#bit shorter than my usual one-shots but i kinda like how this turned out c:
blackjackkent · 2 months
>:3 I've come from A03 and see Requests
I humbly suggest camp shinanagins while Tav/Hec™ is away
(including Karlach?:D)
Or - if more serious
I think it's pretty neat alot of the companions literally reflect the same themes of abuse at the hands of people in charge
I'd love to see Astarion and Karlach or Karlach and Shadowheart or Karlach and-
Jokes aside, honestly any pair realize/talk that out a bit
Hey anon! TYSM for the requests. <3 You sent these a while back so I have no idea if you'll see this but I hope you will. c: I went with the serious prompt first but I will be coming back to the more light-hearted prompt very soon!
Broken Little Puppets
Pairing: Astarion & Karlach Characters: Astarion, Karlach Rating: Gen Content Tags: Dialogue-heavy, bonding, moving on, light angst Word Count: 1.8k Setting: Several days after Cazador boss fight, Lower City camp. Read on AO3 other bg3 one-shots | send me fic requests! Summary:  Karlach supports Astarion after a nightmare about Cazador's ritual - and gets a little support herself in return.
“Hey. Psst. Astarion-- hey, hey!”
Astarion hears Karlach’s voice as if at a great distance. He is at the bottom of a deep black pool of reverie, trapped, drowning while still breathing. The world is far away, and the memories infinitely close, crawling across his skin. 
Images flash through him with agonizing clarity. Some nights they are more indistinct, the accumulated recollections of years upon years of varying torments - but tonight it is almost as immediate as it was in life. The humming power holds him helpless on the edge of Cazador’s ritual circle, stripped of armor and weapons and friends and hope, feeling his master’s ascension starting to boil his blood with agonizing heat…
“No. No-- please--” he whimpers, his head thrashing side to side. “Let me go--”
The grip on his wrist enters the reverie and pulls. Another force trapping him, another surge of blazing heat. He jerks, lashes out blindly with his free hand, and his knuckles connect with a hard, solid jawline, sending a stab of pain through his wrist and up his arm.
“Ow! Fuck!” Karlach yelps. 
Her voice finally breaks through the reverie, shattering it apart around him. His eyes snap open and he finds himself half-sitting up in his bedroll, looking at Karlach crouched in the tent flap. She's holding her cheek with one hand and looks distinctly startled. 
“What…?” Astarion mumbles, shaking his head to try and clear the lingering fog in his thoughts. “What happened?”
“Well, you punched me, for one thing,” Karlach says. Her usual grin, never far away, is already sliding back onto her face now that she sees him awake. “Didn’t know you had that kind of right hook, Fangs.”
“You never asked,” Astarion says, with a painfully transparent attempt at his usual cocky disdain. He sits up fully, rubbing absently at his stinging wrist. “What’s the idea, grabbing me like that?”
She shrugs, letting her hand fall. There’s a visible bruise already darkening along her jaw; he really did catch her perfectly square-on. “You were, uh, having a nightmare, I think,” she says cautiously. “Or whatever you call it when you’re an elf, doing your elf thing.”
“Elves don’t have nightmares,” he says curtly. It’s not entirely a lie - reverie is not sleep. It serves the same function, at least theoretically, but an elf in reverie is not unconscious and does not dream. He remembers, locked in meditative trance, everything that has ever happened to him, often in brilliant, visceral clarity. If only that truly meant there were no nightmares…
She shakes her head. “Well, whatever it was, you were - I dunno. You were… sort of whimpering, crying out. Sure didn’t seem like you were enjoying it.”
No. No, he most certainly wasn’t. It’s only been a few days since Cazador’s blood splattered over his knife and his hands and his face; those memories are still crisp and fresh, not yet melded in with the rest. “I’m fine.” He smiles thinly. “But thanks ever so much for your concern.”
“Uh huh.” She hunches forward, crouched on the balls of her feet, and rests her elbows across her knees. “You know that’s not at all convincing, right?”
He clicks his tongue and makes a show of rolling his eyes. “Oh, all right, fine, you’ve dragged it out of me,” he says. “It was a sex dream. Very intense, lots of… you know. Positions. Orgiastic debauchery. People hanging naked upside down from chandeliers. Good cause for whimpering, is what I'm trying to say. So unless you’d like to hear all the nasty details, maybe you could just see yourself out of--”
“Astarion.” She’s still smiling, but there's no humor in it suddenly, just a sort of rueful sadness. “I’m pretty dumb sometimes, but I’m not stupid.”
His shoulders slump and he looks away from her, rubbing the heels of his hands to his temples. “Right. Of course.”
She settles forward into a more comfortable kneeling position. She’s so tall that her head still brushes the ceiling of the tent, her intact horn giving a gentle clink against the upper pole. “You wanna talk about it?”
She doesn’t make any move to leave the tent, and he doesn’t make any move to force her. They both just sit there, listening to the muted bustle of the city outside their alleyway camp.
After a while he speaks, low, almost inaudible. “I couldn’t possibly explain it,” he says, “in a way that would make you understand.”
“Try me.” She rolls her head to one side, then the other, stretching out the muscles in her neck. “Maybe I’d surprise you.”
“You’re young,” he says bitterly. “How could you possibly comprehend torments that operated on a scale of decades?”
She juts out her jaw thoughtfully. “I had one decade in the Hells. Feels like maybe that counts for something.” When he doesn’t respond, she goes on quietly, “I get nightmares too, y’know. Ten years in the Hells is no two hundred years in Caza-fuck’s dirty basement, but you still rack up a lot of bad memories. And Zariel was just as much of a cruel fucking prick…”
It’s pathetically obvious what she’s doing, of course. Talking first to get him to talk after. He’s not fooled. Sort of endearing, though, he supposes; how many people would actually bother to try?
“Woke up just last night absolutely convinced I was beating the shit out of a hezrou,” she goes on. “You ever see one of them? Nasty little brutes. Only I kept killing it and it kept coming back, and coming back, and coming back…” She stops abruptly, pulls her knees up to her chest and rests her chin on them. “Fucked up my pillow something good.”
He grunts noncommittally. Another long silence stretches between them. 
“How’d it feel, killing him?” she asks abruptly. And this time her voice is quieter; it’s lost some of the note of friendly assurance. 
He stiffens. “Surely you don’t need me to tell you what it’s like to kill someone,” he says sardonically. “I think we could both give a lecture on the subject that would put Gale to shame.”
“That’s not what I mean.” She frowns. “How’d it feel killing him?” The emphasis is clearer this time.
“Mm.” He gives her a keen look sidelong. “Rather the way it felt for you to kill Gortash, I imagine,” he says. “Though I think I managed it with more artistic flair. Really spattered the canvas, if you will.”
“Yeah.” She huffs out a breath, rattling her lips dramatically. “Watching you tear him up - it felt good. Wish I'd gone all-out like that, with Gortash. All I did was sink one good one right in his chest, but you left Cazzy just a piece of fucking meat. Shredded him. That’s the way it should be - for him, for Gortash, for Zariel, for all the fuckers who use people like that. Just a piece of fucking meat for some dog to chew on.” 
Her voice has dropped lower, and he can feel the way the temperature in the tent has ticked up a notch or two as her engine starts to rev with agitation. “And even so…” she mutters sourly, “it still doesn’t fucking fix anything, in the end. Their final little laugh at our expense.”
He wants to object, to snarl out, like the wounded animal that he is, that of course it fixed things. He won. He’s alive (in a manner of speaking) and Cazador’s gone. He will never have to follow that bastard’s direction ever again, never again let his body be used, or be compelled to press a hot poker into his own flesh, or sit in solitary confinement while hunger gnaws in his belly like a furious beast. That is all over now, it’s done. It’s gone.
Except it isn’t, not really. 
He is still a vampire. He will still never see his own face in a mirror again, or taste food as anything more than ash on his tongue. The scars on his back are still deep and harsh, spelling out an infernal message of ascension that has lost its only purpose. All the memories of two hundred years of abuse still linger in his mind, ready to be recalled in such clarity as if they happened yesterday.
And the hunger will never, ever, ever stop.
Nothing he did to Cazador changed that in the slightest, just the way nothing Karlach did to Gortash changed the inferno burning in her chest.
He shudders, his shoulders hunching up involuntarily as if recoiling from a blow. “No,” he mutters. “It doesn’t fix a damned thing.”
“Yeah.” She lets out a heavy sigh. “Shoulda seen the way I screamed in Hector’s face when I figured that one out. Still, at least they're dead. And we're free.”
“Free. Yes.” He laughs sharply. “Two broken little puppets with their strings cut.”
She grins - with no humor but with a sort of savage intensity. “And still managing to put on a pretty good show.”
“Are we?” For a moment the sardonic mask slips and he lifts his head to look at her. “I'm not putting on a good show - I'm lost. All of Cazador's power was at my fingertips, and instead I'm sitting in a dirty alleyway listening to Minsc snoring from the other end of the camp. This is no good show. It's a farce.”
She says nothing, just waits, and eventually he adds grudgingly, “But it's my farce.”
“Damn right it is.” Humor flashes back into Karlach's face suddenly. “Besides, who doesn't love a good farce? Mistaken identities, slapstick, dick jokes… the height of entertainment, if you ask me.”
Astarion can't help a slight, crooked grin in return. Karlach's indomitable energy is always infectious, even in the deepest depths of his brooding. “Darling, let me be the first to condemn you as incurably lowbrow,” he says airily, giving a dismissive wave with one hand.
“Listen, vampy, I don't have the kind of time you do to worry about appearances.” She uncurls her legs slowly from her chest to a cross-legged position instead. “Funny thing, y'know. You're gonna go on and on forever, and I've got a year left in me, tops. But we're both fighting the same fight when it comes down to it. Staring down all that freedom, trying to force it into a shape that makes sense. Make something worthwhile out of it before it’s too late.”
Astarion draws his head back and looks at her suddenly as if seeing her clearly for the first time. His fingers fidget absently with the edge of his bedroll. “Well,” he finally says quietly, “I won't give up the fight if you don't, hm?”
Her eyes brighten and she laughs. “Got yourself a deal, Fangs.”
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Flirty Bastards
Summary: “ is it possible to have a george weasley one shot where reader shows up and george’s world kinda just crashes because he’s so confused because he thought he was straight and is essentially just gay panicking because of a flirtatious reader? idk this confused me teehee runs out the door “ (request)
Pairing: George Weasley x Male Reader
Key: (Y/N)- your name, (H/C)- hair colour, (E/C)- eye colour, (Y/H)- your house
Word Count: 1431
“Why aren’t you just the cutest?” George heard a voice from behind him. 
“I-I’m sorry-“ He said, turning around to place the voice to a flirty looking boy with (E/C) eyes and soft (H/C) hair. He was the prettiest boy he thought he’d ever seen. 
He cleared his throat and adjusted his seating, trying to look a little less taken back by what the shorter boy said. 
“Flowing red locks and eyes to die for, tell me, sugar. What name have you been blessed with?” He said, cocking his eyebrow and taking a seat next to him in the hall, swiftly grabbing a small piece of bacon off his plate. Who did this show off think he is, George thought. He’d never really seen him around, at least he thinks so. 
“Uh- George” He stuttered out, silently cursing himself. Usually he was the flirting one, but he never flirted so openly with guys. He hadn’t thought of that… until now. 
“A lovely name for a lovely man” The boy said, finishing George’s bacon with a soft yet evil smile on his face. 
“I-I’m sorry, who are you?” He asked, very confused at the short fiery boy in front of him. 
“Name’s (Y/N), don’t you forget it” He winked and stood up again as he was about to leave Fred came into view from behind (Y/N) catching his glance too. 
“Hey George, who’s thi-“ Fred asked, curiously as to the boy who had completely winded his brother. George never backed out of flirty banter, but his brother’s jaw looked as though it would drop to the ground if it wasn’t held on his face. 
“Two of them? Wowee, a steal. Between you and me, you’re cuter. See ya, boys” He whispered into the redhead’s ear before waving them off dramatically as he took a seat back at his house’s table, only winking at George again when he looked over. 
“Who was that!?” Fred immediately stepped out of the table and took a seat next to his brother. 
“I have no idea.” He said, mouth still agape. His cheek hotter than central Africa and his hands glued to the Gryffindor table. He just kept stealing glances of him over at his house table, laughing with his friends. Were they laughing at him, please Merlin. George didn’t need that. 
“We should teach him a lesson, what a brat!” Fred said, slamming his fist lightly onto the table. Yet his twin still seemed fixated on the boy opposite them. 
“No” He answered, quickly looking back at his plate. The last piece of bacon left alone with an empty space next to it. His cheeks became redder. 
“I mean, I’ll do it myself.” He said quickly as he wolfed down the last of his breakfast. 
“Woah, big scary George going to punish him lone wolf style. Harsh.” His brother laughed and patted his back, George giving a half hearted chuckle in response. 
In reality George just wanted to get back  at him for making him so flustered, but he didn’t even know how to flirt with a guy. This was the first time in his short life he’d ever seen a guy like that. It made him feel hot and bothered for the rest of the day, just thinking about the pretty boy who he now recognised as the (Y/H) boy who sat at the back of his classes. 
He saw the (E/C) eyed boy once again at lunch, but this time he gathered all his courage matching over to the boy with the most flirty look he could muster up. 
“Hey there, (Y/N)” He said leaning his arm on the table, his large frame towering over the sitting boy. He just smiled in response, he looked like he just accepted whatever challenge George had started. 
“Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?” George said in full confidence, a shit eating grin in his face. 
(Y/N) scoffed, but George noticed the slight bit of a smile forming on his face at the banter. This made his heart beat loud in his ears, the heat on his cheeks fighting their way out as (Y/N) stood up leaning his face closer and closer to George’s. 
“Maybe try it again and I can wipe that grin off your face” He looked deep into George’s eyes which made him flinch hard backwards falling flat on his ass. (Y/N) looked satisfied enough and just sat back down to continue his meal.
And so it started, a raging war on who would break first. Even the other students had started placing bets on them, tallying their scores on who became the most flustered and who would break. Everyday at breakfast, lunch and maybe dinner. Sometimes they’d sneak in secret battles in class until one very tired day. 
George was usually the one to walk up to (Y/N) during meal times, but everyone was surprised when (Y/N) was sitting and swinging his legs on the bench next to Fred and George. This time was different though, (Y/N) had the most determined look on his face and George could tell. 
“You know, I just flirted with you cause I really do think you’re cute” He whispered so no one else could hear. He was being honest and upfront with his friend?. He didn’t really want this to continue much longer, it was weird having the whole school in on it. 
“If you’re gonna play with my emotions so much, why not just kiss me?” He said blankly, a very serious look on his face. He looked rather tired and bored of their antics. George however, froze on the spot. Not sure what to do. 
“I-uh-“ He stuttered out, unable to process all the emotions running through his head.
“I know it’s weird, I’m not even sure if you like guys or this was just some game to you. It was fun, but I really do like you.” He said with his eyes glued to the floor 
“You do?” 
“Yeah” He continued to swing his legs back and forth looking very nervous and flustered by the truth of the matter. 
George didn’t do much, he just got up very quickly and ran out of the great hall at lightning speed. Everyone in the hall cheered at (Y/N)’s flirt victory, the battle finally over. Yet (Y/N) just stared at the door, a little confused. 
“What am I supposed to do now?!” George splashed water on his face, he covered his face with his hands and almost screamed into them in frustration. How was he supposed to know that wasn’t a joke? He started it, so of course George had to finish it. Maybe he was being completely serious the first time, but that just confused him more. He never felt the way he did now for any guy he’d ever met. 
“George? Are you in here?” (Y/N) called out softly, not trying to gain any more attention than he did in the hall. 
He panicked and locked himself in one of the stalls hoping he’d just go away. He didn’t. 
“I’m sorry. If you don’t like guys, that’s okay! I just really like you.” 
He didn’t say anything, he just heard the boy sigh quietly. He couldn’t just hide forever, or could he? This was too embarrassing. 
“I’d hope we could at least be friends” 
George held his breath as he stood up to undo the lock, he just needed to face him. That was it. Maybe the feeling would just go away. 
“There you are,” He said with a warm comforting smile on his face, George’s heart froze again. He’s too pretty. 
“I’m sorry about all this, if i had just kept my mouth shut you wouldn’t be under all this pressure. You don’t have to be my friend or anything, you can just-“ He was cut off by George crashing their lips together startling him, but he eased into it as his fingers locked into the redhead’s soft hair. 
“You should just tell someone you have a crush on them, it’s easier.” He said looking down, his face burning up. He just smiled with equally flushed cheeks. 
“I’m sorry” He laughed as he hugged George’s yall frame with a smile on his lips. George letting out a sigh of relief as he realised it wasn’t just a fleeting thought, he really did have feelings for this weird flirty boy. 
The competition might’ve been over, but their flirting sure wasn’t…
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
5 times Leo hit on Calypso as her Barista and one time it worked
Word Count: 3.8K
Summary: Coffee Shop AU! Calypso is running late one day so she ends up going to a coffee shop- what she doesn’t expect is for her barista to be Bad boy supreme
Later on in this fic, they sing this song.
Warnings?: Not much, terrible pick up lines, mainly fluff, making out.
A/N:  This took me so long but alas, here it is! This is kinda my first official fluff and I tried okay. Anyway, enjoy, comment, share, like- you know the drill. <3 from moi!
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The 1st Thursday
Calypso was not happy with the line she was waiting in. She was running late and thus was at a coffee shop- somewhere she preferred not to go. The weather was terrible, grey skies as well as heavy rain that had Calypso drenched. The stupid forecast hadn’t predicted the rain and thus she had left her apartment without an umbrella nor raincoat. 
The coffee shop was small but cute, she had to admit. The staff seemed small but efficient and within a few minutes, Calypso found herself at the front of the line, face to face with a boy with rich dark tan skin and the most dazzling smile she had ever seen. He had long dimples and his dark curly hair would flop over his face in a cute manner.
“Hi, Welcome to Steamy Beans Coffee. I’m Super sized Mcshizzle and I will be taking your order today, do you have your order ready?” He looked up at the girl in front of him and immediately, his lips stretched into a lazy and goofy smile. She frowned at the nickname but internally she wanted to laugh, even his name badge read Super Sized Mcshizzle- Who called themselves that?
“Can I get a cappuccino with 2 espresso shots, please.” She reached into her bag to pull out her purse while the boy at the counter hummed and tapped at the machine in front of him.
“What kind of milk?” He looked up again, cheekily smiling as if he had something planned.
“Uh, almond is fine.”
“And your name?” He asked, pulling out a marker. Before she could answer, he cut in.
“Does your name start with a C-”
“-Actually it doe-” 
 “-Because I can C us together.” 
Calypso resisted the urge to smile and instead raised an eyebrow at the horribly cheesy pick up line. Despite this, she was a bit impressed- Her name did technically start with a C.
“Calypso. That’s my name,” She told him as she walked away from the counter and sat at one of the stalls, waiting for her name to be called out. 
The 2nd Thursday
Somehow, Calypso found herself queuing outside the same coffee shop the next Thursday. Whilst she told herself it was because the coffee was perfect, it was truly to see the brown haired grinning boy who had served her last week. Pick up lines weren’t really her poison, but he wasn’t creepy and even she had to admit it- He was cute. 
As the queue grew shorter, she grabbed her purse ready to pay. She had subconsciously chosen to wear better clothes and style her hair today. Was it a stupid decision to wear white when drinking coffee? Absolutely. But Calypso was 100% willing to take the risk. 
“Hi, welcome to Steamy Beans Coffee. I’m Bad Boy Supreme and I will be taking your order today, do you have an order ready?” The boy looked up, with his hair flopping about. He had rolled his sleeves up and Calypso, who wasn’t about to get caught, quickly averted her eyes elsewhere. She noticed that his name had changed- so had his badge. Did he have a collection of these names? She’d have to ask him next time.
Oh, so there will be a next time, huh? She asked herself. 
Shut up. 
“Oh. Calypso, right? Same as last time?” He asked as he hovered his finger over the machine.
“Oh, yeah. Cappuccino please.” 
As she waited for her name to be called out, she pulled out her sketchbook and started sketching the cute barista. From his elf like ears to his slanted chocolate eyes and the funny curl that went in the complete opposite direction of his hair earning him a messy hair look. It was only a basic sketch but it had outlined him. 
“Cappuccino for Calypso?” a familiar voice called out. She was slightly surprised to find her Barista also handing off her coffee but she also quite flattered. Or maybe she was just overthinking this. He could easily just have switched around for a friend- it can’t have been just for her.
“Thanks,” she murmured as she reached into her purse, trying to find the appropriate change in her purse. 
“You and I are like nachos with jalapeños. I'm super cheesy, you're super hot, and we belong together.” The pick up line rolled off his tongue as he leant over the counter separating them. He had a smirk that made Calypso immediately lose her strong front and spill her change all over the counter.
“What?!” she sputtered as her eyes darted to the change. She managed to scoop most of it into her arms without looking too much like a fool. She quickly grabbed her coffee and made her way out of the shop as fast as she possibly could, hoping she didn’t look as ridiculous as she thought she did. 
The 3rd Thursday
“You don’t understand, last time the pick up line was creepy. She probably thinks I’m a weirdo now!” Leo groaned as he slammed his head on the counter beside his friend Will who always worked the same shift as him. Unfortunately, Will did not get to witness what Leo kept on describing as ‘a catastrophe’. 
“She won’t come in today, I bet. Ugh, I really screwed up.” 
“It really can’t have been that bad!” Will argued, dragging Leo by the arm to the front counter. 
“I said You and I are like nachos with Jalapenos. I’m super cheesy, you’re super hot and we belong together.”
Will cringed. “Okay, that is bad.”
Calypso could not believe she was coming back to the coffee shop. The previous pick up line was terrible, in fact it was almost as bad as the ‘I’m here, what are your other two wishes’ pick up line that a creepy person had used on her earlier but in all honesty it wasn’t the barista that was the problem. It was the fact that she could not crush over someone with pickup lines as bad as those. This time, she had decided to use her card to pay so she wouldn’t have to deal with spilt change everywhere. 
