#and I’m hoping these will turn out beautiful and I’ll have fun pics to share tomorrow👀
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Eeheheheee >:)))
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Wrong Number
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x female Reader 
Summary: When Steve texted the wrong number, he started a friendship with you. Most of your talks are about your Corgi Bella, but then you find out who Steve really is 
Word Count: ~3.5k 
Warnings: body shaming for Steve (don’t worry, other people make sure to tell Steve how beautiful he is), if you don’t like garlic I’m sorry – just imagine it is something else, some swearing 
A/N: Texts in [ . ] are text messages 
[I’m just asking because Sam begged me to ask you to bring your garlic dip to the barbeque. He won’t shut up or else I wouldn’t be bothering you.] 
[I don’t know a Sam?] 
[Haha, I’ll tell him that] 
[No, seriously. I don’t know who you’re talking about.] 
[Good one, Nat. You could have just said you wouldn’t bring it.] 
[I’m not Nat... And tbh I don’t know who you are either. I think you have the wrong number 
At least I hope Sam gets the garlic dip, if it helps] 
You didn’t hear anything else from the unknown number and it had been a few days. When it was Thursday evening and you were bored and scrolled through your messages you saw the unknown number again and decided to send text. 
[I hope Sam got his garlic dip!] 
When there was no reply in the next minutes you put your phone aside and put more focus on the show running in the background. Then your phone was illuminated by an incoming text. 
[He was very sad he didn’t get it. And he did complain all the time while he was still stuffing his face with my apple pie.] 
[Wow, so I guess that dip must be very good then. Any chance I could get the recipe?] 
[I doubt it. No one has gotten it out of Nat so far] 
[What about your pie recipe?] 
[Who knows, I might share one day] 
[Well a girl can hope. I hope I didn’t bother you.] 
[No bother, I’m glad you’re distracting me from some paperwork] 
[Well then here’s something else to distract you] 
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Steve wasn’t sure if he should open the picture or not. He heard stories, but in the end his curiosity won, and he was rewarded. He looked at the cutest little dog who was sleeping on a rather big pillow. 
He couldn’t help but gush about the dog and learned that she was yours, was called Bella and a corgi. You shared stories about her and he couldn’t help but ask more and more until he noticed that he should really finish writing his report. But talking to you was fun and so he decided to go to his room and call it a night. He would get up earlier in the morning to write the report. 
He messaged you when you were taking a walk with Bella, telling you to be safe. It became a daily occurrence to talk to each other. He messaged you in the morning asking how Bella was, although he knew that she wasn’t with you. It was easier under the pretend to ask about your dog than to ask directly how you were doing. But it was always the second question he asked. 
Talking to you was just easier – it might be because he was just Steve. No Captain America, no solider, just Steve who was talking to a nice woman about her dog. And your job, your family – you had been messaging for weeks now and he still learned something new about you. 
You still tried to bribe him with pictures of Bella in exchange for the recipe for the apple pie. It wasn’t like it was a big secret recipe, but he enjoyed the banter and the pictures that came in through the day. The latest one was of the dog with her head turned to the side and a crown that almost fell from her head. 
[I saw the crown and thought it was fitting as you always call her princess, but she seems to hate it 🙁] was the caption of the pic. 
[She doesn’t need a crown to be my princess. Will you go on your walk soon?] 
[Yup, just getting ready] 
That was the last message he received. He didn’t like you being out on your own at that time of the evening. You had sent him a picture and it was dark, so he always texted with you. But this evening he didn’t receive an answer so for the first time he did something he had never done before. 
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The buzzing didn’t stop and you fished the phone out of your jacket, it showed an incoming call from Steve. It took you a second until you finally pressed the green button. 
“Hello?” you asked. You hadn’t realized that you had stopped walking until Bella nudged your leg. 
“You didn’t reply to my message, I wanted to make sure you’re okay,” you heard his voice – and the sound of it made you wonder - not for the first time - how he looked like. 
“Were you worried?”  
You didn’t expect him to answer with a clear yes. “I did, I needed to check in on my girls.” That did things to you, you weren’t able to handle yet. You played it off and talked about Bella instead, who was getting restless. 
“I guess you can keep us company, Bella just wants to keep going.” 
“Of course she is, she wants her mom home safe. She’s my good girl,” he said, and it was as if Bella heard his voice when she starred at you. Steve was on the phone with you until you told him you arrived home safely and put the phone on speaker where he talked to your dog while you took off your jacket. 
“I have to go now and play with a grumpy cat,” he told you when you were back on the phone. 
“You have a cat?” you asked astonished as he had never mentioned it before and only then did he admit that he had been at his best friend's place. You scolded him for talking to you instead. 
“As I said I was worried about you. The punk wouldn’t dare to say anything, but Alpine might bite me if I won’t give her some cuddles now. Have a good night, sweetheart.” Before you could reply anything he had ended the phone call and you could only stare at your dog on shock. 
“Well, that’s a new one.” 
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Tuesdays you helped at your local animal shelter. And that day there was a lot of talking and surprisingly many people. 
“What’s happening?” you asked Amy when you signed in.  
“A lot of people are here today because of the photo shooting. A few Avengers came by to take some pictures for a campaign to adopt more animals. Pretty good idea, but the day wasn’t as good. The photographer was a bitch. There really isn’t a better word for it. She was complaining the whole time, demanding and then she was a real bitch to Captain America. The man came here to do something good, for free might I add, and she looked him in the eye and said “I thought superheroes were supposed to be perfect. This is going to take so long to photoshop these arms with these stretchmarks all over.” 
“She didn’t,” you gasped. “What did he say?” 
“That poor man excused himself. He said he was sorry and opted to put on some more clothes. Can you imagine? What a crime!” 
“Damn, now I wish I had been here. I would have ripped her a new one, this is no way to talk to other people. And especially not someone who risks his life for us. And who in their right mind would look at him and tell him he’s ugly?” You were getting upset and you weren’t even there. Amy asked you if you could take Daisy for a walk and let that information slip that she had been the dog that had been photographed with Captain America. 
Daisy had gotten her name because of a white spot on her butt that looked like the flower and you were surprised that she hadn’t found a forever home yet as she was the sweetest dog you had ever met (but you wouldn’t say that out loud when Bella was near).   
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“I think I cheated.” Your heart stopped for a second before you remembered that he couldn’t be talking about you – as you weren’t a couple. 
“You think you cheated?” 
“Today I had – I saw a couple of puppies and I slipped and called the little girl princess and then I felt bad immediately when I noticed, and I just had to call and come clean and apologize to my princess. Of course, she’s the only one, but maybe she’ll understand if she sees her.” 
“Did you call to apologize to my dog for calling another dog princess?” you concluded. 
“I would have come over and gave her favorite treat and some cuddles if I could, so I hope this will be enough though.” There has never been a conversation about if the two of you should meet. An incoming picture distracted you though. 
And this time you were sure that your heart stopped, because there was no way! No way that this picture happened today and that you were staring at the same puppy that had been in your arms not 3 hours ago. And had been in Steve’s too. “I’ll just... I’ll put you on speaker so you can apologize to Bella. I have to use the bathroom, I think.” You put the phone on the floor, told Bella – who let out a whoof when she saw you walking away, but decided to stay near the phone and not move at all from her place. 
Your Steve was Captain America. Your Steve was Captain America. Your Steve was Captain America. You felt like a damn fool, but on the other hand – what was he supposed to say? Obviously he wouldn’t introduce himself as Captain America. And then you remembered what Amy had told you about that awful woman and you bet he had an awful day while you just let him alone with your dog on the phone.  
“I’m back, sorry for disappearing and leaving you with my dog.” 
“That’s alright, are you okay?” 
“I am! What about you?” You pressed the phone closer to your ear. 
“I’m okay too. Feel a lot better now that I’m talking to you,” he admitted, and you could hear that he really sounded more relaxed. “Okay, so I’m going to suggested something crazy here. How about we switch to a video call? You don’t have to show me yours, but you could see Bella if you want to. And me, if that’s what you want.” You must have been out of your mind to suggest that, but now that you knew who was on the other side of the phone, it just seemed fair. 
“Only if you want to, sweetheart.” 
“Let me change real quick, so I won’t be in my pj’s anymore. But I’ll put Bella on first.” You placed the phone in front of her dog bed and pushed the call button and when you could hear Steve’s voice again you quickly went to throw on a regular shirt and decided to stick with the pj pants. And you couldn’t do anything to hide the growing pimple on your face, so you wouldn’t be bothering about that either. 
When you came back and picked up the phone Bella looked confused, then lost and followed you towards the couch where you were headed. In the end Steve had a good view of your dog and a not flattering angle of you. “So guess this is me then,” you said when the other line went still and you saw the black rectangle in the corner. 
“Wow, I didn’t think you’d look like that.” You face must have shown you confusion. “It’s nothing bad, its better, but like you imagine how the other person would look like when you’re talking to them and it isn’t that at all, but you’re … beautiful. Seriously, I knew you’d be because of everything you told me, but seeing it with my own eyes. I wish I could show you myself, but today... isn’t a good day.” 
“That’s okay, I offered. You don’t have to do that, don’t feel pressured.” Bella made a noise as if she’d agree and a laugh was heard through your speakers in reply. 
Minute by minute his mood improved; you could hear it in his voice. He was telling you about the cute dog and you felt like you kept something from him when you didn’t tell him that you knew Daisy. But then you’d give away that you knew who he was and he wasn’t ready to share that. He had only told you he didn’t have a good day and that talking to you had made it better. You noticed that this was the first time he left Bella out. 
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“So what, you can gush about one corgi all the time, but when I take you to a corgi party, you’re all pouty?” Sam couldn’t believe it. Steve had been in a mood for a few days and Bucky and he thought this would cheer him up. 
“Steve, did you see the one dressed up as Captain America?” Bucky was excitingly pointing somewhere in the distance. It seemed like he was having the most fun of the three of them. Steve couldn’t tell his friends that this made him kind of sad, because it made him miss you and your dog. The talking had fizzled out and you almost had no time to call or anything. You still sent him messages when you were on your walk (He just couldn’t reply in that moment because he was on a mission) and you sent him pictures of Bella, but it felt like something was missing since you had your video call. 
But how could he tell you that he wasn’t just Steve, he was Captain America too? 
“Steve, look at that one at your feet. It’s looking up to you.” 
Steve looked down and there sat a Corgi. “Hey there,” he cooed and bend down. “Aren’t you a cute one?” The dog waggled its tail and flopped on its back, so Steve started to rub the belly. “Are you lost?” he asked when he noticed the leash hanging loosely at the dogs side. “What’s your name pr- sweetheart?” He stopped himself, but he noticed the ears standing up when he almost let the petname slip. 
Two things happened at the same time: While Steve looked at the name on the dog tag at the collar, someone shouted for Bella and the dog got back on its feet. 
“Princess?” Steve asked at the same time you asked “Steve?” and then he said your name or more like breathed it. Bella let out some noises so no one would forget about her, while you and Steve were busy staring at each other, and he had stopped petting her. 
The moment was broken by a man approaching. “Sorry, but could I take a picture of you and Oliver? I can’t believe we met the real Captain America!” Steve looked briefly at you, but you offered to take the picture. Bella refused to leave his side and so you took a picture with her at his feet, Steve with a forced smile and a dressed-up Captain America Corgi in its owner arms. 
When the man left Steve looked apologetic at you. “I didn’t want you to find out like that!” he said sheepishly. 
“Oh, I already knew,” you admitted and looked at the two people standing behind him. After a quick introduction they asked if it would be okay to pet Bella and you told them that she would be disappointed if they didn’t. 
“Have you met Winter?” you asked Bucky who gave Bella the pets she so desperately wanted. 
“Uh no? I don’t think so?” 
“You have to meet her! I just met her and her owner and they are so nice! Winter is actually named after... well I guess you’ll find out. But I bet she would love to meet you! They wanted to get something to eat so you might find them there.” 
When it was only the two (three) of you Steve apologized for not telling you sooner about his alter ego.  
“It’s not like you need to walk around, telling everyone. I get it, Steve. I’m not mad! You told me about you and your friends, what you like and don’t like. You didn’t need to tell me about your job. And it wasn’t like I told you when I found out who you were either.” 
“Why didn’t you?” he asked when you stopped so Bella could sniff at a new friend. 
“I thought you’d tell me when you’re ready. And I heard about the photo shooting at the shelter, so I thought this wasn’t the day to bring it up. And I want to tell you again,” you stopped and, with a bravery you didn’t know you had, took his hand in yours and only continues when he looked at you: “Don’t listen to that horrible woman. You’re very handsome and you’re such a beautiful person, don’t let other people tell you otherwise!” 
A blush started to appear on his face, but he didn’t let go of your hand and in the end the three of you left the park with him texting his friends they shouldn’t wait for him. Talking to each other felt easy and you didn’t even know why you hadn’t really talked in the last weeks. Maybe it was because you felt insecure after that video chat.  
But your friendship with Steve grew and now he was even accompanying you on your evening walks, which often ended with late night talks in your apartment. If Steve couldn’t come it was Bucky or Sam and one time Natasha stood in front of your door and introduced herself (That same night you also found a little note with some ingredients on it in your kitchen). Bella loved all of them and especially the one-time Bucky had a little companion with him. 
“Interested in talking a walk with us?” he asked. 
“Us?” you asked confused as you didn’t see Sam. 
“Yeah, Winter and I were about to take a walk.“ Your eyebrows rose when you spotted the three-legged dog next to his side. “Just don’t ask, okay?” You promised but you would be asking Steve as soon as he was back from this mission! Walks with Bucky were kind of different, not as much was said as it would be with the other ones, but you somehow felt that in the non-talking you said a lot to each other. 
“So, when are the two of you making it official?” he said randomly. He didn’t look at you and was instead watching Bella and Winter intensely. 
“If Steve is interested in something more than friendship, he should make it known. I thought I had made it clear that I’m interested and if he isn’t taking the next step, I’m not pushing it into something it isn’t.” 
“I guess I need to have a chat with that punk then.” Winter and Bella were exhausted from the impromptu playdate and while Bella crashed immediately when you opened the door, Bucky picked up Winter without a struggle, told you good night and made his way back out of the building. 
The next time your doorbell rang you it was Steve in civilian clothes, but still with dirt in his face and his hair unkempt. “We need to talk!” 
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You couldn’t help yourself and you had to take a picture! The sight in front of you was just too cute. “Don’t stand there and join us!” Steve’s sleepy voice suddenly said, and you should have expected that he had noticed you lurking in the doorway. You quickly walked over and laid in the arm that your boyfriend held out for you. 
“Did you like the picture you took?” he asked. 
“Love it, actually.” 
A few minutes later a notification popped up on your phone. 
[Steve Rogers posted a picture] 
This is real and even heroes aren’t perfect was the headline and it showed a picture of a shirtless Steve - stretchmarks and all - in bed with a corgi thrown over him and they looked at each other with love in their eyes.  
Steves Instagram post made the internet go mad. Theories about who that dog was, what made him post after such a long time and then something so extremely personal. And no one was prepared for the chain reaction that followed:  
Under the hashtag #HeroesAren’tPerfectEither and #AdoptDon’tShop followed pictures of the other Avengers. The Winter Soldier posted a picture of him standing in front of a dog with only three legs – and without his prosthetic arm. Many pictures more followed and the campaign, that wasn’t a campaign, was more successful than any other. More furry friends found their forever home, although Steve felt that in his case it had been Bella who had adopted him and showed him his forever home. 
Masterlist | Library Blog
Reblogs, comments, asks or just a ramble mean the world to me <3
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nashibirne · 3 years
Hey lovely! Sorry I missed your milestone post! Firstly CONGRATS! You deserve it and so much more!!! 💖 As there's a milestone celebration in my house today, what about celebrating a milestone anniversary with Henry? I'm all up in my sappy romantic feels 🥺💖 LUV YA x
I'm still answering the asks I got for my milestone celebration 🥳 So today I have another prompt based one-shot for you!
Thank you so much for your ask, Lauren and for your sweet words! I hope you still crave a little fluffy romance because that's what I tried to put into words, but most of all I hope you're going to like and enjoy this and you find yourself represented in my story.
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Pairing: Henry Cavill x Lauren
Words: ~ 1.3 k
Summary: It's your wedding anniversary but you have to work and that sucks, doesn't it?
Warnings: RPF, fluff
UNBETA'ED! English is not my mother tongue, so expect bad grammar, wrong spelling, chaotic punctuation and clumsy language. All mistakes are mine…
Disclaimer/credits: I neither own Henry Cavill nor do I know him. This is pure fiction. Pics for the header from Pinterest
My Masterlist
And now... enjoy the ride!
It could have been a great day, a perfect day. A trip to Plymouth, a major task your boss entrusted you with, a really important article you were about to write for the lifestyle and culture ressort you'd joined only a few weeks ago as deputy editor. If only it hadn't been exactly this day, the day of your five years anniversary with your beloved husband.
You leaned back in your seat with a sigh, closing your eyes, the rattling sound of the train that was taking you to Devon soothing your nerves a little.
Henry had been nothing but understanding when you told him you would be away for your anniversary. He had been disappointed for sure, you were easily able to tell by the look in his eyes, but he was the most supportive partner you could ever imagine and so he was genuinely happy for you that you were given this great opportunity.
"It's going to be fun, darling. You'll spend a whole day in a theme park and get paid for it," he had said with a grin. "We can celebrate our anniversary the next day, it's not a problem."
Of course he was right, it was no big deal, whether you had a romantic anniversary dinner today or tomorrow made no real difference, but you couldn't help the feeling of missing something tonight.
You shook your head, scolding yourself for being so unprofessional and ungrateful. Get your act together, you thought and that's what you did. You did your job and it turned out soon that Henry was right, it was a fun day.
The theme park that was about to be opened the following weekend, was called Nostalgia and it was really great. Old-fashioned and high-tech at the same time, the magic of the-good-old-days combined with the thrill of modern rides. You and the other journalists who got invited to the exclusive pre-opening had such a good time, trying all the fairground attractions -the rollercoasters, tilt-a-whirls, a log flume, a beautiful vintage horse-carousel, different chairoplanes and a more funny than spooky ghost train. You watched some shows, from stunt action to musical performances, and enjoyed some delicious treats at the candy booths. The only downer was the fact that the huge, historic ferris-wheel hadn't been opened yet. It was so beautiful, a real eyecatcher, being the geographical center of the park as well as the visual highlight.
When you and your colleagues were waiting for the shuttle busses to bring you back to the train station at the end of this exciting day, you were already busy with writing the article in your head. Unfortunately you were interrupted, when the park director approached you, glancing at your name badge.
"Mrs Cavill, I'm sorry to bother you, but would you please accompany me?"
You looked at him with a frown.
"Is something wrong?"
"Nothing to worry about, just a tiny problem with your accreditation. A formality. We just need you to sign some paperwork, so if you'd follow me to my office…?"
"But the bus," you said in a weak attempt to avoid any complications.
"There's plenty of time," the man answered with a friendly smile. "Please." He gestured to you to follow him and you gave in with a sigh.
When the ferris wheel came into sight you stared at it in amazement. It was beautifully illuminated by thousands of little lights that created a very romantic atmosphere, and to your big surprise it was even slowly turning.
"I thought the ferris wheel hadn't been opened yet?"
The director turned to you with a conspiratorial smile.
"Well, we may have given a special permit to someone to use it exclusively tonight."
"Really?" You were confused by his words and he grinned, pointing at something. When your gaze followed the direction of his gesture you gasped, covering your mouth with your hands. Henry was standing by the entrance of the ferris wheel, wearing a tuxedo, his hair neatly done, his blue eyes shining bright, smiling lovingly at you.
It took you some seconds to recover from this welcome shock, but when you were able to breathe and think again, you started to run straight into the arms of your beloved husband. He hugged you tightly, lifting you off the ground with ease, before putting you down again to press a sweet kiss on your brown hair.
"Happy anniversary, darling."
His whispered words that resonated softly in your ear, sent pleasant shivers down your spine. You looked up, getting on your tiptoes to kiss him. Your lips met and the kiss was brief but deep and passionate, your tongues tasting desire and anticipation in each other's mouths.
"Happy anniversary, baby", you answered with an ecstatic smile, still equally surprised and confused, "but what are you doing here?"
"Whisking you away for a ride on the big wheel, of course," he said with a grin and you couldn't help but laugh out loud with happiness and excitement.
"How the heck did you manage to do that?" You hugged him, snuggling up against his broad chest, inhaling his scent that was so fresh and tangy. Henry wrapped his arms around your petite body, making you feel safe and sound.
"That has to remain my little secret, darling," he smirked and you chuckled at his attempt to wink at you.
"So hop on, my lady."
Henry bowed down before you, gesturing expansively in the direction of the gondola, being the dorky guy he just was and who you loved so much.
When you entered the little cab you were truly amazed. It was furnished with two upholstered benches and a small table, but what made your heart skip a beat and your eyes go wide was the fact that it was decorated with so much loving care. There was an elegant white cloth on the table, candles that illuminated the tiny space, crystal champagne flutes and a huge bottle of Moët & Chandon, strawberries, filled chocolates and the little truffles you liked so much.
You sat down and Henry took the seat beside you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder to pull you close.
"This is incredible, baby. Such a great surprise," you told him with a grateful smile, visibly touched.
"I'm glad you like it, baby girl."
He kissed you and you laughed out loud in unison, when the wheel started moving, causing the gondola to rock slowly, making you and Henry bump into each other.
Besides the jerky start the ride was very smooth and the wheel kept on turning slowly while you and Henry enjoyed the fantastic few over the park, the delicious treats and the sparkling champagne, cuddled up to each other, sharing uncountable loving glances and kisses.
Just when you thought the night couldn't get any better, the cab stopped at the peak and music started to play softly from invisible speakers. You realized immediately that it was Secret Garden by Bruce Springsteen. Your song. The song he had kissed you to for the first time. The song you had danced to on your wedding day, surrounded by your families and friends but still feeling like being the only two people on the planet. The song you had made love to so many times.
You beamed at your husband, unable to say anything, tears welling up in your blue eyes, Henry loved so much. You cupped his face with your small hands and kissed him tenderly, your lips expressing your happiness and gratitude better than a thousand words could have. After making out for a while, completely lost in the moment, Henry pulled away, leaving you breathless and aroused. He raked something out of his pocket and placed it on the table right in front of you, covering it with his hand.
"What's that?" You wanted to know. "Another surprise?"
"An additional one," he grinned, lifting his arm, revealing a plastic card.
"Is that a key card?"
"It is," Henry nodded. "The key to an exclusive suite in the best hotel in town. We'll go there tonight and we won't leave it all weekend."
"Really?" You teased him with a cheeky smile. "What are we going to do in there all this time?"
"I'll show you," he said with a smirk, slipping his hand under your skirt, sounding the bell for the smuttiest weekend you'd ever experienced.
@lunedelorient @inlovewithhisblueeyes @willkatfanfromasia @hell1129-blog @mis-lil-red @agniavateira @kebabgirl67 @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @summersong69 @taebfada @xxxkatxo @artandotherdelights @notabronte @littlefreya @luclittlepond @eldarwen333 @meowpurrbooks @marantha @liliumdream @enchantedbytomandhenry @greensleeves888 @witcherfan @margauxmargaux07 @radaofrivia @m07belzen @a-little-counter-esperanto @starstruckkittyangel @mary-ann84 @sillyrabbit81 @emelinelovesjc @wheretheriversrunintothesea @lam0ureuxq @kingliam2019 @pandaxnienke @littleone65 @coloraturadiva @cynic-spirit @captainbucky-yt
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jaehyunfirstlove · 3 years
May I request a LDR au with idol!jaehyun where reader studies overseas and both of them attempt to bond with each other? Thank you❤️
Pairing: long distance bf!jaehyun x f.reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Word count: 1.5k
A/N: ngl anon, i had no idea what 'LDR' stood for so i had to ask a friend (props to @jaehyunnie77 for educating me lol), anyway, hope you like it!
