#took me 45 minutes of stirring to get it to what I hope is the right consistency
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Eeheheheee >:)))
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ghostandsoap · 2 years
Every Scar Has a Story
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Fem! “Gecko” Reader
Tags: Post-Smut (I’ll owe y’all one LOL). Domestic Ghost. Referenced child abuse. Past child abuse.  
Word Count: 3.0k
“What are you thinking about then?”
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A content sigh fell from Simon’s lips as he collapsed back onto the pillows on his bed. 
His grip on your waist loosened which allowed you to unstraddle him and join him on the mattress. He grinned at you as your naked body piled onto his. If he could relive this moment forever, he’d never complain. He could feel the rapid thumps of your heartbeat against his chest – a sign that you were pumped full of energy and adrenaline. The flat of one of his large hands trailed up and down the length of your back, a gentle motion as a way of relaxing you back to normal.
He had never experienced a moment more serene than the post-orgasm high. It was one he adored, and one that he loved to witness you in the middle of.
“You alright, love?” He took deep breaths in an attempt to settle his own body.
It was such a simple question, and one that he asked every time you made love. Simon knew that he wasn’t always the gentlest person on the planet, and he never wanted to unintentionally be too rough with you.
“Mmhm,” You hummed, looking up at him through glazed (yet satisfied) eyes. “Perfect.” 
That look.
It absolutely drove him wild in the best of ways. It sent a flush of warmth and desire over him every single time without fail. Simon couldn’t understand how someone as flawless and wonderful as you could ever even think of seeing him as worthy. 
He rolled you over to crash next to him, a smile appearing on his face when you giggled. He wrapped an arm around you to pull you in as close as possible, loving every second of having you pressed up against him. The two of you had “gone to bed” almost three hours ago, around 11:00 p.m. or so. You had fallen asleep within a few minutes, but Ghost (who had always struggled when it came to sleeping) stared at the ceiling of his bedroom, listening to your slow breathing as you slept. 
Ghost had gotten used to sleepless nights over the course of his life. It was when his mind was the busiest…when his mind was the loudest. He was patient on nights like this, the ones where he couldn’t mellow out enough to get some decent rest. As long as you were comfortable and safe, he could lie awake for as long as he needed to. But when you started to stir around 1:45 a.m., he couldn’t help but take the opportunity. 
It had happened a couple of times over the course of your relationship. Waking up just enough in the middle of the night to have sex and then both of you (or one of you, depending on the day) falling back asleep. He had nudged you awake when you had rustled in bed next to him, pestering you awake to kiss you as his sign of arousal. He didn’t feel too bad about waking you up. It’s not like you had ever complained about it.
“You gonna go back to sleep?” Simon asked, secretly hoping you’d stay awake with him, but not wanting you to if you wanted the rest.
“Only if you are.” 
“I don’t think that’s happening tonight, lovely.” He kissed your forehead.
“Can’t sleep?” You questioned.
“No,” He answered. “But I’m okay. Not tired.”
Simon had impeccable energy. He didn’t need sleep more often than not. It was impressive to most, envied by some. But he knew that most people wouldn’t want that trait if they knew that it was a survival skill that he had perfected over the years.
Sleeping meant being unaware. Being unaware meant being vulnerable to the world. Being vulnerable meant opening a door to danger. Simon had learned long ago that keeping that door closed was safest.
“I’m not tired either.” You sighed.
“You will be,” He returned. “Don’t wait up just for me.”
“I want to though.”
Simon’s heart did a leap. There was something so incredibly comforting about the thought of you doing something with or for him just because you wanted to.
Time at home was…bittersweet for Simon. He didn’t exactly love when he was sent home before going back out into the field again. He understood that it was necessary, not to mention mandatory. He knew that he needed some time at home, away from the hustle and bustle of Task Force 141. It was the only way to ensure that he could continue to go out with his team when they needed him. Simon Riley might’ve been a freak of nature, but even he needed his breaks.
Getting sent home meant a lot of quiet time for Simon. In years past, returning to his home front meant returning to an empty home with no one to share his space with. At certain points in his life, he would even admit that he preferred it that way. Simon wasn’t graced with complete self-isolation very often. His career didn’t exactly allow that. 
But as he got older (and maybe even just a little bit softer on the inside), the more and more he realized that flying solo isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. 
It was even harder to come home when he knew that meant being separated from you.
The first time that you and Simon were sent home to your respective stomping grounds, he severely underestimated the effect it would have on him. It was a short leave, shorter than the typical time that you were usually sent home for. He could manage a few months, no problem. Before he knew it, the two of you would be deployed back on a mission and it would be like no time had passed at all. Besides, he knew the two of you could text and call at any time. It wouldn’t be that different. 
Oh, but how wrong he was.
Almost four weeks into the three month leave, Simon was practically begging you to come see him. He had found that his apartment felt unbearably lonely, and not being able to see you whenever he wanted to was torture. He felt anxious that he couldn’t be with you in person. He didn’t care how he had to get you there, but he needed to get it done. Sure enough, you were on his doorstep two days after he called you in a near meltdown, with enough belongings packed to get you through the rest of the three month period.
Simon’s mood had drastically improved following your arrival. As a matter of fact, he didn’t realize just how worse off he was without you. Fast forward to one month after your arrival, and with one more month left before the two of you were set to return, Simon had definitely gotten used to having you around.
“What do you think Johnny’s doing right now?” Simon suddenly asked, which made you raise a brow.
“I don’t know,” You laughed. “Why do you ask?”
“He does some odd stuff on leave. I was wondering what kind of stories we’ll get to hear when we go back.” Simon clarified.
“Who knows. It’s Soap,” You snorted. “I’m not exactly thinking about Soap at the moment.”
“Oh, yeah?” He purred, his fingers running through your hair. “What are you thinking about then?”
Simon twitched when he felt the feather-like touch of your index fingertip trailing along the bone of his collar. It tickled him, and he hadn’t been expecting it. You were lovingly caressing him, staring at him with adoration. Simon had gotten used to you doing frivolous things like that. It freaked him out in the beginning, because he wasn’t used to someone doing an act of affection just because they felt like it. 
You were following along the path of the scar that was on his collarbone. It was about three inches wide or so, and even though it had faded over time, it was still clear even in the barely lit bedroom.
“What is this one from?” You asked, propping up on your elbow to get a better look at it.
This one.
Simon almost laughed at the wording of your question. He wondered how many people were able to say that to their significant other. “This one” referred to the fact that he had multiple scars from multiple different injuries. It wasn’t conventional, but he found it amusing considering that you were in the same boat. A dangerous career meant dangerous encounters. It was impossible not to have some scars here and there. 
“I think that one was when I got stabbed by the Russian last fall,” He said. “Remember him?”
Simon also found it funny that he wasn’t even totally certain if that was how he earned that one. When someone had as many as he did, the reasons behind them sometimes blended together.
“Oh, yeah. He was a big dude.” You shuddered.
Simon chuckled. That was putting it lightly. He watched as you scanned over his frame, trying to locate another one that you were (or maybe weren’t familiar with).
In so many ways, you enjoyed his company as well. Seeing Simon in such a casual setting was new for you. It was refreshing to know that he really was like everyone else. He enjoyed watching sports games, ordering takeout, and spending a lazy day at home just like you did. 
Not to mention the major elephant in the room, Simon didn’t wear the mask at home. 
This was the longest extended period of time that you had seen him without the mask. Here and there he had put his balaclava on, but for the most part – he had been maskless. Of course you had seen him without a mask before this – but only twice. The first time had been a complete accident, and the second had been intentional in Simon’s first show of trust to you in private. 
Even though his bedroom’s only source of light was currently coming from the streets below and outside of his apartment, you could see his face as clear as ever. He was so beautifully handsome. It was amazing to you that there were so few people that knew what he looked like. You knew better than to comment on that. He never gave more than a vanilla answer to any kind of statement regarding the mask. 
But that didn’t stop you from trying.
“You’re so cute without the mask.” You hummed, finding a small scar just between his nose and the apple of his left cheek.
“Oh, don’t start with all that.” He groaned, but the pink flush in his cheeks let you know that he liked it just a teeny bit.
“Come on,” You whined. “What about this one? Did you take a knife tip to the face in a struggle?”
“That’s from the first time shaving on my own, darling,” He almost laughed. “How else would I have a scar on my face?”
“What do you mean?” You quirked your head.
“I wear the mask, my lovely. Not exactly easy to take damage to the face.”
You supposed that did make sense, and you didn’t dwell on it long.
“This one is from the fire in that shack in Mexico, right?” You pointed towards a burn scar on the skin of his right bicep.
“Yeah, because the shape is similar to the scar you have on your forearm.” He remarked. 
Instinctively, you raised your right forearm to compare the two scars. Sure enough, they were nearly the same shape and size.
“Well…mine is from a hot curling iron,” You snorted. “That’s the one that sticks out to you? Not the scar from metal shrapnel in my knee or from when I got shot in the side in France?”
“It’s the one I remember best because it looks just like mine.” He explained.
‘You know, they say soulmates have matching scars.’ Something that Simon had said to you once in passing. You had taken it as a joke, but Simon couldn’t have been more serious.
“They’re hardly the same.” You smiled.
“A burn is a burn.” He shrugged.
It was a bit of a weird game, he would admit. The two of you did this every so often, comparing scars and reminiscing on how you got them. In a way, it was therapeutic. It also reminded you to be thankful that it wasn’t the injury that made you meet your demise. 
You and Simon both shared scars from stab wounds, gunshot wounds, burns, and cuts of varying degrees. It came with the territory, and it was almost like trophy collecting at this point. The two of you had grown accustomed to them, and most of the time you didn’t even notice them anymore. 
Simon never minded letting you ogle over him in an attempt to find a mark that you hadn’t noticed before. He found it endearing, perhaps a little unfair because he knew there wasn’t a single part of you that he hadn’t noticed already.
Simon felt you examine his torso and legs, scanning over him carefully for another scar to ask about. Not a part of him went unsearched (including his face, where he greedily stole kisses when you got close). You studied his shoulders, biceps (spending a little extra time there – it had always been your favorite part of him), and elbows all the way down to his forearms. 
He didn’t think much of it. Not until he felt your fingers dance over a certain scar that sent his blood from rushing warm to ice cold. A million signals traveled through his system at once – a defense mechanism of sorts.
“What’s this one?” You touched over a mark on his forearm that was much more distinctive than the rest.
It wasn’t remarkably large. It was about the size of a dime, maybe a tad smaller. But its shape wasn’t like anything you had ever seen on yourself or anybody for that matter. It was just barely risen above the skin, and based on the goosebumps that had appeared on his arm – you knew this one was special.
“That one is…older.” He spoke, his voice lower and much more guarded.
You removed your fingers from it because even though he didn’t say it, you could tell that he didn’t like you touching it. The few times that you had accidentally hit a sore spot for him, he put this quick wall up. Identifying it had become easy for you. Pressing forward usually didn’t seem like the best idea, but ignoring it wasn’t very helpful either.
“Older…?” You asked.
“Yeah,” He nodded, voice neutral and deep. “My father smoked.”
Your eyes took another glance at it, using context clues to put the pieces together. What you knew of his father (and you would confess that it was very little) painted him to be the most evil, sinister person to ever walk the planet. Simon had divulged small details here and there, a childhood story every now and again. Needless to say, you knew that his father (and his younger days in general) were not the highlights of his life.
“Oh,” You swallowed, a queasy feeling overtaking your stomach. “I’m sorry.”
Simon’s dark brown eyes met your downcast ones at the sound of your voice being so retracted and soft. Simon could read you like a book. He didn’t want you feeling guilty for asking questions that you had no way of knowing the answer to. You were the last person that he wanted to be uncomfortable at his expense.
“Hey,” He shifted to also sit up on his elbow. “Not your fault. You didn’t know.”
What was ironic was that cigarette burn was the most minor damage left behind by his father. It was something that he could forget…and most of the time he did. The physical injuries were a blip. It was the other stuff – the more hurtful, intense, and…psychological stuff that took the hardest toll on him.
“What happened? When he…burned you?” You continued cautiously.
Simon didn’t blame you for asking questions. If it were the other way around and he knew that someone had hurt you, he’d want to know everything too. But the fact of the matter was that it was buried so far deep in his past that he hardly felt any real reason to dwell on it. Maybe it was his way of deflecting, avoiding old feelings that he never quite came to terms with.
“Darling, I…it’s not personal, I just…” He sighed, unsure of how to gently turn your question down. “I’d rather not talk about it.”
You gave an understanding nod, knowing that line wasn’t ready to be crossed.
“I just feel like I always bring up bad memories for you.” You nearly whispered.
“You don’t. Most of the time I bring it up on my own,” He assured you. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Are you sure?” You squeaked.
He gave a genuine smile, one that was usually hidden by a skull-adorned fabric. 
“Positive,” He pulled you back into his side. “After all, why focus on the past when you could focus on the future?”
“And what do you have in mind, Lieutenant?” You snickered.
He rolled over, hovering over you and trapping you between himself and the mattress.
“Something I think you’ll really go for, Gecko.” 
“Mm. Using my call sign? Must be really important.” You went on.
“Something like that.” He kissed you then, keeping you from asking any more questions on that subject.
Simon knew that with time, he’d be more willing to talk about his father. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you with that information. Quite the opposite, actually. But in a certain way, not talking about it made Simon feel like it wasn’t real. If he never brought it up, then he could keep it in the past – where it belonged. He didn’t want his past to define his future, and keeping his past alive wasn’t of any interest to him.
He wasn’t lying when he said he’d rather focus on the future. He was so much more in tune with you and continuing what you had than anything else in his life. He liked the Ghost and Gecko dynamic, and he was forever grateful for the utter joy it had brought to him. Most importantly, he was forever thankful for the love being shown to him that he had missed out on.
The love that you had shown him.
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Can you please do a fic where there is angst and smut like scenario, Natasha is always busy with work and always ignoring R which lead them into an big argument and nat got a little bit carried away and slap R but then she realized what she has done and want to show R how much she loves her
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Pairings: Intersex Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader
Warnings: Angst, cunnilingus, one tiny slap, idk, small? Mentions of Natasha having a dick
Word count: 2.2k
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11:45 was the time your girlfriend entered the city apartment. The atmosphere was dim and moody as all the lights had been turned off, except for the TV that illuminated the room with a random show in the background. As she entered, Natasha carefully placed her computer bag on the floor and slipped off her shoes before proceeding to the living room. She scanned the area, searching for a trace of your presence on the inviting white couches.
Not being able to find you Natasha finds the Tv remote and stops the show that's playing.
With a faint sigh escaping her lips, she takes a few steps down the dimly lit hallway, her heart pulsing with a mix of hope and trepidation. As she approaches the entrance to your shared bedroom, she can't help but wonder if you'll be there, awaiting her arrival with open arms. Natasha slowly turned the doorknob to the side to see your sleeping body on the mattress, a smile engulfing her face as she watched your body move up and down slowly.
She was happy to see you still in the bed. Your relationship had been rocky for the past two weeks. It took a toll on both of you in the long run.
Natasha made her way to the closet to change out of her uncomfortable work clothes. She opted for a comfortable compression shirt and cozy sweatpants. She returned to the bed and noticed that you were already resting peacefully. She quietly crawled into bed beside you, wrapping her arms around your warm body. The feeling of your presence gave her a sense of comfort and security that she desperately needed. These small moments of closeness were what she cherished most about being with you.
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As you gradually stirred from your slumber a few hours later, you instinctively turned to your side and noticed the vacant space on your bed, prompting you to groan in disappointment. you quickly got out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom to begin your morning routine. You meticulously brushed your teeth and hair, feeling revitalized and refreshed. Splashing some cold water on your face, you headed out of the room to try and find Natasha.
After a couple minutes of trying to find her, you see her in the home gym she designed for you two. She was wearing a White wife beater and blue Nike tracksuit pants. Natasha was doing pushups with the workout video displayed on the Tv in the room.
You slowly enter the room, pushing the transparent door open and looking down at her.
"Where were you last night." You ask her, with a serious tone, not being happy with her at the moment.
"Oh, I was still at work. Fury gave me more paperwork to do as soon as I was packing to go home. I'm so sorry baby." She replies, looking back at where you were and standing up to go and hug you.
