#hero joins villain
How about a different story today, hm? "What kind of story" you ask? Oh, not to worry, it's similar to the usual. It just has a... different take to it.
Where the Hero joins the Villain
With the sun shining high in the clear sky, many would think that today was a one of a kind, beautiful, wonderful day. Though perhaps not everyone would agree. One such person was the city's faithful Guardian. Their "Hero". Protecting the city time and time again from threats of all kinds, earning the love and respect of the citizens they work hard to keep alive. At least...
That was what they thought.
You see... this Hero has lately noticed that their people have... not been the same. Talking behind their back, more fake and strained smiles than genuine, even from the children.. they wondered what was wrong. Something had to be wrong. Had they done something? What was the cause of this? They wondered, concerned for the ones the people. They had tried asking around, only to receive no straight answers, vague answers, stiff smiles, or nothing at all.
Truly, what had happened to the kind, honest, and trusting city dwellers they protect? Correction, protected. What had happened was that after a recent battle, the Hero coming out victorious once more, the people began to... take notice of their flaws. 'The Hero can't have flaws,' they said. 'A hero must be flawless, free from all internal and external troubles and lesser traits.' Focusing on the flaws, the people only ever saw what the Hero did wrong, never what they did right. They betrayed their Guardian, who sacrificed what all they had for them. A truth they learned that bitterly stared the former hero in the face.
A darkened, secluded alley is where they now hide away. Thinking. Pondering. Questioning. Seeking answers, yet not finding any. Everything evades yet alludes to them. Footsteps catch their attention, yet they do not look up from the ground in front of them.
"My, what a surprise. The light of the city hiding in the darkness."
The voice of their rival receives a slight echo through the alley. They do not react.
"Have you come to mock me? Belittle me? You're above such childish behavior, surely."
They respond. Their rival, the considered main Villain of the city, raises an eyebrow at the sullen yet emotionless tone.
"Oh dear... this isn't like you at all. Come now, what happened? Did you not get your daily shower of love an affection~?"
The rival mocked. The former hero only stayed silent, giving no reaction other than staring straight ahead. Annoyed, but taking the silence as a yes, the rival scoffed.
"Typical, sulking because nobody praised you -"
"They betrayed me."
The villain stopped talking, confused.
The former hero glanced at them, eyes like endless voids before staring ahead once more.
"They betrayed me. All of them. They changed, not for the better. They see my flaws, what I do wrong, not my strengths, and what I do right. They've been acting so different for the past week, and I'm only just now realizing why.. Stupid, stupid me..."
Tears lined their eyes as their voice wobbled and cracked at the end, but they buried their face in their arms to hide their moment of weakness. The villain simply stood there, stunned at what had just been revealed to them. This was... not what they had been expecting today. After a few minutes of tense silence only filled by the soft, shaky breaths of the hero, and after a bit of hesitation, they sat down next to them.
"They haven't changed at all, huh..? Honestly..."
They murmured. The Hero lifted their head a bit, looking at them confused as they wiped their tears away.
"What do you mean..?"
They watched as their sworn rival leaned against the wall, expression neutral but forlorn as if reliving old memories.
"It's an unfortunately common thing with the people in this city. Every new hero they get, they adore and love and appreciate, until one mistake, no matter how small it may be, brings all of their respect down. Once that happens, every flaw and every new mistake is overevaluated and discussed until they all turn their backs on the one who keeps them safe. I've seen it happen before, with every hero before you. With everyone they push away from society. This isn't the first time it's happened and it won't be the last. Trust me... I speak from personal experience..."
They explained. They heard a small gasp from the hero but kept their eyes trained on the sky. This was a shocking revelation to them, they knew. It always was.
"They've... done this before? I... I had always wondered what had happened to the heroes before me, always assuming they had either been killed in battle or retired but -"
The hero mumbled, breathing picking up as they tried to process what had been told to them. All this time and they had never known this simple fact??? How could they just do that...?! It didn't make sense! How could they do that so easily..? Their rival noticed this change in behavior and gently placed a hand on their shoulder, a knowing smile on their face.
"Hard to believe, isn't it? But once you've seen it done over and over and over again for so long, the questions just fade away and all that's left is anger and disgust at their behavior. I may not have been one of those heroes, but I was cast away from society into the dark, with others just like me, and now, like you. Adjusting is the hardest part at first, but you'll get through it. And of course, I can help you. If you'll let me, that is."
