME2 and 3: Long and wave, goes pass shoulder blades. Lilac in color and buzzed short on the right side.
Hair color: White. Later, Lilac.
Eye color: Yellow/Red/Black
Eye Style: Hades, along with all of her people, have black sclera. Her irises are red around the pupil and yellow in the rest.
Helmet: Death Mask
Chest Armor: Kestrel Torso Sheath
Shoulder Piece: Kestrel Shoulder Piece
Gauntlet Armor Piece: Kestrel Arm Sheathing
Leg Armor Piece: Kestrel Power Pack
Primary Colour: Black
Secondary Colour: Burgundy
Tertiary Colour: Navy blue
Casual Clothing: Hades wears a black crop top and leather skinny jeans. Over her black crop top she wears a silk off the shoulder crop top that is red with gold trim. Hades wears red silky half skirt that is clipped into place by two gold clasps on each side of her hips. She wears a pair of black knee high boots.
Faction/Occupation/Affiliation: Council, Spectre, Cerberus (ME2), Council/Spectre (ME3)
Artificial intelligence: Cerberus, unrelated to the human organization
Allies/Friends: Several.
Rivals/Frienemies: None.
Nemesis/Enemies: Seran, Aries, Cerberus, Reapers, Geth
Class: Adept/Solider
Category Threat Level: 12
Rank: Commander, Spectre
Standard/Modified Weapons: 
1. Diamond Back X Assault Rifle
2.M-98 Widow Anti-Material Rifle
3. Cobra X line pistol
Genetic Augmentation: Hades was created to be the perfect solider by her father. As an infant (given that she wasn't naturally birthed and was instead made in a pod) she is super human, with super strength, increased speed, increased healing abilities, and perfect vision.
Supernatural Powers: Hades has the ability to manipulate fire and space. Can become a mass of fire shaped like herself and teleport short distances.
Skills/Specialization: Immensely skilled with pistols and assault rifles. Is the person who runs ahead and pops off enemies. Is skilled in hand to hand combat.
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My Game of Thrones S8 Rant.
At this point we have two episodes left in the entire Series of Game of Thrones and to be completely honest it's been underwhelming, disappointing, and rushed, which now that the honeymoon period of having my almost 2 year wait end i can clearly see.
The writing is the main issue I have with all of this. It all comes back to the writing. Too many times gor too many occasions have I asked "why?" It just feel like too many things don't make sense and too many things were done to be overtly dramatic and shocking, instead of leaning on the STORY and NARRATIVES which we as a fandom has been salivating over for the entire series.
Let's start with "The North" and their whole Saga and the Dilemma with The Night King, White Walkers, and AotD. An evil that was shown do us from the very first episode, very first scene if i am not mistaken. An ancient and evil magic, that the living will have to deal with, that the living will have to overcome or become just more members if the AotD. THAT was the driving force of S7 basically. The reason Jon and Dany meet? Dragonglass mountain under Dragonstone. Dragonglass? Oh, just ine of the 3 ways you can kill members of the AotD. The reason every main charachter besides a certain red head *Insert word here cause I'm trying my bet to not name call* showed up for a summit in the Dragonpit IN KING'S LANDING OF ALL PLACES? Oh, just to show Cersei a wight in an attempt to convince her to help fight which was an idiotic plan in it's own right. Bottomline is the Night King and his Army was a driving force and tbh i appreciate focussing one half if the last season on him and the other on Cersei. Issue is Cersei conventionally should have been hit with a "Fire Style Fireball Jutsu"
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Off rip cause that was the easiest and SMARTEST MOVE. But i digress this is avout S8. So i have no conv eptyal plab with the amount of time in episodes gi en hi the threat north but the dialogue and context are what begin my frustrations.
Everything feels rushed immediately, as evidenced by Bran
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Dropping the bomb of the wall falling and Viscerion being controlled by the NK. Now the pace quickens and thats cool but it gets jumbled and stats jumbled. Which makes the North and their resistance to Jon bending the knee so weird....or weirder than it already is. Yes you want independence. Yes you want to be held out of wars. Yes want to be isolated but.......THE WHITE WALKERS ARE COMING FOR YOU FIRST AND JON WAS YOUR KING. HE LEFT WITH NOTHING BUT DA(D)VOS AND A FEW GOOD MEN AND RETURNED WITH TWO ARMIES, TWO DRAGONS, AND WARS SUPPLY OF DRAGON GLASS AND A GODSDAMN QUEEN.....Why in gods name are any of them so cold and hesitant to people helping thwm when they didn't have to? Or at the very least why thorough the very end of that war does it last?
