#i found a wet box item :) it's exactly what it says
ridl · 1 month
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metal gear solid 2 being truly groundbreaking simply by allowing a woman visible armpit hair. then there's solid snake with his clenched rock firm ass, i'm crying. why is he like this
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writers-ex · 1 year
Hello, I hope you're doing well. may I please request a yandere Yeji x female reader fic? Where reader is secretly equally obsessed with Yeji, she has no one she wants to be with and relies on more. Her family is horrible, and most of her friends are fake and two-faced. With Yeji being the only constant in her life, she latches on and willingly stays with Yeji when taken. Yeji confused yet thrilled decides to ask why and learns readers true feelings. With smut and claiming/praising kink
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flipping finally T-T enjoy anon <3
warnings: yandere themes, bullying, abusive family and friends, stalking, marking up, whatever this is
word count: 961
"i could've sworn i hid her panties underneath my shoe box...?" searching around her room yeji grumbles to herself and sighs. this was the third time this month that your panties she 'found' were misplaced in her own apartment?! the feeling of someone's gaze on her causes her to look out the window to see the rustle of a bush when your text notification dings making yeji jump for her phone. 
your face on her phone never ceases to amaze her but what really ticked her off was hearing your parents fight for the 800th time this week. the amount of times you wince and zone out during her conversation makes her blood boil.
"i-i-i can't take it anymore can i sleep over ji?"
"you don't even have to ask, my place is open for you baby." as you hang up the call yeji quickly picks up hiding any of her latest 'borrowed' items from you. once you open the door yeji pulls you in for a hug letting you cry it out as she guides you to bed. as your tears calm down yeji sings you a lullaby until you're fast asleep in her arms with the moonlight outlining your features yeji stays up to stare at you for a bit. 
as you shift your body closer to her your hands start to move lower down her body and slide into her shirt, confused yeji stays quiet to watch your next move. you groping and play with her nipples letting out soft whimpers until yeji shivers making you stop your actions and flip over. only one thing went through her mind the following day when you got up to shower and couldn't look her in the eye.
you took advantage of her in her 'sleep'.
"thanks for letting me stay over yeji. i'll pay you back with some dessert at that cafe you like, see you after school?"
"sure thing!" waving goodbye yeji makes her way to class and after first period she remembers that she packed your lunch in her bag. outside the door, those friends of yours that yeji always saw you with are huddled together pointing and laughing.
"did you see it? she's wearing the same thing again!!"
"lazy pig, i bet her parents kicked her out."
"why do we hang out with her again?"
"because she's friends with the hottest girl in school hwang yeji duh?!" 
"and she makes a great gopher, i wonder when she'll be coming back with our-WHAT THE FUCK?!" the group of now sopping wet girls turns around to find you holding empty cups with what were their drinks. hot tears in your eyes one of them raises their hand at you when yeji rushes over to pull you away.
"don't you dare touch her you, ungrateful bastard! i'm going to make sure you're blacklisted from ever leaving your room." screaming threats at yeji she simply turns around and drags you out of the school.
"yeji wait where are we-"
"baby i think it's time we took our long weekend today."
"but yeji it's only monday?!" not saying anything else yeji guides you back to her car and drives you away from the rural place you call home and enters the unfamiliar bustling city. driving up to a building yeji parks and takes you by the hand to the elevators inside going up to the top floor. as the doors open she opens one room and immediately you feel a sense of familiarity as you walk inside. the whole apartment looks exactly like your room at home, before you can say anything else yeji bolts the door shut and looks at you with a crazy glint in her eye.
"you'll be safe here. together we can live and support each other without all the horrible people trying to tear us apart." she walks closer to you with her voice rising and hands grabbing your arms. "no more bullies. no more evil parents. no more tears. you'll stay here with me as my most beloved, as ...as mine."
"thank you for this opportunity."
"i'm sorry what did you-"
"i said thank you yeji." her eyes study your face as your blank look turns into a full-out grin as you embrace yeji cackling. "i can't believe it took you this long to ask me."
"i well i...ok then so that means-"
"i like you silly, i've only ever liked you. why do you think i try to sleep over every chance i get? or maybe even why you have so many of my things at your place which by the way i had to get some of my panties back since you left me with just the one pair i currently have on?" unbuttoning your pants they fall to the floor revealing a cute cherry pattern panty.
"fuck this." crashing her lips onto yours the two of you stumble toward the bed as yeji moves her lips to mark your leg while you grip tightly. now on the bed yeji towers over you eyeing your now disheveled hair and crazy smile. "strip now i need to get one more thing to make this day just right." as you remove your clothes eagerly yeji rushes to the kitchen and pull out of the drawer a small wrapped gift box. returning to bed she sees you sitting up your bare body on display as she throws you the box while ripping her clothes off.
"yeji what is-oh yeji my love." the now unwrapped box reveals a collar with yeji's name written beautifully in your favorite color. standing in front of you yeji grabs the ends of the collar and ties it to your neck as she cups your face looking into your eyes.
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Borgin & Burkes
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Pairing: Regulus x reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Description: A summer job at Borgin & Burkes takes a turn when Regulus Black bustles through the door soaking wet and searching for horcruxes.
Warnings: none
A/N: Brand-spanking new tag list at the bottom! Let me know if you'd like to be added to it!
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It was an unusually hot summer day in the U.K. The forty-degree weather had sequestered most people inside their homes by the nearest fan or to the closest body of water. But (un)luckily for you, the heat was no matter as you stood behind the front counter of Borgin & Burkes sorting through a chest of random artefacts that were either haunted, cursed, or both. By now, it’s half three, and like most hellishly hot days, a thunderstorm was quickly making its way over London. Although you couldn’t see the darkening sky, the telltale rumbles of thunder grew louder by the minute. Heavy rain begins to fall, drops pelting the roof of the old building. 
You pull out an iron spike from the chest, followed by a small velvet box with a ruby necklace inside that couldn’t be any less than ninety-six carats. At the bottom is a small phonograph, although you decide not to try and play it because upon touching it, rage bubbles up inside you. The last item is a brown alligator skin diary that has seen better days. The center of the book is almost destroyed and shows signs of having been singed. Someone’s curse probably rebounded; you think.
Often, you found yourself questioning why exactly you had chosen to work in this dusty, old shop with your dodgy bosses and cursed magical artefacts. Perhaps it was worth the two galleons an hour, though. Plus, your flat was close, granted it was also on Knockturn Alley, right above a pub. But the older witch who owned the building was nice enough to you, and the one-bedroom was spacious enough for you to spread out on the living room floor every evening and read to your heart’s content.
As you take inventory of the items, filling in a long grid drawn on a piece of parchment, the bell at the front door rings. You look up to see a tall, raven-haired boy rush through the entrance, escaping the barrage of rain outside. He’s soaking wet and nearly out of breath. The door slams shut behind him as he attempts to comb his hair back with his fingers and wipe a few stray water droplets from his rain cloak that’s been rendered useless.
            “Um, hello…”
            “Hi, how can I help you?”
            “I’m looking for a…erm…magical artefact,” Regulus says, eyes traveling down to the items inside one of the glass displays.
            “Well, you’ve come to the right place,” you deadpan.
            Regulus gathers the resolve to meet your gaze again. “It’s a locket I’m trying to find…”
You’ve seen him before. Those Black family features were recognizable anywhere—obsidian locks, razor-sharp bone structure, and the grey-green eyes that beckon you to see what’s behind them but at the same time seem to whisper “stay away.”
            “Do I know you?”
            “I don’t know, do you?”
            You let out a huffed laugh while studying him for a moment longer.“ You were the git that corrected me during that OWL revision in Ancient Runes! Always sat in the back with Crouch…”
            Regulus’ eyebrows draw up. “Oh, wait I remember you. You’re Ehwaz Girl!”
            You roll your eyes. “Oh Merlin, be quiet! They’re so similar – Ehwaz, Eihwaz – whatever! Do you know how much time I spent memorizing those blasted runes?” Regulus laughs as you continue your rant.
            “Professor Babbling almost laughed in my face after you corrected me!”
            “To be fair, there is a huge difference between partnership and yew tree. I’d expect any Ravenclaw at the top other class to know that,” Regulus challenges.
            “I’m not afraid to hex you so hard that you won’t be able to cast another rune again! We’re on Knockturn, not Diagon Alley, Black” you retort.
            Regulus cocks an eyebrow, clearly amused. “Oh, is that right? You want to have a go? You’ve seen me duel—I’ve got fantastic stamina!” he goads.
            You stand, shaking your head at the haughty wizard’s audacity. “Maybe after we find this locket,” you say.
            “Whatever you want, Eihwaz,” Regulus replies with a smirk.
You walk to the end of the counter, opening the mini-door and locking it back with a flick of your hand then heading for the spiral staircase. You stop and turn back around when you don’t hear the boy’s footsteps. His eyes travel from artefact to artefact as he tries to hide a frown.
            “You coming, Black?” He looks up, his frown relaxing into neutrality. “Oh, um…you might want to have your wand out, just personal experience…” Regulus quickly follows, pulling his wand from the inside of his cloak.
Entering the back room of Borgin & Burkes is a lot like any young witch or wizard encountering their first boggart. You might have a few ideas as to what may pop out at you, and you most definitely will be paralyzed for a moment from the sheet shock of whatever it is you see. Borgin & Burkes isn’t what one would call a “controlled” environment like that of Hogwarts or Ilvermorny. However, you might actually encounter harm in this case. Like getting attacked by a baby Manticore. Or smothered and eaten by a Lethifold. It depends on the day, really.
            “We don’t usually let customers back here…but I suppose I’ll make an exception for you.”
            “I’d expect nothing less.”
            “Yeah, I’m sure you’re used to special treatment, aren’t you?”
Regulus briefly remembers the previous night at Malfoy, surrounded by the rest of his fellow Death Eaters. He remembers how the Dark Lord had said that he’d chosen someone to lead his next attack – a kidnapping of the Head Unspeakable of the Department of Mysteries who’d taken kindly to many of the muggle-born wizards and witches working in the Ministry. He remembers how his heartrate sped up, how his chest puffed out slightly and how his chin rose just that much higher in anticipation as the Dark Lord called out the name of his best friend, Evan Rosier, not his own. He remembers how he tried to hide his embarrassment as he sat next to the Rosier wizard, nodding and shouting out yeas of approval along with everyone else. He remembers how he almost quite literally leaped at the opportunity to volunteer Kreacher as soon as the Dark Lord said he was in need of a house elf. He’d heard whispers about a locket that had belonged to Salazar Slytherin, but he had no idea of what use it would be to the Dark Lord.
            “Not exactly…”
            “So, what does this locket in question look like?”
            “It’s…erm” Regulus pauses to clear his throat. “It’s pure gold. And it’s engraved with a serpentine “S’. The pendant is yellow…golden…pretty sure it’s citrine. I do suppose it could also be yellow diamond, though, considering its original owner…the ‘S’ engraving’s got gems on it too. Emeralds.”
            “Alright…” you reply, looking along the walls of shelves packed with miscellaneous items. You opt for a series of shelves near one of the room’s back corners, carefully scanning shelf by shelf. “The jewelry and stuff is over here usually,” you explain.
            “To my understanding, Burke bought the locket from Merope Guant. I’m honestly not sure if it’s here or not because I couldn’t find anything else on its whereabouts, if any, after Burke purchased it.” 
You stand in silence, wand in hand, contemplating casting a spell and looking stupid, or settling for her non-magical eyesight and the one thousand-page Items Ledger logging each item stocked and sold.
            “Accio locket,” you cast. Nothing happens. You shrug.
            “I’d think even you would know better than to accio anything in this place…” Regulus remarks snidely.
            “Do you want my help or not? Because the door is right back that way,” you say pointing back down the staircase you’d traveled up minutes ago. 
Regulus reaches to one of the higher shelves, gliding his hand from left to right in midair, sorting through necklaces, bracelets, and rings. He continues like this for a while. You continue your search across the room. 
Twenty minutes later, you both come up empty-handed. You sigh, knowing that the next best option is looking through the Items Ledger. It’s sitting at the opposite corner of the storage room and is about as thick as all of your Hogwarts textbooks stacked on top of each other.
            “Let’s go to plan B,” you say as you walk over to the closed ledger. 
It’s dusty, yet it’s impossible to know how because neither Borgin nor Burke let any item be brought into the shop without it being logged. You blow the dust from it, causing Regulus to back away, squinting his eyes and waving away particles of dust from his face. You open the front cover to a tan-paged ledger that seems to go on forever. Turning page after page, nothing seems to pop out about a locket.
            Hand of Glory, Raven cane…
By page 98, realization strikes.
            “Agh wait, I forgot. This book – it’s a Librovoz, it recognizes your voice so you can use it to manipulate it.” Regulus nods, looking at you expectantly. “It—erm…she…the book, her name is Janet. She likes when you refer to her properly…”
            “Didn’t believe a book could be so high maintenance.” As Regulus says this, the book flips itself shut.
            “Shhh! She can hear you, Black!” 
Regulus raises his hands in surrender. “Sorry! Sorry…erm…Janet.”
            You shake your head at the wizard then direct your attention back to the sentient ledger. “Search for locket,” you say to the book. “Please?”
The book opens, flips iits pages for a moment until it stops on page 354. Both of them scan the pages but find nothing but a “Deadly Mandrake Root Lock,” nothing about a “locket.” Your eyebrows furrow as you contemplate where to go next.
            “Maybe it’s under a name?” Regulus offers. He tucks a loose piece of hair behind his ear.
            “Search Slytherin,” you say. The book doesn’t budge.
            “Search Guant.”
The book flips for a moment longer, stopping on page 888. Right on the second row of the ledger reads “No. (unlisted) Guant Pendant.” You and Regulus look up at one another.
            “Cryptic…I guess I should’ve expected that from Burke,” you announce.
            Regulus hums in agreement reading the rest of the entry. “It says it’s on Aisle 33, Shelf M,” he reads. Regulus doesn’t see any other entries with items categorized to Shelf M either. M for Marvolo, perhaps, he wonders.
As you walk to Aisle 33, the book slams shut, so as to say “you’re welcome” to the duo.
Shelf M is empty.
            “Maybe Burke took it back? Kept it as his own and forgot to remove it from the book?”
Regulus shrugs, but distress flashes on his face briefly.
            “It’s possible.” He lets out a huff. “Salazar, I just don’t know where else it might be if not here. I mean, it could quite literally be anywhere if you haven’t got it stocked here…” He runs a hand through his hair and looks up at the other shelves in silence. “Has anyone else worked here besides Borgin and Burke?”
            “Obviously you,” he scoffs. “I mean before you, Eihwaz.”
            You glare at him. “I don’t know! Um…I mean…” Then it strikes you. Merlin, how could I have forgotten that!
Borgin & Burkes prided itself on buying and selling ancient artefacts, most of which could never have any benevolent energy attributed to them. They were opportunists, procuring magical items by any means necessary and regardless of the power they possessed or danger they posed. So, it makes sense why Tom Marvolo Riddle would exploit their opportunistic proclivities by taking a job there. The place is shrouded in dark magic. Of course, the bloody Dark Lord had swept through here. Even if he hadn’t yet been the malevolent dark wizard into which he had transformed himself.
            “Tom Riddle,” you say.
Regulus raises his eyebrows at your answer. He should’ve expected this. Why hadn’t he thought of that? Regulus was a clever boy, prided himself on it. How had he failed to put that together?
            “What do you know about Horcruxes?”
            You frown, shaking your head in confusion as you run your hand along Shelf M. “Um…nothing. Should I?”
      ��     “For your purposes, yes.”
            “Our purposes? Didn’t know I was a part of your…well…what exactly are you doing?” you say as your pinky finger brushes against something small and solid. “Hold on, what’s this?” You pick up the object from the shelf, bringing it between yourself and Regulus. A smooth, tiny emerald. “You said the locket has emeralds, right?”
            “Yes! It’s just…what can we do with this? It’s only one tiny piece.”
            You grin mischievously. “Lucky for you, poncy rich boy, I can do psychometry. If I can sense this stone’s energy and get something from it—”
            “Bloody hell, how do you work in a place like this then?”
            “Anti-sensitivity charm,” you say, wiggling your fingers in the air and winking. “It’s worn off though…”
            “Well, are you getting anything?”
You hear the sound of waves crashing. Darkness fills your mind’s eye for a moment until an image flashes before you.
            “I hear waves…and I see um…a mountain? No…or…a cave? It’s a cave. There’s people walking…children,” another image appears, “two children lying dead. It looks like it was done with magic…corpses…hundreds of them…Merlin!” Then you see it. Him. You shudder, dropping the emerald, which Regulus swoops down to catch.
“What is it? Was it him?” he practically begs. 
You nod, spooked, and let out a sigh of relief from no longer holding the gem. Regulus rolls the emerald between his thumb and middle finger as you process in silence. You have no clue how much time has gone by.
            “What’s all this to you, then, hm?” you ask.
            Regulus hesitates for a moment before clearing his throat. “The locket…it’s no use to me, really. It’s a bit complicated, you see.”
            “Then why are you here?”
            “I…well I didn’t know what exactly I’d find coming in here. A month ago, I didn’t even know what I was searching for…”
            “Black, you’re not making any sense!”
            “I…He…I have to find a way to destroy it. I have to.”
            “If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me. Or trust me.”
            “The Wizengamot is still out on my trust in you. But, mate, I work in a shop full of dark magical artefacts. At this point, nothing would surprise me!”
            “Alright, well…the locket. I believe it may contain a part of the Dark Lord’s soul." You stay silent, mouth slightly ajar, watching him hesitate. “I’m still trying to figure all of this out, and I don’t have much time to do so.”
            “A copy…is it possible to make a copy of the locket here?”
            “Erm…I imagine, yes. But we need the original.”
            “Then help me.”
            “Help me figure this out. I’ve got loads of research on dark magic back at home—”
            “Look, I get it, but I really need this job…”
Regulus reaches into the front of his cloak and throws a tiny burgundy sack your way. You pull the top open. Gold.
            “You’re bribing me? That’s low…even for you, Black.”
            “You need the money, right?”
            “Did you have to go to your family vault for this?”
            Regulus scoffs. “Don’t flatter yourself.”
You walk back to the front of the shop, ripping a piece of paper from the Daily Prophet sitting on the counter and pulling a quill from nearby. You write your address and hand the torn piece of paper to Regulus.
            “Meet me in an hour at this address. It’s a block down from here. And bring whatever research you’ve got, books, whatever.” Regulus smirks. “And you aren’t sparing any more details from me now, Black.”
            “That’ll be up to me to decide…” he says before letting out a yawn. Two hours had passed since he entered the artefact emporium.
            “Tired already? Thought you had, what was it, ‘fantastic stamina’?”
            “One hour, Eihwaz.”
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Tag List: @wysleria @annoyinglythoughtfuldestiny
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gyoobies · 2 years
Something A little Different
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Pairing: Hoshi x Fem Reader
Genre: Romantic smut, established relationship 
Warnings: Explicit content 18+, Minors DNI, Unprotected sex (Always wear rainboots when playing in puddles)
Summary: After earning the title of being the least romantic of your boyfriends, Hoshi decides to change up his usual tempo.
I tried y’all, but if you see any errors....don’t 
As always this is just 1 piece of a Polyamorous universe that lives in my head. 💕
Hoshi wasn't exactly your patient, candlelight and roses boyfriend, but you knew he had always admired how the others (mostly Mingyu) would often prepare things for you; so It was no surprise to you when one day you walked through your front door and found your living room covered in roses but not in the classic way. Clear balloons filled with rose petals covered the floor of your dimly lit living room, mirroring the balloons covering the ceiling, and a trail of flickering tea lights leading a path to the bathroom. 
Peeking in you saw where your sweet boyfriend had been waiting patiently. You took in his toned form leaning back against the sink in nothing but black sweatpants slung low on his hips as he scrolled through his phone.  Hoshi was stunning so you felt justified in taking a few seconds longer than necessary to drink him in before stepping into the candlelit bathroom. 
"Is there a special occasion I wasn't aware of?"
Hoshi just smiled, put down his phone and stepped closer to you, pulling you in for a quick kiss.
"I've been waiting for you." He whispered as he began to undress you.
"I can see that, but what's the occasion?"
Hoshi faltered in his movements slightly not knowing what to say, he hadn’t really expected you to question his actions. There wasn't really an occasion, he just wanted you to see him in a new light, wanted you to think of him as more than your fast paced lover. 
"I just wanted to pamper my girl" 
You hummed in response and let him finish undressing you. There had to be more to this than just wanting to pamper you, but you'd let it go for now. Standing before him in nothing but your underwear, Hoshi took the moment to lean in for another quick kiss. He unclasped your bra with ease, and with his hands flat against your hips, he slowly trailed them down your body catching the waistband of your panties between his fingers on the way down. You couldn’t help being completely entranced with how the candlelight kissed his features as he slid to the floor removing your panties as he did so. You caught the moment his eyes fixated on the small bruise on your thigh. Shivering as he gently ran his thumb over the spot that had captured his interest, causing goosebumps to prickle your skin. 
"What happened here?"
"Oh, Mingyu bumped into me and I banged it on the corner of a box." you said softly.
Hoshi tenderly kissed the small bruise. "I'll need to remind him to be more careful with our girl."
What had gotten into him? You were fully aware of your boyfriend's duality, but something was just a bit different today, a bit more commanding, more calculated. Hoshi and Mingyu? The thought of that dynamic would play out in the deepest corners of your mind later. Your thoughts were interrupted when Hoshi took your hand to lead you to the shower, turning on the water and remembering to put your hair up so as not to get it wet before helping you step inside.
He watched with sharp eyes like a predator stalking its prey as the water droplets met your skin and rolled down your curves. 
"Not joining me?"
"I am, I just wanted to admire you for a while." He said as he removed his pants. 
Of course he's not wearing underwear. You smiled up at him as he stepped into the shower with you, turning to reach for the body wash and bath sponge, you found yourself being held back in Hoshi's arms. The feeling of his firm chest against your back almost made you weak as he reached around you to grab the items you were after just moments ago.
"Let me take care of that for you" He said as he began to lather his hands with the body wash before running them over every inch and curve of your body. This was something new for the both of you, yes your boyfriends had bathed and showered with you before and sometimes you washed each other with a sponge but this was so intimate. Feeling every flex of his hands, the warmth of his skin on yours. You were a confident woman, but nobody is without insecurities yet somehow they didn't seem to exist in this moment.  
"Time to rinse" he said as kissed along your shoulder. On instinct you reached back to thread your fingers in his hair earning a soft moan from him.
"Stop that." he commanded as he removed your hand from his hair. "I have more to do but if you keep that up we won't make it out the bathroom."
Once Hoshi was satisfied that all the soap had been rinsed from your bodies, he turned off the shower and stepped out to grab towels, holding yours open for you to step into before wrapping you up in his arms to lead you to your room.
When you stepped into your bedroom you realized by the way it matched your living room that he put more effort into this than you had imagined. The flicker of dancing flames and soft candlelight filled the room. You felt the towel you were wearing fall to the floor and pool at your feet, then the warmth of his palms slick on your skin, followed by the scent of your favorite body oil. 
"Climb on the bed for me." He asked just above a whisper.
You eagerly did as requested, scooting to the middle. You watched as Hoshi climbed onto the bed and hovered over you, giving you a smirk before kissing you deeply for the first time tonight. You kept your eyes closed when he parted from the kiss, enjoying this new side of him. You gasped at the unexpected sensation when he began to trail the first warm droplets of oil between your breast to your belly. With closed eyes your senses were heightened, and every single touch felt electric. He spread the oil across your shoulders, and over your breasts giving your nipples a soft pinch as he did. Working his way down your body he made sure to touch every inch of you available to him. He lifted one leg from the bed and placed your foot flat against his shoulder as he massaged the oil into your skin, starting from your foot and moving up to your thigh.  You relaxed into the bed, getting lost in the feeling of his hands on you. Placing your leg back on the bed he repeated his actions for the other, but this time once he finished he teased his fingers along your pussy getting them nice and wet before using them to massage your clit. He kept that up for a while before plunging two fingers deep inside you. He had kept you wanting all night and now that he was finally giving you what you craved you were crumbling fast. 
