#blood of zeus fanfic
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Yandere Olympus x hurt reader (headcanons)
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you were practically the baby of Olympus, being the youngest child of Zeus and Hera you were always being protected by one of your older siblings or other family. it is rare that you are out of their view.
so it was quite a surprise when their precious baby god/goddess was carried up by Hermes with a broken arm after they were left alone for a few hours in the mortal realm.
nearly instantly your family was at your side, making sure you were ok and asking what happened. when you explain that you had spooked the horse of a mortal and it knocked you down breaking your arm just by the way you fell they were furious, not with you or the horse but for that mortal for not controlling their horse, accident or not they would pay for hurting their precious baby.
as you sat in your bedroom with your mother and Apollo having your arm healed your father sent Ares to have a field day with the person who was responsible for your injury.
even after your arm is healed you are forced to stay in bed for weeks, your mother and father visiting you and your siblings entertaining you. when you're finally let out of bed you're practically guarded by all of your siblings, you thought that they never left you alone before but now they go as far as sleeping in your room to make sure that you stay safe.
and you can kiss ever leaving Olympus again goodbye, if you're let out of your room you will be near someone in your family at all times they won't risk you being hurt again.
if anyone tries to go near you who isn't another god, even if it's just a servant on Olympus they will either be hurt or killed depending on who sees them.
out of your sibling's Hermes, Dionysus, and Artemis will be the most lenient and not apply as many rules to you, wanting to keep you happy along with healthy.
ares and Apollo along with your parents will not in the slightest be lenient, if anything they made the rules so they would never break them.
in the end, you will be constantly protected and no matter how many centuries go by you will always be their baby and no one will change that.
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milknhonies · 29 days
Okay, if we confessing things about Apollo (Blood of Zeus), I have to tell someone my fantasy bc it burns my inside. I want him to fu*k me in his original height, when he is so tall and strong and big. When Zeus hugged Heron's mom in the Underworld it was so good to see the height difference or when Apollo was standing beside Heron. It's still a manageable size but to think about the stretch, the pain and pleasure combo and him being super excited that you would do this for him. Like Gods usually downsize themselves when having sex with a mortal but in this case his lover would express this wish to have him in his original size and it would turn out in this way is more comfortable for him. Maybe the lover is his priestess or something and this happens in one of his temples. (sorry for the confession, I have just seen your post about Blood of Zeus Apollo) This is of course not a request but if it interest you I would be curious of your take on this story if you would ever wanna write this or anything else for Apollo.
I love that you dare to write dominant/submissive or master/slave relationship. We need a super dark Apollo fic where his priestess is super submissive and wants to serve him well so this is why she asks him bc she wants him to be comfortable and he just goes with it.
This is so embarrassing please if this is not your taste just ignore it.
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Blood Of Zeus: Apollo’s Pythia
Story Synopsis: You serve the god Apollo since he has threatened to bring a plague upon the people of Delphi.
Pairing: Apollo X Priestess!reader
Story Warnings: 18+ Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Dubious Consent, Vaginal sex, Humiliation, Size kink, size difference. Mentions of Loss of Virginity, Loss of Innocence, Ancient Greek God Mythology, Mentions of Animal Sacrifice, Master/Slave dynamic. Mostly Porn without Plot.
Authors Notes: Inspired by the song Still Don’t Know My Name by Labrinth. This was requested by @annievvv7 and I am considering writing a prologue and another chapter for when the reader is on Olympus. A Pythia is what they called the priestess at the oracle of Delphi.
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The sounds of grunting and sucking of wet flesh echoed the marble walls of his temple.
“You’re thinking too much, my sweet little pythia,” The God of the sun whispered into your neck, his bright glowing hair tickled and blanketed your face and chest. His warm, large palm trailed down your soft belly and dipped between your trembling thighs. His agile fingers discovered your sensitive clit and rubbed gentle circles. His touch was so light and heavenly.
“Relax for me, your god.” he cooed.
He had you nude and spread open for him, your white chiton toga was pooled in a pile at the foot of his altar slab along with his glittering cape.
The stone beneath your back was stained in dark crimson from the countless goats that had been sacrificed in his name. At his command, you were at his mercy, vulnerable and obedient to his will. His presence alone was intimidating and his gaze pierced through your flesh as you were exposed, awaiting his words and commands. You were priestess of the temple of Apollo, you were raised to serve his will...even if it meant forgoing your vows of purity.
Apollo was correct, your mind continued to float away from his attentions. He saw it as strictly a challenge to bring back your focus to him and what he was doing to you. His two fingers, long and thick, carefully pressed inside your body.
It had been a month ago when you made the deal with the divine being. His threat was fearsome and you would not test him. It was a difficult decision, you had decided to save the people of Delphi by becoming his soul bounded slave...because he had promised if you denied him...you and the people of Delphi would face his wrath that would wrought a horrible plague.
You hadn’t known at the time of the deal that he had wanted your body in such a intimate and humiliating way. Upon your first time, Apollo had been domineering in inflicting his power...it could have been worse- you did bleed and you did try to fight him off, but he let you live and he granted you a merciful pleasure you had never known existed when you finally submitted to him. When he had come to you, you were a delicate virgin...now you were his desperate whore.
Your religion was strict with abstinence, you had even taken a sacred oath for Apollo as his representing pythia. Never did you truly believe he would be the one to take your purity. He said it was his rite to fuck you if not any other man. There was no questioning a gods rite.
Apollo’s fingers curled, brushing that spot inside you that made your vision blur, and it tore you from your thoughts as you arched into his palm. You made a pathetic whine and gurgle.
“Oh blessed pythia, you honour me,” he purred mockingly, his golden irises flashing as he looked down at your sweaty body. He drew his fingers out, holding them to the light to see how they gleamed before he licked them clean with his devilish tongue. Your lips parted and chest still heaved catching your breath. He smirked and bent down to steal your mouth in a hungry kiss, the taste of yourself on his lips made your core throb.
You pushed against his shoulders and gasped, “My lord, please lay down upon your temple floor...”
His brows lifted, “Making demands of me? Your god?” he still smirked, “Little pythia, I could punish you for such insolence.”
But he wouldn’t...he liked playing too much with you, especially when you were forced to grant the people their future among the oracle practice. The absolutely naughty things he would say to you, knowing you'd find it hard to answer the poor soul who merely wanted to know their fortune. How he would truly humiliate you and make you feel breathless by the day was done.
Your face was dishevelled in total lust, licking your lips, you pushed his shoulders again and felt his hands lift you by the waist carefully down from the altar until your bare feet touched the cold floor.
He crouched down and sat on the ground. His face was levelled to yours. You were by no means graceful but it did not stop his desire for you. You stood astride his thighs, your palms on his shoulder attempted to push him back. He let you.
Laying nearly flat on the ground, he balanced his upper back on his elbow and forearms. He tilted his head at you. You had to sit on his legs and pelvis to perform, or else the strain of your human legs would hurt more than the pleasure you’d hope to gain and provide.
You mewled desperately, reaching between you both to take purchase of his intimate member. It hung like a fucking horse, harden like a stone pillars rising up. A soft carpet of golden hair covered the base of his masculine appendage. His skin was still as gloriously golden and dark beneath his waist tunic kilt. You wondered if he had bathed himself nude in the pure light of the sizzling sun. His hard cock jumped in your hand, the veins pulsing against your palm. The God was huge, larger than any human man you had ever seen bathing in the springs.
And for some dumb reason you had insisted he be like this, his natural height and size instead of shifting into an average sized man. He was your god and you were his priestess, his pythia. You wanted to keep him pleased.
You reached between your thighs and rub the wetness there to bring it up and wrap around his cock. He gasped, amused and curious. Did you truly intend to take him at this size?
His large hands bent around your waist, digging into the skin of your soft bottom.
“Careful,” he murmured, “You greedy thing.”
You leaned forward, lining his thick bulb with your small opening, admiring the glitter in his golden gaze he held on you. His fingers ran up and down your spine encouragingly. When you rolled your hips forward you scrunched your face up preparing for the almighty stretch.
Your lips parted wide open, a horrible groan bellied from your mouth as you sank yourself down every inch of his unhuman length and thickness. You tried not to think about the possibility of it being the same size as your own forearm.
A low moan rumbled through his entire body that made your insides jump in delight and tingle. Apollo was happy to let you have this control, but he never took his eyes off you, never shut them. He knew the resentment still in your heart, the aching darkness for revenge. Of course if you tried to strangle him, stab him, even slit his throat he would not die, it would just hurt and perhaps piss him off.
You keened and whimpered, your body trembled as your lower lips pressed down to his soft pubic fuzz. For a few moments you were totally still. Tears streamed down your cheeks. He was impressed. His lips parted. You were admirable, trying so hard.
He moved his hands around. One thumb pressed to your sweet nipple and another to your clit, rubbing circles against them both. You gasped and felt your walls clamp down around him. He coaxed you through the pain, blooming inside you a new pleasure.
Apollo’s starved eyes travelled over your entire body, his eyes trailing low to the land where you both connected as he waited for you to move.
Carefully with your hands shaking on his chest, you lifted a little with a hiss, to roll down and sit perfectly again on his cock, letting him slide deep inside. You both groaned. It was exactly what you needed. The pressure of his cock, the feeling of being flooded with his cock so deep and entirely you couldn’t think of anything else but of your god creating this divine match.
You rode him very slowly. He let you lead at first until he grabbed your waist and jerked his hips up.
Submissively, you braced your hands on his strong glowing chest, feeling the smooth and tight muscles beneath your fingers, you rocked your hips back onto him, hunting the ultimate pleasure that was so quickly approaching, giving him everything you had. His eyes roamed from your face and your breasts, watching the way they moved as you practically bounced on his mighty rod. When he could feel your body growing weak and exhausted, he held you tight against him and began to thrust his hips up, slamming into you.
“That’s it, little pythia.”
He bowed his head, taking your tit and nipple into his mouth. He bit down, sending a shockwave through me, bringing your senses back momentarily. You gasped out loudly, your walls clenching. Your nails dug into his biceps. He sucked the nipple into his mouth, his tongue swirled and he hummed with delight at the sound of your noises. His fingers rubbed harder into your clit. Your soft whimpers began begging as he pushed harder up into you. Your lips pressed just above his ear while he sucked.
“You enjoy this my sweet slave?” He asked, even though he already knew the answer. Your sweet tears fell onto his shoulder.
