#villain jiro
piinkmha · 2 months
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snowytouya · 2 months
Name: Kuro Kirigiri [Kuro Jiro]
Height: 6'2
Age: 27
Description: Kuro has deep purple hair [often perceived as black by those just glancing at it] with piercing red eyes. With pale skin and sharp fangs, Kuro is often described as 'vampire-looking'.
Personality: Kuro is often seen being sarcastic, joking, and teasing those that he's close with. To those who don't know him well, he often comes off as unfriendly and rude without meaning to.
Quirk: Guitar Siren
Quirk Description: Kuro uses his guitar for mind control. Using his earphone jacks to amplify the sound of his guitar, he has an extreme range on his quirk. If Kuro loses his guitar, he uses his earphone jacks to create long-range earthquakes through the plugs in his boots.
Quirk Drawbacks: Whenever Kuro uses his quirk for long periods of times, he ends up with mild to severe headaches.
Ship: Rei[ko Todoroki] + Astelle [Megami]
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Name: Rei [Reiko Todoroki]
Height: 5'8
Age: 26
Description: Reiko has long white to red hair, usually kept in two ponytails. With soft blue eyes, Reiko at a first glance often doesn't appear scary to others.
Personality: A very cheeky, sarcastic individual. While this is simply her personality to those close to her, she often uses her cheekiness to distract opponents to gain the upper hands.
Quirk: Freezing Flames, Burning Ice
Quirk Description: Reiko can produce flames that freeze, and ice that burns. Her flames are light blue in color, whereas her ice is a dark blue.
Quirk Drawbacks: Due to her body temperature constantly changing, Reiko often experiences temperature dysregulation. Over the years, she's developed somewhat of an immunity to it, but it still distracts her and makes it slightly harder to fight.
Ship: Kuro Kirigiri [Jiro] + Astelle [Megami]
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Name: Astelle [Megami]
Height: 5'9
Age: 27
Description: Astelle has soft, fluffy creme-coloured hair with light green eyes. Astelle is often sensitive to loud noise, which is why he wears noise-cancelling headphones 99% of the time [during fights].
Personality: Astelle's often cracking jokes or flirting with the other adults around the league. Although some classify Astelle as a nuisance, he means well and always stop the moment someone's boundaries are pushed.
Quirk: Watered Roses
Quirk Description: Astelle can create roses, and manipulate water from them. Along with this, he can also choose to use his roses only, and can manipulate things such as how sharp the thorns are that come out of them.
Quirk Drawbacks: Astelle has to go to a local river every few days to absorb the water from it. The less water he has, the harder his quirk is to control.
Ship: Kuro Kirigiri [Jiro] + Rei[ko Todoroki]
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black-and-yellow · 10 months
Also new chapter of Inside :p hehe
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So yeah, it seems I have another writing idea. And yes it is another one which I will probably never finish but still. I just can't help the fact that my brain is like that. Thus, now I am sharing what I came up with so far.
First things first is the fact it's a fanfiction from my newest brainrot a.k.a. MHA. It's obviously an AU and in here Izuku has a twin sibling named Hanako. Hanako or Hana as she likes to be called has an unspecified fire quirk. Izu still like in canon at first seems quirkless so Hana is very protective of him.
And when it comes to Hanako themselves, she is...something. Why? Because even if they are twins it's Izuku who's more like Inko. Hana on the other hand is in a lot of aspects a carbon copy of their father and absolute opposite of xer brother. It is even smarter than Izu, tall and muscled. Definitely not beautiful or pretty, at least not in the standard sense. Especially considering their scars, sharp features and narrow eyes. She dyes xer hair green and wears vividly green contact lenses. Why is under the red warning. Personality wise xe IS quiet. Like quiet quiet, she is able to talk but they're still effectively mute as she chooses not to. And well, xe's angry, bitter and jaded. Seeing how the society treats quirkless and people with quirks that are considered weak or villainous, people with mutations she doesn't trust heroes. They're not evil but definitely more morally grey. Xe's not exactly kind or comforting either. Even when she tries you can clearly tell it's awkward & unpracticed but nonetheless genuine. And they understand other people like that on a deep level. Still you can tell xer emotions by her eyes. They also force herself to be strong so the others do not have to be. So in conclusion she' a distrustful & sharp, quite antisocial person. She is polyamorous omnisexual however demiromantic & demisexual nonbinary xenogender(fugogender) with she/xe/they/it pronouns.
