#and then someone immediately using other pronouns as if you just Didn’t Tell Them your actual pronouns
1smolbean · 11 months
the queer experience of your queer identity just being ignored lol
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 months
How Do I Get You Alone?
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Synopsis: When you get stuck in the lab together during an earthquake, you and Peter share a moment but have to hide it from your dad
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Peter was working in the robotics lab in Stark tower one day like usual. He had his earbuds in and was blasting music so loudly that he didn’t hear you come in. He happened to look up and saw you standing in the middle of the lab with a clipboard in hand. He screamed in surprise and tore his earbuds out, allowing the music to sound throughout the echoey lab.
“Were you listening to Justin Bieber?” You asked as Peter quickly paused his music.
“No.” He scoffed and flipped his phone over so you couldn’t see that he was in fact listening to Justin Bieber. You nodded your head skeptically and started to walk around the lab as you wrote things down on your clipboard. Peter sucked in a sharp breath and felt his cheeks redden as he watched you. He’d been working with Tony for 6 years now and harbored a rather large yet secret crush on you for the duration of that time. It wasn’t often that you were alone together, so he needed to make every moment count.
“What are you doing here?”Peter wondered. “I mean, not that you can’t come in here. Obviously you can. Your daddy owns the building. I mean, your dad. Unless daddy is his preferred pronoun-“
“Peter. Relax.” You cut him off. “I’m just doing a routine checkup to make sure everything in the lab is working as it should be. Ignore me.”
Peter wanted to tell you that he could never ignore you but didn’t want to freak you out with his desperation, so he tried to tell an anecdote instead.
“You know, at my last routine checkup, my doctor said that my prostate actually-“
“Don’t finish that sentence.” You pointed at him as you cut him off again.
“You’re right. Good call.” He nodded and stayed silent. You gave him a tight smile before continuing to walk around the room and check things off. Peter watched you and had a millions things he wanted to say but none of them seemed cool enough to impress you.
“So is everything up to par?” He asked after a few minutes of silence.
“Par?” You asked in confusion.
“Oh. I didn’t know you were gonna ask what that meant. I just know it’s a phrase people use. I think it’s a golf term? But it might be a volleyball term.”
“Right. Well, everything looks good.” You said and put your clipboard down on the lab table. That’s when Peters dinosaur patterned lunchbox caught your eye.
“Except for this. Is this yours?” You asked and held the lunchbox up.
“No. I’ve never seen that. Someone else must’ve left it.” Peter lied.
“The label has your name and grade written on it. And the grade just says “college”.” You pointed out and turned the lunchbox to show him.
“Someone must’ve have written that as a joke.” He mumbled and looked down.
“Hm. Well someone packed you baby carrots and hummus. Probably also as a joke.” You humored him and Peter looked up in surprise. He never saw you as anything but serious but that almost seemed like a joke.
“Yeah. Probably.” He smiled. You looked at each other for a moment and he felt the overwhelming urge to just admit how he felt about you.
“So, uh, I don’t know if you like to eat dinner or anything but-“
Peter was cut off by a loud alarm ringing through the entire building. You immediately tensed up and looked around as the lights flashed red.
“What’s that?” You asked and moved closer to Peter.
“I don’t know. It’s either the earthquake alarm or the tornado alarm.” Peter answered. Just then, the ground began to shake and your clipboard flew off the table. You looked at Peter with wide, fear filled eyes and moved to where he was.
“Definitely earthquake. Get down.” Peter instructed and ducked under the table. Once on the ground, he shot a web at each of the machines in the lab to keep them in place. You scooted beside Peter and held yourself tightly as your entire body shook with anxiety.
“What do we do?” You asked him. He’d never heard you sound so vulnerable so he put his own fear aside to be there for you.
“We’re gonna stay under the table and draw our knees in so that nothing falls and hurts us.” Peter calmly explained. You nodded many times and wrapped your arms around your knees.
“Okay.” You voice shook as you answered him.
“It’s gonna be okay. This will be over soon.” he assured you as the earth continued to shake.
“Have you ever been in an earthquake before?” You asked him.
“No. But I hear they’re not actually that bad.”
“Where did you hear that?”
“From the little voice inside my head that tells me every night that it wasn’t that embarrassing when I called the teacher “mom” that one time.” He weakly joked. You actually laughed for a second but went right back to being scared.
“That’s so embarrassing. You don’t even have a mom.” You laughed nervously. Peter had never told you that and wondered if that meant you had asked your dad about him.
“I know. And it actually happened multiple times.” He admitted.
“What? How? Wouldn’t the embarrassment of the first time make you hyper-vigilant of what you were saying so you never did it again?”
“Shh. The earth is shaking.” He said and waved his hand. You started to laugh until something fell off the table and you screamed.
“Shhh. We’re okay. You’re okay. I’m right here.” Peter said and wrapped his arm around you. He thought it might be too much but you immediately wrapped both arms around him and buried your face in his chest. He blinked in surprise before holding you tightly and keeping you as close as possible. Parts of the ceilings and things from the tables fell down and crashed onto the floor, leaving you screaming and shaking with fear each time.
“AHHH!” You screamed. “Something cold and wet just touched me.”
“It’s okay. It’s just my baby carrots.” Peter said and caught a few of the falling carrots.
“Peter.” You whined when you heard him eating them.
“I hope it knocks my hummus down too. Come on, earth. Shake my hummus onto the floor.” Peter called out.
“This isn’t funny.” You said just as Peter hummus fell in front of you.
“Holy shit.”Peter whispered. “Do you think I’m a witch?”
Before you could answer, an overheard light came crashing down in front of you and smashed against the floor, sending sparks flying everywhere. You screamed again and clung so tightly to Peter he thought he might bruise.
“Are you okay?” He whispered into your ear as he rubbed your back.
“No. The earth is spitting in half right now and we are im a very high floor of a very high tower.” You answered and he realized you were crying.
“Well when you put it like that….” He mumbled.
“I don’t know what to do.” You whimpered. “I don’t know how to get us out of here.”
“That’s okay. I don’t know what to do either. The only earthquake training I can remember is to tell someone you trust.”
“That’s not for earthquakes. And it’s different for me. I always know what to do. That’s my job.”
“Right now your job is don’t get squished.” Peter told you.
“You don’t understand. Knowing what to do the only thing I’m good at.”
“That’s not true. You’re so good at…” Peter trailed off when he realized he didn’t have any examples to give you off the top of his head.
“To be fair, I don’t really know you that well.” He said after a beat of silence.
“You’ve known me since you were 15.” You reminded him. You had pulled your head off of his chest to look him in the eyes but neither of you let go of the other.
“I know. But you’re kinda…” He trailed off again and shrugged his shoulders.
“Mean?” You said with a sad smile.
“No, no, no.” He quickly assured you. “I wasn’t gonna say mean.”
“But I am. I didn’t even say hi to you when I walked in. I never say hi to you. You’re always so nice to me and I’m always acting like I’m too cool to be nice back. I don’t know why I do that. I don’t mean it.”
“Hey, I never thought you were mean. I always thought of you as the cool, collected, stoic daughter of my boss.”
“I really thought the last word was gonna be another “c” word but you said stoic instead.” You laughed half heartedly.
“I know. I wanted to complete the trio but the only “c” word I could think of was conglomerate.” Peter admitted. You looked at him curiously and he turned red with embarrassment.
“It’s a type of rock.” He said quietly.
“Cumulonimbus.” You replied, making him smile.
“Constable.” He said back.
“That too. Thats a lot of “c” words. And we didn’t even say the naughty one. We make a good team.” Peter said with a soft smile. You smiled back and realized you had never been this close to him before this moment. Your smile faded and you gulped.
“Peter, I’m really scared.” You admitted. He nodded his head and rubbed your back up and down. You had your arms around his neck and he had his around your shoulder and waist to keep you as close as possible.
“Well, don’t be. This will all be over soon and we can leave. Everything will be fine.” He assured you.
“What if it’s not? We don’t even know what’s happening outside of this room. My dad could be…” You trailed off and your eyes filled with fear again.
“Hey, it’s okay. Your dad built a metal suit when he was trapped in a cave. The earth shaking a little is not gonna stop that man. I’ve seen him swallow Tylenol with no water.”
“Thank you.” You smiled softly as a tear rolled down your face.
“For what?”
“Distracting me.”
“Oh, well, you’re welcome. And, I don’t know, it’s kinda nice.”
“What is?” You wondered.
“Talking to you. We never really get to do that.” Peter pointed out.
“Yeah. Maybe after this, we could-“
You were cut off but another light exploding and showering the room with sparks. You let out a scream and buried your face in Peter’s neck again as he wrapped his arms around you to shield you from the sparks.
“It’s okay. I got you.” He said into your ear.
“Peter, I don’t want to die.” You cried into his shirt.
“You’re not gonna die. I’m not gonna let that happen.”
“Shhh. I would never let anything hurt you, okay? I have you. No matter what else you have in your head, I am with you and I am not going anywhere. You are going to be just fine. I’ll keep you safe. I promise.” Peter assured you as he cupped your face to make you look into his eyes. Once you processed what he had said, you pulled him by the shirt into a kiss. Peter’s eyes flew open but he quickly got over his initial shock and deepened the kiss. The room was crumbling around you but neither of you paid it any mind. You tangled your hands in his hair as you kissed him and he did the same to you. It didn’t feel like a first kiss. It felt comfortable and familiar and warm. By the time you pulled away to get some air, the earthquake had stopped.
“It stopped.” You realized.
“I love you too.” He said breathlessly.
“What?” You asked when you realized he had said something.
“I said we should get out of here and make sure everyone’s okay.” Peter quickly lied.
“Yeah. Let’s go.” You nodded and got off the floor. You helped Peter up before surveying the damage. The machines were okay but there were chunks of rubble and debris everywhere. Peter moved things out of the way with ease and never let go of your hand as he lead you out of the lab. He kept you close to his side as the two of you made your way to the living room. That’s where you found your dad and a few other team members.
“Oh, thank God you’re okay.” Tony said and let out a relieved sigh.
“I’m okay, daddy. Peter was there-“
Tony ran past you and grabbed his People’s Choice Award out of the rubble and gave it a kiss. You sighed and rolled your eyes until he noticed that everyone was looking at him.
“What? This are harder to win than an Oscar. They give those to any old hag.” Tony said in defense.
“I’m okay too, dad.” You said sarcastically.
“Oh yes. My precious angel princess baby. Are you okay?” Tony asked as he went over to give you a hug. You hugged him back for a while as Peter hung back and watched with a soft smile. You let go of Tony and wrapped your hand around Peter’s arm.
“We’re okay.” You answered.
“We?” Tony raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah. It would have been really bad for me if Peter wasn’t there. I had no idea what to do. But he pulled me under a table and kept me calm.”
“Peter did?” Tony laughed in surprise. “I’ve seen Peter scream at his own fart.”
“Hey, that was one time and I wasn’t expecting it to make a noise and I especially didn’t think it would echo like that.” Peter said in defense.
“Well I’m really grateful he was with me.” You told your dad.
“Wow. Thanks for not letting my daughter get squished, kid. I owe you one.” Tony said and proudly patted Peter on the back.
“Anytime.” Peter smiled weakly.
“Well, now that we know the most important people in the tower and possibly all of New York are okay, you should go see your aunt. She probably wants to know if you’re dead or alive right now. I mean, unless she doesn’t really care.” Tony shrugged. You made eye contact with Peter and gave him a sad smile. He nodded his head and understood what you mean, you didn’t want him to go so that you could talk about what had happed, but you couldn’t admit what happened in front of your dad.
“Right. I should go see her.” Peter said without taking his eyes off you. You kept your eyes on him as he left the building and wrapped your arms around once he was gone.
Peter had never gotten your number despite the years you had known each other but he was desperate to talk to you. The kiss was the only thing on his mind for days and it got to the point where he could no longer sleep. Tony was busy with construction to repair the damages from the earthquake so Peter couldn’t go over to see you. But to his surprise, he was sitting in his bed one day watching TV on his laptop when you appeared in his doorway.
“Hey. Your aunt let me in. And your doorman was reading a Highlights magazine so I don’t think he even saw me enter the building, so.” You said as you leaned against his wall. Peter quickly threw the covers off of himself and set his laptop down.
“Oh, hey. Come on in. I wasn’t touching my private parts or anything.” He said and immediately regretted it.
“Oh, I didn’t think you were.” You laughed awkwardly.
“Well I just didn’t want you to think that because my hands were hidden under the covers.” He tried to explain himself but there was no coming back from that.
“I wasn’t thinking that but now that you mention it I kinda think that is what you were doing.” You said out of the corner of your mouth.
“Psh. I wasn’t.” He scoffed and pushed his laptop away.
“Show me your laptop then.” You shrugged. Peter turned red and he handed him laptop over to you.
“Oh. The episode of Glee where they all switch characters. Nice.” You nodded when you saw what was last opened on his screen.
“Thank you.” He said sincerely.
“Weird thing to jack off too, though.” You shrugged as you sat down on his bed.
“No, I wasn’t-“ Peter quickly tried to explain himself until he realized you were just joking. He smiled shyly and shut the laptop to give you his full attention.
“So, I wanted to talk about the other day.” You began.
“The other day? Could you be more specific? I’ve been alive for a long time.” Peter played dumb and scratched his head.
“The day when there was an earthquake. And we kissed. And you peed your pants.”
“That pee was there when we got to the lab. I just happened to sit it in.” Peter insisted.
“Right.” You chuckled. “I wanted to talk about the kiss though. If that’s okay.”
There was a long, long pause between the two of you and Peter contemplated his next move. The kiss was all he was able to think about since it happened but he didn’t want to make it seem like he was desperate. You were staring into his eyes, hopeful for a certain response, but he was too stupid to give the right one.
“What kiss?” He said finally.
“Okay. This was a mistake. I’m gonna go.” You sighed and got off his bed.
“Wait.” Peter caught your hand and pulled you back towards him.
“Is that your jacking off hand?” You asked and pulled away from him.
“No. I wasn’t - never mind.” He whined. “My hands are clean. Just sit down.”
You rolled your eyes a little but sat back down on his bed.
“I also wanted to talk about the kiss. I’m just extremely nervous and constantly uncomfortable.” He admitted to you.
“I mean, same. So let’s make this as quick and painless as possible. All I wanted to say is that I think we should keep it between us. The kiss, I mean. We shouldn’t tell anyone.” You said and Peters world crumbled down.
“Oh.” He squeaked out. He was disappointed but you had an unreadable look on your face so he decided to play it neutral.
“So I should cancel the little banner and sea plane I hired to fly over the tower to announce our kiss to the pedestrians below?” He asked, making you smile in relief.
“Yes. I would appreciate that.” You chuckled.
“Will do.”
“Cool. So let’s just agree to keep this our secret.” You repeated and he nodded while avoiding eye contact with you. You stared at him for a minute and felt guilty for making him upset. You decided that he deserved to know the truth about that day.
“But, uh, that’s not the only reason I came over. I had a lot of things I wanted to say to you the day of the earthquake but with everything going on I wasn’t able to get you alone.” You continued, making Peter’s hope come back.
“Oh? What did you have to say?” He asked. You took a deep breath before looking into his eyes.
“Peter, when I kissed you-“
Just then, Ned came into Peter’s room for the planned hangout that Peter had entirely forgotten about. Your sentence stopped abruptly and Peter sighed in frustration.
“Hey Peter. I think your doorman is in diabetic shock again. I just walked right by him and he didn’t even move.” Ned said.
“We kissed during the earthquake.” Peter blurted and you threw your hands up in exasperation.
“Why would you say that? I just said we’re not telling anyone.”
“I’m sorry! He’s my best friend.” Peter explained before covering his mouth with his hand to keep from blurting anything else.
“No way. You guys kissed? So does that mean you’re like together now or no?” Ned asked and touched his two pointer fingers together.
“Well, we haven’t really talked about-“ You began.
“No. We’re not together.” Peter said with a tight smile.
“Got it. Friends with benefits. Nice.” Ned nodded.
“What? No. We’re not that either.” Peter laughed in embarrassment as his face turned red.
“Yeah, no one said anything about that. We’re barely even friends.” You added.
“Barely even friends but you made out? While the earth was shaking? What would Greta Thunberg say?” Ned asked and put his hands on his hips.
“It wasn’t making out, really.” You lied. “It was like a tiny little peck on the lips. It was nothing. Right, Peter?”
“Oh, yeah. Thats so right. We barely even kissed.” Peter added to your lie as he wondered why you were downplaying it so much.
“Excatly. It was no big deal. We were both just scared and panicked so we kissed a little bit. It happens. But it didn’t mean anything.” You replied, making Peter freeze. He had spent so long thinking about the kiss only for you to say to his face that it meant nothing.
“Yeah. It meant nothing.” He said and looked down at his lap. You picked up on the sadness in his voice and looked over at him.
“Right.” You said weakly.
“Less than nothing.” Peter added and rubbed the back of his neck. You sighed and realized you had absolutely messed that up.
“I don’t know. I was really scared too but I did not try to french the lady I was hiding with in the TJ Maxx I was in.” Ned replied.
“You went to TJ Maxx without me?” Peter gasped.
“You know I’m a bigger maxxonista than you are. I can’t stay away.” Ned whispered harshly.
“The earth was crumbling. You could have died there.” You pointed out.
“There’s no place I’d rather spend my final moments in.” Ned shrugged.
“Anyways.” You interrupted. “I should get going. Uh, thanks, Peter. For what we talked about.”
“Yeah. No problem.” Peter smiled sadly.
“So what exactly did you guys talk about?” Ned asked suspiciously.
“Nothing. She just needed help with the Wordle.” Peter lied and you smiled in appreciation at him.
“And she came all the way here to ask? Damn, girl. How hot was that kiss? I’m genuinely asking. I’ve always said Peter and I should kiss just to know what the other is working with but he always says no.” Ned told you.
“You know what? I think you guys should do it. It’ll bring you closer as friends.” You told them.
“See, Peter? She gets it. Now pucker up.” Ned said and closed his eyes as he leaned in.
“No. I’m not kissing you. Not with those chapped lips.” Peter backed up. Ned gasped and touched his fingertips to his lips.
“Okay. Well, bye guys.” You smiled awkwardly and got off Peter’s bed. You were about to leave when Ned spoke up again.
“What was it?” He asked you.
“What?” You asked.
“The Wordle. I really want to get it right on the first try just once and really impress the people at The New York Times.” Ned explained.
“Oh, uh…” You trailed off and looked to Peter for help.
“Heavy.” Peter said quickly.
“Right. It was “heavy”. Now you know. So I’m gonna head out. Bye, Peter.” You waved to him.
“Bye.” He waved and felt that same sadness from the day of the kiss return.
“Bye, Ned.”
“Bye, sweetie.” Ned gave you a big smile before you left the room.
“You dirty fucking liar.” Ned said once you were gone.
“That’s not today’s Wordle. That was days ago. You lied. What are you hiding?” Ned asked.
“Nothing. She was just asking me not to tell anyone about the kiss.”
“If it was no big deal then why would she care?”
“Because it was a big deal!” Peter admitted. “It was the hugest deal. She had her hands all up in my hair and I had my hands all up in her sweater but over her undershirt because I’m a gentleman. We were going at it so hard, we didn’t even notice the earthquake stopped.”
“Oh my God.” Ned gasped. “That stuff never happens at TJ Maxx.”
“I know!” Peter jumped in excitement.
“You have to tell me everything. Who kissed who?”
“She kissed me. And unbuttoned three of my shirt buttons.” Peter said and held up three fingers.
“Woah. Three? Isn’t that moving kinda fast?”
“I don’t care. It was the greatest moment of my life. But I also thought it was gonna be the last moment of my life so I don’t know if that had any impact.”
“I doubt it.” Ned shrugged. “But what happens now?”
“I don’t know. We were talking about it but then you came in so we never got to finish. And I thought we were both into it but then she said all that stuff about it not being a big deal so now I don’t know where we stand. What do I do?”
“You need to finish the conversation. If you don’t, this kiss will just be a one time thing and you’ll never know what it meant to her or what it could have become. You need to find out how she felt about it before too much time passes.”
