#congrats jon you have a sister
panther-os · 2 years
I need an Arla Fett and Jedi Master Fay buddy cop fic actually
Fay, millenia-old traveling hermit Jedi Master with wisdom and skill beyond any other force sensitive in the galaxy, iirc apprenticed to the mand'alor tarre viszla who made and first wielded the darksaber:
Arla, forty year old bundle of trauma, sister to the Mand'alor, with 3mil enslaved competently violent niblings, who has a single knife and is about to make that everyone's problem:
Fay: ffffuck ;;;;; im lov her
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cheriladycl01 · 2 months
It All Happened so Fast - Grid x Ferrari Reader
Plot: Y/N has someone enter her hotel room after the grand prix and threaten to rob her, after not answering her phone, some of the drivers come to her rescue. Done in the style of a podcast/interview.
Warning: This had dark themes, of abuse, kidnapping (kind of?), SA etc
Credit to makeagif for the GIF :)
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"And tonight we have Y/N with us on the podcast! And we'll be learning the truth about what happened at French Grand Prix, now that she's finally ready to speak up about what happened!" he says as you walk out, your hands were clammy from the build up of sweat on them and the lights all felt a little too bright.
"Hello, Zach how are you?" you smile to the podcaster, taking a seat in the purple studio on scotting so you were next to the cushion.
"I'm good, I'm good and how are you doing, despite everything that happened?" he asks looking over you, making sure you were okay.
"Yeah, you know I took a blow and speak to a therapist about everything but ultimately I'm back in the car and doing what I love most!" you nod, explaining how you'd not gone to the next race after the incident because of a bruised rib.
"So talk us through that day, start to finish!" he smiles and you nod, feeling safe and comforted to talk in his presence.
"It was a pretty normal day, it was just after qualifying had finished and I was celebrating with Charlie" you smile. You remembered getting your first pole position with Ferrari that year having taken over from Carlos who had made the move to Audi.
You were so happy, jumping in the arms of the crew and Fred who'd become like a father to you before finding comfort in Charles, who wasn't Charles to you but Charlie. He was your big brother around the paddock, most of them were.
"Congrats gorgeous!" he grins hugging you tightly. Alex, his girlfriend came running over, pulling you away from Charles into a big hug of her own. Alex had become like your big sister and you'd kind of become attached to her in your time in the paddock. She'd let you borrow her clothes, which Charlie didn't like as he thought they were way too mature for a young girl like you, which you'd argued against many times. You got ready with Alex in your rooms, and even travel together in the off seasons. And don't even get started on the Leclerc family who had practically adopted you after becoming Charles partner.
"Thank you Charlie! We had a great drive today! A front row lock out for us!" you cheese excitedly looking around the paddock, locking your eyes on anyone else who you could exclaim your happiness too.
"I think Lando is over there!" he smiles pointing out your paddock crush. You'd had a crush on Lando ever since he came to see you race in F2, when you started to get noticed by the likes of Ferrari and other F1 teams.
You rush over, seeing him talking to Jon and Oscar who was with his girlfriend Lily.
"Hey guys!" you grin at the two boys, and they both smile back to you, Oscar and Lily pulling you into a joint hug first and then letting go of you so Lando could kiss your cheek and pull you into a hug.
"You did amazing today!" he smirks one corner of his mouth raising and a blush coming onto your face.
You sat in the studio thinking of how Lando had made your heart flutter like crazy!
"I think after we all were celebrating qualifying with my team and everyone else we were all leaving, discussing the plans for that night" you admitted thinking back to what happened in the build up.
"Yeah, we have pictures of you here celebrating with your team-mate Charles Leclerc and his girlfriend Alexandra, Lewis and a few others" he says flicking all of the pictures he had saved of you in the paddock celebrating your qualifying result.
"So, if i've got the story right? You were invited to dinner with some of your friends correct?" he asked.
"There was talk of all of us going out that night, it was my first pole position and everyone was very proud of me and they wanted to celebrate it. Obviously, for this specific race there aren't many hotels in the area so majority of the drivers stay at the same hotel close to the track for ease. So in my hotel there was Charles, me, Daniel Ricciardo, Max Vertsappen, Lewis Hamilton, George Russell, Lando Norris, Oscar Piastri, Carlos Sainz, Alex Albon, Liam Lawson, Yuki Tsunoda and Pierre Gasly and that was supposed to be the group that went out!" you offer and he looks over you.
"Supposed to be?" he asks, looking at his notepad and you nod.
"So, Alex chose the place we were going and it was sort of a bar, sort of joint... when Lando and a few others looked at the menu they didn't fancy it so Max, Daniel, Charles, Carlos, Lando and Oscar all decided to pick their own place. I didn't want the plans to change so i stayed with Alex, Lewis, George, Liam, Yuki and Pierre. By the time we got to the bar there was security out and because I was the only one under the drinking age in the states I was refused" you laugh thinking it was sort of funny.
"Wait so they said you weren't allowed into the bar because of the drinking age?" he repeats making sure he had all the information correct.
Thinking back, the whole interaction was kind of funny.
"Yeah sorry, your underage you cant go in" the security guard says handing you back your ID.
"What?" you chuckle, the security knew who you were, i mean come on you were stood in front of Lewis Hamilton.
"Sorry, bar rules" he says with a frown before nodding for Lewis to go in.
"Mate come on, look none of us are here to drink... we're all driving tomorrow and we just want to take our girl out for a celebratory meal" Lewis smiles ruffling your hair making you giggle.
"Sorry man, no is a no. Even for you" he sighs, getting bored of the groups antics and how they are holding up the line.
"No come on I'm not having this, the whole reason we are here is because of her. We arent going in if she isn't allowed!" Lewis argues before George and Liam join in.
"Alright, either you can go in without her or we're all kicking you out right now" the head of security says coming out making you sigh and grab onto Lewis' arm.
"I'm just going to go, I hope you guys have fun but I don't want you guys to not go out for food because of me!" you sigh stepping to one side.
"No Y/N! The whole reason we are out tonight is because of you!" Lewis whines a little wanting everything to be perfect.
"Well half the group already bailed and went somewhere else so it's no issue!" you giggle.
"But where will you eat!" George asks.
"Look, I'll be bad and treat myself to a Maccies, but you cant tell anyone. Especially not Joris or Maggie, they'll have my head!" you say and after a lot more convincing you were let go.
Looking back you had no idea leaving by yourself was probably the worst decision you ever made.
"So you walked back to the hotel alone, that correct?"
"Well, i got myself a McDonalds first which was hilarious because there was so many fans that spotted me in there and I think that was the start of where everything went wrong. People quickly realized where I was and that I was alone with no security or team. I took a few pictures but left for the hotel very quickly" you explain softly, loving the interactions you got with your fans that night.
"And once you were in the hotel, what were you doing?" he prompted.
"Well, I got in immediately and I actually had someone from the hotel walk up with me, I'd felt strange the whole way home and just wanted someone to make sure i got up there okay"
"And by feeling strange, like you were drunk and been spiked?" he asks with his head cocking to his side.
"Mmm no just that I didn't feel alone, even though i was. I felt like my steps were being followed but I couldn't see anything. It was dark and I thought it must just be the paranoia, but the hotel staff were so helpful and took me to my room. The two members of staff actually looked around my whole room before leaving me alone!" you say, knowing the hotel did everything in their action to make sure you were safe.
"So you got in and you ate your food I'm presuming, what did you have?" he chuckles, everyone knew how much you loved a McDonalds.
"A wrap and a cheeseburger, I know bad but I was solo celebrating!" you chuckle.
"That sounds so good right now!" he luaghs before silencing to let you continue with your story.
"After that it was getting late and I wanted to be as prepared as possible for the next day so I got into the shower, where I didn't hear the door unlatch. I just remember rinsing the shampoo out my eyes and seeing him standing there watching me!" you gulp nervously getting onto the scary bit of the story.
"He was in the bathroom already, at this point?" he asks his eyes wide.
It was scary, you'd just finished really scrubbing the sweat and helmet grease out of you hair, you rubbed your eyes making sure they wasn't anything that was going to sting them in their before opening them.
It took you by so much shock to see the black silhouette in the bathroom, you grabbed the towel hoping it was Charles or Lando, at least someone you knew. But it was him, the man that kept you in fear of hotels.
"What the fuck!" you cried wrapping the towel around you, you couldn't see his face right now, his face was covered by the steam of the shower and his black and red Ferrari cap.
He was a fan, which made you want to cry more.
"Your gonna be quiet, yes beautiful?" he asks showing you the gun on his waist band.
You nodded not wanting to aggravate him.
Before you knew it he grabbed you out the shower by your arm. Forcing you onto the sofa in your room, at this point you'd started to cry. He hit you so hard, you bruised a rib and sprained your wrist.
"I cant imagine the panic you felt" Zach sighed comfortingly as you nodded.
"Yeah, i mean there was moments where i thought, this is it, I'm not going to come out of this alive" you sighed before continuing your accounts.
He asked you the code for the safe, which you told his straight away, he started going through all of your stuff, you didn't care about the loose cash or anything else but when he pulled out the expensive Cartier necklace Lando got you for your birthday you started to sob harder.
"Please, not that!" you cry out loudly making his head flick over to you, rage on his face.
"Mmmm from your boy Lando right?" he grins evilly and you cry more.
"GET ON THE BED!" he screamed at you and you looked at him in shock.
"What?" you asked.
"Are you stupid? I said to get on the fucking bed!" he screamed out again making you whimper and cry more from the shock as you got up onto the bed, sitting on the edge.
"Fuck, I'm not even sure I want to know where this goes!" Zach sighs after taking a sip of his drink. You explain how he had started to touch you, and you were practically naked on the bed.
"I was just going to suck it up, the gun was the scariest thing and I couldn't help but think that Charles would probably be the one to come in and find me..." you admitted, knowing it was one of the scariest moments.
"It was one of those moments where you know they talk about fight flight or freeze, ask anyone and they'll tell you I fight, no matter what but I just froze because of the circumstances..." you attempt to say without messing up.
"And before stuff got to bad?" he asks.
"I had my boys to rely on" you smile softly.
Charles had the spare room key to his room, and when he, Lando Max and Daniel were coming back and heard yelling through the door, they needed to see if you were okay!
"Y/N!" you heard Charles through the door, the guy currently fondling you looked up in shock. Charles and the rest of them rushed into the room. Max was the first to throw a punch at the guy, pretty much getting him onto the floor. Charles started to cover you up while Daniel called hotel security and Lando called the police. Charles was holding onto you as you shook, sobbing and gasping for short little breaths.
"Hey hey it's okay!" Lando says seeing you and your panicked state.
"Let's get him outta here!" Daniel says kicking his shin.
"Necklace!" you gasp out, looking over Lando's eyes and he cocks his head to one side in confusion before understanding what you meant.
Lando jumped off the bed, searching the guy's pockets until he pulled your necklace out.
"Scumbag!" he'd told him as Max and Daniel hauled the guy out of your room.
Lando came back, holding you on the other side of Charles forcing you into a sort of sandwich.
"So what happened with the rest of the night?" Zach asked pulling your mind back into the studio room.
"There was a lot of crying, lot of police. I only told the police about my injuries so they could take pictures for the report. And i somehow drove the next day, still came in P1 and stood on that podium until I fainted. I was of course pulled from the next race because i'd worsened my injuries by driving... but it was worth it for the win!"
"Woah, that truly is an incredible story!" Zach smiles, pulling you into a hug which you gladly accept.