He had worked you up from the moment you got home, so it was no wonder that you were dangerously close to climax now that he had 2 fingers moving expertly inside you, but you didn't want to finish on his fingers. You wanted his dick and you had no problem letting him know that. Grabbing his hand you voiced your desire, almost catching him off guard from the way your voice dripped with need. He had never heard you this needy for him before, mostly because he had never made you wait due to his own impatient nature. Hoshi was more than happy to fulfill your request, quickly removing his fingers and leaning over you, leg still perched atop his shoulder, and with one quick motion he filled you completely. Fluidly, and languidly he moved his hips as he placed love bites along your neck. It was only when he felt your walls flutter around him did he abandon his slow pace. Placing your other leg atop his other shoulder he leaned into you more making sure the angle would allow him to go as deep as possible.   
"Is this ok?"
You couldn't help but smile at how sweet he always was during sex no matter how frenzied and desperate it was. Even now with you wanting him to fold you like laundry he still wanted to be certain you were comfortable. 
"More than ok." 
With that bit of reassurance he set off to demolish your back. With every thrust the mattress dipped from the force behind it as he continuously plunged into you. With every snap of his hips, sounds of pleasure escaped you both, increasing in volume with the speed of his thrusts. You had never been more thankful than in this moment that you didn't live in an apartment because the outcry of his name when he delivered one final thrust that ended you both would have definitely garnered some complaints. 
With what was left of his strength, Hoshi gently lowered your legs but not before giving them a few sweet  kisses. Completely spent and sated he plopped down beside you, pulling you close. You laid there limp, limbs heavy, basking in the the aftermath that was sex with Hoshi. You had almost dozed off until you heard a quiet, "did you like everything?"
Looking up at him you could tell he knew the answer because there was a faint smirk on his face. 
"Of course I did, but are you going to tell me what the occasion is now?"
"There is none. I just realized that I could improve in the romance area after taking that quiz."
You immediately began to giggle. "The romance quiz Mingyu found online to stroke his own ego when he scored higher than everyone else?! Babe those are just for fun." You said as you cradled his cheek.
"I know, but it did have some simple everyday romantic gestures listed that I realized I’d never even thought to do, and even though it also had a lot of cliché things on it too, it still sucked to rank last. I guess I just wanted to make up for all the simple things I've missed."
"Well you've definitely made up for it and then some, at the cost of me walking tomorrow? Perhaps, but it was certainly worth every wobbly step and sore muscle I'll have tomorrow."
Hoshi looked at you with a devious smile. "Don't worry honey, if you're sore tomorrow I'll just give you another massage."
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slaasherslut · 2 years
Items Ava has saved in a shoe box that Lester has given her and other items that remind her of him
Avana Walker x Lester Sinclair
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Lester is the literal embodiment of a raccoon. Hes always scampering around and shoving things he finds cool in his pockets. Some he keeps for himself for his truck or to scatter them around his home. Other times though he picks them up with the intention on giving it to Ava. Hes always on the lookout for things that remind him of her or things he thinks she would like. Ava started collecting all of his little gifts in a shoe box she keeps under their bed on her side. Some of these things include:
Various small skulls.
Lester is always coming home with little skulls for her to clean up. He always tells her exactly where he found them and what animal it was. The first time he brought Ava to his cabin she gushed about the giant deer skull hanging on a wall. He showed her some more of his smaller ones. Like a few cats, birds, mice, even a fox or two. The way her eyes lit up at the macabre collection made him feel all fuzzy inside. He wanted her to get that look again and again, so he kept bringing her skulls he finds on the forest floor and in ditches.
This man always has at least one rock is his pocket at all times, you cant change my mind about that. He always collects them for both Ava and Ellie. Some nights when Les has to work late and Ava goes to bed before he gets home, she'll wake up to him sleeping peacefully next to her and a new rock on her night stand. He will hand them to her and say things like, "Baby, I found this real pretty rock! Reminds me of yer eyes, doncha think?"
The first bullet she ever fired.
Not long after deciding to stay in Ambrose, Ava found Lester's rifle in the back of the closet. She figured it was mostly used for hunting but at this point Lester had yet to tell her that he used it more often on people than animals. She asked Les a few times to teach her how to shoot but he was very hesitant. Partly at the fact that his overwhelming need to protect her wanted to keep her away from such a deadly weapon. The other part was that he would be handing her one of his murder weapons. When he finally caved he took her out behind his cabin and had her aim for a tree Ellie had previously hung a bird feeder on. Lester stood behind her, hands ghosting her body as he taught her the proper posture and hand placements. He made sure she was paying attention and was very serious when he explained how the rifle worked. Her first shot landed in the trunk of the tree. Lester whistled. "Yeah baby! Look atcha! Right on target!" He made a mental note of where the bullet hit and Ava fired off a few more rounds. Before they packed up and went inside, he used his hunting knife to dig the ruined bullet out from the bark and shoved it in the breast pocket of his shirt before heading back inside.
Some were taken with Bo's DSLR and some were taken with Ava's Polaroid camera. A few of Ava's favourites include: - The photo Ava took with Percy and Ellie on their lake trip with the boys. The photo is of soaking wet Ava mid shoving the other two girls behind her into the lake. - Her favourite photos of her and Lester are at a bonfire that the group got together to do. Vincent had taken them, there was three. In the first photo, Lester is leaning his back against a stump they used as a makeshift seat and Ava is all cuddled up with a blanket in between his legs. Shes laughing at one of Bo's old stories and hes just looking down at her with a love struck smile. The second photo is much of the same but shes looking up at him. The third has the two of them sharing a sweet kiss. - A photo Bo took of Ava and Percy cuddling together in Bo's guest room. Lester was working late that night and Ava's anxiety got the best of her. The house just kept making strange sounds and it was so dark outside. On top of that the house felt so lonely without Les being around. She walked over the the Sinclair home and Percy pulled her inside, leading her up to their guest room that used to be Lester's old bedroom and snuggled with her until they both fell asleep. - Another one is of Lester and Ellie. The two best friends were in the pond behind the cabin looking for frogs. Ava was making them lunch as they goofed off and laughed together. Once she finished up making lunch she looked out the window to see if she could spot them and she could. Ellie and Les were both crouched next to each other at the ponds edge. Ava grabbed her camera and snuck outside to let them know that food was ready, but not before snapping a photo of the two.
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☾ tag list: @rottent33th @cries-in-latino @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @the-pinstriped-hood @allthingsblood @25bohemianmoons
message me if you want to be added to my tag list!
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josy57 · 2 years
The City of Lost and Found
My grandmother died last year And, long after the initial stab of grief, The hanging shadow of her despair felt like a curse A stretching finger, gnarled like an old root, beckoning, promising to return I did not say. I did not want to add to the collective sorrow I talked to my sister on the phone and patted my mother’s back I did what I do best I held it and held it like a breath Like a note you crumple in your fist
I spent December packing my life into cardboard boxes And begging to be allowed to begin again, Across the country, Far from the endless winters of my hometown Their wet, grey, sulking skies,   The suffocating dusk that settles for months at a time I had weathered it, year after year, as I weathered my own sadness But suddenly I was scared of this place Of what it would do to me if I stayed
I had learnt what comes of a whole life of stasis One day, you catch your own face reflected on the window Superimposed over that same view You see morning and night, as you lift and lower the blinds You are shriveled and alone You’ve been unhappy since childhood, You’ve lived doggedly, with white-knuckles and no relief One step at a time, Daring to look no further than the tip of your shoes But now the much-feared road ahead has slipped passed Nothing changed and, at this late hour, nothing will They close in, those thoughts you’ve batted away like corpse flies for decades on end Many mouths speaking in one voice Saying what they’ve always said Insisting that, you see, they were right all along So you stop your mad paddling, your tens of daily rituals That kept the emptiness at bay You stand still and sink like a stone Another ring in the ripples of a family history That’s been running in circles
A few days into the new year, I left staring straight ahead through the frosty windshield I moved into a small apartment under an old couple’s house And, on the very first morning, I woke up there I drew open the curtains to see a bright January sun, Peaking, grapefruit-colored, through the trees of the nearby park
Every day, I laced my hiking boots and walked for hours I visited little free libraries, flea markets, and secondhand shops Filling the empty shelves Finding comfort in this piecemeal making of a new existence Made with the flotsams of others I felt cared for by the city, by this force that always seemed to push onto my path Exactly the book I needed, the signs and wonders I lacked Summoning objects from thin air and laying them onto the pavement at my feet Scarves and pens and painted pebbles A silver pendant, shaped like a horseshoe On the one-month anniversary of my move An eager friend offering gifts Here, here, have this, have that, I swear to you there is tenderness in the world If only you let yourself look for it
Since girlhood, I’ve always found things on the ground Coins and toys and bent hairclips But even the lost and discarded items change from city to city The first few weeks I noticed a striking amount of solitary socks I wondered who they were, these strangers Walking with one bare foot, as though oblivious to the wintry shiver It reminded me of the clothes people fold before they walk into the sea But here, they had stopped halfway, pondered, and decided otherwise I felt I was like them, already one of them Half-drowned but kicking towards the other shore Heavy, soaked through with the sort of baggage you can’t leave behind Even as you know that if you don’t loosen your death grip on the dead weight of the past It will drag you down with it
The months passed and I found my footing I worked on campus, I wrote research papers I discovered what shop sells the cheapest soy milk
In the summer I travelled for work I gave and heard talks, met colleagues Felt, for the first time, even if tenuously That I was part of something That, perhaps, there was a place I could belong
On my last day on the East coast, I stood in a streetcar Alongside a woman who had attended the same symposium I had She recognized me, smiled, and wished me bon voyage A safe return home And I realized she was right, I was heading home Home to my place in the sun To my second chance
I did not know at the time that I’d see her again That again, she would look at me and smile Smile with her whole face, touch my arm, and tell me I was good Almost carelessly, as though it were obvious and, therefore, unimportant Except, to me, casual affection is anything but casual It sounds nearly insane; it sounds supremely sad But, until that moment, I had dragged with me this bone-deep certainty This wrongness And no conscious effort had ever washed the stain Pierced the shell, convinced that stubborn, crumpled self That stood, unwavering and mortified Beyond language, beyond reasoning, beyond reassurance At a remove from life
And yet, this woman, who laughed, danced Smoked old Hollywood cigarettes Spoke with wild enthusiasm and soft husky undertones This woman with her long mane of hair, the ends bleached golden Eyes bright, brimming with wit and kindness This woman, who seemed to me made entirely of light Thought me of the same dazzling sun She did not know what had been done to me The dark places I’d been made to crawl She only saw what I couldn’t myself see, That, in spite of it all, I had not been extinguished That, though there is no return, no redo Nothing is set and no one is doomed
I cried on the train, on my way back, Thinking that I was glad I survived my childhood And the terrible emptiness of the years that followed Thinking that I was glad that, amongst all the things I found There was the strength to outrun my despair
Now, it is nearly November again My grandmother will soon be a year in the ground Or rather, a year in the wind And, of course, the pendulum still swings From the branches of this crooked tree Ready to reach the end of its rope And knock another domino But, for the first time in decades, I’ve seen a change in the seasons
The leash that had kept me from this dash for escape Tied to whatever measly love I’d had Sickly and sickening That tether that snapped the same moment her noose tightened Was in part habit and in part terror I believed that if I dropped from their sight From that line of duty I would simply disappear But since, I’ve discovered another kind of bravery Not teeth-gritting forbearance But the courage of hope, the stripping of scarred bark To reveal fresh skin, raw and blank Without roadmaps or fingerprints.
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twoq24 · 5 months
I’m living in a house that is built on a flat spot on a hillside surrounded by thick forest vegetation. My wife has just come home from working the night shift and goes to the back bedroom for some sleep. I never actually saw who she was. Everything is peaceful and I walk to the back of the house where there is a good view and open the door. As soon as I opened the door a kid rushed in and ran into the house. He’s followed by some women and they’re telling me they have to get away from an abusive partner. I don’t know who they are. I have never seen them before. But I say ok. Then more people start to arrive. I don’t know any of them. I went back to the back of the house and out the door the kid rushed in. I’m walking up the slope behind the house on a trail. It started to rain, and I looked over at the next hill and a small waterfall had formed and the water was falling into the trees and vegetation. I see some men on a slope just off the trail. One of them is digging up a plant, some kind of plant he’s calling a holly fern. He’s got it pulled up by the roots and he’s showing the other men and telling them it is enough to grow and he plans to sell it and get some money. Up slope some other men are coming through the vegetation and they’re just right above it and they dislodge a large blue stone shaped in a half-cylinder. The stone comes loose and rolls down the hill over the man with the plant. I jumped out of the way. I figured the rain and made the ground wet and made the stone easier to dislodge. The other men check out the man that got hit by the stone.  He seems ok even though I watched the stone roll over him. I go back through the house and more people have arrived and all kinds of things are going on. In the back of the house someone is working in the boiler room/kitchen. There’s grinding noises going on and smoke is coming from where someone is working fixing something. I can’t see what it is. I went down a hallway and some guy opened a box. He tells me it “has been sealed.” He tells the name of the person who owned the box. I don’t recognize the name and can’t remember it, but the box is old and hasn’t been opened for a while. Inside the box are some electronic things, I see some radios and there are some camera tripods. We agreed to come back later and have a better look and maybe divide up between us the contents of the box. In fact the house is full of boxes and other stored items I’ve never bothered with. I continue through the house and go out front and some women point to man and tell me that's the abuser. He’s some distance away and is not approaching the house. He’s just walking around making his presence known and felt. I go back into the house and down the hall and some people have made a fire in a strange type of stove. They placed their stove next to a wood stove. A large flame is shooting out their stove, it’s nearly as high as the ceiling. I  check it out to make sure it’s not going to catch the house on fire. The stove burns some sort of oil and they’ve spilled oil and are trying to clean it up. I’m walking through it in my bare feet and my feet are black up to my ankles.
Now I’m talking to some people about the house and telling them they should have seen the place back in 1973. There was a lot more interesting stuff in the house back then, I’m telling them. I’m living here rent free. Then I realized this house is from a dream I had back then. I had totally forgotten about that dream. In that dream the house was full of fantastic stuff in boxes that I would dig through. I had that dream a few times too. I always woke up disappointed that I was not able to bring back some of the things I had found there. What exactly those things were I cannot remember. Also that house was in a different location and much smaller. Now I started to become concerned about all the people running around. I found the woman that came through the back door, and I asked her how long she planned to stay, and she told me for two weeks. I told her that I didn’t think that was possible. I was now thinking I wanted everyone to leave but I didn’t say that to her. Anyway she got the hint and picked up and started to leave the way she came. I followed her to the back door and there was this guy with some books that he wanted to give me, but it seemed like some sort of scam. I looked the books over and they appeared to be some sort of anti-Catholic screed from Europe. Reprinted in a new edition with annotations about how evil the Catholics were and by implication are. I gave the books back and off he went still talking about some sort of group he was trying to recruit me into. I followed them out the back door and then walked around the house. Before I got to the front of the house I could see that everyone was leaving. Then a blue truck came rumbling in by a green dumpster. The house started shaking and I thought the truck had run into the house, but I could see it hadn’t. Then the house started violently shaking and someone yelled “earthquake!”  The ground started to shake violently too and there was a strong wind and I looked across the valley and I could see the forest was on fire all along the horizon. I heard someone praying. Then I looked up at the sky and the sky shattered like glass in a dense web of lightning. The entire sky was alive with lightning. There were no clouds in the sky. I picked up my dog and hugged it and braced myself. It wasn’t an earthquake at all. It was a meteor strike, and the shock wave was approaching.
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cottagecori · 2 years
the polaroid in his wallet
peter parker x reader
link to read on ao3
summary: you never understood why exactly it was that picture that peter chose to keep in his wallet. you even asked him why, but his reply didn't help. now, years after you first posed the question, the answer becomes clear.
words: 3.7k
warnings: no explicit death written but death is mentioned (peter dies I'm sorry but you get a cute letter so it's okay!!)
notes: I personally imagined this as ag!peter, but (aside from the gif) I don't believe there are any specific allusions to that so feel free to think of whatever iteration of peter you wish!!
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It wasn't the best picture of you, by any means. It was blurry and fuzzy, the wind was blowing your hair in every direction, while the sun illuminated every imperfection you could think to find. Nevertheless, it was his favorite picture of you.
He had taken it long before you were together, at a time when he thought the only way he would be able to admire you was from a calculated distance. There was no special occasion that prompted him to take it, no special reason, no special date; in fact, it was quite the opposite. One random day, he took out the old polaroid camera, the one that Ben had given to him on his 15th birthday, and quickly took your picture before you had the chance to realize anything had happened.
You had found it in his wallet two years into your relationship, laughing as he tripped over himself trying to pry it from your hands.
Through gasps of laughter you managed to say, "Oh this is a terrible picture of me! Why did you keep this? Wait, when did you take this? I haven't looked like this in forever!" At that point, he had kept it in his wallet for about three years. He couldn't admit to you the number of hours he had spent staring at it, lest you look at him as if he were a madman.
You never recieved an answer to those questions. He evaded them and, instead, took back the picture, placed it in his wallet, kissed your forehead, and left you alone to think about what other memories Peter might have kept close to him without you even knowing.
Later, further down the line, you worked up the courage to ask him why, why that picture, but his response was simple and accompanied by his signature smirk, "It's my favorite. That's all there is to it."
For a while, you were content with the non-answer, or as content as you could be. You knew that there was more to it than that, but Peter Parker was never the kind to show his hand before he absolutely had to.
The explanation finally revealed itself to you when you had least expected it.
The funeral had been pleasant, as pleasant as one could imagine for a funeral. May held your hand the entire time; whether that was for your benefit or hers, you did not know. When all the guests had uttered every last condolence they had to spare and left for the night, May found you hidden away in his childhood bedroom cradling his jacket in your hands. Without hesitation, she pulled you into her arms and let you be as broken as you felt. She never said a word, simply letting you sob and complain of how life wasn't fair. Somewhere, between all the mumbles of how he left you without so much as goodbye, your tears ran dry, although you still had the urge to cry. When May felt your breathing return to a normal rate, she let go of you, reluctantly, to retrieve something from down the hall.
Moments later, she returned carrying three items. In her hands was a box of tissues, which you grateful for as your face was wet as the ocean; a small brown package; and a letter addressed to you with Peter's handwriting scribbled on the envelope.
"Peter came to see me before he let for the mission. He said something about his spider sense, and told me that I was to give this to you should something go wrong. I would have dropped it off earlier, but there never seemed to be a right time." She took his jacket from your hands and replaced it with the three things, "I'll leave you be to open them." She draped the jacket over your shoulders and started for the door, "Take as much time as you need, I'll be in the kitchen whenever you are ready for company." You could not find your voice to utter even a thank you, but when you looked at her face, you understood that no words were needed.
The door was shut behind her as she left you with the mysterious gifts posthumously given to you by your lover. Your first instinct was to open the small package but as you went to rip the tape off, you noticed a few words strewn across the top.
HEY! NO PEEKING! READ THE LETTER FIRST! (sorry for yelling! okay love you bye!)
Seeing him berate you in his unbelievably bad handwriting would have been enough to have tears flowing from your eyes had there been any left to shed. He knows knew you so well.
As per his instructions, you took a letter opener from his old desk and ripped open the envelope.
My love,
Hey, how are you? Okay, wow, that was dumb. You're probably not doing well if you're reading this. You know, I should probably start over and let this be more poetic, because that's what you deserve, but I have no more paper (this took at least 10 tries - i stopped counting after 10 but it definitely took more). I mean, you would think I would have it together by now, actually, no, you know me better than that. This is very on brand for me.
Anyway, while I was on patrol last night, I came to the realization that this guy I'm fighting has become way more powerful than anyone was expecting or prepared for. That means that I will have to stop him, or at least try my best to delay the inevitable, today. I know that there's a huge risk in trying to contain him, especially right now when he has the home field advantage, but who else will do it if not me?
When I woke up this morning, I had a very bad feeling. My spidey sense was going off in a way that it never has before, and honestly, I'm scared. Y/N, I think I'm going to die today.
That thought alone should be enough to make me want to stay home, to come up with a new plan, maybe just enjoy a few more minutes here with you, but every minute that I sit around doing nothing, he grows ten times more powerful. I can't risk anyone else getting hurt. It has to be today. So I'm writing this to you in case everything turns out to be the worst case scenario.
Hopefully, I don't die. Hopefully, my spidey sense is just warning me of the danger I already know is lying ahead. Hopefully, I will come back to May's house tomorrow and pick up this letter and the box and it will be like nothing happened. If I'm lucky, you will never know that this letter existed. But, if I'm not and something does happen to me, there are a few things I need to get off my chest.
First, and most importantly, I need you to know that I love you. I love you more than I ever thought I was capable of loving someone. The idea of soulmates is something I have held onto since I was a kid. There was so much chaos in my childhood with my parents dying, and Uncle Ben and Aunt May taking me in. You would think that I had every right to become cynical and isolate myself, but when I looked around I couldn't help but focus on the love that surrounded me. My parents loved me so much that they left me behind for my own safety. They gave up their only son so that he might have the chance to experience life for himself. And then, Uncle Ben and Aunt May loved me so much they took me in, and I was a *handful* (to say the least). They made sure I never felt alone or unloved. It was incredible that, for people who gave their entire hearts to the ones they loved, they always seemed to have plenty of love to spare. I mean, you saw them together, they were the definition of soulmates. The love they had for one another was stronger than any web I could ever make. I longed for that love, that ability to depend on someone who you could call your person.
When I took up the mantle of spider-man, I was afraid that I would never get the opportunity to have that kind of love, but I found it with you. Y/N, you are my soulmate in every way. My life was made infinitely better the second you gave me the chance to love you and damn if i'm not the luckiest bastard to have gotten that chance.
As I'm writing this, your head is on my shoulder and all of the blankets on our bed are wrapped around you like a cocoon. On any other day, I would wake you up and give you some sarcastic one liner about you being such a blanket hog but today I'll let you stay in your cocoon a little longer. Today, possibly because of nostaliga or something, I find it endearing.
Since this letter might be my last chance to tell you anything, I'm gonna be honest. Most mornings, I try to get up before you, just so I can watch you sleep. I know it's weird, and you're probably saying something along the lines of, "Parker, you creep! I look terrible in the morning! You should've just gone back to sleep and ignored the troll on the other side of the bed!" but you always looked so peaceful (and also how dare you hypothetically insult the love of my life)! I mean, like how could I look away when you were so beautiful and you were in MY bed (it's OUR bed, I know, but you get the point)?! I don't think I'll ever truly believe that this is real. I just can't believe that after all those years of pining, I won! You loved me back. You love me. I'll never get tired of saying that.
Okay, I'm moving on now or I'll never finish this letter.
Second thing. Once upon a time, long long ago, you found that picture of you that I keep in my wallet. You asked me why it was that picture, because you thought, and I quote, it was "the worst picture of [you] that I had ever taken". Not gonna lie, it's definitely not the best one. That's exactly why I love it, though. I took it at a time when the only way I thought I could love you was in the small moments that you would most likely forget but that I would treasure forever. Then, a miracle happened, and I got to love you all the time. I got to love you in the real world, in every moment of time that you could spare for me, and in every moment when I remembered how wonderful it is to be by your side. That picture reminds me of how far we have come and how fortunate I am that I get to see you in moments like that when you are vulnerable and utterly yourself. That picture is the best reminder I have that every part of you is mine (not like in a creepy way, I mean, I'm really just quoting you on this one). And, Y/N, I love all those parts and I love that you trust me with them. I love every part of you that you have given to me. I love every part of you that you have yet to show me.
Actually, wait, I don't think you're going to believe me on that last one so i'm gonna repeat that. Please read these next words very carefully, my dear. I love every part of you. I choose to love every part of you. I love you loudly, fiercely, and on purpose. I will love you till my last dying breath, should that be today, tomorrow, or, if I'm lucky, fifty years from now. You are stardust and joy and love and life all tied up in a bow. You are everything to me.
Third, I know that you are going to beat yourself over letting me leave today once you understand what is going to happen. You are going to say that you should have stopped me, talked me out of it, done something, anything, to convince me to stay. So I'll clear this up for you right here and right now, there was nothing you could have done. That is exactly why, last night when you asked me, I downplayed how big of a threat this is. You would have spent hours telling me not to go and, at the end of it all, I still would have walked out the door. It would have killed me to leave you that way, especially if that was the last time you ever saw me. It's selfish, I know, but I wanted your last memory of us together to be joyful and not tainted by my alter ego.