You scoot back from the hug and look up at her face. "Natasha, i'm always so sick of you never being here. You know it affects me too, right?" You ask her, your eyes tearing up because you missed her so much.
"Yes- I know that y/n. it affects me too, you're not the only one getting hurt by it." Natasha responds back to you, pinching the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes.
"You know, why are we even fighting right now y/n? It's 8:37 in the fucking morning y/n. 8:37!" She says to you, walking away to go take the weights off of the barbell she was using.
"I don't know Natasha - maybe it's because I miss my girlfriend, but she's never here when I need her the most." You say back to her, covering your face with your hands and letting out a frustrated sigh.
"Well, I honestly don't know what the fuck you want me to do y/n. Do you wanna go talk to fury for me? Tell him to cut back my fucking hours at work? Huh?" She asks, anger building up in her voice as she drops the weight, she was holding to look at you.
"Are you even listening to me right now Natasha!?" You tell her, a small smile coming over your face as you were in disbelief with what she was saying.
"Are you even listening to me y/n? I love you and I do want to spend time with you, I do. I just - don't know what you want me to fucking do." She yells back at you, walking a little closer to your body and standing infront of you.
"It's not that hard to do what i'm asking Natasha. To spend time with me? Okay yes, maybe I do want you to come home early one day. What's wrong with that? You're literally gone for so many days of the week and i'm always here wondering about how you are, if you're okay, worrying over you. And then when you do come home, I never get to see you - spend time with you! It's not fair Natasha." You yell back out to her, tears falling down from your eyes now.
"And you know what Nat-"
You were cut off when you felt a stinging sensation come over your face. Your hand immediately going to touch the skin that had been touched.
"What the fuck Natasha." You tell her, your eyes widening as you looked up at her once more. The skin now turning red from where her hand made impact.
"Y/n I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it. Please I'm sorry." She says before bringing you close to her body. Her eyes watering up thinking of what she just did. You didn't hug her back, you couldn't.
"No Natasha what the actual fuck is wrong with you?" You ask her as you walk away to the door.
"Wait-Where are you going y/n? Please, I'm sorry y/n."
"I'm gonna go stay at Wanda's for a few days Natasha." As you spoke to her, tears streamed down your face and you had to pause to catch your breath between each word. Leaving the gym to go pack a bag.
Natasha stood still in the now quiet gym, her mind consumed with thoughts about the recent events that had just transpired. The weight of her actions seemed to weigh heavily upon her heart, and a solitary tear trickled down her cheek. She never intended to cause any harm to you, and the realization of what she had done filled her with disgust and remorse.
You on the other hand got a random bag you found in your shared closet and threw some clothes In there. You already texted Wanda about what had happened between you and Natasha. Once you were done packing you immediately left through the front door, grabbing the car keys off of the accent table and unlocking the car.
After the incident with Natasha, you sat in the car, completely motionless. Tears flowed down your face, and you couldn't help but feel hurt by her actions. Although you knew she didn't mean to hurt you, you couldn't understand why she acted the way she did. Being around her at that moment was an unsettling experience, and you couldn't shake off the feeling.
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"Shh, it's okay y/n. I promise." Wanda tells you, holding you close as you cry in her arms.
"I-I just don't understand Wanda!" You seem to convey to her, lifting your head to meet her gaze. Your eyes are swollen and discolored due to the extensive amount of crying you have gone through.
"I think she really is sorry y/n. She keeps on texting you and trying to call you. I know Natasha would never want to hurt you on purpose, y/n/n."
"I know, I know. I don't know what to say to her after that."
"Well, stay here for a couple hours, huh? We can watch some movies and order some, okay? But you have to talk to her y/n.
After quiet contemplation, you slowly and carefully shift your weight, gently lifting yourself off Wanda's body. As she rises from her bed calmly, she extends a compassionate hand towards you, guiding you towards her bathroom. She helps you delicately wash your face, ridding it of any traces of stubborn, dried mascara that stubbornly clung to your delicate skin.
"Feeling better?" She asks you, playing with your hair on the couch.
"Mhm. I'm gonna start heading out Wands." You tell her, shifting from your comfy position on her couch.
"You want me to walk you out?"
"No, it's okay; thank you so much, Wanda. I'll text you later.
"Of course, Y/n. It's gonna be okay, I swear.
As you leave Wanda's house, you lower your head and take a slow stride toward your vehicle. The memory of Natasha invades your thoughts, causing a wave of longing to wash over you. You can't help but admit that you miss her dearly, despite the difficulty in comprehending her actions.
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As you approach the entrance of your shared apartment, you can feel your heart rate increase as nervousness courses through your body. Your gaze shifts down towards your phone, noting the time displayed: 9:34. As you unlock the screen, you are greeted with a barrage of missed calls and messages from Natasha, causing your attention to shift towards the digital notification center.
With a heavy sigh, you inhale deeply before grasping the key that had unlocked the door and stepping inside. As soon as you entered, you noticed Natasha sitting at the bar, her delicate frame perched on a high stool. Her hands were clasped on her head as if deep in thought, and she looked up as soon as she sensed your presence.
"Y/n?" She asks to you. Her face was filled with red. You could tell that she had been crying a lot.
You remained silent, your body motionless in the hallway.
"I, I'm so sorry y/n. Please."Natasha approached you with a hint of distress in her demeanor. Her arms wrapped around your frame as she drew nearer, seeking comfort and solace. In response, your arms naturally embraced her, offering a reassuring and supportive presence.
"Please y/n."
"I know it was an accident, Natasha; it's okay, Nat, I forgive you."
You perceive the sound of Natasha's sniffles and experience a dampness on your shoulder caused by her tears.
"I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you, baby, please." Natasha continues to weep inconsolably while you offer a comforting embrace. Your gentle touch caresses her back in soothing circular motions, providing a sense of relief from her emotional pain.
"Natasha, you're crying in my arms right now."
"N-no, please."
Before you can respond Natasha starts kissing up your neck. A low moan escapes your mouth.
She quickly drops to her knees and pulls down your sweatpants. She kisses up your thighs, her fingers making their way to your clothed clit. Rubbing the sensitive muscle slowly.
"Please let me show you how much I love you. Please y/n."
"Mmm-okay..." You tell her, Natasha takes that as her sign and pulls down your lace panties. You were already soaking wet. A grunt leaves Natasha's mouth as she moves her face to your cunt. She sticks her tongue out for a second before licking your folds. One of her hands returns to your clit and starts rubbing again, this time faster.
"Natasha!" You moan out, your hands coming to meet her head. Taking a hand full of red hair and pushing her closer to your cunt. Natasha lets a small whine and pushes her nose beneath the hood of your clit. She shakes her head left and right, moaning at how you taste.
She starts to move her hips back and forth, humping the air. Her cock grows each time she hears one of your pretty moans. The hand holding your thigh moves down to her loose boxers. She quickly grabs her cock and moves her hand up and down, wanting to release it whenever you do.
"Feels so good, Nat, mm!" Your head was thrown back as your hands gripped her hair harder.
"Could e-eat you out all day."
"Fuck! Natasha, I'm so close." You moan out to her, her finger stimulating your clit moves even faster. Her head moves closer to your cunt. Her grunts and groans add to your stimulation.
She's lost in eating your pussy. Her hips move faster, and so does her hand, a sign that she's also close.
"Gonna cum!" Your hips buck into her face. The finger on your clit moves to your hips to keep them stable. Natasha's hand moves faster and faster in her boxers. Loud grunts leave her mouth as she looks up at you, your face contorted in pleasure.
With one more guttural moan, you come undone on Natasha's tongue. A whine erupts from her mouth as she shoots her cum in her boxers simultaneously with you.
She pulls her face away from your cunt. The bottom half of her face is filled with your juices. Her full face is covered in red. The silent room is filled with your loud breaths.
"Fuck, come here."
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calibabii21 · 5 months
|| i never thought || l.hc
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pairing: sub!haechan x dom!reader
genre: smut, non-idol au, friends to lovers, Christmas bet
warning(s): bratty sub!haechan, reader learns she has a dominant side, reader is kind of a sadist, both haechan and reader are masochists, overstimulation (m), dirty talk, sexual threats and innuendos, haechan may let "mommy" slip..several times, bdsm club
wc: 2.7k
a/n: suuuuch an honor to be a part of this collab with @jenoslutie this is for you boo💋. thank you so much for your patience and I hope you all enjoy😭 proofread?? not sure💀 mdni
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"Come on pleeeease," yet again your friend was begging for the impossible. "That's not even the type of person I am! Not to mention I have to go shopping for Re- my Secret Santa.” Thankfully you caught yourself, “Besides, what could you possibly gain from this?" Funnily enough, that's all it took to quiet him. "N-Nothing," his flustered stutter and sheepish eye contact avoidance were a dead giveaway.
You couldn't help but give in to the cuteness, "Fine. but only if you don't leave my side" His eyes immediately brighten and he's on you with cheek kisses, "thank you thank you thank you– I would never abandon you at a place like that." His seriousness is endearing and you very much appreciate the sincerity in his tone. “Thank you Pookie.”
A twinkle flashes through his eyes at the pet name but he only smiles at you and agrees to give you time to get dressed seeing as he asked you to accompany him on such short notice.
About 45 minutes later you’re walking through the front entrance of the club he begged you to accompany him to. You look around the packed out place, taking in the world of kink you are freshly experiencing first-hand. “Wow.” Haechan turns to you, securing a rose gold wrist cuff, matching his, around your own. 
“What is this for?” He gives you a sheepish look, seeming rather nervous now that you study his expression. “Hey, what’s wrong Pookie?” His tense stature relaxes and he allows himself to melt into your palm resting on his cheek. “Well aren’t you two a lovely pair,” someone comments as they pass by, “You’ve got a good, old-fashioned brat on your hands.” You understand the terms, and the bashful look on Haechan’s face stirs something in you.
A smirk finds its way to your lips, “You think so?” your eyes stay trained on Hyuck’s face as you speak, “But he’s always so good for me. And he treats me so well, don’t you baby boy?” The fake pout with a doe-like gaze you give him as you stroke his chin causes a submissive glaze to film over his eyes and a yearning whimper to leave him. 
When you turn your back to him, he unconsciously moves his body into your space, “If you’ll excuse us, we’d like to get to the rest of our evening.” Haechan attaches a hand to your hip, guiding you away as you smile at the stranger. “You’re..handling yourself better than I expected.” His tone is full of satisfaction and pride, which in turn makes you roll your shoulders back and walk in pure confidence- naturally boosting his ego.
“You make it so easy Pookie.” His returning blush as you playfully pinch his butt makes you giggle. “You’re being awfully cute..” And quiet. Despite his unfamiliar behavior, you allow him to continue leading the way. 
The chains and leather oddly complement the various Christmas themed rooms you pass. Maybe not something you’d have done yourself, but it works. Haechan squeezes your hand to get your attention, “We’re here.” You look up with a soft gasp and wide eyes, “Oh.” Definitely not something you were prepped for.
Here was a platform stage with a submissive straddling a metal chair. Arms bound to the top of the arch, ankles to the legs, nipples flush against the back- and cock between the bars. Seeing as you have goosebumps from simply walking through the establishment, you can only imagine how cold the half naked sub must be. Though their shivers could just be from the anticipation of their dom circling them.
Your eyes drift over to Haechan when his breath hitches as the submissive’s eyes are covered with a sleek blindfold. His responses are intriguingly physical. He isn’t the one being touched or tied up, yet his breathing is shaky and he’s sweating a bit. If you’re honest, it even has you heating up yourself. 
The moment the dom ghosts their fingers over the sub’s semi erect cock is when you decide to maneuver behind Haechan. Your hands lightly reston his waist causing him to jump, startled. “It’s okay, it’s just me.” “Hyuck..I want you to keep your eyes on the stage, okay?” Your voice is soft as it reaches the back of his ear, “Just, stop me if you feel uncomfortable.” He immediately nods- almost in an eager manner.
A shocked yelp leaves the sub, quickly followed by a moan as they feel the contradicting warmth of their top’s breath on their chilled nipples. “Are you sensitive here too, Baby Boy?” It’s a rhetorical question but his whimpers as you brush your thumbs over his nipples through his shirt is answer enough. “Oh, you’re a vocal little thing aren’t you, Pookie?” 
You continue toying with his nipples as your right hand drifts down his front, a sound of approval leaving you, “Sensitive too.” The subs loud moans drown out the whimpers and whines Haechan releases as you fondle him through his clothes. “Please.” His pleading simultaneous with the ones coming from the stage. “What are you asking for?”
He says nothing, enraptured by the scene of the sub’s painfully hard cock being edged between the cold, hard bar of the chair and the domme’s warm, soft palm. Pinching his nipple you get a louder moan as well as his attention, “If you can’t tell me what you want, I can’t give it to you.” He only whines, his knees becoming wobbly, “Please, touch me p-properly.”
You take your hands off of him and put space between you, “If you can find a private enough space, I’ll even let you cum.” That seemed to kick him into overdrive and he grabs your hand guiding directly to a private room with red carpeting and furniture. His only instruction is to sit as you point toward the lounge seat. “That was awfully fast. Now I wonder if it’s even worth a reward.”
You’re quiet as you slowly pace back and forth, thinking to yourself about this night. It all seems a little too calculated. You pause in front of him, more like you’re looming over him in your heels. You watch his eyes trail from the points of your shoes all the way up to meeting your eyes- and it’s easy to tell that his immediate response would have been to whimper, but he senses you waiting for any wrong move.
“Why did you bring me here?” Nothing. You get absolutely nothing but a diversion of eyes. His squirms increase under your scrutiny. “Haechan. I will touch you until this club closes and ruin your ability to cum for yourself or anyone else if you do not answer me. What. is going. on?” There’s only a mumble you don’t understand before he goes back to feigning innocence.
Fine. You opt for trying an approach he would be receptive of. Wordlessly, you remove his pants, giggling to yourself at his Christmas themed g-string. “Shut up” he mumbles sassily, which for some reason irked you more than it usually would. The sharp sting of his underwear elastic snapping against his skin has him both hissing and staring at you with needy eyes.
You maintain his eye contact, his own widening as your face gets closer to his when you straddle his lap- the fluffy trim of your sexy Mrs. Claus costume tickling his midsection. “If you don’t want to willingly tell me, I’ll get it out of you another way.” His eyes glow with amusement and desire as you glide your fingers beneath his waistband, “You can try all you want but I’m not giving i- mmm.” 
That quickly shut him up, you again, giggle to yourself. “You act all big and bad but you’re so weak to pleasure your inner slut can’t help but submit. Even if it’s from your best friend, hm?”  He bites his lip to hold his sounds back, but his chest is already heaving as if he’s close.
“Surely Mr. ‘Won’t-give-in’ isn't close already.” Your taunting seems to only spur him closer to climax. “You better not cum Donghyuck or so help me Go-” His head is thrown back, hips thrusting into your hand to fully ride out his orgasm, essentially sending your own body up with them- completely drowning out your words. Whimpering and whining as your hand applies pressure to his now sensitive dick.
He attempts to continue thrusting until your hand comes up to grip his face, body stilling save for the shiver that passes over him at the strong look in your eyes, “If you don’t stop fucking playing with me I will restrain you, tie a vibrator to your dick, stick one in your ass, and walk right out of that door.” Your threats seem to have the opposite effect as you feel him growing harder in your hand again.
Chuckles of disbelief leave you as you begin laughing hysterically, even that has his erection rising further. “My God.” Your faces are close, eyes searching his as your hand begins to move at a slow, steady pace. “You really are a perv aren’t you?” He whines loudly and looks at you pleadingly. “Lucky for you, so am I. Know that I intend to keep my word of ruining you for anyone else.” 
Your hand does a 180, now jerking at a speed too incredible for him to keep up with, “That was your plan with me, wasn’t it?” In the middle of his second orgasm, his expression is one of shock at your words. “Fuuuuuck mommy- please please.” Your body heats up at the title and it honestly makes you feel even more powerful. His body is writhing and twitching beneath you as you don’t let up on stroking him. “If you give me one more, maybe I’ll think about stopping.”
“No no no no,” you aren’t too sure what he’s pleading about, but no way are you stopping now. “The club will be shutting down in about five minutes.” Right as you yell “Coming!” in response to the rough knock on the door, Haechan does the same but for completely different reasons. His hands grip your waist when you stop, his face still asking for more. “We have to go now Pookie, but I’ll take care of you when we get home.” 
