#jack is very entertained by this. and then his clothes also start going missing.
quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
transmasc rose who comes out earlier while traveling with nine and jack, and has a good one-two month period where he’s figuring out his own wardrobe and sense of style again, and in the meantime, he just steals jack and the doctor’s clothes.
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succubusmelt · 7 months
Can I request SWWSDJ, MDHM, John Doe, and Peter YB with a reader who is pregnant. I don’t know why I just wanna know how they are with a moody Y/N and newborn babies.
Thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I'm sorry I haven't responded in a while... university started and I still haven't adjusted my schedule. I hope you like it.
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- Alan would be extremely protective and possessive of you during the pregnancy. He would worry constantly about anything harming you or the baby.
- He would insist you move in fully with him so he can take care of your every need. Alan would make sure you are well fed and always comfortable. He loves indulging you with food like pancakes and eggs.
- Alan would be very excited yet nervous about becoming a father. He wants nothing more than to have a family with you but worries he may not be the best at it since he was mostly alone in the woods for so long.
- He loves touching and talking to your baby bump. Alan finds it amazing that you two created new life together. He might even talk or coo to the baby through your belly.
- Sex would be off limits while pregnant but Alan would find other ways to be intimate like romantic baths, massages, and lots of cuddling. He still wants to satisfy your needs and be close to you.
- At night he would watch you sleep even more closely and protectively. Alan wants to ensure nothing disturbs you or endangers the pregnancy.
- Come the birth, Alan would insist on being right by your side through it all. He wouldn't want to miss a moment. Alan would also be very hands on helping care for the baby after its born.
- Fatherhood would make Alan clingier and more territorial than ever. He finds you even more perfect for creating his family.
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- Jack is absolutely overjoyed with the news of your pregnancy. He becomes even more attentive and protective towards you, making sure you have everything you need and taking extra care of you during this special time.
- Jack becomes extremely protective of you and the baby, constantly ensuring your safety and well-being. He's always by your side, guiding you through your pregnancy journey with love and support.
- Jack spoils you with attention and affection. He pampers you with massages, prepares your favorite meals (particularly craving cravings), and takes care of household chores to ensure you can rest and relax.
- Jack is there to listen and provide emotional support whenever you need it. Pregnancy can bring about a rollercoaster of emotions, and Jack is always ready with open arms and a comforting presence to reassure you and make you feel loved.
- As a former children's show presenter, Jack knows the importance of a healthy lifestyle. He encourages you to eat nutritious foods, go for regular walks, and takes care of your overall well-being. He may even show off his cooking skills by preparing delicious and wholesome meals for you.
- Jack cherishes every opportunity to bond with the baby. He talks to your growing belly, sings lullabies, and even performs silly little shows just for the baby's entertainment. He believes in creating a strong connection with the baby even before they arrive.
- Jack actively participates in preparing for the arrival of the baby. He helps with setting up the nursery, picking out baby clothes, and reading parenting books to ensure he's well-equipped to be the best parent possible.
- Jack shares in your excitement and eagerly anticipates the arrival of your little one. He constantly reassures you that he will be there to support you through labor and be the best co-parent alongside you.
- Being a ghost, Jack has a unique ability to connect with the baby in ways others cannot. He may gently hover his hand over your belly to feel the baby's movements or use his ghostly presence to soothe the baby when they're being fussy.
- Jack adores your pregnant body and finds you even more beautiful. He showers you with compliments and loves having intimate moments with you, cherishing the connection between you, the baby, and himself.
- Throughout your pregnancy, Jack's love and devotion to you only strengthen. He sees this time as a precious milestone in your lives and is committed to being the best partner and co-parent he can be, cherishing every moment as a family.
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- Peter treats darling's pregnancy with the utmost care and affection.
- He is constantly doting on darling, giving them foot rubs to ease their tiredness and seeing to their every craving even in the middle of the night.
- Peter talks tenderly to the baby, resting his large hands on darling's stomach so he can feel the kicks. He is already besotted with his child.
- To help darling feel safe, Peter has Rat coil protectively around their waist each night as they sleep. Though usually mischievous, even Rat knows to be on its best behavior for the duration of the pregnancy.
- Peter worries endlessly about darling and ensures the doctor gives them only the finest prenatal care. Money is no object when it comes to darling's health and comfort.
- Each morning he wakes darling with a breakfast in bed including their favorite pastries, fresh fruit, and a good luck kiss placed gently on their bump.
- Peter is over the moon at the thought of having a family with darling and will be the best father -and husband- he can possibly be.
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- John is extremely protective of his loved ones, including his pregnant partner. He becomes even more attentive and vigilant during this time, constantly ensuring the safety and well-being of both the mother and the unborn child.
- Being a shape-shifter, John can adapt his body to provide physical support and comfort to his pregnant partner. He can transform into a cushion or a soft surface for her to rest on, alleviating any discomfort or strain.
- John is highly aware of the changes happening in his partner's body during pregnancy. He educates himself on the subject, gathering information from various sources to better understand the process and support her in the best way possible.
- Despite his possessive nature, John recognizes the importance of giving his partner space and respecting her boundaries during pregnancy. He understands that her body is going through significant changes and ensures he is there for her emotionally without being overbearing.
- John is always ready to fulfill any cravings or desires his partner may have during pregnancy. He happily goes out of his way to satisfy her needs, whether it's midnight food runs or preparing her favorite snacks.
- Due to his innocence and lack of understanding of human norms, John may unintentionally overstep boundaries with his physical affection. He may need gentle reminders from his partner or other trusted individuals about appropriate boundaries and personal space.
- John's protective nature extends beyond just physical safety. He becomes hyper-aware of potential dangers or threats to his partner and takes extra precautions to keep her safe, such as accompanying her to doctor's appointments or avoiding potentially harmful situations.
- John's curiosity is piqued during his partner's pregnancy as he witnesses the development of new life. He eagerly learns about fetal development and eagerly engages in conversations about the baby's future.
- As the due date approaches, John becomes increasingly excited and anxious. He assists in preparing the nursery, gathering baby essentials, and ensuring everything is in order for the arrival of their child.
- Throughout the pregnancy, John showers his partner with love, affection, and support. He embraces the role of a dedicated partner, providing emotional stability and reassurance during this transformative time in their lives.
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liloinkoink · 2 years
lamplight time! did i write continuation to the last bit i posted the other day? no i did not! i’ve hopped earlier in the timeline: martyn’s first attempt at traveling with a sentient fire, from outsider pov
Nights at the Drowsy Dragon Inn are never particularly exciting, except for those when the inn sees an adventuring party. Most of them set out from the little town to make the hard trek up to the ruins of the city of Dogwarts, and very few of them come back. Sadie likes to entertain the thought that they simply traveled elsewhere instead, finding another town to spend the night after a successful adventure. Then another party will breeze through, talking of the incomplete quest’s impressive reward money, and she knows.
She usually feels bad for them, hearing them talking about that place, and give them a secret little discount for their stay. Her husband thinks that it’s stupid.
“They’re going to die anyway,” he says. “They’re not gonna need the money.”
It’s the principle of the thing, she tells him. She’s being nice. How could she not? On a mission like that, it’s possible it’ll be the last nice thing anyone will ever do for these people.
It’s not like they never come back. Sometimes they do. Whole parties return, empty-handed but alive, and she charges them a perfectly normal amount fee.
But sometimes…
Tonight, a man comes in alone. Sadie recognizes him, but only sort of—He’d come in with a party of four a few months back. She remembers them because they’d been noisy, chattering and shouting constantly. The whole time they’d been here, they’d been riling each other up and laughing long and loud. They’d been difficult to miss for the nights they stayed here, making it even harder to miss now the way quiet follows the lone traveler as the door shuts behind him.
Sadie remembers him especially because he’d been friendly, having been the one to pay for the rooms here when the four had stayed. He’d been lively then, chuckling under his breath as he’d walked up to the counter and cracking jokes as he’d handed over their fate.
There’s no laughter now. No little party of friends. Just one man, passing through the front room of the Drowsy Dragon Inn at half past midnight. His hair’s a mess, tufts of blond hair sticking out in clumps, sweaty bangs dried to his forehead. There’s stains on his clothes—mud on his pants, sweat on his chest, soot on his sleeves. He’s not bloody, at least, but he’s dirty, and there’s tears in the fabric that look like must’ve been attacked. He’s wearing, she notes, the same faded green shirt he’d been wearing when he’d been here months ago, the cleanliness of which she decides not to think anything more of.
He’s also carrying a torch. That’s not super unusual—travelers carry them at night to keep monsters at bay. Most travelers extinguish them when they get to a well-lit town, though she supposes with the way the rest of him looks, she can excuse him forgetting.
His name had been—… uh. His name had started with… it’d started with… J, she’s pretty sure. John, maybe. James?
Regardless of what his name might be, the man walks up to her counter. She sets aside the book she’d been reading and smiles at him. He tries to return it, but he’s out of breath, and he takes a moment to catch it, resting his free hand on the counter. Did he run all the way here? Dogwarts isn’t close. He must have been running for days.
“Hello,” she says, smiling anyway, “Need a room?”
“You have no idea,” says… oh, was his name Jack? No, not Jack… “I don’t have any money on me, but if there’s anything you need help with around here, I’d be more than happy to do it tomorrow morning.”
He’s not the only person to make Sadie a deal like this—it’s not uncommon for adventurers to leave all their money in the care of the most careful member of their party. That’s all well and good till that member runs off and leaves, or worse, is eaten by beasts in the forest outside of Dogwarts (or whatever it is that happens to the people who go).
“It’s starting to get cold,” she says, “If you can bring in enough firewood tomorrow to last me the rest of the month, the room’s all yours.”
“Great. Thank you so much, really,” he sighs, tension draining out of his shoulders. Exhaustion bleeds from every inch of him, and the promise of rest does little to stem it. He reaches down, patting an axe at his belt. It’s damaged, but it shines brightly by the light of his torch. “I’ll get on it first thing after I wake tomorrow.”
“Of course,” she smiles, taking a key from the rack behind her. She holds it out, but before she hands it to him, she points to the torch in his hand. “I’m going to have to ask you to put that out, though. Fire hazard and all.”
It is at this moment when her weary, polite guest becomes unreasonable.
When Sadie points to it, the torch in his hand crackles loudly, and he stares at her a long moment after she speaks, uncomprehending.
“Nnno,” says the man, slowly, as if he’s uncertain. Then, with more conviction, “No. I can’t do that.”
“No,” she repeats. He nods, once.
“I can’t,” he says, “Sorry, it’s really important this doesn’t go out.”
“It’s really important that my inn doesn’t burn down,” Sadie replies.
“It’s not going to catch, I promise,” He insists. The fire in his hand almost seems to dim, as if to prove it. “I’ll be really careful.”
“You’re right, because I’m not letting you stay unless you do the properly careful thing and put it out.”
“I will cut down double the firewood if you don’t make me put this out,” he sounds like he’s pleading. Sadie cannot imagine what could possibly be so taxing about snuffing out a single torch.
“I won’t need any firewood ever again if you burn down my building. Pass,” Sadie says. She knows it’s a low blow for the already deeply frazzled man, but she shoots for it anyway, certain it’ll be the end: “You already can’t pay. Either put it out or sleep outside.”
The man’s face falls. The torch flares up once, but dies back down immediately. Nothing about this makes Sadie feel better about the situation.
“I’m… a paladin now,” he says, half a non-sequitur, by way of explanation, “I can’t let this go out. It’s a holy flame. Part of my oath.”
“I’ve never heard of an oath like that,” she says. She doesn’t think he has either, if the uncertainty in his voice is anything to go by, but she can’t imagine what he actually needs the torch for if he’s lying.
“It’s more like a pilgrimage, then,” he doubles down, “Please.”
“I’m not letting you bring an open flame into the room,” Sadie says, folding her arms, “This is the last time I’m going to say it. Put it out or leave.”
The man looks around, a bit frantic, and all at once she feels bad for him again. Curse Sadie and her bleeding heart for all these poor, doomed adventurers. She can only imagine what he’s just been through… And his whole party is gone… It must be very hard for him. Grief does strange things to people, doesn’t it? No wonder he’s imprinted on his little torch.
“That’s it!” The man shouts. He drops the sizzling torch onto the counter and runs off to a sitting area in the corner. Sadie jumps back out of her chair, startled, before the sight of an open flame on her wooden countertop catches up with her.
She snaps the torch up off the countertop and, as it sizzles in her hands, most of her pity for the man goes up in smoke. Running her hand over the wood where the torch had been, Sadie finds there are no scorch marks. It’s a pleasant sort of warm, but certainly not hot enough for having just been in contact with a live fire.
Said man, for his part, doesn’t even seem to notice her distress. When she looks up, he’s too busy scrambling onto one of the tables, planting his dirty boots onto the clean wood as he reaches for one of the lanterns dangling from the ceiling.
“Hey!” Sadie yells, “Get down from there!”
“I just need to borrow this real quick!” he says, which doesn’t actually address what she said at all, but then he has the lantern free.
There’s a slam as the man jumps off of the table and onto her floor, carting the large lantern with him. He drops it on the counter, grinning all the while.
“You said you can’t have an open flame,” he says, “So if I stick the fire in here, I’m good, right?”
Sadie opens her mouth to respond. She feels like there’s a dozen reasons she should say no to that, but it dawns on her that if she does, she’s going to have to keep arguing with him.
“Fine.” She holds the key out to him, sighing, “But when you leave tomorrow, I want my lantern back.”
“I can do that,” He takes the key, stuffing it into his pocket, and then takes the torch back. He unlatches the lantern with one hand, then dips the torch inside, touching it against the candle within.
Sadie watches him, if only because he’s doing it on her counter. The wick catches, and then the whole wax stick explodes into flame. The man doesn’t flinch, though Sadie does, jumping back at the audible fwoomp of the fire taking it over all at once.
Strangely enough, the torch goes out. He hums, then sets the scorched wood aside without any further inspection, like this doesn’t surprise him.
“Alright. We’re all good, then?” he says, patting the lantern with one hand. It sizzles, though he doesn’t acknowledge it.
“All good,” Sadie confirms, because she isn’t sure what else to do. The man grins, exhausted but relieved, and the lantern in his hands seems to glow brighter with it.
“Awesome. Thank you, dude, I really needed to sleep in an actual bed,” he says, picking up the lantern with both hands. The metal will probably be too hot to touch directly soon, but he doesn’t seem phased by it yet.
“Sadie,” Sadie says.
“Martyn,” he replies, and with that, he’s gone, taking his lantern to the room down the hall.
Sadie watches him go a moment, then sits back down, taking up her book. Where did she get the J from…?
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Little Puppet // Ethan Torchio, Damiano David
words // 4261, i have never written this much in one go my whole life, holy shit
warnings // smut, degradation, sub!reader, name calling (ya know, slut and stuff like that), threesome, oral, no explicit mention of protection, but obvi that's not how it should go in real life, anyways.... thats all i can think right now. has not been proofread
pairing // Ethan Torchio x F!Reader x Damiano David (leaning more to Ethan)
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. im going with female reader cause that's how it was requested. here's the smut playlist, def listen to it when you get to the smut part, or the whole time, whatever you want. thanks to anyone who adds songs to the playlist ���
i feel like i cpupve made it kinkier but at 1 am and with over 4000 words i was a little tired to do that.
request // yes, here
summary // Ethan can not stop thinking of sharing his fwb with his bandmate, Damiano. A thought sparked from a random drunk conversation he had with his best friend will end up with them both pleasing Reader to tears
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Experimenting in the bedroom was nothing unusual for Ethan and Y/N. The two had known each other for quite a while, overtaken by attraction but neither was ready for a relationship. Instead the pair opted for a slightly different compromise, one that had no name, no label, for now. While neither had the intention of an actual romantic partnership, it never stopped them from being loving and affectionate towards each other. Neither would ever have to leave before the morning comes.
Thus, as the light shone through his bedroom window, Ethan opened up his eyes, looking at the person laying by his side. Such a beauty, the shy rays of sun laying over the features Ethan so many times observed. It was common to do this in the morning, it would calm him down, especially on the very busy days.
“Anything particular you are thinking of while staring at me, Ethan?” There was no hesitation, no grogginess coming from Y/N’s voice, Ethan realised how he was not the only one awake previously.
“Well, I am, but I am not sure you could handle it,” he responded, smirking down at the laying figure, leaving a few kisses before finishing his reply, “plus, it is too early in the morning for such sinful thoughts.”
“Mhm, as if our endeavours last night were holy,” Y/N laughed, kissing Ethan back, as his lips crushed into hers.
“Well, you were certainly calling god if I recall correctly, cucciola, no?”
Maybe what made this situation not be awkward was exactly the fact that the two were friends. They thrived from the friendly banter, never missed an opportunity to mess with each other. It was just how they were and it worked perfectly to their benefit.
“I can tell it is troubling you, Edgar. You want to tell me what’s going on?”
"It's nothing amore let's just get ready. I'm quite hungry if you must know," he mumbled on her neck, trailing kisses all the way to her lips before abandoning the bed.
“Come on,” he called, ushering the girl to follow him.
Their feet were bare, no clothing no nothing -at least until Y/N pulled a few pieces of clothing for them both to wear- as they walked into the bathroom to start their day. They stood right next to each other as they washed their teeth, washed their faces, fixed their hair and so on and so forth.
“Isn’t that shirt too small for you, dolcezza,” commented Ethan, laughing at his own joke and poking Y/N’s side.
“Eh, well, I can take it off,” she suggested, pulling at the hem of his shirt that she was wearing. That only resulted in a laugh from the tall man, him shuffling her hair and walking out of the bathroom, putting distance between him and Y/N’s complaining about messing up her hair.
After that everything moved quite quickly. Y/N left the cosy home and went to her own house, leaving Ethan with his bandmates to work on their upcoming stuff. She knew how much it meant to him, but she also knew how stressful this career was to him. She always had something small to do to make his days even a little bit more relaxing, of course one of them being their nocturnal activities.
By the time night got around the drummer was sitting at the side of the pool, next to a small table, a beer in his hand as music played in the background. Everyone was doing their own thing: Victoria was swimming, Thomas was preoccupied with a cigarette and his phone and Damiano was sitting on the other side of the previously mentioned table having a conversation with Ethan. It started with speaking about small things before the subject turned more serious.
“You really like her, don’t you?” Damiano had, very early on, caught on his friend’s emotion, he was not very sure that Ethan was aware of his own feelings. It had become a little stupid in the frontman’s mind.
“I am not sure, Dami. She’s great, she is, and we are really close friends but… I don’t know…” Clueless as ever, thought the older man.
“Well, if anything at least you guys have a fucking amazing sex life, everyone can hear,” he laughed out, semi teasing his friend but kind of revaling a piece of information no one had had the heart to tell the tall man.
It caught him by surprise. He was never shy about his sex life, and truth be told he and Y/N never hid their predicament… He simply never thought they were being that loud; maybe that’s exactly the reason he had not understood the others could hear, the reason as to why they were so loud. “Mhm, didn't think you could,” he responded and took a drag of his cigarette.
Damiano copied his action, inhaling his own smoke and releasing it before he decided to say exactly what he was thinking. “Don’t worry about it. I personally don’t mind it, it’s kind of… entertaining.”
If Ethan was surprised before then now he was shocked and blushing. Of course, it was not in his nature to show it, and make this feeling obvious, but he surely had thoughts running through his head now. “So, what? You jack off to us having sex, though about a threesome? What is it?”
“Maybe a bit of both,” said Damiano, looking down at his beer. He was a bit ashamed but at the same time he could not keep his mouth shut, the alcohol overtaking his proper ability to keep some thoughts to himself. “I have to be honest, the noises she makes, they kill me, man.”
Everyone could see the gears in Ethan’s mind turn. On the one hand contemplating his friend’s confession and on the other thinking of all the ways he could punish Y/N for being as loud as she was.“So, if I asked you to join, you’d be in?”
Now it was the frontman’s turn to get shocked and blush, but he certainly could not lie. He would be more than into it, considering the many times he has thought of that, each and every one of them leading to him either taking a cold shower or taking care of himself hoping that it’d be Y/N instead. “Yes, I suppose I would…”
The conversation stayed at that, neither of the two men knowing exactly what to say or do at the time being. Instead they opted to wait it out, see when the proper time comes to bring it up again before deciding on what to do. And that day came soon, sooner than either anticipated.
Y/N had been especially bratty -just maybe two days after the conversation occurred- pushing Ethan to his limit with the teasing, the innuendos and the clothes she was wearing. It was the perfect occasion. A little punishment was in store and the tall man knew exactly how to execute it.
“What the fuck was that?” Ethan’s voice was stern, not nearly close to a yell but authoritative nonetheless, the stoic expression on his face never failing to let Y/N know exactly what he was thinking of: she was going to be fucked, both literally and figuratively, but she was surely into that.
“Such a little slut,” he voiced, pulling the girl to his body, their faces almost touching and their breaths mixing together. A whine left her lips but Ethan was quick to shut it with his words, “you were not complaining when you acted like one, cucciola. In front of everybody as well. Did you see how Dami was looking at you? I’m sure you flashed him at least once all night.”
The girl shivered at what her friend was suggesting, a tingling feeling was taking over her pussy, legs already ready to fail her.
“Maybe he could help me punish you.” These words almost send Y/N in a frenzy. Her eyes widened and her lips parted, an obvious gasp escaping her lips, causing a deep laugh from Ethan.
“You like that idea, don’t you?” She simply nodded her head, mind racing to all the possible outcomes of tonight.
“I need your words, dolcezza. I need your explicit consent to this,” he whispered, holding Y/N’s face in his hands, leaving a kiss just next to her lips.
She softly responded with a yes, voice trembling and low, unable to come out properly. She had gotten probably a little too excited.
“Be a doll and just sit there, yeah. I’m going to go call Damiano. I’m sure he is dying to see how desperate you are to have both of us.” With that the man left the room, presumably going to call his friend over.
When Damiano walked into the room Y/N was violently taken out of her thoughts, the man’s energy overtaking the whole room, his temperament easing any possible worry the girl could have for this situation.
“I’m here dolcezza,” called Damiano, sitting next to her on the bed with the biggest shit eating grin he could possibly have.
“Don’t be so eager, Dami. She’ll be cocky within minutes, we don’t want that.” Always the stern dom he is, Ethan asserted himself over both people in the people. He did not need many words or strong actions to show them who is in charge, a look and his tone were enough to let that be known.
Damiano looked down, in a similar fashion from a few days prior, only this time he was not really shy, more like a puppy that just got yelled at.
“Why don’t you get undressed Damiano, our little puppet over here can not wait to see what you have to offer.” The man mentioned smirked, his confidence reappearing in a second before obliging to his friend’s request.
He decided to play it dirty, going slow, surely attempting to give the little puppet a show. His hands moved slowly, pulling his shirt up and over his head before traveling from his chest to his waist in a seductive way, stopping for just a moment, making sure Y/N’s eyes were right on his own before removing his belt and opening up his pants. In the meanwhile, Ethan had moved Y/N to be sitting on her knees on the floor, in front of the undressing man, eye level with his pants’ zipper.