“I don’t know. What if she doesn’t want to talk about it because she’s embarrassed that it happened? Maybe that’s why she doesn’t want to tell anyone.”
“Or maybe she faked the earthquake just to kiss you.” Ned suggested.
“That’s probably it, yeah.” Peter said sarcastically.
“Whatever the reason is, you need to talk to her. And soon.”
“You’re right.” Peter nodded and a silence feel between the boys as Peter thought everything over.
“Should we go to TJ Maxx?” Ned asked after a beat of silence.
“Well, yes.”
Peter didn’t hear from you for a while after that. He wasn’t allowed back at the tower until the reconstruction was complete so he couldn’t even go see you. He still wasn’t sleeping because now he couldn’t stop wondering about your last conversation. Not only had you downplayed the kiss, you also asked Peter not to tell anyone. That left him thinking that you regretted it and it didn’t mean anything to you despite how much it meant to Peter. After two weeks of hearing nothing, Peter got a text from Tony that the tower was open again and he could come back. Peter went over right away to see what Tony had done with the place and much to his surprise, you were there too.
“Oh. Hi.” You blinked in surprise when Peter walked into the main room of the tower.
“Hey.” Peter nodded curtly. “I wasn’t expecting you to be here.”
“Neither was I. Dad? I thought we weren’t letting anyone in until all your Kids Choice awards were back-“
“I never said that.” Tony cut you off. “Never, ever said that. I invited Peter over to thank him for saving all my precious technology. Those webs were the only thing that kept all my billion dollar machines from smashing into tiny little expensive pieces.”
“It was no problem, sir. It’s my job to protect what’s yours.” Peter said without taking his eyes off you. You felt your face heat up and looked down.
“Okay. Weird way to phrase that.” Tony commented. “I also wanted to invite you to dinner tonight. The dining room is fully remodeled and I was gonna have family dinner tonight with all my girls. And you’re my honorary girl so I thought I’d invite you as well. What do you say, kid?”
“Oh, I don’t think he wants to do that.” You said and looked at Peter. He was thinking the same thing; if he came over for dinner, there was a 99% chance the news of the kiss would slip out and Tony would reign hell fire onto Peter.
“Yeah, that’s okay. I appreciate the invitation but my aunt is already cooking something.”
“Oh God. Your aunt is cooking? Then you simply have to come over. I’ve tasted her food. No one should be subjected to that. You’ve been through enough. Please, eat here.” Tony insisted. Peter looked to you for help and you shrugged in defeat.
“Okay. Sure. Thanks. I’ll eat dinner with your daughters and wife. Nothing weird is going to happen if I do that.” Peter nodded stiffly.
“Again, weird way to phrase that. But I’ll see you at 7. Sound good?” Tony asked. Peter looked at you again and you nodded your head.
“Yeah.” Peter sighed. “Sounds good.”
Part two
Tag List 🏷️
@thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
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@justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr
@emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
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heavenlyvision · 4 months
Pairing: Simon Riley (Ghost) x afab!reader
Wc: 1.3k
Not my usual content, I'm gonna apologise for this but I'm really not sorry.... so... sorry </3 Please don’t stone me, I just want to fuck the big, masked man :<
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, pwp, established relationship, vaginal fingering, p in v penetration, cockwarming, no use of pronouns or y/n, i think that's all !!!
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Simon coming home was always something you looked forward to, the days following where you get to spend time together in domestic bliss are memories you treasure when he inevitably has to leave again. It’s a cycle; one you have both gotten used to and never fully adjust to. For example, entering the kitchen and seeing him there makes your heart race with excitement and happiness to see him but also slight shock from forgetting someone else lives with you. Having him home is always better though, you wouldn’t trade these days for the world.
This time round, you had finally gotten him to cave into your will and watch one of your favourite movies with you. One you had seen so often that you could recite back monologues from it in your sleep. Normally, your eyes would be glued to the screen, ecstatic and waiting for each of your favourite scenes to play but you also wanted to watch Simon’s reactions to them.
This has created an unforeseen issue though because your boyfriend is so… distracting. He’s not doing anything, not anything outwardly but he’s in his casual clothes, legs spread wide on the couch and carefully watching the screen, seemingly intrigued by what you’ve put on.
Your head is clouded by thoughts of him, he’s been home for a few days now and you’ve still not been intimate. Too content to be in each other’s presence to have sex but you’re feeling it now. The need that claws up your spine, his absence always has you craving him but you usually calm down when he’s home and you can hug him, touch him.
Even though you’ve been together for a couple years now, you still hesitate to reach out to him, too afraid to upset him or do something wrong – you never have and he’s always been reciprocal to your touch but you still worry. Plus, he genuinely looks invested in the movie and you don’t want to start something when he’s having a nice time. That doesn’t stop you from subtly watching him or slightly rubbing your thighs together though, your need for him slowly overwhelming you the longer you take glances at him.
Simon sighs beside you, he doesn’t look at you as he asks, “What’s wrong, what are you fidgeting for?”
His deep voice shoots straight through you, your thighs clench together, “Nothing, sorry.”
He looks to you out the corner of his eye, his gaze runs over you for a moment, taking you in, observing your body language. He catches on fairly quickly, always knowing how you’re feeling just from a glance, “Come here.” His hand pats his lap.
You shuffle closer but hesitate to get on him, when you don’t immediately sit on his lap, his hands grab you and position you so you’re straddling him. His large hands skate up and down your thighs, caressing your skin.
They move higher, pushing the hem of your shirt up, revealing your lack of shorts. He doesn’t say anything but he smiles smugly and raises his eyebrow at you slightly.
You go to defend yourself, “I’m more comfortable like this.”
“I said nothing,” his hands move back down your thighs again, pulling at your skin as he goes.
You squirm against him, “I know what you were thinking.”
He breathes out an airy chuckle, “I’m certain you didn’t, love.” His fingers tickle against your inner thighs, trailing higher.
You sigh at his touch, “I missed you…”
“Mmm, I can tell,” he comments as his thumb presses into the wet spot on your panties.
A light gasp pulls from you at his touch, your hips stuttering slightly, seeking the friction.
He continues talking, his thumb putting minimal contact on your clit, “I was getting real into the movie, you know?” He says that but his eyes are glued to his hand playing with you through your panties.
You feel bashful, “Sorry…” He pulls his hand away and you want to complain but you feel bad for ruining the movie for him.
“Don’t need you to be sorry,” his tone is gruff, his hand reaches under his waist band and pulls his hard cock out, “Need you to sit on me.” He groans as his hand starts to stroke himself, his cock painfully erect, tip leaking profusely.
“–Lovie, need you to wrap your pretty cunt around me,” His eyes are dazed, not really focused on anything right now, too caught up thinking about your slick heat swallowing him.
You shuffle closer to him and sit up on your knees, his fingers push your panties to the side. He lets out a low groan as he runs his fingers through your wetness, they slip over your pussy, he’s distracted now, eyes intently watching your cunt and how you react to him. His finger slips into you with some resistance, the stretch eased by how slick you are for him.
You almost buckle over; your hands reach out to his shoulders to hold yourself up. He tries to supress it but you can see the smallest hints of a smirk on his lips, he looks to you, “Gone too long, was I?” It’s not really a question, especially since he’s not done talking, “Fuck– you’re so goddamn tight, Mm gonna have to fuck you open…” He trails off, not because he’s done talking but because he’s fucking his finger into you and has gotten distracted again.
The wet noises that your cunt makes for him is obscene, it has you shying away from him and wanting to hide but his hand speeds up, wanting to hear more. You’re whimpering quietly, trying to hold in the noises he’s pulling from you effortlessly.
You gasp out to him, trying to convey your desire, “I need –ah–”
He hums at you, “Mmm, I know…”
His finger pulls from you and you can’t help the pathetic whine the loss has you making, he doesn’t even try to hide his smile this time, shamelessly grinning at your need. You pout at him but that just seems to further his enjoyment.
“Go on, lovie, take what you need,” His hands hold onto your hips, letting you take your time.
You take him in your hand and his chest stutters slightly, your pussy hovers over him. You’re nervous to take him, it’s been a while since you last had him and it’s always a little daunting to take him fully after he’s come back. He’s being ever so patient though, his fingers dig into your hips but he doesn’t move you, he continues to let you do this at your own pace. 
You notch his tip at your pussy hole, your stomach flutters with anticipation, slowly you start to take him. It’s slow and it takes you a bit to take his tip, Simon is groaning under you, his fingers digging into your flesh, barely holding onto sanity.
“You need to relax,” his voice is strained, his thumb moves to your clit, rubbing circles into it, trying to help you take him easier.
You sigh on him, your pussy sinking down further, he chokes slightly at the feeling of your tight, hot cunt taking more of him. His head falls to the back of the couch, the way you continue to take him as him seeing stars, the last time he got off being too long ago.
You moan his name quietly when you take all of him, his pelvis pressed to your clit, you grind down into him, his hands facilitate you. Groans get stuck in his throat, his mind swimming with thoughts about you and how tight you are.
Suddenly, he stops your movements, hands holding you completely still on him, he looks you in the eye, “You’re gonna sit here and keep my cock warm while I finish this movie you love so much.”
You whine at him, “Wait, what?”
“Should’ve waited till it was finished, love,” he smirks at you but he’s one hundred percent serious.
He’s going to have you crying on his dick before the film is over, you just know it.
Thank you for reading :3 i hope you enjoyed (if you're one my mk followers, please be nice to me, I LIKE THE BIG MASKED MAN, SUE ME)
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cultofdixon · 17 days
Haunted by what is forever told on our skin
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • When the group found the prison, no one expected the past to come and haunt us all even if they don’t understand until life is re-written • ANGST/SFW • TW: PTSD / Past Abuse / Domestic Violence / Scars / Injuries / Past Attempt Mentioned / SH Scars
Requested by: Anon
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“We found a place that we can make into our new home” Rick started. “We obviously need to fix a few things for the immediate future. But it’s got good walls”
“What is it?”
“It’s a prison, which I know sounds unsettling at first but once we take care of the walkers…it’s pretty golden” Rick finished and went to check on his family while the others started to pack up the vehicles knowing they will be leaving once he’s ready.
Daryl noticed Y/N stand still for a really long time for unknown reasons that started to concern him. But when she noticed him looking at her, she quickly picked up her pack and went to join Glenn and Maggie.
They weren’t going to tackle the main prison just yet given the time of day. All they did was take out the walkers in the yard and get their cars within the gates before making camp for the night.
Y/N watched Carol go over to Daryl to give him what accounts for dinner with what they’ve got before turning her attention back toward the prison. This time catching the attention of someone more curious and willing to speak up.
“Have you been here before?” Beth questions Y/N, snapping her out of her thoughts as she gave her a concerned look.
“Like what, a prisoner?”
“No, just. Well yes and no”
“Not as a prisoner…more like. Visiting…loved ones…” Y/N frowns squeezing her hands together to avoid an anxious harmful habit that she knew she wouldn’t be able to do in front of them anyway.
“You think we killed them?” Glenn suddenly blurts as Maggie smacks him in the arm. “What? You’re telling me people survived the outbreak in that prison?”
“Don’t mean you have to ask somethin’ like that when you don’t know the rel—-“
“I haven’t…seen him in years. He could’ve been released or…executed for all I know. Only have seen him twice and the second time wasn’t…pretty” Y/N got up from the group, going to take a walk and clear her head on the matter. All while Maggie lectured Glenn about pushing boundaries.
When Daryl came back to the group with Carol, he noticed her absence immediately but as he scanned the surrounding area for her…he watches Rick make his way over to her given he hasn’t stopped walking the perimeter since they’ve gotten inside.
Y/N stared at a walker gnawing at the fence from the other end trying to reach for her. She stepped closer to the fence rolling her sleeve up and testing fate when the voice in her head told her to stop, as well as the voice behind her.
“What’s wrong” Rick asked with a concern look on his face when she turned toward him. With the light from his flashlight he noticed the scars that littered her arms making her instantly cover them. He knows as a cop not to trigger the situation further, even if most cops tend to do that anyway. But he’s not like most. “You want to scout with me? Don’t have to be in the mess of people for a moment”
“Mess of people?” Y/N laughs slightly. “You know you’re including your wife and son in that mix”
“I do…” Rick frowns, now walking with Y/N around the place. “Honestly we’ve all done something stupid and yet I’m paying for it the most given the silence I’m receiving from Lori”
“…You know, don’t you?”
Rick didn’t utter another word but gave her a look that confirmed it all.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner”
“Well, I still don’t know you. Not a stranger. But still not enough to share something like that” Rick shrugs. “I’m not mad at you”
“Right…still. I feel bad. No one should have to deal with that. End of the world or before”
Something about what she said only drew the concern to a higher level. Rick gestured with his head to return to the rest of the group and as he went to sit with his family, Y/N went to sit alone outside of the group facing away from them. The only time she was addressed was when T-Dog dragged a blanket over her shoulders, the flinch that came from her caught Daryl’s attention even more.
When the morning came, which meant time to progress inside the prison grounds…they were careful taking out the walkers in the courtyard before taking the risk of entering the building. Rick, Daryl, T-Dog, Maggie, and Y/N took care of being the first to sweep the cellblock they entered. Taking out the few walkers they came across, including seeing a few prisoners that have met their fate to the undead or found a quick way out of the mess before they met that end.
Y/N lingered too close to a locked cell on the second story not seeing anything immediately until the walker forced itself against the bars causing her to stumble back.
Rick quickly came over taking the walker out as Daryl brought himself to her checking her person.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah. Uh…yeah” Y/N frowns stepping past him returning to the first floor to help Maggie in any way.
The group started to make home of the cell block for now and will progress further into the place in a bit. Just for now they were taking a break. While others claimed cells as their new “rooms”, Daryl took the catwalk not liking the idea of living in a cell and he wasn’t the only one to think such.
“Need help?” Glenn asks Y/N if she needed a hand pulling the mattress out of the cell and into the main walk way on the first floor.
“Oh uh. Yeah sure” She frowns letting Glenn help her move the mattress and before he left, he quickly grabbed one of their many blankets handing it to her. “Thanks…”
“Of course” Glenn smiles leaving to check on Maggie and her family.
Daryl leans against the railing watching Y/N sit on the mattress bringing her knees to her chest and hide her face. Her whole body tensed and hasn’t relaxed since they’ve entered the prison.
The group hasn’t relaxed like this since the farm and they were getting used to the temporary quiet.
The next morning a few took inventory of the gear they’ve found in the prison, then came to the decision of checking the rest of the prison. The men plus Maggie and Y/N. Daryl took lead while the rest followed through the darker parts of the prison.
Maggie getting spooked by Glenn after he marked the direction they came from only stressed the others and Y/N did her best not to scream as a trigger response to hers.
Then it became a game with the walkers coming from every direction, even where they came from. Resulting in being separated from Maggie and Glenn. But when Hershel retraced his steps, he unfortunately gotten bit. A bit of scrambling resulted in T-Dog and Y/N holding the doors to their only entrance and exit while the others held down Hershel so that Rick can cut off the infected part of his leg.
But it wasn’t long for them to realize they weren’t alone.
Y/N felt as if she was struck down with the realization that she recognized one of the prisoners that Daryl and T-Dog were currently holding their stand with.
“We gotta go!” Rick shouted resulting in Y/N pulling away from the door ignoring who she had just saw and helped Glenn with holding the makeshift gurney to get Hershel on.
Everything seem to escalate while a good chuck of their own focused on Hershel then Daryl took liberty with T-Dog to keep the prisoners in check until Rick came to break the news about the reality the prisoners are now living in.
It wasn’t until they stepped outside to see for themselves when Tomas, the one with the gun, turned to the three with one question that led to a million internal ones.
“The woman with yea, where the hell you find her?”
T-Dog gave Daryl a questioning look as to who he’s referring to. Maggie or Y/N. Because they were the only women they saw.
“Who are you talking about?” Rick questions keeping his hand hovered over his gun. Tomas took note of such and decided to drop it.
Meanwhile inside the prison the chaos died slightly, all they could really do is keep an eye on Hershel and check his dressings. Y/N stood by the cell with Glenn to keep an eye on him in case you know what happens, orders by Rick of course. Glenn couldn’t help but get more anxious just from being in Y/N’s vicinity.
“What’s wrong?” He whispers to avoid alerting the rest. “Do you think he’s—-“
“It’s not about Hershel. Don’t…worry about it”
“How can I not when we just learned we’re not alone in here? What do you think the prisoners have done to get in this place?”
Y/N clenched her fists trying to fight back the anxiety induced tears or more so the PTSD she’s trying to avoid reliving but the sheer knowledge alone of him alive was driving her insane. Carol from the corner of her eye couldn’t help but have concerns for her because she understands.
“It’s…not the best, Sophia. But at least we’ll be safe until he calms down…” Carol reassures her daughter as they were directed into a room they were gonna have to share given how many people the facility has in that moment.
The woman on the other side of the room hugging her knees to her chest avoiding looking at them when they entered. She had just arrived there for the first time and wasn’t used to how many people. Granted the amount of people only made her feel worse that so many in her shoes need to find this escape instead of leaving the relationship they were in.
“Hello” Carol started, letting Sophia get comfortable on the bed as she hesitantly approaches. “I’m Carol. This is Sophia, my daughter” she frowns watching tears roll off her cheeks. “I guess we’ll be roommates for a while. We won’t make a fuss—-“
“You’ve been here before…the way you’re talking…you’ve been here before”
“Unfortunately” Carol frowns watching the woman finally face her to notice the swollen black eye and her wrist in a cast. “You’re new aren’t you?”
“…Unfortunately” She scoffs. “I should’ve known…sooner…before the cops got involved”
Carol brought herself to sit on the bed with her giving her a look asking for permission to rest a reassuring hand on her knee which she granted.
“We like to believe that they will get better. Some just. Go too far and need the intervention…”
The woman frowns only nodding to her words as she held herself close again feeling her hand slip away.
“Do you have a name?”
“Y/N” Carol frowns finally having a moment away from the mess, being handed a towel from her because of the blood all over her person. “Y/N are you alright?” She whispers to keep this conversation between themselves but all Y/N could do was show discomfort in her expression and try not to let the tears fall.
“We can’t let them stay here. They aren’t good people. He’s not a good person” Y/N wanted to let go but they were soon interrupted by Rick.
“Y/N I need your assistance with clearing a cellblock for the prisoners”
“Do you think that’s a good idea?” Carol questioned immediately and for her.
“We’ll kill them if they go too far but for now. We made the deal so we can get half of their supplies. We need to hold a front for a short while longer or until they’ve proven—-“
“Rick” T-Dog calls for him outside their block as he nods indicating they’re on their way.
“I’m sorry. I need Y/N. Glenn is watching Hershel and Maggie is out of commission for now. I need a good fighter and she’s one of them” Rick states, taking Y/N’s arm only for her to shove him off before walking toward T-Dog. The smallest action made Carol smack him in the harm.
“You push her and you won’t hear the end of it” Carol threatened before returning to Hershel’s aid as that left more suspicion with Rick.
When they started to go over the plan with the prisoners, Tomas instantly locked onto Y/N who made herself known finally.
“Baby—You’re alive” Tomas declared about to make his way over to Y/N when Rick stopped him. Daryl instantly looked at her as the tension and anxiety from her all made sense when they arrived. “What? There’s no prison laws anymore. I don’t have to wait for visiting hours to see my girl”
“She’s here to help. Not rekindle anything from the before” Rick stated pushing him back as that only angered the man but before he could even retaliate, Y/N quickly pulled Rick back blocking the way resulting in hesitation from Tomas.
“Just listen to him Tomas” Y/N struggled to keep a steady speech but the way he relaxed and nodded. This was only going to put her in a position that Rick will hate himself for later. Hell, the hate will come from more than him.
As Y/N steps back she felt Daryl’s gently tap her arm indicating for her to stand with him. Which she did. Tomas had her attention all on her while Rick explained how they are going to handle the walkers.
As the group watched the prisoners take out a handful of walkers in their own creative way. Daryl turned to Y/N watching her struggle to get a deep breath in given being in the same room as the man who hurt her was only making her suffocate.
