#gods season 8 was such a disaster
invisiblequeen · 29 days
Anybody here know Daenerys Stormborn of The House Targaryen, First Of her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons?
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seungbinbin · 1 year
meet ugly - hyung line ver.
not every couple has a fairytale start !!
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a/n: first headcanons ! idk if i like this format but i thought i could try <3 lmk what u think ! i was also sleep deprived and delirious writing this but i think it’s a little funny heh
warnings: curse words, very ridiculous writing, mentions of food, gn reader ! (lmk if i missed anything!!)
bang chan
you found out there was a new neighbor on your floor
and you were just so excited to make a new friend
plus you heard the lady from the leasing office saying he was really cute 🫣
so you decided to be nice and bake him some muffins for breakfast <33333
what you didn’t know was that your neighbor stayed up until 4am producing a new song
so when you knocked on his door at 8am, bright and early, interrupting his much needed sleep…yeah, he wasn’t very happy
“what do you want? 😒”
oh 😟
you just hand him the muffins, mumble a quick sorry and RUN
he only realizes how rude he was after he wakes up a second time, hours later, seeing the HOMEMADE muffins sitting on his counter with a little note
“welcome neighbor !!!! :)))”
oh my fucking god 😭 he just HAS to apologize
when he finds you (literally knocks on every door on your floor) he says he’s so very sorry and he’s speaking so fast it makes you giggle
“it’s okay, breathe!”
and he decides right then and there that he’ll make it up to you by taking you out for coffee 😋
lee know
studying at a coffee shop was the best thing ever for you
it made it easier to concentrate on your work, it smelled delicious, and the baristas knew you so they always gave you a little cake pop for free <3
you had been hard at work for hours :( poor baby, midterm season is ROUGH
deciding to take a break to rest your eyes from looking at your screen, and your hands from writing, you took a look around and spotted the most beautiful man you had ever seen in your entire life: lee minho !
his hands were full and he looked very annoyed and you thought "woah that's so much coffee!"
what you didn't know is that he had lost the rock, paper, scissors game for coffee duty <///3
and now he was a little (very) irritated carrying 8 cups of coffee
trying to balance 8 large iced americanos was kind of hard, especially in a crowded coffee shop in the middle of lunch rush
but he had everything under control !
until someone bumped into him while he walked past your table
suddenly there was coffee everywhere; on his shirt, on his face and hair, on your face and hair...and all over your table
thankfully, you had managed to pull your laptop away from the disaster before any coffee got on it
however...your review was all wet and messed up
your 6 page, hand-written review you had been working on for the past 4 hours
"holy shit, i'm so sorry-"
and then you were crying 🧍🏻‍♀️ he didn't know what to do
when you explained everything, he offered to rewrite the review for you 🥹
he took the soggy papers with him, then asked for your number (just to ask what he should write and give you the review, totally not because you were the cutest ever! )
changbin was having an off-day at the gym
he had been trying to beat his last pr but something felt…off
maybe he pulled a muscle while practicing choreography, or his new pre-workout never kicked in
whatever it was, his mind-muscle connection was off and it was beginning to frustrate him
he was so stiff and crampy and ready to go home after his barely-successful arm day >:(
he was angrily typing on his phone with one hand, complaining about his day to chan and holding a 40 pound dumbbell on the other
definitely not watching where he was going !
he walked right into a bench and hit his shin very hard ! ouchie !
which made him lose his grip on the dumbbell and he dropped it
…right on your foot 🥴
please don’t yell at him he didn’t mean to ! he tears up when he sees you start to cry in pain :(
so he apologizes (and keeps doing so as he carries you to his car so he can drive you to the hospital)
when you told him your roommates were out of town and you weren’t from the area, he offered to stay with you :(
and also offered to pay for any medical expenses
oh he just felt so bad 😞
but it’s okay! the doctor said it was a minor fracture that should heal up in no time !
and like…changbin made you laugh the entire time and he’s so kind and nice and pretty and buff…
perhaps you could forgive him for shattering your big toe! but just this once !
you just wanted a nice, peaceful day at the park
the weather was perfect for a picnic and a book and you just had to take the opportunity
a lot of other people had the same idea to visit the local park
hyunjin included! he wanted kkami to get some fresh air and to stretch his legs from being holed up in his art studio all day
everything was going perfectly fine
and then kkami managed to get out of his leash
chaos ensued; everyone could hear his dramatic ass screaming and chasing his little dog 😭
surprise! kkami ended up at your picnic bc he wanted to eat your snacks
“hello, sweet boy!”
he was so friendly, everything was going so well! you even offered him a strawberry
and then he peed on your book
and bit your finger 🧍🏻‍♀️
hyunjin gets there 30 seconds too late and now he has to apologize for kkami and his chihuahua-ness
“oh my fucking god, i’m so sorry, i don’t know why he would do that! are you okay!?”
yes you are…there’s a beautiful man right in front of you holding your hand and checking on you ‼️
there’s still dog pee on your book tho
“there’s a bookstore near by, can i buy you another copy?”
so cute <3 thank u kkami
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rhysdarbinizedarby · 6 months
‘Our Flag Means Death’ Star Rhys Darby on Stede’s Transformations & Hopes for Season 3
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[Warning: The below contains MAJOR spoilers for Our Flag Means Death Season 2 Episode 8 “Mermen.”]
Our Flag Means Death saw Gentleman pirate Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby) transform from a fish-out-of-water swashbuckler into the romantic hero he was always destined to be in the latest season of Max‘s original comedy.
After realizing the error of his ways at the end of Season 1, Stede sought redemption in the eyes of the infamous Blackbeard, a.k.a. Ed (Taika Waititi), after recognizing he was in love with the pirate. While the path wasn’t a direct one, they eventually found their way back to one another with the help of a fantastical mermaid sequence, some much-needed apologies, and ultimately a better string of communication.
Reflecting on his journey, star Rhys Darby is opening up about Stede’s various transformations in Season 2, including the excitement surrounding that mermaid tail, as well as about where he thinks the pirate lovebirds might end up next should the series return for Season 3.
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Congrats on Season 2! Now that we can finally talk about it, what has it been like getting to see fan reactions, especially during the SAG-AFTRA strike?
Rhys Darby: Yeah, it was like a pressure cooker that needed to burst, for us and for the fans. When it finally came out, the burst happened and there was so much love for us, [but we] couldn’t talk about it. We were still stuck in this bottle and the cork wouldn’t come off, and that was difficult, but it was really lovely to see all the love and the surprise from everyone. Obviously, as you know, the fan artwork, it’s what we would say in New Zealand is pretty full on. So yeah, it was super cool.
And not that anyone gives out numbers, but I think I heard on the ethos that people [are] watching it, and it’s rating really high and at a time when we need this kind of beautiful love fest of comedy with a whole bunch of silliness to take us away from the disasters that are happening in the world. It’s been lovely. I just wish it was longer. I know people watch and rewatch and they’re so fanatical, but it’s just a comedy show, so to have any effect means so much to us.
In Season 2, Stede’s gone through a few transformations, one of which is that he’s a real pirate now, at least comparatively to Season 1. What helped you get into that new version of him? Was it the writing, costumes, or a combination of the two?
Yeah, the costumes are the first thing that comes to mind because once he starts wearing different gear, he looks at himself and goes, “Oh my God, I’m a different man.” And he really is turning from a man who is wearing these beautiful gowns with high heels and things inappropriate for a pirate ship to becoming an Errol Flynn-type hero straight away. That’s what they wanted to do with the character. So he’s lost a lot of that beautiful pageantry and is becoming a more practical guy who has to survive. He returns to this nightmare of a world because he wants to fight for love, and for want of a better term, “man up,” whatever the modern-day version of that is, “person up?” To become the guy that he dreamt of being in the first season.
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He didn’t dream that he was going to fall in love with someone. He dreamt he was going to be this amazing pirate and that just was not going to happen. But then when he found this love, I think he went away from that [dream] going, “I don’t deserve this.” And then when he realized upon returning home that he does deserve it, he had to fight for it. And so the only way to fight for it was to drop the battle armor of the gowns and actually become the pirate he imagined being. So it was great to become that and to fight for that love and to thank god that [Blackbeard] didn’t die. He would’ve actually lost it, I think, because it would’ve been like, “Well, what am I fighting for now?”
I think it was just so fun to see that character change, but also within that change, see a bit of the old self come through, especially when he found that cursed red suit. And all of a sudden it was like, “Oh my God, the old me again, look how good I look!” So it was lovely that they had those elements… I was missing a little bit of the old Stede myself. So it was great to find that again. And then again near the end with the British invasion scenario where I got to do the big coat and everything, which of course looked awesome. You can see that moment where I put it on and did that slow turnaround. It was way more filmic shots of me wearing that kind of stuff. And I think that gave Stede's strength as well. So much of Stede's embodiment comes from the things he’s wearing.