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oliverwolfboy · 10 months
My Magnus archives sells pitch (check the comments it has a much more coherent summary)
Why hello there my fellow bsd fans, listen to me as I tell you about the wonders of the Magnus archives while trying my best not to spoiler all of you. Do you want to have even more emotional damage, which I am sure you have plenty of after the latest chapter? Well come along for the ride as Alex and Jonny cheerfully remind us that this podcast is a tragedy. The Magnus archives is in fact a podcast, an amazingly crafted horror Podcast at that. The Magnus Archives is at first a anthology podcast, with our protagonist Jonathan Sims working at the Magnus Institute, a place dedicated to researching and archiving paranormal events as what they call statemants. Jonathan Sims or Jon as people often call him, is the new head archivist of the Magnus Institute, after the old one Gertrude Robinson died on the job. Jon is left to sort his way though an absolute mess of an archive, Jon however is not alone in this task as his assistants, Timothy Stoker and Sasha James, are there to help him, and Martin too i guess but he is barely any help. That is until an actual threat appears. Of course there are more characters then just our archival crew. The head of the Institute Elias bouchard is your classic asshole manager (even tho he isn't a manager), he really couldn't give a shit if his employees are in danger, but fine sasha i guess i will install more CO2 fire extinguishers and a CO2 fire system. Melanie King, the proprietor of the YouTube channel Ghost Hunt UK, anger issues if you want to know more you're gonna have to listen to the podcast. Basira Hussain and Alice ”Daisy” Tonner are both police officers, again if you want to know more listen to the podcast. Georgie Barker the host of the podcast What The Ghost, again listen to the podcast. If you want to be able to say, if I had a nickel every time I have been in a fandom where one of the villain characters have been a slavic clown with nikola in their name i would have two nickels which isn't a lot but it is weird that it happened twice, congrats you can now do that. Some of the tma characters are also named after horror writers. Tim stoker after Bram Stoker, Martin Blackwood after Algernon Blackwood, Elias Bouchard after J.W Bouchard, Melanie King after Stephan King, Eric Delano after Jamie Delano, Georgie Barker after Clive Barker, Sarah Carpenter after John Carpenter, Michael Shelley after Mary Shelley, and the Institute's American sister location the Usher Foundation is name after the short story The Fall of the house of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe. I am sure if you go looking you can find even more connections. So come along if you will, The Magnus Archives can be found on YouTube, Spotify, and anywhere you get your podcasts. Now i am just gonna tag as many characters as i can to send out the message and recommendation I am sorry about that. If you want a better coherent summary then go check the comments.
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esther-dot · 1 year
What if Jon wasn't acting like a total crackhead in season seven and sent an important lord or even Sansa to negotiate with Dany ? I think Dany might have grown bored if it was just a random northerner lord and burn him but Sansa? She couldn't risk that. How would Sansa and Dany handle each other?
If it had been Sansa, it would be hilarious for her to treat Jon with the consideration s7 Jon showed Sansa, and arrange a marriage for him with Dany to secure Dany as an ally. Instead of a raven, "prepare to bow, cuz I bent the knee for funzies!" it's "Congrats. You're marrying the pyromaniac. Get a haircut." *this is a joke*
I suppose the issue with Sansa going is that she was terrified of a Stark going South and meeting with a Targ, so unless she *had to* I'm not sure she would have, and as much as she was willing to go along with Jon's plans, I didn't have the impression she viewed the Others as the end of the world threat that Jon did. She cared so much about Northern Independence though, I guess I could see them writing her telling Jon that she can't let their king be taken hostage, but she, as a Stark/sister of the king/LoW, would go in his stead? She was pissed off in s8 because she felt betrayed, but if Jon hadn't bent the knee, I could see a one-on-one between her and Dany going very differently than the one in 8x02. She hates Cersei, so they could bond over that, the abuse they had both suffered in the past, (like, Dany's brood mare/rape speech could still happen and Sansa could have said, "as have I"), and that could have resulted in a very interesting dynamic. I don’t think Sansa could have been friends with Dany or agreed with her actions, but I suppose she might have promised to work with Dany/fight against Cersei, if Dany first helped them fight the Others. But Sansa wouldn’t ever give up the North tho. That’s a problem since Dany by that point wanted to rule, everything else be damned, until she fell in love which they used as her turning point, not an appeal to her morals. So, unless we're rewriting Dany, she could have taken Sansa hostage and demanded Jon bend the knee to her, and Jon would have done it.
As for a rando going to Dany...I'd think that would be worse than the Jon or Sansa situation. With Jon, Dany was relatively mellow because she was intrigued by Davos' comment about Jon dying for his people in their first scene, and romantically interested from their second convo on, and then she was really hooked by his moment with a dragon. There's nothing about a rando lord to make their interaction work, and there wouldn’t be a connection between them (like hating Lannisters), so I think burning him like you suggest (if he got mouthy) would have been the endpoint. I guess that’s why they sent Jon in s7, they wanted to delay the reveal of what Dany was until the end. 😑
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Welp ok so I generally don’t care about differing fandom opinions (unless they’re egregious misreadings specifically related to Jon Snow’s arc/character), but this article right here is absolutely BONKERS. Like in ways that I can’t even begin to explain. So the title right away is just so…
Why GRRM’s A Song of Ice and Fire is Bad Literature
Ok whatever, fantasy has traditionally had a hard time being regarded as literature. So this is nothing new. And I don’t particularly care about this argument so moving on…
I love that the first sentence is also just so factually incorrect
Nearly half a century has pasted since Billy Shakespeare has picked up his pen, and bibliophiles are still reading his plays.
Sis probably meant to say millennium but ok 😭 lowkey makes me think this is a joke but parts of this doesn’t read like that ansbjanan
And then the author proceeds to make a pretty bold claim
Traditionally, page-turners are not masterpieces. And that rule still stands when it runs by GRRM’s works. Yet legions of his fans sprout ridiculous praise, such as GRRM revolutionizing the fantasy genre and the diversity of his characters.
But…he kinda did. ASOIAF has had a great impact on the genre (good and bad). Plus, it is really important to acknowledge the sheer diversity of characters presented to us in the series. Characters who would traditionally not get the big focus that they do. Two of our main characters are disabled, and a big part of their arcs is how they navigate a world that is so horribly ableist. He upends the return of the king trope by shifting it to his sister who starts out a child bride/sex slave forced to take on the mantle of a dead dynasty. We have two female characters whose arcs revolve around how gender nonconforming they are but how they are so rooted in ideas of justice and compassion, especially towards the disenfranchised. He upends the revenge of the glorious and noble king by putting the focus on his mother. Et cetera, et cetera. Now GRRM is not without his faults (and he has many), but one cannot in good faith act like he hasn’t given us a different spin on a lot of what fantasy offers. There’s no need to be contrarian for the sake of it.
GRRM, being the revolutionary monster he is, rejects the romanticism of fantasy in favor for realism. He eschews the wonder, the ideals, the heroism, the chivalry, and the subtle social commentary. Congrats, you’re very innovative, GRRM. What did you replace them with?
I just vastly disagree with this and idk where to start.
Case in point. Throughout the series I masturbated to rape scenes, lovemaking scenes, and even a lesbian scene in which a vagina is described as a “Myrish swamp.” Yet in the aftermath of my orgasms, I was left to wonder: where’s all the pederasts? GRRM addressed this curious phenomenon by explaining none of the viewpoint characters were homosexual; “Sorry, none of the characters chose to be gay. Nothing I can do about it.”
Ok the beginning of this section is INSANE. Might just be me but idk why you would even add this to an essay that’s apparently about literary criticism. But I anyway…it is a fair critique that none of our POVs are explicitly non-heterosexual (and we can also criticize some fetishization with female-female relationships), but like the “myriad swamp” thing…isn’t it about power? Like there’s something in that scene that gives us glimpse to who Cersei is and what she craves…idk
Which goes to show, GRRM doesn’t use sex for verisimilitude; he exploits it so degenerates such as I can buy his books. Sure, heterosexual rape happens in war. So does homosexual rape, but its complete absence in the books ought to raise some eyebrows.
The second sentence makes a good point but it’s preceded by what is honestly just a mind blowing statement I- 😭
Additionally, not every graphic sex scene in the books contributes to the narrative. Sometimes it is absolutely redundant. In Dance of Dragons, Asha Greyjoy fucks Qarl the maid, which serves to… Show Asha’s feminine side? Reveal her disdain for her arranged marriage? It obviously didn’t supplement the plot; ten minutes post-coitus, a fucking battle occurs. I don’t understand why it needed to be so explicit as well. Its short appearance in the chapter was awkward, almost entirely random. Yes, sex happens in real life. That doesn’t mean portrayals of real life have to be so ridiculously pornographic.
Wait, this is satire right? Did I fall for it?
Eh, I can tolerate violence. At the age of five, I remember watching from the passenger’s seat as my dad pulverized his colleague by repeatedly smashing his head into the car’s hood and fender, spraying blood all over the windshield. But there’s a distinctive difference between sensational violence and artistic violence. Sensational violence is violence for the sake of violence, for the sole purpose of evoking shock and disgust. It’s tasteless. As bipolar as he is, even my ex-convict padre didn’t attack strangers without reason.
I’m so confused this has to be a bit, right?
No literary devices such as symbolism, metaphors, even the fucking pacing. While there is a climax, the scene does not build itself up to it: there is no intensity in the air, and time is not manipulated. Catharsis is missing, and the only feelings a reader has for Oberyn’s death is shock due to the element of hero invincibility. Don’t people get it? GRRM’s writing is boring.
One of the most confusing aspects of this scene was the death of the stableboy. It’s a great example of sensational violence, because his death seems entirely random and unnecessary. His life was so dispensable, the reader could barely register what they’re supposed to feel: sorrow, terror, or shock? What if the killed bystander was someone important? Violence for the sake of violence, and it comes off as tacky.
No way did I fall for a satirical piece on literary analysis?
This is essentially what GRRM does with Brienne of Tarth. She’s incredibly ugly and described as androgynous; her life was filled with scorn and pity for the lack of her feminine social graces, and contempt and resentment due to her violation of gender norms. But if I was a biologically female transsexual in a patriarchal medieval world, I’d have no fucking reason to dress up and act like a knight, especially if I was an aristocrat (which Brienne is). I don’t understand why Brienne couldn’t stay at Evenfall Hall and be her father’s Castellan or Captain of the Guard. She’s the only surviving child (and heir) of Lord Tarth, so I’m confused why her father would let her roam Westeros as a hedge knight. It’s also never explained why Brienne wanted to be a knight in the first place. She idealizes the concept of true knighthood but you can be just as courageous and conscientious as a lord. Brienne acts like a knight just for the purpose of being a female knight.
I feel like this is a joke 😭
If it isn’t a joke, why does it feel like the author is hating on Brienne for being a good person?
Yet readers claim Jaime Lannister underwent a character arc (approximately 3M words into ASOIAF), since he became easily likable. I personally do not believe Jaime has a redemption arc because his mindset, behavior, and opinions do not change. Jaime is still an arrogant prick, and just because he was written agreeably does not indicate his growth as a character.
I’m dying rn
What passes off as “character development” is actually “perception development.” Instead of putting effort into developing his characters, GRRM decides to warp the reader’s perceptions instead. To make Jaime a sympathetic character, GRRM develops Jaime’s backstory (completely justifying Jaime killing the Mad King) and makes Jaime’s actions more approvable (executing a rapist). The former completely nullifies Jaime’s prospective redemption arc, since it reveals that Jaime was just as “well-intentioned” in the past, and the later does not have noble intentions — as a military man, Jaime expects more discipline from his men than Ser Gregor Clegane did.
