#or that i found my life purpose suddenly
buttercupart · 1 year
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Choi Ha-neul, or just Hana for short, starts her second year of undergrad in late 2019, alongside her lifelong best friend Ryn, and recent additions from freshman year; Aurora and Reese. These four hit up the library between classes a lot and there, frequently run into an incoming freshman who seems troubled and alone... so naturally, they friendopt her and make her join in on their group escapades.
They’re just starting to get closer as a group and become true, genuine friends when the spring 2020 semester rolls around, and with it.... well. You Know.
more Hana facts
really likes hydrangeas and kind of makes them her whole personality
is definitely the type to fantasize about owning a combination bakery and flower shop
has raised gerbils since she was young and will defend them to the death
likes celestial aesthetics when shes not going ham about florals
longs to have been born earlier so she could’ve had a cool flip phone w/ a ton of dangly charms to put on it
has a scar across her nose/forehead from a diving board incident as a kid
despite having lots of cool piercings and wanting more, she’s terrified of needles so for now she just Imagines
not the most socially adept member of the group, but the most socially confident... so she’s basically the diplomat
was the shortest of her friends before they all friendnapped Paz
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burntoutdaydreamer · 7 months
Weird Brain Hacks That Help Me Write
I'm a consistently inconsistent writer/aspiring novelist, member of the burnt-out-gifted-kid-to-adult-ADHD-diagnosis-pipeline, recently unemployed overachiever, and person who's sick of hearing the conventional neurotypical advice to dealing with writer's block (i.e. "write every single day," or "there's no such thing as writer's block- if you're struggling to write, just write" Like F*CK THAT. Thank you, Brenda, why don't you go and tell someone with diabetes to just start producing more insulin?)
I've yet to get to a point in my life where I'm able to consistently write at the pace I want to, but I've come a long way from where I was a few years ago. In the past five years I've written two drafts of a 130,000 word fantasy novel (currently working on the third) and I'm about 50,000 words in on the sequel. I've hit a bit of a snag recently, but now that I've suddenly got a lot of time on my hands, I'm hoping to revamp things and return to the basics that have gotten me to this point and I thought I might share.
1) My first draft stays between me and God
I find that I and a lot of other writers unfortunately have gotten it into our heads that first drafts are supposed to resemble the finished product and that revisions are only for fixing minor mistakes. Therefore, if our first draft sucks that must mean we suck as writers and having to rewrite things from scratch means that means our first draft is a failure.
I'm here to say that is one of the most detrimental mentalities you can have as a writer.
Ever try drawing a circle? You know how when you try to free-hand draw a perfect circle in one go, it never turns out right? Whereas if you scribble, say, ten circles on top of one another really quickly and then erase the messy lines until it looks like you drew a circle with a singular line, it ends up looking pretty decent?
Yeah. That's what the drafting process is.
Your first draft is supposed to suck. I don't care who you are, but you're never going to write a perfect first draft, especially if you're inexperienced. The purpose of the first draft is to lay down a semi-workable foundation. A really loose, messy sketch if you will. Get it all down on paper, even if it turns out to be the most cliche, cringe-inducing writing you've ever done. You can work out those kinks in the later drafts. The hardest part of the first draft is the most crucial part: getting started. Don't stress yourself out and make it even harder than it already is.
If that means making a promise to yourself that no one other than you will ever read your first draft unless it's over your cold, dead body, so be it.
2) Tell perfectionism to screw off by writing with a pen
I used to exclusively write with pencil until I realized I was spending more time erasing instead of writing.
Writing with a pen keeps me from editing while I right. Like, sometimes I'll have to cross something out or make notes in the margins, but unlike erasing and rewriting, this leaves the page looking like a disaster zone and that's a good thing.
If my writing looks like a complete mess on paper, that helps me move past the perfectionist paralysis and just focus on getting words down on the page. Somehow seeing a page full of chicken scratch makes me less worried about making my writing all perfect and pretty- and that helps me get on with my main goal of fleshing out ideas and getting words on a page.
3) It's okay to leave things blank when you can't think of the right word
My writing, especially my first draft, is often filled with ___ and .... and (insert name here) and red text that reads like stage directions because I can't think of what is supposed to go there or the correct way to write it.
I found it helps to treat my writing like I do multiple choice tests. Can't think of the right answer? Just skip it. Circle it, come back to it later, but don't let one tricky question stall you to the point where you run out of brain power or run out of time to answer the other questions.
If I'm on a role, I'm not gonna waste it by trying to remember that exact word that I need or figure out the right transition into the next scene or paragraph. I'm just going to leave it blank, mark to myself that I'll need to fix the problem later, and move on.
Trust me. This helps me sooooo much with staying on a roll.
4) Write Out of Order
This may not be for everyone, but it works wonders for me.
Sure, the story your writing may need to progress chronologically, but does that mean you need to write it chronologically? No. It just needs to be written.
I generally don't do this as much for editing, but for writing, so long as you're making progress, it doesn't matter if it's in the right order. Can't think of how to structure Chapter 2, but you have a pretty good idea of how your story's going to end? Write the ending then. You'll have to go back and write Chapter 2 eventually, but if you're feeling more motivated to write a completely different part of the book, who's to say you can't do that?
When I'm working on a project, I start off with a single document that I title "Scrap for (Project Title)" and then just write whatever comes to mind, in whatever order. Once I've gotten enough to work with, then I start outlining my plot and predicting how many chapters I'm going to need. Then, I create separate google docs for each individual chapter and work on them in whatever order I feel like, often leaving several partially complete as I jump from one to the other. Then, as each one gets finished, I copy and paste the chapter into the full manuscript document. This means that the official "draft" could have Chapters 1 and 9, but completely be missing Chapters 2-8, and that's fine. It's not like anyone will ever know once I finish it.
Sorry for the absurdly long post. Hopes this helps someone. Maybe I'll share more tricks in the future.
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sassmill · 1 year
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I asked “are you okay with me introducing your queerness into the museum’s official narrative? Is that term alright with you? Does it resonate with your experience when you lived?” And these cards all came flying out of the deck. Lizzo’s “about damn time” came into my head right when the three of wands came out, too. I feel like I’m going to start crying.
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charliemwrites · 4 months
Still thinking about Nikto, and that anon ask I answered just a bit ago.
Content: Dissociation/Depersonalization, Unhealthy (not harmful) Coping Mechanisms, Codependence, Trauma/PTSD symptoms, Sexual Themes
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After the hallway incident you’re a bit shaken. A life of a heavy burden, but your shoulders are used to the weight; you’re a medic. But what Nikto offered you in the hallway — no, not offered, but gave, devoted. It makes it hard to breathe.
You’re not sure if what he’s seeking (or perhaps found?) is solace or penance. You don’t think you have much say in the matter really. If God asked His disciples to stop worshipping, would they?
The comparison feels too bold, even in the privacy of your own mind. Smacks of narcissism and ego. You don’t feel powerful. You feel scared. Of what it means to hold this broken, burdened man in the palm of your hand, trying to keep all the pieces together without cutting yourself on them.
Don’t be so careless with your life, you told him.
He’s taken those words as religious creed. He doesn’t storm around corners, guns blazing anymore. Doesn’t drop from heart-stopping heights to stamp-sized targets. Hes not the first one out nor the last one in anymore — though he never lets you get out first or hop in transport last either.
Suppose that shouldn’t be a surprise.
He cares for his wounds now, too. Cleans and changes them regularly, doesn’t over exert them before they’ve healed. You’re so dizzy on pride in him that you kiss the front of his mask one day, telling him “thank you”.
He grunts in something that sounds almost like shock and shakes his head at you. You figure he doesn’t feel he deserves praise for doing as you’ve told him. You do it anyway.
Things start to settle into this new normal.
Until you can’t find him anywhere. He’s become your new shadow, another limb, and suddenly he’s gone like so much smoke. You’re both fresh off a rough, but successful mission. You’ve just finished a stint in the infirmary and your debrief. Usually hed take that time to clean off and change in privacy, back before you could miss him.
Where is he?
You find him bleeding in his room, trying to care for his own wounds. Mask off, shirt gone, a new knife wound added to his macabre collection. You scramble to his side and collapse at his feet, snatching the needle from his shaky, slippery hand.
“Don’t you ever—” you choke on the words, unusual tears welling. You’re a medic; you’re not allowed to cry during treatment. But all you see if Nikto and blood and—
“I am okay,” he says in that low, crackly voice. Gravel in a blender. “It is not bad.”
You swallow and don’t answer, can’t because you’ll start weeping into his wound. Just stitch him up, hands steady even as you sniffle and the rest of you trembles.
When it’s done, you start wiping away the excess, prepping a bandage. He’s so silent you can even hear him breathing, but you feel his eyes like a physical touch. Finally make yourself look up at him meet his piercing eyes.
“You come back to me from now on,” you say. Quiet, firm, fervent. “I don’t care what it is, you return to my side always.”
The silence stretches and stretches, and he just stares with that unfathomable gaze.
“Understand?” you insist.
Those two commandments become that basis of his new existence. Nikto once thought he survived it all because he still had work to do. He was wrong; it was because he still hadn’t found his purpose at all.
He’s found you now though, and you are a demanding god. But not a cruel one
Your first commandment is atonement. This vessel requires so much work. Food and water and rest. Maintenance for every abrasion, upkeep to stay strong enough to stand at your side, to protect you. It is endless, bitter work. He doesn’t care for the labor itself, but it must be done.
It is made bearable with you.
Your second commandment is salvation. Your quiet chatter during meals, the lingering taste of your mouth on his water canteen. Your kind hands mending tears and holes, keeping whatever he is now whole and hale. Your company in the gym, on sparring mats, at his side at the gun range. The smell of your sweat past the mask, your laughter goading him into another round.
You let him sleep in your bed. Let him wake you with nightmares or memories. Keep him warm because this thing he inhabits doesn’t always remember it’s not dying anymore. You are so very alive, the realest thing in any room. Your touch is the only thing he can feel sometimes.
It takes him a long time to realize that his body (because it is a body you tell him, a living one that needs care) reacts to you.
That some mornings the press of you against him is especially sweet. That there’s more than relief and pride when you pin him down. That, at most points of the day, his body wants your touch for more than just grounding.
He’s hard most times that he’s with you, simply for the fact that you are there. And he is with you almost always.
(That it is not actually always grinds at him, niggles in the back of his mind. A sticking point. He wants it to be always, you with him at all times. Like when he used to wear a cross pendant.)
You notice, of course you do, sensitive to your most loyal devotee. He can’t tell if you’re offended, but you haven’t sent him away. Sometimes you flush and he thinks he’s certainly upset you, but for all he’s survived it would kill him to break your second commandment. And so he stays, even if he waits to be told to leave.
You never need to call his name, he is always listening. He likes the sound of it anyway. These syllables and sounds that have a meaning, that you use for him.
“Do you… want to do something about that?” you nod to his crotch. There’s a blatant bulge pressing at his tac pants. At some other time, he would probably would have found it uncomfortable.
“Do what?” he asks.
You shrug. “Get off? I could leave—“
You blink but don’t seem surprised. “Do you want to just ignore it then?”
He shrugs a bit. There’s a flicker of amusement in your eyes. You like when he makes gestures. He tries to remember common ones, and when to do them, and tries them out for you. Though you never seem to mind his stillness either.
“It does not bother me.”
You hum, look like you’re going to go back to your tv show.
“Does it bother you?”
Your eyes dart up, mouth parting in surprise. You didn’t expect him to continue the topic. Neither did he.
“It doesn’t bother me,” you reply, tilting your head. “But if you want to do something about it, we can.”
“If… if you want me to do something… I would.”
He couldn’t ask that of you. Not ever. He’s not allowed to want anything of you when you’ve given him everything.
“No,” he says quietly finally. “Just ignore it.”
“Okay.” You smile at him, touch his hand. It is bare, mangled tattoos on display. He wishes he could feel it more. “Come snuggle in?”
Snuggle in.
Such a quaint turn of a phrase for a creature in your room, wearing a man’s face. He climbs in, shoes gone, mask gone. You wedge yourself against his side and he stares absently at the screen as you continue your show.
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kenjakusbraincum · 6 months
Heey, I LOVE your writings on soft sukuna, you write so beautifully🩷 please can you do one where he is jealous (fluff)😭🩷
Thank you sm for the kind words!!! Here's my best attempt at doing your idea justice <3
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Sukuna has no real reason to be jealous. He practically owns you, controls every aspect of your life, who or what could he possibly be jealous of? Every servant who dared approach you in an inappropriate way would be dealt with swiftly. And you're a good pet, who has eyes for no one other than your master. You really don't give him a reason.
But there's this one thing... Since you've been so good and obedient, Sukuna has allowed you many liberties. You're permitted to skip around the mansion, watch Uraume cook, even enjoy little hobbies. You've tried many before you found that crocheting particularly piqued your interest. Ever since you've learned the basics, you've been spending hours working on perfecting your skills. At first it was cute, watching you squint in concentration as you move the hook. But then the math became really simple - having this hobby to keep you busy meant you approached Sukuna out of boredom a lot less. And he noticed it. It irked him, but you're not technically doing anything wrong. You were still as happy to serve him as ever, he just had to ask. But why would he have to ask? You should be all over him on your own. He should have to push you away, not beg you to give him attention. He didn't like this disturbance in your master and pet balance that this little hobby of yours caused.
He stands at the door now. You're crocheting again. You and your favorite servant laugh at your failed creation so sweetly, you don't even notice he's waiting. He clicks his tongue to establish his presence, and your servant falls to her knees immediately. You however, are not held to that high of a standard anymore.
"Master!", you call him, and hop up to greet him with a deep bow. Before he can say anything, you've picked up the piece of fabric you've been working on and ran into his arms to show him.
He looks at the ugly form and scoffs. "This is what I'm sponsoring?", he says and pulls a loose piece of yarn, making your little creation fall apart. He always was a bully, but you note his bad mood.
"I'm only a beginner...", you sulk.
"That much is obvious.", he flicks the yarn away and it falls onto the floor. Before you can bend to pick it up, he seizes your wrist and pulls you back. "Aren't you a little young to waste time with hobbies for the elderly?", he asks. You look at him with your cutest, practiced doe eyes, but it doesn't work.
"Come, pet. I know an activity more suitable for your age.", he says when you don't respond, and steps out of the room. You hop after him, unaffected by his condescending comments. You know that they're just for show. If he really thought you were a hag, you would've been gone a long time ago.
"Sitting at your throne all day?", you tease innocently and join him at his side, sliding your arm underneath one of his. You hope your playfulness will distract him from whatever is bothering him. "Or in a bath?" His lower set of eyes peeks at you and smirks, noticing that you're feeling particularly daring today. He's not sure how he feels about that. "Or in your bed." He rolls his eyes gently and opens the door to his chambers.
"At least then you'd be serving your purpose and actually spending time with your master.", he comments and shuts the door. His comment catches you a bit off guard and you stop in front of his bed. He makes his way towards you, and you look up at him with an insulted expression.
"Master, are you jealous of a ball of yarn?", you ask playfully, and squeal when he suddenly pushes you down to sit on the bed. Now you're at eye level... with his crotch.
"You've got quite a big mouth today. Put it to good use for a change, will you?", he runs his hand from the crown of your head to the back of your neck. You seem to have struck a nerve, so it really is the ball of yarn. Is it possible that Sukuna is this clingy?
"Will you?", he repeats and tugs on your hair and narrows his eyes. You smile obediently and reach behind him to untie his obi.
"Yes Master."
You try your best to manage the time you spend crocheting from then on, working on productivity in the hours that you dedicate to developing this skill. And it helps that you have a specific goal in mind now: helping Sukuna realize that this hobby is a friend, not an enemy. He still catches you engaging in it sometimes, and gives you a dirty look, but you're as quick as ever to drop what you're doing and join him. That seems to satisfy him.
