#she really do noooot give a fuck
agoraphobicalien · 2 years
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Here’s a cute lil Roooux
Bonus content: Roux ackin’ like she not black 😒
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m0thergoose · 3 months
NOT how I expected this episode to start omg unWELL
I truly have no idea what to expect from this ep holy hell
Rick is passenger princess confirmed
The hand kiss 🫠
Honeymoon take 2 woopwoop
OTP on a scenic road trip I’m in love with this
Look at them looking lovingly at Carl
they found a cabin, they on a real vacation now baby
New people I’m scared I don’t like it
Rick is really at Michonne’s beck and call ‘they look pretty hungry’ INSTANTLY drops his bag to find them food lmaoooo
OHHH DONT try this with Richonne you silly silly people
‘Well how bout you just listen’ 😂😂😂😂😂
That’s right Michonne you take your food back lmaoooo
Rick emptying the bullets into michonnes hand sooooorry I’m unwell
Keep your promise asshole 😂
Us against the world 💖
Toothpaste, booze, what are you up to grimes???? I’m just working with what I got - the necklace 💖 RICK LOVES HIS WIFE SO MUCH
RIGHT who is this now??? Is this GABE?
FUUUUCKING HELL JADIS WAKING THEM UP, it’s like when Jesus walked in on them their first night lmaoooo but this is 1 million times worse!
Michonne looks so hot rn haha
I actually could give a flying fuck about Jadis, hurry up and kill her richonne lmao
And he’s kept a wedding ring for Rick actually shoot me rn
Gabe is a richonner confirmed 💖
Now I want Gabriel to be the one to kill Jadis because this is sick and twisted from her
okay so they’re gonna kill Jadis and as she’s dying she’ll hand him the ring
And next year same day same place it won’t be Jadis that meets Gabriel, it’ll be richonne
HERE we go fuck her up Michonne
Here Ricky dicky goes, fuck them walkers up
Jadis is scum these people better not help her
HAHAHHAHA Michonne just wants to kill this bitch ‘maybe just maim first’ yeah ok Ricky dicky 😂
Michonne what you gonna do
Michonne has a plan yes
‘You’ve looked better’ sassy Rick lol
I’m stilll hoping Michonne just fucking murders her
side note Rick looks v handsome rn
I’ll see you next year Ann - noooo you’ll see richonne next year gabey baby 🤞
‘We’re gonna do that’ ricks like sure whatever you want baby
I don’t want a proposal in front of jadis save it for when you’re alone Ricky dicky
‘I could never have imagined this but it could only ever have been you’ 🥹🥹🥹🥹
THE PROMO ‘are we crazy’ ‘certifiable’ LMAOOOOOO
ALSO how the fuck are we wrapping this up in one more episode, we deserve MORE dammit
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nebulousfishgills · 10 months
for the random ask game!
2, 4, 5, 26, 35, 43, 58
Thanks bestie! The other asks are gonna get done eventually, brain has just noooot been letting me do shit lol.
2 - Do you have an accent?
Not really. Although technically my state has an "accent" that people kind of unofficially adopted. Sometimes my "a's" sound like "o's." It's not like southerners saying "wooter" and not "water," but the most obvious example is saying the name of my state itself.
4 - Have you ever slapped anybody?
I don't think so. Definetly not in a real, serious way, but I can't remember if I've done a stage slap or not.
5 - Did you learn a skill or get a new hobby during lockdown?
Honestly... I don't think so. Lockdown was really hard on me even being as big of an introvert as I am. I was depressed and mostly did what was familiar rather than doing new things. I've blocked most of 2020 out tbh.
26 - Have you ever won a contest?
Actually yes! Our big botanical gardens was opening a kids area and they needed a name for their mascot, a Marmot. The name I suggested was picked and I was there to attend the grand opening. It was televised and everything. I was gifted a marmot plush that I still have to this day (this was thirteen years ago).
I went there a couple years ago and the kids' section is still there and the mascot is still around here and there, although I don't think my name is anywhere. I can't even find articles about it.
Here's the little lad:
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35 - Favorite dessert?
Fuckin Cinnamon Buns. I could eat so many of those, especially the ones from Cinnabon.
43 - Is there a movie you detest for a very specific reason?
Fucking "Sound of Freedom." As most of you know, I worked at a movie theatre this past summer and it was the bane of my existence. It's about child trafficking and it released on the fourth of july. And as you know, Americans see the word Freedom and go ape shit. And it's a very specific crowd: Conservatives. Your religious grandparents, military members, Blue Line Supporters...
And the tRump/QAnon crowd.
I extend my customer service to everyone but these people were/are ASSHOLES. Getting mad at me when showings were sold out (my co worker even had people ask if she could *move other people* from their seats so she could sell them to this old bat and whoever was with her).
On my last day I had two women buy tickets for it and try to trick me into free food by saying they ordered pretzel bites when they most certainly didn't, thinking I was too stupid to realize otherwise... I read their order back to them twice and they said it was fine both times. Jokes on them cause I rang them up in a separate order so they still paid...
Oh and our ushers have seen SEVERAL religious pamphlets and scriptures left behind on the seats.
But it did lead to this funny story:
When I was working on the 4th of July, every showing was full or almost full. This one dude with a Trump hat and a cross around his neck the size of my palm asked about a solution to the problem of his wife not liking butter on her popcorn but he did. I poured the popcorn into a paper bag we give out so people can share easier and let him use his free refill to fill the bucket again, so two buckets of popcorn.
He called me smart, asked for my name (since I didn't wear a nametag) so he could thank me properly, and gave me candy. I wished him a happy fourth since I really was hoping he would tell my manager I did a good job (praise is praise even if he wears a red hat) and he just bellows "AND A HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY TO YOU AS WELL, MA'AM!"
...so there was a thin veil made of ignorance and my own resourcefulness that prevented me from getting hate crimed at work since if this man knew a gay pagan had helped him out...
And no I don't think he actually talked to my manager about my helping him.
I seemed to get more respect from these people seeing this fucking movie than others (which says a LOT cause I had so many dicks I had to help) and I've theorized that maybe these nut jobs thought I was religious cause they saw the pin on the hair scarf I wore and assumed it was representative of some Christian sect...
...It's a Volturi crest pin.
But, yeah, to sum up, fuck this movie and the crowds it brings. I knew it was gonna be bad when I read the synopsis on my monitor the morning of the 4th and saw Jim Caveziel was the lead, fucking JESUS in "The Passion of the Christ..." and what's even WORSE is that he's the lead of "The Prisoner," the show I wanted to watch because of baby JCB.
Working Barbenheimer was like a doomsday for me, but Sound of Freedom was a chronic and horrid pain...
Although this happened, so that's horribly ironic:
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58 - Are you or were you a good student?
Yeah basically. I was kind of universally known as the smart kid nobody talked to but everyone wanted in their group projects. Finished high school with a 3.97 GPA, but most of that can be credited to my extreme fear of failure. College has been no different lol.
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thesvenqueen · 3 years
S&B Episode 6
- you're a horrible liar bro - um, excuse me, they are NOT his crew RUDE - buuuuuuuusted - NINA?!?! GIRL WHAT??????? - Hahaha oh heyyyyy - Oh Inej...Kaz bout to be fucking FURIOUS yo - Yikes Fedyor... - THEY KNOW OF MATTHIAS?!?!?! NOOOOO - Aw HELL YEAH GIVE ME MORE NINA & MATTHIAS CONTENT LETS GOOOOO - Matthias, get on the damn board and stfu - I mean, Zoya you are not wrong but also you in daaaanger girl just saying that hooooo boy - no the fuck you don't. more manipulation ughhhhh stooooop - DAMN ZOYA AND HIM HAD A THING?!?!?! SHEEEEEEEEEEEESH - ah, he manipulated her too my god dude - MAL!!!!!!! - take it offfffff TAKE IF OFFFFFFF - YEEEES - "You're just a man, like all the others" I BEG TO DIFFER THAT MAN IS FINE AS FUCK HELLO?!?!?! - HA I saw that lick of your lips Nina, HARD same - You're both fucking idiots my god - Yeahhhh you like her hehehe - .....well this argument is fun - "thanking you for finding me" "Always. I'll always find you" now KISS you fools - oh well, parents are fighting...again. fuck. - oooo love the slgith of hand yes yes - I mean...he has a point? - ooop.....yeah, so about the club >.> - "I'm sorry it took me this long to see you Alina. But I see you now" OH that's so SWEET. - HA Nina such a tease, I love you - "No it's natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall and yet oh, there you stand" HAHA YESSSS I loved that line from the book - Awww Matthias' laugh is adorable I love it - oh...oh no - uhh...hey guys lmao nice to see y'all - Jesper vs Ivan..interesting - Jesper really playing with his food over here omg - "You're a--" yep, he is, you are completely right sir - Inej really said aight, bet, then you can die - KAZ VS DARKLING OH SHIT LETS GOOOOO - TELL HIM KAZ - AHHHHHHH KAZ OUTSMARTED THE DARKLING OH SHIIIT HAHAHAHA THATS MY BOY - Also where the fuck did you get that flash bomb Kaz >.> - Haha yep, he does not at all wanna like you Nina but he already does - AHHHH TOLD YOU SO - THE TEASING I CAN NOT - And here is where the dynamic completely changes and ohhhh my shipper heart - THE INTRODUCTION I CAN NOT FUCK. IMMA BURST - He put the fucking coat around her, I CAN NOT IMMA DIE NOW BYE - bruh, the struggle on Kaz' face to help Inej but knowing he literally is unable to just UGH KILL ME - Oh Kaz big mad, so we gonna steal the Darkling's carriage hahaha love it. He looks so incredibly mad too, don't hurt his..investments lmao - DAVID HAHAHAHAHA I fucking love you you precious bean I swear to god - Noooot the name sliiiiip - nah we know you jealous Mal lol - oop, he knows. that's not good Ok, I know people complained about envisioned Nina to be different than what Danielle but I have to say, she is killing this role and is a FANTASTIC Nina. Also, seeing someone that look similar to my body type just..makes me so happy. Again, I know representation matters and I completely agree and understand people's annoyance/anger towards the depiction of Nina here but for me, personally, I love it and love Danielle completely. And Matthias, my main stupid lump of muscle, keep doing you cause D A M N. Seeing how Kaz is making rash decisions is not so out of character as, again, he is younger here than in the books so him putting the crow club up as collateral for Inej makes sense. Could be how, in the future, after this adventure he ends up working for Haskell. I do love them working out the kinks of their crew though, learnign to trust the other and that though they believe in other things, doesn't mean they can't work together. Though, I will say, Kaz had a slight point that this job may not have been the best one for Inej if she was going to let her faith lead the way. complicatedddddd. The reunion between Mal and Alina was FAR MORE satisfying than in the books because we've seen BOTH of their journeys to get there, one that was finally set directly towards the other while another was pulled askew but led back in the right direction again. It's more wholsome, satisfying in a sense than it was when reading it as you get a full sense of what both of them are doing, especially Mal. The
realization as well from the Darkling that Alina RAN, Ben depicts him brilliantly. I still hate him SO much as he manipulates everyone around him to gain what he wants, including Zoya which poor thing, but I have to say Ben is kiiiiiilling it for sure.
The casting, seriously, is absolutely perfect for everyone. Which is incredibly rare for book addaptations but fr, they nailed it here.
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sid471 · 3 years
Fate: Winx the Saga from someone who didn’t watch Winx Club
My friend made an actually GOOD post about this as someone who IS just a massive dork about Winx Club. So for a fans perspective here ya go :3 https://alric-usami.tumblr.com/post/641430679160340480/in-defense-of-fate-the-winx-saga show’im some love :3 Also unlike my friend this isn’t spoiler free. So, if you haven’t seen Fate and wanna give it a shot don’t read under the cut and if you didn’t watch Fate and you read it anyway... don’t get mad at me <_<
Now, if you’re still here, you’ve decided you don’t care about spoilers, you’ve seen the show, or haven’t seen the show and you’re stubborn <_<. Regardless, time for an opinion that doesn’t matter 😊. 
