#billy batson dc
vulnonapix1234 · 11 months
(Post secret reveal)
Tw: zeus
Flash: so... what would be worse. Giving him the talk in his tiny form or in his big form?
Green lantern: what-
Flash: you know, the birds and the bees-
Aquaman: but why?!
Flash: because J'on said that the old men that gave him his Powers are having a twice chat in his mind!
Diana: what's an Twitch chat?
Flash, in hysteria: he's just a little boy! He has Zeus in his brain!
Batman: I see the problem
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justabeadlizard · 9 months
Hello Billy Batson Fans
I’m looking for that one tumble post that jokes about how Captain Marvel says he draws power from the Greek gods and then lists like 2 Greek gods, 2 Roman gods, and teh 5 most problematic men of the Mesopotamian. And also says taht the reason that he needs to be pure of heart is to counteract the grimyness of the power sources.
If anyone has a link to it/a pic pls reply
HII!!! EDIT!!! Thank you @markus209 for finding a link to the image!!!
If the image link doesn’t work someone tell me idk how to use this webbed site
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pegasister60 · 1 year
This sick fic is based some brainrot I sent @modernsuperhero.
“Fic where Captain Marvel's just up and gone for a while in the winter and it's because Billy got really sick and he couldn't get a ‘Shazam!’ out. Mans can't even breathe through his *nose,* dude.”
“Freddy's this close to using Billy's Justice League comm and blowing the secret because even if his friend's probably not gonna die the city needs protecting. Billy hoarse shouts that he's got it. He'll be back out there soon.”
“Billy piled with every blanket they have and getting most of their fluids because they just need one good word. Just *one* clear Shazam and he'll be fine.”
“He'll still be sick as Billy but they'll be able to get to nicer spots to sleep and keep villains and criminals at bay until he changes back.”
(To clarify: Billy’s patrons are external peeps only in this one and Marvel’s only around sometimes.)
Billy feels pathetic.
He hasn’t been on patrol for days and people have noticed. He drops off the map all the time as Captain Marvel whenever one of his teammates needs a hand. He’s gone to space a nonzero amount of times, for weeks. So it’s not like the people of Fawcett are worried, but they’ve noticed.
And if they’ve noticed, the league has definitely noticed.
It hasn’t gotten to the point where they’ve started contacting him but he doesn’t want to let it get to that point. He’s gone four years without them dropping into his city for a wellness check and he’d like to keep that streak.
It’d be easy. Just power up, go on patrol for at least two hours, and then curl back up under the blanket pile to go round two with his fever. Or he could stay as Captain Marvel and just zap back to being Billy so he can hydrate and pee and possibly vomit. He’s learned not to go entire days as Marvel when he’s not on extended league trips because the consequences are disgusting. His younger body isn’t completely in stasis when he’s Marvel and it’s admittedly not the worst drawback to juggle.
The problem? He’s failed at step one.
“Sh-“ Billy fights not to cough. “Shazam.”
Instead of lightning crashing through the roof of the condemned clinic they’ve holed up in all that comes is that dumb fucking mucus from the back of his throat. The stuff that’s plagued him for days.
He coughs up the phlegm, spits off to the side, and tries again. “Shazam. Shazam, Shazam, Shazam!”
None of them come out louder than a whisper. Billy thunks his head against the wall and sniffles because wiping his nose with his sleeve would be pointless.
Freddy went to go refill their water bottles at a public fountain that’s still running a couple blocks away. Billy is supposed to be sleeping and getting better, but he doesn’t need to get better if he can just get a clear word out.
Just one clear Shazam and he’d be able to take a zeta tube up to the Watchtower to raid the infirmary and the fridge and also snag some more blankets because the one he’s snuggled up against is all gross now. And then he’d have some medicine and get better faster so he can get back to working for laundry and food money and also they’d be able to move all their stuff to somewhere less vulnerable. Somewhere that won’t make him sick again-
There’s so much stuff to do that he can only think in circles about and it’s driving him up the wall. Billy counts himself lucky that there haven’t been any big name threats in town. They show up sometimes if they think he’s not here so they can lure him back from whatever mission he’s on and spring a trap on him.
