#lov and eri
Feels like I need to remind people of this panel in light of what is about to go down after chapter 415 of the bnha manga:
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Deku, hugging Eri to protect her and looking directly at Overhaul:
" What are you doing to this girl? "
Deku's thoughts read:
With a frightened child in front of them, heroes can't look the other way.
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Oh goodness. God fucking damn it. AFO is back and about to claim that he's the one behind everything bad in Tomura's whole life.
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GO AWAY YOU SELF-IMPORTANT CRINGELORD THIS STORY IS NOT ABOUT JUST YOU! Or, apparently it is! Because it looks like we're going to get the reveal that he truly was the one who gave Tenko Decay and manipulated the people around Tenko to ensure the tragedy of the Shimuras.
No doubt we will only logically then get the reveal that he gave Eri her quirk as well, since she has near all the same signs of just having a random mutation quirk as Tenko, and the moral of this plotline we are learning is that there is no random tragedy. And of course we'll also learn he killed Endeavor's dad, gave Toga her quirk, invented the modern day anti-heteromorph rhetoric, and also capitalism, that he was the guy who jumped in front of Jin's bike, and even that he's actually causing the quirk singularity apocalypse. How dastardly he is for all that; but the good news is that it'll mean that once he's gone for good for real this time, Crime & Conflict Will Be No More! YAY!
At least I sure hope so for the sake of the MHA-verse, because the world is looking pretty doomed otherwise. Tomura, The only character who cared about addressing all of that and might've gotten Deku to care about addressing all of that, is looking set to get revealed to be No-Agency-Man who it turns out was manipulated by AFO in his every thought and action this whole time. Who's gonna listen to that guy's opinions, those AFO-by-proxy opinions, on systemic inequality & corruption? Certainly not Deku; he gets to go on thinking the world All Might built is perfect outside of those dastardly AFO-like villains.
This, fyi, is the main reason I so adamantly opposed the 'AFO gave Tenko Decay' reveal; this 'Today is saved Tomorrow can go fuck itself' ending it leads to where our Tomura gets saved but the next Tenko is screwed, as is society as a whole when they become a new Tomura, form a new League, and it all gets set on a loop. (I mean unless AFO really is behind literally everything, then that's a different problem.)
God I hate this development. Please Horikoshi, veer away before it's too late.
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siflshonen · 1 year
Trauma Doesn't Make Someone Right or Wrong but It Does Make Them Easier to Manipulate: Tomura Shigaraki and All for One
I decided I should talk about the MHA villains more, particularly Shigaraki.
BNHA presentations masterpost
BNHA presentations on Ao3
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Let’s mosey under the cut.
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The color key is not necessary, exactly, but I will be referencing my other posts with similar color keys. I thought it would be helpful to give a quick visual refresher to what they are. I’m going to referencing the other stuff I’ve written a lot in this one when it’s time to get into the details, so please be aware of that.
Regular white text can also be neutral and mean none of these things, but I think you’ll see what I mean by including All for One on here when you see the graphics.
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There is Tenko Shimura and there is Shigaraki Tomura. One of them is the scared child who looks like the perfect victim in need of saving. The other is the obstinate, stubborn, short-sighted and naive social deviant shaped by his trauma and grooming. The only thing he seems to exhibit individuality over is his love of video games and which kinds he prefers.
They are the same person. Traumura Shigaraki. Tenko Traumura. 
Shigaraki is sometimes hard to pin down as a character because his individuality beyond his PTSD is rarely allowed to shine. However, I do believe that there are common threads between Tenko Shimura and Tomura Shigaraki. He sincerely wants to make connections, and he sincerely wants to do right by those that accept him, though his own desires and emotional responses often get in the way - as do the desires of another teeny, tiny influence upon him.
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His fucking Master, All for One.
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Part of what inspired my initial Bakugo presentation was showing how he breaks down the tropes of “hero”, “antihero” and even “antagonist” in shonen manga. The entire cast of Heroes and Villains (remember, they are also social designations and legal definitions in the world this manga) are doing this to some extent. Shigaraki, in particular, is headlining how there is nothing inherently special that makes someone a villain or hero. The determining factor is the perspective of the observer (or affected society.)
Shigaraki may be an antivillain in this story, but to him, that makes him appear the hero of his own story - all while still wearing the self-determined label of “villain”.
Arguably, the actions he chooses to take as a result of his trauma and fear of rejection also make him the villain of his own story at the same time, but we’ll get into that later.
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Deku also has at least one mentor (in the Second User) that makes no bones about telling him that his life and well-being is less important than achieving the goal of stopping All for One. But at least he is honest, I guess.
Still destructive, though.
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Most of the characters act truly heroically not in moments of glorious victory, but moments of pain, suffering, or even failure (Early-series Deku does this a lot, like when he falls to earth after heroically saving Ochako in the entrance exam. Bakugo, who is sent crashing to the ground in the ironically-named “Katsuki Bakugo: Rising” chapter after putting himself in harm’s way to save someone else, also has a habit of doing this over and over again), which is not the expectation for an archetypal hero in a storybook or comic.
Shigaraki’s glorious rise with cape, model hair, and awesome suit is likewise a moment that does not bode well for him, though he doesn’t know it in the moment.
I don’t make a slide for it, but as he ascends, Shigaraki becomes, well, ethereally beautiful. As his post-family-death amnesiac self, his suffering made him more fragile, frayed, and conventionally ugly in appearance. But after going through All for One’s training and modifications, he was given a new, beautiful facade.
But he was still on the fast track to misery either way.
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This discussion isn’t super duper political, but this is your heads-up that many of these “big presences in power” characters also stand in for political ideologies or even entire countries, in some cases.
Endeavor is, roughly, the Japan before modern foreign influence. I’m sure Horikoshi could give us the specific party or movements he had in mind, but he’s not the focus of this post. If you want a more in-depth breakdown of Endeavor and the Todoroki family, please see this post. 
