#now the most expensive card I own
thedarkfiddler · 4 months
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I know I don't really have a lot of Digica mutuals but I grabbed a ($30) box of EX1 to get some Analog Youths ($10 each, expect 2-4 per box) and not only did I get my money's worth on them, I pulled the (awesome looking, $60) Alt Art of it! Lucky me!
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howdououfeel · 9 months
After announcing new my little pony mtg cards, twilight sparkle stocks are up
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undreaming-fanfiction · 3 months
I love a good florist Steve, but what I love even more is a good but naturally bitchy florist Steve.
He'd have his own flower shop and years of dating experience behind his belt. He is not just a good boyfriend, he is THE good boyfriend. Going to his shop isn't just to buy a bouquet of flowers, oh no. It's a whole relationship coaching thing, he teaches husbands to do better, gives courage to teenagers asking their crushes out, gives advice regarding flower language to elderly ladies who just want to be slightly passive-aggressive...you know, the normal thing.
He has a catalogue with flower pictures to help people who have no idea what the flowers are called, they just know they were orange and didn't easily wilt.
He shows a local teenager the cheaper but still fancy options and throws in a bunch of free flowers that aren't really up to his standards. "Okay, you say she likes pink flowers. Does she like things to be a bit more decorated or does she prefer simplicity? You don't know? Okay, can you describe what she normally wears? No, I'm not being creepy, but you can sometimes tell the person's preferences from their clothes. Now answer or leave dateless."
He chats with the elderly ladies of Hawkins when they ask for a flower to gift to their fellow church ladies when they host their meetings. He cackles when he hears some of their orders. "Oh wow, Ethel, a yellow hyacinth? Would you like a gift card with that, something like sorry you're such a jealous hag? No? Of course I know the meaning, it's my job."
"Are you expeting her to say yes to the date with that atrocity on your face? Yes, I know it's a moustache. But it's also an atrocity. Shave it and thank me later. Now, would you like a ribbon for that bouquet?"
And most of all, he grills the unlucky conservative men in Hawkins who come to him for flowers for their wives without any idea what they like. "I see, so you want something pretty. What does your wife like? Flowers? Well, that's not specific. What kind of dresses does she wear? Expensive? Can you tell me anything about your wife's personality? ...nagging. No, I can't just mix something together, unlike you, I take pride in gift giving. Okay. I don't think this is a shop for you. Yes, that's what I'm saying, I won't play a part in your wife's disappointment. Oh sure, go take your money elsewhere, but I can give you this advice for free - you married a unique human being, so treat her like one. And if you really want a happy marriage - maybe come back when you learn something about her as a person. No need for that language, have a good day, sir."
For those that are more receptive, he goes through their partners' personalities and hobbies, suggesting date options and absolutely roasting the bad ones. "A football match. When your girlfriend hates sports. I don't care if it's your boys playing, you can try telling her that this is important to you and you'll take her out another time, but if you try to pass this as a date, you'll be single before you say "sorry". A date is for you as a pair, not for you only."
But the best thing his shop brings him is Eddie Munson, who sneaks in, absolutely ready to be roasted, and asks for a bouquet of bright colorful flowers for his best friend Chrissy. "She just got divorced from her asshole husband and I want to show her that she can have nice things. Platonically. But she deserves so much more. Uh...she really loves warm colors, so maybe yellows and oranges? What are they called...gerberas! She likes gerberas! And she likes things to be a bit messy and imperfect, so maybe some leaves there as well? A green ribbon would be nice."
And Steve just beams at him as he gets to work and says "Oh wow. Whoever your partner is, they are so lucky if you remember all of these things even for your friends. Makes a guy jealous."
Eddie just wiggles his eyebrows at Steve and mutters, "that position's sadly open. Has been for a while. Interested?" and he almost faints against the counter when Steve turns around.
Eddie is ready to run.
But Steve just fluffs his hair, reapplies his lipgloss and asks: "Where do I apply?"
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backwzzds · 6 months
ೃ⁀➷ spoil you, plug!eren
eren hated when you spent your own money, but you don’t listen.
thinking about the way plug!eren would take you on his drops with him. you were so quiet and in your own world, he never minded the fact that you had your freshly white painted toes resting against the dash of his mercedes AMG coupe. the entire car was blacked out with expensive ceramic tints, protecting you both from your usual…late night activities.
your glasses rested on the cute bridge of your nose as your left leg was sat in eren’s lap while your right rested against the dashboard. eren was lucky that he fucked with most of his customers heavy…you two had been waiting for the dude to meet y’all for nearly thirty minutes now, and had it been someone else, eren would have sped away long time ago.
eren comfortingly rubbed your baby soft feet in the grasp of his tattooed hand, one with beautiful realism art of your own eye. with a turn of his head, he could see you practically nose deep in the bright screen of your phone illuminating through the car. “you growing bored mama?” his voice is concerned. “ian think we was gonna be waiting this long on dude…my bad baby.”
you hadn’t said much since you’d gotten in the car, just wanting to hurry and add all of your things to your shopping cart on the skims website. “nah, ‘m just…trying…to do somethin’ real quick,” you bite your lip as you tap away on your phone. you were trying to add as many things to your cart before it was gone. “before this shit sell out.”
eren being the nosy boy he is leans against your shoulder to see what you were doing. but the moment he’d seen you type in numbers that belonged to what he knew as your own debit card, he kissed his teeth in annoyance. “man how many times i gotta tell you to stop using your card to go shopping bae?” you roll your eyes at his words. “i’m serious, you got all three of my cards on ya phone for a reason. fuck is you typing in your info for?”
don’t get him wrong, eren loved the fact that you were independent and knew how to handle money almost perfectly now that you were in your twenties. but being together with you for so long, he continued to step up with his provider capabilities by always taking care of you. whether it was paying your bills, rent—everything in between.
but of course it was a struggle when ms. i can do it all by myself meets mr. i know you can but let me do it for you
“because i’m spending like 600 dollars,” you point out to his previous question with an obvious scoff. “i’m not asking you for that.” eren mirrors your actions and rolls his eyes again.
eren looks at you as if you’re insane and suffered memory loss for the past four years you’ve been together. “babe…i make that shit in one night. actually—fuck a night—i make that shit in two hours!”
it wasn’t like he was lying either, with the way that eren was one of the only trusted plugs in town, it was very easy that he’d bring at least a band a night on a consistent basis. selling for almost six years was finally paying off.
you two hardly ever fought, but if you did, it was always about money. eren knew how long you’ve had to do things on your own physically and financially. you couldn’t go to your mom for help, you didn’t have a dad to beg, so it was all on you since you’d been 16. but now that he had eren, he’d just wish you’d let him take the burden of money of your shoulders and take care of you the way you take care of him.
after a few minutes, your boyfriend holds his hand out. you give him crazy eyes, but eventually follow orders by putting your phone in his hand. “don’t know how many times i gotta tell yo stubborn ass, forreal,” he grunted. “‘s never a problem spoiling my baby. you don’t ever ask me for nothing. let me feel useful and get you stuff, mama.”
with a sigh, you nod your head, like you always did. there was no way eren was gonna take no for an answer when it came to spoiling his wife.
in response, eren uses his free hand to delete your information and instead place the correct numbers—the information to his amex black card. all the money he has, he sits and does nothing with it, so why not buy you all the things you’ve never had before?
when you hear the chime of your phone confirming your order, eren hands you the phone back and goes to look out his dark window.
with your acrylics, you grab eren by the neck and slowly turn him back to face you. “thanks papa,” you gave him genuine eyes.
eren leans forward and pecks your lips. with a serious face, he pecks you one more time before wrapping his tatted fingers around your neck erotically. with a look in your eyes he tells you, “always tell me what you want, no matter how much, mama. you know daddy gonna get that shit for you one way or another, regardless.”
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saetoru · 11 months
✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。MEET UGLY — GOJO SATORU. (rich boy! au)
contents. college au!, rich boy! gojo, first meets, slight meet ugly but mainly he’s just annoying, established relationship in second scene, banter + fluff, kissies for da princess boy <3
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dating gojo has always been, and will always be, the biggest unforeseen plot twist of your life.
the first time you encounter gojo satoru, it’s in literature class. he laughs with that dark haired friend of his a bit too loudly in the back while you try to share your thoughts on the reading from last night—it’s not that you particularly care for the class, but you’re trying to get the participation points, and you don’t want some slacking jackass to ruin that for you.
you throw him a glare over your shoulder, making him pause and blink before he shoots you a cheshire grin. you swear you hear a chuckle from the distance as you turn and continue speaking.
the second time you stumble across him is in line at the campus coffee shop. it’s the first day of the semester, and you have class in fifteen minutes across campus, but you’re tired. incredibly so—working shifts back to back late into the night is not doing you any favors, but you have to afford gas money and textbooks somehow.
you need caffeine, and you need it quick so you can make it to class on time.
except the tall, snow-haired stranger in front of you is making that very difficult as he takes forever and lists his wildly long list of syrups and add ons for his drink—seriously, who can even stomach a drink like that? you crinkle your nose as you imagine how sweet it must be. what irritates you more is that he pays for his ridiculously expensive drink that’s far too sweet for eight am with a black card. you glare daggers into the back of his head, wishing you could crack his skull in two with your stare alone.
and then he turns, raises a brow as he stares at you calculatingly—and then his lips turn into a grin as he seems to recognize you. great, you think.
“hey, weren’t you in lit class with me last semester?” he asks, making you sigh as you purse your lips.
“yes. now please move, i need to order and get to class.”
“she curved that final exam pretty generously, i thought i was going to fail—”
“i’ll take a large double shot,” you mumble, ignoring him as you place your order. you can feel his stare from the side as you pay.
“that’s pretty strong, don’t you think?” he asks, making you throw a glare at him from over your shoulder, eyes narrowed into dangerous slits.
it only seems to amuse him more, making you grit your teeth—how irritating could someone even manage to be? there’s got to be some sort of record he’s holding for most nerves he’s ticked off within the span of two meets.
“well, assuming from the fact that you’re a college student with a black credit card,” you huff, “you probably haven’t had to work a single night shift in your life.”
you put away your own card as you speak—one that’s not black, and one that’s going to have a very high bill due soon from the textbooks you’ll have to purchase.
“i like you,” he grins, “you’re funny. how about i—”
you cut him off again, done interacting for the morning. “have a nice day,” you say curtly, walking over to the wait area for your drink.
he seems entirely amused by your attitude—which only pisses you off more. does everything seem to make his lips quirk into that annoying smirk of his? and why is it so handsome? what a waste of such a gorgeous face to be paired with such an insufferable personality. and, because the universe hates you, he waits around for you even after he gets his drink, following you out the door when you grab yours and leave.
“how about i take you out for coffee tomorrow?” he grins, “i’ll pay with that black card you like so much.”
what an asshole—you hope he gets hit by a car and loses a few teeth.
“c’mon, it’ll be fun—”
“okay,” he chuckles, “feisty. i like it.”
and then, as you turn the corner, he turns with you, walking leisurely behind you as he sips that disgustingly sugary drink of his.
“what the fuck,” you hiss, “why are you following me?”
“i’m not,” he says innocently, “why are you following me?”
where are all the cars in the streets when you need them? and why haven’t they hit him yet?
“i’m walking ahead of you jackass,” you huff, “how can i be following you?”
“oh yeah?” he takes a few strides with those abnormally long legs of his, walking ahead of you as he shoots you an amused grin over his shoulder. “now you’re following me. does that mean you changed your mind about that date?”
“you wish,” you seethe.
a few more steps, and he walks into the same building as you. great—you’ll likely be running into him every morning then. a few more steps and he’s turning the hall to the same hall as you. wonderful—you’ll probably have to deal with him to the walk to class too. a few more steps, and then you realize he’s entering the same class that you’re entering.
fucking fantastic. just what you needed. absolutely divine luck—the universe has really handed you the largest pair of clown shoes it could find.
of course he of all people would be in class with you for another semester—and he seems to brighten considerably when he realizes he’s in your class too, because his grin widens even more.
“well, look at that,” he says brightly, “you followed me all the way to class. we might as well be seatmates.”
“don’t even think about sitting near me,” you warn, “i’m going to go that way. you go that way.”
he does not go the way you point—instead, he chuckles and plops down right beside you. how on earth could someone be so easy to despise? of all the empty seats in the entirety of the lecture hall, he just has to choose the seat right next to you.
for a moment, you contemplate skipping this class entirely and trying to teach yourself everything before the tests just so you don’t have to see him—you’ve done that enough times, it shouldn’t be too hard. but then you remember that this course is notorious for having a semester long paired project that weighs for a hefty amount of your final grade—skipping is not an option.
so, with veins ready to pop any second, and an oncoming migraine, you sit through all of lecture trying to ignore the absolute worst guy you’ve ever met. not only is he rude and obnoxious and overly confident to a fault—but he’s also rich and spoiled and privileged to live in a realm entirely separate from your reality.
you think you might just hate him.
you’re broken from your thoughts when you hear your name as the professor lists the pairs she’s already made from the roster for the semester’s project. this is great, you think, she’ll call someone’s name, and you’ll have that as an excuse to sit with them and avoid the nuisance sat beside you.
everything is fine. you’ll be free in just a few moments. it’ll all be over soon.
“gojo satoru,” she calls, “if you could raise your hand so your partner knows who to find after class.”
then, as if in slow motion, the very same guy who ruined your morning raises his hand, looking over at you absolutely enthused as his eyes sparkle through the top of his sunglasses—which, only an asshole would wear sunglasses indoors.
“hey partner,” he chuckles, “how about coffee tomorrow to discuss our project?”
satoru likes to think that even with his unfortunate start with you on the wrong foot, he’s managed a steady relationship with you.
you don’t tell him to get hit by a car anymore—instead, now you kiss his forehead before bed every night, hold his hand and swing his arm with yours when you’re out, cuddle him after long days and talk about life, and sometimes—when he’s been extra good, you might even do other activities with him that include a whole lot of intimacy and exclude a whole lot of clothing.
he likes to think you’re pretty in love with him—and he’s proud to claim himself as your adorable, sweet, very handsome and extremely funny boyfriend. although, you don’t really ever call him all that, but he’s fairly confident you think it, and that’s close enough.
“baby,” gojo pokes your arm from his spot on your lap, “on a scale of one to ten, how cute would you say i am?”
“an eleven when you shut up and let me work,” you mumble, stroking his hair with one hand and doing calculus problems with the other.
he pouts, huffing in disbelief.
“you know, if you keep taking me for granted, you might lose me,” he says petulantly.
it earns a snort from you as you give him an amused look.
“toru, i think your mom would pay me to get back together with you if we ever broke up.”
“she would not,” he gasps, watching as you bite your lip to keep from laughing.
“remember our first fight? you practically starved yourself in your room,” you giggle, “she had to beg me to come talk to you so you’d eat.”
“that’s not true! i had kitkats and coke zero in my room,” he defends himself, crossing his arms as he sits up. “i was fine.”
“you definitely cried yourself to sleep,” you snicker, “you’re hopeless without me.”
“i am just fine without you,” he lies through his teeth, turning away from you as he tilts his head up indignantly.
“remember when you couldn’t even last a week without me while i was studying for finals? and then your mom had to call and beg me again to spend time with you?”
“that’s not—”
“admit it, toru,” you grin cheekily, pinching his nose as you chuckle, “you’d probably die if we ever broke up.”
“and you’d be fine?” he asks incredulously—he’s almost distressed at the idea, staring at you in slight hurt that makes you laugh before setting your calculus homework aside.
you grab his arm and pull him into your side, kissing his head as he slumps onto your chest.
“i don’t know, i don’t think i’d mind watching a mopey satoru beg me to take him back.”
“you don’t deserve me,” he grumbles, “i deserve to be loved and cherished. i’m a catch.”
“i bet you’d make that ugly face of yours when you cry,” you tease, making him look up at you with an offended gasp.
“i’ll have you know i’m exceptionally pretty when i cry. the waterworks have gotten me loads of things from my mom—i’m irresistible.”
“you’d probably be on your knees in seconds,” you continue to poke fun at him, “please take me back. i’m nothing without you, baby,” you mock his voice, giggling as he glares at you unimpressed.
“now you’re just being a bully. do you even love me?”
“i do,” you grin softly, pecking his cheek, “i love you a ton. you know that.”
“you don’t act like it,” he grumbles.
you laugh, hugging him tighter as your fingers slip into his hair again. sometimes, you think you should be shocked you’re here—laying in bed with gojo satoru and kissing his cheeks as he pouts. you of the past might just kill you of the present if you saw yourself now….but something about gojo is charming enough that you can overlook the very annoying first impression you had.
enough that maybe….well, maybe you might also be a bit hopeless without him—but you’ll never tell him that.
something tells you he knows, though, when he wraps a strong arm around you and pulls you impossibly closer, kissing the corner of your lips as he grins.
“what about that time you got soooo jealous?” he grins, “we weren’t even together yet. and remember that time you begged my mom to take home baby pictures of me? you’re obsessed,” he says proudly, “i would be too. i’m adorable.”
“you’re a pain is what you are,” you mutter.
“i love you too,” he chuckles, burying his head into your shoulder.
you grin, the curves of your lips painted with love as they find his forehead, pressing delicate kisses to the skin. maybe being paired for a semester long project with the annoying rich boy in your class wasn’t so bad—maybe you owe finding the softest love you’ve ever had to the strict and unpleasant professor who gave you an A- when you definitely deserved an A.
“and how are you so sure i love you?” you ask playfully. he rolls his eyes, grabbing your hand and lacing your fingers with his.
“because you haven’t hit me with your car yet,” he bites back, making you laugh brightly.
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plssss i want him so bad i cannot take it anymore every day without him feels like pins and needles in my skin it’s utter agony i feel like my life’s meaning has been stripped from me i feel like my lungs and heart both burn from the lack of oxygen i feel like i am but an empty shell with no soul lost and wandering the planet searching for a reason to go on
ps. if you have been reading along w rb! gojo i hope you caught some of the references to old drabbles ;)
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yinyuedijun · 7 days
It’s different with Aventurine. You like being his luxury hand watch. You like being his elegant knife, his liar’s dice, his pretty poker chip. You want to be his object—the object of his affections, something he can parade around just like his expensive suits and his beautiful jewellery and his ostentatious furs. Look at me, he uses them to say. Look at what I own. Look at what I own despite this code on my neck. Look at what I've won despite my eyes and my blood. (Or: Aventurine wins you in a game of poker. He decides to cash out his prize right then and there—to enjoy you on the card table, laid out among all the chips and cards.)
8.6k words of psychological issues, explicit smut, and deranged characterization. aventurine tops, reader bottoms. public sex, voyeurism from strangers, piv, oral (reader receiving), fingering with gloves on, creampie. mild dubcon but the reader is ultimately into it. afab gn reader, they are playing a fem-coded role for an espionage assignment (dress, heels, makeup). themes of objectification. discussion of slavery and sa during slavery (not explicit). dead dove do not eat, mdni.
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You are in the grandest casino of Kinyoshi Moon Colony, and Aventurine is running your latest husband into life-ruining debt.
You aren’t cut up about it. If your marriage (or concubinage, rather) were genuine, you'd maybe be annoyed about the loss of capital. But as it is, this relationship is an assignment from the IPC—one of the longest and most excruciatingly boring yet. Fortunately for you, Aventurine’s presence tonight means that you've finally gathered enough intel for Diamond’s needs. It is time for the IPC to terminate your latest contract, and Aventurine is here to collect you.
Which is a little funny, given your relationship. It is strange sitting across from your boyfriend, draped over another man and thoroughly ignoring him. You’re entirely focused on fawning over your husband instead—laughing into his ear, lighting his pipe and filling his whiskey glass, and oh, Mister Li, you're so funny, you're so clever, I think you should go all in!—but Aventurine doesn't react. He only smiles at the two of you, like he isn't bothered by the sight.
This is, of course, an act: when you came home from your last marriage (assignment), he'd made sure to pleasure you so thoroughly that you forgot all about your ex-husband (mark). Aventurine did not openly admit to any kind of jealousy at the time, but you could tell he hadn't been keen on letting another man touch you. He usually isn't too keen about anyone touching any of his things, in fact. Despite appearances, he always abhors the thought of losing anything important.
But any fears he might have are concealed right now. They’re always concealed. Hidden by the expensive suit, the countless stacks of chips, the golden walls and high-vaulted ceilings of the Venetian Zhijin, Masked by his generous gifts, his easy laughter, his careless frivolity. You can see right through his gilded smile. The rest of the table cannot.
They are all intrigued when Aventurine asks, a playful lilt in his voice, “How about we make this game a little more interesting, gentleman?”
The other players at the table consider him. The other plus-ones—concubines, courtesans, gigolos, and so on—look at him with calculated expressions of cursory interest. You do so as well, but only for a moment. Your gaze quickly returns to Mister Li’s face—your husband is meant to be your true focus, after all, not the game. You are not a player at this table, but an accessory. Closer to an expensive watch than a human being.
Some business magnate from the Triangulum Galaxy leans back and raises a brow. “I'm listening,” he says. You watch a bead of sweat travel down your husband’s neck.
“How about we up the ante,” Aventurine says, his voice light, “but instead of betting more money this time, we bet our dates?”
You think, in other star systems, other worlds, such a suggestion would invite riot. But Kinyoshi Colony being what it is, and the Venetian being the establishment that it is, the other players at the table only laugh. Nearly half of them deal in the trade of human beings anyway—this is nothing novel for them.
“Well,” one of them says, “it’s not like winning more money’s gonna make a difference to any of us.” A round of chuckling. He turns to his date—some noblewoman from Jarilo-IV who seems greatly out of her depth—and says, “What do you think, love? How do you feel about being part of my wager?”
She doesn't like it. She clearly doesn't like it, and she also clearly doesn't know how to say it. Were you not on the clock, you might intervene. Maybe. As it is, though, all you can do is observe quietly. All the power in this gambit lies with Aventurine. Even when surrounded by men who manipulate the wealth of entire cities, planets, galaxies—he remains in full control.
“There’s never any shame in folding,” he says, magnanimous. Then he looks your husband in the eye, smiling conspiratorially. “But I know there are some of us who aren't afraid to take risks.”
Li laughs. “You’re right about that, Mister Aventurine.” He gives you a fond smile. And of course he does—you’re his last shot at winning back all his losses for the night. “I think you'd make a pretty little chip, don't you?”
Although Mister Li is clearly less distressed at the thought of betting you than he was at the thought of betting his company just last round, you notice, out of the corner of your eye, a muscle in Aventurine’s neck twitching. It’s very, very subtle, and he'd have never let himself do it if the table’s attention were on him, but he did it. Perhaps it was involuntary. Your mouth curls.
“Sure, darling.” You try not to sound too giddy. “I’ll be whatever you like.”