He assists you in cleaning up as you help redress, “You may have been a bit of a brat, but you were still a good boy for me. As a result, I'll let you decide what happens when we get home.” His eyes light up and his confidence immediately resurfaces, “Just know it’s my turn to ruin you for everyone.” 
“Hyuck- wait slow dow-” you cut off your sentence with a gasp as you realize you slapped his face with a heavier hand than intended. There’s a moment of silence as you both process what just happened before he’s further backing you into your apartment- lips excitedly attacking your neck. “God you are so sexy.”
You get over your shock, your seductive chuckle reddening his ears, “What a pain slut you’ve turned out to be.” That only makes his hips rut against you as he licks your neck, not separating from you to gauge the direction of your bedroom. “Wait the bedroom’s that way.” He continues feeling you up beneath your costume, “Fuck the bedroom, you’re taking me right here.”
He bends you over the couch, slapping and groping your ass. “Who gave you permission to out-sexy my sexiest thoughts of you.” Your hips grind back on him as he presses his bulge firmly against your core, “How perverted can you be to get this hard over your best friend.” He begins softly rocking, thrusting his hips against yours, “And how greedy does your pussy have to be to grind on my clothed dick like a neglected whore.”
You don’t know why, but his words ignite deep arousal within you. “Just shut up and fuck me already.” He wordlessly pulls himself out of his tight confines and teases his head against your soft thong, “By the feel of your holes clenching through your panties, you wouldn’t even be patient enough for me to prep you.”
“What’s prep when you’re made for me.” You try to contain your laughter as your teasing words make his movements stutter. In the end a sharp slap is landed on your exposed ass with a gritted mutter, “Don’t go putting hopeful thoughts in my head.” Before you can decide whether to continue teasing him or reassure him, he’s easing into you with a stretch so delicious your first moan is drug out.
You’d expect his thrusts to be rapid and shallow with how desperate he’d been to be inside you, but it was the complete opposite. “Paced and deep, just the way you like it right?” His strokes really were perfect. Hips connecting with yours with the right amount of force. One hand caressing your skin while the other unexpectedly spreads your wetness around your unoccupied hole.
His hips come to a sudden stop as he leans over your back. “I-I want you to ride me.” Even through his effort to top you, you can feel that you still have the power. “Okay daddy, come sit.” You patiently wait during his awkward fumbling to circle the couch, but once you sink onto him you both moan in unison. “I must be doing my job with the way you’re squeezing around me. Am I making you feel good?” 
“Mmhm, you’re doing such a good job baby.” His head is thrown back as he “guides” your ass to slam back down to meet his thrusts halfway. “I told you I was going to ruin you f-for everyone.” You take that opportunity to lay him flat on the couch, your hands using his chest for support, “It feels so good being stretched by you Hyuck.” 
You lean forward now allowing your ass to fully bounce on him faster. “Fuck baby you take my cock so well. Who’s my good girl? Huh?” The second he asks, one of your hands reach forward and caresses his face as you keep bouncing, “It’s you isn’t it? You’re my good boy?” You seal it with a tender yet erotic kiss on his lips and he’s instantly whimpering and tightly gripping your flesh.
“I-I’m close.” But you ignore him and his attempts to thrust up into you as you continue controlling the pace, opting to switch to a slow whining of your hips. “P-Please, mommy. Mommy can I please cum?” A pleasant shudder passes through you at the besotted, fucked out expression he gives you as he begs, “Please PLEASE can I cum? Can I cum inside, please? Mommy I’m so close, please.” 
His begs become more adamant and panicked as you clench around him with each circle of your hips, your own climax approaching. “You want to cum baby?” He immediately nods eagerly with hopeful eyes as his hands fervidly touch and grasp every inch of your body, “Please.” His whispered plea seems to be enough to satisfy you, “Can you be a good boy and fill me up?”
“Yes yes yes mommy, I can be a good boy. I’m your good boy.” His moans and cries are anything but quiet as he releases ropes of heat inside of you. Your teeth sink into his shoulder when your orgasm creeps through you as you grind harder onto him, “Oh Fuuuucck. Shit, yes Hyuck.”
There is a flurry of soft moans and breathing as you both come down from your high. Haechan looks at you enamored. “You are so..beautiful.” The compliment caught you off guard, but seeing the sincerity in his eyes you smile at him, “Thank you, Pookie. You are too. Truly.” You plant one last kiss on his lips before getting off of him to move to your bathroom.
He lets out a startling hoot and laughs in a victorious tone causing you to stop and face him. “The hell is so funny?” He turns to you with a cutely smug smirk, “I won.” You  look at him incredulously, “Won?”
Now redressed, he approaches you with an air of arrogance, stopping in front of you, “I hit first. So I. won.”
You let his words sink in with silence before smirking at him, “Just remember I’m the one you call ‘mommy’.”
A blush brushes his features at your words as you walk off, “You’re my bitch now.”
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mads-weasley · 2 years
Days Like This
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Wife!Reader
A/N: Thanks for the request, anon! I hope you like what I've written even though it's super late and super short! Thanks for the support!
Request: Could you do one were rooster and reader are both pilots but reader has the day off, rooster comes home from a really bad day at work and just wants to cry it out in readers arms and then reader makes him feel better… love you work
Warnings: mentions of fighter crash, sad bradley, fluff
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Just like every day for the past three years, at 5am sharp, the bed dipped down next to (y/n) as Bradley sleepily got up to get ready for work. As both were pilots, they had to be at the base by 6:30am every weekday. This day, however, she did not have to join him. A dentist appointment saved her from having to complete their early morning routine, but it didn't stop her from waking up.
As Bradley opened the door to the bathroom, he was careful to keep the light off until he got inside, not wanting to accidentally wake her. Snuggling under her covers, she tried to go back to sleep. After a few minutes of tossing and turning, her husband's quiet humming floated in the air from the shower. As she focused on the sound, sleep welcomed her quickly.
When he was ready for work, Rooster smoothed (y/n)'s hair back lovingly, kissing her on the temple.
"I love you, baby. I'll miss you today."
She stirred slightly. "Luh' you too."
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(Y/n) walked through the door of their house, running her tongue over her slick and fresh minty teeth when her stomach rumbled. She checked her watch: 4:45 pm. Bradley normally got home around 5:30, so (y/n) began to search the cabinets for food to cook.
By the time she heard his keys jingle in the door, the food was done and she was setting the table. When the door opened, she smiled and called over her shoulder.
"Hey, Brad! I made spaghetti, and I kno-"
She trailed off when she heard the dull thump of his bag hitting the floor. Turning around, she was met with her husband's broad chest as he wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck. Instinctually, she rubbed his back with one hand while the other combed through his curly brown hair. They stayed like that for a while until (y/n) felt his shoulders shake softly.
The woman's heart broke at the sound of Bradley's broken sobs against her neck. Something was definitely wrong, and she had to find out what so she could help him however she could. Pulling away, she grabbed his hand and led him over to the couch. His soft brown eyes were bloodshot and puffy, which was a rare sight for Bradley. Even as someone who had a big soft side, he tended to keep his emotions in check. That was how (y/n) knew something was seriously wrong.
Sitting on the couch, she pulled him down to sit beside her before pulling him closer so she could hook her arm around his bicep, rubbing it lightly.
"What happened, Bradley?" She asked softly.
"I-uh," he sniffled. "Today we were doing a training mission and Phoenix and Bob...there was a bird strike."
(Y/n) took a deep breath, bracing herself for the words that could come next.
Bradley squeezed his eyes shut as his voice wavered. "They were going down and-and when they ejected, I saw Nat h-hit the canopy, (y/n/n). I saw her."
(Y/n)'s eyes teared up, finally understanding why this affected him so much. It was the same way his dad died: hitting the canopy while ejecting.
"Oh, sweetheart," she whispered, pulling him into her arms. "Is she okay?"
His only answer was a small whimper. "They're both gonna be okay, but...I just can't lose anyone else, (y/n). I can't. Especially not like that."
"I know. And you won't."
He shakily sighed. "Can you just hold me?"
"Of course, baby. I love you." (Y/n) smiled, running her fingers through his hair before leaning down to kiss his temple.
"I love you, too."
"I'll always be here on days like this, Bradley. Always."
That night, dinner was forgotten in the Bradshaw house as the couple soon fell asleep on the couch, fully content to be in each other's arms.
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Tag List:
 @calicoevening72 @ellieparker @misconceptionmistress @93joons @levylovegood @azari-anna @samthasworld @padf00ts-l0ver @thefuturewillbeprosperous @hockeyboysarehot @fangirlinc @littlewhiterose @pcotato @lundqvistisgod @theemeraldbutterfly @winteryoungie @ynbutbetter @n3ssm0nique @princessnnylzays @marchingicenotes7 @sarcastic-sourwolf @caitlyn221b @fogle97 @krmy2386 @storyteller-le @imagines-army @thatwh-0-re @calicoevening72 @americaarse @alexwinchester23 @juniebugg @luckyladycreator2 @shaunaelliott08 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @cassbntp @multifandom-loser @pepelachanel @sbrewer21 @pumpkin-sage @craziblondi  @lovemesomevesey @peaches-1999 @im-your-possession @chaoticassidy @dilfsandtherapy @callsign-milano @katiemcrae @littlebookbengal @unordinare @iamburdened
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shirefantasies · 3 months
Hello again! I have another request that came to me as I was submitting a different one. How do you think Thorin's or the LOTR companies would react to reader having a buzzcut. Especially for dwarves who pride themselves in long intricately done hair and braids. Would they think something bad must've happened to the reader for them to have short hair. Cue misunderstandings and fluff, with maybe hair petting(buzzcuts are super soft!) Hope this sounds interesting enough to do, have a good day again! :)
(I literally lied on my last post THIS is my last pre-op post by the 45 minutes left before my operation appointment)
Heck yeah friend I love this! I don’t quite have a buzzcut but my hair’s far shorter than the average lady’s & definitely so for a dwarf, so I wonder about this too 😁 hope you enjoy 🥰 Warnings: a little violence in one reaction, injury mention in another
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Thorin’s Company When You Have a Buzzcut
“You’re causing quite a stir with everyone, you know that?” Giving a chuckle at Balin’s cheeky look, you lean forward with your chin upon your hand. “And why is that?” “At risk of offense,” the older dwarf answered, “they all want to know what happened to your hair.” “Yourself included,” you shot back with a grin, “or else you’d not be asking.” Taken aback, Balin stutters a bit. “Ah, well, I confess I am a bit curious, after all. Reminds me of when my brother first took all his off. What a stir over something so silly. Do what you like, I was just wondering if Dwalin was trying to get you all painted up too.” “Not yet,” your smile softens and you give him a wink, “but if he does you’ll be the first to know. Ahead of all the sensation.”
You start the conversation on this one, seeing that Dwalin is the other company member with little to no hair upon his head and considering it a bonding opportunity. “Well, I’ve got a reason,” he shoots back to your comment of similarity, arms crossed but expression teasing, “what’s yours? You need some tattoos up there at least.” “No thank you,” you tell him, “if I’m adding any tattoos it won’t be on top of my head! Feel how soft it is up here.” Dwalin looks at you, prompting you to take his hand and put it on top of your head, his eyebrows raising at the sensation. And perhaps because touching one’s hair is a much closer and more intimate thing for him than perhaps you realize. You are quite forward, aren’t you?
Pays little mind to how you wear your hair…or lack thereof. In fact, by your appearance he gauges you to be a warrior of some kind, thus taking command of your actions in a fight and seeking proof of your prowess. Before your first encounter with a threat the king’s questions are more along the lines of “What is your weapon of choice?” and “From where in these lands do you hail?” The day the company fights a pack of orcs, you manage to take down more than Thorin expected and at one point, you even jump in front of Dori to parry before a potentially deadly strike takes him off guard. Rising from the struggle of battle, black blood splattered across your layers and even your shaven head, you feel a hand upon your shoulder. Thorin. "It can be hard for us to look beyond our own kin," he tells you, "but you have well proven yourself today. We may not always understand each other, but there is a beauty in that, too, I see."
Wincing despite your gratitude, you shifted in your seated position while Oin packed the poultice into the wound your side had suffered. "Don't worry, you'll go numb in a bit. If it stings, that is quite alright, that simply means you are getting clean again." Thanking him through heavy breaths, you watched as the dwarf reached a hand up toward your head, running a hand over the soft, shorn little bit of cover it had. "And this one's healing quite nicely, quite nicely indeed. Why, I cannot even see the scar!" The sting in your bloody side faded down a bit as you tilted your head to fix Oin right in the eyes. "What scar?" "Did they not have to sew up your head at some point? Figured that's why they shaved you down," he answered, finally removing his hand from your head. You giggled at that, regretted stretching yourself at a new, though much smaller, arc of pain. "No, my dear Oin, I am afraid the only thing my head has suffered is my typical madness," you teased, waving your hands mystically and grinning at the way the healer laughed.
"Pardon me, my dear," your name rolled smoothly off Gloin's tongue as he shuffled forth, hands folded in front of him in the picture of innocence. Oh, this was going to be good. "Yes?" You indulged him, swiveling to give your full attention. The auburn-haired dwarf pointed to his head, his own flowing locks. "What happened t'yer hair?" Perhaps sheepishly, his voice suddenly quickened. Feeling your eyebrows involuntarily raise, you tilted your head- this was not exactly what you’d expected, after all. “I cut it,” you shrugged, “got tired of how it was before. Simply wanted a new beginning, you could say.” Gloin’s eyes never left yours. “So no accident?” “No.” “Ha!” The dwarf bellowed, waggling a hand at his brother and a small scattering of company members a ways back. “I was right! By choice! Now pay up and remember I told ya it was worth the risk!” Shaking your head, you playfully smack him on the shoulder. “I’d better get a cut from this, you ol’ scallywag!”
Catching Bifur signing, you turn his way, seeing the motions he performs by his head. “Did you cut your hair yourself?” You realize he is asking. “No,” you sign back, “another did it for me.” “You must trust them a great deal.” Simple enough words signed and yet there is something in the way his eyes shine, the fond inquisition in his smile, that brings a little shock of joy to you. Barring royal dressings, it was far more common for one to do their own hair or entrust it to a loved one, and you could see intimacy in the act. It almost brought a pang of regret that it was just some small-town hairdresser that sheared it at your asking and payment. Your hands freeze for a moment as your eyes search Bifur before you finally sign a response. “I suppose. Perhaps if you ever want to do something different with your hair, I could help you, too.”
A mix between caring and teasing, he offers you cover! “Your head looks cold. Need to borrow my hat?” Thinks he’s so funny he laughs at his own joke whether you roll your eyes or joke back. “But really, any particular reason you took it all off?” "It was uncomfortable having it long," you admit, "I was tired of it all being in my face." The way everyone spoke of dwarven culture, you half expect disapproval, but this is Bofur you speak of. Instead he nods acceptingly, smiling in that way that always has you feeling seen and reassured. "I understand that." "You do?" "Sure I do! Why do you think I keep mine braided out to the sides like this?" At that, you smile back. "Besides," he continues, "helps me see all the best sights. The trees, the flowers, that smile of yours..."
“Singe all your hair off?” Bombur nods sagely despite the fact that he couldn’t be more wrong. “I’ve been there. Burned my beard leaning too far over the stove.” You can’t even correct him right away because you’re too busy laughing. Finally, though, you explain to him that your hair was simply so unhealthy it needed to start over. “Ah, I see, I see! Trying to take better care of it, then?” At that, you nod. He looks at you with new interest, eyes shining eagerly. “So what would you like to do with it next? I’ve got some things you might like to put in it, and I think it would look mighty nice if you wanted to try…”
"Sometimes I wish I could do that, too," Dori remarks one day, rolling blue eyes illuminated beneath the sun that peeked between the branches. Shifting carefully so as to not disturb your pony, you turned back to face him. "Do what?" "Cut all my hair off just to save some time in the morning!" He replied with a wave of a hand in your general direction. Chuckling, you gave a conceding nod. "I suppose you would gain back an hour, wouldn't you?" At that, it was Dori's turn to laugh. "But then again," you continued, "then you couldn't wear as many of those nice clips and cases. That is one thing I miss about having it all." Puffing up like a proud little bird, Dori smiled. "They are quite nice, aren't they? You know, if you ever get so bored you're tempted to let it all come back, I could make you some of your own."
