#a rarity i know but i got NOTHING else going for me
voxxian · 1 year
in an act of extreme depression and also the extreme urge not to go and do something irrational and stupid to myself, i have decided to revive my laptop and sign into tumblr for the first time in eons yet again, only to discover upon trying to edit something on my blog that now you have to email support for javascript capabilities
i will always have a bittersweet hate-love relationship with this website, literally always because what the fuck
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imafoolishfragilespine · 10 months
i'm just like ugh i gotta figure out where to get this x ray and when i should do it this week and i'm just worried about walking in without an appointment even though it says you can and like them not having the machine or a person to do it or whatever since i went into one place on the list already and they did not have x-rays
and then i've got this birthday thing which idk where it's going to be so idk if i should take a lyft or not and then i'll have to either exercise in the morning or choose that as my skip day
and then i'll just be worrying about my test results and not knowing if the doctor is going to call before my follow up or WHAT is going to happen and i just. cannot relax.
i just want to be done with doctors i really fucking do like just tell me what's wrong and let me be DONE like this follow up is gonna be the eighth fucking time i've seen a doctor in some form since all this weird shit started and if i don't get any answers i'm gonna be mad. i mean i'd rather not get bad news of course but i figure things are already mildly crappy in my body so like it's not like i can't get used to that i just can't stand the idea of it getting worse
#personal#like it'll be nice to see my friends but idk i'm just like too stressed#i thought it would be okay to say yes bc i hadn't gotten horrible news yet#but i just have that ugh i don't feel like being social rn especially bc i know people are gonna be asking what's going on#and i really don't like talking about it bc if i DID have answers it might just be like ah well it's not that bad#but since i don't have answers i keep thinking of how horrible it might become and everything it might take away#including my ability to say yes to plans every time they come around which already is a rarity#like how much less could i end up seeing my friends when this is the only person who ever actually asks to see me#i feel so bratty but like. why does no one else include me in anything except for their birthdays if that#this one friendship that i kind of assume is over doesn't really bother me but at least i sometimes got invited to hers with everyone else#though there were plenty of hangouts that i knew happened seemingly often without me#but yeah at least when she was in the mix i had a chance even if they weren't hangouts i particularly enjoyed#like it was better than nothing#and this year has already been so hard that feeling like i'm even more isolated than i was the couple years before#just makes it all that much more impossible#i just want to be thought of and like i know i do plenty of thinking about loved ones without reaching out#so it stands to reason it works the other way around#but the thing is i very rarely initiate plans so i know i'm not like inviting one person and never another or whatever#whereas SOMEONE has to be making the plans and i'm virtually never invited#i used to have the luxury of being invited often enough that i didn't have to go to a random hangout if i wasn't up for it#and now it's not like that and i have to say yes when i'm too mentally exhausted. who knows what the physical limitations are gonna be now
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hey-its-jacob-lol · 9 months
JacobLOL and Kirb Presents: The Chaotic Route
*Our story begins in Equestria. Discord, The master and Lord of Chaos is up to his usual chaotic tricks annoying anyone and everyone all day long. He made the Apple family's orchard come to life and ran away from the farm. He made Twilight Sparkle's books fly around at such a fast speed that they all eventually knocked Rainbow Dash of the sky. He stuck Rarity's Mannequins onto the ceiling and he even covered Pinkie Pie's own home with a chocolate flood.
Anyway, eventually, the complaining eventually got so out of hand, or hoof, that Fluttershy had no other choice but to confront her friend.*
Fluttershy (rather annoyed): "Discccoord. What have you been up to?"
Discord: "Hoho! Why would you possibly want to know that Fluttershy? It's been pretty lacking, I must say."
Fluttershy: "Well, that's not what everypony else is saying. They're all coming up to me and complaining about the stuff you've done!"
Discord: *scoffs* "Like what?"
*Fluttershy then replied with all the antics that were mentioned earlier.*
Discord (awkwardly): "Ohhh right, that."
Fluttershy: "Yes. That."
Discord: "Oh, come on, Fluttershy! At least I didn't hurt anyone!"
Fluttershy: "No, you didn't directly. But you've could've cost both Rarity and Pinkie Pie their jobs! What would've happened then?"
Discord (muttering): "I wouldn't mind, I think I did worst to Applejack."
Fluttershy: "What was that?!"
Discord (realising): "Um, nothing!"
*Discord gave Fluttershy a big grin, and Fluttershy sighed.*
Fluttershy: "Look, Discord, I understand why you need to be chaotic. It's a part of your nature, and it keeps you alive."
Discord: "Why thank you for being so thoughtful, Flutter-"
Fluttershy: "HOWEVER... Surely, there's a better way for you to use your magic without getting on anyone's nerves."
Discord: "Hmpf! You think you know so much about being a Draconequus, don't you?"
Fluttershy: "I try my best, Discord. I try because I care about you and I know that you're now reformed, but don't forget, we do still have the Elements of Harmony, and even though it would give me a great amount of guilt, I'd have to seal you back into stone again if you were to ever go too far again."
*Fluttershy sighed as her eyes darted towards the ground. After a few awkward seconds, Discord eventually spoke up.*
Discord: "I think some ponies just need to accept that I'm still going to be somewhat chaotic."
Fluttershy: "That's not the point, Discord."
Discord (rather frustrated): "Then what is it then, Fluttershy?!!"
Fluttershy: "It's about me making sure you don't end up on the wrong side of things again, and it's also so you quit pestering my friends!"
Discord: "Oh, come on now, Fluttershy. You know they're used to it by now."
Fluttershy: "Well, maybe they are, but that doesn't make it any less annoying for them."
*Discord pouted.*
Discord: "You ponies are no fun sometimes."
Fluttershy: "It's not that we aren't fun, or that we don't enjoy your antics from time to time. It's just that there's a time and place for them. There's needs to be order at least at some points of the day. Y'know, like order."
Discord: "You mean the one thing I truly go against? You ponies really care about your harmony, don't you?"
Fluttershy: "I mean, it's been around our culture for so long, it's bound to."
Discord (muttering): "Right..."
*Discord lowered his head.*
Discord: "You do everything you can to fit in, and yet you still can't."
Fluttershy: "Discccoord. Don't be like that. I'm your friend and so is everyone else."
Discord: "But you don't know what it's like to be me and unless I actually turn you into a draconequus, which I don’t even know if that's possible, you'll never know."
*Discord then lifted he head, as he looked into sky.*
Discord: "That's why I enjoyed being around that jester, Jevil. He, too, was a creature of chaos. He understood me and my own struggles for freedom. Sadly, I haven't really heard much from them since I was kicked out of his little group while you and the others were fighting them."
Fluttershy: "Do you miss Jevil then?"
*Discord sighed.*
Discord: "Yes."
Fluttershy: "Well, why don't you try making up with Jevil? That could help make you feel better!"
Discord: "I suppose I could, if I really wanted to... Then again, the supposed 'Dark World' seems pretty fun too..."
*Suddenly, Discord gasped as a light bulb went off.*
Discord: "Sweet Celestia, that's it, Fluttershy!!! I know where I can go to continue being my chaotic self without interfering with the ponies duties! Oh, thank you, Fluttershy!"
*Discord hugged a rather confused Fluttershy.*
Fluttershy: "Umm... You're welcome?"
Discord: "Now, let us set forth for The Dark World!"
Fluttershy: "Wait, wha-"
*Discord, with Fluttershy in his arms, summoned a door that shun with a bright light onto the other side and with a now confident smile on his he jumped through the said, all while Fluttershy was tagging along with him.*
*Meanwhile, it was yet another day for Kris and her friends. That being a day of boring classes with Alphys and Berdly being annoying. Except for the fact that Berdly hasn't been seen at all for several days. Not that it bothered Susie or Kris, really. In fact, they couldn't really care less.*
*Anyway, everyone was pretty bored. There was nothing fun to do, and Kris, Noelle, and Susie could really only tolerate Sans for so long.* So, bored out of their minds, they decided to head to The Dark World, where our story truly begins... Once our teams switched outfits and found themselves in Castle Town, they were greeted by Lancer.*
Lancer: "Susie!"
*Lancer rode up to Susie and the others with a big smile on his face.*
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jarofstyles · 4 months
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy- Patreon
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Hello! We’ve been getting asks about what our series are about, and we wanted to show you guys a little piece of what we have on there 🫶 this is a series about rancher and cowboy h, and Y/N is very happy to be getting a job out on the infamous ranch with her passion for the horses and the beauty of the land.
WC- 1.6k
Here is our sneak peek! You can join us on Patreon for multiple exclusive series (100+ pieces) and early access to our writing.
The place was fucking gorgeous… but that didn’t seem to compare to the cowboy showing her around. Jesus Christ, the man was something of a movie star quality man.
He was polite and charming. Holding his hand out to take hers when they’d have to move over a bit of rougher terrain, his calloused fingers gently caressing hers with a sly smile. The hat on his head shaded his eyes so he could look properly, giving her eye contact the entire time. Chillingly hot eye contact that had her feeling a bit weak in the knees. Soft green, greener than the grass in the fields that sprawled the ranch.
“I think you’d like workin’ here. It’s a family for sure.” He hummed, moving his hat off to brush his longer locks out of his face and adjusting the hat back on. He was bronzed and golden skinned from working outside, a light dusting of freckles just barely visible from her distance. Carved cheekbones and sharp jawline but dimples deeper than the valley, he was a god like being standing in front of her with a sweet disposition he probably hid a bit from others.
“I think so, yes. It’s my dream. You know? It’s a bit cheesy to some at the school… everyone’s always dreaming to run off to the city. But I love the place. The animals. The air.” She murmured, looking around the ranch. Y/N was hyper aware of the warm form of the man next to her, and the fact he was looking at her. Never had she experienced such an attentive man in terms of talking to her. No checking of his phone, no looking away.
She also was unaware of how Harry was genuinely a bit in awe of her. The starry eyed cowboy drinking in her essence and watching carefully as she spoke. Observing the details he hadn’t managed before. Beating himself up over not having known her before. Because, how? A girl in their area who wanted to stay? Who genuinely loved his land? That was a rarity. It wasn’t going to take much to have him be taken with her.
“I think that’s Amazin’.” He smiled, placing his hand on the small of her back and leading her towards the barn where their personal horses were kept. “You’re like me then. Content with home. Everyone says… they want wild adventures. Don’t even bother lookin’ in their own backyard. And that’s a damn shame, cause there’s plenty.” He spoke as they walked. Her eyes trailed his petal pink lips, the slight stubble left on the skin on his face, the radiance in his entire being. Harry was truly one of a kind. Even with dirt smudged on his jeans, clunky cowboy boots and the occasional scratch on his hand he managed to be graceful and smooth.
“Exactly.” She chirped, excited that he got it. “To me… there’s nothing like the festivals downtown. Learning to make new things. Finding a new watering hole or mapping out the land. I love the bonfires and cookouts. I don’t know. I find there’s a beauty in simplicity.” She turned to look at him, eyes squinted for a moment before they adjusted to the sun. It was beautiful outside despite the heat. The blue skies elevated her mood, but she did think that it was mostly attributed to the man guiding her around.
Harry felt his heart swell and a round of hopeful caterpillar‘s making their cocoons inside of his stomach. So many times he’s been hoping to find someone of a similar mindset. Someone he could get close to and not worry about them wanting to run off later down the line. It just felt… nice. Comforting. Knowing someone else felt the same as he did.
“You get me, Sweets.” He lightly flexed his hand on her back as his smile widened. Harry was a skeptic romantic. Meaning he held his cards close before he let them show. He’s flirt and tease but playfully. It wasn’t real unless he felt secure. Something he felt more and more of each time this pretty girl opened her mouth. A dangerous combination for him.
His approval made her giddy, having to stop herself from skipping as he opened the barn door up with a creaky slide. “We’re getting new doors on the barn so it doesn’t cause such a ruckus. But this barn is for our personal horses. I’ve got a few, but my soul partner is right over here.” He led her over to a large black stallion. A white star shaped mark right between his eyes. “His name is Perseus. Or Percy, for short.” He grinned widely at the giggle that left her mouth, his hand stroking over his nose with gentle affection.
“Percy, hm?” She looked at Harry for approval before stroking the side of the horse’s strong neck. “What a beautiful big boy.” A gentle coo had the hose sighing. A sign of relaxation, making her beam. “Yes, you are a strong, Handsome one. I can tell.” Her hands worked over the front of the horse with a cooed affection that had Harry- in simpler terms- about to act up.
He was far closer to his horses than people realized. He loved his animals and had a special connection to them, but especially Percy. His best friend. He’d gotten him for his 21st, and ever since they’d been attached at the hip. “Oh, he likes you.” His deep voice rumbled through her stomach and almost made her jump. “He doesn’t usually take to stranger so fast. Got ‘im begging for attention. He will eat it up when he like ‘ya.”
So would Harry. He felt a little pathetic being jealous for wanting the girl to be stroking at his face like that. She had smooth hands.
“Does he get that from his Daddy?”
The giggled tease had Harry caught of guard but sent him into a laugh, head thrown back at the gall. This woman was something else… and it was calling right to him. A bit of banter was sexy. Especially teasing.
“Maybe so. But it takes a special woman to get men like us to behave like mere pups.” He hummed, leaning his hip against the stall door.
“Mhm. I bet that’s true.” She looked at him from under her lashes with a coy smile before returning her attention to the stallion.
I’ll be damned. He thought. This was the fastest a woman had managed to tangle Harry up in a lasso, but it seemed like he was pulling it tighter than she had even meant to.
“How many personal horses are then?” Her question snapped him out of his fantasy in his mind. Not an appropriate one to be having about a staff member but Harry knew that in his gut, she would be far more than that.
“I have 3. Percy, here.” He nudged his chin towards him. “Then we’ve got Athena. And Cash.” He pointed towards a paint mare and a chestnut… what seemed to be thoroughbred stallion. “Those are mine. Over there are my fathers two, and my mothers one though she doesn’t ride often. Hers is used more for riding lessons and all that. Sister got some too. So… 8. We got room for two more personal. Staff and ranch hands, if they got ‘Em, keep them in the commercial barns. There’s a lot of ‘em here.” Though she knew that. “I’m assuming you’ll like to spend time with all of them.”
“Well… Percy is a favorite so far.” She grinned towards the horse. “But you’d be right. I adore all animals but horses.. they’re a soft spot for me. I want to have a few of my own one day.” She said it shyly. It was stupid to be shy and Y/N knew that. Harry got it more than anymore but there was still that residual shame she felt from peers when she said she was happy where she was and wanted to keep going. She didn’t have the same wanderlust as everyone else.
“Hey.” He took a risk, gently lifting her chin up with his thumb. “Nothin’ wrong with that. Don’t know why you’re embarrassed when m’the one who just gushed over lovin’ my horses.” He teased lightly, keeping those pretty eyes of hers locked with his. “I’m glad… I’ve met someone who’s like me. Everyone in a rush to leave and fail to see how much fun and how beautiful life can be when you enjoy what you’ve got. The horses, the nature, everything. Everyone at school has those big city dreams. That’s fine n’dandy for them, but you n’me? We get it. We like how we were raised and we are comfortable being here. Don’t let ‘em haunt you. You can be open here. In fact… I’d love to see more of you like that. It’s not every day you come across a pretty little thing with a good head on her shoulders. My momma will eat you up and be happy you’re around. Some sense, she’ll say.” He gently stroked her chin before letting his hand drop. It was pathetic for her to miss the rough pad of the finger on her smooth skin, but she did.
