#hang on i’ll find the better version of this
ezraphobicsoup · 3 months
i am full of whimsy and autism and fear
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blippymilk · 5 months
Brozone (+ Poppy & Viva) x Touch Starved Fem! Reader
Ok the request is that the reader is a touch starved, easily flustered, insecure yet passionate female. Her hair can change based on how she’s feeling. She likes to rant and info dump a lot. She likes drawing herself and her loved ones, and gives small gifts as a form of affection or to make them feel better. There will be a friend and s/o version.
(I’m also really sorry if this is not to the liking of the request, I kind of struggled while making this 😭)
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John Dory:
- As your friend he’s a little concerned for you
- Like he knows your fine but sometime he worries 😭
- But nothing JD can’t handle
- Genuinely enjoys your little gifts but he never makes it obvious at first
“Hey JD look I made you a little gift.” :)
“Oh that’s sweet. Can you put it on my desk? I’ll look at it later.”
- One day him and his brothers were rough housing around while you Poppy, and Viva stood by cheering them on. Bruce gets a little too rough with him and knocks something out of his jacket, it was your gift
- This man stops everything
- Like everything
- Like everyone’s frozen in place no matter what stance they’re in
- And picks it up and places it gently back in the pockets inside his jacket then lectures the boys about how he could’ve gotten his belongings crushed 😭
- Still worries about you even after being together
- Sometimes the way your emotions change with your hair startles him
- And that’s mostly because your emotions can change rapidly
- But he also finds it really funny
- So prepare for his scare attacks
- Your hair gets so spiky, and you get so mad
“Oh come on I was only playing around babe. Tell you what, I’ll find a better way to mess with your hair.”
- And he did, which was by flustering you with comments that boost your confidence
- Your face turns red and your hair poofs up then falls around your head
- You’re always muttering a lot just like Viva and Poppy and JD finds it hilarious that him, Branch, and Clay are in the same boat (not saying Clay and Viva are not dating jus to clarify 😭)
- Loves having a friend that’s the complete opposite of him
- He’ll listen to you rant all day
- With feedback on every question and statement
- Also finds your hair amusing but won’t abuse it’s power on purpose like John 😭
- Shocked by your passion to draw
“Is that me and you?”
“You know it.”
“I love it.” 🥹
- Absolutely head over heels for you
- Still would be into listening to you rant but he’s helping you calm down a bit more
- Now your drawings had a more romantic reference behind them and he loved them even more
- No matter where he goes he always has one of your pictures on him
- He carries it around and values it like cash
- And absolutely none of his (little) brothers are getting their hands on it (yes he’s aware that they’re all adults now)
Spruce Bruce
- He’s an expert on hair so he’s not too shocked or anything
- I mean look at that fluff on his head
- Seeing as Bruce could handle so many kids in the movie I believe he could deal with a ranting partner just fine
- He knows how to avoid frustration with you
- Finds everything you do cute (c’mon it’s Bruce)
- He loves your arts & crafts
- Probably more than you
- Just like John he likes to you see you flustered with that big frizz on your head
- Your hair is constantly poofy because this man never stopsssss
“Hey (____) did it hurt when you fell?”
“When you fell. From heaven?”
“Bruce you’re litteraly gonna kill me and my hair…”
- Definitely helps you get the knots out afterward 😭
- He hangs around Viva so the rambling is nothing new to him
- Always tries to hide you from Viva because he knows you two would be a unstoppable force ( plus poppyyyyy?!?)
- Hates when you feel insecure in any kind of way possible
- So just like you leave him little sketches, he leaves little notes of affirmations for you to read
- And makes you read them
- Outloud
“I am so pretty, beautiful, smart, talente- Clay do I have to keep-”
“Keep going.”
“Ok but-”
- Extremely intense eye contact
sighhhhhhhh “I am talented, I am kind, I am loyal…”
- One of the most respectful boyfriends in the world
- Eventually gives in and let’s you and Viva mingle (possibly a bad descion!!??)
- Astonished by what your hair is capable of (can’t show his excitement tho cause he’s not a fun boy anymore right?)
- He is a words of affection (and physical touch sjejkemsjks) kinda guy so as your boyfriend he’s all you could ask for
- So now your attached to this man like glue and it’s kind of his fault
- Has to pry you off sometime but he will never stop loving you the same
“I love youuuuuu.”
“I love youuuuuu too.”
- Just like Clay he’s friends with Poppy so he’s used to the talking behavior (no Boppy in thissss 😔)
- You guys didn’t exactly hit it off at first either
- You met him during his “no color” era so that makes most of the sense
- ntgl when he first finds out about your hair he’s thrown off
- And the other trolls had so much fun with it that he considered you a distraction from the bergens soooo he wasn’t too fond of you
- And it takes a while but eventually you both become inseparable
“You hated me for no reason, and now I’m your favorite.”
“Yeah yeah.”
- He’s growing as in character development
- So now instead of getting upset he uses your hair to read you
- He never really knows when he’s doing anything right or wrong as far as the relationship so he depends on your hair to know which path to take
- Your info dumping soothes him, wether he likes it or not
- He plays it off subtly but he knows how to fluster you and he takes pride in that (*AHEM* SINGING)
- Doesn’t even realize that you’re rambling cause she’s doing it too
- You both are a special duo that at one point drove Branch up a tree (no pun intended)
- As much as the trolls like you, they don’t realize how actually dangerous you two could be together 😭
- And you can imagine the fear on Branch’s face when he finds out Viva and Poppy are sisters
- Everyone knows Poppy is a scrapbooking master so when she begins to receive little arts and crafts from you she’s in love
- Like she’s bouncing off the wall excited
- Literally (it’s Poppy)
- She’s superrr touchy-feely so your living your best life
- Your hair is so fun and amusing to her
- Like JD she might try to scare you a couple times to see your hair spike up for fun but cuddles you after
“I’m sorry sweetieeee you know I can’t help it. Your hair is just so fun!”
“Poppyyyy you say that everytimeeee!”
- Basically Poppy’s doppelgänger so what can you expect?!
- Always rambling but somehow always manages to do it more than you
- She might just be you plus Poppy times five
- Clay tried to help you hide your hair for the sake of you and Viva
- Unfortunately she popped up out of nowhere startling you both and causing your hair to go erratic
“So so sorry guys I didn’t mean to…OMG YOUR HAIR!”
- Everything you could ask for from a girlfriend
- Like she literally could not have given you anymore
- She loves your art works
- She loves to hear you talk and join in with you
- She loves the touchy-feely type
- She literally can’t find a single flaw in you whatsoever
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yourstruly-caycay · 2 months
A "Loving" Husband
Yan! Poseidon x reader
Woo! My first time writing a yandere version of a character, and for the first time in forever I post something ehe.
Warning: yandere behaviour incoming
Synopsis: Poseidon never have any intention to tell Atlas, his son, about the inside of the golden door under the deep sea within the darkness. But, out of impatient and curiosity, Atlas bound to uncover the secret.
The curious little boy finds himself in front of a huge golden door, a shiny one as it shines by the glimpse of the moon. He checks his surroundings once more to make sure he doesn't hear any doorstep near him as the window shows a scenery of the darkness of the sea. He sighs in relief as he's ready to find the answer that his dad has been avoiding to answer, “If this door is in this deep underground, what could dad possibly hide?” 
He tries to push the door, he keeps pushing to the point his face and hand turns red. “I can open it!” He courage himself  as it finally opened a little bit, small enough to fit his size.  
“Ha! Dad must be proud if he knows that I can open a door this heavy.” He pat his back proudly as he goes through the door. The inside of the room is exactly as he questions it, a room full of old neat treasures and artifacts on the shelves. Out of all the treasure he saw, he spotted something bigger. A beautiful and shiny marble statue of a life-sized woman sitting on a couch with a lot of jewelry on her and white silk dress, but he notices that the clothes at the waist part are ruffled, as if that part has always been touched. 
"Hmm, why does the ring seem familiar?" To get a better sight, he climbed to her thigh and sat on her. Observing the ring closer, he remembered the very same pair of rings in his dad's finger.
“But why is it on the statue? I thought mom was supposed to wear this? Perhaps I should try to give it back to her.” Carefully, his eyes focus on taking off the ring from the finger without realizing that his feets slip from the statue's silk dress as he’s hanging by the ring finger. 
Unfortunately, the ring finger cracks as his head knocks onto the floor. He rubbed on his injured head, displeased seeing the gold blood on his hand from the injured head. However, the feeling of pain is replaced by panic as he closes his mouth when he sees the ring finger shatter from the statue. In a speed, he grabs the statue's ring finger and sprints all the way to his room.
By the next morning-
The boy jolted up from the sudden loud voice outside his room, he immediately opened the door. His heart beats fast and eyes go wide seeing his father and mother arguing in the hallway with Hades and some staff hidden in the corner or running away because they’re too scared at the sight of Poseidon.
“You insolent women-” Before Poseidon’s trident even near Amphitrite, Hades held his wrist and said in a stern voice. “Poseidon, calm down,” His eyes now turn to glare at him, but Hades still has the stoic face and staring back at him, “It’s just a statue, I don't know what's so special about that. But, if you’re still determine to punish the culprit, do it, but don’t throw the blame to the wrong person.”
And so, he put his trident down, his breath steadier and turned back to his usual stoic face, yet eyes still glare at his brother, “Just a statue? That statue is a prize possession of mine, worthy of my time to care for it.”
Hades can only sigh and shake his head in disappointment, meanwhile Amphitrite opens her mouth to say something while holding in the trembling voice with knees getting weak pressing down her fear as she stares back at him. The trident might not pierce her at all, but the sharp wind from the trident is enough to cause a scratch of gold blood to flow from her face.  
"You've got to be kidding me, Poseidon, everyone already fucking know that you're protective of that precious little statue of yours. I don’t know what’s so special about it, it might be more special than me, but have you even spared a little heart for your poor wife whom you married by your own choice? Why do you marry me if you never treat me like a wife?"
"Amphitrite," Poseidon said coldly, "Since when gods married for love? Just do your own job as a queen." 
Poseidon is finally out of sight as Amphitrite clenches her fist, glaring at her husband's back. "Tch, what did the statue do to make you this crazy?" she mumbles. 
"Amphitrite, I do apologize for his manners." Hades pats her shoulder as he sees her in a trembling state, she gazes at him with tears spilling from her eyes. 
"There's no need to apologize," she wipes her tears, "It’s his fault… no, it's my fault. How stupid and naive I am to agree to marrying him in the first place. I thought that maybe… if I become a good wife; a good mother, then maybe he can at least show an ounce of love to me like any lover does… what did I do to deserve this?" 
"Don't say that, it’s his fault for being immature." 
"Immature?" she snapped at him, "No no no, it’s insanity. I saw it in his eyes, the possessiveness and madness when the part of the statue is missing, all for the sake of that? I don’t know how long I will have to bear this. I can slowly go insane too for centuries living in this lifeless marriage, Hades, especially when the son he so much loved is not my own blood-" She gasped and closed her mouth, Hades got caught off guard hearing it.
"What?" He holds her shoulder, “What do you mean? Didn’t Poseidon announce to the whole Greek pantheons about you bearing his child?” Amphitrite isn’t able to hold eye contact anymore seeing the confused but angry Hades. 
"Mom..."Her heart drops dead as she turns in horror to see him trembling, the familiar uncomfortable expression when he has to witness the familiar scene many times.
"Atlas!" She runs to hug him, "Did you just see the fight? Oh, I'm so sorry to have you see that." 
"Mom... what do you mean?" 