You are my pride and joy, but it is my duty to New York to protect it in any way I can. I'm prepared to sacrifice my life for the good of this city. That was always going to be an option, so please, don't let yourself get hung up over all the what ifs. Let yourself feel what you need to feel, but understand that this is not your fault. It's what I have to do.
Last part, here we go! You made it to the end and this is the part where you finally get to open the package! Yay! Congrats to you for not letting your curiosity get the best of you (or if it did, at least it'll all make sense now)!
A light laugh escaped you as you read over his words and grabbed the package from where it fell onto the floor beside you. You tore open the badly taped box and were greeted with an old and tattered version of his mask, a smaller square box, and the infamous polaroid picture. Tears somehow found their way back into your eyes even as you desperately tried to shake them from your vision.
I'm guessing that you have a lot of questions, so I'll try to answer what I can. That mask was the first one Spider-Man ever wore, the one you taught me how to sew, if I remember correctly. When I asked you to help me with it, you never asked any questions, you never judged me, you never let me think I was a fool. You just snuck me into the home ec classroom after school and taught me how to use the sewing machines. I know that you had a million thoughts running through that pretty little head of yours, and they all probably started to make sense once you saw the webbed vigilante on the news, but you kept the secret and trusted that I knew what I was doing (I did not). I've known since I was little that I needed you in my life, but it wasn't until then that I realized just how much I needed you. And then you were trapped by that mugger on a side street and I had to save you. The fear I felt seeing you on the other end of his knife was unlike anything I had felt before. It was like a piece of my heart was breaking at the mere thought of you getting hurt. After I saved you, like the good friendly neighborhood Spider-Man that I am, you hugged me as tight as you could. You whispered thank you into my ear and I replied with something like "that's what Spider-Man's here for". Immediately after that, you stepped back, took my mask off, and held my face in your hands. I doubt you remember what you said, but I think about it everyday.
"Spider-Man is a hero, but it was Peter Parker who saved me."
You never fail to remind me that I am more than just Spider-Man, that I have so much to offer just as Peter Parker. I was thinking about sewing that entire quote into my mask, so I could keep it with me at all times, but then I remembered that whole "secret identity" thing and how that would all be blown if I ever lost the mask (which i'm surprised because I actually haven't yet!! go me!!). So I waited until that first mask was torn beyond repair, and THEN I sewed it on the inside.
You ran your fingers over the stitching on the mask, your eyes committing each letter to memory.
Once I retired it, this mask served as a reminder that no matter what uniform or outfit I wear, I will always be both Peter Parker and Spider-Man. That's why I want you to have it when I'm gone. I want you to have a little part of both sides of me, and to know that each part of me was stronger because of you.
Now, time for your sworn enemy, the picture (oOooooOOoOo scary). This is the first time I won't have it with me on a mission, and I'm a teensy-tiny bit afraid that it is the source of my powers and that I won't be able to operate without it. BUT, I think I'll manage just fine (I mean, again, probably not if you're reading this but don't blame it on the polaroid please!!!). Now that you know of all the reasons why I kept it so close it me, I hope that you'll treat it, and yourself, with a little more kindness. If you remember to look at it the way I would, then you should have no problem fawning over your ethereal beauty time and time again. I hope that whenever you see it, our fond memories will come flooding back to you so that you realize that I loved you in every moment I was near you - the same way I will love you even when I am gone. I hope that having this picture and the mask around will comfort you, should you have the need to grieve. I also hope the final gift will comfort you as well, but I have a feeling it may be more bitter than sweet. My love, please open the small box.
Your breath caught in your throat as your fingers wrapped around the square, velvet box and slowly opened the lid to reveal a ring. It was stunning and bright yet comforting and simple, just like Peter.
This ring has been burning a whole in my pocket for the better part of three months. I had been waiting and waiting, desperately trying to find the right time to ask you the question of all questions, but now it seems that time spent waiting was nothing but a waste. I should have asked you the minute I got it. I should have asked you the next morning as soon as you woke up. I should ask you now, before I leave. But I didn't, and I won't. Maybe it's for the best. Maybe it'll be easier to move on from this if I leave you as Peter, your boyfriend, rather than Peter, your fiancé. That is, if you would've said yes. I mean, I assume you would've said yes considering we've been through hell and back together but you know what they say about assuming. Anyway, I figured that you should still have the ring, still know what my intentions were, should this all go under. If I come out of this alive, I swear that the next time I see you, I will drop onto now knee then and there. If I don't, then at least we already made it to the "till death do we part" thing (bad joke, I'm sorry).
I have to go now, well I'll be long gone by the time you get this, but you know what I mean. I hope that you will never have to read this, but if you do and if you've made it to the end, I want to thank you one last time. Thank you for loving me and making me a better man. As I sit here in our bed with you curled into my side, I finally know what peace feels like. I don't want to die, I really don't, but if I die with this image of you in my mind, I think I'll be content. You have been with me through the best of times and the worst, and you will make it through this, I promise you. It will probably be rough because I am just so damn lovable :) but you will be okay. And hey, if I do die, I can always haunt you! Just please don't get the unsolved guys to yell at my ghost, I swear I'll be friendly!!
Okay yeah I really have to go now, but I'll see you again soon, my love.
Forever Yours,
Peter <3
P.S. I actually did wake you up and complain about you stealing the blankets. I'M SORRY BUT I HAD TO PLEASE FORGIVE ME
Some semblance of a smile graces your lips at his attempts to cheer you up from such a terrible situation. Only Peter would bring such a lighthearted approach to such an awful circumstance.
After several minutes of quiet contemplation and deep breathing, you took the ring and slid it onto your finger. It fit perfectly, because of course it did. Then, you carefully placed the letter back into its envelope, and put everything back into the small box. Slowly, you stood from your spot on the floor and looked around the room. He was present in every item in the room, from the old web shooters to the movie posters littering the walls to the many framed pictures of the both of you lining his dresser. It was comforting to know that even if it felt a little empty without him physically there, some part of him would always be here, even if it was only in small ways now.
A sigh escaped you as you took the box into your hands and headed toward the door. You lingered in the doorway, marveling at the room where you had spent so much of your youth right alongside the love of your life.
"Goodbye, Peter." You allowed yourself one last look before turning off the light and making your way downstairs into the kitchen to spend time with the family you still had left.
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2jaeh · 3 years
Tumblr media
genre: smut, humor
warnings: poly themes, alcohol, some drug use, threesome, oral M and F receiving, semi-public, fxm, mxm, just a lot of smut related tags tbh
word count : 11,8 K 
Everyone had heard of you but where did the story begin ?
This is the prequel to FREAKS (Jaehyun x reader) a story of why the entire campus were almost certain that you Taeyong and Ten were in a poly affair. 
A/N: before anyone asks I will be doing a part two of Freaks w Jaehyun, I needed to get this part out first! Also commissions are open on my fiverr and let me know in my inbox what you think of this series! 
0. Prequel 
1. Freaks pt 1 
You always wondered what it was like to fit in. Whether people rarely stared, that It didn’t matter what music you listened to or how you dressed as long as you followed the quota you were good. But four months into university made you quickly realise that it wasn’t easy making friends as people made it out to be. Being in the art department, you took notice of a few people that met your requirements but after an exchange or two the conversation fell flat and it would feel like you were back to square one.
You sat your sketchbook down on the wooden table situated at the back of the fine arts classroom and slumped into the chair waiting for class to begin. Your eyes watched every person that sauntered through those indigo doors. Hippies, wannabe tattoo artists, rich kids who took art just to prove they’re cultured, and the ones who weren’t worth remembering.
“Today we will explore life drawings so pull out the items I asked you to collect and partner up with the person seated next to you” your lecturer clapped his hands as the classroom filled with shuffling of seats and small greetings.
You turned to your left and noticed a black haired boy with a mullet cut passed out on the desk. You had seen him at a few parties but you’ve only exchanged less than a sentence with him.
Grabbing your pencil you poked his exposed arm until he groaned and stretched his arms out in front of him yawning, “Are we done already ?”
“We just started, and were partners” you faked a smile and shifted your desk closer to him.
“Oh shit sorry, you’re y/n right ?” He asked, his voice was soft and friendly. His cat-like eyes blinked cutely as he adjusted his loose shirt and turned his body to face you, “you were at Jungwoo’s party last week.”
“Oh yeah I was” you chuckled scratching the back of your head, “You…are Ten Lee, I remember your strip club design project. It was pretty awesome”
Ten’s eyes lit up at your words and you felt a sense of warmth emanating from him. It felt genuine unlike most people on this campus and you couldn’t believe it took you this long to even talk to him.
“I tend to see how far I can go before the faculty calls my parents in” he snickered and began pulling out his drawing equipment from his overly decorated tote bag. You mimicked his actions and in turn pulled out the items your lecturer had asked you to collect. Personal trinkets he said, three items that you think represented you.
You looked around at the nearby desks and noticed a lot of the same items placed on everyone's desk. Candles, AirPods, tea boxes, vinyls and anything else you would find on ‘art hoe Tumblr 101’. You annoyingly rolled your eyes as you looked down at your own equipment.
A rusty old key you had found in your room, the cigarette butt of the last one you smoked since you’d quit, and of course the grand finale, an anime figurine of a woman with boobs bigger than her head. Perfect.
“Hentai is…..your identifier ?” Ten stifled his laughter as he grabbed the figurine from your desk and closely examined her clothing, or lack thereof.
“I actually stole that from the store my ex worked at but yeah we can go with that, what is yours ?”
You watched Ten remove the items from his bag and your eyes widened at one item in particular, “dude is that a vibrator ?” You questioned and Ten grinned, holding up the palm sized gadget and switched it on briefly before turning it off and flinging it on his desk, “yeah I identify strongly with it” he shrugged.
“How exactly?” You quizzed him as the boy, still poker faced, played with the rings on his fingers.
“Vibrators pleasure people, and I do the same, there's no lore to it y/n”
“Good to know I guess” you pressed your lips together and you felt Ten tug on your arm until his lips were against your ear,
“You wanna skip and try it out in the bathroom ?”
You had no idea what the fuck was going on but within minutes you and Ten were walking down the hall to the nearest bathroom after he explained to the lecturer that the two of you had to hand in a business assignment a couple doors down. Ten pulled you into the girls bathroom and looked under each stall until he realised you two were the only ones in here.
“What the fuck is happening right now” you walked hand in hand with him into the last stall and leaned against the cold tiled wall.
“You about to get one of the best orgasms ever that's what” Ten bit down on his lip cheekily and found the slit of your floral skirt and pushed it to the side, revealing your black laced panties on full display for him.
As Ten’s fingers slowly began making its way to your core you smacked his hand, causing him to look up with wide eyes, “What ?”
“At least kiss me first, how am I supposed to get in the…mood?” Ten chuckled at your words and raised his hands amusingly, “Okay Okay I didn’t think this would be a whole ordeal”
You rolled your eyes and pulled Ten by his neck into a deep kiss that actually surprised the both of you. Each side was filled with lust as your tongue moved against his and fought for dominance. Ten pressed his body against you roughly, earning a moan from both of you once you felt your bodies connect in the most passionate way. Kissing him was different, It completely changed the way you looked and felt about him. He went from being the cute cat boy in your class to probably one of the sexiest people you had ever met. Ten roughly bit your lip and smirked into the kiss when he felt your nails dig into his shoulder. He quickly used the opportunity to slip his hands in-between your legs which you politely parted for him and ran a finger over your core.
“Oh shit” you breathed against his lips as he moved the material out of the way and slipped his finger inside with ease. His finger moved slowly in and out of you while his lips were still attached to yours not missing a second of that mouth-watering kiss. You had no idea when his finger was replaced with the vibrator but the sensation made you break away from the kiss and throw your head back in ecstasy, not knowing when was the last time you even felt like this. The combination of Ten’s wet kisses on your neck and the vibrator completely destroying you, it was happening. The orgasm of the fucking century was approaching. You would like to believe that you were only at your breaking point because you hadn’t hooked up with anyone in a while not because Ten was this good. But he was. He was fucking amazing and this was just a taste, just an introduction to him.
Ten increased the speed of the vibrator until your legs were shaking and clasped his hand over your mouth to prevent the whole department from hearing you coming undone.
“Fuck..” You sighed, holding onto his shoulders for support as you tried catching your breath, “yeah the whole pleasure analogy between you and the vibrator….I get it.”
“Glad to be of service” Ten stuck his tongue in his cheek and began neatening his outfit before hooking arms with you and walking out of the bathroom. You already had no intention of going back to class anytime soon so the two of you ended up wandering the halls of the pristine campus, hoping the day would pass away.
“Y/n” you heard a voice call from behind you, not your favourite voice in the world.
“Fuck” you sighed and turned around, watching the tall black haired man make his way over to you. You watched a cocky smile spread across his face as he came over, his tall frame standing over you and Ten.
“What do you want Jinyoung ?” you asked, raising your eyebrow at him and folded your arms.
The boy bit down on his lip and moved his hair out of his face, “I just came to say hi y/n do you have to be so rude ?” He scoffed and raised his eyebrow at Ten, “got a new boy toy ?”
“What Ten and I do is honestly none of your business” you responded coldly, Ten immediately putting two and two together and stifled a laughter before smiling up at Jinyoung,
“Oh you’re the ex boyfriend ? Is this the one who finishes in 10 seconds ?” Tens words caught you off guard causing you to let out a chuckle and Jinyoung to shift uncomfortably in his spot. He tried his best to stay composed but his red ears told a different story.
“That’s probably someone else, you know she’s been around the block” he licked his lips and folded his arms across his chest.
“Anyway do you want something ? We gotta go back to class” you rolled your eyes and rested your head on Tens shoulder.
“Come out with me tonight, you know I always get guestlist to varsity parties” Jinyoung said and Ten waved his hand in front of his face startling Jinyoung, “I have plans with her, so maybe next time” Ten pulled you down the hall before Jinyoung could get in another word. You couldn’t help but turn back and take in his dumbstruck frame as the two of you furthered away from him and headed back to class.
“We have plans ?” You asked as the two of you slipped back into your seats and Ten propped his legs up on the table and leaned back,
“Yeah there’s a party at that guy Wooyoung's place tonight and we’re going” Ten stretched his arms above his head, “wear something sexy so I’m not standing out.”
Of Course listening to Tens words and knowing the kind of closet you were working with it wasn’t that hard to not stand out. You opted for a cute little baby blue mini dress that was tight enough to show off your curves and a pair of holographic combat boots. Your favourite part was always getting to match your eye make up to your outfit. Drawing on an intricate design that accentuated your big round eyes almost made you doll-like.
You retrieved your phone and noticed you received a text from Ten, who had already updated an outfit pic on story. A very low buttoned down black shirt and black shiny pants that had a fucking garter around his leg ?
Yeah he was hot and the both of you knew it.
You grabbed the last of your things and made your way downstairs to Ten who was waiting at the dorm house entrance. Unconsciously biting on your lip you were welcomed by his slender figure posted up against the fence with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He looked straight out of a movie.
“God finally….holy shit you look hot!” He whistled and pulled you into a tight hug before pulling you into a kiss and grabbed your waist. The kiss was indeed surprising even though earlier that day he was practically fucking your brains out.
His lips were soft and sweet, laced with a hint of the menthol cigarette from earlier. Ten finally pulled away and he gave your ass a cheeky squeeze before handing you his half burnt cigarette,
“Let’s have a wild fucking night then shall we ?”
Taking the cigarette from him you took a drag and blew the smoke up into the air forgetting about your sobriety and watched it disappear in the night sky, “let’s go.”
The night was cold but quite a few people were all over the residence roads, making their way to various parties or down to the bars where the rowdiness had already begun.
“Shit I really should’ve brought something to pre drink” Ten sighed and pulled out his phone.
“Who are you texting ?” You asked, trying to match his quick footsteps as yall began nearing the busy part of the street.
“Yuta, you know that tattoo guy ? He always has a bottle on him” Ten explained as you followed him into a narrow corner and saw a group of people gathered at the steps of the building.   You noticed a few people from your department hanging around but the most noticeable person was in fact Yuta Nakamoto. His long black hair, pierced ears and tatted up body was hard to miss. You got a tattoo from him once and it almost ended with him making out with you on his work desk.
But that was a story both of you agreed to forget.
“Ten and y/n, weird combination but I’m not really surprised, what’s up ?” Yuta grinned and handed Ten the bottle of vodka while pulling you into a quick hug.
“Yeah it’s called matching each other’s energy” Ten winked at you and took a shot of vodka straight out of the bottle before handing it to you. You eyed the clear bottle up and down knowing your kidneys were screaming at you right now but fuck you hated walking into a party without a slight buzz going. You took the bottle and took a shot before wincing at the bitter taste and the fiery sensation that was now running down your throat. “You ready ?” Ten grinned holding out his hand and you placed your hand in his, nodding a thank you to Yuta and his friends before entering the chaotic party.
There were people of all kinds inside. Some from your department, some from God knows where. All you could see were lingering eyes on you and Ten as you stepped inside. Some people made it obvious that they were staring, hoping that maybe you’d strike up a conversation with them. Others just peeked and gossiped amongst their friends as they stared at the outfits that you and Ten adorned.
“What else do you expect from people who sleep around with drug dealers” you and Ten overheard a girl say as the two of you made your way over the kitchen for drinks.
“Drug Dealers ? Geez that’s the first” Ten scoffed and sifted for a cider in the cooler.
“None of that bothers you does it ?” You smiled, intrigued as the cat-eyed boy barely noticed a few people checking him out from behind the counter.
Ten handed you a drink and leaned up against the counter taking a sip of the cold liquid before shrugging,
“Why should I let it bother me ? It’s not like their lives are interesting that I want to fit in with them, I mean their lives revolve around talking shit about me” Ten giggled and took another sip of his drink.
His confidence was extremely attractive and his words resonated with you. It made you wonder if maybe you thought too much about it at times even though you didn’t care to conform to society norms of an average varsity student. Hanging out with Ten for just one day already gave you more life, more energy than anyone prior in your university. Ten wasn’t hesitant to show you that he felt the same way either. To him it was fate that he had sat next to you earlier today because he finally found someone worth keeping his attention.
“There’s something about you y/n I just feel like we get each other” he scratched his head and looked over at you, “it’s so easy just hanging out with you without feeling so fucking drained.”
“I feel the exact same way, like don’t get me wrong I like hanging out with the likes of Yuta and that guy Hendery in our class, but it’s different with you”  You grabbed Tens hand and he squeezed your hand tightly,
“Here’s to tolerating only each other.”
You and Ten toasted and downed the last of the cider before heading to the dance floor filled with people who either despised you or wanted to be you.
As the two of you danced it felt like the room was moving in slow motion, the mixture of the smoke filled room to the loud music and alcohol in your system made you feel euphoric. As you danced the night away, you had no idea when you and Ten had separated on the dance floor but a sudden tug on your arm snapped you out of your daydream to face a harsh reality.
“Please leave me alone” you groaned as he wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his mouth against your ear,
“Baby I’m sorry when are we going to put all that shit behind us ?” He groaned, slipping his hands to your sides and squeezed gently.
“You cheated on me asshole did you forget ?” You shrugged out of his grip and pushed by the bodies of people trying to make your way to the backyard for fresh air.
The small garden was filled with people having intimate conversations and someone throwing up in a bush at the back. Normal house party shenanigans.
You rolled your eyes when you noticed Jinyoung had followed you out already trying to put his hands on you once again. “Would you stop ? Why don’t you run after the girl you had in your bed when we were together” you spat and headed for a bench.
“You know what, keep resisting, that’s why your ass is sitting here alone” Jinyoung retorted and pushed his way back into the party.
You groaned and sat on the empty seat far away from the party, finally able to hear yourself think and breath in fresh air. You were about to slip back into a calmer state when you felt someone drop in the seat next to you and as your thoughts expected it was Jinyoung, it ended up being a boy you had never seen before.
“Hi, sorry I didn’t mean to startle you” the boy said, his big round eyes sparkled under the night sky. His body was petite like Ten but he was broader in the shoulder department and had the most innocent face you’d ever seen.
“Oh it’s not a problem” you replied, still taking in his striking features. The boy brought a small metal flask to his lips and took a shot before offering the drink to you,
“It’s tequila” he smiled and you mouthed a thank you before shooting back a bit of the drink and handed it back to him.
“I’m y/n….I haven’t seen you around before” you quizzed as the boy set down his flask and ran his fingers through his blonde hair.
“I’m Taeyong, I’m actually new here” he replied and wet his lips with his tongue, “I’ll start in the art and design department on Monday.”
“I’m in that department, well welcome to hell” you grinned and held out your hand. Taeyong grinned and took your hand in his and gave you a firm handshake before scooting closer. As much as you convinced yourself he had the most adorable and innocent face you’d ever seen, there was a hint of mischief in his eyes.
“I just came here to get drunk and get laid but like everyone’s looking at me weird” Taeyong goofily laughed and you joined in, “can’t help you there, I’ve been in that position for a few months now” Taeyongs eyebrows raised at your words and jumped to his feet, holding out his hand for you to take,
“We both have nothing better to do so let’s get wasted.”
You and Taeyong set up a couple shots and downed everything in one go, not bothering about anyone around you or what they had to say. Taeyong was hilarious, his face was animated as he talked which made you laugh, something about him drew you in like a moth to a flame.
The two of you went from casual talk to dancing together and you didn’t mind the closeness, especially when he danced so fucking well against your body. You had no idea when it happened but Taeyong had spun you to face him while the two of you danced and your bodies were practically merged together as Taeyongs lips inched closer and closer until you felt him practically getting dragged away.
“Yo what the fuck man” Taeyong shouted as Jinyoung had a fist full of Taeyongs shirt and escorted him outside. A few people pushed past you to see the commotion before you processed what the hell had just happened.
Making your way through the curious crowd you watched as Taeyong and Jinyoung squared up in the middle of the garden for everyone to see.
“What the hell are you doing with my girl, man ?” Jinyoung shoved Taeyong who stumbled back, the alcohol not helping his balance in any way. You rushed toward them as Taeyong found his footing and pushed Jinyoung right back, he was definitely way stronger than he looked.
“Jinyoung I’m not your girl you moron” you snapped and tried to stand in front of Taeyong before things got any worse.
Jinyoung scoffed and took a step forward, challenging you but you stood your ground even though your head was spinning from the amount of alcohol in your system.
“You’re defending this nobody ? Y/n you’ve really hit rock bottom now haven’t you ?” Jinyoung said, loud enough for every person to hear. This was one of his traits that you hated most.
When Jinyoung knew he had lost you it resulted in insults, manipulation, making you feel like you needed him more than he needed you. But it never worked and it drove him insane.
“Hey it’s not her fault she decided to drop the dead weight in her life” Taeyong shrugged and took a step forward, “don’t worry I’ll make sure she gets satisfied in any way she wants.”
Before you could even respond Jinyoung swung at Taeyong, hitting him right in the jaw before two other men stepped in and held him back. You rushed over to check on Taeyong who instead of showing signs of anger or pain, was laughing.
Laughing with a bruise on the side of his jaw, unphased by what had just happened. Jinyoung muttered curses as the guys dragged him away from the garden and the crowds of people finally dispersed, unsatisfied with the lackluster of the fight.
“Are you okay ?” You sighed helping him up and took him to the side of the house where it was more secluded from the public. You shone your phone light to get a better look at his bruise and Taeyong winced at both the sudden light and the throb from the hit.
“I’m fine I’m fine, it’s really okay” he chuckled and leaned against the wall pulling you with until you were inches away from his face.
You had no idea why, especially considering you just saw him get hit in the face, you leaned in to kiss him. Whether it be the alcohol or the adrenaline from the fight you just found Taeyong to be so goddamn hot in this moment. Taeyong moaned into the kiss as he slipped his tongue into your mouth and massaged circles on your lower back. Your lips moved against his slowly and passionately, smirking into the kiss when he bit down on your lip cheekily.
“God there you are”
Your kiss quickly broke when you heard the high tone of Tens voice and he made his way over to you and Taeyong.