Ordinarily, you wouldn't be so happy about this farce. This is, put plainly, a stupid way to extract you from your mission. Were the cards in anyone else’s hands, your husband could win and you might be stuck with him for another several weeks, at least—assuming that you aren't discovered and killed first. Or you could go home with another man and be subjected to the kind of things that men do when they trade human beings, and you don't think the IPC would care too much if you were. You are an asset before you are a person, after all. At this table, you are closer to an expensive watch than a human being—and at the Company, you are an overpriced knife.
But to Aventurine, you're a chip in one of his games, and you don't mind that so much. Men who only know wealth will throw around their riches thoughtlessly, but men who have endured poverty will hold onto them tightly—desperately. Aventurine takes care of his luxury watches, his elegant knives, his liar’s dice. His capital. And he never loses anything. He always comes to collect. You trust him to collect you, even with this stupid plan, so you are calm as you watch the dealer shuffle the cards.
The table makes their bets. Most of the players go all-in. A couple fold, perhaps feeling some degree of concern for their partners, but it's more likely that they just have shit hands. A lot of the ones who continue playing have shit hands anyway. Your husband doesn't do too badly—a straight flush. He seems confident.
Then Aventurine lays out his cards. Ten. Joker. Queen. King. Ace.
All hearts.
You have to take a sip of your whiskey to stop yourself from laughing.
Aventurine, himself, has the grace not to look too smug about the outcome. Or maybe it's very unremarkable for him, all these winnings being pushed over to him—poker chips and human beings. Some of the other dates are clearly anxious as they move toward him (they are expected to be loyal to their husbands), and some are clearly excited (they are expected to be frivolous, hedonistic playthings). He humours them all, for a little while. Puts on the usual show as they crowd around him, charms them because it'll be good for business partnerships in case any of their husbands care even a little bit about them. You'd do the same in his shoes. But in your current ones (six-inch heels, black leather, red bottoms, luxury), all you can do is seat yourself on the card table and light up a cigarette. Waiting.
Aventurine eventually sends them all off. All I wanted was to get to know you, he says cheerfully, which is probably not a lie. After they leave, he asks the dealer to close the table and go on break. Turn a blind eye. You raise a brow when they obey him.
How interesting.
You're still enjoying your cigarette by the time he turns to you. You flash him a smile, one of the ones that you use for work. His expression doesn't change, but his thumb brushes against one of his many rings—switching off your synesthesia beacons for some privacy—and he leans back to study you. You know he's admiring you, but it could be mistaken for a leer.
“Well, well,” he says, “If it isn’t the esteemed concubine of Li Fengzhi.”
“The esteemed fifth concubine,” you correct. He hums, looking surprised.
“I thought you were the fourth. Did I misremember?”
“No, just misinformed. He took another concubine right before I arrived on Kinyoshi. He acquired a sixth just last week. Turns out he picks up paramours like they’re strays.”
“How inconvenient.”
“It made no difference to me,” you dismiss. “I’m his favourite anyway, but I’m sure you knew that already.”
“I’d have had to be blind not to notice it. You have the man wrapped around your finger.” Aventurine leans back, studying you as you smoke on your perch. “But before we continue—why don’t you come a little closer, esteemed Fifth Concubine?”
You make a face. “That title doesn’t sound as nearly as flattering in Avgin dialect as it does in Zhijinese,” you note, though you get off the table anyway. You don’t go very far, electing to seat yourself on his lap, your arms draping around his shoulders. The feathers of his jacket tickle at your bare shoulders; the satin of his gloves glide down the skin of your thighs before settling on your calves. “Since you’ve won my company for the night, though,” you sigh, “I suppose I can humour you, Mister Aventurine.”
“Lucky me.” He leans in, his breath sweeping the shell of your ear. His fragrance surrounds you, your body warming at the familiar scent of ambergris and vanilla. You realize, all of a sudden, how much you missed it. You have to stop yourself from pressing your face into his neck and melting—it would be a dead giveaway for your identity and also too revealing of your feelings. Aventurine might be endeared by it, but he might also find it disconcerting. He often needs to be tricked into intimacy.
He does enjoy being wanted though, and he can obviously tell that you want him. He pulls you closer, one of his hands giving your thigh a generous squeeze. It makes you throw your head back in a laugh, exposing the soft skin of your throat. You aren't surprised when he takes the opportunity to kiss it, his lips gentle against your pulse.
“You’re being very forward,” you tease him. “Did you miss me?”
“I’m just trying to be careful,” he defends himself between kisses, his breath warm on your skin. “We should try to conceal our mouths as much as possible. No one can intercept our synesthesia beacons, but someone could still read our lips.”
You give him a funny look. “We’re the only two speakers of Avgin in the known universe. Who could, other than ourselves, could read our—mmph…”
Aventurine has caught the rest of your sentence with his mouth. He’s hungry and wanting for you, the heat of his lips overwhelming. Your tongue is as practised as his, but you find yourself too distracted by your thrill to focus, your kiss wet and eager. Messy. Unprofessional.
You’ve never kissed any of your husbands like this. You’ve never kissed any of your other owners like this. You feel dazed when he pulls away.
You compose yourself. “So you did miss me.”
He smiles. “Guilty as charged.” A gloved hand rests on your face, satin tracing your lips. “How could I not? You’ve been away from the house for so long.”
Your eyes narrow. There’s no idiom for this in Avgin, so you flip briefly to Interastral Standard: “Pot, kettle, black. You leave home all the time.” You smack away the hand at your waist, petty. He looks amused. “And you almost always die.”
He switches out his smile for a pout. “Don’t tell me you’re still mad about last time.”
“You nearly got yourself blasted with atomics, so yes, I’m still mad at you.”
Now he’s frowning. “Am I going back to sleeping on the couch when you come back?”
“Yes,” you say. His deepening frown is meant to be read as a joke, but you know better. Deciding to throw him a bone, you lean in, whispering playfully into his ear: “You can still fuck me on it though.”
Aventurine hums, as if considering. His hands traverse your sides as he contemplates your suggestion. You move to straddle him, your thighs squeezed around his hips. When you grind against him, you can feel how much he wants you despite his composure, his control—his length straining in his pants, pressed against the silk covering your core.
“I don’t think I can wait long enough to fuck you on the couch,” he says, voice teasing.
“No?” You hum as his hands travel upward, feeling every inch of you. “The ship on the way home, then?”
“We don’t leave until tomorrow. Do you really think I can wait that long?”
You don't expect to feel the warmth of his hands on your chest. Your breath hitches when he starts palming your tits through your dress, neon eyes admiring the curve of them. One of his thumbs skims over the peak of your breast, and his mouth curls when your nipple hardens. “No bra? That's convenient.”
“I—” You squirm in his grip, whining. It just makes you grind against his lap more, your cunt moving against his slacks. A wave of heat runs through your lower half, and you clench around nothing. You can see people from a nearby table glancing at you, doing double takes. You can feel their lingering gazes on you, and you know Aventurine can too.
“I—are you going to”—your voice shakes as he pinches your nipple, as his other hand moves to squeeze your ass instead. Your dress is short—designed for easy access—and his fingertips easily skim the underside of its skirt. You wonder if he’s going to pull it up. You wonder if he's going to go even further than that.
But that would be an absurd thing to do in the middle of the busiest casino in the colony, which also happens to be the busiest trade hub in its star system. It would be absurd even for the two of you. Nevermind the reactions of the other players in the room—the staff here would immediately blacklist you, and so would every other gambling house in Kinyoshi.
You try to calm yourself. “Are you—ah—going to take me upstairs?”
He's fully kneading your breasts now. You can feel your clit throbbing, your body responding to his rough and unrepentant touch. “Hm… I don't think I want to.” Aventurine’s voice drops. His smile takes on a distinctly wicked quality. “I think I'll take you right here.”
“But we’ll get kicked out,” you whine. Even as you protest though, you're panting and moving your hips now. Grabbing at his arms, rutting against him like you're in heat. His fingers hook around the thin straps of your dress, pull them down your shoulders, already starting to indulge despite your reservations. You bend into his touch.
“Kicked out? By who? The staff?” He smiles, as always. “I own the place now. I don't think they'll be giving me trouble.”
“Y—you what?” For a moment, you're too shocked to keep up the wanton show. “You do? Since when?”
“Since last night.” He thumbs one of the straps that's fallen halfway down your arms. The rest of your dress threatens to come down with it. “Technically it's the IPC who acquired it—or, well, their shell company did—but I'm their designated representative here. I signed the contract.”
“The IPC isn’t going to be upset that you're fucking a concubine, who's not even your concubine, on their new property?”
Aventurine shrugs. “They know the kind of establishment the Venetian is. People gamble with humans here all the time, you know, so this has definitely happened before. The IPC definitely expects it to happen again. And besides”—he returns his attention to your dress, starting to slip the fabric down your shoulders—“I'm just cashing out my winnings. I'm sure they wouldn't deny a gambler his vices. That'd be bad business.”
You want to say more, but then he tugs, suddenly exposing you. You’re bare in front of him—in front of everyone. You can feel eyes on you. Heat curls in your gut as he grabs your tits again, his satin gloves smooth across your skin, and your nipples pebble beneath them. “Hm… much better.”
“But…” You bite your lip, glancing around. There are so many people watching now—so many voyeurs, who've forgotten about their games and their slots. Though there are a greater number of people who are continuing as usual, studying their hands, smoking their cigarettes, unperturbed. All regulars and VIPs, you know from your intelligence.
Aventurine pauses as you catalogue the room, raising a brow. Probably he's surprised at your sudden modesty; you usually have none when his touch is involved.
“Of course,” he adds, “if you'd rather enjoy the suite upstairs…”
“No—I don’t mind staying down here… it's just that I’ve never…”
Your voice trails off. Your eyes traverse the space again. There are people who’ve fully thrown their cards down, greedily drinking in the sight of you instead. Even some of the dealers are watching between hands, glancing at you instead of watching for cheaters. Like this is public entertainment, like you're a show.
Aventurine tilts his head.
“You've never had sex with an audience?” he guesses. He sounds surprised—perplexed. You don't know why. You know he knows it's a stupid question. You know he knows the answer.
You had sex in front of people all the time before you met him. You did it for the exact reasons that he’s almost certainly done the same. To this table of business magnates, you are closer to an expensive watch than a human being; to the IPC, you are more like an overpriced knife; to this gambling hall, you're an interesting sideshow.
To your captors who fucked you in public, you guess you were something like a toy.
The thought sitting in your mouth is this: you've never had sex with an audience and enjoyed it. It was painful—not painful for the heart or the mind or anything else sentimental, but painful like it felt you were a fish being gutted open by a knife. And even beyond that physical pain, you simply didn't enjoy being passed around. You didn't like being owned by those people. You didn't like being an object for their entertainment, a spectacle to be consumed.
But it's different with Aventurine. You like being his luxury hand watch. You like being his elegant knife, his liar’s dice, his pretty poker chip. You like being his plaything, spread for his viewing whenever he wants. You want to be his object—the object of his affections, something he can parade around just like his expensive suits and his beautiful jewellery and his ostentatious furs. Look at me, he uses them to say. Look at what I own. Look at what I own despite this commodity code on my neck. Look at what I've won despite my eyes and my blood.
You want him to own you too. You want him to show everyone that he won you, that he bought you, that you're his possession now. That he, and he alone, is free to treat you like a toy.
You're getting wetter just thinking about it.
“Nevermind,” you whisper. “Let's do it.”
His smile widens ever so slightly. Slyer than usual.
“Good,” he says. He guides you into standing. “Let’s get you settled then.”
You're seated back on the card table. The cigarette is forgotten in the ashtray next to you. Aventurine takes the time to straighten out your dress, lifting the straps back up and affording you some modesty—before he gently lays you out.
You look up at him as you're spread in front of him, laid out next to his royal flush and winnings. Like you're another chip in his stacks, the most expensive one. He puts a hand beneath your leg, drapes it over his shoulder. He takes the opportunity to kiss your calf, his lips delicate.
You glance at the tables around you. You watch the business owners and politicians as they watch Aventurine. You watch them as they watch your boyfriend pepper kisses up your leg, unless he's settling in between them. Your thighs spread easily for him, and you don't resist as he hikes up your skirt.
Then he frowns.
“I’ve never seen these panties before.”
“They’re new,” you relay.
“From your husband?”
“I see.”
You can't see his face, but he sounds distinctly displeased. You expect him to complain, to say they're not expensive enough or not designer enough or just plain ugly.
You don't expect him to tear them right off.
You're so surprised you sit up, just in time to see him throw tatters of silk to the floor.
“What?” He looks up at you, expression unbothered, almost mild. “It wasn't your colour.”
Your mouth opens. “But it was still very nice!”
“I'll buy you nicer ones later. I’ll buy you a whole drawer of nicer ones later, when we’re done here.”
He looks down again, humming. Your cheeks flush as he spreads your legs again, baring your glistening sex to him—this time completely bare. Satin glides along the inside of your thighs, and your breath hitches when he reaches their apex. You feel the light touch of a finger along your opening, and you feel your body responding, tightening around nothing.
“Tell me,” he says, “What else did your husband do with you?”
His voice is casual, almost disinterested, but you know Aventurine is listening carefully.
“Not much,” you answer truthfully. “I haven't cum in months, you know.”
“Oh?” He sounds surprised. “You don't have sex with him?”
“No. He's fucked me a lot. It”—you whimper, pausing when you feel his fingers spreading you open, fluttering hole and swollen clit exposed to him—“it just wasn't very good.”
“Then”—you feel a thumb press against your clit, and you swallow—“he never touched you here?”
“Stupid of him.” He’s drawing slow, lazy circles into the bud now, making you squirm on the table. You press yourself eagerly toward his familiar touch, having desperately missed it for months. Aventurine, perhaps sensing your neediness, asks, “And you didn't touch yourself?”
“He didn't let me,” you whine, and now he's frowning at you.
“I knew I should have gotten you out of there sooner,” he says, and you have to bite back a laugh. Aventurine’s mouth curls at the sound, and he leans in to place a kiss on your thigh. “But that’s fine. I'll make it up to you now.”
Aventurine kisses are soft and precise. They pepper a path up your thigh while his fingers continue to play lazily with your clit. You want—need—to feel something inside you, but he doesn't oblige. His fingers merely run along your entrance, teasing your dripping pussy with luxury satin, and that's all they do, even as your hips buck needily toward him.
He pauses for just a moment. When you look at him, you see him staring at you—at the brand on your inner thigh, the commodity code that your captors left on you, branding you as a product to be used and sold.
His voice is almost soft when he asks, “And what did your husband say when he saw this?”
“He never did,” you reply. “He always fucked me from behind. And he never went down on me.” You pause, thinking about the way he spoke of his business. Of his trade partners. Of what your captors had done to your home when you told him about it, feigning intimacy only to be matched in cruelty. You think about the way he fucked you, how it felt to be gutted open on his expensive, silk sheets.
None of it matters to you, really. This is behaviour that you’ve long accepted, that your body always anticipates. But you always like to offer Aventurine intimacy, whether real or feigned, whether he returns it equally or responds with undeserved cruelty: “I think it wouldn't have bothered him if he had noticed it.”
You can't see Aventurine’s eyes, but you can feel his reaction when he places a chaste kiss on your product code.
“I should have gotten you out of there sooner,” he repeats. Then he pauses. “Maybe I shouldn't have let you go at all.”
“I didn't mind,” you say. You aren't lying. “You gave me up for a reason.”
He stands. Cups your face with a palm, luxuriant fabric and gold rings pressed against your skin. Sometimes he's given up the aventurine stone temporarily for assignments, parting with it in elaborate gambles that he always manages to win. The way he’s touching you now reminds you of the way he holds the gem whenever it returns to his hand.
“Well,” he says, “I’m sorry it took so long to get you back.”
Aventurine tilts your chin up for a kiss. You meet it eagerly, and it's so tender in its familiarity that every memory of your husband fades. There's only Aventurine, and his gentle mouth, and the way his hands slide your dress down again, how he palms your breasts again. How he teases one nipple with his expensive rings until you're moaning into his mouth. How his other hand travels down until his gloved hand is cupping your heat. You drag your hips against his touch, desperately seeking some kind of friction, your wetness drenching the cloth. Your cunt clenches around nothing, your body aching to be filled by him, aching in a way that it does for no one else.
It’s one of the most addictive feelings you've ever known.
Aventurine only stops touching you so he can push away all the chips, clearing space on the table. He ignores the cacophony as countless stacks fall over, not sparing the plastic coins a single glance. Like you're the only prize that matters to him, even though the sum of his winnings come out to more than you ever were worth.
He lays you out on the table again, flat on your back, exposed, before kissing a path down your body—your neck, your breasts, your stomach, between your thighs. He deigns to give your product code one more kiss, his lips so gentle that it makes you tremble—and then he finally puts his mouth on you. He licks a hot stripe from your dripping pussy up to the crest of your sex, and your eyes close in bliss.
If you felt any uncertainty before this, it's completely gone now. Your hands ghost over your tits, playing with them as Aventurine’s tongue plays with you. He sucks on your neglected clit, fingers squeezing your thighs, keeping you spread open and still for him. He presses in, lets you drag your cunt over his greedy mouth and grind your clit against his face. Heat and pressure coil tight in your belly as he pleasures you, your body flushing with the kind of bliss only Aventurine can give you. You’re so lost in it that you almost don’t notice how quiet the rest of the hall has gotten, the cacophony of chatter and slot machines oddly subdued—almost missing. In their absence, the obscene noises that Aventurine is drawing from your mouth and body are louder than they should be.
The pleasure in your belly is just starting to swell when he pulls away. You give him a pleading look as he leans over you, but before you can start begging for more, you feel his fingers press against your heat. He watches you with keen eyes as he starts rubbing your pussy, maybe enjoying the desperate noises you make at his touch. You buck your hips, moaning as your clit and entrance grind against the fabric of his gloves, seeking friction. You’re empty, aching, desperate to be filled, but you think you can finish like this, just by rutting against his satin fingers—
Aventurine withdraws his hand, and you whine.
“No,” you beg, “please, please keep going, I was getting close—”
He raises a brow, feigning surprise. “Keep going?” He brings up his hand, shows you his gloves. The satin is soaked, shiny and stained with your slick. “I don't think I should. Look at what a mess you’ve made of my gloves.” Aventurine hums, frowning. “These are designer, you know. And limited—there are only 95 pairs of these in the whole universe. And you're ruining them.”
“I'm sorry,” you say, mind so fogged with lust that you can't even return his teasing. “I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you, I'll do anything, just—just let me cum—”
“Anything?” His smile is sly.
“Well. I suppose if you help me clean this up, I wouldn't mind rewarding you with more.”
You don't need to ask what he means by that. When he holds out his hand to you, runs a finger along your lips, you obediently open your mouth for him. Your tongue slides along the wet satin, only making his glove messier—but he seems not to mind. He merely watches intently as your tongue cleans his fingers, taking in the obscene image of you hungrily lapping your own slick off the expensive fabric.
He lets you ruin his glove thoroughly before finally drawing back, peeling it off.
“I'm not sure that did any good,” he says, frowning. “I’ll probably need to buy a new pair. But”—he pulls away, and you feel him settle between your legs again, his hands spreading them. “I'll still reward you for the effort.”
Aventurine is quick about getting his mouth back on you. His tongue is hot on your skin, expertly teasing your clit. You feel his fingers running along your entrance again, growing sticky with his need. He laughs when you press your hips toward his hand, desperate to be filled.
Then he's pressing his bare fingers into your heat, and your back is arching off the table.
The moan you let out is obscene. It only gets worse when his fingers curl, making the pressure in your belly even heavier. Utterly shameless, you beg for him as he fucks you with his fingers: Aventurine, please, please, I need more, please, I'm so close, I'm so close.
As if taking pity on you, his mouth finds your clit again, his fingers pressing into your sweet spot at the same time. And he doesn't let up, pushing into it even when you think you can't take anymore—tongue swirling against your overstimulated bud, fingers making you gush uncontrollably. You practically sob when you cum, a noise of desperation that echoes in the gambling hall.
His smile looks a little fonder than usual—or maybe just entertained—as he stands again and leans over you. You taste your own release in a messy, open-mouthed kiss, and he strokes your face when he pulls away.
“So good for me,” he praises. “Are you going to let me do more?”
You nod eagerly. “Whatever you like,” you say, all sense of shame gone from your body, “and however you want.”
Aventurine’s mouth curls. “Your husband fucked you from behind, right? Why don't you bend over for me, then? Let's show him how he should have been doing it.”
You see the diamond pupils of Aventurine’s eyes glance off to the side, where, sure enough, your husband is spectating with some of his business partners. You force yourself to turn away before you can smile, hiding your expression from the other men. You’re not meant to derive any real pleasure from any of this, let alone pleasure of the vindictive kind. Your relationship with Aventurine is supposedly nothing but a gambler and his newly won, human plaything. It would be suspicious if you appeared to be anything else.
You slink off the table in a distinctly performative way, and Aventurine plays equally into the show—probably an act as familiar to him as it is to you. He guides you into turning around, your eyes falling on the scattered cards on the tabletop, the casino’s eyes falling on you. His hands waste no time in pulling down your dress and reaching around to knead your breasts, in full view of the rest of the gambling hall. You're only vaguely aware of your audience now, registering the interested, hungry stares, but not really caring. You're too focused on the way that Aventurine is tugging and twisting at your nipples, at how he’s pressed up against your ass, his cock straining through his pants. You grind needily against him, whining.
Aventurine kisses your shoulder. “Poor thing. You've been neglected for so long, haven't you?” His hands retreat, and you hear the sound of a zipper being undone. Then your skirt’s being pushed up and you're being bent over, your dripping pussy fully presented to him. When you feel the press of his cockhead against your entrance, you desperately try to push yourself back onto him. But he doesn't allow you to—only running the tip along your wet folds, still sticky from your release, while he stills you with a gentle touch on your hip.
You make a pathetic, desperate noise. Aventurine chuckles, though there’s now a breathy quality to his voice.
“Be patient,” he chides. “I'll take care of you.”
You know he will. He always takes care of you, in a way that no one else ever has. Even when he gambles your life for some mission, even when he can barely afford you the barest hints of intimacy, even when he displays your body to an audience of slave traders and murderers—he always takes care of you. Even if you are only a knife or a wristwatch or a chip in one of his games, he still treats you like you're worth holding onto.
Aventurine finally moves. Your eyes flutter shut as you feel his cock sliding into you. Usually he needs to be careful after your long missions away from him, knowing you'll be tense. He understands that your body always anticipates being in pain after being touched by other people. But he has you so worked up right now—still dripping from your release, still pliant from his fingers, still eager to please him before the crowd—that your cunt easily swallows his length. The stretch is pure bliss, pleasure unfurling in your body as you're filled up properly for the first time in months. He's just as affected as you, breath shaking as he bottoms out.
“Fuck,” he breathes—laughs. “Nearly forgot how good this feels.” He pauses, his breathing slowing—almost stopping each time you squeeze around him. You turn back, throwing him a pleading glance, and he meets it with an endeared smile. “Eager today, aren't you?” He hums, a hand sliding along your waist. “You really do need to be properly fucked.”