Abrasive as it was, Nori's question found you in a way that raised such amusement you forgot to be upset with him entirely, instead simply falling back with a bark of laughter before you answered. "Looks like you're tryin' to hide your identity. You on the run from someone?" He continued musing, in fact, as you laughed. "Law somewhere? A scorned lover? Simply run off with something too valuable not to do that?" Finally, your voice returned. "All this because I've sheared my head down?" You burst out incredulously. "Ever consider," you gasped in mock-scandal, "I like it like this?" "Sure, but that's not exciting," Nori shot back with a smirk, "I like a good story." "Well," you crossed your arms, "perhaps I still have some of those, too."
Shuffling up to you was the youngest dwarf in the company, sweet Ori; Ori was one of the dwarves who accepted outsiders most readily, and you spent plenty of time at his side watching his drawings and records come to life. That day, though, what was in his hand was not his book, rather a bundle of fabric. "I made this for you." Eyes widening, you extend your hands to accept the soft knitting, peering back at Ori. "I thought your head must get cold," he explained his craft as you unfolded it, revealing a thick, sturdy cap you immediately began pulling onto your head, "does it fit?" Yarn hugging your head perfectly, you nodded. "It's just my size. Thank you." Before he could speak again, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug. "This is the kindest thing anyone has done for me in some time. Thank you."
“One of my braids came undone. Kili?” The younger Durin prince seemingly did not hear the request for his presence, so you stepped forward. “I can help.” Goggling at you, Fili posed a question. “Do you even know how?” Hand falling to your hip, you shot him a look. “Though I may not possess them myself, I am quite capable of doing them up.” The golden-haired dwarf looked sheepish, a bit of the mischief fading from his blue eyes. “Suppose I assumed you didn’t much enjoy doing them either,” he told you with a nod toward your head. “Well,” a teasing smile drifted across your face, “I certainly would…unless you are scared.” You were no fool. You knew how the Durins were with challenges. And if you remembered correctly, you knew how dwarves were with braids…
He cares some of the least out of the dwarves being the least traditionally presenting himself. He’s sort of the type to be a little attracted to everyone, enjoying the unique traits of all types of people. You still cannot help being a bit surprised when he flirts with you, though, not expecting someone with a cut like yours to catch his eye or draw his teasing. “Not one for a courting braid, I see? No one worthy of putting one on you, no doubt.” For all his jesting questions, he never actually demands an answer, though. Instead he simply launches into a story about a haircut prank he pulled with his older brother once to keep light conversation flowing. “Well, by the end of it our uncle looked quite like you! Except he didn’t pull it off half as well.”
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins | Let me know if you'd like to join!
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eviesaurusrex · 2 years
“ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴜᴘ.” | ʙ. ʙᴀʀɴᴇꜱ
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Bucky Barnes x Barton!Reader (Phoenix)
summary: Usually, Bucky would pick her up wherever she is, but today, with a night out with some of her fellow Avengers (and her brother), it wasn’t possible that her secret boyfriend could come and pick her up, would it?
word count: 2.3k
warnings: fluff, mention of alcohol, slightly drunk reader, more fluff, some curse words, Clint as the best brother in the world, we're ignoring Infinity War and Endgame for this one bye
author’s note: I need more Bucky writings in my life, so here is one.
“So, [Y/N],” Natasha started while stirring her drink with the colorful straw accompanying the alcoholic beverage. The addressed looked up, almost unsure if she really wanted to know what the redhead tried to get out of her. “What’s the tea with that secret boyfriend of yours?” The woman choked on the portion of the very unnatural blue and purple drink she nursed for not that long, and Wanda next to her softly patted her upper back to get the drops of alcohol out of her friend's airways while she coughed violently.
“I… I don’t know what you’re talking about, Nat,” [Y/N] answered after a few seconds to catch her breath again. The redhead smiled knowingly and nodded slowly. “Of course not, sweets.” Wanda next to her, chuckled behind her glass of something resembling a Raspberry Martini, but [Y/N] wasn’t sure if that was her drink of choice during this round or the last one… or the one before. “Remember, I can read minds,” the witch chuckled further, and the younger Barton looked at her other friend with wide eyes; her pupils were blown wide due to the alcohol and the rush of fear pulsing through her veins now.
But Wanda took one of her hands and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone, [Y/N/N]. I promise.” And [Y/N] knew her promise was more solid than a brick wall. That’s why she mumbled a Thanks, Wanda, before taking another sip through that obnoxious straw the bartender had chosen for the Avenger.
“What happened in your life the last few weeks, GI Joe? Need to keep me updated with all the back-to-back missions I had.” Clint had chosen the perfect moment to speak up from the other end of the table the group - consisting of Wanda, Nat, Clint, Scott, and herself - occupied ever since entering their preferred bar for such night outs of the compound. Few people would dare to talk to them to get a photo or autograph, the prices were reasonable, and the bartender tended to give them a free round somewhere along the night.
Rolling her eyes at that horrible nickname she had gained after enlisting for the US Army before transferring to the Navy, she showed Clint the finger. “I love you, Katniss, but suck my nonexisting dick.” The older Barton grinned like the proud big brother he was while Scott clapped his hands together and pointed in her direction. “Katniss Everdeen! That’s a great nickname, even better than Legolas. I will save that for later.”
After that, the group started to talk again instead of the pairs or small groups that had formed in the past 45 minutes, and [Y/N] finally had some alone time to take her phone out. The popping-up messages made her smile like a damn teenager, but she couldn’t control her facial expressions under the influence of alcohol, and she didn’t mind that. Her brain was too far gone for her own good.
I hope you’re having a great night, doll.
The nickname, even though he didn’t stand in front of her and said it out loud, made her heart race and her stomach flutter.
I have but I wish you could pick me up as always.
She didn’t need to wait long for another message.
I can come if you want.
An almost sad smile etched itself on her lips while typing another text.
Nah, it’s okay. I
I need more time
More like she evaded the inevitable conversation with her overprotective brother, who never could wrap his mind around the fact that his little sister was all grown up by now. She saved the world, for fucks sake, she was grown-up than others her age! But the stubborn moron on the other side of the table was too deep in his mind to see it - even though it was clear as day for everyone around him to see.
But the one Avenger who never missed was too blind to see what was right in front of him. Well, at least she thought he was.
He will come around. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe he’ll try to strangle me. First Bucky, then me. This will end in a disaster. Her thoughts tried to spiral into the abyss of anxiety and bottomless fear.
The only thing that pulled her out of this vicious circle was the vibration of her phone, and [Y/N] took another look at it. The new text instantly soothed her overworking mind, which had difficulties coming to terms with the situation it found itself in. In her defense, [Y/N] never had intended to fall in love with the brooding brunette with the troubled past, but after melting his exterior consisting of ice walls and mean stares, she had found a lost soul within a strange century who just wanted to feel at home. And she was more than willing to show Bucky all the love, happiness, and genuine companionship she had to offer (which was a lot).
I love you.
Bucky seemingly always knew when her mind had trouble keeping itself in check - one of the many things she loved about her super soldier.
From across the table, Clint watched his sister with a gentle expression in his eyes and knew that she was taken care of even if he wasn’t there himself and even though he was fully aware that she could handle herself pretty good. Nonetheless, it was his mission to make sure she was alright. Mainly because he would never be allowed in the comfort of his bed, his wife next to him, again if something would happen to the younger Barton - Laura had made sure that he understood that clearly.
Giggling, [Y/N] hung between Clint and Scott while the trio walked out of the bar, Wanda and Nat close behind. “‘s not true! ‘m fully sober.” And with that, another fit of giggles erupted from the sunshine of the Avengers. The group grinned, even though the alcohol most definitely affected everyone, but the young Barton never had a high alcohol tolerance, to begin with. “Sure thing, munchkin,” her brother laughed as he pushed the last door open and released them into the warm summer night.
[Y/N] started to hit his shoulder but failed to maneuver her hand in the right direction. “I can walk a straight line if I have to! Mhm! Y’know why?” Scott patted her head as she tried to find the words. “You can definitely walk a straight line, Phoenix,” Ant-Man assured her, but she wanted to try it, so she pushed both men off her and steadied herself with outstretched hands. “‘m good! Alrighty! Conquering the world!” Taking several steps, she obviously didn’t walk straight and swayed in the direction of a street lamp on which she clung herself with both arms wrapped around the cool metal.
“‘m not drunk! Jus’ need a break of conquering.” [Y/N] really wanted to believe it herself, although her brain couldn’t comprehend her surroundings clearly anymore. And clinging to a street lamp post seemed like the best idea she had this entire evening. “You’re not drunk. We get it,” a new voice spoke up, and blinking, she raised her head off the chill metal post and looked in the vague direction the voice came from.
Bucky was standing next to his bike, her personal helmet already laying on the seat, a smirk displayed on his devilishly handsome face. A grin started to grow on her own face, and without thinking or considering her current state, the fearless (and sometimes reckless) Phoenix let go of the street lamp and started to run. Well, she attempted to run. In reality, it was more like a stumbling walk of shame she hopefully would never gain any memories about.
“Buckyyyyyyyy,” she greeted her secret boyfriend while jumping - falling - into his arms and wrapping her legs around his slender waist. His strong arms provided stability and security, with one of his arms under her bum and the other softly but tightly snaked around her waist to hold her as close as possible. [Y/N] peppered loving kisses all over his face and giggled at the feeling of his dark stubbles tickling her soft cheeks and lips. The super soldier closed his eyes for just a moment to relish in the feeling the woman in his arms always let him feel. The warmth spread from his heart to every single bone and muscle, and instantly, Bucky felt at home and at ease.
Gently, the brunette pressed his lips against her cheek and nuzzled his face against hers. “Hey, doll,” the man mumbled, the soft lips of his girlfriend already on his.
A cleared throat behind [Y/N]’s back reminded the woman of the small group she was with, and awkwardly, she climbed off Bucky but steadied herself on his arm. Focusing her eyes on everyone standing there, Phoenix felt the blood rushing into her cheeks and face, and she awkwardly cleared her throat as well. “So… Shit.”
Bucky tucked his best girl into his side, flesh arm around her slender shoulders and metal hand casually pushed into the pocket of the leather jacket he exclusively wore when riding his bike. Not because he needed the protection but because [Y/N] had let slipped how hot it made him look - even hotter than usual. And he loved how she looked at him when stopping in front of her to pick her up.
Nat looked very pleased, Wanda showed a soft smile, Scott was just confused as hell, and Clint… well. “Why aren’t y’surprised?!” His younger sister almost shouted, and the older Barton shrugged nonchalantly after throwing the bag strap over his shoulder. “Because I knew since that one mission in Manila,” he answered and taking out his phone to call an Uber for everyone. Blinking rapidly, [Y/N] did the math in her brain, and suddenly, her mouth was agape. “Tha’ mission was three months ago!”
Clint smirked while Bucky pressed a kiss on top of her head. “He was the one who texted me,” the soldier told his girlfriend, and now, everything seemed upside down. Looking from one man to the other, [Y/N] threw her hands up in the air. “Y’gonna kill me someday. Both of ya’!” With an exasperated sigh, the woman pressed her forehead against Bucky’s strong chest.
“Whatever.” Clint put his phone back into his jeans pocket. “Just promise me you’ll be safe and use protection and all that shit because I’m way too young to be the fun uncle. Have all my hands full with my own lot, don’t need another little one running around.” Showing him the finger again, [Y/N] turned to Bucky, pulled him down, and kissed him for everyone to see.
His arms instantly wrapped themselves around her waist, one hand softly resting on her lower back. He kissed her with all he had because she didn’t deserve less. Not with all the love and genuine devotion and adoration she treated and showed him constantly, even through the tiniest of gestures.
“Told you they are a thing,” Nat’s very pleased voice traveled over the busy New York street and sidewalk. Scott hummed and scratched his head. “Explains the overprotectiveness of Brooding Boy during missions. Everything makes sense now! Wow. Can’t wait for the mini soldiers running around. Imagine how cute they would be!” Grinning, he climbed into the already waiting Uber while Nat and Wanda laughed at the expression on Clint’s face. “Mini-what?! Nope, no, nothing of that sort will happen any time soon, Scott! Stop talking about it - that’s my baby sister!”
[Y/N] grinned as the small group minus her settled into the car - the Uber driver probably will have a heart attack or will hyperventilate after a look on his backseat - and let Bucky escort her to his trusty bike.
“He texted ya?” She asked softly while the Barnes took her helmet and gently put it on her head. He closed the clasp under her chin after nudging it up with his finger and pressed a kiss onto the corner of her mouth before straightening his posture again. “He did. Told me you looked a bit crushed towards the end, and you know how things work.” With an arm around her waist, Bucky pulled her close for another time and nuzzled his nose against hers. “I will always pick you up, doll, because it makes you happy, and it makes me feel a bit better. Less time for me to worry about’ya.”
Grinning up to him with that blissful grin due to the alcohol and all the endorphins rushing through her system, [Y/N] couldn’t comprehend her luck in life. “Y’are the best that could ever happen to lil ol’ me, James Barnes,” she whispered lovingly and kissed his knuckles, both flesh, and metal. Bucky grinned down at the woman he had sworn to love and protect whatever it might cost and couldn’t believe his luck. Ever since joining the Avengers and meeting this woman, his life had taken a turn for the better part.
“I have to say that, doll, so keep your pretty mouth shut and let me help you up there.” One last kiss to her nose tip, and Bucky grabbed her by the waist and lifted her onto the second seat on his bike as if she weighed nothing. Her drunk but happy giggle was the most adorable thing he had ever heard in his long life, and he couldn’t get enough of it.
Getting onto the bike with her already behind him was an easy task by now. Immediately, the super soldier felt two arms wrapping themselves around his waist and a chest tightly pressed against his back. [Y/N]’s legs were securely tucked behind his own, and no piece of paper would fit between these two.
Throwing her a look over his shoulder, Bucky brushed his metal thumb over her knuckles. “Ready, little koala?” She nodded and put her chin on top of his right shoulder. “Always.”
And with that, the bike with the two Avengers awoke to life and sped over the nightly New Yorker streets.
Thanks for reading, wonderful human! Comments, reblogs, and likes are, as always, much appreciated <3
If you have some ideas for more Bucky stuff, please send some asks in, and I will take a look into it!
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luvrl0sers · 1 year
Hey! Hope you’re doing well. For the prompt how about 42, 44&45 for jungkook?
Thnx 💜💜
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tea leaves what do you see?...