“Yeah?” She asked shyly, looking up at him while shifting back and forth from heel to toe. A childlike comfort that Harry found to be fucking adorable.
“Yeah, Darlin’. Don’t worry about any of ‘em here. You’ve got me… and a whole load of other folks who have pride in loving where they’re from. “ he paused, taking in the sparkly flint in her eyes though she was a bit shy. It made him feel all the more eager to protect her, to make her see she was one of them. “I think you’ll fit in here just fine.”
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rishiguro · 10 days
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iwaizumi usually did his best to enjoy the visits to you. he made a conscious effort to show up whenever possible - which lately seemed to be almost every day - and he made sure to soak in every second he got to spend with you.
who knows how many he had left with you.
even on bad days he was always a hundred percent present, waving away any thought of work or other issues and focusing entirely on you. that didn’t mean that he didn’t confide in you or shared anything with you, quite the opposite actually. he was aware of how much you enjoyed listening to him talk - or even rant - about his day.
however, today was different.
you were quiet, more quiet than usual, and barely even looked at him. if you did say something, it were mostly one worded answers and everything came out snappy.
honestly, iwaizumi didn’t want to think about it too much. he couldn’t possibly imagine the situation you were in currently, but he was sure that you weren’t avoiding him like that on purpose.
he couldn’t deny that it made his heart hurt though.
after the n-th minute of awkward silence between the two of you, with you staring at your phone with such an intensity that it was obvious that you forced yourself to not look at him for even a fraction of a second, iwaizumi couldn’t stand the lingering tension any longer.
leaning forward, he put one hand on top of your thigh. “love?” he asked. “what’s wrong?”
you still didn’t even glance at him as you replied monotonously. “nothing”
you clenched your jaw subconsciously, a small movement that your boyfriend didn’t miss. he closed his eyes for a moment to compose himself, allowing a small but compassionate smile to appear on his lips.
“it’s okay. tell me,” he whispered, his free hand reaching out to grab yours.
“i’m fine,” you muttered again as your boyfriend intertwined your fingers, tugging softly at your hand.
“talk to me,” iwaizumi urged again.
“i said i’m fine,” you insisted, your voice however not sounding as convinced as you wanted it to be.
swallowing thickly, he looked down at his hand, fingers softly grazing your thigh. “i heard that,” he says as he looked up, tilting his head as he carefully examined your facial expression. “but i know you’re not”
in return you turned your head completely away from him, muttering at him. “shut up”
skillfully ignoring your words, iwaizumi stood up from the chair and sat down right next to you, his shoulder touching yours. “listen, i know you’re not okay. that’s alright,” he whispered with a low, but warm sounding voice. he stopped for a moment, swallowing down the small lump in his throat. “love, let me be here for you”
he expected many reactions.
iwaizumi saw you shut down completely, going nonverbal for who knows how long. he could see you try to change the topic, ignoring whatever he said until he allowed you to shift the conversation. and he saw you open up to him, confiding in him and revealing whatever was plaguing your mind right now.
“i said shut up!” however, your boyfriend didn't see you get up so quickly, stepping away from him and raising your weak voice. he wouldn't have imagine you to - literally - turn your back on him, your hands clanching on your sides.
and yet for a brief moment, he was able to catch a glimpse of your face. his blood ran cold when he saw your painful expression, like you were about to start crying. he could see your form trembling and heard you breathe so heavily.
his lips pressed together, iwaizumi took a couple of seconds to himself. he knew he couldn't press the topic like this further. he had been so caught up in trying to figure out just what made you so unresponsive to him that he seemed to have forgotten the bigger picture of things.
you were chronically ill, your health seeming to worsen every day, the "good days" a rarity by now. you were in hospice for heaven's sake, all while everybody elses' lives seemed to go on just fine. friends, family, partner; everybody was able to live their normal life, while you were stuck in a facility to be taken care of; all while teh dream you had followed your whole life was to take care of others.
to give something back.
and now you literally couldn't do this anymore.
taking a deep breath, he took a moment to regulate himself, before softly saying your name. “look, okay, i’m not forcing you to talk to me,” he began slowly, “and please don’t yell at me when all i’m trying to do is be there for you”
“i’m sorry,” you whispered back, dropping your head in shame and slowly turning around. while you might still not look at him and nervously played with your hands, he couldn't help but feel relieved when you at least let your body turn back to him.
nodding slowly, iwaizumi reached out to you and you didn't even hesitate to grab his hand. he brought your hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss on the back of it. “i know you are, love” the two of you relished in uncertain silence for a few moments before he decided to speak up again. “do you want me to go?” he asked in a hushed voide. when you looked at him with wide and concerned eyes, you saw the compassionate look on his face, allowing you to breathe out calmly.
whatever you would say, he would be okay with it.
“no,” you replied quickly, shaking your head. “i don’t want to be alone”
your boyfriend couldn't help but feel relieved, his smile widening ever so slightly. “okay” he tugged softly at your hand. “come here”
almost like on auto-pilot you obeyed his command, not coming to a stop until your stood right at the edge of the bed, your knees touching the mattress.
“we don’t have to talk,” he muttered, drawing circles with his thumb on the back of your hands, before he raised his head again, looking at you. “but i’m here” you nodded, subconsciously biting your inner cheek. “don’t try to push me away. you know i won’t let you”
slowly your vision grew hazy, tears filling your eyes. you couldn't help but to clench them shut, your fingers tightening around iwaizumi's with every shaky breath you took.
he didn't rush you. he simply sat there, his eyes on you as he continued to caress your hands with his thumb, no matter how tight your grip got.
after you let out a shaken, but calming breath, you finally managed to find some words. “i don’t want to die, hajime,” you whispered. “i don’t want to die. i’m so scared”
iwaizumi didn't even notice that his jaw clenched as did his fingers around yours with every word you spoke. "and i don't know what to do anymore. i can't sleep, i can't eat, i can't even get dressed myself. i need someone to be near me when i'm just showering, because sometimes i can't even stay on my feet for long enough"
"i'm going to die, no, i am dying! and there's nothing i can do about it. nothing is working, nothing is helping" your knees buckled underneath you, making you stumble and ultimately fall. thankfully, your boyfriend had his arms securely around you, pulling you into his lap.
"i don't want to die," you managed to choke out as you pressed your face in his chest, letting your weak body be cradled by him.
iwaizumi desperately wanted to say something. offer comfort, be there for his partner. his heart ached seeing them like this, crying in his arms so helplessly. clenching his own eyes shut, iwaizumi swallowed thickly.
was there even anything he could say?
“you’re not going to die” the words sounded hollow, like they had no meaning.
like he didn’t believe them himself.
“you’re going to stay right here with me,” he muttered into your hair, “and you’re not going anywhere”
iwaizumi waited to believe everything he said. he wanted to picture a future with you by his side, more energetic, positive, healthy.
or at least not stuck in here.
at night he dreamed of a time where the two of you would grow closer every day, move in together, maybe even get married. he yearned for many more happy memories with you.
but he felt like this dream wouldn’t become reality.
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/ɛvəˈnɛs(ə)nt,iːvəˈnɛs(ə)nt/ — “soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing.”
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 4 months
Jack Harlow: “don’t tell me you’re having nightmares again”
You struggled to get your first word out, surprised when Jack picked the phone up on the first ring. "Hello?", he asked again, when you didn't say anything.
"Sorry, I thought you'd be sleep already. Didn't think you'd answer the phone, actually." You weren't sure why you were calling Jack. Your relationship had run its course, and after a year of dating, you could honestly say you were working to be friends afterwards, a true rarity in your dating life, and most days, you felt like you had moved on.
Still, there were some nights where you were painfully lonely and missed his touch and the sound of his voice.
Tonight was the first time you actually got the courage to do something about your feelings, but really hadn't thought through much of the plan besides selecting his contact in your phone and hitting the call button.
"Everything okay?" You could tell from his groggy voice that he was tired, a tone you recognized very well. He was always moving, his career was very demanding, and it was one of the reasons you decided to end things. You just couldn't keep up, and after a couple of months of trying, you realized you just didn't want to.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. How are you?" Jack was quiet as he stroked at his beard. The pain in his chest he felt as you spoke took his breath away. He missed you a lot more than he would ever admit to you or anyone else, and he was worse for wear after your relationship ended.
The breakup was not his decision, and in fact, he would have fought harder to keep you, but when you told him your reasoning, he thought it better to let you go then let his pride get in the way.
Instead, he let it eat him up inside, a lot of sleepless nights and isolation behind and in front of him.
He wanted to scream, cry, tell you how much he missed and loved you, but instead, he put on a fake smile, knowing he had to make this a convincing lie. "I'm good. Thanks for asking."
"Sorry, were you sleeping? I know its late." You pulled your phone from your ear to check the time. It was after midnight in Louisville.
"No, I don't do a lot of that lately", Jack let out a humorless chuckle, raking a hand through his messy curls.
"Don't tell me you're having nightmares again." You would never forget the nights you laid next to Jack as he whimpered through one of the many nightmares he had. It broke your heart every time, and you wanted to help, but he always brushed you off when you brought it up, telling you not to worry.
"Okay, I won't." Jack didn't even bother to fake a laugh, as he didn't find any humor in the topic.
"I'm here if you want to talk about it." You dug your nails into your thigh to stop yourself from pressing any further. Now that you weren't together anymore, you had even less of a right to ask him about something so personal.
"No offense, but I know you didn't call to talk about my sleeping habits", Jack said in jest, earning a small giggle from you.
You let out a sigh. There were so many things you wanted to say, but it felt too little, too late. "You're right, Jack, I didn't call about that." You hung your head, resting your elbows on your thighs.
Jack was quick to fill the silence. He'd had enough of that lately and it was killing him. "Is something wrong? You can tell me if there is." He paused, this time letting the silence consume him, with nothing else to say.
"Jack, I still love you."
The words came out faster than your brain could catch up, and you immediately regretted them. You hung up the call in a moment of regret, tossing your phone on the bed. You clamped a hand over your mouth as you felt yourself begin to hyperventilate.
"I still love you too, baby." Jack confessed to the dial tone, closing his eyes as he felt them start to sting with tears.
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lykaios2 · 11 months
I wake up in the night alot and struggle to get back to sleep unless rock myself like a damn baby.
So what about a one shot where reader is napping on rise donnie lap while he works and they wake up and get restless trying to get back to sleep so he rocks his chair back and forth so help them!
your idea has been heard
I decided to keep this one short, I didn't think it needed a super long story
anyway here you go! hope you enjoy
Like a Mother to a Child
rise donnie x reader
cw: sweet adorableness
word count: 826
It was another peaceful night in the lab. There was very little noise, which was a true rarity in the Hamato household. Everyone was doing their own thing, except for you and Donnie. Donnie enjoyed it when the lair was quiet, and he said enjoyed it even more when you were there with him. There were a lot of reasons he enjoyed your company, but it was mainly so he had someone to talk to who he knew would actually listen.
You were in his lab, laying on the floor while he rambled on about his newest invention. It was a sort of win-win situation for you two, he got to tell you all about his work, and you got to relax and listen to him talk. Even though you didn’t always understand what he was talking about, you thought it was cute the way he would talk and talk about his passions without a care in the world.
“…and so when you connect the transformer here, it runs the power to here, which allows the computer to…”
“Interesting. yawns Man, I’m kinda tired. It’s so quiet, I’m starting to fall asleep.”
“Oh? Why don’t you lay somewhere else? The floor can’t be comfortable.”
“Yeah, it’s not so fun when you’re trying to sleep. Would you mind…if I sat on your lap while you worked? It would help me sleep.” He chuckled.
“Sure, darling. Come here.”
You got up from the floor and stretched before walking over to his chair and settling yourself comfortably in his lap. He smiled and kissed your forehead before returning to his work. He continued to talk, but softer now that he knew you were trying to sleep. Almost in a whisper, but not quite. As you started to fall asleep in his lap, you snuggled close to him, wrapping your arms around him and resting your head on his shoulder. Every minute you sat there, you came closer to sleep. Donnie’s quiet voice, the noises he made while he worked, and even the soft and gentle rhythm of his heartbeat all came together to create this perfectly calm and relaxing environment. Before you knew it, you had fallen into a deep slumber. Donnie only figured this out himself when he tried to talk to you, but didn’t receive an answer. He only smiled again and kept working.
He worked long into the night, trying his best not to wake you up. You slept peacefully, never letting go of him. Everything was going well, until he dropped something big on the floor. The noise woke you up, much to Donnie’s dismay.
“…hm? What…what was that?”
“Oh, I’m sorry my love, I dropped something on the floor. I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“…mmm, s’kay. I’m jus’ gon’ go back to sleep…”
“Of course, good night.”
You snuggled up to Donnie again, expecting to fall back asleep quickly. You were tired, so you started to get a little frustrated when 20 minutes passed by and you still hadn’t fallen asleep yet. You tried blocking out noises. You tried humming to yourself. You tried different positions, trying to get comfortable. But nothing was working.
“You okay, y/n? You’re a little restless.”
“Yeah, I just…can’t seem to fall asleep again.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. That was my fault, I didn’t mean to.”
“No no, it’s okay. You don’t need to blame yourself.”
“Well, it’s still my fault, and I feel a little bad. Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Uhm…I don’t know. I don’t really have anything to help me fall asleep.”
“Hmm. Oh, there is one thing that used to help me fall asleep. We could try that.”
“What were you thinking?”
“Here, get up for a second if you can.”
You got up from his lap, and he moved in his chair. He beckoned you back, this time holding you like a mother holds a small child. When you sat down, he started to rock his chair back and forth.
“What am I, a four year old?”
“Hey, be quiet. You can’t fall asleep if you’re talking, dum-dum.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll shut up.”
He continued to rock back and forth in his chair, slowly, back and forth. You were laying your head on his chest, so he was able to watch as your eyelids slowly started to shut.
“Hmm, this is nice.”
“See, it’s not so terrible. Is it helping at all?”
“Mhm…I think I might be able to fall asleep again. Just…hold me…and keep rocking…”
“Heh, okay love. Just for you.”
Donnie continued to rock his chair, and hold you close to him. Your eyes eventually shut all the way. It was so comfortable, you could just…fall asleep right there…
“y/n? y/n? Ah, I suppose you’ve fallen asleep by now. Well then, good night. Again.”
He gave you one more kiss on your forehead before laying back and falling asleep himself, with you in his arms.
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wisteria-cherry · 5 months
forty days and forty nights (day forty) (final chapter)
(this is it, everyone😭 i had so much fun writing these little drabbles, i hope you all enjoyed them! it’s been such an amazing journey :) i love you all!)
“‘m home.”
the front door open, and you looked up from the couch and your expression lights up. this was one of the few days you didn’t work— however, those days were becoming more frequent; katsuki had convinced you to take on less shifts since getting married now that you were living on a double income— one of which being the number one pro hero’s income. really, you didn’t need to work at all, but you liked being busy, and you liked the coffee shop.