The way Jaime is written, however, suggests that GRRM intended to build Jaime as a flawed character who matured over the course of the story. Instead we get an impulsive character whose personal inspirations are derived on those who he associate with — Cersei in the past and now Brienne. The same Jaime who would throw Ed Stark’s son out a window for Cersei would encourage Brienne to search for Ed Stark’s daughters. Not because he feels he owes more than an apology to House Stark, but because Jaime befriends Brienne after his relationship with Cersei becomes strained. What’s worse than a misunderstood character is a a character misunderstood by its own creator.
Nah this author’s having a laugh, aren’t they? Like no way they said this with a straight face.
1. Ending a plotline at the climax only leaves the reader unsatisfied and bitter for wasting their time.
A brilliant example is Quentyn Martell, who traveled all the way to Essos to get burned by a dragon. Unlike Ned Stark’s execution and the Red Wedding, Martell’s death did not open any new plotlines. He was a POV character who is completely irrelevant to the narrative. Seriously, George… you chronicled Quentyn’s entire journey to Essos just to bring Quentyn’s two companions to Essos? What’s the fucking point? There were no new characters or locations unveiled to us throughout that entire episode, and Quentyn and his friends could have been introduced later, when they arrived in Astapor
This is a criticism I’ve seen since I joined this fandom over a decade ago. Now it’s definitely understandable to be annoyed with a cliffhanger, especially one that involves a character introduced so late isn’t he series, but there are Doylist and Watsonian reasons to Quentyn’s inclusion. His death has an impact on Dorne and Dany, plus he’s a meta deconstruction of the hero’s journey which we also see with Aegon/Young Griff (who is also, by very much on purpose introduced in the same book) and also Jon, Dany, Bran, etc. We don’t know the conclusion yet, but it’s easy to see why GRRM added Quentyn into the mix.
Writers have all the power when they weave a story, and if they thread the eye of the needle they’re expected to sew up the buttons. GRRM clearly doesn’t know how to sew, because he doesn’t know how to resolve conflicts that he has created. His solution? Kill off the characters with narratives too complex to unravel or too boring to write about. This conveniently creates a vacuum of absent characters to sew together, so when the textile inevitably becomes tangled again GRRM commits another literary genocide. Rinse and repeat.
Idk this doesn’t hold up, like at all? Name one major character killed for the sake of it? Ned is the father figure whose death is meant to push the arcs of his children. Robb’s death is meant to push those of his siblings. Now GRRM himself has stated that he regrets killing character he needed, but this seems like a bizarre criticism. It doesn’t help that the author provides no examples to back up their claim.
The repetitiveness of this ploy just demonstrates to me how GRRM cannot tell a story beginning to end, because he doesn’t have the perseverance and the patience.
Now let’s be fair (and truthful). ASOIAF is not GRRM’s first book. It’s certainly his biggest series but he has written award winning stories before, to completion.
Myrcella Baratheon: “Are you the Sword of the Morning now?” Gerold Dayne: “No. Men call me Darkstar, and I am of the night.”
I can see what GRRM is trying to accomplish, but it’s incredibly cringeworthy. Although readers can see the direct contrast between the two characters, the symbolism is not comprehendible. Hence it also sounds very stupid.
Myrcella Baratheon: “Are you a good guy?” Gerold Dayne: “Nah. Men call me epic evil badass, and I am evil.”
In On Fairy-Stories, J. R. R. Tolkien argues the fantasy genre ultimately fulfills three purposes: to challenge a reader’s perspective of his or her own world, to provide escapism from reality, and to provide moral and emotional “Consolation of the Happy Ending” which he calls eucastastrophe.
Tolkien delves into his third point more into his conclusion, where he focuses how a true representative fantasy tale is manifested by joy. This does not deny the existence of sorrow and failure. But a happy ending emphasizes the final closing in the universal outcome of the story that provides gratification and catharsis to the reader.
ASOIAF and LOTR are two different stories. Tolkien and Martin had different goals. GRRM is not trying to one up Tolkien. Not sure why this take is so pervasive but it is, and it’s annoying.
So after reading all this I have to ask, is this satire? Have I been had? I’m not on twitter so idk if people have talked about this yet but it seems so out of pocket and incorrect, like no one could’ve seriously sat down and written this with a straight face, right?
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
Creepy old man
Uncle Jonathan Crane and niece/nephew Reader
Aight, so this was inspired by @like-rain-or-confetti's post because it really is fun to to imagine our man Jon here stuck with a child.
Gosh I am far too absorbed into his softness that this might come across as OOC of him, but ya know wat, fuck it.
🧡 Alright, let's say he has a sister that recently got pregnant. At first Jon was nonchalant about it. Congrats, I guess... His field might be in psychology (not to mention, he is still in school, it's not like he graduated and got his PhD) but that isn't stopping him from putting two cents in the pregnancy and forbidding his sister from certain food and activities that might harm the bebs in her.
I like to think he is protective of his siblings if he ever had one, especially when they're raised with him under the same household. If he's the eldest, he is instantly taking the role of the typical protective eldest brother among his sibling. Though he's not overly soft, you'll certainly know when he has fondness over some people who has been through the same thing as he has.
🧡 When it came to the birth, he was there as well. Not in the delivery room itself, but he was outside watching over. It's not that he hates his brother-in-law, but Jon likes intimidating people that makes the guy think that Jon hates him. So imagine your dad's shock when Jonathan turned to him and softly congratulated him in his new path in fatherhood, even more shocking is that Jon hugged him.
🧡 After the long, tumultuous process of birthing, his little niece/nephew is here. Though the journey wasn't over yet, as he stayed to treat his sister's postpartum depression and anxiety and reassuring her. He also assessed his brother-in-law, who thankfully didn't show signs of either.
Watch as the Master of Fear being afraid when it comes to the baby. Sure, he fell in love when he first saw you but there was no way in hell he is approaching you. Besides, he was more content watching his sister and her husband welcome a new love in their shared lives. This is also where you'll see the Master of Fear happy for others.
🧡 When his has been inevitably convinced by his sister (by lovingly threatning to smother him in cheesy reassurances and make him look soft in front of her husband, because god forbid Jonathan break into a smile), he held you in his arms for the first time.
Oh he was certainly nervous, scrutinizing your little face and it's littlest twists, the way how your little face scrunch up and make Jonathan nervous and think that he's doing something wrong. Once he was over the hurdles of anxiety, he began appreciating the soft bundle in his arms.
Let's see... Yep, he felt it. Suddenly he was washed by the overwhelming desire to bite people's head off who will dare to impede your hopes and dreams into coming true. He wants nothing more than for you to feel the same things he had to go through to where he is right now.
🧡 If he isn't busy with school, he was the first choice as babysitter. The early development of the mind is something he was told to do by his sister, and he certainly delivered. He bought a children's book for your sake because as much as he wants them to start young, the heavy, heavy book of psychology isn't an option... Yet. And it's not like you can understand the children's book either, but at least there are some fun illustration that's neat to look at.
Finally over his anxiety of holding you, he would have you on his lap, on a rocking chair whilst he read you stories like the softie he is. He is one of those folks who will internally scream at how adorable you look napping on his chest... Before realising he needs to be stealthy enough to put you in your crib without stirring you up, something he saw your mom and dad struggle with since you were a light sleeper.
He thinks about joining you in your crib because he doesn't want to bother doing the same transfer trick your folks do, but with his gangly body, it was out of the option. He bites the bullet and attempts to put you on your crib without disturbing you.
🧡 Moments with him are silent, except when you're not silent, so yeah what I mean to say is that he is quiet and not the moment itself but anyways--
He does try his best to entertain you, Jon was encouraged by his sister to respond to whatever gibberish you were citing just to he can... Enrich your mind or something. Well true that I guess, babies do learn to adapt to human speech that way.
"Yes? What do you want?"
Jonathan glances up from his book to see you eagerly reaching for him. The fuck is ba supposed to mean? The more he observed you you seem to be trying to reach his book, even jumping on your crib as you try to stretch your finger out for the book in his hand. He has learned his lesson not to just give you anything, the last time you reached for his book you tore some pages out and he mourned for his book for days.
And so he opted to show you the book instead, pulling away when your grubby hands almost reached for the page and attempt to tear it off.
"No--" he warns, wagging a finger at you. "We don't do that, that is rude."
Despite his glare being scary to others, ranging from young ones to grown-ups, you merely tilt your head at him, batting your eyes at him. He sighs, you are not going to give up with the book, aren't you? Well then, he supposes if you're that eager, maybe he can read it for you.
"Chapter one, Jonathan Harker’s Journal. Third of May, Bistritz. Left Munich at 8:35 P.M., on 1st May, arriving at Vienna early next morning; should have arrived at 6:46, but train was an hour late. Buda-Pesth seems a wonderful place, from the glimpse which I got of it from the train and the little I could walk through the streets. I feared to go very far from the station, as we had arrived late and would start as near the correct time as possible....."
🧡 Fast forward to aging, perhaps at the age wherein you can make sense of your environment but still question some aspects of it. Including...
"Mom why isn't Uncle Jon blinking?"
"Is Uncle Jon an owl?"
Needless to say, your mom is having a laugh with your uncle. It's precious, really.
Okay, he just stares at you and is an 'owl'. He can't believe that you're able to perceive things now. Back then you just pointed at things and babbled at them and he'd understand what you meant and what you need. Now you can form whole ass words. Oh how time passes.
🧡 There was a time he tapped into his intrusive thoughts and allowed you to watch a movie he was watching-- let's say it's a movie that sparked and unlocked childhood trauma that still follows you in adulthood. Whether you remember the incident that caused it or not, the phobia followed you in adulthood and Jonathan knows he is responsible for it and he is incredibly regretful. He was young and dumb and reckless and he tries his best to repair the damages he had done.
🧡 Let's get to the age of adolescence! Ah yes, the age where we are loaded with unlimited eyerolls and grunts, oh and oh, embarrassing phasses!
Jonathan is reeling at the fact that you're no longer below his knees where he can rest his elbow atop your head... Unless your genetics has failed you like me and now stuck with a seventh grader height, then he is still a touch happy that you are still viable as elbow rest but like what the hell, you were only knee height, what happened to you??? Though if you've surpassed him, well colour his a touch bitter now that he no longer has his trusty elbow rest.
🧡 No one is going to bully you, you hear? He has no qualms throwing hands with a child if they dare do something to you. The moment he held you in his arms when you were born, he swore an oath to bite people's head off who will dare to impede your hopes and dreams into coming true, children are included and he will not hold back--
🧡 Oh the age where you can now use what you learned from your Uncle Jonathan aside from the psychology books he has been shoving your way even since you've learnt how to read-- his sarcasm.
Picture this: Grocery run, the mall chock full of other attendants and your uncle was making face at how long the lines were, when you spotted a short line... And the sign that stated "Seniors/Pregnant lane"
With this you glanced over your uncle, as he noticed you eyeing the line.
You tilted your head at him. "How old are you again?"
He only narrows his eyes at you. How dare you, he is only middle aged. "Haha."
🧡 Adolescence is... Hard. And with Jonathan's background with psychology, even if children psychology weren't his field of expertise, he tries his best to be there by your side if you need him as a shoulder to cry on...
If your problems are caused by, let's say, external forces? Demeaning teachers, snobby co-eds... He didn't lie when he said he is biting people's head off. Not in a literal sense but ya know *tosses fear toxins to eliminate problems* or maybe if you're failing some classes, he can always help you design the suitable study design that caters to your learning methods.
But if it's all internal, he'll be there by your side to listen and if you need advice, he's there as well.