When you're finally happy with the result of your creation, you look for Sukuna around the mansion. It's not really that hard to find him, as he frequents three places most of all: the dining room, his bedroom and his throne room. This time, he's sitting on his throne, and a small line of people wait for their turn to be gifted his attention. You on the other hand, don't have to wait in line to get it. His lower set of eyes spots you the moment you enter the chamber. You're allowed to roam the mansion, but barging in unannounced is not standard even for you.
Still, Sukuna has learned that you usually only feel daring enough to cross boundaries when you're sure he'll like what you have in mind. So for now, he will let this slide. He's bored as hell anyways. The people are dismissed and you pass by them on your way to his throne, nestled on a pile of bones. You stop in front of it and greet him with a bow.
"Master, I come to you with a humble offering.", you say with your hands on your thighs and your eyes fixated on the ground.
"Show me.", he says simply, but you recognize entertainment in his voice. You climb up the bones and feel his stare scan you from head to toe, before you sit on his knee.
"May I ask you to close your eyes?", you ask and flutter your lashes. Oh the way you seduce him. Who else could ask Sukuna to do something as dangerous as close his eyes? Give his opponent valuable time to land an attack. Who else could dare? And who else would he ever listen to and really close his eyes? Really do as he's told? Oh how safe he feels with you.
You take one of his large hands into yours, and gently pry his long fingers away to open his palm. He has beautiful hands. The only ones you've ever known, but you're sure they're the most beautiful hands in the world. So dangerous, so elegant. You want to press a kiss to his palm, but you hope your gift will have the same, maybe even more profound effect.
Something soft touches his skin, and then you speak, as politely as before. "You may look.", in your softest voice. And when he opens his eyes, he finds himself looking at you first. You're an offering on your own.
Then he looks at his hand. Two crocheted plush figures resembling him and yourself lay flat on his palm, connected through their holding hands. At first glance, it looks like they're two separate creations. In a sense, they are, but... He tries to part them.
"We're sewn together.", you explain. He hums in amusement and inspects your gift more closely. His plush is bigger, recognizable by the pink hair and four buttons for eyes. It's even wearing his favorite kimono. Yours is smaller and less detailed. You look like any other human when placed next to him, insignificant. But in a sea of pets, entertainers and lovers he's had in the past, he would never fail to recognize it as you.
He's spent so long looking at it with that face of his that you just can't read. You're starting to grow restless in his lap, and he feels your eyes dwell into his soul. When he looks back at you with one pair of eyes, your brows are furrowed in worry and you're fiddling your hands in your lap. He pats you on the head and pulls you closer, so you have no choice but to lean on his frame.
"It's beautiful, darling.", his fingers run through your hair, scraping your scalp softly. "No loose threads either.", he looks at you with all four eyes now, and you feel so small in his arms. You're not used to receiving this many compliments from Sukuna at once. Not ones that weren't directed at your body or performance. Especially not when he's looking at you so tenderly, when every word sounds so loving and genuine. "You've improved so much.", his hand is on your face now, and you catch him glancing at your lips. You part them to start thanking him, but you already know how much he hates listening to that.
You stay quiet instead, and lean closer, letting him take you. And he kisses you so softly, fingertips light against your heated skin. You feel like you're floating, like a lily pad in a warm pond. The littlest gesture of his affection has you melting in his embrace. The power he has over you... and how wonderful it is to surrender yourself to it.
None of the liberties and privileges you've been awarded with compare to this. You know that many pets have walked these halls before you. Many warmed his bed and claimed the title of his favorite. But how many loved him like this? Enough to dedicate time of their day to making intricate gifts. How many could say Sukuna kissed them lovingly, for no other reason than to show gratitude and affection?
You're flushed completely red by the time his lips leave yours. You can't hold the intensity of his gaze, as he stares at you in adoration. "I'm happ.. I'm glad you l-like it...", you stumble through the words and win a giggle out of him. You are just so cute. Like a pet should be. He rubs your head again and pushes you away lightly.
"Go now, the people await me.", he says with a benevolent smile gracing his face. "I'll see you tonight."
You bow to him and leave.
And when you visit him that night, he is as gentle as he was when he kissed you earlier, still in a good mood after your gift. Caressing your hair, shoulders and back, as you lay comfortably with your head on his chest. Keeping you warm in his embrace. You're trying your best to follow the conversation, but sleep is slowly taking over you. Sukuna notices and plants a kiss to your forehead, wishing you goodnight. The last thing you see before your eyes close, is your handcrafted plushies sitting on his nightstand.
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ellievickstar · 3 months
Pretty Lies
A/N: THIS THOUGHT STRUCK ME AS I THOUGHT OF THE MEME SO LIKE BEAR WITH ME FOR A MOMENT OKAY??? also i gave up valentine week, i want to write a lot does not mean i want to stick to a schedule.
Summary: Cassian has some questions about you and Azzy's relationship, and because you are both very private people you choose not to answer Cassian truthfully, but what will happen when he decides to test your answer out?
Request: Nope.
Pairing: Azriel x reader
Warnings: Fluff. I'm in my soft era okay??? shush. This is set before even Amarantha so somewhere between the first war and the curse.
Cassian glanced between you and Azriel, both of you had been speaking through the mating bond, thus it was mostly silent. Truth to be told, your bond was quite new and Cassian had not really heard you both interact with each other since you both confessed your love.
"Hey...I have a question," Cassian spoke up, raising his hand slightly. You cocked your head curiously, waving a hand to encourage him to continue.
"Do you guys use pet names?" Glancing at Azriel, he shrugged.
"No," You said simply.
Narrowing his eyes, Cassian internally scoffed. He did not buy it, not for one moment. Azriel may have been the most quiet among the three of them but he knew for a fact that Azriel was probably the most affectionate behind close doors. Azriel cared in a way that was quiet, a way that did not draw attention. The smallest details that hinted to the fact that the shadow singer cared more than he let on.
Cassian nodded to himself, he would reveal your lies and expose them for what they are, this was his true purpose in life.
His plan commenced during dinner.
Waiting for the proper moment to strike, he suddenly piped up when you and Rhys were deep in conversation, Azriel was listening to Amren closely as she complained about how boring her life was now.
"Hey, Y/N, what do bees make?" Cassian asked slyly. Hesitating for a second, you gazed at him before answering, "Honey?" It was then that Azriel suddenly said, "Yes, Sweetheart?" Mor exploded into laughter, Amren hummed her amusement and Rhys grinned like a wild cat.
Blushing a deep red, you turned your head to hide your face in Azriel's arm, his hand coming up to stroke your hair while your body shook from trying not to laugh, his lips curling up into a smirk.
"I KNEW IT," Cassian screamed, "YOU LIARS TOLD ME YOU DIDN'T USE PET NAMES, HOW COULD YOU LIE TO ME," Wincing at how loud he was, Azriel shot Cassian a pointed glare in which Cassian quieted down, sulking slightly as he dramatically collapsed back in his chair, clutching his chest from 'heartbreak'.
"I'm sorry Cass, but you're not the most...subtle person," You tried. You were trying to not snicker and be kind about it but he gasped louder. "I can be subtle. I am soooo subtle," He rolled his eyes.
"So if I told you I found my mate would you be calm?" Rhys joked. However, Cass's eyes widened at Rhys, his eye balls seemingly almost popping out. "I'M THE LAST ONE LEFT WITHOUT A MATE????"
"Never lie to my face every again," Cass whined, chuckling you nodded, Azriel's wing tucking you closer to his side, ready to scoop you up once you were done talking to Cass so you could retire home for the night.
"I promise I will tell you every detail, even how Az-"
A/N: hope this was fun to read heheheh see y'all next time <3
Azriel taglist: @chessebookgirl (if you guys want to be tagged in any character fics please tell me and I will happily add you <3)
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alexias-putellas · 3 months
the grudge (3) // barça femení x reader
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barça femení x reader
part one part two
warnings: few swear words, mentions of an injury. nothing much! also let’s pretend that said injury would be assessed and handled quickly for the sake of the plot :))
you breathed shakily as the elevator jolted suddenly, whirring back to life. katie’s words still hung thick in the air, almost suffocating you as they stole the air from your lungs.
she was waiting for a response. her foot nudged yours and you were hesitant to pull it away, momentarily wanting nothing but her.
you tried not to feel bad about it. sure, she may have shattered your heart but it was once hers. and it was hers for a very long time. so you really did try not to hate yourself for wanting to do nothing more than to curl up in her arms and have her tell you that everything would be okay, that it would all work out in the end.
you stood up, ignoring the way your legs shook underneath you, facing the doors. nearly there, you reminded yourself.
the elevator soon dinged and you found yourself staring at the lobby of the hotel. katie’s arm brushed against yours as she walked out, sending chills through your body, and you stepped out too. for a moment, you watched her leave.
you brushed off the frantic questions and apologies from the staff, quietly assuring them that there was no damage done. everything was fine.
fine fine fine.
the stairs seemed to be the safest option so you slowly climbed them, sighing heavily when you reached your floor.
really, you shouldn’t have been so surprised to find mapi in your room when you pushed the door open. ingrid had always struggled to keep things from the spaniard.
you kicked the door shut and dropped onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
“so?” mapi asked, sitting next to you and nudging your knee.
“well,” you let out a breath. “we got stuck in the elevator for what felt like forever, that’s why we were gone so long.”
mapi’s lips curled as she laughed and you slapped her arm. “lo siento but that is funny. what if she did it on purpose?”
you rolled your eyes. “anyway, she apologised.“
“for everything?”
“for everything,” you confirmed with a nod. she looked at you expectantly, nudging you again when you stayed quiet. “oh my–do i really have to tell you everything?”
“sí. go.” mapi waved her hand and you rolled your eyes.
“like i said, she apologised. and she told me, well, everything. long distance bothered her way more than it bothered me but she was too scared to end it so she tried to make me hate her so that i would end it. i suppose it worked. she never cheated–“
“she told you that?” mapi asked and it was then you realised that she’d moved to lay next to you.
“i asked her, yeah. she can’t lie to me, or to anyone, she’s a terrible liar.”
“if you say so.” the spaniard muttered.
“caitlin and lia had just broken up as well and katie wanted to make herself feel better, it just so happened that caitlin was the thing to do that,” you explained, taking a breath. “they broke up, mapi. katie ended it like two months ago.”
“¿por qué?” mapi’s voice was soft and she reached over, entwining your fingers and resting your hands on her stomach.
“i don’t know, she didn’t tell me,” you shrugged. “but she did say that she wanted to try again. as friends.”
“and you said?”
“nothing,” you admitted. “i didn’t know what to say. what could i say?”
“no. you say no,” mapi turned to look at you. “unless… you did not want to say no.”
“you really need to think about it, kjære.” ingrid’s voice sounded from the bathroom.
“oh my god,” you huffed as she walked out. “are you two ever apart?”
they ignored your quip.
“i’m serious,” ingrid said, taking a seat on the other side of you. “just because she said the right things today doesn’t mean she will tomorrow. or the day after.”
you looked between them. “do you think it’s a bad idea?”
“sí.” mapi answered immediately, ingrid reaching over to slap her lightly.
“it is not for us to decide but you do need to think it through. you miss her, it is only natural. but she broke your heart. she lost your trust. and she might never get it back. it might seem like a good thing now but what if a few months down the line she wants to take things further and you don’t? or you do and she doesn’t? what if you become friends and she gets back with caitlin? i know you said she didn’t cheat but you’ll always have that doubt in the back of your mind. she broke you, elskling. i do not want to see her do it again, none of us do. you are thinking with your heart and you need to be thinking with this.”
ingrid gently tapped your forehead. she was right, she always was. it wasn’t a decision to be made lightly and you knew that one way or another, it would end in a broken heart.
you pushed yourself up with a sigh, pulling ingrid into a quick side hug. mapi was quick to wrap her arms around you both, tugging you to lay down as you burst into giggles.
“maría!” you squealed as she dug her fingers into your sides. “get off! we need to go!”
“yes, maría, vamos.”
you snickered at the look on mapi’s face and decided to let ingrid deal with her. as you opened the door, you ended up coming face to face with patri and pina, who were just leaving their room.
fighting them wasn’t worth it so you let them sandwich you as you all made your way down to the lobby, ingrid and a grumbling mapi following.
london was once your home and when you were hit with the cold air, you really began to miss it. you walked behind the girls for a bit, hands stuffed into the pockets of your puffer coat.
no longer wanting to be alone with your wandering thoughts, you sped up and wedged yourself between ona and lucy, grinning up at them both.
“i’ve beat you both at the emirates.”
it was a sick twist of fate.
katie was a physical player. you knew that, of course you did.
and you also knew better than to let your concentration slip on the pitch.
you don’t really know how it happened. you were ready to send the cross in to aitana but katie slid in, catching your ankles again. your hesitation meant that you landed in a tangle of limbs with a horrendous throbbing in your ankle.
you couldn’t hold the sob back and you glared at katie through your tears as she scrambled to stand. to her credit, she immediately motioned for the medics before turning back to you.
“don’t,” you spat as she kneeled by your ankle. “get away from me, katie. get the fuck away, i swear to god.”
the swarm of red and yellow drowned out her rushed apologies and you covered your face with your arm, sobbing into your skin. what you didn’t see was the ref holding a red card up and a distraught katie being comforted by alessia and kyra.
alexia was kneeling by your head within seconds, trying to pry your arm off. “where?”
“ankle,” you choked out, just catching her sharp intake of breath. “want leah, someone get leah. please, i want leah.”
leah’s name was screamed almost immediately and she was kneeling on the other side of your head before you knew it.
“i’m here bubs.” she whispered, grabbing your hand and squeezing it.
“she broke it, lee!” you cried. “she broke my fucking ankle!”
mapi’s words from the other game echoed around in your head and some part of you wanted to laugh. laugh away the pain and the fear. but you couldn’t.
“i know,” she said. “and i’m gonna kill her for it, don’t you worry.”
you focused on leah’s soft coos and not on the way the medics were stabilising your ankle and gently moving you onto a stretcher.
“stay with me.”
“i’m not going anywhere.” leah assured you, walking alongside the medics as you were brought off the pitch.
the stadium shook as the crowd clapped. salma was announced as your replacement and she squeezed your free hand before running onto the pitch. it was clear to everyone that neither team wanted the game to carry on, everyone looking jittery as the game started again.
and to the players on and off the pitch, it felt like it lasted forever. nobody wanted to stay on the pitch after the final whistle, no one was in the mood to congratulate and console. there was no desire to stand around and chat. barcelona’s impressive away win was tainted.
you were curled up on the hospital bed, the plaster cast a heavy reminder of what you were so desperate to forget. sobs still wracked your body, your face hidden by the red puffer jacket wrapped around you.
leah was comforting you the best way she could. by being there. her hand stroked your hair but she didn’t speak. you didn’t want her to and she knew that. she was there and that was enough. her phone buzzed and she reached into the pocket of her coat to pull it out.
“hey,” she whispered once your sobs had died down. “some of the girls were thinking of coming, is that okay?”
leah frowned but nodded, texting keira back at a speed she didn’t know was possible. “i don’t have my car so someone needs to drive us, bub.”
“beth.” you whispered.
the blonde nodded, sending yet another text before moving to the other side of the bed, helping you sit up. your face was red and splotchy, eyes bloodshot and throat sore. leah’s frown deepened.
she handed you your crutches and you grabbed them with shaky hands, thankful that she was there to help you steady yourself.
