lucidloving · 3 months
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@loputyn // Pauline Albanese, The Closed Doors // Margaret Atwood, "Hesitations Outside the Door" // Madeleine Miller, Circe // see 1 // @lhzthepoet // I'm Your Man—Mitski // Mahmoud Darwish, "She/He" // see 1 // anon.
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seraphiism · 1 year
Hello! I recently came across your recent “Holy Is The Love That Saved Me” post, and I just loved the writing style that was in it. Im not sure what words to use to describe it but it was just very beautiful. Is there anything/anyone that inspires the way that your write?
hi friend !! omg thank you so much, the 'holy' series is my lil baby and very important to me, so that means a lot :^)) i have certain songs i always listen to when i write that really help me with emotions or scenes c: i am a huge fan of yvesolade, pushkins, and lhzthepoet. thank you sm for sending this message !! i have not been doing well the past while so this truly made me feel better.
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you brought me joy in the fleeting moments  when I felt like I could touch the sky  a height that has been covered by clouds  a map that has been scribbled out  I know, I know, I know the terrors seem dark and the monsters near  but the world has only seen a glimpse of what we can do  and oh, how great it was, how glorious  I find myself aching for you  for something we brushed past, just out reach  but my heart has swallowed pieces of your soul  and your soul has found color from my bleeding heart  in this moment of shadow, of dusk and dawn at once I have faith that my trembling fingers will find yours  and what they once claimed was weakness  they'll realize, as the gold beams in, was always strength
11:11, make a wish by Abby S
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modern-austen · 3 years
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books I’ve read in 2021:
2. before midnight by lauran z. ( @lhzthepoet )
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pushkins · 4 years
It took me a long time to understand why we say ridden by anxiety. It's the yolk of it's endless circling, over and over the same trail spiralling down. The hopeless, the bargaining, the insignificant decisions that were not insignificant at all are brought back by your voice.
Your unwelcome intrusion in my sleep, you're a voyeur to the wound inflicted by your choices.
Loss evokes trauma, my feet tread on the memory of broken mirror and metal, abrasions — my walk a penitent prayer, the wounds like stigmata; I am devoted to the memory of us.
What I will not say: I think more of you now that you're gone than I did before. How is this trade of fair?
Your unwelcome martyrdom with our friends, you're jury and executioner and saint and martyr in our shared history. Have it, it's yours now.
Heartache evokes trauma, the only truth I recognise in you are the pieces of me you took — the distorted shadow I cast dragging the rewritten history, ink still wet.
What I will not say: The loss of you is deep enough to shake the foundations of my soul. I have woken up at dawn with your name as cheap comfort.
Your unwelcome haunting; the rattling of your bones in the places that were ours. The fragments of me you appropriated, and for that I cannot forgive.
(the anxiety that rides in at the sight of an open door; the sun-warmed welcome mat; the newfound silhouette at the window; they take your place on the couch; the cooling tea; the language built between until ours turns distant, then one day hopefully forgotten)
What I will not say: I've tasted the shame left by the echo of your absence.
— for @primordialnyx || Eliot C. ||☕|| commission
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vanillasweet · 3 years
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if i had a scrapbook, it would look something like this
When you are young, they assume you know nothing
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invidiosas · 4 years
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— spring rain
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katefulleir · 4 years
the circus was on fire
now the whole theater is dripping gasoline
and i have the match
— liza t. // ‪la révolution est féministe‬
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archistratego · 5 years
Ways to stay motivated
Now that I’m being held accountable to write bits of my story once a week, I wanted to make a list of tactics that help me stay motivated or pick up the story. Even if it’s just a line or two. I’m an incredibly slow writer even on the best of days.
Procrastination and emotion ; this article is really useful when considering how to deal with procrastination, I make a habit of reading bits of it whenever I feel like I‘m procrastinating a lot. By procrastinating, we’re avoiding a task with the assumption that the task won’t feel good, and that means we’re missing out on any feelings of, for example, accomplishment or success. 