They offered. The hero stayed silent for a moment after calming down, staring at them. They understood... and had seen it first hand... was it really okay to join them..? But what did they have to lose..? Nothing. They had nothing else now. So maybe... just maybe... the former Hero stared at their rival, now possible friend and ally, and slowly nodded their head.
"I'd like that.."
At last, the former hero gave into the darkness in which they had been cast, joining forces with their former rival, now ally and friend. The city knew not what they had done, nor the danger and disorder it would bring them. May any Deities have mercy on those poor souls...
I hope you all enjoyed this! I finally finished it, and I gotta say I'm proud of it! Anyway, ya'll are more than welcome to send in suggestions for scenarios as well as questions on the ones I've written if you like! Bye~!
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ghostbsuter · 12 days
Very much inspired by this !!
Phantasm crashed into the side of a building, the rest of his team- the TeenTitans- stayed back. They were otherwise occupied, with the rest of the H.I.V.E. five attacking them.
They'd gotten a new member, one with a similar, nearly identical power set of their own new member.
Phantasm and Phantom, two mirror look alikes, they went absolutely feral whenever one was in sight. It was driving Robin mad, Beast Boy had joked about cloning but after they started to actually consider that option.
"Well, well, well." Phantom mocks, glowing green to Phantasm's red.
"Shut. The fuck. Up." Phantasm charges again, throwing the other into windows with a growl.
They kept bickering, hitting and injuring each other, until—
"Stop being so annoying!" Phantasm shouts, baring his fangs. Phantom, in return, stuck his tongue out.
"You're just jealous I got the Villain role!!"
At this point, their respective teams had called a draw and watched them fighting.
"You're a lousy villain!"
"I'm having the time of my life beating the shit out of you actually."
"I'm calling jazz."
At that, Phantom starts glaring. "I thought we agreed on not bringing this up to our sister?"
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decayedpotato · 10 months
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he lost the running race
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aangarchy · 1 year
Zuko, becoming slightly more comfortable in the gaang: this is nice, after being enemies for so long i forget you guys are just kids
Toph: yeah man, we're just goofy little kiddos! Glad you're starting to feel safe around here
Zuko: yeah
Toph: yeah
Toph: hey did you know Aang has the ability to suck the air out of your lungs?
Zuko: . what.
Toph: yeah he could kill you where you stand without even touching you
Toph: he just doesn't, but he could
Toph: anyway happy to have you here zuko :)
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y-rhywbeth2 · 3 months
Gortash: "I see murder as a grim necessity, to provoke a desired response from those who witness it. To Orin, it was a pleasurable pastime... I don't even want to know what it is to you." [dev: hint of disgust]
Rude. Orin judges Durge for the cannibalism, and Gortash gets on their case about their unsanitary, criminally insane turn-ons? My god, it's like you people think you have standards or something!
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cairavende · 15 days
Worm Arc 19 thoughts:
Hopefully this is the only time I have more than a month wait between arc recaps. I was distracted.
Not a long arc really, but god damn did a lot happen.
My daughter is no longer eaten . . . ate . . . aten . . .
My daughter is no longer inside of a creature. That's good. Even though I was obviously 100% fine at the end of arc 18. I'm just more fine now.
Big props to Weld for just going swimming in a giant flesh pool and pulling people (and dogs!) out. He's an ok guy.
Based on the weird "dreams" Skitter was having while inside Echidna I am running on the assumption that the clones are pulled from alternate reality versions of the consumed person where said person had died. Well, not the clones themselves really, but the powers of the clones (and possibly their personalities/memories). Not sure it will end up mattering, with Echidna being dead.
But basically I think the dreams were partially visions of alternate realities.
I've been on the "alternate realities are gonna play a big role and are tied to powers and everything" boat for awhile now, but this arc finally brought that all to the forefront of everything. Just with Scapegoat and Scrub's power, clone Eidolon's powers, the door, and such. So that's cool!
Speaking of Scapegoat, I love his ridiculous little power. I saw it coming the second I saw the name and I was enjoying every second of it.
"She’s fucking blind!?" has gotta be one of the best moments in Worm so far.
Skitter finally realizes that Tattletale has been very clearly taking actions to portray her as the leader to everyone else. Cause bad ass lesbian super villain trio is everything.
Skitter hard carried the second Echidna fight. Everyone would probably be fucked if she wasn't there.
