#swearing and sex mentioned
skepsiss · 1 year
Heart Beat City -- Steddie
The tang of alcohol on his tongue drenched the room Eddie was in with a blurred glow. The pull of music, dark corners, and vivid exchanges made his drug-riddled brain feel heavy and light all at once. Like a buoy on a bumpy sea, he watched as flutters of people migrated across the dance floor and into private booths. The music was nothing to him: a loud backdrop to shake his chest as he sat in one of those dark corners of the bar. Live music had melted into crackly recorded classics. 
Heart Beat City, Building the Perfect Beast, Reckoning–he could name every one of the songs that bled into one another but didn't care about a single one of them. Summer of love. Boys of the summer. Solo debuts... it was all noise to him at this point. 
He was operating like a machine, raising the bottle to his lips and drinking, watching men and women alike fade into the dark interior of the bar like so much else. He wasn't here alone and even though he had to put effort into remembering who he walked in here with he was aware that he wasn't alone. Gareth, Benson–some of the guys. This wasn't the first time they had crashed a bar outside of Hawkins, piling into a van on a Friday night for a spot of fun. But Eddie wasn't having fun, he was just watching everyone else have fun. Men, women, bodies pressed against one another in a too-crowded bar and he was acting like a moody 85-year-old drinking his sorrows away.
Maybe it was the drugs, maybe it was the poor choice of mixing drugs and alcohol but after he had turned out his pockets and sold the last of the LSD he had come here with he had felt his mood drop. One of the reasons they had chosen this bar was because it was a hookup spot–a friendly hookup spot. It had its back allies and locked doors, one-stall bathrooms, and it was an easy place to hit up to sell. Drug money to buy beer, beer to waste the night away. They were probably going to sleep in the van tonight anyways. 
But Eddie was just watching as his friends filtered out of view, crashing into women like an all-powerful tide, both of their bodies moving together... he wished he could talk to girls like that. He wished that despite his patches, leather, and spikes that it was easier to approach women, but none of them ever picked him. It wasn't the worst, he liked men more anyways. That was why this bar was friendly. 
He put no effort into being approachable, his mood soured by jealousy as people paired off and a new quartet entered the dance floor. Greenhorns and experts alike doing this same dance every Friday night. He was tired of it. He was tired, but despite himself when his beer was finished he walked back up to the bar and ordered another, lingering. He wore bandanas in his pockets and leaned on bar counters, signalled to any wayward man who passed by. In these kinds of bars, it didn't take very long for someone to notice. Light blue for oral, black for rough sex, orange for casual–it all meant something, and people noticed when you hung out at bars like this.
So when men approached Eddie, when people leaned on the bars beside him before his beer made it back to him and asked to buy him a drink he wouldn't even need to smile. He wouldn't need to talk to them like he had to talk to girls to get them interested in him, these men knew right away what to say. They'd test and Eddie would put the neck of the bottle in his mouth, he'd tip it up, and try not to lose focus with his brain half mashed. They'd touch his hand and he'd touch back, pretending that this was some sort of romance, that they had talked for hours and he was charmed by them. These guys, they were all good-looking. It was easy to spot a hookup spot. 
He'd follow them to back allies, locked rooms, and one-stall bathrooms, places where the music was still loud enough that his mind wouldn't wander. Where he could hold his beer by the neck and have someone kissing him as soon as they were in their own dark corner. People, maybe he sold drugs to earlier that night, people who thought he was older than sixteen, seventeen... eighteen. On nights like this, he couldn't even remember if this was perverted or not, he didn't even know how old he was anymore. His brain ground every night since he was fifteen together. Back when he thought allies and private rooms meant romance and that these guys would talk to him again afterward. 
Give up the ghost, turn around, get on your hands and knees–they never talked to him again after that. 
He let the background music that he hated so much fold into his brain–stop his thoughts. His half-finished beer sitting on the dirty floor as some guy indulged in his flesh. Lifting up shirts and pulling down collars, but never fully undressing. 
They all just wanted the same thing anyways, but Eddie always indulged longer than he needed. Kissing them and biting lips until they turned him around or pressed him to his knees. And then his face would be cold against tiles and his body would be all fire, getting sweaty in his too-large jacket and flannel. Choking out sounds and half words, hoping his mind would stay clear enough that he wouldn't pass out from his high. Sometimes he even got to do the choking, and that was rare. Sometimes he'd get to do this more than once in a night. He always felt sloppy the second time around. 
Men would press up against him, wash him away, sail him to somewhere farther than this bar an hour outside Hawkins, somewhere that he knew even his band wouldn't give him a concerned eyebrow raise when he disappeared into the dark shadows. Men would fall over him, hold him tight around his chest, and breathe life into his neck like he mattered to them. Sometimes they'd call him beautiful, or hot and he'd swallow that too. They always complimented him when he swallowed. 
They'd rock the bar from their private room that reeked of beer that stained his knees. And sometimes it would hurt, but he always left feeling grateful and like a part of him was taken away with the man who walked out the door when they were done. Warm and sweaty and full of more than just beer. He loved it and hated it, and tonight he hated it. The way men squealed and the smell of the bathrooms, how he'd read the graffiti on this wall a million times to no satisfaction. It was good, don't doubt that it was good, but the bitter taste of his mouth made him wish that he'd at least be kissed afterward.
Hold me, enfold me, talk to me like I'm someone. 
Then he'd slouch and the music would take him away, his body punched from the gut downwards, indecent as he stood pressed against the wall. Hard breathing, no longer hard cock. Breathe and breathe and listen to the thanks, shake his head no if they asked if he needed something. He'd adjust and pick his beer back up, wash the taste away with more bitterness. They'd break even and he'd stand the rest of the night because it hurt too much to sit. 
He wouldn't check if whoever he came here with came back, he'd just crawl into the van when he'd had enough. They'd knock if they needed to come in and sleep, and only once had he accidentally interrupted something. And then he'd sleep and the next morning they'd all be smiles and groans from being hungover; ask without asking how each of their nights went. No one partied as hard as Eddie Munson, and sometimes Eddie wouldn't even be able to drive them home, someone else at the wheel. Papers with numbers scrawled on them. Arms with new ink, lovely girls who twisted their hair and who got on their knees. 
Eddie's souvenirs were the ones of purple and red marks. Scars on his brain that left him wondering if he'd make it home next time at all. 
Smile and crack and let everyone think he always loved these outings, always loved the way his friends disappeared into dark corners for their own ends and leave him watching the dance floor like a statue of sin. Watch but don't touch. Want but don't love. Sing but unsung.
So when Steve Harrington came around and looked at Eddie with big brown eyes he hated it. He hated that he looked like every guy he had ever seen in every bar he had ever been in. How he was so goddamn handsome. Even when his upper lip wasn't perfectly shaved and you could see the speckled brown of hair on his cheek–what 'disheveled' looked like to Steve Harrington–king of Hawkins High, 6 feet deep in babes, money, and perfect hair. He hated guys like Steve who seemed to effortlessly move through life, who smiled and didn't start a fight when he threatened them. 
