#asked me how I was so I brightly said I AM DOING TERRIBLY THANK YOU FOR ASKING!
808airsoftbros · 10 months
Hospital Love (Karina)
Author: Another classic oneshot from my old oneshot book. Hope you all like it! Also, be sure to check out my Masterlist for more fics :)
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Hey, so you probably are wondering who the hell I am… my name is Kim Y/N and I am a patient here at Korean Mental Institution and I've been here for quite a while. For what? You are probably asking. I was subjected to parental abuse and basically suffered for my entire life leading me to become insane and because of that the authorities sent me here.
So far the the doctors here are completely useless as f*ck, they treat me terribly and force me to do impossible activities and I usually get in alot of trouble because I was so uncooperative. That's what bring me to the point where I don't trust anybody. Until she came…
Just great, another doctor has quitted on me, tsk. How typical. How the hell did they even become doctors in the first place if there so incompetent and ruthless?
I hear the door knocking and I see a women who is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my miserable life. She sits down on the rolling chair and rolls toward me.
"What do you want?" I asked coldly to the doctor.
"Why, I'm here to help you, Mr. Kim." She answered in a friendly tone and I just scoff.
"That's what they all say and what happens is that they just abandon me." I responded.
"Well I am not doing that. That's for certain. My name is Doctor Min or you can call me Karina if you like." She introduces herself and she raises her hand.
I didn't move or do anything because I didn't trust her one bit. But she gives me the brightest smile and I don't know why but I just returned the handshake but I did it hesitantly.
"Now look, I don't like the doctors here either. There mean and irresponsible for their patients and I figured since they can't do their job, I could help you." Karina said in a serious tone which I find surprising. Nobody has ever said to me.
"How do I know you'll keep your promise?" I asked her.
"No matter how it hard it may seem, I'll always stick with you until you are cured." Karina responded with sincere in her voice.
"You promise?" I asked nervously and she nods.
End of Flashback
Yep, that's how I met my new doctor Karina who surprisingly happened to be one of the most nicest and kindest person I have ever met in my life.
I hear the door open revealing to be Karina and I smiled and she smiled back.
"I see your in a happy mood today, Y/N." Karina comments and I blush and she giggles in response.
"How are you feeling today?" She asked me and I responded that I was fine thanks to her.
"Oh, that's good to hear!" Karina responds and she writes it down in her notes.
After she was done I do her therapy treatment she told me that my health is looking better based on her notes which I am very happy to hear. But the question is…
"What do I do when I get out of here?"
"Where do I go?"
I pretty much have nothing besides her so I am lost. I sigh confused on what happens to me after I get out of this hellhole.
"Is something wrong, Y/N?" Karina asks me in a soft voice and I snapped back into reality.
"Karina, what do I do when I get out of here?" I asked her curiously which leaves her to think about it before responding.
"Do you have any place you can stay?" Karina asks me and I shake my head.
"How about you live with me?" Karina suggests leaving me dumbfounded and not believing a single word she just said.
"W-Wait, what?!" I asked her in response and she giggled.
"Well to be honest, your kinda cute." She responded and pinched my cheek leaving me blushing hard and I can't even respond right now!
"So what do you think~?" Karina asks me and I sigh since I don't really have a choice.
"Okay, I'll live with you." I responded and Karina smiled brightly.
After going through final examinations on my health I was finally discharged from that joke of a hospital and Karina helped pack my things after were done we arrive to her car and put all my luggage in the trunk.
"Ready?" Karina asks me and I nod.
I enter the passenger seat and we drive off .
10 Minutes of Driving Later…
Finally we arrive to her house and it was just a single story house, nothing too fancy but it was nice. I unpack my things from the trunk and we entered her house. The living room was cleaned and the house was neat and tidy.
"You like it?" She asks me and I nod.
"Come, follow me." She instructed me and she takes me arm so I follow her to what appears to be the masters bedroom. "What are we doing here?" I asked her curiously and she smirked at me.
"Why this can be our room, IF you be my boyfriend." Karina responded to me and my eyes widen.
"What do you mean?" I asked her nervously.
"Y/N, you've been through enough and I want you to live a normal life with me." She explained to me and I look down thinking about it. She is beautiful and I consider her my angel since she is always there for me when no one was.
"I guess I have no other choice." I thought to myself.
I smile and responded "Okay, I'll be your boyfriend." and she squealed and hugged me tightly.
It was nighttime and me and her were cuddling in bed watching Netflix and after a few episodes of K-Drama shows we turned it off and went to bed.
"Hey, babe~." She called me in a seductive tone.
"Yes?" I responded.
"I'm not tired yet~." Karina said to me in a seductive tone which sends shivers down my spine.
"W-What do you want me to do about it?" I asked nervously while looking at her smirking at me.
She didn't say anything to me instead she just pin me to the bed and get on top of me and I shivered in fear.
"You'll see…" She responds to me.
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cherrythepuppet · 9 months
Corpse Puppet [Part 8]
Aw @sketchquill I'm happy to know your not fed up with me<3
"darling, where are you?" The Corpse asked as he looked around the bright yet dark dead town  "if you ask me, your partner is kind of jumpy" home said
"their not my partner, their my spouse" The corpse told home before going back to search "Darling! where have you gone?" The Corpse asked as home popped out of their eye
"l'll keep an eye out for them!" Home exclaimed With the two searching home had saw (Y/n) run into a barrel "There they go, there they go!" Home yelled as (Y/n) saw the Corpse and ran off
"Their- their getting away! Quick, quick, after them!" Home yelled as the corpse put his eye back in (Y/n) was out of breath and they hid inside a coffin as the Corpse walked past then still calling out for them suddenly a spider came down on a web
"Married, huh? l'm a widow" they said and (Y/n) smacked them away "Oh, how rude they went that way!" the spider yelled
(Y/n) ran off again and saw someone "Please! There's been a mistake! l'm not dead!" They yelled but the man's head fell off "WHAT THE-" "darling?" The Corpse called out and (Y/n) ran off
"Dear!" The corpse yelled as (Y/n) reached a stone wall "Dead end..." they mumbled but then they heard the corpse off in the distance and they thought 'F!ck it' and decided to climb it
As they got to the top they held onto a metal bar and they accidentally grabbed the corpse's leg "You Could have used the stairs, silly" He chuckled as he helped (Y/n) up
"lsn't the view beautiful? lt takes my breath away! Well, it would if l had any" He said with a laugh "Look, l am terribly sorry about what's happened to you and l'd like to help but l really need to get home" (Y/n) told him
"This is your home now" the corpse said "But l don't even know your name" (Y/n) mumbled "Well, that's a great way to start a marriage" home muttered "Shut up!" The corpse yelled quietly at home then turned to (Y/n) and smiled
"lt's Wally" he told them as something in (Y/n)'s mind clicked, (Y/n) remembered a man named Wally but they thought it was a coincidence "What is your name?" Wally asked "Oh right I never told you that...I'm (Y/n)" They said which made Wally stare at them in surprise and shock for a moment
 But just like (Y/n) he figured it was a coincidence "Oh, l almost forgot! l have something for you" he said as he grabbed a brightly colored (F/c) box
 "lt's a wedding present" he said as (Y/n) held it "Thank you?" (Y/n) mumbled and as they was about to open the box it jumped out of their arms
A bunch of bones came out of the box and turned into...a cat? And the cat handed (Y/n) a purple collar with a small bell, as (Y/n) was reading the collar they smiled widely
"Otto?" They asked "Otto!" They exclaimed as the Cat jumped onto their lap "l knew you'd be happy to see him" Wally said as he smiled at how happy (Y/n) was
(Y/n) was the happiest they're ever been and it was clear their cat meant a lot to them "Oh, what a cutie" Wally mumbled "You should have seen him with fur!" (Y/n) exclaimed then they went quiet
"Mother never approved of Otto jumping up like this But then again she never approved of anything" They mumbled "Do you think she would have approved of me?" Wally asked as he tilted his head a bit
"You're lucky you'll never have to meet her-" (Y/n) paused as they had an idea "Well, actually...now that you mention it l think you should! In fact, since we're, you know...married" They told him
"you should definitely meet her! And my Father too! We should go and see them right now!" (Y/n) exclaimed  "What a fantastic idea! Where are they buried?" Wally asked
(Y/n) scratched the back of their neck "What? What is it?" Wally asked with a concerned look "They're not from around here" (Y/n) said
"Where are they then?" Wally asked as (Y/n) Pointed up signaling that they were still alive "Oh, they're still alive!" Wally said as he realized what they meant "l'm afraid so..." (Y/n) mumbled 
"Well, that is a problem..." Wally muttered Otto looked at wally then began meowing "What's that, Otto?" Wally asked as he listened to the kitty meow meow and (Y/n) stared at him confused on how he understood a cat
"Oh, no, we couldn't possibly!" Wally exclaimed as the cat continues to meow "Oh, well, if you put it like that..." He mumbled
"What?" (Y/n) asked as they were still confused on what was happening "Frank Frankly" Wally said....
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amourkive · 9 months
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a/n: In honor of dyeing my hair, and the process being absolutely terrible, I bring a Jin fic of his famous diy purple hair...cause it was just tew iconic, and I want to go back to that time respectfully. per usual, stay gold⁷ -miri
/ᐠ• ㅅ •ᐟ\
SeokJin wouldn't lie and say he wasn't upset when the company told him strictly that he couldn't dye his hair. He thought that this was just completely unfair, and subjugating.
Until, his sweet, yet mischievous lover had stopped by his hotel room one night, with two drugstore bags in hand. Curious, SeokJin watched as you placed them on the desk, smiling brightly.
"I know you just told me your managers said you couldn't dye your hair and all....but it so happens that I may have accidentally bought hair dye anyway." You stated, rummaging through the bag, pulling out four boxes of purple dye.
SeokJin couldn't help but stare in disbelief. Even though he was strictly forbidden to do anything to his hair, (not even the hair stylist wanted to fall in the wrath of the company) here his wonderful companion stood, boxes in hand waiting patiently.
"What color?" He asked and you smiled, "purple! for Army, duh!" you chirped, walking to the hotel bathroom, not needing to turn around to know SeokJin was following behind. "Right but, why so many boxes?" He asked a moment later, watching as you started to mix the dye in the bottles it came with.
"I thought it was obvious, I'm dyeing my hair too! you really think I wouldn't match with you? We do it every time. Am I the best, or am I the best?!" You asked, rhetorically, shaking two of the bottles, glancing at SeokJin through the mirror.
"yeah, you're the best...but I might actually get in trouble if I dye my hair" he muttered, his plump lips jutting out slightly, and you had almost wanted to kiss the pout off his face, instead you snorted in amusement.
"Says you, you cut your own bangs two months ago! and they were crooked! this is not as bad as that. And what can they really do about it, fire you?" He stared at you, as you wore a smug look.
Mumbling to himself, he slid the set of gloves that came with the dye, on. "Hand me the dye." He stuck his covered hand out, gripping the bottle as you handed it to him.
"See, now that's what I like to see! your hair, your choice!" you cheered him on, watching intently as he squeezed the bottle on top of his head, smearing it in with his gloved hand.
After what seemed like a while, you both sat in the bathtub, waiting patiently till it was time to rinse your hair out. "...what's the time at, Jinnie?" you asked, looking at him, your back sore from leaning against the hard tub.
"ERM...what timer?" He asked, turning to face you, eyebrow raised. You smiled tightly, "you know? the timer I TOLD YOU TO PUT ON! you want our hair to fall out!?"
Quickly the both of you scrambled out the tub, SeokJin turning the water on, ducking his head into the water that gushed out from the faucet. "I can't afford to lose my hair! not yet - it's not time!"
You gasped, hitting his arm, "oh so you wouldn't mind me being bald then?!" You can see his shoulders move in a shrugging motion, and you scoffed, "wow thanks..." you sat on the edge, waiting for your turn, humming a soft tune.
"a-Ah Help Me! BABY HELP ME IT GOT IN MY EYE!" SeokJin yelled out in pain, and you jumped up scrambling to help him with a towel in hand.
"So...." you trailed off, as both of you stared in the mirror, purple hair blotchy. "for how long we kept it in, I thought it would at least keep its color." you decided on saying because really, the blotchiness was just unnecessary.
"Long-Lasting my ass! this is coming off in a week." SeokJin muttered, throwing a towel over his hair, trying to dry it off as best he could. You followed suit, shrugging mindlessly.
"at least your hands are a cute purple !" You noted, looking down at yours as well- and yep, also dyed purple. You heard him groan from beside you, "Just great! You know how long this will take to fade? just great!"
You snickered, earning a look from him, but honestly, it was funny to you. "cheer up, baby...it's really not bad, it's cute!" hoping it would cheer him up, even if it was just slightly.
"this is not cute! I think the dye job is punishment enough. SeokJin....just," the manager waved his hand in front of him, "go. it wouldn't hurt for you or the boys to listen once in a while. As for you,"
he then pointed towards you, and you feigned Innocence, "I can't say anything to you- stop provoking Seokjin's ideas! I get you guys want to do couple matching things, but please, let's not mess with his looks."
you nodded, knowing this would happen again anyways, it always did, and he knew it too. "yes sir, I'll make sure to get matching shirts next time. wouldn't that be cute, Jinnie? matching shirts?"
Next to you SeokJin, shrugged, nodding. "I mean- yeah. maybe purple shirts would be better than our hair."
"I'll have you know you look handsome in your blotchy hair! it brings out your blotchy skin tone." you stated, to which he nodded, holding his chest, "thank you sweetheart that means a lot to me. The blotchy hair really brings out your uneven layers."
you gasp covering it with a laugh, "hah! you're so cute! I just love you!!" His windshield wiper laugh filled the room, as he brought you closer to him, placing a kiss on your nose, "i love you too...even though half the time i get scolded because of you."