Starting off with taking out the teleporter Grue clone. My girl knows rule number 1. First, GEEK THE MAGE!
And of course she was using her bugs to monitor the entire battlefield, but then she starts giving information and direction to everyone. Kept track of clones, preventing any (hopefully) from escaping). And taking out a fair share of them herself!
Fucking just full on use swarm speech to speak to everyone across the battlefield at once! FUCK YES SHE IS BADASS!
I'm sure Shatterbird won't show up again and isn't going to be an issue at all!
And she's the one that sets up the trap to cut Echidna in half and contain clone Eidolon so Miss Militia can take him out! Clockblocker gets partial credit for helping I guess. But still, Skitter saved all their asses 10 times over.
Also Clockblocker is obsessed with my daughter. Kid has it baaaaaaaad.
I love that in the first few chapters there is some teasing of Cauldron's secrets being spilled a little bit, then Legend completely reveals that Cauldron exists but lies about details, and then suddenly clone Eidolon just dumps everything out there!
Faultline and crew - "We…worked on finding info on Cauldron for a year…and…he just…he shouted it out."
And through all of this Tattletale just out here like "I'm gonna tear a hole in reality!" God I love this reckless chaos child.
Gully deserves to punch a few Cauldron people. As a treat.
Lisa "I took one look at you and instantly knew I would take over the fucking city just to see you smile" Wilbourn over here! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
Real quote: "Maybe- maybe when the interuniversal trade takes off. Can you imagine? With me and you as the top dogs? The whole world will pay attention to us." HOW CAN SHE BE THIS LESBIAN?
(I'm sure Taylor crumpling the papers from Dinah in her fists at the end of the arc isn't ominous at all.)
Blasto Interlude thoughts:
Sucks to be Blasto I guess
Accord is terrible as always, glad to see more of him. Love his minions.
Colin can't do anything right. Seriously dude you cut Bonesaw in half and still lost! You have magic cut through anything and turn it to dust tech and you couldn't kill her! God.
Dragon is hard carrying this SH9 hunting team.
She got Manton! That's crazy! Good job robot daughter!
I 100% do not expect Siberian to stay gone. I mean outright Bonesaw is gonna be cloning people and she can probably get some of his DNA. But even without that, it was just too convenient, happening off screen like that. I dunno. It's not safe.
Also Blasto, I'm really sorry about what happened to you but also you tried to make a half Simmy clone! God damn that was the dumbest thing you could ever have done. You are so lucky it didn't work (probably), cause if it did it would have been because she planned it. God damn.
Time for the Slaughterhouse 99 or whatever. Gonna really suck for people.
Parahumans Online Interlude thoughts:
Timeskip!!! Shortish timeskip but still! It's been so day to day for so long so suddenly jumping ahead was surprising.
Greg from act 1 is back! And also kinda a dick. And probably has a Thinker 1 power. Tattletale light basically. Fits with what Taylor said about him in act 1 too.
GstringGirl is probably Sveta, that feels right.
Glad to see the Case 53s making their own team, that's a good start.
WagTheDog wanting to work for Bitch is super cute! I'm glad it seems like that is going to work out.
Loved seeing some of the stuff of people talking about Skitter. I've been wanting to see what the general public has been saying about her cause from an outside perspective the stuff she has done seems 10 times crazier than it is, and it is already crazy.
Emma Interlude thoughts:
Fuck this bitch
Sure she went through a really hard situation and she has terrible parents and it is easy to see how she got to where she is, but that doesn't excuse her actions. I still don't like her at all.
I don't know how much more I need to say, except that Alan shouldn't have left his traumatized daughter home alone with the instructions "If you feel like doing something bad please call the therapist who's number I put on the fridge" christ dude. You are worse every time you show up.
Like learning that Alan knows everything about Sophia as well? Just makes him even worse! Probably upgraded from a 3 fire asshole to a 4 fire asshole by now.
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sinnamonpork · 1 year
Dabi and Himiko getting into the habit of dressing each other up is such a cute idea to think about. Dabi's body and face has a feminine edge to it, inheriting not just Rei's ice proof body but also her features, that when he was a teen on the street many creeps actually thought he was a girl. Dabi made sure they were barbecued when they made the mistake of trying to touch him. He would be the type not to really care even if people mistake him for a girl. In fact, I think he'd have fun messing with the other person while they'd be none the wiser. Himiko, on the other hand, has a shape shifting quirk. Cross dressing has always been the norm for her, but she wasn't able to do it for fun. It was only when they were in a new base and found a closet worth of new clothes where she got to explore that stuff. While she does like the flowy skirts and puffy sleeves she normally wears, she also finds herself enjoying the clear cut silhouette that wearing a suit or the soft feel of a dress shirt against her skin entails.