“welcome home, katsuki,” you greet, getting up from the couch as he took his boots off. you make your way over to him, resting your hands on his chest and going on your tiptoes to press a chaste kiss to his cheek.
“y’missed.” katsuki grunted, taking your chin in his forefinger and thumb, angling your face towards him and kissing you on the lips. you smile into it. as he pulls away, you loop your arms around his neck happily, and he takes his gloves off, tossing them on the ground and setting his hands on your waist. “sorry for being late. those dumbfucks don’t know how to do paperwork.”
“that’s ok. how was work?” you hum.
“same as always. kicked villain ass.” the corner of katsuki’s lips twitched up into a smirk.
“good to hear. are you hungry?”
“no.” katsuki answered. “ate at the office.” katsuki’s hands broke away from your waist and you brought your arms back to your sides.
“‘m gonna go shower, okay?” katsuki tousled your hair. “you hungry? i’ll make ya dinner.”
“i already ate, too.” you admit. “it’s nearly nine, after all.”
"you gettin' in bed?" he asked, and you nodded. "i'm gonna take a shower and i'll be right there, yeah?"
"okay." you pull away. "i'll take care of your gear, just leave it here so it doesn't get the house dirty."
"yeah, yeah, i know." katsuki huffed with no real malice in his gravelly voice, most likely hoarse from yelling threats and expletives alike to the villains he'd taken down that day. he kicked his boots off, lining them up next to his other shoes (and your own), and unbuckled the metal knee-pad-type things that he claimed were for "killing villains with his knees".
"no gauntlets today?"
"left 'em at the office." katsuki grunted, walking with you towards the bathroom. "they didn't need ta be cleaned or fixed or anything."
"light work today?"
"yeah." you give katsuki one last kiss before letting him be, making your way to your shared room.
katsuki finished quickly. you were glad; you loved those nights where katsuki would just sit in bed with you and you'd lay in his arms and you'd talk about anything and everything.
"i missed you today."
"go figure."
"do you want kids?"
"hah?" katsuki seemed startled, looking down at you to study your expression, trying to read the room, see if you were serious.
"well, yeah." you laid on top of him, your head on his chest. "we've been married for two years." katsuki took a minute to gather his thoughts before speaking-- a rarity, really. it was something he reserved for more tender moments like this.
"only if you wanna."
"i'm asking you."
"you'd be the one carrying the damn thing for nine months then pushing it out of you." katsuki snorted. "don't fuckin' ask me like i've got the final say."
"but i want your opinion." you reason. "it'd be your kid, too."
"yeah, well, i don't want one unless you want one." katsuki decided.
"do you not have an opinion?" you're almost surprised; katsuki, if nothing else, is very opinionated. he'd usually have a set answer, and stick with it til he died.
"i've thought about it." katsuki hesitated. "... i jus' dunno if i'd be a good dad. with work and shit."
"you'd be a great dad, katsuki," you say, and you mean it.
"one of us'd have to quit, too, unless ya wanna get a nanny or some shit." katsuki added.
"i guess so." you muse. "and it's not like you can quit. i mean, you can, but i'm not about to ask you to quit your dream career." katsuki snorted.
"yeah, i'm not quittin'. not when i've come this far." katsuki stated.
"that's the spirit." you smile. "but i see what you're saying. i wouldn't want a nanny. i'd wanna raise our kids myself."
"ourselves," katsuki corrected. "no way in hell i'm letting you raise a kid by yourself. not one, not five."
"i appreciate the sentiment." you smile.
"yeah, whatever."
"i love you."
"i love you too."
tags: @k0z3me @cherryblossomclarity @stevenknightmarc @failingstudents-blog @jazzafayesworld @faerikitty @deathsmajestysworld @queenpiranhadon
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jjkamochoso · 2 months
The Perfect Fit
Story Overview: Levi Ackerman begrudgingly finds himself falling in love with the Survey Corps’ seamstress. Will they be able to own up to their feelings for each other? Or is their love doomed to fail before they discover the truths of each other’s hearts? This slow burn reader insert story will be filled with angst, yearning, and a bit of mystery as we slowly unravel the truths behind Y/N’s past… and explore her and Levi’s future!
Chapter 4
Chapter 3 linked here
Chapter 5 linked here
Levi Ackerman x female reader
Warnings: cussing
Almost a week had passed since your horse died and now you were running out of food. You still hadn’t had any clients from the village come see you for their sewing needs so you figured you would question them when you saw them on your shopping trip. Walking into the quiet village, you noticed its inhabitants looked more pitiful than usual. The situation was grim out in the forest but you weren’t expecting it to be this bad yet. You could tell people were running low on food, the stalls barely selling any produce. You bought a few items you could salvage, but most of it was rotten.
“Haven’t seen your face in a while,” you said, striking up a conversation with the stall owner, a client of yours.
“I’m sorry. We have no money left to get our clothes fixed. None of us here do. If this continues…” He looked away and you noticed just how gaunt he was. His skin was starting to droop around his cheekbones and he was as white as snow. “You can no longer rely on us to make money. I suggest heading toward the interior. With your talent, I’m sure the nobles would kill to have you work for them. Someone’s gotta make it out of this godforsaken place and you have the best shot.”
You felt any words you tried to speak get caught in your throat. Opting to nod instead, you turned away to go back home when another stall caught your eye. Was that meat cooking? That was a rarity nowadays. As you got closer, you read the sign that told you what animal it was. It took everything in you to not vomit.
It was horse.
The villages must be truly desperate for food to chance eating your sick horse. You couldn’t take the sight any longer and rushed away, blinking away tears. Now that the villagers confirmed that you couldn’t make any more money from them, the seriousness of the situation dawned on you. Would you have to move? You most likely wouldn’t be welcomed back to your old home or else that would be an option. Would you have to join the military to have an income? You didn’t think you had it in you to make it through the training. Besides, if you failed out, you couldn’t risk hurting your hands in the meantime because you’d have nothing else going for you. All these thoughts buzzed around your head, distracting you from realizing you were home and you weren’t alone.
“Y/n! I’m here to rescue you!”
“Hange?!” You didn’t know what they meant, but you were glad to see your friend. You greeted them with a tight hug. “What are you doing here?”
“More like what were you doing not here? I thought you died or something. You’re always at home.”
You frowned. “Ouch! You came all this way just to bully me?” They laughed, clapping a friendly hand on your back as you continued. “Anyway, I was in the village. I was told my services couldn’t be supported anymore since the villagers had to save their money. Those poor people are starving, Hange. They were cooking my dead horse, for fuck’s sake.”
Hange’s eyes softened when they saw how distressed you were. “They’re strong people, y/n. They’ll get through it, just like in times past. Don’t be so hard on yourself. There’s nothing you can do to save them.”
You clenched your fists in frustration. You knew that, but it still shook you to your core. You were a woman of action, taking charge against the inequalities people faced however you could. You had a long history of doing charity work, especially when you were living with your family in Wall Sina. Seeing those around you suffer while you were comfy in your warm home with plenty of food made you sick to your stomach. That was one of the reasons you left…
“Well, I have better news for you. How do you feel about formally joining the Scouts?”
You felt your eyes almost pop out of their sockets. “Huh?!”
“You wanna move in with us? You’d be on official payroll, have a clean place to sleep. And we wouldn’t have to keep coming out to this dump to get our clothes fixed.”
You wanted to be offended at Hange’s diss of your house, but they weren’t wrong. Instead of living in a run down building, you would be a Scout? Have a steady income, reliable food source, (halfway) warm bed? You had to admit, it sounded better than being by yourself out here.
“I’m tempted to say yes, but are you sure it’s allowed? I haven’t gone through training or anything.”
“It’s fine,” Hange told you, “Commander Erwin already got it approved. When he caught wind of your horse situation from the kids, he weighed the options of either giving you a new one or having you join us. It made more sense for you to be with us instead of us come to you. So he got the paperwork written up, approved, and here I am. So, y/n, I ask once more. Wanna be a Scout?”
Eyeing your property one last time, you balled up your fists and gave Hange the salute.
“Yes, sir!”
It hadn’t taken long for you two to pack up your things. Everything fit in the cart Hange brought, with plenty of room to spare. Even though the place was pretty gross, you were still a bit sad about leaving it. However, your future would be much brighter following the Scouts from base to base and you were excited for a fresh start.
“I’m excited to be around people again. It was starting to get lonely out here,” you told Hange, watching the foliage pass you by as you made the move to your new home.
“I’m sure. And by people, you mean Captain Levi?” They wore a big, teasing grin.
“I want to deny that but you’re much too smart to trick. He’s an interesting man for sure. He was such an asshole when he first met but then he did such nice things for me! Is he always this confusing?”
“Yup,” said Hange, “but that’s part of his charm. He’s honest and no matter how hard he tries to deny it, he wears his heart on his sleeve. He’s a soldier, he’s hardened. He goes through so much yet he still can’t find it within himself to not give a shit. You’re both my closest friends and you’re more alike than it may seem. He’s a selfless person, y/n, don’t ever let him convince you he’s not.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, deep in thought about the blue eyed man as your new residence entered your view. You entered the gates and you felt your heart beat a little faster. When you came to a stop, you were greeted by a familiar face.
“Erwin!” you yelled out, running over to give him a big hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You stepped away, giving him a salute.
“Y/n, welcome. I’m glad you and your things made it. I take it Hange told you everything?”
You nodded, smiling wide. “They did. I sincerely appreciate everything you’ve done for me over the years, but this is something else. I don’t know how to repay you.”
“No need. I just don’t want my good friend to be starving by herself in the woods somewhere. Having you here is repayment enough. These soldiers are reckless and I can’t have them running around in tattered clothes.” He examined your belongings in the cart and turned his attention back to you. “All of this will fit in your new office. Hange will show you the way. If you’ll excuse me.” You told him thank you one more time and he left while Hange took hold of your hands.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so excited to have you here! Your office will be near mine. Grab some things and I’ll lead the way.”
The first thing you picked up was the sewing machine gifted by Levi, your new prized possession. As you entered the castle, you were taken aback at how cool it looked. Sure it was in slight disrepair, but it was infinitely cleaner than your old place. When you got to your office, you let out a contented sigh. Anyone else would have called it simple but it was the most beautiful room you had ever been in! It was a big space, plenty of room for you to work and live out of. There was a big table for your machine to rest on and a small chest for your sewing supplies. There was also a dresser in another corner for your personal belongings and a small bed. You fully expected to share a room with someone in the barracks area, but you were glad to have your own space. When you and Hange finished moving in your belongings, they gave you the grand tour of the castle. You did your best to memorize where everything was, but you figured as long as you knew where the bathrooms and the dining hall were, you were good.
“Oh! One last thing,” Hange said, opening a dresser drawer when you were back to your room, “Since you’re part of the military now, you get to wear a uniform! Everything you need is in here. You don’t have to wear it every day, but it’s generally recommended when you’re working—which you will be starting tomorrow at 7 am. Erwin was able to give you the rank of Sergeant to make sure Privates couldn’t give you any trouble. Dinner is being served right now but I still have work to do. I’ll see you around!” They waved goodbye and you took the time to look around your room again. You had a nice sized window that overlooked the courtyard and you were excited to open it and get some fresh air in. You had a whirlwind day and you couldn’t wait to end it with a nice meal. Walking down the hallway, you thought you remembered which way to go, but it was starting to get dark and you were a bit twisted around. You would’ve asked somebody for directions but it was like a ghost town. All of a sudden, you felt a presence come up behind you.
“Lost already, Cadet?” A voice sneered behind you.
“It’s my first day and it’s dark as shit. Cut me some slack, Captain,” you replied to Levi. “Besides, according to Erwin, I’m a sergeant, not a cadet. I have rank now.”
The shorter man furrowed his brows. “The only rank you have that I care about is the stench coming off of you. Take a damn shower.”
“My apologies, Captain. It’s hard to bathe often when you don’t have running water. I was trying to get something to eat before I turned in for the night.” What was this guy’s problem? You tried to keep Hange’s words of advice in your mind but trying to see Levi as a friend was proving difficult right now.
“Tch. Your sense of direction is shit. Dining hall’s this way.” You trailed behind him, not attempting further conversation.
“Your fingers look better,” Levi observed after minutes of silence. He was right. The bandages had done wonders and you no longer had blisters gracing your skin.
“Thanks to you. I couldn’t afford gauze but the medic patched me up for free because of your note. You’ve really saved my ass these past few days. If there’s any way I can repay you, please let me know.”
“Don’t be stupid, Sergeant” was all he said, but you knew it was his way of saying, “don’t worry about it.” You smiled to yourself. You entered the dining hall at last, sniffing the air and practically drooling.
“Sorry about your horse,” Levi murmured, immediately walking off somewhere else. His behavior was strange but you didn’t think too much of it. He had proved his kind heart in his own ways over the few times you met him and you knew, from Hange, that he wasn’t good at hiding his true feelings. Maybe Levi wasn’t all that bad. Maybe he did like you, or at the very least, tolerated you. You could live with that.
When Levi saw you greet Commander Erwin with a hug, he felt pangs of jealousy that he never knew he was capable of feeling. Didn’t you have any decorum with your superiors or respect for authority? Didn’t you give a second thought to how your actions were akin to yanking his plump heart out of his chest and stomping on it? Of course you didn’t— you were Erwin’s friend first, subordinate second, and you had no clue of Levi’s affections toward you. Not that he necessarily wanted you to know. Having a crush at his grown age was downright embarrassing and he hated himself for entertaining such childish thoughts. Your stupid pretty face hadn’t left his mind, taunting him when he closed his eyes. Not that being awake was any better. He imagined what it would be like to give in to such grossly human desires, feel your hand on his chest, your lips on his own—
Levi couldn’t do that. He wasn’t selfish enough to get close to you because it would only end badly for you. You deserved better than that. His plan of ignoring you wasn’t going to work now that you lived at the castle, not that he wasn’t relieved you left behind that falling down, dirty shack you called a house. Wasn’t that, coupled with trying to help your sick horse, why he ripped up his cape for you to fix all those days ago? Maybe he could rely on his shitty attitude to push you away? That would work. Or so he thought. When he found you wandering the halls, he knew it was the perfect time to make you feel small, weak, so much so that you would hate him and never want to see him again. Of course, it didn’t work out like that. You were too witty and kind to push him away while Levi was cursed with a heart that was too caring for others. In another world, you two would be a perfect match, but in this one… you were too precious to get wrapped up in his shit. As he ran away from you like the scared stray he was, Levi realized you would never cooperate in the way he needed you too. He was a strategist, though, skilled in warfare. He deduced that the least damage to either of your hearts would be if he kept you at arm’s length. No further, no closer. He was sure there’d be no casualties that way.
Chapter 5
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w1ldthoughts · 7 months
Wilted Flowers and a Lightsaber
A/n: Anon Requested
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Tonight was going to be absolutely perfect. You and Justin had been planning this six month anniversary dinner for a while and because of the chaos of the season, you had to schedule this quality time early. Two bowls of pasta were set out, the wine was poured and all you had to do was wait for him to arrive. You pulled out your phone to text him a gentle reminder, not that he was forgetful by any means but he did have a lot on his plate and with the way the season had been going, he’d spent more time at the facility than anywhere else these days. But having you did bring him back to himself in realizing that there was sometimes more to life than just football.