Instead it’s just been Freddy taking care of him as best as he can with the stuff they have. Billy swears that the moment he can he’s gonna go shove so many supplies into a pocket dimension that they’ll never have to think about not having enough until at least New Year’s. Damn whatever his coworkers will think, they’ve been hungry hungry and him throwing up what little they have isn’t helping. He wants to make this right so bad it burns worse than the cold.
“Shazam.” Billy croaks into the silence of the drafty supply closet. “Shazam.”
Billy looks, sounds, and feels pathetic.
Billy tenses at the sound of a door creaking. He grabs the screwdriver he’s hidden in the blanket pile and tries to look asleep.
“Billy, it’s me!”
Billy slumps with relief at the sound of Freddy’s voice. Cool, he’s not gonna have to knife fight someone over this spot. Again. It’s as his friend gets closer that Billy can make out his distinctive shuffle-tap and finds further comfort that it’s not a voice-snatcher either.
His life’s so fucking weird.
“I know you’re not actually sleeping, dingbat.” There’s a crinkle sound. “I got dinner.”
And Billy’s up. Well, as up as he can be when he’s probably running a hundred and one degrees and ejecting half his body’s fluids or so every day. Which is to say he opens his eyes, props himself against the wall to sit up, and makes grabby hands at the chip bags Freddy managed to score.
“You’re the best.” Billy croaks out. “Any heat?”
Freddy tosses the medium-size Doritos bag Billy’s way. “Pfft, like they even looked my way. I’m too quick to be perceived by mortal eyes.”
“Did you get the other thing?” Billy asks with no small amount of hope in his raspy voice.
“The water? Yeah, just a sec.” Freddy twists his backpack around so he can access it and pulls out one of the Gatorade bottles they fill with water.
“Nice.” Billy hisses out with a smile.
He shuffles out from under all of their blankets and grabs the offered water. Chips can wait, he has to try.
Freddy thinks otherwise.
“Whoa, hey, maybe you should eat first? You didn’t keep anything down yesterday.”
Billy gives Freddy a flat look. “We’ve been over this. Cap comes first because he’s gonna put us first.”
“Marvel would want you to eat.” Freddy points out.
“Marvel isn’t here right now.”
Billy pointedly doesn’t think about what Solomon would say about this. He’ll deal with the lecture while he’s grabbing all the cough medicine the Watchtower has in stock. 
As it stands, he stands up so he can take a swig of water and go outside to transform. For all his worrying, Freddy knows Billy’s right and lets him leave the room to exit through the hole in the waiting room.
It’s near freezing outside and if this doesn’t work Billy’s probably setting himself back on any progress he’s made recovering. But he doesn’t care. He drinks a quarter of the water bottle, clears his throat, and tries to speak clearly.
Silence. Nothing but the distant sounds of his city going about its day.
His grip on the bottle tightens and if it wouldn’t be an absolute waste he’d chuck it as far as he’s capable of. Which would be pretty damn far, Strength of Hercules or no.
Billy doesn’t want to, but he walks back inside red in the face from more than just the cold and plops back onto their blanket pile. He eats his chips without a word and Freddy doesn’t even say anything because he does have tact.
They both know why this pisses him off so much.
After everything he’s faced, after all the fights and the invasions and the world-ending catastrophes. It’s a goddamn sore throat that’s doing him in. That’s made him feel more helpless and scared and uncertain than all his enemies combined.
Because it doesn’t matter how pure his heart is. His body is small and malnourished and doesn’t have decent shelter more than a third of the time. He’s going to get sick. And no amount of blessings or Wisdom or lightning can help him if he keeps hacking up a lung like this. His teammates won’t be able to help him if he’s wearing this face.
He won’t let them. No matter what Freddy says.
“No.” Billy shuts that line of thought down immediately.
Freddy balls up his empty Lays bag. “You didn’t even let me start.”
“I know what you’re gonna say, Freddy.” It’s the same argument every time.
“Well maybe this time you’ll find it compelling.”
Billy starts dragging the blankets onto his lap. “Highly doubt it.”
“Just, at least think about it. We wouldn’t even have to tell them you’re, well, you. We can tell them Cap sent us because you were really sick! And that he’s busy taking care of some bad guy and can’t get us the stuff he normally does.”
“You want to walk up to a zeta tube and tell them you’re one of Cap’s strays? Batman would look into us in a heartbeat and if he decides to keep an eye on us ‘for our own good’ I’d get caught so fast.” Billy rubs at his face. “The lightning’s not subtle, Freddy.”