"W- what is it?" 
"So, you're not really my mom?" His eyes are getting glossier each time passed along with his red nose. "Then, where's my real mom? Did she abandon me?" The tears fall as his crying sound is getting louder making her feeling more guilty, she hugs him tightly and pat his blonde hair. 
“No no, of course not my dear… she’s umm… she-”
“I believe me and him deserve an explanation from you, Amphitrite.” He glared at Amphitrite like a predator caged its prey, unable to let her run away from the problem. After a long uncomfortable silence, she takes a breath first and stands up to glance at him. 
“You both deserve an explanation… but, promise me,” she continued, “Don’t tell Poseidon, at least not now, okay?” He nods as she leads them to Atlas’ bedroom and locks the door. She sits on his bed as she massages her head, trying to find the best words to explain while the two of them wait for her. 
“I already knew Atlas when he’s only a toddler, I still remember the sight of Poseidon holding him…”
~The night before the wedding~
To her younger self when she was still a naive princess, who was once frightened by Poseidon’s first sight. The way he always ignores her or glares at her when she makes a mistake. Hundreds of insults and mockery threw at her, driving her to avoid him even more throughout years staying in Poseidon castle as his fiance because her father thought that it’s a “good thing” for her to get familiar with him before the marriage.
When she’s ready to go to sleep, relaxing her tense muscles before tomorrow's marriage, the sudden strange calming sound arouses her suspicion. She opens the doors and follows the sound. All the way to the bottom of the sea floors. She found the source of the sound from one of the rooms and opened the door a little bit. Her eyes went wide at such a beautiful sight of the cold tyrant of the sea showing a small smile toward the unknown baby, holding the sleeping baby with such a gentle touch while humming a calm deep lullaby with the moon illuminating him heavenly like an angel. 
“Impossible, how can he be so cruel, yet gentle at the same time?” She mutter
“Women, what are you doing?” She jumped at his sharp tone, once warm turned icy in a split second. She slowly opened the door, welcomed by his unamused face. She clears her throat to not feel pressured by the awkwardness, “My apologies, Poseidon, I just happened to hear your heavenly lullaby from my bedroom, I can’t help but listen to it too.” 
She glanced at the sleeping baby, a smile growing wide fighting the urge not to touch the cheek, “So, who’s this baby? He’s just as beautiful as you.” 
“My son.” 
Silence came again, as her mouth slightly opened and eyes wide in disbelief. Unsure what to even say, “S- so, you’ve married before, then?” she frowned when he kept silent, “Where’s your previous wife?” 
“Passed away.” He said in the usual cold tones, but she knew underneath that  there’s a slight crack and irritation as his gaze now turned to the moonlight. Of course she passed away, or else Poseidon wouldn’t even remarry. However, deep in her heart she knew there’s a small crack discovered he’s used to love a certain woman, and now the baby is the only thing left of that woman. 
“Sorry to hear that,” she continued, “What’s the name of the baby?”  
~the night after the marriage event~ 
It was a cold kiss, but she received it welcomely despite his expressionless face throughout the whole wedding, but it’s okay. “It’s really okay, he’s probably not used to me yet. One day he will!” She patted herself. Emerald eyes sparkled at the whole sea regions and the Greek pantheon of deities and nymphs congratulated them, isn’t this what she’s been dreaming of? Marrying a handsome prince and living happily ever after? 
During night time where everyone has a great time of feast, smiling and chattering. While Poseidon were discussing with his brothers and several gods, Amphitrite was accompanied by Aphrodite and Persephone having tea together as the both of them enjoyed their little chats while she quietly listened. 
“Dear Amphitrite sweetheart, may I ask why you would want to marry Poseidon? It’s clear as day that he’s hard to be swayed by love.” Amphitrie got caught off guard with Aphrodite's question, she rested her chin on her hand thinking the perfect way to explain it. 
“Well, I’m aware that a god like Poseidon is difficult to read and likes to close himself off from everyone. I’m aware too that this is a marriage for political reasons, but time itself is impossible to read too, who knows it’ll take time for him to open up to me, and maybe I can fix him.” 
Aphrodite giggled while pinching her cheek playfully, “Amphitrite, I hope you can keep your words, I’ll give you the best gift if you can win his heart.” 
“Haha, to be honest, I’m used to being scared of him too, but when I saw him holding his son gently in his arm it’s like seeing part of the real him open up. How can I not want to win his heart and show his other good side to me too ?”
“Son?” Persephone gasped and stood in surprise causing everyone to look at them, “What do you mean he has a son?” 
Suddenly, everyone is freezed, tons of eyes now peered at Amphitrtie who was surprised too at everyone’s new discovery. “I- I thought everyone know that he has a child-” 
Suddenly Poseidon touched her shoulder and leaned her closer to him as he announced to everyone, “Yes, I do have a son… with her.”
Everyone including his brothers and her families are elated by the news, congratulating the couple as they continued the feast. However, Amphitrite snapped at Poseidon who’s still avoiding her eye contact, questioning his suspicious act… head feels dizzy as she frowned at the announcement. Suddenly, Zeus wrapped his arm around Poseidon and Amphitrite in joyous, “Congratulations on having a child! So it turns out you guys already did a dirty thing before the marriage, huh?” 
“Shut up.” 
“Congratulations, I anticipate meeting my nephew by tomorrow.” Hades shook his hand while laughing, yet despite the wonderful news, Amphitrite got left confused all alone watching the crowd in line congratulate them, leaving her deep in thought of her mind.
“Poseidon, what’s with all of this? I thought everyone knew about your son.” Amphitrite sat on bed facing Poseidon who’s changing his clothes to something more comfortable, once again avoiding eye contact with her. She clenches her fist when he has the nerve to ignore her question, “Not only that, but you LIED to them about him being my son in blood? What about your previous wife? How would she feel about this?”
“Don’t remind me about Y/n, Amphitrite.” 
“Y/n? So that’s her name, huh? Don’t tell me that no one also knew about this Y/n.” 
Another silent response made her more convinced, knowing this, she slowly moved away from him, his unreadable expression made her stomach twist. “Poseidon, why would you lie?”
What are you trying to hide?
“All you need to know is that I did all of this to keep her and Atlas safe from the gods’ eyes. If they ever discover the truth about them, I’ll gouge their eyes and shred their bodies to pieces where their mouth wouldn’t spread all over to other realm,” Amphitrite shiver at his calm tone, she felt her heart skipped a beat at his eyes finally made an eye contact, the eyes that threaten her as if a trident ready to strike her if she made a single mistake, “This include you too Amphitrite, just do your job as a queen and a mother, and I’ll turn a blind eye on you. Remember that this is a marriage that’ll benefit your family.”
“That’s all I know,” Amphitrite steady her breath as she lies her head down, feeling uncomfortable with the silence, “It’s true, ever since that, I wouldn’t dare to ask him about her. I- I don’t- I don’t know why my foolish self is still trying to love him despite his undying love for his previous wife.” 
Tears spilled from her eyes, words unable to be formed as she cover her cry from them. “Why did I even keep pursuing?” She thought, but a sudden heaviness on her caught her off guard, uncovering her face to see Atlas hugging her. 
“It’s ok, mom.” Amphitrite hug him back with more tears spilled, her heart melt knowing Atlas is still calling her mom despite the truth. However, Hades is still standing across from her as he Massages his forehead, still surprised yet angry, but at his foolish brother. 
“Atlas, can you please change your clothes and go have breakfast? Your mother and I still have to discuss about… this…further through.” Atlas nods as he changes his clothes and unlocks the door to go to the dining hall, leaving Amphitrite and Hades alone in his room. 
Hades approach Amphitrite to sit beside her as his hand tap on her shoulder, “I’m sorry to hear that… I never thought he would do that.” 
“It’s not your fault.”
“It is. As his brother, I shouldn’t have been too lenient on him, he’s just using you for his own benefit.”Amphitrite shake her head, “It’s partly my fault too for not refused it and being naive, I was too scared by my own father,” clearing her throat as she jump to different topic, “But, about her…” 
“Y/n…” Hades humm, “So she’s Atlas' biological mother, why does Poseidon hide her from everyone? Out of shame?”
“Poseidon is a pride god, if he loves her that much, what makes him want to hide her in the dark? Have you ever suspected her identity and background?” 
Amphitrite put her hand on the chin as she recalled her moment when she was in the library, however it put a frown on her face, “I have try to search about her in the library, yet no books have had a record about her, so for now I’m assuming that she’s not a goddess from this pantheon nor a nymph.”
“Not even a nymph? How did you come up with that assumption?” 
“From Atlas of course, if Y/n is a nymph from certain creatures, he will have the appearance or characteristic of that creature, however none of it are in him.”
“Fair enough.”
 “How about you? Does the name Y/n sound familiar?” 
“That’s… the problem, it’s new and unfamiliar within this patheon nor any other places, never for eons have I ever heard that name,” Hades massages his head and sighs as the mystery causes a headache to him., sick of his brother’s antics, he stand up, “I will ask him right now, he’s the only one who knows the truth.”
Hearing this, Amphitrite immediately stand and holds his shoulder as she shakes her head, “Don’t! If you ask him he will immediately know I told you and will slaughter me,” she continued after steadied her breath, “Please, I’m not stopping you to research about her, but don’t directly ask him.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to him about this too. He has been hiding this far too long, I’m disappointed at his oddly obsessive behavior-” 
“Hades, your shoes.” Hearing her gasp, he looked down and froze, seeing the crimson blood seeping from under the bed all the way staining his shoes. He kneels, and looks under it to discover the missing part of the statue — the ring finger — feeling the hard rock texture, yet when he touches the bleeding part, he shivers from the soft rotten meat and bone texture. 
“There’s a dead body of a mortal hidden inside a statue, how is it under his bed?” He frown, “Moreover, the ring on that finger-“
“It can’t be, that’s the same pair of rings that Poseidon has.”
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numinously-yours · 2 months
Pick a card: From your Soulmate
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Happy Friday! Today's reading is a soulmate reading. Your reading includes: Characteristics of your soulmate & a note from them <3
Pile 1: Ace of Pentacles
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I’ve been kicked down in life, but each time I get back up the light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter. I have been trying hard to trust in the universe because I know it’s bringing me everything I could want – and that’s you. You are such a compassionate, beautiful, smart, and wonderful person pile 1. You know how they say to never stop dating the person you’re with? That is my plan with you – to woo you forever. You deserve to be wined and dined. I hope to show you each day how much you mean to me. I’ll bring you flowers. I’ll give you shoulder rubs. I’ll tell you silly jokes just to make you laugh. I will spend our time together making sure you never feel unloved. You are my manifestation and I can’t wait to be with you.
Pile 2: The Lovers
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Your love is a breath of fresh air. Being with you brings me mental clarity. It makes me understand that the way I’ve been treated in relationships up until now were not an accurate representation of a healthy relationship. Gosh, it is so refreshing! You may find when we begin our relationship that I am hesitant to make big decisions. Because you are showing me something I’ve never known before, it is going to take a little time for me to be convinced that you’re not going away. But let me tell you, once I am shown time and time again that you show up, it is game over (in the best way). The way that we align will take away all the doubts I’ve ever had about love. And I won’t be able to thank you enough.