He's stalling. Trying to give you a moment to adjust, but you don't need it. “Yes,” you encourage him. Aching for the press of his cock against your walls, you grind against him, and you hear a strangled groan as you force him to move inside you. “Please, Aventurine—please, please fuck me, I need it so badly—”
He hums, both hands grabbing your hips, his fingers sinking into you. “Well. Since you asked so nicely.”
The first thrust has your eyes going wide, your hands reaching for the card table as you’re forced to bend over. You spread our palms next to the mess of heart cards and shiny tokens, bracing yourself for the way your body’s about to be used. He doesn't give you time to breathe after, each stroke filling you deep and fast. The rest of the gambling hall grows very, very quiet as Aventurine fucks you, and suddenly all you can hear is the appreciative murmur of the crowd, clink of ice cubes in aged whiskey, the noisy flick of lighters as more patrons opt to pause their games and enjoy the show. You hear the shattering of all the stacks beside you, hundreds of thousands of dollars in chips fall over beside you, tokens clinking as they roll across the tabletop. But all of that is soon drowned out by the wet noise of your pussy being fucked open, the squelch of your slick around his cock. You moan each time he bottoms out, eager to be filled.
When you feel his cock press into your sweet spot, your moans quickly turn into cries.
You hear something like a breathy laugh from Aventurine. Your body always reveals itself so easily to him, and you know he enjoys it. He hits that spot again and again, builds an agonizing tension in your body with every thrust of his hips. It has your pussy gushing around him, your thighs growing wet and sticky with your need.
Just when it feels like you can't take anymore, he reaches down and presses his fingers against your throbbing clit. Your knees buckle as he toys with you, chest heaving against the table as he sets a brutal pace. You're—overwhelmed, mind going hazy as you're fucked mercilessly. So far gone, you can hardly register the disgruntled expression of your husband, the hungry gazes of his companions, the way that other players are starting to shift in their seats, palming themselves at the sight of your pussy being split open. There's only the tight coil in your gut, the chips between your fingers as you grab uselessly for something to ground you, the cock that's filling you over and over and over—and oh fuck, you’re going to cum, you're really going to cum after being won in a game, from having your pussy used like a sleeve, from being watched by men who will never own you no matter how many times they trade you, no matter how many times they fuck you, no matter how many times they pass you around, because you'll only ever belong to Aventurine—
Your orgasm crashes through your body, and you sob.
It's a broken, blissed out noise. Your pussy is equally shameless, gushing as you pulse around Aventurine’s cock. You go limp as he fucks you through your orgasm, uncaring about the mess you're making. He only groans as you squirt all over him, hips stuttering as he reaches his own peak—spilling himself inside you, pumping you full. Aventurine’s body slumps over yours as rides out his high, his face pressing into your shoulder. You find the wherewithal to shift yourself, just enough to your lips against the tattoo on his neck. He looks at you for a fleeting moment, the blue ring of his eyes electric on you, before capture your mouth in a desperate, messy kiss.
The two of you stay there for a long moment, panting into each other. Then Aventurine collects himself, remembers how to talk: “Fuck.”
You piece yourself together just as easily. Maybe even faster. Smiling into his mouth, you ask, “Enjoy yourself?”
“Clearly.” Aventurine presses his lips into your neck, lingering only briefly. “Can you walk?”
“I think so.”
Aventurine takes his time with moving, as if basking in the afterglow—or bragging in it. But he does rise, eventually. Pulls out slowly, making you shudder. He helps you to your feet, lets you hold onto him for support. His spend drips down your thighs as you right yourself, messy and hot on your skin. You can feel it sliding down your legs as you walk, braced against Aventurine as he guides you in the long walk toward the elevator. It slips all the way down to your calves, to your expensive heels, even onto the marble floor.
You're fairly certain that it's not an accident when Aventurine flips up your skirt as you pass your ex-husband. At the very least, it isn't a mistake when you stumble in that same moment, bending over and giving him a good look at your well-used pussy, now overfilled with your boyfriend’s cum. You don't stop to look at him, but you know he must be red-faced, displeased—aware that he’s been humiliated. Beaten by a Stoneheart, concubine stolen by Sigonian, one of his favourite possessions claimed by a former slave. You'd laugh if you could.
You can't help but kiss Aventurine while the two of you wait for the elevator, a smile glowing into his lips.
It's absurd, but a staff member approaches the two of you as you indulge in one another. Aventurine pulls away as you’re approached, looking mildly annoyed as he switches on his synesthesia beacon.
“Sir,” the staff says, “you’ve left your other winnings at the table.”
Even in his post-orgasm bliss, Aventurine responds promptly. “I’ll cash it all,” he says. “Send the money to my room. I'm not coming back tomorrow.”
“Very well. And the terms of the… human resource exchange that just happened?”
Aventurine’s jaw clicks. It's quiet, but surprising. You watch him carefully.
“We didn't bet contracts,” he says. “This is a concubine, not a slave. But tell Mister Li I'll buy them anyway. I'll pay whatever price he wants, which I’d wager is the company that he gambled and lost to me. Maybe suggest that to him.”
“Of course,” the staff member replies, bowing. Despite the first-rate service, Aventurine looks like he can't get out of there sooner enough as he guides you into the elevator. You give him a curious look as the door closes.
“You're going to give up a multiplanetary corporation just for this?” you ask.
“Not entirely. The IPC was planning to acquire it anyway. It'll be ours again in a few months.” He stares at your reflections in the mirror, his strange eyes lingering on your dishevelled form. “We’ll put your intel to good use,” he adds, and although Jade or Diamond or any of your real bosses would say this with a smile and reward you with a bonus, Aventurine’s expression is unreadable.
“What's on your mind?” you ask, fingers brushing against his hand. “You’re worried about something.”
Aventurine blinks, and it takes him a moment to recover.
“Nothing. Just hoping we didn't give our relationship away just now.” He cups your face with a hand, guides you into looking at his smile. A deflection. “I might have gotten carried away.”
You lean into his touch, eyes playful: a performance. As if he's some stranger that you're servicing, a captor being entertained; as if you're a plaything about to be used. As if you expect to be treated like the disposable commodity that your husband just gambled away.
“I wouldn't worry,” you reassure him. “I'm sure after the show we put on, it'll be clear to anyone that you're only keeping me around for sex.”
It's very, very subtle, but a muscle in Aventurine's neck twitches. He'd never allow it in a game of cards, never before the IPC, never before the prying eyes of slavers and killers—but he allows it in front of you. He always unwittingly bares himself to you, even as he swallows his discomfort before adopting his usual, vulpine expression. You don't think anyone else would notice what lies beneath the gilded surface of his smile, his liar’s eyes. You don't think anyone else would notice his tells, his vulnerabilities, his quiet fear of loss.
After all, there is no one else in this universe who knows how to trick him into intimacy.
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Winning has always come with a certain emptiness for Aventurine. Gambling is, after all, a zero sum game. He plays a royal flush and people lose their homes. Winner takes all. He survives the fighting pits, his blade dripping red with the lives of other slaves. Winner takes all. He runs from the stench of blood and burning flesh, praying for thunder and rain loud enough to drown the screams of his dying kin. Winner takes all.
He alone survives. He alone enjoys his riches. Ever since the Avgin died, he has always been by himself. There is no amount of coin nor credit that will ever change this.
Here is another unyielding fact that hollows any win: that no matter how many credits he collects, he will always be a chip himself. He will always be a plastic token worth sixty coppers. Gambling is a zero-sum game, and ever since the day he was chained, Aventurine has been the pool of riches divided among winners. He has always been the commodity being traded between hands. He has always been the prize to be cashed out and used. Even now, with all this money and power, it will never be him who comes to collect: it will always be the IPC. Winner takes all.
Such is his fate. Luck is always on his side, but he has always had the losing hand against destiny. No matter how many times he wins, there is nothing that will ever truly belong to him.
But then he met you.
Then he met you, and now his luck does not always feel like such a cruel or empty thing. Now the zero-sum game has meaning. He hedges his bets in the market and buys out a planet, and acquires you along with the shares. Winner takes all. He gambles his life against a nuclear power and comes out on top, and the IPC allows him to keep you by his side. Winner takes all. He plays a royal flush and wins at a table of slave traders, and he gets to fuck you until you can't think of any cock but his own. Winner takes all.
Gambling is a zero-sum game, and when you're the reward, Aventurine wouldn't have it any other way. He’ll never share you with anyone. He'll never sell you to anyone.
He’ll never lose you to anyone.
Sometimes it surprises him, this attachment he feels to you. He doesn't quite understand it, but he thinks it mostly just has to do with how good it feels to fuck you. Much like gambling, Aventurine has never enjoyed sex until you came along. Sex for him has always felt like a humiliation, like being gutted open as a captive animal, like being won and passed around in the grand hall of some gaudy casino.
Which is, in fact, another thing he never thought he'd enjoy: having sex in the Venetian Zhijin before an audience of revolting men. He'd resented having to do it as a slave, but he’d enjoyed doing it with you as a Stoneheart. He'd even do it again if he could—take you over and over again on that card table, fill you up with his cum. Spread your cunt in front of everyone, so they could see for themselves that you were now his. Winner takes all.
Winning doesn't feel empty when you're his reward. Sex doesn't either. Because Aventurine isn't a chip or an animal or a commodity when he fucks you—he's a player. Someone with a seat at the table, as just as wealthy and powerful as the slave traders around him. Someone who’s allowed to own something—really own something.
Really allowed to own you.
Aventurine owns you. When he fucks you, he is a player at the table, and you are the prize he gets to keep. And no matter how you feel about him and how you act toward him—this is all the two of you will ever be. He knows this. He knows that you know it too.
So sometimes he can't fathom it, the way he treats you in bed. The way he always kisses your commodity code when he sees it, the way he allows you to kiss his own. The way he always thinks about pleasuring you until you're drunk on his cock, so addicted to him that you’ll never want to be touched by anyone else. The way he always likes how your body feels when it's being shaped by his hands. How different it feels from being forced to touch other people.
How badly you make him want something that he's always hated.
And this is what he understands least of all: how he doesn't like to hear you say aloud the true nature of your relationship. How he doesn't like it when you accept this reality and say, you're only keeping me around for sex.
It hollows him out when he hears it. A bitter feeling swells in his throat, and he forces himself to swallow.
Aventurine keeps his face neutral as he enters the suite with you. As soon as the door is shut, you pull him close—close enough for him to see the blurred lines of your lipstick, smudged from his mouth; close enough to see the white diamond necklace on your neck, a collar for a concubine; close enough to see the finger-shaped discolorations on your throat, poorly hidden by your foundation.
Close enough to see all the things done to your body by others—all the things you didn't choose for yourself.
“How do you want to have me next?” Your fingertip traces his lips. “On the bed? In the shower?” Your eyes are playful. “Maybe against the window?”
Aventurine’s hand cups your cheek, gold rings pressed against your skin. His hold is delicate, more careful than with anything else he's ever handled—any of his watches, his furs, his jewellery. Even more than with the aventurine stone.
“I want to kiss you,” he says.
You blink.
“Kiss me?” Your brow ticks up, but then your face lights up in supposed understanding. “Okay. You can kiss me. And then?”
“And then I'll keep kissing you.”
You tilt your head, not understanding. “Really?”
“What? Is that off-limits now?” He leans in, expression playful. “Don't tell me I've got to go back downstairs and win back permission to kiss you from your husband.”
Before you can say anything else—ask anything else, perceive anything else—he presses his mouth to yours. Your eyes widen for only a moment before falling shut, your arms wrapping around his neck. Your lips part for him, and he delights in the noise you make as he deepens the kiss.
He did lie, in a way. The two of you do end up fucking again—this time in bed, your mouth gasping into his as you fall apart for him, wet and needy around his cock. You're so warm around him, so pliable beneath him, so desperate when possessed by him. He knows that he could keep going, that he could do anything to you, that you'd be eager to let him use you however he wants.
But all he does afterward is kiss you.
This is yet another act that he never thought he'd enjoy. Kissing has always felt like a chore or a power play or a manipulation. It has always come with a certain emptiness—just like gambling, just like sex. And then he met you, and now it no longer feels so hollow. Because when he wins bets for the IPC, he feels like a poker chip in one of their games, but when he’s fucking you, he feels like a player at the table. And sometimes, when he kisses you—when he holds you close, when you come down from your high and press your face into the crook of his neck and in the vulnerable haze of your bliss, tell him, I missed you—
—he finally feels like a human being.
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end notes: christ alive I have never written anything so horny glddjsksjs. I apologize for both my mid smut writing and deranged characterization 💔
initially this was supposed to be brainless pwp about aventurine eating you out on a poker table but I kept asking myself “why the hell did aventurine gamble for human beings and why are these two insane enough to be fucking in a casino tho lol”, and thus a coherent narrative was born from my shameless lust for this guy! but please also don't take the story too seriously because this is a dumb smut piece first and foremost and I mostly wrote it with my clit 😔✌️
that being said, if you are curious about the subject matter that I covered – here's an afterword expanding on my intentions with the themes.
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rui-drawsbox · 4 months
remembering the most memorable mc's (with canon appearences) from the otomes i played
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all of them are phone games btw. and looong rambling about the games after the cut!
Mystic messenger has been in my radar since i was in elementary school but i played it for the first time after the spanish traslation came out (2017 i think?) Seven shaped my type in such a specific way that im not really sure why loved him so much (it was the whole "he loves you in every route" stuff). I like a lot the default mc, most of the fandom did and that was enough to won me over
Rosa is top tier protagonist tbh, Tears of Themis has really good story and characters (as far i played, not a lot but i enjoyed it) The reason i'm not that much of a fan is bc the game is expensive asf and not very free to play friendly. You're either lucky or have a big wallet with the gacha
i miss my wife man(Marius)
Ephemeral has to be one of the best free to play otomes i've played tbh (if my memories aren't tricking me, it's been years) Good artwork, good storyline, good characters and as far i remember you can unlock one chapter of the character route per day (mabye two days, idk) and the mc's background has an important role in every route (she's a zombie! she's pretty now but eventually will fall apart, aaaaand her story gets expanded in one of the routes!) ((shes also adorable)) There's also a sequel, if you wanted more of the boys! never finished it but i'd recommend it
Honorable mentions! Huellitas Mágicas is a great game! has a really good cast with well fleshed arcs for all the characters, even the scondary ones! The game shines more for the development of *all* the characters rather than just the protagonist/ml. The main theme is overcoming insecurities! Each love interest has a different way of helping our (very insecure) protagonist and helping different characters with their own struggles :DD
10/10 i recommend this game if you want something cute and can be finished in a few hours, if i remember right. It also has a sequel! with like- 12 new love interests, also never finished it bc i didnt found a guide that worked for me but ñek
A3! is my canon event as a gacha player. Discovered the english/global server, tried it and got bored, left it for a few months, tried it again and fell in love, noticed the game was going to shut down bc low sales -HAHA :(-. This is not a otome btw, this is here bc Izumi has to be one of my favorite protagonists in gacha games ever
last but not least! Obey me! Shall we date? oh dear, what have they done to you :(. The original had intense powercreep to force you to pull cards -multiple times bc that makes them stronger- and even now, the company showed a lot of favoritism to some characters, leaving others to dust bc they don't make the same money. Not to say, they released a new game with the same cast and new main story (ignoring all what happend before). And let me say: THEY LITERALLY WANTED TO KILL THE ORIGINAL GAME.
Nightbringer might be a decent game but i don't trust the devs anymore, i still remember what happend with Asmo's birthday right after the release, and honestly i don't want to sit there watching how they disrespect my favorite characters again and again and again. Loved the characters hated the devs. 5/10 you can play it if you want but i don't recommend spending money on it, it's not worth it, just search #obey me here in tumblr and enjoy the amazing fanworks that i can assure you have a lot more love than the game itself
i miss my wife man (mammon and levi)
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ageingfangirl2 · 2 months
Imagine Being Bonten's Receptionist (Bonten x F Reader) - Tokyo Revengers
Bonten is Tokyo's most notorious crime syndicate but has an office like any respectable business. even if it was a front. Each member had an office, there were a couple of meeting rooms, and they even had other staff who like you were sworn to secrecy or face deadly consequences. The pay was better than any other place you'd interviewed at, and the hours were reasonable, but you were expected to be flexible if needed to come in early or stay later.
The reception area had a few sofas and tables, and your counter was the first thing you saw when you got off the lift. You couldn't actually enter the offices behind you unless you had a key card or you buzzed them in. It would be quite lonely out here on your own or so you thought.
Hajime Kokonoi had hired you, he said it was because you looked trustworthy, and of course, you made a joke that he'd probably had your background checked. He told you to your face he had and you were the most worthy applicant. When you pushed for more he sealed his lips. On your first day, he put a very nice vase of flowers on the reception counter stating it gave the place more life, but it was a bouquet of your favourite flowers. So you thanked him and he said it was nothing, even though a couple of flowers had to be imported. You heard he was stingy with money.
You were typing away when Takeomi Akashi walked out of the offices with an unlit cigarette between his lips not noticing your presence, because he was busy cussing the lighter that wasn't working. 'Excuse me, let me help you,' you call out, grab the lighter from your bag and walk over to him. 'Who are you?' he asks confused, and you explain as you light the cigarette. 'Thank you, you smoke?' he enquires and you shake your head, and explain your friends do and on nights out you'd rather them come to you than a stranger. 'Smart girl, never smoke.' Takeomi now knew who to come to when his lighter wouldn't work.
Kakucho walks out of the lift on his phone, 'good morning,' you say politely. The poor man jumps out of his skin and nearly drops his phone on the marble floor. You apologise profusely for scaring him and his face gets a little redder the more you talk to him. It's not lost on you that he's not so subtly checking you out, in fact, you find it kind of cute when he should be intimidating. 'Nice to meet you, err I have to go,' he stutters and makes a quick escape into the offices. At the end of the day, he introduces himself properly, telling you if you need anything you can call him. It had been a while since a guy had given you his number.
Word spread by lunchtime about the new hire and that's when you met the Haitani brothers Ran and Rindou. Hajime had warned you to be on your guard, you were innocent and the brothers would try to taint you. 'hello beautiful, I have a reason to come into the office more now,' Ran croons, leaning over the counter staring at you with lustful eyes. You sit up straight, 'it's nice to meet you, but nothing's going to happen.' Ran looks hurt while his brother laughs, 'Maybe you're not as much of a charmer as you think brother. Call me Rindou.' and you're shocked when he takes your hand and kisses it. You would almost believe he was a gentleman if he didn't have the same lustful eyes as his brother. You smile and remove your hand from his, 'I don't know what game you two are playing but it won't be easy. I've been warned.' the brothers exchange a look and huff, 'Koko,' they say in unison. You nod and go back to your computer. Little did you know that your rejection ignited a challenge between the brothers to see who could win you over first.
After the Haitani brothers, you thought you'd be left alone but there were a couple of cocky male employees who thought they could flash expensive suits and watches while being drenched in overpowering cologne. Unlike the brothers these two immediately violated your personal space making you feel uncomfortable, 'can you leave me alone please?' you ask, 'get away from me,' you insist. One of the men goes to grab your arm 'Know your place bitch--' when he's grabbed himself and thrown backwards. Kanji Mochizuki stands guard in front of you, 'the lady said no, just wait until the boss here's about this.' Then men scurry off scared by the threat. He turns to face you with a warm smile, 'Sorry about that, they won't cause you any more problems. Give me a shout if anyone else makes you feel uncomfortable.' you weren't quite sure what to make of him, but you just got your second number of the day.
Hajime or Koko as he told you to call him asked you to stay late to accept a parcel for another member. This is where you met Bonten's no.2 Haruchiyo Sanzu and the leader Manjiro Sano. You were taken aback seeing Sanzu covered in blood while Mikey didn't seem to have a single scratch on him, both looked equally intimidating and you didn't want to get on either of their bad sides. You gulp and look down at the parcel you'd not long signed for seeing it was addressed to Sanzu, 'good evening I have a parcel for Haruchiyo Sanzu.' both men stare at you, Sanzu looks manic while Mikey looks bored. 'Thank you, lovely lady, pink looks good on you,' Sanzu chuckles and takes the parcel before skipping into the office. You brush imaginary creases off your light pink blouse, 'well I guess I'll be going then, have a good night sir,' you pick up your bag, turn off the monitor and stand up noticing Mikey hadn't moved his eyes from you, 'are you okay sir?' you ask. He blinks a couple of times, 'Yes, get home safe,' you nod and press the lift button, feeling a little uneasy having Mikey continue to stare at you.
When you returned to your apartment you threw yourself on the bed thinking about your interesting first day of work, and all the Bonten members you'd interacted with. This was going to be an interesting job.
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sinnersweets · 4 months
DogDay x Reader part 2
A/N: Highly requested so here you guys go! Enjoy!
<----part 1 part 3---->
DogDay led me outside of the Playhouse and back outside into Playcare. A few feet in front of us was a chicken. A tall yellow chicken. Ah, that must have been KickinChicken. “Hiya KC!” DogDay was still holding my hand but with his other he waved extremely fast to KickinChicken. “Sup DD! Hey, finally got yourself a helper now huh? ‘Bout time dude.” KickinChicken then handed off the kids too, I’m assuming his helper. His helper also matched him as well. Guess that was the uniform for us working with these...tall animal mascots.  
Kickinchicken walked up to me and DogDay. “Names Kickinchicken, the cool member of the Smiling Critters.” DogDay laughed when he said that. “Go on Angel, introduce yourself.” I wasn’t used to seeing animals so tall, it scared me a little. I held out my free hand to KickenChicken and summoned some courage to talk.  
“Hello, I’m Y/N or Angel, doesn’t really matter what you call me. Nice to meet you.” KickenChicken then slapped my hand with his and started to make a handshake with me. I mirrored his movements to understand this new handshake I was given. “Haha, she’s pretty cool DD, you got yourself a rad helper.” He then looked at me up and down. “Not bad looking either.” KickenChicken smiled at me. I was going to comment on that, but DogDay beat me too it. “Look at the time! You better hurry along to your group now KC, don’t want our little friends upset now do we?” “Right, well nice meeting ya Y/N, we’ll chat later.” he spoke as he walked back to his group and helper. DogDay squeezed my hand a bit before leading us to the center of Playcare. “On with the tour!” 
DogDay first showed me the statue in the center. It was all the Smiling Critters. There were eight of them in total: DogDay the leader, Bobby Bearhug the loving one, KickenChicken was the cool one, Hoppy Hopscotch the energetic one, CraftyCorn was the artist in the group, Bubba Bubbaphant the smart one, PickyPiggy the foodie, and lastly there was CatNap, DogDays bestest friend. He supposably makes sure that everyone else gets a good night's rest every day to ensure that they are ready for the next day.  