“Help Damiano, amore. It seems he’s struggling with his pants and you are right where you need to.” She shivered at his words but followed the orders, slowly unbuttoning his pants, her face having moved a little too close -not that it was not welcome- pulling them down and simply gawking at the view in front of her.
She went to move, to please, but her dominating best friend seemed to have other plans.”Not yet, puppet. Come on. This is supposed to be a punishment for you, but we all know how much a cock shucking slut you are. You’ll get his dick but you have more work to do.”
Damiano opposed his friend, already feeling desperate to get whatever he could from the girl below him, dying to feel her lips around his cock, oh and her tongue, oh that tongue he had seen plenty of times devouring ice cream cones in the most pornographic way possible. Sometimes he wished she was in one.
“I think it’s a good start to a punishment, Ethan. She can suck my cocka and then just simply not get it fucking her, yet.” His plan had some practicality to it, knowing very well how much she’d be dying to have a dick buried deep inside her after getting a feel in her mouth.
“I’ll allow it,” said Ethan, starting the process of undressing himself, and looking around the room for anything that could bring more pleasure to everyone involved.
“Well, what are you waiting for, cucciola. Go on, show him how well you blow whistles.” With that the girl wasted no time, pulling Damiano’s boxers down, taking them off him with his help and getting to work. It started off simple, a few pumps at first to get him even harder than he already was (he’d really bet that any man could get hard in seconds seeing her on her knees in front of him, it was a divine view). Her hand was going slowly, her focus on the man’s face, looking up at him all innocently, making sure that his own eyes were on her.
“I am looking at you, dolcezza, don’t worry,” confirmed the man, as if reading her mind.
So, she continued, entirely encouraged to show her best self, to be a good girl for the two men in front of her. Moving on, her hand stayed pumping the man’s cock for a second before her tongue came onto the mix, licking all the way up the curve, a very thick vein getting special attention and then the head. It was already leaking pre-cum, the girl’s antiques driving Damiano insane by the second -and she had not even started blowing him yet. With a push to her head by the singer Y/N really took his cock into her mouth, starting with the head, sucking and bobbing her head a bit, still moving her skilled fingers up and down, with every bob taking more and more of the length reaching a point where she had taken it all. She paused in that place for a second, relaxing her throat, Damiano’s cock resting deep inside her mouth, before she moved in need of breath. The same pattern repeated itself a few more times before the pace got quicker, following the music that was now playing from Ethan’s speaker.
It did not take long for the older man to cum, unexpectedly, in Y/N’s mouth, some delicious sounds leaving her lips and sending vibrations all through his cock, intensifying his orgasm.
“I could have never thought she’s that good, Ethan. Why have you been hoarding her this whole time?” He laughed, all in one breath and blown completely out of his mind.
“Exactly because I know how good she is. But tonight she has been plenty bad, although she’s trying to act all innocent now.”
“I’m a good girl daddy, see?” She questioned, tongue out, showing evidence of her swallowing predicaments, “I took all of it.”
Ethan smiled, looking down to his friend, his big hand holding her jaw and spitting in her mouth as it stayed open. Swallowing that down as well Y/N showed it to the two men, waiting impatiently for the next orders.
No orders came for the time being, Ethan sitting himself on the bed, back resting on the bed frame, opening his legs and motioning for her to sit between them. She clearly obliged, knowing very well that her punishment was already going to be overwhelming but oh so pleasurable and she wanted nothing more.
In all honesty the drummer was played to her needs every time, the punishments being always the outcome she hoped for (except few occasions when she had gotten Ethan so much she ended up edged on for over a week as a punishment, and although the orgasm was spectacular, the wait was torture). Ethan knew it and he was not opposed to it, instead working with the girl’s deviousness.
As she sat between his thighs, back on his chest and palms resting right on his thighs, Ethan used his calves and feet to keep Y/N’s legs spread open, thankful she was wearing a dress and panties that he could easily replace any time he wanted. He prompted Damiano to move between both their legs, face aligned with her pussy, the frontman practically salivating at the sight in front of him.
She had anticipated this night, having bought a cheap but utterly sexy lingerie set online, wearing said lingerie in an attempt to drive Ethan crazy. It was black, with little orange flowers here and there, some lace with mesh material surrounding her pussy, back piece doing little to cover her ass cheeks. Damiano was currently dying at the, almost, disappearance of the fabric due to the wetness leaving absolutely nothing hidden -not that the material could hide much anyway. He moved up, face just a hair’s distance from the wetness, just about to leave a kiss but the other man had different plans.
“Don’t be so eager, Dami, you’ll get what you want in a bit,” he said, palms massaging the girl’s boobs, kisses being left on her neck. “I think she’s overdressed.”
Damiano agreed to the statement, sharing just one simple look with Ethan, reaping the panties apart, her pussy now fully exposed. The singer looked up to his friend once again, a nod of approval being more than enough to shoot the man into action.
His lips swiftly found her clit, not much effort for the skilled man, sucking and kissing the sensitive bud, tongue lapping the juices of her pussy taking advantage of the wetness to stimulate her clit. Y/N’s head fell back, on the drummer’s shoulder, the man taking advantage of the angle and leaving kisses and marks on her neck, one hand always on her chest, the other currently choking her. She moaned so beautifully in his ear, making him harder than he thought he could get, surprised at how well he held himself together.
Damiano kept eating the girl out, fingers starting to dive into her pussy one at a time. He got up to four, said pussy taking them in wonderfully, practically swallowing them within the velvety confines. “I’ve experienced nothing hotter in my life, dolcezza. This pussy is scrumptious, could eat it for days,” he, himself thrusting on the bed, already having gotten hard again, craving some friction. His mouth was leaving wet kisses to her thigh and his fingers were deep inside her, going in and out, Ethan adding his own fingers, playing with her clit edging her closer and closer to the edge.
All the telltales were there: the shaking, the loudness, the closed eyes… She was ready to cum, but it was not something Ethan could allow yet. He stopped his actions, placing a hand on his band mate’s head, said man getting the memo and pausing as well. “You really thought you’d come this easy, amore? Oh no! You have been acting like a desperate slut all day, flashing Damiano and now letting him taste you, knowing it drives me crazy. You have been very naughty,” he explained before shuffling her off his body, moving to stand up.
Y/N could not help but whine, the sound only enabling the two men. “I think she’s been naughty again. Didn’t you say you’d be a good girl, puppet?” She simply nodded head looking down, but not before seeing the look on Damiano’s face. “I think some spanking would put our puppet in place.”
Ethan nodded in agreement, already moving Y/N to bend over the bed, her legs wobbly from her previously denied orgasm. “Count for Damiano, dolcezza,” said the man, leaving a kiss on her back and then starting his actions.
Although her words were what was asked of her Damiano was not satisfied, giving her one of his own and speaking up. “Say thank you, puppy, don’t be rude.”
Another spank, “three, thank you,” she followed the orders, jumping forward with every slap on her skin.
As she reached ten it got harder to count. Damiano had started fingering her again, opting to pause his actions after every few thrusts, slamming his palms on her ass cheeks or pussy. It’d be a lie if Y/N said this wasn’t enjoyable-after all she could not stop moaning loudly, but the redness of her ass would disagree.
“Why don’t you keep quiet, puppy? These noises of yours are what got you here. You can’t hide how much you like this, can you, slut?”
For the second time that night, Y/N was on the verge of cumming all over Damiano’s fingers, unable to speak yet again.
“Use,” spank, “your,” spank, “words,” spank.
“I can’t hide, daddy,” she responded, this time leaving an almost screaming moan, eyes rolling all the way to the back of her head, once again almost falling apart.
Before she had the chance Damiano stopped, hands retracting from the girl and into his mouth, tasting her on his lips.
“I think you can take at least one more, puppet. Can you?” Ethan, had been quite distanced this whole time, deciding to let his friend get a taste of his sex partner, but deciding this was the best moment to do his thing.
Y/N nodded in confirmation, letting out a simple “green,” to let Ethan know she was not stopping just yet.
“Beautiful, puppy! You have been doing so good for us, taking your punishment so well, but we are not done yet.” A buzz sound is what concerned the girl, eyes widening at the toy.
It was a small remote virator, imitating sucking on the clit. The drummer placed the girl over his knees, stuffing the toy between his leg and her clit, shocking the sensitive bud. “I think you can take a few more spanks,” said the man, landing one at the expanse of her thigh, the skin giggling at the contact.
“Damiano, count,” ordered the assertive man, seeing his friend kneel in front of Y/N, kissing her and then doing as he was told.
“I think we were left on twenty-three. Twenty four,” he began, counting all the way to forty before the ordeal was over.
The whole time Y/N was shaking, just about to fall off the edge, asking for permission to cum but her wishes were not granted just yet. She was exhausted, overstimulated, frustrated, and now unable to move on her own. But, oh man did she need more. The two men were more than willing to assist her.
“You are doing so well, dolcezza,” praised Damiano, thinking of what to do next.
“Why don’t you get up, puppet. I think it’s time you get what you want.”
At that, her head perked up, already jumping from Ethan’s lap (almost falling while doing so) eager to be fucked and to finally orgasm. “I want you on all fours. You suck me off, Dami can fuck your pussy. I’m sure you’d love that.” She nodded, moving to be in all fours as Ethan stood on his knees on top of the bed, Damiano following suit and placing himself behind Y/N.
“Agh,” he groaned, “sei così bagnata, bambina,” he commented, collecting all the wetness on his cock before pushing inside her.
The action and the moans it emitted caused vibrations to Ethan, making him groan in pleasure, Y/N’s talent to shuck not wavering now. “You like this a lot, puppet, don’t you? Being fucked by my best friend while sucking my cock, huh? You like that?”
She could only hum in response, holes being filled to the brim so pleasurably. It was all better than she expected, more overwhelming, so she could not keep it anymore. She released Ethan’s cock, screaming loudly as her release finally overtook her, Damiano groaning in contentment. He pulled out of her afterwards, jacking himself off a bit before coating her back in his own cum.
Now the only one left unsatisfied was Ethan. His pleasure was cut short for the girl’s release, and although he was not mad, he certainly wanted to feel her.
“Can you handle one more for me, cucciola? You did such a good job so far but I need to feel you.” Y/N nodded and changed her position, this time her legs were in the air, soon to be wrapped around the drummer, eyes half closed in bliss.
“Such a good girl for me,” Ethan praised one more time before he started his rhythm slamming into her. This time it did not take long for both of them to reach their highs, the man riding out both of them and after taking a second to breathe he pulled out, falling right next to her.
“Are you ok?” This time the concerned man was Damiano, a bottle of water already in his hands and ready to give it to the girl.
“Mhm… Thank you,” she mumbled, voice almost a whisper but the smile was hard to miss.
“I think I should leave,” said the front man and he went to get dressed, abandoning the room, leaving only Ethan and Y/N in it.
Ethan got up quickly, looking around for a cloth as he got to the bathroom and wet it with some warm water. Coming back, he used it to clean Y/N up; her back from Damiano’s cum, her face from the cum and her dried up juices and her pussy from the left over wetness, a pair of underwear and a t-shirt in his other hand.
“Come one, dolcezza, you did so good. You’ll go to sleep in just a second. Come one, help me get you dressed,” he voiced and started leaving kisses on her face.
“You took both of us wonderfully, thank you.” Another hum as a response.
Ethan realized how at this point she had fallen asleep, fucked out and exhausted, he did not expect her to stay awake.
“I only wish I could tell you this when you’re awake… I think I’m in love with you."
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11
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seokahwrites · 3 years
NUISANCE | chapter 1 (or, human walls and steak fungi)
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| lawyer! jeon jungkook x lawyer! reader (feat. ex! kim taehyung)
| all you wished for was a relaxing two weeks in a big ass boat eating some big ass shrimps, away from the real world. but instead you’re stuck with your arch rival with no means of escape — and goddamit why does the bastard smell so good
| the spice has commenced; POUTY JUNGKOOK???; hunky jungkook?; jungkook?; jungkook in a suit; a LOT of jungkook; pouty reader; stressed out reader; use of the words dick and cooch; use of the word satan (to refer to kim seokjin ofc); KIM SEOKJIN IS THE REAL MAIN CHAR; poor joon is a victim; JUNGKOOK WEARING EARRINGS AND BRACELETS; taehyung is nice (?) (¿question mark?)
| this writing was sponsored by red bull, alcohol and fantasies of casual jungkook as well as jungkook in a suit. also, jungkook’s smile is described as tight lipped bc his signature smile appearing is important to the story. also i wanna know y’all’s thoughts on tae. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY THANK U FOR THE COTINUOUS SUPPORT AND LOVE, I WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE MY BEST AND THANK U FOR READING MY STORY <333
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Having once spent a sleepless night reading Dante’s inferno, you were well aware of the fact that there are 9 layers of hell.
Though, it seemed the old man had forgotten about the tenth circle: Anywhere with Jeon Jungkook.
Since the first time you met him, you never had any reason to believe that he was a humble character. He had always looked at you from the top of his high horse and he took much pride in trotting on it.
As you, Jungkook and the receptionist wait for the elevator, the air thick with discomfort, you look at the man in front of you and remember that first time.
Your head is invaded with the memory of you in your Hello Kitty pajamas, adorned with grease and all, as you worked on a divorce case that causes you migraines to this day — love is a bitter bitch. It must’ve been past midnight when you and Jin were chewing away pizza slice after pizza slice at the office.
Then, there’s a knock at the door.
“If that’s Namjoon I’m literally going to fire you,” you bark at Jin as you hold his leftover crust on one hand and a document on the other.
And Jin, being the smart ass he is and knowing you wouldn’t survive a day without him, gets up from your leather couch without a word and opens the door, launching himself at none other than Kim Namjoon.
You roll your eyes at the love birds while wondering when the fuck their honeymoon phase was gonna end. You were so sick of them.
“Y/N,” Jin calls you from your desk, urging you to come to the door and once you’re beside him, this time with a cup of coke in your hands, “Can you keep them entertained for a bit? I just gotta grab Namjoon’s meds.”
Before you could say no, the little devil was already running off to his own cubicle, leaving you alone with the all familiar Namjoon and a very much not familiar stranger.
You lean on the doorframe without uttering a single word, sipping on your drink as well as the stranger — Sure, looking back at the moment you kinda just wanna punch yourself in the cooch and tell yourself to get a grip, but you weren’t blinded with hatred at the time, and also not blind — because it isn’t every night that a man clad in a charcoal suit and an unbuttoned shirt, comes knocking at your door; not to mention his watch dazzled under the artificial light and he held the blue tie in his hand with just the right grip.
You’re snapped out of your daze when the man goes from checking the time to whispering something in Namjoon’s ear, covering it the same way eight year olds cover their own secrets, and he laughs. This would all be good and well if he hadn’t looked at you with such appall in his eyes the moment before, the look still clear as day in your mind.
You're reminded that your makeup was probably smudged from all the times you had rubbed your eyes, your skin oily from the tiresome day and you were wearing Hello Kitty pajamas.
Maybe you shouldn’t have taken the insult so personally, but you did.
“I’m here,” Jin is back, a hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder as the other one passes him a lunchbox of cold medicines, “What did I miss?”
At this you look up from the pitiful ground, pulling Jin back to your office, and accidentally spill (or throw) your coke at the stranger. You watch in delight as he looks at his very expensive looking suit drenched in a sticky brown, utter terror in his eyes, inhaling the wonderful moment for a second before shutting the door in his face.
The consequences of your actions: an almost two-year long rivalry with the stranger, revealed to be Jeon Jungkook moments after the incident when Jin asked, “Did you just throw your drink at Namjoon’s boss, you crazy bitch?”
And that wave has rippled to this day, in the form of insults and high-school level teasing (if his brain had even evolved to that age). The words “I’ll have you all to myself’ comes to mind; it makes you puff with exasperation. Sure it comes off a little flirty to unknowing ears, but it was just another reminder of Jungkook’s dismay — and that he had an all new access to torture you.
You attempt to shake the ick from your body, but in a trice you found yourself in front of the suite, the four floors you travelled to get there seemingly a glitch in time.
Isabelle scans the room card in front of the handle, handing it over to Jungkook after the green beep. “This is your room!”
You shove Jungkook aside, pulling your trolley as you enter. You had seen the pictures before, but seeing the grand room before your eyes in all of its shades of brown and gray dispersed throughout the walls and furniture, the intricate branch of lights in the ceiling and the panoramic ocean view that gave it its name; it made you forgot who you were sharing it with for a moment.
When you turn around, Jungkook is as wide eyed as you, and it makes the corners of your mouth lift ever so slightly because he looks like a fucking dork.
“Well,” Isabelle is smiling and you could sense her relief of not having to deal with the two of you anymore, “If you need anything, me and the rest of the Royal Sunrise team are available at all times, have fun!”
And just like that, she made her escape, leaving you and Jungkook standing in the middle of the room, alone.
For a moment you shut your eyes as hard as you can, scrunching your face with your fists up, in hopes that a miracle happens and Jungkook disappears. You have been having some odd dreams lately, maybe this was just—
Nope. He’s still there.
Since his eyes seem to have wandered too far, you call out his name to bring him back to earth, crossing your arms when his gaze lands on you, “We should probably talk about a few things.”
He drops the backpack from his back as he nods.
“First of all, the sleeping situation—“
“Yeah, I already thought of that,” he walks to the (very cramped) couch on the other side of the room and pats the armrest, “I’ll take this wonderful bed.”
You look at him with quizzical eyes, wondering how the hell was he of all people going to fit there. But it wasn’t really of your concern if he wanted to get scoliosis, he had made his decision.
“Plus, you need beauty sleep much more than me.”
What a waste of oxygen.
You shrug off his words, immune to his childish remarks at this point, “Okay, then. Next on the list, eating arrangements.”
At this point he’s picking up his things and placing them in his territory, “Why is that on the list?”
You move closer to the windows, a little excited when you see the balcony — you would use it to either push your roommate into the cold ocean or catch up on a few books, tough choice. “Because the tables are arranged by rooms.”
You felt the confusion in his eyes poking at your back, so you turn, “That means that we need to share a table for the next few days, dipshit.”
Jungkook shakes his body in agony, throwing a tiny tantrum, “Why is that even a thing?” He whined.
When you feel a headache coming, you grab your own luggage and place it on top of the bed, opening it up and digging in the pockets for a little bit of liquid luck. God knew you needed it.
You down the sample of Jack Daniels in one go with a bitter face and a blow of air.
You start picking out your pajamas for the night, “I was saving it for when I’d find a hot stranger by the pool but—,” when you look up and see the mess on Jungkook’s couch, you’re taken aback, “What in the world is that?”
Jungkook’s hands are rummaging through the jungle that were his things, and it’s obvious that he just shoved as many clothes as he could find lying around the house. He grabs hold of a white tee, “What?”
Again, a waste of—
In the roll of an eye Jungkook’s torso is fully exposed, his back turned towards you with all of its bumps and mumps looking right at you. And you only become aware that you are staring when Jungkook notices the lack of a comeback, pointing it out with a smug tone.
“Y/N,” he doesn’t turn but he snaps you out of your stunned state all the same, “I can practically hear you drooling.”
At the very next instant you cover your eyes, just as little kids do when an inappropriate scene comes on the TV. “You wish, jackass,” and it comes off a little shoutier than you expected, as if the lack of visual correlated with the volume of your voice. Blindly, you grab your shirt and shorts from the bed and run to the bathroom, which just had to be on Jungkook’s side of the room.
And things take a turn for the worse when you run into something, and that something is warm and firm and breathing.
You convince yourself it was just an invisible, Jungkook shaped wall they failed to mention on the website and fling yourself to the bathroom door, finding the handle rather quickly from all the adrenaline.
Once you’ve slammed the door shut, you let your back slide against the wooden slab and your ass hit the marble floor.
The clothes are still in your grip, your left hand feeling your overheating cheeks and for a tick you think that maybe, just maybe, you should throw yourself into the water and let the sharks take you so you could be buried at the very depths of the ocean. It seemed like a better fate than whatever the fuck was awaiting you the next two weeks.
You take a deep breath in, letting your mind focus on something else.
You look around and, oh, wow. Even the bathroom was charming — if you could ignore the absurd amount of windows, any sea creature passing by would surely see more than they should — glass making up all of the walls, including the shower’s.
The exposure that surrounds you, in its own weird way, cleared up your head the tiniest bit and for the first time since you’ve arrived, you were able to think, only the ocean and its blue around you now.
And what would be your first course of action after a glimpse of clarity?
Calling that rat bastard assistant of yours, of course.
You stand up and place your phone atop the hazel counter after clicking contact name ‘Twinky’, out of fear you’d smash the damn thing when you hear his voice, smoke was bursting at the seams of your chest. Prepare to meet your end, Kim Seokjin—
“Good evening, Ms. Y/N. For what reason are you contacting me in the midst of your vacation?”
Breathe in, breathe out. “Don’t get all formal with me, Kim,” you’re wagging your finger to no one, “I know you did something. Confess.”
The obnoxious twirling of Jin’s chair could be heard through the speaker, “I’ve no idea of what you could possibly be talking about, Madam—“
“Fine, fine,” you could picture Jin putting his hands up at your murderous tone, “Me and Joon just thought it was about time you two kids got together.”
You take a pause from your pacing around. Motherfucker.
“Okay! I thought it was time and convinced Namjoon to go along with it,” your fist meets the counter with an audible thump, and you were seethed at the probability of Jin smiling at your behaviour. “Speaking of it, how’s it going?”
“Well, Jin,” you place the microphone as near to your mouth as possible, “JEON JUNGKOOK IS TAKING OFF HIS CLOTHES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING ROOM,” you put on a docile face and naturally assume that Jin could see you telepathically, “So you tell me how it’s going.”
For the first time since you hired him, you had left Jin speechless. Or so you thought.
“I didn’t know you would move this fast—“
“I apologise, I apologise,” the witch cackles, “But you didn’t give me any context, I only assumed the best.”
“Spare me from your taunts, you hag,” you huff and roll your eyes, “And, as I’ve told you many times before, Jeon Jungkook is literally the worst. I hate—.”
“—him. Yes, Y/N, I’ve been hearing the same speech every single day for two years,” you could hear Jin walking back and forth before an abrupt pause, “Listen to yourself, Y/N, you brought this upon yourself. Whenever you saw or just remembered Jungkook existed you wouldn’t stop talking about him. So, being the good friend I am, I handed you his—,” you rush in a failed attempt to muffle his next words with your hand, “—dick on a silver platter.”
Oh, dear lord.
“You’re out of your mind if you think I wanna be anywhere near Jungkook’s—,” you speak in a hushed tone, “—thing.”
“See, you can’t even say it,” and you give up, because no matter how many times you denied it, Jin never let up. “Anyway, I gotta go and… take a call. Have fun!”
And he hangs up.
All you can do is groan, making a mental note that you oughta kick Jin in the balls one of these days, and you look at yourself in the mirror — you couldn’t even enjoy your tacky shirt because of him. Was a normal vacation really too much to ask for?
You remember that the universe had already answered your question with a big yes, and you can’t help but pout.
Still, ever the changing mind, were you really going to let the universe win?
