#the third one not only stole his mom's face
tatertotpotdish · 14 days
my sister has ivory skin with blush undertones. i have a swarthy cast to my face. this means every summer is a hoot getting tan as fuck while she sits under umbrellas and still manages to burn. photos together at the end of summer are one of my favorite things.
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fanaticsnail · 20 days
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1,400+
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Synopsis: Big Mom has found her son, Charlotte Katakuri, a partner she deemed worthy enough for him to court for matrimony. While he is smitten immediately with you, he is determined to make a good impression on you by not revealing his face. Your curiosity gets the better of you.
Warnings: Katakuri x f!reader, talks of husband and wife, use of bride, massaging face, fluff, so fluffy.
Notes: wrote this half-dazed at 6:30am this morning because @gingernut1314 decided she needed the big man in her life and the brain-worm got me. Here he is, the big guy all for you, sweetheart.
Tag List: @feral-artistry @i-am-vita @indydonuts @sordidmusings @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training
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Being courted by the Minister of Flour was not something you had ever pictured to be highlighted on your impressive resume. When you first received an invitation from the Charlotte family to venture to Komugi island, this was not an outcome you predicted for yourself. 
Charlotte Katakuri, the second son and third child of Big Mom, was told to find a bride. His orders were received, the date of his nuptials set, and his suit picked out for such an excitable occasion. The only thing that had not been set in stone was the partner joining him at his side after their soft march down the aisle. 
Your family was titled, strong, and one of the only families Big Mom had deemed worthy enough to usher in a new generation of pirates to join in taking the Charlotte name. Katakuri had no choice but to obey his mother, apprehensively accepting the terms of an arranged marriage against his own desires to simply live to protect his siblings, nieces, and nephews. While this was out of his control, what he could control was how his intended bride depicted him. 
He could continue to shield his face from you. His rationale was as such, “If they never view my face, they would never have reason to fear me.” And so he did as such, hiding his face beneath the fur shroud from the moment he met you, and every courtship session soon thereafter. As he laid his eyes on you for the first time, he was immediately smitten. Taken by your appearance alone, and your willingness to sign your name beside his on the registry to set your intentions to wed in stone, he could never be more proud to have a partner such as you. 
As his trust in you began to build, he slowly allowed you into his heart, and shared his burdens with you as Minister of Flour. He confided in you, relishing in your company as he openly courted you under the watchful chaperone of his younger sister, Charlotte Brûlée. 
One such occasion, he laid out a blanket for you and drew out a large wicker basket from behind his back. He presented you with an assortment of baked sweets and pastries with a soft blush dusting his cheeks beneath the fur shroud. While you accepted the treats with gratitude, you instead placed it beside you and knelt on the blanket, tapping your lap and asking him to lay on his back. 
“Tell me about your day, intended. I want to know every detail,” you smiled mischievously up at him. He cautiously stole a look at Brûlée, who emphatically ushered him to do as he was told with flailing hands. 
Lowering himself onto the mat beside you, he awkwardly shifted himself to attempt to do as you asked. Rolling your eyes, you reach your hands up to his shoulder and gently guide his larger form to lay his head in your lap. His entire head was the size of both of your thighs together, but you had no qualms or complaints about it. 
“Come on, I don't bite,” you reassured him with a soft laugh, “Let me hear about your journeys abroad. Tell me anything that you want, you have my complete attention.” He was a giant, but so incredibly gentle and sweet to those he deemed as family. 
Coaxing his head onto your lap, he immediately drew his hand up to his mask and secured it over his lips to keep his mouth and teeth hidden from your sight. You chose to ignore this, drawing your fingers up and settled him atop your thighs as he slowly, quietly spoke about his life to you. 
While Charlotte Katakuri was immediately taken by you in the registry office with your family and his, you were horrified by the sight that was met with you. You had heard stories about some of the Charlotte's being of unusual size and stature, but you had no idea exactly how tall your intended was. His form was almost three times your size, his intimidating appearance did nothing to stifle your nerves. 
Believing to have masked your concerns at the nuptuals well enough to be believable, your nerves all but melted away the moment his soft, soothing voice checked in with you afterwards. Charlotte Katakuri was a sweetheart, a 504cm tall sweetheart with such softness within his hardened exterior. 
Reclining his head on your lap, you rubbed at his plum-colored hair as he spoke about adventures away from Komugi. His hand gestures out in a flurry in front of his chest, pointing to the sky as he speaks so eloquently to you. Although he does not yet trust you enough for you to reveal his face, your curiosity begins to gnaw at the seams. 
You start to lower his inhibitions by massaging his scalp, scruff of his neck and forehead. His hair pricks your skin as your skillful touch chips away at his woes and worries. His voice quietens further as he closes his eyes as your hands firmly press against his forehead. You needed to see your soon to be husband’s face, you desperately craved to know what was going on beneath the furs. 
As he leans into your touch, he seemingly forgets about the shroud over his mouth hiding his sharpened teeth from you. He is in bliss beneath your hands, and he slips away into a world carved by your palms and fingertips. Your hands dip deeper, lower into his cheeks, your digits feeling his muscles relax their tension beneath your fingers. 
Smiling to yourself softly as he gasps at such sweetness befalling from you to him, he parts his lips gently. He arches his head further into your lap, the shroud finally lowering and revealing his sharp teeth and unnaturally widened mouth. His jaw falls slack as his brow becomes relaxed. 
You crave to coo at his vulnerability, truly enjoying empathetically how much he allowed himself to relax into your soft touch. This hardened general, this pirate minister, this older brother to so many siblings in the Charlotte family, was as malleable as rice flour mochi beneath your skilled digits. You took in his appearance, almost relieved at feeling the twin slits up his lips as you looked down at him with nothing but pure adoration. 
You were immediately in love with what you saw, your heart beating heavily against your ribcage as a warm flush rose to your cheeks. You loved him, all of him.
Brushing your hands over his cheeks, you silently and slowly commit his face to memory like reading a marble carving with a simple touch. He is gorgeous, and you remember to tell him so when he snaps out of his tranquility and looks at you with accusing eyes the moment he realized you slipped the shroud over his chin. 
“What are you doing?” he growls quietly, “Why did you do that? I don't want you to fear me-...” A soft gasp flees from your lips as you take him completely in. His lips split up his cheeks in an unnatural slit through symmetrical scars, his sharp fangs extend up on his lower jaw and over his lips. 
Although he feels slightly betrayed at the way you managed to easily reveal his face, his betrayal is eclipsed by shock and awe when he meets your eyes. 
“I-I just…” you trail off, your body cowering away in response to his anger, but your eyes still depict the emotion you so desperately desired to show him, “...-I just wanted to know. I wanted to see.” Charlotte Brûlée watched the interaction with interest, her own shock evident on her face. 
She witnessed the entire interaction with your hands on his face, almost calling out to warn her brother his face was going to be revealed, but quietly hoping you would fall in love with him further. She knew you loved him, knew you wanted to see him, and trusted you enough with her older brother that she knew you would love him more the moment his fangs and scars were brought into the light.
He was expecting fear, disgust, anguish and anger to be met in your curious gaze. But all you held in those calm and half-lidded orbs was pure trust, love, and pure adoration. His shock was adamant as he nervously floated his eyes between your gaze. His thumb and index finger circled around your much smaller hand, hovering it over his cheek as you felt your heart soar at the vulnerability.
“And now that you have?” his whisper came out more like a gasp, his voice breathy and craved to hear you say you weren’t afraid. He needed to know you did not fear his appearance, his wordless prayers spoken within his mind’s eye the longer your gaze soaked in his sight. 
You placed your unoccupied hand on his cheek, leaning in closer to his face and your lips curling into a soft, innocent and intimate smile. Caressing his cheek, you cocked your head to the side and finally uttered a single word he truly did not ever think he would hear. 
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misguidedasgardian · 10 months
Storm's End 2
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HOTD Masterlist
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Strong!Reader
Summary: your mother sends you to Storm’s End to rally Lord Borros Baratheon for your side, but your uncle arrived there before you
Warnings: Cursing, use of the word bastard, angst, heavy, canon level incest, thoughts about dying, mentions of bedding, and more, dark fic, Aemond is unhinged, rape, non-con, minors engaging in sexual activities, mentions of a minor in a pleasure house, maiming, blood, violence, victim blaming, self blame, and other very dark things. 
Wordcount: 4,7 k
Notes: Ufff It seems I can’t do one shots anymore, I think this required another third part because I didn’t want to make it so long.
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They say that when you are dying, all your life passes right through your eyes, making you relive all those moments, and the way you felt
Now you are able to say, that it wasn’t that accurate
Because all you could see was HIM
His head on your lap while you read to him in High Valyrian under the heart tree 
You turning to him with a smile on your face the first time Karnax obeyed your command, the way he smiled back
The time you grabbed his hand and patted Karnax’s snout making him purr 
But suddenly you were that frightened little girl in that tunnel in Driftmark
“no! stop it!”, you screeched, as Aemond had your older brother grabbed by his vest and he held a rock in his hand
“stop it!”, you begged him again, he threw his hand back to gain momentum and he hit you in the face with the rock
You wailed and cried, your face burning, a warm liquid filling your mouth with a metallic taste, blood pouring from your nose 
Because of you your brother grabbed the knife, to avenge you, because of you baby Lucerys jumped at Aemond and slashed his eye off of his face
Soon you were not the only one crying bitterly
Soon some gloved, adult hands grabbed you and lifted you from the ground and took you to a maester 
Soon you were seated across from Aemond, as the maester sewed his missing eye shut, his remaining eye didn’t leave your face, his mouth twisted in a dark mock
He didn't even blinked, he barely reacted when the needle pierced his skin over and over
While you only got a bloody nose.
Deeper into the night, after the maester sneaked you a bit of milk of the poppy, you woke up when you could no longer breathe, feeling a weight over your chest, when you opened your eyes the first thing you saw was Aemond’s scowl, the slash on his face still bright red. 
“Aemond?”, you called, then he took a knife off his belt, you screeched but he placed his hand in your throat, “what’s happening?”, you cried, “I want my mom”
“Why was I the only one who lost something?”, he asked bitterly, “the only one scarred”
“You have Vhagar”, you whined
“I didn't stole her”, he clarified
“I know”, you said
“perhaps I should scar you too”
“You mom scarred mine”, you whined, a tear falling down your cheek, “please don’t”, you cried 
Aemond looked down at you, you didn’t know what he was thinking, you only stood still, afraid. Your uncle seemed to ponder about something, thinking, analyzing, and then , with the hand that hold the dagger, he grabbed the covers and retired them, you were sleeping only in your loose nightshirt, 
You were eight and he was ten, he grabbed the dagger, you were so scared you didn’t even move, you only cried and whined when he carved an “A” into your thigh
“Now you are scarred like me”, he said with an even voice, and an uneven stare, looking down at you like he was bored.
Even though you thought the Red Keep was your home, you were so relieved when your mom told all of you that you were going to live in Dragonstone from now on. You were now scared of your own uncle, of your friend, and therefore you managed to conceal your mark, never showing it to your parents 
The next part of your memories were only a few weeks back, when you return for the first time to the Red Keep, to defend your own right to inherit Driftmark
You were lucky you were the only one that looked like a Targaryen
But Lord Vaemond Velaryon’s words still hurt 
As he screamed bastard and whore to the entire court, you couldn’t help but look up at your uncle, feeling his gaze on you.
And before that in the training yard
That is when the uneasiness began, his gaze on you, that same smirk, like he was mocking you, and Jace, you were barely a year younger than your brother, he was only a year younger and yet, it seemed like Aemond was ages your senior, in abilities, in knowledge, in maturity, in everything
Perhaps that is why he was so amused
He seemed to mock you, to pity you, to be amused of how much of your childhood you still carried with you
You hugged yourself as Vaemond cursed you and your mother, and you felt his gaze on you the entire time
But then Daemon slayed Vaemond in front of all of you, Jacey, before you could see anything, he grabbed you and hid your face on his chest, to prevent you from looking at your now dead great uncle 
Soon the impression on Aemond passed, as he watched in anger that bastard touching you, protecting you
He couldn’t stand the thought of you with someone else other than him.
That’s why he asked his mother, to ask Rhaenyra for your hand that very afternoon, right before the dinner 
You couldn’t even eat, not with his gaze on you, you kept looking up at him, as he drank you in your black leather dress at the same time he drank from his cup. He didn’t not even for a second, let his gaze off of you.
You mother saw this, and grabbed your arm gently, and whispered to you what he wanted, that he asked for your hand 
When your face twisted in fear and anguish, your mother’s changed to that of concern, then you both looked at Aemond across the table, and he could see in your faces, what the answer was going to be.
So fueled by anger and resentment, he stood from his chair and toasted to the health of his Strong nephews, and he looked directly at you when he said this.
“To the health of my nephews and sweet niece, my the gods keep them handsome, wise and Strong, she will need her strength, to bear my children after we are married”, he said with a smirk, and the entire table shared concerned looks
“WHAT?”, growled Daemon, looking at Rhaenyra
Whole hell broke loose
You tried to stop Jace, but he wouldn’t hear of it, he went for Aemond to defend your honor and he pushed him away like he was a doll 
“Stop it!”, You begged him, after helping Jace on his feet you put yourself in between them Aemond walked towards you and grabbed you by the neck, he didn’t squeeze, he didn’t choke you, but you could see the anger in his eye
“You think you have a choice?”, he whispered to you, “I think you should see the scar in your leg to remind yourself of who you belong to”, But a leather hand grabbed Aemond’s arm roughly, you looked to the side and there was Daemon
“Get your hands off my daughter”, he whispered dangerously, and in the background, you could hear everyone screaming in desperation, specially Alicent 
You were already crying, but he released you, smiling wickedly.