“Then we don’t call Batman. What about Superman?”
“Superman would call CPS on us so fast. Next.” He’s willing to run down the list if it means Freddy drops this.
He doesn’t have to, apparently. Freddy drags a hand through his hair and leans forward from where he’s sitting on a crate that’s probably as old as they are.
“Then I don’t know how else to help you, Billy.” Freddy admits.
Billy’s confused. “What are you talking about? You’ve helped plenty.”
Freddy’s been providing for both of them for days now. Getting them food and water and keeping an eye on the news so Billy can actually sleep knowing there’s no big trouble. He’s even insisted on Billy taking more than his usual share of the blanket pile despite the fact that his sweat and general sickness is making them gross. Those have all been a huge help!
“That’s not true. Yeah, I’ve been picking up some slack, but I haven’t helped you. Not the way you do for me when I’m sick.”
“That’s not fair.” Billy says immediately. “You’re doing everything you can-“
“And what if it’s not enough?” The sudden intensity of Freddy’s tone makes Billy flinch back a little. “You haven’t gotten worse but you also haven’t gotten better. We don’t even know what you’re sick with, what if it’s something really bad?”
Oh holy shit. Billy didn’t know this was eating at Freddy so much. He feels like an asshole for not taking this seriously.
Of course Freddy’s worried. They both get sick all the time. They eat stuff they probably shouldn’t have, they cuddle their way through rough nights under bridges, they get exposed to all kinds of space germs because Billy’s life is weird. 
But they’ve always had Cap through all that. By the luck of the gods Billy’s always been able to power up and take charge of the situation, even when he’s the one sick. 
Especially when it’s Freddy that’s sick. He pulls out every stop and uses Cap’s form to get Freddy somewhere warmer, to get him good food, to get them access to medicine.
Freddy can’t do that. The medicine aisles in pharmacies are too far in the back for Freddy to make a clean escape, no matter how subtle or quick he is. Billy’s still the one that would have to get up and throw hands if someone tried to take this spot from them, sick or not. Freddy doesn’t have anyone he can call in to help.
Not without Billy’s permission.
Freddy seems to realize he’s unloaded and backtracks. “But we can figure something out. Please, Billy-“
“I-“ Freddy pauses. “What? You’re serious.”
“Help me up, we’re calling Green Arrow. He owes me and he’s not a snitch.”
Freddy sticks his arm into the loop for his crutch and crosses the closet to help Billy up. “Epic. Alright, how far is the nearest tube?”
“I think it’s the telephone booth four blocks East. The one by the nice deli.” Billy is tempted to take a blanket with him but just pulls his jacket closed and starts walking. “I’ll do the talking. We’re telling him we’re the kids Cap talks about and that he’s off-world. I’m gonna have to bullshit a report and maybe lie to Batman’s face when I clock in again but I want cough drops so bad.”
“If you tell them it was magic stuff they might not ask where you went,” Freddy suggests as they exit through the hole in the wall.
Billy snorts. “Of all the things to be thankful for I never thought it’d be the Justice League knowing fuck all about magic.”
The trip to the zeta tube is thankfully uneventful. Billy feels even colder than he normally would because of his fever and Freddy’s on the lookout for any trouble heading their way.
When they make it there the booth is more than big enough to hold them both. Billy prefers contacting people from these instead of using his actual comm when he can help it because he’s a little paranoid that Bats will get a ping on where he is when he uses it. Not an unfounded fear because he’d wave it off as a safety thing.
He dials Green Arrow’s extension and realizes as the phone rings that Freddy’s put himself in front of the door. No backing out of this, they’ve come this far.
“Cap, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
Billy’s seized by a sudden anxiety. His throat feels like it’s squeezed shut and he wants to hang up and run. Freddy reaches for his hand and grips it tightly.
Green Arrow sounds concerned when he asks. “Captain Marvel, are you there?”
Billy takes a deep breath that’s probably audible and says, “This isn’t Captain Marvel, sir.”
There is silence on the other end and Billy’s never felt this wrong-footed in his life. He wants to bail so bad.
“What’s wrong, kid?” Green Arrow asks in a softer voice and something in Billy’s chest unwinds.
That’s right. His friends and coworkers are heroes. Helping the Billy Batsons of the world is what they do.
