#this is after his neck snapping and he is still getting back to his feet
holylulusworld · 2 days
Cabin at the lake
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Summary: You have a much-needed vacation. There’s only one problem…
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Assistant!Reader´
Warnings: SB being an ass, tension, arguments, vacation hijacking (is that a thing?), sexual themes (talk about)
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The cabin at the lake. Your shelter from the storm. A sentimental place that your grandfather left you in his last will.
You love to sip on your tea, and to sit next to the bonfire, wrapped in a warm blanket as the sun sets over the horizon.
For once, you forget about your stressful job and your demanding boss. A supe on top of all. The new leader of the seven. Soldier Boy. The nightmare on bowed legs.
If he could, he’d let you jump through hoops of flames. Just not for the next two weeks. You’re on vacation and can forget about your boss for a while.
You close your eyes and inhale the clear but cold air deeply. It smells like pines, water, and earth.
You smile as memories of your grandparents flash up in your mind.
You’re almost at peace. Almost.
“There you are.”
No. This can’t be. Even here, in the most peaceful place, you can hear his voice in your head. Crap, you can even smell him and feel his breath in your neck.
Your eyes snap open when someone snatches the cup of tea out of your hands to gulp it down in one go. “What?”
“Here you are, enjoy tea while I was out there, saving the world,” your boss, Soldier Boy himself nags and throws the cup over his shoulder. “I can’t believe you sometimes.”
“Sir,” you look at him, shocked about his presence in your solitude, “I told you that I’m going on vacation for two weeks. Sonja will assist you while I’m away.”
“Sonja?” He curls his upper lip in disgust. “She was a bad lay, nothing else. That girl can’t even get my coffee order right. You must come back. Now!” He snaps his gloved fingers.
Soldier Boy didn’t waste time. The moment he found out about your whereabouts, he left and drove to your location. He’s still in his suit, his shield tugged under one arm.
“Sir,” you try not to sound too annoyed, “I have the right to go on vacation. I haven’t had a day off since I started working for you. You keep me occupied even on weekends. I need a break.”
“You need a break?” He huffs as he looks at the lake. “Hmm…a break wouldn’t be too bad.”
Before you can protest he rams the shield into the ground next to your feet. He takes his gloves off, tossing them into your lap before he plops down into the free seat.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m on vacation,” he leans back and closes his eyes. “After I had a nap, I want the good stuff and food. Omelet would be great.”
“Sir! This is inappropriate! You can't hijack my vacation!”
“Why not?” He turns his head to grin at you. “Only you, me, and the lake will know what we did here.”
You gulp hard at the implication. “I must ask you to leave.”
“I must ask you to shut your mouth, or—” he leans toward you and smirks, “do you want me to put those pretty lips to better use.”
“We talked about sexual harassment last month,” you sigh. “Did you forget all about it?”
“Aw, sweetness,” he grins. “You’d know if I fucked your pretty cunt.”
You roll your eyes and huff. “You’re unbelievable.”
“I know,” he purrs and looks you up and down. “You’ll believe you can fly after I fucked you for the first time. It’s like a drug you never want to get off.”
You gape at him.
“Let him have a nap first. I drove for hours to find you,” he leans back and closes his eyes. “And don’t think I forgot about the omelet…”
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junjiie · 2 days
해찬  ##  🗯️ ⠀ &THEAFTERPARTY..
twenty four just a little. ⠀ wc 1.1k. ⠀ warnings none.
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the sound of your keys in the door almost made hyuck jump three feet in the air from his place at the windowsill, where he was sitting with a bowl of cereal in his lap and his speaker playing next to him.
what followed was a desperate scramble for his phone to pause the sad playlist he’d put on to sulk to before you could get in the door, and also attempting to turn in his place to make it look like he was sitting in the windowsill.. casually, rather than staring out into the dark and wallowing in his own misery.
he’d just about managed it before you shouldered the door open and kicked it closed again, chucking your keys onto the kitchen counter and then collapsing backwards onto the sofa with a huff; coat still on, headphones still around your neck, baseball cap falling to the cushions below, and shoes still on from where your feet were dangling off of the other side. donghyuck watched the display with badly hidden amusement, attempting to hide his exhale of laughter but reportedly failing when your head snapped up and you shot him a glare. 
“leave me alone, i’m still reeling.”
he turned his face down to his bowl of half-abandoned cereal to try and hide the smile on his face, pushing a few floating cheerios around with his spoon as he replied.
“why? was it really that bad?”
you shuffled and maneuvered in place until you were lying flat on the sofa, trainer-clad feet still hanging off of one of the armrests, and nodded vigorously as best you could from your position.
“worse than bad, oh my god. maybe it was just because i was tired, or something, because i was not ready for him to drag me to the park and start jumping around all crazy with the speaker he apparently pulled out of his ass turned all the way up.”
his eyebrows raised in surprise, but before he could get a word in edgeways you were off again—and so he felt he could do nothing but relax in his windowsill spot and enoy your rant, spooning his remaining cereal into his mouth while he did so. your hands were waving in the air as you spoke, fabric of the coat you still had on swishing this way and that with the movement.
“like, why would you even do that on a blind date? maybe he was just trying to see if i was into the weird ones—which, i guess i am, kinda, but c’mon, at least ease me into it instead of just springing it on me like that. i’m never letting heeseung slip my name to anyone he knows ever again, i swear..”
a yawn interrupted your tangent, and donghyuck tried to stave away the endeared look that he could feel spreading on his face in response to the way you flailed to press the back of your hand over your mouth to stifle it, in case you happened to look over and witness him in all his full pathetic and loserish glory. he’d only just moved in—he couldn’t really afford to be kicked out again so soon. mark probably wouldn’t let him back on his rickety and scoliosis-inducing sofa.
“anyway,” were your first words after you’d recovered from your bout of sudden tiredness, heaving yourself into an upright position and fiddling with the zipper of your coat, eyes narrowing when you attempted to look over at what he was eating. “what’ve you been doing the whole night? and what’re you eating?”
donghyuck swallowed his latest mouthful of bordering-on-soggy cheerios and gestured the bowl in your direction before you stood to hang your coat up and discard your shoes and cap, trying not to shrink back into the window too obviously when you crossed the living room again and was suddenly very close to him, leaning over a little to get a better look at what was inside of his bowl. when you were apparently satisfied you straightened up again and made a short grabbing motion towards his spoon, speaking up when he didn’t react immediately.
“give me a bit, will you? just a little.“
maybe it was a bit embarrassing, how fast he handed his spoon to you and held up the bowl not long afterwards, but hyuck pushed the feeling aside in that moment. it wasn’t like anyone else was there to make fun of him for it. 
and thank god for that. he probably shouldn’t have been watching you eat nearly-soggy cheerios with the look he knew he most likely had on his face, but again—there was no one there to judge him for it, so he let himself this one time. the spoon clinked back against the rim of the bowl once you’d finished with it, and you then made a budge up motion with your hands, to which haechan stared up at you cluelessly for until you rolled your eyes and explained.
“move up, idiot, you can definitely fit two people in there.”
brown eyes widened in realisation, and hyuck hurried to comply, abandoning his speaker and nearly-empty bowl to the floor below to further make room for the two of you on the windowsill (and make sure he didn’t spill milk all over himself). you collapsed down next to him and pulled your legs up to hug your knees to your chest, all of your breath escaping you in one long sigh. your skin was smooth from where it was pressed up against his own bare arm, and donghyuck felt like his face was red, a little too hot than what he could excuse as the heat of the living room.
he needed to do something about this crush—preferably as soon as possible. and seeing as getting rid of it didn’t look like it was all that likely, especially with how he would be waking up to you more often than not, then..
donghyuck spared a glance in your direction, only to find you already staring straight at him, eyes wide and unblinking as you searched for something in his. startled, he whipped his head back around and listened as you snickered at his reaction, as you let your head fall onto his shoulder and all the tension seep out of your shoulders.
well. he might as well just suck it up and confess. but not just yet—again, he’d only just moved in. surely he could allow himself a few more weeks of peaceful domesticity before preparing to possibly having to give it all up again.
(as well as preparing his back to carry his suitcases five floors down again. if it had half-killed him the first time, it no doubt was going to finish him off the second time around).
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(・o・;) 💣 ⠀ previous mlist next
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taglist ## @wave2love @mins-fins @kimgyuuu @wtfhyuck (perm) &&& @deafeningtyrantmilkshake @kosmicbomb @222brainrot @haohyo @dinonuguaegi @winuvs
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varpusvaras · 4 months
Something was going on.
Fox could see it from the moment Breha walked into his room. She was trying too hard to look like nothing was wrong, but the expression on her face looked forced, like her skin had been painted over with hardened wax.
She walked over to his bed and sat down. Fox watched her every movement carefully, just waiting for her to open her mouth and say what it was. He watched as she breathed, laced her fingers together, and then decided otherwise and instead reached for Fox's hand, taking it into her own. Fox watched as she stroked her fingers over the back of his hand, slowly, gently, like she was trying to calm down both herself and him.
Fox couldn't take it anymore.
"What is it?" He asked. "Did something happen?"
He was suddenly very aware of the fact that it was only Breha in the room with him. Bail was still supposed to be on Alderaan. He had said that he didn't need to leave for another week. Why was he not here? Had something happened and-
"Bail is alright", Breha said, like she had just read all of his thoughts. "He is just outside the door, actually. We just thought that it was for the best if I came in first and explained this all a little bit first."
"Explained what?" Fox asked. Breha breathed in deeply again, and squeezed Fox's hand.
"I'm afraid we haven't been entirely truthful with you", she started, "please believe me when I say it wasn't because we didn't trust you, the situation was just very delicate, with your health and what is going on in the Galaxy now."
There were too many questions in Fox's mind now, none of which he knew how to ask out loud.
"But everybody is alright?" He asked. Breha smiled at him a little.
"Of course. We just want you to meet someone", she said. "Someone we haven't yet told you about."
She turned around, to look at the door.
"Bail, love", she called. "Come in."
Fox watched as Bail walked in, his eyes immeadiately finding the little body resting in his arms, and his heart jumped up to his throat.
"Fox", Breha said, as Bail stopped next to the bed. "This is Leia. Our daughter."
Fox stared. Stared at the baby in Bail's arms, tinier than even the smallest of Cadets Fox had ever seen, dark brown hair covering its head and its tiny hands grasping onto the front of Bail's shirt.
"I'm sorry we didn't tell you right away", Bail said, apologetic tone in his voice that Fox barely heard over the rushing of the blood in his ears. "The situation was...difficult. You needed to heal, even a little bit, and we didn't want to lie to you about her."
Fox finally managed to lift his eyes from the baby back to Bail and Breha, who were both looking at him with guarded eyes.
"Lie to me about what?" He asked. "This isn't...you didn't have to tell me anything, I'm just-"
"Fox", Breha interrupted him, before his spiralling thoughts could come rushing out of his mouth. "You are part of our family, just as she is. You deserve to know just as much, but we didn't want to stress you out with all of this, before we knew that you were stable enough. We trust you with this knowledge, just as much as we trust each other with it."
"I don't understand", Fox said. He really didn't. Bail and Breha had always talked about wanting a child, so much so that Fox had started to sometimes give himself a permission to want one too, to imagine what it would be like, with all three of them and a little one who would look up to him and call him buir. What more was there to know about that?
Breha squeezed his hands again.
"She is the daughter of Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker", she said, leaving no room for any more questions in Fox's mind.
Fox looked at her. He looked at Bail and his somber eyes, and he looked back down at the baby, still fast asleep in Bail's arms.
There was still one question left, after all.
"Why did you tell me?" He asked. "I'm a breach in security, now. If they find me, they can make me talk."
"They can make me talk, just as easily", Bail said. "They can make Breha talk as well. You are part of our family. You deserve to know just as much as both of us do."