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it was dinnertime, the house began to warm with the scent of garlic & basil filling the air as the two of you made pasta. your lovely boyfriend providing the music dancing through the house. while he took care of the meat on the stovetop, you were cutting the veggies. “hey babe?” kook asked as he stirred the sauce. “yeah” you replied setting the knife down leaning against the cutting board to answer his question. as you went back to dicing your hand brushed against the knife handle making the knife fall. as it fell, without thinking you tried to catch it, by throwing your leg against the cupboard hoping to stop it from hitting the ground. on the way down instead of catching it the knife caught your thigh leaving a sizeable cut across it. “ahh” you winced. your boyfriend spun around to look in your direction to see what had happened. seeing the long wound on your leg he ran towards you, scooping you up in his arms & bringing you to the couch so he could take a better look at it. “hold on, stay right there” he said then running to the bathroom to grab the first aid box from under the sink. he came back quickly with the big white box setting it down next to you. he took out some gauze covering your cut with them, applying some pressure to it to stop it bleeding quicker. “oww” you cried. “i'm sorry baby, i need it to stop bleeding so i can look at it; so i can take care of you” he frowned seeing how much pain you were in. “nothing’s gonna happen to me with you taking care of me, right?” “nothing's gonna happen to you i promise. it's really not very deep, it's just bleeding a bit” he reassured you. after a few minutes he softened the pressure of his hands on your thigh & took a look at the cut. “it's not too bad, i just have to clean it & wrap it up” he smiled grabbing your hands & waving them around in celebration. you smiled at his attempt to cheer you up. but your smile turned into concern focusing back on the word clean. “clean? but that's gonna hurt so bad” you began to feel overwhelmed with tears again. “only for a few seconds baby, i love you too much to leave you like this. i don't want you getting an infection” he gave you a sympathetic smile while he softly rubbed the side of your leg. “i promise i'll be as fast as i can” he convinced you further. “okay...” you agreed reluctantly. he brought out some clean gauze & the solution to clean your wound. “okay this is how i'm gonna do it, i'm gonna pour the solution on the gauze & im gonna go over the cut a few times to make sure it gets in there okay? i'll go fast; are you ready?” he saw you looking unsure. he prepared the gauze “here, squeeze my hand” he gave you his free hand & gave your hand a few good squeezes. “on three okay. one...two...three” he quickly but gently swiped over your thigh a few times with the wet gauze.“AH” you yelped, the solution felt like lemon on a papercut multiplied by ten. you squeezed koo's hand tight shutting your eyes. “i know it hurts. i'm sorry, i know baby” he said throwing the gauze as he was finished with it. he quickly gave you his other hand to squeeze. “i'm so sorry honey” it hurt him so bad seeing you in such pain it made his heart squeeze every time he felt you tighten your grip on him. the stinging lessened away after a minute. he kissed the tops of your hands, pulling on your arms so that you leaned towards him, pressing a kiss to your lips. he cupped your face with his hands wiping away all the tear streaks he could see with his thumbs. “now we just wrap it okay, sweetheart the hard part is over. i'm proud of you” “thank you baby, & thank you for taking care of me” you sniffed cupping his face. he just about melted before looking for the wrap. after finding it he gently but securely wrapped your thigh, kissing the top of your injury when he was finished. he got up to check the kitchen for anything salvagable. he came back & sat behind you pulling your back to his chest; “i think we should order take out instead, all we were cooking is burnt” you both laughed.
he babied you all night as you ate & watched a movie.
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darkestdalliance · 2 years
Submitted by a follower
“Finally,” I sigh. You finally started stirring; I was nervous the chloroform had been a bit too much for you. You’d taken the short way home through that alley, one where I watched you pass dozens of times. I’d like to think that you never saw me in the dark, tracing your footsteps through the snow and the dirt, but I knew you sensed me. And that you kept coming back despite knowing I was there. A few hours ago, I decided to act. You slipped past my normal hiding spot, and I smoothly approached you from behind with my rag in hand. As I firmly planted it on your nose and mouth, I wrapped my arm under your breasts and held tight as you quickly relaxed. I thought I caught a twinkle of recognition before you blacked out.
As you came to, you found your restraints. I had brought you to the old barn on my hunting property up north, just 45 minutes from where I caught you. I placed you in a table in the barn and tied you down with silk cloth, attaching your arms and legs to poles at the corners of the table—a sort of makeshift canopy bed. The roof tiles had started crumbling under their own weight, so you’d get a good view of the stars as the shone through the darkness of the rural night. With the old oil lanterns providing a warm glow, I was hoping the mood would make sense.
Your eyes widened as you pulled at your restraints with no give. I stood and came to you, and as we locked eyes, you relaxed. I was a little surprised, given the situation, but I saw a small smile form on your lips.
“It’s good to talk,” I said.
“It is. I’ve been wondering when we could. Maybe not…quite like this.”
“Should we go inside?”
“No. Just tell me what you’re going to do.”
I turned around and unfurled a sheath containing a number of hunting knives. I felt your eyes wandering towards them, and then away as you scanned the walls. You had to strain to see the trophies adorning the barn but I heard a soft gasp as I pulled a few tools out of the sheath.
“They’re…what is this?”
I smiled. She wasn’t the first.
“They’re my loves. Well, tokens of my love. All of these women were where you are now.” I walked over to where you lay, 5-inch hunting knife in hand. “I find women like you so…I don’t know, attractive isn’t it. But I found you and I want you. And I feel like, you want to stay with me.” With that, I ran the full edge of the blade down your side, I heard your breath shudder.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Let’s see how you like this, then.” I turned the knife in my hand and placed it between your breasts. I dragged it gently, leaving a thin line about two inches long. There wasn’t any blood yet, but I saw you bite your lip, hard.
You shook your head, vigorously. I took the same knife to your torso, just beneath your bottom left rib. I dragged the knife along the bone’s edge, leaving a longer mark. I saw you biting harder, drawing blood from your lower lip. I pressed a bit deeper and drew a bit of blood myself.
“I can do more, but now it’s going to hurt.”
You were silent, but for a tiny nod. I took the knife by it’s point and placed it at the base of your neck. I pushed in, maybe half a centimeter and dragged it a solid foot, this time leaving a deep, weeping wound. I smiled—this would make the latter stages of this process easier.
I saw a few tears well up through a big smile. And so I continued—cut, after cut, after cut. I asked you before I did anything that would cause lasting damage but you were in ecstasy—as I cut your face, your arms, your hands, your forehead. So many wounds were dripping and heaving after the hour.
I was getting tired when I asked if you were ready for the finale. And with a simple nod, I reached for a longer blade, a short sword measuring maybe a foot and a half. I placed it right above your beating heart. I looked into your face and found peace, and so I pushed and pierced it through and through. A few twitches and, that was it.
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theoriginalladya · 2 years
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I posted 3,524 times in 2022
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#mshenko - 410 posts
#commander shepard - 344 posts
#ladya writes - 267 posts
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Longest Tag: 134 characters
#once in a very blue moon i will get my first name spelled right and then it usually shocks me so badly i need to sit for a minute! lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
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(commissioned art of Caleb Shepard by the fabulous @dr-vauclair-art)
In an effort to try and stir the muses awake in Caleb's ME/WWII crossover world, I've been combing through some prompt lists to see what provokes them. From the 100 Ways to Say I Love You list:
Series: Something Wicked This Way Comes
Work: Keep To the West
Chapter 7: It's okay. I couldn't sleep anyway." (Read in full on AO3)
The glass-paned windows rattled sharply as the wind whipped against them startling Kaidan from restless slumber.  Blinking through the dark, the threads of sleep reluctant to release him to the waking world, he yawned.  Something stirred in his mind – part memory, part dream, yet a reminder of something that was – and he rolled to his other side, content to slip back into unconsciousness.  As tired as he was from the last mission, it was easy to give in, and he nearly had until his arm met emptiness instead of the warmth of the body he expected. 
He's gone…isn’t he?  Lost over the side of –
Bolting upright, a surge of adrenaline raced through him, seeking and finding the weak spots within.  Panic, icy and unrelenting, chilled him to the bone and all thoughts of sleep fled.  The bedding fell in a tangled pool around his waist, restraining him, and his heart thumped wildly in his chest.  It took long moments for calm to return, for memories to sort, for reality to stake its claim once more.
Shepard…alive, returned, safe…
A soft whimper broke free of his chest and escaped his lips.  So much had happened, it was difficult to discern truth and reality from the nightmares that had haunted him for months.
It wasn’t just a dream…was it?  Shepard is alive…?
Read in full on AO3 here
40 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
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Had the Humblebi pattern come across my dash recently and I decided to make a gift for a friend's daughter who likes bees. Fiddled with gauge and yarn (worsted weight (Red Heart Gold) and size 9 needles) to make it a bit bigger, but it knit up like a dream. I've never done a bottom-up knit before, and aside from the struggle of counting out to make sure I had enough stitches at the beginning, it was fun! Might have to make one for myself now! :)
41 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
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and...voila! One Starry Night cake of yarn. The darker color bled a bit during the wash and the lighter colors aren't so bright now, but it still looks really good! Can't wait to have a chance to knit this up!
42 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
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(top picture: Serafina MacKinnon and Alistair Theirin)
(bottom picture: Serafina and her twin, Sean)
Was thinking about my girl earlier today, and decided to stare at the lovely art that @xla-hainex did for me for a while.
Really hoping this means she's prepared to start talking to me again so I can get back to her story over in Dragon Age. She and her twin, Sean, have a LOT to share, and if I can finally get that done, then I might be able to get back to the two of them over in Mass Effect.
45 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Happy Birthday, Commander Shepard!
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See the full post
105 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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i-spaced-sorry · 2 years
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#chicago pd - 380 posts
#jay halstead - 260 posts
#hailey upton - 114 posts
#jesse lee soffer - 105 posts
#one chicago - 52 posts
#tracy spiridakos - 45 posts
#upstead - 41 posts
#chicago fire - 37 posts
#i miss mouse - 32 posts
#upstead 101 - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#this reminds me of when i was in 8th grade and this boy in my drama class was pining for this girl in the class. his best friend knew he was
My Top Posts in 2022:
Can I get a Halstead sister story where she has an serious accident and Jay and Will have an massive argument blaming each other.
Thanks for the request! I loved writing this one and I hope I did it justice!
Halstead Brothers x Halstead!sister Lee Henry x Halstead!sister
The Name of the Game
Being the youngest Halstead had it’s perks. For one you had the majority of the Cities first responders wrapped around your finger. Seriously though your first two boyfriends didn’t know what hit them after they broke your heart. Another thing was bullies left you alone for the most part. No one really wanted to feel the wrath that was Uncle Voight and Uncle Boden. 
Although as much as you enjoyed being the youngest Halstead, sometimes you hated it.  Like today. 
It wasn’t your fault Lee Henry had decided to challenge you to a tree climbing race while you were at the friends of firefighters barbeque. Sure, you were 15 and didn’t need to be climbing trees, but you just couldn’t stop yourself. 
The name of the game was to see who could climb the tree the fastest and you had just witnessed Lee Henry climb with the time of 2 minutes. 
“Beat that Halstead” he laughed while jumping to the ground. Tossing him your phone, you smirked and stated, “gladly.” and began pulling yourself up. 
Lee Henry had watched as you grabbed branch by branch until you were almost to the top. 
He took his eyes off of you for less than a second to check the time - which was impressively at 1 minute 15 seconds. When all of a sudden he heard the unmistakable sound of a branch breaking followed by a thud. 
Looking up he noticed you on the ground unconscious and in a very uncomfortable looking position. 
“Shit!” screamed Lee while running to your side. “Y/N! Wake up!”  he called while slapping and shaking you. When you didn’t stir, he got scared. Looking around he noticed his dad flipping burgers on the grill in a corner, while talking to Jay and Ritter. Feeling uneasy about having to come clean about what happened, he looked at you and shook you one more time. When you didn’t stir, he groaned, scrambled to his feet and ran screaming , “Dad!”
Christopher Herrman was flipping burgers while chatting with Jay Halstead and Darren Ritter, when he heard his son’s heavy footsteps and a scream!
“Dad! Dad!” his son panted when he got closer. 
“What’s wrong Lee?” Herrman asked while putting a hand on his son’s shoulder. 
“Y/N uh we were uh shit uh, it’s all my fault” he stuttered while pointing and making hand gestures miming what happened. 
Jay, who had been half listening up till this point, dropped to his knees and looked Lee Henry in the eyes and calmly asked, “Lee, what happened to Y/N?”
Pushing the tears back, Lee took a breath and began, “we were racing to see who could climb the tree the fastest. I looked away for a minute and the branch broke and she fell out of the tree. She hasn’t regained consciousness. I’m sorry Uncle Jay.”
Sighing, Jay looked at Ritter and Hermann, “It’s okay Lee” he said and he patted Hermann on the back before running towards his sister. Ritter following close behind. 
As Jay and Ritter got closer, they noticed you were finally coming around. Quickly dropping to your side, Jay pushed gently back to the ground, while Ritter started clearing your C-Spine. 
“Jay?” you asked confused. 
“Stay down Y/N, Ritter is just checking you over” calmly stated your brother while running a hand through your hair. 
Furrowing your brow, you frowned, “What happened?” 
“You fell out of the tree. But you’ll be okay” smiled Jay. 
After that, nothing was spoken between the three of you. Until Ritter broke the silence, “Jay, C-Spine is clear, but you really should get her to Med. I think she broke her arm and maybe her leg. But she definitely has a concussion.”
While Ritter was getting up, Jay thanked him and waited til he was out of ear shot to speak to you again. 
“So kid, how about we go see Will at Med”
You nodded and began to try and get up, only to be stopped by Jay. 
“I’ll carry you. It’ll be faster” and with that he picked you up bridal style and carried you to his truck. 
See the full post
214 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
You’re Okay
Jay Halstead x Halstead!Sister (includes Sarah Reese) Requested: yes A/N: I don’t have OCD myself, but I did a bunch of research to make sure I was portraying it respectfully. I hope the way I wrote this came off respectfully.
“Jay, I really don’t understand why we are here? I’m fine,” Y/N stated from her spot on the gurney. You were sat up in a treatment room in the ED of Chicago Med in a gown and in the socks you and your friends affectionately called ‘grippy socks’, with your big brother. Outside your room was a nurse sitting in a chair watching your room like a hawk.
“Y/N, like I told you the last time you asked, we are here cause I’m worried about you. You are always repeating the same task over and over again, get agitated when I or Will mess up the task and you seem to be more anxious than usual. Now relax and watch whatever this is” Jay stated while gesturing lazily to the small TV in the corner of the room playing some show about a ladybug superhero. 
Leaning back against your pillow, you played with your admission bracelet and thought about how you ended up here. 
You were sitting in your room tracing all the corners your walls created with your eyes, when you heard Jay get home. You began to hear Will chatting with Jay and you knew he was snitching on you. You were mad sure, but another part of you was sure that nothing would come of it. Next thing you knew the front door could be heard being slammed shut and Jay knocked on your bedroom door. 
“Y/N, I think we need to talk” he stated when he walked into your room. 
You just kept tracing the corners of your walls. 
“Y/N, look at me, I need to talk to you”
Blinking, you looked at Jay with a pissed off face and huffed out, “you messed me up. Now I have to start again!” And then you diverted your eyes and began tracing the corners of the walls again. 
“I talked to Will, he thinks you should get a psych eval at Med.” continued Jay, testing the waters. You just ignored him and kept your task going. 
“Like tonight,” he added. 
And next thing you knew you were in the back of your brother’s pickup truck with the kid safe locks on. 
The ED that night was rather slow - it was 10pm. After getting admitted, you were taken into a small room away from Jay. The nurse began taking your temperature, pricked your finger for some blood, and took your height and weight. After that, you were moved to a gurney in the hallway next to the nurses station. The nurse told you they were prepping a room for you and would call Jay back for you. 
20 minutes later - after a doctor came by and checked your lungs and heart - you were moved into a room. 
“I’m going to need you to change into this gown and these socks. And everything you have on you needs to go into this bag, okay sweetheart?” calmly stated the nurse while laying the gown, socks, and plastic bag on the bed.
Once you were changed and all your’s and Jay’s belongings  collected, you were sitting on the bed watching whatever show the nurse had switched on for you, when you looked over at Jay and asked, “Jay why are we here? I’m fine. This is all so unnecessary.” 
Jay sighed, “humor me” and with that you began staring at the nurse outside your room.
“Y/N, I’m going to step out for a little while, just so Dr. Reese can evaluate you.” said Jay pulling you out of your thoughts. You nodded and waved as he exited and closed the door. 
Reese walked over to your brothers chair and sat down, 
“So Y/N, I know this can seem really scary having a psych eval, but trust me it’s super painless.”
“Okay,” you smiled. 
Reese crossed her legs and picked up her clipboard and smiled, “okay, so I’ll ask you some basic questions first. So do you know why you're here tonight in the ED?”
“I have way to overprotective brothers who think I need a psych eval because I’m too anxious” Y/N easily replied. 
You watched as Reese checked something on her clipboard and then she asked, “Do you know the day, month, and year?”
“July 31st, 2022” you hummed out. 
Reese smiled again, “you're doing great so far Y/N. Have you consumed alcohol in the past two week?” 
You shook your head, “wouldn’t dare to”
Reese chuckled and continued, “Have you done drugs in the past two weeks?”
Shaking your head you added, “With a cop for a brother? I don’t have a death wish”
See the full post
220 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
Rough Night
Hailey x Jay x Halstead!sister When the reader has a rough day she goes to Jay but ends up getting help from Hailey.  Warning: mentions of panic attacks, anxiety, mentions of self harm (not graphic more on the vague side of things)
Please know that you are loved and people care about you! If you are struggling please reach out to someone you trust!