“I’m not ready to start dating again, hyung,” Jaehyun sighed, appreciative of Doyoung’s concern but still trying to overcome his heartbreak.
“It’s not dating! Just talking! I just think it would help if you had friends, outside of us, to talk to,” Doyoung clarified, patting Jaehyun on the back soothingly.
“Why does it sound like a setup, though?” Jaehyun smiled, and Doyoung just chuckled.
“Sorry, So-hyun has been bugging me to introduce you two. She thinks you’ll hit it off.”
Jaehyun chewed on his lip, clearly torn between polite propriety, and his own mixed emotions. “I really don’t know…”
“Listen,” Doyoung put a hand on Jaehyun’s shoulder, “just exchange a couple of pleasantries so I can get So-hyun off my back, okay?”
Jaehyun laughed. “Sure, I can do that. Give her my number.”
You sighed inwardly when you got a message from a family friend, saying she wanted to introduce you to someone. You didn’t know why she would bother setting you up with someone while you were studying abroad, but you assumed she figured the long distance thing wouldn’t be a problem. Feeling pressured, you accepted, and sent off your first message.
Me: Hello, this is Y/N, So-hyun’s friend
You put your phone down, not expecting a response right away considering the time difference, but to your surprise your phone buzzed almost right away.
Jaehyun: Hello Y/N, it’s nice to meet you :)
It was just one line, and one emoji, but for whatever reason you were intrigued.
Me: Oh! I didn’t expect a response right away! Isn’t it the middle of the night there? Sorry to bother you
Jaehyun: No bother at all, I was up anyway
Jaehyun: How are you doing?
Me: I’m doing okay, just finished exams so I can rest for a little bit
Me: how are you? Why are you up so late? Sorry for all the questions
Jaehyun: I don’t mind the questions :)
Jaehyun: I’m glad you’re done exams, what are you studying?
Jaehyun: I’m doing okay as well, just tired from practice
Jaehyun: it’s also why I’m still awake, I always find it hard to sleep after a tough day
You felt bad for him, you knew how hard it was to function on very little sleep. So-hyun hadn’t told you much about him, just that he was an idol, but you didn’t follow the industry so you didn’t know much about it.
Me: Oh! That’s awful! You should try drinking chamomile tea, I find that always helps me relax enough to fall asleep
Me: and I’m studying architecture :)
Jaehyun: oh thanks I’ll try it! I’ll try anything at this point
Jaehyun: and architecture! Wow that’s cool! I’m a big fan of Gehry :)
You broke into a wide smile, Gehry was your favorite too and you planned to do your dissertation on him when you reached graduate school.
Me: aww that’s so cool! What’s your favorite building? Mine’s the EMP museum in Seattle :)
Jaehyun: hmm will have to look that one up! Mine’s the Guggenheim Bilbao, guess I’m boring like that lol
You smiled even wider to yourself, happy to be able to talk about one of your passions with someone outside of school, and not have to bore your uninterested friends to death with it. You were eager to continue the conversation but you looked at the time, realizing you were already running late for your next class.
Me: oops sorry i gotta go to class
Me: talk to you later?
Jaehyun: of course! Have fun :)
Although he was exhausted, Jaehyun felt there was no way he could sleep now. He’d only meant to exchange a text or two with you to satisfy Doyoung, but he ended up enjoying the conversation, staying up later than he had meant to. He lay in bed, wide awake, wondering how your class was going, if you’d had something to eat, if it was cold or warm where you were. When sleep still didn’t come, he got up and made chamomile tea just like you’d suggested.
“Y/N! Who on earth are you texting? Don’t you know we have a major project due soon?”
You typed faster, wanting to get your message out to Jaehyun even as your classmates gave you dirty looks. “Sorry, guys! Almost done.” You pressed send, putting your phone away and resolving not to check it until you were done with the group project. Except you were dying to know what Jaehyun’s response would be to your question. You bit your lip, drumming your pen on the table anxiously.
“Y/N,” your friend, Sara, leaned in and whispered, “who is this new boyfriend, anyway? When can we meet him?”
You smiled, loving the sound of the term ‘boyfriend’. “Sorry, Sara, you won’t meet him for a while. He’s out of the country.”
“Wow, a long distance relationship,” Sara whistled under her breath, “I don’t know how you do it.”
You had to admit, it wasn’t easy, but Jaehyun was such a sweet, easygoing person. You’d bonded pretty quickly after finding some shared interests, and then you shared pictures and followed each other on social media. Soon you were video calling, almost every day, your days beginning and ending with his dimpled smile on your phone screen. You never thought long distance relationships would work, but you found Jaehyun made it easy. Despite his busy schedule he always made time for you, even if he had to call you from the car on the way to a photo shoot, or backstage at a music show. You thought he would be an unwelcome distraction to your studies, but you found he was a very welcome distraction indeed.
When the group went quiet, you snuck out your phone to check Jaehyun’s response.
Jaehyun: sorry Y/N, I can’t get away right now for a visit, we’re preparing for the next comeback
Jaehyun: thanks for the invite though, please make sure to send pics :)
Your heart sank. You had invited Jaehyun for your graduation, and you were hoping beyond hope that he would be able to make it. You knew it would be a long shot, so you decided to try asking anyway, but now you regretted asking in the first place. Dejectedly, you typed your reply.
Me: oh it’s okay, I figured you probably wouldn’t be able to come
Me: just thought I’d ask anyway
Jaehyun: i’m really sorry
Me: it’s cool! :)
Even though you sent a happy face emoji, you were anything but happy. You didn’t want Jaehyun to see how disappointed you were, so you made sure to put on your happiest face when you video called him later that night.
You couldn’t stop fiddling with your cap, and there were loose threads on your gown that were driving you crazy. The worst part was that you couldn’t get a hold of Jaehyun before the ceremony, and you started to bite your lip anxiously, your nerves getting the best of you and no calm words from your boyfriend to help settle you. When they finally called your name you got up nervously to walk to the stage, and suddenly you heard a loud cheer. You knew it wasn’t anyone in your family, so you turned towards the sound, and your heart almost stopped in your chest when you saw Jaehyun in the crowd.
The pictures he’d sent, the videos you’d seen, the image of him on your phone screen did not do him justice. In person, he was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. You almost dropped to your knees at the sight of him, but you felt your classmates pushing you towards the stage, clearly not wanting you to make the hellishly long ceremony even longer. On wobbly knees, suppressing a sob, you accepted your diploma, everyone thinking you were emotional because you were graduating, but really it was because you were seeing your long distance boyfriend for the first time.
When you walked off the stage you didn’t go back to your seat, you ran directly into his arms, and he laughed, lifting you off your feet and spinning you around.
“Congratulations, beautiful,” he whispered in your ear, before kissing you softly on the cheek.
“What are you doing here,” you sobbed, unable to hold back your tears as you clung to him.
“Well I recall getting an invitation?” he replied cheekily.
You smacked him lightly on the arm. “You said you couldn’t make it!”
He just laughed again, his eyes twinkling, “I wanted it to be a surprise. Sorry to fool you like that.”
“It’s okay,” you smiled, and finally, you got to kiss him. He leaned in, and you got up on the tips of your toes, your lips meeting for the first time. It was everything you imagined it would be, gentle but firm, the want clearly conveyed.
“Thanks for coming, Jaehyun,” you said softly, when you were finally able to tear yourself away from his lips.
He tightened his arms around you, pressing his forehead against yours. “Y/N, I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”
Thanks for 1.4k :)
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violetnotez · 4 years
HC: Y/N Wears a Revealing Version of their S/O’s hero suit
God it’s been so long since I’ve done headcannons, I miss them so much! These I’m going to keep tame, cause I don’t want them to be toooo spicy!
Also, I didnt iclude Shindo and Shinso, sorry! I realized rather quickly how long these got and didnt want to bog down this post, hope thats okay!
Pairings: Mirio x reader, Tamaki x reader, Bakugo x reader, Kaminari x reader (all characters aged to 18+)
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
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It would be a disgrace if I didn’t use this pic
So you had been invited to a photo shoot for a pretty high end boutique to be one of the models
Were you stoked that this extremely prestigious brand wanted you on their front cover? Yes. Were you terrified as hell? Also a fat yes.
Mirio, being the adorable boyfriend he is, was hyping you up for it
“Your going to be amazing sunshine! Ya never know until you try, ya know?”
Even with him being your support, you still felt extremely self conscious
“I don’t know...I’m not a model, I don’t think I can do it-“
“Don’t talk so negatively like that babe! What if I came with you, would that calm your nerves some?”
Your practically melted into him, giving him the biggest hug everrrr
“Oh my god would you? That would make me feel so much better-“
“Of course babe! Wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it!”
So the day of, you came into the photo shoot fresh faced and pale as hell from nerves
They seperated you from Mirio, taking you to the makeup area and clothing area
You entered a room lined with extremely bright makeup stands and racks of clothing, your area in a small corner to the right with a mannequin wearing a certain set of clothes
You finally realized what you were actually modeling-and your mouth dropped
No wonder the asked you to model, being Mirio’s girlfriend-it was a sexy version of his hero suit
It was a skin tight leotard, the number “1000000” scrawled against your chest, a thick red cape draping against the back
Lemon colored glasses and thigh high blue boots completed the look, a huge gulp reverberating from your throat-
How the hell were you going to pull this off? In front of your boyfriend no less-
You pain stakingly got your makeup done and your hair, your strands pooled up like Mirio’s hair in the front and the rest cascading in bed head curls
You finally got the skin tight costume on, looking at yourself in the mirror-you felt nervous but-strangely calm-you didn’t look half bad, actually
A small smile graced your face as you walked out, your heels clicking against the floors as you walked into the photo shoot room
Now the question was where was your-
“Hey sunshine! Whoa, that get up looks great, looks pretty similar to something I wear dontcha think?” He was totally teasing you, his tone playful as he leaned into your blushing face
Suddenly your bravery was gone and you were a nervous wreck-your boyfriend was looking at you with hungry eyes, his orbs gazing over every exposed curve
“Mirio, you don’t have to look at me like that-“ you whined, feeling your cheeks burn bright red
“But I want to look at you like this babe,” he smiled, his voice dropping as he licked his lips- “you look absolutely delicious dressed up like that.”
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“Oh cmon Tamaki, please come with us!” You pleaded with your nervous boyfriend, his brows furrowed in fear
It was the middle of October, and you and Neijire were planning to go to an early Halloween party in the middle of town
“I-I wish I could go bunny, I really do, it’s just-“
Tamaki was fiddling with is hands, his inky black hair cascading over his distraught face
He would love to go with you, but the thought of people, and dancing, and dressing up, and oh god what if they made fun of his costume-
You placed a kiss on your boyfriend’s cheek, sending him a reassuring smile
“No worries, Tama, I get it-just stay home and chill, I’ll make sure to come home a little early,”
“Oh-okay,” he obliged, watching you go into the bathroom to get ready
Tanaka decided to do exactly what you asked him to do-he watched some TV, ate some food, anything to calm his nerves as you got ready
After an hour or so, you emerged from the bathroom, walking into the kitchen in your full get up
Your hair was straight, see through yellow glasses covering your eyes. You wore a black leotard, the fabric hugging your curves as a beige cape draped around your thighs. Two purple belt laid against your hips, drawing attention to your plush thighs as your boots clicked around the apartment
Poor Tamaki practically choked on his cereal when you walked in-when you said you were wearing a costume, you didn’t tell him it was his hero suit!
Tamaki walked over a blush erupting over his face, “Y-y/n? W-what are you-wearing?”
You spin around, guilt pooling in your stomach as your eyes met your boyfriends flustered gaze
“I’m sorry Tamaki I should have told you! The party is “hero” themed, so I thought the best suit to wear was yours-do you...want me to take it off?”
Tamaki vigorously shook his head, his cheeks a fiery red
“N-no! Please don’t! Honestly, that’s the last thing I want...” he stuttered his shaking hands resting on your hips and pulling you gently to his chest
You had never seen Tamaki so bold-your eyes widened, your hands placed against his chest
“-but I don’t think you should go to that party tonight”
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You ran over to Bakugo, your phone screen containing a pic of a cosplayer dressed up in full Bakugo hero suit, gauntlets and all
You legit shoved it into your boyfriends face, your face beaming- “look how cool this costume is!”
“Tch-Only I can wear my hero suit as well as me,” Bakugo scoffed, going back to eating his ramen
You looked at him distraught and disbelief- “Cmon, Bakugo, you had to admit it’s pretty cool-“
“Cool? He’s a fucking wierd ass nerd, making my hero suit...” Bakugo said under his breath, his eyes now glaring at his phone screen
You placed your hands on your hips- “So if I wore your hero suit, I would be ‘wierd ass nerd’?”
Bakugo chuckled harshly- “Yeah-but you couldn’t wear it, like I said, I’m the only one who can pull it off-“
Ha-if that fucker wanted to play, then you were here to win
You slammed your hands down on the table, your arms encasing a surprised Bakugo in between your arms
You gave him a wicked grin, making Bakugo’s crimson eyes wide with surprise-“Bet bitch.”
Y’all are so mean to each other 😳
You stomped out of the room, your mind now reeling-you had ZERO idea how to make his costume...
You quickly made a call to Mina and Momo, telling them about your predicament-Mina would help you design, and Momo would help make the materials
Both were extremely open to helping you, especially Mina-any attempt to destroy Bakugo’s overly high ego, she was down to do!
But she had a twist to your intial plan- “what if you did a sexy version of him! That’d show him!”
You weren’t exactly sure how that would do anything, but eh why not-if you could make him even more mad, this was the way to do it
Momo was hesitant to make such a lewd outfit, but you quickly reminded her of her revealing hero outfit
-she quickly agreed after that
Mina designed the “suit”-honestly it was just a bra with two orange X’s, bootie shorts with a grenade belt, and green ribbon connecting to the black thigh high boots
You complained to Mina about how uncomfortable the high heel was, which she responded with “Beauty is pain!”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes
How would Bakugo’s suit be complete without the gauntlets! You three had the hardest time with that-deifnitely spent a whole day watching 3 hours worth of cosplay tutorials to make those damn things
But after many hours of snacking, hot glue guns, and screams of annoyance, you three FINALLY had the costume finished-and you couldn’t be happier! It honestly made you feel so cool and powerful...especially those gauntlets-
no wonder why he wore the clunky things, they honestly were fun to wear
You decided to wear the outfit before Bakugo came home one day, your face smug as you waited for him to enter your shared apartment
You finally heard the click of the door, Bakugo wearing his usual baggy pants and shirt he wore when he came home, his shoulder holding his duffel bag full of things
“-Hey”, he welcomed you gruffily, not even noticing your attire
“Hey yourself-“ you replied, a shit eating grin on your face as you walked over to him.
He still wasn’t looking, too busy rummaging through his bag- “Am I still a wierd ass nerd?”
Bakugo looked up, and holy shit was he in for a sight
When you said you would make his hero suit, he didn’t take it that seriosuly- you? Make his suit? Psh like that’d happen
You looked-really good in it too-he deifnitely was appreciating the extra skin that was involved 😳
You smirked at his obvious surprise, his cheeks a fiery red as you did a small spin in the suit- “How does it look?”
Suddenly you felt pressure against your wrists from Bakugo’s hands, your back now against the wall as Bakugo drank you in with his piercing red eyes
Now it was your turn to be surprised-cause crap you didn’t expect that to happen
He was now in control of the situation and he knew it-he gave you a shit eating grin, making your blood feel incredibly warm
“-it looks decent...but I think it would be better on the floor”
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“Mina no, I’m not-“
You were in shock, flabbergasted, confused-when did they have a intimates based off of hero suits?
“MINA YES!” she squealed, giggling as she pulled your size out of the rack
The little outfit was pretty revealing- all it was was a white lacy bralette, with a short black jacket with white lighnting bolt decal and a short black leather skirt to match
It was honestly not your thing-it also just felt wierd to wear something like this-
“Your buying it and that’s that-you needed neccesities and this-“ she shook the outfit in your face, “is a necessity!”
The girl seriosuly shouldn’t be allowed to spend money-she stuffed the outfit in her full bag of clothes, bouncing over to the register as you followed her from behind
“I needed bras Mina, not lingerie!”
Yeah she didn’t listen
You finally got home, trying on your new outfits from your shopping spree when you fell upon the set shoved in your shopping bag
The little pink sneak
You pulled it out-it wouldn’t hurt to try it on, she did buy it for you...
You quickly got into it, admiring your body in the mirror-it was tight alright, but kinda cute in ...the skirt accentuated your legs, the bra was decently comfy, and the jacket pulled the whole thing together and made it a pretty cool yet revealing outfit
Just as you were testing out how much movement you had in the leather jacket,you heard the door open to the bedroom you and your boyfriend shared
“Hey babe, do we have any more toilet-“ Kamianri waltzed in, unknowingly oblivious to the scene before him, until he laid eyes on you
You never thought you saw the man blush harder-his eyes were wide with shock, his cheeks a hot shade of red as sparks of electricity flashed around his body
He obviously didn’t know how to react, and in his flusteredness, he somehow slipped on the floor, landing with a hard thud
“Denki!” You yelled out, scrambling to your ditzy boyfriend, “you okay?”
Kaminari gazed up at you, and holy crap he felt blessed- he had a full view of your exposed cleavage, a grin growing on his face as blood tricked down from his nose
“Oh no, Kami, you got a bloody nose-“ you scrambled to get him a towel, kneeling down to place it against his nose
He quickly swiped the blood away, his hands instead pinning yours against your back
“-Dont worry about that,” he grinned, his eyes a dangerous shade of yellow, “let’s worry about you babygirl...and where you got that little get up,”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
@weebartistinc​ @orokayagi​ @leeeah-loooser​ @bakarinnie​ @johnnysactualgf​
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berrynarrybanana · 4 years
pink lemonade
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A/n: I...had a cliche moment of I wrote this and it got deleted bc my computer had a hissy fit while I was trying to find a good pic to use. All I want to say is that I spent weeks agonizing over this piece because I wasn’t sure that it was good enough and that it touched on bi!reader as much as it should. I started it out in Harry’s POV and it kind of just took off from there. This is very heavily based off a song from one of my favorite bands. It’s called pink lemonade by the wombats and it really gave me inspiration to write this whole fic and for my reader and flatmate!h. I hope that I did this justice, because as a bi woman, I know how little representation we get in media and in fics. So thank you to the beautiful @bopbopstyles and @harrysclementines for hosting a challenge that made me feel included. I really appreciate and love you both so much! 
warnings: smut, drug use mention, angst, harry’s pov
word count: 4.3k+
Please enjoy and feel free to tell me what you think! 
Friday Night 
Harry remembers the day he met his flatmate. 
She was a little shorter than him, but her personality definitely made her seem much taller. She had her hair up in a messy bun, her Rolling Stones shirt tucked in, and her jeans cuffed at the bottom. She introduced herself to him with a dazzling smile and a witty joke about being a stereotypical bisexual being. It made him laugh, pulling her into a hug (after asking her permission) because they were going to be flatmates and she needed to know he was a hugger. He didn’t want to start off on an awkward note with a person he would be spending so much time with. He suggested they order some pizza and drink wine on the floor of their living room on their first night. 
Their furniture hadn’t been delivered or moved in yet, so they had to settle for putting a few of y/n’s pillows under their bums while they watched comedy specials on Harry’s laptop. A majority of their evening was spent giggling and sharing stories about their previous experiences with old girlfriends. He found it oddly comforting that the beautiful girl was a little bit different, because he had always felt that way in life. With her, he didn’t feel so alone in being different. Perhaps that was one of the things that made him fall in love with her. She was a bright, radiant soul that brought him more joy than anyone else ever had. But she could be a bit thick, sometimes. 
As he watched her prance around their apartment in her tight mini-dress, he tried his best not to let her see his obvious attraction to her. 
The pillow on his lap would seem obvious to just about anyone else, but not to his precious flatmate. She practically floated through life, oblivious to how people looked at her when she moved. She was like a walking porn ad, her beautiful hair and gorgeous smile nearly impossible to ignore. He tried not to focus too hard on what she was wearing, but christ, it was hard not to. Her legs looked a little longer due to the black heeled booties she’d put on and she was most definitely wearing tights with little sparkles in the fabric. 
He hated seeing her dressed up like this, knowing that he wouldn’t be the one sliding his hands up her dress in the backseat of the taxi on the way home. He wouldn’t be the one gripping at her thighs while she straddled him on their shared couch. He wouldn’t be the one making her scream, unable to contain herself as he pulled orgasm after orgasm out of her. He hated that she was wearing the perfect shade of red on her lips, a shade that painted the walls of the prison cell in his own personal hell inside. He wanted to smear it off her lips with his own, kissing her until she was breathless and begging. 
Instead, he flipped through the channels on the telly, pretending to pay attention.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come out, Harry?” She stood in front of him, pouting her lips out as she tilted her head to the side. He shook his head as she crossed her arms, the gesture pushing her breasts up just a little. Fuck me, Harry thought. “You love going out!” 
“I know, love.” He grumbled, glancing behind her as if she was in the way. “But I’m not really in the mood to party tonight and I don’t want to bring the mood down.” 
“Well, I don’t feel right going out without you.” She sighed, dropping her arms to the side, causing Harry to look up at her. “Maybe I should stay home? We can order takeout and-” 
“Absolutely not.” He shook his head. “You have a date. You can’t stand him up!” 
“He’s just some rando from Tinder, I really don’t care about his feelings.,H.” She snorted out a laugh, rolling those perfect eyes as he tried to fight off a smile. “I’d rather be with you if you’re feeling down.”
“Don’t give up the chance for a good time because I’m a grumpy old man.” He shook his head. “I really want you to go out.” 
“Okay, okay.” She let out a heavy exhale, stepping farther away. “How do I look?” 
“Perfect.” He didn’t tear his eyes away from the telly, knowing he would overshare if he actually looked at her right now. 
“You didn’t even look!” She laughed around a playful groan. “Boys.” 
“I’m a man, love!” He called out as she walked into the kitchen for her keys. “If you’re too drunk, call me. Don’t go home with your random tinder date and-” 
“Lock the door when I’m home.” She nodded. “I know the rules, dad.” 
“Please do not ever call me that again.” Harry narrowed his eyes at her. “Go, get out of here and go have some fun. Tell everyone I said hi.” 
“I will!” She smiled. “Bye, roomie!” 
“Bye!” He waved, his heart sinking as the door shut behind her. “Guess I’ll be having a sad wank about that later.” 
Harry grumbled, sinking further into the cushions of their shared couch. 
Saturday Morning 
The guy from Friday seemed to be a keeper. 
He was there the next morning when Harry was making a hangover breakfast in the kitchen for his flatmate. He strutted  in without a shirt or a word, reaching for a coffee cup as if he owned the place. Last time Harry checked, only two people paid rent here. Harry watched from the stove, spatula in hand as he glared at the man’s back. What a sodding prick. With a quick roll of his eyes, Harry pushed around the potatoes he’d chopped up earlier. Of course she brought him home. It had been weeks since she’d had a proper shag and it was bound to happen sooner or later. And even if Harry hated to admit it, the man standing in his kitchen gave it to her proper. Harry closed his eyes, cringing at memory of her moans melded with the banging of her headboard against the wall last night.
He hadn’t heard her moan out like that in a long time. Halfway through orgasm number two out of god knows how many, Harry shoved his headphones in and tried not to cry. He hated that someone else was making her feel so good that she was screaming the bloody walls down. He wanted to sink into her, to have her screaming out his name instead. But that wasn’t going to happen. Not even in his dreams could he have her, always cutting off right around the time his hands landed on her hips. 