He had a face to face with Daemon, who put you behind him to protect you
“Over my dead body you will marry her”, he promised, Aemond only looked at you, and then he exited the room 
Your mother send you home with your siblings that very night, scared of her own brother 
And then as you took to the skies in the night you were suddenly transported to the last time you saw him
Aemond standing in front of you, 
You were still in Storm’s End Hall, but there was no one else besides the both of you, you were alone. You wanted to speak, but couldn’t 
“My beautiful, bastard, niece”, his words made you wince
You didn't know why you were here, is this what it was like to die? it felt like you were dreaming
“Why?”, you whispered, he tilted his head, amused, “Why do you hate me so much?”, you manage to ask, “I never did anything to you”
“I don’t hate you”, he said simply, “I’m just treating you like you deserve to be treated”, you frowned, “you are just a bastard, mine to toy with, mine to torment”
“Nobody deserves to be treated like that”, you fought, “is not my fault”, you whined, he only smirked, with a smooth movement he retrieved from inside his leather vest the dagge 
“You are nothing, only the bastard daughter of a pretender who will never be Queen, strutting around the keep, with your bastard siblings”, a tear fell down your eye
“Is not my fault”, you cried, you believed him, a sadness taking a grip on you, you gasped for air as an inexplicable sorrow took a hold on you, “is not my fault!”, you cried, soon you couldn’t breath, you felt someone had a tight grip on your throat, you couldn’t breathe
You gasped for air, but something was preventing you from taking the oxygen you needed, you dried heaved, until you managed to throw up
Your body convulsed trying to expel the water from within your lungs, you tossed and turned until you finally manage to turn in the sand and threw up the salt water from within you 
That is how you came to your senses again, disoriented, feeling sick, and clouded, and cold
So so cold
“So cold”, your voice sounded like a broken bagpipe, you tried to grab onto something, but your hand grabbed rocks and sand, you could barely see around you, it was all dark, it was late, and it was cold
You were soon aware that you were back in the land of the living, if you were dead, you wouldn't be in pain, you wouldn’t be so aware of your numb extremities, from the cold, the adrenaline, and the fact that you felt like you had been ran over by a herd of horses 
You took your time to gather your bearings, to take deep breaths and expel the salty taste from your mouth, so sharp it clouded your mind even more 
For some reason, even the stranger had forgotten you
once you managed to regain the mobility of your arms and legs, you turned around 
“Karnax?”, you called, as you whimpered, feeling your loss in your chest, making it tight and hurt, as memories of the last moments coming back to you
“KARNAX?”, you called desperately, but you knew it was of no use, your dragon had been ripped apart by Vhagar, and it was a miracle that you were still alive 
Then you stopped, maybe shouting and drawing attention back to you, wasn’t the brightest of ideas. But as you looked into the stormy sea, bitter tears fell down your eyes
Your baby dragon was gone, the one who had been with you since you were born. 
You couldn’t stand on your own legs, you tried to, but failed.
You shivered, and tried to hug yourself
it was some miracle that the waves and current had dragged you to a small piece of beach with dark sands, rather than the rockery all around you 
But you soon realize it wasn’t a miracle 
You saw something, someone moved in your peripheral view, and you got a feeling…
Aemond walked towards you slowly
It had stopped raining but he was still wet as you were, his wet silvery locks stuck to the edges of his face and his clothes, all leather, protected him from the rain, he had taken off his eyepatch, and the sapphire gleamed even in the dark
You haven't yet recovered the feeling to your legs, but scared out of your mind you tried to crawl back, away from him. he smiled, wickedly, as he walked towards you 
“Get away from me!”, you whined, but he stopped on your leg meanly, preventing you from advancing away from him. He only hummed, entertained
He looked like a creature that had come from the bottom of the ocean, front he pits of hell, he had resurfaced just to drag you back with him. He had come from your deepest nightmares
He leaned down towards you, you tried to fight him off, but he wouldn’t budge, he grabbed you tightly, roughly, tears fell down your eyes when he dragged you to him in a wicked embrace 
“NO!”, you screamed squirming, trying to get away from him, “Why would you do that?”, you cried, bitter tears that burned your cheeks fell down your eyes, “My Karmax, my dragon, he was gentle, fair tempered, he never hurt anyone! He was good! Why did you do this? HE LOVED YOU AS HE DID ME! YOU KILLED HIM!”, you screamed, desperately fighting against him, to release yourself from his grasp
“He was weak and small, so are you”, he mocked in your ear
“WHO CARES ABOUT THAT?”, you felt physical pain in your chest, “he was my soulmate”, he manhandled you until he was face to face with you, he grabbed your jaw forcefully
“You have other things to worry about”, he growled, and you whimpered in his hold, trying to get away from him, but still you couldn’t, he was stronger than you, and you were completely destroyed 
“please”, you whimpered, “you killed my dragon…”, his eye darkened even more, his expression was now the one of a man enraged 
“Don’t you dare to even think we are even”, he growled, he then smirked darkly, “but after this we might”
The night was awfully calm, strangely so, and it was ridiculous you would think about something like that in a moment like this, but here you were 
Because you knew what was about to happen
You only cried when Aemond threw you on the sandy floor, the hit numbing you partially, more than you were already. Aemond looked down at you for the very first time, in all this years, you saw him smile, he didn't smirk, he smiled widely, openly, you could see his teeth
“Please”, you begged him, to just leave you alone
“I love it when you beg”, he ceremoniously removed his long leather jacket, and left it gently on the floor 
“I never did anything to you”, you whined, tears kept falling from your eyes and he finally jumped you, like a lion to his prey.
You tried to fight him off but you were so tired, so drained of all your energy, you couldn’t
You whined against him, but he didn't care, he never did, why would he do now?
He took the dagger off his belt, and for a fraction of a second you felt relieved, he was going to slice your neck and be done with it, but no, he sliced your riding pants instead, you tried to kick him, but barely moved him.
He got tired of your antics and grabbed you by the neck roughly
You whined and trashed, but he wouldn’t let go, soon the inability to breathe make you dizzy, losing the little strength you had left 
“Please Uncle”, you managed to let out, cheeks wetted with your tears, the salty air making your skin burn
But he wouldn’t let go, he looked down a you with a sick satisfaction that make you whimper once more, as you were bare from the waist down
You never had high expectations regarding your first time with a man, you had heard from the Septas that it was your duty as a wife to please your husband in that matter, they had also said that it won’t be pleasant, that pleasure is not something you must seek
That the act of bedding was only to produce heirs
But with your sibling, Jace in particular, you had seen and read things, fueled by your curiosity, and you found out that it was quite pleasurable, for people that worked in the skin trade anyways…
You knew you had no expectations, but still
You never expected this
He undid his pants, releasing his manhood, it was big, thick, long, the tip red and angry, and even looking at it make you cry even more
“No please”, you managed to say, Aemond could see you were running out of air, so he released you just a little
He needed you conscious
“Please don’t do this, please”, you begged and begged, and he rebelled in it, he placed himself between your thighs, making you hurt
But the worst part was yet to come
“Why wouldn’t I?”, he mocked
While he still had you by the neck, the other went between your legs, yout thighs shook when you felt him, trying to introduce one of his fingers, it was uncomfortable, and it burned 
You were dry
And he seemed to enjoy it
“Noooo”, you babbled, as you started hiccuping because of your distress, he only hummed. Pleased, with the situation, with you, or whatever
He fisted his cock only a couple of times, and gave you no reprieve.
He give you no space to move, no space to escape, 
You shrieked in pain, the burn felt like nothing you had experienced before, you cried out as he ripped you open for him 
“No! it burns, please”, you begged, “it hurts!”, you cried, you scream bloody murder
“Fuck”, he cursed, a sick smile on his lips
“Why?”, you cried, tears falling, whimpers being drawn, “Why?”, he paid no mind to you, only retrieved yourself and you almost thought that he was going to free you from this torment
Only for him to thrust into you even more roughly than before 
You shrieked, as Aemond looked down for when your bodies were united and smiled when he saw the blood pouring from you. But he almost caught a glimpse of the mark he had drawn in your skin all those years ago. 
“Now you are just a whore”, he said, satisfied with himself, again thrusting into you, “do you think Cregan Stark will want you now?”, he mocked
He kept fucking you, raping you, and the only thing in your mind to distract you from the pain was… why? Why did he hate you so much? if your dreams were to give you any clarity… which you doubted 
“I’m sorry uncle”, you whispered, as he retrieved himself from you and then pushed again inside you, making you cry out
“I don’t care”
“I’m sorry”, you repeated again, and then again, like a mantra while he defiled you, while he took you against your will in that beach 
“Come on, come for me, like the little wanting whore I know you are”, but you were far from it, you were still in pain, and your body reacted accordingly, trying to soothe you, lubricating itself to help you cope. He found your clit, pinching it and rubbing it roughly, too rough to be pleasurable, but it still helped. 
Your head fell to the side, looking at the waves, so far yet so close, you wanted to get lost in them, as the rough sway of Aemond against you, you saw the waves coming and going with almost the same speed.
Until he grabbed your jaw and make you look back at him
The unhinged look in his eye, his growls and gasps 
You grabbed the wrist of the hand that had you by the neck and you looked into his eyes, almost defiantly, and what you found in them scared you even more
You felt him deep in your belly, your insides were on fire you wanted to throw up, but the salty taste of all the sea water you drank was still present, giving you no reprieved
“Please stop”, you begged one more time, “please uncle, it hurts”
“Shh”, he only shushed you, he leaned in and kissed you, for the very first time, ever
His wet lips were a welcoming distraction, but not even in the kiss you felt relief, feeling only dread, desperation and anger 
He bit on your lower lip, apparently the blood of your maidenhead wasn’t enough, he needed to taste it in his mouth too
You thought it was never going to end
Until finally his movements became sloppy, his eye rolled and he grabbed your neck even tighter 
You felt him, deep inside you, ropes of his seed filling your womb
You cried even harder, moving more than before
He stood planted deep inside you for endless minutes, looking down at you, analyzing your face, and every expression on it, you only cried softly, your body tight with pain and trauma.
“i have to make sure it takes”, he mocked, and your shrieked shortly, “I told you I was going to give you my bastard”
You looked away from him, barely imagining how it was going to be like to bring shame to the family in that way.
You had let him do this to you
If only you were stronger
He finally released you, you whispered one more time when he took himself off of you
You felt a thick substance leaking off of you, and you could only imagine what it was
Aemond stood up, as he fixed his pants, you barely could roll to the side, hugging yourself, to look at the waves
You felt dizzy, nauseous, in pain and cold
And if you had something in your stomach you would have throw it out
But you didn’t 
You felt his gaze on you again, you tried to ignore him, thinking faintly on how you are going to survive this, how you were going to go back home
To your family
They were going to love you no matter what, you knew this, and if Aemond tried to say the opposite, you were not going to believe him
Aemond didn't move, he only looked at you, the soft, musty wind hit your face, making you whimper in cold, but still, you laid there, unmovable, you could feel him moving, placing his jacket back on him, taking his time, and yet, you didn't move. Then he leaned in, and you tried to squirm away, but he grabbed you easily
“You either come with me, or I leave you here”, he whispered in your ear, you didn't move, you just stayed there, laying in the sand, he came into your frame, as you stared down at the beach. You were not an idiot, if he left you here, it is probable you were not going to make it, you were far away from everything, you had no dragon, another storm was coming
But going with him is unthinkable
Yet you didn't move 
You saw his boots walking away from you, and then, they stopped
He looked back at you
You were stubborn
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“Your Grace”, greeted the woman shakily, bowing to the Queen. Rhaenyra had unshed tears in her eyes 
Daemon barely managed to get her out of her chambers. They had no news of you, and that is what scared them, they assumed the worse
“You are Lady Alyne Felwood, are you not?”, she asked, she did not mind to present herself like this, she hasn't brushed her hair, she hadn't even bathed, she wasn’t wearing her crown, still crying in front of that woman, a woman whose family was of the Stormlands, sworn to House Baratheon
“I am, indeed”
“Are you not sworn to House Baratheon?”, spitted Daemon by her side, looking as imposing now that his sweet wife couldn’t 
“I was”, you whispered, “I was a part of the court of House Baratheon, and I was there that day when…”, Rhanyra’s gaze that had been on the table looked up at her, alarmed
“You were there?”, she asked, tears falling freely, the lady barely nodded
“I was”, she whispered, she looked within herself, to tell the tale as softest as she could, she did not want to bring her more pain, “I was there when the princess entered the Hall, unfortunately, Prince Aemond…”, she stopped to see their reaction, Daemon grabbed the pommel of his sword tightly, and Rhanyra whimpered, “had been there for hours when she arrived”
“It was him?”, she asked, Alyne barely nodded 
“She made her case to Lord Borros, but one-eye had already made his own, offering his own, or his brother’s Daeron’s hand in marriage”, she said, “Lord Borros mocked the princess when she had nothing of the sort to offer him, and that is when…”, she paused, she might lose her head for this, in a “kill the messenger” situation, but she came her for a reason, “Aemond interrupted”
“What was said?”, asked Daemon impatiently, tired of the pauses
“He said that her brother had a debt to pay, that he wanted her to pay instead” 
“What debt?”, she asked
“He said that he wanted a payment of blood”
“He slayed her…?”, cried Rhaenyra, but the lady shook her head
“He said he was going to take her maidenhead, and send you their sheets with her blood in it”, Rhaenyra whimpered, grabbing onto the painted table, “he tried to go to her but lord Borros intervened, he commanded her to be taken back to her dragon, she exited hastily, but so did he…”
“He demanded her maidenhead? And they let him go after her?”, she cried
“The guards on the battlements told Lord Borros that they have heard shouting, laughs and screams, and… a shriek of a Dragon”, Rhaenyra covered her mouth in an attempt to swallow her cries
“my little girl”, she cried, and Daemon hugged her tightly, hiding her face on his chest 
“Why?”, asked Daemon, angry at this woman, who brought Rhaenyra sordid details about that day
“I’m a mother to a girl too”, she whispered 
Then she was dismissed 
“My girl!”, Rhaenyra cried, when they were alone, “my little girl”
“Shhh, my love, we will get her back, whatever it takes” 
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@lightdragonrayne @immyowndefender @aemondswifeisme @twobluejeans @toodlesxcuddles @sassysaxsolo @thearchitectoflove @maidmerrymint @floralsightings @daughterofthemoons-stuff @glendarollitkatharinesanders @ruhjkie @starkjedi @baconturtle
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rikiluvly · 10 months
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🥀*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔡𝔦𝔣𝔣𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔭𝔲𝔩𝔩 𝔲𝔰 𝔞𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱
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tysm to the anon that requested this! <3
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | more to come...
PAIRINGS: vampire!riki x human!reader
SYNOPSIS: you and your mom move into an old mansion after some struggles. but what happens when the mansion is actually occupied by 7 vampires and the youngest just can’t seem to keep his eyes off you.
GENRE: vampire au, fluff, a tiny bit of angst.
WARNINGS: mention of food, slight swearing, and Ni-ki is kinda rude.
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you didn’t want to move houses. you thought your apartment was cute and cozy, but according to your mom, it was cramped and suffocating. so what she did was buy an old crappy mansion out in the middle of nowhere.
you and your mom were in the car driving on a gravel path surrounded by tall pine trees. turning a corner you could see the place you were moving into. it sure was beautiful at least, with vines covering the outside and a great big gate giving an eery welcoming vibe. to some people, they’d think it was haunted, but you don’t believe in that stuff.
our car pulled up and you stepped outside. you took some time to admire the place. you knew there had to be something wrong with it because the price you bought it for was weirdly cheap. your mum got the key out and unlocked the door.
once you walked in you were overwhelmed. jesus this place was ginormous. the ceiling had amazing carvings and the walls had beautiful paintings. you walked up the long stairway to the second floor. the stairway was magnificent curling around up to the next floor.
“y/n your room is the third door to the right!” your mum called out to you from downstairs.
“ok thanks mum!” you saw the door and opened it. wow. your room was the biggest bedroom you have ever stepped foot in. You took your time to explore the painted walls and ceiling. the ceiling was painted with clouds and the walls were a beautiful baby blue color. a four-posted bed was leaned against the back wall with navy curtains that could wrap around it. two windows were displayed on either side of the bed with bright red curtains. maybe some changes could be made.