“Hey…take a breath. C’mon” Daryl whispers keeping his attention on her, lifting his hand and lowering it then repeating to show he’s trying to get her to follow the breathing pattern. “There. You’ve got it…I’ve gotcha”
When they were alone in a room for a more controlled way of taking out the walkers, Tomas brought himself close to Y/N but enough for her to hear him given Daryl was hovering.
“Miss me?” He smirks watching her step away. “Aww come on baby. I’ve been good. I was going to get out in good behavior if the world didn’t end”
“Oh yeah, which guard did you bribe into helping—-ow!” Oscar snapped as Tomas smacked him in the arm.
“I have a restraining order. You wouldn’t—-“
“Baby girl. You’re right here. Right now. It’s the end of the world and the laws don’t apply—-“
“Focus” Rick snaps and then one of the prisoners got scratched right when the wave calmed down.
The other prisoners were trying to argue in saving their friend but right as the arguing got to a point, Tomas suddenly took the crowbar he had to killed the prisoner. The action put Y/N in a frozen state of mind as she tried to get herself out of there but she wasn’t moving. Then when Tomas decided to put all his anger toward the prisoner when he really wanted it toward another, Daryl forced Y/N to look away but she wouldn’t move so he blocked her view.
“You see the look on his face?” Daryl asked Rick as they hung in the back covering Y/N from Tomas who was in front of them.
“He makes one move…”
“Just give me a signal” Daryl stated as they all entered the laundry room from the looks of it.
One door.
One door was what Rick told Tomas to open.
Everything just has to go to shit huh?
Tomas tossed the walker at Rick directly and while he did and the others took care of the rest. He instantly went for Y/N. He heard the two of them talking and it doesn’t take a genius to understand that one wrong move and he’ll get killed in the process.
“No—No no” Y/N instantly thrashed against his grip only for Tomas to pull her into him wrapping his arm around her front but have his hand on her throat. “Please——“
“I tried to be buddy buddy for this pig bastard. But I know the only reason I’m in here in the first place is because of you” Tomas whispered angrily, tightening his hand around her throat.
“Let go of her” Daryl snapped readying his crossbow but before he fired, Rick stopped him as the gun Tomas had pressed itself against her throat.
“Lower it or I won’t hesitate” Tomas threats putting his finger on the trigger as Y/N couldn’t help the tears in that moment. “I know you’re just going to kill us the second you have a chance because of what we were in the past—“
“Right now you’re just provin’ you haven’t changed” Rick stated keeping his attention on Tomas as well as Daryl but he also took note of how Y/N was doing and by her body language, she wants this to be over. “The fuck do you want in order to let her go unscathed…mostly” he watches his grip on her neck lessen but not enough for her to free herself.
“Let me go. Like that one said before. Let me try to fend for my goddamn self out there with the stuff I’ve got” Tomas pressed the gun into her neck more when he watched the two move. “You have to lower your weapons entirely…or I will kill her on my way out”
I’m not losing her Daryl instantly lowered his crossbow, even set it on the ground and that action led Tomas to glare at Rick to do the same along with T-Dog who had a different vantage point.
Tomas slowly stepped back, dragging Y/N along with him before tossing her to the ground keeping his gun pointed at the few. He waited a moment then turned on his heel making a break for it but before Daryl could grab his crossbow, Rick stopped him as Y/N took out her holstered gun aiming it at Tomas and taking the shot. He dropped instantly and his death led to another prisoner losing it and making a break for it.
As Rick grabbed his gun chasing after the other prisoner, T-Dog kept the other two in check while Daryl quickly brought himself to Y/N’s aid assessing how bad the bruising was on her throat and noticing the return of the frozen state she was in.
“Has she spoken to anyone since it happened?” Lori questioned Rick as the two were at the entrance to the prison watching Y/N sit in the field alone.
“No, but I know for a fact Daryl ain’t gonna leave her out there alone for much longer” Rick referred to the archer who couldn’t keep his gaze away from Y/N when he was helping T-Dog with more walker burn pits.
After some time, Y/N flinch hearing footsteps as she turned around to find Daryl holding his arms up in surrender. She relaxed turning herself back around as he brings himself close taking his poncho off and carefully putting it on her.
“If you’re gonna stick around out here might as well have that” Daryl sat himself down beside her leaning back on his hands.
“You wanna know don’t you?”
“Know what?”
“What he did. How he got there…I can’t explain why he was the way that he was but I can try—-“
“We all have our scars. You don’t have to share yours…we all were just. Scared for yea even when we didn’t know” Daryl frowns watching her get comfortable with the poncho on her as she kept her bruises hidden the best she could.
“He hurt me. The first time was…or I thought it was an accident. Then it kept happening every time I did something wrong or he was mad at something else.” Y/N frowns hugging her knees close to her chest. “He even got mad when I tried to get out of it…”
“Get out of the relationship, right?”
The look she gave him was full of sadness and even when the threat being permanently gone, there was still the anger toward her past self for letting it happen for so long and not ending it sooner.
“Oh…well, uhm. I’m glad you’re still here” in some way, that was him telling her exactly how he felt about her.
Y/N finally let herself break with the tears starting to stream down her cheeks. She held herself while she sobbed, gripping onto the poncho reminding herself that she’s safe now.
“I won’t let anyone hurt yea…ever again” Daryl promises then…
and will promise forever.
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querenciasturniolo · 10 months
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strange ⮕ c.s.
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word count: 1.4k
warnings: lots of inner monologue, awkwardness, swearing, corniness, she/her pronouns
summary: request
a/n: this was requested again by the lovely @rainsoakedphoenix!!! this was super fun, and i had the idea to write it from chris’ point of view (still second person pov), so hopefully it works 🤞🏻
(this fic has jokes written in it about “chris having a crush on matt” bc of how prominent the jokes are in the fandom, but it doesn’t solely revolve around those jokes)
everything written is completely fictional. the people i write for are written with characteristics and mannerisms that i made for them, this is in no way depicting what would actually happen in real life.
The comments had been going on for ages, and Chris genuinely didn’t know how everyone found out.
the way chris looks at y/n in todays vlog ?
i never would have guessed the girl chris has been talking about is y/n, but honestly the last few vlogs have really swayed me
okay no, but how has this never occurred to me ? i would have thought she’d end up with matt
Sure, he’d always had a hard time hiding his emotions on his face, but surely the fans didn’t really know he had feelings for you. He’d tried to ignore all of the comments about it, until the edits started rolling in. Every other edit on his for you page was the way he looked at you when you weren’t looking, or the way he’d look away when you turned to face him with pink cheeks.
It was his fault, for letting it slip on a live that he had feelings for someone, and of course the fans started sleuthing. It wasn’t like he’d declared his love for you on the top of a building with a megaphone, but the swiftness in which the questioning comments turned into matter-of-fact statements on any vlog you were in or any photo dump you were included in had Chris realizing he really should learn to control his face.
“Have you seen this one?” Matt asked. Chris looked up from his phone and watched Matt’s screen. It was an edit, a few of the clips from Wednesday’s vlog showing how disgustingly enamored he looked with you. Chris groaned and flopped back on Matt’s bed. “Did you read the caption?” Matt asked, his voice sounding as if he was holding back a laugh.
Chris shook his head and mumbled a reply into the pillow, not even understanding himself as Matt read it out loud. “Chris really went from having a crush on Matt to having a crush on the girl equivalent.” Chris pulled the pillow off of his face and glared, Matt’s laughter spilling out of him as he pulled his phone back towards him.
“Don’t laugh at a joke about me having a crush on you, it’s fucking weird.” Chris grumbled. “And she isn’t even that much like you.”
Matt huffed and shrugged his shoulders. “Tell that to the countless comparison edits of the two of us on my for you page.” He retorted, Chris rolling his eyes and sitting up to throw the pillow in his direction. He stood, Matt glancing up from his phone with a frown. “Where are you going?”
He turned. “The living room, your presence is getting on my nerves.” He said, Matt scoffing and turning his attention back to his phone.
Of course he’d seen the comparison edits, how could he not? You were soft spoken, only occasionally getting loud enough when whatever you were talking about was important to you. You were incredibly observant, and never the first person to point something out. All of the fans had said you and Matt were one in the same, which made sense as to how comfortable Chris was around you almost immediately. But it was still odd that the fans said that, because to Chris, you were just…you, and he couldn’t help but catch feelings for you.
In all reality, it hit him like a truck, and it scared the shit out of him. One day, the four of you were hanging out, and then out of nowhere, he had a headache with how fast the realization hit him. Things were different after that, at least for him. It felt as though everything that came out of his mouth directed at you was awkward, and that you could see right through the facade he held up to keep his feelings from you unknown.
You’d continued to be yourself throughout everything, though it worried him that any time the jokes about Chris’ crush on you were brought up, you’d immediately blush and change the topic. He didn’t want to immediately think that you had feelings for him as well, but he also didn’t want to think you didn’t. He didn’t know what he wanted, truthfully. He wanted everything out in the open, but at the same time he didn’t.
Chris groaned and flopped forward on the couch, his groan being muffled by the couch cushions. He stayed like that for a while, ignoring the buzzing on his phone until he heard Nick walking down the stairs.
“Dude, Y/n’s been at the door for like five minutes, why the fuck didn’t you let her in?” He asked, not giving Chris a chance to answer before he descended the second staircase and opened the door. “Sorry about him, he’s in a mood or something.”
Chris heard your quiet reply and the sound of you and Nick climbing the stairs again. He still hadn’t moved from his position on the couch, even when he felt the cushion dip next to him.
“Everything alright?”
His heart rate spiked at the sound of your voice and he shrugged, though it didn’t work well. You laughed softly, and it felt like every nerve was on high alert. He finally pushed himself up and sat next to you, running a hand through his hair before meeting your eyes. You always had a look on your face, like you knew something was bothering him even though he hadn’t said anything.
“How do you do that?” He asked. You frowned.
“Do what?” You asked.
Chris sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “You always know when something is bugging me.” He said. You chuckled and shook your head, your eyebrows raising.
“Chris, I walked in and you were laying face down on the couch. It’s pretty obvious that something is bothering you.” You said, your voice light and teasing.
He blinked and sighed, putting his head in his hands. “Jesus, that was dumb, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, it’s funny. One thing I can tell is that you want to talk to me about it, unless that’s just me being hopeful.” You said, Chris looking over at you. It was true, you were the only person he wanted to talk to about this. He nodded, and he couldn’t help but relax when you adjusted to face him completely, and just watched him patiently.
It took him longer than he was expecting. He usually could say anything without a problem, whether he messed up his words or not, but this was you. He’d never had a problem talking to you about how he was feeling before, but it was near impossible when it directly applied to you.
You hadn’t pushed him, which he was grateful for. You sat right in front of him and waited patiently, nodding your head in encouragement each time he was about to speak, but not reacting when he didn’t. He groaned and threw his head back.
“Jesus, why is this so hard?” Chris mumbled. You shook your head and rested your hand over his, lightly squeezing it.
“Chris, it’s okay. Take your time, I’m not going anywhere.” You said, Chris sighing and nodding his head.
He was silent for a few minutes, but eventually met your eyes and took a deep breath.
“Do you wanna, like, go out? On a date?” He asked. You blinked, your face heating up and your heart racing as you processed what he said.
“Like, for real? This isn’t just because of all of the comments?” You asked, Chris smiling shyly and shaking his head.
“Well, the fans were right. I mean, about me liking you.” He said, wringing his hands together in his lap to take attention away from them shaking.
You couldn’t help but smile at him for a moment, looking away when his eyes met yours.
“I didn’t know it was true.” You said, your voice almost a whisper.
Chris glanced over at you, his chest pounding when he realized you hadn’t answered him, and that you couldn’t look at him.
“We don’t have to, if you don’t feel the same. It’s fine, really.” He said, pushing himself off of the couch. He paused when your hand gripped his wrist, looking down to see you grinning up at him. You shook your head and stood, trying your best to keep your eyes on his. It was insane, how someone’s eyes could be so intimidating but so kind and full of love all at once.
“I’d love to, really.” You said, blush traveling from his neck to his face. He cleared his throat and nodded, trying his best to fight off the dorky smile on his face.
“Okay.” He said, his voice quiet.
You chuckled. “Okay.” You repeated awkwardly, Chris’ smile coming in full force. You stood on your tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheek, his eyes widening slightly when you dropped down to your heels. You smiled at him, entwining your fingers with his.
Your hand fit so well in his, like a puzzle piece. He watched as you looked down at your hands. He ran his thumb over the side of your hand, smiling at the way you looked up at him shyly. He frowned when your eyes lit up and you smiled at him, confusion clouding his face as you lightly bumped his shoulder with yours.
“So that’s why you’ve been acting so strange.”
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moonrisecoeur · 7 months
i want to put a collar on leon and call him a precious little puppy 😭
hi there <3
re2 leon is actually my puppy sorry to everyone else who likes him but unfortunately he’s mine i already adopted him :/
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she/her pronouns used, afab parts mentioned.
“you want to… what?” he’s confused. weirded out, “okay, okay, slow down. no, it’s okay, i’m not mad. i’m just… i don’t really know what to say to something like that. not every day your girlfriend tells you she wants to put a collar on you.”
“i’m sorry, i know it’s weird—”
“no, it’s not weird… okay, maybe it’s a little weird. i just don’t really understand what you get out of that.”
“do you want me to explain?” you ask, and he’s nervous. he doesn’t truly know what his answer is. on one hand, he likes doing stuff for you, likes doing the things you like so you feel good and are happy with him. he likes when you’re happy with him.
but on the other hand, he doesn’t get the whole collar thing at all. he’s never even thought about it.
“it’s not like an everyday, 24/7 thing, though some couples do that, that’s also a thing. the way i’ve thought about it would be just you… wearing it sometimes during sex. i think it’s like… it signifies possession. ownership. it’s not inherently a pet play thing, but it’s related and they go together,” you explain, and he thinks he gets where you’re coming from but honestly? the more that he thinks about it (especially since you told him it wouldn’t be something he’d have to wear in front of other people) he’s less weirded out by it.
“i.. can i think about it? and we can come back to this conversation when i have an answer for you?” he asks, and of course you say yes, appreciating that he didn’t immediately shut you down. you tell him that you already have one that would probably fit him if he ever wanted to see it, feel it before you tried it, that way he could be more comfortable with it solo before you came along.
some part of him is jealous you’ve done this before. to someone else. and you’d just give him the old one you used on them. he tries not to think too much about it.
he thinks it over over the course of two painfully awkward days. it’s not even that you were waiting for an answer, but he just couldn’t even look at you without thinking about it. he did some googling just because he felt like he didn’t really know enough to make the call. he’s never been the super kinky one, but mostly because he never really got an opportunity to explore that stuff.
after doing his research, and deciding that he actually really likes the idea, every single thought in his head became be her good puppy, wear her collar, appease her, obtain her praise, do everything she asks you to, obey her.
and suddenly, over dinner two days later, leon blurts out, face red and hands sweaty, “i want you to put the collar on me.”
you stop, looking up at him slowly. if you were drinking your water, you probably would have choked on it. he has terribly unsexy timing, “baby, can we finish eating? and then we can talk about it?”
he looks down, flustered and nods. great, now he has to live with this embarrassing moment for eternity.
afterwards, he nervously brings it up again, “so… can you?” his saving grace is that he’s terribly cute when he’s vaguely asking for stuff. you know what he wants, and while it would be cute to make him beg, you couldn’t do that to him. (yet! >.<)
you rummage through your drawers to find it. when you do, leon’s eyes widen. maybe the fact that it’s real and actually about to happen is what’s got him so nervous.
you come closer to him, standing right in front of him. he gulps nervously, gazing at you with those pretty puppy eyes that you’re surprised you made it this far without putting a collar on him.
“are you sure you want this?” you ask, “you can obviously take it off at any time and you don’t have to wear it if you suddenly decide you don’t want to or don’t like it, okay?”
“i’m sure i want this,” he says, a little bit more confidently than you expected. he trusts you.
“okay then, pretty thing,” you mutter, and he’s always weakened by those types of nicknames, pretty boy, pretty little thing, pretty baby, etc. he thinks when he hears pretty puppy leave your mouth (he knows it’s coming, god he feels giddy at the though) he’s going to die and go straight to heaven, “on your knees… where you belong.”
your voice, more raspy than usual, commands him and he is eager to follow, knees hitting the floor in an instant; it’s so fast he winces from discomfort. you wrap the collar around his neck, clasping it on the backside, and pulling the small piece of metal attached to it to the front.
“when you take this off, you can see what it says on the tag, okay?” you say softly, and he nods.
he feels a weird shift in the air, like something has changed in both of you. for himself, he feels smaller, softer, looking up at you with the same pretty puppy eyes he normally does, but it’s with an added sense of submissiveness he tends to shy away from. for you, he’s observant enough to see your smile, and also that dark, hungry look in your eyes. you like this.
he thinks he does too, especially when you run your fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp like he’s actually a dog, “precious little puppy, you’re so cute, can’t wait to ruin you entirely,” you murmur almost patronizingly, before catching yourself.
your eyes go back to being soft and kind as you ask him, “is it okay? its a comfortable fit, right?”
he nods, a resounding yes to both. for a brief moment, he wants to comfort you. he wants to say you don’t have to worry about me, just enjoy this. ravage me.
you seem to get the message somehow.
you bending down to kiss him is hotter than he imagined it being, and especially when your kisses make him feel high, like being near you is an intoxicating drug he can’t seem to recover from.
you have your pretty puppy eat your pussy like the good boy he is, and he has no complaints, even enjoying when you pull on his collar to get his attention, even if it’s in a demeaning way. you can demean him. it’s you. he’d let you rip out his heart and ache for you to hold him while he bleeds out, so why were you so nervous about putting a damn collar on him?
he finally takes off the collar when you’re done with him (though excited at the prospect of putting it back on) and wonders what else is in store for him with a girlfriend like you. he wonders if he’ll be able to keep up if you keep thrusting new things you want upon him like this. he’s fine with it, he supposes.
it’s at this point he notices what’s imprinted on the tag. he chuckles breathlessly.
♡ leon ♡
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purple-plum-petals · 1 year
⊱ TWST Dorm Leaders’ Reactions to Overhearing Yuu call them “Hot” ⊰ || Multiple Character Scenario
╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮      Character(s): Riddle Rosehearts, Trey Clover (mentioned), Cater Diamond (mentioned), Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Kalim Al-Asim, Jamil Viper (mentioned), Vil Schoeinheit, Idia Shroud, Ortho Shroud (mentioned), Malleus Draconia      Reader Type: Human, Ramshackle Prefect (Gender-Neutral Pronouns)      Warning(s): Nothing! I also always use the Japanese TWST Terms (Dorm Leader instead of Housewarden, Madols instead of Thaumarks, etc.) in my writing.      Genre: Scenario, Fluff, Slight Angst (?), Mutual Pining (Romantic Relationship)      Word Count: ~850 words      Scenario: When you had asked your companion out loud, “Man, why does your dorm leader have to be so hot?”, you had no idea that said dorm leader was nearby and overheard everything you just said.      Author’s Note: This is a small sequel piece to my TWST Characters’ Reactions to Yuu Calling Their Dorm Leader “Hot” simply because I thought it would be cute to do a follow-up on how each of the dorm leaders would react to Yuu admitting they found them attractive. I decided to keep this fluffy and make it so the dorm leaders in turn also found you attractive just to keep things fairly simple. I hope you all like it – thank you so much for your support! 🥰
→ If you enjoyed my work, please reblog it if you can! Exposure on Tumblr is based on reblogging content rather than liking it, so your support would be much appreciated!  ♡ ╰─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╯
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Becomes a flustered mess at your words, deciding against walking into the room and interrupting your conversation with the person they had been looking for. Their face is red and they feel as though they’re going to implode as their mind replays what you said over and over again. You… really think they’re that attractive? Well, at least they know the feeling is mutual.
·       Riddle, Azul, Idia
Well, now isn’t that interesting… He smirks slightly when he overhears the conversation you were having with the dorm mate he had been looking for. He was in a bad mood before, unhappy he had to painstakingly walk around campus to find the person he was looking for, but your words help with boosting his mood (and his ego). Waits for a moment before making himself known, acting as though he didn’t just overhear you call him hot.