Justin was nothing if not punctual. It was a rarity for him to not be early and even more unheard of for him to be late. You’d be lying if it didn’t worry you a bit but you didn’t want to let your mind automatically assume the worst. Maybe he was just picking up some dessert? Ice cream did always make him feel like he was on top of the world and his appreciation for sweets was one of your favorite things about him. Yeah that was definitely it, he’s just picking up an anniversary cake or something and the line must be long, you tried to tell yourself.
After waiting an hour, you called him. It went straight to voicemail.
“Hey, it's me. Um…just wondering if you’re on your way. The food is kind of cold but I can warm it up for us and we can just hang out and watch a movie or something. Anyway, just let me know you’re alive. Bye.”
45 minutes after you left him a voicemail, you went back to your room to change out of your dress and take your makeup off. It took every ounce of strength in you not to cry but somehow you managed to get it done. Just in time to hear your door being opened. You walked back into the living room and started cleaning up, ignoring the man in front of you.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry. I stayed after practice to throw with some of the receivers and we lost track of time.” He was met with silence, so he continued, helping you clean up. “I didn’t even see your texts or calls until I got back to the locker room and I just showered and headed straight here. I feel terrible for having you wait here for me but you know it’s—”
“Important?” You spit out, pouring the last of the wine into the sink. “I know it is. I know this is your life and the NFL is what you’ve always dreamed of, I get that. And I get it you’re one of the captains, you’re the quarterback and their leader and all that and it’s great. I love that you get to live your dreams and play the game you love everyday. That's not the problem.”
He stands up straight, crossing his arms over his chest, towering over you even more. “Well then what is the problem?”
“Are—are you serious?”
“Yes y/n, please enlighten me. Because last time I checked, I told you this is my job. This is the most important thing in my life and you told me you understood that. I already apologized and I’m here now, so let’s just enjoy the time we have. Unless you have something else to say?”
There were so many things about him to love. He is kind and smart and genuinely doesn’t understand how beautiful of a person he is inside and out. But he also had the tendency to have tunnel vision when it comes to certain things, especially during the season. And that was not fun to deal with. “Justin, you stood me up with no communication. I thought you got hurt at practice or were in an accident. It’s not about you staying late at the facility, it's about me constantly being put on the backburner. I have things to do too. I have a job and friends and family to see, but I still make all of that work because I want to be with you. And it just feels like I’m the very last thing on your list and that really fucking sucks.”
Here come the tears that you’d tried so hard to keep at bay. You wiped your eyes with your sleeve, a sleeve that you now realized was attached to a shirt that belonged to him and it made you even more sad. “I think about you when I do things, I made dinner for us to celebrate the best six months of my life and I feel like I’m the only one who’s trying here.”
“That’s not fair,” he sighs, “I told you that football season is long and intense and you know the amount of stress I’ve been under. I mean the team is not performing the way we should be and I know that the only opinions that matter are the ones inside the building but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t hear it and it doesn't affect me. You know it does. So yes sometimes I’m gonna have to stay late and have team meetings and miss a date or two here and there but babe…you signed up for this.”
You signed up for this. “You’re right.” You sniffle. “I can’t imagine the stress you’re under right now and I’m sorry. I thought I could just get your mind off things for a bit. That this…this relationship would be enough. Maybe I’ve been a little selfish, you’re being pulled in all these different directions already and here I am asking for a piece of you like everyone else.”
He shook his head once, stepping forward a bit to reach out to you. “No—that’s not what I meant.”
“Justin, I'm not with you because you’re an incredible quarterback. I love you because I think you’re the greatest person I’ve ever known. But I—I can’t just be another thing on your list. I can’t be another chore and that’s how I feel right now.” Your eyes turn down to the floor, tears continuing to wet your cheeks. “I think you should go.”
“Did you just say you love me?” You look up to meet his now glistening eyes. “Because I love you too and I don’t think we should call it a night just yet. We can—we can just talk and figure something out. I need to fix my work/life balance and I’ll make us more of a priority, I will.” He tries to reason, attempting to mask the hurt in his voice.
The words never come so you just shake your head sadly, holding his hand to walk him out the door.
Two weeks later, the apology flowers that you’d received from him were still sitting on the table, very much on their last leg. Upstairs, you were looking in your closet for a jacket when you stumbled upon your Padme costume. Of course. You and Justin were supposed to go to Keenan and his wife’s Halloween party tonight but instead you’d be on the couch wearing fuzzy socks, ordering takeout and watching Halloweentown on your own. Your phone interrupted Aggie meeting the hooded demon in the theater, much to your disappointment.
“Before you say no to coming to the party, please hear me out.” Of course Ally would call. Ever since her husband Eric had signed with the Chargers this past offseason you both had bonded immediately. She’d been a football wife for a while, so she took you under her wing while also letting you do things your way.
“You have two minutes to convince me not to dig into this tub of ice cream and not leave my house for the next 3-5 business days. Go.”
She laughs on the other end of the line. “There’s karaoke. And drinks. And people who love you and would really like to see you. Please don’t make me beg because I’m already two drinks in, our nanny is staying at our house overnight and I have nothing to lose. So just say you’re coming.”
The movie that was paused in front of you was appealing, but you couldn’t hide forever. Not when these people have become so important to you. And yeah maybe some part of you did want to see him, even if it was just for a little bit. “I’ll be there in an hour.”
“See you in 60 minutes, I’ve set a timer.” Ally laughs.
Keenan and Ciandra definitely knew how to throw a party. You weaved through the different crowds until you spotted Ally, dressed in her finest 70s wear talking to other players' wives.
“Y/n! You’re here. It’s so good to see you baby.” Ciandra called out, pulling you in for a hug. “Your hand is empty, there needs to be a drink in it. I’ll be right back, you should mingle.”
As you caught up with the girls, you tried to sneak glances around the room, not having any luck. “He’s in the back room with some of the guys.” Ally whispers to you. “I don’t think anyone’s told him you’re here yet. You two should talk.”
“I wasn’t—I’m not looking for him. There’s nothing for us to talk about. We broke up and…that’s it.”
She gives you the look. “Yeah sure. Tell that to your face.”
The next hour was spent doing anything humanly possible to address the elephant in the room. There were drinks to be had, people to talk to and somehow you’d avoided Justin at every turn.
“Oh shoot, my phone is dead and I need to check in on Knight and see how he’s doing. I’m gonna go find Eric and use his phone but I have a portable charger in my jacket pocket upstairs in the coat room, will you grab it for me please?”
You nodded immediately, slightly thankful to step away from the music for a bit. “Of course, I’ll be right back Al.”
The trek upstairs wasn’t as easy in your white combat boots after three poison apple cocktails but you made it. Ally’s jacket was right where she’d described and you were just about to walk back downstairs when he walked in. The two of you almost ran into each other.
“Gosh, I’m so sorry. Wait…y/n? What—what are you doing here?”
The beard had grown even more since the last time you’d seen him. It worked, in a weird way. “Ally forced me to come. I didn’t have time to get another costume, I really wasn’t going to come at first but—”
“No, I like the costume. It looks good on you.” He whispers, thankful that his robe was covering up his slightly shaky hands. The door suddenly closed behind him and they both heard it lock. Justin immediately walks over it, shaking it open without any results.
“You two are going to stay in there until you talk. I’m not taking no for an answer so you better fix it. We have all night and I have four kids so I’m very patient.” Ciandra yells from the other side of the door.
“She is! It’s probably for the best if y’all just listen and do what she says.” Keenan utters. “Good luck.”
The long haired man turned around to meet your eyes. “Did they just?”
“Lock us in this room like we’re children being put in timeout? Yeah.” You sighed, sitting on the bed.
He leaned against the wall, huffing out a breath. For a few minutes the only sound that could be heard was the faint bass of the music from the party.
“I’m sorry.” You both said at the same time, laughing at the irony.
Communication got you in this mess and now here you were using the exact same words. “What are you sorry for? I’m the one that ruined this for us. CiMo keeps telling people I messed things up with her partner in crime. I didn’t even know you two were criminals.”
“Well if eating a basket full of chicken tenders every game is a crime, then we are definitely guilty. And if there’s ever a tender shortage, you know who to blame.” You laugh softly, still looking at the floor.
“As much as I would love to keep talking about your obsession with breaded chicken, I need to be honest.”
“What is it?” You could tell he was nervous, subtly running his fingers along his chin so he wouldn’t pick at the skin on his face.
“I don’t know how to do this” he whispers, almost at a loss for words or what to say next without making the situation worse. “My entire life I’ve prided myself on working hard and being competitive in the classroom and on the field, no matter what field it is. And now? My entire life revolves around football and the team and the guys.”
“I want to be prepared for things. I watch film, I practice, I throw after practice. There’s tools out there for everything but this? I don’t—I can’t prepare. There’s no playbook to follow, plays to learn. I just feel…and that’s really fucking scary to me. I was overwhelmingly unprepared to feel this way about you so I tried to bury it and it was stupid and I hurt you. Y/n I’m so sorry for making you feel like another thing on the list. You are not a chore, you are the best thing in my life and I was too proud and caught up in my own shit to tell you that. And I’m not very good at expressing my feelings with words but—”
Your laugh interrupts him, “here I thought you were an open book.”
He chuckles lowly, shaking his head. “I’m definitely a book. I don’t know if it’s open but there’s a lot of pages and tiny writing that most people can’t see.”
With a sigh, you stand up and face him, grabbing ahold of his hand. “Good thing I like to read. Especially the chapters that you have hidden.”
One of your hands found their way into his hair, faces inches apart. “I love you. So much.” He whispers, holding you close. The kiss was slow at first, silent apologies and words of forgiveness all wrapped into one lengthy, desperate embrace. His entire body curved into yours, there was no way you could be any closer to him if you tried. You never wanted to forget this feeling, as long as you lived.
“I love you too, Justin.”
He leaned in again, asking “so we’re good?” In between pecks. You simply nodded, running your hands over his robe.
“Good.” He whispers, intertwining your fingers together with his right hand and pulling his phone out of his pocket with his left, telling Keenan thank you. The door was opened immediately after.
“Did you know they were going to do this?”
His cheeks turn a subtle tint of pink as he nods, “Who do you think begged Ally to get you to come to this party in the first place? Desperate times call for desperate measures. I didn’t want to risk you leaving without me apologizing.”
“Oh you’re doing anything I want for all of eternity for making me think we were stuck in this room. Starting with an anniversary redo?”
He smiles and nods slowly, making you melt. “You are in my very soul, tormenting me. I would do anything you ask.”
“My dear Anakin Skywalker…you are so lucky you’re cute.”
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smartycvnt · 5 months
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Title: Addicted
Pairing: Casey Novak x Reader
Summary: Casey calls Ash for some help relieving herself.
Warning: smut, masturbation, phone sex
Word Count: 1071
Casey wanted to cry. The frustration had been building up ever since she lost her job, but now it was boiling over. Ash had gone away on some retreat to ease her from defense law into politics. It was the first week that Casey had been left all on her own since the censure. Ash had checked in on her, but around the fourth day of the week, Casey felt off.
She had always prided herself on being a good sleeper. It seemed to be a rarity in her line of work. Aside from a gruesome case or two, nothing had ever been able to keep Casey Novak up for too long. That seemed to last until Casey caught a bad case of sexual frustration, the likes of she hadn't seen in years.
It was one thing to have a disappointing partner, and that definitely wasn't the case with Casey and Ash. Casey's issue was that she had gotten used to having her back blown out on a bi-weekly basis. No matter how conflicting their schedules seemed to get, Ash was always ready and willing to give Casey exactly what she didn't know that she needed.
"Hey babe, it's getting kind of late. I, uh, just wanted to check on you." Casey knew that Ash could hear right through her. Ash had commented earlier in the night during their first phone call that Casey had been sounding breathier than usual. The neediness was showing through in Casey's voice, and Ash had a knack for picking up on it.
"Uh huh, I'm almost done here. Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?" Ash asked. Ash sounded cocky, and if Casey wasn't so desperate, she would have fought back a bit. Casey had a tendency of acting the same way, but Ash found her charming.
"I need you, like really bad babe. You were supposed to be back here hours ago. It's been so long, and I need you," Casey whined. Ash bit her lip as she looked around her office. The door was shut and locked, and there wasn't anybody else in the building anymore, but she wanted to be certain.
"I've got a lot of paperwork to look through if we're making it to the cabin for the weekend, but I'll talk you through it," Ash said. It wasn't going to be the same, but Casey liked the idea of Ash talking her through touching herself. "Where are you?"
"The same place I've been since 9, in bed," Casey answered. Ash tsked at the tone that Casey was using. The attitude wasn't welcome, but Ash would deal with that when she got back to Casey's apartment. "Where you should be."
"Trust me, I want nothing more than to crawl in bed with you and fuck you senseless, but I've got work to do. So, you're going to lay back, spread your legs, and listen to my every word, got it?"
"Bossy," Casey muttered. Ash knew to take that as an affirmative. Casey didn't like following orders, even if she had a tendency to submit easily in the bedroom.
"Just close your eyes and let your hand drift down between your legs. Don't go too fast, I know how you like to rush Casey," Ash instructed. Casey rolled her eyes, but did as she was told. "I bet you're getting those goosebumps, are't you?"
"No, it's not like when you touch me," Casey said. She sounded frustrated, and a part of Ash wanted to run home to her. However, Ash knew how much both of them needed a weekend to themselves without any distractions. "I want you to come home."
"I'll be a few hours Case, but I'll talk you through this, I promise." Ash leaned back in her chair and bit her lip.
"Just, keep talking to me, please," Casey begged.
"Anything you want. I wish that I was there in bed with you. My fingers are practically twitching because I want to touch you so badly."
"Fuck," Casey whined. Ash closed her eyes as she thought about touching Casey. "I can't keep waiting. I need you."
Ash ran a hand through her hair as she sighed heavily. "I'll be a while, so let's just keep going for now. You're so needy that I don't think I'd need to tease you for too long. Fuck, if I was there, I bet you'd be begging me, wouldn't you?"
"Yes," Casey answered. Her voice was shaky, somewhere in between a pant and a moan. Ash knew that she was getting closer. They were making progress, and all she had to do was lead Casey towards her orgasm. It was easy enough, even if it was starting to really wear down Ash's ability to concentrate.
"I bet you're absolutely soaked, aren't you?" Ash knew the answer to her own question. She could hear the wetness as Casey's fingers picked up their speed. Ash felt a tightening in the pit of her stomach as her own arousal settled in.
Casey's answer to Ash's question never came, but there had been attempts for Casey to answer. Each of them had been swallowed up by low moans and soft grunts. Ash could tell that Casey was getting close, that it was only a matter of time before some of Casey's frustration was finally warded away. It wouldn't be enough to completely sate Casey's desire, but it would keep the other woman from calling up to Ash's office constantly trying to convince her to come home.
"That's it baby, cum for me," Ash cooed. Casey let out an honest to god whimper, which was how Ash knew that she was temporarily done for. Still, Ash could tell by Casey's breathing that it wasn't quite enough to put her down for the night. "Wasn't that nice?"
"Just…" Casey trailed off. "Come home and do it right. I am yours tonight."