Music ; it helps immerse myself into the story, I have a carefully curated playlist specific just for writing my current project. These are not songs that are necessarily character fitting songs or atmospheric, just a mixture of songs that make me want to write and have become (by association) linked to my current writing project. Sometimes I listen to one on repeat rather than the whole playlist, it depends on my mood.
Poetry ; rather than prose I read poetry. If I open my document and find my mind totally blank, I open up a poetry book and read a couple of poems. The important thing is not to get sidetracked with reading so I stick to two (longuish) poems at once. As for what poet, I think that is subjective, currently I have Rilke nearby and just flip open a page and read.
Exercise ; this doesn’t need to be like a vigorous work out, it can be just taking a walk or doing some stretches in the living room. The main thing is that you get out of the room you use to write and look at something else for a while. You can also use it to make it a routine that leads you into writing, for example: wake up, stretches, shower, cup of tea, then writing. 
Routine ; some people work well with routines, for me it can be a hit or miss. What I’ve been doing is to keep an eye on what time I feel most productive and note down if it tends to be a particular hour or activity before it. For example, early mornings are just not good for writing write now, but around 11pm my brain gets a kickstart of inspiration. What caused this? Apparently a shower and a light snack (as well as the fact everyone else has gone to bed by this hour) clicks in my brain as ‘writing time’. Now I try to shower and snack earlier so I can get my brain to go into writing mode. It’s not ideal since I get sleepy and wake up early but it is better than nothing! I actually prefer mornings for writing but it’s not working right now so, ADAPT. EVOLVE. OVERCOME. In that way, I can follow those steps to get my brain ‘in the mood’.
You don’t need to do all of these, one or two might work on some days, on another it might be something else entirely. I hope this is useful to anyone who is struggling. The important thing is to not give up, good luck writing!
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superrman · 5 years
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— Excerpt from Myth Untold // L.H.Z x
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metvmorqhoses · 4 years
I'm so sorry about all problems you're having with plagarism. I have to say something similar has happened to me where entire phrases were lifted in their entirety, and it becomes so frustrating. Writing and poetry are art and forms of expression that are so personal to share, and seeing it used deliberately in that way is just awful.
i’m really sorry this happened to you as well, dear. none of us deserve this and i think we have to make sure it won’t happen anymore in the future. that’s one of the reason i firmly believe in addressing this clearly and in public for everyone to see.
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moondvst · 5 years
I find good things and I repeat to myself that it's good enough, hoping to trick my brain and my heart into believing that it is. But, in the end... it never is.
c.k / notes from the void 
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there's magic in the world not the type you'd expect  based on the stories that sent you to your dreams there aren't wicked stepmothers, or curses, or poisoned apples it's more soft, more subtle  the way your day goes just right  the way a perfect sentence appears on the page the way you get to eat your favorite food, without ever planning to yes, there's magic in this word  always true and always there  and it comes from the warmth the springs in your chest it comes from the smile that a mere flicker of a memory brings there aren't people with a wand to turn a pumpkin into a carriage  but there are people who notice, who lend a helping hand  there isn't a sudden true loves kiss to wash away everything bad  but there are friends and love, that comes from them  because they walk into the eye of a hurricane  like it's just a drizzle they grin, wild and restless and confident, like the world hasn't been turned upside down  so I don't need to find a four leaf clover to make a wish  I've got her words tattooed across my skin and I don't need a wardrobe to find myself  I've got lipstick and her high heels behind me  don’t ever tell me that fairytales aren’t real it just turned out my prince was a girl  and it just turned out that my fairy godmother  wore the same exact grin
one and the same by Abby S
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staerlless · 6 years
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Daughter of the Titans Coeus(Polus) and Phoebe and sister of Leto
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aly-naith · 6 years
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url inspired edits: moodboard for @lhzthepoet
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vanillasweet · 3 years
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scrapbook, page 2
We never painted by the numbers baby
But we were making it count
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