‘Please be home. Please be home’ you thought to yourself while you knocked on your brother’s door. You hadn’t had a bad night in just a little over 3 months, but you woke up this morning and felt like it was going to be one. You had tried to enact your safety plan. You put on your comfy outfit ~ your ‘we’ll all just be skeletons one day’ pajama pants that had pockets and your oversized sweatshirt Will had given you. ~ you also tried to distract yourself the majority of the day by watching your comfort shows. 
But now it was nearing 9pm and you could feel yourself spiraling and knew you had to get out of your apartment. Instead of calling Jay to let him know you were coming, you decided to just walk to his place. The walk over should have been easy, but you felt on edge and were constantly looking over your shoulder. 
Now here you stood in front of his door on the verge of tears just wanting to be in the embrace of your favorite big brother. 
“Y/N?!” questioned Hailey as she opened the door. 
‘Fuck! Jay either wasn’t home or Hailey and him were in the middle of something’ you thought.
“What’s going on?” inquired Hailey as she saw your change of facial expression.
“Uh, is Jay here?” you felt your voice waver as you spoke. 
“He actually just ran to the store” responded Hailey.
Looking behind you, you shifted on your feet before looking down at the horrid maroon carpet that was in the hallway of Jay’s apartment complex. “Oh, I’ll just go then” you said.
As you turned to walk away, Hailey called out, “Hey! You can come in if you want. He should be right back.”
You smiled and nodded as she led you inside. Once she closed the door she walked you to the couch and the two of you sat down. 
“Is this a ‘only my big brother can help me’ situation, or can I get in the loop?” asked Hailey, breaking the silence. 
You pulled your knees up to your chest and sighed, “I’m not sure if you would understand.”
“You could always say it to me and if I can’t help, then we can just wait for Jay.”
“Ok,” you began. 
Breathing you laid back and went criss cross applesauce in your spot and began to explain. 
“So, ever since I started college, I’ve been on meds for Anxiety. I haven’t had a bad day or a full blown panic attack since getting on the meds. But 2 months ago, I had a really rough night and Jay ended up walking me off the edge. I’ve been doing really well since then. I haven’t been so overwhelmed with life and have taken a step back from certain things, and I even made it one month clean for the first time in a year and half, but uh I don’t know I woke up today and just felt off. I enacted my safety plan but I just am so overwhelmed! Everyone is telling me to be happy since happy things are happening such as me graduating in a week and all of these other things, but I’m more overwhelmed and - and” and before you knew it the hoover dam in your eyes finally broke and you were sobbing. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay to be overwhelmed! I totally understand what you're going through!” soothed Hailey while pushing back your hair.
“Really? But you're so confident and badass” you sobbed. 
Chuckling to herself, Hailey spoke softly, “I wasn’t always this confident. I too was plagued with anxiety and was on meds for a while.”
Wiping the back of your hand under your nose, you smiled, “really?”
Smiling, Hailey added, “really. And can I let you in on a little secret?”
You nodded. 
“I’m also in recovery” she whispered. 
Your eyes went wide! You couldn’t believe the badass, confident cop who was banging your brother was also in recovery, “What!?!” You exclaimed!
Hailey nodded and laughed, “yea, for 10 years. It does get easier, the urges will die down and it also helps to have a good support system. Which it seems like you have.”
“10 years?!? I can’t even envision making it past 1 year!” you whispered. 
See the full post
253 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Heart Rate
Connor Rhodes x Reader Requested: @kp9983 I was wondering if you’d write where reader works as a veterinary technician and passes out at work so shes brought into the ED and they page him down to check her out to make sure it’s not a heart issue (it can be something super simple) and when he’s listening to her heart it speeds up because he makes her nervous being so close cause he’s cute so he starts flirting with her?
Warning: hospital jargon 
Thank you for the request! I loved this idea and I hope I did it justice! This was also my first time writing flirting, so I hope it’s good!
It was never a struggle to get out of bed when the best boyfriend in the whole world, laid next to you! But for some reason today was extra difficult for Y/N. Chalking it up to just soreness from yoga from the night before, she finally lifted her body up and out from under the sheets. Sitting on her knees facing her pillow, she looked at the sleeping form next to her and smiled. ‘Today will be a good day’ you  thought to yourself and she finally got out of bed. 
Once in the bathroom, you pulled out some Motrin and popped a few tablets in. You then repeated the same mantra from earlier.
Getting ready for work was slow, for some reason everything ached and all you wanted to do was lie back down, but when you worked as a vet tech duty calls!
At work you saw your pet patients and loved every second of it. Your body still aches but how can you be in a sour mood when you're surrounded by animals all day. 
“Y/N, I’m going to order lunch from the Thai place that just opened up around the corner, want anything?” asked your fellow tech and best friend Andrea. 
Looking up from the desk, you smiled and responded, “I’m fine, I’m not really hungry, but thanks for the offer” 
“Okay,” replied Andrea as she grabbed her purse and headed towards the door. 
You waited til the door swung shut before pulling the drawer next to you open. You reached inside and grabbed the bottle of Motrin. You took two more tablets and then quickly threw the bottle back in the drawer and shut the drawer. 
Looking at the clock on the wall, it read 11:45am, ‘5 more hours Y/N. You got this! Today is going to be a good day’ you thought to yourself. 
At that moment the door swung open to reveal a female with her mountain cur feist dog.
Getting up to greet them, you all of a sudden felt a wave of dizziness wash over you and before you could utter the words, ‘good morning’ you hit your head on the desk and fell to the floor, unconscious. 
Waking up, you didn’t feel achy anymore and you felt yourself lean into the soft bed. ‘Did Andrea let you -’ 
Before you could finish your thought the curtain was pulled back and Dr. Ethan Choi was standing in front of you. 
“Y/N, glad to see you’ve regained consciousness. Do you remember what happened?” asked Choi.
“I was achy and then got dizzy, but I don’t remember passing out” you answered. 
As he began to check your vitals he spoke, “that’s okay, has this happened before?”
Stifling a laugh you respond, “What? Fainting? No”
Dr. Choi began to write something down on the tablet and then spoke to you, “You don’t have a concussion or anything, but I do want to get Connor down here to do an EKG to see if it had anything to do with your heart”
You nodded. You really didn’t think it was necessary for your boyfriend to have to look at your heart, but considering Connor was the top radiologist at Med, you weren’t complaining. 
“You sit tight,” stated Choi as he stepped out to call for Connor. 
“Today was supposed to be a good day” you whispered to yourself. 
“And it still will be,” exclaimed Connor as he pulled back the curtain and walked up next to you. 
“I don’t know why this is all necessary,” you pouted. 
Connor took his stethoscope and put it under your shirt. You felt your heart beating faster due to having your boyfriend's hand under your shirt. 
He stopped what he was doing and looked at you, “Y/N, I’m not going to be able to get an accurate read if your heart is beating faster than it was a few seconds ago” Connor stated. 
“It’s not my fault,” you shot back. 
See the full post
344 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Requested by: @kp9983
I was thinking reader being jay and will halsteads child sister and they both are on shift so they ask Kelly to watch her not realizing she’s sick because she tried to hide it to not trouble anyone until she’s very sick and has to tell Kelly so he takes her to med calling both brothers and they come and comfort her because she’s really emotional since she feels guilty over bothering them at work
Jay x Will x Halstead!sister x Firehouse 51 Y/N age: 7
Thanks for the request, I hope you like it!
“Let’s go kiddo! Will and I both have to get to work and we need to drop you by the firehouse before we do,” called your older brother Jay. 
Normally you would be ecstatic to be spending the day with Firehouse 51, but today you woke up and your tummy hurt like heck. But you really wanted to spend the day with 51 and Tuesday! So you suck it up, jump off your bed and fast walk into the hallway, where your brothers are putting on their shoes. 
“Come on, Y/N, sit on the ground and we can put on your shoes,” stated Jay as he helped you sit on the ground. 
He walked away for a second and then reappeared with your twinkle toe shoes and your converse. “Which ones?” he asked. Taking your time to choose, your mouth curved up and down while you thought. Finally pointing to the converse and stating confidently, “those ones!”Jay helped you put them on and you guys were off!
“Thanks again Kelly! I didn’t realize Will had picked up an extra shift this week,” explained Jay, when he dropped you off.
“Not a problem, we love the kid like our own, you know that!” replied Kelly, as he placed a hand on the top of your head and smiled. 
After Jay left, you ran and high fived all the firefighters and even Tuesday!
Hermann lifted you up and stated, “the firehouse made pancakes, do you want any?”
You thought for a moment, remembering how your tummy hurt and decided in that little 7 year old brain of yours that pancakes probably weren’t a good idea. 
“No thank you,” you sighed, remembering to add the ‘thank you’ part from what Will had taught you. 
The firefighters who were around, looked at Hermann and shared the same facial expression. You never turned down pancakes! 
“Are you feeling okay kiddo?” asked Mouch. 
“Yea, they are really good, we even got some with blueberries in them,” added Mills, who had made those ones special just for you. 
You sighed and thought, maybe if you ate something the hurt in your tummy would go away. 
“Okay, 1 pancake” you say sadly. 
The firefighters erupt in excitement and Hermann throws you in the air! “Let’s go kiddo!” and everyone walks towards the kitchen!
After breakfast, you decided to lay down in the sleeping quarters. Of course Mills let you sleep in his bed, because he, much like the other firefighters, saw you as his little sister. But laying there, you found your tummy didn’t just hurt anymore, but now it felt like it was on fire! And you were beginning to feel hot and cold. 
As much as you didn’t want to leave, you slid off the bed and went in search of Kelly or Hermann to tell them you needed to go home. 
However before you reached the kitchen, you heard the all too familiar bells and alarms sound, insinuating that there was a fire. So you sighed and walked back to the sleeping quarters to lie down and hope the pain stopped on its own. 
You laid in Mill’s bed for what felt like hours, staring at the wall beside you, trying to control your breathing when you began to see black spots painting the wall. The next thing you knew you saw total darkness. 
When you awoke, your tummy didn’t hurt anymore, but you felt a cool feeling in your right hand. Looking down, you noticed an IV (that’s what Will told you it was called). 
“Y/N! You're awake” cried Jay, as he jumped up from the chair next to you and hugged you!
When he released the hug, he looked at you and smiled sadly. 
“What happened Jay Jay?” you asked, not remembering coming to the hospital. 
He scooted the chair close to your bed and held your hand and spoke, “You had appendicitis” 
See the full post
386 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pampersgirl5 · 5 months
Land of Goo-Doo
Reports of missing people have been on the rise since last May. There are very similar circumstances into the disappearances of most of the missing person reports. Such as abandoned vehicles in roughly the same spot. No sign of struggles or any evidence to prove any wrongdoing. Besides the abandoned vehicle accompanied by the missing persons reports.
Amy, since you are one of our leading detectives, I am going to ask you to accompany me in an attempt to uncover what is going on. I would like you to meet me at the sight of all the abandoned vehicles at 2000 this evening and hopes to uncover valuable insite as to these disappearances. I am also requesting you bring your personal vehicle when you head to the rondavou point. "Got it, Sgt. I'll be their at 2000 this evening." Said Amy.
At 19:45, Amy got into her car and began the 10-minute drive over to the local park in the upper end of town. The ride took no time she was pulling into the park parking area. She was the only person there at first, and then the lead Sgt was pulling in. Parking his car next to Amy's, he got out and knocked on amys window. Amy rolled her window down. "Evening Amy," sadi the Sgt. "Ready for a long night?"
"Long!" Amy stated with a look of puzzlement. "Get in," she said rather puzzled. "23 disappearance's in the past 3 months. We need to stake out the area to determine what is going on. We need to catch whoever is causing these disappearances. "Makes total sense, but what do you expect to see?" There is 24 hr monitoring, and there has been no sign of any illegal activity since the incident in early May. I am not sure, but I think these disappearances have something to do with the incident."
Three days of continued overnight observations have yielded no evidence. However, on the fourth, something odd started to happen. Just as Amy pulled in to the parking lot at around 19:45 she saw a blue light emitting from inside the park but turned tou to be a reflection from a lamp poll only the lamp poll was not lit. She radioed to her Sgt. to inform him, but when he arrived, everything seemed in order.
Nothing happened for the next week as it has been 10 days and nothing happened. The detectives were slightly annoyed. There were no results. "You want anything, Amy? Asked the Sgt. on the 10th day. I'm good. Amy said, slightly tired, as it was almost midnight. "All right, I'm gonna run to the Mart to get something for myself," he stated.
As the Sgt was leaving, Amy once again saw the strange blue light, but this time it was what looked like a toddler. Amy didn't think twice and immediately jumped out of her car and followed the blue light that was beginning to take on the appearance of a toddler. "STOP!" said but all that happened was the light went out and it became total darkness. Knowing what was going on, she stood still. Listening extreamly anxiously. Just then, the air around her felt like it had dropped 50 degrees in temperature.
Amy was completely blind at this point, frozen in fear as the temperature continued to drop. She closed her eyes, but the moment she closed her eyes, everything righted itself, or so she thought.
She had woken up in a what looked like a futuristic hospital. Everything was huge. She was in what looked like a plastic bed and had several stickers on its sides. As she stirred, a huge woman walked in and asked Amy if she was OK.
Amy asked rather confused. "Where am I?" But what Amy heard was gibberish. The nurse said in a calm voice... "Their, Their, NO need to babble. "Let me get the doctor he's gonna want to see you." As the nurse left the room, Amy looked around, and the room was designed to look like a nursery. Next to her were other plastic beds, but it made no sense what was going on! She was just in the city park and now she was in... a room in a plastic bed with blankets and a pillow...
Amy tried to sit up, but as she tried, the only thing that happened was that she jerked her leg and pooted. At this point, Amy was scared and began to cry. As the doctor was walking in, he walked over to Amy, but he was massive. The man scooped up Amy and held her in his arms. He cradled her as to try and sooth her... "Nurse, can you get me a change for Amy? I think our new one just made a gift for us!"
Moments later, Amy was placed on a huge table, and her clothes were being removed... Amy tried to resist, but it was no use. The doctor was almost 30 feet tall, or so she thought. The nurse came over and said, "Here you are, doctor. Amy looked at the doctor and then the nurse, then at what the nurse was holding. You have to be kidding me. Amy screamed! There, there, little one, it will be alright the nurse said with a motherly smile...
Amy looked down, and she was indeed wearing a diaper, and it looked a total mess and even smelled too.
Amy, at this point, mortified and screamed on top of her lungs. To her dismay, the nurse stepped in and changed Amy as if it were something she did every day. She was wiped clean, a cream was applied, and then some powder. Then, lastly, the diaper the whole while Amy was squirming and screaming. The nurse then put her clothes back on what felt like super soft jammies that enveloped her. It was a really snug but warm and soothing feeling Amy's sobs slowed, and the nurse bought Amy over to the doctor, and the doctor stated she is in good health. It's time to bring her to the patiant. She has been waiting for hrs.
Amy was placed back in the plastic bed, but as she was placed in the bed, Amy suddenly found herself falling asleep instantly. When she opened her eyes, she could see tree tops and what looked like the sun dancing thru the tree branches. Though she could not move, she heard voices calling for Amy, but Amy could not respond. Whenever she spoke, she heard nothing. What was going on. Her Sgt walked inches from her. Amy again tried to get his attention, but nothing happened. He continued walking, calling her name.
Amy was now unsure of anything anymore. If she thought right, she was invisible and left no trace of her disappearance. Then again, she remembered she was just in a gigantic hospital, unable to speak, and was being treated like a baby. Nothing made sense, and this again made Amy start crying. Though as soon as she started crying, she felt something being placed in her mouth. She opened her eyes only to realise it was her mom giving her a pacifier.
She tried to spit it out and say something. Though her mom only put the pacifier back in her mouth and said there, there Amy mommy's here. Mommy's got you... it will be all right, and I started singing softly to Amy, cradling her in her arms and rocking her as to help her sleep. Amy was not sure what was going on, thought it seemed real.
Amy slowly closed her eyes and was soon fast asleep dreaming of the park she was laying again in the same place but now it was dark and she could see many people but everyone looked like they were toddlers. Just then, one of the toddlers walked over to Amy and asked her if she was alright. Amy softly said, "I'm not sure." "Well you will be," the toddler said, smiling. "My name is Allison, and what is your name?" she asked. "Amy"
Amy asked what was going on, and Allison looked scared when asked. "I can't say anything. If they hear me, I'll have to start over. I don't want to start over. I have come so far." Allison, please tell me I won't say anything. Amy begged Allison. Allison only shook her head and said, "Mommy won't be happy if I say." You gotta find out on your own. No one wants to meet Mommy. She gets very angry, and bad things happen.