Fox looked at the baby. Leia. Her name was Leia.
It was-
He swallowed hard. There were still things he wanted to say, but he had lost the trust in his own voice.
There was a moment of silence between them, before Bail moved.
"Do you want to hold her?" He asked softly.
Fox looked up at him, and back to Leia.
She was so small. So very small and soft and delicate and important, and Fox wanted nothing more than to make sure that no one or no thing was ever going to hurt her, including himself.
"I-" He tried to say so, but there was something in his throat. "I, I can't, I-"
Have done some many horrible things. Have hurt so many innocent beings already. Have no idea how you can even ask me that.
"You can", Bail said. "I'm going to just lay her on your lap. You don't need much strength in your arms for that. It's alright."
His body had been the last thing Fox had been thinking about right then. The range of motion of his upper body had gotten a lot better recently, even if he still couldn't hold even his own weight up yet. The realisation of that made him feel better, actually. He was too broken to hurt anybody, even a little baby.
He looked at Leia, then up at Bail, and nodded.
Bail smiled, and carefully leaned over and carefully laid Leia's little body on Fox's lap and arms. She was so light Fox barely even felt her, but weighted more than all the stars in the universe.
Even though Bail had tried to be careful, as soon as he let go of Leia, her face scrunched up and her eyes, already darkened to brown, blinked up at Fox.
Fox expected her to cry. To scream. To want back to the warm safety of Bail's arms.
She didn't. She stayed quiet, staring up at Fox, and Fox could almost swear that he felt something tugging at his mind and heart.
Then her face shifted again, and she smiled at him, reaching her little hands towards Fox, and Fox-
Fox cried.
He didn't try to stop it. He just let the tears fall down his face and to his neck, and he let Breha wipe them away without a word.
"You know we don't expect anything from you", Breha said then. "It's entirely your choice to stay with us. But, if you want...she can be yours as well. She can be ours. If you want."
There was still something in Fox's throat, there were still tears running down his face, but he pushed past them to answer.
"Yes", he said. "Yes."
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sixosix · 6 months
aether (one of the) main character(s) in hit game genshin impact hits on you.
thank u sm for beta reading @mitsies i love u and your silly comments and insightful suggestions on googledocs, wc 700, NO ONE IS ACTUALLY DEAD
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Anyone would be surprised if a body materialized from thin air right in front of you, lifeless like a doll. You stare at the body, thoughts racing as fast as your heartbeat, and all the while, the man with sun threads as hair lay eerily still on the ground, eyes fluttered shut.
The man is terrifyingly beautiful, like a fallen star. A limp and unmoving fallen star, that is. Your jaw extends to the ground, terrified and—mystified? Immediately, your instincts scream at you to perform emergency measures, but—
A pixie comes barreling in from somewhere, tears running down her cheeks as she zeroes in on the presumably dead body.
“Was he your friend?” you ask quietly, mourning on her behalf. Were they siblings? The way she’s slapping his face around seems so.
“He’s not dead!” the little pixie exclaims, sniffling and shaking the apparently not-dead body.
You stare at her, perplexed. “Then why are you crying?”
“Because Paimon had to go through that trial challenge alone!”
“The what?”
Paimon huffs, slamming her tiny fists on the man’s bare waist. It seems to not even have left a mark on his skin. “You wake him up. Paimon’s upset at him.”
It’s hard to say no when tears are rolling down her face. Obediently, you poke around the man’s shut eyes, and it snaps open.
You flinch back. He blinks blearily.
“Are you okay?” You study his face, looking for any signs of a newly born zombie, but his face looks flushed and as healthy as any living human being. His eyes are bright and gold as they stare back at you.
“I’m in heaven,” he says. “Celestia has done it. I’m seeing angels, and I’m in heaven.”
Angels? Celestia?
Paimon tackles his face, shaking his shoulders and crying. “You’re not dead, dummy! How dare you leave Paimon in Dragonspine! All alone, Aether!”
“Oh,” Aether says, sounding almost disappointed. “Then…?”
“You’re not dead,” you agree with Paimon, because evidence lies before you despite the initial fright. However, his comment about angels has you a little flustered. “Um, what happened?”
“Ah,” Aether laughs sheepishly, rubbing the nape of his neck. “I failed the trial, and it respawned me back here. Which is weird—I haven’t been in Bubu Pharmacy for ages!”
“I’m sorry?”
Aether jumps to his feet, startling you enough to fall on your ass. He grins down at you and offers a hand. “At least I got to meet you,” he says, pulling you up from the grass. You stumble from his strength; he catches you easily, and you bump against his chest. “Or—not meet you yet. What’s your name?”
You can’t believe the previously perished fallen star is now hitting on you. “I’m… Y/N.”
“Y/N,” he repeats, smiling broadly. “I’ll remember that.”
You hope that your face doesn’t betray the warmth you feel fluttering under your skin.
Aether sighs, casting a glance at the ground he was previously lying on. “Sorry you had to see that. That was probably very disturbing and decidedly not flattering for me.”
You can’t help but laugh. Aether beams. “Does that happen often?”
“When I get a little rusty, yeah.” He tilts his head, looking at you up and down, then around your surroundings. “Do you work here? I haven’t seen you around before.”
“Just recently.” You gesture vaguely to the side, feeling a little shy. “If you don’t see me hanging around, it’s probably because I’m always loitering the docks to watch out for exhausted tourists.”
Aether’s smile turns sly. “Nurse me back to health, would you?”
But then Paimon starts tugging on his ear and away from you, a relief for your racing heart. “Enough flirting! You can come back here after you unlock that precious chest!”
“Ow, ow, okay,” Aether laughs, hesitating, before letting you slip from his hold. He takes a few steps back, his smile as blinding as stars seconds away from exploding. “The docks, right? I’ll see you soon!”
By 'soon,' you hope he doesn't mean he'll attempt to die again immediately, but you figure you'll find out eventually. You glance around to see if anyone is watching, then decide to take a stroll around the docks for reasons no one should know.
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i cant believe mitzi's first aether fic is THIS i feel so ashamed lmfao, but TY FOR READING!!!!! <3
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sttoru · 2 months
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✸ 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔: satoru unexpectedly comes back home to his family after being gone on a week long business trip. .
word count. 1.6k +
tags. girl dad!gojo satoru x wife!female reader. fluff, tiny bits of angst, overall sfw. reader gets called 'mama; pretty, sweetheart, baby'. satoru being a good husband and dad. your daughter is around 2-3 years old.
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the apartment is silent, something you aren’t used to. normally, you would not catch a break from the loud voices ringing in your ears twenty-four seven. it’d either be your husband’s or your daughter’s. or if they’ve teamed up to bother you, it’d be both. it’s been so long since the three of you were together. way too long.
satoru has been gone on this business trip for a week now. seven days without him is seven days without your other half. you feel empty for some reason, even if you have your lovely child who makes every day much better. you just can’t help but worry about your husband.
“mama, look!” your toddler calls out from the living room. you blink and find yourself back in the kitchen, instead of deep within your thoughts. you faintly smile at the adorable voice of your daughter. it reminds you that you’re not alone.
you walk into the living space and look around before spotting the toddler at the window walls. she’s pulled the curtains to the side so she could admire the scenery outside of your cozy apartment. you watch her excitedly jump up and down—like she’s discovered a big treasure.
“it’s raining!” she continues, running towards you and dragging you along to watch the raindrops fall onto the windows. you nod at her observation and pick her up. you kiss her cheek and gaze into her blue eyes, “yeah, it is! you’re such a smart girl.”
“yaayy! smart!” she giggles and nuzzles her cheek against yours. you wholeheartedly accept the affection with a warm laugh of your own. you both watch as it pours—from your perspective, the people below you look like small creatures, running around to get inside. you get lost in thought again at the sight.
you can’t help but wonder if it’s also raining where Satoru is. you hope he’s taken shelter by now, even though you know his infinity could easily block any rain from wetting his clothes. you don’t know what it is, but you’re undoubtedly worried sick about your husband whenever he is gone for too long.
“mama!” your toddler gasps and tugs at your clothes. your dissociating ends for a second because of the child in your arms. you absentmindedly hum and pat her back, letting her know that you’ve heard her. you’re too focused on your own thoughts and the gloomy scenery outside to hear anything else.
“mama! mama!” your daughter continues. this time, she kicks her legs, desperately seeking your attention. you kiss her cheek in response, still zoning out. she squeaks and giggles due to something. when she squirms too much in your embrace, you figure that it’s because she wants to be let down.
you crouch and allow your daughter back on her feet. you’re finally able to notice how she keeps staring at something behind you. she’s grinning from ear to ear, her tiny hand still tugging at your sleeve like she’s trying to notify you of something. her other hand points at the space behind you, “papa!”
you freeze. you don’t know whether you should turn around or not. is she joking around with you?
you tilt your head, patting your daughter’s head tenderly, her white hair as soft and fluffy as the one who’s she called out to, “papa? papa’s working, baby.”
a familiar chuckle softly reverberates through the room. one so smooth and nice to the ears; one that you immediately recognize as your lover’s. you nearly snap your neck by how fast you turn your head.
it must be a dream, you conclude. you can’t believe what you’re seeing. there he is, the man you’ve been praying to see. he stands there so casually, as if he’s planned this all, his hands in his pockets.
your husband smiles at you and your daughter. he’s more than happy to be back home as well.
“well, hello to you too, sweetheart,” satoru snickers, seeing your shocked expression. you’re frozen in place and have no clue how to react. you did not expect to see him any time soon nor did you even hear him come back in the first place.
“papa!” your daughter can’t hold her excitement anymore and jumps into her father’s arms. satoru happily accepts her hug and peppers her face with kisses, causing her to giggle uncontrollably.
he twirls her around before squeezing her tiny body to his chest, burying his nose into the crook of her neck. “mm. i missed you so much, baby girl. so so so much.”
you’re left somewhat processing the entire thing. you watch as satoru interacts with your toddler, tightly hugging her until she’s playfully whining about the lack of air.
he gives her a firm peck on her forehead and eventually puts her down, ruffling her hair affectionately, “you promised to be a good little girl for mama while i was gone, right?”
“yeah! been a rweaaally good girl f’ mama,” she nods repeatedly and clings onto satoru’s leg, awaiting praise for her good behavior. the white-haired man lets out a low chuckle and pinches her chubby cheeks in a gentle manner, “i knew my little girl wouldn’t let me down, heheh.”
you try to articulate some words, but nothing comes out. you take a step forward once you’re ready to face reality. your bottom lip trembles as the all the experienced emotions overwhelm you.
satoru instantly notices and smiles, opening his arms to welcome you into his embrace. which you immediately do.
“aww, there’s my pretty wife,” satoru sighs in relief, pleased to have the love of his life back in his strong arms. it’s like all the stress he’s felt throughout his seven-day long mission has evaporated. the same goes for the weary state his body was in before setting foot in your shared space.
the tears stream down your cheeks. they’re happy tears—tears of relief. all your worries are eliminated as your lover is now safe and sound before you.
satoru allows you to cry it out, not minding his clothes getting wet. your precious tears wetting his uniform is much better than the pouring rain doing so.
“it’s okay. ‘m here now,” satoru coos. he kisses the tip of your ear, moving down to your earlobe before showing your neck the same affection. his romantic touch is one you’ve missed greatly.
his big hands rub up and down your back, his lips trying to distract you from the tears. he moves to cup your face and leaves a warm kiss on your forehead, “you’re so precious. you did so well while i was gone, baby.”
satoru knows it must’ve been tough to take care of your daughter alone, whilst simultaneously taking care of all chores around the house. you’re the strongest woman he knows. his eyes sparkle with love as he wipes the tears from your cheeks, “there, there. .”
you sniff and cup satoru’s face this time, touching him like you’re making sure that he’s indeed real. You look around for any possible scratches but find none. luckily.
your voice is shaky as you speak up for the first time in a while, “welcome back, honey. i missed you s’much.”
your husband bites his lip at the sound of your voice cracks. your looks are captivating, even more when you’re so emotional. your beautiful eyes that glimmer with tears lure him in without fail. he’s longed for this. to see you and hold you again, without relying on some pictures on his phone.
he can’t hold back the urges within him any longer.
