#and then he's just a little silly and a little sassy and gives her a great hug
dootznbootz · 6 months
With how I'm planning my fics, since Menelaus and Agamemnon spend some years at Tyndarius' palace, I kind of have them all be childhood friends in a way before Agamemnon and Menelaus take back their kingdom (Aga is around 19, Menelaus 15 when they leave. 5-6 years later they get married.) With how their marriages work out when talking about "Old times", Odysseus is the "odd one out" as he was the only one who didn't grow up alongside them. The poor guy is left out.
Odysseus: "Wait, why is everyone laughing? What does that mean? I don't get it." Penelope: "Well you see-" Goes on about a silly story but the inside joke is dumb. "...You probably would've had to have been there to get it" Odysseus:
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kata-loging · 11 months
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The Equalizer (1985): season 1 episode 7 The Children’s Song      
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empyreva · 3 months
Summary: All you want is to have ONE nice date with Luke without him sabotaging it in some way--surely a flower meadow is safe
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Reader
Word count: 1k
Tags: Fluff, established relationship, fem!reader, Luke and reader are sassy and silly with each other, flirting, teasing, Luke loves getting under your skin, implied sex, vague nudity, 17+
A/N: My thoughts got ahead of me....I liked the idea of reader being like the A type partner and Luke loves messing with her--but you braid flowers in his hair anyway!!
The air is thick with the scents of lavender and honeysuckle--wildflowers dancing with the wind, bending gently but never breaking under the force. Here and there, butterflies and bees dart from flower to flower, sipping nectar lazily.
As you step onto the sprawling expanse of green grass, you can't help but gasp at the scene in front of you. It was like Gaia herself handpicked this location--a sprawling meadow between junctions of neighboring forests, brimming with life. "Wow..." You breathed out, eyes wide with excitement for your perfect picnic date. 
From behind you, the tall grass rustled--a strong arm snaking its way around your waist. Your boyfriend's eyes were pointed ahead, silently contemplating the sanctuary the two of you had found while attempting to get some private time away from the camp. Tugging on Luke's shirt, you enticed him to lean over for a quick kiss before you beckoned him to follow you as you searched for the perfect place to settle down--taking his hand in yours as you ventured further.
"Here's good?" You stopped in front of a small clearing in the field, a patch of dirt stripped bare and empty. Despite being objectively dead, it seemed well-loved, a little TLC would be needed to brush away dust and stray weeds--How many demigods before you had snuck away to this place? The romantic notion alone made your heart flutter.
"Perfect," Luke drawled, giving you a cheeky smile. Enthusiastically, you billowed out the large sheet you had tucked in the small picnic basket--fussing over making sure there were no crinkles in the fabric or sharp rocks underneath it. Watching you bend over and curse as dirt scuffed your pretty white dress had his own thoughts wandering--He honestly couldn't care less about where the two of you ended up.
After deeming everything to be perfectly in place, you dragged Luke down next to you, giggling as he stumbled into a comfortable sitting position. You began to ramble on about something--Luke honestly didn't care much for conversation. He offered you a couple "Mhm"s and "Oh yeah?"s, feigning interest in what you and Annabeth discovered while cleaning out the shed behind Athena's cabin. His eyes flickered down.
Gods, you weren't even wearing a bra.
"Luke--Luke!!" Suddenly you were right in front of him, nose to nose as your eyebrows furrowed. "Are you even listening?"
"Uh-uhm yeah--So uhhhhhh....So what happened after Percy killed that...Lizard?" 
"Tarantula, Luke. And he didn't kill it, he just flung it somewhere and told Annabeth that he killed it," you sighed, pushing your hair back with one hand. Luke felt like he had been pierced through the heart, gazing intently at you as you preened yourself for a moment. "But, anyway, Annabeth was so cute because she..."
"It's a bit hot, don't you think?" He interjected, fingers skirting along the exposed flesh of your thigh--peeking out from beneath your white dress. "Like, I'm actually sooo hot--Aren't you feeling it?" You gasped and pouted, gently pushing his wandering hand back to his side of the blanket. No no, you weren't going to let him win, again. The last time the two of you even tried to leave for a date, he 'accidentally' spilled something all over your shirt so you had to change. In front of him.
"C'mon, Luke, the food's gonna go bad if we start now!" You whined, pointing at the two perfectly crafted sandwiches you made, not to mention the various fresh fruits you packed up for dessert!! Completely ignoring you, Luke shrugged his shirt off from over his head, letting it fall somewhere in the nearby daisies. A smirk danced across his face, noticing the way your gaze immediately diverted the second he was facing you again. His abs had a slight shine to them, his biceps flexing as he pushed himself onto his haunches. "A-Aren't you hungry? We've been walking for like--like an hour!"
"Oh, I'm hungry--starved, even..." Luke pushed the basket out of the way, a slow crawl landing his lips just a breath away from yours. Your breath hitched in your throat, eyes locking with Luke's--Gods he just had this way of getting you right under his thumb. A large hand slipped all the way up your dress, gently massaging the burning-hot flesh of your chest.
"I just have this...craving for something else."
"This is fucking amazing, baby," Luke moaned, his fingers dwarfing what remained of his sandwich. His head lay on your bare lap, cradled between your knees as he lounged, free as a bird, basking in the warmth of the sun and summer air. "Best. Sandwich. Ever."
"Thank you," you huffed, one hand massaging his scalp as the other supported your dinner. "You spoilt brat..." Luke frowned at the words that you muttered under your breath, reaching a hand up to flick at your nose.
"I'm not a brat," he whined, poking at your jaw like a child. "Don't say that."
"Don't say that," you mocked. "Gods, can you ever NOT act like a big baby."
"Just for you, my girl."
You looked down at your boyfriend's handsome face--His mischievous brown eyes sparkled under the soft rays of the setting sun, while his dark curls fell around his forehead in gentle waves. Laughter escaped him as you gave his ribs a soft tickle, and he tried to evade you for a second before you decided that you wanted to try and actually be romantic. Something about these teenage boys...
You turned to your side and reached over, plucking a few daisy blossoms from the ground—a bouquet of white. With a smile, you began delicately threading them through his locks. Some clung tight to his scalp, others drifted lightly to the tips of his curls. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, relishing the sensation of your fingers against his skin--the soft tugging and gentle petting as you crafted a sort of halo.
"My handsome boy," you murmured, hoping to commit this moment to memory. Luke was growing sleepy, you could tell by how his eyes fought to stay open long enough to gaze into yours--the rise and fall of his chest in the rhythm of a euphony of crickets in the distance. He looked so pretty like this, so vulnerable, so trusting. You wished that this day would never end.
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just-jordie-things · 9 months
spin the bottle! - okkotsu yuuta
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word count: 5.2k warnings: a lot of smooching, mentions of drinking summary: spin the bottle is an immature game for immature people... but yuuta's crossing his fingers that it lands on you just once. more info: aged up characters! a/n: y'all i bullied into writing this after my truth or dare megumi fic... but i ain't complaining teehee enjoy <3 ___
Spin the bottle was a game for insecure teenagers to use as a lame excuse for getting some.  It was immature, outdated, not to mention a bit boring….
And yet, here she was, sidling up between Maki and Yuuji, cheering along with the rest of the group as they chanted for the game to commence.  
What was a silly game among friends? It wasn’t like it had to mean anything.  They were just a little drunk after celebrating a weeknight where they could all hang out together, and it wasn’t a true party without party games, right? 
So despite the swell of embarrassment in her stomach, (y/n) put on a brave face in the form of a drunken smile, and leaned into Maki’s shoulder with a few cheesy pickup lines muttered in her ear.
“First of all, the bottle has to land on me first,” Maki shrugged her friend off semi-gently before turning to her with a small smirk.  “And I know it’s not me you wanna be kissing, anyways” 
(y/n) stuck her tongue out defiantly, before bursting into a fit of giggles as she leaned away from her sassy friend.  Apparently alcohol only made Maki more quick-witted than usual.
She leaned back on the palms of her hands, her laughter finally ceasing as Nobara explained the simple rules of the game.  She hadn’t meant to tune her out, but it’s not like spin the bottle had a difficult set of rules to follow, and anyways, her attention was pulled away by something else.
Or, someone else.
Yuuta also didn’t seem to pay any mind to Nobara’s strict explanations on the rules.  Whatever he was talking about with Toge seemed much more important.  So much so his hands were moving as he rushed through muttered words, panicked eyes shifting from the bottle on the floor to his mostly-mute friend.  (y/n) couldn’t help but find it a little cute.  
Was he nervous about the game? Or was this about something unrelated? 
He’d seemed fine the rest of the night.  She’d only got to hang out with him a little bit, Toge and Maki had a knack for pulling him away for something.  Toge needed a partner in beer pong.  Maki wanted to arm wrestle.  Yuuta either followed or was dragged along, giving her a quiet apology with a nervous laugh.  (y/n) knew it wasn’t personal, everyone was just excited to get to hang out together, but she couldn’t help but feel a little deflated every time they were interrupted.
“Okay everyone got it? Great!” Nobara clapped her hands as she plopped down in her spot on the other side of Yuuji, already reaching forward to grab hold of the bottle.  “Ladies first, of course” She grins as she gives it a solid spin.
Maki and (y/n) share a look, but don’t voice their complaint out loud.  If she wanted the first turn of the most embarrassing game ever created, they’d let her have it.
And to Nobara’s dismay, the empty bottle stopped spinning and landed on the boy at her side, and her eager expression fell as she turned to her pink haired friend.  Yuuji bore a giant grin, not out of excitement for kissing one of his closest friends, but simply because he knew that he was the last person she wanted it to land on.  If only it had stopped a few inches to his left… maybe she would’ve had her chance with the girl she’d really wanted it to land on.
“Oh, come on!” Nobara whines dramatically.
“You’re the one that wanted to play!” Yuuji argued.
“Yeah, rules are rules!” (y/n) chimed in from next to him.
With a roll of her eyes, Nobara leans forward and gives him the fastest peck of a kiss ever done.  The group is howling with laughter and excitement, and even though this wasn’t (y/n’s) first choice of entertainment, she finds herself giggling and cheering along, and urging Yuuji to take his turn next.
His spin is rougher than Nobara’s, the bottle is flying around and he’s chastised for dragging his turn out.  But the anticipation is worth it when it lands on Megumi, and Yuuji takes it upon himself to crawl on all fours to get to his best friend.  Megumi’s face is so red it looks hot to the touch, and he tries to swat at Yuuji when he practically crawls onto him, but everyone can see that when he finally plants his lips on his, it’s more of a kiss than Nobara’s turn had been.  Probably because it was reciprocated, just a little bit, until Megumi remembers they’re crowded by all of their peers, and he’s pushing Itadori by the shoulders with a laugh that borders between nervous and flirtatious.
“Okay okay! (y/n) take your damn turn already!” Megumi directs, and she puts her hands up in mock surrender at the order.
“Aye aye, captain” She hums, leaning forward to reach for the bottle.
Before she gives it a flick of her wrist, her eyes catch Yuuta’s.  He’s sitting directly across from her, making him the most perfect victim of her spin.  A tiny smile tugs at the corners of her lips as she spins the bottle, her eyes lingering on his a few moments longer before falling to watch her fate write itself.
Her spin is quicker than Yuuji’s, slowing down after just a few rotations, and lagging along the rug as it slowly passes the other players…
… and coming to a stop right to her left, where Maki was sitting.
The dark haired woman scoffs, giving (y/n) a raised brow and knowing smirk.  (y/n) masks her disappointment with amusement, throwing her head back in a short bark of a laugh before giving her kissing partner a wink.
“I told you, hot stuff,” She teases, leaning back into her place to cozy up closer to Maki, who rolls her eyes at the display.  “How do you feel about tongue?”
“Oh just can it and kiss me, (y/l/n)” Maki snaps.  
(y/n) giggles, before leaning in and giving her a swift peck on the lips.  It’s not nearly as fleeting as Nobara and Yuuji’s turn, but it at least lacked the element of disgust.
Maki took her turn almost wordlessly, eyes focused on the bottle as it spun and landed on Megumi once more.  The pair burst into laughter, and Maki jokingly settled on kissing the crown of his head.  Everyone agreed that was for the best, as no one wanted to see the cousins share a real kiss.
Next to Maki was Toge, who eagerly let out a string of rice ball ingredients as he spun the bottle and took his turn.
When it slowed and landed on (y/n) her eyes lit up in surprise, as though she’d forgotten she was even a player after her turn had been over.  The cursed speech user shyly looked over at her, and he must not have moved quick enough to finish his turn, because she slid forward in front of Maki, a grin splitting her lips as she neared him.  He’d already left his collar open in preparation for the game, but she grabbed the zipper anyways, tugging him forward, earning an echo of oohs from the more dramatic players in the circle.
Yuuji and Nobara, of course.
Toge’s eyes were unreasonably wide as (y/n) leaned in the rest of the way and planted her lips on his.
It wasn’t necessarily a steamy kiss, but it was longer than the kiss she’d given Maki, and it was noticeable.
Yuuta’s hand curled into the rough carpeting of the rug beneath him.  He hoped his face was neutral, even though his body language certainly wasn’t.  He knew it was just a game, and the pair pulled away in a matter of seconds.  But he couldn’t deny the pang of disappointment settling in his chest.  He’d agreed to play this dumb game on one silly little hope that he’d get to kiss the girl he’d been crushing on for over a year now, and it was strangely unsettling to see his best friend beat him to the chase.
Not that it was Toge’s fault.  Yuuta knew it wasn’t fair to feel any ounce of jealousy.  It was just a game.  It’s not like it meant anything to either of them.  And when it was over and Toge sent Yuuta an apologetic look as he nodded his head for him to take his turn, Yuuta tried to just forget it completely.
Besides, it’s his turn now, and with (y/n) sitting perfectly across from him on her knees with her hands tucked in her lap, he figured he had a pretty good chance of rigging it anyways.  How hard could it be to spin a bottle, anyways? 
After his turn was over and his kiss was wasted on Yuuji, Yuuta’s hopes began to plummet.  The group got a good laugh out of the obnoxiously loud smooch Yuuji had given him, but even though the vibe of the circle was one of laughter and joy, Yuuta felt like curling in on himself and pouting the rest of the night.
He barely paid any attention while Megumi took his turn, the last of the group to get to spin.  But at this point Yuuta had mentally checked out of the whole ordeal.  The carpet he was picking at seemed more appealing than a dumb kissing game anyways.
Why had he even agreed to this? As soon as the thought crossed his mind he felt like an idiot.  Hoping to kiss one girl in a group of seven seemed like a preposterous idea now.  He should have worked up the courage ages ago, yet here he was, hoping to use this immature party game as an excuse.  How was he supposed to talk himself up to doing it on his own now? After this failure of a night, Yuuta thinks maybe he was better off in the friendzone anyways.
It’s not until Maki is shoving at (y/n) and loudly declaring, “Again!?” That Yuuta snaps back into the present, and his head is whirling between the bottle Megumi had just spun, the neck pointing all-too perfectly at (y/n), and a shy amusement on both of their faces.
There’s a bubbly giggle that comes from her as she turns to Yuuji with a playful smirk.
“Try not to get jealous” She teases as she moves across the open space to meet Megumi in the middle of the circle.
With Yuuta being seated right next to the younger sorcerer, he has a front row seat to the way (y/n) gives him a sweet smile before her eyes flicker down to his mouth.  Yuuta really doesn’t want to watch her have her third kiss of the night, but he can’t tear his eyes away from the scene.  
It’s just a game.  It’s not like it means anything.
But on the surface it looks like it could mean something.  He wonders, as her eyes raise to meet Megumi’s again before she shuts them and leans in to plant her lips on his, if this is how she always kissed.  Was it always so premeditated? Did her eyes always sweep over the close up features of her lover before finally indulging? 
Yuuta fights the urge to shake his head when he finally tears his gaze away from the display.  He’s back to studying the scratchy grains of carpet when Megumi and (y/n) part, the former red in the face once more, the latter taking her spot between Maki and Yuuji again.
“That spot is cursed!” Nobara shouts what Yuuta had just been beginning to wonder about himself.
(y/n) chuckles, shrugging her shoulders.
“Oh really?” (y/n) muses, giving her a wiggle of her eyebrows as she narrowed her gaze on her thoughtfully.  “Or are you just saying that cause you’re getting jealous?” 
“Oh shut up and just move spots already” Nobara hissed back.  (y/n) grinned wide at her before clicking her tongue and eyeing the rest of the group.
“Fine,” She hums as she taps her chin.  “Who wants the good spot then?” 
Before anyone could fight for her good-kissing-luck space, Toge is darting forward and practically yanking her from the spot to claim it for himself.  She laughs as she’s sent forward, almost directly into Yuuta, who’s hands shoot out to catch her if she really is thrown into the ground.  To her luck she catches herself on the ground, not without a wobble as she catches her balance.
In the back of his mind, where his hope still lingers, Yuuta thinks that this change in position could be good for him.  Now there had to be a chance for them to share a turn, right? Theoretically, if sitting across from each other wasn’t the right spacing, then sitting side by side had to be better.  All he had to do was essentially make the bottle come back to him, right? 
“What’re you thinkin’ about?” 
The whisper in his ear makes him startle, his eyes wide as he swivels his head to see (y/n) cozied up in the space next to him.  Her knees drawn to her chest, elbow propped atop them to keep her chin in her hand as she gazed at him.  She looked amused by the way he’d jumped at the sound of her voice, but thankfully she didn’t tease him for it.