"who are you?" a sudden echo of a voice was projected through your new bedroom.
"I said, who. are. you?" the deep voice came again. was this house seriously haunted? you thought to yourself.
"that's an insult," came the mysterious voice.
"Is that the only word in your vocabulary or something?" the person that occupied the voice was still nowhere to be seen.
"calling this place haunted can be an insult to us. we don't haunt we just... occupy it," you couldn't lie, the voice was beautiful and you knew the face behind it would be as well. but you can't seem to help to grow a dislike for whoever it was.
"I'm confused, me and my mom thought no one lived here?"
"no one does live here. well, not any humans anyway" all kinds of thoughts started running through your head. is this thing some kind of ghost?
"I would prefer it if you wouldn't call me a 'thing' beautiful,' oh you really dislike the voice now.
you started eyeing around your room looking for the voice. the voice that wouldn't show its face. you took a look under your bed, disappointed to find nothing but an old stuffed teddy bear that the past owners must have left. you reached to pick it up and examined the toy. looks like it has been well-loved. you thought.
you stood up only to be met with an unfamiliar face.
"glad you like my bear," the surprise caused you to jump slightly. you had noticed fangs had appeared on either side of his mouth as he talked. vampire? no. no way.
"ah, you're a lot smarter than I thought," the tall figure looked down at you as you couldn't dare to look into his eyes.
"who are you?" you asked looking back at the stuffed bear in your hands.
"seems like you stole my question there... y/n," he knows my name? you couldn't bare stay with this 'thing' any longer. so you sprinted around the tall physique and tried to get to the door. only for him to spawn in front of you and block the exit.
"how do you know my name?" you asked, scared for an answer.
"I'm a vampire... I can read minds," answering like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"you didn't answer my first question, who are you?" you asked hoping for an actual answer this time.
"Riki, Riki Nishimura," the vampire said showing off his sharp set of teeth. as threatening as they are, no teeth could scare you. just the thought of being punctured in the neck by Riki did.
"so, are you the only vampire that lives here, or are there more?" you asked hoping for an answer that confirms he is the only one.
"there are six more of us,' SIX?! you suddenly thought of your mom. what if she had come across one? you had to get out of the bedroom.
"I- I have to leave! my mom, she could have come across one and-" you stuttered hoping Riki would move aside.
"no need to worry about that, they won't be interested in your mum," his answer made you stop your plan to escape.
"we prefer them young and fresh," he said taking steps towards you.
"what.." you said in a whisper.
"...nah I'm just joking. they are all out doing who knows what," you felt a weight lift off your chest. so they aren't blood-sucking creatures?
"oh, we still drink blood don't get that wrong but only on very... very rare occasions," you stood there waiting for him to say he was joking again. until he didn’t.
“so, y/n I better let you get to your unpacking, ya’ need any help.. I won’t be here,” he vanished.
you took some time to adjust to what had happened. you and your mom had just moved into a house filled with vampires. even someone like you who doesn’t believe in stuff like this knows that this was very much real, and very much happening.
you can’t tell your mom. you just can’t. life has just been so difficult lately and you know she needs this fresh new start, in a fresh ‘new’ home.
you opened the door to leave your room and sprinted back down the stairs
"mom!" you called out but didn't get a reply. what if Riki had gotten to your mom. a thought u would dare to think of again. you ran around the first floor realizing how many rooms there actually were. too many.
"oh hey honey I didn't hear you. everything going well in your new room?" she asked standing up from behind the kitchen counter.
no, I met a vampire named Riki who lives here with his six other friends.
"yeah, my room is really nice," you wish you could tell her the truth but the truth could destroy her. she seems so happy.
"well that's great, I just got dinner ready how bout you eat?" you lost your appetite a while ago but you still couldn't resist your mom's cooking, so you both walked into the dining room. In the middle sat an extremely long dining table with exactly seven chairs.
seven chairs. seven vampires.
you took a seat in the one furthest down the table, as your mom sat in the one opposite. she laid out a plate of pasta in front of you along with a glass of water.
"thanks, mom," you said politely as you started eating. your mom didn't sit down instead she started to walk away.
"where are you going?" you asked intensively.
"oh I already ate, you spent quite a lot of time in that new room of yours so I'm going to go wash up," she then left leaving you in the ominous, scary dining room.
"your in my seat," the vampire you had met earlier was again before you sat in the opposite chair.
"you seriously can't leave me alone can you?" you asked looking up as you took a bite from your pasta. his mouth turned into a slight smirk showing his sharp canines.
"no one has come here for the past seven years, what do you expect?" the same obvious tone that he had displayed before had come back.
"yeah, well I didn't know that," you said quietly looking down at your food, as he wouldn't take his eyes off you.
"look, don't expect the others to go as easy on you as I did alright?" easy? he scared the living hell out of you two times now.
"when are they coming back?" you wanted to know so you could be prepared. but they could also easily pop up in front of you at any time.
"right about...now," you felt a gush of wind come from behind you, blowing your hair up.
there stood six tall, handsome vampires holding cups of red liquid. which could only be one thing.
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A/N: I accidentally deleted a 3k word fic and it's completely gone naur. oh well, I hoped you enjoyed this! 2nd part will be out soon.
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sugarydolli · 3 months
dilf!bakugou fluff (/ω\) :.*+
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slightly pudgy cheeks flushed red with anger and tight vermilion peer up meeting your face of a sour mixture between regret and irritation. A heavy sigh fell from your lips, pinching the bridge of your nose.
"Now why on earth would you attack your classmate?"
A call from Kazu's third grade teacher surprised you, hearing that your eight year old assaulted another child at her school. To learn later that the boy stole another student's bag of chips, your child bravely stepped in, pouncing and punching him until separated.
"It's what dad told me to do mom! He said you're supposed to defend ci-vili-ans!" stomping a little while testing the last word on her tongue. You started to regret your decision to allow her to train a little with her father, thinking that it would help her be a little more responsible with her quirk.
You couldn't find the words to even begin to scold her, especially when her pout was so damn cute, ash blonde pigtails loosened from all your hard work this morning, tight lips replicating Katsuki's infamous scowl, plump little fist wave back and forth as she desperately tries to explain herself. No, you weren't strong enough to scold her.
But maybe someone else is.
Crayola crayons fall onto the wooden table as soon as heavy boots come barreling through the door. Soft little paddles ring against the tile, Kazu jumping up and down to shortly being swooped up into Katsuki thick arms.
"I heard someone was a little shit today"
Two thick fingers pinch plump rosy cheeks, his tone indicating he was proud rather than upset, you scoffed at the scene, arms folded against your chest turning off to the television—promptly starting to make your way upstairs.
"Taking up after me, huh brat-" cutting a piercing look shot in his direction killed the words on his tongue, he cleared his throat—setting Kazu down, Katsuki kneeled becoming eye level with her.
Kazu's cheeks flushed, that same scowl creeping back onto her face. Her small hands pressed flush against her chest.
"You know better than to fight your classmates, What's gotten-" Katsuki knew that look. He knew what's next before it even played out, and he loathed it.
Katsuki's attempt at a "I'm so disappointed" face morphed into worry, worry to a sour mix of misery and rage. It's not foreign for a father to have trouble scolding his baby girl and Katsuki was no different. A strong part of him screamed 'fuck this, kid probably deserved it anyway', words clawing up his throat viscously only to be forced back by the reminder of expulsion if she does it again.
"I just wanted—wanted to be jus' like you."
Tears threatened her lash line, lips formed into a pout, puffed up cheeks. A chubby fist swiped fat tears quickly, a thumb wiping off the next.
"Kazu—baby. Listen, I know you meant well but, bein’ a hero doesn't always mean beatin' people up.” glassy scarlet peer up at him, bottom lip still trembling. “It doesn’t..?”
“‘course not, it’s about, uhh, problem solving and protecting people using methods that doesn’t always include your hands.” A thick hand ruffles the top of her hair, Kazu’s tears no longer flowing.
“One day, when you are a hero—best hero ever—you’ll understand.”
"But for now brat, just let me handle all the real villains!" Kazu cheerfully nodded, cheeks burning bright as before, a short silence fell over as Katsuki anticipated his next question—gazing up at the stairs, searching for your figure before turning his attention back.
"Did you get 'em good? Right in the eyes like I showed you?"
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enjoy!! (๑>◡<๑)
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thebestandrealestever · 9 months
more headcannons .
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a/n : ion feel like doing warns or sums so js read and find out it ain nun dat bad femblack reader coded as always . i’m so burnt out idk why but anyways, hey mooties iloveu 🤫😉.
miles is a lame nigga who has absolutely zero game or experience so when y’all started talking he is WHIPPPEEEEEDDDDDD. wanting to do everything right. so surprisingly enough he went to his dad for on how to ask u to be his gfn, he admires the love his parents have.
u are a supermodel in his eyes, u do a ec like dancing or play an instrument? he thinks ur the best at it, he thinks ur the prettiest and coolest girl in the entire world, he thinks ur the smartest and really the only girl for him, this boy really loves his gfn.
miles is always looking out for u, makes sure the doors are locked, closes ur tabs and puts your phone on the charger, turns your tv off, ect. he just wants to make sure your straight
when he liked you he was always trying to impress you, it was short lived when you told him that you loved his personality.
he stole a watch for you so you could connect with his friends
you were miles realization that he needs to and is capable of making connects in his own dimension as miles, not spiderman . he usually gets sensitive thinking about how much you opened his eyes and made him feel heard in his own world.
it’s truly all about the little things with him, rubbing your hand with his thumb, waited on third date to kiss you for first time, asked some of your friends about things you liked, draws you everywhere always, sending you voice messages instead of text. and the fact he doesn’t understand why that’s such a big deal for u drives u insane.
didn’t know how to deal with your period at first so he asked his mom, he went out and bought your favorite everything.
thinks he’s the funniest nigga ever when he puts on your lashes and wigs
looks at your highlight’s at least twice a day because ur beautiful
can’t go to sleep mad at you or have you mad at him, if you guys argued he would be there with food and a million kisses to make up for lost contact then have a conversation about whatever the situation was. one time the argument was so bad you didn’t talk for 3 days “hey ma, i got chick-fil-a” he said while taking his coat off and putting the food down while trying to eye you out in the complete darkness, you just looked at him still upset. “i’m sorry (name), i shouldn’t have said that or raised my voice.” he sighed turning on your lamp to look at you. “i’m sorry too, i shouldn’t have talked to you like that. i missed you miles, we don’t go days without talking to each other” you said pulling him into a big hug, he rubbed your back and kissed your head. “i know, i’m sorry baby. let’s talk about instead of yelling at each other from now on okay? i don’t think i could do this again.”
loveeeessss it when u give him messages or shower with him (NOT LIKE THAT.) after a long ass day of being spiderman.
thought he was gonna die when you went on vacation.
when you’re stressed or he’s stressed you guys go on the highest roof he can find and just talk to eachother.
wants to be held like a baby in your arms burying his face in the crook of your neck laying his weight on you.
squeezed your hand so hard you couldn’t feel it after when he got his ears pierced and lemme tell u it looked so good.
rubs your feet and legs while you tell him about whatever problems you had.
willingly risk his phone blowing up to be on the phone with u while u sleep
okkkkk byeeee
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Pt. 1 | Pt. 2
Shorter Part 3, sorry y’all 😭
“Does this have to do with the rose?” Dustin asks them as soon as they are alone in the car. ‘Damn,’ Steve thinks, ‘I should’ve dropped you off first.’
“What do you know about the rose?” Steve asks, trying to sound nonchalant.
“I know it’s from his secret admirer.”
“You know about that?”
“Of course I do, Steve, he tells that story to everyone who will listen.” Dustin says as if it’s common knowledge.
“So who are your theories? I know you’ve got them.” Steve says
“I have no clue.” Steve looks at him confused “I really don’t. I even told Eddie that we could figure it out if we saw the note but he just shook his head and went back to grinning that goofy grin he had.”
“…And that’s bad?”
“Well no, I just figured he’d want help figuring it out, but that’s not the weird part about it all. He didn’t even have everything set up when we got there.”
Steve gives Dustin a confused glance, trying to keep his eyes on the road in front of him.
“Eddie normally gets there super early to set everything up, but even by time Lucas got there just before we were about to start, all of Eddie’s DM stuff was still in his bag. Literally only the tables and his throne were pulled out where they were supposed to be. He just kept staring at that damn rose with that lovestruck look on his face.”
“Hey, language! But yeah, that is weird? What? Don’t look at me like that, I’ve been around you all long enough to know that’s out of character for him..he loves that game.” Steve chuckles to himself, thinking about the party’s collective confused faces at Eddie’s soft one. “Alright, doofus, this is you. Tell your mom I say ‘Hi’.”
Dustin rolls his eyes and shuffles out the car door and up the drive.
Steve waits until he’s safely inside before backing out, and heading home.
‘holyshitholyshitholyshitholyshi—‘ Steve’s brain played on a loop, his face splitting into a grin.
The (now) third time Eddie "hears" from his secret admirer is definitely not when he was expecting. It kind of makes sense, if his secret admirer really is into him still he'd know that Eddie plays at the Hideout on Tuesday nights. But if he's being honest with himself, the rose flung up on stage while they were still drowned in spotlight was the second most surprising thing of the night. Actually, make that third.
First was the size of the crowd. Being accused of a ritualistic murder does have one benefit then, it has a tendency to make you seem more metal than you might actually be (especially within the metal community). The dingy little bar was actually packed tonight. So many people were there to see Eddie and his bandmates that it was the start of his nervousness. And Eddie never gets nervous about playing, it’s like breathing to him.
Secondly (and the second reason for Eddie to be nervous that night) was that Steeeeve Harrington himself was there to see him play. Him along with Buckley AND Nancy Wheeler had even dressed up for the occasion, pulling out as much black and grungy looking pieces from the backs of their wardrobes as they could find. Eddie swears Wheeler is wearing one of the old band tees Robin stole from him and Steve is wear-holy fuck. HOLY FUCK. Steve Harrington is wearing his (His! Eddie Munson’s!) battle vest. How the fuck he managed to keep it is beyond him but…yep. Eddie’s vest looks just as good on Steve now than it did in that upside-down hellscape.
Only a second had gone by in the time it took Eddie to process all of this before the lights go down and the spotlight is blinding him to everything beyond the stage.
“Get your head in gear, Munson, you’ve got a whole bar full of people to blow away… shit” Eddie mumbles to himself before stepping up to the mic.
And of course, no matter his surprise or nervousness about anything (or anyone) in the crowd that night, the show goes off without a hitch. He’s saying his goodbyes to the crowd as they cheer, holler, and whistle for them, some people are even throwing things. A couple of coasters with phone numbers scrawled on them are frisbee’d onto the stage around him, one (1) singular pair of panties (wtf this is insane), and from his right, just before the lights come back up in the bar, a single red rose tied with a black ribbon.