The Kirishima Presentation post I made has the most relevant information to the topic of Westernization’s impact on Japan’s attitudes and military power, though it isn’t quite for the same approach and purpose.
All Might, the “band aid” on the My Hero Academia society, is a Japanese guy wearing the appearance of the West while wielding a power that was given to him by someone else, and at seemingly random from an outside perspective. While Toshinori’s true heroic qualities have nothing to do with his nationality (and neither do the features and purpose behind One for All or All for One, when all is said and done), it is important when understanding what Toshinori represents to Endeavor and how he views him.
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Both the Heroes and Villains in this series make an entire journey and daytime soap opera of fucking themselves over, honestly.
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All for One doesn’t just want to be a dictator or tyrant or king. No, he wants to be the ultimate evil and unapologetic about it. He is the big bad and he is reveling in it. He is going to make himself a cartoon, and then he is gonna rule this cartoon world. Why? We’ll find out eventually. But maybe we’ll never know! I don’t really care. He’s meant to be a static evil.
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Naruto tried to be real cool by having their big bad talk about how they were gonna take over the world through hijacking the economy and using that as their in to take over all the Ninja Villages and be real fascists or whatever, but My Hero Academia jumps over that angle by taking a more emotional and universal storybook (or comic book) approach. I greatly prefer it.
I also prefer that the story is blatantly framing the movement it opposes by calling it out as a fucking cartoon villain, though there’s also a twist to this that I think Horikoshi has very intentionally performed.
Fascism most recently swept over Japan as a result of influence from the West. Bam. Easy. So it’s no surprise that, regardless of where he is from, All for One doesn’t just look like a white guy, but like fine art of a white guy from the West. Pretentious. But it’s also kinda funny since he looks like a Greco-Roman god and is trying to flatten his marble curves into lowbrow comic form.
Nazi Germany and the Italian flavor of fascist regimes dressed snappy and loved their high art. Surely y’all know how Nazi Germany defined and tripped all over themselves at the idea of an Aryan race.
Meanwhile, American comic books are a Jewish invention. Superman and Captain America were staunchly anti-Nazi, anti-fascist, anti-all that. For All for One, icon of the type of art branded as “Aryan”, to do what he’s doing in the form of a comic book and saying he likes them is... oh, it’s truly disrespectful of him, to put it mildly. It reminds me of the discussion and fallout surrounding Captain America being part of Hydra for some issues.
Anyway, All for One is rebranding again to sneak into the hearts and minds of those with more modern sensibilities (read: “lowbrow”) to do his same routine. It’s truly villainous, selfish, and disrespectful. Fuck this guy. Rip him apart.
...All of this is a compliment. A hateable static big bad is a good thing when it is what the story wants to achieve.
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One could split hairs and say, “All for One’s approach doesn’t resemble fascism! It’s like X!” And if you want to do that, great. Pick your poison of specific flavor of awful Authoritarian or Totalitarian movement that causes extreme suffering. Go nuts. I chose this one because I think a broader approach is more applicable - All for One is a timeless, recurring evil with worldwide reach.
I’ve taken the qualities of Ur-Fascism, or “Eternal Fascism”, listed above from this article, which is also an abbreviation of a longer work on the topic by Umberto Eco. I don’t want to regurgitate the whole thing here, so I encourage you to read it. I did incorporate two of the 14 qualities into other items on this list, but I think you’ll find that All for One checks all of these boxes.
If you read the article or essay, please pay attention to language used like “in the name of liberation”, or how these movements tend to start in another movement with one similar ideal or begin to absorb other movements. Think about how that relates to what happened to Re-Destro’s group and ambition, and the fate of the Liberation Army as it was absorbed into Shigaraki’s/All for One’s. Think about how fascism is contradictory in many ways, but still considers itself a single movement.
For more further reading - @transhawks​ hits the nail on the head regarding what the League of Villains are in relation to Hero Society and All for One. They’re not really revolutionaries or a unified band of anything standing against their evil government for ideological reasons. They’re being used. If you want to enter a more extreme political pick-apart or commentary of this series, this is a good place to look and a crucial thing to understand.
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It would be real cool if the USA was truly a well-meaning, if hasty, rude, and entitled do-gooder superhero, but, well, this is a comic book. Y’all know that Star and Stripe is meant to be the idealized USA rooted in Democracy and Liberty and all that stuff, right?
But even the superpowered and ideal version of the USA can be corrupted. The USA has neo-Nazis (and a total shitshow political scene, particularly conservatively but not exclusively limited to that party, currently) and stuff, too. The “We Are All for One” sign in the My Hero Academia panel of violence and chaos in the United States’ establishing shot is a good way to represent how the conditions for All for One to take control can come about anywhere.
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This dude, and the fascism he represents, is a parasite.
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Anyway, that’s all big-picture stuff. Let’s talk about All for One’s specific approach to getting his hooks into Shigaraki and the League of Villains.
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Public opinion is one of All for One’s most important tools, especially when starting out.
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Again, All for One is a parasite. And I think the moth wings Shigaraki sports in figurative representations in the manga are meant to suggest the lower two of a Death’s-head hawkmoth, which has an association with death in Japan and some other cultures. I’m not totally sure about this, though.
As for me, personally, I am familiar with this genus of moth because I grew up with the Five-Spotted Hawkmoth’s larvae, which we called tomato hornworms, in the garden. Parasitic wasps like to lay eggs in the backs of the hornworms and then the larvae in the eggs eat the hornworm from the inside out before maturing. I don’t know if Horikoshi had those in mind when he made this manga because I think they’re only in North America, but, well, I thought about them.
My point: Shigaraki was an easy target and a natural choice for All for One.
