#gray aldrich
whyhellosims · 2 years
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Creature from the Black Lagoon
I thought I’d celebrate Simblreen by making some movie posters! I love classic monster movies, so I went with Creature from the Black Lagoon. Happy Simblreen, friends! I hope you enjoy spooky season!
1 of 6 movie posters!
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chicinsilk · 24 days
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US Vogue April 1, 1954
Jean Patchett wears a charcoal gray sharkskin-finish linen dress dotted with white buttons - by Larry Aldrich, in Moygashel linen, a shiny black straw hat dotted with large painted white polka dots and a red ribbon belt. By Tatiana du Plessix. Coro bracelet, Rosenstein's bag and Superb's gloves.
Jean Patchett porte une robe en lin finition peau de requin gris anthracite parsemé de boutons blancs- de Larry Aldrich, en lin Moygashel, chapeau de paille noir brillant parsemé de gros pois blancs peints et et d'une ceinture en ruban rouge. Par Tatiana du Plessix. Bracelet Coro, le sac de Rosenstein et les gants de Superb.
Photo Irving Penn vogue archive
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✦ A L T A L U N A & V A L E R I A N O ✦ Research
INTRODUCTION: "Corresponding to the human metis in Homer and the animal metis in Oppian [the fox & the octopus], in Hesiod we find the goddess Metis, the daughter of Tethys and Oceanus […] She is the first wife of Zeus, the wife he takes to bed as soon as the war against the Titans is brought to an end and as soon as he is proclaimed king of the gods, and thus this marriage crowns his victory and consecrates his sovereignty as monarch. There would, in effect, be no sovereignty without Metis. Without the help of the goddess, without the assistance of the weapons of cunning which she controls through her magic knowledge, supreme power could neither be won nor exercised nor maintained." - Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society by Marcel Detienne and Jean-Pierre Vernant
HOW SHE HELPED ZEUS WIN THE THRONE (Part 1): "When Zeus was grown, he engaged Okeanos' (Oceanus') daughter Metis as a colleague. She gave Kronos (Cronus) a drug, by which he was forced to vomit forth first the stone and then the children he had swallowed." - Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 1. 6 (trans. Aldrich) 
HOW SHE HELPED ZEUS WIN THE THRONE (Part 2): "Metis […] is the ‘foreseeing’ one who, knowing everything in advance, possesses that type of knowledge essential to anyone engaged in a battle whose outcome is still uncertain. Metis ‘knows more things than any god or mortal man." - Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society by Marcel Detienne and Jean-Pierre Vernant [Note: She is the foreseeing one because, by her cleverness, she is always three steps ahead, so to speak. She is not 'all-seeing' in the sense that she has a psychic ability to 'see' the future].
ZEUS TURNS ON METIS AND SUBSUMES HER GIFTS (Part 1): "Zeus, as king of the gods, took as his first wife Metis, and she knew more than all the gods or mortal people. But when she was about to be delivered of the goddess, gray-eyed Athene (Athena), then Zeus, deceiving her perception by treachery and by slippery speeches, put her away inside his own belly. This was by the advices of Gaia (Gaea, the Earth) and starry Ouranos (Uranus, the Sky), for so they counselled, in order that no other everlasting god, beside Zeus, should ever be given kingly position. For it had been arranged that, from her, children surpassing in wisdom should be born, first the gray-eyed girl, the Tritogeneia Athene . . . but then a son to be king over gods and mortals was to be born to her and his heart would be overmastering; but before this, Zeus put her away inside his own belly so that this goddess should think for him, for good and for evil." - Hesiod, Theogony 886 ff (Trans. Evelyn-White)
ZEUS TURNS ON METIS AND SUBSUMES HER GIFTS (Part 2): "Metis, inside Zeus’ belly, will make known to him everything that will bring him good or evil fortune.” - Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society by Marcel Detienne and Jean-Pierre Vernant
HOW SUBSUMED METIS HELPS ZEUS MAINTAIN POWER: “Forewarned of the danger that awaits him [the birth of a son that would supplant him on the throne], as his father was, he goes straight to the root of the evil […] Appropriating the wiles of Aphrodite, he treacherously seduces his wife with caressing words (haimulioisi logoisi), and having beguiled her wits by cunning (dolly phrase expatesas), he engulfs her within himself […] So this time Zeus was able to make the weapons which made the goddess invincible rebound against her, namely cunning, deceit and surprise attack. His victory eradicates forever from the course of time the possibility of any cunning trick which could threaten his power, by taking him by surprise. The sovereign Zeus is no longer, like Kronos or any other god, simply a deity who possesses metis [cunning]. He is metieta, the Cunning One, the standard gauge and the measure of cunning, the god himself becomes entirely metis." - Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society by Marcel Detienne and Jean-Pierre Vernant
CONCLUSION OR WHY ZEUS NEEDS METIS SO BADLY: In every confrontation or competitive situation - whether the adversary be a man, an animal or a natural force- success can be won by two means, either thanks to a superiority in ‘power’ in the particular sphere in which the contest is taking place, with the stronger gaining the victory; or by the use of methods of a different order whose effect is, precisely, to reverse the natural outcome of the encounter and to allow victory to fall to the party whose defeat had appeared inevitable. Thus, success obtained through mētis can be seen in two different ways. Depending on the circumstances, it can arouse opposite reactions. In some cases, it will be considered the result of cheating since the rules of the game have been disregarded. In others, the more surprise it provokes, the greater the admiration it will arouse, the weaker party having, against every expectation, found within itself resources capable of putting the stronger at his mercy. […] It [Mētis] is, in a sense, the absolute weapon, the only one that has the power to ensure victory and domination over others, whatever the circumstances, whatever the conditions of the conflict. - Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society by Marcel Detienne and Jean-Pierre Vernant
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ronearoundblindly · 6 months
The Stark Legacy (25)
Tony Stark's daughter (OC) x Bucky Barnes epic slowburn
Compound, part of Book III: Power (see previous or series)
Summary: Samantha wakes to find new friends at Avengers HQ, but her uncontrolled abilities make things...awkward.
Warnings for illusions to nudity/suggestive language and some cursing. A/N: Tandy and Tyrone are around Samantha's age in this, so that's way younger than canon-MCU, but their backstory is closer to the original comics. Rated Teen/15+ ONLY, please. WC 3.7k
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 “They called it Regulating,” Bruce announced, rewinding the faint footage from the second floor of the Wakandan Annex Lab, “according to the recovered video research from Aldrich Killian—well, the military, really.” He smirked, looking quickly back at Bucky, adding, “Tony thinks I wasn’t listening, which I wasn’t for part—you get it, he’s very long-winded.”
“He’s not the only one,” Bucky grumbled, eyes fixed on the screen. Bruce played it again.
Two grainy figures in the corner of the frame, Bucky and Samantha, scuffled as she tried to avoid riding the motorcycle. The light Sam emitted grew brighter until his own figure was blotted out and smack—the video fell gray. The moment passed, and the absolute white that replaced it lasted much longer. Eventually, the white faded to reveal Sam standing with her arm out, legs apart and planted. She remained standing only a few seconds longer before collapsing. Her body tumbled in the receding water, covering her in mud, Bucky’s legs slid into the top of frame before catching against the earth. The picture went blurry as the fog of the freshly evaporated sea descended. There was, however, a clearly visible, irregular line where the thick glass of the building’s window had melted in the bottom corner near Sam.
Bruce stopped the footage. “Except when Extremis soldiers couldn’t Regulate, their bodies incinerated themselves and anything around them. This—” he waved his arm through the projection, “—she’s controlling—well, aiming it, I think. And she survived obviously, which means this is something new.” The doctor, jumpy with unanswered questions, uneasy since Bucky first told him they were coming back with ‘complications,’ shuffled over to another desk to pull up a different file. “I keep trying to get a signal to Tony’s suit, but it’s always garbled so far. Shuri didn’t seem to know much about Sam’s physiological alterations.” Banner rubbed his temple. “We are gonna need more than a little—I mean, the bullshit this girl did to herself…”
Bucky turned towards Banner’s ominously lowering voice. He had not heard Hulk’s deeper octave come out of Bruce in years. Bucky watched his friend hold his breath as he willed the sickly green hue to bury itself deep inside again. Bucky could relate to the bloom of anger and the sting of helplessness when faced with the problem of Samantha Stark.
Banner slammed a flesh-colored fist down, rattling some equipment. “I shouldn’t have sent her to Wakanda.”
“Doc, I think she did part of this before we left.” And the rest is probably my fault, he added internally. “It’s not something you could control.”
Bruce peered up at Bucky over the thin rims of his glasses. “In which case, biologically speaking, Sam Stark has been gone for a while.”
Bucky swallowed hard.