Time slows down. That’s the only way he could’ve snatched it out of the air the way he did.
He catches it and the crowd lets loose a few wolf whistles. Eddie grins so wide his face hurts. “Thank you guys so much, we’ll be here next week!” he jeers and lifts the rose in his hand in the air like he’s showing it off. The lights finally come up, and Eddie looks directly toward where the rose came from, trying to see if he recognized any of the faces. The only face he recognizes is Steve’s, off a good bit to the left from where the rose came at him, and who is also looking around for who it would’ve come from. Steve looks up at Eddie, and shrugs, he didn’t see anything either.
‘Of course he’s going to act like he didn’t see anything if he’s the one who threw it.’ Eddie’s brain helpfully supplies.
Nope. NOPE. Not going there, that’s so impossible. Steve was a good friend, even if he was blissfully unaware of the affect he had on Eddie.
Eddie shrugs back at Steve before turning back to the guys and helping them pack up their stuff.
“What does this one say?” Gareth asks him when they’re lugging the last of the equipment off the stage.
“Ermph durnup.” Eddie mumbles around the rose stem in his mouth. He sets the amps he was carrying at the back door to be loaded into his van (Which Steve was so graciously helping with). Eddie spits the rose out into his hand as Steve comes back into the doorway. Now ALL of them waiting on Eddie to read out the note. Even Robin and Wheeler have come backstage to watch them work. “Haven’t read it yet.”
“What’s happening now?” Nancy asks, confused. ‘Was she really never around during any of the re-tellings of this story?’ Eddie thinks to himself
“My secret admirer threw this to me as we were wrapping up our set.” Eddie waggles his eyebrows at the older Wheeler “I tried to see who it was, but by the time the lights came back on and I could actually see past the stage, the crowd was already thinning out.”
“They probably didn’t want to be recognized just yet? Even I looked around as soon as I could see again, but yeah, everyone had started dispersing.” Steve chimed in from the doorway he was leaning against, arms crossed across his chest. Damn were his arms always that huge?
“Uh_uh yeah, I do love a guy with a flair for dramatics.” everyone chuckled at that
“Of course you do Munson” Steve smiled at him “Now hurry up and read it!”
“OK, OK, this one says ‘You alone can make my song take flight’.” Eddie sings the line softly, redness creeping up his cheeks as his friends react around him.
“Ew, that’s so gross I’m gonna barf.” - Robin
“That’s so sweet!” - Nancy
“You’re going to be talking about this for weeks aren’t you?” - Gareth
Various well-meaning eye rolls come from the rest of his bandmates as they take care of the amps Steve had been neglecting.
And Steve, Steve was looking at Eddie with the warmest, fondest smile he’d ever seen.
Pt. 4 will be here! Thank you for reading!!
Now on AO3! Several Notes of the Most Amiable Nature
Tagging everyone I can!: @manda-panda-monium , @destielinimpala , @ilovecupcakesandtea , @maya-custodios-dionach , @thefreakandthehair , @youmakemyhearthowl , @phantypurple , @kerlypride , @hagbaby420 , @yes-im-your-mom , @tinydragonhuman , @beeing-stuupid , @ineffablecolors , @m00gl3ness , @background-noise-headache , @jojobeaner , @bitedownonmydestiel , @orangeandthefairroadkill , @llamaoftheinternet , @captain-daryn , @undreamingscatworld , @britishmysteries , @sharpbutsoft , @funnymagicman-named-dandy , @allbymyselfexceptformycactus , @wearelosersyoudumbfuck , @itsthebeckyzone , @thegingervulcan , @urmomification , @wonderingglances , @calciferousoai , @csinnamon-fox , @straight4joekeery , @alex-axolotl , @nitro502 , @whorenerdking , @skeletoneddie , @eddiehashands , @prosedumpofmaya , @werewolfpeterparker , @bigboyandmetalhead , @stevethescareington , @xxbottlecapx , @starkdusk , @legitcookie , @withacapitalp
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priniya · 2 years
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sumarry: tsukishima gets extremely jealous when a certain outside hitter tries to hit on you, unbeknownst to him – you’re already taken and your boyfriend doesn’t like sharing.
notes: tsukishima kei x reader, jealous type of boyfriend, also a brief moment of iwaizumi hajime x reader. also reader is way shorter than kei, but if you’re tall just skip the part. also not proofread.
word count: 1.3k
kei didn’t want to be at the party in the first place. he has been a more introverted kind of person throughout his whole life, and changing it wasn’t even a thing in his mind. but you asked him to be there. and there was nothing that could make tsukishima refuse you. you were the only one occupying the boy’s brain all the time anyway.
so when he agreed to your idea, you promised to send him the address and smiled delightedly. it would be your first social event since you started dating a few weeks ago. and since you two attended different schools, no one besides yamaguchi and kageyama knew.
it was definitely a sweet thing, enjoying each other’s presence without being forced to hear mean comments how you two didn’t fit together or something else that would’ve just got on your nerves and the boy would have to calm you before you threw hands on someone.
before tsukishima got to the house of your classmate, you had already been there, dropped off by your mom, who wanted to be sure of your location. a quick promise to be walked home by someone was said and you were free, waiting on your boyfriend.
me: text me when you get here and i’ll find you somewhere
the house was filled with seijoh students from different years and classes. you could recognize most of them, as you weren’t really someone new there. tōru oikawa, the school’s star, standing next to matsukawa and hamaki somewhere nearby the staircase, tanjiro from the basketball team was talking to a girl from a year above while a third year was talking to someone you couldn’t see.
the heavy scent of alcohol mixed with smoke itched your nostrils, and you grimaced as you entered the kitchen, accidentally bumping into someone.
“hey, you’re alright?” a familiar voice spoke out, his hands on your arms to prevent you from falling. “l/n-san, nice to see you here.” with that words said, you realized it was iwaizumi hajime who you were talking to.
“don’t say you didn’t expect me to be here, iwaizumi-san.” you laughed, moving to be closer to the counter, pouring yourself a drink. you could feel his eyes tracing around your body, as if the ace tried to remember your curves like it was the last time you see each other. unfortunately for iwaizumi, you were too oblivious to catch a sign. “what you’re looking at?”
“uh-” he stuttered, flushing like a tomato. “your dress. it brings out your curves, you look gorgeous.” hajime added after a minute, bringing his eyes up to your face.
you looked more than just gorgeous, you looked ethereal. with the perfect, black eyeliner on your eyelids with an eyeshadow that fitted your eye colour. and oh my god the dress. you wore a tight, backless, black dress with a split on your left thigh (your mom wasn’t too pleased about it tho).
it was the first time you dressed like that to a friday party, always wearing cargo pants and tank tops with a zipper hoodie you once stole from tobio. your boyfriend was the reason why you dressed like that, you wanted to see him breathless, happy having a girlfriend that hot.
“thank you.” a soft smile spread over your mouth as you took a sip of your drink. “is there any occasion? wanna catch somebody’s eye?” the boy asked, his eyes not leaving your lips.
“actually… yes.” you laughed at the sound of your reply, and leaned your back on the counter behind you. iwaizumi swore he could feel his heart skip a beat upon hearing your words. he knew you had a long time crush on him in the junior high, and now he felt like the heavens finally gave him a chance.
“hey, uh. i’ve been meaning to ask you this for a while now.” he began, getting a little closer to you. “wouldn’t you like to go out somewhere next sunday? like on a date.”
that’s when you connected the dots and froze. he thought you were talking about him. out of all people, it had to be hajime that you bumped in. gosh. you chugged down your drink before revealing you’re in a happy relationship, but eventually it wasn’t you who said that.
“maybe in two weeks? she’s already going out with her boyfriend on that sunday.” kei, who walked to the two of you out of sudden, remarked harshly, wrapping an arm around your waist. pulling you away from the ace, gently but swiftly.
“oh.” was the only thing that came from hajime.
tsukishima didn’t need to hear any more, pushing the respect for his seniors aside in his mind, he took your hand in his and walked out of the kitchen. and when normally he wasn’t the one to show any affection in public, then that day was an exception. maybe for the extreme jealousy he felt rushing in his veins when he noticed you with hajime and especially after hearing how he tried to ask you out.
and before you could even realize, his lips crushed into yours passionately. in public, so everyone from your school could see it and not hit on you anymore. after a few moments, you would just drag your boyfriend into an empty room, right. a rush of adrenaline must have got to him when he sat you down on a drawer, so the kisses would be more comfortable for both of you since the height difference.
he pulled away for a second, cupping your cheek with his hand and aside from melting under his soft touch, you melted even more after seeing how kei smiled at you. “you don’t even know how much i love you.” he empathized. “i don’t even know if i ever felt something like that towards anyone else. if someone ever had me choosing between something and you, i’d always choose you.”
tsukishima’s words destroyed you. it wasn’t anything bad, obviously, but it was the third time he spoke up about his feelings towards you, the first happened when you misunderstood his intention and thought of your first-date as a casual, friends hangout, the second when he confessed he likes you in a way he doesn’t like anyone else and now… he dropped the L-bomb. your boyfriend has never been the type of someone who’s fond of his words, and expressing emotions was hard for him as well. you felt your eyes watering, and thank god that you chose waterproof mascara.
“did i say something wrong…?” he was confused by your reaction, he knew you so well, yet he couldn’t tell why his girlfriend was crying in the first place. you immediately shook your head and by pulling in the fabric of his collar, you kissed him again. hands on the back of his neck, rubbing it gently, while his wandered around the length of your thighs.
“i love you” you spoke out as he pressed his forehead to yours. you could feel his body loosen up upon hearing your confession. “and there’s never gonna be anyone better for me than you.”
“next thing, me, you in that dress and a dinner at my house together on sunday?” he smiled at you, caressing soft circles on your leg. “and then afterwards, me, you in my hoodie and whatever movie you wanna watch.”
“i don’t know if i’m free, baby. gotta stand in line.” you chuckled as tsukishima rolled his eyes. “hmm, but if you say i get to keep the hoodie, then i can cancel some guys.”
“it’s not like you wouldn’t keep it anyway.”
(another part of tsukishima x seijoh!reader, here)
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thebearer · 9 months
Throughout the show esp in the beginning we see the Gallagher having each others back and the older ones are always protective over the younger ones so just thinking about how lip’s three boys would be with Amelia 😭😭 like she comes home crying from school one day cause someone pulled on her pigtails and her brothers come after the little boy and warn him to stay away. She doesn’t only have lip wrapped around her finger but her brothers as well. Like sure they’ll fight with each other and get on each others nerves but once someone else messes with one of them it’s over.
as much as they fight, and they do, that's their baby sister. they'd ride out for her.
i feel like freddie would be a good seven or eight years older than her just bc (following the show but eliminating tammy lol) he was a whoopsie. jude is two years younger than freddie and five years older than amelia, and ronan (we agreed on ronan right??? lmk if we didn't i don't think we've established baby boy number three) is fourish years younger than jude only a yearish older than amelia (bc she was a total and complete whoopsie).
but amelia rides the bus with ronan in elementary school. she's a little second grader, and he's in third so they sit in different places. he doesn't see until they get off that she's crying. some older boy, in his class, was messing with her.
she's crying in her room, won't tell anyone including you. ronan tells freddie and jude when they're like, "what's wrong with mia?" about the boy, and suddenly, the boys are gonna go outside to play. you don't think much about it until they come home later. jude's nose is bleeding and they're all dirty, like they've been rolling around in dirt. none of them will tell you what happened, not even lip- though he thinks he knows.
the boy's mother calls furiously, telling you that your boys beat her son unprovoked. you know your boys wouldn't do that, but you assure her you'll talk to them. lip offers to, going up to their rooms. gives them the classic "violence isn't the answer" type spiel.
"i don't care if this guy pissed you off, alright? you can't just go around beatin' people because they make you mad. the kids like ten anyways, so ronan, if you got an issue you can't get your brothers-"
"-dad, it wasn't ro. he was picking on mia." jude says.
lip pauses, his face falling. he really thought they were just being stupid like he and ian used to be. getting into shit because they were bored and wanted a fight. not this.
"what?" lip snaps, looking at each of his boys. "what'd he do to mia?"
"he made her cry on the bus." ronan admits. "i didn't see it because i sit on the other side, but she said he was yanking her hair and-and stole her pencil box and broke all her crayons and pencils."
"you didn't say he did that." freddie grit, eyes cutting to ronan's.
"i forgot." ronan shrugged lightly.
"stop." lip held up his hands, looking from boy to boy. "this kid was fuc-messin' with your sister? that's why you beat on him?" all three boys nodded slowly.
lip crossed his arms over his chest, shrugging lightly. "he gonna bother her again?"
"no. we scared him, pops. he pissed himself." freddie grinned proudly.
lip snorted lightly, running a hand over his face. "yeah? ok. well, i take back what i said. none of that shit applies when it's about your sister. good for you takin' care of her. all of you. proud of you." he beamed. "don't tell you mom i said that."
"we won't." jude nodded.
"but if he starts again, you tell me or mom ok? we'll get it handled. gonna call the school anyways and get her moved away from that little shit." lip muttered.
and that he did, calling the school board in true gallagher style and demanding she be moved, which she was. the kid never bothered amelia again, not when he knew the gallagher boys would be after him.
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 (Dark Rafe x Sarah fanfic)
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Summary: This was a draft I had in my notes app on my iPhone for my first ever attempt at a fanfic from last year. I don't have any recollection of it because I wrote it when I was drunk, and it was supposed to be a dark thriller-like read because I am inspired by the author, Karin Slaughter. A trigger warning: this will not sit well with some readers because it has incestuous elements. Basically, the story takes place over a year after the events of Ward dying, and Rafe's deep obsessive hatred for Sarah gets the best of him, and it gets really disturbing. I think I attempted a chapter in a half or two of this story. I probably don't want it to be a one-shot. If someone is actually content enough to stomach reading this and wants a continuation of it, I will write more chapters. Please know that this is a concept and just a work of fiction. If you're not into this trope, feel free to disengage from this read. Side note: this is pretty much a continuation from chapter one but not really finished because, like I said, this is from last year. I wrote it when I was drunk, and when I sobered up, I felt like this was so sick. I don’t think I want to finish it and publish it and get it cancelled, but I saw other writers stories that spoke about controversial stuff, so this is going up. If anyone who can withstand this read can handle it, I’d attempt to finish this chapter and make a third. 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚘: 𝙸𝚗 𝚝𝚘𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝚌𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚝𝚢.