“ready?” she asked quietly and you nodded in response.
you made your way slowly out of the building, being greeted by beth and viv straight away. they both hugged you gently and if you weren’t stuck in your own head, you’d have heard their whispered apologies and support.
leah helped you into the back of the car, letting you lean against her with your leg stretched across the seats. the car ride was deathly silent, no one really knowing what to say.
it wasn’t so much the injury that was bothering you more than the thought of who was partly at fault. katie never meant to hurt you and deep down, you knew that. no matter who was tackling you, the outcome would’ve been the same.
but you needed someone to blame, somewhere to place all the hurt and the anger. so you gave it all to katie.
when beth pulled up outside of the hotel, the car door was opened and you were met with ingrid’s concerned face. she helped you out of the car and you hobbled up the stairs, faintly hearing her thank leah before being told what the doctors had said.
alexia greeted you in the lobby, a deep frown on her face as her stomach dropped. your face was void of emotion, a horrible emptiness behind your eyes. she’d seen that look before. you’d sported it for weeks when you’d told them about your break up.
it hit her like a ton of bricks when you breezed straight passed her, not even bothering to spare her a glance.
they’d lost you again and alexia wasn’t sure if they were ever going to get you back.
okay so i’m not completely in love with this part. it feels rushed and dramatic and all over the place. but you guys have been so patient and supportive that i can’t bear the thought of keeping you waiting any longer. i hope you enjoyed it regardless <333
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 months
You and Eddie are enemies, you can't stand each other, but when you spot him with Chrissy in the woods you're forced to confront your feelings for him and the fact you'll have to hide it from him.
He hates you, he'd only make your life miserable if he found out.
Everybody lives, nobody dies Au, angst to fluff, jealousy and idiots very much in love. 18+ mdni.
You can hear Eddie before you see him as you walk into the cafeteria with your cheer mates. As usual, he's making a spectacle of himself at the Hellfire table, standing on it and calling out the marching band, basketball players and the party crowd.
Rolling your eyes at his dramatics you attempt to walk past the table but Eddie seeks you out, a smirk on his face as he focuses his attention fully on you.
"There's my favourite cheerleader" his winks at you and you stand your ground, ready for whatever shit he's about to say.
His purpose was annoying you, or at least thats what it felt like. It was always you that got his ire, who grabbed his attention every time. Honestly it was the same for you when Eddie was around.
It was like both of you were moths to a flame, something simmered between the two of you that you couldn't place or at least if you could, you didn't want to examine the cause too closely.
"There's my favourite dumbass" you fire back and he clutches his heart like you've wounded him. Ever since you and Eddie laid eyes on each other it was like you were magnets to the other.
Whenever your paths crossed there was tension in the air, banter exchanged that left both of you bothered and wanting more... Whatever it was between the two of you could wait for another day, you had cheer practice, prom committee and a bake sale to organise.
You did not have time for Eddie Munson today.
Not that he cares about your plans. He jumps off the table and lands right in front of you. Ugh. "Munson, I haven't got time for your dramatics today, go bother someone else"
He pouts and it's frustrating that he looks almost endearing while doing it. "How can I cope if I haven't been told to go kiss my own ass and the many other insults you've spouted at me just in the last week or so sweetheart?"
Here's the thing. You're certain Eddie enjoys arguing with you, gets some sort of pleasure from it. If you're being honest you enjoy it too.
"Oh bite me, you'll survive Munson" his eyes light up and then you hear a snigger from behind you, it's his sheeples or whatever he calls them, Dustin, Lucas and Mike watching the two of you fascinated.
"You say I'm oblivious, look at those two" Mike mutters and Eddie still overhears even though Mike has whispered it.
"What was that Wheeler?" Eddie narrows his eyes at him and Mike turns pink and looks suddenly very interested in his soda. You slip away from Eddie when he's distracted.
Both of you are rattled by what Mike said but you try not to show it as you walk away.
As the day winds to an end you're beyond relieved to just be going home, then you notice Chrissy walking into the woods instead of heading home herself.
Curious, you follow her into the woods, then freeze as you find out that she's meeting up with Eddie.
It's an awkward conversation at first but the tension melts away as Eddie and Chrissy are talking, he's goofing around to make her smile.
Throws himself backwards into a pile of leaves, asking if there is something in his hair, shy little smiles and hiding his face with hair as he talks to her.
There's a sinking feeling in your stomach, an aching in your heart that multiples when Chrissy giggles along with Eddie.
Seeing enough you stomp away, crashing blindly through the trees, there's wetness on your cheeks and you realise you've been crying. Crying over Eddie fucking Munson and the fact he was obviously smitten with Chrissy.
It wasn't a surprise, everyone was and to Eddie you were just an annoyance, someone who pissed him off and that was that. You always knew that but now the realisation was paticularly crushing.
You liked Eddie, like really liked him. Of all the guys you could fall for, why did it have to be the one who spent half his time thinking of new ways to irratate the hell out of you?
Couldn't you have realised this any sooner?
Shit if he even knew how you felt about him it would he horrid for you, he would never let you forget it and show you his disgust.
So it was settled. You would stay far far away from Eddie Munson, and his cute dimples and pretty brown eyes. They were nothing but trouble.
For the next few days you keep your distance from Eddie. It's hard though, because he seems to be wherever you are with that amused grin on his face.
You don't even entertain his stupid barbs, you ignore him for as long as you can, but he's growing more frustrated that you aren't your usual sarcastic self.
It gets to the point that you turn around during one encounter and glare at him, embarrassed as tears pool in your eyes. "Will you just leave me alone Munson" his eyes widen at your tears, you storm away before he can say anything else.
Eddie does leave you alone, you don't see him the next day which is a rarity.
It doesn't last for too long, you find him at his van talking to one of The Hellfire Members. He turns around and spots you, shooing his friend away.
"Will you talk to me" he sounds almost pleading and it throws you off balance. There's no way he missed talking to you is there?
"Why for you to rant and insult me, or make me feel even more shitty about myself,'" he reels back like you've slapped him.
"What? I don't... 'he trails off as you scoff and turn away from him.
"Yes you do. Not all time but sometimes you're just fucking mean. I guess because I'm and I quote "so bitchy and vapid''you think that it won't bother me" his face falls and he shakes his head.
"I shouldn't have said that. I was a mean douchebag" you look away from him stubbornly and shrug.
"Yeah well, I'm not sweet and perfect like Chrissy, everyone adores her" fuck you adored her, so no wonder Eddie liked her.
"What does Chrissy have to do about this?" He looks puzzled. His big brown eyes searching you for an explanation.
Flustered you explain what you saw. "You were all flirty and sweet with her the other day, when I saw you in the woods together, not that I care" you wince realising that you've gave away that you do care very much.
This was stupid. You were jealous of your friend and you shouldn't be. Having enough you decide to walk away but Eddie follows you.
"Chrissy wanted some weed for her and Jason, that's all, I'm not interested in Chrissy princess and she's definitely not interested in me". You're stunned by this, you never expected Chrissy to ever try weed and this stops you in your tracks.
"Seriously?" you gape and he gestures for you to sit in his van, opens the door for you as he does so.
"Why were you avoiding me sweetheart?" he asks you his tone very gentle. You feel your whole body flush with mortification as he stares at you, waiting for an answer.
"Please don't make me say it Eddie, you'll only turn around and be a complete ass about it"
Or be sweet like he is now and turn you down kindly, looking at you with pity. There's a brief pause and then his fingers interlace through yours, the feel of his calloused fingers entwining with yours sends tingles down your spine.
"Tell me"
"I have feelings for you okay. l've fallen for you badly, seeing you with Chrissy made me realise that. So now you know and if you're going to be a dick about it then do it now" your lip wobbles but you refuse to cry again.
He softens and cradles your head in his hands. The gesture is so tender and kind.
"Sweetheart, you're all I think about. Every single day from the moment I wake up until I fall asleep. Only you" he kisses you tenderly and pulls you close to him, kisses you until you're both breathless and smiling goofily at each other.
"I'm so fucking into you sweetheart, one of the things I talked to Chrissy about, if you stuck around long enough to find out"
Now it makes sense why Chrissy asked you earlier if you had talked to Eddie, looked disappointed when you said no, gently urged you to.
"You know he talks about you a lot" Chrissy grinned at you, there's a knowing look in her eyes, yet you shrugged off what she said. Figured that he only talked about how you annoyed him.
Shit you were such an idiot to not see what she really meant. So wrapped up in the idea that it was Chrissy that Eddie was smitten with. Chrissy would never let anyone talk crap about you either, you should have known that.
Eddie rests his head against yours. Kisses it briefly then a cheesy smile forms on his face. "You're crazy about me huh sweetheart?" he teases and you roll your eyes at him.
"Doofus, you're just as crazy about me" he squeezes your hand, tugs you back in for another kiss that robs you if your next words. That's fine, you could argue about that later... much much later.
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prettyfastcars · 4 months
you're wrong but you're so much fun | Lewis x Reader
Summary: With your mom and his dad dating, of course you would be spending Christmas and New Year under the same roof as Lewis. As annoying as your ‘stepbrother’ was, you often found yourself unable to resist his charm. But enough is enough you decided, you were done with him acting like he was superior. So you found yourself a guy to casually date for a little while, to distract you, but also to help you win whatever game was going on between you and Lewis. And the latter was not happy at all when he found out about the other man in your life. 
Themes: stepbrother!lewis, smut, jealous!lewis, bondage, mild degrading kink, dom!reader
a/n: if you want, you can read part 1 and part 2 !! Also, I’ll see you after new years now, bye bye <3
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“Who were you on the phone with last night?” 
You weren’t even done filling your plate up at the breakfast table when Lewis hit you with the accusatory tone. 
Both your parents were in the cabin this morning. Maybe the kitchen if they hadn’t moved since you last saw them just minutes ago. You could hear faint whispers of their voices and laughter, so chances were that they could still hear you and Lewis. 
However, since it was just you and Lewis at the table, of course he would resort to being mean and a bully for no reason. 
“A friend.” You replied, “Why?” 
Lewis sighed, “Because your bedroom is right next to mine and I can’t sleep if you’re giggling all night.” He sounded like the brat you thought he was. 
“Fine,” You rolled your eyes, “I’ll giggle quietly from now on.” You paused for a moment then added, “Although I don’t remember you minding me being loud that night when you comforted me during the thunderstorm, or the other day when you were giving me fashion advice in my bathroom.” 
He glared at you. “Shut your mouth.” 
You smirked at him. Even threw in a little wink. 
Lewis ignored you the whole day. But that was until your mom suddenly asked you at lunch, “Hey honey, when can we meet that boy you told me about?” 
The silence which followed was heavy. 
You answered, “I don’t see why you need to meet him,” You said, purposely ignoring the confused look from Lewis, “We’re not seriously dating, it’s just… you know? A casual, temporary thing.” You ended by shoving food in your mouth. 
Lewis cleared his voice and tried to act as natural, calm and not confused as he asked, “Where did you meet this boy?” 
“Online,” You answered, and gave him a few details he didn’t ask for. “He’s staying at a nearby cabin with his friends so we’ve just been casually talking.” You added, “We have plans to meet up soon but our schedules just aren’t aligning.” 
You locked eyes with Lewis after that. You could hear your mother saying how it would be a good idea to invite the boy over when you would be having a bonfire soon, but you barely paid attention. The look on Lewis’ face, the realisation that he did not in fact control everything you do was priceless. 
You had the upperhand in this game for once, and you loved it. 
The two of you didn’t interact much after that. But you could feel Lewis’ eyes on you the whole time you were around each other. For some reason, even when you were in different corners of a room, he would still glare at you. 
Neither of you ended up even remotely close to one another that night. Which was good because he was getting on your nerves with all that staring. 
However, the following night, Lewis walked into your room all ready to piss you off some more. Maybe even to remind you that you can’t just be messing around with some random boy. But then he froze the moment he entered your room and shut the door behind him. 
There you were, standing in front of the full-length mirror next to your bed, wearing nothing but dark green, lacy underwear, and a matching excuse of a bra. See-through all of it, looking like it was some sizes too small for the amount of skin that was on display. 
But that wasn’t what bothered him. No. What bothered him was that you had your phone in your hand. He also noticed the polaroid camera on the bed. 
He saw red for a brief moment. His brain short-circuited. Fuck. 
Meanwhile you were the opposite of ashamed or embarrassed when you saw him. Having him in your room at this time, wearing nothing but his usual grey sweatpants, meant that your parents were out with their friends. 
Which means Lewis probably thought he was gonna act like he owns and controls you again. But you were ready this time. You’d had enough. 
“Oh hello there.” You said, nonchalantly as if he didn’t just walk in on you basically taking nudes. You refused to seem inferior to him anymore. He wanted to play this game? Fine, but you were determined to win this round. 
Lewis finally blinked, breaking out of whatever reverie he was in, and said, “What the fuck are you doing?” 
You turned to face him, confidently. He tried to avoid looking at you but then he gave in. Eyes roaming all over your body. You shivered for a moment, physically feeling his stare. But then you refused to let him win again. 
“You really should knock before coming into a lady’s room, Lewis.” You spoke with fake defencelessness. “Now look, you’ve caught me all vulnerable.” You pouted a little, knowing you were pissing him off. 
“You–,” He stopped talking and sighed, shaking his head. He looked at you, then at the phone in your hand, then at the polaroid camera and the photographs on the bed. “Stop this shit, alright? Else I’m gonna tell your mom.” 
You chuckled. He sounded like a kid. “Oh Lewis,” You cooed, “I’m a grown woman with a job, who earns her own money.” You stated, “If I want to take pictures of myself in lingerie that I bought, I don’t see why anyone, least of all you, should have a problem with that.” 
Lewis finally moved away from the door, stepping further into your space. Getting gradually closer to you he said, “Right.” He admitted. “I don’t have a problem with you taking pictures of yourself, but…” He leaned closer, you stood your ground even if seeing his broad shoulders, big muscles, tattoos made part of you want to roll over and offer yourself like a soft puppy for him to play with. “Who the fuck are these pictures being sent to?” 
You gave him a smug look, “That’s none of your–,” 
He cut you off by grabbing you by the throat and pulled you closer, squeezing just a little. You’d be lying if you said your body didn’t instantly react to that. You felt the need to clench your thighs together. 
“Oh I think it is.” He spoke calmly even though there was a fiery jealousy in his pretty brown eyes. “You think I haven't noticed?” He questioned. “Texting all the time, smiling at your phone, even using your phone at the dinner table.” He listed all that he had noted. “You’re gonna stop talking to that guy.” 
You scoffed, even though he had a hand wrapped around your throat, you sassed, “You can’t tell me what to do, big bro.” 
He raised an eyebrow at you, “Can’t I?” 
You persisted, “No.” You whispered, “I am done letting you boss me around.” You caught the slight frown on his handsome face. Gods… why did he have to be so handsome? 
“Is that so, little sis?” He teased, pushing you backwards until the back of your legs hit the edge of your bed. “You’re gonna talk back, now? Hmm? You’re gonna argue with big brother?”
That mocking tone of his was pissing you off. And he was much stronger than you so the only way you could overpower him would be if you caught him off guard. You moved when he least expected it. You twisted the two of you around and pushed him down onto the bed instead. 
Lewis frowned when he fell on his back on your bed. He went to get up but you were already straddling him at that point so he couldn’t get up. He didn’t want to either. This was new, he had never had you be on top of him before. 
You wrapped your hands around his ridiculously muscular, attractive neck this time, pinning him down onto the bed. Lewis was partially confused but partially turned on. You could feel it. The erection in his pants pressing up against you. 
You stared down at him, ignoring the way his hands felt free to touch and rub and caress your skin. Ignoring how good it felt, you said, “I’m done letting you treat me like I’m some petulant little girl you need to keep in check.” 
He smirked, “Well you’re acting like one right now.” He said, grabbing onto your hips, “Just let me–,” 
You cut him off, “You talk too much, you know that? And your hands wander too much as well.” You thought about it for a moment, then came up with a plan. Glaring down at Lewis you said, “Stay put.” You warned as you went to get off of him. But seeing his smirk and knowing he would try to get the upper hand again, you had no choice but to grab his hand and guide it in between your legs. 
Lewis frowned, mumbled a quiet “Fuck…” when he felt your warmth, your wetness. All for him. His fingers felt free to feel around down there. You let him, for now. 
“I said, stay put.” You repeated. “Be a good boy, and only then can you keep playing with this. You hear me?” You whispered, smirking at the look on his face. He was surprised of course, but he was into it. 
So he rolled his eyes and dropped back down onto your bed. Folding his muscular hands behind his head, he waited. You got off the bed but then stood and admired his physique for a moment. 