He hated guys like Steve Harrington and he didn't know if he wanted to be him and be with him. 
The effect a man like Steve Harrington had on people was toxic at best, and a high at worst. Because Eddie had never found a better drug than getting a crush. It drove him insane, it made him want more, and the comedown was the worst he ever felt, and yet... he'd always go back for more. The floundering, the trying to talk to a guy for real. It was everything he avoided when he went to bars and these stupid goddamn crushes made him want to try. He sounded like an idiot when he tried to talk to people… when he was genuine. And here was Steve Harrington, genuine to a fault who just spoke his mind, crossed his arms, and loved the people around him so hard that he'd sacrifice everything for them. Every ounce of popularity, every single dime, every last hair on his pretty head.
Eddie just wanted to be good enough to be one of those people he'd sacrifice for. 
No, that wasn't true, he didn't want to be any way. He didn't want to be different or to feel like 'he could change for the better, be a better person' for Steve Harrington. He wasn't that far gone, he was still Eddie Munson. But he wanted Steve to be worse. He wanted him to lower his standards and wallow in the mud with The Freak. He was already good enough... he wanted Steve to compromise. 
He had everything Eddie wanted and hated all at once and he wanted Steve to want to give it up. Was that too much to ask? It was too much to ask. And that was why crushes killed Eddie Munson. He knew, deep down, he was unpolished and undesirable and really the only reason the guys at the bars picked him up was because he was easy. Hard to love, easy to fuck. 
Kiss after kiss after kiss after kiss. All he wanted was for one of those to be with Steve. To taste what perfection looked like, to understand how someone who had everything gave it up for the outcasts and the freaks. 
Me too. Eddie yelled into the wind. Me too. He screamed at the void. 
But something amazing happened, something that no drug had ever given to him. It answered him. He heard. Somehow, somewhere, someway... Steve Harrington heard him and answered. 
And he wallowed. 
Eddie tasted perfection. The acidity of sunshine and the spice of daddy's money. How making out in cars and the squeak of leather seats had never felt so good. How Steve, somehow, wanted to know what mud and regret tasted like. That Steve chose him. 
Every pretty girl in Hawkins, and he chose Eddie. 
I love you, I love you, I love you. I need you, I need you, I need you. 
The worst drug of your life. 
Eddie didn't even have to turn around to get it. He could look right at Steve the whole time, count the moles on his shoulders, and relish in how soft his skin was. He could enjoy the sensation of being on his back instead of his knees and if he wanted to know what Steve's sweat tasted like he could find out. He could see what a guy, fully naked, really looked like. No t-shirts, socks, or pants just unzipped enough to get it up. He could look, and man did he look. Even if this was a fling, even if this lasted until Steve found someone better, he could live with that. He could live with having him for just a few months just so he could experience this. 
Who was he kidding? He was addicted. 
Eddie Munson, island, wanted to strand Steve Harrington. He wanted to be the only thing and everything Steve could ever want or need. He needed to be everything because Steve had already taken every hard edge Eddie had stuffed into the box and pulled it loose. Rounded everything out. Soft. He was already going to fall apart if Steve walked away. He was already 80 percent less. 
But every morning he got to taste sunshine, and every afternoon he got to touch the sky. Steve was elevating him, and he didn't want to come down. It was devastating, and it was everything he had ever wanted. He was going to die to this. Steve owned him.
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twinktor-frankenstein · 7 months
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I don't know why I did this but I had a vision okay wjhdhd
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moistrodent · 3 months
I love how Hazbin Hotel brushed over Angel Dust’s drug use, because in the eyes of the show drug use isn’t something very traumatic, leads to much more vulnerable to human and sex trafficking, SA, and abusive relationships. Drug use is very complicated but in Hazbin Hotel Angel Dust’s drug problem is mentioned like…four times and one of those three times was a fucking joke. Drug use is often very misrepresented in media, also being an addict doesn’t make you a bad person, drug use shouldn't be criminalised (it makes it much harder to seek help), and rehab shouldn’t expensive as fuck. And also Angel Dust’s name? Weird as shit. That’s like naming your OC crack. It’s treating Angel Dust like he’s only his addiction wich is really horrible representation for obvious reasons. Vivziepop does not know how to represent serious topics, she either uses it for fetish bait or an actual literal joke. Also his name? Doesn’t make any sense. The effects of PCP were discovered over ten years after Angel Dust canonically died. It’s so clear Vivzepop didn’t do any research on the topic she’s trying to represent, it takes five seconds to google this shit.
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lookingformoondrop · 7 months
You're the first person I see writing to themmm I'm so happy. Can I ask Something with leyley ? If not, No problem, I accept anything
Ashley Graves (Leyley) x Reader
TW: Everyone has a foul mouth and Ashley is a little shit (oh, really?), mentions of the devil's tango (sex, gasp!), Ashley is manipulative (remember kids, never stay with someone if they act like this during arguments, even if they're goth mommies).
♥︎ I'm not sure if the people crave X Reader or just headcannons with the Graves siblings, so if this isn't what you had in mind, you're always welcome to shoot me another ask. I'm so sorry this took so long to write ;-; Thank you for your patience!<3 ♥︎
♡1,287 WORDS♡
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If you ever asked about 15-year-old Ashley Graves, you'd be told one of these three things;
"She's a little psycho. I'm pretty sure she'd choke out a teacher if they looked at her brother wrong."
"She's always the odd one out. If only she was nice like her brother, she wouldn't be such a lonely freak."
"Pretty like the devil is sly."
These comments always alluded you. Ashley was by far the prettiest girl in class, and even if she was a bit curt to the teachers, she had these blossoming eyes and rich smile whenever she walked by.
One day, after watching the girls mock Ashley for the second time that day, you decided to walk up to Ashley.
Ashley's gaze out of the window quickly turned towards you as you sat down on the other side of her desk. She slowly eyed you up and down.
"Uh, I'm Y/N," you offered weakly.
"Is this about my brother?" Ashely held her face in her hand with a bored stare. "Because if this is about my brother, know that he's already called for..."
You quickly shook your head, "Don't take any offense, but I don't really care about who your brother is...I'm more interested in you."
Ashely looked startled by this statement. A small blush dusting her cheeks. She had spent a lot of time making quitters and hussies run from her marshmallow-spine brother who didn't know any better, and if she learned anything it was that they would say and do whatever it took to get closer to him.
Ashley scoffed and looked out the window again, "Yeah, right, you're probably just saying that so that I'll let you meet him."
You sighed and laid your head in your arms,
"I want to play with you... not your dumb brother."
Ashley gave you a quick glance. She chewed her bottom lip as she thought about it.
"Fine. But if I catch you trying to hang out with my brother, I'm going to punish you!"
You shrugged off that last part and nodded passionately.
Ashley didn't know what it was about you that made her laugh easily, and force the malice out of her body, but it pissed her off.