“Oh, didn’t see you there, mate.” The guy turned around. “M’Alfie.” 
“Harry.” He grumbled, reaching up to the heat down. “Y/N’s roommate.” 
“She told me about you.” Alfie nodded. “Said you’re a right laugh when you’re drinking.” 
“Did she now?” Harry hummed as if he was actually interested in the conversation. 
“Shame you didn’t come out with us.” Alfie said. “Y/N was a fucking animal. Have you ever had sex with her? I mean she’s amazing when she’s high.” 
Harry wanted to vomit. 
This guy was a total prick.
“Yeah, what a shame.” Harry cleared his throat, glancing over at Alfie. “When Y/N wakes up, let her know that breakfast is here. She’s going to want two pieces of toast with butter.” 
“I will tell her.” Alfie sipped out of the bright pink mug and Harry’s face grew hot. That was his mug, the one that Y/N got him for Christmas last year. The little lamb on the front with a comical smile was mocking him now. “You alright, mate?” 
“Yeah, I’m stellar.” 
Harry stormed out of the kitchen and down the hall. 
He nearly made it to his door when she stumbled out of her bedroom. 
“Morning, Harry.” She yawned before smiling at her roommate. 
He didn’t respond, ducking past her and into his bedroom. 
Maybe he didn’t really know the girl he loved after all. 
Another Magical Friday Night 
Alfie, as it turns out, wasn’t a keeper. 
During their second escapade, Alfie shouting to the top of his lungs pulled Harry out of his half-asleep state. His heart sank and his blood ran cold as he sprinted out of his bedroom to Y/N’s. When he got there, Alfie was storming out of her bedroom, half dressed with a red face. Harry stood in Y/N’s doorway, avoiding her gaze as she struggled to put a t-shirt on. After a few moments, Harry couldn’t stand to hear her soft whimpers and loud sniffles. He tore his own shirt off, walking over to where she was sitting on the bed with her legs crossed in front of her. 
“S’alright,” He cooed, sitting down in front of her as he slipped his shirt over her head. “It’s okay, love.” 
“I’m sorry we woke you up.” She leaned forward, pressing her forehead to the column of his throat as she cried. “I know you have an early yoga class tomorrow.” 
“Please don’t apologize.” He said softly, rubbing his hand over her back. “Tell me what he did?” 
“He didn’t do anything.” She shook her head, pulling back as she wiped at her cheeks. “I just...Alfie dabbles a bit in drugs and I tried some with him last week, but I didn’t like it. I told him I didn’t want to do it again and he called me a whore and a tease.” 
Harry’s jaw tensed as he watched his best friend hiccup, swiping under her eyes again. 
“You are not a whore.” Harry reached up, gripping her chin between his thumb and forefinger, demanding her attention. “Don’t ever let anyone make you feel like you need to be ashamed of yourself.” 
“Thank you.” She sniffled. “Sleep with me tonight?” 
“Yeah.” He nodded. “Let’s go to my room instead, okay?” 
He didn’t have the heart to tell her he couldn’t sleep in her bed right now. 
Not after Alfie had been in it. 
“Okay.” She gave him a wavering smile. “Thank you, H.” 
Harry held her that night, his heart pounding against his chest as she cuddled into him. 
As he drifted off, he mumbled out loud, “This must be what heaven feels like.” 
He hoped she didn’t hear him. 
Harry decided that if Y/N was going out this Friday, he was too.
He couldn’t stand the thought of her going out without him by her side after last week’s incident with Alfie. There was no Tinder date for her to meet up with, just Harry and a few other friends who wanted to have a good time. They got ready in their shared bathroom together, pre-gaming with whatever they had left as they sang loudly to Harry’s pre-game playlist. When she spritzed her perfume over her neck, Harry’s mouth started to water. 
The warm vanilla and citrus hybrid was damn near a love potion to him. 
“Alright,” She nodded, giving herself a once over in the mirror. “I’m ready.” 
“You look perfect.” He smiled, trailing his eyes up from her vegan, leather combat boots to her black skinny jeans, finally settling on the lacy bodysuit that she had recently purchased. “S’a bit like lingerie, innit it?” 
“Yeah.” She shrugged her shoulders, pursuing her lips as Harry looked at her eyes. “But it’s nice and light and extremely sexy.” 
“One of those nights?” Harry’s brows quirked up and he forced a little smirk to settle on his lips as she nodded. “Good, you deserve a bit of fun.” 
And he actually meant it, this time. 
She did deserve to have a little fun after Alfie
He could suck it up for one night if the girl he loved would be happy at the end of it. 
“I do.” She giggled, reaching down to grab the bottle of tequila set on the bathroom countertop, wiggling it around. “One more shot for good luck?”
“Pour it up.” 
Harry bucked his hips up as the girl above him rolled her hips over his denim clad cock. 
This time, he brought someone home. 
Granted, Y/N brought someone home as well, he now had a distraction to keep his mind busy and his cock wet while his flatmate got off. The girl he’d met at the club was so sweet, her hazel eyes enticing him the moment his gaze met hers. Her lips were so soft and they tasted like strawberries. He wondered what Y/N tasted like? They were normally covered in gloss when she went out, shiny and peachy. Did her lips taste like peach? Harry closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as the girl dug her nails into his stomach. 
“Can I take your pants off?” She asked, timid and soft. Nothing like Y/N demanding the naughtiest of things on the other side of the wall. “I’m ready to...I want to ride you.” 
“Okay, yeah.” Harry opened his eyes, sitting up as he wrapped his arms around her. He pressed a few soft kisses over her jaw before catching her mouth in his. “Just a second, love.”
“You’re sweet.” She pressed a kiss to his forehead, swinging her leg over his thighs as he reached for his buttons. 
“Fuck, yes!” 
Harry rolled his eyes, fumbling with the zipper on his trousers as the girl next to him slapped her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh. 
“She’s loud.” She giggled, reaching down to start working on her heels. 
“I know.” Harry sighed. “I’m really sorry about that. I...I didn’t know she would be bringing someone-” 
“Right there, y/n! Yes baby yes!” 
“Jesus.” He let out a huff, reaching his hand up to tap the wall with his fist. “Oi, other people are trying to have fun here.” 
“Oh my god.” The girl tossed her head back, barking out a laugh. “You don’t have to do that, it’s fine.” 
“Sorry, H.” Y/N called back. “We’ll keep it down.” 
“I just don’t want to ruin the mood for us.” He shuffled out of his jeans and boxers, tossing them to the side before he looked back at her. 
“I’m okay.” She climbed on top of him again, her shoes now tossed aside and her dress hiked up to her hips. “I really, really don’t care about anything else but fucking you right now.” 
“Oh.” Harry’s cheeks were surely tinged pink as she gripped his cock in her hand, stroking up with gentle movements. “Fuck, that’s nice.” 
“Good.” She leaned forward, pressing her free hand to his shoulder. He fell back onto the mattress, dropping his hands to her thighs. “I promise I’m gonna make you cum so hard, you won’t even know there’s anyone else in the world besides me.” 
Harry dropped his head back, digging his nails into her thighs as she lined herself up with his cock. It had been so long since he’d fucked anyone, his emotions for Y/N a huge cock-block that he couldn’t seem to shake. Other girls just didn’t do it for him anymore.  But tonight, the alcohol in his veins and the vision of Y/N nearly fingering some girl in the back of the club reminded him that he was free to fuck whoever he wanted, despite his love for Y/N.
Harry let out a heavy sigh through his nose, the sound of Y/N’s one night stand screaming making the fire in his belly dim just a little. He didn’t even care that his own girl was sinking onto his cock, soaking wet and tight like a vice. He barely even remembered that she was on top of him until she moaned his name out. 
He opened his eyes, watching her face contort as she settled onto his thighs. 
“You’re huge.” She whispered, tilting her head back. “I swear I’ve never had...never had someone so big, fuck.” 
“Yeah?” He licked over his bottom lip, sliding a palm up to her belly. “Feel me there?” 
“Mhm.” She whimpered, gripping onto his wrist. “M’so full.”
“Y/N, please let me cum.” 
Harry let out a frustrated sigh, reaching his hands up to rub over his face. 
“Are they bothering you?” The girl asked softly, lifting off of his cock. “Because it seems like they are.” 
“A little, yeah.” Harry nodded, wincing as his cock slapped against his stomach. “I’m really sorry, it’s not that you aren’t amazing-” 
“I get it, it’s okay.” She fell next to him as his cock started to soften. “I would be kind of wigged out if my roommate was fucking while I was too.” 
“She does this every Friday night.” Harry said. “And...not to continue ruining whatever we had going between us, but I’m kind of in love with her.” 
“Oh.” The girl whispered. “That would really turn me off.” 
“Yeah.” He nodded. “And I was trying to have fun for once, you know? Because she seems to go about life oblivious to my feelings and I’m stuck pining for her while she’s fucking whoever she wants to.” 
“Do you think she knows that you like her?” His date asked. 
“I don’t know, probably not.” He mumbled, turning his head to look at her. “You don’t have to listen to me moan on about it, I’m sorry.” 
“No, it’s okay.” She turned on her side, pressing her palm to his chest. “I have a feeling you haven’t talked to anyone about this and it’s not very healthy to keep things bottled up.”
“You’re right about that.” Harry smiled. “You know, I have a friend who would absolutely adore you.” 
“Is it Y/N?” She giggled. “Because I don’t swing that way.” 
“Oi, you think I’d let you shag the girl I just told you I’m in love with?” He laughed, his brows crinkling together as he reached over to pinch her hip. “It’s not her.” 
“Good.” She laughed with Harry, sliding closer to him. “Would it be weird if I stay?” 
“No,” He shook his head. “It’s the least I can do after wasting your time.” 
“And...what about a cuddle?” She asked. “Because I do enjoy a good cuddle session.” 
“I can deal with that, I think.” He leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers. “Thank you.” 
The next morning, Harry was livid. 
He sent his date, Halle was her name, off with a sweet kiss and a coffee to-go. Maybe in another life, she would have been perfect for him. A soft, sweet girl with kind eyes and a willingness to listen to him. Unfortunately for him, he was too far up his obnoxious flatmate’s ass to see anyone else. And even if it made things awkward between them, he had to tell her how he felt. There was no way he could keep going on like this if there was a way to prevent it. 
“Good morning,” She chirped, her hand linked with the girl she brought home last night. “Are we having breakfast?” 
“You can do whatever the fuck you want.” Harry snapped, taking his coffee mug and his breakfast plate from the counter. “I don’t care.” 
Y/N’s jaw dropped and the girl’s eyes grew wide. 
Harry didn’t say another word, walking past the two girls.
He hated being a dick, but lashing out made him feel the tiniest bit better about what happened last night. He pushed his bedroom door open with his hip, settling back into bed as he flicked through his options on Netflix. He wasn’t even thinking of Y/N, his mind struggling to remember whether or not he’d seen the last episode of the Great British Bake-Off. When he realized that he hadn’t, clicking on the title to start the episode, his bedroom door flew open and his roommate stormed in. 
“Fuck you!” She snapped, reaching for his remote, standing in front of his bed with a scowl on her perfect lips. “I don’t know who pissed in your cheerios this morning, but you don’t get to talk to me like that! Especially not in front of guests.” 
“Okay.” Harry shrugged. “Can I have my remote-” 
“No, you can’t!” She shouted, tossing her hands up as she let out a noise crossed between a groan and a growl. “What’s your deal?” 
“I haven’t exactly finished my coffee, love.” Harry was trying not to relish in the sight of his roommate frustrated and adorable. The feeling she was experiencing now was a fraction of what he felt every time he heard her through the wall. “Maybe come back later?” 
“Are you upset because I fucked someone last night and you didn’t?” Her brows shot up. “I know you didn’t cum last night and neither did the girl you brought home. Are you mad because you’re shit in bed?” 
“Maybe we were quiet. You know, decent and considerate of other people,” The smile he gave her was sarcastic. “Or maybe- and this is a good one- maybe, I had a girl sitting on my cock, ready to fuck me so bloody good I would cry, but I couldn’t let her because all I could think about was how much I love you. ” 
“What?” She asked, her mouth falling ajar. 
“Maybe when I was kissing her at the club, I was thinking about kissing you.” He set his coffee mug down on his nightstand, continuing on. “And maybe when I had my fingers in her cunt, I was thinking about you. And maybe, just maybe, every time you fuck someone so loud that it keeps me up at night, I wish it was me instead.” 
She didn’t say anything, watching as Harry moved forward. He snagged the remote from her hand, proud of his little confession. He turned the show back on, ignoring his roommate as she stood there with her eyes wide. He smirked, crossing his legs before he settled his hand on his stomach. 
“You process that and I’m just gonna watch Noel and Paul bicker.” Harry said. 
“You’re an asshole.” She whispered. “You...you can’t just be upset with me because I didn’t know that you liked me.” 
“I’m not upset with you,” He said. “I’m a little upset that I was trying to have a good time for once and you ruined it with you and your girl’s pornstar moaning, but I’m not upset with you. That would be extremely unfair of me.” 
“Why have you never said anything?” She cleared her throat, fidgeting with the hem of her oversized shirt. “We’ve been roommates for years, Harry.” 
“Because I love you as a friend, too.” He started. “I didn’t want to risk it.” 
“And now?” She squeaked out. “You’re willing to risk it now?” 
“Yeah.” He nodded. “I’m tired of wishing that it was me on the other side of this wall, Y/N. So...take some time to think about what I said and let me know if you’d be willing to give it a try. No hard feelings if you don’t want the same thing, I completely understand and I’ll respect your choice either way. We’ll just have to work out some arrangement where you let me know when you have someone-” 
“I want to try.” She said quickly, kneeling on the edge of the bed. “Because I really like you, Harry. Like, the only reason I’ve brought so many people back home with me is because I couldn’t have you. I knew that there was no way in hell you would like a girl like me. I’m obnoxious and boisterous and just...I didn’t think I was your type.” 
“You’re kidding?” His brows shot up. “You thought...oh my god, we’re both bloody idiots.” 
“You’re telling me.” She laughed, falling on her ass in front of him. “This whole time I’ve been fucking people that loudly to make you jealous and the entire time you’ve been listening, imaging it was you?” 
“I guess so.” He let out a breathy laugh, shaking his head. “Well, I guess that leaves us with two options.” 
“And what might those be?” She asked, a soft smile settling on her lips. 
“I take you out for brunch, maybe a nice walk in the park, and then I bring you home and fuck you so hard you won’t even remember the orgasms you had last night.” He lifted one finger up, smiling as he watched her inhale sharply. “Or option two, I fuck you now and we go to brunch later?” 
“Wouldn’t it just be lunch by then?” She tilted her head to the side, playfully narrowing her eyes at him. “I mean...that defeats the purpose, yeah?” 
“Really, that’s-” Harry let out a laugh, shaking his head. “You’re missing the point.” 
“I’m not.” She leaned forward, sliding her hands over his thighs. “I see it clear as day.” 
“And what does your heart tell you to do?” He licked over his bottom lip as she moved closer, her nose nearly bumping against his. 
“To take you up on option two.” She whispered. “Because it’s really not fair that I came five times last night and you didn’t come, not even once.” 
“Fuck.” Harry sputtered out as she brushed her lips over his. “Kiss me?” 
She pressed her lips into his, moving his body back onto his pillows. She moved over him, straddling his thighs as she deepened the kiss. When her tongue slipped over his bottom lip, his mouth fell open in response. His hands fell to her hips, digging into the soft flesh as his mind tried to catch up. The girl of his dreams was sitting on his lap, in his bed, and she wanted him. She wanted him just as bad as he wanted her. He couldn’t believe that this was happening, sure that he was just a fever dream or a nightmare that he would wake up from any second. But he was brought back to reality when her tongue slipped over his. 
And at that moment, Harry knew he was right. 
She did taste like peach. 
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mudhorn-djarin19 · 3 years
Camping Trip - Chp 2 (Frankie “Catfish” Morales x f!reader)
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Summary: The boys take a couple retreat weekend and Frankie doesn’t want to be the only one going alone. So he invites you his best friend since high school to come along. Will the trip finally push you two who have had crushes on each other for years together? Warnings: mutual pining, language Rating: General. Will change in future chapters. AO3 Link Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 Masterlist Join my taglist via here! ____________________________________________________________ You awake in the morning to sunlight peaking through the window and warmth encompassing you. You groan and try to move but are trapped. Confused you look down and see Frankie’s arm wrapped around your waist. You tilt your head slightly to look back and that’s when you finally feel the warm air of his breath on your neck and see him pressed up against your backside.  Your eyes widen and you feel your face go red from how flustered you are. Frankie is cuddling you! Somehow unintentionally in his sleep he seeked you out and is now holding you in his firm grip. You chuckle lightly at the thought, a smile creeping up on your face. You hear a light groan from behind you and hear Frankie awake. You rotate under his grip to face him and poke him on the nose. “Get lonely last night?” You tease. “Huh?” He starts but then notices he is holding you. “Oh… shit. Um I’m sorry!” He says quickly removing his arm from around your waist. You chuckle, placing a hand on his cheek. “It’s okay. It happens. I didn’t mind the extra warmth either.” Frankie sighed and could feel his face is red from how flustered he was, glad you didn’t notice as you had already climbed out of bed. He decided to leave the conversation be as to not dig an even bigger hole. **** Once you both got showered and dressed you made your way down to the living room to meet the rest of the gang. “Mornin’ guys! Sleep well?” Benny asks, discreetly winking at Frankie. “Mornin’. I slept well, thanks.” You reply back, avoiding Frankie’s gaze and not giving any details of how you two awoke this morning. “Shannon’s making some french toast in the kitchen if you guys want some. Fill up cause today’s gonna be a long one. We plan to go hiking if you want to join.” Will says “Sure I’m in. You know I always love a good hike.” Frankie responds and then turns to you. “You down to go?” “Yeah! Sounds like fun.” You smile back. Frankie nods in response and heads into the kitchen to grab some grub before the hike. You followed suit. Once everyone had eaten their fill for breakfast and packed their bags up for the hike you all made your way out to the woods behind the cabin. You all made your way up the path which thankfully for the most part was pretty smooth. It’s been a while since you’ve been hiking so you were hoping it’d be an easy hike and you could keep up with everyone. The boys kept the lead always way ahead of you girls but you didn't mind keeping back and getting to know them. Stopping often to admire the nature around you like squirrels or some pretty flowers. When you had stopped at one point to drop some of your trail mix to a squirrel you didn’t notice Frankie had stopped to watch you as well, a smile growing on his face at the cute interaction. As you made your journey further up the past it started to get more steep and rocky. The boys made it up with ease and helped their girls as needed. You were falling behind and were trying to make it up a steep rock but struggling. Frankie took notice and hopped back down to you. “Need help?” He asked. You look at him a little embarrassed and nod. He grabs your around your waist with one arm and the other goes down to tuck behind your knees, lifting you up bridal style and lifting you up over the incline. Once he knows your feet touch the ground and you have your balance he lets go and jumps back up on the rock himself. “I’ll slow down and stay behind with you for a bit. Help you if needed and chat some. Sorry I’ve kind of left you in the dust with the other girls.” He says. “It’s okay. You’re more accustomed to this stuff.” You smile. “Plus I don’t mind hanging with the girls. They’re nice. But yea… if the path continues to be this rough I may need you.” You blush and look down. He keeps back with you for the rest of the hike up the mountain, helping you up any rocks or steep inclines when needed. Once you all arrived at the top you all were taken back by the beauty before you. Rolling mountains stretched before you for miles, a bright blue and sunny sky to top it off. It was a beautiful sight. You all admire the view and took as many pictures as you wanted for a while. The girls all wanting to take cute couple pictures with their man. Being the best photographer out of the group you opted in to taking them all for you. “Hey.” Frankie nudged your elbow once you finished the last one and were taking some of just the scenery for yourself. “Go over there and turn around.” You went over to where he said and stood facing him with a confused look on your face. “Come on now at least smile for me.” He said, pulling his phone out. “Frankie… come on…” You sigh. He put a hand on his hip and cocked his head at you, pouting at you teasingly. You sighed again and gave into his pout, finally smiling and striking a simple pose. You made him switch off with you so you can do the same for him in return. Taking some pics of just him with the scenery on your phone. He beckoned you back over to home and once next to him he wrapped his hand around your waist to pull your close. He pulls his phone up and takes a few selfies with you both. Some normal and a few silly ones as usual for you two. “Do you guys want me to take one of you guys?” Santiago’s girl asks. “O-oh umm…” You look at Frankie who shrugs. “Sure. Thank you.” She takes Frankies phone as he hands it over, getting you both to pose again and takes a few pics. “You guys are so cute together!” She chuckles, handing Frankie his phone back and heading back over to the group who had found a good clearing and start to set up for lunch which you all had packed. “Uh th-thanks…” You reply and blush. You nudge Frankie who seems to be lost in thought and point over to the group already make themselves comfy and digging out their food. He seems to come back to reality and smiles following you back to the group. Once you find a comfy boulder to sit on his pulls his backpack off his shoulders to sit in front of him now. He digs down into it and pulls out the two sandwiches he prepared for you guys this morning. Handing one to you and taking the other for himself. “I packed water and chips too if you want any of that.” He says. You nod in response and thank him, taking a bit of the sandwich. You all take your time eating, resting up and admiring the view before packing up and making your way back down the path. The trek down the path was just as rough on the way up. Having to hop down the big boulders, careful to not slip and injure yourself. You were doing good for the most part until right as you were to hop down a rock at the very tail end of the rough terrain part of the trail. You lost your balance and fell on your butt, scraping your leg and arm on the way down. “Shit!” Frankie runs over to you. “Are you okay?” He grabs your arm and examines the scrap, then moves to look at the scrap on your leg. It wasn’t too bad but did take some skin and was bleeding some. “I’m okay. Just lost my balance a little is all.” You reply. “Injuries aren’t too bad. I’ll disinfect them and clean them up for you when we get back. You’re bleeding a bit too.” He says as he drops his bag and digs into it to pull out some bandage wraps which he wraps around your wounds to stop the bleeding. He then stands and reaches he hand out to you. “Can you stand?” You nod and take his hand. “Thank you.” You say, feeling embarrassed. “Of course. Sorry I didn’t catch you.” He says. You chuckle. “It’s fine Fish… no one knew I was going to fall. Not even myself.” You smile at him. It doesn’t take you long to get back to the cabin and once back in Frankie pulls you into your shared room and then the ensuite bathroom. “Sit on the edge of the sink for me.” He says. You do as your told and he starts to wipe at your scraps with a cool damp rag, then applies some disinfectant. It stings and makes you whine a bit. “I know I know. It stings I’m sorry but don’t want anything to get infected.” He says. You nod knowingly and let him continue. Once he has both scraps disinfected he rewraps them. “Should heal up rather quickly. They’re minor injuries but still want to be careful with em.” He says patting your thigh. “Let’s go meet the others and help out for dinner.” You nod and follow him into the kitchen. Dinner got put together and ate up rather quickly. Afterwards the group decided since it was a fairly nice evening why not put the hot tub to use. All you girls took it over first as the boys were busy sharing old war stories. You made yourself cozy in the big hot tub chatting with the girls and sipping cocktails you had made. You didn’t know them very well at the beginning of the trip but had gotten to know them fairly well now and really enjoyed their company. You were deep in sharing gossip when you didn’t even notice the boys had changed and came out to join you. “Any room for us ladies?” Santiago asked, as he swung his legs over the side to sit behind his girl. “It’ll be a tight fit but I think we can make do.” Benny’s girl said scooting over a bit for someone to join in. Most of the boys sat behind their ladies on the edge, only Will sitting down into the actual water with you girls. You wondered where Frankie had gotten to when you saw him finally come out from the house. You’d seen Frankie shirtless before but you’ll never get over the sight of him. Sure he might not be the most built out of the group of guys, having a bit softer dad bod look with scars from his army days that littered his body but, you loved it. “Okay I’m here. Couldn’t find my damn trunks.” He said as he swung his legs into the hot tub, sitting on the edge directly behind you. You feel a slight blush come up your neck. You’ve been close to Frankie before but never encased like this. His legs on either side of you. You quickly shake it off and focus back on the conversation the group is having. Taking a sip of your cocktail that was made for you you chime into the conversation that was being had currently. Bad dating stories. You start to share some of the bad ones you had not noticing Frankie rolling his eyes and nodding behind you. He had hated just about every guy you dated. Not just because they weren’t him but because they weren’t good enough for you he felt. Never treated you as you should be treated. You sipped on your drink again listening in now to Santiago share a story, you go to place your drink back when Frankie grabs it from you, taking a sip from it himself. “If we’re sharing dating stories I’m going to need to be a lot less sober for this.” He smirks. The conversation is all in good hearted fun, continuing on and you’re laughing at a story Will just told when you feel Frankie place his chin on your head and drape his arms over your shoulders and around your chest. You look up at him as best as you can, smiling slightly. You place your hands over his where they interlock across your chest, holding him there. Focusing back on the conversation you miss the looks the girls give you both at your current position. The night goes on for a bit longer until you all start to get sleepy and the alcohol already hitting it’s limit. You all fairly buzzed by now, some definitely drunk. You all call it a night and head off into your designated quarters. You’re back in your room and starting to head to the bathroom to change when Frankie’s voice grabs your attention. “You look… really good in that um... swimsuit.” He said. You turned around to face him, a blush creeping up your neck again. “Thank you Fish.” You smile and look him up and down. “You look really good too. I know you’ll deny it but you do” You advert your eyes down away from his gaze. He steps closer to you, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer. “You look good… all the time actually. I just never have the balls to tell you.” You hook your arms around his neck and smile. “Thank you. I hope you know I think the same of you. You’re very handsome Fish.” He smiles and leans in closer to you, tilting his head, his lips just barely an inch from yours. You move in to brush your lips against his, going to finalize the kiss. You’re just about to when you hear a knock on the door that startles you both. You both jump away, you running off to the bathroom. “Fish! You left your phone out here.” You hear Santiago say through the door. You hear Fish open the door and take his phone back. You’re leaning against the bathroom door, breathing heavy. Did you and Frankie almost kiss?! Your head races a million miles a minute while you change and get ready for bed. When you finally emerge from the bathroom to say something to Frankie about what had just happened before Santiago interrupted you see he is already passed out on the bed. You sigh and crawl into bed, pulling the covers over you both. You’ll question him on it in the morning.