“c’mere,” satoru hisses, an unexpected switch in his tone. he suddenly pulls your body flush against his, his head lowering so his lips could crash down onto yours. your eyes widen at the abrupt gesture, but you quickly close them to fully enjoy the sensations. you hold him close to you while you return the kiss.
after a couple seconds, you both pull away, out of breath by the sudden moment of pure passion. the sorcerer grins and hugs you again. satoru rests his chin on top of your head and allows you to catch your breath, “i’m glad to be back.”
the soft pitter patter of the rain against the glass of the windows continues in the background. it’s a peaceful moment—two lovers reunited in their safe space. this is all you’ve wished for.
the sounds of wrappers falling to the floor and someone rummaging through plastic bags put an end to the sweet atmosphere between satoru and you. you both look to the side at the same time, only to find out that your daughter’s already been snacking on the goodies that satoru bought back from his trip.
the two of you burst out into laughter at the sight of the toddler munching on some chocolate, her cheeks as well as her hands being a complete mess. you were far too engrossed in your shared affection to notice that the little child has snuck off to inspect the bags on the coffee table.
“yummy!” your daughter exclaims once she notices that both her parents have caught her red handed. she reaches her arm out towards you, a half eaten piece of chocolate in her dirty little hand, “mama try.”
“no no, thank you. it’s all yours,” you giggle and shake your head. she’s too cute to scold and you can easily guess that satoru seems to agree with that statement. he walks over to the little girl and boops her nose lovingly.
“she’s got a sweet tooth jus’ like her papa, hm?” satoru comments light-heartedly. he grabs a nearby tissue and starts to clean the area around her cheeks, hoping to lessen the damage that’s already been done.
he truly missed this. the comfortable feeling of belonging somewhere.
“jus’ like papa!” your daughter innocently repeats after satoru as he cleans her up, causing the both of you to laugh again.
you’re happy to have your family back together.
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shotmrmiller · 3 months
Ghost knew that declining any type of work in this industry wasn't ideal. He can do as he likes because Ghost is a name everyone knows, a porn actor no one forgets.
Unlike you, the newcomer. Still so green behind the ears.
So, with a downturn of your alluring lips, you inform him that the meeting to go over the upcoming threesome with Price would have to wait.
"My manager sent me an email this morning, very last minute, about a video I'm gonna shoot with Gaz."
The fingers that were tugging your hair still. "Oh yeah? Know wha' kinda scene your doin'?"
You softly hum. "He's to be my handyman neighbor. Gotta bat my eyes at him as I ask if he can come fix my kitchen sink."
Kyle's a decent bloke, a looker for sure.
He's an up-and-coming entertainer. The pretty boy next door, the brother's best friend type.
Face as if sculpted from marble, a smile to die for.
Beautiful, really. Not particularly Ghost's type though, he likes a little more meat on his bottoms. Not that what he thinks matters, of course.
"Tha's alrigh', love. We'll postpone it to after then, yeah?"
Ghost quietly sits behind Price with his arms crossed, never taking his sharp eyes off the small screen. Even though Kyle is there too, all he can see is you. Your rosy tongue tantalizingly licks your bottom lip as you give Kyle a once-over.
Smart fingers undoing the button on his trousers, hooking into the waistband, carefully pulling them down until they puddle at his ankles.
The way you gaze up at him through your lashes, with his cock in your pert mouth, taking him in until the tip of your nose grazes his trimmed pubic hair.
How your neck cranes back so beautifully, eyes fluttering closed as Kyle slides his expert tongue through your slick folds. Your soft thighs trembling as you buck into his mouth, the heels of your feet digging into his back. Ghost's ears catch the sound of your breath hitching, while his eyes feast on the delectable sight of your back arching off the kitchen counter as you reach your peak.
His fingers sink into his thick bicep when Kyle doesn't relent after; continues to lap away at your sodden cunt, pressing tiny kisses on your sensitive clit. Ghost's spine straightens instantly when he hears your pained whimper.
It's too much, Kyle needs to back off before he forcibly gets him off of you—
It takes less than a minute for you to reach another peak, squealing as you come.
Your airy laugh dissolves the tension in his shoulders and leans back into his chair.
He drinks in the euphoric expression on your face when Kyle slowly sinks into your wet heat— your sweet moan forever music to his ears. Ghost watches you jolt back on the counter with every sharp snap of Kyle's slim hips. He hears the breath punched out of you with each thrust. He can see your white, creamy release around the base of Kyle's thick length, strings of slick connecting you two.
Your hands curl around Kyle's forearms, your shaky legs wrapping around his waist.
Ghost's eyes narrow when Kyle leans forward to whisper something into your ear, and you mewl loudly. Ghost clenches his jaw so tightly that he hears a pop.
Kyle's got stamina, Ghost'll give him that. He fucked you through three orgasms until he finally pulled out and spurted thick cum over your mons.
Price calls it a wrap, and the crew begins to take down the lights and such.
Ghost doesn't move from the chair he's in, knowing that you'll come to him, even on unsteady legs.
And walk over you do, slowly but surely. "Hi, Ghost." He pats his thigh invitingly, gesturing you to sit.
"Hey, love. You did so well," he praises. "Looked a dream."
As you glance down in embarrassment, his dark eyes lock onto Kyle's, who stands with a cold water bottle in hand across the room. "Flatterer."
He holds Kyle's gaze a couple more seconds before flicking them to you. "Only tellin' the truth, pet. Alrigh', let's get outta here. Ya hungry?"
He places an arm around your lower back, the other under your knees, and lifts you off his lap.
"Don't even try to pull tha' dietin' bullshit on me either," he chides.
He huffs in amusement when you sputter.
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ashwhowrites · 16 days
Yay! Requests are open!!! Can I get a smutty Eddie fic, where the reader is pregnant and they have sex, and it ends up inducing her labor. I feel like after the initial panic of "it's happening! it's happening!" Eddie would be so smug about it lol
I love this. I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
No idea how the process of labor is so this might be very unrealistic
⚠️smut, daddy and momma nicknames
A bit of daddy's help
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Y/N had been pregnant for a very long nine months. Her belly was huge and she could barely move around. At first she loved being pregnant, but now she wanted that baby out.
Eddie loved her pregnant glow, and he didn't want it to end. He loved helping her and being right beside her. He adored that she was growing their baby and he was happy it was with her.
He did feel bad for her. He knew how much it tore her body down, and how tired it made her. He did his best help. He rubbed her feet, he helped her walk, and he'd hold her stomach just to give her some relief. He'd do anything she asked.
"Still no baby," she grumbled as she wobbled out of the bathroom. "Spicy food? No go."
Eddie sat on the bed, with a sad smile.
"I'm sorry, baby." He said, she made her way on the bed. He held the blanket up as she slid in.
She sighed tiredly as the small movement sucked all the energy out of her. Eddie softly rubbed her stomach as he tried to soothe her.
"He'll come when he's ready" he said but her eyes snapped to him with a glare.
"He's on my time and I want him out now!" She growled.
Eddie tried to bite back his smile as he looked at her annoyed face.
"I know," he said, he leaned in and pecked her lips softly. He continued to rub her stomach, watching as her breathing calmed. "Was there anything else to try?" He asked. They have been through most of the list the doctor gave them but he wasn't sure what was left.
"There's one more thing," she said as she smiled. Her hand rested on top of his that was on her stomach.
"what's that?" Eddie asked
Eddie felt like his prayers were answered. A huge smile broke across his face.
"On it"
She laughed as he immediately stripped off his shirt. His tattooed chest came into sight as she felt herself already getting warm.
He leaned back down and held her face as he softly pressed his lips against hers. The kiss started sweet and gentle, but it didn't last long. Her hands were in his hair as he deepened the kiss. He kept one hand on her face as he slipped his tongue inside of her mouth. She moaned as she felt his tongue working against hers. He let his other hand wander down her body, slipping underneath her night tank top as he rubbed her belly.
The more he touched her, the more the kiss got hungry. Eddie having a huge pregnancy kink wasn't a shock to either of them. He waited years to fuck her without a condom, to fill her up with his cum. He craved to watch her belly grow and knowing it tied them together for life. He loved that anyone would see her on the street and know she was owned.
He pulled away for a few seconds before he kissed her again. Her left hand worked down his neck and down his back. He shivered as he felt her wedding ring tickle his skin, a reminder she was his for life.
He moaned as her tongue took charge of the kiss, and her right hand yanked on his hair as she pulled away.
"Ready to show me what you got, Daddy?" she purred
Eddie shivered at the name, his cock twitching in his boxers.
"Did you forget I'm the one responsible for the noise complaints? For filling you up so fucking good you got pregnant?" He challenged, a smirk on his face as he felt her body shudder.
He took his time to strip off her clothes. Removing her tank top and groaning at the sight of her swollen breasts and nipples. He reached forward, gently kissing the skin and flicking her nipples with his tongue. She moaned at the feeling, her hands in his hair. He moved down to her stomach, his big hands rubbing her bump as he kissed all around.
He didn't stay there long, removing his lips to strip the rest of her clothes, her hands losing the grip of his hair. He softly trailed up her legs, teasing her as he made it up to her thighs. He slowly trailed down her shorts. He enjoyed how she whimpered as she grew impatient. Then he tugged down her underwear, smiling at the sight of her puffy cunt.
"Gorgeous," he pissed as his lips softly kissed her clit. She jolted and her hands went back to his hair.
He didn't spend too much time between her legs. He knew both of them were so turned on that foreplay wasn't needed. But he still had to have a little taste. His mouth sucked on her clit as his fingers slipped inside of her.
Her head was thrown back as his skilled tongue and fingers worked together. She gripped at his hair and wanted to lift her hips but her body was too heavy. He made the most of it, his head twisting back and forth as he let his tongue touch everywhere.
She panted when he came back up for air. His chin soaked in her wetness, she clawed at his chest from the sight. He wiped his mouth and slammed his lips against hers, his fingers slipping out of her.
"Ready?" He breathed out, his body on top of her as he panted. His brown eyes look into hers for an honest answer.
"Yes," she said without a beat.
Eddie smiled and took off his boxers, lazily tossing them anywhere. He helped her turn on her side, then he went behind her. His lips were on her neck as he lifted her leg and placed it over his hip.
He listened to her sounds as he trailed his hand down and rubbed her swollen clit, she was so sensitive that she felt everything intensely. He rubbed her clit then slipped his pulsing cock inside of her.
He let out a loud moan as he continued to slip inside of her, her hands gripped the pillows as he sat fully inside of her. He was slow and soft at first, making sure she was comfortable. His left hand was under her head and his right played with her clit.
She loved feeling his hard chest against her back, the feeling of it slamming against her with each thrust. She could feel her eyes in the back of her head from feeling his hot breath against her neck. His growls and groans right into her ear.
"Love fucking you. Always feel so good wrapped around me," his words were hot in her ear as she shook. She whined at the compliments, her brain mush as she felt her body being taken care of in ways only her husband could.
"Just wanted Daddy's help to have a baby, huh?" He teased, he wished he had another hand available to rub her stomach. He was obsessed.
"Yes," she moaned, "yes, yes" her moans got louder as he went faster.
He could feel his heavy balls slamming against her. He didn't want to be too rough, clenching his jaw as he held himself back. This wasn't about him, it was to help her and help her have an orgasm.
"Need," she whimpered, her arm reaching back to touch him. She let her head wander until she felt his head. She gripped his hair as he growled louder.