“Hi, welcome to Steamy Beans Coffee. I’m Commander tool Belt- that’s because my major is engineering and I fixed the old coffee machine- how can I help you?” The curly haired boy in front of her said miserably while slumped behind the counter with his face practically leaning on the machine.  
“I was hoping for the usual?” Her meek voice came out questioning. Leo’s head shot off the counter, almost slamming into the machine. 
“Wow… uh cappuccino again?” 
“Yep…” she searched for something to say. “So engineering major huh?” 
“Mhmm. I like making things I guess. What about you?” 
“Natural sciences. I was going to do art but I guess plants and animals are more of my poison.” She shrugged. 
“You can draw?” he asked, his voice peaking interest and turning around slightly. 
“Yes, why do you sound so surprised at that?” 
He batted his hand. “Oh nothing, just something we have in common.” He then winked and Calypso had to do everything she could to not react. She stood in front of the counter, waiting for her coffee but saw that her barista was screwing his eyes up and writing something on a cup. She wanted to pull out her sketchbook and draw the cute face he was pulling, leaning back and holding the cup in front of him as if it were an invention he had never seen. 
“Cappuccino for Calypso!” A sing-song voice that could only be her barista called out. She had to admit, his voice was not bad. In fact, it was quite impressive and it had a nice harmonious tune to it. 
“Thank you…” she said in a suspicious tone, as she swiped her card over the contactless payment machine. Her barista was suspiciously silent and she had yet to hear a terrible pick up line. He had a mischievous smile as if he had set something on fire and not told anyone anything about it. As she picked up her coffee, she noticed a lot more black marker on the cup and held it away from her face to read it.
Are you made of Copper and tellurium? Because you are CuTe.
She wanted to face palm at such a classic science pun but she was also impressed that he knew elements of the periodic table so easily. She let out a small laugh to let him know that she had noticed the pick up line before she took a small sip and smiled. 
The 4th Thursday
“I’m telling you, she actually laughed at the line! That’s a good thing right?” Leo asked as he put on his apron. 
“And I’m telling you, if you want her to go out with you, hit her with a star wars pun,” Will ugred while tying his apron behind his back.
“You’re obsessed with star wars.”
“Hey, it worked for me and Nico!” Will pointed out as they made their way to the counter.
“Sun boy, we all know you and Mr Debbie Downer did not get together over Star Wars pick up lines,” Leo argued. 
Calypso was running late. She hated being late. It was like slowly ticking off the boxes for panic 101. She was wearing mismatched socks, had the wrong books for class and the laces of her shoes were untied. At least the line was significantly shorter than usual and while normally that would have made Calypso question the occasion, she was too much in a rush to truly care.
As she ran in, she tripped over her laces and almost fell had it not been for the arms of the person in front of her. As she looked up to find her saviour, she found herself face to face with the curly brown haired boy who today wore the badge of ‘Admiral Leo’.  She thought Leo was a nice name and it suited him very well- much better than any other name would have.
“Hey, tie your shoes!” he scolded her and she was surprised by his concern over her safety. Alas, she had spoken too soon, 
“I don’t want you falling for anyone else.” he murmured, his lips right by her ear and his hot breath making goosebumps form all across her neck. He then reached down onto his knees, and did her laces. However, she noticed the manner he did them were different to how she would normally do them. 
“You know that’s how children do their laces, right?” Her hands rested on her hips as he gasped dramatically and held his hand over his heart. 
“Are you calling me a child?” 
Before she could say yes, he cut her off.
“The answer is I totally am a child because that means I can eat off the child menu,” He grinned foolishly. “Life hacks with Admiral Leo!” 
The 5th Thursday
“I’m telling you Leo- Make the Star Wars pun. Please! For me, do it for me!” Will begged as he tied Leo’s apron for him. Leo was reluctant to go with a Star Wars pun. He didn’t know if Calypso would get it or if she was into nerdy stuff like that but he was running out of ideas. He hadn’t gotten any terrible sparks of inspiration and the Star Wars inspired pun that Will had told him couldt go too badly?
Nervously, Leo waited behind the counter, his hands tapping as if he had just slapped on a nicotine patch and then glugged 6 espresso’s. In other words, Leo was anxious. If he just made the drinks without thinking about it, he could get his mind off it but when he started remembering that she may walk in at any moment, he could feel his hands shake and his stomach begin to churn. 
Calypso was very happy. She had no classes today, no research studies to deal with and she had even managed her time well enough to hang out with a friend before heading towards her newly found and now favourite coffee shop. She knew it was it because of a certain curly haired and cheekily grinning boy. 
“Hello, welcome to Steamy Beans Coffee, I’m Flaming Valdez- don’t ask please- how can I assist you today?” He once again looked up and when seeing Calypso, he recited her order before the words could come out of her mouth. 
“Cappuccino with 2 espresso shots and almond milk?” 
Calypso, a bit shocked, nodded. She could feel small butterflies forming in her stomach thinking about how Leo had memorised her order. 
Stop being silly. He probably memorises every regular’s order. 
 “Soo… Flaming Valdez… what’s the story behind that?” She asked, despite his warning. Leo tipped his head back and let out a throaty laugh that had Calypso tingling all over- How can a person have such a gorgeous laugh? How can someone look so good while laughing? 
“Oh, that’s a good story. Every year, we celebrate the owners birthday by having the shop to ourselves. No customers, just the staff chilling. Anyway, so it’s like 9pm and we’re all meant to be out because it was sunset an hour ago but instead we’re still in the shop. Everyone’s gathered right out there because your boy, Flaming Valdez, brought in Roman candles!” Leo pointed to the chairs and tables outside the shop.
“Roman candles?” Calypso asked, a tad confused. Her face scrunched up a bit and Leo almost died from how cute her face looked.
“They’re like fireworks. There’s a slight difference with how the shell explodes compared to fireworks and they are a much more traditional version of fireworks but…” He trailed off when he noticed Calypso’s confused face- he just managed to remember that she wasn’t a nerd like him and didn’t study fireworks in her freetime. 
“Anyway, Will has the red ones and I have the green ones and so we literally start shooting them at each other like we’re re-enacting Harry Potter or something!”
“What! Can’t someone get set on fire from that?”
“Well yeah actually, they can. Will shoots one at me, sparks at my hair and sets it on fire. I’m running around trying to stop my burning hair while everyone is laughing. The crowd started cheering ‘Flaming Valdez’ and since then, they’ve adopted me that name. I’ve tried to get them to change it but it seems to stick,” he laughed while making her coffee. 
“Yeah, I think I’ve seemed to notice. Super sized Mcshizzle, Bad boy supreme, Commander tool belt, Admiral Leo and today- Flaming Valdez.” She listed all the names he would wear on his badges off her fingers. However, that may have been a mistake because when she looked up, she saw Leo shooting her a sly grin that made the butterflies start going crazy in her stomach again.
“So you remember my names, huh?” 
“It’s the nice thing to do,” she defended, a blush rising on her cheeks as she reached for some napkins.
Leo took a deep breath- he couldn’t believe that he was going to use Will’s Star Wars pick up line. 
“Do you like Star Wars? Cause Yoda only one for me.” The words practically rolled off his tongue and Calypso froze before breaking in laughter. She couldn't hold it in anymore- this was by far the funniest of all the pick up lines he had used. She pulled out a pen and scribbled something down on her sketchpad before ripping it out.
Leo, distraught, watched as she laughed at the pick up line. He should have listened to his gut and never made the pick up line. Oh gosh, he looked like an absolute loser now. Who makes Star Wars puns other than nerds? He handed Calypso the coffee and watched as she quickly left.
 He noticed the sketch she had left behind, it looked oddly familiar. In fact, he could have sworn it looked just like him. She had been sketching him everytime she waited for her coffee. He traced finger gently over the outline of his face, smiling. She had drawn everything in such detail, he felt like he was looking in the mirror but at the same time he felt she had facetuned him and made him look.. Well, perfect. Did she think he needed all these faults fixed? Or was this just how she saw him? She somehow made every flaw seem gorgeous and beautiful and he didn’t know how to feel as he looked at the bottom of the sketch. 
His eyes widened as he read the note left at the bottom of the sketch. 
Hey Leonidas (your co-worker told me that). Here’s my number - 07669833256. 
P.S- Star Wars puns ALWAYS work.
Yours truly, Calypso
“Leo? Are you good?” Will stopped to ask him. 
“Star Wars puns always work- you were right,” he said starstruck. 
The Next Friday
“Mamacita, get off those tables, I need to clean them,” Leo huffed, holding a spray bottle threateningly and a cloth in his other hand. Calypso, giggling and giddy hopped off the table. She watched as Leo quickly sprayed it down before wiping it. 
“Are you checking me out?” Leo’s smug voice cut through Calypso’s thoughts, snapping her out of mind. Her initial reaction was to stutter and wildly deny it however today at 7pm, she felt more bold than usual and decided to tease him a bit.
“So what if I was?” 
Leo almost froze at the bold response, not expecting the reaction from her. They’d been officially going out for one week and so far, Calypso had been quite shy. A kiss on the cheek here and there, a bit of innocent flirting but no one had really openly confessed their feelings. It was obvious to everyone around them that they liked each other but they seemed determined to have the other say it first. 
“Well if you were… " He turned around to see her smirking with both hands on her hips. He was not losing to Calypso- he would make her confess her feelings first if it was the last thing he did. She sat herself on the counter behind her and beckoned Leo forward with her finger. He raised an eyebrow at the bold move but obliged. 
Leo stood between Calypso’s thighs, his hands slipping around her waist. Their faces were close enough that if Calypso and Leo both moved their head slightly forward, they’d be kissing. Funnily enough, they both had started eating mints and chewing gum whenever they’d be with each other as if they were planning the moment. 
“I still can’t believe those pick up lines worked,” Calypso sighed, her hands moving onto Leo’s shoulders, comfortably rubbing them back and forth. 
“Bad Boy supreme is very much offended by those comments.”
“Nu uh. Ever since that blond co-worker of yours told me that your full name is Leonidas...” She paused to unsuccessfully hold in a small laugh. “...That your name is Leonidas, it’s been Leonidas and it will always be Leonidas to me.”
“Not even Leo?” He asked, his eyes entering puppy eyes mode. Calypso remained unimpressed and shook her head. Their eyes locked and they could feel each other's thoughts. Just as their heads were leaning in,the radio behind the counter bugged out and static started blaring everywhere. Calypso wanted to curse god- of coure something just had  to ruin the moment. Immediately, the two students shoved their hands over their ears and Leo jumped over the counter to quickly fix the horrendous noise. A few minutes later, About Love  by Marina started softly playing through the cafe’s speakers. 
The moment seemed like it was manufactured for a movie. The beautiful sunset on the horizon, the romantic music and most of all, Leo’s playful smile as he held his hand out asking Calypso to dance. She, of course, accepted and the two twirled about in each other's arms. They weren’t very good and they kept on stepping on each other's toes but eventually they got into a position where Leo’s hands were wrapped around her waist and Calypso’s arms were thrown around Leo’s neck. 
Leo watched as Calypso closed eyes and softly sang the words to the song under her breath. 
“Started in the strangest way, didn’t see it coming.”
Leo started singing with her, “My head gets messy when I try to hide.”
“The things I love about you in my mind” Their voices were harmonious and in sync. 
“I don’t really know a lot about love, a lot about love, a lot about love but you’re in my head, you’re my blood and it feels so good, it hurts so much.” Calypso had her head leaning on Leo’’s chest and she could hear the steady thumping of his heart quicken.
“Shall I take this as your confession of love to me?” He murmured into her hair. Calypso shot her head up so fast that she almost butted Leo in the chin. 
“Hell no, Leonidas.” 
Yet, as she said those words, her face leaned upwards towards Leo with her intense gaze falling to his lips. They looked soft, supple even and she felt so tempted to reach out and brush them. In fact, she felt so tempted to touch them that she didn’t even notice her actual hand reaching out to brush against his bottom lip. 
Leo had to physically restrain himself from shivering when he felt Calypso’s finger brush over his bottom lip, dragging it back slightly before slowly setting her hand at the side of his face. Slowly, like they were two magnets slowly attracting each other, they leaned in. When they were practically breathing in each other's face, Leo decided to spring one more pick up line on Calypso. 
“Did you know that my lips are skittles?” Leo cut in quickly. Calypso quickly frowned, not catching on. Leo continued, “ And you’re about to taste the rainbow.”
Calypso groaned, throwing her head back while Leo giggled to himself. Sick of chasing each other, Calypso grabbed Leo’s face with both her hands and smashed her lips into his, abruptly shutting him up. To say Leo was surprised would be the understatement of the year. He was in a true state of panic, thinking what he should do with his hands, his lips, his entire being. Her lips moved against his, encouraging him. He wrapped his hands around her waist, both of them moving up her back, pulling her into the kiss. 
They pulled away for a brief second, looking each other in the eye before slamming their lips back together. Had anyone walked in on them, it would have only been appropriate to say that they were devouring each other- their lips pushed and their hands pulled. Their lips moved in sync and Calypso weaved her hands into Leo’s curls. It was demonically passionate as their tongues slipped across each other's lips. The heat of the kiss spread across Calypso’s face- the blush was so obvious, she felt like her lips were on fire. Nothing could have stopped them, not even if the entire world was on fire. 
As they pulled away, Calypso had one more trick up her sleeve. 
“As far I’m concerned, the rainbow tasted pretty damned good,” She remarked, referencing to Leo’s previous pick up line. 
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loverboytrashmouth · 3 years
Of Macchiatos and Nicknames (pt 1)
pairing; Reddie
word count; 1.6k
summary; Eddie doesn’t mind studying at the coffee shop as much as he thought he would.
a/n; part one of two of a little coffee shop meet cute because meet cutes are my fav and also i’m a barista so i think about this kinda au a lot. also read on ao3 if you’d like! enjoy :)
Eddie didn’t even like coffee that much. He’d really only drink it when he needed the caffeine to get him through a long night of studying. He hardly ever visited the campus coffee shop, and if he did it was because Bill would drag him out of bed earlier than necessary to make a stop there before their 8AM lectures. 
It wasn’t until one afternoon during midterms that Eddie began spending most of his free afternoons at the coffee shop.
It was a particularly windy October day, so Bill and Eddie decided they’d trade their usual study spot outside on their university’s great lawn area for the cozy coffee shop right on the outskirts of the main campus . Eddie couldn’t stand studying there; it was constantly full of loud students who would call themselves “study groups” when really it was just an excuse for them to drink their lattes and goof off. He had tried to convince Bill that they could just go to the library or back to their room, but Bill insisted he absolutely needed coffee, blaming it on his lack of sleep the night before.
“Just get me anything, I don’t care. I’m gonna get us a table,” Eddie said to Bill once they entered, already beginning to walk towards the mid-sized seating area. Bill gripped his upper arm and pulled him back.
“Definitely n-not. I’ll be h-halfway done my drink before you finish your dis-disinfecting routine,” Bill chuckled, earning a glare from Eddie. “I’ll go s-sit. You know my order. I promise, I’ll wuh-wipe down the table with the utmost c-care.” Eddie sighed in defeat, rolling his eyes at his friend’s teasing and lightly shoving him towards the seats. The shorter boy turned around towards the menu hanging on the wall, trying to figure out what the hell he was going to drink. His thoughts were interrupted by a voice coming from behind the counter.
“What’s your poison, ol’ chap,” it asked in a very obviously fake British accent. Eddie’s gaze trailed down to where the voice came from and his breath involuntarily hitched in his throat at the sight of the guy behind the register. He had disheveled curly black hair that contrasted - very nicely, Eddie noted - against his pale skin. He was tall, Eddie not needing to move his neck much from the position it was in to see the menu to look him in the eyes. The barista’s eyes, Eddie noted, were insanely large behind the thickly rimmed glasses that framed his face, but somehow he made them look good. Eddie’s eyes flicked down to the barista’s sharp jawline covered in messy stubble, his slightly chapped lips in a playful smirk.
“You gonna order something shortie, or are ya gonna just keep undressing me with your eyes,” the barista asked in his normal voice, the smirk never leaving his face. Eddie snapped out of his trance, feeling his face immediately heat up.
“Am I short or are you just freakishly tall,” Eddie shot back, his voice dripping with offense but he knew the color on his cheeks told the barista that he definitely had no ill feelings towards him. The taller boy shrugged.
“Tomayto tomahto, pretty boy,” he said with a wink. “Seriously though, whatcha havin’? It’s my duty to know.”
Eddie huffed out a chuckled at him and shook his head, before it dawned on him that he barely knew anything about coffee. Sure, he knew Bill’s order was called a “caramel macchiato,” but what if he said the fancy names of the sizes wrong and embarrassed himself? He was already anxious enough about ordering in the first place, customer service interactions being one of his least favorite things (he’s so glad his work study is in the library, stacking books with little to no human interaction). It didn’t help that the stupidly tall - and cute - barista was full force hitting on him like his life depended on making Eddie blush.
“Um, two mediu- no, grande, right. Two grande caramel macchiatos please,” Eddie finally decided after a few short beats of silence, mentally kicking himself when he realized what he said, because he hates caramel macchiatos. The barista tapped out his order on the register, taking a couple glances at Eddie as he did so.
“Alrighty, you got it. And what’s your name?” Eddie furrowed his eyebrows at this question, taken slightly aback even though it was no secret the barista had been flirting with him this entire conversation. The latter must have noticed Eddie’s confused reaction, as he clarified with a chuckle, “So we can call it out to let you know your order is ready.”
“Oh, right,” Eddie laughed, his cheeks heating up once more, this time more of embarrassment at his misunderstanding of the question’s intentions. He reached a shaky hand to the back of his neck, rubbing nervously as he answered. “It’s Eddie.”
The barista nodded his head, his grin growing wider as he typed Eddie’s name into the machine. Eddie began pulling cash out of his fanny pack when the barista interrupted his movements with his voice.
“Don’t worry about that, Eds. They’re on the house today.” Eddie tilted his head ever so slightly, his furrowed eyebrows returning once more.
“Did- did you just call me ‘Eds’,” he asked, receiving only a simple nod from the taller boy. “How’s it fair I have a nickname already when I don’t even know your real name?” The barista smirked that shit-eating smirk again, holding a hand out towards the smaller boy.
“Richie ‘Trashmouth’ Tozier, at your service.” Eddie placed his own hand into Richie’s, the roughness of his dry skin making Eddie’s skin crawl, but in a good way.
“Nice to meet you, Rich,” Eddie replied with a smirk of his own, his eyebrows slightly raised. “Thanks for the coffees.”
“Anything for you, Eddie baby.” Another wink. God, Eddie’s face was so hot he thought he could probably fry an egg on it.
Eddie couldn’t hide the blush on his cheeks or the dumb smile that refused to leave his mouth as he walked over to the table Bill had chosen to set up study camp at. Bill watched as the smaller boy sat across from him and began placing books on the table, attempting to cover his smile with his arm.
“Wuh-wow, Eddie. I haven’t seen you blush like that since our s-sex ed course in high school,” Bill teased with a slight laugh. Eddie’s face heated up even more at the memory, as well as the fact that he’d been caught basically swooning over Richie.
“Shut it, Bill. You got those notes I missed when I was sick?” Despite Eddie’s attempt to change the subject matter, Bill pressed on.
“It was the barista, wuh-wasn’t it? I could s-see the way he was looking at you from all the way over-”
“Wait, how was he looking at me,” Eddie interrupted without thinking, his eyes full of hope. Bill laughed some more at his eagerness.
“Y-You’re kidding, right? I’m s-surprised he didn’t jump over the counter and attack you into a m-makeout session right then and there.” Eddie’s eyes widened at Bill, before glancing over his shoulder to look at the barista again as he was making their drinks. He must’ve felt eyes on him, because not even five seconds after Eddie turned his head, Richie looked up from the espresso machine he was working with and the two locked eyes. Eddie immediately snapped his head back around, but not before noticing the smirk that returned to Richie’s lips. Bill shot him a knowing look.
“Okay, he flirted with me hardcore and yes he’s absolutely my type but if I don’t study for this midterm I won’t be able to think about him with calc on the brain 24/7. Notes, please,” Eddie spat out at high speed, a habit he had since he was a preteen that occurred whenever he got flustered.
Bill passed the page of math notes over with an eyebrow wiggle, but Eddie didn’t get a chance to even glance at them before hearing an obnoxiously loud voice behind him call out, “ORDER UP FOR A SIR EDDIE SPAGHETTI.” Eddie mentally facepalmed at the nickname usage before getting up and walking back to the counter.
“Really? Eddie Spaghetti?” Eddie couldn’t resist the laugh in his voice or fond smile as he shook his head at Richie. Richie, in return, held the coffees out to him, and shrugged his shoulders with a grin.
“Cute nickname for a cute boy,” he commented casually. Eddie couldn’t believe how smooth this thick-glasses wearing, awkwardly lanky dude could be, especially when he felt as though he could burst with every sentence uttered by said thick-glasses wearing, awkwardly lanky dude.
“So, uh,” Richie started once Eddie had taken the coffee cups from his hands, their fingers brushing lightly and lingering a bit too long. Eddie noticed his ever so slight change in demeanor, leaving bold and flirty and inching more towards reserved and… nervous? “Can I expect to see you around here again any time soon?”
The sincerity Eddie heard Richie speak within that sentence made his heart flutter, as well as whatever anxieties he still felt in his stomach to slowly dissipate. With that statement Eddie realized he wasn’t just aimlessly being flirted with, but that this could actually, maybe, mean something a little more?
“You sure can, Trashmouth,” Eddie replied with a warm look in his eyes. Richie perked up at the nickname, his cheeks going pink as Eddie walked back to his table.
“Dude, I thought you hated caramel m-macchiatos,” Bill commented when he saw the identical coffees his friend was holding, but Eddie barely heard him. He was too busy stealing glances back at the barista.
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mortedeveles · 4 years
A Search at Midnight.