Which brings me to a certain Red head. Sansa Stark has cause way more friction and problems than necessary this season amd it's so ridiculous and petty and stupid that legitimately gwt upset thinking about it. Upset about Jon not telling you he was going to bend the knee? Fair point. Ask him why and how he bent the knee maybe hmm? Want to stand your ground and show Dany you are a Wolf of Winterfell amd wont be taken down without a fight? I respect the chutzpah but Dany is here to save the North and literally gave you the warmest of hellos along with layer on telling you tje obvious that she loves your brother after you state the obvious that he loves her too. Maybe sit down and discuss the fate Winterfell and the North after the war is won before the war begins hmm? Mad Two armies, Two Dragons, and A Queens entourage now must be housed? THEN DIE ON YOUR GODSDAMN OWN AND JOIN THE ARMY OF THE GODSDAMN DEAD......Sansa and her pettiness and nothing. NOTHING...of use to the season until she breaks a swear to her own brother. Now we all know biologically they are cousins but They grew up Brother and Sister tho not the beat relationship. She swore to him i front of Their other Brother and Sister in the Godswood no less that she wouldn't tell a soul.......and then goes and Tells Tyrion. Why? Please. Anyone. Anyone please tell me why. I have zero clue. Break an oath to the man who was a brother to you? Why? You don't want Daenerys, the woman who saved your entire country from Death's icy grip, as tge Seven Kingdom's queen? Why? None of it makes sense. None. And for those who dare say she's "Playing the Game" No she isn't Triple H amd no it's not time to play the game it's time to think rationally.
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Next up is the choices made by the writers that just rubbed me the wrong way and shot down my faith in the show. First and foremost Sam and the Tarly reveal. Absolute ridiculousness. Randyll Tarly, Sam's father, basically said to Sam: You aren't what a real man is, you aren't what a Lord should be, you are garbage. Go to the Wall or I'll take you out back and end you myself.
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Now, person who may or may not read this, I don't know about you but i would tap dance on the grave of my father if he said and did to me what Randyll did to Sam. Period. End of discussion. On to Dickon *Insert snicker here* Tarly. I would have less hate for him but still no love. Dickon was now heir. Dickon was now going to get all the land and wealth and possesions and titles that nelonged to Sam simply do to patriarchy and age. (which is another discussion but we all know is how GOT is governed) So I have no clue why sam is boo hooing about either of the two. Now here's the kicker. Randyll Tarly....along with Dickon Tarly...COMMITED TREASON. TREASON AGAINST THE HOUSE THEY WERE SWORN TO FOR GENERATIONS. They also HAD. A. CHOICE. Death or Bend the knee. They chose death. End of story. Sam being a little shook? Understandable. Full fledged sobs? Stop watching Lifetime movies D & D.
That leads to Sam telling Jon, R+L=J with spite and anger which in all honesty is bullshit and Sam is a bullshit friend for it. You can't tell your supposed best friend his life was a lie n an attempt to get back at someone who honestly did you no wrong. Just bad decisions all around and feels lazy on top of it all.
Then comes the shock and awe that really just.....*Deep sigh* takes away from it all. No issue with Arya saving us. Being the hero that kills the NK. Being the Princess who was promised. But wait.......It was shock value? This was a decision made 7 years into this show? Not off rip? Jon and the NK stare downs were.....just stare downs? While all along we learn nada of the NK? Shock value is a no go most times and this is why. No substance. No merrit. Ep 4 references Arya as the hero....maybe 3 times in small passing. It just felt l like it didn't matter. More shock that was there dor shocks sake was Rhaegal dying. How did Dany not see them? Why did Dany not see them? HOW WAS I THE ONLY ONE PRESENT THINKING TO MYSELF THEY'LL BE AMBUSHED? Tyrion too drunk? Jon to tired with having to Defend Dany against Sansa because Sansa on that bullshit? Varys all of a sudden cant get information? Like how was THAT not foreseen and how wans every boltshot at Rhaegal a guranteed hit? The most shock value of all was Missandei, former slave and a POC being re chained and then killed in a foreign land by a foreign person(who's Caucasian as you guessed) for nothing. It was a heart stabber indeed and makes you want to see Dany destroy Cersei and Grewworm sestroy the Mountain but unnecessary.
All in all I'm real hurt. Real hurt. Totally prepared to wipe S8 from my mind and have GOT with S7. If you read any of this, welcome to my ted talk, sorry for rambling haha.