Golden skin. Tattoos on display. Braids untied. Muscles bulging from places you didn’t know the human body had muscles… Lewis of course didn’t mind your ogling. He loved the attention. 
You forced yourself to move upon seeing the smug look on his face. Who does he think he is? A handsome man with the body of a Greek god, that's who. 
You rummaged around your drawers until you found what you’d been looking for. And when you brought it over to your bed, Lewis began chuckling. 
“Aww what are you gonna do with that? Tie me up with a pretty bow?” He taunted, looking at the white ribbon strips in your hands. 
You smirked. “Did you know I know how to do shibari ties? You’re lucky there’s no actual rope around.” Lewis’ smile dropped when you climbed on top of him again. You chuckled, “Scared, big bro?” You teased. 
For once, he didn’t fight back. Mostly because he was also lowkey excited to see where this was going. 
You moved up his body, straddling his chest as you grabbed his wrists and tied them together with the white ribbons. Once secured, Lewis let out a breathless chuckle when you then went to tie his wrists to the metal headboard. “You’re insane,” He commented. “You really think I can’t get out of that?” 
“I’d like to see you try.” You scoffed, confident in your skills. “The ties are strong, but if you struggle too much, the silk ribbon will surely burn your skin. We don’t want that, do we?” 
Lewis glared at you, soft lips parted as he breathed slightly more heavily. 
You even added a little bow to complete the look. “There,” You said, satisfied with how strong the ties were. Not tight, but definitely locked. “You wanna see how it looks?” You grabbed the polaroid camera which was on the bed and took a picture. The photograph came out and you waved it around, blowing on it. Taking your sweet time and ignoring the gorgeous man under you. “That’ll take a while to develop, but trust me, you’ve never looked better.” You winked at him. 
“You’re gonna regret this, little sis.” He whispered dangerously, hissing in pleasure as you dragged your nails lightly up and down his exposed torso. Tracing his abs and his tattoos with the tip of your finger. Running your hands all over his chest. “Damn you.” He spoke through gritted teeth as you dug your nails in his sides playfully. 
You reached down to lower his sweatpants, and as you did, his cock stood proud and tall. Already leaking at the tip and you had barely touched him yet.
“Think you can always have your way, don’t you?” Your voice barely above a whisper. “Walking into my room whenever you feel like it, with that pretty face and sinful body…” You leaned down to kiss that compass tattoo in the middle of his chest. 
He let out a breathy laugh, “So you do think I’m pretty.” 
You looked up and glared at him. “Don’t make me gag you to shut you up, Lewis.” You warned. 
He smirked, scoffing. “Yeah right.” 
Part of you wondered if he was doing it on purpose.
“You know what? I don’t wanna hear you talk.” You got off of him and quickly took your underwear off before straddling him again. His cock remained hard, untouched and leaking. Looking irresistible. But you needed him to shut up first so you balled up the dark green material and shoved it into his mouth. 
Lewis laughed as you did, fully prepared to spit it back out. But that was until you grabbed the remaining ribbons and tied it around his head, keeping the balled up thong inside his mouth as you tied yet another bow at the front of his now gagged mouth. 
You picked up the polaroid camera again and took another picture of him. “Smile,” You taunted, capturing him tied up with white bows and gagged. “So pretty,” You murmured as you put both camera and photograph aside. 
He looked up at you with unrestrained lust in his warm eyes. He wasn’t fighting back as hard as you had imagined he would, you noticed. 
You smiled triumphantly as you rolled your hips against him, feeling his hard cock against your wet inner thighs. “Oh fuck…” You whispered, smiling when you heard his muffled groan. You could feel that familiar tingle in between your legs. And you were ready to just fuck him but, you wanted to mess with him first. 
You gave him a soft kiss on the bow right on top of his mouth, he struggled against the knots at his wrists, but you ignored him and reached down to wrap your hand around his cock. He groaned, closing his eyes and thrusting up into your fist. 
You lazily stroked his length, up and down. Your thumb rubbed his tip slowly, making him groan as you kissed your way down his neck. You kissed his skin leisurely, not rushing even though he was squirming under you, his moans and groans muffled. 
“You see how nice it is, when you shut the fuck up and stop being mean to me?” You teased, biting down on his neck while your hand moved up and down his dripping cock. You liked the sounds of his muffled moans. He was somehow more vocal now that he was gagged. 
Lewis groaned and opened his eyes to look at you. His eyes were darker, his gaze more intense and he tried to thrust his cock into your hand but then gave up because each time he did, you would just let go of his length. So he just took whatever you gave him.
At one point you checked in with him, asking, “Does anything hurt?” You pointed at his tied wrist and mouth. He glared at you with annoyance and desire in his eyes and silently shook his head. “Good,” You gave him another soft kiss on the nose before continuing. 
You released his cock, kissing down his body and bringing your mouth closer to where he desperately needed you. You smirked when you felt him squirm even more when you kissed him on his hip bones and all over his lower abdomen. 
You heard him groan, a muffled “Please…” escaping his mouth. 
You giggled at the sound of that, “Oh what’s that? Was that a ‘please’?” You watched him for a moment. Watched how he rolled his eyes at you, thrusting his hips up just trying to get you to touch him. “You’re learning your manners already, I see.” 
Then without any warning, you took him into your mouth, all of him. Slowly. Lewis’ loud, muffled moans filled the room. You sucked on his tip, your tongue teasing him as you felt your body tingling with need too.
You kept your eyes on his perfect face as you sucked on his cock. He closed his eyes momentarily, as he tilted his head back. He looked even more ravishing, completely at your mercy for a change. It made you feel powerful. 
He twitched against your tongue and you tasted some of his pre cum. You slowed down, not wanting to make him come just yet. You licked his cock from bottom to top while your hands toyed with his balls. Lewis moaned, his voice muffled still, making him sound needy and desperate. 
You dragged your tongue over the slit on this tip very lazily, causing him to thrust his hips up. You were driving him crazy and you loved it. 
Lewis moaned even louder the moment you pulled your mouth away, lifted up and sank down on him, your wet warmth wrapping all around him making him groan. Your walls clenched around him, making both of you let out guttural moans. 
You leaned in and kissed his closed eyelids, cupping his face in your hands as you slowly rocked back and forth, feeling him deep inside you. “Fuck… why do you have to feel so good, huh?” You chuckled when he tried to pull against the white ribbon strips, but all in vain. “Guess I did successfully tie you up with a bow, didn’t I?” 
You heard a rare whine from him. He sounded so vulnerable, and desperate that it made you speed up as you rode his cock. Your walls gripping him tightly and making him get louder and louder each time. You watched him whine and smirked at his helplessness. 
“Not so cocky now, are you?” You teased. “Beg for it, come on.” You said more sternly, whispering against his mouth, lips hovering above the white bow. “Oh what? You can’t?” You laughed, “You can’t even beg, can you?”
Lewis groaned louder. His desperation was quite clear. And he began to thrust his hips up trying to match your pace. But you messed with him even then, you slowed down your pace whenever he got too excited, and you sped up when he least expected it.
Soon, Lewis was just a moaning mess under you. Cock throbbing inside you, moans muffled, his hands just gave up trying to break free from your ties. But fuck he was a vision… 
Lewis got loud, growling as you teased him, riding his cock perfectly. There was nothing else he could focus on in that moment. 
You eventually gave in. “Are you ready to come for me?” You asked, looking deep into his eyes. His pleading stare told you he was. “Go on then, come inside me, big bro.” 
He was so close anyway that he came right after. His moans begging you to slow down when you kept riding his sensitive, throbbing cock even after he came. His heart raced, he was breathing hard and fast as you came as well, clenching around him violently. 
You caught your breath for a minute, then quickly untied his hands and pulled the thong from his mouth. You leaned in to kiss him, slow and gentle this time. “You did so good,” You murmured against his soft lips. “Who knew you’d be such a good boy the moment you’re tied up?” 
Lewis kissed you back lazily. Quiet, for once. He didn’t have a sassy reply this time. His hands hesitated to wander this time, only barely brushing against your thighs. 
You kissed his warm, damp chest, murmuring, “If you want us to keep doing this, you’re gonna stop being mean all the time, alright?” You looked up to see him watching you with a strangely calm look on his face. 
“Fine,” He muttered, like it was an inconvenience to him. 
You scoffed, “Look at you pretending you didn’t like being tied up.” He avoided your eyes immediately and you couldn’t help but laugh. But then you remembered… 
Straddling him once more, you reached for the polaroid photographs. “Aww,” You cooed, showing them to him, “Look how pretty you look, white bows and all.” 
Lewis just groaned and shoved you aside. You laughed as you landed beside him on your bed. You expected him to get up and walk out of your room but he stayed put. Processing, maybe. 
“Here,” You handed the polaroids to him as you tangled your legs with his upon turning on your side to look at him, “Keep them.” 
Lewis reluctantly took them then sighed and said, “I hate you.” 
You checked the mental scoreboard and there it was, a first win for you. “I know you don’t.” You winked at him. 
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lure-of-writing · 27 days
Little Sister; Just Peachy
Summary: After sparring with Cassian you feel just peachy
Note: ya'll Im not going to lie the scene with Rhys in the living room got me in my feels 😭. But don't worry your little hearts we will absolutely will be seeing this from Ariel's point of view. As always I cannot wait to hear what you guys think!
(please read all in a days work , knock before you enter, and his little sister first!)
Word count: 2.9k
Warning: Mentions of having tiny frames but only in reference to being a child
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Ever since your visit from the summer court something with both your brother and Azriel has been off. Rhys for the first time in your life has been avoiding you and suddenly you could never seem to catch Azriel at the right time. It was starting to annoy you to no end. “Well good morning to you too, sunshine.” Cassian looked over to where Nesta was stretching with the rest of the girls as if to ask her about your negative attitude. In return she just shrugged and welcomed you into the circle of stretches with everyone else. Today was all about fighting and since Cassian's counterpart was nowhere to be found it was up to you to help Cassian demonstrate the fighting techniques that had been practiced for a few weeks now. You were known to be a person who refrained from fighting and going into battle but that doesn’t mean that you weren’t capable of doing so. You were only one hundred years younger than your brother, it was safe to say that you had some experience with fighting. 
The roof of the house of wind was quiet except for the occasional gust of wind along with Cassian's booming voice explaining how this match would go and the things then needed to pay attention to before each of them went toe to toe with either you or Cass.  Finally after he was done giving instructions he turned and faced you. “You know I’m not going to go easy on you right.”  scoffing your head tilts to the side “Yeah that's because your mate is over there giving you bedroom eyes and you want to impress her.” Once again his boisterous laugh filled the space of the open room giving it more warmth. Nothing more was said as you both got into fighting stances and prepared to walk away with some bruises. 
The fight hadn't been going on for more than five minutes when you swore that you saw Azriel landing on the roof and watched as you and Cassian went back and forth throwing and dodging punches. Now you couldn’t say for sure because as soon as you took your eyes off your opponent to spare a glance where you thought Azriel was standing, Cassian's fist made contact with your cheek and subsequently you were laying on the matt looking into the sky completely dazed. 
Cassian never meant to actually punch you. He knew exactly how you fight, he knows your tells and the next move that you would usually make but he didn’t know that you were going to turn your face at just the right moment and his powerful punch would connect with your face. Both you and Cassian knew the strength that he possessed and usually he would never fight you using that unlimited well of strength but the purpose of the match was to demonstrate how to use each part of your body to increase your strength when sparring. 
Nesta was sitting on the ground right next to you with your head in her lap holding a cold hand on your sure to swell cheek and busted lip. From your point of view she was upside down. Even like this you thought she looked stunning. Gently she stroked your hair when telling you that you were going to be ok. Deep down you knew that you would in fact be ok but right now your head was ringing and your face hurt and you were pretty sure a tear was running down your face from the pain. Off to the side of you Cassain was shitting his pants. Not only had he hit the person who he views as a little sister, he hit you with his full force. He was grateful he did break any of your bones. But that wasn’t his only problem; he hit Rhysands little sister. Cassian was sure that he just signed his death certificate. 
Rhysand was in his office with Azirel getting the report from his latest mission when he heard Cassian in his head. “Rhys?” The tone was a question as well as a grimace “Yes?” Rhys raised a finger to stop Azriel from continuing on. “Can you come up to the house of wind?” Sighing he looked at Azriel before rolling his eyes. “Can it wait? I'm currently in the middle of getting a report from Az.” a beat of silence passed in Rhys mind before  the quiet voice of his brother came back in “It’s y/n” 
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Cassian could hear the beating of two sets of wings before he could see them. It didn't take a genius to know that they were flying at max speed. Cassian took a big breath and held it for a few seconds before blowing it out between thinly pressed lips. This would probably be the last time that he could breath normally for a while. Just as the two males touched down he glanced over to where his mate was still cradling your head and periodically removing her hand to look at the bruising and your split lip to see how bad it was getting. 
Rhysand hadn’t even landed when his eyes locked on your body laying flat on the mat with Nesta holding your head. As soon as his feet touched the hard surface of the roof he was pouncing on Cassian with questions. “What the hell happened to her? Why is she laying on the mat with Nesta holding her face?”  Cassian said nothing as he folded his high lord to where his sister lay. He knew as soon as Rhys saw your face he would be done for. Rhysand wouldn’t need any answers to his questions, he would know exactly what happened and who did it. Azriel fell in place with Cassian behind Rhys as they made their way to where you were lying and he glanced at his brother for a second with an eyebrow raised as if to ask what happened. Cassian just grimaced and shook his head. Azriel would also know what happened as soon as Nesta removed her hand from your face. 
Cassian stayed back a few steps as Rhys bent down to get a closer look at you. Azriel was on the other side. “Nesta move your hand.” She didn’t do so, “Before I do you need to know that it was an accident and–” The tone of Rhysands words that came next left no room for discussion. “I said remove your hand.” The power in the high lord's voice raged over her like the waves of an ocean before a hurricane. She hated how the power made her bend to his will. Quietly she removed her hand as both males took in your face. The bruising has officially started to begin. All of your right cheek was painted with colors of red, purple and spots of dark red where the blood vessels broke. The bruising also danced along your cheekbone and around your eye, presumably from the impact, and down towards your jaw. Right where the bruising meets your lip is where it was split open and now had dried blood crusting along the open cut and down your chin. 
After taking in your appearance Rhysand stood to his full high he turned around to look at the other male. “Cassian” his voice was cool and emotionless, the voice of a high lord. “Did you do this to my sister?” As much as it sounded like a question both males knew it was not. It was more like an interrogation. 
As Nesta watched from afar as her mate and her brother-in-law were preparing to have at it she prodded in her sister's mind. “Feyre you need to come to the house of wind.” She paused for a moment as she listened to Cassian try to explain himself and what happened. “Now.” she added. Her attention was pulled from the fight that was sure to happen in a few moments with the jostling of your body beneath her hand. Looking down again she sees Azriel gently pull your body into his being as careful as possible as not to cause you any more pain. Nesta was sure that you were too out of it to feel more pain, as you didn’t even respond when she called out your name and your eyes were too unfocused and dazed to notice anything happening around you, still she thought the gesture was sweet. 
“Where are you taking her?” Even though she wanted to go wherever Az was taking you she knew that she needed to be here when Rhys was done with her mate. To nurse him back to health. Or bring him back from the dead, whichever happened first. “She needs to be seen by Madja.” She nods her head in agreement as glances back over to her mate. She was sure the blood bath would start at any second. “I agree.” Finally after getting you into a position in Azirels arms that he deemed safe enough he shot off into the air and towards Madja’s clinic just as her sister flew in. Frantically Feyre looks at where her mate and her brother-in-law stood a few feet away brawling. “What the hell happened?” Nesta glanced down at her younger sister before returning her gaze to the fight. “Cassian accidentally punched y/n in the face and knocked her out.” Feyre felt her jaw drop all while turning to look at her older sister who just shrugged her shoulders in nonchalance. 