Your pout turns into a smirk. Of course, you weren’t. All you needed to do was avoid Jungkook as much as possible, that would be easy for sure, you were on a gigantic cruise ship after all.
Yeah, this can still be great.
And so, quick to think as always, you grab your phone and scroll through the Royal Sunrise website.
To your luck, the cruise offered classes and activities of all types with a different theme each day — tomorrow is cooking. Not only was it going to be actually entertaining, you could avoid Jungkook without having to look behind you every other minute.
With this new mindset and plan, you change into your oversized navy shirt and banana-printed shorts, a newfound excitement in your step. You even bang your chest with each of your fists, a gorilla-esque fighting technique if you shall, as a way to pump you up.
The door doesn’t seem as intimidating when you push it open, your arms swinging at your side as if you were one of the seven dwarves. This was good.
Immediately you're met with the vexing view of Jungkook, and you quirk your eyes when you notice that all he was wearing was a pair of gray shorts and that white tee, the oddity of it all iffy in your head since you’ve only ever seen him in suits and shirts. There’s a familiar tingling of (what you always assumed was) contempt in your fingertips and toes, one that would only ever occur with Jungkook. Hatred finds a way, huh.
He looks at you, back to his phone and back to you all in one second, and once his brain processes that you’re back and present, he ditches his phone and props himself up on one elbow. “You know the walls aren’t that thick, right?”
The tingle turns into a twitch and you almost hit yourself. Breathe, Y/N.
Jungkook sits up, crossing his arms, his eyes wandering once again, “I knew that Namjoon was planning something. He was sweating so much, I thought it was just the heat,” and they land back on you, “Turns out, it was betrayal.”
You head to your own king-sized resting place and a chuckle slips out of you at Jungkook’s little remark. “You did hear that Jin was the one who dragged him into this, right?”
You’re both pulling your covers over your bodies with silent grins due to the dumbassery of your assistants, “I assumed as much.” At this, your smiles become full-out laughs and your heads must have been too exhausted to dwell on the out of character situation.
It fades after a few seconds and you take one final look at Jungkook before turning off the lights, only to make sure he was already laid down.
Your anxiety comes back to the surface, your eyes staring blankly ahead at the ceiling.
“What a mess,” you don’t even notice you had blurted it out loud.
The rustling of sheets sounds through the otherwise cricket-silent room, “Tell me about it.”
Another chuckle.
“Jungkook,” you call him, the words coming out with no warning, “Can we just promise, no monkey business? I just really wanna relax and—.”
“Y/N,” he stops you before you could yap any further, “No monkey business.”
His interruption makes you sheepish, that tingle coming back as you fiddle with the sheets.
All of the sudden, “Good night, Y/N.”
“Don’t be a killjoy.”
Groan. There really isn’t any reason for you to answer the prick. Still, you roll your eyes, “Good night, you troll.”
You hear his pleased sigh.
“Kinda bummed you don’t want my thing, though.”
Damn you, Kim Seokjin.
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Your eyes flutter open, not with the calming sound of the dancing waves or the rustling of the sheets beside you from a happy hour mistake, no. You wake up with the sound of the shower running, the drip drop of the water meeting the glass floor of the bathroom.
The walls are very thin.
The image of a very naked Jungkook just next door is forced into your head, and you try to get rid of it by putting a pillow over your face, in hopes that it would put an end to your misery, but the world only gives a hundred problems and zero solutions.
Sat up, you remind yourself of the fresh-new mindset you had implemented yesterday, and this motivates you to restart your morning right and get dressed for the busy day ahead.
You squat down to your bag, grabbing the first jumpsuit and shoes in front of you, surprisingly not too shabby. The black off-shoulder fabric was adorned with pale pink flowers and your basic white sneakers didn’t add much but they were still a welcome fit — you’d only brought three pairs of shoes, so you didn’t really have much of a choice.
The background noise of the shower running disappears.
You stumble around the room, trying to switch out of your clothes as fast as you possibly could to avoid any of yesterday’s incidents repeating, the need of any sort of grooming forgotten along the way. Still, you succeeded, and just as Jungkook unlocked the bathroom door, you were out of the room.
The joy in your step was back as you took the few steps needed to the elevators, pressing that little button of victory. Though you’ve been to countless luxury premises, the details of each place still managed to leave you awestruck, and the black railing and golden walls of the ship with decoration clearly inspired by the Romans, weren’t an exception.
The elevator was going from the sixth floor to the fifth when you heard a door open, the hairs of your back standing up out of instinct.
“Wait up!”
Fuck me.
You turn to the left, met with the, once again, odd view of Jeon Jungkook wearing casual clothes, this time in a charcoal shirt a few sizes too big, black cargo pants and signature chunky shoes. But, there’s something even more strange and you can’t quite put a finger to it, it isn’t the fact his lavish watch was replaced with leather braids on his wrist or that his hairs strayed a bit more wildly, it’s—
“Holy shit,” your eyes shoot wide open, “Are those hoops?”
Your hands almost go to touch the silver in his ears, but you remind yourself you’d probably turn to stone.
An unfamiliar red paints Jungkook’s face as his own fingers prod at the earrings, his eyes not meeting yours, “Maybe.”
A gasp. “How did I never notice,” you state more than ask, but Jungkook answers all the same.
“I mean, I never wear them to anything work-related because keeping a professional image and all of that,” he looks at you, his bashfulness fading into an all-knowing smile, “And those are the only times I see your bitter face.”
You scoff, “Wow, actually we talked like normal people for a whole thirty seconds.”
The imp has the audacity to laugh at your face, the way he stops to scan you up and down going unnoticed by your sight. “I gotta say, Y/N, you actually know how to dress—“
The black tinted doors open to the glass elevator, a panorama of all the ship’s floors in full display, blue and purple lights reflecting on the gilded ornaments. Your hands rest on the black railing and you don’t even notice there’s another person in the elevator.
“Y/N?” The deep timbre of the voice is all too easy on your ears.
A slight turn to the right is all it takes to see him, fluffy ash hair (that was rough between your fingers from all the times he had dyed it), a shirt that flowed like the clouds and beige slacks that matched with the sepia of his sandals (an ensemble that contrasted the vibrant version of him in your memory). But that square grin was still the same.
“Tae?” You laugh in utter disbelief, “Kim Taehyung?”
“Come here!” His long arms bring you into a hug and with your head nuzzled against his chest, his heartbeat echoed good times, easier times that weren’t filled with paperwork and suits.
It’s interrupted by your forgotten acquaintance clearing his throat.
You pull away, recomposing yourself as you stand beside Taehyung, “Jungkook, this is Kim Taehyung,” you feel Taehyung’s eyes on you, “He was kind of my college boyfriend.”
They shake hands and look back at you, as if waiting for something.
“Uh— Right. Tae, this is Jungkook, my—,” you glance at the brunet to find the right words, “—co-worker, of sorts.”
Your embarrassment only deepens when you remember that the Jeon Jungkook was a first-hand witness to the mess you were melting into in front of your ex-boyfriend.
Who needed caffeine when shit like this kept happening to you.
“Oh,” Taehyung’s voice drops an octave as he shoves his hands in his pockets, “So you two came together?”
And you wave your arms around to signal a ‘no’, but it comes off as ‘that-one-crackhead-at-the-corner-of-the-street-ish” instead. “God, no,” you snort, much to your chagrin.
Taehyung sticks his tongue between his teeth, staring down at Jungkook who was chewing on his own bottom lip, “That’s good to hear.”
It seems you’ve regressed to your college-self, tucking your hair behind your ear with blushed cheeks at your senior.
The elevator had arrived at the first floor, Jungkook’s cue to leave.
But he doesn’t make a straight itinerary, instead standing in front of the elevator, “Aren’t you gonna catch breakfast, chump?”
Ah, right. Your genius plan could finally come out in the open, “No, actually. I have an all-day cooking class on the 5th floor.”
“No kidding,” Taehyung turns to you and places a hand on your bare shoulder with a wide smile, “Me too!”
At this, Jungkook’s shoulders slump and his expression falls flat, but you couldn’t get a word in as the elevator doors closed and he swiveled away to his own day.
Eh, it’s not like it was your affair anyways. Plus, 9AM wasn’t the hour to deal with his bullshit.
You and Taehyung made your way up, speaking of all the things you’ve been up to for the past three years.
“So, Jimin’s dancing in Europe,” you gasp, a swell of pride in your chest, your old friend would talk about it every free night he spent in yours and Taehyung’s flat.
“Yeah, now I don’t know who’s keeping an eye on all the dumb shit he does.”
The weight on your shoulders only got lighter with every laugh you shared with Taehyung, sweet nostalgia.
“We’re here,” you point at the chalk sign, the words ‘Bon Appetit’ scribbled on it.
Out of sheer intuition, you pull Taehyung by the wrist until you reach the entrance, a Royal Sunrise worker awaiting with a list of, what could only be, the names of the participants.
You let go of Taehyung when the man’s eyes travel to your holding hands. Oh, God.
He smiles, “Good morning, Mr. and Ms. What would your names be?”
“Good morning, I’m Y/N Y/LN,” your smile hadn’t left your face, “I signed up yesterday.”
He nods and you walk inside, Taehyung following you before the worker puts up a hand to stop him.
“Your name, sir,” his tone changes..
You look back, wondering what the fuss was about.
“Uh— Kim Taehyung.”
The man reads over the clipboard, even flipping to the previous pages. “Excuse me, Mr. Kim. But your name doesn’t seem to be in the—.”
Taehyung’s calm demeanour becomes a bitter scowl as he pats a fifty dollar note down the man’s pocket before he could continue his speech. “Just let this one slide, buddy.”
The sight is a bit rough on the eyes and the corners of your lips turn downwards, something itching at your throat, but you hadn’t seen him in a long time and he most likely had good intentions with the man, you could let it slide, right?
“So,” Taehyung rubs his hands with a smile that reaches the pillows of his eyes, a 360° from the him you saw a few seconds ago, “Where were we?”
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The blue of the sky had faded into a deep lilac once you and Taehyung were finished with your last batch of food.
You stood outside with smiles plastered on your faces and flour sprinkled on your hair, reminders of a day well-spent.
“This was great,” you held boxes of chocolate crepes and mushroom pasta, “Except for the fact I was forced to eat and deal with mushrooms.”
Taehyung’s eyebrows pull together, “So many years together, and I didn’t know you hated mushrooms,” you remember telling him countless times, but he never had the best memory — you don’t bother to bring up your hatred for crepes. “But, yeah… I think it was the company that sealed the deal, though.”
A beat of silence. The boy was smooth as ever.
You’re the first to break it. “I guess I’ll go get dinner then.”
“Right, right,” he purses his lips, “I’m gonna catch a nightcap, too full for food anyways. See you, Y/N.”
And you only mumble a small goodbye before you and Taehyung are going different directions.
A day well spent indeed.
You couldn’t keep it in anymore.
Holy Moses, were you hungry as shit. Who knew that barely eating breakfast and lunch could do this to a person.
Once the coast is clear, you run to the elevator, pressing the button repeatedly because why is this thing so fucking slow.
The time taken to go down to the first floor is even more agonising, but you just imagined the wonderful meals that actually tasted like food waiting for you downstairs. You could feel the pork melting in your mouth already.
Since the first floor is more packed, you pace yourself as you power-walk to the dining area but you arrive in no time, walking through the tables and scanning each marker for the number 83, until you finally find your salvation — and the mop of brown hair sitting there with its unmistakable silver.
You park your ass on the wooden chair and place the white boxes of gag-worthy food on the table.
“Fancy meeting you here, Y/N,” Jungkook shoves a fork of rare steak and potatoes in his big mouth.
“Don’t antagonise me, Jungkook,” you leap to grab his wrist before he can get another scoop, “Where’s the food?”
You feel him tense under your grip, “Okay, let go of me, hungry hungry hippo,” you loosen your fist and lean back on your chair with crossed arms, “And the restaurant is out of steaks for the night, your only other option is some fried fish or something,” he continues munching.
“No—,” your head meets the table with a bang, “—I’ve been dreaming of red meat all day.”
“Didn’t you cook at— you know, cooking class?”
“Yes, we did,” you sit up and shove the boxes of trash to Jungkook as he examines them.
“But, you hate mushrooms and crepes,” he turns his head in a robotic motion when he opens the lids.
Your hunger fades for a bit as that tingle in your fingertips pushes you to sit straight, leaning your head like a curious puppy.
“How do you know that?”
Jungkook bites his bottom lip as he seems to think of a response. “Well, you mentioned it at the Law & Practice Awards a few months ago,” he rubs his fingers on his chin with a feign look of concentration, “I believe your exact words were: ‘Why does the stake have fungus on it’ and ‘Everybody knows that crepes are just a—.”
“—a cheap version of pancakes,” you finish his sentence with surprise painted on your face. Still, you question him, “But, how do you even remember that?”
Jungkook’s flush is back on his cheeks, “As they say, keep your friends close,” he flashes that tight lipped smile of his, “And your enemies closer.”
Just as you were about to flip the fucker off, your stomach grumbles. Out of all of the moments it could’ve complained, it decided to do so in the only second of silence.
Jungkook mumbled something along the lines of “That’s it,” under his breath and let out a sharp exhale, cutting up his steak and taters and pushing them into a smaller plate, adding a few greens in the mix. He snaps his fingers at the nearest waiter and grabs a glass of wine from his tray. The act finishes off with him pushing the food in your direction.
You stare at the food, at Jungkook and back at the plate again. Dumbfounded, once again.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Eat,” he continues on with his dinner as if he hadn’t just done— Well, what he just did.
You bite your lip and bow your head slightly, though you’re sure he doesn’t see it, before vacuuming the food directly into your belly.
The rest of the evening is spent in comfortable silence, no daggers threatened to be thrown or scorn weighing in the air. This lasts all the way to the door of the room; you were fine with communicating with only ‘hums’ and nods but Jungkook, as always, had to ruin things.
He leans his back against the white door, arms crossed and a smirk as he looks down at you. “How lucky of you to have your mortal enemy and—,” he puts up air quotes, “‘kind of college boyfriend’ in the same boat as you, huh?”
You palm your face and hide a sheepish smile, “I was hoping you’d forget about that.”
“How could I when I was your special guest to first hand embarrassment in the elevator,” he waves the white flag of peace as he puts his hands up, “But, hey—“
“Hi, Jungkook,” someone behind you purrs, heels clacking.
You turn around and see a woman of jet-black hair in a stunning red silk dress, the pony-tail on her head swinging a delicate left to right as she waved her manicured hand at none other than Jungkook — who brushes a hand through his hair before complimenting her greeting.
It takes you by surprise, though you laughed at Jungkook’s gnarly stance at the beautiful woman, the tingle comes back, this time prickling at the pit of your stomach.
As soon as she had walked away, you rubbed your hands at the sides of your arms, “Wow, Jungkook. Moving fast are we?” you squint your eyes, “I think it’s the earring.”
“First of all, screw you,” he unlocks the door, “Second, that’s nothing, trust me.”
He holds the door open for you and you catch a whiff of his black vanilla scent. You stop in your tracks and place a hand on his shoulder with a grimace on your face, “Just don’t do anything on my bed, okay?”
You don’t bother to wait for an answer as you head to the bathroom with your comfy tee in your hands.
This time, the counter was embellished with skincare and cologne galore, all thanks to your dear roommate.
“He wouldn’t notice if I used some of this, right?” You say to Jungkook’s bottle of cleanser, too lazy to go back and grab your own toiletries.
“If you use that I’m drowning myself,” you hear him shout from the other room.
Sorry, face. You’ll have to wait for tomorrow.
Once you were snug in your tee, you were off to bed — Jungkook in the same attire as yesterday as well.
You leave the lamp on as you checked your phone for the first time since yesterday. Of course, Jin was your only notification, a plethora of obscenities and questions that would, unfortunately, be permanently ingrained in your mind forever. You turn off your phone and throw it on top of the night stand.
Not today, satan.
“You mind?” You ask Jungkook who seemed to be scrolling away, too engrossed in his phone to look at your finger pointing at the light, only a grunt on his behalf.
You turn it off and shut your eyes, your body tense, not that you weren’t used to it, the decaying muscles of your back have been like that since you graduated high-school. And, it was a bit more intense from all the mixing and pot handling — thank the heavens that tomorrow’s activities involved massaging. Though, today was a win.
Jungkook’s phone turns off and his body sloshes around, the sounds he makes the only ones reverberating in the room.
“Good night, Y/N,” you try to ignore him, but he comes forward with a good case, “Come on, I gave you my food.”
Guilt tripper.
“Fine, but only because you’re annoying as shit,” he lets out a satisfied breath, “Good night, Jungkook.”
You arrive at dreamland in no time.
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jazy3 · 3 years
Free Guy Review
If you haven’t seen the movie Free Guy (2021) stop reading right now! Drop what you’re doing and go get yourself a ticket! You’ll thank me later!
I loved this movie! I saw it this weekend for the second time because it’s that good! I first saw the trailer on YouTube a while back and then when theatres reopened a few weeks ago I saw the trailer again and my interest was piqued. I had high hopes for this movie based on the fun looking trailer, the premise, the cast, and the sense of fun and escapism that the movie seemed to embody and it did not disappoint. It’s always nice when you have high hopes for something and it meets or exceeds your expectations.
Free Guy is just such a fun and joyous movie. Never taking itself too seriously, packed with lots of heart, cool cameos, full of gaming and pop culture references, and it’s fueled by a unique concept that is well executed. There are just so many things I loved about this movie! It was a ton of fun to watch and the actors clearly had a blast making it. During the movie I kept trying to figure out where I knew most of the actors from but couldn’t place them. When I got home, I googled it and I instantly realized why. The roles are just so different and the actors embody their characters so completely you lose yourself in the film and get completely sucked in. I was honestly so surprised when I figured out what I knew most of the actors from because the roles that they’re known for are so different from their characters in the movie. Their appearances, established ages, and even the accents are so different that I literally did a double take, but that’s what makes the movie so good! Because the main actors obviously didn’t need the paycheque they were just there to have fun and it shows. I think if the situation had been different and the actors involved had been desperate for money or took the role for some other reason it wouldn’t have worked. The film would have come off as cheesy, forced, cringeworthy, or just plain bad. Free Guy is none of those things. The film stars Ryan Reynolds as ‘Guy’ a bank teller in a video game called Free City, Jodie Comer whose best known for playing Villanelle in Killing Eve as programmer Millie Rusk and her avatar Molotov Girl, Joe Keery whose best known for playing Steve Harrington in Stranger Things as programmer Walter ‘Keys’ McKey, and Taika Waititi whose best known for playing Viago in What We Do in the Shadows as the Head of Soonami Studios and the film’s main antagonist and villain Antwan. Rounding out the cast are Utkarsh Ambudka as programmer Mouser and Lil Rel Howery as Guy’s best friend and bank security guard Buddy. In a nutshell, Free Guy is about a bank teller named Guy who finds out he’s a non-playable background character (NPC) in an open-world Grand Theft Auto style video game called Free City. Guy becomes the hero of his own story after meeting Millie, the girl of his dreams, and winning fans all over the world by racking up points by being the good guy and helping others. After leveling up and helping Millie escape a dangerous situation in the game, Guy wins her over and she falls for him thinking that he’s another player. But when the world that Guy knows and all of the people in it are threatened, he teams up with Millie to save his friends before it’s too late. In the real world, Millie enlists the help of her former programming partner and best friend Keys in a race against time to stop their code and all of the sentient characters from Free City from being deleted by Antwan the developer who stole their code when the game’s sequel launches. I love that the movie had a unique premise and didn’t overcomplicate things. There are so many movies that I’ve gone to see over the last few years with such excitement only to be disappointed. For example, I loved Wreck It Ralph, but was so disappointed by its sequel Ralph Breaks the Internet. The trailers made it seem like it would take the premise of the first movie and move things into the online gaming world, and I was excited for that. Instead, the sequel left the premise of the first movie behind entirely and way over complicated the plot and the end result was extremely cheesy and disappointing. Free Guy’s strength is that it’s a self-aware movie made by self-aware people who are excellent at what they do. The movie doesn't take itself too seriously, nor should it, and that allows the story to flow and the characters to feel real and genuine. The movie achieves that perfect balance between being entertaining and telling a cohesive and important story because while the movie never takes itself too seriously the people behind it are serious about what they do. This was very clearly a passion project for all involved, especially Ryan Reynolds, and it shows! As he’s spoken about in interviews and on Twitter, Reynolds called on a lot of his friends to be in Free Guy and help him out and the end result was fantastic! I loved all of the cameos! The Chris Evans cameo was by far the funniest and the Alex Trebek cameo got me right in the feels. When I saw the movie in theatres me and everyone else in the theatre gave a collective “awww” when he appeared on screen. Enlisting real YouTubers to show up as fictional versions of themselves to talk about Blue Shirt Guy’s popularity was a nice touch and you’ve also got blink and you miss it voice cameos by John Krasinski, Dwyane The Rock Johnson, Hugh Jackman, and Tina Fey. Channing Tatum appears as the avatar of player Revenjamin Buttons which for the most part was hilarious. One of my few criticisms of the film is that they went a bit overboard the avatar’s antics as Guy and Buddy are attempting to leave and it got bit a cringeworthy. But I know other people found it hilarious so to each their own. I love all of the little details and references in the movie. Just listing them all would be a post in itself. If you’re someone that loves pop culture references and Easter Eggs this is the movie for you. The characters are fun and believable, and you get attached to them quickly. The actors commit completely to their roles which is makes the humour, romance, and heartfelt emotion of the film work. You buy it. 100%. Something that I absolutely loved was that the characters felt realistic and that the dialogue, attire, and settings for each character really felt authentic. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched a movie or TV show and walked away thinking, “The person who wrote that clearly never meet a kid, teenager, or twenty something in their life! That was so unrealistic.” The slang’s all wrong. The dialogue is so eloquent everyone sounds like they did Shakespeare in the Park last summer. You walk away thinking, “What the hell was that? No one talks that way!” What I loved about the characters in Free Guy is that they felt like real people you could actually run into or walk past on the street. I’ve read in interviews that in addition to the written dialogue the cast did a lot of ad-libbing and improvisation and the end result is both hilarious and relatable. The dialogue feels real because it is. The big exception to this of course is Antwan who is altogether off the wall and ridiculous. Antwan is such an outrageous, absurd, vulgar, and cartoonish character. He’s so fun to watch and the actors clearly had a lot of fun with his scenes! I’ve read that a lot of his lines with Keys and Mouser were improvised and I believe it. When he goes all Jack Nicholson on the servers? Lord. He’s such a great villain to watch. The characters that are established to be in their twenties like Millie, Keys, Mouser, and the other employees at Soonami Studios talk, act, and dress like they’re in their twenties. The actors that are in their forties are styled to look like they’re in their thirties and honestly, they’re in such great shape it works! I mean I was honestly shocked to find out Taika Waititi’s real age. I love how the costuming really fits each character and allows you to learn more about them. Keys’ clothing is your typical gamer chic which makes because as we learn from his interview with Millie coding is his life and what gets him up in the morning. From Mouser’s clothing we learn that he’s a sports fan, but also isn’t afraid to take risks like with that blazer ensemble he wears in his final scene at Millie’s apartment.
