#just an update for people who were casually following this like me lol
n7punk · 2 months
a french SMM player finally beat the illegitimately-uploaded "final" level (but disqualified once it was revealed by the creator to have been uploaded via TAS) of super mario maker yesterday (twitter clip and twitch), meaning there's no doubt now that team 0% reached their goal of clearing every single non-hacked level upload in the entire SMM1 game
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heesdreamer · 1 year
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GENRE ➩ enhypen zombie apocalypse au!
SUMMARY ➩ navigating life 1 year post end of the world was already difficult as you avoided rotting corpses with hefty appetites and groups with various bad intentions. things get harder when you run into a group of survivors, 7 boys who make it impossible to run away.
WC ➩ 6k
WARNINGS ➩ death gore blood um zombies and everything the apocalypse brings…
AUTHORS NOTE ➩ Hello, me again lol Sorry it’s been so long since the last update on this I’ve had other stuff I was prioritizing but thank you to the people following and enjoying this story! The updates are a lot smaller than my usual works and that bugs me a bit but I have a lot planned and it won’t be such a long gap between each chapter from now on lol. Reminder to check out the playlist for hints and general vibe! NOT PROOFREAD but u knew that
“What are you even talking about dude, I beat you five to one easy. It wasn’t even close.” Jake’s voice was laughing out as he rested back on the couch, swinging an arm forward in emphasis towards his friend.
“No you don’t get it, if we had a rematch I’d whoop you.” Jay was quick to respond, a gloomy look on his face from losing so terribly and the younger boys broke into a fit of giggles at his attitude.
The day had been quiet, picking up each other from school one by one and heading back to Jake’s place. His mom had been out of town for the month on a business trip and it’d become their official club house for the time being, messier than it should’ve been with blankets covering any surface that could serve as a temporary bed.
Heeseung was pushing through the front door with a strange expression on his face, glancing behind in the hallway before locking the deadbolt and peaking out of the peephole. Sweat was coating his face and the other boys stopped laughing as they looked at him.
“It’s that bad out there now?” Jungwon was asking in a soft voice and Heeseung jumped a bit before glancing at him and giving him a solid nod.
News stations had been buzzing for weeks but nobody paid too close of attention outside of the people with particularly raging anxiety. Reports of cannibalisms, first in America and then the neighboring countries.
The boys hadn’t thought much of it, some crazy new drug that would never make it this far or mass hysteria. Then it was announced that it was a disease, something that couldn’t be helped and borders could not stop and things started to get a bit more wary. Some stores were shutting down, families leaving to their summer houses out in the country and yesterday Jay had been cut from work early.
“I don’t know, I don’t think we can wait anymore.” Heeseung was muttering and Jake sat up on the couch, raising an eyebrow in bewilderment.
“You mean like leave? Where would we even go?” He was asking and his question made them all fall silent, knowing he was right and they didn’t have a safe haven to disappear to like others did. They all had families but they weren’t extremely close now that they were older, spending most of their time together and only coming home to get scolded for poor grades.
Heeseung was shaking his head and turning towards them fully to scan the room, freezing up slightly when his head count came up one short. “Where’s Riki?”
“He.. had that exam I think. Must’ve had to stay late.” Sunoo was saying it slowly to try and explain but a feeling of dread settled over everybody at the realization he was out there alone, not yet realizing how quickly things were falling apart.
“Is it really that bad Heeseung?” Jay was asking in confusion, just yesterday they all were walking around casually outside of the few religious nut jobs screaming about the end of days.
Heeseung didn’t say anything for a long time, like he couldn’t decide if he wanted to relay what he had saw or if he just wanted to let them think things were okay for a few minutes longer. He knew he had witnessed stuff that wasn’t going to be fixed anytime soon, stuff that would change how they lived from now on and he wasn’t sure he was ready to fully embrace that.
He was clearing his throat to speak but the words fell short and he made his way over to the kitchen counter instead, taking Jungwon’s moms keys and glancing at him for permission.
The younger boy looked confused but he gave him a small nod, eyes widening a touch when the oldest hesitated before going back into the kitchen and returning with the largest cooking knife available.
“Woah, you can’t go out there with that. You’ll get arrested dude.” Sunghoon was rushing out, suddenly paying attention and alert now as he sat up off the couch and raised his hands towards Heeseung.
“I don’t think there’s anybody left to arrest me.” He was spitting out but he wasn’t angry at his friends, just stricken with fear and anxiety at the thought of returning back outside but he couldn’t stand the idea of Riki being out there alone.
“Well I’ll come with you.” Jay was announcing and standing up, wiping off the chip crumbs from his sweater. Heeseung almost denied him and demanded he stayed here and kept the doors locked but he figured he might not be able to make it alone and Jay was definitely the most capable of the two of them, strong and sturdy despite his carefree personality.
“The rest of you need to stay put. I don’t care what you hear, or how long it takes for us to come back, you can’t open that door.” He was warning the group and they all paused in fearful hesitance before slowly nodding, the idea of not searching for their friends after a period of time leaving them unsettled.
The two eldest were making their way out of the apartment building, stopping at the entry door to push a vending machine in front of it. Jay looked confused when Heeseung asked him to do it but he followed suit anyways, not wanting to deny the orders considering the fear in his friends face.
Jungwon’s moms van was large and loud, rattling when you pressed too hard on the gas pedal and squealing every time it forced its large frame to a stop. They didn’t drive it often, outside of trips to the beach and going through drive thru’s, and Heeseung was grateful that the roads were uncharacteristically empty as he amateurly made his way through the city streets.
It was complete silent as they pulled up to their youngest friends school, both holding their breath as they leaned forward to see out of the driver side window and try to catch sight of any sign of life.
Heeseung’s heart was throbbing and he felt sick, almost too scared to go and find the boy in case he saw something he wasn’t able to ever forget, something he wouldn’t be able to move past. Jay’s hand was reaching forward to take his arm and he glanced at the other boy, seeing him give him a firm nod with a look of determination. Heeseung gave him a weary smile in return but it was the boost of strength he needed to open the door.
There was debris around the area from the days of mild chaos leading up to this and Jay bent down to grab a particularly long piece of metal, steadying it in front of him like a baseball bat as they got closer to the school doors.
They were unlocked and they quickly realized something was wrong judging by the papers scattered along the hallway, backpack’s abandoned in classrooms like they had to evacuate fast and Heeseung could smell something foul that caused his nose to turn up in disgust.
“Riki.” It was a yelled whisper echoing through the halls, carrying the noise all the way down the silent building until it was reaching the end and bouncing back towards them.
“Hyung? Is that you?” A scared voice was coming from the end of the hallway, shaky and muffled like he was hidden behind something and the two older boys let out a sigh of relief at the confirmation that he was at least okay enough to respond.
They were swift in their approach towards the room the voice had come from, forgetting to be cautious because of their relief and rush to get out of there but they quickly froze when a figure was coming out of one of the classrooms in the middle of the hallway.
Heeseung automatically recognized the signs of the creatures he had seen earlier, staring at the man who was staggering into the hall and turning towards them with his nose in the air. His eyes were yellow and vacant and he had dark liquid around his mouth, still moving his jaw like he was finishing a large meal. The man groaned loudly in their direction, bordering on a screech and the boys could do nothing but stare.
“What the fuck?” Jay was rushing out in an anxious tone, glancing over to his friend who was remaining still and watching it carefully. “Dude what’s wrong with him, what the fuck?”
“He’s got it.” Heeseung was stating matter of factly and Jay paled at the realization, shaking his head in disbelief and faltering backwards a few steps.
Heeseung was approaching the creature slowly and they both jumped when it reared its head and roared in agitation, sloppily approaching them and not faltering even when it almost slipped and crashed into the floor. They watched it approached speedily and when it got near they both circled around it’s back, confusing it momentarily but not long enough before it was attacking again.
The creature pinned Heeseung back against the wall, his hands flailing in front of him as he tried his hardest to shove it away with cries and groans of fear. It’s strength was double what a normal man’s would be and he was seconds from giving up when it was slumping to the ground.
Heeseung dropped off the wall and scrambled over to Jay who was panting with the piece of scrap metal in front of him, dripping thick syrupy blood now that he had smashed it into the figure.
They both watched in horror, attempting to catch their breath, as it begun to rise off the floor again. Shakily standing back to its full height and snarling again at them, seemingly angrier now.
“Oh you’ve gotta be shitting me.” Heeseung was panting out as he stared up at its cracked skull, half of its face sliding downwards and a bloodied mess from the force of Jay’s swing mixed with days of decay.
Both boys watched it as it started to approach again and then Jay was letting out a loud scream, taking a few steps forward and swinging the metal back down on its shoulder. They both froze in anticipation and then fear when the creature didn’t react to the hit at all.
“Oh what the fu-“ He was cut off as the creature swung at him and he dove out of the way with a grunt. “How do you kill this thing?”
“Why the fuck would I know?” Heeseung was screaming back in bewilderment, glancing around in confusion to try and find a way out of the situation but coming up with nothing as he turned back to keep his attention on the man who kept getting more and more unhinged the louder they avoided him and his gaping mouth.
The creature wasn’t getting winded whilst the boys were barely managing to swing their arms anymore, using this to its advantage and catching Jay off guard. Heeseung watched in horror as it pinned his friend to the hallway floor, listening to his screams of terror and gasp of air from under its heavy frame.
He didn’t think twice before he was rushing forward, and throwing the entirety of his weight into its body. He let out a guttural scream and pulled his arm back as far as it could go before driving the knife forward into its softened skull. Jay was, thankfully, getting the memo and rolling out of the way before the creature slammed onto the floor, now fully lifeless.
Both boys collapsed to the floor in fits of gasps and pants. Nobody spoke for a few minutes from shock and then Jay’s tired voice was ringing out. “Dude… you just totally saved my life.”
It was silent again for a few seconds before Heeseung was letting out a soft chuckle, launching the other into a fit of delirious laughter until they were both cracking up with the body in between them.
“Holy shit.” Both boys were pausing at the sound of Riki’s voice, a lot closer now as he pushed his way out of the classroom and was watching them from the end of the hallway. “You guys totally killed Mr. Kim.”
“And then what?” Your voice was completely enthralled as you spoke, leaning forward towards the campfire so your elbows were on your knees and you thought you saw Jake’s lips curl up from the corner of your eye.
“Well… we went back to get the others. We tried to get to family but..” Jay was trailing off but you nodded in understanding and he gave you a grateful look before sighing and continuing with his story. “Heeseung found a map in the pocket of a dead guy on the highway out of the city and he had circled the general area that you found us in, so we assumed it was safe.”
“And it was.” Jake was adding and it was some of his first words of the night, having remained mostly silent and to himself throughout your trip.
It had been two days since you left and you knew everybody was feeling unsettled by the fact you were heading back home now to the unknown. It was a mostly uneventful journey, not stopping much or sleeping more than a few hours with a shared determination to get there and back as soon as humanly possible.
You felt like the universe had cut you a break when you arrived to the veterinary hospital Jungwon had seen on the map, only encountering a handful of walkers and finding some medicine that should do the trick fairly quickly. But you knew the universe wasn’t kind nor was she fond of handing out breaks so your stomach clenched with the idea of what could be waiting for you back at the camp.
Sunghoon could’ve died from blood loss and infection and passed along the traumatizing act of putting him down before he turned, or he could’ve turned in the night and taken out a few of his brothers before anybody was awake enough to put a stop to it.
You knew the two boys with you were thinking similar things so you’d ask for a story to try and keep their minds off of it, listening to Jay carefully as he recounted the first time they’d killed a walker and how happy Riki was that it was his mean teacher that often stuck him in detention.
“Heeseung was our leader before he was ever our leader.” Jay was remarking as he finished his story, scooting down more into the dirt so his back was fully pressed against the rotted log he was resting on.
Jake hummed in agreement and you didn’t say anything, thinking about the statement and the conversation you’d had with the eldest boy about the weight of his responsibilities. You felt a longing for him suddenly, missing him and the others more than you thought you would and you could tell the two with you were thinking the same thing now that it was falling silent again.
You didn’t say anything as you were standing up to stomp out the fire, knowing it was already a risk to strike it up in the first place but especially to sleep with it roaring.
The three of you followed the same routine as the past two nights, stringing up cans in a circle around where you were sleeping so if anything, dead or alive, bumped into it you’d have some form of warning before it was coming down directly on top of you. You laid your head down in the pile of leaves and tried to ignore the sticks sitting uncomfortably under your shoulder blades, falling asleep to the sounds of the forest and the two boys breathing.
You’d been walking for a few hours before seeing anything familiar but your body was alert to the fact you were getting closer to the camp again, this time with a backpack full of supplies and a prayer in the back of your mind that things would be okay.
It didn’t take long for you to realize something was off about your surroundings, the woods unusually silent and resting like all the animals and trees were holding their breath. You raised your hand and folded it, a silent signal for the boys to stop walking and fall into a crouched position behind you.
Your eyes were hurriedly scanning over the forest floor and your heart sank when you noticed multiple pairs of tracks and footprints that wouldn’t have been from your group, having no reason to venture this far out. You waved Jake and Jay closer and they quickly shifted forward in their crouched position.
“Is it a hoard?” Jake was whispering to you when you pointed out the shoe prints in the mud, glancing at you with a worried expression. Jay’s eyes were dark with concern and his face was hard, glancing in the direction of the others and frowning.
“I don’t think so.” You were shaking your head and sighing softly as you trailed your finger around the indented mud to explain to them. “The steps are too direct and pointed, if it was walkers they’d be messy and all over the place.”
“So it’s people then.” Jay was saying matter of factly and you all feel into a heavy silence, knowing you had no choice but to continue on the path back home, regardless if there was anybody left waiting for you or not.
You didn’t bother wasting anytime, falling into fast and silent footsteps and you maneuvered your way through the woods, guns drawn and knives out of your holster in case any of the people were still around and surveilling the surrounding woods.
Jay caught sight of something long before you did and you were grateful for his hand that shot out to stop you from rushing right into the view of the man you could now see, pacing back and forth in the center of the little houses and keeping an eye out for anything out of place.
You lip curled up in a sneer but you weren’t exactly sure what to do. If it was up to you, you’d simply take him out from a distance but you didn’t know how many were inside with the boys and if any more were not here, not wanting to risk the safety of the others or the three of you by acting on impulse. Jake seemed to be thinking something similar considering he was tapping your shoulder to get your attention, indicating down to your knives after you looked at him.
You understood what he was implying but you stared at him for a few seconds to make sure he was certain, realizing you hadn’t yet discussed the groups morals when it came to the living.
His eyes were hard as he gave you a solid nod and he mouthed for Jay to have your back as you moved in silent towards the patrol. The man didn’t have time to react before you were behind him, listening to the sound of Jay whistle and bring his attention forward before you were wrapping your hand around his forehead and tilting his head back so his neck was fully exposed to you.
He let out a gurgled shout as you slid your knife across his throat, grunting softly under his weight as you tried to lower him to the ground as silently as possible.
You looked up at Jay after he was on the ground, watching him carefully as he gave you a small nod of acceptance and you sighed softly before returning it to him and waiting for Jake to come out of the woods and meet you. The three of you ducked against one of the houses, your backs pressed against the wood as you listened to try and get a guess of how many people were inside.
“I say we just kill him already.” It was a woman’s voice and she was speaking in a nasty rasp like she was a heavy smoker, your heart pounding at the sentence she spoke. “He’s half dead already, I’ll be pissed if he turns on us and takes a chunk out of my arm.”
You glanced at Jake after she was done speaking and he was already looking at you, both of you relieved to hear that she was talking about Sunghoon still being alive, immediately followed by the dread of what she was implying they should do.
“Touch him and you’ll have bigger problems than him turning.” Heeseung’s voice was speaking now and it was dropped to an octave you’d never heard it in before, cold and serious and he threatened her in a deadly tone.
You heard an annoyed scoff from a male voice before it was followed by the sound of low groans of pain that you made out to be Sunghoon’s, wincing slightly at the hurt in his cries.
“Do something then.” The males voice was speaking in a teasing manner and you heard Sunghoon groan again, likely being hit or kicked by somebody inside to prove a point towards the other boys helplessness. “Oh.. you can’t, that’s right. I forgot.”
There was more sounds after that but you couldn’t fully tell what they were, feeling sick and helpless where you were sitting until Jay was snapping his fingers and getting both of your attention back on him.
He was making signals with his hand and you swiftly understood that he was implying he wanted to rush inside and take them out before they had a chance to react or take any hostages, using the element of surprise to your advantage. Jake seemed more hesitant in the idea although you figured it was only the two of them inside the small house, seeing the car they had arrived it and doubting it could fit more than four people.
Your eyes wandered over to the body on the ground and you steadied your footing in the dirt before nodding softly to Jay and patting Jake on the back.
It went extremely fast, your mind on complete autopilot and devoid of any extreme emotion to help you get through the terrible act without hesitating or missing your shot. Jake was kicking the door open roughly and then stepping back to allow you and Jay to rush forward, relief rushing through you at the confirmation it was only two people and then followed by horror considering how easily you were able to sink your knife into the skull of the woman.
She’d barely had a second to process your arrival, eyes widening in fear and letting out a painful gasp of shock before her face was lifeless and she was crumbling to the floor.
You felt slightly sick that it had been so easy for you to kill two people in the span of minutes but you glanced up at the scared boys huddled around the house and you realized that you didn’t regret it, that you’d do it 100 times again if it was necessary.
Heeseung was tied to the radiator next to Sunghoon, clarifying the reason he hadn’t even able to stop their assault on the boy and you glanced at him to see him far paler and more lifeless than he had been when you’d seen him. He was still alive however and you were rushing to grab the supplies from your bag when you noticed the horror on the boys faces, eyes over your shoulder.
You froze up but before you could turn to see what they were seeing, a shot was ringing out close to your ear and you were completely disoriented for a few seconds.
It took awhile to process what had happened, turning your body in a panic to see a fourth man laying in the doorway of the house. His knife was still rattling against the floor from where he’d dropped it and you saw the exit wound coming out from the backside of his head. You spun back around and your heart crumbled when you saw who it was that had killed the man, saving your life by taking another’s.
Riki was holding the gun in shaky hands, barely able to keep it steady and his eyes were wide in shock and horror, keeping it pointed in your direction despite the threat being gone now.
“Riki.” You were saying softly, still frozen but raising your hands in surrender and taking a small step towards him. You didn’t necessarily think he would hurt you but he clearly wasn’t thinking straight and his fingers were still dangerously tight around the trigger. “Riki, it’s okay. You got him, he’s dead.”
His eyes shot to yours at the words and his face softened slightly, letting you approach and take the gun from his rigid hands.
He was dropping his shoulders in relief once the metal was out of his hands, shocking you by pulling you in for a tight hug that knocked the air out of your lungs. You returned it after a few seconds, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and squeezing him tightly with your eyes shut. You could hear the others moving around, untying Heeseung and greeting the others.
After Riki let you go and went to sit down in the corner and calm down, you quickly administered the medication into Sunghoon’s veins and sighed softly at the heavy breath he took at the feeling of it entering his system. You pushed his damp hair off his sweaty forehead and smiled softly at him even though he couldn’t see it, happy he had managed to fight for this long.
You were standing up again and immediately bumping into another frame, pausing until you realized it was Heeseung.
His hands were coming up to cup your face and you smiled at him in relief despite the cuts on his face and the noticeable black eye that you imagined had come from the struggle with the looters that had led to him being the only one tied up. “You gave them hell didn’t you.”
He laughed softly at your words and nodded his head, eyes gentle as he looked down at you and you felt your heart clench uncomfortably at both his expression and how much you had missed him.
You thought this about them all as the night continued on, telling them how your run had gone and listening to them laugh and tell funny stories that you didn’t fully understand but you still felt a lightness in your heart just from how excited they sounded about remembering the smallest details of things that had happened to them together in the old world.
Riki was still a but subdued after what had happened, not speaking much and staying in the corner as you all ate dinner and took sips from the liquor bottle the three of you had found on the trip. He seemed a bit out of it and your heart felt heavy after Jungwon had leaned in to whisper and explain to you that he had never killed somebody before.
You felt guilty that he had done something like that to save you, your own mistake for not assuming there was another person still outside or checking the tracks more carefully because you were too worried about them and too focus on getting inside as soon as possible. Your care was making you stupid and making you weak, leaving the youngest to lose a piece of himself to fix your mistake.
It was this that made up your mind for you, solidifying that you couldn’t stay here with them any longer or else things like this would keep happening. You’d have to continue to risk yourself for them and vice versa, you couldn’t take watching them hurt themselves in the name of saving you or each other and you knew now that they were always going to put the others and you over themselves individually.
You kept reminding yourself this as you silently packed your bag, waiting for the others to fall asleep and leave you on watch duty before you were preparing to slip out.
You’d stay in the woods outside the camp for the night and make sure nothing hurt them during your watch cycle and then you were going to disappear into the dark cover of the trees once the next person on the rotation woke up and found you missing. You left them all of the medication and food, taking nothing but your change of clothes and your knives.
The crickets were extra loud as you made your way outside, having carefully stepped over the sleeping boys and left a note with detailed instructions on which medications to give to Sunghoon and when. You included a small goodbye sentence just so they knew you hadn’t been taken and didn’t get hurt trying to find you, although you had a feeling they’d try anyways.
You were barely off the porch, your foot hitting the dirt softly and feeling the cold chill of the night when a voice behind you was causing you to jump and spin around.
“So that’s it then?” You whipped around with wide eyes but your face crumbled when you realized who it was, seeing Heeseung come out of the shadows with a hurt expression and hooded eyes. “You’re not even going to say goodbye?”
You froze as you looked at him, words falling short as your mouth open and closed in silence. He scoffed as he looked at you, turning his head away as his eyes teared up slightly but he shook his head in anger before taking a few steps in your direction with a raised accusatory finger.
“You’re just going to leave after all this?” He was spitting out at you and the tone of his voice, the disgust lacing his words, made your heart drop into your stomach with a crushing weight.
“I have to.” You replied back with desperation, your face curling up in anguish and you tried to get him to understand even slightly what your reasoning was. “Sunghoon almost died Heeseung, and Riki he… these things will keep happening.”
“He didn’t die.” He was almost yelling now and you flinched back at the volume of his voice, having half a mind to shush him softly and watching the way his face curled up in anger at the sound slipping through your lips. “He didn’t die Y/N, and you were the one who made sure of that. You care about us, I know you do.”
You didn’t know how to reply to that, not wanting to correct him especially when he wasn’t wrong.
You did care about them and it was making your skin crawl every time you found yourself smiling affectionately at one of their offhanded jokes or paying extra attention to their wounds and bruises. Even more so with the boy in front of you with the gentle way he touched you to make sure you weren’t injured, when his face was lit up by campfires or his determination to lead a group of boys through a world he himself didn’t understand.
“I can’t watch it happen.” Your voice was breaking and your shoulders sagged in upset, exhaustion wracking through you both emotionally and physically. “And it always happens, Hee.”
“It won’t happen this time.” He was taking more steps towards you and his hands were shakily coming up to hold your face, staring down at you with his own sense of determination to try and help you see his side of things. “Why didn’t you say bye to me?”
He was asking but you knew he already knew your answer and you tried to pull out of his touch to avoid answering, stopping when his thumb was gently rubbing your cheek and shaking his head to try and stop you.
“Because you wouldn’t be able to leave.” He was answering for you, filling in the blank and giving you a soft sad smile that made you break into a sob, your first time allowing yourself to cry for as long as you could remember. “Right? Tell me I’m right.”
You didn’t say anything but you didn’t need to, feeling him pull you in tightly against his chest as you fully let yourself feel the wave of your emotions, restricting them for so long in the name of survival and fighting to make it through the day.
Heeseung was keeping you in his embrace even when your legs were giving out and you were sinking to the floor in his arms, your hands hitting the dirt and feeling it mold between your fingers. You hooked your head over his shoulder and shut your eyes tight when your gaze fell on the body of the man you’d killed so easily earlier.
You let him hold you like that until your sobs were slowing down and the blood was drying in the grass.
You stayed like that far longer than you’d realized, sitting still and frozen until your cries slowed down and his blood had fully dried in the grass.
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Been a while since I updated y'all on P-Chem guy huehue
Short Version: I friend-zoned him.
Long Version (aka why ima be real it's mostly me complaining and being disappointed because I really wanted this to work out but I digress) under the cut:
Remember like last month when I was like "P-Chem Guy told his parents we were dating when I made it clear to him that I wanted to get to know him first before committing to anything"? Yeah, it got worst.