Pile 3: The Hanged Man
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A lot of my life has been about competition; mainly, competition with myself. I have a need to prove myself. I want to be the best at what I do. And I know that that mindset isn’t always the most productive. With you in my life, soulmate, I am reminded to pause. I am reminded that there are more perspectives out there from my own and that I’m allowed to let go of what I think SHOULD be to open room for what IS. You’re really going to allow me to look at my shadow self and understand why I have this need to be better than the previous version of me. You’re going to help me see the restraints that I’m binding myself with. My competitive nature will always be a part of me but I’m looking forward to the time in my life where I can experience joy just being who I am, where I don’t feel like I need to be constantly winning. My life with you is the ultimate prize.
Pile 4: Two of Cups
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I’ve held myself back for much of my life with the fear that I don’t have the tools to succeed. I always think that if I just had that one thing – more money, more confidence, more time – that then I can take the plunge. At times, I also find myself wanting to do everything for everyone. If I put effort into one thing, I feel like I am neglecting the other, and then I stop doing either. I want to be the best RIGHT NOW, no matter how unrealistic. And then you came into the picture. My inspiration, my muse, my reminder that each day is a clean slate. Not only do I know we will grow together, but I know that I will grow personally because of you. You never fail to encourage me to follow my dreams. You have a way of reminding me that, even if I “fail”, I can always get something out of a situation which means I didn’t fail at all. I really hope I can do the same thing for you because you deserve the same, if not more, of the energy you give to me.
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Obey me idea: what if MC was turned into a sheep for anonymity’s sake? Say Diavolo realized that a lot of demons hate humans and have long memories so he turned MC into a sheep and gave them a fake name to protect them from retaliation after the exchange was over? And the brothers turn yandere for MC over the course of the exchange but they have no idea who they are? Then MC leaves (and prob didn’t leave a contact number cause they saw the red flags lol) and they freak out and try to find them again? It’s like a dark version of Cinderella, where the brothers try to clue together where they could find MC, and when they do… the reunion will be fantastic 😊 so what would the brothers reactions be in this case?
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Anonymous Sheep | Yandere Obey Me
Leaving it to Diavolo to make a conscious decision about your safety 
Never in a million years
But let's suspend our disbelief 
Let's say Diavolo actually had the forethought to put this in place for your protection against his favorite brothers
Ignoring the torture you ensued with your size, lack of hands, and your voice probably sounding weird
You’re mad grateful when it comes time to leave
Probably expressing your gratefulness when you start hanging out with him
He’s just so sad when you leave 
And even Barbatos is missing your presence in the castle 
So hey while the brothers are scrambling the internet and flying overhead in the human world to find some clue
Diavolo’s spending a lot more time in his new hotel
Hanging out with a specifically familiar human…
“Oh (Y/n)? No no, they're just…a friend…I made…who’s uh familiar with the human world…?”
Diavolo’s really bad with lying 
And eventually, Lucifer or Satan is picking up on the snake in the grass
“Hey…(Y/n) you ever heard about the devil dom?”
“What’s that?”
You best play dumb within an inch of your life
No nicknames, no laughing, nothing that gives you away
But the brothers are sly 
Satan or even Levi is slipping something into your food or trapping you in a perilous situation 
That forces you to admit your identity 
And when you do you are in trouble
“Ahhh~so, you thought you could run from us? With Diavolo no less? I’m sooo jealous!”
“Though we don’t have to be anymore now do we? Now that we found you we can take you back with us, right?”
“Yeah, not to mention we’ll get to discover this whole new side of you…the side you hid from us.” 
“Don’t pout, this is your fault for not giving us any way to contact you.”
“Yup! Speaking of do you have discord? Let me get it now! Or even better give me your password I’ll just see what you’ve got going on over here.”
“(Y/n), you're as light as you were before…I’ll have to make sure you eat more when we get home.”
The only one who can save you now is Diavolo or Barbatos
But Diavolo’s torn 
He loves being a part of the fun drama
What’s more fun than the siblings getting to know you more
“I’m interested to see what you guys think of the real (Y/n)! Haha, we’re already well acquainted. So I know everything…for the most part.”
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essycogany · 2 months
SonAmy Headcanons
Because why not.
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This is how I personally see their relationship. I’ll try to keep it somewhat accurate to how they’d act canonically. I’d say where they are now is great, but I’d like to add a few things. Some of these may or may not be influenced by other amazing creators.
You are free to steal if you want.
Sonic and Amy mostly act like a couple in private areas or when they think no one is paying attention. They might tell a few of their friends, but often try to keep things discreet. Even if their overall relationship isn’t different in a third person’s perspective.
Tails: “You two sure you’re not still friends or are you actually together?”
Sonic And Amy: “Yes!”
Sonic’s the most chill and casual boyfriend and shows a good amount of affection. Amy is an overjoyed and loving girlfriend who shows a huge amount of affection.
Amy does her best to not tell most people about her and Sonic. Making an effort to call him her “best friend.” Sonic doesn’t mind it much, even saying it’s “not a big deal.” Leaving Amy confused.
Sonic tells whoever he feels like telling that Amy’s his girlfriend without thinking and thinks it’s funny when she’s shocked about it.
The hedgehogs are unsure of what normal couple standers are. They usually already know what works for them. Except who they should tell.
Sonic shows affection by kissing Amy on the hand and hugging her. When feeling extra, he carries her and takes her out on a run. Amy shows affection by constant cheek kissing, hugging, and ear rubbing. (which he pretends to not enjoy but does.)
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These and basically everything that happened between them recently are what I have in mind in terms of physical affection.
Instead of kissing they touch each other’s cheeks.
Sonic (being a casual boyfriend) puts his arm around Amy’s shoulder indistinctively in public.
Both hedgehogs forget how they got together. All they remember is it happening.
They enjoy having tea with Cream in order to hang out more. And to spend time with Cream of course.
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Amy instantly starts cooking more food after Sonic finishes eating.
Sonic and Amy love gardening and cooking together after defeating Eggman.
Amy admires Sonic’s knowledge about plants, guitars, and books. Sonic admires Amy’s optimistic side whenever she geeks out about silly stuff.
Their brief arguments stems to worrying about one another or what cake tastes better.
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Sonic’s favorite times with Amy are when he teases her and she chases after him.
Amy laughs at Sonic’s jokes. Even when they’re not funny.
They both find bungee-jumping romantic and relaxing.
Amy and Sonic plays with each other’s quills when they’re bored.
The best dates are when they’re on dangerous adventures. Sometimes dates aren’t fun when nothing crazy happens. On those days, they go find trouble to be satisfied. But normal dates can be cool if it means they get to travel together.
Amy mostly sends gifts on holidays and Sonic gives gifts when she doesn’t expect it.
Sonic only dresses up when Amy reminds him. Amy doesn’t mind if he forgets because she ends up buying him outfits. She even makes Sonic a red hoodie and he wears it a lot.
When apart for a long time, they write each other letters.
Sonic randomly comes over Amy’s place at any time of day without warning. She acts as if she doesn’t like it, but really enjoys the company of her boyfriend.
On movie nights, Amy and Sonic always forget how long Sonic stays and ends up sleeping on the couch together with one head on top of the other. The same thing happens when they go outside for a “short run,” and end up sleeping outside.
The blue blur’s way of saying “I love you” back to Amy is by using sign language or saying “right back at ya.” He’ll eventually start saying “I love you,” later on. Which surprises Amy to no end when he does it out of nowhere.
The romance Sonic and Amy have isn’t only romance, but an updated version of their friendship. The ability to still be their own people even when in different places. Sonic and Amy are a power couple whose love for adventure strengthens their love for each other. The hedgehogs are equally as happy as when they were close friends. That is what keeps them attached.
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That’s a rap! This most likely will never happen, but I don’t mind. Them officially being friends with crushes on each other is stellar and I’m satisfied with it.
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jobean12-blog · 10 months
Nook of Love
Pairing: Pre!Outbreak Joel Miller x reader
Word Count: 1,806
Summary: Joel builds you something extra special and it's everything you've always wanted and more.
Author's Note: After writing about mob!Bucky buying you a bookstore I thought I do a version for my other fave guy- except his style haha. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you sweet Daisy!
Warnings: it's so fluffy and soft and lots of kisses :)
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Joel Miller Masterlist
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“How are you gonna keep her outta the house for the next week?”
Joel narrows his eyes as he grinds his teeth together.
“I haven’t though that far ahead…” he mumbles.
“Of course not,” Tommy teases.
With a grunt of annoyance Joel reaches for more wood and lifts it into his pickup.
“Are you just gonna stand there and bitch or help me?”
Tommy ambles over with a raised brow. “You better figure out how you’re gonna see her because I’m not dealin’ with your extra grumpy ass for a week!”
Joel’s hands land on his hips and he shrugs. “I’ll just go to her place.”
Tommy scoffs. “Yeah ‘cause she won’t find that weird as fuck since you never go there. You know she likes it here better.”
“You know what, shut it Tommy. No one asked you,” Joel grits out.
Tommy smirks. “Well just don’t ask me to get involved in your bullshit when she starts askin’ questions!”
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“Are you sure you want to come here again?”
You hear his sigh on the other end of the phone before he answers. “Of course darlin’…just need to see you.”
“I’m happy to come by you. I like your place better anyway,” you argue, hoping he hears the smile in your voice.
“I know but, I need a change of scenery. I’ll be there soon.”
When you hear the doorknob start to turn you fly off the couch, jumping into his open arms the moment he fills the doorway.
“Hey there darlin’,” he murmurs against your lips as his arms close tightly around you.
You kiss him softly then take his hand and start to pull him toward the couch.
“So how was your day? How’s Sarah? How’s the progression on that new building?”
You fire off your questions, only stopping when you feel him give you a tug. You look over your shoulder and he’s wearing a lopsided smile.
“Come ‘ere,” he murmurs before dragging you back into his chest and spinning you around.
He walks you slowly toward the wall, only stopping when your back gently bumps it.
“Aren’t you going to tell me about your day?” you ask coyly.
“Nuh uh,” he whispers, placing both his hands on the side of your head along the wall.
He pins you in place, pressing his hips closer. “I’d rather hear about your day.”
His lips trail along your jaw, stopping just under your ear where he places a soft kiss. He continues pressing kisses to your skin until he finds your mouth.
“That’s such bullshit and you know it,” you breathe against his lips.
You can feel his smile along your skin.
“Go on darlin’,” he whispers and runs his nose along your throat. “Tell me.”
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“This is the third time it’s ringing Joel. You have to answer or she’s likely to show up here!”
Tommy holds out the phone and Joel takes it with a grumbled curse.
“Hey darlin’,” he answers then pauses to listen.
“I was in the bathroom,” he answers, waiting as you talk again.
“Actually, no. Must have eaten somethin’ bad for lunch.”
“How ‘bout I call you later and we can figure out our plans?”
He stares down Tommy as he listens to your concerned voice, wincing every now and then when he can tell you’re pouting and upset.
“It’s ok. I’ll be fine…NO!”
He immediately scowls after shouting out “no” and softens his voice. “I just don’t want you to be sitting around here while I’m in the bathroom the whole time.”
His head hangs and he pinches the bridge of his nose. “I promise. Ok, don’t worry. Love you too baby.”
“Shit that was painful to watch,” Tommy says when Joel hangs up and drops his phone. “You’re a terrible liar.”
“That’s because I would never lie to her!” Joel yells then his hands land on his hips and he sighs dramatically. “I should have had a plan in place for this.”
“AH HA!” Tommy yells triumphantly. “TOLD YA SO BROTHER!”
“Ah fuck off and quit standing around and help me. I need to get this done by tomorrow. No way I can keep this up another day!” Joel huffs.
Tommy snickers but marches over to help sand the wood, delighting in Joel’s continued grumbly mutterings.