·       Leona
Immediately starts smiling when he overhears your conversation and, with no hesitation and absolutely no shame, rushes into the room and gives you the biggest hug you’ve gotten in quite some time. Was it rude to eavesdrop and interrupt your conversation? Maybe… but he just couldn’t wait to tell you how much he likes you, too!
·       Kalim
Is fully aware of how good-looking he is and wishes you would have said so with a bit more tact, but still finds his heart skipping a beat slightly at your words despite himself. Takes a moment to compose himself before making himself known, acting as though he hadn’t overheard everything you had said. He’d certainly bring up what you said in the future when you two are able to have a… private discussion together. He’s not one to bring up such things in public since he knows that the pressure of other people involved could ruin what would usually be a nice moment.
·       Vil
Oh? He doesn’t quite understand what “hot” means in this context but, from your tone alone, he believes that it is most likely a compliment. He’ll need to ask someone later about what exactly that word refers to when referencing someone. Perhaps you were talking about his iconic green-flamed magic? That would be what made the most sense, at least in his eyes.
·       Malleus
Even despite knowing how you feel about him and that you at least find him visually appealing, he still doesn’t try to ask you out. He doesn’t feel as though he’s enough for you; his problems with his self-worth put a slight hindrance on your potential relationship with one another. You’ll definitely have to be the one to make the first move; that or Ortho might have to step in which probably isn’t what either of you two want.
·       Idia
Doesn’t make a move, not because of self-worth issues, but rather because he has no clue what to do. He’s never really experienced having a crush on someone, let alone someone having a crush on him in return. Tries to discreetly gather information on what to do from Cater and Trey, but they very quickly catch on (poor guy lmao). Thankfully, they give him pretty good advice on what to do; you’ll probably be invited to a private tea party soon so you two can talk about potentially changing your relationship with one another.
·       Riddle
Doesn’t make a move because making the first move would leave him in a vulnerable position and, well... he doesn’t like the thought of that possibility. What if you just thought he was attractive and that was it? Plenty of people have complimented his appearance while not necessarily finding his company enjoyable (not that he entirely blamed them). He’ll just step up his flirting game and hope you eventually break and ask him out to which he, after some of his usual teasing, would agree to give the relationship a shot.
·       Leona
Easily makes the first move knowing his feelings will be reciprocated. Why wait around when he knows how you feel about him? They would ask you out on a date, each with varying levels of formality. Azul would have an entire three-course, candle-lit dinner prepared for the two of you at Monstro Lounge, being his usual gentlemanly self. Kalim would try his hand at cooking dinner for the both of you (only to be kicked out of the kitchen by Jamil) before taking you for a ride on his magic carpet. Vil would do something a bit low-key and private considering his career as a model and actor, most likely deciding to have dinner and a nice little self-care date at Pomfiore.
·       Azul, Kalim, Vil
Instead of asking someone else about the meaning of your words, he would decide to ask you directly what you meant when you said he was “hot” as well as apologize for unintentionally eavesdropping on your conversation. Oh, so you weren’t referring to his fire magic but rather his appearance? He can’t help but smirk at your bold declaration and tell you that he, too, finds you to be quite attractive. He’ll definitely start properly courting you now that he knows your feelings toward each other are mutual.
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cameronspecial · 3 months
rafe x ocd reader. Maybe there at the mall and something’s happens inside of one of the stores, rafe brings her to the fitting rooms to calm her down .
Death By Clothes Rack
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x OCD!Reader
Warnings: OCD Compulsion and Obsessions
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.0K
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Rafe didn’t truly understand what OCD was until he met her, like most of society, he thought it was just something that made people annoyingly tidy. Meeting Y/N gave him a better comprehension of what anxiety disorder is. It is much more than what the media portrays and Rafe knows this because of his first-hand experience of seeing how distressing the obsessions and compulsion can be for his girlfriend. His fingers are laced with hers as they walk through the boutique. Y/N is looking for a dress for one of Rafe’s work events. She finds a classy black dress and goes to try it on in the changing room.  Upon seeing it doesn’t compliment her in the manner she wants, she returns it to the wooden hanger and walks back to the rack with Rafe in tow. She mindlessly places it onto the bar and begins to walk away, but stops when she spots something that gets her obsessive thought train going. The dress she just returned to the wrack is facing the wrong direction and not in the right spot size-wise. 
What if someone’s feelings are hurt because they thought they were trying on one size, but it is another so it doesn’t fit them? What if someone cuts their hand on the paper tag sticking out of the dress? Another error the girl has made. What if someone accidentally pulls too hard to fix her mistake and the whole rack comes down on them? These things could happen and it would be all her fault if they do. She has to make sure it doesn’t happen. Her first order of business is to remove the dress she put back and fix the direction it hangs, then she finds the section for its size and places it between two of its brethren. She notices the unequal distance between the hangers, which begins the urge to rectify the problem. Metal grinds against metal as she moves the hangers half an inch apart from each other. Her breathing quickens once she realizes there isn’t enough space for all the clothes to be spaced evenly. Rafe notices the internal struggle in her mind, knowing she is debating how to get everything the perfect way she wants it. To get it in a way that no one would get hurt. He hovers his hand over her right shoulder because he knows when she goes through her compulsive cycle that she doesn’t like to be touched, yet he still wants her to feel comfort from its presence. 
“Darling, can you come with me please?” he begs, holding his hand out to her. Her hand freezes on top of the next hanger, “I- I- I can’t. I need to fix it. It needs to be fixed. Someone can get hurt.” Rafe nods in understanding. He lifts a finger to beckon over a sales associate. “What can I help you with, Sir?” He gives her a tight-lipped smile, “I was wondering if you can look over this rack and make sure no one touches it until we get back. My girlfriend is worried that something will happen if they touch it.” The associate tilts her head at the strange request but immediately agrees to do as asked when Rafe flashes her his black Amex card. He turns toward Y/N, “Darling, this nice lady is going to watch over the rack for us. Now, will you come with me?” Even with her back facing him, he can tell the gears are turning in her head before spinning around to look at her boyfriend. “Okay.” Her hand laces with his and he leads her to one of the changing rooms. He pulls the curtain across the bar to give them privacy. He hesitates to place his hands on both of her shoulders, silently asking for permission to touch her. She bobs her head. He can feel her shoulders relax at the contact. 
Her feet bring her closer to him and she rests her face against his chest. His mouth dips to her ear, “Tell me what’s going on through your head.” “I’m so so scared someone is going to get hurt because of something that I did,” she cries, tears beginning to pool in the corner of her eye. “I don’t want to be the cause of anyone's suffering.” Rafe’s hold tightens around her, “I know you don’t, I know. I promise you, Darling, that it is unlikely for someone to get hurt because the hangers are wrong.” 
“But it’s not impossible though. What if something does happen?” 
"I’ll be honest. I don’t know what would happen if it did. I do know though that if it did that you didn’t mean to and that’s okay because accidents happen sometimes.” 
“They do.”
“How about this? You trust that the sales associates know how to properly hang the items in their stores, right?”
“So how about we ask one to fix it for us and we can know that it was done properly. Would that help?” 
He feels her breathing start to even out and this reassures him that he is helping. “Can we please do that?” she whispers. He runs his fingers through her hair, “Of course, Darling. Let’s go.” So the couple goes back out to the floor and gives their request to the sales associate. They watch as she removes each hanger, handing it over to Rafe to hold while she arranges everything. Once she is finished, Rafe asks Y/N to wait for him in the car. Y/N complies with his invitation, needing a break from being out in public. He turns to the associate he learns is named Kira. “Thank you so much for the help, Kira. My girlfriend has OCD, so sometimes she gets stuck in a compulsive cycle that can just get worse. I really appreciate you being so understanding and helping us. You get a commission, correct?” he verifies. Kira nods, “It was really no trouble going through all that. I could tell something was wrong and I’m glad I could help. To answer your question, I do work on commission.” “Perfect. I’m going to make some calls to a women’s shelter and ask them to send over the size clothes they need. Would you be able to pick stuff out for them? You can get them as much as they need,” he offers. Kira grins, “I would love to help you do that.” “Great, I’ll be in contact then,” he confirms before leaving the store.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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calcifiedunderland · 10 months
Mirror, Mirror, Speak to Me~
or, Encounters of a Disney-aware Prefect ft. Vil Schoenheit
Part 1 (here), Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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Hiii this is my first fic in a while, hope you like it I’m totally not nervous ahaha
SFW, no warnings. Please enjoy~
Reader is Prefect/Yuu, uses they/them pronouns.
This was the fourth time today that Vil had to remind himself to relax his brow, before he got wrinkles.
First, he woke up and saw a brand new, bright red dot in the very middle of his forehead, undoubtedly thanks to stressing out over meeting you today. After he heaped on concealer and foundation to cover the nasty thing, his new heels he’d just bought snapped off just as he was about to leave the dorm. Third, while he was trying to put on a new pair of heels, some graceless first year slammed into him. They only spilled their alchemy potion homework over his carefully picked outfit that you would’ve undoubtedly complimented him, and also faceplanted his makeup all over the wall.
And now there was a smear of his carefully-applied makeup on the wall, his nose hurt, and his ego was about to shatter.
And fourth, but worst of all, he now had to stand you up because of some impromptu dorm head meeting. You, who had to deal with him and his antics during VDC. And his stupid jealousy of Neige. And his training regimen for the crew. And not to mention his overblot-
The two of you couldn’t pass a day without arguing in your dusty Ramshackle living room. Even still, it felt like aeons ago when he was nagging you about something-or-other, and you were yelling back. You were infuriating, but somehow it was nice to finally meet someone who didn’t see Vil Schoenheit the actor, world-class supermodel, and housewarden for Pomefiore. Someone who challenged him despite his authority and skill, someone who questioned him. Somehow, you pushed him to be better than he was already, but only after his overblot did he realize what you’d done for him.
And somewhere along the way, he started liking your presence, after you two warmed up to each other. Little things, like asking for your help in film club, to managing Epel, brought you closer. Until it finally came to taking you on a day-trip to his father’s movie set in the Shaftlands on a not-date date. Taking you out was the least he could do. He was taking you out to show you how film-making is done. And after he’d take you shopping. And maybe you’d notice the nice shade of red lipstick he’d bought and his eyeshadow to make his eyes pop and you’ll compliment him and you’ll tell him the things he wanted to hear from you oh-so badly—
He pinched the bridge of his nose, just as Epel poked his head into his room, dressed in his Spelldrive gear.
“Hey Vil, Rook wanted me to get you for the dorm meeting.” Vil stood and walked with him, meeting Rook at the hall of mirrors. His vice housewarden smiled at him.
“Bonjour mon roi, I see you’re as elegant as ever!” Vil’s brow twitched as Rook smiled innocently at him, reading him immediately. “Shall we head off? Afterwards, you can meet sa tricksteur for your little get-together.”
“Ya mean f’r his date?” Epel’s eyes widened as Vil glared at him, “I’m merely showing the prefect how film-producing is done. Besides, I haven’t seen my father since winter break, and unless you want to help me direct and edit the next movie in the Film Club-“
“You needn’t take the prefect all the way to the Shaftlands just to teach them about movie-making,” Rook pointed out, “you could just teach them. And isn’t your father’s set very close to some shopping centers you mentioned you wanted to take them to?”
Rook’s eyes narrowed and he smiled deviously. “You’re wearing your Tenebrés heels from monsieur mastermind and the lipstick the trickster said they liked on you. Not to mention, your pupils widened when you mentioned them.” Rook leaned in, grin widening. “Is visiting your father all you will be doing? ”
Epel smirked at Vil’s blank expression, adding “‘n when did they start bein’ prefect an’ not potato?”
Vil’s face felt hot. “Let’s go, Rook.”
Vil’s going to be late.
You frowned at your phone, staring at the message.
Good morning (y/n), the headmaster called for a quick housewarden meeting. It shouldn’t take too long, I sincelerelt apologize for the delay. I’ll be there soon.
You sighed and pushed open the doors of to the Mirror Chamber. You’d agreed to meet Vil here and take the Mirror to the Shaftlands after getting permission from Crowley, but you didn’t even see the message until now. And now you had time to kill until Vil arrived.
The Mirror Chamber looked strange while it was empty. The room was lit by the ever-burning green flame torches, but it still looked ominous. Probably thanks to the big-ass mirror with a face looming in front of you.
You looked at it. You vaguely remembered your life before NRC, barely a few months ago but still hazy to your memory. You remember crouching in front of a television, watching an animated movie with jaunty music play.
A black-haired girl in a blue and yellow dress singing to a well. A man with a feather in his cap, brandishing a dagger and a wooden box. A beautiful woman with a crown and a black cape sneering at her, then with a flourish of her robes marching to…
A mirror?
You frowned, plopping in front of the mirror. The dark voids of its ‘eyes’ stared emptily. She said something to the mirror. Mirrors can talk? What did she say to it?
Your head hurt as you remembered the dreams you had leading up to Vil’s overblot. That woman looked too much like the Fairest Queen. But that mirror can’t be the same.
What did she say to the mirror?
You thought for a long moment, then mumbled awkwardly “Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?”
The Mirror loomed silently, not even regarding you. Well, you thought, the mirror isn’t really on a wall. It’s… floating?
Something about your wording still didn’t feel right. You shut your eyes and laid on the floor, trying to remember the Queen’s words.
Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?
That sounded right, but you’d have to reword it to be true. You thought for a moment, then spoke slowly, “Magic mirror in front of me, who would the fairest of them all be?”
The Mirror remained silent, and you laughed to yourself, “of course the mirror wouldn’t talk, it was just some drea-“
“Eyes bright as the starry sky,” the Mirror intoned,
“Heart kind as the mountain tall.
Mind broad as the clouds are high,
Thou, (y/n), are fairest of them all.”
Congrats, Mirror. You broke the (y/n).
How the fuck did you get the mirror to speak to you? You thought it only spoke to the headmaster that was just a stupid rhyme from my dream why did that-
Your mouth felt dry. Why did that work?
You stared at the Mirror. Now it’s void-like eyes seemed to look back at you and regard you. Not just a magicless prefect now, huh?
Was that just a dream? Was that just a movie you watched when you were younger? Five different dreams relating to Seven couldn’t be a coincidence. Why did it feel like you knew those stories? Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy???
Your mouth opened but before you could speak, your phone buzzed at your thigh. You flicked your screen and picked up the call, swallowing thickly and tried to act as if a Mirror didn’t call you fairest-of-them-all while you talked to the dude who overblotted over it.
“H-hey Vil, the meeting ended?”
Vil walked as fast as he could, heels clicking. “Yes, I’m heading to the Mirror Chamber,” he flicked open a compact mirror with his other hand, “have you been waiting long? I’m sorry.” Yes. His makeup stayed pristine.
“No, it’s fine. I’ll see you soon,” you hung up just as Vil swung the door open. You smiled at him. Was his makeup more on-point today?
“Ready to go?” He offered you his arm, which you took. “Yeah…” you regarded the mirror again. It stared blankly into the distance. Vil seemed to notice your stare, and he smiled sadly.
“You know, I think you’d like the Shaftlands,” he said softly, “where I grew up. The mountains where Jack and I used to play are beautiful. The sky is clear, and when the Aurora appears, it’s breathtaking. Jack and I used to cloud watch too,” he chuckled at the memory while you reeled from what the Mirror told you. Vil noted your arm tightening on his, and he patted you, “don’t be nervous. You’ll like it.”
That’s not why I’m nervous, you smiled at him, calming yourself. “I’m excited, don’t worry.”
With that, he turned to the Mirror and in a voice as authoritative as the Queen in your dream, said “Take us to the Shaftlands.”
The glass swirled and as you stepped into the cobblestoned streets of the Shaftlands, you pushed your encounter to the back of your mind. After all, your own Queen needed all your attention now. <3
Besides, what could some dusty old mirror know?
Hi!! i hope this wasn’t too ooc, I had this idea for a while and the twst brain rot is real so I thought I’d write it. Likes and reblogs are appreciated, id love to know what you guys think 😄✨
I plan to do a pts 2 and 3 with rook and epel, stay tuned :3
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drysdalesworld · 5 months
Hi! I saw that you write for pjo! Could you write some hcs of the main three kids catching the reader (adoptive older sibling! Child of hephastus!) Sneaking out of camp to see their lover. (I was thinking its sort of like- a forbbiden love situation for reasons) and low key keeping that information as possible blackmail (in a lighthearted way,Like siblings often do to bribe eachother into doing stuff the other doesnt want to like chores n stuff).
The reader is afab but uses they/them pronouns and is around 19/20.
Thanks in advance!
“why are you hanging half way out your window?”
pairing: platonic!thalia grace x nb!child of hephaestus!reader, platonic!nico di angelo x nb!child of hephaestus!reader, platonic!percy jackson x nb!child of hephaestus!reader
it’s a bit short but i hope you like it!
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— reader honestly had snuck out to see their partner so many times that they may have been too cocky the night they gotten caught by percy/thalia/nico
— let’s say readers lover is a mortal & knows that they “work” at a camp during the summers (they met at college!) & always offers to see them after camp hours when appropriate
— reader has never been caught so why would that night be an exception?? (they all use it to their advantage)
— they all catch reader on the same night but at different times!
— PERCY had been out on a walk when he heard a window harshly open, halting him in his tracks as he whipped his head towards the hephaestus cabin, seeing a black backpack be quickly thrown out the window before approaching
— dude didn’t know what to expect but he def didn’t expect reader of all people to be crawling out of their window in the middle of the night
— “uh, why are you hanging halfway out your window (y/n)?” he asked, both arms crossed over his chest as he looked at the reader weirdly
— poor reader froze mid crawl & literally felt their heart drop to their stomach. out of all people, it had to be percy that caught them sneaking out.
— “getting fresh air?” they replied, finally out of their window & landing on their feet
— the blonde only hummed as he narrowed his eyes at the reader, totally not believing what the just said. “uh huh. well, whatever it is you are doing, i will be remembering this entire interaction & will use it accordingly”
— his words did not make reader feel better about the situation, trying to plead with him to not tell anyone else. he reassured them that he wouldn’t, but he’d definitely use it as blackmail & bring it up whenever he needed something.
— perhaps the next time he had a craving for blue gummy worms, he’d bring up this exact moment the next time reader was planning on sneaking out & get a reward for somehow keeping his big mouth shut about this for so long. yeah, he definitely deserves an award for not ratting reader out (at least that’s what he thinks)
— THALIA had just arrived back at camp for a little getaway after being & traveling with artemis’ hunters for so long
— she had nearly fallen asleep until she heard someone trip over something right outside of her cabin, cursing to themselves as they got up
— the moment she opened the door to reveal the reader, thalia wanted to laugh out loud
— “what the hell are you doing?” she asked
— “nothing” reader would reply as they fixed themselves & brushed the dirt off their pants
— “doesn’t look like nothing”
— “it’s 100% nothing, thalia”
— “where are you going anyway this late at night?”
— “what’s with the interrogations, grace?”
— thalia gave up on trying to pry the information out of you & only rolled her eyes, bidding you a good night before promptly telling you that she won’t forget about this in the morning
— she def is planning on getting the information out of her one way or another OR will always bring it up until reader cracks & spills the beans
— NICO is already wide awake when he sees a shadow breeze past him as he sat near the woods, having trouble falling asleep
— his eyes immediately dart up towards the figure, squinting in attempts to get a more accurate image of whoever it was walking around at midnight
— “(y/n)?” he asked
— the groan that reader let out sounded more like a growl as they became increasingly frustrated at getting caught three times trying to leave
— “yes, nico?”
— “what are you doing up this late?”
— “on a walk”
— “going for a walk at midnight with your backpack filled to the brim?”
— “yes. building endurance y’know?”
— the scoff nico made wanted you to crawl back into your window & never come back out. getting caught once was fine & something you could handle. but three times? the universe just seemed to hate you at this moment
— “hmm, sure. whatever you say”
— the minute he turned his head back towards the stars, you immediately beelined towards the woods/exit of camp half-blood, cursing yourself for being so carefree in your escape
— nico wasn’t too hellbent on using it for blackmail but once he heard about thalia & percy catching you the previous night as well, he just knew he had to join in on their teasing
— you spent so many nights doing percy’s laundry that you could literally tell what his size was from just looking at a piece of clothing. you gave the last piece of your favorite dessert to thalia too many times to count. & you took on the brunt of nico’s chores. you’d get them back later, trust!