So, like, I kinda mentioned it here somewhere but we went on a date back in December and I think I said something like "it went well I think" okay actually it didn't I just really tried to see the bright side of things but when I really looked into it it was actually really... disappointing.
Now wait let me preface this really quick, J (P-Chem guy, I don't want to write it out all the time so we'll call him J lol) is actually a really sweet guy. Like I can easily see myself falling for him if I met him before I had like two other failed situationships and even more failed talking stages. And quick reminder that J and I were friends before we considered dating so there's that.
Anyway... onto why I decided to stop things now, and it all stems from that date and it extends to now (putting a very important label despite me telling him otherwise and telling very important people aside ofc).
Firstly, I'm the one who asked him out on this first date, technically. And, yeah, 21st century, right? The girl can take initiative as much as the guy can, but please remember I'm Filipino and my parents are hardcore traditional as in they wanted J to go through the whole courting process and everything, which I told him about and he literally did nothing about it but continuing on. He basically texted me "hey, the year is going to end soon if you wanted to do anything together before then" and I was like "yeah, I'm down to do something together." Now, I copy pasted what he said here. And I'm pretty sure with how he worded it he was going to follow up with an offer and ask me out. Bzzt, wrong. His next message was "okay, let me know what you want to do."
So anyway I wanted to get to know him better anyway and I was a little annoyed that he didn't follow up on that message because I'm a firm believer in if you want to do something then plan it yourself don't thrust that responsibility onto someone else. This mainly applies to when the plan only includes yourself and one other person btw but ugh I ended up telling him that we should go to a cafe then after lunch. I italicize that for a reason. And, maybe this is me being petty, but we both acknowledged that this was a date, and he didn't even pick me up :/// Like, I know that's a small thing but really? You made me plan this then I drove myself to the agreed area? It was kind of disheartening because like... bruh, I wanna be pampered okay? Plus that's like a courtesy thing anyway, especially since he was the one who confessed first but whatever I guess.
I wanted to keep it casual so I told him that we could meet up after we lunch time for like a dessert run. That's why I planned to meet at 3pm, after lunch. So we go to the cafe, get our orders, it's nice and all. Now there were two people sitting next to us talking very loudly about something that shouldn't be talked about in public so I gave him the universal silent signal of "we should leave now" (for those who don't know, I looked at him, widened my eyes a little, and glanced to the exit before nudging my head toward it). And what does this guy do? He looks at me and goes on his phone for a bit. I was flabbergasted, but I thought, eh, he's a guy, I shouldn't expect much from what I've experienced before. And I don't know how to explain this correctly but like... it was so awkward. More awkward than any first date I'd been on. I wasn't expecting it to be awkward because it had never been awkward between us before (remember we were friends at first). He's just a dry conversationalist and I really didn't vibe with that. Every conversation I started, and every conversation he ended. I'd ask something like "oh how do you like the coffee here?" He'd say "it's nice." And that's it. But, anyway, moving on.
So we end up going to a bookstore like a block away just to kill time. Wasn't in my plan, I wanted to leave right after the cafe, but I trapped myself by asking if he had any plans that day (he said no) and I said that I didn't have anything pressing either (ugh, bad Crys). Now, if the cafe was bad, this was worst. He didn't say anything to me. I couldn't even think of anything to say to him because I've been the one initiating the conversation the entire damn time. So, I thought, okay let's go somewhere with a common interest. So we walked over to the manga section and still nothing. So, I asked, "hey, which anime or manga have you read?" And he says "recommend me some." BRUH I asked first and he's just... not going to answer okay. It was here I found out we also have like... drastically different genre tastes. I love shoujo and slice of life and he's really more into shounen and isekai but ehhhhh I was willing to overlook that. But like... what I wrote in this paragraph, yeah, that was the full extent of our conversation there.
We leave the bookstore and now we're just walking. It's still awkward. I feel like I need to fill the silence with whatever so I'm just waiting on him to do it because I've done it enough already. And finally, FINALLY, he starts a conversation.
By telling me his family drama.
Yum, okay, it's better than nothing, I guess, but like... how am I supposed to respond to something that came out of nowhere and that I have no experience on (let alone a place to give my opinion on). But, this was the calm before the storm. We walk back to the cafe since that's where we parked and he says something like "are you hungry?" A pit formed in my stomach. "I'm alright, you?" I threw back at him. "Yeah, I haven't eaten today." AH I felt like ripping my hair out. I told him, I told him we'd meet after lunch, I know I'm making a big deal out of nothing but like I already ate because I was pretty sure we'd just be coming here to drink coffee but nope he had other plans. So we end up walking to a fastfood restaurant and he goes "oh I thought this was an actual restaurant" (my guy, we're in a food court) but like we end up turning around and we go to the one "actual restaurant" there and it's a really pricey sushi bar (I'm talking $30 for a sushi roll y'all) and like, I'm kinda uncomfortable because I wasn't hungry so I can't really eat my money's worth but he insists and I didn't want to be rude so we went anyway and argh this was even more awkward because we were just eating in silence and that's normal yeah but the silence was so awkward and heavy and I felt so uncomfortable with it because like... I guess I was just irked that it happened, ya know? At this point i just wanted to go home.
After that we kinda walked around the area again, inside and outside of stores, it was still awkward, conversations ran dry, everything. And I was just so... disappointed by everything. I put so much effort into preparing for this too, I chose a nice outfit that was a little out of my comfort zone, new shoes, hell I even curled my hair nicely, and this? I know he's a guy, but he really just pulled up in jeans and a plain white shirt. He didn't even do his hair like he usually does or anything and like I get we're friends but at least put some effort for a first date, but I digress, he is a guy, I don't know why I put my expectations up.
The end was boring. We just said goodbye to each other and I guess we hugged too but it was even more awkward like... geez, I was so disappointed with it but I tried to push it all aside to look at the bright side of things. I texted him later that night that I had fun because I didn't want to hurt his feelings but that was that.
And that's just the date, yeah, so much happened there but, I figured, I should give him more chances because what's one date, right? Nah, I started noticing smaller things that I just can't vibe with in the long run, and a lot of these are going to sound petty or me being bitchy but like I just can't overlook them for some reason.
He texts every day - See, this is normal, but at one point it started feeling like a chore for me and that was a tell tale sign that whatever I thought we could've had fizzled out. That and I've never been a huge texter, or caller for that matter, I'm just so busy with my family and my school I don't have the luxury of texting often
He buys my pricey gifts - Don't twist this the wrong way, I don't mind gifts, but I'm the kind of person who feels like they have to "match" gifts. Like, if I get a $20 starbucks gift card from one person I'll give them a $20 gift card back because to me, especially when you're starting out, it's just the least you could do, maybe it was the way I was raised but like getting someone something less than what they've given you before feels disrespectful in a way. And see when I tell this to other people they're like "aww but that's cute!" I'm talking $60 and up gifts, guys. I don't work, I don't have an income, I can't match that. Hell, if I didn't end things last week he would've bought me $150 converse which I definitely do not like to receive as a gift. When I buy expensive things I buy them for myself because I earned enough money to afford it. And before that he was going to by me $200 Doc Martens that I definitely put my foot down and told him not to buy me something expensive. Because imagine how I will look in front of people? In front of his family? Oh, J's buying her nice things and she can't get him anything better than a coffee mug. It's for my own pride too, as horrible as that is. Leading to my next point
He oversteps boundaries - No means no, that's important. When I tell him that he didn't have to do something or that I don't want him to do something involving me that is final and still he does it anyway. Like the above point, I told him that receiving expensive gifts makes me uncomfortable and still he does it or tries to, and I even I told him multiple times that I didn't like it. I tell him that I don't want something he's offering me and he leaves it with me anyway, he's told my friends that he thinks it's me being cute and being nice, it's not. When I say no, I mean it. But he just ignores that for some reason, and I can see it becoming a problem in the foreseeable future. I've already mentioned the whole telling his parents we're dating when we were just talking thing so I'll leave this there.
Let's just say you can tell he lives alone - Now this one's just me knitpicking but like... He never pushes his chair in, he doesn't really clean up after himself (he does a little so I'll give him that I guess), his "idle behavior" when he's with the whole friend group is to play games on his phone, and his motto is "I kinda just do my own thing" and I realize these are small things but like they just got on my nerves for some reason.
Dry everything - Like I said, dry conversationalist and dry texter.
He doesn't get a lot of social cues - Quick preface, he's neurotypical, he's told us before so we just took his word for it. Usually I can overlook this, but see the date above. I'm sorry, I know it's mean, but I can't see myself with someone who isn't on my same level of understanding. Like, how could he not tell that I was that uncomfortable? I've had to tell him plenty of times before that I was uncomfortable in certain situations and like a few times is fine but it started to get constant. He's even told me before that he doesn't care to take the effort to learn these cues, and that really kind of hurt me.
Our maturity levels are different - This was actually pointed out to me by my best friend after I told her I friend zoned him. She said that we were just on different pages completely. Objectively, I was just more mature than him especially in the realm of dating, hell, he didn't even know what a talking phase was. Doesn't mean that he lives alone means that he's more mature than I am, we as individuals see things in different ways and turns out it was just way too different for it to work out.
But... yeah. It was just so much, and I even thought of just toughing it out because I didn't want to ruin the friend group dynamic but fuck I gotta put me first, I can't put myself through that and I can't lead him on like that either so I called it off now before it could become something worse. Of course this is all my side, I'm pretty sure he thought things were going well, and it's not like I gave up. I did my part in communicating my feelings and all but like I was the only one doing that so it felt like I was the only one with problems or whatever and that made me feel even worse.
AITA? I'm half kidding
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amymybeloved · 1 year
haha, Dinner! :D
So lol, DINNER! AU FNCSDJNCSJDFNCFJFND Ran has to make a follow up stream, it was so funn and hnfndnf Im gonna just put all my theories/ things I noticed here <33
Ranboo’s Family:-
Ranboo- Adopted Child (test tube baby)
Freddie- Cousin
Jack- Grandad
Aimsey- Sibling
Eryn- Sibling? I think-
Second Family, That's on the table:-
Billzo- Freddies’ Accomplice?
Guqqie- Aimseys’ s/o
Tommy (Bug boy)- Random guy that for some reason showed up.
Shown Story Quick Recap:-
Ranboo Intros the stream by saying these lines,
“You know getting stabbed, no, murdering someone, no, getting taken over by an evil ancient entity but there is one thing that stands out among all of them, because there is nothing more scary than a family dinner.”
Then proceeds to show late, Aimsey joining first, with a tag along,Guqqie who we later on learn is Xirs s/o. Keep in mind along with bringing someone, they both also wear the wrong style.
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Next joins Jack, aka the grandfather, immediately after being seated, he drinks an entire bottle of Wine straight.
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(Both Jack, Aimsey and xirs accomplice Quqqie have seemed to hit something on the way)
After that, Freddie joins,with another unexpected guest, Billzo,But this time Freddie seems to have been in correct and formal attire, Billzo, is the complete opposite. Freddie keeps on talking about their trip to the Maldives Along with Bill, but they also seem like they are hiding something.
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Then  Eryn joins, as he enters, he has a very loose stance, and brings his own drink, for only himself, He is dressed very casually.
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They Carry on at dinner as normal, they were talking
When Tommy just kind of walks in.He calls himself BugBoy and is wearing a very poorly made SpiderMan outfit, he acts very out of place.
Freddie keeps on mentioning the Maldives, but keeps reminding Billzo to not talk about the Red Jewel.
We are also part of this dinner, as a guest, But we are very shy and scared, and never respond, we know this because Tommy tries to come up to us.
The people are getting ancy and ask when the food is coming, Which Ranboo replies, 
“It's coming soon”
Jack is talking about how he was in the war of Nam.
Jack dies, Ranboo revives Him.
(He does this 3 times throughout the dinner)
Ranboo tries to calm the situation by telling the table to say one thing they are thankful for.
We find out Guqqie and Aimsey are married and have children.
Freddie and Aimsey have a bad relationship
Ranboo finally announces that the food is here,and everyone is happy.
As Ranboo seemingly gets up to get the food, he grabs the knife from the table, this of which only Freddie notices.
Ranboo confirms that the food is MOST DEFINITELY here.
The screen fades into black, and is written:
The food was not there. The Dinner lasted 100 hours.
Only one survived.
Ranboo will Return.
Head Cannons:-
The first line: “You know getting stabbed, no, murdering someone, no, getting taken over by an evil ancient entity but there is one thing that stands out among all of them, because there is nothing more scary than a family dinner.”
This is what I THINK this means, Ran was taken over by an ancient entity, and is being told to murder their family because in theory their family dinner is scarier than the entity, so in turn, the entity wants to destroy (Unalive) everything Ran finds more scary.
Ranboo finally announces that the food is here,and everyone is happy.
The food was a knife to the throat, yk not the best, but it is what it is.
Another HC is that everytime they have a guest he serves the guest the previous guests.
Only one survived.
That one person is Aimsey.
Their sidekick
Aimsey back stabs his wife (Guqquie) with the help of Ran quite literally.
And Aimsey also helps hide/cook all the bodies :)
That's It For Now, If I Get More I Will Update This :D
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
The Eclipse Ep 4 Live Blogging
First time waiting for a whole week for an episode since like 2gether, so I hope they make the 7 day wait for 40 minutes worth it (unlike 2gether cuz I started watching it around the time it fell apart in the later episodes T.T)
I'm excited and nervous. Saw this tweet (cr: gramyok) about how no accidental kiss has ever hit and it was an hour ago (self-admittedly by the user that it's very chaotic of them to say that like right before akkayan potentially do that) but yeah please let that one be a misdirect
The Eclipse Ep 1 - 3
Sep 02 - during the premiere
accidental kiss and frozen and paused too. well, I'll just ignore it
the second time Akk pulls Ayan's sleeve to stop/sit down against Waree
omg being good at school is sooooo attractive and I'm also a bit jealous even though that's not the point of this. Now that I'm in uni and terrible at knowing what's going on, this show made me miss school being understandable and sometimes easy for me in high school
Anyway, the teachers doing that as punishment... this school seems to love public humiliation as punishment. It went mostly fine because Ayan knew all the answers but if he didn't, it'd be cruelty and humiliation in front of the class (Waree was already gunning for humiliation if Ayan took like 3 seconds to answer)
Akk sympathizing with Ayan and even going to ask Chadok about it
that was such a good scene, don't fuck with me. Khao does this quieter, yielding, tired Ayan so well. Also, Khao's thigh tattoo was showing. There was one moment where Ayan looked so deeply at Akk after pulling him back from leaving that Akk turned away all dear in headlights and it was funny and endearing to me. We even got an allusion toward the Dika mystery. I wonder how seeing this side of Ayan will affect Akk. Favourite scene of the episode for now unless something in the following 2 parts blows me away fr
Ayan and Thua continue to be interesting, I hope Saturday is in this episode
I continue ignoring what happened in the showers during the cold open
Things I want in the next 2 parts: Ayan and Thua meeting on Saturday, Kan and Ayan scene. Update: both happened, nice.
Oh yeah, what happened to those protestors? Hope they're planning on making another splash
I love the trio of friends even though Akk has some terrible stalking ideas
a queer cafeeeeeee alksdflaksdfj O.O that's so exciting i could cry. There's a pride flag and a variety of queer people, it reminds me of Not Me and Badhaai Do, but the pride flags and celebrations were during momentous occasions, protests, and fighting for rights. This cafe was so lovely with its casual display of queerness and community, just existing. my post
it's making me a little nervous that Akk and Kan aren't gonna be able to watch Ayan and Thua sneakily though lol They'll probably get caught and either have to admit they followed Ayan or that they just frequent this queer cafe
omg Akk being like :D vs Kan's nervousness/uncomfortableness. It supports my understanding that Kan's the one who's dealing with internalized homophobia and is uncomfortable being associated with queerness despite being aware that he likes Thua whereas Akk's not really facing internalized homophobia, just mostly confusion and new feelings, so hasn't been keenly aware of his queerness the way Kan has been
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I need to think a bit more to understand what just happened with Thua's mom, how it happened, and its implications
Update: Okay the mother thing confused me deeply but then I came to adopt SeekingIdleWild Hal's conclusion that makes to me (happened to Reddit and discord, so here's it copy-pasted):
"Did Thua come out to his mom before we saw their interaction? It didn’t show that and after a coming out I would expect more of a reaction even if it’s of support and love. I think it would’ve been a bigger deal for Thua as well if he was gonna come out
Did Thua’s mom already know and Ayan was just like yo lemme meet her :) with the ulterior motive of starting a conversation between Thua and his mom? I’m leaning toward this one ig"
"It never even crossed my mind that Thua’s mother doesn’t know he’s queer because considering the meeting place, I assumed he’s either about to come out to her or she already knows. Now that I’m seeing your and some other comments, I guess narratively it makes sense that she actually doesn’t know and that’s why the whole conversation was just kinda vague about everything. Logically, though, I cannot imagine bringing my mother who I’m not out to to a very explicitly queer cafe, especially if I’m not very very very certain that she’s supportive of queerness.
It also threw me off that Ayan just told his mom (who I’m assuming he just met but more on this later) that Thua was struggling. If Ayan picked up on the fact that Thua’s struggling because of his stepdad, how does he know he can just tell the mom (who is married to said stepdad) about it?
Also, I just don’t get this meeting happening in the first place. Was Ayan just like “come to this cafe I know and bring your mom!” to Thua who he has known for only a short period of time and whose mom he has never met? With no real explanation for why?
I love the existence of this cafe a lot, so I wish the writing and motivations behind the cafe scene was less confusing to me.
Edit: spoke with SeekingIdleWild and I’m adopting their opinion that the actual Saturday plans were probably just to hang out together at the cafe, the mom was just there to drop off Thua but sat down to chat for a bit (that’s why she had to leave quickly), Ayan took his chance to bring up Thua’s problem, then the two of them just hung out afterward like they planned but they didn’t show much of that. They also could’ve been wanting to plan something about the school but that probably didn’t happen since they knew Akk and Kan were there."
Also, when the mom mentions the dad’s “methods” I can’t tell if she means it in like his personality/how he deals with things, or methods as an euphimism for physical punishment.
There are like 10 more minutes, possibly less of actual content, left and I don't wanna watch it because it'll be over.
They're fr spying on Ayan going to his uncle's grave
yay Kan and Thua scene, though short as hell. Both of them trying to help the other in their own way whether it be Thua avoiding Kan because Kan doesn't wanna be associated with the gay rumours or Kan telling Thua to confide in him. Update: Ayan knew about Akk and Kan following them, so does Thua here know? Doesn't seem to mind if he does but he could also just not have noticed
oof, Akk and Kan starting to connect Ayan and Dika (Akk gotta stop with the faen thing lmfao) but they don't know Dika died
Akk asking Teacher Waree to stop punishing Ayan and let the Prefect Club handle him. This is the 2nd time Akk's asked a teacher about Ayan's punishment and he's doing it so polity with his prefect identify but technically he's disrupting their chosen punishment.
Ayan really lets a lot slide, he caught Akk tryna go through his stuff twice and knows Akk and Kan followed him on Saturday but he isn't punching him the way I would have
not Akk saving Ayan from a motorcycle lol a very seme move and the long ass hold that Ayan points out
lol they forgot about the "what did you tell Waree" "were you following me" thing ig
"You got used to my car really fast" that's what I was thinking lmfao Akk comfy and familiar in there after one ride
wait a minute what why is he kissing his cheek is it for a picture bye i don't understand where they stand with each other on the frenemies who are attracted to each other triangle and I don't think they know either, it's all very tumultuous
I'll skip the next episode preview once again I guess but like I don't expect to remain spoiler free lol last week people giffed/uploaded clips of it all.
Overall Episode Thoughts:
This episode didn't have anything about the curse, focusing mostly on the characters and their relationships. I think the Ayan and Akk interactions were a little wonky at the beginning (the accidental kiss - unnecessary) and at the end (the cheek kiss - I think I saw Ayan taking a photo of it and I guess we'll explore it next episode but I also wonder of its necessity. I guess perhaps this wouldn't have happened if not for the accidental kiss before and that was the purpose of that?). Anyway, these interactions made me confused about where they stand in the friend - enemy/suspicious person - attraction/to be lover triangle because they seemed to move around a lot during this episode. The scene with Ayan, Thua, and Thua's mom was confusing as well.
Despite that, still a very enjoyable episode. We got to see how the school is starting to punish Ayan and how Akk reacts to that (doesn't like it and tries to subtly stop the teachers from doing it - a very small step back from his 'krap, ajan' motions). We got to see how Ayan reacted to the punishment and how Akk was there for him, even if not in so many words. Khaotung is very impressive, as is the rest of the cast but Khao stands out as an actor and Ayan stands out as an interesting character. The Cafe for All is great. Akk and Kan are slowly inching toward Ayan and Dika's connection and finding out Dika's not just teaching at a different school.
I also loved getting to see Ayan’s reaction to the kiss (my guy dropped the shampoo/soap he was holding and then walked out all flustered lol all that bravado and flirting and yet) + him being exhausted and crying due to being picked on by the teachers + how happy he was that Akk was looking out for him. Also, we got to know that Ayan’s not just being contrary for the sake of it (the way teachers seem to think) or even because only he’s standing up for his beliefs (which is what I thought) but also to figure out how the school deals with disobedient people. We never got to hear Dika’s answer to the question “How will they punish us?” is ep 1 or 2 but maybe Ayan didn’t either and is trying to figure it out. 
What I wrote on Discord about Ayan/Akk’s current dynamics: The current dynamics for Akk and Ayan is interesting to me because they're somehow in every stage of "enemies to friends to lovers" like they're the whole damn scale. frenemies who are accidental kissers and also are attracted to each other in every possible way 
Really liking all the characters looking out for each other
Akk -> Ayan: Trying to get him to sit down when he's tryna go against Waree, softly questioning Chadok about the punishment, being there for Ayan at the stairs, softly redirecting Ayan's punishment so that he instead is responsible for him, saving Ayan from getting run over
Ayan -> Thua: telling his mom Thua's struggling so that they can be open with each other
Thua -> Kan: He noticed Kan doesn't like the judgment and assumptions that may come when they associate with each other and thus avoids him. This one's a bad sad one, hope it changes esp because of the next one
Kan -> Thua: telling Thua to tell him when there's anything on his mind
Also, I really liked this post about their parents.
Excited for the next episode, didn't watch the preview but heard it's intense. I hope there's more about the curse next ep, someone mentioned class disparity is discussed so I'm excited about that, hope there's more of Wat and/or Namo and their own storylines, more of the Akk - Kan - Wat besties trio, also want to understand Akk more because the stuff we know about him is mostly like yeah he's a rabid prefect + obsessed with Ayan. Unlikely to get all of that in 40 minutes next ep but a few would be good.
Fave Scene: Akk beside a tired Ayan in part 2. The emotions and dynamics in that were just so good.
Curse Culprint Suspects:
No changes because there were no curse activities or really even any mentions of it in this episode. Akk and Namo are still the main suspects for me.
Most viewers that I saw per part during the premiere
4-1: 7.2k
4-2: 5.6k
4-3: 8.9k (had like 5 minutes between the ending of part 2 and the premiere of this part, so people who were watching but paused somewhere got to catch up)
4-4: 10.6k
The 5.6k was lower than Episode 3's lowest view count of 5.7k but the other parts were on par with or higher than Episode 3's highest view count of 7.3k. I wonder if last week's preview of almost showing the accidental kiss had anything to do with it or if it's just the growth since more people are watching as the weeks go by.