“Yes my lord Apollo,” you whimpered, your toes curled and your fingernails dug up into his long blonde mane. You could feel the tsunami beginning to creep up your spine, your body surrendered to him.
“Then show me! Release your praise,” Apollo ordered, his voice a growl in your ear. It was too great. The bold bright light exploded behind your eyes. You screamed into the side of his neck, sobbing as the wave of desire broke the band.
Your muscles strangled his pulsing cock. Limply you sagged against his body while he steadied his thrusts and dragged the last few out, thrusting hard down once as he flooded your womb with his golden cum. His lips brushed softly against your cheek. He was slow and kind as he lifted you up and off of his cock. Your insides felt bruised.
He held you close to his chest, reaching out for his cape. It was like a wave of glittering white and gold. Like shining white sand, warm and comforting on your wet skin.
He covered your body in it, before lowering you to lay on the marble floor.
He eventually pulled out, and you could feel his seed start to leak out down your thighs and drip onto the cold floor. Your lips parted and your legs closed, embarrassed. He chuckled and kissed your salty sweat drenched forehead.
“You look so beautiful with my cum inside you.”
Apollo’s finger gathered the escaping slickness and pushed it back into your spent body, causing another shaky moan to slip from your lips.
“Best not to waste it.”
You trembled and boldly reached out to him. Tendrils of his long mane were combed through your fingers. So soft and smooth. He smelt like the morning, sweet dew and the warm springs. He cradled you in the crook of his arm, his skin was a great warmth along with his cape. His hand petted your body, trailing his finger tips up and down as you combed his hair softly. Come the rising sun, he would be gone again. He would speak to you daily through the oracle bowl, but you would not feel his powerful body until his next visit.
“Will I see you again?” You croaked, “Next month? Will your duties allow it my lord?”
Apollo was calm. Spent. He was pleased and relaxed. His cock had softened. His palm rested on your belly.
Your face fell slightly. You couldn’t believe it but you knew you would miss him, his teasing touch.
“You will see me everyday...” he purred and kissed your cheek, “I have decided, you will return with me to Olympus.”
Your mouth fell open, your eyes widened. You didn’t know what to say.
“But my duties? I am to read the oracle and-”
His brows lifted, his hand pressed your hands above your head, his other finger pointed at your chest squarely.
“Your duties are to serve me, or did you forget the oath you made to me so quickly?”
With a fluttering heart and regretful fear you shook your head, “No, no my lord master. It’s just...what will I be if not your pythia?”
“My slave...my bride maybe...”
He bent down and pressed his mouth to yours before you could say anything further. He redressed himself as you sat up, stunned in silence.
He smirked, and held out his hand to you, “Come with me my dear slave.”
You took his hand and he carried you to his summoned chariot. You would reach the city of the gods and we’d the great Apollo. God of the Sun.
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mrkeatingsblazer · 1 month
The Prophecy [Oh, Was It Punishment] Part Two
Apollo x Child of Hermes! Reader
Part One Part Two Part Three
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It has been six months and seven days. Six months and seven days since the war against Gaia. Six months and seven days since Rachel has made a prophecy. Six months and seven days since Lord Apollo has been missing. Not even his children have heard a whisper from the God, not even a glimpse in a dream and while Demi-Gods are used to being ignored by their parents, it is never to this extent; it is never with this God.
You’ve found yourself with the three Apollo campers a lot, trying to comfort them during such a peculiar and unknown time. No child should have to worry for their parent. Will Solace especially has taken the blunt of the hardship. Being so young and taking care of both the wounded from the war and his cabin since the Battle of Manhattan has taken a toll on the kid. You find yourself relating to the younger boy immensely. When Luke left and you were finally claimed, Chiron made you the head of the Hermes cabin. Though unlike you, who has been out of camp more often than not and was allowed to appointed the Stolls the title of Co-heads, Will has been burdened with being alone with his responsibilities since he was 13. You watch him now, folding and unfolding bandages repeatedly out of a nervous habit. The frown on his face was subtle but still there. He could have been finished up with inventory an hour ago but chose not to.
“I think we’re done Solace,” you say from atop the infirmary counter, letting your feet swing back and forth.
“You can head to dinner, I’m fine here. Thanks for the help,” his tired voice mumbles in response.
“Kid, you’ve rewrapped that one bandage like 8 times now, I think it's been wrapped enough,” you say quirking your brow.
Will sighs, placing the bandage down before turning to you, “will you stop it with the kid thing, you’re only 2 years older than me.”
“2 and a half,” you point at him with a scalpel that was lying beside you and smirk, “and I’ll have you know I’m a legal adult William.” He looks you up and down and snorts. His expression quickly converts back downtrodden, as if that momentary joy was a mistake. Along with the fact that his father is gone M.I.A, camp has been more depressing than usual. Kids were going missing, and no one understood why; one of these kids being your little brother and Will’s best friend, Cecil. You watch as he shuffles around like a stray kitten, you’d never pity him not when you can relate. Hopping from the counter, you walk over to him and seize his arm, yanking him towards the door. It was a comical sight, with Will being almost 2 heads over you.
“[reader]- Hey!” he gently tries to get out of your grasp but fighting two wars made your grip nothing less than steel. You continue to push the boy towards the door
“Don’t even Solace,” you scold as he tries again to get away from you, “we will be going to dinner and after that we will be going to the campfire whether you like it or not.” you yank open the infirmary door and shove him out, “and hey, maybe a certain son of Hades will be there,” you smirk as the blonde turns bright red. He grumbles, rubbing his arm but compiling and following you to the dining pavilion. It was adorable to see the kid with his crush, especially due to who it was on. You’ve known Nico since he was an annoying but excitable little 10-year-old and Will even longer, neither of them have had a good childhood, most demi-gods never do. In a way, you were living vicariously through them. You did that a lot. With Annabeth who got with Percy, your old crush, Piper and Jason, Hazel and Frank. You couldn’t help but wish you had what they had or in the case of the former, who they had.
You remember your days on the Argo. When there were no battles or group meetings, you were subjected to sit and watch the love emulating around you. For a while you thought the countless couples around you meant something, that because they were all members of the crew and got together, that for sure meant you were to get with the last single member, Leo. He thought so too. After his little thing with Hazel, that even now you don’t try to understand, you felt as though something was forming between the two of you. At one stage you found yourself hanging off him more than you were around Percy and Annabeth. You couldn’t help but be attracted to his mind, his creativity, his light. Your two best friends encouraged the blooming relationship between the two of you, even with Percy not liking Leo a whole lot, and so did the rest of the crew.
Everything changed after he came back from Ogygia. He came to you first after he returned, making you feel special in a sort of pitiful way. Expecting a grand reunion, you were instead greeted by his starry eyes as he spoke about another girl- no not a girl, a Goddess, who had him returned to you utterly smitten. Your heart broke as he told you he was planning to find her again. When you were given the truth by Eros, it made sense in the end. Leo being sent to Calypso was the Fates way of ensuring you remained loveless and killing him was just a way for them to remain cruel.
You sat through dinner at the Hermes table, which was smaller than it ever has been in years. Connor was beside you flinging peas at Clovis who would jolt at the impact before dozing off once more. Nico Di Angelo was sitting at the Apollo table, next to a blushing and, surprisingly, flirting Will Solace. You sighed looking around at all the missing campers, be it they left for college, died during the wars or as of late, were lost to Gods knows where. Even the rising moon seems dimmer than it should have been. You wonder if that was on purpose, was it Lady Artemis’ way of showing her sadness for her twin brother? Was she also in the dark as much as all of us?
By the time the campfire rolled around, you just wanted to retire to your cabin, but chose not to, for the sake of your sibling, Will Solace and yourself. As Austin was doing his cover of ‘My Sweet Lord’ by George Harrison, you heard rustling coming from the forest behind you. At first you passed it off as nothing more than a noisy nymph. It was when you heard a yell did you twist your ring, transforming it into your sword. The object was gifted to you before you even knew of your parentage, by an original member of the Argonauts, Atalanta. You recall the words of the swift footed women, who aided you during your mission to save both Lady Artemis and Annabeth; “never let a man take you unless he can keep up,” she winked before racing off. Many other campers joined you in seizing their weapons, Nico and Clarisse come to either side of you, swords ready. Two figures stumbled out of the forest, neither were recognizable. The taller seemed to be giggling and relying on the smaller to carry their weight. As they came closer you could make them out. A small Asian girl with black coke bottle glasses was cursing the taller brunette boy. He was gangly and average; you deemed him instantly not a threat.
“Hold! Who goes there?” Chiron boomed.
The boy gave a wobbly grin along with a shaky wave and replied, “oh, hi! I’m Apollo!” before collapsing to the ground
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marysoncrost · 25 days
𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞
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Apollo(Blood Of Zeus)/Reader
First part!
Unexpectedly and unpleasantly, she found herself the owner of a body she didn't desire. Entering into harsh situations with even harsher outcomes, she ends up in a place where she's found by a man.
He was in search of another nymph with whom he desired to indulge, as his current life, while passionate and lively, brought him no pleasure at all. Therefore, stumbling upon a small and strange creature in the body of a young woman caught his attention, appealing to his tastes a bit too strongly.
Pressing her palm against the wet pomegranate peel, she moved her hand to clean it of dirt. Concentrating all her attention on cleaning the pomegranates in the lake, she tried to ignore the reflection of the young woman before her. Although she could say that the woman in front of her was similar in appearance, she didn't really think so, and looking at someone else's face that you found yourself in was simply unpleasant.
She didn't know how it happened; all the sleepless nights spent in contemplation didn't help, causing apathy for her lost life. What scared her most was that the old memories didn't become clearer; on the contrary, everything in her memory seemed more and more blurry.
A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she set the pomegranate into the shallow water, into a basket she had woven herself, to pick up a new fruit. Starting to carefully wash it, she repeated her actions once again. For a moment, she was stopped by the sound of splashing water, realizing that she was no longer alone in the lake. Maybe this would have alarmed her before, but now she just ignored it. Despite the hot sun rays strongly heating her back, the gaze of the one behind her was so intense that it burned. The cool lake water didn't help her cool down, but pride didn't allow her to lift her head and look back.