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When he opens the door you push past him and whirl around, hands crossed over your chest and glaring.
“Joel Miller if you don’t explain why you’ve been acting so weird the past few days…”
You step closer and poke him in his hard chest.
He grabs your finger and drags you into his arms.
“Everything will make sense in a few minutes,” he says quietly, his eyes searching your face.
You study him and your own eyes go wide.
“Are you nervous?” you ask as your lips lift into a small smile.
He looks taken aback. “ME?!?!”
His tone is incredulous. “No way darlin’. I’m fine. You just missed me yesterday is all.”
“Oh is that it?” you ask before blowing a raspberry. “I don’t see you for one day and now I’m imagining things...like the fact that you had food poisoning but feel perfectly fine now?”
Instead of continuing to argue he takes your face between his large hands and presses his lips to yours. After a few moments of kissing you senseless he gently releases you and rests his forehead against yours.
“Are you ready for your surprise?”
“THERE’S A SURPRISE!!” you squeal. “Why didn’t you say so!?”
Your excitement sets his nerves aflutter again and he wipes his palms on his jeans. “Ok…just promise…just promise me you’ll tell me what you really think…and you won’t pretend to like it just because…”
You reach for his hand and grip it tightly in reassurance. “I promise Joel…NOW HURRY UP! I can’t wait.”
You’re bouncing on your feet the whole time you follow him through the house and when you pass the living room he stops you and says, “close your eyes.”
You immediately shut them and squeeze them tight.
“Don’t peek.”
“I won’t!” you say excitedly.
He gives your hand a tug and carefully leads you into the next room, stopping after a few more steps.
“Ok…” he says on an exhale. “Open ‘em.”
Nestled into the back of the small room is something out of your dreams. A large window is framed by floor to ceiling dark wood shelves and just under it is a long and cushioned seat. There’s even a shelf above that goes horizontally and smaller shelves on the inside of the nook on either side of the seat.
“Now I know there aren’t many books yet and the details are missing but I figure you would want to pick out the curtains and pillows and Knick knacks and all that. I was going to do that myself but I didn’t think I should in case you wanted a theme or somethin’. Sarah said she would help but I told her you could take her when you shop and…”
You turn to face him, softly pressing your finger to his lips so he stops his nervous rambling.
“You built me a reading nook,” you state, your words breathy and light as air. “My very own reading nook.”
He nods and swallows audibly.
“Do you like it?” he asks quietly.
“Joel,” you start, pressing yourself against him. “This is the most beautiful gift ever. It’s literally a dream come true!”
His lips spread into a smile under your finger and you finally drop it, snaking your arms around his neck.
“I can change somethin’ if you want darlin’. If you don’t like the color of the wood we can stain it again or I can redo the shelving.”
You look back at the nook and step from his embrace to run your hands reverently over the polished wood, noting every curve and nuance.
“You made his with your own hands,” you murmur. “What could be more perfect?”
He comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your middle and rests his head on your shoulder.
“I’m happy you like it.”
“I love it. LOVE. IT.”
“So that’s what I was up to this week. Tommy helped but only a little so…”
You laugh in his arms, pressing your hands over his to trace his knuckles. You slip your fingers through his and brush your thumbs over the calloused pads of his fingertips.
“Oh wait!” he says as he takes a few steps toward the nearby wall, still holding you tightly.
He flicks a switch and a long set of fairy lights brighten, adding the perfect soft glow to the books.
“Oh Joel,” you gasp. “You remembered.”
“Of course darlin’,” he answers.
You think back to the first night you spent together, lying skin to skin and completely wrapped up in him, talking for hours about your dreams for the future, including your love for fairy lights.
With watery eyes you move away and sit down on the cushioned seat, smoothing your hands lovingly over the plush fabric and leaning back until you can see the insides of the shelves. You lift shaky fingers and press your other hand to your mouth.
Hidden on one of the walls of the inside shelf is a carved-out heart with two initials inside of it. Your fingertips trace the deep lines before they close around the single book on the shelf.
“Our initials…Joel.”
He smiles softly at you.
“And how did you get my copy of my favorite book?” you ask him without looking up.
“I uh…” he begins sheepishly, “may have borrowed it the other night when I stayed at your place.”
“My place,” you repeat. “But this perfect nook is at your place and I won’t…”
Your thought trails off as you open the book and out slides a key tied to a ribbon.
“Is this what I think it is?” you ask with a shaky breath.
“It’ll be our place.”
You stare at the key in your hand and the back up at Joel.
“If that’s what you want darlin’.”
 Without warning you launch yourself off the seat and into his arms.
“Thank you,” you whisper over and over again as you nuzzle his neck. “And don’t worry I won’t tell anyone you’re such a romantic.”
You can feel his body shake with laughter. “Only for you.”
“I know,” you say softly before peppering his cheeks with kisses.
He closes his eyes contentedly.
“Where’s Sarah today?” you ask in between all the kisses.
“Stayin’ at her friends for the night.”
You grin and start to pull him toward the cushioned seat.
“That’s good,” you murmur.
“I thought so,” he answers with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Figured we could break in all the surfaces in your new place.”
“Mm hmm,” you hum. “Starting with my favorite spot.”
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@pedritosdarling @hiddles-rose @blackwidownat2814 @littleseasiren @kmc1989 @justkinsey @beccablogsthings @laineyreads @lorilane33
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slutforsilverfoxes · 8 months
Devil in Disguise
[A/N: Let's just pretend this isn't like two weeks overdue, mmkay?]
Request: Jethro Gibbs x female reader (possession, brat/brat tamer dynamic)
“Tell me you’re not wearing that right now.”
Pressing your phone closer to one ear and your finger into the other, you say, “What? It’s so loud hear, Jay, I can’t hear you.”
“I said-”
“Hang on.” Snagging a fresh beer from the cooler, you pass your favorite colleague on your way to the balcony and mouth, It’s Jethro, by way of an explanation for your absence for the next few minutes. She nods in understanding before throwing you an exaggerated wink, and you indulge in a smile back. “Okay,” you breathe once out in the fresh air. Music is still pumping from inside the building, but it’s at a much more reasonable level with the door closed behind you. “What’s up, baby?”
“What’s up? What’s up?”
“Mhm,” you respond easily, masking your delighted giggle with a pull from your beer.
“I found your little… gift,” he grumbles. “That’s what’s up.”
“You like it?”
He peruses the Polaroids spread out across the coffee table featuring you in a “Halloween costume” -that, to him, looks better suited for roleplay in the bedroom- in various suggestive positions. You had been kind enough to sneak the stack into Jethro’s current nightly read so that the photos would fall out as he settled into the couch to pass the time before you returned home.
“What do you think, brat?” he growls lightly, pulling one photo of you kneeling before the mirror in your bedroom closer to admire the way your lacy red lingerie peeks out from beneath your white skirt.
You hum in mock contemplation on the other end of the line before settling on, “Sounds like you like ‘em a lot.”
“I want to take you over my lap for wearing it out of the house without me there to ward off any straying eyes. And then I want to rip it off with my teeth.”
You inhale a sharp breath, then produce a dumbfounded albeit excited, “Oh.” 
“Yeah. Oh. When are you coming home?”
“A few hours?” you guess. “I didn’t expect your case to wrap up tonight.”
He grunts by way of a response, ever the poet. Then, “Are you having fun at least?”
An idea pops into your head, and you grin to yourself. “Not as much fun as I could be having, but yes. I’ll see you at home, okay? Love you, handsome.”
“Call me when you’re ready for me to come get you,” he says, one of his many versions of I love you. “See you later, honey.”
After catching up with your coworkers and downing some more liquid courage, you sneak off to the nearest bathroom, securely closing and locking the door behind you. You hike your leg up on the counter to show off your lacy underwear and tug your top down enough to free your tits from the confines of your push-up bra before snapping a picture with an angelic smile to complement your all-white outfit and wings. 
You type out, If only I had a strong, sturdy gunnery sergeant to teach me a lesson about respecting my elders… and send your text off with a sly grin before righting yourself and returning to the party.
You can’t help checking your phone and watching the minutes tick by without a response, wondering if your old man is upset with your bratty teasing- or if he even managed to open the attachment on his ancient device.
When you look up from checking your phone for the twelfth time in as many minutes, you find your friend’s eyes widening comically as she quietly announces, “Boyfriend at six o’clock and he does not look happy.”
Before you can even process her words, you find yourself hoisted into the air, your angel wings flapping in protest as you settle over Jethro’s solid shoulder. “Took you long enough,” you huff with faux indignance. Even without looking, he knows your lips are turned downward in a pout and your arms are crossed.
“Yeah?” he rumbles out, waiting until you’ve exited the building and are away from prying eyes to land a firm smack to your ass. You let out a yelp and he asks, “This what you wanted?”
“Pretty much,” you admit, shooting him a cheeky grin when he lays you down across the backseat of his truck before climbing in between your spread legs.
Jethro shakes his head with a laugh, plucking a stray feather from your fake wings off his shoulder. Then he leans down and captures your lips in a searing kiss, and you can’t help but moan and buck up against him in response. “Need you,” you whine, using the collar of his polo shirt as leverage to pull him closer.
“I know,” he soothes quietly, pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of your mouth while his fingers hook into your panties to tug them down your legs. His eyes grow a shade darker when you squirm beneath him with a whimper, the dim overhead car light reflecting in the wetness coating your upper thighs. “But first I need to teach my little angel a lesson about respecting her elders.”
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madaqueue · 2 months
Practice Makes Perfect | Chapter 11
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synopsis: you and yuji have been best friends basically as long as you can remember, and you made a promise to each other to stay friends and help each other be the best versions of yourselves for your future partners. but will things change when yuji finally starts looking for a relationship?
pairing: yuji itadori (18+) x f!reader
themes/content: modern college au (characters aged up to 18+). language, angst. kissing. 18+, MDNI
word count: 1.1k
a/n: this is NOT the last chapter!!!! fret not friends there's still more after this
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You wake up the next morning, the sky still grey and the ground wet from the torrential downpour that hit overnight. Since it’s Saturday, you don’t have to rush to get anywhere and you take your time getting ready, knowing how intense you expect today to be.
You step back into your room, hair still wet from the shower, and grab your phone to text Yuji. You know you need to see him and have this conversation, but a part of you is still dreading it. As you turn it towards you, the screen suddenly lights up.
Incoming call: “YuYu”
A soft smile forms on your face - you two truly are connected. You answer and hold the phone up to your ear.
“Hey,” his voice comes through the line. It’s lower than normal - maybe he just woke up?
“Hey,” you respond sweetly.
A moment of silence falls between the two of you. To you it feels calm, until you hear something from the other end. It almost sounds like Yuji…sniffling?
“Can you…shit…can you come over?” his voice wavers.
Something is wrong.
“Yeah I-I’ll be right over,” you respond, unsure of what exactly is going on with Yuji, but knowing he needs you.
“Okay,” he says, his voice nearly a whisper.
Before you can get another word out, the call abruptly ends.
Something is very, very wrong.
Throwing on the nearest clothes, you practically sprint out the door.
You finally find yourself back outside the familiar door to Yuji’s dorm. Your hair is still damp, as are your clothes as you rushed through the misty sprinkles hanging in the air on your way over, not caring to grab an umbrella on your way out. Raising your hand to knock, the door opens before you can get to it.
You come face to face with Yuji for the first time since your fight. His pink hair is disheveled, and he’s wearing nothing but wrinkled sweatpants. Your gaze lands on his face: eyes puffy, nose red, tears slowly falling down his cheeks. The sight nearly breaks your heart.