12 hours later
Part 1: 378k
Part 4: 268k
Views Tracking (just because I'm curious. Wish I had other GMMTV/popular non-GMMTV data to compare with):
3 Weeks Later
Ep 1 - 1: 1.27M (+100k)
Ep 1 - 4: 712k (+100k)
2 Weeks Later
Ep 2 - 1: 825 (+165k)
Ep 2 - 4: 630k (+130) (Continues to have higher numbers than part 2 and 3)
1 Week Later
Ep 3 - 1: 750k
Ep 3 - 2: 556k
TODO for later eps: Avg of all 4 parts for an ep
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jotatetsuken · 2 years
alright, i admit it
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features: kento nanami x f!reader
submission for: @miikoos’s “ Ticket to Stardom ” Collab and one of my early submissions for Kenjiro Tsuda-san’s birthday (it's on the 11th of June) @undercoverred, here you go!!
type of writing: drabble
trope: modern au, musician au
number of words: 824
summary: kento nanami was always a particularly busy salaryman. not just because of his clockwork schedule and his dedication to making the most of it, but because you could never get a hold of him after the schedule. but one night at the bar beside kinema cinema, gives you a peek into his secret that he'd been keeping from you.
song: shallow by bradley cooper and lady gaga
a/n: i had thought about this for a long time, but the idea didn't spark until i remembered this scene in parks and recreation, where andy finds out ron swanson's secret identity and it was so so cool that i wanted to incorporate it :D also, thank you, @beware-of-the-rogue for brainstorming, and @mxonigirimiya for helping me with Nanami's alias. likes, comments and reblogs, especially reblogs are appreciated. also, it’s partially beta read so forgive me for mistakes and stuff lol
(taglist form / library account, turn on notifications to be updated)
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Kento Nanami was always a hardworking salaryman, but his profession had worn him out. Underappreciated in his profession and unappreciated by others, he felt that his work didn't make a significant impact. Furthermore, he could never form strong bonds with the people at the office, well,  except for you, his fellow colleague in the office. It took you a while to get him to open up to you after you talked to him, confided in him, and sat with him during lunchtime. Only when you two conversed did he smile genuinely. At least that was the only time that he smiled sincerely as Kento Nanami. 
There was something that he had been hiding from you, from everyone. He was secretly a singer-cum-musician that went by the alias, Gold Fingers. He was not only quite adept at playing the guitar, but also at playing saxophone, having been a fan of Frank Sinatra growing up. To improve his chest capacity, he always made sure he performed regular vocal exercises after the training he acquired during his childhood.
In the Ongaku Cafe, which was right next to Kinema Cinema, Gold Fingers played the acoustic guitar and sang or played the saxophone. He would change out of his work clothes, and change into something casual. The other day, he wore a dark grey suit and trousers, black shoes, and a maroon shirt with a black hat, inspired by Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation, but he also wore gold watches and gold rings and styled his usually neat blonde hair differently. 
Because of the variety of songs he chose, his skill at playing and singing, and his way of interacting with the crowd despite being a reserved person, everyone, especially girls, fawned over him. As a matter of fact, you have even attended one of his performances, without knowing who he was, but have then become a regular at the cafe, just to see him perform. However, it wasn’t easy to get a hold of him, because he never had social media. Only Kento Nanami did.
One day, as you were at the station, catching a train back home to stop by at the cafe, you noticed the silhouette of a familiar person and decided to follow him instead. You were quite curious as to where this person was going but the chase took you back to the cafe, and that’s when you learned that there was an open mic night going on. Excited as you were to not only participate, but also to get a chance to see your favorite singer perform again, you registered, hoping that you’d get to perform along with Gold Fingers. 
When the moment arrived, you noticed the man entering the stage in a black full-sleeved v-neck shirt, garnering thunderous applause from the audience, and then he greeted everyone taking the mic, “In the words of the legendary Duke Silver, ‘A smooth and silky evening to you all.’ Tonight, let’s celebrate the success of the open mic night, with a duet I’ll be doing with any one of you beautiful women in this audience.” All the ladies moaned and gawked in excitement, with him continuing, “For this, I’ll be needing your Lady Gaga to my Bradley Cooper as we sing ‘Shallow’ from the movie, ‘A Star is Born.’ So, are you all up for the challenge?” 
In an effortless manner, he plucked each string with his plectrum while sitting on a stool, singing, “Tell me, something girl, are you happy in this modern world…” as the mic was passed around until finally it was placed in your hands. Mustering all the courage you had, you sang with your eyes towards him while you were approaching the stage, “Tell me something, boy, aren’t you tired trying to fill that void…” and that’s when Kento saw you while on the stage, and astonishment overtook him. He was surprised to see that the girl that he’d sung for in the previous performances was singing along with him.
Nevertheless, he kept playing, especially as you sang the chorus, “I’m off the deep end, watch as I dive in, I’ll never meet the ground…” and then he stood up and sang with you, “...in the sha-shallow, we’re far from the shallow now,” and when you looked into his brown eyes, that’s when it hit you. He was none other than Kento Nanami himself. After the performance was over, everyone started to clap as Nanami put the guitar aside, cupped your cheeks with his hands, and kissed you hard on the lips, causing you to kiss him in return. Realizing that you were the girl Gold Fingers was referring to, the crowd clapped thunderously for your performance, while you two were engrossed in each other's eyes, without needing to say anything.
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© Shyna 2022
tagging: @akaashi-todorki @kiiraes @mrskenmakozume @azrail-core @sabyss @2dmensupermercy @ohtobiors @hyeque @wakatshi @ry0m3n @oikawas-milk-bread @megumischubbycheeks @mystikawi @solamoure @izu-fi @suckerforsugawara @gumiresque
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kung-fu-headcanons · 2 years
I like to imagine that if there was modern technology in Ancient China, there would be so many memes about Shifu, Oogway, the Furious Five, Po and all the stuff that happened in the movies.
Maybe a few horrible ones like how Shen shot Po with a cannon would piss the Furious Five off.
Do you have any headcanons about the idea? I'd love to know them.
This is the greatest crossover of all time
I feel that, before Po came, the Jade Palace either didn't use social media at all or they were strictly monitored by Shifu, so like they could only post certain things about certain matters for a certain amount of time
They'd kind of resemble those of modern day companies where they'll use Twitter to talk about sales and stuff, I don't know never used Twitter (and don't plan to lol)
Po was a considerably heavy social media user, keeping up with all the latest updates on kung fu and he very obviously followed the social media accounts of the Five. Fanboy much?
Why can I imagine the Jade Palace being a collaborative social media account on Instagram ran by Shifu, Oogway, and the Five and like posting about the event that happened at the beginning of the first movie (I forgor the name) and being all "Please RSVP if you plan to attend" and whatnot LMBOO
Also btw "RSVP" comes from the French phrase "répondez s'il vous plait" which means "please reply" or "respond please" so that's pretty cool ig
So yeah, social media use never really was a thing until Po came along, like bro I bet he and Monkey would always do really dumb crap for TikTok views DJDJDJJD
Po's follower count would SKYROCKET, well for one he's had a social media account for a long time now and his new Dragon Warrior game really helped to boost his online status
Also he's like the only one who makes stuff about what really happens in the Jade Palace ig, also he's super active so that's another thing
Need I mention that Po would not be receiving the memes, he would making them /hj
Him and Monkey take full advantage of the memes about them, because dang it they are darn hilarious (at least most of them anyways)
Viper is a casual enjoyer of the memes, some of them are especially amusing to her, while Tigress, Crane, and Mantis don't like em at all regardless of what the meme is LOL
Well actually Tigress would pretend to hate them I feel like some of them she thinks are pretty funny but would never admit it out loud
Speaking of memes, there's already a bunch of KFP memes flying about, I haven't really been in the KFP fandom at all but there's probably memes too idk, the one I see most often is people putting some ridiculous quote like, "If she leaves you for another, there is always her mother" and quote Master Oogway, either that or "There are no Oogways" -Master Accidents or smth
Imagine having those ridiculous Master Oogway quotes float around in this modern technology KFP verse 🗿🗿🗿 it would honestly suck a lot since Oogway was a very respected figure and he died and such
And while we are on this matter, you freaking bet Po and the Five would be ticked if there are memes regarding issues that should not be memed about
Po tries to communicate with the people through his social media and he's basically like "hey could you not make memes about this, it's a sensitive topic for me and the others" and most of the time people do listen, but not always
Because, as you know, there are always those clowns that think anything is funny and they could be flat out horrible and justify it saying it's "dark humor" (when it's just straight up offensive or smth)
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bastillewolf · 3 years
It’s More About Looks Than Skill (X)
Pairing: Ryuk/Reader
Summary: Ryuk finds himself gaining feelings for Light Yagami’s best friend, but she doesn’t know he exists. When he makes the grave mistake of touching her, he makes things a lot more complicated.
Notes: New year new chapter, but let’s hope I update more frequently than that now lol. Please leave me a kick in the ass so I stop procrastinating, thanks! And also big thank you to the immense support. Love you guys <3
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list! If I wasn’t able to tag you, please check your settings and send me another ask.
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Chapter X
She really couldn’t help herself. What sane person wouldn’t start screaming the second they hopped onto a Shinigami’s back and started flying? She clung onto Ryuk’s neck for dear life, her legs wrapped around his middle while his wings flapped them higher and higher until they’d reached a thick level of fluffy clouds with the dark sky above them. There, the wings stopped flapping, and she found herself gliding through the air, her hair being pulled back by the gentle breeze. She realized how harshly she was squeezing Ryuk, and quickly loosened her grip to a point that she was still comfortable she wouldn’t be able to accidentally let go.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured in his ear. It was actually very beautiful, now that she took a good look around her. Below the white, she could see all sorts of lights from the city flickering through, as if they were mirroring the stars above.
“I can take it. I just wasn’t expecting you to scream, is all,” Ryuk replied gently, “I thought you wanted to fly?”
“Y-Yes, I did. It’s just… a lot scarier than it looks. I don’t have wings, so rationally if I let go I would definitely not survive. I think even L could confirm that with percentages and a graph.”
“Rationally I would catch you. I’m heavier, I fall faster than you. You would be saved before you could say ‘Shinigami’.”
She chuckled, “Rationally I wouldn’t count on that. Maybe I don’t trust you. Rationally.���
He turned his head slightly, but she was still unable to see his facial expression from her position on his back. However, it became rather apparent through the sad note in his voice when he spoke. “You don’t trust me?”
She quickly shook her head, “No, I’m sorry Ryuk, that’s not what I meant. I mean that I should rationally not count on you catching me if I fall. I made the decision to hop on your back, thus it is my responsibility to take responsibility for my actions and face the consequences. If I fall, it would be my mistake.”
“Even if it were, I’d still catch you. I’d always catch you.”
She felt a sense of ease wash over her, along with a tingle in her stomach, but she wasn’t quite sure what that meant. She smiled, resting her head on his shoulder, and breathing in a waft of fresh air that dragged along a hint of Light’s cologne. “How come you’re never this nice to Light?”
Ryuk chuckled dryly. “Because he’s not you.”
He felt a blush coat his cheeks when he felt her hands running along the feathers of his wings in a slow, gentle manner. She kept doing this until they’d landed, and then proceeded to latch onto his hand after they’d landed in the back of an alleyway.
Even if you do not actually possess the Death Note, the effect will be the same if you recognize the person and his/her name to place in the blank.
Ryuk was in love. There, he could finally say it. He’d been on a date and now he could say he was in love. He was slightly hunched over so the girl could hold his hand without people noticing at her side, but not for one second did he feel an ache in his back. All he could think about was the way she’d clung onto him, how she’d touched him, how sweet she’d sounded muttering nothings in his ear while she stroked his feathers. Affection wasn’t something that came naturally to him, Shinigami’s never really deemed such thing necessary. Yet with her, he seemed to want to keep her hand in his forever.
Unfortunately, fate seemed to have other plans for him, because she was the one who dropped it like a ton of bricks, along with his heart. Then he noticed the reason for her sudden shift, and it was standing in front of Light’s house. She lightly tugged on the chain that was stuck to the other death note he was carrying and kept her fingers wound tightly around it, but he didn’t mind. If she wanted to take his Death Note, she could go right ahead and do it. That’s how happy he was.
Until he met the bleak pale-yellow eyes of the tall creature hovering above the blonde stranger in front of them.
“Okay, Ryuk, we need to have a little talk,” Light started. They’d just been at the hotel, where they’d found out the second Kira was willing to do everything Light wanted them to do. They were supposed to set up a meeting place and Light wanted to prepare. She knew a round of questioning was about to begin, so she plopped down onto his bed in an instant.
Ryuk sighed, “Should’ve known.”
“And I’d appreciate an answer if you could,” Light added. “If two Shinigami happened to meet in the human world, are they allowed to speak to each other?”
“Hard to say,” the Shinigami replied. “As long as I’m attached to a human, I’d say it’s against the rules unless I had their permission first. But there are no laws against it either, so I guess it’s possible that another Shinigami might talk to me.”
“So, does that mean that if this fake Kira’s Shinigami were to see you, there’s a chance he might mention the fact that you’re with me and reveal that I’m Kira?”
“They probably wouldn’t, but it depends on their personality.”
“And if this kind of situation did arise I can assume you’ll act the way you normally do?”
“Yeah,” Ryuk said, “Even if I see another human with a Shinigami I’m not gonna tell you.”
“Well, I definitely think you’ve got the right approach.”
“Humph, thanks.”
“Oops,” he couldn’t help but curse under his breath, recalling the conversation he’d had with Light. He didn’t recognize the Shinigami before them, but if they wanted to, they could directly link Ryuk to the girl that was latching onto him. They might think she was the real Kira.
Though the latest message had already revealed Light’s stunt in the city with the group of people surrounding Ryuk had been a failure and he had been discovered to the fake Kira, there would be no good explanation for him to be hanging around this human.
Luckily for him, the other Shinigami remained deathly silent, until the girl at her side turned.
“Oh, hello there!” she said.
She blinked in response. “Uh… I- Uh… Aren’t you that girl from TV?”
The blonde giggled profusely, suddenly walking up to her as casual as could be. “Yes, I’m Misa, nice to meet you! Do you want an autograph?”
She scratched the back of her head awkwardly, “Uh, no, I think I’m good. Were you looking for Light?”
“Eh?” Ryuk vocalized. He didn’t expect her to be so blunt about it. But then again, he realized, Light had most likely already been discovered. He just didn’t know how she detected that this was the second Kira without being able to see the second Shinigami floating only a few feet away.
“Oh, I was. Are you friends with him?” Misa’s head turned, but her eyes held a sudden blank expression as if her mind were calculating a proper physical response once she’d gotten answers.
“Yeah, for like, my entire life. How do you know him?”
“Oh… I just, I found the notebook he left in class. Then I looked him up online and I thought his resume was very… impressive. I just really wanted to meet him, he seems like such an intelligent guy.”
Ryuk heard the other Shinigami audibly sigh.
“Well, why don’t I introduce the two of you then? I’m sure he’s still up at this hour, and I was just on my way to see him now.”
“S-Sure!” Misa replied hesitantly.
She wished Light’s sister, Sayu, could’ve at the very least toned down her excitement a bit when she met Misa, but alas, she was in awe, as well as the girl’s mother. Light eventually came trotting down the stairs behind them, his neutral facial expression continuing to withstand even as he saw the strange scene before him. He managed to shoo his family members away and closed the front door behind him. She could’ve sworn she hadn’t heard crickets chirping before that.
“Uhm, pleased to meet you,” Misa started, sinking to her knees in a bow, “I’m Misa Amane.” She then glanced at you, and back at Light again.
Ryuk chuckled until he heard the other God of Death say, “Misa, the girl is being followed by another Shinigami. I doubt she isn’t aware of it.”
Misa made a noise of understanding, before looking at the odd placement of your hand which was still wrapped around Ryuk’s chain. “I thought you might get worried if you saw that message on TV. I just couldn’t take it anymore so I brought… this notebook.” She held out an identical copy of his Death Note in front of Light, and Ryuk heard the girl next to him audibly groan. Of course, the girl had no issue showing something like that out in the open. It was like she had no idea.
Light touched it, yet he made no sound. “Does she know? About all of it?” Misa questioned, directedly pointing her gaze at his best friend. Light nodded, so she was allowed to touch it as well. She very much tried, but unfortunately, her poker face wasn’t as good as Light’s, so she ended up with her mouth slightly agape. Ryuk lifted a finger to close it.
They decided it would be best to move the conversation inside, so they did, and Light had cautiously locked his bedroom door behind them after making sure his mother and sister thought this was just a nice drop-by from his (girl)friend.
“Have a seat.”
As Misa sat in Light’s desk chair, his best friend scooted onto the mattress behind him with Ryuk towering over them at the bedside. Her Shinigami, a pale skeleton with yellow eyes and purple hair and what appeared to be vampiric teeth, stood guard behind Misa.
“How did you find me?” Light decided to ask.
She answered with a gasp, “I knew it! You never made the Shinigami-eye deal. When you have the Shinigami-eyes like I do, you can see most people’s name and lifespan just by looking at them. However, you can’t see the lifespan of any person who possesses a Death Note.”
Light glanced over at Ryuk, looking for an explanation, but Ryuk seemed just as shocked. “No kidding! I have to admit, even I wasn’t aware of that little detail.”
“Well, now you’ve managed to find me, but you were careless; what if you’d been caught by the police? Then they’d know everything about Kira!”
“It’s all right,” Misa said, “Because the police didn’t catch me and if I do as you say from now on, they’ll never be able to. So we’re safe. After all, don’t you need someone to see L’s name? If you want, I could be your eyes. So…”
“Yeah? So what?”
“-Would you please make me your girlfriend?”
Both Ryuk and the girl behind him burst out laughing, but he decidedly ignored them. He then proceeded to question her about her strategy in the city, as well as the evidence she could’ve left behind. She ended up even offering her Death Note to him, and while she’d still be the rightful owner, Light would be in control of it, and she of her Shinigami-eyes.
“-And if I become a burden to you, you can just kill me, okay?” Misa said pleadingly.
“But you might’ve removed several pages from your Death Note, you could be hiding them somewhere for all I know!”
“Why are you so suspicious of me?” she cried out, getting up from the chair and stomping her foot on the floor, “I already told you, I don’t care even if all you do is use me! Please believe me!”
“Why are you so willing to give up your life for him?” (Y/N) asked, and Light had to admit, that was the question he’d been building towards this entire time.
“Oh, I wouldn’t expect you to understand-“ Misa spat.
“Hey,” Light barked, “If you want to show your loyalty, how about you start being nicer to the only person I’ve trusted with my secret so far and has kept it?”
“How can you be so sure you can trust her?! I bet she’s only in it so she can take it from you after you’re dead, so she can become the new Kira!”
“How dare you!” (Y/N) snarled warningly, but Misa was already launching herself at the girl.
Light hadn’t quite seen that coming. Thankfully, Ryuk had. He took the blonde girl by her arm and lifted her until her feet didn’t touch the floor anymore and she’d let out a startled scream. He noticed the other Shinigami wanted to step in already, but Light was faster. “Misa, if you and I were to work together, I need to know you can make rational decisions without letting your emotions get the better of you. Can you do that?”
She didn’t really look at him, so he decided to repeat himself, this time a bit more convincingly, “If you were to be my girlfriend, I need to know if you can tolerate being around my best friend.”
At this, she lit up, and Ryuk was quick to let go of her.
When she’d finally left, the girl he’d just been on a date with was now slung around his neck, having climbed on top of the bed to be able to reach him. His large hands grasped her sides, and his smile had grown even wider.
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mikkomacko · 3 years
Sweet As Honey 18
Hello everyone! Here she is! Thank you all so much for being so patient with me and this chapter. I hope it lives up to the hype and the wait lol. I'd also like to say that I will still be writing and finishing this series as well as my other in progress ones. However, I'm currently feeling like I'm not that interested in Harry right now and I feel like it's mostly all the drama and everything going on with him right now so updates will be slow. Also I've changed my theme to a Marvel x One Direction theme because I've decided to take one of my Bucky Barnes plot and actually publish it. I'll still post Harry because of course I love him but he won't be the main focus of this blog anymore.
Thanks for waiting and reading. Hope you enjoy the chapter! X
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Harry's good under pressure. At least looking from the outside in, he is. It's a skills he's picked up from boxing. Always pretend you know what's going on. No surprises, no shocks. If he's in a fight and his opponent is stronger or faster than he originally thought, he doesn't show it. Acting like it was expected, like he planned it rattles others and helps him maintain his grace.
He keeps that same approach when it comes to interviews.
Liam meets him outside the gym, waving with a bright smile that Harry just smiles at, shocked to find his trainer in the parking garage rather than the ring.
"What's going on mate?" Harry greets, trying to step around him to get to the stairs but Liam halts him with a hand on his shoulder.
"Gotta reporter here who wants to chat with you about recovering from your concussion and reaching the finals."
His tone is laced with hesitance, lips pursed in suppressed grimace and Harry doesn't blame him. Liam knows how much Harry hates interviews. They're his least favorite part of the job. He's here to box and get paid, to provide for his family, not to tell the world every detail of his life.
"Oh," Harry mumbles, shrugging and stepping up to the door. "Alright. Only for a few minutes though, wanna get home a little early today."
If Liam is surprised by Harry's ease he doesn't show it. "Got something going on?"
Harry follows Liam inside, nodding to Mark at the front desk. "Y/n has just been exhausted lately and Arlo can't spend a second alone without screaming bloody murder. Just want to be there to make sure she's resting and Arlo's not being a pest."
"He's your son, of course he's being in a pest."
The comment leaves too much pride in Harry's chest for him to even care that Liam just insisted he himself is a pest. Besides, Harry knows he's clingy and a little too attached but that's just how his relationship with y/n is, and they love it.
In his private locker room,Harry finds the reporter, a young girl who can't be too far out of undergrad with dark hair and a bright red lips. She's sat on the bench, a notepad on her thigh and her phone resting next to it.
"Hello Mr. Styles." She greets, shaking his hand when he approaches her. "I'm Rebecca Weese."
Harry takes a seat next to her, nodding. "Nice to meet you. I don't have a lot of time today but I can answer a few of your questions if we can make it quick." He smiles guiltily, hoping to not come off as rude.
She nods, immediately glancing down at her notepad and crossing some things out. Harry assumes they're questions she's decided aren't important enough. "Is it ok if I record this? Just sound of course."
Again, he nods, fiddling with the strings of his hoodie as he waits for her to begin. Tapping at her phone, she places it between them to catch both voices and then scans her notes again.
"Correct me if I'm wrong but you've only been boxing for a few years, right?"
Harry shrugs. "I trained a lot when I was teenager, worked under Ted until he decided to bring me up to the pros. Was about 20 I think when that happened." He tries to stay vague, knowing he can't tell the public that his "training" was an illegal boxing ring.
"Five-Six years is a short amount of time to be included in a tournament like this one. Most contenders are well into their careers before being qualified to participate. What do you think has been the main factor in your success?"
Routine question, and he's got a routine answer. "I was fortunate enough to figure out early on that boxing is what I wanted to do and I think that helped out a lot. I also got a very good team behind me. My trainer, manager, my wife, they're all the main factors in my success. I'm very grateful to have them."
Rebecca smiles a bit, jotting down a few words. "Does your wife work in the industry?"
It's her casual tone, as if she were a friend just wanting to hear him brag about his lover that has him answering so honestly.
"No she works in design but I met her early in my career and she's always supported me. Takes care of me after bad matches and whatnot, always comes to my fights even if it means being on her feet for hours. Which isn't exactly her favorite thing at the moment with the baby-"
Harry stops, eyes widening a bit at what he's just revealed. Part of him wishes desperately that Rebecca didn't hear him but he knows that's impossible.
"I didn't know you're a father," she says kindly, sensing his panic. "Do you want to talk about it more or should I scratch that part?"
He doesn't know what makes him say it. A year ago he'd have fled the room if he were questioned about his family. Harry likes to keep them separate, to keep his kids away from his boxing. It's possibly a small part of him that's conditioned to keep his work a secret from his family even if he doesn't have to. But Rebecca's offer to drop the whole topic is what breaks him.
"S'ok," he says "I've got a son that's about a year old and another on the way."
Her eyes light up, beaming at him and he grins shyly but somehow proudly at the same time. "That's awesome. Congrats. I know your son's young but does he have any part in your career? Influence maybe?"
"He doesn't watch any of my fights or anything. Too young to be around violence like that but he does affect my fighting in a way. I used to go into boxing with just the mentality that I'm doing something I love, but now I've got the added success. A win means more support for my family and I want them to always have what they need so I've got sort of an edge there."
"Like having something to fight for?" She confirms, and Harry nods immediately.
"Yeah. I'd do anything for them and I think that makes me a bit dangerous in the ring."
No matter what, he'll always be fighting for them. Everything he does is for y/n and his boys.
The house smalls of tomato sauce and pasta when Harry walks in, mouth instantly watering and stomach rumbling. He had a light breakfast this morning before going to the gym and now that's he burnt off all that energy he reckons he could eat a horse. Dropping his keys on the table in the entryway, toeing off his sneakers, and dropping his gym bag to the floor, Harry makes a beeline for the kitchen. He's so caught up in wanting to eat he doesn't notice the TV playing a Disney movie or the two figures sprawled out on the couch until one of them is calling for him.