"partners in crime. it's a mutual thing, really."
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loonylooly · 23 days
Hello! I saw you had a not-so-great birthday, and I wanted to help cheer you up a little so I wrote a Feyneth oneshot. I hope you like it! Thank you for being a wonderful person who makes beautiful art! Happy birthday Lana! You deserve all the good things in the world!
“Did you miss me, High Lady?” Her laugh was like silk on cold smooth skin, like sunny days and cool breezes. Soothing, gentle, whispering around her head until it made her dizzy. Feyre ignored the tug in her chest, choosing to press it deep within her, throwing some half-assed reassurance down the bond so Rhysand would remain none the wiser. 
Gwyn laughed again and Feyre’s whole body shivered. It did not go unnoticed, as Feyre buried her nose into the sweet-smelling Priestess robes. Gwyn shook her head, threads of ginger hair brushing against Feyre’s neck. She smiled, hugging her tighter. Arms fully locked around her back, pressing them close together. As close as they could physically get. 
“Very.” Feyre answered, looking back just enough to stare into pretty turquoise eyes. 
“How terrible.” Gwyn smiled like Feyre thought the sun might. All glowing and beautiful, filled with a never-ending warmth that threatened to consume her. Sharp teeth gleaming in the little light of the library. 
“How shall I ever make it up to you?” Gwyn lifted her eyebrow, tilting her head slightly to the side. 
“We can start with going somewhere more private.” Feyre whispered as she glanced around the library. Gwyn cart of books to be reshelved forgotten by the library walls. As Feyre had tugged her into a darker corner so as to not be spotted by Clotho. 
Gwyn frowned a little, but her eyes glittered, “I do have work to do.”
“I will relieve you of it.” Feyre said quickly, “I am the High Lady and surely Clotho will find another to fulfil your duties for an hour.”
“Well that depends, my High Lady.” Gwyn tenderly brushed a gold-brown lock from her face, “Where do you plan to steal me away to?”
Feyre smiled, a pure genuine smile. It felt like the first one in years, “I was thinking… a picnic?”
Gwyn quirked an eyebrow as her lips tugged upward. Feyre trailed fingers shoulder her slim shoulders, “Elain made several dozen batches of lemon tarts… I am sure she wouldn’t notice a few missing.”
“You are sly, Mrs Archeron.” Gwyn returned Feyre’s cunning smile, “Now that I think about it, I am sure Clotho would not mind if I attended to important courtly duties.”
“I am sure.” Feyre echoed. She grasped both of Gwyn’s hands, and the Priestess led her laughing through the winding levels of the library. 
They managed to sneak out to the fields by the border of Velaris, through Feyre’s own winnowing, she located a small patch of wildflowers that smelled of pollen and honey. Dappled in sunshine and hiding them under the shade of a willow tree. As soon as they appeared, Gwyn spotted the laid out black and red blanket, and the plates of lemon tarts. As well as a pitcher of raspberry lemonade. Her teal eyes went wide. Feyre’s arms wrapped around her waist. Resting her chin on her shoulder. 
“Do you like it?” Feyre asked. 
Gwyn nodded, breathless, she looked over her shoulder and smiled so wide. Tears lining her eyes. 
“I love you so much.” She murmured. 
Feyre smiled brightly, gently, she pressed their lips together. 
“Tell me,” Gwyn asked when they pulled back, “How much trouble are you in with Elain?”
Feyre rolled her eyes, “She owed me anyway, I promised not to tell Lucien she ripped a hole in his favourite jacket when she was attempting to mend it.”
Gwyn threw her head back as she laughed, “You’re joking!”
Feyre shook her head solemnly, “Unfortunately no. She can do anything else, but just no sewing.”
“Well, I suppose we all have our downfalls.” Gwyn shrugged, turning and locking her arms around Feyre, resting her ear against her chest. 
“No,” Feyre quietly disagreed. Gwyn furrowed her eyebrows, confused. 
“What do you mean?”
Another warm grin broke out of her, “You my dear, have not a fault at all.”
Gwyn cackled as she shoved Feyre back into the grass, tumbling along the soft greens and wildflower colours. Feyre grabbed the smaller female, pulling her down on top of herself. She jammed her fingers into Gwyn’s side and tickled her until she could not breathe. 
They managed to find their way to the picnic underneath the willow tree. Lounging back underneath the lazy afternoon sun. Tangled in each other as they finished off the whole batch of lemon tarts and raspberry lemonade. 
They laughed and talked until the light turned pink, and stars speckled in the sky. Feyre, too absorbed in staring at her beautiful lover, did not realise the moon rising higher and higher. 
Locked in a kiss. Feyre rested her hands on Gwyn’s hips, gently holding as their mouths pressed together. Nothing rushed, or hungry, but passionate all the same. Her skin flushing red, and becoming hot beneath her clothes. 
“Feyre.” Gwyn whispered. 
“Mhm?” Feyre questioned, not opening her eyes. 
“It’s nighttime.” Gwyn said, pulling back, mouth smiling as her eyes were dazed. 
“Oh?” Feyre returned that smile, that dizzied look. Feeling as though she were dancing amongst the clouds. 
“Oh.” It sunk in. 
“We need to go.” Feyre said quickly, grabbing Gwyn’s hand and pulling her up, “Now.”
She had managed to shove the bond so deep she didn’t even notice how Rhysand had been screaming out for her. Feyre felt her heart quickening with anxiety, but as they stepped out of the shade of the willow tree, and the moon cast shadows across Gwyn’s face. Every other emotion other than pure awe and adoration melted away. 
Gwyn smiled, her sharp teeth touched by the glow of the moon. Her eyes lit up with silver, as her skin was painted with moonlight. She looked up at Feyre with those big eyes and said, “This was fun.”
“Yeah,” Feyre breathed, “Yeah it was.”
“I love you.” Gwyn whispered, still with that gorgeous smile that had Feyre locked in heart, mind and soul. 
“I love you too.”
They kissed once more, hidden in the shadows of night, underneath the silver of the moon and stars. And all at once, Feyre was home. 
I hope your pillow is cold on both sides, your favorite drink is always in the fridge, and you never step on a Lego as long as you live! Happy birthday again!
SOBBING THIS IS SO GOOD 😭😭 Feyneth solves all my problems ❤️❤️ thank you so much tho youre too sweet i cant even omg
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kirythestitchwitch · 6 months
Klaroline WIP Wed - waffle house au - Rebekah's Hangry
Part One here
Part Two here
Smiling as if that was funny, Rebekah seemed like she was trying to invite Caroline in on the joke.
“I am—I mean—I do, of course I care,” Caroline said defensively. “But a girl’s gotta eat.”
“And that’s exactly what I mean.” Rebekah gestured around the brightly lit specimen of an American diner. “Humans, everywhere.” On the other side of the diner, a girl and a boy, probably her age, were tossing small balls of wadded up napkins at each other. “Eat one, who would miss them?”
“Their families might.” Caroline glared. She still had to smile and look Mrs. Johnson in the eye when Caroline had been the one to bite through her son’s neck to save Stefan and Damon from the deputy’s stake. Good thing she didn’t have much cause these days to frequent the drug store where Mrs. Johnson worked the counter unless she was picking up something for her mom. She always looked worn out when Caroline saw her.
“Did yours miss you?” Rebekah asked, leaning on the table. Caroline couldn’t tell if she was being mean on purpose, or if this was just what Rebekah considered a friendly chat.
“I never went missing,” she growled. “I had a nice, miraculous recovery in the hospital after a car accident—thank you, Damon—and then got smothered in the middle of the night—thanks, Katherine—and woke up thinking my IV drip looked delish. So no one had any time to miss me.” Caroline didn’t mention that her mother hadn’t even noticed afterward, it would be too much like proving Rebekah right. 
“Ugh.” Rebekah made a face and tossed her brush back into her purse. “Katherine. She does go around ruining everyone’s lives, doesn’t she?”
Caroline shifted uncomfortably on the bench seat. How to tell the girl who had so recently strived to become human again that Katherine had—in her twisted way—done Caroline a favor? 
Across the restaurant, the girl flicked one final napkin at her tablemate—jeeze, what a mess they were leaving, poor Marcy—and got up, heading for the restroom. Rebekah propped her chin up on one hand and smiled.
“I love it when they make it easy. Now listen very carefully, baby vampire. You might learn something.” Sliding out of the booth, she evaded Caroline’s attempt to grab her.
“Rebekah!” Caroline hissed, while the other girl walked away, leaving her purse. In moments, she had disappeared around the corner behind the countertop and kitchen into the hallway that housed the bathrooms.
Glancing around, Caroline felt a keen anxiety rising up in her. No one had noticed anything odd, of course, because there was nothing odd about a girl going to use the restroom. Hopefully there wouldn’t be a massacre taking place in the ladies room of the fucking Waffle House on a Tuesday night. 
God, and she had Calculus in the morning.
“Caroline…” Rebekah’s voice came to her softly from the hallway, low and pitched for vampire hearing. “Oh, Caroline, are you listening?”
She rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth. “No,” she ground out.
A sharp laugh. “I like that you’re a terrible liar. Everyone in my family is an excellent liar.”
Caroline fished her phone out of her pocket and held it up to her ear like she had a phone call. “Even you?”
“Especially me. But not about this.” The sound of a toilet flushing and then hands washing came faintly through the walls, and Caroline’s hearing focused on the back hallway until Rebekah’s voice was clear. “Now, pay attention.” 
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jamieedlund · 1 year
What's ur favorite hc for Aaravos?
This is a surprisingly hard question to unpack for a lot of reasons- but I'll do my best to articulate myself (ง •_•)ง
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I think this spoke for itself but just in case, here is a short elaboration: if I had to pick a favorite, it would have to be this.
He is someone who - despite all of the odds, despite how the world treated to him, despite being ridiculed, subjected to the worst torture known to man(yes solitary confinement is considered one of the most inhumane methods of torture) for over 300 years and had his name dragged through the mud for literal centuries-
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-could still smile so brightly and sincerely like that, affirming that he does, with all of his heart, still very much love this world. However twisted that love might be, however difficult it was for him to learn how to use and express that love in a healthy way, it still speaks volume about who he is as a person.
Now if you have the time, allow me to explain bellow. If not, stop here, the question is basically answered 🙏💗 Thank you for reading!
Hello, if you're reading this that means you are willing to listen/read more about my thoughts and therefore I expect you to have a leveled head and a polite attitude to what I'm about to say.
If not then why are you here there was LITERALLY A STOP BUTTON. Please click off this post, what are you doing with your life wasting it hate watching me? 
With that being said, hello! fellow polite person who is reading this - - - Spoiler there is no illust down here because I'm running low on time on my thesis I'm so sorry ;;A;; Here is the elaboration to why this is my default favorite headcanon!
While I am aware of the amount of WILDLY different headcanons that exist out there for him, which are very popular within the fandom and even taken as gospel, I strongly feel that mine isn't really aligned with some, if not most of the hc out there at all.
Personally, I don't even agree with the canon version of in him ss4.
I'm assuming that you are asking me about my- personal favorite headcanon for him so for now, my answer will be: Ignoring the terrible characterization of him in season 4, my absolute favorite thing about him has to be: Despite everything, despite what everyone says about him, despite how the world perceives him
He is
without a doubt
Someone who loves this world very much.
Again this all ties in with what I'm going to present in my thesis, so I can't elaborate on it too much without giving any spoilers to the case I'm going to present for him. But for now, and especially right now at the time of writing this, they just released another vaguely worded and filled to the brim with plot holes short story regarding his past ... I-- hm I sincerely have no intention to keep up with the series... Therefore my hc will definitely contradict vastly with the horrendous plot holes ridden pre-established canon
-which then made the act of answering to this question exceedingly difficult due to the way I personally perceive him.
To wrap it up, all I want to say is, we could have had it all, a character who would make us cry, laugh and want to root for, had they written him with love and care, rather than trying to stuff him into the shoes a villain, which just felt forced and unnatural. Villains who are terrible only to be stopped have been overdone, and for tdp to be another generic show is a huge waste of potential
Wouldn't most of us have killed for, finally, an antagonist who isn't actually the antagonist but rather the very system that these people are experiencing is the actual villain ? ? ?
Best of all, they could have contrasted this with Callum, our protagonist. In Callum's case, despite being portrayed as one of "the good guys" or "heroes", he has all the reason to hate the world. This in turn create a complex narrative about the nature of people - Or in this case, the hero acting morally righteous despite hating the world vs the guy who was deemed evil and terrible by the world and yet still loves it with all of his heart. It could have been a heart-warming story about how two individuals find their way in this messed up world-- but nope~ non of this is canon :DDD
When in the history of television has any shows have a twist with the "hero" and "villain" ditching their role immediately to become a neutral party to reflect all the flaws in the world they live in? ? ? TDP had the perfect setup, but then proceeded to drop all of the balls spectacularly in ss4...
I always try my best to not touch ss4 but it feels almost impossible to talk about Aaravos w/out addressing the disservice that it did to his character. And that is all, I have to say for now~
Sincerely, thank you for reading.
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wonderstruks · 2 years
Rockstar! Dad! Eddie x Fem! Teacher! Reader
Summary: Eddie is running late for pick up and you learn some interesting things about him.
Warnings: Fluff!
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A/n: this one is based off of @luveline 's Eddie and Roan series (which you should totally check out), I absolutely adore dad Eddie and knew I had to make this, so enjoy and happy reading♡
“Now he wasn't hungry any more- and he wasn't a little caterpillar any more. ”
"Because he was a butterfly?"