—Phos.— pronounced a gentle male voice. It might have evoked some emotions if not for the fact that she did not understand a single word. This was his nickname for her, given from the first days they met. Although she didn't know the meaning of these words, she just accepted them as given, since she didn't know the name of the woman whose body her mind inhabited. She didn't intend to reveal her name; maybe it was for the best - he didn't need to know the name of the one who would soon leave.
The movement of the other in the water became louder as he approached her, and the small waves he created while walking lightly hit her back. Approaching her, it seemed she didn't care - not a single muscle twitched when he stood at his full height behind her, casting his shadow over her body. Finishing with the second pomegranate, she intentionally acted slower to observe the behavior of the reflection of the big man behind her, ready to throw the fruit in his face if he dared to touch her. She didn't know exactly how much time she had spent here - maybe more than a few days, a couple of weeks, or even months - but it was enough to study the inhuman man she had to come to terms with bitterly.
—So lately, you've been showing a bit of resistance towards me and accepting more of my gifts. I'm not lying, this pleases me.— the voice calmly pronounced, squatting behind next to her, but maintaining a small distance between them so as not to force her to get up and leave. Her face wore a neutral expression, especially when he spoke words in a language she wasn't destined to understand. It seemed foolish to her that he was trying to talk to her, knowing that for her it was just a usual combination of sounds.
Calmly sitting in the water, one cleans the fruits while the other attentively watches as she rinses the dirt off with her hands and then returns the fruit to the basket. Feeling a breath toward her face, reflexively she turned her head towards where the man had approached a little closer to her. His eyes carefully watched her facial expression, as if studying every detail, wrinkle, and scar. It was one of the things she noticed he liked to do, causing her discomfort as she always responded to his gaze by looking into the eyes with a golden iris. Perhaps she would have been flattered by such attention from a visually appealing man if the body belonged to her, but now everything showed that he liked the appearance of someone she wasn't.
—Apollo.— she pronounced the name of the god with a heavy breath, trying to fend him off and let him know not to come too close. Watching as the large figure of Apollo didn't move, seeing how he placed his palm on his chin to hold his head in place while his knee pressed into the water. The light ends of his hair became wet as they fell into the water, and the white fabric wrapped around his hips was already transparent, not hiding the darkened skin beneath that was deliberately covered. The first time she had witnessed this, feelings of awkwardness and shame lingered with her for a few days, but only recently had she been trying to show her indifference. Especially when her light-colored clothes were also in less-than-perfect condition due to the water.
Turning her head towards her reflection, she grabbed a new fruit, but her ears attentively listened as a pleasant smirk escaped his lips.
—So paradoxical, it makes you until now the interested human pursuit that I have..— she won't lie to herself - it sounds very beautiful from his lips, but his nature spoils the whole picture. He justifies all the stories she studied in her teenage years, instead of lessons at school, but knowing his ''loving" side strains her. Before she ended up here, she briefly became fascinated with Greek mythology a few years ago, when she was very young. She studied the stories of the Greek gods to conclude that they are quite vicious with dirty deeds. This is just one of the reasons why she is so unhappy that he is too often nearby for her taste, but she is forced to endure it.
As soon as she finished washing the fruits, she reached for the basket to grab it, but the big hand was faster. Raising an eyebrow, she momentarily lifted her head to see the self-satisfied smile of the god, she just stood up and walked towards the shore, ignoring the cheerful sounds of the god. Feeling the sand under her feet, she stood up and looked around, feeling a big body bump into her, but knowing that he was doing it intentionally. Even though a slight irritation, it didn't make her stop admiring the amazing nature around her. The trees and plants make this place magical.
The only thing that bothers her is the absence of wildlife. There isn't a single soul, birds don't sing, animals don't run, insects don't eat plants, and fish don't swim in the lake. All this makes her wonder how she managed to get here if ordinary creatures can't. A big palm rested on her shoulder, and a male voice became slightly concerned, but not enough to say that he was worried about her. She moved away from him, shaking her shoulder to sit on the ground and lean her back against the tree.
After looking up at the sky, she expected the basket to fall at her feet, and she was not wrong. Bringing her knees closer to herself, she leaned over to pick up an orange from the basket. Taking the fruit in both hands, she drove two large fingers inside to tear the peel. Juice streamed down her palms, leaving a sticky trail, but it didn't stop her from continuing to read, paying no attention to it. Tossing the peeled skin onto the grass, she separated one segment and reached out, expecting someone to quickly take it. However, after a few seconds, she looked up and silently asked what had happened, seeing a blank expression on her face. Her body tensed as she realized her clothes were sticking to her body because of water, and she sitting on the dirty ground, which only exacerbated her position is from the realization that she will then need to wash her clothes again after this.
—Well, so be it.— she muttered quietly, even if he didn't understand a word. Although it sounded a bit unusual due to the strong accent she had never had before. Slowly lowering her hand to her face, but felt a segment of orange burst from her hand, to which she surrendered, continuing to tear it apart. Hearing the sound of a strike against a tree, she noticed a large golden bow that was behind Apollo's back. Quickly returning to the orange, she put one segment in her mouth, crushing it with her teeth and feeling the sweet-sour juice spreading on her tongue. Trying to enjoy the taste, she closed her eyes and leaned her head against the tree until memories of the first day of her stay here began to haunt her again. Frowning with a displeased, she still didn't open her eyes, immersing herself in painful memories.
Everything happened too quickly, so much so that she still couldn't fully comprehend what she had just done. In an instant, it was as if she woke up from a massive headache, opening her eyes to find herself in an unfamiliar place, with a heavy body lying above her. Understanding the man's motives immediately, she began to resist, but he proved stronger.
A surprise was evident on his face, quickly replaced by a sinister smile as his rough hands grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to him. The rough skin on his hands was calloused, scratching her delicate skin through the thin fabric, and an unpleasant feeling twisted in her stomach. The man muttered something, but she didn't understand a word, which made her ponder about another possible language. His dialect and speech style were completely strange and new, and the only thing confirming his bad intentions was his actions and tone.
She tried to push his hands away, but it elicited nothing but grumbling. She attempted to scream but couldn't, so she twisted her head to see anything that could help in the situation. Next to her head, she saw a rock with fresh bloodstains and immediately, using all her strength, reached for it. The man pushed the fabric aside to free himself and pressed against her abdomen.
In one moment, her eyes caught a nauseating sight, and then, with force, she struck the man's head with the rock. When he released her, she immediately kicked his body away with her feet and, rising to her knees, struck him again with the rock, this time with both hands, before he could recover. The man's head fell onto her lower leg, and she quickly grabbed it with thin fingers, pushing the weight away from her. As she did so, she quickly inspected the man's position that caused her harm and saw an open crack in the skull, through which something began to seep along with crimson fluid.
She couldn't hold it back; stomach acid erupted from her mouth and nose, burning her throat and nostrils, splashing onto the man's head and her knees. Her eyes caught how the nausea mixed with the man's blood, seeping into the crack in his skull, triggering a fresh wave of vomiting. She had to exert all her strength to distract herself and move away from the body lying in front of her to stand up, though it was difficult for her. So she reached for support, stretching her arms.
Her fingers grabbed onto the bark of a tree she managed to find, slowly rising to her feet. Surveying her surroundings more fully now, she noticed the long figures of trees nearby and realized she was next to a forest, as there was an open expanse before her where distant lights of houses flickered. Squinting in the darkness, she realized that the houses looked unconventional and most likely not part of a small village. With only the moon and stars as her source of illumination, she couldn't see much detail, so she lowered her head and inspected her body.
Realizing that the cold night air cut through, as she was practically naked except for dirty fabric because of the dirt from the ground and blood on top, which was so thin that it was see-through.
Feeling the hot liquid scorching her delicate cheek, she let out an unfamiliar whimper and collapsed into hysteria. She didn't recognize her voice, which left her puzzled as liquid snot began to trickle from her nostrils, running down her lips to her chin. Burying her face into the tree, pressing her forehead against the hard and uneven bark so tightly that she feared indentations would appear. At this moment, she didn't care; she tried to recall how she could have ended up here, but nothing came to mind. It seemed her memories were absent, only a small part of someone and something from her life remained, but it couldn't explain how she ended up here with a stranger and in a strange setting.
However, distant sounds halted her despair, forcing her to turn her head towards the village. A small figure screamed aggressively, holding something emitting fire in its hands, but she couldn't say exactly what it was, as panic began to overwhelm her. Especially when more of the same figures appeared beside it, their screams sounding not friendly, making her realize her predicament. As the lights began to move towards her direction, she quickly tore herself away from the tree, casting one last glance at the man she had killed with a stone before sprinting straight into the depths of the forest.
With swift steps, without looking back, she ran as fast as she could, without stopping for a second. Her breath became heavy due to her blocked nose, and now, due to the running, she began to breathe more intensively through her mouth, causing the cold air she inhaled to feel like knives in her lungs.
Fear and adrenaline overcame any pain that was there; her vision was blurred from the excessive moisture in her eyes. Hot tears burned her delicate cheek skin, mixing with snot as they landed on her swollen lips, leaving a salty taste on her tongue. Stepping quickly barefoot on dry, sharp grass, she stepped on small stones and twigs, each time causing more pain to run further. Despite the unpleasant stickiness and moisture on her face, she couldn't wipe the blood flowing from her forehead, not when her hands were covered in someone else's blood.
Her ears caught distant rough voices, men's voices, which made her body tremble. The only goal now was to run wherever her eyes could see to save herself, even when her muscles painfully pricked and her knees refused to move straight. She grabbed onto a tree, forcing herself forward until she reached the cliff. Her eyes spotted a river ahead, which didn't seem too deep to offer even a little safety, but the sounds of approaching footsteps strained her body every second. Realizing how close her fate was, she was torn between the unknown and swift death.
Deciding not to wait for the best in the future, the people in the forest were chasing her not out of good intentions. Although she didn't understand the words shouted by the people, she was sure there was aggression in them, especially when she possibly killed one of the residents. This person could have been respectful, possibly with a family, and in their eyes, she could have been seen as a killer who replaced and killed. After all, when she used a stone to strike, it was already covered in blood, and the intense pain in her head and blood on her scalp were likely evidence that before this strange situation, she had fought with a rapist.
Perhaps that's why no one reacted to her screams, especially since the screams of that man elicited a quick response. Fearing the terrible fate that might await her if she stayed, she moved towards the edge with trembling knees. But her body seemed not to listen to her, ignoring her, but when she turned her head towards the source of the cracking branches, she saw the approach of lights. There was an expression of pure fear on her face, her eyes wide open and her lips tightly pressed together. An unpleasant churning sensation arose in her stomach, and she grabbed it, pressing her hands against it and staining the fabric with blood even more.