"Then I can't wait," Ash said. Casey let out a tired giggle, and Ash heard some shifting on the other line. She could just imagine the way that Casey was laying on her stomach in bed as she tried to figure out what to say to Ash. "I've got to go, but I'll be home in a couple hours. Love you, Case."
"That feels like the long term version of a high five after sex," Casey let out a dry laugh. "But I love you too."
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beyondtheglowingstars · 3 months
Eyes on me
Pairing: Four x GN reader Word count: 2.7k+ WARNING(S): NSFW MINORS DNI!!! | Mentions of alcohol consumption and drunk people (nothing really comes from it though) General info: He was the distraction you needed when life got too overwhelming, willing to keep you entertained. And you were not going to pass on the chance of getting to know better the hot guy that you might have a crush on.
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Disclaimer: This fic was made under the assumption that the reader knows, or at least has more or less of an idea of what male stripping/lap dancing is like. If you do not know what that looks then I recommend you to watch a few videos then come back here. Of course you can still read without knowing what that's like, but it does help paint a better picture when you know what happens in those.
Your train of thoughts was interrupted by a voice coming from your right. It was Link, a kind smile on his face. You had forgotten about him entirely since he left his seat a few minutes ago to use the restroom, until now that he spoke after returning.
“Hey.” You replied back with cheeks heating up minimally and the corners of your lips mirroring his.
You’ve been having a not-so-great night, but Link’s provided a temporary distraction if only for just a moment and lightened the mood a little. And you were grateful in earnest about it, grateful that Link was willing to talk to you and distract you from your rowdy, inebriated friends on the other sides of your shared table.
The blond finished what was left of his drink, placing the glass down and tracing circles on the table with his index finger. He then got comfortable, twisting his body so it faced you more directly and placing an elbow on the table for support.
“What’s on your mind? I was told you haven’t been having the greatest time these last few days.” He asked you with a soft expression.
He did not beat around the bush for that one. But you guessed that there really wasn’t any point in complicating the question; not that you really minded, though, you knew there weren’t any hidden intentions behind the question.
You didn’t know how he did it, or why happened, but you somehow always found yourself at ease around Link despite not having known each other for as long as you did your other friends. Besides finding him unfairly hot and charming, perhaps it was due to how genuine and open-minded he was, most definitely a rarity. You felt like you could confide in him.
You sighed and ran a hand through your hair.
“Too many things going on at once.” You replied with a tired voice.
Your hands picked up your own glass and take another gulp of the liquid, Link idly followed your movements with his eyes before settling them on your face again.
“That’s no good, you do look like you need a break.” There was a small pout on his lips.
“That’s why I was brought here, and it’s working great.” Your voice thick with sarcasm.
“I noticed. So, how about something else then?”
“What do you suggest?” You questioned, without any hope left for the night improving.
“I dunno, we can do… anything you want, really. You’re the only other adult left on this table.”
He sighed dramatically.
“Don’t wanna deal with kids yet,” He glanced at your group of friends “I’m single for a reason.”
You chuckled and he grinned.
“Am I glad you’re here.”
Link raised an eyebrow in interest.
“Aren’t you?” He winked with a smirk, making blood rush to your cheeks.
You felt like you almost forgot how to talk; words caught up in your throat and your head void of ideas. All you could muster was a pitiful ‘yes’ that he acknowledged with a smile, but he didn’t press on. You cleared your throat.
“So, anything?” You asked him, wanting to change the topic from yourself to something else.
Link ‘mhm’d in approval and nodded a few times, the movement making his hair bob. Oh, but the look he was giving you. It was innocent enough to make you second guess if he had really teased you just a few seconds ago.
“Anything you want to do.” He encouraged you again to speak of what you desired.
You took a moment to consider the offer, but soon found something you had always wanted to do. You figured that if he was being honest, he shouldn’t have too much of an issue granting your wish.
“I’d like to know more about you. You know more about me than I do about you.”
It looked as if though he had a moment of realization, eyelids widening slightly. His eyes met yours with a shy smile and a nervous laugh as he scratched the back of his neck.
“I guess I usually don’t really share about myself, do I? Fine, I’ll tell you more about me if that’s what you really want.”
You counted this as a victory, the feeling of triumph coming forth.
“Why don’t we go somewhere else? I’ll tell you more about myself if you come with me. That’s the only thing I ask for in return.”
Link stood up from his seat and looked at you expectantly, smiling warmly.
“C’mon, I can even treat you to something, if you’d like.”
There really wasn’t any reason for you to stay, so you took on his offer without as much as hesitation. Link beamed as you stood beside him, he dug into his pocket for his wallet and put down some change on the table, enough for a tip and all.
“That should be enough for us both. Don’t even worry about it.”
But he anticipated your protest and spoke right as you opened your mouth.
“It’s fine, sugar. It really is. Now, let’s go have some actual fun, shall we?” He finished off with a wink and a cheeky smile.
He undeniably knew what he was doing to you, just the unexpected nickname he used on you was enough proof of it.
The remainder of the night was spent in Link’s company; laughing, joking, learning way more about him than you expected to, and you couldn’t have asked for more, you had a great time. The minutes passed by like a blur, and next time you blinked you had made it to your apartment’s living room.
“You don’t have any roommates, do you?” The blond asked you with cautious eyes, his voice dropping in volume as if to avoid alerting a possible roommate of yours.
You raised an eyebrow in confusion not only at the odd question, but also from the sharp change in tone from it.
“No? Why do you ask?”
A mischievous smile slowly crept up to Link’s face.
“I was asking because…” His hands found their way to your waist, pushing you gently and making you sit on the couch behind you.
“I told you earlier that I had something for you, didn’t I? It’s only for you, so I was making sure. And didn’t you say you wanted to know more about me?”
You crossed your arms with newly piqued interest, excitement flowed through you and you felt your face warm up again for what had to be the hundredth time that night.
“What is that something you’re talking about?”
Link smirked, taking off his jacket and dropping it on the floor behind him without a care. The shirt he wore underneath was loose, but it allowed you to see his defined arms, your eyes trailing their shape almost on instinct.
He leaned close to you, close enough to whisper in your ear.
“Don’t worry, you’re about to find out.”
The feeling of his breath on your skin raised goosebumps all over, and a new kind of excitement surged through your veins.
He drew back with his face mere centimeters away from yours.
“Can I touch you?”
Link brought up a hesitant hand next to your cheek, stopping a short distance away from having contact with your skin. He waited for you to give him the green light, which was a nod of your head. He brushed his fingers against your cheek, later making his index digit trace your jaw bone with a feather-like touch. His finger remained under your chin.
“Let me know if you want me to stop at any point and I will, hm?”
His breathy voice and half-lidded eyes were doing more than one thing to you.
It was paralyzing, but you managed to nod.
Link separated from you, sensing your tension and wanting to ease some of it, he flashed you one of his smiles. He fished his phone from his pocket, fingers tapping on the screen and then music started playing, a slow beat. His hands quick to place the device on a corner of the couch.
“Just focus on me.” An intentional wink sent your way.
He moved his body in beat to the music, but not just in any way; no, he was moving in more of a suggestive way, making sure to draw your eyes right to his body. So effective in what he did that your eyes were fixated on him entirely even if nothing about his outfit was revealing; he was a good dancer, that much was clear to you from the way he moved, coordinated and captivating at the same time. But even if he didn’t have those flashy moves, you were sure the way he moved his hips would have drawn you in either way.
The blond was delighted to know that your eyes were running over him, he came closer to you with a smirk. His hips gyrating in the most hypnotizing way.
“Go on, you can look at me all you want now. All of this is for you.”
To him, you looked nothing short of entranced, and he wanted to keep it that way for as long as he could. He took hold of the hem of his shirt on the left, lifting that section all the way to his chest and granting you an eyeful of what’s been hiding underneath.
It was all so much better than you could have imagined. You may have entertained the idea of what Link looked like underneath the layers of clothes a couple times in the past, but anything you could have thought about could not compare to what it really looked liked in person.
His chiseled abs will now permanently reside in your head, and just the thought of seeing more of what his body had to offer sent a jolt of energy wild and free through you.
The peek of his delectable torso was, unfortunately quick, but Link made sure to not let you dwell on it. His jeans were unbuttoned with evident practice while his lower body kept those mesmerizing motions, a hand sneaked past the elastic band of his underwear and inside, looking as if he were palming himself. The heat pooling between your legs and fuzziness all over your body felt sinfully divine, and Link only encouraged more of what you felt.
“Hey, sugar. Please do me a favor and don’t hold back in the way you look at me.”
Link came closer, his expression making it clear that he was planning something else. Both of his hands finding the ends of his shirt, pulling it up slowly, permitting you a view that only got better. The clothing article was discarded, thrown somewhere where you wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore.
So much better it did get, so much better with the unobstructed view at what you thought was the perfect upper body. His chest defined and full, abs highlighted by the light in the most wonderful way with the teasing hint of a v-line, but his arms weren’t left behind, with thick forearms, hard shoulders and visible biceps. This was a scenario that you would only find in your dreams.
As if hearing your thoughts, Link confirmed to you that yes, it was all real and not a dream. His weight on your lap bringing you back to reality, the look he was giving you through long eyelashes somehow made him more attractive than he already was. The close proximity of the undeniable eye candy that was his body making your cheeks glow with red, your inexperienced hands to your sides.
The blond would not stand for that; he held both of your wrists, placing one of your hands firmly on his thigh while your other one was led to lay flat against one of his pecs.
“Just relax. It’s okay to have fun.” He spoke with that sultry voice that had your ears begging for more of it.
He gently pushed your hand down, guiding it so it ran over the ridges of his body all the way down to his lower abdomen, where he then let go. Link rolled his hips slowly, and with help from his previous encouragement you trailed your hand over his abs, to which he smiled and let out a hum of approval at. Oh, the tease that he was, he got off of you not long after, and it made you lament to yourself the lack of physical contact.
He made sure to keep your attention on his crotch, with the rolling and thrusting of his hips more energetic. He undid the fly of his pants at long last and lowered his jeans at a torturously slow pace, but only low enough to allow you a better look at his Adonis belt.
His hand slid under the waistband of his underwear, directly to his dick to grab at it while his lower back kept moving to match the beat of the song; you didn’t fully register your own reaction to what was in front of you, but it must have been one of great interest as Link nearly chuckled from it.
He trailed his hands up his body, flexing one of his arms and sending a wink your way to shift your focus as he kicked his shoes off. He hooked his thumbs on the waistband of his jeans, pulling them down further along his thighs and below his butt, low enough for you to see his contained bulge.
Link turned around, back facing you and legs some distance apart, bending his spine forward he pushed his pants down all the way to his knees and sold off the motion with a roll of his hips. He got on his knees, twisting his body around to face you as he gave a few massages to his bulge.
He placed his hands on both of your knees, where he pushed your legs spread apart. There was a short moment of confusion that left once Link emerged from between your legs, each hand placed next to your hips and on the cushion to support himself up with his arms.
He ground his clothed bulge against the front of your crotch repeatedly, with just the right amount of pressure to feel it through what you wore. He was softly biting his lip with a smirk, his expression enough to make warmth flow at the front of your pelvis, so let alone the much more intense sensations coursing through you when his face was paired with the delicious grinding of his still hidden dick. It was maddening.
Your contact was short-lived as he moved away from you, completely ridding himself off his trousers and leaving him in just his underwear. He ran his hands over his torso, hips moving in gentle circles just so he could grab the elastic of his underwear and lower it further. Pubic hair would be peeking from underneath by now if he didn’t shave.
The thoughts in your head were running at incredible speeds, and it did not help that Link pulled down the back portion of his trunks decisively to expose his ass, while groping his junk through the thin fabric.
Oh but he believed he hadn’t teased you enough yet, no. He positioned himself over your lap, knees on either side of your thighs to support himself, and very clearly sticking his ass out. The blond took hold of your hands, bringing them to his thighs and then letting out a relaxed sigh when he felt them roam over his body.
“So I take it you��re not stressed anymore.” He teased you as he leaned into some of your touches, the tone in his voice closer to what he usually sounded like.
You’d be lying if you didn’t say you were still not fully over what was happening right now, so it took you a moment to reply.
“Not anymore.” The smile on your face conveyed satisfaction.
“That’s what I like to hear,”
Link took one of your hands and slowly dragged it down, all the way to his lower abdomen.
“but I don’t think my job is done just yet.” His voice was back to that sultry tone that had you feeling so many things at once.
He brought your hand even lower, his clothed bulge pressed against the palm of your hand.
“I still have more for you, and I’d love to give you all of it, if you’d let me.” There was a slight buck of his hips to create friction against your hand.
That was an offer you simply could not refuse.
A/N: Everybody thank Butter for mindbreaking me with more than one delicious thought about Four while I was already in a mental state of questionable quality. Fic wouldn't have been created if it weren't for her.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Hey can I request Eddie Munson x male reader for #45 and #56 ? <3
Prompts #45 (I think I’m in love with you) and prompt #56 (why are you avoiding me) from this prompt list.
A/n: mentions of teenage pregnancy and one mention of abortion for a random character I made up cuz Hawkins seems like that type of town.
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Lately it had seemed that Eddie had been avoiding you. He never sat in the seat you saved for him at lunch; instead favouring in seating himself between the likes of Gareth and Dustin laughing and joking with them as though nothing was wrong. He stopped asking you to come over to hangout at his place and had even stopped offering to drive you back home. Eddie acted as though you didn’t exists and even when he was forced to acknowledge you, he would tuck tail and walks the other way with his hands in his pockets, going so far as to start making up excuses that he had just remembered what he was supposed to be doing.
The worst part was that he only acted this uncharacteristically when you were there. It hurt you to know that he was actively avoiding you for some unknown reason instead of choosing the more mature option to talk it out with you like the grown adults that you were; but you knew Eddie better then that to chalking it down to him being childish in the face of confrontation because you knew Eddie doesn’t exactly express his emotions as freely as others could due to the constant belligerence he faced from his peers for being who he was. The worst fear you felt during all this was the fact that Eddie might’ve caught or overheard suspicions that you might have a crush on him. It wasn’t exactly easy living life as a gay man in a narrow minded town such as Hawkins; word got out faster here then it could’ve in other towns and cities. Everyone knew everyone, so the mere thought that if someone were to have ever found out the truth that the townsfolk weren’t too appreciative of…well you honestly dread to think about what would become of them or more so you in this matter.
You didn’t wish to become the next Lily Smith, a teenager who had became pregnant and was subsequently disowned by her own family before then ran out of town for not wishing to have the child due to financial issues that came as a result of her family’s disownment of her, refrained the poor girl from being able to feed an additional mouth. Yet her name was dragged through the mud as a monster for supposedly murdering something that wasn’t even considered living. So if there was even the slightest of possibilities that Eddie knew of your feelings for him there was no telling who else might’ve came to the same conclusion; For all you knew it could be anyone, including everyone in the Hellfire club.
The closet person you had to tell such a thing to was Robin Buckley after an innocent slip of the tongue that caused you to immediately retract your statement out of sheer panic; pulling out your go to as to avoid further speculation on your sexuality. When she gave you a sympathetic smile and eyes that told you that she knew all too well of your situation before admitting to her own truth of being a lesbian; Steve Harrington was the only person she bravely told of her sexuality, originally expecting a harsh reaction and vulgar words to be thrown her way about how her existence and attraction to women were a sin as you thought she’d react to your attraction to men. Steve, unfortunately, was a rarity amongst Hawkins townsfolk. There was no real safe way of knowing there were others that would react as kindly as him, so you vigilante remained and forced to swallow your pain as you lived behind a unbearable lie just to live.
