#also? no one uses a whole bottle of shampoo and conditioner in one sitting
viilpstick · 6 months
Small scenario of pirate!Ruggie and mermaid!Daisy bc I'm insane and can't control myself(⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠)
Also! Nudity is involved but since I'm not into nsfw (and your a minor) dw this is purely fluff, nothing about this is sexual in any way.
“Didn't I tell you to sit down?” The pirate asked, finally finishing taking his coat and hat off so they wouldn't get wet. He rushed to the mermaid’s side, — well, not anymore, he guessed — picking her off the ground and helping her up, looking away from her body. “Sheesh… come on, I'll help you into the tub. But cover yourself while you get there.” 
As he walked, still looking ahead rather than at the naked girl beside him, he managed to get her in the tub filled with water.
“I’m sorry… I'm not used to… well, walking.” The ex-mermaid explained, touching her legs underneath the water as Ruggie turned around to get the stuff for her bath. “It's so much different than swimming with my fin…”
“Well, it should be.” Ruggie said as he got the bottles of shampoo and conditioner, along with a soap. “Turn around, I'll help you with cleaning your hair. You'll scrub yourself with the soap tho, I'm not touching you.” he sits down on a nearby bench as the girl turned around, hugging her new legs. “And for the sevens do not get out of the water.” 
“Why?” She asked, and for a moment Ruggie thought she was joking because there was no way she was this naive. He rolled his eyes the moment he realized that no she was indeed very serious. 
“I don't know how it is underwater since you guys don't have… you know.” she lifted an eyebrow but he was not about to explain himself on that. He grabbed the shampoo and started cleaning her hair, the girl letting a few giggles out at the sensation of his fingers on her scalp. “-but a guy like me and a girl like you shouldn't be naked around each other.”
“A guy like you?”
“I'm not your family member, let alone your lover.” He said as he gently started taking off the shampoo with water from the tub, telling her to close her eyes in the process. “it's not right for me to see you like this. I'm only doing this because you’d probably hurt your eyes or be confused by the products.” He gives her a smirk after he’s done with the shampoo and she opens her eyes. “But I hope you do know this will cost ya.”
“Oh- yes… that's the pirate way, I assume.” The girl sighed, a bit disappointed by that. But then again, at the end of the day she was in a pirate crew now, and nothing came for free from pirates. 
Ruggie started spreading the conditioner through her blond strands, realizing just how long they were. He quickly glanced at the girl, her face specifically, noticing just how beautiful she truly was… well, she was a mermaid, he guessed they were meant to be beautiful.
Still, her beauty seemed to not only come from her appearance, but from the way she carried herself, from the way she spoke, and from the way she exhaled curiosity by every little thing Ruggie showed her about human life.
He cleared his throat, ignoring the blush on his cheeks.
“So uh… your name? I’ve been calling you “mermaid” and “girl” this whole time.” 
He stared at her and blinked. It was short, pretty, but for some reason Ruggie wasn't sure he’d be able to pronounce it… the girl seemed to notice it and giggled, truly music to Ruggie’s ears.
“You may call me whatever you like. I know my name is quite uncommon up here.” 
“Whatever I like huh…” he spilled water on her head once again, getting rid of the conditioner on her hair, getting the soap right after. “Well… do you like flowers?”
“Flowers?” She tilted her head as Ruggie started making foam with the soap, spreading it throughout Eléa’s face. “I’m- I'm unsure if I’ve seen one-” she tried to talk before he chuckled and grabbed some water to take the foam off of her face. 
“They're pretty little plants that grow on the ground. You should see one once we land somewhere.” He said, scrubbing her neck without giving it much thought. “There's this one plant that I like, it's called daisy. it's tiny and pretty, and is also edible. It kinda reminds me of you.”
“E-edible…?” Eléa questioned, a bit confused by the comment, but Ruggie didn't give it much thought as he went to scrub her shoulders and arms. 
“Why don't I call you that? Daisy. It has a nice ring to it, don't ya think?” He smiled at her and Daisy did the same, seemingly happy with the new nickname she was given.
“...yes. I quite like it as well.” She intertwined their fingers as Ruggie had reached her hand with the soap, and by this motion he realized what he had started doing. 
He quickly got up, giving her the soap in a hurry, totally flustered. What was he thinking?? Actually, screw that, he wasn't thinking at all! If she didn't intertwine their fingers he would never have noticed that he had started scrubbing her body… what was wrong with him?
“A-anyways, scrub your whole body with the soap. I-I’ll ask Jeanne to help you getting dressed. See you later, Daisy.” 
“Wait-” the ex-mermaid was cut off by the sound of the door closing. She furrowed her eyebrows and sighed, starting to scrub herself. “I wanted to ask if he could show me the flowers once we land…”
Meanwhile, outside of the ship’s bathroom, Ruggie was crouched on the ground, tail between his legs as he held his red face from embarrassment. He literally told her he would not be touching her in any way, then there he goes!! Ugh… this was all because he got carried away…
He got carried away by her voice, her beauty, and most importantly her personality and how her happy laughter filled his ears and his heart with joy. His grandmother had warned him before he went to follow Leona as his captain: “beware of the mermaids, for they can bewitch any man at any time.”
It seemed he had been bewitched by her, he was truly enchanted.
We need more man like Ruggie, omg
Btw, can I just say how I find wholesome the concept of having your partner or someone close to you nude or half naked and is not erotic? Is just like a sweet moment between both sides?? Like this is true love (i know is not quite the point of the fic, but i find wholesome whenever characters are able to be like love > lust :,))
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chosenrule · 4 years
All the jokes about Seph’s hair had to have been conceived by men who’ve never had hair longer than 3 inches in their life, bc almost invariably, that’s not how that works, thanks.
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yoyomarules · 2 years
There’s this time Eliot’s taking a while to heal after a job. It’s not the worst injuries he’s ever had, just damn inconvenient ones—three fingers of one hand splinted and taped into total immobility, other arm in a sling and agony if he so much as raises it 45 degrees.
So he can’t punch anything, which is a shame because he kind of wants to punch something, because he also can’t do anything else. Can’t cook, can’t exercise beyond some basic leg work, can’t snap his phone in half so the team stop bugging him about whether he needs anything.
‘Look, man, I didn’t wanna say anything,’ Hardison begins, after a week of Eliot being relegated to his couch and then, after staring at the same four walls becomes unbearable, Lucille.
‘Still got time not to,’ Eliot growls. He can guess at what Hardison’s going to say. Eliot’s been restless and on edge and with a horrible sense of being out of step with the team all week. He doesn’t need Hardison to point out that he’s not making himself useful, here.
Hardison continues, ‘But you gotta let me help you with the hair. You’re starting to look like the little girl from The Ring.’
Eliot only partly gets the reference but he figures it isn’t a compliment.
Because yeah, the hair situation is bad. It’d been due a wash when he got hurt anyway, and now it’s lank and greasy and adding to his misery more than he cares to admit. He can’t even tie it out of the way. He knows he could ask one of them to do it for him but that’s—that’d be—
‘You’re not washing my hair,’ he snaps.
‘Oh, I’m washing your hair,’ Hardison says decisively.
So later he finds himself sitting on a chair dragged in from his kitchen, his back to his bathroom sink, which Hardison’s filled with hot water. He’s also grabbed a towel for under Eliot’s neck and is now off fussing over who the hell knows what. Parker’s here too, along with what looks like an entire salon’s-worth of haircare products that she’s set out on his cabinet. She untwists the cap of a squat metal bottle.
‘This one smells like oranges,’ she announces. ‘Proper oranges, not that fake orange.’
‘I got shampoo in the shower, Parker,’ he sighs.
‘Your shampoo’s ranked dead last right now,’ Hardison says, ambling in with a heat pack that he rests over Eliot’s injured shoulder. He inhales deeply, eyes closed, when Parker holds out the bottle to him. ‘Oh, that does smell good. That might beat out the coconut.’
‘It definitely beats the vanilla,’ Parker says thoughtfully.
‘Vanilla’s off the table,’ Hardison agrees.
‘The hell are you talking about, “ranked”?’ Eliot demands, awkwardly adjusting the heat pack with his injured hand. ‘We agreed I was gonna let you do this thing and then you were gonna leave me alone. Now you’re here with the damn league tables?’
‘Damn straight we are,’ Hardison says, leaning forward to help him with the heat pack. ‘Already eliminated a bunch based on hair type and condition so now it’s just the fun stuff.’
‘Well, do I get a say?’ Eliot asks.
‘Sure,’ Hardison says easily. ‘Orange and honey’s in the running, coconut and shea butter’s in the running—Parker, what was the other one?’
‘Peppermint and tea tree,’ Parker says, reaching for it and waving it under Eliot’s nose.
‘Peppermint and tea tree,’ Hardison says, with a satisfied nod. ‘Whaddya say, what’re you in the mood for?’
‘The—’ Eliot breaks off, sighing. ‘I dunno. The first one.’
‘You sure?’
‘Can we just get this over with?’ he begs. This thing is embarrassing enough without the two of them making a whole production of it.
‘You don’t wanna choose a conditioner first?’
‘Hardison,’ Eliot says tightly.
‘Fine, fine.’ Hardison waves his hands and indicates that Eliot should lean back over the sink. It’s not the most comfortable—Hardison’s already bemoaned Eliot’s lack of a bathtub, thinks he could’ve set up this whole thing better over at his place. Eliot had refused to head over there on principle and is now slightly regretting it.
And then Hardison’s hands are in his hair and it’s—it’s—
‘This all right?’ Hardison asks. ‘Water’s not too hot?’
‘It’s fine,’ Eliot says, the words coming out a little rough.
If he’d thought it was humiliating to need to have someone do this for him, it’s even more humiliating to find he likes it.
Without a shower attachment Hardison has to scoop the warm water to soak the top of Eliot’s head, and every time he does he smooths his hand down over the damp strands, palm gliding slow and gentle over the contours of his skull. Eliot thinks about telling him to get a cup or something to help and then, shamefully, doesn’t. He also doesn’t snap at Hardison to knock it off, the towel does the job fine, when Hardison brings his other hand to cradle the back of Eliot’s neck.
In fact, he has to bite back a protest when Hardison takes both hands away, but it’s only so he can hold them out to Parker, who dutifully pours a measure of shampoo into them.
Hardison rubs his palms together. ‘’Kay, lift your head a little,’ he says, and slides his hands back into Eliot’s hair.
It’s not like this is the first time he’s ever had someone else wash it—he used to visit the barber, once upon a time, before he started feeling uneasy about letting a stranger get that close to him with blades of any kind and began cutting it himself. He’s also had his hair washed by a couple of people he’s dated, including a professional masseuse.
So that’s the bar Hardison is casually stepping over right now, his long, precise fingers working the shampoo—which yeah, does smell good—into a lather and rubbing it through his hair. His fingertips are pressing just right into the nape of Eliot’s neck and round by his ears and up along his hairline, scritching in small, comfortable circles that somehow have tension he didn’t realise he was carrying leaching out of him. He closes his eyes and breathes in deeply and lets himself just settle into the moment. He might make a small, contented sound at one point, which he’ll deny fiercely if either of them ever dare mention it.
They don’t. He can hear Parker uncapping other products, which…maybe he’ll just see what else they’ve brought, since they dragged them all over here anyway. Hardison is humming tunelessly in a way that would usually bother Eliot but doesn’t this time, and too soon he’s saying, ‘All right, sit up, let it do its thing,’ and gently nudging Eliot upright, draping another towel around his shoulders so he doesn’t drip onto his clothes.
Parker leans forward to press and pull and twirl Eliot’s hair into foamy sculptures while Hardison changes out the water in the sink.
‘This a part of the process?’ he asks her wryly, not moving away. Leaning into it a little, actually.
‘Yes, and it’s very important,’ she tells him solemnly.
‘For what?’ he asks her. He doesn’t mean it to come out as soft as it does.
She smiles, finishing up her handiwork with a flourishing twist, and nods behind him. ‘Water’s ready.’
‘No, no, wait!’ Hardison exclaims, before Eliot can lie back again. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and leans in next to Eliot. ‘Parker, get in here.’
‘You better not take pictures of this,’ Eliot protests half-heartedly as Hardison does exactly that. ‘Fine, then you better not show that to anyone.’
‘Nah, that’s just for the three of us,’ Hardison assures him.
(A few years from now when that picture’s framed on their mantel, the two of them beaming and pointing at the elaborate crown Parker’s managed to construct atop Eliot’s head, Eliot won’t find it in himself to object.)
Now he lets Hardison guide him back down to the water and rinse away the shampoo.
‘All right?’ Hardison asks, and it’s better than all right; Eliot feels relaxed and fresh and good in a way he hasn’t since…he’s not sure how long, but certainly longer than the nine days since he last washed his hair.
Perhaps a little too relaxed, because he’s not thinking at all when he replies, ‘Ain’t too bad. I mean, I usually shampoo twice, but I’ll take what I can get.’
It’s a complete lie and he doesn’t know why he’s said it. He keeps his eyes closed and holds his breath and feels his cheeks reddening. But if they’re aware it’s bullshit, they don’t call him on it.
‘Hey, hey, I’m not gonna be accused of short-changing you, here,’ Hardison says. ‘Second shampoo, let’s go.’
‘Pick a conditioner first.’ Parker lines up a number of bottles on the edge of the cabinet. ‘If you’ve shampooed then you should do the whole thing.’
‘And by “conditioner” you should know she means “deep hydrating mask you gotta leave in for at least thirty minutes”. I’m gonna order us takeout to eat while we wait,’ Hardison says.
‘There’s also that gooey stuff,’ Parker reminds him.
‘Oh, yeah, all the serums,’ Hardison says, nodding. ‘Detangling serum, heat protection serum…’
‘You don’t need to do all that,’ Eliot mumbles.
‘Yeah, we do,’ Hardison replies, patting his uninjured shoulder. ‘You don’t ever take a break, E. This is the closest you’ve come in months. We might be working against a bunch of broken fingers and a dislocated shoulder, but we’re gonna make sure you actually chill rather than getting all cranky about it.’
‘And we have to do all this again in a few days,’ Parker adds.
‘Right, ’cause no way are your hands gonna be back in action before you need to wash it again—and it’s a need, man. I’m the one who’s gotta sit with you in Lucille while you’re flicking it all over the place.’ Hardison grins. ‘Bet you’re wishing you’d never let us through the door, huh?’
‘Something like that,’ Eliot agrees, with a small smile, and leans forward to take a look at conditioner options.
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close friends | t. holland
pairing: tom holland x fem!reader word count: 3.1k warnings: some language, some angst if u squint. otherwise it's just fluff and tom being tom. didn't proofread this. a/n: so tumblr decided to be a little bitch and deleted this t w i c e. so i had to write this t h r e e times. this came up in my head after i got like three notifications that tom posted something on his ig story, and then it turned out he deleted them. as always, english isn't my first language so i'm sorry if this gets confusing bye. also, i was listening to cardigan by taylor swift as i wrote this.
my masterlist
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so we all know tom sucks at instagram. that's a surprise to literally no one. no matter how many times you tried to teach him he still doesn't get it, and it was only a matter of time before he finally posted something he shouldn't have.
it was just one of those days, you missed him like hell. he was away filming the third spiderman, and you had to stay behind because of work.
naturally, you relied on face time and texts to survive and fill the void he left behind. you loved talking to him, listening as he rambled on and on about his adventures on set. a love-struck look on your face as you tried your hardest to stay awake despite the urge to close your eyes.
eventually, sleep took over you, and you drifted off with the sound of his voice lulling you to sleep. he stopped talking abruptly when he didn't hear your soft chuckling in reply to the story he was telling.
instead, he saw your sleeping figure, long steady breaths moving your chest up and down. and he cursed himself for making you stay up so late for him. he took one last look at you, taking a screenshot of your sleeping form.
he quickly hung up the video call and opened instagram instead, uploading the screenshot to his story,
'missing my favorite girl, thank you so much for everything you do for me. x @yourusername'
the next morning you woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing. at first, thought someone had died as one notification after another filled your screen. most of them came from instagram, so you opened that app first.
thousands upon thousands of mentions, tags and new followers. you frowned, and suddenly a text from your friend popped up at the top of your screen.