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Rafe removed Sarah off the ground and propped her motionless body into his arms she wasn’t dead, but she was out cold until further notice right now it was just him and her and the pain that kept them company all these years. The pain that his father’s favoritism for her was a wedge between their relationship. Even with his father, being dead, he still affected him traumatically, even if it was from beyond the grave Sarah’s body felt light as a feather in her torpid state cradled in his arms his hold on her secured so he could keep his balance as he was approaching the master bedroom of the mansion, the room now his since his stepmother and father, we’re gone Luckily, the bedroom door was already open, so he didn’t have to worry about stumbling his way in there with her. Rafe lowered Sarah onto  the King sized bed. He didn’t know how long he had before she regain consciousness, and he didn’t know what he could do. To keep her there, seeing her felt triggering because she reminded him of everything he lacked she had John B who loved her unconditionally. While Rafe was only looked at for what he could provide, whether that being his father’s good old, reliable lapdog or nothing but a fien that brought in Barry money and gold because his cocaine addiction everything for him always came under a condition Rafe gently stroked Sarah‘s cheek and removed her messy hair away from her face you’re going to pay for the life that you stole from me Sarah if it wasn’t for you being born, Mom wouldn’t have died giving birth to you if it wasn’t for you being brought into existence, dad may actually of made me feel loved instead of putting all his focus on you he said in a very wrathful tone of voice whispering in her ear he put his index finger on the side of her neck and checked her pulse well, it looks like I didn’t really quite take your breath away because you’re still breathing, he says under his breath sarcastically then instantly Sarah’s eyes shot up and she was out of her comatose state where the hell am I she says, frightened and dumbfounded, when she took a moment to process her surroundings, and realized that she was face-to-face with Rafe she started to scream Rafe put his hand over her mouth, shushing her nice to see you respawned island, princess but I’m not trying to get hearing loss he says growing frustrated 
Now then I’m pretty sure you don’t want me to smother you I’ll take my hand away from your mouth If you promise you won’t scream nod your head. If you understand, Sarah just looks at him blankly. Do you understand he screams which startled her Sarah nodded her head in cooperation. She was scared shitless, and even surprised that she woke up from his strangulation towards her. 
I know dad would of wanted us to stick together as a family and keep his legacy alive I feel that would of been his dying wish he says looking at her intently, grabbing her arm hoping to get a sense of consolation Sarah swatted his hand away from her and sat up meeting his gaze Listen, Rafe, dad is gone now you don’t have to keep trying to base your identity around him anymore you can start a new life one that doesn’t to have to be this obsession with chasing his approval she replied anxiously plopping off the bed on her feet keeping her distance her eyes set on the doorway of the master bedroom typical fried Sarah do you even hear yourself you didn’t even keep your promise when I ask you pacifically to keep dad safe you’re the last person to see him alive and he’s dead because of you he shouts rising up instantly and shifted toward her feeling overwhelmed with anger him she flinches in fear and backs away from him from being eye to eye with her Sarah was at a lost for words she couldn’t even open up her mouth to say anything in this moment his words cutting in deep there was no denying that there was some truth to his statement she wanted to feel sympathetic toward him apart of her understanding of his resentment towards her because he always had to prove himself to be deemed worthy of his father’s love and she was put on a pedestal and was the person that always got in the way of him getting attention from their dad she turn towards him and shifted her eyes grazing into his attempting to read his facial expression it’s like he has this switch where he can go from indifferent to unstable you’re gonna do everything I tell you to do do you fucking hear me. He snaps immediately Sarah starts to bolt out the master bedroom door and rushes to the mansion staircase I’m not done with you. He screams chasing after her. Rafe you don’t have to do this, you can let me go she pleads 
he started to gain in on her if she didn’t get away from him there’s no telling what he would do her mind was racing a mile a minute she remembered when they where kids they would play hide and seek and when he found her he’d tickle her to death but this is modern day they aren’t kids anymore if she’s sought out he was gonna hurt her Sarah manage to outrun him and snuck her way into a downstairs closet She tried so hard not to hyperventilate Sarah’s phone starts to vibrate in her back denim shorts pocket shit he’s gonna hear it. She says under her breath, trying to remain quiet as possible the closet had shutter panels that were partly cracked open she wanted to be able to monitor Rafes movements Sarah grabbed her phone out her pocket it started to light up with a text notification from John B saying closed up the store. When will you be back home? There’s leftover pizza in fridge. Sarah tries to share her location with John B but her phone dies on her shit I’m fucked. I’m so fucked she thinks she whispered to herself shaken up in fear tears welling up in her eyes you can’t hide from me Sarah she felt her brothers voice getting closer and closer and saw his figure threw the closet door shutters she puts her hands over her mouth to muffle her panicked whimpers before she knows it the door knob on the closet starts to turn she jumps up terrified holding onto it with all her might her grip tightened not wanting to let go because she had no idea what was coming next if she let herself be caught by him I don’t wanna die she thinks to herself shaking crying so hard she felt her tear ducts would get swollen I know you’re in there Sarah Why don’t you come out and play? he snarled simultaneously he breaks through the closet door smashing the antique wooden panels with his bare hands Sarah started to scream so loud that she felt their would be no more air in her lungs left she couldn’t even make sense of anything anymore she just froze in fear Rafe snatched her up by her arms and picks her up throwing Sarah over his shoulder why are you doing this she said kicking and screaming attempting to be loosen from his hold dragging her away her hands beating into his shoulders and striking him in the side of his neck which caused him to groan in pain making him react angrily gnashing his teeth and halting in his 
steps pulling her hair so hard that the muscles in her neck felt strained that she was coming onto a whiplash You’re gonna calm down and be a good girl, right? he asked the pitch in his voice heightening in a domineering way watching her struggling to get out his grasp with lifeless eyes as she started to whine in defeat her refusal to give a answer right away caused him to be frustrated and pull at her hair even tighter as if he would scalp a piece of her hair out y-yes I’ll be good she says whimpering in pain hoping her words will ease his hands off her head that’s a good girl he says, letting out this smug that he had her complacent finally and flings her head back over his shoulders pulling her away from the downstairs storage closet he broke down taking his steps towards the staircase reaching upstairs in this moment Sarah wish Rafe would just die and this would all be over and she be somewhere safe she felt him climbing upstairs with her being brought back to the same place she tried so desperately escaping from 
There’s no better life waiting out there for you Sarah everything you touched dies here is a place for rebirth and we can start anew and be a family again he says talking into her neck him making out the sentence sounding strange Rafe drops Sarah onto the ground of the master bedroom causing her to fall flat on her face he slammed the door shut and locked it behind him she starts sobbing let me out of here please Rafe just let me go she cries out beating her fist into the bedroom floor sorry no can do sunshine this is only the beginning he replies squatting down looking at her pathetic state of despair he started to laugh manically I’m gonna have so much fun with you he says while his set motives could be insidious or unusual. Come here he commands grabbing her wrist pulling her forcefully toward him she tried resisting his touch but felt herself to weak from being overpowered by his strength whats the matter cat got your tongue he questioned not amused by her silence you always been daddy’s little princess got everything handed to you while I was left high and dry trying to find that love from my father that was only honored to you he lashed out at her enraged it’s not my fault  Rafe a lot of things where unforeseen occurrences yes we faced two different experiences but we are in the same predicament we both lost dad and we both are wounded from trauma she spat out shakily trying to find his humanity within him Sarah was crying to the point she had a runny nose all she wanted was to be out of this chaotic situation please just let me go she pleads 
Rafe ignores her attempts of convincing him of letting her go and rises her up and squeezes her hand pulling her to follow him into the bathroom and near the shower get yourself cleaned up he demands Sarah just stands there lost and in a daze um can I have some privacy please she requested hopefully thinking if she could just borrow some time and come up with a plan to sneak out the window and break free from all this the sooner you strip naked and just hurry this up the sooner we can get past this he says deviously you’re 
not just gonna stand there and watch me she asks him thinking he’s unserious her eyes widening in fear his patience was running thin take your clothes off he ordered grabbing the back of her neck tightly causing her to yelp does it look like I’m fucking around do it he yells Sarah felt disgusted by his sick demands it was a shrouded mystery what he had up his sleeve she knew that he didn’t want her out of his sight it was to risky but couldn’t he atleast have a form of human decency and respect her space and let shower in peace you’re not moving fast enough he hollered Sarah started to tremble slowly unbuttoning her white denim shorts just like that nice and slow he uttered out his tone sounding more sinister Sarah felt chills all over her body as she felt compelled  to continue undressing herself she pulled her shorts down over her ankles and gently pushed them off to the side with her feet  followed by her pulling her crop top over her head easing it off her tossing it to the ground leaving her exposed to her floral pattern laced bra and panties let me get a good look at you he said taking this moment in. (To be continued)
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cafedanslanuit · 2 years
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♡   —   pairing: denji x reader
♡   —   summary:  An 80's-themed diner is where your boyfriend takes you the first time he decides to pay for your meal. As you balance your feet on the tall stool, you can't feel but feel giddy— Denji always finds new ways to make you fall even harder for him.
♡   —   tags/warnings: traditionally feminine presenting reader + she/her pronouns (gets called 'girl' once), no devils mentioned, suggestive conversation (mentions of petting & sending nudes), LOTS of fluff, denji is an ass and a sweetheart at the same time, puppy love feels
♡   —   a/n: this is my first csm fic!! i was heavily inspired by this post by my lovely friend @ofoceansandtombsanew <3 "he loves you, so he says it. he likes being with you, so he says it. he wants you, so he says it" i was so in love with that line i ended up writing this c:
♡   —  masterlist
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Universe must have my back Fell from the sky into my lap And I know you know that you're my soulmate and all that
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“You look really pretty today."
It’s not the first time you’ve heard those words, especially from him. However, just like the very first time he said so, you feel heat rising to your cheeks as your lips curve into a sweet smile. You happily balance your feet, the stool too high for them to reach the floor, and wonder how you have never heard of this place before. It has a retro vibe present, from the jukebox sitting at the back of the diner to the polka-dot aprons on the waitresses.
This could be your new favourite, you think, and the idea of your boyfriend knowing you’d love this place as much as you do makes you happy, sure, but also reminds you he cares for you as much as you care for him. The idea of him walking around the city, spotting a new diner and his first idea to be about wanting to experience it with you makes your heart do a flip.
You love how he carries your presence within him.
“Thank you. You look good too,” you say, caressing his bicep with two fingers, feeling the texture of the navy blue button-up he was wearing. “All dolled up for me.”
“You noticed?” Denji grins, puffing his chest. “I stole this one from Aki. It never creases. Look,” he says, scooting closer to you on his chair. He grabs a handful of the shirt and squeezes it tightly. A couple of seconds later, he releases it, leaving no trace or wrinkle at all. “See?”
“My mom used to say that’s how you know it’s a good fabric.”
“Has to be. I stole it from Aki, after all.”
You chuckle, nodding your head. “You did say that, yeah.”
“Wanted to look good today. You always look so nice when we go out,” he says, not-so-subtly eyeing your cleavage before looking back into your eyes. “Always got people around us staring.”
At these words, you scrunch your nose with a small smile.
“You know I don’t care about that.”
“Mmm, but I do,” he hums. He leans in closer, a devilish smile on his face. “I like it when they do.” His confession comes in a whisper. “Makes me feel all giddy and shit. Like I won.”
Laughter bursts out of you loudly, your shoulders shaking as you do. When you look at him again, he has a proud smile on his face while his teeth slightly bite his bottom lip, his eyes focused on only you. The ice cream parlour slowly disappears around you as your chuckles come to an end. Now, there’s nothing else but your boyfriend and his inexplicable charm. His gentle eyes, his messy hair, his―
His lips. Chapped but oh so very soft and warm. They always feel like home and you can’t help but feel drawn to them every time he makes you this happy. A content sigh escapes your body and you realize how badly you want to kiss him.
So you do.
You grab both sides of his boyish face and kiss him. It’s soft, but the surprise is enough to make him gasp before he wraps his arms around your torso, holding you tightly against him. You press a second kiss on the corner of his mouth and then a loud, third one, on his cheek.
“Love you, baby,” you mutter, nudging your nose against his skin. You kiss him one more time before pulling away with a love-struck expression. Your arms now circle his neck, fingers idly playing with his hair, while he drums his own on your waist.
“I love you too. And not because you’re like― so fucking hot.”
You snort. “I’m not hot?”
His eyes widen, a glint of fear running past them. He puts his big hands on your cheeks, squishing them together and bringing you closer to his face. “I mean not only because of that!! You’re really hot, you’re like― like, the other day I was watching porn and I couldn’t get myself to finish so I just opened your Instagram.”
Deji’s cheeks grow red, only now realising the weight of his words. You take his hands into yours and slowly put them down, resting them on your lap along with yours. Your lips stretch into a mischievous smile, and you look so devilish he can’t help but swallow thick.
“What photo?” you ask.
“What photo did you…” you roll your eyes playfully, your tongue grazing your upper teeth. “You know.”
“Oh,” he blinks. “Hm, let me remember.” He presses his palms on your thighs, slightly balancing himself as he accesses his memories. His eyes go around the store, and you can almost hear the gears turning inside his head. You know he’s going to talk about the beach ones. “Right― okay, okay, I got it. It’s the one I took, yeah. The one at the park, with the dress.”
“That’s not a sexy photo,” you point out, cocking your head to the side. “I’m just sitting on a bench.”
Denji shrugs. “It’s my favourite. You look pretty. Also, that was the first time you let me sneak a hand under your dress.”
“Ah, I remember now,” you reminisce with a grin. “Behind that tree, right?”
“We were interrupted by that fucking chihuahua.”
His grimace earns him another kiss, this time on the tip of his nose. You chuckle at the memory of how the tiny dog latched onto the bottom of his jeans and wouldn’t let go, no matter how much he shook his leg. When it finally left (taken away by a very embarrassed owner), you took notice of the hole in your boyfriend’s jeans.
The date ended with you trying your best to sew it back together at his apartment. Denji had only found red string, so you were very careful to make it look good against the faded denim. Once you were done, you added the tiniest of hearts at the end of the stitch, only for him to see. That’s all it mattered, anyway.
“Next time, just ask,” you say. You take one of his hands between yours and rest your chin over it, looking at him intently.
“Hm?” His thumb strokes your cheek, making you smile.
“I mean, if you asked, I could send you more… interesting photos. Of me.”
It takes a couple of seconds for him to understand what you’re implying. But when it does, he gets noticeably excited. He shifts on his seat, straightening his back, and he passes his free hand across his dishevelled hair. His lips open and close a few times before he speaks again.
Your grin gets even wider. “Yeah. Call it ‘boyfriend perks’,” you wink. “Might even add a polaroid for your wallet. Keep me with you even when you’re away and―”
It’s Denji’s turn to lean in and join your lips together. You hum into the kiss, letting go of his hand and allowing him to press your body against him. The force of the kiss makes your chair tilt, and you hold onto his shoulders as you feel yourself losing your balance. Thankfully, he notices it and quickly pulls away from the kiss to grab your seat, successfully steading you.
Once he deems you’re safe again, he leans back, taking a good look at you. A charming and crooked smile appears on his face and you can’t help but imitate him, warmth spreading inside your chest.
“You’re so cool,” he sighs, mostly to himself. “And so pretty. Prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
“Mmmm, all you’ve called me today is pretty,” you whine, playfully feigning offence. “That’s all I am to you?”