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title: Empty Nest
summary: It’s been a peaceful week for the Titans, as nothing bad has happened in Jump City. And although she knew she should be enjoying that while she could, Raven just couldn’t rest until her little Robin returned to his nest.
a/n: okay... This is my very first DamiRae fic and I’m really really excited-slash-nervous about this! To be honest, it was very hard to work with their own particularities and I guess that was why I had such a great time writing this fic! It’s a fluff, not very complicated (but definitely longer than I had originally planned), and I do hope you guys can enjoy it! Constructive criticism is VERY MUCH appreciated, please! It’s a new experience for me, English is not my main language and I would love it if you could tell me your honest opinion (especially since I’m not really familiar with the comics yet). Have fun!
Also, I would like to thank @ravenfan1242 for being so sweet and for always making my dash so beautiful! Thank you so so much for making me feel so welcomed!
Pairing: Damian x Raven
The clock was striking 3:07 am, but her amethyst eyes were still wide open as she flipped yet another page of her newest, mystery book. The tower was quiet, as most of its inhabitants were asleep, and from her large window, she could see the dim lights of Jump city flickering across the distant shore. For an entire week, there had been no reports on villainous acts, and apparently, that night would be no different.
Life seemed to be oddly peaceful, and for she knew better than to believe that would last forever, Raven was determined to enjoy every second of that temporary peace. It had been ages since she had last stayed up late reading, hence, the empath figured that would be the perfect opportunity to share such a delightful night with a hard-covered book.
Yes, that was definitely the reason why she was awake at such late hours of the dawn. Or at least that was the lie she had been telling herself for the past 6 hours.
Though it wasn’t really unusual for her to get lost in the pages of a good novel, Raven was just too stubborn to buy her own excuse. She knew the book was but a mere consequence of her insomnia— the sole whiteness of what has become of her nights whenever her little bird was summoned by the bat.
Yes, as embarrassing as it could be, Damian Wayne was the reason why she was up at such late hours. Though she knew better than to doubt her boyfriend’s impeccable combat skills, it was inevitable for her not to lose sleep whenever he had to go to Gotham in order to aid his father in yet another dangerous mission. Even with Bruce and Dick constantly patrolling the streets, she has never liked that cursed city, and knowing he was there fighting against A-class criminals such as the Joker and Bane was more than enough to leave her worried.
Her heart was beating incredibly loud in her chest, the air in her lungs felt heavier and even if she had technically read over 50 pages of her book, her eyes were constantly glancing towards her phone, waiting for the only notification that could make her feel less like a ticking bomb. Raven needed to know he was safe, and that would only happen when he had time to answer the message she had strategically sent him a couple of hours after he left for his mission. She would always choose her words carefully, making sure he wouldn’t notice her real intentions, and eventually, he would end up saying he was on his way back home to the Wayne mansion or anything that would imply it.
Most of the times, Raven would just ask him to send a pic from something she knew he could only find in the mansion, such as Titus, Alfred or even a picture of himself after a warm shower. Even if she could just ask him directly about his whereabouts, the empath didn’t want him to know she was actually worried about his safety, or else his ego would certainly explode.
He is a Wayne, after all.
That night, though, instead of a not-so-random pic, she had asked him to bring her a pack of chocolate chip cookies she has only ever found in Gotham. It’s a special recipe from an old man that lives a couple of blocks away from the police department, and even if he has once shared his secrets with Raven, that delicate taste of cinnamon is still a mystery to the empath. Those cookies are probably the only good thing about that forsaken city, and if they could help her keep track on him, then they were really the best cookies she could’ve ever asked for.
An annoyed sigh escaped her lips as she could now feel her stomach growling inside her belly. If just that stupid anxiety wasn’t already enough, now Raven was also growing hungry at the thought of her cookies. At that moment, she also realized her reading wasn’t taking her anywhere, therefore she chose to shut the book and let it rest over her chest. She closed her heavy eyes for a moment, then, taking a deep breath before picking up her phone from her nightstand. It had been hardly 16 minutes since she had last checked it, and she could feel anger running through her veins.
How much longer was he gonna take with those bandits? Had Batman never heard of curfew?
Apparently, not even all of those years of meditating seemed to have prepared her for dating a Robin. She was growing impatient with every passing minute, and as she held her phone in her hands, a new, desperate idea crossed her mind.
Raven was going to call him.
Even if she rarely ever used that phone for such purposes, and even if she knew he might be busy, the purple-haired girl had made up her mind. She was going to risk inflating his ego so she could check on him, and if by Azarath she discovered he had ignored her message and was already fast asleep back home, chances were that she was going to teleport to Gotham just to scold him— even if theoretically she knew he didn’t really deserve to be scolded.
Yes, that was exactly what she was going to do. She was going to call him, and he would better have her damn cooki—
Her cellphone buzzed. A new message was displayed on the screen, and as soon as she saw his name there, her amethyst eyes widened. Quickly, the girl sat up on her bed, the book sliding from her body, and it took her less than a second to unlock her phone so she could read the words her boyfriend had sent her.
‘Long night. I’ll ask Alfred to get it for you tomorrow. On my way home now.’
Her eyes read that message at least three times so she could make sure she didn’t misunderstand his words. Once they entered her head, though, it was as if a wave of relief rushed through her system. Her heart settled, a soft smile took over her lips and it was as if she could breath normally again.
He was going home. Finally.
At last, Damian was out of the dirty streets of Gotham and on his way to the safety of the Wayne mansion. She didn’t need to worry anymore— at least not for the rest of that night— and now, she could finally allow herself to fall asleep.
But not before a warm mug of tea.
A satisfied sigh escaped her lungs and in one, swift move; Raven was standing on her feet, stretching her arms above her head. Her short, purple hair framed her small face, slowly brushing her cheeks as she walked out of her room and towards the kitchen. For everyone was already asleep, she made sure not to make any unnecessary noise as she boiled the water in the electric kettle. She opened the cabinet to get her black mug, and soon, poured the water with the tea-bag already waiting inside.
The relaxing scent of chamomile invaded her nostrils, and maybe it was because she was still trapped in that rare, blissful moment of pure peace; but that lazy smile refused to leave her lips, as she carefully made her way back to her room with her tea in hands. At last, the empath was ready to sit back, relax and even read a couple more pages while the tea lasted. Perhaps, she could even go back and try to understand what she had supposedly read in the past couple of hours so she wouldn’t waste a good book.
Yes, that seemed like a nice idea, indeed. She nodded to herself, accepting her newest decision, and expertly, she used her elbow to activate the sensor so the automatic door could slide open. Her semi-dark room quickly came into view, a soft breeze blowing her locks away, and once her amethyst eyes landed on her bed, her heart skipped a beat.
Lips parted, eyes widened and knees slightly shaken. Though the sight of that green mask on his face was far from unpleasant, Raven would be lying if she said his presence didn’t startle her.
Damian has that effect on her. Always had and always will, she knows.
“You really have to stop sleeping with your window unlocked, Rae.”
His voice filled her ears and unconsciously, her chest grew warmer at how casual that short version of her name escaped his lips. Her eyes were set on him, watching as he took off his heavy boots. His eyes weren’t looking at her, but if they were, the raven haired boy would’ve noticed the way her shoulders tensed at his presence and the way her hands had turned slightly paler around the mug. The ceramic was still hot, but at that moment, she didn’t seem to care about that, no.
Unexpectedly, her boyfriend was back. And though that was far from an emergency, nothing else seemed to matter anymore.
“Damian...” His name rolled out of her tongue almost as a whisper. What was he doing there? Why didn’t he return to the mansion where he could get some proper rest after the night patrol? Did something happen?
Slowly, the empath realized her thoughts were leading her to think about bad scenarios that could explain the whole thing, and even if she was trying not to overthink, she knew better than to believe that was even an option at such hours.
Her eyes were now clinically scanning him, and physically, he seemed to be okay. There were no signs of major bleeding and all of his limbs were where they were meant to be. Could it be that something had happened to Bruce, then? Did they have a fight and that was why he didn’t go back home? Maybe Alfred—
The sound of her room’s automatic door closing suddenly brought her back to earth, and she could finally get a hold on her thoughts. She swallowed dry, releasing a sigh she didn’t know she was holding, as she took a couple of slow steps towards him. He had finally freed his feet from those boots, and judging by the way his lips curled up, it was easy to deduce that freedom felt nice after hours of kicking bad guys.
“You—” She spoke, his face now lifting so their eyes could meet behind his mask. Perhaps she really could just ask him why he was back so soon. “What are you—“
“Even if I doubt bad guys would even consider using your window to invade the tower, I’m pretty sure Kori wouldn’t like to wake up in the middle of the night with the intruder alarm.”
“What?” She asked, confusedly, as she had clearly not payed any attention to what he had been talking about before. “The window? No, that’s not important. I—“
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m probably the only one who uses it to enter your room anyway.” He chuckled, a smirk now playing on his lips. His elbows were now resting on his knees as he moved his neck to relieve some of the tension. “And besides, we can always blame Gar for the—”
“Damian!” She started, her voice an octave louder, cutting his train of thought. Once he noticed how serious her face looked, his smirk suddenly disappeared. He was definitely listening now. “What are you doing here?”
His eyes squinted under his mask, a wrinkle forming on the bridge of his nose, and Raven realized he looked genuinely confused at her question. For a couple of seconds, the room grew silent around them, and slowly, she felt her patience dying inside of her. The clock was about to strike 4a.m and she just didn’t feel like playing games anymore.
“... I live here, remember? The Robin of the team... The future leader of the titans. Are you okay, Rae?”
“No, that was not— Tch.” She scoffed, using a hand to massage her temples. That was really not her night. “I know you live here. I just meant to ask why you’re here and not in Gotham. You usually spend the night there after patrolling with Bruce. Did something happen?”
“Oh, that.” He started, his voice now holding a calmer tone. His lips were now slightly curled up, and judging by the way he stood up and tilted his head to the right, she could tell he was trying to read her as if she was an open book. Even if he refused to admit so, Damian was very much like his father, and that certainly included Bruce’s impeccably annoying, detective skills. “Nothing happened. I told you I was coming home.”
“I-I know you did, but...” She asked, taking another step closer and pointing an accusing finger at him. Her brows were knitted, as she was clearly not in the mood for jokes. “You better not be hiding anything from me, Damian.”
A smirk crossed his lips at the sight of his girlfriend all fired up, and if anything, he didn’t back off a single inch from her. Even if she could still not see his green eyes, she knew they would be holding that sly gleam that is so characteristic of him. “Don’t worry, okay? Nothing bad happened, I swear. The patrol was quite boring tonight so I just decided to get the jet and come back a bit earlier.”
“Really? Simple as that?”
“Yes, simple as that. I give you my word.” He lifted his right hand as to illustrate his seriousness, and at that moment, after analyzing his body language, Raven thought she could believe him this time. His voice sounded calm and she couldn’t feel any turbulence in his emotions, so, perhaps, she could accept the simple answer this time. Unconsciously, then, her expression softened, and she decided she could just be happy to have him back and they could finally get some sleep together.
Simple as that, she thought.
But maybe, Raven had made up her mind too soon.
“Why are you so surprised, though?”
“What?” Her eyes widened, a confused expression taking over her face.
“Well, you seem quite surprised that I actually chose to come back. Is there any particular reason for such reaction, Raven?”
Though she had first believed to be the one in charge of their little argument, only now Raven could see how he had so smoothly turned the tables. At his words, she could feel her throat growing dry and she knew he was coming too close to the truth she was trying to hide.
She hated whenever he did that. Whenever he started to press her into voicing something they both already knew — because he knew, she was sure of that. He knew she was overthinking and that she was worrying over nothing. He knew she was trying to understand his reasons so she could accept her own answers.
He knew she was hiding something stupid. And he wanted to know what.
“Tch, don’t be ridiculous, Damian.” She tried to dismiss him, which was clearly to no avail. Raven crossed her arms across her chest, looking away from him, but she could still feel his eyes on her, as if they were stripping her from her own facade. “I’m glad you’re here. Just curious on why you didn’t use the door like the rest of us.”
“Well, it is 4am, Rae. Kory and the others are still asleep and I didn’t want to wake them up.”
“Oh, but waking me up was fine, then?”
“But you weren’t really asleep, were you?” He grinned. “Judging by how wide your eyes are and by the fact that you’re drinking tea instead of water; I don’t think it’s just a coincidence that you’re still up.”
The teasing tone of his voice made her want to punch him in the face at that moment. She had fallen right into his trap, and she knew she didn’t have much time to come up with a plausible answer if she didn’t want him to grow even more suspicious than he already was.
Raven had to say something. Anything would be better than to give him that chance to tease her into admitting the truth that she was, indeed, awake and waiting for him to get home safely. Even if that wasn’t really an interrogatory, she knew her boyfriend was using his elevated IQ to get the answers he wanted so he could use that against her in the near future. She couldn’t give him the taste of victory, no.
He would be insufferable if she did.
“I lost track of time while reading a book, that’s all. Most days you would find me asleep by now.”
“A book, sure...” He started, clearly not buying her excuse. “Are you sure you weren’t awake because you were worried about me?”
“You wish.” She said, turning to face him once again, as their eyes stubbornly battled for dominance.
Neither of them gave any signs of backing down anytime soon, and even if that could be slightly frustrating, both Damian and Raven enjoyed that little game of push and pull. It was exciting, the thrill of their little competition, as it showed just how intense their love could be. They flirted with very narrow limits and took advantage of slight changes on each other’s body language; and if anything, that only showed how deeply they cared for one another.
How deeply they loved.
“If you say so...” He started, the words slowly leaving his lips. He was smiling softly now, his tall body towering over hers as he took her left hand in his gloved ones. “Either way, I’m glad you’re up. It’s like you’re welcoming me home and it feels really nice. Thank you, Raven”
At his pure words, Raven couldn’t help but feel her knees shaking under her weight. Her heart skipped a beat and her chest got so warm that something inside her melted.
That little bastard.
Now he had really done it.
Even if the empath knew better than to simply believe those words held no deeper meaning, she knew he had carefully chosen them just to mess with her feelings. After giving up on teasing her with his standard strategy, Damian chose to use his secret weapon that would only work against her. It wasn’t meant to cause her pain or anything of the sort, but it sure was a powerful enough to take her down.
Damian was being soft, to the point where she couldn’t really resist. He was being sincere and true to his feelings, and perhaps, that was the main reason why she couldn’t find it in herself to even fight back. She knew about his past and his deepest struggles regarding his future. She knew about all the things he had to go through in order to be where he is now, and it’s impossible for her not to feel touched whenever he voices his true emotions.
For years, he had to walk his own, merciless path alone, not knowing for sure he had a place to call home. The expectations he had upon himself were too heavy for him to carry alone, yet, he never stumbled or complained about them. He has always been so hard on himself, never accepting anything but perfection— he was raised as the perfect child, after all.
He was never accepted. Never loved or even welcomed for most of his life.
But now—well...
Now his life was so much different than before. He has a father, a brother, friends and a place where he can be himself and make as many mistakes as he wants.
He has a place to call home and a person waiting solely for him. And the best part in all that is that he knows.
He truly knows.
As realizations stroke her, the empath released an exasperated sigh. It was really late—not that she was even planning on sleeping anymore— and there was no way she could beat him anymore. Her heart was moved by his low move, and the only thing left for her was to silently admit defeat and properly welcome him home.
Her mug of tea— now colder than Dr. Freeze’s ice beams—was soon enveloped by her magic as it floated around the room until she placed it on her nightstand. She freed her hand, then, and slowly, she reached for his face, her fingertips touching the edges of his mask. He didn’t flinch, she noticed. He never really does whenever she touches him. His silence was the only permission she needed, and soon, Raven removed his mask, finally being able to look deep into his emerald eyes.
They stared at each other for a little too long, examining every change and every flicker hidden behind those orbs. Her amethyst eyes were looking at him softly, and she watched as all that bold malice disappeared from his lips. Damian was offering her a delicate smile, and before she knew it, her lips were also curling up. A soft blush tinged her cheeks, and at that moment, she could sense their emotions mixing together.
They were the same. Perfectly connected by one feeling called love.
“I’m glad you’re home, Damian.” She spoke, simply. “It made me happy, too.”
“TT” He scoffed, bitting his lower lip in order to suppress a smile. “And you still wonder why I chose to come back.”
A chuckle escaped her lips, and before she could even answer his statement, Raven felt his hand on her lower back, carefully pulling her closer to his body. It was a soft and slow move, but soon, she found herself on the tips of her toes and their lips were pressed firmly against each other. In one hand, she was still holding his mask, and with the other, the empath reached for his cheek, caressing his skin and holding their faces together in a chaste and puerile kiss.
It wasn’t needy, sloppy or rushed; for they knew there was no need for that. They had all the time in the world to enjoy their shared kisses, and thankfully, they knew exactly how to enjoy that time.
“You know...” He started, pulling back just a few inches from her lips, his hand now resting on her hip. “I could get used to this. Maybe I should start giving you a new book every time I have to go to Gotham.”
“Though I would love the new books, I also need to sleep. I can’t keep doing this every time you have to go to Gotham or else I won’t be able to keep up with morning practice, and we both know Kory is going to get really pissed.”
“Yeah, you’re right...” He nodded, a new smirk taking over his lips. “I really need to hurry and become the leader of this team.”
“Keep dreaming, Wonder Boy.” She chuckled, playfully patting his cheek before walking away and towards her desk, where she carefully placed his mask. After that, she reached for a big drawer near her dresser, picking a white towel and tossing it at him. “Now go clean yourself already, Damian. A true leader can’t smell like Gotham.”
“Heh, well, we did go check the sewers tonight.”
“Ugh, gross.”
“Perks of being a super-hero.” He nodded, folding the tower in his hands. “Do you wanna take off your pajamas and join me?”
“It’s 4am, Damian. The only people showering now are the ones who really need it.”
“You have a fair point.” He stated, detaching his cape from his shoulders and unbuckling his upper armor.
“Of course I do.” She said, watching as he turned his back to her and walked towards the bathroom. He turned on the lights and placed the towel on the cabinet, as he was now focusing on removing his gauntlets. Though it seemed to be a simple uniform, removing the accessories was a real pain in the ass. “Do you need help with the zippers?”
“Nah, don’t worry. I got this. Get to bed and I’ll meet you there soon.”
“Okay.” She nodded, pulling the sheets so she could get under them. She looked at him one more time, his shirt now removed and exposing his defined muscles and battle scars. Damian has grown into a handsome man, for sure, both inside and out. Looking at him like that, in such a casual condition such as taking a shower in her bathroom made her heart flutter with joy, and though she could now feel the lack of sleep taking its toll on her, Raven couldn’t wait until he was finally sleeping safely by her side.
They both deserved a good night of sleep. And even if they would have just a couple of hours to enjoy it, it would still be enough. It had to be.
“Damian...” She spoke, making him turn to face her one more time before closing the bathroom door so the steam wouldn’t invade the room.
“What?” He asked, curiosity spread across his face.
“Don’t take too long... I’m waiting for you.”
Slowly, a genuine smile took over his lips and he nodded before closing the door behind him. She turned off the lights, then, and soon, her head was resting on her pillow and her eyelids closed over her eyes. Raven took a deep and relieved breath, then, and slowly, felt her muscles relaxing against the mattress.
Now that he was back, she could finally rest.
Now that he was back, she could finally sleep.
As her ears captured the sound of water running down, a genuine smile took over her lips, and if anything, she knew it would be there by the time she woke up again.
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airi-p4 · 3 years
Miraculous escape - Chapter 2
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
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Thank you @alittleshycat for the header and wanted posters pic! 💙 Thank you @brickercupmasterx3​ for proofreading! 💙
I’ve been into comedy lately for some reason... This chapter has been finished for a while, but I’ve been writing more of this story. It’s fun to write because they’re all stupid XD
A/N: Remember this story is Lukanette + Adrigami endgame.
Chapter summary:
The fugitive and disguised men arrive to Milan and set in their Hotel rooms and Rose holds a girls' pajama party.
Chapter 2: Arrival to Milan
The train arrived at Milan later than scheduled. Not that it surprised any of them - except probably Adrien who always rode bullet trains instead of cheap ones. Delays were part of the public transportation's everyday life (at least in Southern Europe).
It took them eight hours to reach the Italian city, and Adrien and Luka had mostly spent the time either sleeping (from exhaustion of the day before) or daydreaming about the girls that caught their attention. Juleka glared at them more than a few times too, reminding them to focus on their acting, but they pretended not to notice. She seemed to be having a good time with the short haired blond lady seated next to her, anyway.
During the ride, Madam Mendeleiev also assigned their hotel rooms: two members per room, sharing it with the person beside them during the train ride. That meant Luka and Adrien were assigned the same room, and Juleka and Rose and Marinette and Kagami would share theirs too. The men were relieved with the assignments- at least they could drop their acting during the night.
After arriving at the hotel, and leaving their suitcases at their respective rooms (courtesy of XY, who didn’t miss his chance to flirt again with ‘Lucia’- ew ), the band members reunited again to have dinner. Too bad for them, they didn’t get to share a table with Marientte or Kagami, but shared it with Juleka and Rose.