“Green Arrow, sir, we’re really sorry to bother you. There’s no emergency or anything but Captain Marvel said to call you if he didn’t come back from the magic place soon and-“
“Whoa whoa, slow down. How do you know Captain Marvel? Do you know why he left?”
“Oh, he didn’t tell us where he was going but he didn’t seem really worried. He brings us food and blankets and stuff sometimes.” Billy hears Green Arrow hum over the phone. Good, he remembers. “And normally we’d be fine with him being late, he’s off saving the world and all so we get it.”
“But you’re sick, right? You need help sooner than that.” Green Arrow guesses.
Billy knows he sounds awful but damn. Okay. Swallow back your pride and the little bit of shame, Billy. No time for that.
“Mhmm. He said we could call this number on this phone and someone else would help-“
“Don’t even worry about it kid, just tell me what you need. Food, medicine, a place to stay?”
Bill straightens his posture and says, “We’ve got a place to stay, sir. We’d really appreciate some nonperishable food items, preferably stuff we don’t need a stove for but if it’s canned we can finesse it with a lighter. But what we’re really hoping for is some cough syrup and fever reducers. Something for this congestion too-”
Freddy bumps their shoulders together and pinches his sweater with a meaningful gesture. He’s absolutely right, the shame’s already gone. And Arrow owes him big.
“And also small-bills and change for laundry, if that’s doable. Maybe some tarps and also like a wagon or something to carry this in. Do you need me to repeat any of this, sir?”
“Nah, I’ve got a list going. I can call in a solid and be in Fawcett before nightfall, probably like 8pm. Where do you want me to drop this stuff off?”
“We can come back to meet you at the uh-“ Billy fumbles for a second because he’s probably not supposed to know what this is. Luckily he has to cough and it covers his awkward pause. “The phone booth we’re calling from, sir.”
“Sounds like a plan. Don’t you worry. It’s going to be okay.”
Billy grips the phone and tries not to let Arrow hear how that made his breath hitch. For once he’s grateful for how raspy and congested he already sounds when he thanks his teammate and hangs up.
Freddy is content to let him have his little moment instead of rubbing this in his face. He’s being so patient today.
But Billy’s man enough to admit it. “You were right.”
Freddy squeezes his hand with a smile. “Always am.”
“Not true.” Billy playfully shoves him.
There’s not a whole lot to do while they wait for Green Arrow, but they head back to their spot to watch over it anyway. They start folding their stuff and taking inventory because when Arrow follows through it won’t be much longer until they can move.
When they get back to the phone booth early and sit inside it to wait a fancy black car pulls up on the curb.
Billy grips the screwdriver he brought with him and hopes Green Arrow’s not gonna show up to them beating off a rich creeper.
Then Green Arrow steps out the driver’s seat in full costume and Billy shoots to his feet so fast he nearly falls over. Freddy half-shoves him forward, which doesn’t help but it gets him moving.
“You the kids who called?” Green Arrow asks with a frown that Billy knows means he’s thinking hard.
“Yes, sir!” Billy croaks. He can’t wait to not sound like a garbage disposal.
“In that case-“ Green Arrow rounds the car and pops the trunk. “Come check out your haul.”
It’s the first time in a long time that Billy Batson has approached an adult man opening a car trunk and felt completely safe. Freddy’s quick to beat him there and take it all in.
It’s so much. Canned food, a 48 pack of water bottles, four folded up tarps, thick blankets, disposable bowls and plastic silverware, a portable stove. And that’s not even counting the Aldi bag of snacks and candy and reusable ponchos.
Billy wants to cry. This is the most anyone has ever given them at once and all he had to do was ask. He feels so stupid and so grateful at once.
He didn’t even notice when Green Arrow opened the back seat to pull out an actual red wagon until he started stacking stuff onto it. Billy’s small and sick and he’s never respected Green Arrow more in his life. He’s going to take every bullet for this man. All of them.
“Didn’t know if you wanted anything else, so take this too.” Green Arrow finishes stacking stuff and presents them with some sandwich bags of money.
One is full of just quarters and is heavy because of it, another is filled with wads of what look like ones and fives, and the third is filled with wads of twenties. Plural.