She quickly returned to the edge of the cliff, where the wind was making the waves mercilessly crash, and then turned back to the approaching crowd of people through the forest. Closing her eyes and pressing her eyelids tightly together, she took a small step back towards the cliff; on the next step, she felt the absence of ground, which made her muscles tense.
The sound of a snap made her quickly open her eyes and look down, and in a second, she felt a sharp pain in her ankle. A long, thin wooden arrow under her feet almost pierced her leg, cutting through skin and muscle, instantly drawing blood. The pain reflexively made her step back, causing her to fall from the cliff, not realizing until she felt the air rushing past her body. A loud cry of desperation erupted from her throat as she instinctively tried to grasp onto something with her hands, but it was all in vain, especially when her back hit the water swiftly.
She immediately closed her mouth, feeling the water entering her ears and nostrils. With her hands reaching for the light, moving them to avoid drowning, the water painfully stung her eyes. She thought things couldn't get any worse, but fate today continued to unpleasantly surprise her, plunging her into madness. She wanted to live, so ignoring the pain from the wounds on her scalp and ankle, she tried to swim, even when she felt there was nothing left to breathe.
She managed to lift her head out of the freshwater, already feeling the waves pushing her harder, but her ability to see was hindered by the water constantly hitting her face, and it was difficult to hear because of the water slamming her ears. Now she was in the hands of nature, hoping for mercy for the pain she had endured. But the sharp blow to her already painful wound showed that no one was going to show mercy, and the great fatigue didn't help her cope with the situation.
Despite her weakness, she weakly continued to fight the water, the waves hindering her vision and breathing. Her hand grabbed onto a large branch behind her, which further intensified her headache, but realizing that in this situation she had no one to trust except the lifeless object. Extending her arms forward and pressing them to her chest, she helplessly hit her cheek against the rough and prickly surface of the branch, but due to fatigue and significant blood loss, she was more concerned about how tiredness overwhelmed her, and her eyes began to betrayingly close.
Trying to cough and spit out the water, she felt her strength leaving her, and she wanted to cling to the branch. Quiet groans accompanied the closing of her eyelids, and her mind began to shut down, and the only thing she hoped for was that she would wake up later.
A gentle hand lay on her cheek, stroking the sensitive skin with its thumb. But the touch was so light and careful that it seemed unreal. Through closed eyelids, she saw a bright light but couldn't open her eyes to see who was touching her. The gentle voice was so quiet, it sounded like a whisper trying to soothe her, yet there was a hint of guilt in it.
—Get up, they're waiting for you…— She frowned, as the strange but gentle voice felt familiar, yet even in her foggy memories, she couldn't recall this person. Reaching out to grab the wrist of the one holding her cheeks to ask a few questions, she found nothing when her hand reached the face. The touch remained ghostly on her skin. Hearing a light shuffle, she felt irritation, even opening her lips to complain, but nothing came out. Placing her hands on her chest, she decided to surrender, simply allowing everything to unfold.
—I know this may be… unpleasant for you,— the voice said with each word sounding increasingly sorrowful, yet it made her realize that the words were understood. Whatever was said made her recall events leading up to this moment. Unaware of herself, her face easily yielded to the gentle touches.
—I would love to stay with you for just a second longer, but someone already demands your attention…— Words spoken caused her to clench her teeth, her thin fingers gripping the sheets. This greatly alarmed her, even though she didn't fully grasp the meaning. However, the sadness in the voice caused pain in her rapidly beating heart. There was something important in that voice, making her worry, but also feel embarrassed about not being able to see what was before her, likely responsible for the terrible situation.
—I'm very sorry, but I have to ask something of you…— A sour expression appeared on her face, feeling her lips press together, eliciting a slight chuckle from her interlocutor. But there was nothing joyful in the light laughter, and the following words only confirmed it.
—Please, make it so we never meet again.—
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This is my first fanfiction in two years, as well as my first fanfiction in this format and with this word count. Despite my efforts, I can't vouch for the quality, as I'm sure I've made a few mistakes unnoticed by myself.
Also, I'll mention that I planned for Apollo to speak in Ancient Greek, as the main character shouldn't understand him. However, I realized it would be cumbersome and boring for you.
161 notes · View notes
7s3ven · 4 months
ATHENA’S GIRL. luke (pjo) / pt 2
trailer > part 1 > part 2
( masterlist )
IN WHICH… Chaos endures on the trio’s trip to Camp Half-Blood and Luke learns that Y/N isn’t as tough as she projects herself to be. Upon finally arriving at camp, Y/N is met with a pleasant surprise when Athena claims her on the spot.
“Have you forgotten to turn off your heart? This is not you. I see you changing from how I've designed you. Have you forgotten your purpose?"
Warning : LONG chapter
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Athena had one goal in life; to create a dazzling warrior who would be worthy of calling themselves her golden child. She moulded her kids into the people she wanted them to be but they often strayed from her ideals, only disappointing her. Perhaps her biggest success in life was designing Y/N.
She was such a brilliantly bright teenager with a natural knack for fighting, using her prior learnt skills from numerous sports classes (all compulsory at her school). Athena liked to call Y/N her pride and joy. Or, she would’ve if she didn’t notice the fondness forming between Y/N and a certain Hermes son.
Y/N lay asleep on the train, resting her head in a pillow she had found in one of the compartments. Luke and Chris sat across from her, impatiently tapping their feet.
“Psst.” Luke whispered, nudging his friend, “You wanna check out the food cart?” Chris turned to stare at Luke, slight frowning.
“She told us to stick together.” He muttered back, gesturing over to Y/N who was quietly murmuring in her sleep.
“She’ll be fine. We’ll be quick anyway. By the time she wakes up, we’ll be back.” Luke reassured Chris, ushering him towards the door. The two Hermes boys silently shuffled out of the small room and walked down the hallway, following the smell of food.
Y/N turned on her side, resting her head against the back of the plush seat. She groaned, half conscious yet still half asleep. Everything was a blurred daze as she slipped back into an unconscious state, ending up in a barren desert.
The H/C-haired girl looked around, confused and a little shaken. She quickly pinched her arm and winced when she felt a twinge of pain. “Where am I?” She whispered to herself, yet her voice echoed.
The sand beneath her feet rumbled and twirled around her, forming a hurricane. Y/N panted in panic as grains of debris threatened to hit her eyes. She turned her head to shield her face until the sand finally dropped to the ground again, revealing a beautiful and grand hall.
The walls were pure white with delicate golden details. If Y/N didn’t know any better, she’d think this was what first class would have looked on the Titanic ship. Or what was portrayed in the movies, at least.
“Do you like it, my dear?”
Y/N spun around at the sound of a silky, feminine voice. A tall woman sat on a marble carved throne, resting her elbows on the sides. She smiled at Y/N. Her skin was pale, almost ghostly looking, and her brown eyes held warmth within them. She brushed a lock of long, shiny raven hair aside.
“I know how much you wanted to see the inside of the Titanic.” She spoke again, crossing one leg over the other. “Come closer, don’t be shy, my love.” She beckoned Y/N forward.
The H/C-nette slowly stepped towards the goddess. “Who… are you?” She asked when she finally stood not a meter away.
“I’m your mother, dear.”
The more Y/N looked at the woman, the more she saw their similarities. Although Y/N’s hair wasn’t as glossy as her’s, their sharp facial features still held the same stony gaze and their heights reflected one another.
“Why am I here?” Y/N carefully asked, her eyes darting around to stare the crystal chandelier.
“I’ve been watching you, my love. You’re a wonderfully talented girl gifted with such academic skill.” The deity let a small laugh slip past her red lips, “But I must warn you, do be careful on what you choose in life. Not everything is as it seems.”
Y/N sent her mother a confused look. She could decode complicated English written in her beloved books but she couldn’t understand what the goddess was telling her.
“You are still a young girl, Y/N.” Finally, Athena rose. She stood before Y/N in all her beautiful glory. “I understand that the topic of love may plague your mind and hide your true goals from you. But is it worth choosing a boy over high education and your academic studies?”
Y/N was slowly piecing everything together. “Is this…” She spoke softly as she trailed off, “Is this about Luke? Because I don’t like him. Not at all.”
“I didn’t mention a name, dear. You came up with that one on your own. Don’t let a boy cloud your judgment, especially not a Hermes son. They are as tricky as they are mischievous.”
Athena pulled Y/N into a sudden hug that seemed a little too tight to be friendly. Y/N struggled to breathe while Athena rested her chin on her daughter’s shoulder. “Don’t forget the lessons I’ve taught you.” She whispered, “I designed you to be perfect and I’ll be damned if I let a Hermes boy of all people ruin my greatest achievement.”
She spoke so gently but there was a dark edge to her voice; a twisted and wicked side to her beauty that Y/N had failed to notice before. “If you ever forget your purpose, I’ll be sure to remind you.”
Her voice faded as Y/N’s dream began to disappear. Her surroundings floated away like watercolour paint bleeding into thick paper until Y/N found herself sprawled on the couch and Luke and Chris nowhere to be seen.
She groaned as she sat up, her groggy eyes stinging from the bright sun. “Ugh, where did they go?” She muttered to herself as she peeked through the door. She yelped when something suddenly crashed. The floor shook and the train came to an abrupt halt.
“Attention passengers, we seem to be having a few problems with the engine. It’ll be up and running again in at least an hour.” The conductor chimed through the speaker.
Y/N cautiously opened the door, coming face to face with Luke. She frowned as she pulled the pair of demigods inside. “You can’t sneak off like that!” She hissed, “We’re not in vacation, you know that, right?”
“Relax, writer. We were just getting by food.” Luke handed her a squished sandwich, “Besides, I don’t think there’s any monsters on this train.”
“Yeah, but they’ll be close to catching up. We have to keep moving.” Y/N locked the door and closed the blinds, concealing what she was about to do next. She picked up her spear, which seemed to take the form of a weapon at the most convenient times, and smashed it into the window.
The plastic glass broke away in shards, falling to the ground. Luke and Chris gaped at her. “Let’s go.” She demanded, picking up all her stuff.
“Remind me never to mess with her.” Chris mumbled to Luke as they jumped out the window. They stayed low but everybody on the train was too busy gossiping about the engine to notice a trio of teens run into a forest.