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When you woke up the first thing you noticed was the pounding headache ravaging your mind, the next thing you noticed was the excruciating pain in your face and jaw. Whatever happened to you must have been pretty bad for you to be feeling this way. Especially with fae healing. After cataloging the different types of pain and discomfort you were feeling you took in your surroundings. Plush big bed, the soothing smell of your brother's cologne, and paintings of Nyx, Feyre and your brother decorated the walls. You were in your brother's room. You must have been hurt pretty bad for you to wake up in a room that wasn’t your own. Closing your eyes again in hopes of soothing the pain inside your head you take a few deep breaths while you were at it. 
Reluctantly you pushed the warm blankets off your body and made your way into the bathroom. The soft glow of faelights illuminated the bathroom and casted it into warmth. The setting sun on the horizon told you that you apparently had been out for most of the day, if not a day or two. Turning to look in the mirror you gasp at the sight in front of you. “Oh” a beat of silence “I look like shit.”  gently you press a finger into the dark purple, blue and black bruise covering most of the right side of your face. You cringe back at the pain your prodding had induced. It took you a few seconds of staring at your own reflection to remember what had caused this but eventually you remembered. 
You were sparring with Cassian in hand to hand combat and while the two of you were circling each other you could have swore you saw Azriel in the corner of your eye. Going to confirm it you turned your head to the right as Cassian's arm made a big and powerful swing and made contact with your face. After that you can’t remember anything. Giving it another once over you shrugged “At least he didn’t break my face.” you muttered to yourself before making your way out of the room and down to the kitchen or living room. You knew that you would only make it to one or the other before somebody was destined to stop you. 
You got as far as the living room. Rhysand sat in a chair as he watched his wife and son play on the floor. The soft padding of your feet on the marble floors pulled him from his silent brooding. You watched from the entrance of the room and your brother practically shot up from his seat and in three quick strides stood in front of you. “ You're awake!” Even though you knew he meant it as a statement it felt more like a question. “Yeah?” You watched as your brother sighed in relief before gently pulling you into his arms. One arm around your back and the other stroking your hair. He made sure the unbruised part of your face rested on his chest. Returning the hug you arm your arms around the waist of your brother wrapping each hand around your forearms and your rest your complete weight against him. For a few seconds nothing was said as he gently rocked you back in front in the same spot. 
Silently he pulls back to examine your face. You watch as his eyes take in the much darker welt on your face and the slowly closing fractured lip. He releases another sigh before once again pulling you back into him. “How are you feeling?” his tone in gentle and soft, knowing just how much your head probably hurts. Rhys had also been on the receiving end of Cassian's powerful strike, more times then he would like to admit. “My head feels like it's been cracked in two and my face feels like it might of been shattered but other than that I feel just peachy.” you felt the rumbling of your brother's chest before you heard the soft laughter.  “I’m glad to see Cassian didn’t cause any brain damage.” Now it was your turn to laugh. 
 A peaceful quiet settled over the two of you and for a second you enjoyed it. Closing your eyes you listened to the steady heartbeat of your brother's heart, and for a second it reminded you of when you were a child. Any time you were scared or just in need of your brother's love you would seek him out and cling to him like your life depended on it. And without questioning he would simply wrap his arms around your tiny frame while you rested your head against his chest listening to the soothing sounds of his heartbeat until you fell asleep. 
Those memories are some of the ones you hold closest to your heart and the current situation reminded you of when you were a child. Gently you knocked on the barely there shield of Rhys mind, he welcomes you in with open arms and there you show him all those precious memories this moment reminded you of. Some things are for certain and one of those things is sometimes you just need the love and comfort of your brother. Gently he squeezes your body closer into his own while still rocking you back and forth before placing part of his cheek and chin on top of your head. “Should we get you something to eat?” he all but whispers into the space above your head. Nodding your face against your chest the two of you pull away from each other after a few seconds. Rhysand keeps his arm wrapped around your shoulders as he leads you into the kitchen. He may not be a great cook and usually avoids the kitchen like it had the plague but for his little sister he would do anything. Even if that meant potentially burning his house down. 
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It was a few days of living with your brother at his house before he thought you were ok enough to return back to the house of wind. That was only after Madja had even the ok that you would be good enough to survive the flight up there. You rolled your eyes behind his back as he talked with Madja. It was less than a five minute flight from his house to the top of the house of wind. If all else failed and you felt bad during the flight you would squeeze your eyes shut and pray you don’t throw up. 
When you finally returned to your house you were surprised to see it empty. “Where is everyone?” you asked as your brother trailed behind you while entering the living room. “Nesta is with Feyre and Nyx shopping and Cass and Az are currently on a mission.” settling into the couch you glance over your shoulder at your very sweet but protective brother “Back to calling him Cass? That must mean you no longer feel like murdering him.” you watch as your brother makes himself comfortable on the couch across from you. “I’m still not happy with him but that doesn’t mean I hate him either.” 
The room fills with silence yet again. “Why were you even sparring with him in the first place?” Furrowing your brows you look at him confused. “Uh because Azriel wasn’t there to do it? It was supposed to be the two of them but I guess something came up and no one else there has enough years of experience with the technique the Valkyries were learning so I stepped in to help.” It was now your brother's turn to furrow his eyebrows in confusion. “I didn’t give him anything to do so I don’t know why he wasn’t there.” Shrugging you look around before answering. “I mean he is a spymaster. I’m sure he has things that we don't get the privilege to know.”
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Taglist: @kemillyfreitas @lana08 @willowpains @username199945 @tothestarsandwhateverend
@kylaisra @lilah-asteria @nickishadow139 @br0klynbby @blacktreacle22
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j-u-u-z-o · 4 months
“Watch and Learn, Brat!” High school Yuuji x F. High School Reader x Sukuna NSFW‼️
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AN: My mind went out of control on this one — not sure what i was on. But I was listening to Angora hills by Doja cat and this happened. 😩
Credits: to the OP for the cute bedroom pics I found on Pinterest. 💕
Synopsis: You just want to spend time with your boyfriend and your parents aren’t home yet. Luckily, take the opportunity to chill and get some more extra time together. However, sukuna doesn’t like third wheeling and judges Yuuji’s terrible oral game. What’s he gonna do? Show him.
WARNING: both are 17/18years old, needy gf, dry humping, Oral, squirting/drinking, Sukuna being cocky, fingering, GRAMMAR.
Don’t read if you’re illiterate — read my WARNING. Otherwise, DO NOT INTERACT/WASTE YOUR TIME.
Take your time reading due to pacing —Enjoy! 😉
“Yuu? Pleeeease? Can you stay over for a little bit?” You begged, wrapping your arms around his arm while you and him were walking to your house from school.
“Umm…” he looked down at you and then looked straight ahead at the crosswalk. “I don’t know. Your parents might be home now.” He said, assuming that they already are. He just wanted to walk you home from school since he had a half-day from jujutsu tech.
“They’re not. I know that.” You pouted, looking down at yours and his footsteps as you walked, matching his steps. “Hm? How do you know that?” He raised an eyebrow, looking at you again, and stopping at the crosswalk. “Because!” You said, thinking of another reason to get get him to come stay with you. Even if it was for 30 mins. Yuuji waited. On purpose. He knew you didn’t have a good reason to back up your statement. “Because you don’t know, babe.” He snorted, bringing his hand up to his mouth to cover his laugh but ultimately failed.
“It’s not funny!” You said, feeling like you lost an easy game of “Life.”
Suddenly a great idea came to mind. “Okay!” You jumped in the middle of the street. “If I make it home before my parents then you have to stay with me until they come home!” You looked at him expectantly, waiting for his turn to try to be a good boyfriend. Even though he already is. “Don’t you have any homework to do?” “Yes!” “Hmm. Fine.” He shrugged and you raised your hands in victory as you both made it to the end of the street.
The walk home was quiet and peaceful as you walked with your boyfriend. His fingers interlaced with yours — warm and safe. You looked at him and noticed that His yellow hoodie makes him stand out more. I should keep it. “What’s wrong? Something’s on my face? Besides these little things?” He pointed to his face with his free hand. “Mm. Nothing~”, you giggled, his curiosity getting the best of him.
When you turned the corner, you noticed that neither of your parents cars were in the driveway from 8 houses away. “They’re not home! Yay!” You cheered. “Huh?” He squinted very hard. “Hm. I guess…they’re not,then.” He said, a bit surprised that he assumed wrong earlier. You quickly grabbed his hand and ran to your house and made it to the front door. Quickly taking out your house eyes. Yuuji looked at you in awe. Realizing that he spending quality with you, even if was until your parents came back from work, shouldn’t hurt.
You quickly took off your school shoes and ran into the living room. Leaving him behind. He took off his own and fixed yours and put it to the side. “Alrighty then.” He sighed, stepping into the hallway. A chunky cat limped walked out the living room and looked up at Yuuji. “Oh? Sakana!” He called out, walking to pet him. “Yaa…I haven’t seen you in forever. You’ve grown… so much.” He stroked the round animal’s soft fur. He purred. “Heheh. Your name fit you well enough.” He chuckled, trying to pick him up but the cat meowed in refusal. “Yuuji? Babe?” You called him, opening a bag of chips. “Yes, yes. I’m coming!”
*Sakana = fish served with sake.
He walked into the living room and saw you sitting on the couch with a few bags of chips next to you and the tv on. “Cooome~” you whined, patting on the cushion next to you, worried that your parents would come home in any minute. “Aren’t you gonna do your homework first?” He asked, raising an eyebrow, walking towards you. You sighed in annoyance. “Yeah. But first I want to eat something and chill for a little bit. Now, come here!” You pulled his sleeve with force to make him sit down already.
A few moments passed, you’re sitting beside him with your legs hooked over his and his arm hooked around your shoulders, as you both munched on some chips and watched an afternoon comedy show. Some laughs and quick pecks from his and your lips were exchanged in the living room, while Sakana rested next to Yuuji.
“Haaa…that was a good episode.” He mumbled, eating a chip you fed him. “What time is it?” He asked, kissing your temple.
You looked at the time. “It’s 5:04pm.” You turned to look at him. Your parents didn’t come home yet. Usually they come back around 4:30pm. You didn’t want to tell him that.
A comfortable a silence was felt in the living room.
“Well! It’s time for you to do your homework.”
“…” you sat with this in your mind as you watched his chest rise and fall under the yellow hoodie. “Yuuji…’” you called softly. “Hm? What’s up?” He looked down at you, you sounded a bit sad. “Let’s go upstairs. To my room.” You said softly, playing with the strings from his hoodie. “Huh?” He blinked. “Why?” “I wanna do my homework in my room, babe.” Your eyelashes flickered up to him, your hand caressing his midsection and moving it up to his chest.
Another wave of silence followed.
“Y/n. Don’t lie to —“ he said, knowing what you’re probably thinking about — probably wanting to do something else, which you both have done in the past, as a little “distraction”. but, he didn’t want to assume again. Plus, you needed to do your homework.
“ I just want a change of scenery.” You said lowly, caressing his chest.
“Umm. Yeah. Sure.” He shrugged, unhooking his arm around your neck and gently lifting your legs that laid atop his, to start cleaning up. After you both cleaned up, you held onto his hand and led him upstairs. “Bye Sakana!” He waved, smiling at the chunky cat laying down like a potato now that the two of you left your seats. You giggled as you walked up the stairs.
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You happily skipped to your bedroom door with your hand still held in his and opened it. Stepping into your room, a bunch of Stuffed animals all over your bed caught his attention in the pink colored room. You happily walked and jumped on your bed and sat on your knees. Yuuji looked at you in surprise as he stood by your bedroom door. “Come here!” You said, smiling as you beckoned your finger to get him to come to you. He walked towards you with a straight face as you looked giddy as you made room for him on the bed and reaching out your hand to get his.
His hands remained on sides, stopping in his tracks. “I thought you said you wanted to do homework”. He said disappointment, looking down at you to see what you were going to say this time. Your smiling face slowly disappeared as he confronted you. You lied. “I - I did it during lunchtime.” You spoke lowly, feeling bad. He facepalmed. “Why did you lie to me, y/n?” He stood at the side of the bed with a straight face— in disbelief. “I don’t want you to leave me alone after — “ your eyes looked down on the pink Sanrio rug. “after what? He sharply, knowing that he caught you lying in the first place. “After you do your homework?” He pointed out.
You shrugged, escaping his eyes and looking around your room. “I’m leaving.” “Nooo~” you whined, pulling his hoodie with your hand, and quickly sitting up on your knees. ”I’m sorry.” You croaked, putting your hands inside the middle pocket of his hoodie, looking at him with a sad pouty face. He looked at you with anticipation. “For lying to you.” You added, looking for forgiveness in his eyes. “Okay. But don’t do that again, ok?” He said, cupping your cheeks. You nodded and he gave you a quick soft kiss on the lips. “Mmm. Let’s cuddle now!” Feeling giddy, taking your hands out of his pocket to pull him closer from the waistline of his pants, playfully. “I can’t believe you,” he sighed, shaking his head and quickly pushing you on the bed, earning him a playful giggle as you landed on your back.
Soft lip smacking sounds echoed in the room as you two laid on each other’s sides. You both whispered sweet nothings and giggles in the pink bedroom. Chest to chest, your soft thumb brushed his cheek, back and forth. You hooked your leg over his waist to keep him close to you even though he wasn’t going anywhere — soon. “Mmm.” You moaned softly, feeling his warm palm stroke your leg hooked over his waist. His fingers slowly creeping up to your ass but not close enough.
Minutes later, you tugged on his hoodie to get him to take it off. Without a word, He sat up and took it off. You watched his abs flex while he pulled it over his head. “Better now?” He asked, looking down at your smiling face and nodding. You’re so spoiled. He moved around and was now in between your legs and continued to kiss your soft lips more.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and your soft hands held his cheeks while your lips smacked against his slowly. Soon after, he kisses your neck. Peppering it with kisses. You stretched your neck out to give him more room as you stared up as your pink ceiling and stroked his biceps. “It’s your turn now. Fair is fair.” He said, unbuttoning your buttoned up uniform shirt. He pushed up your bra — revealing your breasts. He gazed down at your globes and your nipples that were already erect from his ministrations earlier. He bent over to kiss around your round flesh before he licked it gently.
“M-mm!” You twitched, feeling sensitive nipple receive the pure sensation from the familiar muscle it knows all too well. He circles it while his eyes were closed. Your nipples always seem to put him in ease. Your soft pants rang in his ears as he did so. “Ahh.” You panted, tracing circles on the back of hjs shoulder , the other brushing his hair messily while you watched his tongue cover your nipple with his saliva.
“Mmm.” You whimpered, relishing the appendage flicking it, desirably. “Haaa…” you sighed, his tongue feeling too good on your nipple while he went back to circling it slowly. He did the same with the other, Pushing your chest up closer to his mouth. “Ah. Like that.” You whispered, resting your hands on either side of his head, watching him wrap his lips around your nipple and suck it.
He went back to kissing you for a moment. You were lost in the passionate kisses — pushing your chest up against his to feel your nipples brush his soft skin. “Mmm.” You moaned, arching your back to keep close to his chest, nearly lifting your head up from your pillow. However, he abruptly broke the kiss and looked out your window. Which faces the front of the house — and the driveway. His eyes searched for your parents car. Whether if it was one end of the block or the other.“Stooop.” You cried, looking up at him with a sad expression. “I’m just checking —“ he still looked. “They aren’t gonna come soon, yuu’” you pulled his face away from the window to look at you and tightened your grip around his waist.” “Let’s just focus on us.”
The passionate kisses grew deeper. He slid his hand under your uniform skirt — kneading your thighs and stroking your legs. Which was covered by your high knee socks. Your legs rested in the air as he did so. Earning a moan from you when you felt his fingers brush your inner thighs with just his fingertips. Gently clawing you with feather-light strokes — making you quiver underneath him.
His soft clawing on your smooth skin made you pussy throb under your covered panties. “Feels so good.” You mumbled, caressing his muscles with your fingertips, mimicking his ministrations. He hummed in he passionate kisses and pushed your skirt up. Revealing your panties. you slid your hand down to your clothed pussy and rubbed it. You moaned and broke the kiss. He watched you for a second before he looked down — slowly realizing what you were doing. Biting his bottom lip, he watched you do your task. “Ahh.” You sighed, observing him as you began circling your covered clit, slowly.