“You look like you’re in your head,” She clarifies.  “You don’t like the game?”
He opens his mouth to tell her exactly how much he doesn’t like this game, but then the bottle spinning in front of them rolls to a stop, and (y/n’s) pulled away from what little and one-sided conversation she’d been having with Yuuta- for the umpteenth time tonight- and the group is in shambles from where it landed.
(y/n) can barely react as she looks down at the bottle perfectly pointed at her, yet again.
Half the group is whooping with their entertainment, amazed that for the fourth time (y/n) has been the lucky kisser.  The other half is groaning out of boredom of this repetitive game.  With only seven people playing it’s not like the odds were that random.  The game was bound to have some repeats soon.
And then there was Yuuta, who, if he was a cartoon character, would have a little storm cloud scribbled over his head.
(y/n) giggles as Nobara crawls forward, muttering under her breath about how unfair it was that (y/n) already had twice as many kisses as she did.  Once she’s close enough, (y/n) tilts forward, both of her hands cupping Nobara’s cheeks affectionately.
“Just close your eyes and pretend I’m her” She whispers quietly.  Nobara’s cheeks are pink, but before she can say anything, (y/n) shuts her eyes and completes the turn with a quick but sweet peck on her lips.
Yuuta watches as once again her eyes wander over Nobara’s face before she gives her the kiss she’s owed.  His stomach churns and he bites down on his cheek to keep from frowning.  He can’t make his annoyance obvious, not while everyone else is grinning and laughing.  So he gnaws on his cheek and keeps his sights set on his pinching fingers tugging and pulling at the carpet.
(y/n) bumps her shoulder into his when she settles back into her spot beside him again.  He glances over to see her giving him a sheepish little smile.  He could almost be convinced that she’s thinking the same thing he is- that it’s strange she’s gotten to kiss almost everyone in this room except for him.  
Key word being almost.  There was still one other person in the circle who hadn’t been gifted one of her precious kisses.
“I don’t really care for the game either” She resumes their previous topic in a quiet voice.  Yuuta can’t help but chuckle.
“Oh really? It appears you’re winning” He replies in a low voice.  Despite the twist of jealousy in his chest, there’s no malice in his words.  Only amusement.  (y/n) shrugs her shoulders, as if she could care less about the predicament she’d found herself in, which everyone else seemed to find hilarious.
“You don’t really win at spin the bottle, do you?” She muses, laying her arms atop her knees and resting her chin against them.  Her eyes never leave his, too allured by the deep blues that surround his dilated pupils.  An expression that Yuuta can’t really decipher flickers across her face.  “Unless of course you’re aiming to kiss somebody” She finishes the thought in an even softer volume.
Yuuta has to fight the urge to tug at the collar of his crewneck, suddenly feeling hot.  It must have been the drinking, and all the bodies piled into one room.  Surely it couldn’t have been the effect of one perfectly on the nose comment made by her, or the way she was looking at him now like she was waiting for him to confirm her thoughts.
He swallows the lump in his throat, Adam's apple bobbing as the dry swallow goes down roughly.  A small cough comes of this, and (y/n’s) laughing to herself and finally sparing him of her heavy eye contact.
Yuuji takes his turn with great excitement, spinning the bottle in front of him with more gentleness than his last turn.  This time it spins a normal amount before it starts to slow down.  When it drags along the carpet past Toge, and slows down even more as it passes Maki, the group begins to laugh before it even stops in front of (y/n), again.
Yuuta’s wide eyes hold a lethal amount of venom as they follow the path of the open end of the bottle.  Slowly but surely, it comes to a stop in front of (y/n).  Maki’s laughter is the loudest, sharp and almost cruel as she points at the girl, making sure she’s perfectly in the spotlight.
Yuuji almost looks apologetic as he meets her gaze, but a game is a game, and (y/n) drops her legs to fold them criss cross so that he can lean over the open circle to kiss her.
Yuuta can’t fight off his frown this time as he watches (y/n) kiss the last person that hadn’t gotten a turn with her yet.  His features fall into a state of utter heartbreak when her lashes flutter as her eyes sweep over Yuuji’s smiley face before she shuts her eyes and lets him plant a quick kiss on her lips.  
Surprisingly, Yuuji kisses her extremely fast.  Faster than he’d kissed both Megumi and Yuuta.  Even (y/n) seems surprised, her lips still slightly pursed when he’s already pulling away and going back to his spot in the circle.  Heer confusion is quickly washed away, replaced with what Yuuta hopes is relief.
“I think we’ve played this for long enough,” Yuuji rubs the back of his neck as he chuckles.  “No offense (y/n)”
She smiles brightly, shaking her head back at him.
“None taken, I’ve had my fair share.  No complaints here” 
The circle slowly disbands, Maki and Toge head for the kitchen to make more drinks, and shortly after Maki leaves the room Nobara is following behind.
Yuuji says something to Megumi that Yuuta barely catches which dives them both into conversation, sliding closer to one another on the floor in order to continue talking comfortably.
And that leaves (y/n) and Yuuta, both still seated on the rug that was starting to feel scratchy and uncomfortable after having sat there for so long.
“I’m getting warm,” (y/n) fills the silence first, standing and stretching her legs before nodding her head towards the door.  “I’m gonna step out for a bit, want to get some fresh air with me?” 
Yuuta thinks about it for a minute, even though his immediate answer is a resounding yes.  He pauses before standing and following her out of the room.
“Did you want to let Maki know you’re leaving?” He asks a little too late, once they’re already winding through the corridors on the way towards the doors.
“Nah,” (y/n) shakes her head.  “She’s about to be quite distracted by Nobara anyways,” She tells him quietly, her eyes meeting his with a devious glint in them.  “If anything, I’m doing them a favor.  They both owe me, anyways” 
He chuckles at that, having no clue what she meant by it at all.
“Are you making deals with all of our friends?” He asks, half curious, half teasing.
“Let’s just say they’re both jealous, jealous girls,” (y/n) smirks.
They reach the doors, and she turns around to walk backwards through it, using her elbows to push the heavy oak open for them to pass through.
“So a little game of spin the bottle was just what they needed.  Either they were going to finally get their chance, or I was gonna have to pucker up and spark a little romance myself” 
Yuuta laughs, and he can’t help but feel a little relieved to hear her admit at least some of those kisses were far from meaningful.  To her, anyways.
“I think you’re a little too good of a friend” He tells her, to which she laughs, eyes crinkling at their corners as she looks at him.  
They stay put at the front doors, the cool night breeze easing the leftover heat and nerves that they’d been trying to escape from.
“I’m a woman of few talents,” She teases.  “But kissing is one of them, so I may as well put it to good use, yeah?” 
Yuuta snorts, and before he can stop himself, he bluntly replies with, “Like I would know” 
He regrets the sarcastic remark as soon as it comes out of his mouth, and (y/n) watches him do so.  His eyes go wide and his mouth snaps shut, and she can practically see the apology forming in his mind.
She giggles, her smile stretching wide across her face as she gazes up at him.
“You’re right, touchy subject,” She muses.  “That’s not very fair, hm?” 
Yuuta laughs.  His cheeks flush with a rosy pink tint as he turns his head away, not taking her comment remotely serious.  His shoulders shake a bit as he continues to chuckle.  He thinks she must be messing with him, teasing him just like the others would have.  He’s so clouded by embarrassment- and obliviousness- that he misses the way she tilts her head at him.  She waits patiently for his nerves to settle, a curious smile on her face as she studies him.
Yuuta had always been interesting to her, in every sense of the word.  His status as a Special Grade Sorcerer was alluring enough, but she found his demeanor to be rather sheepish, and around her often anxious.  Sure, there were moments that he’d warm up and get comfortable around her, but (y/n) had grown used to his stuttering and nervous mannerisms.  In fact, it was something she’d come to find so cute about him.
They’d known each other for quite some time now, over a year.  And while they both would easily call the other a friend, Yuuta’s behavior hardly changed around her.  It was off at first, because she’d seen the way he’d gotten comfortable around their peers, no longer fearing Maki, or struggling to communicate with Toge.  Yet, whenever she approached him, he looked taken aback even by a simple hello.
Tonight had been a turning point for her, though.  Tonight she’d come up with a little theory as to why he was such a nervous wreck around her.  It only took a pair of crossed fingers behind her back to work up the courage to call him out on it.
Sure, compared to him she was the confident one, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t worried about embarrassing herself in front of him right now.
His attention is brought right back to her, his laughing ceased instantly upon hearing the soft and sweet way his name sounded when spoken by her so quietly.  Her lips tilt into a knowing smile, admiring how mesmerized he looked when his expression relaxes and his eyes are set on hers so steadily she could have mistaken him for being in a trance.
She’d wanted to say something, something flirty and light hearted about how she’d been hoping on their turns the bottle would’ve landed on each other just once, but despite the overpowering thought being what led the two of them out here, suddenly her mind is blank, thoughts replaced by the stronger, more overwhelming urge to just kiss him.
So she follows the instinct, and she shuffles forward.
Yuuta’s eyes grow wider with every inch of space she closes when she steps towards him.  His breath hitches and his throat bobs as her hands rest against his chest. Her touch is light, barely there, but he swears her palms burn right through to his skin, igniting his entire body.
Her eyes shift slowly from his, mentally tracing down the slope of his nose, lashes fluttering with the slow movement of her gaze.  He’s holding his breath, recognizing the way she glances over every feature, every dip curve and pigment in his face.  Being on the receiving end of this telltale sign of hers has the hair on the back of his neck standing up, and his heart is racing in his chest.
“Your heart is beating really fast,” 
If she’s teasing him, she certainly doesn’t sound like it.  Her smile brightens, eyes twinkling as they travel away from his sealed lips to his panicked eyes.  She presses her right hand a little harder against his chest, feeling his heart beat against it rapidly.  A tiny giggle escapes her, her cheeks warming up the longer she stares at him.
“I’d really like to kiss you,” She whispers, and his face goes from pink to red in a matter of seconds.  “If that’s alright?” 
Yuuta nods.
“Mhm, yeah- yeah that’s f-fine by me” He stammers back, and her little smile widens to a grin at his adorable response.
“Okay,” She hums, pushing onto the tips of her toes.  One of her hands, the one that isn’t counting the beats of his heart, slides over his collarbone, and around the side of his neck.  She can feel his pulse there, too.  “Close your eyes, Yuu” She giggles again at how intently he’s staring at her, mapping her every action.  He complies with the deman, his eyelashes fluttering as he shuts his eyes right away.
(y/n) only hesitates for a moment longer, unable to help herself from admiring how much more handsome he is up close.  Such a thing shouldn’t have been possible, but this was Okkotsu Yuuta we’re talking about.  Her fingers push into the hair hanging over the nape of his neck, gently pulling him towards her as her own eyes fall shut.
Yuuta’s frozen for a moment when their lips finally do meet, his nerves crawling up his spine and seizing his heart for just a second.  Her lips were so soft he was dying to know if everyone else tonight felt the same spark of warmth that he felt right now.
At that thought, he came back down to earth and realized he needed to seize this moment while he had the chance.  The others had gotten meaningless kisses, and he couldn’t accept that this would be the same.
His hands cradle her jaw as he pulls her in closer to deepen their kiss.  Yuuta hasn’t kissed a lot of people- he’s kissed one person actually, and he was eleven- but when her velvety lips mold into his and she reciprocates his eagerness, he thinks she might be the greatest kisser of all time, gifted with the world’s most perfect pair of pretty and sweet lips.
(y/n) curls her fingers more securely in his hair when she thinks he’s going to pull away.  He acknowledges the silent instruction, taking in a sharp inhale through his nose to accommodate his aching chest.  She might have been part of the blame for that ache, but he wouldn’t dare hold her accountable for it.  Oxygen be damned.
He tilts his head to have better access to the plush of her bottom lip, and his heart is racing again when he feels her smile against him.
No one else got this out of that stupid game, he thinks to himself as he feels a soft pant hit his hot mouth.  His thumb traces along her jaw, pausing at the junction where it meets her throat.  She tilts her head further towards him in a small movement, pushing impossibly closer.  Although her own heart rate is starting to skyrocket, dangerously close to meeting the pace of his, their kisses remain gentle.  Soft and slow, meaning in each one.
Yuuta’s head is spinning, and eventually the quick breaths of air through his nose isn’t enough, and he has to pull away, just enough to catch his breath in fast but deep pants.  He keeps his gentle hold on her face, and they’re still so close that their noses are touching, and the small space between them is their shared air.  His eyes are focused on her as soon as he parts from their kiss, with heavy lids and blown pupils, he’s memorizing every pretty feature.  From parted lips curling into a shy smile, to the deepening color in her cheeks, he takes it all in as though he’d lose his sense of sight tomorrow.
(y/n’s) slower to open her eyes, still lost in the moment, ten feet off the ground and not ready to float back down yet.  When Yuuta chuckles, she feels the deep vibration from his chest resonate against her palms.  He feels warmer, the kind of warmth she’d only felt from a comforting fireplace after a long brutal winter day.  The kind of warmth that comes in sun kissed cheeks and soft, hot sand under bare feet that hardly remembered just how good the sensation could be.  Her heart flutters in her chest before she finally opens her eyes to meet his.  She’d felt his stare before she’d actually seen it.  It was what brought the color to her cheeks.
The pad of Yuuta’s index finger grazes over her pulse point, and a tiny smile forms on his face.
“Your heart’s beating really fast” He says, and when she lets out a breathless laugh, his smile turns into a full on beam, proud of himself for repeating her words back to her. “Yeah, well,” She huffs out, still taking shallow breaths and not quite filling her lungs properly with air.  But it was hard when he was looking at her like that.  She pauses before confirming his own thoughts.  “I was waiting for that kiss all night” ___
tags of ppl who pressured me into writing this: @bai-kage @sugasquatchwrites
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bkgsdoll · 13 days
thinking about bakugou with a wife who has “too many” pets..
a/n: original post was uploaded on @pettydollie 's account but i've moved it from there to here
just to be clear, you have 5 fur babies. two puppies, two kitties, and a bunny. your first puppy is a brown poodle named Lady like from lady and the tramp bc she kinda resembles her (except she’s much more poofy). second puppy is sprinkle, who's a little maltese. your cat Dolly is a persian white kitty who always has pink bows in her fur. she’s pretty sassy-- she probably gets it from her daddy. your second cat is a full bubba, a very sleepy baby. finally, you have a light brown bunny named mocha like the sanrio character.
all of your girls have cute pink bows on their fur and you decorate the house with polaroids of them
fyi, katsuki thinks your names for them are absurd and extremely silly, but secretly thinks they're cute.
this man will wake up in the morning with both of your puppies jumping all over your shared bed and you’re wide awake, laughing and playing with them. katsuki snarls and hides under the covers, trying to go back to sleep.
when you’re around the kids pets, he’ll pretend like he doesn’t have a favorite to show consideration. but he absolutely loves your oldest, bubba the cat. he’s just so sleepy and cuddly and soft! he brings katsuki the most joy. he’s very quiet compared to your other cat, dolly. katsuki likes to call her "her ma's spoiled little girl"
one day, the two of you are shopping at petco for the animals' necessities when you wander off and notice an adorable white and black bunny. your husband eventually finds you and he’s like “oh hell no” while shaking his head. “no more kids, you have enough.” he firmly states, folding his arms and pinching his brows. you fold your hands together with an overwhelming excitement. “but she’s sooo pretty!! plus mocha needs a friend, i don't want my angel to be all lonely!” you turn to face katsuki with pleading eyes, placing your hand on the cage for a dramatic effect. "pleasee kats..!"
he lets out a heavy sigh and gives in, walking away to find an employee. you clap your hands in joy and begin brainstorming a name
when you two get home, you’re excitedly holding your newest babie. at this point, your house is turning into your own personal zoo. you lightly skip to your bunny’s cage and show her who you’re holding while katsuki locks the door
so that leaves you two with 6 kids to raise
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stop-talking · 3 months
You're his ex, but he's desperate for a babysitter. (pt. 4)
Mike Schmidt x fem reader
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2.4k words + 300 word epilogue
Tags: 18+, mike x fem reader, no use of y/n, exes, enemies to lovers, slowburn? sassy mike, sassy reader, pet names, banter, angst, fluff, comfort, happy ending.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Mike sits at his kitchen table, trying not to nod off into his cereal. Today is a quiet day. A lazy day. His one day off.
Except, not really. There's always work to be done. He just has to figure out what today's work would be. He's caught up on laundry and dishes, the house isn't too much of a mess... Hm. Maybe he should finally fix the dripping pipe in the bathroom. Or the living room window that's been stuck for years. Or one of the million other things wrong with his house.
He sighs and goes to take a bite of his cereal, only to realize he forgot the milk. Damn it. When he opens the fridge, he stands face to face with a little blue dolphin stuffed animal. Right... Abby's still testing him. He leaves it alone, she'll see it when she gets home from school and assume her "spell" still works. Pfft.
Mike nearly drops the milk mid-pour when he hears the phone ring.
"Hello?" He mumbles groggily, a little annoyed to have his morning brooding interrupted.
"Hey, Mike? You free at all today?"
He immediately perks up at the sound of your voice. It's been two days since he last saw you, and he honestly wasn't sure if you'd ever speak to him again.
"Yeah, uh... It's my day off, actually."
"Good. I'm using that 2nd favor."
Mike's heart races. If this favor is going to be anything like the last one, he was definitely up for it.
"Oh? Missing me already, sweetheart?"
"As if. I need you to build me a shelf."