I watched all 6 episodes and gotta say that I... Actually really enjoyed it :3. I understand the complaints, the lack of diversity... kinda sucks. It’s 2021 c’mon now >_> but everything else I liked watching 😗 Though I DO wish Bloom being a Changeling was revealed later. Rather than... ya know.... the first episode. That being said, DID really like when she called her mom and dad the second time. It was a sweet moment ☺️. I’ll get more into that later :3
Now, let’s get into the nitty gritty shall we? :3
I didn’t have any expectations going in. I hadn’t seen Winx and all I knew about it, even as I write this, I got from the above mentioned friend. I knew nothing is my point lol. So, looking at it as a show rather than an adaptation, I REALLY enjoyed it. It had nice visuals, acting was solid all round, music was a little cliche at times but I still liked it 😗
SO as previously mentioned, Bloom is a changeling. And also like I said I wish that revelation had been made a little later, but I also like how the season went over all so... Hmm... Conflicted. Bloom’s turmoil after finding out the truth, I thought, was handled very well. I’m sure some people would say she like... was bitchy and closed off. Which she was 🤷🏻‍♂️ But fuckin... She’s 16 .-. Of course she’s gonna lash out >_> And also even if she WASN’T 16... She’s still finding out the people who raised her aren’t really her parents ._. Anyway, speaking of her parents, we don’t know her parents well, but I still liked them ^_^ They had a pretty good amount of sweet moments with Bloom. Like the aforementioned 2nd call scene. The one where she went back to her house and watched them? It was a very sweet talk and I loved it 🙂. Verdict: Bloom, and her parents, good 😗 :3
 Aisha, loved her and how her friendship with Bloom went ^_^. They had their rough spots, but at the end of the day they were still by each other’s side. And that’s what friendship’s about :3 Having their back even when you disagree with them 🙂 And even WHEN Bloom was being standoffish and secretive, Aisha made the effort to say “Hey. You can talk to me about anything. You know that right?” And you can tell it’s heartfelt and just ;-; ya know? :3 Though, admittedly, was a little iffy when she snitched to Farah but it worked out 😗. ALSO! Her protecting Bloom while she transformed? First of all, amazing sequence 😁 Second of all, that scene showed that even if Bloom is being reckless and, well, a main character lol, Aisha will have her back. And if you don’t have a best friend who’ll support you even when you’re acting like a Fantasy Main Character, what’s the point >_> Also side note, I LOVED that transformation sequence so much? I really like how they did it. I like that it didn’t... well... feel like a cartoon. Because like this ISN’T a cartoon. An over the top transformation LIKE an animation woulda been outta place and weird .-. Anyway, Verdict: We stan Aisha here :3
Terra. Oh Terra I just... Adore her ☺️ she’s so so so cute and sweet ^_^ She doesn’t deserve how Dane treated her >_> I’ll get to Dane in a little bit. But yeah Terra is just adorable. How can you NOT like her? She’s an adorable bad ass. Who doesn’t love an adorable bad ass :3 Verdict: Terra gets a million hugs from me :3
Stella. I’m not gonna lie, I was fully ready for Stella to be a stereotypical mean girl and was disappointed when it looked like that was the route they were going. But then they gave Stella ✨depth✨. Which we love to see ^_^. Stella surprised me with how much I ended up liking her. Stella was taught that negative emotions are all that matter in magic, which obviously isn’t true, but her mother is an arrogant bitch who only sees power >_> When Stella was telling Musa the story of how she blinded Ricki, she said that it was an accident and she didn’t mean to, but her mother thought it was better for her if everyone thought it was on purpose. Because “At least if it was on purpose, I wasn’t weak.”. So Queen Luna sucks <_< Which I know isn’t the case in the cartoon but in this she does. I actually like that they SHOWED that kind of strained relationship.
I saw it as kind of a foil to Bloom’s relationship with HER mother. Bloom and her mom had a somewhat negative relationship too, because Bloom wanted to stay inside and was pretty reclusive, mood, which her mom didn’t like so she tried to force her to go out. But the difference between Vanessa and Luna is that Vanessa DOES care about Bloom and listened to her. Luna, even when Stella TRIED to tell her a feat she considered great, blinding the Burned One, which IS great and awesome ^_^ But the Queen still wasn’t impressed. Verdict: Stella had a rocky start, but I love her now :3.... And Queen Luna... Not so much >_> She’s a bitch and not even like... a fun bitch <_< Although the revelation that because Luna and Stella are both Light fairies they can “control what people see” was not something I considered and it was REALLY cool.
Musa! I... Kinda resonated with Musa a lot actually. I may not have empathic powers that let me feel people’s emotions, but I know what she went through with her mom. My mom is still alive, thankfully, but she could’ve died from a stroke had I not acted. It was 2 years ago now, but I still think about what could’ve happened. And it’s noooot fun >_>. Anyway, back to Musa. Musa being an empath is something I really enjoyed. Honestly, I think I’d prefer empath!Musa over sound!Musa even if the latter is closer to canon. I just think Musa is an awesome character ^_^. I also loved how she steeled herself and helped Sam with the Burned One infection. That was honestly beautifully done. She may not be the most useful in a fight, but you don’t have to fight to be a bad bitch that’s what I say 😙. Verdict: Musa is a kin character :3
Beatrix. This bitch.... I adore her she’s so FUCKING cool! I love a good villain, if you’ve stumbled across my page before you know that lol, and Beatrix ticks everything I need to be character to add to my stan list. Watching her do her thing is like... It’s art ._. She fuckin EXPERTLY goes from Farah fangirl, to diligent student, to Riven’s girl, to ruthless villain and I LOVE that! I love a villain who’s both strong and smart :3 Especially if they’re female because I like bad bitches doing bad bitch things ^_^ Verdict, if it wasn’t clear: LOVE her. Amazing. Onto the Stan List she goes :3
Dane. *sigh* Dane... Is a character I have complicated feelings for >_>. I liked him a lot at first. I liked him and Terra’s friendship they were adorable :3 But then uh... Then Riven fucked him up <_< Listen man I agree Riven is hot but he ain’t worth hurting the first friend you ever made <_> Although a Riven, Dane, Beatrix throuple situation...... Is something I could get behind 👀. Because Dane likes both Riven and Beatrix, Riven likes Beatrix, and Beatrix... Is blatantly just using them but hey better to have 2 boyfriends who’ll do whatever you want than none 😊 Verdict: ... I liked him at first, thought him and Terra would be dorky friends, but then uh.... no >_> Terra deserves better <_<
Riven. Hate’im. Hate’im, hate’im, hate’im 🙄. He may be friends with the bi Dane but he REEKS... of homophobic jock energy. Of “I’m cool if you’re gay man just don’t hit on me dude.” vibes >_> Which like... I know seems ironic considering he literally flirted with Dane. But like... I dunno he just has so much homophobic energy it just... cancels out 😶. “But you JUST said you’d be okay with a Dane, Riven, Beatrix throuple” I did. And I still stand by that. But Riven would need some work before that <_< Like... an arc of him coming to terms with himself having feelings for both Dane AND Beatrix. y’know like that. I think it’d be cool. :3 Verdict: Riven sucks, but has a little bit 🤏 of potential. Also, all that being said, I don’t think Riven is REALLY a bad dude. I just think..... He wants Beatrix’s puss a little too much <_<
Sky. Sky... Is... Fine. He’s a fine character. I didn’t really feel a LOT for him. I just thought of him as Bloom’s love interest and like that’s it. Don’t get me wrong, he had some sad moments and I felt for him in those moments. But overall... Sky was just... fine. Verdict: He’s okay. I don’t really have a lotta feelings about him though.
Headmistress Farah Dowling. PHEW my feelings toward Farah... were a bit of a rollercoaster. I liked her, then I didn’t, then I was suspicious of her, then I liked her again, then she got her neck snapped.... soooo. But, that being said, I DO like Farah and I hope that she’s alive somehow in Season 2 :3. I like the variety in her powers. She has water, electricity, mind, maybe even fire, we love the variety ^_^ I was gonna say diversity but that’s kind of a sensitive word here. Verdict: Farah is an old baddie. And we love to see it 😗
Headmaster Silva. He... gives me Atlesian vibes >_>... I know fans of winx won’t know what I’m talking about, unless ya also watch RWBY. But with how he kept saying to Sky like “when you’re given orders you follow them without question.”, little hypocritical huh buddy, rubbed me the wrong way <_< Especially BECAUSE, yeah, it’s a little hypocritical when he didn’t follow his orders from Rosalind. Which I would also defy her orders, but then when YOU defy orders for the greater good, don’t then spread “Follow orders no matter what >_>”. Which, okay before you say it, I KNOW that he defied orders for the sake of saving the, seemingly innocent, people of Aster Dell, and they still died. But still... Spreading the follow orders no matter what thing is just kinda... an over correction, in my opinion at least. Verdict: Silva is... Okay. I like him... enough ya know? I like’im enough to hope he comes back to Alfea.
Rosalind. Rosalind... Is a villain with a lotta potential. I like her a lot so far. She’s obviously very powerful, and she seems... to wanna help Bloom? I mean for her own selfish gain of obtaining the Dragon Fire but still... A villain who partially wants to HELP the hero, is kinda interesting 😗 Also, I like how ruthless she can be. I knew she manipulative like straight from the memory that Bloom had. I immediately was like “I don’t trust this old lady >_>” But her levitating Farah and SNAPPING her neck... Oof. Chills. Verdict: I look forward to seeing where she goes :3
Final Conclusion: Fate: Winx the Saga, purely as a show, is very good in my opinion. whether you’ve watched Winx Club or not, I suggest giving it a try and going in with an opened mind. You may even find a new favorite show :3... Okay that may be pushing it lol. But it’s very good if you like fantasy, magic, and bad ass female characters 😗
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Survey #409
“when everything is wrong, we move along”
Are you a good kisser? I mean there's no way for me to actually know, but I guess history suggests I'm not bad. What question do you hate being asked the most? "What does your tattoo mean?" I'm so self-conscious of my "strange" interests that I can't stand that question and I get SO awkward. I know, I know, "Then why did you even get it?" Reason being it makes me happy and I don't want my fears to win anyway. What do you think the hardest part of surviving is? Just that very thing: surviving. Getting through rough patches with your sanity and good health intact. Do you own any clothes you wouldn’t wear in front of your mother? No. Do you honestly hate anyone? Sometimes I think I still hate the girl Jason dated after me. It's entirely unjustified, and even knowing they're not together anymore (at least, to my knowledge), thinking of her just... makes me angry and jealous and just generally uncomfortable. I also sincerely hate someone who violated my best friend. What song did you hear last? I'm listening to a slowed down mash-up of "Circus" by Britney Spears and "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga. It's actually p dope man. Have you ever walked in on your friends having sex? YIKES no. Where do you find you take most of your naps? I nap in my bed. Do you like sleeping just wearing your underwear and a top? No. I had to do that once and I was SO uncomfortable. Are you named after a parent or grandparent? No. Who was the last person to ask you out? Girt. Do you have nice legs? No. Has a boyfriend’s brother ever hit on you? No. Do you have a nice butt? That's an even bigger "no." I have like, no ass lmao. What do you have a massive attraction towards? Some short Korean dude that is the literal avatar of "chaotic good" lmao. Have you ever made a sex tape? NOOOOOOO and I never will. How do you feel about your weight right now? I am immensely unhappy and just seriously depressed by it. Have your parents ever told you that you’re a disappointment? Oh my god, no. I would die. I feel like they think that, but they've never said or acted so. Do graveyards thrill or terrify you? They give me a feeling of peace, and I find them humbling as a tiny, mortal being that's only here for a flicker in time. They remind me to try and make use of that spark. What song’s your current favorite? I've really been digging "SAVIOR" by SWARM as of recently. Do you miss any of your exes? Yes. Did you ever take pottery class in high school? They didn't offer a course for specifically pottery; it was just included in Art. I made one or two things. Have you ever felt yourself fainting? A few times. Who’s the last boy to make you cry? Guess. His memory, anyway. Did he know that he made you cry? I honestly wonder what he'd think if he knew all these years later, I still have times where I cry over him. When’s the last time you felt like a total asshole? I don't really know. Has anyone ever threatened you? Yes. Would you ever own a rat? I've owned quite a lot. I LOVE rats, and a part of me wants another pair, but I'm just not a great owner of pets that require so much cleaning. Would you or do you ever spank your kids? NO. I will ALWAYS say this regarding this subject: you do not teach your children through fear, nor do you instill in them, deliberately or not, that it is okay to hit people when they upset you. Have you ever considered being a cop? Nope. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve ever kept a goldfish alive? Not long. Fish husbandry is more complicated than people make you think, so your ordinary fishbowl situation isn't going to work long. Have your parents ever questioned your virginity? My mother has. Dad has never said anything regarding this subject, thank god. That would be uncomfortable as shit. Have you ever spent over $100.00 on an article of clothing? What was it? Fuck no. Honestly, have you ever mooned or flashed somebody? No. Have you stayed up past 3 in the morning this week? Actually, yes. I pulled the first all-nighter in eons a few days back. What was on the last sandwich you had? Ham, cheese, and mustard. Do you own a trenchcoat? Bitch I wish. Name the hardiest piece of technology you own? Christ, my iPod that I've had since middle school. Seriously, a 4th gen. iPod Nano is still running, and I use it HEAVILY. I have no fucking clue how it's still alive. Tell me the last thing you searched on the internet? A definition just to make sure I was using it correctly. Are you currently in a smoking environment? Nooooo. Ma would never allow someone to smoke in here, and I honestly wouldn't either. Have you ever owned a tire swing? No. Have you ever taken care of a drunk friend? No. How about a hungover friend? No. What’s your opinion on people who go hunting for sport? You gross me out. (: Do you know anyone who can fluently speak more than two languages? No. Have you ever gone in a sauna? NOOOOOOOOOOOO. I would hate that SO much. What animal have you always wanted as a pet but couldn’t have? ALWAYS wanted? Probably a ferret. I don't actually want one now, but the idea is still nice to imagine. They're such characters. Is there any TV show that ended that you wish hadn’t? Ugggghhhh, Deadman Wonderland. It ended on SUCH a cliffhanger. I mean the manga continued, so I could've chosen to read that, but I don't read manga. Have you ever seen your parents drunk and what was your reaction? I saw my dad drunk all the time when I was younger because he was an alcoholic for as long as he lived with us. I knew he was either going to be hilarious or volatile and withdrawn. 50/50 chance. I've seen my mom drunk a couple times, and it was always surprising to me because she drinks very rarely. She's a very social and silly drunk, and it's a rare occasion where she seems happy. What’s your biggest body worry when you wear a bikini? Hunny, you would NOT see me in a bikini. Even if no one else was around, I wouldn't put one on. If you had the chance to redo high school knowing what you know now, how would you redo it? I think I probably wouldn't have dated Jason. Do you or anyone you know have an account on deviantART? I have for many, many years, and have friends that do, too. Do you get your eyebrows waxed? Not anymore. If you draw, what's one thing you always have trouble with? HANDS. Who was the first person you made out with, and where was it? Jason, in his bed. When was the last time someone said you were attractive? WOW, who the fuck even knows. Have you ever had to pretend you were sober, even though you were wasted? How did it turn out? No. Have you ever smoked at school? No. Have you ever thrown up from working out? No. Do you think machines will take over the world? I think it's a possibility. Technology keeps advancing faster and faster that I wouldn't be all that surprised if we design them to such an advanced state that they have some sort of sentience. Is the way you typically behave congruent with your ethnic background? What the ACTUAL fuck is this question. Literally fuck off. Have you ever lived in a brand new house? No. Has the last person you kissed met your father? Yes. What’s your favourite breed of dog? I have a strong bias for beagles. As far as visual appeal of breeds goes, I REALLY couldn't tell ya. There are so many beautiful dogs. Do you think more about the past, present or future? I'm pretty obsessed with the past. Do you swear in front of your parents? Dad, freely. Around Mom, I try not to say "fuck" or "goddamn" because she really doesn't like those. I still say some words, though. It's just pure habit. What’s something that’s bothering you? I've just been having envy problems lately, and it's not an emotion I'm used to or enjoy whatsoever. Have you ever been asked out by someone you didn’t want to date? Yeah. Did any particular thing brighten up your day today? Not really. Do you know who your latest ex is dating? Nobody. What are your plans for the weekend? My sister Katie and her husband are coming to visit, and we're probably driving up to a lake that Ash and her little family stay at all the time so Katie can meet the kids. But with that storm coming through, it's questionable if we'll actually go, because it's an hour drive. When were you last in a car? Earlier today to go to the TMS office. I officially start my tapering sessions, so I won't be going every day now. Have you cried today at all? No. Have you ever gone out in public in your pajamas? That is noooot rare, honestly. Depends on where I'm going. Have you ever had bronchitis? Nope. Think back to the last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them? Twice, I wanna say? What do you want right this second? To actually have motivation to draw a picture I have planned. If you were offered to smoke some weed right now would you accept? No. If I weren't so opposed to smoking because of the lung damage I honestly would, though. I'm curious how it would affect my anxiety. Can you control your dreams if you realize you are dreaming? No. When was the last time you cried really hard? I'm really not sure. Do you think you can last for an hour without talking? Very, very easily. I probably do that on a daily basis. Do you know anyone else with your name? Yes, but spelled differently.