"Daddy!" Arlo's head pops up over the cushions, dimples sunk into his cheeks and eyes bright. Harry immediately changes course, coming up behind the couch and meeting Arlo's outstretched arms.
"'Ello bug," Harry greets, smacking a kiss to his cheek. Arlo coos happily, curling up against Harry's shoulder. Y/n is watching them with a small smile, a hand resting easily over the stretched fabric of his tee-shirt she's wearing. "And hello darling." He leans over the back of the couch to press a crooked kiss to her lips.
"Hi baby," she sits up, smiling dreamily at him. "How was the gym?"
Harry shrugs, adjusting Arlo on his hip. "Was good. I had an interview today about finals and....stuff." Her eyebrow quirks up at his hesitancy to continue.
"What stuff?"
Gnawing on his bottom lip, Harry drops his gaze to Arlo. "You, Arlo, the baby." She doesn't respond immediately and he knows it’s because she’s trying to analyze him. He's fairly private about his family, especially his children and the only reason he'd informed the world of Arlo was to get people off his back about leaving y/n, so he knows she's probably confused by his ease with talking about the new baby.
"How'd it go?" She asks, pushing herself up from the couch with a hand on her belly. Without hesitation Harry reaches out to place his free hand over hers, moving her with him towards the kitchen. "Where are we going?"
"M'starving darling," he says and his stomach grumbles in agreement, making Arlo gurgling back and nudge his foot into Harry's tummy. "But interview went well. Announced the pregnancy."
"You did?" She questions, perching herself on the counter stool with wide eyes. "Seems a bit early compared to Arlo's announcement."
Managing as best he can with one free hand, Harry retrieves a bowl from the cabinet and serves himself a heaping mountain of spaghetti. "Just came out if m'being honest," he shrugs, settling into the stool next to her with Arlo still glued to his lap. "'sides it's different this time. He was my first baby and I was scared."
He doesn't realize that she's fallen silent until he's slurping back noodles and she doesn't scold him. Curiously, Harry rotates just enough to look at her. Y/n is staring at him, eyes big and moony when he mumbles a suspicious "wha'?"
"You were scared?"
Swallowing down his food, he nods. Her intent gaze brings a blush to his cheeks and he has to drop his eyes to peer down at Arlo. "Y-yeah. Didn't know if he'd like me as his dad, ya know?"
Harry's never said those words out loud, now that he's come to think of it. Whenever something's pertained to Arlo, Harry was always the positive reinforcement, the one reassuring y/n about them stepping into parenthood. He never really told her how much it scared him because he didn't want to scare her.
"I-I didn't know that," she mumbles. "Why didn't you say anything?"
He shrugs, lifting his gaze from Arlo to y/n. "Because I wanted to be a good dad. Ya know, like the kind that can kill spiders and scare aware bad dreams.....Just wanted to be strong I guess."
He doesn't say it, but he knows she's picked up the fear he won't acknowledge. He doesn't want to be his dad. His father was great but the sad thing is, everything great about him was brought out by alcohol. Des needed that poison to combat his own fears and insecurities, and Harry doesn't want to be like that too. He doesn't want to leave his kids the same way he was left.
"Being scared doesn't make you weak Harry."
She leans over to press a tender kiss to his jaw, belly brushing against his side, and he thinks about those words for the remainder of the day.
Crouched down, Harry steers the shopping cart with one hand and guides Arlo along with the other one. By the way he's trudging along, Harry knows Arlo is getting tired of walking. It's good for him to practice though, so Harry leads him along for another few minutes before scooping him up in one arm.
"Did so well bug." Harry compliments, pecking Arlo's cheek. The toddler curls up into his chest, yawning. It's a bit difficult steering the cart with one hand but Harry manages, steadily making his way up and down each aisle. He gets baby cereal for Arlo, a couple bags of puffy hot Cheetos to stash in the cabinets, and he's stocking up on y/n's latest craving (spaghetti-o's and meatballs) when a familiar face rounds the corner.
Zayn is pushing a cart filled groceries, eyes scanning up and down the shelves and Harry curses under his breath. The last person he wants to see right now is Zayn. Last time they had a run in he said something that bothered y/n and Harry never wants anything to bother his girl.
In an attempt to hide, Harry pulls his hood up over his head, shrinking into his pullover and craning his neck to not make eye contact with his old friend. Grabbing a few cans of the fake pasta y/n is living off of, Harry sets them in the cart and quickly walks down the aisle. A man who looks a few years older than Harry moves towards him, stepping around Zayn and in front of Harry's cart.
"Excuse me," the man stops him, gaze dropping to the boy against his chest for half a second before regretfully meeting Harry's eyes. "m'so sorry to bother, didn't notice the little one-"
"It's fine." Harry cuts off, glancing at Zayn to make sure his back is still to them. It is and Harry relaxes a bit at that, but his curiosity grows. "How can I help you sir?"
The man smiles, grateful. "I just wanted to tell you that m'son and I are big fans and we're excited for your fight this weekend."
Harry knows he has fans, he's run into a few around the city but they're usually teens and kids that want an autograph. He's never had a grown man approach him about his career and it's odd. Flattering, but odd.
"Thanks man. I really appreciate your support." Harry says sincerely, smiling. The man nods in response, taking a step away from Harry. He moves to leave but stops last minute, turning back to Harry.
"Congrats on the baby news too." He says quickly, almost shy or embarrassed. Before Harry can even thank him, the man is rushing out a "have a good day" and then he's moving down the aisle.
Confused, Harry stands there for a moment trying to figure out what happened. He knew announcing the new baby would bring more attention to him in the media and he's not surprised that that man, who's clearly a fan, had already heard it. He is surprised that the man seemed almost scared to admit to Harry that he knows.
He looks up, meeting the golden eyes that could only belong to Zayn. Harry doesn't even bother trying to smile at his old friend as he stands in front of Harry's cart. A lady maneuvers around them, murmuring a soft "excuse me sir." Harry scoots his cart over, smiling apologetically.
"How have you been man?"
Harry's gaze returns to it's impassive expression, glancing over Zayn's too-bright presence. "I've been good." Harry responds, moving Arlo to his other arm when he starts to lose feeling in his fingers. The movement draws Arlo out of his nap-like state, the toddler now noticing Zayn standing in front of them. Immediately his face scrunches into a look of annoyance.
If Zayn notices, he must not care because he smiles at Arlo, teeth dazzling. "That's good to hear. Congratulations on the baby, by the way! Saw the article up front. S'amazing!"
Article? Harry lips are just starting to form his question when his phone rings, the tune specific to y/n. "Sorry, gotta take this." Harry says in Zayn's direction, digging into his pocket and retrieving his phone. He hits answer before Zayn can even respond.
"Hi darling."
Harry wiggles Arlo into the basket. "Hi H. You still at the store?"
He pushes the cart down the aisle, not caring that he's left his old friend hanging. "Yeah I am. What's up"
The sound of a running faucet comes through the speaker. "Forgot to add yogurt bites to the list. Arlo ate the last of 'em last night and ya know how he is if he doesn't have any before bed."
Harry snorts, steering towards the baby food aisle. Arlo has fallen in love with yogurt bites and they've become his snack before bed. Harry thinks he shouldn't be having them every night and he'd tried to tell Arlo that two nights ago, but Arlo is a stubborn thing. He screamed his head off, ignored Harry's attempts at giving him fresh fruit instead, and then only calmed down after y/n nursed him.
"I'll grab 'em darling. No worries." He assures, tossing a couple bags of the bites into the cart. "Anything else?"
"Do we still have the old flower vases from our wedding in the garage?" She asks.
"Umm, I think so. You expecting flowers from a secret lover or something?" Harry jokes, eyes catching on a pack of bibs hanging in the aisle.
"Not unless you've got a trick up your sleeve Styles." She retorts.
He tosses a pack into the basket. "Buy you a whole flower shop if that's what ya want darling." Arlo grumbles from the baby seat of the cart, tiny fingers coming up to play with the rings on Harry's fingers that are locked around the steering bar.
"Don't worry about that, we've got enough flowers." Y/n laughs and he can hear her moving around the house. "Three bouquets just arrived with congratulations cards."
"Guess the baby announcement was well accepted." She says. "We're getting lots of flowers for it."
Pushing towards the checkout, Harry frowns in confusion. "Got stopped by a fan today for the same thing. Can't believe it's such a big deal."
"Well you're more known now than when we were having Arlo." She reasons, and Harry hums his agreement. He passes the self checkouts, freezing when he spots numerous copies of his face on the ends of the aisle.
"Holy shit," he breathes, not even thinking about the innocent ears before him. Y/n gasps through the phone, scolding him for his language. "Sorry darling, s'just I'm bloody plastered all over the grocery store."
He reads over the cover of the sports magazine. It's got a big photo of him in the ring, gloves held up to his chin and jaw tight around his mouth guard. Next to it is a photo of him and y/n leaving a big fight awhile back. She's got her head down, hand snug in his as he leads her along. And written in bold yellows is "Harry Styles Expecting Baby #2 As He Prepares for Biggest Fight Yet!"
"They put me on the front page." He tells her, not bothering to flip open the article before he's quickly moving away from the display. "Why would they do that?"
When he did that interview, he thought it'd be a small, breezy section in the magazine. If he had known he'd be getting stopped in the grocery store and flowers sent to his house he wouldn't have said anything. As previously mentioned, he's a private guy, so having this detail projected in a way he wasn't warned about makes his stomach twist uncomfortably.
"It's alright Harry," y/n says reassuringly, knowing that he's become anxious at the publicity. "No harm done. It's just flowers bub and as long as we've got those vases in the garage, everyone will survive."
He chuckle weakly at her joke, picking an aisle so he can quickly checkout and go home. "Don't go digging around for them by yourself, don't need ya falling and getting hurt. I'll help ya when I get home."
"Aw my hero." She coos, and he knows she's teasing but it still makes him blush. God he loves her.
"Those bloody things are making my nose itch." Harry grumbles, aggressively rubbing the palm of his hand into his burning nostrils. He glares at the bouquet of peonies on the dresser, a gift from y/n's co-workers, and moves towards the bed.
Y/n is propped up against the headboard, a pair of his pajama bottoms on her legs but her shirt has been abandoned on the carpet by the bed. Arlo is attached to her hip, mouth latched to her nipple and she's stroking through his soft hair while he breastfeeds. Harry's heart throbs in his chest, warmed by the sight of his wife coddling their baby, and he's so fucking in love with her he's anxious to get Arlo into bed so he can have his way with her.
"I can't just throw them out, H." She sighs, pulling her gaze from the television to his pouty face. He huffs, running the damp towel in his hand through his hair one last time before haphazardly tossing it towards the closet. Kneeing his way up the bed, he curls into y/n's side and smiles when she tucks her arm around him.
"Stroke my hair too?" He mumbles, peering up with puppy eyes and she giggles before threading her fingers through his hair too. Arlo gurgles around a mouthful, bright green eyes opening to look at Harry. He worries for a moment that Arlo is going to get fussy and kick him away, but the toddler just blinks at him sleepily.
"Tha's ma boy." He coos fondly, squirming a hand over to pat Arlo's full tummy. Y/n giggles and continues to stroke his hair, Harry watching Arlo slowly be soothed to sleep. "Lemme get him to bed darling."
Grunting, he pushes himself up from the mattress and too his feet. Y/n transfers Arlo to his awaiting arms, swiping at the milk that dribbled out of his snoring lips and onto her skin. Harry leans down, pressing a kiss to the corner of her mouth.
"Wanna have a shag when I get back?"
A shocked laugh bursts out of her, Harry's face lighting up at the sound as his heart swells. He was trying to be a bit silly, not enough to have her eyes crinkling like that, but he's happy she finds him funny.
"Sure baby." She breathes, still grinning. His stomach flutters, excitement bubbling in his belly and he nods quickly before moving across the room.
Arlo stays cuddled into Harry's neck as he flicks on the nightlight in the nursery and adjusts the blankets in the crib. Theo watched Harry from his bed in the corner, sleepy puppy eyes following his every move. He lays Arlo down, gently shushing him when he store and tucks Bunny into his side. With a peck to his head and a quiet "good night bug," Harry partially shuts the bedroom door and rushes back into the bedroom.
Y/n has already kicked off her bottoms, leaving her naked on their sheets and Harry groans as he works to catch up with her. His shirt is playfully tossed at y/n's grinning face, Harry laughing as he wiggles out of his sweats. Naked as the day he was born, Harry jumps onto his knees at the bottom of the bed.
A laugh bubbles out of y/n when the whole bed shakes under his weight, clearly amused at how excited he is. She must be just as excited though because she quickly leans forward to cup his face, attaching their lips and bringing him back down to the pillows with her.
"Wanna be on top," he mutters into her mouth, ghosting his hand down her tummy and tickling his thumb over her clit. "f'that's ok?"
"Mmm," she hums, happily "too tired to top anyway."
Harry seals their lips together again, using his knees to spread her thighs a bit further apart for him. Her palms smooth down his sides and around to his back, a breathy moan interrupting their kiss courtesy of his fingers. Harry utilizes the chance to break away and snag a pillow from his side of the bed, urging her hips up by tapping the fluffy thing against her side. She lifts, and he settles it under her lower back and bum to prop her up. Luckily for him, he's had a lot of practice getting around a baby bump for a shag.
Settling between her thighs, Harry giggles when she wraps her legs around his hips and tugs him closer. His body hovers over hers, love-sick smiles a breath away from meeting each other, and he drags his fingers through her folds, groaning at how slick she's become.
"Don't even have to try anymore do I?" He teases with a wolfish smile, capturing her lips just as she rolls her eyes. Giggling, he leaves soft kisses across her cheek, heading towards the base of her jaw.
"S'the baby's fault honestly." She argues, her fingers disappearing into the damp locks sticking to the back of his neck.
He hums, smirking against her skin. "Is it?"
With a small tug she's pulling him back up to her mouth. "Yeah. Gets me revved up all the bloody time. I don't know what you're putting in there mister but it's exhausting."
Harry laughs quietly, nipping at her bottom lip. "Don't worry baby, I'm gonna take care of ya. S'my problem after all, isn't it?"
Y/n nods, biting back a grin as Harry grips his cock with the fingers that had previously been fondling her. Chest to chest, Harry smiles at the feeling of their stomachs pressed together as he guides the head of him into her slit.
The sigh that puffs out of her chest sends a zip of pleasure up his spine, as if she'd been partial without him and the pure relief of just having him in her is all she could ever want. Harry hums appreciatively, eyes fluttering shut as he basks in how warm and gooey she is for him. He'd almost forgotten how it felt to have her this desperate for him and his touch.
"Oh it's so good darling," he mumbles to her, dropping his head into the crook of her neck. He pulls his hips back, breath stuttering when he easily slips forward again.
Y/n moans softly, dropping one hand to the small of his back as if guiding him. "So so good H." She confirms in a whisper, her voice tickling his ear and he squirms with a small laugh at the sensation.
Harry's soft with his movements, cautious of the baby between them and the one sleeping down the hall. Even the kisses he places on her jaw and lips are tender, small brushes between their confirmations that he "feels so good" inside her and she was "made for being wrapped me huh?" And Harry thinks nothing ever been truer. Her arms were made to hold him, her hands were made for pulling him closer and closer, and her heart was made to completely consume his.
Y/n reaches her high before him, rolling her hips up to try and quicken his but he maintains his sensual thrusts, stroking her temple as she trembles and gasps, clinging to him in every way possible. There's something about how quick she falls apart for him when she's pregnant and how utterly earth shattering it is for her, that it completely obliterates any sense of stamina Harry's ever had. He couldn't care less when he follows shortly after, grinding down into her heat as his cock twitches and buries deep in her walls. She's the one stroking his temple this time, and he knows she's watching his eyes scrunch shut and his gaping mouth curl into a breathy laugh as he comes.
Maybe it's the lingering anxiety that washed over him at the grocery store, but when y/n kisses him and gently nudges him off of her so she can go pee, Harry's desperate as he grips her hand and pouts, practically begging when he asks "can I get back in ya after? Just to fall asleep darling?"
Of course she nods, brushing sweaty curls from his forehead to soothe him and just like that he already feels lighter. He never has to sorry with her, because they were made for loving each other.
"Oh fuck!"
"Would you stop being so loud! It's 8 in the morning!"
"Can't help it, darling."
Harry tightens his hold around y/n's thighs, dipping his tongue back into her slit and groaning loudly despite the warning she's already given him this morning. She tugs on his hair scoldingly, drawing a pained hiss out of him. Harry brings his teeth up to her clit, nibbling in retaliation. A pained hiss of her own leaves her lips, cut off by a soft moan as he soothes his tongue over the spot.
Grinding her hips up into his mouth, Harry can't help but push his own into the mattress and a deep groan escapes him as he does so. Huffing, y/n scolds him again for being too loud when they've got a sleeping child one room over.
"Stop yelling at me so I can make you cum." He purrs, lips brushing over her clit. Their eyes meet over the curves and dips of her body, Harry smirking when she raises a prodding eyebrow at him. He kisses her thigh just once, lapping his tongue through her slit and he's just reaching her most sensitive spot when the beginning stirs of Arlo waking up break through the baby monitor.
Simultaneous groans leave both their mouths, this time of frustration. Harry pouts, knocking his forehead on y/n's hip bone and shaking his head.
"I told you Styles." Y/n teases, stroking through his hair for a second. He can't even think of a rebuttal before Arlo is calling out softly for her, and she's pushing up from the bed to get dressed.
"Take care of that while I take care of this." She calls as she disappears through the door, snickering softly and leaving him there desperate for her. But then again, when is he not desperate for her?
Hey man, hope I'm not being a bother. I was just wondering if you wanted to go out for a drink Friday or something?
Harry stares at the message, wondering why Zayn would sign it when the Instagram handle is clearly him. He also wonders why the hell Zayn is trying to hang out with him now.
It's a sunny day, the air outside relatively warm for March so Harry slipped a sweater on Arlo and brought him out to the backyard to play. They're sat in the grass, Arlo between his legs as they teach Theo to play fetch. Arlo's gotten good at tossing the chew toy himself, so Harry used the free time to start clearing out the congratulations messages he's received on Instagram.
"What's the matter H?"
Harry locks his phone, tilting his head up and squinting into the sun as y/n stands over them. She's got a bowl of puffy hot Cheetos in her hand, cradling them as if they were a precious gem as she settles into the grass with them.
"Nothing," he mumbles, pecking her temple when she leans into his side. "just got a weird text from Zayn. He wants to hang out."
Crunching through a chip, she hums. "Did you know he lives here?"
She lifts up a Cheeto, offering it to him. Harry gladly takes it between his teeth, pulling it from her fingertips and crunching down on the puffy chip. Swallowing, he shakes his head.
"Ran into him at the store once around Valentine's Day," she says, eyes watching Arlo dig his stubby fingers into the dry grass. "Was trying to talk to me about you I think but your son threw a fit and I was too busy to care honestly."
"Really?" Harry asks, perking up at the idea of Arlo throwing a tantrum to keep people away from y/n. That's the only time he'll agree with such actions. "Taught him well then haven't I?"
Rolling her eyes, she elbows him. "If you're son grows up to be rude I'm going to kick your ass Harry Styles."
Laughing, he steals a chip from her, locking his phone and dropping it to the grass. Arlo, interested in the device, crawls over to pick it up.
"Wouldn't expect anything less darling." He says, reaching over to swipe his phone to the camera so Arlo can snap random pictures.
"What are you going to do about Zayn then?"
"Suppose I should see what he wants, yeah?"
Y/n shrugs but Harry can read the look on her face easily. She's always silently encouraged him to face things that need mending or fixing, and his past with Zayn is one of those things.
"S'done then," he laughs, pinching her side affectionately. "I'll figure out why he's so obsessed with me."
She laughs, throwing her head back and scrunching her nose in the way makes him want to stare at her forever. "Think it's that one he's obsessed with. Look how cute he is."
Harry follows her line of sight, smile growing at the sight of Arlo making faces at himself in Harry's camera.
So bloody cute.
"Are we gonna be besties? I think we're gonna be besties." Niall states, swinging an arm around y/n's shoulders. He's on his third beer of the night already and Harry hasn't even made it to the ring yet. Y/n just laughs, continuing to maneuver tape around Harry's fingers but he's not as kind.
Casting a glare at the Irish man, Harry calls out to Gemma. "Get your leprechaun off of my girl before I use him to warm up."
Niall isn't really phased by the words, only pouting softly at Harry's steel gaze but Gemma is quick to rush over and pull Niall up from the couch by his hand.
"Come on babe, let's go find our seats." She coos to him, sending Harry an apologetic smile. He waits for her and Niall to turn their backs before chuckling softly. Y/n pinches at his wrist.
"Be nice to Niall. I really like him."
"Oh you really like him, huh?" Harry huffs, nudging his knee against hers. She rolls her eyes, giggling when he slips his free hand around her waist and pulls her into his lap. "Please tell me how much you really like Niall darling." He requests, shoving his face in her neck and playfully biting at her throat and shoulder. Just as he'd expected, she giggles and squirms, Harry having to wrap her up in a bear hug to keep her from sliding right off his thigh.
"Harry! Stop!"
He laughs with her, moving up to bite at the apples of her cheeks and her nose, growling as if he were a rabid beast. His freshly taped knuckles ache under the tightness of the wrap as he grips her flailing legs but he ignores it in favor of listening to her laugh.
"I like you more! I swear!" She shouts between laughs, wiggling a hand free and gripping the back of his neck. Pleased with her words, Harry pants out a laugh before sealing his mouth to hers.
"Tha's good because I like you more than Niall too." He mumbles into her lips.
"You like me more than you like everyone." She chuckles, stroking her thumb along his jawline. Harry's eyes shine with delight, proud that she knows her place in his heart, but he still teases.
"Mmm almost darling. Quite like my son, ya know that?"
She rolls her eyes but looks at him fondly, pinching the meat of his cheek. "Cute," she murmurs, "now go get ready for your fight baby. Want everyone to see my husband's gonna be the national champion."
Her words bring a rush of blood to his cheeks (and his cock if he's being honest), but he nudges her onto the couch next to him. "Just need two more wins." He whispers in her ear, pecking her temple.
Just two more wins.
There's good fights and there's bad fights. Everyone knows that. But not everyone knows that there's good wins and bad wins. Harry's experienced a few of those bad ones. Wins that he probably shouldn't have gotten because he certain his opponent had landed more punches and the judges miscounted. Or it was clear the other fighter wasn't into it and let him win.
Harry thinks tonight is his worst win ever.
The fight had been good. Trinsky, tonight's opponent from New Jersey, was short and stocky but strong. Harry was quicker than him though so they'd gone back and forth for a few rounds. Nothing two rough, just enough punches to have bright red welts on his torso and an ache in his jaw.
He fought through it though, fueled by the sounds of y/n and Niall cheering for him. Win this fight and he's onto the championship match. So he went at it with all he had left, charging Trinsky just as the man knocked his fist into Harry's temple.
It felt like a lightning bolt of pain zapped through his brain, shaking his core and causing his feet to stumble. Trinsky slid to the right as Harry crashed into the ropes, blinking furiously as the room around him spun. He was still in a daze as his body moved on its own, quick enough to uppercut his left fist into Trinsky's chin. The man crumbled to the mat, out cold, and Harry's dizzy head brought him down as well.
There's cheering and an announcement of his name, declaring Harry the winner but he can't seem to focus on it. Trinsky is being moved from the ring by his team, Harry falling to his bum on the mat as he rips at the velcro of his gloves with his teeth.
The room is coming back into focus, someone is calling him from the side of the ring but he doesn't recognize the voice so it goes ignored. He gets his hands free, rubbing his fingers into the tender spot on his head and wincing. He needs to take some Advil and ice it.
Harry climbs to his feet, a bit disoriented as he ducks under the ropes to leave. He knows he's got a team here somewhere but his mind can't seem to recognize what they look like or how to find them.
"Man, what are you doing?"
He turns, confused to find two men watching him like he's grown a second head. Harry feels like he knows the warm brown eyes of the taller man but he's not sure from where. Smiling uncomfortably, he motions behind him.
"I n-need ice or something." He says, excusing himself with a shrug and turning back to the locker room. He doesn't like the way his stomach twists or how his chest is telling him he knows those men when he couldn't even tell you there names right now. His heart thunders in his chest, panic seeping in and he's desperate to find something or someone that'll just help him out.
"Harry baby," she says calmly, a hand rubbing up his bare back comfortingly. "you okay?"