Day after day, you'd run after her with some sort of treat, present, or a friendly smile that made her day.
One day, you had come to school with a surprise;
"Jesus christ Ashley, did you fish that out of the dumpster?" Andrew walked into the laundry room and saw Ashley standing in front of the washing machine with a very deformed and crusted teddy bear in her hands.
"Y/N gave em' to me," Ashley pulled her hand away, a sticky substance connecting her hand to the deformed bears head.
Andrew was taken aback and quickly snatched the bear from Ashley's hands with a simple (grossed out) finger.
"Fucking gross Ashely! Why the fuck would she give that to you?!" He made a move towards the trash bags in the shelve, but Ashley took back the teddy bear before he could do anything.
"Don't snatch things from other people's hands, you jackass!" She held the bear close to her chest despite shivering from the unknown wetness the bear had.
Andrew visibly cringed and searched Ashley's face for some sort of explanation.
"Y/N had won this at a carnival she went to over the weekend and thought I'd like it," Ashley dangled the bear from paw to paw.
"Well if it came from a carnival then why does it look like it was gangbanged-"
"I'm getting to it!" She sighed with annoyance.
"I had thought it was some stupid ploy to get to you, so I might have...thrown it down a sewer." She shrugged that last part like it was naturally the most obvious reaction to a gift.
"While it was down there, I think the rats decided to have a piece of Teddy's face and stuffing and well... the sewer, too." At the word 'sewer', both of them looked at the drenched teddy bear that dripped ominously with disease.
Andrew put his head in his hands and sighed into them, "Why are you like this? Y/N tried doing something nice, and you...let it be beaten to death by rats."
Ashley shrugged and observed the gross teddy bear in her hands, despite it being jizzed up it was cute with its (seemingly darker...) brown fur and button nose. On its chest was a pink stitched heart that read, "I told the stars about you ☆."
Maybe it was a little dramatic to throw it in the sewer, but she wasn't about to admit that. After all, she had to get this damn teddy bear back somehow, and that was enough to convince the next guy over she regretted it.
"Do you want me to clean it?" Andrew mumbled from his hands.
"What?" Ashley hadn't realized she was zoning out.
"I said, do you want me to clean it?" Andrew looked at her with tired eyes.
Ashley thought about it for a moment and then reluctantly handed the bear to Andrew, who pinched its ear to minimize the most physical contact with the dumpster fire.
That night, while Ashley was lying in bed, she thought about why you had decided to give her the bear. Maybe it really was a ploy to get closer to her brother... but Ashley couldn't help but have fun with you. Maybe, just maybe, she could enjoy this friendship a little longer.
For the next couple of weeks, you and Ashley would hang out in spots around the city.
You'd go to the movies, window shopping, clubs (mostly to get thrown out by the bouncer), food joints, and greasy taco trucks.
Ashley would come home with a pleasant smile on her face. Oftentimes, being teased by Andrew, who said he was "finally glad Ashley found a friend."
However, this didn't mean that you were safe from Ashley's tantrums. Whenever you talked to Andrew for too long or made plans with other friends, Ashley would start crying.
This became increasingly obvious when you started becoming more acquainted with Andrew.
"I thought you were my friend Y/N! I should've known you just want Andy all to yourself! I knew it! You don't care about me at all!"
"What!? No! I was just trying to ask the time-"
"I knew it! You're fake, fake, fake!! You're only hanging out with me because of my brother. You're so selfish! Well fine, since you like him so fucking much then leave! And while we're at it, why don't you just fuck him since that's all you're good for anyways!"
Ashley laughed as she dug her fingernails into your shoulders, "Everyone is just slutting around for my brother! Including you! I should've known! I should've known!-"
In a moment, your lips were on Ashley's, instantly shutting you up.
When you pulled away, Ashley stood there shocked. Her fingernails were no longer digging into your skin but rather grazing your shoulder blades.
"Would someone obsessed with your brother do that?"
Ashley opened her mouth to speak but closed it instead. She looked down and shook her head.
"I love you, Leyley, but has anyone told you you're exhausting to be with?"
Ashley nodded and rested her head on your shoulder, "You're the one that talked to me first, Y/N. You don't get to complain."
You sighed and wrapped your arms around her. Clicking your tongue as you took a moment to process all the foul things Ashley said in the heat of the moment.
"You know, everyone was right. You're kind of a psycho." You looked at Ashley's face.
"And?" She scoffed,
"It doesn't bother me."
Ashley smiled into your shirt, "You're stuck with me,"
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Thank you for the ask!<3
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slowandsteddie · 7 months
Robin: “hey, Steve? Can I borrow your red sweater?”
Eddie, immediately: “absolutely fucking not.”
Robin: “wha— never mind the what, actually. Tell me why.”
Eddie: “because it is a crime to separate our boy from that sweater. He looks so fucking hot in it, Birdie. And I know you won’t give it back for ages.”
Steve, walking in on the conversation: “I don’t think our sex life would survive the loss of that sweater.”
Robin, covering her ears: “GOT IT I GOT IT PLEASE STOP.”
Pic I got off google below the cut ❤️
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bbeeew · 2 months
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instantnoooodles · 1 year
A Driving Force
An ancient ask from an old friend, it came to me in a dream. Viola. 
Gibbs x Reader | No use of [Y/n] | 3.2 k | Mentions of Childbirth, swearing, pregnancy, mentions of sex, fluff with little to no angst
Pregnancy has got you ready to throttle your husband. 
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Nearly eight months pregnant, and you are going to kill someone. 
Someone's name is Jethro. 
Jethro, who- after your first baby- thought it would be a swell idea to have another (don't get me wrong, he is more than good at making them, it's the labor and the first trimester that does you in.) Jethro, who is at work and not at home making you tea or rubbing your calves, or doing literally anything other than being at work. It's driving you nuts, and your son may as well be training for the baby Olympics. There's no reprieve, not with a heating pad, not with an exercise ball, not with the piss-poor excuse for a nap you'd tried to take, nothing. 
So you do what anyone would've done: You drive your ass to his work and give the security guards some vaguely veiled threats to let you up to the bullpen. 
And naturally, he's nowhere to be found. 
"I am going to kill that man," you grumble, reclining in his chair, leaning your head back, and closing your eyes. Ironically enough, the background noise helps- you feel more relaxed than at home. 
The elevator dings, and in comes the trio. (McGee- you assume- is down in the lab. Jethro says he prefers it to fieldwork some days.) And- naturally- they're yelling. 
"I had him!" 
"You had shit! That dude outran you by miles! He's halfway to Timbuktu right now!"  
"Boss, I am telling you-"
They stop in the bullpen, and you stand, hand over your stomach, and downright glower at your husband. "Leroy." 
Tony's face crumples into something like horror, Kate looks like a bomb might go off, and Jet- well, he looks a little south of terrified. As he should. 
"Sweetheart," He walks toward you, hands outstretched, and immediately goes in for a gentle peck on the cheek. You swat him away. He frowns comically. 
"Your son is driving me up a wall." 