Millie’s clothing shows the contrast between her and her avatar Molotov Girl, and Antwan’s ridiculous coat enhances the overall wackiness of his character. Guy’s clothing tells us something too. He wears the same thing every day until he meets Millie in the game at which point, he starts deviated from his Free City programming and chooses a different blue shirt. I also really love that they put thought into why Keys needs to wear glasses. Something I noticed on rewatch is that Keys is far sighted which is why he has his glasses on when he’s looking at his laptop or computer and sometimes when’s talking to other people, but not when he goes to see Millie at her apartment or when he goes to get them coffee at the end of the movie. Another interesting aspect of Keys’ character that I noticed on rewatch is self-confidence is really something he struggles with in contrast to Millie and Mouser who are very confident. Millie is a genius programmer and Mouser is excellent at what he does, and they are both very confident in their coding abilities, but Keys isn’t despite being every bit the genius that Millie is. At the beginning of the movie when they first notice the issue with Guy Mouser jokes that Keys needs to be better at his job. In response Keys meekly says he thinks he’s pretty good at his job and trails off at the end. Mouser is just joking around, but because Keys lacks self-confidence comments like that hit him hard. Mouser is moving towards his own desk as he talks so he doesn’t notice how self-deprecating and uneasy Keys’ response is. In the interview from the indie games conference that Millie plays for Keys at his apartment, he brushes off the interviewers comment that he’s a genius and says Millie is the real genius because she created the AI engine and he just wrote the code to make it work. Later on, when Keys helps Millie get into the stash house, she calls him a genius and he tells her that as he’s currently sitting on a toilet stealing user code he doesn’t exactly feel like one. Millie responds offhandedly that he never does, but luckily, she knows better. When Keys realizes that Millie was right, and that Antwan did steal their code and their game worked he tells Millie they need to celebrate because once everyone sees their build she’ll be celebrated and she could win a noble prize. Both Millie and Keys are geniuses in their own right. The game wouldn’t have worked without both of their skills and Guy wouldn’t have come to life without both of them working together. Millie’s AI engine made his sentience possible, but Keys is the one who gave him hopes and dreams so that when he met Millie in the game, he came alive. When done right the settings we see tell the story just as much as the characters do and I love how realistic the settings in Free Guy look. The floor at Soonami Studios where Keys and Mouser work looks like a real office and I love that the desks have clutter and personal effects on them like real cubicles do and that they show Keys taking a box of his stuff with him as he leaves. The lobby with the moving water videos and Antwan’s massive but largely empty office fits perfectly with the obnoxious, zany, and over the top character that he is. I also love the contrast between Keys and Millie’s apartments and how those settings tell us a lot about each character and where they are in their lives when the film starts. When Keys comes home from work to find that Millie has broken in, we see that he lives in a stylish one bedroom apartment with an open concept kitchen full of stainless steel appliances, a large living room centred around an expensive wall mounted TV and entertainment system, with his computer and gaming station set up in the corner. On the walls we see artful clusters of black picture frames, through a partially open door we see a bedroom off to the side, the apartment is full of black and white furniture including a plush couch and nice lamps, and features a textured silver accent wall. All of which makes the fact that Millie managed to break in even more impressive because it is clearly an expensive apartment in a nice building. Keys’ style is minimalist and upper scale and based on what we learn about the events that took place before the start of the movie this indicates that Keys got the apartment and all of the nice stuff in it using the money he received when Antwan bought his and Millie’s game. In contrast, Millie lives in a bachelor apartment and spends her time in coffee shops ordering one single black coffee over four hours. This tells us that she kept her original apartment that she had from before the game was sold and is living off the money she got from the sale while she spends all of her time trying to find the proof she needs to win her lawsuit. When we see Millie’s place, we find that it’s cozy, full of plants, throw rugs, quilts, and comfy furniture. She’s got a bike in the corner, you can see her bed from the centre of the room where she’s got her computer and gaming station set up adjacent to the coffee table and the rest of the living room furniture. Her kitchen is smaller and full of wooden cabinets and her bathroom door has DIY multicoloured square panels on it. Keys and Millie’s apartments are very different and through these settings we see the contrast between where these characters are in their lives, their wealth, and their personal style. The song ‘Fantasy’ by Mariah Carey is featured heavily in the film and is guaranteed to get stuck in your head in the best way! Jodie Comer’s cover of it is amazing! It fits the moment where Guy makes it to the island that is Millie and Keys’ original build and shows it to the world perfectly. This movie made me appreciate Mariah Carey’s music in a whole new way and I can’t be the only way. After watching the movie, I went looking for the song on Apple Music, wound up listening to the Mariah Carey Essentials Playlist, and I’ve become obsessed. I knew some of her hits, but after listening to her music more I get why people love her so much. Her five octave vocal range is amazing, and her music is just so fun to listen to. The film has a really great soundtrack overall and I’ve had many of its song on repeat since I saw it. Something I really loved about this movie and the reveal at the end that Keys is in love with Millie and is desperate for her to notice, but she’s been oblivious the whole time is that they don’t do the supposedly nice nerdy guy whose really a jerk trope. So many movies do this where you have a nerdy male character whose unluckily love, looked over, or his love is unrequited, and we’re supposed to root for him because he’s a quote “nice guy”. But really, he’s not. He’s a jerk who feels slighted because a woman in his life doesn’t love him back or notice him and he feels as if she owes him something. The scene at Millie’s place where Millie tells Keys he looks cute when he brags, and Mouser encourages him to tell Millie how he feels is super frustrating to watch but it’s so important to Keys’ character. He asks Millie out for coffee and when she turns him down to jump back into the game, he doesn’t make a big deal about it even though Mouser wants him to. Instead he gets up and goes and gets her a coffee anyway. She goes to tell him her order, oblivious to the fact that he’s memorized it, he tells her he remembers, and goes to get the coffee anyway much to Mouser’s and the audience’s dismay. This is big because Keys clearly doesn’t want to be walking down the street by himself to get coffee. He wants to be getting coffee with Millie so that he can tell her how he feels to see if she might feel the same way, but when she turns him down he goes and gets the coffee anyway because he truly loves and cares about her and he values their friendship enough to put his own feelings aside and suffer in silence rather than lose her and what they’ve built. So, he takes the opportunity to get some air rather than continue to sit there in disappointment. Which is why he’s so confused when Millie runs after him and calls out to him from across the street. He doesn’t understand what she’s doing there. She turned down his offer to get a coffee and he already knows her order so why is she there? I love that they chose to make that scene non-verbal. I think if Millie had come out and made some big declaration of love it would have felt cheesy and overdone. But her running after him and silently communicating through her smile and body language that she understood and that she felt the same way was perfect. It was subtle and beautiful and perfectly acted. It also felt realistic to the characters because in real life when you’ve known someone a really long time and you’ve spent a lot of time with them you don’t always need words to convey what you mean. What Millie wanted to express in that scene was so big and so all-encompassing she couldn’t find the words to say everything that she wanted to say so she didn’t. She just stood there and smiled knowing that being the genius that he is he would understand. It’s like Keys says in their interview, words will fail you, but code never does. His coding worked and now she understands so rather than try and say it all and fail she just looks at him and smiles to show him that she finally gets it. She finally understands what he’s been trying to say to her all this time. And you can see the exact moment Keys realizes why she’s there. The moment where he goes from being confused as to what she wants to realizing that she saw the video and she knows how he feels and that she wouldn’t be standing there smiling at him like that if she didn’t feel the same way. When I watched the scene the first time around, I was anxiously clutching my nachos the entire time because when Keys ran towards her my immediate thought was, “Oh my god he’s gonna get hit by a car and they’re never gonna get to be together! Oh my god!” But then he didn’t get hit by a car and Millie ran out to meet him and for the first time in their relationship she met him halfway and they kissed and it was beautiful! I think because Free City had so much violence in it that’s where my mind went and I’m very glad they didn’t go that route. One of my only criticisms about the movie is that I wish they had stayed on Millie and Keys just a little bit longer. They kiss and embrace and then very quickly they cut to black. I wish they’d linger on that moment just a little bit longer because I love those characters so much and in the scene that follows where Guy and Buddy are reunited we see them hug and then walk away together to start their new lives and I wish we’d gotten just a bit more time with Millie and Keys. I also really loved the parallel between the different kinds of relationships within the movie and how platonic relationships are just as important as romantic ones. The reveal at the end about Guy being Keys’ creation and a love letter to Millie and her realizing she’s been loving Keys vicariously through Guy and them finally coming together and being on the same page is beautiful because from the very beginning the movie is full of clues, hints, and foreshadowing that all comes together at the end. Meanwhile, we see the friendship between Guy and Buddy and how important that friendship is to him because it’s something that he created on his own. His love for Millie is born out of the programming that Keys gave him, but his friendship with Buddy is something that Guy created all on his own of his own volition. Which is part of what makes Buddy’s death on the bridge so tragic. I cried when Buddy disappeared. Reynolds and Howery play their characters with such sincerity that his death pacts an emotional punch you don’t expect. I love that the security guards at Soonami are so moved by Buddy’s heroism and are so captivated by what’s happening with the live stream that Millie is able to sneak past them into the server room and stop Antwan from destroying what’s left of the game. Something else I noticed on rewatch is that during the final battle after Millie gets booted from the game and Guy has to fight Dude on his own the glasses he’s wearing are very similar to the ones Keys wears in the movie which I thought was a cool nod to Guy being Keys’ creation. This really is a movie in which you find something new every time you watch it. For instance, the second time around I noticed that the foreshadowing that Keys is in love with Millie, but she’s oblivious to it because she’s so focused on the game was really well done. In the video from the indie game conference that Millie plays for Keys at his apartment when asked by the interviewer about their chemistry Millie responds first and says that their friends, their relationship is completely platonic, and laughs off the idea that they have chemistry. In contrast Keys falters and is silent and then eventually says meekly that they’re just friends. Millie is looking ahead at the interviewer and to the side away from Keys as she’s laughing and so she doesn’t see Keys’ reaction. At the end of the apartment scene after Millie breaks in to ask Keys for his help, he tells Millie he cares about her and he almost says something else. It feels like he’s about to say, ‘I love you’ but then he catches himself and instead tells her that she needs to leave. When Keys visits Millie’s apartment to tell her that she was right and they’re sitting on the couch he reaches out and puts his hand on her knee and then snatches it back when he realizes he’s gotten too close. He wants so desperately to be closer to her and in his excitement, he gets closer than he normally would before realizing that putting his hand on her knee in that close proximity is not a platonic gesture. Millie is so caught up in the realization that Guy, the person she’s fallen in love with, is an AI and not a real person that she doesn’t notice. My heart broke for Keys in that scene as he realized that Millie had fallen for Guy and kissed him and was so upset about it and meanwhile, he was right in front of her desperate for her to see how much he cares. It must have just wrecked him to go home that night and realize that Guy was based on the lovelorn character he created and that Millie had fallen in love with his creation while at the same time being so oblivious to his real world affection for her. In the scene at Millie’s apartment after they’ve gotten the server from Antwan and Mouser encourages Keys to say something, I noticed on rewatch just how weak and meager Keys’ attempt to ask Millie out is. He stumbles his way through asking her to get a coffee and trails off at the end so it’s no wonder Millie doesn’t clue in that he’s trying to ask her out. And in Keys’ defence he sent her a whole video confessing his feelings for her and all of the little things he loves about her and then told her to watch it and he has no idea if she did or not. We the audience know that Millie only saw half of it, but Keys has no idea if she saw none of it, part of it, or all of it. He knows she got Guy to remember, but she’s also sending him mixed messages. One minute she’s saying he’s cute when he brags and the next, she’s turning him down for coffee to talk to Guy. From the outside it’s so obvious that Keys is in love with Millie, but she doesn’t see it because she’s always looking the other way, not paying attention, so caught up in the game, and too focused on their work to see what’s right in front of her. On rewatch one of the big things I noticed is that Keys is always on the edge of telling Millie how he really feels but he always stops himself because she brushes him or the idea off and because he’s scared of what will become of their work and their friendship if she doesn’t feel the same way. It’s a huge leap. If Millie doesn’t feel the same way it’s going to make their relationship incredibly awkward and could potentially destroy their partnership so Keys decides it’s better not to say anything or only hint at how he feels rather than run the risk of ruining everything. Something else I noticed on rewatch is that in the interview they give Keys says he thinks of himself as an author and that code is what gets him up in the morning and that he loves the ones and zeros of binary because words can fail you and let you down but code never does. At the end of the movie when Millie goes to talk to Guy in Free Life he tells her that he loves her and while he knows that’s his programming he’s realized that he’s a love letter to her and that somewhere out there in the real world is the author. Such a great callback. All in all, I can definitely say that Free Guy has been my favourite movie so far this year! Definitely my favourite movie of the summer. I went to see it twice in theatres and I’ve never done that for any other movie before. I’ll rewatch them at home sure, but I’ve never actually paid money to see something twice on my own. I’m very excited to see the sequel and my hope is that it will be just as good as the first.  Until next time.
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Okay, so you said I could send an ask for headcanons about the childhoods of some specific merc(s)... I think I would really like to read your headcanons about Soldier’s and Engineer’s childhood :)
Thanks in advance and I hope your well.
Ooooh…I’ve been waiting for this! And thank you for being specific and not just saying “the rest of them.” Sometimes I get overwhelmed with nine specific mercs to write for. Your specifics are much appreciated.
Soldier doesn’t talk very much about his childhood - whether it’s because something happened or he just doesn’t remember it, no one can tell. It’s nowhere in his file, either…he refused to do anything except tell fantastic tales of a fictional youth.
However, in a rare streak of almost lucidity, he spouted off the entirety of his younger years, much to the team’s surprise. Usually, if anyone asked directly, he changed the subject.
But now he described everything in vivid detail. And, with a bit of research from Miss Pauling, everything fell into place.
Apparently he had been born in a small military town in Georgia. His father was overseas, leaving he and his mother alone in their small yellow house.
In order to make ends meet, his mother worked at a nearby factory, mostly leaving Soldier to fend for himself and the house.
“Can you be a big, strong soldier like daddy for me?”
Soldier would always agree, finding his own food, his own entertainment, and his own friends. No matter what happened, he never bothered his mom. If anything, his job was to protect her.
That’s why, when his stomach started hurting and his arms and legs ached, he said nothing about it.
When he forgot the chores he was supposed to do and even the names of his friends, he didn’t bring it up.
When he felt tired all the time and some days could barely get out of bed, he just chalked it up to laziness like his mother did.
It turns out the factory they were next to was polluting the water next to the house with dangerous amounts of lead, which soon overcame Soldier’s immune system of steel.
He could barely remember anything anymore, and he became more and more distraught every day. Sometimes he would forget where he was and run outside, then get lost in the woods, only coming back once he remembered where he was supposed to be.
Soldier began to wear one of his father’s old helmets after his mom commented on his red eyes and the dark circles around them. He didn’t want to worry her. Besides, it helped bring back a few memories if he ever got lost again.
Finally, it got to the point where he didn’t even remember his mother, or his promise to her. He began to wander farther and farther away from home.
One day, he didn’t come back at all.
Out in the world with not a single memory to his name, Soldier wandered far and wide. He usually slept in barns and old, abandoned houses, cut off from most people.
Occasionally, he would find a family that wanted to “raise him as their own,” only to turn him away after finding him too difficult to care for.
He had frequent nightmares, ate little due to his unresolved stomach issues, and could barely walk ten feet without forgetting where he was going.
If he accidentally wandered into the same house twice, he would be chased out with either a broom or a gun - usually the latter.
He became “the demon child” in some counties, and “g*psy kid” in others, due to his long, unkempt hair, hidden eyes, and odd habits.
It even got to the point where Soldier couldn’t sleep on anyone’s property because he would be actively fought off like a wolf or a bear.
His only pleasure was an old movie theater that, as he recovered from his lead poisoning, remembered the location of and frequently snuck into.
The only thing that played were romance movies - which, like many children, Soldier hated - and war movies, which he watched over and over again with starving eyes.
Because of these movies, a single memory from his mother’s house came to him. A woman, tall and muscular from hard labor, giving him a shiny badge to hold, asking him to be a strong soldier like his father.
And thus began his life-long dream of becoming a military officer.
He trained according to what he knew from the films…which was mostly running, doing jumping jacks, and occasionally rolling around in the mud.
This only served to distance him further from his fellow human beings, but he didn’t care. Soldier had a mission, and he was going to do it well.
But the biggest change was his hair.
He had started cutting it off with sharpened rocks, but he was always saving up coins he found for a “proper army cut.”
Finally, he had quite the collection in a dirty mason jar, and marched into the barber shop in his town to ask for a haircut.
The manager was appalled, and at first refused, but Soldier stood his ground.
“Civilian, I’ll have you know that by denying a soldier with a haircut, you are denying America one of its best fighters! I can’t curdle the enemy’s blood looking like a hippie!”
After a short yelling match that, of course, Soldier won, the manager decided it would be in his best interest to comply.
He walked out of that shop with no hair on his head, but a huge grin on his face. Next stop, the ranks.
Soldier went from draft office to draft office, applying for and being denied entrance to the army for his obvious lack of mental stability.
This is when the personal retelling ended, since Soldier became very upset by the memory of his recruitment failures, but Miss Pauling concluded that he just bounced from state to state until Mann Co. found him, quote, “sitting in an alleyway, eating army draft paperwork while sobbing uncontrollably.”
Engineer also never really talks about his childhood, but both Medic and Spy (Spy knows everything about everyone on the team) know that’s for a good reason.
He grew up in a trailer community near an almost ghost town in Texas.
His father was an abusive car mechanic with a mean streak a mile wide and a shop full of failed inventions. His mother wasn’t any better - she was bitter and reclusive, only really coming out of her room to pick a fight with her husband.
However, what Engie lacked in family, he more than made up for in friends.
He had a rag-tag, Rugrats-esque team of pals from all walks of life: Rhapsody, the daughter of a struggling porn star; Tom, the son of two farmers wiped out by blight; Cici, an adopted girl that could barely walk into her trailer without a black eye and a string of slurs; Quinn, the nervous child of a single mother that serves as guidance to the other kids; And Fred, who didn’t seem to have any family, but had become a greaser big brother to all of them.
Together, they explored the desert near the trailer park, pooled their resources to feed and support each other, and used their individual strengths to get through each day.
Engineer, whom everyone affectionately called “Big Dell,” snuck parts from his dad’s workshop for his own creations.
By the time he was twelve, he could make a small, running engine for the soapbox cars his friends frequently raced.
No toy, piece of clothing, glasses, or tool was out of his line of expertise.
One day, though, upon finding that some of his parts were missing, Engineer’s dad gave him a terrible beating that broke a few of his fingers and left a huge gash near his eye.
Since then, he refused to fix, make, or even touch a tool.
He wouldn’t tell anyone what happened, but they could make a pretty good guess, since they knew where the scraps and parts had come from.
The whole group was furious with Engineer’s dad - their Big Dell was funny, smart, and was more loving than every family member they had combined. Even Quinn was red in the face.
They wanted to break into his dad’s workshop and destroy all of his inventions, just to teach him a lesson, but they knew Engineer would take the fall for it.
Instead, they rummaged through trash cans, searched their toy chests, and looked under their trailers to find things Engineer could use.
They waited until his birthday to unveil the massive pile of supplies they had stowed away.
Engineer immediately dropped to his knees and began to cry, and everyone else dogpiled him for a huge hug.
As the creme de la creme, they gave him a pair of welding goggles - the same welding goggles he wears to this day, having modified them so they still fit his growing body.
With his healed fingers and renewed spirit, he made each of them a gift: a toy car for Rhapsody, a skull ring for Fred, a full set of candle wax crayons for Cici, a chewable necklace for Quinn so they wouldn’t chew on their collar, and a mini-planter for Tom.
But Engineer was given the greatest gift - confidence in his own abilities and that he can be and was appreciated for more than his services.
This gave him the drive to build bigger and better things, which his friends happily assisted in creating.
Engie’s best memories are with that motley crew of scrawny, beaten-up kids.
But, as he became a teenager, the abuse grew worse by the day.
He was often kept in his dad’s garage to fix cars in sweltering heat and with nothing to show for his work except threats of what would happen if a customer complained.
His mother finally grew bitter enough to pick on him, wondering aloud and pointedly if she had made a mistake by having him, then immediately contradict herself by wailing in his arms about how she’s the most awful mother in the world, and how she would be gone soon, and then nobody would have to deal with her anymore.
Engie grew more and more distant from his friends as they either moved out, ran away, or, in Rhapsody’s case, died.
He thought of just shutting the garage door and turning on a car a couple times, but he would always return to his memories of the hidden cave of goodies his friends had collected or the many inventions they had helped him build.
It just wasn’t worth it.
On a night when his depression and self-doubt was especially bad, he decided to build a personal invention for the first time in years - a small, robotic chicken made out of bent gears and empty oil cans.
He worked on it for a few weeks, but made the mistake of leaving it on a work table once it was finished.
Engie came to work the next morning with his dad ready to chew him out. But, before any finger could be lifted against his son, he was interrupted by a sweet older couple that was having their tires replaced.
“Now, Ethan, ain’t that just the cutest thing you’ve ever seen in your life?”
“That there chicken statue over there! It looks like it could very well get up and start peckin’ for worms, don’tcha think?”
Engie looked at the couple, then at his dad, then at his chicken. He slowly lifted it from the table and turned the key.
It started to slowly lean forward, then took a few steps on it’s long, spring-loaded legs. The neck went down, and the chicken’s rusty beak began to scrape at the pavement.
Now he had the husband’s attention.
“Didja build that yourself, son, or did your daddy help ya?”
Engineer looked at his dad for a split second before answering.
“My own sweat ‘n blood, sir. My daddy says I should stop wastin’ time on ugly thing-a-ma-jigs an’ put my hands to somethin’ worth doin’.”
The man smiled. “Well, this ‘ugly thing-a-ma-jig’ shows real skill. We could use somebody like you, once we train you up a bit.”
“Now hold on a damn - !” his father interjected, but was silenced with a cold stare.
“We’ll put ya through a state-of-the-art school, then put ya straight inta the work force. You can build whatever you like…and you’ll have a lot better materials than rusty tin. Whaddaya say, son?”
Engineer just nodded, and the man grabbed his hand and shook it.
“We’ll keep in touch.”
Engineer left that trailer park at age seventeen, leaving his fuming father and drunken mother behind.
He only stopped to visit Rhapsody’s grave before embarking on his new life.
There is still a stone plate with a message carved into it next to the headstone. If you brush off the leaves and dig out the moss, you can see Engie’s parting words:
“A friendship with you and the rest of the gang is the greatest thing I ever built. -Big Dell”
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agentwhiskeysdarlin · 3 years
Overdure Rendezvous
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Pairing: Jack Whiskey Daniels x f!reader
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: this is so smutty, fingering, Jack’s filthy mouth, um I honestly don’t know what else its just so smutty
Word Count: 1,826
Author’s Notes: Well it’s been since February since I wrote and this just happened the other night after me and @clint-aww-no-barton​ went to several rare and used bookstores. If you have stuck around and waited for new works from me thank you so much. I really hope that there will be more to come soon. If you are new welcome and I hope you enjoy! If you want to be tagged please let me know! If you are tagged and you don’t want to be tagged anymore please let me know. 
ao3 link for story
  The Statesman library was an impressive place with beautiful books. They stretched from books about every kind of gun to the history of the cowboy hat and it was pretty much your home away from home. Your parents had both been Statesman so you grew up in the life of super cool agent parents and when they met their fate in the field Champ became your new caregiver. As soon as you were old enough Champ made you the librarian at Statesman HQ and you couldn’t be happier.