“It feels like we’re walking in circles.” Luke groaned while Y/N huffed in annoyance.
“That’s because you are. You’ve been walking around that tree stump for the past ten minutes.” She snapped. The group had sat down to rest and Luke took it as his chance to get on Y/N’s nerves again. He chuckled.
"Camp shouldn't be too far." Chris said, looking around. Though, he wasn't too sure. He was merely saying that to calm Y/N's nerves.
"We should keep moving. Better safe than sorry." Y/N stood up, forcing Luke to finally stop circling around the stump.
"But I'm so tired." Luke complained, whining like a man child.
"Well, I guess you'll have to accept being a dragon's snack then." Y/N snapped, furrowing her brows in frustration. Luke and Chris shared a look.
"She's in charge." Chris exclaimed, not wanting to be the tiebreaker. Luke groaned but begrudgingly followed after Y/N.
“As long as we follow the train tracks, we should be fine.” Y/N piped up.
“That’s going to be hard then.” Luke pointed up ahead where the tracks mysteriously disappeared. All that was left was a singular stick of wood. “The monsters are becoming smarter.”
As if on a cue, a shrill laugh cut through the tense forest. Y/N’s head darted up to see a woman with large, eagle-like wings. Her sharp eyes landed on Y/N first. “Just who I’ve been looking for.” She uttered with a piercing voice. She dove below the trees, outstretching a clawed hand to grasp Y/N. Luke quickly stepped in front, swinging his sword at the harpy.
“Give me the girl and I’ll let you be on your way.” The harpy chittered, clumsily landing and circling around Y/N. Luke followed the actions of the monster, narrowing his eyes.
“Why her? If anything, I’m the most valuable member here.” Luke quickly replied. On the sidelines, Chris brandished his sharp sword, watching the harpy carefully.
“Oh, you don’t know what you have in your possession, my dear boy. She’s not merely a girl. She’s valuable.” An unsettled grin pulled at the harpy’s lips. “Just give her to me and I’ll”- The creature was cut off by Chris slicing one of her wings. Luke leapt forward as well, expertly cutting her in places he knew wouldn’t kill her solely to torture her.
“I’m finishing my quest so unfortunately, I can’t give you her.” Luke spat as the harpy tried to dodge his swift attacks.
“What if I told you Hermes would finally see you again?” Her words made Luke freeze. He stared at her in shock, lips parted like he wanted to say something.
Chris was shoving everything into his bag, getting ready to make a run for it as soon as Luke was snapped out of his trance. He grabbed Y/N. “We have to go.” He said but Y/N was stubborn.
“You want me?” She asked, stepping forward with only her glowing spear in hand. The harpy’s eyes flickered to her and she harshly pushed Luke aside.
“Your confidence will be your undoing, girl.” The harpy hissed. “Can you even use that weapon?”
Y/N mockingly shrugged, “I don’t know. I mean, I took down a dragon but maybe that was a lucky shot.” The harpy wasn’t able to react before the spear stabbed through her stomach. Realising she had made a terrible mistake of underestimating Y/N, all the monster could do was scream as she faded away.
“Are you okay?” Y/N asked Luke, who was still kneeled on the floor.
He scoffed. “I’m fine. I didn’t need you to save me.”
Y/N stared at him in disbelief, “What? I was trying to help!”
“Yeah? Well, stop showing off. For the record, I’m easily capable of taking down a dragon and harpy too. You aren’t special.” Luke glared into Y/N’s eyes and she returned his harsh gaze, “Don’t let your arrogance cloud your mind.” The Hermes boy was so close that Y/N could smell his fading cologne.
She was the first to look away in annoyance. “I never said you couldn’t slay those monsters.”
“Yeah, well you thought it then!” Luke exclaimed as Y/N walked off, getting a head start.
“Dude.” Chris finally spoke, “I thought you were like a chick magnet.”
“I believe in being nice to women but her even breathing air annoys me.” Luke grumbled before he jogged after Y/N.
“Haven’t we already passed that rock?” Y/N questioned after an hour of walking.
“I’ve never seen that rock in my life.” Luke snapped back. Somewhere along the dull trip, he had gotten to the front and was now leading the group.
“We passed it on the train.” Y/N uttered as Luke’s gaze began to wander and landed on a nearby building. “And if the train passed it, then that means”- Luke cut Y/N off.
“We’re going the wrong way.” Luke finished. Y/N took a deep breath to calm her agitation. “The harpy must’ve been sent to confuse us.” Luke quickly turned to Y/N.
“You went the wrong way!” They shouted in unison, pointing and pinning the blame on each other. Y/N scoffed, rolling her eyes.
“Don’t blame me!” She exclaimed, slapping his shoulder.
“This is your fault! You walked off first!”
“And you kept walking! You idiot!”
“Don’t call me an idiot! You… you… manipulative, psycho bitch!”
“Are you sure you’re yelling that at the right person?!”
“No! I got it off Gossip Girl! Percy watches it!”
“Who is Percy?!”
Chris pushed his way between Y/N and Luke, shoving them apart. “Guys! It’s only an hour setback! We can get back on the train!”
“The train tracks are missing, genius!” Y/N turned on him.
“We’ll take another train.” Chris replied.
“The next train is in an hour!” Luke added.
“You guys fight and back each other up like a married couple! Make up your mind!” When Chris was getting frustrated now. Y/N groaned to blow off some steam.
“Okay, here’s what we’re going to do.” She said once she calmed down, “We’re going to catch the next train and we stay low until it arrives. Once we’re on the train, we go to our compartment as quickly as possible and we don’t leave until the train stops. Got it?” Y/N sternly stared at the two boys. They silently nodded.
“Don’t make eye contact with anyone.” Y/N warned, fiddling with the tickets.
“You’re going to rip them. Give them here.” Luke snatched the tickets from her, safely shoving it into his pocket.
“So, what about food?” Chris questioned, “We have to eat something on the train.”
“I preordered our meals. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”
“And you didn’t ask us? What if we don’t like it?” It seemed like Luke’s goal in life was to frustrate Y/N. And it worked every time.
“Train food is better than plane food.” She grumbled, “If you don’t like it then suck it up, you big baby. Nobody cares about your opinion.”
“You wound me, writer.” Luke quietly chuckled to himself, clasping his hands together.
“Train’s in forty minutes. We shouldn’t be out in the open.” Y/N dragged the two boys back into the shade, away from the burning sun. “We wait here. Don’t move.” Luke tried to walk off but Y/N was quick to grab him.
“What if we need to go to the bathroom?”
“Then be quick. Obviously I’m not going to follow you into the bathroom.” Y/N exhaled in agitation before grabbing her bag, pulling out a book.
“Is this really a good time to read, writer?” Luke asked, peeking over her shoulder. Y/N didn’t reply, which only provoked Luke to annoy her further. Chris was wildly shaking his head but the brunette swordsman only grinned.
“Hey, writer.” He poked her, “Moby Dick is a stupid author.”
Finally, Y/N looked at him again, giving Luke the attention he so desperately craved. “Moby Dick was the whale. The author was Herman Melville.” Luke’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment but he tried to sheepishly play his mistake off.
“I know. I was just tryna get your attention.”
Y/N turned back to her book, silently flipping the page. Chris held back muffled laughs and Luke subtly flipped him off.
The minutes passed like slow hours and eventually, Chris walked off to find a bathroom. Luke was left sitting next to Y/N, his knee bumping her’s occasionally. He clicked his tongue to a random quiet beat to entertain himself.
“Stop that.” Y/N demanded.
“Stop what? I ain’t doing anything, writer.” Luke innocently played it off.
“Stop existing!”
“Woah, I don’t wanna kill myself. Otherwise the girls at camp would be doomed with my charming looks.”
“Yes, well they’d be fine without your so-called wits. You thought Moby Dick was the author. Ha! A whale writing. That’d be something, Castellan.” Y/N laughed, shaking her head in amusement.
“You’re really mean, do you know that?”
“And you’re insufferable. Though, I doubt you know what that word means. It means annoying.”
“I’m not dumb, writer.”
“Moby Dick was a whale.” Y/N tauntingly reminded him with a pointed look which had Luke’s cheeks turning red once more.
“Stop bringing up the whale!” Luke exclaimed, groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Y/N looked away, victoriously smirking.
“The train is ahead of time.” Chris uttered as soon as he returned from the bathroom, “It’ll be here in ten minutes. Let’s get ready to board.”
As Y/N stood on the platform, letting the scorching sun beat down on her, she could feel a pair of eyes stare daggers into her back. She slowly turned her head, locking eyes with a tall Russian man. Almost too tall to be human. He grinned at her, showing off his sharp and pointed teeth.
Luke took notice of the slender man as well. “They know we’re here.” He whispered, subconsciously stepping forward to block Y/N from the man’s view.
“Are we sure he’s a monster or just a little creepy looking?” Chris butted in.
“Let’s get into our compartment as soon as possible. I booked one near the end so it’d be easier for us to get out if anything goes wrong.” Y/N muttered as she stepped onto the steel stairs. She handed the conductor her ticket and he examined it before letting her pass.
“This one.” She mumbled to the two boys. She shoved the door open and once all of them were tucked safely inside, she slammed it shut and locked it.
Luke and Chris watched in confusion as she searched the wall for something they couldn’t see. “What are you doing?” Luke questioned, a little confused.
“Compartments like these often have a door leading to the next one.” Y/N exclaimed, “These doors are able to be locked and unlocked but I don’t doubt a monster’s ability on being able to acquire a key. Oh, and close the curtains, will you?”
Chris was quick to do as Y/N said, grasping onto the velvet fabric and yanking it to conceal the window.
“You seem to know what you’re doing. Are you sure you haven’t run away before?” Luke said that in a joking tone but Y/N’s frantic actions to find the lock paused.
“I… uh… tried running away when I was ten. The orphanage wasn’t exactly the best place to live. But after spending what little savings I had, I returned because there was nowhere else I could go.” Y/N cleared her throat and shook her head. “But that’s in the past. I don’t regret it because I was able to see parts of the world that nobody in the orphanage could. And it was beautiful.”
“So how’d you end up in that private school?” Luke pressed on further.