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zoraclover777 · 6 years
Halfway Happy
[Part 10]
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[ Part 1 ] // [ Part 2 ] // [ Part 3 ] // [ Part 4 ] // [ Part 5 ] // [ Part 6 ] // [ Part 7 ] // [ Part 8 ] // [ Part 9 ]
Quiet was a virtue and you didn't realize it until you had escaped outside—after you had stitched yourself up and you bit your lip, staring at the stars with more interest than they needed.
“What're you doing out here so late?” His voice was quiet and soft, you've never heard it like that before, and you swore you could fall asleep to it right there. Turning to him, you smiled gently and looked down at your leg, rubbing it like it was going to break at any minute. “Shit, your leg—”
“I fixed it up, made it new. Nothing to worry about, Hargrove.” He could see right through what you were trying to do and the sigh that came out wasn't meant to be that loud—but he couldn't hold it in. His legs were moving before he knew what he was doing and he sat down next to you, crossing his feet.
“You know what, I am worried, fuck, I'm terrified, Y/N.” He held up his hand when you attempted to interrupt him and tell him to not use your name. “Hopper said the gate was closed, so, why—why does everything still feel wrong? Why does it feel like the whole damn world is going to give in and—”
His voice caught then and you looked at the blonde, eyes widening at what you were witnessing. Billy Hargrove was crying.
It wasn't an act, no, you could spot one from a mile away.
Your face softened as you softly took his hand and gripped it, smiling sadly when he looked at you, the tears starting to fall. He ran his tongue along his teeth before coughing, more tears cascading down his face. “I don't want anyone to die.”
“I don't either and no one will.”
“That's—that's not a promise anyone, let alone us, can keep.” His voice made you stare at the ground and you sighed, turning to look at the back door of the house.
“I know, but, I'll be damned before anyone gets hurt.” The tone of your own voice made you gulp and you stood, brushing your pants off. “I'm going to get some sleep, you should too. We'll have a big day tomorrow.” As you turned to walk away, you heard Billy speak your name and you made eye contact with the male.
“Thanks for saving my ass back there—you know, in the tunnel.” You smiled at the gentleness of his voice and you nodded before walking inside.
You bit the skin off the side of your cheek as you listed to Jim scream at the teenage boys and you squeezed your eyes shut. It wasn't their fault that your body spazzed out and they couldn't help, it was nobody's fault but sometimes, you believed it was yours.
Having a home was sacred but you didn't feel at home, you felt like you were intruding and the tears would well up in your eyes before you angrily wiped them away.
“You could've called—”
“We tried, Hopper! We did. It went straight to voicemail so don't say I didn't try to call you.” Steve's face was twisted into an angry expression and he threw his hands up in the air, rolling his eyes at the chief.
“Steve, you promised to take care of her! You promised she would be okay.” His voice raised higher and Steve growled, crossing his arms across his chest before he screamed.
“She IS okay! She's fine! I wasn't the one who asked her to be here, Hopper! You did. I'm not a damn babysitter, especially for her. She's old enough to watch herself!”
“She's being tracked by the government, Steve! She can't just watch herself!”
“Then let them take her! We've had nothing but trouble since you brought her here and we all know that's true!”
The argument came to a halt and silence filled the room as you looked down, tears cascading down your face before you stood up and walked away.
“Shit, why did I say that? I didn't mean it.” His voice became soft as he placed his palms over his face and rubbed them down, groaning as he did so.
“If you didn't mean it, why did you say it?”
Steve turned to look at Billy and he grinded his teeth together, clenching his fists before wiping his hands on his pants. “I don't—I don't know.”
Tears came gushing down your face as you grabbed a dufflebag and walked over to the dresser, yanking it open roughly. Grabbing a handful of clothes, you shoved them into your bag before grabbing more and you sighed. “Nothing but trouble.”
Your eyes shut tightly as a memory of papa came rushing into your mind and you could feel the panic rising up.
“Nobody is going to want you, Five. You're nothing but trouble. A murderer.”
The door to your room creaked open and you looked over your shoulder as you zipped your bag shut before picking it up.
“Listen I—”
“I'm leaving.” The words came out of your mouth smooth and cold before you threw the bag over your shoulder quickly and walked past Steve, your shoulder slamming into his.
“No, no, no, wait—”
“I've waited enough. We've all waited enough, right? I should leave, I'm intruding.”