"Need to cum?" He asked, his lips on her cheek
His fingers worked faster on her clit as she nodded. "Please,"
"Be daddy's good momma and cum all over me. Cum all over my fat cock,"
His words washed over like her orgasm. She felt that snap in her body as she gasped. The feeling went from head to toe as she came. Eddie fucked her through it, his fingers faster than ever against her clit as her leg shook on his hip.
When her moans turned to whines, he pulled his hand away. Softly thrusting inside of her, slowing down until his hips came to a full stop.
He slipped his soaked, still red and hard cock out of her.
"How was that?" Eddie panted as he moved her leg off of him and turned her on her back. His sweaty back against the mattress, he turned his head to look at her.
"Reminds me why I got pregnant in the first place," she laughed as she turned her head to look at him.
She squirmed as she took in his sweaty hair, his big smile with his perfect teeth, and the way his cheeks scrunched up. Her eyes moved down to his chest as it moved up and down quickly. Down his happy trail, following the line of hair, his dark curls and his thin hips peeked out from the sheet. The rest of his body was covered under the thin material.
"And that look reminds me why I got you pregnant," Eddie's chuckle turned into a moan as she turned her body and attached her lips to his neck.
"I don't feel anything, let's go again." She said against his skin
"Why don't we give it a second? We don't know how long it could take," Eddie explained through quiet groans as her hand began to travel down his chest. He could feel her cold wedding band against his hot skin, making him shiver.
He whined as she pulled her lips away, and her hand stopped right above his hard cock.
"I'm sorry. Are you saying you don't want to have sex again?" Her tone was accusing but she knew her husband. If sex was on the table, he was grabbing a chair.
"I just don't want to overdo it," he said softly
"Yeah I guess you're right," she sighed disappointed. She pulled herself away with a loud huff.
"We've been together for four years and married for one, and now you pick to listen to me?" Eddie asked in disbelief. "Come ride me, momma." He said with a smile as he tossed the sheet off of him.
She squealed with delight as she started to sit up, he helped her love gently and slowly. He eased her body on top of his, rubbing her thighs to soothe her as she got into the right position.
"I knew you wouldn't say no," she said with a smug smile, placing her hands on his hard chest.
"What's that saying?" he teased, his hot lips attaching to her neck. "Momma knows best?" she shuddered as he nipped at her skin.
He shuddered as she grabbed his cock, pumping it inside her hand before she lined his tip with her entrance.
His head fell against her chest as she sunk down on him, she took her hands off his chest. She leaned back and placed her palms on his thighs. The muscular and hairy skin underneath her hands.
He picked up his head as she softly began to move herself on top of him. He moved his left hand to hold her hip, softly encouraging her as she rolled her hips.
His right hand went straight for her bump. He softly rubbed her stomach as his eyes watched her body. Her eyes closed with bliss, the sweat on her hairline and the sweat that dripped down her chest.
Her body was a work of art and it always captivated him.
"So glad I married you," he smiled as he reached forward and cupped her face. Making her press her lips against him, her hands on his chest to balance. He felt her smile into the kiss.
He let her go back into her comfortable position, her hands back on his thighs. He clenched them as she gripped, her nails dug into the skin.
He reached forward and rubbed her clit.
The immediate touch was almost enough to make her cum. She panted hard as she lifted her hips as fast as she could to slam back down.
With a few more touches to her clit and Eddie bucking his hips up, had her cumming all over again.
But this time
She felt more than just cum soaking them, then he followed after. Moaning as he came inside of her.
"Is that?" Eddie asked, his eyes wide as he looked at the sheets.
"Stand me up!" She rushed out.
Eddie was quick to lift up her hips, his cum now adding to the mess below. He panicked as he slipped out from under her, he grabbed her hands and helped her off the bed.
As she stood, more liquid came out of her.
"It's happening!" She panicked, her eyes scared as she looked at her husband.
"Shh, it's okay! Let's get you dressed." He was quick to slip a shirt of his on her and some clean boxers.
He kissed her face, a big smile on his face.
"We're having a baby!" He said in awe
"NOT HERE! GET ME IN THE CAR!" she screamed.
He nodded and dressed himself as fast as he could. He grabbed all the bags and dropped them at the front door.
Then he grabbed her, helping her waddle to the car. He got her placed in the seat as a sharp pain went through her. She grabbed his hand and hissed through her teeth.
"Breath, baby, breathe," he said as he clenched his jaw. Her grip bruised his hand.
"Where was that tone five minutes ago?" He teased, laughed at her glare, and kissed her nose. He ran back into the house and grabbed the bags.
Then he was off to the hospital
He reached over to let her hold his hand.
"I know you are terrified but I want you to know one thing," he said, his head turned to look at her.
She breathed as she looked over at him.
"I fucked you into labor," he said with a big smirk and wink sent her way.
"Oh shit, now that's all I'm gonna hear for the rest of my life." She said as she rolled her eyes.
"I can't believe you guys have a baby," Steve said softly as he looked at the small boy in Eddie's arms. Y/N slept in the bed beside them.
"I can't believe she allowed you to have sex with her," Robin laughed, her eyes on the little boy behind Steve
"Jealous?" Eddie snapped, a smirk on his face as she rolled her eyes.
"How did her water break? I want the whole story!" Nancy squealed excitedly.
The big smirk on Eddie's face got even more smug, which no one thought was possible.
"Well, we tried everything the doctor said, and the last thing on the list was all in my hands." The group looked at him confused as he continued to explain. "So, being the amazing husband I am. I turned her on her side and grabbed her left leg to put it on my hip. Then I slipped inside of her. Sweet and slow, she was so we-"
"WE GOT IT!" Dustin yelled as he covered his ears.
"You could have just said sex," Nancy said as she gagged.
"You wanted the whole story!" Eddie defended, "but the first time wasn't enough to induce the labor...or was enough for her." He gave a wink to Steve who rolled his eyes. "So we went at it again, like minutes later. She was all over me." Eddie bragged. "After her second orgasm, that was when she went into labor."
"Can't believe such a disgusting thing led to something beautiful," Dustin said, patiently waiting for his turn to hold the baby.
"Oh Dusty," Eddie laughed, "nothing about it was disgusting. Just you wait." Eddie said as he handed the baby off to Steve. Leaving his hands free to slam down on Dustin's shoulders.
"It'll be the best time of your life," he said as he walked over to her. He leaned down and kissed her forehead as she slept.
"You and him for the rest of my life."
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt
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yandere-daydreams · 11 months
Fox Hybrid!Childe, who arrives at the sanctuary where you volunteer in the dead of winter. He's brought in by a group of hunters who found him in a decade-old bear trap on the verge of freezing to death. He's aggressive at first, still rattled from such a close call, but comes around quickly after a warm bath, a visit with your on-call vet, and of course, something to fill his stomach.
Fox Hybrid!Childe, who can't be released back into the wild while he's still in recovery or left alone overnight, not when he's so eager to play fight with the other hybrids. He gets along well enough with all the volunteers, but he's constantly trying to get your attention, either sulking as you tend to another hybrid or drinking in your generously-given affection. You're clearly his favorite, so you're the one to take him home. He's ecstatic about the change in scenery, to say the least.
Fox Hybrid!Childe, who takes to being a housepet like a fish takes to water. You try to make up for the lack of stimulation with a never-ending supply of thrifted toys and as many walks as his injured leg will allow, but he prefers to spend most of his time curled up at your feet or trailing after you, ginger ears perked-up and blur eyes wide and bright. He's surprisingly good at household chores for a wild animal. By the end of the first week, he's cooking and cleaning on his own, and when you insist that he's your guest, that you don't want him to get too domesticated, he just laughs and tells you that he likes it, that he's used to hunting for his siblings. Since you won't let him bring the birds and rabbits he catches past the front door, this is how he's decided to provide for you.
Fox Hybrid!Childe, who destroys your apartment the first time you leave him alone for more than an hour. It makes sense, even if you can't say you've ever seen another hybrid react so violently to being separated from their handler. Foxes are social animals, and he hasn't been on his own since he was brought to your sanctuary, since the day he stumbled into a trap he couldn't understand or struggle his way out of. Still, when you come home to find all his toys gutted and all of your furniture overturned, you can't say you're thrilled. Childe spends the rest of the day buried in your sheets, pouting until you finally give in and forgive him. Childe goes wherever you go, after that.
Fox Hybrid!Childe, who suddenly seems a lot less friendly than he did, when you first took him in. You try to write it off as him being overly protective of his temporary skulk, but it's a little hard to tell that to your male friends when he bares his teeth and snaps at their hands. In public, he refuses to leave your side, his tail constantly thrashing and his ears pressed flush to his scalp. He'll still smile, laugh, promise he doesn't get jealous that easily, but it's difficult to take his word for it when he holds your hand so tightly.
Fox Hybrid!Childe, who's been scenting you in your sleep for weeks, nuzzling into the crook of your neck and gripping at any flesh he can reach and humping your thighs until he inevitably climaxes and has to clean his cum off of your skin with his tongue. He makes a point of 'accidentally' staining anything he doesn't want you wearing in front of anyone but him, letting you think he's too vulnerable to his animalistic urges to not mark your favorite top with his cum, that his separation anxiety is just too severe for you to shower without him, let alone close the door when you change.
Fox Hybrid!Childe, whose leg has been fine for months. You're too much of a bleeding heart not to buy it when he puts on a half-hearted limp, and while he hates having to lie to his future mate, he hates being away from you more. It's not a permanent arrangement, either - he'll be able to tell you the truth when you're fully bonded, when you're heavy with his pups and coming undone on his knot every night, every minute he can get with you.
Fox Hybrid!Childe, who's not going to let anyone take him away from his precious mate now <3
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hoshigray · 1 year
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Had the most random thought, but what if you caught Miguel by surprise and sneaked a kiss on the back of his neck when he's stressed out?
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An: Don't mind me, just feeling soft for Miguel because he's corrupting my brain at the moment, lol. Also, wanted to write this to distract me from the fact Pleasurable Practice got smacked with a community label ffs. But, tysm for the love on that fic <33, and [MAYBE] I'll work on pt ii for next week! Thanks again, you lovelies, and enjoy!!
Edited Note: Also, here's an ATSV masterlist I made earlier for your convenience!!
Cw: Miguel x reader - fluff - stressed Miguel bc when is he not - you give him a kiss on the neck - pet names (amorcito/little love, mi alma/my soul; amor/my love) - just you and Miguel being adorbs and him being whipped hehe~
Wc: 902
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You snap away from what you were doing to find where the noise came from. Not to your surprise, it's from your boyfriend — Miguel O'Hara, who's expressing his dismay by throwing another tray full of empty containers you got from the cafeteria.
The man is descending from his [godforsaken slow-ass] station, tapping his feet and huffing by the second. His brows are furrowed in anger, and he moves a hand to soothe his forehead with his fingers. When his post finally stops, he jumps down to sit on a chair and groans into his hands.
That was the third time this week. A villain was supposed to be captured and brought into the Spider Society to be sent back to their own universe; however, that was two days ago. And for some reason, this evil-doer has been hopping in and out of multiple universes. It's been a hassle for the other Spiders to grab hold of them; Lyla has to have eyes on them within every minute of every hour, and Miguel...Obviously, he would like to have this matter taken care of already.
You get up from where you're sitting and walk up behind Miguel, whose face is still covered by his hands with inaudible curses that you can tell are in Spanish. "You okay?"
The rise and fall of his broad shoulders entail a huge sigh seething out of his system. "No, mi amor." He frees his face only to rest his forehead with a hand propped by his leg. "This game of cat-and-mouse has been going on longer than necessary, got Spiders who're tired of the chase — I'm tired, yet there's more stuff piling up and—" He stops himself with another deep sigh, and you place your hands on his shoulders. "I just can't right now...."