  You sat now, having just finished with your lunch and popped open your current book when the door opened. It had been a very quiet day so you were a little surprised by a visit from an agent. You couldn’t hide the blush on your cheeks when you saw who it was even if you tried. Jack Daniels or as everyone around here knew him, Agent Whiskey. He strutted in in his typical suite and cowboy hat, his signature look topped off with a smirk that could wet any girls panties in a heartbeat, including your own. Jack was a senior agent and earned the title rightfully so. He was damn good at what he did. He had fought along side your parents and even had dinner at your home many times. The crush started early and fast sticking around even now. The fact that was he older never seemed to bother you and you being younger never bothered him either.
  “How are you today darlin’?” He gave you a tip of his hat before leaning slightly over the desk giving you a once over.
  “I’m well today Jack. I thought you were still in New York?” You glanced up at his whiskey colored eyes (ironic huh) and gave him a flirty smile.
  “I finished my work up there and decided to come home. Nothing was going on so I thought I’d come visit my favorite girl.”
  You couldn’t help the blush that crept back up at his comment. He had called you that for a while and half of the agents had no idea why the two of you didn’t just get on with it already.
  “Well all the same here. Just staring at books all day.”
  “You know I think I need to brush up on some things. Hmmm let’s see how about rifles. You want to show me where the books about those are sugar?”
  You squinted at him wondering at what he was playing at. This was the last man that needed to brush up on anything that had to do with a gun.
  “Now Jack if I remember correctly you can take every kind of gun apart and put it back together without looking at any kind of instructions,” you gave him an eyebrow raise but it only made his smirk turn into that beautiful smile of his.
  “Come on darlin’ entertain me alright?” His voice had dropped just a little and there was a slight demand to them.
  You rose from your spot smoothing out the dress you had decided to wear today. You swore you saw the man lick his lips when you started to walk to the section he had requested. You also swore you heard the lock turn as you walked by the front door and started up the stairs. You tried not to think too hard but your mind was wondering and you couldn’t help but to sway your hips just a little more than usual knowing your backend was right in Jack’s face. You started down the main aisle until you hit the back where the section of guns were.
  “Right there is every book on rifles. Old ones new ones just...” and then you were cut off.
  Jack had you slammed against the bookshelf, your hands pinned above your head and his face inches from yours all before you knew what had happened. Your heartbeat was hammering and you knew he could hear it and your breathing picked up causing your chest to heave just enough to catch Jack’s attention for a few moments.
  “Do you know how long I’ve wanted this? I know you want it too darlin’, swinging those hips for me when we were going up the stairs. Such a little tease. I was going to go easy on you but after that I don’t think I will,” the last few words came out as growls before his lips were on yours.
  It was the most intoxicating and wonderful feeling you had ever felt. You had been with your fair share of men and kissed a lot but not a single person held a match to Jack. His lips made you forget the world around you and you wondered if he was about to make you forget about the entire universe and make him the only thing in your life. It took you a few shocking moments to start kissing him back with a hunger that had been buried inside of you for this man. You felt one of his hands move snaking down the side of your body before stopping and he pulled away. The both of you stared at each other for a moment, panting and lips swollen.
  “I need you to tell me you want this and that this is okay,” Jack’s tone was very serious and his eyes grabbed yours.
  “I want this Jack please,” your voice was a torn and shattered whisper, desperate to finally have him.
  He didn’t even speak another word just smirked before his lips crashed back to yours. He kept one hand firmly locked on your wrists keeping them skillfully pinned to the books above your head. His other hand snuck around and grabbed at your breast over your dress and bra causing you to let out a soft whimper against his lips. He pulled away from you his hat inches from your forehead, his eyes starting daggers of lust into you.
  “Come on darlin’ I know you can be louder than that.”
  “Well we are in a library,” you let out a soft chuckle and Jack took the challenge.
  He didn’t even bother with being slow he let his hand go up under your dress, jerked your panties down in one swift motion and started to circle your clit furiously. The moans you let you were almost animalistic and your head fell back on the books behind you. Jack didn’t stay there long, just enough to get you wet enough for him to skillfully push two fingers inside of you pulling a noise from you that you didn’t even know you could make.
  “There you go darlin’,” he smirked again as he fingered you picking up his pace.
He leaned against you keeping you from sinking as you so badly felt like doing. You were at his mercy, putty in his hands just the way you had wanted for so damn long.
  “Jack please I want you,” you whimpered in desperation forcing your eyes to look at him no matter how badly they wanted to stay screwed shut in pleasure.
  “You may need to be more specific with your request sugar cause you already got me.”
  “Jack please I want your cock,” you almost whined at him and you could care less that you did.
  “Now that’s better.”
  He removed his fingers before skillfully undoing his belt and pulling his cock our with one hand. He finally dropped his other one and picked you up slightly so you could wrap your legs around him. He gave you no warning before he was stretching you so perfectly and deliciously that it sent chills over your entire body. Your head fell back and you were unable to even make a sound as he slid all the way to the hilt and paused letting you adjust. He didn’t sit long before he jerked almost all the way out and then snapped his hips plunging deep into you once again. His pace was slow but hard and he was pulling the most wonderful noises from you.
  “Faster Jack please,” your fingers had already found their way into his hair knocking his hat off.
  “My pleasure darlin’”
  He picked up his pace snapping into you faster and harder. You were completely lost in the man and the pleasure he was causing you. You couldn’t care less that books were falling everywhere around you and that you would have a mess to clean up after. Nothing mattered but Jack. You were getting closer and closer and the moans that were falling from his lips were telling you that he was too but Jack was a gentleman.
“Alight sugar ladies first,”’he held you up against the bookshelf and pulled one arm around to finger at your clit again.
  “Cum for me darlin’,” he whispered the words in your ear and on the command you fell apart around him.
  The best orgasm you had ever had ripped through you and Jack was soon following. The two of you were a mess of moans and limbs. Your head fell to his shoulder panting and breathing in his scent and he held you there slowly pumping inside of you to ease you down from your high. His hand came to you cheek and raised your head up to look at him.
  “You alright?”
  “I’m perfect,” you breathed with a smile.
  Jack couldn’t help but to smile back at you so beautiful and the best kind of broken there in his arms. A sight he had waited a long time to see. He slowly removed him self from you both of you hissing at the loss of contact and then slowly came back down to the floor. You stumbled slightly and he caught you before the both of you laughed. You looked around at the books that scattered the floor and your laughter only grew louder.
  “Well agent I hope you are all brushed up on your rifles now,” you gave him a smirk.
  Jack picked up your panties and when you went to grab them he pulled them away before putting them in his pocket.
  “Oh yes I think I know my rifles inside and out now,” the wink he gave you melted you all over again.
  He started to walk away from you and you let out scoff. He picked up his hat and placed it on his head.
  “Um Jack could I have my missing item of clothing back please?”
  “You want them back you report to my office after your shift,” he gave you one last smirk before he strutted off down the hallway and out the door.
  You stood there like a girl who was just noticed by her crush for the first time, smiling like an idiot and slightly laughing at yourself before you started to clean up the wonderful mess the two of you had made hoping there was another to make in his office later.
Tagged: @jimmythegirl​ @arcadianempress​ @discogrrl​ @immundusspiritu​ @someplace-darker​ @thisis-theway​ @ohpedromypedros-main​ @scribbledghost​ @on-the-razor-crest​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @spookyold-saintjm​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @princess-and-pedro​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @littlevodka​ @all-hallows-evie​ @mack4676​ @prettyboyskywalker​
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moonlightlullaby · 3 years
just like magic
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summary: Reader has a card up their sleeve, leaving Spencer intrigued, flustered and impressed.
pairing: Spencer x gn! non-BAU! Rossi’s offspring!Reader
category: fluff 
A/N: this is one of the first gn!reader pieces that I’ve written, so please let me know if I’ve slipped up somewhere!
word count: 2.5k
No sooner had I opened the glass door leading to my dad’s “humble” backyard than Henry’s and Jack’s fresh and joyous laughter filled my ears and warmed my heart. The sight that accompanied it only adding to my gleeful state, making my heart soar and melt instantly.
Spencer Walter Reid, the bright young Doc who I’ve known - and had a patent crush on - for nearly six years now, is entertaining the kids with a magic trick. I can’t help the smile that splatters on my face as I watch the scene unfold.
“Here, angelo mio.” my dad caresses my back as his other hand offers me a glass of wine. I take it and we clink our glasses together before making our way to the cozy wooden picnic table where his other colleagues are chatting. On our way, I go off-track and get closer to the sweet magician and adorable kids. “Hello, boys!” I extend my free hand, high-fiving both of them as they harmonize a “Hi” back to me. At Spencer, I flash a smile and wink and, without waiting for his reaction, I turn around and soothe Jack’s hair as I begin distancing myself. 
“Oh what a sight for sore eyes! Y/N, you look fantastic! As always I mean…” in her very own manner that never gets old, Pen is the first to greet me, clapping in excitement and giving me a home-like hug. “Oh please! Have you looked at yourself in the mirror?” she waves her hand and rolls her eyes in a way that tells me both to stop tooting her horn and to keep the compliments going, making me giggle. “And I’ve said this before, but I’ll do it again. You need to show me where you’ve bought these rings, P.”
“Oh! I have an idea,” JJ chimes in. “we should go shopping tomorrow!” by the time she finishes her sentence, I - along with Penelope, Prentiss and Tara - am nodding my head fervorously. “I’ll take you up on that one.” Em voices what all of us are thinking.
“I mean, unless a case pops up…” JJ drags it out, contorting her lips. “We won’t,” Hotch reassures everyone. “these past two weeks have been hectic and we all have overworked ourselves. You deserve the weekend off.” to which Derek, Tara and my dad, in sync, raise their glasses.
“So, ladies,” Derek hugs me, grinning. “where are we going tomorrow?” 
“We? Oh my chocolate thunder! Much as this pains me,” Pen places a hand over her chest to fuel the scene with more drama. “you’re not invited.”, which earns gasps and scoffs from him.
I lean my head on his shoulder, giving his hand two taps. “Yeah, Derek. Sorry,” I turn my face to him. “but, how are we supposed to have boy talk with you there?” the girls nod along in agreement and he smirks. 
“Boy talk, hun?” 
The thing is, Derek - much like every other person in the team... well, almost everyone - is well aware of my not-so-subtle crush on his oblivious friend and he never spares me some teasing. Thankfully, before he can take his teasing any further, I’m saved by the bell - and by the bell, I mean Henry and Jack. 
“Y/N/N, Y/N/N!” knowing how much I love magic, Henry starts pulling me towards Spencer, giving me only a second to hand my glass to Derek. “Look at this! Spencer, do it again, do it again!” 
“Yes, show Y/N the cool trick!” Jack says energetically after waving me over.
Spencer smiles at me, giving us a small nod, and turns his back to us to prepare himself for the show. I sit crisscross next to the giddy boys, feeling thrilled myself. “Alright,” Spencer turns around, observing his audience and clasping his hands together. “are you ready?” 
“Yes!” we eagerly respond in unison. 
“Y/N, I know you’re very fond of magic yourself.” I hum in agreement. “So, are you familiar with th- oh! Wait,” he furrows his brows and narrows his eyes, scanning my face for a millisecond. “what is this?” he steps closer to me, kneeling slightly and reaching for my face. The boys get more agitated and giggle. “This what?” I look back and forth between the magician and them, who immediately cover their mouths trying to conceil their giggles and to keep any secrets from escaping. “Excuse me.” Spencer mumbles before placing his hand on the side of my neck. 
This simple gesture - a shy touch, a brief moment of intimacy - is enough to make my heart skip a bit, and I’m sure Spencer notices the sudden change in my pulse because his gaze momentarily leaves the side of my face to my eyes before travelling back to its original spot.
“This.” suddenly, I feel a ghost-like touch on the back and side of my neck, and, ahead of me, all I see is Spencer pulling an endless thin colorful - scarf-looking - cloth. I can’t contain the laugh and loud snort that escape my lips, inciting the boys, Spencer and even the grown-ups over there to burst into laughter as well. 
By the time the entire cloth is out, my belly and cheeks ache and a tear is found in the corner of my eye. “Impressive, Doc! Very impressive as always.” he grins in return.
“Your turn, Y/N! Do a trick too, please” Jack suggests - well, orders basically since he knows I wouldn’t ever turn it down - and is backed up by an eager “yes!” from Henry. 
“Oh you also do tricks?” Spencer sounds less surprised that I do than that this fact was unknown to him. 
During some of my nights as Henry and Michael’s and/or Jack’s last-minute babysitter, I had to, in spite of how sweet and obedient they are, resort to desperate measures, such as magic tricks - some of which I’ve learned with the sole purpose of entertaining them. To Spencer, however, I’ve never had such opportunity. Not until now.
“Well, not as entertaining as yours, I’m sure, but yes.” I stand up, wiping bits of grass from my bottom.
“Umm, ok, I have a new one to show you, guys. I just… You wouldn’t have a deck of cards and a pen to lend me for a minute, would you?” 
“The pen, I don’t. The deck of cards, though,” he searches his pockets, pulling a standard - and well cared for - deck. “here.” he hands it to me.
“Thank you very much.” I cursty theatrically.
Jack runs back from God-knows-where with a black pen in hands. “Here, the pen. My dad said you could borrow it.” 
“Oh great! Thank you, Jack, and thank you, Aaron!” I raise my voice slightly at the end, nodding my head at Aaron and giving him a tight-lipped smile, which he mirrors.
“Okie, okie! Let’s start, shall we?” the boys exchange expectant glances and Spencer tilts his head, studying me and probably trying to predict my next moves. Hopefully, this will work. It’d be a shame failing in front not only of the boys - who, I’m sure, would never let me hear the end of it -, but also of Pretty Boy himself.
I shuffle the cards a little bit and open it, making a sort of fan with it and letting the faces and numbers face the ground. “Alright, boys, pick one card but don’t show it to me.” they both put their index fingers on the same card. “You can take it and let Spencer see.” the man standing to my left follows along and takes a peep at it. “Now, I want both of to draw whatever you feel like on it, ok? On the front.” 
As they take turns putting their art on the card, I turn to Spencer, who’s already got his curious eyes on me. “Be patient” mine tell him and he takes a sip of his wine.
“Done!” Henry looks up at me.
“Great, you can put it back on the stack then,” he does so. “Ok, now, to prove you I’m not cheating, Spencer’s going to shuffle the cards.” I hand them to him. “However you want and as many times as you wish.”
Once he’s done, I take them back. “So, now, I guarantee you the first card I show you is the exact one you’ve picked. Ready?” They nod along and I double-tap on the top of the stack. “Alright. This,” I lift the first card. “is your card.”
They immediately shake their heads negatively and my eyes go wide. “Wait, really?” Feeling Spencer smirking behind me, I turn the card to take a look at it. It really isn’t the one. “Shoot!” I exclaim disappointedly, sighing.
“No, no, it’s ok... It’s ok.” I quickly recompose myself. “The next will definitely be the right one.” with my eyes closed and my nose scrunched, I circle my free hand above the deck as if drawing in energy and conjuring magic. Double-tapping once more, I pull the card up, still not looking. 
When I open my eyes, I’m met with the boys’ scrunched noses and mischievous eyes as they, yet again, shake their heads no. “Oh no…”
This time, Spencer doesn’t even try conceiling his chuckle and has the audacity to comment “Oh, Y/N, you were too harsh on yourself earlier. This is much more entertaining than that little trick of mine.”, eliciting giggles from the kids. 
“No…” I pout. “Guys, have a little faith in me, please.”
I close my eyes and bring the cards, sandwiched between my palms, closer to my ear in an attempt to hear the magic somehow. “Oh!” I open my eyes. “Guys, come check this out!” with that, I pike their curiosity and they scoot closer to me. I turn the deck over, so all fronts are facing upwards, and open it completely. “The card is not here!” Henry gasps, noticing that their five of diamonds is missing. The boys take the cards from my hands and I fumble my fingers in the air as if trying to sense where their card is, humming in the process. 
“Ummm Jack, is there anything behind Henry’s ear?” The boy looks at me inquisitively and reaches for said spot. 
“Oh here!” he nearly shouts, pulling the missing five of diamonds and showing everyone. However, before anyone has the chance to celebrate my small victory, the absence of drawings on the card is brought up, shocking our spectators. “Where are our dinosaurs?” 
“Hey, Y/N, I hate being the party pooper,” ‘party pooper’? Coming from Dr. Spencer Walter Reid? Oh, this is news! “but it seems like you’ve just mixed two tricks and neither of them has worked.” Again, both boys laugh at it - at me -, siding with him.
“No, no, no! See, the thing about magic,” I narrow my eyes and tilt my head, gesticulating like the good Italian descendant my dad’s brought me up to be. “is that it requires a lot of concentration to work, and when you don’t focus enough on it, like I might have, it gets lost… Not completely lost, though! Uh, if we put our hearts to it, we can still find your dinosaurs, ok?” I crouch. “Can you help me out on this one?” I plead and extend my hands to them. They nod their heads and take my hands, we form something close to a circle, closing our eyes and letting magic speak. 
“Uh-oh! Oh, guys, I feel something!” 
“What is it?” and “Where are the dinosaurs?” are immediate and simultaneous reactions.
“Ummm, Spencer.” I turn to the man trying to contain his laughter at the scene that unfolds before his eyes. “Hm?” he tilts his head and raises his brows slightly, still smirking.
“Is there anything in your pockets right now?” 
“Aside from the silks, no.”
“Are you sure?” I tilt my head, contorting my lips a bit and squinting my eyes with curiosity, which he mirrors. He’s intrigued. Mission accomplished - I mean, not completely accomplished yet, but a success nonetheless.
“Well, you can check for yourself.” he opens his arms a little so I can inspect the inner pockets of his blazer. The right one is empty as expected. In the left one, my fingertips meet the colorful cloth and nothing else. 
“You’re right, Spencer.” I sigh “Only,” I start pulling the cloth out “the,” it’s now in the kids’ view “silks.” gasps and wows come from our audience. I turn to the two wide-eyed boys who are now rushing over to grab it from my hands. 
“How did you-?”
“It worked, Y/N! It worked!”
“This is so cool!”
I giggle, feeling Spencer’s baffled gaze switch between me and the dinousaur-printed cloth. I also hear applause coming from the rest of the team and a “they’ve beat Spencie at his own game! You go, love!” from the one and only Penelope Garcia. Glacing at the man in question, I catch him mouth agape, dazed eyes, and a smile threatening to take over his lips.
“Y/N/N, Y/N/N, can I keep it? It looks so pretty.” at this, I smile softly, shrugging a bit as I respond. “Well, it’s Spencer’s…” the three of us turn to the Good Doctor, who, pulled from his trance, nods vigorously and wets his bottom lip in the typical Spencer Reid style. “Yes. Definitely, Henry.” 
As the boys cheer, my dad, from the doorstep, catches everyone’s attention. “Dinner is ready, family.”
Strolling back to the house and quickly side-hugging JJ on the way, I sense a quite desperate, puzzled tall individual hot on my trail. In a breath, he catches up and starts walking side by side with me, causing me to smirk.
“How did you-” 
I don’t let him finish the much predictable question. “Oh, you don’t actually want to know the answer, Spencer.” while we cross the doorstep, I look at him from the corner of my eye, catching - once again - him already eyeing me. He opens his mouth before closing it and raises his hand before dropping it. In sympathy, I continue. “But, in case you do find yourself desperate for it, there’s something in your right pocket that might be helpful.” I can’t help smiling as the last words come out. And, without giving him the chance to question or ramble like he always does, I walk over to the dinner table, settling myself between Hotch and Tara.
As I sit down, I catch Spencer on the same spot I’ve left him, blushing as his brain processes - or at least tries to - what’s written on the little note. He quickly - yet carefully - folds it, puts it back in its original place, licks his lips once more - I wonder if he’s aware of how often he does that - and walks to the table. Our eyes lock and he smiles, in a slightly nervous - or is it excited? - way, taking his seat right across from mine.
Truth be told, Spencer’s known my number by heart for years now for I am my dad’s emergency contact. However, I was never the one to give it to him, just like he’s never been the one to call me. Hopefully, now that I’ve changed the former, the latter will also change.
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
Because I'm bored.
And I want to give myself some serotonin.
And because I've put this off for a long time😅
Shade and Coriane were never afraid of monsters under their beds because Cal would "scare them away" with a really bright flashlight.
Both children have a little bit of buidling and tinkering in them. Shade showed it by switching out lightbulbs and pointed out the ones he was putting in would be better at being adjusted than the ones before and Coriane showed it by fixing a clock.
Mare isn't exactly the best at cooking, but she's at least better than Cal. And her mother; sorry, Ruth.
Both children are excellent swimmers, much to Cal's chagrin.
Coriane remembers meeting her great Nanabel, and the smile she had at the sight of her great granddaughter.
Shade didn't really have a chance to meet her.
Both children wish they could have met their uncle on their mother's side and uncle, grandfather, and grandmother on their father's side.
Both Samos siblings are allowed to see the children, and neither of the children were excited; they'd heard "scary stories" about them and their father, who sounds scary; no, Cal didn't make it clear that Volo was dead, all he said was the Samos patriarch had fallen down and didn't get up, so they assumed that meant he couldn't use his arms anymore.
They were all pretty surprised to meet each other.
Ptolemus was more like a fun uncle than the berserker they all knew.
He did explain that Volo did indeed fall, but couldn't get up because of how high he fell.
The electricons love how entertained the children are with their lightning abilities.
Tyton is a pretty good babysitter. Coriane is allowed to stay up, but only after Shade has gone to bed.
Kilorn is not allowed to teach either child how to swim; there was an 'incident' where Cal tried to be brave and go swimming and Kilorn scared the living hell out of him.
That's fine because neither children like swimming.
Yes. Just because the children are good at swimming doesn't mean they enjoy it.
Mare has told Gisa she doesn't need to make the children outfits, but Gisa did it anyway because she loves her niece and nephew.
The court ettique stuck with Cal, which has led to him raising the children to be very formal.
SCHOOL FOR GOOD AND EVIL(I'm naming Tedros and Agatha's son Anthony):
Both parents were kind of scared Anthony was mute because he didn't start talking until he was nearly a year old. He's not mute, he just doesn't talk much.
You have to catch him at just the right moment. Anthony is completely silent around large crowds or assemblies, but with his parents he's half of a chatterbox, at least.
Anthony and Agatha can have full conversations with nothing but facial expressions.
Tedros had a hard time getting Anthony to open up to him, and decided to give the boy space for a little bit.
It was absolutely worth it for the heart to heart they had.