'omg just saw his story. so happy for u both'
who's story? what was going on?
you refreshed your timeline, and tom's icon appeared, a colorful circle around it. an odd feeling sank in your stomach. you tapped his icon and suddenly your screen was full of... you.
a picture of you, sleeping. tom's smiling form in a small rectangle on the bottom right corner.
oh god. you read the words he wrote, over and over again. your heart pounding in your chest, and a sudden wave of fear ran through your body. but then you read his words once more, and all you could feel was love. pure, unconditional affection.
sure, your families and closest friends knew about you, but you hadn't talked about making your relationship public yet, but there was nothing you could do now.
you sighed, leaning back on your pillows. a small chuckle left your throat.
you grabbed your phone once again, quickly facetiming tom. you knew he had an early call today, and you hoped you could catch him while he was still in his hotel.
it ran once, twice, and then you saw him, hair all over the place, bare chest. hands rubbing sleep off of his face.
"mornin', darling." he said, his raspy morning voice making you smile.
"hi, baby. did i wake you?" you asked, sitting up and crossing your legs.
"yeah but it's fine, princess. i did keep you up last night so it's only fair."
"i'm sorry about falling asleep on you, that was a really nice picture you took last night," you lifted one eyebrow, and watched as he smiled at you sheepishly.
"i thought you looked really pretty, you always look pretty," he said, grabbing the water bottle on his nightstand and taking a swing.
"thanks, i hope the whole world thinks so, too," you declared. leaning your chin on your fist, watching him expectantly.
he did not react like you had expected him to.
his breath hitched as he sipped his water, and suddenly all you could see was the cream-colored ceiling, as you heard him spitting out and coughing.
"tom! oh, my god! are you okay?" you asked, getting on your knees and holding your phone up to your face, "tommy?" you repeated when he finally stopped coughing, you could now hear his heavy breaths.
at last, you saw his curls appear from the bottom of the screen.
"wh-what did you just say?" his voice was rough, his chest heaving.
"are you okay?" you asked again.
"ye-yeah i'm fine. babe, what did you mean by 'the whole world'? did something happen?" he asked, frowning. you echoed his expression, watching him for a second.
“you posted a picture to your story,” you repeated, and he nodded.
“yeah, i posted it to my close friends, i-” he stopped mid-sentence, eyes growing comically wide. “oh shit, did i-” he caught himself off as he threw the phone to one side, you heard him fumbling around for his laptop and you snorted. “shit, baby, don’t tell me i posted it… fuck!” you couldn’t keep it in any longer, you broke out laughing.
“of course this is how the world finds out about us!” you continued giggling until your stomach hurt.
“fuck, princess i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to, i swear i- why are you laughing!?”
“tommy, tommy! it’s okay, baby, don’t worry. i’m not mad,” you stopped once you noticed his pouting. “it’s fine, my love, i don’t mind. sure it’s unexpected, and a little sudden but i wouldn’t have it any other way. i knew what i was getting into when we started dating,” you told him honestly, wishing you were there to give him a hug and kiss him all over.
“darling, i’m really, really sorry. i swear i thought i tapped the green button like you told me to” he continued his sulking, nervous eyes glancing back and forth from his laptop screen to you.
“i know, baby, i know this is not your forte, and i really appreciate the sweet gesture, honestly. i love you so much,” you told him as you bit your lip. folding your legs to your chest, wrapping one around them.
“god, i love you. i swear i’ll make it up to you,” he ran his hand through his hair, giving you a quick peek of his bare chest.
“i’ll hold you to it,” you chuckled, you glanced to the clock on your nightstand, sighing when you saw the time. “i’ve gotta go,” you said as you stood up and stretched. a wicked idea ran through you head. “i’ve got like five meetings today, so i’ll probably be busy most of the day. just in case i don’t reply or something,” you made up you lie quickly. grabbing your laptop and opening a new tab.
“oh, okay. i’ll be on set until like 1 am, so we’ll talk tomorrow?” he asked, eyes bright. you nodded, biting your lip.
“definitely. i love you,” you blew him a kiss. he smiled, and you felt your heart swelling.
“i love you, too. good luck today!” he said as you reluctantly hung up the call.
you immediately got to work, calling your assistant and telling her you were taking a few personal weeks, and to email you in case of emergencies. next, you texted harry, asking him to call you once tom was busy on set.
you waited for the page to load, and once you had bought your one-way ticket to atlanta you hurriedly threw some pre-planned outfits into two suitcases, just in case. your phone rang and harry’s face popped up on your screen. you quickly answered the call, and let him know of your out-of-the-blue plan. he agreed to meet you at the airport and drive you to set. and because of your recent and sudden rise to fame, he suggested you wear all black and a cap. you followed his advice, throwing on some sunglasses as well, as you had seen tom do many times before.
once you reached the airport and checked-in, you bought some coffee and breakfast, as well as some food for the flight. you opened instagram, seeing all the messages and comments. you had seen how the fans reacted when their favorite celebrities announced a relationship, and you knew to expect the meanest comments, and even death threats. for your own sake and peace of mind, you allowed yourself to scroll until you read three of those, and closed the app.
once the plane took off, you tried to catch some sleep, preparing for the inevitable jet lag, but your mind kept buzzing from one scenario to another. so you took out your book and tried to read some chapters, putting in your earbuds, music playing quietly.
when you finally, finally landed, you stretched your legs and grabbed your bags, putting on the cap and sunglasses again, you spotted a familiar head of wild curls. you quickly approached harry.
“what happened to all black and a cap to go unnoticed?” you asked as he took one of your bags in his hands.
“think about it, two kids wearing black, a cap and sunglasses? people would think we’re up to no good.” he gave you a tight hug, you’d missed him almost as much as you’d missed tom.
he caught you up on everything he and tom had been doing these past months, you shifted in your seat in excitement, the sleep that was slowly taking over you on the plane had now disappeared from your body.
in what was probably a 15 -but to you felt like five- minute drive, you got to the hotel to leave your bags and take a quick shower. harry left you alone in tom’s room, making his way to his own room next door. he said he’d order something for you to eat whilst you got ready to see tom.
you took the quickest shower ever known to humankind, and when you walked out of the bathroom after using tom’s shampoo and conditioner, -you’d missed his smell all over you. the few forgotten hoodies and shirts that were once drenched in the smell of his soap and cologne, were now very faint.- you wrapped a bathrobe around your body, rummaging through tom’s clothes until you found one of his shirts.
you pulled it close to your face, sighing at the familiar scent you’d missed so much. you got dressed quickly, grabbing your now fully-charged phone and the key to tom’s room that harry had left on a coffee table. you knocked on harry’s door and he let you in.
“i just texted tom, he says they’ve got like three hours left.” you sat next to him on the couch, the table in front of you filled with food waiting to be devoured.
“my poor baby, they overwork him,” you pouted, reaching for one of the plates.
“it was his idea, said he’ll do anything that helps finish filming sooner.” you stopped chewing your food.
“wait, really?” you asked in disbelief, you knew tom loved his job, and you found it odd that he wanted to cut his time on set short.
“yeah, it’s been rough for him. not having you around, i mean, after he spent months with you. he’s been pretty distracted lately. messing up lines, he’s been waking up late and missing early calls...” your heart sank at the words. you ate the rest of your food with a knot in your stomach, cursing yourself for not getting there sooner. soon enough, you were back in the car, your leg bouncing up and down. you fell asleep on your way to set, waking up when harry parked the car and nudged your shoulder.
you stepped out carefully, your head turning back every few steps you took, in fear that tom might catch you. once you reached the stage where tom was filming, you flashed the visitor badge harry had given you to the guard and he let you both in. you walked in as you leaned down, your forehead against harry’s back, shielding you from the curious stares. harry told you to hide behind a giant box where they kept some lights whilst he spoke to the director.
although the box was big and tall enough to cover you completely, you crouched down, straining your ears for nearing footsteps. you heard two sets of feet approaching, your heartbeat racing.
you were met with your accomplice, a friendly-looking man behind him. you stood up as they approached you.
“this the girl?” the man asked, and harry nodded, “nice to meetcha, i’m jon.” you shook his hand, “okay, so we’ve cleared tom’s schedule for one week, we’ll need him back fully recharged and ready to work like it’s his first day on set, you’re welcome to stay as long as you like, if it means he’ll work better if you’re here you can stay until we're done. i really don’t mind, i just need my guy back.” you blinked at his words, nodding slowly. “we’ve got a couple hours left tonight, i’m all up for some cheesy reunion, but it’ll have to be when we’re finished, i can barely keep him focused as it is.”
with that he left, and harry led you to tom’s trailer, where you caught some sleep while you waited. like that morning, you woke up to your phone buzzing. you reached for it, sleep leaving your body as you read the text.
‘just finished filming for the night, i’m exhausted. miss u, love you. x.’
all rational thoughts left your head, you opened the door to tom’s trailer and sprinted out of there until you reached the set. your eyes finally, finally met his figure, and tears filled your eyes.
your legs moved on their own accord, you mumbled apologies as you crashed into people, but you didn’t care. tom had his back to you, and even though he wasn’t wearing the spiderman costume, you’d recognize that ass anywhere.
“tom!” you called out, stopping a few feet away from him. you saw him whipping his head around, eyes scanning the sea of people. you made your way up to him, “tommy!” you repeated, and he finally turned around.
his mouth wide opened in disbelief, arms twitching, feet running towards you as you did the same. you crashed into each other, your legs wrapping around him, arms around his neck, fingers curling on his soft hair. his hands running all over your back, your hair. pulling you as close as humanly possible.
whispers of ‘i love you’, ‘god, i missed you’, ‘never leave me again’, and ‘i promise’ were exchanged. you tightened your hold on his hair, pulling back to look at him.
“hi,” you whispered, your nose brushing his.
“hey,” he replied, burying his face on your neck again, pressing small kisses anywhere he could reach. his hands settled on the back of your thighs as he spun you two. you giggled, sniffling as a few tears escaped your eyes.
you could not care less about the people around you, all you could think about was the boy wrapped all over you, your favorite boy. tom led you back to his trailer, where you finally untangled yourself from him. he settled you down and you immediately wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him close to you again.
you had been starved of his touch for so long, there was no way you were letting him go anytime soon.
after many kisses, touches, tears, promises and more kisses, you left for the hotel. harry had already left, getting a ride from another cast member to leave you two alone. at that moment you swore you’d make him godfather of your firstborn child.
as you waited for tom to step out of the shower -you would’ve joined him, but three showers in a day seemed kind of excessive-, you laid down on the bed, throwing the covers over your body, tom's scent engulfing you. you breathed in happily. you tapped on your phone, replying to some work emails when you received a text from harry.
‘i believe the ball is in your court. you’re welcome.’
next, you received a picture of you and tom. harry must’ve taken the picture when you and tom were too lost in each other to even notice anyone around you. in the picture, your legs are around tom, bodies pressed closed together, your noses touching as you stare lovingly into each other’s eyes. it was a beautiful picture. and the black and white filter harry had applied to it made it seem like one of those old pictures of wives reuniting with their spouses after the war.
you smiled, heart swelling with emotion as you contemplated your options. you hummed quietly, tapping the instagram logo and waiting for the app to load.
you quickly uploaded the picture harry sent you tagging both him and tom and adding a quick caption before you shut down your phone. you were drifting off to sleep when you felt familiar arms around you.
you leaned into tom’s touch, your back resting against his chest, legs tangling with his as he interlocked his fingers with your own.
“thank you so much for being here, my love. i love you,” tom whispered into your ear, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“i’ll be here whenever you need me. i’ll always come back to you.” you turned around, facing him. you kissed the corner of his lips, and he cupped your cheek, his lips meeting yours in a slow kiss, filled with emotion. your fingers played with his fingers as you moved to straddle his waist. “i love you,” you broke the kiss reluctantly. as much as you both wanted to make love that night, you’d made it your top priority that tom took his time off to rest as much as he could, and that included that first night.
you gave him one last kiss, going back to your previous position. the familiar and comfortable weight of his arms around you, the feeling of his lips on your neck, his chest rising and falling against your back, you couldn’t ask for anything better.
the peaceful environment you had created suddenly burst like a bubble as tom’s phone pinged over and over again. you heard him grunting, arms reluctantly leaving you.
tom chuckled, putting his phone on do-not-disturb and throwing it somewhere on the bed.
“you’re perfect for me, my favorite girl.” you smiled, leaning into his touch as he kissed you all over. sleep quickly taking over both of you.
tom swore his heart stopped when he’d seen the picture you posted. you’d never looked more beautiful than when you were staring up at him, your bottom lip between your teeth. the words you wrote as a caption were the last thing on his brain as he finally succumbed to sleep.
‘i said, “i bet you can’t keep this a secret for five months.” he said, “darling, i won’t make it past three.” @ tomholland2013 it’s been 10 months, who won?’
edit: i just saw henry cavill's ig post and omg what is my life. pls respect celebrities' privacy and relationships.
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bougiebohemian · 3 years
My Morning Routine
I thought I’d share my morning routine for 2021 and how I’m getting my life together to make sure I have the best glow up physically and mentally
7am-Wake Up
As soon as I wake up, I drink water. I have one of those gallon water bottles that gives you time marks to drink water.
then I sit and my bed and I meditate. Sometimes I use the calm app, other times I just look out the window and breathe and observe what I can see. Really take time to be in the present moment when you wake up. It sets up your mood for the whole day. If the first thing you do when you wake up is go on Twitter and find terrible news, that’s now going to guide you for the day. Take in the world when you wake and you’ll see yourself improve. I also have a gratitude journal and I write down 3 things I’m thankful for each day.
Next I do my skincare routine. I light an incense usually Jasmine and set my intention then start. I use Skin Laundry Extra Deep Gel Face Wash, and wash my face for 60 secs, really focusing on my problem areas. I then use Klairs Supple Preparation Facial Toner, followed by Cosrx Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence and then The Ordinary Natural Moisturising Factors +HA and finish it off with The Black Girls Sunscreen. Btw always use sunscreen, no matter how dark you are or what myths have been said about Black people not needing sunscreen. Black people can still get skin cancer and our survival rate is much lower than our white counterparts.
I also brush my teeth when I wake up. I use a tongue scraper, then brush with a bamboo toothbrush and then use Listerine Healthy White Vibrant mouthwash. I’ve been using this mouthwash for months now and my friends have complimented on how white my teeth are, it really works.
So after my skincare I usually make iced matcha latte. It’s just matcha powder, honey, and oat milk. Now I’m dairy free and ypu don’t have to be completely, but taking some dairy free days or dairy free meals will really help with skin problems, indigestion problems, and some weight loss problems as well.
I then sit on my balcony letting the sun shine on me, (why it’s important to put sunscreen before so you don’t get burnt)
I drink more water then I change into my workout clothes and begin my workout. My workout is around 30 minutes each day and I do the following:
Abs: https://youtu.be/iZPjHyWhoDw
Arms: https://youtu.be/8qDDtm6BOfw
Butt/Thighs: https://pin.it/7sIp1kY
Obviously you can come up with your own exercises, but this is what helps me. Getting movement in the morning can really help kick off your day with energy. You already did the most work, so you should be ready to tackle the day.