A shelf? Well, that was unexpected. Hm. Better than nothing.
"What, like build it from scratch? Are you expecting me to buy the boards, or-"
"No. I have all the pieces. It just needs to be assembled."
"You can't assemble a shelf?" Mike scoffs, but secretly he's pleased. Sounds like you just want an excuse to have him over.
"Mike. You know I'm no good with tools."
No, he didn't know that actually. Liar. You definitely just wanted to see him again. God, he felt giddy.
"Mhm. Sure."
"Just get your ass over here, Schmidt."
"Woah, what's with the attitude, Princess? I'm here to help." He can't help but let some smugness seep into his tone. Okay, more than some. He's a cocky bastard and he knows it.
"I've been working on the damn thing all morning. Almost three hours now. Not in the mood, jackass."
Shit. You sounded sincere. And really pissed off. Then again, what kind of a shelf took three hours to assemble? The fuck was it? A jigsaw puzzle?
"Alright, alright. I'll be over soon. See ya."
Mike slumps against the counter as you grumble something incoherent and slam the phone down. Damn, what is he getting himself into this time?
Only one way to find out.
When Mike finally arrives at your apartment half an hour later, he feels a bit silly. He put on a nice shirt and trousers to come see you, and here you are in sweats and a baggy t-shirt. Figures.
"Call for a handyman?" He greets you with a teasing smile, holding up his old rusted toolbox as he makes his way inside.
"Pfft. Someone's happy to see me."
Mike can't really say anything to that, so he doesn't try. He is happy to see you, even if you have attitude problems and dress like a bum.
"So, I bought the damn thing from a friend-of-a-friend, who got it at a garage sale. I swear, it has to be missing some parts or something, because-"
He nods as you rattle on and lead him to your bedroom, but he's only half-listening. He looks around your apartment, taking it all in. It's been at least six months since he last came over, probably longer. It doesn't look to have changed much. He likes your apartment. It's cozy.
"Anyways... can you fix it?"
Mike pauses in the doorway of your bedroom as you give him a sheepish smile and gesture to something in the corner.
Holy hell. Is that supposed to be a shelf? Mike can't help but think that the hideous agglomeration of boards and screws would only be good as a fire-starter. It looks more like a pile than a shelf.
"Uhh..." He bites his cheek, desperately trying not to burst into a fit of laughter. Maybe you really weren't lying about the whole "no good with tools" thing.
He finally loses it when you groan and flop down on the bed, hiding your face in a pillow.
"Ughh... Laugh at me, whatever. Just fix it."
"Jesus Christ. This has to be the sorriest excuse for a shelf I've ever seen. Sure you don't want me to haul it to the junkyard instead?" He snorts, sitting down on the edge of your bed and looking with disdain at the half-assedly assembled shelf.
Mike immediately shuts his mouth when you glare at him. Oops, right, you're in a bad mood.
"I mean, uh... you tried?" He laughs, shaking his head in amusement. He still can't believe you're actually this inept when it comes to assembly.
"Get to work, Schmidt."
Mike yelps as you kick him off the bed, but doesn't bother retaliating. He just grabs his toolbox and sits on the floor, examining the so-called "shelf".
"Well, the first step is going to be un-doing everything you did."
You lie on your stomach in bed, chin propped up on your hands as you kick your feet in the air and ponder the sight before you. Mike's back is turned to you as he quietly works away taking apart the monstrosity you assembled.
"How long is this gonna take?"
"Well, If it wasn't so..." He trails off, glancing at you and choosing his words more carefully.
"...sturdy, it'd be a lot easier to take apart."
"Hm? What do you mean?"
He gives you an incredulous look and gestures to a series of nails in a corner where two boards meet. It does look pretty ridiculous, the sharp ends pointing out the other side. Not your best work.
"You put nails in it, sweetheart." He scoffs.
"How else was I supposed to keep it together?" You give him your best pout, and gloat internally when he has to turn away. He's absolutely infatuated with you. Even the back of his neck is pink.
"It comes with screws for a reason, ya know."
"There's a difference?"
He turns and gives you a flat look, and you laugh. Damn. You can play dumb with him, but maybe not that dumb. Noted.
Still, it's a little boring just laying there and watching him grumble and pull nails from wood. You can't really mess with him too much either, because you really do what him to fix the stupid shelf.
"You want something to drink?" You finally break the silence, under the guise of trying to be a good hostess.
"Pfft. Need some whiskey to deal with this bullshit." He snorts, pulling yet another nail free. He'd almost gotten one board off. One. This was gonna take a while.
"I was thinking more along the lines of soda or tea."
"Jack and Coke, then?"
"Mike. It's hardly past noon."
"So?" He scoffs. "For me, this is like... evening, or something. I dunno. Sleep schedule's fucked with this new job."
That answer makes you pause.
"What is it you do now, anyway?"
He groans, finally prying one of the boards free of the clusterfuck.
"Night guard. Told you already, remember?" He tries to shrug the question off, but you're nosy.
"Uhh... Freddy Fazbear's Pizza..."
"Speak up."
"Ugh. It's this stupid rundown hellhole pizzeria. Honestly dunno why anyone would wanna break in there anyways. It's a dump."
"What kind of a pizzeria needs a night guard? Or any guard?"
"The haunted kind."
You decide not to ask about that, simply shaking your head as you walk to the door. He's truly a loon. A loveable loon, unfortunately.
"Just tell me what you want to drink, Mikey, or I'm getting you water."
Mike sits on the floor of your bedroom sipping his glass of water and wondering how he got here. If you'd told him a week ago he'd be building his witch of an ex-girlfriend a shelf, he would've gagged. Now...? Well, he just wants to go join you on that bed.
"So are you really just gonna sit there and look pretty while I do all the work?"
"Aww, you think I'm pretty, Mikey? You smile, lying on the bed with your feet kicking in the air, giving him a look of pure adoration. It wasn't hard to do.
"Pretty annoying, yeah." He turns away with a scoff, returning to his work. If only he could get this stupid nail untangled from the other two... why would anyone use this many nails?
"You know, I think I liked you better gagged."
"Oh I know, sweetheart. I could see it in those evil eyes of yours." He can't help but smirk a bit at the comment, though. Sometimes he liked himself better gagged, too. He shakes the thought away and keeps working.
"Why can't you just get on hands and knees and beg me to take you back already?" You huff dramatically and roll over onto your back, letting your head fall over the edge of the bed. He looks silly from this angle. Upside-down.
That question nearly makes Mike drop his tools. Were you serious?
"Why? So you can laugh me off again?"
Ouch. It was true you'd turned him down the last time he'd tried it, but that was six months ago.
"Maybe if you used those big brown puppy eyes of yours on me."
That only earns you a grunt, so you verbally prod him again.
"Besides, why can't I do both? Laugh at you, then take you back? Sounds fun."
"Pfft. Fun? To toy with me? You'd probably break up with me all over again just for shits and giggles." He responds bitterly, still refusing to turn around.
"Mikey. Look at me." You roll back over onto your stomach and rest your chin in your hands as he slowly meets your gaze.
"I didn't break up with you just for shits and giggles. You know that. I'm not letting you sit there and wallow in self-pity."
Mike goes stiff from your words, but your tone is soft, and your eyes even softer. You're still giving him that adoring look. Damn it.
"Well maybe I'd rather wallow in self pity than admit you were right all along."
"You've had six months to wallow. Grow a pair and come kiss me."
He can't say no to that. Not when you look at him that way. He shuffles over, kneeling by the side of your bed. On his knees for you again, damnit.
You kiss him. It's different from the lustful, sloppy kiss you shared last time. This one makes you feel warm. You kiss him again. And again.
Mike really doesn't want this to end, but the knot in his stomach forces him to pull away. He has to ask.
"Why? Why are you doing this, I mean? Do you really want... to take me back?" He sputters, looking down at the floor.
"I'm not completely sure yet." You answer honestly, shifting and lying back on the bed.
Damn. That's not the answer he wanted to hear.
"Are you-"
"Come here."
When you pat the spot next to you in bed, Mike melts. He's a wreck right now, but still wants nothing more than to be with you, in every sense of the word. He silently complies.
"It's not about right and wrong, you know. As much as I love being told I'm right." You give him a soft smile, breaking the silence and placing your hand on top of his as you both lie on your sides.
Damn it. He'd done this with you before, this and so much more. Why was such a small touch turning him to goo?
"What isn't?"
"The breakup. It's about growing as a person. As people. Both of us." You lace your fingers with his, and can't help but laugh as his face reaches a level of pink you've never seen before.
"And what exactly am I supposed to be growing out of?"
"Pfft. I don't know, the emotional unavailability? The way you never made time for me? Constant irritability?" You start to dramatically list off his flaws, using your free hand to count on your fingers.
"Okay, okay. I get it." He huffs, and grabs your hand before you can make fun of him more. Instead, he guides it to his side, pulling you in a little closer.
"And you're miss perfect?"
"No. 'Course not. I have flaws too." You give him a sly smile, and start listing your own "faults".
"Too hot and sexy, too intelligent, too kind, amazing, sweet and caring..."
That's as far as you get before Mike scoots closer, burying his face in your neck and giving you a playful nip.
"Too arrogant." He adds with a laugh, wrapping his arm around you and letting himself melt further into you.
"My arrogance is one of my best qualities, thank you." You reply haughtily, sliding your hand up his back and into his hair.
Mike couldn't speak, even if he could somehow find the right words to say. Everything in this moment felt so right. His arm around you. Your fingers in his hair. He lets out a soft groan instead.
You aren't exactly eager to let go of this moment either, and just hold him for a few minutes. It feels nice to play with his soft brown curls.
"I'll do better. Please." He finally mumbles something to you, not bothering to move his face from where it's buried in the crook of your neck.
"Please what, Mikey?"
"Take me back."
He finally pulls back, just enough to give you a glimpse of those puppy eyes of his. Damn it. How could you even think of saying no?
"Yeah. Okay."
You both lean in for another round of soft passionate kisses, and Mike feels himself relax completely. His stomach unknots and his mind goes numb. For the first time in months, he feels completely safe.
"So does this mean you'll babysit for me again?"
"Go finish the shelf, Schmidt."
"Yes, Princess."
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♡ Epilogue ♡
Over the past few weeks, you and Mike had fallen into a sort of rhythm.
He never did end up finding a new babysitter, and besides, you're the only one who could ever get Abby to finish her dinner. You had to graduate her from daily witching lessons to weekly ones, though, convincing her she needed to study for the more advanced spells. Secretly, Mike was just losing track of which objects in his house were supposedly invisible. It was quite amusing to watch.
Mike's favorite part of the day was coming home to you already asleep in his bed, and waking you up with a kiss. He'd then either lie down in bed while you shower, or hop in there with you, depending on how you felt. Either way, he loved the view.
The conflicting schedules made things complicated, but you were able to work around it. Mike slept better with you holding him, and consequentially, was a lot more agreeable. He did his best to make more time for both you and Abby.
He even started to open up to you for once, letting you take on some of his burdens. This man sure had a lot of guilt. You were certain he hadn't yet told you everything, but he told you enough. At least you finally knew what the fucking NEBRASKA poster on the ceiling was for. Now you kind of felt bad for all the times you teased him about it the first time you dated.
As for the damn shelf... well, he finished it. It was still hideous, but it was functional. There were holes in it from the nails, and the wood had even started to splinter in a few spots. You couldn't bring yourself to get rid of it, though. Not after how much work you both put into it. Even if most of Mike's work revolved around un-doing yours.
It definitely wasn't a perfect relationship, not by far. But Mike never promised to be the perfect boyfriend. He just promised to be better.
And he was, bit by bit, every day. Better. ♡
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Author's note:
Thank you all for the love!! This was my first time writing a fanfic of any kind so I'm really happy so many of you enjoyed it. Feels good to bring the story to an end.
Feel free to send me a request, I'd love to write more fics about Mike. Or any other J-hutch character for that matter, Mikey is just my favorite <3
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clownhousemargarita · 2 months
Can I request a Vox x Trans!(FtM) reader? Perhaps some fluff- like maybe the reader gets sorta made fun of for not being cis and goes to Vox to complain/cry about it to him??
Idk, this is my first request 😭
"I just wanna talk to 'em." -- Vox.
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------- Summary: You get outed and harassed for being transgender and Vox won't let it slide. Pairing: Vox x (TRANS) MALE! Reader Warnings: Angst, Transphobia, Possessive behavior, Implied NSFW. Enjoy. (+ also, happy Easter to anyone who celebrates!) --------
You were used to it, the harassment and all. Before you found yourself, struggling to push denial away and become the man you truly were -- there was judgement everywhere. No matter where you were, it came in all shapes in sizes. The more you started passing, the less it started to happen. But you'd always remember those humiliating moments, those moments of feeling like the odd one out. You sat there and took it like a man, cause what else were you supposed to do? When you found yourself in hell, you asked yourself if it was because of who you were. That was quickly shot down the moment you realized it was because you took a life. Totally forgot about that, silly you! Though, looking down at your new form, you were immediately disappointed that whoever organized the designs, couldn't have at least got this one issue of your fucking back. Maybe that was your punishment, because truthfully -- all you wished for was to be a biological man. Why would they give that to you if you were in...Hell...? Shit, you must have hit your fucking head or something. You immediately found your place in Hell, the Vee's made you feel at home. You knew you were a shitty person right off that bat if that's how you felt about these three. They were all terrible, and you fucking loved it. Especially Vox. You found yourself favoriting his bratty personality over the other two. They took note of this, teasing you about it constantly. Vox was blinded at the time of all your non-subtle hints, too blinded by his own anger of some fucking buck making himself known into Hell. Eventually you two tied the knot, not in a marital way, but if it was you'd make him wear the bridal dress. Not because of who you once were perceived to be but because you thought he'd look way better in it than you would. You told him this and he just straight up walked away from you. "Absolutely FUCKING NOT!" He exclaimed, not turning his back to face you. You let out a mischievous giggle. You truly felt less anxious around these three. Your boyfriend, a lovely sassy woman who you considered a sister, and an absolute fucking freak.
--- "Hey babe, can you remind Vel about the dinner we have later tonight with that new client? Knowing her stingy ass, she probably forgot already. She takes like 3 light years to get ready." Vox requested, groaning at the end of his sentence at the thought of Velvette putting together an outfit. You watched it occur, it was...life changing for sure. You nodded and gave him a thumbs up, leaning over to kiss his screen. "What're you leaving me forever and never coming back?" He joked, turning to you from the chair he was sitting in. You shrugged your shoulders with a smile as you walked off, waving at him with just your index finger. It was just a silly thing you did. You trademarked it. Making your way downstairs, you saw a group of people in Velvet's station, assumedly models as they looked physically stunning. You scouted the area for Velvet, not finding even a glimpse of her hair around. You turned to the group of models, your face flushed. "Excuse me." You spoke as loudly as possible. They all turned to you with a raised brow and an irritated look on their faces. One man smiled widely, "What can I do for you little girl?" He laughed, the rest joining. You raised a brow, your face clearly showing your anger. "Not a chick, nor am I little. Have any of you pricks seen Velvet?" You ask, emphasizing on the insult. "Are you a transvestite?" "Maybe he's just gay." "What's in your pants, little man?" "It's getting embarrassed, look at it's face!" You felt the tears swell up in your throat, you begin scratching at your hip as an attempt to take out your own anger. "Fuck you cunts." You mumble, walking away as fast as you could, not allowing them to see you cry. You felt the hot streams of tears rolling down your face as you made your way back up to Vox's office. You slammed the door open and began yelling. "Who the fuck are those douche bags downstairs?! Why would you guys hire them?!" You scream, the testosterone getting to you. Vox jumped up from his spot and rushed over to you, his screen like face glitching out in anxiety.
"What?! What people?! The fuck are you talking about?? I literally asked you to just go talk to Velvet??" He didn't respond to strong emotions from others well, so he just began getting angry and nervous back at you. "Those fuckers downstairs! Kept fucking asking me about my junk!" You cry, wiping your tears. You hadn't dealt with this in so long you forgot how to collect yourself. "Babe people do that all the time here, it's nothing personal." "THIS WAS PERSONAL! They asked me if I was a fucking transvestite, making fun of me saying I look like a chick, this and that! It fucking sucked! I sat there and did fucking nothing and ran the fuck away. like a shit ass fucking coward." At this point you were swearing like a sailor who forgot how to curse, you were so angry you didn't know what to say. Nobody had any right to treat you that way. What made them think that they could? You could see Vox getting visibly angrier each word you spoke. "Those mother fuckers." He grumbled, patting your back before heading downstairs with a walk of purpose. You stood there, rubbing your eyes realizing... you totally just got them fucking killed. again. You smiled, the realization of how Vox cares for you settling in and pushing the anger away. You turned to sit by the door, a smile on your face still as your tears dried away, you hummed whatever you could to calm you down. There was screaming, pleading, god knows whatever noise you make when you get torn in half being made from down in Velvets station. Oh, what a pity. Suddenly it stopped, and you heard Velvets voice -- she was screaming at Vox, clearly angry that she just lost her blood filled mannequins. You giggled. There were steps getting closer and closer, before Vox walked through the door, looking down at you. You looked up at him, your eyes lidded with a smile. "You okay?" You asked, hearts in your eyes. He shrugged and nodded gently, "I'm alright, you?" You giggled again as he picked you up from your spot on the ground and kissed you lovingly. "Your fucking insane." You mumble against his lips. "Mhm." He makes a noise in agreement, only making you laugh again and smacking the back of his TV head. "Velvet canceled the dinner by the way, if you wanna just stay here. And fuck." "Nice one." "Dude, I don't even know who said that?" "Me neither, dude." "Okay, it's not cool when you say it." "Say what, dude?" "Shut the fuck up." You hop out of his arms with another laugh. "We can do whatever you want, my love."