Billy is crying. He shouldn’t be because his nose is already congested and he’s gonna be so embarrassed later that he cried in front of his coworker, but fuck it. He hugs him and gets a surprised little oof for his troubles when he squeezes the life out of Arrow. Arrow hugs him back anyway and it takes everything in Billy not to cover his friend’s costume in snot.
Billy’s probably just another victim that Arrow’s helping. One act of kindness out of the thousands Green Arrow does a month.
But for him and Freddy? This is everything. And Captain Marvel’s gonna have to be the one to pay it back tenfold next time Arrow breaks a bone he shouldn’t have and needs someone to watch over his city. 
“Thank you.”
Green Arrow’s voice is warm and sure and a little bit of that everything when he says, “No problem. Stay safe, alright? The Big Red Cheese will be back before you know it.”
Billy pulls back and laughs. Because yeah, yeah he will.
He decides to pull the cart while Freddy keeps a hand on its contents from behind. Green Arrow watches them for about a block before they can hear his expensive car rev to life and pull away.
Billy gives it another two blocks before Freddy signals it’s all clear and he pops the entire cart into a pocket dimension. They walk the rest of the way with empty hands but wide grins as they talk about what they should actually have for dinner now. They’ve already had some chips but given their high spirits they can probably split a can of chicken noodle soup or two. As a treat.
Before any of that though Billy pulls the medicine they got out and onto the floor so they can read over the labels and decide what he should take. The sore throat is an absolute priority now that they’ve been provided for. Freddy Freeman and Billy Batson are pretty set but Fawcett as a whole needs Cap back soon.
Some yucky cough syrup and actually hot soup later, they’re hashing out when they should go do laundry and what else they need and if it’d be viable to try to split a gym membership again for a little while for the showers. They can afford to have this conversation.
And if Captain Marvel drops by the Watchtower to submit his report a few days later and he tells Green Arrow they’re more than even with the widest grin anyone’s ever seen on him?
Well, that’s none of their business.
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nakathemoth · 9 months
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Constantine honest to god thought a child had just been struck by lightning and died by his side
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ditzybat · 21 days
damian standing next to billy: father i have made a friend.
bruce: it’s wonderful you’re making friends your own age without the —
damian lightly shoving billy out of the way to reveal a massive bengal tiger: this is tawky tawny a talking tiger whom i’ve befriended, i don’t know who this is
bruce: …
billy unbothered and waving enthusiastically: i’m billy batson!
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wwprice1 · 2 months
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Dan Mora just does not miss!
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johnvenus · 11 months
Super Antics by Kerry Callen (link to FB):
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rad-batson · 1 year
Quick headcanon that at some point, the Justice League makes a time-off calendar for every time a leaguer is busy and needs someone to keep their city safe while they’re gone. Maybe they have a work trip or a family thing or even some vacation they planned.
All a hero has to do is request time off, and another member will sub in while they’re gone. The only problem is that it creates a pattern. It would be suspicious if Green Arrow is only replaced when Oliver Queen is on a business trip, right? So to keep the public on their toes, JL members are encouraged to take a random day off each month or so and switch out with no rhyme or reason. Just any random day, any random hour.
The outcome is complete chaos.
Clark Kent has the pleasure of interviewing Wonder Woman at the scene of a car chase she just stopped in Metropolis.
Some muggers in Star City are scooped up into a giant glowing cage while Green Lantern riddles off bird puns to an exasperated Black Canary.
A team of robbers hit a bank in Central City but get roasted by Plastic Man for their poor their safe-cracking skills as they’re taken into custody.
Black Manta uses his high tech weaponry to wreak havoc in the Atlantic only to be hit with a torpedo as the Bat-Sub dives towards him at full speed.
Cyborg is lecturing a group of teen vandals in Fawcett City when Captain Marvel just waltzes up, says, “I’m tapping back in,” and continues the lecture where he left off.
Complete. And. Utter. Chaos. No one knows who will show up at the scene now, not even the cops, but criminals are scared shitless.
The JL decides to keep the calendar. If only for entertainment.
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jasontoddsguns · 2 years
Shazam, a supposedly magic immortal being of unknown origin: kinda pops off ngl
Batman, a father of 6: (narrows eyes in suspicion) yes…indeed it does..
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arttuff · 4 months
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hey guys why does your superhero coworker have the sour tolerance of a 10 year old ?
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vulnonapix1234 · 1 year
Consider: Captain Marvel Villian arc, but Billy Batson's heart stays pure.