“What the hell happened, I heard that idiot Jinyoung was harassing you again and-“ Tens eyes turned to Taeyong against the wall and pointed to him with his index finger, “who the heck is this ?”
“Uh this is Taeyong, he helped me with the Jinyoung issue” you scratched your head and Taeyong half waved at Ten before clutching his jaw.
“Uhm okay” Ten pressed his lips together, “let’s go back to my dorm I’ve had enough of these Neanderthals...Taeyong you can come too.”
The three of you finally arrived at Ten’s dorm in silence. You and Taeyong shifted awkwardly in the middle of Ten’s bedroom, not knowing exactly what to do. Looking around you noticed Ten had an eye for interior design. His furniture was quite outlandish for a dorm room yet it was surprisingly homey.
“God please sit or do something you guys are making me uncomfortable” Ten groaned, kicking off his boots and discarding his shirt. Taeyong opted for the office chair near Ten’s desk and you took a seat at the very edge of Ten’s single sleeper while he lay on his back next to you on his phone.
“You guys like sushi ? I'm feeling for sushi” Ten hummed scrolling through a food ordering app completely oblivious to the awkwardness that still sat in the room.
“Sushis good” you nodded,
“Yeah I don't mind either” Taeyong added but winced when he felt the sharp, still very prominent pain in his jaw.
“Ten you got an ice pack or something ?” You sighed, jumping off the bed and rummaged through Ten’s mini fridge. “Yeah right at the back” Ten replied, still trying to place his order for the late night meal. You retrieved the ice pack and knelt down in front of Taeyong who smiled shyly as you placed the ice pack over his swollen jaw. Taeyong silently thanked you for your kindness and applied pressure to his jaw as you decided to take a seat beside his chair, to make him feel a little more comfortable in your friends bedroom.
“Okay” Ten threw his phone aside and sat up to look at the two of you with inquisitive eyes,” yall gonna tell me what happened here ?”
“Well I lost you on the dancefloor and Jinyoung found me” you began, Ten already rolling his eyes at the sound of Jinyoung’s name,
“I went outside and Taeyong approached me, he’s going to be starting at our department on Monday and he didn't know anybody, so I offered my friendship in a form of alcohol and having a good time” you smiled and Ten scoffed.
“Jinyoung saw you guys just drinking and decided to rearrange his face ?” Ten raised his eyebrow, he definitely knew there was more to it considering the two of you were sucking each other's faces off in a dark alley.
“Okay so we were quite close, and honestly does Jinyoung need any other reason ? He wanted to punch you this morning” you groaned.
“Yeah but I was literally fucking you in a bathroom stall with my vibrator y/n”
Taeyong’s eyes widened at Ten’s words and looked between the two of you frantically, “Wait you guys are together, I mean hooking up ? Why did you kiss me ?” he questioned while Ten just laughed it off and turned on his bluetooth speaker.
“Chill, we're not together you can have a little relationship if you want to” Ten smirked, stretching his arms above his head, “honestly if you wanna hook up now I like watching.”
“God shut up, and none of us want a relationship. We just got there to have fun and Jinyoung ruined everything” you groaned, leaning your head back against Taeyong’s leg as he finally returned to tend to his bruise.
“All this aside do you guys mind if I hang out with you ? you’re honestly the only fucking normal people on this campus” Taeyong pouted and you and Ten shared a quick glance before grinning from ear to ear.
“Okay he’s cute I get it” Ten sighed and held out his hand to Taeyong, “I'm Ten, y/n and I only started hanging out this morning, neither of us have close friends on campus and frankly everyone finds us annoying, welcome to the club.”
Taeyong smiled cutely and shook Ten’s hand, setting down his ice pack and got to his feet, “Well i'm Taeyong, I too don't give a shit what people have to say about me, I like doing whatever I want with whomever I want and I'm pretty sure after tonight people aren't gonna like me either, so I guess i'm in.”
Before you could even say your part to this little club initiation your phone began to blow up with message alerts and story updates from practically everyone on campus tagging you in a specific video.
“What the hell is going on ?” you frowned as you opened instagram and noticed that the account that everyone was tagging you in was a burner account with a few videos and two pictures. Ten and Taeyong stood on either side of you as you opened up the first video and noticed that it was taken in the hallway earlier that day with you and Ten linking arms. The second video was at the party, you and Ten dancing with each other and the video cutting to you and Taeyong dancing together. The last video on the account was a blurry video of you and Taeyong making out and Ten walking in, with the ending obviously being the three of you leaving together.
“Why is this account posting videos of us ?” Taeyong asked, noticing that he too was tagged by people who he didn't know at all. Ten pulled up the account on his own phone when the account refreshed and a new post appeared, this time it was text only.
“It's probably Jinyoung I’ll just call him and-”  You were cut off by Ten grabbing your phone and tossing it on his bed, “dude what the hell ?” you protested but Ten silenced you with his finger.
“This is garbage right ? like what do our lives and how we live it got anything to do with any of these assholes ?” Ten bit down on his lip and looked between you and Taeyong, “They are so obsessed with us, wondering if the three of us are fucking right now ? really ? well let's give it to them.”
“You want the three of us to fuck ?” Taeyong quirked his eyebrow, his large eyes still hazy from the party.
“I want them to believe we are!” Ten grabbed Taeyong by his shoulders and looked back at you, “any publicity is good publicity. We get to be ourselves and we get to piss people off for free.”
“Would be pretty funny to see all of this blow up in Jinyoung's face honestly” you agreed, and Ten’s face lit up before moving his attention back to Taeyong, “What do you say pretty boy ?” Taeyong scratched his head and shrugged, “All this pretending and I don't get any action here ? doesn't feel like a win at all” You tried to hold in your laughter as Ten groaned at the blonde boy’s words and held his face between his hands before pulling him into a kiss, you watched Taeyong’s tense shoulders finally drop as he leaned more into the kiss and wrapped his hands lightly around Ten’s waist.
Ten pulled away and swiped Taeyong’s lips with his thumb, smiling at the doe-eyed boy, “we will have to make it convincing right ?”
“Okay im in” Taeyong smiled brightly and the three of you held hands in the middle of the bedroom, sharing mischievous glances with each other, anticipating the fucking whirlwind of chaos that was about to hit the campus.
“Good, well I guess the only thing left to do is upload our first post of the official poly club” Ten smirked and pulled the both of you onto his bed. Ten sat in between you and Taeyong and turned on the video mode of instagram stories. First he showed his face then turned to you, pulling you into a soft sensual kiss before moving to Taeyong next to him and did the same. After breaking the kiss with Taeyong, Ten nudged you to move over to the other side of him, putting you right onto Taeyongs lap. Ten focused on the two of you as you lifted Taeyong’s chin with your index finger and bit down on his lip, slightly pulling, teasing him as he brought his hand up to wrap around your neck. Ten zoomed in as you and Taeyong shared a very scandalous kiss for everyone to see. Your tongues darting in each other's mouth while the music drowned out your subtle moans.
“Done!” Ten chirped and uploaded his story, making sure to tag the burner account in every single clip. There was no going back now and every moment of this escapade excited you. The comfort you felt around Ten and Taeyong was something that you’d been craving for a long time. As cheesy as it was to say, and especially since it was only Day One, they felt like your soulmates.
“Man I fucking love this campus” Taeyong threw his head back and groaned while you and Ten burst out laughing.
Monday quickly approached and as soon as you and Ten stepped on campus all eyes were on you. It gave you an incredible sense of confidence and you had no idea why. Heads turned with every step, everyone was whispering as the two of you walked hand in hand through the hallway keeping your head up high and not giving a shit about anyone. Taeyong was waiting for you guys at the end of the hall, adorning a buttoned down printed shirt and ripped jeans that snatched his waist in the right way. Taeyong was leaning against the wall with a lollipop in his mouth and dark sunglasses while everyone who passed him did a double take.
“Hey babes” he smirked and placed a kiss on your cheek and Tens before joining your walk towards your first class for the day.
It was so surreal going from everyone ignoring your existence to every single person watching the three of you, anticipating what was going to happen next. You found your seats in the middle of the lecture, giving everyone the best possible view of course. The professor cleared his throat to get everyone's attention and Ten tried to stifle a laughter as the people who stated they didn't give a shit about you guys clearly paid a lot of attention now.
“Give them a show bestie” Ten whispered in your ear before gesturing to Taeyong who sat on the other side of you, slumped down in his seat with his legs spread apart deliciously. You nodded and slowly reached over to Taeyong, caressing his thigh and he bit down on his lip while keeping his eyes on the lecture slides in front of him. You noticed two guys shuffling behind you and one pulled out his phone, waiting to record the next escapade of the campus’s new favourite stars.
You danced your fingers up Taeyong’s thigh and inched closer to rest your hand on his crotch as his breathing hitched. Leaning forward you made your movements less suspicious to the professor and everyone around you except the camera that was now focusing on your actions. Taeyong sunk further in the chair awaiting for you to quit teasing him and touch him where he needed you most. You obliged to his needs and palmed him through his jeans and you heard the guy behind you curse under his breath as you began rubbing Taeyong’s member. It felt so fucking powerful to do whatever you wanted after being so cautious on this campus for so long. The ironic part was all that shit about you being notorious on campus was a fucking lie. No you weren't a saint but you were not sleeping around every other day since you hated about 90% of the people that attended the university. Now with that burner account claiming to know more about your sex life than you did, what was holding you back now from doing what you wanted ?
Taeyong undid the button on his jeans and pulled down his zip enough for you to slip your hands inside his pants with ease. A gasp from Ten made a shiver run down your spine, coming to your senses that you were giving Taeyong a handjob in the middle of a 10am lecture.
“Shit he's walking up” you chuckled and pulled your hand out of Taeyong’s pants and quickly pretended to be involved in your studies as the professor began walking around the room. Taeyong groaned loud enough for most of the front row to turn around and look at him in annoyance.
“Is something wrong Mr Lee ?” The professor raised his eyebrow as Taeyong quickly redid his pants and hid his prominent boner from his professor.
“One of the questions is a little….hard” Taeyong groaned while you and Ten covered your mouths trying to hide your laughter.
The professor shook his head and went on his way as you and Ten watched Taeyong struggle with his boner for the next thirty minutes of the class. Finally the lecture wrapped up and as soon as the three of you made your way to the hallway you felt Taeyong tug on your arm and began leading you into the girls bathroom, into the nearest stall. A few girls in the bathroom frowned at Ten sauntering into the bathroom straight after, setting down his bag on the counter and began fiddling with his hair.
“Uh this is the girls bathroom ?” a girl snapped, folding her arms and made eye contact with Ten through the mirror.
“So what ? I saw a vag before love, and just because i'm a guy doesn't mean I want yours” Ten shrugged and the girl cursed and stormed out of the bathroom. Meanwhile your mouth was practically merged with Taeyong’s as he pressed his still very hard member against your stomach and nibbled on your bottom lip.
“Was giving me blue balls for thirty minutes worth all of that ?” Taeyong growled as he grabbed your ass roughly, causing you to moan in his mouth. “I'm sorry baby let me make it up to you” you purred and dropped to your knees while Taeyong braced himself against the ceramic wall for what’s to come.
You undid Taeyongs jeans and pulled it down along with his boxers, allowing his member to spring free still hard as ever. You looked up at him, eyes big as you began stroking him slowly before spitting on his tip in order to lubricate him.
“Fucking hell” Taeyong yelled.
A girl on the outside jumped at his words and looked back at the stall then looked at Ten, who was just waiting on the two of you.
“Exam season huh ?” Ten pressed his lips together as the awkward girl quickly dried her hands and rushed out of the bathroom as soon as possible.
You began bobbing your head on Taeyongs member, fully taking him until he reached the back of your throat causing you to gag. Taeyong marveled at the way your plump lips wrapped around his tip, he couldn't help but grab your hair and slowly pull you off him just to take in the sight of your messed up lipstick. You gave him a cheeky smirk before locking your hands behind your back and giving him full control of his movements. Taeyong took full control, his dark eyes narrowed and he sucked his bottom lip between his teeth before thrusting inside of you at a rapid pace. You felt your throat burn at the way he fucked your mouth rapidly but it turned you on so much that you waited until he finally came inside your mouth and you swallowed every bit of him. Taeyong pulled you to your feet and kissed you passionately, his tongue tasting remnants of himself.
“Thanks baby” Taeyong cooed in your ear before exiting the stall, stuffing himself back into his pants while a few girls looked at him absolutely horrified. You followed him, neatening your hair and washing off your mouth and borrowed a lip balm from Ten.
“Had fun you two ?” Ten smirked, leaning against the sink as you and Taeyong made yourself a little more presentable before making your way out of the bathroom. Upon exiting the three of you  noticed the two guys who were filming in the lecture room quickly run after you.
“Don't we get the ending to what went down in the lecture room ?” the one boy snickered like an immature school child as his friend kept the camera on the three of you making your way out of the art department block,
“She swallowed, the end” Taeyong threw his arms around both you and Ten leaving both boys dumbstruck at his words.
You playfully nudged Taeyong who just shot you a cheeky smile as you made your way to a little bench under a willow tree. This was where you usually sat on your own, when you didn't have the energy to socialize with the rest of the art students. Now, it felt a little more complete with Ten and Taeyong accompanying you.
“So my lovelies there's this afterparty happening after the final football game of the season next month” Ten said twirling his ice coffee in his hand as he took in the afternoon sun.
“What do you have in mind ?” you crinkled your nose as you sifted through your unappetizing salad in a box.  
“Okay so you guys heard of Onlyfans right ?” Ten looked between you and Taeyong.
“That site that pays for nudes and shit ?” Taeyong quizzed and Ten nodded brightly and leaned in, “I was thinking let's capitalize a bit of this leading up to the party” Ten responded and pulled up an invitation on his phone,
“The afterparty is being held at Jinyoung’s frat house, him and his idiotic friends are making people pay in order to decorate their football recreational room or some stupid shit like that.”
You took a closer look at the invite and rolled your eyes at the ridiculous pricing, as if their parties were worth going to anyway. Jinyoung was incredibly full of himself and he knew a lot of people worshipped him on campus thanks to his parents being higher ups and the poster boy for the football team. Going for his pride, knocking him where it hurts would be fucking bliss.
“We open an onlyfans, nothing too scandalous but it's gonna get people interested enough to pay forward and we use that cash to host our own party on the same night, free entrance of course” Ten continued and already started setting up the OnlyFans account.
“We should make the party crazy as hell too so nobody would resist coming over” Taeyong added and began going through his contacts, “there's this guy called Seungyoun, he’s a fourth year and knows that DJ from that enigma club from downtown.”
“That's perfect, and we will get Yuta and his tattooist buddies to do temporary sets for us, also my friend Chaeyoung in fashion can help with decor” Ten squealed, already messaging whoever he can.
“My friend Hendery has...uh happy pills if you're interested” you mentioned, knowing that everyone knew Hendery on campus for selling shit, not strong stuff but able to keep you going for a good amount of time.
“Yes! Anything to create hype and watch those preppy idiots sit in an empty house come game night” Ten replied and showed off the OnlyFans page he attached to his instagram account.
“Okay, so what now ?” Taeyong’s large eyes looked between the two of you.
“Now” Ten threw his phone in his bag and got to his feet, “we go back to my dorm and take some naughty pics.”
“I don't think my ass looks good in that” you whined as you got off Taeyong’s lap and took a look at Ten’s camera viewfinder. Taeyong grumbled, sitting in nothing but leather pants on Ten’s office chair, “your ass looks great trust me” he smirked and reached to pull you back onto his lap.
“Come on, just a few more then you can take pics of Taeyong and I” Ten pointed his ring light where Taeyong had a grip on your ass that adorned very pretty pink lingerie. After a few more angles and more compromising positions, Ten finally got what he needed and handed you the camera,
“Make us look cute” He winked and pulled Taeyong to his feet.
“What are we gonna-” Taeyong’s words were cut off by Ten shoving his hand down his pants, “okaaaay” Taeyong pressed his lips together as you began snapping pics of the two of them.
They were so beautiful to you. Every picture you snapped looked better than the last and they needed no direction at all, just enveloped each other with their ridiculous sexual energy, filling the room with their pheromones.
“Done, you guys look sexy as fuck” you purred earning a kiss from Taeyong who was obviously horny from the entire ordeal, but when the fuck was his dick not hard.
You felt yourself being tugged away and Taeyong whined when Ten handed the camera to him and pushed you down to lie on his bed. You felt a shiver run down your spine when Ten positioned himself between your legs and moved his body down until his face was level with your core.
“Taeyong, stand above y/n and shoot down from this angle” Ten instructed to which Taeyong obeyed and his shadow casted over you.
Ten leaned in and kissed you softly on your mound as the room echoed with the camera shutters and your deep breaths. You desperately wanted to run your fingers through his hair but you’d only ruin a perfect shot. It was agonizing but you had to stay still while Ten had his way with you.
Ten moved the piece of fabric to the side and peppered kisses all along your inner thigh and around your core. You were unable to see his face thanks to Taeyong hovering over you but you pictured that smug smile spread across his face as you restrained yourself. You sucked in another deep breath when you felt his tongue dart out and take a slow lick before placing his mouth on your mound and ate you out like an expert.
“Fucking hell” you sighed as you felt his tongue inside you, exploring every part imaginable. You could tell the scene was getting to Taeyong too, as he stood there one hand on the camera and the other hand on his hardened member, watching Ten eat you out.
“Did you get the shots ?” Ten suddenly said, pulling away from your core as you squirmed out of protest.
“Uh..yeah I did,” Taeyong muttered, still staring down at your legs spread wide apart and his member practically screaming through his restricted pants.
“I hope you're not planning to wrap this shit up right now Ten” you groaned, reaching your hand down to your core in order to finish what he had left off.
Ten snickered and slapped your hand away, “of course my lovelies, I never quit a job halfway.” Ten gestured for Taeyong to stand next to the bed while he inserted a finger in you, causing you to moan his name out loud. As you got accustomed to his finger you managed to sit up a little and watched as Ten rubbed Taeyong’s boner through his pants. God you had never been in a situation like this before. How the hell did you get so lucky, meeting two men willing to fuck you and each other.
Ten entered another finger inside you as Taeyong undid his pants and Ten’s mouth was pressed against Taeyong’s member while pumping his length. Taeyong’s eyes were on your figure as he moaned when Ten took him fully in and his fingers were now destroying your core.
“God im so close” Taeyong whined and Ten slowly took his length out of his mouth and looked up at him and then down at you,
“I think you should cum on y/n, she wants it” Ten licked his lips and looked at you with hooded eyes.
“Y-yeah Taeyong….just do it” you squirmed as Ten’s fingers slowed down, holding you back from your orgasm.
Taeyong uttered a few curses and Ten quickly returned to pumping his member until he was at his breaking point. Ten removed his hand from Taeyong and gave you his full attention, attaching both his mouth and three of his fingers inside of your core. Taeyong stood over you with dark eyes as you reached out to run your hand down his exposed thigh.
Taeyong grunted as he released, you felt the warm liquid all over your stomach and breasts while Ten was still recklessly fingering you until you had one of the craziest orgasms of your life. You couldn't process when Taeyong had pressed his lips to yours and Ten had left to get tissues for the mess the three of you made.
“That was some content our viewers missed out on” Taeyong sighed, still trying to catch his breath. You chuckled and went over to the bathroom to quickly shower off the mess and returned in Ten’s oversized shirt, taking a seat between the two of them in bed.
“Okay I uploaded a few previews and linked the onlyfans subscription link” Ten announced as he uploaded three of the explicit versions on the paid side of Onlyfans, “we will get a notification when someone has subscribed and our earnings are on this page.”
The three of you sat, mouths dropped open as you watched subscription after subscription start to fill the page. The comments were flooding in too, and someone even left a hefty tip in a matter of minutes. Ten switched to the earnings page and the account was already sitting at a triple digit.
“What the actual fuck” you gasped as more people began visiting the page and your followings on instagram began skyrocketing.
“This was way easier than I thought it was” Taeyong marveled, also noticing many people start dming him on instagram.
“Well Jinyoung and his goons wanted a party, well here’s the party of the fucking century” Ten smirked and hi5ed the both of you as absolute chaos ensued all over social media in real time.
Just like that in the next couple of days the three of you were watched by the entire campus. It was like Jinyoung wanted. To show the campus that you were notorious, and nobody should get involved with any of you. But that's where his plan was flawed.
Every single person on the campus besides his legion of preppy followers were obsessed with the three of you and craved more. Despite the onlyfans pictures containing no nudity, people still subscribed, they still tipped, they would do anything to see more.
It was in the middle of the afternoon and Ten had confirmed the account had garnered enough money for the party. It had been about three weeks since the very first post on the onlyfans account and now the account stood at a staggering 850 subscribers, each paying for the monthly subscribed content plus tipping generously from time to time. In the midst of all of this the three of you were also preparing for the party that was going to be held on the big day. Taeil, a friend of Taeyong's, allowed you to use his frat house for the event since it would look good for student rentals later on. Yuta and his friends prepared alcohol and a temporary tattoo station to appease drunk girls to get matching tattoos and frat boys to bet their friends to tattoo a dick on their faces. Chaeyoung, Ten’s friend from fashion completely transformed the house into an instagrammable masterpiece, channeling one of those fancy hollywood parties that nobody could ever get into. Seungyoun, the fourth year who was friends with a lot of musicians and DJs from downtown spread the word on campus radio, letting everyone know about Ten’s huge announcement that was about to happen Tuesday afternoon, 2:30PM.
“Alright you thirsty hoes, I see you all made it” Ten said into a karaoke microphone he found from God knows where. Ten got up on the table in the courtyard, standing in front of a huge crowd of students who quickly gathered ready for the grand announcement that was the talk of the town for the last week now.
“We would just like to say that we're so grateful for all your support on our….craft and in order to honor that, were going to host the best party of the fucking semester” Ten shouted while people cheered from the front all the way to the back of the crowd.
“If you look at the link under Ten’s instagram bio, it should take you to a little preview of what’s in store come saturday” Taeyong explained, leaning into the mic while the crowd murmured in confusion.
“Saturday after the big game ? Isn't Jinyoung having a party that night ?” someone in the crowd said followed by more confused chatter.
“That's right, I am having a party after the game” Jinyoung said, moving through the crowd accompanied by two of his frat members and sneered at the sight of the three of you,
“What ? Are you guys planning an orgy or something for your onlyfans ?”
“If you want to suck my dick all you gotta do is ask Jinyoung” Taeyong mused and a few people giggled while Jinyoung shifted uncomfortably and gritted his teeth.
“Listen, you freaks are not having a party on the same night as me” Jinyoung spat and took a step forward, “save yourself the embarrassment of nobody showing up and cancel it.”
You approached him slowly, chuckling darkly as he watched your fingers dance up his arm and up to his jaw, caressing his cheek, “Sweety are you threatened ? You're afraid everybody is gonna ditch your little frat party and come to mine ?”
Jinyoung tried keeping his cool while you stared up at him, playing with him like a little toy in front of everyone to see.
“Are you afraid if people come over i'm going to hook up with everyone who gives me attention ?” Jinyoung avoided your eyes when you recited the words he wrote about you on that burner account. You smirked up at him when you noticed how he still wasn't man enough to own up to his actions.
“Well, our party is FREE by the way” you continued, stepping away and now addressed the crowd in front of you, “So if you’d rather go over to Jinyoungs then go ahead, but if you wanna come play with us…”
You walked up to Taeyong and gave him a sloppy kiss as he grabbed your ass in front of the entire campus to see, “we will see you Saturday night.” The crowd cheered and Jinyoung growled, taking one more glare at you before storming off with his frat boys away from the cheering crowds.
It was D day and everyone who helped with the party gathered in the kitchen, drink in hand and took a final glance back at the rager that was mere minutes away from opening up.
“I can't thank you all enough, actually I did, with all that onlyfans money” Ten stuck his tongue out and Seungyoun whistled while everyone clapped.
“No but seriously, thank you guys….revenge never felt sweeter” you smiled and Hendery put his arm around you as you leaned into him, “if nobody shows up well more for us!”
“Cheers, freaks¨" Taeyong yelled and Ten nudging him in his abdomen,
“Really ? I'm pretty sure Jinyoung’s little nickname for us isn't a compliment” Ten rolled his eyes playfully.