“Hey!” Rose called for their attention. “Why don’t we have a girls' pajama party here later, when Madam Mendeleiev is asleep?” she suggested.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea-” Luka started, but was blunty cut by Adrien.
“Oh, yes! A party! Yay! Let’s do it! It will be soooo much fun!” Adrien exclaimed happily, amicably joining the palm of his hands with the grinning Rose's.
“Yay! I’m going to tell the others!” Rose said, running to the other areas in little hops.
Juleka and Luka could only facepalm at Adrien’s reaction. It was probably his first ‘pajama party’, of course he would be excited. ‘Just be careful’, Juleka warned them, giving up at Adrien’s puppy eyes.
A few hours later, after assuring Madam Mendeleiev was pleasantly asleep, the boys changed into old fashioned nightgowns and moved to the Hotel’s bar, where almost all the ladies were already chatting and drinking together. Luka was disappointed to see how Marinette wasn’t there, and he soon left the party. On the other hand, Adrien was completely enjoying himself with the ladies. Chatting, laughing, singing, playing cards, fortune reading… The rich boy had never had so much fun in his life. Kagami had left early, but Adrien had made sure to stare at her as much as he could before his eyes couldn't follow her anymore.
Meanwhile, sick of his acting, Luka moved to a closed common room nearby. Dark and cold as it was, he didn't expect to find Marinette sleeping in one of the coaches, next to an incandescent lamp.
“Hey, are you ok?” He asked, shaking her a little. Marinette’s eyes opened all of a sudden, almost giving Luka a heart attack.
“Oh! Sorry!” She apologized. “Where am I?”
“You fell asleep in the common room. Can you walk...?” Luka asked her. She stunk of alcohol- lots of alcohol. Marinette nodded but almost fell down on her knees as soon as her feet hit the floor. Luka sighed. “Where's your room? I'll take you there”
“206” she answered, and Luka lifted her body to carry her in princess style. She was very light and he was probably enjoying her in his arms more than he should.
“Wow! You're so strong for a girl!” she said, in fascination, between hiccups.
Luka froze. *Shit* ‘ She’ll find out I'm actually a man at this rate! Think Luka, think! I need an excuse! ‘“It comes with carrying a guitar everywhere” he answered nervously.
But Marinette wasn’t really thinking. “That's amazing!” A short pause followed. “Wait! Put me down!” she demanded, and Luka obeyed, seating her on the coach again. “Let's have some girl talk before going to sleep!" she grinned.
Marinette's begging eyes were too much for his enamored heart and his body automatically answered. "Okay"
"Yaaay" she said loudly in a celebrating tone, between hiccups.
Luka gulped. She looked absolutely defenseless and beautiful in her pajamas. If he hadn't already fallen for her, he would have again at that moment. His long fingers threatened to betray him any moment, longing to feel her perfect skin under his touch. He bit his tongue trying to suppress his predator instincts and act like the woman Juleka expected him to be.
"Won't Madam Mendeleiev get angry if she finds us?" Luka asked, looking for an excuse to leave.
"She won't!" She assured, pouring more alcohol into her cup and taking a sip. "We'll just turn off the lights and hide, and that would do. Here." She offered him a glass. "Have a drink with me"
"Thank you. I could never say no to a drink" 'Let's hope it distracts me enough from my ‘naughty’  thoughts...'
"You know?" Marinette started, stopped by another hiccup. Luka carefully listened to her dreamy voice. "I thought you were a man at first…"
Luka choked on his drink. 'Oh, no. We've just arrived! Have I been found out so easily? I can't let her find out yet! We need to escape and-'
"Hahaha- really? No way. See? Breasts" he quickly answered, lifting his fake breasts awkwardly.
"I knooow. I'm just joking" she giggled, making Luka sigh in relief. "I haven’t introduced myself, have I? My name is-"
"Ma-Ma-Marinette, right?" Luka giggled, but stopped immediately after noticing her hurt expression. "Sorry, I didn't want to make you feel bad"
"No, it's ok. It's my fault for being so clumsy…" tears had started to form in her eyes and Luka felt his own heart hurt in regret.
"No, no! I should have been more sensitive. Sorry." He sincerely apologized.
"Thank you ugh- sorry. I don't think I caught your name…"
"Lucia" 'God I hate this name'
"Lucia. Pretty name. Are you from Spain? Or Southern France?" Marinette asked, curious.
"Yes, I'm from the Basque region" he lied to add credibility to his act.
"That explains your strength!"
"That's just a stereotype, Marinette… but who knows? Maybe I should try tearing a trunk in half with my bare hands sometime" Luka joked and Marinette laughed.
"You're so funny!" Her laugh sounded like the most beautiful melody in his ears, inspiring him to compose hundreds of songs. "Want more?" She offered him her bottle of alcohol.
"if you insist..."
Marinette opened the bottle to fill Luka's glass, but her trembling hands made her spill the alcohol on Luka's lap, surprising him.
"Oh, sorry! Your sleeping dress…" She lamented.
"It's fine. I'll ask for the hotel’s laundry service to clean it tomorrow and it will be fine" he smiled. 'how could anyone get angry at those beautiful regretful pure eyes? Impossible'
"What are these voices! Is anyone here!?" Madam Mendeleiev shouted from the aisle.
"Oh no! Hit the lights and hide! Here!"
Marinette pulled Luka's body strongly to hide him behind the coach, hugging him. During the minute they spent in that position, Luka forgot how to breathe, in awe of her softness and unexpected precise reflexes.
Madam Mendeleiev later moved toward the room where the girls’ party was taking place, and Luka could only feel sorry for Adrien. ‘ Good luck, my friend’ . But actually, he was more worried about himself, since the chest of the woman he liked was pressed on his face.
"Ufff… she's gone. Sorry!" Marinette stood up, offering her hand to Luka.
"No, it's fine…" he recomposed himself, shaking his head. "We should go back…" 'before the alcohol controls me and I do something stupid'
"Yes…Thank you for keeping me company, Lucia." She smiled.
“My pleasure" he smiled back. "I’ll go get Ad- Noirette first. Will you be fine on your own?”
“I guess so?” she answered, dizzily.
While Luka helped Marinette stand up, Kagami called for her friend, running towards them. “Marinette! I’ve been looking for you! Don’t tell me you’ve been drinking again? Are you ok?” she said, passing her arm under Marinette’s to help her steadiness.
“I’m perrrrffffect!” she said in a hiccup. “Thanks to Lucia! She’s soooo strong, you knowwww?”
Kagami’s eyes narrowed at Luka, giving him chills. But soon she apologized for her friend’s behavior, bowing her head at him. She also informed him she would take her to their room and thanked him for having looked after her friend. Luka excused himself to go look for ‘Noirette’. Kagami’s eyebrows frowned at his comment and started walking with Marinette.
“See you tomorrowwww, Luciaaa. Goood niiiiiighttttt”. With an exaggerated waving salute, Marinette almost fell straight to the floor in front of the elevator. Thankfully, Kagami made it in time to prevent the accident.
"Good night, Marinette. See you tomorrow" Luka waved back, blushing at her clumsiness.
'This is bad' Luka thought. His heart beat faster than ever. ‘ This girl is too damn cute. I’m going to fall in love for real if this continues... ’ Luka shook his head to snap out of his thoughts. Time to get Adrien back.
Back at the elevator, Kagami kept looking at ‘Lucia’ with judging eyes.
When Luka arrived at the party room he could see the girls (and Adrien) being scolded by Madam Mendeleiev. Not daring to show himself, he waited until they all returned to their respective rooms to meet with Adrien.
“Adrien! Are you ok? I saw that witch scolding you. Did you have fun at least?” Luka patted his back.
“Luka! Where were you? It was so fun until that old woman arrived… I’ve never had so much fun before! We drank, sang and played games… I love this band already. Do we really have to leave…?” Adrien mumbled, looking like he was about to cry. Luka could sympathize with his feelings.
“Sorry, Adrien. You know what will happen if your father ever finds us… I’m happy you had fun, though”
“Thanks. Where were you, by the way? I’ve been asking for you, but nothing”
“You won’t believe it! I got to spend some time with Marinette! Man, I thought I would pass out due to her cuteness. She’s too much for my heart…” Luka answered, grinning like a lovestruck fool.
“At least it went well in your case… I couldn’t even exchange a word with Kagami before she left, and she avoided my eye contact…”
“Tomorrow is going to be another day, don’t worry. It will go better next time, you'll see. Remember we have rehearsal all day tomorrow. We should sleep” Luka said, removing his wig. Adrien mimicked his action, nodding in agreement.
Suddenly, the door opened and the two men froze. ‘Oh no’
“It’s not what it looks like!” Luka screamed, followed by Adrien’s “What he just said!”
Juleka rolled her eyes from the door, going inside the room. The clueless musicians sighed in relief.
“Are you stupid? Why didn’t you lock the door before removing your wigs? Do you want to be found out when the escape just started?” she scolded them, who made apologizing puppy eyes at her. “I’m here to discuss your escape plans”
“Oh” they both responded, making Juleka sigh at their dumbness.
“It seems no one has figured out your true identity yet. The police are still looking for you in Paris and France, so you should be fine- at least for now” she informed them.
“Good thing there’s no internet or mobile phones in this story! That would make things very easy for them to spot us when we play with the band” Adrien said, more to himself or someone not present in the room than to his interlocutors.
“Ad, man, what are you talking about? What the heck is intern- whatever you said” Luka asked, confused.
“I don’t know. I had the feeling I had to mention it. Nevermind- I don’t know it either. Go on, Juleka” Adrien shrugged and let Juleka continue with her explanation.
“See? This is the band's schedule. We’re spending this week in Milan, then Verona, and then the band is going to perform in Venice. I contacted mom with my radio and she’s going to get us a motorboat ready to escape. I’ll have a radar prepared with the coordinates so we can meet in the sea with the Liberty- mom’s ship” she clarified for Adrien. ”That’s your escape plan. Make it to Venice, and it will be your win. Don’t screw it up! Understood?”
“Yes M’am!” they said in unison, doing a salute pose.
“Good. I’ll be here early in the morning for your make-up. Good night” she said, reaching for the door. “And lock the door next time” she warned before closing it.
Luka immediately hurried to lock the door and let his body finally relax and fall to the bed. “Let’s go to sleep… It’s been a long day…”
Adrien agreed, and just like that, the men fell asleep under dreams of beauties and the feeling of being chased by the demon himself.
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ger-bearofrivia · 4 years
Future Dates and Snapchat Seduction 💌
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summary: Henry finally grows a pair and asks the reader out on a date then tease each other over a Snapchat rendezvous.
Part 2 of my Ceo Henry fic series 
read part 1 here: Pen Marks and Coffee Cups
AN: sorry this took so long I’ve been a little uninspired lately. 
It was the end of the day when you heard a knock on the door. You turn to see Henry leaning against the door frame.
“Mr. Cavill. How can I help you?” you ask while continuing to put your laptop into your bag. Henry pushes himself off the doorframe stepping into your office.
”We need to talk.” he stated closing the door behind him.
”okay. About what?” you put your purse on the lounge couch that sat against the wall. Henry walked over to your desk sitting on it.
”Us." he paused "Um, I want to take our relationship to the next level but I’d like to ask you out on a date first. And if that one goes well maybe some other ones as well. Unless you don't want to then we can continue how we were before.” he stutters. Something you'd never seen him do before. Henry was usually this confident almost cocky man that got what he wanted when he asked, no if and or buts about it. But here he seemed almost nervous as if he has been contemplating on the right words to say. It was cute, he was showing a side of him that he never showed to any of his work colleagues before. Or maybe he has but you've been too oblivious or busy to notice. Either way, you liked it. You rest your hand on his cheek bringing your lips to his in a soft kiss different than the hard passionate ones you usually shared. He kissed back resting a large hand on your hip rubbing the area with his thumb. You pull back smiling.
”Henry I would love to go out on a date with you. ” he lets out a sigh of relief.
”Good. Great actually how about tomorrow night at seven?” he suggests.
”perfect. Oh and Henry I want to take our relationship to the next level too.” You whisper and you could see his eyes light up. God, he’s so cute. “How long have I worked here?”
Like six years.” He answers
“And out of those six I interned under you for two. With the best sex I’ve ever had but that’s not the point. All these years I’ve only dreamed of you saying those words Henry.” He smiles down at you then pecks your lips.
"The sex is great but I’ve come to notice that I want our relationship to be more than work and sex. I want to get to know you personally and build a relationship with you. You're so smart and passionate about your work and I love that about you. But that's all I know of you. I want to know more, you just fascinate me.”
”like what?”
”I don't know. Like what kind of music you dance to while you cook.” he laughs and you laugh with him. You wrap your arms around his neck.
”well it depends on what I'm in the mood for. Some days it's whatever is on the radio or classic rock usually.” he rests his forehead on yours. He opens his mouth as if to ask you something else but you quickly press a finger to his lips to shush him. ”now you don't want to spoil the date by asking me all your questions. Save some for tomorrow, now I must get home to get my beauty sleep if you want me to look beautiful for tomorrow.” you jest
”Honey, you always look beautiful.”
”Well you haven't seen me first thing in the morning love. My hair alone takes me forever to tame, imagine with everything else.” he laughed again pulling you closer until lips meet in a brief kiss. Wow, you could kiss him forever. Henry squeezes your hip before pulling away and standing from your desk.
“ I guess your right. You haven’t seen what a curly mess my hair is in the morning. It doesn’t take as long to style it on a good day. ”
"What your hair is naturally curly?” you asked somewhat shocked. Yes, you could see some curls but your thought that was just from styling it.
”Yeah if I grow out my hair it would be a curly mop on top of my head.”
”Ha, I'd love to see that. Henry Cavill billionaire company owner straitens hair for work. ”
”not straitens just style it. The jell holds it straight after I comb it through. I've tried almost every hairstyle that is work acceptable.” he defends.
”really like what?”
”trust me everything. Buzzcut, long on top shaved on the sides, slicked back, even had a bun when I was younger.” you burst out laughing at the thought of Mr. Henry Cavill in a man bun. ”hey not funny I was young” he defeated himself again.
” so you were that guy.”
”Yeah and I was and still am proud of it.” your laugh dies down to a gentle giggle. He was showing his soft side admitting things that he'd never tell someone before. Fuck it feels like your falling for him all over again. You feel your face heat up. ”you won't be laughing once I find some pictures to show you.”
”oh my gosh, please do” you let out a joyous sigh then said, “We should get going it’s starting to get late.”
“Yeah, we should. May I walk you to your car.” He says holding out an arm for you to hold. You grab your bag before you interlock your arms.”
“Such a gentleman” you lean into his arm not having to worry about anyone seeing the both of you together because you're that last two leave. You turn off all the lights in your office then put your bag on the floor so you could lock the door.
“Here let me hold that for you.” He offered, slinging his bag across his chest first before picking up yours.
“Like I said such a gentleman.”
“I’ll make sure to tell my mom that you said that.”
“I bet that she’ll be glad to hear
that she raised such a sweetheart like you.” You tease.
“She definitely will” he pecks your lips before you both walk to the elevator. You press the button then walk into the elevator then lean back against Henry’s chest. Somehow this feels natural as if you’d been together forever. The doors open and you both walk out and say goodbye to the security guard, Henry’s fingers brush against yours before they intertwined together. That’s new. You never thought of Henry to be much a hand holder but again it felt so natural the way they fit together. He leads you to your car which you unlock while walking towards it. Without letting go of your hand he opens the passenger side and placed your bag gently on the seat. He then guided you to the driver's side and opened the door for you. This couldn’t be the same Henry that would vigorously push you up against a wall and fucked the life out of you. He's breaking down walls for you, you notice making your heart flutter.
“Thank you, good sir”
“Anything for you my lady.” You laugh and he smiles down at you resting a hand on your cheek. He guides your face up and leans down to kiss you.
“Mm,” you hum into to kiss before pulling away. “I could kiss you all night” you peck his lips “but we really should get going.”
“So you're just gonna tease me then leave me kitten. You outta be punished.” He growls in your ear and you can feel a wetness begin to pool in your panties. He notices the change in your expression noticing how flustered you’ve become. He knew what you wanted and he’d not gonna give it to you. “Very well then, have fun at home alone.”
“Oh I won’t be alone I have a date with my vibe and long hot bath. I’ll let the rest to your imagination.” You pat his cheek before kissing it. You pull away and step backward but he grabs hips pinning you against your car. “Fuck Henry. “ you moan against his lips feeling his hard member grind against you letting out an exasperated whine as he steps back.
“I get the word. Goodnight ms. L/N, oh and be ready by the time I get there you know I don’t like it when you keep me waiting.” Without another word, he turns walking over to his car, and drove away. You step into your car groaning as you rest your head on the wheel.
“I hate it when he does that.” Which was a complete lie you loved when he edged you this it always leaves you ten times wetter
at home you strip, putting the dirty clothes in the hamper before going into the bathroom
You open Snapchat to send him a few pics. You both had a separate account specifically for these special conversations, mainly using it for this purpose to keep text messages clean. Once situated in the tub you send him a video of your legs spread out in front of the faucet with the stream hitting your clit and moaning his name. Fuck you hope this relationship works out, he was good at fucking you but damn the thought of him fucking you with a passion that's more than just sex made your legs shake. Him telling you how much he loves you, that you're perfect, and wouldn't want to have anyone else was heaven. The phone buzzed pulling you out of your haze.
Henry: I thought you had a date with your vibrator
You: Oh I do I’m just getting warmed up
Henry: Even, after all, I did in the parking lot
You: Of course, you did a number on me but I have to prepare myself for multiple orgasms.
Henry: I wish I was there to see that
You: Maybe you’ll get to see tomorrow
Henry: Mm sorry love I don’t fuck on the first date
You: You really are an asshole
Henry: You were being a brat so you get to suffer.
You: How do you know if I’m suffering?
Henry: I’m not there to make you feel good. Why else would you be messaging me, my love?
You: Fuck you 😤
Henry: You wish.
You moan as the pressures of the faucet hits your clit in the perfect most sensitive area. You threw your head back and moaned feeling the pressure build-up. You quickly press the button to record your orgasm then sent it to Henry.
You: Well, I think that’s enough for you today.
Henry: excuse me you messaged me first.
You: Bye Henry.
You type interrupting what he was going to write.
Henry: Oh your so going to get punished for this
You: I thought you said you didn’t fuck on the first date.
Henry: I don’t but the extra day gives me time to plan the perfect punishment.
You feel yourself drip.
You: Better make it good then. Really make sure I learn my lesson this time. Now go take care of your self.
Henry: What if I don’t need to
You: Are you having a little problem getting your self up hun? Do I have to send more pictures to help?
Henry: Shut up you brat. You know very well my dick works. If it didn’t why would you come crawling to my office every day, begging me to fuck you.
With that, he sent you a pic then turned off his phone to finish himself off. You get two more orgasms before you call it a night and go to bed.
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anystalker707 · 4 years
I’m always yours
Pairing: Gerard Way x Reader Genre: Fluff Word count: 2 338 Requested by @thunderpurple (who apparently got their account deactivated, but I hope they read it anyways) Summary: Reader is a famous singer who dates Gerard and writes a song about their relationship.
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"What are you smiling about?" The sudden question pulls me away from my thoughts. I hum questioningly at first – Gerard's curious face is the first thing I process, eyes flickering over me in an attempt of understanding what's in my mind. He sits on the couch across from mine, his elbow over the couch's arm while he supports his chin on his palm.
"Oh," I say when finally understanding the question, adjusting my position – with the motion, my pen almost falls from my lap, but I'm able to catch it. "Erm, nothing," I answer with a smirk, raising my eyebrows lightly, demonstrating I'm just not telling him about it. Certain frustration hits me as I look down at my notebook – it seems like half of the ideas I believed to have written down didn't even leave my mind.
Gerard doesn't seem like he's giving up soon, furrowing his eyebrows as pouting lightly. "Is it about me? You've been observing me way too much." He stands up from the couch to sit down beside me, but I close the notebook and set it between me and the armrest before he does so. "That's not fair," he complains, eyeing the notebook with furrowed eyebrows.
"Yes, it is," I chuckle and place a kiss on his cheek. "I love it when you're sulky, you get all cute. Not like you're not cute normally, but you get it," I smile, watching him try to put on an angry look, but he ends up blushing. I can't help but to chuckle again, pulling him for a kiss.
"Agh, ew, no fucking on the couch." A sudden voice says and we pull away to see Frank opening the fridge – and most likely having entered the bus without us having noticed.
I roll my eyes with a small lazy smirk, deciding to joke, "you don't even know what happens when you're not around."
"And I'll be happy if it continues this way." He takes a bottle of water in hand, shooting us a playfully reprehending look as making his way out of the bus again; Gerard and I laugh at him.
"Aren't you going to tell me what're you doing?" His head rests on my shoulder as Gerard looks at me from under his lashes. Grinning, I shake my head. He sighs, defeated, and adjusts his posture. "Okay then," Gerard shrugs nonchalantly before leaning in for another kiss.
He must think he's very smart, doesn't he? I can feel the exact moment his hand reaches for the notebook, but I immediately slap it away, shooting him a look once breaking the kiss. "The more you try to see it," I tell him, narrowing my eyes, "the less I'm convinced to show it to you. You'll find out soon enough." With last peck is pressed to his lips, I grabbing the notebook, planning to leave it back in my bus.
"You're no fun," Gerard presses a kiss to my cheek.
"I'm not supposed to be," I tease, standing up and reaching for his hand. "C'mon, I changed my mind, I was just gonna leave this in the bus and come back, but we're not continuing inside here. I want to stretch my legs and I'm tired of staring at a TV or at the wall, the bus makes me feel suffocated." I chuckle seeing him roll his eyes, though agreeing. Maybe some time together will help me having an inspiration.
We grab a coffee from the café of the gas station and take a seat on the concrete step in front of the convenience store, observing the cars passing by. It's quite peaceful – the sun already set itself, so the sky has this golden shade in the horizon, slowly fading into a grayish blue which contrasts perfectly with the clouds, which still have a pink tinge. A stronger breeze hits once in a while, making a few of Gerard's strands cover his face – he hooks them behind his ear just for another breeze to send them flying again. The frustrated grunt he releases makes me chuckle.
"Wait, don't move," I say as getting my phone off my pocket. Doing as said, he hums questioningly. "You look beautiful, all aesthetic," I saw as opening the camera app, taking a few pictures of him. He furrows his eyebrows a bit in a wordless complain, but doesn't do anything to stop me either. Once I lower my phone, he nods towards it as if asking to see the pics.
"Ah, no, wait a minute," I say, changing the camera to the frontal one and moving closer to him – leans in, his cheek brushing mine as I snap another couple of photos. "Imma post these of us later," I hand him the phone to see the pics like he asked earlier, leaning a bit closer to him to see it too.
"Not the others too?" He asks curiously, returning the phone.
"Nah," I shake my head, "these are for personal archive." His scoff makes me grin. "I don't share every pic I take of you, Gee," I let my cup on the ground to be able to hug Gerard, pecking the side of his face. "I can't expose too much what's mine, even more with so many people wanting too," I mutter against his skin, the corners of my lips curling up into a smile seeing him blush – knowing I can make him blush is just amazing.
He hums softly in a mockingly judging tone, turning his face so his lips meet mine. "You do a great job," Gerard mutters on my lips before locking them in a short, sweet kiss. "But don't worry, whether near or far, I'm always yours."
Besides blood, lot of thoughts flood my head as sit upside down on the couch, looking at the nothing. Gerard needed to do whatever, so, with him away, it's the best time to try to write this song. I just want it to be a surprise.
Ray approaches, eyeing me curiously before taking a seat too, about a foot away from me and my guitar – which's actually Frank's, one he lent me earlier. "Why are you sitting like this, kid? For how long have you been like this? You'll pass out." Certain concern is mixed with his confusion, though most of his attention is turned to the phone in his hand.