I smiled kindly at the little girl sitting beside me.
"Correct! Good job Carlee!"
She beamed brightly up at me.
"My daddy taught me that! He told me caterpillars turn into butterflies."
"Did he now?"
"Yeah! He also told me I could be anything I want when I grow up. Do you think I can be a caterpillar? Like the one in the book."
"Absolutely, you'll be the best little caterpillar around!"
"Ms.(y/n) can I color?"
I held in my laughter at how fast she changed her attention to something else.
"Absolutely go get get your pencil box and some paper."
She happily skipped to her cubby.
I looked down at my watch and noticed just how late her father was running.
"Hey Carlee, do you know where your daddy is?"
"Probably at the stu-deeo."
I nodded to no one but myself.
Of course he was. I mean it made sense.
Eddie Munson the actual Rockstar.
When I first learned who her dad was, it surprised me.
First, because he was absolutely rich and famous, and secondly, because he wasn't anything like the tabloids made him out to be.
He was a genuine guy who cared about nothing more than being the best dad he could be.
It made my heart melt a little to see all the affection he had for his little girl, she was his world.
I snapped out of my own thoughts and put all my attention on Carlee.
"May I see?"
She smiled before slamming the paper down in front of me.
"This is beautiful Carlee!" I praised her.
"I know! I'm gonna ask daddy to hang it on the fridge. I added all his favorite things so I know he'll love it."
I smiled down at the girl.
"That's very sweet of you."
"I know and look." She pointed to a small stick figure, "it's me."
She moved her finger downward.
"And this is Rosco. He's our doggy."
She moved again.
"And this is you!"
My face contorted in confusion.
"Me?" I asked.
"Yeah! My daddy talks about you all the time, he says you're so pretty."
My face flushed beet red.
"He does?"
She nodded.
"Do you think he's pretty?"
My heart dropped at this awkward interaction.
"I am so sorry I'm late!"
Saved by the bell.
"DADDY!" Carlee screeched, abandoning her belongings and running up to Eddie for a bone-crushing hug.
"I missed you sweet girl, did you have a good day?"
"Yeah Ms.(Y/n) let me color."
"That was nice of her. Did you say thank you?"
"Thank you Ms.(y/n)!"
I let out a small laugh.
"Your welcome Ms.Carlee."
"Alright my little germlin, get your stuff from your cubby so we can get out of here."
The little one raced to collect all her things.
"Hey listen, I'm so sorry about running behind today, I feel so terrible for making you stay after like this."
I looked up at Eddie, "it's alright. I absolutely adore Carlee. I don't mind staying over, she's a good kid."
He smiled at me.
God he looked so cute when he smiled.
I felt my chest tighten.
"Ms. (Y/n), you never answered, do you think my daddy is cute too?"
I felt like I had stopped breathing.
Did she really just ask this?
I could feel my face heating up.
If only I looked over I would see Eddie in the same predicament.
"Yes Carlee, your dad is very pretty."
I couldn't stop the words from coming out my mouth.
I didn't want to lie and offend the little girl.
She smiled and gripped onto the bag that was two sizes too big for her.
"Pretty, huh?"
I refused to make eye contact with him out of embarrassment.
"Awe don't go shy Ms.(Y/n) I think you're pretty too." Eddie said.
I curiously looked at him to see him smirking at me.
"How about as an apology for making you stay late, I'll take you out for dinner tomorrow, my treat."
This isn't real.
This could not actually be happening.
I had to be dreaming.
"Good I'll see you tomorrow then."
He held out his hand for the little one, she was quick to grab it and drag him away from the classroom, but I could still hear their conversation.
"Is Ms.(y/n) my new mommy now?"
"We'll talk about this in the car."
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specialagentlokitty · 5 months
Giles x teen!reader - the family you need
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Part 2:
You heard the door open and you looked towards it to see Willow coming through, and she walked over to sit next to you.
“I couldn’t find it, but Giles said he’s going to look and let me know if he does, do you want to borrow mine until then?”
“No.. it’s okay.. thank you..”
She smiled brightly at you, pulling out her stuff for class while everybody else came in just before and after the bell went.
You tuned out the boring talk, and you rested your head in your arms.
“Seriously, how do you manage to sleep in every class?” Xander laughed.
You shrugged a little, and you felt someone pulling the beanie from your head so you grabbed their wrist, snapping your head up.
“Sorry.” Xander grinned.
You let go of his wrist and pulled it back down.
It was how he would get your attention because he noticed that despite everything it was the one thing you would react too.
You buried your head in your arms once again, drumming your fingers on the edge of the desk.
“Sorry, sorry!”
You tensed up, keeping your head buried in your arms, at least at the back nobody would notice you.
You didn’t like your teachers, in fact you wanted to do anything to make them forget that you were even in the class.
“(Y/N) you’re going to get in trouble..” Willow whispered.
You sat up, looking at her and she passed you some paper and a pen which you did nothing with.
“You really don’t like teachers do you?” She muttered.
You glanced at her, shaking your head.
“That’s fair enough, not everybody does. But I don’t want you getting in trouble, if you need help I can help you.”
Looking at the blank paper, you furrowed your brows a little.
“I don’t get any of this work…”
Willow shuffled her chair a little closer and showed your her notes, quietly explaining everything to you.
“If you want at the end of the day we can go through everything.”
She smiled, leaving her notes with you and she went back to paying attention to the class, and you went back to paying attention outside.
It was more interesting for you than being stuck in a classroom, but if you were going to hide you needed to live a normal human life.
Thankfully the class passed pretty quickly, and you handed Willow her things back, standing up and you put your chair under the desk.
“Ah, (Y/N), a word?” Giles asked.
You looked at him, and you quickly walked around the entire classroom, making your towards the door.
“(Y/N)!” Giles called.
You quickly made your way to your locker to hide there.
You had your gaze fixated to the floor, and you saw a pair of shoes appear in your line of sighed.
“I am terribly sorry if there was something I did to make you feel uncomfortable around me, I mean you no harm. Willow told me you were looking for a book on algebra, I happened to have one copy.”
Giles held the book out to you, and you took it, quickly putting it away in your locker.
“Keep it for as long as you need it, and if there are any other books just let somebody know and I’ll see if I have them.”
You nodded your head, and he sighed softly.
“Is there something I’ve done to make you uncomfortable? Willow mentioned all the teachers make you rather uncomfortable.”
You glanced at him and looked away.
“Not a big people person…”
Giles smiled slightly.
“I understand that, not everybody is. You are always welcome to the library though.”
With that he left, and you slowly closed your locker, making your way back to your friends.
Just like every day, every free chance they had they wondered to the library and you wondered in your own direction.
Sitting under a tree, you just sat there with your eyes closed, enjoy in the feeling of the sun.
That was something you like about Sunnydale, the sun. It was nice, but sometimes you did miss the downpour from back where you came from.
Sighing a little, you opened your eyes ignoring the sound of the bell.
You weren’t really interested in attending your next class, so you went in search for somewhere to hide and you stopped at the library.
Opening the door you peaked in, and you slowly and quietly crept inside.
You couldn’t see anybody, so you made your way to the book stacks, picking up one of the books from the shelf and sat down to read it.
It was interesting, it was about something from hundreds of years ago, you weren’t really sure what off but it was still fascinating for you.
Flicking through the pages, you were too focused reading to hear somebody coming over.
“(Y/N), aren’t you supposed to be in class?”
Giles set the final book he was holding back in the shelf, and you looked up, quickly putting your book away.
He chuckled slightly, shaking his head.
“No, no that’s quite alright. They’re free to read, all of them.”
You looked at him then back to the book, slowly taking it back out.
“Why are you not in class?”
“Don’t understand it anyway…”
He hummed a title bit, walking over and sat against some shelf’s a few feet away.
“Well, what class is it you’re supposed to be in?”
“Ah, that id a complicated one, do you remember what it is you’re learning right now?”
You shook your head and he nodded.
“I’ll go ask, then we’ll see if there’s a book somewhere in here that might be able to help.”
Giles pushed himself up and smiled at you before he left, and you waited a few moments before getting up as well.
Taking the book you were reading, you made your way to the steps instead, and you set it down.
You saw a cup on the table and you stood up, walking to the railing you dug through your hoodie pockets and pulled out some quarters.
You aimed one, and tossed it into the cup, a small clattering sound echoing throughout the empty space.
You did it again, and just as you threw the third one the doors opened.
“You have rather good aim, do you often play games like that?”
“Use to…”
Giles walked to some shelves near the table and he pulled out a book, setting it on the table.
“Chemistry, I believe you’ll be wanting this section here.”
He opened the book and took the quarters from the cup, setting them on the table as he walked away.
You picked your other book up and walked to the table to have a look, and you saw there was a sheet of paper explaining everything in more detail.
Giles kept his distance, staying on the other side as you read through the of the pages.
“Is it any help?”
“Would you like me to explain it?”
“No, leave me alone.”
You slammed the book shut and took your quarters and left again making him sigh.
You went back to your apartment, and you sat watching TV, just hoping to pass the day.
There was a knock on your door and you threw your hoodie back on, walking over to answer it to see Willow grinning a little.
“How did you get here?”
You stepped aside, letting her in and closed the door.
“I’m sorry, I uh.. got your addresses of the system.. I was going to call but I.. forgot..”
“Fair enough I guess, what are you doing here?”
Willow dug through her bag, and pulled out some books.
You walked over, sitting on your couch and Willow sat next to you.
“Giles asked for me to give you these, he said you left them behind.”
She handed over the science book, the history book you were reading and some papers.
You took the papers, looking through them to see a detailed explanation on everything that was in the book you were supposed to look at.
“Did you do this?” You asked.
Willow looked at the notes and shook her head.
“No, I thought you did. I have a few hours, do you want to study? Oh! We can have a little study group!”
She beamed brightly at you, and you smiled a little.
“Yeah.. that uh.. that sounds fun..”
“Oh yay! We’ll sort everything out tomorrow! For now you’ve got some work to catch up on.”
Willow gave you all her notes, and she explained what you had missed since you went home early and you nodded your head.
She spent a couple of hours before she realised the time.
“Oh! Oh I have to go home it’s late!”
“I’ll walk you, come on. It’s dark.”
Grabbing her jacket you held it out, and you waited for her being heading outside.
Hands stuffed your pockets you listened as she talked to you about what else you had missed at school.
You heard a noise and you held your arm out, making her stop and you furrowed your brows.
“What is it?” She whispered.
You heard it again, and you grabbed her hand, pulling her behind a wall.
“There’s something there..”
“What is it..?”
You shook your head, and she gripped the back of your hoodie tightly.
You couldn’t exactly go all demon with around so you had to sit there with her.
Something came flying over the wall and you pushed her back behind you as she screamed.
It wasn’t human you knew that, but you had never seen this creature before, and as it stared at you with yellow eyes, fangs bared you stared back.
“You…” she whispered.
She fell back, and tried to shuffle away, but somebody else came flying over the wall and just as the creature was there she was gone, and in her place stood buffy.
“Oh Buffy thank god it’s you.” Willow sighed.
Willow got up to hug Buffy and you stood up, brushing the dirt from your jeans.
“Oh.. (Y/N)…”
Buffy hid her hands behind her back.
“I already saw.”
She looked around, and then sighed.
“Guess I should tell you everything…”
“Yeah, considering I’ve been here not all of two months and just saw you stab something into dust I think I need answers.”
You of course knew, but you couldn’t tell her or anybody else that you knew what was going on. You just didn’t know it was her.
She led you to the library and you walked in, Giles, Oz, Xander and Cordelia all looked up from their books.
“Buffy, Willow. (Y/N)?” Xander said.
“They saw everything.”
“Ah… yes. I assume you want answers.” Giles sighed.
You nodded, standing away from them all.
“Long story short, vampires, demons, things like that. Buffy kills them, we read boring books.” Cordelia said.
“Well there’s a.. a bit more to it than that.” Giles said.
You sat down on the stairs, looking at them all as they talked about whatever it was Buffy was hunting.
“Did you meet that vampire before (Y/N)?” Willow asked.
“No. Why?”
She shook her head and you saw something move out the corner of your eyes, so you stood up.
“It’s late, I need to go home.”
“Wait! I.. I think we should talk about this!” Buffy called.
You ignored her and left, looking at the swarm of little demons that were rushing out of the school and you chased them.
“Well, that was weird.” Oz said.
“There’s something about them, it’s not right.” Buffy said.
Everybody stopped what they were doing.
“What?” Xander asked.
“It’s true! The vampire she looks scared of (Y/N).” Willow said.
Cordelia laughed.
“Come on, the weirdo is scared of everybody, even Giles, you can’t really think they’re some evil mastermind.”
“It may not be far of, since they’ve arrived there has been an increase in demonic activity.” Giles said.
“Right, the demons that only Buffy can see.” Xander said.
Buffy glared at him.
“I’m not saying I don’t believe you, but I just don’t get why only you can see them, I mean we were all there.”
“I still haven’t figured that part out yet, there’s nothing in my books, the council don’t know anything about it either.” Giles said.
“So, we keep an eye on them. See what they’re really up too.” Buffy said.
They all agreed with her, thinking it was the best plan of action.
They didn’t want to think you were some big bad, but there was still something about you that they didn’t know, and whatever it was scared the crap out of a vampire, and that was hard to do
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tilltheendwilliwrite · 5 months
Chapter Nine
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Master List / Real People Master List / Reflections Master List
Pairing: Mia MacAlsdair x Au Tom Hiddleston
Warnings: language, fluff, 18+ Minors do not interact
A/N: I apologize in advance should my Scottish/English interpretations be incorrect. I am Canadian playing in a world of my own making. Do not @ me.