He knew that to be true, deep down, but he couldn’t shake Tony’s face, resigned to walk into an ocean with a king out for blood, all for hope that his daughter would remain safe. Bucky had already failed him because there was no Sam to protect, not the Sam Tony knew. Someone, something else lay in the infirmary, and it was his fault. It was Bucky’s choice to take her out before Shuri could come up with a plan. He took advantage of Sam’s interest in replacing his arm instead of her own health. He paid so little attention to her when she needed to be pulled back from the edge; Sam thought it more important to fix her scars then to live, thought fixing Bucky’s scars and self-confidence was worth what was left of her life. How could he have missed it? Bucky Barnes, the King of Self-Sacrifice, the epitome of a life forfeit, overlooked the signs of giving up. 
His gut coiled uncomfortably remembering his life after Hydra before Steve found him in Romania. Bucky spoke to no one unless absolutely necessary. He bartered to live in a shitty apartment by doing maintenance for the landlord. He helped tenants move their furniture and heavy boxes in and out for a little cash in order to buy food. He rotated between food stalls at different markets so that no one saw him enough to recognize him. Most of his downtime was consumed by writing in notebooks, writing everything he could remember about who he was and what he had done since. At night, he planned his escape if Hydra should find him. He even had three plans for his own termination, if the choice was be captured again or die. That life was what he had ‘woken’ up to, and it was barely a life at all.
Bucky tasted acid at the memory. Bruce remained hunched over the metallic table, steadying his breath.
“So,” Bucky tossed into the silence, “we wait until she wakes up?”
“Yeah,” Bruce threw up his hands, “then what?”
Bucky had no answer for the doctor this time.
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Sam heard music in the darkness. Her mouth was unbearably dry, the fibers of her skin and muscle braided tight down the length of her throat. It wasn’t just her head that throbbed, but her whole body felt shrunken, clenched against her skeleton. Her brain was filled with fog and fire. 
Sam opened her eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling. This was not the Palace.
“Hey,” Sam heard off to her right, turning to see a young blond woman rise from a chair against the other wall. “You’re ok.” The infirmary of New York Headquarters was quiet, as it was when she came to wake Sam Wilson, as it was when she recovered from glass cuts and electric burns when she was four. The music was much faster than those times, heavier, full of angst and screaming but at a low volume.
The air in the room: she could feel it flow across her forearms. The sheets beneath her calves: she could feel each fiber of thread. The input of feeling overwhelmed her, and Sam didn’t realize she was squirming until the voice put a firm hand against her stomach.
“Calm down,” the blond girl leaned over her to say, trying to catch her gaze as Sam’s focus shot to place after place in the room. “Samantha, I’m Tandy, and you’re safe here.” Her other hand touched Sam’s forehead.  
“Why—” was all Sam could push through her desert mouth. She gently tensed her abs to hint that she wanted to sit up. She kept looking around until staring only at each tiny feature of the new face. He used it, didn’t he? The words wouldn’t come out. Missy knew I would need it. Sam mimicked sticking a needle in her arm and pressing the plunger, hoping the question in her eyes made it clearer.
“Sam, slow,” Tandy tried, corralling her with skinny little arms. “Do you want me to get the nurse?” The girl stopped Sam before she could hop off the bed, trying to swat the restraining arms away before two lights stopped her.
Her own arm was red-orange and glowing. So he did use it, and I don’t feel sick anymore. Why do I feel so heavy? Why are her hands shining white? A gentle peace flowed from Tandy’s arms into Sam. The razor cuts of air and the scratch of her throat dulled.
“Are you Extremis, too?”
“No,” Tandy smiled, “something else did this to us.”
Sam’s mind went blank of her questions, filled with the warmth. How long has it been? A few days? How long did the proliferation take? Where’s my tablet? Phone? Where’s Missy?
“What do you remember?” Tandy asked calmly, her white hands growing brighter while Sam’s returned to beige.
“I—I fell in the forest.” The soothing touch smothered the fire in Sam’s mind and body, but the fog persisted. “I think…”
“You fought a ts-tsunami and won. That’s the coolest shit I’ve ever seen.” This was a different voice, deep and forceful, from a young man Sam hadn’t realized was in the corner by the door. He had dark skin that appeared to suck light from the air, out of focus; he smiled, eyeing Tandy and Sam in amusement. He reminded Sam of Lucas for a moment, but then, when the light faded from Tandy, he approached, and Sam saw genuine kindness.
“That’s Cloak,” Tandy said smiling.
“Tyrone,” the boy corrected, and his face came into focus without the odd bending of light. “She’s-s Dagger.”
Tandy stepped back towards the door, pausing her music. “Would you like to move to your room now? Or you wanna get some food with us?” 
Without Tandy’s soothing touch, Samantha felt her throat squeezing, parched. “Water,” she croaked out, “would be good.”
At a table in the large atrium outside the small, residence kitchen, Tandy regaled Sam with a slew of stories the rigorous training from Parker, Rogers, and Maximoff. They were nervous about training with Romanoff now that Nat had returned from China. Sam, for her part, noticed that the tables were no longer as shiny white as when she was very young, when the plastic was new, and there were some chips in the paint around the tall windows. The light seemed harsher, piercing. She sipped, gulped, then chugged four glasses of water before uttering a word. 
Tandy could control emotions with direct physical contact, which is what she did to Sam in the infirmary, and was working on throwing, aiming, what she described as Light Daggers. Sam could practically hear Uncle Peter’s exclamations of awe; he still called things ‘lit’ from time to time, so he was likely having a field day commenting on his young protege’s power. ‘Cloak’ referenced Tyrone’s ability to teleport inside a cloud of darkness, absorbing light and energy from around him. This was why he appeared darker and out of focus in a well-lit room; he could legitimately hide in the smallest shadow. Tandy described him as ‘the ultimate stealth operative.’ Tyrone said nothing of this himself and watched Sam for a long while before turning to listen to Tandy, a girl alive with excitement.
When they started discussing ‘the wave’ and what that meant Sam could do, however, his interest became apparent with his sudden focus on Sam’s response.
“I don’t remember,” Sam shrugged, aware of Tyrone deflating in disappointment. “I’m not kidding. The last thing I remember is falling over in the woods. Pretty sure that was…March first?” She didn’t say why she was in the woods, or what she did to Bucky’s arm on February 28th to sear the date in her mind. She thought she could see a sunset, or a sunrise, when she closed her eyes to think about it, but beyond a flash of sky behind leaves was a horrible ringing in her ears. Sam wanted Missy, who would have wiped her drives by now and scattered. She had to find her.
“Well, today is the sixteenth,” Tandy bubbled.
“Jeez, was I in a coma? Did my body try to reject Extremis?” There was a general clearing of throats in response, as if Sam’s dry mouth had spread.
“Of April.”
Tyrone assessed Sam again. It made her feel as if she were expected to break apart in front of him. Sam defied Tyrone’s expectations by remaining calm on the outside. She blinked but didn’t speak right away.
After her pause, Sam took a deep breath and sighed. “Well, I’m in wild need of a coffee then.” And a couple of shots of whisky couldn’t hurt…
Tandy laughed, jumping up to get Sam whatever she wanted.
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These new friends were like nothing Samantha had ever known. They were close to her age, closer than any of the Bartons; they were being trained as Avengers, so they didn’t need Sam’s name to gain anything; and they never judged her for what she didn’t know. Because this whole ‘world of the professional Avengers’ was new to all three, everything was a bonding experience. Sam didn’t recognize most of the music they played or movies and shows they loved, but she was open to whatever they wanted to do. She knew zero celebrities, except for her obvious uncles and aunts.
After that first day, they never mentioned Tony Stark unless Sam did first, which was rare. Sam usually went very quiet when she was about to recount a story involving her dad, a mixed look rolling over her features then vanishing. She wanted to talk about him, but when she tried, Sam suddenly became a twelve-year-old girl again, the great Iron Man awkwardly standing over her, uninterested in anything she said. Sam wanted to feel good when she spoke of her father which meant she didn’t speak of him.
Luckily, Tandy and Tyrone favored making new memories, too, so her jealous, aging beauty queen mother, and his best friend shot by a Boston cop were also not discussed, nor how they became…special. Sam only found out those tidbits of their pasts while she searched for traces of Missy online. She searched as secretly and thoroughly as she could but had found nothing after weeks. It was a long process to hide what she was doing amongst genuine searches related to her training. 
Sam was tentatively mapping server locations where Missy may have pinged when her friend blurted, “can I cut your hair?” Tandy idly messed with Sam’s unkept regrowth. She hadn’t touched it since waking on the floor in Massachussetts after first injecting herself. “You’ve got a ducktail going back here, and it’s not exactly flattering,” the blond coaxed.