Anyways, the two would often swap tips and such, even going as far as making Dabi wear a wig when they dressed him enough that even Shigaraki didn't recognize him. (The wig was white. Dabi stared at the mirror for almost an hour, remembering the ice cold touch of a woman that broke under the pressure.) They had fun messing with the members of the PLF that day, no one knowing who the flirty white haired menace was and being generally horny and confused. On another random day, Himiko decided to wear one of her more masculine clothes just for funsies, but she decides to wear it more often when they accidentally came across a bunch of 1-A kids while her and Dabi was looking for a good boba shop. /No, Toga. I'm not drinking any more of that diabetes inducing shit. We're finding you real food./ She saw Ochako, and immediately left her a blushing mess with just some light teasing. The poor girl didn't know what part of the outfit she should first appreciate, it looks so, so good on Himiko. Dabi sees the two, and immediately walks out of the shop, not wanting to be a third wheel to that mess.
Now, just imagine, Hawks just finishing his 12 hour patrol and landing on the League base looking for some reprieve. He opens the door, and immediately hears a very familiar voice shouting. "Who the fuck took my bra? Spinner if you're using it again as your sleeping mask then know it's your death day." The shout was followed by a giggling Himiko pushing Hawks aside and running through the door, bra in hand. The hero still doesn't know what he's seeing when a very dishevelled Dabi in an office skirt - very much shirtless- comes tumbling down the stairs, hands busy with fixing the wig he was wearing. He sees Hawks on the door, and freezes. Then, a smile so sweet it makes every danger sense the commission instilled in him ping, Hawks wanting to turn around and follow wherever Himiko ran off to. Because that's the face of a predator finding his prey. And as Dabi struts towards him slowly, face smirking, Hawks finds himself unable to deny playing with fire once again.
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“Well, well, well, look what we have here,” Villain taunted playfully as they strolled over to Hero’s curled-up body, expecting them to jump up any second.
When there was no sarcastic remark back, Villain stopped and crouched down to get a better look, furrowing their eyebrows when Hero didn’t even look in their direction.
“Hero?” Villain questioned worriedly, touching Hero’s shoulder to get their attention.
Hero’s head shot up and they gasped from the contact, scrambling to get away from Villain.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s just me,” Villain’s voice softened and they gently placed their hand on Hero’s knee to halt their movement.
They finally got a good look at Hero’s face and couldn’t hide the shocked look in their eyes.
“What happened?” Villain hooked their fingers under Hero’s chin and tilted their face from side to side, seeing a multitude of bruises and cuts.
“Hero?” They asked again even quieter, moving their hand to Hero’s cheek and supporting their body when they leaned into their palm.
A tear ran down Hero’s face and they looked everywhere but at Villain.
“Nothing...it was n-nothing,” Hero stuttered out, finally glancing at Villain who was sighing sympathetically. They weren’t going to push Hero into answering them at that moment, that’s not what they needed.
“Okay, that’s fine,” Villain moved to embrace Hero, who shakily accepted the hug, squeezing them like they were a lifeline.
“But I’ll be here when you’re ready,” Villain whispered and lightly kissed the top of Hero’s head, smiling when they felt their lips curl up on the side of their neck.
“Thank you,” Hero responded faintly, sounding so small and fragile.
No one was ever going to hurt their Hero again.
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your-honor-im-zesty · 13 days
I soo badly want dark! jason purely for the look on Zeus's face when he realizes his son betrayed him.
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
Stanning a villain and/or a villain/hero ship is honestly so funny because every now and again you will see a post by someone who has nothing better to do with their time than post about the things they hate, hoping that the villain will commit more atrocities so their fans will, I don’t know, see the light and stop loving them and stop shipping them.
Just, fundamentally showing that they really-really have no idea what loving a villain is about?
The atrocities are sexy. The atrocities are part of the appeal. We like the atrocities in this house.