Speaking of costumes, the big one of the season had to be Stede’s mermaid look. How did you wrap your head around getting ready for such a fantastical, and ultimately, beautiful scene?
That was the highlight of the whole season for me. As a kid, I used to swim around like a little merkid. I would put my legs together and I’d swim under the water. I’ve always been into mermaids and things because I’m into cryptozoology. So when I got to be a mermaid or a merman, I really took to it. It was pretty easy, to be honest with you. I didn’t have any training to swim like that. So the only training I did was some breath work beforehand to help me hold my breath longer. But that was kind of almost superfluous. Once I got that [tail] on, I just became a mermaid. It’s hard for me to describe how I suddenly become these things, but I think I just got under the water. I could swim really easily with it.
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And I had weights on. So one of the things was we had to make sure I was the right weight so that I wouldn’t just float. That thing was sort of buoyant. So once we sorted that out, I could actually swim really well, and then just sort of hover underneath the water for a long time while [Taika]’s looking at me, I’m looking at him. To see it on the day, on the screen when I knew they’d got [the shot], there were just so many cheers, and I think they even played the music to see how the scene would work out. It’s one of those life moments where you go, “Oh my God, I’m becoming a cryptid again. I’m never going to forget this.”
This season really does focus even more on Stede and Blackbeard’s romance. How did you and Taika prepare for that? Especially since Stede’s more transparent about his feelings this time around.
It was good, and it was time. And because I was the new strong Stede, it felt really natural for me. I think it just worked really well with the writing because of the aggression that I was going through. When I was fighting that really bad guy [Ned Low (Bronson Pinchot) and] threw a violin at him because he ruined Calypso’s birthday, that was a good moment because it is not just about Ed, it’s about the crew, Stede’s family, and they were going through this amazing moment there, and all of a sudden this guy turns up and next thing we’re getting tortured. And I’m like, “How dare you?”
I think that progression of strength helped [Stede] break into the moment of, “I’m just going to take my lover as well now, and do something with him.” He probably had no idea what he was doing because it’s Stede, but it worked out and it was the right time in the show. Taika and I are really good mates, so it’s really easy to do emotional scenes together. As soon as we put our gear on, we’re just looking at that character, and we admire each other.
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You and Taika have been known to improv on the show. Was there any improv moment from Season 2 you were particularly proud to see onscreen?
Yeah. Well, one, I noticed that some people are talking about that they thought was scripted, which wasn’t — most of the [scenes where] I’m with Taika are improvised in those emotional close moments — is on the deck of the boat where we’d do the thumb thing. That was all improvised on the day. So that was fun that we got that kind of stuff in. And there were some more little bits and pieces, but that’s one that comes to mind. That worked really well.
By the end of Season 2, Stede and Blackbeard have settled in to open their own inn. Do you think the peace and quiet will last in a possible third season, or will they get bored and want to rejoin the excitement?
Well, obviously as it stands now, it’s very lovely and it’s a nice positive ending, which is lovely for Season 2. But in reality, if you think about the characters, even in the fictional world, they’re both outlaws, they’re pirates, and the British back then… they never gave up. They did track down all the pirates and either hang them or get rid of them. There was only a couple that got away, and it certainly wasn’t those two. So I think what they’re thinking is, yes, this is bliss, but both those characters must be thinking, this is not going to last because you’ve got to sleep with one eye open.
Even though they’re in the middle of nowhere, they’re still in an area where everyone knows what they are, so they’re going to be tracked down. So I think if it was me, [they’d] end up back in action one way or another, especially if their inn is popular, which it probably would be. Word would get around. I mean, in those days, had you heard the Blackbeard and Stede had opened up an inn, [you’d have] to check that one out. It’ll be like Planet Hollywood.
There would be a wait-list, for sure.
Yeah, absolutely. Basically, they’re too famous now that Stede’s killed Ned and everything. He’s a famous pirate. So death is going to come to their door at some point. They’ll have to deal with it.
Do you think this version of Stede and Blackbeard’s story could avoid the fate of the real-life pirates?
Yeah, no, I think you’re dreaming if you think they’re going to live happily ever after.
Our Flag Means Death, Seasons 1-2, Streaming now, Max
Source: TV Insider
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absolutebl · 10 months
This Week in BL - Bunch of Stuff Coming in August
July 2023 Wk 5
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Laws of Attraction (Sat iQIYI) 2-3 of 8 - Oh good, we now know that Thailand has the same statutory rape laws as the US. Dub con is as dub con does. MEANWHILE Oh my God I love evil lawyer cutie so much. Him and his beautiful weaponized smile, maybe my new favorite character. I like the way this director is playing with noir mystery tropes, settings, and archetypes too - it’s feeling very 60s pulp, I’m getting gay Travis McGee vibes. Grandma knowing that her grandson likes boys is so sweet. I have to be completely frank here, this is what I wanted from both Manner of Death and KP. I truly love this show
Hidden Agenda that isn’t hidden (Sun GMMTV YouTube) ep 3 of 10 - It’s a very Cyrano de Bergerac kind of narrative... If Cyrano fell in love with Christian instead of Roxanne. Mock date was fun. 
Low Frequency (Sat iQIYI) ep 4 of 8 - Into the lion’s den. Investigation begins. Why isn’t the ghost acting lookout? Who are these random side characters? I’m confused. Half way through kiss is right on schedule tho. 
Wedding Plan (Weds YT & iQIYI) ep 2 of 7 - The kiss was nice, but it’d be nicer if Nuea had punched Lom. Manipulative arse. A trash watch is happening!
Be Mine Super Star (Mon Viki) ep 4 of 12 - Meh. 
Dinosaur Love (Sun iQIYI) ep 5 of 8 eps - The hazing has begun + secret relationship and it’s kinda like a v soft SOTUS. Dino is getting a bit too controlling and obsessive for me so it slid down the ranks. I much prefer La Cusine’s version of this dynamic. The friends protecting Dino’s interests were funny tho - boy is so obsessed he outsources his stalking. 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 10 of 12 - Max is BEST BOY. I hate Kawi. Tra la la. Trash watch here.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Jun & Jun (Korea Thurs Viki) 2 of 8 - Our ex idol is a total FLIRT. Nice to see an uke with agency. I mean baby girl is a newbie worker bee… but still flirty, good for you, sweetie. I see your little lip bite and so does your soon to be husband. Speaking of, I love Choi Jun’s style of seme aggression: a little sleezy + a bit too handsy + ultra clever with his words. Plus tie tug!!! Also threatening to take off your TAILORED suit so baby wears your shirt and smells like you? HOT. Boy you sped right past American style and into Italian - that’s real Corinthian leather, that is. 
Stay By My Side (Taiwan Fri Gaga) 5 of 10 eps - Mid series kiss right on schedule. Thank you for never upsetting me, Taiwan. Omg. Such boyfriends. Only Taiwan gets this sappy. I have to say, I watch this show after Tokyo on purpose. (I need the pallet cleanser.) Still, I’m scared that the perception will be that Bu Xia is using Jiang Chi, not in love with him, when the truth about ghosts comes out. Why doesn’t BX’s useless sister do something for her disaster brother? I guess JC likes a needy boy? Oh no, the kiss confusion. Lip touch but rejection (?). Nooooo. I suppose they have to draw this out for 10 eps. Gah, they’re so cute. But BX is a bit dim, isn’t he? Poor thing. 
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu Gaga) 4 of 12 eps - Shin is such a worrywart, over protective, over the top boyfriend. I guess we saw a little bit of give from Minato? More than usual, baby steps. This is Japan after all.
Tokyo in April is... AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 7 of 8 - Japan’s favorite trope = the running of the gays. Kazama knows everything now. Ep ends on one of my few triggers. SKIP! Japan you better NOT go there.
Vian the series (Vietnam YouTube ) ep 11-12fin - terrible ending, he turned back into a cat and the whole thing was pointless. I am very annoyed. 4/10 FATALLY FLAWED 
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It’s airing but ...
Stay With Me ... NO I WILL NOT! And you can’t make me.
In case you missed it
Stay (Pinoy YouTube) finished its run at 7 eps. It’s mostly English & set in LA (shudder) so I did not bother. I say little to no chatter about this (that’s normal with the Pinoy stuff tho). Did anyone watch and enjoy? 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Coming August 2023
8/1 Stay Still (Hong Kong Tues YouTube) 5 eps - Yes we have had BL from Hong Kong before, but that was... before... who knows what it’ll be like now. Hayden, moves into a new apartment and starts a complicated relationship with his neighbor’s grandson, Damien, after an unexpected kiss. Meanwhile: Archie rekindles a romance with his high school sweetheart, Kelvin, who is now married.