All you can do is hum aimlessly while massaging his shoulders, his trapezius and deltoids tense with stress. You understand that a lot is going on for Miguel, giving him his space and letting him do what he does best: being a hero. But of course, being a superhero isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and you're bound to get hit with obstacles that'll hinder your progress. Annoyingly so, if you're a leader of an organization like your boyfriend.
Nevertheless, he's only one man, and you know he forgets this fact when he's too wrapped up in work. He's dedicated to protecting his peers, his home, and you. And although you appreciate the sentiment sincerely, you wish he'd remember to not go too hard on himself before he's burnt out.
You sigh through your nostrils, your hands kneading out any remnants of tension while Miguel indulges before storming back to work. That's when an idea hits you when your eyes land on the back ends of his hair, a smile creeping in slowly. Your hand brushes the lower tufts of his brown strands, and you lean down to press your soft lips on him after pulling his suit to expose his neck.
Immediately, Miguel goes rigid at the feeling of your lips on him. And his breath hitches when your hands wrap around him, pulling him closer to you as you lay your chin on top of his head (which you realize is a rare opportunity as he's taller than you).
"Mi lindo araña," You chuckle to yourself when you notice hints of red sneaking on the lobes of his ears. "The more you stress yourself, the more you look like a grouchy face."
"A grouchy face?" His tone holds slight confusion. "You've been hanging with Peter B. too much, amorcito." He shakes his head while you giggle, and you two sink into each other's presence for a little while, taking in the silence outside of the calming breaths Miguel takes. If he were to confess, it's as if almost all his fatigue has vanished into thin air when he's in your embrace. But he doesn't say anything — he doesn't have to. Because you already know.
You set your lips on his temple. "Feeling okay now?" His body vibrates from a tiny purr, and you remove yourself to stand up straight. "Alright then, I'm gonna go to the cafeteria to get something to share. Because you clearly need a snack. And while I'm gone, pick up that tray and those empty containers off the floor before Lyla has another reason to call you a 'grumpy man-child.'"
His face molds to a deep scowl from the mention of his pixelated peer's name-calling. "I am not a man-child."
You give him a look. "You kinda are."
"And what gives you that—"
"Muñeco," Miguel quickly refrains from arguing when you call him by his nickname, the name only you can use. "If you're not a man-child, why haven't you stood up and done what I asked yet?"
The man opens his mouth, yet no words dare leave. Reddish-brown eyes are honed in on your figure as you survey his reaction, and he exhales in defeat when he stands up from his chair. Your smile flourishes. "I'll be back," is what you say as you turn to exit his domain and head to the cafeteria.
Miguel watches you leave until you're out of his line of sight, unable to fight the twinge of his lips while he moves to pick up his mess like you instructed him to.
"Sólo tú puedes darme órdenes, mi alma."
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nyimasu · 1 year
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— CW : toji is a well-hung menace still broke af (what's new), rough!toji, wall sex, implied size kink, this man fucks you raw 24/7, is 'girl' a pet name?, cervix fucking, multiple orgasms, breeding kink, creampie, slight teasing, double penetration at the end (monsterfucking), squirting
NOTE : well, this takes place in the jjk verse and nothing I say can justify my horniness lmao I wrote this at 2am because toji always comes back to remind me why I'm so down bad for him (ssh don't tell geto)
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Toji is a man on a mission tonight. That being to fuck you into oblivion.
"Come on, be a good girl and stay still," his fist lands a hair’s breadth away from your face pressed against the wall, hips snapping against yours in a dance of curses laced with moans erupting from you both. He hides his nose in your hair as his next words hit you. 
"I want your pussy to milk me dry again.
I said don't move."
You squirm anyway, feeling his tongue lick a fat stripe of your tensed neck to then bite it as his calloused, experienced fingers roam your body to get rid of what's left of your clothes. You hear the fabric tear apart under Toji's touch, pooling at your feet, shreds of the shirt flying around when the groan the man lets out when you try to look at him from above your shoulder. It's primal, the one lions use to chase away other predators when eating.
He's possessive over his precious, little toy.
A sharp hiss on his part, followed by a merciless thrust that shuts you up with a wail. He is practically rutting into you.
Your eyes roll in the back of your head as his whisper grazes the shell of your ear, "Want new clothes? I'll get you new ones after my cum fills every hole of you, girl."
His cock has been kissing your cervix for a good minute, bruising and hitting it with his monstrous cock. The first time you saw it you were certain it wasn’t going to fit. You still wonder the same, but it always fills you to the brim with little to no effort. 
Toji always makes sure of that.
The drag of his dick is so delicious, grazing your walls — no, clogging them with its size like occluded pipes ready to burst yet the slick wetness you're so drenched in helps him move in and out of you in smooth, calculated moves you find maddening.
Every time its head collides with that sweet, intimate spot all you can see are flickering stars, but today there are so many more than usual, getting closer to you by the minute. They just get brighter, hotter and you feel them coat your eyelashes and cheeks in flocks until all you can see are them. Liquid stars falling from your eyes and he's your favourite star seeker.
His grip on you tightens as the fist still close to your face opens up, palm digging into your open mouth to suppress yet another desperate moan from you. 
What other women said about him is true. Before your paths crossed, you had listened to them without thinking much of it. But now, as he is using you as his personal cum dumpster against the wall of some run-down bar in Tokyo, you know they were right.
How Toji Fushiguro's stamina is as endless as the arsenal of cursed tools in his possession.
How he doesn't stop until his semen overwrite your own blood, marking you permanently as his.
How lewd is the sound of skin slapping against skin, muscular thighs colliding with your quivering ones in the dead of the night.
But they didn't warn you about his peculiarities, oh no.
Truth is, nobody managed to keep him interested in them for as long as you did. Hell, you still do.
You have him wrapped around your little finger, and he knows it. And a part of him loves it, being desired beyond limits, free to act upon his most twisted urges without the fear of judgement. 
Those sluts he had sex with before are nothing compared to the real deal. You.
Toji is grinning like the maniac he is when his digits pry open your lower lips, stretching them further while he's still buried deep inside your aching pussy. For a moment, the man sees how far he's driven himself into you through the bulge in your lower tummy and groans under his breath. You're so fucking perfect.
You clench around him in response, whipping your head around to see why he’s bucking into you so slowly. It's sloppy, the pace he's just set, and the Sorcerer Killer never half-asses anything.
So why- 
You don’t seem to understand what’s happening until a blunt object between your flush bodies comes out to play, and your hitched breath doesn’t go unnoticed. Startled, you look down to see the familiar shape of Toji's cursed spirit snaking around his leg and up to the hip bone, poking your entrance already full of his master’s cock.
Nope. No way I’m going to indulge him on this one you think to yourself.
"This really won't fit." you say in a daze, but the man hears you the same. And betrayal is around the corner, the first to fall your body, arching on its own at the sensation of the worm’s spongy head delving deeper. Your juices, mixed with Toji’s thick cum leaking out of your cunt, smeared all over it as it rubs itself in the ache between your legs and you gulp, ready to be smothered.
But it’s never enough, not when it comes to Fushiguro.     
Apparently your eyes are speaking louder than words because the man’s gaze is on you before you can look away. His green eyes bore a hole in you, and if he really does, you’re sure he’d find a way to clog it as well with his fingers, his mouth or some other tool of his.
“Aww, my girl wants to back off now? Too bad you can’t,” he coos, faux concern in his tone but it suddenly rises in volume when the hand still on your body. the one that nullified your clothes, slides down to where the cursed spirit is. He strokes it like he would with his cock, and something in the way he does so sends jolts of electricity down your spine.
“You can, girl. Also, we’ve been working non-stop for weeks. Let it take the edge off the stress too, would ya?”
That last sentence blows the air out of your lungs and under your scorching stare, Toji’s finger brushes the worm’s body, motioning for it to move. 
It lasts a second, but it’s more than enough, because the curse pushes into you altogether. It splits you open and you let out a scream. You spread your legs wider to accommodate both, but the stretch is still clawing from within, and it burns with every inch the spirit adds to Toji’s girth. Coated as they are in your releases, the man behind you simply laughs in ecstasy before his dominant hand finds your hair, pushing you flush against the wall again as he resumes pistoning into your pussy with force.
This time, the cursed spirit joins in and all you manage to mumble are strings of Toji's name dying on your lips when his other hand covers flies up to border one of your tits.
The coil in your stomach jumps up and down with each jerk of his in you, the cursed worm following his master’s movements to bring you closer to fold for them.
You do bend forward more for Toji to yank at your roots harder, eliciting sweet sounds from you, until his mouth is on you once more. The scarred tissue surrounding the scar scratches the back of your neck, just like the black shirt he still has on — but everything fades in the background with him so close.
You won’t last long.
“Do you want to cum? Does it feel good to be stuffed like this, uhm?”
“Yes, yes. Tojiii” whining, you stare at him dead in the eye, but lose momentum the second the worm’s head slips off just to dive back in you. Words are trapped in your throat, yet another feeble plea escapes you and hearing that, Toji’s smirk gets bigger.
“Go on, then. Make a mess.”
The softness of his pitch-black locks contrasts with the roughness, tautness of his muscles as he leans closer, his cock and cursed spirit stilling into you as you come with your head falling back on his shoulder, eyelids shut and mouth open. 
That sight alone brings Toji to his own release, and he gets so lost in the feeling of you squeezing his cock that he never stops fucking into you, not even when he spurts creamy ropes in your spasming cunt. That’s why he misses you biting your lower lip, mewling in overstimulation as you squirt all over him.
But when his gaze gets fixated on your parted legs, finally coming down from his high, he takes a double look and the shit-eating grin plastered on his face is the first thing you see after he and the worm slip out and flips you around. 
Before you can say anything his mouth is on yours in a hungry kiss, tongues battling for dominance as his fingers gather your arousal on them, both amused and proud. He steps back enough for you to catch your breath, but not far enough for him to miss your cheeks burning, taunted by the scene before your eyes.
Toji’s digits rest on his tongue, licking them clean as the dim lights of the streetlights show you the wicked man moaning at the taste of your juices.
His eyes soften as he chuckles, “Guess I’ll have to fuck you more often with my cursed spirit if I get you to squirt.
Let’s go steal some clothes now.
I can't have my girl walking around naked.” 
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© azanthys — do not copy, translate or share my works.
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jamespotterismydaddy · 3 months
Training Session
luke castellan x reader
A/N: had a cutie little request for this so i hope it delivers everything you wanted
WARNINGS: SMUT!, semi-public sex, knife kink, jealous luke, getting caught (oopsie)
WORD COUNT: 1,073 words
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“You know, anyone in this camp would be bloody grateful to train with me.” Luke says as he shoves you to the ground with his shield after you cursed him out for about the fifth time during the sparring session.
“You’re an arrogant dickhead.” You snap at him as you pull yourself back to your feet.
“It isn’t arrogance if it’s backed up.” He states as he swings at you, barely giving you a chance to block the attack at your throat.
“Gods, Luke. You nearly took my head off!”
“I didn’t though, did I?” He continues on the offence before you see your chance and swipe at his feet. It was a good move but you don’t make any contact. “Finally.” He murmurs. “This was starting to get pathetic.”
“Pathetic?” You scoff, your anger rising. “If I had a dagger in my hands, you’d be dead in seconds.”
“At least I can handle a dagger. You look like a clumsy toddler wielding that sword.” He laughs, attacking you again and knocking the steel from your hands.
Was he just toying with you?
“I don’t know why I even put up with your shit.” You start to reach down for your sword, planning to collect your things and leave before you’re stopped by the feeling of the sharpest part of his blade against your throat.
“Training with me makes you better.” He says assuredly as he lifts your head with the tip of his sword until you’re standing straight. You don’t think he would cut you… but he might.
“I could also train with another man to make myself better.” You say snarkily.
His eyes darken and he grabs your arm to pull you closer to him, his sword is still held to your neck like he might slit it. “You won’t. No other guy can do what I can.”