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Tenko fucked his whole family over when his quirk destroyed everything. The damage was not limited to his father. His family may not have stopped his father and maybe could have done more to try and stop him (and Hana could have not sold out Tenko and blamed him for their intrusion into their father’s office), but killing them didn’t exactly help anyone.
As @transhawks​ pointed out, the message of “destroying the existing system (house) to root out the existing power causes more sacrifice than it is worth” is a comparatively moderate one.
But for a boys’ manga series, the major idea that, “hey, maybe try to help one another and don’t act in negative emotion - and DEFINITELY don’t become a fascist ‘cause it’s a trap” is perhaps a more immediately relevant one for that audience than a more complicated political critique. The readership of a boys’ manga is at (or about to be at) high risk for becoming the vulnerable youth Shigaraki, Spinner, and perhaps even Dabi or Toga represent.
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Sometimes, things can be as simple as the story of a shitty dad doing shitty things to his family because he sucks. Sometimes, this story can also be an allegory at the same time, if it helps your cause. Dabi certainly thinks about it like this!
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Shigaraki seems to flip-flop between these hikikomori and NEET categories.
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The Kirishima Presentation post talks about this in great detail with more articles.
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When I think about this turn of phrase, I think about Princess Mononoke and how the musket ball inside the boar god is what turned him into a monster and sent him on a rampage, and then infected Ashitaka. There’s a lot to unpack here about that, but this is long enough.
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It seems that quirks, while not a definite indicator of what a person is like, has an impact on these characters’ individuality, themes, and preferences in the story.
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He rises from the ashes always, it seems. And this isn’t even his final form.
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“I hurt, so I want YOU to hurt!” If you don’t know much about folks affected by Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, well, Shigaraki is pretty much a perfect textbook example.
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And you could have it all... my empire of dirt... I will let you down... I will make you hurt!
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People are individuals. Degrees of and conditions for suffering are all unique. But the end result of trauma upon people is the same. They hurt.
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So, I think now is a good time to link to this discussion regarding Tenko’s name.
I don’t know if this alike-sound is obvious to the Japanese readership or not, or if it’s just an English speaker’s ear making the observation in similarity between words. Sometimes, what sounds like a pun to an English speaker is not a pun to a native speaker. I really do not know because I am not a native speaker. But even without knowing that for certain, it’s interesting to think about and good, relevant information regarding some of Japan’s general history. If anybody knows, please let me know.
For the longest time, I thought his name was ironic because “ten” sounds like “heaven/sky” and “ko” like “child”, so he would be named “heavenly child” or “child from the heavens”, which contrasts with his “villain” status, though remains accurate because of his incredible, otherworldly power and appearance by his transformation’s end. But it’s not written like “heaven child”. I asked. But I still think it’s funny.
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This is a story, so I literally cannot do anything about this situation except say that I am certain that a hero will come for him. I know it’s a cop-out and I am no different than the old woman who left Tenko on the street, but, well, that’s all I’ve got.
I hope they reach him soon.
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trashformha · 1 year
Important !!!
yesterday night i tried deleting a side account i no longer wanted and being the clutch I am I deleted this account 😓 I still have the url but no longer any of my post or followers, they are all gone.
I'm really devastated.I've had this account for almost 4 years now,since around early 2019 and even though I've had my ups and downs in this fandom where I felt like I no longer enjoyed the series, it always felt nice to come back to post here since I still love MHA and always seem to gravitate back here .
Luckily I have another side account called @trashformha2 where all of the colorings,edits and some gifs I made can still be found so u can still find everything there.
I'd really appreciate it if you guys could help spread the word 🙏🙏🙏 here are some of the things I colored so far
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pocketramblr · 5 months
5 ask game: au where Aizawa gets shot with a quirk erasing bullet during the Overhaul arc
Ok so the main obstacle here of course is I don't want Izuku to die, like, five minutes later. Perhaps my special little guy can stop this.
1- Lets say when Chisaki grabbed Nemoto to pull a fusion, Nemoto's gun was caught up in all this too. This doesn't matter until after he's been beaten and thrown to the side, and watches Eri and Izuku struggle in the middle of the crater. Asui brings Aizawa up, and Chisaki knows that if Eraser stops them, they're all taken for good. So he shoots at Eraser- and its a hit.
2- A moment later, a swordfish pierces his shoulder, but the damage is done. Asui shouts. Izuku screams. Eri wails. Amajiki "Do i have to do everything around here myself" Tamaki "the only big three who actually takes out a third of the expendables and the top brass on his own" Suneater picks up the gun to crush it. Then he looks at the sobbing Eri, and thinks about how Mirio wanted her to smile. "I'm sorry," he whispers to no one, and fires- the first one's a miss, he's not as good a mark as Chisaki. But he is one of Snipe's students, and the second one hits.
3- Since the bullets are made from her own quirk, Eri reacts.... differently to them. It doesn't rewind her as much as it gives her a reset. her horn shrinks but doesn't vanish, and the effort catches up to her as she passes out on top of Izuku.
4- Suneater crushes the gun, then starts trying to find the cure bullets in Chisaki's jacket, but frankly his second wind cast by Mirio's distress is running out so he ends up dragged to an ambulance while the police bag evidence. In a true stroke of genius, they do not transport Chisaki with all of his weapons and bullets, so Tomura doesn't grab them when he takes the man's arms.
5- In the hospital, they don't exactly want to just take Chisaki's word for the cure bullets and jab who-knows-what into Aizawa and Mirio, so they very carefully start studying one first. Unfortunately, Ujiko hears about this and nabs the other cure bullets. (much easier than trying to nab Eri.) Tomura and AfO won't be able to use the eraser bullets in any plans (no baby-afo fight) but they will try to ransom the cure at least. Tamaki attempts to give back his hero license and withdraw from the school, but Nedzu stalls him then guilts him into staying because for reasons beyond the teen's comprehension, Eri actually really likes him and with no erasure to stop her quirk if it goes out of control, they need anything they can get to help. Aizawa continues teaching because if being in full body cast didn't stop him, losing his quirk won't either, and Mirio is like 'well hold on a minute. if he's not stopping, why should i?' and continues training at school while quirkless, even if his actual work outside of school isn't happening anymore.