“I mean, I’m paying today,” he shrugs. “So, yeah, all you need to be right now is pretty. Just sit there and look pretty for me.”
You feel your cheeks reddening, but decide to egg him on.
“Is that what you do for me when it’s my treat?”
Denji snorts and rolls his eyes. “Of course. I make sure I take a shower every time I see you. I don’t do that for anyone else.”
“And I’m eternally thankful for that. In fact―”
“Are you guys ready to order?”
Both of you look up, only now noticing one of the waitresses had finally decided to approach your table.
“Yeah!” Denji grins, putting an arm around your shoulders. “I’ll have whatever my girl’s having.” His smile drops a second later, and he gets closer to you. “No, wait― what are you ordering? I wanna know if― Maybe―” he trips on his words, full-on doubt, while you watch him with an amused smile.
“Wanna take another look at the options?” you suggest. He meets your eyes and nods.
“Yes,” he pouts and you hand him the laminated menu. “Go on and order for yourself, though. Anything you want.”
“Thank you, baby.”
You take a couple more seconds to appreciate your boyfriend, his eyebrows furrowed while his eyes go from one choice to the other. The navy blue button-up makes him look a bit older but his messy hair gives away his inexperienced heart. Even with his wandering hands, there’s innocence in the way he loves you― in the way he lets himself be loved. He’s greedy and demanding and wanting, but so tender. Soft. Yearning.
You wonder how long will your heart keep fluttering for him as it does now. Sighing, you hope the answer is forever.
He is, after all, your new favourite too.
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pandapetals · 2 years
Can you write a Steve Harrington imagine where Steve with a kinda spiderman kiss where the reader is Dustin's older sister and she stands and kisses him from the backseat since Dustin stole the front-seat/ whining about their too much PDA, only to then leave Steve dazed and Dustin screaming? 
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steve harrington x fem!reader - fluff, cussing, PDA, kissing, flirting, dustin mad af. not proofread.
a/n: thank you so much for the request anon! if anyone else has some requests just shoot me a message. 
Steve pulled up outside of your house honking his horn to let you know he was there. You had been waiting by your window for him to show up. You let go of the blinds yelling, “I’m leaving mom!” As you came out of your room seeing your mother in the kitchen preparing dinner. 
“I thought you were staying for dinner.” Mrs. Henderson complained looking up at you with a scowl. 
“I told you I can’t.” You replied grabbing your purse from the counter. “I’ll be home before curfew so save me some dinner.” You gave your mom a quick kiss and hug before heading out the front door. You noticed Steve was outside his car holding the passenger door open for you with a smile. You smiled back giving a small wave as you tried to find your keys to lock the door.
Before you could close the front door, Dustin came running out of it, his backpack bouncing as he ran to Steve’s car. “Hey!” You yelled slamming the door shut and fumbling with your keys as you locked the door. There was no way Dustin was coming with you. 
“A gentlemen as always, Steve,” Dustin said sliding into the front seat as Steve looked at him confused. 
“What the hell are you doing, Henderson?” Steve asked one hand on his hip, the other still holding the door. 
“I’m getting into the car. Do I have to explain everything to you?” 
Steve groaned as you came up, “Dustin get out! You aren’t coming with us.” You argued allowing Dustin to get out of the front seat willingly before you pushed him out. 
Dustin smirked, “I’m not getting out. Let me remind you that I was friends with Steve first.” He said taking his backpack off and throwing it on the floorboard. Steve gave an annoyed look at him. “Since you two started sucking faces I barely see Steve.” 
You groaned with frustration because Dustin was annoyingly right. You felt bad that Steve and Dustin’s friendship was on the verge of failing because of you but you also wanted to spend time with your boyfriend without your annoying little brother playing the third wheel. 
“Dude, I told you we can hang out tomorrow.” Steve reminded Dustin, “Now scram!” 
Dustin put his seat belt on crossing his arms, “You said that yesterday and the day before that and the day before that and-”
“Okay, okay. We get it.” You shouted, “Fine you can come with us.” 
Steve slammed the passenger door as Dustin grinned at you both. “Someone needs to humble that kid’s ego.” He said as you laughed because Dustin definitely had an ego problem sometimes. Even though he was annoying, he was still your little brother that you loved and cared for. 
“I guess I’m stuck in the back seat.” You mumbled as Steve grabbed your hand. 
“We’ll still have fun. I promise.” Steve assured you leaning in to kiss your forehead. You smiled wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. 
“Eww!” You heard Dustin scream, “NO PDA!” 
You pulled away from Steve to see Dustin sticking his head out of the window fake vomiting. “Do you have to be so dramatic?” Steve asked pulling his keys from the back pocket of his jeans. 
Dustin rolled his eyes, “I wouldn’t be if you guys would stop making out in front of me!” He yelled rolling the window up as Steve sighed. You shook your head opening the back car door and sliding inside as Steve got in and started the car. “So what’s the plan? Are we going to the movies or the arcade?” Dustin asked as Steve pulled away from your house. 
“We were going to skull rock,” Steve admitted making you blush when he made eye contact with you in the rearview mirror. There was no way you were bringing Dustin to a makeout place.
“What’s that?” Dustin asked flipping the radio on. Steve shoved Dustin’s hand away as his voice blared out of the radio. “This mixtape is for you, babe. I hope you like this first song.” Dustin gasped, “You made a mixtape of love songs for my sister!” He shouted as Steve fumbled to turn the radio off. You sank into the backseat feeling hot with embarrassment. The mixtape was a cute gesture but having Dustin hear it was weird. 
“Dude, calm down.” Steve warned, “First of all you shouldn’t be touching stuff that isn’t yours. Second, yes I did. You weren’t supposed to hear the mixtape. I told you I was taking Y/N out but you insisted on coming with us.” 
Dustin huffed sinking into the seat, crossing his arms. “I just miss my friend.” 
You sat up putting a hand on Dustin’s shoulder trying to comfort him but he shrugged it off. “I’m sorry, Dustin. I didn’t realize I was taking Steve away from you.” 
“Well, you are. The guys are busy doing their only stuff so I’m stuck with Steve.” 
Steve hit the brake causing all of them to jerk forward. “Hey man! I’m a good friend to you. Don’t act like I’m your backup when you can’t hang out with Mike and them.” 
“Dustin, I know you're upset but that was too far.” You said rubbing your head from the whiplash you felt. Dustin sighed apologizing to Steve who also apologized for not being there for Dustin like he use to. Steve was trying his best to juggle work and his social life so if it meant spending less time with kids that was fine by him. Dustin had a special place in his heart though and he felt bad about it.
“So what’s the plan?” You asked moving over to sit in the middle of the backseat hoping Steve didn’t break unexpectedly since you weren’t wearing a seat belt.
“Well since we have a third wheel tagging along, why don’t we ask him what he wants to do,” Steve suggested meeting your eye in the rearview mirror again. You smiled at him coming up with a plan. Maybe if you annoyed Dustin enough, he would want to go home leaving you and Steve alone. 
Dustin rolled his eyes, “Steve, I’m right here.” He pointed out, “Why don’t we go to the arcade?” He suggested looking back at you for confirmation. 
You shrugged, “I guess.” 
Dustin sighed, “Yes or no? The arcade is probably the best thing to do in Hawkins.”
“Okay Henderson, don’t get your panties in a twist. We’ll go to the arcade.” Steve replied taking the cassette out and switching the radio on to prevent any more conversation. You used this to your advantage to annoy Dustin however you could. You hummed loudly leaning near his ear whenever he wasn’t looking or flicking the back of his neck until he screamed for you to stop. 
“Cut it out, Jesus H. Christ,” Dustin yelled over the music turning to flip you off. 
You ignored him leaning closer to Steve to kiss his cheek. Steve smirked seeing the disgusting face Dustin made. “You guys made me sick.” You laughed as Steve pulled up in front of the arcade. It was busy with kids running in and out of the front door screaming and yelling. This was not the place you wanted to spend your Saturday night. 
You needed something to push Dustin over the edge. As Dustin grabbed his backpack, you stood up as much as you could and leaned over the side of the front seat. Steve looked over in surprise, “Hey stranger.” You joked, pressing your lips to his. 
Dustin screamed causing Steve to pull away. You turned to see Dustin’s angry face glaring at you. “Sorry, Henderson. I didn’t know she was going to do that.” Steve said sounding a bit breathless. Dustin rolled his eyes opening the car door. 
“You guys suck! You can’t stop sucking face for like one minute!” He yelled throwing his backpack over his shoulder. 
“Technically, we haven’t sucked face since we got in the car.” You pointed out causing Dustin to slam the door. “I’m right!” You yelled as Dustin stormed off into the arcade. Steve sighed turning to look at you. “What? I was right.”
“You totally are right.” Steve agreed, “But I don’t think we should leave him here alone.” 
You nodded, “Yeah, as much as I would love to suck your face. I think we should stay. I’m sure Dustin would appreciate it.”
Steve laughed, “Come here.” He said as you leaned in brushing your nose against his. “We can go inside in a minute.” He whispered as he closed the distance between you, his soft lips gently caressing yours. You smiled against him in agreement.
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Changes pt 6 - Scott McCall x Reader
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Pairing: Scott x Reader
Prompt: Jason Derulo’s - Want to Want me
Warning: None! YETTTT! KINDA
Thank you to my wonderful Beta for sorting out my terrible errors XD @lets-imagine-fanfics
You glanced at the clock on your bedside table with a frown heavily engraved on your face. You woke up three times during the night from what could only be called wet dreams, so the fact that you were awake again at such an early hour was an enigma to you.
You sighed irritably before sliding out of bed and slipping on your fluffy slipper boots. You threw on Scott’s hoodie before checking your hair wasn’t too unruly for other people to see. Thankfully it wasn’t too bad so you deemed yourself for the view of other people. Which at this time would most likely only be Derek and Peter.
You walked down the stairs with tired eyes, your footsteps heavy and slow as you shuffled your way to the living area. When the kitchen was in view you saw Derek, Peter and Lydia. You walked into the room without a sound and smashed your head against the clean marble counter causing Peter to flinch. You muttered an unintelligible ‘ow’ before standing back up, your movement quick enough to disorientate you for a second.  
“Bad night?” Peter questioned softly, however instead of answering you just slammed your head down again, this time on Peter's shoulder.
“I had an inhumane amount of wet dreams last night and I barely got any sleep. By the third one, I kind of wanted to go to Scott's room to sit on his dick just to end the pain.” You groaned as you swung one of Peter’s arms from side to side childishly.
“Well, you’re more vulgar than usual. Not to mention your actions and words appear to be rather contradictory to one another.” Peter snorted causing you to stop your childish actions.
“God, you smell like you just had a sex marathon.” Derek winced, his face full of disgust.
“You’re one to talk!” You snapped at you stood up straight point an accusatory finger at the younger Hale who quickly lowered his head.
“Carry on judging me and I’ll tell Jethan you stole their lube!”  
“So let me get this right, my ex-boyfriend and my current boyfriend’s twin, Derek stole their lube?” Lydia questioned with a smirk on her face.
“Jesus this pack is like a giant slutty orgy by this point. Scott’s mom Melissa is dating Chris, who is the dad of the first love of Scott, who is Stiles’ best friend, who used to date Malia, who is the daughter of Peter, who briefly went on a failed date with Scott’s mom Melissa and turned Scott, who is best friend’s with Stiles who’s now dating Derek, who turned Isaac who is now dating Scott’s first love Allison who is besties with Lydia who’s now dating Aiden, who is the twin of Ethan, who used to date Danny who was Jackson’s bestie, who used to date Lydia who was actually the first love of Stiles, who is dating Derek, who dated Allison’s aunt Kate, who is Chris’s sister who is now dating Scott’s mom. WOW! That physically hurt to get out.” You snorted with wide eyes, as you stared at everyone in the kitchen.  
“She’s right we’re like a giant pack orgy.” Lydia huffed as you thought about it seriously.  
“Talk about keeping it in the family.” Peter chuckled which only caused you to burst out laughing.  
“God, Peter, I love you sometimes.” You laughed as you wiped away some of your tears.  
You were picked up suddenly by your hood causing you to flail like Stiles before said person started carrying you around the kitchen like that. You looked at everyone else who looked amused by the fact you were literally hanging mid-air, being carried by what was obviously a wolf.
“Not on my watch.” Scott’s voice rang out and he sipped on what you resumed was coffee.
“Scott put me down you fucking caveman!” You screamed and he began flinging your limbs around again.
“No cos you might try and run away with Peter.” Scott huffed playfully, but you could tell he was grinning.
“Uncle Peter saaaave meeeee!” You screamed, making grabby hands at Peter who almost spits out his coffee at your words.
“Please don’t call me Uncle Peter it makes me feel like that old perverted uncle that always tries to grab your booty at family events.” Peter muttered, disgust evident on his face.  
“DERBEAR!” This time, however, said person did actually spit out his coffee. Derek looked at you like you’d gone crazy.  
“It’s like you and Stiles are one person split into two body’s…” Derek muttered with heavy scowl replacing his original shocked state.
You were currently throwing clothes about your room as you tried to figure out what you would wear for your date. You’d come to the pack house with Lydia and Erica after school, hoping to quickly find an outfit so the girls could do your makeup slowly. However, after taking a shower when you arrived home, you took one glance in your closet and the first thing that came out your mouth when you stared into the depths of hell was ‘I have nothing to wear’.
You knew it was illogical because you went on a major shopping spree less than a week ago but for some reason your brain was telling you, you had nothing to wear. Lydia scanned through your wardrobe before picking out an outfit quietly.  
“Put this on with your baby pink Calvin Klein thong and no bra. Scott seems to like you in Calvin’s so it’s a safe bet.” Lydia stated softly before ushering you to the bathroom.  
You gave a nod and walked into your small on suite bathroom, closing the door before you dropped your towel. You slid on your baby pink thing that had the Calvin Klein band around the top before grabbing the dress she’d gave you.
It was pure white, thankfully, it wasn’t thin so you wouldn’t be able to see the colour of your underwear. It was a pure white long sleeved bodycon dress, which would most likely reach your mid-thigh. You stared at the neckline before realising why Lydia said no bra it was a low V cut that showed a copious amount of cleavage.
You slid the dressed over your head before pulling the tight yet comfortable material down so it was sat perfectly before making your way into your bedroom. Lydia gave you a smirk and nod whereas Erica gave you an applause.  
“Okay, makeup.” Lydia stated as she passed you a dressing gown.  
“Why do I need this?” You asked as you put it on.  
“You’re wearing a pure white dress. If even a spec of eyeshadow fall out or powder get on that thing then it has to go in the bin.” Lydia snorted, rolling her eyes softly.  
“Why couldn’t I just put it on after my makeup was done?” You questioned, frowning at Erica who chuckled at your words.
“I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer.” Lydia huffed before picking up foundation and the damp beauty blender.  
Lydia was adding the finishing touches to your makeup while Erica stood holding the straighteners while they warmed up. Stiles burst into the room, a pair of heels clutched in his hands, earning a raised eyebrow from you, as Erica separated your hair and started straightening it.