“Whatever you want, Dee,” Sam mumbled, lulled by the gentle touch in her hair. She hadn’t had a haircut in over a year, back when Annie insisted on a salon day for her bridesmaids. The incessant, high-pitched laughter, the gossip, and the roar of a dozen dryers had taken all of the pleasure out of someone massaging her scalp.
“Hear that, Ty? Sam trusts me with her hair.”
“You’re s-s-still not touching mu-mine.” Tyrone flipped through some news articles while eating cereal, his favorite afternoon snack. They also didn’t discuss his stutter.
Tandy’s frown was audible, even from behind Sam’s head, and Sam smirked. She enjoyed their banter, all day, everyday.
“Sam, you wanna wet your hair for me? I’ll get scissors,” Tandy said to perk herself back up. “Come on.” Her gaze shot back playfully to Tyrone. “Don’t choke on your Fruit Loops while we’re gone. No one will save you.”
Tyrone brandished his middle finger on his spoon hand. He didn’t look up.
The girls headed off to Sam’s room, since Tandy’s was farther down the hall.
“Not that you have to,” Tandy started as they bounced along, “but you might want to take a full shower. You’re a bit ripe after today’s training.”
Sam laughed anyway. Only Tandy could critique her while making Sam happier. “Yeah, you don’t have to be a jerk about it.”
“But you’re a punk who needs my help,” Tandy saluted Sam and excitedly trotted down the hall.
The door took her handprint, a newer feature. The tiny twin bed inside cradled the same watercolor blotched comforter Sam slept under since she was four. She took it to the Barton’s originally, but by eight years old, she abandoned it here at Christmas. Thirteen, the year after Sam chose Mistress as a present, that was the year Nat stopped decorating her room with lights. True to form, no one had touched it but her since. The comforter was worn thin, the corners threadbare, but it felt familiar when nothing else, not even her own body, did. 
Sam kept the habit of owning little clothing from her time in Wakanda, though the clothes were not as baggy on her now that she ate whole foods.
She’d never exercised so much in her life.
Since no fighter in the building trusted her to attempt using her new abilities, Bruce proposed Samantha’s more ‘human’ strengths be developed and tested. She spent her mornings running while Big Sam watched and timed her increasing speed and endurance. It didn’t matter that she could do it; she hated running all the same.
Afternoons were hand-to-hand combat with Natasha, a particularly humbling experience since Sam could not think of anyone she was more afraid to hit. Nat may have stopped visiting her in the hospital three years ago, but that anger did not translate to stupidity. They don’t name you Black Widow for nothing. 
Sam flopped a change of clothes onto the bed and popped into the shower, leaving the bedroom door open for Tandy to come back in. She hap hazardously scrubbed and rinsed, never much caring about the relaxing effects of washing. Sam had spent so many hours ‘relaxing’ in a regeneration cradle full of nutrient gel, she could do with never relaxing again. She was quick to throw on a towel and swing open the bathroom door simply to move on to fun with Tandy, but she was no longer alone.
It wasn’t Tandy who’d come in though.
“I knocked, but the door…” Bucky Barnes stood looking around her room, and while she’d seen him since waking up, he had never been inside her personal living space. 
Sam stumbled over the small lip at the bathroom threshold, knocking her shoulder on the doorframe. A corner of her towel fell, and in her attempt to grab the falling fabric, she clenched the wrong end, lifting the bottom of her towel up high enough for half of her backside and chest to hang out.
“Holy shit,” she exclaimed, shutting her eyes as hard as she could pinch them, awkwardly hunching to push as much fabric over her as possible.
She thought she heard him say “you’re okay,” but the damage was already done.
Sam’s glow of shame spread to her left arm—the only appendage not reinforced with vibranium—igniting the terry cloth towel she held tight. She tried not to pay attention, to hum something soothing and back into the bathroom with some semblance of dignity, but to no avail.
Her unexpected guest ripped the smoking fabric from her body and started stamping it out on her bedroom floor.
Bucky pressed something silky against her shoulder. Sam clamped her arms across herself and cracked a single eye open, hoping she wouldn’t light the whole room on fire. 
“Brought you something. Figured you’d need it.” Bucky’s eyes were glued to the floor. He held out a slinky looking jumper of navy blue material. It touched her skin but still felt cool. 
Sam snatched it, slamming the door between them. 
“Banner found this fabric in the Baxter building after the Four…” he yelled through the wall before clearing his throat. “Human Torch needed clothing that wouldn’t burn up, and Bruce figured so do you.”
She took the time she spent squeezing into the legs of the leotard to calm down. “Does this mean I get to train for real? Seriously?” Excitement replaced embarrassment until she had a thought.  “Wait—you knew I’d burn my…”
“Yes, but I didn’t see anything.” When Sam threw open the door again, he rushed to the hallway door, eyes still turned down.
“What?” The elephant sitting on Sam’s chest shifted pressure to her stomach. She felt a little sick.
Bucky didn’t turn around but must have felt guilty enough to offer his best attempt at an explanation. “Bruce knows the temperature you can reach when you—he calls it Deregulate, but I—you were covered in mud. I saw nothing in Wakanda. Promise.”
In her terror, Sam sensed more was required to embarrass the Winter Soldier. “But…”
“But…I had to carry you back,” he softly admitted. Then Bucky changed the subject abruptly, adding, “your training starts with me tomorrow, and we’re going out. We’re starting slow.”
Sam’s cheeks caught fire, or might as well have. She was grateful Bucky still faced away. The tall, dark haired behemoth at her bedroom door just admitted to carrying her around naked while she was unconscious, then he chose the worst possible wording for his follow-up statement. She couldn’t process all the implications at that moment.
“Meet at the garage at six,” Bucky said, opening the door. “I know you’re not a morning person, but we have a ways to drive.” With one last look directly at Sam, he added with a smirk, “no bikes. Promise.” 
Sam vaguely recognized the Boy Scout’s honor sign in the hand he raised but was too shocked to care. Tandy stood outside, eyes indiscreetly wide.
The blond giggled before she shut the door. “Oh, there’s a story there,” she squeaked, eyes landed on Sam’s new outfit, adding, “and this is…hideous.” Tandy’s immense disappointment released in a dramatic sigh. “At least Ty has some fashion sense. He would never give you this to wear. Why the hell would you need something so unflattering?” Tandy tossed her own hair back in distain before brandished her comb and scissors, smiling.
Sam stood slack-jawed, unable to answer. Her mind raced to recall any poorly worded comments she might have let slip in subsequent conversations she and Captain Barnes had since their return stateside, but nothing stood out. He was perfectly friendly, he never looked at her strangely, and so it seemed to matter very little to Bucky personally that he had…done that. Sam concluded he was mostly sparing her the embarrassment of flaring off her clothing again, this time in front of people who might not be as indifferent. That’s…nice, I suppose. He’s a nice guy…to everyone.
“Sam, you ok? You look pretty pale.” Tandy handed her the fresh clothes she’d set on her bed, subtly nudging her to get out of the fashion faux-pas of the tight onesie.
Certainly not alright. “Yup, just tired from the run.” She strategically layered the regular clothes over the flame-retardant fabric. She no longer questioned why they had babied her interactions so far; Sam was a hazard until she could properly control herself.
“Sit down,” Tandy demanded happily, “we’ll get coffee and show you off after.”
Not nearly as much as I just showed off. Sam lamented no longer having Missy as her personal security system. Missy would never have let this happen.