🧡 Let's face it, some adults consider sarcasm to be disrespectful but to Jon, he finds himself a little hurt and amuse at the same time whenever you'd respond to him with some witty remarks without a beat, because he knows you learned that from him. He welcomes the fact that you are playful with him, it just goes to show how comfortable you are in a relationship and how it doesn't have that power dynamic you'd see with typical older people and younger people's interaction.
🧡 There was this one time you caught him with a Scarecrow get-up, though you didmt connect the dots, much to his relief.
"Did you stole that sweater from old man Jenkins' cornfield?" You snickered. "His scarecrow called, he says he wants his sweater back."
Jonathan, though a bit anxious, finds it within himself to roll his eyes at your joke. "Very funny. Now why are you staying up late? You have exams tomorrow if I'm not mistaken."
"Why are you staying out and stealing some poor Scarecrow's top? You have a lecture tomorrow if I'm not mistaken."
Ahh, so you dare to bite back.
He stares at you for a moment, god you looked so proud of your remark. He opens his mouth and calls for your mothers name. "Y/N is up late!"
"Shh! Okay fine! I'll go to bed." You pointed and headed to your room.
He doesn't want you to know about Scarecrow. He doesn't want to for obvious reasons because god, you really looked up to him and what would happen if you found out that your hero douses people in fear gas in the name of scientific's further momentum? And not to mention, he has made an enemy out of a lot of people, what should happen if they find out about you and your family?
🧡 By that, with all his ability, tries to keep up with other rogue's plan and warns you about them in way that's subtly conveyed.
"You are not going to the mall."
"Because it looks like it's about to rain."
"Then I'll just carry an umbrella."
"No, no just stay home."
"But Uncle Jon--"
"My word is final."
Now, it is understandable that you'd be upset but trust me, in any day if you're left with Jonathan, he'll definitely let you go but when he tells you not to go, don't go.
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thefanpov · 2 years
Luna(6 years old) who joinned a Ballet Contest: "Papa! Could you go to my Ballet Contest?"
Clark(36 years old) Talking someone in the phone and not paying attention to she said:Oh sure, yeah! That would be so nice!"
Luna(6 years old) Smiling: "Yay!"
Luna(6 years old) going to invite Bruce: "Dad! Could you go to my Ballet Contest?, I joinned in last week and tomorrow is the contest, I'll be needing a parent guardian..."
Bruce(23 years old) Ain't paying attention: "Mhmn... okay, okay, I'll see you later..."
Luna(6 years old) Who's over joyed: "Yay!
Luna(6 years old) getting ready for the compitition and see dick passed by: "Hey brother! Would you come to my Ballet Contest?"
Dick(14 years old) talking to Babs through phone: "Yeah sure! After that let's go out and eat!"
Luna(6 years old): "Yay!"
Jason(10 years old) who came home pissed from school and muttering some words
Luna(6 years old): "JayJay! Wanna help me design my dress?"
Jason(10 years old): "I'am busy! Leave me alone for once!"
Luna(6 years old): "Okay... see you later!"
Luna(6 years old) trainning some hard Ballet lesson and accidentaly fall to Damian and Jon's project
Damian(7 years old): "Luna what the heck!?"
Jon(8 years old): "Hey, we could just build it again, don't shout at her-"
Damian(7 years old): "We stayed up all night making this and tomorrow is the deadline!"
Jon(8 years old): "We still have a lot of time, Damian-"
Damian(7 years old) grabbing the pieces of the project: "This wouldn't happen because of your stupidy, Luna!"
Luna(6 years old): "I'am sorry... I-I'll help!"
Damian(7 years old): "T't, it will make more worse that your stupidy idiot!"
Jon(8 years old): "Hey, Damian wait!"
Luna(6 years old): "I'am sorry..."
Luna(6 years old) who's waiting her dad's or brother's to come: *Where are they?*
Instructor: "Luna, the competition will start now... go to the stage..."
Luna(6 years old): "O-Okay, I'll catch up..."
Luna(6 years old) won the competition holding her trophy and need a parent to put the medal to her, looking at the seats she assign for her parents... no one it's at the sit... mood swings to sadness: "N-No one will-"
???: "Woohooo!!! Such a wonderful performance!, Luna!"
Luna(6 years old) turns around and see a man approaching her: "What?"
Ethan(23 years old) cheering: "I'am so proud of you sweety, oh my bad, I'am your uncle Ethan... Ethan Midnight... you mother's twin... sorry if I just show up know... oh" Grabginy the medal and hang it to Luna's neck: "Congrats, dear niece!"
Instructor: "Alright! Let's go and take some pictu—"
Lucid(12 years old) holdiny a flowers and chocolate: "WAIT!!!" Jumping from the Balcony to the stage: "This... this is for you... I... I wanna... congratulate you... I... I'am so amaze of your... performance... I love you— I LOVE IT!!!"
Instructor: "Alright! Let's go and take a picture... everyone position with your parents!"
Luna(16 years old): " And that's how I met Detective Ethan!"
Ethan(33 years old): "Welp..." Whispers something to Lilith: "I'am the one who takes responsible for her while your fucking lovers and step-adoptive-sons doesn't care about her, only me and the others... and the Butler..."
Lilith(33 years old): "..."
Damian(Robin) (17 years old): "Nonsense! I care about my sister you liar!"
Ethan(33 years old): "Well then tell me one thing you know about her?"
Damian(Robin) (33 years old): "Ask me question about her!"
Ethan(33 years old): "Okay well, what age did she became pregnant? And with who?!"
Damian(Robin) (17 years old): "WHAT?!, Sister! What is he talking about..."
Luna(16 years old) sweating: "Uncle you son of a—"
Bruce(Batman) (33 years old) shocked: "Wait... what do you mean pregnant?"
Lilac(7 years old) and Liam(6 years old) pop out of nowhere: "Mama! Can you jelp us bake cookies? Elena wont let us share her cookies!"
Luna(16 years old) Whispers: "Sweet-Hearts, later will make a... Strawberry Pie and Chocolate Pie, if you guys play outside for a while, sounds good?"
Liam(6 years old): "Okay!"
Lilac(7 years old): "Okay..."
Dick(Nightwing) (24 years old): "Woah... does kids just looks like-"
Lucid(22 years old) (Blank Face) Who came home in a bad-timing: "Darling, I'am home- Dick?"
Dick(Nightwing) (24 years old) Pulls out his weapon but Luna defended him: "Luna... get away from him..." As the whole Batfam ready to charge...
Luna(16 years old): "You can't hurt him..."
Damian(Robin) (17 years old) Holding his Katana out: "Sister, don't make more worse‐ HEY DON'T TOUCH MY SISTER!!!"
Lucid(Blank Face) (22 years old) Who is hugging and snuggling his face(with mask on) through her hair and smelling the good scent: "Let's cuddle love..."
Batfam who is littery LITTERY shocked: "LOVE?!!!"
Lilith(33 years old): "Aw, you guys together? I'am so proud of you Lucid!"
Jason(Redhood) (20 years old) Processing the identity of Blank Face: "Oka— Ayo- what the?!"
Lucid(22 years old) Taking his mask of: "My bad... I love your sister, I wanna have a family with her and she wanna have a family with me, so I fucked her... Book-worm..."
Jason(Redhood) (20 years old) Loading out his gun: "You son of a—"
thefanpov: "And that's where it ends... that's how... um... that how their reunion started... Okay, Robert! Turn off the Cam know!"
Robert: "But that's wasn't the—"
thefanpov: "Just. Turn. It. Off!"
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Hi!! Congrats on 1k followers <3 I’ve been reading your works for a while but just now realized I wasn’t following you (oops) lol. If you’re willing, I would love to participate in your event with a romantic option 1 for game of thrones!
Jon is my top choice for this one. I really like how kind, caring, and honorable he is. He’s one of my favorite characters and I love him to death.
For the description of myself, I’m half Filipino half white with a little longer than shoulder length brown hair and lightish brown eyes. I have some beauty marks on my face too and I love them sm >< I’m generally pretty quiet and a huge overthinker but when you get me talking about something I’m passionate about, I will absolutely talk your ear off. I’m a total nerd too, especially about shows, books, space, and Hozier and his music. I’m a hopeless romantic and my love language is physical touch. I’ve also been told I’m too nice for my own good (lol).
Again, congratulations!! You deserve all the love and so much more.
thank you for participating :)
i'd consider jon to be a pretty quiet person too. he doesn't really speak unless spoken to, and he only gets involved when its something important. but with you, hed find himself wanting to talk to you more and more. he'd find it really endearing when you rambled about random things you were passionate about. it didn't matter if he even knew what you were talking about, he just liked listening to your voice and watching the way your face would light up when you got excited. i think he's definitely and overthinker too, he has a lot of duties so he'd get anxious a lot. so hed definitely understand how you feel when you tend to overthink, and he'd know all the ways he could help put your mind at ease.
i'm not sure if he'd nerd out about anything honestly. i don't think he really cares academically about anything. he's smart, but practical, and knows there's things taught in lessons that hes just never going to use out in the world. i dont think he's a reader, but i do think he likes the idea of a world outside of his own where he could be anyone he wanted to be. if you ever read any of the epics or classic adventures, he'd actually be interested in hearing about them.
i'd consider jon to be a romantic too. kind of traditional, but i don't seen any harm in that. he's very respectable, and would never do anything to dishonor a woman. he'd take his relationship with you very seriously, not wanting to mess iit up. you'd often have to remind him that you liked him for him, and that you weren't going anywhere. i don't think he's a very pda kind of guy, but i do think he'd like having at least part of himself touching you. a hand on your shoulder, his hand in yours, nudging your knee with his, that kind of stuff. subtley protective. he'd be protective in general though, both physically and verbally.
back in winterfell, sometimes sansa would be a little pushy and rude. she never intended to be, it just sometimes came across that way. but you'd never say anything rude back, just letting it blow over. jon would quickly notice how nice you are, addressing it at the end of the day. he'd have to talk to sansa at some pont, because he's not letting anyone, even his own sister, talk to you in a way any less than you deserve.
he'd take you for a walk, ghost at his side. "you don't have to let her talk to you like that, you know. she may be a lady, but you're her friend. it's not right."
you'd shrug, shaking you head. "i don't mind. she wasn't being mean or anything."
"that's not the point," he'd say, taking your hand in his. "you don't deserve someone walking all over you. why would you let them if you notice it happening?"
you'd grin, squeezing his hand. "maybe i want the gallant lord snow to come and save me...you're quite good at that, you know."
he'd fight the flush creeping to his cheeks, tugging you along. "oh, shut up. i am not gallant."
ghost would let out a huff, trotting in a circle around you before trailing ahead. you'd laugh, smirking back up at him.
"ghost thinks you are. and i'd have to agree with him."
hope you enjoyed this! thanks again for participating :)
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allxthingsxglxtter · 7 months
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“He does just that so, I’m grateful for it.” She really did love the family she had here and the one that she had sort of added herself into because of their bonding. “Thank you. Ha, I have not actually used it for stealing, surprisingly enough but it has its good and bad moments. I was the first Red person to be noticed with an ability and it set off a whole chain of events.” Actually, it had been Jon that had done that but that was another story
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"And now you're stuck with me, so congrats on now having the best sister ever." Lisa smirked a little, teasing but also very serious. Any family of Len's was now family of hers. "You've not used it for stealing at all? That right there is some wasted potential. You could definitely be able to make money with that. Likely could just, fry any security measures. I'm a little jealous."
0 notes
onthesandsofdreams · 2 years
In Dreams [4/?]