“Stiles, why are you holding a pair of cherry red high heels?” You asked seriously, your eyebrow still raised.  
“Get your mind out of the gutter! Lydia asked me to bring her cherry red Louboutin’s. She said it was urgent!” Stiles shouted, panting as he tried to calm his breathing.
“You know what Louboutin’s are? And look like?” You teased playfully, earning a chuckle from Erica.  
“I’ve been on more shopping trips with Lydia than anyone I know…plus…I was there when she bought them.” Stiles muttered with a blush as he placed the shoes in front of your feet before taking you ankle and sliding your foot into one of the shoes.
“I feel like a friggin’ Princess right now.” You giggled as Stiles slid the other shoes on.
“More like a Queen. Alpha’s are like Kings of the pack, therefore, more like a Queen.” Stiles chuckled playfully.
Erica finished your hair just in time to hear the front door downstairs open. Scott had gone home to do his homework and change clothes so when you smelt his scent and the door open and close you knew it was him.  
Erica brushed through your now straight hair making it look sleek and smooth. You straightened your dress as you stood up earning a thumbs up and eyebrow wiggle from Stiles. You glanced in the mirror before staring at like in shock.  
Your eyebrows had been filled in so they looked faded, while your skin looked flawless with slight contouring. Your eyes had been done with a perfect wing and natural yet thick false lashes and your lips had been done with a crimson matte red which was similar to your shoes.
“Isn’t my lipstick gonna…ermm…come off later?” You muttered with a blush.  
“As long as you don’t eat greasy food or Scott eats greasy food your safe. I used the good stuff.” Lydia chuckled softly, looking at you with a reassuring smile.
“Might come off if you suck hi-”
“OKAAAAAY THEN!” Stiles screamed, interrupting Erica’s comment.  
You snorted before walking out the room, your heart racing a thousand miles a minute but as soon as you got to the top of the stairs and saw Scott you breathing stopped. Scott glanced up at you obviously sensing your presence however when he did he began choking on thin air. The other pack members rush out at Scott’s reactions and glanced up the stairs. Some members gaped at you, however, the first to speak up was Ethan.
“I may have just turn undeniably straight.” Earning him a very loud growl from Scott.
“I can’t say I don’t agree.” Mason chuckled this time causing Scott to huff angrily.  
You walked down the stairs silently, a blush painting your cheek but you hoped the makeup would cover it. Scott was dress in his Biker leather jacket, tight black suit pants and a crimson red shirt that was tucked into his pants, his shirt had a few buttons undone causing you to swallow.  
“I hope you’ve got a jacket it’s not exactly warm out.” Scott asked carefully, with a slight concerned frown.
“I’m more concerned about the fact she has to get on a bike in that thing.” Derek snorted, causing your eyes to widen as you shot a look at Lydia who was standing at the top of the stairs.  
“Uncle Peter?” You muttered with fake innocence. Everyone immediately began to laugh or choking.
“No, you cannot borrow my Chevy.” He huffed as he continued reading his paper.
“What about the Mustang.” You whined childishly.
“What about the Ferrari’?!” You huffed, slowly losing your patience.
“You mean my LaFerrari’ Spider?” Peter gaped as if I’d totally gone crazy.
“It matches my shoes?” You muttered the excuse like it was the most reasonable excuse in the world.
“Ask Derek he has a car too.”  
“HELL NO! If you think I’m letting you borrow my brand new Camaro think again!” Derek screamed before you could even ask.
“If I let you borrow my Ferrari will you shut up and leave?!” Peter snapped angrily.  
“YES!” You yelled childishly, crossing your arms.  
He stood up moving over to the key holder on the wall. His eyebrow set down in a frown as he threw the keys at you. You smiled as you ran over and hugged him.
“Thanks, Peter.” You giggled, placing a kiss on his cheek before taking Scott’s hand and leaving out the door without another word. You walked to the large garage, opening the door before uncovering his Ferrari. You squealed before hopping into the driver’s seat.
“Can’t I drive?” Scott whined as you reached down and took off your heels.
“No Peter leant it to me and if there even a scratch I don’t want you getting into shit. At least if it’s me who did it, I may survive his wrath.” You snorted as you passed the heels to Scott who raised an eyebrow at you in return.
“I can’t drive in heels that are bigger than me.” You responded sarcastically.  
You started the car as the garage door opened. The sound of the engine sending shivers down your spine. Scott chuckled at your satisfied expression before you opened your mouth and ruined the moment.
“I think this car turns me on more than you.” You pondered earning a glare from your boyfriend. He didn’t even dare dignify that with a response, so you set off to the restaurant he’d booked a table at.
You arrived after about 10 minutes, Scott exiting the car before you. He opened your door and crouched down as he held out his hand as if asking for your foot. You grinned as he slid the shoes onto your feet. He caressed the back of your leg slightly, looking up at you with a lust filled expression which almost caused you to whimper. Instead, you decided to break it up.
“You’re the second man to ever do this for me.” You said sweetly, yet somehow knew it would piss Scott off.
“Second?” He growled moodily.
“The first was Stiles. About 5 minutes before you arrived cos I was having my hair done.” You giggled knowing he’s chuckle at this.
He took off his jacket and threw it over your shoulders, before sliding his arm around your lower waist. His hands gripping your hip tightly, as you walked into the building. You had to refrain from moaning at the feeling.  
“If you keep manhandling me I’m going to ask that you take me outside and screw me against a tree.” You whispered seductively but somehow managed to keep your face in a sweet smile.
“And you keep talking like that we won’t even make it outside before I bend you over.” Scott retaliated huskily.  
You sat down as he pulled out your chair before pushing you in. His hands purposely brushing against the back of your neck. His rough hand causing shivers to run down your spine you looked down now noticing your nipples were apparently wanting an appearance because they were suddenly hard and extra sensitive.  
You quickly slid on Scott's jacket properly, earning a questioning glance from Scott that you ignored. His hand reached over the table, holding it out quietly. You took his hand with a smile as you tried to ignore the arousal currently stirring in your stomach. You stared at Scott forearms that were bare and filled with bulging veins. He’d rolled his red shirt sleeves up to his elbows, as soon as he’d sat down which was currently causing you to squirm in your seat.  
You heard Scott asked a question but you were so focused on how his arms would feel pinning you down while he drilled into you like an animal.
“Y/N!” Scott shouted, his voice finally snapping you out your daze.
“Y-Yes?” You stuttered as you looked into his eyes.
“Stop it.” He instructed, flash his red eyes at you.
“S-Sorry.” You whispered softly, a blush creeping up onto your face once again.  
You ate dinner with mostly silence, as you both tried to avoid staring at each other too long. The tension was so thick you could probably cut it with a knife but either way, you ate the dinner and even had dessert. However, the taste of the cheesecake you were eating was merely a distraction, from your skin that felt like it was on fire anytime even dared to take a glance at you.  
You hurriedly ate the food then set your cutlery down with shaking hands. Scott sipped his water as he observed you from across the table his eyes felt like they could burn through you as you shifted in your seat nervously.  
“S-Scott?” You whispered softly, your words sounding breathless as you finally looked him in the eyes.
“T-Take me home.” You added, clutching at the hem of your dress in an attempt to ground yourself.
He quickly paid the bill before standing, grabbing your hand tightly as he dragged you out the restaurant without uttering a word. He put you in the passenger seat before making his way to the driver’s seat.  
You didn’t dare tell him you should drive because right now you were unsure of whether you’d be able to get either of you or the car home safely. He started the car and sped home faster than you’d ever seen him drive, even on his bike.  
When he parked the car he got out and made it to your side however instead of grabbing your hand he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. You let out a squeal as he did so before he stormed into the house quietly. He stopped at the stairs and stared at the pack that was sat in the living area.
“Don’t come into my room for the next 24 hours unless someone’s dying.” He growled before storming up the stairs. You let out a rather girlish ‘eep’ at the implication you wouldn’t emerge from the bedroom until tomorrow evening.  
He burst into his room, kicking the door closed before throwing you on the bed. He stopped at the end of the bed and looked down at you, his eyes glowing the same red as your shoes which he slowly slipped off your feet before gripping your calves tightly, causing you to whimper.
“I’m sorry I tried to control myself, Y/N. Didn’t wanna make you cry…but right now, nothing sounds more tempting, than to hear you cry out my name.”  
Part 5 <- -> Part 7
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innytoes · 3 months
ok. i can't even read the rest of the list and i imagine there will be other requests for it but... What do you mean, the raccoon stole the ring you planned to propose with? - Willex.
Also for @floating-in-the-blue who did indeed request the same thing and lbr, I put that there as Willex bait.
"What do you mean, you lost the ring?" Julie asked incredulously.
"I mean I lost it!" Alex said, pacing back and forth, back and forth in the studio. "I did something stupid and I lost it and now Willie is never going to marry me because I'm stupid and reckless and-"
"Okay first of all, calm down," Flynn said. "If anyone is into Stupid and Reckless, it's Willie. Didn't you two ride a shopping cart down a hill on your second date?"
"Third," Alex pouted.
"Dude, where did you lose it, we'll help you look," Luke offered. "Or like if you left it in your pocket while doing laundry, we'll... I dunno, as an adultier adult about finding a plumber."
"Oh no it's way worse than that," Reggie piped up, and Alex shot him a glare.
"Shut up this is half your fault."
"Oh, now I know it will be good," Flynn said, leaning forward.
"So you know how we always joke that Willie is secretly a raccoon in human form?" Reggie started, sounding way too cheerful for Alex' liking. He groaned, flopping pathetically onto the rug next to Julie's chair. She patted his head in only mild condescension. Which would soon be full-blown condescension when she learned how stupid he was.
"Yes?" Flynn asked, eager.
"Well, we thought it would be funny to get a picture of Alex proposing to a real raccoon. You know, to post online after Willie said yes."
It would have been funny. Willie would have thought it was hilarious. He didn't like posting pictures of himself on social media, after so long being a photo prop for his rich foster dad, but Alex kind of wanted something to obnoxiously put online because he knew his mom still stalked his socials from time to time.
"So we went over to that pizza place, you know the one, because there's usually some raccoons hanging out behind it near the dumpsters. And we found one and lured it with some marshmallows, and then Alex got out the ring to propose, and I got a few shots, but just as I was lining up the perfect angle..."
"It grabbed the ring and took off," Alex finished miserably.
"We tried to get it back but... raccoons are fast when they want to be!" Reggie shrugged. "I took a video, though. You know, so maybe we could identify the raccoon later and try again."
He was pretty sure Reggie took a video to lord over him forever, because the sight of Alex chasing a raccoon around a parking lot and then begging and waving marshmallows at it at the bottom of a telephone pole was kind of pathetic and something that could be used as blackmail.
"So the raccoon stole the ring you were going to propose with," Julie said, slowly, so slowly. Like she was judging him. Which was fair. Alex was judging himself. On the couch, the sound of Luke and Flynn stifling laughter made everything a million times worse.
"What do you mean the raccoon stole the ring you planned to propose with?" A new voice asked from the door opening.
Alex looked up, wishing the earth would swallow him whole. "Willie," he said, his voice high pitched and creaky. "Hi! Um. I can explain."
"I think I got the gist of it," Willie said, his eyes sparkling and dancing with mirth.
"I'm so, so, so sorry," Alex said. "I thought you'd find it funny!"
"Oh trust me, I do," Willie said, moving to pull him up from his miserable lump on the ground. "And I'm going to want to see that video later," he told Reggie.
"Please no," Alex whined, even though Reggie was totally going to plug it into the big TV in the house so everyone could enjoy it, probably.
"Don't worry about it, Hotdog," Willie soothed, pulling him into a hug. Alex hid his face in his shoulder, letting the feel of his boyfriend's arms around him calm him down a little. Even when everything was shit, he always felt a little better in Willie's arms.
"I lost your engagement ring over trying to make a funny meme," he pointed out.
"Well," Willie said, pulling away. Before Alex knew what was happening, he got down on one knee in front of him, pulling a ring out of his back pocket. "It's a good thing I still have mine, then. Alex Mercer, will you marry me?"
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smaptain-smerica · 1 year
Beauty School Dropout - Part III
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Female!Reader
Summary: When Bradley is called back to Top Gun, he is reunited with a long lost friend from high school. Through their strenuous time leading up to the mission, the two friends relationship becomes complicated by external forces.
Warnings: cursing/foul language, sexual innuendo
Master list
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“And then you’ll want to press the C key.” Bradley explained to y/n where he sat next to her on the piano bench. Y/n surveyed the keys before pressing on one, looking to Bradley for approval. 
“Close,” Bradley chuckled. He grabbed her hand with her pointer finger still extended and then moved it to the correct key. 
“That’s a C.” 
Y/n smiled and turned her attention to her friend. “When did you learn so much about music?” She asked. Bradley smiled at her before reaching up and grabbing a picture frame off the top of the piano. He handed it over to her. Y/n took the picture in her hands, it was a picture of Bradley as a young child and his dad. 
“I have been in piano lessons since I was 8, I learned how to play this song for my moms birthday.” Bradley explained. 
Y/n looked down at the picture of Bradley and his father and smiled. He was such an adorable kid. 
“I bet she loved that.” Y/n hummed. 
“Oh I did.” A third voice joined the conversation as Bradley’s mother came out of the kitchen with two glasses in her hands for the kids. 
“Hey Carole!” Y/n chirped excitedly as the woman handed her a glass. Y/n was confident that Carole made the best sweet tea in the whole world. 
Carole walked over to Bradley and placed a kiss on top of his head and then moved to Y/n, wrapping an arm around her shoulders in a side hug. 
“That was my favorite birthday.” 
“You cried like a baby.” Bradley chuckled before taking a drink of the tea. 
“You hush.” Carole pointed an accusing finger at him which caused us all to laugh. Carole exited the room and that left y/n and Bradley alone again. 
“Alright let’s try it slowly.” 
The two put their fingers on the keys and began to play their separate parts slowly. Y/n did well in the beginning, slowly picking up speed. That was until she hit the wrong key, a very wrong key. 
Bradley and Y/n burst into laughter over the piano, leaning into each other for support. Suddenly, the door swung open and a woman’s voice called out Bradley’s name. Anybody entering the home could see the piano in the living room from the front door. But y/n instantly knew that it was Bradley’s girlfriend just by the sound of her voice. She looked over at her, seeing that her face was covered in anger as she nearly slammed the door behind her. 
Bradley noticed too, he grumbled a curse word under his breath that only y/n could hear before standing up to greet his girlfriend. 
“Mandy! Hey babe.” Bradley jogged over to his girlfriend to kiss her but she pushed him away. 
“Are you kidding me?” She nearly yelled. “We have senior pictures in 30 minutes and you’re not even dressed!” 
Bradley frantically looked at the time and then ran his hands through his hair. “Shit I completely lost track of time. I’ll go get dressed, be right back.” 