"You shouldn't be driving like this," he reaches down and caresses the bump. Damn him and his soft voice. Usually, you only hear it in the comfort of your home, never at work, and maybe that's what melts your resolve of putting up a fight. 
You sigh, slouching into him and leaning your head into the crook of his neck. He takes it all in stride, cupping his hand on the back of your head, drawing circles with his thumb on that place where the base of your skull meets your neck. It makes you fall apart like a card tower. You groan- he has the decency not to laugh, just winds his other arm around your waist. "Is he giving you a hard time?" It's asked softly, gently, kindly, with all the warmth of a roaring fire and the bourbon in the basement. This is the Jet that makes you question if he's really an agent. 
"He's been kicking my bladder for hours," you groan into his shirt. It smells like sawdust and mint. "You'd think he's training for boot camp in there." 
Jethro rubs gently at your waist- Tony and Kate sit quietly at their desks and have the decency to stop arguing. Tony even takes a field trip to God knows where- it makes you smile. "Better or worse than Dani?" 
Dani is your nearly five-year-old. A bundle of joy and Jethro's entire world, she has a smile to light up a room. 
And a temper to rival Hell, she gets it from her dad, but he handles her well. 
You scoff. "Dani didn't take up gymnastics, and if I recall correctly, you missed the first eight hours of my labor." 
"Twenty more to go- didn't miss much." You smack him gently on the back, and he only chuckles and continues to rub the muscles of your hips and neck. "You damn near broke my hand." 
"Twenty-eight hours of labor, Jethro. You're lucky I didn't break every bone in your body and shoot you." He mumbles something like 'touche', and you stand in silence for a moment. Jet quietly says 'here' and untangles himself from you (you nearly kill him) until he spins around. Facing your back and winding his arms around to your stomach, he reaches underneath your bump, intertwines his fingers, and lifts. 
You come this close to moaning in the middle of NCIS headquarters. 
Jet started doing this sometime towards the end of the second trimester when your bump became less of that and more like a mound. (These days, it feels more like a mountain.) The muscles in your abdomen relax, and the relief is instantaneous. Your head lols back onto his shoulder, and you kiss the underside of his jaw. "Thank you." 
It comes out in a whisper, but he gets the idea and returns the gesture to your forehead. "'Course sweetheart," And then you just stand there. It could be hours- it could be seconds. Realistically, it was probably closer to ten minutes. Jethro is strong, despite his age and his appearance. If you asked him he could probably do this for another hour and then some. Come to think- he'd do anything you asked him to. And you'd do the same, quite frankly, but right now- right now this is plenty. 
Jethro releases the weight of your baby boy slowly, oh-so-gently and it nearly makes you sob (damn pregnancy hormones) and hugs you from the side, careful not to undo the release he's just given you. You peck his cheek, leaning into the embrace, and close your eyes. 
And then water splashes down your leg, down your pants, and onto a puddle in the NCIS bullpen. 
Echoed both in your head and out loud by your husband, Tony chooses this perfect moment to come barreling into the room. "Boss, we got something- oh shit." 
"Dinozzo, go get my car," and Jet hurls the keys at Tony's head. Tony, with all his goofiness and jokes, makes none about the situation and beelines for the staircase, Kate hot on his heels. 
Contraction number one hits with full speed, nearly taking you to your knees, and Jet hugs you around your waist, keeping you from collapsing and yanking the phone from his back pocket. "If the nurse doesn't give me an epidural this time, you have my full permission to shoot them." 
"Yes ma'am," he says, throwing the phone onto his desk. You don't see what he's done with it, you're too busy trying to stand. 
The contraction fades, you rise, and Jethro rises with you. "You're early." 
"Dani was three weeks early," you breathe deeply through your nose and out through your mouth. 
"This is nearly four." 
"Well, then, Jet, get a damn move on." And move he does. He makes sure you're standing steady first, before flying behind his desk to grab a bag. You do a double take. "You keep the hospital bag in your office?" 
He gives you a quick peck on the cheek, slinging the bag over his shoulder and guiding you toward the elevator. "Been with me for two months now, sweetheart." 
You're going to sob. 
Jet's gentle hand on your elbow and back gets you both to the elevator in one piece. An agent- you don't know who- is standing there as the doors ding open. Jethro gives him a look that could freeze over hell as he turns around to ask what floor, and the mystery agent steps out. 
You poke the 'G' button as another contraction punches through you. Jet gets you to lean against the cool metal wall as the elevator begins to move, and you grip his forearm tight. You're not swearing, not yet, just breathing deeply, but at this rate, you'll be calling the doctor a fuckwad the minute you walk through the hospital doors. 
Tony and Kate (bless their hearts) have the car running right out of the elevator in the parking garage. Tony reaches for your arm to help you in but a sharp, "Hands off my wife, DiNozzo!" Stops him dead in his tracks. Kate steps in as Jet throws the bag in the backseat. He opens the passenger door while Kate leads you. 
"You're gonna do great, call us when the baby's here, and we'll handle the case, Gibbs." The last part is directed toward your husband, who takes your other forearm as you sit gingerly in the car. 
He drives like Jethro. Which is to say: Like a maniac. 
You don't complain, even if it feels like you're in the middle of a police chase. He cuts the fifteen-minute drive to the hospital in half, skidding to a halt in front of the maternity wing, and barely remembers to turn off the car before reaching behind him to snag the bag and half-carry you to the doors. You can hardly blink before they've got you in a room, changed into a hospital gown, and are telling you to push.
Mike Leroy Gibbs' labor clocks in at a whopping two hours. 
It's a very painful two hours. Jet may have threatened several doctors and nurses to give you an epidural (who complies, you don't know the details and you don't want to.) They whisk him away to check vitals and clean him up, though Jet also threatens to maim or seriously injure someone if Mike isn't in your arms in fifteen minutes. 
He's returned rather quickly (you have a feeling you'll have to do damage control when you give a shit.) And he is the cutest bundle of warm brown hair and the brightest blue eyes you ever did see. 
You don't let Jethro hold him for something close to an hour, you damn near fall asleep with him on your chest for a little while, but with a soft, "Jet, look at your son." He takes him
Jethro is pretty quiet while he holds him- he was the same with Dani, awestruck by her existence and speechless. He coos at Mike, who's fast asleep, and sways him gently back and forth. He sits down, the armchair pulled as close to your hospital bed as it can get, with one hand cradling your son and the other holding your hand, rubbing gentle circles on the meat of your thumb. 
(You crushed his forearm during labor. Not literally, Jethro is still injury free, but there will be bruises in a few days. He knows how sore you are though, and if he wasn't occupied with his new son, you'd be sure he'd be giving you a massage. He was just as good- if not miles better- than when you gave birth to Dani. He was on a case, deep cover, and didn't get the phone call from Ducky or the hospital until you were well into labor. Ducky's phone call was far more urgent- Gibbs drove at least forty over to get to you.) 
"Jet, I gotta call Donovan, he still has two more days with Dani-" 
"Already taken care of sweetheart." 