Firstly, AFO is Hizashi Midoriya and Inko is Nana's daughter. Momo is a Shimura too and Tomura's sister. She was born the same year as Tomura dusted the rest of the members, she's alive because she wasn't there but at the hospital. She was adopted by Yaoyorozus who needed a heir/heiress.
Hanako is exactly this kind of sibling who when she can, wrecks people bullying Izuku. They still can't be on the lookout 24/7 and Izu hides a lot from xer & their mom to not worry them.
Izuku actually has a quirk. It's telekinesis and it's stronger than Inko's. However it was jumpstarted when he took Katsuki's "good" advice. Kat himself saw it and had a brutal wake up call. Izuku did die for a second there but miraculously came back. (We will come back to how later.)
After that some truths came out. Mainly all about the bullying Izu suffered from Aldera & Katsuki. Also the fact how abusive Mitsuki Bakugo is and how Masaru doesn't interfere.
Well hearing that and the true regret from Kats, Inko made a decision. She formally adopted Katsuki and made him go to therapy, both for trauma and anger issues. Now he fixed his relationship with the twins somewhat and is protective of both. Still not the nicest and a huge tsundere but nonetheless slightly improved.
The sludge villain incident with Katsuki happened as in cannon, Izuku jumped right after. All Might after tried to find him but as Zu was in hospital he didn't have much luck. However he met both twins at "that" beach and approached them. He at first planned to do what he did in cannon when it comes to Izu but after learning of the new quirked status of our broccoli boy he just offer to train them. Hana though agreed only to keep on eye on Izu. In the end both siblings actually got OFA as Hana reasoned that if they share it, it may go 50/50 and as such be easier to handle. She wasn't wrong and as they are twins it also made their sibling connection that much stronger. Now they're literally able to feel each others emotions, pain & unfortunately if one dies.
Hitoshi and Kyoka were pretty quickly adopted after they started UA by the Yamada/Aizawa who are married.
Almost whole class 1-A is dating and all are poly. Most are LGBTQ+ in all ways.
Chisaki here is completely reworked personalitywise. While still a criminal and Yakuza leader few things are changed. He's kind to Eri who is his biological daughter. He's trans and dating Hari though only the Precepts know, also the Precepts, Hari & two Chisakis are a family before all else.
LOV is on the other hand even more found family and you can tear this trope from my cold dead hands.
Dabi is Toya Todoroki but he only wants revenge on Enji without including his siblings and mom a.k.a. he's a good older brother(and partner but that later).
Twice & Magne survive. I repeat they won't die here because I said so.
Hawks had been sent as a spy by the Comission but he quite quickly fully deflected after seeing all of the lies he was fed his whole life. He kept the act to protect LOV though and only stopped when told to kill Twice. He paid for it being tortured half to death before getting broken out by one slightly more decent person (OC) and then being brought to the LOV who nursed him back to health. Said OC though dies for that.
Most parents of the 1-A & 1-B kids suck very much. The only decent ones are Iidas, Inko, Rei, Kirishima's moms, Satos, Ashidos & Seros.
Tokoyami after his internship with Hawks got basically unformally adopted by him which much later was actually formalized.
Toru got adopted by Nemuri(who also won't die) and Emi Fukukado/Ms. Joke.
The war happens in their 3rd year but that would be another much more spoiler-y post.