“Its a compliment to us, fuck it im a freak and proud of it” Yuta raised his glass, and a few others joined in.
“Fine Freaks club it is, cheers everyone!” Ten raised his glass and everyone clinked glasses before downing their respectful drinks.
It wasn't long before people began pouring in, it wasn't a large number but it was still something. Most people were from the music and arts departments, and you noticed a few girls from your business lecture drop by as well.
“You think the rest all went to Jinyoung ?” You bit down on your lip as you and Ten monitored the crowds of people while having a drink.
“Maybe ? doesn't matter though, our party is way cooler” Ten shrugged and threw back his drink, “but if you really want me to pull one last move hey just say the word.”
You looked over at the black haired boy and frowned while a cheeky smile spread across his face and he pulled out his phone. You watched him text a few paragraphs and slip his phone in his back pocket before returning to his drink.
About 20 minutes later Taeyong emerged from the crowd to join the two of you in the kitchen, a confused look spread across his face.
“What's wrong ?” you quizzed him.
“Some of those basketball guys are here, they brought over like fifty more people” Taeyong pointed to the entrance and you and Ten watched the guys who the campus worshipped next to the football team enter the party, followed by their fangirls and whoever else wished to be in their presence.
“What the heck did you do ?” your eyes widened as the small party now turned into a whole fucking campus rager.
“Oh I told Johnny Suh that I'd give him a lap dance in front of everyone if he came over with his friends” Ten smiled, waving at the tall brown haired boy with a goofy grin spread across his face.
“Johnny Suh ?! as in the captain of the varsity basketball team ?” you were still confused as to how and when Ten had started talking to one of the most popular guys on campus.
“Yes him, now if you would excuse me, I have a deal to seal” you and Taeyong watched Ten down his drink and make his way over to the lounge where Johnny stood excitedly.
Ten spoke to the DJ and the DJ had the crowd clear up the center of the room while everyone exchanged confused glances as to what the hell was about to go down. Ten placed a chair in the middle of the room and pushed Johnny’s large frame down until he was seated, legs apart and that goofy smile never leaving his face. His teammates whistled as Ten used a piece of cloth to cover Johnny’s eyes, and took off his belt in order to retrain his hands behind his back.
“I gotta give it to Ten, he sure knows how to put on a show” Taeyong wrapped his arm around your waist as the two of you watched Ten fuck around with the captain of the basketball team.
The room was filled with flashing lights, everyone recording the moment as Ten gave Johnny the lap dance he was promised. Johnny slumped in the chair allowing Ten to grind into his hips, and you're pretty sure if the music wasn't so goddamn loud the whole campus would've heard Johnny moan in Ten’s touch. Ten ended it off with a cheeky kiss and untied Johnny, whose face was absolutely red as all of his friends cheered them on, all of them attacking him with hi5s.
That definitely sealed the deal, because after a few uploads of the clip, almost everyone was at your party and Jinyoung’s was most likely empty right now. The party was so big that people were on the street, everybody having the time of their life.
“We did it” Ten threw his arms around you and Taeyong as you stood on the balcony, overlooking the party from above.
“Yeah, we really did” you chuckled and sighed deeply, “I wish I could look at Jinyoung’s face right now.”
“Oh you didn't see ?”
You and Ten turned to Taeyong as he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his gallery. You and Ten burst out laughing when a video of Jinyoung sitting in his empty estate with a few of his preppy friends looking absolutely miserable.
“Fuck thats brilliant” you leaned your head on Ten’s shoulder, completely satisfied with how the night turned out.
“Hey you guys wanna go back to my dorm ? I'm kinda over this” Ten yawned and placed a peck on your forehead.
“You wanna leave your own party ?” Taeyong scoffed, shoving his hands in his pocket.
“This” Ten gestured to the three of you, “This is my party, let's take it back to my room.”
You and Taeyong both obliged and without anyone knowing the three of you escaped the party and made your way over to Ten’s dorm room hand in hand. Upon entering Ten threw off his shirt and kicked off his boots and Taeyong did the same, the two boys grabbing alcohol from the mini fridge and set them up on Tens desk.
“Oh by the way I have something” your words had both the boys turn to face you and you held out your hand, holding three small blue pills,
“Hendery gave them to me, Its not that strong and the high will only last for an hour or two but fuck its good way to end the night off right ?”
“I'm in” Taeyong grabbed the pill and handed you a drink, the three of you washed the pill with beer and Ten switched on a playlist before joining you and Taeyong on his bed.
“I know we've only known each other for like 2-3 months now but I fucking love you guys” you sighed, running your hands through your hair and looked between the two boys.
“This group, us, was the best thing that ever happened to me” Taeyong replied, “you two whores mean the world to me.” “Very sentimental Taeyong” Ten chuckled before reaching out to caress your cheek, “I love you too babe, both of you, were soulmates, if like the devil decided to link people together or something.”
The three of you chuckled and the laughter quickly switched to Taeyong rubbing Ten’s thigh and looked over at you with dark eyes. You had no idea if it was the drug, or the alcohol but there was a desperation within you. Grabbing Taeyong’s face, you pulled him into a sloppy kiss, and quickly switched to Ten, giving him the same energy as Taeyong pushed your shirt over your head and sucked on your exposed skin.
Ten unclasped your bra and massaged your breast as Taeyong kissed the other, each boy stimulating you in the best way possible. Taeyong growled and tossed you onto your back, pulling your skirt off and began sharing a passionate kiss with Ten who was already down to his boxers.
Once Taeyong pulled away from Ten he moved on top of you, grabbing you by your throat and rubbed his hips against your core, the friction sending you into a frenzy. Your thoughts were so focused on Taeyong you had no idea when Ten had got on his knees beside you and began kneading your breasts and rubbing his length with his free hand.
“Who do you wanna fuck first ?” Taeyong growled in your ear that made you so wet you had no fucking clue who you wanted, you just needed someone inside of you at this moment.
“I think it's fair if I go first, I've waited long enough” Ten smirked and switched positions with Taeyong who jumped off the bed to get rid of his pants.
You watched Ten’s dark eyes take in your body, and his beautiful body looked so fucking alluring under the dim lighting of his bedroom. Ten rid you of your soaked panties and wasted no time in inserting two fingers in your wetness.
“Baby girl has been waiting for this for a while huh” Ten purred while Taeyong grabbed your jaw, pulling you into a kiss before making you sit up enough for his member to meet your lips. Just as you took Taeyong in your mouth Ten had already replaced his fingers with his member and began thrusting into you at a rapid pace.
“Oh fuck” you groaned as Taeyong guided your movements on his member with a fistful of your hair. All three of you were so in tune with each other, rough when needed to be and delicate straight after.
As Ten fucked you he leaned forward enough for Taeyong to bend down and meet his lips, the two of them sharing a dirty kiss while they fucked you senseless. Ten pulled away from Taeyong and rammed into you until you came all over his member. “Come on open wide” He mewled and pulled you up and shoved his length in your mouth until he came, making you swallow every bit of him.
“Get on top of me” Taeyong demanded and you did as he said, climbing on top of him and sitting on his length. Taeyong let out a groan, finally feeling you around his length and you felt Ten sit behind you, his hands cupping your breasts as you bounced on Taeyongs member.
“You think you can take both of us ?” Ten whispered in your ear and his request somehow made you wetter than you already were. You had only tried it once, but never in a situation like this. You quickly nodded and Ten caressed your body, leaving sweet kisses all over shoulder and neck before jumping off the bed to rummage in his closet.
Taeyong, not knowing or caring what was going on, carried on slamming himself inside of you, his nails digging into your ass as you rode him like a pro.
Ten returned with what you assumed to be a bottle of lube and bent you over slightly, making sure his touches were careful and delicate. Taeyong finally caught on and slowed his pace despite almost being at his orgasm, in order to make the process easier for you.
“If it's too much just let me know” Ten pecked your cheek and inserted a finger inside your ass, the new sensation was odd but extremely satisfying. Ten continued lubing you up while Taeyong stroked your thighs and made sure your body was relaxed in their care.
“I'm ready, just do it, I want to feel both of you already” you whined and both boys cursed at your words, each anticipating this new experience.
Ten inserted himself and gave you a moment to adjust to him and Taeyong, before slowly moving his hips, keeping his touches light.
“Oh God that feels so good” you moaned as Taeyong picked up his pace and the both of them began fucking you at the same time, something you always wished would happen eventually. Ten returned to his roughness and bent you a little more, allowing Taeyong to lean up and capture your lips, his tongue entangling with yours as the new position only got him back to chasing his raging orgasm.
“Fuck im gonna cum” Taeyong groaned, slightly mad that he couldnt hold onto this feeling any longer.
“You wanna cum inside her mouth ?” Ten asked in between his grunts as he felt himself also reaching his second orgasm.
“No I wanna cum in yours” Taeyong replied darkly, and Ten’s thrusts stopped abruptly to look down at Taeyong.
“Well...fuck okay” Ten finally said and pulled out of you, allowing Taeyong to move to the side of the bed while Ten flipped you on your back and inserted himself in your core. Taeyong stood on the bed for Ten to get better access to his length as you screamed Ten’s name who was quite literally destroying your core at this point.
Taeyong yanked on Ten’s hair causing him to slow his thrusts and you watched the delicious sight of Taeyong slipping his length into Ten’s mouth and Ten swallowing every bit of him. It was quite possibly the hottest thing you'd seen in your life. Ten wiped his mouth as Taeyong slowly pulled out of him with a groan he returned to slamming his hips into yours. “I'm so close Ten” you groaned as Ten crouched over you, allowing you to wrap your legs around his waist as he brought both of you to your climax and let out a huge sigh when he finally came undone with you following shortly after.
“How much money do you think we would've made on onlyfans for that ?” Ten breathed as he collapsed in the bed next to you and Taeyong crawled on your naked body, resting his head on your chest as the three of you tried to catch your breath.
“Probably enough to drop out” Taeyong hummed, his eyes drooping as he made himself a little more comfortable.
“Yeah but hey it's time to end the notorious onlyfans account now don't you think ?” your eyes shifted to Ten who nodded at your words and got up and grabbed his phone from his desk,
“Tae-Ten-Y/N onlyfans era has now come to an end, thank you everyone who tuned in” Ten said, falling back into bed and showing the account that was now deactivated.
“Kinda surprised you are willing to end the onlyfans era Ten, this doesn't have anything to do with Johnny Suh now does it ?” Taeyong raised his eyebrow and you also joined in, looking at the black haired boy with curious eyes.
“Maybe,” Ten sighed, rolling his eyes as you and Taeyong mimicked kissing sounds, “Ugh anyway, they have a game next week, I want you guys to come with.”
“Fine, i’ll ask Johnny how it felt to taste my c-”
“Shut up Taeyong.”
“I have no idea what the hell is going on but Johnny is so hot” Ten sighed as the three of you sat in the bleachers of a varsity basketball game.
“Athletes are not my type these days” you shrugged taking a bite of your corn dog, watching Taeyong play some game on his phone.
“Oh shit they're almost there” Ten pulled you to your feet as the crowd all stood up around you cheering on the varsity team as the time began running out. You watched Johnny run across the court and throw the ball to a boy with chestnut coloured hair, and upon receiving the ball, the boy threw the ball straight into the hoop at the last second, taking his team to victory.
“Fuck….who is he ?” you gulped, as his teammates carried him on their shoulders and his lips curled into a tight grin, showing off a beautiful set of dimples.   “That my dear friend” Ten patted your shoulder, “That's Jung Jaehyun.”
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writteninkat · 3 years
Kitten | Nanami x Reader
summary: Nanami smiles, manhandling you to flip you around. His gold plated name on your neck glistens under the red light. He parts your legs, watching as your cunt oozes out greedy amounts of slick.
word count: 2.8k
warnings: name calling (kitten, daddy), clit slapping, ass slapping, deep throating
a/n: here's a little gift to all my Nanami sinners out there lmao
<500 follower event>
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Nanami noticed that you've been ordering online too much already. Just this week he found eight average sized boxes from kittenbasics. Were you planning on getting a cat?
Today has been very tiring for him. Not only has he been stabbed on his side but he also came home to an empty apartment. You had sent him a message saying you were going out with some friends tonight.
Just as he was about to close the door behind him, something caught his eye. He turns to his side and sees three more brown boxes on the floor. Frowning, he picks them up, already knowing they're uour orders. He takes them to the kitchen counter, setting them on it as he grabs a quick glass of water for himself.
As he gulps the water down, his eyes doesn't look away from the packages, curiosity getting the best of him when he sets the empty glass down and walks towards the boxes.
What shit had you been buying online that it has you glued on your computer screen almost every night?
He reads the package's description, frowning when it doesn't explain the contents inside the box. Only your address, name and contact number. Did she buy this from somewhere illegal or something?
He takes a small fruit knife from one of the drawers, pushing the blade through the packaging tape and swiftly running it across the box, cutting the tape open. He proceeds to cut the redt of the sides, softly placing the knife on the counter when he's finished.
Long, slender fingers open the covers of the box and digging through the packing peanuts, looking for the item. Alas, the pads of his thumbs and index fingers touch a velvet-like box. Nanami takes it out, furrowing his brows when he reads the intricate cursive writing on the top of the box.
Kitten basics.
He opens the box slowly, careful as to not damage what was inside. The product his gaze sat on had his heart dropping to his stomach. On a silk-covered miniature pillow inside the box rests a pink collar with his name, Nanami, sculpted in uppercase letters in gold. He takes the collar out, his member already stirring in his pants as he runs his thumb across his name.
A smirk tickles at his lips as his eyes move towards the other two boxes. After opening them both, he finds that one box had cat ears and knee socks in it while the other had a butt plug in a form of a cat's tail.
You definitely knew Nanami likes cats. And you definitely knew he loved it when she begged for him.
You come home to a dark apartment. Guessing your husband hasn't come home yet, you kick off your shoes rather drunkenly, stumbling your way to the kitchen where you gulped down a glass of water. You turn off the lights after placing the glass on the sink.
You stumble your way to your shared bedroom, furrowing your brows when you see that your led lights have been turned on and your actual lights off. Your eyes scan at the items on the bed; cat ears, a cat's tail buttplug, and- your eyes widen at the sight of the special pink chocker with your husband's gold plated name on it.
You feel strong arms wrap around your waist, pulling you back to his body as he breathes into your ear. "I was wondering what you've been buying online since I've been receiving many packages throughout the week." He runs his hand down your side, fingers teasing the hem of your short, black, bodycon dress.
"Care to explain what these are, kitten?" He whispers into your ear, fingers hooking under your dress, pulling it up to reveal the pink lacy thong you have on. "Leaving the house with such lewd underwear on? Were you planning on showing this to someone else?" He asks, pressing two fingers against your cunt. You press your thighs together as you shake your head, "No, daddy. All of you." You moan loudly, letting him push you on the bed.
"If you won't explain to me what these are..." Nanami picks up the buttplug, shoving it in your mouth before pushing you to lay on your back. He pulls your legs up, slender fingers hooking themselves onto your panties, pulling them down. He brings your underwear to his nose and he closes his eyes, unshamedly breathing in your scent as he looks down on you.
He pulls the buttplug out of your mouth, pressing it against your hole, teasing you. You bite your lip in anticipation, closing your eyes as you feel the plug slowly enter your ass.
"Sit up." You follow his command, pulling your legs back to sit on your heels. He takes the cat ears, putting them on you before taking the collar in his hands. "Why'd you buy this one specifically? Hmm? Kitten?" He asks, padding his thumb over your lower lip.
"Cause I belong to you." You answer, your tingue slipping out of your mouth as you sucked on his thumb, your eyes looking up at him as you hallowed your cheeks, showing him exactly how you'd suck his dick.
He growls, pushing you back down on the bed. He takes the collar, quickly putting it around your neck. He takes his time appreciating the masterpiece that is you, on his bed like this, all for him.
Slowly, he slips your dress off of you, skilfully unhooking your bra with one hand as he peppers sweet kisses all over your neck and chest, slowly traveling them down your breasts. He plays with your nipples with his tongue as his fingers twist and tug at your other one.
His tongue laps up your hardened nipples, taking them in between his terth before sucking red and purple splotches all over your soft skin. Slowly he gets up, pulling you along with him. He sits back on the bed and pushes you down onto the floor where you kneel obediently for him.
Nanami unbuckles his belt, taking it off of the hoops of his pants. He takes your hands, placing them on your back and using the belt to keep them there. He looks at you with such lust-filled eyes, his thumb playing with your lower lip.
"Put that mouth to good use, kitten." He says, leaning back as he lets you do what he asked. You look down at his pants, still buttoned and zipped up, however on the side you could see just how hard he currently is.
You lick on your lips, swallowing as you bite on his pants, undoing the button of his pants. You tug on it, pushing the button back with your tongue to take it out of the hole. You then continue to bite the zipper, your nose poking on his pelvis as you pull the zipper downwards.
You didn't want to wait any longer, you buried your face on the area where the zipper exposed your husband's boxer briefs, inhaking his musky sent as you lapped your tongue on his clothed and erected cock.
"Mmmmm so impatient I see. You want daddy's cock that bad, hmmm?" He teases, his voice so low you feel your cunt clench around your slick and nothing else. You nod your head, looking up at him with meedy eyes.
"Mmmff-fuck, okay kitten. I'll give you your reward." He takes his cock out of his underwear, his tip an angry red. You watch as he strokes his member a few times before pulling your head closer to him. You stick out your tongue, starting from the base, you like the underside of his cock, as you reach his tip you wrap your lips around it and start taking as much of his length as you can. Your fingers begin to tingle, wanting nothing more than to fondle and play with his balls at this very moment but the belt keeping your hands restrained is preventing you from doing so.
"Oh yeah baby, oh yeah... Just like that... Taking daddy's cock like the good little cockslut you are..." Nanami growls, tangling his slender fingers through your hair, tugging on it as you hear him suck in a breath.
As soon as you feel his tip press the back of your neck, you shake your head and get on your knees, pushing yourself even lower, making it your goal to reach his pubic hair with your lips. Nanami moans loudly as his cock pushes through the walls of your throat, feeling as you swallow around him. Once you feel you've taken his entire length inside your mouth, you pull away, gasping for air.
Once your lungs stop feeling like they're burning, you take him in his mouth once again, hallowing your cheeks as you bob your head up and down. Nanami throws his head back, moaning loudly as you feel him start to buck his hips upward. You push yourself lower like before a few times, when you swallow around him this time, he bucks his hips up and pulls your head down, creaming inside your throat and mouth.
You waste no time in swallowing his load. He pulls out of you and parts your mouth open, checking and then smiling to see it empty. "Such a good kitten. Love daddy's cum so much? I don't see a single drop in your mouth." He chuckles, pulling you up and throwing you on your stomach. He pulls your hips up, slapping on your ass, his eyes watching the slap causes a ripple. He slaps your ass again, and again, and again and doesn't stop until both your cheeks are a fiery red color and tears are running down your face.
"Does it hurt kitten?" He asks, rubbing a hand on your swollen bum. You shake your head, looking at him through your side. "Then why are you crying?" He sounds as if he were genuinely concerned.
"It feels too good," You sob, "Daddy."
Nanami smiles, manhandling you to flip you around. His gold plated name on your neck glistens under the red light. He parts your legs forcefully, watching as your cunt oozes out greedy amounts of slick.
Nanami lowers his face in between your thighs, his eyes trained on you as he dips his tongue in between your wet folds. You moan loudly at the feeling of his hot tongue finally against your needy cunt. You roll your hips impatiently, causing Nanami to pull away and slap your cunt.
"So impatient, kitty. Good kittens wait for their daddies to finish their meal. Now stop moving and let me have my dinner." He goes back to your cunt, lewd slurping noises fill the room along with your loud moans and mewls.
Nanami pushes his tongue in between your walls, teeth grazing against your clit, taking you by surprise. Your walls clench around his tongue, squeezing it as he furrows his brows at your orgasm.
He pulls away, scowl evident on his face as he pulls his underwear and pants down. "You came without my permission, kitty." He begins working with the buttons of his shirt, undoing them. "And you know what happens to bad kitties right?" He lines his cock against your hole, hands on each of your thighs. "Tell me, what happens to bad kitties?"
"They don't get to cum." You answer, moaning loudly at the feeling of his member entering your wet and greedy cavern. You've been married with and have been getting fucked by this man for years, and yet your tiny cunt still couldn't get used to his size.
Everytime the two of you fuck, he always stretches you open and has you feeling so full. And your little cunny always squeezes around him, making him feel every inch of your walls.
He pushes his entire length inside you, his pelvis pressing against the back of your thighs. He thrusts inside you slowly a few times to get you at least a little bit more stretched out before his pace increases and the bed is creaking.
Nanami's hands slowly run up from your stomach to your tits, playing and fondling with them before his left one retreats back to your thigh while the other creeps towards your neck. He runs a few fingers over his name before his eyes look at you- your expression.
Your eyes are glassy and your face is flushed, you have a shit eating grin across your face with your tongue lolling out of your mouth. "I feel that good, kitty?" He asks, his thrusts becoming slower but much deeper. You nod your head, unable to use proper words.
"Use your tonge, kitty. Come on. Answer daddy. Do I feel that good?" All the comes out are mashed up words and slurs, making Nanami laugh loudly. He thrusts deep inside you, feeling your walls clench around him.
"I'm fucking you so dumb right now aren't I?" He asks, frowning when you don't reply. He slaps your clit and it takes every single atom in your body for you to not cum right then and there.
"Answer me. I'm fucking you so dumb right now, aren't I?" He growls, his balls slapping against your ass, creating lewd noises. You nod your head and your response encourages him, he slaps your clit just a few more times before he's reaching his own orgasm.
"Don't you fucking cum." He creams inside you, your toes curling as you try your best not to cum. He pulls out, the satisfaction leaving your body along with him.
He watches his cum drip out of you, his fingers teasing your folds, dipping into his white release, pressing his fingers inside your mouth. You suck on his fingers, licking them clean.
He pulls out his fingers and presses his lips on yours, his tongue pressing against yours, tasting himself. He hums in satisfaction, nodding his head. "Okay, you've been a good kitty. I'll let you cum under one condition." He pushes himself inside you once again, "You cum together with me."
His thrusts this time are a bit harder, much more maddening. He rolls his hips as he thrusts deep inside you, his head pressing you g-spot again and again as you cry out how good he makes you feel.
He leans his body towards you, his hips snapping as he presses his lips on your neck. "Who do you belong to?" He grumbles, licking your jaw. "Daddy..." You moan out, closing your eyes as you feel your orgasm slowly creep up to you.
"Mmmm-mmmm. That's not my name. Since I'm fucking you so dumb right now, I'll give you a little clue. The answer is what's written on your neck." He mumbles, hips never ceasing.
"Mmff- Nanami!" You moan loudly, your orgasm already so close to you. "That's it!" Nanami roars loudly, pushing away from you as he slaps your clit, "Who do you belong to?"
"Fuck, Nanami!"
You clench around him milking him as he rolls his hips while insde you, helping you ride out your rogasm. You press your head against the soft pillows, his name coming into view as he cums inside you once more, painting your walls white.
The two of you stay silent for a moment, your heavy breathing the only thing that can be heard. Slowly, Nanami pulls out of you making you whimper, the overstimulation causing your body to become more sensitive than you wanted it to be.
"Shhh, shhh... It's okay baby, I got you..." Nanami coos, skillfully undoing the belt from behind you, pulling the restraints away from your hands. You pull your hands from behind you, immediately pulling Nanami closer, breathing in his scent.
Nanami presses soft kisses all over your face as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear. He carries you in his arms, walking over to the bathroom where he has already prepared a bath with your favorite bathbomb.
He sets you down on the water, carefully taking off your catears and your choker. "Okay baby, I'll take off the plug now okay?" You nod, wrapping your hands around him as you hiss as the plug is slowly being taken out of you. He continues peppering kisses all over you as he washes you hair and face, he doesn't stop even as he's pulling you out of the tub and walking you back to your bed.
He walks away towards the closet, coming back with the comfortable panties, sweats and one of his shirts. He helps you get dressed, drying off your hair and combing it soft as he constantly kisses you, whispering praises as he does so.
Once he finishes, he sets you down on the bed and he leaves to wash up himself. When he comes back, he joins you on the bed, pulling you into his arms as he presses one last kiss on your forehead.