Hester and Anadil hate kids, but Agatha's and Tedros's little demon spawn is the only exception to that statement.
Anadil was won over by how he didn't cry and even 'said' how her rats were cute.
Hester, however, only warmed up to him when she spent a longer time with him, and after getting a chance to watch him because Aunt Sophie kept stepping in.
On one such occasion, where Anthony was surprised by Hester's watching him, the boy was overjoyed to see her, hugging her closely. He then backed up and stepped back, giving her a wave and smile. As she understood his silence better than Sophie, Hester wrote to him on a paper, 'Did you miss me THAT much?' Anthony nodded and wrote back, 'Yes!'
Sophie is not a helicopter aunt, but she loves Anthony a bit too much for his liking.
She NEVER talks about how she'd been hoping he was a girl.
Anthony isn't a fan of pink, but he doesn't hate it. Pastel is fine. Anything more vibrant makes him puke.
Both Tedros and Agatha were surprised to see how good Anthony was on horse back.
Heart attack angst moment: A former supporter of Rhian and Japeth snuck into the castle and made an assassination attempt on the royal family, more specifically Anthony. Tedros threw his son behind him and drew hus sword and Agatha shot a spell at him and proceeded to tackle him to the ground, not caring about her dress or the fact that the assailant was still armed.
Anthony colud not watch the execution because he hates bloodshed. He's a vegetarian/vegan and tries to eat as little meat as possible because he often spends time in the stables and around animals.
Agatha and Tedros are aware of this and are okay with it, though Tedros has him eat a single steak for dinner and teo eggs for breakfast once a month on seperate occasions, just so he doesn't lack any iron or protein.
To clarify, by separate occasions, I mean that Anthony will eat the steak one day and the eggs later another day within the month. After that, he can indulge in as much vegan/vegetarian food as he wants.
Have fun trying to convince Tedros and Agatha to let him attend the SGE; it's not that they have unpleasant memories, they just want him to try and have as normal of a life as possible.
On a walk, and when the Tagatha child was a teen, Tedros noticed some girls trying to flirt with Anthony and that his son barely reciprocated their actions. He pointed out that they were showing an interest in him, and Anthony admitted that he knew and he just didn't really feel the same way; he didn't exactly see why they were so flirty when he didn't feel like giving it back to them.
NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS(The triplets I'm naming Jacob, the eldest boy, Luna, the middle girl, and Daemon, the youngest boy):
Jacob is 98% the triplets' father; he'd be a spitting image if it weren't for his mop of hair, he's sharp as a whip, but still puts the E in idiot(please tell me you git that Jenna Marbles reference!!!).
Luna is arguably the smartest, but good luck getting a, 'you don't say' out of her. She won't tell you she's smarter than you, she will show you. Good thing Jack and Sally keep her in check.
Daemon is the family's "underdog." He has the last minute, 'this will work,' Jack Sparrow plans. He's quiet, he sews, he sings, and if he's not trailing behind Jack, Sally, or his siblings, he's probably touching up his clothes.
Jacob was the idiot kid that got electrocuted to the point his red hair turned black. He barely remembers it, but now all he tastes is cold peanut butter. Daemon has often suggested and offered to do it again, but Luna stops him. Pro: he's spending more time with Luna and Jacob is safe. Con: he's spending time with LUNA and Jacob still doesn't remember.
Jacob, as the oldest, attends 'meetings' with Jack and the Mayor. It doesn't bore him, he just gets tired of the Mayor's whining.
Jacob doesn't get Christmas. Luna has the basic idea of it. Daemon is the only one that understands, but doesn't explain it fully out of spite; Jacob called him scatter brained because of an incident where, at the table, a cockroach crawled out of his eye socket.
Daemon is the only one of his siblings to have eyes.
Even though she's literal bone, Luna has stitches that are very close to Sally's.
Neither Jack nor Sally have nicknames for the children, besides terms of endearment.
You know you're in trouble when Jack looks at you and looks ready to dig your grave himself.
All three triplets have Jack's fire power, but no one's gotten hurt because of it, even though Jacob and Daemon had one close call.
Neither parent would ever even dream of raising a hand against the children.
It's safe to say that Luna and Sally use common sense the most out of all five of the family members.
Daemon smells like pumpkin and cinnamon. He finds both himself, cinnamon bark and small, apple-esque pumpkins, and eats them like skittles and popcorn.
Another result of the electrocution, Jacob is hard of hearing where is left ear would be, if he had ears. He can't hear at all in the "ear." Not even a ringing sound.
The only reason Jacob doesn't like something is because he doesn't get it. At all.
Luna sees the glass as half full, Daemon sees the glass as half empty, and wonder if it belongs to someone who drank out of said glass, hence its being hald empty, and Jacob just sees a glass of water, now can he just drink the rest?
Luna, the best with herbs, has poisoned her brothers. Sally found out and she was grounded.
Daemon, to see how much he could take, dived off the roof of Dr. Finkelstein's tower. It took Jack, Sally, Luna, Jacob, and Zero all day to collect all of him. He was grounded and locked in his room.
Jacob got grounded for a few things: setting his sister on fire(no one knows who started that fight.), hiding in a morgue to scare people only to end up falling asleep, even as they tried to cremate him, and then waking up in front of the humans, pretending to be one of the hanging men on The Hanging Tree, and dancing on top of the tallest Pyramid in Egypt.
The children do misbehave sometimes, but their parents love them.
Jack and Jacob don't see eye to eye exactly, but they still get each other.
Luna loves both her brothers, but she will hang out with Daemon more than Jacob.
Daemon has a lot of glow sticks he collected and they all still glow when it gets dark. Jacob used his thinking cap and had a moment of big brain time, and drank some of the glow stick juice.
One more thing he got in trouble for.
Daemon also got in trouble, but he was allowed to keep his glow sticks.
Luna is a good singer, Daemon is a great dancer, and Jacob is the best at succeeding their father
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doodleimprovement · 4 years
CSAU :: Moonie Jericho and the Mysterious Case of the Moon-Jumper Mask
At long last, It is finished! Happy Halloween! 
Below the line is a lighthearted fic taking place in the “Coffee Shop” AU (( @doodledrawsthings​ ))with Magic! Family fun! Low stakes! And a gratuitous cameo by my OC because of course Nell is here 
Seriously though this fic is about as lighthearted as it gets. At the end of the fic are a few sketches I drew but didn’t end up coloring. 
((There’s going to be an alternate ending posted separately at a later date, but its not relevant to the fic)) 
Fall in Subcon Forest came in gently as always, and by the time Halloween rolled around, everyone was firmly in their sweaters and beanies and thick leggings and hiking boots that were only occasionally used for hiking. The leaves of the trees and the shining sun framed the town in such lovely muted colors that it looked like a picture right out of a magazine.
Not that anyone in the Horizon was looking out the window to see it - the curtains were closed in an attempt to not blind the employees and clientele.
It was that time between the end of school but before trick or treating, which meant that all of the teachers and parents were coming into the Horizon with their kids to get the new specialty drinks - well decorated and tasty, and more importantly, not hilariously overpriced. The kids in particular seemed to love the “Ghoulishly White Hot Chocolate”, and the teens flocked to the “Jack-O-Spices Frozen Pumpkin Latte”
Luka was almost certain that the pumpkin spice smell would burn itself so deep into his nose he’d never be able to un-smell it. A small price to pay for the rise in business, he supposed.
“Luka, Two Snatcher-ccinos!” Clover called from the cash register.
“I still hate that!” He responded with a light tone
“Too bad, make ‘em!” She teased back with a light laugh.
“Don’t get all testy, you two! We’re only open for another hour!” MJ called, grinning before turning back to the coffee machine, where they were effortlessly making yet another latte.
“Too long!” Clover argued, grabbing a muffin for a customer from the bakery display
“You’re telling me, and I still have to take Bow and Hattie trick or treating” Luka huffed, finishing up one of the “Snatcher-ccinos” and moving onto the next one.
“WE are!” MJ corrected. Luka just playfully rolled his eyes.
The conversation ended up dying rather quickly as the business went through its last rush, and, at long last, 4 o’clock came, and the store shut down. The three employees did a rather quickly clean up this night around - they were all eager to be anywhere but work that spooky night.
Once in the back of the store, Luka seemed to almost melt in relief, leaning further and further into the wall.
“Ugh, my limbs feel like Jelly” he commented as his voice gained its echo
“For all we know, they are,” Clover teased. “We’re meeting at MJs in an hour, right?” She stretched.
“Yeah.” Luka nodded “Have they already run off?”
“Yup. They’re excited” She chuckled “You gonna get home alright?”
“Yeah, thanks. See you later”
That stupid, cursed thing of a mask had not moved in weeks since he’d found it, and its stupid grin had started haunting the corner of his vision when ever he was in his studio.
It seems like it's decided that sitting on the desk in his art studio was its happy place. At least it was out of the way, and in a place he didn’t frequent often.
Though its eyes definitely still moved, which gave MJ hives like you would not believe. Why he kept it in his studio he wasn’t sure.
Tim had told him that the thing was mostly harmless, that it just seemed a bit… off, which wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Timmy even said that he got “good vibes” off of it, which was a strange phrase to use on something that felt at the very least mildly cursed.
Finishing with the caplet for his costume, gently clasping it, he looked in the mirror and gave himself a smile.
It was obscure, sure, but he’d put a lot of work into it! The legend of the “Lonely Man” was well known in these parts, maybe someone would get it. Someone had to.
Whether or not anyone got it, he was still happy with the tattered thing. That faux old age took forever to get right.
As he straightened out his clothes, his eyes caught the mask once more.
His hand picked it up off his desk, and his thumb rubbed on the odd surface. He couldn’t really tell what it was made of, but it was… oddly smooth, he thought. His brow furrowed as he looked at its eyes, a single pupil in its left eye, and a cascade of diamonds in the other. It was certainly an interesting and eye-catching design. He also liked the blue and reds, and that weirdly off-putting grin.
Such an odd thing.
He held it up with one hand over his face - not putting it on, but getting a look in the mirror at how it would look with the outfit.
He found it utterly bizarre that he could see clearly through the eyes despite what seemed like thick paint over it.
The mask itself wasn’t actually that scary when taken all at once. Oddly enough, it seemed to match with his outfit - at least, color wise. It didn’t even seem evil or anything. It seemed… kind.
That was an odd word to use. MJ tended to flip flop on how he feels about the damned thing
Before he could think any more about it, his doorbell rang, and the mask was left on his desk, forgotten the moment company arrived.
“Who is it?” He asked as he approached the door
“The Dread Pirate Roberts!” A little voice announced as the oak opened up.
To his absolute delight, Harriet was dressed indeed the Dread Pirate Roberts, missing nothing but the mask (The town doesn’t allow masks on minors, for some reason. A weird little policy). Next to her stood an excited Bow, grinning from ear to ear. He knew exactly who she was, but still asked-
“And who are you?”
“My name is Inigo Montoya” She said with all the faux-seriousness she could muster, holding up a foam sword “You killed my father, prepare to die!”
“Oh, goodness, the finest swordsperson in the world and The Dread Pirate Roberts have come to my home, I don’t stand a chance!” He moved out of his way as the kids ran into the apartment, and their father walked up behind him.
When his eyes went to Luka, he let out a snort. The man was dressed in a slightly silly looking prince outfit dyed almost completely purple, and his form was mostly purple as well - an energy-saving tactic if ever there was one.
“And you are?”
“He’s the ghost of prince Humperdink” Bow grinned. “This was the best costume we could find for it”
“I honestly think he shoulda died at the end of the movie so I'm cool with it.” Harriet commented as MJ moved to the side and let the group in “Is Clover here yet?”
“Not yet, I’m sure she’ll be here any minute and we can get right along with trick or treating!” MJ announced
“Yay!” the girls responded in unison, taking their place on MJs couch and turning on his old television for a brief moment of entertainment
Mj looked at Luka and grinned “Well, you’re lookin’ spooky, Luka”
“You kind of do too… what do you look like?”
MJ snorted “I’m the ‘Lonely Man of Subcon forest’. Heard of it?”
“Nope, don’t think I’ve been here long enough” Luka shrugged “Does look nice though. Very zombie-ish.”
The two chatted for a bit before there was another ring barely 10 minutes later.
“That must be Clo” MJ pushed himself off of the wall. “Can you get that? I want to grab my wallet so we can get the kids some ice cream before they go running around”
Luka nodded, giving him a grateful smile before turning to the door to greet the final member of the trio
MJ popped back into his studio, grabbing his wallet… and looking again at the mask.
He pocketed his wallet, and picked the mask up again. His thumbs rubbing against the strange texture of the mask’s sides.
He couldn’t help but admit that he was tempted.  Maybe, he could just see what it’d look like, just for a moment. Who knows? Maybe this has all been anxiety for nothing and the mask is just… weird.
He looked back into the mirror, and placed the mask on his face.
There was a moment where he stared amusedly at his reflection - it added a certain air to his outfit. Maybe wearing it out wouldn't be so b-
And then his body seized
He couldn’t move, he couldn’t breathe. He trembled and a pain started from his head and traveled down his spine. It was like the worst shiver from the cold he’d ever experienced. Like ice was pressed directly against his skin. It dispersed like a fog, freezing freezing, and, suddenly-
It stopped.
Panting heavily, MJ pulled themselves back up to a standing position - when had they bent over like that? - and lifted their head, making eye contact with themselves in the mirror.
They were - blue! And - and the mask was very much not a mask!!!
When they blinked, it blinked. When they moved, it moved. When they grimaced, the mouth moved along to create the expression. their eyes scanned over the crescent shape, past their neck and then landed on their-
“H-hands!” They stared - they were missing a finger and - had claws?? They clenched their fists in disbelief, eyes catching on a glinting just under their sleeve.
.. Where had the chains come from?
“MJ? MJ are you okay?”
“D-don’t come in, its fine!!” They panicked, “I’m uh, just, finishing up and stuff with my costume!”
“It looked finished to me” Luka commented “Did something rip?”
“Y-yes?? yes! Something totally ripped“
“They’re lying!” Hattie pointed out
“Sounds like their lying voice” Bow added.
Curse these adorable, smart little girls!
“I-I’m fine!” They yelled out “Totally fine, just fine”
“... MJ I’m opening the door, be decent”
“No, Clover, I - “
But the door opened anyway
And Clover - dressed up as “Generic princess” - looked in, and … stared.
“.... MJ?”
“.... H-hi, Clover.”
“Clover, what are-” Luka cut himself off “Uh….”
“It’s me! Its MJ, I uh - “ They tried to come up with a succinct explanation for the situation, despite not having any real idea.
“The mask” Luka quickly concluded, recognizing the face after MJs unfortunately previous run-ins.
“I … yes” MJ’s shoulders slumped a bit.
“Hey, at least you still have feet” Luka commented, causing MJ to look down and see that he did in fact still have his shoes on. Thank heaven for small mercies.
“What happened, what is it?!” Harriet pushed her way through, her eyes wide as saucers once they landed on the recently transformed adult “... Whoa”
“I … I put on the mask. I was curious and - and it..” They looked back down at the pale, blue hands, nervously moving the fingers and claws. “I felt like I was freezing, my whole body and then…” They trailed off.
“Whoa..” Harriet approached him slowly “It's like, Majora’s Mask!”
Lukas put his hand on her shoulder to stop her from jumping - now really was not the time “... I suppose that's one way to describe it.” He gave a deliberate, thoughtful face towards his transformed friend.
Bow was very firmly behind the adults, staring rather intently and slightly bewildered. Sure, she had been getting used to Mr. Princeton as a parent but.. This was somehow very different.
“... We need to talk to Tim.” Clover concluded
“Tim’s out of town” Luka reminded the group with a grimace “He and Timmy had some kind of meeting thing with other magical people. We don’t…” Luka huffed, his hair fluffing up a bit “We don’t know anyone else whose adept at magic like they are”
Harriet furrowed her brow a bit, looking at the discomfort that MJ was experiencing, rubbing their hands together. Could they be stuck like that? She wanted to think that maybe this really was like the Zelda game, but who could tell? It's not like they knew anyone….
“Yes we do!” She snapped her fingers“I kinda hate that Mu was right, but there is a witch in town!”
“What?” Lukas’ brow furrowed “Who?”
Getting to the edge of town was… novel, to put it simply. The group was rather lucky that Luka was used to doing this sort of thing. And he was about 4 times larger than the group, so that helped in flying them around.
With the sun kissing the earth, red rays crawling into the darker sky, they didn’t have too much time, but followed Harriet and Bow as they got past the town center, and led them down to-
“Wait, why are we at Nell’s place?” Clover stared ahead at the Mint-green home, succulents hanging from pots and a radio sitting on the edge of the porch.
“Because Nurse Nell is a witch!” Harriet announced walking up the two steps of the porch.
“What- Harriet!” Luka startled.
“Its true!” Bow defended as Hattie knocked on the door.
“Kids, we’ve known Nell for a long time, she’s not-”
“She is!” Hattie argued “We saw it!”
“She made us promise to keep it a secret!” Bow added.
Said nurse opened the door as MJ tried to speak up
“I wasn’t expecting trick-or treaters,” She greeted before looking out the door, “But I do-” She paused as her eyes landed on the strange group at her front porch.
There was a rather awkward, extended silence as her eyes scanned MJ through her thick lenses with a gaze that conveyed a strange kind of surprise.
“.... Inside, now” She pulled the door open further, leaving no room for argument.
The adults shared a glance, but did as she said, entering her small living room. She greeted them with a nod as they entered, and shut the door behind them, motioning for MJ to approach her.
She didn’t say a word as they did so, and very slowly lifted her hands to their face, holding it steady as she scrutinized. “What happened? Less than 3 sentences” She half asked/half demanded. Her tone wasn’t harsh, but it was serious.
“Uh, I put on a cursed mask and it uh… did this” They tried to sum up.
“Where did you get the mask?”
“I found it in the forest. I thought it was abandoned from the spirit festival”
“And why did you pick up an abandoned mask in the forest?”
They awkwardly didn’t respond. She sighed
“I get it, hun” She responded, resigned. “Stay still”
“I am”
Clover and Luka watched her with some skepticism, seeing the woman take a deep breath, and as she exhaled, her hands suddenly glowed dimly, tapping at the side of MJs head.
“Hah! See! Told you!” Hattie pointed, jumping slightly
“Shhhhhhhh!” Bow shook her “She’s doin’ magic stuff!”
“Hm…” She masterfully ignored the yelling children “Well, good news is that the magic isn’t very strong, Just… aggressive.” Nell announced. “And it's not malevolent” She let go of their face.
“... I… How can you tell?” MJ asked, their own hand tapping their blue cheek.
“.. Let's say it's a feeling” She summed up. “You can sit down. I need to grab something from my library”
And she left the room
“.... I don’t think I’ve ever seen Nell that serious” Clover spoke out “Also the uh, glowing hands? Didn’t know she could do that”
“How did you not know she had magic?” Luka asked with a rather incredulous tone
“It never came up!” Clover retorted
“How did it never come up?”
“Its cool!” Harriet jumped into the conversation
“It think its cool too” Bow agreed “I always wondered how my paper cuts at school always healed so fast…”
MJ had sat themselves down, hand staying on their head, feeling the strange curve of their forehead with a certain fascination. Nell’s words - said with so much affirmation- did make them feel better about the situation.
The nurse returned, her expression still relatively serious, but calmer as she carried an old, thick book with a rather overly ornate cover in a faded blue.
“You’re lucky I collect these old things” She commented for a moment, sitting down next to MJ. She flipped through the pages, finding a two-page spread with a plain mask listed on it, and text printed so small that MJ just could not read it. “Here we are.”
Harriet climbed up next to her “What's it say? That’s a lot of words!”
Nell chuckled a bit at her eagerness “It is, but... “ she hand rested on the book for a moment, and then she lifted it, and the text glowed, lifting and circling around her hand like a ring.
“Whoa…. It's like the unknown from the Pokémon movie!” Bow jumped, causing Nell to laugh more.
“A little, I suppose” Nell responded, and she looked over at the other two adults, mostly at Clover, whose bewildered stare caused her to laugh again “You okay there?”
“... How did I not know this about you?”
“Never came up, dear. Don’t think too hard about it. You too, “Snatcher”” The woman gave a smirk. Luka cleared his throat. “Now…”
A simple flick of her hand, and the letters were floating around MJ’s head, and some of them glowed just a little bit brighter “Hm….. Alrightie, that's a good sign” She snapped, and the letters, very suddenly disappeared as if popping a bubble. “Well, Give until dawn, and then you should be able to take off the mask. If you can’t, come to me. I don’t work tomorrow”
“Oh… Well, that uh, wasn’t so bad. I’ll be okay?”
“Of course” Nell nodded, shutting the book “I’d’ve called the Kagai’s the moment I let go of your face if I thought otherwise”
“The who?” Hat questioned.
“Another time, Hattie, another time” Nell placated. “Now….” she exhaled, putting the book on her coffee table and clasping her hands together “I just realized I haven’t even said hello to any of you”
Something about that sentence finally broke the tension, getting a laugh out of Clover and Luka, and a snicker out of MJ.
The next ten minutes consisted of Nell reassuring the group that MJ would be fine, and reiterating that they needed to come to her if the mask did not come off by sunrise.
“There’s a lot of magic in this that I can sense. So uh, just be careful.” She warned. “I don’t know a lot about that, so you’ll have to ask Tim”
MJ nodded “Uh, thank you, Nell”
She gave them a kind smile “Don’t mention it. Next time you need me though, have Clover send me a message or just call me, alright?” She looked passed them to Harriet, who gave her a sheepish smile.
“Got it” The transformed barista nodded.
“Oh and, don’t be too worried about people seeing you. Just say it's a costume” She recommended as they walked out with their family waiting just beyond the porch. “Happy Halloween!” She called before abruptly shutting the door
“So……” Bow started
“Can we go trick or treating now??” Hattie finished.
Luka looked up to MJ, who seemed much calmer than before, despite continuing to lift their hand to their weirdly shaped head.
“.. Yeah, yeah i think we can” they gave Luka a grin “And thanks for getting us the help, Hattie” MJ reached down and picked her up “Who knew the Dread Pirate Roberts could be such a help!”
The girl giggled before being put back down “Then let’s go!!”
MJ was initially a bit tittered when they entered the town, but the moment anyone noticed them, the compliments rolled in.
“Wow! You look like a spooky zombie!”
“What game is that cosplay from?”
“How did you get the prosthetic to look like that, damn!”
“Wow, that is a really cool idea for the Lonely Man!”
MJ was beaming at the semi-undeserved praised as they took the kids from neighborhood to neighborhood, filling their pillow cases close to brimming with so much candy that Luka kept making a face and seemed to be mentally preparing to hide all of it, whispering to Clover and MJ about taking some of the candy so that it wasn’t all in his apartment.
“Seriously, all that candy?? They’re going to get cavities and I cannot pay for dental work like that.” The father aggressed. MJ just laughed a bit, looking ahead at the two girls who were trying to run ahead to the next house.
And then Bow’s foot caught a crack.
“Ah, Bow!” MJ startled, hand reaching out - but there was no way they’d reach her before she fell-
And then, she just stopped falling, stuck in midair as if floating.. But she wasn’t.