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brighttears · 1 year
hi! back again with another request, i hope that’s ok! if not then totally ignore this. For the request: could we get a jealous reader? Im always seeing Fics where Joel is jealous and would like to see that changed up! Maybe she sees Joel hanging around another woman more his age and she gets insecure, idk it’s totally up to you how it happens. if you do take this request then thank you so much, if it’s not something you’re interested in writing then that’s ok too and thank you for your fics!! <3
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Joel Miller x reader
No physical description except for having hair, leaning fem but no pronouns or explicit mentions, no use of y/n 
Warnings: age-gap, mentions of sex, drinking, Angst (happy ending), pet names (honey), you have a big fight :,(
Word Count: 1.6k
A/n: omg love this idea. Thank you for the request you’re so sweet and I’m happy to do them !! helps so much with writer's block plus I get to do cool stuff like this lol. This was challenging so I hope it doesn't disappoint :P
P.s. if any of yall’s name is Emily i apologize just replace it with the name of someone you hate lol
Even from all the way across the bar, you’re burning up, watching the way the woman in front of Joel twirls her hair and flashes her teeth when she laughs over enthusiastically at his jokes. Thankfully his back is to you so you can’t be tortured by whatever his expression—or wherever he’s looking—may be. 
Ever since you got to Jackson women have been crowding Joel like he’s the only man on the commune and it’s been driving you up the wall. You want to go over and give Joel a big wet kiss and tell her to fuck off, but you and him have never had a discussion about ‘us’, so you have no real right to claim him. Still, it burns, and that woman, Emily, as you’ve come to learn her name, as Joel’s number one fan, has such a punchable face. A matching burn of the whisky from your glass is welcomed down to your stomach.
When she leans forward, showing off the goods, you can’t stand it anymore, down the dregs of your drink and storm out of the Tipsy Bison. The icy breeze cools you down some but you’re in no way calm once you’re back at the house. Stomping up to your room—you and Joel’s room, you strip your jacket and immediately grab your gun to deep clean. Icey pain drips from your heart down into the crater of lava in your chest and it hisses in your ears.
Sitting at the head of the bed, you’re almost done with the fourth cleaning when Joel’s recognizable stomps sound with the creaking and slam of the front door. You continue to clean, not looking up when he comes in. 
“Hey,” he says breathily, innocently. 
“Hm. I’m surprised you even came home.” you reply, still not looking up. Still aflame, you keep a mostly even tone but Joel easily catches the pointy edges. 
He pauses, then finishes kicking off his boots to straighten up and turn to you, “An’ why’s that?”
“I mean I thought I wouldn't see you until tomorrow morning on your walk of shame from Emily’s house.” you keep your focus on the final wipe down of your gun.
“What? Can’t blame me, I saw her eyefucking you. Basically shaking her tits in your face, too. Didn’t stay long though, it was actually kind of fucking gross.” 
“Beg your fuckin’ pardon?”
“Oh, don’t act stupid.” you finally meet his gaze, “Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble. Go fuck whoever you want. I guess it’s none of my business. Would have been nice to know that that was the deal here before we started sharing an actual bed, though.” you go back to overpolishing the metal, trying to act nonchalant, but your chest is full of mud. 
“What makes you think I’m goin’ around fuckin’ other women?” 
“Well, now that you’ve got the pick of the litter, why settle for me?” you finally place your gun down loudly on the nightstand. 
Joel raises his voice in sternness, “What the fuck r’you talkin’ about?”  
You take a deep breath through your nose, refusing to let your anger go, but the icey, tight pain is tearing at your heart and you can’t stop it from piercing through your voice when you say, “I just—I just thought it was me, I thought it was me you wanted.”
“What—’course you’re—where’s all this comin’ from?” 
You stand to face him and scoff, “Please, you think I don’t see the way the women here have been looking at you? They drool all over you, and you just let them, you throw ‘em a smile.” you voice is teeming with attitude, “Never saying a word to me about it. What is it, are you ashamed of me? I have to be your little secret? I’m just some young—some young…” you stop yourself before you finish a sentence you know you’ll regret, no matter how much you want to stick him with it, but it’s too late.
Joel steps one foot towards you and shoves his finger out, glowering, “Good call not finishin’ that sentence.” he growls, “I don’t know who the fuck you’re talkin’ to though cause it sure as hell ain’t me.”
You pick your fire right back up, “I thought maybe I’d be good enough but there's things I don’t have, huh? Need a woman more your speed? Well, you’re free to let Emily fuck you better, just please don’t bring her back here, okay?” you end it with your voice drenched in sarcasm.
It’s Joel’s turn to scoff now, “What the fuck are you talkin’ about? I don’t give a shit about Emily! I’m not fuckin’ her! Wh—” Joel narrows his eyes, “You tryin’ to say I’m a cheater? Is that it? That's what you think a me?” 
“N–no,” you stutter, suddenly realizing that that is what you’re accusing him of. 
Near shouting, he continues, “You don’t trust me. That's what this is about.” 
“No, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that,” you move towards him but he steps back.
“How the hell else am I supposed’t take that?”
“I’m just scared.” the confession jumps out of you.
“Scared of what?” he shouts.
“Of you leaving me!” your voice breaks and you choke back the onset of a sob, but Joel loses no venom.
“You’re scared of me leaving? After all this time—after everything, you think I’m—I’d—I don’t want to leave you! Talkin’ to Emily, I was just tryin’ t’be fuckin’ polite, be,” he takes another step towards you, “social, that’s all! You think I can’t talk to women without tryna get in their pants? Is that really the kinda man you think I am? Should I stop talkin’ to Maria, too? Cause I’m such a piece a shit cheater I’m probably tryna get at her, too, huh? My own brother's wife? That’s what you think a me?” 
“No,” you nearly scream, hitting your hands to your head to grab at your hair, “that’s not what I mean, that’s not what I’m trying to say!”
“Then what are you trying to say?” He yells back.
Your chest is starting to heave, beginning to be overwhelmed with emotion, but you try to keep it under control, not wanting to break down in the middle of an argument. “I just hate seeing it! I hate seeing the women here fucking crawling all over you like cats in heat and you just fucking take it, like you want it, you want them, not me, now that I’m not the only option, you’ve got all these pretty women just waiting for you to knock on their fucking door, and I was just—just—”
“What, just some young pussy?” Joel snarls.
“No one that mattered! No one special! And all of it was empty, all the words, the sex, the time we shared, I was just a placeholder for a proper woman, cause I’m not good enough, was never good enough for you…” your voice shatters as the whirling in your head and heart overcomes you and you step back until the back of your knees hit the bed, then flump down and put your head in your hands, trying not to sob.
Instinctually, Joel comes to kneel before you, his anger beginning to melt away when his attention shifts to you in pain. He takes your wrists to uncover your face, saying nothing, only focusing your eyes and his, now gentle, as you continue to try to control your jumping breaths. After a few moments of you unsuccessfully calming yourself, Joel moves his hand to stroke your cheek, over the side of your face, into your hair. When your breathing has calmed some, he looks over your face and wipes away the few escaped tears. “I hate it when you cry but you look so pretty when you do.” he tells you, soft and quiet, pulling a small laugh out of you. Once your inhales and exhales are at an even pace, he speaks up again, with a soothing tone, “Okay. Now I’ve calmed down, n’ you’ve calmed down.” he takes a deep breath and you do with him, like you’ve learned to, before he continues, “I know all a that was just outta anger. N’ we’re just not at an understandin’ here… Honey I’m in love with you.” 
His words make you take a deep, post-cry shuddering breath. Remembering you have to say something back, you whisper, “I’m in love with you, too.”
After a few silent but full moments with Joel stealing glances at your lips, he asks, “Can I kiss you?”
You nod your head as you’re already leaning in as a response. Your lips essentially smash together, want igniting in both of you. You lean forward until he’s on the floor and you’re sitting on top of him, both hands holding his face while one of his clutches your hip and the other slides over your jaw and into your hair. Then Joel pushes you up and onto the bed, nosing into your neck from above you, sticking wet kisses all up and down it while your hands tangle in his hair. He slows and drags kisses back up to your mouth. Sounding drunk, Joel finds time between your mouths to say “Don’ want no one else.”
Between kisses you continue to converse, “So can I punch Emily in the face?”
“Mmm, I don't think Maria would like that very much. Why don’tcha just give me a big sloppy kiss next time she won't leave me th' fuck alone?”
“I can do that. Can we hold hands?”
“Yeah we can do that. Can I squeeze yer ass?”
“Only when someone’s looking. You can do it when they're not either but I would prefer if you did it while you know one of those alley cat’s watchin’.”
“Mhm. Every time. Let em’ all know.”
“You know, you’re gonna have a lot less friends once I scare all of them away.”
“Fuckin’ fine by me. I got everyone I need already.”
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jordosprout · 28 days
Hello! I have a fic idea where the reader has a sensory meltdown and even though the others try to help they don't really know what to do but then Tech comes in with all the know-how on how to approach/help.
Maybe it could be taking place during the race Tech did and the reader gets overwhelmed by the sound and the heat and anxiety and Tech comes in for the rescue after the race ends, or maybe on a mission and Hunter asks Tech to take you aside/back to the marauder and tells him that they have it handled.
I think it'd be cool if Tech silently brought out sensory items and waited patiently with you and then opens up about how he has the same issue but maybe he usually shuts down instead or has a meltdown alone. Sorry I had a few ideas I wanted to share, hope this ask isn't too overwhelming! <3
Alright, took me awhile but I finished your request! I ended up going with the race plot :) I apologize for the wait. I wanted to do my best to portray everything correctly.
Sprouting Within the Soul
Tech x GN!Reader SFW Comfort Fic (gender-neutral pronouns used, little physical description.) (Can be read as platonic)
Reader is a phytotoxin specialist and becomes a clone medic. Story takes place on Safa Toma where Tech comforts them during an autistic meltdown.
Warnings: Talk of overstimulation, stimming, meltdowns, and gentle praise.
Notes: Phytotoxin- plant poison. I'm still getting used to Tumblr so no fancy dividers yet :,) I am working on making some for personal use
WC: 3,955
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Setting up readers' story, skip if wanted!
You didn’t enjoy medicine as much as you did vegetation. But the two interests mixed into a love for phytotoxin, and you found yourself as a specialist clone medic 2 months before you fled with Omega; working alongside her during that time. You grew deeply attached to the special little clone; knowing nothing could separate you.
She told you everything she could about the Clone Force 99; from their names all the way to their genetic mutations. And during one of those one-sided conversations, she told you about the inhibitor chips. This is what sparked your questions about the clones true purpose.
Your interactions with the boys themselves were brief. However, that would suddenly change.
Omega told you that she felt that Kamino was in danger, and you believed her immediately. It didn’t matter what it was that made her feel that way. You trusted Omega, and the thought of not knowing if she was safe scared you. You accompanied her, and her brothers, off-world; not a second guess in your mind.
Leaving the life you came accustomed to was hard. Especially when you were being so abruptly transitioned to a chaotic one. But the others, especially her brother Tech, did their best to ease you into the new life.
With Hunter and Echo being off on their own mission, it was just you Wrecker, Omega, and Tech today. A day you'd absorb every calm second you were given.
You were sitting beside Tech at the bar, him looking into poisonous plants for you.
You noticed that when he found out about your love for the subject, he took it personally. He took every moment he could to talk to you about the various flora of the universe. It wasn't a rare occurrence for him to share something you already knew. But that never mattered or annoyed you. You were just happy someone took part in your interests. Sometimes, he would tell you something that you surprisingly knew nothing of. Others, he would mention something you knew plenty about and you’d talk to him about it for hours.
It felt good having someone to talk to (or at) that clearly enjoyed it.
Just as he would offer you his ear, you would offer him yours. Always listening and enjoying whatever facts he had on his current interests. His passion for the things he knew made them all the more interesting. His voice and excitement would never get old to you.
Even though you felt seen by Tech, you still had moments of worrying you said something wrong. He never gave you a reason to think that you may have offended him, but you couldn’t help the anxiety. So you would often overexplain your intentions. He allowed you to say what you felt you needed to in order clear your intentions, and would then follow up in calm reassurance. He was always a source of calm patient energy, something you never got enough of.
But your day was swiftly stolen by a green Trandoshen. Cid, of course, had a last-minute mission for the four of you. You huffed to yourself, you just got comfortable watching Omega and Wrecker’s Mantell-Mix bet!
You were tracing circles with your finger on the countertop; cheek resting on its cool surface. Omega and Wrecker were playing Dejarik. Hearing them laugh and get competitive with each other made you smile.
“Hey I heard that! Don't get sassy with me Bacta Bunny. I have a mission for you and you're taking it!” 
You scowled at the nickname, your reaction being noticed only by Omega, who looked at you briefly before looking at Cid. You found the nickname demeaning- as if all you were was the occasional medic the batch needed.
“Hunter and Echo aren't back from the other mission yet.” Omega told Cid, confused as to why they would do something without them.
“I would not call transporting 50 cases of nerf nuggets a ‘mission’. Nor is it a proper use of our skill set,” Tech added to Omega’s statement.
You rested your head into the palm of your hand, leaning into it, “Tech isn't wrong Cid. You're wasting what ya’ got. There are better uses of our skill y’know.”
“Yeah, well, your skill set will come in real useful on this one. Especially you, Muscles. You're gonna be my security crew.”
Your head lifted at that, “Hey now security for what? What did you do that requires security?”
Tech nodded in agreement, “We will require a more detailed briefing than that.”
“No time. The shuttle's waiting.” Cid dodged, already at the door. You disliked how secretive Cid was. Why couldn't she just tell you what you needed to know?
Wrecker tossed Omega her little helmet, and of course, Omega gave you all her usual wishful thinking.
“Maybe it'll be fun.”
“Heh, works for me.”
“Wrecker, you're saying that as if you're difficult to convince,” you bantered teasingly, you loved the big guy but you weren't wrong. He was easy to convince. He just grinned and gave you a mix of a laugh and grunt before following Omega.
You sat for a moment, wishing you could easily adapt the same way Wrecker and Omega did. But you couldn't help but feel anxious with the sudden change to your schedule.
Tech sighed and you gave him a small pat on the shoulder before jumping off your barstool.
It shouldn't be all that bad, should it?
As soon as your shuttle landed, you were met with muffled crowds and people. 
‘Just a little noise. I can handle this’
“I am beginning to understand the need for added security in a place like this.” Tech mentioned to the group, taking in the nature of the people around him.
“Safa Toma can be a little rough around the edges if you don't know what you're doing. But lucky for us I know my way around. And if things get dicey, that's where you come in.”
You looked at the back of Omega’s head once Cid said that last sentence. You weren't particularly fond of how much danger she was constantly in. Yes, she's a clone like her brothers. And clones were indeed made to fight. But she's only a kid and is already dealing with so much. You placed your left hand on her right shoulder, and she gave you two pats in response. Something she always did to let you know she'd be fine.
But once you exited the building, and were blasted with Safa Toma’s boiling sun and restless crowds, you felt like you were the one who might not be fine. You took a deep breath to ground yourself, but the air dried out your nose making you more uncomfortable. 
‘This shouldn't be a long mission. It's just security.’
The cheering got louder as you became surrounded by people, constantly getting bumped into. The machines on what appeared to be a race track flashed by directly in front of you, any loose hair you had whipped in the direction they flew towards; tickling your skin.
You stayed behind Omega and held your hands together, rubbing the flesh between your left hand’s pointer and thumb to soothe yourself.
“Whoa!” Omega was leaning on the rail, trying to take in everything happening on the track.
“It's called Riot Racing.” Cid said, clearly only talking to Omega.
One of the racers began shooting at an opponent ahead of it, resulting in the victim crashing into one of the walls. 
“Wow! Did you see that?” Wrecker excitedly asked Omega. You glanced at Tech whose eyes were wide behind his goggles.
‘Well if Omega didn't Tech definitely did.’
“It appears anything goes out there.” 
The PA system announcer began narrating the scene in front of all of you. Declaring the steal of the lead, that was apparently carried out by Cid’s racer.
You blindly followed Cid and the others after TAY-0’s win, falling slightly behind. You fixated on your hands, attempting to tune out the obnoxious droid in front of you. Any other day his quips would pull a small laugh from you. But the sun felt like it was getting hotter, and the crowd seemed louder and fuller. You didn't understand how Omega was handling it so well, she didn't have the climate-controlled armor her brothers did. 
‘If Omega can handle it then why can't I?’
“Your ringer is a droid?” Tech queried Cid, getting what would barely count as a real answer from the droid instead. 
“Oh, I'm so sorry. You have a problem with droids, human? You think you can make the split-second calculation to win out there? You want to challenge TAY-0?” the droid asked, defensively getting up in Tech's face. And of course, Tech gave little to no physical reaction.
“I do not have enough information about this sport to determine that at this time.” 
“Then take a seat, spectacled spectator.”
Okay, you held in a snort with that one. That was really clever.
Wrecker on the other hand was quite upfront with his reaction, repeating TAY-0 and bumping Tech. 
You sat against a wall as repairs were made to the droid's speeder. You chose to ignore what was going on for the time being. You weren't needed at the moment, so you should take advantage of that. You closed your eyes and pressed into the wall, trying to grasp all the peace you were given.
Which wasn't much apparently.
A large man found his way into the pit, three smaller men behind him. You stood after he greeted Cid, his tone making you realize he was the reason she needed security. And when he approached Omega you quickly made your way behind her next to Wrecker; all of your hands making their way to your designated blasters. 
“Not gonna introduce me to your new crew?”
‘Why’s that matter to him?’
He gave a hearty laugh, “They're not gonna help you win.”
Cid stood up to Millegi, looking much shorter than she already did in front of him. 
“Oh, I know I'm gonna win.”
After a few seconds of intimidation from Millegi, he offered a bet. It was frustrating how quickly Cid agreed. Of course, she'd take any chance she could to make some credits.
You spaced out for a moment before Cid insisted on hurrying up with the minor repairs. She was going to be much pushier now that credits were on the line. 
You paced behind the others, feeling restless now being back at the track. You looked up only for a moment when Wrecker returned, then back to the ground. You could feel your patience for today running low. You were rather surprised to hear Tech say he didn't know who'd win. But you knew he'd figure it out eventually, he always does.
But when TAY-0 took damage, and Millegi’s racer won the round, you knew Millegi wouldn't be far.
So you rushed to help collect the pieces of TAY-0 from the track and held your guard for when he'd eventually show up. 
And he did, of course, with Cid not having any credits to give him.
“Wanna step in here? I didn't bring you three for the company.” 
And with your cue, you put on your helmet and hovered a hand over your blaster. Millegi's men were quick to point their own at you. Of course, Omega spoke up, “Wait how much does she owe?” 
“More than you got, kid.”
“Well,” she paused for a moment, “we're not done yet.”
“Omega…” you whispered, “Don't. Stand down.”
“That's right. Looks like you're done to me.” 
“One last race. If you win, we pay you double.” 
You groaned into your helmet and shared looks between Tech and Wrecker. This could either go really well or really bad.
“If we win, we get Cid.”
“You don't know what you're getting into, kid.”
You followed in suit with the boys, Tech speaking up first, “I'm inclined to agree with him, Omega.”
“Yeah, I'm inclined too. We don't know anything about racing” Wrecker added, not at all slick about the confession.
“Omega this can very easily end very badly.” You told her worriedly
“They're gonna hurt Cid if we do nothing.”
You breathed in deeply through your nose. Omega was not one to lose determination. And you all knew that. You crossed your arms and stood behind her. If this is what she really wants to do, then you'll just have to stand with her.
“So we have a deal?”
“We race tomorrow. And I keep Cid as collateral.”
As his men collected Cid, Millegi gave a warning, “For your sakes, you better be able to pay up.”
You looked down at Omega, “I suppose that went well?”