So as you sat there by yourself, contemplating your next move concerning Eddie, you hadn’t notice that Gareth had sat himself beside you on the stage of the auditorium where the majority of the Hellfire club activities were partaking. “You alright?” He asked, placing a hand on your shoulder, drawing you out of your thoughts. You and Gareth only shared a handful of lessons together yet managed to establish a basic level friendship with the plaid wearing male; on the surface he may suffer from a case of resting bitch face but other then that he was just as intimidating as a chihuahua, though you’d never tell him this to his face as he’d put you in a headlock again like last time. “Am I weird to assume that Eddie has been acting weird lately? More specifically with me?” You asked, looking over at Gareth who looked back at you with the same suspicion.
“Now that you mention it, yeah. Eddie has been acting a little weirder then usual.” Gareth admitted as he thought back to the moments where Eddie visible grew stiff or was it flustered whenever your name was mentioned as though just merely thinking about you was enough to set Eddie off in an uncharacteristic episode. Which in of itself was odd as Gareth assumed that you and Eddie were quite good friends for the most part, sure you had your moments but those came from places of concern for one another for the others well-being. Now it just seemed that as though your name was an addictive kind of poison that Eddie wished he could stop drinking. After hearing your assumptions being confirmed, the fear began to settle in second, the fear that he somehow knew and was now putting distance between you both. Whether it was out of respect or disgust you weren’t quite sure.
“Have I done something wrong?” You asked, this time your voice a lot softer, more afraid then before. Gareth’s face softened to that of sympathy, he didn’t like it when his friends were sad, it made him feel powerless to make a difference in their mood; so he placed a arm over your shoulder, bringing you close into his side so that you were practically flushed against one another. Gareth’s cinnamon, spiced apple and citrus scent and body warmth had you melting into him like a touch starved cat. “No I don’t think you have but I think it’s be best if you confront him about it. Eddie is a stubborn prick when it comes to opening up about his issues but I’m sure you’ll knock some common sense into him.” As you were going to respond back, telling him that it was hopeless to even do that, almost as though you were trying to catch smoke, around the same time Eddie had came into the auditorium.
He stopped in his steps to take in Gareth’s arm over your shoulder, how closely pressed together you were and the relaxed yet defeated look upon your face that quickly became that of shock when you finally notice his presence as though he walked in on something he wasn’t meant to witness. “Eddie? What’re you doing here?” You asked, lifting yourself away from Gareth who watched him like a hawk. Eddie couldn’t bring himself to speak as the stinging feeling of jealously burned beneath his skin, preventing him from making coherent sense of what he was seeing; his mind was already making up something to fill in the gaps of what could’ve happened before he entered the room or what could’ve happened has he not came at all. He knew he had been avoiding you recently but he didn’t think you’d be quite to cosy up to Gareth so quickly. He didn’t want to avoid you but when he started to realise his feelings towards you were edging towards borderline romantic that’s when he had to step back and evaluate the person who stared back at him in the mirror.
You were trapped in his mind like a parasite. Eddie couldn’t get you out of his head, even in his dreams he saw himself lying in your arms as he smiled dreamily at you. He didn’t see this coming, not by a long shot; Eddie didn’t know if you were into guys, fuck he didn’t know he was into guys until you showed up in his life. The reason why he’s staying away from you is because he didn’t want to disgust you with what goes off in his mind when it pertains to you. “Eddie?” Gareth’s voice broke him out of his thoughts, “are you okay man?” Eddie’s eyes shifted between you and Gareth before he runs a hand down his face, sighing defeatedly, seeing no point in staying in the auditorium if it meant constantly hurting himself of seeing you and Gareth so close. “I uh…thought…I thought I left something here but then I remembered that I actually left it in my van and had no need to come here…,” Eddie waved his hand at you two dismissively, “go back to whatever you guys were doing. Sorry to disrupt…I guess.”
“Eddie!” You cried as he left the auditorium, looking back at Gareth who only raised his brows at you as if to say ‘what are you still doing here, go after him’ and with his silent blessing you hurriedly jumped off the stage and ran out of the room after Eddie who was already nearing the exit with his hands buried deeply within his pockets; shoulders slumped and his head hung low. It didn’t help that his long strides made you feel as though you were on a time sensitive mission as you ran after him, mind racing with every possible worst case scenario that you didn’t notice that Eddie slowly stopped walking when he heard fast footfalls coming from behind him and getting closer by the second. “Eddie please wait!” You cried, silently thanking that the building was vacant of human bodies to witness anything that was about to happen for your sake and his.
“Y/n?” He questions as he turned to look at you, having stopped walking entirely, causing you to bump into his being, almost knocking you both to the ground if Eddie hadn’t grasped your arms. You looked into his eyes and the words seem to have died in your throat as you were reminded on how handsome he was up close with his brown puppy dog eyes and the way his hair framed his perfect face and how the fluorescent lighting portrayed him as a soft angelic being. “Eddie.” You panted, trying to regain your breath as the words you’ve always wanted to say came out all at once, “why are you avoiding me? Have I done something wrong? Have I insulted you in anyway because I just don’t understand what’s happening between us.” You brought your hand up to his arms, gripping them tightly as you tried to keep your emotions at bay. “I thought we could tell each other everything…what changed?”
“I think I’m in love with you!” Eddie cried, his heart breaking at the hurt he had indirectly caused for his sudden realisation of his feelings for you. All Eddie wanted to do was protect you from all harm his feelings for you could do but he hadn’t realised that him hiding from you was only hurting you even more then he could ever imagine; he didn’t want to be away from you as long as he had because it hurt him just as much and realise how he needed you in his life to function properly as if you were mandatory for his survival which you might as well be. “What?” You voice came out as a breathy whisper as you silently willed him into saying those words you only ever heard his speak in your wildest fantasies. You craved him to say it again, no you needed him to say those words again so you could be certain that you weren’t dreaming.
“I think I’m in love with you y/n.” Eddie said again, eyes taking in your every reacting so he could prepare himself to pack his shit and move far away from you as possible and nurse his heartbreak elsewhere. “I’m so in love with you that being away from you hurts me, yet the idea of you not knowing how I felt, the idea of you being with Gareth hurts me even more. When I saw you both in there so close and cuddled together I thought I was too late, I felt my heart painfully crush within my chest as the thought of you not being with me like you are in my dreams hurts more then any of the beatings I’ve gotten from those jock fucks in the past. I realised in that moment that I needed you and that what I’ve been doing recently had only caused you as much pain and I’m truly, truly sorry.” You could barely believe what you were hearing right now. Eddie, this entire time, felt the same for you; It almost seemed too good to be true that the only possible way that you could be for certain was for Eddie to, “Kiss me.”
His eyes widened at your request, yet he wasn’t one to deny go and deny you of such as he brought one of his hands to the back of your neck and the other to the middle of your back where he brought you in closer to him all the while he leant forward almost hesitantly, “are you sure, I don’t want to pressure you in anythi-“ before he could get to finish you had already brought your lips to his by grasping the lapels of his jacket between your hands. Eddie felt himself sigh in relief as he held you tighter against him as he closed his eyes and indulged himself on the taste of your lips with the intention of savouring the kiss and every future kiss that would be certain to follow soon after.
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warabidakihime · 1 year
Tempting Twilights and Celestial Nights
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Characters: Chuuya x Reader
Synopsis: Being with you is like a breath of fresh air. Even when the weight of the world is heavy on our shoulders, we find ways to make each other laugh and to enjoy the present moment.
A/N: i know what i said last time, but i couldn't help it. so here's a bonus chapter for you all. ^^
If you haven't read the first three parts, here they are with links:
Love's Melancholy Farewell
A Love Discovered in the Darkest of Times
Evermore in Your Arms
In the months since Chuuya and you reunited and got back together, your relationship has only grown stronger. You're still as affectionate as ever, constantly finding little moments to steal kisses and exchange sweet words. But there's also a deeper sense of trust and understanding between you now, born of the trials you've faced together. You're a united front, a force to be reckoned with.
As for the mafia, things have been relatively quiet. The various factions are still jockeying for power, of course, but there haven't been any major shakeups recently. It's a delicate balance that could be upset at any moment. Chuuya and you try not to think about it too much, focusing instead on your own work within the Port Mafia.
That work has been going well, all things considered. You've taken on a number of missions together, both big and small, and you've always come out on top. There have been a few close calls, but nothing you couldn't handle. Chuuya's abilities as a skilled fighter and your strategic mind make you a formidable team.
However, despite your strong connection both at work and in your personal lives, just like any couple, you have your fair share of fights. Especially with personalities as strong as yours, your disagreements have the tendency to get very ugly and suffocating, but thankfully it rarely happens; though you do get annoyed pretty often but get mad? That’s a rarity even for you.
An example of one of your petty fights was when after a heated debate about a trivial matter, Chuuya's temper got the best of him, and he said something stupid to you. His words cut deep, and you immediately retaliated with your own biting remark.
The sun dipped below the Yokohama skyline, casting a warm orange glow over the Port Mafia headquarters. In the main hall, heated voices echoed as Chuuya and you engaged in a passionate argument, your disagreement drawing amused glances from the nearby lounging members of the Mafia.
It all began when Chuuya's temper flared, leading to a sharp exchange of words. You, never one to back down, responded with a snarky remark, teasing Chuuya about his height, an action as volatile as his temper. Pride wounded, Chuuya attempted to douse the flames, but you refused to yield. The dispute quickly intensified, both parties striving to outdo the other with their verbal jabs.
"You're always so damn stubborn, you," Chuuya snapped, arms crossed. "You never listen to anyone else."
"Easy to talk to, Chuuya? You're no better," you retorted, rolling your eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"You know exactly what I mean," you shot back. "Quick to anger, never thinking before you speak. It's like you enjoy getting into fights."
"You enjoy being difficult," Chuuya spat. "Always questioning everything, pushing people's buttons. It's like you get off on it."
You raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me? I didn't start this argument."
"Not the starter, but definitely making it worse," Chuuya said, his voice rising. "Can't resist getting the last word in, can you?"
"Your height isn't the only short thing about you—so is your temper. You're insufferable," you said with a scowl.
Chuuya's temper erupted, and he snapped at you. "Shut your damn mouth, or you'll regret it."
"Why not? It's not a secret," you said with a shrug. "You're just mad because it's true."
The other Mafia members watched, engrossed, snickering at the insults traded. Koyou, stumbling upon the scene, intervened, clearing her throat to quell the commotion.
Chuuya and you turned to face her, expressions sheepish. "Just a disagreement," Chuuya said, defensively.
"A disagreement?" Koyou repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Sounded like a full-blown argument to me."
Chuuya and you glared at each other, then reluctantly backed down.
Koyou sighed, shaking her head. "You two are like children sometimes. Can't you just learn to communicate better?"
Chuuya and you exchanged glances, both feeling slightly ashamed. "We'll try to do better," Chuuya said, sincere in his tone.
After Koyou reprimanded Chuuya and you, a heavy silence settled between them, faces flushed with a mix of anger and embarrassment. They recognized that their emotions had gotten the better of them, and both felt a pang of shame for their actions.
"I can't believe you sometimes," she muttered, shaking her head.
Chuuya huffed. "And I can't believe you. You always have to have the last word."
"Well, I wouldn't have to if you weren't so damn infuriating," you shot back.
Chuuya rolled his eyes. "Me? Infuriating? That's rich, coming from you."
The other members of the Port Mafia observed as Chuuya and you locked eyes, neither willing to yield. Yet, after a few tense moments, a silent understanding seemed to pass between them. Slowly, they turned away from each other, anger dissolving as both took a deep breath.
Chuuya spoke first, his voice low and controlled. "Look, Y/N, I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it."
You nodded, your own voice calm. "I'm sorry too, Chuuya. I should've known better than to fight fire with fire."
The tension in the room lifted as the two of you made amends, and the other Mafia members breathed a collective sigh of relief. It seemed the argument was finally over, and they could all return to business as usual.
You had just returned to your penthouse after a long day at work. The lights were dimmed, casting a warm glow over the spacious living room. It had been two to three months since Chuuya had left for his high-level mission. While you handled it well initially, the loneliness was starting to take its toll.
The communication between you two had been consistent during the initial weeks, but it had gradually become sporadic due to the demands of the mission. This was the first time you had been apart since getting back together, and the silence was driving you crazy.
As you walked through the living room, you glanced at the clock and noticed that it was already well into the night. After a quick dinner, you headed straight for the bathroom, craving the relaxation of a hot bath.
After undressing, you stepped into the tub, closing your eyes as you submerged yourself in the warm water. Despite the soothing ambiance, your thoughts kept drifting back to Chuuya and how much you missed him. You knew he was on a dangerous mission, but you couldn't help but worry about him.
As you soaked in the tub, the feeling of loneliness nagged at you. You missed the sound of his voice, his touch, and his presence. You longed for him to be back home with you, safe and sound.
As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, your longing for Chuuya grew stronger. It wasn't just missing his presence or his company anymore; it was also the touch and intimacy that came with being together. You found yourself perpetually bored and restless, even when surrounded by people and activities.
At work, you snapped at colleagues, mainly Tachihara, who was notorious for teasing you, or got irritated over small things, as your frustration and longing took a toll on you. You missed the way Chuuya's arms would wrap around your waist, the way his fingers would gently trace circles on your skin, and the way his lips felt against yours. You were touch-deprived, and it was driving you insane.
Even in the safety of your penthouse, you couldn't help but feel a little empty and lost without Chuuya by your side. Your bed felt too big, your living room too empty, and every corner of the apartment reminded you of the moments you had shared together. You longed for the day when Chuuya would finally come back to you, and your world would feel whole again.
Surprised at yourself, you reflected on your newfound vulnerability. You had always prided yourself on being independent and capable of taking care of yourself without relying on anyone else. However, now you found yourself whining like a child about Chuuya's absence, craving his touch and his company more than anything else in the world.
It was a strange feeling, one that you weren't quite sure how to deal with. You had never been in a relationship like this before, one where you felt so completely attached to someone else. But as you thought about it more, you realized that it wasn't such a bad thing after all.
Chuuya had been so good to you, treating you with love and respect and always making you feel valued. It was no wonder that you had fallen so deeply in love with him. After making peace with that fact, you couldn't help but feel a giddy sense of joy deep in your heart.
You sank into the warm water of the bath again and let out a sigh of relief. The mission had been tough, and your body was sore from all the fighting. You stayed in the tub for a while, letting the water ease your aches and pains. After a good half hour, you got out of the bath, feeling much more relaxed.
Wrapping yourself in a fluffy towel, you walked over to your wardrobe, trying to decide what to wear. Browsing through your collection of cute pajamas, none of them seemed to appeal to you tonight. Your eyes then wandered to Chuuya's side of the closet, and a mischievous grin formed on your face.
Rummaging through his shirts, you felt the soft fabric between your fingers. Eventually, you settled on a white shirt, one of his favorites. Putting it on, you felt the oversized garment envelop you, as if you were being wrapped in his embrace.