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Mia spent the rest of the day distracted, which didn't help when she attempted to read Henry's list. The man had chicken scratch for writing, making deciphering it - and his Scottish colloquialisms - damn near impossible. Thankfully, she'd fed the ducks, geese, and chickens before; the horses were waiting at the gate when it was time to come in for their evening feed, and the dog food was a quick scoop for the pair of good boys.
And, as Henry was gone and they usually bunked with him for the night, she convinced Cora to let them in the house so they could curl up at her feet while she watched her evening telly. As long as they left the kittens alone, they were welcome. The kittens were not so convinced, but neither dog paid them any mind, happy to sprawl out on the floor before the fire. 
"If ye dinnae come back after dinner, ye best text me so I can look after the critters." Cora cackled as Mia clicked her way into the room on short heels. 
The older woman was intent on the television, but when Mia cleared her throat, Cora glanced in her direction, looked back at the television, then whipped around and whistled, causing the dogs to lift their heads and look at her. "My, my. Ye clean up good, lass."
Mia ran her hand down the front of her dress. It was a silk wrap dress she wouldn't in a million years have ever considered buying before Ivy talked her into it. With flirty cap sleeves, a knee-length hem, and tiny gold details on the sleeve cuff, she looked at it on the rack and thought there was no way it would look good on her, but Ivy refused to be denied, saying the colour would be glorious with her hair. Mia was more worried about the fit, but the dress had some sort of magic to it, for when she put it on and tied the fancy bows, it surprised her. That it was Marvel Loki green and made her hair glow like burnished copper didn't hurt either. 
Her skin shimmered lightly thanks to the moisturizer - also insisted on by Ivy - and she'd taken the time to curl and pin back her hair, apply a smokey eye and gloss her lips, and paint her nails a pastel pink she knew would last until tomorrow when it chipped off with the first scoop of a manure shovel.
Her necklace was a simple golden chain with a gold heart with so much sentimental value it was priceless, while small gold hoops dangled from her ears. 
"I look alright?" Mia asked, more out of nervousness than any real fear she didn't. 
"Hot damn!" Cora cried, giving her two thumbs up.
Mia laughed, then breathed out slowly, attempting to calm herself. 
"Jeez, why are ye so nervous? Ye've already tasted his tonsils. This is just dinner," Cora huffed. "Maybe ye get lucky and have a wee snog in the car, but ye dinnae have to jump his bones if yer not ready."
"Cora," Mia groaned, placing the coat on her arm on the end of the sofa so she could fix the strap on her austere black heel. 
"What?" she practically yelled, clearly exasperated. 
"I really like him, okay!" Mia shouted as she crouched down. "And it makes me nervous."
"Well, that's good, as I find I'm terribly fond of you too, darling, and I'm happy to see I'm not the only one nervous."
Mia froze, all but her blood that drained from her face, leaving her light-headed before it rushed back in and blazed brightly in her cheeks. 
"Fuck, you could have said he was already here!" she hissed at Cora before rising and turning toward Tom, who leaned against the wall with a tender smile. 
Dear Gods. The look of him was something else, all long and lean, in a suit that had to be bespoke as nothing off the rack would fit that well. It was a blue pinstripe that complemented his eyes, his shirt a pale pastel blue, shoes shiny black and tie in navy with opposing stripes.  
His smile turned appreciative as it swept from her feet to her face, softening with understanding as he pushed from the wall to cross to her and take her face between his hands. He didn't walk; he prowled with a lazy kind of grace that screamed predator. It was a walk she recognized, having seen it before on the movie screen when he played Loki.
The man should be illegal. 
His lips were whisper soft when they glided over hers. "Don't be embarrassed, love. I let myself in when I saw Cora curled up through the window. I didn't mean to catch you unaware, but I am glad I'm not the only one feeling this pull."
"Tom." She sighed, stroking his chest. The cloth beneath her fingers even felt expensive, making her want to keep petting him until she purred. 
His lips skimmed slowly to capture and pull on her ear before he whispered, "You're wearing my colour."
"Not yours. Loki's," she whimpered, lashes fluttering as her pulse quickened. 
"Mine," he growled. "It was my part. Have you forgotten? Must I remind you? Should I command you to kneel?"
Her knees buckled, but he caught her before she could do more than sag into him. "You're a cruel man."
He chuckled softly. "But I could be such a benevolent ruler."
"Keep flirtin', and yer gonna miss dinner," Cora quipped, smirking at them.
Tom cleared his throat and took a step back. "You look lovely," he murmured, retrieving her coat and helping her into it, even pulling her hair from the back. 
"Thank you." Mia shivered at the brush of his knuckles over her nape and collected her purse. She glanced at the grinning Cora and said, "Don't wait up."
"Wouldn't dream of it. Have fun, but not too much fun! Remember what I said!" 
Mia blushed again, causing Cora to cackle like a lunatic and Mia to rush Tom to the door before he could ask questions. 
Once outside, with Cora's laughter firmly shut inside, Tom took her hand and led her to the car. 
"Do I want to know what she's on about?" he asked, holding the door for Mia as she slid inside. 
"No, you do not." Mia chuckled, admiring the butter-soft leather of the vehicle when he shut her in before hurrying around to the driver's side. "Nice car." She smiled when he slid in beside her. 
The caramel leather and swanky interior of the sporty white car said it was something fancy, but she wasn't exactly a car girl until she looked over and saw the symbol of the leaping cat on the steering wheel and when Tom started the car, it freaking purred. 
"No way. This is a Jaguar!" she gasped, almost afraid to move. 
He laughed. "It is. It's my fancy show-off car. Do you like it?"
Mia nodded, though she wasn't sure if she should wiggle deeper into the plush seat, stroke it like the cat it was named after, or ask the burning question on the tip of her tongue. She didn't know exactly what a car like this cost but knew it was well into six figures. 
He glanced at her and shook his head. "You really don't know the body of my work outside Loki, do you?"
Mia shook her head, entranced by all the fancy lights on his dashboard. "Only what I've Googled, but I'm not much for movies. I watched The Hollow Crown, or most of it, with Cora yesterday."
"Most of it?" He gasped. "Should I be insulted that I can't seem to hold your interest outside of the one part?" he teased. 
She scoffed. "Let me assuage your fears. It had nothing to do with your performance and everything to do with Cora and her inappropriate stories."
He shot her a boyish grin. "Cora tells naughty stories?"
"You have no idea." Mia snickered. "And let's just say I didn't need any clarification on her liberal use of Scottish slang for the obscene bits."
Tom burst out laughing. "Brilliant! I love that woman."
"So do I," Mia agreed, finally giving in and running her fingers over the dash. 
"Ah, well, you wouldn't know about Jaguar's Good To Be Bad commercials then. I was in three, the last with Ben Kingsley and Mark Strong."
"Ben Kingsley! Sir Ben Kingsley, the guy who played Ghandi?" Mia gasped. "Wait, he did a commercial?"
Tom chuckled and shook his head. "Of course, you would know Ben. Yes, but once you see them, you'll understand why. They were very… villainous. I think you'd like them."
The look he sent her caused Mia to squeeze her thighs together. 
"Part of the deal was a car. This car. When everything went tits up after our parents died, I sold it, but when Kip's star began to rise, he bought it back for me. Insisted on it, though I cussed him out for spending the money."
"The same car? He bought the same car, not a similar one?"
"I was fortunate enough to sell it to a friend. He was kind enough to sell it back." He smiled fondly. 
"Pretty good friend."
He glanced at her again as he drove along the winding roads. "He is. He and his wife have remained close, and I'm grateful for their friendship. I don't suppose the name Benedict Cumberbatch means anything to you?"
Mia's jaw dropped. "You know Sherlock Holmes?"
Tom groaned. "Why? Why is it only me you know nothing of?"
"Hey, I didn't know who Kip was either, even worse than you. At least I admired you."
He sent her a sultry smile. "Yes, you do admire me don't you?"
Mia blushed and changed the subject. "Was that the last job you took?"
"Coriolanus, actually. The ads were for the Super Bowl, so they were filmed long before, but I was performing at the Donmar Warehouse from December through February when the news came. I loved standing on that stage, performing live. Theatre was my first great love." He sighed. "Their death came only days after my last performance."
She reached over and curled her hand over his on the gear shift. "I'm sorry, Tom. Both for their loss and for yours. I can tell you miss it, acting."
"I do, but we would have lost Highpark. My family will always come first, not only as a duty but also because many depend on us. My father, for all his good traits, was a poor businessman. He preferred to spend and damn the consequences, no matter who it hurt in the end."
The bitterness didn't go unnoticed, though he tried to hide it with a flash of a smile. 
Mia let it go unacknowledged, drifting her fingers down the back of his hand and around to circle his wrist, where she lightly stroked his pulse point. "There is one thing I don't like about your car."
"How could you not like something in this car?" he muttered. 
She glanced pointedly behind them. "No back seat." She let that sit for a beat as his pulse jumped under her fingers. "And really, the consul makes any front-seat shenanigans difficult." It jumped again and beat hard, making her bite her cheek to keep a straight face. 
"You are a cruel woman," he growled, shifting just a little to spread his thighs.
"Payback can be a real bitch." She chuckled, settling in to enjoy the drive.
The restaurant was quaint. It was small, the lighting dim, and the seating secluded. 
It was definitely a date place. 
Mia looked around and found only other couples in singles or pairs as they were led to a table set back in an alcove where the hostess waited to take Mia's coat, pour glasses of water, and leave them with their menus. As she walked away, she pulled a cord that dropped half the swept-back curtain, closing out the restaurant without completely closing them in. 
She smirked at the stripped, tasselled addition and arched a brow in amusement. "Swanky."
Tom snickered. "I may have called ahead and called in a favour to get us this table. It's usually reserved well in advance, but the owner is a friend and made an exception."
"And the people who were supposed to have this table?" she asked, wondering if they'd ruined someone else's special occasion. 
"Agreed to come at a later date and have their dinner comped. They were happy with the arrangement, and so was I."
Mia smiled, glad it seemed so easy and picked up the menu. "So, you know the owner?"
"We were mates at Uni. He was rubbish at acting but amazing in the kitchen. Eventually, he went to Paris and trained there, but he wanted to come home and start this." Tom waved at the walls. "It's very exclusive, and people come from London, Edinburgh, all over really to eat here."
"I'm impressed." And she was. As she read through the menu, she grew even more so. Everything sounded delicious. 
As she was about to ask what Tom would recommend, the curtain swept back to reveal a large, portly, grinning man. 
"Malcolm!" Tom smiled, rising to do the manly shake and shoulder hug. "It's good to see you."
"As it's been years since ye've bothered to make the drive, yer damn right it's good to see me," Malcolm blustered. "And ye, calling in a favour without so much as a by the by." Then he turned to her, eyes bright with teasing laughter. "But with such a bonny companion, I canna blame ye for doin' all that beggin'."
Tom huffed. "I didn't beg. I requested assistance."
Malcolm leaned down and whispered, "Begged. Almost in tears, he was."
Mia snickered. "I could see it."
"Camila!" Tom gasped, but his smile said he didn't mind her teasing. 
"Camila, is it? A bonny name for a bonny lass." Malcolm took her hand and kissed her knuckles like something out of a rakish fantasy novel. 
"Leave off flirting with my date, please," Tom grumbled. 
"Oi, territorial, are we?" Malcolm snickered. "She must be mighty special this one."
Mia blushed and glanced at Tom, only to find him staring at her intently. 
"Very much so," Tom agreed, his foot sliding against her ankle. 
Malcolm beamed. "I'll take those." He plucked the menu from Mia's fingers and snagged Tom's off the table. "Tonight, ye eat what ye get. Allergies?"
Mia shook her head, an action mirrored by Tom. 
"I ken ye've none. Ye ate everything and anything put before you for years!" Malcolm muttered as he walked off.
"You have an interesting friend." Mia chuckled. 
"He's something at any rate," Tom agreed. 
"Well? Should we get the tough questions out of the way?" Mia asked, finding his calf with the toe of her shoe. 
He arched a brow. "And those would be?"
"Favourite artist, movie, and colour."
Tom shook his head. "And here I expected you to lead with hockey team. Are you Canadians not known to be wild for hockey?"
Mia rolled her eyes. "Sure, for some people. I never got into hockey, not really. I'll watch it and cheer if it's on the TV, but I'd rather go paint or read."
"That doesn't surprise me." He chuckled. "Rodin, Heat, and blue or red."
"Why Rodin?" she asked. 
"I like the movement in the work. Other artists can create beautiful works of rock, but something about his, perhaps the roughness of the piece rising from unfinished stone, evokes this deeply provocative feeling. It is like looking at emotion rather than seeing the person feeling it."
Mia leaned closer, fascinated by his insight. "Your favourite piece?"
"The Eternal Idol." The intensity was back as he leaned toward her. "I love the language of it. It is worshipful, languid, serene and stunningly sensual. He is enamoured of her, desperate to show her, but afraid to touch the object of his desire. And she, the way Rodin cast her face in this breathless moment of utter adoration as she gazes tenderly down on him. I did not know one could capture love in stone until I first laid eyes on the piece."
"Tom," she whispered, enchanted. 
He caressed her cheek. "She is perfection."
Mia couldn't tell if he still spoke of the statue or not and cleared her throat. 
He grinned and sat back. "Same questions."
It was an out from the thickening tension, and Mia seized it with both hands. "Van Gogh, The Fifth Element, and green."
"Van Gogh? Really?"
She frowned. "What's wrong with Van Gogh?"
He shook his head. "Nothing. I just expected something a little more obscure, perhaps someone less well known."
"I have others that I like, but his style inspired my own. With a little Andy Warhol thrown in."