"Like what?" Amy asked. Alison showed Amy her toes, and one was missing. "Did mommy do this to you, Allison?" "Yes, because I told someone what was going on, and mommy cut off a toe, and I had to start over from the beginning. It was so painful. I can't say Amy, I just can't." A voice was echoing from the distance, and Allison looked scared it was calling "A.....m.....y..... come to Mommy!" In a flash of blue light, Amy was laying infeont of what looked like a lizard but then changed into human form.
"Welcom to the land of Goo-Doo from this moment forward I am to be referred to as Mommy and nothing else. You are to remain in Goo-Doo for all eternity and the more you behave and do right you get to return to your world durring the day time be it every time you fall asleep you will return here for evaluation nightly.
There are rules to follow, and if you break the rules, you will return to me, and I will take something from you, and you will have to begin your life over again, missing what I took. If you miss behave too many times, there may not be enough to return you to your world, so keep in mind it will be painful starting over missing something...
However, for now, I am going to give you a pass. You didn't know you would get Allison in trouble, so I will let you pass. However, you will not have to start over, being you are only 13 min old. You will go back, and when you return here every night, you are to behave and not try and get others in trouble because I see all, I know all and lying is strictly forbidden."
Amy again saw a blue light, and then she realized she was being fed her mom's milk. She was super hungry and super tired and super weak. She couldn't move anything. She felt limp and no thought could move much other than the sudden jerk or twitch her body would do at random. The sensation of being a baby again was scary because not being able to move the way she wanted or to do anything for herself was scary in of itself.
0 notes
I was wandering around yesterday thinking about numbers: what is a number? What do they mean by transcendental? I could see some translations fairly well, notably that rationals are both 1 in I//I, that alternating series generate out of 1 and 0 in I//I, and that both 0’s in I//I are something else. I was thinking about this from the perspective of cardinality, so the first is finite, the second is countably infinite, and the third is uncountable. You can see why 0//0 is uncountable in the notation for it: it’s the reverse of that which determines, which reduces the D-structure to that labelable value or point or End that we call a number, especially but not limited to a counting numeral.
I’m stunned how easy it is while typing to drop the not. That’s because there is meaning in that not limited, so when you remove it, then we have the full abstraction to just a numeral, which can be used to say polynomial this numeral because algebraic numbers are countable. You can see why, I hope (typed dope): an algebraic number is in a single variable and is a root, which literally says that we are constructing a number in grid squares, which of course we are. Algebraic numbers literally construct in grid squares, so they must be constrained, meaning finite, to an extent, and that quality of finiteness is the restriction to countable out of uncountable. So we can say that algebraic numbers, like the conceptions of a limit - referring to the epsilon-delta formulation but also more - are 1//0 and 0//1 constructed. That sentence stirred a lot of imagery, but it won’t come into words.
You can see then that 0//0 is uncountable because it doesn’t come to 1 but is infinite. This means every count carries with it that truth, which can then be restricted to countable or finite, which takes that out of 0//0 to perhaps 1//1.
This is really amazing stuff. I love how this reads, how it looks, how it sounds in my mind. I’m really tapped these days more and more and more into the truth. I wandered around thinking, got some ideas, woke up, and the answers were ready for me to type. This has always been the case, but these answers are deep. I’m used to getting images I could barely translate. Or a sense of something that took hours or days of intensity to pull together. I haven’t been out of bed for 45 minutes. All I’ve done is feed the birds and change the cat food bag. I went down the driveway to feel the sun. I’ve been sitting for maybe 20 minutes, and I suddenly have this understanding of the number structure that I didn’t have yesterday. Like a new module has been loaded into my processor.
BTW, that bothers: the HAL9000 series would need to make a mistake because floating point arithmetic is not infinitely deep, and every now and then some process gets cut off which would have risen up a different path in the D-structure, and you get a false sensor reading. What bothers me is that they didn’t need this device to do the movie. HAL could simply have observed the relative human incompetence, and made a decision. But why then not cut the oxygen off in the ship? That’s what I love about Kubrick: he does such a great job of creating the sensation of reality when it’s completely unreal. Like that absurd scene in Full Metal Jacket when the camera goes down the line of men, like it’s a WWII movie, except they’re modern soldiers speaking versions of truths we accept as real because it looks real, and the little bits are done in character so well, for a movie shot on an island in the Thames.
When I imagined a science fiction movie, it was always about romance underlying the adventure. But to be blunt, I think my conceptions were all versions of playing with you. Vivid memories of playing in caves, in adventure stories with you, and they often versions of where are what, what is going on, what have we figured out so far, so basically a role-playing game
I was just visualizing how VR can be useful in teaching. As in, have kids about to drive take lessons in VR headsets so they can learn how to judge traffic speed, how to make turns like lefts on to undivided roads, how to drive through an area with people. Imagine the VR training kids where to keep their eyes, how to notice danger, how to check a blind spot, etc.
I’d bet VR would be extremely useful in teaching young children who have coordination issues, both gross and fine motor. I think a number of problems could be solved by proper education, where education means finding and developing whatever tools are necessary to help.
Back to numbers. I hit a flipping place, a Complication was the notation, like the typing or not of not, at irrational numbers. I think that resolved above: irrational now clearly includes the transcendental and the algebraic.
So, I guess I can take a break. I expected this would be a difficult task. Oh wait, so the real numbers are now defined properly using the finite and infinite forms, all in the construction of grid squares through DC&R in D-structure. I’m impressed.
Forgot: it’s 8 April 2023.
I’m thinking TREE(3) reflects Triangular. Makes sense that when TREE(2) ‘connects’ those 2 colors, that the 1 would then be another color, so that allows a 3 color function to run across Triangular. I’m not sure about this because I need to see how TREE(3) forms, but it should be true because then Triangular maps to a finite but immense form, one bigger than the universe by a lot.
This appears to be correct. I forgot TREE(3) requires a common ancestor, which literally draws Triangulars.
And I think the issue with Graham’s number is that they’re ‘avoiding’ a full grid square, meaning the sides and hypotenuses connected, and that is the largest it can reach. I assume the G64 part, the massive iteration to that, is 2^6, but I’m not sure. All the material is enthralled by showing off how huge these numbers are.
0 notes
togrowoldinv · 2 years
Congratulations on 1,000 followers friend! you are so amazing and so deserve this!
for your prompts, how about 49 and 45 with wanda and gn reader?
Thank you so much! 💙 This is my favorite celebration fic I've written so far. I hope that you enjoy it!
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Italics are flashbacks
"Do you want to get out of here?"
"Did we really accidentally get married in Vegas?"
1,000 Followers Celebration Masterlist
When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you notice is your pounding head and a warmth next to you. You turn over and Wanda is curled up in the bed. Both of you are fully clothed.
But it’s not your bed, it’s not her bed, and you aren’t even dating Wanda.
You blink a few times to try and process what’s happening and Wanda stirs awake next to you.
“Y/n, what happened?” she asks confusedly, and you just shake your head. “Where are we?”
“I have no idea,” you answer. You both sit up and try to put the pieces together. Your mind flashes back to the one conversation you remember from last night.
Wanda looked good. To be fair, she always looked good, but she got especially dressed up for the Stark Gala. You found yourself unable to keep your eyes off of her.
“Hey y/n,” Wanda said as she approached you. “You look amazing.” She hugged you and left a lingering kiss on your cheek.
“You look gorgeous, Wanda. You are gorgeous,” you told her. The two of you always flirted with each other, but these were just genuine compliments. Something in the air felt different.
“Do you want to get out of here?” Wanda asked, not even five minutes after she’d entered the gala.
“Absolutely, I do,” you said and took her hand to leave the party.
And that’s the last thing you remember until waking up here.
“Where did we go when we left?” Wanda asks, she runs her hand through her hair, and you catch sight of a gold band on her hand. You look down and see a matching one on yours.
“Hm, yeah?” she asks, still groggy from her sleep.
“Rings. We have rings,” you say, and her eyes go wide. She gets out of the bed and sees a notebook on the table with the hotel you’re apparently in’s name on it.
“And we’re in Las Vegas,” Wanda adds.
“Did we really accidentally get married in Vegas?” you ask the mostly rhetorical question.
“I don’t know if it was an accident. It’s starting to come back to me, and I think we wanted to do this,” Wanda says. “At least I did.”
“I think you’re right and I did too,” you say.
You walk to her and take the hand. You feel the coolness of the wedding band against your palm. Getting on one knee in front of her, you look up to see her smiling at you almost goofily.
“Wanda Maximoff, my beautiful wife, will you go on a date with me?”
“Yes, yes of course I will!” Wanda replies and you stand up to hug her.
You kiss her lips and you two savor the moment. It’s the first kiss you two remember sharing and it could not be any more perfect.
Tag List: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @nataliaromanova-widow @be-missed @mythosphere-x @hehehehannahthings @likefirenrain @madamevirgo @milfloverslut @yelenabelovaisthebettersister @mrswidowjohansson @alotofpockets @wandassitcom @marvelwomen-simp @maia-lightwoood @xxromanoffxx @ggrangerdanger @peanutbutterprincess @exhaustedfangirl @when-wolves-howl @marie45019 @inluvwithfictionalwomen @sammi1642 @itsyourgirlmalise @jujuu23 @kacka84 @the-night-owl-blr @strangegardentaco @avatarsnips
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andysbubba · 3 years
Loving you
Andy Barber x Gender neutral (?) reader
-> the one where you’re tired of andy’s igorance towards himself
Note: Angst diffusing into fluff, the typical andy-kitchen scene i used in my candlelight loving fic— except there’s no smut, ++ feedbacks welcomed as always! and reblogs and likes are more than appreciated <33
𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
“Andy, baby. Will you please take a break?” You exasperatedly sigh when you see Andy still hovering over his desk in his study after the fifth time you told him to take some time to rest.
“I know, I know. Just a little more, honey. I’ll join you in bed in a bit, okay?” He only looked up at you for barely a second to reply before his eyes were back on the stacks of case studies and folders on his desk.
Truth be told, you were completely done with his bullshit.
You huff in frustration, rolling your eyes the slightest bit and muttering to yourself as you distanced yourself from Andy��s home office with full annoyance. “Fucking lawyers.”
Andy’s been fully hung up on work ever since one of his co-workers took a vacation off work just last week. Meaning that his already-extensive workload just got an upgrade. Also meaning that he’d drag his workload home and continue working his ass off in his study. Which really- there’s nothing wrong with your boyfriend being all diligent and assiduous.
But it really doesn’t seem all that glorifying when you’re the one having to deal with all his crap. You could’ve probably list down all the times he put fucking paperwork above you, and the list would probably have been as long as Article 1.
Unbeknownst to you, Andy caught onto what you said right before you left his study. He felt guilty, alright. All he’s done is to be a complete work-addict while you’re out there being the best lover one can ever ask for. And all he wants to do is to chase after you and apologize and stay in bed and order in pizza with you. But the never ending workload on his desk was the one thing keeping him away from having you all snug in his chest.
He shakes his head, eyes glancing back down at his work. He was beyond exhausted, the pot of coffee you made him and the hope that the earlier he wraps his work up, the earlier he can shower you with all the love you deserved, was his only motivation to keep reading though the files and trying to get as much work done.
You groggily rubbed your eyes as you tried to feel around the sheets for Andy. And honestly? You weren’t even surprised that he wasn’t there. It was 7 in the morning, and it was too early for Andy to be up if he actually went to sleep last night. You could only assume that he never even went to bed, no matter how much you wished otherwise.
You head out to his study, the door’s still opened as it was yesterday and the faint noise of keyboard clicking tells you that Andy’s still working inside.
“Babe?” You knocked on the wooden door, trying to get his attention.
Andy’s hunched in his seat, eyes switching between his laptop and the files from time to time as he typed. He glances up at you, just a little surprised.
“Did you get some sleep, honey?” You asked, even though you knew you’d only receive the answer you dreaded so much.
He glances at the digital clock on the wall, only realising that it’s been 6 hours since you last came in to check on him. He scratches the back of his neck as he shook his head and mentally cursed himself. “I—”
He considered lying, but he already felt as bad for leaving you to sleep alone the whole night and breaking his promise on joining you in bed. And knowing you, you’d probably see right through his lies anyway.
You sigh, shaking your head and disappointedly rubbing your face. “I swear to god, Andrew—” You turned away before you could allow yourself to get even more pissed at him. Which most probably would’ve been impossible.
Caffeine. God— caffeine sounds fucking amazing right now.
Andy’s beyond guilty. So much more than what he felt yesterday. And his heart burns when he sees you so disappointed and pissed at him. The kind of pain where it feels like it’s being crushed and squashed.
He didn’t even realise that he went a whole night of work without sleep. Nor did he realise the time. Or that he forgot to keep his promise to join you in bed. Or the fact that he never paid attention to you for more than 5 minutes in the last 10 hours. Or that he didn’t join you for dinner. Or— okay, the list is long alright. And Andy knows he’s hurt you- the one person who’s patient enough to deal with him and the one person he loves above anything else in the goddamn world.
He ditched his laptop and stood up. Stretching his legs and working out the kinks in his muscles.
Andy trailed behind your footsteps, leaving his study for the first time in almost a day. It really took you to be angry at him just to get him out of the study. Andy knows his sorry isn’t enough. And you truly deserved every right to be pissed at him.
You were sorting your morning tea out when he came into the kitchen. Andy couldn’t help but smile fondly at you- or rather, your back really. For goodness sake, Andy’s head over heels in love with you. With every inch of you from head to toe. It is truly indescribable.
He steps up behind you, arms wrapping around your shoulders, and his chin resting on the tiny area joining your shoulder and your neck.
“Hi, baby,” He pressed a soft kiss on where his chin was before.
He wasn’t surprised that you stayed silent and continued doing your own thing. He knows damn well he deserves the silent treatment, alright.
“Honey,” He trails off as his thumbs rubbed circles on both sides of your shoulder. “Talk to me please, baby.”
You let out a heavy sigh, unwilling to turn and look at him, but you knew stirring tea wasn’t enough to occupy the next 3 minutes of your life, let alone the next few hours.
Andy turns you around by your shoulders, one hand shifting your mug to the side so he doesn’t accidentally mess up more and end up spilling hot tea all over you. He picks you up by your sides and sets you down softly on the counter.
His head was around your chest level now. As much as Andy wanted to bury his head in your chest and stay there forever, he knows he has to say something because you definitely won’t say it first. He takes your hands in his, bringing it up to his lips and kissing your knuckles, his pretty blue eyes staring up at you the whole time.
One look and you know he’s sorry. His watery eyes bring you to that conclusion.
“I’m sorry, honey.” He sighs, guiltily holding your palm up to the side of his face. “I know I hurt you. I was just so focused on the case that I didn’t even realise I hurt you, baby. You deserve all the right to be mad at me and ignore me and- fuck. I really messed up, Y/n.”
Andy shakes his head, “I just thought that if I wrapped up all my work, I’d have more time with you.” He chuckles humourlessly. “I know what I did was wrong, baby. You gave me more than enough chances yesterday but I messed up every one and I left you.”
He glances into your eyes desperately, his hand gripping onto your palm on his cheek tightly. You know it’s a silent plea for you to respond and do that thing he loves about your touch.
You find yourself surrendering to his silent plea, and your thumb brushed the side of his face. Soft and repeatedly. The comfort it brought Andy was beyond words. He leaned into your palm, seeking more of your touch.
“You’ve been nothing but understanding and caring and I just kept on taking advantage of that.” Andy was grateful he had someone as amazing as you. “ I’m so sorry I hurt you, honey. I know I j- just completely left you alone— and shit, you don’t deserve that, my love.” The crack in his voice broke your resolve.
You breathed deeply, bringing your other palm up to the other side of his face. “Baby, you really don’t get it, do you?” You paused, searching his eyes before realising that Andy didn’t truly understand why you were upset in the first place. “Andy, everytime I came up to check on you— that was for you. I wanted you to get some rest, honey. You looked exhausted every single time I came in, and I hated that you just ignored your own health.”