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kadencrafter78 · 1 year
An AU idea I've been having: The Villain Class
Basically, what if Class 1-A were all villains. Instead of attending UA, they'd be studying under All for One and the League of Villains. All led by one of their youngest, yet most charismatic, Izuku Midoriya. Basically, Izuku would be a villain and so would every other member of Class 1-A from canon.
No real clue what they'd do aside from going against what was Class 1-B in canon. I do have an idea for a plot element where they eventually dethrone All for One, with Izuku taking his quirk and leadership of the League of Villains to lead some kind of villain revolution. I have ideas for how some of Class 1-A would be brought into this class.
Izuku: Personally recruited by All For One, as the sensei saw potential in him and grabbed him at his lowest point. He promised Izuku everything he could ever want as long as he followed him, and now Izuku plans on getting exactly that, with or, preferably, without All for One.
Bakugo: Turned into a semi-nomu as a present for Izuku. Essentially given a few procedures to limit the abilities of his brain and make him more obedient, though his personality still shines through in what is sometimes otherwise and empty shell.
Uraraka: She has money problems in canon. Well here they're even worse, causing her to go into criminal acts to help support her parents. Izuku takes notice of her and convinces her to join his class.
Aoyama: Manga Spoilers: Instead of becoming the UA traitor, he's sent into this villain class to aid them by All For One.
Todoroki: Some catastrophe happens at the Todoroki household, causing Shoto to run away. Eventually, he runs into Izuku, who offers him sanctuary.
Jiro: After hearing something she shouldn't and revealing the information, she's sent on the run. She thinks the class could offer her some sanctuary and joins up with them.
Those are basically all the ideas I had for specific members. I'd love to get some help with other ideas.
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My hero academia anime review
Spoilers for my hero academia and tw for family issues
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Disclaimer: I have only watched everything up to about half of season 4.
“Even if it means twisting myself, I’ll win the way I choose,” - Katsuki Bakugo
Genre: action, high school, superhero
Where I watched it: Funimation
Characterisation: 8.5/10 (Characters have a very broad range of personalities and even minor side characters get some screen time. Most characters are gradually developed throughout the series, with the main characters being complex and diverse, but also improving as they learn more and make mistakes. An example is Todoroki’s struggle to view his fire as his own power after the abuse his father out his family through- gradually, he starts to realize that, despite it being the same power, it’s his power and he is not his father. There are a LOT of characters too, so there’s something for everyone. The series also strays from clichés a bit, making the characters more memorable, unique and the plot more enjoyable. An example of this is Uraraka, who appears light hearted, cutesy and carefree, but her real reason for becoming a hero is to make a lot of money so her parents can rest after working so hard for her whole life.)
Setting: 8/10 (As a setting, UA high school works very well- it has all the facilities that would be necessary for training future pro heroes for all kinds of situations, and the high school element adds a more realistic, slice of life feel. The setting is sometimes changed, with things like work studies at hero agencies or training camps, and this helps us to keep understanding this world and enjoy seeing the characters grow and develop. It also makes for a stimulating plot. Later on in the anime, the decision is also made to build dorms to keep the students safe from increasing villain attacks. This adds a nice, homely feel to the school, with each student personalising their room to reflect them, as well as creating opportunities for more relaxed and wholesome skits.)
Art style: 7/10 (The art style is pleasant- most characters are well drawn and their costumes as heroes are too. However, it’s nothing out of the ordinary, and settings tend to look way too computerised for my taste)
Plot: 8/10 (the plot is pretty fast paced and dynamic- it certainly doesn’t lack variety, as well as mysteries and questions that need answering. All this makes it quite engaging to watch, but sometimes, particularly with some battle arcs, some events dragged on for way too long, so I started to lose interest.)
Originality:9.5/10 (I absolutely adore the way this anime combined elements of a regular, slice of life, high school anime (friendships, rivalries, school events etc.) with a very comic like vision of heroes and superpowers. It managed to make the two go hand in hand in a very innovative way.)