"That I can see," he agreed. "But I must admit I have never seen - nor I think heard of - the movie you picked."
Mia shook her head and grinned wryly. "It's a guilty pleasure. This very colourful, neon, sci-fi action movie starring Bruce Willis, Mia Jovovich, and Chris Tucker. It's your typical hero/heroine, save the world, fall in love, and have a happy ending."
Amusement danced in his eyes. "You'll have to show it to me."
"Only if you promise not to make fun of me for it."
"I make no promises." He chuckled. "But I will do my best."
The curtain twitched back as the waitress arrived with a bottle of wine, compliments of Malcolm. Tom stopped her at half-pour, indicating he was driving, but Mia accepted a full glass. The waitress left the bottle and slipped away. 
"You can't make fun of it," Mia insisted. "It's my tub movie, and if you spoil that for me, I'll never forgive you."
Tom leaned forward again, bracing his forearms on the table. "What, pray tell, is a tub movie?"
"It's the movie I watch in the bathtub." When he only grinned at her, she shrugged. "What? Like you don't watch a movie or read a book in the bathtub."
"Can't say I'm overly fond of baths. I'm more of a shower man."
"Maybe you're doing them wrong," she quipped. 
His smile widened. "Is that an invitation to see how one has a proper bath?"
Mia smirked over the lip of her wine glass and ran her foot up his calf. "Play your cards right, and we'll see."
"Don't tempt me, love," he purred, shooting heat to her core. 
She swallowed and set her glass on the table before leaning in again. "I do what I want, pet."
His eyes darkened. "Naughty girl. Don't start something I can't finish, Mia."
"But we've established that I'm well acquainted with mischief," she whispered, her grin widening. 
"Darling," he crooned, his gaze drifting down to her cleavage and back up, sparking fires in his wake. "If you keep this up, I will pull your chair over here, slide my hand beneath your skirt, and tease what I can only imagine is a very wet cunt until dinner arrives."
She gasped, excitement adding to the wetness he threatened to find for himself. 
"Fuck, woman," he growled. 
She was moments away from moving her chair herself when Malcolm returned with appetizers. 
He paused as he took them in and asked, "Am I interrupting?"
"No," Mia murmured as Tom growled, "Yes."
Malcolm snickered. "Ye want me to close the other curtain?"
Mia blushed but laughed and shook her head. "Tom was just saying he's ravenous. Thank you for the food."
"I don't think it was the food he was after," Malcolm snickered but made himself scarce. 
"It wasn't," Tom agreed, shifting his chair to the side to grab Mia's seat and scoot her closer to him at the round table. 
The loud scrape of her chair made Mia laugh. "Discrete."
He leaned in and kissed her where her neck and shoulder met. "Discretion is what the tablecloth is for."
His hand was already sliding up her thigh, but Mia stopped him. "Tom."
"Too fast?"
"A little. I know I'm just as bad." She sighed. "I'll tone down the teasing."
"Please don't." He smirked, squeezing her hand. 
Mia shot him a grateful glance. "Maybe it's pitiful, but Colt was my only relationship. Shifting back into dating after five, well four really, years is an adjustment."
His arm found the back of her chair as they shared the tasty appetizers. "How long has it been since you and he split up?"
"Emotionally? Over a year. In reality, a week before I moved here, but we weren't intimate anymore. We were pretty much roommates pretending to be more."
"And he hasn't reached out? Not even to apologize?"
Mia shook her head. "I told him not to. We were done, had been for a long time, and what he did was unforgivable. I had Fergus return the ring when I realized I was still wearing it. By now, I'm sure he's moved on." She tilted her head to look at Tom. "And so am I."
"Good," he murmured, nuzzling his nose against her cheek. "He didn't deserve you. He had no idea the treasure he discarded."
She turned into him and kissed him sweetly before breaking away. "What about you? When was your last relationship?"
"Serious?" He hummed and chewed as he thought. "Before I did Coriolanus, so twenty-thirteen.
Mia froze before looking at him in shock. "Ten… ten years?"
He grinned a little sheepish and embarrassed. "Well, between the disaster that was Highpark, my parent's death, the loss of my career, and then the virus, it became rather insignificant. Dating as a rising star isn't without its pitfalls either, so even before, my serious relationships were few and far between. I had dalliances, but they never lasted, which worked for both parties at the time."
"I'm sorry, that was judgy of me. You didn't gasp when I said I've only been with one man."
This time, he froze before looking at her in bafflement. "Only? As in first and only?"
Mia blushed and nodded. "I… didn't have time to focus on work, living, school, all that and men. The only person I had to count on was me, so if I fucked up, I didn't eat, or have heat, or any number of bad things."
"So you began dating in university?"
She nodded. "Friends first, then dating. He convinced me to move in with him before the pandemic."
He was quiet for a moment before he said, "I can't say I'm sorry it didn't work out because I'm not. You're here with me because he couldn't see how incredible you are."
She smiled. "Even if I talk to Loki?"  
He laughed and rested his forehead against hers. "Especially for that. Though I must admit, I spoke to him yesterday after you left."
"You did?" she whispered, surprised and humbled that he believed her so completely. 
"Maybe we're both mad." He brushed his nose along hers. "But I thanked him… for saving a special child so she could grow into an exquisite woman."
"Tom," she breathed, utterly overwhelmed. 
He cupped her face and held her still as their speeding breaths mingled before he captured her lips in a tender kiss she felt seep into her bones.
A throat cleared. 
They broke apart like guilty teenagers for the second time today. 
"I do appear to have poor timing." Malcolm grinned, setting a plate in front of each of them. "Enjoy. And Tommy, old boy, remember. It's a curtain, not a wall." 
"Fuck off!" Tom snarled. 
Malcolm's booming laughter followed him back to the kitchen. 
Mia giggled and dug into her salad.
Next Chapter
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exist4me · 1 year
Stressful Day
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Hi! I am new to writing. Please read my little blurb. feedback is appreciated. THANK YOU :)
You stared at the TV watching a random reality show, when you heard the front door was slammed shut. You thought your boyfriend must be home.
"Honey is that you?". You yelled leaving the living room.
You met Aaron in the kitchen as he angrily undid his ties after throwing his briefcase onto the marbled countertop.
"Babe are you okay? How was work?"
He let out a grunt, grumbling fine under his breath.
"It doesn't seem fine. What happened?" You asked in a concerned voice.
"I'm not ready to talk about it love." Aaron said exhausted. You sighed " that's Okay...how about you go upstairs and undress while I run you a bath to relax"
Before Aaron could protest you quickly made your way upstairs to the bathroom to prepare a bath. You filled the tub with warm water, essential oils, and soap for bubbles. You added a few lit candles around the bathtub for ambiance.
"You can come in now"
Aaron walked in with a towel wrapped around his waist. " you didn't have to do this love but thank you" you smiled at him as he stripped down from the towel and got into the bath.
"I wanted to honey. I was hoping it'll make you feel better" you gave him a small smile.
Aaron let out a relaxed sigh. A moment passed when he decided to tell you about his day and the terrible meeting he had with Strauss. His boss has always been a touchy topic.
"I'm sorry you went through all that today babe. I wish I could lessen your burden" you expressed sadly.
Aaron looked at you lovingly." I appreciate what you did to make me feel better. Coming home to this...to you, makes my day a million times better." He smiled at you while holding your hand. You softly kissed each of his fingers before releasing his hand.
" I love you so much. Enjoy your bath hun. I'll be outside waiting to give you more love." you smiled brightly at your boyfriend. 
Aaron chuckled at your statement. "I love you more. Thank you, darling."
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mairablue · 4 months
SCM - Department Of Wishes
Tauxolouve ♐- Song Of Bliss
For fluffbruary event ( @fluffbruary )
A/N: Sorry for the delay. 😔 I hope you enjoy reading this! 🥺🌹💕
Prompts: rescue | inertia | lullaby
5th February, 2024
Sitting on the sofa, your phone in one hand and the other hand massaging your forehead, you pondered what to do first.
Your brother had just informed you about the sudden business trip that he has to attend. Time was running out as the clock showed 4 PM.
Taking a quick shower, you were brushing your hair; when the door bell started ringing. "( Name ), i am terribly sorry. If i had known earlier..." you brother explained.
"No, no it's alright. Don't worry, i will take care of Luna." you said, " You should get going. The traffic is terrible after 5 PM." you hugged him.
"Call me when you get there."
"I will, sis. Thanks." he said; quickly walking back to his car.
"Aunt, how are you? Do you have fever?" Luna asked, concerned. "No sweetie, i am alright." you said, smiling brightly, trying to ignore the headache.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" you asked.
"Will you not watch the movie?" she asked as you were walking to the kitchen. " I will, but first i need to prepare dinner. What would you like to eat?" you asked.
Luna shook her head and replied, "I am not sure. You pick something."
The door bell rang, as you were about to chopping some vegetables. Luna answered the door. "Aunt, your cool friend is here." she announced at the top of her lungs. Coming back to the living room, you saw Luna holding Tauxolouve's hand and leading him to the sofa.
She sat down next to him. "How are you?" she asked him excitedly. "I am doing well. How are you?" he asked.
The conversation continued. You decided to quickly finish cooking dinner, while they were talking.
6.50 PM, you walked back to the living room, carrying a tray, which contained three bowls and three spoons. Each bowl covered with a lid.
The movie had ended and the Television was turned off. Tauxolouve was reading Luna a story. Each delightful question she asked about the story, was answered in an equally enthusiastic manner.
Setting the tray on the table you said, "Dinner is ready." Luna looked up at you slightly disappointed, as according to her the story had just started to get interesting.
"10 minutes please. We can eat after that." she said looking up at you with that puppy eyed expression. "But, Tauxolouve is tired. He will read you the story later. " you said trying to reason with her.
She looked up at Tauxolouve who assured her that he isn't tired and resumed the story. Sitting next to Luna, you closed your eyes; resting your head on the sofa.
"Aunt? Wake up." Luna was softly tapping on your left hand. You softly rubbed your eyes. " What time is it?" you asked.
"7.46 PM." Tauxolouve replied. Quickly opening your eyes, you saw Tauxolouve, bringing a glass of warm water.
"You fell asleep. You looked tired, so we didn't want to wake you up. Uncle Louie fed me. The food was delicious, aunt. Thank you. " she said smiling at you.
Handing the glass to Luna, Tauxolouve sat on the sofa. You and Tauxolouve were eating in silence when Luna asked with a bright enthusiastic smile plastered on her face, "Will you sing some lullabies, uncle Louie?"
"Sweetie, he had a lot of work today. He needs to rest", You quickly add, "Maybe some other time." In hopes of pursuing her to change her mind.
"Uncle Louie?" Luna held Tauxolouve's hand and used the same puppy eyed expression all over again, "Please sing something for me. Just one song... please."
Her adorable expression and pleading tone worked its magic and soon Tauxolouve found himself looking at a book full of lyrics.
Brushing her hair, you braided it with a navy blue ribbon which matched her dress perfectly.
You tucked her in bed. As you were about to sit on the chair next to the bed, Luna held your hand. "Aunt, will you not stay here with me? What if there are ghosts under the bed?" she said slightly shivering at the thought of horrible creatures lurking under the bed.
You lied down beside her. She turned on her side and wrapped her hands around your left arm.
Tauxolouve began singing softly. The mellow tone of his voice filled the room with warmth. The words, soft as clouds filled in, by his honeyed voice, tenderly guiding you and Luna to dreamland.
By the time the song reached its conclusion, you and Luna were asleep.
Tauxolouve picked the chair and placed it infront of the study table. Keeping the book in the shelf; he turned off the light. Gently closing the door; he walked back to the living room.
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I Know You - Steve Harrington X Female Reader
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Title: I Know You
Steve Harrington X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's parents (Mentioned), Steve's parents (Mentioned), and middle schoolers (Mentioned)
| Part 1 |
WC: 2,298
Warnings: Reader has a terrible memory, mention of bullies, angst, and fluff
Staring at the phone, Steve hesitated before picking it up off the receiver. Putting in your number, he brought the phone to his ear as it rang, twirling the cord between his fingers nervously. After several rings, you picked up, and Steve cleared his throat before speaking.
"Hey, uhm... Y/N?" He stammered.
You hummed softly, "Yeah? Steve, right?"
Steve's eyes widened, "Y... Yeah! That's me. Um, hi. I hope I'm not bothering you." He said, stammering again.
You giggled, "No, no! Not bothering me at all. I was actually waiting for you to call me."
Steve blushed at your statement... You were waiting for him...
"Well... Is tomorrow okay?" Steve asked, swallowing thickly.
You bit your lip, "Um... Tomorrow sounds good. Where do you want to meet?" You asked, and Steve paused.
"Umm, well, I could pick you up? I was thinking of having dinner at my house?" At your silence, he quickly spoke again, "I promise I am not a creep or anything."
You chuckled, "Not a creep at all. That's totally what a creep would say." You joked.
"We could go to a diner instead if that would make you feel more comfortable?" Steve offered, hesitating again.
"Dinner at your house is fine." You answered, and Steve relaxed slightly.
"Great! What time would be good for you?" Steve asked, and you glanced at your watch.
"How about 6:30?" You suggested, and Steve nodded.
"Perfect. Oh, um... What's your address? So can I pick you up?" Steve asked, and you nodded to yourself.
"Oh, my house is the last house on Cornwallis. The cute red house." You said, and Steve smiled.
"Awesome! Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow." Steve said, and you smiled.
"See you then." You said softly before hanging up.
Steve let out a long breath and smiled, leaning against the wall, he hung up the phone. He was excited. He was nervous. He was scared. But most of all, he was hopeful. Hopeful that maybe, just maybe, you would remember him.