9am: Shower/Breakfast
So sometimes I eat breakfast before I shower or vice versa
When I shower I use my loofah and wash rag and the soap i’m using currently is the St. Ives Coconut Water and Orchid. I also use oatmeal soap because my eczema makes my skin very sensitive. currently I have braids so I wash my hair once a week or every two weeks and the shampoo I use is the Dark & Lovely Cleansing Water with Aloe. If you have braids, locks, or any protective styles like so this shampoo is best because it’s gets into every nook and cranny without messing with your hair. I also have eucalyptus leaves hanging from my showerhead which allows a very relaxing shower. When I shave, I use the Billie razor and conditioner.
After my shower I apply almond oil mixed with orange and vanilla essential oil over my body while it is still damp. I also use Tend Skin and Pfb Vanish on my bikini line and underarms to help prevent ingrown hairs and dark spots. I let myself air dry while I do my hair, which I spray with Carol’s Daughter Black Vanilla leave in conditioner and Sulfur 8 leave in conditioner for braids. if I had just washed my hair I also use AllDay Locks Locks and Braids Foam Control and then tie my hair down with a scarf to prevent frizz.
For breakfast I always have fruit, right now it’s cherries, and I make vegan banana pancakes and my morning morning matcha if I hadn’t had it earlier. I then sit outside again soaking up the sun and thank the universe and my ancestors for blessing me with this meal.
And that’s my 2021 morning routine
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comradekatara · 3 years
the gaang + april fools
aang loves april fools. he is the king of april fools, and he loves to proclaim this as if it is an official title that he is very proud of earning, instead of a title he simply gave himself. sokka’s like, “so you might say.... you are The April Fool.....” but katara’s just like “are you calling aang a fool??? how dare you?!!?!?” and smacks him.
aang’s pranks are mostly harmless, but every year without fail sokka ends up getting soaked by water balloons. and instead of aang getting in trouble for launching a bunch of water balloons at him, it is sokka who gets in trouble for bringing an umbrella indoors. sokka’s ultimate prank in return is just implying to aang that he has a really good prank lined up, that he’ll never see coming, and then waiting as aang’s anxiety grows. the day passes and aang’s like “ha! I knew you didn’t have anything planned!” but sokka just smirks and says, “or maybe I just knew that pranking you on april first would be too obvious.... that said, maybe I have nothing planned..... or, then again, maybe you should sleep with one eye open......” and aang spends each april in a constant state of anxiety despite the fact that if he would just agree to stop throwing water balloons at sokka then he wouldn’t have to put up with this. but what would april fools be without water ballooning sokka? no, he simply couldn’t part with that age old tradition; it wouldn’t be right.
every march 31 zuko is like “please do not attempt to prank me I am very gullible and hate deception if you try to prank me it will not go well for any of us.” and well. he tried to warn them. but aang, king of april fools that he is, cannot help but say to zuko, “hey, did you hear that they successfully bred frogs with turtle shells? yeah they’re called frurtles, wanna see a pic?” and shows him a clearly photoshopped image. and then he’s like “APRIL FOOLS!!!” and zuko gets so outraged that he flips the table and storms off.
toph would never pass up an opportunity to prank katara, but because sokka refuses to involve himself in any of their petty squabbling, she has to enlist gran gran’s help. kanna, being an incurable prankster herself, helps toph fill katara’s old shampoo & conditioner bottles with mayonnaise. if katara notices that her hair smells terrible that day, she makes up for it by putting extra effort into her look instead. when toph’s like “hey guys, how‘s katara’s hair looking? greasy, stringy, a little sad?” aang’s like “luscious as usual!” and zuko’s like “no, it looks even better than usual. her hair looks amazing today.” turns out mayonnaise is actually good for hair. who knew?
suki loves to tease sokka that he would suck at pranking people because he’s too much of a square. so on april fools day, sokka makes some sufganiyot with toothpaste inside and gives them to suki. she eats the whole batch without blinking an eye. sokka’s horrified. he says, “suki........ there’s toothpaste in there. I filled them with toothpaste.........” and suki’s just like “oh, for real? dude, I am so stoned rn, I would literally eat anything. lmao”
katara, deciding to be helpful, gently informs mai that someone has taped a sign reading “kick me” to her back. mai’s like “yeah.....I know. I put it there.” katara is beyond confused. why would you do that to yourself??? two words: performance art.
azula kind of overshoots it when her idea for a prank is telling sokka that katara died. of course, she makes the lie seem really convincing, so sokka, who definitely has reason to doubt this claim, but is also constantly worrying that his biggest fear (which is well. that) could come true at any moment, simply cannot react any other way but to throw up all over her. I would like to say that azula learned a valuable lesson here, but I’m afraid I cannot.
ty lee is sitting around hanging out with her friends when she casually says, “oh yeah, so I bet you guys saw that mitski released a new album on bandcamp last night and didn’t promote it or anything. yeah, that was kinda crazy, right?” and mai and suki narrow their eyes and go “this is an april fools thing..... this is a prank....” but still have to check their phones to make sure, just in case. meanwhile zuko hears “mitski” and “new album” and goes “WHAT??? WHY DIDNT ANYONE TELL ME???” and when mai’s like “dude she’s pranking us. april fools day, remember?” zuko, with tears in his eyes, yells, “YOU DONT JUST LIE ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THAT, TY LEE. YOU FUCKING MONSTER!!!!!!!!!”
ultimately, sokka performs his prank on aang on april 25, by placing a whoopee cushion under his seat. aang goes to sokka later, evidence in hand, and asks, “that was it??? that was the whole prank????” sokka just shrugs. “eh, maybe. maybe not. I haven’t decided yet.” best to keep him on his toes. suki, upon witnessing aang’s paranoia (he begs her to reveal whether sokka has anything planned, and suki answers honestly that she has no idea what aang’s talking about, which makes aang assume that she’s somehow involved) is like “sokka I take it back. you are committing intense psychological warfare against this child without lifting a finger, and I fear you.”
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mystic-sky · 3 years
my brain doing a thing rn
super curly haired POC s/o: scenario where it’s wash day and Gojo and Geto help you with your hair routine for the first time.
I wanted soft shower headcannons but also wash day headcannons ?
TW: None. Just soft, naked hair washing 💕
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At first he doesn’t help, he only watches you do it from start to finish. He can do anything he sets his mind to, so you best believe after living with you and watching your process just a few times he’s ready to attempt a braid out.
He’s watched some videos on how to do the plaits correctly, and he’s studied the order you use your products.
You present him fresh detangled hair. You wanted to let his first time doing your hair be somewhat easy.
You’re nervous about it, and prepared to fix your hair yourself if it turned out badly.
It doesn’t. And you’re sort of mad that it’s just another thing he’s good at. The sections are surprisingly neat, (neater than your own cause girl mine are fucking livid) and he’s worked your products into your hair so generously and evenly, intently twirling and sealing your ends after each braid.
You look in the mirror, sort of dumb founded. He squeezes your shoulders from behind and whispers. “Told ya I could do it.”
He tackles washing your hair for you in the shower one day, it’s a pretty intimate moment. He randomly joins you while you’re soaking your coils beneath the shower head.
“Let me wash your hair for you,” and you can’t think to say no. He’s already here and he’s already naked.
So he’s massaging your scalp as he towers over your body. You think he’d be irritated with how tangled it might be but he’s humming a light tune, finger detangling quietly. You don’t know how he’s learned to but he did. You relax into him as the water hits both your bodies. It’s immensely soothing, and suddenly you’re feeling like wash day isn’t so hard when he’s helping you.
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He’s got a head full of thick hair himself, but obviously your routines are a bit different because of the contrasting textures.
He offers one day, and it’s when you’re talking about how long your wash day can be.
“Want me to help?” He says it so sincerely, so warmly— that you consider it.
“I’d have to show you what to do,” you say. “It can be a little tedious.” He’s all ears, and he’s staring at you with his typical smug-ish smile, waiting for you to explain.
One day he also joins you in the shower, and your shampoos are side by side as it’s your same wash day. He ties his own hair into a bun completely focusing on yours before himself.
You turn around, and he suds it up for you, large padded fingers massaging gently at your scalp. You’re hardly instructing him on anything, and by the time he’s detangling with conditioner you make a comment about it.
“I thought I’d have to tell you how to do this part,” you’re smiling as he combs through your coated coils one last time.
“It’s not so bad when you take your time. I’m lucky you made it so easy for me before hand.” He remembers you loosely detangling it before hand earlier in the day.
He ties it up for you so you can let your conditioner sit and not get it the way. He hands his own shampoo bottle to you and lets down his hair. He kisses your damp forehead before rubbing some running product off of your cheek. “Now, do me.”
Wash days after are easier, less stressful. The two of you have this thing where if you’re too tired to do your whole routine you just wash your hair on your own and sit between his legs while he does a quick twist or braid out.
His finished work is incredibly neat, and you’re typically asleep on his lap by the end of it. He might even carry you to bed and tie your head scarf on for you. It feels like a vivid childhood memory once you wake up and your hair is magically done. He’s just resting soundly beside you, and you always give him the sweetest kiss on the cheek for helping you out.
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quindolyn · 3 years
Midnight Walks Part 2 || James Potter
Pairing: James Potter x Reader
Word Count: 3020
Note: I finally finished part 2, this is horrible, just completely plotless and a lot of fluff but it was stuck in my head and I wanted to get it out before I started working on something else (what will that be? You know what that’s an excellent question). It’s a bit shorter than part 1 but also much longer than necessary. I hope you all enjoy it or at least don’t hate it, constructive criticism is always welcomed and appreciated.
Warnings: Nonsexual nudity, hair washing, fluff, comma abuse, the Addams Family (I watched it all the time with my dad when I was like 7), lots of fluff, barely proof read and done so at 11:36 pm my time so
Part 1
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What you and James hadn’t counted on was for it to start pouring down on you as the two of you laid, splayed out along the playground structure, metal of the bars cutting into your backs. After the kiss in the rain James insisted on having the two of you had stumbled home, wrapped up in each other’s arms, smearing sloppy kisses on any exposed skin you could get your lips on. It probably took you guys a solid 20 minutes longer than it should’ve to get home, you must’ve looked ridiculous meandering down the residential street trying to swallow each other’s tongues, drenched in rain. Eventually you made it home, managing to fall through the front door without breaking anything in the house, yourselves included though there were admittedly a few close calls. “You want a bath doll?” James asked you, cupping your face in his rough, calloused hands, fingertips dripping with rain brushing small, soft circles on your cheekbones. Lifting one of his hands off your face you cradled it in both of yours, tracing a healing callus that sort of looked like a flower, with some very wonky petals, but a flower nonetheless, “Yeah, that sounds good. You’ll take it with me?” Pressing a kiss to your nose he spoke, “Of course, not gonna run a bath for my pretty girl and not take it with her. M’Not an idiot my love.” “Guess not,” You shrugged, a smirk playing at your lips, earning you a playful push against your shoulder. Lifting you into his arms bridal style he carried down the hall to your room where we placed you down on your bed, still being clad in his varsity jacket, you pulled it tightly around yourself to conserve any heat you may’ve had while trying not to shiver from the water that still soaked you. You could feel the comforter beneath you getting wet. “Damn you’re pretty in my clothes baby doll.” He simpered pulling your arms parallel to the floor so he could see how much longer the sleeves of the jacket were than your arms. “They just swallow you whole,” He commented, really more to himself than to you. “Be right back m’love.” He promised before he traipsed out of the room and across the hall to where your bathroom was. You leaned back on your bed as you listened as the water started running when James turned the faucet on, the thrumming sound quickly lulling you to sleep. You awoke in Jamie’s arms but 15 or so minutes later as he carried you into the bathroom once the giant claw foot tub had finally filled to his satisfaction. You smiled dreamily as the sweet scent of your favorite bubble bath flooded your nostrils, you blinked your bleary eyes to see the breathtakingly handsome face of your boyfriend. “Bath ready?” You mewled, your voice weaker than you would’ve thought after such an inconsequential amount of sleep. “Yeah, nice and hot (Y/N/N), just how you like it.” “Great,” Pushing the heel of your hand into your eyes you tried to wipe away the sleep that had so quickly overtaken you. James placed you on the bathroom counter with ridiculous care, as though you were the single most precious thing in the world, handling you with such gentleness you were almost afraid about getting used to it, knowing if you were ever treated with anything less you may just break. “Let’s get this off you.” As he pushed the jacket off your shoulders and down your arms, seeing an opportunity James took it, kissing the delicate skin of your shoulder. “That tickles Jamsie,” You scolded completely unconvincingly as his light, barely there stubble grazed your skin. “Sorry darling,” The shit eating grin on his face said otherwise, “Just couldn’t help myself.” As you reached around to undo your bra James pulled his shirt over his head, leaving it to rest on the closed lid of the toilet, once his pants were pooling on the floor along with his boxers he moved to you, still perched where he first set you in your shorts. You lifted your hips so he could pull down your shorts, still soaking from a mixture of fountain and rain water. Once he sliped them and your panties off your legs his hands were back on you, caressing the your sides as he stared into your eyes, a dazed look you usually equate with post sex washes over his face. “What are you thinking about J?” You asked, tangling your hands in the hair at the nape of his neck. “You,” He responded simply, leaning forward so that the two of your foreheads are melded together, his nose bumping yours, “And how much I adore you.” If you didn’t love him as much as you did you probably would’ve complained about how your face hurt from all the smiling you did around him, you knew smile lines were in your distant future but you couldn’t find it within yourself to care. Because everytime you looked in the mirror you would be reminded of him, almost as if you got to carry around a piece of him with you forever. “I love you too but I’m cold, can we get into the bath?” He nodded, pulling you to the edge of the counter, moving so your legs were linked together at the small of his back, hands clasping together at the back of his neck. “Let’s go, little koala,” He chuckled, one arm on your back, the other supporting your bum, a stray finger stroking your bare skin. You closed your eyes at the nickname, savoring the vibrations of his chest as he spoke and laughed. When the both of you were settled into the tub, him behind you, hands rubbing up and down your arms, his chin rested on your shoulder so that your faces were pressed together, cheek to cheek. “Did you like the walk bub?” “I did!” You smiled, turning to that your nose was prodding against the side of his face, “I don’t think I’ve thanked you-” “You don’t have to,” He shook his head, “You don’t have to thank me for spending time with you, I want to be here for you, you don’t need to pay me in ‘thank you’s’. I’m just glad I was able to help you.” “I still want to say thank you,” You murmured, reaching down into the soapy bubbles fishing around for his hand for a moment before he caught on to what you were doing and moved his hand to yours. You smiled gratefully when you felt his much larger fingers brush the back of your hand. His hum tickled your back forcing you to stop yourself from wiggling around so that the nearly overflowing water wouldn’t splash out the sides of the tub. “Can I wash your hair Jamsie?” You asked him, twisting around so that your chest was pressed to his, faces mere inches from each other. “You want to angel?” He let out a small chuckle when you enthusiastically nodded your head, your eyes going wide as you sucked your bottom lip between your teeth, excitedly gnawing at it. “Okay sure darling, how are we going to do this?