“The school has a deal with the orphanage. Every year, one child is picked to study at the school. It’s like a scholarship, if you will. All costs, even lunch, are covered. And I knew I wanted out because I couldn’t stand being in a cramped room any longer. So I worked harder than everybody else and I studied overtime because I don’t accept defeat. I get what I want and that scholarship was no different.”
Luke let out a low whistle. “Impressive, writer. But I didn’t expect anything less from you.”
“I found the lock.” Y/N announced, “Do either of you have a key or a pocket knife or anything I can jam in there?” Luke handed Y/N a small pocket knife and she slightly smiled before harshly shoving the blade into the lock. “That’ll hold it.”
She collapsed on a squeaky mattress, her legs dangling off the bed. Luke could hear the faint sound of her back clicking.
“How long will this train take?” He asked as he sat down across from Y/N. Chris had already dozed off, sleep-deprived and exhausted. Y/N subtly shrugged.
“Maybe a day? I want to get off as soon as possible because that man creeped me out. Check the other wall, will you?”
Luke had no choice but to stand again and search the smooth barrier for a lock, running his hands over the wall and furrowing his eyebrows.
“Nothing.” He concluded. Y/N hummed, seemingly pleased.
“Meals will be delivered to us. In the mean time, avoid making interaction with anyone.” She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. Luke hesitated for a moment before he spoke again.
“So… why’d you run away?” Luke was met with silence before he heard Y/N quietly sigh.
“The orphanage didn’t treat us as humans but rather as pests they had to get rid of. They were so happy to see me go to school because it meant they had to spend less time on keeping me in line. I was… a troubled kid. Now I know why. It’s the godly blood, isn’t it?” Y/N cracked open one eye to look at Luke, who nodded.
“You didn’t regret running away?” Luke questioned, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He heard Y/N lightly laugh.
“I’ll never regret it because those were the best weeks of my life. I met people I had never seen before and I found comfort in knowing I’d never see them again. There was one girl who was like me, troubled and a little angry. We became best friends for the few nights we spent together until she had to move on.”
“What was she like?”
“Beautiful… and dangerous. She enjoyed starting fights. She was a little younger than me… with brown curled hair and pretty hazel eyes. Her name was…” Y/N trailed off, “Oh… well, I don’t remember now. That’s a shame.”
“Clarisse.” Luke piped up, “That was her name, right? Clarisse?”
Y/N stared at him with her lips parted. “Yes… that was her name. How do you know her?”
“She’s a demigod too. A daughter of Ares. She’s actually at camp as we speak, waiting for new kids to arrive so she can torment them.” Luke chuckled, turning his gaze to stare at the floor.
“You know, you aren’t as mean as you try to be.” He uttered after a full minute of awkward silence. Y/N’s eyes darted to look at him, an eyebrow raised in confusion. “I’ve met girls like you, writer. Girls who do everything to block people out because they don’t see themselves as someone a person could ever like. Those types of girls suffer a lot… don’t be like them, writer. Bring down your walls for even just a few hours.”
Y/N opened her mouth to reply but a shrill scream interrupted her.
“Hey! What happened to the rule of no one leaving?!” Luke shouted as Y/N rushed to the door.
“That doesn’t apply to this situation!” Y/N loudly retorted. Luke spared Chris a glance before he darted after the H/C-haired girl. She was already kneeled beside a woman, frantically shaking her and checking her pulse.
“What happened?” One of the train workers rushed over to see the commotion, his face paling at the sight of the woman’s blood staining the lush carpet below.
“She screamed and ran out of her cabin.” An onlooker explained.
“No pulse… she’s already dead.” Y/N whispered.
“Everyone, to your compartments. Do not move until we give the all clear!” The worker yelled, blowing his whistle harshly. Y/N fumbled around with something in the body’s pocket and Luke was quick to drag her away.
“Someone killed her, Castellan… a swift stab to her chest. Was it a monster?” Y/N breathed as Luke led her to a quiet corner. He shook his head.
“Monsters shouldn’t affect mortals. The mist covers them. This might be actually murder.”
Y/N shuddered. “Warn Chris.” She demanded while Luke furrowed his eyebrows.
“What are you going to do?” He questioned.
“I’m going to search for evidence.” Y/N up a large stolen key, “I wasn’t up until three in the morning solving true crime stories for nothing.”
Y/N carefully slipped into the woman’s cabin, her eyes searching for anything out of the ordinary. She crouched down, looking underneath the messy bed. Below the rickety wooden frame lay a single pipette. Y/N reached out her arm, grasping onto it.
“Why would someone need this? Unless this lady was an arts and craft kind of person.” Everywhere Y/N looked, all she found were scraps of paper and an occasional book. “Oh, you deserved to be stabbed for reading this. What a monstrosity.”
Y/N wrinkled up her face as she pulled out a copy of Lolita. She threw it aside but a quiet clang caught her attention. A small brooch had fallen out of the novel and rolled across the floor, hitting Y/N’s shoe.
She crouched down and examined it, running her thumb over the letter H that was engraved in the rusty metal.
“What was this woman’s name?” Y/N grabbed the bags, looking for any kind of name. “Mia… not starting with H. This was left behind… and this pipette… it’s used for cleaning smoking pipes but I see nothing. She wasn’t a smoker.” Y/N shoved the two items into her pocket and quickly exited the compartment, coming face to face with the unusually tall man from before.
“It’s not safe to be lurking around.” He grinned, which gave Y/N no comfort.
“I was just leaving.” She muttered, letting him brush past her. He tipped his hat.
“As you were, miss.” He slinked away and something white fell out of his pocket. Y/N was quick to rush over and pick it up. “A pipette…” The man didn’t smell like the strong scent of tobacco that always seemed to trail after smokers. Y/N narrowed her eyes.
“Where have you been?” Luke stood in front of the door like an angry mom waiting for her kid to arrive home. “The workers called a mandatory meeting. They didn’t know you were missing, luckily.”
“Was there anyone who smoked a pipe?” Y/N asked, ignoring Luke’s previous statement.
“Uh, yeah. A male doctor. Why?”
“Did you get his name?” Y/N was relentless with her inquires.
“The worker called the doctor Harvard Armstrong.”
“Harvard? Like the university? Who names their kid that? That’s just sad.” Y/N scoffed her herself. “But it works.”
“What works?” Luke was sick of being left out of whatever Y/N was planning. He could practically see the cogs turning in her head.
“I found these in the woman’s cabin. Her name’s Mia.” Y/N threw her sad evidence onto her bed, “A brooch with an H on it and a pipette. This pipette is specifically for cleaning pipe cigarettes and Harvard and H match up.”
Chris lifted his brows. “Are we seriously solving this murder crime right now?”
Y/N tuned out his words. “There’s not many people who use a pipe these days. It’s rare to come across. And it was a stupid clue to leave, even under a bed. Is it safe to walk around the train?”
“Yes, but it isn’t advised- Woah, where are you going?!” Luke grabbed Y/N’s arm before she could walk away again. “Look, you may be half god but you’re also half human. You can die just as easily! Don’t go off and risk your life for some Mia lady you didn’t even know!”
“Then come with me, Castellan. What’re you afraid of?” Y/N shoved him aside while Luke glanced at Chris for help.
“Just go, dude. I’ll lock the door. Knock three times when you come back.”
That’s how Luke ended up trailing after Y/N in the deserted corridor.
“I can assure you, Mister Norman, that we are doing everything in our power to catch the culprit.”
As Y/N walked around a corner, she spotted the same sharp-toothed man talking with another staff member.
“Bullshit.” Norman spat and scoffed.
“Are you sure you aren’t the culprit, Mister Norman?” Y/N spoke up. Luke glared at her, trying to shush her.
“Miss L/N, this is a private conversation.” The worker uttered, “You shouldn’t even be out.”
“You’re Russian, right?” Y/N stepped forward, much to Luke’s dismay. “H… I found it in a book written by a Russian author. Isn’t H in the Russian Alphabet pronounced as N? Harvard… Norman. That was a tricky one you left. And the pipette. Very cunning to try and blame someone else. But Harvard Armstrong, the man you tried accusing, was in the room next to us and he never left until after.”
“You’re a nosy girl.” Norman grumbled.
“Yeah… and I just don’t like your vibe altogether. This is your’s, right? Your next reaction will confirm it.” Y/N tossed the brooch high into the air and smiled as it neared the floor. Norman was quick to catch it, holding it close to his chest as if it were a sacred treasure.
Y/N winked, “Bingo.”
Norman quickly turned tail and tried to run but the train worker was faster, practically tackling him to the ground.
“You just solved a fucking murder crime in under an hour.” Luke said, astounded. “How did you know it was even him?"
“As I said, I didn’t like his vibe… and it was a gamble anyway. I took a lucky guess.”
“I can’t believe she solved a murder with only two pieces of evidence.” Chris whispered to Luke as they strolled through the woods towards camp.
“Again, I can hear you.” Y/N turned to glare at the boys, “I haven’t disappeared or suddenly gone deaf.”
“Dealing with a deaf you probably would’ve been easier.” Luke cheekily smiled as he spoke his mind.
“Ugh.” Y/N groaned, rolling her eyes. “I can’t stand you.”
“Then sit on my face.” Luke mumbled but it was loud enough for the other two to hear.
Chris choked on air while Y/N spun around bewilderment. "What?" She seethed in shock. Luke battered his lashes like he had done no wrong.
"What? I didn't say anything." He played along, much to Y/N's annoyance.
"You weirdo." She muttered, "How far is camp? It's getting dark and I don't really want to be a harpy's midnight snack."
Chris pointed at a tree on top of a hill that stood not too far away. “At least two more minutes.” He said. Y/N was relieved to finally step past the tree and into the temporary shade it gave her.
“It seems people are already waiting for you.” Luke mumbled under his breath as he spotted the small crowd of demigods standing behind Chiron, trying to catch a glimpse of the girl the oracle wanted Luke and Chris to retrieve.
“She doesn’t look like anything special.” A pretty blond with glossy lips whispered to the equally stunning group surrounding her.
A golden haze began to form the moment Y/N paused in front of Chiron. The golden mist swirled like the sand in Y/N’s dream, forming a majestic looking owl that loudly cooed and flew high into the sky. It dived back down, exploding into golden glitter that rained down on Y/N like heavy pieces of hail.
“Welcome Y/N, daughter of Athena, to Camp Half-Blood.”