You're going to melt. Absolutely dissolve into a pile of lovey-dovey goo. "Thank you." 
He brings your hand to his lips to kiss each of your knuckles. "He's on his way, your brother drives slower than I do-" 
"Jethro, everyone drives slower than you." 
The corner of his lips twitch upward at that, and he doesn't argue. 
The room is... nice. It's the only way to describe it. You feed Mike, and Jet is respectful and goes to find you OJ while you do it. "It doesn't make me uncomfortable, hun. Figured you could just use some time with him, skin to skin." 
Yeah, you're gonna cry. 
You actually do, while he's away and Mike has finished. It's not sad tears, they're definitely happy. When Jethro comes back he seems to know it, you don't even have to say anything, he just sits on the side of the bed, curls an arm behind your shoulders, and pets your hair. There are kisses laid atop your head, and he rubs your bicep. He whispers in his soft voice, the one you're so used to hearing that when you visit him at work his 'Boss' tone makes you do a double take. (Is it hot? Absolutely. But there's nothing quite like the quiet tone he uses when he asks if you're ready for bed.) 
You sniffle, Mike shifts in your arms as Jethro wipes a tear and a series of gentle knocks at the door sound through your hospital room. One, two, three, four, five, heads poke through the sliver in the open door. "Boss? Can we come in?" 
Gibbs looks to you for permission before answering. You nod and smile softly, and he beckons to the agents. Abby and Kate file in first, closely followed by Tim, then Ducky, who holds the door open for Tony, who's carrying two huge plastic bags filled with something that smells magical. 
Abby gives you the first hug, careful to avoid your newborn, she wraps an arm around your shoulder while Jethro untangles himself from you to help Tony. ("Did ya buy enough for the whole wing, Dinozzo?") 
Kate comes in next, taking Abby's place with a hug around your shoulder. You share grins, and she asks you how the labor was- the conversation is easy and nice. (Everyone knows how bad Dani's labor was. You've come into the office a few times a month, usually with coffee or breakfast, or-hell, even dinner for your husband and his crew when the nights turn long. You used to come in once a week during the first trimester. You and Gibbs would be in the NCIS bathroom with your head in a toilet, hair held back, and circles rubbed on your shoulders. Those were rough days.) 
"Do you wanna hold him?" 
Kate looks a little dumbstruck. Ducky and Tim are giving her encouraging glances, grinning ear to ear. "Y-you're sure?" 
You smile up at her, readjust, and hold Mike out. "Make sure to support his head, arm under his neck, keep the blanket- there you go." Kate kinda giggles- a breathy laugh escapes as she turns toward Gibbs and grins wide. He smiles back- then wider to you- and winks. To this day, it still gives you butterflies. 
Kate moves around the room- pacing in circles, bounces your son in the crook of her elbow, and quietly talks with Ducky. Tim comes in for a small hug. "Congrats, Mrs. Gibbs. You feel alright?" 
You scoff and pull him in with both arms. "I'm exhausted- I think Jet threatened someone for an epidural." 
You give him a peck on the cheek as he steps back, unfolding himself. Tim blushes pink and smiles. "Anything I can do? Food? Clothes?" You nearly start crying again. "I make a mean quiche, waffles too- Abby's can vouch for me-"
You laugh (Jethro's eyes light up at the sound, Tony notices.) "That sounds wonderful, Tim. Thank you, I mean it." 
He smiles, genuine, and you get the feeling sometimes Tony and Kate are a little hard on him. Then you remember how they rallied when he was in the hospital from a gunshot wound, and all those thoughts fade away. 
"McGee! Get over here!" Tony yells from across the room, gesturing with a plastic knife. 
Kate comes over to hand back Mike, but you gesture to Ducky. "Go ahead, Duck. I'm sure you've had your fair share of holding babies, don't make me lecture you." 
Ducky smile kindly (everyone seems to be smiling lately, and as cheesy as it sounds, it makes you happy. The my-heart-hurts-with-happiness way. You think the work is thankful, but even that seems too small of a word for what you feel.) Kate hands Mike over, carefully, slowly- his head fits neatly into the palm of her hand, where it waits until Ducky re-settles the blanket over him. 
Duckys' a natural- he sways with Mike and regals him with PG versions of his cases. Mike, sleepy and half-conscious, wiggles out of the blanket and wraps one of his teeny-tiny hands around the doctor's fingers. Abby and Kate coo and fold the blanket back over your son. They wiggle their own fingers at him, but Mike stays sound asleep, shifting minutely in Ducky's arms.
Tony comes in next for a one-armed, light hug. (You suspect Jet is behind that- you pull him in all the same. ) 
"Gibbs mentioned you were hungry," he gestures to the small table ladened with takeout boxes. "Said you were craving pasta." 
You pull him back for another, tighter hug, gifting him with a peck on the cheek too, "Thank you, Tony, that's really sweet of you." 
He blushes lightly, with a smug sort of look on his face. "You guys can keep the leftovers- McGee's idea."
You give his hand a squeeze instead of words, but he seems to get the idea, winking and holding up your shoulders while you sit up as Jet brings a plate over. He doesn't chastise Tony for his hand placement or the still-visible blush painted across his neck and cheeks, but you're more focused on the heavenly-smelling, rich, and sauce-loaded noodles being presented to you. 
You groan. "You are a saint, hun. Thank you." You grab the plate and fork with eager hands. Tony laughs and meanders off to grab a plate of his own while Jet sits on the side of your bed. He's got his own plate- carefully portioned and balanced on one knee as he catches a noodle falling off your fork and nearly onto the sheets. 
"Thanks," you reply with a mouthful, but it comes out more like a grunt. Jet gets the message anyway, smiling down at you. You're more at an even height now that you're sitting up, and you watch cheerfully as Ducky looks to you for permission to pass Mike to Abby. 
Tim and Kate are chatting quietly. They look over at you and Jet once and a while. (You get the sneaky suspicion you won't have to cook or do chores in the house for months.) Tony is still ladling noodles onto his plate, and you watch as he hands a similar one to Ducky. 
You didn't notice when they first entered- or maybe she was hiding it- but there's a little (not-so-little) bag sitting at Abby's feet as she takes Mike oh-so-gently from Ducky. You guess it might be something black- it'll contrast with his eyes, and you giggle internally at the thought. Abby sways over to Tony, rocking Mike in her arms- you think Tony calls him Giblet Number Two, and you roll your eyes playfully. 
It hits you suddenly how happy you are, nearly knocks you breathless as you watch everyone crowd around Abby as Mike opens his eyes. This is... wonderful. You don't have words for it: you have everything you can ask for and more, and Jethro seems to read your mind (as always.) He reaches down to squeeze your free hand, looking sideways through his eyelashes. "I'm proud of you, sweetheart." 
You smile tearily at him. "I know." 