Like Amanda Waller finds out his secret identity after bribing some of his villains for his secret identity.
She catches him when he is his child-self and muzzles him to make sure he wouldn't be able to turn.
He's experimented on, in an try to find a logical explanation for his magic.
Through it all his instincts/the godly Twitch chat scream at him to murder all the scientists and escape, but Billy finds himself unable to do that.
It's just not right for his child brain.
Especially since none of the scientists seem to want to hurt him.
He remembers his hands being held as some of his blood is taken, his hair getting petted as he is put to sleep, how they give him books and toys and blankets so he would bedistracted from the pain.
These people weren't evil. They where just doing their jobs.
Slowly he learned and watched the things around him.
There were others like him. Test subjects. People that needed help.
Most of the scientists weren't allowed to leave and those who were wore trackers. They where prisoners.
One day, the scientists made a "mistake", by not securing the muzzle right.
(He saw the way the doctor looked at him. He knew. He knew and allowed him to leave)
Captain Marvel was powerful. A being that could easily devour a god.
Destroying the facility was easy. Saving all those prisoners was even easier.
Some, he returned to their home and took away all of their memories.
Others, he made disappear, changing everything about them so they could start anew.
The rest he took home with him. Those he saw fit to share a drop of his power with to protect others.
He comes home like a father that returned from war. Captain Marvels appearance has changed in the time he was gone.
Still, his heart stayed as pure as it was before.
He still remembers the name of his people, their struggles, the things they like.
He still helps the old ladies cross the streets, plays with the children of the town and protects all those who might need it.
But many things changed aswell.
The magical world has gone out of its rails after he disappeared.
Billy was a child of magic and his disappearing was upsetting.
It was the Captains duty to bring balance to it.
And so he did.
He bathed in blood and iron to do what is right.
To save those around him.
To do good, as good will follow.
As the magic was in disarray, he gently gave it a sense of order back.
He took and gave powers how he saw fit and brought stability.
This stability changed the world fundamentally.
Captain Marvel became a dangerous being with an army of magic powered mini hims and a soul of gold.
He will help those who need it. Even those who don't want it.
He can recreat you as easily as he can recreate the world.
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bruciemilf · 8 months
Bruce who accidentally parents his rogues because the mom syndrome is starting to take deep roots.
He threatens Harvey with no dessert if he keeps escaping from Arkham, and blushes bright under the cowl when the man's mouth splits In a teasing, switchblade smirk, " Is that code for something else, doll?"
Harley insists on kicking his seat everytime he arrests her, " I will turn this car around!"
"To where! Also, I'm pretty sure this is just a Tesla with fancy gadgets and an emo makeover."
"You take that back, missy--"
Selina has to sit through 3 hours of " our generation doesn't know what real music is" speeches until she finally cracks and chokes him with her whip
Martinez will never forget the day Batman grabs Riddler by the scruff of his neck and holds him like a misbehaving cat, " What do we say when we flood the city?"
"That's right. Now go to your cell for reflection time."
Don't misunderstand, he's like that with the league, too. Bruce gives Billy a juice box for not obliterating an enemy to bits and he almost gets lasered.
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pegasister60 · 2 years
Alright but funniest Damian and Billy dynamic I can imagine is Batman and Robin being in Fawcett for a team-up with Cap. Business has concluded and the duo's gonna go home.
When, shortly after they part with Cap and Bats is trying to remember where they parked the Batmobile, Damian sees a lightning strike.
Naturally he puts two and two together despite nobody else (Bruce included) batting an eye that Captain Marvel must be over there. Might even be fighting!
Runs off to go check it out and rounds a corner to see a kid waving away a dust cloud. Said kid freezes when he spots Damian with that specific "caught red-handed" brand of panic.
And Damian draws the only logical conclusion.
This kid's a meta.
Billy Batson is his name and he says his powers came so suddenly one day. That he's really glad Captain Marvel also has lightning powers and that no one finds sudden lightning strikes in Fawcett strange anymore.
And Damian looks at this kid that's small enough to be younger than him (Billy's 12, actually-) with dark hair and blue eyes and very obvious potential.
Forget Drake as his Robin, there's a candidate standing right here!
Billy is internally swearing so hard and Marvel has the audacity to laugh.
They are no one’s sidekick.