He says nothing as you step into the room, his shoulders slumped as he lets the door fall closed behind you.
“Yuji,” you whisper, unsure of what to say to him.
Still silent, he leans forward and wraps his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder. You return the hug, hands stroking the skin along his back. The gentle touch breaks something inside of him - you feel his whole body begin to shake, sobs breaking through his voice as wet tears land on your shoulder.
“I’m-” he tries to say through choked sobs, “I’m so fucking sorry.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” you try to comfort him. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Yu.”
Hearing your nickname for him, he lets out a cry against your body as he shoves his head into your neck. “I…fuck…I never meant to hurt you. I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”
Continuing to trace gentle lines over his back, you try to figure out how to better comfort the boy weeping in your arms. Before you can say anything, another sob racks his body.
“I lied,” he blurts out. “I lied about Nobara,” he says softly, voice still wavering.
“I know,” you whisper.
“Wait,” he slowly pulls away from you for a second so he’s looking directly at you, his voice raspy. His eyes are red as tears continue to stream down his face and chin. “You know?”
“Yeah, she sort of told me yesterday…” you trail off. “We ran into each other, and she recognized me, and she explained the situation with you, and-”
“And you’re not mad?” he questions, voice nearly a whimper.
“No,” you assure him. “I’m not mad.”
Upon hearing your words, he collapses into you again, arms holding you tighter than before as he continues to silently cry against your shoulder.
The two of you stay like this for a while, intertwined in embrace, until you feel Yuji’s breathing start to slow. Taking in slightly more steady breaths, he leans back to look at you again.
“I, um, thought I was going to lose you,” he explains, face still wet with tears. “This was the longest we’ve gone without talking to each other since we met, so I knew I fucked up pretty bad. Then Megumi told me you seemed off during class, and I just couldn’t handle knowing that I hurt you,” he sniffles.
“Yuji,” you hum, lifting one hand up to his cheek to brush away the fresh tears falling from his eyes, “you are never going to lose me.”
A soft smile pulls at the corners of his lips as he looks down at you with so much kindness in his eyes it makes you feel like your heart might burst.
You lean up to his face and gently kiss his cheek, tasting the salt of his tears. Moving down slightly, you hold your face in front of his. Instinctively, his arms pull you towards him as your eyes flutter closed. His lips press softly against yours, feeling the warmth of his skin against you.
This moment, one that started so tragically, has become so perfect, so sweet, so everything. You can’t believe you lived this long without Yuji - although, now that you think about it, it didn’t really feel like you were living. When he wasn’t there, you didn’t feel like yourself, you didn’t even feel like a person. There is something inside you that connects you to him, and now you can’t deny it any longer.
Your lips finally part from his as you both pull back, looking silently into each others’ eyes.
“Yuji,” you whisper.
“Wait, before you say anything, I have to tell you something,” he says, lips brushing against yours. “I started asking you to practice all this stuff with me because I had feelings for you, but I was scared to say anything. I’ve felt like this for a long time, but I didn’t have the words to say it. Now, after this, after thinking I was going to lose you, I do.” He inhales, eyes meeting yours without wavering. “I love you.”
Your mouth opens slightly into a smile as you take in his words.
“You don’t have to say it back, because I can only imagine how hard this was for you, but I just had to tell you. I don’t want to live a life without you in it, one where you don’t know how I feel about you,” he says softly. “You’re my best friend, you’re the love of my life, you’re my everything.”
“Yuji,” you start again. “I love you too.”
His eyes look into yours, and you see it - you see the love he holds for you.
He pulls you into him again, your lips melding together as though they were made to be connected, as if every second they spent apart was the cruelest punishment the universe could devise. His body forms to fill in every curve and crevice of yours, your breath becoming shared as one.
This is it, you think, this is love.
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How will the boys (if they have kids with the reader) react to their kid’s favouriting their s/o, like always wanting her for bedtime stories or comfort stuff like that.
This can be one kid who only does that or all I don’t mind
Btw this can be for 2007, 2016 or 2003
Your Kid Wants You Instead Of Him (Fluff)
Bayverse!Turtles x reader
A/N: I’m actually studying to become a pedagogue, so this is right up my alley😂💚 It is not uncommon for children between the age of 1 - 3 to show or have parental preferences at times. It’s part of them becoming independent and understanding they have options, so they will start reaching out for these said options.
Warnings: Kids and parental stuff. (and spelling. Mama here is tired after crying during her last tmnt x reader😭😂)
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“You know what time it is, big boy”, Leo said to your son, as he sat on the floor, playing with the train track he had gotten for his three year birthday. “It’s time to get ready for bed”.
“No”, Romeo said, picking his train up from the track, never once looking up at his father. Well that was new. Normally Romeo was all ears whenever Leo told him anything, doing whatever his parents wanted to be called a good boy. A little angel he was. Even now as he tried to ignore his father, he was still as could be, calmly playing on the floor.
“C’mon champ”, Leo said with a warm smile, crouching down so he could get closer to the toddler's height. “We’ll do what we always do! We pick out a cool pajama, and then we brush your teeth, making sure there’s no Karius and Baktus in there, and then I’ll read you a bedtime story”
“Nooo, daddy”, Romeo said, slightly agitated, wiggling his feet as he looked down on the train in his head, rocking himself back and furth, his tongue poking out of his mouth. Leo knew that tone and those movements way too well. His son was getting fussy. Leo knew Romeo was tired. But he stayed cool. He knew better than to stress, causing Romeo to be stressed in turn.
“Why not?”, Leo asked, patiently waiting for Romeo to make an answer, his toy train being his main interest.
“I want mommy to do it”, the toddler mumbled, rubbing his tired eyes.
At first Leo wasn’t sure what to think of that. He was always the one that put Romeo to bed before patrol, and then you would be the one to wake him up the next day, while Leo got some much needed sleep. That was one of the many ways he was sure to get some calm one on one time with his son, just like Leo used to crave from Master Splinter.
But Leo knew not to freak out over it. Who knew why Romeo wanted you to put him to bed today. It could very easily just be a one time thing, so why not let him do it?
“Okay, little ninja”, Leo said, standing up straight once more, reaching out a hand for his toddler. “Come, let’s go find mom”.
Romeo nodded with a tired smile, standing up so he could take Leo’s hand, before the two of them went looking for you in the lair.
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“What ya got there, sweetpea?”, Raph asked, taking a seat next to his playing daughter, amongst all her many different dolls. “G. I. Jane?”, he asked, picking up the nearest doll.
“Daddy! No!”, Joan screeched. “Put it down!”
To say that Raph was shocked was an understatement. Joan had never screeched at him. Sure, she had something of a temper, but never has she screeched at him. On the contrary, she was usually the true version of a daddy’s girl, always hanging around him, wanting his attention. Raph’s little bundle of joy. So this had him frozen in place, still having the action figure in hand. And Joan did not like that.
“I said, put it down daddy!”, the three year old yelled, getting up so she could stomp on the ground.
“Joan, babygirl, what’s wrong?-”
That was when the screaming and crying started. Raph had still not let go of her action figure. Poor Raph had not intended to make her cry. He was simply just so shocked that he locked up, not sure what to do.
“It’s okay, princess”, Raph said, putting the action figure down so he could reach out for her so he could bring her in for a comforting hug. But Joan was not having it, yelling even louder, causing Raph to back up slightly.
“What’s going on here?”, you asked, hurrying into the room as soon as you heard your daughter cry.
“I’m not sure”, Raph said, a little scared. But as soon as Joan saw you, she ran straight for you with open arms, calming down the moment you sat down with her.
“It’s okay, Raph”, you comforted him as you saw his sad expression, as you rubbed Joan’s back. “It just happens sometimes with children”.
“Yeah, but I don’t like when she cries”, he said, with a small concerned frown on his face.
“Don’t worry”, you said. “She’ll be good in no time. Just give her a moment”.
And true to your words, she did just that. A few hours later, she was all good again, wanting to play with dolls with her father.
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Gali had always been a sweet child, with a need to explore his surroundings. Kind of like how his father always had to explore the possibilities of his work in his lab. Therefore it wasn’t strange that Gali often turned to Donnie whenever experiencing something new. He learned a new sound? He had to say it to Donnie. He learned to stand? He had to show Donnie. He got a kitchen playset as a gift from his uncles? He had shown Donnie. And that was exactly what Gali was playing with, while you and Donnie sat by him, watching the one year old play, smashing his small kitchen utensils against the cabinets, in a way he had seen uncle Mikey do when he found out uncle Leo tried to cook.
“Hey, look at this”, Donnie said, opening one of the small empty kitchen cabinets. Gali looked up, pushed Donnie’s hand away from the cabinet, before slamming it shut, turning back to his work of smashing whatever he had in his hands against the counter. You laughed at this, causing your son to smile at you, before turning back to the kitchen with a happy screech.
Donnie chuckled at this, once again turning his attention toward the cabinet. Out of curiosity he opened it, just wanting to see how it was set up. But your son did not like this.
“No!”, Gali said, pushing Donnies hand away from the kitchen playset. He then fully turned to Donnie, holding up a hand, determination in his eyes, letting out another “no”, before turning back towards the pink kitchen stove.
“O-kay”, Donnie said, slightly surprised. You could not help but smile a little at that too. Who would have thought your sound would have so much attitude hidden inside of him.
“Mommy”, Gali spoke, grabbing onto your hand, pulling you closer to the kitchen. Here he placed your hand upon the cabinet, motioning for you to open it. Once you did, he started putting his kitchen utensils into the open room, seeing how much there was space for.
Donnie let out a fake gasp acting hurt, causing Gali to look at him, making it very hard for you to not laugh. “Have you replaced me, Gali? You don’t want to play with your dad anymore?”
Gali just stared at him before turning back towards his kitchen set, making sounds of excitement as his kitchen utensils started falling out of the cabin and one to the floor.
“Well”, Donnie chuckled. “Can’t argue with that. He got a point”.
You couldn’t stop yourself from roaring out in laughter.
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Sunny was a sweet and wonderful girl, with a smile as bright as the sun. The two of you counted yourself lucky for giving her such a fitting name, seeing every time you called out her name, she would come to you with a famous big smile, arms wide open asking for a hug. Especially from Mikey.
Sunny had always been a daddy’s girl. She always wanted to hug him, and she always wanted to cuddle up to him whenever she got tired. And whenever she had a nightmare, it was always him she called out for. But then one day, as all three of you sat in the living area of the lair, watching television, something different happened.
Like usual, whenever the time started getting close to Sunny’s bedtime, she would start to doze off. Her eyes slowly falling shut and her head slowly falling forward. At this point, she would normally just crawl over to Mikey and start cuddling up against his side, a sign that he had to get up and get her ready for bed. But tonight she was fighting it. Forcing her heavy eyes awake and snapping her head up, before slowly dozing off again, only to force herself awake again.
Mikey smiled at this before wrapping an arm around her, pulling her close to his side. But surprisingly, Sunny resisted that, letting out a few sounds of displeasure, pushing herself out from under his arm, before sitting at the same spot she sat in before. You and Mikey looked surprised at each other, neither of you really sure what was going on.
“What’s up, Sunny?”, Mikey asked your fussy toddler in concern. “You don’t wanna cuddle with daddy?”
“No”, she mumbled, not even looking at him before she crawled straight into your arms, trying to sooth herself by playing with her own fingers, staring off into the distance, resting her head against your chest.
Mikey was taken back. Where did his little cuddle bug go? He was confused for a moment, wondering if he had done something wrong. He hated the thought that he might have made his precious little girl sad without knowing it.