Pulling up to the 'cute red house' as you called it, Steve let out a nervous breath and double-checked his hair in the car mirror before getting out. Walking up to the front door, Steve hesitated before knocking. He heard movement inside the house before the door swung open, revealing you.
"Hey... Steve." You said softly, smiling brightly at him.
Steve blushed and cleared his throat, "Hi, Y/N. I... Are you ready?" He stammered, and you nodded.
You and Steve then walked to his car, he walked around and opened the door for you before getting into the driver's seat. It was quiet in the car the whole way to his house. You felt so weird, looking out the window and staring at the passing houses and trees.
Steve finally spoke up after driving for a while, "So, um... I just wanted to say that you look nice today." Steve said nervously, avoiding eye contact with you.
You smiled softly, "Thank you. You too."
Steve cleared his throat before continuing, "I'm sorry if I'm awkward..." He muttered, and you shook your head.
"No, no. You're fine." You chuckled, "Besides, it's cute." You added, winking at Steve.
Steve's cheeks warmed under your gaze, "Thanks. So, um... Do you like spaghetti?" He asked nervously.
You smiled, "I love spaghetti." You replied, and Steve nodded.
You two then arrived at Steve's house, parking in the driveway. Steve quickly got out and jogged over to your side, opening the door for you with a shy smile.
"Come on." He said, leading you toward the house.
Once you were inside, Steve led you through the living room to the kitchen. There was a large dining area in the corner of the kitchen, and in the center was a round wooden table, several chairs surrounding it. Steve motioned for you to sit down, and you followed his lead. Steve quickly then went to the kitchen and brought out the spaghetti he had prepared. He placed a plate before you and finally sat down himself.
"So, uhm... How are we going to do this?" You asked, and Steve looked up from his food.
"Do what?" He asked, and you swirled your noodles around your fork.
"Helping me remember you. For all I know, you are a murderer and this is how you trick your prey." You teased, and Steve smiled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh, that's not true." Steve insisted, "I'm not a murderer."
You chuckled, "I'm sure you aren't." You agreed, placing your elbows on the table and resting your chin on your hands. "You're too nice."
Steve's cheeks flushed, "Thanks. I think."
"Well, how about you tell me some of the memories you've had with me? Maybe that will help." You suggested, and Steve nodded.
"Okay." Steve mumbled, taking a bite of his pasta before starting, "I remember when we met. We were both in middle school, and you always wore these cool shoes. You sat in the back of the class next to me, and we would talk during class or pass notes. We were both very bad influences on each other. That's what we used to joke about."
Steve grinned, "One time, we ate all of my mom's chocolate chip cookies." He said, chuckling.
You laughed, "That sounds like something I would do."
Steve smiled, "Yeah, I miss those days. Those were the good times."
You nodded, "I agree. Being a kid was fun. What else did we do together?" You asked, and Steve shrugged.
"I don't know. We would play outside sometimes? Or we'd ride our bikes around the neighborhood." Steve said, "There was this one time we went to the park and we played on the monkey bars until we got stuck. No matter how many times we tried, neither of us could get off." He said, and you smiled fondly.
You then frowned, realizing that you remembered the memories just not who you shared them with. When you thought back to them, all you saw was a shadow of the person who existed before you. And that was terrifying.
"Well," Steve started slowly, "I have a lot of memories with you. Did any of that help?"
"No?" You asked, your voice wavering slightly.
Steve stared at you for a moment before nodding, "Oh... Alright."
Inside he felt like he was dying.
The rest of the dinner was spent talking about memories, or rather just Steve's memories. But, as the night came to an end, he dropped you off at your house. Hopping out the passenger side, you leaned against the open window.
"Well, thank you for dinner, Steve." You smiled, and Steve blushed.
"It wasn't a problem, Y/N." Steve said, and you gave him a small wave before walking up to your door.
Once you were inside, Steve hit the wheel in frustration, before driving off.
Going up to your room after greeting your parents, you went into your closet, pulling out a small cardboard box that you've had since you were a kid. Peeling off the dusty and grimy tape, you were impressed that it stuck on for as long as it had been on the box. Opening it, your mind was bombarded with memories.
Memories of the time when you and your parents went camping and you were forced to sleep in a tent alone. You cried because you missed your bed, but your parents comforted you by letting you share their large blow-up mattress.
Pulling out some old artwork, used pencils that couldn't be sharpened anymore, your baby blanket, and even stuffed animals, you sat down on your bed, looking through everything.
Remembering all the people who loved you. All the times you had fun. You were happy, weren't you?
Finally, at the bottom of the box, were some old yearbooks. Finding your last year of middle school, you opened it to find your class. Trailing your finger across the faces on the page, you remembered some of the faces. In the corner, you noticed the boys who bullied you, two of your best friends, and finally Steve. Staring at the young boy's face, his hair was shorter then and he had braces. His eyes were big and bright. He looked like a lost puppy.
"He looks so sad..." You whispered to yourself, closing the book and tucking it back into the box. Turning back to your desk, you found your old journal. Reading through it, you read about your first day of middle school, to your last. Along with the memories from school, you had written about Steve. Or, in your twelve-year-old words, your best friend Stevie.
You then turned to the last entry and gasped.
"Dear Diary, Today was a really great day! I got to hang out with my best friend Stevie, and we had such a blast!"
You read the next one.
"I lost my temper. I shouldn't have gotten angry but I did. I wish I could take it back but I can't. I'm moving."
What happened? You asked yourself.
Flipping to the next page, you continued to read.
"Dear Diary, I moved to a new town. I miss my old friends and the place where I grew up. I have no idea why I keep writing these things. I guess I'm trying to convince myself that I'm okay. I am. I'm just missing home. That's all."
And there it was.
"I love my necklace. The one that Steve gave me. I wonder if he misses me too?" You sighed and set the journal aside.
Wrapping your arms around your legs, you fell silent. A necklace. Eyes widening, you grabbed the box digging through it. Finally at the corner at the very bottom, was a small heart-shaped locket. Carefully, you picked it up, thumbing open the clasp, and you saw inside, was a picture of you and Steve. And with that, it was like all your memories came flooding back.
From your first encounter at the bus stop, to your little date at lunch. From your first kiss. Every memory you shared with Steve, you remembered. You chuckled, remembering stealing the cookies with Steve, to the time he got stuck on the monkey bars. You remembered how he sat next to you when you were lonely in middle school, and how you comforted him when he was upset.
As you held the locket in your hand, your eyes welled up with tears. How could you have forgotten him?
You sniffled and wiped away the tears, putting the necklace on your bedside table. In the morning you decided, you would call Steve. You had to see him. You felt terrible for not remembering him. You couldn't explain it but it was like your memories had been locked behind a steel wall, and you hadn't known how to break it down.
But now, you know exactly how.
Steve rubbed the back of his neck, letting out a breath as he walked into the diner. Spotting you at a small booth in the corner, he walked over. You gave him a small sad smile as he sat down across from you.
"What did you want to talk about?" Steve asked, and you fidgeted with your fingers under the table.
"Well, um... I have something to tell you." You said, and Steve perked up.
"Oh?" Steve said, leaning forward, "Do you remember anything?" He asked, eyes wide.
"Everything," You muttered, "I remember everything."
Steve's mouth fell open, "What?!" He asked, "But... How?"
"Because you helped me remember." You said softly, "You told me about all the memories you had with me. And that night I found my old box from when I was a kid, and I found you in my yearbook, along with the necklace you gave me." You let out a breathy laugh, "The necklace... That was the key to my memories. It was like I had amnesia or something.”
Steve smiled brightly, "This... This is amazing...." He admitted, "I mean, wow..."
"I'm sorry." You said, "For forgetting you."
Steve shook his head, "It's fine. You didn't forget me. I was just hiding in the back of your brain or something." He joked.
You hummed, before opening your bag and pulling out your old yearbook, opening it to the right page, and sliding it along the table to Steve. Steve took the yearbook and flipped it around. Seeing his boring hair and braces. Then seeing you, smiling, a couple of spaces away.
"You were so tiny..." Steve muttered, "I had terrible hair" He mumbled to himself before looking up at you, "Are you sure you remember?"
You reached over, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. "Everything. I promise you. I remember during the summer, I told you I was moving. You cried. And you made me promise that I would come back and not tell anyone that you cried." You said, "It's not a clear picture... But it's there."
Steve smiled, "You came back." He said, staring at you, "You kept that part of the promise."
You tilted your head to the side. "That part?" You asked and Steve nodded, intertwining your fingers with his.
"Yeah, technically you told me that I had cried, I honestly forgot that part." Steve joked and you scoffed in faux offense.
Chuckling, you leaned over and kissed his cheek. "You're a bad influence. My mom was right." You smirked, "Anyway, I don't know what I'm going to do. But I feel better knowing that I can remember everything."
Steve smirked, "How about... We go on another date, today?" He asked and you smirked back.
"So are we counting this as date number two?" You asked teasingly.
"Sure... Why not? Now, what are you ordering? I'm starving!"
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
Ultima Ex Nobis | ch. XI
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-all rights reserved-
Nessian AU word count: ~2,8k words warnings: mentions of bad mental health summary: Six years into a global pandemic which was caused by a mass fungal infection that turns hosts into zombie-like creatures and makes the whole of Prythian collapse, the former army general Cassian Cadell is tasked with one very special mission – escorting Nesta Archeron, one of the few immune survivors, across a post-apocalyptic Prythian to a group of people of the name L. Their identity  is unknown but they can make an antidote.
“No?” Cassian raises a brow, watching in amusement how Nesta starts to fiddle with her fingers. “I just mean that you need the rest more than I do, you can have the bed.”
Her cheeks feel a little warm when a small smile appears on her face. Her heart is beating a little faster then, and she has a hard time holding Cassian’s gaze. His eyes are just so deep, so full of life and they pierce right into her soul. It feels like all her thoughts and emotions are revealed to the general when he looks at her like this.
“That is alright, Nes, the couch will do. You get the bed, discussion over.” He grins brightly, looking around in the kitchen to see if there is any food he dive into. Eris once again comes to his rescue and places his duffle bag on the counter, inside there are several things, also clothes, but most importantly food. There are cans with all sorts of food revealed to the others when the former doctor fully opens his bag and starts to unpack. Nesta watches the three men, standing around the food like it is some prey they have just caught. The corner of her mouth twitches upwards when she thinks ‘men’ and internally chuckles. 
“Can opener?” Azriel asks and turns to the counter, opening some drawers to look inside. But Cassian is quicker. Next to the wooden block that holds some kitchen knives there is a can opener which he quickly fetches so he can dig into the first can. But Eris stops him, “Careful and most importantly, we need to save our resources. We have to share, and can only eat the bare minimum. I did not really plan on having to share my food with so many people.”
“Just with Azzy,” Cassian comments, a hint of amusement in his voice. But he understands — understands how serious the situation is and that they have to ration their food. 
Nesta cocks her head a little, watching how carefully Cassian holds the can in his big hand, gentle opening it so nothing sweeps over the edges. His hands are so big, Nesta thinks, and so beautiful. Cassian has definitely the most beautiful hands she has ever seen and somehow she misses his touch, how his arm feels around her. Tonight they would not sleep together, he would not place his arm around, he would sleep downstairs and that thought makes anxiety bloom in her chest, a kernel of panic taking root in her heart. She would have to sleep alone, be alone in a dark room, which would give way to all those terrible nightmares. She could not—
“Beans?” A plate is held under Nesta’s nose and she lifts her gaze to look into Cassian’s eyes. He smiles at her and then grins. 
“No worries, they can make you fart like hell, but you have the whole room to yourself. So you can pass as much wind as you want.” He chuckles at his own words, Azriel joining in but Eris keeps a straight face. So does Nesta, but not because she does not find Cassian funny, but because her thoughts are still with having to be alone that night and she has to admit it scares her terribly. “Thank you,” she finally whispers and reaches for the plate. 
“I am also happy I am down here alone, those beans always make me super bloated.” Cassian scoops up a spoonful of said beans and shoves it into his mouth. Nesta finally leaves her haunting thoughts a little and chuckles slightly at his foolishness. Even during this shitty time he manages to be happy, and smile and talk so freely. 
“Information I didn’t really did,” Azriel comments matter-of-factly and digs into his own plate, giving Eris a sidelong glance. But the doctor does not notice, his eyes are trained on the window. 
“Azriel, you said you came across a Shambler?”
Azriel dips his chin and Eris finally averts his gaze, looking at his partner. “Are you sure it was a Shambler? Bloated made me think of the Bloaters. They are also stage four infected.”
“It was a Shambler,” Cassian cuts in and speaks around a mouthful of beans. “Absolutely sure. Why?”
Eris gives his head a little shake. “No, I was just curious. I am trying to figure out where which types of infected are. I will put it in my map later.” He points his spoon at his bag. 
Her voice is barely above a whisper when Nesta asks, “What are Bloaters, if I may ask?”
With a small smile on his face, Eris lifts his gaze to her and opens his mouth. “Of course you may. Have those two fools not explained anything to you?”
Cassian looks almost a little sheepish at the accusation while Azriel keeps his straight and unreadable expression as usual. “I thought so. Well, here we go. How much do you know about the infected?”
“I don’t know too much,” Nesta answers and adds, “I know that I got bitten and nothing happened.” She chuckles a little and the sound is so pure and rich it makes Cassian’s chest warm and his head whips to hers. He wants to see her when she smiles, when she chuckles, how her eyes light up a little, because those moments where she laughs are not nearly enough, but Nesta too beautiful to not look at her when she does. 
“Good, then lets start at the very beginning, you know there are four stages of infected?”