"I love you baby." You mumble out.
"I love you too."
"I love you more."
Nanami tightens his arms around you, burying his nose on your hair, "I love you most."
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jinxxedwammys · 3 years
In celebration of 100 followers I present to you
Wammy boys in oddly specific AUs I found on pinterest and stuff.
Warnings: Swearing (mostly in Mello’s part as usual lol)
"I mistook you for my best friend and jumped on your back in public and now I'm embarrassed"
It was during the Kira case when L was closely investigating Light Yagami at To-Oh University that this extremely awkward encounter occurred. The sun was high in the sky, locusts and could be heard and cherry blossom littered the wide walkway leading into the school.
You had your heavy bag slung across your shoulders. It was filled with textbooks and papers (some of which you had forgotten to turn in) as well as a few personal items. You weren't really paying much attention to your surroundings until you spotted one of your male friends!
You hadn't seen him since the beginning of high-school. To say you were excited was an understatement. In your excitement you took a running jump onto his back knocking him to the ground. He let out a yelp and that was when you realized...
This man was NOT your friend.
"Oh my God I'm so sorry I thought you were someone else" you hurriedly said pushing yourself up and on your knees an apparent redness in your face.
He seemed to be unbothered for the most part, he turned to you, crouching in a sort of fetal position.
"It's alright I understand" He replied.
"No, no its not.. I'm an idiot I should have realized" you shoved your face into your hands covering how red your face now was.
"It is alright, I'm uninjured and it was an honest mistake" you frowned a little not entirely trusting his forgiveness, but this time, you took it.
He gave you a polite smile before standing up and helping you to your feet. He wished you a good day, and left, but not before sneaking a note containing his alias and phone number.
"I lost my little sibling Matt in Ikea and I need your help finding them"
"Fuck.... Shit... Motherfucker" You heard from the other side of the store shelf as you browsed through various decor items. This mystery person had been spewing profanities for the past five minutes. You sighed with slight annoyance placing the wooden model hand you had been staring at for God knows how long back, making your way to the neighboring isle.
"Hey, you've been cursing up a storm... what's going on?" You asked, hand on your hip awaiting a response. Mello looked up at you with a look of anger and exhaustion on his face.
"I'm looking for my idiot friend. He got hopelessly lost in the chair section and I've been trying to find him for like an hour now" He ran a hand through his hair pushing his bangs to the sides of his face.
"I can help you look for him!" You offered.
"You don't have to"
"I want to! I don't really have anything else to do, so it's fine. To be completely honest I don't know why I came here." He shrugged. "Oh my name's Y/N by the way"
"I'm Mello" He replied before setting off out of the isle leaving you to sprint a but to catch up. His pace was fast and he seemed to have some plan on how to tackle this, but you weren't exactly sure.
After what seemed like an eternity of silently weaving through the labyrinth of shelves and furniture displays, you spoke up.
"So... how old is your friend?"
"We're both 19... His name is Matt." You kept walking until he stopped directly in front of the office showroom section.
"He might be here, so keep an eye out for a tall brunette idiot with goggles." You nodded keeping close to Mello. Again you snaked through isles. Eventually your search devolved into looking into cabinets, drawers, anything that would open, but to no avail.
"Where the fuck is he?" Mello said under his breath as he slammed shut another cabinet.
That was when a tall brunette wearing goggles walked by dual wielding hotdogs... You sighed heavily before approaching Matt.
"Matt?" You called out gaining the attention of both Matt and Mello. Mello stood beside you before going on to scold his friend almost as if he were an unruly child.
"Sorry about that I hope looking for him wasn't that unbearable... would you like to meet up sometime again in the future?" Mello asked. You nodded in response.
"I'd love to! This was quite fun actually. Though let's not go to an ikea next time."
"We both like walking In the park at night and I think you're a stalker so I accidentally attack you"
It was 2am, the night was calm yet you were restless nothing you tried allowed you to fall asleep. It was like this most nights. You would then go to the park near your house to get some fresh air and tire yourself out... and on a night like this, that seemed like a perfect idea. You didn't even change out of your pajamas before you left. As you entered the park, you felt... odd. As if someone was watching you and sure enough, as you turned your head to look behind you you saw a man following about two yards behind you.
Naturally your thoughts went wild with what ifs and possible escape plans. Yet you calmed your mind opting to check if this guy was really following you. With every corner you turned your heart sank. Panic started to set in and you rushed to get together an improvised weapon.... Your housekey! You gripped it tightly in your hand as if it were a knife and swiftly approached the man going to jab him in the eye, yet he caught your arm with ease, turning it behind you and pushing you to the ground, similarly to how a police officer would apprehend a resistant assailant.
"Why did you attack me" he questioned, plopping down just above your hips.
"Let me go, stalker!!!" You yelled at him thrashing around attempting to escape his grasp.
"What are you talking about? I'm not stalking you." He calmly said.
"That's exactly what a stalker would say! Let me go!" He sighed lifting himself off of you and crouching beside you. You rolled over and sat with your legs crossed.
"I swear to you, I was only out for a walk. I take nighttime walks sometimes, though this was the first time I've been in this park."
"Then how come every time I turned you followed?"
"I did? I'm sorry, I didn't even realize" He stated plainly. You sighed he seemed truthful.
"Fine... I'm sorry too, I probably shouldn't have assumed you were a stalker or something and attacked you" you admitted. He shook his head.
"It's alright, I understand... I can be scary" you snorted and laughed. The light of the nearby streetlamp lit his features. A frail, sweet looking man with long white hair who seemed to be somewhat reserved. You felt a little silly that you thought someone like him would hurt you much.
"You're not scary... In all honesty you're quite cute!" You admitted, reaching out a finger to poke his nose.
"Thanks, you're actually quite cute as well, maybe we could meet up here in the morning?" He suggested.
"I come here when I want to be alone and I didn't think anyone knew about it so where the hell did you come from"
This day was aweful. Work was extremely stressful. Your coworker put important documents in the shreader for the 10th time that week and you were the one tasked with rewriting, tracking down, requesting new copies and piecing together ones that couldn't be recovered otherwise. And of course your boss made every minute of it a nightmare. So after work, you drove to your favorite place. An abandoned warehouse off the highway about 5 minutes from your house.
It was virtually untouched by people now that the walls were covered in graffiti and the place had been ransacked for leftover valuable items. You made your way inside noticing something was off... there was a leather couch that wasn't yours, a coffee table... even a TV and game console plugged into a power supply, another handheld game on the coffee table next to an ashtray with a few cigarette butts, one of which was still smoking.
You were beyond confused. From the last time you were here someone had basically moved in... it had only been a week since you last came here. You warily approached the couch. Well... whoever left it here probably won't mind! you thought I just hope they didn't sabotage it or something. You then sat down noting that it was a perfectly normal couch and you were just paranoid.
That was when a guy came in, he was tall and lenky, had brown hair and was dressed in a striped shirt, a frankly hideous vest with fur lining, black pants and goggles atop his head. He had been holding a can of coke and a cigarette, yet those were both dropped as he saw you.
"Who are you?" He half shrieked.
"Who are YOU? You yelled back.
"I asked first!"
"My name is Y/N.. I come here all the time when I'm stressed and want to be alone I didn't think anyone else knew about it"
"S..Same but.. I come here to get away from a friend of mine... he can be quite aggressive and it's scary" He sat down beside you picking up his handheld game. "Oh and my name is Matt!"
"Hmm.. then let's share this space from now on, Matt!" He nodded in agreement.
"Yea! I hope we meet again soon"
Beyond Birthday
"We live in the same apartment complex and I accidentally leave my laundry in the washer for a minute too long and you decide to take out all my wet clothes to put yours in just as I walk in"
It was late night. You had been putting off laundry for the past week, but now you were down to a pair of underwear and your nightgown, so you had to do your wash.. you reluctantly gathered your clothes and made your way to the communal washer and dryer. You threw your clothes in and put a coin in the coinslot then set the washer to start.
You sighed and made your way back to your room to relax a little while your clothes were still washing. It had been about two hours and your laundry was probably done. The timer you had set went off and you gathered yourself and brought the remainder of your clothes as well as your box of dryer sheets.
The moment you walked in your eyes widened in horror. Some odd man sat frantically pulling your clothes out of the washer onto the dirty floor.
"What the hell are you doing??!!" You yelled rushing over to stop him. He peered up at you from his crouching position.
"You left your clothes in too long, its my turn now" You blinked
"Only for a few minutes... it just got done less than 5 minutes ago.. now my clothes are all dirty again.. damn it"
"Sorry" He said. His beady eyes were wide and innocent looking. "I'll let you do yours again... I'll pay" He said before shoving yours back in and starting it again.
When that was done he pulled a jam jar out of seemingly nowhere and perched on top of the washer dipping his hand inside the jar and licking his fingers clean of jam. It was disgusting... But you decided to not pay any more attention to it than you had to.
The rest of the time you spent with him was in silence, all you heard was the washer and his lip-smacking. When the washer finished you silently transferred your clothes to the dryer.. this time without your oddball fellow tenant interfering much. Though when he got his own clothes in he did crawl away which freaked you out.
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
Imagine a yandere ghost who is cursed is trapped in the doll, so one day a family came to live in his house, but what the ghost did not expect is to fall in love with the couple's eldest daughter. Maybe this yandere ghost (doll) use the younger brother to get closer to his beloved...
I didn't really include the doll, but the overall idea is here ;)
Tw: nsfw, non - con, underage sex? (The reader is meant to be around 18, her brother is 16 - 17, but the ghost is 100+ so idk), (technically) incest, ghosts, possession, possessive/obsessive behavior, slight parental neglect ig
You knew it was a mistake moving into the old house up the hill. You tried arguing with your parents so many times about the mansion being hidden in the woods, so far away from any civilization, bringing up the fact it hadn't been bought for the last 8 years despite the insanely low price or the news about the previous owners dying in their sleep just like that, from "natural causes" even though they were an young energetic couple. But of course your worries had been discarded so easily since your younger siblings were ecstatic, constantly talking about finally living in a castle, which was obviously pushing it too far, but kids will be kids.
Your family was big, consisting of your mother, father, two younger sisters and a brother currently in his late teens. Your siblings managed to take all the nice bright rooms on the second floor so you were forced to sleep in the attic. At first it didn't seem so bad, yes, the place was dark and dusty, the space was limited, but it was a quiet spot and there were many interesting things left there to explore and discover.
The first week you discovered a huge box full of old books, medals, notebooks and different souvenirs from all over the world. The second week you found a few paintings covered by a thin disheveled cloak, most of them depicting a pretty young boy with golden locks and sad green eyes, dresses in an expensive silky clothing resembling what was nowadays considered an elegant suit. You didn't pay it much mind yet the miserable longing gaze of the kid haunted your dreams in the following days.
During the third week you noticed that things were going missing one by one. First it was your favorite lipstick, then your new dress, and suddenly your favorite items were gone just like that. On top of all, almost as if fate was tickling your paranoia, you could hear certain sounds at night that were too distorted be natural and too human to belong to an animal. There were sobs, loud and tormented, sometimes you could make up a few words in a language no one spoke anymore. You slept less and less each night, you could swear you felt someone's lingering touch on your shoulders, them gently stroking your hair and even pressing their cold unmoving lips on yours. This was usually the point when you opened your eyes and screamed in fear only to realize you were alone in the room. There was nobody there.
Still you decided to speak with your parents about the creepy events taking place in the attic. Much to your dismay they brushed your concerns off once again, laughing softly and calling you a scaredy - cat, going as far as to joke around about your "oh so creative" imagination getting the best of you just like it did in your childhood. But this time you insisted on holding your ground, almost begging them to take action and help you. At the end your mother decided to let you sleep in your brother's room for a while until you calm down, and as embarrassing it was to share a room with a hormonal teen, it was better than constantly being on the edge and losing sleep. Or so you thought.
The first night you slept in Steve's room nothing out of the ordinary happened and for the first time in weeks you actually managed to rest. The second night was blissfully peaceful as well and you quickly fell into a deep dreamless slumber.
The third night started well, just like the previous two. Your brother was tired from studying all day and went to bed early, giving you the freedom to relax a little bit before following his example. You could read a book or try to revise for your exam tomorrow, maybe even call your bestfriend and finally let her know all about your new classmates and just how boring life in the village was. But in that moment all these suggestion sounded annoying, nothing was interesting enough to hold your interest for more than a minute. Thinking about what to do next, you suddenly became aware that your body was tense and tired, but your mind was restless. After all you hadn't had time for self - care between the paranoia episodes and the fear, maybe it was finally time to do something nice and therapeutic for yourself.
You snatched a quick look at Steve and he was sleeping soundly, snoring from time to time, his usually angry face now calm and childlike. Making sure there was no one in the room awake, you finally slipped a hand down your pajama bottom until you felt the soft fabric of your panties. You closed your eyes and run a finger up and down your clothed sex, following the line of your slit. Your pussy throbbed at the sudden contact, the lack of pleasure in the last few weeks making it sensitive to the touch. You pushed your underwear lower so it hanged around your legs, and shoved one finger into your warm hole, enjoy the way your walls clenched around the digit. You flicked your clit gently, feeling it swell from the arousal, rubbing slow circles and pressing on your sweet spot every once in a while.
Your free hand went to your breasts, bare under the comfy oversized shirt, and awoke the cherry nipples with subtle pinches causing them to harden. You couldn't help but moan quietly as you decreased the pace of which you teased your hole and added a second finger in your pussy, fucking yourself on it. You were so focused on chasing your pleasure you didn't even notice the hand on your thigh pulling your own away from your excited throbbing core and replacing it with a big hard cock. Only once its head reached your tight entrance and pressed on it did your mind register the atrocious size difference. Your words stilled in your throat, the sudden panic rising in your chest, making your vision blurry and your cheeks rosy pink. You finally opened your eyes, your heart racing at the image of your younger brother towering above you with his member so close to entering your heat.
"Steve, what are you doing?" You whispered as you tried to squirm away from the boy, but he was quicker in pinning your wrists above your head in a deadlock. When did the male become so strong? Just yesterday he would ask you to open up his water bottle and help him with his math homework and now he was doing this...
"My name is Henry, my love." The voice was different from your brother's, lower and huskier, gentler in a way. You narrowed your eyes and observed the teenager's face, gasping as you noticed that his eyes had changed from black to green, yet all his other features had stayed stayed the same. You wanted to ask so many questions - who is Henry, why were your sibling's eyes and voice different from before - but you were quickly shut by one stern gaze. "I used to live here 80 years ago." The stranger started off with an unexpectedly soft tone as his grip on your wrists loosened. "I'm a ghost. I possessed your brother." He confessed calmly while you watched his pink lips part slightly with each breath as if you were in a trance before you found the strength to break your silence.
"Why are doing this to me? Why did you take my brother's body?" You questioned him manically, feeling like a confused little lamb sent to the slaughter, trembling and stuttering in front of a knife. Henry simply chuckled at your adorable dumbfounded expression and lowered his torso until his face was mere inches away from yours and you could feel his ice - cold breath on your warm red cheek. "Because I love you, darling." The ghost replied with a confident smirk that looked so weird and unnatural on the younger boy's face you almost gagged. Before you had the chance to say anything, he continued. "I've been wanting you for a while now, little girl. And with this body I can finally have you all to myself." You opened your mouth in a protest but your screams were easily muffled by a harsh kiss and a wet tongue down your throat. Next thing you knew the man had pushed your brother's manhood into your wet sloppy cunt in one sharp thurst and in your despair you had yelled for help once again, the ghost taking your whimpers greedily and shushing them away. Struggling was pointless.
In the next hour you were reduced to a sweaty whimpering mess of pain and arousal, fear and pleasure. The ghost was fucking you in a fast brutal pace while his free hand was playing with your clit, bringing you so damn close but never enough to send you over the edge. You were crying and your whole body was aching, your tits red from the rough manhandlind, your lips bruised and swollen from the rough kisses and bites. There were purple hickeys adorning your neck, belly and thighs and you went quiet in embarrassment every time you wondered how you would be able to hide them the next day.
"Please, whoever you are, let me come, I'm begging you." You pleaded desperately as you arched your back to meet the next couple of deep thrusts. Your cheeks were wet with tears and you could even taste the bitter salty flavor in your mouth mixed with your own drool and saliva. Upon hearing your meek pleas the man mercifully started hitting your cervix with each shove until his moves became sharp and quick, targeting your g-spot. You were so close you could feel your abdomen clench and tighten from the tingling sensitations. "Please..." You uttered weakly again, making doe eyes at your brother.
"Say you love me. Tie your soul to mine forever and I'll give you exactly what you want, beloved." Henry basically growled in your ear as he groped your breasts, squizing lightly the soft flesh. Your mind was so hazy and clouded you weren't sure how to respond so you just repeated the words easiest to grasp. "Love... you... forever, ngggh..." You muttered under your breath before moaning wantonly when the forceful thrusts finally sent you over the edge and your pussy clamped down in a big, satisfying orgasm. Your bliss was short - lived because soon the ghost was pounding into you again and again, keeping you too tired to move, struggle or even speak properly besides whimpering every once in a while. The rest of the night was a blur but eventually you fell asleep from the exhausting and the pleasure.
You woke up sore, your eyes red and puffy, your muscles tense and unnatentive. You rushed to look at your brother, but the teenager was sleeping just as peacefully as he did eight hours ago. One side of you was more than glad to know everything that had happened was simply a bad, terrible dream, while the other one still felt extremely uncomfortable and uneasy. You couldn't bear staying in the room any longer so you got dressed and went into the hall. Everyone else was still asleep and you felt as restless as if you hadn't caught a blink at all. You finally gave in to your paranoia and climbed the stars leading to the third floor.
You knelt on the ground where you had found the beautiful paintings. Those green eyes from your dream seemed way too familiar for it to be a coincidence. When you finally got a hold of your favorite piece, the one with the sad young boy, you had to cover your mouth to suppress the shock. There wasn't an aristocrat with golden locks on the picture anymore.
Now the one trapped in the painting was none other than you own brother, Steve. Instead of misery and pain in mysterious blue eyes, there was only terror in his tormented black ones. You screamed for the last time before you dropped the picture on the ground and ran away from the attic, the tears streaming down your face, but unfortunately, there was no escape from the restless dead souls.
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saynotoshityouhate · 3 years
For Science - Ch. 3
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Read Chapter 1 here. Read Chapter 2 here.
Summary: You return to Bruce’s after your dinner date, and you still have an appetite. 
Word Count: 1099
Tags/Warnings: size kink, thigh riding, hand job (male receiving)
A/N: There are not enough images of Professor Hulk and it makes me sad. Give this big green softy his own film, please? 
Bruce pulled into the driveway of a small bungalow just outside of your small college town. Although it was dark, you could see a well manicured lawn decorated with delicate flowers in two beds on either side of a wrap around porch. Bruce had taken up gardening as a way to calm himself over the last year. He found it relaxing to (literally) ground himself in the work of growing beautiful things. 
The passenger door opened and you were greeted by a large green hand. You smiled at the kind gesture, using his hand to lift yourself out of the car. You weren’t used to this high of a heel, having been home in your PJs for over a year - and you were navigating the world like a newborn giraffe. 
Banner walked you up to the front door where you saw a specially made porch swing and more flower boxes. Walking inside, you saw the coziest home you’ve ever seen. Deep couches with plush cushions and soft blankets, candles and incense on every table, and walls adorned in photographs of Bruce and his Avenger colleagues on their many travels across the universe. You knew he had left that part of his life behind, but it was clear that those people held a very special place in his big heart. “Welcome to my home!” Banner chuckled, obviously a little nervous and unsure how to proceed. “Can I get you something to drink? Take a seat! Are you still hungry? I can get…” you interrupted his rambling thoughts. “Banner! I’m great. I’d love a drink. Whatever you’re having.” You plopped down onto one of the couches, kicking off your heels and pulling your feet beneath you. You felt at home. 
Bruce returned from the kitchen with two glasses of red wine. He handed one to you before sitting down in a chair across the living room from you. You looked at him through knitted eyebrows. You had an entire couch next to you, and he chose to sit so far away. Taking a sip of your wine for courage, you stood up from the couch and padded over to Banner and hopping up onto his lap. “Oh - hi there.” Bruce was surprised by the move, hoping you couldn’t feel his cock twitch as you wiggled around to make yourself comfortable. You had always felt self conscious about your body, never really feeling comfortable about your size and shape. It took a man like Bruce to make you feel small - not that one way was better over the other - but taking up space was never something the world encouraged you to do. 
You looked up at Bruce, one hand holding your wine and the other tracing lazy patterns on his chest. Bruce held you in place softly, his palm splayed across your lower back and waist. “You know, we really don’t have anything to be nervous about. We’ve pretty much done this before. Many times, actually.” You set your wine glass down before turning your body to face him, one leg straddled on either side of his muscular thigh. Your hands braced themselves on his chest as you rocked your hips forward, your buzzing clit rubbing itself against his quadriceps muscle perfectly. A soft sigh escaped your lips. “We should just, you know, go for it.” You rocked against his thigh again, looking up at Bruce for some sort of sign that you were on the same page. He didn’t know what to say, his jaw had dropped. Hearing that sigh escape your lips short circuited his brain. 
Banner nodded his head, leaning his face to yours, enveloping your lips into a passionate kiss. You moved your hips once more, hitting that spot exactly, causing a moan to escape from deep within you. Bruce was suddenly painfully hard. Feeling the disturbance beneath you, you moved to unbutton and unzip his pants. Reaching inside to free his aching cock, your eyes got wide. You looked up at him in shock. Banner, being a child at heart, chuckled. “Items may be larger than they appear on screen, Y/N.” Reaching in after you, he enveloped your hand into his and together you lifted his length out of his pants. Bruce’s one hand remained on your waist, while the other covered yours, unable to fully grasp itself around the width. He wasn’t kidding when he said he had to be creative with his partners. Traditional methods may end in severe injury, or worse. 
Banner took the hand fruitlessly grasping his cock and lifted it up to his lips, leaving wet, sloppy kisses along your palm. You resumed grinding your increasingly wet pussy against Bruce’s thigh, whimpering at the delicious sensation. Bruce placed your enveloped hand back on his now leaking member, moving you both in slow, steady strokes. Banner groaned, head lolling back, gripping your waist tighter as if to also hold himself together. Regaining his composure, he began moving your hands more swiftly, the mixture of saliva and pre-cum lubricating the movements. “Bruce…” you whispered, your stomach tightening and breathing becoming erratic. “Go ahead, little one. You can do it.” With that, your orgasm crashed over you, toes curling, free hand grasping at Banner’s shirt as your body collapsed into his chest. Your face nuzzled against his collarbone as you came down, your other hand now working with Bruce’s in overdrive. In your daze, you looked up at Bruce, his face contorted in concentration, the hue of his skin darkening as he got closer to his release. Watching his face intently, your arm moving outside of your control, he looked down at you. Seeing your frame tucked neatly inside his, your wide eyes staring up at him and your skin aglow...it was enough to push him over the edge. Banner growled, his grip around your waist and around his cock tightened as he came. Bruce leaned his head back against the chair and took a few deep breaths. 
“I think I ruined your pants.” You shifted your body to see the mess you had made. You gently massaged your other hand which was sore from the squeeze of Bruce’s much larger one. 
“...and I ruined your dress. I’m sorry - is your hand alright? Are you okay?” You hopped down from his lap. 
“Oh I’ll be fine, thank you. Which direction is the restroom?” Bruce pointed down the hall. 
You began to walk away when you stopped to lift your dress over your head. You dropped it on the floor, and turning back to look over your shoulder you asked “You coming, big boy?”
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yyxgin · 3 years
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PAIRING: neighbour! minho x gn reader
GENRE: fluff + angst
WARNINGS: eating behaviours, sad ending aaand I can't really think of anything else
this is a part of the @districtninewriters dear skz, with love event !! make sure to read all the other wonderful stories other members wrote for this !!
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You studied the envelope you were holding, flipping it over a few times in your hands. The quality of the paper was nicer than normal, almost like whatever inside was more important than just a regular letter. You weren’t expecting anything, let alone anything important or special.
But it was definitely your name on the front.