Y/n appears at his side, head tilted so she can meet his nervous gaze. Almost immediately he latches onto her hand, shaking his head. Her eyebrows crease, lips frowning as she reaches to cup his cheek.
"What's going on H? What's the matter?"
"M'head hurts," he answers immediately. "I-I think I forgot my team."
A trembling breath leaves his lips, tears stinging behind his eyes when he sees the concern on his wife's face. She brushes her thumb over his temple, the one she knows got hit the hardest, and then brushes a sweaty strand of hair off his forehead to place a tender kiss there.
"Let's get you to the locker room babe."
He follows like a lost puppy, trailing behind her through the back hallway and into his locker room. Y/n closes the door behind him before anyone else can enter, twisting the lock. Harry sits in the closest chair, fiddling with the tape on his fingers as he tries to calm down.
"Do you want to talk to me bub?" Y/n asks quietly, pulling up a seat directly in front of him. He nods, lifting his gaze from his hands to her face.
"I don't know what happened. It's like I got hit in the head and everything got shook up." He explains, frowning. He hates the way this feels. Hates that his body is screaming at him to just remember but his brain refuses to accept the message. "I know them, I know I do but s'like their names and stuff are just gone."
Y/n inhales sharply, biting nervously at her bottom lip. Harry's not even sure what to say and that makes him feel so much worse. He doesn't even feel like he has a concussion, not really. Everything else is still there, still in the forefront of his mind. His wife, his boys, Anne and Gemma. And he faintly remembers sitting at bars with one of the men from his team, remembers crashing on his couch late at night. But the soul of those memories are gone.
"I'm gonna get you some painkillers and water okay babe? Then we'll figure out what to do."
He nods, smiling wetly when she kisses his forehead. Watching her move around the room to gather water and whatnot, Harry wills himself to just think. He knows these men, he's just gotta focus on it. A memory stands out, one of the three of them in a car on a road trip. His trainer is driving, his manager in the passenger seat and he knows this is a trip for a match. A recent match too because he remembers saying goodbye to Arlo and y/n, kissing her swollen belly before he went.
Y/n returns to him with a bottle of water and a couple pills, watching him cautiously as he squeezes his eyes shut and forces himself to just think. Recalling conversations from the car, remembering the screen in the front of the vehicle that reads Connected to Liam's iPhone. Liam. Almost instantly Nick's name floods his brain again and he feels his whole body tremble with relief.
Harry takes the medicine, gulping it down and slumping into his seat. "Nick and Liam," he finally murmurs, voice thick. "I couldn't remember darling. They were right in front of me and I couldn't remember their fucking names."
A silent tear trails down his cheek, Harry sniffling as y/n wipes it away with a tender touch he's only felt from her. "Its ok Harry. We'll figure out what happened. At least you remember now baby." She tried to comfort, but Harry's heart still aches.
"What if-" he peers up at her through wet eyelashes. "what if it had been you? Or Arlo? Or all three of you? What if I-"
He can't even finish the thought before he's shaking his head, more tears slipping down his cheeks and jaw. What would he have done if he'd looked at y/n and not remembered her name? Not remembered the beautiful son they created? Or the one she's growing now?
"It wasn't Harry," she stays sternly, cutting into his spiralling thoughts. "it wasn't and even if it did happen, it wouldn't change a thing. You're not getting rid of us."
Trying to smile, he nods and takes a deep breath. He trusts her, more than anyone, and he's never known someone that fights as much as she does. He knows, no matter what, that she'll always have his back.
388 notes · View notes
gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: June 6th, 2021
I’m back with more ask responses! You can also check our Frequently Asked Question sheet if there’s something you’re wondering that’s not answered here.
FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
Thank you for the patience with these questions  ♡
Hey in very beginning of step 3 in the scene where Mr.Holden had a thought dancing on the tip of his tongue but he kept it to himself after MC and Cove were being cute (idk if it makes a difference but this is when they're dating)... Can we know what he was thinking/ wanted to say? It's been bugging me lol 
He would’ve gone into a “look how much you’ve grown”, “your dad is so proud of you”, “I’m so glad things worked out with the MC”, and etc spiel, haha. But he resisted the urge to fawn on his baby boy, at least for that scene.
If we planned to move away for college/future plans in step 3, is it implied that MC and Cove would have a long distance relationship for sure? Could MC have convinced Cove to come with them? How is the dynamic of their relationship going to be addressed in Step 4, if that makes sense? 
Cove is willing to follow the MC where they went after everything is settled for them there, and if they’re sure they want him to come! You’ll get to decide how things shook out during those transitional years just by making choices about it during the opening prologue of Step 4.
Hi! First off, how does it feel to have created one of the best games when it comes to inclusion for lbtq+ peeps? I've never felt as validated with my identity and sexuality when playing a game and I'm seemingly not alone ♥ Second, and this might be a little too specific, but what kinds of drinks does Cove like as well as dislike? Thank you, you're the best ♥
Thank you for very much! It’s really nice to hear the game felt inclusive. Cove likes regular water and fruit juices/smoothies most! He dislikes coffee and cola, and he’s not super into most teas either.
Hi, may i ask what gb patch stands for? Specifically the gb part lol
It stands for my old, silly username I used in places like Neopets as a kid, aha. The company name wasn’t super thought out since it was originally just me making VNs as a hobby. Luckily, “GB Patch” kind of seems like it could mean something reasonable, so I didn’t have to rebrand when it did become a more serious, commercial group.
If we chose to not propose to cove in the step 3 dlc would he propose or would the mc propose in step 4 or the wedding dlc? 
Yeah, you or Cove can propose in Step 4 if you’re not already engaged! The Wedding DLC takes place after the engagement so the proposal scenes aren’t there.
will you guys announce if the early access for the new game is out on patreon ? 
When beta builds of Step 4 or whatever start coming out on the Patreon we will mention it here on social media too.
Heyy I just had a quick question about Baxter if that’s okay :)?
I saw in an ask+answer that it’s possible to casually date Baxter In step 3, but what leads up to that? I have the step 3 dlc and I’ve tried playing them In a different orders and ways but it doesn’t seem to get anywhere ^^;
The Step 3 DLC is Cove-based because he’s the default guy. There’s a separate Baxter romance DLC that’s not out yet. That’s where you can get him to date you. I’m sorry for the confusion!
Will we ever get any LI's or side characters with physical disabilities or deformities? I think your games would be a great place to have them in since they're always so accepting and safe! 
Yeah, we do hope to have representation for that in future projects ^^. Thank you for the confidence in us.
Is it possible to get Cove to take the bed and MC to sleep on the floor? 
Not in Step 3, I’m afraid.
So, I have played the prologue of Our Life countless times and I haven't gotten the [Your Life] achievement, why is that? 
Steam sometimes isn’t connected properly when an achievement unlocks and so it remains locked on your account. If that happens, unfortunately getting the scene again won’t unlock it. The achievement becomes inaccessible because the game thinks you already have it. Playing with the same Steam account on a different device or fully deleting your game data (more than the only the save files) are the only work arounds we’ve found.
Since when you talk with Jeremy in step 3 it's mentioned he goes on dates with someone (which assume is JB because who else would take this boy on dates) that makes him happy, does that sort of make JB and Jeremy the canon relationship in the first game?
The default for XOXO Droplets is that JB casually goes on dates with each of the jerks! Shiloh would’ve been harsher if Jeremy was the only guy getting her attention, haha. But the player can change that default by dating just one person the whole game for their own story and who she ends up with for real has no default.
Hi, hello! Huge OL fan, thank you so much for the wholesome content, it was very much needed during these times. Managed to get several people to join team Cove, so that's very exciting, I always have people to fawn over him with. I have a little question and I'm sorry if it was asked before, but does it ever come up in the game what Cove has told his mom about us? (who knows, with so many options, one can miss it) Or, alternatively, will it come up in the Step 4 DLC? 
Thank you very much for sharing the game with people <3. It’s really great to hear people are liking it. Right now that doesn’t come up in game. Kyra is willing to keep her mouth shut and Cove isn’t gonna have that conversation either. At least not when he’s younger, but yes, perhaps when he’s a fully grown big boy in Step 4 you can ask him about it.
I’ve been thinking about this ever since it has been confirmed that there would be two love interests for OL2, would there be the possibility of forming a polyamorous relationship with both love interests? I’m sorry if you answered this previously, I’m just curious. 
We are considering it, but it’s not a guarantee yet. It’d be really great to have but it’d add so many extra alterations that’d need to made, aha.
Hello! You mentioned how Cove would be uncomfortable with kids at 23, but how old would he be when he’s comfortable with having/adopting kids? (Same goes for the other LI’s.) btw, love your game!! 
He’d want to be at least 25, but even older would be good. Derek would want to have kids when he and his partner could reasonably support them, the age itself wouldn’t matter. If they were doing good at 22 and wanted kids, he’d be up for it. Or they could wait until their 30s or whatever. Baxter is also more of a “when it feels right” guy rather than having a specific age requirement. Cove is just especially wary of being a young parent because of his own parents. I’m happy you like the game!
does step 4 immediately play after you press "end summer" in step 3? or is there another button/transition (like the story text thingy) before the epilogue begins? what happens after the epilogue? roll credits? 😂 
Step 4 will have transition section always and there will be an extra button, if you own the Derek or Baxter DLC. By default the Cove-based version of Step 4 just plays once Step 3 is over. However, having the other guys’ storylines will mean you get to pick which version of Step 4 plays; Cove Step 4 (the basic one), Derek Step 4, or Baxter Step 4.
Happy pride, thank you for all you do for us🥰
I have a quick question though, I recently got a MacBook after my old windows computer broke, and now steam says I cannot download it, but it has no issues with other games, what can I do to download it?? I’m sorry if my English is bad
Happy pride month! Unfortunately, Our Life isn’t available for Mac on Steam right now. To be an approval application Apple requires having special notarization and we as a small group haven’t gotten that. Itch doesn’t care and lets us release the game for Mac there anyway, Steam does care so we’re locked out of putting the Mac build up on their storefront. Feel free to email us and we can try to help the situation out further!
Hello! I was jus wondering if the Baxter and Derek DLCs are still happening? I haven’t heard anything about them on here or patreon in a while so I just wanted to make sure ^^
They’re still coming and we just released a new sprite sketch on the Patreon for the Derek DLC c:. But right now Step 4 is still much more of a priority. Once that’s closer to being done we’ll focus way more on sharing previews for the other guys.
is it possible to tell cove you love him (platonically) at step 3 fondness/selecting him as basically family? i just love the mc and liz sibling interactions and it got me wondering about it (especially if you've selected that option)
You and Cove can be as close as family, but there’s not a specific scene in Step 3 where you say “I love you” in a family context. But there’s always Step 4~
do you intend on ever adding a collectors mode to Our Life? Like a way to collect achievements and CGs for the gallery without it effecting any save files? 
We weren’t considering it before. But if a lot of players would find that helpful, we could start thinking on that!
Sorry if it's a silly question haha, but (in crush/love) is Cove really aware of how cute and cuddly he seems to MC? If so, what does he think or do about it? Or does he just ignore it? 
He isn’t particular aware. Cove never truly stops being surprised that the MC is interested in/attracted to him, haha.
Would you say that the alone ending of xoxo droplets is worth playing again to get? 
Nope, haha. The goal is to make friends/get a boyfriend and so the alone ending is kind of the bad ending for the game. Though there is a consolation prize if you get it by accident.
Is there any possible situation which would ever prompt Pran to bake for his girlfriend? Like I know it's unlikely I mean even if JB broke her leg somehow I'm pretty sure he'd still be like "I considered baking you a cake and doing the frosting the way I think looks interesting but you don't deserve a cake, no one does." right but also ahhh it would be super nice if some day he just surprised her with baked goods one day out of nowhere. JB would be so shocked it would be cute. So is there any possible situation where that could/would be a thing that he would do? 
He might bake out of spite, like if he felt he had to prove her wrong on something. Or if JB used some good reverse psychology on him. Or he might do it in a relatively nice way if he could make his GF so shocked by the kind gesture that his amusement with that overrode his insistence on not being sweet. Pran is very difficult in high school, aha.
Is the "one route (where) it can be seen that Everett will drop his seemingly eternal waging with Jeremy pretty easily and can start getting along without thinking much on it" the Lucas route? I'm curious! 
Yep! Everett will side with Jeremy if it’s between him and Lucas.
Hi I hope you guys are having a great day :) I just had to ask how Cliff would feel about Cove's partner/fiancé Mc calling them dad whether it be accidental or otherwise and secondly I also wanted to ask how he would feel about being asked to be the one to give the mc away at their wedding. 
He would be very touched and excited! I hope you have a good day too :D
Hello! I saw an ask relating to whether Cliff "moves on" after Cove's grown up and stuff (and he stays single), but what about Kyra? Will she be with anyone else or will she stay single? 
She does start dating again, but she takes it slow.
Hi! I absolutely love the art for characters in OL and I wonder is this fine to draw my MC in same drawing style and upload online later? Is this something artists would be okay with? Thank you! 
Yeah, you can certainly do that C:
Hey there!
I wonder if I'm just being stupid here.. Is Step 4 a DLC? And if so, where can I find it? I can't seem to find it on Steam :< Thank you!
Step 4 is a free epilogue! It’s not done yet, but once it is finished you’ll just update your game file and Step 4 will be there after Step 3 ends.
hi! are step 4 and the wedding dlc two different things?
They are. Step 4 is a free epilogue that’ll be a default part of the game once it’s done, the wedding DLC is an optional paid expansion that takes place after Step 4.
Why did Baxter not receive a step 2 sprite seeing how he shows up later
Sprites are time consuming to draw and take money out of the budget that could’ve gone to other things. His tiny appearance in Step 2 wasn’t worth all the effort to make a sprite, aha.
I just realized, what happens if if you get the patreon exclusive moment but at a later date, when you don't have the membership anymore, it's updated (like a bugs fix update for example)? Would you have to get the membership again? 
You would have to get the membership again to redownload the build. But there’s very little chance there’s going to be an update once it’s been out for over a month. If a build gets released with errors, players catch/report them within the first few days. So by the time the first subscription period ends, any problems that were noticeable would already have been fixed. And we’re certainly not gonna be adding new content to it once it’s been released for a long time. There’s no need to worry about missing out on something worthwhile in the future if you cancel your membership. It’s being made with the idea in mind that many players are gonna be getting it and then going.
Hello! Wanted to ask about gaming choice in step 3? Once upon a playthorugh I got the option to buy Cove a bracelet for his graduation present. I played the same basic character again and that option wasn't there anymore. I'm not sure where I went wrong. My Cove wears a bracelet on each hand and my MC is into fashion and jewelry. Do I need to put an earring on him or? Sorry, love your game so much. 
He also needs to have liked bracelets in Step 2 for that to be considered a good gift option for him. Sorry for the confusion! I’m happy you love the game :)
Is Step 4 being released at the same time as the Wedding DLC or will the first come before the latter? Thank you! 
I’m not sure. Ideally they’ll come out at the same time, but the wedding DLC has a lot of art to get done and we may have to release it after Step 4.
Can mc still get confession from Cove at the end of step 3 even if mc casually dates Baxter in step 3? Such as in crush mode? 
I don’t think so. Maybe that’ll change, but generally there’s differences to the Step 3 ending if you were dating Baxter and those differences likely will conflict with getting the Cove confession.
For the patreon moments/dlcs, will it be available for all tiers? 
It’ll be available for tier 2 (Fans) and up!
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m-jelly · 2 years
Hi Jelly! I've been following your blog for a while now and I find so much comfort in your work :') I was wondering if I could request a Levi valentine letter too!
So fem! reader who is part of the Paradis espionage team and former survey corps and Levi's direct superior-turned-friend when he was a newbie is currently deployed elsewhere during the timeskip. They exchange letters, mostly she and him exchanging mission updates coded in between casual topics, and while they've been good friends prior to that, Levi never really realized how fond he is of her until she regularly asks him to come to this and that city because oh how he'd love this tea shop and that they should come visit it together, and how this stage play reminded her of him, etc. She even sends Hange a photograph of herself taken from a Paradis shop, along with scientific apparatus and tea ware, addressed to both the commander and the captain. Levi knows her invitations and stories are made in jest, he knows that he couldn't possibly ever accept any of her invitations. But he can't help but want it. And damn, maybe after all this titan stuff is over MAYBE he will take you up on that offer.
Maybe in this letter, one of the many during their correspondence, he confesses and apologizes in advance, as he posts it right before the final war against (idk really i havent reached the latest chapers lol) Marley(?). What would Levi say? Will he be stoic and direct? Maybe elusive? Or maybe he'd make a promise to return alive? Or maybe heed HER to stay alive so he can know her response?
I hope it isn't too much! And have fun ofc! 🌈💕
I know I might get into trouble for this letter for discussing what’s going on, and for me breaking protocol. I know you were my superior, but I have to say how I feel with things changing like they are. So, I am going to be as honest with you as I possibly can, because so much is at risk here. I can feel the end coming, the end to this war and the titans.
This might be my last letter for a long time because of the war, and I’m going to Marley. So, it isn’t safe to keep sending letters. I have to protect what’s important to me. This letter is just me showing you the last part of me, so you’ll know every single inch and part of me.
I’m scared. I haven’t told anyone else this, but I am scared. I’ve lost so many people and I’m terrified of losing more. What terrified me the most is losing you. I know you’re safe here on Paradis, so I beg you to stay here and do not come with me and the scouts to Marley. Stay where your posted and don’t leave it. I know you’re strong, you’re one of the best soldiers I’ve seen and it’s why you moved and were promoted in a sense. However, knowing that won’t change how I feel in my heart and gut. Stay safe, please.
I will return to you, I swear I will. I won’t let this war end me. I have something worth living for, you. Do you remember that picture you gave Hange to be given to me? The one where you’re smiling outside a teashop? I keep it with me always. I look at the photo to remind me what I’m fighting for. I love you and I want to tell you that when I return. I’ve set that as my goal. I will live. I will come back and I will tell you I love you. Most importantly, my sweet brat, I will take a photo with you in front of that shop, the same shop as the one in your photo. I want to recreate that photo, but with you in my arms. Will you take that picture with me?
You know, I’m a little excited brat. I know my confession is by this letter, but I am looking forward to hearing your response in person. When I return for the war, I’m coming for you and I won’t hold back on my feelings. I’ve been dying to kiss you.
Levi x
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desertno3 · 3 years
Violet – Chapter Five (6/7)
When Sean finally meets his daughter, you wonder why you ever left him in the first place. Sean Wallace x fem!reader Chapter Five: 2136 words
Prologue // Chapter One // Chapter Two  // Chapter Three // Chapter Four
A/N: Oh my god. It’s been so long since I updated. I offer you the longest chapter yet as a peace offering. Let me know what you think because this one was a lot of fun to write 🧡 Also I cried a lil but that’s just me getting emotional at literally anything fluffy, lol.
Taglist: @ysmmsy​ @prettyinpayne​ @the-a-word-2214​ @peakywitch​ @danceyreagan​ @ella1grace03 @whenthe-smokeisinyoureyes​ @lovemissyhoneybee​
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“Seeeaaaannn!” Violet yells excitedly as she runs up the path towards his front door.
Walking at a more leisurely pace behind her, you watch as it swings open and she all but launches herself at the man standing behind it.
“Hi Sean!”
“Hello, love,” He greets her, picking her up.
She grins excitedly and shows him the box she held in her hands, “Me and mummy brought dessert!”
Sean looks over to you and smiles when he meets your gaze. Your heart had already been preemptively fluttering as you pulled up and now, as you return the expression, it was out of control.
“Thanks Vi,” Sean tells her as he sets her back down. “Why don’t you go ahead and put that on the counter, hm? Your mum and I will be right there.”
Violet nods and patters down the hallway, holding the box of desserts close to her chest. 
“Don’t blame me if some of those pastries aren't the best,” You murmur to Sean as you both watch her go. “She really wanted to choose them for you.”
“I’m sure they’re great,” He chuckles before turning to face you. “How are you?”
“I’m alright,” You tell him with a shrug. “Nothing new since we last spoke.”
You and Sean had been texting back and forth all week since the night he invited you over for dinner. At first it was just him asking what Violet’s favourite food was - to which you replied literally anything with pasta in it - but it gradually evolved to a casual back and forth where you’d tell him about your day and he’d tell you about his. 
“I’m glad I don’t have to cook tonight though,” You confess with a sly smile, making him laugh.
“Well, that was the whole point,” He says. “I wanted to treat you and Vi a little - I made your favourite as well, you know.”
You look at him in surprise, “Did you really?”
“Yeah, of course,” He says confidently, like it was an obvious course of action, and he steps aside and motions you into the house. “C’mon, before I burn everything that’s been cooking.”
You shake your head in disbelief, ignoring the fact that you quite literally wanted to melt, before following his lead and heading inside.
Just before you reach the kitchen, you see Violet’s head peeking out from around the corner, having been observing the pair of you as you chatted. You give her a knowing look and she lets out a giggle before Sean comes striding over to pick her up again, making her squeal in delight.
“Do you want to try the food, Vi?” He asks her and she nods eagerly.
You follow them into the kitchen and raise an eyebrow at the amount of things he had going on the stovetop.
“You sure it’s just the three of us, Sean?” You tease. “It looks like you’re cooking enough for a small village.”
Sean just flashes you a wry smile in response before setting Violet down on the kitchen counter.
“Alright,” He says, handing her a bowl with some pasta in it. “Let me know what you think.”
Violet makes a happy noise when she sees what’s in the bowl and before you could tell her to take it easy, she digs into it at an alarming speed - inevitably making a complete mess.
“You’d think I hadn’t fed you at all today,” You tut although you can’t help but be amused when she smiles approvingly at Sean, the food still in her mouth making her look like a little chipmunk.
“It tastes good, mummy!” She says when you come over to wipe the sauce from around her mouth.
“Oh, I don’t doubt it darling,” You tell her, thinking about all the dinner dates you and Sean used to have at home. “Sean's very good at cooking.”
You glance at Sean at the same time he turns from the stove to look at you and you just know the same thing is on his mind as well. There's a hint of a smirk on his face and you have to fight your blush, turning your attention back to Violet who was completely oblivious to the whole thing.
“Can I have more?”
You shake your head, “If you have any more, you’ll be full before dinner even starts.”
“No I won’t!”
“C’mon,” You say, ignoring her protest. “Let’s see what else Sean’s been cooking.”
"Is that what I think it is?" You ask dreamily as you come up behind Sean, wrapping your arms around his middle and peeking past his shoulder at the stovetop.
You’d had a long day but the delicious scent of your favourite food had perked you up considerably. It hit you the moment you entered the house and you wasted no time in immediately scurrying over to the kitchen to investigate. 
“It is,” Sean confirms, moving to comfortably place an arm around your shoulders.
You smile and look up at him curiously. “What’s the occasion?”
“Does there need to be one?”
“Well, no. But-”
“Maybe I just wanted to treat you, hm?” He says, his finger poking you in the side, making you yelp and jump away from him. “Maybe I just wanted to be a good boyfriend.”
You squirm when he reaches out to you, trying to avoid another jab, but he just pulls you back into his embrace. You smile and relax against his body, letting your arms rest on his shoulders.
“You’re always a good boyfriend,” You murmur as you look into his eyes but he immediately raises an eyebrow at the statement and you can’t help but laugh at his - quite valid - skepticism.
“Okay, you’re mostly a good boyfriend,” You concede, giving him a quick kiss. “Especially when you don’t come home all bloody.”
Your eyes fall on the healing bruise by his cheekbone but your attention is quickly diverted back to him when he moves to rest his forehead to yours.
“I love you, y/n.”
Jolted out of your thoughts, your gaze snaps up to Sean standing by the kitchen sink, looking at you expectantly. 
"You okay?"
"Yeah,” You tell him, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment as you try and shake yourself from the vivid memory of being wrapped up in his arms. “Yeah, sorry. Just thinking.”
“You don’t have to help clear up, you know.”
“No it’s fine,” You assure him. “Really. I want to help.”
Not to mention that helping meant you could stick around a little bit longer.
Sean nods and continues loading the dishwasher. From the living room, you can hear Violet giggling at whatever she was watching on the TV. 
“What’s on your mind?” Sean asks, sparing you another glance.
You blink at him dumbly, trying to come up with a decent excuse, but you come up blank.