8/11 Love Class Season 2 (Korea Fri Viki) 10 eps - Hyun, Minwoo and Joo-Hyuk are looking forward to their freshman year at college. But trials and tribulations of love that await them outside the classroom: from learning about maturity to being unable to forget the scars of past lovers. (All new cast from season 1.) 
8/12 My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat ????) 8 eps - hum. 
8/19 Love in Translation (Thai Sat One31) ? eps - Two strangers start working in a cafe together.
8/20 My Universe series begins (Thai Sun iQIYI) 24 episodes - This is sampler pack BL, 12 pairs, each pair gets 2 episodes, not entirely sure on the order they’ll drop in. Known couples include EarthBank from Destiny Seeker and KaownahTurbo from Love Stage!!!, mostly fresh faces otherwise. Jane to direct several. 
8/22 Kisseki: Dear to Me formerly known as Miracle (Taiwan Tues ????) 13 eps - From screenwriter Lin Pei Yu (We Best Love, H3: Trapped) features a student doctor forced to take care of a gangster. I love the premise and like the writer, I’m thinking Viki or Gaga will get this one.  
8/24 Man Suang (Thailand movie domestic cinemas) - historical drama about Thai burlesque with KP’s MileApo. Tong is in this one too? 
8/? Sing My Crush previously Follow The Wind (Korea ????) 8 eps - supposed to have released in the first half of 2022 this is a adaption of Myung’s webtoon, from the director of My Sweet Dear, and the Love Tractor production house, looks like Korea does About Youth.
8/? Why R U? (Korean remake)  is supposed to be out this month, filming started in sept 22. I find everything about this hilarious. I mean if Korea remakes it, we lose all the sexy and then... would we have a story at all? No we would not. Not even for six short eps. It’d be like one of those mesh shopping bags. 
We can probably expect a new BL from GMMTV too, to slot into BMF’s spot mid month. 
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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I do love a hyung romance, and this aggressive ghost-ish thing is working for me. (Low Frequency) 
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Hidden Agenda + My Ride. 
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So coy
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I agree with @heretherebedork​ that these two make a great side couple but I am utterly in love with...
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HER. (All Laws of Attraction.) 
(Last week)
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kaciidubs · 6 months
Wrapping Master | 8 Days of SKZcember 2023
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Prompt: one not knowing how to wrap a gift and the other just laughing at them out of endearment [but of course they help them out + walk them through it]
❣ Summary: Wrapping gifts isn't as easy as it looks, apparently. ❣  ❣ Word Count: 882 ❣ Warnings: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, a sprinkle of angst if you squint, use of honorifics [Noona], a singular kiss, Jeongin is really trying his best, Reader loves him through it all ❣  ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣  ❣ Additional Tags: Jeongin is referred to as Innie, Babe, and Worker Elf, Reader is referred to as Noona, Master Elf, and Baby ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist ❣ SKZcember 2023
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It was a simple task as far as you knew; wrapping presents for your friends like the diligent little worker elf you were this holiday season - bunkering down in your living room with your favorite Christmas playlist playing on the TV while you mentally prepared yourself for folding, cutting, taping, and more folding.
That is, until your darling boyfriend came up with the brilliant idea of him helping you out in your worker elf mode, his bright smile and sparkling eyes being more than enough to win you over.
“Alright, Innie, you take those gifts, I’ll take these gifts - it doesn’t have to be fancy, it just needs to be wrapped, got it?”
“Got it, this is easy work, Noona, don’t worry.”
Of course you were nowhere close to worrying, watching as he rolled out the bakery themed wrapping paper - that you painstakingly searched for to match the “Mrs. Claus’ Bakery” theme of your tree - and laid the first gift in the center to measure it out.
You weren’t worried when you heard the sound of paper tearing, too occupied with wrapping your own gift to divide your attention.
You weren’t worried at all until he exclaimed that he was done, and you looked over to what you could only explain as a wrapping paper disaster in the cutest way.
The gift - that was meant for Jisung - came in a rather square box, the perfect medium for wrapping paper, yet somehow anything that could’ve been wrong was wrong; torn corners from where he pulled the paper too hard, folds creasing over to show the plain white inside of the patterned paper, you could even see where he measured too short so he cut an extra strip to tape over the exposed part of the present.
“Oh my-” You snorted out, pressing a hand to your mouth in a feigned attempt of stopping the giggles bubbling up inside of you, “Oh my god, Jeongin! It looks like it just went through a botched surgery!”
Jeongin whined, tossing his head back before picking up the poorly wrapped gift, “It’s not my fault! The stupid box wouldn’t stop moving when I was cutting, then the scissors stopped working and ripped halfway through the sheet I wanted!”
He turned it in his hands, your eyes landing on a spot where there was a very obvious tear along the front that he forgot to cover up causing your laughter to ramp up.
“Noona, it’s not that funny, come on!�� Though he tried his best to sound upset, he couldn’t help the smile that grew from your breathless giggles. “Not everyone has the skills to be part of Santa’s master class of wrapping, you know.”
Reigning in your outburst, your body shook with the last rounds of giggles as you wiped the tears from your eyes. “Babe, have you ever wrapped a gift before?”
“Of course I have - just... Maybe not well, but it was wrapped, that’s all that mattered at the time, you know?” Dropping the gift to the carpet, he ran a hand through his black hair, “It’s not like I had time to work on it, and most of the gifts I do decide to get, they’re just put in bags with a ton of tissue paper.”
Your lips settled into a warm smile, tilting your head as you gazed at the man in front of you, “You know I’m laughing with you, not at you, yeah?” You knew he was trying his best, even if it ended up looking like an overexcited child who got the chance at wrapping their first present. “Come on, I’ll show you how to wrap properly - think of this as your introduction to my ‘Santa's Master Class of Wrapping’ course.”
Jeongin perked up, sitting up straight and nodding eagerly before tearing away his hard work to start anew. “Just so you know, I’m a fast learner - I’m coming for your job, master elf!”
Scoffing, you rearranged all of the supplies in preparation for your crash course, “Yeah, yeah, let’s not get too ahead of ourselves, worker elf.”
With the soft tunes of Under the Mistletoe playing in the background, you walked him through the process of measuring the wrapping paper, how to cut it to get the perfect edge, and how much tape is enough for one gift.
“...then you fold the edge like this so it’s like a triangle, that way you can just tape it down at the smallest point.”
“Like this?”
“Yeah, perfect!” Sitting back on your calves, you watched as he picked up the freshly wrapped present as if it were made of glass, “And there you go - a wonderfully wrapped present ready for a bow and a name tag!”
He rotated it in his hands, inspecting it with that bright, fox-like smile you knew and loved, “Okay... It wasn’t that hard.”
Humming, you leaned forward to press a kiss to his cheek, “I know it wasn’t! Now, that’s one gift down, twelve more to go!”
“Easy,” he grinned, putting the name tag on the present to keep track before putting it behind him, “try to keep up, baby.”
“Don’t get too cocky, babe,” smirking, you grabbed your next gift, “I’m still the master elf, after all.”
Santa’s Master Class of Wrapping - Lesson One; Complete.
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✧. ┊Tagged lovelies: @goblinracha, @having-an-internal-crisis-rn, @midnightfrog625, @anyhow-everything, @bangchanbabygirlx, @sweetracha, @j-onedrabbles, @happilydeepestwonderland, @nightimescapes, @caitlyn98s, @ch4nn13luv, @ihrtlix, @sometimesleeknows, @jeonjungkookenthusiast1997, @maximumkillshot, @y-ur--i, @acker-night, @dreamescapeswriting, @specialstay, @broken-glowsticks, @s00buwu, @dancerachaslut, @junglyric, @tinyelfperson, @jj-stay, @katsukis1wife, @inlovewithmusician, @keen-li, @armystay89, @main-character0, @vampcharxter
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laylawatermelon · 8 days
Y'all i just cracked the davinci code and idk if you're gonna like it.
As a Buddie fan devastated obviously, as a 9-1-1 fan devastated obviously and as a writer absolutely blown away by the finessing they just graced us with.
They literally found a way to make Eddie straight and by God they've done it successfully.
Lemme explain.
I was locked in when he was having the speech with Shannon and didn't get to deep in the emotions (heinous ik but I wanted to hear what he was feeling).
I did get some water wobbles in my chest but that's neither here nor there. I did scream horrifically at the cliffhanger of the show.
Guess the nun did scare the life out of her (and me!) after all! Heeh should've seen that coming honestly but I didn't think they'd go there.
So there's two things I think is gonna happen, one Eddie's gonna go on more straight woman dates (yay 😮‍💨) and Chris is leaving.