After you both had abandoned any pretense of keeping all of the bath water inside the bath, maneuvering was a lot easier. As you sidled up behind him you ran your hands down his muscled back, relishing in the feeling of his skin against your palms. “So pretty,” You murmured, leaning to gently kiss in between his shoulder blades. “Uh, Jamie?” You asked shyly. “Yeah?” “Could I wash your back once I’m done with your hair?” You asked nervously, as though he wasn’t already sitting in between your legs, the both of you stark naked. “I’d love that (Y/N),” He leaned back into your embrace, forgetting that he was much larger than you, but that didn’t stop you from wrapping your arms around his neck, drawing yours and his initials onto the skin of his stomach. Your eyes flitted over to the shelf next to the tub where rows of shampoos and conditioners, body washes and scrubs sat. You plucked a bottle from your collection and flipped off the lid, squeezing the eucalyptus scented shampoo into your hand. “Can you scooch down for me baby?” You asked, tapping his shoulder as he wordlessly complied sliding so that his body was submerged in the bubbles and water up to his nipples. Working the soap into his hair you massaged his scalp drinking up the soft whimpers and groans he let out as you cleaned his hair. “Feels so good baby.” He praised reaching a hand back to pet your wrist. “I’m glad you like it,” Your response came with a kiss to his temple. Once 10 or so minutes, give or take, had elapsed you figured his scalp was clean enough, “Alright baby, dunk for me,” You instructed, dipping your hands into water to clean them. “Don’t want to be done though bubs, felt so nice.” He whined like a petulant toddler, reaching back for your hands trying to get them back on his scalp. “I could conditioner it for you if you’d like.” You offered, feeling benevolent. “Yes please Princess.” As you pulled the conditioner bottle from its place on the shelf James rinsed his hair, quickly moving back between your legs. He hummed as you gently yanked at his tresses, fingering in the conditioner into his hair. “I could get used to this (Y/N),” He purred, closing his eyes as waves of pleasure crested over him. “Yeah?” “Yeah.” He confirmed. “When do you want to get married?” You wondered aloud to him as the thought swept over your consciousness as you continued to massage his scalp. “(Y/N) (L/N), are you proposing to me?” He quickly turned his head, craning his visage to try to meet your gaze. “Hey, stop it,” You scold, moving his head so he’s facing back forward, “Gonna get soap in your eye if you’re not careful.” “You’re avoiding my question (L/N),” James sang, relaxing back into you as you continued your ministrations on his scalp. “Shove it Potter.” “Calm down Mrs. Potter,” He teased you, “Of course I want to get married, one day. I haven’t thought about it too much though, we’re still so young.” “Oh,” You failed at masking your disappointment, “I guess.” “Baby,” He turned around to face you, hair still soapy with bubbles which ebbed at his hairline, “I am going to marry you one day, trust me, if I have any say in it I’m going to put a ring on your finger but I prefer to live in the moment with you, I need to savor every second we have together, can’t spend too much of my time looking to the future. Don’t want to miss what we have now.” HIs explanation brought a gentle smile to your face, “I get it.” You nodded. “But,” He began. “Yes?” “If I did think about us getting married…” He trailed off. You whined, removing your hands from his hair, “Come on just tell me.” “Don’t stop, why’d you stop?” James groaned going limp. “You’re a literal child, you know that Potter? Keep talking and I’ll keep massaging.” “Hmph,” After a minute he relented, “I wanna wait until we’re done with school, and not just high school, college, grad school, law school, I don’t know, whatever we want to do, wherever life takes us.” “You really want to wait that long?” “I want to wait until we’re stable, I don’t want to start our life together without a solid foundation.” “I understand that, it’s smart.” It was smart, James was a smart person and being captain of the football team and thinking through all of those pranks he and his friends were so partial to playing he had an amazing strategic mind, something you both admired and envied. Which is why you didn’t buy that he hadn’t thought about your wedding, even if he wanted to, you knew James, he couldn’t deny himself. “At our wedding I want a sit down dinner, buffet is too tacky.” You were right, he had thought about it. “Yeah?” “Yeah, and I’ve thought about your dress too.” A truly comically large grin spread across your face. “Obviously you should wear whatever you want but I think you’d look breathtaking in a ballgown. Lots of lace and bling.” “Bling?” “Yes, bling, you should look like a princess on our wedding day. But I’m torn,” “You are?” “Yes,” He exclaimed emphatically, as though he was being forced to make the most important decision in his life and both options were equally appealing. “Because you’d also look gorgeous in a simple dress, nothing too flashy, understated but still elegant, because at the same time I don’t want the dress distracting from your beauty. All eyes should be on you that day.” “You’re a sap James Potter, a sap.” Despite your words you felt a fluttering in your chest, James Potter was many things. An idiot, slightly arrogant, a pain in your ass, the sweetest man alive, and a genuinely good person, even if he was a sap. “I think I’m done darling,” He lifted his arm out of the bath, showing you his pruney fingers, “I’m turning into a raisin bub.” “But what about your back?” “Next time?” “Sure darling, next time.”
James’ shirt hung low around your knees, the soft, warm fabric tickling your damp skin, you laid on your back, your head resting against his chest which was steadily rising and falling, his toned arm wrapped around your waist, inching up the fabric of his shirt to get to your bare stomach. “You wanna watch a movie darling?” “Something stupid please.” After much debate the two of you settled on the Addams Family Values, James argued that it wasn’t stupid though you said it was pure “brain candy”, not anything too engaging or something you had to pay any attention to but still enjoyable. About 20 minutes into the movie neither of you had so much as uttered a single word, settling into the comfortable silence of merely being in each other’s embrace. That was until James spoke, abruptly breaking the silence, “Peonies,” Was all he said. “‘M sorry what?” You grumbled, your voice rough from being half asleep when he spoke. “Peonies, for our wedding, my mom has always grown them in her garden, she grows lots of flowers roses, tulips, carnations, aster, sunflowers too, but peonies have always been my favorite. Sirius and I, when we were little would sit in her garden and pick them, weaving them into little flower crowns for the other to wear, we were her Flower Princes.” “I’m a little offended you haven’t made me a flower crown J, You playfully griped, “Swear to God sometimes I think you’re more in love with Sirius than me.” “Never,” His voice was strong, certain, as he tightened his hold on your waist, pulling you closer to him as he flung one of his legs over both of yours, “Love you most (Y/N), for forever I love you most.” His words became slightly garbled as he babbled, sleep starting to over take him. “I know,” You soothed his wounded ego, stroking his arm, “I’m just playing with you Jamsie.” “Don’t want you to ever think I don’t love you.” “I’m not sure how I could,” You started, the events of the past 3 hours rushing through your brain, the phone call, the hug through the window, him tying your shoes for you, the fountain, his jacket, the bath, the Addams Family. You don’t show up for someone like James did for you unless you really love them, which evidently he did. “You, James Potter, are the most wonderful man and I love you beyond comparison.” “I love you too darling, forever and for always.” It didn’t take you long to fall asleep lying in his arms, he pulled up a blanket around both of your shoulders, both of you being too lazy to get under the actual covers. To the metronome of James’ heart beat, and the rhythm of him moving his leg over your you fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
Sunday morning you woke up sorely missing the morning prior, waking up in James’ arms was unlike anything you could ever dream of. And instead of sleeping in until 10 like you had with him you were up at the crack of dawn to the sound of the construction going on next door at your neighbor’s house. After much resistance on your part you dragged yourself out of bed and downstairs to fix yourself some breakfast, wishing James was there to make it for the two of you as he had yesterday before going off to work at the local consignment store. Smearing jam over your toast you aimed it for your mouth missing by an inch or two as you were distracted, scrolling through your phone in your opposite hand. Apricot jam smeared across your face in a mess of orange-yellow glory when you jumped at the abrupt sound of the doorbell ringing. “Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit,” You murmured, dropping your toast onto your plate before rushing to get the door, not wanting a second ring to wake the other people in your house. “Hi,” You greeted opening the door to a middle aged woman with a worn face in a pair of khakis and a company shirt you didn’t bother taking too close a look at, “How can I help you?” “Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?” She asked, a pleasant smile gracing her lips. “Yes, I am.” You confirmed, puzzled as to why this woman was at your door so early in the morning.” “Someone ordered flowers to your house for you,” She explained patiently, detecting your befuddlement, “There should be a card in the arrangement.” She said as she handed you an extravagant bouquet of brilliant pink flowers. Peonies.
tagging: @randomoutsiders​
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Peter playing with Lucian's hair? That's... that's the prompt.
I've been trying to draw this for forever now, but any attempt comes out terrible!
So, a written one will work best! :D
On with the fic!
"Does your hair just naturally look like that, or do you do anything to it?" Peter asked from where he sat on the couch in his home, his feet propped up on Lucian's lap, his attention away from his phone for the first time in ten minutes.
Lucian, who had been reading one of Peter's vampire books (instead of watching whatever show Peter had put on the television), looked over, confused. "What do you mean, love?"
"Your hair, it's like... it looks like a mess, like part of your whole dangerous, badass movie hero sorta aesthetic you have. And don't tell me you don't, I grew up watching movies where dudes looked like how you dress on a regular basis. But it's like, I've never seen you style it, let alone brush it."
Lucian put a bookmark into the book, setting it down on a side table. Peter now had his full attention, good. "I don't style it, I wear it how I like it best. And of course I brush it, this does get tangled."
Peter cocked an eyebrow. "Looks tangled right now."
"Fine then, Vincent, why don't you do something about it, hm?"
This instantly made Peter grin like a fool and he got right up, nearly tumbling over himself as he scrambled to the bathroom to grab things. Oh, he had been waiting for this for a long time!
He came back with items in his arms, a brush, a comb, detangling spray (which was always good for his wig), dry shampoo and conditioner, and a few hair ties. He threw them onto the couch before grabbing for a few pillows and dropped them on the floor.
"Sit right here, I'm gonna do your hair."
Lucian looked at the items, then up at Peter. "You're serious."
"As the plague. Now, sit." He said, pointing at the cushions. Lucian just raised an eyebrow before shrugging, sitting down on the pillows in front of the couch. Peter got back on the couch, sitting cross legged as he grabbed for the shampoo bottle. "This is just to do a quick wash, because, no offense, but your hair looks greasy."
"I showered yesterday."
"Yeah, but that doesn't change what I've got planned, now hold still." He lathered up the shampoo he had put on his palm and started to run his hands through Lucian's hair. The lycan seemed to relax under his hands and Peter smiled, working in the shampoo. It was a leave-in one, which was nice for Peter. He used it often enough after shows when his hair was a disaster under his wig and only had time to change from his costume without a shower so he could go to a club.
Though, nowadays, it was used mainly before going off on a hunt.
Once he was sure it was set in, Peter had Lucian cover his nose and eyes as he sprayed in the detangler, then he grabbed for the comb. "This might hurt, and don't tell me you don't have tangled hair, my fingers got caught on the knots, babe."
Lucian just huffed and winced when Peter started to comb, catching on one quickly. Carefully, Peter got to work on removing the knots, trying to make sure he didn't hurt Lucian.
It was quiet for a bit, minus the mindless chatter of people on the TV, before Lucian spoke. "You're rather good at this, aren't you?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah, I do it to take care of my wig, might as well, right? I tend to bring it up with me when I'm done with a show or rehearsals. Got into trouble for just letting it get messy, learned to take good care of it, those things are stupidly expensive."
He frowned as he worked on a particularly bad knot. "I... also used to do this for Ginger. She used to make all these jokes that I should've gotten into hair dressin', from how good I was. And my endless chatterin'."
A hand reached up, touching one of Peter's own, and gave it a soft squeeze. "I'm sure she greatly appreciated it."
Peter smiled a little at that. "Oh, yeah, she loved it. Though she'd never tell anyone I did it, as if anyone would believe her anyway."
He soon finished and reached for the brush and started to gently run it through those long locks he really liked to play with in bed. "Want me to style this? I know a few 'dos that'd look good on you."
"Uhhh..." Lucian glanced back at him. "That one look, I think you mentioned it the other day when you were flipping through something on your phone. You showed it to me and said 'babe, that'd look so hot on you', if I remember correctly."
Peter sat there for a second, wracking his brain to try and remember what he had shown Lucian. "Oh! Oh, yeah, I know what that is."
Once he was done brushing, he reached for the hair ties, grabbing a light blue one, not quite close to Lucian's wolfy eyes, but it would still work well with his dark hair. He grabbed some of it, worked the hair band around it, and checked to make sure he did it right.
"One half-manbun for my favorite lycan." He said with a grin. Then grabbed for his phone, snapping a picture, before showing it to Lucian.
"Oh! Yes, it does seem like a rather good look for me." He smiled at Peter, bringing him down close enough for a kiss.
"Mmm, if you want, I can even do a messy one for you later, gonna need a stronger band though, you have a lot of hair, babe."
"We'll save that for another night, let's keep this one for now."
Peter nodded, sitting back with a proud grin. "Now that you've given me permission to do your hair, I'm gonna take advantage, gonna make my boyfriend look fuckin' hot!"
"I thought I already was."
"Ah, but with my added touches to your already established hotness! Now, if you'd just let me paint your nails..."
"We've had this talk before, they'll get ruined when I have claws."
"Then let me paint your claws!"
Peter seems like the sorta person who would love to play with people's hair to style it. He also looks like the sorta person who purposefully styles his own hair to have that fresh, just-rolled-outta-bed look.
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metalheadcowboy · 3 years
I have an experiment!Steve hc where he ends up moving with Billy in a cabin like Hopper's because they both need a new home, Billy was the first person to find him and they're friends, and since Steve never got to do normal things he gets super happy and excited about stuff like going to the grocery store or stopping to a gas station and I think he'd love doing laundry for some reason???
Billy’s already been living with Hopper and El for a week before Steve arrive, or rather was brought inside by Billy from the side of the road like a scared puppy wet and freezing, barefoot in nothing but a hospital gown. And everyone was just kind of in shock because this already happened once with El, and now again with Steve. It seemed crazy honestly.
Out of all of them it effected Billy the most, having to share his room because they didn’t have another one, having to give up some of his clothes for the guy to wear, basically becoming his baby sitter. Not to mention he barely spoke a few words a day and usually most of them were reserved for El, so most of their time together was filled with awkward silence. So, needless to say he was less than fond of Steve at first.
But even though Billy didn’t think they got along, Steve never seemed to want to leave his side in some weird way. He was always getting up from the couch when he got up, sitting beside him, standing beside him, walking beside him. It borderline got on Billy’s nerves. Hopper would always chuckle and joke that Steve was “Imprinting on him.” to which Billy would scoff and grimace.
But as Steve started warming up to them all, talking more, Billy was actually starting to become quite keen of the brown-eyed boy. He wasn’t half bad to be around, and was actually quite funny when he got the confidence to crack a joke, even if the punch line didn’t exactly make sense.
It was a shame that Steve couldn't go out into the real world yet, but they started making a list of where he wanted to take him after he was allowed out. The Quarry, the park, the gas station where he bought cheap beer and cigarettes, maybe even to meet Susan and Max, but that would definitely have to be later. But for now he loved watching Steve find joy in the simple things, things that were so common to him, but so foreign to the unexposed teenager.
They found out pretty early that Steve was basically cold blooded, always walking around with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders or wearing one ob Billy’s hoodies. So, one of his most favorite things in the entire world was warm clothes out of the dryer. Every time he would hear the dryer go off he would practically run to the machine and open it up, fishing around for something of Billy’s to put on.
Another thing he really likes are hot baths. At first he was terrified of the idea, having to go completely naked into the mysterious unknown water and Billy couldn't help but wonder what they did to him in that lab that made him this way. The first time he took a bath he made Billy hold his hand the whole time. Billy tried to convince either El or Hopper to do it instead, but, quickly realizing that it just wasn’t an option. During that time was when it really clicked just how fucked up Steve was.
“Billy,” Steve whispered, from where he had his knees pulled up to his chest in the shallow bathwater, hand softly squeezing Billy’s own in hopes of getting his attention.