Next, we went into the Toy Store. DogDay was tall, so he had to walk on all fours. “This is where the children can come and buy some sweet toys of yours truly, and the others!” I smiled and looked around. Sure enough there were plushies of DogDay and the rest of the group. There were also some other toys like a blue limp doll, a dinosaur that matched the lamps outside, what looked like a cat and a bee mixed, and other toys. I picked up a smaller version of DogDay and looked at it. “You said the kids buy these?” “Uh-huh! We give them play money to use around here, that way when they get adopted, they’ll know about the real world and how to manage their expenses.” That was smart of them. I set the plushie back down and followed DogDay outside. 
We then looked at the consoler's office and school. DogDay told me that the consolers office was where the staff would put their belongings in and where parents would go to adopt a child. Only DogDay was allowed in the consoler's office, none of the other Smiling Critters could go in there. I’m not sure why but I didn’t question it. “The school is where the children spend most of their time. I’d take you inside so you could meet Miss Delight and her sisters, but I wouldn’t want to interrupt her teachings.” “That’s okay, I’m sure I’ll get to meet them one day.”  
It was now naptime for the children which meant that the Smiling Critters could step away and hang out all together and just relax. I was in the consolers office to check out my assigned office. Each helper had their own office to get away to when needed. Outside my door was a card that had ‘Welcome’ on the front. I picked it up and walked into my new office. I took a look around, nice office, however what stuck out to me was the big dog bed in the corner.  
I was about to walk over to it until I heard a knock at the door. I set down the card and opened the door, but no one was there. Suddenly DogDays head popped out from the side. “Hiya Angel!” “Ah-” I fell back in shock. As I laid on the floor DogDay hovered over me with a worried expression, his sun pendant laid against my chest. “Angel?! Oh gosh I’m so sorry! Are you okay??!” I did a double-blink and then slowly sat up. “Yeah, I’m fine, I just wasn’t expecting that at all.” DogDay then held out a paw towards me to help me to my feet. I took his paw into my hand and once my hand met his paw his tail started to wag. He pulled me up to my feet and got close to me.   I wasn't used to being this close to anyone, let alone a giant dog so I started to blush. This caught DogDays attention. “Angel your face is really red, are you sick?” I was starting to feel bad, not physically but mentally. I didn’t want him to be worried about me. “I-I’m fine! Really DogDay. So, um what brings you by?” I wanted to change the subject as fast as possible. DogDay then smiled and leaned away from me. “I wanted to see if you liked the card we made!” I went to my desk, picked up the card and opened it. ‘Welcome newest helper, we hope that this job brings you happiness and joy as we do to our children here. We look forward to working with you, signed everyone.’ I did like the letter. 
Me and DogDay started chatting for a while until out of nowhere, I yawned. “Oh my, sorry about that.” Guess I was starting to get a bit tired. “That’s okay Angel. There’s thirty minutes left of nap time; you should rest up!” A power nap did sound good. I nodded and told DogDay that he should go back to his friends, but he shook his head no and picked me up and walked over to the dog bed in the corner. Should’ve known it was his.  
“I’d rather spend my free time with you Angel, plus as your boss you have no say.” He stuck his tongue out and booped my nose with his paw. My face got warm again. He then laid down on his bed and laid me in between his front paws. “You can rest with me Angel; I’ve been told that I’m a very fluffy pillow.” He was very soft and the smell of vanilla on him was almost like a drug to put you to sleep, and it was working. I yawned once more and closed my eyes. DogDays head rested near me. “Rest well my Angel.” was the last thing I heard before drifting off to sleep.  
A/N: Thank you for reading!
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hiorisgf · 1 year
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↪the different ways the boys don't let you pay.
↪What's on your mind?: Actually I myself don't know where I'm going with this too. Heh.
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Boyfriends who, whenever you're about to pay for something using your own card—he's always there to slap your hand away and give the cashier his instead. Where did you get the idea that he'd let you pay for even a single one of your outings? Well either way, you ought to wipe that thought away because he'll make sure you won't even get the chance to hold your wallet since e this man's already paid for everything. Bastard is unecessarily agressive in the way he refuses to let you pay like bae, why does he have to look at you like you just said the most offensive thing to him in his entire career of living when all you just said is 'let me pay'😭😭
Itoshi Rin, Itoshi Sae, Chigiri Hyoma, Barou Shouei, Kurona Ranze
Loverboys that Immediately gets the wrong idea. Baby thinks he's done something wrong when you offer to split the bill. Like sir. What😃. WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK THAT. You have to assure him that he hasn't done anything wrong and that you just want to lessen his expenses because the dates have got to be expensive. Especially with how fancy the places he takes you to are 😭 But after you assure him that he's fine, that you aren't mad at him and all that, and he finally understands what you mean—this cute little bastard dares to go and give you the sweetest smile humanity would ever witness and lovingly tell you, "No."
Isagi Yoichi, Mikage Reo, Niko Ikki
Beloved little shits that would never miss the chance to take your wallet and hide it from you if ever an opportunity presented itself. He does it so that when you'd take your wallet to pay for the meal—only to realize that you've lost it, you'd have no choice but to rely on him to pay for it instead. Too busy wallowing yourself in embarrassment and the feeling of guilt, you fail to notice the small smirk that appears on his everloving face as he inwardly celebrates the success of his plans. HAH. YOU REALLY THOUGHT. Ehem. Now, dearest—just take a seat back and relax as he spoils the way you deserve to be pampered <3 (Also if you're worried about your wallet then he'd return it after the date's finished with that shit eating grin of his you'd like to punch)
Michael Kaiser, Alexis Ness, Bachira Meguru, Oliver Aiku
Pretty, loveable liars who'd gladly allow you to pay for the next meal with a smile on his fave. He chuckles and lovingly looks at you as you adorably pump your fists up in the air. Money in hand, you head to the cashier to pay for the two of you when suddenly the cashier decided to be a not so nice person when they reveal with a smile that the gentleman behind you,(which also happened to be your lover) had already paid for yours and his meal. You look at him, utterly and pitifully betrayed. Your lips turn into a pout as you look at him with watery eyes. And for a moment, they actually feel guilty about not letting you pay for this time.
Hiori Yo, Yukimiya Kenyu, Kunigami Rensuke
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coolyiooo · 6 months
What BSD Men Do For Your Birthday
Pairings: Dazai, Ranpo, Fyodor, Atsushi, Chuuya, and Sigma
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❗WARNINGS❗: SMUT, MDNI, blowjobs, breeding kink, hand job, hickeys, whimpering, moaning, masterbating, etc
❗Disclaimer❗Even if your bday is really cold or hot, it doesn't matter because you got really lucky on ur bday. Use your imagination for the plot 🏃
You were calmly sleeping in your warm, comfy bed when suddenly you felt a pair of lips on your own. You opened your tired eyes and see Dazai with a huge smile. When he notices your awake he squeezes you into a hug and attacks your with kisses
"Happy birthday, my Belladonna!"
You softly smile as he still covers your face with kisses "Thank you, 'Samu" you grabbed his chin to keep him still and kiss his lips
"I got something for you" he says after the kiss
You smirk as you tilt your head slightly "did you now? With what money?"
He puts a finger to your lips "Shhhh that's not important! It's not like I used Kunikida's card" he waves a hand in denial
"Uh- 'Samu-!"
He shut you up by shoving a small velvet box in your face "Oh, here's your gift!"
You rolled your eyes until you noticed it was from a jewelry store. You opened it and saw it was something you've been wanting for awhile. You thanked him and hugged him, delighted with your expensive gift. You liked that he remembered you talking about it and how much you wanted it.
For the rest of the day you two have just been walking around the city and going out to eat at restaurants, nothing too expensive. He was just spoiling you as much as he could, but he had a special surprise for you in the night.
When the moon was up, Dazai took you to the woods. You were stunned when he told you this, but he told you to trust him and of course you do so you followed him. It was dark and kind of scary, trying your best to see and not trip on the roots of the trees
" 'Samu, can you slow down please?" You pleaded
"Hm? Oh, where are my manners?" He chuckles before he suddenly picks you up bridal style and making you gasp. He laughs to your cute reaction and keeps going towards the woods.You felt more protected being in his warm embrace and honestly you could take a nap like this.
After awhile, you start to finally see the moon light off on the distant "almost there, Bella" Dazai tells you
A couple more steps and you found yourself in a flower field with a small little creek, not only that, but also the whole view of the city. You were in awe, too stunned to speak. There were all kinds of flowers and moths around the field. The creek made a relaxing sound. The moon light was a perfect match to the city lights.
Dazai smiles as he puts you down and hugs you from behind, putting his chin on your shoulder "beautiful isn't it?"
You nod your head, still in awe of the view "of course no view beats your beauty, but I thought you'd like it" Dazai says
You turn around to face him and give him a loving smile "I didn't expect this from you not gonna lie" you say while wrapping your arms around him.
He wraps his arounds around your waist "Darling, I'm the most romantic person alive" he responds in an exaggerated tone
"Right" you respond back sarcastically
He was about to say something, but you kissed his lips to shut him up. It was a gentle and loving kiss. After the kiss he sits down and sits your on his lap. You both talked for a long time just about random things and enjoying the others company. You both laughed and smiled while enjoying the view, well the only view he enjoyed was you smiling and laughing because of him
When it was time, you both walked back to your shared apartment. While you were taking your shoes off he immediately picks you up bridal style, it startled you at first but you then giggle
"I haven't given you my special treat~" he gives your a devious smirk
After a couple minutes, You back was against the wall as your arms and legs were wrapped around his body. His hands were busy carrying you as he thrusted into you. You were both moaning from the pleasure "God, you feel amazing~ ngh~! just sit there while I take care of you, okay?" Dazai grunted in your ear
He was hitting all the right places. He was so deep inside you that it was hard to speak "I-it feels really good~ ah~ faster 'Samu, please~" you moaned while pulling on his hair gently
He smirks "Hah~ As you wish, bella~" His pace was immediately faster just as you wanted. Your nails clawed his back which turned him on. You both moaned louder as you felt your orgasms near. He decided to kiss your lips which you obviously kissed back
He pulled away from your lips "Where do you want it, bella~?" He pants
"I-inside~!" You responded almost in a begging tone
He leaned in for another kiss. All you heard was muffled moans and his hips slapping against your thighs. His breathing became for rapid as he felt his release. With one last thrust he came inside you, making you cum with him. You felt the other twitch and breath heavily. he finally pulled away from your lips as he pulled himself out. His cum dripping out of you and onto the floor
"So perfect~ maybe it's my birthday and not yours" he teased while smirking at you
You decided to ignore his snarky comment and just hug him "Thank you, Osamu"
He was surprised at first, but then he smiles warmly while kissing your head, hugging you back "May you have many more birthday's, my belladonna "
You just woke up without Ranpo next to you. You just thought he was in the kitchen eating, so you decided to go say good morning to him, but before you could even get out of bed, Ranpo burst through the door, giving you a heart attack
"Happy birthday, sugar!" He came towards you to hug and kiss you, ignoring your surprised face "I have so many plans for today!"
You chuckled "really?"
He nods his head up and down vigorously. He then grabs your hands to force you out of bed "now, get up so we can go!"
You were dazed, but after getting ready and driving to the places he told you to go, you finally realized why he was excited to get out of your shared apartment. He took you to a very big and popular bakery "YAY! we made it!" He yelled after he saw the logo
To be honest you weren't even that mad, or surprised, because you've been wanting to try some of the desserts from this place for awhile.When you walked in, it was like Willy Wonka, but fancy. Pastries were everywhere and they all looked delectable.
"Your lucky it's your birthday, sugar. I'll pay for half"
You scoffed with a smile as you rolled your eyes. Of course he'll only pay for half. You both got whatever you wanted. He might as well bought half the store. And to top it off you got a cake of your favorite flavor and went back to eat in the comfort of your shared apartment
You both just ate together while watching a movie or show. When he brought out the cake with a candle on top. You saw he used his finger to lick some of the frosting off the side of the cake. You ignored it while he sang happy birthday to you in a fast pace with a big smile. When he finished the song, he took a bite out of the cake
"hey!" You took the cake out of his hands and began to tackle Ranpo. He only had a smile on his face with frosting on his lips, his laughter being muffled. "I was making sure it hasn't gone bad or poisoned!" he said while being tackled
You began to laugh "your just making up excuses!" He then pecks your lips, leaving frosting on them "taste it! It tastes amazing"
You got off him as you tasted the frosting. It was the right amount of sweet and perfect taste of your favorite flavor of frosting. " It is good" you said in awe. He just smiled at you.
He put a finger to your lips and said "But before we eat the cake-"
"Too late-"
"I got something for you!" He said to cut off your sentence.He went to a closet to get the gift. When you saw the, shockingly, perfectly wrapped present you got excited. You opened it and it was something you've been wanting for so long. He is the world's greatest detective, so of course if anybody was going to give you the best gift, it's gonna be your boyfriend. You had the biggest smile on your face as you hugged him. You thanked him and gave him a kiss.
You both ate the cake together while watching the movie, sometimes talking to each other over the movie because of Ranpo's random commentary.You also ordered some food to eat after the desserts. After the food was finished,
Ranpo spoke "that was so good..but I'm still hungry"
"We have plenty of food, Ranpo" you responded.
You were surprised that he was still hungry after eating so much "I'm only hungry for you, silly" he got closer to your face with a smirk
You knew what he meant and blushed "consider it a birthday gift!" He said
You rolled your eyes again. You know he loves eating you out so it's not like anything really special "Righttt, well I wouldn't mind " you smiled
He immediately got in between your legs and began to pull down your pants. He sighs in satisfaction as he kisses your thighs "so soft.." he mumbles against your skin
He put your thighs on his shoulders to get better access to your cunt. You started to get turned on by the sight. Ranpo finally began to lick your pussy, immediately whimpering against your clit and sending vibrations. You legs already began to quiver from the pleasure
"so sweet~" he whimpers
His pace became vulgar and impatient. His tongue moving fast and skillfully to get more of a taste from you. His tongue went to your clit to suck on it gently and flick it. You pulled on his hair gently which only made his moans louder. You moaned from the amazing sensation only turning him on even more. His grip on your thighs became tighter and so did his pants. While eating you out, he louder his pants to stroke his hard cock. He moaned even louder
His whimpers and the state he was in turned you on so much. You felt your release "R-Ranpo~ ah~ I'm gonna~"
His tongue only went faster. He needed you to cum on his tongue. His hand stroked himself faster and his whimpers became louder. Your moans were also loud but the pleasure was too much to handle. You moaned his name before cumming on him. He was so turned on that he came with you too. He moaned loudly against your clit only adding more pleasure to you.
You both panted heavily and twitched. He pulled away from your cunt as he looked at you smiling "tasty as always~" he teases "What do you say if we take this to the bedroom? It is your birthday after all, sugar"
You didn't wake up to Fyodor next to you. You walked around your shared house to look for him, but couldn't find him. You just decided to make breakfast for yourself when suddenly you felt a kiss on you cheek
"happy birthday, lyubov" his tone was calm as he gave you a small smile
You turned around to give him a hug and kiss him on the lips with a huge smile "thank you, Fedya"
Lucky for you, he cleared his schedule for today just for you. He took you to any store you wanted and got you whatever you wanted. He even dressed in something different which was a white button up shirt and black pants, mostly to not be recognized by the public.
It didn't matter if it was expensive or a priceless, whatever you wanted he got it for you. You both just enjoyed eachothers company for the whole day. Finally for dinner he took you to one of the most fanciest restaurants you have ever been to.
It was extremely exquisite. The ceiling was detailed and painted like a Renaissance painting. Chandeliers so expensive that you'd have to sell your heart to get and it still wouldn't be enough. A fountain was in the middle of the restaurant and even fake cherry blossoms were set out as decorations around the area. The walls were outlined by painted gold. It was definitely something But of course no view could beat seeing your boyfriend in a suit.
He wore a black tux with black pants. He wore a grey button up shirt and put a black vest over it and to top it off with a black tie. Why doesn't he ever dress this good normally? Because the world wouldn't be ready for it.And of course you were wearing a beautiful dress of your favorite color. You hair and makeup done. Freshly painted nails. And new jewelry you just got earlier that day.
You both looked more than just a million bucks When you both got to the place, you wrapped your hands around his shoulder and smiled at him "The greatest gift is finally seeing you in a tux"
He tilts his head slightly "You don't like how I dress? You wound me" he put a hand over his chest in a slightly dramatic way
You rolled your eyes "I mean you've been wearing the same thing since I met you how could i-"
"Excuse me, We have a reservation" you sentence was cut off when Fyodor went to the front to get a table for you two.
You scoffed as Fyodor chuckles at you teasingly. A waiter led you two to a table for two. It was literally a candle light dinner. Even though the food and wine was expensive it was extremely delicious. You both just talked the whole night and making the other smile, just happy to be in the others presence and happy to be with your boyfriend, especially since he usually is always busy but made time for you today.
Lastly he got you desert and paid for everything in the end.You both got home and just started taking off your shoes. He kisses your hand "I hope you enjoyed yourself, my love"
You smiled while blushing "Of course I did, this is better than I could've ever asked for, but there is one more thing I want"
He hums out in curiosity as you smirk. You take his hand and sat him on the couch to straddle him. You both smiled at eachother as you begin to kiss his neck, slowly unbuttoning his clothes.
"Shouldn't I be the one taking care of you on your special day?" He asks
"But shouldn't I do whatever I want since it's my birthday?" You asked while taking his tie off
He looked at you for a few seconds before smirking, he was quite intrigued "Do as you wish, lyubov"
In a couple minutes, your clothes and his were on the ground. You were jumping on Fyodor's cock. His hands were on your hips and yours were on his shoulders. You both moaned from pleasure. His neck was covered in hickeys and his shoulders had red scratch marks. It honestly turned him on that you were marking him as yours.
"How does it feel, Fedya~?" You moaned
"Mmn~ not bad at all~" he smiles slightly while his head falls back
You smirk "You look so cute like this, Fedya~ ah~" you begin to kiss his neck again
"I can say the same about you ngh~" he liked seeing your hips move desperately just the ride him
"Mmn~ Just sit there and take it, love~" you kiss his cheek
"Don't get too confident, Myshka" he smirks
Your pace became faster and rougher. He let out a muffled grunt as he grips your hips. He felt his release approach the more he felt his cock being rubbed by your wet, tight cunt You clenched a fist around his hair to turn him on more
"Your moans are so beautiful, Fyodor~ Your twitching so much~!"
He couldn't even respond. He was too focused on the pleasure to think of a response. Feeling how much he throbbed inside you and becoming slightly bigger, you knew he was about to cum"Ah~! Cum as much as you want inside, Fyodor~ I love it when you do~"
After those words, he slammed your hips onto his to shoot his cum inside you. He grunted as he came and you moaned loudly while cumming with him. Both of you were in ecstacy from the orgasm and trying to catch your breaths.
While panting, you hugged Fyodor "Thank you for the best gift, Fedya~" you kissed his lips
He chuckled softly "Happy birthday, moya lyubov"
You woke up and immediately smelled something amazing. You were about to get up to find out what the smell was until Atsushi came in with breakfast on a small table
He looked at you slightly with wide eyes at first, he thought you were still asleep, but he immediately gave you a bright smile "Happy birthday, y/n! I've made breakfast for you"
You smiled widely as he brought the breakfast to you on bed. The food was on a small breakfast table to eat while in bed. He made you your favorite breakfast food "thank you so much, love" you wrapped your arms around his neck to bring him closer to you to kiss him.
"Of course! It's your day after all, so it's no problem" he smiles at you
He asked you if you'd like to have a picnic with him later in the day. You thought it was a cute idea so you agreed. After you finished eating, you both walked around stores. He got you a couple of things you wanted, nothing too expensive because he doesn't have that much money, but he splurged a bit just for you.
After a bit of shopping you eventually got hungry again and he took you to the place to have the picnic at. It was a very beautiful park. The park has a pond where koi fish were. The grass was green and bright. The day wasn't too hot or too cold, it was just perfect. The trees were big and beautiful, so you decided to have you picnic next to a tree and the pond. He brought you your favorite food, drink, and dessert for the picnic.
Lastly, he got you a small cake for your birthday and got you some candles to make a wish. You both ate while talking for a long time and feeding the koi fish. Everything he said always brought a smile to your face and you'd always manage to make him laugh and his heart swoon.
After eating at the picnic, You both decided to go to the ferris wheel. You both went during the sunset to get a beautiful view of the city when on the top of the wheel. You both held hands the whole time while admiring the city and enjoying the ride. He kissed your cheek when you got to the top of the wheel, but you kissed his lips. The rest of the time on the ride you talked while watching the view.
When the ride was over, it was basically dark outside. He knew it might've been late, but he got you a small bouquet of flowers for you. He just wants you to have an amazing birthday. You kissed him and smiled from the small, but thoughtful gift
You both walked home to your shared apartment. When you got back, you both just watched your favorite movie together while cuddling on the couch. While watching the movie you wanted to thank Atsushi for everything he's done for you today
"Thank you so much for today, love. It's a birthday I'll cherish forever" you said while looking at him with happiness
He looked at you while blushing "of course, y/n. You don't even have a to thank me. I just wanted to make sure you feel loved today"
You smile even more "well I appreciate everything you do and I do feel very loved"
He felt his heart beat fast. Hes happy that he's being appreciated and that he's made you happy. He blushed even more. You thought that after everything he has done for you today that you should return the favor.
You kissed his cheek "let me thank you in a special way~"
you began to kiss his neck to let him know what you meant. If it was even possible he blushed even more "i- you don't have to if you don't want to, love" he stammered
"I would love to if your ok with it of course"
"O-of course I wouldn't mind if it's you" he was slightly embarrassed
You both looked into eachothers eyes and slowly leaned into each other's lips. The kiss was slow and passionate. Your hand slowly palmed his clothed cock which made him moan softly into the kiss.Your hand went into his pants to stroke his bare dick. He gasps quietly from the sudden sensation.
"S-shouldn't I be the one treating you?" He stutters
"There's nothing more I love than me pleasuring you so I don't mind~" you kissed him again
Your hand began to unzip his pants to free his hard cock. You kissed his neck while starting to get on your knees and in between his legs. He was flustered, but of course he wasn't complaining. He always loved how your mouth feels. If this it was what you want to do then he'll let you do whatever you want.
You kissed the tip of his cock and began to lick it. He was already throbbing and whimpering quietly. You then suddenly invited his cock into you warm, wet mouth. He moaned while gripping onto the couch cushions. You sucked his dick at a good pace
His legs twitched from the amazing pleasure. You really did know all his weak spots. You moaned quietly against his wet dick, sending vibrations to his throbbing cock."It feels so- ngh~! Good~" he whimpers while his head fell back
Your pace became faster and he was getting close to his orgasm. He moaned louder. His cock throbbed against your tongue. His moans turned you on so much you started to get wet.