SUMMARY: Who knew that a ill and sleepwalking Present Mic, and a pair of lost glasses would be the start of your love story witth Tokoyami Fumikage?
PAIRING: Tokoyami Fumikage x gn!reader
THEME: fluff, pining, awkward teenagers <3 [ONE-SHOT] 
TW: I don’t think there’s anything? 
a/n: Please read! this is a personal and writing update. 
hey guys, i known i’ve been MIA for a while. school is kicking my ass majorly, i just got a C in one of my subjects (im usually a straight A student) :’) wishing i could attend therapy and focusing all my time on schoolwork and very little for myself, much less for writing. but ya know, life’s wack. old news. due to this, i can’t promise frequent content. i only have a few planned works that will be released. on another note, regarding my writing, i will be publishing about 2-3 drabbles in the upcoming weeks! i know my interaction is prob gon be low because i’ve been gone for a while ;; but please continue to support me if you enjoy my content <33 FANTASY WEEK has been postponed until further notice. however, we do have a new writing event coming up on late October! will release more information later on. 
sorry for the rant :( i think that’s all and without further ado, please like, reblog, follow and/or comment if you enjoy! supporting content creators is extremely important! love y’all <3 
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(will be using banners made by ME from now on. do NOT REPOST. this one-shot is kinda over the place,, may have some inaccuracy with present mic’s quirk ;; also, this one-shot is shorter than usual, but i hope you enjoy!)
The loud blaring of sirens and shouts snap you awake. One moment, you were snuggling your pillow, silently asleep and the next you're scrambling to find your slippers, slapping your glasses on, and racing outside of your U.A Alliance dorm. 
You meet the eyes of your best friend Tokoyami, and rush to his side, eyes darting to observe your surroundings. The rest of class 1A  is in the same hallway as you, kids murmuring nervously. Everyone has messy bed hair and ratty sleep clothing. 
The sirens that shook you awake went silent and within a few seconds, tore into the silence with another screech. Everyone yelps and you flinch. 
''What is it?!'' Everyone begins to murmur and you find yourself clinging to Tokoyami's arm, nervous and half-asleep.
He's been your closest friend since you arrived at U.A. and the two of you share a mutual bond of trust. With just sharing a glance, the two of you know you have to stick together. 
''This is not a drill!'' Aizawa's voice booms- you're not sure from where it’s coming from, ''Class 1A, head to the exit!'' 
Even though your class consists of heroes in training, emphasis on the in-training part, you're still human and react with fear.
Sleep-deprived and overly hyper teens race past you, and while you cling to Tokoyami's side as the two of you rush forward, someone slaps your glasses off your face. It slightly stings.
You don't even register it, adrenaline is pumping through your veins and all you can focus on is reaching the exit of the dorms. The sirens are so loud your ears are straining at the sound. 
Eventually, everyone calms down and Iida, as the good class president he is, turns the chaotic mess of your class into organized students standing in rows.
Your class is standing in the green areas of the campus, the sirens had gone silent a while ago and everyone is fidgety and nervous. What had just happened?
''Alright, class 1A!'' he adjusts his glasses and acting on instinct, you raise your hand to touch yours, only to notice they're gone.  Iida continues talking but you block him out; focusing solely on finding your glasses. 
''No, no...'' you murmur, and Tokoyami notices when your hand releases his arm. He frowns and watches as you murmur to yourself and pat down your shirt and shorts. 
''Aizawa-sensei will be here shortly,'' you manage to catch a few of Iida's words. ''It seems that a...'' he falters. ''Present Mic is ill and is suffering a few symptoms. He's been affected by an unknown quirk, which causes him to release his sonic scream at any time.'' 
Everyone begins to murmur bewilderedly at this, sharing glances and looks. 
''That's right,'' Aizawa stepped out of the dorms and stood next to Iida. The night was dark and you could barely make out Aizawa's figure. 
''And Present Mic...'' he winced. ''Tends to sleepwalk. That's why you heard the sonic screams in your dorms. They're highly dangerous, which is why I ordered you all to leave the dorms and stay away from his range.
''Now,'' your sensei sighs and you realize how his posture was slumped. He was exhausted. ''You can all return to bed. Present Mic has been awoken and returned to the U.A. facilities.'' A classmate or two snickered at this. 
''Alright, you heard sensei!" Despite the time, Iida was rigid and instructive as ever. ''Off to bed! Class 1A, please form a line! Sero, please wrap up Mineta, we don't want any issues this early.'' Sero cheers in agreement and you smile as you hear Mineta shriek.
One you were in a line, in front of Tokoyami, you groan and lean back into him. There seemed to be some commotion upfront and the dorms were still closed.
''Tokoyami...'' you murmured nervously. He frowned in concern at your tone and leaned closer. 
''What's wrong, L/N?'' 
''I lost my glasses,'' you grimace. ''I was about to tell you earlier but I wanted to listen to Aizawa-sensei. Do you think you can help me find them once we step into the dorms?'' 
Tokoyami's body is screaming for sleep, but he knows he'll do anything for you. So he quickly nods.
''Of course,'' he spares a glance at the quickly advancing line. ''It seems that the dorms have been opened. We should head inside and find your glasses.'' 
''Yeah,'' you smile softly- the smile that always makes Tokoyami's heart skip a beat and walk at his side. ''Thanks, Toko. I really appreciate it.'' 
He hums in response, feeling his throat clench as his heart performs an acrobatic show in his ribcage. Tokoyami wonders if you notice how his heart goes euphoric every time you smile at him. 
 Once the two of you are inside the dorms, Tokoyami summons Dark Shadow; he was a bit fearful at the start, but the lighting of the dorms is far enough to keep Dark Shadow on reins. 
After minutes of searching and several grumbles of annoyance, the two of you find nothing. Well, the search was mainly of Tokoyami and Dark Shadow, since you weren't able to see much without your glasses. 
''Oh man...'' you sigh and slump your shoulders. ''I'm going to have to buy new glasses.'' 
Tokoyami frowns at your disappointment and his eyes catch a gleam of silver on the ground. ''Wait,'' he steps away and grabs the glasses off the floor. He grimaces as he presents them to you. They're cracked, twisted, and definitely not wearable anymore.
''Oh no...'' you frown as you hold them in your hands. 
Your sadness unsettles him; and before Tokoyami can even close his beak, a string of words escape them. 
''I'll help you.''
Slightly frightened, you flinch before looking at him. ''How? You don't have to pay for them Toko, they're my responsibility. I appreciate the thought, you're very sweet.'' 
He feels his feathers ruffle at your compliment and he's thankful you aren't wearing your glasses otherwise you'd see his flustered face.
''I-I,'' the boy clears his throat. ''Ahem. I can help you take your notes and so on until you receive a new pair of glasses.'' 
You gasp and grin gleefully. Your body is racing towards him before you can even blink and you wrap your arms around his back, squeezing him as you bury your cheek into his chest.
Tokoyami falters in surprise and nearly squawks- thankfully, he's able to shove it down his throat before he hesitantly returns your hug.
''Of course, Y/N. You are very dearest to me and I would do anything for you.'' God damn it! It seems that he can't control his body tonight! The romantic confession leaves his body and nearly takes his soul alongside.
His words make you freeze and he internally curses at himself, knowing he's ruined your friendship.
''...Really?'' your voice is barely higher than a whisper and Tokoyami finds himself slowly nodding. 
''I like you too, Tokoyami,'' there's a soft smile playing on your lips that makes his knees weak. 
''Well,'' he diverts his gaze from your smiling face. Tokoyami knows that if he stares for too long, he'll never be able to stop. ''That's-that's wonderful.'' 
You laugh quietly at his sudden bashfulness and tug his hand towards the dorm's elevator. 
''C'mon, we should head to sleep.'' Tokoyami feels impossibly happy as he walks with you, hand in hand, and shoulders brushing against each other. He doesn't think he's ever felt this happy before. 
And after the two of you step into the elevator and the doors are about to close, you press a soft but brief cheek on his feathery cheeks before returning your gaze to the floor. The doors slam shut with a ding! and the two of you are blushing impossibly hard.
Needless to say, losing your glasses is the best thing that's happened to both of you. Who knew that a pair of missing glasses would result in a romantic confession from your best friend? 
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comingtothetree23 · 4 years
What Kind Of A Doctor Are You?
Paring: Peter Parker x Reader
Warning: swearing probably...I’m new at this.
Words count: 3.2K 
Summary: “What kind of a doctor are you?” “Not the one your thinking about, that’s for sure.” 
A/N: I think the last one was pretty good. Let’s try this again, shall we?
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Peter looked around the tower confused, Why did everyone look so ....Annoyed. When he entered the living room he had just one question.
“Why is there a telephone box in here?”
"Strange brought it here." Nat answered with a tired look on her face. Not something you see often. 
"because a 'friend' is gonna pick it up." Tony answered, using air quotes around 'friend', "She's been around. She comes around once in a while. Usually when a problem happens." 
 "What kind of problems," Peter asks looking around at all the avengers in the room. 
"Problems that we don't need to know about." Nat answered before looking over at her watch, "She should be here soon. Never know with that girl." 
"Honestly." Tony rolled his eyes. The elevator suddenly beeped loudly and the doors opened, "Welcome to the party." 
"Feeling welcomed." a younger voice answered, much younger than anyone expected. They all looked over to see you standing there, looking 16 years old. You had (H/l) (H/c) hair with bright (E/c) eyes, You wore a much different outfit from last time you were here, "You have my box?"
"Yep. right here, better than ever." Tony tapped the blue box a couple of times, making you give him a hard look.
 "Don't touch my box again." You rolled your eyes as you walked over to it. You opened one of the doors when Nat spoke up, making you pause.
"Looking a lot different from last time you were here." nat spoke up, smirking lightly at you, "And a lot shorter." that caused you to scoff at her. Peter looked over at you confused, not realizing what you meant.
"You know, being shot five times change a look." You scoffed at her, closing the door, "But hey, I like this one  waaaay more than the last one." 
"Shot? Changed a look?" Peter asks, looking over at you. You looked over at Peter and stopped dead in your tracks. You suddenly smile at the spider.
"Oooh, You got a new one." You walked over to him and walk around him, observing him, "He wasn't here last time I came to visit." You held up one of his arms to look at it, "So, tell me, Why are you here?" 
"That's none of your god-damned business, Doctor," Tony spoke up, glaring at you. You scoff and drop the boy's arm and walk away from him. 
"Doctor?" Peter looked over at you before asking, "What kind of a doctor are you?"
"Not the one your thinking about, that's for sure." You smirk at the boy, "I don't know any medical things or anything, so don't ask me. They will die." You nodded toward the boy.
"Then why doctor?" Peter asks, looking at you before everyone else in the room. You look at him for a moment before slowly turning toward the group.
"How new is he?" was all that you asked, "Or have you guys just not been talking about me?" You put a hand on your chest, "Cause that kinda hurts." 
"Too be honest, I kinda forgot you existed until the moment strange came in," Tony explained to you, making you roll your eyes but showed no sign of that hurting your feelings.
"Strange, my best bud. How he doing?" You ask leaning against the blue box looking over at Nat for answers. It was not hard to tell who was your favorite. 
"Annoyed that his favorite doctor has made another mess." She explained, making you smile sheepishly at her. 
"Okay, okay. It's just one thing." You held up one finger with a sheepish smile, making everyone raise a brow, "I just need to get rid of some angels." 
"Angels? They aren't on earth, still lady-Doctor." Thor laughs to himself, knowing how hard it is to find angels nowadays. You sighed and rocked on your heels.
"Not that kind of angel."
"What kind?" Peter asks looking over at you, you both shared a look. Peter didn't know what that look meant but he knew it probably wasn't a good thing. 
"Weeping angels." You answered looking grim, when no one reacted you sighed and explained, "Okay okay, Their angels but you can't look away from them. If you do and they touch you, you disappear." You made a wild hand gesture.
"Disappear where?"
"I don't know, no one knows." You explained, looking down at your feet. Peter could tell that you lost people from these angels. You suddenly look back up at them, "But good news! I know how to defeat them." 
"Then why didn't you?" Sam asked with a raised brow, You went a look his way. You actually didn't like how everyone is here, listening to you. their all really judgemental.
"Cause I needed my box!" You pointed your thumb toward your blue box, "Cause they can't get into my box!" You walk toward your box and opened the door looking at them, "Now if you excuse me, I have a problem to fix." You waved at the group before saying, "Buh-bye!" And as soon as it appeared, it was gone.
"so, who was that?" Peter asked as soon as the box was completely gone. he looked around the room to his mentors who all looked tired.
"She's the doctor, kid. get used to her barging in." Tony sighed as he took a long sip from his coffee. 
"What's her name?" Peter asked, wanting to know more about you for some reason. You seemed like a chill and fun person and maybe a new friend.
"Her name? No one knows her real name, I just assumed it's Doctor." Nat explained before she starts a conversation with Steve.
"Listen, Kid," Tony walks over and puts a hand on his shoulder, "She's a wild one. Many people has gotten hurt with her and we don't want you to be one of them." 
"No buts kid, don't go near her." Tony finished, patting his shoulder before walking toward the couch to sit. Leaving Peter to think about you.
You couldn't be dangerous.
~~ Peter woke up in his room, he spent the weekends at the tower. That was what they agreed on until he finished high school. May and Tony both agreed Peter needed to focus on school. He heard a sound, it sounded familiar. He stood up and walked out of his room in the hall, where he was met with (E/c) eyes.
"I need help." You rasped out, Your hair was a mess and Peter could tell something happened to you, "Get some clothes on and please help." You looked at him and he knew you needed help. And Peter was all about helping the little guy.
"Give me a minute." He spoke before a gaint smile lit your face.
"Yes! Thank you! Thank you!" You hugged him tight making Peter blush before letting go of him, "Now, Go get dress." Peter smiled before running in his room.
"Okay, We have to leave the tower." You explained walking inside your box. Peter stared at the inside in awe, it was-it was, "Bigger on the inside." Peter looked at you in shock, "yes, I get it a lot. Now we can't let the angels in the tower, everyone is asleep and they'll be lost in time." You started to press buttons making the box leave the tower. Peter watched what you did in awe, it was until he noticed something.
"why not go somewhere abandoned?" he asked pointing to one of the buttons, making him look at you, "This thing can teleport yeah? Why not just teleport someone safe?"
"They really didn't tell you about me huh?" You giggle at him, making him look at you confused, "This is a time machine. Yes, I do teleport places but I teleport to places in time." you let it some giggles before going back to the machine.
"Time travel? T-That's impossible!" he looked at your smirking face, "Time travel doesn't exist if it did Mr. Stark would-"
"Have done it first?" You finished his sentence, doing a half-shrug, "He tried, oh boy did he try. Until I came and kinda explained the dangers of it. Which are a lot, don't need to make any other universe or whatever Strange said." 
"What?" Peter looked at you dumbfounded, a real-life time traveler asked for his help. His help, Peter Parker's not Spider-man's which was new.
"Look, I mastered the ability to travel through time without breaking anything. It's hard but I know how." You explained, nudging Peter's shoulders a bit, "Now, Pick a time." You smirk a the Spider.
"1977?" He asks nervously, He really hoped you don't ask why he picked that year. That would be embarrassing. 
"Ohh, Nice choice, Parker." You smirked at him before working on the controls of the box. Peter turned toward you, he never told you his name.
"H-how did you?" He was able to stutter out. 
"Tony talks about you a lot, Not gonna lie I thought you guys were related when I first entered the tower." You explained making Peter's eyes widen, "He really cares about you. Appreciate that." You give Peter a sad smile before going back to work.
"O-Okay." Peter gave you a smile as he watched you work. You looked like you did this a million times, which you probably had. Peter made a small note to himself that you were really pretty actually. You suddenly smirked as you stared at the screen,
"1977, Here we come!" You smirked before pulling down a lever, making the sound go off. You looked over at Peter to see him looking around, "You'll get used to it." Peter looked at you before you corrected yourself, "If you're here all the time, you get used to it." You smile nervously at the boy, making him smile.
"Are you normally alone?" He asks looking at you making sure you won't get mad or anything. You made a face as you looked down for a second before Peter could apologize you spoke up.
"I had people with me before. They all stay for a while but they always leave, I don't blame 'em." You looked up at the screen as you landed, "This is fun for a bit before it gets dangerous then they leave. Which I'm okay with, I'd rather them be safe than in danger with me." You avoided Peter's eyes as you stand up straighter, "We're here, 1977. Don't do anything stupid or noticeable." Peter nodded at you as you two walked out.
"So, What do we do now?" Peter asks looking around, not seeing anything really amazing. 
"Your lucky your pick was correct, man." You explained looking around, "the Angels have been following everywhere my box does. Which is why I needed to get it fast from you guys." 
"Why did Strange get it?" Peter asks looking (Up/ Down) at you. You have him shrug as you walked next to him passing people on the street.
"I left it somewhere, trying to trap the angels but Strange got it to it first before I can explain and made me go get it instead of giving it back nicely." You rolled your eyes, feeling Peter's eyes on you, "He doesn't admit it but e's my best friend." 
"I feel that." Peter spoke before looking up at a weird statue, "Look at that weird statue." He nudged your shoulder, making you look up at the building and gasps. Peter looked down at you confused before you took his hand and backed up a little, keeping your eyes on the thing.
"Pete, That's the weeping angel." You whispered at him, making his eyes widen, "If one is there, more should he around here." You shook his hand as you say, "You have to lead me toward the blue box while I keep my eyes on it. They're mad at me they always are. so they'll follow." 
"Alright, A-alright. Y-yea." Peter started to lead you back toward your box, You keep your eyes on the angel the whole time. When he reached where you were, there was one problem, "hey Doctor, the, uh, Box isn't here." 
 "What!?" You looked toward the spot, completely forgetting about the angel. The box was indeed gone, "God damn it, Strange!" You put your head in your head, "You have to talk to me!" You groan.
"Watch out!" You suddenly felt something cold of your hand, you were suddenly pulled into a hard strong chest. You look up to see Peter glaring at something, you looked over to see the Angel.
it was about to touch you. 
"T-Thanks." You smiled up at the boy, He smiled but kept his eyes on the angel, "Okay, Okay. Strange has to be around here somewhere!" 
"Strange is up there," Peter answered, pointing to where he was. You looked up to see him moving your boxes in a way no one would notice. Unless you were the Doctor and Spider-man.
"God! Damn you, Strange!" You yelled in the distance. You looked back at the angle to see that it had moved, Peter looked away when he saw Strange, "C'mon, We gotta go!" You took his hand and started to run.
"I gotta a idea!" Peter yelled when he heard the angels run after you two.
"Okay, Okay! Do it!"
"Alright," Peter quickly put his mask on, making sure no one saw him. He picked you up bridal style and started to swing. You gasp and held on tighter but watched as the world started to move around you.
"T-This is amazing!" You laugh as you watched him swing, "Did you make those yourself?" Peter nods at you, "That's awesome! I-I mean-" You cut yourself off, laughing.
"Where to now?" Peter asks you, making you think.
"Honestly anywhere! We just need to get away from the angels." You answered honestly making Peter nod as he looked at a destroyed warehouse.
"Will we be safe here?" Peter asks as he gently lets you go, weird as it was be actually liked helping you as he swings around the old town.
"For now yes, Pete, I am so sorry I brought you into this." You sighed as you laid against the door, making Peter frown, "I should have never asked you to help me, Strange is right, I am reckless." You leaned your head against the wall.
"Hey, Hey." Peter sat down next to you, putting a hand on your shoulder, "I'm the one who agreed to help you. You're not reckless, You needed help which is okay. You can't deal with this by yourself." You look over at him with glossy eyes, "If you need it, I can stay for a bit?" He smiled nervously as you started to blink fast. Suddenly you were hugging him tightly, shocking him a lot.
"Thank you." You whisper to the boy. Peter smiled and put his chin on the top of your head. 
There was a faint sound of wood breaking, making you both jump and back away. You pulled out what looked like a screwdriver from the future as it glowed (F/c) - (Favorite color).
"It's the angels!" You stood up quickly making Peter stand with you. Suddenly there's more sound of wood breaking, "There's more! Crap!" 
"W-What do we do!?" Peter asks, looking around the small room, he swore he could see the wood started to break. You leaned against Peter's back as he did the same. 
"I have an idea!" You yelled,
"What is it!?" Peter asks as the wood started to break.
"Close your eyes!" You yelled as you closed your eyes, making Peter look at you like you were insane before looking back at the angel, who was in the room now. 
"This is a terrible idea!" Peter yelled looking around at all of the angels now, there were four in the room. 
"Just trust me, Peter!" You yelled, Peter looked at you for a moment before closing his eyes. His senses screamed at him to move but he didn't. 
"Duck!" You yelled as you tackled Peter to the floor. At that sudden moment, Everything went silent, "There we go." You spoke up, standing up.
"w-what was that for?" Peter asks as he opens his eyes, looking right into yours.  
"Look around, Pete." You open your arms wide, motioning toward the frozen angels. Peter stood up looking at the angels shocked.
"What happened?" Peter looked at you, "What did you do?" He didn't expect you to actually fix the problem this quickly. You smirked at him and poke him in the chest.
"Actually, we both did it." You look back toward the angels, "They can't look at each other if they do. They freeze, I wouldn't touch them though. Just to be safe."  You smiled toward the boy, you help out a hand for him to take, "Should we get going?"
"Yea, This day has been crazy awesome." Peter smiles as he takes your hand as you lead him out.
"Wow." You said as you looked at your blue box, It was right outside the warehouse. You walked toward it as you looked at the note.
"I thought Doctor Strange had it?" Peter asks as he walked next to you, watching you read the note.
"He did." You explained as you showed him the note that read 'This belongs to you. Don't get the kid killed - Doctor Strange' 
"He really doesn't trust you," Peter notes, making you laugh. Making Peter smile at you, Peter really liked your laugh. he really likes that he can make you laugh
"No one trusts me." You gently punch his shoulder, "C'mon, we should bring you back home." 
~~ "So, You wanna head home after suck an 'Awesome' day." You put air quotes around 'Awesome' this kids was an adrenaline junkie you swore.