You then spotted one of Chuuya's trench coats, and an idea popped into your head. Picking it up, you held it to your face, inhaling deeply. The scent of his cologne was intoxicating, and you couldn't resist spraying a little more onto the coat. Putting it on, you snuggled into it, feeling warm and safe.
As you tried to get some much-needed sleep after a tiring day, you found yourself tossing and turning on the bed, almost desperately trying to fall asleep. Despite your efforts, sleep seemed elusive, and you lay there slightly irritated.
Your mind drifted off to thoughts of Chuuya, wondering how he was doing and if the mission was going well. Most importantly, you hoped he was safe and sound. While you believed in him wholeheartedly, there was always that tiny possibility of things going south.
Not wanting to nosedive into negativity, you shook your head and tried to redirect your thoughts. You imagined Chuuya finally coming home to you. As you envisioned his return, your body began to heat up with desire. You imagined him entering the penthouse, seeing you in his shirt, looking up at him with longing in your eyes. He would stride over to you, pulling you into his arms, and his lips would meet yours in a passionate kiss. Your hands would reach up to tangle themselves in his hair as you deepened the kiss, the feel of his warm body against yours making your heart race.
As the fantasy continued, you imagined Chuuya taking you to your bedroom, laying you down on the bed, and removing his shirt. You felt his hands caressing your skin, and his lips trailing kisses down your neck and over your collarbone. A soft moan escaped your lips as you imagined his hands sliding under the shirt, his fingers brushing over your sensitive nipples, sending shivers down your spine. A wetness between your thighs signaled your body's response to the vivid images in your mind.
In your fantasy, Chuuya's hands continued to explore your body, his touch sending you into a frenzy of desire. You imagined him moving down your body, his lips trailing kisses over your stomach and lower, until he reached the apex of your thighs. Your breath caught in your throat as you imagined the feel of his tongue, sending you to ecstasy.
Your hand movements grew more frenzied as you imagined Chuuya's mouth on you. You could feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, but just as you were about to fall over, you stopped. Your body felt like it was on fire, and you were breathing heavily as you tried to calm yourself down.
Frustration engulfed you, the hunger inside raging, and you knew that even after you climaxed, it wouldn't diminish. You craved Chuuya—his touch, his kisses, everything that made you feel alive.
With a groan of frustration, you threw your head back onto the pillow, still clad in Chuuya's shirt. Every rub of your nipples against the fabric sent a rush of sensations, and the scent of his cologne intensified your ache. Thoughts of Chuuya consumed you—his movements, his voice—you wanted him desperately, and the desire was driving you to the brink of madness.
Your eyes landed on Chuuya's trench coat, and another idea crossed your mind. You grabbed it, laying it over a pile of pillows, your heart racing with anticipation. Perhaps this could help satisfy your urges.
Straddling the trench coat, you imagined it as Chuuya's lap. The moment the fabric touched your most sensitive parts, you let out a low moan followed by needy whimpers. Lost in your fantasy, you rocked your hips against the trench coat, imagining Chuuya's strong arms around you, pulling you closer.
Moving shamelessly, your mind filled with the image of Chuuya watching you with hunger in his eyes. You imagined him whispering in your ear, expressing his desires. Surrendering to pleasure, you moved with increasing urgency against the fabric. The intensity of your desire grew, the hunger almost unbearable.
In your imagination, Chuuya's hands guided your movements, his lips hot against your skin. The thought of him being with you in that moment overwhelmed you. You cried out his name, lost in passion, your body trembling with pleasure. The trench coat was soaked and soiled.
Unbeknownst to you, you had an unexpected audience. Chuuya stood frozen, watching you with a mix of shock and amusement. His eyes traced every inch of your body as you moved, lost in your need. The woman he loved, pleasuring herself in front of him—it was an unexpected sight.
As he watched, his own hunger grew, his body responding to you straddling the trench coat. A glimpse of your release trailing down your thighs further soiling his coat heightened his desire. He imagined himself in the coat's place, hands on your hips, guiding your movements. Thoughts of taking you right then and there raced through his mind, fulfilling not only your desires but his own as well.
Chuuya's breathing became shallow as he watched you, his eyes locked on the way your body moved. Lost in the moment and driven by desire, he silently stepped closer and reached out to touch you. The redhead wrapped his arms around you, his hands reaching down to help you, leaving you wide-eyed in shock.
Caged between his sturdy arms, you couldn't turn around, but you recognized Chuuya. "C-Chuuya?" you gasped, your voice shaking with a mixture of shock and desire.
Chuuya chuckled in amusement, nuzzling his face against your back, his lips trailing hot kisses along your skin, starting from your hips and working his way up to your nape, giving it a bite and a mark to match. "That's right, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice low and seductive. "I'm home."
You moaned as Chuuya's lips continued to assault your neck, your back arching, and your core aching with need. "Chuuya– oh, fuck–," you whispered, your voice filled with longing.
Chuuya pulled back slightly to look at you, his eyes filled with amusement and adoration. "I missed you, my love," he replied, his voice soft and tender. "And I see you've been keeping yourself... occupied," he added, a playful smirk crossing his lips.
You couldn't care less about Chuuya's teasing as you practically threw yourself at him the moment he gave you a chance to move. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you straddled the real deal and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Chuuya responded eagerly, his arms tightening around your waist as he deepened the kiss. You stayed locked in the embrace for what felt like an eternity, your tongues dancing together in a fiery dance of passion.
Finally, you pulled away from each other, both panting heavily. "I want you," you whispered, your voice filled with desire.
Chuuya's eyes darkened with hunger as he looked at you. "No need to tell me twice," he replied, his voice filled with raw desire.
Chuuya dived down to give you a fiery kiss on the lips, and slowly, he began to trail his kisses down your neck, nipping and sucking on the sensitive skin. You moaned in response, arching your back and tangling your fingers in his hair.
Without breaking the kiss, Chuuya began to move down your body, trailing kisses and nibbles over your collarbone, down between your breasts, and as he reached the hem of "your" shirt, a sly grin dawned upon his face. Chuuya has always loved it when you would wear his clothes; even more so when you're not wearing anything underneath. He hooked his fingers under the hem and pulled it up, tossing it aside to reveal your bare breasts.
Chuuya's eyes darkened with lust as he took in the sight before him. "God, you're beautiful," he murmured, trailing his fingers over your breasts and eliciting a shiver from you. You couldn't help but feel exposed under his intense gaze, but at the same time, you felt desired and wanted. You reached up to tangle your fingers in his hair once more, pulling him down for another kiss.
As they made out, Chuuya began to move his hand down your body, skimming over your stomach and down to the apex of your thighs. He began to stroke you gently through the fabric of your panties, eliciting a low moan from you.
You could feel the heat pooling between your legs as Chuuya's touches grew more insistent, driving you wild with desire. "Please, Chuuya," you whispered, your voice filled with need.
Without a word, Chuuya pulled your panties aside and delved his fingers inside, eliciting a gasp from you. He began to stroke you in earnest, his fingers expertly working you towards the edge of ecstasy.
You writhed beneath him, lost in the sensations he was creating within you; drunk in hunger, your hips started to buck upwards to meet his hand as you moaned into his mouth.
Chuuya could feel the desire burning within him as he worked you towards the brink of ecstasy. He wanted you so badly; he wanted to claim you completely and utterly. But for now, he was content to simply drive you wild with desire.
As you reached the peak of ecstasy, you cried out Chuuya's name, your body shuddering with pleasure. Chuuya looked up at you, a look of pure lust on his face as he continued to pleasure you.
As the waves of pleasure receded, you pulled Chuuya up for another kiss, your body still humming with desire. "I need you, Chuuya," you whispered, your voice husky with desire.
As his own hunger reached a new peak, Chuuya didn't need to be told twice. He shed his own clothes in record time before positioning himself between your thighs, ready to claim you and take you to the heights of ecstasy. He looked down at you with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn't help but let out a soft moan of anticipation.
Your genuine longing for each other prevailed over your naughty desires, and you moved together in a slow, sensual rhythm. The room was filled with the sounds of your breathing, the rustling of sheets, and your soft moans of pleasure.
Your hands roamed Chuuya's body, tracing the curves of his muscles and the lines of his well-defined abs. "Chuuya," you whispered, your voice thick with emotion as you chanted his name like a holy prayer. "Chuuya–"
Chuuya's eyes met yours, and he leaned down to capture your lips in a deep, passionate kiss. "I'm here, my love. I’m back, and I'm going to make you feel so damn good tonight," he murmured against your mouth.
"I've missed you so much,” he proclaimed, “Been wanting to have you like this, but you beat me to it."
You let out a sexy chuckle, "I didn't know you were a peeping tom."
"Just this one time, I'm so glad I am one," Chuuya said with a chuckle of his own.
Your bodies moved in perfect harmony, each movement bringing you closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy. You were lost in each other, consumed by the intensity of your desire.
As you continued to move together, your words became fewer, replaced by the sounds of your pleasure. You clung to Chuuya, your fingers digging into his skin as you felt the wave of pleasure building inside you. Chuuya's breath was ragged as he approached his own release, but he held back, savoring the feeling of being inside you, of being so intimately connected to you.
Your eyes locked as you moved together, and in that moment, you were pleasantly reminded that you were meant to be together. Nothing could ever come between you. You were two halves of the same whole, and you were finally reunited.
As you both approached the pinnacle of your pleasure, you exchanged one last glance, and your eyes spoke volumes. It was a look of pure love, a silent declaration of your devotion to each other.
With a final cry of pleasure, you came together, your bodies trembling with the force of your release. And in that moment, you knew that you had made up for lost time and that you were finally where you belonged—in each other's arms.
The morning sun slowly crept into the room, illuminating the disheveled bed where Chuuya and you lay. The air was filled with the scent of your lovemaking (or, in Chuuya’s vocabulary, a total bang fest), a sweet, heady aroma that lingered in the air.
As the morning light continued to filter through the curtains, Chuuya and you remained entwined in each other's arms, fast asleep. Your exhausted bodies had finally given in to sleep after a night filled with passion and desire. The room was quiet except for the gentle sounds of your breathing and the occasional rustle of sheets as you shifted in your sleep.
After your lovemaking, you had spent the rest of the night cuddled up together, talking softly, and sharing tender kisses. You talked about your respective missions and how much you had missed each other. According to Chuuya, the mission went incredibly well, and that's why he was able to go home earlier than expected. Meanwhile, you got slightly hurt during your mission, but it wasn't too serious that you needed extensive medical attention. For a job well done, Mori personally gave you your prescriptions after your briefing, and then you were finally dismissed and free to go home.
Upon hearing this, Chuuya got a little worried and even scolded you for not prioritizing your health. And by that, he meant you should've rested instead of... well, he didn't quite finish that thought as the image replayed in his head, and his resolve to reprimand you dissipated almost immediately.
Walking in on a sight like that wasn't in his bingo books, but it would definitely be considered one of the best moments of his life. When you saw the look on his face, you were quick to tease him. After that, you talked about everything and nothing, simply enjoying each other's company in the peaceful quiet of the night.
As the hours slipped by, your conversation turned to whispers, and your touches became softer and more gentle. Eventually, you both drifted off to sleep, your bodies intertwined and your hearts full of love.
It was already the afternoon, and the two of you were still in bed. Neither of you had the energy to get up, but after a few more hours, Chuuya slowly opened his eyes, feeling the warmth of the morning sun on his skin. As he adjusted to his surroundings, he realized that he was wrapped around your body. He couldn't help but admire the way your hair was splayed across the pillow, the way your lips were slightly parted as you slept. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, not wanting to wake you up just yet.
As he lay there, he couldn't help but think about the night before. It was intense, passionate, and, more than anything, filled with love.
Chuuya continued to gaze at your sleeping form. A wave of nostalgia washed over him as his mind took a trip down memory lane, specifically to the time when he first caught feelings for you. It was during the period when Dazai had left the mafia, leaving you heartbroken and vulnerable. Chuuya had offered to help you cope, and in doing so, he had grown to care for you deeply.
He smiled as he remembered the moments you had spent together, the late-night conversations, and the times when you had just enjoyed each other's company in silence. But as much as he cherished those memories, there were also painful ones that he couldn't ignore. He recalled the times when he had felt like he was only a rebound, moments when he had questioned whether you truly cared for him or were simply using him to fill the void left by Dazai.
The most memorable memory, however, was the time when you both had been heartbroken. It was the moment he had to face reality—accepting the fact that you were still hopelessly in love with that damn vagabond. Despite having a somewhat cordial breakup, it still hurt nonetheless, and it took everything in him just to get through a single day. Even with time passing, the pain in his heart at that time never eased and continued to eat him alive with each passing day. To distract himself, even just for a little while, he buried himself in countless missions. The harder the mission, the better.
Almost a year later, what seemed to be an impossible dream for him finally came true. You had finally looked at him and loved him for who he was. The moment those three words slipped out of your lips, his heart leaped with joy. He was so happy it nearly jumped out of his chest.
Pride and admiration filled his chest as he remembered how strong and capable you had become. He had seen you grow and evolve as a person, from the vulnerable girl he had met to the confident and powerful woman you were today. He had been there every step of the way, supporting and encouraging you, even when you didn't believe in yourself. Chuuya couldn’t be more proud of the person you had transformed into.
Looking at you, sleeping peacefully beside him, Chuuya couldn't help but feel grateful for the love you shared. He had never been happier, and he knew that he would do anything to protect and cherish you.
As he lay there, lost in thought, Chuuya realized that he had never loved anyone as deeply as he loved you. You were his rock, his confidante, and his partner in every sense of the word. Looking at you, he knew that he would never tire of admiring your beauty and strength. He would love you, protect you, and cherish you for as long as he lived.
Another day passed, and it was back to work for both of you, especially for your boyfriend. Chuuya headed for the door to go to the headquarters and report to Mori about the mission and discuss their next action plan. You walked beside him, giving him a playful pout, teasing him about leaving you all alone. He chuckled at you and promised to make it up to you later with a dinner date. You agreed and walked him to the door, ready to give him a proper send-off.
But just as Chuuya was about to leave, you grabbed him by his trench coat and pushed him against the door, your body pressed tightly against his. You leaned in close, your lips brushing against his ear as you whispered seductively, "You better make tonight worth my while, Chuuya. Whether it's in the car, the elevator, the foyer, or our bedroom."
Chuuya couldn't help but grin at your boldness, feeling a surge of excitement and arousal shoot through his body. He leaned in and captured your lips in a fiery kiss, his hands roaming over your body as you shared a passionate moment.
Your fingers trailed down Chuuya's chest, playing with the buttons on his shirt. You breathed in his scent as you made out with him, letting it fill your senses, before you whispered in his ear again. "And who knows, maybe I'll even wear that little red dress you like so much," you teased, a mischievous glint in your eyes.
Chuuya couldn't help but let out a low chuckle at your teasing words, and as he imagined you in that flimsy red dress, he couldn't help but feel a familiar tightening in his pants. He knew he was in for a wild night with you, and he couldn't wait.
"You know I never disappoint, especially when it comes to you," he replied in a very seductive whisper.
Chuuya gave you a playful wink before pecking your lips softly, savoring the taste of you one last time before pulling away.