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super-paper · 2 years
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The pupils coming back, the little “huh?”-- this is 100% vintage Tomura. AFO spent fifteen years wringing any and all sense of joy outta this boy only for Mirio to undo it in second with a silly visual gag. idc what anyone says, using non-violence and humor to bring Tomura back to the forefront is an A+++ writing decision. 
Because the key to “beating” Tomura has never been through use of violence-- even when Tomura was a child, his father escalating into physical abuse and the rest of his family failing to protect him from that violence was the trigger that led to the total destruction of the Shimura family (which is especially on-the-nose, since the Shimuras are meant to be a small-scale representation of current hero society). Attempting to beat Tomura down over and over and over again has created a cycle where he comes back stronger each time, falls further into despair and the belief that things will never change, and then doubles down on his efforts to destroy everything. Hori has already spelled out the best way to break that cycle and stop Tomura, every step of the way: 
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insert daily crying about how the Shimuras were 0.1 centimeters away from breaking the cycle and changing for the better, but that change was cut short by tragedy. 
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Bakugo channeling the spirit of MHA Reddit hardcore rn
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I mean?? This is literally the state of the current war lmao.
Anyway! I love stuff that builds on things that initially seemed like a gag or a throwaway line bc it shows us that every single arc is important-- every arc introduces a piece of the puzzle of what MHA is ultimately attempting to say. 
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It's been a while but here I am again. Some old drawings from My Hero Academia. The two above are redraws from fanart on Pinterest. Toga is drawn from the manga. Just saying:)
More art will come....
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bj-wnjn · 12 days
us 🤭💓💕💞💗
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you're so right eri !! this is so cute !!! 💖💓💗💞💘💕🫂🫂
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buttercupshands · 20 days
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Just read, or rather went through the spoilers quickly
Glad that at least he's okay now, crying and everything
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violetlunette · 2 years
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I’ve been seeing these and decided what the hell? Keep in mind all of these are personal opinions and subjective to change.
Also, keep in mind that while I am in the process of re-reading the manga, I cannot recall every detail off the top of my head, I could be wrong at points. These are just brain dumps, so take everything with a grain of salt.
Also, no order for these.
Hizashi Yamada- I really love Hizashi and connect to him on quite a few levels. He’s a super loyal friend and is very intelligent. I like that he’s not all forgiving like the rest of the main cast and is the only one willing to bring up tough issues. I even like that he’s so passive, as it's unique inner conflict for male characters. (Shame we don’t get to see him overcome it, or how much it affects his life.) He’s not a pure ball of sunshine, but he’s a kind cloak of moonlight that I adore.
Aizawa Shouta- I don’t usually like broody boys, but I like quiet ones with an air of mystery and strength. I really like his protective nature as well as his dadzawa moments. He’s also a fun foil to the wild energy around him. It’s also really neat that despite having a cool quirk, Aizawa has to work to overcome his weaknesses by using a creative support item and just working hard.
Toshinori Yagi- Unlike Hizashi, All Might really is a sweet, pure, and genuine ball of sunlight. He is a giant teddy bear that I just want to hug and squeeze. And his scenes with Izuku are the best! I love what Hori did with his character. He’s strong, smart, and an all-around golden boy, but isn’t perfect and makes a lot of mistakes. However, instead of ignoring them he acknowledges his mistakes and uses them to grow and do better. I really love Hori is showing that while All Might can’t be a hero anymore, his life isn’t over and still has meaning.
Tsuyu Asui- My favorite Class 1-A girl. I like that she’s a sweet, friendly girl who is empathetic to those around her, but knows when to use her head. I like that she’s a lawful good character and is willing to call out even her friends for thinking they should break the law and place themselves in danger because of their personal feelings. That being said, she isn’t heartless, far from it. Among the cast, she seems to be the most empathetic right along with Todoroki. (She’s also the one I like the most with Dadzawa.)
Nemuri Kayama- A lot of people are turned off by her “ahem” personality but I don’t mind it. I like female characters who aren’t afraid of their sexual nature—as long as they don’t force it on others. I really like her character in Vigilantes where she’s a sweet woman who tries to help others and is a good friend to Aizawa. I do think she’s underused, however, especially since they decided to kill her off in the main story and try to play it for high drama.
Highly Like:
Izuku Midoriya- I love Izuku! He’s a sweet little angel who deserves better than he gets. The only reason he’s not higher is that he gets pushed to the background as the series goes on. Thus, we’re not allowed to see his internal conflict very often. Plus, the manga completely tossed out a core part of his character arc, which really hurt his development. Despite that, I do like Izuku a lot. I especially like his past with Bakagou. (Not in the way BakaDeku stans do.) I liked the fact he was bullied and hurt, but despite the world being against him, Izuku remained a sweet soul who did everything to protect others. Izuku’s past was a great setup for character development and an arc. Sadly, for whatever reason, we didn’t get to fully explore it.
Toru Hagakure- While I am very fond of Toru, it’s mostly the concept and potential of her character that I like more than anything she does as she’s very underused. That being said, the concept of her character is very appealing to me and I like what little we see of her. She’s a good fanfic character for me. (I want to write a story focusing on her but I have so many plot bunnies! >x<) I’m not too crazy about her ship with Ojiro though. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing bad about it and there are a lot of good things about it, but it gets zero emotions from me. Like, it’s there, but that’s it. I think it’s because even though they’re together they rarely interact. Sorry, this ship just isn't for me.