Now the second one I'll address first and don't bash me if it's not trueee.
I'll get the Chris one over with. First Gavin, Chris' actor, family moved. Since he's become a main he's had little to no screentime in the show.
What I think has happened in real life it's that Gavin will step away from the show. They have him main to show his importance in the cast and storyline (i can also guess pay raise but I'm not saying that's unreasonable really) before his send off.
Realistically he's a disabled person, a child/minor at that, who i assume has a lot of equipment and things he has to travel with. I can imagine it's not that easy to consistently travel across states with equipment, doctor's appointments, schoolwork etc.
So this is probably his last season for a while.
The birthday party (which can also double as a send off or until next time message) and the promotion/upgrade in role despite not being written as such or having storyline outside of the adults.
(off topic but I'd love a mini 118 hijinks b story with all the kids or a low stakes disaster where they all team up until the 118 get there)
He's been hypocritical to him about cheating and even tarnished his mom's legacy by bringing a fake version of her in his house.
The reason i can say the story can effectively write him off for the first half of next season is that Chris will go with his other family because he feels betrayed by his dad.
He doesn't feel safe anymore (😞😭 I'm making myself sad) so he opts to leave until his dad gets better.
The hospital scene is Eddie realizing what his kid needs isn't a new mom but to trust in his parents and that's now shattered (ooh this starting to feel personal be gone trauma!).
So he'll throw a tantrum (a rightfully deserved one that's my boy😤) and say in anger he doesn't want to be with his dad.
Buck will obviously be there cause yeah Eddie (delusional hubby) clearly needs help in his hour of need and so does Chris.
Eddie will do self isolation. Buck will be there for him (Tommy probably staying too but I'm neutral for this post) but with everything Eddie going through he's gonna be wrecked.
And because Eddie's a (good? Eh so so right now) dad he'll let Chris decide when he wants to return.
Hence the heartbreak.
Boom it solves the Gavin problem where he can probably stay during the summer so maybe mid season 8 or limited role like how they did this season and his family can focus on him/life.
Now the Straight Eddie!
By God he's done it!
You've pulled a real good one. Tim I salute you truly.
Idk how you made a straight man out of him but by his you've done it!
(so did you Ryan I'm watching you!)
Since buddie isn't on the table this season the platonic hasn't been more platonic-er since season 7 episode 1.
The way he did it was so easy and smooth I'm in awe.
This is how he kept and can probably enforce straight Eddie.
This is also how he can not enforce straight Eddie (haha got you).
The line you were the love of my life but I'm living it without you now stuck out to me.
That means he's going to find himself and what he really likes without a partner. Therapy, hobbies all that good ish. Maybe a few dates but def church.
Here's why.
Church has been something he drift away and let's be honest American tv and society is still founded in Christianity and all of its adjacent branches.
You must have God somewhere in there for the older audience to tune in/connect with of it's getting a lil secular (aka the bundle of lgbt characters. They're probably saying at least one of em knows God😮‍💨😮‍💨) /hj
The book of prayers symbolizes him going back to God to find answers about himself.
Anyways for the straight Eddie he can get closer to himself better in his faith and get a nice Christian girl who he matches with and (maybe) even has a kid/ similar background.
Since he's been to therapy and he's let go of the love of his life he's now free to find love in someone else. A new woman. (And truly this time)
(or a man, or they/them)
Yes my queer Eddie agenda rises!
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But seriously though the other way it can go is that he's discovering stuff about himself away from romance. He becomes more comfortable with religion but when confusing feelings (attraction to the same gender anyone for $10?) arise then he'll maybe start to fight his Catholic guilt about it since he's gotten closer to it.
Then he'll have to ask for for forgiveness but not permission for the live he wants to live.
(with buck in a house on the waves! Let me be delusional! I've kept it under wraps this long!)
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But anyways they've truly dodged the lgbt fruity storyline.
They've also shown us that yes, Buddie was NOT platonic because I've never felt more friends energy in my life this season.
And what the AuDHD brain says is canon/not canon I vibe accordingly.
The vibes were low. Like a suspiciously low.
Dare I say subtextually low.
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That's not happened in the history of buddie this is a code red!
Okay I'm done btw hate me or whatever! /big J
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bajistadiamond · 5 months
Yuu and the Magical Power of Songs
Yuu Singer, 🎶💎Ramshackle💎🎶 (We wish you a Merry Christmas - Phineas and Ferb Version)
I couldn't think of a better idea for this Christmas than to use "We wish you a Merry Christmas" that they used in Phineas and Ferb… Well. I will do the same for this New Year... This story takes place after the OverBlots; After the near destruction of NRC, Malleus and Yuu combined their magic into a time spell that returned them all to the entrance ceremony to start things off without disaster.
The holidays are the funniest and happiest time of the year for many.
When Yuu first arrived at Twisted Wonderland he didn't imagine the seriousness with which they prepared for each celebration… what he discovered in spring and fall.
And that's not to mention the events that occurred randomly.
Anyway, at this moment the 8 dorm leaders were in a meeting.
"So we agree to decorate everything?" Yuu asked those present, who nodded at his words.
Since for some reason the entire student population wanted to celebrate the holidays at NRC, they needed to vote on whether they would decorate just their dormitories or the entire school.
Azul already had many ideas for the most fruitful season for Mostro Lounge.
"I have many selected items to order." Kalim said excitedly as he showed his cell phone to Riddle.
"Send me the links, I have my contacts so shipping will be cheaper hehehe~". Idia said with a giggle, who was present forced by Ortho.
Leona looked at the largest of the Shroud inquisitively, but he did not want to know.
"And who will pay for everything?" Vil asked, adjusting his Santa hat.
Yuu smiled and the others could swear that demon horns appeared on his head. "The director of course."
The others looked at Yuu strangely; Crowley was a cheapskate no matter how much he said otherwise, they highly doubted that he would pay for Christmas decorations.
"The director is so kind that he gave me his credit card." Yuu said taking said card out of his pocket. "Besides, when he realizes it, it will be too late."
Everything was silent for a moment before everyone laughed like "villains."
These holidays would be expensive for Dire Crowley…
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The light music club was preparing to practice; they would have a lot of work performing at Mostro Lounge and the Christmas and New Year party.
"So what should we play today?" Cater asked looking at her cell phone for ideas.
"How about it, all I want for Christmas is you~." Lilia suggested doing a riff.
"It's already widely seen." Kalim commented, much to Carter's surprise.
Kalim had been using a lot of internet tutorials to be more independent, so he also updated himself on trends on the web… Jamil still couldn't decide if Kalim being addicted to MagiCam was good or bad.
"And a classic?" Ortho suggested with a smile. The young man with the shrouds had become a member of the club shortly before the Malleus OverBlot.
At that moment, Yuu entered. "Sorry guys, the decorations arrived and I wasn't going to risk leaving Grim alone with the glass things." He explained, leaving his coat on the coat rack.
"Don't worry Yuu-kun, we're still thinking about what to play." Cater said to the white haired one.
Yuu thought for a moment; He had managed to listen to Ortho's suggestion and thought it was a very good idea.
"And if we sing, we wish you a Merry Christmas?" The others looked at Yuu, it wasn't a bad idea.
"We can use a classic, with a little tweak." Yuu explained to them grabbing a microphone.
"Alright, you're in charge Yuu." Carter said to the aforementioned before turning on a LIVE for everyone to see. Yuu smiled mischievously as Kalim started playing the drums...
We wish you a Merry Christmas ~
We wish you a Merry Christmas ~
The "voice of the gods" was instantly present. Everyone's clothes changed to a unique Santa Claus outfit for each one. For Kalim it was with two shades of red and round gold glasses, for Ortho it was blue with white and a tulle cape with snowflake embroidery, for Carter it was bright green with black and pearls in her hair, for Yuu it was the typical red and white and cool ski goggles.
We wish you a Merry Christmas ~
And a Happy New Year ~
The song was heard throughout the campus; filled everyone with joy. They organized themselves in the patio to decorate. Many were singing or humming with their hands full of golden tinsel.
We wish you the best day ever ~
And hope all your Christmas endeavors ~
At Heartslabyul, Trey watched in barely concealed horror as Riddle pulled out the fruitcake the aforementioned had made. Riddle cut a piece of the cake from him and then looked nervously at the green-haired man. The one with glasses forced a smile before trying the cake… It was because of the magic of friendship and the miracle of Christmas that Trey didn't have stomach pains.