"'Waiting for inspiration to come." I say as sitting upright again. The room spins under my gaze for a second, but it quickly goes back to normal since it hadn't been long since I had decided to sit like that. "I'm writing a new song," I explain, taking the guitar back on my lap again. "It feels like all my ideas slip away just because I need one then, when I notice, I'm just staring at a white paper waiting for the ideas to show up, y'know?"
Ray chuckles a bit as glancing at me, his curls moving as he nods. "I understand completely. Good luck, tho," he shoots me a smile.
"Thanks," I smile back, playing on the guitar what I've written until now. Turns out I end up finally finding an idea and, getting too engaged on writing the song, I just notice how late it is when the Gerard and Mikey are walking back inside the bus.
"Don't you have your own bus?" Mikey asks playfully, nudging my foot with his before sitting down across from Ray and I.
"Ah, sometimes I forget I do," I set my guitar laying on my lap as throwing my arms over my head to stretch myself. "But I wasn't supposed to be here yet, I just got too carried away..." Seeing Gerard's hand furtively reaching for my notes again makes me interrupt myself, slapping his hand away. "You're so stubborn!" I furrow my eyebrows at him, shooting him a look as standing up.
The guitar is left in a corner, against the wall, and I sigh dramatically, my notebook safely hugged close to myself, "how Mikey's being so rude, I'm already leaving. 'Hope y'all have fun without my illustrious presence, then." My words make Mikey and Ray hum or scoff sarcastically – I throw my nose in the air while walking away, stopping in the last moment to look back and laugh with them.
"Let me go with you," Gerard says as following me, taking my hand in his. He blushes lightly at the peck I give him before we continue walking.
By the time the tour is over, the song is completely perfected – with a little fixing here and there in the lyrics, melody and adding a few other instruments. I smile as listening to the final result, all happy about it. Today completes exact five years since I met Gerard – I remember clearly internally freaking out when meeting him and the calls until four in the morning we started having not long later – so it's obviously the best day to release the song.
I'm anxious about posting it, mostly about Gerard's reaction; I never told him what was the song about and when I was releasing it. Breathing in deeply and exhaling to make myself calmer, I decide to finally post the announcement of the single. First on Twitter, then on Instagram, both with the same caption – I've been working on this song for a long time; it was difficult summing up in five minutes everything (or almost everything) between me and the love of my life, but here it is.
I bite back a grin as placing the phone inside the pocket of my hoodie – that's actually Gerard's, but I'll just return it when it doesn't smell like him anymore and grab another, maybe one of his green jackets – and look for Gerard around the house.
Gerard's in the kitchen when I find him, preparing himself a mug of coffee. Not saying anything, I simply observe, quietly moving to the counter, leaning forward with my hands on the cold surface. He takes a quick glance at first before looking at me properly, humming quietly in acknowledge to my presence. Grabbing his mug, he gives me a peck on the lips in his way out of the kitchen.
He's most likely returning to his office, since there's where he was when I last checked, not long ago. I wait for a moment before following him, but I find him in the living room and wait until he goes up the stairs. Again, after a moment, I'm already after him, however, I almost jump three feet in the air when turning around the corner and seeing Gerard there – he eyes me unamused, sipping on his coffee.
"Why are you following me?" He asks, narrowing his eyes.
I blush, playing with the hem of the hoodie's sleeve. "Ah, um," I think for a moment. "It's a big house," I shrug, remembering the excuse he gives when following me around my house or his own – he always walks in the room about a minute later and blushes, getting all fidgety, when finding me staring at the doorway, waiting for him with a knowing look. "I feel alone...?" It ends up sounding more like a question and I try to crack a convincing grin in the end.
He chuckles softly as stepping closer, pressing a peck to my lips, leaving behind the bitter taste of coffee. "You can stay in the office too, y'know," he raises an eyebrow at me, nodding towards the said room. "I also enjoy your company."
I'm about to agree when it suddenly comes to my mind – maybe he'll check his phone when getting back there and I don't want to be around, watching his reaction to the song. "Ah," I look away, stepping back again, "no, actually, I'm fine," I force a grin, ignoring his questioning gaze. "I'll go watch something on the TV."
Before Gerard can question me, I'm already turning around and going down the stairs, throwing myself on the couch once in the living room. The TV ends up turning into just another detail in the background, losing my attention to my phone as I read the comments on the new song.
There are these hate comments as always – most of them are attacking me about for just wanting to use Gerard and MCR, which simply doesn't make sense since I was already famous before meeting them and our relationship didn't come out to the public until about a year ago.
People started suspecting about it and the media was also annoying a lot, trying to figure out the truth. So, in an interview to MCR and I before a concert I was opening for them, when the interviewer asked us about it, I just kissed Gerard in front of the camera and walked away. I remember how Gerard just shrugged at the guy and followed me while Frank watched with a grin – he had already figured out about us by himself – and Mikey and Ray stood there containing amused smiles.
The comments do make me feel bad sometimes, but I believe people would like it to be in my place, so I try to not bother too much. There are the people who actually like me, above all, and who support us together. Not like we need their approval, but that's it.
Arms being wrapped around me suddenly pull me away from my thoughts – I blush as coming back to reality and remembering everything, shrinking a bit while Gerard covers my face with kisses. "Gerard!" I say through a chuckle, in a reprehending tone, interrupted when a last kiss is pressed to my lips.
"You're the best," he says, kissing me deeply before giving me a chance to answer. "I love you so much, you make me feel so special, you're literally the best thing that ever happened to me." Once again, he kisses me.
As much as the kiss is good, I pull away a few seconds later to answer. I grin sheepishly, "you too, Gee, I love you too."
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turbulentt · 4 years
Sweet Little Thing
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genre: smut | yeosang x fem!reader
word count: 3.1k
warnings: explicit content, unprotected sex, oral (female receiving), praise kink
event: valentine’s day prompt ask by @svt-mangos
summary: a new bakery opens at your city and you find yourself mesmerized by how amazing their cakes are, yet it’s their waiter, kang yeosang, who catches your eye first.
It was your first time going to that bakery. It had just recently opened and some of your friends told you how amazing their desserts were, you just had to try them. The looks attracted you right away. All the colors, smells, sizes. You felt like entering a wonderland. 
“Don’t just stand there.” the waiter giggled beside you “Order something.”
“But they’re so many. I can’t choose.” you drew closer to the cake showcase and hummed in confusion.
“Let me help then. Go for the strawberry angel food cake.” he points at the sugary pink cake “It’s really sweet. I think it goes well with you.”
For the first time, you look at him, in surprise by his flirt. Time seemed to stop when you locked eyes with each other. Maybe you did enter wonderland. Do wonderlands have princes? Well, this one had, and he was standing right there before you.
“Do… Do you want it?” he asked, not so flirty nor confident this time. “Want what?” you bluntly responded, not paying the minimum attention. “The cake. Do you want to taste that cake?”
“Oh, the cake right.” you free yourself from the thoughts and smile awkwardly “Sure. I’m going to sit over there. Oh and a cappuccino please.”
He smiles and leaves to prepare your order, while you just head to a table near to the window. After that encounter, you just had to sit down and recover your senses. You had never seen him before. Not in university nor anywhere in that city. You would remember if you did, certainly, such a pretty face like that is hard to forget.
Once again he approaches your table and you feel your heart rhythm fasten as if he wanted to run away. You watch him place the cake in front of you, and then your drink. Something in the way his blond hair was held by two baby blue hair clips turned him even more charming. While lost in your own world you didn’t notice how the boy looked at you too. 
“Would you like something else?” he smiles.
“No, thank you.” and it’s when he’s preparing to leave that you decide to take the first step “Actually..”
“Yes?” he gazes back at you and you can clearly see a glimpse of hope shining in his eyes. 
“I’d like to know your name,” you admit shyly but he seems to enjoy it a lot. “Kang Yeosang.” he points at his name tag and you chuckle. “Sorry, I didn’t pay much attention to that.“ 
"I wonder why.” tilts his head to the side making a pensive face “Maybe you just were too distracted looking at my face." 
Your eyes widen in surprise and a hint of red grows in your cheeks. You shyly mumble an apology and Yeosang laughs sweetly. 
"Don’t be sorry. I liked it. I think you were too distracted to even realize I was looking at you the same way.” he smiles. 
His confidence seemed to have boosted and you couldn’t help but smile at his statement. That means something, right? Because you could really kiss his beautiful lips right that instant. 
“I hope you enjoy your food.” he suddenly goes back to his waiter state and points at the cappuccino “I hope you like that cappuccino. It comes with a surprise." 
You look at him in confusion and Yeosang just waves as he walks away. What did he mean by surprise? Did he put something in the drink? How lucky could you be to meet a nice handsome boy yet he would just drug you? Too many scenarios. Maybe there really is a good surprise. 
Warily you just take a sip of the drink, which seems to be fairly normal. Shaking your thoughts away, you just have a normal meal, being delighted by how heavenly that cake tastes. Your friends were right. You could feel how much love the baker had put into it. 
When finished, you decided to send a pic to your friends, along with a long review paragraph of how you would definitely be back to taste more of their cakes. Between the many replies you got, one of them caught your eye. 
"What is that black stuff written on the cappuccino cup?" 
You immediately looked at the cup and saw a couple of lines coming from under the bakery label. Curiously you rip the little sticker off, only to show a cell phone number and the ‘KY’ letters under it. Of course, it meant Kang Yeosang and it obviously was his number, but your mind couldn’t really process the fact that the cute waiter that had just flirted with you gave you his number. 
So, after that day, besides being at the bakery most days you also texted Yeosang frequently. Both of you really enjoyed the talks you had on the phone throughout the entire dawn and, for some odd reason, Yeosang made you feel wanted. More than you had ever been.
Apart from the hours-long phone calls and your routine visits to the bakery, you two didn’t really see each other often, it could be because you don’t study in the same university, or just for the fact that you haven’t had the guts to ask him out on a date. But neither does he, well, until one day.
“Here’s your order.” he happily rushes to your table setting down the food “I have one thing to ask you.”
Taking a bite to the piece of cake you sign for him to keep talking. Curiously Yeosang had developed a way of talking to you that made you blush every two words. He would either finish his sentences with pick up lines or just softly compliment you. It wasn’t like you didn’t enjoy it, all his words boosted your ego, but you never knew how to respond and he would just stare at you, with a victorious smirk on his face, waiting for a response.
“Go on a date with me. This Saturday,” he said it so easily yet you were almost choking on your food. “A what?” you mumbled between coffs. “You heard me.” he chuckled “I’ve been meaning to ask but it never seems to be the right time. But I’m taking my chance with the pretty girl now.” 
“You sound like a true gentleman.” you smile, awkwardly trying to hide your blushed cheeks “And where are we going?”
“Oh, that’s a surprise. Just meet me here. I leave at six so we can go together, okay?” 
“Seems good. I’ll wait excitedly for it.” you smile and once again he resumes his work.
Saturday didn’t take much time to come. The week seemed to fly just for you to have your so awaited date. You still visited the bakery every day after university, but the thought of the two of you finally being able to hang out together was driving you nuts. So, on Saturday, there you were, munching something to make time for Yeosang to leave his shift. 
Half an hour before, he was already looking enthusiastic passing through your table every five minutes telling you how he was almost leaving. You could only laugh at his cuteness. 
You were waiting outside by the door when his shift finally ends and you only now got to see in person how good looking Yeosang is without his uniform. Not that it really matters, but his style surely helps, especially when he’s wearing a leather jacket.
“You look good.” you shyly admit referring to his clothing. “Thanks. But, don’t I always look good?” he teases you and you just decide not to fight back. “Anyway, where are we going?” 
“We are going to my house.” he takes you by the hand guiding you to his car. “To your house?” you look a bit taken back by his words but he quickly eases you. “You told me once that you wanted to learn how to bake some of the cakes we have at the bakery so I thought it would be a good idea to teach you,” Yeosang explains as you both enter the car “I would do it at the bakery but my boss didn’t allow me. Since I have all the tools and ingredients at my house I figured it’d do. I hope you don’t mind, we can do something else if you want.”
“No!” you cut him off quickly “Baking seems like a fun first date.” 
It didn’t take long to arrive at his place and you sure got surprised by how tidy and clean Yeosang is. Yet he doesn’t seem to be the only one living there, due to the number of jackets on the hall hanger.
“Do you share the house?” you curiously question while roaming around the living room, feeling the nice fruity smell it holds. “I do, with seven of my friends. But they’re not here today, I told them I wanted privacy.” he chuckled at his own words and guided you by the hand to the kitchen. It was starting to become a habit, holding your hand and leading you. Not that you were complaining, he has really soft and warms hands.
All of the utensils and ingredients were already set on the table which meant he had prepared it all before going to work. Realizing that, you looked at Yeosang with the most loving eyes, like you were falling in love with him. Perhaps you really were.
“What?” he smiles taking off his jacket and replacing it with his apron, giving you one right after “Are you falling for me already?”
“Let’s cook.” you cut him off and he laughs at your embarrassment. “Ok, let’s start.”
Saying it was an easy task would be a lie because Yeosang wasn’t properly the best teacher. He would simply skip some steps and not tell you what it was supposed to be done and then just laugh at your pouty expression. He would also grab your arms to explain to you how you were supposed to beat the eggs or mold the fondant, it drove you insane. 
“Ok, now, carefully, put it in the oven,” he instructed and you did as told. “Are you sure I did a good job?” you asked while closing the oven’s door but you didn’t get a reply “Yeosang?”
As soon as you turn to face him your face is hit with a good amount of flour, much of it going inside of your mouth. “You’re dead,” you say playfully taking the bag of flour from his hands and throwing some on his face. And right at that instant, a war started. You ran around the table with Yeosang chasing you, both of you giggling like little children and spilling flour everywhere. You were so distracted running around that you didn’t even notice him right in front of you with his arms open, ready to catch you.
“Gotcha.” he happily sings after grabbing you in his arms. The problem was how close you two got at that moment. Both your noses rubbing each other and you could swear he was able to listen to your unsteady heartbeats. His eyes trailed up and down, switching between your eyes and your mouth.
“Can I kiss you?” that’s all he asks yet you felt like fainting. You didn’t give him a proper answer, confirming with a head gesture was enough. His lips tasted like flour, which was sort of inconvenient, but you could still taste his sweetness and feel his warmth. Yeosang didn’t rush it, it was indeed the most loving and deep kiss you have ever had and it made you feel out of this world. 
When he parted his lips from yours you whined lowly, you wanted more, a lot more. He surely noticed how your expression changed and grabbed your hips to draw you closer to his body. Your legs got shaky and he smirked.
“Did I just make you wet with just one kiss, sweetheart?” 
If the kiss didn’t make you, which was highly unlikely, the way his eyes darken as he said that sure did. You just looked away from him embarrassed, he has such a strong gaze, so hard to resist. Yeosang rubbed his finger on your cheek cleaning some of the flour that still covered you and leaned closer.
“We should really take a shower. What do you think?” he whispers right by your ear and his words slide quickly down to your core. “Together?” you ask innocently, obviously you knew the answer. “Of course, sweetheart. Unless you don’t want to, I’m fine with that.”
You smiled at him, touched by his gentle preoccupation with getting consent. “I would really love that.” you take the opportunity to kiss his lips again, a bit more hungrily this time. Yeosang lifted your body up, and so he carried you to the bathroom, rather clumsily since he was more focused on giving your lips attention. You giggled when he just kicked the door desperately, he was really eager to have you. 
“Yeosang, put me down.” you laughed as he started to kiss your neck “I can’t shower with clothes.”
“Oh.” he laughed awkwardly and let you down to your feet, only to grab you again “I’ll take care of that.”
Every one of his moves was gentle, soft, and warm and you enjoyed every single one. It didn’t take long for him to be on his knees and face to face with your clothed core. His eyes widened at the dark wet spot on your underwear.
“You’re this wet just for me?” his finger met the stain and you whined softly. “Don’t make those embarrassing questions…”
“You’re so shy.” he chuckles. His breath comes closer to your core and your hands instantly move to his hair. Not so gently now he removes your underwear and, with the most hungry eyes you have ever seen, he lets his tongue travel between your folds. “And you taste you sweet.” his hands grab your thighs firmly to spread them more, giving him more access to play with you.
Small moans start to fall from your lips and it only fuels Yeosang’s ego. His tongue finally meets your desperate aching clit and you shake at how good it felt. He knew exactly what he was doing, playing with it at a steady pace yet sending shivers down your entire body. One of his hands releases your thighs and slowly travels to between your shaky legs. 
“You’re so good for me. So beautiful.” he hums into your core “I can’t get enough of your sweet moans, baby.”
You gasp loudly when you feel two of his fingers slide inside you and coming out again. Your eyes meet Yeosang’s and you can feel how satisfied he is by eating you out like that, but the bulge in his pants started to hurt every second he didn’t give it attention.
His fingers thrust into your wetness again and he starts moving them quickly and steady as his lips are busy sucking and playing with your sensitive clit.
“Yeosang… I’m going to cum,” you mumble between pants, your head was thrown back and your breath completely unsteady. He knew you wouldn’t last longer too, that’s why he decided to stop. Before you could cum he took his fingers out and moved his mouth away from you. You whine at the sudden emptiness and look at him unsatisfied.
“Don’t look at me like that, sweetheart.” he says playfully as he stands up and starts to undress “I can’t let you cum just now.”
“Why?” you ask, quite lost on his body, devouring him with your eyes. “I want to look you in the eyes and make you mine.” 
Your expression softens as you hear his words and he turns to turn the shower on. “Come, sweetie. I want to make my pretty little baby feel good a bit more.” he reaches out his hand to pull you to under the shower “And, of course, I want to hear how good you sound once I make you cum.”
His words hit the pitch of your stomach and you take no time in kissing him feverishly. You two weren’t going to play any games now, both of you needed release so much that it hurt.
While one of his hands roamed through your body, the other one was busy giving a few pumps to his needy cock. Yeosang grunted in between the kiss and it was the sexiest sound you have ever heard. You grabbed his face with both of your hands and locked eyes with him. “Yeosang, please…”
It only took you one plea to make him do as told. Without ever taking his eyes from yours he carefully slid inside you. He held himself onto the cold tiles of the bathroom wall and waited for you to give him permission to move. Taking a look down he saw the way his cock fitted perfectly inside you and grunted with satisfaction.
“Fuck, you take me so well.” his thumb caresses your lower lip “And you feel so good.”
You can only smile at his words, giving him a sign to start moving. And so he does. Unhurried he slides almost completely out of you, only to sink deep once again. And as he promised he was looking right into your eyes as he made you his’. Every hard thrust seemed much more intense with the two of you looking eye to eye and moaning each other’s names uncontrollably. The water just dripped from your bodies, taking with it all the sweat, and muffling the erotic sounds your skin made as they met each other with every thrust.
“Can you cum for me now, baby?” his words came one by one between his pants “Because I will.”
You shake your head as you felt the heat rush through your body. Your walls started to feel tighter around his cock and Yeosang was a mess just by the feeling of you clenching around him. You felt him throb him inside you and just couldn’t contain yourself anymore.
With a loud moan, you came undone on his cock and fell on Yeosang’s arms as he pulled out of you and came on his own hand. He held you close to him and played with your hair until you recovered your senses and were finally able to stand up.
“Now we should really take a shower.” he laughs and you join him.
Like the gentlemen he is, Yeosang made sure you were all cleaned, from the flour and the cum, and his aftercare actually felt really good.
As you both were stepping out of the shower something in your head clicks and you look at him. 
“The cake!” it was most likely all burnt by now.
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Book One: Gold (Prompto x Reader) Chapter X
Making their way up the Rock of Ravatogh, the royal retinue and the guardian prepared themselves for the long trek ahead of them. As they proceeded up the rocky, jagged path, Gladio spoke up. "Just think about what's waiting at the top."
"Lemme guess: one aching back and two very sore feet," Prompto sarcastically replied.
"Like you couldn't use some meat on those legs of yours," the shield scoffed.
"They work for me."
"But what about the lady?"
Being the closest person to Prompto and the only girl in the group, (Y/n) knew the brute was referring to her. "...Excuse me?"
"You like muscle or chicken legs?" Gladio asked.
"I don't hate nor like either. Besides, I love Prompto the way he is."
"In your face, big guy!" The marksman cackled victoriously. "My lady isn't shallow and doesn't judge a book by its cover."
The spirit groaned at their childish behavior and continued to follow Noctis up the Rock of Ravatogh. They encountered some saphyrtails, which they easily disposed of. They proceeded up the path made of hardened molten lava where they eventually stumbled upon diverging paths. What caught their attention was how vast the area opened up and the horde of spiracorns and saphyrtails fighting against each other.
(Y/n) watched for a few seconds as the creatures fought one another and failed to notice their presence. When they all gathered together to attack each other again, she conjured a large fireball and tossed it at the creatures. Not only did she set them ablaze, she caused their corpses to turn to ash. She winced when seeing her spell was a little too powerful. "I may have gone a little overboard with that..."
"A little?" Gladio chuckled. "You turned them into ash."
"Well, you did say your magic was more powerful in hot environments," Prompto said.
Noctis glanced at the guardian. "Thought you didn't want us to "miss all the fun"."
"That one was a freebie because they were already injuring one another. I just sped up the process," (Y/n) retorted. "Anyway, pick a path. Let's find this cave and royal arm as quick as we can. You four already look exhausted."
Noctis glanced down both of the paths before deciding to go up the right one. Luckily, he picked the correct way and avoided another battle down a pathway that led to a dead end.
Continuing up, the pathway was getting steeper. They all could feel the muscles in their legs aching at how steep the path was becoming as they went up. Prompto glanced up as he exhaled heavily, but he couldn't see the end of the path. "Did we hit the top? Feeling past my peak."
Gladio also took note of how steep and long the path ahead was. "I'm afraid you've still got a ways to go."
The blonde wandered over towards (Y/n), smiling with a faint blush. However, his red cheeks weren't due to their close proximity but the heat of the volcano. "Oh beautiful goddess of fire, could I possibly ask for a lift to the top?"
She stopped and crossed her arms. "You want me to transform and carry you to the top?"
He nodded, coming to a halt in front of her with his hands clasped together. "Yes! I'll do anything you ask!"
"Hmmm..." She looked around, noticing the others had stop to listen to their exchange. Tapping her chin in thought, she finally came to a conclusion. "Why don't we all share the love and suffer together?"
"What? No!"
She nodded, faking an innocent smile. "Oh, yes. Get those legs moving, Prom. The longer we stand around here, the longer it'll take us to get to the top." She walked around him and made her way up the extremely steep slope.
Prompto gaped at her back as she ascended the volcano, leaving him and the others behind. His shoulders slumped forward with a dejected sigh. Reluctantly, he followed Noctis up the steep slope. He could feel the muscles in his legs screaming. "Killer climb, dude."
"It's killing me," Noctis groaned.
"Feeling a steep pain," Ignis said, unable to stop the joke from slipping from his lips.
"One false step and you won't feel anything ever again," Gladio commented.
Halfway up the steep path, Prompto had to stop for a brief second to catch his breath. His legs were a little shaky from the intense climb. He breathed out heavily, hunched over his knees. His hands rested on his thighs. "I think my legs are gonna give... Don't even wanna think about how sore I'm gonna be tomorrow." As he tried to regain his bearings, he saw how close he was to the edge of the cliff. Curious, he peaked down at the rocky ravine below. He thought he saw something twinkle in the light of the setting sun.
Not realizing how weak he was, Prompto lost his balance and screamed as his body started leaning forward. He tried to quickly step back from the ledge to prevent himself from falling, but he blinked in surprise when he noticed his fall was halted. That's when he felt a hand latched around his belt. Looking over his shoulder, he saw (Y/n) was the one who saved him from falling.