"I-im- oh god~ I'm cumming~" he moans while thrusting his hips slightly into your mouth
A couple more seconds of sucking his dick with your tongue wrapped around him, He came into your mouth with a satisfied, loud whimper. His cock throbbed aggressively in your mouth as he filled more of your mouth with his cum
You swallowed every bit of it and popped his cock out of your mouth. He was breathing heavily, trying to calm down from his climax. He held your chin to make you look at him. In a breathy voice he said "now it's my turn to return the favor"
Your a lucky son of a bitch. He told you a couple days before that he was going to take you to a city you've always wanted to go to. You were so excited and happy. When he told you, you hugged him tightly and thanked him over and over again. He convinced mori to give him a couple days off just to celebrate your birthday. With him, it was like you were celebrating your birthday for a whole week.
He booked presidential suites at hotels, he bought whatever you wanted, took you to the most delicious and expensive restaurants and took you to any place you wanted to go.You felt like royalty and that was his intentions. He didn't mind spending a couple thousand dollars just for you birthday. This was his way of showing how much you mean to him.
On the day before you were both going to leave the city. You both woke up to breakfast ready for you (Just remember your at a presidential suite)
The employees made you one of your favorite breakfasts and drinks. Before you ate, he kisses your cheek and puts a hand around your waist "good morning, doll. Is there anything you'd like to do today?" He said in his morning voice
You put your head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek "I'm fine with anything that includes us being together" you responded
He chuckles softly "of course we'd be together, love. Do you just want to go to stores and eat some place?"
You agreed to that and then finally ate your breakfast. After getting ready, you both went to stores you have yet to go to. He bought you whatever you wanted. If it was jewelry, books, clothes, collectables, or accessories, he will get it for you.He really spoiled the hell out of you this week.
After shopping he took you to another fancy restaurant, even getting a private room just so you wouldn't be bothered by the public. The restaurant was gorgeous. It had a perfect view of the city. The whole place had fine details, but your private room was breath taking.It was a dome shaped ceiling that was painted as vintage porcelain tea sets. And a huge golden chandelier in the middle that compliments the painted ceiling. The walls weren't even walls, they were windows that showed the view of the city. Words couldn't even begin to describe the restaurant.
The food was just as amazing as the room. If it wasn't so God damn expensive, you'd come there everyday if you could. While eating, you and Chuuya talked about whatever comes to mind. You could tell him anything and he feels the same. Your were both just that close.
After dinner, you both walked around a part of the city you haven't explored yet. Being in a city you always wanted to go to and being with Chuuya was the best thing you could've ever asked for. You both found a bench to sit and admire the view just one last time before you guys go back to Yokohama. After a long day, you were finally back at the hotel in the comfort of the bed.
You went to go take a shower after another long day and before you knew it, Chuuya joined you in the shower
He hugged you from behind and kissed your neck and shoulders "I hope this week was everything you deserve and ever wanted" he says
You laugh "are you kidding? It was more than I could've ever asked for, Chuuya"
He smiles against your neck "that was the point, dear"
You turned around to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck "thank you, Chuuya. I mean it" you smile as you kiss his lips
"Anything for you, y/n" he responds before kissing your lips again.The kiss started to get heated. His hands were on your waist while he groaned into the kiss. The kiss was passionate and making you two horny. He suddenly picks you up. Your legs wrapped around his body. He used his ability to hold him steady so he won't slip.
"The night is still young, doll. What do ya say we have some fun?" He says while smirking at you
You smirk back at him "I would like that"
He kissed your lips again. His cock already became hard and he rubbed it against your clit "someone's been waiting all day~" you teased
"What can I say? you drive me mad, doll" he responds
He kisses you again. His cock rubbing faster against you clit. You both moaned quietly into the kiss. He couldn't hold back anymore and he aligned his cock to your entrance, pushing it inside you slowly. You both moaned from the sweet sensation and twitched.His pace was quick. You moan loudly from the sudden wave of pleasure that flowed through out your body. His cock couldn't get enough of how your walls rubbed him.
His moans were shaky and breathy. His grip on your thighs were tight. He pulled away from your lips to leave hickeys on your neck"Fuck, doll~ ngh~ why do you feel so amazing~ I cant get enough of you- ah~!" He whimpers against your neck
"I can say the same- mmn~ I'm so addicted to you, Chuuya~ please, go faster~" you moaned
He loved whenever you moaned his name or praised him. His cock throbbed inside you as his pace became rougher and faster. You both moaned loud from the ecstacy. You are the only one whole could make him so weak in the knees. He couldn't hold much longer from your tight walls and he felt his release
"Fuck~! I'm going to cum, doll~" he moans loudly
His cock kept hitting your womb, making you also fine your climax "don't stop~ ah~! I'm cumming too~"
With a couple more thrusts, he shot his huge load inside you with a loud groan. You came with him while moaning his name. You both hugged each other tightly from the orgasm. You were both breathing heavily, but he smiles and kisses your lips. You smiled into the kiss as well He then puts his forehead against yours and says with a smile "Happy birthday, my love"
You woke up with Sigma's arms wrapped around you. You smiled softly and slightly started to move. He woke up to hold you tighter and closer. "Happy birthday, dearest" he said in a sleepy voice
He kisses the top of you head. You chuckle softly and hold him back "thank you" you said in your sleepy voice
He sighed deeply before he slowly got out of bed "we should go get breakfast, love. We can go anywhere you'd like to go"
"Really? " You smiled brightly
"Of course, it's your birthday. So we can go anywhere you'd like all day" So then you both went to go get breakfast to anyplace you want to go to and he paid. Then after he took you to stores you'd want to go to a got whatever you wanted. He does own a casino so he's got some coin.
Later on you both went to get some lunch anywhere you wanted to go. If you wanted to go to a fancy place he'd get the most gorgeous and delicious place. He told you he had a surprise for you after lunch. You were excited when he told you.
After lunch he took you to a huge lake. It was glorious. The water was actually clear. The color of the water was bluish mixed with green. The sun light made it glistening. Fish were seen in the water. The trees were tall and the leaves would fall on top of the lake.It was breathtaking.
He then showed you a small little boat "I hope you don't mind going to the surprise on a boat ride " he told you
You didn't mind obviously. It was actually really romantic and sweet. You felt like Ariel from the little mermaid. On the boat ride you admired to view and talked with Sigma. You always made each other fill whole. It was so easy talking to him and he felt the same towards you
The sun was going down and he finally set the boat on land. You both walked up a hill and out a blanket down. He told you to lay down on your back which he did the same after you. When you looked up at the sky, it was filled with stars. It was astonishing "This was the surprise I wanted to show you. I hope you like it" he tells you
You smiled and hugged his arm "it's beautiful. I love it" you put your cheek against his shoulder
He smiles and blushed. He's Glad that you enjoyed the view and loved the surprise. He kissed the top of your head and put the arm that you were hugging around your shoulder. You both just star gazed into the sky while having some deep conversations. It was an amazing day
He took you back home after a long day. You were both exhausted, but as you got back home you hugged him from behind "thank you so much, love" you said with a gentle smile
He blushed "there's no need to thank me, dear. It's the least I can do. I'm glad you had a fun day"
Ugh he's too precious. He turned around to face you and peck your lips. He pulled away, but you brought him back to your lips to have a longer kiss. He kisses back, obviously, and places his hands on your waist. The kiss escalated and became heated. You wrapped your arms around his neck to keep him close.
Your bodies slowly moved towards the bedroom and to the bed.Your body was on top of him and began to kiss his neck. His heart beat was racing "let me take care of you today, dearest"
He tried sitting up, but you pushed him down on his back again " there's nothing more I'd like than to hear you moan, darling" you said just to embarrass him
He blushed and looked away "i-if that's what y-you want, dear"You smirked as you unzipped his pants. His cock was already hard and ready to cum. You stroked his dick at a good speed while kissing his neck, leaving small hickeys.
He was moaning softly. His eyes were closed. You kissed his lips again and stroked him faster. His moans were muffled by the kiss but they were still louder than before. Precum was drenching his cock and it made it easier for your hand to move.
You pulled away from his lips and made your way to his cock. You made eye contact with Sigma as you kissed and licked his pretty cock. He twitched from your warm tongue against his tip.You then began to suck his dick. He moaned and whimpered from the amazing euphoric pleasure. Your tongue was wrapped around him. He honestly thinks he's addicted to how your mouth feels.
His whimpers turned you on so much and made your pussy ache for a cock
"Ah~! It feels so good~ mmn~ don't stop~!" He moans
His words encouraged you to deep throat him. This made his legs tremble. He whimpered louder while clenching on the bed sheets. His back was slightly arched. You felt too good that he already found his release "Fuck~! I'm close~ ngh~ I'm so close~" he whimpers loudly
You kept deep throating him which eventually made him cum inside your mouth. The whimper he let out as he came almost made you cum. You drank all of his cum. You felt his cock throb roughly on your tongue.
His chest was rising up and down quickly. His grip on the bed sheets was slowly becoming relaxed.You pulled him out of your mouth which made him sigh in satisfaction "your.. too good,dear "
You chuckle softly "that's good to know.. I hope you don't mind if we do the real thing now, love. Your whimpers were so beautiful~"
His cheeks were bright red "i- W-well.. I wouldn't mind at all, love"
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janeyseymour · 4 months
hi! so, an anon asked for this. i had a LOT of fun with this one, and i hope you enjoy! literally not edited in the slightest because this one wrote itself and i don't have time to read over 9k words.
summary: You're Ava's friend, and that is enough to make Melissa hate you. But then, through volunteering for different events through the school, the redheaded teacher finds that she's falling for you. You have money, not that anyone knows, and when the school desperately needs money, you anonymously donate a generous amount. Of course, the Abbott crew isn't satisfied with not knowing who donated all of that money, and they sure as hell intend to find out.
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You grew up with a lot of money. You don’t even need this job- Daddy still has you covered and pays for most of your expenses, as much as you continue to tell him that you are perfectly capable of making it on your own. You have enough saved up from all of the ridiculous amounts of money you received from past birthdays, as well as high school and college graduation presents, not to mention the fact that you have a good portion of money invested into different stocks, and you’re doing pretty damn well for yourself.
Dad taught you all about personal finances when you were younger- he’s a successful day trader, but he’s always been on the financial side of business work to begin with, and Mom is a lawyer.
And while you had quite a lavish lifestyle, your parents still chose to reside in Philadelphia, and not necessarily the nice area of Philly either. But it was part of their story, and they wanted to stay close to their roots, so they raised you here. And growing up, you became close friends (maybe even best friends) with the one and only: Ava Coleman. She was your partner in crime growing up, and you never lost contact with her once you graduated high school.
You went off to school to pursue a career in education, much to both of your parents surprise- but they supported you in your decision.
(“I hope you raise the next generation to be smart,” Mom had told you. “Bring up some new lawyers for generations to come, yeah?”
“Teach those kids how to make it out alive like Ma and I did, got it kiddo?” Dad had joked with you, but you knew he was being serious.)
After years of teaching at one of the other public schools in the suburbs of your city, you decided that you wanted to come back to your roots. You miss Philly and all of the excitement that comes with it. You miss the odd odor that lingers in the streets, and the way that no one could give half a shit and jaywalked. You miss the way that you could pretty much walk anywhere, and within a few minutes you could be milling around Reading Terminal Market looking for some good eats. So you call your best friend for some advice.
“Girl, why didn’ you tell me sooner?” Ava asks you once you’ve explained to her that you want to come back to the city. “I own a school now, and I can for sure get you a job here.”
“Ava,” you sigh. “What the hell do you mean you own a school? Do you mean you’re the principal of a school?”
“Same thing,” you can practically hear your best friend rolling her eyes.
“That’s awesome,” you congratulate her. “How’d you manage that?”
“You know how I’ve been helping out at the Abbott elementary admin building with financials? Well,” she cackles into the phone. “I did some deep diving, and I found out that the super intendant of the district has been sleeping around- found hotel bills and everything on the company card for quickies. All I had to do was bring that up, and boom! I get a new title, a nice raise, and I own a school! I’ve been there for a couple months now, but there are more turnovers here than there were in the last Super Bowl, so I can for sure get you in.”
“A couple months? Has it really been that long since we last talked?”
“Since we actually caught up, yeah,” she sighs dramatically. “You and your fancy teaching job out in the ‘burbs. It ain’t gonna be fancy like that though, we don’ even got money for a proper librarian.”
“Remember, we grew up in Philly,” you remind her. “I know what it’s like. But can you really get me a job?”
“For sure,” she tells you. “With Summer coming up, I be knowin’ I’m about to get a lot of resignations from these people I thought were spicy White people but ain’t. The only spicy white lady here is Schemmenti- pretty sure she’s part of the mob, but I ain’t about to dig. We’ll have you join us next school year.”
“I highly doubt a teacher working in Philly is part of the mob,” you roll your eyes. “But if you’re serious, then yes. I would love to come work with you.”
“For me,” she corrects. “Just because we friends don’t mean I ain’t about to subject you to all of my bullshit at school- you get to deal with the full Ava experience in all its glory just like everybody else.”
“I’ve been subject to it for my entire life,” you laugh.
“I’ll reach out when I can officially accept your resume and offer you a position, but in the mean time… girl, when we getting our nails done?”
By some grace of God, Ava is able to keep her word, and you��re officially an employee of Willard R. Abbott Elementary School starting in August as a second grade teacher. You walk in arms full of boxes stacked so high you can barely see over them, not dressed in your fanciest clothes- you have a whole separate wardrobe when it comes to teaching. You know how this works- clothes will be ruined. Hell, some clothes were ruined at a nicer suburban school, so you know that some of your outfits will not be wearable by the end of the school year- or even the first week with the kids if you’re that unlucky.
“There you are, bitch!” Ava grins and runs over to you as you enter. She’s decked out in Eagles apparel, it’s all bejeweled in true Ava Coleman fashion. “I’m so happy you’re here- you boutta blow the roof off this place!”
You roll your eyes playfully but smile at her. “Can you just show me where my room is so I can start setting it up before we have to do our development activities?”
“Don’t you got people to do that for you?”
“No,” you shake your head. “I am fully capable of setting up my classroom myself- without people to move everything for me.”
“Lame,” she sighs. “I always like seeing the sexy movers your Dad hires for you.”
“I explicitly told him I didn’t want him to do that for me,” you tell her. “And I told him that if he sent people here to move stuff from my car, I would never be respected. I know how it goes around here, and so does he. So, here I am.”
The principal leads you down to your room. “All yours,” she grins as she unlocks the door.
You look around once you’ve set your boxes on the ground and bite your lip thoughtfully. You can make do with this space.
“Your team is Janine… annoying ass dork, and Melissa… mean Italian lady who is working for the mob.”
“You’re still on that?”
“Guilty until proven innocent!” Ava quips.
“You’re ridiculous,” you laugh. “Care to give me a hand with unloading the rest of the stuff from my car?”
“Girl, I just got my nails done, and you sure as hell know I don’t do manual labor. I’m the principal now- that shit’s beneath me!” She turns on her heel. “See you in the library in an hour!”
You report down to the gym a little before everyone else to get your bearings, and to beg your best friend to not make a huge deal about you being here- specifically requesting that she doesn’t speak anything of your family or the business. You have a relatively common last name, so it isn’t like anyone would hear your name and immediately know of your family either.
“I won’ say anything about your fam, but you sure as hell know I’m gonna let them know your my bitch and they shouldn’t mess with you.”
You sulk back to your seat, dreading whatever the hell Ava is going to say about your arrival at the school.
The rest of your colleagues make their way in and take seats in their designated seats, you still lingering in the back. This way, you’re able to see some new faces, and you wouldn’t want to take anyone’s unofficially assigned seat. Once everyone is seated you join them. You can immediately pick out a few of the names that Ava had thrown out over the summer. Janine is sitting with Gregory and Jacob, and the redheaded woman is clearly Melissa. Sitting next to her is who has to be what Ava described to as, “Melissa’s heterosexual work wife and life partner,” Barbara Howard.
The principal heads to the stage and starts her greeting in true Ava fashion- telling them all how much she wishes they weren’t here and she was still clubbing it up down at the shore, but she supposes it’s okay to see them again. And then she begins to introduce the new teachers- she, of course, saves you for last.
“And finally,” she breaks out in a grin and does a little dance. “we have Y/N. Listen up: this girl is my ride or die, and even one of you steps out of line towards her, and we gon’ have problems.”
All eyes turn to you and your red cheeks, but you give a small wave.
“Now, onto the boring stuff,” Ava sighs. She drones on about the new school year and what is going to (supposedly) pan out over the next nine months before she dismisses you all to prep in your classrooms for the remainder of the day.
You make a break for the door as soon as you can, sweater wrapped around you tightly even though it’s sweltering hot in the school- apparently Mr. Johnson still hasn’t fixed the air conditioning because he forgot which Boyz II Men song he assigned to the air system. As soon as you’re in your classroom, your sweater is off and you’re fanning yourself with a paper fan you had folded for yourself.
You continue to prepare for your students until you hear a gentle knock on the door. Who is standing there but Janine and Melissa.
“Hi!” Janine grins as she steps in. “It’s so great to have you as an addition to our team, and Melissa and I just wanted to stop by and introduce ourselves! I’m Janine, and this is-” She nudges the woman next to her.
The redhead just huffs and rolls her eyes. “Schemmenti,” is all she says.
“If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to come and ask one of us. My room is just down the hall, but lucky for you- Melissa’s room is right next door to you!”
“Don’t need anything,” the fiery second grade teacher warns you. “I don’t got time for someone who’s gonna leave in a few weeks.”
You’re somewhat taken aback by her abrasive personality, but you just smile instead. “Thank you,” is all you say once Janine has hissed out a quiet, “Melissa!”
“Did you need any help at all yet?”
“She don’t need help, pipsqueak,” Melissa rolls her eyes. “She’s got Ava on her side.” And with that, the redhead turns on her heel and leaves.
“Don’t mind her,” Janine tells you as she steps into your classroom a bit further. “She’s got a tough exterior, and she hated me too at first. But now, she’s like my work mom, with Barbara being my other work mom, of course. She even brought me lunch to make sure I eat today.”
“That’s very kind of her,” you say as you continue to set up your room.
“I like what you have goin’ on here,” your colleague nods her head in approval. “Nice and warm, kinda like my room! Well, I have to get back to my own classroom, but if you need anything, come on down! The price is right!” She laughs at her own joke before strolling down the hallway. 
Your first day at school is relatively peaceful, and before you know it, you’re allowed to leave. Of course though, you do plan on staying later because you have to finish up a few things before you’ll be satisfied with the progress you’ve made.
You see Melissa leaving her classroom, and despite not necessarily wanting to, you call out a gentle, “Have a good night, Melissa.”
She doesn’t say anything in response, just gives a short nod of the head in your direction before continuing on down the hall.
As you gather your things to leave for the day, Ava shows up at your door.
“So, we goin’ out for drinks?”
“I don’t think I can,’ you sigh. “I still have a lot of stuff that I have to prep for this, and I want to make sure it all gets done before the kids show up.”
“Girl, this would all be way easier if you just-”
“I don’t need any hired help,” you cut her off because you know exactly what she was going to say.
“Well then, I’m coming over,” your friend tells you, leaving no room for arguments. “It’s been too long since I seen you, or drank some of the good ass wine I know you have at your house.”
“Be my guest,” you chuckle as you sling your bag over your shoulder.
The rest of your development days are filled with boring meetings and time to prepare your classrooms. You find yourself a part of a committee to help with funding with a nudge from Ava.
“Girl, you don’t gots to tell them how you know all of this stuff about finances,” she tells you. “But it would be a big help to have someone like you on our team.”
“Fine. But if it gets out who I come from, I’m pulling out,” you point a finger at her. “I am not about to let my father get his hands on this and try to turn the school charter like he’s done before.”
She nods. “Whatever.”
The school year starts off strong. You’ve settled into your classroom, your kids absolutely adore you, and you adore them. You’ve spent some time with the other teachers in the school, besides Melissa, during preps, lunch duties, and recess duties. They all seem to like you, and you like them too.
Still though, you find yourself coming in early and staying late in order to get as much as you can together- you know once actual classwork starts to trickle in for you to grade, your plate is only going to get much more full. So any work that you can streamline and work ahead on, you do. The time where teachers are allowed to leave is upon you, and as much as you want to go home and take a nap, you know you really should stay and continue to work on lesson plans. Maybe you should start hanging up some of the work that your students have already done- their all about me posters and drawings. With a sigh, you gather the materials you’ll need to create a bulletin board and the footstool you keep in your cabinet and make your way into the hallway.
“Oi,” Melissa rolls her eyes as she closes her door for the night. “You know that working overtime won’t make you a better teacher.”
“I know,” you say softly. “But you know how it goes your first year in a new school.”
“Yeah, I don’t miss that shit,” the redhead huffs and starts to make her way down the hall.
“Have a good night, Melissa,” you call quietly.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t tell me what to do,” she tosses over her shoulder.
Wow. This woman was not easy to work with.
The next few days continue on like this, you staying later and later in order to stay on top of everything.
On Friday, you arrive early as you always do. While it’s casual Friday, and you’re allowed to wear jeans, you opt for a flowery sundress instead. It’ll keep your body temperature more regulated than a pair of stuffy jeans would. You know you aren’t doing anything where a student could accidentally destroy this dress either, so you think it’s a safe call.
As you enter the staff room to grab your lunch from the refrigerator, you hear the redhead’s low voice.
“You think you’re better than us, don’t you?” she challenges you, and you really don’t know why she’s doing this.
“Hm?” you hum as you grab your salad from the shelf.
“You think you’re better than us, don’t you?” she repeats. “Coming in here all cozy with Ava, wearing something or than jeans on casual Friday, already having bulletin boards up… you might’ve come from a nice school bonfire, but you’re here now- adjust.”
All of your coworkers’ eyes go wide at this unprovoked ‘fight’ you’ve found yourself in, and a few of them scold her. 
“What’s she gonna do?” Melissa fires out to Barbara. “Go tell on me to Ava and get me fired? Please.”
You bite your lip nervously before smiling tightly. “Have a nice lunch, y’all… and have a nice weekend if I don’t catch you before school’s over.” You leave the room with that and head back down to your classroom to eat your lunch while you pour over your lesson plans.
“Melissa,” Barbara sighs. “Y/N has done nothing to you, and you’re treating her terribly! There is no need; you are better than this!”
“Listen, she’s just another one of Ava’s minions who is going to reign hell on me during the school year. She already drives me nuts with the effort she’s putting in.”
“She may be friends with Ava,” Janine cuts in. “But I really don’t think she’s like her- she seems like she has drive and a true passion for our kids.”
“And that is what we need at this school,” the kindergarten teacher tells her friend. “We need people who are willing to put in the effort and love on these kiddos the way that she is. I already had Dante tell me during my lunch duty that he loves second grade because of her! Do not go tearing her down and forcing her out when we need more educators like her!”