“Yeah, what’s up?” Billy asked from his spot on the closed toilet lid, but didn’t look over, determined not to unless totally necessary. Suddenly there was a slightly damp bottle of 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner being shoved into his lap.
“Body?” Steve questioned, looking up at him curiously.
“No, man, ‘s for your hair,” Billy handed the bottle back, hearing Steve’s soft sound of realization.
He also had to help Steve clean his hair, using one hand to shield the water out of Steve’s face, other using a thick plastic cup to rinse the 2 in 1 out. But after that Steve didn’t really need help, but Hopper made him sit in there any ways, just to make sure he didn’t ‘drown’ or something, though Billy didn’t think Steve was that dumb.
The first place they ended up going what Hopper gave him the okay to take Steve places was the gas station. There he found out that Steve liked the smell of gasoline a little too much and also really likes Skittles and doesn’t like Sprite because it’s “Spicy!”. He also found out on the way home that the smell of smoke made Steve sick, like, literally sick they had to pull over for him to vomit twice because his car stunk of it so bad. But they still had a good time.
The next place was the grocery store which Billy thought Steve had the funniest reaction too, all wide doe eyes at all the different foods and possibilities. Every time they would pass something new Steve would ask Billy what it was, and needless to say they came home with a lot more groceries than they were asked to get. Steve also really liked the sound of the items being scanned and was pleasantly amused by the little wheel the plastic bags hung on. 
He decided they should wait on the quarry until the summer when Billy could tackle the challenge of trying to teach Steve how to swim. But it was cute watching Steve count the days off the calendar until he could finally go to one of Billy’s self proclaimed ‘favorite hang outs’.
Send me hc’s 💛💛
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thevirgodoll · 4 years
Can you give us a must have beauty products? Hair,Makeup,and Skincare I’m starting to eat cleaner so my skin will clear up and my hair is damaged so I’m popping on a lace frontal and deep condition to the max. 🦋
Beauty Masterpost
•Castor oil and coconut oil work wonders for your hair. Castor oil is also good for eyelashes and brows.
•It is better to dry curly hair in an old t shirt than a towel, it reduces frizz.
•Shampoo on roots, conditioner on ends. Let your conditioner sit before washing it out.
•Brush from end to root.
•Regularly trim your ends, recommended every 6 months.
•Always use heat protectant before flat ironing your hair.
Best Hair Masks:
Avocado & Egg — eggs have numerous nutrients and high quality protein.
-> half an avocado, 2 eggs
Yogurt, Honey, Olive Oil — restorative and moisturizing
-> tsp of olive oil, tbsp of honey, 1/4 cup of yogurt (probiotic natural)
Banana, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Honey —
-> overripe banana, 1 tsp coconut oil, 1 tsp olive oil, one tablespoon honey
Aztec Healing Clay, ACV, Honey, Castor Oil — clay makes a lot for a mask so measure based on your hair length and thickness.
When you take good care of your hair overall, you won’t need that many products. Try to become minimalistic. Keep it simple.
High Quality Hair Products:
•Joico K Pak — hydrating treatment that restores your hair
•Nairobi Soft Leave In Conditioner
•Mizani Milk Leave In
•Aunt Jackie’s Curl La La Hair Cream
•Aunt Jackie’s Knot On My Watch detangling
•Always exfoliate before shaving or hair removal.
Soft skin:
•Pumice stone for feet
•Exfoliating gloves if you do not want to do a regular body scrub
•Bar soap is better than liquid — use a neutral bar soap such as Dove, Aveeno, or Olay
•Tree Hut Exfoliating Scrub or make your own(not to be used on face)
-> DIY scrub: Sugar, your choice of oil, essential oil (optional) — 1/2 cup of each.
•Native Deodorant — all natural, no added ingredients.
•Palmer’s Cocoa Butter, Palmer’s Moisturizing Body Oil
•Pick Eau De Parfum over EDT, it will last way longer on your skin.
•Pick products that work for your skin. What works for one beauty guru won’t always work for you. Learn about your skin — what type of skin you have, and what your issues are.
•Hyperpigmentation cannot be treated without SPF. Be sure to wear sunscreen at all times.
-> Best products for hyperpigmentation: Retinol or Mandelic Acid
-> Best sunscreens: Neutrogena Hydro Boost, Black Girl Sunscreen, Neutrogena Ultra Sheer, Supergoop
-> Sunscreen is the top anti aging product.
-> Best products for acne: Salicylic Acid or Benzoyl Peroxide (based on what acne issue you have)
Favorite face mask: Again, Aztec Clay Healing Mask. It pulls toxins and it’s best used with oils, water, and ACV. Don’t mix with a regular spoon or it’ll pull the properties out!!!
Best foundations:
Nars, Maybelline, Milani, Fenty, Urban Decay
Best concealers:
Nars, LA Girl, Tarte
Best brands in general:
Fenty Beauty
LA Girl
Wet N Wild
Urban Decay
Overall Tips:
•The best beauty products are literally at the beauty supply store. This is where I get the best lashes and gloss. Aliexpress also has amazing faux mink lashes.
•Always have a solid morning and night routine.
•Wash your pillowcase. All types of dead skin, oil, sweat, residue from hair products etc is living on your pillowcase. Washing your pillowcase helps you avoid acne. Wash your pillowcase and sheets.
•Don’t touch your face, it’s just gross and you put all types of funk on your skin. Don’t touch your pimples either.
•Clean your phone screen and phone case regularly.
•Drink water from a reusable bottle or mason jar and eat cleaner.
•Stop doing DIY skincare treatments off of Pinterest to get rid of your problems...estheticians everywhere are sobbing everytime you put a whole ass lemon on your face.
•Birth control eliminates hormonal acne, at least for me it did.
-> Use natural/organic tampons and pads.
•Only exfoliate 2-3 times per week or your skin will hate you.
•Get at least 8 hours of sleep.
•Let your vagina breathe don’t wear underwear when you go to sleep.
•Don’t ever put soap INSIDE your vagina. They have a natural odor but shouldn’t be absolutely musty. Make sure you have a washcloth to wash the folds. Lift the hood and remove the dead skin with a washcloth.
•Clean your makeup brushes regularly. *downward*
•Your beauty blender is useless if you do not dampen it first.
•Spray your setting spray from arms length distance.
•Apply primer and/or moisturizer before your foundation.
•Don’t let anyone rush you. Blend, blend, blend. You want to look flawless not cakey and discolored.
•Pick a blush shade that compliments your skin tone.
•Knowing your undertones makes a difference in makeup.
•Never sleep with makeup on...your skin should be squeaky clean and bare. Remove with an oil, preferably olive. Then wash your face. Remove stubborn lipstick with Vaseline.
•Be sure to replace your mascaras and eyeliners. You should not be using the same expired mascara the entire year. These are your eyes so take care.
•Swishing coconut oil before brushing can work for whitening. Hydrogen peroxide with equal parts water can also work for whitening. For a high end product invest in Crest 3D White Strips.
•Above all, don’t check for toxic people and know your worth. 💗
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lighteyed · 4 years
this is a place where i don’t feel alone / jack kline
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summary: jack and reader bonding after a hunt <3
word count: 1.7k
author’s note: i found this in my google docs and like... it was PRETTY cute and i didn’t want to let it waste away in my docs so here she is :) i want to post more and just write whatever i want for whoever i want and be happy on here. and i do love jack
Freshly showered after his first hunt, Jack wanders through your open bedroom door. His golden hair is messy like he’s never seen a brush before (which, to be fair, he most likely hasn’t) and his brown eyes are large in their curiosity. He hadn’t been in your room yet, despite living at the bunker for a couple weeks now. For the most part, he had no reason to go in there. And regardless, he was too nervous to even ask. You, however, were the only person in the entire building he felt completely at ease around, even more so than Castiel. The way you looked at him was reassuring. He never saw fear or apprehension when he met your gaze, just a desire to understand. A yearning for a friend. He’d heard your shower squeak to a stop, had waited a couple moments before trying to enter the room (learned that the hard way), and now here he was. Shy, awkward, but there.
 You placed the novel you were reading down on your bed when you noticed him, motioning for him to come further inside. “How you feeling after your first hunt, Jack? You okay?”
 He nodded, picking up all the little items scattered across your dresser. So new to everything, it was all unfamiliar. He touched a necklace lightly. “Yes, I think so. I didn’t realize there would be so much blood.”
 “Comes with the gig. You’ll get used to it.” If he sticks around that long. “Are you okay with using the shower now? Like the shampoo, the conditioner, body wash, the whole shebang?”
 “Yes! Thank you for making Dean show me how to do it, but I still don’t understand why you couldn’t, and Dean did not want to talk to me much during the process of showing me how to use the shampoo-”
  The cute furrowing of his brow as he fumbles around for an answer to his question makes you giggle. His inability to pick up on social cues was beginning to become incredibly endearing. “Yeah, well, it’s just different, and Dean probably just felt awkward ‘cause you know, you weren’t clothed.”
 “Oh, is that not okay?” Jack’s face scrunched up again.
 “Depends who you ask and what the situation is.” You patted the edge of your bed, gesturing for him to sit down with you. When he sat, it was stiff, hands folded neatly in his lap as he continued to gaze around your room. “But you got all the blood off okay? I know you heal quick and stuff but it was all in your hair and I don’t think Dean really drilled in the concept of a deep conditioning treatment.”
 “I think so,” he repeated, patting the top of his head. His hair was still damp and felt clean enough. You leaned forward to examine him, though, breathing in the scent of shampoo. It was kind of funny, the way he had a newborn baby look and feel to him. Even his scent was like a baby’s. It’s sweet, really. “I used the one in the pink bottle.”
 “My shampoo? I figured, you smell like flowers,” you grinned, leaning back against the headboards.
 He tilted his head, “Is that a good thing?”
 “Definitely,” you reassured. “Most boys don’t smell nearly half as good as you do right now. Your hair’s all messy, though. Do you know how to use a hairbrush?” You already knew the answer, standing up and grabbing yours from the dresser before making your back to the bed. “Sit here,” you motioned for him to move up closer to you, his back to your chest. Jack did so hesitantly, as he did most things involving you.
 “Dean didn’t teach me about a… hairbrush?” He relaxed a little at the gentleness of your hand smoothing out his hair, letting his shoulders slack.
 “Dean can barely remember a toothbrush, so much on his mind,” you say, lifting the brush and running it through Jack’s hair. There weren’t many tangles to sort through; his hair was cropped short, but it was thick enough where it needed a brushing here and there. It was nice hair. Everything about Jack was nice. He had nice hair, nice eyes, a nice smile whenever he was around you, and in general Jack was a sweetheart. You could never fathom Dean’s inability to give the kid a chance. He was never anything but kind. He didn’t even recognize Lucifer as his father. He viewed Castiel as his dad, and Castiel was the opposite of evil. He was practically harmless. And when Jack was here, half in your arms with his eyes drooping shut from the pleasantness of your soft caress, he was harmless, too.
 “This is very relaxing,” Jack tells you, breathing deeply as you continued. “Do you brush your hair out, too?”
 “Of course, but it’s not as relaxing to do it myself. Someone else brushing my hair is probably… I don’t know, calming. It’s the best.” One of the best feelings in the world really. Better than almost anything else, and something you missed dearly. A sigh fell from your lips, but you smoothed back his hair again anyway. “I think you’re all good now.” You expected for him to say his goodnights and leave the room, but he lingered. He had more questions. Mouthfuls of them.
 “Does anyone else brush your hair for you? Like you do for me?” He scoots up toward where you sat, shoulder to shoulder with you now.
 “Not for a long time. My mom used to, before I would go to school. Even when I got older, she’d wanna brush my hair for me. Said it calmed her down, helped her to stop thinking about how fast I was growing up.” You could almost see the gears whirring about in Jack’s mind, trying to figure out the story. Sam and Dean were your brothers, but you talked about your mother in a different way than they would talk about Mary.
 “But, Mary is alive, isn’t she-”
“Mary is great, but she isn’t my mom.” Jack waited patiently for you to continue, staring intently. “See, you’re half angel and you’re half regular human. Sam and Dean are just half my brothers. So, it’s kind of similar, except not really, but sort of… you get me?” Jack blinked twice, and you took that as a no. “Their mom is alive now, in 2018, but she died when Sammy was a baby and Dean was a little kid. Dean is twenty years older than me, and Sammy is sixteen years older than me, so their mom and dad had, like, no time to actually make me… uh together. Baby making is a different story, Jack, so don’t ask. Anyway, our dad, John, had me with a different woman a long time after Mary had passed away. We also have another brothers, and Dean says it’s because our dad can’t keep it in his pants, but I’ve never met him. Something about a cage. But yeah. We have the same dad, just different moms. And I don’t have my mom. So I’m totally out of luck with the whole parent thing.”
  You were sure Mary didn’t loathe you or anything, but you could tell it made her sad that she hadn’t been able to ever have her own real daughter, and that even though she’d been gone a long time when you had been conceived, you were still the result of John and someone else. It was understandable. You felt a bit nervous around her, too. Like you’d never be able to say the right thing or be the right kind of pseudo-daughter.
 “Where’s your mom? Why don’t you have her?”
 “She died, five years ago. Some demon’s sick way of getting all the Winchester siblings together again. I came back from school and she was just… dead. Sam and Dean were called in for the case and Cas told them who I was ‘cause I guess he could recognize it or something and now here I am.”
 “Do you miss her? I miss my mom all the time, and I never got to meet her.”
  “All the time, Jack. All the time.” He hadn’t meant to make you sad, but he felt it lingering in the air now. Your nose was scrunched slightly, your fists clenched and your eyes staring down at hands. “The day she died, that morning before I left for school, I wouldn’t let her brush my hair or even hug me goodbye. It was my first day of high school. I was fourteen.”
 Jack doesn’t know what’s come over him when he swipes his hand softly across your cheek, the tear smearing across your face. It’s so sweet and charming you almost wonder if maybe Dean had been teaching him how to flirt. “Thanks, Jack.”
 “I can- I can brush your hair, if you want.” He takes the brush, and you slide up between his legs and lean back against him. He runs it through your hair so very delicate in each of his movements you feel yourself flashing back to when it was you and your mother in your living room, always just the two of you no matter what, and you feel that same sense of peace wash over you as it had when you were a child. How could this boy, who provided serenity so quickly and completely, ever be anything but inherently good? It was impossible.
Jack was so content in his own actions, he didn’t realize you were already half asleep. Even breaths, relaxing into him, eyes fluttering closed. Before you can drift off, he says one final thing, “Our moms are probably in Heaven together. I think they would be friends. Best friends.”
 “Yeah? You think so? Even though God’s gone for good and it’s all kinda shitty up there?”
 “The best people go there. And our moms were the best.”
 He says it so confidently that you knock the brush from his hands as you turn around so suddenly to hug him, burying your face in his neck. “You’re so sweet, Jack. Thanks for everything,” you mumble against him. He hesitantly wraps his arms around you, and you smile so broadly you think it’s going to slip your face and your heart wide open.
 You are such a goner.
 And when you kiss him on the cheek before he leaves your room for his own, he blushes like a rose in the sunlight; he knows he’s kind of a goner, too.