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greenornaments · 4 years
oooh 97 for reddie 💞💞
Omg, THANK YOU so much for this prompt, because I gave myself all the feels working on it! This takes place between their last year of high school and freshman year of college, in which they’ve been secretly dating for a while and Eddie is just a little jealous of Richie’s celebrity crush. Enjoy!
Eddie and Richie have been secretly dating for almost a year now, although, if you asked any of the other Losers, it’s not really that well-kept of a secret. There’s been feelings there for years; Eddie still remembers the summer when they were all thirteen, when the days were long, the nights were humid, and Eddie spent a great deal of both with his mind constantly wandering to Richie. Richie “Trashmouth” Tozier, with his goofy glasses and his messy hair. Richie Tozier, with his stupid Hawaiian shirts and his annoying, crude jokes and his incessant need to relentlessly tease him. Richie Tozier, who he’s known since he was five years old and is one of his best friends in the whole world.
He doesn’t realize it then; he doesn’t fully understand why he can’t stop thinking about Richie even when he isn’t around, or why he feels the need to do things like buy an extra ice cream for him or aggressively jump into a hammock with him for seemingly no reason. Why those glasses are suddenly not looking quite as goofy, that hair doesn’t seem quite so unruly, those jokes are becoming more endearing than annoying (although, don’t get him wrong, they are still annoying). Why it suddenly makes his heart pound the tiniest bit faster whenever Richie climbs into his bedroom window at night and settles down next to him for their own private comic book reading club, the innocent brush of the other boy’s shoulder against his own making his cheeks hot for reasons he can’t fathom.
He doesn’t let himself acknowledge it until the summer before their senior year, when he strolls past the Kissing Bridge bearing the mysterious R+E that has intrigued him for years, although he’s fully convinced it’s just a coincidence. Lots of people have those initials…. but Richie is already there, and he’s brushing his long fingers over the carving, a look of painful longing on his face, and Eddie has to know, he has to. It’s awkward, it’s so awkward, but Richie tearfully confesses, and Eddie feels like he’s going to jump out of his own body, but he lets out a heavy sigh and he tells him that it’s not unreciprocated. They kiss; it’s also awkward and feels weird, and it only lasts for a second or two, but it also feels like the inevitable conclusion that they’ve both been waiting for their entire childhoods.
That was last year. They’ve spent their entire senior year trying to keep their slowly budding relationship quiet, both of them terrified of what might happen if anyone finds out, especially any of the local bullies, or worse, Eddie’s mother. The Losers know; Eddie and Richie haven’t told them but they have to know; Stan is always rolling his eyes when they start to argue, and Bev is always giving them knowing little smiles when she thinks they can’t see. Eddie is pretty sure that Richie’s parents know, or at least, his mother does. She’s always treated him like a son, but even more so over the past year, always inviting him to stay for dinner, or even for the entire night when she can clearly see that Eddie is dreading the idea of going back to his cold, lonely house to face yet another night with his overbearing mother.
Yeah, he feels like they’re always safe at Richie’s house.
Now it’s late July, summer is in full bloom and so is their relationship, but Eddie can’t help but find it bittersweet. He knows the end of summer is rapidly approaching and that their lives are about to drastically change come the fall. They’ll still be in Maine, still close enough to see each other fairly often, but it won’t be the same. They’ll be in separate colleges, working separate jobs, and have completely separate schedules. They won’t have time to just lay beside each other on the grass and watch the stars come out, or sneak down to the old clubhouse and cuddle in the hammock on a lazy afternoon.
They might not even have much time to do what they’re doing right now, which is sitting next to each other on the couch in Richie’s basement, a bowl of popcorn between them and a stack of videos from Blockbuster at their feet as Benny and Joon plays from the small television across from them. Both of them have their feet propped up on the coffee table and Richie is grabbing handfuls of popcorn out of the bowl as he chuckles deeply at the antics of Johnny Depp on the screen. The sound of his laughter is almost musical to Eddie, his smile as bright as the setting summer sun outside, and Eddie feels juuuuust a tiny twinge of jealousy that it’s, technically, another guy who’s eliciting that response from his boyfriend. He knows that’s fucking stupid; he knows that he’s the one who can always make Richie laugh the loudest and smile the widest, and that even if Johnny Depp himself were to descend the basement steps right now and join them, Richie would still only have eyes for Eddie.
But still.
“Something bugging ya, Eds?” Richie asks, his hand brushing up against Eddie’s inside the popcorn bowl. The skin to skin contact sends delightful electricity down Eddie’s spine, just like always.
“No,” Eddie answers casually. He holds his head up and looks over at the other boy, who lets out a loud giggle as Johnny, on the screen, sticks forks inside of two breadsticks and begins to make them dance like they’re a pair of feet. Eddie lets out a quiet, involuntary hmmph and moves the bowl to the coffee table in order to scoot closer to Richie, who glances at him amusedly out of the corner of his eye.
“Oh my god, Eds, are you jealous?” Richie says, his attention certainly focused on him now.
“What the fuck? No,” Eddie insists, even though he’s finding himself wrapping both arms around one of Richie’s.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. And don’t call me Eds.”
Richie smiles and shakes his head as he looks back at the movie, where that stupid breadstick scene is still going on. Richie laughs again and Eddie quietly rolls his eyes.
“There it is again,” says Richie suddenly, grinning devilishly as he looks back over at him.
“There what is again?”
“That little pout, cause you’re jealouuusssss”
Eddie is indignant. “I am not pouting!” Is he pouting, though? He doesn’t think he is, but he knows his face can sometimes… well, often… betray him.
“Yes you are.”
“I am noooot.”
“You are so cute when you pout like that,” Richie croons, reaching a hand over to playfully pinch Eddie’s cheek.
“Shut the fuck up, asshat.”
“What, you think I’m gonna run away and leave you for Johnny Depp?” Richie teases as he wraps an arm around Eddie’s shoulder and pulls him close.
“I don’t know, you seem to think dancing breadstick feet is the height of comedy,” Eddie grumbles, even though inwardly he’s screaming in delight at how nice it feels to have Richie’s arm around him like this. “I’m sure you and Johnny would be super happy together,” he adds with an eye roll.
Richie snorts. “Not even a tiny chance in hell, Eddio Spaghettio,” he says with a smile. “You’re just too adorable, so you’re stuck with me.”
“Is that a threat?”
“That’s a promise,” says Richie, leaning in closer, his eyes full of hesitation behind his glasses. He always looks like that beforehand, like he’s unsure if he’s even allowed to kiss him, and Eddie always has to give him permission with his eyes and assure him it’s more than ok. He does that now, reaching a hand up to gently cup Richie’s face as he closes the space between their faces and lightly presses their lips together. It doesn’t last long, but it’s soft and it’s sweet and it’s enough to give Eddie butterflies, and when it’s over Richie is looking back at him in total awe, like he just can’t believe how lucky he is. Eddie assumes that’s what he’s feeling, anyway, because that’s what Eddie is certainly feeling.
“Johnny Who?” Richie quips, going back to cuddling him close, and Eddie grins as he leans his head against the other boy’s shoulder to watch the rest of the movie.
Let autumn come at them with all of its changes, he thinks to himself with a soft smile as Richie starts singing I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) under his breath, complete with an exaggerated Scottish accent. They’re gonna be just fine. He can feel it in his soul.
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levi-inthesun · 4 years
You and Me Together - Chapter 6
Background: You and your brother Peter were adopted by Tony and Pepper Potts-Stark when you were both teenagers. You’ve been dating Quentin Beck since your sophomore year of college and things (seem) to be looking up… until they aren’t.
Pairing: Quentin Beck x Parker!Reader eventual!someone x Parker!Reader
Social Media AU/mix, College AU, Friends to Lovers
Title/plot inspo: You & Me Together by the 1975
General Warnings: Swearing, angst, cheating, drinking
A/N: This is a looong one with quite a bit of writing. Let me know if y’all prefer the text breaks like this, or as screenshots like in the last chapter.
Tags: @buckysmischief​ @dungeons-and-awkwarddragons​
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That night, sleep evaded you, memories shoving their way to the forefront of your mind.
You were sitting in the large booth of your favorite bar with your friends when Wanda brought it up for the first time-
“Hey, Y/N?” Wanda’s voice lulled over your shoulder. “Why doesn’t Quentin ever hang out with us?”
You looked up from your phone to realize everyone else had stopped talking and was waiting for you to answer. Little did you know, everyone else in your friend group had been concerned about the fact that your boyfriend never made an effort to hang out with them after last year, practically ghosting the group he had been actively a part of for so long.
“Yo-you know, he’s got a lot going on with school-”
“We all do, Y/N,” Steve said, cutting you off, “Yet we make time for each other.”
“Wait a sec-second,” you hiccuped, eyeing your friends suspiciously. “Is this an intervention?”
Sam chuckled, “No, we’ve just noticed things have been different and that it seems like Quentin isn’t making as much time for you either.”
“I dunno,” you shrugged. “He does seem a little different lately like he needs more space, but I go through shit like that too.”
Wanda nods, “We all do, Y/N, but this feels... different.”
“And Wanda is almost never wrong when it comes to the feelings she gets about this kinda stuff,” Pietro pipped up.
You took a deep breath, “Yeah, I’ll... I’ll talk to him about it.”
And luckily, you remembered to despite the pounding hangover you suffered from the next day. Quentin had given some bullshit excuse about school and then swept you off your feet (literally) to carry you into your room.
The next few times your friends brought up a small red flag, you gave them a bullshit excuse, not even bothering to think to ask Quentin about it. Then they stopped bringing stuff up.
You had finally fallen asleep sometime after 5 am and only woke up to Wanda knocking softly on your door.
“Y/N,” Wanda called, “Are you awake?”
“Yeah, come in,” you mumbled, stretching lightly and rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
Then you remembered the memories that had kept you up and guilt washed through you.
“What’s wrong?” Wanda asked, sitting down on the edge of your bed.