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qpr-culture-is · 7 months
qpr culture is being able to kiss and hug and comfort and cuddle and grope and fuck and feed and love and commit to forever with my best friend just because I want to do those things With My Best Friend, even though the acts themselves don't really fill me with warm romance fuzzies like people say they should.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Stephanie: You are not a MILF, you are eighteen and nonbinary and childless.
Cassandra: Don't forget mentally ill.
Stephanie: That too.
Harper: What the fuck—
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inlovewithpandora · 1 year
- Forever Doesn’t Last -
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Pairing: Neteyam (20) x Omatikaya fem! reader (19)
Request: Yes || No
Based on this request
Synopsis: You caught your boyfriend cheating on you and the next day he dumped you for her. Your heart was shattered and your best friend Neteyam was there to help pick up the pieces. Neteyam was hoping this would be his opportunity to make you see him as more than a friend.
Content: childhood bestfriends to lovers, angst, comfort, fluff, infidelity, mentions of sex, arguing, mentions of STD’s (you’ll see why) mild swearing
Author’s Note:
- idk if Na’vi are actually able to get STD’s or have a form of their own but for the sake of this story let’s pretend they can😭
- italicized words indicate a flashback
- if you see mistakes please excuse them
Word Count: 4.1k
Extra: Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are highly appreciated🩷!
Links: Navigation || Avatar Masterlist || Main Masterlist || Taglist
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That's all you felt, all you could see.
You haven't left your pod in days, the way you felt currently was like someone came and stomped on your heart. As you sat in the darkness of your pod the past events that caused you to be in this condition played through your head.
You and your boyfriend Tawal haven't been spending that much time together because he told you he's been busy with warrior training which you understood. You decided to make his favorite meal and bring it to him as a surprise so the both of you could spend quality time together.
As you walked closer to his pod you could hear faint noises, 'what is that?' you thought to yourself. As you got closer walking ever so quietly you begin to hear a woman's voice, "Yes! T-Tawal j-just like that" You heard the unknown woman moan out in pleasure.
The curtain to his pod was slightly open so you could see Tawal rutting into her as lewd noises evaded the woman and Tawal's mouth. As you watched them your eyes began to water. You couldn't believe the man you loved decided to cheat on you and screw this woman. You wanted to barge in there and rip his head off but you didn't instead, you went home and cried yourself to sleep.
The next day as you clean around your pod, you heard someone's footsteps enter "Good morning" you heard Tawal say as he sat down at your table "Where is my breakfast? You usually have breakfast prepared for me when I come over" He looked at you confused as to why this routine changed all of a sudden.
You let out a dark chuckle while shaking your head, "Why don't you have that woman you were fucking yesterday do it for you" You scowled at him as his eyebrows raised "What are you talking about Y/N? I wasn't with a woman yesterday " He said as he began walking up to you and tried to kiss your lips.
You backed up from him and began raising your voice, "Stop playing stupid Tawal I HEARD her moaning your name I SAW you thrusting into her like a wild animal!"
"How did you even hear and see us? What were you do—"
"It doesn't matter what I was doing, the point is that I caught you and I can't believe you just tried to act like it wasn't true! How could you cheat on me Tawal?! How could you just decide to go sleep with some random girl!?" As you yelled he didn’t even say anything and you hated how he looked so serene.
Tawal's once calm demeanor changed to an angry one, you calling him an 'asshole' flickered something in him. "You want to know why I did it?! Fine, I'll tell you! We've been together for almost a year and we haven't even had sex one time! all we do is kiss and touch and that shit is boring"
"I told you before we started dating I didn't want to have sex until we mated and you said you were okay with that!" You were always a little insecure about wanting to wait. Deep down you felt like Tawal would do something like this because you weren't giving him the full package.
"Well, clearly I'm not! I can't be with a woman who can't fully gratify me, that's why I'm breaking up with you and I'm going to mate with Zora. She is a woman who can FULLY tend to my needs" As you heard him say that your heart felt like it broke in half. You couldn't believe the man you loved just said another woman could satisfy him.
"Zora?! You wanna mate with Zora?! That's the woman you want instead of me?!" you say as hot tears began to stain your cheeks "Someone who has fucked every man in the clan?! that's someone you want to mate with?!"
Zora is a promiscuous woman who is well known by any and every man in the clan. She sleeps with anyone that gives her the slightest attention. If a man even made eye contact with her she was ready to spread her legs wide open for him.
"Yes, it is! She is— you know what?! Why am I even explaining myself to you? It doesn't even matter just listen to my words I DON'T WANT YOU ANYMORE!" He yelled so loud that you are sure that the whole clan heard.
Hearing him say he didn't want you made your heartache, "W-We were suppose to be together forever Tawal! Y-you promised me we would always be together forever! How could you do this to us?!"
It was like everything changed between the two of you in a blink of an eye. Like he just changed into this monster overnight.
"Forever doesn't last when there isn't anything there anymore Y/N! Do you not get that?!" As he watched you cry he didn't even feel an ounce of guilt for the pain he caused you, he felt like you brought this upon yourself. "I stopped loving you a while ago, maybe if you would've been putting out like a real woman should this wouldn't have happened!"
The sadness you felt was soon replaced with a feeling of fierce anger
"YOU KNOW WHAT? FUCK YOU TAWAL! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! LEAVE! NOW!" You shouted with venom falling off your lips as you hit him in the chest and pushed him toward the entryway of your pod. You couldn't stand to look at him anymore, looking at the cold expression on his face made your stomach churn. His words lingering in the air made you feel physical pain.
"DON'T COME BACK!" You shoved him out of your pod and tied your curtain closed so no one could come in.
That was the last time you saw him and the first day you felt gloom grow inside you.
Ever since that day, you haven't stepped foot out of your pod. You didn't want to see anyone, you didn't want to hear people whispering about you and Tawal, and you just couldn't handle the discomfiture right now. You didn't even want to see your best friend Neteyam, you didn't want him to see you so broken and distraught.
The past few days you haven't been taking care of yourself or your home properly. Your pod was a mess and you haven't been eating. You didn't have the strength to do anything except cry. Every time someone would come to make sure you were okay you would just snarl at them and tell them to leave and everyone would do what you asked.
At this time you were laying down in your makeshift bed balling your eyes out. Your emotions were still raw from the fight and breakup with Tawal and it was hitting you like a brick wall. You didn't want to do anything except weep into your pillow, you were crying so much that your head was throbbing. You just felt so lost and broken and you loathed Tawal for making you feel like this.
As you continued feeling melancholic you heard a voice, "Y/N let me come in, I want to make sure you're okay" Neteyam said as he stood outside your pod. He has been so worried about you ever since he heard you and Tawal argue. He didn't know what the origin was but he knew it must've been bad.
"Neteyam leave me be! Go away!" You yell out hoping he would leave. He's been coming by every day and every time you sent him away, he usually listened and left but today he wasn't going to leave.
"No, I'm not leaving until I know you're okay. You're my best friend and I haven't seen you in days."
"Neteyam please leave! I-I don't want to see you! I don't want you to see me like this!" You say as your voice began to crack. You hated that you kept turning him away but you just couldn't face him in this state.