Knuckle Duster- It’s a shame he left so early as he was a very interesting character. His backstory was interesting and I like that despite not having a quirk or a license he became a hero just to save his daughter. And I like how he handled Stain.
Makoto Tsukauchi- A woman very good at managing things even in emergencies. I love how in control she usually is and how she reins Captain Sunshine in and helps him become a better hero. Plus, her relationship with her brother feels very real. They may be at odds but they still love and respect each other.
Fat Gum- He’s a funny character and I like his interactions with other characters. (Especially Tamaki and the Crab lady.) I really liked him in Vigilantes.
Queen Bee- The bee Quirk was very interesting and I love how it was utilized. It was an awesome concept for a villain and while the manga didn’t go as far as it could, the length it did go was interesting. The idea of using bees to make people lose control of their quirks was interesting. Tamao was—okay, but we don’t get to see her much as a person to judge. Queen Bee is a very scary villain.
Six- Honestly, I think Six would have been a better antagonist for Izuku (more on that—eventually). As is, Six is a cool villain with hella potential. True, he whines at times like Shiggy but he also does stuff and works for what he wants and doesn’t just demand everything. (True, he uses horrible tactics and throws massive tantrums when he fails, but still.) Plus, he just feels more natural and less forced in his actions.
Tenya Ida- I always have fun when I see him. He’s so straightforward, innocent, and hard-working. And I like that he tries to protect Izuku from Bakagou by placing himself between the two often. His serious nature is good for comedy as well. (I especially like him with Mei.) He just reminds me of a little brother who tries to help out by taking care of his family, despite being the youngest.
Ochako Uraraka- She’s cute and I like that she has a sweet connection with her family. Though I’ll admit I like her better before she tried apologizing to Tago in later chapters (I know, I know. Petty.). Like, baby; you did nothing wrong. All you told her was that if she hurt people, she had to be held accountable. And this was AFTER spending hours digging out injured people (and possibly dead bodies). I also love her costume design! I think it's adorable.
Mei Hatsume- Mei is a very fun girl and I love her energy and her passion as an inventor. There’s also something appealing about her ambition and manipulative nature. She wants to be a famed inventor and will use whatever tricks she has to and isn’t ashamed of it.
Inko Midoriya- I love that Inko isn’t a plucky anime girl, but a sweet, shy woman who is kind. And despite not being very strong emotionally or physically, she still called out All Might and U.A. as a whole for her son’s safety. I also like both her chubby and thin design. I think both are equally cute. However, her chubby design is unique as it’s cute, not played for jokes, and her assets aren’t exaggerated. She’s round like an egg and I like that. (She reminds me of a pangolin, though.)
Mirio Togata- He’s a mini-me done right. Unlike Shinsou who is basically diet Aizawa personality wise, Mirio may share traits with All Might, however, he is very much his own person. Mirio is a sweet senpai and I love how he can inspire others. And I’ll admit that his scenes with Eri are so sweet, I can actually stand seeing her when she’s with him. He is a good friend, a good hero, and a great big brother figure.
Tamaki Amajiki- Anxiety-filled, but I like his perception skills, his interactions with others, and how he still tries his best. He’s also just a sweet little elf.
Detective Tsukauchi- This is all thanks to his vigilante persona, otherwise he’d slip under the radar. He plays the everyday man very well.
Eijiro Kirishima- Eijiro is a sweet ball of sunshine and I like the idea of him turning Bakagou into decent person. (Shame he doesn’t do so, but that’s a topic for another day.) He a genuinely good guy who cares about others. What’s not to like?
Shoto Todoroki- I like his arc and his personality after Izuku helps him, but after that, he pretty much stays the same. However, I hate his hero costumes. He needs a better designer.
Momo Yoayorozu- I like that she’s an intelligent ingenue and they set up a decent arc with her, but it was barely focused on and solved too quickly. That being said she’s sweet and cute.
Neito Monoma- He’s fun and smart. I think he gets too much hatred. Usually, I hate arrogant characters but it works with him as he is always called out and his mean-spirited actions are not only not rewarded, but punished. It also helps that while he’s a bully to Class A, he’s sweet to his classmates. Plus his design is really cute.
All For One- So, he is between like and dislike. I like him because he’s the only one the manga isn’t going, “look I know he did bad things, but you have to understand; he was sad.” Plus, as a villain, he is actually kind of fun. Less so lately, but still. Anyway, I just love cunning villains with an elegant nature and a cocky attitude that makes their defeat all the sweeter. There’s also something else that draws me to him as a villain that I can’t quite identify. (I don’t like his “human” design, however. Dunno why just don’t.)
That being said, I don’t like him currently as he’s one of the reasons the manga is dragging on. Plus, I think that his plan with Shigaraki was overly complicated and kinda pointless. If he wanted to hurt All Might, he should have turned Nana into a Nomu and if he wanted a new body, the doctor could have crafted a specially made body. I dunno, I probably missing something. I know his interest in Shiggy seems to come from Shiggy’s hatred, but he cultivated that. And didn’t Shiggy forget his past before he got his muscle-up makeover? So he didn’t hate anything, he was just teenage angry. And why would AFO let Shiggy forget his past if that’s where most of his anger comes from? Okay, cards on the table I read the chapters focusing on Shiggy once, so I’m probably missing a hell of a lot.
The point being, I think AFO makes things more complicated than he needs to on himself. Still like him better than the rest of the villains.
Neural like:
Nezu- I like what we see and again, he has potential that was unexplored. (He was way too eager to crush his students though.)
Mineta Minoru- Like everyone I hate his perviness and the lack of punishment. (I feel that if you have to have an anime pervert their actions need to be extremely exaggerated and the reactions to those actions should be Tom and Jerry level violence.)
However, I like Mineta’s inner conflict and his personality can be entertaining—again, outside his pervy traits. Personally, I think he had potential to improve and that he’s over-hated.