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[Chapter 26: Capacity]
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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entangledmuses · 3 months
By Fandom
9-1-1: Lucy Donato
BAD BOYS: Kelly Lewis
BITTEN: Elena Michaels BRIDGERTON: Daphne Bridgerton                                                     Kate Sheffield/Sharma Sophie Beckett
BUFFY/ANGEL: Cordelia Chase                                                          
DCEU Harley Quinn (Selective) Dawn Granger
FEAR STREET Cindy Berman
GAME OF THRONES: Margaery Tyrell
HARRY POTTER: Astoria Greengrass          Demelza Robbins                     Ginny Weasley Hermione Granger          Padma Patil                                                           Parvati Patil Pansy Parkinson                 Victoire Weasley     Lily Evans/Potter      Rowena Ravenclaw                                       
HEMLOCK GROVE: Letha Godfrey
The HOST: Melanie Stryder
HUNGER GAMES: Madge Undersee
Jurrasic World: Claire Dearing
KINGSMAN: Roxy Morton
LAST KINGDOM: Eadith of Mercia
MCU: Maria Hill Michelle ‘MJ’ Jones                                               Natasha Romanoff Sharon Carter              Yelena Belova
The MUMMY: Evelyn Carnaham
MUSKETEERS: Anne of Austria Constance Bonacieux
MYTH/LEGEND/LORE: Amphitrite (Greek)                                                 Artemis/Autumn (Greek) Hera/Helena (Greek)               Persephone (Greek)            Athena (Greek) Aphrodite (Greek)      Mina Harker (Dracula) Guinevere (Arthurian)
NARNIA: Susan Pevensie
OUTER BANKS: Kiara Carrera
REACHER: Karla Dixon
REIGN: Mary Stuart Lola Narcisse
ROBIN HOOD (BBC): Marian of Knighton
The ROOKIE: Bailey Nune Grace Sawyer Lucy Chen
SECRET CIRCLE: Diana Meade (Book based)
SHADOWHUNTERS: Sophie Collins (Infernal Devices) Tessa Gray (Infernal Devices)           Izzy Lightwood (Show based)
SHAMELESS: Fiona Gallagher
The SOCIETY Helena Wu Kelly Aldrich
STRANGER THINGS: Chrissy Cunningham Nancy Wheeler
SUPERNATURAL: Bela Talbot                                         Claire Novak Lisa Braeden                                     Jo Harvelle Donna Hanscum        Sarah Blake      
TEEN WOLF: Braeden Lydia Martin             Hayden Romero Cora Hale Laura Hale
THE SUMMER I TURNED PRETTY: Belly Conklin Taylor Jewel
TRUE BLOOD: Jessica Hamby                           Nora Gainesborough Sookie Stackhouse
VAMPIRE ACADEMY: Jill Mastrano - Dragomir Lissa Dragomir Rose Hathaway                       Sydney Sage
VAMPIRE DIARIES: Bonnie Bennett Caroline Forbes Katherine Pierce Rebekah Mikaelson
VIKINGS: Amma Katia Lagertha
WEDNESDAY: Wednesday Addams
The WITCHER: Yennefer of Vengerberg
SINGLE SHIPS: Rose Larkin Clarice Fong Emma Brunner Connie Matthews Ariel Megara Alice Chambers Zoey Miller
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grimmmedic · 11 months
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Muse: Aldrich Grimm
eyes: blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other (gold)
Hair: blonde | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other
body type: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | muscular | chubby | overweight
skin: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored | other
gender: male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels
sexuality: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | doesn’t like labels
romantic orientation: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | sapioromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels | polyamorous
species: human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | vampire | fae | demigod | primate (sometimes a dragon)
education: high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other | limited | still in school | the fuck is school?
i’ve been: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | redacted | brainwashed | shot | stabbed | poisoned
positive traits: affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | attractive | charismatic | calm
negative traits: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin-skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative
living situation: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other
parents/guardian: mother | father | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather | estranged| Uncle
sibling(s): half-sister | half-brother | sister(s) | brother(s)| none | estranged
relationship: single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | unrequited
i have a(n): learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability | redacted
things i’ve done before: had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to the hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
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violettesiren · 2 years
The city night holds no such ghastly hour As that of city dawn, when in the trees The sparrows quarrel, and the pallid light Is ushered in by waves of fetid breeze.
The ghosts that filled a burning, sleepless night Draw closer in this livid birth of day, To fix their dreadful faces on my mind Before the August sun melts them away.
With brain exhausted and with body worn, And soul too dulled by pain to frame a prayer, I vaguely long for some fresh, dewy land, Yet, ah, my ghosts would follow even there!
Beneath my window sleep the long gray streets, Still in the heated heaven shines one star. The ashen light grows whiter in its strength, And, though still haunted, O, to be afar,
Where morning mists are brooding on some lake, Or on a cool and silvered stretch of lawn! —An outcast in the street below lifts up her face, The incarnation of this city dawn.
A Summer Morning by Anne Reeve Aldrich
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slipknot-corps · 3 years
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nemfrog · 2 years
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A stuffed spaniel and other examples of taxidermy. "Contributions of Ornamental Taxidermy" Exhibition, United States National Museum. 1884.
Enlarge to see the numbers of all the items in the photo:
1. "Coming to the Point" by William Temple Hornaday
2. "An Interrupted Dinner" by Frederic A. Lucas
3. Head of Caribou (presented by by Professor Henry A. Ward) by W.J. Critchley
4. Peacock Screen by Thomas W. Fraine
5. "Wounded Heron" by F.S. Webster
6. Dead Gull by Edwin A. Capen
7. Frightened Owl by John Wallace
8. Bald Eagle by John Wallace 9. Fox Squirrel by P.W. Aldrich
9. Fox Squirrel by P.W. Aldrich
10. Humming-Bird Group by Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hedley
11. Group of Gray Squirrels by Joseph Palmer
12. Group of Ducks by William Palmer
13. Grotesque Group of Frogs by J.F.D. Bailly
14. Frogs Skating by J.F.D. Bailly
15. Snowy Heron by Thomas Rowland
16. Portrait of Jules Verreaux by by J.F.D. Bailly
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Johanna was abuzz with excitement as they snowy landscape passed by. It had been quite the drive, but it was almost over now. Her excitement growing visibly as she saw the familiar old wood sign with her families name and the business that marked the turn for the long dirt driveway that led up to the large old house, and the workshop that branched off the main drive. She knew she didn’t need to point it out, but she can’t help herself from pointing at it with an excited “Turn there.”
After a moment once he turned, the rows of trees on either side of the drive gave way to a clearing, the old family home nestled within it. The drive continuing on past the house, a large old workshop on the side opposite the house, and in the distance ahead sat a small cabin. The old homestead feel of the property is undeniable. She directed him to park among the vans and cars and trucks already parked in a large graveled area.
She gently scooped up Edelweiss, tucking the small white dragon into her coat before letting Finn climb atop her shoulder. They were getting big enough she could no longer let two of their scaly children perch on her shoulders at the same time. “We can grab our luggage later.” She said quickly, popping open the door of the black impala and slipping out into the sharp December air. She ran around the front of the Impala to take his hand, pulling him towards the doorstep.
The door opened before she could reach for the handle, a small woman with streaks of red stubbornly standing out among her gray curls. Warmth and the sound of voices filtering out from inside. “Come in, come in.” She said, ushering them inside. “So you must be this Aldrich fellow, eh? Well feck me you are a big one, aren’t you,” She greeted, a faint trace of a scottish accent in her voice. “It’s good to finally meet you. And nice to meet these little sweeties I’ve heard so much about.” She smiled, holding out an aged to Lowe. 
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whyhellosims · 2 years
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WhyHelloSims Button Up Shirt (SFS link!)
Info and DL link below the cut!
What you get:
Base game compatible, male frame teen through elder, disabled for random; 24 swatches total. Two different graphics across 10 swatch combinations, 5 solid swatches with black collar/cuffs combination, and 9 solid swatches including a white swatch for recolor. Custom specular, shadow, and normal. Created for masculine frame, but will work on femme frame (with some cronchy tiddies, it can’t be helped). In-game shots:
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Found under button up in everyday, party, formal, and cold weather.
TOU: No pay sites ever. This item is free always, no conditions, no a*fly links. I don’t think well enough of myself to think anyone would “steal” this, as anyone could make it, but if you use it and you want to credit me, I’d love to see your sims, so just tag me.
Here we goes! ➡ SFS Link
Pose credit to @honeyssims4​
If you like my work, please consider a reblog to spread the word? I’ve tried tagging CC tumblrs, but so far no luck. I hope to make more male-frame clothing soon and I hope you will enjoy it!
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unwelcome-ozian · 3 years
whats the black site list?
The black site list is a list of locations where programming occurs. The sites are denied by the United states government. The Black Sites are where terrorists are taken and held with no legal protections. 
The sites are also where TBMC continues to occur.
I’ll give a list below. 
First quotes from documents confirming the existence of black sites.
“Assurances have, in some circumstances, proved unreliable. With regard to the CIA’s extraordinary rendition of detainees from CIA-run ‘black sites’ in European States, it was submitted to the ECHR that by 2005”
“I am certain that the HVD programme has its general origins in the 17.09.2001 Finding, because our sources were unanimous on the question of the latitude this document afforded to the CIA. However we were also told separately of the existence of further classified documents (thought to have been signed in 2002) that actually use the term “black sites” in relation to specific facilities.”
“Indeed, even when the revelations of secret detentions in “several democracies in Eastern Europe” first emerged in November 2005,6 the publication responsible for breaking the story, The Washington Post, made a decision not to publish the names of the states which had hosted CIA “black sites”, although it was aware of this information.”