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laura1633 · 3 months
a drabble of charles wanting to be in maxs lap? :)
Hi anon, thank you for the ask ♥️. I took it in a bit of a cutesy silly direction so hopefully that is okay, I was just in the mood to write a nice cute drabble today.
Charles isn’t jealous of a cat. 
He isn’t. That would be ridiculous. 
Except Sassy is currently snuggled in Max’s lap and taking up the space where Charles would normally choose to perch himself. The Dutchman is cooing softly and giving Sassy little pets on the top of her head and the sound of her purrs are filling the room. Charles scrunches his nose up and tries not to think about how loudly he would be purring if Max was gently petting him and running his large hands through his hair. 
“Has she been fed?” Charles asks curiously, it’s not exactly his finest hour but if Sassy is due a feed then that is a sure fire way to get her up and off where she is curled up against Max’s soft thick thighs. 
“She’s been fed, haven’t you Sassy?” Max coos as he looks down at Sassy and smiles lovingly at her. 
“Okay” Charles nods and tries not to get paranoid about the fact that Sassy is now glaring at him, the last thing he wants is to get into a battle of wits against a cat.
“You look cute like that” Max hums and Charles feels his heart skip as he realises Max is in fact talking to him this time and not Sassy, “You should wear my clothes all the time” 
Charles flutters his eyelashes in his boyfriend’s direction as he tugs on the large hooded top he has borrowed from the Dutchman. It’s warm and fleecy inside so he’s just paired it with a nice tight pair of boxer briefs. 
“You going to come and cuddle up then?” Max grins as he pats the space on the couch next to him. It’s not exactly where Charles wants to place himself though, he very much wants to clamber right on to Max’s lap and melt right up against his boyfriend’s body. 
Sassy looks territorial though. 
Charles cautiously makes his way and over and remembers to coo softly at the little fluffy menace that is currently staring him down and clearly laying claim to Max. 
“Did you just have a shower?” Max asks as Charles takes a seat, “You smell of coconut” 
Charles grins, at least he smells better than Sassy - she’s been rolling around in the dirt all day, the only thing Charles has been rolling about in is in bed earlier this morning with Max. The Monegasque settles down as closely to Max as he dares and leans in bravely to rest his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder. Luckily Sassy doesn’t hiss this time but Charles can see her eyeing him with suspicion.
“Oh look, it’s her boyfriend!” Charles proclaims excitedly as he sees the large tabby cat from next-door stood outside on the patio. Right on cue there’s a loud meowing that can be heard even from the other side of the glass door and Sassy snaps her head up immediately to look over. 
It’s not Charles’ proudest moment but he feels a huge sense of victory as Sassy jumps up off of Max’s lap and bounds over to the door. The Monegasque almost trips in his haste to let her out. It’s not that he doesn’t like her, he does (kind of), he’s just not sure she is too keen on him yet. As she struts outside she starts nuzzling up against the large tabby cat before trotting off with him presumably to go snuggle up. 
Which is precisely was Charles also intends to do. The Monegasque turns on his heels and tries not to skip too happily as he sees Max’s muscled thighs ready and waiting for him to crawl on to. 
Max hums happily the second Charles clambers into his lap. The Dutchman’s hands glide up the inside of the hooded top Charles is wearing and sooth up and down the Monegasque’s back before settling just above his hips.
Charles does indeed purr. Or at least makes a happy soft little vibrating sound as Max’s palms rest against his skin. The Monegasque snuggles in as close as he can as he leans his body weight up against the broadness of Max’s chest and buries his head right into the crook of the Dutchman’s neck. 
Max gives the best hugs, Charles is just annoyed it took him so many years to discover that.
“You nice and comfy?” Max asks as he wraps Charles up tighter in his arms. 
The Monegasque nods before tipping his head up so he can pepper some much deserved kisses up Max’s jaw and lips.
It’s perfect.
Charles grins to himself as he settles down for the evening all wrapped up warm on his boyfriend’s lap.  It’s the most comfortable spot in the whole house. Max is muscled and broad enough to make Charles feel nice and delicate as he sits atop his thighs. But Max is also soft and curvy and nice and squishy to rest against. Charles likes to call it the perfect balance - a soft but muscled body - the absolute best of both worlds. 
Charles fully intends to stay where he is snuggled up for the rest of the night. 
Charles 1 :  Sassy 0 
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garzasheart · 4 months
general valeria garza headcanons
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summary: just valeria being her silly self + some relationship headcanons
author notes: nothing to say, i just love this woman
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━ valeria is definitely the type to watch telenovelas and pick sides when characters have conflict
━ walks around the house in a wife beater and boxers
━ always needs the air conditioner on and gets all bitchy if it isn't freezing cold
━ somehow wins every argument she starts even if she is in the wrong
━ unless it's an argument with you than she will let you win
━ listens to 90's spanish music and maybe even some 2000's american rap & rnb
━ if your first language is english than she will ask you what the lyrics mean in the american songs
━ loves tupac just because he can get real violent
━ says the most unhinged shit at random moments because in her mind it's normal. "amor, should we be buried together when we die?"
━ a total cat mom. on her list of people she will kill for is you and y'all cats
━ if you have her meet your mom, she becomes a total mommy's girl (because she misses her own mother) and always be like "how was my mom?" whenever you go to visit your mom alone
━ always has a grumpy lil frown on her face, but smiles when she sees you
━ if you introduce her to games her favorite is mortal kombat because it's violent & she always wins against you
━ chronic eye roller™
━ low-key sassy and doesn't give no fucks
━ super sarcastic especially when annoyed
━ figured out she was lesbian in her early twenties and was like "oh, that figures"
━ HATES bugs. will act like she's all tough if others are around and a bug is nearby, but by herself she moves as far away as possible
━ can actually cook pretty well
━ loves spicy food AND sugary food. she's just versatile like that
━ probably got addicted to coffee once when she was younger, but broke that addiction once she hit her 30th birthday because she refuse to let a little drink control her mood
━ has trust issues, attachment issues, abandonment issues, and commitment issues
━ a stomach sleeper 100%
━ doesn't care for holidays, but will go all out if you like them
━ a lil menace who sometimes acts like a bad ass little kid
━ "gimme a kiss" whenever you ask her to do anything
━ gets annoyed when you don't reply to her text messages right away. you take an hour to reply? alright see you tomorrow girlie because that's when she's going to text back
━ p e t t y
━ a little toxic but it's fine because she loves hard
━ once she found out how to do 0.5 photos just know that's how all the photos she takes of you are taken now
━ laughs loud asf when people fall. might even point too
━ loves freezepops in the summer and winter, no difference to her
━ loves to play fight and wrestle
━ if you two get a dog, she will always rile it up and than complain about it
━ dances a little when she's tipsy
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gennemi · 7 months
𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒉𝒂𝒘𝒌 𝑺𝑭𝑾 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
A/N: I enjoyed writing these cute and silly headcanons of my favorite swordsman Dracule Mihawk✨. These are just headcanons I had in my head! 🥰
Warnings: Pure Fluff, little bit of silliness, mentions of pregnancy and childbirth. Mihawk being best husband and father.
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.He gives off the vibes of possibly being attracted to someone who is like him per say, one who prefers the quiet like him. Considering he's a man of a few words In a way.
. He's a big softy. He won't admit it though, but he's got a big soft spot for you. Always acting soft with you. Very rarely ever gets mad at you.
. When he does get mad at you, it's because he's probably being overprotective. He just wants you to be safe. Doesn't ever want you to be in harm's way, so sometimes he can be a bit menacing with it, but the man means well, he doesn't want to lose you.
. Very ✨sassy✨ he was very sassy in the Live Action. So he can be very sassy, especially if he's woken up from his naps. Just let the poor man nap.
. Speaking of naps, he deserves them. He probably doesn't get a lot of sleep at night, at most maybe 3 or 4 hours. He sleeps a whole lot better at night with you next to him than he will if you aren't.
. He may not vocalize it a lot, but he does love you. He's one of those that doesn't vocalize that he loves you out loud a lot. But possibly he shows it with gifts that he brings back when he comes home from long trips.
. He would be the best dad to his future kids!! A very strict dad though, with certain rules that he makes to keep his kids safe. GIRL DAD VIBES!!! I don't make the rules.
. He just has these girl dad vibes to him, he would want to be a girl dad. But doesn't care what the gender is at the same time, he will still love his child(ren).
. If he has a daughter, he will be way over protective over her, like very. If he has a son he will still be an overprotective father, when his son is old enough he will teach him self defense, he will also teach his daughter self defense but will still be overprotective.
.if you two do start a family, and you fall pregnant, be prepared for Mihawk to be overbearing, he just wants to protect you more since you are carrying a baby.
. He will take care of you, feet or back is sore? He will rub your back and feet for you. Are you craving something? He's making it for you. He will also do that one thing you see dads do on tiktok: slowly lift the belly up to relieve some pressure on your sore back. He will for sure do that for you.
. When it's time for you to give birth, he's there the whole time you are in labor, not once leaving your side. He wants to be the best supportive husband he can be. He feels so bad that you are in so much pain, he whispers soothing words to you while letting you literally squeeze the life out of his hand.
. If you two have a girl, he's over the moon. Loves her so much, she would look like a spitting image of him, if you two have a son he's still over the moon, and he will also look like a spitting image of Mihawk.
. But if you two end up having twins! A boy and a girl! Man is ecstatic, definitely for sure over the moon. And his genes would definitely be strong; they would both definitely look like a spitting image of Mihawk.
. Overall Mihawk would be the best husband, and father to yall's future kids.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Missing 2
Here is a silly part 2 to the silly first fic here 
Fluff, Mob Bucky is an adorable goof, this is worse than the first fic okay. I’m openly acknowledging this is ridiculous and stupid but I’m posting it anyway. 
“Why the fuck is he still here” 
Bucky narrowed his eyes, watching him carefully, hating the way he moved with such suave. Who the fuck does he think he is?! It had been days of him coming around, pretending his intentions were innocent but Bucky knew better. He had been in the game long enough to be able to read someone's character. 
There was nothing innocent about this. 
He was after his pretty baby and that wasn’t okay. 
“If you have such a problem with him, go do something about it” Sam snorted, watching the mob boss huff, shaking his head.
“I can’t just tell him to fuck off” Bucky grumbled, ready to give him the finger. “Even though he should, I don’t want him 10 feet near my princess” 
“I’m sure if you stare at him long enough, he’ll take the hint”
Bucky glared at him once more for good measure before smiling down at the purring ball of fur that pawed at his leg, demanding to be picked up. She had dragged your sweater into the room, dropping it by his feet, giving him a pointed look. 
“Hi baby” He picked up his sassy little fur baby, giving her a few kisses and scratching her head, cocking an eyebrow at her seeing the sweater she brought with her. “You miss her huh, maybe I should ask her out soon?”
“Merp” Alpine nudged her head against his chest while Sam shook his head, running a hand over his face. 
“For fucks sake, at least listen to the cat and ask her out” 
“He’s right” Steve smirked at his friend, snorting at the ridiculous sight of Bucky cooing at his cat, “Stop worrying about him and actually go ask her out”
Bucky thought for a moment, he had to do it right. You were sweet. Kind. Summer and flowers. His mind was all over the place, he couldn't stop thinking about you but would you even want to go out with someone like him? 
You sipped your tea, cozy in an oversized t-shirt and some fuzzy socks, snuggled under a blanket with your favorite tv show pulled up. You smiled sadly at the empty corner Alpine liked to snuggle in; even if she was with you for a few days, you missed her purrs and silky fur nuzzled against you. Then there was her owner. It shouldn’t have been legal for someone that attractive to have a cute white fluffy kitten, the combination of the two overloaded all your senses. Your mind continuously bounced between the both of them, not sure who you wanted to snuggle with more. Both with the same mischievous blue eyes and sassy attitude to match. You blinked hearing the doorbell ring; no one ever visited you at this hour. Then it rang again. 
You ran to your door, abandoning your tea and Netflix, squealing when you saw your sweet little fur baby sitting in a basket of red roses, a small note tucked onto the side. She hopped out of the basket and into your arms, nudging her nose onto yours. 
“Now how did you get here baby” you giggled, looking up to see a flustered Bucky on your drive way, waiting hopefully for you to read the note. You pulled the note out, smiling at the beautiful handwriting, biting back a smile as you read. 
Thank you for taking such good care of me, I missed you. I sleep in your sweater every single night. I wanted to see you again. 
PS: Will you go out on a date with my daddy?
You grinned, feeling your face heat up, looking up at the blushing mob boss. He made his way over while you kept Alpine tucked in your arms; the ball of fur making a show of snuggling in your hold. Bucky shook his head at his cat’s antics; if only he was as adorable as she was. 
“Sorry” Bucky blushed sheepishly, his heart racing when you took the basket of flowers and invited him inside. “I-I didn’t get to properly thank you for taking care of Alpine” 
“I was happy just to look after her” You smiled, feeling giddy over the fact that he was in your house again. “But I’d love to go out with you” 
That was all he needed to hear, kissing your cheek before leaving, his mind already thinking about where to take you. 
“I’ll see you soon doll” 
Bucky made sure he gave you the sweetest date possible, taking you out to a quiet diner where he spent the evening looking at you with heart eyes. His heart fluttered over your sweetness and he had to mentally restrain himself from cupping your cheeks and kissing you every time you looked at him. What the hell was wrong with him. 
The first date turned into a second date. Then a third. Most recently, he invited you over so he could make you brunch and eat in the large patio in his garden. Bucky’s heart started tp leap again, looking at his pretty doll set out strawberries on a plate and carrying a jug of lemonade.  He didn’t know what to do with himself when you brought him flowers from your flower shop to brighten his home, he already knew he was going to keep that bouquet preserved forever. 
You both finished eating, curled up on Bucky’s couch for some cuddles, his hand softly stroking your hair, stopping abruptly when he saw movement by the window. You sat up when you felt his body stiffen, looking up to see him staring at someone through the window. 
“Fuck, he’s back again” His chest rumbled against you, moving you over as he stalked to the window, frowning. 
“Who” You couldn’t see anyone from where you were sitting, nearly collapsing on the floor when you joined Bucky’s side. Now you knew exactly where Alpine learned her dramatics. 
“Him” Bucky growled at a stray black cat that slinked around his garden, purring as soon as his green eyes landed on Alpine who was basking near the windowsill. 
“It’s a cat Bucky”
“That’s not a cat, that’s a punk” He narrowed his eyes at the cat while he sauntered over, his tail swishing about, gracefully hopping on the ledge, his nose nudging against the glass, right where Alpine sat. “She’s too good for you”
“Oh my god” You wheezed, shaking your head while Steve walked by, stopping when he saw Bucky by the window. It had become a weekly occurrence, he was used to the scene before him, not that it was ever any less ridiculous. 
“Is he beefing with the cat again” Steve snorted while you burst out laughing, looking at Bucky staring off with the cat, his precious baby tucked in his arms. 
“Does this happen often?”
“Mhm, has he given him the finger yet?” 
“Shut up Steve” 
“He just wants a home, I think it’s sort of sweet” You nudged Bucky while he shook his head. Your heart melted, looking at Alpine trying to wiggle out of Bucky’s hold, inching towards the black cat that sat outside who was peering into the warm house. 
“I don’t trust him” 
“C’mon, he’s a little like you” Bucky frowned at you while you giggled, cupping his  face, pulling him down to kiss his lips, smiling when you felt him melt into your hold, his hands coming down to hold your waist. “He’s just a little misunderstood. Handsome on the outside and sweet on the inside”
Bucky’s ears perked up, a smirk dancing on his lips, pulling you closer. 
“You think I’m handsome and sweet?” 
“Bucky!” You rolled your eyes, “That’s what you got from what I just said?” You squeaked when he lifted you in his arms, carrying you off to his room, deciding he’d deal with the punk outside later. There were more important things that required his attention. 
“We have all night, tell me more my pretty doll” 
A few years later *
“I told you Alp would be with the groomsmen” Sam grinned, holding the white ball of fluff while Steve stood by Bucky. Alpine purred, a large silky bow replacing her collar. 
“That’s only because y/n has Bucky jr. on her side” The black cat purred in your best friends arms, his green eyes blinking at Alpine and then at Bucky, a little bowtie around his neck. 
“She named him Toothless, not Bucky Jr” Bucky groaned, shaking his head at the green eyes that blinked at him, he may have given into you adopting him but he still didn’t fully trust his intentions. 
“You love him” You giggled at your soon to be husband, waiting for his lips to press onto yours, ready to start a new chapter together along with your fur babies. 
“Hm, not as much as I love you” He whispered, pulling you into his arms as soon as he’s told he can kiss the bride, pouring every ounce of his love into the kiss. 
Who would have thought his little fur baby going on an adventure would bring him the greatest love of his life. 
*Of course when he does propose to you, there’s basically two proposals. One is perfect, romantic, intimate. Just the two of you, his sweet words, soft kisses. It was beautiful and you loved it but he already had your heart when you first feel 4 little paws on the bed earlier that day, a wet nose nudging you awake. There’s a new note attached to her collar, not a whole lot written on it but the few words bring tears to your eyes. 
Will you be my mama? 