Are super-fun, amazing and clever ~
And that your New Year's rocks too! ~
Many were using their brooms to fly around NRC and decorate it. The white already contrasted the black and gray of the building beautifully, but with the gold and green tinsel it looked much more impressive. Inside the building there were white LED lights as far as the eye could see and pine trees were added in the largest rooms. Meanwhile, in the teachers' lounge, they were enjoying a good eggnog… The principal was just crying in a corner because of the receipt of everything.
Oh, come, tell me what'cha doin' ~
All my relatives just flew in ~
In Pomefiore, Vil was reflecting on his life choices. The salon was in chaos with many enjoying to "let their hair down" and enjoy themselves. Epel led the party wearing an ugly sweater with lights while he sang about his family's traditions.
From Harveston and Shaftlands ~
For the holidays! ~
Neige had been included in the party. It had been a shock to have discovered that he was distantly related to Epel and now the two got along very well. Vil had no problems with this, after meditating and having Yuu with a therapist, he was able to come to terms with himself and accept that he and Neige were unique.
Both Christmas trees and menorahs ~
It can be confusing for us ~
Strangely enough, Epel managed to bring out the most sarcastic and stubborn side of Neige. The two always ended up arguing whether it was about musical tastes, food or clothes. And now they were fighting over which decorations were better. Luckily for Vil, Rook managed to calm things down by saying that both decorations were beautiful together; and he also brought cocoa, which Vil was happy about.
When we break into a chorus ~
Of olé, Olé ~
And oy vey, Oy vey ~
In the NRC cafeteria, many were preparing a magnificent Christmas dinner; Many were grateful that Lilia was busy and not in the kitchen.
Delicious meals I will try~
Groceries A through Z ~
Leona sang before taking a big bite out of a turkey leg. The lion was in a dream when the taster of the dinner was selected, to the jealousy of many. And Leona enjoyed teasing the others with moans of satisfaction at how delicious the food they brought him to try was.
Ruggie, get away from that punch bowl ~
Ruggie pouted as he was caught drinking the fruit punch while pocketing a couple of cookies.
I'm saving that for me ~
Hyena Boy, offended that his lazy friend wouldn't share punch, threw some figgy pudding into the punch bowl.
Sorry, sir ~
Ruggie sang mockingly because he knew that of all the fruits, Leona hated the fig the most. In the yard, Silver was sleeping peacefully among a small mound of snow. No one wanted to bother the boy during his nap, but they couldn't help but decorate him; They put a headband on him with reindeer antlers and shiny spheres in his ears.
We wish you a Silver Christmas ~
We wish you a Silver Christmas ~
Yuu had changed it from "Perry" to Silver as a joke, but when he sang it he realized that the phrase was not so bad, a silver Christmas.
We wish you a Silver Christmas ~
And a (ZZZ~ Silver´s snoring ZZZ~) New year ~
Azul seriously needed a calculator; His had broken strangely shortly after Jade told him she needed to rest. Now, the lens guy was in her office doing the math by hand and with an abacus.
I want a calculator ~
Slash-Earnings-English Translator ~
"At this rate I finish in the new year." Blue thought tiredly as the music from the music club's LIVE was what kept him sane. The boy was also grateful that Yuu's magic decorated his office; he hadn't had much time to do it.
To find a common denominator ~
In all my tongues! ~
Mostro Lounge was enjoying free time with good music. Some were dancing dressed as elves and others were enjoying a good coffee or hot chocolate.
I will give you good hugs ~
To all you shrimps ~
Floyd with a big smile was trying to hug whoever he could, but everyone was avoiding him because of the mistletoe that the boy had hung on his head. Everyone knew how strong the hug and joking kiss they would receive from Floyd would be.
That's how I say "Merry Christmas" ~
I ain't good with words! ~
Floyd was finally able to grab someone to hug him and kiss him on the cheek, poor thing was Jamil. The one from Scarabia walked out calmly, still in shock, to go to the bathroom and wash his face with bleach.
I wish you would let me rule you ~
I'm going to teach you about anime ~
In Idia and Ortho's room, the oldest was dancing around the room while programming the lights, preparing the gifts he had for his brother, and turning on all of his monitors for the special Christmas events in all of his RPG games.
I won't sugarcoat or fool you ~
Your New Year's looks grim! ~
The oldest of the Shroud danced in the comfort of his chair, for him it was very noob to start singing at Christmas. Although he will deny to death that he sang Christmas songs from his favorite anime in the shower.
We wish your every endeavor ~
Makes this the best Christmas ever ~
The music club put the best of their voices into the final part of the song. Carter, Kalim and Ortho could tell that this was the best version of "we wish you a merry Christmas" they had ever heard. LIVE had ranked #1 in trends and throughout Twisted Wonderland they were dancing no matter what.
And we're all so glad that we will never ~
Mention figgy pudding ~
"Pudding?". Many people asked themselves when they heard the lyrics. Although they didn't give it importance; It was the best one of the best Christmas songs. And needless to say, they enjoyed the chorus at the end.
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"Merry Xmas!". Yuu, Carter, Kalim and Ortho exclaimed into the cell phone before the LIVE ended...
Night Raven College had a good day that day and the decorations could be seen from the town on the island. And they were better than the other academy, to the envy of some in the RSA.
... As for Crowley, he stayed in his nest for the rest of the holidays…
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dairy-farmer · 27 days
SPEAKING of my Andriods Nightgaurd ficlet? And my ongoing campaign of Sexy Civilian!Tim encounters?
Night Gaurd Tim? owo? Jason doesn't die. But Tim's dad still does. New Dad is rich but An Asshole. So Tim studies like mad to get outta there. Lands a shotty apartment in HIS name. And a job!
That the Riddler destroys.
Okay... second try... SECOND job! Two-face. MOTHER FU-!
It keeps happening. He starts taking potshots at goons. He WANTS HIS PAYCHECK, damn it. He's tired of cheap ramen!
One of his Dad's old buddies see's him on a viral clip. He... *awkward cough* maaaay have swung a bat at Condiment King. To be FAIR... the shot super staining GOO all over the fashion line Tim JUST unboxed. He may have snapped a little.
But! It lands him a job!
Night Gaurd~ *jazz hands*
It's not like he sleeps at night anyway! Might as well get payed! He gaurds the satellite building used for staff overflow. It's only really in USE during certain seasons. But the don't want squatters or stolen company secrets.
O7 got it.
What he DOESN'T realize? That building has an EXCELLENT vantage point line of sight from certain parts of the roof. It's been part of the Bat's intersecting patrol paths for YEARS.
He doesn't notice them, at first. But they notice him. He's the cutie in uniform. Background check reveals some memes and that he used to be their neighbor etc.
Now, this can go one of two ways~ "Ivy assisted Fuck Seduction" or "I swear to GOD I WILL TRESPASS YOU-" It? Depends on if you want Timmers to notice! That waaait a second *squint*
Why does the roof... look EXACTLY the same as it did 8 days ago. Because he has freakishly good memory. Leading to him realizing the cameras? Hacked. There are 17 randomly played "night footage" banks. Son of a- *keeps open roof access to find the Bat's mid patrol Bat Burgering" YOU. #TheyCanExplain?
Or! Ivy, miffed that Bats made her MISS her girlfriends BIRTHDAY, decides? Fuck you in particular, actually. And hits him with a Pollen bomb.
He was standing RIGHT in front of the intake vent for the air conditioning. The whole BUILDING gets dusted. Not as concentrated, since it's spread out. But still exposer. Tim? Starts feeling off. Fever maybe? Weirdly horny. Really distracted, actually...
The Bat's? Drive Ivy off. Okay, who was hit? Everyone gets their antidote. We good? Let's head hooo-OMG! THE GAURD! FUCK.
And yep. Too late for an antidote too be effective. But don't worry Really Hot security Gaurd! They will- stop shoving! No you will not! I will-! No you have-! I said I WILL *Sibling jostling for the right to Help Tim*
Batman, NOT allowing himself to be distracted by gorgeous legs or the TIGHTEST little- Regardless, NOT letting himself getting distracted. Lends quite literally a hand. Gotta get that consent. For medical assistance. Because Bruce TOTALLY hasn't been fantasizing about taking this boy apart. Rocking his world then buying him breakfast.
He's just here to lend a dick in these trying times. Hero's duty and all.
And once Tim? Bat Fan and Bi Disaster realizes he has fucked the Bat's and they seemed REALLY into it? :Y he uuuh *cough* I mean, he's just SAYING... no one said you had to STOP... options THERE...
Now? They REALLY like that building. Great rest stop. Grab a bite to eat, drink something, fuck the night gaurd, take a nap, you name it!
Tim REALLY likes his new job. He's great at it.
tim being the shared fucktoy among the bats❤️
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ravenlikesbooks · 5 days
Okay, tumblr, I need assistance
I am looking through random fics I started writing and didn't finish, which one should I work on first? (I'll probably write them in the order f most voted to least voted unless I decide I don't want to lol)
Edit: please reblog if you vote!!!