“There is nothing on the face of the intelligence reports that would alert the recipient agency to the fact that the detainee was subjected to torture to obtain the information contained in the report. Nor are there any indications in the reports that the CIA had engaged in extraordinary rendition, with these 39 detainees often moved around to several CIA black sites before appearing in detention at Guantanamo Bay”
“ECHR judgments describing the roles played by Lithuania and Romania in CIA black sites and rendition in their own countries “to avoid disturbing their relationship with the United States, a crucial partner and ally”. Abu Zubaydah v Lithuania”
The List of some black sites
“First we have received concurring confirmations that United States agencies have used the island territory of Diego Garcia, which is the international legal responsibility of the United Kingdom”
“Second we have been told that Thailand hosted the first CIA “black site,” and that Abu Zubaydah was held there after his capture in 2002.”
“One CIA source told us: “in Thailand, it was a case of ‘you stick with what you know’;” however, since the allegations pertaining to Thailand were not the direct focus of our inquiry, we did not elaborate further on these references in our discussions. The specific location of the “black site” in Thailand has been publicly alleged to be a facility in Udon Thani, near to the Udon Royal Thai Air Force Base in the north-east of the country.”
“The CIA brokered “operating agreements” with the Governments of Poland and Romania to hold its High-Value Detainees (HVDs) in secret detention facilities on their respective territories. Poland and Romania agreed to provide the premises in which these facilities were established, the highest degrees of physical security and secrecy, and steadfast guarantees of non-interference.”
As was already shown in my report of 12 June 2006 (PACE Doc 10957), these partners have included several Council of Europe member states. Only exceptionally have any of them acknowledged their responsibility – as in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Some European governments have obstructed the search for the truth and are continuing to do so by invoking the concept of “state secrets”. Secrecy is invoked so as not to provide explanations to parliamentary bodies or to prevent judicial authorities from establishing the facts and prosecuting those guilty of offences. This criticism applies to Germany and Italy, in particular. It is striking to note that state secrets are invoked on grounds almost identical to those advanced by the authorities in the Russian Federation in its crackdown on scientists, journalists and lawyers, many of whom have been prosecuted and sentenced for alleged acts of espionage. The same approach led the authorities of “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” to hide the truth and give an obviously false account of the actions of its own national agencies and the CIA in carrying out the secret detention and rendition of Khaled El-Masri. Detention sites:
BLACK - Romania
BLUE - "Quartz" - Stare Kiejkuty, Poland
BROWN - Afghanistan
COBALT - "Salt Pit" - Afghanistan
GRAY - Afghanistan
GREEN - Thailand
INDIGO - Guantanamo
MAROON - Guantanamo
ORANGE - Afghanistan
VIOLET - Lithuania
RED - This could be an additional site in one of the above countries, or someplace entirely different. It is mentioned only once in the report, on page 140 of 499, and the entry is almost entirely redacted.
Company Y - Mitchell, Jessen & Associates, based in Spokane, Washington. The "Associates" are David Ayers, Randall Spivey, James Sporleder, Joseph Matarazzo, and Roger Aldrich.
It should be noted that there is no "Company X" in this report, I found this peculiar. It seems that there should be one, and as it happens there are several shady "Companies' known: "Premier Executive Transport Services" Incorporated in Dedham Massachusetts, is known to have been part of the CIA rendition program. The names of its officers include "Coleen Bornt," "Brian Dice" and "Tyler Edward Tate." These are fictitious people.
Other companies suspected of involvement in rendition include: "Stevens Express Leasing" "Richmor Aviation" "Rapid AirTrans" "Path Corporation"
Business Q - Associated with Zubair, associated with Hambali Torture Doctors:
"Grayson Swigert" - James Mitchell "Hammond Dunbar" - Bruce Jessen
CIA Officers:
CIA Officer 1 - COBALT Site manager - Matthew Zirbel. Zirbel's corrupt CIA boss (Convicted) Kyle “Dusty” Dustin Foggo overruled the 10 day suspension Zirbel received in the murder of Gul Rahman (innocent). CIA Officer 2 - Torturer at COBALT and BLUE - Albert El Gamil - retired from CIA in 2004.
Ron Czarnetsky, CIA Chief of Station on Warsaw, Poland from 2002 to 2005. This would make him responsible for site BLUE.
[no mention] Alfreda Frances Bikowsky - Made herself involved in Waterboarding in Poland (BLUE) in March of 2003. Took trip unassigned and on own dime. Was "scolded" and told it "wasn't supposed to be entertainment." Would have been there at the same time as Mitchell and Jessen.
Asset X - Directly involved in the capture of KSM. Asset Y - Reports on Janat Gul
Person 1 - al-Ghuraba group member, with an interest in airplanes and aviation. "intelligence indicates the interest was unrelated to terrorist activity." Detainees:
Detainee R - Held by foreign government, rendered to CIA custody Detainee S - Held by foreign government
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a very descriptive and detailed profile of your muse
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Fill in questionnaire for your muse, including headcanons. If you can’t answer any questions, add some of your own. When finished, repost and tag 15 other people.
name: Anthony Edward “Tony” Stark
mbti: ENTP
age: 40s (verse / timeline dependent)
birthdate: May 29, 1970
species: human
gender: cis male
sexual orientation: bi / pansexual
romantic orientation: gray-aro / demi-romantic
eyes: brown
hair: black
skin: olive
height: 5′11″ or 180 cm
body type: athletic, very fit, muscular
weight: 170–180 lbs or 77–82 kg (depending on how much time he spends working out and maintaining muscle mass versus tinkering in his lab)
profession: former CEO of Stark Industries; currently majority shareholder and CTO of SI; also works as the superhero known as Iron Man and manages the superhero team known as The Avengers (verse / timeline dependent)
interests: robotics, engineering, artificial intelligence, biomechanics, quantum computing, nano-tech, neuromorphic technology, transhumanism, green technologies, quantum physics, biochemistry, materials science, chemistry, superconductors, aeronautical engineering, aviation, car and motorcycle collecting, race car driving, skiing, surfing, mountain climbing, art and wine collecting, yachting, sailing, skydiving, world travel, real estate development, philanthropy, reading science journals, languages, yoga, martial arts, boxing, weightlifting, running, kickboxing, kayaking, swimming, and adventurous sex.
companions: James “Rhodey” Rhodes is Tony’s best friend, since they met at MIT. Harold “Happy” Hogan is his former bodyguard and driver. His relationship with Virginia “Pepper” Potts is verse dependent (ex-girlfriend, girlfriend, wife, assistant) but there’s no doubt that Tony cares about, and will always care about, Pepper. Others pass in and out of his life but those three have been the constants for over a decade.
antagonists: verse dependent but canonically, Ivan Vanko, Aldrich Killian, The Ten Rings, Obadiah Stane, Ultron, Thanos, and various minions and henchmen
smells: Tom Ford’s Soleil Blanc or Fucking Fabulous colognes, warm scents like amber and ylang-ylang, sun, sand, coconut, and sea air
fruits: blueberries, strawberries, apples, pineapple, banana, mango
favorite foods: spaghetti alla puttanesca, a really toasty croque monsieur
favorite drinks: coffee, green juice/chlorophyll
alcoholic beverages?: whiskey, dirty martini, champagne
smoke?: not since he was seventeen
drugs?: lots, all in the past
driver’s license?: Yes, in various countries; can drive on either side of the road
random headcanon: Tony rarely travels with more than a (large, designer) duffle bag’s worth of personal items. If he travels to one of his various homes all over the world, he has everything he needs in each one. If he’s traveling somewhere he doesn’t own a home, he frequently just buys what he needs when he gets there if his needs surpass the expectations he had before the trip.
tagged by: @a-kitten-with-claws​ ​tagging: @amazongoddcss​ @benevolentgodloki​ @corinnebaileyrp​ @visixnaryx​ @cxpt​ @lovelylostminds​ @captainwithashield​ @captain-outoftime​ @pepperpxtts​ @born-to-be-mischievous​ @surgeonofthemysticarts​ @heroesofbr00klyn​ @araedi​ @a-kitten-with-claws​ @hotmessv​ @selfmademechanic​ @themechcnic​ @thehotmessnow​ @damhanallaidh​ @thenameisq​ @legendssoldierscientists​ @fatedtruths​ @thegoodandthegreat​ @americasfineasscaptain​ @hydrasweapon​ @geniusbillionairephilanthropist​ @weaponizedembrace​ @dangerously-arrogant​ @mischieftomake​ @arussianspider​ @maydxyparker​ @punchyourwayout​ @seidmadr​ @evolvingheartisms​ @mxndwitch​​ @hellspeed​ @lunaleste​ @auntofanavenger​ @gildedruins​ @hiemsx​ @directorrogers​ @wcrriorhearts​ @todowhatwasright​​ @soulgiven​​ @queencfthestarsdrfoster​​ @strangcrdoctor​​ @sovietspookstory​​ and anyone else who wants to, tag me. 