"You know, I kinda wanna stay for a bit," You looked around at him shocked, "I told you earlier." He shrugged at you before smirking at your reaction.
"I-I thought you were just being nice." You explained sheepishly at him before taking your hand off the controls, "Do you mean it? You actually wanna stay for a bit?"
"Yea, sure what could go wrong?" Peter joked, making you give him a look, "Okay, a lot can go wrong. But c'mon this is a time machine. How can I pas this up!?" He waved his hand around, making you laugh.
"What?" Peter looked at you confused as you held out your hand for him to shake, at least he assumed so. He looked down at your hand before looking back at your eyes.
"My name is (Y/n). Pleased to meet you, Peter Parker." You smiled as Peter shook your hand with a big 'ol dorky smile on his face. You could get used to having his kid around.
"Nice to meet you, Doctor (Y/n)." Peter smiled before looking around the box again. Admiring how it looks and everything else. You smiled as you looked around the box too.
"all of time and space everything that ever happened or ever will - where do you want to start." 
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yuzuriha-sayori · 4 years
Hey hun💕 Could I please request a SFW Benimaru x Reader firework festival one shot, where Benimaru tries to win the giant rabbit plushie at one of the game stalls for reader? Love you 😊
I got way too carried away with this 😭 be it my first request, btw THANK YOU I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS 💕💕💕 but I really hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
Shinmon Benimaru x Reader SFW where Benimaru tries to win a giant rabbit plushie for x reader!
Watashi no Usagi
"Waka, it seems the kids have brought a guest." Konro began as he entered through the noren of Company 7's Guardhouse, using the back of his hand to push it out of the way. Orange light pierced in through where he entered, indicating night was just a few hours upon them.
Lazy crimson eyes darted to the entrance where the tall Lieutenant appeared, but he had moved himself to his right in order to make way for incoming. The captain sat on the genkan step with furrowed brows and pursed lips. "Tch, what did these little rugrats drag in this time?"
Laughter and squeals bubbled loudly with their fast approach as the twins, Hika and Hina came running in, pulling another person in each hand right through the cloth entrance.
The young girl stumbled in, surprised in the strength of these two kids that she had no time to react well. She wore a thick silk deep blue kimono with sleeves long enough to potentially graze the ground. A light purple juban could be seen and was matched with a similar colored obi, with blue wisteria decorating the sash.  Slightly disoriented, she struggled to catch her footing and teetered side to side a bit before righting herself looking up and taking in her surroundings.
'Oh no,' she thought. These youngsters dragged her right into the den of the beast. The Destroyer of Asakusa. While he had a good reputation among the townspeople as the Captain of Company 7, he was also known to be rowdy at bars, and very ill mouthed.
"S-S-Sumimasen!" She quickly blurted out, bowing unnecessarily low. Her [h/c] spilled over her shoulders as she did so. After quite some silence, she cautiously glanced up, her big [e/c] eyes meeting his slightly displeased ones. One eye a crimson circle, the other with a crimson X. 'He's quite handsome...' She could feel the heat of embarrassment on the tip of her ears.
"Hika. Hina." The raven captain spoke very blunt, not taking his eyes off the stranger that was dragged into the guardhouse. The sudden words made the stranger's shoulders jump. "What did you two bring in here?"
"Ahaha.." Hina sheepishly laughed while both the twins ran to jump on his shoulders. "Hika and Hina brought a friend for tonight!" Hika exclaimed, dangling from his left shoulder, while Hina was climbing up the right.
"For tonight?" The young man's eyebrow twitched in confusion and seemingly slight exhaustion. These kids really knew how to be a handful. The girl, still bowing, uprighted herself. She began to speak, her lips barely parting open before being interrupted by the very tall man standing to her left.
"The festival tonight. The one you promised the girls you'd take them to." The Lieutenant spoke. He then turned to the girl with a gentle smile, and a wink after saying, "I'm assuming they brought a friend in case our young master decided to ditch." The girl gave a small giggle, visibly relaxing just a smidge.
"I'm Sagamiya Konro, the Lieutenant of Company 7. That brazen young man over there is our captain, Shinmon Benimaru. Forgive him for his rudeness, he lacks a bit of tact. What is your name young miss?"
"M-My name is [l/n] [f/n]." She said softly, giving a more proper and curt bow than the one she did earlier. Konro's eyes lit in realization, "Ah is that so? You're [l/n] Shiyou's daughter correct?" She nodded in response.
"The girls started visiting for mother's cooking whenever she makes yakitori for the hikeshi. She doesn't like to stay home during the rebuilding, so she rides with father and cooks for the men during their breaks." The girl gave a small smile to the man in front of her, but he still didn't seem to understand.
"Who the hell is [l/n]?" Benimaru, still sitting on the genkan steps, grumbled. Something told him maybe he should know, but he didn't really care too much about it. It was clearly evident with how he ignored how proper the young girl was dressed.
"Waka," Konro said sternly, eyes locked on the shorter male, "it would do you well to at least be courteous with the young miss. After all, her father runs the business that keeps us supplied with materials. You know, the ones needed to rebuild homes and the shops of our town after they're demolished every other day."
Ack, well this was going to be one hell of an evening. He didn't care much for respect, but Shinmon Benimaru was going to have to do at least some tongue biting. "I guess it would be...rude not to escort the old man's daughter around during a festival. After all..." He looked away and let out a sigh, rubbing the back of his head with mild irritation, "I do owe that old fart quite a lot."
"Yaaaaaay! Festival time! Festival time! Hika and Hina are gonna eat all the candy!" The twins chimed while jumping up and down off the sleeves of Benimaru's yukata. The sun was beginning to set and they were making their way to the festival. The lights could be seen glowing over rooftops of Asakusa just a few blocks away.
"Oi, don't tug on the sleeves, they might tear with all the weight you two have eaten in snacks already." The captain complained and he pried them off of the navy blue cotton sleeves. Konro, walking behind him, wore one of matching color.
Hina puffed her cheeks, "Not our fault you take forever getting ready."
"We got hungry!" Hika stuck her tongue out. "No candy for you then!"
"I don't like sweets anyways." Benimaru retorted. "Konro, where did the brat say she was going to meet us?"
Konro let out a deep sigh, "By the mask stall if I remember correctly." He'd mainly came along to make sure his captain didn't lose the kids but he was more concerned with Benimaru causing problems with [y/n].
"I guess your memory isn't going just yet," Benimaru joked while pointing in front of him. The joke earned a smack to the back by his Lieutenant but Konro looked in the direction his captain was pointing in and spotted [y/n] waiting patiently. She was standing in front of a mask stall at the beginning to one of the entrances set up for the festival.
"I wonder how long we've kept the poor girl waiting." Konro jest, walking up beside Benimaru and giving him a slightly disapproving frown.
"Tch. I got it, I got it." Benimaru made his way over to the young lady waiting. "Sorry..." He managed to get out, "I took too long finding my yukata."
She gave a small yet soft smile, something that was becoming usual for her, he noticed. "It's okay. I wasn't waiting long. Besides, I'm glad you were able to find it. It looks good on you." She hadn't realized how that could come off and she immediately flushed red after understanding their positions.
Benimaru however seemed unfazed. Though, he did give her outfit a scan and noticed it was fairly...appealing? She wore her [h/c] hair up in a loose bun, a mahogany wooden hairstick with a glass lotus at the end of it with jewels dangling. Her yukata was a light pink decorated with darker pink lotus and tied with a similar color sash. He had to avert his gaze after noticing he was staring rather long.
"Lets go." He said and pursed his lips, walking onto festival grounds. [Y/n] followed along after grabbing both Hika and Hina's hands. They had ran up to her with hands out to her. Konro felt as if it was going go be a looong evening for him.
The beginning of the festival was filled with much food consumption. Mainly by the twins. They made it a point to stop at almost every food stall they could.
"[Y/n] try this! They only have these during festivals!" Hina had a small brown puff on a toothpick. What appeared to be an octopus appendage stuck out in the cooked dough. [Y/n] bent down and opened her mouth for Hina to feed her was was delighted and the sweet and savory ball of goodness.
"Mmm it's delicious! This isn't a flavor from here is it?" [Y/n] gushed, her cheeks pink in pure happiness.
Benimaru had been watching the whole thing, and while the girls droned on about food, he kept watching her. The way her lips closed around the takoyaki and the way her cheeks puffed up as she chew. She kinda resembled...a rabbit. When [y/n] looked up at him, to ask if he wanted to try one too, he jerked his head away.
She looked slightly downcast but he didn't want her to see his cheeks burning with embarrassment. Just for being caught staring. It was impolite to stare, he told himself. He didn't want to acknowledge the real reason for it. 'I'm too grown to be acting like a teenager.' Had Konro heard those words, he'd have probably shot the sake he was gingerly sipping on right out his mouth.
"Shinmon-sama, won't you try one?"
Benimaru's head snapped back. [Y/n] was looking up at him with her big [e/c] eyes while holding a takoyaki up to his mouth. Not close enough to threaten his personal space, but just close enough that it was too inviting not to eat. Especially from her.
"Tch, fine." He said while opening his mouth and taking the small streetfood into his mouth. [Y/n] beamed. She thought maybe he didn't like her, but that feeling was slowly going away.
"[Y/n] look, look! Toys!" Hika and Hina chimed, tugging on the taller girl's sleeves. The [h/c] haired girl looked up and saw a booth that had toys lined up in several shelves. People were walking away with all sorts of arrangement of toys. The two younger girls darted for the booth and the three adults followed before someone tried to grab them. For the safety of whoever would try to, the two males hoped no one would dare.
"Step right up. Step right up. You have 3 chances to hit your target. Who would like to go first?" The stall owner boasted loudly.
Hika and Hina almost exploded in excitement but Konro stopped them. "This is [g/n]'s first time to an Asakusa festival. You should let her try first. Afterwards, I'll let you two try as many times as you can in 10 minutes." 
"Okay!" The twins exclaimed, fire in their eyes.
"I guess I'll go first." [Y/n] said nervously while stepping up and dropping a few coins into the older stall keeper's hands. He handed her three white balls. They weren't that heavy and probably wouldn't knock down the giant pink bunny plushie she'd been eyeing. "I still have to give it a shot..." She mumbled.
Pklunk. "Darn it." Pklunk. "For the love of..."  Pklunk. "Hmmmm...." [Y/n] hummed loudly in slight frustration. She'd hit her targets. But the balls didn't have enough force to even make the giant plush move one bit.
"Sorry missy, better luck nex--" [y/n]  slapped more money into his hand as he tried to shrug in a 'sorry' gesture. She was not leaving without that plush. Benimaru, who had given up hiding the fact he'd been eyeing her, let out of 'hmmph' of amusement.
Again, she didn't make any knock the pink bunny down. Paying for another round, she furiously threw two out of the three balls at it and they just bounced off and to the ground. "Son of a fuck--"
"Ah our little 'Oujo-sama' can have a potty mouth." Benimaru mused at [y/n].
[Y/n] shook a little before turning to glare at the man a good bit taller than her, the bottom rim of her eyes slightly red from tearing up and cheeks puffed from holding ber breath in frustration. "Pffffttt" He couldn't hold back laughing and [y/n] was so close to smacking him had he not slipped his fingers into her hands and gently pry the last white ball from her fingers. This action caught her so off guard, she almost really did stop breathing.
"The pink rabbit right?"
[Y/n] nodded in defeat and watched as Benimaru lined the ball up. Holding it like a marble ready to shoot. With an audible flick, it shot from his hand, right into the pink rabbit's face.  He knocked it over with so much force, a normal person might've had whiplash...or a very ugly bruise.
Eyes wide in surprise, [Y/n] squealed. Once handed the plush, she burried her face on the top of it's head and spun around. It was a little more then half her height. After letting out most of her excitement, she looked up and smiled warm up at Benimaru. "Thank so much, Shinmon-sama."
A blush began creeping up his neck as he looked away again, "I didn't want you to start crying and scaring all the kids away." He proclaimed. [Y/n] was beginning to feel that his rudeness quite often times might be a little misunderstood. She hoped at least. "Oh, and you can call me by my first name."
"Benimaru-sama?" She said taken by surprise. She wasn't the only one though. The crimson eyed man wasn't ready for her to use his first name so quickly that he couldn't hide the instant unsettling blush on his face. He stormed off down the street in confusion.
"W-Wait!" [Y/n] exclaimed. She turned to Konro and the twins. The lieutenant gave a gentle flick of his hand, as if signaling for her to make her way after his captain. "I have to help these girls carry all the toys they're about to siphon out this poor man." [Y/n] gave a confused expression but turned and darted after Benimaru.
"Hehehe. Hina and Hika are gonna take all these toys!" They dropped all their money on the counter and collected as many balls that could sit on the counter. The sounds of toy after toy hitting the ground echoed past several neighboring stalls as the twins windmilled ball after ball at the wall of toys. The poor stall keeper huddled in the corner shaking in fear, for these balls came flying with more force then he'd ever seen in his life. 
Konro gave a tired and strained smile. He was going to have a lot of carrying to do.
"Please wait up!" [Y/n] called out. Benimaru turned to glance at her before continuing to make his way away from the lights and crowd of people. "Then hurry up, the fireworks are about to start soon."
[Y/n] faltered in her dash towards him. A smile spread on her face. "O-Oh okay!" She followed him towards a hill with not quite so many trees. One with a clear view of the sky. He sat down with his legs crossed, not waiting for her to sit down first. [Y/n] smoothed the fabric of her yukata behind her and sat next to him, still clutching her overly large rabbit. Her face burried in it's head.
The first pop of a firecracker shot up in several colors. A basic round one in colors of red, blue, and green. There where sparkles of excitement in [Y/n]'s eyes that Benimaru couldn't keep his eyes away from. She turned to look at him and smiled.
"I think I'll name him Bunnymaru." She giggled and turned back to the fireworks that started coming in more frequent succession. She turned just in time to miss his eyes go wide in surprise, his neck, ears, and face a red so bright that he thought he might actually overheat.
"Tch. Whatever."
As much as he wanted to focus on the fireworks, he kept stealing glances at [Y/n]'s excited face. She was much more like a rabbit herself. In one day, he had noticed she was nervous, skittish, but really bubbly. A bubbly he didn't hate that much.
"My rabbit." He mumbled just as more fireworks sounded off, masking his words. Much to his relief. He didn't mean to say 'my' and he nearly choked in realization. He glanced at [y/n] again, eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed in his usual expression as he watched her enjoy the display in the sky.
'Ah what the hell,' he sighed inwardly, 'It won't hurt if she was...'
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tydye · 4 years
HunTy AU : 💃👰
This is yet another au with my friend’s oc, Hunter, and my oc, Tyler. Hope you enjoy! I made this one after my friend’s made a small vote for it with emojis, so I hope you guys enjoy this surprise story as well as the last one! <3
*Warning: character injury 
Tyler and Hunter were at a masquerade ball. Both there for their own reasons. This took place during the 16th century and Hunter was there as a person under official business. It was mandatory for him to be there. 
Tyler was there on a certain mission. He was sent to take out a man that happened to be here on official business. To be honest, Tyler didn’t usually have a problem with these missions. He knew what the man looked like from a mere description, but it was worthless due to all the damned masks. So as of now Tyler kept out a keen ear and eye for the man on his assassination list. 
Hunter made his way to the beverages and took a glass of wine. Next to him was a fair young man, someone who seemed around his own age. This had intrigued Hunter because he was sure that he was only one his age. Then again the man was also much smaller than Hunter. Maybe it’s a woman?.. No she’d be wearing a dress then. Hunter then slowly made his way over trying to not be noticeable or suspicious looking. “ Um.. Do you need something, sir?” The man spoke turning to Hunter with a confident and strong gaze. Hunter blinked and internally cursed the fact he’d been so obvious. “ I-I uh, sorry.. I just- you seem very young. I thought I’d be the youngest person here, so I was curious to see who you were.” Hunter lowered his gaze to the wine in his glass a tad embarrassed. Tyler gave the man a small smile and chuckled,” Is that so? Well I guess you’ll never truly know tonight.” Tyler picked up some of the bread and cheese off the platters. “ Is that you saying you’ll see me again?” Hunter looked back at the shorter man,“ Because if so, I’m looking forward to it.” Tyler gave Hunter an amused look,” Why’s that? Shouldn’t you be more interested in one of those dames, you know the ones that keep staring at you from over there.” Tyler pointed to some ladies in big poofy dresses. The girls, about four of them, giggled and blushed quickly looking to one another. 
Hunter’s face flushed and he ran a hand through his hair,” Well.. they aren’t really my type.” Hunter caught the mysterious man’s gaze and then glanced away. Tyler bit his lip and set the food down taking the drink Hunter had and set it down. “ It’s a bit stuffy in here, would you like to join me for some fresh air?” Hunter had definitely not expected this, but the party was pretty boring anyways. Plus it’s not like he ever wanted to be at this party, especially since he didn’t know much of anyone, and this seemed like way more fun than the party. I mean I’m not even dancing with anyone right now anyways. “ Alright, it is a bit stuffy here like you said.” 
Tyler smiled, forgetting his mission temporarily, and took Hunter’s wrist dragging him off to the outdoor seating area. Aka the gardens. It was empty out here, but you could still hear the elegant ballroom music. “ So, why exactly are you here.. And what’s a good looking guy like you not doing dancing with some pretty young lady?” Hunter laughed a bit and made his way over leaning against a tall dark bending tree. With crossed arms he looked up at the stranger,” I mean I can’t even tell if they're actually young first of all. And I have to be here, so I don’t really want to be here.” “ Okay, wait wait wait. How did you know I was young then?That makes zero sense, mystery man.” “ I just- It’s just- you seemed young. You uh, look young..” Hunter mumbled hoping he wouldn’t offend the guy,” You know. With you uh-” “ You mean my height and my size? Yeah, I know. I am not the biggest man out there in the world.” Tyler chuckled a tad bit shy now. It was a topic he was very much used to, but it was still sort of embarrassing in his eyes. 
Now you may think of Hunter as crazy, but there weren't a lot of people like him out there in the world at this time. At least not to his own knowledge. But there was just something about this mystery man that made him think that they had one thing especially in common. Hunter knew that people like him weren’t very.. welcomed with open arms, but maybe he had a shot here? “ I uh.. I kinda think it’s cute. You know, like um, like something cute and petite.” 
That definitely caught Tyler’s attention. Now he’d definitely never admit that he was one of those guys who were into other guys, and he still loved women so this was all confusing, but he was. Tyler didn’t know how to respond though. He was very much flattered, but he didn’t know this man at all. I’m on a mission anyways, I can’t be getting distracted-
“ I-I’m so sorry, ignore that. Pretend I never said anything, I guess I just assumed you were- nevermind.” Hunter said quickly and looked down at his special occasion shoes. Tyler wore a slightly surprised face but then slowly smiled. He took a few steps forward and held out his hand. “ Would you mind dancing with me? I love this song.. And I don’t want to dance all on my own out here.” The song Bransle gay by Paul O'Dette began to play faintly from the ballroom. Hunter stood there for a few moments a bit in disbelief before he took Tyler’s hand pulling him into the ballroom dancing closed position and began to take the male role leading Tyler around. Tyler was pretty much expecting that, especially since the other man was taller than himself, and Tyler actually liked this. He felt so light on his feet and safe in the big arms holding him. Just gazing into those gorgeous green apple eyes, the only thing he could really see clearly from the mask from the bottom of his nose and up. Meanwhile Hunter couldn’t tear away his eyes from those gorgeous blue ocean waves. He couldn’t believe this was even happening in the first place to be honest, but he wouldn’t dwell on that much longer. Hunter decided to keep his attention on the man he was dancing with. The mystery man who seemed to fit just perfectly in his arms. “ So, why exactly are you here?” Tyler blushed and tore his gaze away glancing to the side. “ I uh.. I’m here on official business I guess? I have to find someone and uh, talk to them.. But it’s pretty hard to do when I can’t even see anyone’s face. I mean sure the masks only cover the top part of the face, but I don’t memorize people’s jawlines or chins.” Hunter laughed at the small joke and pulled Tyler a tad bit closer,” Well I’m glad because now we get to hang out out here together.” “ Oh you flatter me too much,” Tyler leaned up, just a tad bit on his tippy toes, towards Hunter. “ Keep going.” Hunter gave Tyler a dry laugh with a small roll of his eyes. “ Oh really now, am I just here to boost your ego? I think I prefer just dancing with you.” Hunter gave Tyler a small spin which he honestly would love to do again, so he did. Hunter found a new love of spinning this man. It just seemed so graceful and perfect. How could one man be so perfect?? The two young men spent the next few moments dancing and chatting. Sharing cute laughs and just having an amazing time. They went through three songs until they both were very much tired, but this night wasn’t over for them yet. Hunter took Tyler’s hand dragging him over to a beautiful set of flowers. He picked one and then turned to Tyler placing it in the man’s hair carefully. “ Wh-What are you doing?..” Tyler mumbled another light pink blush dusting across his cheeks. Hunter gave Tyler a nice charming smile letting his fingers gently trace down the side of Tyler’s face before pulling his hand away. “ It’s a lily. This one is commonly known or called the Stargazer. It looks lovely on you.” Tyler’s eyes twinkled like the night sky above them and neither of them dared to look away. “ It’s beautiful.. I’ll carry it with me forever.” Tyler’s tone was soft and gentle. His heart fluttered and his stomach twisted before that small butterfly feeling came. He’d never felt this way before, but he loved the feeling. “ Hunter.” “ What?..” Tyler’s eyebrows knit in confusion up at the taller man. “ My name,” Hunter cleared his throat,” It’s Hunter. Hunter Serrano Ellis.” That’s when dread smacked Tyler right across his face. No.. this can’t be him. Please tell me he’s joking. Tyler gulped and looked down at the space between them. “ A-Are you uh.. Are you being honest?” Hunter gave Tyler a weird look, pretty much confused now. Did I say something wrong?? Hunter thought and bit his bottom lip. “ Yes, why would I lie about my name?” Tyler felt nauseous and he held his head in one hand,” Oh gosh..” He turned away with a scowl on his face. Tyler couldn’t kill this man! But he couldn’t not go through with the job either.. Or else he’d never be able to get out of this deal. He’d be stuck either trying to kill this man, or trying to find some other way to fulfill the deal he had previously made for the people who hired his services. Tyler has always gone through with his deals. Just because this man really.. likes my company doesn’t mean a thing. I have to finish this. I must. But I don’t want to.. Tyler felt so conflicted he didn’t know what to do. 