“I have been a thick-headed jerk,” you tell her. “Remember all those times you or Nat or Steve brought up tiny red flags concerning Quentin? Well, those memories kept me up last night and I feel awful.”
Wanda smiles at you kindly, “We knew you’d eventually see it when you were ready to.”
“Well, I do now and its either inspired or awful timing,” you say, shaking your head.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean... Quentin has become such an important person in my life and I don’t want to break up with him,” you chuckle sadly. “But I realized last night that I am not a priority to him, like, at all. He’s been pushing me away for the last, I dunno, year?”
Tears begin to slip down your cheeks and Wanda wraps her arms around you. “You don’t have to do it today, you know that right? Give yourself time to process all this.”
You wipe your eyes on the back of your sleeve,” I know, but I also can’t not do it today. I can’t pretend anymore.”
The next few hours seem to be moving at a snail's pace so you do what you can to keep yourself busy. You first clean the entire apartment while cartoons play in the background, which takes no time at all. Next, you give yourself a mani/pedi, cartoons still going. That’s what you are doing when Loki calls.
“Hey!” you say, answering the call.
“Hello!” he replies, “Have I caught you at a bad time?”
“Nope, just painting my nails, trying to pass the time before Quentin gets here so I can break up with him.”
“You- wait, am I missing something?” Loki asks, confused.
“Oh, right. Last night I couldn’t sleep and it was like my brain was a tv screen playing over memories of my friends expressing concern about Quentin.” You go on to explain everything you told Wanda, going into more detail since Loki hadn’t been there.
“Y/N?” He says softly, “I’m so sorry.”
Loki’s voice is what causes you to break down again.
“I just,” you pause, taking in a shaky inhale, “I just don’t understand what I did to cause him to not want me anymore?”
“Oh, Y/N/N, I can promise you it couldn’t have been anything you did. I know I showed up just as things started to go downhill, but it sounds like he isn’t that great of a guy.”
“How can you be sure?” you ask, voice cracking.
Before Loki can answer, the doorbell rings. “Fuck, I-I’ve got to go, it’s him,” you say hurridly as you wipe your eyes. “I’ll call you later, okay?”
“Okay, Y/N. Just, please trust me, it wasn’t you.”
You hang up the phone just as you pull open the door.
Quentin looks awkward in your apartment, which is ridiculous because for a while this was his second home.
“C-can I get you anything? Tea? Soda? Coffee?” You offer, desperately trying to not look or sound like you’ve been crying.
“Uh, no, I’m alright,” Quentin says, looking around.
You get yourself a glass of water before sitting on the couch and patting it, motioning for him to come sit.
Once he does, he finally looks at your face.
“Fuck, Y/N, have you been crying?” he asks as he cups your cheek in his hand.
Your immediate instinct is to lean into his hand and it hurts you to fight it.
“Yeah, I have been,” you admit, moving his hand. “Look, there is no easy way to do this so I’m just going to-”
“Wait, just, plea-”
“No, Quentin. For the last year or so you’ve been pushing me away. You stopped hanging out with OUR friends and I haven’t felt like you really wanted me around for at least the last few months.”
You watch as Quentin’s face drops and part of you feels bad.
“Are you going to say anything Q?” You ask. “Because I feel like... like the only thing that makes sense is that I did something to push you away,” the tears start flowing from your already tired eyes again. “So please, just, please fucking tell me what I did.”
You feel pathetic, practically begging him to tell you that it wasn’t you.
“I don’t,” he pauses, trying to find the right words, but they obviously don’t come. “I don’t have an explanation.”
“Well, then you can get the fuck out of my house,” you say, standing abruptly and walking to the door, holding it open, “Because we are officially done.”
You can’t look at him as he slowly stands up and walks to the door. He pauses in front of you, but you still don’t see the way his mouth is opening and closing like a fish, trying to find some way to make this better.
He gives up and walks out the door.
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“Y/N!” Pietro yells over the music, tapping on your shoulder. 
You turn around, completely shocked to see your friend there. 
“PIETRO!” you yell, throwing your arms around him, “What are you doing here?”
Pietro escorted you away from the booming bass, “Everyone is worried sick, are you okay?” 
“Am I okay? I am better than okay!” you exclaim, “Dance with me!” 
“Hold on, how much have you had to drink?” he asks, sitting you down in a chair. 
“Psh, I don’t know, I’m noooot keepin track!”
“Fuck,” Pietro whispers to himself, “You are ‘No cares in the World’ level drunk, which means if you drink any more you are going to have to go to the hospital and get your stomach pumped since you are such a lightweight!”
“Whatever, DANCE WITH MEEE,” You say, standing up and pulling on his arm to get him to join you on the dance floor. Except you notice that he hasn’t moved a muscle, so you pout.
“Y/N, are you hungry?” Pietro asks.
“Uh,” you force yourself to think for a moment, “Fuck, yeah I am.”
“Great, I am too. Let’s go get dinner,” he offers and you happily take his arm.
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callunavulgari · 4 years
TOP 25 FICS OF 2019
1. these roads will take you into your own country by @notbecauseofvictories | American Gods | Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney | WIP | 33k
Here’s a joke for you: a Muslim, a zombie, and a leprechaun walk into a bar in Misery, Indiana. No one stares, because no one in the puckered, shitty asshole of Misery, Indiana gives a fuck. The Colts are playing.
Heather Says: So. It’s funny that another of @notbecauseofvictories‘s stories is at the top of my list again this year. Keep in mind this list is sorted by when the fic was read rather than favorites (because that would get real complicated real quick). Clearly there must be something about January. There’s just something about the writing that is easy to slip into, be it a Star Wars fic or a Labyrinth fic or even a fic about Johnny and the Devil. This was lovely and I can’t wait until it’s finished.
2. eighteen wheels on an uphill climb by @honkforhankcon | Detroit: Become Human | Hank/Connor | 91k
Hank is going to die. He’s going to die right here in Kentucky, 53 years old, halfway to broke, and tragically sober. Survived only by a nine-year-old St. Bernard and the 31-year-old twink who delivered the fatal blow.
Heather Says: I don’t think that this is the first DBH fic that I sought out after beating the game, but it is the first that I loved enough to make it to this list. I didn’t think that I would go for a modern au for this fandom, certainly not a modern au wihere Hank is a truck driver and Connor is a sex worker (albeit briefly?) but here I am.
3. Fuck pride (pride only hurts, it never helps) by ImogenGotDrunk | Detroit: Become Human | RK900/Gavin Reed | 41k
After the android uprising, Connor becomes a permanent fixture in the DPD. That’s fine. Gavin can accept that. The dipshit’s more human than he used to be, and a decent detective to boot. Gavin can deal with him being around. What Gavin cannot deal with is Connor’s replica; two inches taller, blue-eyed, and with a mouth that Gavin doesn’t know whether to punch or take between his teeth. The RK900 model has been assigned as his partner for the foreseeable future.
Heather Says: I also never thought that I’d like a fic with Gavin in it. But I got curious about all the Reed900, and well, this fic really won me over. The writing is fantastic, and it softens Gavin while still keeping him believable. Also, well, I like the enemies to lovers thing.
4. Almost Cool by @blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 30k
While filming the Yuma Territorial Prison episode, Shane gets bitten by what he thinks is a bat. Spoiler alert: it's not.
Heather Says: This is actually the first thing that I read for this fandom. In fact, this is the fic that got me into Buzzfeed Unsolved in the first place. I’d seen a lot of art and gifs and fics pass my way, but I was only ever slightly interested in what I saw until this fic came through my inbox and piqued my curiosity. 
5. Pride by @astolat | Game of Thrones | Jaime/Brienne/Cersei | 22k
Jaime didn’t understand why Cersei suddenly insisted on trimming his hair and shaving his beard, but he also didn’t care to fight her on it, even though he’d just as soon have kept the beard: it was bitterly cold in the small tower room with its arrow-slits. 
Heather Says: Wowza. This fic was intense. I’ve always loved Jaime and Brienne. I’ve loved them since the second book, which was read at least a few years before I started loving them in the show. Adding Cersei to their dynamic would have probably been almost impossible to pull off if it was anyone else, but @astolat lives to surpass my expectations.
6. Skin and Scales by Ernmark | The Penumbra Podcast | Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla | 18k
The man glares, and this time, Damien is certain it isn’t a trick of the light: those eyes are violet as amethyst. He wears disdain like a second skin–- or, perhaps, like the scales that he is missing. “Lord Arum?”
Heather Says: I was one of those people who skipped through all of the Second Citadel episodes during my first listen through of Penumbra. The stories were good, but the pull of Juno was too great. A couple months after I finished, I went back and listened to everything I didn’t. And let me tell you. Lizard monster. Honorable knight. Bookish girlfriend. Poly. It hit every single button I had and then some. This fic really hit the spot when I ran out of story.
7. someone you like by caela | She-Ra | Adora/Catra | 5k
catwithabat u think ur so hipster but u just look like a lesbian 27m she_ra @catwithabat bc… i’m a lesbian. lmao 5m
Heather Says: Noooot usually a big fan of high school fics. Namely because I’m not in high school anymore and well, after you read so many in your teenage years they sort of lose their luster. This one was phenomenal enough to change my mind.
8. Sands of Time by @tirsynni | Legend of Zelda | Ganondorf/Link | WIP | 98k
Link awakens in the desert with no idea how he got there, to encounter his worst enemy...except it was the King of the Gerudo, not the King of Evil, he faced.
Heather Says: I have seen a lot of really good Link/Ganondorf art over the years, but never really stumbled across a fic that didn’t have judicious amount of non-con involved. But the Breath of the Wild 2 trailer happened, and everybody started drawing really pretty art, so I went looking. And lo and behold, @tirsynni saved the day with this gorgeous time travel/fix-it fic. 
9. killed with kindness by veterization | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 52k
Goro can't quite figure out why so many people keep acting like they're his friend. (Or: the one where the Phantom Thieves decide to know thy enemy, befriend thy enemy, love thy enemy, crush on thy enemy).
Heather Says: I’ve read a couple of veterization’s fics over the years, and to date they have never disappointed me. They published this in June, and I think I clicked on it mostly because I was bored and hadn’t read any good P5 fic yet. This was basically just what the doctor ordered, and I was really happy to find something where Akechi’s story went ever so slightly different.
10. paper thin by @ebonybow | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane/Sara | 9k
Shane’s new neighbors are a morning-sex kind of couple.
Heather Says: So I went into this one knowing very little about how Sara fit into things. I didn’t know she was Shane’s girlfriend. I’d never even seen her, but I clicked because I like poly and I trust the author. I was 100% not disappointed. There’s also another fic with a very similar dynamic here, which is also aces.
11. damn.nation, now available on itunes by @kaikamahine | Good Omens | Aziraphale/Crowley | 11k
When lowly tempt-pusher Amphora (formerly of Stairwell 7B North, before she Fell,) gets the notice that end times are nigh, she gleefully quits her job and cancels her Netflix subscription and takes her place among the legions of hell. This, it turns out, was a bad plan.
Heather Says: Elizabeth may have only written one fic this year, but she made it a damn good one. I’ve always loved her OCs especially, so I was pretty tickled that this is 10k+ of outsider pov. Also, demons! Demons are great! This demon is great! I want like 9 seasons and a movie about Amphora, just saying.
12. The Dragon and Her Wolves by hapakitsune | Game of Thrones | Jon/Sansa/Daenarys | 60k
When the truth of Jon's birthright is revealed, control of the North and Daenerys's claim to the Iron Throne are both called into question. To preserve their tenuous alliance and secure her rule, Daenerys puts aside her personal feelings to arrange a marriage of political convenience between Jon and Sansa Stark.
Heather Says: What do you mean season 8 didn’t exist and the show totally ended with a three way relationship between the two most powerful women in Westeros and Jon Snow? Never been a big fan of Jon/Sansa before this, but this is another of those writers that I would literally trust if they wrote a fic about a fork and a spoon.
13. never tell me the odds by @wildehacked | Wolf 359 | Eiffel/Hera | 9k
“I tried Star Wars," he says, adjusting the phone under his neck, "and it was way underwhelming.”
A shaky breath from her end. “Well, where did you start?”
Heather Says: I don’t remember which of @wildehacked‘s fandoms I started reading first. Most recently it’s been The Magnus Archives (more on this later). The point is, they’d written Wolf 359 fic and it had Hera and Eiffel and it was literally everything that I’ve been looking for since the series ended.
14. Find Me Somebody by raiining | Good Omens | Warlock/Adam Young | 11k
“You left me,” he said. “You both left me, for him. And I can’t even blame you, because I’d have left me for him too.”
Heather Says: There was an Art. The art was lovely. So I went looking, because that’s what I do when faced with beautiful art depicting a rare pairing. And I found the holy grail. Like, possibly my favorite Good Omens fic? Ever? 
15. flirting with fire by @brawlite | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | WIP | 7k
Steve's a cop, Billy's a firefighter. It's not a grudge, it's just a regular old small town rivalry.