In limited life, Pearl and Cleo are stuck in a time loop. Plot is only vaguely thought out but it definitely involves the episode where Gem and Lizzie appear somehow!
Based on those clips where the QSMP members learned about Tubbo's marriage. The characters end up accidentally getting Tubbo on a rant about the gods, and then Tommy appears to mess with him and Molly comes to wrangle him. Inspired by this post
Would literally be just me figuring things out and finally working on finishing Take Me To The Moon
Comes from this post
Grian and Jimmy are brothers and Jimmy keeps doing things that are traditionally avian courting rituals. But Jimmy doesn't know that. Grian comes to Empires during the crossover and starts getting all huffy over it. Based on a post that I can't find the link to right now 😅
Gem and Pearl as age regressors (about 5-8?) during that scene towards the beginning of Hermitcraft Season 8 where they were leaving signs around Tango's base and messing with him
Largely based from this post. Not further thoughts atm, the google doc is literally just that link
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adracat · 1 year
G Witch episode 16 thoughts
Or the episode where the real plot thickens. No offense to earth and Guel but these are the sort of stakes and drama I'm weak for. Truly a wonderful present to receive on this blessed of Sundays! Just in time for Walpurgisnacht too
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And we start off strong with this heated Prospera and Bel confrontation! Cont. from last time, Bel just learned Eri Samaya is not Suletta Mercury or even alive anymore, but a mysterious 3rd thing-- her biometric code uploaded to the cloud aka Aerial. We learn her immature body couldn't handle it so she perished. Eri is now entirely composed of Permet particles, and without Aerial housing her consciousness she'll dissipate. The Gundam is literally possessed by a child's ghost.
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And it seems with a permet score of 8, the datastorm can be extended with Quiet Zero and create a space for Eri to live. Or that's the implication, I gather. How exactly that would happen is a mystery though I suspect it would mean granting Eri a new physical body, perhaps by 'overwriting' Suletta's mind/soul. (Well this is sounding familiar, isn't it 3h fans?)
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But amid all this, there's the matter of Benerit's leadership. Without Delling, they need someone to control the various corporate beasts so it's decided they'll hold an election. Awfully democratic of them tbh. Though I wager leadership might boil down to whoever can crush hardest in a Mobile Suit royale.
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We know Shaddiq will be throwing his hat in the ring, as will our prodigal failson Guel by the looks of it. Speaking of, I wish he had a bigger moment with his brother but maybe later? Their surprise was pretty good, and I enjoyed Guel's talk with Petra. She's grown up quite a bit from the shallow bully/fangirl of the first season.
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Moving on to Mio, I went nuts over this shot. Suletta is fulfilling all her promises!! Even cleaned her disaster area of a room and messaging three times per day. She's unnervingly good at following directions tbh.
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Adored this so much too. Lauda is grateful to GUNDARM for their aid and subsequently clears them of suspicion in the terrorist attacks. He goes out of his way to say Mio is free from the dueling games too, but Mio could care less about that petty nonsense. Her heart and mind is set on Suletta.
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Quick mention to Secilia for being the most relatable person in the show. She just wants to sit on this god forsaken couch, watch the drama, and see who'll be Miorine's husbando. She's so funny, I swear.
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And ofc we get spacian/earthian hostility in the wake of the attacks. You can't blame these kids for being scared and lashing out at the nearest targets but also Earth House was clearly not involved and aiding students during. Even Lauda of all people can understand that. They are grieving for a friend apparently which just complicates the situation further. Sad for all tbh
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Martin steps up to defend his housemates, which was nice to see, but it's Mio who is able to shut down their hostility with a clever bit of blackmail. She's so cool and taking no one's guff this season
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Nika had a brief interaction with Sabina, but it was insightful. We understand Sabina's loyalty to Shaddiq now as she's an earthian who was taken in by Grassley. Like Nika, she wants to become a bridge for spacians and earthians. Their methods contrast Nika's but they're all coming from the same place. Sabina is anyway. Shaddiq is a bit more inscutable.
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Detective Mio is exploring all avenues in her quest and the space assembly league are all too happy to collaborate. They all find Shin Sei and Prospera suspicious, it seems. Valid observation. She does manage to locate Nika, sorta, and brings that information back to the others.
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Mio is so adorable when Earth House thanked her for everything. This is probably the first time in years people appreciate who she is on her own merits and formed bonds that aren't conditional or tied to her father. It was just a really wholesome moment. Ah I love her and Earth House! Especially after hearing that first drama cd sketch.
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Shout out to Till for shipping these two like the rest of us. Solid wingman right there. Poor Suletta doesn't quite know where they stand after all this time and doesn't want to be a nuisance, but still desperate to show Mio her dedication.
Just look at this pathetic puppy face 🥺
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Only a monster could say no to that look, and luckily for her Mio is an understanding and loving bride.
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Prospera Jumpcare. Watch out y'all, this one has a mean bite. Her showing up suddenly was unnerving. For the love of all that is holy, never do this again lady. Creeping me out somethin fierce.
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HOO BOOOY where to begin? So 5lan was rejected from Aerial immediately, unlike when Eri was humoring El4n and Mio. Is this a sign she's grown in power or just fed up with 5lan's gremlin antics? Could be a combo of both! I take this as confirmation there were multiple failed clones/instances of Eri and Suletta was the lone sucess. The others look Eri's age. 12 of them in total, making Suletta unlucky 13.
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I kinda felt sorry for 5lan here, cause he has a right to want to live and not be a tool but also... I don't like him and wish him nothing but misery for being a creep + striking Bel, who I do love. Poor Bel is not having a good week in between Prospera's guilting and now 5lan's.
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And we finally arrive at THE SCENES we've been waiting for. It's so wonderfully tense but also tentatively hopeful at the start. Suletta who wants nothing more than to bridge the gap and Mio who wants the same.
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Mio starts off with an empathetic apology, stating she understands Suletta's choice in ep12 even if it was traumatic for her. But the reconciliation derailed the moment Suletta declares her mother was right after all. She did the right thing. Run gain one, move forward and gain two.
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Mio is galvanized by this logic and hastens to ask Suletta how she can smile at something so terrible. She might understand why Suletta killed for her sake, but she doesn't get how Suletta can just blindly accept everything is ok; that murder was right. Then Mio goes directly in, striving to make Suletta understand. She presses her about her mother, asking if Suletta would do anything. Including giving up her dream for Mercury or killing again.
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Her answer, while terrible, is yes. To all of it. Suletta would forfeit the school for Mercury. Would kill again at the behest of her mother. Would do anything so long as her mother said it was right.
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Suletta only sees the positives. She got to go to school, have friends, and meet Miorine who she loves. All because she moved forward at her mother's demand. It's horrifying but it makes perfect sense why she would think this way. It's clear from her anxious gestures she's not wholly oblivious to the horror either, but deems her discomfort inconsequential when she gains so much from obeying.
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Hearing this speech is the breaking point for Mio who dashes away, leaving a forlorn Suletta to gaze after her. And we're swiftly shown what exactly she has on her mind
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This scene was electric from the start. Someone is finally calling out Prospera's manipulation and while she's unflappable as always you have to admire Mio's fire. She wants Suletta to be freed and doesn't care a whit what Prospera thinks.
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GOOOOOD this quote. We know Mio loves Suletta genuinely but Prospera only sees her 'daughter' as a tool to be tossed around and used by others. Her phrasing is disgusting in this exchange. 'She's a good little girl, isn't she?' *shivers*
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Prospera proceeds to lay her cards on the table and is amazingly forthright, declaring her intent. She reveals her hungry fixation for vengeance and 21 yr long grudge against Delling.
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Ngl it's pretty hilarious that Mio doesn't mind the idea of these adults killing themselves fighting each other so long as she and Suletta are left alone. Mio in protective wife mode fr.
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It's not that easy however, as Prospera coerces Miorine to help her with QZ. And the first step is to become president of the Benerit group. Miomio for President 2023!! Will she find a loophole from this dire situation? Cast your votes now as we await what becomes of our stellar cast until the next Suletta Sunday~
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fearandhatred · 2 months
what are your favorite good omens fics??