Nesta nods and explains the few things she knows and she has heard Keir and Bryallin talk about and that Cassian has told her. Eris inclines his head in acknowledgement and sets out to explain everything to her in detail. She has a right to know and Cassian only realises then that he should have done the explaining already. But there have been too many things on his mind, still are, he has never thought about it, has only given her minor details.
“Runners are those who have recently been infected with the Cordyceps virus. In short, the Cordyceps, I think you have been told is a parasitic fungal infection that attacks the brain first and then spreads out and destroys the host’s whole body.” Eris pauses and waits for Nesta’s nod, her go so he can continue. 
“Runners are very fast, but rather weak and clumsy. But very dangerous due to their speed.” 
“I think it was a Runner who turned me,” Nesta interrupts and the waves her hand in Eris’ direction so he can continue. He flashes her a small, empathetic smile and continues. “Stalkers are the second stage of infected. infected take between two weeks and one year to reach this stage.” Eris pauses to take another bite of his food and Nesta is impressed how he can do this, she feels a little nauseas at the explanations, yet desperately wants to know them.  
“Stalkers have the vision and speed of Runners and you recognise them by their distinct croaking noises they make. Most of them also have only one eye left the other is pushed out of the socket by the fungal growth.” 
Her face is a little green when Nesta places her plate down on the dusty window sill and scratches over her upper arms. A little amused smile blooms on Azriel face, Eris chuckles a little and Cassian looks a little paler, a disgusted grimace on his face. “I can stop, Nesta. With the explanation I mean.” “No!” Nesta quickly says and frantically shakes her head. “Please, continue.”
“Well you know some things about Clickers and Shamblers you said. And there are Bloaters which are an alternative fourth stage next to the Shamblers. They are rarer but utmost dangerous. Bloaters are incredibly strong and covered in thick fungus that effectively acts as armor for them. It is extremely difficult to defeat them.”
“But can you defeat them?” Nesta asks cautiously, goosebumps appearing on her skin. She shudders a little and finally picks up her plate again, forking one tiny bean. 
“You can,” Azriel answers. “With fire.” His throat works on a swallow and Eris’ arm immediately reaches out, his hand taking Azriel’s into his, squeezing. Maybe fire has caused Azriel’s scars, Nesta gathers.
After Nesta thanks Eris for all the explanations, they continue eating in silence. It is late when Eris and Azriel decide to first go wash their bodies and then return to their room, the tiredness is etched into both their features and both Cassian and Nesta know that even though they seem quite relieved about finally being reunited again, they have a lot to discuss — a lot to discuss in privacy. 
Nesta walks into the adjoint living room when Eris and Azriel ascend the staircase and her eyes immediately land on the huge bookshelf. Her feet move on their own accord, she brushes past the old and dusty couch and a box of toys. The sight of it makes her heart squeeze and she shudders but tries to focus on the shelf filled with books. Her eyes wander over the in dust covered bindings, but she does not care, the colours and titles are still perfectly visible. There are some lexica, dictionaries and other books, but those do not catch her attention. It is the romance books that do. 
Her finger tips brush the spines of the books and they halt on a darker one. She pulls it out of the shelf, her eyes trailing over the title “A Touch of Darkness” and she flips the book over to read through the blurb. The story sounds phenomenal, her eyes are glowed to the words and if her mind wasn’t too occupied with everything going on around her she would have dove right into it. 
“So you like music and reading. Anything else I need to know about you, Nes?”
Still caught in a stupor, Nesta swirls around and nearly drops the book. Cassian is leaning in the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest while he silently regards Nesta. 
“No, I guess that is it. I am not very interesting,” she bites out, repeating what she has heard a lot of times in her life already. If you weren’t immune, no one would care about you.
Her teeth are clenched a little and she averts her gaze, looking at the small television sitting on a console and the radio Cassian is currently walking up to. 
With the book in her hand, Nesta plops down on the couch but she knows she won’t read anything. She can’t focus. “So you want to read then?” Cassian asks almost if he could read her mind.
Nesta gives her head a little shake. “I think I can’t focus.”
The former general inclines his head in acknowledgment. “I understand that.”
Cassian leans against the console, folding his hands over his chest. “So Elain?” he questions, his tone sympathetic. 
"My sister. Just like Feyre. I think you know her,” Nesta answers sharply. Her heart dips in her chest. Cassian nearly gasps. He has completely forgotten about that, and now wonders why Rhys has never mentioned her, never talked more about Nesta. After all she is his girlfriend’s sister.
“We didn’t have the perfect relationship — Feyre and I.” She opened up to much, Nesta realises in this moment and really wants to take the words back. She does not want to talk about it, but she has just opened a can of worms that she can’t close anymore. 
Cassian slowly inclines his head, his face gloomy and sad. “And you and Elain?”
“I loved her and then I lost her. That is it.” Conversation is over for Nesta, but not for Cassian. He leans forward a little, looking at her intently. “Nesta, I am sorry you lost her. You want to talk about it?” She wants to shake her head, but stops. Maybe it is good finally sharing it? Finally opening up and sharing it with someone. She has kept it to herself for so long, for all these years.
“Elain was with me when I got bitten. I…I pushed her away, hoping she could escape. I really hope she ran, but I don’t know if she—“ “She left you behind?” Cassian is furious, and can’t believe it.
“I wanted her to leave me alone. She had no chance. I pushed her down a slope. I needed her to leave!” Nesta almost shouts, rage burning inside of her, tears brimming her eyes. “I had to do it. Can we change the topic?” There is pleading in her voice and Cassian nods, again, understanding now that she really does not want to talk. But he wants to be there for her somehow. He turns a little and pushes a button on the radio, turning it on. It groans at first which Cassian manages to fix rather quickly. 
“Let’s dance, Nes!” 
The former general reaches his hand out. The radio is cracking behind them once again before a soft tune starts to play and Nesta feels tingles in her legs. She looks up at Cassian with big eyes and places her book down. She does not care right now. Dancing has always helped. Her feet almost move on their own accord and make Nesta stand up and walk up to the general. She hesitates for a moment, nervousness rising inside of her. This would be an extremely intimate situation, but she will allow herself this moment. 
Yes, it's gonna be a cold, lonely summer
But I'll fill the emptiness
Cassian’s hand and then his arm slowly, almost tentatively sneak around Nesta’s waist while his other hand takes hers into his. It is so small, almost fragile in his large hand, but he loves the feel of it — how perfectly they fit. They make eye contact the moment Cassian starts to lead them, a beautiful smile blooming on his face and Nesta wonders where he learned to dance like this.
I'll send you all my dreams every day in a letter
Sealed with a kiss
“I like that song. It is so beautiful.” Nesta whispers and once again meets Cassian’s gaze, this time they lock and they look into each other’s eyes like there is nothing else in this world but the two of them. And for this short, fleeting moment, it is truly just them.  
I'll see you in the sunlight
I'll hear your voice everywhere
I'll run to tenderly hold you
But baby, you won't be there
“As beautiful as the woman I am currently dancing with.” Cassian’s hands grab hers tighter and he moves her just an inch closer. Cassian grins brightly, moving them over the ground with graceful simplicity. Nesta enjoys this more than she has enjoyed anything in the past months, years. She relishes in the simplicity of this moment, in the feel of Cassian’s solid body and how he easily moves them over the floor. She loves it and finally has to grin. Her eyes are aglow, still locked with Cassian’s when the grin on her face spreads from one ear to the other, her cheeks warming a little. Cassian’s skin tingles, his heart coming alive at the grin on her face. He never wants it to fade. 
It is the radio that puts a spoke in their wheel. The moment the song finishes the radio starts groaning and croaking again and the two of them reluctantly have to part. 
They are a little awkward, not quite sure what to talk about, in the seconds that follow and so Cassian suggests that he will take a shower first and then Nesta can do so. Nesta agrees, watching how Cassian disappears into the bathroom on the ground floor, softly closing the door behind him.
Her cheeks are still hot when Nesta falls face forward onto the couch and grins into on of the old and shabby pillows. “Oh god!” she expresses happily and slaps one hand onto the couch. She feels like she is sixteen again, with her very first crush and oh god, the butterflies are doing crazy things in her belly and she can’t stop herself from grinning. The moment has ended way too quickly, but it still happened and that thought alone makes her incredibly happy.
She is still smiling when she hears the door open and quickly sits up, her hands smoothing down her hair and dress and—
Her jaw drops to the ground when she sees the former general standing in the middle of the corridor in his half-naked glory, water still visible on his solid, sculpted chest. Her mouth dries out and her mind goes blank and there is only one thing on her mind — desire. 
tags: @helhjertet @moonlightazriel@aayo-whatt@crushedcloudsx @brekkershadowsinger @girasoli-e-sorrisi @ignite-me @swifti-ed @cassiansbigwingspan @burningsnowleopard @headcanonheadcase @banasheefan56 @a-frog-with-a-laptop
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roseianxiety · 1 year
Always You
As a young boy, Virgil often swooped in to save his geeky and timid childhood best friend, Roman, from his bullies. After years have passed without seeing each other, his friend has come home from abroad and now a completely different person than before, and ready to sweep Virgil off his feet. Virgil, of course, falls head over heels for the other.
AO3 - Part 1, Part 2
Content Warning: Swearing, Food mention, Medication mention, slight innuendo
Chapter Two
"So your old friend now turned hottie just came back from Italy is the reason why you skipped work yesterday? I didn't expect that from you, Virgil, but get it I guess."Remy, Virgil's co-worker, stated with a smirk.
Virgil groaned as he face palmed in embarrassment, "Fucking hell, Remy. Don't say it like that!".
They were chilling behind the counter, waiting for a customer to arrive and order something or whatever. The cafe was relatively quiet, but nothing out of the ordinary.
"Plus, that's not even the reason. I wanted to help mom with housework."Virgil sighs as he leans against the counter, resting his chin on his wrist.
"Speaking of which, how's your mom doing by the way?"Remy questions curiously. Virgil shrugs, "She's been doing well recently, though sometimes she gets really ill so I have to be there with her all the time.". He explains.
"Oof.. That sucks, babes, but I'm sure she appreciates having you there for her anyways."Remy assures him with a sympathetic grin.
Virgil chuckles weakly in response, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure she does.". He pauses before adding, "Anyway, I have to call mom to check on her.". Virgil says before heading to the break room as he pulls out his phone.
He dialed his mother's number once he reached the breakroom and waited a moment until she picked up. When she answered, Virgil greeted, "Hey mom! How are you feeling?".
"Hello, dear. I'm doing alright, a little bit tired though but nothing unusual. How about you?"His mother answers cheerfully before saying, "Well, I actually had to ask you something...".
"I'm doing alright, not much work going on here. And yeah, what is it? Do you need anything for me to buy?"Virgil queries. His mother hummed before answering, "Well, actually yes, can you buy me my medications once you get home? The ones here are almost finished.".
"Yeah, no problem! Anything else you want?"Virgil replies as he fiddles with the ribbon of his apron.
"Actually, could you also do some grocery shopping? I can't do it since my knees are hurting terribly. I hope I'm not bothering you a lot, sweetie.".
Virgil smiles softly, "Not at all, I wouldn't mind taking care of that stuff myself.". His mother let out a relieved sigh, "Thank you, dear. You're heaven sent. I'll send you the list of the things you have to buy.".
Virgil hummed in confirmation, "Sure thing, mom. Anyway, I have to go back to work now, take care and rest well. Love you, mom.".
"Love you too, dear. Bye!".His mother responded.
Virgil hung up and walked out of the break room. As soon as he got out, he heard Remy chatting with someone, probably a customer, about something.
"–You look good. Do you work out?~"Remy purred. Gosh, is he flirting with a customer again??
"Yes, I do it quite often."
Virgil stiffened slightly when he realized who that voice belonged to. When he finally arrived at the counter, his guess was right. It was Roman.
Roman noticed him walking towards them, and flashed a friendly smile, "Hi there, Virgil. What are you doing here?"He greeted. Virgil gave him a shy wave and mumbled, "Hey, Roman. Uhm, I work here.".
Roman's eyes lit up and grinned brightly, "Really? That's awesome!"He exclaimed. Virgil smiled back shyly at him, his cheeks turning slightly rosy. Roman seemed oblivious to this however as he continued speaking, "Am I bothering you?–".
Virgil shook his head and quickly interrupted him. "Nonono, you're fine. Really, the café is not busy as you can see.". Virgil said, gesturing and the empty place.
"Anyway, what did you order—"
"I already got his order. I'll leave you two while I go make his order."Remy interrupts as he turns on his heel and walks away but not before winking at Virgil playfully.
Virgil blushed heavily and cleared his throat awkwardly before looking back at Roman. "So, uh, what's up?"He said, trying hard not to seem too awkward around the other man.
"I went to find some college to transfer in and I got accepted in that college nearby. Grazie a Dio."Roman explained with a bright grin.
"That's so cool, what's your course by the way?"Virgil asked as he leaned closer towards Roman.
"Film."Roman replied, showing off a confident grin.
"As expected from you,"Virgil said, smiling widely. Roman smiles and rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. After a few moments of comfortable silence between the two of them, Remy was finally done making Roman's coffee.
"Here's your raspberry frappuccino and strawberry cake pop, Roman."Remy announces as he sets them down on the counter top in front of Roman. "Oh, thank you. How much is all of these?"Roman inquired.
"8 dollars and 45 cents."Remy responds nonchalantly.
Roman nodded and pulled out his wallet and took out ten dollars before handing it to Remy. "Keep the change."He says with a smile.
Remy simply stared at him in disbelief but took the money regardless, putting it in the cash register.