"You really are reckless sometimes, Prom," she sighed, pulling on his belt. She tugged him away from the ledge and released her hold on the accessory. "C'mon, you're almost to the top."
The group reached the top of the slope and crossed a rocky overpass. As they made their way down another path, Noctis tugged on the collar of his shirt with a groan. "The hell's with the heat?"
"As we climb, so does the temperature," Ignis commented.
"Well, this is a volcano," (Y/n) stated.
"Hey!" Prompto shouted. "What are the chances of it erupting while we're here?"
"Who knows," the girl answered.
"Bright side-you won't suffer long if it does," Gladio chimed in.
Reaching another junction, they came across more spiracorns and saphyrtails. Noctis glanced at the spirit in hopes to get another freebie, but groaned when she waved innocently at him. He performed a warp-strike and joined the battle. The others summoned their own weapons and joined the prince.
After the battle concluded, Noctis chose the right path. Molten lava covered the ground, causing the boys to rethink the prince's decision. (Y/n), on the other hand, wasn't bothered by the hot ground. Her clothes were fireproof and she welcomed the heat when she stepped onto the molten lava. She turned to the boys, placing a hand on her hip. "We should try searching every path, right? Vyv wants that picture."
Gladio folded his arms across his broad chest. "How do you expect us to follow you, short stuff? We're not fireproof like you."
"I only need one person to come with me." She jammed a finger in Prompto's direction. "C'mon, sweetheart, you're coming with me."
He blushes faintly at the term of endearment as the girl transformed. He jogged over to her and climbed onto her back. When he had a secure grip on her fur, she turned and proceeded up the molten lava path. A little ways up, they came across a flock of thunderocs. Prompto summoned his gun and easily disposed of the birds by himself.
Reaching the end of the path, they stumbled upon the cave Vyv mentioned. Prompto stared at the pit and waterfall of boiling lava. "That looks like lava so we definitely don't wanna go down there." He raisies his camera and aimed it at the cave. "Could you get a little closer, (Y/n)?"
The fox took a few steps closer to the molten edge. "Oh, that's much better!" Prompto chanted. He took a few pictures before lowering his camera and patting the top of the spirit's head. "I got the best pics! Now we can head back." The guardian turned away from the cave and trotted back down the path.
Once they reached the bottom and Prompto was off her back, (Y/n) reverted back to her human form. "Well, we can check one thing off our to-do list."
"You were able to locate the cave of which Vyv spoke of?" Ignis asked.
"Yep. Now all we have to do is find the royal tomb."
Noctis was fanning his face, groaning, "We need to hurry. I'm burning up in here."
"And I'm sweating buckets," Gladio added. He then gestured to the (h/c)-haired girl. "Short stuff here hasn't even broken a sweat."
"Like I said, this is my kinda place," she giggled.
The group wandered down the left path. There, they found a flock of wyverns and thunderocs. Making quick work of the creatures, they easily cut them down and climbed up the cliffside. Up top, they discovered Owlyss Haven.
"This place is practically begging to be camped on!" Prompto cheered.
"You are aware we've no camping equipment, correct?" Ignis asked.
"Yeah, but look at the time! The sun's setting and my legs are killing me..."
"I could just flop down on the ground and sleep right now," Noctis said with a large yawn.
"Guess we're camping without the camping gear," Gladio said.
"I could fetch the camping gear," (Y/n) offered. "With help, of course. It might take a few trips, though."
"I'll go with you," Gladio offered.
Prompto, who'd been analyzing the pictures of the lava cave on his camera, overhead the shield. His head snapped up. "I-I wanna go with her!"
The brute already knew why the blonde intervened. "You afraid I'm gonna steal your girl?"
"Then sit that scrawny ass of yours down. Let the men handle the heavy lifting."
Before Prompto could retort, (Y/n) interrupted. "Okay, that's enough. Prom, you stay here. Gladio, you come with me."
"What?" The blonde gasped. "But (Y/n)-!"
"This isn't about who's strongest or who I like the most. This is simply just trying to get the camping gear up here. Gladio offered first so he'll be the one accompanying me. Are we clear?"
Prompto hung his head with a dejected sigh. "Yes..."
"Great! Now then, let's go, Gladio." The guardian transform and allowed the shield onto her back. When he was comfortable and had a hold of her fur, she ran back in the direction of the Regalia.
Prompto watched them leave with a childish pout. "He better not do anything..."
It took (Y/n) and Gladio three trips to bring all the camping gear to the top of the Rock of Ravatogh. Thanks to her multiple tails and help from the shield, they avoided a fourth trip back to the car. They even brought up Ignis' ingredients so he could prepare dinner.
Once the tent was pitched, Prompto crawled inside and hid from the others. He scrolled through the pictures on the camera, but his attention was drawn away from the small screen when the tent flap opened. He watched (Y/n) enter the tent and sit beside him. Not saying a word, he looked back down at his camera.
Folding her legs to the side, the guardian rested her head on Prompto's shoulders and watched him flip through the various photos on his camera. He tensed slightly, which didn't go unnoticed by the girl. She lifted her head from his shoulder with a sigh. "Do you really think Gladio made a move on me?"
"This is Gladio we're talking about..." Prompto muttered under his breath.
(Y/n) carefully took the camera out of his hands and set it aside. She placed her hands on the floor of the tent and crawled towards him on her hands and knees with a stoic expression. Prompto swallowed nervously, backing away from the approaching girl. He wound up slipping and falling on to his back. His eyes nearly popped out of his head the moment the girl crawled over his body and hovered above him. Her (h/c) locks fell over her shoulders as she looked down at him. Her hands came to a halt by his shoulders. "Gladio didn't try to hit on me. He talked to me about his family."
Prompto swallowed the lump in his throat, cheeks turning slightly red. "R-Really...?"
"Why would I lie to you?" She retorted. "What could I possibly gain by doing that?"
"There's no way I'd leave you for someone like Gladio. You're the man I love, not him." She gently lowered herself onto him and rested her body against his. She pressed her ear to his chest and listened to his racing heart. Curling up against him, she sighed contently and closed her eyes. "I kinda wish we were at a hotel so we could have our own room."
"Yeah. Me too." Prompto gradually wrapped his arms around her. One hand entangled in her (h/c) locks while the other was placed on her lower back. He closed his eyes, basking in her warmth and gentle touch. Her pleasant scent wafted into his nose, making him smile. "Sorry for earlier. I-I didn't mean to sound like I was accusing you of lying."
"It's okay. I forgive you," she giggled. "As payback, we're gonna stay like this until dinner's ready."
"You won't hear me complaining."
As intended, the couple remained in the same position until dinner was ready fifteen minutes later. They exited the tent and ate dinner with the others. Once their bellies were full and it was time to call it a night, they put out the campfire and crawled into the tent. It was somewhat cramped, but everyone was able to get comfortable and fall asleep.
The following morning, the group got up early. (Y/n) and Gladio returned the camping gear to the car before they decided to proceed forward. They wandered down a side path, but they didn't make it far before the shield stopped them. "Hold up-down there. What is that?"
(Y/n) followed his line of sight and saw what he was talking about. "It almost looks like a giant nest."
"Please don't let it be," Prompto whimpered. "If it's big, then there's an even bigger thing that made it."
Noctis continued to lead his companions down the rocky path towards a horde of wyverns and killer wasps. They slew the creatures before exploring the rest of the path. At the end, they dropped into a large nest.
"Wow. It really is a big nest," Noctis commented, stepping over a large feather.
"Yeah, but...where's the thing that made it?" Prompto shuddered.
"No idea."
Prompto kept looking at the sky for any sign of a large creature. He thought they were clear until spotting a large object flying around the Rock of Ravatogh. He gasped before leaping at the prince, grabbing his leg. "Noct, there it is!"
Noctis grunted as his body fell to the ground, the blonde yanking on his left leg. "There what is?"
"Giant...BIRD!" The sharpshooter shrieked. "And it's coming right at us!"
(Y/n) looked up at the sky to see the large winged creature closing in on them. "Uh-oh..."
"Oh no!" Noctis yelled.
"Get away from there!" Gladio bellowed.
The prince tried to shake Prompto off his leg when seeing the large bird was descending towards them. "Let go!"
The blonde hugged Noctis' leg tighter. "I can't!"
Ignis ran over and used his own body to push them both lower to ground. "Get down!"
The zu swooped in, targeting the three. Gladio and (Y/n) stepped back to avoid the bird's large form as it landed in the nest before taking off again once seeing it was unable to grab Noctis, Prompto, or Ignis.
The strategist adjusted his glasses. "Seems we arrived at feeding time."
Prompto stared up at the sky as he laid on his back. "We're not staying for the meal, are we?"
"Let's just get out of here before it decides to grab one of us again," (Y/n) said. "If we do plan on fighting that thing, we need a place that isn't so constricting."
"Let's go," Noctis said, hopping down the nearby ledge. The others followed and entered the vast area. There was just enough room to fight the mighty zu. They watched carefully as the large bird swooped around the sky one last time before landing with a thunderous screech. Noctis warped to its beak and started attacking. Gladio and Ignis focuses on the feet while Prompto and (Y/n) targeted the wings.
The spirit's attention was drawn to Noctis when one of the wings located on the zu's head swatted him like a fly. She transformed and caught him on her back, placing him back on the ground before jumping onto the creature's back. She dug her claws into its flesh and used her fire breath to burn a portion of its back.
The zu cried out in pain as some of its feathers were set ablaze. It went on a small rampage, stomping around and knocking the boys back. Ignis, who took the heaviest blow, fell onto his back with a groan. Prompto fires a single round at the zu before rushing to the advisor's aid and handing him a phoenix down.
(Y/n) unlatched her claws from the zu's back and leapt to safety when it spread out its wings and shook its body. After it knew she was off its back, it set its sight on the boys. It used its heavy body and large size to deliver heavy damage to them. The spirit tried to distract the bird, but she couldn't gain its attention even if she hurled a fireball at it.
After struggling for nearly half an hour against the zu, the boys had gone through many curatives. (Y/n), who was barely injured, knew this battle was too much for them to handle unless they had more help. Reverting back to her human form, she shouted at the prince. "Noctis, a divine intervention would be great right about now!"
Noctis dodges the zu's talons and glanced at her. "H-Hey, I'm trying here!"
"You have no idea how you did it before, do you?!"
She groaned, deciding to take matters into her own hands. She didn't want them to find out this way, but they'll be killed at this rate. She conjured the Creator's Blade, holding the hilt with both hands. She pointed the sharp tip at the ground, inhaling deeply before exhaling. "God of creation, use my body to do your bidding for I am the conduit," she whispered. The sword began glowing, grabbing the boys' attentions.
"(Y/n), what're you doing?!" Prompto shouted.
She glanced at him with an apologetic expression. "Ending this battle."
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ermbabyel · 3 years
hi hi hi !! may i please request a personality ship with bts and ateez !! i apologize in advance bc it's super long </3
I’m a 5’9.5 (basically 5’10) girl with dark skin, jet black hair (currently in long twists rn!!), and i’m on the curvier side (esp hips and my thighs) !! some of my favorite features are my plump lips (and i have a beauty mark on my bottom lip!), my long legs (that look so so so so good in skirts and dresses), my kempt and pretty fingernails, and my eyelashes !!! i’m a virgo (and surprisingly i get along with all the signs, i cant think of a sole zodiac sign i DONT mix well with), and i am an i/enfj (i got 51% extravert 49% intra the first time, then 50% for both the second time!! ) and i honestly agree—i’m an ambivert all the way! i often come off as cold/shy when meeting new people (one of my closest friends avoided me for a month before meeting me because i looked so intimidating LMAO), but once you get close to me i turn into a bundle of warmth and love: i will never stop texting them the <3 emoji every morning or buying my friends/s/o their favorite starbucks order when they need a little cheer-me-up.
  i’m extremely passionate about the issues and people i care about and the goals and dreams i have. I’m creative, patient, an extremely good listener, caring, a social butterfly, and extremely hardworking. my friends always told me of my heart of gold and how perceptive i am of the people around me—noticing immediately when something is wrong and trying to make them feel better. I’m also very headstrong, detailed, and determined!! my friends also call me a nerd since i’ve had all a’s since kindergarten—i LOVE school and would describe myself as intelligent. i really like that i’m empathetic and motivational to those around me. it’s really easy for me to show my affection, adoration, and support for someone because i just want everyone to feel loved and safe :( i HATE seeing my loved ones sad, and when people usually have problems about anything (from family to just school), i’m the one they come to talk to because of my warm and openminded heart. I love sharing happiness with my friends in their goals and always hype them up no matter what, and it makes me so so so so happy seeing my loved ones content. im also really, really funny (my fave personality trait of mine tbh)!! I’m always cracking jokes and laughing (sometimes for no reason LMAOO). i would be in the library at like 7 am with my friends and struggle with stifling my laugh from jokes i told </3
  I also love to go out and explore—whether trying out a new restaurant in the city or a newly opened amusement park or trying something new, like skydiving (or some other crazy but fun idea), trying recipes from around the world, or trying sledding for the first time! at the same time, i like really chill, mellow spending-time-alone-or-with-one-other-person activities like baking (my favorite treat to bake is red velvet cupcakes and cheddar bay biscuits) and dancing !! (i’ve been a dancer for more than 12 years!!). i can also speak more than 5 languages (including korean!) and i’m always saying random phrases (like thank you, i love u so much!, gtfo my face, that sucks ass) in a random language too LMFAOOO. i often think being a coffee/cafe lover is a personality trait (i love love love love love coffee) i also love accessories (earrings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, rings, etc) and would die of happiness when the day i can wear matching accessories with my s/o comes.
besides being my bestfriend who i can kiss and whatnot (hehe), my ideal type is a TALL (THEY DONT HAVE TO BE but 5’9+...i’m already tall but pls .5 of an inch taller would be enough) man who has eyes for me and only me !!! they may look cold/cool/mysterious/laid back at first glance (like “i dont like u lol” or “yeah haha 🙂" to any other girls but “hi baby what can i do for u today to please the loml” with me <3)  but turn into the sweetest, warmest, cutest honey bun once i get to know them! (kinda like me)!! ALSO a man who can pull off all black outfits like those are my FAVORITE omg. he needs to have a BIG sense of humor (like i want to laugh every second i’m with him and laugh so hard that our stomachs start hurting and we beg each other to stop making jokes type of humor), fashionable (so i can learn fashion pls and wear coordinated outfits with him). i just want a boy who i could talk to and listen to for HOURS. like i would follow him into the bathroom as he showers and sit on the toilet and just listen to him talk about his day or vent to him, but also a boy that loves comfortable silence!! like just cuddling with each other or im studying, and hes working on a personal project so that just being with him makes me feel warm <3 i want a s/o who’s willing to go out and travel with me so i could take off guard pics of him and make him my wallpaper until he begs me to change it. im also not good at conflict so if conflict arises, id love a boy who knows how to talk me down and open up the room for conversation and make me feel safe and not as if im confronted or wrong, someone where we can just talk, resolve our problem, and make it up with a hug or night out!! this kinda leads to me wanting a relationship where we both help improve each other and our flaws (for example some of my flaws are callousness, taking things to heart sometimes, and not opening up easily, etc), so i’d really appreciate a relationship where my partner and i can help each other grow as people. i also love love love to cook, so i’d love an s/o that loves cooking with me and teaching each other how to cook each other’s cultural foods (i would love to teach my bf how to cook jollof rice and have a cookoff one day). I like ALL 5 of the love languages but my top 3 tied for 1st are quality time (THIS i want to spend everyday with my bf at chinatown or a new city exploring), words of affirmation (someone who reaffirms me of their love continuously, supportively, and in sweet ways), and acts of service (cooking my favorite food when i’m down, doing chores that i cant do when tired). men who are really expressive through touch are also ideal <3 i'd shy away from pda, but inside the house i’d be so happy yet so shy and flustered when they express their love through touch (like laying in my lap so i can play with their hair, holding my hand while watching tv, cuddling while talking about whatever). OR like the SLIGHTEST compliment or act of love (LIKE BACKHUGS OR HOLDING HANDS OR KISSING MY BEAUTY MARKS OR FOREHEAD KISSESJSJSJSJ). i love a man who's goal oriented, know what he wants, and makes the move first (kinda like taking control of the relationship!!) in all, i’d just love to be really appreciated and loved and also show the same love, support, warmth, closeness, and happiness to my bf <3 tysm <333
Hi hi~! You sound like such a sweetheart and so cute 😍💕 I’ll be super happy to ship you~!
Yoongi 🥳
I thought of Yoongi right away while reading your submission. You sound like such a sweet and supportive person that I think Yoongi would benefit from being in a relationship with you. You also remind me a lot of hobi when I was reading your description so I think you two would be best friends too~! Yoongi would be intrigued by your appearance, your intimidating aura around you would make him want to know you more. Surely there’s more than meets the eye...and Yoongi was correct. After getting to know you more. He soon learned how such a happy and sweet person you are. He would love the duality of you. It’s keeps him on his toes and yearns to learn more o about you~! Yoongi is a very passionate person as well, especially with his career and his members. And I’m sure he’d be passionate with you too, but he’ll show you in his own little ways. For example, writing songs about you for bts’ new comeback, getting you your favorite foods and drinks when you both have had a long day...he just loves you so much. I can see you, and sope being the three musketeers of bts, you three would do SO much together. Yoongi can be a silly and goofy person as we’ve seen, but only certain people can drawl that aspect out of him, so you and hobi would do SOO well at making him feel comfortable to let loose and have fun~! I can see you and hobi goofing around at the studio with each other and Yoongi would shake his head and act unimpressed, but we all see right through him and he truly adores you in that state~! Yoongi would also think it’s super adorable how flustered and shy you get when he gets touchy with you 👀💜. Just a very cute and wholesome relationship~! 🥰
Seonghwa 🥳
You love when your partner takes control? You don’t need to tell Seonghwa twice! The boy would LOVE to take care of you and take the lead in the relationship. I think he’s also naturally dominate, so it would be no problem for him~! I can see you two going on cute coffee dates to local cafè shops close by. Seonghwa would absolutely adore how excited you are about coffee~! He would also think it’s hella attractive that you’re a dancer 👀. He LOOOOVES to watch you dance for himself maybe he would create a dance for only you two to perform. Your legs and lips are how absolute favorite physical traits of yours. Seonghwa would always have a hand on your leg or knee whenever you guys are sitting down. And if you’d let him, Seonghwa would kiss you all day long~! He just loves the feeling of your soft lips against his 💜. Seonghwa also adores how happy and cheerful you are. Especially on hard long days full of practices and performances, your cheerful and loving nature always makes him feel better and soooo much more relaxed. I can see both of you mothering the other members too~! He appreciates you taking care of him at times, but he’s also take opportunities to take care of you too~! Overall a very sweet and loving relationship~! ❤️‍🔥
Again, I am very sorry for the long ass wait 🥺. I hope you enjoy your ships love~! Stay happy and healthy~! 🤗💜
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fleckcmscott · 4 years
Fun and Only
Summary: During a night out, Y/N and Arthur bump into someone from Arthur’s past. Y/N tries to decipher him.
Warnings: Swearing
Words: 4,088
A/N: This was a request from the sweet, kind @imdeaddear2! I hope you like it! Thank you for making the request, because I never would have written this scenario without it. 😀 Special thanks to @arthurflecc for the beautiful intro pic! Also, thanks to @hhandley80​ for reviewing the exchange in the middle section!
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open!
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"Y/N, it's little league season. Know what that means?"
Needing to finish the paragraph she was reading, Y/N raised a finger. The dense case on her desk was a tough assignment; she'd been toiling at it most of the morning. She liked her new position. Truly. But the pace at which she prepared files was slower than she would have preferred. The particulars of labor laws were, well...laborious. Reviewing evidence types she wasn't familiar with took time. It made her impatient. Anxious to soak up all the information she could get her hands on.
But, she supposed, no longer being plagued by guilt for indirectly supporting the Waynes was worth the learning curve.
Leaning back in her chair, she crossed her ankles, swinging her foot back and forth as she regarded Terry. While he was incredibly friendly, chatting with everyone and anyone, they remained acquaintances. Periodically, she conferred with him over a motion or sought to get his opinion about the upcoming mayoral election. ("I've seen Wayne's legal bullshit. He's not getting my vote.") Those discussions didn't go far. Usually, he tried to bond over parental matters - she and Arthur didn't even have a plant.
She could tell this was going to be another attempt. "You're doing a fundraiser and I should buy chocolate bars?" she asked.
"Even better." Digging into his too-tight pants pocket, he retrieved a checkbook-sized pamphlet. "The Gotham Squires are selling these to charter a bus for the All-Stars tournament. They're the number two team in the state!" He shoved a photo of his kid at her.
She murmured a polite, "He's all grown-up." He spoke of the team's new uniforms and his nine-year-old's batting average. Half-listening, she flipped through the booklet. It was a coupon collection, mostly two-for-one sales at various restaurants and vouchers for discounted movie tickets, good on weekdays only. They were quite pricey at fifteen dollars apiece. But she was inclined to buy one. The savings might help Arthur practice letting go of his wallet. Allow him to stop worrying about money and indulge a little, the way he deserved.
What made the cash fly from her purse to Terry's palm was the certificate in the back: a half-off deal for Amusement Mile. Satisfaction was written all over her face as she studied the yellow cardstock's terms and conditions, the outline of a circus tent, the faded ink encouraging her to "Enjoy the Ride!" Coming from a rural area, she'd never gone to an amusement park. One had been four or so hours east, but her father had preferred to stay close to home, fearing he might be needed in an emergency.
The annual county fair had been a must. Everyone had worn his or her Sunday Best, the occasional breeze kicking up dirt as they toured the fairground. The rides had been creaky, unsound, and should have been reported to the local safety commission. She'd gone on the Tilt-A-Whirl and the giant slide, waving at her parents and hanging onto her burlap sack. One year, Mabel had screamed and cried until Y/N grabbed her hand and led them out of the house of mirrors.
Swinging the mallet as hard as he could, her father had impressed her mother with the strongman game. The puck wouldn't hit the bell. Doily and needlework competitions had been her mother's purview, crafts Y/N had practiced but quickly tired of. She'd preferred the pie contest. Her mouth had watered, hankering for a taste of the first-place winner. The agricultural exhibits had been the largest section, with its prized horses, pigs, and chickens. She'd broken the rules and stuck her fingers in the rabbit cages to feel their soft fur; she'd been bitten once.
Wistfulness wasn't the only reason the theme park appealed to her. There was Arthur's history with it. He kept a postcard of the Ferris wheel pinned to the divider in his writing nook. And he'd described some of the odd jobs he'd done. Carrying boxes of merchandise, filling in for other clowns, picking up litter (and keeping the returnables). It hadn't been steady, merely hours offered to him if he'd inquired. But it'd given him pocket change. Enough to buy cigarettes and keep the utilities on for another month.
The week had been warm up till now, and the good weather was expected to continue. He loved taking her to new corners of the city, had ever since their first date. Introducing her to his old stomping ground wouldn't take a lot of convincing.
When she got home, he was perched on the sofa, clad in a thermal shirt and a pair of her too-short pajama bottoms. (A funny combination that meant their laundry was in the machine.) Elbows on his knees, journal on the coffee table, and pen at the ready, his concentration was plain to see. The discipline he had to pursue his dreams, the way he studied comedy specials on TV was admirable. She got a glass of water and smiled at his ill-timed laughter. That he didn't understand the host's humor was logical. Roasts were usually unkind. While Arthur's jokes weren't always funny, they weren't mean-spirited.
She crouched next to him, peppered kisses along his shoulder. His damp curls brushed her cheek, and she breathed in the zesty musk of his shampoo. "I wouldn't waste too much effort on this guy," she said. Her caress followed the freckles on his bare forearm, feeling the muscle flutter under her fingertips. "He's kind of an asshole."