To which you immediately say yes and gasp when you see a little ring on Alpine’s collar. Bucky smiles by the door, striding over to pull you into his lap, his heart filling with warmth when you attack him with 100′s of kisses. 
Alpine purrs proudly; she always knew you’d be the perfect mommy for her daddy. 
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melminli · 5 months
I Hate To Love You
pairing: young coriolanus snow x fem. reader
summery - coriolanus can't quite admit to himself what kind of feelings are actually hiding behind his strong hatred towards you.
word count: 2k+
contains: kinda enemies to lovers vibes, coriolanus having crazy thoughts, a bit misogyny/slutshaming, fruity reader, suggestive themes, obsessive/sassy coryo
part II
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Coriolanus Snow was very aware of how charming he was - or of how charming he could be. He was well aware that he was perceived as very attractive by others, or rather that he was, and this made his rather shitty life a little bit better. At least as long as he could use it to his own advantage by distracting people with his pretty words and even prettier face from how depraved his actual thoughts were.
So, he would be a hypocrite if he said that this was the reason why you got on his nerves so incredibly. Although he didn't even care how it sounded by now, he loathed seeing you with your seductive nature - how you made others feel like they were special, unique - just because you enjoyed playing silly little games and your curiosity about what it would lead to was insatiable. Coriolanus was sure that you had some kind of gambling addiction. The way you played with other people's feelings for your own amusement, to observe their reactions and actions and to see if they would react the way you expected them to. You seemed to like it more when they didn't, which he couldn't really figure out why because what kind of gambler liked to lose? A looser, perhaps.
He, on the contrary, liked to read other people to know who they really were so he could better assess them and their actions. However, the problem with you was that he only knew that you were unpredictable.
His teeth clenched a little when he saw you at the outer gate of the academy. You were talking to some girl whose back was leaning against a pillar while she giggled and coyly wrapped a strand of hair around her finger. The way you snuggled up to her let him know what kind of words would come out of your mouth. Her parents must be really proud of her behavior. He finally decided to move from his spot and walk towards you, the girl noticing him sooner than you did as she was pulled from her reverie and looked up at him a little disappointed.
Realizing that her attention was no longer entirely on you, you also looked up at the person who interrupted you, only to be pleasantly surprised. "Oh. It's you, Snowy. Can I help you with anything?" You asked with a smile.
He had to restrain himself from correcting you about the stupid nickname. You really knew how to push his buttons, but he didn't want to come off as dainty by correcting you about it. Even if it bothered him immensely. "I need to talk to you about Highbottom's assignment." He addressed the first thing that popped into his head, as he had, in fact, shown up for no reason. You were put in a group together for that, so it should seem legitimate enough, even if the timing of bringing it up might be a little weird. His eyes glanced briefly at the girl you had been dealing with earlier. "In private." He then added.
A feigned sadness crossed your features. "I'm so sorry, Amelija. I hope you don't mind if we continue talking tomorrow. My friend here seems to need a little help." You said to her while holding her hand. Even with your apologetic tone, her disappointment remained. You leaned a little closer to her, even as she stubbornly avoided your gaze. "Or maybe I'll come over to your place tonight, huh? How does that sound?"
That seemed to cheer her up a bit again, and she said goodbye to you somewhat playfully, while Coriolanus, on the other hand, just got a sour look from her. He could live with that. He hadn't even memorized her name.
He spoke up again when you were both alone. "No wonder you haven't finished your share if you'd rather give your attention to some random girl." He accused you, trying to keep his distaste for your activities subtle.
You laughed lightly. This was the Coriolanus you knew and loved. "Would you prefer it if I gave my attention to - let's see - some random boy?" You replied as your fingers brushed against the collar of his uniform. You didn't wait for his answer and took your hand back as you took a step closer to him and looked him straight in the eyes. "I don't think so. You'd prefer it if my attention was on you, wouldn't you? And you are no random boy."
He grunted and rolled his eyes. "Don't be absurd. I don't care what you do in your spare time." He spoke out, lying to you as well as himself. As if he didn't like hearing you say that he was, in fact, not just a random boy. "It would just be well-intentioned advice from me if maybe you spent your time doing something more useful."
He was going to say at first that maybe you should focus more on school, but your family certainly had enough money to buy you your degree if it was necessary.
"Right. Thank you for thinking of my well-being so much, Snowy." You said, and Coriolanus felt like you were making fun of him. "I'll finish my share today, and you can read it tomorrow. I promise." You assured him, and a few seconds of silence passed as Coriolanus just watched you with slightly puckered eyes. He didn't seem to realize that it was his turn to say something. "Is there anything else?" You finally said, snapping him out of his rattling train of thought.
"Oh." He had to collect himself for a moment. I asked her about the assignment. This is about the assignment. "No. That was all." He said, annoyed with himself that he wasn't quick-witted enough.
You should stifle your grin, but you just couldn't help yourself, as usual. "Okay, then I'll slowly make my way home." You announced and couldn't help but let out a few last words to say goodbye, which is why you turned back to him after taking a few steps. "And next time you just feel like talking to me, just say so, I won't mind. Goodbye, Snowy!"
He ignored what you said. He had better things to do than talk to the bed partner of half the school. "Bye..."
You got on his nerves more than Sejanus sometimes. I hate her so much.
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It was common knowledge to everyone that Coriolanus was not only the best in class but also the best student in the academy. Others were jealous of this because it was unfair that he was handsome, charming, and on top of that, an acedemic ace. What others didn't know, of course, was his material situation, but that would soon change, so it was better if everyone assumed that he was also lucky in terms of money.
There was only one subject where he was not considered the best, and that was philosophy. If it was up to Coriolanus, it was because their teacher was a piece of shit who, in his opinion, had the same value as a rebel with the topics he presented in class. He wouldn't even listen to anything the teacher said if it didn't affect his school career because he just didn't see the point in adding anything to his stupidly designed lessons where, for example, they were discussing the differences between a Capitol citizen and a District citizen. It was a stupid question to begin with since the answer was as clear as day. There was nothing to discuss.
As for the latter, you seemed to disagree with him. Because he was also lucky that his worst subject belonged to your area of expertise. According to Coriolanu's observations, you only made an effort in the subjects that could arouse your interest - which in his favor at least only applied to philosophy, as he had fortunately chosen music instead of art - and it made him a little angry at himself that this fact relieved him a little if he was being honest with himself. Because that would mean that he would see you as a potential threat, and you and him were definitely not on the same level.
"So, who really read the text I gave you as homework?" The philosophy teacher asked his class. Mr. Maximus was aware that his subject wasn't one of the most popular, but that wasn't really his problem. He rubbed his eyes in slight frustration as he had been listening to completely misinterpreted statements for half an hour. When he asked, all but two or three arms went up. Maximus asked again. "Okay. Who thinks they have understood what the text says?"
As expected, the number of hands in the air decreased drastically. After most of the students had already been told that they were wrong, most could conclude that they were wrong as well. Only three pairs of hands remained up, those of Coriolanus, Sejanus, and Clemensia. The former was surprised at your silent performance today, as you usually had so much to say. You were sitting further ahead to his right, which gave him a good view of your figure. He could see from the corner of his eye how you didn't seem to be fully present, even if you physically were.
Maximus was also not very pleased about your participation today. Between the students who were still willing to contribute to the topic, he didn't really feel that any of the three really understood the meaning of it. He would say that after a few years, he could judge his students quite well on the rightness of their answers. Snow and Plinth are two different poles, each far too convinced of their own position to consider the other. Dovecote is probably the closest, but she's more interested in getting good grades than the text, so I doubt that she actually understands. She's probably just gonna repeat what is written down in a fancy way.
His eyes turned to you as he straightened his glasses slightly and called your name. "What's with you? You read the text as well, didn't you?" He asked, taking the easy way out rather than dealing with any more false statements. He just wanted to get it over with instead of chewing on the same gum.
You were a little offended that you were suddenly standing in the spotlight, and for the first time, Coriolanus agreed with you - albeit inwardly - on something. He had raised his hand, and yet you were favored. He just couldn't believe it. It was like a slap in the face - he would have actually preferred that to this public humiliation.
"Yeah, I mean sort of." You finally said, as you only had the energy to look at the text half asleep yesterday. You adjusted your posture a little before returning to his question. "I think the author just wants to say that the difference between District and Capitol people lies solely in their upbringing and circumstances." You began and continued when you were not interrupted. "The biological disadvantage of District people is a myth and stems from the fact that District people are actually much weaker on average than those from the Capitol, but this is only because they also have a less varied diet on average, if they get enough to eat at all." You finished and then drew your conclusion. "So the Dark Days are proof that Capitol people also perform worse under other circumstances, let's say on the health scale, for example. You could say the difference is down to luck."
With that, Mr. Maximus ended the lesson by saying that hopefully everyone had listened carefully to what you said because you would be taking a test on it next week. Coriolanus had to swallow his pride as he looked at the notes he had taken when he heard your answer. I really have to stop caring about what she does. It's really not worth it. He thought to himself and looked up at you, who was talking to a group of other classmates. She's just another girl from my class who I just happened to loathe. Not that special at all.
But maybe that was the problem. Normally, he liked some people and disliked others. But at the end of the day, he didn't think about them if he didn't have to. They didn't cross his mind when he was getting a little hotter than usual alone in his room at night, in a state where his thoughts were the most clouded and he was only acting out of the urge to feel good. It wasn't any of them who he imagined, so it was these moments where it was the most obvious to him that his hatred for you were also strong feelings that could be considered something else as well.
I guess you could also say that the line between hate and love is on the same page for some - because sometimes there is no difference at all.
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stylesloveclub · 2 years
Pleasing (jealous blurb)
In which another waiter flirts with y/n, and Harry gets really jealous.
* 。˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。 * 。 • ˚  ˛ 。* 。• ° 。* 。 • ˚
Y/n stands in front of Harry, dressed in an oversized apron and a silly little chef's hat that she’d found discarded in his pantry.
“Tonight,” Harry announces, “we’re going to make a simple honey-garlic glazed salmon, served on white rice with a side of roasted vegetables. Do you have all your ingredients prepared?”
His kitchen island is covered with all the necessary materials that she might need for the cooking session that Harry’s planned for them. “Yes, chef!” she salutes.
Considering how he’s one of the world’s best chefs and she’s a college student who only ever goes into her kitchen to boil water for her cup of noodles… he thought it’d be cute if he planned a little cooking lesson for her. He’s chosen a meal on the rather simple side – fish is quick to cook and takes very little prepping, and rice is a food that even a child could make. Paired with a healthy variety of vegetables, this is the perfect meal that he thinks y/n should learn to cook for herself so that she wouldn’t be living off of frozen meals anymore.
He rolls his eyes at her silly behavior. “This isn’t Hell’s Kitchen, puppy.”
“I dunno,” she contemplates. “You’re giving Gordon Ramsey vibes right now.”
“Except m’not gonna yell at you and make you cry.” He steps forward and cups her face tenderly, looking into her pretty eyes, his gaze filled with adoration and care. “Just want you to be able to make yourself something other than a frozen pizza.”
She smiles cutely, leaning up on her tiptoes to kiss him sweetly. His eyes flutter shut momentarily, reveling in her soft kiss. “You’re so sweet,” she murmurs against his lips. “M’ready to learn. Tell me what to do.”
He pulls away. “Preheat the oven to 425. Do you know how to do it, or do you want me to show you?”
She rolls her eyes. “I know how to turn on an oven.”
“Hey miss sassy, just asking!” He steps back in surrender. “I’ll get the vegetables ready while you do that, then.” He grabs their carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, and sweet potatoes (all veggies that y/n had picked out when they’d gone grocery shopping together), and runs them under the water to rinse them clean.
Meanwhile, y/n stands in front of his oven, a furrow between her brows. In her shitty little kitchen at her apartment, the oven just has one panel where you enter the temperature you want, and then a single button to “Start.” Harry, however, has two ovens stacked on top of each other, with a bunch of complicated settings. Did it matter if they used the top oven or the bottom oven? Were they baking or broiling? Convection on or off?
“Um, Harry…” She looks at him helplessly, tail between her legs. “I don’t know how to work this.”
He shakes his head and chuckles, drying the rinsed vegetables off. “I thought you knew how to turn an oven on?”
“Okay well your oven is stupid and fancy,” she gripes, crossing her arms as he saunters towards her cockily.
He stands behind her, leaning over her shoulder so that his front presses against her back as he adjusts the settings. One of his hands rests gently on her shoulder as he murmurs in her ear, “Press top oven, then bake. Then you press start once and put in 425, then press it again and it’ll start heating up.”
She grumbles once more, Harry hovering behind her with a satisfied smirk. “What next?”
“Need to cut the vegetables.”
“Okay, I can do that!”
“No, no…” Harry stops her as she reaches for the huge knife that he’d set out on the cutting board. This knife is meant for professionals, sharp enough to cut through a piece of paper in midair. “You’ll hurt yourself.”
She pouts at him. “Harryyy,” she whines. “Let me help!”
“You are helping! You can make the sauce right now, baby, that’s the most important part,” he coos reassuringly, “Let me do the cutting though, don’t want you to cut your fingers or anything. The knife is just a bit too big for you.” He presses a soft kiss to her fingertips as he says it, re-emphasizing how delicate and precious she is to him. “Okay?”
“Okay,” she agrees softly. She can’t help but melt into a puddle when he takes that soft tone with her, talking down to her sweetly and making her feel all fuzzy inside. Of course she’ll listen to him! Especially when he kisses her fingertips so softly like that!
“Good girl,” he praises. “Can you get the honey and mix it with some lemon juice?”
She nods, mixing the ingredients into one bowl and whisking them until the honey is no longer as thick and sticky as it initially was, watered down by the acidic lemon juice. She looks at Harry expectantly, who’s cutting the carrots into bite sized pieces at the cutting board, waiting for the next instructions. “I put some butter to melt in the microwave,” he says, “could you take it out and add it to your sauce?”
She does that as well, then adds some garlic and pepper flakes as instructed by Harry, whisking it together until she has a rich sauce sitting in front of her.
“That’s gonna be for the salmon, so you can set it to the side for now.” He brings a big bowl of chopped vegetables and sets it in front of y/n. “Now we’ve got to toss these with some oil so it doesn’t burn in the oven. And some seasoning, obviously.” He lets y/n add the salt and pepper, and adds a generous drizzle of oil, before showing y/n how to toss it all together so that each piece gets evenly coated. Then, together they spread the veggies out on the baking tray. By this point the oven has preheated all the way, and is ready for the veggies to go in.
“Let me do it,” y/n says when Harry opens the oven.
He looks at her hesitantly, but she pouts up at him with her cute, puppy dog face. The one that gets her whatever she wants, the one Harry can’t say no to. “Fine. But wear some oven mitts.”
After the veggies go in the oven, Harry does most of the remaining work. He massages their salmon fillets with the sauce that y/n made (which he makes sure to compliment, tasting a bit of the sauce and telling her how yummy it is and how nicely she made it), then puts them on a baking pan right underneath the veggies. “We put the vegetables in first because they need 40 minutes in the oven, more or less. The fish, however, needs to come out of the oven in exactly 15 minutes, or else it’ll be dry. Got it?”
She nods from where she’s positioned herself on his kitchen counter, watching him wash his hands. He slots himself to stand between her legs, hands resting on her spread thighs. “What do you think?” he asks, “Easy enough to make on your own?”
She wraps her arms around his neck. “Yeah, I think I could do it. Don’t think it’ll be as good as when you make it though,” she pouts.
He kisses her cheek. “I’ll always cook for you when we’re together. This is only for when I’m away. What did you eat when I was in Milan?”
“Um… a lot of bagels. And dino nuggets.”
He holds in his gag, imagining the sad, soggy nuggets that she must’ve been having for dinner when he wasn’t there to make her gourmet meals. “Exactly. You need to be able to make yourself some nutritious meals for when I’m not here to cook for you.”
Her fingers curl into the hair at the back of his head, staring up at him sweetly. She can’t believe she somehow snagged a guy who cared this much about her, who would spend his weekend teaching her how to cook vegetables so that she had something healthy to eat when he wasn’t with her.
She’s just about to lean in for a kiss when her phone rings, interrupting their little moment. Harry steps away from his spot between her legs, letting her hop down from the counter and rush to her phone.
“Hi!!,” she says to whoever’s on the other side of the phone, one of her friends from college from what he can tell. Her voice is sweet and sugary, like always.
Harry leans on the counter, crossing his arms across his chest as he watches her with a fond smile. She bites mindlessly at her cuticles as she listens to what her friend is telling her, and he stops himself from walking over to pull her hand away from her mouth. Her nail biting habit is one that he’s trying to break, not a fan of the way she sometimes makes her pretty hands bleed from how often she bites at them.
“When are you going?” y/n asks on the phone, pacing from one side of the kitchen to the other. “Today? Oh… no, I don’t think I can come. I’m…um, I’m at my friend's house.” She stutters over her words as she tries to figure out how to word it, very clearly avoiding name dropping Harry, or even hinting that she’s at a guy’s house.
It makes Harry’s brows furrow. She’s at her friend’s house? Friend? He doubts she gets on her hands and knees and begs to get fucked by her other friends.
In his head, they were in a relationship. She was his, and he was hers. No questions asked.
He cares for her quite deeply, if it wasn’t obvious, and for the most part believed that she felt the same way. So he wonders… why would she avoid calling him more than just a friend? Did her friends even know that she was seeing someone, or did she not even want to call whatever they have going on as “seeing each other?”
The oven timer goes off before he can question her about it.