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gremlin-in-the-woods · 2 months
Adoption AU
An AU in which Danny adopts Damian after Ra summons him in an attempt for immortality, offering Damian as a sacrifice. Unlucky for Ra he didn’t know the difference between an initial sacrifice for summoning and sacrifice when making a deal. Luckily for Danny this leads to him getting a free son, thank you cultists fruitloop. Damian being adopted by Danny works out really well for Damian, his violent tendencies mixing well with Ghost culture. Add on to Danny having experience with getting along with beings that often tried to kill him in the beginning and seeing Damian as the slightly feral child that he is they make a wonderful family.
I also see Danny adopting Billy Batson at some point. He isn’t going to let a child superhero not have support like he did. Your living on the streets and saving the world on a daily basis? Here is a safe place with food and no judgement. This is my son now. He is not even 25 and now has 3 kids if you count Elle, which I am.
A writing of this AU:
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ryzanecrow · 17 days
Danny and Billy are hanging out after a justice league meeting and decide to play lethal company after tucker told danny about it
justice league members are concerned about the supposed monsters that they've been fighting on their free time, like is this a threat???
jon pestered damian to play lethal company with him in exchange for telling him what kryptos favorite treat is
jon and damian stay at the watchtower for a while and come across danny and billy talking about lethal company
Damian: Batson, I demand you let us join your game
Damian: I know who everyone is
Damian: hmm i wonder why batson is so comfortable around a dead ghost that's supposedly been around for ages and should realize all his lies
now its the four of them saying concerning stuff ab fighting monsters and what do you mean jon got eaten by a massive forest giant twice
batman and superman know exactly whats going on and just sigh and warn them not to get into trouble
damian and jon are telling the other two about that one time they went to space to fight a giant starfish, and hal, being off world at the time, is like, haha thats the game that superman told me you guys were playing right?
damian and jon: ???
jarro, being carried in damian's arms: no...? they went to space to beat up my evil space dad
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deadsetobsessions · 3 months
Hera stood, waiting for her turn at last. The Queen of the Greek Pantheon traced the lines of neon green, its light reflecting against her true form in a soothing way. She’s no stranger to patience, to waiting. But there were little of those that had the gall to make her wait, and even smaller of that number that she would tolerate such behavior. Regardless, this was the one being she could not afford to offend and so, she waits. Her many forms, her divine self, perceived the room and compared it to her own halls of residence.
Olympus was much more intricate, carved of noble marble and inlaid with countless of priceless metals and gems and divinity. Twelve seats of power atop an engineering wonder, halls adorned with the brightest of the original flames, an hearth that was roaring at Hesta’s skillful hands.
In comparison, this throne room had been changed much since she was last here. Gone were the spikes of terror and screams of the damned. Now… it looked like the most bare throne room she’d ever bore witness to.
And yet, as she waited for the Boy King, Hera could feel the subtle thrum of impossible power. The new king did not flare his will and might like the previous tyrant, and for that, Hera approved. She has had quite enough of living with and under tyrants who cared only for themselves… and their bed achievements whilst failing spectacularly in their marital roles. Zeus was not a good life partner and Hera regretted ever saying yes to him many times in her immortal life. And yet… she loved him still.
The doors opened, and a small figure floated in, flanked by the previous King’s Knight. Perhaps that is what makes this Boy King so dangerous, Hera thought as she dipped into a bow, because he can turn the loyalest to his side.
“Your Majesty,” she greeted, in ghost speak.
“Heya, Hera!” The Boy King greeted her back, before waving the Knight away. Hera marveled, a bit, at the sheer confidence he had to dismiss his knight in her presence. Even the last king kept the knights around to ensure his power was always in display, always unchallengeable. The Boy King could destroy her with a snap of a finger and he knows it. He knows that she knows it.
“What did you need?” The Boy King asked, grin still on place as he floated to her instead of seating himself on his throne. Hera masked the bit of confusion she felt in pursuit of her goal.
“I have come here to ask of you a favor,” she began. “I am aware that… you are fond of this, the earth in which I reside in?”
Hera carefully picked her word. Everybody knows that the new King Phantom had laid claim to not only the Infinite Realms as is normal of his station, but an entire Earth as his haunt. He had the power to do so, she could finally see, now that she was standing before him. It would not do for Hera to get her strings cut because she claimed what is his.