Pairing: SanSan Rating: T Summary: “You know, Sandor. I know this might sound strange, but I am glad that I am not completely alone in this house.” Words: 1040 Notes: Modern Setting
Read @ AO3
No one answered.
Sansa looked around, the woods were empty and there was no sign of life. She was confused, she had no idea why she was there or how she came to be there.
She open her mouth to call out again, when…
Her phone’s tone startled her.
She woke up, bolting upright while her hand immediately reached towards her bedside table for her phone. She took it, “What?!”
“Woah, woke on the wrong side of the bed?”
She did her best to suppress the groan that bubbled up. Of course it had to be Harry. She regretted ever thinking that he was a good man. She still wasn’t sure what had possessed her to give him her number. It was a pity that they had even met at Vale University. “Sorry,” she muttered. “The phone woke me up and I did not see who it was.”
“That’s fine, Sansa.” Harry said. “So, I heard that you got a new house.”
This time, she did rolled her eyes. She understood why Harry was asking. “Yes. I did.”
“Congrats, so… when can I get a tour?”
“I have no plans of having people over yet,” she said through gritted teeth. “The house is not ready.”
Harry whistled lowly. “I heard your sister has been.”
Taking a breath, she closed her eyes. “Yes, because she is my sister. And before you say it, my brothers too. No, I have not had everyone besides them. And have no current plans on doing so.”
“Really? More’s the pity, then. Not even an old friend?”
“Nope,” she somehow managed to fake cheer. “No one yet. Oh crap, I need to feed Lady. Bye Harry.” And before he could say something else, she hung up. She laid back down, “Damn, Harry. Join a dating site. Or a hook up site.”
Today, after breakfast, she planned on concentrating in one of the bedrooms. She had already gotten the paint necessary. For this guest bedroom, she opted for a sky blue. Once again, she had also prepared by buying a white base paint.
After prepping the floors, she got to work.
“You know, Sandor. I know this might sound strange, but I am glad that I am not completely alone in this house.”
She chuckled as she covered the dark gray paint with white. “Sounds crazy, and to be honest, I feel crazy talking to someone who is dead. I mean, can you even hear me? Or understand what I am saying?
“Anyway, I know that I already introduced myself, but let me do so more formally. I am Sansa Stark, newest owner of this house, my lovely husky is Lady who is a complete sweetheart. The girl who came over the other day, was my sister Arya, and I think your pacing made an impression. The boys who have come over, my brothers. Robb’s the redhead and Jon’s the brunet. I also have another two brothers and my parents. I love my family very much.
“Did you have a good family, back then? If you did, I hope they managed to have a good life. If you didn’t, well, I’m sorry.”
She stopped for a moment, wiping sweat away with one arm. “I hope you don’t mind me too much. I don’t know what are the rule for having a ghost for a roommate. So, I hope I do not disturb you. Having you around is not so bad. I mean, you have not made much noise, you’re not making moaning sounds in the night, much less make my walls bleed. So, I think you’re okay.
“I am simply going to ask, that you never go into the bathroom when I’m there. Or when I have guest, that would be incredibly rude of you.”
She continued painting the walls until the white layer was done. She sighed, her arms ached. And she would have to let the paint dry well before adding the blue coat. That would have to be done tomorrow.  So, she decided to do some online shopping in the hope of finding some home décor that matched with what she wanted for the house.
She struck gold and found some nice art prints that would be fantastic. She also found some vintage décor that she fell in love with.
When she was done, she made herself a simple soup for dinner and when she finished, she cuddled with Lady in bed and watch some movies that she loved until she fell asleep.
Once again, she was woken up.
This time, however, she woke up with the heavy steps outside of her door. This time, Lady also stood, growling and she felt a rush of fear ran through her spine. Immediately, she took her phone, called the emergency number and requested someone to come to her house, afterwards took out the taser that Robb had gifted her when she had purchased the house.
Carefully, she stood from the bed, and she was about to lock it, when it opened. Her eyes grew wide, and took the taser and as part of a man’s body entered her room, she took some courage and touched the taser to the man’s neck.
Lady was standing in front of her, growling and now barking. Fortunately, the man passed out by the strength of the shock. Bless Robb and his overprotective brother instincts!
When the police came, and arrested her intruder, they mentioned about her getting a security system. She twitched. “They will come this Monday,” she gritted out. “I contacted them as soon as I was given the keys.”
Once everything was done, she went over every single door and window. Locked up everything and collapsed on the bed.
When she opened her eyes, she was once again in the woods. But this time, she was not alone. This time, there was a very tall, broad shouldered man standing in front of her. Half his face was scarred, it would have been a frightening sight, if she had been younger. The man bowed, “Miss Sansa.” His voice was a deep rasp. “I am Sandor Clegane, it is very nice to formally meet you.”
Her eyes grew big, and her mind went blank. “Oh my Gods?”
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darktammy · 3 years
The right kind of Love
My new romantic type of story I hope you all enjoy (if you want to be tag let me know) 
@beenlovingromansincedayoneish @bss-babygirl @living-the-life-1996 @moxleybabe @sausagefest1996 @sassymox @fabulousrockstar 
It was early morning when she woke up. Looking up at the ceiling she start to think about what she was going to do today. Not sure she got up started to stretching out as she walk into her bathroom. After some time past she was wearing some jeans with a black tank top and some black boots. She takes one look in the mirror with a smile on her. “I’m ready to go.” She said grabbing her things and heading out the door. Once she head out her building her smile drop from her face as she saw the black SUV. “Hello, Y/N sir Roman is waiting for you.” The driver said. She nodded her head as she walk to the car getting in.
She was in the car driving to her boyfriends home Roman Reigns. Yes the both started dating after he and his now ex-wife finales their divorce papers. After that Roman was looking for her and only her. Then he told everyone in the back that Y/n was his girl and no one can have her, not even Finn Balor which she was eyeing for while. Finn knew Y/N eyes where on him, it made Roman very jealous at the time, but now that was dead and done.
The car park by the home were Roman lives. She got out of the car marching right into his home.  “That was not right Roman and you know that. I hate when you do this to me.” She yelled. Roman just waved off his workers while he got up and walk towards you. “Baby girl how many time do we have to have this talk.” He said to her. She shock her head as she move back from him. “No Roman I’m tried of this, everyday it’s the same thing you watching me you making me come here everyday I’m just so fucking sick of this!” As she stomp her feet. Roman toke a deep breath as he look down at her. “I think it’s time for you to sit and eat breakfast with me.” Roman look only see her walking out of the kitchen. “Y/n hey come back here. Shit!” Roman walk back into his bedroom just so he get can dress.
Y/n walk out and flag a taxi just so she can get in and get away from Roman. Roman ran out of his home only to see that she was long gone. While in the cab she starting to think about her past before she end up in this mess. 
She walk into Vince’s office with a smile as she show him the story for Otis and Mandy Rose. “Sir what do you think?” She smiled at him. “Y/n I love it will work on it right way call those two in so they can remember there lines.” Vince said with cheer in his voice. “You know Y/n you're one of our best writers we have hired. I’m glad you're on team WWE.” It made her smile with joy. “Thank you Mr. McMahon I won’t let you down.” She said. Y/n got up and walk out of his office with smile on her face. Back at the hotel that was rented for the WWE superstars and staff, she was sitting at her laptop writing more story lines for the guys in NXT. She had a smile on her face when she was thinking about Finn. Then a knock was heard so she got up and answered. “Who?” She ask. “I think you know the answer to that love.” With a heavy Irish accent. She smile as she open the door to see Finn. She pulls him right into her room.
“You know Finn you could get in trouble for this.” She giggle at him as Finn carried her then lays her down on the bed. “Who gonna know about it love.” He said as he slowly start to kiss her neck. “Oh Finn why do you have to be a tease?” She question him as she sat up and start to pull his shorts down. His was already hard like a rock. “Oh baby I’ve been waiting for this.” She told him as takes his whole cock into her mouth. Finn closing his eyes with a smile on his face. She was bobbing her head while Finn starts moaning from the bliss of joy his feeling. “Oh hold on there.” He stops her from going any faster. “Oh babe no way I’m gonna cum inside that pretty little mouth of yours open them legs wide.” He demand, and that what she did. With his hard cock entering her she moaned with joy feeling him entering her pussy. She looks up at Finn as she nodded for him to go. Without thinking twice Finn started trusting Y/n making her moan his name. 
She look into Finns eyes as she felt him go faster. “Oh Finn please if you keep this up I might just come before you.” Finn went as fast as he could making them both reach they're high. They both look at each other with smile as they kiss each other.
                                            Flashback Ends
Y/n had a small tear fall from her face as she looks at to see her stop. She thank the driver as she walk right into a small coffee shop. She walk in and order her drink and small muffin. Then she sat in the back where sis didn’t want to be seen. She sigh as she drank her coffee. “Hey Y/n is that you?” She look over as she heard a rough voice she smiled. “Jon Moxley how the hell have you been?” She smiled as she gave him hug. “Nothing much just loving life about to be a dad soon.” He smile. “Congrats on that I’m so happy for you guys. Please sit I mean we have a lot to talk about.” As they both sat Jon had a smile on his face as he could remember it like it was yesterday. The both of you first meet back in WWE when she was trying to help him become a big star, but Vince had other plans for Jon when he was Dean Ambrose. 
The both of them hit off great like brother and sister and yes Jon knew about that night with her and Finn. Jon being a big bro wanted to kill him but all thanks to Renee she stop him. “Well I guess you heard about what happen with me and Roman.” He nodded as he took her muffin and ate. Making her smile a little. “Yeah that’s just mess up, I mean…” She nodded as she look out the window. “But now I just want to know if it’s true, did you get fired from WWE?” She look at Jon as she nodded. “Was it because of Roman?” She nodded again. Jon lean forward and place his hand on yours. “Hey tell me all about it while I drive ya someone were you might like.” She smile as they both got up and headed to his car. 
On the way Y/n told Jon everything about that day. She told him what Roman did to make her and Finn end their relationship. Some how it back fired on Roman and Y/n was the one who got fired on that black Wednesday. Right along with Brodie Lee and few others. Then she look to see a building that had the words AEW on top. “Jon you know this is not a good idea.” She told him. “And I’m not going to see my sis be depress alright. Let’s good my boss Tony Khan just might need someone like you.” She laugh a little as she remember a Mortal Kombat charter by that name. They both walk right in and head straight to the back where Tony’s office is. On the way you look over to see some man pretty tall with shades on wearing some jean pants and white tee shirt with a picture of himself on it. His hair short blond with a small beard. He look up at Y/n and smiled a little. She wave at him as she look back at Jon. “Over my dead body.” Y/n laugh as Jon open the door as they both walk in.
Roman sat at the dinning table waiting on any news from Y/n. “Sir we found her, but you might not like the news.” One of the man walk in a little worried. “Roman got up and sigh. “Alright what is the problem?” He ask. “She was found with your old friend Jon and they both went to AEW’s building.” Roman look at the pleats that we're on the table with anger he slide them to the side as he yelled. “Jon I love him, like a bro, but this is taking it too far. I’m trying to get her old job back, but Vince is being a hard ass with me right now.” Roman said walking away leaving not but a mess of broken dishes on the floor. 
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caithyra · 4 years
I’m suuuure he’s shocked /s
GRRM: “Oh woes! I have created a perfect and supporting family for my main characters and I need conflict to make it interesting! What could possibly ruin a good family?”