When Neteyam heard your voice crack he felt a twinge in his heart, "Y/N please let me in, let me be there for you" You could hear slight desperation in his voice, you knew that he wanted to see you.
You knew that Neteyam was going to keep persisting so you let out a sigh and sluggishly made your way to the curtain so you could untie it for him to come in. Once you untied it you walked back into your bed and pulled your blanket around your body. "Come in Neteyam" you say just loud enough for him to hear you from outside.
Neteyam pulled the curtain back and walked in. His eyes widened when he saw the condition of your pod. He knew you were a very clean and tidy person so for you to have a messy pod he knew something was definitely bothering you.
Neteyam walks over to you and sits down at the end of the bed, "Y/N please talk to me what's wrong? What’s going on with you and Tawal?"
Hearing his name made your ears pin to the side of your head and made you sit up with an angry glare, "Do not speak of him in my house. I do not want to hear his name" you tell him as more tears flow down your face.
This was the first time Neteyam has seen you in days and he began to take in your appearance. You had puffy eyes with dark circles, your hair was all over the place and you just didn't look anything like your normal self. "Y/N what happened? Did he do something to you?" He put his hands on your arms and began to rub them softly.
You haven't had contact with anyone in days, feeling Neteyam's warmth radiating towards you as his fingertips glided against your skin and his concern-filled eyes made you cry even harder, "I- was walking *sniffle* to his pod and I saw him w-with—he was—" you couldn't even finish your sentence without breaking out into a sob. "Shhh it's okay Y/N you don't have to tell me right now" He brought you into his embrace and began rubbing your back to comfort you as your head was on his shoulder. He could gather what you were trying to say and he saw Tawal and Zora sneaking off together earlier today so he connected the dots.
"I'm here for you Y/N, I'm going to help you get through this. You won't feel like this forever, the pain you feel will soon subside. I'll be by your side no matter what" Neteyam could see how broken you were and he was going to help you pick up the pieces.
That day Neteyam stayed and comforted you. After a while, Neteyam was able to get you to calm down and you began to drift off to sleep on his shoulder. "Y/N?" He whispered, he didn't hear you respond so he assumed you fell asleep. He laid your body gently back onto the bed and pulled the cover over you so that you wouldn't be cold.
He then turned around and began walking into the open area of your pod. He began to clean up your pod for you as you slept peacefully. He wanted to start helping you get into a better head space and by being in a clean environment he felt like that would help.
You and Neteyam have been best friends ever since the two of you were children. One day you were playing with your toy hexapede in a patch of moss and a group of little kids began to tease you. Neteyam watched the interaction from afar and marched over to where you were and ran the children away. You thanked Neteyam for helping you and from that day forward the two of you were inseparable.
As both of you got older Neteyam started to grow feelings for you. He never expressed his feelings because he didn't know how you would react and he didn't want to ruin your friendship so he hid his feelings from you. Anytime the two of you were together and you weren't paying attention he would give you loving glances and would admire your beautiful smile. He always loved seeing your usual joyful spirit so seeing you so in such a broken state pained him.
Hours went by and he finally finished cleaning your pod from top to bottom. As he was admiring his work you began to wake up. You began hearing movement in your pod and you assumed it was your best friend, "Teyam?"
When Neteyam heard your voice he immediately came to where you were, "Yes?"
"What are you still doing here? I thought you would've left by now..." you say as you rubbed your eyes with sleep still lingering in your voice.
"I stayed and did a little something for you" he said with a soft smile which made you fur your eyebrows, "what do you mean? What did you do?"
Without saying a word he put out his hand for you to grab. You moved your hand toward him and he helped you up and intertwined his hand with yours and began walking to the open area of your pod. As you followed him you looked around and saw that all the things you had sprawled out and the piles of mess you had were cleaned up.
As you walked deeper into the open area and saw how spotless everything was your eyes widened, "Neteyam did you clean all of this for me?"
"Yes of course I did, I wanted to help you so I did one of the things I'm good at which it's cleaning"
When you looked at Neteyam you could see a warm smile on his face. You knew that Neteyam always loved to help people but for him to help you brought out a feeling you haven't felt in the past few days which was happiness.
A soft smile spread across your face as you wrapped your arms around Neteyam's neck and pulled him for a hug, "Thank you Neteyam, you didn't have to do this for me"
At first, Neteyam was surprised by your sudden contact but he was glad to see your smile again. He wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you back, "Your welcome, I know I didn't have to but I wanted to"
As both of you hugged it felt like butterflies swarmed your stomach, you've never felt this sensation with Neteyam before so it was new to you. You unwrapped your arms from around his neck and pulled back and began looking into his golden eyes. His eyes were piercing your soul, it was almost like he was trying to tell you something.
This is the moment you realized that you and Neteyam's friendship was going to slowly change. You didn't know what direction it would go but you were interested in finding out.
Over this past month, Neteyam has been helping and caring for you vastly. In the beginning, you were nervous about being around the clan again, scared that you would overhear them gossiping about you. You told Neteyam about how you felt and from that point on every time you had to walk around the village he was right by your side. When he would hear someone whispering your name or even look at you the wrong way he would bare his teeth and their actions would come to a halt.
In the beginning, you were starting to get back to your normal self being happy and bright but sometimes the gloom you once felt consumed you and took you back to the emotions you felt the day you found Tawal with Zora.
Neteyam would find you crying or throwing things angrily around your pod. He would quickly come to you and wipe your tears and tell you everything would be okay or he would grab whatever was in your hand and calm you down.
Some nights he even stayed over with you just to make sure you were okay throughout the night. Some of those nights you would peacefully sleep and some nights you went on full rants about how much of an asshole Tawal was and sat there Neteyam and listened to your every word, saying little things every few seconds to let you know he was actively listening.
As the weeks progressed you were finally getting over Tawal. Seeing him in the village with Zora didn't affect you anymore, at first when the wound he created on your heart was fresh you wanted to break their unholy union. But after a while, you realized that it was only a matter of time before Eywa gave him the karma he deserves.
Over this month your friendship with Neteyam has changed, you were now seeing him in a new light.
You were now seeing him romantically.
Whenever you saw him you paid more attention to his physique. The way his body was sculpted so beautifully and how his cummerbund was wrapped around his small waist.
Every time Neteyam would grab your hand and walk beside you through the forest you felt sparks of electricity go through you, you felt blissful with him. Now when you were around him you never wanted him to leave, you wanted him to be glued to your side.
These feelings you felt with Neteyam you've never felt before not even with Tawal. The way Neteyam was making you feel was something truly unique.
Over this month Neteyam's feelings for you have grown and he felt them immensely. He felt like his heart was going to explode at the sight of you, every time he walked and talked with you he felt a overwhelming amount of serotonin rush through his veins.
It has now gotten to the point where he couldn't hide his feelings from you anymore, he had to tell you in the hope that you felt the same.