He followed your fingers tracing your clothed pussy in circles. You low pants rang in his ears as he watched you so. He lets go of your inner thighs and began unzipping his pants. You watched him pull out his clothed bulge afterwards. You tilted your head to the side as you watched him knead it while you slowly kept flicking your clothed clit.
Yuuji reached out for your hand to caress the hidden flesh. You kneaded it gently — exploring the warm flesh under your fingertips. Soon after, your finger founded the tip and you began rubbing it with your fingertip, softly. “Ahh.” He moaned lowly, relishing the soft tingles on the head of his clothed cock. You hummed as you do while your free hand rubbed your clothed clit in circles. He moved your hand and replaced it with his own began rubbing your clothed pussy. Your grounded your hips down for better friction as his thumb stroked your throbbing clit.
Your gratified breathes filled the room as you caressed one another. Yuuji bent over to leave a soft kiss on your forehead and temples as you stroked his erected cock under his boxers. You watched your task while feeling the soft wet kisses on your skin. After a while, you felt a wet patch on your panties from his ministrations. It didn’t go unnoticed by Yuuji when he felt how slippery the fabric was getting. He leaned back to see and groaned.
His cock twitched under your grasp. He bent over — positioning himself to align his clothed cock to your clothed pussy. His warm weight made your stomach flutter now that your chest to chest. You both were getting comfortable in this position as the sheets shifted a bit more. With your feet on either side of his hips and your legs spread open due to his broad waist, you shivered when you felt his clothed cock rub against your pussy. “Unh.” You whimpered, the familiar warmth of his cock and your wet panties mixed well with the friction you were receiving. You held onto his biceps while he grinds against your pussy, steadily.
“Hmm….hmmm~…” your erotic moans echoed in the room along with the sounds of your bed creaking slowly underneath you. Your covered legs dangled in the air as you were slowly getting rocked by his ministrations. “Mmm.” You hummed satisfyingly, feeling his soft lips on your neck while he nuzzled his face there. You rolled your hips up to meet his thrusts. And each time you did, the tip bumped your cunt and slid up to your throbbing clit. Earning a satisfied pant from your lips. Yuuji moaned as he felt the tip push against your core — feeling your slick warmth cover the tip of his cock — slipping up to your cunt. Forming a wet patch on the crotch area on his boxers. “Ahh. Yuu’” you said lowly, “feels so good.” Pushing your head back against the pillow, relishing the sheer friction you were getting while you circled your hips — Feeling his tip rub against your clit over and over, as you so.
“Mmm…mmmm.” You moaned in pure satisfaction, gently clawing his back while he pushed his hips down roughly against you. Making the bed creak roughly. “You like that, baby.” He whispered, watching how blissed out you looked below him. His lips met yours in a slow yet passionate way. Your panties were completely soaked from his controlled thrusts; your warm arousal getting smothered messily — making you feel so lewd. The bed creaked relentlessly while he held onto your knees from underneath. Your breasts bounced around steadily whisk you watch him buck against you. “So wet.” He mumbled, getting a better view of your soaked pussy under the fabric — thanks to the clear and big wet patch. “Oh fuck yeah.” He drawled out, getting distracted by your pretty pussy.
You hand reached out to feel his abs while youwere whimpering in the midst of listening to his pleasurable words. His stomach pulled in as felt your feather-light touch. He quickly shifted his position by gripping your knees from underneath and bending over and began to jackrabbiting.
You were getting rocked quickly in his grip. The bed shook crazily along with your rapid pants and your legs dangling in the air. You cupped his cheeks as he bit his bottom lip — completely focused on meeting his high. You watched him drag a long satisfied moan — the tip receiving the perfect pressure of rubbing your clothed pussy, while he humped you frantically. “A-ahh. Y-yuu.’” you mumbled, feeling the tip rubbing your nub while rocking your hips quickly for sheer friction. Your mouth slowly opened as your clit was beginning to pulsate, rapidly.
His eyes were still closed while he breathed heavily. “U-ugh.” Your mouth widened as you were feeling the release of your orgasm dance all over your body. You clit throbbed uncontrollably. “U-Unh!” you were twitching underneath him until he froze. He breathed heavily — slowly opening his eyes to meet yours. Your body was so tense that you remained unmoved as you looked up at him. “Hehe.” He gave a breathless laugh, his chest having from the first orgasm. “That’s my bad.” He grinned, blushing uncontrollably. You giggled and pulled his face to pepper his lips with kisses — feeling his warm fluid on your clothed pussy.
“Let’s keep going then, babe.” You said, rolling your clothed pussy against.
Snuggling with him for this long broke a new record, you mentally noted. It’s almost getting dark outside. Cuddled up with him in between your legs, exchanging kisses as your bodies were tangled together after cooling off. A few minutes after, He crawled down and stroked your inner thighs. You quivered making him chuckle. He pulled down your panties and threw at the end of the bed behind him. “These can stay.” He pointed to your black high knee socks. He laid flat on his stomach —facing your pussy. “Mm!” You whimpered, feeling the feathery touches of his fingers spread your folds open, making you shiver. “Look at that.” He mumbled to himself, watching his finger brush your clit, gently. The tingling sensation fluttered in your veins; clenching on nothing as he did so.
He then spread you open with both hands and leaned in to lick your clit. He licked it in circles with his eyes closed. “Haaa…” you sighed heavily, the warm appendage licking your nub lovingly. His crafty tongue licked it slowly before wrapping his lips around it — sucking it gently. “A-aah!” You gasped, moving your hand up to your mouth.
You lower tummy ached at the overtaking laps he made on your clit. It felt so warm. Your little bush in the middle, you watched the muscle lick your puffy clit. Your nub getting shifted around the appendage and covered with his saliva. You whined. “Mmmm.” He hummed, open mouth kissing your pussy steadily. “Oh fuck.” You panted, listening to the deep kisses done to your throbbing pussy.
You reached out your hand and rested it atop his fluffy pink hair. His movements were so smooth and soft that your clit pulsated relentlessly. You applied weight on your hand and pushed it down. He chuckled and began bobbing his head slowly. “U-ungh.” You cried, grounding your hips for good measure as he sucked hour clit with his puckered lips. “Unh. Yeah.” You breathed out, pushing his head down steadily, watching him so. “Oh fuck.” You panted lowly, laying your hand back on the pillow with your eyes closed.
You toes clenched on either side of his head. His grip on your inner thighs, close to your ass, while he took his time eating you out all made you feel putty. The light sucking sounds rang in yours ears — the slow yet gentle pace taking you in with him. Yuuji was focused on his task. His eyes were also closed as he ate your pussy, passionately. “Oooooh.” You groaned, your legs trembling as he moved his face side to side. Soon after, your rested your hands on either side of his head. Steering his head as he circled it around — his tongue gliding against your folds in circles making you feel that hot appendage all over your pussy while you whispered words of encouragement to him.
A particular swipe of his tongue made you gasp and roll yours hips up to his to his face. “Oh fuck…yeah.” You breathed out, lifting your head up from the pillow to watch your boyfriend. A great view of your puffy pussy receiving the sheer friction from his crafty tongue. You whined playfully when he circled your clit with a grin on his face. “You’re so cute.” You giggled breathlessly, resting your hands on his cheek to steer him.
He began flicking his tongue rapidly— making you body tense as he so. “A-ahh. Like that.” You said thickly, feeling the sparks in your lower stomach. his saliva dripped down your pussy and onto the pink blanket. “Ahhh. Y-yeah!” You moaned, you began riding his tongue frantically. You pushed your head back on the pillow and pulled his head from behind close to your needy throbbing pussy to keep him there. “Haaa…haaa.” You panted breathlessly, getting closer and closer to your release. Your legs dangling in the air quickly — your feet “fighting” the air as you rode his face quickly.
The bouncing bedsprings squeaked endlessly due to your hips gyrating against his face. “O-ooooh!.” You cried out heavily, your body twitching as your pussy pulsates uncontrollably. He pushed your knees down to the mattress and dipped his tongue in your cunt. You mouth quickly widened. “Y-y-uu!” You bucked your hips up roughly to get it in deeper — his nose bumping against your throbbing clit. Soon after our hands gripped his broad shoulders for good measure and you humped his tongue feverishly, beginning to spurt out on the sides of his mouth every second. “Uuuunghh.” You groaned deeply, Your hips stuttering until you froze — squirting in his mouth, in pure relief.
The room was very still. Quiet, as a matter of fact. Except for the sounds of your fluids filling his mouth in the quiet room. Your mouth wide open, you breathed heavily as you watched him mouth your pussy until you finished entirely; drinking it with a satisfying hum to finish off. You didn’t expect him to do that at all. A new kink you discovered from him, you noted.
“Ngh!” You twitched, feeling your sore clit throbbing when he started swirling his tongue on it. He looked so drunk in between your legs. “Ah!” You hissed, watching him leave a wide and loud kiss on your clit to finish. “Haaa…Yuu’” you said breathlessly, smiling at his glistening face covered with your fluids, dripping down his chin and on the pink blanket.
“Come’re.” You said softly, gently caressing underneath his chin. He submitted and smiled — crawling up to your chest. “You made me feel so good, baby.” Your soft voice made him feel warm inside. He hummed and pecked your lips. “Yeah. Cause’ I love my girlfriend, y know? You hummed in agreement. “And I love you too, baby.” You said, the heel of your feet rubbing the back of his legs.
He gave a breathless laugh and kissed your forehead softly before turning to grab his yellow hoodie —
Suddenly he froze.
“Hm?” You blinked curiously. He looked like statue. “Yuuji?” You called softly, looking confused.
“That was terrible.” A gruff voice echoed from the dark void.
“What do you know? You don’t even have a girlfriend!” He looked up at the tattooed man sitting on top of skulls. The kind of curses. Sukuna.
“I know how to make a women beg for her life and not do all the work. You didn’t even finger her this time, dumbass.”
“Wha—“He said, gawking at him in retort.” The hell are you talking about?! She loved it!”
“Sure.” He said sarcastically, You should learn from me, honestly.” He stared down at Yuuji with a smirk.
“Why the hell should I learn from a guy that has 20 fingers?” He eyebrow twitched, trying to maintain self control.
He chuckled. “You’re blind too, brat?” He looked down at Yuuji with his knuckles supporting his cheek. “You’re useless.” He rolled his eyes.
Sukuna sighed. Replaying the moments where you did most of the work to make you cum — even telling him what to do. He stared at Yuuji with disinterest. She’s good at hiding it. He mentally noted.
“Christ. Hey, Brat.”
“Stop call me that —“
“I have a proposal for you.”
“Allow me. He emphasized, a grin creeping up his face. “To show you how to turn her into a hot mess with my skills. Just Watch and learn, brat. Can you do that?”
“Absolutely not—“
“Ask her, then.” He chuckled.
Sukuna chuckled and pushed him out of the void and Yuuji snapped back into reality. He blinked several times to see clearly again while you gently scratched his undercut. “Yuu?” You looked concerned. “Hm?” “You okay?” “Oh, yeah. Um about that.” He looked around to think of how to ask you. “What is it?” You said softly. “Ah damn.” He dropped his head, laughing s bit to distract himself. “Itadori.” He stopped and looked up at you. “Is it okay if…sukuna can show you me how to make you feel more…good?”
“Umm.” You tucked your lips in. “You remember him right the guy that kinda looks like me but with tattooes?” He reminded you. You nodded. “Yeah so, if you want —“
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~”Stop if you feel uncomfortable, okay?” He said, leaning down to give you a peck on your lips. “Okay.” You hummed. Yuuji took a deep breath and closed his eyes.Suddenly your orbs were tracing the tattoos appearing on your boyfriend’s body until it landed on his face. His hair has risen up too. His eyes slowly opened — eyes staring at you. Not Yuuji’s. Sukuna’s. Scarlet eyes, in fact. You wondered if he actually saw everything earlier. Since you sometimes forget that your boyfriend is hosting an old curse inside his body.
“Heh. I see the brat has good taste in women.” Your eyes widened — speechless, in fact. “Now, let me show you how it’s done.” He grinned heinously close to your face.
A moments passed and your throat was hurting so much from your uncontrollable pants while you were being fingered to oblivion by Sukuna. The filthy squelching sounds from your sobbing cunt echoed in the room. “So fucking tight.” He mumbled, holding your knees down to the sides of your chest with his yuuji’s forearm as he did his task. “Unnghh! Don’t stop!” You whined, drooling from the overtaking sensation.
That brat can’t please you for shit.” He beckoned his fingers to rub your sweet spot — making you see stars. He leaned over and sucked your clit while his fingers fucked you. “Ahh!” You moaned, pushing your hips up to meet his quick thrusts. Soon after, your walls squeezed his fingers from the way he sucked your throbbing clit until you’re squirted on his yuuji’s midsection.
“Hehehe.” He chuckled while he rubbed your g-spot with his bent fingers, watching you squirt each time as he did so. “That’s it. Good girl.” “Mmm.” You hummed, feeling putty from being overstimulated.
“Tch. I could fuck you right now but your parents are here.” He said, his red orbs following the headlights. He saw a black sedan pull up on the driveway. “Huh?” You panted, following his scarlet eyes. you quickly got up and turned to look out the window.
He’s right.
You checked the time. 7:59pm
“Oh my gosh.” You mumbled, quickly turing back to peekout the window. Unbeknownst that your ass in front of him. “Hmmm.” He hummed, caressing your ass with his yuuji’s palm. “Yelp!” He smacked your ass roughly — pulling your hips back against his yuuji’s hips. “Or maybe I can.” He chuckled.
“Hey! Bring my boyfriend back to me!” You growled.
“You’re a feisty one, aren’t you.” He smirked, the tattoos slowly vanishing from yuuji’s skin. You saw his body fall backwards on the bed. You turned to him quickly. “Babe! Wake up!” You whispered to him loudly, tapping his face to quickly regain consciousness.
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faebaex · 1 year
Octavinelle with Jellyfish Reader
author note: I’m baaack! It feels good to finally write again. Not anything long, but just some good ol’ slice of life headcanons with the fish mafia (who i think I’m currently obsessed with??) maybe I’ll write more about this, like a small drabble of jellyfish!reader finally remembering Azul or something pfft. Also, gender neutral reader!! Because I realised a lot of my works could be read that way, so I might start labelling like that from now on, so more people can enjoy  (*≧ω≦*)
characters: Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech x GN!Jellyfish Reader
You’re a jellyfish mer, specifically of the box jelly variety, meaning that you are highly poisonous. As such, people can be stung as easily as touching your skin, so you keep your skin covered up as much as possible. Well, as much as you can remember, as you are a bit... Airheaded. 
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Azul Ashengrotto
You are the bane of Azul's life.
Seriously, his self confidence takes a battering during almost every interaction you have (the tweels don't help).
Why? Because you can never remember who he is.
"Y/N, please pass these papers to Azul." "Okay! ... Who is Azul?"
(He never gets those papers either because you forget why you have them in the first place...)
Azul would never admit it out loud, but he was excited when he learned a fellow invertebrate would be joining Octavinelle. You'd be able to relate to each other, no? Another mer with several appendages who prefers to swim slowly. A perfect match.
Except you are apparently impervious to his charms, and your blank stare haunts him.
Like hello, this is your Housewarden speaking. Anybody home? Do you remember him? ... No? You can't remember him but you remember the twins? Of course you do. Of course.
On the bright side for Azul, your empty headedness makes you deliciously easy to scam.
In fact, he doesn't even need to manipulate you into a contract. You're more than happy to stand sweetly, holding some leaflets promoting the Monstro Lounge's new special menu, or to stand aimlessly at the door, helping to attract clientele.
Now, if only he could think of a way to get you to remember him...
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Jade Leech
Apart from the amusement he got from Azul's suffering, Jade wasn't really interested in you at first.