PJO TAG LIST : @lostinhisworld @julielightwood @outerbanks-stuff @jennapancake @csifandom @evrybodydies1 @kkrenae @s0ulsniper @annispamz @justanotherkpopstanlol @soraya-09 @simpforeveyone @papichulo120627 @corpsebridenightamare @lilacspider @urmomsbananabread @ur-lacol-dsylexic @hottiewifeyyyy @kamiliora @be-bap @finnickodaddy @th0tblckgrl @shoyofroyoyoyo @uniquely-her @imafrkinsimp @syraxesrevenge @ahh-chickens @dracoslovergirl @midnightstar-90 @8812-342 @liv1104 @krkiiz @arialikestea @ch16rles @lizziesliz @maryclx01 @lukecastellandefender @yuminako @coryoskywalker @julielightwood @crybabysbakery @jsbabyyy @liviessun @p3pperm1nttea @angie-esc @purplerose291 @prettylilsimp @10ava01 @froggiesstalks @happy-jj @czennieszn @gisellesprettylies @loveyava @csifandom @mashiromochi @kamiliora @yorksyree @mqg125 @jamesmackreideswife @2hiigh2cry @user021099 @living-in-my-imagination88 @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @randomgurl2326 @niktwazny303 @inlovewithcarsthatrunreallyfast @luvvfromme @y0urm0m12 @mochi-lover26 @annispamz
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
Hey there :) could I please request more blood of Zeus headcanons where the gods witness their S/O dying in battle and a few hours later they wake up as a goddess💙
Hey 👋!! 💕
This sounds incredibly angst AF so I wanted to compile their reactions
They look for you after - Hades, Dionysus, Zeus, Artemis, Hephaestus
Rage fight until they find you - Hera, Ares, Aphrodite, Athena,
Tearful shock until they see you - Apollo, Hermes, Demeter, Heron
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lixzey · 20 days
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CALLIOPE GRACE, daughter of zeus
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JASON GRACE, son of jupiter
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THALIA GRACE, daughter of zeus, hunter of artemis
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ETHAN NAKAMURA, son of nemesis
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PIPER MCLEAN, daughter of aphrodite
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LEO VALDEZ, son of hephaestus
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ANNABETH CHASE, daughter of athena
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PERCY JACKSON, son of poseidon
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miramilocamimira · 1 month
My Heir
Kronos’ Favorite AU, TLO Bad Ending.
Warnings: Blood, Major Character Death, Hurt no Comfort, Swearing as in cursing, Cannibalism (mentioned), violence,
They'd been captured rather than killed. Zeus has the thought that his father wants to make an example out of them. Or him, at least. He had been brought to a separate room from his family.
They'd lost. Fuck.
The chains around his arms rattle as he shoves his face into his hands. Flashes of his children appear in his memory. Hermes, Ares, Dionysus- all felled by Typhon. A majority of demigods, Artemis, many of her hunters, Persephone - he'd never wish to hear such pain in Hades’ voice ever again- Heracles, and Hebe.
All gone and he can't shed a fucking tear.
He should have protected them. Should have had the others stay behind and assist the demigods while he fought his uncle. And as much as he wants to cry, he will not show weakness to the Titans.
By gods, he wishes Hera was here. She'd probably be making a ruckus. Screeching about how no matter how long it'd take for her to reform, she’d return the pain her children felt tenfold. He lets out a chuckle-turned-cough at the image.
There's a click at the door and he jumps up. The chains may weaken him but he will not go without a fight.
“WHERE DID YOU TAKE MY HUSBAND!” Hera roars at Oceanus. It hurt to see her uncle, one she loved and trusted dearly, as one of her jailers. For years, he and Tethys had raised and protected her, matured her into the goddess she was.
She'd even kept in touch with letters, visits, and gifts until this last year. She had thought the three of them had bonded well. But the burning sensation as her anger boiled, the clawing in her chest at their betrayal will never be forgotten.
He doesn't look her in the eyes. Mutters out a ‘keep quiet’ and continues keeping watch. Many of her children were torn to pieces, her nephews, nieces, friends, and siblings were bleeding, bruised, and broken. Her husband is missing, one of her brothers is without an arm, and both mourning their wives and children. AND HE WANTS HER QUIET?
A hand on her shoulder stops her from opening her mouth. A glance at the owner of said hand shows Hades shaking his head, eyes pleading for her to sit down with them. Hestia and Demeter are sitting on either side of Poseidon, her eldest sister trying to keep him from leaking more ichor.
She was powerless. They all were.
She sighs and her body shakes with it. Hera lets her brother lead her over. The end nears anyways. She sits with them and makes a fuss when the Titans lead them out.
They get forced into another cage, spelled into silence by Hecate. The broken thrones remain in the background. What catches her eye, though, are the three centered in the room.
They're all black, the middle being larger than the other two. Aside from height, the other two thrones differ by design. The one closest to her had a moon, a swan, and… and two lions.
It represented her mother.
She forced herself to look at the second throne, depicting an eagle, a bull, an oak, and, unmistakably, a thunderbolt.
Did- did Zeus betray them? Betray her? No, no he wouldn't. A majority of their children, of his children, were harmed. There's no way he would betray them.
“Bring her in,” Kronos commanded, interrupting Hera’s thoughts. “After all, she's going to want to be here for her son.” Mother.
She and her siblings watched the titaness walk in, Phoebe and Koios on both sides of her. Her mother’s shoulders were hunched, eyes darting around until they landed on their cage. Rhea’s eyes were filled with resignation.
“Wife.” Her mother does not respond. Hera doesn't think she was meant to as Kronos continues, “Take your seat. Once Hecate is finished with her spells, our son will be brought out.”
It is silent as the titaness of magic works. Then their father sends Typhon to collect Zeus.
Typhon had been sent to bring him out. Great. It feels like ants are crawling under his skin from where the monster grabs him. He could hardly breathe as his body shook but he fought as best he could. Admittedly, it did little.
Zeus is led to the remnants of the council room. In the center, three thrones look to have been just moved in- which may be what took so long for them to start with his execution.
On the left throne sat his mother, with her eyes trained on the floor at her feet. The middle held the titan of time and with the right empty, the titans gathered were left standing.
Curiously enough, he does not get made to kneel before them. Kronos rises from his seat and Typhon pushes him toward the bastard. He stumbles but Zeus catches himself.
“It seems you like to play house just like your mother.” Kronos gestures towards his mother. She doesn't look up. Zeus doesn't know why she's up ther- play house? What? “So I will give you a chance, my son,” The words make him want to vomit. “Come to me and beg for forgiveness.”
Zeus has watched his children cry and plead, his siblings rage and cower. He has watched them bleed and fall and die. He has done this as both King and Soldier as his duty was always his priority.
Kronos dares to call that ‘playing house?’
It is not often that he lets himself feel the unhindered fury of a father, a brother, a husband… but in a situation such as this? It courses through him, rumbling as loud as thunder in his ears. His anger scorching every piece of him.
“You killed my children,” Zeus starts, noticing his father held up a hand when some of his subjects moved. “You harm my siblings, take away my wife,” If the bolt was in his hand, it'd be burning him. “And you want me to go to you?”
It was only when Typhon’s tail curled in front of him that he noticed his body had moved. Left leg forward, arms chained in front of him, and body tilted ever so slightly forward. As though he had the power to disobey or fight whatever may happen.
“Your answer, Zeus.”
“Fuck you.” He growls out and his mother curls into herself.
“So be it then.” The Titan King grinned. “Typheous, brother, if he won't come to me,” This is it, he thinks, this is the end. “Make him.” What?
Zeus doesn't have time to react as the storm giant digs his claws into his arms and forces him forward. He can't help the hiss of pain. Some of the onlookers jeer at how weak he is, others glaring as though they'd been reprieved of something.
He struggles against Typhon and, once again, it amounts to nothing.
Once he's in front of Kronos, they all go silent again. The father of monsters does not let go even as Kronos steps closer.
“One last chance.” The Crooked One leans in, allowing Zeus to see his golden irises. “Beg me, Deon.” He whispers the name Zeus used back then. Deon the cupbearer, the traitor. “You are like a son to me, Deon.”
“I would rather die.” Kronos laughs.
“Oh, dear boy, who said anything about you dying?”
Rhea had long since gotten used to the cries of children. From the babies, she helped deliver, to her own getting devoured in front of her.
She looked up when her husband had Hecate drop the spells that hid Zeus’ siblings from him. She doesn't make a sound. Kronos had proven how pointless that would be ages ago.
It doesn't make it hurt less.
Oceanus drags out Poseidon first. The rest of her children having been pushed back despite their best attempts. Zeus is cursing, screaming, as he attempts to fight Typheous and get to his elder brother.
She does nothing.
She can't. She never could. Oh, she warned Zeus. Once you’ve won Kronos’ love, you don't get to refuse it.
She flinches as the Cannibal King hacks her son into pieces, ever so similar to their father, so reminiscent of how the children had done to him.
Zeus reminds her so much of herself in the moment. Begging, Kronos please I'll do anything. Crying, sobs tore through her as he opened his mouth and downed her daughters and sons.
But it doesn't matter how you plead to him. It doesn't matter what you offer, how you humble yourself.
Hestia is next, tears running down her cheeks. Rhea’s own make her vision blurry. She looks away as another vicious swing splatters gold across the room.
The winners of this second Titan War laugh. They cheer on their king and bet where the ichor will hit next.
Hades and Demeter go in quick succession. Zeus’ voice is sounding strained. She closes her eyes.
“I love you, Zeus.” She hears from her youngest daughter. Rhea feels like she's been hallowed when her son shrieks.
She opens her eyes. Trailing from Typheous’ claws, ichor pours from where Zeus has managed to get hurt.
She scans the bystanders. Silently vowing to remember all who watched the butchering of her children. Rhea sees some glance and point at Zeus, clearly forgetting where Kronos said the sky god would live.
If they thought the Crooked One would let them act upon their petty grievances when she and Zeus were his... then they'd best be prepared to meet the same fate as his siblings.
Zeus’ chains will come off eventually. Her husband knows that they will come after him. But they are his and that's a risk he’ll take.
“This moment will never leave your mind. I will never leave your mind, wife.”
“Tomorrow we remove the rest of these so-called gods!” Kronos calls, joy transparent. Cheers from those on his side grow louder as Zeus wails. His stomach churns, knowing now that his remaining children will die tomorrow. It was all his fault.
The claws grasping him let go as Typhon joins his elder siblings and Zeus falls to his knees.