“I could always try one out.” You say, sensing the possession in his voice.
“I won’t let you.” He growls.
“What are you going to do to stop me?”
Silence for 1… 2… 3 seconds and then his lips are smashed against yours. He carelessly tosses his sword to the side. It doesn’t matter nearly as much as what he is going to do to you right now.
“Luke,” You murmur as you pull away. “Someone is gonna see.”
He smirks. “You must really wanna kiss me if all you’re worried about is privacy. Besides, everyone is at dinner by now.” His lips chase yours as he tries to pull you in for another kiss.
“And we should be at dinner too.” You protest.
“No, we should be laying you down on the bench and getting out all this pent up tension.”
You have to admit that his strength from before was turning you on. What girl doesn’t like to be pinned down with a sword pressed to her throat… and another one pressed to her thigh.
“Someone will catch us.”
“Not if you’re extra quiet.” He keeps pecking tantalizing kisses to your lips that distract you as he lies you down on the bench.
“I swear to the gods, if someone sees us, i’ll kill you.” You murmur as he pulls off your pants.
“As is your right.” He smirks as he pulls down your panties, eyes zeroed in on your sticky sweet cunt. “Can I?” He asks, looking into your eyes eagerly and you nod.
Your cheeks flush at the way he eats you out. You can feel the absolute yearning in his tongue as your fingers thread through his curly locks.
“Good girl, baby.” He murmurs against your pussy as you try to keep the whining mewls from falling from your lips.
You know you have to be quiet but you’ve never felt such pleasure in your life. You end up biting down on your tongue when you hit your peak so you barely let out a sound.
“Fuck, you taste so perfect.”
 He moves back up to kiss you, looking ever so pleased with himself as he palms at your tits. You feel him pressing against your thigh once again.
“Let me fuck you now?” It’s phrased as a question but you hear the dominance in his voice.
“Hmm… I guess so.” You say playfully, as if you don’t need him so achingly.
“You think so? I’ll have you begging by the end of this.” Luke says and you feel his cock sliding through your wetness, collecting it as lubricant. 
It doesn’t even sting when he pushes into you, not with how desperately you want for him. He looks into your eyes again, gaging how you’re doing before he begins to thrust. You feel as if you’re being sent to heaven and back with each movement.
“You think another guy could fuck you this good?” He says as he starts to pound into you.
“No, Luke.” You whine with each slam of his hips.
“No man will ever train or take care of you as well as I can. I’ll kill the bastard who thinks he can match me.” He fucks into you so hard that you start seeing stars. “Say it. Say no man compares to me.” He commands.
“No guy compares, Luke… there’s only you.”
You squirm a little as he lifts one of your legs to hook over his shoulder. You aren’t sure if you can handle how much deeper he gets in the new position. His hand slips up your shirt now so he can feel your skin on his and the look on his face is angelic. Mortals compare beautiful men to Greek Gods all the time but Luke doesn’t look like just any half-blood; he truly does look like a god. You swear that if you saw Eros in person, he would be imaged after Luke himself.
“Mmm i’m gonna cum.” You breathe out.
“I know, baby. You can cum.” He coos, giving you the last thrusts you need before you’re squeezing around him. The pressure alone is enough to cause him to spill himself inside of you. “You did so well, princess, so well.”
He presses one more soft kiss to your lips before helping you to get dressed, whispering kind words into your ear as he does. All would have been fine and well… If Luke had a chance to pull his jeans back up before Percy walked around the corner.
“Hey guys, everyone is wondering whe- oh what the fuck.”
taglists (comment to be added): General: @valeskafics @urmomsgirlfriend1 @girlwith-thepearlearring @darylandbethfanforever9 @lovellies @juhdoche @papichulo120627 @watercolorskyy @ophelialaufey @aerangi @ravenclawprincess33
Luke Castellan: @amortencjja @urmomsbananabread @kissingyourgrl @vikimontethegirlblogger @maryann2013 @stark-head @remussbitch @ever8ea @batmandabest @jennapancake @junos-web @tanifsblog @stupidtween  @10ava01
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givemequeen · 1 month
lap dance: spencer reid x reader
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a/n: another fic inspired by someone's (thirst) post. hope you enjoy it!
warnings: nsfw, unprotected sex, lap dance, sex in front of a mirror
You were wearing just the white hotel bathrobe when Spencer knocked softly on the door. He had waited the usual hour after everyone said goodnight before sneaking towards you room.
"Hey there." he whispered as he entered your room. "Did you just step out of the shower?" his hands were on you the second the door closed; both hands on your waist, squeezing you against him,
You pulled him down for a kiss "Mmhm." you hummed against his mouth.
He was still wearing his work clothes; brown trousers, light blue shirt, and dark blue tie. He had rolled up his sleeves up to his elbows, exposing his arms and all the veins that popped out.
Fuck, he looked sexy.
You stepped back, getting a good look at him, and, pulling on his tie, walked backwards towards the armchair situated in the corner of your hotel room. Grabbing his shoulders, you sat him down. He raised his eyebrows in surprise.
"What's going on?" he asked, adjusting himself in his seat. He was relaxed, his arms resting on the side of the chair.
You said nothing. Slowly, you tugged on the robe's belt. Spencer watched as the white garment fell to floor, pooling around your bare feet.
"Oh." he breathed, sitting up straight. He reached out, his warm hands flattening against your hips, and pulled you towards him. His mouth was on you in an instant; kissing your stomach, your breasts, your thighs. Anywhere he could reach.
"You look perfect." he groaned. "Is this all for me?" he tugged on the band of the black, lacy lingerie set you had bought last weekend.
"Yeah." you finally said. "Do you like it?" you knew he did, it was dumb question, but you wanted to hear him say it.
"Like it?" he scoffed. "I love it." he let go of the thong's strap, it snapped against your thigh. You let out a small moan at the feeling. "You like that?" he said, his words echoing yours.
You nodded.
"Turn around." he leaned back on his chair, the removal of his hands hand in hand with the loss of his warmth.
You did as he asked, turning around to give him a full look of your set. He whistled, clearly approving of your outfit choice.
"Shit, you look amazing." he swore, pulling at the knot at his neck and undoing his tie. He reached out to grab you once more and moved to pull you onto his lap.
You obliged, sliding against him like a puzzle piece snapping into place. He was already hard and you could feel him pressing against your legs. You rolled your hips, moaning at the feeling of him. He kissed you, hard.
Spencer took your lower lip between his teeth, tugging at the soft flesh and the swiping his tongue over it. You ran your fingers through his hair, tugging slightly just how he liked it. He placed his hands on your ass, kneading it.
"Wait." you placed your hands on his shoulders and pulled away.
"What is it, babe?" he asked, chasing your lips.
"I have a surprise for you." you got off of his lap and stood in front of him.
"Another one?" his tone was eager.
You nodded and walked over to your phone that lay on your nightstand. You hit play; a low, seductive song began playing high enough that you two could hear it but low enough that your hotel neighbours wouldn't.
You reached down and pulled on your left tight that had rolled downwards. Spencer licked his lip, eager for whatever was about to unfold.
You stepped towards him, swinging your hips and fighting the urge to cover up. He wanted this, he loved your body. And if him telling you so didn't convince you, the raw lust and hunger in his eyes surely did.
When you were stood in front of him, you spun around and lowered yourself onto his lap. He placed his hands on your hips, not guiding you, just resting there. You rolled your ass on his crotch, feeling your arousal grow at his very obvious one.
You placed your hands on his knees, spreading your legs wide. Your back arched, pressing yourself further into him. Spencer groaned, moaning your name.
"God, you're an angel." he whispered.
You pushed off of him and spun around. You placed your right leg on his left knee and made a show of tugging your tights up, snapping the sheer, black material against your thighs.
"I've been waiting for you all day, Spence." you said, keeping your voice low and steady. "Been thinking about you all day. About what you would do to me." you leaned down and kissed him, grabbing his cheek.
When you pulled away, he leaned forward, cashing your lips.
"What do you want me to do to you?" he asked, licking his lips.
"Lots of things, Spence. Dirty things." your placed your hand on your breast, your finger tracing circles around your nipples. Slowly, you slid your hand down your body, stopping at your belly button. "I want you to touch me. Here."
"What else?" his eyes were getting darker. You could see how he was holding himself back, his arms gripped the chair.
"I want you to fuck me." you said innocently. "Hard." you added. His eyes sparkled.
"How?" he asked.
"However you want."
"I want you to ride me. Can you do that for me, darling?" he leaned forward and grabbed your waist.
"Yes. I'll do anything for you." you leaned down and finally kissed him, relishing in the way he hungrily kissed you back. You moaned against his lips, he slipped his tongue into your mouth.
You rolled your hips against his erection, hands frantically reaching for his belt. Quickly, you undid it and with some struggle, you pulled down his trousers and pants. Your fingers quickly undid his shirt, leaving it on but exposing his chest. You went to take off your own underwear but he stopped you.
"No." one of his hands wrapped around both of yours. "It stays on."
You swallowed and nodded. His hands slid over the curve of your ass, guiding you towards him. He reached between you and pulled your underwear to the side. Once you were lined up, he pushed the head of his cock into you.
"Fuck." you hissed, gripping onto his shoulders.
"C'mon baby, I know you can take it." he looked up to your eyes and raised an eyebrow, daring you to prove him wrong.
You looked into his eyes as you relaxed and slid him into you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he bottomed out. He stretched you in the nicest way possible.
His hands were on your waist, guiding you as you rocked your hips against him. He tugged your left cup down, revealing your breast. His mouth on your breast was like heaven. His tongue and lips skilfully licked and sucked just where you needed him the most.
Your head fell back, eyes closed tightly. You bounced on his cock, your grip on his shoulders was so tight you were scared it would harm him. But Spencer only encouraged you, praising you.
"You're doing so well." he moaned. "Fuck, you do it so well. You take me so well. I knew you could."
His words only made you go faster. Your tits bounced as you sped up. Your hand reached between the two of you, quickly finding your clit.
"Are you close, baby?" he asked, his hands on your waist helping you as you bounced on him.
"Yes, fuck." you rubbed harder. "Are you?" you popped open one eye and stared at him.
Spencer was looking down, between the two of you, as he slid in and out of you.
"Shit. Look." he ordered, slowly you down. "Look at how well I fit inside of you. Look how well you ride my cock." he grabbed your chin and made you look down.
You moved your hand and watched as his cock slowly slid in and out of you.
"Spence." you panted. "The bathroom. There's a mirror." you gestured behind you with your head, towards the open bathroom.
In one swift move, Spencer hooked his arms around your thighs and picked you up. He, while still buried deep inside of you, shuffled over to the bathroom, setting you down on the counter.
"Shit. You look so good." he rolled his hips against you. "Your ass looks amazing." he grabbed it, squeezing it gently.
Spencer picked up his pace, fucking you quickly as you both chased your high. From this angle, he could reached between you; you always preferred his fingers.
The pad of his fingers pressed against your clit as he quickly fucked you. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him as close to you as possible. Your torsos were pressed flush against each other. You rested your head on his shoulder, biting down on it and you got closer and closer.
Spencer was looking over your shoulder, staring at your ass as you moaned his name.
"Fuck, yes, I want to hear you moan my name while you come." he leaned back and stared into your eyes. "Are you close?" he asked.
You bit your lower lip and vigorously nodded. You were so close.
"Come for me." he sped his movements. "Look at me." he said when your eyes rolled to the back of your head. "Say my name."
You didn't need to be told twice. You moaned his name like a prayer as you stared into his deep brown eyes. His pupils were blown wide, eclipsing the familiar colour.
"Fuck me. Shit. Don't stop. Spencer, fuck-" you moaned, your orgasm crashing into you like a wave.
You pressed your lips against his, teeth clashing, as fireworks exploded behind your eyes. You squeezed his cock, pushing him over the edge. He pushed into you once, twice, three times, as his cum filled you.