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ahockeywrites · 3 years
One Chance is All Some Get - 3
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Part Two // Part Four - Masterlist
Word count: 4.3k Warnings: pineapple on pizza slander, alcohol, allusions to sex, smut, swearing
A/N: I wrote all of this before I went on hiatus and have been struggling to add to it so I thought I would release what I had written as it’s own chapter and continue the rest of it in chapter four. I know I said it would only be three chapters but I want to release something between Tito and Sarah this month. Part four may be here before June? But I really don’t know. Please enjoy, much love, A x
Sarah never particularly liked Valentine’s day, especially when her best friend’s birthday fell in the same week. It made it almost impossible for her to find something for Rebecca that wasn’t covered in roses, hearts or weird ways to express your love for someone. But this Valentine’s was different, she had Anthony. He had planned for the two of them to go to a small Italian restaurant in Tribeca, suggested by Matt, and then to spend the night at his place. He’d gone to find flower petals and candles to place on and around his bed respectively, and he even moved the radio he got as a Christmas gift from Sarah to his room so he could connect his phone to it to play the curated playlist he had made for the night. But Anthony had kept all this from Sarah, simply telling her to dress as she would for a normal date, but to think more about Rebecca’s birthday party.
Rebecca poured out the Gray Goose that Mat had gifted her as a birthday present and picked up the bottle of Sprite that was to the left of her. Mat wrapped an arm around her and whispered in her ear asking if she’d make one for him. Rebecca couldn’t stop giggling as the alcohol was flowing through her veins but quickly made up a drink for Mat. She adjusted the volume of the music and checked that the correct playlist was on before some of their friends arrived.
As Sarah adjusted the puff sleeve of her polka dot bodysuit that was tucked into a pair of leather trousers, Anthony was sponging kisses at the junction between her neck and shoulder, distracting her as she tried to get ready for their evening of partying. She went to pull out a pair of black Chelsea boots from underneath her coat that was in the corner of the room, but when she tried to go and grab them, Anthony pulled her back into his grasp and he wrapped his arms around her waist. “You know,” he started, “we could just stay in tonight.” Anthony started kissing behind her ear and then down her neck, clearly he wanted the night to go a different way.
“Baby,” Sarah elongated the final syllable as she turned around in his grasp. Both of her arms wrapped around his neck and she lifted herself onto her toes to bring him into a kiss. Almost immediately, Anthony tried to deepen it but Sarah pulled away to which he replied with a groan. “We are not staying in, we are here to party with Rebecca and then come back and cuddle afterwards,” she explained. He tried to give her puppy dog eyes, but it was no use, she had been excited about the party for weeks and there was nothing that Anthony could do to stop that.
Sarah and Anthony joined hands and kissed once again before walking out of his room to hear the music blasting from the kitchen. Almost instantly, Mat thrust a drink into each of their hands and almost forced them to down the whole thing but Sarah pushed him out of the way to find Rebecca who was half sprawled out on the couch. Now, these two had been drunk around each other before and the friends who were coming tonight, but this time it wasn’t some student party in a frat house. It was a pre-drinks in the apartment belonging to two hockey players, followed by visiting a private room in one of the most expensive clubs in all of New York.
Around two hours and a lot more drinks later, Rebecca and Mat were dancing on top of the coffee table, with encouragement from some of their college friends as Anthony kept trying to sneak Sarah back into his room with no luck. Well, aside from when she went to go to the bathroom. As she left the bathroom, she noticed that he was sitting on his bed and she crawled up to be in his embrace and it quickly became a passionate make-out session. Anthony was about to reach under Sarah’s bodysuit when Rebecca barged in, insisting that they came and joined in with a game of beer pong. The pair on the bed sighed, but agreed and joined hands before returning to the rest of the party.
It seemed like the rest of the night went like a blur. Sarah remembered meeting some of Anthony’s teammates, but she would need reintroducing to the majority of them because she had consumed quite a bit of alcohol. But she was enjoying herself and Anthony made sure that he was there to bring her back to his flat. She fell asleep on him in the Uber back and he made sure that all of her makeup was off and she was sleeping soundly in his bed.
Sarah’s head pounded and she rubbed her temples slightly to try and reduce the pressure. She heard a groan come from next to her and she realised that she was in Anthony’s apartment, the day after Rebecca’s party. Rolling over, she picked up her phone and dropped a message to Rebecca, asking if she wanted to go and grab some brunch to which she received a quick reply agreeing and they agreed on a place and time and then she actually checked the time. 40 minutes to get ready and 20 to get to the place.
“Tito,” Sarah groaned as she pushed the comforter off her body. The cold air hit her bare legs and it didn’t encourage her to get out of the warm bed at all. Gently, she pushed Anthony to wake him and let him know that she was going out for food later. He groaned with discontent but nodded as Sarah made her way to the ensuite and turned the shower on so the water could warm up. The bathroom counter was scattered with a combination of both Sarah’s and Anthony’s products so it was easy to locate everything that she needed for the quick shower.
The warm water hit her back and Sarah was able to wash away some of the grim that she had collected from the club the night previous. She was so engrossed in the hot streams of water hitting her body, she didn’t notice Anthony slipping in behind her until he wrapped his arms around her waist. He hummed into her neck and started washing her hair for her. His nails scratched her scalp as he was washing her hair and she leant back into his embrace. With a moan of his name, Sarah turned to face her boyfriend. “Baby,” she groaned as he kept massaging her scalp. “I need to get ready.” Anthony hummed in response and washed out the shampoo from her hair and started putting conditioner into the ends of her hair, slowly massaging it in.
“Trust me,” Anthony said as he started washing down the side of Sarah’s body with a washcloth. “You won’t be late for brunch with Rebecca.” Sarah raised an eyebrow, she was confused. How did he know that?
“And you know that how?” She questioned him, wanting to know his reasoning.
“Because,” he pressed a kiss to her forehead, “she had a late night last night.” Sarah hummed as his hands went to massage her shoulder. “And Mat woke her up early for an early morning round.”
It took a few moments for the puzzle pieces to come together in Sarah’s head but when it all fits together, her eyes widened. “You’re joking?” she couldn’t believe that their respective friends had spent the night together.
“Well, unless Mat found a girl who was wearing the exact same shoes as Rebecca was last night,” Anthony started, “and if this girl had the same name as Rebecca because I heard that in moans this morning.” Sarah couldn’t help as her jaw dropped. “And, I saw them come in together when I went to grab some water for us before I went to sleep.”
“Maybe the four of us should go to brunch together then?” Sarah asked, genuinely interested in the budding romance between Mat and Rebecca. Anthony hummed once again in agreement and reached over her to grab the detachable shower head and rinsed the two of them off.
Before getting into the shower, Anthony had made a small pile of towels for them to use which were resting on the side of the sink. He jumped out of the shower first and wrapped himself in one and put the other around Sarah’s shoulders to make sure that her body heat didn’t dissipate too quickly. They walked back through to his bedroom and put on some comfy but cute clothes to wear for the potential brunch double date, both had chosen to wear sweatpants and a comfy jumper.
The New York sun rays came through the large windows of Anthony and Mat’s apartment, hitting the kitchen island and reflecting into Mat’s tired eyes as he started making up two coffees. Milk and two sugars for him, a little bit of almond creamer for Rebecca. He ran a hand over his face to try and wake himself up a bit more but it didn’t work. Even the giggles coming from Anthony’s room, which indicated that something not so innocent might be occurring, didn’t wake him up like they would previously. When the kettle clicked, he filled up the mugs and walked back to find Rebecca looking at him seductively. He couldn’t resist so he put the mugs down on his bedside table and crawled back into his bed.
Anthony pulled out some bacon and eggs from the fridge as Sarah got to work on cutting some fruit up to have alongside their breakfast. It was a domestic situation and one neither of them wanted to be pulled out of. They hadn’t said the words to each other yet, Sarah had never said it to someone outside of her immediate family and Anthony hadn’t said it to anyone where his feelings were as strong as his feelings for Sarah. But both of them knew, in their heads at least, that they were the one. He wrapped his arms around her as she continued chopping up some of the strawberries and placed them onto the sharing platter which also contained banana, grapes and blueberries. As he whispered sweet nothings into her ear, Rebecca entered the kitchen in one of Mat’s old shirts and the mug of coffee that he had made for her earlier.
Rebecca moved to sit at the island and accepted another coffee offered to her by Sarah, who brought the fruit platter along with her. They started talking about the night previous and Anthony just pretended that he couldn’t hear what they were saying so they could talk more freely. There was barely five minutes between Rebecca leaving Mat’s room and him walking into the kitchen as he could smell some bacon cooking. Mat’s neck was littered with small purple bruises and Rebecca let out a small giggle when she noticed what she had done but he just rolled his eyes at her.
“Becca and I were gonna go for brunch,” Sarah announced to the kitchen, “but seeing as we’re all here, might as well save some cash and eat here.”
Both Sarah and Mat tried to keep quiet about what happened but when Anthony told them how noisy they were being, they started explaining what happened before they made it home because Sarah covered her ears in a joking sense when they started to explain that. Anthony couldn’t help but laugh because he knew how innocent his girlfriend was and how she hated talking about anything remotely sexual.
The conversation swiftly changed to the two girls dancing on the table as soon as they arrived and both of them blushed heavily with embarrassment as the memories flooded back to them.
A shot of vodka was handed to each person who entered the private room that had been rented out and Rebecca pulled Sarah towards the open bar and ordered a tequila shot for the both of them to take. They took the shot and Sarah grabbed Anthony’s hand to bring him to the dance floor. It was less dancing, and more socially acceptable grinding on each other.
As he went to grab himself another glass of lemonade from the bar, Rebecca tugged on the sleeve of Sarah’s bodysuit and pointed towards the table. It took a moment for Sarah’s brain to understand what she wanted, but when she did she nodded and they made their way to stand on the table. The song changed to a slightly more upbeat one and the girls started dancing with each other on the table.
Anthony had no idea what was going on until Anders pointed out that his girlfriend was literally on top of the table, dancing with her best friend. He laughed to himself, this was the Sarah he loved seeing. The one who didn’t give a shit what other people thought of her. He walked over to stand next to the table, in case either of them fell off the table. Rather than fall off the table on to the ground, Sarah decided to fall straight into her boyfriend’s arms. “I fell for you baby,” she giggled into his neck. Rebecca continued to dance on the table as Mat joined her and some of the Islanders started filming him and they would break out the videos over the next few days when he was more sober.
Sarah groaned as her headache came back and she wandered into Anthony’s bathroom to find some more painkillers as she knew that she had to finish off an essay that was due on the 15th and she wanted to get it finished. She had morning classes but she had planned the afternoon to get ready for her date with Anthony so she didn’t really want to spend that time finishing up the essay when she could be relaxing. A quick text to both Anthony and Rebecca meant that an Uber was ordered and was going to arrive about 10 minutes later so she quickly gathered her stuff up, then laid down on the bed waiting for the Uber to arrive.
Anthony walked into his bedroom to see Sarah breathing deeply on the bed. Immediately, he laid down behind her on the bed and brought her into a hug. “You okay baby?” he asked, wanting to make sure that she was okay. She nodded meekly in response but he didn’t believe her. “You can talk to me, you know that,” he didn’t want to force her to talk when she wasn’t comfortable, but he knew that talking was always helpful.
“Gotta get this assignment done, then I’ll be okay,” Sarah replied. The essay she had to write was really getting to her and she just wanted it to be over and get it submitted so she could look forward to spending the evening with Anthony.
“I get that,” he responded as he started rubbing down her back to comfort her. “Just think about the fourteenth, and the place I’m gonna take you that I won’t tell you about.” Sarah smiled softly at that, and she relaxed into his arms, waiting for the Uber to arrive.
Both Sarah and Rebecca pressed submit on their respective assignments at the same time as taking a vodka shot in celebration. The pair hi-fived as they ordered themselves a large amount of pizza to eat as they watched the Islanders home game against the Flyers. It was normal for them to relax in the evenings, but that evening it was slightly different as they were celebrating. Well, at least for a small amount of time. Food arrived much quicker than either of them were expecting and they started eating the pizza as Mat and Anthony started skating around the ice in warm-ups.
Sarah took a quick snap of the television and the food and sent it to Anthony, along with her usual good luck message. His usual response followed a slightly sweaty selfie which made Sarah slightly hot and bothered but she was able to suppress the feelings and then picked up another slice of pizza. Pepperoni, mushrooms, sweetcorn and onions were her toppings of choice and this always got her teased by Rebecca who ordered ham and pineapple. In Sarah’s books, that was a criminal offence. Pineapple on a pizza? Who did that? Aside from Rebecca, she didn’t know anyone else who actually enjoyed pineapple on a pizza. Even Mat, who had some questionable food tastes, didn't even enjoy pineapple on pizza.
A groan escaped Sarah’s lips as she finished off the final slice of her pizza. She was absolutely stuffed full of pizza and potato wedges, which were the perfect stomach lining for the small amount of alcohol that she had been consuming. The third period had just started and all Sarah was hoping for was a Beauvillier goal so she could celebrate with him tomorrow after they went out for dinner. She was in luck as Anthony, once again, scored the game-winning goal and celebrated into the camera, all of the fans at home seemed to think that he was dedicating the goal to them but Anthony knew that he was dedicating it to one person. And one person only. Sarah Milkins.
The annoying tones of the FaceTime sound ran through Sarah’s AirPods as she sat in bed, thinking about heading to sleep as her morning class started at 8 am and she knew that she couldn’t be awake for too much longer. A shirtless Anthony greeted her on the other side of the camera, still buzzing from the win. The couple chatted for a bit until Anthony noticed that Sarah was yawning and her replies became slower and she kept falling asleep for a few moments before jolting back awake.
“Ma chérie,” Anthony spoke softly, “I think it’s time for you to sleep. Your future self will thank you.” The response that came through the phone was a deep groan from Sarah, still half asleep. She nodded gently and said her goodbyes to her boyfriend but something slipped out that she didn’t intend to say. The three words she wanted to save for a special time.
“I love you,” Sarah whispered as she fell asleep. Anthony wasn’t able to reply as he wanted to, well, at least so that his girlfriend could hear. However, he still replied with the same three words in a hushed tone. Even though he said those words, he was still freaking out. How would he bring it up when they saw each other the next day? Would she remember what she said? He had to get up out of bed and have a shower so he could try and relax. It didn’t help much and his sleep that night was broken and restless. He woke up on Valentine’s day morning, not well rested for morning skate and Mat refused to even talk to him because of how grumpy he was without his morning coffee.
Sarah slept in slightly longer than she intended but made it to her early morning class. She didn’t even have time to think over what she said on the call. It wasn’t like she didn’t remember, she did, but between a shower, a super-strong coffee and a train that arrived two minutes late, she did not have enough time to think about anything other than the content of the class. When she got home, that was when it sunk in.
“Oh my god,” she gasped to herself, putting one of her palms over her mouth as she realised what she had said to him. She wished that she had more time to think over what she said but she knew that if she wanted to be ready for 5, which was the time that Anthony said he was going to swing by her apartment to pick her up. As Sarah rummaged through her wardrobe, a particular box was what she was looking for, her phone pinged informing her of a new text message. It was a message from Anthony, they hadn’t been talking too frequently throughout the day as they were both very busy.
Tito <3: 5 o’clock still good for you?xx
Sarah <3: yep! I’m back at the apartment now getting ready. can’t wait to see you later xx
Tito <3: can’t wait to see you either xx
The black box was something of an impulse purchase. Well, not the box, its contents. A set of black, lace lingerie that she was going to wear underneath the black dress she had chosen to wear for the evening. She laid out the lingerie and the dress on her bed and made her way to the bathroom to have a quick shower.
Quick really meant quick as Sarah was in and out of the hot stream of water in less than 10 minutes and she sat down in front of her vanity to touch up the makeup she had put on at the beginning of her day. She brushed her fingertips over the delicate lace as she reached over the back of her chair. It was beautiful and intricate and Sarah couldn’t wait any longer to put it on.
Soft fabric cups and a light underwire gently supported her breasts, pushing them up slightly, and the thin fabric that rested on her hips covered just enough to still be considered a pair of underwear. The dress, however, was the opposite, having full-length sleeves and finishing just below her knees. It made Sarah feel comfortable but also beautiful.