Heather Says: Okay so brawlite has written a lot of great stuff this year (more on that later), but I read this in bed at the beach house this August while I was reeling from both a horrible sunburn and like seven hours of mild to moderate day-drinking while everyone else was still throwing back shots right outside my bedroom door. Jaws was playing on the tv and I wasn’t even paying attention to it, because THIS. Long story short, I’ve been thirsty for more ever since.
16. gold, when you find me by mmtion | The Flash | Iris/Barry | 53k
It's not that Iris hates The Flash, per say - more that she hates writing about The Streak in a weekly, pun-heavy comic based on The Flash.
Heather Says: I never would have thought that a canon pairing would make it to my Top 25 list, but here we are. I like Iris/Barry a lot better when they don’t grow up together and spend a lot of time playing the Superman game, apparently. Also, this was really well-written, and sexual tension has never been something I’ve felt from Barry and Iris, but I felt it in this fic. Just. Damn.
17. never gets old by @brawlite & @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger| Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 78k
Falling in love with a cam boy named KingSteve isn't the smartest thing Billy Hargrove has ever done, nor is it the most healthy -- but the good choice is rarely ever the fun choice, and Billy is all about living life fast and loose.
Heather Says: Told you I’d come back to it. brawlite and toastranger are a fantastic team. last year was cherry pie and under the covers, this year it’s camboys and cop/firefighter dynamics. Also, I have a really strange fascination with fics where a character has an instragram. It’s really, incredibly strange. Also also, every time I see this fic title I get that one Discovery Channel song stuck in my head. And no, it probably isn’t the one you’re thinking.
18. ways to save the world by @wildehacked | The Magnus Archives | Martin Blackwood/Jon Sims | 19k
“I left you,” Martin says softly.
Heather Says: And we’re back at wildehacked too! The Magnus Archives was a thing that happened to me. This is I think the first fic I read for it while listening, and it was so very close to what we got in canon. I think when it comes down to it though, I still prefer this fic, even if the ending of this season was pretty fantastic.
19. The Denial Twist by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 35k
“This is kind of surreal,” Shane says, taking a sip of his tea. It’s piping hot and delicious, except it tastes like hot chocolate and not like tea at all. “Sort of—Wonka-esque, right? Or Alice in Wonderland.”
Heather Says: While the vampire one is my favorite both because it is excellent and because it was my first, this one was bizarre and sexy and also I read it like only a month or so ago! The dancing was my favorite part, but having dreams to work with made this story fantastically interesting and I loved every second of it.
20. silver in our lungs by taywen | Spinning Silver | Miryem/The Staryk Lord | 4k
The marks had been with Miryem for as long as she could remember. There were a number of them, all the same shade, following one after the other around her left wrist. They were pale as old scars, though they felt no different from the rest of her skin, and her mother claimed that Miryem had been born with them.
Heather Says: I really like soulmate aus. There’s so many different ways to twist them and the way they can sometimes change the dynamic entirely and other times not change them at all is just fascinating. I’ve been hoping there would be more Spinning Silver content on ao3 and running into this while I was trying to decide what I wanted to do for yuletide was a real treat.
21. you got me begging, begging, i'm on my knees by plalligator | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 5k
Costis has a particularly enlightening evening. (or, that struggle when you're a guard who's in love with your rulers and it turns out you would kind of like it if they bossed you around a little)
Heather Says: I accidentally re-read the King of Attolia and it made me consider ships I had perhaps not previously considered. This was really lovely and just steamy enough.
22. something more alive than silence by pageleaf | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 21k
It was a good thing that six months after the king had promised to halve the guard, he still hadn’t done it, because since then, there had been two attempts on the king’s life.
Heather Says: I want to only type the words AGONIZED NOISES to describe this fic because that’s basically my headspace when I get 21k of a shiny new ot3, but I mean. Really. This is super good and maybe my favorite yet? Why didn’t I start reading this fandom when I first read the books?
23. Timing it Right by DragonBandit | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 14k
The dragon chooses, Mark knows that as well as any boy born in a weyr. He'd never considered what that would mean if the dragon picked someone you hated. He's starting to think that was a mistake.
Damien's gold rises at Whitney. Mark tries to make things right.
Heather Says: This should actually be somewhere back in March, but I apparently closed out of the tab at some point. I never really got into Pern much. I have the first three books, but got most of the way through the first one a long time ago and then never picked it back up. I didn’t think I would like this, mostly because of the fact that I hadn’t gotten into the books, but was surprised to find that I absolutely loved it.
24. Keep It In Your Sights Now by LuckyDiceKirby | Shades of Magic | Lila/Kell/Holland | 9k
Holland travels with Lila and Kell. Somewhere along the way, they reach an equilibrium.
Heather Says: I love the new things I’ve discovered during my yuletide trompings. I don’t think I ever actually considered this pairing when I first read the books, but I am just so enamored with the idea of the three of them together. Like, why did I not realize that potential back then? This was lovely, and I loved it, and I want so much more out of this pairing than what ao3 has to offer me.
25. Charioteer by petrichoral | The Queen’s Thief | Gen & Costis | 13k
Captured in battle and stuck in the Mede capital, Costis has given up all hope of seeing his country again. But Eugenides has a habit of turning up where he's least expected.
Heather Says: Technically this shouldn’t be on here because I only read it today, but it was really wonderful and so canon typical. Gen and Costis were perfect in it, Irene was perfect in it. Everyone was perfect and nothing hurts.
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semicloudy-cade · 5 years
The Outsiders Couple moments based on things in my relationship.
This is directed at a female reader but men are welcome.
(After a coworker just told you and him a childish story to avoid doing work. The two of you respond with “get back to work”)
“He’s like our kid isn’t he?” You ask.
Another coworker comes over to complain about the first one picking on her. She leaves and he looks at you and says “her too.”
(Cuddling in bed)
“Wanna hold toes?”
“Fuckin? No, (y/n)”
The two of you do it anyways and instantly cringe.
The two of you are walking to the car after eating in the park around sunset. Some of your friends wave to you and yell, “NO FUCKING IN HIS CAR.”
While bored at work you attempt to draw him on a piece of receipt paper. It’s going really well and he complements you most of the time but you fuck up the eyes so you shove the paper in your pocket and refuse to let him see it.
“Don’t give me a hickey, (y/n)”
“I’m noooot” you say and the proceed to bite the all living hell out of his neck. Later at work you see that he has a very obvious red spot on his neck.
(After complaining about grammar related things)
He looks at you, holds your hands and says, “(y/n) I love you but I don’t care.”
Would take over a conversation to tell you about that one book he read forever ago. You offer to lend him one and he his you with the “I’m working on a series right now” he hasn’t read all summer and you know that cause you’ve been there the whole time.
You go to slap his ass and he turns around, spins you, throws you on the bed, and then slaps your ass so hard you swear it echoes.
She request that you bring your vibrator to the sleep over so she can fuck you. You fuck her in return. She fucks you again. Then it’s 4:30am and you’re about to fall asleep when she says, “(y/n)... I’m still horny.”
You try to pay him back for food by leaving money in his car. He throws it out the window and yells “don’t forget your 5!” As he drives away.
You two had always joked about painting on each other’s boobs but once you finally do she decides to paint drug addicted fruit with eyes on your tits. The right one a strawberry the left an orange.
Would let you do her nails just to humor you but the second she’s gone she picks them all off. Her excuse for having done so is, “I’m gay.”
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cosmicmoved · 5 years
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I’ve said before that he was a spirit and not in the sense of being a ghost so I’m going to use this post to explain what I’m going for in a little more detail. I can’t really think of a better word to describe what I’m going for but it’s more in the sense that he’s a spirit in the sense that he’s this magical entity that’s very much OF the planet. Spirit is used in this context in lots of different folklore across the world so I think it makes sense for me to describe him this way! However, a lot of the lore (I guess you’d call it) I’ve written for Karam is sort of made up and inspired by different things so I can’t really just name something he’s supposed to be like and get on with it. This post should, if nothing else, clear up what Karam is and what’s he capable of! ALSO! SIDE NOTE! Karam actually has a fraternal twin from whom he has been separated for like 250 years or whatever and I’d be very willing to let somebody else write that character if the concepts here seem interesting ;; (i think i said ‘brother’ in his bio but that’s really not a must!! tbh karam is officially nonbinary bc i personally do noooot see why a spirit would conform to human social norms like that --  on that note, karam uses masc pronouns and stuff but pls never call him a man, he doesn’t like that)
This point seems pretty important since I know I have mutuals with muses who fit the description but Karam can see ghosts. And he can tell that they’re ghosts. He’s very familiar with this concept and it doesn’t bother him or upset him. Honestly, death is kind of foreign to him as an immortal being and, since he has no reason to fear it, he doesn’t. I’ll go into more detail as to why this is important later on in this post but he does have that ability! As I’ve said before, Karam can generally tell what people are, at least to some degree. If he meets someone who’s something he doesn’t understand for whatever reason, he will at least know that they ARE something he’s never seen before. He’d know they were different from every other being they’d met. This is NOOOOOOT godmoddy, I promise! Karam doesn’t know everything!! But he needs to understand the basic of nature of things because that’s what he was put on the Earth to do, pretty much. If he didn’t know that a human was different from, say, a witch or another humanoid spirit like himself, that would make his ‘job’ very difficult. This does mean he will always know when a seemingly human muse is not human but, since he’s not human himself, he likely won’t use this information for anything, besides making the decision to be nicer to that muse than he might to a random human ASDFGHGFD........
A guardian spirit is nothing like a guardian angel, that much I feel I should get out of the way immediately. He does noooooot give a shit about people! He doesn’t do anything on command either. This title, as that’s really all it is, refers exclusively to the role he took on while living in his forest home (which, as stated in his backstory, was cut down to make way for modern housing). He was the guardian of that patch of land. When he was a child, after his mother left him behind, he wandered until he found a forest that was unclaimed and, like him, fending for itself. Karam assumes his twin’s fate was the same as his own, although they were abandoned in different places (his twin was left first and then Karam, as he was the smaller of the two twins and his mother wanted to be more careful with where she put him). Karam’s job was essentially to keep the forest healthy and protected from destruction and malevolent spirits/entities. Obviously, he didn’t manage to keep it protected because destructive human technology has pretty much outgrown him and mass deforestation is far too much for one spirit to ward off. This is a source of deep guilt for Karam and, in some ways, he feels like a failure for letting the forest come to harm but he blames mankind as much as he does himself. His anger is kind of directed at both but the anger he feels towards himself is much quieter. I don’t know which one’s actually worse but his hatred for humans (in power) is a lot more easier for him to voice.
Besides just keep the forest as a whole safe from harm, his role included watching over individual beings who lived within the forests; other smaller spirits like tree spirits and animals! If an animal died and their ghost needed guidance, Karam would be the one to aid them and help them find rest. He’s not very good at doing this with humans as their feelings are a lot more complex and while animals usually just need someone to calm them down and dissuade their fear, humans often have more complicated issues like lingering wishes and resentment. Human ghosts weren’t common in his forest but they weren’t unheard of and, despite his general distrust, Karam did try to help them as best they could --- especially in cases where it was the ghost of a child or something. As much as Karam dislikes humans, he would never blame a child for anything or mistreat them in any way. He’s not the best at talking to children because of...the way he is lmao...but he’d never be cruel to them and strongly believes they should be looked after in the same way as any other creature that needs protection. Animals tend to naturally trust him! Humans don’t because they’re more complex and often more detached from that sort of thing but animals don’t see him as predatory/a threat. 
His abilities are largely those that help him as a guardian figure. He is a fighter, first and foremost and this means his natural abilities include the following; great stealth, physical grace and enhanced sensory abilities. These senses, in particular, are sharp enough to sense disturbances even in loud rooms, to hear a twig snap in vast quiet. He is the kind of fighter who uses this speed and agility to his advantage to the point of relying upon it, adopting a rather gymnastic fighting style. He’s also a very talented swordsman but he’s found this is kind of a weird skill to hang onto in modern times. He is also capable of using some elemental magic, namely manipulation of light and water -- this is partly because he feels some kind of natural affinity to the moon but these are also useful life-giving abilities. He can’t heal people but many lifeforms can be nursed back to health with these sorts of powers. These magics aren’t especially strong and he tends not to favour these abilities for he isn’t a particularly gifted mage and these abilities are more defensive than offensive. But he can fuck up your lightbulbs if you piss him off, I guess???? His offensive abilities are all much more physical. Karam is also pretty hard to injure unless you’re very powerful, on account of his accelerated healing. Most injuries don’t hold him back for too long and he’s also harder to harm in the first place than most humans. Obviously, if you cut off a limb, he can’t grow it back or anything like that. He can’t heal injuries that aren’t...healable.