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enchantedlokii · 4 years
The Last Great American Dynasty
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions of death, mentions of terrorism
Characters: Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Dum-E, JARVIS, James Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Peter Parker, Morgan Stark, Lila Barton, Shuri, Harley Keener, Cassie Lang, EDITH
Mentioned: U, Butterfingers, Howard Stark, The Mandarin, Aldrich Killian
“Rebekah rode up on the afternoon train, it was sunny. Her saltbox house on the coast took her mind off St. Louis. Bill was the heir to the Standard Oil name and money. And the town said, ‘How did a middle-class divorcée do it?’”
Pepper’s heels clicked as she made her way down the long stairwell. She smirked when she saw what Tony was up to. The man was arguing with one of the robots that helped around the lab, pointing at it and scolding it like a child. “Be nice to Dum-E, Tony,” she reprimanded, stepping into the workshop. “You’ll hurt his feelings.”
Tony gaped at her, grabbing his chest dramatically. “I’ve been betrayed,” he gasped. “You’re supposed to be on my side, Pep.”
Pepper rolled her eyes and set the paperwork down on the desk he was sitting at. She couldn’t stop herself from leaning over for a kiss. A few years ago, she would have laughed at anyone who suggested she had a thing for her boss. Now it was common knowledge that the two were together.
“Are we going for a drive?” She asked, looking over at the row of cars. “Maybe drive down to the ocean? Find somewhere private?”
“Because it’s not private here?” Tony asked, raising an eyebrow. “Last I checked, it’s just the two of us.”
“The two of us, JARVIS, Dum-E, U, Butterfingers,” she listed, looking over at the robot that was now distracted picking up spilled parts. “Let’s go somewhere that it’s really just the two of us. No tech. No suits.” She glanced over at the line of different suits enclosed in glass. “Just us.”
And that’s how Pepper found herself wanting her life to be. It wasn’t always easy being the girlfriend of someone like Tony Stark. They were never truly alone. There was always paparazzi or agents or someone watching them. And people liked to talk. They liked to twist words and create tales. And she understood it when she first started working for Stark Industries. The company was none for the scandals and the questionable decisions that Tony made, and before him, Howard. But that was before.
Not everyone could see that Tony had changed, but she could. She knew that he was different now. She knew that he cared for her and that he wanted nothing more than to protect her. His eyes sparkled now as he looked at her. “Okay,” he breathed. “Let’s go.”
“The wedding was charming, if a little gauche. There’s only so far new money goes. They picked out a home and called it ‘Holiday House.’ Their parties were tasteful, if a little loud. The doctor had told him to settle down. It must have been her fault his heart gave out.”
“You okay, Tony?”
Tony glanced over his shoulder and saw that Rhodey had came in. He had a red tux on that Tony had picked out for him to wear. Happy had a similar one on. But there was another matching tux hanging on the closet. “I’m okay,” he replied, giving his friend a small smile. “Just. . . He was supposed to be here.”
Rhodey frowned, glancing over at the suit. He looked back at Tony and walked over, putting a hand on his shoulder. “He wouldn’t want you to be upset,” Rhodey reminded him, crouching down to be level with him as he sat. “You know he’s here in spirit. He’ll be watching, and I bet his cheers will be the loudest of all.”
Tony smiled and hugged his friend. “Thanks, Rhodey,” he whispered, his voice shaking. “I-I think I’m ready.”
“Great,” Rhodey replied, holding out a hand to help him up. “Let’s get you out there.”
Tony could feel his heart pounding as he let Rhodey lead him outside. Everyone turned to look at him, smiling. His chest ached. It always ached some, but more than usual now. Because there were empty seats in the crowd. They had lost.
He stepped off the porch, glancing back at the beautiful home behind him. He loved the lake house, and so did Pepper. It was safe, tucked away in the woods of Upstate New York. It was a great place to raise their unborn daughter.
But not even the beauty of the home compared to how Pepper looked when she finally stepped out, a veil covering her ginger hair. The tight-fitted dress made her small bump visible, and she held one arm around it protectively. She would do whatever it took to protect her child. And so would he.
“And they said: There goes the last great American dynasty. Who knows, if she never showed up, what could’ve been. There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen. She had a marvelous time ruining everything.”
Pepper forced a smile as Morgan ran towards her, a wide smile on her face. She crouched down and held out her arms, pulling the girl close to her chest and stroking her hair. She didn’t even realize she was crying until a sob escaped her throat. How was she supposed to explain to her baby that her dad wasn’t coming home?
“Mommy, why you crying?” Morgan asked, looking up at her with wide eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Sweetie,” Pepper choked out, pulling Morgan closer once again. “Y-you know how sometimes bad things happen? H-how Daddy has to help fix them?”
“Yeah,” Morgan said quietly.
“Morgan. . . Baby, he went to go help. You know that. He went to try to bring Peter home. You remember him telling you that, right?” she asked.
“Mommy, I’m scared,” Morgan whimpered. Pepper only held on tighter, unable to stop the streams of tears that spilled into her daughter’s hair.
“I’m sorry, Baby. Daddy’s not coming home.”
“Rebekah gave up on the Rhode Island set forever. Flew in all her B*tch Pack friends from the city. Filled the pool with champagne and swam with the big names. And blew through the money on the boys and the ballet. And losing on card game bets with Dalí.”
Morgan looked up as someone knocked on the door. She abandoned the project she was working on when she thought she heard her mother moving upstairs. “I’ve got it, Mom!” she called, walking over to the door and swinging it open. She smiled when she saw the familiar faces.
“Morgan!” One of the girls spoke up first; Lila. She was a lot older than Morgan. Most of them were, but their parents were friends. They grew up together. Morgan was smarter than most girls her age, anyway, so they didn’t mind.
One by one, her friends stepped inside. Until one stopped in front of her. “Hey, M,” the boy said softly. He was just a bit taller than her despite being so much older. “How are you, Little Miss?”
Morgan smiled and moved to hug him. “Hey, Petey,” she murmured, pressing her face against his chest. “I’m good. I’m really good.”
“Peter! Morgan! Come on!”
Morgan turned as Shuri waved them over. Her hair was wrapped in a tight bun, and she was pulling her shirt over her head to reveal her green bathing suit. “Let’s go!”
“Okay! Okay!” Morgan called, grabbing Peter’s hand and pulling him over. She made sure to give him a tight squeeze before letting him move to talk to Harley while she joined Lila, Shuri, and Cassie.
The girl pulled the oversized MIT shirt over her head to reveal the red-and-gold bathing suit she was wearing underneath. She grinned widely, heading towards the back door. “Avengers!” All the others looked up at her curiously. “Assemble!”
“And they said: There goes the last great American dynasty. Who knows, if she never showed up, what could’ve been. There goes the most shameless woman this town has ever seen. She had a marvelous time ruining everything.”
Morgan huffed as she dropped the box in her uncle’s trunk. She turned to make sure he wasn’t looking before peeking inside and making sure the nanobot casing was still inside. She grinned and patted it before closing the box back and pushing it against the back of the seat.
“Alright, Morgan, I think this is the last of it,” Rhodey called, carrying a box out of the house. Happy was behind him, talking quietly with Pepper. She silently wished that Peter was here with them, but he stopped by the day before to give her a hug and wish her luck.
“Good,” Morgan said, smiling as Rhodey put the box with the others. “We should probably go ahead and leave then, yeah?”
“Yeah, if we want to get there before dark,” Rhodey agreed, putting an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into a side hug. “Go tell Pep and Happy bye.”
Morgan nodded and ran up the steps to stand in front of the two. “Well,” she started. “This is it.”
Pepper smiled and ran a hand through Morgan’s long hair. “I’m gonna miss you, Baby Girl,” she murmured before pulling her into a hug. “Your dad would be so proud of you. You know that, right?”
Morgan just nodded into her chest. That’s what everyone had told her when she was accepted into MIT. “You think he knows?” she asked quietly.
“I’m sure he does,” Pepper assured her. “I know that he’ll never stop looking out for you. He wouldn’t dare.”
“I hope so,” she mumbled before pulling away and going to hug Happy. “Keep an eye on Peter while I’m gone?”
“Morgan, I’ve been keeping an eye on him since before you were born,” Happy chuckled, rubbing her back. “Don’t worry. I won’t let him do anything stupid while you’re gone.”
“Good,” Morgan smiled. “I’ll miss you, Uncle Happy.”
“I’ll miss you too, Sweet Pea,” he replied. “If you ever get homesick, call me. I don’t care if it’s three in the morning, I’ll come pick you up.”
“Morgan,” Morgan turned back and saw that Rhodey was closing the trunk. “We need to go.”
Morgan nodded and stepped back. “I’ll see you guys at Christmas,” she said, giving them a watery smile. “Love you three thousand.”
“They say she was seen on occasion. Pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnight sea. And in a feud with her neighbor. She stole his dog and dyed it key lime green.”