A conversation for later, he supposes.
* 。˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。 * 。 • ˚  ˛ 。* 。• ° 。* 。 • ˚
“Hey, y/n!”
Harry’s ears perk up when he hears her name, being called from down the hallway.
“What’s up, Jason?” she responds, bright and bubbly. She’s always like that at work, no matter how dragging her shift may be. He thinks that’s why the staff like her so much – she’s a drop of sunshine right in the middle of their restaurant.
“How are you doing?” he asks, smiling down at her and crossing his arms in a way that he hopes makes his biceps bulge attractively. Jason is another one of the waiters at Pleasing, a college student just like y/n. They’d once bonded over the fact that they go to the same university, but he majors in business, which is completely unrelated to what she studies.
“Oh, good! Same old, same old,” she huffs cheerily, waving her hand in the air as if she were waving away her troubles. “V’got a huge party coming in at 8, you know how that is.” Having a table of seven people is always a struggle… larger parties tend to stay at the restaurant for up to 4 hours, ordering a bunch of extra drinks and sweets until they’re practically kicked out of the restaurant. Y/n dreads the thought of how much she’ll be running around, trying to keep up with seven people’s orders, and how late she’ll be stuck here. If they’re coming in at 8… christ she might not get home until 1 in the morning. She wonders if Harry’ll be willing to wait for her so that they could still drive home together.
“Damn, that sucks,” Jason hisses sympathetically. “You know… how about I talk to Alfredo and see if we could switch tables?”
“Oh, don’t be silly Jason! You’re basically done for tonight, didn’t you just get the bill for your last table?”
“I mean– yeah, but I insist.” He smiles down at her charmingly, “you work so hard, I think you deserve to go home early tonight, yeah? Let me take care of your tables.”
Harry decides he’s heard enough. He stands from his desk, brows furrowed and steps out into the hallway, where he sees his y/n, smiling up at this silly college boy. It grinds his gears, jaw clenching and fingers fisting at his sides.
“Jason. Y/n.” he snaps. Their smiles are instantly ripped off their faces, the two employees straightening up as soon as they hear Harry’s stern voice. “What are we standing around for? Don’t you have tables to attend to?”
“Apologies, chef,” Jason says, at the same time y/n murmurs out a soft, “Sorry Mr. Styles.” She looks at him sadly, seemingly wounded by the harsh tone of his voice, and it takes everything in him not to melt at the sight of her sad puppy eyes.
“Get back to work,” he grits out harshly, turning on his heel.
He steps into his office, and slams the door behind him.
“What a miserable old prick, am I right?” Jason murmurs to y/n to lighten the moment, when he thinks Mr. Styles can no longer hear them. She doesn’t respond.
Harry doesn’t know how to interpret her silence.
* 。˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。 * 。 • ˚  ˛ 。* 。• ° 。* 。 • ˚
There’s a quiet, timid knock at Harry’s office door.
“Mr. Styles?” Y/n steps in nervously, shutting the door behind her.
Harry looks up momentarily, then back down at his paperwork. He ignores her.
“Harry?” she tries again. Again, he says nothing. His brows are furrowed as harshly scribbles something out on his paper, but it’s not his usual concentrated furrow. He seems upset.
“What’s wrong?” she pries, stepping closer to his desk. When he once again doesn't even glance up at her, she huffs. “Why are you ignoring me?”
He stops writing, his blue pen halting mid-word on his paper, before speaking slowly. “How do you think I feel, when I see you entertain that stupid boy’s flirting?”
She pouts, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes. “Flirting? I… I haven’t been flirting with anyone?” she says quizzically, confused by this random accusation.
He scoffs, finally looking up at her. “I know you’re not that stupid, puppy.”
She blinks at him, still confused.
“That boy– Jason.” he grumbles. “He’s so clearly flirting with you.”
“Jason?” she asks again.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed it.”
“I– well… he’s just being nice,” y/n explains, as if Harry’s a child throwing a tantrum. “You’re overreacting.”
He blinks at her, processing her words. Overreacting. As if everyone in the kitchen hasn't noticed the way Jason stares at y/n's ass whenever she bends down, or how he's always falling behind on his tables trying to talk to her! Could she really not have noticed?
He shakes his head in disbelief. “Fine, whatever.” He looks back down at his paperwork.
The audacity of this man, she thinks to herself, to ignore her like a fucking five year old. “He offered to cover my tables, that’s it–” she continues to explain, but he cuts her off.
He holds in the urge to explode. “I dropped it,” he grits out instead. “I suggest you do the same.”
In his head, he's envisioning every single way that Jason's ever looked at y/n weirdly, all the instances in which Jason's flirted with her, asked her if she has a boyfriend. But, if she’s going to ignore the way Jason was smiling at her, standing so close to her, offering to do favors for her... then there’s no point in him trying to fight it.
He’s just a friend to her, anyways.
“Leave me. I have work to finish,” he mutters coldly.
He starts writing, and she feels her heart break a little bit.
“Yes sir,” she murmurs, voice thick as she steps out of his office.
* 。˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。 * 。 • ˚  ˛ 。* 。• ° 。* 。 • ˚
The rest of her shift is dull.
Jason doesn’t end up taking her table, since Mr. Styles had yelled at them and scared him off, so she’s up on her feet, constantly buzzing from the dining room to the kitchen, heart heavy with every step.
Every time she goes down the hallway, past Harry’s office door, she feels resentment building up in her chest. How dare he? Accuse her of flirting with someone else, when she was literally just doing her job, then ignoring her and kicking her out of his office like she’s some stray puppy annoying him for some food.
God, the fucking nerve! Was she supposed to just stop being nice to people to appease Harry’s jealousy? How could anyone in their right mind think offering to cover someone’s tables is a method of flirting?
“Psst.” She’s snapped out of her rage by Grace poking at her shoulder. “Jason wanted me to give you this.”
She looks down at the small piece of paper Grace holds out to her. “What is it?” She opens it up, and finds 10 digits written down in scrawny, boyish handwriting. A phone number.
Grace smiles at her teasingly. “He asked me if you’re single. He’s super into you, said he’s been trying to drop hints ever since you got hired but you’re always too busy to notice.”
Oh, she realizes, heart dropping. Harry was right.
* 。˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。 * 。 • ˚  ˛ 。* 。• ° 。* 。 • ˚
She stays behind after the restaurant closes, hoping to get a moment alone with Harry. He hasn’t left his office at all tonight, not even to check on the chefs when one of them burnt some bread in the toaster. As everyone packs up their stuff, closes up their stations, and leaves, y/n stays in the staff room.
Only once everyone has left does she head to his office.
The light from under his door is the only thing lighting up the dark hallway. She knocks softly, but enters without waiting for him to say “come in.”
He looks up, slightly startled. He thought he was the only one left in the building. His tense shoulders relax when he realizes it’s just y/n.
His hair is mussed, curly tendrils sticking every which way as if he’d been raking his fingers through it every five minutes, tugging at his roots frustratedly. “What is it?” he asks. His eyes are red and stressed too… he’s never looked this tired.
“Jason asked me out,” she says, fingers wringing behind her back nervously. Harry freezes. His shoulders tense and his heart stops.
“Oh.” He puts his pen down and looks up at her. “Are you going to say yes?” he asks lightly, no indication of the turmoil in his stomach.
“Jesus Harry,” she breathes, confused and shocked by his words. “No, why would I? Why would you even think that?”
He shrugs. “Makes more sense for you to be dating a college kid. Someone who goes to school with you, who you can tell your friends about.” His words slowly reveal his insecurities, that he’s older than her, boring and something that she might be ashamed of. “Better than dating some miserable old prick, isn’t it?”
“Harry…” she trails off softly. “I’m– I’m not the slightest bit interested in Jason. Or anyone else.” She looks up at him with round eyes, her voice growing shy, “only… only you.”
“Well then, why–” he cuts himself off, trying to formulate his words in his head. He shakes his head at himself, frustrated, and stares at the table. ““The other day, when you were at mine… you told your buddies that you were at a ‘friends’ house.” He looks up at her sadly, “It was like you were trying to keep us a secret. Like you didn’t want them to know you were… seeing someone.”
Her breath hitches in her throat as he continues, “If you don’t want t’tell your friends, then how am I supposed to know that we’re… exclusive? It made me feel like– like you didn’t think this was as serious as I did.”
“No,” she breathes, “no, you’ve got it all wrong.”
She walks around his desk to stand in front of him. He rolls his chair back, and she situates herself on his lap, straddling him and holding onto his face. “I didn’t tell them because… well we just haven’t talked about it, have we?” Her eyes flicker with insecurity as she rubs her delicate fingers over his cheekbones, his stubble rough against the skin of her pretty hands. “Because… well what if I went around telling people that I’m your girlfriend, and you didn’t want that? What if I’m just some clingy kid who just self-proclaimed myself as your girlfriend?”
He holds her wrist gently, keeping her hands pressed against his cheek. “Baby...” he murmurs delicately.
“I was worried that maybe you didn’t want to call it the same thing I did,” she continues sadly. “I– I didn’t want to scare you off.”
“Puppy… I thought you knew,” he cups her jaw and looks into her eyes so earnestly that she feels her heart swell. “Thought you knew that you’re mine, that m’obsessed with you.” He nudges his nose against hers softly, “Don’t care what you call it, as long as you’re mine.”
“I’m yours,” she whispers back with a smile. “Nobody else’s.”
“I… I got so sad when I saw him flirting with you,” he admits shyly. “Thought he was gonna steal you away.”
“I’m sorry, I should’ve–”
“S’not your fault, puppy. You’re too sweet to even notice it, always wanna see the best in people.” He chuckles to himself warmly, caressing her cheek softly, “precious little thing.”
“Well, if it helps,” she says, leaning her face towards his touch, “I texted him and said I’m not interested. Told him that I’m seeing someone,” her eyes glimmer happily, “and that it’s pretty serious.”
His eyes grow warm and a grin spreads on his face, “good… yeah, that’s good.” With one hand cupping her jaw and another on her waist to hold her steady on his lap, he leans in for a kiss, slotting their lips together and fluttering his eyes shut.
* 。˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。 * 。 • ˚  ˛ 。* 。• ° 。* 。 • ˚
When they get home, it’s all soft touches and warm words.
He’s so happy, a warm feeling bubbling in his stomach at the idea that y/n is his… that she’s his girlfriend, or whatever you want to call it. It’d been so long since he felt like this, so long since he’d been in a serious, real relationship. It made him giddy. He felt like he was 12 years old, kissing a girl for the first time all over again.
He pulls her into his bedroom before she even has the chance to put her stuff down, taking her bag from her and stripping her of her clothes. He unbuttons her blouse slowly, kissing her softly as he fiddles with each button, and unzips her skirt, letting it fall to the floor. He guides her hands up to his shirt, so that she could do the same– undress him, kiss him, run her hands up and down his bare chest the way he’s doing to the soft skin of her back.
He places her on his bed gently, hovers over her and kisses all over her, just worshiping her. He kisses her face, her cheeks, her lips, down her neck, over her breasts, and along her stomach. He kisses her core, licks and sucks somehow romantically, until she’s cumming on his tongue, whimpering his name softly and arching her back towards him. Her hands touch all over his body, skimming over his muscular back and gripping his shoulders as he comes back up to kiss her.
He lines himself up with her, and pushes in one smooth, gentle stroke. Her legs wrap around his hips, and he rocks into her, moaning into her mouth and breathing heavily against her neck.
“Fuck baby,” he whispers, “You’re mine. Mine to touch, mine to fuck, mine to look at.” She moans delicately, opening her eyes and staring up at him with rose-clouded vision. “Say it– tell me you’re mine,” he whimpers.
“Yours,” she whines, “all yours.”
When he cums, he cums inside of her, spurting into her in long, thick streaks that fill her to the brim. He moans softly into her neck, shuddering on top of her, and she caresses her fingers through his hair, kissing all over his face until he pulls out. They lie next to each other, and in her sleepy haze, she whispers out his name.
“If I’m yours, does that mean you’re mine too?” she asks, eyes wide.
He turns towards her and brushes her hair out of her face, “That’s exactly what that means sweetheart.” He kisses her sweetly. “M’all yours."
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silassinclair · 2 months
Hello there! So this is my first time requesting since i just started following you. So let me tell you, your Yandere Wild West Outlaw got me absolutley smitten and obsessed! i love your writing so much!!
Anyway back to the main subject and on with the request.
What about Maddox with an EXTRA Sassy darling. Like, full of and fluent on sarcasm (the kind that makes you go: DAAAAMN). The darlin' has a sharp tongue and retorts for any kind of bad words might be thrown towards her (and maybe, way later in the relationship, towards Maddox too). From really polite f-u's to tge sthraightfoward ones, she can reply and roast anyone.
Oh and a bonus head cannon (a little something that came to mind) after reading about the wedding rings. I can totally imagine the darling going from questioning about where Maddox "buys" all the weird gifts to just becoming immune, later in the relationship. Let's say Maddox comes back (to the temporary) home with a very strange object, like A very expensive porcelain/china vase and the darling just goes: "oh thank you. Please put it on the table. I'll be done with the soup and then take care of it"
Yea anyway i'll stop rambling now.
Sorry for the bad english. It's not my first language and it is past midnight here.
Have a great day/night ✨
We love sassy girlboss Y/n’s here. Thank you for submitting this request anon!! Hope it is to your liking <3
Yandere Wild West Outlaw x Sassy Reader
CW// Y/n is a bully, Maddox gets his ego hurt, Maddox gets angry, Maddox is dumb
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Maddox immediately knew that you were a spitfire when he first had a conversation with you. You weren’t the typical damsel in distress who when captured by the evil outlaw you’re forced into submission.
Oh no. There’s not a drop of submission in your body.
Maddox thought you would be useful to have around. You’d be his own personal maid! Maybe even like a housewife. But no…
“Clean my laundry if ya’ wanna live to see anotha’ day.”
“Alright alright, calm your tits. What should I clean first? The shirt with sweat marinated into the fabric or the undies with shit stains?”
You’re a total pain in the ass. Whenever he tried to act cool or intimidating you’d immediately shoot it down with your words.
He hates it when you ruin his moment in front of other people.
He got really pissed after you made a jab at him in the middle of a duel.
“It’s just you an’ me boy. But we both know who’ll be standin’ by the end of this.”
“Hopefully it isn’t you.”
Punishes you by tying you up and leaving you outside for the night.
He ignores your complaints about coyotes or rattlesnakes. He needs you to shut your mouth and give him some peace.
After that night of punishment though he noticed how you wouldn’t really talk to him often.
“Go shine my boots. And I don’t wanna hear a single complaint outta ya’.”
Okaay so he fucked up.
The days drag on so slow without your quips and jabs! He never realized how funny the things you said are now that you’re gone.
Well you’re not gone, just more closed off now. But you may as well be gone. This isn’t like you at all to be so quiet and reclusive!
Maybe he was too rough in you? He did kill your Father and force you to be his housewife maid.
So doing what he does worst, he apologizes.
“Hey, ‘bout that one time I left ya’ outside. I realize that was silly of me cus ya’ coulda gotten eaten. So that was my bad.”
“So you’re sorry?”
He’s brushing Jasper’s fur, telling the horse how good he is. Cleaning Jasper is the only chore Maddox likes to do himself.
You’re sitting on a tree stump watching the man talk to his horse.
“You know Jasper’s a horse right?”
“Oh really? I thought he was a dog.”
The small smirk on your face after his little quip made Maddox feel like a million bucks.
That’s when he learned that he likes seeing you happy.
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After the “Marriage”: (Read about it Here)
“Uhm what’s all this?” You ask your unofficial husband.
He puts a brown sack down on the table. The sound of the contents inside clang together as he dumps it all out. A dozen chipped fine china plates come out.
“Is how we make our house a home sweetness. I hear housewives go crazy over fancy dishes n’ shit.”
Maddox stands there with a proud grin underneath his masked face. (He still hasn’t showed you his face yet btw.) He was like a dog showing his owner how good he is at retrieving sticks when playing fetch.
You look at him with an unimpressed quirk of your brow. “And where did you happen to come across such fine china may I ask?”
He shrugs and comes around the table to wrap his arms around you from behind.
“A buddy gave em to me.” His deep voice reverberates in your ear.
“Did you hold your so called buddy at gunpoint?”
“Would you be mad if I said yes?”
You groan and shakes your head back and forth. “Maddox you know you can’t just go around taking people’s stuff! Now the sheriff was probably alerted and is looking for you now. And why did you steal a bunch of plates!? Jasper can’t carry all this shit! We should only have what is necessary for survival you brute. Are you even listening to me!?”
But he only looks at you with lovesick eyes as you complain about how stupid he is.
“Princess did I ever tell you how sexy you are when you’re mad at me?” His hands go lower down your waist.
Rolling your eyes you smack his hands and leave his embrace, leaving him standing by himself like a kicked puppy.
“I have a meal to make so set the table with those plates you got. And no more stealing people’s things!”
“Yes ma’am.”
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I appreciate all the requests that come in!! But I just want to remind all of you about my rules and that I do NOT write Y/n as a specific race. My writing is for everybody to enjoy!! She’s race ambiguous. Many people request that I write a Black Y/n but I’m not black so I won’t be doing that. If I write for a specific race then I feel like I’d just be stereotyping what black people are supposed to act like. So please don’t ask me to write for a Y/n that is a specific race. Thank you.