Upon closer examination, she was held up by a variety of red strings, connected to MJ’s clawed fingers
“... Uh”
“Whoaaaa” Hattie gaped “Magic! Cool!”
Bow pulled himself up to a standing position, and MJ put their hand down, the strings disappeared
“.. Thanks” Bow cleared her throat “That was really cool”
“It kind of was... “ They commented, looking down at their hands “I’m gonna be having a heck of a long talk with Tim when he gets back from wherever he is”
“Yeah, definitely” Luka nodded in agreement.
Lucky for the group the rest of the night went without incident, with MJ joining Luka at home and the two of them staying up until the sun started showing through the windows.
“Ready?” Luka asked him, the being no longer human shaped, as he’d finally reached his limit
“Yeah.. I think so” MJ took in a breath “She said it can just… come off like how I put it on…”
“Alright….” Luka’s voice trailed off as MJ reached their hands up to their face, thumbs by their cheeks, but then - wait! The edge, the mask! They felt it.
Barely bothering to breath, they mentally counted… 1… 2… 3!
they pulled it off and gasped as that icy feeling went through them even faster than last time, trembling and nearly falling over as Luka kept them up with their tail.
“Hey, hey! You okay MJ?”
MJ looked up, nodding “Yeah, uh, how do I..?”
“You’re back to a nerd, if that's what you’re asking” Luka lightly teased
Their hands went back up to their face, and gasped when they felt their regular skin, and their glasses (Where had they gone? Didn’t matter)
“Oh, thank god” The tired barista flopped onto their partner, “That was exhausting. Thank goodness the Horizon is closed today…”
“Hah, ready to sleep?”
“Oh, definitely” MJ commented, looking down at the mask still in their hand, its smile seeming not nearly as spooky than before.. “Hm..”
“.. Why’d it choose me, I wonder” They muttered, sitting up and placing the mask by the window sill “But… we’ll see about finding out more, hm?”
“.. Yeah, we will” Luka confirmed.
MJ gave him a smile, hugging his partner with a slight nuzzle “Come on, we need to sleep. Hattie and Bow-”
“Oh, don’t remind me. We’re in for a hell of an afternoon” Luka groaned, but he was still smiling.
Saying that things were “back to normal” was never correct with this group, but things were still pretty okay. Maybe better, even.
Moonie figured they’d just have to wait and see.
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Costumes! I wasn’t able to finish these in time, but I hope they suffice! 
283 notes · View notes
ka-writes · 3 years
Notes: First of all... thank you so much for the support!!
Second, space vocab: starling: young unidentified species ISF: intergalactic safety force
Anyways, take care of yourself <3!
Warning: flashbacks to abuse, if needed skip past any italicized words, mentions of child labor exploitation (Someone forces Tommy to steal), attempting to drug character, cussing, kidnapping, fear.
Incase you missed:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 5:
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33147661/chapters/82290709
Chapter 6: Causing Chaos
Planet Amari was their next stop. It would take only four hours to get there and usually this would be no problem if they weren’t harboring a human. Let alone the human that had just escaped the Dream Team Ship.
Phil shook his head and focused on the increased security around the boarding docks.
Amair is a planet whose only purpose is to entertain, meaning they already have some of the best security in this part of the galaxy. The added security came directly from the ISF and were now searching suspicious ships.
“Check check, one two.” The microphone turned green, “As your captain it is my duty to warn you about extra security measures. The ISF is boarding ships and checking for abnormalities. Please complete protocol 35.0.” Phil spoke into the mic and waited for everyone’s confirmation.
He got up and started the process of taking maps and blueprints that were not available to the public along with future plans and hid them in a document compartment behind one of his shelves. He then changed his normal illusion monitor and changed it to the default screen.
He stepped out of the cabin and cleaned the surrounding area, while also checking for anything that could be confiscated.
“Tommy. In order to go onto the planet I need you to wear this.”Wilbur confronted.
“No! It looks like one of those serial killer masks!! My face is too beautiful to be hidden.” Tommy scoffed.
“Tommy if you don’t wear it willingly, I will tell Ranboo about-“ Wilbur was cut off by a series of curses and Tommy fiddling the mask around his face. “Good. Put this on too.” Wilbur handed the blonde a bundle of clothes and made his way to the lab. Phil chuckled at the brotherly bond that was already forming.
He made his way down to the lab checking for abnormalities before seeping back to the holding cell. The human was pulling at his clothes while packing things back into the shelf.
“Hello mate! Whatcha doing there?” Phil asked, casually. What he didn’t expect was the human to practically jump out of his clothes in the captain’s presence.
“W-who are you?” Tommy stammered, Phil had completely forgotten he had never introduced himself before.
“Oh! I forgot we haven’t formally met. My name is Captain Philza Mine Craft, but you can call me Phil or Philza, whichever you prefer. I use he/him pronouns and am the legal captain of the SBI Craft.” Phil finished his introduction with an easy confidence, even with the face mask you could easily see the kid’s wonder, “We are currently waiting for a formal check from the ISF.” The human tensed at that, “So if you would please follow me to the common room, so I may hide the holding cell.” The human nodded vigorously.
Once Phil had dropped Tommy off in the common room he made his way to the holding cell. With a few clicks and checks the holding cell made a perfect illusion wall, which molded it into the wall not to be seen by any inspectors or gadgets they may have.
Once he had gotten confirmations from all crew members, he made his way back to the pilot’s cabin. If they were even a minute slower with preparations, security would have deemed the ship suspicious.
They settled the ship at the checkpoint and waited for a security officer to signal them.
Wilbur’s leg bounced anxiously as he wore his disguise. He had finished briefing Tommy about the plan. They would lie about their origins, Wilbur doing the talking, and would get what they needed and get out.
The only thing anyone was waiting on was the guard.
Almost on queue the door began to open and a young starling stood at the door. He seemed to be genetically engineered and had wires attached to his head and 3D glasses.
“Hello everyone! My name is Jack Manifold, and I will be checking your ship!” The starling chirped, “I hope you have both we have to confiscate, because everyone here seems like lovely people. I have to ask where is your captain?”
“Right here mate.” Philza said, stepping out of the pilot cabin. “I am Captain Philza Mine Craft, of the SBI Craft. Feel free to look around.” Phil said with a hint of impatience. Jack didn’t seem to notice and made his way around the Craft.
Everyone sitting in the common room shared a few nervous glances. The only one who seemed oddly comfortable was Tubbo.. Wilbur took note of the behavior and tried to busy himself with the magazine he was holding...
When did he get a magazine?
He was immersed in an article about room design when Jack returned.
“Everything seems to be in order! The only thing I ask is that everyone introduces themselves.” His tone turned serious as he looked at the crew.
“My name is Technoblade. I am the security officer on this ship and second in command.” Techno said without faltering in tone.
“I am Ranboo. I am Technoblade’s hired assistant and do most chores around the ship.” Ranboo said clearly anxious with the attention on them.
“Tubbo, I am a hired gardener and take care of food supplies and medical ingredients.” There was a coldness to Tubbo’s voice as he finished his introduction.
“Dr. Craft, I am a toxicologist. This is my medical student, Tommy, he doesn’t talk much.” There was a suspicious glint in Jack’s eye as Wilbur continued, “We have been working for this crew for two months, before that we were traveling on our own licensed craft.” Jack accepted the answer and finished checking his notepad off.
“Alright, that will be all then! Welcome to Amari! Once I give this report to my manager, you should be able to enter the atmosphere!” With that the cheery starling left the ship and Phil closed the door before disappearing into the pilots cabin.
To say Wilbur was relieved was an understatement.
Things were falling into place.
Once they were on the planet all Tubbo would have to do is add the substance to one of Tommy’s drinks and he would be acting out in no time!
But is it worth it?
He pushed the thought out of his head and finished packing the small packet in his bag before getting off the ship with the rest of the crew.
“Before we head to the shopping center, why don’t we stop by Las Nevada’s? I mean it’s Tommy’s first time on Amari after all.” Tubbo said. Las Nevada’s is the most well known restaurant and casino in Amari. It was the perfect place for Tubbo to start his plan.
“I don’t see why not. Just stay in the restaurant bit, we don’t want to draw any more attention to ourselves.” Phil answered.
With that the group walked into one of the best and worst places in the city, though no one knew of the worst bit yet…
They sat around a booth compartment. It had soft red padding and purple looking palm trees, without the coconuts.
It reminded Tommy of a stereotypical mafia restaurant. Something Tommy never got the privilege of seeing.
It made him very uncomfortable, especially when the waitress gave them drinks in glass cups. He felt like whatever he touched would instantly shatter into a billion pieces.
Techno was taking Ranboo to the bathroom and Phil and Will were talking to a waitress leaving only Tommy and the scary bee boy . alone.
“I told you I was done Miranda!!” A man shouted from a nearby table causing Tommy’s attention to be focused on the couple fighting.
“You had one job. And you failed it boy.” A man slapped his face.
He was in his third foster home again. They had asked him to get at least $50 from people on the subway, he had only managed to score $20, and the man was furious.
“You’re lucky I see potential, otherwise you’d be back in that goddamn group home.” Tommy’s eyes dropped yo the floor, another slap and a hand grabbing his chin to look at the man, “PAY ATTENTION TO ME BOY. I saved you from that hell hole and I can take you back.” The man sneered. Honestly Tommy would rather be there than here.
“Hey!” Wilbur snapped in front of his face, “You with us?” Tommy nodded. The couple was gone and everyone returned. Now Ranboo and Wilbur were sitting next to him and Tubbo was sitting next to Ranboo. Did bee-boy always look so guilty?
After a minute of awkward silence, Phil and Techno started talking, their voices drowned out by the surrounding noise. Wilbur had turned his attention to his menu and Ranboo was writing in his book again.
Tommy reached for his water and Tubbo turned his attention to the human. The mask he was wearing had a flap so he could easily breathe, eat, and drink. He took a sip of water….. was water supposed to be this sweet?
“Why the fuck would someone put sugar in water as a prank?” Tommy mumbled, everyone’s attention was on the human again, “What?” He asked defensively.
“Did you say sugar?” Wilbur asked as if it was the craziest thing he had ever heard.
“Umm… yea?” Tommy said. We’re these people pulling a prank on him? Why was everyone looking at him like that?
“Tommy, can you give me your water?” Wilbur asked, he was genuinely confused by the reactions. After a few seconds he gave his water to Wilbur who immediately took a sip and spit it out.
“What the fuck?!” Tommy asked as Wilbur gave him the water back.
“That is definitely sugar.. Tommy do you feel weird at all?” He asked.
“Erm no?” This was getting stranger and stranger.
“So humans are immune to sugar…” Will said as if it was a scientific breakthrough.
“Yea? Why wouldn’t we be?”
“Well for one, most species go absolutely crazy after eating sugar, for some it could lead to death.” Tubbo informed. He looked even more confused than Tommy felt.
“So like, aliens go psycho when they eat sugar? That’s lame.” Tommy laughed out the last line. Everyone looked at him with concerned glances, “I don’t think I am gonna go psycho after drinking a small bit of sugar water, I mean most people have been eating sugar their entire lives, me being one of ‘em.” Tommy finished and the underlying tension died down. Well except Tubbo’s which felt more like an angry glare meant to affect him in some way.
When the waitress came everyone gave their orders, Wilbur supplying Tommy’s. The rest of the meal was comfortable, with Phil telling stories and the rest supplying jokes and chatter, along with the occasional glare from Tubbo.
To be honest Tommy had never felt so comfortable around anyone before, he wanted so badly to let down his wall around these people. Still there was that annoying voice that told him not to trust them. For once he didn’t listen to it.
I mean what could go wrong?
The plan failed. Shit.
Tubbo was mad. Not just mad, furious.
The others were having fun with the human, yet again. Tubbo had wandered off, he wanted to destroy everything, and yet he simply walked off without a second glance. He could feel the tears streaming down his face.
“Hello bee-boy!” The human scared the droneling, his ears falling flat against his head.
“I am not in the mood to talk.” Tubbo sniffed.
“Oh..” The human’s tone dropped, it was almost as if it was hurt by Tubbo’s words. “That’s alright big-man! We don’t have to talk.” The human settled with that response, with that the pair walked through the busy street in silence. Tubbo tried to throw the human off his trail but gave up after a few minutes.
After fifteen minutes of them wandering around Tubbo spotted a shop and made his way over to the electronic shop. The human followed him into the small store.
It was a small shop with tight isles and jazz music filling the silence. At the register a tall creeper hybrid fiddled with a redstone contraption. Tubbo paid no mind to him and turned his attention to some of the smaller devices scattered throughout the shop. The human shifted nervously behind him.
Once Tubbo found what he was looking for he took it over to the register. Another man stood behind it along with the original one. His eyes shifted to Tommy.
“Are you sure that’s him?” The original man asked, his name tag reading Sam.
“Yes, positive. Dream will be happy with this.” The other man replied, he stretched one of his fingerless black gloves and turned towards the pair. “Hi. I am assuming you have my boss’s patient?” The black hair man asked. He was a blazeling and had a cruel glint to his eye.
Without warning another man came up behind them and slapped a cloth over both of their faces. Within seconds the pair was out and everything went black.
He woke up in a cage.
Chapter 6- End
Words: 2206
Notes: The next bit will be hard to write ;-; but then we get to the fluffy-angst :D
Also this was harder to write... motivation went poof, but I won’t quit on you!!
Tubbo: *tries to cause chaos—fails
Tubbo: *wanders into a random shop—causes chaos
Tubbo: .-. Wtf
Chapter 7:
27 notes · View notes
commanderserwin · 4 years
questions and questions.
↦ pairing(s): levi ackerman x reader
↦ word count: 2.6k
↦ anon request: 
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Hi, I hope you're feeling fine 💖 May I ask for something for Levi where he visits an orphanage where his crush works to visit her and all the kids are really excited that Humanit's Strongest is visiting and they ask a thousand questions and he is all in all very sweet towards the kids and it melts his crush's heart? 💖
↦ author’s note(s): thank you anon! i hope you’re feeling wonderful! and thank you for requesting, i’m sorry this took a while ☹︎ still, please enjoy & i hope you like it! 
Levi has been staring into nothing for the past hour. He has been busy contemplating if he should go or not. He rested his arm on the couch’s headrest, his legs crossed as he thought hard and long when the only option is: to go. Yet, he found himself apprehensive. He has never been around children that much which is the main reason he actually doesn’t want to go. It’s not because he hates children... it’s just, they're children. What do they want? What do they like? What if someone cries? What does he know of children? Clearly, everybody has been a kid but he’s slightly insecure of his own childhood. All he could remember was the sweet slivers of moments shared with his mother, and the rough lessons with Kenny. 
But he couldn’t say no to you. 
In the end, he found himself changing his clothes into something more casual. Gone was the brown jacket of the Survey Corps, the leather harnesses, and the knee-high boots. He dressed himself with his black, coat, trousers, and shoes plus his white button shirt. He didn’t forget to wear his cravat.
Levi walked through the district, knowing all the turns he has to get to you. When he finally saw the little curved wall that was the orphanage, Levi thought that he was going to puke his guts out. He’s overthinking this too much, they’re just children. It’ll be trip. It’ll be all new to him. He calmed down a little when he saw you by the entrance, crouched down in front of little boy that he assumed was crying. He looked at himself, visiting empty handed that he didn’t even notice that he passed by the flower stall. 
He quickly turned back, and found the stall that he’s come to love. Levi picked out the flowers; the most colorful dahlias he could ever find for you. 
From the corner of your eyes, you spied the usual figure walking through the entrance. The colors of the flowers he’s been holding was an easy target to figure out that it was him, because of the huge contrast of the blacks and the flowers he’s hidden by the last second behind his back.
Both of you met each other in the middle. Smiling widely, as he tried to avoid the running children that was screaming various ways of ‘Excuse me!’ as they chased each other in circles. Finally, Levi reached you, a small smile on his face as he watched you erupt in a smile he has missed. 
“Here,” Levi handed you the bouquet, his hand immediately finding comfort in his trousers. 
“These are beautiful, Levi,” you breathed, smelling the dahlias. “Thank you.”
Levi only nodded, looking around. He is so nervous. He nudged his head towards the kids, “Is that them?”
“They’re very excited to meet you, Humanity’s Strongest Soldier,” you nodded, tugging on his sleeve to follow you. 
He stayed in his position, stumped, when somebody else tugged gently on his other sleeve. 
“Who are you?” 
Levi looked down, his furrowed brows softening at the sight of the little girl that’s still holding on to his sleeve. The girl followed his furrowed brows, and it made his heart pound a little harder. She's copying me.
“Levi.” He answered, looking down. The girl hasn’t let go of yet.
“Sera, meet Levi,” you smiled, pointing at them Levi. You crouched down, patting at her hair. “Levi, meet Sera.” 
“Hi, Levi.” 
“Hi,” he answered again, and once he saw the look on your face, he cleared his throat. “Hi Sera.” 
Levi made the effort to crouch down, meeting Sera’s brown eyes as he offered his hand. Sera shook his hand, her small one being completely engulfed by his. 
“Why is your hand so... hard?” Sera asked, holding back again to Levi’s sleeve. “It’s scratchy.”
“Sera,” you warned, pouting as you fixed her hair. 
“I’m sorry, Levi,” she apologized, holding on to his hand now. “I’m sorry you have scratchy hands.” 
Levi nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. Sera showed her hands to him, and he tried his best to look surprised as she gave him the widest smile. 
"I have soft hands."
"Yes, you do."
Levi looked around the children he has attracted— nervous and wary. He looked at you for answers but you only shrugged in response. For all the times, he has visited, he's always in the shadows. Children will come and look at him, but they would never gawk like together, especially when he's with you. It's not that he doesn't want the kids to look at him, he's just not prepared for the small audience that is now gathered around him. They all look up with curious eyes, mouths slightly opened, watching the two adults before them. Levi placed his hand on your smaller back, as if pushing you slightly in front of him, while he tries to hide behind you. 
“What am I going to do?”
It was no use. 
You only pull back on his hand, leaning in on his shoulder. Your lips brushed his ear, as you whispered, "Just be nice." 
"I am... nice." 
"I know," you answered back, squeezing his hand. He blinked, his brows raised a little. "Just relax." 
"I am relaxed."
"Levi," you laughed, his hand on your back again. He pulled you ever so slightly to him, still embarrassed, "Levi, you look like you're going to puke." 
Thirteen pairs of curious and wide eyes has been staring at Levi for a few minutes. He’s been stumped for not saying anything aside from introducing himself. 
So that’s where he was now. 
He’s currently sitting in the middle of the bench, legs crossed, as the children waited for more. 
Thirteen pairs of eyes. 
And it scared him to hell. 
His eyes landed on you, standing up with your arms crossed, holding the dahlias closely. He watched your lips turn to the side, giving him a small, encouraging smile that is even making him nervous. 
“Go on,” you mouthed, gesturing your fingers up for him to smile. He awkwardly smiled in return, glancing back at the children, but they all stayed quiet. 
Levi grimaced as he looked back at you. He wants you to save him. He couldn’t handle all the attention of the curious eyes that is looking at him. 
“I’m Levi,” he introduced himself again, his eyes flitting towards yours again. 
“Mr. Levi, is that your full name?” Amari asked.
“No,” he shook his head, adjusting his cravat to hold on to something. “It’s Levi Ackerman.” 
“Mr. Ackerman, are you really Humanity’s Strongest Soldier?” Isa asked, leaning in closer as she tugged softly on Levi’s pants. 
“It’s just a nickname,” he explained, looking back at you. 
“I want to be called Humanity’s Kindest,” Noah said. 
“That can happen.”
“Will you call me that, Mr. Ackerman?”
“Sure, Humanity’s Kindest!”
Levi looks so pale in front of the children and when you offered to help at first, he refused. He refused even though you could see right through his body language. He shook his head profusely, pulling away when you finally lead him to the bench. He made a mistake of grabbing to your wrist tightly, when you turned your back on him so that the children can satisfy their curiosity on the person in front of them. 
But he wanted to try. 
And you let him. 
But you don’t know if it’s going well or bad. 
Even when he looks like he’s about to pass out. 
“How many titans have you killed?” Triz asked. 
“I haven’t counted.” 
“What’s your favorite color?” 
Levi pondered on the question. He thought hard and long, until his eyes found yours again. He smiled a little, his eyes going to the bouquet of flowers he’s got you. 
All looks good on you, he thought. 
“It varies.” 
“What’s that on your collar?”
“It’s called a cravat.”
“Can I touch it?”
Levi leaned in forward, offering his hand as he helped Jack touch it.
“What’s your favorite food?” Carson asked. 
“But, that’s a drink, Mr. Ackerman,” Vico explained. 
“Levi is fine,” he explained, clearing his throat. “I guess, it’s soup?”
“Do you cook soup?”
“I try to.” 
“Do you also like bread?”
“Bread is fine.” 
“Potatoes are great.”
“I don’t like potatoes,” Sylvie whispered, patting her stomach.
“That’s okay,” Levi reassured, nodding.
“Do you like horses?” 
“Are they fast?”
“What color is your horse?”
“I want a white horse.” 
“We have white horses.” 
“Will you bring me one, Mr. Ackerman?”
“Levi, please,” he said, fiddling with his cravat. “I don’t think she will like it.” 
Levi pointed at you, and they all turned around. Thirteen pairs of eyes plus the grey familiar ones that you like has stared at you. Levi cocked his head to the side, thankful that the attention is now on you. 
He has started to calm down a little, getting used to the questions they are asking him- which are pretty straightforward and he likes it. The children before him are very entertaining, and he patted himself on the back for actually going.
“I don’t think we have the space for a white horse, Jiya,” you pouted. “But maybe some day? In the future.” 
Jiya nodded, turning back to Levi. All the rest of them followed and now Levi’s nervous again. But it was all gone, when they asked again. 
“What do the horses eat?”
“No soup?”
“No soup.”
“Are they fast?”
“Yes, again.”
"How fast?"
"Faster than me."
“How fast are you?”
“Very fast.”
“Do they bite?”
“Did they bite you?”
“Are they smelly?”
“You don’t bathe them?”
“They’re just smelly.” 
“That’s sad,” Oliver whimpered. 
Levi’s eyes almost bulged out, whipping his head towards you for help. He doesn’t know what to do if they cry. 
“Please give them baths, Mr. Ackerman,” Oliver added as he looked up at Levi. 
Levi sighed loudly, relief filling his chest. “I will.” 
You smiled all throughout the whole exchange, seeing Levi relax a little bit made you relax as well. You could see how well he was trying, even when his eyes found its way towards yours for so many times, while you encourage him. All the children were so excited that Humanity’s Strongest Soldier is coming to visit— you were also excited, looking forward to this. 
But seeing him with children was different. It almost made you turn into a puddle seeing him with children. 
“Is she your wife?” 
He choked. 
But he stopped himself, he coughed for a bit, pounding on his chest. Levi blushed slightly, and this was the first time he didn’t meet your eyes. 
You were glad for it because you were also deeply blushing. You didn’t know that the conversation about horses would turn into the you. Given, that the both of you hadn’t talked about it, this was all new to the both of you. Levi has only begun courting you, and this...