“Morgan Stark.” Morgan froze, turning slowly and lifting the faceplate of her suit. “So this is what you’ve been up to.”
“Mom, I can explain,” Morgan said, landing the suit and tapping the arc reactor so the suit would retract itself. “It’s not what it looks like.”
“It looks like you’ve been building more suits after I told you not to,” Pepper said, crossing her arms. Her expression was unreadable, and Morgan wasn’t completely sure if she was mad or amused or maybe a bit of both. Maybe even something completely different. “You’re just like Tony.”
“Is that a bad thing?” Morgan asked, unsnapping the arc reactor and rubbing it with her hand. She may not remember much about her father, but she knew that he was a hero. People loved him, and they loved her for being his daughter.
“No,” Pepper sighed, coming closer. “It just worries me, Sweetie. I don’t want to lose you too. You know you’re all I have left.”
“You won’t,” Morgan assured her before falling silent, looking out at the ocean beside them. “I just feel closer to him when I have a suit on.”
“I know,” Pepper murmured, following her gaze. Her gray hair looked silver in the moonlight. “You know, I used to hate his suits. So much. He would spend hours in the workshop sometimes. I almost left him because of it.”
“Yeah?” Morgan asked, still looking at the water.
“Yeah,” Pepper replied, looking down at her feet. “I’m glad that I came to my senses.”
Morgan smirked, glancing over at her. “I’m glad you did too,” she chuckled, earning an eye roll. She smiled as her mom pulled her into a hug. “I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too, Morgan. So much.”
“Fifty years is a long time. Holiday House sat quietly on that beach. Free of women with madness, their men and bad habits. And then it was bought by me.”
Morgan almost sobbed when she saw it. She looked down at the picture in her hand and grinned, looking back at the newly rebuilt penthouse. It looked just like the picture. This. . . This was her dad’s home. And it was beautiful.
“You ready?” Peter asked. He was standing beside her, a hand on her shoulder. He had helped her design the inside of the penthouse, and even helped set up the tech inside. It had been destroyed before he knew her dad, but he was old enough to remember seeing it on TV.
“Yeah,” she breathed, letting him lead her inside. He pushed a button on his glasses. “EDITH, lights.”
As they stepped inside, the lights turned on, brightening the room. The living room was large, a piano resting in the corner beside the couch. It looked just like the pictures that she had seen of the inside when her parents lived there.
“I-it’s perfect,” she breathed. She smiled and squeezed Peter tight. “Thank you so much, Bubba.”
“Of course, Sis,” he replied, kissing the top of her head. “I, um, I have a little surprise for you. Come on.”
Morgan tilted her head slightly before following Peter down the staircase. Morgan’s eyes widened as she saw the workshop. It was much bigger than the one in the lakehouse. She was sure this was the surprise that Peter was talking about, but he held a hand up before she could speak, closing his eyes. “Mr. Stark?”
Morgan blinked, stepping back as a blue figure popped up in front of her. She felt tears in her eyes as she immediately recognized him. “D-Dad?”
“Hey, Maguna,” he greeted her, smiling softly. He glanced around at the room, taking everything in. “Wow, never thought I would see this place again.”
Morgan gaped, looking at Peter. “I-is he. . ? H-how?”
“It’s not new tech,” he shrugged. “I’ve enhanced it. Tested it out with some memories that weren’t uploaded to the system, and. . . Yeah, it’s him.”
Morgan looked back at her father with wide eyes. “You’re real?” she questioned, still in shock. He looked just like she always remembered. Just like that hologram video that she would playback sometimes so she would never forget his voice.
“Yeah, Sweetie. I’m real.”
“Who knows, if I never showed up, what could have been. There goes the loudest woman this town has ever seen. I had a marvelous time ruining everything.”
Morgan let a small growl escape as she made her way downstairs. She picked up a pair of gauntlets and strapped them on, wanting to blast something. To destroy something. Anything. She was muttering under her breath, and nearly walked through the hologram as it appeared in front of her. “Woah, Morgan. What’s wrong?”
“Doesn’t matter,” she muttered, walking past her dad. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Morgan. . .”
“You don’t want to know, Dad,” Morgan huffed. “You’ll be mad at me.”
“Kiddo, you know some of the things I did when I was your age,” Tony pressed. Morgan stopped but didn’t look at him. “Talk to me.”
“The press said I wasn’t fit to run Stark Industries,” she sighed, turning to give him a sad look. She used her hand to pull up an article, letting him read it. “I got mad. Furious. I yelled at them. And it just made everything so much worse. They said I’m unstable. That my temper will destroy the company.”
“Come sit with me,” Tony insisted, walking over to the couch in the corner. Morgan hesitated before joining him. “Did Pepper ever tell you how this place got destroyed?”
“She said it was attacked by terrorists,” Morgan told him. “That it was too damaged to repair.”
“But she didn’t tell you why it was attacked by terrorists?” he asked. After she shook her head he continued. “We never really talked about it much after it happened. It was the worst Christmas we ever had. . . There was this man called the Mandarin. He was claiming responsiblity for dozens of terrorist attacks around the country. One of them happened here in Malibu.
“Happy got caught in the crossfire. It almost killed him, and I was furious. I let the world know, and the next day we were attacked. Turned out the Mandarin was a coverup and it was a man named Aldrich Killian. I had met him once years before and refused to work with him, and he wanted revenge. So he came up with Extremis.”
“Wait, Extremis. . . That’s when you met Harley, right?” she asked. Everything was starting to click together.
“Right,” he replied. “The point is, we make mistakes and we pay the consequences for them. People thought I was crazy for challenging the Mandarin, but in the end, everything turned out fine. I met Harley, me and Rhodey and Pepper stopped Extremis, and no one else died because of Killian.”
“Yeah, but that was you,” Morgan countered. “You’re a hero. An Avenger. I’m just me.”
“I wasn’t always a hero, Bug,” he told her. “I made a lot of mistakes and gained a lot of enemies. My temper was bad too. Just ask your mom or your uncles. It wasn’t pretty.”
“I can’t imagine anyone hating you as much as the press hates me right now,” she sighed, leaning back against the cushion. “I don’t know what to do, Dad.”
“Just don’t let them get to you,” he replied. “Go down to the beach and blow off some steam, then tomorrow get back out there and make sure they know you’re not giving up. Remind them who you are and remind them that Starks don’t give up.”
“I had a marvelous time ruining everything. A marvelous time ruining everything. A marvelous time. I had a marvelous time.”
Morgan took a shaky breath as she walked up to the podium. The room was packed, and only a few faces in the crowd were familiar to her. She glanced down at the hologram on her watch. “You got this, Bug,” her dad whispered, giving her a small smile.
She smiled back and looked up at the people. “Hello, everyone,” she started. She glanced at the cards that she had made, skimming over the scribbled words. “A lot of you have been asking about why I should be given a chance as the next CEO of Stark Industries and. . .”
Morgan trailed off, looking at the cards again. “Really, at first, I wasn’t so sure this was for me,” she said, laying the cards face down on the podium and looking back at the crowd. “Because, really, who could do a better job at this than my parents did?”
She paused, risking a glance down at the image on her watch. Her dad just nodded for her to keep going. Letting her know that this was okay. “The truth is,” she started, looking back up. “I have been working for years to try to live up to my father’s legacy. To be the person that he would want me to be. And he told me once that if I believe something is right, to never give up on it. No matter who tells you that you’re wrong or that you’re crazy.
“I’ve built more arc reactors now than I can count. I was the top of my class at MIT. I’ve recreated every version of the Iron Man suit that’s ever existed, plus more. And I have ideas that no one else is brave enough to try.
“I’ve been called a lot of things since I’ve moved here. I’ve been told that I’m not my father. And I’m not. No one could ever be as great as he was. But I am a Stark and I will fight for this company,” she smirked at a camera, looking around the room. “I’m not Iron Man. I never will be. But I will make sure that the marks he has made are never forgotten.”