Hunter watched Tyler slowly walk away from him and he quickly reached out taking a hold of Tyler’s hand. “ Wait! What’s wrong?? Did I do something? I don’t understand what just happened.” Tyler sighed and stared at Hunter’s hand holding his own. He’d made up his mind now. “ It’s nothing.. C-Can you get me some water please?” “ Oh, alright. Are you feeling okay?” Hunter guided Tyler to a small bench and then held both of his hands. Tyler just shook his head, he did look suddenly ill. Maybe it was the food they had out? “ Not really.. Please, I need some water.” Tyler mumbled and squeezed Hunter’s hands for a second. Hunter nodded, he stood there for a second contemplating something, and then he quickly kissed Tyler’s cheek and walked off back to the giant entrance to the garden. The next thing Hunter knew was a sharp pain right in his back and some blood. He’d collapsed onto the ground and then was turned over, the blue eyes were all he saw. They looked so guilty and regretful. So solemn. “ I’m sorry.. I hope we’ll meet again someday.” The mysterious man stood, running off and out of Hunter’s view. His vision slowly faded until all he saw was darkness. And all he heard was people’s yells for help after a few moments of silence. 
The next time Hunter woke up, he was in a bed and those eyes were gone. But the memory is still alive, and he’d be sure to meet that man again. Because he knew their paths would cross once more. When? He wasn’t sure. But Hunter would definitely make sure it would happen because he had some unfinished business with him.
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yukiwrites · 5 years
Unexpected Growth and Secrets
Thank you so much for the support as always, @breeachuu ! Things are starting to get hotter!
Summary: Wolfram had only been in Fódlan for less than three months and so much had already happened. He could barely keep up with each new discovery he made, even more so ones that related directly to his own mission -- Byleth gaining a new power and feeling more like a manakete every day but not being one turned the poor boy’s head into a knot.
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Raindrops pierced Wolfram's body as though they were a volley of spears, the deafening sound of the wetting ground muting all others. He didn't realize he had reached the ground, the mud clinging onto his clothes, intent on pulling him ever downwards.
At a distance, blurred by the storm that formed, lay Jeralt, rocked into Byleth's arms as she wailed a silent cry. Dimitri's blur ran by Wolfram towards the Professor so, so far ahead, forcing the half manakete to watch, but not process what was happening.
He had been sent to that world for such a short amount of time. He barely managed to scramble on his feet after taking the first life with his own hands and now- someone he knew, someone's... Someone else's father simply... ebbed his life away, painting the mud in red.
Wolfram could hear his own heartbeat thundering by his ears; so loudly it made him cover them with both hands, wanting the sound to stop. He barely could discern what everyone was saying all around him, the voices so far and undistinguished it felt like he was hearing through a thick glass.
Seeing Jeralt fall so- so easily like that terrified Wolfie out of his skin. But not for his own sake, no.
He remembered the stories of the destroyed future whence Meliodas and Cynthia came -- the doomed timeline into which both of his eldest siblings watched their parents die.
Nidra. Henry.
Both lying dead on the ground, during such a hazy time the two children weren't even able to hold a proper funeral. To Wolfram, that all had seemed such a distant, impossible thing to happen -- after all, no one's stronger than his mother, Nidra! She's the second oldest manakete the Ylisseans had heard of, one that's witnessed the birth and death of entire civilizations!
No man was stronger than Henry, whose research allowed him to extend his usually short lifespan to match that one of his immortal wife -- no dark magic was trickier, no potential was larger...
And yet, dead they lay in that pool of muddied blood, as Byleth rocked them while Dimitri did his best to stay by her side.
"No-" Wolfie stammered, not noticing the tears streaming down his face with the rain. "No- it's not them-"
"Buddy, you okay? Heeey there!" Caspar loud voice and heavy slap on the back sucked Wolfram back to reality. "You're gonna trip at the entrance- Whoa there!"
Caspar had tried to warn Wolfie about the step right outside the Monastery, but the half manakete started mumbling to himself instead, making the noble frown and call out to him in response. As expected, Wolfram tripped at the stone, forcing Caspar to hold the taller boy's arm lest he fell facefirst.
Still rather out of it, Wolfram looked around them. "When did we come back-" His voice was hoarse from crying, though he barely uttered a sound during his quiet sniffles.
"Man, your face's a mess." Caspar pulled Wolfie to the side after someone bumped into them, using his own sleeve to dry the half manakete's cheeks. "You've been crying since we left, yeah? Get it together! If you've got time to cry, then we gotta train to get back at those- those- ggrah! Jeralt was a legend! For him to just- drop dead like that- it makes me BOIL!"
Caspar's burst of emotion managed to make Wolfram focus on him more rather than drift back into sorrow. The boy grasped onto the shorter one's shoulder so as to place himself in reality. "What- what happened after-?" He stuttered, his voice still shaky.
His small body still trembling with rage, Caspar briskly took Wolfram's hand from himself before slamming his own head at the nearby wall. The loud, cracking sound startled Wolfie into thinking his friend had broken his skull for a split second -- before seeing that the stone wall was the one that cracked. "Hahhh," Caspar groaned loudly, shaking his head. "There, guess that's better. Anyway," he turned back to Wolfie as though nothing had happened, ignoring or not noticing the flabbergasted expression the taller boy wore, "the Professor got it together so fast it was like nothing had happened, man. She got up with Jeralt in her arms and told the Knights to escort us students back. Dimitri stayed behind with her as far as I know, though." He scratched the red spot in the middle of his forehead, amusing Wolfram into wondering if that didn't hurt as much as it looked.
Still, as entertaining as it was to talk with Caspar, the sour mood had settled deeply into the half manakete's heart. "... I-I see." He fidgeted, twiddling his thumbs. "I wonder what's gonna happen next. It's not like we can just go back to classes like usual, right?"
Caspar frowned deeply. "No? Why not? I mean, I get that it's her Dad and stuff, but if she doesn't come back to train us, we'll never be able to get back at those punks!" He slammed one fist into his open palm, cracking his neck afterwards. "We'll get 'em, Wolf. We'll get 'em GOOD. But the Professor's gotta come back to train us -- I don't wanna go back to my old class after training under her! She's the best!"
The half manakete lowered his gaze, downcast. "Mhm..."
"You went back to being depressed for a second there, man. Do you wanna go somewhere else? Oh yeah, your wyvern's following us from the sky since you just kinda walked all the way here; don't you wanna settle him back and stuff?"
Wolfram shot his head up. "Oh no! Aquilo! Boy, I'm so sorry for leaving you!" He gasped loudly, reaching for his whistle.
"Hey- you gonna run just like that? Wait for mee!" Caspar shadowed Wolfram closely, going up the stairs three steps at a time to make up for his shorter legs.
Running and feeling his blood rush made Wolfram's eyes burn up again, as though the action of being alive was enough to set him off. Aquilo obediently landed close to his own spot at the stables, the gust of wind his large wings blowed raising dust all around them. "I-I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly, boy." He hugged the wyvern's snout, pressing his forehead between Aquilo's eyes.
The wyvern nudged his master's face, covering him with his own large wing. Wolfram could understand what his friend and mount was saying -- word by word, just like Henry taught him as a child. Wolfie was being comforted by Aquilo, the only one who knew everything about the half manakete's condition.
"I'm gonna see them again, right?" He sniffled, hugging Aquilo's long neck. The wyvern purred in response, using his other wing to cover Wolfie entirely.
Caspar scratched his cheek, watching it all from the sidelines. He kind of wanted to hug Wolfram as well, but even he could tell when someone needed to be alone (or with their wyvern), so he simply sat there by the door to Aquilo's cot, intent on waiting it all out; he crossed both arms and legs, leaning on the wooden gate as though guarding it.
An unknown amount of time later, Wolfram managed to considerably calm himself down after being comforted by his partner. The moment he got out of the reach of Aquilo's wings, he felt someone tackle him from behind.
"Gotcha! Man, I've been wanting to do this since FOREVER! Waiting really ain't my style." Caspar laughed as he squeezed the life out of Wolfram's ribs, crushing them in his over-the-top embrace.
"C-Caspar- grah- you're killing me-" Wolfram gasped for air, patting the shorter boy's shoulder, saying uncle.
"Haha!" He tightened the hug a bit more before letting go altogether. "There! Feeling better? If not, I'm all for round two." He rolled his shoulder.
Wobbling, Wolfram struggled to even catch his breath. "H-huff... N-no, spare me! I'm feeling better now, thanks. More like I think you just squeezed it all out of me just now... ouch."
"Plan's worked, then!" He loudly slapped Wolfie's back, who almost tripped in response. "Now let's grab something to eat 'cause I dunno about you, but I'm starving! I bet all that crying made you hungry, too, right?"
Still panting, Wolfram surprised himself with how easily a smile sprouted on his face after quite literally drowning in tears just a few moments ago. "Mhm, that I am." He slid his hand to Caspar's, silently asking for the shorter boy to lead the way.
Said boy simply grinned, pulling Wolfram along. "C'mon, before all the good food gets hogged!"
Being with Caspar truly helped Wolfram settle down emotionally -- sure, talking with Aquilo was always a treat, but he wasn't exactly verbose, let alone someone who could hold on a true conversation for more than a few minutes.
Wolfram allowed himself to be led to the dining hall, though he barely touched his food once it was in front of him. He WAS feeling better, but it wasn't as though all the grief would suddenly disappear. "Can I sleep over in your room tonight?" He asked out of nowhere, fiddling with his food.
"Sure, man." Caspar replied without hesitation, snaffling down some meat like it was nothing.
"Thanks." The half manakete smiled shyly, resting his head on one hand, unwilling to eat any more than he already nibbled. "I'm kinda scared to sleep alone tonight." He justified, despite receiving no such inquiry from his friend.
"It's cool. Do you wanna be roomies? The rooms around here are big enough for two people and stuff."
"Would you mind if I stayed for a few days? Not too long, I promise." Wolfie risked, feeling all tingling inside. It was so heartwarming to be so readily accepted like that -- and to be able to just ask without wondering if he'd be intruding or worrying about his ears. Caspar looked like a heavy sleeper, after all; it shouldn't be too hard to hide them from him.
"Knock yourself out!" Caspar grinned after slurping his juice. "You're not gonna eat? I'm trying to eat as much as I can to build muscle like Raphael so I'm not saying to eat like I do but- this is so little! Eat more, you gotta get more meat in your bones, Wolf!"
Once again Wolfie felt the warmth, finally able to flash a heartfelt smile. "Thanks, Caspar. I wasn't that hungry before, but now I think I can eat a bit more."
"Uh... sure." Caspar raised one eyebrow slightly, wondering what the deal was with his brain that made him want to stare at Wolf eat rather than finish his own plate. "Pah, whatever! Gotta gobble this up!"
After dinner, the pair went by Wolfie's room to pick up a few clothes and his own sleeping bag (hauling the school mattress around would be too conspicuous and a pain in the ass) before setting out to the dormitory's second floor.
As they headed to the stairs, Wolfie kept his attention on Byleth's room, so close to his own, feeling the Professor's presence there, but knowing it wasn't a good time to simply knock and ask her how she was doing.
What she needed most was time, and Wolfram was going to give it to her.
Since this month's mission was done in advance, they actually had a few days left before the weekend, though an announcement was posted at the Notice Board right by their dormitory and classroom informing them of the upcoming week off in lights of Byleth's loss. Their classes would resume on the 5th of the Guardian Moon.
"It's been only three days, after all..." Wolfram put one hand under his chin in thought, frowning slightly. Dimitri himself had informed the Blue Lions' students of the posting, so either he had been in constant contact with Byleth during that time, or he was simply making use of his position as House Leader to always be informed of the direction their classes would go, though Wolfram was certain that the latter was more probable.
The greater part of the students already had a training routine set, so apart from lacking the much needed feedback from their Professor, they strived to keep themselves in shape during her grieving. Caspar was one of such students, taking a constant place at the training ground alongside Raphael and Felix.
Wolfram had a training regimen Byleth herself had instructed him to do, but he didn't feel ready to come back to training just yet, so he allowed himself to make a visit to Aquilo before noon.
However, on his way there, he felt Byleth's presence edging further from the dorms, towards the market. Raising one eyebrow, the boy followed quietly, watching her from beside the front door. Her entire demeanor seemed different; her back was hunched and her expression, sorrowful. It was as though she was another person entirely.
"Wolfram? What are you doing, hiding behind the door like that?" A voice from behind startled the half manakete out of his soul, making him squeak.
"Eeek- D-Dimitri? D-don't sneak up on me like that! I almost died, there." He huffed, patting his own chest.
"Haha, forgive me." The prince bobbed his head. "We were just coming back from our classroom, see." He shuffled a stack of papers he carried, tilting his chin to Dedue by his side, who also carried a similar stack. "The Professor put up a notice at the classroom's board, instructing each student to pick up a few handouts and work on them throughout the week; she also included personal notes for each one of them..." He puffed his chest with pride, though sagged his shoulders in grief. "She needn't go through such trouble, honestly... It is her grieving time."
"Your Highness," Dedue touched Dimitri's shoulder, pointing with his chin towards the gates leading out of the market. "That's our Professor going out, is it not?"
"Oh?" Dimitri followed his friend's gaze, spotting Byleth immediately. He frowned right away, his heart tightening. "It is her, however... Something is not right. She would not simply go out like this without informing me- ah, ahem, without asking for official permission. I can guarantee that Lady Rhea would not give it, at least not during this time of grief."
Wolfie looked from the Professor who disappeared out of the gates to the concerned prince.
"Could it be...?" Dedue frowned deeply. "These handouts will surely take more than a week to finish-"
Dimitri lost the air in his lungs, the paper he carried crumpling easily in his hands. "She- she couldn't-" He went pale, his blood rushing. "No. She very much well could be thinking that. By the goddess, do not allow her to throw her life away like that!" He stuttered, ready to sprint after her. A moment of clarity lightened his mind, however. "Wolfram! Please, take your wyvern and follow the Professor from above-- me and Dedue will round up whoever we can find to follow. We do not know where the Professor is going, but I have a terrible feeling deep down. We must go prepared!"
"T-throw her life away?" Wolfram mumbled, surprised. He clenched his fist before nodding. "Alright! I'll follow her and keep you informed on the route she's taking!" He ran out of the door, taking a left towards the stables.
"I'm counting on you!" Dimitri huffed, running in the opposite direction, Dedue in tow.
Truth was that Wolfie would be able to track Byleth down even by foot, by sensing her presence, but it wasn't as though he could come out and say that, so on Aquilo's back he went. Byleth took a direct route southwards, going down the mountain through a steep path, making the task of following her by horse a difficult one. Wolfram relayed as much to Dimitri and the others, who had grabbed mounts in attempts to reach her faster.
"If she's going to the village down there, we can take a detour," Dimitri huffed, pulling the horse's reins toward the opposite side. "Keep us informed, Wolfram! You're our eyes up there."
"Got it!" Wolfie saluted, guiding Aquilo towards Byleth's presence. He could barely see her from up there, especially since she was hidden by so many trees, but he could still sense her, so it was fine.
She did the hike down towards the village as Dimitri predicted, though she pressed on without resting, even though the sun started to set. She marched towards the mountains all the way into the horizon, her pace so quick Wolfram could see how she widened the gap between her and the pursuing students. 
Still, they kept on their pursuit, galloping through uneven terrain, taking detours and being generally guided by Wolfram. "Is she going towards the Red Canyon?" Dimitri inquired after the second day of marching.
Byleth had done well in eluding them thus far -- she kept by the woods so it would be (technically) impossible for Wolfram to follow or even land his wyvern there, while also choosing routes better taken by foot rather than with a mount or a convoy in tow.
It was only at the dawn of the third day that her pace finally slowed down as she entered ruins of some kind. From above, Wolfram frowned, finding the scenery familiar, somehow.
Beaten-down walls, craters of unspeakable proportions; old suspension bridges and a blood-red soil right by the edge of the mountain.
The Red Canyon, Zanado. 
"Oh!" Wolfram blinked, a rush of memories blinking through his mind. "I-I saw this place before! Naga showed it to me in that vision, one year ago..." He huffed, somehow excited.
He remembered hearing Naga tell him about a tragedy, children and guidance. Perhaps he'd find the answers down there? Maybe if he landed-
Wolfram felt it before he heard it. An animal instinct deep inside of his gut, telling him to run.
Then, a bloodcurdling roar shook the earth so visibly Wolfie could see the trees trembling, their leaves dancing with the wind. "W-what was that-" he gasped, looking down. "A- a demonic beast!"
"Fly to her, Wolfram!!" Dimitri yelled desperately from somewhere under him, the trees hiding him and muffling his voice. "Go to the Professor! Protect her until we can arrive!!" He almost begged, his voice ragged, his mind entirely focused on Byleth.
"No need to ask me twice!" Wolfram whipped Aquilo's reins. "C'mon, boy!"
It wasn't hard to spot Byleth -- she was sitting ducks in the middle of three giant wolves just a few yards ahead. Wolfram jumped out of Aquilo's back as the wyvern rammed into one of them, throwing it at the bedrock.
"I'm gonna stay by you, Byleth!" The boy roared, his eyes shining slightly.
"Wolfram!" Byleth widened her eyes in surprise, though didn't allow it to take her for long. "Watch out for the woods -- I'm sure there are more from where these three came from."
"Roger that!"
Byleth danced with the Sword of the Creator in hand, its long reach and malleable blade allowing her to strike even faraway enemies while Wolfram zapped them from afar with his unique magic. It didn't take long for the others to catch up, Dimitri leading them.
Once they were all united, there was nothing that could keep them from winning -- soon all monsters and beasts were eliminated, finally allowing the prince and the Professor to meet.
"P-Professor! I was- we were so worried! I beg you, do not do anything foolish... Had we not followed you, you would be-" He choked on the words, hovering around her as though searching for wounds.
Byleth took his hand in hers, closing her eyes in a silent thank-you. "So you were the ones following me. Don't worry, Dimitri. I won't rest until I bring justice to the one who murdered my Dad, but I still had to come here to... confirm something."
Still rather worked up, but visibly relieved, Dimitri clutched Byleth's hand in his, smiling nervously. "I will not pry into what it is that you needed to confirm, though I must ask you to inform someone before leaving like that in the future... I- we were worried sick!"
"I did leave handouts for the entire week I'd be out, but- thanks again for coming, Dimitri; everyone." She looked behind Dimitri's back to the audience, smiling softly.
The prince blushed deeply as he realized he still held Byleth's hand -- in front of the entire class, no less! -- quickly taking a step back and clearing his throat.
Wolfram watched the scene unfold with amusement, though something twinged at the edges of his consciousness. It was as though Byleth's presence had strengthened itself, somehow. Raising one eyebrow, the half-manakete took it upon himself to digest that information slowly during the flight back home.
They took a day longer to return than they did to arrive, seeing that their mounts were exhausted from the little rest they had during the pursuit. Once they were back, Dimitri said that he and Byleth had been thoroughly scolded by both Seteth and Rhea, despite the Professor claiming that she had taken the class for an extracurricular activity.
Perhaps it was because of that incident that the movement of the Knights of Seiros all around the academy went unreported to Byleth. Well, not that they had to report to her in the first place, but Shamir, Catherine and Alois sometimes trained under Byleth's guidance, so they had a somewhat give-and-take relationship.
Not during the following weeks, however.
The Knights moved as though lurking in the shadows, their numbers diminishing daily as they spread themselves out in search of... something.
It was only after Dimitri's intervention (by carefully asking Ashe and Petra to shadow a few Knights) that the Archbishop herself disclosed the plans they had to wipe out the people who had arranged for Jeralt's death without informing Byleth.
However, now that they've found where the enemy was posted, the Knights were already spread too thin to be able to deliver judgment to them, falling on Byleth's class to do it.
Which she would, gladly.
Byleth's expression was somber as she assigned each student a position in the upcoming battle, instructing them to carefully pack since they were due to not only a hike, but a pursuit as well.
The Knights' reports weren't very clear, but once Byleth caught the trail of the enemy, she followed it as though she were a trained hound. She guided them through the Sealed Forest with mastery, avoiding monsters and traps until they were finally face to face to the woman who had stabbed Jeralt in the back: Monica, also known as Kronya.
The assassin revealed herself to be one who enjoyed murdering people for sport, laughing as she spoke of how Jeralt fell to his death so easily like that.
This time, Byleth's sword didn't miss. The Professor struck the assassin over and over from afar in a blind rage. She dived deep into the enemy's lines, forcing the students to cover for her as they engaged the monsters and miscreants under Kronya's command.
At some point, realizing she had lost the battle, Kronya retreated to the woods, but that wouldn't stop the Ashen Demon from going after her without so much as batting an eye.
Never taking his focus away from Byleth while engaging this or that monster, Wolfram was the first one to realize she started drifting away from the front. "Professor Byleth! Wait-" He snapped a powerful magic before turning Aquilo towards the path Byleth took. "Dimitri! Byleth ran after Kronya into the woods! I'm going after her!"
"We all should, Wolfram!" Dimitri dealt the finishing blow to the beast Wolfie had struck moments before. "We cleaned up here; let us hurry to give the Professor our support!" He huffed, wasting no time in following Byleth's tracks.
Just a bit up ahead, they reached the ruins of a construction of sorts -- something bleeding with Old Energy, though it felt rather unnatural, as though it were... fabricated. Wolfram couldn't explain it very well, but the moment Byleth stepped into the stone, the energy started pulsating.