“No,” Levi cleared his throat, uncrossing his legs, and crossing it again. “She isn’t.”
“Is she your girlfriend?”
Levi looked up at you, failing to busy yourself when you fiddled with the flowers on your hands. It’s like he’s found confidence with the question. 
“I’d like her to be.” 
“Well, please do,” Jon beamed, pointing at you for a second. “I think she likes you.” 
“Does she?” Levi smiled. 
“Uh-huh,” Maria agreed. “She gets sad if you leave.”
“Okay!” You blurted, making everybody turn to look at you. You could feel yourself blush a little harder when Levi tilted his head to the side, a small smile playing on his lips as he stared. “I think that’s enough-,” 
“She also likes flowers.” 
“Does she keep my flowers?”
“Yes! She puts them on a vase,” Nika replied, clapping her hands. 
“Do you know her favorite flowers?”
“Nika,” you warned. But it was no use. They’re too enamored with the guy in front of them that they have turned away from you. 
Nike turned around, and pointed at the ones that you were holding. “She likes those.”
“I should buy her that often?”
“Yes, you should, Mr. Ackerman,” Javi nodded.
“How old are you, Mr. Ackerman?”
Grateful for that distraction. 
"I'm five years old." Isaac announced, counting off of his fingers. 
"That's nice."
“I think you are ten.”
“No,” Levi shook his head, suppressing a smile. “Older.”
“That’s old.”
Levi only sighed, untangling his legs as he leaned in closer to the children sitting on the ground. They all huddled closer together, speaking up after one another.
“Do you like her?” Jacob pointed at you.
“Yes, I-,” 
“Children,” Mary, the orphanage’s cook called out from the window. She wiped her forehead with her apron, waving her hand. “Dinner is ready!” 
Very grateful for the distraction. 
“See you soon, Mr. Ackerman!” 
Levi waved his hand, watching all of them ran inside the small house, bumping into each other; screaming who gets to sit inside. He watched the children avoid, running around as you called out to wash their hands before they eat.
Then they were gone, and it was just the two of you. 
You padded towards him softly, sitting with as much distance as the bench could offer, yet his knee touched yours, making you look up at him. He caught your eyes that made you look straight ahead. Levi placed his arm on the bench, his fingers brushing your sleeve as he did so. He could see the tinge of pink on your cheek, relishing this moment, thankful that he pushed himself to visit you today. 
“How did I do?” Levi hummed, tapping his foot on the ground. 
“Good,” you nodded, fiddling with the flowers. 
“Just good?”
“Good and sweet?”
You glanced over at him for a second just to take a peek at his smug face that you’re trying to avoid. This whole ordeal with the children started out good then it took an unexpected turn. You didn’t want to talk about it. “I... Thank you for the flowers.” 
“Don’t forget to put them on a vase,” he mumbled. 
“Stop,” you whispered, hiding your face again, remembering the questions. 
He tapped on your shoulder, making you turn your head towards him. Levi’s head was tilted to the side, his heart thumping, the blood rushing making him feel so alive. He loves teasing you, and with all the information he has gathered from the honest children, his teasing capacity has increased. 
You knew his body language. Very well. That look on his face means that he’s got something snarky to comment. His fingers grazed your shoulders, waking up your goosebumps. Something snarky, you just knew it. So when he opened his mouth, his brows arched, as his lips turned upside-, you beat him. 
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justalittletwistedd · 4 years
Dance the night away~
Reader who doesn't know how to dance in a ball feat. Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw and Octavinelle.
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle tried to show you his more "responsible" side and he tried to be gentle with you. But still, it wasn't in his nature. He had to follow the rules so strictly all the time...
You saw him walking up to you, trying to hide his nervousness. (it was so obvious that he was about to break at any second) He held his hand out for you and asked you for a dance.
Dancing with him was very stiff, you didn't knew anything about the dance and he apparently forgot or confused some moves. You were sure the dance looked like a circus performance instead.
In the end Riddle was a blushing mess and he kept talking about the moves he did wrong or missed. You also felt blood rush to your cheeks. Maybe dancing together.. was not a very bright idea.
The next day was so awkward for the both of you and Riddle couldn't look you in the eyes for a long amount of time. It didn't help his whole dorm made fun of him every chance they got...
Trey Clover
Trey thought this would be a little too much for you so he never prepared for it. He already knew you were somewhat quiet and he guessed you wouldn't like this whole ball.
But somehow Cater and Chen'ya convinced the green haired guy and oh he was walking towards you before he knew it-
Trey almost never panics in any situation, so this wouldn't be very hard for him. But if you really insisted on not wanting to dance, he would respect that and suggest an another activity to do together.
Either way you would be pleased and happy with him because he wouldn't force you in anything.
Cater Diamond
Cater was soo happy that he could have a chance to dance with you! It wasn't like he could just walk up to you out of nowhere and ask to dance. This ball was the perfect condition.
He was so excited! He was gonna take so many pics and put them all on magicam! Everybody should see his sweet girl, after all.
Even if you were kinda off about the dance, Cater's cheery aura lured you in really quickly. He was really good t convincing people.
The dance was very fun and you were surprised when you noticed you were actually having fun. Cater wasn't that bad at all! He could turn anything to be entertaining!
Deuce Spade
All night Deuce wanted to approach you, he just didn't knew how to do that without making the situation awkward. At some point he gathered the courage to talk with you so before he gave up he quickly walked up to you, asking to dance together.
At first, you stared at him with confused eyes, not saying anything. Deuce started to panic. Did he say something wrong? Did he talk too fast? After hesitating for a short moment, you tried to smile and accepted it.
When you two started to dance, Deuce realized he didn't plan this part. All he thought was how to ask you, he completely forgot he never learned how to dance! Obviously he was doing a horrible job and started to panic again.
When the song ended, Deuce and you returned back to your friends. He noticed you were also stiff so he asked what as wrong. Your answer surprised him. You didn't knew how to dance either? Why didn't you told him from the start!?
Ace Trappola
Ace saw this as a perfect chance to show how romantic he could be! Well, there was a small problem about the dance but that could be solved easily. He was going to solve this the Ace way.
He quickly walked up to his seniors when the song was about the start (because he knew Deuce was also as clueless as him) and asked them to teach him how to dance. Riddle got angry (Ace wasn't that surprised.) while Trey got confused. But Cater didn't mind it and gave him a quick speech.
After that, he was ready! Eh, maybe not that ready but at least he had some knowledge on it. He walked up to you with confidence and asked. "Hey, (y/n)! How 'bout a dance?"
He didn't expect you to get scared and nervous. You were repedeatly telling him you didn't knew anything about dancing but he ignored all of that and pulled you into the dancefloor.
You were bad at this but he reassured you and told you to just have fun! A few minutes later both of you were dancing madly without minding anyone else. You got really tired and sweaty but it was worth it.
Leona Kingscholar
Leona had no intentions about dancing, he even thought about not attending the ball if Ruggie didn't force him. Maybe also because of you.
Despite not being in a relationship yet, he was really possessive of you. The whole Savanaclaw dorm got a few threats about this too. And Leona was still thinking about the other potentional flirt materials you could see at the ball.
And yes, here they were. Those stupid Heartslabyul students, the two idiots you always hang around, wait why does that Carter guy has his arm around your shoulders all of a sudden?!
He literally snatched you away. All you heard was surprised sounds from your friends and an annoyed grunt from Leona. "We're gonna dance."
Yeah. The dance didn't go that well. Even if he knows it as a prince, you suck at it, remember?
Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie actually only asked to dance with you because of a bet he got in with Leona. He would get those sweet madols. That was it. Or that was what he told you.
Leona knew about this "crush" of his and realized it used to distract Ruggie a lot from his daily work. (Daily work? More like Leona's personal slave.) And he found the easiest way to get Ruggie together with you; money. Cha ching.
Because Ruggie didn't grow up in.. pleasant conditions, he didn't knew much about ballroom dances. He tried his best with you but it wasn't going to work out. You were also equally bad at this.
When it ended, Ruggie was kind of flustered about the whole thing but it all went away with a kiss on his cheek. Leona, you're being useful for once. (And maybe twice. Yeah, he got the money.)
Jack Howl
Jack, being the cute but bad boy he is, tried approaching you with a harsh attitude. Eventually, he failed because he was blushing so much he couldn't even look at you-
You tried to calm him down, you looked around to see the dancefloor. Maybe this would distract him from being worried. Yes, YOU drag the boy to the dance this time.
At first you thought he finally cooled off but then it started to get worse. You were also panicking, you never thought about your dance abilities before coming here and Jack looked like he was about to faint.
At some point you two ended up in the Savanaclaw kitchens, he held some ice packets in his hands because his blush (or fever? what was going on with him today??) got out of control.
Then you kiss him on the cheek and Jack.exe stops working for a few hours.
Azul Ashengrotto
Knowing how Azul is, he would probably prepare everything beforehand. Which clothes would be more impressive? Which way should he speak to get your attention? He would memorise all of it.
Fixing his posture one last time, he was bowing before you. Just like the "gentleman" persona he always tried to fit in. Even if you were nervous about dancing, Azul knew he could get you to relax with his sneaky words.
"Will you dedicate this dance to me, m'lady?" He said as he waited for you to hold his hand. You held it and he slowly dragged you to the center of the ballroom.
You were actually surprised about how he was leading you through the dance. You literally knew nothing but he was good enough to cover your mistakes. In the end, of course you would accept an another dance from him!
Jade Leech
Jade, much like Azul, has the gentleman aura but it's a lot more natural in this guy. While his octo-boss is nervous and self conscious, Jade is a lot more calm and collected.
And this was his plan, to get your attention on his butler-like attitude. He was confident in himself and he knew you would accept his dance invitation.
When you told him you couldn't dance, he wasn't really surprised. Like Trey, he guessed you were a semi shy person. But still, dancing with a partner who can lead you is a lot easier than dancing on your own, right?
One way or another, you find yourself in the middle of the ballroom. You were impressed about how swiftly he covered your mistakes. In the end, you realize Jade is a lot interesting than what he shows to others.
Floyd Leech
You were actually guessing Floyd was going to offer doing something like this and you tried to stay away from him as much as you could but in the end you found him standing next to you, talking about how much he wanted to dance with his "shrimpy".
He was tugging on your arm like an excited toddler, waiting for your response while squieling. You eventually had to accept it or he would whine about it all night long.
When he was dragging you to the center of the room as fast as he could, you desperatley told him. "Floyd! I don't know how to dance!" To your surprise, he laughed loudly. "I don't know either!"
The dance was a complete mess. The other couples were looking at you in confusion. Floyd was busy doing different moves, you were almost sure they didn't belong to this song. In the end you thought, at least, it was fun. Very embarrasing but fun.
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Heyy so I was wondering if you could do a nsfw alphabet for Brahms? 🥺
Hey I’m sorry it took me a hot sec to post anything in a while but hopefully you enjoy! I love doing these alphabets cause it helps me get a better feel for the character.
Brahms N/S/F/W Alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Brahms is a clingy boy after sex, typically wrapping himself around your body and refusing to let go. You’re his teddy bear and he’ll throw a tantrum if you refuse to snuggle with him afterward. He loves leaving kisses along your neck and jaw and humming so deeply it reminds you of a purring cat.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His hands are probably his favorite part of his. Especially after meeting you and reveling in how you react to his touch. No matter your size he will always see you as smaller and more fragile than him and seeing his big hands gripping your wrists or holding onto your waist always get him going. 
While he would love every part of his partner unconditionally, his favorite part would be their eyes. There’s so much emotion he can see from them, he can tell when you’re happy, worried, upset, or needy. He can’t get enough of the way you look at him with such softness when he is at his most gentle and desire when he is teasing you. And sometimes, he gets a thrill out of the look of fear in your eyes when he is being more dominant and direct with you, liking to see just how much of an effect he has on you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Brahms will certainly make a mess out of you if you’ll allow him. He really can’t decide where he likes to come the best. A few of his favorite places would be your chest, along your stomach and thighs, and inside of you. He gets a rush seeing you covered in his come like he’s laid claim to you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Brahms has loads of dirty secrets, he's lived in the walls for most of his life so everything of his is a dirty secret. But one of the dirtiest that he has is that before he revealed himself to you, he would steal your underwear and watch you through the walls. You wouldn't have to be doing anything explicitly erotic, but anytime his urges got the better of him and when he felt he might lose himself and lunge out of the walls to grab you, he will take your underwear and jerk it off along his cock, the fabric adding much-needed friction for him to satiate his urges and come before he does anything too rash. As he usually makes a mess of your underwear, you find you're missing a lot of pairs frequently, both clean ones and ones from the hamper. Because you know Brahms is a dirty boy and would definitely get off on inhaling your smell as well. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He is a virgin, no question. The most experience that Brahms has is what he's read in the books on his shelves. He most likely hasn't read actual erotica but the books that he's read might have some sexual scenes or descriptions of such things (albeit probably only from very older books that use way too many euphemisms and flowery language). He is also aware of reproduction and how to have sex through diagrams in stuffy anatomy and biology books. As a lot of his knowledge is in a scientific context, he will really need you to guide him the first few times. After that, it's no holds barred. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He has a hard time deciding. Brahms really enjoys missionary so he can pin you down and watch every expression on your face as he pleasures you. However, he is also partial to doggy style because sometimes he gets so worked up that he can’t help but want to take you as roughly and deeply as possible. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Brahms is always more serious during intimate moments, the most he might do is a little laugh as he teases you. He’s not one for joking during sex simply because he is still a little insecure about his abilities, though if you’re with him for long enough he might start to loosen up a bit.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Have you SEEN how hairy this man is??? Brahms has probably never used a razor in his entire life so he's a full wolfman. He also never really had opportunities to clean himself fully like in a shower (the most he probably does is a makeshift sponge bath if even that) so you're most likely going to have to get him used to proper hygiene unless you like a very stinky wall boy. He also wouldn't bother with his body hair on his own unless you offered to trim it for him. A full shave anywhere right off the bat might not be too good either, because he will feel naked and itchy for days. You will have to get used to some hair on him because even if you were offering him kisses as rewards for shaving he wouldn't let himself be completely shaved head to toe. As it is, it'll be an absolute pain trying to get Brahms to agree to you manscaping him below the belt because it is certainly a mess down there. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Brahms is always romantic during intimate moments. Or at least, what he believes is romantic. Most of the time he is simply overwhelmed by his desire for you and if he can manage it in the heat of the moment he will grunt how beautiful and lovely you are in your ear as he thrusts into you, praising and telling you that you’re all his and no one else’s. His heart is in the right place but you might need to help him understand the nuances of romance.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Absolutely. While he might have associations with it being a dirty act from being punished by his mother, he still finds he cannot help himself when he first saw you through the walls. Mostly it’s a way for him to calm himself down and take control of himself again when he feels the urge to reveal himself to you. At first it might begin when he sees you changing or showering, but it could escalate to him just jacking off to you doing simple tasks around the house. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Brahms might have a hard time putting words to describing what his kinks are because he has been so sheltered, but he has far too many to count. Essentially when he finds his perfect person to be the nanny at the Heelshire mansion, his kink will be everything about you. You yourself are what turns him on the most. He’s a huge voyeur, no surprise there. He also has a bit of a size kink because of his size compared to you. Essentially if his partner is involved, he will be down to do or try anything. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He loves dragging you in the walls and having sex with you pinned flush against the wall. While he’s thrusting into you from behind, he’ll make you look through one of his peepholes and tell you exactly what he does while he watches you through them. His bed in the walls is another favorite place, mostly because he can keep you between the wall and him and you would have to get through him if you wanted to get up. He likes having you all trapped for himself. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly, anything can turn Brahms on when it comes to you. You could show this boy a bare ankle and he would instantly nut. But if you really want to drive him crazy, wear revealing clothing. Lingerie, booty shorts, crop tops, leggings, skirts, anything that covers you while also teasing what is underneath. He won’t be able to control himself and he will either pester you all day about giving him attention or simply tackling you on the spot and giving all of his love right then and there.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Absolutely will not share you with anyone else. He refuses to even entertain that notion. On a similar note, he wouldn’t be interested in public sex, not that he leaves the Hillshire mansion anyways, but he refuses to even think about someone other than him looking at you in such a vulnerable position. You’re his and his alone.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He is usually more of a giver. Brahms always wants to make sure you’re taken care of, and as someone who is horny for praise, he gets off on getting you off. And if you tell him what a good boy he’s being? Instant nut. Though he will never turn down oral from you, though he might be a little twitchy about it at first. He’s not used to someone pleasuring him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
When he’s horny and in more of his man persona, he’s all sorts of feral and rough with you. It’s not that he doesn’t want to take his time, he’s just usually so pent up and has such a high sex drive that he can’t help himself. It’s possible for him to go slower but it will take a lot of urging him and a bit more willpower on his end, as well as the promise of rewards if he does.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
All. The. TIME. Since he’s been so pent up for years upon years in the walls, any small action from you will get him needy. If you’re not careful, he’ll bend you over every surface in the house, and then when he’s done will scurry away while you’re sitting there trying to process what just happened, all the while cursing him for making you horny in the process, thus continuing the cycle. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Brahms is hardly a risk-taker in his own life and any sort of change will upset him. Even spending more time outside the walls is tough for him, but once he’s grown used to you the risky behavior he will have is having sex outside the walls or your bedroom. For someone so used to sneaking out of the walls without being spotted and getting reprimanded by his parents, it’s a thrilling experience for him to be so naughty out in the open with no one scolding him for it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
While he isn’t one to last a long time, he can go for as many rounds as he can stand. Since just about everything about you gets him in the mood, he could have just orgasmed and will start getting hard again. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Brahms doesn’t personally own any toys but if you do he won’t protest. The only thing he might not like is if you use them by yourself. He wants to be a part of the fun too, whether he’s using them on you, you on him, or both of you using them together.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He LOVES teasing. Any opportunity to see your flustered expression while you try to scold him is one he will take. Plus he loves seeing just how needy he can get you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Brahms usually isn’t loud at all especially if the sex is slower. He might make a few moans here and there. But when he’s needy for you he will make all sorts of animalistic grunts and groans. He’s less talkative except to tell you how good you’re being for him. He usually gets so carried away that he can hardly speak and mostly just moans in your ear as he ruts into you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Brahms is a curious boy, and on some occasions when he steals your underwear he’s attempted to wear it. Especially anything soft and silky you might own, it’s a different sensation on his body that he isn’t used to and the whole debaucherous act leaves him unable to contain himself. You might have to invest in buying him his own undies. But even then he would prefer to steal yours because they smell like you. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He is slightly above average length but he is also endowed in the girth department. Again, lots of hair down there. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
The easiest way to explain his sex drive is that he is the kind of guy to get hard over any bare bit of skin not covered. He will settle down more the longer you're together, but he still acts like a feral animal anytime he sees you. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He will be out like a light as soon as his head hits the pillow. Get used to falling asleep with his arms and legs wrapped around you and his chin resting on your head. Good luck if you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
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waru-chan8 · 3 years
I was kind of bored and this idea was stuck in my mind so here we go.
What job would the 2021 grid have if they weren't riders?
Brad Binder: he's calm and collected. He keeps his head cool, so I'm going to go with thoracic surgeon or neurosurgeon and his OR is known to be one of the quietest in the hospital.
Miguel Oliveira: trainer/personal trainer. During quarantine his videos ended up somehow on YouTube, and he became quite famous. He publishes his routines twice a week on his channel and people love them.
Iker Lecuona: professional gamer probably LOL or FIFA. If not, a very famous gamer in Twitch and YouTube.
Danilo Petrucci: pre-school teacher. At first kids are afraid of him, but at the end of the year he's everyone's favourite teacher.
Álex Rins: PE teacher. His students hate him because he's too enthusiastic and have too much energy.
Joan Mir: professional chess player. I felt that he just planned the whole season, kind of suits him.
Jack Miller: stuntman. No debate at all for this one.
Pecco Bagnaia: science teacher. Teenagers love him because he always explains the theory with experiments and let the students discover what works and what does not. They hate him when they are asked why their experiment had failed during the exam (that's not cool).
Johann Zarco: he owned a restaurant where he was the musical entertainment. The restaurant is more famous for the music than for the food. He's waiting to be discovered by a major music label.
Jorge Martín: a famous Spanish influencer. He's famous because he's public well-known LGBTQ+ ally and uses his platforms to condemn any attack against this collective. His fans never know if he's a mere ally or if he's really a member of the collective.
Luca Marini: he used to play video games and had a big YouTube channel, but become bored and decided to design his own video game. He's now one of the most popular video game designer.
Enea Bastianini: influencer too, but he's sponsored by several hair products and clothes brands. He loves to show up his beauty routines and how to combine plain clothes to make a spectacular outfit.
Maverick Viñales: the easy way is saying that he's an Olympic gymnast, or he practices parkour, but I feel he would be performing in 'Cirque du Soleil'.
Fabio Quartararo: a tattoo artist and his speciality are black and white full sleeves even though, his portfolio is quite complete.
Franco Morbidelli: he gives me police vibes, but because he's such calm and relaxed, I'm going to go with PI. His speciality is missing children.
Valentino Rossi: Actor, he's able to do drama, action, comedy... Think of a genre and he has done already. Recently he hasn't acted in any good film, but he has become famous because he's teaching the new generation.
Aleix Espargaró: lawyer. He has a pretty high winning rate because he loves to argue, and you just end up agreeing so he shuts up. The majority of his cases are settlement before going to trial. He's the terror of other lawyers and judges.
Bradley Smith: zero information about him, so probably a mechanic with his own small businesses.
Lorenzo Savadori: graphic designer. If you need something colourful, he's your guy.
Marc Márquez: veterinary and he volunteers into his local kennel or at the local shelter.
Pol Espargaró: animator. He's contacted to go to kids' parties and entertain kids, he became so famous that he ended up having a TV program.
Takaaki Nakagami: a fashion designer or a personal shopper. Have you seen how he dresses?
Álex Márquez: I wanted to say Marc's babysitter, but then I remember he owns a minion costume, and he's prone to do dumb stuff with it, so I'm not sure who babysits who. I'm going to go with IT guy, and he has hacked international agencies just for fun and bets.
I'm not sure who would be Aleix teammate and both Savadori and Smith are listed as Aprilia riders, so I did both of them. Also, I feel like I should have done Bradl because he will be Honda's replacement rider if Marc is no fit to start the season, but it's not official, so I have not included him yet.
I’m unable to stop myself so ...
Andrea Iannone: a model, what else could he be?
Andrea Dovizioso: I can decide between an art critique or a famous plastic surgeon.
Tito Rabat: he owns an adventure blog and his job is visiting the world while he writes about bungee jumping in X river or swimming with sharks. He graduates, and now he publishes his adventures in a book called ‘The adventure guide’.
Cal Crutchlow: corporate asshole. He probably works in the London Stock Exchanges, and he’s a renowned stockbroker.
Jorge Lorenzo: he’s a tabloid commentator. You either love him or you hate him, no in between.
Dani Pedrosa: Researcher in STEM cell or cell responding against different stress factors. He’s happy doing his research in an international University, but he’s constantly tempted to just enrol one of the big medical pharmaceuticals (not that he would do it).
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