It took 10 short minutes for Sarah to quickly restyle her hair before a knock on the door made her break out of the world she had made for herself. The shoes she had decided to wear were resting against the side of her bed so she slipped her feet through the straps and did the small buckle up before walking out of her room to meet Anthony in the hallway. He was wearing a black pair of suit trousers along with a light purple shirt, the first few buttons undone exposing his toned chest. As Sarah started walking towards her boyfriend, he extended his arm to offer her his hand, which she accepted and he pulled her into a hug.
“You look beautiful,” he whispered into her freshly done hair and she had to thank the layer of foundation that she had put on earlier so that no one could see the blush forming on her cheeks. They swayed in each other’s embrace for a few moments before Anthony released Sarah so she could go and get her bag that was resting on her vanity. He tapped his foot a few times to distract himself from the tightening in his trousers but when Sarah exited her room, he led her to the front door, opening it for her and walked her to his car that he parked a few moments walk away.
The waiter poured each of them a glass of wine as they browsed the menu, chatting about what they had been doing recently. Sarah laughed slightly too loudly at some of the stories that Anthony was retelling, maybe some of those things that happened on the road should be kept on the road, and was thankful that they were sat in the corner of the busy restaurant. She was also thankful that Anthony had picked a relatively early reservation as it meant that fewer people would notice them as they went into and out of the restaurant.
Sarah had drunk more of the bottle of wine than Anthony as he was driving them back to his place, and she was quite giggly on the drive home but she quickly sobered up as she cuddled up to Anthony on the soft couch at his apartment. From somewhere, Anthony had pulled a bag of popcorn out for them to share as they lazily watched a film as the street lights started streaming into the living room.
Around halfway through the movie, Anthony slipped his hands down to rest on Sarah’s butt and she leaned in to kiss him. Quickly, the movie was forgotten and the kisses kept getting more heated. Her legs wrapped around his waist as Anthony stood up and walked the short distance to his room.
The kisses gained in intensity quickly and Sarah began to unbutton Anthony’s dress shirt. He groaned into her mouth as his hand slipped under the skirt of her dress, fingertips ghosting over the intricate lace. The dress shirt slipped over Anthony’s shoulders and Sarah’s nimble hands made quick work of his belt buckle, removing it from under the belt loops to pull down the suit trousers he was wearing.
Before Sarah could readjust her weight to her knees, Anthony spun her around to unzip her dress. As it fell to the floor, he bit his bottom lip to suppress a moan that would have been embarrassingly loud. The underwear she had paired with the bra barely covered anything and as Sarah turned around he was able to take in her beauty.
“Baby,” Anthony groaned as he pulled her into his chest, so her back was flush with his exposed torso. Sarah looked up into his blue eyes which were deep with lust.
“Tito,” Sarah whispered. Was this the right time? Was Valentine's Day too cliche? “I love you, Anthony.” Her breathing quickened as she waited for a response from him, maybe it was too soon. Negative thoughts flooded her head as she waited.
Barely a second had passed before he spoke, “Sarah, I love you too.” They kissed for what seemed like hours, simply tasting each other, enjoying the embrace of the other. The sex they engaged in was soft, gentle, their orgasms built slowly and the grip that Sarah had on Anthony’s hand only tightened as she reached her high and as she tightened around him, his high was quick to follow. Anthony wrapped Sarah in his arms as the pair fell asleep, but not before they whispered the three words to each other once again.
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r3almellow · 3 years
Lucien and Victor With A S/o Who Deals With Discrimination
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Thank you @dummys-fics​ for the request!
As someone who is not only a minority, but is currently living in a place where they’re seen as “strange” or an oddity, I completely understand this 2000%. I’m so sorry that you’ve had to go through such things. 
I will say I did use my own experiences and the experiences of others for this, so fair warning for those who don’t want to read such a subject. I did try to make it as vague as possible so that many of us can relate. 
Warning: Microaggression/Discrimination/Racism
Rude remarks and not so subtle stares pertaining to your appearance were things you’ve had to deal with ever since you were a child. You spent your whole life being treated different from those around you and usually, you never let things get to you. Usually....
Victor invited you to a charity event that was being thrown by one of his business associates. 
You were left alone for a while with Victor promising to return to your side after leaving to talk with someone. 
This left you open for people to talk with you. Not only were a well known producer but you were also dating the worlds most sought after CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, so this was to be expected. 
However, you felt like you were in a petting zoo and you were the animal. This wasn’t new, but after years of having to deal with this you couldn’t shake the burning hatred you had for people like them. 
“Your hair is just so different. How on earth do you manage to wash it?” These magical things called shampoo and conditioner....and water. Please stop touching my hair... “My apologies! Its so...fascinating!”
“Why did you decide to come to this country? Don’t you miss your home?” I was born here just like you. “Ah! So your parents immigrated here? That explains it! You know...I’ve always been on the fence about immigration. So many foreigners come and take ou-”
“Wow! I never thought someone like you would catch Mr. Li’s eye!” Someone like me? “Yes! Its quite surprising that he would choose someone so different.” 
In other words, what Victor saw in you was unfathomable to others. No matter how much you spoke like them, lived like them, and acted like them; you were never going to be seen as one of them. 
You had to bite the inside of your cheek for that last remark, the urge to runaway growing stronger. You couldn’t embarrass Victor in front of all his colleagues. You just had to suck it up and smile it off until he returned to your side.  
Little did you know, Victor was within ear shot and had witnessed your ordeal despite being caught up in a conversation. He knew leaving you alone would be risky, but never did he think the men and women he spent years developing professional relationships with could be so...disgusting.
You feel his warm hands intertwine with yours as he stepped forward. His hard stare finding its way to the person who made the careless statement.
“I have decided to break our contract and will no longer be doing business with you. If you have any questions please direct them to my assistant as I refuse to associate with someone who is as ill-mannered as you.” The person’s mouth hung open as did the rest of the group at Victor’s sudden declaration. “If the rest of you condone this act of disrespect then I’ll have to reconsider our future as partners as well.” And with that, Victor pulls you away, leaving the shocked group behind.
A part of you feels a little bad that Victor had to go that far over you, but the look on their faces was definitely a moment that needed to be framed and put on your wall as a great reminder of how amazing your boyfriend is.
“I honestly feel bad that you lost one of your business partners, but I do appreciate you coming to my aid like that.” 
Just like that the world stops. No music from the orchestra or the laughter from guests could be heard. Waiters with trays and wine bottles in hand frozen in place along with the rest of the people. 
Victor turns to you with a deep rooted scowl. 
“I only did what needed to be done. They have a mindset that is beyond deplorable. I will not have my name or my company be tied to people like that. I also won’t tolerate anyone who dares disrespect you in such a way.” 
Victor will never let anyone disrespect you in any way, shape or form. Now, put racism and/or discrimination on top of that? Best believe, Victor will shut that shit down quick. The way he’ll sue them for everything they’ve got on top of cut their asses up with his sharp tongue and still keep it classy?! Those people are about to be destitute and traumatized. 
You’re at a café waiting on Lucien to show up for your lunch date. He’s running a little late due to being held up with work, but you don’t mind. You occupy your time by finding random things to do through your phone. 
Out of the corner of your eye you notice a group of people, who looked to be university boys, at another table looking over at you every so often before whispering amongst themselves. 
When they look over at you for the second time you hear a few chuckles causing your eyebrow twitch. They were definitely talking about you. 
One of them pulled out their phone, aiming it in your direction. Ah...so that’s how it is. You experienced this before, on trains mostly. Rude people trying to take a photo of you for whatever weird reason they may have. Usually it was because you were an “anomaly” to them.  And they weren’t subtle about taking the pictures at all. You’d be sitting across from them minding your own business and then snap! The loud shutter sound echoing throughout the quiet train. 
Sometimes you called people out on their rudeness, cursing them out and seeing their eyes widen and cheeks flush in embarrassment always brought you joy. They probably didn’t anticipate you calling them out and assumed you didn’t speak the language which made things all the more sweeter. 
Other times you had no energy to battle with them. You hated how people sometimes looked at you like you had grown two heads and how surprised they were to see you living your life just like them. 
This wasn’t the 5th century anymore. People in this country came in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Clearly, these people didn’t get the memo. 
Soooo, you were feeling a little petty today. 
You were ready let them know they weren’t slick with their antics by flipping them off. Was it a childish move? Yes. Did you care? Not at all. 
You make your move just as they took the picture, giving them the angriest look you can muster with your middle finger at the ready. 
You watch as the guys all crowd around their friend with the phone and grin as you see their unhappy expressions as they look at the photo. 
You smile at your little victory, but that smile quickly turned to confusion when you saw a familiar body looming over the group. 
It was...Lucien? You couldn’t hear what was being said but the pure horror that spreads across each individuals face in a matter of seconds indicates those boys were in trouble. 
A few seconds later, Lucien is before you shedding himself of his coat to take a seat, the group of boys scurrying out of the café like bats out of hell. 
He smiles softly at you as he sits down, completely ignoring the dumbfounded look on your face.
“Forgive my lateness. Did you order already?” 
Like hell you were just going to ignore what transpired. 
“Do you know them?”
You couldn’t hide your laughter once Lucien informed you those boys were his first year students from one of his lectures. Now, you know you had a bit of pettiness in you, but Lucien is a whole different monster when it comes to dishing out punishment. 
“Let me guess, you told them to write a five paged paper on how discrimination effects us and our view of the world due by the weekend?”
Lucien looks up from the menu at you slightly confused.  
“Now why would I do that? I’d like to think 10 pages due by tomorrow morning is more fitting.” 
Lucien won’t sit back and watch people disrespect you in anyway. Rest assured that our professor will have those people fearing for their lives all with a smile on his face. 
Like my work?! Please check out my MLQC Masterpost for more! 
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
Hello my dearest soulmate, I am back to request some more bard on bard action and this time I would like them in the shower, please and thank you :)
So this is 2.2k of Jaskilion smut. That's basically it.
CW: Shower sex, Top Dandelion, Bottom Jaskier, multiple orgasms, minor mention of homophobia
Technically this is Chapter 4 of this story, but each chapter also works well on their own (because they are all very smutty with very little plot)
“This is all your fault,” Dandelion whined, looking down at his beer stained trousers and pulling at a limp lock of hair. His usual curls fell flat, sticking to his face, and he resembled a drowned rat. To Jaskier, he looked utterly adorable, all pouting and wide eyes, but Jaskier knew that Dandelion’s vanity didn’t feel the same.
The gig at the bar had been pretty successful. Their music had completely charmed the audience and they’d even sold a few CDs at the end. People cheered and sang along with the choruses, and Jaskier even noticed a few regulars that always seemed to watch their gigs no matter which bar they played at. It seemed like they were finally going to get out of the coffee shop, hopefully. Was it too soon to start hoping?
Nah. Bollocks to that. Jaskier was a musician. He refused to sit idly by in a shitty coffee shop, watching his dreams go down the drain. Even if that meant getting beer poured over them by homophobic pricks. All he’d done was kiss Dandelion’s cheek at the end of the performance. His roommate had just looked so beautiful, cheeks flushed and eyes sparkling from the adrenaline. It wasn’t romantic, and it certainly wasn’t sexual, just a kiss between friends, but some arse hat decided to take offence to it. The arseholes had been lucky that Geralt hadn’t been around. Jaskier’s rather beefy boyfriend didn’t take kindly to people being mean to the two musicians. Yes, Jaskier was the more feral of the three of them, but Geralt and Yennefer were more intimidating.
It was glorious.
“How-how is this my fault?!” Jaskier snapped, waving a hand in Dandelion’s face, “I’m just as much the victim here. This shirt is dry clean only!”
“My hair!” Dandelion cried.
That only made Jaskier roll his eyes, he adored Dandelion, but god the man was precious about his hair. He spent more time in the bathroom than anyone else Jaskier had ever met, the amount of times Jaskier had had to shower with cold water because Dandelion had spent about six years in the bathroom… he’d lost count.
“Come on, let’s just shower and order a pizza?” Jaskier suggested, “and then get absolutely wasted off the cheapest bottle of vodka that I can find.
“You’re disgusting.”
Jaskier shrugged. “It’s cheaper than that Fiorano shit you buy.”
The blond stammered and put both hands on his hips, the overall effect ruined by his sodden clothes and ratty hair. “That is not shit! Julian.”
“Oooh full name,” Jaskier teased.
“That is the finest red wine that this world has to offer, it’s flavours are beyond compare, the scent absolutely divine! There is hardly a… hmmph!”
Jaskier pressed his lips to Dandelion’s, swiping his tongue along the blond’s lower lip, holding Dandelion’s face in his hands. It didn’t take long for Dandelion to melt into the kiss, long fingers digging into Jaskier’s hips, and when they pulled apart they were both a little breathless. “That’s not fair,” Dandelion muttered.
“Hmm, maybe not, darling, but you loved it.”
Dandelion snorted and rolled his eyes, but no one could miss the pretty pink blush on his cheeks. “I hate you.”
Jaskier smirked and booped Dandelion on the nose. “Oh yeah?”
“That’s why you had your lips around my cock last night?”
“Arrogant swine,” Dandelion hissed.
“Shower,” Jaskier shot back, resisting the urge to roll his eyes again, “You’ll feel better once you’re clean, dear heart.”
Dandelion narrowed his pretty cornflower blue eyes at Jaskier, his tongue flicking about between his kiss swollen lips. “I’m going first.”
Agreeing would have been the kindest thing to do, but Jaskier really really didn’t fancy a cold shower. He was already cold and sticky from the beer, and an ice cold shower would just be the final nail in the coffin… then a delicious thought came to mind. He smirked and tilted his head, his hand resting on his hip. “Together?”
Dandelion grinned widely. “Oh ho ho! Oh darling, you have the best ideas.”
So Jaskier pulled his roommate into another kiss, as they stumbled towards the bathroom, the heat quickly building between them as clothes were left in a trail through their flat. The room seemed to spin, lost in the growing haze of arousal, and despite his discomfort, all Jaskier could think about was getting his roommate out of his clothes. The bastard always wore so many fucking layers, with complicated tiny little buttons that drove Jaskier mad. His performance outfits were especially complicated, unlike Jaskier who favoured a rather more slutty look, open shirts, tight jeans, high heels if he could get away with them.
They scrambled for the tap and Dandelion pressed Jaskier against the cold tiled wall whilst they waited for the water to heat up, nipping and biting at his neck. Jaskier moaned, his eyes fluttering shut as Dandelion’s hand snaked down to push Jaskier’s boxers down. The elastic dragged over his cock and his erection sprung free. The blond’s long fingers were wrapped around his length in an instant.
“Oh-oh fuck,” Jaskier panted.
“Are you going to beg for my cock, little buttercup?” Dandelion purred, trailing a finger along Jaskier’s cheekbone and under his chin.
“Hmm… please, Lion…”
Dandelion smirked, his lips ghosting over Jaskier’s, teasing him. “Please what?”
“F-Fuck me… you bastard!” he spat. It was embarrassing how easily Dandelion was able to turn Jaskier into a mess. With just a few kisses and the barest of touches to his cock, Jaskier was begging his roommate to fuck him, but it had been so long since he’d been fucked by Dandelion. Their last few trysts, the blond had been the one desperate for Jaskier’s cock, but today he clearly had other plans, and well…
Jaskier had never been able to deny him anything.
He had that effect on people. Even Geralt wasn’t immune. Jaskier groaned as the memories filled his mind, Dandelion tied up in Geralt’s bed, a tie stuffed in his mouth, looking like absolute sin whilst Geralt fucked him into the mattress.