"The audience helps me figure out the timing." He muted the television, lips quirking. "You like some of his songs."
"He makes a better singer than comedian," she rebutted with a peck.
They went over their respective days, how his earlier appointment went, the paperwork she'd done. Tuna casserole was their choice for dinner, and Arthur put on an LP while they cooked. Once the dish was in the oven, she hugged him close. "I have an idea for Thursday night." She went over the Amusement Mile discount, enthused about his expertise, reveled in how her praise softened his features and brightened his eyes. "I'd love it if you took me around. Taught me all the magic behind the scenes. And I'm dying to see where you do your street performances." She massaged the nape of his neck. "Maybe I'll stop by and give you a tip."
Crooked tooth peeking out, he nodded. Then he grasped the counter on either side of her hips and pressed his forehead to hers. "That sounds great."
A small memorial flowerbed, filled with alternating swirls of white gardenias, purple pansies, and yellow daffodils, was situated just beyond the park's main entrance. The marble fountain bubbling in the center reminded Y/N of a bird bath. It was modest, from a bygone era in which the wealthy hadn't dared to flaunt their fortunes for fear of strikes. The bronze plaque declared the city's thanks to Benjamin Wayne for funding Amusement Mile's construction during the height of Gotham's industrial boom. Before most of the factories had fled. Before times had become tough for the majority Gothamites. It was annoying, how the Waynes had their fingers in everything. She hoped not one nickel of what they spent tonight went into their bank accounts.
Arthur paid it no mind. His head was tipped back a degree or two, his clear green eyes darting from attraction to attraction. Smoking was one of his habits she disapproved of. But she couldn't dispute how attractive he was, puffing the cigarette dangling from his puckered lips. The chestnut tones of his brown hair were brought to the fore by the grounds' multi-color lighting, and a lock or two fell over his temples. The loose curls at his neck bounced with each step, a boyish buoyancy to his gait.
Her stomach growled as soon as the aroma of fair food hit her. They picked a booth that claimed it sold Gotham's original franks. He asked to order for her. She let him, watching as his grin widened and he stated, "Four hot dogs for my girlfriend and me, please. With relish and mustard." Then they shared a candy apple, taking turns nibbling at the fruit's hard, sugary shell. Its juice dribbled onto her pale pink top, staining the embroidered neckline. Her groan of disapproval became giggling as he stole chaste kisses, wiping her off as she chewed.
His palm at the small of her back, guiding her as they walked down the midway, fanned a glow in her heart. He'd made headway when it came to displaying his affection in public, though he still tended towards timidity. Early on, she'd concluded his reticence had nothing to do with her - he never pulled away if she grabbed at him. He was simply a gentleman.
Most examples he followed were from an older era, one lost to the bluntness of the eighties. Those moments he'd let himself go, when he'd make it clear they were a couple, lifted her spirit. Not only due to the pride she felt at being on his arm, but also because it meant he was finding his own way. Arthur wasn't a shy suitor or a contemporary romantic hero. Rather, he was somewhere in the middle. Old fashioned, through and through, with threads of modernity woven into his fibers.
As they strolled, they stumbled onto a black and white photo booth. She sat on its cracked wooden stool and tried to tug him inside. But he wanted a picture of her, he said. To put in his wallet. To look at if he was having a bad day and wasn't at home. Her response was to snag his collar and yank him to her lips. Snorting, he shut the nylon curtain. At the clink of quarters in the coin slot, she straightened her puffed, cap sleeves and fixed her hair in the scratched featherweight mirror. The camera's flashes blinded her, but she thought she'd managed to smile naturally enough.
Before she had a chance to stand, he whipped open the drape and showed her the strip of portraits. "I knew I was dating the prettiest woman in the city. Maybe even the sweetest."
She cupped his cheeks as she stepped out. Rubbed the tip of her nose to his. He was unfailingly generous. Too generous. While she was fine with her appearance, she wouldn't win a beauty pageant. Hell, she wouldn't even be a runner-up. Or a contestant. And sweet was one of the last words she'd use to describe herself. But she wasn't going to correct him. "And I found the handsomest, funniest man." His stare was wide-eyed. After releasing a stuttering breath, he pulled her along.
Upon entering the gaming area, he slung his arm around her waist. Mischief laced his whisper as he spilled secrets. The darts for the balloon pop were dull, the balloons underinflated. He advised her to stay clear of the baseball and milk bottle stand, saying, "The bottom bottles have lead in them. You'll never knock them over."
Then he warned her off the ring toss, saying the rings were too small to win the best prizes. She decided to take her chances, regardless, and paid the attendant. Arthur tutted gently as she gave him the last ring, having already wasted four.  A step to the side, then he paused to line up his throw. A short clap announced his victory. The prize options included a dinky toy car and a rubber snake. She picked a plastic, red keychain, embossed with "I was Amused in 1982" and the silhouette of a coaster. It was an improvement over her old car dealership tag. "I'll think of tonight whenever I see it."
Gaze fixed on her mouth, he sighed happily. He began to reach towards her, his arm raised ever so slightly-
"Art!" a rich baritone called. "Hey, Art!"
Arthur flinched. She moved to peer behind him. The approaching man was tall, his balding head half a foot higher than Arthur's. A blue and red flannel shirt with gray trousers covered his portly physique. Confidence oozed from him with every stride, a pleasantly surprised smirk on his round face.
Y/N's interest was piqued. Unless it was someone who remembered Arthur from Live! with Murray Franklin, no one ever approached him on the street. And she hadn't heard him be referred to by anything other than his proper name (besides Penny's terrible "Happy.").
But his reactions concerned her. Arthur's back tensed as the man closed in, stopping a yard away. "Hi, Randall."
"How's my boy been?" Randall asked jovially, hands at his sides. "Gary told us about your mom. Could you use a little cheering up?"
Arthur blinked faster than usual. "No. She's okay. And I feel a lot better now."
"Oh. Well, good for you," Randall said.
Going back and forth between them, she tried to puzzle out their dynamic. Their familiarity was obvious. Randall seemed caring enough, although she found it odd he'd referred to her thirty-five-year-old partner as "boy." Arthur had mentioned Gary was a former colleague. It would make sense Randall was, too.
He threw her a glance. "Hey, you have family visiting. Is this your cousin?"
She brushed off the assumption and extended her hand. "I'm Y/N L/N. His girlfriend."
"Oh, yeah. The paralegal." He shook it firmly before addressing Arthur again. "Gary said you finally got a date."
The pat to Arthur's bicep was a little too hard, jolting his stiff frame. The set of his jaw and flaring of his nostrils betrayed a turmoil she hadn't initially picked up on. She touched his hand but he shoved it in his pocket.
All right. She had to get to the bottom of this. It was hard to ascertain if his current reaction was due to his social challenges (which could cause discomfort) or Randall's words. She didn't want to jump to conclusions. After all, she and Patricia teased each other whenever they met for lunch or chatted on the phone. A good ribbing was needed every once in a while.
Starting a cross-examination in front of Arthur would contribute to his unease. After a moment's deliberation, she nudged him. It took a couple of tries to get his attention. "Would you please get us a large lemonade?" His brows rose, anxiety in the wrinkles of his forehead. She stretched to kiss his temple. His eyes narrowed but he got the hint, scuffing his shoe and glowering at Randall as he walked off.
When Arthur rounded a corner by the water pistol race, she lounged on one of the booth's metal poles. "Have you known Arthur long?"
Randall nodded in the direction Arthur had gone. "We worked at HaHa's. I'm a clown, too. We did parties, the children's hospital, store openings."
"Arthur loved that job." She crossed her arms over her chest. "It's too bad the slow season hit. But he's doing pretty well on his own."
Confusion crossed the big man's visage. "Uh, yeah. The slow season." He chuckled, then. "Anyway, you and Art, huh?"
Smiling broadly, she folded her arms over her chest. "Yes, me and Art."
"Pretty serious, huh?"
If he wanted gossip to bring back to the workplace, she'd gladly give him some. Especially if it reflected well on Arthur. "We live together. It's been great."
"No kidding." With a sardonic grin, he shook his head. "A woman like you. I didn't know he had it in him. It was always just him and his mom. Talked about stand-up sometimes. Mostly kept to himself, though. Never really talked much." Randall shrugged lightly. "But we liked him. He did all the shitty jobs no one wanted and never complained."
Arching a brow, Y/N felt her suspicions grow. While Arthur was learning to disagree and contradict her without hesitation, he nevertheless had the inclination to go along. It was plausible he hadn't argued about gigs. Had they taken his preferences into account?
Then Randall confirmed her skepticism, saying in a jokey tone, "That laugh really got everyone going, too. And his laminated cards. We had a pool on whether it was part of his act. I mean, him being in Arkham and all, who knows what the fuck he could have come up with?"
Deciphering what kind of man stood in front of her was suddenly uncomplicated. She'd run into his type all too often. They lurked in garages and offices. Diners and restaurants. Courtrooms on both sides of the bench. People with no real power who walked on others. Persons who threw their weight around to feel in charge. Bullies who hid behind a veneer of kindness.
She understood why he'd called Arthur "boy."
What she said had to be chosen carefully. Randall and Arthur worked in the same field, likely competed for clients. If her big mouth came back on Arthur, she wouldn't forgive herself. She straightened, squared her shoulders, and forced her voice to stay professional. "If you liked him, wouldn't you have split the less desirable jobs with him? I'm sure he didn't like being taken advantage of."
His looked at her in disbelief. "Hey, he was paid fair and square, like all of us."
"And he understands how to speak to a 'woman like me' more than you ever will." A sharp exhale as her cheeks burned. "From what Arthur has said, you could learn a lot from Gary. Please tell him hello from us and have a good evening." With that, she headed off to find Arthur, ignoring Randall's lame attempts to call her back.
Arthur was in line when she spotted him. He stepped forward and pointed to the menu. As she approached, she noticed how he fidgeted with his cigarette, tapping it repeatedly though there was no ash. The subtle tremble in his knee. If he continued to carry himself so tightly, his muscles would cramp.
Clearing her throat, she slipped behind him and hugged his back. "Did you have to deal with that insufferable know-it-all every day?"
He grabbed the proffered cup from the clerk and headed to a nearby table. Plunked himself down and took a drag off his smoke. Stress poured off him, clear in every flex of his fingers. His palm went to his stomach as he practiced controlling his breathing. "What- What did he tell you? That everyone thought I was a freak? How much I fucked up?" His voice lowered then, barely above a whisper. She could tell he was talking to himself. "The hospital?"
"Enough to know he was a jerk. I'm glad you're not there anymore." She put her chin on his shoulder. Watched him take a sip of lemonade. "Nothing he said matters, but I told him how important you are to me." She tucked a hair behind his ear, and he leaned into her touch. Their gazes met, his shining in the dim light. The evening had been fantastic so far. She wasn't going to let some asshole ruin it. "Come on," she urged, jutting her hip towards him. "We still have half the park to explore."
About a third of the way through their ride on the Mad Hatter, Amusement Mile's famous coaster, Y/N realized eating had been a mistake. A big one. Thrown to a fro in the sharp curves, she could nearly taste the bile in the throat. She pressed the back of her hand to her mouth, willing her nausea to pass. For his part, Arthur appeared exhilarated, laughing with every peak and valley. Seeing that happiness was a gift, one that gratified and partially distracted from her queasiness.
Fortunately, the enclosed cabins on the Ferris wheel were a respite. They waited an extra turn to board the outer wheel, which rotated at a leisurely pace and allowed her stomach to settle. The view from the top was beautiful, Gotham Cathedral's lit spires and the Westward Bridge prominent against the night sky. Wayne Tower was also visible, but she did her best to ignore the high-rise and its gaudy "W." He pointed in the direction of Burnley and said, "There's our home." She was unexpectedly moved. Then he kissed her soundly, which quickly advanced to mild necking when the wheel paused.
The carousel was antique, according to the sign. The only original attraction left in the park. A massive wooden structure with a mirrored center, it had three rows of horses, broken up by the occasional bench. He stepped onto the gray platform and picked one, painted red and yellow, roses etched along its back. But she climbed a nearby leaping horse instead, its black mane and tan body faded by years of sunlight.
He quirked a dark brow until she beckoned him with a nod. Cheeks pink, countenance tender in the lingering blinks of the incandescent bulbs, he followed suit. "Hang onto me," she instructed. As the calliope's whistles began their jaunty tune, he cupped her hips and pressed into her. A flutter tickled her stomach. She reclined against him, let her eyes fall shut as his warmth surrounded her. Round and round they went, chuckling airily. Not at any jokes or amusements, but at the joy of one another.
Arthur picked the last ride, an old mill called Romantic River Caves. She had to stop herself from snickering at the idea of a middle-aged woman and her nearly-middle-aged boyfriend cruising along in something built for teenagers. But he delighted in cliches and corniness, a preference she attributed to his inexperience and kind nature. Though such gestures hadn't thrilled her since she was a girl, she appreciated them with him.
The boats were short and narrow, just wide enough for the two of them to sit side-by-side. Curved backrests encouraged cuddling. Off-key versions of old standards played through tinny speakers. Myriad displays were inside, a mix of plaster dioramas and paintings. Two swans swimming, their beaks touching. A couple on a picnic under a tree. Bouquets and hearts galore. There were five or so seconds of darkness between each one. He took advantage of those breaks, kissing her again and again until she was breathless.
She scanned the starry painting above them, the comets' trails stretched across the tunnel's ceiling. "It's been a long time since I've done anything like this. Twenty-five? Thirty years?"
"Me, too. I snuck in when I was a kid. To see the circus and the merry-go-round." He smoothed his hair back, pressed his legs tighter together. "When I moonlighted here, I could've gone on the rides and to the shows. I- I didn't want to alone."
He paused and she put her palm on his thigh. Gave him an encouraging squeeze. "That postcard I have?" he said. "By my desk? It was in my locker at HaHa's." His fingers covered hers, tips tracing her knuckles. "It's good to have a person to have fun with. To have you."
She beamed at that sentiment, for she felt it, too. Yes, she'd been complete on her own. No, she hadn't been lonely. But he added to her existence. Introduced her to activities and experiences she hadn't previously considered or realized she'd needed. Going to a comedy club. Dancing despite her lack of skill. Or enjoying vulnerability during quiet conversations in their bedroom rather than fearing it. He'd broadened her life in ways she was still discovering. And he regularly told her she'd bettered his. "You're my favorite ride," she said.
A sharp snort left him, followed by a bashful chuckle. He shook his head. "You're crazy."
"I didn't mean that." She batted his chest playfully. Tried to cross her legs under the safety bar. "This relationship we've started." Light appeared at the end of the tunnel, the shallow pool's grimy floor coming into view as the water level fell. Soon they'd be amongst the crowd. "Remember when I said we'd never be perfect? I like our imperfections. They fit. Like..." She contemplated. "A pen and paper. They're good on their own but they're best together." Cringing, she covered her face. "God, that didn't even make sense. A pen needs paper."
"Didn't you say you needed me?" he teased, pulling her hand from her brow to place it on his sternum. "I don't mind being your paper." Blushing, Y/N turned to him when he cupped her jaw. Ran his thumbs over her cheeks. She joined him in ignoring the attendant's instruction to disembark. Arthur kissed her, a delicate graze to her mouth before he drew her bottom lip between his. "You're the best ride, too."
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​, @howdylilflower​, @sweet-nothings04​, @stephieraptorr​, @rommies​, @fallenstarsabyss​, @gruffle1​, @octopus-plasma​, @tsukiakarinobara​, @arthur-flecks-lovely-smile​, @another-day-in-chuckletown​, @hhandley80​, @jokerownsmysoul​, @64-crayon​
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kutemouse · 3 years
And Then He Was Gray (Part Six, End)
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Disclaimer: I edited the pic I used for my header, but the OG pic belongs to BTS & BigHit.
Author’s Note: Woooooooow, here we are, at the end! I think this is the first six-part one-shot I’ve finished on this tumblr. Uh-maze-ing. This was so much fun to write. I love that I came up with this purely out of my own head, the only inspiration being that damn beautiful gray shirt and Jin’s damn beautiful self. I’m really proud of this piece. I hope you, dear kutie reader, enjoyed it as well. Thank you for your support, and as always, I purple you <3
Age Recommendation: 21+ (Not just a recommendation, kuties!)
Warnings: Praise kink shining through, oral, mutual masturbation, a bit o’ angst, and (as always) f*cking swears.
Word Count: 1,583
Master List
And Then He Was Gray (Jin One-Shot, Smut, Fluff) Part Six (End)
My eyelids fluttered as my consciousness stirred, but I buried my face back into the pillow, not wanting to wake up. If I woke up, it would be morning, and I’d have to go home, and my amazing one-night stand would be over, becoming nothing but a bunch of memories I’d only be able to take out late at night when I was alone.
I reached a hand out, feeling beside me where Jin had lain, his strong arms wrapped around me as we finally drifted off to sleep for the last time. After the first time, despite a heavy makeout session and him promising to fuck me into oblivion again, we decided we were both too exhausted to go another round. Jin sweetly took care of me, grabbing a wet washcloth and wiping me down with it, tenderly kissing every inch of my body as he did so. “Did so well,” he muttered between kisses. “So good. My good girl.”
I sleepily preened at the praise, smiling and letting out content sighs as he cleaned me up. He got us both large glasses of water, watching to make sure I gulped mine all the way down before snuggling up against me in bed and wrapping me in his arms. The heat emanating from his skin alongside his heartbeat lulled me almost to sleep when Jin’s voice broke the silence. “Y/n.”
“That was… mind-blowing.”
I hummed in agreement, my eyes still closed, snuggling deeper into his chest.
“I just wanted to ask before we fell asleep… if I get horny again, do I have your consent to wake you up by eating you out?”
My eyes shot open, heat flooding to my core at the thought. “God, yes,” I sighed.
I could feel Jin’s smile as he kissed my cheek. “Good. Because if I’m sleeping next to you, it’s almost a guarantee I’m gonna wanna fuck again.”
And fuck again we did. Jin only let me have a couple hours sleep before I woke up with his head between my thighs, slurping down my juices as his tongue penetrated my core and swirled around my clit. I came twice again, once from him eating me out, then again as we fucked once more, this time more slow and sensual as we were both still a bit drowsy.
After a couple more hours of sleep, I woke up to Jin fingering me, the pads of his ring and middle fingers drawing circles on my clit as his hot breath warmed my neck from behind. I reached over and wrapped my fingers around his lengthy shaft, pumping up and down until we mutually orgasmed once more.
I smiled, the memories from last night leaving warmth flowing through me, and finally opened my eyes. It had to be at least mid-day, if not later. The sun was lighting up the room, even through Jin’s dark curtains, and the day felt like it was already mostly over. Jin was nowhere to be seen. I glanced around, my gaze landing on a folded t-shirt with a glass of water next to it. I gulped it down, so thirsty after all of last night’s antics, then put on the t-shirt, which fell to my thighs.
I cautiously opened the bedroom door and padded down the hall into the kitchen, from where a delicious smell was wafting throughout the apartment. “Hey,” Jin said. His upper half was bare, and he wore gray sweatpants that fell loosely around his hips. I wet my lips at the sight of Balenciaga boxers peeking out above the waistline.
“Hi,” I replied, a bit breathless.
“Did you sleep well?”
I hummed in response. Something was sizzling in the pan he held, and he dragged a spoon through it before blowing the steam away and holding it out to me. “Taste this.”
I stepped close and obliged, the warm smell coming from the pan enticing my senses. I chewed and swallowed. “Wow, that is really good,” I said.
Jin shot me a smile. “Good. Sit down, I’ll make you a plate.”
He set the food-filled plate in front of me, along with a pair of chopsticks. “Thanks,” I murmured.
“Oh, here’s your phone. I charged it for you, and your clothes will be out of the dryer in a few minutes.”
I blinked. He washed my clothes? Jin seemed to be almost too considerate… Almost like he’d practiced this routine a million other times, with a million other girls. That depressing thought led me to turn on my phone, eager to distract myself from my perpetual loneliness.
Soyeon had called me three times, and texted me twice as many times.
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I quickly tapped out a message back to her.
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I lay my phone face down on the table. It buzzed a few times, no doubt Soyeon freaking out about the fact I was at Jin’s place, but I ignored it. “Everything okay?” Jin asked.
“Yeah, fine. Just Soyeon checking in on me.”
Jin was wiping his hands on a dish towel, staring intently down at me. The sight of his bare honey-toned torso and taut muscles was almost too much to look at. I couldn’t believe how handsome he was, and even more unbelievable was the fact we’d had such an incredible night together… But with every high comes just as deep of a low. How is it that I’d gotten laid but I felt more single today then I did last night?
I quickly finished eating and went to grab my clothes, changing as fast as I could and grabbing my purse. “Erm,” I said, causing Jin to look up from cleaning up the kitchen. “I’m going to call a cab. Thanks for… Well, thanks for everything.”
Jin’s brow furrowed. “Wait a sec, I can give you a ride.”
I smiled weakly. “There’s no need. I can get home on my own. I’ll just wait on the curb.”
He crossed the room, confusion in his eyes. “Hold on now, no need to rush. I wanted to spend more time with you.”
Now it was my turn to be confused. “You wanted… what?”
Jin stepped close, caressing my cheek with a long finger. “Why are you always running away from me?”
“I’m not,” I retorted, stepping out of his reach. “I’m just trying to give you an out so you don’t have to feel bad.”
“Why would I need an out?”
I glanced awkwardly to the side. “Because… Well, because… This is just a one-night stand, isn’t it? I mean, that’s what you do with girls?”
Jin scoffed. “Seriously? You’re still on about that?”
“Well, yeah. Look, Soyeon told me━”
“I don’t care what Soyeon told you. Yeah, there have been other girls. You’re telling me there haven’t been other guys?”
I stayed silent. Clearly, after last night, I was no virgin, but I wasn’t a player either. “I just wanted to be clear with our expectations,” I muttered, turning away.
I had my hand on the door handle when Jin placed his large one over it. “Tell me, right now,” he said earnestly. “Be honest. Do you want this to only be a one-night stand? Or would you like it if something more came out of it?”
My mouth parted in surprise as I looked back at him. “Be honest,” Jin repeated, his gaze eager. “Because I’ll be honest with you. I have been with other girls, yes, a lot of other girls by some standards. I’ve always been straight with them, telling them they were just a means to satisfy me for the night, but none of them could even do that much. None of them were what I needed.”
I slowly turned back around as he spoke, letting him get closer and closer with each word. Jin placed his hands on either side of me, effectively pinning me with my back to the door. “I need you,” he said, passion dripping from his voice. “I need everything about you. I told you, from the second I laid eyes on you, I knew you were going to be perfect for me.”
I pressed my lips together. “Yeah, but sexual compatibility does not make a relationship,” I said. “No matter how amazing.”
Jin blew out a frustrated exhale, shaking his head. “You still don’t get it. I want to date you, Y/n. Will you go out with me?”
I blinked. Was he… serious? I mean, we did have some things in common. We both liked to cook, we had similar friends… and we were fantastic in bed together. Maybe this could work. Maybe I could have someone of my own, finally, someone to go to parties with, someone to share all my secrets with, someone to love.
“Y-Yeah,” I finally stuttered out. “I’ll go out with you.”
Jin let out the breath he’d been holding, sliding his palm up towards my jaw, angling it upward. He captured my lips with his in the sweetest kiss, drawing me up on my tiptoes, causing me to wrap my arms around his neck. He drew back, and I kept my eyes closed for a moment longer, wishing for more.
“Come on,” Jin said, his gaze darkening as he tugged me by the hand back towards the bedroom. “I’ve got the whole day off, and I know exactly what… or should I say, who… I want to do.”
Smiling, I let him lead me into the kind of bliss that, until that moment, I’d only dreamed I’d be able to have.
The Fucking End <3
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