You and Neteyam were currently sitting next to each other carving and painting wooden beads. As he watched you paint your beads he could see a joyous smile plastered onto your face, "Teyam this is fun!" you tell him with child like excitement as you dip your fingers into the bowl of green paint. "Yeah this is fun" he chuckled as he continued carving beads for you to paint.
Since you were in a happy mood he felt like this was the best time to confess his feelings for you, "Y/N I've been wanting to tell you something for a while..."
You looked up from what you were doing and faced him, "Okay what is it?"
Neteyam took in a deep breath and mentally said a prayer to Eywa that this would go the way he hopes, "Every since we were young I've liked you romantically. For years I have yearned for you, in secrecy and silence and I just can't dismiss my feelings for you anymore" As Neteyam notices your gaze on the ground he grabs your chin lightly and looks at you with a loving gaze "I can't pretend that I don't love you anymore because I do".
As you sat there and listened to Neteyam's words and looked into his golden eyes you felt a deep affection for him. Over the past month, your feelings have grown for him too. "I'm infatuated with you Neteyam, I've been for a while I was just waiting for you" you say brightly as your eye’s begin to glisten with happiness
"I see you Teyam"
"I see you too Y/N, I will always see you" Neteyam pulled you into his lap and wrapped his arms around your waist. You laid back on his chest with your head in the crook of his neck while he leaned up against the tree behind him. From being so close together you could feel his warmth mixing with yours.
The two of you sat together watching the sun set on the forest as both of you just embraced each other and soaked up the loving aura in the air.
As you and Neteyam were walking through the forest you heard Lo'ak calling out for both of you, "Y/N! Neteyam!" Both of you turned around and saw Lo'ak walking toward the two of you.
"What is it baby bro?" Neteyam asked with a confused look, wondering why he was calling them
"Did you two hear about Tawal and Zora?" Lo'ak said while trying to hold back a laugh
"No what happened?" You asked him
"There's is a rumor going around the clan that since they mated Zora has still been sleeping with other men and she gave Tawal an STD" Lo'ak said while laughing
Your eyes widen as you heard Lo'ak tell you this information, "Really?!"
"Yes I even heard him ask one of the elders if there was anything to get rid of his 'burning and itching' problem"
You and Neteyam began to laugh as you heard of Tawal's issue. You knew that Eywa was going to give him some sort of karma and this was it.
"He brought it on himself by knowingly sleeping with a woman who has slept with every man in the twice. He knew what he was getting himself into" you said while shrugging your shoulders. You didn't feel any remorse for him but how could you after what he did to you?
As you, Neteyam, and Lo'ak continued laughing you could see Tawal walking past the three of you. Tawal walked past trying not to be seen but it didn't work out in his favor, "Hey Tawal! Are you still itching and burning from Zora?!" Lo'ak yelled out which made you and Neteyam break out into laughter.
"Lo'ak!" you were beginning to grow breathless as laughs erupted from your throat. You tried to seize your laughter but you couldn't. The situation was just too hilarious not to laugh.
As Tawal heard all of you laughing he grew so embarrassed that his tail tucked in between his legs. He began to speed walk away, trying to get away from the three of you as quick as he could.
As Tawal walked away he could see you and Neteyam holding hands. It sickened him to see you with him but he knew that he messed up all his chances with you. Tawal knew you deserved someone better and that Neteyam was better deserving of your love and affection.
Tawal looks back at you one more time before walking away. As he thought about the good times both of you had and how you use to make him laugh, a single tear fell down his cheek. He felt so stupid for messing this up with you for Zora. After he and Zora mated he realized everything he felt for her was lust, they didn't have any real connection like the one both of you shared. He didn't know why his past self broke up with you for a bottom-of-the-barrel woman.
As he walked away he saw Zora walk up to him, "Tawal why are crying? What is wrong?" She asked him as she went to reach out for his hand. Tawal scoffed and backed away from her, "Get away from Zora, you're what's wrong with me. You ruined the best relationship I had and you gave me a disease for Eywa's sake! I mated with you and you continued to sleep around, you told me you would stop but you didn't. You've made me look like a fool in front of the whole clan!" They began to have a loud argument which drew your attention.
As you look at him you were glad that he ended things off with you because if he hadn't you wouldn't have been able to have Neteyam as a lover. You were thankful to Eywa that she destined this path for you, that she made you and Neteyam's stars aligned. You were thankful that your best friend turn into your lover.
You move closer to Neteyam and lean in to kiss his cheek. Neteyam turns and looked down at you with his loving eyes, "What was that for?"
"It was because I love you" you say as warmth spreads across your cheeks and they begin to turn a light shade of purple.
You begin to see his lips curl up into a smile. He grabs your chin lightly and pulls you in for a soft yet loving kiss, "I love you too, I'll always love you forever"
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I hope you enjoyed🩷!
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©️inlovewithpandora ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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ignisknight01 · 24 days
“…and then you grip it gently and bring it to your mouth like this…”
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And that concludes Chapter 1 of “How to suck dick.” By Escargoon.
Buy now to learn all manner of tips and tricks to getting your way around a pair of cock and balls.
Only available at Ignis Knight’s Dildo Dockyards.
Dildo Dickyards: Prepare thine anus.
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halstar-the-clown · 9 months
I heard that Garten of Ban Ban was gonna break the record over FNAF for the amount of games of the same series made in one year.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
So say the Wayne family is being interviewed about Bat-clan. What would their responses if they were asked for their opinion on Batman?
Dick: I could do his job
Jason: Fuck that guy
Tim: He made me sign an NDA so I don't tell you he's Bruce Wayne
Damian: He's only as good as his current Robin
Duke: Sorry, I only stan the Signal
Cullen: He's giving Party City Vampire
Stephanie: What if he was a celebrity, like Robert Pattinson?
Cassandra: Meh
Barbara: The real credit should go to Oracle
Harper: You know that saying "Never meet your heroes?"
Carrie: They should make a LEGO out of him
Kate: Word on the street is he has a tiny [REDACTED]
Alfred: I would like a word with whoever raised him
Selina: I'd smash
Bruce: I'd also smash
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hampop · 6 months
Just out of curiosity
Forgot to add an “all of the above”! 😅 tell me in the tags if that’s the case 🥲
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thelunarsystemwrites · 2 months
trigger warning, the following content discussion mental illness, trauma, child sexual abuse, swearing, victim blaming, aggressive behaviour. You have been warned.
Honestly I don't know what to be mad at.
Like, I was a kid. Who the fuck does that to a kid? In HIS own damn house! Why did that happen? Because I feel like I deserved it, or like it's my fault? I was a kid, i was old enough to talk and say no??
IT'S BEEN OVER TEN FUCKING YEARS why am I still afraid!? I'm so fucking pissed at myself because I haven't got over it.
I dunno I'm tired.
I'm tired of holding myself to a higher standard than everyone else but I don't stop doing it?? And I'm fully aware of victim blaming right now but i feel like I deserve to be blamed, and if I ever told my family they'd hate me.
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