Addictiveness: 7/10 (While the solid plot and the mystery elements, as well as the amazing world building do engage the viewer, I definitely wouldn’t say this anime was gripping- it didn’t leave me needing to know more, and, due to the storyline dragging in some arcs, I actually ended up losing interest for a short while)
Comfort: 7/10 (There are some darker areas to the anime- atrocious deeds are committed against vulnerable people, and there’s a lot of raw emotion too, due to the mental demand of being a hero. However, the friendship element of MHA, as well as the numerous funny or wholesome skits and the (for the most part) positive and good natured cast who always persevere make the anime quite comforting to watch.)
Philosophy: 8/10 (Due to the high level of character development, there are definitely some noteworthy points to take away from the anime. The majority of these are about self improvement, and come from the characters themselves growing. One of these is that you should never be so cocky that you don’t see your own weaknesses and don’t make progress, which is something Bakugo realised after failing his provisional license exam, despite being among the top students in the class. The main one however, is that no matter how impossible things seem, if someone is passionate, dedicated and works hard, they can make it happen. This is shown throughout Izuku’s own journey of training to become a hero.)
Consistency:7.5/10 (Despite the quality not really dropping from season to season, there are some areas where the plot drags and gets a bit repetitive, or where it becomes easy to lose interest.)
The plot
Izuku Midoriya dreams of becoming a pro hero, and has felt that way ever since he was a little kid. This was despite the fact that, in a superhuman society where 80% of people are born with some sort of power, or “quirk,”, he was born completely ordinary. When he saw All might, the number one hero, on TV as a kid, he grew to idolise him and wanted to become just like that. So, despite having no power, Izuku makes the decision to apply for UA, the school producing all the top pro heroes in Japan. His ambition is shut down by his childhood bully, Katsuki Bakugo, who insults him and tells him not to waste time applying- he himself is an amazing student with a powerful quirk. Before the UA entrance exam, Izuku meets all might, and asks him if he can ever become a hero. All might tells him he doesn’t think it’s possible, but a few days later, Izuku sees Bakugo being attacked by a villain and rushes to save him on impulse. After seeing all this, all might changes his mind, as it’s clear to him that Izuku has all the natural qualities of a pro hero. Because of this, he tells Izuku the secret about his own power, which greatly boosts strength and speed. It can be handed down from person to person- the previous user simply needs to choose someone, and all might has chosen Izuku. Once he knows this, Izuku works harder than ever, and he keeps up with a rigorous training regime all might sets up for him in order to be physically strong enough to wield the power. All might transfers his power to Izuku just before the entrance exams, telling him he will not be able to use it all straight away. The exam consists of taking down villain robots, with one robot being worth no points at all. Keeping in mind what all might told him, Izuku is cautious and reluctant to use his new power, but this quickly changes when he sees the 0 points robot heading towards a girl trapped under some rubble. The girl saved him from tripping up using her own zero gravity power before the exam, and had introduced herself as Ochaco Uraraka. Without thinking, Izuku jumps and punches the robot with all his strength, completely demolishing his arm in the process. He is then rushesd to the infirmary. This is the first of many challenges Izuku will face to become a pro hero, but his determination, as well as his skills, will only grow along the way, as he will work harder, and meet more incredible people; some mentors, some friends and some rivals. 