GRRM: “Ah! A girly girl, of course!” *Creates Sansa.* “And a traitorous bitch at that who would chose to support and protect her child over her birth family who do not rely on her for protection! Surely all shall realize what a bad person she is! It’s not like her own mother would be condemned for abandoning a child that’s not even her own!” *Creates first outline.* “But wait! She shall be prepubescent at the start of the story...” *Starts creating the actual story.* “I shall introduce her through the resentful tomboy’s perspective! And I shall have grown men slobbering over this prepubescent girly girl because we all know that’s ~*historically accurate*~! Oh, people do not like her? I am shocked! Shocked!”
Like, it says a lot about a narrative that when the author wants to create conflict and shake up a healthy family dynamic in a supremely patriarchal world, that he introduces a prepubescent, feminine sister who is unfavored by her father compared to her tomboy sister (even Sansa’s betrothal is a sham even if it would have made her future queen-in-waiting. If everything went as Ned planned, her virtue would have been ruined on the Trident and after he breaks the betrothal with Joff by accusing him of being a bastard, Sansa’s play-acting at love and having been alone with Joff would have ruined her for good, future prospects and the best she would get is either a disinherited second son who no one else wants to marry or a jumped up house who wants some blue blood like the Freys, Baelishes or Westerlings-Spicers that no one important likes.
Arya, by being younger, and more like Lyanna, would have gotten the queenhood and crown prince by Robert’s second wife after Cersei is disposed of, since Robert really wants to marry his child to Ned’s children, so no one better tell me that Ned ever put Sansa ahead of Arya the same he puts Arya ahead of Sansa. He freaking hides behind his prepubescent daughter’s skirts while investigating what he believes are ruthless murderers who had no qualms killing the most powerful men in the realm in a hyper-patriarchy! And it is the other daughter he warns about dangers and gives lessons in fighting! Like what was Ned thinking would happen with Sansa? Did he even care? Did he think he could just sweep it under rugs and forget it? She will need to marry within recent memory of her scandalous conduct since she’ll be twenty in less than a decade! And marriageable age in Westeros is 16! And yet the fandom goes “Poor Ned to have that traitorous bitch for a daughter~” “She should have listened to Ned who never spoke to her and explained himself or the world wouldn’t be ending~” “I don’t hate Sansa but she was sooo stupid for not blindly obeying her loving father who punishes her for her sister’s sins and never explains himself~” is it any wonder my patience with Ned Stark’s parental fuck ups ran out? Congrats, fandom, you made me hate him by excusing his fuck ups and blaming them on his daughter all the time!).
GRRM tries to make it gray, but he knows full well what kind of audience he writes to when he writes the relationships between Cat and Jon, and Arya and Sansa and should have compensated.
Hell, he should have made Joff a good person, prince and promising future king that most girls would like to marry, only to show that’s not what Ned cares about (after all, unless Ned wants Sansa to be abused like half the fandom, he had no idea that Joff was bad when he betrothed them), he cares about birth and truth and “High As Honor” over practical things like “Winter is Coming and Staying for Ten Freezing Years and Does Not Care Who Sits On the Throne So Lets Not Start a Civil War with One of the Most Powerful Families in the Realm, hm?”.
I mean, no one likes Drizzt Do’Urden’s sisters/mother/the matriarchy as a whole, do they? The Dark Elf Trilogy predates ASoIaF by six years, and should have shown a competent writer exactly what the state of womanhood in the Fantasy genre was like. And if you’re going “well, the matriarchy is evil!” I would like to point out that people hate Cattie-brie who is not part of that matriarchy. Yeah. There’s a reason why Menzoberranzan could be written that way and published and become popular, and it was not that Fantasy readers love and support and makes the effort to identify with and understand female characters (nor does most authors, come to think of it... see female friendships in ASoIaF that are without any sexual, incest, or abusive~ Like Arianne and Tyene being as close as sisters in the Later Books Which Are Not Early Installment Weirdness... Oh wait...).
Heck, in the Belgariad, another series predating both of them, things were more subtle but hardly better for female characters; Polgara is a mother figure who gets to have a moment of being imperfect, but to anyone reading the story, it is clear that Garion is the true victim in the circumstances and conspiracies Polgara’s family has woven around him, and that his anger is the immediate reaction of finding out the truth (he just found out how/why he was orphaned and now has the world on his shoulders! And the characters bag on him for not being understanding of the 1000s of years old woman who lied to him and now is sulking. It is blatantly obvious to the readers that it is not the male character in the wrong). The less said about Ce´Nedra (half hyper-sexual dryad, spoiled princess who wants bigger breasts, et cetera) the better. Heck, the less said about the lovable oaf of the hero group committing marital rape on his estranged wife to cure her of being a bitch and turn her loving the better.
The Narnia books predates even that, and Sansa’s direct parallel is Susan, and, yeah... “A silly and vain young woman” with “Plenty of time to mend” sounds very familiar when you hear how people blame Sansa and wants to force her into abusive marriages with repulsive men to mend her.
Not to mention that in Lord of the Rings and related works women are either paragons of virtue, evil, unnamed or are chastised for being ambitious, with a few, notable exceptions allowed to make “wrong” choices, and, well, just see the Elwing discourse in fandom and how her murderers who kidnapped and kept her children (Elrond and Elros, yes, that Elrond for those not familiar with Tolkien’s Legendarium and only watched the movies) as hostages are their ~*real parents*~ after committing a third almost-genocide against her people.
Yeah, no. GRRM doesn’t get to pretend he’s shocked and/or confused by his readers’ reception to Sansa (and Cat). He does not live, read nor write in a vacuum. This shit has been part of Fantasy fandom since long before ASoIaF was an errant idea in his head.
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vln-vibes · 4 years
Watchtower Woes
Week 1 Day 4 of Maribat March
Special thanks to @little-kitty-kanny , @ethelphantom and @the-navistar-carol  for beta-ing for me
It was a normal day at the Watchtower, well as normal as a space station for superheroes could be. The Watchtower looked down upon their home planet, making it seem so big yet so small amongst the sea of stars surrounding them. Today it was just Wonder Woman, Black Bat and Ladybug on monitor duty.
Ladybug, otherwise known as Marinette Drake nee Dupain-Cheng (the 23-year old designer behind the Lady Luck designs by MDC company), turned to see Wonder Woman looking at her with concern. She and Diana were rather close as the Amazonian princess had practically taken her as blood sisters when she learned of a new Ladybug; seeing as her mother had once worn the mantle as well.  Diana had also been her business partner when her company first began to take off.
“Are you feeling alright? You seem to be under the weather”
“She’s right,” Cassandra Cain-Wayne added in “Your center is off, you seem uncomfortable.”
“I’m fine. It's been a little stressful with the upcoming line with Wayne Enterprises,” Ladybug sighed, finding herself massaging her temple, feeling a headache already developing. “That and the team has been acting strange lately, I’ve been trying to investigate the cause, but the Miracle Book isn’t saying much, and I can’t exactly ask Master Fu anymore”
“How so, Ladybug?” Diana asked, taking a seat next to her while Cass took charge of looking through the security footage for them, still focused on the conversation.
“Well, most of them have gotten dangerously overprotective of me. Just yesterday Roi Singe took a hit for me against Hawkmoth 2.0’s latest creation. I asked him about it afterwards, and he just said that nothing could harm me? It was rather strange, especially seeing as Ryuuko and Abeille got more ruthless afterward. Chat was also hissing at people who approached me,” she explained with a troubled look.
“Even as civilians, Viperion, Monarch, and Paon were coddling me: Mari are you warm enough? Have you eaten today? No, Mari, let me get you a natural juice instead of coffee. It’s been so frustrating having to deal with their constant  babying.”
“It’s honorable for your team to care for your well being” Diana commented, heavens knew  how the JL got  whenever one of their members was  ill or was unable to perform their duties. Ladybug’s eyes just seemed to water at the implication, wiping the tears before they even fell.
“B-But that could just mean they don’t trust my abilities… what if they think I’m not worthy of being leader or even worse… of being Ladybug?” 
Diana did her best to console the younger woman while Cass looked at her skeptically.
She had seen the sudden change in emotion Ladybug had gone through like whiplash, from tired to content to worried to saddened. As Diana combed through Marinette’s pixie cut, Cass continued to think of the things happening these past few weeks.
Tim had once asked Barbara if there was anything that could help with back pains, stating that Marinette had been experiencing some rather hard period symptoms.
She recalled Adrien purring along with Alfred the Cat when they had gone to Wayne Manor last week along with Tim and Conner. Even Ace and Titus were acting like her personal bodyguards, not too different from normal, though Damian admitted that it was a bit more overkill.
Just last month for the Wayne Charity Gala, during the ladies’ final fitting, she had complained to Steph that her own dress felt a little tighter than she expected... though not unbearably so, so she had just decided to leave her own dress as is.
Had it really been so obvious?
She needed to recheck whether Tim deserved the title of Detective after this. Cass stepped out of the room momentarily to make what was potentially a life changing call.
“Robin and Superboy, do you read?” she knew her baby brother, almost eighteen years old, would be hanging out at the Titans Tower in the east coast with Superboy, now sixteen, but seeing as it was a quiet day and the other Titans: Green Lantern (Milagro Reyes), Nightstar (Mar’i Grayson), Scarlet Flash and Kid Speed (Dawn and Don Allen), and Speedy(Lian Harper) would be on standby.
“Is something the matter Black Bat?” Damian responded almost immediately.
All Bats were rather keen on making sure their comms were on in case of emergencies, even when silenced, they’d have the notifications on to see who was trying to contact them.
“Do you mind coming to the Watchtower with Superboy, there’s something concerning Ladybug𑁋”
“Is she alright?” she almost giggled at how concerned her brother was before keeping her cool and responding.
“I believe she’s alright but perhaps not aware of her condition”
“We’ll be there in a minute”
Not even a full minute after stepping back in with a much calmer Ladybug, did she hear the announcement of Robin and Superboy’s arrival before the two skid into the communications room with the three heroines.
“Robin and Superboy? I wasn’t aware you boys would be passing by today,” Diana asked curiously as Damian just puffed up.
“Black Bat called about checking Ladybug’s condition” he said eyeing the scarlet hero to see if anything was amiss; other than her red rimmed eyes and flushed cheeks he found nothing unusual.
“My condition? Cass what are you talking about?” Ladybug asked confused and a bit protective.
“Superboy,” Jon perked at his name before turning to Cass “Can you hear the heartbeats in this room?”
“Uh sure…” to say he was confused was an understatement. He was rather familiar with their heartbeats, having known them for years at this point. He could hear Diana and Damian’s rather war drum like beat, Cass’ steady and rhythmic beats, Marinette’s calm and slightly faster than usual heart and then there was𑁋
Wait, what?
“That’s weird” he whispered to himself before focusing again. Sure enough it was still there a soft echoe of duhn-duhn… duhn-dun as the fifth heartbeat. But he had never heard it before… and it was coming from…
Oh duh!
“Holy schmoly! Congrats Ladybug.” He flew up to her and gave her a huge hug, conscious of his strength now more than ever. Ladybug seemed confused while Cass smiled at her.
“You’re expecting!”
Suddenly everything made more sense, Marinette thought in that moment of realization, as she felt Diana give her her own congratulations along with Damian, who wished to both brag and inform the rest of the family.
This was really happening.
“Can— can we see Doctor Mid-Nite or Doctor Thompkins, please?” she heard herself whisper. The group looked at each other, Diana contacting the Watchtower’s doctor while Damian called for Tim and the rest of the Bat Family to come as soon as they could; was that overkill? Perhaps, but no one that was even associated with the Bats could be anything less than dramatic. Jon was the one who called Conner who called Adrien to go meet them at the Watchtower as well.
Half an hour passed and Ladybug found herself lying on one of the Med Bay beds with Doctor Thompkins, the woman having to be pulled until they mentioned Marinette requesting her assistance, making the last few configurations to the ultrasound machine.