The heel of your foot pressed against his lower back, keeping him in place even after you both came down from your high. You pulled back from the kiss, panting, and smiled.
"That was so good." Spencer whispered, pressing his forehead against yours. He gave you a small kiss and began moving backwards.
You wrapped your legs around him tighter.
"Wait. Not yet." you said, not wanting to feel that overwhelming sense of emptiness just yet. "Wait a minute."
Spencer laughed, a deep rumbling laugh, and kissed you gently.
"Anything you want, baby."
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 7 months
Hiiiii, Congratulations on your 5K !!! Idk if ur reqs r still open, but I'll try (pls feel free to delete this if it's closed alrdy)
I was supposed to ask for a Cap. Price but since u've said that there are low reqs for Soap, I'm (humbly and kindly) asking for a Soap oneshot. U can do whatever u want (I just want fluff pls, I'm so inlove with him, he's such a cutie)
—Alive and Breathing
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [You're sick. Very sick. John takes drastic action.] ❞
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Your head pounds violently, groaning softly under your breath as the room pulses with heat and fever. Sweat stains your forehead—dripping off the side of your nose as the bed is heavy with it. The window was shut tight, the sheets layered high on you in a heap akin to a garbage pile with shaking feet twitching from out the end. Your muscles jerk, lungs heaving for air that gets harder to come by. 
No matter how hot you tried to become, nothing was making you any more comfortable. You felt like you were freezing; standing out on an ice sheet and plunging into arctic waters. Everything was a sheen of blurry delirium, and you hoped that John would get home soon so you could have him help out around the house. 
You’d taken some cold medicine after you called him, but nothing was working. 
Not moving beyond the ragged coughs that make you gag on your saliva, you stay there even when the front door opens—a call of your name on the air a dull buzz in your drums. Like a fly. 
And then, suddenly, there’s a serious face in front of yours, and a hand is shoving back your blankets until you’re partially visible. 
“Up you get, now,” John grunts, eyes narrowed and his scar pulling tight at the sight of your state. Your mouth twists into a tight frown, panting at the chill of the air; you shiver violently. “I’m takin’ you in, aye?”
“M’cold, John,” you mutter through a hoarse exhilation. Shapes shift and shadows move. A heavy hand is pressed to your forehead, flinching momentarily at the heat that makes John hiss lowly. He looks your body up and down, taking in the scent of sweat and sickness. 
This was worse than the light fever you’d described over the phone. 
“Holy hell…” He breathes, glancing at the rapid pulse point in your neck. “Cold? You’re fuckin’ burnin’ up down there, Dearie. Did you take anything while I was away? Christ.”
A mind is made up quickly, concern striking John in the heart. 
He digs you out of the last remaining covers, gripping your slick body as your eyes flutter—you don’t answer him, muttering under your breath. 
“Fuck,” John growls. Once he knows you’re not going to slip out of his arms, he grips you tighter and rushes into the bathroom, nerves in his gut not leaving as your limp arm sways. “Hey!” He shouts at you, jostling your shoulder blades.
You whine, your head stuck at his pec. Everything pulses. 
Glaring, John’s blue eyes are laced with worry as he sets you down into the tub—scarred hand snapping to turn on the water on the coldest setting. 
Hands grapple your cheeks. 
“Hey, now,” the man utters, accent thick and deep as emotions take over. “Hey, focus on me. C’mon.” Water spreads over your legs—soaking into your clothes as your shivering continues even now. Your lashes flutter, teeth chattering. “C’mon, Sweetheart, right here.”
The water sloshes over the lip of the tub by the time John turns it off, the liquid cold enough to make the man shiver himself, but he doesn’t even notice—eyes trapped on your body. 
After a few long, tense, minutes, your rapid heartbeat slows to the visible eye. Your lungs ease back to a nearly-normal rise and fall; small hitches still in the muscle. 
“That’s a girl,” John runs his thumbs up and down your flesh. “That’s right.”
You huff, face still full of drying sweat until the man ahead of you takes a palm full of water and drenches your head with it. Sputtering, you weakly push at his other wrist near your cheek, gasping down air. 
“W-what the hell,” you stutter, water dripping off your nose and over your eyes.
“I’m getting you medicine,” John grumbles. “The correct kind. Cold bath won’t help in the long run, but I was out of options.”
You blink at him, still sluggish. 
“I’ll be fine, John.” A firm brow raises in challenge and you sigh shaking your head.
“It’s that or I bring you to hospital. Your choice.” 
Silence falls, only broken by the shift of the water and your small sickly sniffles. Blue eyes move and soften before John brings a hand up to his face and rubs it. He holds the limb there for a moment, taking a shallow breath. 
A kiss is pressed to your still steamy forehead, the lips staying there as you sag forward into John as his arms circle you, bringing you to him. 
“Scared me,” he utters lowly. 
You hum, tired. 
“I had the strangest dream while you were gone,” your mouth whispers. John grunts into your skin. “You were fighting a bear.”
“A bear?” He smirks, eyebrow quirking and pulling his scar tight. “Bit big for me to do alone, Dearie…I win?”
“Of course,” you try a hoarse chuckle, arms limp in the water. 
“Oh, aye, an accurate dream.” He chuckles with you. “How’d I do it, then? Was I barehanded? Knife?”
“...I’m just stroking your ego, John.”
“Can’t stroke something you can’t reach, can you?”
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MDNI, Mentions of sex but no smut, violence.
Thinking about baby daddy!Miguel O’Hara who’s scow immediately returned to his face as soon as you and your daughter were out of sight. Wasting no time to march to the elevator and hit the button to your floor.
Baby daddy!Miguel who couldn’t help but let out a scoff in disgust when he turned the corner of your hall and saw Henry sitting on the floor against your door. Not noticing until he was close enough that he was passed out, head lulled to the side, and an occasional snores leaving him as Miguel glared down at him.
Baby daddy!Miguel who had to resist the urge to wake him up with a swift punch in the face, and not stop until he wasn’t conscious again.
Baby daddy!Miguel that opted to instead nudged him with the side of his foot. Wanting to see what bullshit he’s spew out first.
What you ever say in this guy, Miguel will never understand, what you’d see in any guy that wasn’t him he’d never understand. Although to be fair, when you were with him, he probably wasn’t as pitiful looking as this.
“Not so much of a cocky ass now huh?” He couldn’t help but mumble to himself before taking the heel end of his foot and nudged the smaller male's knee. “Wake up.”
After a few more nudges, Henry woke with a loud snore, droopy eyes looking around in confusion before he finally noticed the legs in front of him. Neck cracking up slowly until he was met with the sight of Miguel’s body hulking over him. The overhead lights casting a shadow over his face so he couldn’t read his expression, and if Henry was just a tad bit less drunk, he’d feel the death-like glare being casted on him.
“Where’s (Y/N)?” He slurred, remembering why he was outside your door in the first place.
“None of your business.” Miguel retorted, hands crossing in front of his chest. Despite his scary guard dog aura, Henry tsked in annoyance as he began to stand.
“I think knowing where my girlfriend is my business-“
“She’s not your girlfriend anymore.”
Silence filled the air as Henry was finally able to get himself up on two feet, before a scoff left his lips.
“She already told you. I’m not surprised.” Now it was Miguel’s turn to scoff.
“Of course she told me. I'm the father of her child-“
“I knew something had to still be going on with you two.” Henry’s finger jabbed into Miguel’s chest, his drunken slurring forming into a bit of a hiss. Not phasing the bored look on Miguel’s face. “I’m not fucking blind, I’ve seen the way you looked at her. You’re still in love with her.”
“Look, I’m not wanting to cause any problems,” that’s a lie, “but it’s obvious you’ve had too much to drink and are just talking nonsense. She doesn’t want to see you, alright? So how about you walk away and leave her and my daughter alone.” Miguel spoke calmly, not denying the allegations thrown his way before they both knew it was true.
Miguel’s hand found its way to Henry’s back, not-so-gently pushing him towards the elevator and away from your front door.
“I’m not stupid as you think I am, man.” Henry retorted, planting his heels into the wooden floor to stop himself, before turning around to face Miguel again. “You’re not over her, you don’t think I knew what you were doing at the barbecue when you were dancing with her? Practically fucking her in front of me.” Miguel’s jaw clenched to keep himself from acting irrationally as Henry hissed at him like a dog ready to attack. “The way you always try to one up me in front of her. I’ve seen your messages to her, the old photos, the Spanish nicknames-.”
“Alright that’s enough dude.” Miguel interrupted him. Tone returning to its harsher original one.
“I’m not surprised the minute the opportunity comes, she runs back to your ass!” Henry shoved against Miguel, causing no recoil from the larger man.
“I’m not the one who cheated on her.” Miguel snapped back.
“Yeah, but you were just waiting for the opportunity for me to fuck up. Look like some…knight in shining armor.”
“Okay, man let’s go. You’re not gonna be able to finish this fight. Go home.” That’s when he felt it, a harsh pain on the side of his face. He didn’t realize till he touched his cheekbone and hissed at the throbbing sensation that came from the area that had transpired.
Henry just punched him in the face.
“I wanted to be nice. You already put her through a lot of shit in the past few days.” He mumbled as he rubbed the stop that was sure to bruise black and blue. “But you decided to make this more difficult for yourself.”
Henry didn’t have a chance to reply before his back collided with the wall, air being knocked out from his lungs as Miguel’s hands found their way to Henry's throat.
“You wanna know what happened the night she caught your ass sleeping with another girl?” The question was rhetorical.
“…What?” Henry asked, voice meek under the weight of Miguel’s hands.
“I got her to stop crying, comforted her… got her some food… then I started fucking her till she starts to cry again.”
“You son of-“ Henry began, trying to thrash his way out from under Migue, only to have more pressure applied to his throat. He quickly stopped when he felt himself become light headed, arms that were around Miguel’s wrist drop back down to his sides, and a cough left his throat when the hands around his neck loosened slightly so he could breathe a bit more properly again.
“You’re gonna shut up and listen, and listen good.” Miguel began, his voice dropping down to just above a whisper. Allowing Henry to let out a frantic nod before continuing. “I was the one who comforted her when you fucked up and broke her heart. I was the one who was there to pick up the pieces, not you. I’m the only one who knows her better than she knows herself. I’m the father of her child, me. It was always gonna be me. You weren’t the one who changed her baby’s diapers, you weren’t the one who taught Gabi to ride a bike, you weren’t there for her like I was. You never will, because when it comes down to it, she’ll pick me over you, every. damn. time.”
Miguel didn’t know what felt better, finally getting Henry to shit his smug ass up, for being able to get all his frustrated thoughts out in words.
“She’s mine, she’s always been mine, she's always going to be mine. So don’t for another second, think that you can just walk back into her life and act like you own her. You don’t own shit, you understand?” Miguel finally ended his rant, eyes narrowed as he waited for Henry’s response. Satisfaction flowing through his veins when the smaller male looked like he had just just been face to face with the grim reaper himself.
“I-yeah, yes-I understand.” Henry finally stuttered, face paled, and eyes wide.
“Good, now I want you to walk out of this building, and walk out of her life. If I see you or hear you trying to talk to her ever again, I’m not gonna do as much talking next time.”
Part 8<
Not proofread.
Word count:1.2k
taglist: @famouscattale @strawberryjuice9 @loser-alert @maomaimao @franceseca-the-1st @mcmiracles @mangoslushcrush
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lenoraslament · 16 days
Slytherin Boys React: Romantic Moments
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After my last three posts, consider this aftercare.
Fluff 💕no warnings
Mattheo Riddle
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It’s been raining for days. You convinced a reluctant Mattheo to duck into a coffee shop as it poured outside. The atmosphere was cozy and perfect. The rain beat steady on the window and the smell of coffee warmed you.