After Omega spent some time on the speeder, you offered to take her place to get a break. She nodded and jumped down from the table, you taking her place. 
“Do we really need to fix him right away? He isn't exactly pleasant company,” you joked slightly.
“Well, he is already partially operational. So it is a bit late now. Speaking of, with a few more adjustments, he may be capable of racing.”
TAY-0 was basically summoned by your conversation, “Uh, that is hilarious. I am more than capable. I am ready to– Where are my arms and legs!?” You laughed to yourself and looked up to finish the repairs that were left on the speeder. TAY-0 was entertaining, but he's also just… a lot.
Wrecker came into the pit and dropped off the rest of TAY-0's parts.
“No, that's not how you connect the servo. Let TAY-0 instruct you how to do this properly.”
You grinned at Tech’s response. What can you say? You enjoyed his sass.
Nightfall came, and Safa Toma was finally quieter and cooler. But you still felt uneasy. All day has been dealing with people and TAY-0, and now you have to sleep in the pit. You tossed in your sleeping bag, Wrecker and Omega already sleeping beside each other. You covered your eyes with your forearm, hoping the pressure would help you sleep. 
You lifted it though when you heard rustling beside you. 
“Hey Tech, finished working on TAY-0?”
“Yes, he is fully operational for tomorrow's race.”
You nodded and yawned before turning on your side. The ground was hard and the sleeping bag didn’t help as much as it should.
“Problem?” Tech asked, now behind you.
“Oh, no Tech I’m alright. Just been a long day and I didn’t realize how long we would be here for. But I’m alright.”
He shuffled, likely laying down himself. You knew he could sleep just about anywhere, and honestly, it’s a skill you were a bit jealous of.
“I understand. I am not a fan of sudden plans myself, let alone ones with little explanation. I may be used to dealing with them, but they are still difficult.”
You smiled to yourself. “I’m sure we won’t be here too long.”
“Hopefully not”
You wished Cid would have prepared you for where you would be in some way. It felt like you were being cooked underneath your gear and it was miserable. Even when you stayed behind in the pit, there was still all of the noise and the fact you were somewhere completely new with no way to get away.
Two days in a row of dry heat. Two days of screaming. Two days of an obnoxious amount of people and tense interactions. And it was getting to you. Normally it wouldn’t bother you, or at the very least if it did you’d be able to get away from everything. But not being able to escape made it feel like you were suffocating. And as Omega and Wrecker cheered along with the crowd, you slipped away to find quiet.
It proved to be a harder task than you thought it would be, that in itself made you feel worse. But after struggling to find a place to rest, you gave up and decided a place with no people would be enough. You couldn’t help tearing off your helmet and gear, slamming it to the ground as you took your frustrations out on it. You slumped against the first sturdy object you found. The shade was minimal, but it was there. At least you were alone.
After a few minutes, you faintly heard Tech’s name being chanted. And after 5 more standard minutes went by, your comlink beeped. You ignored it, only for it to beep again. And when it did, you tore it off and threw it as far as you could. You couldn’t stand the noise. Or any noise at this point of your mental state.
You covered your ears and held your eyes shut, blocking out as much as you could.
Tech was surprised when he exited his speeder and you weren’t with Wrecker or Omega. And when he asked about your whereabouts, they were surprised too, worrying him even more.
“They were behind me!” Worry and defensiveness laced Wrecker’s tone. They both knew that Safa Toma wasn’t a safe planet for someone to go off by themselves. And after Tech commed you twice with no response, he was definitely certain something wasn’t right.
“I will be back, I am going to track the com signal and check in.”
“I wanna come too!” Omega pleaded with Tech, but he shook his head.
“Negative. We do not know the situation. If assistance is required, then you will be notified.”
Omega didn’t like the idea of not going with, but listened anyway. Wrecker keeping her occupied until Cid and Millegi showed up.
Following your com signal, he eventually found you. He was relieved to see you were safe.
“Ah there you are.” You didn’t respond. At first Tech thought you just didn’t hear him, so he tried again.
You said nothing, instead shifting where you sat. He said it again. But again, there was nothing. He approached.
He saw all of your gear strewn about on the ground around you. Then took a moment to study your body language. Your hands were over your ears, and your eyes were tightly shut. You made yourself small where you sat.
He looked around to try and see what he could do to change your surroundings, but when he couldn’t find anything he chose to sit beside you. Your eyes were still squeezed shut, moisture at their corners as you snapped your fingers. Your body couldn’t decide between refusing stimuli or letting it out. He remembered the one-time use earplugs he kept on him for Hunter (or for himself), taking them out of a pocket and placing them next to you. 
“Here,” he said softly, only saying what was necessary.
You grabbed them and placed them in your ears, taking in a shaky breath. You brought your knees to your face and pressed them into your eyes. Your hands were free to move about however they needed to. 
He chose that simply offering his presence until you expressed you needed him would be best. He knew that sometimes interacting with others during a meltdown was hard. At least, it was for him. He grabbed his data pad from one of his many pockets to occupy himself while he gave you time. He would be there when you were ready, no matter how long that might be. It would be a few minutes before you said anything or acknowledged him in any way.
“Did you win?”
He looked up at you, your cheek resting on your knee as you looked in the opposite direction of Tech. Your sudden break of silence caught him off guard.
“Of course, was there any doubt?” He asked back. You shook your head no and smiled to yourself before frowning again.
“Can you hug me?” you asked him quietly. He hummed in confirmation before lifting the arm closest to you. Turning around and seeing his arm open for you, you leaned into his side. He squeezed you gently, giving you the pressure you needed in that moment. 
You sat together, Tech finding his own comfort from the stress of the past two days with you. He rubbed your arm with his thumb before finding a strand of your hair to twist in his fingers. Breaking the silence when he felt you were ready.
“Why did you not say you were overstimulated?”
You rubbed the flesh between your thumb and finger, “I… I don’t know. I was embarrassed. Everyone else seemed fine and I was- am frustrated that I’m not. It bothers me.”
He looked down at you quizzically, “Why would you be embarrassed? It is completely normal to have different needs. Even clones are different from each other, in one way or another. It is expected.” He told you.
“I know that but it doesn’t feel like the kind of ‘different’ that just makes someone unique I guess. I feel weak, but I know I need to be strong for everybody.”
Tech was quiet for a moment to figure out the right thing to say. He knows how you’re feeling. He’s felt the same way. He took in a deep breath before he spoke, “Being autistic does not make you weak. The way you receive and process information in your brain is different. It is okay to allow yourself time for it to do that. I promise, it is okay to have these needs. I have them too.”
“You do?”
“I do. While I do not have meltdowns often, I frequently have shutdowns. That does not make me a less efficient soldier. Genetically modifying me to be autistic was not an accident. There are desirable traits in autistic people. For example, I have exceptional attention to detail. I have a strong memory that allows me to retain important information. I am loyal. Of course there is more. But I do not wish to come across as egotistical.”
You sat there with Tech’s words. You never thought about the fact that, perhaps, nothing was wrong with you. Just different. You looked up, looking just past Tech’s eyes but flicking to them slightly before asking, “What is there that is good about me?”
He quirked his usual half-smile and looked up into the sky, “For starters, you are empathetic, more so than some. While I am sure this may be difficult for you at times, it allows you to be more compassionate. You are honest and direct, making your transition into our force easier as you are too honest to be distrusted. You are passionate and determined. No matter how many times you fall, you get up and try a new approach. You are not only passionate with things, but with people. You have spent much time learning what our crew members like and dislike, and act accordingly. You are deeply passionate in your relationships and I admire that about you. I could continue if you would like.”
You shook your head, cheeks slightly warm at the praise you asked for.
You found yourself leaning deeper into Tech and he welcomed you. You loved that you were able to find comfort in the exceptional clone beside you. It felt good not having to be alone, and being not only understood but accepted. His armor cooled you but his presence warmed you to your core.
“Thank you Tech I-...I think I’m ready to go now.” You told him shifting away slightly to prep yourself to get up. He nodded and stood, offering a hand to help you to your feet. You smiled up at him softly, feeling something in your soul sprouting in his light.
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stardusthuntress · 28 days
Somebody to Lean On
Crosshair x reader (she/they pronouns; I think, I’m not very good with she/they, this is practice, please tell me if I messed it up!) 
Word Count: ~1.25k, ~4 pgs 
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TW/Summary: reader is depressed/anxious and in need of a shoulder to cry on; no smut, just purely a hurt-comfort fic! 
dividers by: @/saradika
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It’s one of those nights when everything just feels off. 
Today was a day just like any other day. You went on missions with the boys, like always, and then you rested, ate dinner round a campfire, and spent a few hours laughing and relaxing before bed. 
But something was just off. 
Like usual, the bad batch treated you like you were just one of the guys. Normally, you liked that. But part of you had hoped that tonight maybe someone would remember you were a woman, and would appreciate that about you, even if it didn’t get any farther than flirting for a few minutes. But none of them had. 
So instead you took some time to yourself and found a quiet rock away from the group to just sit and look at the stars and enjoy the natural world for what it is. 
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Someone notices you’re gone, no one is quite sure who, simply that they all find themselves looking around at the realization that you are no longer beside them. 
Tech finds you and wants to talk at you, but he doesn’t take it too hard when you tell him “I’m really not in the mood for a chat right now. Please leave me alone.” 
And he leaves, no questions asked. He’s used to it with his brothers, he doesn’t think too much about it, didn’t even look up from his datapad. 
But once he’s gone you kinda miss the company and regret saying it. 
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He returns to the others, nose still scrolling through data. 
Hunter - always a good sergeant - asks where you are. 
Tech quickly fills in, always ready with what information he has. “They said they wanted to be alone.” 
The others know you didn’t really mean that, you’re just having a rough day. They exchange glances, unsure of what they can do for you.  
Hunter opens the conversation, wanting to keep his squad functioning at it’s best, with all its members content. Well, as content as possible, considering this is war… Before they can figure out what to do about it Hunter notices that Crosshair, who was there when the conversation started, has disappeared. He knows that means his brother is looking for you. 
Crosshair traces Tech’s steps back to your hideout.  
You know it’s him approaching. Silent footsteps, as always, no matter how many crunchy leaves you always seem to find with every step. But he makes a point to snap off brittle twigs and spring snappy branches every few feet so you know he’s there and that it’s him. 
Part of you wonders if that’s a habit because he knows Hunter could track it if something happened to him. 
Instinctively and impulsively you prepare to tell him you want space right now. Your voice is shaky when the message is finally delivered. 
He ignores your comment, wordlessly walking over to you, but pauses for a moment a pace away. 
You try to guess what his sarcastically rude comment is going to be this time… When his backpack plops down next to you…And he turns and sits down. 
He faces away, knowing you probably don’t want to feel pressured by an intense stare. But he sits where his hip brushes yours, as he moves to get out his cleaning kit. 
He sits beside you in silence, cleaning his fire puncher for a while. 
Realizing he’s not going anywhere, you eventually start to lean into him a bit. Over the course of a few minutes, it evolves to resting your temple on his shoulder. 
Crosshair sighs and you immediately retreat and mutter a ‘sorry’ under your breath, knowing he doesn’t really like touch. 
But what he does next surprises you… He gets up to adjust, and you automatically retreat into yourself more… Until the shuffling gets closer, and suddenly two knees appear on either side of yours, but he’s careful not to touch you since he hasn’t asked yet. Soon, it’s followed by two arms just above his legs, hands gesturing for you to lean back into him. 
You pause, confused, staring at the hand that gestured to you, brow knitted. 
Crosshair almost never suggested touch nor outwardly comforted anyone. Though, Echo has a few stories from Skako Minor that suggest this isn’t a new thing, simply a very rare one. 
He patiently gestures again. 
You finally look back at him confused. 
He simply looks back, toothpick bobbing, hiding the small smirk in the corner of his lips. Satisfied at your reaction to knowing you are one of the rare recipients of his offer to touch. 
Slowly, he turns you using a soft touch upon your knee. One hand finds your shoulder, the other your calf and he carefully pulls you back into his chest. His touch is so gentle you know if you resisted, even a little, his tugging wouldn’t shift you at all. But you trust him so you let him, even if you’re not sure why you do. 
After a moment of awkwardness you give in to the need for soothing touch and nestle into his shoulder/chest. 
He starts rubbing your shoulder and then your back, slowly, and barely there. 
After a few minutes it’s clear he’s not going anywhere and the intense emotions you were dealing with when he showed up have decided that the coast is clear and they can visit you once again. 
You end up crying into his shoulder. 
He doesn’t say a word, but he also doesn’t go anywhere. He just stays put and holds you. He never asks why. He just sits with you through it all. 
“Thank you” you mumble after a it subsides, drying your tears on your sleeve. 
He just shrugs and continues to pet your hair. 
Your brows furrow. You don’t know why you just cried into his shoulder. But it does feel better now that it’s out. Maybe he deserves an explanation for why you just found yourself bawling into his arms, though? 
But do you even know why? You rack your brain. Surely, there must be a logical explanation for this, right? 
Crosshair, with his knack for reading people like an open book, guesses what you’re worrying about and heads you off. “You don’t have to tell me,” he grumbles. 
You huff a sad laugh, “Thanks… I’m sorry to do that to you though. You shouldn’t have to deal with me when I’m like this.” 
“You’re stronger than you know,” is all he says 
You look up at him, shocked. 
There’s no anger or resentment in his eyes when they meet yours, just a softness that’s so uncharacteristic of the man you thought you knew, but perhaps he’s not as gruff and hardened as you once thought he was. 
You feel the tears welling in your eyes again, a sob getting lodged in your throat, the softness in his eyes something you are unaccustomed to seeing directed at you from anyone, these days.  
“Let it out, doll. I got you.”
And the tears flow, once more. 
When you’re done, still sniffling into his shoulder a bit, he plucks a tiny flower from amidst the grasses and uses it to tuck your hair behind your ear. 
You smile, and look up at him sheepishly. He gives you one of his characteristic half-smiles, and holds you tight, content to just sit there with you for as long as you need. 
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The next day, he’s happy to see that familiar spark of your fiery personality rekindling in your eyes when he wakes you for your watch shift with a kiss on your temple… 
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Please don’t steal my work! I pour my heart into these so if you like it please reblog (don't just like, PLEASE) to share instead of reposting it! And NO dropping it into an AI! That’s stealing my work and feeding it to an AI without my consent. It is not okay to give an AI something you didn’t write yourself! 
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heavenlyvision · 2 months
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pity pairing: Johnny Cage/reader wc: 1.3k warnings: angst no comfort... sorryyyyy, no use of pronouns or yn, gender neutral reader a/n; in my feels so i'm torturing everyone else :) it's not good, maybe not even coherent but i dont care !!!!!! JOHNNY CAGE ANGST BABYYYYY
The friendship between you both has become uncomfortable. The worst part is, it’s your fault, there’s nothing inherently wrong with harbouring long-term feelings for one of your closest friends, the issue comes when you choose to stupidly admit that to them, even when you know they don’t feel the same way. The conversation was awkward and you regret it deeply, it wasn’t even planned or romantic or anything grand like in movies… it was just awkward.
You’d been having your weekly movie night at his house; he’s made a bad habit of sticking his nose in your business and that night was no different. It had been perfectly fine until he started haranguing you over when you were going to get back in the dating field and find someone who deserved you, but he was pushing it – like he so often does.
He had said, “Come on, when’s the last time you even liked someone, you need to get out there again… world is your oyster and all.”
“That’s for like… job opportunities and stuff, Johnny,” your eyes rolled at him. 
“It can be for love too… or at least dating. I mean come on… you’ve not dated anyone in like…” he had stopped to think on it, “…Holy fuck! Years! It’s been years… what’s stopping you?”
You avoided his eyes, “I don’t want to talk about this, let’s just start the movie…”
Your avoidance was only piquing his interest though, “So, there's something to talk about then! What is it? Do you like someone?”
You couldn’t help the way your demeanour shifted, giving yourself away, “This is childish, Johnny. I just want to watch the next movie.”
His hand had reached out to jab at your side, “You like someone? Do I know them? Tell me!”
He was annoying and persistent, yammering at you, trying to get you to spill your guts, it was frustrating and overwhelming and eventually with wet eyes you admitted, “Jesus Johnny! It’s you okay? I. like. you.” The next part is what you regret most, “I…love you.”
You had watched the way he pulled back from you, “Oh.” He scratched at the back of his neck awkwardly, “I’m really… I’m sorry, doll… but I don’t feel the same…”
He wouldn’t look you in the eyes, and after several moments of silence, you spoke up, “I never asked you to.” You remember peeling yourself off the couch, too uncomfortable to stay, “I’m going to go… thanks for tonight...” You had gotten out of there as quickly as you could, distressed at having given away a piece of yourself you weren’t quite ready to part with.
It’s not like you’ve not seen him since then, you go to events or parties hosted by mutual friends or by Johnny himself but he’s started looking at you a certain way, it’s frustrating you to no ends. Every time you catch each others gaze or make small talk, he watches you with an expression filled with so much pity, you just know he feels bad for you and you need him to stop because not only is it making you feel worse, it’s making you feel… angry. Like you might poke him in his two eyes just so he can’t look at you like that anymore.
Tonight is the same, he’s hosting a party and you didn’t really want to come but one of your mutual friends had insisted that you go with them. So, you showed... only to immediately regret it because as soon as Johnny looked at you, his eyes were pitying you in a way that makes you feel embarrassed. You don’t think he’s aware of how he's looking at you but the only thing he’s doing is making this harder for you. You so badly wish you could go back in time just to stop yourself from saying anything, if you had just kept quiet, he wouldn’t know and you wouldn’t both be keeping each other at arm’s length.
Ever since that night, it feels like you’re acquaintances, not good friends… before it all… you would’ve described him as one of your best friends but now he feels so distant from you, so far that he doesn’t even feel like a friend.
The way he’s looking at you from across the room has you turning and going in the opposite direction, you can’t leave – your friend is your ride – but you sure as hell can avoid the fuck out of him. Which you plan on doing, it’s not particularly hard, there are plenty of people here and they all want to talk to him, every time he starts moving towards you, you slip away and thank the lord that people love talking because he gets stopped every few steps without fail.
Later in the evening you begin to feel overwhelmed by all the people, they’re everywhere, you need a break, you need to breathe. Carefully, you sneak away and upstairs, heading for Johnny’s bedroom, he has a balcony attached to his room and you could use the night air. There is also one in the main area but people are out there smoking and talking and you just… need to be alone.
It’s quiet out here and you can finally take a deep breath and unclench, folding your arms over the railing, you rest your head down on them, letting yourself cool in the evening air. It was a bad idea coming here tonight, when you think of Johnny at the moment, all you can see is his sad eyes looking back at you. How are you going to fix this? You don't think there is anything you can do really…
The door to the balcony opens and closes behind you softly, “I thought I’d find you here,” Johnny’s voice is soft as he walks to you.
When you look to him, he’s still got that stupid look on his face, “Stop looking at me like that.”
He's confused, “Like what?”
“Like you’re pitying me, it’s making me feel…” you trail off before finishing, “It’s not helping, just stop.”
“I’m sorry, I’m not meaning to…” He goes to place a hand on your back but thinks better of it and places them both on the railing.
You’re looking away from him, out into the night, at the view, if you look at him to see that expression... you’ll either cry or become violent.
He sighs from beside you, “Listen, about what you said–”
You cut him off, you don’t want to talk about this, “–We don’t have to talk about it… forget I said anything.”
His expression is incredulous when he looks to you, “Forget that you confessed to me?”
You stay looking forward, “Yeah. Forget it.”
He implores you, “How can I just forget something like that?”
“Try really hard,” you wave a hand, attempting to remain unaffected despite how exposed you’re feeling.
He tries moving closer, silently begging for you to look at him, “I have– I have tried really hard but I can still hear your words in my head, I can still hear how you told me–”
“–I didn’t mean it.” Bracing yourself, you look him in the eyes.
He looks almost disappointed, “What?”
Keeping yourself as steely as possible, you deadpan, “I lied, I didn’t mean it, I’m taking it back.”
“You can’t just take something like that back,” his brows crease at you.
Shrugging, you ask, “Who says?”