"I gotta go; till then, don't miss me too much."
"I'll do my best," you joked, earning a hearty laugh from the redhead.
Finally, as he made his way to the door, he turned to give you one last glance, taking in your beauty and the way your eyes sparkled with mischief. "I'll see you later, Y/N; I love you," he said with a smirk, his voice filled with promise.
"I love you too."
With that, he stepped out of the door and made his way towards his car, his mind already racing with thoughts of your upcoming dinner date and the possibilities of what could happen after.
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madneedshelp · 1 year
Smoke - Jake Kiszka x FReader
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pic : sophiechoosestheroad instagram
Summary: Jake wants to try something new for a show, and who better to help him out than you?
Warnings: some adult language, implied sex
Note: This is purely inspired by all the eyeliner pics because I am an absolute whore for men in eyeliner. Sorry it’s a bit short, I just had to get something out because these pictures are my whole train of thought right now.
“Babe! Can you come in here for a sec?” 
Your head snaps up at the frantic call for you coming from your boyfriend. 
“Coming!” You hurry out of your seat backstage and head for Jake’s dressing room.
The pounding of your heart instantly calms once you see inside. He sounded purely panicked a second ago and you were expecting something awful. You thought maybe he’d hurt himself or ruined his stage clothes, but no. This was nothing of the sort.
Jake had eyeliner messily smeared all over his fear-widened eyes. 
“It won’t come off.” He whispered, tissues in hand. You couldn’t help but laugh at him. “Hey, it’s not funny, sweetheart. I’m serious, this shit is on there good.” 
“It’s a little funny.” You gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Give me one minute.” 
Thankfully, Josh was getting his rhinestones done and their makeup artist always had plenty of remover on her. You popped over, acquired some makeup remover, and make it back to your worried boyfriend in seconds flat. You sat him down and immediately got to work.
“Here, look up and try not to move or blink, if you can.” You murmured as you began to gently wipe off the eyeliner. 
“Thank you, baby. I really appreciate it.” He began to visibly relax as you worked. 
“Of course. And you weren’t kidding, this stuff really is stuck on there. I’ve just about got it all, though.” As you wiped away the last of the eyeliner, another question came to mind. “What inspired all this anyway, Jakey?”
His cheeks flushed slightly. “I don’t know…I guess everyone else has been doing something lately. Sammy did some rhinestones, so does Josh, and Danny does too. I just thought maybe I’d use some of this.” He paused for a moment, and you were truly shocked to see him this bashful. “Do you think people would like it?”
You swore you could feel your heart melting a little bit. “Well, even though what matters most is that you like it, I think everyone would love it.”
“Would you help me do it right this time?” 
The question came so suddenly, and it was a bit of a rarity. Jake didn’t usually ask you for help, he didn’t really ask anyone for help. It definitely wasn’t his strong suit. That’s how you could tell this meant a lot to him. 
“Are you sure you want me to do it? I think Josh is almost done, I could go get-” You were cut off before you could finish.
“No, I want you to do it, baby. I’m sure.” He leaned up to plant a kiss on your lips. 
The kiss left a smile on your lips as you nodded. “Okay, I’ll do it. You’re really twisting my leg here, Jacob.” 
While he didn’t like to ask for help and was relentlessly stubborn at times, he was following instructions incredibly well. You told him not to move, and he was practically a statue. While you did your own eyeliner at times, doing it on other people was trickier, but you could tell he was doing his best to make it easy for you. 
You finished up by gliding the eyeliner pencil over his bottom waterline one more time and then stepped back to admire your handy work. 
“How is it?” He looked up at you with excited brown eyes.
“Honest answer?” You raised an eyebrow.
“It’s hot as fuck, Jakey.” 
He stood and went to go look in the mirror himself. He looked very pleased with the look and shot a glance back in your direction. “All thanks to my wonderful makeup artist.”
You stepped up behind him and wrapped your arms snugly around his waist. “No, it’s all you for sure. You look fantastic.”
His grin turned into more of a mischievous smirk. “You really like it that much?” 
Now you were the one with flushed cheeks. Your boyfriend was attractive no matter what he was wearing, but something about the eyeliner…it was doing something for you. 
“Yeah, it’s alright I guess...” You feigned nonchalance. 
He turned and leaned down to whisper in your ear. “Want to show me how much you like it?”
His words sent heat flooding through you, and you desperately wanted to oblige him, but a knock outside the door derailed your plans.
“Jake! Ten minutes to go, brother!” Sam called from the hall. 
Jake cursed under his breath. “Sorry, love.”
“No worries. Duty calls, rockstar. We can always revisit this later.” You gave him one last kiss before he was off to grab his guitar and go out on stage.
And revisit it later you did. And when you revisited it, you made sure he left the eyeliner on. 
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wildsupernova · 1 year
counting calories.
Summary: Since middle school, you’d been starving yourself in an effort to achieve the same body as all the other girls in your grade. When you start dating Steve, he’s the only one that seems to notice.
based on trauma comfort prompt 13 from the x reader prompts list: “when was the last time you ate?”
pairing: steve harrington x reader
Warnings: mentions of symptoms of eating disorders
Word count: 2.3k
a/n: hi everyone! i know it’s been a while, but i wanted to start trying to get back into writing again. this fic, while inspired by the prompt, pulls from the struggles i faced for a long time with body image and eating issues. what’s described in this fic comes largely from my own experiences with eating disorders, and may not look the same to the struggles of others also suffering. i’ve been lucky enough to have a support system around me to help me recover, but remember that recovery is not linear. to anyone else suffering, things can and will get better, and i know it can be hard, but don’t be afraid to ask for help! i hope this brings you some sort of comfort, and helps you know that people care about your recovery. <3
x reader prompts list | complete masterlist
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You were trying. Not very hard, but you were trying. You told yourself that was all that mattered, that you were making some sort of effort, but in all reality you were just trying to make yourself feel better about giving up. The only thing you were trying to do was starve yourself and convince everyone around you, including your reflection, that you weren’t.
Your body image issues started young. Growing up, you didn’t look like the other girls, all sunkissed skin and long legs that they started to show off more the older they got. You didn’t get the middle school growth spurt that made so many other girls need a new bra two cup sizes bigger or a new dress with a longer skirt because their curves couldn’t be contained in their old ones anymore. You didn’t lose the baby fat everybody else seemed to know how to slim down, your face never seeming to look any older than a child. While everyone else around you grew into their bodies, yours never changed. 
You saw how all the other girls drew attention from the boys in your grade. You’d heard plenty of the boys whisper to each other about whose ass looked best in their new jeans, or which girl had the best cleavage in her low cut t-shirt. At the public pool during the summer you watched as the teenage boys go googly eyed at the big chested lifeguard, and you watched silently as your friends garnered the attention of any boy you’d had any interest in. In your mind, the only thing holding back from gaining their attention was your pudgy stomach and lack of curves.
So, around the beginning of eighth grade, you stopped eating as much. Breakfast became nothing more than half a bowl of cereal dumped into the trash or a thin slice of buttered toast, never too many carbs or too much sugar. Lunch was a rarity, something you’d just rather not eat because you couldn’t count the calories. Dinner was shoveled in your mouth in a desperate need to quell the hunger that had been building ever since your missed lunch, guilt and regret taking root every time you cleaned a plate. You were much too scared to try and make yourself throw it all up, instead doing workouts in your room every night in the hope it would burn off the extra calories. 
The cycle continued and never stopped, even when senior year began and you finally grew into the body you’d been vying for since middle school. Despite your body finally catching up to your age, you still saw something different when you looked in the mirror, a mess of extra fat and too many curves. Nothing ever looked right to you, shirts not hanging the right way, pants always too tight, despite being made to fit that way. So you continued your cycle of skipping meals and desperately trying to work off the few calories you did consume, forcing you to struggle with violent migraines and an overwhelming exhaustion.
Dating Steve Harrington didn’t help matters. You attributed his interest in you to your efforts of starving yourself, convinced that your system had finally worked in your favor. After extensive trial and error, your efforts had finally paid off, gaining the attention of the boy you’d been chasing after for months. He was everything you could have asked for; sweeter than any guy you’d ever met, always making time for you even when his schedule was full, calling every night to tell you how much he loved you and how he couldn’t wait to see you again tomorrow. For the first time, you were over the moon with happiness, intending to hold on to the relationship for as long as fate would allow. In your mind, keeping Steve interested in you boiled down to one thing. He’d surely leave if your body wasn’t perfect, so you did what you could in an effort to stay as slim as possible.
You’d been disappointed when you weighed yourself two mornings ago. You’d gained weight since the last time you’d checked, a disappointing step you felt led you in the wrong direction. For the past three days, you hadn’t eaten anything but a couple thin slices of toast and a few granola bars throughout the day, eating only enough for you to be able to stay awake and avoid passing out on your bedroom floor. 
Steve had begun to notice something was off about you. It had been your usual Friday night date night at the diner, but instead of ordering your usual burger and fries, all you’d gotten was a small vanilla milkshake and a caesar salad. The next day, when he’d visited you on his lunch break to bring you lunch at work, he’d pretended not to notice you ball up the other half of your sandwich and throw it in the trash along with your unopened bag of chips. 
It became hard to ignore when you visited him at work to drop off lunch, sandwich and chips stapled inside of a brown paper bag. The bell atop the Family Video door jingled as you pushed it open, skipping across the dingy gray carpet in your beat up and sharpie-vandalized Chuck Taylor’s. Steve flashed you a smile from behind the counter, one you couldn’t quite fully return due to the pounding headache caused by yet another day of granola bars and water.
He leaned over the counter to press a soft kiss to your lips as you handed him the bag, muttering a ‘thank you��� against your skin when his lips trailed to your cheek. You sat cross legged atop the counter as he opened the bag and looked inside, stuffing it under the counter to dig through on his lunch break. 
You sat and talked for what felt like forever, the store empty aside from Robin and the occasional customer that stopped in and decided not to rent anything. Your watch beeped as the clock hit 1:30, signaling your coming shift at the arcade and the end of your conversation with Steve. By now, your head was pounding behind your eyes, as if someone was inside your head with a hundred tiny hammers and chisels. The nausea was beginning to kick in as your stomach swam, trying to digest food it couldn’t find, and your eyes were starting to droop from exhaustion. Hoping to leave the store before Steve noticed, you hopped off the counter a bit too fast, head spinning and causing you to lean your hand against the counter for support. The nausea in your stomach only got worse as did the pounding in your head, knees beginning to buckle under your weight. Steve rushed to your side, placing one of his arms around your waist to steady you. 
“Woah, woah, it’s alright. I’ve got you, I’ve got you.” You looked down towards the ground in an effort to hide your reddening cheeks, embarrassment warming your ears and face. “You alright?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Just stood up too fast, I guess. I have to get going so I’ll see you later okay?” You made a move to rush out of the store, but Steve’s hand around your wrist stopped you, his arm lightly tugging on yours to guide you back towards him.
“When was the last time you ate?” You didn’t fully register the question at first.
“When was the last time you ate?” Steve repeated his words, firmer in tone this time, urging you to tell him the truth. The lie slipped off your tongue like it had with your parents and friends, floating into the air before you could pull them back. 
“I ate lunch before I came, I had a sandwich and a-”
“A salad, yeah, you always have a sandwich and a salad. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, everything is always a sandwich and a salad. You need to come up with a better lie if you want to convince me you’re taking care of yourself properly.” “But I am.”
“No, you’re not. I’m not blind, Y/N. Every time I bring you lunch or we go for a picnic, you always toss half of your food back into the bag and throw it away. Whenever we go out to eat at the diner you only ever order that stupid salad that can’t be filling in any way because all it is is lettuce and some caesar dressing. You’re always popping pain killers because you always have a headache, you're always tired, you're always annoyed by the tiniest little thing. I know what happens when you don’t eat. Now be honest with me, when was the last time you ate?”
There was a moment of silence that floated between the two of you, Steve’s eyes staring down at you as if he were begging you to tell him the truth. You opened your mouth and shut it again, unsure of what to say, whether you should be truthful or tell yet another rehearsed lie that he’d likely see right through. Instead of making a choice, you said nothing, shifting on the balls of your feet and ringing your hands together as your eyes counted the stains on the carpet.
“Hey, look at me.” Steve put his hands on either side of your face, tilting your head up to look him in the eyes. “You can talk to me, okay? I want to help you, but you have to be honest with me.”
“I haven’t eaten anything since Monday.” The confession rolled off your tongue like bile, words tasting sour as they left your lips. Steve’s eyes widened, taking a small step back in shock.
“You haven’t eaten anything in three days?” You shook your head. “Why?”
“Steve, I gained three pounds since last week. I was worried that if I ate too much I’d keep gaining more weight and then I’d get fat and then you wouldn’t love me anymore.”
Saying it out loud, it all sounded completely irrational. You were an adult now; you should be worried about college applications and moving out of your house, not how many calories you ate in one day. It all sounded so stupid once you finally admitted it, and the shame began to manifest itself as shaky hands and tears. 
“Who told you that you were going to get fat?” You shrugged, lacking a solid answer. “Sweetheart, gaining three pounds doesn’t mean you’re getting fat, it’s totally normal to gain a little bit of weight here and there.”
“No, no buts. If you keep starving yourself like this, you’re gonna make yourself really sick. Even worse than you feel right now.”
“But if I eat too much then…”
“Then what? If you’re worried I won’t love you anymore when you get ‘fat’,” He held his fingers up by his face to make air quotes around the word. “Then you don’t have much going on in that brain of yours because you should know that I’ll love you no matter what you look like.”
“Really?” He laughed as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. 
“Yes, of course. It doesn’t matter what you look like or what you weigh. I love you because you’re you, not because you look like some magazine cover model.”
“I guess I always just kind of…assumed.”
“Well, now that your assumption has been proven wrong, will you please start taking care of yourself again?”
You hung your head, another flush of embarrassment tinting your cheeks. 
“I…I can’t. I’ve tried to before but everything always falls back to what I’m used to.”
“Then let me help you, okay? Let's work through this together, starting with you eating a proper meal.” Steve went back behind the counter and pulled out the brown paper lunch bag, setting it on top of the counter and pulling out everything inside.
“Steve, I can’t eat your lunch, what about you?”
“I’ll walk a few blocks to the sandwich shop and get something later. Right now, you need to stop worrying about me and start worrying about yourself.”
Steve sat there and watched as you slowly ate the meal, holding a quiet conversation with you to distract from how hard it was to swallow, or how everything you put in your mouth tasted like it had no flavor. He didn’t let you leave until everything in the bag had been eaten, despite it making you late for your shift, promising to bring you lunch everyday and sit with you if that’s what it took for you to stay on the right track.
He kept his word, bringing you lunch every single day and holding conversation so you didn’t have to think about what it was you were eating. Each day, the food tasted better, and each day, you stopped thinking so much about what it was you were eating. Sure, there were the bad days, but recovery always had the bad days, the days where you would weigh yourself and cry about the result, or the days where you had no appetite and the simple idea of eating made you want to throw up. But Steve held your hand every step of the way, guiding you through the bad days and congratulating you on the good ones. 
Getting yourself back to normal was something you never thought you’d be able to achieve. Turns out, all you had to do was ask for a little bit of help.
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