The dinner had made your feelings for him stronger than ever. You’d observed Violet swing her legs happily as she ate, her joy at having Sean around for dinner palpable, and you’d observed the way Sean doted on her, listening to her every word as she told him about anything and everything. You knew then that there was no denying the fact that you wanted Sean to be a permanent part of yours and Violet’s life. No denying the fact that you wanted Sean, full stop.
“I was just thinking about the dinners we used to have,” You tell him honestly, throwing all caution to the wind. “The dinner dates, I mean.”
Sean’s back to busying himself with the plates but you can see the smile on his face from where you stand.
"I've been thinking about those too,” He confesses. “Feels like a lifetime ago.”
“You were a good boyfriend, you know,” You say, thinking back to the memory. Contrary to what you’d told him then, he had been a good boyfriend even when he got himself into trouble. “I- I should’ve trusted that you would always keep me safe. I’m sorry I didn’t.”
There’s a silence and your gaze drops to the countertop, embarrassed, but you can’t take it back now. You start occupying yourself with the containers still on the counter, too nervous to look up at him and see the expression on his face, but you have no choice when he abandons what he’s doing and crosses the kitchen to stand before you.
Your heart hammers violently in your chest as you look at him - partly afraid of what he’ll say and partly surprised at his close proximity.
“I don’t blame you, you know,” He says eventually, looking resigned. “I didn’t give you much reason to trust me, the way I’d go on taunting people I should’ve just left alone.”
You give him a sad smile and at this point he can’t help it, he reaches up and lightly caresses your cheek. You lean into his touch with a sigh, the action feeling all too familiar and all too foreign all at once.
"All I ever wanted was to make sure you were safe, y/n,” He breathes. “When you left… even I had to admit it was a smart thing to do on your part. I thought it meant you wouldn’t get caught up in the crossfire anymore.”
“I thought so too.”
“It terrified me when I got your call that night. I… thought the worst."
“You know,” You tell him quietly. “I half expected you wouldn’t answer once you knew it was me.”
“Thought you might’ve hated me.”
“I could never, y/n.”
Without even thinking about it, you launch forward and give him a hug, feeling so much emotion you think you might choke.
“Thank you Sean,” You manage to say with your cheek pressed against his chest. “For everything.”
He wraps his arms around you and, after a moment of deliberation, presses his lips to your forehead. “You don’t have to thank me.”
“Muuum!” You jump, not expecting the sound of your daughter’s voice to pierce the air. “Sean! Come watch this movie with me!”
The both of you look in the direction of the living room while she calls out to you both and you let out a watery laugh at her timing. Sean chuckles too and as it reverberates through you, you realise neither of you have moved to let go of each other.
“We’ll be right there, Vi!” He calls out to her.
“We should probably head off,” You say softly, looking back at him. “It’s getting late.”
Sean hums in acknowledgement but you can tell his mind is elsewhere, his gaze soft as it meets yours.
"Stay till the end of her movie," He asks of you. “I don’t want you to go just yet.”
You’re slightly dazed in his hold but you manage to nod. You wouldn’t have needed much convincing to agree in the first place.
Sean gives you a small smile, “You and her have been the best things to ever happen to me. I hope you know that.”
"We could say the same thing about you,” You tell him. “You've changed Vi’s world Sean, I've never seen her more happy than when she's with you."
"And you?” Sean inquires, searching your expression for an answer. “Are you happy too?"
You nod again, your voice barely above a murmur. “More than, since you’ve come back into my life."
You only have a second to register the glint of joy in his eyes because before you know it, his lips are on yours, kissing you like his life depended on it. You don’t hesitate to kiss him back and his hands immediately go to your waist to pull you flush against him, earning an involuntary whimper of pleasure out of you. God, you'd forgotten how good it felt with Sean.
You feel lightheaded when you finally pull away and the grin you see on his face is worth everything.
“I’ve missed this,” He murmurs, arms squeezing around you slightly. “Missed being with you.”
“Yeah,” You say breathlessly, fingers lightly running through the hair at the nape of his neck. “Me too.”
Just as he moves to capture your lips in another long kiss, you’re interrupted by another impatient shout from Violet.
You pull back and sigh at the way it breaks the moment you were having but Sean just chuckles and kisses you again anyway, like he can’t get enough of you.
“C’mon,” He says eventually, giving you one last quick peck before taking your hand in his. “Best go see what our daughter's up to."
Feeling the giddiest you’ve felt in a while, you let him pull you in the direction of the living room - and if Violet notices that you and Sean are sat closer together on the couch than normal during the movie, she doesn’t say anything.
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yn-x-animeboy · 3 years
Jungkook x y/n (as a famous artist) Pt. 1
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request: mine, my brain made me write this
pairing: reader x Jungkook
genre: fluff, romance, for entertainment purposes
BTS x Fem Reader
sinopsis: You are a popular artist in America, pretty famous, loved and well-known by the general public (actually you were one of the top 10 artists in the world but you are pretty humble and naïve to realize your popularity), one day during one of your fan meets you talk about how much you love BTS, and not only how you wish to meet them and work with them but how Jungkook is one of your celebrity crushes. During the meet you fangirled with other ARMYs in the crowd; video clips of you fangirling and talking about BTS at your meet where posted and reposted all over social media. This obviously broke the internet because you were not only a famous singer but you also were always accepted and loved by ARMY and this made a lot of people happy. Suddenly it felt like everyone wanted you to meet the seven handsome and talented idols and collaborate, but you could only wish, you believed they didn't even know who you were...or so you thought.
Pt. 1- Introduction. Your fan meet
Basically every couple of months you like to organize small get-togethers with your supporters as a way to have a closer contact with them, to get to know them, as a fanservice and to just thank them in a way. Lately you have been noticing one specific group of fan pages dedicated to you who have been really interactive and supportive on twitter; 
promoting your latest music video and the recent EPISODE of: y/n’s camera roll uploaded to your oficial platforms (your team uploaded a weekly video=episode to your channel; almost like Run BTS. Each episode had a different theme and your fans loved it)  this group of fan pages is constantly on your main page, so you decided to contact them and fly them out for a day in L.A. for one of your infamous meets so you could meet them.
You don't normally film your fan meetings, they are normally just a one on one gatherings between you and your fans,  but your team thought it could be a good idea to record today’s meet and upload parts of it for your weekly EPISODE, these were greatly appreciated by your international fans and other fans who wanted to see a little more into your personal life.
You were currently hanging out with the small group of fans you invited over. A group of around 10 boys and girls were currently sitting on the fluffy carpeted floor and some were sitting on plush chairs randomly spread in front of you. (a/n i imagine this setting like the Zach Sang Show, for the Ariana Grande interview episodes) 
You were sitting in front of them on a small white couch for two. Once everyone was comfortably settled in, you introduced yourself and invited the others to do so as well, one by one telling you their name, username, pronouns, age, and fun facts about them. You smiled wide, happy to be able to meet such amazing people and also making mental notes to remember their names and facts. 
After the personal introductions your camera crew was set up and ready to start, you told your fans sitting in front of you about how today's meet was going to be recorded and asked for their consent to upload said video; and then proceed to open for the camera; 
“Hello everyone welcome to another episode of…. f** I don't even know what we call these videos, jajajaja” 
Your fans sitting in front of you stated the name of the youtube series in a heartbeat;
“Wait what?... jajajajaja omg guys thank you, I'm so sorry, yeah you heard them, welcome back to y/n’s camera roll, I can’t believe I forgot that, anyway today’s episode is a little different……” you proceed to explain what the episode was about and thanking the future viewers for tuning in and watching the video. “Waw what a long introduction, so, before we actually go on and have the meet while you guys at home enjoy, I want to introduce you to the lovely group of people who I have invited here today….” Again proceed to introduce your fans to the camera by name, trying to not miss anyone and not butcher any name in the process.
After the introduction is done you porcede to carry out the fan meet like you normally do, you normally have scheduled sections of activities during your meets to make them fun; For today’s meet you all played games and did a couple challenges with your fans; then you recorded a couple of tik toks and instagram stories your fans asked you to be in, and casually all hung out. After a while of comfortable chatting and laughter, you wanted to hype up the mood. You turned down the lights, turned on some color  LED lights and had a dance party with everyone invited, dancing and going all out to popular music.
After being all drained from the heavy physical activities, you ordered a variety of food for your fans, like pizza and pasta, sushi, tacos, snacks, etc. and had a muckbang/eating section for the episode as well.
You were having so much fun, you looked around while eating and just by looking at their excited and happy faces you couldn help but feel complete and thankful for all of your fans.
After filling up on food, you carried out the Q&A section of the meet, allowing fans to ask you personal questions and conversing on various topics. The camera director gave you instructions to proceed with the questions, you nodded and thanked him and the staff for their hard work, turning on your heel and sitting back in your spot you tuned to the main camera: “Hi, quick update, sorry I haven't been so interactive with the camera in this episode for everyone watching at home, but I have been having so much fun and I am not used to having a camera crew for my normal fan meets, I’m sorry. Anyway now we will move on, I am going to answer some questions and hopefully this is entertaining enough  for the EPISODE hahaha” the crew and fans present chucked as you finished the small interruption.
And the questions began. A girl sitting in the back, raised her hand and spoke; “yeah um, I’m sorry I wanted to  see if I could start the questions, idk if the others are okay with that”. The rest of the group nodded sweetly at her, others replied with short “yeah’s”. She then proceeded nervously “thankyou g-guys, um I’m sorry before my question, is there anything we cannot ask you or..?
You sweetly smiled at her shyness and consideration, you tried your best to make her comfortable, “You are so cute, hahaha, thankyou for being considerate, but I really can’t think of anything that I am not allowed to answer or talk about, let me ask my manager...do I Sam?” you shifted your upper body to the side where the crew was standing, your manager Sam shook his head, you don't really have any tea to be spilled anyway so he is pretty confident and comfortable allowing you to be 100% in control. 
“Okay if Sam says it’s cool, it's okay  jajaja. You can ask me anything”
The girl then proceeded to ask her question, and waited for you to answer.
Time went by, and it was pretty cool to see what your fans were interested in learning about you, after some time the group continued asking you questions like “who is your biggest inspiration? favorite song?, favorite thing about being on tour? what would you do if you weren't a singer? etc.
One of the boys in the group spoke; “Hi, y/n, can I ask you another question?” you nodded and signaled him to proceed; 
“I saw that you liked an instagram post about BTS a while back uploaded by a fan account and I also saw that you actually follow their personal twitter account. ALSO in your behind the scenes video for your music video shoot you can be seen in the background dancing the Boy with luv choreo. So I wanted to ask if you were an ARMY and if you know them personally? and like should we be expecting a collaboration soon?”
You chucked at his talking speed, curious questions and great detective skills.
 Before you answered you mentally told yourself to hold back and not go all cRAzY fAnGirL on them, you inhaled and answered:
“OMG hahaha I love you so much, what an amazing question, Okay so first off no I don’t know them personally and sadly no plans of collaboration are on sight. Oh wow I have never been asked if I liked BTS before, I’m excited hahaha. Yeah I am an ARMY, I love them so much I am one of their biggest fans, and they are also one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to work ethic and professionalism, listening to them or watching them gives me motivation to keep doing what I love, which is this. 
anyway I am rambling I should stop; you guys can say y/n stop whenever I start rambling okay? hahaha''
The group in front of you laughed and added some extra comments on your response.
After a couple comments back and forth you realized something… and asked out loud, 
“Wait so, how many of you guys here are actually ARMYs?”, 
all of the sudden the 10 fans sitting in front of you raised their hands. 
“So you guys are telling me literally everyone of you is a fellow ARMY and didn't tell me until now?” everyone chuckled and looked around surprises at the coincidence 
You were already feeling shy after talking so much about yourself before so you redirected the activity, “Guys should we actually talk about BTS for a bit? hahaha” you asked your fans
This made a girl raise her hand and ask: “Can I ask you a BTS question then? Okay so, who is your favorite member?
You loved the new conversation topic. You answered truthfully: “Well first off, I don't have a favorite member. I really mean it when I say this. I love them all equally and I love them all as a group. I don’t prefer one over the other or like one better.  I really do support them equally. I mean there is nothing wrong with having a bias, as long as you also respect the other members, hope that all made sense lol” Everyone seemed moved by your support towards them and nodded.
“Y/n so you don’t have a favorite, but do you have a crush on any of them?, like if you could date one of them right now, which one do you pick?” A fan asked.
You looked at her and really thought about how to answer said question in the best way possible; “okay...well...Like I said just to be clear I don't have favorites amongst the group members, but I do have a type…. I consider one of them to be my celebrity crush” you answered, starting out slow and finishing by blurting out the last part.
Your fans in front of you went crazy, they leaned over their seats wanting to feel closer to you and not miss anything you were saying as you took a breath to continue speaking.
“So in that case, if I had to pick someone that I would date in real life...i would say…. Jungkook'' The room was filled with surprised remarks, small comments and squeals.
“Omg guys chill hahaha, breathe, it's just a crush I don’t know him and it's not going to happen. It's just that I find him really attractive and he is my type.”
The fans kept raising their hands to ask you various questions about BTS,
the camera director and manager signaled you to get your attention after you finished answering other questions and told you you only had time for one more question before the fan meet was over.
“Okay guys so apparently we have time for one more question, so make it a good one, it can be about anything, shoot” you said as you leaned over to reach for your water bottle, swung the bottle and pointed to someone on the corner of your eye who seemed to have one last question, as you drank some water they asked: “I have a last BTS question if you don’t mind y/n” 
Still gulping water you moved your hand indicating them that is was okay and to go on,
“okay, um I just thought about this, do you have like a specific fantasy or make up scenario about BTS that you could only dream could come true; like I wish i could walk into a café shop and suddenly meet V, realizing we were reading the same book and covering for hours”
That was such a deep and personal question, you had never once thought anyone would be interested in what your fantasies where; you thought it might be boring for your fans if you went on and on about  stupid make believe scenarios that live in your head rent free. But seeing everyones approving faces over the question and the intrigued eyes they were shooting at you, you spoke: “I love that question, and your scenario is so cute, you should write a tumblr post about it, (a/n wink wink) well yeah I obviously have created fake scenarios in my head about BTS, past crushes, fake arguments even hahaha, there are so many BTS fake scenarios in my head…. hmm oh I know which one, okay so this fantasy of mine is about how I would meet them irl and work with them, I will make it quick”
You kinda chuckled at yourself, playing with the cap on your water bottle, you felt as if you were about to say something really cringy and embarrassing. You took a deep breath and started the narration of the sinopsis of your personal fanfic created by you. 
“Okay so, my literal fantasy is to one day meet them at a talk show, you know how hosts like will surprise their guests with something/someone they like?, I believe Ellen has done it multiple times where she surprised a guest with their idol or celebrity crush, you know?” The group nodded, invested in your fake scenario “Well i would be invited to like the Jimmy Fallon Show, where he would just randomly surprise me with BTS. Then I would be given the opportunity to introduce myself and tell them how much I love and support them. I would also be able to show them my Korean speaking skills, I learned Korean and Spanish back in school and I have never been able to actually use either them, lol, anyway...well after that we would all become really good friends, and we would collaborate and put out one or multiple songs for you guys. I mean that's basically it, I wish I could meet them, and become their friend and write songs with them, even produce songs with Suga or RM if I could'' you sighed as you ended your mini narration.
You continued; “But well, that's just a fake scenario I repeat, it's not real and it's not gonna happen, EVER. For now I will keep supporting and loving them with you and the rest of ARMY. I really doubt they even know who I am, anyway” you closed the conversation at that. Your fans seemed like they wanted to say something but your camera director called you over before anyone could say something else. You excuse yourself and walk over to the cameras and lights set up where the staff is.
*your fans were really confused, and this you didn't know, but your fans knew for a fact that BTS knew very well who you were. The fans even knew which member has continuously admitted to having a platonic crush on you for years now, ever since you first blew up, back when you were 16 and he was 17. Your fans knew how you are one of BTS’s favorite artists, and this was no secret, you could literally look all this information up... 
They didn’t understand how you could have no idea how famous you actually are* They talked amongst themselves about this while you talked to your team.
Your manager and camera director indicated you to do an outro for the video’s footage and other instructions. You nodded your head and smiled, you took a step back and bowed your head towards the staff behind the cameras and thanked them for their work.
You then walked towards the group of fans and told them you had to do an outro for the camera if that was okay with them; you then sat with them on the floor while side hugging the two fans next to you, you directed yourself to the camera:  “Okay guys so sadly today’s meet is now over, I am really sad I wish we could hang out for longer, thank you so much for coming and making today so fun and special” you then turned to the camera “And for my other amazing supporters who are going to watch this on youtube, today was just a little scoop into my life like the other y/n’s camera roll EPISODES, in case you are interested in other videos like this one you can visit head to the channel where this video was uploaded and watch more! hopefully you guys had fun with us! I adore you all, thank you! Please Spread love always, y/n out” you waved as the camera director said “CUT” and the crew cut the cameras.
Your manager then stood up and directed everyone to get ready to leave, also thanking them for always supporting you and taking care of you, you smiled at your amazing manager and looked back at your fans while they picked up their stuff, smiling sadly.
You said your goodbye to everyone one-by-one as they headed out.
After lots of farewell hugs, kisses, selfies, and gifts, you went home with a smile on your face for the amazing time you had.
You went to bed, turned your phone on silent mode and looked at your ceiling,  reliving that fake scenario you talked about a few hours ago, oh how you wished it could become real (a/n hehe wink wink). Finally dozing off and resting for the work-packed day you had tomorrow unaware that your social media was currently going crazy and how they yearned for your new weekly EPISODE to come out.
Part 2- Jungkook’s POV --------> here
thank you so much, please interact with me to let me know if you like this :) Xx
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watevermelon · 4 years
Jealous | Eita Semi x Reader
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✧ Summary: You thought you were content with your relationship so far - Semi was your best friend and these past few years were some of the most memorable. But all of that quickly changes with some outside forces. ➳ Tags: Angst with a happy ending; some humor
Four years ago, it would have been a strange sight to see you, an up-and-rising wing-spiker, sitting on the sideline of the Shiratorizawa volleyball team. Being the female team’s manager was nice, but just as ambiguous as the adjective. You sorely ached to be back as an active member on the court and you seemed to radiate that very thought throughout the schoolyear.
At the end of your first-year you were switched from official wing-spiker to sub-pinch server. That was a huge demotion in your eyes, but a position you would gladly accept now. You knees were deteriorating from overuse and it was only facilitated at the Spring Tournament during your first-year. A bad-land from a spike and you tore your ACL. From that injury, there was no going back. That took you off the regular team for the rest of the year, since your doctor recommended six-months of healing.
Torn ACL’s do not heal and you did not want to undergo surgery, since it would only prolong your time away from the court. That decision was terrible in itself, but you reasoned that your volleyball career would end after high-school. So the long-term implications did not affect your future in sports since you did not envision one.
But your career ended sooner than you thought.
You did not seek the advice of the athletic trainer or even your coach and attempted to do the same work-outs as the rest of the team. And for a good amount of time, they bought your act. It seemed you were a miraculous healer, despite the urgings of both your parents and physicians. Dates set aside for physical therapy were skipped and you opted to make yourself useful to the team.
But you were doing just the opposite.
The women of Shiratorizawa’s volleyball team had their eyes set on nationals and it seemed that you were on the right track. The team earned their spot in the finals of the Interhigh Tournament, garnering attention against Niiyama High. You were set to serve, aiming directly for the serious face of Amanai Kanoka. Mid-stride, something did not feel right and you landed, not on your feet, but on your front-side.
You looked up from your prone form on the ground to see the horrified faces of your teammates and opponents. The usually loud section of Shiratorizawa’s student body was stunned silent and everyone’s eyes were fixated on your figure. First aid was able to hoist your motionless body onto a stretcher and time seemed to momentarily stop. You could still distinctly recall the perturbed faces of your friends and family. In that very instant, you felt your heart crack and silently whispered goodbye to your beloved sport.
Your torn ACL developed into a long-lasting chronic deficiency and you were slowly losing control in knee movement.
That was the only word to describe the certain expression other people gave you after the fact. Volleyball held a large amount of prominence on campus and the fact that nearly everyone saw your fall – it was humiliating. You were taken completely off the team and instead ushered into surgery and rehabilitation for your knee.
Many of your teammates attempted to show compassion and understanding for your situation, but they would never truly understand. You had accepted, deep in your heart, that even if you had undergone surgery early your knee would continually depreciate. It was only a matter of time.
The coach could understand your reasoning, but cursed your insolence. It hurt her that you desperately wanted to help the team, to the point of sacrificing your future. If she had known, she would have taken you off the starting-line in an instant. But there was no second chance, no benefit in asking what if’s.
The previous manager of the women’s team was leaving with graduation and you inherited her spot. On more than one occasion, you wondered if staying on as manager would really help you emotionally. It was your own personal hell, watching your previous teammates engage in volleyball and never getting the chance to join.
Graduation liberated many of your friends and majority of the people who observed your deterioration first-hand were gone. New volleyball teams were forming and you missed most of their names. Without the use of it on the court, it was harder to connect and really converse with the fresh first-years. You knew the names of the promising few – Goshiki Tsutomu was a hard one to miss. There were also two exemplary female wing-spikers, but Shiratorizawa’s team ran both deep and wide.
With all this distance, you would often miss much of the drama from those outside your year. Many of the other volleyball players made an effort not to bar you and updated you daily on news. Tendou was the number one instigator and you would often hear a warped version of the gossip from him first.
None of the male players were in the same class, ironically. There was one in each class and you shared yours with Eita Semi for the past three years. You were the closest to the mom of the group and he would usually clarify new gossip to you.
The groupchat shared amongst both the men’s and women’s volleyball team usually went ignored in your pocket. Once in a while, you would contribute a dank meme or comment. But for now, you tended to silently witness the drama unfold. Amongst the newly minted third-years was a groupchat just for you guys, both the girls and boys teams, which was the one you and Tendou seemed to haunt. 
As such, you were texting away in the middle of class. You sat with Semi, who was diligently writing notes and following along with the teacher. Neither had yet to see you, but no matter who it was, they would pluck the phone right out of your hands.
GC: We’re the captains now. <( ̄︶ ̄)>
12:43    From:s u f f e r i n g  (。□°)              I’m just saying, we can fight him.
12:43    From: Ushiwaka-sama              I would prefer to leave the setter intact
12:43    From: Guess Monster(▼へ▼メ)              Are we ignoring the problem of Goshiki????
12:43     From: Captain-Sama!               He’s a wing-spiker not a middle-blocker. You don’t have to worry about your spot
12:43     From: Guess Monster(▼へ▼メ)               ExCuSe youuuuuuuuuuu
12:44     From: Guess Monster(▼へ▼メ)               I wouldn’t be afraid even if he was
It was severely clear to all volleyball members that your spot as a regular was never safe (unless of course your name started with a U and ended with -shiwaka.)
The coaches of either team were relentless in their words and would drop a team member if they showed enough weakness. And you would not be surprised even in the slightest if the essential vice-captain of the men’s team was benched for the newfound first-year. The anomaly of Goshiki Tsutomu could be found in the fact that he seemed to be the complete foil of his older teammates. Despite this, he showed the most promise and you almost wanted to bet money that he would be a regular by the Spring High Tournament.
12:44    From: Ushiwaka-sama               Your numerable amount of question marks show your lie.
12:44     From: Guess Monster(▼へ▼メ)               Why don’t you shut the fuck up
12:44     From: Ushiwaka-sama               But I didn’t say anything
12:45    From: Captain-Sama!              LMAO but seriously Soekawa has nothing to worry about
12:45     From: s u f f e r i n g  (。□°)               Even if he does I think we can take the coconut-head.
12:45    From: Guess Monster(▼へ▼メ)               O mi god good one (f/n) I’m about to set his nickname as that
12:46    From: Okaasan/Eita              Why don’t you take your own advice and stfu salami
12:46    From: Captain-Sama                 S C R E A M I N G
Okaasan/Eita has changed “Guess Monster (▼へ▼メ)” ‘s nickname to, “the most tender Salami”.
12:46    From: s u f f e r i n g  (。□° )               I can’t breathe
12:47     From: Ushiwaka-sama               Lol
True to your word, you were laughing with almost no control while Semi was trying not to have his smile break his stern façade. You covered your mouth to stifle the giggles and the fact that the literal volleyball idiot wrote “Lol” you had no doubt he was laughing as well a few classrooms over.
Those in your immediate vicinity subtly turned to look at you and you had to pretend to bend-down to pick up a pencil to hide your laughter. You thanked Semi for the umpteenth time for grabbing these seats in the back that were far from the teacher’s reproach.