He has pretty normal weaknesses in that you can harm him any way you harm someone else. It just takes more work. He’s immortal, in that he won’t die of natural causes, but he’s absolutely not invincible or invulnerable. He CAN be killed. It’s just not easy to do. Karam is also NOT the strongest spirit out there. He’s stronger than a lot of spirits because he has to be, he EXISTS to protect weaker spirits, but there are stronger spirits out there and even within his type of spirit. Karam is powerful and probably more powerful than he needed to be for his small forest -- a lot of larger forests might have a stronger spirit protecting them -- but he stayed in his forest until it was destroyed out of loyalty. The spirit who had protected it before him had left to find something better and, being a child, Karam had found it just challenging enough to suit him. Although he outgrew it in terms of his own power, his love for it kept him there. Another notable weakness of Karam is also one of his strengths --- his enhanced senses, while they help him in many, many ways, also make navigating the noisy human world quite stressful, especially now that he’s taken to living in the city. A lot of places are too loud and bright and crowded for Karam and he doesn’t always cope with it too well, leading to a preference for walking about at night.
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eremiss · 5 years
Gwen: 15. What it takes to make them cry. 19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them.
 15— Feeling like she’s let her friends/those she cares about down, especially if it’s because she’s failed somehow, and there’s no way to really undo/fix/make up for it, always winds up in tears. 99% of the time she’s able to hold it in until she’s gotten somewhere private, as she’s never liked other people seeing her cry. Not so much because it makes her look weak as she feels like it’s sort of an admittance of, “yeah, you’re right, I can’t do it,” and/or she feels like she’s guilting people, even though she’s never purposefully done such a thing. Those instances are generally more aggravation/frustration sort of crying (though there’s definitely an element of sadness to it, too.) and occasionally includes wall and/or bed punching and hair pulling.
Feeling alone/lonely and losing someone she cares about absolutely wreck her. After losing her family she tried the whole keep-people-at-arm’s-length thing for a while, but could never manage it because she can’t stand being alone. She spent a long time getting caught between wanting friends and to not be alone, and not letting anyone get close for fear of losing them again either through tragedy or them turning out to be someone she doesn’t actually want to be close to.
She eventually settled on a sort of, “it’s better to have loved and lost than never loved at all”-ish mindset, but more to the tune of ‘take time to get to know people to find ones worth getting a little closer to, then protect them with everything you have’ with precisely 0 backup strategy for if something happened to them (out of her control or otherwise). She clings to those she’s gotten close to and has difficulty really letting go and stepping away from them short of some major betrayal or outright rejection. (oh hey maybe that’s why she didn’t fuss or complain nearly as much as she should have while being treated like an errand bitch for so fucking long)
Unsurprisingly, pre-5.0 was a really really bad time. Many nights (and days), especially after they’d exhausted every option they could think of in search of answers, were spent teary-eyed and existing in a perpetual state of dejection.
19—There’s, like, actually too many people to mention with the “indirectly hurt and killed” because that’s just such a huge facet of the WoL and their journey in general (…and it’s happened so much/often over the xpacs I’ve actually forgotten a lot of them I’m sure e_e)
But the biggest influences are people like Wildred and Meffrid; people who were trying to help and do the right thing and were in the position to get hurt/killed because of her (ie: Meffrid’s medicine, and recruiting/helping to recruit Wildred to the Crystal Braves.) Argue all you want that Meffrid, at least, would have been at the Reach no matter what if he’d lived, seeing how he wanted to liberate Ala Mhigo, but she’s noooot gonna listen to it.
Overall Gwen tries not to let it weigh on her too much because otherwise she’d spiral into, “I can’t do anything because then people will get killed”. She’s very good at keeping the weight of it all off of her face, but instead it tends to come out in her actions, like being jumpy, extra fidgety, having trouble sleeping or, sometimes, her magic being weak/ineffective.
Outwardly she tries really hard to be careful about encouraging people to join or help causes and be a lot more mindful of collateral damage for her action/inaction, and she tries to stick around after the fact and help clean up and lend a hand when she can. She also tries very hard to calm people down and reason with them and talk them out of pumped up, overly optimistic, hype-mode mindsets so they can be more pragmatic or realistic about themselves and their situation before running off to join a cause.
Them: “The warrior of light liberated the country! I’m so fucking pumped right now! I’m gonna get a sword and go fight the imperials too! I’m gonna back her up!”
Her: “You’re a farmer with literally 0 combat training. How about you help by supplying stuff instead so you maybe don’t get murdered?”
Walking around trying to recruit people to fight for Ala Mhigo in early StB was…hard. She was torn between believing in the cause, and herself and the Scions, and wanting to try and give the downtrodden people some hope, and being like “No, don’t, you’ll be so much safer.”
And wouldn’t you know it, in the end it turned out…not so great. Meffrid ;_;
When the villagers from Namai showed up to save her and Yugiri from Zenos in StB Gwen was horrified. “Oh gods this whole village is going to die because of me.” After it turned out okay she was able to appreciate the gesture and really accept that she’d given them hope and lifted their spirits and all of that good stuff, but in the moment she was dying inside and shitting bricks bigtime.
For a less-indirect example: When Haurchefant took that spear of light Gwen tried to heal him and save him. When that didn’t work, she completely lost the ability to use healing magic. She could still cast VerAero and VerStone and other basic (offensive) Conjury spells she’d learned in her brief tutelage under the Conjurer’s Guild, but she couldn’t even work healing magic well enough to heal a papercut. She was basically just cut off from that aspect of her magic because her own mind was getting in the way,and she couldn’t heal anything. She tried to play it off and hide it, but when people asked her to heal this, that or the other and she couldn’t she really started having a rough time.
Her failure and his death became this huge mental block that lasted almost into StB, and she only overcame it through a lot of time working Y’shtola and a few deep discussions with Alphinaud (and a bit of rehashing her lessons with X’hrun, eventually) and then getting purposefully lost in The Shroud for most of a week trying to force herself to hear the Elements again. (all of which starts to come about after “Slosh” when she finally makes herself take the time to look at all the stuff she’s been suppressing for so long) Her healing abilities came back gradually, and it wasn’t till early 5.0 that she was back in proper RDM-Off-healer form.
Overall: loss is a serious blow, but it winds up in her telling herself she has to be better  and has to be stronger. Which sometimes works…and other times is just beating herself up :\
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internetremix · 5 years
What are the crews thoughts on Game of Thrones???
Alex: i don't watch hbo i just go on twitter and get the full experience from 1500 very angry tweets about game of thrones
Kristen: Haha yeeaah these days you don't have to watch the show, you can just get it all via angry tweets and gif sets.
Atwas: Alex's method is the one I subscribe to as well, tbh. Maybe I'll watch the whole thing once it's over. Maybe not.
Kristen: HOOOOOOO I have feelings about Game of Thrones strap the fuck in.
I've been watching it with my dad since like... 2013? Which by the way watching Game of Thrones with your very conservative father is a weird experience and I don't recommend it but we're committed now, but uh anyway.
There's a lot of things I really love about Game of Thrones. I love most of the characters, the production value is amazing, it's beautiful to look at (until it's too dark lololol looking at you Battle of Winterfell), the music is absolutely gorgeous. The opening tbh makes me tear up as soon as the strings hit, it's just a really intense instrumental piece and I could honestly write an essay just about how that song makes me feel and what I feel like it's conveying and I'm a huge nerd.
But the show has had problems since like, season four? There's some real issues with how women are written in it, don't even get me started on how a whole lot of sex scenes magically became nonconsensual that were once noooot like that.And then there's the race issues and uh.... lots of little sloppy things getting sloppier as the seasons have gone on.
The thing that I find most frustrating is the post-books happenings, many of which, in theory, I wanted. But these things feel unearned, so they aren't what they should be. It used to be sometimes entire seasons would go to getting pieces around the board and then suddenly I guess Westeros is pretty fucking small and people can just fucking teleport or whatever. And then of course there's the stuff I didn't want, which is also happening, which feels worse because I'm like "this bad writing wasn't even a shortcut to something that might've been narratively satisfying".We're heading into the finale now and it's honestly kind of amazing just how much the show has absolutely imploded in on itself. I don't expect GoT to end happily, because it's not that kind of show. But I did hope that whatever tragedy or bittersweet victory we got would feel earned, and that's not happening. I was planning on rewatching the show once it was finished but now I don't want to- that's a huge timesink for something that ends up collapsing in on itself.
But at least we got Daenerys with her starbucks cup, which is my new favorite production fuck-up. Amazing.
Bro: Whomst with her what
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Juno: Oh No
Kristen: She finally got her coffee
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Uprising: I heard they kinda totally flipped daenerys' character around from what it was the whole rest of the show and that's kinda sad
Kristen: Yep. They claim there was foreshadowing and like. I can see how they'd claim that? But it wasn't well done. In the end her flip seemingly happened over the course of two episodes for very bad reasons.
Alex: “I am Not Here to Be Queen of the Ashes.”
Tex: I don't watch it so idk what's actually happening
Kristen: Neither do the writers
Alex: Daenerys became Mad Queen because someone gave her a venti for "Dennis"
Kristen: The ultimate "can I speak to your manager" rage
Alex: wait shit, i guess i should have answered this spam email from that one video i did
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Jojo: I like the dragon lady
Kristen: I have some bad news for you.
Jojo: Shh don’t spoil I haven’t watched... any of it
Alex: then i have some more bad news for you, you read this chat
Jojo: D arnit
Kristen: Jojo save yourself, don't do it. As I weep over the opening credits again and eat ice cream.
Phill: I loved every episode I've watched so far. the only problem is that western civilisation now has to deal with the equivalent of an anime going past the manga, and they're pissed.
Xander: RIP to all the parents who named their kids Daenerys
Kristen: Hahahahahaha. Honestly this only makes me want to name my kid Daenerys. I will not do it but man it's tempting. "WHY DID YOU NAME YOUR DAUGHTER AFTER THE MAD QUEEN??" "I have very high expectations."
Alex: "It's a boy!" "he is still daenerys"
Xander: The rumor come out: Kristen names daughter Murder God
Kristen: Please no, my kids can't have my name
Phill: Rumour come out: Kristen is pregnant
Xander: Kristen is pregnant?! STOP THE PRESSES
Kristen: Haha I am not. But I would like kids some day.
Kristen: I. Uh.
Alex: is kriscuit pregante
Kristen: Um.
Kristen: Yeah I'm pregnant with multiple hellspawn and I can't wait for my little bundles of bloodlust to burst forth so we can reign hell upon this earth
Alex: so, you know, average friday
Xander: Okay, but you don't have to brag about it. I mean like, you're pregnant, cool. Calm down.
Phill: You know, the American dream
Kristen: Hahahahaha. God that would be great.
"Okay so I've got the names all picked out."
"These are all the names of fictional tyrants."
Xander: Caligula Vladislav Trawcynski, get down here RIGHT NOW
Kristen: CALIGULA damn it is a shame Stephen would never go for that one
Xander: Okay but like phuck Stephen because Cal Trawcynski is a bitchin name
Uprising: queelag. my first daughters name.
Alex: and like dmp before you, no one but one person will get the reference, and i guess assume queelag is just a normal ass name
Xander: Just name your kid Cal. If Stephen asks what it's short for, respond with "How dare you speak to me."
Xander: Anyway, My daughter will be named Kristen. Kristen Rybitski. Because let's trap that name in pollock town forever.
Kristen: You monster
Xander: Even better: Kristen Trawcynski Rybitski. 
Or, in her most advanced form: Kristski Trawczynski Rybitski
Phill: You stop right there
Alex: skiskiskiskiskiskisskiskiski
Kristen: you are a monster
Xander: But to actually answer the tumblr question: It's real bad. I'm not super invested, but ultimately I don't care because HBO is about to get some amazing shows to replace it
Like Watchmen and His Dark Materials
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theoddcatlady · 6 years
My Friends Went On A Roadtrip Through Europe
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The only reason I didn’t go on the ‘greatest trip of our lives’ was because I was in a car accident that nearly killed me.
It was bad. I wasn’t able to get out of bed without assistance for that first month. Broken leg, busted up ribs, I looked more like a boxer that just got out of a match gone bad than a recent highschool graduate who was planning on going to college as a psychology major.
My friends and I had been planning this trip since our freshman year in highschool. I know. It was fucking stupid. But we promised if we all graduated with a grade average of 3.5 or better and if we all scraped together the cash from after school/summer jobs, we’d take a road trip through Europe. Somehow we actually managed to do it, our parents were so impressed that they even kicked in some cash. The silly dreams of fourteen year olds were coming to life.
Whitney wanted to go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower. Jade was all about Austria, she wanted to see where the Sound of Music was filmed. Jonah planned to eat all the chocolate he could stomach in Switzerland. Me? I wanted to see the countryside of every country- mountains, rivers, the ocean… But one week before the plane was supposed to take off, well, the accident happened.
I told my friends to go without me, but I made them promise to constantly send me updates and tell me how much fun they were having. So they left- Whitney, Jade, Jonah, Holden, and Tori. I even gave them a portion of the money I saved up so they could go crazy.
At first, everything was normal. I got pictures, they even sent me a package from England full of lil knick knacks and snacks. I hated the Irn Bru but the Cadbury chocolates were to DIE for. But everything went wrong shortly after Austria.
Below are the emails and messages my friends sent me when they had the time. These all take place over about three weeks. After that, everything goes silent. Their parents have yet to hear from them. They’ve filed missing person’s reports, but I think if any of them are still alive… they won’t want to be found.
From: Jade
Jesus CHRIST, you will not believe what happened last night, Lilah.