“That’s not something you can just do, you can’t tell someone you… you love them and then take it back,” he sounds angry at you.
You answer with a sigh, “Does it matter?”
He raises his voice slightly, “Of course it matters!”
Turning your whole body to him, you say outright, lying through your teeth, “Johnny, I don’t love you.”
He shakes his head at you, “Don’t say that.”
You smile at him regretfully but say nothing.
His eyes hold a pain that they shouldn’t, “You said you love me.”
Maybe if you lie, things will be okay... “I got over it.”
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leviathanspain · 1 year
i just saw your guidelines , thank you!! sorry it flew right over my head, i appreciate you for directing me to the page when you responded :D
i have two ideas but you may choose which one interests you the most!! thank you again so much, i love your writing <3
would like a kylo ren x reader please, pronouns can be whatever you'd like but i prefer she/her. the point of view is up to you! i prefer second but i think you prefer third and/or first and i don't mind either or!
the first idea is kylo and y/n have been together for two years but it was kept within the first order and not public because kylo knew people (like the resistance) might use it against him. maybe during a fight between the first order and the resistance on a planet, y/n would get kidnapped by the resistance. this was finn's idea because he knows kylo has a significant other. what the resistance does with y/n is up to you, whether it be to lead kylo into some sort of trap, or to get information out of her, a mix of both... it's all up to you! finn knows that she's his only weakness. eventually kylo will save her. bonus points if she's in rough shape and in bad physical condition. kylo gets really upset because he thinks he’s doing a bad job keeping her safe and that he failed to protect her. angsty , self-loathing kylo but y/n trying to make him feel better.
the other idea has a bit of angst aspects as well but less action. it’s been about half a year or maybe even a year of kylo and y/n dating. everyone knows of his anger issues and tantrums. not even stormtroopers will want to be within 10 feet of him when he’s having an “episode”. the only person who would go up to him is y/n. one time kylo was so upset that he didn’t think before acting. when y/n went to calm him down he hurt her. nothing too physically harming , it hurt more emotionally than it did physically. maybe he yelled at her a lot and said things he didn’t mean , he could do anything. then she gets super upset and runs off to their shared quarters. he ends up finding her crying.
he’s never seen her cry or show weakness before.
you can pick one of the two!! thank you so much again and please , if these topics aren’t interesting , please tell me <3
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kylo ren x reader
synopsis: in your captivity, all you can think about is him, in love and in hate
a/n: anything in italics is a past memory, and i just combined the two into one, so i hope you like it!!
you had wondered when you’d be interrogated. it was inevitable, you had been through enough war and fighting to know that whenever someone was kidnapped and held captive, they would be interrogated.
you had done it before, multiple times.
you couldn’t say that you hated it. the only dark part of your morality let you love what you’ve done. of course, having the pleased eye of kylo ren staring at you was also the encouragement you needed whenever you felt doubts.
the door had opened unexpectedly, you could hear the woosh, and immediately you closed your eyes in anger, “what is it?” you heard the footsteps of heavy boots, most likely a trooper or a knight.
you turned around and saw the opposing figure of one of the knights of ren. you raised your eyebrow and the knight cleared their throat, “master ren has been acting strange,” again they cleared their throat, anxiety waved off of them, “he’s been..” they trailed off and you inhaled slightly.
the knight exhaled, their shoulders dropping with relief at your reaction. this was nothing new. kylo had his fits of rage or tantrums where he was practically inconsolable.
after working with him so closely and developing more than just a friendship, you were well versed in the game of calming down kylo.
you waved the knight away, “i will be right there.” the knight nodded, gave a respectful bow and walked off.
there was a loud slam against your cell that awoke you. the pathetic excuse for a blanket fell of your shoulders as you sat up, wiping your eyes as you heard the cell door creak open, “let’s go.” a hand came up to your arms and pulled you up onto your feet. you would protest, but you stayed silent, keeping a calm face. but the man’s fingers dug into your arm, making it hard for you not to cry out.
you were hauled out of the cell and practically dragged to another room, nearly as small as the cell, you were pushed inside, made to sit at one of the only two chairs in the room.
you looked around, there was no sign of the rest of the resistance members. perhaps they were hiding their prisoners away from the others, obviously on purpo-
“you can stop trying to figure out where everyone else is.” he was tall, a younger looking man, his face whispered familiarity.
he pulled the chair out opposite of yours and sat down carefully, his eyes grazing over your face. you looked at him, not willing to break eye contact.
he smiled hard, almost menacingly, “isn’t this odd? we’ve met, many times before..i know you, but you don’t know me..” he trailed off, “y/n.”
your name peeked your attention. hardly anyone outside of the order knew your first name. only kylo, a few officers, and the knights knew your true name. but you were always referred to as iza’re, or iza’re ren.
you narrowed your eyes at the man, “get to the point. what do you want from the first order?” you were getting bored, and if this is how it’s going to be, you needed to cut it short.
“you don’t know who i am?” the man looked surprised to see you so nonchalant. as if your true name was supposed to be the key to everything.
you shrugged again, leaning your elbows on the table, you got close to his face, “you say that like i’m supposed to care. i won’t repeat myself again,” you hissed, “what do you want from the first order?”
“get out. all of you!” kylo ren’s anger exhibited itself in his voice, a large hand outstretched itself towards the door, the metal door heaved open with the force and the rest of the troopers filed out, quickly as can be.
fn-2187 stared at kylo ren. even under his mask, he could just imagine his expression. fn-2187 knew that the moment you had walked in, that this wasn’t going to end well.
he followed the rest of the troopers out to the hallway. there was a large window that allowed people to see in, and fn-2187 had walked slow so that he could end up in front of the window.
“you need to calm down.” you had been talking to kylo through the force the entire way here. he was being stubborn, unresponsive to your usual tactics, you realized that maybe this wouldn’t be like other times.
“kylo.” you called his name, his back was turned to you and you were dying in the silence.
“why can’t you ever just stay out of it?” kylo turned around on his heel, the dark fabric of his cape followed him, and he began to stalk towards you, “hmm? why do you always think that you can save the day? you’re pathetic. a pathetic excuse for a force user, a pathetic excuse for a soldier of the first order..” he listed off all your weaknesses in a cruel list, “i cant stand to look at you. you make me fucking sick.” he had stopped you cold against the wall. even just arms length away from you, you could feel the rage, feel the truth to his feelings radiate off of him.
you wanted to cry. right then and there, you wanted to ball yourself up and sob on the floor.
but you scrunched your face slightly, as if not to lose the nerve, “find me when you’re done being an asshole.” you didn’t even look at him as you stalked past him, glancing at the open window towards the troopers, who were all facing away from the window.
except for one.
“what do you mean you ‘think’? we’ve been holding her for days and you’ve been in there for hours, and that’s what you’ve come up with?” poe had been overseeing the interrogation, and it was clear that it was going nowhere.
“threatening to blow up starkiller base would get us somewhere if we actually could.” poe rubbed his face, the feeling of a headache was coming on.
“why can’t we?” finn stared at poe, and poe laughed, realizing that finn was being serious.
“are you sure it’s her? it couldn’t be someone else? another trooper, perhaps?” poe looked at finn, who sighed, “she’s the only one i’ve ever seen that close to ren. it’s gotta be her.”
kylo hadn’t thought to apologize. but you had been ignoring him for days, even going as far as having stormtroopers deliver messages.
he had had enough when he had tried to talk to you through the force, and felt nothing in response.
“are you done?” the sound of the metal door opening had you turning your neck to see kylo ren, helmet off, hair dishelved, stalking in.
he set his helmet down on your dining table and kicked his shoes off, “i asked you something.” he stared down at you, his eyes searching you for something back.
“really?” you come in here after the way you talked to me a few days ago and expect us to be fine?” you looked up from your data log and stood up, “you yelled at me, tore me apart, called me pathetic many times over-“
“i’m sorry.” kylo interrupted you, and his face softened. this was utterly unlike him.
“what?” your own voice sounded distant and you blinked. a hand flew to your chest to feel the beating heart inside, “did you just-“
“yes. i am sorry.” kylo walked over to you, and watched as your face broke, tears spilling as you walked into his arms.
silence and the sounds of your sniffles filled the room. all that you ever wanted from him was an apology, and he had finally done it.
“i swear to you,” kylo broke the silence, the quiet was drowned out by his husky voice, “that i will never do that to you again.”
“and you caught them..?” poe’s eyebrows knitted together with confusion. his pilot uniform jacket hung on the chair beside him, as he paced the room, “let’s rewind,”
finn nodded, and poe sighed, “you were sent down to give her a message,”
“it had something to do with the knights.” finn had tried to remember what exactly the message was about but it had been nearly two years since then.
“and instead kylo ren answered the door?” poe repeated the events and finn nodded. “are you sure it wasn’t his quarters and you’re just an idiot?”
finn’s expression fell and he rolled his eyes, “stormtroopers are supposed to know. it was her quarters, her name was in a blazing plaque outside the door.”
a knock at the door had interrupted you. kylo had stripped off his clothes, leaving only the thick black sweatpants on, but even then, they hung dangerously low on him.
you, on the other hand, barely had anything on.
“fuck.” you cursed, and stuffed whatever shirt you could find off the floor. just by the scent of it, you knew it was kylo’s, but you still shrugged it on. you got off the bed, trying to find some shoes but kylo grabbed your arm, “i’ll get it.”
he was already getting up, and even with your protests, it was too late.
“master ren!” the robotic voice of a trooper met your ears and you cringed. troopers talked, and this was definitely something to talk about. there was an exchange of words between the trooper and kylo, until finally, “you are dismissed, fn-2187.”
“that’s kind of hot, no?” poe had been staring a little too long at the wall, clearly imagining what finn had described.
finn’s face turned into a picture of disgust, “there is something wrong with you.”
“iza’re to starkiller base. iza’re to base, does anyone copy?” you were falling, and fast.
the resistance had been chasing you for almost an hour. you had tried to lose them in some astroid graveyard but they were on your ass, until they shot your ship.
“fuck! someone! iza’re to base!” your hands clutched at the controls as you felt your chest rise and fall with fear.
kylo was right. you should have never gone off alone.
“kylo! im just off the astroid chunks by naboo.” just as you had finished telling your location, the ships power shut off, and you felt yourself blackout as the ship began to fall harder.
kylo had them playback your voice. over and over again.
the fear in your voice had been seared into his mind for days. he had tried to reach you over the force but was met with nothing. the usual thrum of your power would at least let him know you were alive. but he felt sick when he felt nothing.
“and no one heard this until when?” kylo looked around at the table filled with officers and military personnel. they all had this look of stupidity on their faces that made kylo want to knock them all out cold.
“this morning-“ a staff spoke up, “we believe she was taken by the resistance.”
kylo’s hands smashed against the table, “this morning?! find her!” he yelled at the officers. he raised his hands and suddenly they were all clutching at their throats, “find her now or i will murder every single one of you until someone does.”
“she’s loyal.” rey had observed, watching you through the glass, she wondered if you could see them all, gawking at you.
“of course she is. she’s sleeping with the supreme leader of the first order.” poe commented, rolling his eyes slightly, “i say we just lie.”
finn turned towards poe, “didn’t you just say that we shouldn’t lie? you got all mad-“
poe shrugged, “i was a different person then. say that ren is dead, and the first order is ashes-“
“oh like she’ll believe that-“ finn replied sarcastically. he had his hands on his hips and stared at you.
you were looking off into the distance, totally unaware of them on the other side staring at you.
“she’ll know. you said she’s a force user, correct?” rey peered at you and finn nodded, “yes. why?”
“she’ll know we’re lying. she probably also knows that we can see her,” you turned suddenly, meeting their eyes, “-right through this glass..” rey trailed off, and poe whistled lowly.
“wow. this is embarrassing…” poe laughed nervously. finn laughed, patting his friends shoulder as he walked off.
kylo was close. he hadn’t realized until now that it was the distance muffling your power. he could feel you, a quiet thrum in his head, he knew you were close.
“kill anything and everyone. i don’t care- just get her out alive.” his instructions were incredibly clear to the knights and troopers. he wanted you more than he wanted the resistance gone.
“so..” he had been trying to get you to talk for almost thirty minutes now. unlike his friend, this one seemed to be a little dull. “what’s between you and ren?”
you raised your head, and narrowed your gaze, “you mean my superior, the supreme leader kylo ren?” you were so serious that poe had to think about it before nodding weakly.
“nothing. bring me the trooper. fn-2187, is it? at least he knew what kind of questions to ask..” you waved a hand, dismissively towards the man and turned away, hoping he would leave.
“oh my god.” poe let the words escape as he shut the door behind him, “i don’t know what he sees in her-“ he looked at finn, “she’s asking for you. like specifically for you.” he raised his eyebrows at finn, who laughed in shock.
rey looked at the men, “don’t tell me you’re going to go in there.” she held up a hand to finn and he shrugged, “what else should we do?”
rey sighed, “give her up? she’s clearly nobody to ren, maybe finn was wrong.”
kylo ren had blown up half of the resistance base. he had felt nothing as he did so, and nothing more as he stepped off his ship, and hauled ass to wherever the hell you were.
he tried to use his own force powers to try and locate you, cutting down anyone that tried to fight him.
but it was worth nothing. nothing drove kylo ren more than you, and he would find you even if it killed him.
the argument between poe and finn had barely lasted before the emergency alarm had gone off. shouts echoed down the hall and they all began to run.
troopers were all over the place, blasters were shooting at everyone and they knew this was kylo.
“maybe finn was right..” rey looked at the men with a sheepish smile, and finn rolled his eyes, “get down!” he shouted at rey, who just barely ducked the blast that was shot towards her.
“if it’s him then shouldn’t someone go fend him off?” finn stared at poe and rey, as if waiting for one of them to volunteer.
poe shrugged, “i don’t think she’s worth it. barely talked.” finn didn’t even bother arguing when rey began to agree.
you could hear the sounds of a fight through the door. you couldn’t see through the glass window, but you could just imagine it.
the door opened and you half expected to see one of the two guys who had been interrogating you. but instead there he was.
wearing his usual all black, kylo cut down the room and immediately opened his arms, pulling you into them. “y/n..oh y/n.” there was a sigh of relief as you wrapped your arms around him.
you were crying.
this entire time you had forced yourself not to cry, not to show emotion. perhaps you had saved it for this moment. “kylo.” his name rolled off your tongue, “im sorry.”
kylo shook his head, “don’t. it’s all my fault. i should’ve just gone out there with you.” he scolded himself, shaking his head as he thought back to what he could’ve done.
“no. don’t. you always do that, you take responsibility for a decision i made.” you hugged him even tighter, “don’t. okay. just don’t.”
kylo didn’t even protest, he just held you all the more tighter in his arms.
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alwaysonthemend · 4 months
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Author’s Note: Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s a little Josh fic for you all. Just as an aside, this fic follows the reader after she’s just gotten out of a past relationship that ended badly. I used gender neutral pronouns and words for her ex and Josh is also written as being queer in this fic. I wanted to make this as inclusive an experience as possible for my readers so that is why I chose to use gender neutral language for her ex-partner. And obviously, Josh has never given us a specific label for himself and so I didn’t want to assume anything about him by doing so myself but I do write that he’s had past relationships with both men and women – but I am in no way claiming to know his dating life or how he identifies. I hope you all enjoy and happy Valentine’s Day to each of you <3 
Warnings: Smut (p in v sex, unprotected sex), oral (f. receiving), fingering, pleasuredom!Josh, discussions of infidelity (past relationship - not between reader and Josh), slight panic attack (nothing major), feelings of body insecurity, parties, drinking. 18 Only. Minors DNI 
Word Count: 5k
Fuck them was all you really had left to say. In all honesty… there wasn’t much to say at this point. You’d given them 3 years of your life – 3 years spent crafting a future around a person who, in the end, hadn’t cared enough to do the same for you. You’d been with them for 3 whole years, had spent hours and hours of time with them, loved them at their best and their worst, comforted them when they needed it, been their shoulder to cry on, celebrated their achievements, and loved them with your whole heart for those entire 3 years. And how had they repaid you in the end? By climbing into bed with someone else. A quick fuck with a stranger that they met at a bar was apparently worth more than the 3 years that you had spent loving them the way that you had. It’s crazy how even after all that time you can still find out that you hardly even knew a person at all. 
And now here you are the day before Valentine's Day eating ice cream and watching The Office reruns on your couch to try and keep from actually thinking about the hurt you have in your heart. You’ve cried all the tears you have and now you’re just left with a hollowness that you can’t seem to shake. There’s a hole in your heart where all that love for them used to be and now you’re stuck in this weird limbo between heartbroken and downright furious. 
Ping!You glance down to where your phone screen has lit up with a text message. You pick it up and immediately sigh at the message that waits for you. 
Danny 9:08 PM 
Please tell me you’re still going to come to the party tomorrow night 
You hadn’t been planning on it. You’d thought since the very moment that Josh had brought up the idea of a Valentine’s Day party that it was borderline ridiculous. But you had agreed to go simply because your partn- your ex had said that they wanted to go. But now that they weren’t in the picture anymore… the thought of going to a party where everyone is going to be hanging off the arms of their partners and, as Josh had put it, love is gonna be in the air! makes you want to scream. Hell no. Fuck no, even. 
You 9:09 PM 
Don’t think so. Not really in the Valentine’s Day mood to be honest. 
It takes hardly even a minute before Danny answers you back. 
Danny 9:10 PM 
Totally fair 
Danny 9:12 PM
There’s gonna be free booze tho… And you’ve gotta stop rotting away on your couch eventually
You pause for a moment before answering. He’s right to be completely honest. You’ve spent two weeks holed up in your apartment and wallowing in self-pity after your breakup. And honestly it’s starting to get a little old. But a Valentine’s Day party? You’re not sure that that is going to be the best break from your self-imposed lock down. But on the other hand… free booze does make the whole idea just a little bit more appealing. Plus, it’d be a great excuse to get dressed up and feel sexy for a night and have it be just for you and not for anyone else. And you haven’t actually gotten to see Danny and the rest of the guys a whole lot recently thanks to their busy schedules. 
You sigh once again before texting Danny back in defeat. 
You 9:15 PM 
Any and all excitement that you had the night before is entirely gone by the time you step through the doorway of Josh’s incredibly color-coordinated home. You’d felt sexy in your outfit as you’d stepped out of your apartment but the loud music and even louder people make you want to turn heel and run in the opposite direction. But you’re here now so you figure you might as well enjoy the free booze. You’d taken an Uber tonight solely so that you can get as drunk as you want without having to worry about driving back to your apartment.
Danny comes bounding over to you, crushing you in a hug that steals your breath away. You squeeze him back and giggle softly. 
“You smell like beer.” You scold him, wrinkling your nose in mock disgust. 
Danny smiles and nudges your shoulder with his. 
“And you don’t and that’s just not acceptable.” 
With a comforting hand placed on your upper back, Danny leads you through the crowd of people into Josh’s kitchen where an array of bottles and stacks of red solo cups await you on the counter. And amidst it all, pouring himself another drink, is the host of this over-the-top Valentine’s Day party. He grins at you as you and Danny enter and you can’t help but to smile back. 
“I didn’t think you were gonna make it out tonight!” Josh starts, throwing back a shot before turning his body to face the two of you fully. 
You shrug and jab your thumb towards Danny who laughs lightly. 
“I’m persuasive.” Is the only bit of explanation he gives. 
“And annoying.” You mutter playfully as you walk over to the counter to survey the various choices in alcohol that lay before you. “Watcha makin?” 
Josh’s attention drops back down to the drink that he’d been in the middle of pouring when you’d walked in. 
“Tequila Sunrise.” He holds up the glass for you to see and you’re impressed with how nice the drink looks. “I’m no bartender but…”
You shake your head, eyeing the beautifully balanced red and orange colors in the glass. 
“Nonsense. You know you’re good at mixing drinks. That looks great.”
A pink blush dusts the apples of his cheeks (the color of them making the white dots of his makeup stand out even more) and even the tips of his ears turn a shade darker at your compliment. 
“I think you should try a sip before you praise me too much.” He extends his hand and holds the glass out to you. “For you. And if it sucks… Jake is the one who told me how to make it so blame him.”