You both sit sipping hot chocolate, whipped cream unknowingly on your lip. Mattheo had been grumpy all day, but at the sight he grins.
“What?” You ask with a smile. Mattheo cups your chin with once hand, wiping the whipped cream off your lip with his own as you giggle. Then he brushes his lips against yours as he teases you ghosting a kiss leaving you flustered.
“You know I love you, yea?” He asks softly as he gives you another warm kiss. Your heart flutters and he brushes hair off your face, his eyes full of adoration.
“Yes I know,” you say breathlessly as he kisses you endlessly.
Theodore Nott
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The biting cold air, makes you shivers your boyfriend looks unbothered in his coat. Another drag of cigarette smoke fills the air as it leaves his lips.
He’s as quiet as usual, forever lost in whatever quiet struggles he never wants to share with you. Theo observes you let out a shiver.
“Come here,” he says opening his coat, he pulls you forward. Your arm goes around his waist as he covers you both with the coat. You can smell his cologne and the smoke, his body warms you immediately as you sigh with relief.
“Better beautiful?” He asks in a low voice as he kisses the top of your head between drags.
Lorenzo Berkshire
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It’s no secret that Enzo is popular with the ladies. Before you came along, he was quite the flirt. It comes natural to him, his charm. The way he can make a girl giggle and blush without much effort. And although he has reformed his ways, sometimes it just happens
You’re walking towards the Great Hall when you see a gaggle of girls surrounding your boyfriend. You’re secure in your relationship, so you only roll your eyes and laugh.
Enzo spots you immediately through the crowd, your little smirk making his eyes light up.
“Pardon me ladies” he says as he makes his way to you, grabbing your arm to pull you back before you get to far.
“Enzo it’s-“ you protest but he cuts you off before you can finish. He dips you back, kissing you in the way only Lorenzo Berkshire can.
“Sorry, I need some time with my girl,” he calls over to the group of fangirls he was talking to as his eyes stay glued to you. You both walk away as they all swoon.
Draco Malfoy
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Draco was sitting in an armchair near the settee you draped yourself in the common room.
“Darling,” Draco’s voice snapped you out of your reading trance. You smiled over your book at him with an inquisitive look.
“Yes?” You asked tilting your head.
“Sit” he said in a low voice that made you blush as he patted his lap. His arms outstretched waiting for you as you sheepishly made your way over to him. He pulled you in his lap face nuzzling into your neck.
“I missed you beautiful,” he mumbles against your skin.
Your soft laugh makes him look up at you. “Draco, I am sitting less than two feet away,” your lips are nearly brushed against his as he holds the back of your neck gently.
“Still” he says as closes the distance between your lips.
Blaise Zabini
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“It’s fifteen galleons,” your voice carries outside the dressing room.
“Well let’s see it then,” Blaise says, he’s been following you around Hogsmeade for the better part of the afternoon and you hopelessly look for a dress. The Yule ball on the horizon and you’re certain you will end up wearing your school uniform the way your shopping trip is going.
“It’s too expensive,” you insist, “I don’t even want to see it and risk liking it”.
Blaise hand plunges into the curtain of the fitting room pulling you out. You huff as you stand in front of the large mirror and are stunned. It’s gorgeous, clinging to your body in all the right places. A silvery blue making your cheeks look rosy, giving you an ethereal glow. It’s exactly what you want.
Before you groan in devastation, Blaise slips a hand around your waist from behind as he joins you in the mirror.
“You are perfection,” he whispers in your ear as he plants a soft kiss on your neck.
“It’s too exp-“ you begin to protest but he reaches back and rips off the tag making you gasp.
“We’ll take this one,” he says walking to the cashier to pay for the dress throwing you a wink.
Tom Riddle
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All week you had spent trying your damnedest to understand this potion. Your boyfriend patiently explaining and re-explaining the complexity of the ingredients, the theories of brewing. Somehow it wouldn’t stick. Tom assured you that once you for in front of that cauldron it would all make sense.
It didn’t. The day of your exam, your mind went blank. Your professor sighed as he looked at the discolored gloop dripping out of your cauldron.
“I’ll give you an incomplete,” He said shaking his head, “you can make it up in a week Y/N but I have to say I’m disappointed,”
You nodded and thanked him as your heart sunk. The end of class was nearing and you dreaded seeing Tom. His grades were perfect, his standards impossibly high. Part of the connection you shared was your intellect. You felt tears of shame threatening to spill. When you saw him leaning against the wall outside your class, you let go.
Tom’s eyes widened as he observed your flushed cheeks covered in tears as you could only manage to shake your head. In an uncharacteristic panic he crossed the hall and immediately threw his arms around you as you sobbed onto his chest. The public display of his affection that never happened was not lost on you. His hand wiped your face and stroked your hair.
“Shh it’s okay,” he whispered against your forehead as he rubbed your back.
“You must think I’m an idiot,” you stutter out between hitching breaths.
His lips brush against your temple as he kisses it softly, “I think you’re brilliant.”
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rafesfavgirl · 2 months
her lips on your neck — j. maybank
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meant to have this up last night, but i got fucked up lolz
❝ since you admitted it, i keep picturing her lips on your neck, i can't unsee it ❞
pairing: cheater!jj x fem!reader
context: late at night, you get back to the obx from a week-long trip to new york with your parents and decide to surprise your boyfriend and best friends.
words: 1.4k+
warnings: cheating (i don't condone it!!), might break you, no happy ending, ANGST ANGST ANGST
"what the fuck are we suppose to tell y/n?" you hear pope mention your name, as he sat with john b in the enclosed back porch of the chateau and immediately stop yourself from joining them, curious as to what else they had to say.
"dude, i don't know," john b shrugged at him, the expression on his face looking as if he was torn between some hard decision.
what could they possibly be talking about?
"i mean, it's not like they meant for it to happen, right?" john b continued, sounding like he was trying to convince himself of something.
"do you really think she'll see it that way?" pope asks him. "jj just slept with kie."
john b winces at pope's words like they were too hard for him to hear and your heart drops to the pit of your stomach, your eyes becoming blurry with tears as anger starts coursing through your veins.
"we gotta tell her," pope adds.
they didn't even hear that you'd entered the porch, now only standing a few feet away from them.
"you just did." the sound of your voice causes them to snap their heads towards you, both of them now completely at a loss for words. "is jj here?" you speak slowly to stop your voice from shaking.
when neither of them reply and just exchange glances, you repeat yourself. "where's. jj."
"y/n…" john b starts to stand from his seat, but you don't let him finish or get any closer, before you're barging into the chateau.
you feel your body shake as jj comes out of one of the rooms chuckling and pulling his muscle tank down.
"you didn't," you shake your head as he looks at you.
when kiara comes out of the same room and steps up behind him, you get your answer.
"you did," you say, your eyes shifting from kie to jj.
"babe, i-" jj begins, taking a step towards you.
"no," you immediately cut him off and hold a hand out in front of you to stop him from getting any closer. “we’re done.”
that was two weeks ago. you hadn’t seen jj, or your friends since then, actively trying to avoid them as much as possible. that didn’t stop them from texting though.
john b and pope have checked in every now and then to make sure you’re doing okay, while kie and jj blow your phone up 24/7 with empty apologies.
j<3: i’m outside. please let me explain.
you stare at the text on your phone for a second and hop to your feet to peek out the window, where surely enough, you saw jj perched against his bike on the curb of your front lawn, waiting.
letting out a deep sigh and against your better judgment, you walk towards the front door and open it, only to find that he had walked up your front porch and was about to knock.
“hey…” his voice is small, and his baby blue eyes light up at the sight of you, making your heart ache.
by the prominent eye bags under them, you could tell he hadn’t gotten much sleep either. but wasn’t that how it should have been? he was the one who cheated on you.
you don’t say a word and just turn to walk further into your living room, jj following after you and shutting the door.
“i know you don’t owe me anything,” he continues, as you turn to look at him again, your arms crossed across your chest.
“you’re right, i don’t,” you say, trying to be cold.
it was hard, though. there was a piece of your heart that still yearned for him. a piece that you had a feeling would love him forever. no matter how badly he’s just screwed you over.
“why’d you do it?” you ask.
“i don’t know,” he shrugs. “i don’t know why i did it. we were drinking… and talking… you weren’t here, and i- i guess we just…”
“what?” you feel your hand start to shake as he tried to come up with an excuse. “got caught up in the moment?”
“y- yeah…” he glances down, and you scoff.
“god, i am such an idiot!” you run your hands through your hair and take a seat on the armchair behind you.
“y/n that’s not…” he slowly approaches you while you shake your head at him.
“i should’ve known,” you say. “it was her before me.”
jj shakes his head as he closes the distance between the two of you and crouches down in front of you, a hand landing on your knee. “baby, that’s not true.”
you glance at his hand on your knee before looking at him again. “but it is.”
“look, i fucked up, okay?” he said, his tone desperate now. “i know that. but please… please believe me when i tell you that it was a mistake. and it’s never going to happen again.”
“how can i believe that?” you ask, tears threatening to brim along your lower lashes. 
“just trust me,” he tells you.
a bitter scoff falls from your lips as you stand up and cross the room, half angry and half confused, not knowing what to think or believe.
“i did trust you, j!” you say, turning to look at him again with tears in your eyes as he gets up from his crouching position and faces you. “and you screwed me over anyway.”
“y/n…” he walks towards you, and you feel your weight shift to one foot, your body feeling a little limp. 
there was a part of you that still loved him—feelings don’t disappear just like that—but you knew you deserved better. that there was someone out there who wouldn’t even think about doing what he did.
"i love you…" he brings a hand up to caress your cheek and push your hair back, your first instinct causing you to lean into his touch, a sad smile pulling at the corner of your lips as you lock your eyes with his. "pretty girl." he closes the distance between you two, his forehead resting against yours, a tear trailing down your cheek as you closed your eyes. "i am so so so sorry. i promise— i promise, i won't ever hurt you again."
you wanted nothing more than to believe him. to forgive him. to forget. but you knew, deep down, that wasn't possible.
you shake you hear against his, sniffling. "j, i can't…"
"no, no, no," he replied. "you can. you— you have to, i can't-" he tilts his chin upwards to kiss you, and though you want desperately to let him, you push him away.
"no, jj!" you shout. "you— you can't just kiss me and think it's all gonna go away!"
"okay, okay, i'm not," he backs off a little, and then takes your hands in his, baby blues pleading. "but you need to forgive me. i could never live with myself if you didn't. i— i can't go on without you… without…" he brings your hands together and clasps his hands around them as he brings them up to his lips to kiss them softly. "your touch…" he moves a hand towards your cheek again, caressing it just like last time. "your smile…" he trails it across your collar bone and down your arm to place it on your chest. "your love… god, y/n i’ve never been loved by anyone like you."
his face falls limp against you and he drops to his knees, arms immediately locking around your hips as he rests the side of his head against you.
"please… please forgive me," his voice sounds desperate now, breaking your heart even more.
"i— i can't…" you wrap your hands around his arms and try to pull him off you, but it doesn't work—he just clutches onto you tighter. "you're just not the same person to me anymore…" you shake your head. "the jj i fell for would've never ever done anything to hurt me, but now…" you bring your hands up to your head, trying to keep it together. "god! every time i look at you… all i see is her and what you did… i— i just keep picturing you guys together and-"
"and we can fix that," jj pulls away and gets back on his feet to look at you. "i mean, it's gon' take time, but eventually… you— you can forget it, right?"
there was a hopeful look in his eyes, but you knew that wasn't enough to fix things.
you shake your head and sigh, the hope in his eyes immediately diminishing. "no, i don't think i can."
"but that— that would mean that this…" his voice cracks, his mind clearly in disarray as he motions a hand between you two. "no. this can't be over."
your watery eyes lock with his, which were now red from holding back tears. "then why is it?"
if you happen to also be a rafe girl, consider this part 2 & part 3.
reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated <33
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