“You skipped dinner, bub.” Your hands shifts down to the back of his neck, pulling him in closer. “All this overworking and sleepless nights— I just wish you’d take care of yourself more, Andy.”
Andy sighs, hands shifting down to your hips and he leans in, burying his head in the middle of your chest.
You felt his lips moving against your his shirt as he murmured. “I know, ‘m sorry.” Andy inhaled deeply, your natural, comforting scent piercing through his nose. “I missed you, bubba,”
You run a hand through his hair. “I missed you too, love.” You lean down and kissed the top of his head. “You wanna go wash up or get some rest while I heat up yesterday’s dinner?”
“Wanna stay just like this.” He mumbled into the fabric of your his shirt.
You laughed heartily, “Go nap on the couch, Barbie.” He pulls away from your chest. “Or at least, please go brush your teeth. I’ll fix up somethin’ for you.”
“And sleep with me after?” He arched a brow, and you took the time to scan over Andy’s face. He looks so fucking exhausted. The dark circles under his eyes and the barely noticeable strands of gray hair among the luscious black is a simple message that he was stressed. And god, you wanted nothing more than to take care of him and make sure he’s all healthy and— lord.
“Anything you want, baby. As long as you don’t step foot in the study till tomorrow afternoon.” You pressed your forehead against his, lips touching into an easy kiss.
You were both exhausted— Andy with his lack of sleep and you having to worry over him almost every 45 minutes. You both needed the rest. And some time together where it’s just the two of you and no one else exists.
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queenshelby · 3 years
The Last Semester - Part Four
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Smut
Words: 3,003
Original Blog:
Previous Parts: Part One; Part Two; Part Three
It took you few seconds to realise what happened but, as soon as you did and noticed Cillian’s face turning pale, you couldn’t help but giggle.
‘Don’t worry, I am on the shot’ you said before reaching for the box of tissues on the bedside table.
‘The what?’ Cillian asked, his voice still somewhat concerned.
‘It’s a form of contraception’ you said reassuringly as you cleaned yourself up and Cillian immediately sighed with relief.
‘Do you mind if I go and have a shower?’ you then went on to say, your skin sticky from the sweat that had built up between you both and a mix of your juices.
‘Not at all’ Cillian responded before pressing his lips onto yours for another passionate kiss. ‘Do you mind if I join you?’ he then went on to ask and you couldn’t help but smile and cup his face.
‘Not at all’ you winked before making your way to the bathroom.
Without wasting any time, you stepped into the shower, turned on the hot water and started washing your hair while waiting for Cillian.
He joined you after about two minutes or so and his arms immediately went around you, pulling you close for a kiss.
‘You are just beautiful’ he said as your lips drifted apart and you immediately felt like sinking to the floor, loosing your balance against him.
The hot water ran over and between both of your bodies as Cillian’s lips soon started to trace kisses down your neck while he held onto him tightly.
The soap bubbles on your body earlier were now on his while his hands roamed all over your back and then cupped your ass, holding you tight against him.
It wasn’t long until you could feel Cillian’s cock grow hard again, pressing against your stomach and, whilst you were already sore, you wanted more.
‘Are you sure that you are 45?’ you giggled as you pulled away a little, allowing you to reach in between you and take hold of his erection gently with your hand.
‘Why?’ Cillian chuckled just as you started to stroke him.
‘Because we had sex less than ten minutes ago and you are obviously ready to go again’ you grinned as your hand slid over his shaft and then back towards his balls, cupping them gently.
Cillian couldn’t help but laugh at your comment, but didn’t bother to respond with words. Rather, he let his actions speak for themselves as he kissed you again, even more passionately and urgent than before.
He then leaned forward just as your head fell backward. Holding your head, he started to softly kiss your cheeks, then your neck, your shoulders until he finally reached your breasts.
You felt as if you couldn’t stand up by this point, your knees buckling as he pulled your arms around him.
‘I want you so badly Cillian’ you shuddered and he immediately lifted one of your legs around his hip while his other hand went under your ass.
With ease, he pulled you upwards and pushed his cock inside your slick entrance.
‘Oh god, yes’ you cried out as you were about to faint with pleasure.
‘Fuck, you feel so good’ Cillian groaned as you were holding on to his neck tightly with both arms as he began to thrust in and out of you.
You were simply moaning helplessly as your mind was completely gone. You knew it was late, very late and you both had to be at university the next day. But you didn’t care as you both lost yourself in the moment.
‘Oh god Cillian that’s it’ you moaned as he was angling against your g-spot with the tip of his cock while his skin rubbed against your clit with each and every thrust.
You were worried that you would do it again, squirting against him, but your efforts to hold back your orgasm were futile and, with a couple more thrusts, Cillian sent you over the edge.
‘That’s it, let go’ he whispered as your walls began to contract around his cock and you screamed his name as your orgasm washed over you, your juices adding to the wetness of the shower water.
‘Fuck’ Cillian groaned at the same time, the feeling of your walls tightening around him sending him over the edge as well. With three more thrusts, he let go himself and filled you with several ropes of his warm cum before letting go of your legs carefully.
‘Oh god’ you sighed with exhaustion after you came down from your high and Cillian pulled out of you carefully.
‘I think we should get some rest before tomorrow’ Cillian suggested and you nodded in agreement before turning off the water.
When you returned to the bedroom, you noticed that Cillian had changed the sheet on the bed which was probably a good call.
You quickly jumped beneath the doona and Cillian joined you, wrapping his arms around you before pressing his lips onto your again.
After several passionate kisses and some pillow talk, he eventually turned off the bedside lamp and, with your face rested against his chest, you soon drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, you woke up before Cillian did. It was almost like you had a magical timer within yourself which told you to wake up at 7am regardless of when you went to sleep the night before.
The heat from Cillian’s body was radiating towards yours as your head rested on his chest. You couldn’t believe that you fell asleep like this and hadn’t moved all night.
But now, you had to move and carefully wiggled around, ensuring not to wake him. He stirred, turning over to his side which is when you first noticed the large number of freckles on his back, highlighted by the sunlight shimmering through the window.
Then he stirred again, turning around once more to face you before opening his eyes slowly.
‘What are you doing?’ he murmured half asleep but noticing that you were awake.
‘Counting your freckles’ you responded, causing him to smile.
‘Good luck, you will be there for a while’ he chuckled before opening his eyes even further and pulling you closer towards him for a gentle a kiss.
You pressed your body against his as you kissed. His mind was still sleepy but another part of him was wide awake.
‘Seriously? How is that even possible?’ you giggled as you could feel Cillian’s erection press against your naked body yet again.
‘It’s your fault. You do this to me’ Cillian explained and you pushed him onto his back quickly before trailing kisses down from his lips, over his chest and then down to his stomach.
‘Y/N, I have to be at the university in an hour’ Cillian murmured as he looked at his watch but his quite words soon turned into a loud groan as your lips touched the tip of his cock.
‘So do I, remember?’ you giggled before you took him into your mouth, all the way to the back of your throat.
Cillian groaned loudly again. Clearly, he was awake now.
‘Hmm I didn’t get to do this last night’ you whispered suggestively before beginning to bob your head up and down his hard shaft.
You haven’t had much experience giving head and hoped that he wouldn’t notice that you didn’t really know what you were doing.
His loud groans gave you the reassurance you needed and you soon went from the bobbing motions to swirling your tongue around his tip and then up and down his hard shaft. As a minute or two went by you felt him pulsate inside your mouth and you looked up at him with his cock still buried in your face. He was smiling and looked totally spent. With that you once again flipped his cock to the back of your throat and swallowed again a bit harder this time, finally taking him all the way inside.
‘Fuck Y/N’ he groaned, his hand now caught up in your hair as you continued to bob your head until, eventually, after about ten minutes, you stopped and climbed on top of him.
Cillian immediately reached for your hips while you reached for his cock and guided him inside you, lowering your body onto his until he bottomed out against your cervix.
‘Oh yes’ you moaned as you began to ride him, moving your body up and down while Cillian starred at you with his deep blue eyes.
He was mesmerised and the sight of your pleasure filled face, your messy hair and your bouncing breasts was almost too much for him to bear.
You knew that you were on a tight schedule that morning and quickly began to ride him faster. In turn, Cillian arched his back and thrusted up into you at the same time, making you cry out loud every time he bottomed out inside you.
‘That’s it, keep fucking me Cillian’ you moaned and, after as little as eight minutes, you came hard and fast.
Your cries of pleasure sent Cillian over the edge as well and, with one loud groan, he once again filled you with his warm cum.
After you both came down from your highs, you rolled off him quickly before reaching for your clothes.
Cillian looked at his watch and did the same, getting dressed rather quickly in order to get to university on time.
When you arrived at university for your last session with Cillian for the week before Aidan was returning the following week, you couldn’t help but feel somewhat embarrassed.
Of course, Cillian and you had discussed this and made sure that you didn’t arrive together at university but, nonetheless, you were worried that people would notice your strange behaviour towards one another.
It was important for both of you that your relationship remains a secret until the end of the semester, which was still six weeks away even though Cillian was finishing up in London much sooner.
Just as you walked into the lecture theatre, you picked a seat on the back row of the room but, when Emma arrived, she immediately made you follow her to the front of the room so that she could get a better view of Cillian.
‘So, a little birdie told me that you stood up Patrick last night at the pub’ Emma said with big eyes as you sat down next to her somewhat nervously.
‘Em, he was a total douchebag’ you laughed and Emma simply sighed before pushing your face to the left slightly.
‘Well, you didn’t come home last night, you are wearing a jumper which isn’t yours, you have little bruises all over your neck and you are crossing your legs as if you are a little sore down there. This means, you finally ended your dry spell’ Emma then went on to say before asking you the all-important question.
‘Who did you sleep with if not Patrick?’ she wanted to know.
‘Just some guy’ you said shyly.
‘Common, spill the beans’ Emma demanded and you shook your head.
‘Was he good?’ she then asked and you nodded shyly.
‘I want to see where this goes and then, in a few weeks, I might introduce him, alright?’ you said nervously and Emma nodded in agreement. She knew that you were cautious and this was probably a good thing.
‘What about you? Was Sven there last night?’ you then went on to ask. Sven was Emma’s ex and they had been on and off for about a year.
‘No, my interests lie elsewhere these days’ Emma winked as she looked over to Cillian who was standing in the doorway talking to your unit coordinator.
‘Em, common’ you said with a serious voice as she was eying off Cillian and you immediately felt guilty for not being honest with her.
‘God have a look at those tight ripped jeans’ she then went on to say and you couldn’t help but sink into your chair then and there.
When Cillian and your unit coordinator greeted the class, you were getting increasingly nervous and Cillian noticed immediately, giving you a reassuring look.
But you couldn’t help but crumble right then and there. It was awkward and sexy at the same time having Cillian stand there in front of you, talking to your class about stage performance while, in the back of your mind, you were thinking about his naked body on top of you.
At the same time, you were bothered by how obviously some other women in class, including Emma, were flirting with him. He was so oblivious about it too which made it even worse for you.
Luckily for you, the three-hour session went by quickly and Cillian pretty much ignored your presence the entire time, concentrating on the students who needed help with their roles and pulling you up only once.
Following class, you decided to quickly walk by his office to see whether he wanted to catch up later that evening.
‘Mr Murphy, do you have a minute?’ you winked and he couldn’t help but chuckle at your comment.
‘Not even the other students call me that’ he laughed before getting up and closing the door behind you and kissing you gently.
‘This was slightly awkward, in class. I am looking forward to Aidan being back next week’ you explained and Cillian inhaled deeply before leaning against the study desk.
‘Yeah, about that…’ Cillian said somewhat nervously and your eyes widened immediately. ‘Your unit coordinator just told me this morning that Aidan had to resign from the program, so I will look after both groups. To allow this to happen the committee is spreading the classes out over four instead of two weeks now’ he explained.
You were speechless and, whilst you knew that this would make no difference to your graduation timeframe and the fact that you and Cillian had to keep your relationship a secret for another six weeks, you knew how awkward this would be for you both moving forward.
‘You know I have nothing to do with the grading of this subject’ Cillian went on to reassure you as your face turned pale. You were grateful that Cillian didn’t have to make any calls when it came to review and grading. This was the lecturer’s and unit coordinators obligations. Cillian was simply there to provide guidance and help with the practical aspects of the on-stage performance. Nonetheless, you were worried about how this would impact your relationship.
‘We can break this off until you graduate’ Cillian eventually offered, the look on his face somewhat concerned.
‘No. We will make it work’ you said before kissing him again in a haste. ‘Despite, I do have a lot of competition in my class’ you smirked.
‘What do you mean?’ Cillian asked, his eyes full of questions.
‘Well, there are several women in class flirting with you. Don’t tell you me haven’t noticed’ you grinned.
‘I don’t tend to pay attention to any of the female students in this way Y/N’ Cillian chuckled, holding you close.
‘Oh no? Hmm, that’s interesting’ you smirked.
‘Except you, of course’ Cillian said and you bit your lip suggestively before reaching for the button and zipper of his jeans.
‘Y/N, we can’t do this here’ Cillian murmured but growing hard instantly as you pulled on the zipper.
‘I saw you locking the door Mr Murphy and you have fifteen minutes before your meeting with Professor Kent…whoever that is’ you giggled as you looked at the screen of his laptop which displayed his Outlook Calendar.
‘Fuck Y/N’ Cillian huffed and, just after he did, you found yourself facing Cillian’s desk.
You quickly pushed down your jeans and undies before Cillian pressed his hand onto your back gently, indicating for you to lean forward against the desk.
‘Spread your legs a little’ he then whispered and you complied with his request as, seconds later, you could feel the tip his hard cock against your slick entrance.
Cillian entered you slowly from behind and, after he gave you a few seconds to adjust to him, he began to thrust into you with slow and deep thrusts.
You dug your fingernails into the table as you stood on your toes, allowing him to enter you more deeply this way.
‘Harder’ you eventually murmured and Cillian took hold of your hips and started to pound into you.
Small whimpers escaped you and the sound of your skin slapping against each other filled the room.
‘Shh’ Cillian said as he continued to thrust into you. He could hear people outside his office and certainly didn’t want them to hear you.
But, you weren’t known to be quiet and, as he pushed you closer to the edge of your release, you began to moan loudly.
Cillian brought one of his hands over your mouth, covering up your moans and causing your reading glasses to fog up as you groaned into his palm.
The other hand he used to bring down in between your legs to rub your clit, sending you into a shivering orgasm.
‘Mr Murphy?’ you could hear from outside his office door just as your orgasm washed over you.
‘Just a minute’ Cillian barely managed to yell out before, with one groan, he climaxed as well, filling you with more of his hot cum.
‘Fuck’ he whispered as he quickly pulled out of you, causing his cum to spill from your tight hole and into your panties.
‘How can there still be that much after last night?’ you laughed quietly before pulling up your panties and jeans quickly, not bothered by the slick and warm juices now covering your mound.
Cillian simply laughed, quickly throwing on his jumper to hide the bulge inside his tight jeans.
‘See you tonight? Movie and dinner?’ you then whispered before kissing Cillian again quickly.
‘Yes, 7 o’clock?’ Cillian asked as he walked you to the door and you nodded.
‘Thank you, Mr Murphy’ you then said loudly after giving him a wink and walking out of the door.
Tag List (Cillian):
@lilymurphy03 @deefigs @theflamecrystal @desperate-and-broken @weepingstudentfishhorse @livinginfantaxy @rosey1981 @atomicsoulcollecto @peakyboyslover @nerdy4itall @elenavampire21 @hanster1998 @mariapaiva13 @fairypitou @harry-is-my-sunflower @zozeebo @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa @littlewierdalien @sad-huffle-nerd @theflamecrystal @peakymalfoyscullymulder @themissthang @0ghostwriter0 @stylescanbeatmyback @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni @momoneymolife @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03 @mcntsee@cloudofdisney @missymurphy1985 @peakymalfoyscullymulder @otterly-fey @janelongxox @uchihacumdump @basiclassy @being-worthy @chaotic-bean-of-smolness @margoo0 @chocolatehalo​ @vhscillian​ @ysmmsy​ @littlewierdalien @crazymar15  
Cannot Tag (please check your settings):
@l0tsofpennies @trolleydolly @avonlady1985 @chrisevanshoeee @daydreamingnymph @fookingshelby
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