“I don’t-”
“Melissa Ann Caterina Schemmenti,” Barbara pulls out the redhead’s full name, and Melissa’s eyes go wide at that. “Be nicer to the young girl. Give her a chance. You weren’t even this hard on Jacob and Janine when they first joined us.”
“And now you’re like my work mom!” the energetic teacher grins.
“You don’t even have to go out of your way to be nice to her,” the elder teacher says. “Just don’t be so harsh.”
“If I say sure, can we go back to eating lunch and talking about our weekend plans?”
Deciding that you’ve put enough hard work into this week and you’ll make sure you’re in here bright and early the day after Labor day, you grab your bag to head out on time and make the most of this long weekend. You close your door and begin to lock it just as Melissa makes her way out of the classroom.
“You’re not staying late tonight?” she looks at you with a raised brow.
“No,” you chuckle. “I figured that I deserve to have this weekend to relax after a hectic first week. But I’ll be back bright and early on Tuesday.”
“Mhmm,” the redhead hums as she fiddles with her door. “Shit,” she grumbles as she struggles to get the lock to turn.
“Do you want some help?” you ask her gently.
“I got it,” she holds up a hand. “I’ve been dealing with this damn door for the last two years. Mr. J will get around to it eventually.”
After watching her fight with the lock for long enough, you sigh and pull a bobby pin out of your hair. “Seriously, let me help.”
She steps aside, arms folded over her chest. Before you know it, you have her door locked, and you’re sliding the pin back into your hair.
“Thank you,” she mutters.
“Of course,” you smile at her shyly. “Hey, have a nice weekend.”
“You too, kid,” she tells you, and there isn’t any sort of bite behind her words. She isn’t smiling at you, but she also isn’t scowling at you.
Content with that conversation, you head for the doors and out to your car.
You make a pitstop on your way home into the Home Depot- you’’ just buy a new lock for Melissa’s door and install it on Tuesday when you get there. It’s a simple fix, and she doesn’t have to know it was you that did it.
The weekend is nice. You and Ava go out clubbing on Friday and Saturday night before nursing your hangovers on Sunday together. And then on Monday, you make your way over to your parents’ house with your partner in crime for the Labor Day barbecue they always hold. It’s a good time, as it always is. Your parents are happy to see the lively woman again, and they thank her for helping to get you back to your roots.
You’re back at Abbott bright and early- earlier than anybody else besides the janitor that lingers in the halls and doesn’t do his job.
“Good morning, Mr. J!” you greet him happily.
“Y/N,” he smiles back at you. “You have a nice weekend?”
“I did,” you reply as you make your way down to your wing. “And you?”
“Always a good time when you’re me,” he chuckles before continuing on his way humming a Boyz II Men song. 
You quickly drop your things off in your room before changing out your colleague’s crappy lock. You leave the new key in the hole so she has it, and then you settle at your desk to continue working on your lesson plans and preparations.
You hear her before you see her passing by your room to get to hers.
“Hey, good morning,” you greet her quietly.
“Mornin’,” she huffs. You’ve gathered that she isn’t much a morning person- at least not until she’s had her first cup of coffee and has watched the news in the break room with her friends.
You a hear a soft, “Huh,” come from her mouth as she notices there’s a new lock on her door. “Took you long enough, Mr. J.” She has no idea it’s you that changed it. Hopefully, this starts her week of well.
Your exchanges with the Italian lady in the room next door don’t much go beyond a good morning and a good night each day as the weeks go on, but she doesn’t frown at your mere existence anymore. If you squint, you can almost see a smile. The rest of your colleagues really seem to taking a liking to you, and you’re genuinely happy that you made the decision to come work here- even if it means putting up with your best friend’s shenanigans.
Everything is going swimmingly at work until one day Ava calls an emergency staff meeting at the end of the day.
Making your way into the library, you genuinely have no idea what she could have to announce so urgently. Apparently, neither do any of the other teachers.
“You’re close with her,” Melissa falls into step with you. “You know what she’s gonna say?”
“No idea,” you tell her quietly. “I’m just praying it’s not another pyramid scheme of hers. I can’t get her out of any more trouble with those.”
The redhead looks at you curiously, but you don’t say anything else. You don’t want to admit that when Ava finds herself in legal troubles, she usually calls your mother and she helps clean up the mess pro bono.
The two of you settle into the library chairs amongst the rest of your coworkers, but Ava is nowhere to be found.
“Good lord,” Barbara mutters. “This better be worth staying after. I’m going to be late to dinner with Gerald.”
Your friend enters the library looking rather frazzled. “Hey, y’all. Listen, I gotta make this quick because I have to get to a hair appointment, but I wanted you to hear it from me before word got around: the district is trying to cut our budget, and with our budget being cut, that means they’ll cut the arts programs. I know y’all don’t want that, so start coming up with ways to get us out this mess!”
Before anyone can ask any questions, she leaves.
“What the hell?” Melissa looks angry- like really angry. Her nostrils are flared, her eyes are wide, and she’s balling up her hands into fists. “Barb, you and me to the mall. I’m gonna need a new shakedown sweater.”
With no hesitation, the kindergarten teacher follows her work wife out of the school.
That night, Ava calls you.
“Girl… you know what we have to do,” she tries to convince you to let out your secret about your wealth.
“No,” you say for the millionth time. “We are going to fundraise, we’re going to get the money so that they can’t cut it… I’ll work with Janine and the budgeting committee to see where we can make small cuts here and there to scrounge up some more money… but I am not letting my dad get wrapped up in this and be in his debts. You know how he likes to hold stuff like that over my head, and he will turn Abbott charter if we let him get involved with this.”
You work tirelessly to come up with multiple fundraisers, different presentations to bring to the district offices, and work with the budgeting committee to make small cuts where you have a bit of wiggle room. You even tell them they can cut your salary by 2% if it means a little extra money- it may not be a lot, but it’s something that you’re willing to give considering your sizable bank account anyway. You do all of this, on top of continue to work in your classroom. You’re exhausted.
You volunteer for the events that you’ve helped to organize, and so have quite a few of the other teachers.
“We are not losing the arts program,” Melissa fumes multiple times a week. “I need my prep to keep my sanity.”
“Amen to that,” Barbara usually remarks after that.
“If it means volunteering a few hours here or there for these events, I’ll do it,” the redhead tells you when you hesitantly approach her crew about helping out.
So, here you are with Melissa at the art show.
The conversation is awkward and stilted for quite some time before she finally sighs.
“You’re doing good,” she tells you. “I haven’t seen a turn out like this in quite some time.”
“Anything for the kids,” you reply. “They need it.”
“Why here?” she finally asks you the question that’s been eating at her for some time- since the first day you walked in really.
“I grew up in Philly,” you tell her. “It was time to come back to my roots, and Ava offered me a position. The stars aligned for me, and I’m quite content in my decision to be back in a city school. I can help make a difference for these guys like some of my teachers did for me.”
“For someone who’s friends with Ava, you sure have a lot more heart than I thought you would,” she admits.
You smile. “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”
“How long you two been friends? Meet in college at the clubs?”
“Nah,” you laugh softly. “I grew up with Ava living a few houses down from me. We’ve been friends since I was the shy girl in the first grade who sat by myself at recess. Next thing I know, she’s next to me rambling on about whatever first grade drama was happening and telling me I was her girl. I still don’t know why she chose me to come up to that day. Maybe it’s because I actually listened to her. But we’ve been stuck together since that day.”
“You’re good for her,” Melissa tells you. “I haven’t seen Ava put in this much effort to something that doesn’t directly benefit her before. And I think it really does have something to do with you being here and leading a lot of it.”
“Thank you,” you smile again.
That night is where everything starts to change. Melissa slowly starts to show you the other side of her personality- the kind, would take a bullet for you if she had to side. You quite like it.
As the months go on, you still work tirelessly to put together different events to try to save the arts. Melissa even helps you plan a few, and she offers her “I know a guy” line when you’re looking for different ways to draw people in. The two of you begin to work closely in order to make sure that these events happen, and that they’re good. The redhead sees how hard you work and how driven you are. She respects it.
  You find yourselves chaperoning quite a few events- choir shows, band shows, a few school dances…
And while you’re at these events, the redhead sticks by your side through most of the nights. She finds that she quite likes being around you actually. She lets you into her personal life slowly. You tell her little bits about your life while still not revealing that you come from the line that you do.
She realizes that she’s starting to fall for you- and that terrifies her to no end. But she can’t quite pull herself away from you. Not now. Not after getting to know you and see how down to earth and honest you are with what you do- not after you’ve shown her that you’re here to stay and you’re going to show up for these kids in any way you possibly can.
Finally, the biggest event that you’ve planned, and your last attempt at hitting the quota to keep the arts program around for another year (you don’t even want to think about having to go through this charade all over again next year) is here. 
It’s another AvaFest kind of deal, but you’re able to utilize the outside part of your school grounds this year. Inside, there are smaller games, a few tables from local vendors, music provided by Janine’s ex-boyfriend. Outside though, is a whole other story. It practically looks like a carnival.
There’s a ball toss, a free-throw game, a balloon dart stand, a game to throw footballs through some holes, the dunk tank has been moved outside and a handful of teachers have volunteered to partake in it… all of the ticket stands and games are being run by various teachers and aides in the school. And the assortment of goodies around? Apparently, Melissa knows quite a few guys who participate in the food industry because you have a grilled cheese stand, a lemonade stand, a guy who’s making hoagies… she even knew a guy to come head a cotton candy machine for the event. And that’s not even naming all of the vendors.
You don’t have any assigned places to be because you’re overseeing that the event runs smoothly. So you’re milling about with your clipboard in hand, checking over the different stands. And while you expected Melissa to sit at the ticket table with Barbara, she follows you around and is your right hand man throughout the night. She checks in with the people that she knows, shoots the shit, and helps you solve any issues that arise through the night- not that there are many. You worked your ass off to ensure that everybody participating in this school wide event was compensated for their time and hard work.
“You really outdid yourself, hun,” Melissa comments quietly once you’ve found a moment to just stand and take it all in.
“Oh, I couldn’t have done it without everyone else helping,” you brush off her compliment. “You were a really big help, so thank you.”
“We all pitched in, but you’re the brains behind all of this,” she tells you. “Don’t sell yourself short. This jawn just might have to become an annual thing.”
“Oh, don’t remind me of what I’m going to have to pull of next year,” you groan playfully. “After this, I’m done with ideas for the year.”
“That ain’t true, and you know it. If something else comes up, you and I both know you’ll be the first one organizing something.”
“I know,” you sigh. But then you smile softly. “It’s all for the kids though. They deserve it.”
“They do,” she agrees. “And because of you, they’re gonna get it.” She gently hip checks you.
You blush and shrug.
“You got a real knack for this. If you weren’t such a good teacher, I’d tell you to go into professional party planning,” the redhead quips. She doesn’t know that you’ve been helping plan company parties with your parents for years now.
“It’s more a hobby,” you tell her. “I’m a teacher at heart.”
“A teacher with a damn good heart,” she corrects you.
“You think this is all gonna be worth it?” you ask her nervously. “Think we’re gonna hit the mark?”
“I’d put money on it,” she tells you honestly. “With the last events you’ve organized, and this one being our biggest success yet, I think we’ll exceed it.”
“God, I hope so.”
You don’t make enough money to keep the funding for the arts program. You’re devastated. Absolutely crushed. You burst into tears when Ava announces that bit of information sadly at the next staff meeting, rushing out of the room to try to compose yourself.
Melissa runs after you. You don’t really know why, but she does. 
“Hey,” she comes into your classroom, grabbing a tissue on her way over to you. She gently wipes your tears away. “We did our best. You did your best. And that… is enough.”
“It isn’t though,” you choke out. “We’re losing the arts program, and those teachers are going to be let go, and I-”
“I’m sure Ava will find somewhere else for them to be placed,” Melissa tries to comfort you.
“And- and we’re going to lose our preps, and… and the kids deserve to have the arts!” you cry. “When I was in school, that was my favorite part of the day, and now they won’t be able to experience that joy!”
“I’m sure you’ll find a way to incorporate it into your lessons,” the redhead tells you gently as she pulls you into a hug. “You did everything you could… but sometimes at the end of the day, life sucks.”
“It’s not fair,” you whine.
“Life ain’t always fair, hun,” Melissa reminds you. “But we do our best with what we’ve been given. And now, all the money that we raised can go into buying supplies for the kids next year.”
You sigh and wipe at the last of your tears. You take a deep breath. “Y-yeah. Okay,” you whisper sadly.
“It’s gonna be okay, hun,” she promises you. “And who knows, maybe a miracle will happen, and we’ll get to keep the programs.”
And just like that, her words give you an idea. You know how you can make a miracle happen. You have to contain your excitement as the thought pops into your head. The two of you return to the staff meeting where Ava is rambling on about who knows what, but you’re itching to get out of there.
Once you’re dismissed, you head back to your classroom, open up your laptop and log in. You check your bank account balances, and pleased with the numbers, you pull up the GoFundMe page that was up for the school.
“You’re stayin’ late again tonight?” Melissa knocks on your door, purse slung over her shoulder and sunglasses already on.
“Just a few minutes,” you look up and smile at her. “I have a few emails I have to respond to.”
“Alright,” she taps the doorframe a few times. “Try to have a good night, yeah?”
“I will,” you tell her. “You too, Melissa.”
“Thanks, hun.” 
With that, she’s off, and you can go back to what you were doing. You click on the “Donate Now” button without hesitation.
You donate the first $50,000, and then another $50,000 anonymously, and you absolutely beam when you see that you’ve hit your goal and then surpassed it. Satisfied, you close out of the tabs and close your laptop. Now, you just have to wait for tomorrow morning when Ava, the organizer of the fundraiser, sees the email. You know she won’t see it tonight- she’s off the clock.
A few hours later, you get a text from your best friend.
Hey, you still holding up ok? she sends.
I’m alright, you text back. So she hadn’t seen the donations yet. I’m drinking wine right now if you want to come over.
Girl, say less.
She’s over at your house in less than fifteen minutes, and it takes everything in you to not tell her what you had done. She heads home after finishing off the bottle, bidding you a goodnight and a see you tomorrow.
You sleep like a baby that night.
The next morning, you’re back in your classroom setting up your science experiment for the day when Ava’s voice comes over the intercom.
“Attention Abbott Elementary: there is a mandatory staff meeting, right now. Start heading down to the library. That means you, Schemmenti.”
You grin as you stand back up straight and make your way for the door. Right before you exit, you put on your best neutral face.
“Damn,” Melissa groans as she leaves her room. “Tell your friend not to call me out like that. I skip on meeting, and she’s all over me.”
“I don’t control what she does, and you know that,” you chuckle.
“What do you think this is about?” she asks you as the two of you make your way down the hall.
You shrug. “For all I know, it could be that she got a manicure and wants to show it off.”
The two of you find seats at your table, Barbara arrive a few seconds later.
“What on Earth could this woman have forgotten to tell us yesterday?” the kindergarten teacher huffs. “I have things to do!”
“I was setting up my science experiments for the day,” you grumble. “If this isn’t worth it, I’m making her set the rest of it up.” You know it will be worth it.
“Good morning, subordinates!” Ava makes it known that she’s entering the library. “I have some great news!”
Everyone silently urges her to go on.
“I have no idea who did this- sure as hell wasn’t me- but, we got some donations after school yesterday!” She projects the webpage up onto the screen.
Everyone gasps when they see how much money had been donated last night. To keep up appearances, your eyes widen, your jaw drops, and you well up with tears. Acting classes from when you were younger sure are paying off now.
“Oh my- Oh my god!” you shout, and Melissa is hugging you tightly.
“So, thanks to these very generous donations, we’re able to keep the arts programs up and running for at least the next three years!” Ava grins.
“Well, who donated?” Janine asks. “We have to find out so we can thank them!”
“Who cares?” Ava rebuts. “We got what we wanted! Now back to work, slackers!”
You stay in your seat, pretending to be in complete and utter shock while everyone else starts to get up. Almost every teacher comes up congratulating you and telling you that your hard work paid off. Melissa sits with you, happy as can be, and only reaffirming what everyone else is already telling you. Only once everyone else has left does she say anything else.
“Y/N,” she grins. “This is incredible. I told you your hard work would pay off. It’s a freakin’ miracle!”
“Y-Yeah,” you match her smile. “God, this is great.”
The two of you sit there for some time, chatting about how you could use some of the funding to buy more supplies and the likes until you remember you still have to finish setting up your science materials.
“Oh shit!” you whisper. “I- I gotta go finish setting up before the kids come in!” You take off in the direction of your room, and the redhead can only watch you as you go with a lovestruck look in her eyes.
When you’re halfway there, you hear Ava’s voice over the speaker again. “Y/N, my office.”
“Fuck,” you mumble as you halt sprinting down the hallway and turn to make your way down to her room. There was no way you would be able to finish preparing for today at this rate.
“This better be quick. I have to-”
“You donated that money, didn’t you?” Ava gets right to the point.
Your eyes widen. Your cover was blown with her, meaning it was going to be blown quickly among your colleagues as well.
“Well, was it?”
You nod subtly. “But please… don’t say anything. Please. I did it for the kids, and I have enough stashed away, and-”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” your best friend grins. “Why you think I didn’t say nothin’ at the meeting today?”
“You’re the best,” you sigh in relief.
“Don’t I know it,” the principal cackles. “Now, fo’ real. Come shoot an instagram video with me to announce that we met our goal.”
“Ava, I actually have-”
“I’ll tell,” she singsongs. “C’mon. We need our fearless leader and organizer to be part of the video.”
The two of you finish the video about five minutes before the kids will start to show up, and you practically sprint back to your classroom to attempt the impossible task of finishing setting up.
When you get there though, Melissa is in your room just finishing up the last station.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you say quietly as you make your way into the room.
“Nah,” she shrugs. “But I wanted to. I got the time.”
“Thank you,” you grin.
“Noticed your coffee cup was empty too,” she notes. “So I made you a new one. Hope that’s alright.”
You walk over to your desk and take a sip of the warm drink. It’s perfect.
“Thank you,” you make your way over to her and squeeze her shoulder gently. “Seriously. You just made my day.”
“Nah, that mysterious donor did,” she chuckles. “But I’m glad I could help. Have a good morning, and I’ll see you at lunch?”
“Yes, ma’am,” you mock salute her. “Thank you again.”
You greet your children at the door, coffee mug and heart both full. Melissa greets her own students, but she can’t stop watching you. You’re just… so perfect. She knows she’s falling for you hard. Maybe at the end of the week she’ll confess her feelings- no, she will. She makes up her mind: she’s going to confess her feelings to you by Friday, if not before. She just has to work up the nerve to do it.
At lunch, the conversation is almost solely on who the mystery donor is. You play dumb, and you tell everyone that you’re just happy the school gets to keep their program from next to Melissa.
“I know a guy who could find out for us,” the redhead tells your colleagues.
“Oh, do it,” Janine grins. “That way, we can have our kids make cards and send them to the person to thank them! Oh my god- do you guys think our donor is Taylor Swift?! She does stuff like this sometimes!”
“She usually puts her name to it,” you chuckle. “But seriously, I think we should just be grateful. Ava and I already thanked the person on the school’s webpage and social media, and I think that should suffice.” You really don’t want to be found out.
“I already got the guy on the line,” Melissa rolls her eyes as she types away on her phone. “I’m gonna have to make a tray of ziti and some meatballs as payment though.”
You bite your lip. You really, truly pray that her guy won’t be able to find you out. But, her people usually come through for her… maybe just this once, they won’t be able to?
“Oi, Y/N,” Melissa taps your elbow gently.
“We lost ya there for a second,” she tells you. “I asked if you would come over to help me make the food, since we’s in this situation because of your fundraiser.”
“Oh,” you blush. “Uh, sure. When?”
“You got anything goin’ on tonight?” she asks. You shake your head. “Then tonight. I’ll text you my address. Bring a bottle of wine.” At that moment, she silently promises herself she’ll talk to you about her feelings for you.
You nod and continue to eat your lunch quietly, letting the conversation around you continue as you continuously plead with the lord that they don’t find out it’s you who donated all that money.
You show up to your coworker’s house promptly at 5:30, like she asked, with a nicer bottle of wine in hand. You hope she’ll like it.
When she opens the door, you have to stop yourself from blushing at the sight of her. You’ve seen her at school, and you wouldn’t admit it to anyone else, but you find her attractive there. In the comfort of her own home though, she’s almost even more gorgeous.
“Hey,” she opens the door. “C’mon in. I got all the stuff ready.”
You enter quietly, offering her the bottle of wine. She pulls her glasses from off the top of her head and puts them on before inspecting the bottle.
“Damn,” she says. “You got good taste, but expensive taste.”
“I figured I could splurge for a celebration,” you offer up.
She leads you to the kitchen and pulls out two wine glasses before pouring some into each. Once you have yours in hand, she quietly raises her own in a toast.
“To this mystery donor,” she says quietly. You clink your glass with hers before sipping on the wine.
By the time all of the food is in the oven, the two of you have gotten through about three quarters of the bottle and plan to finish off the rest on her couch.
“This was nice,” you tell her quietly.
“Yeah,” she hums, but you can tell her mind is clearly somewhere else.
“Hey, penny for your thoughts?” you ask her. 
She hums again, still wrapped up in her own inner turmoil over telling you that she has a thing for you. 
“Mel,” you tap her gently, the nickname rolling off of your tongue for the first time. 
She snaps out of her trance.
“What’s goin’ on in that pretty little head of yours?” you ask softly.
She bites her lip nervously before whispering, “Please don’t hate me for this.” And then she gently presses her lips to your own.
Your eyes widen before you kiss her back just as tenderly. When you need air, you pull back.
“Oh, god,” she whispers.
“Hey,” you set a warm hand on her knee. And then you lean in and kiss her again so she knows that you aren’t upset with her; you don’t hate her.
“So…” she hums when you two part again. “I- I have a thing for you.”
“You wouldn’t say?” you tease her. “If it wasn’t clear, I like you too. I just didn’t think you would ever go for someone like me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she frowns. “You’re… you.”
“Yeah,” you laugh weakly as you run a hand through your hair. “I’m me. Shy, quiet, dorky… always working… friends with Ava.”
“Mm,” she hums as she shifts closer to you. “You are you: hard working, driven, down to earth, kind… heart of gold… gorgeous.”
You roll your eyes playfully. “C’mon, Mel.”
“I’m serious,” she tells you as she tucks a hair behind your ear. “I like you because you’re you… I tried to hate you so hard at the beginning of the year, and I just… couldn’t.”
“Oh yeah?” you ask her.
“Nope. From the moment I found out you were the one that changed my lock and fixed my door,” she admits.
Your eyes widen slightly at that confession. “You knew?”
“I thanked Mr. J that day, and he told me it wasn’t him,” she shrugs. “That he saw you come in early with a bag from Home Depot. I put two and two together.”
“You’re ridiculous,” you laugh. “You could’ve told me you knew.”