The handwriting was oddly familiar-- the loopy curves and edges of your name bringing you the so well known feeling of longing as you recognised the owner of the handwriting, making your heart thump with the black ink on the envelope. You quickly opened it, revealing what was inside-- a letter written on a piece of lined paper you were so sure he tore out of the notebook you gave him a few months ago. 
Your eyes skim over the sentences, making your eyes well up with tears. You curse at Lee Minho under your breath, because how dare he say those things to you over a letter? Did he really have to be such a coward not to tell you to your eyes? 
You throw the letter back to the floor of your hall-- to the place where you first found it, concluding he must have slipped it under your door when you were still asleep, opening the door and sprinting down the staircase leading to his floor. 
You weren’t going to let him leave like this.
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Your eyes skim over his room-- the room you’ve been to multiple times before, but now it looks a little different when it’s half-empty and the posters that were hanging on his walls were taken down into a big cardboard box. You hear his feet shuffling around the bedroom, making you look up from your place on the dark gray rug he had placed in front of his bed, locking eyes with the owner of the apartment-- your neighbour, Lee Minho.
You’ve met him the first week you moved into the apartment. It wasn’t anything romantic, how the teenage books always used to say, he didn’t even help you with the oh so heavy boxes you carried into your apartment all by yourself because the elevator just had to be broken the same week when you decided to move in, hell, he didn’t even take out his mail without a shirt on like the movies used to show. No. The way you met Lee Minho was kind of unpleasant and you’d be more happy to meet him any other way but this, but it seems like god had different plans for the two of you.
You met Lee Minho under bad circumstances, and those were that your washing machine broke exactly the first time you tried to use it. Well, it didn’t even break, to be exact, it just wasn’t really plugged well into the canalisation, as your neighbour himself told you when he paid you a visit after you managed to successfully be unaware of the whole thing and accidentally flood out his apartment with it. 
His face was scrunched up in frustration back then, yet he still acted polite and explained the matter to you in a calm way. When you let him into your apartment, shocked, he not only fixed your washing machine, but managed to steal your heart right there and then-- in his grey sweatpants, crouching on your wet floor. 
“I am so sorry, I really had no idea it wasn’t done properly… my cousin did it for me, since I’m totally useless and I just trusted him with it, but it turns out that I really shouldn’t have…” you mumbled, hands shaking and your lower lip nervously trapped in between your teeth. You wanted to give off the best first impression you could, yet all you managed to do was embarrass yourself in front of your neighbour and on top of that, flood his entire bathroom, which meant he had to get the walls repainted.
“It’s okay, you didn’t know. Let’s hope it won’t happen again.” he smiled, the frustration leaving his face in the instance, the furrowed eyebrows replaced by a welcoming glint in his eye instead.
“I will pay you for the paint you’re going to use for this-” you gestured to the wet spots on his walls. He managed to invite you over to his apartment that was situated exactly below yours to show you the damage, which you accepted, because it was your fault, after all. You felt terribly bad and embarrassed to be the cause of his trouble.
“No! It’s okay,” he smiled again, subconsciously squeezing your shoulder, “you don’t have to. You can… come help me repaint it and then we’ll be even.” he grinned at you. 
And that’s how you ended up at his apartment a few days later, a paintbrush sitting in your hand and a paper hat made of newspaper decorating your head made by your neighbour so you wouldn’t dirty your hair with the white slicking off the ceiling. See, Minho told you he knew how to do it himself, but the truth is, the renovation of his bathroom was clearly all just improvisation and neither of you knew how to do such a thing, but it only made it more fun for the two of you. 
You bonded over your shared frustration when trying to keep his three cats out of the small room that day. I mean, he couldn’t thank you enough when you saved Dori from drinking up the paint he left opened on the floor, a relieved sigh escaping his lips being all you needed to hear to make your heart burst with adoration.
“What are you thinking about?” Minho tears you out of your reminiscing, raising his eyebrows at you.
“Oh, nothing,” you mumble, drifting your eyes to your hands in your lap, sighing, “I just remembered how the two of us met. I’m surprised you even wanted to be friends with me after I flooded your bathroom back then.” you grin, hearing him giggle.
“I was so mad that day I seriously thought I was going to throw a fit, but when I saw your scared eyes, I just couldn’t do that to you.” he laughs, sitting next to you and offering you a glass of orange juice. He discovered your addiction for it when you bought a whole carton of it last winter and managed to drop it on the stairs, making it spill everywhere with a loud curse leaving your lips, resonating through the whole apartment complex. 
You take a sip from the glass, smiling at him and looking him in the eye again. “I would have cried if you threw a fit.” you snort.
“Oh I know, I could tell, trust me.” he laughs. It seems like Minho always knew what was the right thing to say in moments like these. Over the past few months, Lee Minho grew into your best friend. There is only so much stuff you can hide from your neighbour-- with the walls being thin and rumours spreading quickly from the elderly ladies living in your apartment complex, but to be honest, after all this time, you would trust him with your whole life.
You can’t even count the times he must have heard you crying in the middle of the night, or the times when he made the effort to go up the stairs and knock on your door when he did just so you didn’t have to cry alone. You felt a little embarrassed the first time he did it, but after a while, it was nice to have somebody to lean on when things got rough. He was always there-- exactly 20 stairs below you-- and you knew you could always count on him with everything.
“You knew me too well even back then,” you roll your eyes at him, catching the playful glint in his eye once again. 
“I wish I could un-know some things though, you know-”
“Don’t even start-”
“-like the time when you ran out of toilet paper and called me to bring some in, like seriously, Y/N?” he glares at you, teasing even the last bit of you in his so familiar nature. Yes, this was the Lee Minho you knew.
“Not my fault you used it all up the evening before when you came over! It was totally not my fault!” you yell out, accusing him.
“Not my fault your cooking made me sit on the toilet for 30 minutes-”
“Let’s just stop talking about this.” you cut him off, laughing to yourself.
It felt kind of pathetic, but he really knew every bit of you. He knew every centimeter of your apartment, and it wasn’t just because it was the exact copy of his-- just decorated differently-- it was mainly because he’s spent so much time in it. Minho was your neighbour, your first friend in this big town, he was your closest friend and your companion. You felt connected to him on a whole another level you never knew even existed before. It was crazy.
“Right. I still have to pack these things,” he nods, motioning to a few of his books sitting on his bed-side table and the cat toys laying in the corner of his bedroom. Soonie, Doongie and Dori were at his parent’s house for the time being and the apartment without them seemed even more empty now that the tree creatures weren’t walking around the rooms and jumping into your lap. 
You sigh, nodding along with him. You get up, bringing the cardboard box closer to your feet and start carefully placing the books into it, avoiding eye contact with him at all cost. With every item disappearing into the boxes and bags sitting by the door in his hall just waiting to be moved, you feel like a bit of your soul is leaving, bit by bit. It doesn’t feel right.
“Thanks for coming to help, by the way,” Minho cuts through the silence, making you look at him. His eyes look at you with sincerity and longing in them and maybe you understand the feeling way too well, but neither of you dare to act up on it. Not now, that he’s not going to be your neighbour anymore.
“It’s nothing, really,” you mumble, “that’s what friends do. Besides, I doubt you’d be able to do it all on your own, since you clearly need my help with everything in your life.” you tease, grinning at him.
He shakes his head in disbelief, poking your side. “Yeah, you’re right,” he laughs out, “but really, I mean it. It’s hard enough for me to… you know… leave… but you helped me so much with sorting out my feelings and the mess in my apartment as well, so I’m really thankful.” he nods, giving you a warm smile that always used to leave you breathless.
“It’s okay. I know it must be hard for you.” you say, closing the box and moving it to the door of his apartment. You look back to the room-- the only thing left in the small space was his grey rug you used to lay on more times than you can count, staring into the ceiling as you listened to your friend rambling about his day next to you, and his bed you, admittedly, slept a little too many times in for the fact that your own bed was literally 20 stairs away. 
“And you?” he asks, voice small and hazy.
“Me? What about me?” you furrow your eyebrows, taking a seat back next to him.
“Is it hard for you too?” he repeats.
When he first told you about the job offer he got from the other side of the state, you were a tornado of emotions. You felt lost and terrified of being lonely, but the emotion overtaking all of it was joy-- pure joy and pride that your friend was finally being recognised for his hard work and skills. You hugged him tight that day, leaving a shy peck on his cheek you regretted in the instance when you saw his reddened cheeks, telling him how proud of him you were and how he should definitely take the chance. 
It was the best thing that could ever happen to him-- and that is exactly what you told him back then. 
“Do you think I should go?” he asked, voice unclear and coated in nerves.
“Do what your heart desires.” you told him. Although you never wanted him to leave, to move out of the safe space he created for you in the apartment below yours, you never wanted him to miss the great opportunity he just had. His career and his well-being meant so much more to you than your own happiness.
And so he took the job offer and here you were, almost two weeks later, helping him move out to the other side of the country, and it hurt you, it hurt you so damn much, but there’s nothing you would have done differently.
“This isn’t about me,” you mumble, staring into his eyes. You wonder if they tell on you-- if he sees the sadness in them, the fear of losing him forever. They say your eyes are the window to your soul and you wonder if Minho sees inside, because you are inviting him in. You’re going to miss him, but you will probably never tell him. Because that would only make it harder for the two of you.
“Tell me.” he insists, taking in your emotions, his voice barely louder than a whisper in your ear as he comes closer to you, intertwining your legs on the fuzzy rug.
You scoff, shaking your head. “What do you think?” you ask.
There’s no way he doesn’t see the state you’re in. You haven’t slept in days, your dark circles making their visit under your eyes ever so often since you discovered the possibility of losing the person that is the closest to you. You tried to put a happy face in front of him, you really did, but Lee Minho knows you too well. You know he knows. You both just pretend he does not.
He rests his forehead against yours, your breaths mixing. The closeness of your bodies makes your heart race. Sure, you’ve been this close before, but it has never felt as intimate as now. You stare into his eyes for a moment before you let your eyes instinctively close on themselves just so you don’t let them wander to his lips, because that would surely let him know a little too much about the feelings you have for him. 
“It’s hard to let you go, but I know you’ll truly shine there, you know?” you let out, whispering. You open your eyes to find him staring at you, eyes filled with sadness and fear, flicking in between your eyes and your lips, just how you were scared of doing a few seconds ago. You wonder if he’s going to kiss you, if he’s going to give you the last goodbye, but he doesn’t.
His lips reach your forehead instead, placing a loving kiss onto your skin, but the butterflies in your stomach act on it with the same intensity as if it was a real kiss.
“You’re going to do amazing, Minho. Don’t be afraid. I believe in you.” 
And with that, you pay your goodbyes. Neither of you say it, but the both of you know that it might be for the last time. It feels like an end-- maybe because it is, but hell, you still treasure these moments just as much. You really did have fun with Lee Minho in your life.
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Your feet reach the bottom floor, hands hurriedly banging onto the wooden door. Your breathing is quick, hands shaking from nerves. There’s no way you’re letting him leave like that. You know you already said your goodbyes at his doorstep yesterday, but after reading the letter, things were put into a whole different perspective.
You recall the words on the paper, the sentences running through your head like a broken record as you continue to bang on the door.
Dear Y/N,
I know we already said our goodbyes, but I can’t sleep and I feel like I have to write you this letter. There are so many things I want to tell you, but can’t, simply because I am a big coward and I’m also, coincidentally, bad with words, but I guess… here goes nothing.
I know you felt it last night. I regret not kissing you on my crusty grey rug you love so much (you can keep it if you want), but at the same time, I regret nothing. Perhaps ending it all with a kiss would make it only harder for me us.
From the day I met you, I knew you were going to be someone special. And not like, special in a way that you are special, because we are all just ordinary normal people, but special to me. You stole a big chunk of my heart and you never gave it back, so I guess I’ll just let you keep it haha. I know I told you I didn’t yell at you for the washing machine because I didn’t want you to cry, but it was mainly because you were too beautiful and I got nervous, so…
You told me to do what my heart desires when I first told you the news. I know it sounds cheesy, but what my heart desires the most has always been you. I know you’d feel bad for keeping me here, though. We have always been dreaming together and my dream has finally come true. It hurts me to know you won’t be there by my side to live it with me and it hurts me to know your dream hasn't come true yet, but I am rooting for you. You know that.
Anyways, I am spiraling a little. I wish this wasn’t so hard for me. 
I should have asked you out on a date long, long ago. I missed out big time. But I guess it’s too late to do that now. 
It hurts me to know I won’t be just a floor away from you now. It hurts to know there will probably be another dude moving in in a few days that will get to live though your first meeting (and I hope it won’t be as disastrous as ours was), but at the same time, I don’t want you to be hanging on me. 
Promise me to be happy. Promise me to never change. 
And the most important thing I wanted to tell you is that I love you. I’ve always had and maybe I always will, who knows. I know it changes nothing. I guess I just selfishly, desperately wanted you to know. In case you didn’t know it already.
Oh, and your cooking’s actually nice. 
I love you. 
I’m going to I miss you already. 
— sincerely, your favorite neighbour, partner in crime, washing machine repairer, pain in the ass, and the most fabulous best friend,
Minho. ♡
Once you finally realise you own a spare key you were supposed to return to your best friend last night before saying goodbye, your hands instinctively take it out from the huddle of keys from your own apartment and unlock his front door. 
Your feet dash through his apartment, reaching his bedroom, but finding it empty. 
You nervously turn around, seeing the boxes from next to his door had disappeared, just like his suitcase had, when it truly hits you one last time-- he is gone.
He is gone and there’s nothing you can do about it now. You loved each other, but now, it’s too late.
You reach his bedroom and find the grey rug still there, waiting for you. Your feet wobbly meet the middle, letting you fall to the floor as you hug yourself on the floor, laying in the emptiness of his room, missing the way he’d always lay next to you and his cats crawled on top of your body. 
And you finally let yourself cry-- you let it all out, because the truth is, even though you never said it to him, it is so damn hard for you. It feels like a piece of you left with him.
But perhaps, what hurts you the most about it all is, that it’s never coming back. 
You didn’t even get to tell him you love him.
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mandoinevarro · 4 years
An Overdue Debt
Words: 4.3K
Rating: E
Warnings: Smut, fingering, mentions of violence, spoilers for The Mandalorian
a/n: rip IG-11 but im different
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The Mandalorian had gotten used to finding you on his cot. On the nights he’d manage to make it back to the ship, after capturing quarry or escaping bounty hunters chasing the child; after making it out of every peril that crossed his path within an inch of his life day after exhausting day, he’d climb the ramp and find you on his cot.
Usually, by the time the hunter had shut the hull and carbon frozen his bounties, the baby would already be asleep, the ship orderly, and all controls double-checked and ready for takeoff. You were thorough. It seemed to him like you had a sixth sense. From the day he’d hired you, he’d seen you tinkle with every item in the sad collection of the Razor Crest’s old and overused equipment that would’ve fallen apart otherwise. You would oil his gear, check controls, and do any number of things to facilitate the smooth sailing of his ship.
He hadn’t heard the kid cry in weeks. Before the tiny infant could get a chance to work some tears out of his sooty eyes, you were already feeding him, burping him, or providing him with whatever it was that would sooth the surging tantrum immediately. It amazed him how you seemed to be able to fix just about everything you’d touch with those soft little hands of yours. The same hands that he would imagine fondly tracing every dip and scar on his chest and raising goosebumps on his skin, on the days when he’d feel particularly lonely.
Little by little, you’d repaired, oiled, and mended your way into the Mandalorian’s existence, making yourself a crucial part of his everyday life. It only took a couple of weeks for the bounty hunter to realize how essentially fucked he’d be if you ever decided to leave for a more promising and peaceful future than he could ever offer you. Sometimes, he’d study the patched up cables that stuck out of bullet holes on walls and the monitors that had stopped glitching so often ever since you’d focused your attention on them. He would envy the lifeless machinery then, for having the privilege of benefitting from your careful ministrations. The Mandalorian had wondered whether you’d also be willing to offer your healing touch to him, who—as far as you knew from the beskar that covered every inch of his human self and the modulated voice that filtered out all emotional depth—was half a machine himself.
Eventually, he had obtained his answer.
You’d responded to his mute question after he’d gone back for the kid in Nevarro. The bounty hunter had told you to wait for him on the ship, but hadn’t mentioned his intentions in the gray city. He’d only left you with the ominous instruction to take the Crest and never come back to the planet if he wasn’t back in an hour.
After three and a half hours of shooting his way out of the contained battle he’d unleashed near the gates of the city, he hadn’t expected to see the Razor Crest unmoving in the darkening horizon, right where he’d left it. He definitely hadn’t expected the rush of relief that made his spine dissolve when he found you still waiting for him once he’d climbed back through the hull—your eyes sunken in their sockets with concern and your lips chaffed from anxious biting—nor the way your gaze softened at the swampy child he knew you’d both learned to love.
You hadn’t asked any questions when you took the baby and carried him to the cockpit to cradle him in your arms. You hadn’t talked to him as, once in hyperspace, you and the Mandalorian had crafted a makeshift crib together for the sleeping kid from a rectangular metal container and some old rags. Adrenaline and urgency still beating like drums in his ears after such a close encounter with death, he hadn’t dared say a word either, out of fear of what he might reveal to you in his delirium.
But you’d known.
Somehow, among the aftershocks of fighting and below the cluster of stars and supernovas that shifted like snakes in hyperspace, you’d managed to see through the helmet and figure out exactly what he needed, like you’d done so many times with busted motors and faulty sensors. After finishing the crib, you’d taken its unconscious owner down to the hull. The Mandalorian had sentenced himself to his chair to try and still the punchy beating of his heart, that he knew had more to do at this point with the knowledge that you’d put your own life on the line to wait for him than with his altercations in Nevarro.  
But you’d come back.
You’d silently slithered your way back into the cockpit and stood right in front of him with trembling legs, looking for his eyes behind the visor. Wordlessly, you’d unbuckled your belt, slipped your pants down, and climbed onto his lap. His fingers had dug into the leather arms of the chair as you’d started moving on top of him in gentle circles. He remembered blushing at how fast you’d been able to get him hard and how all the blood had dropped from his face to his genitals when you’d lowered his zipper and freed his swollen cock. He remembered the persistent smell that had crawled underneath the helmet when you had shoved your underwear to the side and guided him inside your dripping folds.
Mando had fucked you then, with quick, hard thrusts and a vice grip on your ass that had most likely left bruises. He’d fucked you every single night that followed, as well. After freezing whatever bounty he would manage to catch and setting coordinates for the Crest’s next destination, he’d descend the ladder to find you. He never needed to tell you a thing, since you would just shove what little clothing was necessary as soon as you’d catch a glimpse of him and present your body to him, to do as he pleased. Night after night, you’d welcome him wet and willing, perched on whatever surface you two would see fit for your fucking. So, after trying the pilot’s chair, the floor, and several storage boxes, he’d gotten used to finding you on his cot.
Mando knew he was always rough with you. Whether he was coming back from a hunt or from a stakeout, it was always stress, anguish, and burning lust at the mere sight of you that guided his every movement, and they translated to a fistful of your hair or a sudden bump against your cervix. From the first time, he’d lost himself in the dizzying sensation of your slippery walls around him, clenching tighter with every thrust and squeezing every drop of sanity out of him. He’d become addicted to the clammy sound of your cum around his length as he took out all of his frustrations on the stretch of your pussy.
He would only ever take you from behind while you knelt in front of his bunk or against a wall, spilling his seed outside, every time. He’d never actually seen you naked. It wasn’t that he hadn’t thought about it—the curiosity of how gorgeous you probably looked like with no clothes on haunted his every waking thought—, but he knew it wasn’t part of the unspoken deal you two had struck. Out of pity, he assumed, you’d offered yourself to him as a stress reliever, and nothing more.
At first, though, Mando had been surprised at how often and loud you’d moan for him; later he’d figured it was just another way you’d though of to please him. The whimpers would float around the recycled air of his empty ship and bounce on his helmet, unable to pierce through the tough beskar. So he would take what he could get and tried his best to shut the desire for a more profound intimacy that he ached for. Until, one day, it could no longer be held back.
After his clash with Moff Guideon and the army of Imps, it took Mando a few hours to grasp that he had survived. Somehow, hugely outnumbered and wounded, the bounty hunter’s own small army had managed to defeat the enemy troops and get away with the child, not without two losses that still hung too somber on his guts for him to process properly. He sat on his chair with his son resting next to him for hours, watching space break down to pieces from the cockpit. He thought about IG-11, how he’d lifted his helmet and seen his most secret self through red sensors. Mando remembered how much he’d wished for you at that moment, wanting nothing more but to replace the droid’s neutral features with your own lovely ones. He’d known his son was safe and had made peace with his impending death, but he hadn’t been able to shake a feeling of unfulfillment for knowing that he’d never gotten to truly see you or feel you.
But he had survived.
So Mando sat in the cockpit until he lost track of time, almost hoping that—as always—you’d simply guess what he yearned for and provide it for him.  But, eventually, when you didn’t magically appear in front of him like the first time, he knew it was his turn. Nervousness stifling his movements, he climbed clumsily down, stopping every once in a while to reconsider. What if he offended you? He’d never forgive himself if his stupid requests drew you away once and for all. But temptation was gripping his heart hard, and he knew that he’d never know peace again if he didn’t at least try to get this one favor from you.
When he jumped down the last steps of the ladder, he didn’t find you in his cot. You stood in front of him, as if you’d been waiting. You didn’t push your pants down or move to kneel at the entrance of his bunk like you always did. You simply looked into his visor with a hesitant expression, waiting for him to make a move, for a change.
His voice was tight and unsteady when he finally said, “I want… Can—can I touch you?” He cleared his throat and couldn’t help the telling dip of his helmet as he absorbed your figure in front of him. “I mean really touch you. And…and see you. Please.”
Your shoulders slacked and you moved your head to the side in confusion, like you had been expecting literally anything else. And then, once you saw the way his helmet hung defeated and his hands were clasped in front of him, almost as if he were apologizing for asking, your face went back to its natural comprehensive expression. Except something else was growing in your eyes that made your pupils expand and darken.
“Yes,” you breathed out, with a begging tone that mimicked Mando’s own.
Mando’s lungs collapsed at your permission; he hadn’t even noticed he’d been holding his breath. He looked around, trying to figure out a way to quickly engineer a surface comfortable enough for you, but you simply sat cross-legged on the floor looking up at him with inviting eyes that got his heart pounding a little faster. So he knelt down in front of you and unclasped his cloak to lay it in next to your legs. It wasn’t ideal nor how he’d imagined it—nothing about this situation was—but he was determined to make you feel as comfortable as he possibly could.
You clutched his pauldrons as leverage and shuffled on your knees to rest them on the worn fabric. You reached down with one hand to remove your shoes and socks, before trailing it upwards to your belly and grabbing the hem of your tunic. Mando quickly caught your wrist.
“Wait,” he asked, “let me.”
You simply bit your lower lip and nodded, and Mando liked the way your cheeks turned pink when his gloves grabbed the bottom of your shirt and pulled it up. Every new inch of your skin made it harder for him to keep his hands on the cloth instead of the soft flesh that he was seeing for the first time. When he got your tunic far up enough that it went past your breasts, he had to force himself to keep going, instead of immediately rolling the tips in his fingers. His already half-hard cock twitched at the thought.
By the time your head poked out of the tunic’s hole and he discarded it, his body was burning inside the armor. He trailed his gaze across every crevice of your upper body, stopping at some softer-looking spots he quickly decided were his favorite. You apparently noticed, because the blush on your face was darker than before and it spread to your chest. Mando found your pigmented skin endearing. Maker, after weeks of burying himself inside your most private places, how was it possible that this was the most intimate moment you two had ever shared? And why was he so much more fucking nervous right there than any of the other nights?
He reached his hands out slowly to unbuckle your belt, but looked up at you for permission first. Still biting your lip, you managed a small smile, but your teeth were digging deeper with anticipation that made the gentle expression falter. So he removed your belt and pushed down your pants, taking your underwear with them. You shuffled awkwardly on your knees to slide your them off your legs and would’ve toppled over if he hadn’t grabbed your arms and held you steady. You laughed nervously at your clumsiness and grabbed his arm for balance, as your other hand stretched behind you to pull the trousers off completely and throw them to the side.