Mt. Lady- I love her design and how unapologetic she is for fame and I like that she knows when to set her goals aside and help people.
Star and Stripes- We didn’t get to see a lot of her, but I like her concept and wouldn’t mind reading about her in a fanfic where she’s All Might’s adopted daughter and a big sister to Izuku.
Shinsou- Shinsou is a character that is right between irksome and dislike. His personality doesn’t appeal to me as he feels like diet Aizawa with Bakagou’s arrogance and Shoto’s monotone. Plus it REALLY annoys me that canon and fanon try to claim that he was discriminated against for having a villainous quirk, but we never see any proof of that, far from it. Everyone admires Shinsou and his quirk, the only one who gets worshiped more than him is Bakagou. He reminds me of Goob from “Meet the Robinsons.” This might be a result of his high insecurity and that he hates himself so much he can't tell how others really feel, but if that's the case it's not explored enough.
There’s also the fact that fans want to force him into everything with Aizawa and personally, I thought the relationship was okay at best. (This, of course, is petty of me and this is NOT me telling Shinsou fans they shouldn’t do this, it’s just something that annoys me personally.) For more info--search Shinsou critical on my page.
Twice- I feel bad for his past and how he dies, but other than that I do not care about him. And while I’ll probably get hate for this, Twice brought a lot of his troubles on himself. No, he didn’t deserve to be fired or to get a mark on his record, but he didn’t even try to get a job after he was fired. He just went straight to using his clones to commit criminal acts and then treated said clones like slaves till they rebelled. The latter I don’t blame him for as he had no idea each clone was sentient but I do blame him for the criminal acts he committed with his clones before that and all the acts he did with the LoV. Speaking of which, for someone who was supposed to be the heart of the villains but he has zero issues going to a camp to essentially murder children.
Eri- This is through no fault of her own, she just made of a bunch of tropes I hate personally, which summarized are; The overly tragic backstory, the power breaker powers, being forced into the story when there’s no need, no personality outside of being a sad woobie child / broken bird, and the Frozen effect. Again, none of this is her fault, it’s just a bunch of meta tropes I can’t stand and the only thing I like about her is that she has a cute design and her relationship with Mirio. For more information search Eri critical on my page.
Bakagou- If his writing was handled better I’d actually like Bakagou better, but as is it’s annoying how the manga treats him. He’s an arrogant brat who is never called out for being arrogant, just yells at everybody, and is stated to have the potential to be a hero when all he is is a good brawler and hurts more people than he helps. Plus, he tends to be forced into parts of the story where he’s not needed. And then there’s just the bullshit around him. I don’t care if you’re a Bakustan, you have to admit that the stuff in chapters 364-365 is insane even for a story about superheroes. (Search your feelings, you know this to be true!)
Dabi- I like his design and backstory, but other than that—we go up and down and around. I might feel better about him after I get some space, but for now, I just find him annoying.
Shigaraki- A boring villain with an annoying personality. Honestly, he should have just been the first boss, then tossed aside in my opinion. Plus, like Eri, he is made up of meta tropes I really, REALLY hate. And, YMMV, his whole involvement in the story feels forced at times. The whole reason he’s the main antagonist is that he’s the grandson of All Might’s mentor which give a (space balls ref) vibe, ya know? Plus, for a guy who a world who wants to do whatever he wants there’s nothing he really seems to want. He has no goals except the ones AFO gives him and no real desires. Tago wants to do whatever she wants as well, but we know what she wants; to be accepted for who she is and drink all the blood she wants regardless of the consent issue or whether she kills someone.
To be fair, I believe that’s the point of his character but still. That all his desires are AFO who is taking him over, but they did that plot better with Six. Again, I believe Six would have been a better villain for the main manga and Shiggy should have been in Vigilantes as ironically Shiggy is a better contrast to Koichi. (More on that eventually.) As is, Shiggy and I don’t click and I find his personality annoying as hell.
Himiko Tago- Again, I feel bad that she never got the quirk therapy she needed but that doesn’t change the fact she is a self-absorbed terrorist who knew her action was wrong but did them anyway. I could forgive the first time she killed as that was a moment of passion after years of suppressing herself, and maybe even the second time, but after thirteen kills, she knew exactly what her actions were doing. Plus, it annoys me that she states that draining people of their blood and becoming them is how she shows she cares. Okay, so then why does she change back? Is there a time limit on her quirk? Plus, she talks about the people she “loves” so I guess her love was flimsy.
But what really sealed the deal was that she was staring at the consequences of her actions, seeing a city destroyed, people injured and dying, and hell, she even lost her friend, and yet her main focus was on herself. Then when she went to Ochako she wanted the poor girl to feel bad for her despite the fact
a) Ochako had spent hours trying to save people who were hurt and dying
b) Togo just her how she used Ochako’s quirk to murder someone
And yet despite All that, Ochako wasn’t even trying to hurt her! She called Tago out for her deeds and told her she had to accept the consequences of what she did. How fucking dare she?
Overhaul- I’ll keep it short as I don’t want to talk about him. I hated what he did to Eri and wish she rewound him out of existence. The only thing I liked about him was that he managed to knock Shiggy down a peg (before he lost his arms to him). Then when he came back, he was just pathetic. All in all, I hate him. End of story.
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It looks like the rewind Theory might be coming true
There are many variations of that theory, but yes.
Honestly, it is badly needed in the story if what Horikoshi is aiming for is an ending where the kids and the villains survive.
Introducing a character that can undone damage is always insurance for the author. You have to be careful to not overuse it to the point it loses its impact. If no one ever dies and everyone keeps on resurrecting, the predictability becomes boring.
The good thing is that bnha doesn't overuse Eri. They don't use it to rewind the damage done to the characters when they lose an extremity, for example. It didn't work on Nighteye. They didn't try to use it on All Might—and if they did, I can't remember when it happened.