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honeysbeebears · 26 days
Sleepover Schemes // BKG
Bakugo Katsuki X Reader
In Japan, saying ‘the moon is beautiful’ is a common way to confess one’s feelings of love
Word count: a lot
Warnings: none other than I did not spell check this lol & bakugo might be a little ooc sorry
“Arent sleepovers against the rules?” You look up curiously at the girls surrounding your desk. Right now the class was on a quick break before heading over to the training session. Mina frantically began shushing you “yes! so don’t go saying it out loud like that girl!” You giggle softly “oops”
Uraraka speaks up “it’ll be fun though, we’ll have snacks, face masks, the works!” You nod, looking up at Momo “you mind if i bring makeup? I think a little makeover sesh would be fun too” Momo beams “of course! that sounds lovely” smiling back at her, you give everyone a thumbs up “im in!” the girls exclaim happy cheers before hushing up again once they realized they made a bit of a scene before going back to giggling quietly amongst themselves
In the distance, kirishima is looking over at the group in wonder “hm, wonder what’s got them all worked up” Kaminari, who is standing right next to him shrugs “eh you know them” Bakugo rolls his eyes, not paying any mind to either group before Sero speaks up
“I heard (L/N) say the word ‘sleepover’ though” with that, bakugo is glancing behind him to look at the three boys. They’re obviously up to no good
Kaminari rubs his hands together as if he’s a villain coming up with some elaborate scheme, which is exactly what he was doing “A sleepover huh?” Kirishima and Sero look at him quizzically “dude don’t tell me you-“ Kaminari quickly cuts him off “want to go spy on them?! You betcha!” He gives the boys a thumbs up, kirishima is looking a bit nervous “I dunno man, isn’t that like an invasion of privacy?” Sero nods in agreement, the yellow headed boy smirks once more at his two friends “you know what girls talk about at sleepovers….?” He says, the scheming tone in his voice evident. Bakugo is listening, not like he has a choice while he waits
“Crushes” with that, the look on Sero and Kirishima’s faces change into that of determination, Kaminari knows he’s got them convinced now. Bakugo once again sighs and rolls his eyes
“Don’t you guys want to know who a babe like (L/N) has the hots for?” He throws his arms around the two, looking at the both of them with conniving eyes. At the mention of your name, bakugo freezes as well, making an unwanted grunt that catches the attention of the three boys standing behind him
“Oh looks like Bakubro is interested as well, it’s because i mentioned (F/N) isn’t it?” He teases, Bakugo whips around in his chair “Shut the hell up dunce face” he shouts, his usual angry tone just slightly angrier at the allegation before turning back around, huffing and crossing his arms “Will you be joining us then? Cmon I know even someone like you can’t help but be curious” Before Bakugo can go off again, he looks over at your smiling face, and then imagines the three, in his words, idiots, messing with you and he sinks lower into his chair
“… Fine”
Kirishima looks down at him in shock “no way dude i totally was not expecting that” Bakugo scoffs, slightly embarrassed “I’m only going so you three ass munchers don’t do anything stupid” Kaminari covers his mouth to stifle a giggle “oh dude you’re so down bad you don’t even know it”
“I’ll blast you all the way to hell!”
The girls watch as Kaminari is running around the room, Bakugo chasing after him. Kaminari using the desks as a divider while kirishima and sero are laughing intensely at the scene
“What’s up with those guys?” Jiro questions, eyebrow raised, you shrug “you can never tell with them anymore” you and the other girls watch, entertained while Uraraka and Mina are cheering Kaminari on as he ‘breaks Bakugo’s ankles’ you giggle and join in
“Go get him Kacchan!” Bakugo looks over at you, angrily shouting back “shut your mouth before i blast your dumb ass all the way to hell!”
“Oh cmon (F/N) there’s gotta be someone you’re eyeballing i mean look at you” you quirk an eyebrow towards Mina, who’s been bugging you about this ever since you entered Momo’s room “and what’s that supposed to mean?” Mina starts wildly waving her hands around “i mean you’re like smoking hot girl! I didn’t mean it in a bad way” the other girls sitting around you agree in their own ways
You sigh a little, although you weren’t expecting that particular reason “even if i did like anyone I don’t really think it’d be reciprocated, im kind of a klutz” immediately your friends spring into action, showering you with compliments so much that you start to blush. You cover your face in embarrassment at the affection
“Why would you ever even think that? There’s so many dudes pining over you as we speak” Hagakure points out, she’s currently fixing her face mask that Momo had passed out to everyone
You playfully roll your eyes “oh yeah like who?” Thinking you were able to stump them there.