First off, let me make abundantly clear that no one is dead, and no the trip is not over yet. We got really lucky. Second off, Jonah is a fucking moron and I swear to god once his stitches are out I’m ripping him a new one.
Okay so last night we were out a bit late, we all got a little tipsy and we were heading back to the hotel. Legal drinking age is eighteen, it’s not like that time we tried to sneak into Beverly’s with those fake ID’s. On the way back, we stumbled across another drunk who made a pass at Jonah. And you know Jonah, his drunk ass reacted loudly and violently. I swear he was about to make a swing at the guy… but the other guy swung first.
I swear, the drunk guy fought like an animal, Jonah didn’t stand a chance. We barely managed to rip Jonah away from him before he ripped his throat out. It was bloody and MESSY.
We got Jonah to the nearest emergency room, got him patched up, headed back home to sleep it off. How much do you wanna bet that he won’t remember it in the morning?
I’m gonna hit the sack. Jonah is a moron.
From: Jonah
Jade told me she sent you an email about the fight. She really needs to chill, I’m really not that bad off. Besides, the guy was a creep.
I do remember what happened, despite what she thinks, we were heading back when, get this, strange guy complimented my SKIN. Said it looked smooth and rosy. That’s not even flirting anymore, that’s just creepy! I mean, he was totally your type, tall, dark, handsome, blue eyes and a bit of scruff on his face, but noooot mine.
I’m fine though, you can barely tell where the guy got me. I think he had a knife because I got ripped. Up. Can barely tell now, he must’ve just grazed me.
We’ll be looping back up and heading for Poland next. Gonna cross through Germany to do that, but I don’t mind the drive. Besides, Germany = MORE BEER.
Miss you, next time you will totally have to come along.
From: Tori
I really wish you were here. I miss you so, so much. How is your therapy going? I hope it’s going well, you really missed out on some beautiful views today. The camera doesn’t quite capture it, but I hope to paint it once I’m home with my supplies. Maybe I can bring a little of this place back to you.
I think I’m just homesick. I might cut my trip short and head back, I’m really worried about you.
From: Whitney
Did you talk Tori out of going home yet? I don’t think she’s willing to admit how spooked she got when that bum attacked Jonah. She started crying when she saw how bloodied he was. I was pretty freaked too, but it was way worse than it looked. He’s actually completely fine now. Stitches came out, there’s not even a scar. I’m pretty sure Jonah’s actually bummed there’s nothing to show off for when he gets home LOL. But yeah, nothing to worry about, he’s still the same energetic Jonah we all know and love.
Holden’s horrible at remembering to email you, I’ve told him like, six times. Did he do anything other than the one time he sent a what’s up? He totally only did that because I nagged him.
I wish we spent more time in Italy, but we’re making great time through Germany. I’m gonna go now, kick ass and take names at Overwatch for us when you can sit up, all right?
From: Tori
Jonah’s almost too over the top since the attack. I think he’s trying to make up for something, I don’t know what. It’s like… remember that time he pounded Mountain Dews all night while we were gaming? This was during our League of Legends phase (glad that ended) but Jonah was incredibly manic and he was constantly getting up to pace.
He’s like that but 24/7. I don’t think he’s slept a full night, and it’s almost impossible to make him stop for the night. We want to relax, there’s no rush to get to Poland. I’ll talk to him when I can get him to settle, see what’s wrong. Love you.
From: Jade
Welp, Tori went home last night.
Her clothes and passport are gone, she left a note saying she really missed you and her parents, she’ll make it up to us when we’re home. I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed she didn’t talk to us beforehand.
She was right though, Jonah needs a chill pill. Is this how some people deal with trauma? Because I mean, you weren’t there, but that was… pretty bad. I can’t even imagine how Jonah feels, but he’s Jonah. He never lets anyone in. It’s why you two broke up sophomore year, kid has issues. I hoped this trip through Europe might help him learn about himself but I think it’s making it worse.
From: Whitney
Ugh, sorry. So Jonah offered to drive us through the night. I said no, but Holden and Jade were all for it. So I sucked it up, took something to make me drowsy, and konked out in the back seat. When I woke up, Jonah and Jade were having a shouting match and turns out, we’re in DENMARK. That wasn’t the plan. He didn’t clear this with us.
Holden’s on his side, saying that Denmark is a cool country too but Jade’s royally pissed. I can’t blame her. We promised at the beginning of the trip that we were to clear any travel plans with each other. We’d talk about it.
That’s another reason to miss you- you are SO good at talking. <3
From: Jonah
Everyone but Holden’s pissed at me.
Listen, I’m fine, I promise. I’ve just had to deal with some insomnia lately, is that really that bad? It’s not like I’m as bad off as you were. There was a brief moment that morning of the accident we all thought we’d lose you.
The insomnia goes away in the day. I can sleep then. Everyone can go and have fun during the day, I get to sleep, and at night I go do my shit. There’s. Nothing. Wrong with that.
I mean, another reason I wish you were here was that I’ve been having some… preeettyyy interesting dreams involving you, when I can sleep anyway. TMI. But maybe I should’ve been less of a puss with you back in the day. I shouldn’t have pushed you away.
When I’m back, can we go on a date? I’ll buy. Anywhere you want to go.
From: Jade
Jonah made a pass at me. And he’s not drunk.
I’m confused. And worried. Not gonna lie, he was pretty smooth about it, but I’ve never thought of him that way. He’s like that obnoxious little brother you love anyway. I told him no and he accepted gracefully.
Talking with Whitney and he also made a move at him… and at Holden? Jesus Christ, it’s about time that dumbass fell out of the closet. Holden’s pretty into it though. I’m wondering if this trip was actually a success in that matter.
We’re going up through Scandinavia now. Sweden, here we come!
At least we’re in some of the most gay friendly countries in the world right now… although I swear to god I think someone’s been following us. I’ve spotted this small white car twice now and I think it’s the same driver. But I’m probably just paranoid.
From: Holden
i know i dont email you often. i hate writing.
but something’s really wrong with jonah. i think he hurt someone.
last night we went out for drinks. ive always thought jonah was cute but never thought hed give me the time of day. we shared a hotel room, nothing happened but it was nice.
but I woke up this morning and I was trying to find something to wear and I accidentally went through one of jonah’s bags because our bags look the same and
i found one of his shirts. it’s covered in blood. And I found tori’s passport. it’s also bloody.
i’ve been reading and there’s been two bodies on the same route we’ve been going. i also called tori’s mom and she hasn’t heard anything from her daughter. she hasnt gone home. what should I do lilah? you were always the smart one.
From: Jade
Jonah’s lost his goddamn mind.
I’m surprised I get signal out in the middle of nowhere but Holden asked him about Tori and Jonah got really defensive. Then he brought up clothes covered in blood and that Tori never made it home and… Jonah snapped.
He pulled over to the side of the road and lunged for Holden. Whitney tried to break it up and got pretty fucked up for it. They’ll be okay as soon as we get to a hospital or something.
He’s gone now. He took the keys with him. I’m gonna try and call for help but jesus christ how have things gone so wrong?
From: Jonah
(This email was sent to all of us, along with the next one.)
I’m with Master now. He never meant for this to happen. He never meant for me to get turned. He tried to find me but my own stupidity kept us going… I’m so mad at myself. I should’ve told you guys what’s been going on. I’ve been barely sleeping, any sort of bright light fucking hurts, and Tori…
I never meant to hurt Tori. I swear to god. She was one of my best friends. But she’s dead. And I killed her. I couldn’t stop myself. By the time I came to my senses, I’d shredded her to pieces. If they ever find where I dumped her, she’ll probably be a Jane Doe for the rest of time.
Master found me running around around and stopped me. We’re someplace safe now. He’ll help me.
But I need to know one thing-
Did I bite you guys?
From: Whitney
You bit me. And you bit Holden.
Jade’s fine. For now. I don’t know how long though. I feel strange. Like there’s something burning in my head and down my spine. Please find us. Holden’s starting to feel strange too.
Lilah, we love you so much.
Please, don’t try to come find us. Go to college. Have fun. Make new friends. Study hard. Forget about us.
We’re dead anyway.
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archer3-13 · 5 years
Fire Emblem Heroes Book III,Initial Trailer First Impression: Spooky Scary Skeletons are 4 edgy 8 me
the long and short of it is that im pensively optimistic about what’s in store, especially from a story angle, but that theme song can go suck a donkey’s tit.
anyways, book III and it seems were gonna be doing the tango with spooky scary Victorian skeleton warriors and a scary lady with a big ass scythe. Fuck Yeah!
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so ignoring the theme song since it’s just... fuckin awful or at the very least unfitting, lets get into this by first talking about
So I gotta admit, i enjoyed this one a lot more then book II right off the bat.
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opening on some flowers, we immediately know that shits gonna get fucked but my story telling instincts are telling me that this might possibly, probably, definitely, be a metaphor for this characters happy childhood in her kingdom when it was not fucked however
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shit got fucked, unsurprisingly. instead of the villain looming ominously overhead like fucking doctor claw or no-heart however, we get a shot of our new hero twirling into the villains strangely comforting embrace by accident which does get me curios since it might imply, heaven forefend, that she willingly sold out her kingdom or home or whatever to the devil here and now has to fight to get it back and correct her own mistake in some sort of possible and interesting character arc here? just my take on it anyways.
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moving on, we get these idiots in the woods as the fuglyness of them gives me whiplash from the actually pretty rad looking duo earlier. I kid but seriously if lokis a 0-2, alfonse a 3-5, then the hero and villain of book 3 are at an 8-10 each. my point being, there is quite the contrast in my opinion. anyways, alfonse is looking sad lost and afraid and loki’s pouting since she probably gonna be barely relevant yet fucking intrusive again.
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also sharenas there in a similar state to her brother.
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also veronicas just kind of there, and im getting a bit worried since we just got lokis douche smirk a few seconds ago and veronica just seems to kinda be there again.
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the promotional shot, so shits about to get real again!
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we get a nice shot of these two new lovely faces, doing the naruto run for a bit when the leading runner decides to pull out his fancy sword with an intense close up, definitely indicating that hes probably gonna be a blood knight of some sort. anyways he and alfonse begin to fight with blood knight pushing alfonse back and red energizer lady decides to fight
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alfonse as well. man it is not alfonses day here is it? anyways, psychidelic drugs kickin at this point and the floor dissapears under alfonse as he starts to sink into sticky black goo well reaching out to sharena as-
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oh! well, sharenas dead now and alfonse just can’t take the death of such a... memorable sister... and so he crys well the black goo decides to try and eat him if hes not gonna sink himself. this transitions us nicely to
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our new hero looking into her dagger to see sad alfonse, and then she begins crying on a battlefield of weapons, with the heroes trios main weapons clearly in the fucking foreground implying they all died horrible deaths. quick, happy flashbacks to imply she, or you, or someone is thinking of all the good times!
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there we go.
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i did not kill her it’s not true, it’s bullshit, i did noooot
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oh hi mark
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we get this nice panning shot of a battlefield littered with weapons, implying corpses, as the hero and villain of book III stare each other down with the villain being a smug fuckin asshole and the hero clearly ready to cut a skeleton bitch.
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our hero does a slight turn of the knife, and looks determinedly ahead as the trailer cuts out.
so, aside from the theme song being kinda out of place in my opinion (like, i guess it works for being unsettling but it really does feel like some marketing exec being 8 edgy 16 me cause he thought the kiddies would like it) i rather enjoyed the trailer. it set up a lot more and teases a lot more interesting story elements and ideas then book II did, its grim oppressive atmosphere is nicely out of place in comparison to feh’s other stories, it’s just better shot and paced as a trailer, and the characters look like they have an interesting history going on. speaking of looks...
cause i was not expecting to be digging the look as much as I do. well the fiber glass looking stuff, that i feel was intended to be spoopy etheral light, on the villians looks a bit cheap and silly and hides the skeleton bones a bit much requiring a second closer viewing to catch that they are spoopy skeletons, the overall look im really liking. 
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the sword general especially has a get up that reminds me of a reanimated suit of armour and if they had leaned into that by giving him a helmet i think it would have been even better, but for what it is he looks pretty good and threatening. the other major complaint i have aside from them not leaning into him being a reanimated suit of armour by giving him a helmet is that his face looks to much like alfonse’s which annoys me. mind you, it could be leading into some sort of plot twist later on so if it is, all i can say is i hope it’s a good one.
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the lady general looks the weakest of the three in terms of visual design, but thats not as bad as it could be since she still looks a hell of a lot better then anything book II produced. still, the red stuff hiding her skeleton bits looks the most like plexi glass. Although thats about the only thing i outright dislike on her, aside from not leaning into spoopy skeleton territory more, it really does hold her design back in my opinion. i mean, fucks sake make it look more like ethereal light, add some armour here and there if need be, and boom it would be another winner of a design.