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entangledmuses · 3 years
Lucy Donato Harvin Jacobs (OC)
Kelly Lewis
Elena Michaels BRIDGERTON:
Daphne Bridgerton                                                     Kate Sheffield/Sharma Sophie Beckett Emma Ashwell (OC) Eliza Montgomery (OC)
Cordelia Chase                                                           Faith Lehane 
Stella Kidd Sylvie Brett Lucianna Garcia (OC)
Jenna Isaacs (OC) (v)
Hailey Upton Kim Burgess                                      
Astrid Leong
Harley Quinn (Selective)
Cleopatra Kent (OC) Daughter of Ares Mika Bishop (OC) Daughter of Athena Alba Murphy (OC) Daughter of Iris Lorelai Lakes (OC) Daughter of Hecate Sullivan Thromby (OC) Daughter of Hades
DISNEY: (live action fcs)
Princess Jasmine                                                     Megara
Lally Hicks
Cindy Berman
Margaery Tyrell                                                       Seraphina Varley (OC) (v)
Gretel (With AU verses)
Astoria Greengrass          Demelza Robbins                     Ginny Weasley Hermione Granger          Padma Patil                                                           Parvati Patil Pansy Parkinson                 Victoire Weasley     Lily Evans/Potter      Rowena Ravenclaw                                        Everly Keeler (OC) Violet Kerrington (OC)
Letha Godfrey
Madge Undersee
Paloma Becka Leithold-Bond (OC)
Roxy Morton
Eadith of Mercia Katri Mäkinen (OC) (v) Magna Sigurdsdottir (OC) (v) Renia Leifsdottir (OC) (v) Seraphina Varley (OC) (v) Freya Rixon (OC) (v) Rosalia Menendez (OC) (v)
Amy March
Lucy Carlyle Rylie Theakston (OC) (v)
Kate Bishop                                          Maria Hill Michelle ‘MJ’ Jones                                               Natasha Romanoff Sharon Carter              Yelena Belova Amelia Hudson (OC)                                             Peyton Coyle (OC) Seraphina Varley (OC) (v)
Anne of Austria Constance Bonacieux Bea Browne (OC) Prudence Mallorey (OC)
Amphitrite (Greek)                                                 Artemis/Autumn (Greek) Hera/Helena (Greek)               Persephone (Greek)            Athena (Greek) Aphrodite (Greek)      Mina Harker (Dracula) Guinevere (Arthurian)
Jesusita Valenzuela
Susan Pevensie Freya Rixon (OC) (v) Seraphina Varley (OC) (v)
Rose Larkin (Currently Single Ship)
Kiara Carrera Kelsey Heyward (OC) Cece Roachford (OC)(v) Morgan Kendell (OC)(v)
Mary Stuart Lola Narcisse Katri Mäkinen (OC) (v) Rosalia Menendez (OC) (v)
Marian of Knighton Seraphina Varley (OC) (v)
Grace Sawyer Lucy Chen
Diana Meade (Book based)
Tessa Gray (Infernal Devices)           Izzy Lightwood (Show based) Sawyer McIntrye (OC) (v)
Helena Wu Kelly Aldrich
Chrissy Cunningham Nancy Wheeler Nicole Holloway (OC) Katherine Hopper (OC) Cassandra Meyer (OC) Audrey Meyer (OC) Flora Cartwright  (OC) Morgan Kendall (OC) (v) Walker Benson (OC)(v) Heather Ryder (OC)(v) Eva Timothee (OC)(v) Leah Teverson (OC)
Bela Talbot                                         Claire Novak Lisa Braeden                                     Jo Harvelle Donna Hanscum        Sarah Blake       Alana West: (OC)                          Grace Harrington (OC) (v) Oria Hernedez (OC) (v) Gretel (Canon with Verse) Henley Knight (OC) Sawyer McIntrye (OC) (v) Harper Tripp (OC) (v) Isla Perkiss (OC) (v) Rylie Theakston (OC) Maya Rallings (OC) (v)
Lydia Martin             Hayden Romero Cora Hale Laura Hale Julia Hale (OC) Dani Delgado (OC)              Harper Tripp (OC) (v) Emmy Janson (OC)(v) Rylie Theakston (OC) Maya Rallings (OC) (v) Sofia Perez (OC) (v)
Sophie Inman
Dawn Granger                               Donna Troy
Jessica Hamby                           Nora Gainesborough Sookie Stackhouse
Sloane Hargreeves Lila Pitts                       Samara Akerman (OC)
Rose Hathaway                       Sydney Sage Lissa Dragomir
Bonnie Bennett Caroline Forbes Katherine Pierce Rebekah Mikaelson
Amma Katia Lagertha Katri Mäkinen (OC) (v) Magda Sigurdsdottir (OC) Renia Leifsdottir (OC) Seraphina Varley (OC) (v) Freya Rixon (OC) (v) Rosalia Menendez (OC) (v)
Mel Monroe
Wednesday Addams Astra Kernals (OC) (v) Violet Kerrington (OC)- can fit into fandom
Renfri Seraphina Varley (OC) (v)
Luna Briggs   Emmy Janson (OC) (v) Sofia Perez  (OC) (v) Maya Rallings (OC) (v)
OTHER OC’S: though all OCs can be fandomless too
Sidney Hemmingway: Abilities- Sense and Water Augmentation Sloan Hemmingway: Abilities- Camouflage and Projection  Adrian Houston - Cop - works in - stranger things, 9-1-1, One Chicago Paige Temple: Paleontologist/Archaeologist Lara Matthews: Abilities: Empath Jenna Isaacs - Med Student Ava Jackson: Bartender/Owner of the Cellardoor Bar Cameron Yates: Bartender at Cellardoor Bar Meredith Price: Museum Curator Gabriella Diaz: Mechanic Sierra Wesley: Traveller  Odette Sevigny: French Heiress Harper Tripp: Phoenix - works in: Supernatural, Teen Wolf Avery Collingwood - Marketing executive Lizzie Marsden - Vampire Sawyer McIntrye: Nephilim - works in: Shadowhunters, Supernatural Juliana “Jules” Silva: Teacher Keely Sumners: Art Dealer Taylor Brockhart: Multiverse (Powers, Werewolf, Fandomless) Sofia Perez: Werewolf - works in: Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Wolf Pack Brooke Wilsher: Witch Kate Steiner: Fandomless - works in: Cobra Kai Charlotte Deighton: CEO Isla Perkiss: Witches Familiar - works in: Supernatural, Charmed Emmy Janson: Wolf - works in- Teen wolf, Supernatural, Wolf Pack Lucianna Garcia - EMT OC  - works in - One Chicago, 9-1-1      Grace Harrington - Witch OC - works in: Supernatural Oria Hernedez - Demon OC - works in Supernatural Kennedy Waite - Single mother/waitress OC  Walker Benson - Precog OC - Verses in - Stranger things, Supernatural Tallulah Spencer - Abilities- Elemental Sadie Hart - Half Fae Faye Sibley - Journalist OC Delia Costillo - Events Planner Rylie Theakston - Abilities - works in - Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Lockwood &Co.  Quinn Ashwood - Student Norah Parrish - Yoga Instructor/Fitness Instructor Greyson Ferris - Marine Biologist Amy Hartwell -Single Mum Clara Pennington - Interior Designer Kamile Acer - Hotel Manager/Receptionist Kayleigh Brunton - Singer/Songwriter Blair Kytes - Movie trailer producer Selene Underseth - Water Nymph Maya Rallings - Werewolf Sarah Foster - Photographer Morgan Kendell - Lifeguard - works in - Stranger things, OBX, has Nymph verse Beatrix Browne - Historical OC - works in - Merlin, Last Kingdom, Musketeers Aiyla Kartal - Multiverse - Harry Potter, Royalty, fandomless
SINGLE SHIP Winnet Mallorey: (Single Ship) Second Gen Musketeer child Olivia Isaacs: (singleShip) Chef May Page:  (Single Ship) Abilities: Gravitokinesis Ryan Loughman: (Single Ship) Cop Ember Rodriguez:  (Single Ship) Pyrokinesis Alyson Kent: (single ship) English Professor - Mother of Cleo Nicole Robinson (Single ship) Sister of Cassie Robinson Zoey Upstead (Single Ship) Ex Fiance of Peter Sutherland
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abcdcrio · 3 years
With @misswcstenra​
No momento que se aproximou de Alina, sabia que era apenas uma mera questão de tempo até que a Westenra viesse até ele, para alguém como ele que muito era observador, era fácil adivinhar diversas das futuras atitudes dela. Era sempre melhor ter pessoas ao seu lado e também um pouco de diversão lhe cairia bem, logo, poderia se dar ao luxo de brincar com a loira um pouco. Quando viu que ela se aproximava, o que não era nada difícil dado ao fato da beleza deslumbrante que ela exaltava, poderia se destacar em todo e qualquer lugar, um sorriso se fez visível no rosto de Aldrich, que costumeiramente era tão sério. Porém, em momentos como aquele no Gray’s room, ele se permitia portar uma postura mais relaxada e menos rigorosa que seu comum, ainda que possuísse seus modos.  ❝Lucille, magnifica como sempre... Devo lhe oferecer uma bebida?❞ Provocou com o duplo sentido, o sorriso nunca deixando seu rosto conforme a encarava com certo desafio no olhar, ainda que privativo, ele nunca fora do tipo de fugir de qualquer combate fosse físico ou verbal, a verdade era que se divertia bastante com eles. ❝Afinal, como bem sabe, o que é seu também é meu, não é?❞   
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