Solon laughed as he gouged Kronya's heart out with his bare hands, making Wolfram's stomach turn. "Wh-what is UP with these guys? Everything they do is so revolting and disgusting-" He huffed, urging Aquilo to fly closer to stay beside Byleth, however, a beam of darkness enveloped the entire altar, pushing wyvern and rider away. "Whoa!"
"What madness is this?!" Dimitri exclaimed as he, too, witnessed Byleth being thrown into darkness. "Professor! Professor Byleth!!" He yelled atop of his lungs, the swirling dark wind sucking his hair and clothes before stopping altogether, leaving only a high-pitched, deafening sound behind.
Aquilo's reins fell from Wolfram's hands. "Byleth...?" He murmured, focusing his entire being into searching for the Professor's presence, to no avail.
She had disappeared.
She was completely gone, as though she had never existed!
"No, this can't be! Byleth! I didn't come all this way for this- I swore I'd stay by your side!" He panicked, making Aquilo fly around the altar in a vain search for something he couldn't even feel. "Byleth!!" His heart thumped loudly in his ears. "I can't lose you, too-" he stammered, clenching both fists so hard his entire body trembled. "Y-you gotta be-"
Wolfram's classmates cursed Solon from their spot, each and every one of them believing that Byleth would return; the bond they shared giving them confidence. Wolfie's frown flinched, his heart wavering. Trust.
He should trust Byleth's abilities, not panic. He wasn't there to be her guardian, after all. He was there to help her!
And the only thing he could do at the moment was to believe she would be alright.
Still nervous, but clinging into this newfound, frail, hope, Wolfram guided Aquilo towards his classmates, landing there to make the stand against Solon. The villain's words were barely out of his lips when something shook the very foundations of their reality -- the air distorted around the spot Byleth had disappeared in, as though something could come out of it at any moment.
"A portal?!" Wolfram blurted out, gasping the moment the tip of a sword cut through the veil that separated this world from the other, a blinding light crashing down from within, forcing all that watched to close their eyes.
Byleth stepped out of the portal, swinging her Hero's Relic to put it back into the shape of a sword, the crack behind her mending itself as though a fast healing wound. Her entire body shone with a divine light, the presence she exuded enough to make Wolfram lose his breath -- it felt akin to what Naga made him feel the day she delivered his mission, though only for a brief moment.
Once the light faded, a draft picked up, lifting Byleth's bright green hair off of her shoulders. She had the same hair that the other shape-shifters in this world shared! Did she turn into one out of nowhere? "No... her ears are still round." Wolfram huffed, struggling to regain his breath.  Still, there was no doubt that whatever had happened had made Byleth many, many times stronger than she already was. Wolfram could almost see the power overflowing through her skin, noticing how now it shone with the characteristic manakete glow.
"You'd consume even the eternal darkness, Fell Star?!" Solon vociferated, lifting his hands so as to summon reinforcements.
Before he could even finish the incantation, however, with but a swing of her Sword of the Creator Byleth ended Solon's life, separating his head from his body.
The air stilled, then somehow filled itself with miniature explosions, as though reality was still adjusting itself from the rend it suffered moments ago. Particles of dust popped, radiating light and energy all around them -- concentrating themselves around Byleth, who simply looked up in grief.
She looked at her students for a moment, smiling before crumpling to the ground.
"Professor!" Dimitri ran to her, "are you unwell? What's happened- a-are you... asleep?"
"Asleep?" Wolfram trotted behind, clutching his chest. "She- she really is just sleeping... Pheeew..." he, too, fell on the ground, his legs giving out after experiencing so much tension.
Dimitri let out a nervous laugh, carefully picking Byleth up in his arms. His expression softened the moment he felt her warmth on his, stealing a smile out of Wolfram's lips. "This is no place to stay. Let us return to our camp!" He raised his voice to the approaching classmates. "We will have Annette, Mercedes and Dorothea examine the Professor once we settle her back in her tent. I'm counting on you three."
Still too tense to properly respond in their usual cheerfulness, the trio simply complied, sticking to one another as Dimitri led the way to their camp.
Byleth only woke up the following evening, yawning so loudly it made the three healers giggle before throwing themselves onto their professor.
Later that night, Byleth explained that she had received the blessing of the goddess of that world, which allowed her to escape the darkness, perpetually changing her hair to the color akin to the goddess'.
That intrigued Wolfram to no end -- could their goddess also open a portal to a different world, like Naga did? Wolfram could barely hear Naga's voice from Fódlan -- it was so, so far away Wolfie could barely hear it as a whisper during the quietest of nights -- but it still made him wonder if She could also transform a human into a manakete-looking person.
There were so many questions. Did the goddess herself make Byleth that way? What was Rhea, then, if that was the case? She was a shape-shifter who carried a presence almost as powerful as Byleth, a non-shape-shifter. Somehow, Wolfie could still tell that although Byleth carried the Blood within her, she didn't possess an inner beast. So what could the relation be between the two of them and this goddess?
Naga helped the manaketes because she was quite literally the Mother of them all, almost on par with being a goddess herself, though she denied being so when asked about it. Was this the case in Fódlan where their goddess helped the humans instead? So many questions!
It all ate Wolfram away slowly, over the course of the next few days. He would often sneak out of Caspar's room at night to stretch his wings and clear his thoughts, even though every single time he returned, he would do so with more questions instead of answers. Should he reveal himself to Byleth and ask her straight ahead? That started to seem the most reasonable approach…
Distracted, Wolfram perched himself atop the Goddess Tower, a frown deep in his brow. “But then what happens if I DO say it and Byleth still doesn’t have the answers I’m looking for? Grahh, it would’ve been much easier if only I could hear Naga properly! Last time I asked, I could only make out ‘power in the heart’ and ‘terrible past’, but that doesn’t answer anything! Though I did managed to see the place of that ‘terrible past’ with my own eyes earlier last month.” He mused, flying back to the dormitories, intent on landing in front of the greenhouse.
He wasn’t thinking of his surroundings, too absorbed in his own musings to realize that someone had been watching him ever since he flew over the Goddess Tower.
“Wolfram?” A familiar voice snapped the half manakete out of his deviations, while he was still holding his own dragonstone to pull his wings back.
A chill ran down Wolfie’s stomach, making his entire body freeze. He had been seen!
His wings! His dragonstone! His ears! His tail! His secret!
“Um, I can explain, Dimitri.”
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loading99percent · 6 years
Exclusive 3/3
Pairing: LYJ x OC (Melanie/Li Xiangjun) || CXK x OC (Serena/Jiang Yingyue) Genre: slice of life, college!au, fluff Word Count: 5,313 Summary: Lin Yanjun openly flirts with Melanie, yet she’s tired of his games and can’t take him seriously. Cai Xukun and Serena chill on a daily, but there’s gotta be more than that between them. Eventually enough, the boys just want the girls exclusively to themselves.
part one.part two.part three
Warning: matured content as in college related stuff. swear words. NOT MOBILE FRIENDLY! not sure why, but it has all the breaks and stuff while on a desktop. (teach me if mobile is different and it can be done!)
The last part of Exclusive. Honestly, altogether if it was posted in one post it would be about 14.6k words. Just saying. Thanks for reading if any of you did and hopefully my next work can be shorter, but who knows. When it comes to you, it just comes to you. Anyways, so yeah, this is the last part and happy reading! kthxbai, Admin Lia~
"Alright, fellas, the votes are accounted for and the results are now out!" Li Rang announced while he and Chen Siqi stood opposite of Yue Yue and Wang Yilong with the big television screen in-between them displaying their house insignia.
"Okay, to keep it in suspense," Siqi began with a wicked smile with the others groaning, "We're going to announce the top five that turned in their list first. Then we'll announce the next top five that completed the most off of the list."
Yue Yue spoke after him. "Next we'll announce the top five who took the most with a Nu Chi Phi member. Lastly, we'll announce the overall number one for this scavenger list who will be our picture center and banquet host."
"Now, let's begin!" Yilong cheered as he listed the top five for turning in the list first. "Fifth, Bu Fan. Fourth, Qin Zimo. Third, Dong Yanlei. Second, He DongDong. First, Cai Xukun. Congratulations."
The boys' names appeared on the TV in their ranking order while others let out cheers for their fellow brothers.
Yue Yue spoke again after it had calmed down. "Now for the five that completed the most off the list." His eyes gazed over them before reading off the names. "Fifth, Lu Dinghao. Fourth, Zhu Xingjie. Third, Han Mubo. Second, Qin Fen. First, Cai Xukun. Congrats!"
Again, the boys' names appeared on the TV in their ranking order under a different category.
"Moving on! Next it's for the most pictures taken with a Nu Chi Phi member. These five brothers are actually super lucky to get a picture with these lovely ladies. I'm jealous I didn't participate in this one as much." Li Rang chuckled before revealing the top five. "Anyways, fifth, Zheng Ruibin. Fourth, Jeffrey. Third, You Zhangjing. Second, Wang Ziyi. First, Cai Xukun. Congratulations, fellas!"
Once more, under a different category, the boys' names were listed alongside the other two ranking statuses. Although Xukun was confused as he remembered that he didn't take it with a Nu Chi Phi member and wondered if Serena had kept that information from him just like the coffee bit.
Yilong looked at the TV before looking at his fellow brothers with an amused expression. "Wow, Cai Xukun has appeared three times in first place. Will he be our number one for picture center and banquet host?!"
A chant for Xukun began and he grew a bit embarrassed and shy from it.
"Okay, okay, calm down. Calm down." Yue Yue held up a hand before turning it into a fist to quiet down his fellow brothers to which they obeyed and he smiled. "Good. Now, Siqi, please announce our number one for this scavenger hunt."
"Can I have a drum roll please?" He asked as everyone started patting the surface before them. "Number one is..." He paused for dramatic effect. "It's Cai Xukun with a whopping nine hundred and nine points!"
Everyone congratulated Xukun as he was shocked and surprised that he actually won the scavenger hunt. Now he was going to be the picture center as well as the banquet host. Yue Yue quieted them down once again before signaling to Li Rang to explained Xukun's points and placement.
"Alright, so, Xukun, there was sixty things listed on the scavenger list," Li Rang began as he gave a summary of how Xukun's got first place overall, "You completed fifty-five of them and they were worth five points each which gave you your two hundred and seventy-five points out of three hundred points." Li Rang paused before letting Yilong continuing with the rest.
Yilong chuckled softly at Li Rang suddenly passing it on to him before speaking. "Okay, so the points are doubled when you take a picture with a Nu Chi Phi member and that's how your points became five-fifty instead." He held a hand up to silence the boys from speaking so he can continue on without interruptions. "Anyways, then we awarded you a random three hundred and fifty-nine points because it's the exclusive Serena."
Siqi interjected before the others could start asking questions about it. "Dongyue, the president of N-C-P, gave us a list of her members to include in our scavenger hunt." He explained. "This was a secret bonus and Serena was one of them, especially in the top to being featured since Dongyue told us that Serena always keeps herself low-key and not many people know she's a Nu Chi Phi member."
"Therefore how we knew for sure it was Serena was through Dongyue's help as she helped us identify each Nu Chi Phi member that you guys took photos with." Yilong inputted. "Since Serena likes covering her face and it obscures our view to notice her, Dongyue helped us make her out and even she was surprised that Serena had taken so many with Xukun and was the one to reward Xukun the points in the end. Congrats!"
Everyone congratulated and cheered for Xukun once more before chanting to reveal second place and Yue Yue announced that it was Ziyi with five hundred and thirty-one points. He rose due to taking the most pictures, but it was also his secret bonus points that was awarded to him by Dongyue because he had the most pictures taken with Nu Chi Phi member, Melanie.
The four then announced that they all can view the slideshow displaying all the images that the members had taken. Yanjun looked over at Ziyi and wondered how close was he to Melanie since he didn't think they knew each other that well or maybe it was just pure coincidence. Bei Honglin then nudged his friend breaking Yanjun out of his dazed.
"What?" Yanjun faced Honglin who shot him a knowing look. "Better ask her soon or you'll regret it."
"I won't regret anything."
"Ziyi could be your potential love rival and I won't blame Melanie if they end up dating in the end." Li Ruotian inputted with a laugh.
"I'll beat him up."
Zhangjing rolled his eyes. "No you won't."
"I could." Yanjun stated with a smug look.
"Yeah, but you won't."
"Seriously though, I won't blame Xiangjun if she rejects you, Yanjun." Jiang Jingzuo added with Zhixie agreeing. "Yeah, you're the one pulling stupid stuff around her."
"I don't pull stupid stuff around her."
Dinghao looked at him a bit annoyed. "Three times you've used her as your pretend girlfriend. Three times." He repeated as Yanjun rolled his eyes. "That's different."
"Y'know, Xiangjun did confessed something to me." Chaoze admitted as everyone turned to face him with Yanjun staring intensely at him. "What?"
Zhangjing intervened. "Don't you dare say anything or she'll kill us."
"I'll torture you guys instead if you don't tell me." Yanjun threatened.
"I fear XiangXiang more than I fear you at this point, Yanjun." Zhangjing admitted as Chaoze sighed giving in. "Okay, okay. I'll tell you."
"Lin Chaoze, don't you dare say anything." Zhangjing warned, but Yanjun shoved him out of the way and leaned closer to Chaoze. "Tell me now."
Serena's phone buzzed and she reached a hand out to find her phone to silence the call. She almost fell back asleep, but her phone buzzed once more and she silenced it once again without bothering to look at the caller ID again. Serena let out a sigh when her mobile went off a third time and she repeated the same action as before. She felt it vibrate and dinged a second later to notify her that she got a message and it repeated three more times and Serena knew she wasn't going back to sleep peacefully unless she put it on 'do not disturb' and set it only for alarms to go off.
Picking up her phone to do just that, Serena was surprised that it was Xukun contacting her so late at night. He usually just messaged her. He hardly ever called her unless he needed something. Or wanting to be an annoying brat to bother her, but it didn't happen often. Just as she was about to set her phone to 'do not disturb', Xukun's name popped up indicating that he was calling her for a fourth time. Serena let out a sigh, but answered.
"Can we meet?" Xukun asked her out of the blue.
"Bruh, it's like two in the morning."
"Please, Yingyue."
Serena was about to declined when she heard his next words and reconsider his suggestion.
"I got your favorite boba."
"I'm listening."
Xukun chuckled before speaking again. "I also have your favorite snacks. So will you meet me?"
Serena thought about it before speaking a few seconds later. "Honestly, it's late, Xukun, and yesterday's events was super eventful for me. I just kinda wanna sleep before classes start later today."
There was a long pause and Serena believed he may have hung up on her or she may have dozed off for a bit, but he was still on call with her and she gave him a moment to speak again. Still, Xukun didn't speak and she wondered if he had dozed off instead.
"Hmm?" He hummed a few seconds later.
"Oh, you're still awake."
"Yeah, I'm still awake."
Silence fell between them again until Serena broke it.
"Do you still wanna meet right now, KunKun?"
"Yes, YingYing, I do, but I also don't want to trouble you if you don't want to. I know how important sleep is for you."
"True for sleep, but you've already called and messaged me, Xukun." Serena sat up and ran a hand through her hair slowly. "Plus, I kinda can't go back to sleep right now."
"I'm sorry, Yingyue."
Serena could hear the sincerity in his voice and a small smile graced her lips. "It's fine, KunKun. I'll get ready after you tell me where you wanna meet?"
"Do you remember the place where we met the first time?" Xukun asked not hesitating to tell her the meeting point.
Just as Serena was about to answer she was distracted by the vibration sound and light blinking from Melanie's phone across the room. She ignored it at first and replied back to Xukun that she did and before she could clarify the actual location when the vibration and flashing light occurred once again. Serena glared at her sleeping friend, but then heard something knocked lightly at the bedroom's window.
"I'll meet you soon, KunKun. Bye." Serena hung up quickly not giving Xukun a chance to say goodbye as she placed her mobile on the bed and got up to investigate what it was that was making the noise.
Serena pulled back the curtains and opened the window and peered down below to see Yanjun standing underneath.
"You're not Xiangjun." Yanjun stated as Serena rolled her eyes. "Obviously. What do you want?"
"Xiangjun, of course."
"Obviously, but why?"
"To talk."
"You couldn't do it like later?"
"The boys on this campus are so buggin'" Serena muttered before looking down at Yanjun again. "Were you the one that called her just now?"
"Yeah, how'd you know?"
"I just do. Give me a minute." Serena half-turned away, but faced Yanjun again. "No bullshit."
"No bullshit. I swear." Yanjun held up his hands in a surrendering mode. "I promise."
"Don't make promises, Yanjun. Xiangjun seriously hates those because they always get broken. Just speaking from past experiences. " Serena advised him as Yanjun nodded. "Okay, Yingyue, thanks. I'll try my best to not bullshit with anything concerning Xiangjun."
"Good. I'll be back."
"Well, it's not like I'll be leaving any time soon unless she doesn't want to speak with me." Yanjun muttered more to himself than towards Serena as he waited less than a minute before hearing Melanie called him by his English name. "What, Evan?"
Yanjun glanced up at Melanie with a dimpled smile. "Hey, Melanie."
She rolled her eyes before looking down at him again. "What do you want at two in the morning?"
"I just wanna talk."
"We are talking."
"I mean could we talk with less distance between us and me not looking up at you?"
"No. It's two in the morning and some of us are trying to sleep without disturbance."
"I mean I could wake them up by talking louder and letting them know that you got a fat ass crush on me." Yanjun smirked as Melanie became more alert and narrowed her eyes at him. "I don't have a fat ass crush on you."
"I ain't betting shit with you, Yanjun."
"C'mon, Xiangjun, just admit that you actually like me and we can get this all done and over with."
"No. Go back to Iota Phi Theta and leave me alone to sleep."
"But Chaoze said you liked me."
"Damn. I can't tell that boy nothing." Melanie muttered, but Yanjun heard her and smirked even more. "So it's true?"
"It's nothing, Evan. Talk to me when the sun's out."
"But you've out-shined the sun so it's already out, Melanie." Yanjun stated with a smug look as Melanie shook her head at his lame attempt, but still found it kinda endearing and a smile appeared upon her face which Yanjun noticed. "See, you don't completely hate me like you think you do."
Melanie rolled her eyes and let out a sigh. "I never hated you, Yanjun, I just hated all the stupid shit that surrounded you."
"So that means you like me, right, Xiangjun?" Yanjun asked unsure as Melanie shrugged with an aloof expression with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Have a good night, Evan."
"No, Xiangjun, wait. Melanie, wait." Yanjun pleaded in a panic to grab Melanie's attention and basically blurted out his confession. "I like you."
"Um, is it right here?" Serena asked herself when she arrived outside the classroom that she had first met Xukun. "Or was it at the library?" She second guessed herself upon not exactly remembering which location it was. "Shit. I should've just asked him."
"You know, Yingyue, if we were together, I would have to set your alarms of all of our anniversaries and add in notes of our special places." Xukun said appearing from around the corner of the building holding a bag of snacks and two bubble tea drinks in hand.
Serena laughed with a shrug. "Luckily we aren't, huh? I'll be a lost cause if anyone was in a relationship with me." She admitted taking her boba from him along with the bag. "Thank you, KunKun."
"You're welcome, and you're not a lost cause, YingYing, just forgetful. Super forgetful and clumsy."
"True." The two began roaming the campus aimlessly. "Anyways, why do you wanna meet so randomly?" She then nudged him. "Oh, did you win the list thing and now you're center and host?"
"Yeah. It's all thanks to you."
"I helped a little. It was all you, Xukun."
"Actually, I only won because you were a Nu Chi Phi member that helped double my points along with gaining secret bonus points."
"Ah, so now you know I'm part of a sorority."
Xukun smiled, but was still left wondering what other things Serena kept hidden in general. "I know it's none of my business, but I feel like there's a lot of things I still don't know about you."
"But isn't that better though?" Serena remarked not looking at him. "The less you know, the less you are aware of things."
"Why do I have a feeling that there's another meaning to those words when its coming from you, Ying?" Xukun looked at her with a curious look just as she turned to face him with a small smile. "You're thinking too much, Kun."
"I don't think I am. I feel like you've been hiding yourself from me or at least trying to keep yourself distant for some reason."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"No, but I would like to get to know you better."
"Isn't what we have good enough?"
"But what if I want more?"
Serena stopped walking with Xukun doing the same and they faced one another while Serena shot Xukun a curious yet cautious glance. "Why?"
"Why what?" He asked confused.
"Why do you want more? Why do you wanna get to know me better? Why are you suddenly interested in my life? Why?"
"Would you believe me if I told you that I have feelings for you?" Xukun answered with his own question instead.
"Xukun, are you being serious, right now?"
"Yes, Yingyue, I am."
"August." Serena used his English name as a warning while Xukun did the same thing to mess with her. "Serena."
Serena narrowed her eyes at him with Xukun shooting her a playful one.
"Out of all the girls in this school and your life, Cai Xukun, why me?"
"Honestly, Jiang Yingyue, I don't know, but here we are and all I know is that I like you and I would like to take our relationship to the next step."
"You do know that if we don't work out our friendship is ruined, right?"
"Yingyue, meeting you was fate. Becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control."
"Gosh, you're such a dork. I can't believe you would use that on me. Have you been hanging out with Yanjun too much?" Serena playfully punched his shoulder when she heard those words fall out of his mouth with Xukun laughing sheepishly. "Okay, maybe I picked up a few things from him, but it's the truth. I really do mean them."
"Seriously though, love is a little too strong right now. We're just gonna go with like, okay?"
"So does that mean you also like me, too?"
"Well, I never actually thought about it beyond that or anything." Serena coyly responded as Xukun rolled his eyes knowingly. "Xiangjun was right. You really do like playing hard to get."
"I do not." She then narrowed her eyes at him. "You should not listen to Melanie. She likes messing with me."
"Oh, yeah?" He answered with a mischievous glint in his eyes as he neared her and brought his face closer to Serena's. "I started noticing all of your little signs yesterday that Xiangjun pointed out to me when she told me, but thought it was just your introverted self at work." He smiled wider. "But now I'm beginning to think otherwise."