His wife and siblings’ bodies lay unmoving. Tears blur his vision even as Rhea comes up and attempts to wipe them away. They would reform. He knows they will.
But his cries won't stop, even as his voice grows hoarse, as the ensuing party draws to an end. Even as the bodies are removed and the floor is cleaned up. His mother ends up being the only support left.
It’s not until he has no tears left, no voice to use that Kronos comes to him and his mother moves away. Without her there, he feels weak.
“My son, worry not for your toys.” The titan says as Kronos takes his face in his hands, making their eyes meet. His father looks pleased as he moves his hair from his face. “I can always get you new ones. Once you've learned how to behave, at least.” The titan’s hands are gentle as they wipe at his tears.
It disgusts him.
“My son, my heir,” The titan continues. “I can give you everything you could ever wish for. All you have to do is stay here, with me.”
Kronos lets go of him and tells Rhea to watch him well. She ends up guiding him to a semi-acceptable room that had been left standing.
Thankfully, she did not bring him to his and Hera’s room. Zeus does not think he'd be able to handle that. She stays with him until he's calmed enough to think straight again.
She hugs him, whispers an apology, and leaves. Two titans, he cares not who, guard his door.
In the darkness, a mortal girl opens her mouth. The gods, half-bloods, and various creatures of myth stare and listen. When she comes to, she sees sparks of hope revived.
“What?” She asks.
“Well, Rachel, was it? It looks like we have a new oracle!” Apollo says with a smile- the first one since his twin's demise. Athena places a hand on his shoulder. “Right. We need to keep moving.”
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kawaiigirly21 · 25 days
Gem of Olympus pt 2
The very next day made the previous night feel like a bad dream. Usually, upon awakening, Nataha was met with a cold spot next to her due to Ares’ early training habits. That morning however, the moment Natasha opened her eyes, she was met with the soft smile and even softer eyes of Apollo and the warmth of Hyacinth’s breath on her neck with his arms wrapped around her waist. “Good morning darling sister. How are you feeling?” Natasha had simply smiled and leaned into his touch when he put a warm hand on her cheek. “A Lot better. Thank you Apollo.”
Later that morning, as the trio made their way to the hall to have breakfast, Hermes scooped Natasha up into a hug. “I heard about what happened. Are you alright?” Natasha nodded as she enjoyed the warm hug. Once seated, Hyacinth chuckled hearing Natasha’s stomach make clear that it was in need of sustenance. “Hungry are we?” He asked as he smiled. The goddess nodded sheepishly as the servants began to serve breakfast. “Oh good morning everyone! How was your night?” Zeus asked as he and Hera strolled into the dining hall.
Natasha watched in awe at how perfect they looked. The definition of opulence in her opinion. She wanted to know what that felt like. As breakfast carried on with idle and light hearted chatter between the deities, the calm and relaxing atmosphere was interrupted by the late arrival of Aphrodite and the man she was hanging onto so carelessly. Ares. Natasha’s breath hitched as Ares' eyes met hers from across the table. Her heart ready to jump out her chest and she herself ready to take the knife from the table and drive into her neck.
Tears began to bubble in her eyes before she felt a familiar warmth envelope her in its embrace. Looking down, Natasha saw a hand entangled in hers. It was Apollo’s and the hand on her back was hyacinth. “Natasha, tell me, where oh where did you run off to when you left me last night?” Ares smirked as if he was implying some sort of joke. Before Natasha could reply, Apollo spoke up. “She spent the night with Hyacinth and I. She’ll be staying wh us from now on dear brother.”
It wasn’t a mystery that Apollo had mixed feelings about Ares. He was fond of him at times but lately, the pair just couldn’t seem to get along. Every word he had spoken was laced with anger and venom. If words could kill, Ares would surely be in tartarus by then. “Spending the night night with not one but two men? I’m shocked Natasha. Tell me, do you run to a man every time something in your life doesn’t go right? Or is it just your inner whore crying for help?” Aphrodite chided with a nasty smirk on her face.
Maybe it was the comment. Or perhaps seeing the two so close together, but Natasha suddenly snapped. No one saw the knife fly across the table until it landed in the love goddess’ shoulder. Deeply. Painfully. The looks of shock and amusement coated the surrounding god’s faces. “I’ve done nothing but obey you like a proper wife should Ares. But instead of treating me like your love, you run out on me with that whore.” Ares stood from his chair immediately to speak but was quickly shut down by the thunder Natasha emitted.
“I am SPEAKING! You will talk when I am done!” Apollo, Hermes and Dionysus were quick to try and hide their amused expressions but failed quickly. “You didn’t want a wife, Ares. You wanted a servant who would do anything for you without hesitation. You wanted a doll who would sit still and pretty. Well let me tell you Ares, I am none of the sort! I hid my personality so as to not outshine you who has no more personality than horse shit! You will regret the day you crossed me Ares! I am no longer your doll! I am Natasha! Daughter of Zeus and Goddess of the galaxy! You will fear me. So watch your back. Cause I’m coming.”
With a flash of light, Natasha was gone from the dining hall. The gods remaining were either too scared to say anything or too amused to NOT say anything. No doubt what happened would become the news of Olympus for days. Later that day, Natasha looked at her nails as she partially listened to Hera’s complaints on how she conducted herself at breakfast.
“I understand you are upset. But Ares is my son and I do not appreciate you threatening him this morning. However, I will grant you an annulment. I know how it feels to be married and having your husband take advantage of your good nature. Do what you must to announce you are now a free and single woman.” It certainly didn’t take long for her to do so either. With her new found freedom, Natasha found her wedding dress and went to the arena.
With a confident smile on her face, Natahsa laid what was once her most cherished garment on the ground and set it aflame. Seeing the smoke from the arena, Ares, Apollo, and Hermes rushed in only to see Natahsa standing there drinking a glass of wine gifted to her by Dionysus who arrived just before them. “Yes!! Let it burn! BURN!” Dionysus smiled as he watched the dress be reduced to ash.
“Come Dion. All this bruning has got me hot all of a sudden. Wanna help me cool off?~'' Natasha asked seductively as she ran and finger down the wine god’s chest causing him to shiver. “Yes. Yes please.” Walking past the trio, Natasha smirked as her eyes met Ares’. “You burned me. Now watch as I rise from the ash reborn.”
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wearethewitches · 5 months
My headcannons are about "Half-Blood of the Eldest Gods".
•Percy lives in his own room in a large house, because his fathers could not properly allocate the time of his stay in their cabins.
•Hades pays alimony, with Sally's reluctant permission covers some expenses and gives gifts.
•Zeus - most obsessed of Percy's fathers, he always says "My little son Perseus", brags about Percy's deeds and wants Percy to be perceived primarily as the son of Zeus.
•For the first time, Percy used the powers of Zeus against one stupid son of Ares, who spoke unflatteringly about Sally.
•Hades personally took care of Gabe in the underworld... He filmed the sweetest moments of punishment and sent them to Poseidon and Zeus.
•If mortals know that Percy has three fathers, He or Sally will tell a half-truth - Sally was with them at the same time, and then when Percy appeared, they decided that the baby would be shared.
•Dionysus calls Percy "little brother" instead of Peter Johnson, although Percy would prefer that.
•Percy has a good relationship with his siblings, - Nico is ready to kiss the ground on which his older brother walks, Thalia will kill anyone who even looks askance at Percy.
•Luke Castellan had a heart attack when he found out that Percy was the son of the big three in the truest sense.
•Percy has the powers of Hades as the god of wealth. He has hemogenesis and can summon gems.
•Percy is surprisingly on really good terms with the furies.
•When Kronos died, Poseidon, Hades and Zeus almost strangled Percy in their arms.
•When Juno kidnapped Percy, the big three really gave the mortal world a beating, and everyone and everything was thrown in search of him.
I adore this, holy shit thank-you so much! You put SO much thought into these ahhhhhhhhhhh
Thank-you thank-you thank-you
Half-Blood of the Eldest Gods on my ao3
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vulpinesaint · 9 months
the thing about media is that you will get really into it and really into a specific character from it and then you will look online and not only are a pitiful amount of people talking about the media there is next to nobody talking about the character. and god help you if you try to post a gen fic on archive of our own dot org
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gotstabbedbyapen · 6 months
Greetings! I dedicated a week to write a five-chapter fanfiction for Blood Of Zeus! Hope you guys will like it 👉👈
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brainrotwriter · 5 months
...Seraphim can't quite pinpoint why he is starting to feel so cold.
Part 2 of the MOST therapeutic fic I have ever written. This fic is written for me and me only BUT I am gonna post it here too because I'm a whore for attention <3
BEFORE YOU CLICK this is a Seraphim-centric gen fic, be aware XD
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marysoncrost · 26 days
𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞!
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I'm here to announce the imminent release of my fanfic, which I wrote about below. The first chapter will be out soon, and I will first publish it on AO3 and then here on Tumblr.
My initial goal was 2000 words and 20 chapters, but now that I have released the first chapter, I realize that it is too little for me. Now I plan for 3500-4000 words and 15-18 chapters! (This may change as the story progresses).
The story will be in the genre of dark romance, explicit cruelty, and soul transfer. This is just a small part of it.I will be active almost daily, or at least I will try to be.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Ahaha. Im that anon for Hermes who gave you nothing to go off of. What you wrote for the request left me wanting more. Can I get more blood of Zeus with heron not knowing reader is a god until they show him their god form? I love your writing btw not many people write for boz. ❤️
Sure! Thank you for the kind words 😊!!
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For as long as Heron knew, the mysterious old man were a constant part of his life. And then you showed up
As he got older, he met you and you both just seemed to click instantly. You stood up for him, and conveniently you knew where better crops were for him and Electra.
He feel he could be honest with you, and you were amused by him and sought comfort as well
Once the demons cam and ravaged the polis, he last sight of you. He’s lost you and his mother in one night.
Once he meets again with Zeus and goes to Olympus to meet the others, there you are as well.
In all your gilded and glowing glory, he’s at a loss for words. And you’re shocked as you never thought to see him again.
Aside from the drama with Hera and Zeus, you two instantly catch up. Heron with the questions about everything, some loaded and emotional, others concerned and loving.
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lixzey · 20 days
𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
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╰┈➤ ❝ but both feel the same when your eyes are closed ❞
❝ the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb ❞
- in which calliope grace navigates through the life of being a demigod.
characters - one. two.
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