WOO REC TIME thank u for asking!! you may want to ask again after i've finished my resolution of reading all my mutuals' fics though because i've barely had the time to read anything these past few months... so i don't have much bookmarked lol but here are a few anyway! (from earliest read to most recent)
mourning doves by sleepyimpulse (Words: 22,686 Chapters: 7/7)
“I’m sorry,” he registered himself saying between heaving sobs. “I’m so sorry, Crowley, I’m so sorry. Forgive me, please, please forgive me.” He hadn’t meant to say it like that, he knew the words were all wrong (he would never find the right ones). But the pain was coming at him in every direction and something, something had to give, and so he clung to Crowley like a life preserver. Crowley bent his body over Aziraphale’s and slowly, surely, pressed a kiss to his bloodied forehead. “I can’t,” he whispered, and Aziraphale went unconscious. (Aziraphale falls, post season 2)
this was one of the very first good omens fics i read and one thing about me is i LOVE this type of angst. so so good and such a nice exploration of crowley's struggle with what forgiveness is. gorgeous and so angsty. have i said that already. angst galore
say yes to me (i've got my eye on you) by thehappyyears (Words: 11,983 Chapters: 1/1)
It’s a pleasant evening much like many pleasant evenings this month, so Crowley doesn’t expect anything unusual when he makes himself comfortable on his side of the couch and lets Aziraphale select the wine. Which is why he’s resolutely caught off guard when Aziraphale disappears into a backroom, which Crowley always assumed was a wine cellar, and then turns around, darkness behind him and low, warm light gilding his hair and making his eyes bright. He’s breathtaking, he’s so beautiful, his eyes are so dark. “Crowley,” he breathes. Or, Crowley and Aziraphale have sex.
this is THE epitome of service top crowley. all hail service top crowley. also it's just so well-written and seamless. also i don't want this list to be too long so if smut is your thing then i recommend literally anything by focusfixated or zehwulf or Ineffably_Yours
Zmija by Himitsu_no (Words: 3,185 Chapters: 4/4)
He'd sigh in annoyance and hide his face in the angel's chest. "Said if they lived longer they'd have more time to become nasty and corrupted little shits, do all sorts of evil deeds and the likes. They never questioned it and went as far as warn me in advance of all the bigger natural disasters." Aziraphale would laugh and his fingers find their way into the red locks with practiced ease, and he'd bend to kiss the top of his head. "Did they do that, though? The evil deeds." Crowley would smile despite himself, eyes closed and leaning into the caress. "About a dozen, maybe. The rest were just... ordinary humans doing ordinary stuff." There'd be a long pause in which the angel would take it all in, and the demon would replay many of it in his mind with unease. Then Aziraphale would speak again, voice barely a whisper, "How long were you in Mesopotamia after the flood, my love?"
yeah i have this in my bookmarks but i have not touched it ever since i read it the first time because. it hurts me :) idk if it's because of my mommy and daddy issues but the whole crowley being good with kids tropes makes me so sad. and also this fic is just. devastating to me. i really should leave a comment but i don't want to read it again fr
when i knew love’s perfect ache by sugarskulled (Words: 1,834 Chapters: 1/1)
A demon can't touch that which has been made holy by God. Crowley knows this well as anyone. And Aziraphale? Aziraphale is so holy it burns.
this is definitely one of my favourite good omens fics of all time. angst again and so bittersweet i think about it so often
better to read and eat cake in a Soho bookshop than to reign in Hell by Kaesa (Words: 35,717 Chapters: 5/8)
When Aziraphale flees Heaven with the Book of Life, he's planned for it -- he's alerted other angels stationed on Earth to Heaven's plans, and asked them to take steps so that humans won't get caught up in the inevitable battle he faces with the other archangels. But Crowley shows up too, and he doesn't know the plan, and in the chaos Aziraphale leaps in front of a terrible blow meant for Crowley. And so, still very angry with him, Crowley must get him back to the bookshop (which is full of annoying angels) and help him heal, and try to figure out how to move past their previous fight, because, sure, he's mad at Aziraphale, but he doesn't want him to die. But soon enough it becomes clear that Aziraphale isn't necessarily dying. He is changing, and no one quite knows what to expect, because this situation has only happened once before, when Supreme Archangel Lucifer Fell and became Satan.
this fic has everything tbh and it's one i keep coming back to. the smut is great AND well-written and besides that the plot itself is so good??? the writing overall is just gorgeous tbh. slight body horror too :) the moment this updates i will be all over it like a rabid dog
Dear Angel by crowleys_bentley_and_plants (Words: 3,379 Chapters: 13/?)
A collection of emails addressed to a certain Aziraphale, found on the computer of a lonely demon.
poetic and hard-hitting and interconnected and also tells a story. through emails!! also the last lines of every chapter always knock me out lmaoo
to hold you like a bouquet by gravitron (Words: 10,676 Chapters: 1/1)
Crowley and Aziraphale, as told by history’s flowers.
can y'all read this fic oh my god i'm gonna fight everyone. so so beautifully written and well-structured. you know what i'm just gonna copy and paste part of my comment on here because yeah: i love your writing it's just. The Way Yo uWrite. The Words. your way with words. etc. and some of your sentences have a directness to them that's so effective. and the way you incorporated the flowers into every part of the story is like... so tastefully done I'm obsessed
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neuroticbookworm · 1 year
Step by Step Episode 8 Ramblings
Episode 7 Ramblings, here
Put is not even gonna let Pat say his piece? 2 minutes in and I'm already burning mad
"I haven't taken you for granted like before"
"I know, you've been really good to me" Oh Pat, you pathalogical people pleaser
I continue being impressed by this show showcasing how adults do and should handle relationships and everything that comes with it. This must be one of the most realistic breakup scenes in BLs. And it is done without compromising the emotions of the characters. Hats off, really
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Jane is wearing two layers of pink. Our resident Tumblr color demon @respectthepetty has taught us that pink = love, so good to know that his feelings has remained unchanged or even intensified from last when we saw him
My god, Khun Jeng looks so fineeeeeeeee
And he's wearing a dark blue shirt underneath his neutral brown jacket. While Pat is in a dark blue cardigan. Interesting
Ohhhhhhh wow Jane is pissed and Jaab is too. The cat fight between these two is gonna be hilarious
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Put, you insufferable snake, ya dumped. Stop misrepresenting facts
Jeng, how the fuck did you know? Are you really THAT perceptive?
Oh man, that is the worst takeaway you can ever have from a failed relationship
*jaw dropped* Oh Jeng is going for the jugular. Oh he's done playing games, he wants to fight
Oooooooooof. Put, you manipulative bastard
Oh it's still not over. Oh they're still going, holy shit, this is intense
Is that a threat, about coming out? Seriously, what the fuck
I CAN'T WAIT to read all the body language analyses y'all are gonna write on that scene. Woah, that really was something
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Ae and Beam are here!
Well, Ae looks like a goddess, as usual. What else is new?
I love this scene and the commentary that comes with it. Keep your noses out of pregnant people's business, for fuck's sake! How hard is it to have some basic decency?
I love that Tae is calling out how quickly Jeng's mood changes from brooding to giddy and vice versa in this conversation.
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We have a new stuffie. The shark is out and the tiger is in. YES I SEE IT AND I LOVE IT
Oh I'm sooo ready for this non-date date. I want the sweet, sweet fluff to drown me. Gimme all the blushing, all the eye contact, all the accidental brushing of fingers, GIVE IT TO ME
OH MY GOD, he planned the whole thing. He had people move chairs out of the way for aesthetics. This complete bitch (affectionate)
GUYS, THE FLIRTING, I know I said I can handle it, but this is too adorable ^^
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Jeng just hung up on his brother in a flash, not even waiting for him to respond? Oh that's cold
Oh shit, Pat is drunk, again, Here come the truth bombs
Damn, Man Trisanu is nailing this. He is acting his ass off to show how restless Jeng feels before every almost-confession
This slowburn is gonna kill us all, honestly
Oh we are dancing, oh it's so gloriously awkward, oh make it stop
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Jaab, my beloved, I've missed your melodrama. You look like a divorced sugar baby who won half the riches in the settlement, I love it
Jeng tells Pat he can be just a safe space for him, while Pat is sobbing on his shoulder about his ex. All while Jeng has been trying the whole day to confess his own feelings for Pat. Every atom of this man is a green flag, I swear
These drunk disaster gays, I love them so much
Pat, sweetie, no. Please, you must be joking. Don't tell me you didn't know, DON'T TELL ME YOU ARE THAT OBLIVIOUS!
Okay, now Pat has to rethink each and every one of their interactions to see if he has ever misled Jeng, or if Jeng has ever crossed his boundaries. And then recalibrate his feelings with this new information. Yeah, this could take a while.
I'm leaning more and more towards the possibility of a second season, or even a special episode, after the show ends. Because there is no way they can fit all the domesticity these characters deserve within the next couple of episodes.
Ahhhh I can't believe the slowburn is still not over. I love it and I hate it and I'm pretty sure this show has turned me into a sadomasochist.