The point is that I liked that Horikoshi left Eri's quirk to the end of the manga. That way he could make the characters give their 100% without it meaning sure death. It scares the readers, like it should, it creates tension. Knowing that Eri's quirk might not work is another good decision. Even if she shows up after the big showdown, the public doesn't know who is going to survive.
Now, when I say there are many variations...
I'm against the version of it where the villains are turned into kids. Where is the fun of it, uh?
It erases the complexity of each character and all they fought for. What was the point of fighting so much if you're gonna erase what happened? If there's no consequences, no accountability? Any story should grow from the risks of the actions taken. We want to know there's something to be lost, that's where the adrenaline comes from. That's the entertaining part!
The version that completely heals their wounds is also kinda... bland. I'm a fan of bnha because the story doesn't solve most disabilities with magic.
If a pro-hero loses a leg or an eye, they'd have to learn to fight with the cards they were dealt with. Like I said before, those wounds tell a story of the risks they took. Aizawa cut his leg to survive and see another day with Eri and his students. Mirko lost most of her limbs giving her absolute all!!!!
It's the same for villains. It moves you, the way those villains would sacrifice themselves for their goals. Compress' lost arm tells the story of how they lost Magne. Giran lost his fingers when he refused to sell the League, so their absence is the evidence of his loyalty.
I want irreversibility. I want permanece. I want to see the growth that comes with accepting what we do in our lives and how we have to keep going.
My favorite version is the one that heals enough for the person to survive, but not much more. It is not going to take you to step one, it can't erase all you did and all that was done to you.
A second chance, but you have to make it from where you were left. No shortcuts, no easy way out. Either you commit to it or you're over.
I don't want to see Touya without his burns. That is boring! I don't want squeaky clean Touya, all perfect and smooth skinned and whatever. That is not him. He's the boy who burned in the flames of his passion, right or wrong. He's the boy who is supposed to be dead, but survived because he was a stubborn bastard.
The story can lessen them, of course. At this point Touya is more scrap put together by metal than anything else. He cannot possibly survive like that, so he needs to be healed enough to live. The burns can even lessen with time, fading as Touya heals, but I want the memory to last. I don't care if he forgives Enji, I want him to be forced to look at the burns every day knowing how they're there.
Another example?
Tomura's scars tell a story. You cannot resurrect his family, so don't go erasing the scar in his eye or in his lip. Don't go erasing the evidence of his struggle.
To be fair, Tomura has changed a lot since his first appearance. I remember him with yellow teeth, all skinny to the bone. It shows that no one cared for him. Well, maybe enough to keep him breathing, but there was no delicacy involved. It's funny to think how he got better and better the more time he spent far from AFO. That and the surgery he had to undergo...
Which is a wonderful terrible concept. It's about the cleansing, how AFO was preparing Tomura's body to be his. Body modifications to assert ownership, that's a horror favorite. The idea of being "cured" to the point you can't recognize your own body. You know what I mean.
I'm glad that when rewind was used on Mirio, it cost him something. He lost his quirk for a while and he had to make an effort to go back to who he was. I'd say that the nature of the story helped him bounce and that's a chance we didn't see his struggle a bit more.
Anyway, that's my opinion on the matter. I hope it'll be a variation I like and not something that's gonna leave me sweating cold every time I dare to remember it.
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tis-art · 1 year
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In my own little story Shigs and the League kidnap Eri. But Eri grows on Shigs like, a lot. He gets a major soft spot for her and he unofficially adopts her (cuz since he's a villain, he can't officially do it.)
Eri sticks around Shigs (despite missing Deku and others) because she sees that he is someone in need of help. And she wants to be his hero and help him from his pain and suffering.
Shigs admires her because even though she's been in worse hell than he has had, she still manages to smile and put the past behind her.
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chanyoungies · 2 years
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get to know me: cravity edition ! ❀ biases: woobin, jungmo, serim, wonjin (as songs i’d like them to cover)
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morsartis · 11 months
i saw that you write for MHA i was wondering if you could write about one of the LOV (preferably shiggy or dabi) finding Eri before the heros did and raising her?
I loved this request so much I almost wanted to make it an au but I promised myself I wouldn’t do that unless I was gonna make an AO3 account. (A//N: I AM SO SORRY I MISINTERPRETED THIS AS HEADCANONS AND NOT STORY I WILL WRITE A SMALL DRABBLE FOR YOU AS SOON AS I FIND THE TIME AND I WILL TAG YOU I AM SO SORRY)
Honestly as wrapped up as Dabi has been in his quest to destroy his father I don’t think he would care much about Eri herself. 
Definitely would have her use her quirk on him to see what all the damage can be reversed and as an excuse to push himself even further. 
Like make no mistake I’m as big a fan of Dabi being a good brother as everyone else but realistically it won’t happen. 
I do think he would grow to care for Eri, however. 
In his own selfish way. 
Shigaraki, however, is another story. 
Listen, I 100% believe that Shigaraki would project his younger self onto Eri. 
However if this is pre getting his shit together by slipping further away from the light Shigaraki he would have no clue how to take care of someone else that isn’t himself. 
Definitely would shove her off into the hands of Kurogiri with an order to look after the girl. 
Which Kurogiri would complain about but still do very well! 
But if you want to shift the timeline around a bit for your bidding and have a more serious Shigaraki then he would take Eri on as AFO did for himself. 
Whether this is good or not is another story entirely and completely up for interpretation!
Shigaraki would see to it that Eri develops her powers and would definitely be feeding her some LOV propaganda about heroes (though let's be honest he has some genuine criticisms that I love to see addressed in the plot). 
Overall I don’t think he’d be a father figure to her so much as an older brother figure. 
He would tease and taunt her often, not always with any malicious intent but trying to mimic the relationship he once had with his sister. 