Nothing against you, of course. He just didn't find you very interesting.
However, that all changed when you visited his booth during the culture fair and stared dreamily into his terrariums.
Jade was absolutely delighted to tell you all about each of his terrariums and even about his foraging in the mountains. You stayed until Jade had to leave for his Monstro Lounge duties, and even then he was reluctant to disturb you.
You also won his first guest prize mystery mushroom too!
He found it utterly adorable when he found you still carrying it around in your hands later during the culture fair, cupped delicately like a precious item.
Inevitably, you and Jade fell into an arrangement where he'd talk your ears off about everything mountain and mushroom, and he'd let you view his updated terrariums.
He was fully aware you weren't retaining any of the information he was assailing you with, but you served well as an outlet for him to talk about his hobby, as Floyd was uninterested, and it charmed him that you stared so happily at his terrariums, his work of arts, that he allowed himself to indulge.
But you surprised him one day (no easy feat!). Jade was once again pitching some mushroom dishes for the Monstro Lounge menu to Azul, with some mushrooms for illustrative purposes.
When Azul handled one of the mushrooms with disdain, asking what exactly this was, you suddenly piped up before Jade could.
"That's a chanterelle mushroom. They work well sautéed... And in cream sauces." Cue shocked Jade and Azul.
Low-key Azul is fuming because how can you remember that but not him??
Jade never imagined you would retain any of what he told you, being airheaded was in your nature after all. So he was touched, charmed in fact that you could recall some facts about a mushroom on sight.
He recovered from his shock quickly with a large toothy grin, capitalising on Azul's shock to launch another sales pitch.
Your fate was sealed, he definitely would be taking you along on his next mountain walk.
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Floyd Leech
Oh he just loves you, jellyfish! So cute, sweet and squishy!
You are one of Floyd's favourite people to squeeze. He can squeeze you as hard as he likes, and you don't even flinch!
It is guaranteed that if he catches sight of you on campus, he is charging over to you to wrap his arms around you, squeezing and throwing you around with exuberance. Onlookers look on in horror as you just give a ditzy smile.
But as a result of Floyd's constant manhandling of you, it means he sometimes accidentally touches your skin and gets stung.
Resulting in multiple trips to the infirmary. But don't worry, Floyd doesn't get mad about it. In fact, some swear that he likes it.
By this point, it's happened so often that Floyd is likely building up a bit of resistance to your venom.
Now, Floyd tends to sometimes be a bit... Overprotective of you.
Seven forbid he feel that someone is bothering or messing with you. He'll be behind you in a flash, an arm thrown around your shoulder and sharp teeth bared in a snarl.
"Nee... What do you want with my jelly, huh?"
If the other students thought you were an easy mark before, they think twice now with your guard eel lurking about.
Jade and Azul like to keep you in the Lounge when Floyd is having a bad mood day, as your presence tends to keep him from wandering off and help salvage some productivity.
Azul is even willing to waive the loitering rule if that means Floyd will stay in the lounge and do some work.
It doesn't always work, mind. Sometimes Floyd just ends up laying across you in a booth and ignoring his duties. But Azul will take what he can get, at least he is there in case there are any troublesome clientele.
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deluwoo · 4 months
i love you's
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pairing ▸ boyfriend!hiphop line x gn!reader genre ▸ headcannon, domestic fluff, fluff, slight suggestive warnings ▸ food [lmk if there are more !!] wc ▸ 541
eun's notes ▸ i miss writing sm :(( BUT IM PROUD TO BE ABLE TO POST AGAIN!! just a filler post for now bc ik i will get some ideas soon. enjoy, my doves! ★
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seungcheol ▸ his i love you’s can be found in hushed giggles and gummy smiles. another smile-line is another year of laughter as two. oversized hoodies and messy hair under bucket hats. i love you’s don’t seem to be words, they are the ideas of you, the actions for you. it is decided he’d move mountains for a lover like you, after all. i love you’s are in the hand placements on your waist when you two are walking in crowded places. its found in his eyes when he checks both sides of the street before walking with you, hands intertwined like ribbons. its found in the ink of his cards that go with every gift. he finds endless excuses to give you them but really, you are the reason of his giving.
wonwoo ▸ i love you’s are in his fingers. tying your stubborn and unruly strands of hair when you wash your hands. when he feeds you the good parts of his lunch bowl. he says i love you’s when he brings you home the snack you were eyeing in the grocery a few weeks ago. he checks everyday to see if its in stock. leaning in and licking his lips when you’re talking to him. his eyes lower down to your mouth, watching as words are formed by the second. i love you’s are in his glances, watching to see if you really enjoy playing animal crossing with him. tender hearts. an antique book store. its smell hanging on to your coats in the winter. i love you’s are in the moments together, because where else would they be?
mingyu ▸ its the second you wake, the aroma of breakfast finding your nostrils. i love you’s are found in the things for you. whether its to cook you a late night snack, or drive you to your errands. the hands that write you letters, hidden all around your room. its found in the silence, head to chest, and the series of lights as the two of you continue to watch the movie.i love you’s are his expressions; ranging from the way his lips curve into a toothy grin while watching you laugh, or the words that roll off him tongue that seem to just make you melt. his i love you’s are in the candles you like. the late nights. the steaming dinner and record player in the back. candle lights dancing in his eyes.
vernon ▸ it’s the paper flowers that flap in the wind, the ones handcrafted with love the night before because he’s allergic to real ones. i love you’s are in the endless playlists he makes, whether burning them on cd’s or adding them to mix tapes. they always have a small dedication, for you are the notes of his life. i love you’s are the things he does for you that seem to suddenly appear. the jacket on your knees when you’re in a skirt, the drink with the specific sugar level. his i love you’s are found in the giggles behind the photos he sends. you can’t tell if the silliness is on purpose or your love is just like that. its the smell of sunlight. the one that seeps between buildings as the two of you walk down the side walk.
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NETWORK : @kflixnet @k-labels TAGLIST : none yet (dont be scared to send an ask !)
reblog if i want these ppl ✋😔💔👈 ©eunhae (writer from my old blog wonieweb!!) © DELUWOO – 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞.
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king-craftsman · 3 months
Finding Your Purpose
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"Is this really supposed to work?"
The last thing Brandon wanted was to go to therapy, let alone some weird hypnotherapy thing. But the hypnotherapist, Dr. Carson, told him that he should see it as a way to improve his behaviour and stop smoking. He forced a laugh when he heard that but really he didn't think it would work and even if it did, so what?
It wasn't like it was gonna fix everything in his life. Brandon was in his thirties. He barely had any highschool friends left over and his college buddies moved on to bigger and better things while he was languishing away in his hometown, stuck in a dead-end job working for his uncle's construction company.
Right now he felt useless, like he wanted to find some sort of purpose and that's where the therapist came in.
"It is...just relax now and think of...your purpose. What do you really want to do with your purpose?"
"My purpose...?" Brandon blinked as he realised that he kept focusing on the watch. Watching the watch, as the hypnotherapist kept repeating as he kept focusing on it. There was no way this would work. He kept telling himself that, but Brandon wasn't sure he was believing it as the watch went...
Back and forth...
Back and forth...
Back and forth...
He couldn't help but watch the watch as he tried his best to focus, but all he could do was watch the watch and the more he watched the watch the more harder he got and the harder he got, the more he could just watch the watch.
"Yeah your purpose, you see my last client found himself suited for his purpose. Maybe you need a purpose..."
"Purpose..." Brandon didn't realise it but he was starting to drool. He thought he could tear his eyes away from the watch but now he couldn't as he was growing harder. "S-Stop..."
"What's there to stop? You see Brandon I think you want a purpose...whether it be a shoe shiner...or something else..." The hypnotist began to move backwards with the watch. Like a dog Brandon followed it, as if it were a ball or treat being waved in front of him before the hypnotist moved to his desk.
Suddenly Brandon blinked, almost breaking out the trance as he saw the hypnotist place two large feet on the desk. He may have been able to break out the trance, if it wasn't for the pungent scent of musk wafting over.
"Wha..." "Relax Brandon, like I said you want a purpose...whether a shoe shiner...or something more...personal."
Brandon felt numb as the words drilled into his mind, shoe, personal, relax, watch the watch, harder, all of it reverberated around his head.
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Watch the watch...
Watch the foot...
The stinking...massive...meaty foot...
And suddenly Brandon felt that he was getting closer. He was never into guys. Never into feet. Everything in his mind was telling him not to but he just couldn't resist it, the more he watched the man. He didn't know if he was saying anything else but he dove forward and suddenly his nose was all up in the feet, taking deep breaths as he smiled and moaned, beginning to lick and worship.
Only the more he did, the more he began to feel himself wish to get closer to the feet, wanting to have his hands wrap around them as he continued to make the man moan and bite his lips from the way he serviced them. It was like his every touch, every kiss, every lick was an echo of pleasure travelling through the feet and getting closer and closer each time he did so.
"That's it...you're finding your purpose...shoe shiner...foot worshipper...shoe..."
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As that was echoed around his mind Brandon could feel himself starting to grow weaker. It was harder to pull away from the feet as the last dregs of resistance were leaking out of his cock. The last sum of his effort was to try and pull away but his hands had already began changing, fingers thickening, darkening all morphing together like one viscous black puddle of leather.
All he could smell was musk and leather as he continued to find his body flattening itself against his feet. His cock was growing flatter as he imagined how good it would feel for the foot to push against it as his hands continued to wrap around the feet.
Both hands had their own foot, each one forming the thick leather that would was shining as if it had just been polished.
"P-Pleammmmph-" Brandon begged, unsure if he was begging for this to stop or if he was secretly begging for more. His hypnotist laughed like it was the latter, pushing more against him as Brandon felt his body continue to compress. Each part of him was alight with sensitivity like every stretch of skin, every stitch of leather he was becoming, every iota was an erogenous zone as sensitive as his cock, his nipples, his ass.
It felt like that as his body twisted and warped, starting to somehow split apart into two.
F-Fuck what's happening to me?!
Brandon could still think, could still comprehend everything happening to him as his body had somehow turned into nothing more than leather, thick shiny, well-crafted leather that felt good to the touch and suddenly started to feel filled with something. It was as if there was something, like a cock filling his ass, as the feet were practically sucked into the leathery material he was shrinking into.
The toes wriggled in the shoes making Brandon moan with pleasure as he felt an orgasm rush through his newfound body.
P-please stop this!
But then Brandon felt the next part of the transformation. The feet on his cock and his face, the sensation of them pressing down gently upon them both, soles rubbing his length, that hypnotically pleasurable musk forever wafting in front of his nose. His face and cock had become the very insoles of the new designer dress shoes that he had become as the last of his body shrank around the feet and wrapped around them like they were giving the feet of the hypnotherapist a massage.
"Stop? Oh no no, you see Brandon you wanted a purpose and I gave you one...as my shoes."
No! No I never signed up for this! No turn me back right noohhhhhhhhh-
"Shhh shh, there there Brandon..." The hypnotherapist said as he began to lace the shiny shoes up. "You'll be a nice pair of shiny shoes and just perfect...hypnotically shiny enough for me to wave in front of my next client. Isn't that right Brandon?" But all Brandon could do was moan as he was laced up, tighter as the world felt like he was coming again and again and again. All because he had his purpose and he was sure the hypnotherapist would help anyone, including you, find theirs too.
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For a whole library of hot stories like this, be sure to check out The Craftsman on Patreon.
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nomercymaster11 · 4 months
Delicate Mornings
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I found this photo in Pinterest. I'll try my best to find the artist and properly credit him/her.
A/N: R-18! Law x Fem reader. A continuation of Tender Nights.
You awoke in the dimly lit Captain's quarters, the soft glow of the lanterns casting a warm ambiance. As you stirred, a gentle kiss on your left shoulder and the sensation of being pulled closer roused you from your slumber.
"Good morning, sexy," Law's deep, velvety voice whispered, sending shivers down your spine. The intimacy of the moment hung in the air.
"Good morning, babe," you replied, turning to face him. Your fingers intertwined with his, bringing his hand close to your face. Nestled against his chest, his body warmth enveloped you in a comforting embrace.
Leaning into his touch, you pressed your right cheek against his left palm, lips brushing lightly. The surprising tenderness in Law's demeanor towards you never failed to catch you off guard. His typically stoic exterior melted away in these private moments, revealing a side of him that was exceptionally gentle and caring.
The room held a quiet tranquility, with the ship's gentle creaking serving as a lullaby. The soft glow accentuated Law's features, highlighting the lines of his face and the subtle warmth in his eyes. In that serene moment, the connection between you and Law transcended the chaos of the pirate's life, creating a sanctuary in the heart of the turbulent seas.
The atmosphere in the Captain's quarters grew increasingly charged as Law closed the distance between you. His lips met yours in a slow, tantalizing kiss, setting off a cascade of sensations that left you feeling like you were melting into the moment. The intensity of the kiss deepened as your tongues entwined in a delicate dance, a passionate rhythm that seemed to echo the beating of your hearts.
The subtle dance of his lips on yours only fueled the fire within you. He moved with purpose, his body hovering above yours, and you willingly wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. His eyes, dark with desire, locked onto yours, speaking volumes without uttering a single word.
"You suddenly fell asleep on me last night," you told him, a playful accusation in your tone.
"I know, let me make it up for you," Law responded, his voice a seductive promise.
Passionate kisses continued to cascade down your jaw, leaving a trail of warmth that sent shivers down your spine. As his lips reached your neck, you could feel his warm breath against your skin, heightening the anticipation.
Your fingers traced patterns on his back, reveling in the sensations he ignited within you. His kisses go down to your breasts. He swirls his tongue over your nipple. He gave the same attention to your other breast and he sucks it harder. You slid a hand in between your thighs, cradling your clit between your fingers.
"I want you... now,"
he whispered, his words sending a jolt through your entire being as he delicately licked your right ear. The urgency in his voice spurred a newfound desire that coursed through your veins. With a deliberate yet sensual movement, he placed a pillow beneath you, offering support to your lower back.
He pulled down your delicate lingerie in one smooth movement. He did the same with his boxers and tossed it on the floor.
Your breath caught in your throat as Law's toned, chiseled naked body revealed itself to you. The sight of him was undeniably alluring, a testament to the physical allure that had drawn you closer. It was a surreal moment, and you found yourself momentarily taken aback by the intensity of the connection you were forging with him.
"You seem really quiet now, what's wrong?"
Law inquired, leaning down to get a closer look, his concern evident in his expression. His eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation.
"Uhm, no... I'm just savoring this moment with you," you replied, your hands gently cradling his face.
You offered him a reassuring smile, your eyes locking with his. The gravity of the situation didn't escape you, but in that moment, there was a shared understanding that transcended any words that might have lingered on your lips.
With both elbows supporting his weight, Law's face hovered just inches above yours. He slides his hand over his member and positioned it between your legs. He dragged the length of his member over your sensitive core, teasing it and gently sliding it in your folds. The head of his member nudges to your entrance.
The atmosphere shifted as he slides into you, filling you completely. He holds still, giving you time to adjust on his size.
He started to kiss you with a newfound hunger as he pulls his cock out and slams back in, pushing you higher with every thrust. Each touch of his lips leaving you breathless and craving more.
Your insides clenching around him, a mix of pleasure edged with pain racing through your nerve endings. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in a world where time slowed, and every sensation became heightened. You moan as he drives in you again, raising your hips to meet his thrusts.
His kisses were a dance of passion, rough yet filled with an undeniable hunger, and you responded in kind, your fingers trailing along the contours of his back. The connection between you deepened with every touch.
In that intimate space, all that mattered was the heat of the moment and the shared connection between you and Law. The world outside ceased to exist as you surrendered to the intoxicating dance of passion and desire, a moment suspended in time.
“Turn over” Law's commanding tone sent a shiver down your spine, and without hesitation, you turned around, positioning yourself on your knees with your torso pressed against the mattress. The air thickened with anticipation as Law slid his left hand to your stomach, pulling you in and sliding his member into you, leaning down with his chest against your back. His lips found the nape of your neck, a tender prelude to the passionate encounter that unfolded. “Fuck, <y/n>-ya!”