Jiro, who is sitting next to you, side eyes you, not really sure if you were being serious “dude” you whip your head to look at her in a surprised confusion, before you look at the rest of your friends who appear to share the same sentiment, you look at tsuyu, she’s honest right?
“I can name atleast 5 boys right now” the green haired girl points out. You’re simply flabbergasted “What? Who then” you cross your arms. One by one your friends speak in turn
“That boy from the sports festival, Shinso, seems to be quite interested in you after you almost won” Momo starts
“And that boy from 1B, Kaibara, ever since you helped him out at the sports festival he’s been lingering around to get your attention” Tsuyu adds
“Don’t even get me started on Amajiki-senpai, he literally said you reminded him of the sun and admitted you were one of the only people he felt comfortable around, he blushes so much around you im surprised the constant blood rushes haven’t been getting to him ” Jiro says
Your eyes are darting inbetween all of your beloved friends as they quite seriously list off a surprising amount of people, since when were they so observant? You shove your face back into your hands “ok I get it guys..” embarrassed is an understatement
“Oh! And bakugo too!” Uraraka happily points out, as if this was common knowledge, but for you this was the final nail in the coffin before you begin to practically steam out of how flustered you became “I highly doubt that” you managed to squeak out
You thought you were hearing things but you heard a soft thud somewhere in the room, you chose to ignore it
Momo gently strokes your hair, although she still found the predicament quite amusing
Mina finds this exciting, she begins to ponder and think about all of the interactions you’ve had with Bakugo since the beginning of the year
“Oh my god do you guys remember when…”
Evidence #1
Something was smelling quite good in the common area, and as everyone began filing down to prepare for the weekend morning they were met with quite the sight
You were baking cinnamon rolls for everyone, as a part of your weekly ritual of baking or cooking for the class. Bakugo happened to have woken up early, came down and found himself chatting to you as if it was a normal thing for him to do
There you were, happily conversing with Bakugo as you were mixing what appeared to be frosting in a bowl. He wasn’t adorned with any sort of scowl, his eyebrows weren’t furrowed and he was silently watching you while listening to whatever story you were telling him, if they didn’t know any better they would’ve thought it was admiration. Of course, upon seeing the two, the usual suspects surrounded them completely disregarding what they stumbled upon, and bakugo was quick to throw angry insults at them
Mina noted the soft expression on his face before the boys had shown up
Evidence #2
“Uhm (F/N), do you and Bakugo normally walk to class together?” Upon entering the classroom and walking to your desk, your friends were gathered into their usual group right next to it, you shrug before answering “yeah, for some reason I’ve been managing to catch him just before we enter the building, weird coincidence but i don’t mind it’s pretty nice company, plus when we were kids we’d walk to school together sometimes” your friends deadpan at the last bit ‘bakugo… nice company?’
They all look over to see bakugo arguing with the other guys about some mundane topic, of course he was the most aggressive, yelling and making the usual scene, they simply looked at his comically scowling face before simultaneously thinking ‘not a chance’
Jiro makes a mental note that when she walked into the building, she saw Kirishima run into Bakugo who was standing at the entrance, asking to walk to class together before Bakugo shuts Kirishima down, saying something akin to “Hell no I’m busy!” Kirishima gives him a puzzled look before seeing Kaminari and telling Bakugo he’d see him later
Could it be..?
Evidence #3
“I won’t repeat myself asshat, let go of her now” Everyone in the class froze, staying silent, usually he’d be screaming this sort of demand. he was seriously pissed off beyond belief. His eyes pierced into the boy who had his wrapped his arm around your shoulders, Shindo. You awkwardly smile “Bakugo im sure he doesn’t mean any harm-“ before you can finish your sentence you feel something tug on your wrist, ripping you from the black haired boys grasp. You blink in shock, looking up you see Bakugo’s fiery eyes that speak a thousand words, but he only speaks two. “Get lost” his voice absolutely dripping in venom as he slightly tightened his grip he’d laid on your shoulder
Shindo stares back, his eyes narrowing before he throws on a smile “My bad, bro, hey listen im sorry, let’s do our best out there o-“ he holds his hand out to Bakugo to shake, before Bakugo swaps his hand away, turning the both of you around “your words don’t match that expression on your face, i said get lost”
Everyone slowly began to speak amongst themselves again, Bakugo wordlessly handing you over to Kirishima and Mina before spinning around to wander off somewhere else. You simply watch him go, he really was pissed off, mumbling some obscenities. You almost missed the gentle yet tight squeeze he gave your shoulder when he let go.