Once you were settled, Semi commented, “The aim of my remark was to calm you all down.”
It was hard to focus in class usually, but after a morning like that you were done. English was your forte and you had no problems with the subject, even in an advanced class focused on the western world’s literature. The Great Gatsby was your shit.
13:34    From: Captain-Sama               I have detention now Eita. I hope youre happy
13:34    From: Okaasan/Eita              What did I do????
13:34    From: Captain-Sama              I literally started screaming at the name
13:34    the most tender Salami              At least someone else is suffering too
13:34    the most tender Salami              My ass is getting blasted on the shared gc help
13:35    From: s u f f e r i n g  (。□° )              Hey remember that time you locked me in the men’s locker room
13:35    From: s u f f e r i n g  (。□° )              Karma beyotch
13:35     From: the most tender Salami               LMAo thanks for that reminder ugh that was the funniest day I almost feel better
You frowned at your phone and Semi noticed your reaction, “That’s your fault. You brought it up.”
The two of you were done with class for the rest of the day and were casually lounging around his dorm room. His roommate, Reon Ōhira, was in class 4 and had a different schedule from the two of you.
You were laid-out across his bed, backpack carelessly thrown on the floor against his desk. Semi was previously occupied with whatever he does on his laptop, but now he was catching-up with the groupchat. This was incredibly normal and it was almost second-nature for you to lounge in his room. Your roommate, the captain of the women’s team, often noted this with certain intentions.
It was no secret that you and Semi were something.
You flirted nonchalantly and he had an overall friendly personality — it seemed entirely natural. Your relationship had blurred lines and no clear mutual understanding. The two of you could hold hands and he could get away with the occasional kiss on your cheek. And if anyone asked if you were in a relationship, you would say no. Semi would do the same.
There was one occasion during your second-year that pushed Semi’s buttons to the point where he made your relationship known. You could count the amount of female third-years on your hand and still have fingers to spare. This, in Tendou’s eyes, left barely any possible suitors that he would seriously be interested in. And of all people, the eyes of the guess monster settled on you.
Tendou was a somewhat of a Kuudere, in your words. He was not cold, but incredibly blunt and cared on the inside. He had the type of attitude that would not seem to care if their crush noticed them. Instead, he took it a step further, to compliment said crush to other people and claim not to like them. And because he was so damn loud and incredibly obvious, the other male volleyball players seemed to notice and their gazes would casually linger on you.
You would dismiss their sudden interest as only aesthetic-deep and not take any other crushes seriously, especially Tendou. His crush bounced from girl to girl and this was a well-known fact, simply because he could admire a good looking person and not get emotionally attached. However, this was easier when the girl was in his class and not as immediate as on the volleyball team.
Tendou would highlight the specific beauty of your smile or hair casually and the other third-years would calmly agree. Semi could see it all. He was in a private groupchat with those boys and you were the topic of their conversation more than once. He would see the friendly pat on the head from Reon as he complimented your cross-spike. Or how you would converse with Ushijima and his eyes would loiter even after you walked away. Or how you would smile brightly at Yunohama’s jokes.
Tendou and Ushijima’s shared dorm was secretly party central, the later surprisingly okay with socializing on a daily basis. But you normally hung-out with Semi, in his room. And recently you had been getting more and more invitations to their room. He was hella annoyed and would often drag you right after class to chill with him instead.
This did not change the fact that Tendou was aggressive and this led to the day of Semi’s snapping. Tendou was waiting outside of your classroom and once he spotted you, he stepped right between you and Semi to sling a lazy arm across your shoulders.
“Finally we are graced with Friday. No homework to worry about for tomorrow and even better, it’s a rest day for volleyball!” Tendou was narrating the day as the three of you walked, Semi pushed all the way to the side. “Shall we let go of our inhibitions to celebrate this rare occasion?”
You lightly attempted to push off his hold on you, but he did not budge. “Sorry Tendou, not exactly in the mood to go off campus tonight.”
“That’s perfectly alright with me,” He deflected the rejection, “Waka is leaving tomorrow morning so we can chill in the dorm.” Certain ideas were undoubtedly forming in the minds of two growing teenage boys and Semi did not hide his disapproval. Instead, he sighed loudly and had the urge to grab you right out of Tendou’s grasp.
“What do you plan on doing with just me tonight, Tendou?” You teased.
He only laughed and ignored your question, “So how about it?"
“I prefer to get my homework done before the weekend, so that’s what I’ll be preoccupied with tonight.” You answered and Semi smirked at your response.
He bristled at your retort and kept pushing, “Well. I know you like that cheesecake place downtown—”
“Can’t you take a hint, Tendou?” Semi asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Sorry, but once I lay my eyes on a beautiful girl there’s no way I’ll let her go.” Tendou affirmed and tightened his hold on your shoulders.
You blushed at his confidence, “Ha. Well, determination is a dangerous thing.” Semi noted your flushed appearance and the fact that you had not pulled away from his hold.
No way, not on his watch.
Your flustered looks and affectionate embraces were meant for him and him alone.
Was Tendou’s unwavering resolve really getting to you? The red-head would constantly shower you with compliments and it was only a matter of time that it would infiltrate your brain. Meanwhile, he would offer you vague responses and a sparse amount of sentiments.
With his mind made-up, Semi grabbed you right out of Tendou’s filthy arms and into his own. “Sorry. But she’ll be busy with me.” You were nestled underneath his neck and his arm was wrapped lightly around your waist.
The message he was sending was clear and if it was not, Semi sure as hell would be ready to provide more.
Instead of being heart-broken or defensive, Tendou immediately turned the situation around, “Busy doing what?” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“Staying the hell away from you.” Semi sassily replied and attempted to walk away with you in his grasp.
Tendou took the message in stride and went further to ship the two of you together for the rest of the schoolyear. The others must have received the message and they laid off from their previous flirting. Well, most of them. The only person unaffected by Semi’s wrath was the great volleyball idiot himself. But it was generally understood that he never really knew the implications of his actions.
Since then, there was no real progression in your public and private relationship with Semi. You hit every milestone with stride: prolonged hugs, kisses on the cheek, and even a sleepover when your roommate was away with her boyfriend. You were happy with how things were now and you feared if you talked about it, it would end. With no real reason to address the subject, the two of you continued with your relationship. He was there when you were sad and you surely did the same for him.
The second-year of high-school was your turning point. Your first-year friendship could be described as average, simply two members of the same game. Classmates and admirers of volleyball, you were cordial for ordinary reasons. After your injury, it was hard to personally connect with anyone.
But Semi could do what the others could not. Your second-year came with the introduction of Kenjirō Shirabu. He was a salty little douche and before the Spring High Tournament he was the official setter for the men’s volleyball team. The teammates that Semi had fostered and grown with since middle school were suddenly dragged away from him. And there was nothing he could do. His best was suddenly not good enough and he fell short to a first-year.
You connected on a level that the others could not understand. Being cut from a team was like being abandoned, but it was no one’s fault but your own. And that fact hurt more than anything. Try as you might, there was nothing either of you could really do to regain your prominence.
You found comfort in one another and it was highly noted by the other team members.
“What’s with the face?” Semi asked, noting your saddened facial expressions.
You paused and then sat-up, “We’re graduating this year.”
“Just because we’re leaving this school, doesn’t mean we’ll stop being friends.” Semi comforted. Friends… That word would continue to haunt you. You were friends, incredibly close with few secrets between the two of you. Your relationship was once in a lifetime and soon there would be more than emotional barriers separating you two.
It was not until the autumn formal that you recognized first-hand the complications of desire.
Someone asked Semi to the formal. And it had not been you. But he still said yes.
You heard this secondhand from Reon, a week after the girl had initially asked. Did he hesitate? Did he even think of you? Did he… have feelings for the girl?
She was someone unrecognizable from Ushijima’s class and you had spotted her after having lunch with just the ace. Social Media was a big thing and of course Shiratorizawa Academy had a team-spirit page that highlighted all sorts of shit. And of course, there were the posts about who was going with who to the formal. ((promposals cough))
You were unsure if you had ever seen her before. But after noticing her, you seemed to see her everywhere. She was beautiful in every way you were not – incredibly feminine and keeping up with her appearance. Flowing blonde hair that went past her elbows and she seemed to always sport a dress. Semi was not distant in any way and it seemed like he was never going to bring it up with you unless you took the initiative.
You asked once or twice about the girl and he waved off that she was very pretty and very determined. She seemed to exceedingly fancy him and would not take no for an answer. And he had no real reason to say no. No real reason. Your heart ached at his simple words. If you were no “real reason,” then you sure were not going to continue this way.
There was a month until the formal and that meant an entire month with having this loom over your head. Semi never indicated he wanted more than friendship and it seemed that was not enough for him. So you pulled away. This was hard since you sat together, but it was definitely different than usual.
You would brush off his invitations to hang-out, which was increasingly hard since you literally spent every waking day together. It hurt you, but it was a good wake-up call. If he did not think more of you, then it was about time you lessened this heavy dependence you had on him. It was an eventual problem that he would find a significant other, but now it was finally before you. You were no masochist and distanced yourself from the constant sorrow. On one occasion, you replied, “Why don’t you hang-out with your date instead?” It was petty and low, but true. You were being replaced. Why would he hang-out with you if he’s got another female on his line?
You addressed this with Reon, but he defended Semi saying that the two were only friends. Semi agreed on a whim, with no real intention of dating the girl or progressing as far as he had with you. But you denied this and stopped talking about it with the two altogether.
You were gleaning out the window, ignoring your lunch and sitting with the guess monster and his ace. “Stop frowning, (F/N)-chan. If it bothers you that much just talk to him.”
“Why should I even bother? He already made up his mind.” You pushed your already minute lunch away.
“Wow, giving up already?” Tendou mocked.
“It’s been three years. If he wanted to do something he would have.”
“You’re wrong, (F/N)-chan.” Salami countered, “Semi has already done something. He told me off, that’s for sure.”
“That was so long ago.”
“What have you done?” Ushijima interjected.
“I’ve never accepted any other man’s affection - not dates, chocolates, late-night talks.” You outwardly groaned and nearly slammed your head on the desk, “I’m about to graduate high-school and I’ve never been kissed.”
Even Tendou laughed at this fact, “Wow, (F/N)! I’d be willing to volunteer.”
You lifted your head to glare at him, “That is unnecessary.” Ushijima stated. “You have proven a great loyalty, it seems.”
“Great.” You mocked, voice dripping with sarcasm, “And this worked out so well for me.”
“It is a rare quality, one that I surely admire you for having.” You sat-up completely, back straight from surprise and eyes glued to the auburn-haired ace that continued eating like his words meant nothing. Even Tendou paused from his causal demeanor to narrow his eyes at Ushijima.
A grin reappeared on his face, one that surely spelt trouble, and he proposed, “Why don’t you two go to the formal together?”
You both paused and shared momentary eye-contact. His eyes appeared mostly impassive, but you had spent enough time with him to notice his questioning gaze. His left eyebrow was slightly upturned and you tilted your head in question.
“I cannot see an immediate reason not to.”
“Me neither."
“Then it’s settled!” Tendou got up to stand by the middle of the table, flippantly placing his hands on both of your shoulders, “Let’s send a post to the Shiratorizawa page so it’s official. Ah so cute, Waka and (F/N) at the dance together!”
Ushijima commented that was extremely superfluous, why should anyone care/know? You reasoned the same way, but Tendou claimed that it was not official until it was on the social media page. You both shrugged and prepared to pose for a picture over lunch.
“No, no. This looks totally lame.” He ended up dragging the both of you outside, in the middle of the quad during common hour. Tons of students were walking by and watched as Tendou modeled the two of you.
He settled on putting Ushijima’s hand on your waist and angled your front facing the ace. Your head was turned back towards the camera and you had a hand on his chest. This position was entirely intimate and even the dense Ushijima commented this, but Tendou waved it off. You wondered what crazy things Tendou could get his roommate to do.
Tendou was having a blast, taking multiple pictures from different angles on his phone. You wondered: how good could it possibly look? You were sporting your Shiratorizawa uniform and Ushijima was in his usual track-suit. You could hear the whispering and it seemed that posting the picture would be redundant, almost everyone saw the two of you posing like this!
The three of you returned back to your lunch table and upon sitting down, you received a brand new notification.
[Instabook] Slide to unlock and see new tagged post
Looks like the two most elusive volleyball bachelor/ette’s have snagged each other! Be sure to check-out this cute couple at the fall formal! Tagged: Ushijima Wakatoshi and (F/N)(L/N)
Attached: 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, 4.jpg
“Was it really necessary to send in all those pictures, Tendou?” You asked.
“They tell us to send multiple and they’ll pick the best one! Whoever the account owner is, they are the ones who decided on showing all of those!”
“But four?”
“I sent in ten. And four is the max they can post, so they must really like you guys.” Tendou teased. Almost instantly, you were getting more and more notifications.
People you had never met before were liking the post and it was embarrassing at how much attention this was garnering! You weren’t even dating! Your phone was constantly vibrating from Instabook and you muted the app entirely – you’d return to it later at the end of the day. Sadly, the volleyball team was quick to react too.
GC: Caw Caw SHIRATORIZAWA ୧༼✿ ͡◕ д ◕͡ ༽୨
14:57    From: Captain-Sama!              um wtf is this Attached: THEpost.jpg, receipts.jpg, wtf.jpg
14:57    From: Not-my-libero-Yamagata ( ´ ▽ ` )              Not the otp but I still ship it
14:57    From: Coconut-head              Senpai’s gf is so cute (๑꒪▿꒪)*
14:57    From: the most tender Salami              You can thank me
14:57    From: Captain-Sama!              y tf would I do that
14:57    From: the most tender Salami              I got the ship sailing
14:57    From: the most tender Salami              And got usiwaka to ask (f/n)-chan
14:58    From: Kawanishi ✩꒳✩              And u stil cant get urself a date??
14:58    From: the most tender Salami              I’m going to ignore that and show off this CUTE COUPLE Attached: lunchdate.jpg, imthechaperone.jpg
Tendou was showcasing photos he literally took then and there, of you and Ushijima conversing over lunch. It could be viewed entirely as innocent, but after the previous posts it seemed to imply something. Tendou noticed that Semi had seen the chat already, but had yet to respond.
14:58    From: Captain-sama!              Are they dating???????????????
14:59    From: the most tender Salami              Nah, but theyre too busy to respond to the chat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
14:59    From: Kawanishi ✩꒳✩             OH SHIT
14:59    From: Not-my-libero-Yamagata ( ´ ▽ ` )              WE’RE NOT OLD ENOUGH ( ಠ - ಠ )
15:00    From: Captain-Sama!              I WANT PICS
Reon and Semi were discussing the subject in the comfort of their private dorm. It was clear to the tan boy that you were bothered by Semi agreeing to go to the formal and not even telling you! It was only now that Semi was understanding this and he looked to his roommate for guidance.
“I already told that girl I’ll go with her…” Semi was attempting to sort his thoughts, “But I don’t want to hurt (F/N).”
“You don’t have to worry about that,” Reon interjected, “You already did that.”
Semi burrowed his head into his hands, “Does (F/N) think I’m replacing her? She means so much to me, that’s absurd.”
“You didn’t exactly tell her that you were going to formal with someone else.” Reon explained, “How would you feel if your closest friend was going to an intimate dance with a date that you never met before?” Semi massaged his temples further, feeling the oncoming migraine that usually came associated with a certain second-year setter.
His thoughts were unclear and the constant vibrating of both their phones were not helping his mental state, “What is happening?”
Reon browsed through his phone first and frowned, “Well. It seems a certain someone’s affection never fully disappeared from last year.”
Semi narrowed his eyes and picked up his phone to see your face splayed across the screen. A smile graced your face and it was clear who was the cause behind it. Ushijima’s smile was rare and came at random moments, but it was encased in memory through the photograph. He almost screamed.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Semi threw his phone on the bed before collapsing face first into it.
“On the chat, it seems Tendou was the one who pushed them together.” Semi punched his pillow at the mention of the brash Salami. “And they’re not dating, just going to the dance together.”
Semi let out a string of incomprehensible words into his comforter. “This is Ushiwaka. He’s not like Tendou, with the endless list of crushes. He’s genuine all the time and complimented (F/N) without hesitation. As in, I’m fucked.”
Reon was inwardly rolling his eyes, it was only when Semi was entirely comfortable with the other person or very enraged that he let loose his short-tempered side. And it seemed Semi was both, right at this moment.
You broke off from Tendou and Ushijima to retreat back to your dorm room. Ushijima agreed to have dinner with you later, in hopes of coordinating your outfit for the formal. It seemed the post of the two of you was the most popular on the entire page and you would have to dress to impress the audience.
Upon entering, you were ambushed with questions from both your roommate, Reon, and strangely Shirabu.
“(F/N), what the fuck.”
“You better not hinder his abilities as ace!”
“Did you just come from lunch with him?”
You blinked at the assault and then sat-down. “One, we’re not dating. So I will not be a distraction for him, I assure you. This is mostly Tendou’s doing anyway.”
Shirabu nodded at the explanation and then walked towards the door, stopping to put a hand on your shoulder first, “Good enough. Have a good time then.” And with that he walked out of the room. Shirabu was a special type of kid, everyone knew. At least he had the best intentions at heart?
“Seriously?” Your roommate and captain of the female volleyball team asked, showing off her impeccable vernacular.
“Come on.” You threw your bag to the side of your bed.
“How did this even start?” She sat down on her own bed as Reon rested on your desk chair.
“I was talking about y’know, what’s been bothering me recently. And Tendou suggested that there was no real reason to stop Ushijima and me from going to the formal together.”
“And what? Ushijima just asked on the spot after that?” She asked.
“Yeah, pretty much. And then Tendou made a big spectacle of it by making us pose for a picture.”
“A top three ace in the entire country and 190 centimeter of pure man, and you are the one to have tamed him. Holy shit, good job.” She commended.
Your eyes nearly fell out of your head and Reon could not stop his sudden coughing fit. “We are not dating.”
“Just the pure fact that Ushijima had no reason to not ask you, wow.” She commented. “If it was any other girl he would have scroll of reasons that would hit the floor with a speech to go along with it.”
“There’s no way.” You countered.
“Do you honestly think there are no implications?” Reon asked.
“Yeah, if anything he’s doing it as a favor.” You answered offhandedly, realizing your mistake instantly. It was natural to speak candidly to the two. However, it was clear that Reon would die defending Semi and thus you stopped speaking to him previously about the situation.
“A favor?” He asked, just as you had thought.
You hesitated. It was not in you to lie and it was only a matter of time before Tendou gave further details to the rest about the situation. “We were talking about Eita-kun before he asked me.”
“What about Eita?”
“Just how really messed up this situation is.” You decided on being vague.
Reon did not take the hint and continued to push the subject, “Why is it messed up?”
“You know why,” You gave him that look, like really bro, “I guess that’s what I get for assuming.
“What did you assume?” Your roommate asked, this time.
“I stayed loyal to him and I never gave into anyone. Never accepted chocolates or dates or anything. And I just assumed he would do the same?” Reon sat back in the chair, obviously mauling over your words.
“Well that is mostly true, with the exception of one person.” Both you and your roommate shot him questioning looks, unsure where he heard that from. “Isn’t it true you did extra practice with Wakatoshi for a whole month?”
“I don’t think volleyball counts as accepting affection.” Your roommate countered.
“Do you see who we are talking about?” Reon explained, “Our beloved ace lives and breathes volleyball. And he shared a good amount of that time alone with you. If you wanted to practice so badly, why not with Eita? He was the official setter.”
“Because Ushijima asked me personally.”
“And you accepted. You voluntarily spent an extended amount of time with him, engaging in the sport he loves and you didn’t think anything of it?”
“Of course not! I would have accepted practice from anyone else on the team.”
“I think that’s where you do not understand.” Reon paused, attempting to fully devlop his next few words before conveying them to the two of you. “You’re treating this extremely casually. But these are all boys who had no problems with showering you with compliments last year. Take a step back and really think about the situation.”
Your roommate interjected, “Okay, hold on. So Tendou and the boys tried to carelessly compliment (F/N) and after that she accepted one of those boy’s request to spend time with him.”
“We are not talking about some irresponsible boy. This is Wakatoshi, the most serious and straight-forward idiot to exist.”
You were sat on the bed, hands currently encasing your head in obvious stress and over-thinking. “But that’s not how I saw it! Ohmyfuckinggod.”
“I suggest you amend the situation, (F/N)-chan.” Reon advised, “I left him alone in the dorm, please talk to him.”
But you were already out the door. You had a growing list of reasons why you were an idiot and this misunderstanding definitely topped the list. You had to tell Eita that Ushijima would never hold a place in your heart like he did. It was impossible for Ushijima to have feelings for you, that was definite. Ever since your unofficial parting from Eita, you had spending more time with the ace. However, you would often be expressing your sadness about Semi and he knew entirely about your feelings. Wakatoshi was a bro.
And it was important that Semi knew that.
You tapped on his door, rapid and loud enough that you were sure other people in the hall heard it. There was a light shuffling inside and it seemed like there were multiple voices.
Semi opened a slight crack of the door with narrowed eyes, but when they landed on you they widened with obvious shock. “(F/N), what are you doing here?”
“I think there’s been a misunderstanding. I was talking with Reon and I think I need to say something before I regret it. Can I come inside?” Semi scratched the back of his ear in thought and did not move to allow you in.  
“Who’s at the door, Eita-kun?” And right before your eyes was the blonde date he agreed to go to the formal with.
Semi could literally see and feel your heartbreak. When your eyes traveled from her smiley disposition to him, he saw the narrowing – the pure anguish written across your face. It was something he never wanted to see ever again. The poor boy would do anything for you and it physically pained him that the cause of your sorrow was from him.
You swallowed your pride and yelled out, “I’m sorry for interrupting!” You ran down the hall, not caring that the door to Tendou and Waka’s room opened as you sprinted past it.
“Did you hurt her?” Wakatoshi asked a stunned Semi, who was standing in the middle of the hallway with a hand outstretched.
“I hate my fucking life.” Semi slapped a palm to his forehead. He had something to do first before he addressed you. He slammed the door behind him quickly, so neither volleyball players could throw questions at him.
“What was that?” The blonde girl asked, still standing and silently waiting for Semi. He had called her here a few minutes ago, saying that they needed to talk.
“We can’t go to the formal together.” Semi stated. “I’m really sorry if I’ve led you on.”
“Is it because of (L/N)-san?” She asked, smile still evident on her face. He nodded lightly. “You two honestly suit each other. Even I was surprised when you said yes to me.” She moved to the floor to grab her bag and leave, “May I ask, why did you agree to go with me?”
“I don’t know.” He sat on his bed and wanted to scream, it was rare for him to be so confused.
“You better get your shit together, Eita-kun.” She gave a small laugh and then exited the dorm.
There was no way that you were returning back to your dorm. You knew that your roommate and Reon would still be there and expecting details. You should have known! If you kept distancing yourself from Semi, it was only a matter of time that he found comfort in another person’s arms. You deserved this, really. You had been so petty and jealous without actually affirming your feelings to him.
Text Messages:
17:32    From: the most tender Salami              What was THAT?!
17:29    From: Ushiwaka-sama!              Where are you???
The only place that you knew would be free of any volleyball idiots would be the on-campus café outside of the nursing building. It only accepted money and not swipes from the meal-plan, which in itself was a turn-off from most of the volleyball teams. It was on the complete opposite side of campus from the gyms and you were sure that none of the people you knew were enrolled in medical-specific programs. Of course, everyone except from her.
It had been a full hour of dodged texts and missed calls when she neared your table. “Hi. You probably don’t want to talk to me of all people.” The blonde started, but still made a motion as if asking if she could take the empty seat across from you.
“You can have the seat. I was on my way out.” You grabbed your various things from the table, readying to leave.
“Wait, please just listen.” You paused in your movements and nodded, “Semi called me to his room to call off our date for the formal. He never meant to upset you and I’m sure he’s looking for you as we speak. Please give him a chance.”
“You don’t have to do this.” You interjected, “He said yes to you and I don’t want to take him away from you just because I am the one who is upset. You asked and he accepted your affection, something we never did. We’ve only ever been friends. With Semi, all I want for him is to be happy. He deserves all the happiness in the world, even if it’s not with me.”
Your eyes were wandering around during your speech, jumping from behind the blonde and your surroundings but never focusing on her. When you gazed back at her, she was holding a hand to her nose and lightly sniffling.