"Anyway, I have to go now. See ya later, Virge. And goodbye to you, Remy, it was nice chatting with you too."Roman says before grabbing his drink and cake pop as he heads to the door.
Remy chirps waving at him, "Byee, Roman.".
"Yeah, goodbye, Princey."Virgil calls out which causes Roman to halt momentarily before turning around to face Virgil. Roman smiles lopsidedly at him, "It's been a while since you called me that.". He finally exited the café but not after waving at the two men.
Virgil simply waved back in reply and a small smile planted on his lips.
"You look so smitten it's adorable."
Virgil snapped his head to glare softly at Remy who only smirked at him. "Shut up, Remy." Virgil grumbles softly.
Remy pouted jokingly before chuckling. "Babes, why didn't you tell me your childhood friend was HOT hot? He is eye candy and that herculean body of his is fire! Would smash."Remy gushes about Roman.
Virgil cringes at Remy's comment causing him to roll his eyes in annoyance. "Oh my gosh, Remy. You're disgusting.".
Remy grins and wiggles his eyebrows at Virgil teasingly, "What? Are you jealous I might steal him from you?~". He teased and winked at him again.
Virgil rolled his eyes yet still a light red blush dusted his cheeks as he quickly retorted defensively. "What!? No! You can have him for yourself or whatever."He huffed.
"Aw come on, Viiiiiirgieeee~! We all know that's a lie~".
Virgil sighs deeply and mutters under his breath, "I swear to God, if you don't shut up, I will shove your face into the nearest trash can.".
Remy merely snickers and sticks his tongue out at Virgil, causing the latter to huff and cross his arms stubbornly. "Anyway, you deal with the customers while I clean up the place."The sunglasses-wearing employee says, patting Virgil on the shoulder before walking away from him to clean the tables.
Virgil just lets out another defeated groan, not wanting to deal with the customers but he knew that he'd have to. He was always the one dealing with them anyways.
Virgil grunted as he struggled carrying two bags of groceries as they were filled up almost completely to the brim. He cursed himself internally as he waddled his way to his house, trying to stop the bags from slipping out of hands.
"Do you need help with that?"A voice behind him called out, startling him. Virgil looked behind him to meet brown eyes staring intently into his own.
"No thank you, I can handle this just fine."He murmured softly and turned back around, hoping the Roman would leave him alone but he didn't.
"Are you sure? They look really heavy."Roman said, stepping a little bit closer and eyeing the bags carefully. Virgil sighed.
"Look, I'm pretty sure I can carry these all alone."he muttered and moved away from him a little bit.
Roman pouted as he stood there looking conflicted, clearly thinking of whether he should continue talking to him or just leave him alone.
Virgil's eye twitched as Roman pouts, unable to resist anymore. He gives up after a moment of hesitation and looks at the Roman. "Ughh, fine. Just carry this one bag for me."Virgil says exasperatedly while holding out one of the grocery bags to Roman.
Roman gratefully accepts it, smiling happily at the smaller male. Virgil blushes lightly and averts his gaze away from Roman.
They walked to Virgil's house in comfortable silence. Neither of them spoke nor attempted to. When they reached Virgil's doorstep, the older man decided to break the silence.
"I'll take it from here Roman. Uhm, thanks by the way."Virgil said as he unlocked the door and opened it. Roman nods and carefully places the grocery bag down.
"You can go home now... Good night, Princey."Virgil finishes as he opens the door, glancing at Roman.
"Yeah, good night too, Virgil."Roman replies, smiling warmly at him. Virgil nods at him one last time before carrying the grocery bags inside, while does that, he hears Roman mutter something softly to him, but he couldn't hear it clearly enough for him to understand.
And as soon as he came back to close the door, Roman was already gone before he could question what the other muttered.
Roman entered his room, it was the same room he used to share with his brother back then, it was still filled with some of their old stuff. He still wasn't done unpacking his boxes and cleaning the house. The only part he was done cleaning was the kitchen, bathroom and the living room where he was currently sleeping on the last few days.
He starts going through the old boxes he found in the attic, he guesses it was his old toys and books that they left here. And it indeed was. Well, there were some framed pictures and photo albums there too. Now he's questioning why it's been left here or were they forgotten.
Roman flips through the photo album curiously, flipping past old pictures of him and his brother when they were kids, some were family photos and photos of their parents.
It's been a while since he saw these, he felt a pang of melancholy or nostalgia just hit him like a truck. He was happy to see these, happier than ever actually. But he still felt sadness wash over him. It brought back memories of simpler times. Memories of days long past he thought about every single day since then. Oh how he wished to go back in time.
Roman stops flipping the pages when he comes across a certain photograph. He took it out from the plastic sleeve to observe it closer.
It was a picture of a smaller and chubbier boy next to a slightly taller boy, both of them grinning to their ears as they stood side by side. They were in their swimming trunks, seeming as if they just got out of the water, looking happy as ever.
A smile crept onto Roman's face at the memory. It was the summer of 2010, the last time where young Roman and Virgil got to hangout together. The time where everything began to change for the both of them.
Writing Taglist: @cutebisexualmess (please tell me if you want to be added or removed in the tag list)
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Chapter 69 part 1! @gyubby99
"Elsa? Are you almost ready?" Anna asked as she walked into Elsa's room. Elsa was sitting at her vanity smiling. Her hair was down, slightly curling around her shoulders. A necklace with a snowflake pendant rested against her chest. Her dress was classic white, the sleeves rested off her shoulders and the ice patterns ran through them elegantly. The skirt of the dress wasn't flashy, or big. It was simple and elegant, just the way Elsa liked. Elsa wore her tiara, Anna had practically ordered her to wear it even though Elsa wasn't the queen anymore. Elsa's veil was thin,  but it was connected to her tiara nicely so it wouldn't move out of place. Elsa stood up, her hand on her stomach as she smiled. "Are you nervous?" Anna asked. "Weirdly, no..... You would think I would be, but... deep inside I just.... I know this is how it was always meant to be," Elsa replied as the engagement ring on her finger shone brightly. Anna smiled. "Then let's get you to Attohallan. Jack is already there, and He and I have a suprise for you," Anna stated.
Elsas clothing was thankfully held in place by her ice as she slid through bunny's tunnels. Anna's Maud of honor dress however, along with her hair, was a bit messy. "Uh... Elsa," Anna stated. Elsa turned and chuckled a bit. "C'mere," Elsa muttered before waving her had and cleaning Anna up. Rapunzel and Merida walked to the two of them, their bridesmaids dresses fitting nicely on them. Merida struggled with the sleeve of her dress. "Agh... ye'd think this would be more comfortable," Merida complained. "Sorry! Hold on," Elsa stated before waving her arms, making meridas dress a bit lighter on her. "Thanks!" Merida exclaimed. "Elsa, come with me," Anna murmured before tugging on Elsas arm, gently.
Elsa followed Anna deeper into Attohallan, it got a bit colder, but since the dam came down, everyone was free to explore without the fear if freezing to death. "Okay, stand here," Anna said as she positioned Elsa sto stand in a certain spot. "Now, this is more Jack's gift to both of us, but I found out about it because he's a terrible liar, a good quality in a spouse," Anna explained. "Okay, what is it then?" Elsa asked. As Anna was about to answer, she hesitated as she saw who was behind Elsa. Anna's eyes began to tear up. "Just look behind you," Anna replied. Elsa turned around. Her eyes widened in shock, and all she could do was stare. Anna came up to stand beside Elsa, as the two saw their parents right in front of them, As well as Kristoff, and Anna's kids. Anna immediately ran up to her family and hugged them. Elsa slowly walked up to her parents. "Mother... Father..." Elsa muttered. "Elsa?" Iduna asked as she looked at her daughter, dressed in a wedding dress, hands absent of gloves. Elsa's tears rolled down her face before she hugged her parent's for the first time in a little over 300 years. They were suprised, she hadn't hugged them since she was 7. They began to tear up as well before hugging them back. Anna walked up to them and was pulled into the hug as well. The family stayed like that for a few minutes before pulling apart. "What... both of you... You're so grown up... how..?" Agnarr struggled with his words as he looked at Anna's family, and Elsa's wedding dress. "Elsa, I'm gonna leave you alone with them to explain while I get my family caught up okay?" Anna stated. Elsa nodded before hugging her sister tightly. Anna walked away with her family. "Okay um... this is a long story.... and there's not a whole lot of time because I have to get married in a little over 30 minutes," Elsa explained. "Then explain as fast as you can," Iduna stated with a smile. "Okay uh.. You guys died when I was 18, when you went to go find Attohallan, which we're actually in right now... uh... Jackson Overland came back to life, sort of the same way you did and we've been together for a couple hundred years and now we're getting married... um... turns out, I am the fifth spirit of nature. Anna is queen of Arendelle, she met Kristoff, her husband, and had two beautiful children. I have control over my powers, and I, along with Anna and our other friends are guardians," Elsa explained. Her parents stayed silent for a bit.
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yaffles-world · 2 years
First Date - Reigen Arataka
I opened the door, to see Reigen standing in the doorway, with his hand raised to knock again. He had the tiniest amount of red tinge to his cheeks, and I looked him up and down - grey suit, white shirt, pink tie, black shoes. Same as what he was wearing at the office.
"Hey," he waved and smiled brightly.
Now it was my turn to blush, as I smiled sheepishly, realising I'd been staring and not saying anything.
"Like what you see?" he gestured.
"I can just walk right back inside, you know," I said, "This is only date number 1 and I wasn't entirely sold on the idea when you asked me."
He laughed, and held out his hand, "We're off to a good start, I can see."
I rolled my eyes and took his hand.
If anything, I can get a story out of it if it goes terribly. Honestly, I didn't know why I said yes. We met a few days prior. My parents had been complaining about their house being haunted, so they wanted to see an exorcist, and I insisted on coming with them so they didn't get scammed. Good thing I did, because, surprise, the exorcist was this Reigen fellow and he was totally scamming them. Just punched something in the face with salt, and then called his "student" to do the rest.
We pulled up at the restaurant and sat down. I started to get a knot in my stomach. Unclear as to why, I ignored it, and focused on reading the menu.
"So, how was your day?" he asked.
I continued reading the menu. "Good. It was busy today, at work. I work at a bakery."
"Oh that's sweet!" he said, and I looked up. He was smiling so genuinely, and I felt the knot twist harder.
I gripped onto the menu. This was a mistake.
"How was your day?" I wanted to ask how it felt scamming people but the words got caught.
"Oh, good. Mob, my student, is having some girl trouble though. He feels like the girl he likes doesn't like him because he doesn't have muscles… I'm trying to help him see that everyone has their strengths and that he doesn't need muscles… he says he understands, but I don't think he does. He's just a kid, afterall," he smiled softly.
Oh god, my breath caught in my throat. Oh no. Don't you dare like him. This was a silly mistake, nothing more.
The time passed with more questions and the ramen was served and eaten.
As I went to get up to pay, Reigen grabbed my hand. "Do you want to be here?"
My eyebrows furrowed subconsciously and I suddenly felt sweaty. "I can take you home, if you'd like. Or if you have a problem, you can tell me."
Despite myself, I almost felt tears in my eyes. This wasn't what I was expecting him to say…
"I don't want you to be offended but I am a bit unsure about this. It's just, you scammed my parents a few days ago…"
Reigen leaned back in his chair and sighed. "Did I scam them?" he asked, genuinely. He was still holding my hand. His fingers were longer then mine, not by much, but I felt protected. "Have you spoken to them since? Is there any problems anymore?" I guess not. They had been saying how amazing it's been… "My methods can be unorthodox, but if there's no spirits left, then one way or another, the job got done. That's all you need."
He took away his hand. I suddenly felt cold. "I'll get the cheque."
We sat down in the movie theatre chairs. He leaned back and immediately put his feet up on the chair of the empty seat in front. Of course.
"Why did you say yes, anyway?" Reigen asked, "I couldn't have made a good impression."
I hesitated slightly. It was dark in the theater, so I couldn't see his face clearly. He was looking straight ahead at the blank screen..
"Well… I was staying back to give you a piece of my mind, and I heard you talking to Mob. It was… a nice conversation to overhear. You really are like a mentor to him. It sounded as if you really care."
Reigen laughed. "That's cute." I blushed, thankful he couldn't see.
"Why did you ask me?" I asked, the knot in my stomach still tightening.
"Well, you stayed back to yell at me. I admire that, although I hope we've achieved some mutual understanding on the topic, you were prepared to stand up for yourself and your parents. And even more admirable, you decided against it because Mob would hear. That took kindness. And, besides, your easy on the eyes."
I laughed and punched his arm gently.
The movie started. Reigen had chosen the movie - it was some older slasher movie. Despite the corny special effects, I still got scared. I jumped in my seat and Reigen put his arm around me. After that, I didn't pay much attention to the movie. All I could think about was how warm he was, how soft his clothes were. He smelt like men's cologne and shaving cream. It was like being in a trance. I buried my head into his chest, as he tightened his arm around me. My heart was pounding, and so was his - like a steady drum. We stayed like that the whole movie, only moving when it stopped. I wanted to cling to him. I didn't want to ever let go. We walked out of the movie theater, I held his hand and he dropped me home.
Standing in the doorway, I gave him a hug goodbye. We were the same height so it was a very comfortable, comforting hug. I pulled away, and looked into his eyes… He had very dark, beautiful eyes. He gently stroked my cheek, and I could feel the heat rise in my face. Is this really happening? He was so pretty. He leaned in. I leaned in. Our lips met, gently, welcoming each other. It was a brief moment of pure joy. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I felt like I could fly…
He pulled away and smiled. "Goodnight," he said, as he turned to walk back to his car.
Fine. I admit it.
I like Reigen Arataka.
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