Sensing Mikey’s uneasiness, you leaned down to Sunny. “Do you just wanna cuddle with mommy for a bit?” She tiredly nodded her head. “Will you let daddy put you to bed afterwards?” She nodded again, before sighing, letting her head rest against you, her small eyes closing as she fell asleep. You and Mikey exchanged amused glances. How had you managed to get so lucky with a wonderful girl like her?
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fcthots · 8 months
Please 🙏 give us more thoughts on the friends to lovers AU cause that's literally the one I have too.
I’m assuming you mean my friend to ememies to lovers au. Tbh it’s super self indulgent but I’ll hit the high points for you. Heads up: it’s fem reader bc it came from my notes app as a personal au.
Basically reader hangs around Jason’s neighborhood through childhood
Immediately best friends
Jason sees you about twice a week for many many years
Side plot of Jason finding a new mafia in Gotham
One day Jason shows up unannounced to your house bc you do it to him all the time since he moved and he really needs to talk to you (haven’t decided what the emergency is yet)
You aren’t in your room and something looks wrong
He crawls in through the window and hears people yelling and arguing
He goes Robin mode and starts trying to figure out what happened
He follows the metaphorical tracks into the wall
Secret door
He spies and realizes your family is the mafia family he has had his eyes on
And you’re the topic of conversation
There’s an emergency with one of the fronts they have so the topic switches and they leave
Jason confronts you a week later after being weird and distant
He asks what they were talking about
You explain that you either have to join in on your family’s crimes or you’re going to have to live on the streets. They don’t want you working in the family bc you’re a woman.
(There’s a scrapped version where your family demands you to kill someone’s to pledge your loyalty and when Jason dies, you say you killed him)
He tells you he’ll take care of you. He’ll talk to Bruce. You can figure it out. You will figure it out, together. He reveals himself as Robin. There is a light at the end of the tunnel for you.
Then Jason dies
You find out from the news after you don’t see him for two weeks
You decide, fuck it. Nothing waiting for you outside of mafia life
Your family doesn’t want want u working for them. AND you started later than everyone else. Double whammy
Your family doesn’t trust you
You work twice as hard. You are determined to work your way up. You will survive
They give you low level assignments
You start doing side assign,ents that they don’t ask you to. You get them intel they didn’t know was there to get. Intel they didn’t know they needed
You start working your way up a twinge over the years
They send you in undercover as a stripper. Your job is to see if a rival gang comes in. The man you’re looking for has a deal there today.
The man is known as the Red Hood.
You don’t know Red Hood’s identity but he’s big in the game. A known killer. But a protector of women and the innocent. Your family HATES him.
The Red Hold walks in as well as his client
You switch places with someone and dance colder to their table sk you can hear their conversation
The Red Hood looks at you and freezes
In his head, he’s thinking you left the mafia, but because he died, no one was there to support you so you turned to stripping
He’s also thinking he missed you
You tell him that if he’s gonna stare at you like that, he better fork up some dollar bills
He tells his "client" to hold on for a moment
He walks up to you, voice modulator on and asks how much for a private dance
You make a joke about how he probably can't afford it
He says “I guarantee you I can”
Your "manager" walks over and says you have to take the money and do it, all in "subtle" wording
You’re nervous but agree
You lead him to his private room
And before you can try to make him horny enough to interrogate him, you turn around and his mask is off
You see his face
Older, but Jason
Someone is supposed to come to the club in 5 minutes and kill the "client" was making a deal with.
You can't let them kill Jason.
"You have to leave. Right now."
"What?" He's confused.
"Fuck. I'm so glad you're alive, but you have to go."
He tries to ask if you chose to be a stripper or if you were out of options
You say "I'm not a stripper"
He's confused. Thinks you’re maybe a prostitute.
"My brother is coming in 3 minutes to kill whoever *Client* was making a deal with so that he would be forced to make a deal with-... with us."
"You didn't"
“Dont. Don't do that. You were dead, Jason. And even ignoring that fact, you're not exactly far from the profession either."
"No. No, but you didn't want this. Your family treats you like shit"
“Better than the streets would have treated me... 2 minutes, Jason you have to go. Fuck. I'm gonna get demoted for this.”
Jason says he has a plan
You say it's too dangerous; you’re not losing him again
"Do you trust me?”
“…I still trust you"
He walks out and cancels the deal
He walks back in and says *Client* has to make his merchandise half price now, and with your ‘private dance’, you made it happen
He kisses your cheek and walks out
Your brother walks in and asks where he is, ready to be angry
You tell him to make the deal now, it's half off and that you convinced the other guy to walk
This is great success
You’re even given the weekend off
Jason waits until you leave late at night with the other girls
They're used to him showing up sometimes and walking them to their cars. They don't bat an eye
But he wordlessly gets in your car. Gets in the drivers seat, and drives you to his place, where you spend the weekend.
He tries to convince you to stay. You say you can't.
Because you want to take over the whole joint some day
So you go back do what you do
If you and Jason ever intersect, you go to your apartment together.
You fuck
He leaves for patrol before you wake up
He fucks you so you fall asleep and he can leave without saying goodbye
You fight.
YouI say you should stop.
You love him. If you keep going you’ll never love anyone else. You’ll never move on.
The truth is: you already love him like that, but if you keep fucking him, you won't be able to leave and it'll put a target on both of your backs
You fuck one last time and then he leaves
(He becomes a bat around this time)
He’s your enemy now
And you’re rising the ranks
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thebat-musicman · 11 days
The Playlist™
My 12 hour Batfam playlist (with repeating songs!)
The repeating version has 200 songs and is 12 hours. Non repeating has 167 songs and is 9 hours and 54 minutes.
I am so sorry to whatever poor souls are reading this just trying to find good songs for their faves
@batfambrainrotbeloved it’s done
The bat-playlist from hell is under the cut
Be our guest
Let it be
Sweet caroline
You are my sunshine
God is really real
Istanbul (not Constantinople)
50 ways to say goodbye (him faking Bruce’s death when he went training)
What was I made for
No time to die
James Bond theme
I got you
Child of Mine
Little Lion man
You’ll be in my heart
Never grow up
Baby mine
Friend like me
My heart will go on
Never grow up
Everything has changed
I hate it here
I look in people’s windows
Karma (AJR)
Humpty Dumpty
Two birds
Cat’s in the cradle
Song for Orphans
Tears in heaven
Heart of stone
Whatever it takes
ocean eyes
I’ll make a man out of you
Under the Sea
Beautiful Boy (darling boy)
The story of us
Just a girl
Clara Bow
Role Models
Break my face
The DJ is crying for help
Little miss perfect
She used to be mine
Pretty distraction
So high school
How did it end
Fight song
You should see me in a crown
The man
Runs the world (girls)
I bet you think about me
Part of your world
I can do it with a broken heart
Touchy feely fool
Never grow up
The Bolter
Surface Pressure
You’re on your own, kid
Because of you
Karma (AJR)
Way less sad
Perfect (simple plan)
Father of mine
This is me trying
Count on me
The Greatest Show
No way
Mr. Perfectly fine
Dancing Queen
Show and Tell
How far I’ll go
Used to be young
Who’s afraid of little old me
The Albatross
Father of mine
You’re on your own, kid
Heart of stone
Fight song
Everybody wants to rule the world
She used to be mine
Family Line
Because of you
You should see me in a crown
I won’t
When will my life begin
The prophecy
I hate it here
I’ve got a dream
The Prophecy
Mr. Perfectly fine
Better than Revenge
I did something bad
My tears ricochet
Vigilante shit
You’re gonna go far, kid
Time of dying
Deja vu
good 4 u
Because of you
Father of mine
These boots were made for walking
Fuck you
One way or another
Bang! Pow! Boom!
Be prepared
One jump ahead
I think I’m gonna like it here (baby jason needs a song)
Record Player
Turning out Pt. II
The Dumb Song
Just a girl
The Man
But daddy I love him
the manuscript
Guilty as Sin?
Father of mine
You’re on your own, kid
Mr. Perfectly Fine
High school sweethearts
Drama Club
My Play
Devil Town
This is love (air traffic controller)
I won’t say (I’m in love)
Ur gonna wish u believed me
Yes I’m a mess
Karma (AJR)
Don’t blame me
Wow, I’m not crazy
Humpty Dumpty
Good 4 u
Pretender (Acoustic)
Mister Cellophane
Come hang out
Let the games begin
Heart of stone
Deja vu
Every breath you take
The sound of silence
Go the distance
Viva La Vida
Here comes the sun
Walking on sunshine
I see the light
How do I say goodbye
The Prophecy
Turning out
Sunshine lollipops and rainbows
Our song
I’m still standing
Waiting on a miracle
I’m not famous
Paper rings
We didn’t start the fire
Everybody dies
What was I made for
I’ll follow the sun
Into the Unknown
Oh no!
Surface Pressure
The good part
Role models
Mother knows best
Bad guy
What else can I do
Devil Town
Losing my religion
(Don’t fear) The Reaper
Pumped up kicks
Go the distance
A whole new world
I just can’t wait to be king
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starsofang · 29 days
Call of Duty || Coraline AU || Part 4
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Running away to start a new chapter and escape the troubles of your past, you find yourself in a darker predicament than you had hoped for.
Coraline with a twist. And COD men. Obviously.
PT.1 / PT.2 / PT.3 / PT.5
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You pinched the skin of your arm. Still, the warped version of your mother stood before you. You pinched again, harder, so hard you could feel the slight swell of blood vessels rush to the surface. And yet she wouldn’t disappear.
This wasn’t a dream, nor was it even a nightmare. It was reality hanging in front of you, dangling on a string, swaying, taunting. Everything inside of your stomach turned, and the only thing keeping you grounded was Si perched steady between your feet.
“I was wondering when you’d show up, dear,” your mother – other mother – chirped. “Oh! And you brought a friend.”
The last word seemed almost spiteful, a slight dose of venom leaking through. You nearly missed it, the way it dripped off of her tongue, but you noticed it. Too stunned to let it sink in, you opted to simply stare while Si seemed to have similar ideas.
“Don’t just stand there! I’m making your favorite – chocolate chip cookies. Always a simple girl, aren’t you?”
She knew your favorite cookies. She was standing in the warmly lit kitchen, smiling and whisking away at a mix of ingredients in a bowl. Even the kitchen was strange to see – clean, not a single speck of dust in sight. The colors seemed much more vibrant than the dull ones of your home beyond the door in the wall, but it didn’t help with the unease. If anything, the new lens being placed in front of your eyes to peer through felt like a trick.
“How did you know that?” you asked carefully, eyes flickering between her thin fingers wrapped around the handle of the whisk, to her perfectly straightened hair, not a single strand out of place. Her skin was a ghostly white, much like your real mother’s but her smile wasn’t crooked like hers always was. Her teeth were too straight and bright to be your real mother’s, too.
“I’m your mother, of course I know that! Silly girl.” She threw another radiant smile your way, and for a moment, it caused your chest to tighten. Despite the button eyes and perfectly straight lips, she looked just like your real mother. She was giving you a glimpse into a world of what life might’ve been like, had your mother been a loving and doting woman.
“You’re not my mother,” you corrected with a frown of disapproval.
“Right. I’m your better mother. After all, I’d never hit you.”
The statement was a slap in the face.
“Go on, sit down. I’ll pop these in the oven and we’ll talk! Oh, I really have been waiting for you!”
Your eyes glanced over at the dining room table. Chairs perfectly arranged, a fancy tablecloth lining the top of the table, intricate details sewed in to create a beautiful piece of fabric. It looked as if she had made it herself.