Serena slightly pushed him away while taking a step back herself to put some distance between them. "Whatever, Xukun. Is this the only reason you asked me to meet you at two in the morning so you can clarify my feelings for you?"
"Partially." He answered with a chuckled before continuing. "But I was hoping you'll actually say yes in being my date for the banquet."
"What if your fangirls kill me when they find out about us or whatever. When they knew that you at first thought of me only as a friend, huh, KunKun? I'ma die at the hands of some stupid girls that only like you superficially."
Xukun started laughing and Serena punched him. "Seriously, it's not a laughing matter. I'm being serious about my future life here if we get together."
"I know, YingYing." He calmed down from laughing before reaching a hand out to pull her body against his. "And I'll be here to protect you."
"Couldn't you've just said that without pulling me against you?" She asked him becoming aware of their close proximity.
"No, then I wouldn't be able to do this easily."
"Do w-"
Xukun pressed his lips against Serena's silencing her in mid-sentence. When he pulled away breaking the kiss, Serena's first response was to slap his chest after regaining her senses back and he laughed.
"What was that for?"
"I can't believe Melanie basically told you everything concerning my love life." Serena stated while feeling all sorts of emotions building up inside her and she didn't know which one to express more.
"Well she did tell me that I would have to make the first move since you would continue to run away from it."
"Of course she would."
"Anyways, now that I got the exclusive Serena to myself, you think she'll open up to me more now?"
"I dunno. She has a mind of her own, but I'll ask and get back to you as soon as possible on what she says." Serena smiled after calming down the feelings inside her.
Xukun gave her a look and Serena giggled at his reaction while hooking their arms together and leading them to walk aimlessly once more in a random direction after taking a sip of her bubble tea drink. "C'mon. Let's just take it slow for now. It's too early to process all of this. We can deal with this when it's later in the afternoon or something."
"How about we just Netflix and chill?" Xukun offered as Serena side-eyed him. "You can Netflix and chill alone and I'll go back to mine's to sleep."
"Can't we just fall asleep together while watching a movie and eating popcorn in the process?"
"No. That would mean cuddles for you and waking up to extra body heat for me."
"You make it sound like it's a bad thing."
"I guess you have to reconsider about this whole thing of being in a relationship with me then."
Xukun laughed. "Xiangjun warned me that you would try to convince me otherwise and to not fall for it."
"Ugh, Melanie's so annoying even though she's not here." Serena muttered before looking down to see that Xukun had laced their fingers together and looked over at him expectantly where he was already gazing at her tenderly. "Give me a chance, Yingyue, and I'll show you that it'll be worth it."
A smiled appeared on Serena's face as she slowly nodded. "Okay, Xukun, and I'll try my best to be more open with you as best as I can."
"It's a start." Xukun grinned happily as Serena smiled with a shake of her head. "Yeah, it is."
"Excuse me?" Melanie stared down at Yanjun suspiciously. "What did you say, Evan?"
"I like you, Xiangjun." Yanjun repeated while confidently looking up at her. "Now can we talk better?"
"Stay there. I'll be down." Melanie ordered him as Yanjun rolled his eyes. "Does she think I'm gonna run off or something?"
A mischievous smirk slowly appeared on his face as he ran off to hide from Melanie. When Melanie finally made her way out of the house and around it to talk with Yanjun, he was no longer standing where she last saw him.
"Och, where did he go? That brat."
Before Melanie could turn back around to go inside the house, she felt arms suddenly wrapped themselves around her with Yanjun's voice whispering playfully against her ear. "Aww, baby, did you miss me already?"
"Gosh you're so annoying." Melanie answered instead although she didn't fight to get out of his embrace which Yanjun interpreted as a good sign.
"That's what you always say, Melanie, but we've done this so many times."
"It's only because you're super clingy, Lin. Yan. Jun."
"Only for you."
Melanie internally cringed and let out a sigh. "Don't you ever get tired?"
"Only if I'm running around in that mind of yours every day."
"If you don't answer me with an actual straight answer, Yanjun, then I'm gonna slap you."
Yanjun chuckled as his grip tightened a little more around Melanie in a cozy back-hug while placing his chin onto her shoulder. "You've threatened me many times, Xiangjun, but I don't recall you having ever delivered any of them."
"Well, we can find out right now because I want to be the first one to report your death and all of your fangirls can mourn over you."
"That's harsh isn't it? Especially for you, considering you'll be crying the hardest over my passing and didn't even get a chance to confess your love for me when you had the chance to."
"My dude, you're so friggin' annoying." Melanie let out in an exasperated tone as she tried to shrug him off of her, but it was hardly useful as he had a firm grip upon her while laughing at her attempt. "Only the best for my favorite girl."
Upon hearing that Melanie stopped squirming and stood still suddenly alerting Yanjun of her change in behavior.
"Like can you stop?" Melanie said in a flat tone.
Yanjun removed his arms from around Melanie and turned her around to face him instead. "What do you mean?"
"This. All of this. Everything, Evan." She motioned with her hands between him and her. "Can you stop fucking with me and go annoy some other girl who is willing to deal with your bullshit twenty-four-seven because I'm honestly done with it."
Yanjun stared at her blankly as he tried to process her words which made Melanie continued on with her pent-up frustrations towards him.
"You're a cool person and all, Yanjun. Don't get me wrong, but you have nothing but drama surrounding you that I don't wanna fuck with." Melanie admitted. "From your constant flirting to your dumb ass hardcore fangirls and turning to me as a fake girlfriend when one of them gets it into their head that they can be more with you because of your actions when I shouldn't even be involved at all. That's not my problem to handle. It's yours."
Melanie ran a hand through her hair in frustration. "Honestly, it's hard for me to see you as a genuine friend or even something more beyond that when I constantly see only that side of you majority of the time and it just turns me off." She let out a long breath while looking at him with tiredness in her eyes. "I'm sorry to blow up in front of you, but I'm just so tired of your games and bullshit excuses, Yanjun."
Yanjun continued to stay speechless as he was still trying to process the sudden change in the atmosphere between him and Melanie from earlier prompting Melanie to end the night with a heavy heart as she didn't want to continue with this. "Anyways, have a good night, Evan. When or if ever you do get your shit together, maybe we can start over."
Just as Melanie had walked on passed Yanjun, his hand shot out to firmly grip her forearm preventing her from leaving and bringing her back around to face him again. Melanie was about to protest when she suddenly felt Yanjun's lips upon hers. Unconsciously, Melanie tried to pull away, but Yanjun placed a hand at the back of her neck instinctively to prevent her from doing so.
Yanjun deepened the kiss to convey his feelings to Melanie as her body relaxed against him and kissed him back a few seconds later. Yanjun broke the kiss a moment later allowing the both of them to catch their breaths. Melanie avoided all eye-contact as she shifted her gaze downwards to regain all of her senses as she was totally caught off guard by the sudden kiss. Yanjun placed his forefinger and thumb against her chin to lift her head so that they can lock eyes with his staring at her tenderly.
"I really like you, Xiangjun, and I'm sorry for putting you through those situations and other bullshit." He confessed. "I didn't mean for them to get out of hand, but one thing led to another and repeated and I just assumed it'll all fall into place on its own accord. I'm really sorry."
"Saying sorry, doesn't fix everything, Yanjun." Melanie told him as Yanjun smiled sadly. "I know, but I'm willing to make it up to you as best as I can."
"Did Serena tell you that I hate promises?"
"That girl."
"And I'm glad she did, because I'm done bullshitting you." He looked at her expectantly. "By chance is it too late to start over?"
"It's never too late to start over."
"Good. Because I need to stake my claim before it's too late."
Melanie shot him a weird look. "Too late for what?"
"To make you exclusively mine, Melanie." Yanjun smirked. "Wang Ziyi is not gonna take you away from me."
"Ziyi is just a friend."
"Then why did you let him take so many pictures with you when you wouldn't even let me ask you to do that for me yesterday?"
"Because you were a brat, Evan, and Ziyi isn't."
"Y'know, I got dirt on him."
"You got nothing on him, Yanjun. The only dirt you're gonna find on him is him planting flowers for the greater good."
"Yeah, you right." Yanjun admitted with a laugh as Melanie looked at him in concern. "What about your fangirls?"
"What about them?"
"You better control them and not come at me because you decided to like me and want to pursue a relationship."
"Don't worry. I'll make sure to be the one that gets them off your back for good."
"You better or I'll end this relationship so fast and move on to Ziyi in a blink of an eye."
"Don't you even think of doing that, Xiangjun." Yanjun warned her as he encircled his arms around Melanie's body and pulled her against him with a cheeky smile a moment later. "How about an impromptu late night slash early morning date?"
"Nah, I'm good. I need to sleep, anyways." Melanie declined with a laugh as she wrapped her arms around his waist a moment later. "We can have a date after I'm done with my classes later today."
"But that means you won't be done until after four."
"Okay, stalker, chill. We got lots of time to hang out."
"One, I'm not a stalker. Two, I'm your boyfriend so it's validated that I would know your schedule."
"Okay, boy, slow your roll." Melanie chuckled with a shake of her head. "One, I never agreed to becoming your girlfriend, and two, we just admitted our feelings for one another not too long ago."
Yanjun laughed while also shaking his head. "I'm pretty sure we can skip to the point where we're exclusively a couple already." He grinned. "Besides, Melanie, we had three practices of becoming boyfriend and girlfriend in the past. It's validated that we're official now."
"That's according to you." Melanie rolled her eyes, but smiled anyways as she began to lead them to the front of Nu Chi Phi's front yard. "Whatever, Evan, you do you. Now go back to Iota Phi Theta and get some sleep. Then maybe we can have breakfast in several hours if I feel like it."
"Whether you feel like it or not, maybe I'll bring breakfast to you in bed." He nudged her.
"If you can get through the front door."
"Oh, I have no worries about not being able to get through the doors, Xiangjun."
"I'm sure you don't, but please no. I'll meet you at Little Tangerine instead."
"How about I meet you outside your sorority house and we can go to Little Tangerine together."
"Sure, Yanjun, that's fine with me. Good night." She bid him farewell with a small wave, but Yanjun softly tugged her back by the end of her shirt and she looked at him with a confused expression. "What?"
"My good night's kiss." He said with his dimples showing as Melanie caught the mischievous glint in his eyes.
Melanie quickly pecked Yanjun on the cheek and ran off laughing with a final wave before disappearing inside Nu Chi Phi a second later. Yanjun scoffed with a light chuckle and shaking his head simultaneously at Melanie's action just now.
"How cute." He muttered while looking at the house before turning on his heels and headed casually towards his own fraternity house. "I ain't mad." He told himself with a cheeky grin upon his face. "I'll get a proper kiss later today eventually."
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sevensity · 7 years
Hi! How would the RFA + V react to MC being male when they meet up, and he looks like a GREEK GOD (more handsome than Zen)?
They’re a bit shorter than usual but I wanted to see if I could  answer a request in less than 2 hours lolol
Y’all are at the after party
across the room you see Saeyoung talking to Yoosung, and they both turn to look at you
Googly Eyes Activated
Yoosung does a weird straight-legged march over to you and proceedsto examine the fuck outta your face
the guy’s just staring away
but he’s like 3 inches away from you so it’s a bit disconcerting
no seriously his eyes are gonna pop out of his head???
he’s got that expression on his face that moms do when they’re tryingto Tell You Something Serious but they end up looking like a goldfish instead
ohsomeone pushed Yoosung into you
ohit was Seven
ohlook you guys are kissing
ur pretty sure Starkid1995 passed out after approximately 0.7seconds of smooching
he swoons into your arms and you carry him like a princess
Saeyoung has new inspiration for fanfiction and Jaehee gets anosebleed
Yoosung is just in awe of you and can’t believe that someone so attractive is with him
but he’s also kinda smug about it like ya bitches he’s mine 
try not to give him the smolder look tho or else he might actually explode
r u a mirror?
he spins you around a few times and gives you a little shake
no no MC is a 3D person???
but I’m supposed to be the most beautiful? blessed by thegods???
lowkey feels threatened that his s/o is such a handsome lad
no, handsome doesn’t even begin to cover it
you look like u came right out of  Zeus’ thunder cock???
anyhow you guys are a danger to the population
i mean u take a stroll and leave behind a trail of unconscious fangirls 
victim count is way over 9000 at this point
you have to buy a 1TB hard drive to put all your selfies
Zen is always always always posing with you, from dawn to dusk
it’s like at least 200 selfies a day
there’s also a dramatic increase of your pictures around the house
like dramatic
the toilet lid is just a giant print out of your face 
super duper flustered when she first sees you because Anyone Hotter than Zen is Inconceivable
but there you are
with ur 12 butt-abs and all
you can see the sparkles around her face as she readjusts her glasses
Goodbye Mr.Han hello sexy
is feeling very conflicted because Zen still exists but also u r so attractive and so nice and????
honestly you showing her affection makes the girl so freaking happy you don’t even understand
she’s being loved by such an amazing person what more could she ask for?
secretly passes on your pics to Seven so he can make another spambot
his eyes widen a tiny as he opens the door and sees you standing there
coughs lightly and turns his face away
“Ah yes…I was…expecting you.” ya jumin ok ur having technical difficulties covering your sudden-hard on don’t kid yourself
he knew you were good looking but??? to this extent??
the business potential
the news of your otherworldly beauty travels through the company fast, and almost overnight you become boss number 2
#1 in their hearts though
y’all are gonna rule the world one day no joke
but that aside, Jumin takes every single opportunity to show you off to e v  e r y o n 
He’ll be in the middle of a meeting, negotiations aren’t going well, the other party isn’t satisfied with what C&R has to offer 
“How about THIS”
Jumin pulls you out of his briefcase
the deal is signed 1 second later look at you two go stealing hearts left and right
even his dad falls for you
jks pls stay about five countries away from me
doesn’t hesitate to bow right the fuck down to you the momenthe sees you
that’s my boy.,..right there…a body sculpted to suchperfection it makes me want to lick-
“Oi Seven I can hear you.”
24/7 shows you off to Zen
“Look at MY BOYFRIEND who’s 1000% hotter than u.”
Zen is Super Salty but cannot deny your beauty
lowkey joins the fanclub that Seven started 
also loves dressing you up in all his outfits because you just look stunning in every single one of them
also loves making Vanny the Van feel flustered when he’s cleaning 
aka you dress up in rather explicit outfits and hide around the house
Vanderwood finds you
doesn’t come back for at least three weeks
problem solved
“The entire history of photography, all the trials, the errors, the struggles and accomplishments of camera making…leads up to this moment, this perfect shot-”
“V chill I’m just eating cereal.”
he’s learned his lesson regarding love with Rika, but he can’t help himself from admiring your beauty
he’ll draw you, and paint you too…though he’ll also caress your face with the tips of your fingers, memorizing its shape with the affection and warmth of a mother
that way when he misses you he can remember what you feel like
you’ll catch him studying you, a gentle smile gracing his lips
the man loves you to death he’d be happy to just look at you for the rest of his life
and he’s got his camera on him all.the.time in case there’s a Perfect Photo Opportunity
except when you guys are sleeping
yeah he did that once but the lens found into way into your butt so he accidentally captured a rather graphic close up of your anus 
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Daughter Series - McCree pt. 2
Sorry I took such a long break! This is the first day I’ve REALLY felt okay again - not coughing and wiping my nose a ton. GET YOUR FLU SHOTS, PEOPLE!!! Holy crow. I appreciate your patience while I caught up on life stuff and planned my big fic :)
Anywho. here’s another McCree and Juniper post! Inspired by my bought of Influenza B. Only 1,800ish words. I’m learning to keep it shorter! :O
More Daughter Series: Hanzo, Roadhog, McCree, Soldier 76, Genji 
McCree installments: pt 1, pt 2
It was about the middle of the afternoon and McCree was damn hungry. What he wouldn’t give for something fried and topped with some sorta shellfish, but Mercy had pitched the fryer weeks ago – she was a cruel, health-minded tyrant. Leftovers or a sandwich would have to do. “Wonder what my sweetpea’s up to,” he mused, wandering down the hallway. Juni was probably elbow deep in some turret or Winston’s temperamental Tesla Cannon over in Torbjorn’s workshop. How that girl could spend all day with that sour little engineer, McCree would never know. She was always smiling though and swore Torb treated her well.
The cowboy pushed open the door and was instantly greeted with the sound of angry Swedish grumbling.
“Somethin’ givin’ you trouble, Torb,” McCree asked.
“Yes, but I’m sure you can’t do anything about it,” the little man griped. He was madder than a wet hen today.
“Alright, alright. I’ll leave ya be,” he chuckled. “You know where my Juniper is, though?”
“Haven’t seen her,” Torbjorn said, muffled by the screwdriver in his mouth.
“Since . . .” McCree asked leadingly.
“Since yesterday.”
He frowned deeply. “Yesterday? She hasn’t been in here all day?”
Torb sighed heavily and swiveled on his tall stool. “That’s usually what ‘since yesterday’ means. Maybe you need to cut all that hair, cowpoke – I’m starting to think it’s clogging your ears.”
McCree burst out laughing, “Oh, but that giant-ass bushy beard never gets in yer way?”
The man opened his mouth and took a deep breath to retaliate, but then stopped dead. “Good point,” Torbjorn shrugged. “But no, I haven’t seen little Juniper today, which isn’t like her. I figure she’s got her reasons. I was going to go knock on her door, but I lost track o’ time. You going to check on her?”
“Yeah,” he nodded vigorously, “I’m gonna find her.”
“Let me know if something’s up,” Torbjorn said turning back around, “but I’m sure she’s just a little burnt out. She’s a little worker bee, that one. I found her in here at 9:30 last night and told her to take a breather. Probably just relaxing somewhere and drifted off. She definitely got that ability to sleep anywhere form you.”
Jesse beamed proudly and thanked his teammate for the tip. Every time someone pointed out a similarity between him and his daughter, McCree swelled with pride. She was an infinitely better person than he was, but she also made him feel like a better man. If Juni saw something worthwhile in him, he must be doin’ alright.
“Juniper,” he called, knocking on her door – just a few feet from his own, “you in there?”
All was quiet, but just as McCree was about to leave, the thick metal door slid open. Juni stood blinking in the fluorescent lights with a big blanket wrapped around her shoulders and her hair strung about wildly.
“Takin’ a nap, sweetpea,” he laughed.
“Yeah,” she said roughly and began coughing. The smile fell from McCree’s face.
“You feeling okay,” he asked worriedly.
“I’m sick,” she explained, rubbing her face drowsily.
“Aw, honey, why didn’t you tell me?!” He pulled her into a hug, and she giggled, coughing into her blanket after.
“I didn’t want to bug you,” she replied, smiling up at him. “I know you guys have a lot going on right now with Overwatch operations being started up again. And I already went to Angela for some meds, so don’t worry.”
“Did she say it’s just a cold,” he asked rubbing her cheek.
“Yup. She told me to take it easy and get some rest. I’ll be okay soon.”
McCree squeezed her tighter. “You still should have told me,” he pouted, “I shoulda been takin’ care of you.”
“I was going to let you know eventually, honest,” she said into his serape.
He smoothed her hair and kissed her forehead. He loved holding her close. “You doing any better now?”
“Not really,” she moaned. “I should take some more medicine and get some water, though.”
“Have you eaten?” She shook her head. “Well then, I’m going to heat us up some soup and bring it to you.”
“You don’t have to do that,” Juniper insisted.
“Hey,” he said pecking the top of her head, “don’t deny me the chance to take care of my sick baby girl. I missed out on every other cold, so I got a lot of making up to do.”
She snorted and smirked, “You don’t have to make up for anything, McCree. You’ve already done so much for me.”
“I want to take care of you, Juni,” he said softly. “Now, go curl up, and I’ll be back soon.”
“Okay,” she laughed. “Thanks, McCree. I’ll leave the door unlocked for ya.”
He rushed to the kitchen and plopped a couple cans of soup in a pot, tapping his foot impatiently as the contents heated up. Slowly. He dug around in the cupboards and found some powdered “Orange Drink” and dumped it in a jug of cold water. Hopefully, it wasn’t too nasty. Winston was about the only one who liked this stuff, likely because of his time on the Lunar Colony, but it did have a lot of vitamin C and D. A while later, McCree was juggling a filled thermos of chicken noodles, a couple of bowls, two spoons, and the fake OJ. He hardly had a free finger to thumb her door’s keypad.
“Need a hand,” Juniper asked with a giggle as he walked into her room.
“I got this,” he laughed, catching the bowls before they fell too far down his side.
McCree set everything down on her bedside table, scooting a few things over.
“Sorry it’s a mess in here,” she said flushing. “I’ve never been the best about keeping my room clean.”
“Don’t you worry about that,” McCree smiled at her, “I don’t mind a bit. I was a messy guy for a long time until this place whipped me into shape. Not that you need to be whipped into shape! I was much, much worse.”
“I’ll tidy up soon,” she promised, snuggling deeper into her bed.
“It’s ok, baby girl,” he said slowly. “Stop worrin’ so much. You’re perfect, ya hear?” He kissed her head again.
“You’re gonna get sick too if you keep kissin’ me like that,” she laughed.
“Pfft, I’ll be fine! I’m healthy as a horse! Now, you eat up.” He sat on the edge of Juniper’s bed with her and they ate quietly, some soft music playing from her phone. Eventually, she slumped over and rested her head on his shoulder, yawning.
“Thanks for the soup,” she said putting her bowl on the table before leaning back into him.
“Did it help any,” he asked, putting his head on hers.
“Yeah,” she nodded, “my throat feels better.”
“Good,” he cooed softly. “Drink your juice? Or, I guess, juice-like drink?”
She smirked, “Yeah, I got a glass down.”
“Was it gritty?”
“So gritty,” she laughed.
“Damn. I was hoping that stuff had gotten better over the years, but I guess not,” he chuckled.
“I might lay back down for a while, McCree, if you don’t mind,” she said rubbing her eyes.