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rafferty3207 · 10 months
not to be impatient or ungrateful but too good to be true part 3 when 😩
its funny you say that today of all days bestie
Too Good to Be True (part three)
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warning: fem!reader, passing mention of creepy dude, angst (but only at the beginning dw), then tooth rotting fluff
A/N: I hope you like this ending! in my mind this is done but not over - I will definitely be doing drabbles of this pair in future, but for now I hope you enjoy!
part one | part two
“Oi, prick, are you even paying attention?” Roy barks at Jamie, who is sitting staring at his phone.
“Er, yeah, coach, it’s just -just-”
“Just what? Spit it out?”
“How do ya access your voicemails?”
“Jamie. What the fuck are you talking about?”
He holds up the screen to Roy’s face.
You have a new voicemail.
“Jamie, I wouldn’t worry about it, it's probably some berk trying to sell you organic viagra or something. Now please can we get back to the football?”
“I just need to check Coach. To make sure of…something, but I’ve never listened to a voicemail before.”
“Christ you find new ways to make me feel old Jamie.” But before he can make another comment, Roy notices the sad look in Jamie’s eyes. He hasn’t been his usual irritating self this morning, no sassy quips or anything, and he looks like he’s barely slept. “Who are you expecting a voicemail from?”
Jamie looks up at him with those puppy dog eyes. “Oh for fuck’s sake, it’s that girl isn’t it? What did you do now, you silly twat?” 
“I didn’t do anything. I mean I kissed her -”
“Oh my god, that Simone Biles bollocks was about her wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, but it's an inside joke-”
“Hand me the phone.”
“Er, I dunno-”
“Just give it, Jamie.” Jamie reluctantly passes it over. “You dial a three digit number, which will access your number. You’re on the same network as me so-” Roy types the digits and hands it back. “But once you’re done, you’re doing 50 press ups for wasting my fucking time.” Roy goes into another room.
Jamie raises the phone to his ear tentatively. Of course, it’s you.
The gallery session had been, in polite terms, a complete shit show. You were late because you couldn’t figure out how to get into the building, then you couldn't find some of the papers with your plan on them, and therefore you spent several hours using what little you have of your phone battery to try and improvise a plan from your memories. You’re finally done, but by this point it’s almost midnight.
“This is your first exhibition, isn’t it?” Simon, the gallery owner looks at you hunched over, shoving the papers back in the bag.
“Yeah, how did you guess? Don’t answer that, that was sarcasm.” You say, continuing to scramble. “So what’s happening PR wise? Are we sending press releases, inviting reviewers, that sort of thing?”
Simon scoffs. 
“What? I get it I'm a nobody, but what about the big Emin retrospective you’ve got coming up in October? I’ve seen posters for that everywhere.”
“That’s pretty much all her team. Besides, when you’re Emin you don’t need the PR really. Of course, we’ll do our best and we’ve got it on our website and social media of course, but our comms person resigned so at the moment we’re a rather limited team. This is such a short period, it’s an interim show. It’s why we could offer it, but you knew that right?”
“Mhmm, yeah, of course.” You say, biting your lip. You don’t know what you expected, instead wearily picking up your bag.
“Right, I best head off, but I’ll see you in two days!” You power walk off while your voice can still sound fake cheerful. Now how do I go back from here? You wonder, pulling your phone out.
Of course, it dies at that very moment.
You eventually manage to navigate home, although the walk takes three times as long especially after one man seems to walk right behind you for ages until you get to the high street and the tube stops running mid way through, so you have to persuade a nice older woman to look up the bus route on her phone. As you walk into your house and flop onto the couch, you remember.
Fuck. You hoped he didn’t take your note the wrong way. You plug your phone in and sit huddled until the screen turns back on.
11 missed calls. 13 messages.
hey Simone xoxo
out at drinks at the moment but I’ll be back asap xoxo
theres a cocktail i think you’d like here  xoxo
on my way home now! xoxo
where are you xoxo
u alright
u ok???
Where are you??
Just let me know ur home safe (or dont if u dont want to)
Im not asking to be creepy sorry if it came off like that
Im sorry if i scared you off
i shouldn’t have kissed you
Lets just forget it happened
Sorry again
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Let’s just forget it happened. You felt sick to your stomach. You picked up the phone with incredibly shaky hands and pressed the dial button.
“Er, hey Jamie, it’s me. Sorry to leave you a voicemail, it feels old school doesn’t it? I don’t even know how to listen to my own voicemails, not sure why I’m sending you one. Well I do, I’ve rung a few times and you’re not picking up and everytime I try and say what I want in a text it comes off wrong - ugh, sorry I’m rambling. Anyway, I’m sorry I didn’t reply, my phone has been dead the whole way home and I had to try and find my way back and the tube is shit and buses are shit and all I wanted was for you to come and pick me up in that ugly orange car of yours but I couldn’t. So that’s that. Did you get my note? I completely forgot but I had the exhibition planning session today and everything that could possibly go wrong did and it’s been a fucking nightmare and to be honest Jamie, I don’t know why I’m doing it anymore. I thought this was my one chance to finally become a big shot artist but it turns out I have to market it basically all by myself and I have no time and know barely anyone so let’s be honest, no one is going to come and it will all be forgotten about and I will prove once again I am the failure my father thinks I am.”
Jamie hears a shuddering intake of breath.
“Sorry, I’m rambling again. I’m sorry Jamie. I really did mean to wait for you. I’ve still got your shirt and everything. It’s just, I’m so stressed and I need to finish these paintings but also why should I finish these paintings but also I want them to be perfect and - and - and I don’t want to do this over voicemail but I don’t want to forget about us but also I have so much work to do and I’m so fucked -”
Jamie listens to you choke down a sob, before sniffing.
“I have to go, but call me back or something. Or maybe I could see you at the exhibit? You’ll probably be the only one attending. Goodbye, Jamie. Sorry again.”
Jamie’s heart was breaking, but not in the way he expected. You were so strong for him but all the while there you were, clearly dealing with your own shit and struggling and he hadn’t even noticed. He hated the idea that he had made things worse.
Now, he knew what he had to do.
It is the opening night of the exhibit and you are adjusting your hair for the fiftieth time. The gallery had extended their publicity to a small private view with a few glasses of wine and bottles of beer, but that was it. So you had spent the last three days painting almost non-stop, sending the invitations to everyone you know and barely sleeping. You just hoped your makeup would cover the dark circles under your eyes. You had worn your favourite dress and done your hair especially so you would at least feel like the real deal, but that was quickly waning. 
It had been fifteen minutes and not one single person had showed up. The one event staff was already looking at you as if to ask whether they could go home early. You started to look at your phone while downing the glass of wine in your hand. Still not a word from Jamie. You hadn’t heard from him since you sent the voicemail and you felt embarrassed just thinking about it. It seemed like you were going to need more wine.
But then, a man enters. He is wiry, with a blazer and a glorious grey and black shoulder length mane. He is holding a notebook and looking around keenly. You have no fucking idea who he is.
“Can I help you?”
“Ah yes, I’m Trent Crimm.”
“Are you sure you’re in the right place?”
“I’m here for the exhibit Everything In Its Right Place.” You nod, dumbstruck. “Ah, great, don’t mind me.”
You watch him as he looks at each painting before scribbling in his notepad. That was strange.
After him walks in one of the most beautiful women you have seen, followed by a small man wearing glasses.
“Hello, welcome to the Private View!” You say a little bit too loudly, and you worry that the wine may have gone to your head. The woman leans over to you and of course she smells beautiful too. “Hello, I’m Rebecca. Is it alright if some of my friends come in too?”
“Absolutely, the more the merrier!”
A couple more glamorous women file in, as well as some fancy looking older gentlemen in suits. Behind them is a colourful blond haired woman with an Essex accent and a very fluffy jacket, talking about how her PR firm which is on the hunt for new talent. You made a mental note to talk to her later, and as you do she looks over at you and winks, which makes you feel flustered. 
The events staff comes over.
“Are they on the guest list?”
“Oh yeah.” You keenly nod, hoping they are not paid enough to grass you up.
And then walks in a very familiar moustachioed man.
“Why, you must be the modern Louise Bourgeois our Jamie has been speaking so highly of.” You don’t expect the honeyed Southern twang and you find yourself blushing. He’s more handsome than the small picture by Jamie’s bed gave away.
“I wish! Although Jamie knew who Louise Bourgeois was?”
“I mean, I think he is more of a Georgia O’Keefe guy. But I love old Lou Lou. Art is a guarantee-”
“Of sanity. Very impressive -?”
“Theodore Lasso, at your service ma’am. Although my friends call me Ted.”
“Are we friends?”
“I sure hope to be. Jamie will not stop going on about how great you are, so I thought I best see it in person myself.” He offers a hand and you feel yourself go even redder.
“Well, it is lovely to make your acquaintance, Ted.” 
You see Trent’s head has whipped around this point and he is striding towards Ted.
“Ted you’re going to love these paintings -” Trend hooks his arm in Teds and Ted waves you a goodbye as he is quickly dragged off. 
You see all of Jamie’s teammates file in after Ted, including Roy who gives you a little nod. They have all brought people with them, including some women who you swear might be famous models, and before long the room is densely packed. You can’t believe it. You even have a few people come up to you to ask for interviews, and once the Trent man has sufficiently shown Ted around the room several times over, he asks if you want to be profiled for one of the big papers.
“I’ve always liked highlighting promising new talent in any field, and I feel you’d be a great match.” He smiles at you and you feel your stomach start to fizz. The one waiter who has been frantically pouring drinks for the last half hour runs over to you.
“A couple of people want to buy the paintings, are they for sale?”
“All the ones without red dots are, yeah.”
“How much do they cost?”
“How much are they willing to pay?” The waiter runs off and comes back, handing a long list of offers. Your eyes boggle at the amount.
“Fuck me.”
“Someone said they wanted to snap you up before Satchel did or something?”
“I assume they mean Saatchi.” The waiter shrugs. “Call Simon, he’ll help with the sales.
“I don’t think he’ll pick-”
“Send him a picture of the offers. He’ll definitely pick up.”
The waiter hurries off and you stare at the piece of paper. You can’t believe all this is happening. But you still check your phone.
Are you coming?
No reply.
“Ted? I don’t suppose you heard anything from Jamie did you?”
He smiles and taps his nose.
“I’m afraid I was sworn to secrecy.”
You get back to your wine. That would be a weird response if he had told Ted he never wanted to see you again. But the whole day was starting to feel very weird. You decided to pop out for some fresh air.  However, as you walk outside you see a very familiar orange car parked outside. In the driver's seat is Jamie in a suit, holding flowers, staring at his phone.
“You know, I didn't order an Uber.”
Jamie jumps.
“Jesus woman, you nearly scared the living daylights out of me!”
“I could say the same of you. Can I come in?”
He gestures to the seat next to him. You walk around and slide into the car. 
“You look stunning.” Jamie says, looking over you and you suddenly feel very naked in this dress.
“Thanks. It’s certainly an improvement from when you usually pick me up.” You fiddle with your hem. “So can you tell me why you’re sitting outside my exhibit instead of going inside? You’re the only person here who is actually on the guest list.”
He looks back down at the flowers.
“I dunno. I guess I was worried you might not want to see me after, y'know" He nods his head towards you. The kiss. Before you can reply, he starts talking again. "That’s why I got everyone else here first.”
“This was all you?”
He looks out the front of the window.
“I mean the boys wanted to come anyway, but I spoke to Rebecca and Ted and Keeley. It was Ted’s idea to invite Trent, because he knows lots of people at papers, and Keeley knows people through her firm and Rebecca knows loads of rich guys because I dunno, she’s rich and fit -”
You reach over and gently touch his arm.
“Thank you Jamie, this means a lot - ”
“Any time. I just want you to be happy, you know?” You grip his arm a little tighter.
 “But you didn’t have to do any of this. I would have been happy if you were the only person who showed up.” Jamie finally looks at you. You just stare at each other for a moment, saying nothing. At this point you reach over and tenderly place your lips on his. He doesn't resist, immediately putting his hand on the side of your neck. Your hands start wandering down his torso before he pulls away suddenly.
“I don't want you thinking I'm trying to buy you or something. Me and Roy watched Pretty Woman the other week but I swear-"
"I know Jamie. Besides, you haven't even bought a painting yet." You try to laugh him off but he holds you firm.
"I just want you to remember you earned this. You are really, really talented, it's just - it's just everyone needs help sometimes"
You are suddenly struck silent for a moment, your eyes watering.
"Ah fuck, I didn't want to make you cry again!"
You sniff. "This is good crying though, I swear! I just never realised you were so wise."
"Oi you cheeky mare, I'm trying to be nice!" You both laugh, before he reaches over and threads his fingers between yours. "I think I’m in love with you, you know?"
He looks up at you, uncertain. Your stomach is fizzing, but in a way that makes you feel like you could fly. You smile.
"I know. The thing is, I'm in love with you too, Jamie Tartt." You stare at each other, before your lips crash into each other, your hands crawling all over your torsos and necks, your breathing becoming more ragged before Jamie pulls away again.
"Now come on you, this is your big night, remember. We better get inside before we have to go right here in the back like a pair of teenagers."
You place a hand on his thigh. "I mean, that sounds good to me."
""You are gonna be the death of me, I swear." He opens the car door. 
"Actually, to be fair there is one painting I think you should see."
The two of you stroll into the gallery holding hands.
"Fucking finally." Roy exclaims, before patting Jamie on the shoulder. "Now don't fuck it up Jamie, I like this one." You and Roy share a smile. You felt like you had something to thank him for, but you weren’t sure what.
"I see you met Jamie." You turn around to see a small old woman in colourful clothing.
“Sylvia? What are you doing here, I thought you weren’t back for another week?”
Sylvia gestures to a handsome older gentleman in the corner “Of course I had to see your exhibit darling! Now don’t worry darling, I’m staying with one of my good friends.” She winks before leaning in conspiratorially. “You’ll have the flat all to yourself.”
“Sylvia!” You swat her arm.
“What? Your mother told me you were going through a dry spell. I’m just so glad you and Jamie finally got to meet.”
Your mouth is agape. You said that months and months ago -
“Jamie darling, it's so nice to see you again!” Sylvia airkisses Jamie, before swanning off. You lean into the crook of Jamie's shoulder. You’d say you hate how natural it feels, but you fucking love it.
“Do you think Sylvia set this whole thing up? Between you and me?”
“Well, she did keep telling me she knew the perfect woman for me, with a fantastic arse-”
“Jamie!” You poke his cheek. “Although speaking of fantastic arse, let me show you my painting!” You drag him over to the biggest painting in the room. It is rich and vibrant and while somewhat abstract, almost definitely a nude. “What do you think?”
“I think it will be perfect in my living room. Well, almost perfect.”
“Almost? What else could be more perfect than this?” You gesture to the bum cheeks.
Jamie rolls his head as if mulling it over.
You roll your eyes. “Oh my god Jamie Tartt, where did you pick up such a naff line? You’re lucky you are very handsome.” You reach up to kiss him, your fingers brushing his neck and jaw. and he leans to whisper in your ear. 
“You know, now you’re gonna be a famous artist now, someone may actually try to kidnap you. You might need some form of security.”
“True. Do you know anyone?”
“No.” You laugh. “But I do know an excellent driver. And he does know a lot of excellent private spots.”
“How soon can he start?”
“How about right now?” You take his hand in yours.
“Sounds perfect to me.”
Ah hope you all enjoyed this two silly billys in love! Pls send me requests of any headcanons/drabbles you'd be interested in seeing that I can bash out while working on this new juicy Roy Kent fic!!
@thebookwormlife @taytaylala12 @eugene-emt-roe @skewcherries @okkkkkkkksure @beingalive1 @gothicwidowsworld @atjamesbbarnes @e-mmygrey
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ghostytoad · 8 months
hey!! if you’re taking requests, i’d like to request the rottmnt boys falling for a fem! reader who’s basically like your stereotypical raph. she loves fighting, loves working out, loud asf, short-tempered, blunt, sarcastic, cursed with resting bitch face, all that jazz. but, once you get to know her, she’s actually really funny and sweet. NEVER afraid to speak her mind, so she may come across as rude or sassy at times, but she never really means to be. DEFINITELY has mild adhd and is on the autism spectrum. 🫶
Hfhdks yippe, my v first request!! tbh the boys can use a little extra chaos in their life so this was really fun to write abt. hopefully it's decent, i'm still v new to writing this kinda stuff!!
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* Kiss with a Fist *
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ROTTMNT Boys x Fem! Raph-esque reader who is secretly a sweet softie
Summary: The Hamato brothers unexpectedly fall for an intimidating, snappy, but secretly sincere human.
Headcanons for: Raph, Donnie, Leo, & Mikey
Fem! Reader; Romantic; Fluff; Mild violence || Words: 4k
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Feel free to send in more requests and prompts!!