“Are you ready, dear?” the kind doctor asked.
 Ladybug lifted her uniform, which she learned she could do at that moment, nearly squirming at the cold gel spreading at her softening abdomen.
“As ready as I’ll ever be” she laughed nervously before taking a deep breath. She couldn’t help but close her eyes, unsure if she wanted it to be true or not, before hearing the curtain open. Tim looked disheveled, most likely having come out of a W.E business meeting he had mentioned yesterday evening.
“Mari, what’s wrong!?”
Duhn-duhn…. Duhn-duhn… duhn-duhn
Marinette had never heard such a life-altering sound, feeling the tears swell in her eyes as her husband looked dumbfounded.
“Is— is that?” Marinette could only nod before being enveloped in a hug by him. He whispered sweet nothings and reassurances to her as the beautiful sound echoed in their heads.
“God, we’re going to be parents, sunshine”
“So it would seem, moonlight”
“M’Lady what’s—!” Chat Noir had sprinted from the zeta entrance having heard the far too soft heartbeat coming from the monitor, the Bats not far behind him. Suffice to say that the Watchtowers usual quiet was interrupted for the rest of that evening as cheers and congratulations went around the Med-Bay.
They would later learn that she had been nearly three months pregnant by the time they found out, explaining her team’s odd behavior due to the animal characteristics of the Miraculous. However, the worst news was to come a week later on one faithful morning.
“Oh kwami, get that away from me!” Marinette exclaimed as soon as she came out of their room in their studio apartment in Gotham. The scarlet hero having to rely on Pegasus for travel to and from Paris for the time being. Not that her team even wanted her on the field in the first place at the time but she was anything if not stubborn, a necessity for the Wayne family.
That was how the coffee obsessed duo discovered that Marinette and baby were disgusted by the mere smell of coffee. Truly, it was the hardest part of the pregnancy.
Six months later, when Thomas Louis Drake-D.C was born, his aunts and uncle would continuously call him the ‘Second Coming of Christ’ for doing the impossible and getting his parents to cut off their caffeine addiction, much to their annoyance. 
For now they were just a family of three, looking at the infinite stars of their baby’s eyes.
My AO3
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Congrats on your 2 year anniversary for “The Other Stark Girl”! It’s fantastic and you should be very proud of yourself. I’ve enjoy looking at your edits, and it made me want to ask what you think Alys and Catelyn’s relationship is like - in this story and in the GOT era? Congrats again on the anniversary!
Thank you so much! I am proud of it in many ways even when I occasionally doubt it.
As for Alys and Catelyn, we haven’t seen them interact in the book at present, but there has been references to interactions in the past. Before TOSG Alys and Lyanna spent a short bit of time in Riverrun while Brandon was there getting to know Catelyn. The two girls got along, bonding mostly out of similar upbringings where they both lost their mothers at a young age and filled the roles left absent by that loss. Eventually we will see them interact in TOSG when we get back to Winterfell, and when we get there things are obviously a bit different than when they last met. They still get along, and Alys does as she’d once promised Catelyn to do by helping her learn the ins and outs of Winterfell. There is probably a bit of wariness on Catelyn’s part, just out of Alys’s relationship with a Lannister (and future as Lady Lannister) but it’s nothing that overly affects their relationship. Again they’re fairly similar in a lot of ways, and Alys has always been an accommodating and friendly person who works hard to make sure the people around her (especially those she cares for) are happy. 
In GOT era things are still cordial, and while Catelyn certainly doesn’t think bad on Alys she is wary once again after Lysa sends a letter about the Lannisters being involved in Jon Arryn’s death. But she does also not believe that Alys would have any hand in it, it’s more a wariness of sharing things with her in case she does share them with Jaime or any other Lannister. After Bran’s fall Alys does her best to help Catelyn until she departs south, and she feels very much for her good-sister in the time.
Thank you once again for the kind words and question, I always appreciate this sort of thing!
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ranger-jedi-knight · 4 years
A New Hero Ch 20
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20887313/chapters/63315655 Taglist: @bluesimani
Ok so here’s the next chap!! The MUCH AWAITED SHIP WILL SAIL!!! ( ;) ) Anyways, I won’t make you wait any longer, ENJOY!!!
“What did you want to talk to me about?” Mari asked with a tilt of her head. Seeing her do that, Damian had to glance away for a bit to keep himself from blushing which was weird for him.
He didn’t blush.
At least......
He didn’t before her.
“I....” he started but then trailed off. He was so used to knowing what to do. How to take someone down. How to outwit his opponent. But. he didn’t know what to do now. How could he? While Jon worked on his relations side with Mari, he didn’t learn how to deal with feelings. With a breath he decided being blunt would be best, nothing to hide and just tell her how he felt. And hope that she returns his feelings. Oh, this must be how Jon felt before he confessed to Chloe and Adrien, he realized, making a slight face unconsciously which had Mari looking at him concerned.
“Dami?” she asked softly and Damian realized she saw and that more than a minute had passed since he first uttered ‘I’.
“Yes, I need to tell you this. I’m just trying to figure out how to say it, is all,” he admitted and Mari nodded understanding. With a deep breath, he forged onward. “Marinette, I don’t know how or when, but you have invaded my thoughts for this past year without me even knowing it. I care very deeply for you. Would you be willing to go out on a date with me?” he asked, watching her face as different things flashed by as she processed what he said.
He likes me! He really does! They were right! God, Chloe was right. All this time? she thought, her mouth opening and closing a few times as it finally registered that this was real. She started nodding frantically with a big smile.
“I really like you as well, Dami! I was too scared to say something tho,” Mari admitted quickly, shutting her eyes a bit embarrassed. Damian smiled softly as he pulled Mari into a hug. Startling her from her thoughts was his soft laugh as she then wrapped her arms around him as well.
“How about tonight? You have the day off,” he said and Mari nodded. “Ok, I’ll pick you up at 6 then,” he whispered and Mari pulled back with a smile and stood on the tips of her toes to press a kiss to his cheek before pulling away with a breathless smile.
“Sounds perfect,” she whispered, trailing her hands to his and tangling their fingers together. Damian had a soft smile as he raised their conjoined hands up and pressed a kiss to her fingers. A blush dusted her cheeks, highlighting the sparse freckles she had over her cheeks and nose. Leaning her head against his arm, they walked back to the group, a dopey smile on her lips.
“Congrats Mari!” Lila said running over to hug Mari tightly as the others made their way over and congratulated them as well. “I’m so happy for you,” she continued and Mari smiled as she nodded agreement.
“I am too,” she said softly as her friends had soft smiles on their faces. “So, when are you going to ask out him?” Mari asked with a teasing tone causing her friend to blush. Damian chuckled softly from beside her.
“I assume you’re talking about Xan?” he asked and the group nodded as Lila squeaked and nodded. “Let me tell you this, you know what he’s been thru, at least part of it, you better not break his heart. Especially, if he decides to tell you more about what he has been thru. Got it?” Damian asked giving her a look. Lila swallowed the lump in her throat as she nodded understanding.
“O-ok. Promise,” she said softly and Damian gave a short nod at that.
“It’s getting close to lunch, is Xan available?” Mari asked looking over at Damian with a tilt of her head.
“I imagine he’s talking to someone we were both close to then right now. We can go see if he is available,” Damian said and the group nodded.
“Let’s go see. Where is he?” she asked as Damian started leading them out of the park.
“He’s at a store called Rose Petal’s Boutique talking with Rae, a woman from our past,” Damian replied and Mari nodded.
“Is it to help him heal?” Kim asked that time, knowing that sometimes talking to someone who’s had a similar experience can help.
“In a way, yes,” Damian started with a nod as they stopped at an intersection to wait for the light. “Fu helped him, but talking about it with someone who had something similar is better. Because then you know someone knows how you feel and sometimes able to offer insight to something you may not have realized,” he continued and Kim nodded agreement as they started walking once more.
“Hope this woman can help him, man,” Kim muttered softly as he returned the squeeze he felt Max give his hand.
“She can,” Damian assured as they got closer to the boutique. They soon reached it, the group looking at it with nods at the design. It was the typical design for most Gotham buildings, a few cracks here and there. But the sign was a vibrant white with the name of the boutique in a swirling deep red color like the Freedom Red Rose. Rose petals were scattered across the sign as if in a wind, a few interacting with the name as if connecting the letters.
A window display showed a few creations the boutique had but the inside was hidden from view by a divider. Etched around the edges of the glass was the same rose petal design. Damian opened the door, a bell chiming in response to the door swinging into the building. Mari and Damian entered the shop while the rest of them waited outside.
“Hello! Welcome to Rose Petal’s Boutique! How can I help you?” a woman asked moving toward them.
“I was hoping to speak to Rae, please. Is she in the back?” Damian asked and the woman nodded.
“Of course. Be warned she is talking to another person,” the woman warned and Damian nodded before leading Mari to the back. There he knocked once before pushing the door open. Sharp, deep green eyes looked over at them when the door opened. Her right nostril had a rose-gold colored piercing and the middle of her lip had a matching colored ring going thru it. Her hair was pulled back into a messy pony-tail with a rose clip holding back some of her bangs. A smile painted her lips when she realized who it was. “Damian. It’s so good to see you again,” she greeted happily pulling him into a brief hug before looking over at Mari. “Who’s this?” she asked, smiling softly at seeing the two glance at each other before blushing.
“This is Marinette, Rae. The girl I was telling you about,” he said and Rae smiled as she pulled Mari into a hug.
“Hello, Marinette. It’s nice to meet you. Damian and Xan talk a lot about you,” Rae said smiling teasingly as Xan rolled his eyes.
“I don’t think I should be included since well, I just talked about her,” he pointed out and Rae waved her hand at that.
“No matter. Now, what can I do for you two?”
“We came by to see if Xan, and you, would like to go get some lunch with Mari and her friends,” Damian said as Mari nodded eagerly and Rae smiled softly at that, sending Damian a subtle look that Mari missed but Xan caught as Damian looked away, the faintest of blushes on his cheeks.
“I’d love to go, but after my shift, I need to head over to my restaurant to speak with the builders. I don’t get a lunch break, sorry,” Rae said and Damian nodded, looking over at Xan.
“I’d like that,” Xan said moving from his spot. As they headed into the main shop area Rae stopped them.
“I fully expect to see you and all your friends at the grand opening of Janat Al'Amal next week,” she said and the group nodded.
“I’ll even bring Jason with, I’m sure he’d enjoy your food,” Damian said and Rae chuckled with a shake of her head.
“Don’t hesitate to visit!” Rae called out one last time before the closed behind them. Damian raised a hand in acknowledgment.
“Xan!” Lila beamed as she made her way over to him and hugged him in greeting. Xan had a soft smile on his lips as he hugged Lila back before greeting the others with either hugs or handshakes.
“So, where are we off too?” Xan asked looking between everyone.
“How about a cafe?” Mari suggested and the group nodded.
“Sounds perfect,” Damian replied, squeezing her hand before leading them to a cafe nearby.
“Xan....I think we have some stuff that we should talk about,” Lila whispered looking up at Xan, she may have grown a bit, but she still had to crane to look. Xan tilted his head, a bit of dread filling him but he nodded. They hadn’t talked much about what she heard at the reunion between him and his sisters. They should have, but he could admit he didn’t want to.
Looks like there’s no avoiding it, he thought before nodding. “Ok, when we order our drinks and something to eat we’ll talk,” he replied just as softly. Damian and Mari glanced back to look at them before looking ahead once more. Mari rested her head against Damian’s arm once more, squeezing his hand.