“There was never a right time for it,” she chuckles. “But I figure now is the right time to say thank you the way I wanted to then.” She kisses you again.
That night, the two of you talk over how you’re going to continue on with this little… situation you’ve found yourselves in. You’ll take it slow. You bid her a goodbye with a lingering kiss before climbing into your car and heading back to your house.
Sleep washes over you easily that night, content with what had just happened at Melissa’s. 
The next day continues on as it normally does, although when no one is around in the corner that your classrooms are in, the redhead will sneak into your room and kiss you passionately. She’s found that she quite likes kissing you, and you don’t mind one bit. She hasn’t heard any news from her guy, and you feel like you’re in the clear. They won’t find you out. 
But come the following day, as you’re sitting in the break room with Janine, Gregory, Jacob, and Barbara, the redhead comes storming in.
“You!” she points a finger at you. In her other hand is a stack of papers.
You practically jump out of your skin when you hear her booming voice. “Me?” you whisper.
“When the hell were you gonna tell us who you really were?!”
“Melissa,” Barbara furrows her brows. “It is too early for this.”
“No, I think now’s a great time for this. When the hell were you gonna tell us that you were the donor?! When were you gonna tell us that your Y/N, daughter of one of the most famous day traders and one of the most prestigious lawyers in the area?!”
You turn bright red, and you can’t help the tears that spring to your eyes.
“What?” Janine gasps. “Melissa, you have to-”
“See for yourselves!” She throws the papers in her hands on one of the tables.
The rest of your friends gather around to look at the papers. There’s a screenshot of the transaction with your name, and then there are a few papers from an article that ran a couple of years ago about one of your dad’s parties and being able to secure a deal. In the image, you’re in the background drinking a glass of wine next to your mother. They all look to you with wide eyes.
“Wow,” Jacob whistles. 
“When the hell were you gonna tell us?” Melissa asks you again. “You know the trouble I had to go through to get this information? How much deep diving I did once I saw your name? You coulda saved me a trip to the grocery store and hours of cooking and cleaning if you would’ve just fessed up!”
“I- I’m sorry,” you whisper as you wipe at your tears and make your way out. You head back to your classroom, coffee abandoned at your seat, and lock the door. You keep it locked despite the various knocks that come and go to check on you after your quick exit. 
“Melissa,” Barbara tries to calm her friend down. “I know you’re frustrated that you went through all of that effort, but… Y/N was doing it out of the goodness of her heart, and she clearly didn’t want to be found out.”
“I know,” the redhead sighs once her fire has died down a bit. “I was too hard on her, wasn’t I?”
“I’d say so,” the kindergarten teacher admits.
“Shit,” she mutters. “I gotta fix this.”
You only unlock it when you know it’s time for your students to start arriving, but you don’t dare go stand at your door like you usually do. You don’t want to face Melissa- not yet. You don’t think you can. You’ve only just started to explore what could happen between the two of you, and you’ve already ruined it by not telling her who you were. You avoid her for the morning.
Come lunchtime, you don’t even bother to head into the break room. You just suppose a granola bar from the stash that you have in your room will have to suffice and hold you over until you can go home today.
You lay your head down on your desk- it’s pounding because you didn’t get to finish your caffeinated drink.
You hear her boots against the floor before you can see her. You think she’s just going to pass by your door and head into her own room, but she stops in your doorway. In her hands, she has a mug full of coffee, your lunch, and dozens of handmade cards from the students.
“Hey,” she says gently.
You don’t answer. She makes her way into the room and sets everything on your desk before she makes herself comfortable.
“Eat,” she instructs.
“Not hungry,” you shrug.
“Then at least drink the coffee I made you,” she tries. “I know you get headaches when you don’t have enough caffeine in your system.”
You shrug. She raises her eyebrows though, and you meekly reach for the cup. “Thanks."
“The kids all made you cards,” she tells you gently. “Thanking you.”
You look at them with a sad smile.
“The staff put some cards in there too.”
“That’s nice,” you say numbly.
“C’mon, hun,” she sighs as she lays a warm hand on your shoulder. “This stuff normally makes you happy.”
“Yeah,” you sigh, resigned. “But I fucked up. I didn’t tell you who I was, and now you’re mad at me, and I probably ruined whatever we have goin’ on here. I’ll pay you back for the money you spent on the food by the way.”
“No need for that,” she waves you off. “Was I pissed when I saw your name on that paper? When I realized who you actually were? Yeah. A little. But… you single-handedly saved our arts program. You organized all of the events, and then when that wasn’t enough, you donated so much that we get to keep that program for at least the next five years.”
“Yeah, for the kids,” you sigh. “It’s all for them.”
“And besides,” she chuckles quietly. “If I didn’t have to make that food, I probably wouldn’t have kissed you that night, I woulda found out who you were before tellin’ you how I felt, and then I really would’ve been pissed with you, and what we have going on here wouldn’t have happened.”
You shrug. “I ruined it though.”
“You didn’t ruin nothin’. I’m not mad anymore, and I’m sorry I was as hard on you as I was,” she promises you gently. “I still like ya. I still wanna see where this goes, if you do.”
You look up at her, glassy eyes and all. “Really?”
“Yeah, hun. If this showed me anything, it’s that you’re a really good person, and I made a really good choice fallin’ for you.”
You blink a few times in disbelief. So you didn’t ruin this. You still have Melissa in your life- she doesn’t hate you.
“Do you wanna see where this goes?”
“I do,” you say softly.
Her lips meet yours, and you only part when you hear a collective gasp from the teachers who had quietly followed Melissa down to ensure that she wasn’t going to cause any fights.
The two of you pull back, cheeks red.
“Uh, surprise?” you say nervously.
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pirateprincessblog · 8 months
moan for me
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NEW! Check out the full ongoing version on Wattpad!
𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫.: you decide you don't want to end your friendship because of a casual fuck. he agrees. just why is he then eye-fucking you across the room and bumping into you accidentally? 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: park seonghwa x f!reader 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5.4k 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: dilf!seonghwa, bestfriend!reader 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: hair pulling, dacryphilia, public sex, cream pie, ddlg, public oral (female receiving), voyeurism, breathplay/choking, hickeys, bruising
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: choking?, swearing 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: officially, i am ready to get dicked down in a gown by park seonghwa
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐲.
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mr park: forgive me for doing it this way, but i would like to cancel the date. it is not the brightest idea, i was carried away by the emotions at the moment. let us close this chapter, as fun as it was. i am not looking for further interactions such as the ones we had, and i am most certainly not looking for a relationship. sorry for giving you the wrong idea. take care.
your heart drops. hidden by the curtain in the changing room, you allow yourself to sit down and drop a few tears. fuck, you were having such a good time. such a handsome, skilled, jaw dropping gorgeous man, just slipped from your grip, and there's nothing you can do about it. you crave his existence, you wish to look at him and touch him day and night. as creepy as it sounds.
the sixth dress you've tried on for the dance is already is itchy against your skin, and you sigh. the bright green isn't flattering on you at all. your friend has already picked the dress, lucky her. your budget wasn't exactly big, so finding something pretty and inside the budget was hard.
"oh, hi dad."
you freeze.
"hello, love."
even his voice is pure honey.
"how is the shopping going?"
"well, i bought mine. i'm just waiting for my bestie to finish trying on."
park seonghwa stays silent. the realization of you being here near him just moments after him ditching you put him in an awkward situation.
"hey, you good in there?" she calls, putting her head between the curtains.
"yup. i'll be right out." you stop to think, making your friend raise her eyebrow questionably. "actually, you go with your dad. i'll check a few more of those sale dresses and head home."
"sale dresses? but the blue one looked like a dream on you! you're still thinking?"
"it's a tad bit out of my budget." you confess, already annoyed at her lack of understanding that you are just not as wealthy as she is.
"oh, why didn't you say so? dad!"
"what the fuck are you doing?!"
"dad, can i get this dress for her? i know you made me block my card because i went crazy at prada yesterday, but i could really use it right now."
hearing her casually mention prada like it was mcdonalds made you a little irritated.
"no, honey. sorry. it's not a really good idea."
"but, but, you didn't even hear the price yet-"
"it doesn't matter. no more spending for this month. be happy i let you get your own dress. you have hundreds at home that are just piling up at the bottom of the closet."
"aren't we, like, super rich? what's another thousand euros for you?"
you are way too embarrassed to leave the changing room, so you stay inside in hopes they'll forget about you and just leave. you glance at the expensive dress that hangs on the wall. it's a pretty royal blue, with a thin sparkly belt on the waist and sparkly straps. it's a minimum, but makes the dress stand out.
"no, i am super rich. you are not exactly. come on, now. get your bags and get into the car. ask your friend if she wants a ride."
"uh, no." your voice is raspy, and you clear your throat. "no, thank you. i am fine."
"very well. let's go then."
you hear paper bags shuffling, then quick footsteps and the doors opening.
"sorry about my dick dad. i don't know what has gotten into him." your friend apologizes.
"you have nothing to apologize for. i didn't even expect him to do something like that, are you out of your mind?"
"oh, what's another thousand for him? he probably made a few just while having that conversation with me. he's just being an asshole."
"car. now."
your squeeze your thighs together, the stern voice coming from the man doing wonders inside your stomach.
"ugh, i'm coming!" the girl stomps after him, leaving you alone in silence.
the green dress it is then.
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the day is long and exhausting. considering that you arrived to the shop with the help of your friend's chauffeur, coming back home on foot was one hell of a task. you felt like the paper bag was carrying you, instead of you carrying it. your feet burn from the walking, and you can't wait to wash the sweat and humiliation off of you. you went from a thousand euro royal dream to a fifty euro eco trash bag. at least you have that dollar store green eye shadow you can use with it. how funny.
hot water drips down your body, fogging up the glass and trapping you in your little imagination bubble. your clit is begging for attention, reminding you of all the ways park seonghwa has touched you. his fingers skillfully rub your tense bud in ways that have you wondering if any of it is real. before you know it, you're clawing at the wet tiles as your other hand tries to desperately find the good spot inside of you. he finds so easily, why can't you? your fingers can't be much shorter than his.
half an hour of chasing an orgasm later, you give up. you've spent enough water, and your parents are going to kill you when they see the bill at the end of the month. it's all park seonghwa's fault. you can just mail him the bill and demand to pay. if you weren't so busy touching yourself to the thoughts of him, that wouldn't have happened.
defeated, you exit your room, somehow feeling more tired. you stop in your tracks. a black box sits on your bed, a yellow circle logo proudly shining on it.
"what the fuck?"
you reach for the box, touching the letters underneath the symbol. you don't open it yet, just in case this belongs to someone else.
"what is a versace doing in my room?"
"ah, your friend's chauffeur brought it over. said it was exclusively for you! bastard wouldn't let me peek."
that's all it takes for you to dive into the box like it was a new spicy book delivery. you make sure to leave the box intact, not wanting to rip something from such a luxury brand. a blood red gown sits in your hands, plush-like fabric melting down your fingers. it feels so luxurious, and expensive. it looks like something out of met gala, like it was ripped off of blake lively and given to you.
your phone pings, interrupting you from your little daydream session.
mr park: i think the blue is too calm for you. you need something fierce for a change. sorry if i overstepped. i just saw it when driving home and had to go back for it. not a word to my daughter.
you really didn't have to, sir.
mr park: i wanted to. you'll look lovely in it. and, please, have mercy and don't look at me tonight. i am a weak man.
your breath hitches. god, is he serious? just how fierce was this dress?
before you can examine it any further, the doors of your room opens, the familiar girl barging in with her little travel bag full of makeup and hair gadgets.
"whoa, slow down."
"no slowing, there's only three hours left until dad sends the chauffeur for us. god, what is that?"
"oh, it's uh-"
"vintage versace?! oh. my. god." she immediatelly pulls it out of the box, letting the empty carton fall on the floor carelessly.
"it's my moms, she dug it out after i came back home," you lie.
"i knew your mom is so cool."
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park seonghwa really meant fierce when he said it. the red dress hugs your body like it was sewn on you, the leg slit high but hidden among the ruffles of the thick quality fabric. it is a corset dress, with offshoulder straps and a low cut. you don't feel exposed though. you feel like a queen.
"this fake ruby will go so good with that dress, trust me."
"oh, thank fuck, i thought it was real," you scoff, taking the big stone necklace and putting it on.
"why? think i can't afford it?"
"oh, no, no. apologies. you can totally afford a real ruby, miss." you joke, then glance at the clock.
just in time, a car pulls up to the entrance, the driver exiting to open the doors so they're ready for the two of you.
"shit, this is it. we're gonna get so wasted."
"isn't your dad gonna be there?"
"oh, he's not going to notice me when the headmaster gets him. poor woman is convinced that my dad wants her. some people just fail to realize that he just doesn't have the time for that. nor the will."
you feel like the sentence is targeting a little, but she doesn't spare you a glance as she sits in the car. the drive there is quiet, the clicking of her nails against the phone screen being the only noise in the small space. you glance at the small mirror of your hairbrush, checking your make-up again. you are feeling a little self-conscious, having never worn make-up this bold before. a winged eyeliner, heavy highlighter on your cheeks and inner eye corner, and a blood red lipstick. it's just a dance, wasn't this a little too formal?
one of your worst fears starts creeping into you, opening the doors of bottomless overthinking and migraines. what if you arrive overdressed, and everyone there is dressed in cute floral patterns and light spring dresses? while you are here looking like you've been dressed by donatella herself. and to think that park seonghwa saw the dress in the window of a store while just driving past it, and then went all the way back to get it and deliver it just for you, makes your stomach feel like fireworks.
to your relief, as you arrive in front of the building, you see that everyone else is equally extravagantly dressed. the dance wasn't at the college, but a place that park seonghwa himself has picked. it is a mansion just outside the city, with beautiful rose bushes, a stone path through the grass, and balconies to die for. it's like he knew how to make you stay longer than you planned on this dance.
"joshua!" you greet your partner as you enter the spacious room, surprised at the big change in his appearance.
"wow, don't you look luxurious. am i allowed to stand next to you?"
you playfully hit his shoulder, blushing at the comment. he turns to your friend, making small talk with her. you use the chance to glance around the room, in hopes of seeing the man of your dreams soon. you do not spot him, but you do spot a very familiar man. a man whose face you've seen on screen, and who has seen much more than your face on mr park's screen. your face instantly goes red, and your blood is boiling. you suddenly feel naked under his gaze, but he erases that feeling by smiling sweetly your way, and waving at you as a greeting. a complete opposite of that day.
"dad isn't answering my texts. i'm just gonna go find him to let him know i'm here."
you nod, then turn your attention back to joshua. to your surprise, he has left somewhere too, you just failed to acknowledge it. you are left alone among people who are already dancing, and you feel a little bored. with the dress in hand, so that you don't trip and make a fool of yourself already, you make your way towards one of the tables that stood near the walls.
you halt your steps, suddenly coming face to face with the man who had you wrapped around his finger. you don't mind. he fails to stop in time, accidentally bumping into you and almost making you fall back. his hands are quick to grab your waist, restoring your balance again. he doesn't immediately remove his hands. you don't mind that either.
"oh, mr park."
he doesn't speak. he takes a moment to look you up and down, and you do the same. he wears a white dress blouse, and his usual black slacks. the blouse is a little see-through, and you are taking in as much as you can while he busies himself staring at you.
"sir?" you call, suddenly remembering that your friend is searching for him, and that he has not yet removed his hands from you.
"god, you look ravishing." he groans.
"sir, your daughter might be-"
"i thought i had it under control. but now that you are here..." he trails, eyes dropping on your red lips. "i wish i could just-"
the man turns around, and your waist suddenly feels cold and empty.
"dad?" another voice calls now behind you.
you are shocked by the sight. a gorgeous woman, age similar to mr park, stands in front of the two of you. luscious locks fall over her shoulders and chest, and the royal blue dress you almost bought is overshadowing yours. it looks so much better on her.
"what the hell are you doing here?" mr park is calm, despite his harsh words.
"i am here to see my daughter. and talk to you."
"there's nothing left to talk about. i'm sure your husband would mind, anyway."
"seonghwa, please."
"dad, please." your friend begs, taking his hand and giving him her best big eyes.
he isn't a fool to fall for that. but he leaves with the woman anyway, because he knows just how stubborn they both are. the once married couple makes their way upstairs, and you can't help but stare until they disappear.
"it's rude to stare." your friend says, annoyed.
"oh, sorry. i must've zoned out."
"no, you didn't. you were staring at my dad."
you scrunch your eyebrows, looking at her confused. she rolls her eyes, then folds her arms across her chest.
"i'm not stupid. you think i didn't see how you threw yourself on him just a few minutes ago? acting like you're going to fall and shit, just so he could-"
"i swear it's not-"
"oh, shut the fuck up. putting your boobs out like that in that dress. is that even your dress? did your broke ass steal it?"
you are shocked by her sudden change in behaviour. you knew she had a problem with what happened between her father and you, but why did she decide to bring it up tonight? you have brought it up before, she assured you it is alright, and now that you really did not do anything, she is acting worse than before.
"it's not zara, bitch. it's versace. where the fuck did you get it? is it from me? because i can't keep track of all of my clothes, you thought you could just take it?"
you are grateful for the loud music, muting out her yelling. you see red. you know you are at wrong, but she picked the worst time to confront you. besides, it's not like you didn't talk about it at all. you thought it was all solved. guess not.
"your dad bought it for me." you spit out.
"he thought i'd look hot in it." you press further.
"shut up."
"in fact, he just admitted that he wants to fuck me in it tonight."
"you're fucking delusional. he is getting back together with mom, don't you see? stop embarrassing yourself."
"you're telling me that your father would take back a cheater?"
her jaw drops. she knows it's true, but she has never heard you speak so freely. and she does not like that.
her hand reaches towards your hair, pulling at it, while the other one grabs a sleeve of your dress.
"stupid whore!" she curses, yanking at the necklace around your neck.
by now, people are starting to turn heads, slowly taking out their phones and recording.
"you are a shit friend, you know that? i've given you everything, and you go behind my back to fuck my dad? not once, but twice?"
"the fuck is your problem, i thought we solved this, you lunatic?!"
it gets on your nerves that you are taking this now that you really are innocent. you fight back, pushing her away from you and accidentally stepping on her dress, ripping it. everyone gasps, hands covering their mouths but phones still up in the air.
"you-" she breathes heavily, face red with rage. "you- you absolute slut! you whore!" she screams.
"that's enough." someone says next to you, before standing in between. "get up, you are making a fool of yourself. your drunk outbursts are hurting an innocent person."
"mr kim-" you start, ready to defend yourself.
"i'm not-!"
"come on," kim hongjoong helps the girl up, keeping her in a tight grip and guiding her outside the mansion. "phones away, everyone. show's over."
in the corner of your eye, you see park seonghwa rushing downstairs, followed by a woman in tears. by now, everyone went back to dancing, assuming that the girl was simply drunk and didn't know what she was saying. you are forever grateful to mr kim.
"what happened?" seonghwa grabs your shoulders, eyes skimming the ripped sleeve of the dress.
"your daughter happened." you bite the inside of your cheek, trying to keep tears from falling.
"oh, love, i'm so sorry."
"well, i kinda earned it."
mr park looks at you confused. you sigh, then slowly start walking towards one of the empty tables so that the dance floor can free up.
"she was saying some things and i intentionally pissed her off." you explain.
"what did she say?"
"that i intentionally threw myself on you, that i'm exposing my cleavage for you, and you know, that sort of stuff."
you cannot look him in the eyes. his gaze is too intense. his eyebrows are scrunched as he looks at you, and you aren't sure if he is mad with you or his daughter.
"and what did you say?"
you stay silent. you cannot fall any lower in his eyes. instead, you pour yourself a glass of wine, taking small sips of it. you absolutely hate alcohol, but in an awkward situation like this, you'll gladly drink the whole bottle if it means it'll get you out of the subject.
"do you wish to talk somewhere more private?" seonghwa suggests, making you choke back on the liquid.
"how private?" you ask before you can think.
the man chuckles, then offers his hand for you to take. you look around, making sure that the two women aren't around to see. mr kim has probably busied himself with taking care of mr park's daughter, and his ex must've left. she seemed pretty upset. you hate that the sight of her upset makes you happy.
park seonghwa leads you upstairs, much like his ex wife a few moments ago. he passes by a few doors in the hallway, until finally opening one. the interior is similar to the one in his library, only with a much bigger book selection. but he doesn't let you examine too much. he leads you to the balcony, which reminds you of the one from romeo and juliet. it looks like something from an old castle abandoned in the woods, with vines growing all over the old broken stone. the manor is surrounded by a light forest, just a few minutes away from the city, but the view from the balcony makes it seem like it is in the middle of a fantasy field. there is no light pollution, therefore you are able to see millions of shiny dots up in the sky. before you can keep gazing, mr park rests his hands on your waist, turning you around so that your back rests against the stone fence.
"sir?" you ask, hoping he would say something that you'll have an answer to.
"i was right. red is your colour."
his finger brushes over your red lips, then continues down your jawline, the neck bones, and to the cutout of the dress. he caresses the skin above the material, mere millimeters away. you are shivering, despite the pleasant weather tonight. you look into his eyes, bite down your lip when you see how focused he is in his moves.
"now that it's ripped off anyway, i'd love nothing more than to shred it to bits, just to see you again."
"but, you said-" you try reminding him of his message. he is very confusing to you.
"i know what i said. i can't help it." he steps closer to you, face inches away from yours. "i dream of devouring you in this dress."
his hand takes the wine glass from yours, lips pressing against it to take a sip. he looks deep into your eyes while he does so, faint glint getting you more riled up. you feel yourself dripping through the thin material of the thin lace thongs you wore, and it feels like he can feel it too somehow.
the glass is set on the fence now, a safe distance from both of you. you think he will finally speak again, but the man has other plans. his main plan seems to make you fall into his arms tonight, and it is working. his hands cup your face, and he presses his lips against yours. your hands are gripping the cold stone, not knowing what to do from the sudden explosion of emotions. carefully, park seonghwa pours the wine from his mouth into yours, sensually kissing you along the way.
aside from it being the hottest fucking thing that has ever happened to you, you are also happy that you didn't spill any of it. you swallow, and when you try to move away to catch a breath, he only deepens the kiss, your face still in his palms. he tugs on your lips, biting them gently, sucking them, swiping his tongue along them, with a satisfying rhythm. you can't help but whine into his mouth, a certain part of you wishing for more friction.
"all you have to do is say the words, doll." he says, voice deep and almost a whisper.
"what words?" you ask, stupidly.
"any words. anything that will give me a green light." he answers, eyes searching yours for any kind of signal.
you think, for a short time that to seonghwa seemed like years.
"take me. here. on this balcony."
seonghwa groans, and leans in again to give attention to your lips. his hands roam your body, mainly focusing on your waist and thighs. he grabs your flesh through the fabric, squeezing it with desire as his tongue hungrily chases yours, not getting enough of it no matter how much he gets.
he pulls away too fast for your liking, and before you can whine again, he drops down on his knees. his perfectly polished shoes are forgotten as they suffer scratches from the floor, and his perfectly ironed black pants will soon meet a similar fate.