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to be honest, raph was initially intimidated and wary of y/n when they first met
like sure, he's used to his brothers being a bit too curt and impulsive and april can come off as sassy and overbearing but none of that compares to the levels y/n is on
something about how forward she can be really puts the poor turtle on edge
until he starts getting to know her a little better, finding out more about her hobbies and all
after a period of initial surprise, he starts getting used to y/n's presence in the lair
she fits in almost naturally in their family dynamic; she's basically one of them now and he loves having someone around who shares his interests
plus he could always use a workout buddy; not that his brothers aren't good spotters but he could always use a break from their antics
will take y/n to every wrestling event & spend the entire time gushing about his newest wrestling idol and when they're not out and about beating up bad guys or playing video games, he will allow y/n to sit in and spot him while he powers through his rigorous workouts
he enjoys being able to swap workout tips and tricks with y/n; treats every little bit of advice she gives as divine wisdom & he will take it all to heart
he likes to brag to his brothers about how strong y/n is, especially considering that she can keep up with his mutant abilities; everything she does impresses him to no end
opened a jar of pickles without help? amazing
landed on her feet after a pretty high tumbling jump? absolutely incredible
being able to handle his occasional hugs? literally the best thing in the world to him
having y/n around motivates raph to train harder and push himself past his limits
unfortunately, this has led to a few injuries-
"uh oh. y/n ain't gonna be happy to hear about this..."
cue the scolding, the lectures, and the bedrest. y/n's orders. but raph secretly enjoys being doted on by y/n so he won't say no
it didn't take raph too long to realize his feelings for y/n
he'd been picking up on little hints here and there, but he'd talk himself out of that silly train of thought every single time
like when he'd catch her watching him train and could feel that rush of heat burn at his cheeks
'i've just been training too hard and it's way too hot in here'
and when he couldn't get y/n off his mind when she wasn't around?
'i'm just worried about her is all. who knows what kinda trouble her loud mouth might get her in-'
but it was when y/n was comforting raph after a bust mission one particular night that really did him in and confirmed his feelings
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It's bad enough when the brothers fail in their latest mission, but to get their butts handed to them by Hypno of all villains? Eesh, talk about major humiliation stink. The loss had them all silently slinking back into their lair, hoping to sleep off the defeat at the hands of their unimpressive foe. Raph was just about to make his way into his room to mop when he spotted Y/N waiting up for them in the lair's living room. It was upon seeing her sitting there with an unreadable, stern expression that a realization hit him. They had plans later.
"Hey, sorry, YN. No Brunch 'n Punch tonight. Raph's a lil' tired..." his low and gruff voice did little to hide the timid air in his tone. "I-I'll make it up to ya though! Promise!"
Despite his stuttered attempt to console Y/N and her anticipated disappointment, his tired expression and wilted posture gave away just how exhausted and downtrodden the towering mutant was. It was more than enough to tell Y/N a few things:
Raph had another rough day.
Raph once again pushed himself and got hurt.
And Raph needed someone to help carry that weight.
Before he could continue his defeated shuffle past Y/N, he felt a sudden tug on the lip of his rugged shell. Not even a second after, he felt his torso being enveloped by the subtle warmth of what could only be a person. Was Y/N hugging him...? Looking down from his stunned silence, he found Y/N with her arms wrapped tightly around his waist, face hidden by the jutting ridges of his plastron. Unable to find the words to break the tense silence surrounding them, Raph simply lets out a low chuckle as his hand gently caresses the back of Y/N's head.
"If this is about me bailing on our plans, Raph gets it. You probably hate m-"
"What am I gonna do with you, Raph...? What am I going to do if you won't take care of yourself..." Y/N's voice was unusually small.
"Say what?" The mutant didn't know what to make of the wavering tone in Y/N's voice. Was she mad? Was she worried? It was unlike Y/N to be this... vulnerable.
After a few more moments of silence, Raphael broke out of his confusion with a realization. Y/N was still holding him. The exhaustion and shame began lifting its shrouding curse off of him as his body eased into the comforting embrace. So warm. So gentle. So caring. Everything about Y/N was perfect, even the parts of her personality that she chose to share only with him. It was then that another, more pressing realization came to his mind.
Damn, does this boy got it bad. He's in love.
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he's entirely put off by y/n's whole demeanor and keeps his distance at first; like raph on his own can be a headache to deal with, but now there's two of them??
he won't outright avoid her, he just prefers quieter company
he can't exactly say they share many similar interests, but y/n's newfound spot as a member of his little family gives him incentive to at least try finding some common ground to bond over
so when it comes to the more physical and brawn-heavy aspect of his work, he can truly appreciate y/n's constant presence
god knows he can't trust his brothers to be careful or attentive enough to help him in the lab and april isn't always around to enthusiastically offer her assisstance when needed... but y/n just happens to be the perfect solution to his otherwise frustrating problem
dare he say it: "she's reliable and more importantly always happy to lend a hand"
and donnie really values the way y/n is willing to listen to him drone on about his latest projects and mapping out his complex thought process; all with very little complaint (a huge plus for him!)
in fact, she even seems eager to learn and is quick to pick up on the nuances of his work. he can also understand/empathize with y/n's misunderstood demeanor when it comes to her stone faced expression ('or resting bitch face, as she so eloquently put it')
donnie's never been good at expressing himself; he knows how vexing it can be when everyone seems intent on misreading one's emotions based on something as fickle as facial expression
and the more time donnie spends with y/n, the more he's able to observe her and her subtle mannerisms
it's gotten to the point where he can pick up on her subtle cues and accurately read her mood better than anyone else. to his brothers, it's as if y/n and donnie share a telepathic connection with how easily they can communicate with a simple glance
it doesn't take long for him to get used to y/n's more rambunctious and wild behaviors; when he's not busy working, he will sometimes invite her on their less eventful missions and adventures
he won't say it out loud, but he's really come to respect y/n's combat prowess and her ability to hold her own
admires it even... one might even say he lov-
'nope. no. nein. not the l-word...'
donnie's always quick to catch himself before he can finish off that thought but he can't help himself; cute and mean are just his type after all
whether or not he chooses to pursue those feelings though....
well, let's just say y/n really didn't leave him a choice after she practically saved his life during one fairly unexpected encounter
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It hadn't been a hard mission. The Hamato brothers had successfully thwarted another run-of-the-mill robbery at the appropriately named Run of the Mill Pizzeria. Relishing in their triumph, the four turtles, joined by their newest companion Y/N, decided to make a night of it and order a few celebratory 'zzas. It was as Donnie was making his way to the booth that he was halted by the stumbling grip of an iebriated yokai yanking him back by his shoulder. The patron's swaying form crumpled forward as they tried supporting their full weight on the hand that was still firmly locked on Donnie's shoulder.
"'Ey you.... I know you..." the strong stench of alcohol burned at the turtle's nostrils as he furrowed his brow in confusion, "Yer the guy from that brawl last night. Ya dropped my drink!"
Ah. Mistaken identity. Before Donnie could correct them, the yokai straightened in a menacing stance, lifting their hand's grip from him and balling into a fist.
"You... YOU! You owe me a new drink AND a new shirt! Ya ruined MY GOOD SHIRT!"
Ever the smug one, Donnie simply shook his head and with condescension dripped from his lazy grin.
"Perhaps laying off on the booze might help to improve your memory. You're clearly looking for a fight and I'm not one to hold back in battle." With a wave of his hand, he feigned a dramatic sigh, "But I'd reconsider what would be one too many bar fights. I mean, you've obviously done your brain enough damage."
What followed was the unmistakable and resounding thud of a body hitting the restaurant walls. The remaining brothers watched amusedly from their booth as the purple-coded brother peeled from the newly dented wall and collapsed onto the floor, dumbfounded and only mildly in pain.
"He'll be fine~" Leo mused as he caught sight of Y/N's horrified expression.
"He was kinda askin' for it..." Raph shrugged, unwilling to stop Y/N who was now stomping a warpath from the booth to the drunken offender.
"HEY, ASSHOLE!" were the only words uttered before Y/N's flurry of furious punches unleashed themselves onto the yokai's face. Donnie watched fondly as Y/N's strike after strike seemed to reduce the belligerent patron to a pathetic and unintelligable mess on the floor.
Something about her pose, the way her bruised fists were held up in triumphant victory as she loomed over the monster's unconscious form, seemed to pull at the deepest, darkest parts of the turtle's heart. Was she always this badass and cool? Was it the lighting? Was it the concussion setting in? Has she always looked this cute?
"Wow... You're incredible....." Donnie muttered under his breath with awe.
So much for science being his only love.
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honestly? the more chaos, the better
raph is great and all, but he always had the annoying tendency to boss everyone around, and his ever-growing worry chasm was really starting to irk leo
so it's great to have someone around that isn't always on his case about his stunts or lecture him on dull things like responsibility and duty and all
while he does take into account the fact that Y/N is a human, she's a special human with special priviliges in his mind; meaning open invites to every mission (no matter how dangerous) and her own front row seat to every single convoluted plan leo's made
he's always there to actively enable her loud habits, he just lives for the banter and drama; he calls it his very own telenovela
obviously he'd never let her get too far into it and when things start getting a little too real, he will try getting y/n to tone down the snark and deescalate the situation
can't have his new bestie getting herself into trouble after all! and he'd never hear the end of it from his brothers if she ever got hurt bc of his encouragement
as boring as he finds training to be, having y/n around really helps to spice things up. he's always calling dibs on having her for sparring partner duties and won't hold back much
on the rare occasion that he's not getting into trouble and causing mischief with y/n, he'll show her around all the best stargazing spots new york has to offer (via portal ofc)
no reason in particular, it's just nice getting to see the stars past the haze of the city's light pollution and it seems like something friends do
'it's totally normal for friends to stargaze alone together, right?'
yeah, no he's sure of it. he just really happens to enjoy y/n's company without the constant interruption of his brothers' teasing
it's not like he's asked her to go with him on a magic carpet ride or anything
oh wait...
right, there was that one time when they decided to stop by the mystic city antiques shop and try out the dubiously named "magic carpet" the shop was selling. how was he supposed to know it was a flying magic carpet?? magic could literally mean anything!
he didn't complain when y/n would hold onto him as they weaved through the skies of the hidden city. and it was cute watching her face scrunch up with laughter every time he made a joke
but that's just friends being friends, right??
'this better not be what being wrong feels like because it's not a great feeling at all'
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"Alright, Leo. This'd better be good for you to be calling me up at 3 in the morning." April's voice hissed through the call, still rough with sleep and irritation as Leo had called her up on a school night of all times.
Leo gripped tightly at the phone as if it were his only line of defense from the terrible, terrible ordeal he was about to confide. "Apes, you gotta help me! I think I might be losing my edge or something."
"Your... what?"
"My edge!" Leo reiterated, panic set in his tone, "My mojo! The Leo-factor! I think I might be losing it and I don't know how to get it back!"
A few moments of soft shuffling sounding from the phone's receiver met Leo's frantic explanation. April must've been slowly forcing herself to sit up from where she'd been sleeping peacefully only minutes ago.
"... don't 've time for this..." was all that could be deciphered between shuffles.
The disgruntled girl could only sigh, "Okay. Leo. What makes you think you've 'lost your mojo'?"
Leo paused in thought, humming low as he tried to recall his recent mojo-related blunders.
"Okay, okay, so! You know how Y/N's been hanging around the lair a lot more lately? It's like every time she's there, I get thrown off my game. And I mean, I really get thrown off! With everything!"
"Mhm?" April deadpanned.
"None of my one-liners seem to land with her and it's because I keep forgetting how to talk mid-sentence! So I end up sounding like some stuttering moron! And I keep running into things and tripping over my own feet when I see her like I'm the clumsiest chump alive. And just the other night I was out testing the sickest tricks on Mikey's new board- don't let him know that by the way- when she shows up outta nowhere with her smug little smile and throws me off my moves! I mean, all I see is her eyes on me and the next thing I know, I've got a mouthful of gravel and concrete. It's like she's sapping all the cool out of me and I need it to stop like yesterday!" Leo had to take a moment to catch his breath as he explained his troubling situation, clearly unaware of just how clueless he was. April could only wait silently for the information to sink in, a sleepy scowl painted on her face. God, she could just strangle the boy if he were here.
"So you're telling me that you called me up in the middle of the night to tell me that you have a crush?" she hissed once again, the gritting of her teeth audible.
"A what? Crush? Oho, no no no no." the mutant scoffed in disbelief, "I'm telling you that Y/N could be a witch or some kind of energy vampire or something and we-"
"Leo, let me ask you something. What's more likely: The fact that Y/N is a mojo-sucking vampire witch or the fact that you may have some feelings for her?"
The thought hadn't really occured to him before. Could it really be something as simple as a crush that's doing him in? He had been feeling a little different as of late... But he just assumed it was all from the mutant witch powers Y/N might've been using on him. He took a few moments to contemplate, a dark blush gradually forming across his face the more he thought of Y/N.
Well, what's not to like about her? She's a certified badass, she's cool, she's never afraid to give it to ya straight. And underneath that tough exterior was an equally cool but much softer version that balanced out Leo's more impulsive and emotional side. Could it really be that Leo had feelings for Y/N?
".... Do you think Donnie can run a few tests to find out what kind of witch she is?"
"I'm hanging up now, Leo."
"NO, WAIT, I-" Dial tone.
Crush it is then. Man, did he hate being wrong.
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ever the eternal optimist, mikey is never one to judge people and gives them every benefit of the doubt until he's forced to believe otherwise
so when he first meets y/n, he takes to her standoffish nature like bees on honey
instant besties right off the bat, even if they have their differences
he's quick to introduce y/n to everything mutant turtle life has to offer, whether it be inviting her over for a few rides on the half-pipe or introducing her to the cinematic magic that is jupiter jim and its many sequels
no matter what they do, he's always there to make sure she's having fun
mikey picks up on y/n's kinder side pretty quickly too
being emotionally intuitive and a self-proclaimed therapist, he is able to see through y/n's more abrasive personality and finds her gentler side to be just as exciting and fun, if not incredibly endearing
he'll even encourage her to be more open with that part of herself by insisting she join him in his little Dr. Feelings sessions he regularly holds for his brothers (totally not against their will)
during the whole session, he'll check in on y/n and ask if she has any thoughts on the matter
"what about you, y/n? you've been around us long enough to get a say. am i right or am i totally right?"
he knows he can trust her more blunt and forward nature to lay it down as it is
but he can also trust that she won't say anything to hurt them just for the sake of it
so she's a perfect fit for the role of Nurse Candid/Assisstant Tough Love
funny thing is, Dr. Feelings can't really talk mikey out of making a fool of himself in front of y/n
he tries not to be too clingy or push too many boundaries, but how can he resist?
she's like the highlight of his little adventures and he genuinely enjoys having her around all the time that he just *needs* to understand every part of what makes y/n her
together, they'd make the ultimate power couple!
er... power couple business-wise
purely professional in this unofficial practice
time for the Love Doctor to pay mikey a little visit
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"Candles? Check. Fancy silverware? Check. A deliciously decadent three course meal prepared by your truly? Check." Mikey took a moment to look over his fine work as he finished setting up a "platonic-but-can-be-romantic" dinner for Y/N. He'd been hard at work all week trying to come up with the perfect excuse to invite Y/N to the lair alone. It wasn't a date or anything! Well really, that was the trouble with this whole thing. It had to strike the right balance of friendly and intimate. With a hint of romance drizzled in. And a sprinkle of platonic fun. Gah, what a confusing mix.
Sighing thoughtfully, the young turtle set down the two artistically prepared culinary plates on the now satin-draped dining table that sat in the center of the projection room. Sure, it might've been a bit cliche but the quiet ambiance of the room was the best choice for a romantic candlelit dinner. Plus if the whole romance angle didn't pan out the way Mikey had hoped, a movie marathon would surely break the tension and shift gears into friendly hangout mode. Everything about this night had been planned to a T, down to the fact that his brothers were busy on another patrol that was sure to take all night.
The orange-clad mutant gave the setup another quick once over and, satisfied with his creation, glanced up at the clock that sat above the projector screen.
"7:18 and I still got a few precious moments to spare!"
"Spare for what?" a muffled voice asked from the door.
Oh no. What were they doing here?!
"Hey hey, little brother~ Nice setup you got goin' here. Very élégante~" Leo teased with his mouth full of pizza.
"Uh, yeah? The patrol was supposed to keep us 'til morning." Leo shrugged nonchalantly as he licked pizza sauce from his fingers,"But as it turns out, Donnie isn't the math wizard he seems to think he is."
"SCOFF! My mathematical genius is not to be held accountable for YOUR poor planning!" From behind Leo, Donnie stormed in with an incredulous look as pizza sauce drenched his face and upper body.
"Look, if anything, MY PLAN did not call for explosives. That was all you, buddy!" The twin retorted, poking at Donnie's sauce-covered chest with his trusty odachi. Mikey could feel his right eye twitching as he watched the two bicker and consequently ruin his plans.
He seethed through gritted teeth, "You guys were supposed to be gone..."
The strained response brought the two brothers' attention back to their youngest sibling, both raising a brow in question.
"Oh yeah, what IS with this setup?" Leo's cocky smirk did little to hide the teasing behind his question. Did he know?
"Oi, guys! We still gotta clea-" Raph stumbled in, wiping his body down with a red soaked towel as he was presumably the most sauced up of the three. "Woah. Whatcha got going on in here, Mikey?"
Great. Just what he needed. As he did his best to keep his composure, all Michael could do was groan and slump down to his knees, withering with embarrassment before his brothers. "If you guys MUST KNOW, I had a very special night planned for me! I was gonna have a nice dinner with Y/N before you came back and messed with m-"
"Woah woah woah, are you telling me that my baby hermano has a date tonight?"
The heat suddenly rushed to Mikey's cheeks, taunting him and exposing his true motives to his brothers of all people. Raph and Leo compounded that humiliation with their slew of 'aww's and coos. Donnie simply gave his little brother an approving nod and thumbs up as the duo's teasing continued.
"I-It's not what it looks like, I swear!"
Oh, it absolutely was.
"It's not that I like her, I just-"
Want her to be mine.
"I just needed to figure out how I feel!"
But he already knew. He was hopelessly in love.
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