You take the glass and sip the drink, closing your eyes and humming at the taste. Josh is watching you intently and you wonder briefly if he’s always been so damn attractive.
“And if it’s really good?” You question, taking another sip. 
He puffs out his chest and grins. 
“Why then it’s all me, of course.”
You can only shake your head at him but a smile spreads across your lips despite yourself. 
“It’s really good, Josh. You have my stamp of approval.”
Your eyes meet Josh’s and those brown eyes of his glint with something that you can’t quite name before it’s gone in a flash. You drop your gaze to the drink in your hand and Josh looks towards Danny. 
“Daniel, care for a drink?”
You’d spent the last hour or two milling about throughout the house, saying hi to friends and occasionally bumping into Josh who always smiles warmly at you in passing as he busies himself with being a cordial host. 
And you’d had perhaps one too many drinks and the room is starting to spin by the time you collapse onto a sofa to take a breather. Danny had stuck by your side for a while before his date had arrived, at which point you’d latched yourself onto Sam until he decided to leave early with a girl he met. You’d gone searching for Jake but he’d been nowhere to be found. Likely, he’s already gone home. He’s never one to stick around at social gatherings this big for too long. 
You try not to but your heart aches slightly that you’d been abandoned by Sam and Danny. You know that ‘abandoned’ is a strong word but… they knew you were freshly single and hurting. You had hoped that they would have been more willing to spend just a little extra time with you tonight. In fact, the longer you think about it, the more your hurt feelings begin to grow. You’re not angry with them. Not all. If you’re being honest with yourself, you envy them. They both had someone to spend the night with tonight. Jake, too. 
You glance around and suddenly all you can see is other people with their partners. Holding hands, laughing, touching, kissing. Your breathing picks up. Does everyone here but you have someone? It sure freaking feels like it. Maybe it’s the alcohol making you have such a strong reaction but you’re suddenly desperate to get out of here. You need to get out of this place. You stand, the abrupt movement causing your head to spin a bit but you ignore it in favor of trying to find an escape. As you make your way through the throng of people it’s like navigating through a sea made of nothing but smiles and kisses that aren’t for you. Your eyes scan frantically until at last… there! The door to the back porch. 
You push your way to it and open the door quickly and slam it shut behind you as you escape out onto Josh’s back porch. You pause there, bowing your head and taking a moment to try and steady your breathing. Your throat burns with unshed tears but you swallow them down – you refuse to shed any more tears over the person who treated you so horribly. You refuse to give them the satisfaction. 
The sound of your name makes you jump and your eyes snap open to find Josh leaning against the bannister, his head turned back to look at you. 
“Hi.” You answer him, willing your voice to sound more composed than you feel. “I didn’t see you out here.” 
He smiles and beckons you over to him with a lazy wave.
“Just taking a break for a moment.” His voice carries a warmth that you hadn’t realized you needed as you come to lean on the bannister beside him. “You okay?” He keeps his face purposefully neutral but you can see the concern swirling in his eyes. 
“Yeah. Just got a little overwhelming in there.”
He nods, the motion making an errant curl settle onto his forehead. Your hand itches to reach up and swipe it back into place. 
“No Alex tonight?” 
It’s an innocent question but your ex’s name sends your heart breaking all over again. You’re not even sure why you’re still so upset. Clearly they didn’t love you the way you had loved them and you want to say that you’ve moved on but… 
“No. We’re not together anymore.” 
“Oh.” Josh breathes out, his features melting into a look of pure sympathy. It makes you want to cry even more. “I’m sorry.” 
You shrug.
“It’s okay, really. They fucked a stranger in our own bed so… I’d say it’s a good thing that we broke things off.”
Josh winces at the bitterness in your tone and looks like he wants to say something but doesn’t know what. 
“Honestly, I don’t even know why I’m still so upset. It’s not like I love them anymore. Not really.”  The alcohol in your systems seems to have loosened your tongue as you begin speaking again despite having no intentions of wanting to talk about them at all tonight. 
“Anyone would be upset, Y/n. Alex betrayed your trust. Regardless of how you feel about them now… it’s still painful. That’s normal.”
You huff. 
“It’s stupid. Stupid and tiring and-” You stop yourself and swallow thickly. “Sorry.” 
Josh smiles. It doesn’t reach his eyes all the way but it’s genuine. 
“Don’t be. Trust me, I know how you feel. Once that trust is broken… it’s like you’re afraid you’ll never get it back again. With anyone.” 
You turn to look at him but his face is pointed back out to the yard. As willing as Josh is to discuss matters like this with others, his own relationships he’s always been private about. He’s had a few relationships that you know of in the years that you’ve known him – some men, some women. You’d met only a handful of them in person but he’d never seemed to allow anyone in your little circle to actually get to know them other than Jake. You had no idea that maybe he’s gone through something similar. 
“Sometimes I just… It feels like I’m never going to find my person. And all this-” You gesture towards the door and the Valentine’s Day festivities that lay beyond it, “just didn’t really help at all. It feels like everyone has someone but me.”
A warm, steadying hand lands on your shoulder and you swear that a tingle runs up the length of your spine at the touch. Josh’s eyes glitter in the light of the night sky and the porch light casts shadows across his sharp jawline. And as you look at him, it feels like you’re seeing him, really seeing him for the first time. And he’s beautiful. 
“You’ll find your person, Y/n. I know you will. You’re too nice of a person to not.”
You can feel your cheeks grow hot. 
“Thank you, Josh. That means a lot.”
“Of course.” He grins, dropping his hand from your shoulder at last. “That’s what friends are for, right? Helping each other out when we’re down?”
For some reason, his words make you pause. You and Josh have been friends for so long and you’d only ever seen him as a friend. But now, standing next to him and thinking back to all the years of kindness and laughter that he’s given you… you’re struck suddenly with the thought that maybe you don’t just want to be friends with him. You’ve always been able to acknowledge that he’s attractive. And he makes you laugh like no one else can. Always there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on. Hell, he’s been one of the only constants in your ever-changing life. And he’s-
You shake your head at yourself. He’s just a friend. He’d just said so himself. 
“I wish more people were like you, Josh.” You find yourself saying softly. “You’re one of the good ones.”
He blushes – the apples of his cheeks flushing a dark red that reaches all the way down his neck too. Has he always blushed this much around you? First earlier when you’d complimented his drink making and now… Surely not. Right?
“You just have to be patient.” He tilts his head and grins, nudging your shoulder playfully with his. “And hey, if you can’t find someone else you can always give dating me a try.” 
You don’t mean to but you laugh, perhaps a little harder than you should have. The idea has your heart pounding in your chest and you desperately don’t want him to see how much the joke affected you. A desperate wish that bleeds into regret as you watch the light in his eyes dim ever so slightly as you laugh. 
You want to take it back. You want to tell him that maybe you’ve been blind this whole time and not seen what was right in front of you. But he only smiles tightly and straightens himself, popping his back and rolling his neck before beginning to turn away. 
“I suppose I should get back inside. I’m being a terrible host by hiding out here.” 
With that, he turns on his heel to begin walking back inside but his name explodes past your lips before you can stop it. 
The hope in his voice makes your stomach drop. 
“I-” You don’t know. You don’t know what to say. You don’t even know if these feelings are real. Have they been here this whole time, hiding under the surface? Or did it take you getting heartbroken by someone else to see the kindness that he’s been offering for years? There’s so many questions swirling through your head and you can’t seem to even form a full thought. Defeatedly, you shake your head. “Never mind. I’ll see you later.”
Josh stares at you for a long, tense moment before nodding his head. 
“I’ll see you later, Y/n.” 
You turn away before you see him leave but the sound of the back door shutting makes you wince. Should you have told him how you feel? Hell, you don’t understand how you’re feeling so you don’t even know what you would have told him anyway. 
Regardless, you can’t shake the feeling that you’ve just made a mistake. You’ve spent years desperately wishing for true love. Dates with people had come and gone and Alex had just been the first person who seemed to want the same from a relationship as you. No one had expected you to date them. No one had expected the two of you to last as long as you did. And honestly? You hadn’t expected it either. Alex was… comfortable. Safe. 
You’d been so caught up, so desperate to find love… and maybe it’s been right in front of you all along. He has been right in front of you. And you just let him walk away. 
Frantically, you whirl around to go and find him but stop short at the sight of Josh shoving the door open and coming back outside. He looks frenzied but determined as he strides over to you. You’re frozen in place, but with each step that he takes you grow more and more certain about the warmth spreading through your chest. Yes, he really had been right here all along. 
Josh stops. He’s so close that you can feel the warmth of his breath. 
“Y/n.” His voice is soft – quiet but just as determined as his steps had been. “I couldn’t- I had to come back. I couldn’t not tell you.” He rambles, his dark eyes pinning you in place before him. “I know we’re just friends and- and I know that you don’t-” 
“Josh,” you interrupt, “I love you too.”
He’s utterly still, jaw dropped open and eyes gaping at you. If your heart wasn’t pounding so hard you think you might laugh at the sight of Josh Kiszka rendered speechless. 
“I said I love you too. I don’t know why I didn’t realize it before… but I do, Josh.” 
His mouth remains open for a long moment and you think for one brief, horrible second that you’ve made a mistake and he doesn’t feel the same. But then his lips spread into a wide smile that makes your heart melt. 
“You- you love me?” 
You nod. 
“And I’m sorry that I didn’t realize it sooner.” 
He huffs, the noise a mix between a sigh and a laugh before he takes a step even closer, his lips hovering just above yours. He pauses there, waiting. You give him a slight nod and then his lips are on yours – soft and pillowy and oh so warm against your own. With a soft whine, your hands find perchance on his shoulders while his palms settle on your cheeks, thumbs caressing your cheek bones. The heat of him is delicious and you use your grip on his shoulders to pull him in closer to you. He answers with a breathy moan into your mouth that sends liquid fire pooling between your legs.  
“Y/n.” Your name escapes him with a sigh, his lips parting from yours for a moment to breathe. “I’ve dreamed of this.” 
“Yeah?” You whisper, lips ghosting over his once again, just barely touching. “Just of kissing me?”
He catches his bottom lip between his teeth and shakes his head, curls bouncing. 
“Much more than that.” 
“Show me?” 
Josh answers you with a Cheshire grin and turns his head to look over his shoulder at the party still going on inside. 
“Think they’ll notice that I’m gone?”
“We can be quick.” 
He shakes his head and grins but laces his fingers with yours and begins to tug you towards the door. 
“No. We won’t.” 
“You can’t just leave.” You start to protest but Josh silences you with a grin. 
“They’ll take the hint and leave eventually. We’ll worry about cleaning up tomorrow.”
You barely notice the people as Josh leads you through them and none of them seem to notice the two of you as you both slip up the stairs. It feels like a dream as he tugs you through the threshold of his bedroom, shutting the door behind you with a soft ‘click.’ 
“So many dreams and so little time.” He murmurs, hands finding your hips and guiding you backwards until the backs of your thighs hit the bed. 
Josh kisses you again before pulling back and letting the moment hold for a moment. You take in your surroundings. The soft, white bed sheets. The warm glow of the lamp in the corner and the smell of incense. The room screams Josh – cluttered but organized, comfy.  
“But enough time,” Josh continues, palms sweeping down your sides, “that we can do as much or as little as you want tonight.” 
Josh is selfless in everything else that he does and you can’t help but smile knowing that he's selfless in here too. 
“I want you.” Is all your brain can manage to come up with. 
But it does the trick given the way Josh’s eyes glitter with mischief as his fingers dance across your shoulders and hook underneath the straps of your dress. 
“Can I take this off?”
You nod and he slides the fabric down, letting it pool around your ankles and leaving your bra and panties on display for him. You’d gone with black lace and based on the groan that rumbles in his chest, it was the right choice. Before undressing you further, Josh tugs his own shirt up and over his head and tosses it haphazardly to the floor. His khakis are next and you exhale shakily as you take in his smooth, creamy skin. His body is lithe and toned, muscles defined but still slim. There’s something effortlessly graceful about his body and you reach out a hand to feel him, a palm settling on his pec and the other hand grabbing his waist and squeezing. 
“You’re beautiful, you know that?” His words come out husky and a little gruff and your core pulses. “Bra off then on the bed.” 
You comply, unhooking your bra and letting it fall to the floor before jumping up and scrambling backwards until your back hits the wall of plush pillows guarding the head board. He follows you, climbing onto the bed and settling onto his knees between your thighs. Chocolate eyes sweep up to yours, somehow filled with an almost innocence despite what the two of you are about to do. 
“Can I taste you, Y/n?” He pleas– and it is a plea. 
You want to nod. To let him use that pretty mouth on you for as long as he pleases. But years of insecurity – insecurity that’s only been made worse after recent events, bubbles to the surface. 
“I- I didn’t shave. You don’t have to.” You hate how weak your voice sounds. You hate that you feel like this. You hate how every single cell in your body wants to close your thighs and hide from him despite the love that you see swirling through his eyes. 
“I want to.” Josh answers, warm hands finding purchase on your thighs. “And I don’t care about whether or not you shaved, Y/n. It’s your body that you’re choosing to share with me.” His thumbs trace small, soothing circles into your skin. “But if you don’t feel comfortable that’s okay too.” 
You take a deep breath. You let all those insecurities that have welled up recently come to the forefront of your mind. You let yourself feel each one. And then you let them go. 
“Y-you can. You can taste me.”
Josh smiles softly, the weight of your trust not lost on him as he leans down and slides your panties down your legs. Already soaked, Josh hums at the sight. 
“Stunning.” He says, swiping a finger through your folds and earning a cry from between your lips. 
Hooking his arms beneath your thighs and dropping his body to lay against the mattress, Josh pulls your glistening center flush against him and sucks your clit into his mouth. He rolls his tongue around the swollen bud and your hips buck up to meet the feeling. 
“Oh fuck.” You whine, eyes shut tightly against the onslaught of pleasure. 
His tongue works over you effortlessly, switching between circling around your clit and slipping into your entrance. The sound is obscene. Your wetness coupled with the way Josh moans into your heat has the band of pleasure in your lower belly beginning to tighten already. It’s like he somehow knows exactly what you like the most – effortlessly coaxing you to the edge. He’s groaning into you, head thrashing from side to side and his own hips pushing down into the bed.
“Josh.” You warn, your body beginning to tense as the white hot pleasure keeps building. 
“Cum in my mouth, mama. I need it.” 
With one last lick of his tongue against you the wave breaks. With a loud cry, you let the pleasure overtake you and Josh keeps working you through it, making sure to give you the most pleasure he can as your orgasm works its way through you. 
Finally, he sits up and wipes his mouth against the back of his hand. 
“How was that?” 
It’s an innocent question but the cocky grin he’s sporting lets you know that he knows exactly how good it was. 
“Fuck.” Is all you manage to say and Josh giggles. 
Josh sits up and you can see his cock straining through the fabric of his boxers, his flushed tip trapped underneath the waistband. Even covered you can see that he’s big. You’d always known that he was – his jumpsuits leave little to the imagination. But seeing it like this, hard and leaking for you, makes your breath stutter in your chest. You reach out to feel him but he stops you, shaking his head and grinning. 
“Not done yet.” Is all he says before his fingers find your wet folds again. 
Slowly, he presses a finger in and you whine, legs falling apart wider as he curls the digit. He’s watching you intently, noting every shift of your hips and every change in expression as he explores your body, finding what makes you tick. His finger brushes against your sweet spot and you cry out his name. 
“Oh fuck, Josh. Right there.” 
He grins. 
“There it is.” 
He adds another finger, scissoring them to stretch you but making sure to brush that spot over and over again as he does so. You’re a whining mess beneath him, embarrassingly close to cumming again already. No one has ever paid attention like this – actually taking the time to learn your body and its responses in order to maximize your pleasure. Maybe it's that thought that has you about to reach climax again. 
“You gonna cum on my fingers, Y/n?”
You nod your head, unable to form words as he pumps his fingers in and out of you. 
“Yeah? I can feel you squeezing them, baby. You can cum, angel. Just let it go.”
Your body trembles and shakes all over as you cum and Josh moans in delight at the sight of you surrendering to pleasure, at the sight of the pleasure that he is giving you. This one lasts longer than the last and Josh works you through every second of it until you're panting and shying away from the touch as the oversensitivity hits you. 
“Good?” He murmurs, eyes practically black as they stare at you. 
“Very, very good.” You answer with a lazy, satiated smile. “Are you going to fuck me now?” 
Josh’s tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip and your eyes track the movement. You want him. You want him so bad it aches. 
“Only if you want me to. We don’t have to do anything else tonight.”
Of course he didn’t expect more from you. And you’re 100% certain that if you asked him to, he’d lay down and go to bed with you right now despite how hard his aching member must be. But you don’t want that. You want him. All of him. 
“I want you to, Josh. I need you to fuck me.”
A soft, delicate little whine escapes him. 
Wordlessly, he reaches over to his night stand and opens a drawer. His hand disappears inside it before reappearing with a condom in hand. He palms himself once with his right hand through his boxers before hooking his fingers in the waistband and tugging them down. 
You never knew that a cock could be so fucking pretty. 
He rips the foil with his teeth and rolls the latex over his length, hissing as he does so. 
You let your legs fall apart and beckon him to you. With dark eyes, Josh pumps his length in his hand once, twice, before he guides himself into your soaked entrance. He’s big, the stretch causing a delicious mix of pleasure bordering on pain. He moans as he bottoms out and your hands latch onto his shoulders and your fingertips dig into the muscle. 
“Fuck, you feel good.” You moan, already aching for him to move. 
“And you feel like satin, angel. So fuckin’ tight.”
Slowly, Josh pulls almost all the way out of you before sliding back in again. His arms come to rest on either side of your head, his weight resting on his forearms. With each snap of his hips you can’t help but moan. Every movement, every inch of him, sends sparks of pleasure through your entire body.  Sex with Alex had been rough – frenzied and almost mindless. But this? This is worship. 
“Don’t stop.” You beg, heels digging into his hips to keep him close. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” His voice sounds wrecked – cracked and broken with his own pleasure. 
“You’re so good.” You find yourself mumbling, eyes squeezing shut. “So fucking good, Josh.”
You can feel his length twitch and pulse inside of you as soon as the words leave your mouth. He likes knowing that he’s making you feel good. 
“Wanna make you cum, mama. Wanna make you feel good.” He whines, jaw dropping open and face contorting in pleasured agony. 
You nod your head frantically, tits bouncing as he picks up his pace. 
“Feels so good. Oh fuck!” Your own voice sounds foreign to you – high pitched and almost squeaky. You’re losing yourself in the pleasure, his cock hitting your sweet spot perfectly. 
“Please cum, baby. Cum on my cock. I need to feel it.”
His right hand slips into the heated space between your bodies and his finger finds your clit, ruthlessly swirling the pad of his finger in time with his thrusts. 
“Fuck I’m gonna cum, Josh. Please, please, please.”
“You don’t have to beg, baby.” He grits out, his pace beginning to falter as your walls clench mercilessly around him. “Gonna take care of you. Gonna get you there.”
It hardly takes a minute more before the band snaps. With a harsh scream, your orgasm rips through you. Stars explode behind your eyes and any thoughts that you had have been ripped from you. All you can focus on is the pleasure as Josh keeps fucking you through your high. The only words you can think of fall from your lips in a breathy whine. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you.”
Josh cries out harshly, his own body tensing as he finally lets himself reach his own climax. 
“Oh fuck, I’m cumming. Y/n.” His words are almost a growl, rumbling from deep within his chest as his orgasm hits him fully. “I love you too. Fuck, I love you so much.”
With one last thrust of his hips the two of you finally settle, Josh’s weight coming down to pin you to the mattress as you both come back to yourselves. He doesn’t pull out, allowing the intimacy of the moment to stretch on. 
“My God.” You mumble, your throat feeling raw from screaming. 
Josh leans down to capture your lips with his, his tongue exploring your mouth lazily for a moment before he draws back. 
“I love you, Y/n.”
“I love you too. I’m sorry I took so long.” 
“I would have waited even longer so long as I got to have you in the end.”
You pull him down to kiss him again. 
“You have me.”
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