"hold this for me, pretty?" he asks, handing you the bottom of your dress.
you are caught off by the sudden situation, yet your body responds immediately and takes the fabric from him. you can barely see him from the red ruffles, but you can definitely feel the hot wet muscle licking through the thin lace of your underwear. you sigh, your head falling back at the hot sensation on your clit.
"don't hold back, please. i want to hear you."
you feel uneasy, but the moment he pushes your panties aside and attaches his lips to your core, you do not care. you whine, breathe heavily, moan, pull at his hair in ecstasy. you love the thrill of knowing that anyone could walk in and the first thing they'd see is the two of you doing sinful things in the moonlight. bet they'd love the sight, too.
"fuck, sir-" you gasp, feeling him sucking on your sensitive bud.
"fuck, i love it when you call me sir. call me more names, darling, i beg you."
"m-make me," you choke out, feeling his finger sliding between your walls.
he scoffs, playfully tugging on your covered nipple as he continues pumping his finger in and out of you. he does it slowly, making sure to brush against the sensitive spot but not give it complete attention. just enough to keep you on the edge.
"oh, i'll make you. don't you worry." he promises.
his hands grab your thighs, almost raising your body from the ground, so that he could eat you out properly. you have the urge to close your legs, but his hands are firm and keep them open. you shake against his restless tongue, hoping to release soon.
"mr. park- please- please-" you beg, choking back tears.
you do not know why you tear up in sexual situations with him. from the pleasure? from the pain of edging? from knowing that this might be the last time you're doing it?
as soon as he hears your voice shaking, mr park stands up, making sure that it really is what he thinks it is. without a word, he kisses you again, lips wet with your arousal. he keeps fingering you, knuckles disappearing between your folds and deliciously preparing you for him.
"turn around for me, little girl."
his words shoot arrows to your core, and it takes a lot of strength in you to do as he says. his fingers find their place right under your jaw, softly pressing into your neck and making it difficult for you to stay sober. he releases every now and then, just enough to let you breathe properly. his other hand moves the back of your dress, giving it to you to hold onto, and then raises your leg so that it rests on the fence. you are now standing on one leg, wet core completely exposed to the cool night air and him.
"good girl," he praises, leaving a kiss on the top of your head. "so flexible for me."
you hear a zipper, then clothes ruffling. you breathe out when you feel something smooth and hot rubbing up and down your folds, not yet entering. your head drops from the dizziness of his playful choking, and your eyes widen when you finally see the rest of the view from the balcony.
down there, in the garden behind the manor, there are three benches and a fountain. and on one of the benches, his ex wife. she seems to notice you at the same time you notice her, judging by her sudden jaw drop and widened eyes. you don't get to warn him, as you are interrupted by your own gasp caused by his hot muscle pushing inside your tights walls. he wastes no time in thrusting into you, quickly catching a rhythm while simultaneously pulling your hair with his other hand. at this point, it is more you thrusting back into him than he is thrusting forwards into you. you need his every inch, no matter how fucked up the situation at the moment is.
you can't help it, you look at the poor woman in the eyes, moaning as her ex husband is tearing you apart on the balcony of their once shared holiday manor.
"louder," he growls, speeding up his movements.
and you do it. you moan, louder, not on purpose, but because it really feels that good.
"fuck, your cunt is made for me."
"da-daddy-" you test the grounds, and he halts his movements.
shit, you fucked up.
"what?" he says, out of breath.
"nothing-" you gasp, his fingers pressing into your neck, "daddy, i said daddy-"
you are interrupted by a moan again, as he begins thrusting harder. the woman is on the verge of tears, and even though you feel a little bad, the feeling of her husband's cock filling you up feels too good. you also remember the reason they parted. she did the same with another man. you allow yourself a moment of braveness, already having said goodbye to the friendship with their daughter.
you smile down at the woman, then reach behind to grab mr park's hair. you moan, loud and clear, more for her to hear. the man groans, burying his head into your shoulder and biting down, making you gasp and close your eyes in pain. his hand rests on your lower back, making you arch it just a bit more so he can finally hit the spot you both need.
you open your eyes, only to find her still standing there in disbelief and shock. she is disgusted with you, and heartbroken by him. and you do not care.
"mr. park, you're too big for me-" you choke out.
he slows his movements, then raises his head from your shoulder. he admires the bruise he has created for a moment, then follows your gaze down to the benches. upon seeing his ex wife, you expect him to stop. but he only does so for a moment, before yanking down the fabric on your chest and exposing your breasts. he continues diving into you, softly panting into your ear and driving you insane.
the woman seems too stunned to even move. it is clear she is not enjoying it, she isn't a voyeour.
"you're taking me so well, doll. you should see how abused your pretty pussy looks, begging me to cum all over it and inside it." he growls, then grabs your jaw so that he can look at you.
his eyebrows are scrunched, focused on the approaching orgasm.
"moan for me more, baby, please. you sound majestic."
unable to hold back, you moan into his mouth, hips thrusting back in a desperate attempt to reach the orgasm. it is building up inside of you for so long, threatening to overflow any moment now. but he has complete control over the rhythm, and the moment you start moving too, he chokes you just a little harder.
"sir, please, sir, let me cum- i want to cum on your dick so, so bad," you say everything that is on your mind. he enjoys seeing you vulnerable in his hands, and slows down the pace just to hear you some more.
"you want to cream on daddy's cock, little girl? you want me to fill you up all the way, to have you walk with my cum inside your abused little hole the entire night? have my daughter apologize to you as you desperately try to keep my seed from spilling down your legs?"
"mr park-"
"yes, angel."
"just a bit more, doll."
"seonghwa-" you scream, and he is quick to press his lips on yours to calm you down.
feeling your walls squeeze from the waves of the orgasm, you take him over the edge, his seed painting your walls and making it easier for him to ride his own orgasm out. your body shakes from the intense pleasure, and from the sudden rush of cold air on your bare arms. mr park is quick to release your neck, and wrap his arms around you and press your body against his chest. he kisses you sweetly, simultaneously rubbing your arms in an attempt to warm you up. his cock twitches inside of you, and he is still slowly thrusting in and out, riding out the rest of the orgasm.
you breathe heavily into his mouth, legs going limp and threatening to become numb any second. he finally helps you set your leg down, and slowly pulls out of you. hot seed spills out of your hole and down your leg, and you are scared that it will stain the dress.
"do you trust me?"
"do you trust me?" he repeats himself, guiding you so that your body is facing him again.
"well, yes, i- oh!"
he picks you up by your waist, so that you can sit on the stone fence. it is wide enough for you to sit comfortably, but if you could choose not to, you would. his hands are holding you firmly, and his eyes tell you he isn't letting go.
"this dress looks gorgeous on you, but it is in my way the whole evening," he huffs, flipping the dress once more.
"no, i'm too sensitive-" you try to stop him, but he hushes you.
"trust. me."
he doesn't touch your clit. he doesn't try to finger you. instead, he collects the white streak that has started the journey down your thigh, pushing it back into your hole. you feel yourself becoming wet again, horny and angry butterflies raving in your stomach. he uses his two fingers to gently push all of his seed inside you again, and he looks up at you with deadly eyes. you recognize the lust once again, and you almost moan at the sight. "now, let's go find my daughter to get your apology." “no!” you protest, panic swallowing you.
“relax. she will say no, I will be mad at her, and she will then ask to go with her mother.”
you try to follow, but you can’t. why is he so careless about his daughter choosing his ex wife over him? he seems to realise your confusion, and laughs fondly.
“that way, nothing can stop us doing this any time and anywhere. and, I can finally make that dinner reservation at the new restaurant. been dying to try it with you.”
“but, I don’t have any money. I cannot pay my share.”
park seonghwa chuckles, then leaves a soft kiss on your forehead. you feel all fuzzy and warm, feet swinging under the dress from the simple act.
“I’ll gladly be your sugar daddy. just the more romantic and relationship type of sugar daddy.”
“what do you say?”
“I say your cum is ready to be washed out so I better go fetch my apology.”
“good girl.”
taglist for this series
@scardorosht @kitty4hwa @atinism @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @rkivesofmymemories @i-love-ateez @bangmechann @dandelion-aj @rialovesyunho @bellamuerte1987 @livingdeadlisa @jen176pink @yeosxxx @az-con @313hwa @btsreader12 @dafodillhwa @enhypemen @perfetlysane24 @linoriii @likexaxdaydream @yeosangsbbg @starbvrryhwa @riboism
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wonyrs · 15 days
pairing nishimura riki x fem reader genre fluff, drabble, established relationship warnings food/restaurant mentions, threats of breaking up, physical touch (kicking used once)
? date night gone wrong
“are you being serious right now, riki?”
your anxiety levels peaked as u stare at your boyfriend in disbelief. he shares your panic and frowns.
“why would i lie about this, babe?” he answers, his tone nervous. niki looked like he was going to shit his pants— whereas you would’ve taken a photo of if it weren’t for the current circumstances. “please forgive me.”
“i’m so close to punching you right now, nishimura. who forgets their wallet on a date at a millionaire’s restaurant?” you whisper-shouted.
there was a server behind you two, secretly eyeing you both in suspicion while handing out the meals. any decibel louder and the security might be called in.
“i’m sorry, okay?” niki pleads, his hands pressed together in a begging motion. you sigh and shake your head.
so much for a date night.
it took both of you weeks of preparation to be able to match the restaurant’s vibe. the establishment being settled at the top of the namsan seoul tower made the prices (un)reasonably expensive.
your boyfriend, who was on your last nerve, dismissed your worries on whether the prices were too high (quote: “i got the money under control. just leave it to me, princess ;).
turns out all his smugness about the finances went back and bit him in the butt seeing as how he forgot his card at home— almost an hour from the tower AND no one is back there to fetch it for him. talk about bad luck.
“if i could just call jay-hyung to go back and bring it here then mayb-“ a voice cut him off. you turn to the sound and your heart drops down to your ass. the last possible person you’d ever want to see.
“excuse me, sir and ma’am,” the staff started off. “we’ve noticed that you’ve… um… been finished for quite some time and,” they give you an awkward smile. both of you reciprocate.
“were wondering if there is anything else you’d like to order, or if you’d like the bill now?” your eyes widen. you whip your head to your boyfriend and signal with your eyes ‘no!’. he looks indecisive and nudges your foot underneath the table.
you held back a remark and resorted to softly kicked his shin instead.
“um… we’d actually like to order this special please,” you point to the menu, “if we can.”
the waiter grins and nods his head. he straightens his posture and walks back to the kitchen, ready to inform the team of the new order.
“riki. babe. love of my life. please call jay right now, i’m afraid this distraction won’t last long,” you lean over the table and grip his hands in yours. niki’s phone was in his hand, dialing the numbers of your potential saviour.
“it’ll be fine, n/n,” he assures you, rubbing his thumb over yours in an attempt to calm you down. “the most we’ll get is a scolding- but at least we won’t wash dishes!” niki laughs.
you roll your eyes and pinch him, inciting a small ‘hey!’ from the boy. while he did relax your nerves- just a little bit- the annoyance from earlier was still there.
with other couples chat in brisk, you two are stuck in a dilemma with only one person to rely on. your hands still intertwined, niki squeezes yours as comfort- whether for you or himself, we’ll never know.
“if we finish this next meal and jay isn’t here, consider this our last restaurant date, ‘ki.”
niki’s eyes widen in fright, practically leaping over the table to grab your shoulders. he shakes you around like a ragdoll while the other customers send over weird stares, their own conversations dimming down slowly.
“wait- please don’t say that, babe!”
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NOTE ✃ : hi!! first drabble kind of bad :P but its ok!! more room for improvement (also TXT at knotts?? ARGHH) @cupidhoons read this before i posted :3
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
A click. The closing and opening of a camera shutter. The whirr of film as it slides across the inner workings of his camera.
Timothy Drake heaved himself off of the concrete roof as soon as the vigilantes left his eyesight. He swaps the film roll, placing the used one inside of the tin with a barely restrained grin. He’d gotten good shots tonight- a confrontation with Harvey Dent, batarangs swooping to cut the new Robin free- and Tim was excited to race back to his dark room in order to develop those candids.
He climbs down the side of the building, the spelunking gear he’d splurged his parents’ money on working wonderfully on Gotham’s stone and concrete buildings.
“Mom, I want to be just like you guys!” He’d said, and his mom agreed to spare no expense for his new hobby. Well, their secretary did, with his parent’s disinterested permission. After all, spelunking is sometimes needed for artifact digs… probably.
Besides, the moment he had brought up Bruce Wayne’s propensity for “spelunking,” his father had immediately sent him more cave scaling stuff in order to “network with the other successful businessmen, Timmy!”
Tim slides away from the alley with full awareness. Even in Bristol, one had to be careful to avoid the multitudes of goons out and about. The Narrows are definitely worse than Bristol and Tim wasn’t about to let his hard work be taken away just like that. As he trudged home- taking a taxi once he was in a slightly more “trustworthy area”- Tim became slightly lost in his thoughts about the identities of Gotham’s vigilantes. Technically there’s only two.
Tim knows there’s three.
Bruce Wayne.
Jason Todd.
Dick Grayson.
His sharp mind, now assuaged from the mystery of their identities, worked hard to match the fights he witnessed to the injuries the prolific Wayne family hid the next day.
Timothy Drake thinks he’ll never get bored following his vigilantes.
He’s bored. He’s so irrevocably, irredeemably bored.
Tim had been so excited to go, too! Perhaps for different reasons than everyone else because he was here to observe his heroes out of their masks, not for the Annual Wayne Gala that’s the end-all of high society life. As in, if you weren’t invited, that’s the end of your social life. Bruce Wayne held high society in his palms and Tim is only fifty percent sure he knew and/or cared. Regardless, he was prepared to be a pod-son to his parents’ fake good-parents act, and accordingly suffered thirty minutes of cheek-pinching and fake laughs just for the opportunity to see the three Bats in one place.
They’re not here. They won’t be here for another twenty minutes.
Anyways, he’s bored and irritated. Definitely annoyed enough for some bad ideas.
And Tim might not be aware of this fact about himself until much later when he’s more self-aware, but a bored and irritated Tim Drake is bad news for everyone.
He takes after Janet Drake, after all, and Janet Drake is only after Bruce Wayne in influence and cunning.
And his heroes, his beloved heroes, are the targets of his ire tonight. Tim smiles wider, pod-person smile widening to a baring of ravenous teeth incredibly off putting on a nine year old, and immediately changes course towards the delicate jello squares sitting at the buffet table.
The Waynes will be learning the importance of punctuality at their own galas by the time Tim’s done. He swears it. He even has a get out of jail free card!
Just. A small bit of petty revenge.
Tim nabs a bowl full of the jellos, snacking on one as he makes his way to the Wayne family’s most favorite balcony. Everyone knows it’s the one the family members go to when the Gala gets overwhelming. It’s an unspoken rule that no one else may enter it. Tim slips around the blind spots in the cameras.
High society might call someone a bitch in forty different ways, all hidden behind silk smiles and false eyes, but they’d respect the oddest things.
Tim… doesn’t care. He’s been breaking rules since he was seven.
He sets to his task, setting the jello cubes in the places he’d calculated that Jason or Bruce or Dick might step on. Mild revenge, yes, but Tim doesn’t want to bother Alfred too much. The butler had looked a bit tired earlier. Task done, Tim squeezes back into the party and smiles like his life depended on it.
“Brucie!” His dad boomed, and Tim felt his smile widen once more.
“Jack!” Batman’s Brucie personality bounced into the ballroom as the party kicked back up with the host’s presence. “How’ve you been, old chap?”
“The digs have been very fruitful!”
“I see you’ve brought someone with you today! Well, other than your strikingly beautiful wife, of course!”
“This is my son, Timothy!”
“Hello, Timothy. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Oh. My. God. He’s shaking hands with Batman!
“Hi. I’m Timothy Drake.”
“Oh my gosh, Tim!” His mom laughs, fake nails and laugh digging into his shoulders. Oops. Too informal.
“It’s alright.”
Oh my god, it’s ROBIN. Tim’s smile twitches, barely containing his squeals.
“Jaylad? What’s wrong?”
“Someone left jello cubes all over the balcony!”
“What?” Bruce (Brucie, Tim decides is the name of the mask) turns to his parents and excuses himself.
“Mom? I’m going to go network with Bruce Wayne’s son.”
No, he’s not. He’s gonna go watch them lose their minds.
“That’s my boy!” His dad claps him on the shoulder and shoos him off. His mom narrowing her eyes at him but ultimately dismissing him.
Perfect. By the time he gets there, he hears Nightwing- Dick Grayson, oh my god!- asking “O” to figure out who left all those cubes on the floor.
“Drake?” Ah, shit.
“Weren’t we just talking to him earlier, B?”
“Yes, but I haven’t got the slightest idea why he’d leave jello cubes all over the place.”
“Assassination attempt?” Jason asks.
“Whatever it is, it ruined my running shoes!”
“Dick, please, just wash it off or give it to Alfred.”
“Ugh, we can just go ask him.”
“And make a scene?” Jason sounds eager.
“No. Alfred ordered us specifically not to.”
Silence. Tim grins and slips away, making his way through and voiding the cameras as usual.
Tim smiles politely at Brucie Wayne while inwardly cheering. His dad looks at him with stars in his eyes and leaves him to work his magic.
“Yes, Mr. Wayne?” Pod-person smile!
“This is my son, Jason. And this is Dick.”
“Hi. I’m Jason!” He holds out a hand for Tim to shake. Dick smiles at him and Tim thinks he might expire on the Wayne’s ballroom floor.
“Hello,” Tim suppresses his urge to scream excitedly. “I’m Timothy Drake. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Woah, you sound so stiff.”
“Jason!” Brucie Wayne chides. “Anyways, Timmy, you looked like you had something to tell me earlier. Something wrong, kiddo?”
No, no he didn’t. But… they don’t know that he knows their secret. And they don’t know he knows that they don’t know.
Tim acts confused, but then clears up with his expression like he just thought of something.
“Oh! I was wondering why you were late, Mr. Wayne. Did Batman stop you on the way back?”
“Oh, I know you don’t really like Batman, Mr. Wayne,” Tim cackles inwardly. “But he saves you a lot. Were you stopping crime?”
“I… I’m not Batman.”
“Well, I know that,” Tim huffs. “It’s just weird no one’s seen you and Batman in the same room.” Tim cheerfully ignores the alarm making its way onto the trio’s faces and his dad’s frantic, further away, cut it out motion. “But obviously that’s because Batman’s busy putting on his gear, right?”
“And how do you figure that…?” Dick asks, tense.
“Uh, he always knows when you’re in trouble? He always comes in minutes of you guys getting held hostage. Is his base on the manor grounds? Oh, is it a secret that you’re funding him? Don’t worry! I know how to keep a secret! Can you tell the new Robin that I think he’s the best?” Tim grins cutely up at Batman. Ah, he means Brucie Wayne.
“Sure can, kiddo! Don’t tell anyone else, okay?” Jason swoops in, grinning back Tim.
As he nods, Tim can’t help mentioning the cubes. “Oh, sorry about the cubes! I thought I’d be able to track them with their shoe print if Batman and Robin came to save you guys but I guess that wasn’t going to happen. I’m really sorry!” He uses the “cute duckling” face and Dick visibly melts.
“No problem, Timmy! You should come over to play Clue with us sometime! I think you’d be good at it.”
“Oh! Really?” His words becomes a bit more genuine. “I’ve never played it. My mom and dad aren’t around much so. Um. Would it be okay if we do?”
“This weekend.” Brucie Wayne’s voice suddenly became more firm. “I’ll talk to your parents about it.
As Tim waves the Wayne’s goodbye, he hears from Dick, “You only like him because he said you’re the best.”
And Jason’s reply, “Because he’s got good taste,” made the rest of his night. Not week, because tomorrow, he gets to poke around Wayne manor again!
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anathemaspeaks · 1 month
"falling in love with you wasn't a part of my life plan, but i don't regret that i did."
with affectionate boyfriend!Shoto :D
i hope you like it <3
check out my prompt list and send in requests!
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You were resting, your head on Shoto’s lap, facing up at him and his fingers gently carding through your hair. It was unfair how someone could look so pretty from such an unflattering angle.
His heterochromatic eyes were sparkling as he gazed down at your peaceful form, filled with so much love you thought your heart would burst. He smiled down at you, softly, looking at you as if you were the most beautiful thing in the world. And to him, you were.
This time, two years ago, if someone would’ve told you you would be dating the pro-hero Shoto Todoroki, you would’ve laughed at them, brushing it off with a “he’s just a friend,” knowing you had no chance.
You met in your UA days. You knew Shoto was a stoic man, one who had no time for trivial things like love - especially with all of his family’s issues, coupled with his own.
Surprisingly, the man found himself enjoying your company a lot more than he would like to admit. Soon, the two of you were steadfast friends. It remained that way even through your journeys to becoming pro-heroes.
You had always loved him. You had always thought he was a man who never wanted to love, instead accepting the fact that you two would just be good friends.
He had always loved you too, ever since the day you crashed into him, causing him to spill his cold soba. You bought him another one after that, apologizing profusely, flustered by the fact that you messed up in front of your crush - and that was the beginning of your friendship.
Look at where you are now. A diamond much too expensive for you to even think about resting on your ring finger, and matching, lovesick smiles on the both of your faces.
You lifted your hand up, thumb lightly grazing his scar. You thought it made him look even more unfairly gorgeous. He only ever allowed you to touch it, you were the only person who could make his heart beat so fast with just one look. Even after two years, he was still wrapped around your finger.
You sat up, still sitting in his lap. You moved your head into the crook of his neck, breathing in his expensive cologne, and something else, something that made him smell so…Shoto.
He turned his head slightly, planting a soft kiss on your temple, letting his lips linger there for a while.
“Sho, when did you realize you loved me?” You inquired.
“Since the day you beat my ass during training. You got me cold soba after that, because you felt guilty for hurting me. That day, seeing you choke on your own food, I knew I just had to have you.” He chuckled, fondly remembering the memory.
“Oh come on” you whined and buried your face deeper into his neck, an embarrassed blush taking over your features. He tightened his grip around you, placing a hand under you jaw to make you look back up at him.
“Love, it’s always been only you for me. You’re the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen - inside and out. You’re the reason I know what love is…I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Falling in love with you wasn’t a part of my life plan, but I don’t regret that I did, because now, you’re the best part of my life.” He said, nothing but sincerity in his voice.
You get to marry him. You felt like the luckiest girl in the world. You leaned up, capturing his lips in a tender kiss, grinning from ear to ear when you broke apart.
“Okay, but would you still love me that way if I was a worm?”
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i can’t write anything seriously but he’s such a cutie oh god
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