“Sure. Why?” The Boy King tilted his head, narrowing that predator green upon her true form.
“Do you know of the Justice League, my lord?”
“Phantom’s fine,” he waved a hand. “And yeah, sure do! Why?”
Hera tilted her many forms in acknowledgement of the command. She bowed.
“My daughter, of a sort, is Diana Prince. Wonder Woman. She is… in grave danger. We can not exert our influence over a land that does not have our history. I can not interfere and aid her.”
“Oh, you want me to help her?” His tone was exasperated, and Hera spoke even more carefully in fear of offending him.
“Yes, if it pleases you. And it would be most gracious of you should Your Majesty have time to watch over her. I fear the danger will not leave her so quickly.”
There was a brief period of silence before King Phantom sighed. “And if it does not please me to do so?”
Hera looked up and locked gazes with evaluating green. “Then I am afraid I will be breaking a fair bit of cosmic law, King Phantom.”
He laughed. “Okay, yeah, I’ll check up on Wonder Woman.”
Hera blinked her many eyes, peacock feathers spreading in shock at how easily he allowed her favors. She did not even have to beg.
King Phantom turned to leave before pausing. “Hera, if you need help, just ask. Preferably without beating around the bushes next time. Also, Pandora misses you. You might want to hang around for tea later.”
Hera regarded him with the might of her divinity, which was but hardly a spec of his own kindness. The last one had not had her respect. Fear, yes. But never respect But this one…
“Yes, my King.”
“It’s just Phantom.” He shot back as he left, the Knight returning to his side once more.
Hera transformed into a more mortal form. She had not seen Pandora in a long time, the young woman had made quite an impression on her. Perhaps her old friend could be convinced in helping her punch Zeus and ruin her beloved husband’s day. Hera hummed, the green that used to flicker acidly against her divine form now only soothed. A reflection of its owner.
King Phantom is worthy of her regard.
Holy shit, a goddess asked him to check on the Justice League! She was super weird about it and talked in a really old way of speaking, but Danny hadn’t had anything to do for the past few days while entering the zone for his annual check up.
Danny waved away Fright Knight and dived into the portal that would take him directly to the Justice League and Diana!
He floated down from the portal, blinking at group of disheveled and injured superheroes surrounded by a group of demons. Belial?
“King Phantom.” Belial rumbled. Danny waved, not noticing the standstill his presence forced.
“Shite.” The British man cursed, drawing on his magic once more.
“King Phantom?” Diana Prince, Wonder Woman, said quizzically.
“Who?” Batman, Batman! That’s actually Batman, rumbled.
“High King of the Infinite Realms. We’re buggered if he decides to help Belial.”
“Wait, like the god of gods, that King Phantom?” Captain Marvel asked. Ancients, why are all of them electrical based? Danny hates electricity.
Danny floated closer to them, grinning in a friendly way before frowning as they tensed up.
“King Phantom. May I ask why you have graced us with your presence, my King?”
“Hey, Wonder Woman! Your mom asked me to babysit you!” He grinned, sharp and mischievous.
“What…?” The Flash asked, zipping to their side. “Her mom? Queen Hippolyta?”
“No, Hera,” Danny said, and watched Wonder Woman straighten at his words.
“The Goddess Hera.”
“Yep!” Danny rocked back on his suddenly formed legs instead of the whisp of a tail he usually kept in the Zone. He was also still floating. Danny sent a wave of ice and froze the rest of the demons in one fell swoop.
“The rest of you can take care of clean up, yes? Diana has to get some snacks, dinner, and then go to bed.” He pushed gently at Diana’s shoulders, nudging her towards the plane. She went willingly, respectful but amused.
Bruce, intellectually knowing that’s a king but only seeing a superhero teenager: *fills out mental adoption paperwork*
Hera, a goddess, terrified of misspeaking and dying as a result: he’s so strong even though he’s young omg powerful and could end my immortal existence
Danny, an unserious king: golly gee why is she speaking like a Shakespeare novel
Hera, thinking Danny’s gonna be dignified: pls watch over my daughter
Danny, who has a clone he sees as a daughter and therefore has no issues babysitting a grown woman: lol snacks, dinner, bedtime
Diana:… usually I’m on the other spectrum of this but it’s from a higher up so… okay?
Danny, terrifying gods and ancients: they’re my friends! The power of friendship!
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