“You two deserve to be together!” She shouted, “Oh god I am so sorry for getting between you guys.”
Behind you, Semi was scouring the café in an attempt to find you. He spent too damn long thinking and not acting, it was finally time that he made his feelings known. Grabbing his phone on the way out, he called Tendou and Waka and neither boys knew where you were. A quick text to Reon and your roommate and they both asked why you were not with him. Semi sighed and continued in his search. Finally, he received a text from the blonde that she found you moping around here.
Semi could spot you in a crowd of rowdy volleyball players within seconds. He found your luscious locks of hair across the very person he left. Damn, he really owed that girl. She took rejection like pro and even took it a step further to keep you here until he arrived.
“Please, you have nothing to be sorry about.” You responded.
A pair of large hands slid to lightly weigh on your shoulders, “Can I interrupt?”
“Please do.” The blonde replied and quickly gathered her belongings. “I wish you two the best.”
Semi quickly took her seat and reached across the table to hold your hands in his. “You said you wanted to clear misunderstandings before you ran off. I need to do the same.”
His grip tightened and you squeezed back. “Let me start, since I owe you an explanation.” He nodded. “Eita-kun, you’re the only man I’ve ever had eyes for. Even if I spend time with Waka-kun or Salami, they’ve never meant more to me than just friends. You’ve always held the most special and largest piece of my heart.”
Semi smiled and moved his chair closer to yours. “I want you to know that I feel the same way. It’s rather small of me, but after you spent so much time with Wakatoshi… I wanted to test if you felt the same heartbreak I felt when I saw the two of you together. I realize now how spiteful that was of me, to the very girl I had feelings for.”
You placed a gentle hand on the side of his face, rubbing rather affectionately and he seemed to lean into it. “Looks like we’re a pair of idiots.”
“But now you’re my exclusive idiot.” He staked his claim and you wondered how his seat suddenly was right next to yours!
Semi nuzzled your nose with his own, smile enrapturing you for the oomph time. You closed your eyes and leaned forward, bumping noses until you felt the gentle touch of his lips against yours. You were entirely receptive, even moving further into his body to get the full scape of his silky lips. The tips of his hair were tickling the sides of your face. And you would kill to feel this sensation for the rest of your life.
His hands lost themselves in your hair, preoccupied with keeping a steady hold on the back of your head. You returned the embrace and he took that as an invitation to glide his lips against yours, silently asking for entrance. You moaned in answer and opened up slowly, but he took it entirely in stride – not skipping a beat.
It was only when a flash went off that the two of you broke apart, gasping for air.
“Holy shit!” Tendou yelled, Wakatoshi clapping not too far behind him. You flushed with embarrassment. God you moaned in public! “This one is for the page.”
You were about to interject when Semi stated, “Finally. Maybe now you bastards will get the message.”
New notification:
[Instabook] Slide to unlock and see new tagged post
Hot momma! Finally, it seems as though the couple everyone shipped together are finally official~ Hopefully we don’t have to mark this page as 18+ Tagged: Eita Semi and (F/N)(L/N) Attached: 1.jpg, 2.jpg / 3.gif
Semi led you back to his empty dorm, your roommate and Reon were bro’s and willingly offered to have a sleepover to give you two alone time. You were currently encased between his arms, legs tangled and speaking in low voices. He had you nestled beneath his chin, but most of your weight laid across his chest. Semi did not want this moment to end. He waited three years for this, it was a moment of love in the making. You laughed lightly in his arms, not a care in the world keeping you from him. You were both on cloud nine, basking in each other's presence. You never took Semi as a closet cuddle-whore, but you were not complaining. His arms encased you perfectly and you could not hold back from placing butterfly kisses across his chest. You loved him, it was only a matter of time that you found out.
➳ A/N: This fic may seem familiar because it’s being brought up over from our earlier Deviantart account! <3
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Vice Versa Live Blogging
The last episode of PS I Hate You put me through it, so time to bingewatch some cute romcom. The Discord says it’s fluffy and sugary, so maybe it’ll help my get over my PSIHY/Wanwan ails.
Episode 1 (Sep 28)
Ocean Blue. I like that this show has episode names, can’t remember other BLs that have them (update: Theory of Love had those movie titles as episode names. VV and ToL have the same director)
I have an orange filter on my laptop but I think I’ll watch on my ipad because colouring seems important in this show (i don’t have adblock on there tho so this is terrible)
I love celeb/non-celeb trope so much but very few shows even involving celebrities deal with that and this one isn’t one of them 
none of these guys ever wash their hands after peeing T.T not even if it’s them meeting their love interest for the first time
I’ve seen this bathroom meeting clip, it’s adorable
just some casual drowning in ep 1 part 1
Tess’ mom is funny lol
dang bruh she’s been here for 8 years?
oh we got the ForceBook cameo + the 2gether line reference
okay it’s the association for Thai people in the alternate world, so I guess this switching only happens in the same country?
oh the head of the association is Joob? I know she dies
ooh, okay they’ll be able to dream once they meet Their Person and it’ll be of a place that they have to go to
This is cute/funny so far but I kinda want either OhmNanon or Jimmy’s character to show up already (interesting because usually I love the world building and MC interacting with people who aren’t love interest. I think I’m just in the mood for cute adorable fluff rn)
Pakorn called an ambulance to help Tess, idk why I thought this was a theory for ep 2 from a tiktok I saw but it’s pretty clearly shown lol
hehe this scene of Tun evading Tess is funny despite already having seen it in tiktoks. [fave scene]
interesting to hear Sea’s voice followed by Ohm’s voice bc the former has a fairly deep voice whereas Ohm’s is higher and nasally, I like it, it’s distinct
Cute first ep, Sea is endearing, seeing OhmNanon reminds me of all the ep 1 VV and BBS crossover edits that were haunting me when this ep released
Episode 2 (Sep 28)
Forest Green
ohmnanon scenes so cute >.< even though Tun’s antagonistic towards Tess
Neo, hello :>
I know what people meant about choosing OhmNanon as Tess and Tun being a possible mistake. I care about them already and am like :) whenever they’re on screen being antagonistic and care less about Sea and Jimmy’s hardly even been here yet
lol Nanon’s characters can’t escape from being in love with Ohm’s characters since high school
eyyy Tun is now Jimmy’s character Puen
a SOTUS reference
MilkLove cameo!
Episode 3 (Sep 28)
bruh Puen messing up Tun’s life and friendship at once
I don’t have much to say like hm I guess they’re cute. I’m endeared by Sea/Talay
Episode 4 (Sep 28)
2gether reference. not Puen plagiarizing 2gether in a different universe T.T
Talay making Puen blush and Puen tryna fight him over it is cute
This “walking into coffee shop” scene is the only romanctic/slow-mo/music swelling scene of theirs that worked for me so far. “So? will they fall in love?” “I guess they will.”
“How about we fall in love with each other?” wait this is so good. i think i heard smth about fake dating and ig this is what’s about?
Dang, Sea’s acting as Tess feeling hurt is good. The “stop doing this to me” reminds me of ep 5 Pran before the kiss
Theory of Love reference
dang didn’t except Puen to kiss Talay already
Episode 5 (Sep 28)
Godji cameo
Talay’s older than Puen
Ayy, then meeting Pang Piyada. I saw many tiktoks about it when the ep came out and really enjoyed it. another [fave scene]
Puen telling Talay to go back to their universe before him if he can
Gun as Third cameo... in the other universe, Theory of Love exists and in this universe, Third exists
not a friend group separating in ep 5 ?! i’m gonna just assume they reunite and write again. sad that real pakorn didn’t get to participate in writing with them
I don’t know what their relationship currently is actually like they had a kiss? and then? they’re not boyfriends but it’s not like they’re just friends. are they still in the ‘jeeb’ flirting stage?
Episode 6 (Sep 29)
this scene of Puen tryna get Talay’s attention while he’s gaming reminds me of this JimmySea similar moment
I don’t understand the cause of this random little separation and missing each other... just cuz they’re not working in the same scriptwriting team anymore doesn’t mean they can’t be with each other all the time still
Joob died and I didn’t care and I also didn’t care that Dol was like I should’ve told her I liked her and didn’t care people were sad
Episode 7 (Sep 29)
One of the first times this show succeeded in making me feel for the characters 
Update: upon reflection after watching up to ep 11, I think this is when the show started taking a turn for the better and started focusing on the right things (though there was still a lot of film stuff + product placement). 
I think it was a good thing that I binged the show because watching the ep 2 - 5/6 weekly would’ve been frustrating because the plot wasn’t moving forward and the concept wasn’t being utilized as I would like but binging it made me feel like 1 long episode rather than waiting a whole week for 50 mins of nothing
Episode 8 (Sep 29)
I think it’s fun when people who know Tun or Tess or both of them are confused by wtf is going on and so are the characters like Mek saying he and Tun promised that he’d never work for Tess :0 I wanna know more about Tess and Tun fr
ohh I see what the problem has kinda been thus far, I haven’t cared about any of the conflicts. This conflict of trying to get Mek on their side + make this movie on their own is more fun than the other boring or contrived problems the show has had so far
a Tay Tawan cameo !
This ep was p good and although we didn’t get plot advancement in terms of alt universes, we got some relationship advancement (jealousy, confession, kiss). I think the problem was that the alt universe plot and romance plot are both very slow moving and mostly stagnant throughout the series, so it feels like it doesn’t move forward/is a bit repetitive. I don’t think it’s bad though bc it’s beautifully shot, fairly well acted (esp now that we don’t see Ohm or Nanon every other minute) and it’s got cute moments
The movie making and following the other people’s dreams/living their lives could be more interesting but I’m just choosing to not pay attention to how they’re creating this movie l o l bc it’s terrible
Episode 9 (Sep 29)
interesting that even after Puen and Talay return to their own bodies, their relationship will be different than before the body switch to other people around them. like their friend Mek straight up thinks they’re dating and has seen them kiss
aklsdfj I see what people meant when they were talking about Jimmy taking off the pillow cover
Mix cameo
I also now see what people mean by AouBoom ship
ooh “my wish is to stay here as long as possible” 
Interesting stuff about Puen not wanting to go back
Ooh, interesting that Talay’s afraid of the water now
Up: “This is discrimination!” (@ Tun giving Tess two presents) Tun: “Yeah, it’s discrimination”
ahhh the alpaca drawing on the hat, I remember seeing tiktoks of this too
oh dang lmfao I didn’t know there were after-credit scenes in these, so I hadn’t been watching them. This one is cute
I quite liked this episode! Agonies about going back to the other universe + Puen figuring out who Talay is. also adorable that Puen remembers their interaction so vividly and fondly and is even more enamoured with Talay
Bruh okay, I went through people’s archives for vice versa for August (ep 4 - 8) and I hardly reblogged anything, esp not any romantic or cute scenes between Puen and Talay... I had reblogged some ep 1- 3 stuff yesterday and I think there are moments from ep 9 that I’ll reblog when I go through September tags but it’s telling about how much I care about the main characters and their romance that I reblogged nothing with them hmmmm not a good sign but I think they can still end it well if they continue with the tragectory from ep 8 and 9
Episode 10 (Sep 30)
the cute nom nom nom cheek scene
the kissing here is nice
Aou Fuse are cute
this pink is fun
aw puen’s convo with tun’s parents
girl ofc talay falls asleep just as puen’s finally about to say his name
ahh i was spoiled for it but it’s still good! talay and tess still stuck in each other’s bodies while puen and tun are not
hmm talay did dream the night before puen/tun switch back and tun also said he dreamed. i have no clue how this switching thing works lol
so in the other world tun and tess found and were friends with each other as puen and talay
p good episode, i like he friends and family and alt universe stuff than the movie stuff
Episode 11 (Sep 30)
good start, so seems like it’s Tun actually who travelled back and so Puen was returned to his og body
why wouldn’t Tun say Puen’s nameee
ohhh lmfao guy wrote it in the sand
would’ve you just check if your phone has Talay’s contact on it?
Tess and Puen are funny and cute lol
this is so strange, Farhan’s mom gave us those glass cacti last month so seeing this is weird esp cuz I rarely have anything characters in a show have
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girl ik there’s a fake reunion in this (ppl were so like why tf does GMMTV have a fake kiss in Eclipse, fake proposal in Magic of Zero: CLW, and fake reunion in VV) so idk wtf to believe
why do these people not check if their phone already has the contact? like the sticky note said there was Puen on Talay’s phone, why ain’t Talay checking
so strange the discrepancies of reactions. Pakorn was glad to see Tess/Talay. Tess was not glad to see Puen. the manager’s saying Puen (Pakorn) wouldn’t wanna see Talay (Tess). even though pakorn seemed glad to see him... what did Tess even do bruv (Talay, search it upppp it’s prlly on the internet)
girl Tess also caused a rift between Talay and all his friends?! this guy is so...
oh i see they just lost touch. at least he didn’t cause a fight
not the “can’t get in touch” drama exacerbated by the “oh no what if he’s dating his costar now” drama
 Wait Tim’s?
they’re meeting again at the garden cafe awww 
watched the next ep teaser and huh?
Episode 12 (Oct 1)
Finale day, still unsure wtf will actually happen in the next 50 mins bc the next ep teaser seemed packed
wait actually i love that there’s the universe travelers association here too! i was wondering about it existing in the other universe and it’s fun that we’ll get to see it
And we’re getting the celebrity/non-celebrity aspect too
loll Up and Aou -> Tup and Tou
naurr Talay don’t give the reporters an interview
girl why tf is Talay looking at his phone while driving, is the vehicle to get them to switch back to the other universe in the last 20 mins? and then switch back also? 
just kidding, thankfully they didn’t switch back and the teaser was just fucking with us
aw the random little Aou Fuse 
Tup and Tou confused as hell while Puen and Talay act like they’re all besties
the ending is cute
Didn’t touch on the alternate universe stuff at all this ep, so no more explanations lmao. Didn’t get to see what Tess and Tun were up to in their universe. Didn’t even learn why Tess as Talay was kicked out as manager. The seperation was weird and didn’t need to happen, they definitely could’ve kept communicating. some weird vibes in terms of like... them kissing and being affectionate? like why was talay resistant bc he wasn’t like that before, that’s so weird. I also don’t care enough about the story to actually be sad that we didn’t get these though lol my expectations were already low
Got a very small dose of the celebrity stuff but it’s more than we usually get, so I’ll take it.
Overall Thoughts:
This show worked for me while binging in a way that it wouldn’t have worked if watched weekly. There were a few episodes in the middle where it felt like neither the main alternate universe plot nor the romance plot were moving forward and it would’ve been disappointing to wait a whole week for a new ep but I watched them all in like 1 day so it didn’t feel too slow. I didn’t get to scrutinize the world building or think too deeply or theorizing about what’ll happen, all of which is good because I don’t think the concept was developed enough to handle much thinking. Also good to adjust expectations because people said there’s not much OhmNanon after the first two eps, that there’s nothing from the original universe, that they worldbuilding isn’t very expansive, non-stop product placement, etc. I enjoyed watching it while watching but I fast-forwarded sometimes and don’t care enough to be upset at its pitfalls because I came in knowing many of its flaws.
Vice Versa Mock Trailer (from GMMTV 2022 Boundless): I think I’ve watched at least the first half of this before and yeah, it’s a fun trailer, would’ve been very exciting to see it drop. They gave away so much though, like Puen going back before Talay and Talay not knowing his name even then. 
Vice Versa Final Trailer: This is nicely shot and a pretty cute trailer.
Also rewatched the Bad Buddy mock trailer from 2020 before watching these trailers and wow it continues to just be a great trailer, better than most trailers I’ve watched in terms of making me want to watch the actual show and care about the story/characters.
Rating: 6/10
Tiktoks and Edits
Bane of my existence: #ViceVersaEP1 #BadBuddySeries on twitter like the fucking PatPran TunTess parallels were just A Lot. Go through it to find edits but here are some faves here here here here here. #ViceVersaEp2 or #ViceVersaSerie also works
parallels w/ PatPran (bg: deja vu by olivia rodrigo)
2gether reference
parallels w/ PatPran (bg: roses by the chainsmokers)
Sea and Jimmy meeting in bathroom
parallels w/ PatPran (bg: traitor by olivia rodrigo)
Behind: worried Sea (I think this got taken down rip)
MilkLove Cameo
Theory of Love reference
Meet Pang + jealous Sea
flirty Puen at the wedding + catching bouquet
flirty Jimmy at the wedding + answer after catching bouquet (bg: somebody to you by the vamps)
teasing and messing with each other (bg: Adhi dd jyada ni me nakhre churaye - nepali song)
Meeting Pang + sad Sea (bg: Enchanted by Taylor Swift)
Ep 5 convo about Pang in the car (bg: favourite crime by olivia rodrigo)
“if boyfriends, they don’t hit e/o like this”
Ep 7 “I believe we are each other’s portkeys” 
Ep 2 Tess/Talay realizing Tun likes Tess (bg: only love can hurt like this)
Ep 8 Kiss
Ep 8 Perth’s character likes Talay + Puen doing everything to thwart it lol
Ep 9 Puen figures out who Talay is because of the hat (bg: As It Was by Harry Styles)
Ep 11 Talay seeing Puen at the premier (bg: heather conan gray)
Ep 11 Talay Puen reunion
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v-hope · 4 years
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»part nine - designated partner
»tiger flower
»jeon jeongguk x reader | college!au
not many people knew the shy guy who used to do everything alone in high school was the one to secretly leave flowers in your seat every week. you most certainly didn’t know the introvert guy you were just befriending in third year of college was the reason flowers meant so much to you now. and jeongguk? he most definitely didn’t know he would once again be silently aching for you to please love him.
a/n: so! two things! first, i won’t be updating on saturday :( i’m in finals season and the one i have on monday is the most stressful (to me at least lol) out of them all so ☹️ and second, i wrote a smol drabble for this! i hope you enjoy 💕 i’ll leave you with the drabble now 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
“Ugh, the food was so good” you gushed as you stepped outside the restaurant, zipping your black jacket up after feeling the cold air of the night hit your chest.
“It was” Jeongguk agreed with a small nod, digging his hands inside his jacket’s pockets as the two of you started slowly walking on the streets.
“And you know what I just discovered?” the cheeky tone of your voice had him raising his eyebrows in a signal for you to go on. “You become pretty chatty when you drink”.
He rolled his eyes, trying his best not to show just how shy your statement had made him — yes, even more than usual.
“Will I have to wine and dine you every time I want to have you speak like this?” you couldn’t help but jokingly add.
This time, he shook his head in amusement. “Can’t say I would be against it, to be honest...” his sheepish confession got a light giggle out of your mouth, drawing his eyes to you. “I’ve been talking more lately, though... to you, at least”.
“I know!” you agreed cheerfully, wiping a fake happy tear. “But today was way more than usual and I enjoyed it a lot”.
Jeongguk smiled at your statement — the fact of you enjoying his company making him happier than he could bring himself to understand. You were right after all, he had been more chatty than usual that day.
After getting a way better grade than you had been expecting to on the project that had brought you together to begin with, the two of you had followed through with your plans, deciding to go for dinner and drinks somewhere near campus, so you could both get to spend some quality time together and celebrate your achievement. And yes, the fact that he had been talking a little bit more than usual was partially because of the alcohol, but also because he had found himself feeling comfortable enough around you to just talk. About anything and everything.
Or well, about anything and everything but your loves lives, for some reason, which he couldn’t help but be thankful about, for, 1) his love life was absolutely non-existent; and, 2) the biggest romantic event in his life had been the whole weekly-flowers-in-your-table thing, and he felt like he would die if the topic was ever brought up — even more, if you ever found out he used to have quite strong feelings for you back in high school.
Putting that aside, never in his life would’ve he thought he would be spending time alone with you and not feel like he would faint any time.
He liked to think it was because you had made it very clear you wanted to be no other than his friend, and that, believe it or not, did take a huge weight off his shoulders; for it meant he didn’t have to try and act a certain way to impress you, to make you fall for him. He could be himself. And the fact that you actually enjoyed his company as it was, could only make him feel more at ease around you.
Still too caught up on his thoughts, he couldn’t help but be a little startled when you stopped in your tracks right as you were crossing a small bridge to get to the other side of the street.
“What happened?” he wondered, fixing his puzzled eyes on you as yours remained focused ahead of you.
“Look how pretty~” you cooed, pointing to one particular tree that was beautifully displaying a bunch of pink flowers — the lightning on the street only making the whole scenery more attractive to your eyes.
“Ah, I wish I had brought my camera” he lamented, just like you, intently admiring the image in front of you.
That earned a light chuckle from you. “Phones have cameras too, you know?” you teased him.
He pouted. “It’s not the same…”
Although his words had been pretty clear, he found himself not following them — pulling his phone out of his pocket right after, as the two of you got closer to the tree.
Laughing under your breath at his actions, you watched him quietly as he snapped a couple of pictures, admiring the way his eyebrows had furrowed ever so slightly and his lips unconsciously puckered up in what seemed like a small pout as he focused on getting the right angle.
And then, when you thought he was done and wouldn’t block his view anymore, you decided to get closer to the tree —right where its thin branches met the edge of the bridge— so you could admire its blooming flowers.
Now, any other time, you would’ve already been at it taking pictures of them, but, in all honesty, you trusted in Jeongguk’s skills way more than you did yours when it came to photography. You would just ask him for the pictures later.
With that thought in mind, you turned around to face him, right on time to realise he was still taking pictures — the way the phone’s camera was directed at you, however, letting you know his attention was no longer on the flowers, but on you admiring them instead.
“Oh? You took a picture of me?” you wondered, failing to realise how nervous that simple question had made him, for he was well aware of the a answer, yet didn’t know if you would like it. The wide smile that took over your factions at his silence, however, let him know you did. “Let me see!”
Excitedly rushing back next to him, you mindlessly held the phone that was still in his hands —oblivious to the way Jeongguk’s eyes fixed on your cold hands touching his warm ones— so you could take a closer look to the picture he had just taken of you with your back facing him, as you were way too focused on the pink flowers to even notice.
“Aww,” you cooed. “You could’ve taken this as your revenge to take a bad picture of me when I turned around, yet you took an actual nice one”.
He shook his head in amusement at your words, trying his best to conceal the smile that was threatening with taking over his factions. Not like he thought you could ever look bad if you tried to anyway.
“I’ll think of it next time you’re not paying attention”.
You lightly shoved him with your shoulder, squinting your eyes daringly at him yet not saying a word about it. You still kinda owed him anyway after having snatched a couple of casual pictures of him — ones that, although you genuinely thought he looked the cutest in, he would complain to you every single time he got the chance to.
After seeing his shy smile at your small, playful action, your eyes went back to the picture of you on his screen.
“If you’re not posting it, can you send it to me?” you asked, letting go of his phone before the two of you resumed on walking.
“I can post it?” he wondered.
“You’re seriously asking?” you said in disbelief. “It would be my honor”.
The way you had ever so dramatically said that, pressing a hand to your chest to emphasize your words, could do no other than have him let out at snort.
“Okay then… I’ll post it when I get home”.
You smiled, nodding your head in agreement. “I’ll be waiting then”.
Jeongguk smiled sweetly, not being able to bring his eyes away from you for a couple of seconds before shoving his hands back into his pockets as the two of you fell into a rather comfortable silence, enjoying the view of the still quite busy streets at night whilst you made your way to the one main street in which you would have to go different ways to get to your respective homes.
“So… this is where we part ways” you said over dramatically once you reached it, knowing well enough your places were in different directions from then on — thankfully, neither yours nor his being far away from that particular spot, considering how late it was.
“You sure?” he asked, causing your eyebrows to knit together in confusion. “I mean, I don’t have a problem with walking you home if you want…”
Your stare on him softened at the offer, and although you couldn’t help but smile, you found yourself gently shaking your head no. “It’s late, Jeongguk-ie. You should go home”.
“Exactly though… it’s late” he remarked; just like that, letting you know he didn’t quite like the idea of you walking home alone right then. “Really, I wouldn’t mind”.
You pressed your lips together, looking away for a brief moment towards the way you’d have to walk through before your eyes fixed back on his.
“That would make me feel safer, to be honest…” you sheepishly admitted. “Thank you”.
Jeongguk smiled, remaining silent and simply nodding his head for you to start walking and lead the way.
And although a part of him knew what you had meant was that having someone, if not anyone, to walk home with would make you feel safer, he couldn’t help but find joy in the thought of you feeling safe with him.
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