Kind of the point of loving a villain is loving that they are a villain. Which, ya know, includes the atrocities. 😂 😂 😂
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naniyou · 1 year
The time has come to bully @staff again
We can’t let them take away the search function, we can’t let them add public likes, and most importantly, we can’t let them add an algorithm
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themyscirah · 6 months
Amanda... I miss her.
But I don't trust a single person to write her other than Ostrander/Yale. Like I don't trust them to do it right. Because like it's easy to write her being shady and manipulative and involved in secret government conspiracies. That's what she does. But it feels so hollow once you've seen her character in the way Ostrander describes it. Like she is a woman who is desperate and trying to do what she thinks is right. She has found a place of power (as a fat Black woman in the 1980s) and is doing anything she can to fight and hold onto it as powerful and ambitious men try and steal it from her. So she doubles down. She doubles down on the shady deals and the broken promises and the violence and she destroys her enemies, and loses a part of her soul in the process. And then some other ambitious politician rises up and the process repeats itself over and over and over again as each time she loses more of her morality and more of her soul and more of the respect her colleagues had for her. In place of that she gains more power, she gains fear, and an even more badass reputation. Until by the end of the book the villains begin to understand/sympathize with her more than the heroes ever will. Like THAT is who Amanda Waller is. It may happen subtly, it may happen over a longer period of time but that descent is a critical part of her character! She is a tragic character! And I feel like every perception of Suicide Squad I've seen outside of the original has her as this static villainous snapshot which is just untrue to her core imo. Like she is not a hero. But she is also not JUST a villain. She is a highly flawed character who is always descending farther and farther into villainy as she is led there by what she believes is right.
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lilacthebooklover · 4 months
the new crk update got me bad
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Ohhh how majestic it would be when Percy fights, Jason who becomes a villain because of Nico.
Because I have this suspicion that Jason is low-key peeved that Percy mistreated Nico, and adding it to the hypothesis that Jason turns away from the gods bc he sees how the demigods (Nico) struggle to live, can you imagine how astounding it would be - his resolve, his animosity? 
Jason wouldn’t hold back - he has no reason to, it’s not like he and Percy particularly fond of each other. Provided he is to Nico, though, and it just makes things worse - and oh isn’t it breathtaking when a child of thundering storms lets go of his wrath. Percy wouldn’t hold back - because he had done it with Luke once, and when Nico appears to be failing with all the mixed feelings of betrayl and gratitude and friendship with Jason, he has a reason to take it as his responsibility to fight the son of Jupiter himself.
Can you see what I see? They’re a mess. Jason fights because of Nico, that’s why he cannot finish off Nico. But Nico cannot fight Jason either, and that is the exact reason Percy must take the wheel. Jason and Percy would kill each other in a heartbeat. But Nico would never let either of them die. Ironic, huh?
It’s more of a war. It’s about antagonizing each other and antagonizing yourself in order to salvage what you believe in. How exhilerating it is - just to imagine all the turmoils they’d have to go through and the bloodshed that follows. 
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
Sorry but gone evil s6 pirate jay would be so hot fr fr, I want him to get punched in the face repeatedly before converting a bunch of Ninjago citizens into his gay pirate crew and doing uhhh crime
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randomnameless · 15 days
Browsing redshit made me think about this,
I might be usually harsh him, but credit where it's due :
The game kills Jerry when Jerry is the one who calls Flamey "uwu not me but Solon i would have stopped them if i knew" bullshit
Oh, we've met all right. But back to you. You're the one responsible for the destruction of this village. Do not get the wrong idea. What in blazes does that mean? It is true that I am working with Solon. But that does not mean our objectives are the same. Had I known they planned to do this, I would have stopped it. You have my word. Your words are meaningless. Now, I'll have to insist that you accompany us back to the monastery.
(note how Jerry has the angry portrait!)
Of course it happens in the event where Jerry backtracks on everything he did before and realises he had been stupid but hey, the game and its red herring is written around this "plot induced stupidity" -
Assuming logic exists in a Fodlan game and Kronya missed his vitals - would Jerry eventually side with Billy in CF?
Regardless of Rhage talking about failures and garbage, I see them as willing to spare Billy (they're his beloved kid after all) or maybe talk some sense in them - like hewwo, did you forget Remire and all? Clownya?
Maybe like a red unit that turns green - but attacks everyone on your team who isn't Billy, which means, of course, Billy will have to end them.
But siding with Flamey, I mean, Supreme Leader?
And then Nopes was released lol
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