The hand on his arm let go and your back straightened again. And there you were, bare in front of him as he’d asked, your skin covered in goosebumps from the cold air of the ship. Like staring into a mirage, he instinctively grabbed your wrist to make sure you wouldn’t evaporate in front of him. Stars, for all the hours he’d spent mentally sketching a picture of your nude body, he could never have expected this. Mando’s eyes traced the lines of your neck and dropped to a pair of smooth shoulders that he would’ve paid good money to lick. Your heaving chest caught his eye, and he went dizzy with the way your nipples hardened under the attention. He skimmed lower to your belly, and would’ve gladly stayed there if he hadn’t caught a glimpse of something glistening between your thighs. His breath audibly hitched at the modulator when he recognized the clear slick of your arousal.  
Once you understood what the visor was directed at, your shoulders hunched and you shuffled uncomfortably in your place. The movement snapped him out of his trance.
It was Din Djarin who stared straight into your eyes when he finally said with a disbelieving, low voice, “I’m sorry, it’s just…You’re so beautiful.”
You smiled fully for him then, your lips plump with arousal and your body arching towards him more confidently to try to coax him to reach out.
“Please,” you pleaded in a raspy tone he’d never heard before, “touch me like you wanted.”
That was all Din needed. His hands approached your body, before he reconsidered and took the gloves off first. Fuck, where to begin? He wanted to feel everything at once, brush his fingertips down your neck and grab your thighs hard and press a hand into your belly. He wanted to grasp your round tits and trace a finger down your spine to make you shiver. Most of all, he wanted to sink his digits into your wet heat and feel you squirm over them.
He settled his hands on your shoulders instead, like you’d done moments ago. The bare-skinned contact made you both tense, until he started caressing up and down your arms to try to relax you. You let out a shaky breath as his calloused hands tickled your skin with a feather light touch.
“It’s smooth,” he mumbled, “your skin. I—I didn’t know.” The helmet was trained on your chest, though, and his hands followed, two large palms settling just above your breasts. Din felt your heart beating faster and faster against his palm to the beat of his own unstable huffs that he knew you could hear. He glided his hands lower, grasping your tits with a strength that painted a stark contrast to his previous, careful fondles. The sensation worked a gasp out of you that pierced beskar and cloth and went straight to his cock. Encouraged, he kneaded the fat and pinched your pebbly peaks, earning him another, louder whimper.
Fuck, why did it feel that good? Din could already feel his array of problems slipping further and further away at the sensation of your hot skin against his, not to mention the sight of your mouth gaping and your half-hooded eyes. A scent he already knew well crept into his nostrils and settled on his lower half, reminding him of the growing lubrication between your legs.
He traded your breasts for the curve of your ass and, when he squeezed, he pulled you closer to him, your chest hitting the cool surface of his armor. You yelped at the cold contact, but the surprise turned into pleasure when he started grabbing handfuls of you to press your body tighter against his. His fingers slipped down to the backs of your thighs and sunk on the pillowy flesh between them, making you buckle forward as a reflex and wrap your arms around his neck. The flesh underneath his palm was soaked and boiling, but it wasn’t until he parted your thighs and shoved his metal cuisse between them that he thought you were working up a fever.
Before he could give you any instruction, you buried your head in the crook of his neck and started rubbing your core on his cuisse. It was an awkward angle that only offered so much friction, but the way you moaned for him sounded like it the sensation was melting you. Every desperate little noise was absorbed by his pores and climbed to his head, making him drunk with the knowledge that he could do this to you.
He needed more.
“Lay back.” He placed his hands on your hips to stop your grinding. You threw your head back to look into the dark visor, flushed and confused.
“But—” you started, before Din placed a hand on the small of your back and pushed you with his other one onto the worn cloak. You relented and laid on the floor panting, watching him through long lashes and pressing your legs tightly. Towering over you on his knees, Din grabbed the tops of each thigh and massaged them carefully, both to coax them open and to continue reveling on how your body pulsed alive under his touch. You were writhing and moaning under him, too busy rubbing your legs together to ease some of the throbbing between them to understand what he wanted from you. As much as he enjoyed watching you completely exposed, desperately trying to pleasure yourself, he needed to see. He needed you open to finally take a look at the heat where he’d been losing himself for weeks.
Din pinned down your ankles to the floor and looked straight to your face.
“Please, just—just let me see.” He slowly slid your feet towards you, making your knees flex and your legs bend. Back to reality, you swallowed hard and nodded, propping yourself on your elbows to see exactly what he’d do.
Din pushed your ankles to the sides, revealing little by little a blushed, pulsating cunt. He only stopped once your legs couldn’t open any wider. Your outer lips were plump and swollen, while your inner folds glistened wet and pink under the artificial light of the ship. Your clit was sticking out completely, imploring to be touched. Din felt something stab his chest. He held his breath and felt his member grow fully erect at the erotic sight.
“Fuck,” he hissed through his teeth, “f-fuck, is this what I’ve been missing?” He placed his palms on your inner thighs, where he could feel the warmth radiating from your cunt. “Huh?”
You furrowed your eyebrows and opened your legs a little wider. “You never touched me,” you whispered, “I thought you didn’t want to.”
“Maker.” Din’s gaze was trained on your pussy, unblinking. “It’s the only thing I’ve wanted.” When glossy arousal oozed out of you at his admission and pooled on his cloak, Din felt his mouth salivate. He ran his tongue over his lips.
“Then do it.” You sounded desperate now.
Din watched you intently—searching for a reaction—when the index and middle finger of his right hand made a V shape  over your outer lips, before pressing hard against them. It was difficult for him to decide whether to focus on how your head dropped on the ground and your breath hitched, or how your inner lips spilled outside around his digits and your lower muscles hardened under his touch. The pressure made more of your arousal seep and coat his fingers, as he worked them back and forth over the outside of your core. He knew he was leaking precum but couldn’t bring himself to remove his right hand from your cunt nor his left from your thigh, so he simply pressed his legs together, hoping the sight of you wouldn’t be enough to make him cum.
You were pushing against his fingers, silently asking for more, and Din was happy to comply. He removed his middle finger as his index brushed your soaked slit from the bottom to the top, stopping right below your clit. Exasperated, you slapped your palms over your eyes.
“Mando, please,” you whined, “do something. You can’t just—” Your own moan cut you off when he brought down his left hand to pull your inner lips open and gather some more moisture. Fuck, he had a clear view inside you. He could see your innermost walls drowning in their own juices turn a dark pink, almost purple. He used both hands to open you further. Deep inside you, your tight hole clenched around nothing, spitting out more and more fluids.
Stars, Din didn’t know anyone could get this wet, not even when he used to mindlessly fuck you. His hands were drenched already, but, greedily, he still gathered more slickness and rubbed it on his finger, across his knuckles. He wanted it everywhere. He scooped more and smeared it all over your folds and inner thighs, still avoiding your bundle of nerves. Fascinated by your body and trying to ignore how his cock strained against his pants, he lifted his hands to coat your tits with your own cum.
You were almost crying beneath him, but you seized your opportunity when you felt his wet hands against your chest. Suddenly, you grabbed his wrist and yanked it down, pressing the heel of his hand against your neglected clit. Your eyes closed as a broken sob of relief escaped your throat. You moved your hips against it, using his body for your pleasure as he’d done so many times with yours. Din was delighted.
“Been so good to me for so long,” he muttered, as his other hand creeped stealthily back towards your slit. “I want to pay you back.” The primal sound that left you when he sunk two fingers inside your snug hole made his cock jump and get itself a little wetter than before. He willed himself to ignore it and focus his attention on the long fingers inside you. He pushed them as far as they’d go and them some more, while you were still grinding against his palm.
Din was sure he was going to black out from lust when you started moving faster and his fingers curled into something that made your eyes roll to the back of your skull. You were breathing quickly, high little mewls leaving your lips as you clenched tighter and tighter around him. His torso leaned down to see how he was stretching you open.
“B-but I liked it,” you blurted all of a sudden, catching your companion by surprise, “I like it when you f-fuck me—” you groaned when he couldn’t help himself and added another finger, “—when you fuck me angry. When you—when you take it out on me.”
Din didn’t answer. He couldn’t when your words sank deep into his stomach and braided his insides. He only moved his fingers faster and deeper, letting your walls distract him—once again—from the difficulties of his turbulent life, as you pulled tighter around him.
Din was sure it was your own orgasm transferring over to him when you came undone with a loud cry. He didn’t stop moving his hands into you as spasms took over your body, but he felt his own organs contract and release waves of pleasure into every corner of his ragged body. It was only after you stopped shaking and he took his creamy hands away from you that he noticed a dark, moist patch on the crotch of his pants. You noticed it too, and managed a brief, breathy laugh before falling back on the floor, pulling the cloak to cover you and closing your eyes.
Din slapped your leg gently to stop you from falling asleep before standing up.
“We’re not done yet,” he told you plainly, as you stared at him with confused, tired eyes. “I haven’t tasted you.”
He clicked a few buttons on his arm, and the hull became pitch black.
Edit: Part II here
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A Supernatural World: Chapter 1
Summary: Fleeing their hometown of Miami, Florida due to it growing far too dangerous, Roman and his vampire brother Remus move to Detroit, Michigan. Remus hopes it’ll be safer here for his human (or so he thinks he’s human) brother. Roman only wishes to start anew after a traumatizing incident in his last college, hoping to make new friends and maybe even find love. They don’t know what this city or the future holds but it’s going to be quite the adventure as they explore their new surroundings and the…interesting people that live in it.
Pairings: Eventual roceit, Eventual Intrulogical, slowburn roceit, slowburn Intrulogical, romantic roceit, romantic Intrulogical. BROTHERLY CREATIVITWINS (rem/rom shippers fuck off)
(A/N: Finally got back into some kind of writing pattern so enjoy!)
Pitter Patter
Pitter Patter
Remus watches as the sparkling raindrops streaked down the window of the taxi that he and his brother, Roman, were currently in. It’s a rainy evening in Detroit as they near their apartment. It isn’t anything fancy but it has all the utilities they need and a room they could share. It certainly had been a while since Remus had shared a room with his twin. His parents would always separate them, their mother saying Remus was a bad influence on their so-called perfect Roman. Neither of them believed it and always found a way to see each other. Though punishment always followed should they be caught.
  That was then and here they were now. No more horrible parents. No more horrible home. They’re in a new city now and they just want to start fresh. Remus was going to explore and get supplies once he and his brother were settled in. It’s not easy being a vampire who constantly had to be out at night or help his brother sleep. Speaking of sleep, Remus glances over at his twin. He smiles fondly as his older brother snores away on his shoulder. It’s always nice to see his twin peacefully resting. He only wished he didn’t have to use his magic to keep him like this. But it was that, or intense nightmares every single night. 
Remus sighs and adjusts the red scarf that he wrapped around Roman when they left their home. Roman had been through a lot. From the abuse at home to an incident in college that he never got justice for, Roman would have nightmares of it all and Remus would use his magic to calm him down. It’s probably not the safest trick but Roman had begged him to keep using it ever since he found out about it. At least Roman was resting better for now. 
“Ferndale District Apartment Building, sir.” the taxi driver suddenly cuts through, tired eyes gazing at the twins.
Remus nods in reply and turns to his twin, gently shaking him awake.
“Wake up, Ro. We’re here.”
Roman whines and yawns, eyes fluttering open as he sits up.
“Already?” he asks sleepily. 
Remus chuckles softly.
“Yeah. Come on, Ro. You can sleep some more once we get our stuff in.” he says, patting his brother’s head.”
Roman stretches and sits up, getting out of the car as Remus paid the driver. It’s cold and wet but the rain seems to be letting up into a light sprinkle. He looks around and there isn’t much. Another car passes by and a dog barks in the distance. Roman can make out a small gas station across the street, its dying neon sign flickering like an old lamp. Beside it is a convenient store that’s closed for the night, a laundromat right across it that’s still open. He watches for a moment as a mother and daughter, both sopping wet from the rain, run inside the laundromat. Then Roman turns back, seeing his twin unload the trunk. So, Roman follows and helps with getting their items out. 
They have two boxes, a luggage bag, and a backpack each filled with their belongings as well as food and drinks and emergency supplies. Then there’s three boxes full of other miscellaneous items like toiletries, plates and cups, silverware, pillows, blankets, and other things they grabbed. The apartment may be furnished but it didn’t have everything. It takes over thirty minutes but they managed to bring everything into the building. The taxi leaves and the twins sigh in relief as the warmth of the building melted away the cold feeling in their bones. Remus then heads to the front desk and speaks with the receptionist, a red-haired man with green eyes and freckles, so he could get their apartment key.
Meanwhile, Roman looks around again. It isn’t much but it feels cozy. There was a lounge across from the desk with a moss green carpet and dark brown leather armchairs. A small but sleek black coffee table sits between them, a flower vase holding bright red roses on it. In the corner is a small fish tank, bubbling away as two dwarf gourami swam around each other. On the faded mahogany wall is a painting of a hand. Roman can just barely make out the artist’s signature at the bottom. ‘C.Manfred’ is written in black cursive in paint at the lower left  corner. Roman hums and admires it for a moment.
“Oh, I wasn’t aware that the newcomers were here already, Jeremiah.”
Roman jumps at the sudden voice, turning around.
There stood a man in a black a blazer over a dark yellow turtleneck. He also wore matching black gloves and a black bowler hat. What confused Roman is the eye bandage on the man’s left eye and his black face mask. The man walks towards the front desk, standing by Remus. He looks him up and down for a moment before turning to the receptionist, Jeremiah, and greets him.
“Oh, they just arrived, Janus. I just gave them their room key. And here’s your mailbox key.” Jeremiah replies, handing the key to Janus.
Janus nods and takes it, making his way to the mailboxes beside the front desk.
“I must say, you’re both quite intriguing.” he says, glancing at Remus again before turning back to open his mailbox.
Remus blinks. He could’ve sworn he saw a glint of gold in Janus’ eyes.
“I’m just a guy moving in with his brother. I don’t see anything special about that.” he replies, playing it safe.
Janus chuckles quietly and grabs his mail, tucking it away in his blazer.
“No? I think you are. I’ve never met someone like you, especially. I tend to keep to myself, you know?” he hums.
Remus blinks again. Oh. Now he gets it.
Janus sees Remus finally getting it and chuckles again.
“Now, now, no need to fret. Your, ah, secret is safe with me.” he says, holding up his right hand.
That makes Remus relax a little.
“Right. Sorry. I’m just being safe” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “Oh, I’m Remus and that’s my brother, Roman.”
Roman waves shyly as Janus glances towards him, flustering awkwardly.
“It’s alright. It’s nice to meet you both.” Janus replies. “My name is Janus.”
“It’s nice to meet you too, Janus.” Remus nods before turning to Roman. “Come on, Ro. We gotta haul this upstairs.”
“But we can’t carry this all in one trip!” Roman whines.
“Oh, where’s your apartment?” Janus asks.
Remus checks the key.
“Number 413.”
“Ah. It’s not too far from my place. I’m in 501. Just a floor above and the first door on the right.”
“Ooh, we’re neighbors! Yay!” Roman cheers.
Janus huffs a laugh.
“That we are. So, would you like some help?”
Remus looks over to Roman and Roman nods eagerly. Remus chuckles and shakes his head with a smile.
“Sure. Just be careful. Some of the boxes have fragile things.” he replies.
Janus nods.
“Of course.”
With that, the twins grabbed their personal boxes while Janus handled the remaining three. He was surprisingly strong and didn’t even seem to struggle. Remus is pretty sure that the big box on the bottom was quite heavy. Janus doesn’t have a complaint and they pile into the elevator. As it slowly heads for the fourth floor, Janus finds himself curious about the twins. He knows by now that Remus is...well...not exactly human. He wants to know even more.
“So, what brings you two here? It’s been a while since we’ve had someone move in.” Janus says after a beat of silence.
The twins tense a little and shift.
“Oh dear. Too soon to ask?”
Remus shakes his head.
“No. Just caught us off guard. We settled here since it was the first place we could find after searching for so long. We’ve been on the run across the country. All the way from Miami, Florida actually. We’ve been in and out of hotels along the way here. We looked everywhere online for a good place where the rent price wasn’t a fuckton of dollars. After looking for so long, we found this place and here we are.” he explains.
Janus nods, feeling concerned.
What had these twins been through?
“I see,” he replies. “If you don’t mind me asking, why were you on the run?” 
Roman answers this time.
“Home was bad.” he replies quietly, sighing as he gazes at a poster advertising a pirate themed amusement park.
If Remus didn’t have his arms full with boxes, he’d comfort his twin. He can only give him a sad smile.
“Yeah, mom and dad weren’t exactly dearest to us. We got up and left not too long ago while they were away at some big business meeting. I stole their money too. They were greedy fucks anyway.” he sighs.
Janus gives them a sympathetic look. It’s hard to tell with his mask but he’s smiling sadly too.
“I’m sorry to hear that. I’m glad you got out though. I get it. My mother and father weren’t exactly loving either.”
“Is that why you wear those on your face?” Roman chimes in, glancing at Janus.
“Roman!” Remus hisses.
Janus smiles softly, finding Roman’s innocence a little endearing.
“It’s alright. I suppose it’s partially why. They never did like my...birthmarks.” he replies.
“Oh. I’m sure they’re not that bad.”
“Trust me, my dear. This is something you don’t want to see.”
Roman flusters. He finds himself feeling a little warm with how charming Janus is.
“O-Okay then.”
They continue talking some more, Roman excitedly telling Janus his plans as they continue trekking to their apartment. Roman wanted to get back into theatre now that he was free to do so. Remus occasionally joined in on the conversation, mentioning that he wanted to explore the city and be familiarized with the area...for reasons. By the time they reach the apartment door, Roman is giggling and seems to have already become friends with Janus. The conversation continues as they enter the apartment. 
It’s spacious enough for two, a small hallway leading into the living room. The walls are a light beige and the hardwood floors are a faded oak that seemed to have been waxed not too long ago. There’s another hall to the left of the living room and another hall to the right. The left hall leads to the bedroom and bathroom. The right hall leads into a small kitchen and dining room. There’s also a small laundry area at the end of that hall. It isn’t much but the twins like it. Any place that isn’t their old home is safe enough for him.  
Remus heads in first and Roman curiously follows with Janus trailing behind him. They gather in the living room, boxes set down to be unpacked in the morning. For now, the twins look around the apartment. Remus spots the heating system by the light switch in the hall and fiddles with it for a moment. Roman sees a big sliding glass door and immediately heads over there, making a sound of delight as he gets the lock undone with a click before sliding the door open. He steps out and is greeted with a good view of Detroit despite only being four floors up. He can see a train station, an abandoned dockyard with an old rusted freighter still floating in it, and part of the Ambassador bridge despite how dark the city is.
“So pretty! I’ve always wanted my own balcony!” Roman says, beaming as raindrops sprinkled all over his cheeks.
Remus chuckles.
“You can hang out there tomorrow, Ro. Come back inside. It’s cold out.” he calls. “And shut the door.”
Roman lingers for a moment longer then does as his twin says, coming in and shutting the door before locking it too.
“I like our new home.” he says, joining Remus and Janus.
Remus pats Roman’s head.
“Good, because we’re stuck here for a long time.” he says. 
Janus smiles softly, seeing how the twins really care for each other. 
“I’m glad you like it here. I hope you’ll sleep through the night. There’s a certain apartment down the hall upstairs that tends to be loud often.” he tells them, setting down the boxes he’d been carrying.
“I’ve slept through worse.” Remus shrugs though there’s a dark look in his eyes.
Remus still remembers hearing his mother scream, her shrill but sharp and haunting voice overpowering Roman’s cries. And if it wasn’t her, it was their father. Their father would beat Roman, drunk or not. Remus couldn’t do anything about it, having been locked away in the basement for most of his time in that old house. Didn’t mean he escaped those beatings. His father made sure he had his ‘fair share’ of punishment.
Janus smiles sadly. Just how badly had these twins been hurting?
“I see. Still, I figured I’d let you know ahead of time.” he says, deciding not to push it. “If you don’t need anything more, I have to go now. It’s late after all.”
Roman looks up from the boxes. He was about to open one when Janus said he had to go.
“Already? But I liked having you here, Janus.” he says, pouting a little. 
Janus huffs a laugh.
“Don’t worry, Roman. We’ll meet again soon. I don’t leave my apartment so I’m almost always home. Feel free to come over anytime soon, my dear.” he smiles softly.
Roman flusters again. Something about Janus makes Roman feel a little warm. 
“O-Okay then. Bye bye, Janus. It was nice to meet you.” he says, smiling bashfully.
“Goodbye, Roman.” 
Roman waves and watches as Janus leaves, happy to have already made a new friend. 
Meanwhile Remus was a little wary. So much has happened due to Roman trusting almost every person he’s met. The college incident was one of them. After that, Roman had a hard time trusting new people. So it’s a little surprising to see Roman easily get along with Janus and trust him. Especially with sharing a bit of his trauma. Shaking his head, Remus smiles fondly. At least Roman is happy for the time being.
“So, you already found a friend in Janus?” Remus asks.
Roman blushes a little, still smiling bashfully.
“Yeah. I think he’s nice. And I know I probably shouldn’t trust people so soon but I think Janus is someone we can trust.” he says. “I know it.”
Remus chuckles.
“If you say so, Ro. Now come on, we still have to unpack some stuff so we can get ready for bed.” he says, ruffling Roman’s hair again.
So with that, the twins unpack what they can, filling the kitchen cabinets with what bit of food they could bring from their old home along with the kitchen cutlery. They had grabbed as many things needed when they first left their old home and kept it with them as they moved around. Their toiletries were from the many hotels they stayed at. For food, they either ate at the hotel’s buffet or had small meals from the stores around the place. 
Remus had stolen most of their greedy parents’ money for themselves to use but did his best to save it. Now that they have a new place to call home, Remus decides he’ll go grocery shopping in a few days. In the meantime, Remus was content to live off of the food they picked up on their way here. It wouldn’t be the first time they had instant noodles and a small bag of potato chips. 
Soon the twins unpacked what they could, the two bringing their luggage bags into the bedroom. They got undressed and into some warm pajamas. Roman’s pajamas are a plain white t-shirt and a pair of red sweats. Remus’ pajamas are a pair of grey sweats and a Thriller t-shirt. Now that they were in comfy clothes, Remus leads Roman to the bed.
“Alright, bed time, Ro.” Remus says, setting up Roman’s night light before joining him.
Roman gets in bed, holding a small crown plushie that Remus made for him to stim with. He’s quiet as he thinks about their safety. Yes, they were away from that awful place now but anything could happen. Especially with Remus being a vampire. Remus is an easy target for hunters and much more feral vampires. Roman has seen those vampires, one of them having even tried to drink his blood. Remus saved him though. Still, what if-
“Earth to Roman. You in there, Ro?” Remus taps his forehead.
Roman blinks and shakes his head clear, settling in bed.
“Sorry, Ree. I’m just a little worried. What if we’re found here or another feral vampire hurts me? What if it’s not safe here too?” he asks, fiddling with his crown plushie. 
Remus smiles softly, tucking Roman in.
“We won’t be found here. I made sure of it. Besides, if anything happens, I’ll be there to protect you. You know I’ll beat their asses.” he says.
Roman giggles.
“You always do, Ree.”
“Hell yeah. Now, get some rest. We have a lot to do tomorrow.”
Roman nods, yawning.
“Okay. I’ve been wanting to get into theatre now that we’ve settled. You think the local college will accept me?” he asks.
Remus pats Roman’s head.
“They will. You’re super talented, Ro. You’re gonna do great.” he says.
Roman smiles at that before shifting.
“Okay...um...can you do that thing to help me sleep?” he asks.
That thing is basically Remus using his magic to help Roman sleep better and to manipulate his dreams so that the nightmare stays away.
“Of course.” Remus smiles softly, his eyes glowing a soft red. “Sleep.”
Remus waves his fingers and a red, sparkling aura of magic swirls from him and into Roman’s head, making him feel hazy and tired. Soon his eyes flutter shut and his breathing evens out. After a few moments, Roman is deep asleep. Remus sighs in relief and stands up, looking back at his brother for a moment before moving to turn off the lights. Then he slips out of the bedroom to continue unpacking and cleaning up. Hopefully tomorrow will be good for both of them now that they’re here. 
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