“So rude,” Dandelion chided.
The room was filling up with steam now, the shower easily hot enough, but Jaskier felt like he might die if he were moved from the cold tiles of the wall. He needed Dandelion in him, a burning need that made everything else seem small and insignificant. Dandelion didn’t agree, with one final kiss he pulled back, pushing down his own boxers and hopping into the bathtub. With a glance over his shoulder, he winked.
Jaskier groaned, unable to stop himself from stroking his cock as he watched the water roll down Dandelion’s soft and silky skin. He enjoyed the sight for a few moments until Dandelion started to massage the shampoo into his hair, letting out a long obscene moan that was clearly meant to entice Jaskier into bath.
“Bloody siren,” Jaskier muttered under his breath, hopping as he rushed to pull off his boxers. The fabric got caught in his feet and he almost fell into the bath. Dandelion only laughed as he caught Jaskier.
“Come on then darling, let’s get cleaned up and we’ll get you ready for my cock.”
Jaskier’s cock twitched at the musician’s words, another wave of arousal washing over him as he stepped into the shower, hot water almost burning his skin, but true to his word, Dandelion was determined to actually shower first. His fingers expertly massaged Jaskier’s scalp as he worked in the shampoo, the expensive kind that Dandelion preferred, floral and sweet smelling. Jaskier was putty in his friend’s hand, mewling happily with every touch on his skin. After the shampoo, Dandelion handed Jaskier the conditioner bottle and then it was Jaskier’s turn to pamper his roommate, applying the conditioner through the long locks of hair just as he’d seen Dandelion always do. His roommate hummed happily, and the whole thing was really rather intimate, far more intimate than Dandelion usually allowed, bordering on something almost romantic.
But Jaskier knew better.
For Dandelion, this was simply a need for physical touch and affection, and Jaskier was more than happy to comply.
Once they were done with their hair, Dandelion pulled Jaskier into a kiss. The water was still hot against Jaskier’s skin, running down his cheeks and catching in his eyelashes. The kiss was a mess of tongues, teeth and water, Dandelion’s hands running through Jaskier’s chest hair until they wrapped around his neck. Jaskier groaned and caught Dandelion’s bottom lip between his teeth as he pulled away from the kiss.
“Impatient,” Dandelion shot back.
“Lion please,” he whined, “put those talented fingers of yours to good use and fuck me, please.”
Dandelion smirked. “Just my fingers?”
“Fingers, tongue, cock… just please,” Jaskier begged, his hands pulling at Dandelion hair, making his friend moan so deliciously.
“Fuck, Jask,” Dandelion gasped, blindly reaching for the bottle of lube that they had tucked away on the shelf with the shampoo bottles. Jaskier was pushed back against the wall by his friend, and finally he felt Dandelion’s long fingers teasing at his hole.
He whimpered and closed his eyes, his own hand wrapping around his cock. The water continued to pour over them as Dandelion began to stretch him open, one single finger pumping in and out, slow, torturing. Each thrust brushed against Jaskier’s prostate, making him whine and buck against Dandelion’s hand. The touch was teasing and feather light, and it really shouldn’t have felt so good but soon Jaskier was gripping the base of his cock to stop himself from coming.
One finger.
The fucking bastard.
“Oh fuck, Dandelion, more, more!”
“Shhh, Jask, I’ve got you,” Dandelion purred, “be a good boy and cum for me.”
And Jaskier did. He keened, grinding down on Dandelion’s hand as he fell over the edge, but his friend didn’t even pause. Instead he grabbed the lube bottle, slicking up his fingers again and pushing a second finger inside to join the first. Jaskier moaned at the stretch, feeling oversensitive and yet so desperate for everything that Dandelion could give him.
“Ah fuck!”
Dandelion chuckled, kissing and biting at his neck in the way he knew made Jaskier a babbling mess. This time Dandelion didn’t tease as much, a third finger soon joined the others, making Jaskier whimper as he was stretched open. He was a panting, writhing wreck under his friends fingers, almost sobbing at the oversensitivity, but if anyone could coax multiple orgasms out of him then it was Dandelion, and his friend seemed determined to try. Jaskier gasped as his cock began to fill out once more, his pleasure slowly starting to build for a second time.
The water was almost lukewarm, but Dandelion didn’t seem to be taking any notice, too focussed on taking Jaskier apart under the jet. There was another click of the lube bottle and Jaskier whimpered.
“Lion, god, fuck!” he stammered as he felt the blunt tip of Dandelion’s cock press against his hole, gasping as his friend pushed inside, slowly so that Jaskier could feel every inch. Jaskier groaned as he looked down to watch Dandelion fuck into him, the musician’s cock not even fully seated before he pulled out again, making Jaskier whine pathetically. Before he could really complain, Dandelion’s hips thrust forward, pushing completely inside Jaskier in one swift movement.
“Oh fuck!” Jaskier cried, his feet almost losing grip at the bath mat.
Dandelion swore, biting into Jaskier’s shoulder as he thrust into him. It didn’t matter that the water had gone cold, Jaskier felt like he was on fire, already tumbling towards a second orgasm. He could do nothing except hold onto his friend, whining and swearing with every snap of Dandelion’s hips. The water was washing away his tears but he couldn’t help the sobs that wracked through him. It was too much and not enough. His skin was burning, every touch tingling.
“I-I can’t…” he gasped, “too much… Lion…”
“You can, sweetheart,” Dandelion panted, capturing Jaskier’s lips in a sloppy kiss as he reached down to stroke Jaskier’s cock. Pleasure shot through Jaskier like a tidal wave and sparks flew in front of his vision. His head rolled back and he cried out wordlessly, a complete wreck. He came again, writhing under Dandelion, losing all sense of the world. Dandelion moaned into the kiss as Jaskier felt Dandelion’s cum fill him up. It was a miracle that they stayed standing. Jaskier felt completely boneless, falling into his friend’s embrace, eyes fluttering shut.
Dandelion chuckled breathlessly and hoisted Jaskier up so his legs were wrapped around the blond’s waist. Not pulling out, Dandelion maneuvered them from the shower. Jaskier just whined into Dandelion’s neck, not having the energy to do anything else. When Dandelion finally pulled out Jaskier let out a choked sob, suddenly feeling unbearably empty, but his friend seemed to have predicted it, before Jaskier could protest he felt a plug being pushed inside his used hole.
“There,” Dandelion purred, pressing a kiss to Jaskier’s neck. “All full and happy, you like that don’t you?”
“Uh huh…”
“Good,” Dandelion cooed. “Now, darling, let’s go get dried off and get some rest, hmm?”
Jaskier didn’t respond, already falling asleep in his friend’s arms.
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suckmysupernatural · 4 years
Weighted Blanket
Word Count: ~1900, Oneshot
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Panic attack, anxiety, medication, language, glass
Summary: Reader has anxiety and panic attacks, today is an off day and Dean helps the reader. Slight fluff
Author’s Note: Hi! I’m Sarah and this is my first fic! Let me know what you think of the fic, what I can improve upon, etc. Also feel free to give some fic ideas :) Thanks for reading my loves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When I woke up, I knew that today was going to be another one of my bad days. There was nothing wrong or tangible that I could place the blame on. It had been a while since I had a bad day. At least I wasn’t waking up in some shitty hotel room or with a hunt planned for the day. Today I got to wake up in the bunker, in the bed that Dean and I shared. Rolling over, I saw that Dean wasn’t laying next to me like I had hoped. Sitting up my heart began to pound. Where is he? Is Dean okay? Where is he? My questions were answered quickly, with my phone buzzing on the nightstand. It was Dean.
Hey sweetheart. Sammy and I went out to town on a supply run, need anything?
Breathing a sigh of relief, I opened my bedside drawer. Grabbing my medication, I didn’t hear the familiar rattle of pills. Crap. During my last panic attack I had taken my last pill. I didn’t make a note on my phone or tell Dean and my mind would always get so foggy during and after a panic attack. It’s a good thing that Dean is already in town. Grabbing my phone, I type up a quick reply to his earlier question. 
 Yes, can you pick up my meds from the pharmacy? I’m all out. 
Putting my phone down to wait for a response, I climbed out of bed and stretched the overnight stiffness out of my muscles. About to head to the bathroom, I was interrupted by a familiar sound. “Faithfully” by Journey, my ringtone for Dean, started playing. Picking up the phone, I pressed the green button to answer the call.
“Are you okay? Do you need me to come home?” Dean blurted out as soon as I put the phone to my ear. The corners of my lips turned up in a smile. I was so lucky to have someone who cared so much about me. 
“Yes, I am okay. I just woke up feeling… off. I’m fine though. I just remembered that my medication ran out from last time, I need a refill just in case. But don’t worry. I’m going to take a shower and then make some breakfast. It’ll be done by the time you guys get back so don’t eat anything while you are out.” 
“Okay… Well if you need me to come home at any point just text. We don’t have many errands to run so it shouldn’t take long,” Dean said, trying to cover up the worry in his voice.
“Thank you. I love you, see you soon,” I responded. 
“Love you too, sweetheart.” Dean replied and then hung up the phone. I was still feeling uneasy but I’m not surprised. My anxiety didn’t simply go away when it should. There were things I could do to help, though. I grabbed my phone and made my way into the bathroom. Scrolling through Spotify, I clicked on the playlist that I had made for days like this. It was a compilation of gentle acoustic covers of classic rock songs. Listening to the originals made my heart rate go even higher, so I stuck to the more relaxing versions. I connected my phone to the waterproof bluetooth speaker I had put in the shower, letting the music fill the room. I turned on the shower and slipped off the T-shirt and cotton shorts that I had slept in. Hopping into the shower, I let the warm water cascade down your shoulders and back, releasing the tension. I lathered my hair with my favorite shampoo, inhaling the apple scent that I loved. “Dust in the Wind” by Kansas flowed through the speakers and I sang along while washing the suds out of my hair. Putting my conditioner in, I could still feel that my heart was beating faster than it normally did, but I accepted it and continued my shower routine. Once I finished rinsing out my hair, washing my body, and shaving my legs I turned off the shower as the water was slowly turning cold. I wrapped myself in the fuzzy white towel that hung on a hook next to the shower. I had stolen it on a hunt a few months back. A ghost was haunting a fancy hotel, which had been a nice change of pace from the usual dumps I stayed in. 
With one hand holding the towel up and the other holding my phone, I walked the short way back to the bedroom. I opened my closet, already knowing what I was going to wear. I grabbed the clothes that I always wore on bad days, it was the comfiest outfit I owned. The first item was an oversize, lightweight blue T-shirt. The material was extra soft and thin. I also had a pair of Dean’s sweatpants. They had become mine after I had stolen them once and realized how comfortable they were. They were old and grey, some might call them ratty. I slipped on the shirt and pulled on the sweats, rolling the waist of them so that I didn’t trip on them when I went to walk. Along with the clothes, I pulled out my teddy bear slippers. They were a gag gift from my sister a few Christmases back, but they were so soft and warm that I had to keep them. 
Feeling cozy and warm, I made my way into the kitchen. Reaching the threshold I stopped and closed my eyes. I could feel myself shaking, feeling antsy and unsettled. Not wanting to keep still, I made my way to the pantry and pulled out what I needed to make pancakes. I mixed up the ingredients and turned on the stove.
Flipping the last pancake, I heard the front door of the bunker open and close. Perfect timing, I thought smiling. The brothers’ voices grew louder as they got closer to the kitchen. 
“Hey boys! Just finished up. Make sure to put the fridge and freezer food in now. Then sit, you can unpack the rest after breakfast.” I said proudly. I was happy to provide for Same and Dean, whether it be breakfast or a hug when they needed it. They were always taking care of me and it was nice to return the favor every now and then. 
“How’re you feeling?” Dean said, snaking an arm around my waist and placing a kiss onto my temple. I inhaled his musky scent and sighed, leaning my head onto his chest.
“Not my best, not my worst,” I responded, pulling out three plates and piling pancakes on each.
“Need your medication? I got it,” Dean started to rummage through the bags that he and Sam had brought in. I placed my hand on his shoulder, stopping him.
“No no, I’m okay for now. Sit down, time to eat,” I said. Dean listened to my request, moving to sit across from Sam. I walked over and put a plate in front of each man. Grabbing the maple syrup, forks, and my own plate, I sat down next to Dean. Handing each brother a fork, I sighed. I loved moments like these, in the bunker, where the three of us felt like a normal family. I didn’t have to worry about an apocalypse or stitching up one, or both, of the boys after a hunt. I could just sit here with my two favorite people and enjoy our time together. We ate breakfast and chatted until the pancakes were settled into our stomachs. 
Sam got up and announced that he was going to look for cases and read up on some lore. Dean and I stayed at the table with my head leaning on his shoulder. Dean’s face turned into my hair, kissing the top of my head. 
“Thanks for breakfast, it was tasty,” Dean said, rubbing his stomach and then standing up, stretching slightly, “I’m gonna take a shower, you going to be okay”
“Yeah, go for it. Be warned, there might not be that much hot water,” I smirked, hoping that the shower wouldn’t be freezing for Dean. I grabbed the plates and brought them over to the sink. I didn’t mind doing the dishes, actually finding them quite calming most of the time. First, I scrubbed the bowl and frying pan I had used to make breakfast. I picked up one of the plates when I felt the lump form in my throat. No, no, no I thought, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. I knew that my anxiety was starting to bubble to the surface but tried to push through it. As I started to clean off the plate in my hand my head started to feel fuzzy. My breathing started to quicken to match my increasing heart rate. I took a step back as my vision started to blur from the lack of oxygen. Before I knew it the plate had slipped from my hands, crashing and shattering on the ground. I didn’t even hear the glass break because my ears were ringing. I was sinking into a panic attack. It was somehow overwhelming and numbing at the same time. It felt like the world around me ceased to exist, trapping me in my overactive mind.
Dean came running into the kitchen with his gun drawn and hair still damp from the shower. Seeing that it was only me, he put his gun down on the kitchen table. He approached slowly, trying not to startle me into stepping on the broken glass that surrounded my feet. My hands were still in front of me as if the plate was still safely in my grasp. Dean saw that my whole body was shaking and my breaths were short and rapid. 
“Sweetheart. I am going to pick you up, okay? There is glass all around your feet and I don’t want you stepping on it,” Dean said in a low voice, calm and collected. He knew that I currently didn’t have the ability to step over the glass. Seeing me nod slightly at his words, he moved closer. Dean placed one hand on my back and the other behind my knees, sweeping me up in one fluid motion. He could feel my body twitching against his as I relaxed my full body into him. He started to make his way to our bedroom, slowly in an attempt to help calm me. I opened my mouth, wanting to thank him. 
“Um… I… uh….” I stutter out, trying to fight the brain fog. 
“Shh sweetheart. It’s okay, I got you.” Dean whispered, laying me down onto the bed. He walked over to the closet, pulling out a weighted blanket and pulling it onto me. Opening the nightstand drawer, he pulled out the new bottle of medication, shaking a single pill into this palm. “Open up,” he said, knowing that my hands were too shaky to hold the pill myself. He placed it on my tongue before bringing a glass of water to my lips, tipping it slowly. Once I had swallowed the pill, Dean took off his shoes and slid into the bed. Wrapping his arm around me, he let me burrow myself into his chest as I attempted to match his slow breathing. Slowly, the pill started to kick in, my body starting to still. Dean softly caressed my hair with one hand, the other drawing small circles on my arm. 
“Thank you,” I whisper, my eyes starting to droop.
“I’ll always take care of you,” Dean whispered back. You gave him a soft smile before falling asleep, safe in his arms. 
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