“No, you aren't, please, just—”
“Steve, you were right and now, it's time for me to move on. I'm sorry I've been a problem and I appreciate the honesty. Maybe we'll cross paths again, someday. Thank you for allowing me to be here and—”
“You're not leaving.”
The words made you stop and look up at the teen before raising an eyebrow at him. “I am. I'm not welcome here—”
“I didn't mean any of it.” His hands came to your shoulders and he gripped them tightly, pulling you into him. “I didn't mean it at all. I'm sorry, I'm an idiot and I say things when I'm mad—”
Your hands came to his chest and you pushed him away, smiling slightly at him before taking a few steps back. “No.”
“No, Steve. It was nice being with you for the month that I could stay. I'm sorry for troubling you.”
And like that, you were walking out of the room and out of his life before he knew what else to say
The words of everyone around you were muffled as you gripped the strap of your bag and walked out the door, blinking the tears out of your vision.
Multiple people yelling your name would make you turn around, eyebrows raising at them all and you gripped your bag even tighter. You shook your head as Hopper walked towards you, eyes pleading with everything for you to stay and you just turned around before running.
You were always good at running away.
The running would last only twenty-two minutes before you would stop and rest your hands on your knees, gasping for air.
It hit you then.
You've never had a secure home. You've never had a family that loves you. You've never known what it's like to be loved, and love someone back and that broke you.
Falling to your knees, your hands buried in the dirt as you groaned out and sobbed harshly. Breathing wasn't coming as easy as you hoped it would and you choked, your tears becoming a waterfall.
The words echoed in your brain as your screamed out, fists pounding on the dirt and you sucked in through your teeth as you felt your knuckle hit into something hard.
You pressed your back into the tree behind you as you cradled your hand, staring at the nature around you.
Where would you go, now?
Two weeks. It had been two weeks since anyone had seen, or heard from you and Steve bit his lip, pacing around the living room.
“I don't want to hear shit from you.”
Steve sighed before sitting on the couch and resting his head in his hands. Thoughts ran through his mind, but you ran through it more and he threw a pillow at the wall, angry at himself.
“She's gone because of you, Steve. You don't get to fucking be mad.” Billy spoke as he lit up a cigarette and sat at the dining room table, expression hard.
“Not gone. Hiding.”
All three men turned to face the voice and Hopper's eyebrows raised. “What do you mean by that, Jane?”
“She's hiding here in Hawkins. She isn't gone, not yet.” Eleven looked at the front door before turning away from the men and walking away.
In two weeks, everything had gone to shit and no one could deny it. Eleven didn't want to eat. Steve wouldn't leave the house, just in case you did come back. Billy had started finishing a whole pack of cigarettes a day, just to keep his worrying subsided and the kids? They ditched school to look for you.
Hopper was the worst out of the group. He wouldn't sleep or eat and no matter how much Eleven would beg, he would say the same thing.
“I'll take care of myself once we find her and take care of her.”
Steve's foot would shake from the amount of anxiety pooling in his stomach and he bit his lip, glancing at the other teen sitting at the table. He could tell Billy was just as worried and Steve's breath caught when the other stood up abruptly.
“I'm going outside.” With that, he walked outside, closing the door lightly and Billy sighed as he rubbed his eyes. Looking up, his eyebrows furrowed as thoughts invaded his mind.
The sound of a branch snapping caught his attention and he looked over his shoulder, eyes meeting with yours. His eyes widened before he turned to you and breathed out slowly.
“I'm not here to stay—”
“No, please, stay.” The words came out rushed and he watched your face soften as you looked down at the grass. Silence filled the void as Billy look a hit from his cigarette, eyes never leaving you. “Do you check up on us often?”
“Yeah, uh—” Your hand came to the back of your neck and you rubbed it nervously, a habit you've attracted from Steve. “I know Hopper and Eleven aren't eating. Hopper won't sleep. I know that Steve won't leave the Byers house because he's hoping I'll come back. And, I know that you, you've been smoking more.”
Soft laughter filled the air as Billy took another cigarette from his pack and handed it to you. “The kids haven't stopped looking for you since you walked out on us.”
Gently taking the cigarette, you placed it in your mouth before lighting it and taking a long drag. “I had no choice.” The words came out with the smoke and you turned to look at the forest.
“You always have a fucking choice.”
“Not at that time.”
Silence followed after before Billy threw his cigarette on the ground and faced you. “That's a lie and you fucking know it.”
“Billy, I'm not here to argue—”
“Then why are you here?!”