“You think everything will go well?” she asked and the softest hums left Damian as he thought about it.
“From what I’ve seen of Lila, I think they’ll end up fine,” he replied softly after a bit and she nodded agreement.
“I hope so,” she agreed softly. They soon reached the cafe in question and got in line. When all the orders were made and paid for- Damian sneakily paid for all the drinks much to her friends, mostly Jon’s, annoyance, and the barista’s joy as she giggled -they scattered around the shop. Nino and Sabrina found a couch to chat and was joined by Chloe, Adrien, and Jon. Kim and Max were nearby at a table.
Damian and Mari were a bit farther from them at a table for two. Mari was smiling shyly at Damian as they talked about their date that night.
Xan smiled as he pulled Lila’s chair out for her and pushed it in when she sat down. “Thank you Xan,” Lila said with a small smile as Xan picked up their orders and brought them over before sitting down across from her. They were a good distance away from the others as well. He drummed his fingers along his cup as he cupped it between his hands. He was looking down at it, taking a breath before looking up at Lila once more. She could only watch as concern, nerves, worry -whatever you would call it- float around in his eyes. Such a gorgeous color, there shouldn’t be any room in those silver eyes for anything but joy, she thought to herself.
“S-so what did you want to talk about?” he asked nervously, pulling Lila out of her thoughts. As his fingers drumming increased she reached a hand over the table and covered his hand, slowly pulling it from the cup to hold it.
“Well......I think there are a few things we need to talk about,” she said slowly and Xan nodded at that.
“I’m so sorry you had to hear that. I didn’t-no-I wasn’t-” he groaned as he tried finding the correct words. “I didn’t plan on you finding out,” he got out and Lila squeezed his hand.
“Where you ever gong to tell me? I care about, Xander. A lot, and I want you to feel safe around me to tell me things. I want to help you in any way I can,” Lila replied and Xan nodded at that slowly.
“I wasn’t sure how you take it. Only Fu, Damian, and Jason really know what I went thru. I left a ton out when I told Als and Lana. I didn’t want to lose you....because of my past,” he whispered looking down into his cup before feeling Lila cupping his hand in both of hers. He looked up to see her eyes burning with a determination, making her green eyes sparkle.
“You could never lose me, Xan. You don’t have to tell me everything, I get that this was a terrible thing to happen. I could never blame you for something you couldn’t control. You did what you did to survive after being taken. All I care about is you, right here, right now. Where you’re safe and sound and breathing. I could never fault you for doing something that ensured you lived another day,” she said, squeezing his hand with every word she put stress on. A water smile decorated his lips at hearing her speech. Pulling his hand from his cup he wiped away the tears that threatened to fall as relief coursed thru him.
“Thank you,” he whispered between chuckles that escaped him. She squeezed his hand at that, happy to hear him chuckling. “I was terrified this would end with you declaring us not friends anymore.”
“That could never happen,” Lila whispered, giving him the softest smiles that he returned when he finally got himself under control.
“So, what else was it that we needed to talk about?” he asked softly and Lila bit her lip.
She wasn’t ready.
But could she afford to wait?
If she didn’t do this now, she was worried she’d never do it. So, might as well rip the bandaid off.
“Xander....I really like you. I have for a while now. This isn’t how you’d imagine a confession, I bet. But I had to say it. I really like you and would love to go out on a date with you,” Lila said glancing thru her lashes to look at Xan’s face. Xan was looking at her a bit shocked and surprised.
She was right.
He did not expect that.
But as the shock and surprise faded, he smiled softly at her and covered one of her hands with his own. He then squeezed them prompting her to look up. “I really like you too. How about Saturday night?”
That had Lila shocked but she then beamed at him. “Saturday!” she agreed, not seeing their friends smiling over at them happily.
Almost There @proudgothamite
Well, I’ll be doing something I haven’t done in a long time. You’ll get to see it soon #oldhobby #herewego #hopethiswillbefun
Ok, so here’s the next chap!! Man, this was *quicker* than old updates lol. Ok, so, I’ll be starting online classes soon *cough whispers* n maybe moving soon again *cough*, so updates will be WEIRD. I’m givni this warnin since one of my classes game us the warning that we need to go to LIBRARIES for a few assignments......and that some(all apparently) will need at least a couple of weeks to do? So ya......that happened...and that was only ONE of my classes......so I guess.....wish me luck? Until next time!! -Love Willa<3<3<3
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
!!!! Piper finding out she's pregnant with Kyle's baby!!!!
okay no but see i’ve been thinking about an au where like we go like balls to the fall canon with piper and kyle still a slowburn obvi but. season six still remains pretty much intact expect for the fact that, while chris knows he’s piper’s son, he has no idea who his father is bc, in the dark future variant of the piper/kyle timeline kyle would definitely end up sacrificing himself to save piper fully not knowing that she was pregnant (odds are she didn’t even know) which would probably be a breaking point for piper okay let’s go into detail.
chris (khris? lmao? wait should i remain him after kyle’s dad? jon hamm? jack. shure we’ll call him jack to differentiate even tho u gotta admit. kyle!chris would basically be the same as canon!chris bc like. look at him. like he is very much Not like leo. but like. could ever easily be kyle’s son. but, to differentiate, here’s jack halliwell, the bastard of the charmed line.) bc wyatt is the son of a piper halliwell and leo wyatt this is a known fact especially because leo remains one of the last pillars of the elders in said dark future and everyone begs him to do some grand act to stop wyatt but he never does that’s his son that is his son he can’t he cannot kill him he still believes there’s some good in wyatt there has to be some good in wyatt we’ll say jack even had an opportunity to kill wyatt after killed piper and leo intervened and saved wyatt’s life which is why, if chris hates leo, it’s nothing compared to jack’s beef. and like. quite frankly. okay here me out this timeline is about to get real weird. leo becomes and elder at the end of s5, jack’s doing as he steps into his place as the charmed ones whitelighter, seeing as he’s still a witchlighter. kyle takes the place of sheridan in the sense that he enters the narrative in s6. jack, for the record, has no idea this is his father. kyle works kinda parallel to the story, jack is trying to find out exactly what’s going on with wyatt becoming evil to no avail, kyle’s like idk doing something they have interacted a couple times they don’t like each other. we push forward the avatars narrative, giving gideon pause. evil wyatt isn’t possible in utopia, the avatars would neutralize him before he became a threat. gideon actively advocates for the avatars. kyle becomes more integrated as the avatars become more relevant, jack continues his digging on the wyatt situation, somehow finds out that gideon was the one who turned wyatt evil by attempting to murder him, which immediately brings into question the avatars, since gideon is such a big fan of theirs. does a bit more digging, finds out that utopia comes at the cost of free will, anyone who isn’t perfect is eliminated. he’s about to blow the cover on the whole thing when either gideon or the avatars kill him. piper is devastated bc like we’ll say she still knew that was her son. like he’s been there a while phoebe’s a psychic and at some point he’s kinda gotta fess up as to how and why he knows so much about the family. and his death has been pinned on somebody else in a play to get piper’s support behind the avatars. kyle becomes more integral here as, up until this point, he’s assisted on a couple cases (i.e. a styx feet under situation, but his main focus has always been the avatars) but piper’s like listen they just killed my son i need everything in my arsenal to get revenge and i mean if there’s one language he speaks it’s revenge. kyle and piper together are actually amazing at deciphering jack’s notes because it like walks immediately down the middle road of how their brains works which for the record they literally never piece together the part where jack’s their son, but, in all fairness, jack didn’t know that either. issue being jack had multiple theories so there are a lot of one off demon adventures to further strengthen their bond and like. piper still doesn’t fully trust kyle. also jack was her son, so there’s a personal element here too, but the main reason piper has the most interaction with kyle is because she’s protecting her sisters from him because she still does not trust him for shit, and she wants to keep him distant from her family which is undeniably her vulnerabile spot. and like, kyle is 100% aware she’s doing this, but he doesn’t really care because, again, his primary motivation is stopping the avatars. everything he does is just to get him closer to that goal. he just has to get piper to trust him because he’s feeling like the power of three is crucial to that goal. catch-22 tho, because it is the feeling that he needs the power of three that makes piper so untrusting of him. the jack cases are their bonding era where they start to steer away from their previous mindsets. we see kyle do something entirely selfless, without ulterior motive. we knows he did this, piper does not. blah blah blah, they get to the meat of the matter with jack’s notes and find out the whole avatars/gideon thing just in time to stop utopia, kyle dies in the process. as he saved the world, they make him a whitelighter, and, as an act of good faith because after learning gideon’s plans for evil wyatt, piper is very very against the elder, and then also because the charmed ones have been without whitelighter since jack, they assign kyle as their new whitelighter. blah blah blah something something something again. slowburn. this time added, because piper has done the forbidden love thing once before and she’s not gonna do it again. and kyle’s like that’s my coworker. whatever respect i have for piper is professional. and paige and phoebe are also there like. like piper and kyle are drift compatible (in a sense, piper hates his moral compass and yells at him a lot, but they understand how the other thinks) phoebe thinks kyle is weird and paige thinks kyle has a major stick up his ass (which he does!!) also. fuck it. kyle keeps his job at the fbi like how are they gonna know he died. and sinces he’s a newly minted whitelighter it’s not like he’s got other charges. it’s just the charmed ones and then working at his job. so blah blah blah piper will bring cases to him he will bring cases to piper so on and so forth again. slowburn. he’s literally their whitelighter piper’s still like. don’t trust him. sometimes kyle says this is how you should do that and piper chews him out because like. fuck you!! and then maybe ends up doing it that way anyways which kyle will be really smug about he’ll never bring it up in conversation but again piper and kyle’s communication is unspoken so she knows when he’s invoking it and he knows that she knows. and phoebe and paige both have two insanely different views to their relationship piper and kyle are talking strategy while paige scrys (scries?) and piper’s brewing potion and her and kyle are like. they’re in disagreement meaning it’s a lot of silence a long of prolonged, bitter stares, stubbornness, speaking in low and controlled voices in an attempt to sound like the more rational one when it’s very obvious both of them wanna be yelling their points but they’re not it’s all in a very low register it ends with kyle yielding grabbing the final potion ingredient getting unnecessarily close to piper and saying i guess you know best dropping the ingredient in and orbing out in the puff of smoke from the potion and piper just keeping her gaze level even after he’s gone with just steel in her eyes like you’re goddamn right i do  like the energy doesn’t dissipate she’s still buzzing from it and paige just over in the corner of the attic like ...............................so um. have you guys fucked about it yet? and piper’s like have we what (yes.) and paige is like yeah there’s a lot of unresolved tension there it’s getting pretty weird to be in a room with the two of you so you should probably um. fuck about it. Versus. piper phoebe and kyle being all out on some excursion kinda akin to the things w the guardian angels where there’s press everywhere and they’ve saved the day and are trying to get the hell out of dodge and there are press cameras and kyle sees them first and immediately positions himself in between them and piper piper notices the cameras and tenses up kyle puts his hand on piper’s lower back to steer the two of them out of the maze of a media frenzy and phoebe’s like Oh. you two are In Love in love. which piper is absolutely against like absolutely not no and phoebe’s like oh come on you told him about your fear of the press after the prue thing i can tell the way he moved to get you out of that situation and piper’s like i’ve literally never told him that and phoebe like okay well. he knows regardless, which actually speaks volumes more than if you had told him. so congrats!! and piper’s like no. absolutely not. paige and phoebe compared notes after they find out they have bold made bold statements about piper and kyle and then realize that not only have they definitely slept together they are also definitely in love and Do Not Realize It
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