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palettepainter · 26 days
(Kind of a vent. Also if you're one of those hardcore Hazbin fans the fandom has become infamously known for, I'll save you the time and tell you to just scroll past this cuz it's mostly me complaining)
Hazbin's song More Then Anything was on the radio today, I don't know why since I walked into the kitchen right as the song was nearing it's end, and it was such a...weird feeling hearing this song on the radio
On one hand, for indie animation and animation as a whole, I am ecstatic that one of the songs was on the radio!
But at the same time, this shows writing and pacing is absolute trash and I don't think it deserved it. .
The only joy I felt for hearing this song on the radio, was because it gives me hope for animation, and the hope that it will boost the believe that indie animation CAN be worthwhile and enjoyable. But that's it, I felt no joy at the fact it was a Hazbin song (unless if it was Loser Baby, the internet can all agree that song is golden)
It's just mildly disappointing that Hazbin hotel, a show which the team behind CLEARLY care a lot about (lets face it for all of Hazbin's flaws, it wouldn't have gotten to the position it's in currently if it wasn't being made by very talented people who believed it's worth the effort. You have to give the team credit where credit is due), is such a disaster story and pacing wise. It's fairly obvious to me that the reason this show is doing as well as it is for the most part is because of the already large fanbase Vivziepop has grown for it.
People love these characters so much that despite the flaws in it's writing and characters - of which there are MANY - that they're willing to ignore these flaws and keep praising the show anyway because hey, content is content
And I get it. This show has been in the works for god knows how long. But I argue that because it's been in the works for so long, that the show we got just isn't as good as it could have been.
The story is rushed, the pacing is whack, we spend little to no time with Charlie (one of the more prominent main characters), we don't see Charlie genuinely bond with any of the other characters outside of Vaggie, the show can't decide if it wants us to believe Charlie's efforts are working or not, the finale song carries no weight what-so-ever because (outside of Angel and Husk) none of the characters have a genuine heart to heart moment to show they've bonded, frankly I found Charlie annoying she was not enjoyable to watch, the show has an entire song with Lucifer and Alastor arguing over who Charlie should view as her father figure when Alastor prior to that song had exchanged maybe five lines of dialogue with Charlie (none of which where fatherly), the show throws too many plot points at us that we can't appreciate them for a second before it's trying to shove the next one down our throats, Camilla's ENTIRE character! Her songs sound great she has a great voice actor, but her character got thrown out the window in order to be a plot device, Valentino being an idiot who needs Vox to talk to him out of a tantrum one episode and then being the most ruthless character in the entire show the next, and the show trying to make me feel like Pentious's sacrifice was worth it when we barely knew what his aspirations or faults where as a character
I know I just tore this show down, but believe it or not, I'm not a full blown hater. The reason I'm so annoyed is because I WANT this show to do good, I want it to be good. I want this show to make me feel like I should care for the characters through them bonding and struggling together, not because the show TELLS me I should care
And admittedly a large fault of all of this is the episode count, 8 episodes is a tight run time for any show. But when you get that episode count confirmed, that's when you gotta cut things. Yeah it might have meant we got fewer songs in the first season and seen less characters, but we would have been able to digest literally any of the plot points in that timeframe if stuff was removed
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khaotunng · 1 year
(a short analysis on Uk in season 2)
I was talking to a friend here about AoS s2 and how Uk being basically overpowered meant the stakes weren't that high during the action scenes (the opposite of s1, where he was learning and growing and the underdog in every nail biting duel), when I realised why this aspect of s2 didn't bother me that much, if at all. Sure, we saw Uk grow into the mage he is in s1, so we feel a lot of pride and our hearts break seeing him so powerful yet lonely, but it's not only that. The entire season deals with the consequences of Uk being so powerful, continuing the storyline started in s1 of Uk being, basically, a Very Messy Chosen One, weird conception included. We remember how in s1, he was treated like shit because he should not fulfil his destiny and come into his powers, he was a Bad Thing Waiting to Happen. Therefore Uk has always been the trigger, in s2 he is also the nuke.
Season 2 answers the questions: What can you do if you're basically a god? How would people react? Can you really come home if you're not who you were before?
And again, it's a perfect continuation of season 1. I saw posts I loved saying s1 shows a perfect asshole/asshole main pairing, describing Uk as self-centred, and they're kinda right. Episode 1 season 1: we see Uk help a wanted assassin escape her fate at the hands of his friends and adoptive family basically, because he needs her. He was never ready to fight for the world, only for himself AND the few he loves (Naksu, Maidservant Kim, his childhood friends). Take this kind of person... and give him the power to not only be a magical overpowered prodigy and incredible warrior, but also a (technically rightful) king. On top of that, make him heartbroken because the only person he loved and wholly trusted killed him. It's a disaster.
This is how we meet Uk in s2, struggling to and outright avoiding answering these questions. He lives as a husk of himself, separated from society, using his powers in a very limited way. Inaction is the only way, he thinks, to avoid war. He is kinda right: the moment he starts wanting things again, the moment he acts again (the moment Cho Yeong is back in his life), he becomes an enemy. His existence is the reason why Jin Mu manages to turn so many to his cause: if power like this exists and walks among us, why should we settle for anything less?
In the end, Uk has to grimly embody Jin Mu's ideals: someone so powerful can amass even more power and do basically whatever he wants, even burn the representatives of 8 main families alive. He is also, again, the Chosen One of the Bad, Terrible News: the awakening of the fire bird could not be stopped, even if it is one of the main quests of 'normal people' throughout s2.
The shift in Uk in season 1 was spectacular, satisfying, hard won, flashy: from a ridiculed pampered noble to one of the most powerful mages of the country. The shift in season 2 is just as important, but internal. It's Uk choosing to do what's right –killing the soul shifters, even if it's Naksu, even if it means not killing Jin Mu himself–, and choosing to do what's right for the world, even if said world can't accept him in full. Uk giving his golden medallion to the Crown Prince isn't just the culmination of the two finally reaching an understanding, but Uk knowing he, powerful as he is, can decide the shape of the future of the country. Without his approval, the Crown Prince could never have become the king.
Finally, of course, the reason why Uk can grow is the same in both seasons, his bond with Cho Yeong. First she is his master, bringing him to full powers, helping him face his destiny, then she is his true companion, the only person who can stand beside him and help him find his rightful place in the world. Season 2 is very different from season 1, but all the good elements are there, and without it, season 1 would not end properly. I understand why some people say season 2 felt unnecessarily fanservice-y (there are standard moments of badassery on Uk's part and romance tropes abound), but actually season 2 is more profound and thought-out than one may think. Or maybe I just love Uk too much and this is just a long and unnecessary tumblr post.
alternative title of the series: uk and the very bad, terrible prophecies where he becomes a god
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
You got me into Joe Hills initially but then re: life stuff I only made it like 7 episodes into his season 8. but i've just Had The Tab Open for months on episode 8 and watching just. EVERYTHING go wrong. at grian's base. I understand where the "boatem is cursed" thing could've come from, even if it's not this instance specifically holy hell dude.
no god yeah watching that on stream also was watching a man slowly have a complete and total breakdown. joe's opinion that "boatem is cursed and i can't go there" was VERY FOUNDED i think he managed to go there without disaster all of once,
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rwbyconversations · 1 year
Quick Volume 9 thoughts:
This season was just filler. Outside of Blake and Yang now being a couple (which should have happened in Volume 6), you can safely skip the entire season as half the finale exists to reset the status quo the season itself changed, so they can go back to Vacuo and pretend everything's hunky dory. The back half of the finale especially was an excercise in wasting time as they decide to devote a chunk of it to lore about the stupid brother gods that no one remembers or cares about.
Weiss got literally nothing to do all season. She's just there for comic relief. What a waste.
Ruby's arc was a disaster and a half across the entire season. She gets nothing of actual value in the first half, Jaune steals her plotline in the second half, and then she outright kills herself before the show hastily walks it back in a way that means they don't have to address that the writing team had Ruby physically and emotionally brutalized to a point where she saw suicide as the only way out. Absolutely shameful delivery on Rooster Teeth's part here, especially when combo'd with Penny in Volume 8 and the Paper Pleasers showing that they have a borderline fetishistic obsession with suicide. One flashback of her mother and chosing to be herself doesn't erase that, or make everything fine regardless of what MKEK or the fanbase insist while huffing copium.
The fights were mid, the music was unmemorable, the set design was OK and the acting was solid- par for the course with this series at this point, a mediocre outer layer let down by the writing. It's like biting into an apple only to find the core's been infested with worms.
tldr- not as bad as Volume 8, still glad I didn't watch the show weekly and just kept up with recaps/checking out the most relevant scenes on social media, it sounds like it wasn't very fun.
Season rankings probably look like: 3 > 7 > 2 > 4 > 1 > 9 > 5 > 8.
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