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hel here, the big bad, has no such problems however. I love every bit of this lady, and i dont even care that if the glowy bits of her were actual skin she would have a design that’d comfortably fit in with kill la kill. she’s a lady villain, which isnt a requirement but something im damn well happy with especially if she ends up being well written, and she has many things i love in villains and characters in general. grim reaper theme, Victorian goth aesthetic, a black, white, and purple colour scheme, tattered flowing cloths, long wavy hair, a threatening appearance and most importantly shes a spooky scarcy skeleton. a purple spooky, scary, skeleton. I will cherish you forever, and i am crossing my fingers and praying to you that your well written and entertaining. plz be good, plz be good, plz be good...
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oh right, and the mandatory good guy/gal of the book. well that bit sounds dismissive, i honestly gotta say that im digging her a lot as well. shes not a spooky scary skeleton sadly, but the victorian gothic elements of her design work really well, and shes nicely distinct from the heroes trio this time unlike fjorm who was basically sharena 2.0. im gonna hope shes well written as well, so that i can seriously grow attached to the new hero this time cause from her design alone.
so yeah, looks wise im digging this a lot more and though the artist for this is clearly Yusuke Kozaki, an artist ive vocally disliked in relation to fire emblem for a while now, i feel ike his style works to much better effect here with the ridiculous bdsm Victorian gothic style and the darker colours.
nothing particularly interesting to note, mythic heroes definitely sounds like a dumb cash grab and i dont feel the aether arena quite has the pull in terms of gameplay to justify hinging a new summoning type gimmick on.
on a much more important note though...
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beast units, huzzah!!  and tibarn and nailiah seem to be some of the first ones up which is even better! not sure what the gameplay video is implying on how their gonna play though, since it seems a bit gimmicky and raises the question of how that gimmick might effect manateke units, but they are here so thats cool. bird pirate king is ready to roll!!!
all in all, from the look and what the trailer hints at alone, i am optimistic, but the caution comes with what sounds like very lukewarm gameplay deals which might not keep people hooked for very long. idk, im looking foreward to it but im not gonna be heartbroken if its third verse same as the first.
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Survey #337
“if i showed you my soul, would you cover your eyes?”
What's your favorite brand of chips? I like Lays best. Are you a good painter? My Painting teacher when I was in college last said I did wonderfully, but I definitely beg to differ. Before buying a car, do you usually test drive it? N/A Have you ever written a poem and then read it aloud? No, but a teacher has. It was so fucking awkward; it was very pacifist, the topic being about war, and it had some depressing tones of death; there was just silence at the end of it, and I still don't know if it was shock or "what the fuck, she's messed up." There was this one guy that went, "Nobody is going to clap at that?", though, which I thought was pretty nice and reassuring. Do you like pineapple? Yeah, I do. Have you ever met your favorite author? I don't have a favorite author. Have you and your best friend ever liked the same person? No. Do you have any freckles? Not on my face (though oddly enough, I did as a kid?), but on random parts of my body. How many different languages can you say goodbye in? English, German, and then Spanish. Do you like or hate the smell of fish? I hate it. Have you ever been to Sea World? As a child, yes. I'd never go as an adult. Do you know someone who suffers from short-term memory loss? I don't know how this is actually diagnosed, but my memory is absolutely fucking nightmarish, almost exclusively in short-term situations. I can remember the most obscure events from my childhood, but not what I said to you five seconds prior. I'm rather sure my medications have made it worse over time. Have you ever read any of John Green's books? I got like, one chapter or less into The Fault in Our Stars before the book got replaced with the Wings of Fire series, so I never finished it. Are you a protective person? I'm an immensely protective person over those that matter to me. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? No, thankfully. I'm terrified of earthquakes. What's one thing that makes everything in life worthwhile? The fact that to our proven knowledge, this is the only one we'll ever experience. What type of waffles do you like? (Plain, blueberry etc..) I prefer plain, but I can eat chocolate chip ones as well as blueberry and strawberry. Have you ever seen the show Wife Swap? Yeah, I actually quite like it. Do you like chicken or beef better? Or do you not eat meat? Chicken, I think. I eat meat, but wish I didn't. What brand of dish soap do you use? Dawn, usually. Do any of your neighbors have dogs? Yes, and they never shut up. Do you believe in fortune tellers? They're money-driver bullshitters. Have you ever been to one? No, and judging by the fervor in the above question, I hope you can tell I never would do so and thus monetarily support them. Do you like regular or chocolate milk better? Chocolate, of course. But I love normal milk, too. Once again, wish I didn't, though. Forcing a cow to constantly reproduce to lactate is pretty fucking cruel. Growing up, did you listen to country music? I actually did. Do you normally wash your hands in warm or cold water? If it's just a quick wash, it's usually cold because our water takes quite a few moments to warm up. However, if I'm looking to thoroughly wash my hands, it's gotta be relatively hot. Do you believe in mediums? I see them in a worse light than I do fortune tellers, so... Like sure, manipulate grieving people for profit, sounds great. Have you ever been to one? Obviously not. Have you ever dated someone on the football team? No. Do you have a gazebo at your house? No. Do you like tomatoes? Solely when straight from a garden and on a bacon and mayonnaise sandwich. Otherwise I am noooot a fan. Are you a competitive person? Not very, but there's a tiny spark in me, really when it just comes to photography. I hate it. Google or Bing? Does literally anyone use Bing? What's your favorite brand of bottled water? Essentia. Do you have any ceramic animals in your house or outside? Ummm I don't think so. Have you ever given someone flowers? Yes. What is something you might eat with a hamburger? Fries or mac and cheese. What is a sport that you’ve always wanted to play, but never got a chance to. None. What is a fruit that you might eat in the morning? A banana. Who might you send a selfie to? I don't send selfies to anyone. About how many pages is the longest book you’ve ever read? I THINK it surpassed 1,000? At least in the high hundreds. Who would you call first after getting engaged to tell them the news? Probably Mom. Around what time do you start feeling tired enough to go to sleep? Truth be told, it's usually arouund 7-8. I rarely make it to 9:00 nowadays. What trends do you refuse to give in to? I don't even know what's trendy right now. What subjects in history interest you most? As dark as it is, I find the Holocaust interesting to learn about. Are you superstitious in any way? No. How do you get rid of anxiety? What a relevant question, being in a partial hospitalization program right now. Coping skills that help me are doing deep breathing, mindfulness exercises, and a little jerk back to reality is splashing freezing cold water on my face. It also helps to talk it out with somebody, just get my feelings into words. Then if it's a true anxiety or panic attack, I have my "emergency" anxiety prescription. Are there any items of jewelry you never/rarely take off? My lip and tragus piercings never do, and I always wear two rings. Do you find yourself correcting people’s grammar often? Not really, no. It just seems rude and snobby to me, honestly, if it's not in an educational setting, like helping someone with an essay. Correcting someone in your average conversation is just... unnecessary, imo. Now if you're talking like in surveys and stuff, I definitely do in questions and such, but I don't point it out. Gummi worms: Yay or nay? Yay, love 'em. What do you do when you have ‘me time’? I only ever have "me" time, so what I always do... Do you lack common sense sometimes? I have a horrible lack of common sense, shit's embarrassing. Have you ever poured glue on your hand just to peel it off for fun? No. How do babies make you feel? "Nervous. They’re so damn breakable." <<<< Mood. Would you/Have you milked a cow? No, and I'm not interested. What really gives you the creeps? #!: seeing a baby move inside its mother's stomach. It will actually make me scream and/or cry because it just grosses me the fuck out. Whale sharks' mouths also creep me out big time. Do you ever eat leftover pizza cold? Yeah, I love cold pizza. When you're wanting a midnight snack, what do you normally get? We normally have cashew bars that I like if I'm really hungry. Which cartoon character would you want to keep as a pet? Obviously Pikachu. My niece loves Pikachu anyway, so she'd be ecstatic to see a real one. Or well, maybe I'd go for an Eevee. Not as dangerous with electricity and all but just as cute and small. Do you like marshmallows? Yeah. If you had the opportunity to live forever, would you take it? No. It would ruin so many factors of the temporary nature of life. Things would lose meaning, get old and boring, it'd be much easier to take advantage of things... There are many reasons why I have no desire to live forever. Hell, I even wonder if I want an afterlife for those same reasons. Did you ever really believe in Santa Claus? As a little kid, yeah. Do you like quesadillas? I like cheese, chicken, and shrimp ones. What's the greatest/most influential song you've ever heard? Ozzy's "Life Won't Wait." Do you prefer to pull off band-aids slowly or quickly? I tend to do it slowly. What was the last thing someone told you that had you at a loss for words? Uhhh I feel like Sara said something, but I don't remember what. What was the last health scare you had? Ugh... I'm kind of living in one now. As my legs have been worsening, I'm becoming increasingly concerned I'm eventually going to need a wheelchair for "walking" longer distances. And mind you, "long" for me is probably short for the average person. My knees do nothing but crack incessantly and burn when I use them, and they frequently feel like they're going to give way, and in a few rare instances, have. It's my own fucking fault for not sucking it up and exercising with my mom in the room, so I'd like to move on. What is your favorite filling for a piece of chocolate? Caramel. Do you enjoy the sound of birds chirping? I do. If applicable, what’s your favorite drug, and why? I don't do drugs, so. What was the last TV show you binge-watched? Avatar: The Last Airbender with Sara. Would you rather eat burgers or tacos? Definitely burgers. I don't like tacos. Did your mother change her maiden name when/if she got marred? Yes. What was the last job you applied for? Did you get the job? Deli worker, and yes. Do you use TikTok? No. What decorations do you have in your bathroom? None. Our bathroom is pretty small. Well, the one we use, anyway. The one attached to the master's bedroom isn't cleaned up yet, but we'll use it in case of emergency. What year was your favourite band formed? (Before people think I'm smart, no, I looked the dates up, haha.) Well Ozzy was Black Sabbath's vocalist, and the band formed in 1968, but Ozzy became a solo artist in 1979. What's your favourite fruit? Strawberries. Have you ever had an out-of-body experience? No. Do you prefer gory horror films or the psychological ones? I prefer psychological. Are you easily paranoid? Yeah. Do you have a favorite obsession? Meerkats and Mark are kinda tied, haha. Are you a workaholic? No. Have you ever given a tattoo before and would you like to? No and no; that would be an awful idea, given I have bad tremors in my hands. Have you ever seen the movie Labyrinth? I actually have not. Would you rather be called pretty or hot? Pretty. Have you ever gotten a serious injury at school? What happened? No. Have you ever performed in front of my large group of people? Yes; I was a dancer for many years. Have you ever fundraised? If so, what for? You know how Facebook recommends making fundraisers for a charity of your choice for your birthday? I've done that for the Trevor Project and two charities for ovarian and pancreatic cancers. Are you wearing earrings right now? Ugh, no, even though I want to be. The first holes in my ears are just too stretched for normal earrings because I wore heavy ones too often, and I just don't have nice earrings. I still want to get very small gauges to put in the stretched holes. Name a singer whose voice makes you swoon? Fall Out Boy's Patrick Stump can do that, holy shit. "America's Suitehearts" does it for me, man. Y'know, when his voice goes all deep. Do your pets follow you when you walk around the house? My cat Roman is quite literally my shadow. Where I go, he goes. What do you do online? I seem to only exist online, really, so I've got a lot on my plate to choose from, yet I'm still bored half the time, haha. I'm essentially always watching or listening to YouTube, I play World of Warcraft for varying amounts of time depending on the day, I scroll through deviantART, check KM periodically, do surveys obviously, "work" at the wikis I contribute to, wander around on Facebook... idk, that's all I really do at least semi-regularly online. Haha oh, wait, I also check Craigslist like... every day for tarantula and hognoses even though I can't currently get either. Let me dream. Do you have any scars on your face? I have a couple on my chin from when I fainted and busted it open. What countries were your grandparents born in? In the US. What was the most damaging relationship (romantic or not) that you’ve ever been a part of? Ultimately, with Jason, because of how it ended. The relationship itself wasn't at all damaging to me, but the breakup shook my entire fucking world. When in your life was your self-esteem at its lowest point? Self-esteem? Now. I'm very unhappy with my weight going back up, my body is just in poor health in general, I'm not employed, not in school... I just feel like a lowlife. Who was the last person you cut out of your life? Do you regret it? I want to say my sister's mother-in-law. Sure don't, considering she revealed her disgusting support for conversion therapy. I'm civil around her in person, but I kicked that woman off my Facebook so fucking quick when I saw that shit. Who is the most attractive person you know personally? That I know personally... I would say Alon, but I haven't seen even a picture of her in forever. Summer, though, shares selfies frequently, and by god is she gorgeous. I know a lot a lot of beautiful women, asldkjf;awe. It's funny that I'm blanking on men, at least involving people I still "know"/are somehow present in my life. Would you rather look older or younger than you are? I'm fine looking my age. Have you ever dated someone who was very vastly different from your “type”? No. What is the biggest project you’re currently working on? I suppose you can count an RP plot as a "project." I'm procrastinating so bad on it because it is going to be A LOT of writing. Is there a person from your past that you wonder about frequently? Who? Take a shot in the dark for me. Who knows you best, excluding romantic partners? My mother. What are your thoughts on human creation? I believe we evolved. How many people have you had sex with? One. Have you ever had a yard sale? Yeah. Have you ever been surfing? No.
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