Bradley rushed up the stairs leaving y/n sitting on the piano bench with Mandy staring daggers at her. 
“Hey Mandy.” Y/n tried with formalities, waving her hand at Mandy. Mandy gave her a dirty look that paired with an eye roll. 
“I don’t even know why you’re still around.” 
Y/n rose to her feet, shock flooding over her. “Excuse me?” She challenged. 
A disgusted frown spread across Mandy’s face. “I told Bradley to kick you to the curb, he didn’t need you anymore. But you’re still here, in his house even.” 
Mandy and Y/n haven’t gotten along from the start. Mandy managed to join them at the lunch table, consuming the entirety of the conversations. Mandy even stole y/n’s seat next to Bradley in Chemistry, forcing y/n to sit across the room. Y/n knew she was saying all kinds of shit behind her back to Bradley, but nothing between the two friends ever chanced. He still made time for both of them. His girlfriend more than her, but Y/n understood that. 
Y/n crossed her arms over her chest. 
“Well why am I still here then, hm?” She asked, raising her eyebrows expectedly. Mandy seemed to get flustered, her mouth opening but no words came stumbling out, then she spat;
“Stay away from Bradley, you bitch.” 
Y/n was about to clap back when Carole stepped into the room, a smile on her face. 
“Y/n, you mind helping me with dinner? It’s my family’s turn to cook after all.” Carole’s eyes glanced at Mandy and then back at me. Her expression was hard to read, but something was going on behind her eyes. 
“Of course, Carole.” 
Y/n followed Carole to the kitchen, quickly noticing that there were no food items or even dishes out on the counters. Y/n stood on the opposite side of the kitchen island that Carole was on as she braced herself against the surface. 
“I cannot believe she just said that to you.” Carole was angry, her face clearly showed it as she dug her nails into the solid surface of the counter, causing them to just slide into her palms. 
Y/n scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. 
“I can. She’s been trying to get rid of me from the start. That’s the tamest thing she’s said to me.” 
Carole’s face dropped into disbelief as she looked at y/n. She threw her hands up into the air and took a step towards the kitchen door. 
“That’s it. I’m telling Bradley.” 
“No!” Y/n jumped in front of Carole and stopped her in her tracks. 
“Don’t tell Bradley, please.” 
“Why not?” 
“Because he’s so happy, I don’t want to be the reason that’s ruined for him. Plus it’s been like this for 5 months now and no matter how hard she’s tried, I’m still here.” 
A wide smile grew on Carole’s face as she grabbed y/n’s face with her hands. She squeezed her cheeks gently before saying;
“You’re too good for him.” 
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Graduation day was a grand day. It’s impossible to recreate that feeling of freedom and accomplishment after walking across that stage. 
Until y/n met Bradley, she hadn’t had an idea on how that day would go. She imagined that she would graduate and then immediately sign up for summer classes and get on with her new journey to becoming a doctor. That was until Bradley begged her (quite literally, on his knees begged.) to take a trip with them. Eventually, she gave in. 
Y/n loved Bradley. She grew to love him over the last few years of knowing him. Every moment they spent together was the best of her life. Every memory she had she clung on to. There were times she thought about admitting it. Times when they were alone in the car driving home from a 1 am ice cream trip. Times when y/n was crying at a children’s movie and Bradley hugged her while laughing.
But her late night thoughts turned into fears and worries. Just the thought of not being around him hurt her heart, and they weren’t even together in that way. That hurt on top of being heartbroken was something she didn’t think she could survive. So staying friends was the only option. 
Although, y/n couldn’t help the jealousy that flared up in her chest when Bradley had chosen his girlfriend Mandy to walk with at graduation rather than her. Y/n was walking with another friend of hers she had met in her anatomy class. They had become close, but not as close as her and Bradley had been. 
She glanced at Bradley holding Mandy’s hand in the pews of the church they were graduating in. That hurt in her heart grew until her attention was drawn away by Bradley looking over at her. His graduation cap was crooked as he gave y/n a lopsided smile. 
Y/n couldn’t help but smile back as she reached a hand up and tipped the cap to the side so it was now straight. Bradley mouthed ‘thank you’ while putting a hand on her knee and giving it a gentle squeeze. As quickly as his hand was there it was gone, and the space went cold. 
They stood, walked, and graduated. The ceremonial cap throwing was the final send off before the graduates were dismissed to gather their things and meet their families. Y/n watched as Mandy ran into Bradley’s arms and they spun around and kissed. She didn’t know whether to walk up there to meet them or avoid them entirely. She decided to go with avoidance. 
Y/n wanted to see her parents, she left the doors of the church and swam through the sea of hugs and congratulations. Finally she spotted her dads head sticking out from above the crowd. Even in a button down shirt and jeans he still had on a mesh backed hat. 
“Dad!” Y/n ran up and jumped into his arms. 
“I’m so proud of you, sweetie.” He said before putting her down and y/n moved over to her mom. 
“You did it!” Her mom squeaked while squeezing the air out of y/n’s lungs. 
Another person joined the mix, running up to them with her arms out wide. 
“Y/n you did it!” Carole exclaimed while nearly tackling y/n in a hug and squeezing her tightly. 
“I know I know!” Y/n laughed after hearing it for a second time. She pulled back from the hug from Bradley’s mom just in time to see Bradley and Mandy parting ways, Mandy looked at y/n with pure hatred. Just that look alone was satisfying. 
“Why’d you run away?” Bradley asked, slugging an arm over her shoulder and squeezing her gently in a side hug.  
“I had to see my parents.” Y/n defended as she rested her shoulder gently on Bradley’s shoulder. 
“I am so happy for you two.” Carole could hardly contain her happiness as she engulfed us both in a hug. 
Y/n’s dad reached a hand out to Bradley that he clasped back. 
“Congratulations kid.” He said to Bradley. 
Y/n could tell her dad was trying to remain tough and stoic, but that quickly broke when he pulled Bradley’s arm towards him and gave him a hug. Bradley mumbled “thank you for everything.” into his chest. Y/n’s dad responded back with. “Of course.” Before the two of them pulled back. 
“So, what’s on the schedule next?” Y/n’s mom asked the two friends. Y/n and Bradley looked at each other, their response was the same but their enthusiasm about the topic was opposite. Bradley spoke with excitement while Y/n, dread. 
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Mexico seemed like a fantastic idea for a senior trip at the time. The legal drinking age was 18 and everything else was relatively inexpensive. The thing that cost the most was the condo that they had rented for 5 days. The people who went were Y/n, Bradley, Mandy, a couple of Bradley’s friends from baseball, Marcus and Dylan, and Y/n’s friend from her anatomy class, Sarah. 
Night three, after going out for drinks, everybody had come back to the condo to drink some more. Sarah and Marcus had been flirting all night long. The second they came back to the condo, they ran for a bedroom, hand in hand, and locked the door. It was obvious what was going to happen. Music was playing softly on the speakers in the living room while Bradley and Dylan talked and laughed. Mandy was quiet, she refused to talk to Y/n which left Y/n bored. 
An idea floated into Y/n’s brain, something she hadn’t done in a while. She stood, walking to the speaker and turning up the music. She strolled back to the middle of the living room with all eyes on her. She began dancing with herself, drink in hand. Y/n pointed to Bradley and then made a motion with her finger for him to join her. Bradley looked like he was going to get up but received a glare from Mandy, which caused him to stay seated. 
Dylan didn’t hesitate for a second, he stood up and grabbed Y/n’s hand and spun her in a circle. Dylan wasn’t unattractive by any means. He has sandy blonde hair with curls that fell just above his cheekbones and eyes so blue and green that they looked gray in the dim condo lighting. The two waltzed around the living room to whatever popular song was playing. Drunken singing voices of the two dancing bounced around the room and Dylan wrapped an arm around Y/n’s waist and dipped her down. To Y/n’s surprise, her back hit the hard floor.
Dylan burst out in laughter and knelt down. “Are you alright?” He asked. 
Y/n herself was laughing hysterically as she sat up. “I didn’t spill my drink!”
Dylan and Y/n laughed again, only for it to be interrupted by the sound of a door slamming. She looked towards the master bedroom door just in time to see Mandy storming after him and trying to open the locked door. “Bradley, open this door right now!” She screamed, pounding on the door. 
Sarah and Marcus came stumbling down the hallway, their clothes halfway on. “What’s happening?” Sarah asked. 
“You!” Mandy yelled, pointing an accusing finger in y/n’s direction. “Why do you insist on ruining my relationship? Why couldn’t you have just left. He doesn't need you anymore! He has me!” 
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Y/n stood to her feet, her drunken mind starting to sober in order to understand why she was being yelled at. 
“I don’t know why you refuse to leave after all the times Bradley has told you to get out of his life.”
Y/n was flabbergasted, this was the first time that she was hearing any of this information.
“Bradley has never told me that.” She defended herself. 
Rage clouded over Mandy’s eyes as she stepped closer to Y/n, her teeth almost bared and a snarl coming from her mouth, or maybe that was the alcohol. Before she had any time to react, Mandy’s fist connected with Y/n’s face. As though it were her second nature, Y/n swung back harder, knocking Mandy to the ground. Marcus and Dylan jumped into action, Dylan grabbed Y/n and pulled her back, Marcus doing the same thing. 
Y/n felt something wet on her lips. She licked them, tasting the familiar tang of blood before completely wiping it away with her hand. The commotion brough Bradley out of the room and he looked between the two of them. “What the fuck happened?” He asked, immediately running to Mandy’s side and helping her up. She was crying, her lip busted open and bleeding as she looked back at Y/n. “She came after me and hit me!”
“You lying bitch! You fucking hit me!” Y/n felt rage boiling up inside of her at the false accusation. 
Bradley stormed up to y/n and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her to the patio outside and shutting the door. “What the hell Y/n?”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“You hit my girlfriend.” He growled. 
“She hit me first!”
“She is my girlfriend, I didn’t expect you to hit her back at all!” 
“The same girlfriend who you told you’d get rid of me?”
Bradley’s eyes widened in shock and he took a step back, which was an invitation for Y/n to step forward. “Mandy has hated me from the beginning but I’ve held it back because I didn’t want to ruin your happiness. I cannot begin to tell you the things she has said behind your back and probably to your face if you’ve told her to get rid of me.”
“But one thing I never thought you would do is immediately take her side. I thought I would at least get to explain myself.”
“Y/n. I’m sorry, I never meant any of it. I promise I wasn’t going to get rid of you.”
“But you were going to let her keep talking about me like that.”
Silence. Bradley was at a loss of words. He just stared at Y/n with his mouth gaping open. 
“Bradley, I can't do this. I’m drunk and angry so, maybe I’ll change my mind tomorrow but I can’t do this.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I’m done putting up with her shit. If that means you as well, so be it.”
Y/n slammed the door shut to the patio, leaving Bradley outside, alone. 
Next Part
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@khaylin27 @heartzforkam @lt-spork @railmerooster
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What are the personalities for your ITTW fan kids just curious
Thank you for showing an interest, I'm happy to answer 😊✨️
The Sun family Children 💕
💙 Houzi, the oldest
He looks exactly like Sun Wukong but has social anxiety that causes him to panic, as in go all demon face screaming to try chasing whatever is freaking him out until one of his family members calms him. He pretty mild mattered, but if he's out in public too long, he gets pretty scary. It's because of this flip that people misunderstand that he is as chaotic as Wukong. He's a good older brother as he tries to keep his siblings safe as they play. He's easy to annoy and easy to calm.
🩷 Mimi, the oldest sister
Absolutely loves attention and praise. She loves dressing like a princess whenever she has she has the chance. Encourages all of her siblings' schemes and mischief but prefers to remain on the sidelines or plays as the distraction (to keep tidy). Disturbingly great liar and actress, a skill that comes in handy when things get too real. Is an absolute daddy's girl and loves to play with her dad.
🖤 Tianyu, Willow's older twin
A chaotic ball of energy. He has no real rhyme or reason for the things he does. His brain goes "OH LOOK AT THAT! NO THAT! LET'S EAT AN APPLE! NOW, LET'S PAINT A FENCE! NO WAIT, LET'S PAINT THE HOUSE!!!!" The answer he gave his mom was that it's sounded like fun at the time 😆. He doesn't mean any real harm he just wants something fun to entertain him. Even when he's asleep, he wags his tail or runs in place.
🩶 Willow, Tianyu's younger twin
VERY calm and peaceful. Likes painting, playing soft music, and humming. She is very goofy like her brother but has so much more restraint and patience for things. She plays all the time with her brother but at her own pace. Is very smart and usually the one the make all their schemes work. Prefers wearing loose and comfort clothing for easy movements and really likes bodies of water, especially waterfalls.
💜 Jango, the third son
A very quiet, stoic and well-behaved child. Spends most of his time quietly reading books until his mom gets back and then BOOM! He has the biggest smile and immediately goes running to her. He loves his Mama more than anything! Cooking with mom, reading with mom, laundry with mom, and even sleeping with mom are like a holiday to him! He gets very mad and jealous when his dad gets HIS Mama all to himself for "special private hugging time." When she leaves again, he goes back to being calm and stoic, but at least he has his lovely siblings to help him pass the time until she gets back. He is the biggest Mama's boy ever and is truly respectful of women as a whole.
"Mama is a woman and she can do Anything! So all women can too right!" 😃✨️
🧡 Bao, the oldest triplet
Bao LOVES stealing shiny things ✨️ 😍. Gold, jewelry, marbles or glass beads, this one will do whatever to get their mitts on them. Bao keeps all the shinys in a discreet location along with all the other things the other two stole. Has the best memory in the family perfect for casing joints. Became obsessed with shinys when one day they saw the light refract against their mother's glass bead earrings and thought it was the prettiest thing ever. Only close family members get picks from the triplet's treasure pile. All else beware of your belongings. The most excitable one in the group and the most impulsive, always quick to tease and gloat to their victims. Really like their older brother Tianyu and sister Mimi since they always come off as super self-assured and confident.
🩵 Kai, the second triplet
Kai ADORES soft things. Baby blankets, plush toys, fur rugs and coats Kai wants them all. They prefer hugs from fluffy haired, soft curvy Mama rather than muscle hard dad (dad's fur is pretty soft though). Has the softest touch you will ever know, so a rather talented pick pocket and robber. Really likes the beach near their mountain home (the sand is like powder). The soft and gentle one in the group even laughs softly, which contrasts their perma-grin. Always checks in on siblings emotionally. Enjoys spending time with Houzi and admires him deeply.
💚 Longwei, the third triplet
Longwei is OBSESSED with all things art and pretty. Will not hesitate to steal your paintings, tapestries, sculptures, or any fancy looking books. They appear to be the most laidback in the group but are actually the most cunning. They always have an exit strategy and are always looking for the angle with other people. Surprisingly superstitious always keeping a jade clover his mom gave him in his pocket for luck. They are a major smooth talker and love to scam people for giggles. Enjoys Willow's and Jango's company the most. Love having alone time in the forest, surrounded by the natural beauty and sounds of Mother Nature.
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