Kurogiri would be left to do the brunt of the actual raising when it comes to Eri and I full-heartedly believe he would do a fantastic job of it. Most likely he would categorize raising Eri as following Shigaraki’s orders and by extension the orders of AFO to look after Shigaraki’s development. 
Shigaraki can’t raise a child by himself and run the league, now could he? No. So obviously Kurogiri is doing his job!
I think Toga would be the most excited at the prospect of another girl in the league. Especially one that would be easy for her to befriend. Definitely put on babysitting duty often. 
Toga would be the one to introduce Eri to more girly things like painting nails and doing hair. Though Kurogiri would have to keep an eye on them to make sure Toga doesn’t get too carried away and try to take a little blood. 
Eri would definitely grow up to be a biter if she was raised by the league. 
You have to be just a little unhinged to survive there. Let's be real here.
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possession1981 · 4 months
kiiiiiiiiiiith hoping you feel better soon 💞💓💕💗
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So yeah, it seems I have another writing idea. And yes it is another one which I will probably never finish but still. I just can't help the fact that my brain is like that. Thus, now I am sharing what I came up with so far.
First things first is the fact it's a fanfiction from my newest brainrot a.k.a. MHA. It's obviously an AU and in here Izuku has a twin sibling named Hanako. Hanako or Hana as she likes to be called has an unspecified fire quirk. Izu still like in canon at first seems quirkless so Hana is very protective of him.
And when it comes to Hanako themselves, she is...something. Why? Because even if they are twins it's Izuku who's more like Inko. Hana on the other hand is in a lot of aspects a carbon copy of their father and absolute opposite of xer brother. It is even smarter than Izu, tall and muscled. Definitely not beautiful or pretty, at least not in the standard sense. Especially considering their scars, sharp features and narrow eyes. She dyes xer hair green and wears vividly green contact lenses. Why is under the red warning. Personality wise xe IS quiet. Like quiet quiet, she is able to talk but they're still effectively mute as she chooses not to. And well, xe's angry, bitter and jaded. Seeing how the society treats quirkless and people with quirks that are considered weak or villainous, people with mutations she doesn't trust heroes. They're not evil but definitely more morally grey. Xe's not exactly kind or comforting either. Even when she tries you can clearly tell it's awkward & unpracticed but nonetheless genuine. And they understand other people like that on a deep level. Still you can tell xer emotions by her eyes. They also force herself to be strong so the others do not have to be. So in conclusion she' a distrustful & sharp, quite antisocial person. She is polyamorous omnisexual however demiromantic & demisexual nonbinary xenogender(fugogender) with she/xe/they/it pronouns.
Firstly, AFO is Hizashi Midoriya and Inko is Nana's daughter. Momo is a Shimura too and Tomura's sister. She was born the same year as Tomura dusted the rest of the members, she's alive because she wasn't there but at the hospital. She was adopted by Yaoyorozus who needed a heir/heiress.
Hanako is exactly this kind of sibling who when she can, wrecks people bullying Izuku. They still can't be on the lookout 24/7 and Izu hides a lot from xer & their mom to not worry them.
Izuku actually has a quirk. It's telekinesis and it's stronger than Inko's. However it was jumpstarted when he took Katsuki's "good" advice. Kat himself saw it and had a brutal wake up call. Izuku did die for a second there but miraculously came back. (We will come back to how later.)
After that some truths came out. Mainly all about the bullying Izu suffered from Aldera & Katsuki. Also the fact how abusive Mitsuki Bakugo is and how Masaru doesn't interfere.
Well hearing that and the true regret from Kats, Inko made a decision. She formally adopted Katsuki and made him go to therapy, both for trauma and anger issues. Now he fixed his relationship with the twins somewhat and is protective of both. Still not the nicest and a huge tsundere but nonetheless slightly improved.
The sludge villain incident with Katsuki happened as in cannon, Izuku jumped right after. All Might after tried to find him but as Zu was in hospital he didn't have much luck. However he met both twins at "that" beach and approached them. He at first planned to do what he did in cannon when it comes to Izu but after learning of the new quirked status of our broccoli boy he just offer to train them. Hana though agreed only to keep on eye on Izu. In the end both siblings actually got OFA as Hana reasoned that if they share it, it may go 50/50 and as such be easier to handle. She wasn't wrong and as they are twins it also made their sibling connection that much stronger. Now they're literally able to feel each others emotions, pain & unfortunately if one dies.
Hitoshi and Kyoka were pretty quickly adopted after they started UA by the Yamada/Aizawa who are married.
Almost whole class 1-A is dating and all are poly. Most are LGBTQ+ in all ways.
Chisaki here is completely reworked personalitywise. While still a criminal and Yakuza leader few things are changed. He's kind to Eri who is his biological daughter. He's trans and dating Hari though only the Precepts know, also the Precepts, Hari & two Chisakis are a family before all else.
LOV is on the other hand even more found family and you can tear this trope from my cold dead hands.
Dabi is Toya Todoroki but he only wants revenge on Enji without including his siblings and mom a.k.a. he's a good older brother(and partner but that later).
Twice & Magne survive. I repeat they won't die here because I said so.
Hawks had been sent as a spy by the Comission but he quite quickly fully deflected after seeing all of the lies he was fed his whole life. He kept the act to protect LOV though and only stopped when told to kill Twice. He paid for it being tortured half to death before getting broken out by one slightly more decent person (OC) and then being brought to the LOV who nursed him back to health. Said OC though dies for that.
Most parents of the 1-A & 1-B kids suck very much. The only decent ones are Iidas, Inko, Rei, Kirishima's moms, Satos, Ashidos & Seros.
Tokoyami after his internship with Hawks got basically unformally adopted by him which much later was actually formalized.
Toru got adopted by Nemuri(who also won't die) and Emi Fukukado/Ms. Joke.
The war happens in their 3rd year but that would be another much more spoiler-y post.
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