It felt as if you had no choice but to sit down, so you complied. Taking a cautious seat, remaining on the edge in case you had reason to bolt out of there and back in the security of your real home, you watched as she hummed to herself, placing a baking tray full of cookie dough into the oven.
Observing the kitchen a bit more, you noticed that there was no tickling of fur itching at your ankles. Peering down, Si was nowhere to be found, and the slightest bit of panic welled inside of your chest. It was as if somebody had grabbed hold of your heart and squeezed it, harder and harder until breathing proved to be a task.
Your dread was interrupted by the sound of a chair being pulled beside you, and when you looked up, you were greeted with a smiling face. It sent shivers down your spine, the way it seemed so… emotionless. The button eyes were unsettling to look at. It was like looking into a black hole, peering into nothingness.
Realistically, it was nothingness. It was empty and desolate, despite the way she smiled, how her cheeks puffed up from the curl of her lips, how her chest rose and fell as if she were breathing. You wondered what she was. You hadn’t a clue, and Si certainly couldn’t tell you. God, it was silly to even wish for a cat to be able to talk.
“I’m so happy you’re here, sweetheart. I’ve been preparing for a long time, and now that you’re here, we can finally catch up on lost time.”
Red alarms went off inside your mind, yet for a reason unknown to you, you found no purpose in wanting to run yet. You hated your mother, truly, but seeing her in a form that was caring and attentive had your inner child reeling for that affection. She never spoke to you this way. Her voice was never so smooth and soft, like a string of melodious chords playing in perfect symphonies.
“Catch up…” you repeated, eyebrows furrowing in deep thought. “What are we catching up on? I don’t understand. I don’t understand any of this.”
“Oh, dear, don’t worry about understanding. There’s no need. Just know that you’re safe here, and that I’m so pleased to have you. Everything will be okay here,” she assured, but it didn’t feel all that comforting.
Something nagged in your chest, desperate to tell you how wrong this was. All of the warning signs were right in front of you, yet your shattered heart only wanted the pieces to be glued back together with this act of unadulterated love.
How long had it been since somebody had spoken to you like this? You couldn’t even recall a single time, when you really thought about it. Your real mother was always so cruel. She was a broken woman, so destroyed over her own life that she had taken you down with it.
“Well…” You swallowed the lump in your throat. “What would you like to know?”
You lost track of the time spent with your other mother. Over the course of your conversation, you had felt a weight lifted off of your shoulders for the first time in your forlorn excuse of a life. She listened and cared for what you had to say, button eyes staring into your own with that toothy smile gracing her thin lips. Everything about her felt safe in your heart, despite your mind telling you otherwise.
You told her about your real mother, about your escape, about how lonely you had been until that point. She told you everything you ever wanted to hear, feeding you bits of security. She soothed over the open wounds with a bandaid of love you had never received, and you fell into that pool of comfort like a warm blanket, waiting to engulf you whole.
The shadows of your mind overpowered the logical side, all too eager to step into a realm where for once, you could be a person again. Your other mother was the key in stitching up the holes in your heart, mending them with nimble hands and stuffing them with light so blinding, you dove right into it.
By the time you returned home, making your way through that lovely, little tunnel and back into the sorrows of your own dreadful sight of a home, the sun had risen just barely from the pane of your windows. The living room was quiet when you stepped into it, and you felt a hint of bitterness fill your mouth at the remembrance.
You were alone, in a world that was much too cruel to you. Your scars were still open and bleeding out, urgently needing to be tended and cared for. Lucky you, you had a newfound mother figure who wanted to give you just that.
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“Good morning, Caroline,” John greeted you as you stepped out of your door hours later. “Heard quite a ruckus in your place last night. I do hope that you were alright.”
You took in the sight of John, whose kind smile looked more like a grimace the more you stared at it. Gaz was standing behind him, but offered no smile like John had. Instead, his eyes were hardened as they looked at you, shifting up and down your body like you had just said something to offend his entire family.
Confusion bubbled inside of you. Had you done something to offend them? Surely, you couldn’t have been so loud last night that they had heard you from their apartment down beneath your home.
“I’m alright, thank you. I apologize for any noise. I was doing some spontaneous cleaning around the house,” you lied with a forced smile, shrinking under Gaz’s gaze as his nose flared in what appeared to be annoyance.
“That so?” John hummed, eyes boring into yours for a moment too long. It felt like he knew you were lying, but how would he have known?
It felt like all three neighbors had eyes on you at all times, yet you couldn’t figure out how.
“That’s right,” you confirmed with a nod, attempting to appear more confident in your answer so as not to raise suspicion.
John said nothing and instead stared at you for a beat longer, before musking up another one of his bright smiles that was near hidden behind his facial hair.
“Alright then. Let us know if you need anything, yes, Caroline? Anything at all.”
“Actually,” you spoke up before they could walk away. John raised his eyebrows at you, and Gaz glanced over at John then back to you. “I was wondering… you mentioned there might be something wrong with this house. We didn’t get to talk about it before, but I’m quite the curious person, you see.”
“…I see.”
“Right.” His stare was anything but amused. “Well, I found a door in the wall. It’s all bricked up, but I was a bit nervous about it.”
From behind him, Gaz tensed, shoulders tightening up. If it were even possible, his glare seemed to become more cold.
“Mm. And why’s that, if it’s all bricked up?”
Fuck, you had to come up with a lie. All you wanted was answers, but you knew John wouldn’t give them to you if you told him what you saw. He might’ve even thought you were a mad woman.
“You don’t think, um, rats or anything can get through it, do you?” you opted to ask. You could see his eyes glimpse over to Gaz so quickly, you nearly missed it.
He went silent for a moment, before letting out a thoughtful grunt.
“Don’t think anything can get in and out of that thing. It’d be best to keep the door locked. Don’t go meddling around in it if you don’t want unwanted guests, hm?” he asked. His tone was a bit off, that much you could tell, and it was clear that his words held a certain firmness that showed he definitely knew more than he let on.
You gave him another firm nod, flashing him a smile in hopes of easing the tension, though it crumbled a bit when Gaz sniffed and looked away from you, hands shoved into the jacket of his hoodie.
You bid your farewells to them, even when Gaz made no effort to look at you anymore, and once they were out of sight, you began your trek around the side of the house.
You hadn’t seen Si since he disappeared on you last night, but when you began passing by the stairs that lead upstairs to Soap’s apartment, you felt a pair of familiar eyes piercing into you. Halting in your steps, you bent your neck up to see Si sitting along the railings that Soap was leaning against during your last encounter. He was peering down at you, and just as always, studying you.
“Hello, Si,” you greeted politely. He blinked at you, eyes slightly narrowed into judgmental little slits.
Before you could continue your journey around the house, the door of the apartment flew open and out came the obnoxiously loud Scotsman. His grin was even wider than it was when you had first met him, and he joined Si in staring down at you from where you stood on the ground.
“Miss Caroline!” he exclaimed joyfully. “Lovely to see you made it out this morning!”
The smile you offered him dropped and was replaced with an uncomfortable frown. Si’s tail flicked lazily behind him, like always, and he didn’t tear his gaze away from you once.
“Why wouldn’t I?” you questioned, tilting your head at him.
“It seems somebody didn’t keep their promise. Ain’t that right, Miss Caroline?”
How did he–
“Si tells me everything, sweetheart. He’s a talkative, little thing, y’know.” Soap lifted a hand to affectionately swipe a large hand over Si’s head, causing him to purr. His fuzzy, little head nudged further into Soap’s hand, egging him on, to which Soap granted him scratches behind the pointed ears.
“Cats don’t talk,” you deadpanned, wondering if Soap was crazy or maybe hallucinating.
No. Definitely crazy.
“Si does,” he corrected with that signature grin. “Ratted you out like a little minx. Ain’t that right, SI?”
Si meowed in response, and you stared in bewilderment at how Si was so at ease in Soap’s presence.
“Is he yours?” you asked.
“He’s nobody’s.”
“That doesn’t make sense. He has a collar with his name on it. Surely, he’s your cat.”
“Wrong, love. He’s his own person.”
What the hell did that mean? This dude was definitely insane.
“Right.” You let out a sigh through your nose, shoulders deflating in defeat. Clearly, you weren’t going to get an answer on how Soap knew you broke your promise and went through the little door he warned you about. He would simply tell you that the cat talked.
“Suppose since you broke your promise, I’ll break mine. I’m going to blast my music a bit louder now,” he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he peered at you.
You glanced back up at him with a frown. Si shifted his gaze to look at you, and there it was again – that look of disapproval.
“Why do you play that silly music anyway? You have a secret circus in that place of yours?”
Your question caused him to roar with laughter. It was a heart laugh, one that came right from his gut, and it filled the dreariness in the air with a bit of light. Regardless of how infectious it was, you didn’t know what was so funny.
“No, lass, not at all. Si wouldn’t like it if I had a little circus army of rats in my place,” he mused once the laughter settled. You thought he said Si wasn’t his cat. “She doesn’t like it.”
This stumped you. “Who doesn’t like it?”
Soap’s hand trailed from Si’s head and down his back, causing the cat to arch into the touch. He offered you a knowing smile, but for what you still weren’t sure. These neighbors of yours sure loved to play a game of mystery, entangling you in webs of confusion and offering you no resolution in the end.
“You’ll learn to like it, lass,” he stated instead, picking Si up and cradling him to his chest. “Believe me.”
With that said, he turned his back to you and stepped back into his apartment, shutting the door and successfully cutting off any hopes of you getting answers.
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lennadanvers · 2 months
Pure Imagination: braiding his hair
This has been sitting in my drafts for too ling and I'm not sure how much I like it anymore. Still, Eddie is a smol overstimulated boy with sensory issues and he deserves comfort. Thanks for reading, please consider reblogging and/or commenting on top of liking, it makes me kick my feet and squeak.
Sometimes, Eddie hurts himself. Not physically, but his head just spits horrible thoughts at him. He has to find something to soothe the hurt.
On days like that, he gets easily frustrated. He opens the cabinets, and there is no coffee left. He goes out and the van doesn’t turn on until after the fifth try. The store is closed- he doesn’t even take the time to read why in the little note hanging by the door.
When he gets home, he takes a shower, maybe that’ll make him feel better. It doesn’t. Eddie comes out of the bathroom with his hair all tangled and dripping down the back of his t-shirt. He’s frustrated, angry just because, tired and wants to punch his bed until it’s all out. But he’s learned that it won’t fix anything.
So he closes his eyes and drops the towel next to his bare feet. Takes a deep breath. In. His eyebrows relax, his shoulders go down. Out. His belly goes soft.
Your hands hold his. Thumbs going in circles, you ground him. In. Out. You breathe with him. Eddie can feel the air that leaves you caressing his neck. He sighs.
“Come on, Eddie” you direct him to his bed. “Sit down here. I’ll take care of it, it'll be alright.”
He knows.
Eddie does as the invisible version of you says. He bows and lets his body fall on the floor, back against his bed. He shivers when he feels the rough carpet scratching his thighs. It’s almost worse than the jeans he chose not to put on. At least he’s wearing boxers.
He bites his lip. In. Out.
Eddie raises his your hand and lets it softly fall on top of the wet mess that is currently his head. In. Out. You’re sitting on his bed, behind him. It feels like you’re caressing his hair more than detangling it. One curl at a time. He focuses on you.