“Alright, baby girl, whatever you need. You want me to go? I can sit with ya ‘til you fall asleep if you want,” he offered sheepishly. “Or not.”
Her smile was wide and understanding, as it often was. It made McCree realize just how lucky he really was. “You can stay if you want to. That’d be nice. Real nice.”
Juni’s lilt was making a strong appearance now that she was medicated and sleepy, which filled her father with delight. She crawled over the small bed and flopped onto her pillow, a box of extra soft tissues by her side. McCree twisted around so he could toy with her hair and rub her back, his knee resting on the sheets.
“Comfy,” he asked quietly, dimming the nearby lamp.
“Mm-hmm,” she sighed happily, wriggling to his side so she could nuzzle against his leg. McCree almost melted, then and there.
“I’ll be right here if you need anything, sweetpea,” he whispered, sappy tears filling his eyes. She was everything he’d ever wanted.
“Okay. Thanks, McCree.”
“Of course, Juniper.” He pulled off his serape and draped it over her, making Juniper’s smile grow.
“McCree,” she said, looking up at him, “thank you, for everything. You’re my favorite person in the whole world, and I don’t know what I did before I found you. I’m a really lucky kid.”
“Aw, Juni, honey,” he sputtered, incredibly overwhelmed, “I’m the lucky one! You’re the most wonderful little thing I’ve ever seen, and I love you, sweetpea.”
“I love you, too,” she said back. “I’m really glad you’re my dad.”
He laughed, brushing her brown locks behind her ear. “Me too. You know, you can call me Dad, if you want.”
Her face drooped, and she turned away.
“But you don’t have to,” he said hurriedly, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.
“I just . . . that’s a complicated word for me,” she said heavily.
McCree rubbed her arm, as if trying to warm back up her mood. “That’s alright, hun, you don’t have to call me that if you don’t want to. It’s just a glorified nickname.”
She sighed again, sitting up next to him. “It’s just that I asked Harris if I could call him ‘Dad’ when I was really little, and he said no. It kinda broke my tiny, kindergartener heart and I’ve never really liked sayin’ that word since. I’m sorry. I know it’s dumb, but – ”
“Juni, it’s not dumb,” he said wrapping his arms around her and dragging her so her back so it was pressed against his chest. “You’ve had a very, I ‘spose . . . unorthodox upbringing. If there’s some stuff you’re not feelin’ up for, I can 100% understand that. I just want to be there for you, hon, no matter what you call me.”
“Promise yer not mad,” she asked softly, putting her hands over his.
“Not even a tiny bit,” he promised her.
Juniper wormed out of his arms and turned around to give him a proper hug. “Thanks, McCree. You’re the best.”
“I try,” he chuckled, “Now why don’t you lie down and get some rest?”
She slid back under the covers, cuddling close to him again. “You’re still gon’ sit with me for a while, right?”
“I’m not going anywhere until you toss me out of here by the scruff of my neck,” he grinned.
“Good,” she said through another yawn.
He took care of her for the next few days – pouring her cough syrup, bringing her crackers, or smothering her with hugs. Of course, McCree got sick, too, so Juniper was happily able to take care of him in return. Neither one had ever been so happy while ill.
Additional tags: @watch-your-grammer @winchester-sonsandcastiel
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beanplague-moved · 6 years
my @aphsecretsanta gift for @reyeslala! happy slightly belated holidays, i’m not sure I captured the best of them here—i have a kind of particular characterization of bela and i’ve never written spain extensively until this project, but i had a lot of fun. i kinda pictured him as a very fumbling romantic.
all that aside, i really hope you enjoy it! i tried to touch on all the prompts without being heavyhanded, and there’s unrequited lietbel in there for the sake of a sort of compare/contrast thing.
read it on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13198962
There’s some kid sitting at Natalya’s bus stop. She tries not to pay him any mind, but he’s just so happy. It’s incredibly distressing.
Natalya has been taking this same bus to work almost every day for the last five years or so, and she has never encountered this unfamiliar entity. He sits at the other end of the bench, humming contentedly—probably to some music playing over his headphones, it sounds far too cheery for Natalya’s taste—as he waits for the bus.
Natalya tries not to pay him any mind. He probably won’t be here tomorrow, anyway.
He’s there tomorrow. And the day after that.
He’s becoming quite the regular to public transport, and Natalya would usually assume that two or three days of taking the bus and likely the subway would chase away any semblance of joy related to the experience. Yet still, he keeps on smiling when sitting at the stop.
He waves at Natalya when she arrives at the stop today, and she raises her eyebrows at him.
She takes a good look at this kid. He’s relatively normal looking. He doesn’t seem to be a rampant serial killer, though Natalya isn’t known for her ability to read others.
(That might be evidenced by the fact that she believes one must be a serial killer to enjoy riding the bus, or wave to strangers.)
He isn’t bad looking—he’s kind of cute, in an objective sense. Natalya thinks he’s a bit too handsome for her taste. All her partners in the past have had pretty obvious flaws, which Natalya appreciated. This guy seems a bit too unreal for her. Sun-kissed skin and messy but not too messy hair. He’s like someone lifted directly from a magazine her sister might’ve read when they were younger.
He wears an apron, so Natalya assumes he’s heading to a workplace of some kind. Probably a Starbucks or something. He’s been wearing the same headphones since his first day at the bus stop.
Natalya figures he’s a new regular, and pays him no mind. If he wants to be disproportionately happy with public transportation, who is she to stop him?
He says, “hi!” when Natalya passes him on an early morning. It isn’t the best decision he could’ve made. Natalya has barely slept for the past few days.
There’s this meeting coming up, and Natalya’s boss—who she would usually describe as, “an American asshole who’s never known hardship a day in his life,” but for the sake of her sanity, she refers to as Mr. Jones—says she’s up for a promotion. So all this weekend she’s been preparing for this meeting, and she’s going to be preparing for it until the day it comes around, because like hell is she going to be here, riding the bus to work everyday, only so she can sit in a cubicle and file everyone else’s cases.
So yeah, she’s a bit on edge today, and she glares at the new bus regular. He looks confused—like he’s not sure what he’s done wrong, which, yeah, is to be expected—and then quickly tilts his head curiously at Natalya.
She keeps her chin up and ignores him. There’s no point in caring about how a stranger might perceive her. Hell, Natalya barely cares about how people she knows and talks to regularly perceive her.
Natalya looks like shit, and she realizes it as soon as she gets home and looks in the mirror. Her eyes are sunken and tired-looking. Her hair is a mess.
She has a face that was often described as delicate when she was younger. Fair-skinned and free of blemishes. Long, shining blonde hair and simple, thin features. Nowadays she does little to keep up that image. Fuck that, she’d rather be this than continue that reputation of some angelic, perfectly kept young lady.
It is better to be unbroken than it is to be fragile. It is better to be rough around the edges and clearly visible than it is to be blurry, hard to comprehend. And she’d do anything nowadays to prevent that softness from creeping into her.
Her hardness is an immunity to the outside world and its effects. If there is one chink in her armor, it flies by unnoticed, because the world can’t attack Natalya. No one can.
It’s best, that way.
That same guy who’s been riding her bus everyday stands up when Natalya approaches the stop, and honest to God, he bows.
He bows, and holds out a hand to her. Natalya raises an eyebrow. She’s almost entirely sure that they’re at a bus stop in Queens, not some kind of renaissance faire where it's commonly accepted that one bows to those they’ve wronged.
She should be clear, it’s not a full on bow. He doesn’t bend at the waist and declare his subservience. Nor does he fall to the knee at the sight of her. He simply lowers himself a bit and holds out a hand.
“I, uh,” He laughs, “I’m not really sure how I’m supposed to do this. I’m sorry?” He tries, and he keeps talking, “I said hi to you when you came to the stop the other day, but you kind of glared at me, and that got me thinking, is it not protocol to say hi to people here? And then I started overthinking and I wanted to apologize, if you’d let me.”
Natalya is a little bit shorter than him. She glances at his green apron to see that his name tag says Antonio C. She glances back up at his hopeful eyes, and denying his apology now would be kind of a cheap shot, like kicking a sick puppy or something.
She shrugs, “It doesn’t matter,” She says, “I’ve been having a bad week, you’re a stranger. Seemed an easy solution.” She speaks in the same level tone that she always does.
“Ah, okay,” He seems sort of relieved, still sort of confused, “thank you, miss…?”
“It doesn’t matter,” She repeats.
“Miss It Doesn’t Matter, then,” He smiles, and Natalya isn’t the best at reading people, but he sounds amused, “I’m looking forward to riding the same bus with you.”
“You shouldn't be.” She says, deadpan. “I’m not.”
It’s quiet from then on, but the silence is less confrontational. Maybe that’s an improvement.
At work, there’s this guy. He likes Natalya, and it’s all very sweet aside from the fact that she couldn’t be bothered to feign interest in him.
Toris is nice—far too nice, in Natalya’s opinion. One really should use discretion with those they are kind to—and he isn’t bad looking. Quite the opposite, but he isn’t Natalya’s type. Not even Natalya really knows what “Natalya’s type” is.
He stutters when he talks to her and smiles when he thinks of her, and it’s nice. It’s nice to be liked by someone, she can admit that much, but aside from the ego-boost, it does little for her. She avoids him, most of the time.
“Ms. Arlovskaya,” He refers to her, and he goes pink in the face when she looks at him, “I have some cases you should look over.”
“Toris,” She returns, and he hands her the files, and it’s over. Natalya thinks little of the interaction, because she thinks little of Toris.
Antonio thinks of Natalya as a friend, or so it seems. He smiles when he sees her and he exudes this warmth that just gets warmer when she’s nearby. She thinks, maybe, in a way, he might like her. More than other people do, anyway. It feels good, being liked by Antonio. It makes her question what “her type” might be.
“Miss It Doesn’t Matter,” Antonio greets her at the bus stop. It’s a Friday, today, and he’s been greeting her like this all week, “It’s nice to see you again.”
“Did you hear something?” She says to no one, “I swear, there’s something insignificant flying near my ears, making noises,” She pauses dramatically, and there’s this primal amusement that’s hard to suppress, “Oh, it’s just you.” She turns to Antonio.
“Very funny,” He smiles, and she thinks he means it. It’s kind of weird, how genuine he is. Natalya can’t imagine being so happy in public, but she is smiling a bit when she talks to him.
The non-confrontational silence is getting very friendly as of late, and Natalya thinks more about it. She’s been thinking a lot more about Antonio, lately.
Natalya’s sister wants to visit. Natalya’s boss wants her to do some overtime shifts. Natalya’s brother wants her to come home for the holidays. Natalya’s friends—if she had any—would probably want to steal her time if they could.
Natalya takes her boss’s offer. It’s the best decision, if she wants that promotion.
Antonio thinks Natalya looks very unhappy lately.
“You seem very independent. Are you a scorpio?” He asks, and Natalya raises an eyebrow. Their bus is late. “I’m an aquarius.”
“A virgo, actually.” She says, and she doubts he’d expect her to be superstitious. Still, she researches the signs, and so she asks, “I don’t see much of an aquarius in you.”
He looks surprised, and then a smile creeps onto his face and he scratches the back of his neck. “Well, you’d have to get to know me better.”
Natalya might like to get to know him better. Maybe.
It rains during her overtime shift, and it’s all very depressing, watching the rain hit the windows as it slowly gets darker, but she always packs an umbrella. She’ll be fine, if a little less motivated.
By the time she clocks out, it’s absolutely pouring outside. She catches the bus without a drop of rainwater on her. Her heavy utility umbrella is good for something, at least.
When she gets to her bus stop—the one she catches in the mornings and gets off at in the evening—she’s surprised to see Antonio there, shivering on the bench. He’s soaking wet.
He looks up at her, before smiling that stupid smile. “You might not believe it, but I didn’t actually know it was going to rain today.”
“I believe it.” Natalya says, holding her umbrella over her. It’s black, and it’s made for the rainiest of days. It kind of looks like she’s heading to a funeral, honestly.
He scratches the back of his neck and coughs, “I thought it’d be better to wait here so I could get dry before trying to walk back and get more, you know, soaked.”
“I see,” Natalya says, and that’s kind of the dumbest thing she’s ever heard. It’s cold out here. He’s certainly going to get a cold. “And how’s that working out?”
“Bad,” He’s still laughing. He’s so happy, all the time. It’s like it’s effortless for him, and Natalya has a lot of feelings geared towards that particular facet of his personality. They’re all very confusing emotions, most of the time.
(And when they aren’t confusing, they’re crystal clear. Envy and anger and frustration, but also a sort of hope that she’ll catch it from him one day.)
And Natalya analyzes the situation, and she’s completely dry save for her shoes, which are touching the wet pavement and are therefore getting wetter by the minute. Usually she’d hurry to her apartment to lessen the damage, but instead she contemplates her actions before handing him her umbrella.
“Pay it forward,” She says, and he looks up at her like she’s doing something very generous and very stupid. She agrees. “I’ll be fine.” He takes the umbrella silently, nodding at her.
She walks home in the pouring rain. It’s cold and annoying and she feels awful, but there’s something warm and unidentifiable in her chest that has grown slowly since she gave him the umbrella.
Whatever. She takes a hot shower and goes to bed in dry clothes. Sleep-wise, it’s one of the best nights she’s had in ages.
The morning greets Natalya with a particularly powerful case of the sniffles. Antonio greets her with the umbrella and a bouquet of flowers.
“I thought repayment might be in order,” He smiles, and there must be some dial inside of him that allows him to turn up the charm on a whim. Natalya certainly feels the effects of it. “Thank you, you did me a favor, Miss It Doesn’t Matter.”
“Natalya.” She says, and he tilts his head, “My name. It’s Natalya. You’ve been calling me by that nickname the whole time.”
“Natalya,” He says, testing the sounds in his mouth. “It suits you. I love it. Are you sick?”
A lot to take in there. Natalya focuses on the last one, “It’s only the sniffles, it’s fine.” She says, and he places the flowers and the umbrella on the bench.
“Can I take your hand? This works best if I get to hold your hand,” He says, and it’s kind of adorably kind that he asked, so Natalya says yes. He takes her hand, “You got sick on my behalf! I demand that I be able to right this past wrong, and take you out to lunch, if that’s okay.” He adds if that’s okay, and Natalya likes Antonio.
She likes that he makes her smile. She likes that silence with him is no longer confrontational. She likes that he respects her boundaries in every regard.
“Okay.” She says, and she doesn’t smile, but she hopes he can tell. He adds his number to his phone and saves himself as Antonio Fernandez Carriedo with a heart at the end.
She goes to the meeting and presents perfectly, and it’s boring as hell and it’s long as hell but at the end of it Mr. Jones announces that she’s due for a promotion, and Natalya takes that time to ask if she can get an extra hour added to her lunch.
Mr. Jones—Alfred, he tells her. He’d like it if she’d consider him a friend, but Natalya never could—is surprised. Natallya has never expressed a desire for added benefits, but he’s more than happy to give her this one. He tells her that, if she wants, she can be free for the day.
She texts Antonio to tell him she’s free for the rest of the day. He sends something back that is full of emojis and happy emoticons. He tells her to meet him at the bus stop.
She walks with little urgency, he arrives out of breath, like he ran to get there.
“I ran to get here,” He says, “I convinced my boss to let me out of there so I could hang out with a beautiful woman, and maybe get lunch.”
“You lied to your boss?” Natalya raises an eyebrow.
He grins, “Hardly.”
Lunch is nice, Antonio makes it better. Natalya isn’t in love with him or anything, but snow falls outside of the restaurant windows and Antonio makes a comment about the weather being all over the place lately and she wants to laugh even though it isn’t funny at all. He makes it funny, what with all his softness and all his happiness.
She thinks, in her heart of hearts, that she may have caught some of it.
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n0t-a-nice-person · 7 years
Speed: I’m usually really excited about writing and advancing the plot, so as long as I’m available I’ll almost always reply either right away or within the day! The only things that slow me down are sleep and video games - and being out with friends from time to time. However, I also tend to reply a lil slower if the thread has been moving very slowly, as I’ll sometimes have to reread some of it to get back into Jacket’s mindset at that moment/circumstance. Replies: Can get pretty long lol. It’s really tough for me to write shorter replies usually. I’ve given up stressing about whether a reply is too long or too short, beyond warning partners that they don’t have to match length! Otherwise whatever happens, happens, and I insist to myself that I don’t have to feel bad about it. Of course I always work to give my partners something to respond to, and that’s all that matters when it comes to length. Starters: I’m really chill about doing starters, it is something I can actually do and I know most other people struggle with it. And honestly, I know if I do the starter, the thread will get started faster most times lol. But it is nice if we take turns a lil bit, or if my partner starts if it makes more sense from a writing perspective for them to set things up. Selectivity: I don’t really like this word because it sounds elitist even though really I think everyone is kinda selective? And in that sense yeah, I’m pretty selective, or “semi-selective” as people say. If our characters don’t mesh due to very different species/universes, or if I’m totally unfamiliar and/or frankly uninterested in someone’s character, I prolly won’t follow. If something about someone’s writing bugs me, I prolly won’t follow. If there’s too much OOC or irrelevant content, I prolly won’t follow just because I don’t like cluttering the dash. But basically if I think there’s a chance of us developing some cool interactions and having fun together, I’ll follow and give it a shot! Wishlist item: Sokol x Jacket is at the top of the list. But honestly I have a wishlist stashed in my drafts I keep adding to over time lol. Uhhh another item would be Jacket encountering a live chicken(s) somehow, because he doesn’t like ‘em and his suffering sustains me. Also I’d really like more interactions with women because he acts a lil different around women than men. But a lot of the lady characters on Tumblr don’t seem to mesh well with him for one reason or another. :c Honest note: I just wish players on Tumblr would stick with their blogs for longer /cries. It sucks so much to find an awesome writer + character and have really fun interactions and then they dump the blog after a couple weeks, usually moving on to another character or just losing inspiration for that character. Which like. idk. if I invest the work into making a roleplay blog, it’s a character I’m really feeling and want to write for as long as I have people to play with.
Tagged by: @creati0n Tagging: @sokol-the-grinder @kxllerblond @amnesiacshavemorefun 
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trevor-writes-stuff · 7 years
A battle to remember (read to end, trust me)
“G-Genos. C-Calm down, everything with b-be f-fine.” Saitama choked out with a small whimper in his voice.
He clutched Genos’s hand tightly, holding the wound closed with the other. Genos didn’t know what had happened. He’d look away for SECONDS to see where Metal Knight went and when he turned around, not only was the Mad Cyborg stalking away but Saitama was on the ground, bleeding. A sense of panic filled his chest as he bounded over to the bald man. Saitama-sensei was not hurt, he was never hurt!! Genos almost passed him because he was going so fast. As he looked down on the strongest man he’d ever known, he knew that his world was about to end.
“S-sens-sensei, w-wha-what’s h-happening!?!” He cried, oil running down his face and falling onto the other man.
Saitama tried to smile as Genos stroked his hand, but it came out as a grimace. He’d forgotten how badly pain felt, what it was like to have salty tears stinging at his eyes, the unbearable cold as his warm blood left his body. Still, as he looked at the blond man, oil streaking his chipped face, he wanted to reassure his best friend.
“I-it’s, ok-k Ge-Gen-nos, I-I’ll be-” he hissed painfully as Genos brought his head into his lap before gasping for breath, he continued wheezing, “I’ll…be…fi…”
Genos felt his core lag when Saitama’s pained face lolled to the side. He didn’t-couldn’t- speak or breathe as he shakily turned the bald mans face towards him once again. He stared at Saitama’s blank eyes and agape mouth for what felt like hours.
“S-sensei?” He said in something that was between a whimper and a choke. He gathered his friend’s body close to him before he began weeping painfully.
“CUT!!” A voice called loudly.
“Oh come ON what was wrong with that shot!?” Genos demanded, standing abruptly and allowing his shorter costar fall off him.
“You forgot the scream again.” Saitama sighed, getting up and cracking his back.
Genos blushed, “I-I did? Damn I thought I nailed it.” He mumbled biting his thumb.
Saitama smiled gently, putting his hand on Genos’s shoulder. “You did, Senpai! But the directed is a stickler for perfection, but that’s ok right? I mean, this is our first full length film together now that One Punch has taken off. It wouldn’t be complete without a nightmare sequence, now would it?” Saitama said with a large smile.
Genos smiled softly, still blushing, “I guess that’s true. Also you don’t have to call me senpai, we’ve been doing this the same amount of time, and I’m only a few months older than you.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say old man~!” Saitama snickered out.
“GUYS-!!!” A shrill voice rang out.
Both men were suddenly tackled by a small weight going very fast.
“Genos-Nii, Saitama-Nii, please don’t be upset!!” The small girl cried.
“Tatsu-Chan, it’s ok! It’s just acting and you’re very good!” Saitama reassured.
Tatsumaki looked relieved as she got up and smiled at them both. Just then her mother and father arrived.
“Tatsu-Chan, don’t run off like that! It’s not safe!” Fubuki fussed, wiping her face. Masayoshi smiled gently,
"Sorry guys, she really worried that you’d be angry with her for the insults. But you’re not,” he grinned dangerously, “Right?”
Saitama laughed and patted him roughly on the back. “OF COURSE NOT, MUMEN, SHE’S A SWEETIE!!” He cried loudly.
The two began bickering playfully while Tatsumaki dragged Fubuki off to find Chinō, or ‘child emperor’ as he liked to be called.
Genos smiled softly. Three years ago, if you’d told him he’d be in love, working with his boyfriend, making friends with a six year old and her parents, and starring in a world famous anime while filming a feature length film… well he was a bit of an ass back then so he probably would have agreed. But now? It was all so surreal and beautiful. He loved and cherished every second of it.
"Alright break over everyone ready to try again?” The director called cheerfully.
Saitama gently grasped Genos’s hand and smiled at him. Genos smiled lovingly back before joining everyone in the usual response.
“YES SENSEI!!!” ———— April Fools!! Thanks to my beta reader @konorai for being the first I subjected to this!! Also I’m making this an AU so follow for more of this kinda thing!
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