He groans as he keeps his pace. You whimper as the head of his member continue hitting your g-spot with every thrust.
“Tell me what you want, <y/n>-ya”
He breathes into your ear, pulling back and punctuating each word with a hard thrust. His breaths coming hard and fast.
"Please, touch me," you implore, the urgency and desperation evident in your voice. “Here?” He slid his finger in between your legs and circle over your clit.
You dropped your forehead to the bed and clenched on the sheets. The sensation of his touch ignited a fire within you, and your abdomen tensed in response to the pleasure he skillfully bestowed upon you. Your cry of pleasure echoing in the intimate space.
"Lower your voice," Law whispered to your ear, his breath sending tingles down your spine. Despite his command, your response was a ragged breath, the pleasure he provided making it challenging to keep your voice in check.
"But I... can't...!" you admitted, your words punctuated by the pleasure that coursed through you.
"You're making me feel so good...!" you added, your voice a mixture of desire and desperation.
Even without seeing his face, you could sense the smirk playing on his lips, a silent acknowledgment of the satisfaction he was bringing you.
The intensity reached its peak as you felt the impending climax approaching.
"Law! I'm getting close...!" you gasped, your voice a breathless whisper.
Law swiftly turned you around, his eyes locked onto yours.
"Come for me," he urged,
He pulled your hips up, lowered his weight and slide his entire length into you. He slows and pulses in and out. Bending down to suck a nipple into his mouth. His pubic bone rocking back and forth over your clit.
You clawed at his back, moaning as your body convulses and, in that moment, you surrendered to the wave of pleasure that washed over you.
Wrapping your legs around his waist, the final thrust brought you to the pinnacle of ecstasy. With arms tightly wound around each other, Law kissed you passionately, as if capturing the essence of your shared pleasure with each lingering kiss.
As the aftershocks of pleasure subsided, Law collapsed beside you, both of you catching your breath in the aftermath of the intimate encounter. Satisfied and sated, you held onto him, feeling a sense of contentment in the warmth of the afterglow.
You lay on his bed, covered only with his blanket, while Law sat beside you on the edge.
"Are you going out now?" you inquired, breaking the post-coital silence.
"I want to stay longer, but this ship still needs its captain," Law replied, his fingers gently brushing against your forehead as he kissed it.
"You may rest here," he added, leaving you with a tender promise.
Law gathered his clothing, wrapped a towel around his waist, and with a final glance, he left the room to take a shower. As the door clicked softly behind Law, you found yourself enveloped in a quiet afterglow. Alone in his room, wrapped in the warm embrace of the pillow, you couldn't help but smile. A blush adorned your cheeks as you recalled the features of Law's face, etched in your memory.
With a sigh, you allowed yourself to sink into the bed. As you closed your eyes, a serene satisfaction settled within you, knowing that the world outside could wait for now. The room held the residue of passion, a secret shared between the two of you.
You drifted into a peaceful reverie, eagerly awaiting the next adventure that awaited you on the turbulent seas with your captain.
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4ngel-inc · 5 months
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𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐔 𝐃𝐀𝐙𝐀𝐈 — 𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓐 𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓣𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮
notes: mdni. fem reader. fluff & smut. it's your first, second, and third dates + dazai goes down on you. ꪆ୧
warnings: this is the longest thing i've ever written (3k) but dazai has my whole heart in his hands, help i'm just in love ʚ ɞ
𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝕯𝖆𝖙𝖊 — THE DARK AGE. ࿐
you weren't expecting to walk in on a very suspicious-sounding conversation that night between three handsome strangers when you walked into lupin. you were mostly expecting it to be empty, possibly a lovesick couple making out in the corner somewhere, hiding their affair from their respective husband and wife—no doubt. that was the norm.
however, that night was different. did you know you were walking toward something that would consume you for the rest of your life? difficult to say. but something was different, you tasted it in the air. it lingered in the stale atmosphere of the bar that suddenly smelled of lavender and cherry blossoms when you laid your eyes upon him—osamu dazai. a man more beautiful than you could've rendered in your own imagination.
your confusion at the three (admittedly stunning) men occupying the space you normally sat in, likely showed on your face—and your perfume and the light clicking of your heels surely caught their attention as well, the three of them turning to you as the bell over the hidden entryway clinged and you descended the staircase fully.
they were all so handsome. but you still couldn't take your eyes off him. there was something about him—the way his eyes lingered on your body before settling to lock with yours made your stomach twist. neither of you looked away, though the situation was awkward at best—was this your heart telling you it knew, before you even did?
a few hours later and everyone else in the bar had drifted away, only you and dazai remaining. only the two of you in the world—that was how it felt. neither of you had a single sip to drink from the moment you walked in, too drunk off one another. you'd sat down next to him and started talking, and somehow, in the sea of intoxication the two of you were drowning in, hours had passed in a matter of seconds.
"who are you?" he asked in that deep, sultry voice that had you reeling. he knew your name—you'd told him hours ago. but he wanted to know more—he wanted to know what really made you, you.
"who do you think i am?" you smirked as you placed a gentle kiss on his neck.
"someone who wants to ruin my life," he laughed as he struggled and failed to hold back a needy groan, your lips feeling like heaven against the pulse of his neck.
you laughed at that, "now, why would i want to do that?"
your arms wrapped tighter around his neck as his hands squeezed your waist, grinding your hips against his ever so slightly, not enough to cross a line, but enough to show his desire. at some point you'd found yourself straddling him as he sat on the bar stool, facing away from the bar, your heels abandoned on the bar floor as the sleek pantyhose covering your toes glided smoothly against his clothed calves.
his eyes were half lidded as he groaned, your hands running through his hair exactly what he needed after another brutal day working for the mafia. the killing, the carnage—it was nothing and sometimes, all at once, it was too much. but in that moment, your soft touch was like an oasis to him.
"why do you want to die?"
"what's the purpose of living?" his answers matched yours in speed and wit, something you hadn't expected.
"to make people's lives better."
his eyes met yours again as his hands slid up your back, eyes lidded and fingers barely grazing your skin as he inadvertently lifted your shirt slightly with the tips of his fingers. his delicate touch felt like it was burning you—this was moving too fast, you knew it. this was dangerous, but you wanted more.
"you think you can make my life better?" he asked ironically, clearly doubting your logic. "you can't save me, angel."
"i don't want to."
"what do you want?"
"there are things worth living for."
"and you think you're one of those things?"
"no, but love is."
"everything i've ever loved has been taken from me."
your heart hurt at that—and the moment you pressed your lips to his, a gentle kiss that sought to cradle his soul turned needy and desperate. everything felt right, nothing had ever felt more right.
pulling away moments later, both entirely too breathless and desperate for a one night stand, you sought to penetrate the scarred exterior, to unveil his true intentions— "who are you, osamu dazai?"
"i guess you'll have to wait and see, princess."
maybe you were manic. . . maybe you were making things out to be more than they were. you'd been known to be a fool for love, but this felt different. osamu felt like someone you could trust.
but naturally, hadn't all the others felt the same way in the past? it was difficult to find something worth living for, he'd told you that. you'd kept your own pessimistic confession from leaving your lips the moment you'd heard his—you felt the same. but somehow, you felt differently. you wanted to live. osamu didn't.
but there was just something about osamu you couldn't explain—something you couldn't understand. and despite the way the gears were turning in your mind, your analytical brain fighting against your heart to find some logical reason why you felt so infatuated with him so early on—someone you weren't even sure would be around much longer (you'd deduced he was in a dangerous trade, that much was clear, though he hadn't told you yet)—you didn't want to solve the mystery that was osamu dazai. you wanted to float in the warm, safe abyss of ignorance and the euphoria that had you feeling lighter than air.
each time his name popped up on your phone had your heart singing—you hated it, in a way. it was a recipe for disaster. heartbreak would surely find its way to you soon. osamu was dangerous—not only in the way he lived, but in the way he made you feel.
your heart felt so vulnerable. so weak. so fragile. you felt like you would crack at any moment, and just like that—your feelings would consume you. the same way they always had in the past before disappointment inevitably struck you like lightning, crippling you and tearing away any hope you'd ever find someone who matched you.
things had gotten a little heated between you two on your first "date," if you could even call it that. but you hadn't let things go too far—you wanted to know more about dazai before you committed your body and heart to him. would he even be comfortable sharing anything about his life? about his past? about his job?
you checked your makeup one last time in the mirror, ensuring your lips were perfectly lined, a natural shade paired with the casual look you were sporting—a touch of mascara to give a different impression than you had last time—last time you saw him, you'd been tired and exhausted from work, your full makeup and sleepy, dreamy flirtiness giving a different vibe than you normally did.
osamu had suggested a walk for your second date. you were a little surprised, judging from the suit he wore the night you'd met him—you expected him to plan an elaborate date at some fancy restaurant and take you out for a night on the town. you were grateful he suggested something you were more accustomed to, something a little closer to your comfort zone.
you grabbed your bag and tucked your gloss in the back pocket of your jeans, a comfortable solid-colored tee tucked into your belt, a suitable pairing to the tennis shoes you laced yourself into.
as you grabbed your coat, the insecurities began sinking in—what if i'm not what he's expecting?
you'd been a little too forward the night you met him, naively swept up in his good looks and charm. you were wondering if his interest would hold once he realized how. . . normal your life was. surely, it was a little more dull than his.
however, the way you got lost in each other's eyes that night, made you feel a little safer in opening your heart to him. was this really only the second time you were meeting?
you probably talked a little more than you should have—but dazai seemed to get lost in the way your words flowed, listening intently with soft eyes as he drank up every word that left your lips, autumn leaves falling gently one after the other as they brushed the two of you intermittently, one last time as the chilly air wrapped around you both, winter quickly on its way.
"what makes you happy?"
he looked confused at your question, contemplating his answer briefly before turning toward you, pulling at the lapel of your jacket and wrapping it tighter around you, tucking your scarf back into it.
"i had a friend once, spending time with him was the closest thing i've ever found to happiness."
the way his voice trailed off at the end left you feeling sad and lonely—feelings you picked up from the tone of his voice. you weren't sure if you should press the subject, but the smile that traced his lips involuntarily as he spoke about this mysterious friend, told you he wouldn't mind.
"what was he like? or she?"
his eyes flashed a trace of appreciation at your words, grateful you'd even asked. no one had ever wanted to know more about his life. and surprisingly, he finally seemed eager to fill the space between the two of you with his own words.
"he was the kindest person i've met." he was staring at the ground now, "although, if you pissed him off, you were in for it." he laughed at that last part, and it was enough to have you laughing with him.
his eyes seemed sad now, and you figured it was time to change the subject.
"i love autumn." your eyes followed the trees surrounding you up to their canopies, in awe of all of the beautiful, natural creation around you. it was almost like the two of you were trapped in a masterful painting—you never wanted to escape.
"i think i do too, now." he pulled you in and brushed your hair behind your ear, leaning closer as your lips just barely grazed, his dark eyes staring down at you. "i wish i could see things the way you do—wish i could see the beauty in life."
"i'll show you."
"you can't fix me."
"you aren't broken, just lost."
"find me, then."
"i will." his delicate kiss soon turned needy, his tongue testing the waters as he cradled the back of your head. just the same as the first you'd shared in the bar—it felt electric. his hands pulled you as closely as possible, the threat that you'll leave seeming to haunt all of his gentle touches.
i hope you do.
"i knew you wanted to ruin my life," he laughed against your lips. you'd been teasing him for the past hour, all of your soft touches and warm breaths against his neck leaving him whining against your lips—he hated how needy he was for you already, but not enough to stop your hands from exploring every inch of his body, bandages doing little to resist the heat of your skin on his.
he was hard and leaking for you—attempting and failing to resist falling into you even more. osamu didn't remember the last time he'd felt this wanted. he couldn't think of anything but your body as he pulled away from you, settling on the floor in front of you, your back pressed against the couch.
"stop." he kissed your wrists one at a time, stopping your hands from reaching out for him, attempting to pull him back in for more kisses. he placed a gentle hand on your stomach, encouraging you to relax and let him take the lead as your hands found their way into his hair.
"i want you," you whined, "so much."
"the feeling is mutual," he smirked.
as he pushed your legs back, your pussy on full display for him, you could only think to yourself—troublemaker. that's what osamu was—but only in the best way. he tore down your walls and ripped you out of your comfort zone, only to build new ones around you that made you feel even safer than before.
how it was possible to trust him with your whole heart after only just meeting him, you could never explain. but you were no longer interested in fighting your feelings, you couldn't deny your heart. you wanted him—all of him.
"fuck me, please." your voice was broken and desperate, tears threatening to spill from the corners of your eyes from how much you wanted him.
"not yet."
the disappointment in your eyes faded as his pretty fingers spread your folds, a moan escaping his lips when he noticed how wet you were, a string of your slick caught between your lips. he was sure the taste of you could make him fall even more in love—the way your body responded to him, almost like it was meant for him. you were meant for him.
"mind if i have a little taste?" the look in his eyes was devious and lustful, and your nod of affirmation desperate and frantic, hands in his hair pulling him closer to your cunt.
his tongue darted out to kitten lick your clit just once, before pulling away to savor the taste.
"osamu, please—don't tease me."
"what do you mean, pretty girl? i'm just enjoying myself."
his hot breath against you was enough to have your eyes rolling back, practically screaming when his lips finally wrapped around your clit, sucking softly before letting the wet nub slowly slip from his mouth, a mixture of his spit and your slick making it glisten in the candlelight as he admired your pussy, his gaze soft and intriguing.
your moans turned needy as he continued to lick gently at your clit, pulling back every so often to spread your lips more and expose the sensitive little nub that insisted on hiding from him, his tongue hard against it as he picked up the pace, firm licks setting the perfect rhythm to make you cum quickly.
"'your tongue- feels- so good. . ."
"hm, is that so?"
he pulled away only for a brief moment before diving back in, intent on making you cum before he fucked and satisfied your desperate, sensitive little pussy. it'd been entirely too long since he'd fucked a pretty girl like you. something foreign took over him as he groaned and whimpered and whined against your pussy, seemingly more desperate than you were to make you cum.
"i'm gonna come soon. . . don't stop, baby. don't stop. . ."
you came only a moment later, a wave of your slick gushing from your quivering hole as he slid a finger in, eager to feel the powerful waves of your orgasm as your pussy squeezed his fingers. he devoured your pussy after you came, licking and sucking everywhere he could find, playing with your lips and pressing gentle, careful kisses to your clit, still twitching from such a high-octane orgasm.
as your breathing settled, a burning desire grew in your stomach. "'samu, come here. . ." you grabbed his hand, trading places with him on the couch, settling on your knees as they found their home on the soft carpet. your hands found their way to his thighs, spreading his legs as your eyes landed on his cock and balls, pretty veins decorating the shaft and making your mouth water. he was lightly trimmed, head pink and leaking and firm. the way his cock jumped before you even touched him, your hands simply running gently up his thighs before squeezing his hips, told you he was painfully awaiting your touch. even so, he seemed hesitant.
"aww, you don't have to angel—only if you really want to."
so that was it. he didn't think he deserved you—didn't think he deserved your touch. he slid his fingers through your hair before resting them on your chin, admiring your beauty and all of your pretty features—his gaze tender and loving as something swelled in his heart. it was more than he deserved.
despite his doubts, your lips wrapped around his cock had every thought leaving his mind, only a few remnants of his existence still floating around in his conscience. the tip of his cock was so sensitive from hours of waiting for your pussy, his thighs quivering each time you slid your tongue over the cute little vein on the underside of his cock. it was enough to have any cohesive thought pattern fade away.
as he gave into you entirely, head rolling back as small puffs of air left his lips each time you slid his cock deeper in your throat, your name, your body, the way you touched him, the way you wanted him—were the only things on his mind.
he wanted you close. he never wanted to let you go—for the rest of his life, he wanted to stay in this warm glow with you.
save me from myself, angel. give me something to live for.
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