Eddie finds your smell comforting. Sometimes he feels like a creep for thinking about it. For knowing your scent. But it was a huge help, back in school. When Eddie was having a bad day, he prayed he would walk past you in the hallways at Hawkins High. If he had class with you that day, Eddie knew he was saved.
He'd sit as close to you as possible. When Eddie he's having a bad day, it’s like his senses are heightened; so it was usually enough. He’d close his eyes, trying to ignore the awful yellow of the lights, the way his skin was crawling under his jeans, the screeching of chairs, the teenage laughs and any disgusting high school smell. Except yours, of course, that wasn’t disgusting at all. It was subtle. Soft. Not overwhelming, unlike literally everything else. Calming. Warm. Quiet.
When the world was horrible, rough, when it felt like his skin was raw and the noise made his nerves stand on edge, your smell was like a calming bubble. A balm for his soul. Maybe you didn’t really wear perfume, he isn’t sure, even after all these years. Maybe it was just your lotion, your conditioner, you. He had never been able to find either of those at the supermarket.
Your scent was a shelter for his stray senses. He used to spend the whole class calming down. After breathing you in, he felt like a person again. Like he was the owner of his own body.
Surviving the day after that was easy. He was horribly tired, of course, but felt a soft relaxation.
That’s what Eddie is desperate to feel now.
The detangling starts at the end of his hair, little droplets of water falling all over him (in, out). Fingers getting caught on small knots, gentle pulling, soft caress. One strand free. Wet skin, soft hair; in, out, another strand. Eddie slowly melts against whatever surface is there to carry his weight. The bed behind him is soft, it could easily be mistaken for your legs. And the hum of the neighbor’s AC sounds like your voice whispering something. Yes, definitely. Fingers, water, strand. In. Out.
Once his damp hair is (mostly) free of unnerving knots and falling over Eddie’s shoulders (in, out), it is separated on three wavy strands. You know how keeping it tied up in buns or ponytails bothers him sometimes. How the weight of his hair on top of his thoughts is just too much. In and out; your patient hands are braiding his hair away. Finally, it’s not dripping anymore. His shoulders are free. Eddie sighs.
Your perfect hands finish the braid and he’s never felt more thankful. He lets his body fall to the side and his cheek lands on the bed your lap, where it’s soft and safe. Eddie falls asleep like that. The next time he sees you (at the grocery store parking lot, are you in town just for the holidays?), Eddie has to stop himself from shouting “Thank you, mighty lady!” out of his van’s window.
Pure Imagination Masterlist
Taglist: @hellfirenacht @whataboutbibi @daisyridleyss
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enter-drfrog · 5 months
So we all knew Athena sucks, right? But like Athena suuuuuuuuucks.
I love how much this episode highlighted just how prideful Athena is. I’ve always known that Athena was one of the more prideful gods but this episode really solidified that fact in my brain.
I have four examples so let’s start with the ones the show hasn’t already touched on and jump back to actual mythology.
1. The Trojan War. The whole impetus for the Trojan War was because the goddess were prideful. Eris presented the golden apple for the fairest goddess and Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena got into the whole argument and Paris awarded the apple to Aphrodite. Boom, Athena’s pride was wounded so she chose the side of the Greeks. So you know, the side fighting against Paris (who wounded her pride) and the side who won again the Trojans. Moral of the story, wound Athena’s pride, she’ll ensure you lose.
2. Arachne. Arachne was a great weaver. From what I remember of the myth she was humble about her skill (but that might’ve just been one author’s interpretation because in my brief fact check I couldn’t find anything to prove that). From everything I did find, she was boastful about her skill and challenged Athena to a weaving competition. (From what I remember Athena was jealous of Arachne’s skill, spied on her, then Athena prompted the challenge). But anyways, Arachne wove a better tapestry and in a fit of rage Athena tore apart the tapestry because, you know, wounded pride. From what I remember of the myth, Athena transformed her into a spider, forced to spend her days spinning and weaving webs because she thought was so good at it. (Other interpretations say Arachne hanged herself and as a “mercy” Athena transformed into a spider, allowing Arachne to live and continue to weave). Moral of the story (from the version I remember at least), wound Athena’s pride, she’ll punish through a sick twist of “giving you what you want.”
3. Medusa. Now the show did go further into this one so I’ll keep my explanation shorter. Medusa worshipped Athena (like a super devout worshipper) and Poseidon ended up going at her in Athena’s temple. Athena was offended that they would have sex in her temple and turned Medusa into the snake-haired woman we all know today. Moral of the story, wound Athena’s pride, get fucked (now there are obviously different interpretations about what Athena’s intentions were by doing this to Medusa, but the take that it was a mercy to save Medusa from other sexual predators is a more modern take, and doesn’t push the narrative I’m crafting here).
4. Now for the show. Percy sent Medusa’s head to Olympus despite the very clear protests of Grover and Annabeth. Athena took this as an offense and blamed Annabeth. Blamed Annabeth enough to allow Echidna and the Chimera to enter her temple and attempt to kill her daughter, who so far, had been described as the pride of Athena’s offspring. Pride. What a funny word. One hit to Athena’s pride and she loses any pride she had in her child. Moral of the story once again, wound Athena’s pride, she’ll fuck you over.
Big moral of the story, Athena sucks and only cares about her pride.
No wonder Annabeth’s fatal flaw is pride. Like mother like daughter.
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kusagrasskusa · 1 year
I saw @yns-world do this so I kind of wanted to steal their thing XD But it’s really entertaining! So here’s my version of…
MK Villains meeting/hearing about their (and your) child
Erron Black, Shang Tsung, Baraka, Kano, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn edition!
Part 2!
Tell me whoever else you may want! I want to do a heros one after this, so tell me who you want!
Edit: I’m not even kidding, I was looking for some Erron X Readers, saw this, read this, said “ohh I like that one” and “ew that’s cringy” without knowing this is fucking mine XDXD I looked back at this and just gasped because I fr didn’t think I wrote this
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Erron Black
Erron: Ye look a lot like me. Ya one of them alternate universe me’s?
Son: No, but I’m here to kill you unlike what other me’s could do
Erron: Well if I die, tell other me’s to kill Y/N after pulling out
Erron: You got my eyes and your mother’s bad attitude
Daughter: And her hatred for you
Erron: Nah, our bloodline is filled with hate
Son: I wonder what she saw in you when you first met
Erron: Beats me, I wondered what she saw in the first hundred guys she fucked
Son: I’m gonna make you take that back!
Erron: If only I raised you instead, you wouldn’t be this big o’ a pussy
Son: My mother raised me better without you in my life
Erron: Yeah, never mind. You and yer mom are too ignorant to hang around
You: Your daughter is a horse girl, y’know. Ya should go show her ‘round here on one
Erron: I’m too busy for that demon girl
You: Of course you are. And she’s a demon because of you
Kotal Kahn: You have a child who asked for you
Erron: I don’t have a kid
Kotal Kahn: Well I shall introduce you two after this then
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Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung: I have been awaiting this day, my child
Daughter: Why? To destroy every woman’s life who meets you?
Shang Tsung: No, but I wonder what might a limp, pitiful creature such as yourself do when their whore of a mother is killed
Daughter: You are beyond fucked up.
Son: I remember the last time I saw you
Shang Tsung: It was quite the tragedy, indeed
Son: You couldn’t fucking stop laughing at me suffer through my mother’s death
Daughter: Whenever she died, did you care, father?
Shang Tsung: Why of course, I feared how her death would affect my precious child
Daughter: You feared so much you threw your precious child into the claws of death
Shang Tsung: At least the Kahn didn’t kill you instead.
Shang Tsung: When I was your age, it was customary for sons to protect and serve their parents
Son: I protect and serve my mother. You are a mere parasite to me
Shang Tsung: Oh, the parasite within you will enjoy tearing you apart
Shang Tsung: Does [child] know we are meeting?
You: She is sound asleep, and I promised she will awaken with her father home
Shang Tsung: She will awaken to her mother in pain so she never wants to see me again
You: All she wants is 5 minutes, Shang!
Raiden: You look just like your mother
Daughter: But I’m stronger than she’ll ever be
Raider: And you are as blind as your father
Lui Kano:
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Son: It’s funny that people try to kill me for being your child rather than for being tarkatan
Baraka: How’s that funny?
Son: They’re killing your people to get to you, father. You’re why your people are disappearing.
Baraka: Female tarkatan gather, not fight
Daughter: Come on father! One round! You know I’m better than my brothers, anyways
Baraka: This is why you’ll be the man in the family once I’m gone
Baraka: My favorite fighter
Son: [daughter] said she fights better!
Baraka: Let us find out then
Daughter: I remember the tribe before mother died
Baraka: You will never honor or lay eyes on it again, traitor!
Daughter: I put good deeds over personal victory, father
Mileena: You’re beautiful, for being Baraka’s
Daughter: You’re ugly, for being Sindel’s
Mileena: Hehe, I’ll bite that tongue if you don’t, savage!
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Kano (he’s so fucking hot)
Kano: Before anything else, ya motha’ came onto me first
Son: I- did not ask
Kano: Well, she asked- she asked for more every night
Daughter: My mom is obsessed with you, still
Kano: And lemme tell you, she was crazy over me back then too. A freak, really
Daughter: Are we both talking about [Y/N]?
Kano: Oh yeah, she never told you? She loved me
You: Still as fine as the day we met
Kano: You must be thinking of the wrong Kano, but I’d love to show you what the young me can do
You: Yeah, like give me a kid to raise on my own
Sonya: I thought I killed younger you already!
Kano: Hah, I always knew me boy would be useful one day
Sonya: Oh, shit- It was your son?
Kano: Y/N?
Daughter: Mother died a few years back
Kano: And you look as beautiful as she did
Kano: There’s no way. I pulled out!
Son: You pull-out game sucked then
Kano: Like father, like son then, ay?
Daughter: Mom said you promised to take me out today!
Kano: Daddy.. was probably drink’n’ ay
Daughter: If I have to drag you all the way out there, I will!
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Quan Chi
Quan Chi: I sense demon within you. You aren’t from Earthrealm
Daughter: I’m the perfect mix of holiness and unholiness
Quan Chi: Then you are a worthless mutt
You: Shinnok won’t take us fighting lightly. We’re supposed to unify and serve
Quan Chi: I shall not let him take [child] from us
You: You are a traitor
Raiden: You betray your realm for what?
You: I am sorry, but my child’s safety is worth more than Earthrealm’s would ever be
Raiden: So you aid the destruction of the safest realm?
Quan Chi: My son
Son: Do not call me that, demon
Quan Chi: Your demon workings are put to sleep within you, allow me to show you what you really are inside
Daughter: There was a time when mother thought you loved her
Quan Chi: A demon cannot feel love, my child
Daughter: You loved her enough to have me, yes?
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Shao Kahn
You: Wait until your queen finds out
Shao Kahn: Finds out what?
You: I am pregnant, emperor. And I am keeping it
Sindel: I’ll kill that disgusting monster of a child!
You: Do you speak to their sister that way?
Sindel: Kitana is more royal than your child will ever be
Daughter: You know, I was only doing what was good for the kingdom
Kitana: No, you were doing what father would want you to do
Daughter: It is better he likes me than throw me out like he did you
Shao Kahn: My little princess
Daughter: Mileena said you were planning of disposing me, father
Shao Kahn: Why ever would I do that?
Mileena: I told you not to touch my things, sis
Daughter: I told you not to touch me!
Mileena: Hehe, royal blood just tastes too good to leave alone
Shao Kahn: To be emperor, you must be able to defeat me first
Son: I will do you proud, father
Shao Kahn: Not until Kitana is dead, will you make me proud
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