You bit your lip before looking down and chuckling softly. “I don't know. To see if you guys are okay? To see if you guys—”
“Forgot you?”
The words made you close your eyes before turning away from the male and you played with your thumbs. “I don't…know.”
“Well, hey, we fucking didn't. We couldn't, okay? We tried. This was a choice you made and God, we fucking tried to forgot you, but we can't. None of us.” His breath caught before he groaned out and dropped his cigarette, hands coming to rest on your cheeks. “We need you. You're here for us. You always have been, Y/N.”
“No, I—”
Billy's eyes connected with yours and you looked down as your hands came to rest on his wrists before you pushed them away.
“Don't. Don't push me away because you don't think you belong here. God dammit, you do!” His voice made you clench your teeth together before you turned away and shook your head.
“Billy, don't—”
“Listen, you've been here for months. You don't get to just walk out when so many people want you here and fucking love you.”
“They don't—”
“If they don't, fuck it. I do. I love you. God, I've loved you since I saw you.” The words came out soft as he stared at you, hands gripping onto his own biceps and you took another step back.
“I can't.” You shook your head as you backed away from him before he could reach out for you. “I don't belong here, and I certainly don't deserve that. I'm a monster, Billy and monsters aren't able to love humans.”
The words lingered in the air as he watched you walk away, jaw clenching and that's when he felt tears fall down.
He couldn't bring her back.
AN: This is actually way longer, i just couldn't fit it all in one so look out for part eleven today, folks.
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rockshitty · 3 years
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#so it's not too far to extrapolate that at one point in our evolutionary history we were tuned to 25 hour long days
My Top Posts in 2021
Every day I learn something new about the world and almost every time it's something I would have been just as happy never knowing.
34 notes • Posted 2021-05-14 04:03:17 GMT
I saw a post talking about how the feelings of disconnect from a body in relation to autism are criminally under-represented. And it made me realize my own relation to my body.
I am only the things that are moving. I am only the things that hurt. I am my tapping feet and that ache in my knees. I am my teeth when I eat ice cream and my fingers when I'm typing, just the tips, just the frantic familiar motion.
When I drive, and I drive, and I drive so much I am the road and the engine and the burr of grooved pavement against old tires. I become every bump and curve and they wonder at how I stare through my windshield for that long, day after day, without going mad.
I am music, always. Always an ear or two listening. When my headphones break I am broken too. Loud music when I feel loud, just a whisper when I don't.
Sometimes I dance, alone where no one can tell me otherwise, and then I am feet and legs and hips and waist and arms and hands and a laughing singing mouth at the beauty of everything all at once.
When I sleep I am someone else, curled up in my head in a tight little seed. I become tomorrows story until today fades. Some nights the story is too much and dawn hits a hunched, aching back and frantic fingers and eyes that will sleep when it's on paper. Those are the best sleeps, after a victory over my own imagination and a few pages full.
40 notes • Posted 2021-07-08 06:56:40 GMT
Story time.
About a week after I turned 21 I went to my first larping event where drinking was allowed. We had been having mostly dry events for a while because there was some business with some under-21s getting their hands on some vodka. I wasn't involved. What I was involved with was a 100 person medieval event where adults were allowed to drink for the first time in four years, as an adult who didn't know my limits yet.
The event just so happened to be called the Wild Hunt.
I got drunk. I haven't been that drunk before or since, not by a wide margin. I don't particularly know what I drank or how much because people kept filling my cup from bottles and I just rolled with it. I was 21. I was with friends. I was invincible.
I blacked out playing cards against humanity, winning by a narrow margin, and my next memory is of running through the woods, tearing ass through the brambles with the graceless dexterity of someone who hasn't been sober in ten hours. There were people following me, also running, possibly also drunk, definitely chasing me so I didn't disappear into the woods and end up as the next headline on CNN. Drunk Larper Found Dead in Ravine.
That night, dressed in my finest garb, too drunk to know any directions but forward, pursued through the woods by strangers in a life or death race to nowhere, I feel confident is the closest any currently living human has come to experiencing The Wild Hunt.
365 notes • Posted 2021-10-08 04:12:31 GMT
One of the best things about the Avatar universe is that one of our first introductions to the rules governing the world is "It's not magic, it's water bending," and then throughout the series it's revealed that actual ass magic also exists alongside the totally not magic bending.
14875 notes • Posted 2021-07-07 19:14:13 GMT
My favorite part of my dnd group right now is that their collective anxiety creates a better story than I do when planning the session. 
37737 notes • Posted 2021-01-10 02:41:48 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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