Final Evidence
“Midoriya, you’ve known those two for awhile right?” Mina asks, everyone is currently training, but a small group is sitting by taking a break. Midoriya looks up after taking a drink of water, his eyes land on the two
“I can’t breathe…” you exhale your words, Kirishima is rubbing your back comfortingly as the training gets to you, Bakugo rolls his eyes “you damn lazy shithead you’re never gonna beat me with that lazy ass attitude of yours” You look up at him and glare before smirking, dramatically falling back on kirishima’s chest with your hand on your forehead “I can’t breathe… there’s no room in Kacchan’s EGO, can we go now?!” and just like that, Bakugo is on your ass as you zoom away with your quirk, screaming about how he’s gonna murder you
Midoriya smiles “yep, honestly i cant really imagine what it’d be like without her, she’s been like a middle ground between the two of us ever since junior high, a voice of reason” he has a gentle smile on his face before it drops in an instant and he cringes remembering that time, a chill going up his spine “honestly I don’t think I would’ve survived junior high without her…” before Mina can question that bit he starts to ramble
“Me and (F/N) are best friends, but her and bakugo have this special connection. She’s able to read him like a book, understand him to a level I just can’t. It’s truly fascinating” he looks at Bakugo’s smiling face as he dangles you upside down off a rock formation, of course it’s mostly his usual angry grin but somewhere under there is a genuine smile as you laugh while telling him to put you down
“I’m sure he feels the same way I do, he just has a funny way of showing it”
Mina makes a mental note of this
You’re now laid flat on Momo’s bed, each bit of ‘evidence’ making you blush harder and harder, and they just keep going
“And when we were picking vocals for the festival, he refused to be drums unless you sang also, ribbit”
You shoot up, steaming “okayyy guys please stop” Momo looks at you with a pitiful expression “yeah I think she gets the point girls”
Mina still needs to know though
“Okay fine but can you atleast tell us, if you had to pick, who would you date?!” Shes gripping a pillow to her chest in anticipation. You think to yourself once you regain your composure, deep in thought for a moment before taking a deep breath in.
“Shut up” Kirishima whispers, nudging Kaminari as he can tell the boy is absolutely struggling to keep in his laughter, who can blame him though when Bakugo Katsuki himself is blushing from ear to ear from all the information he’s just learned
Boys like you? That many? And how could they know he liked you? He didn’t even know that. There is absolutely no chance in hell he’d ever consider thinking of you that way the thought of it is absurd
Atleast that’s what he told himself
He was about to tell the both of them to shut up before the sound of your timid voice brings him back to reality
“If.. if I had to… I guess it would be..” everyone, including the invading boys, are sweating in anticipation, Bakugo’s palms are slightly damper than usual
“Bakugo..” you finally muster out, barely audible, the girls cheer and clap at your admittance and the boys look at Bakugo’s absolutely shocked expression, they don’t tease though, not right now in such a compromising place
“But it would never happen” for some reason this statement makes him upset, what’s that supposed to mean?
“We both have the ultimate goal of becoming heroes, and we both can’t afford to become distracted with romance, plus I really don’t think he’d ever see me that way, he sees me as an annoying little kid who’s been sticking around since diapers” you laugh, albeit pitifully, at the end of your sentence, the girls don’t know what to say or how to comfort you, they know you know him better than anyone, so if you say it then it’s probably true
Mina gives her a big hug “aw im sorry for making you sad” you give her a gentle squeeze back “im not upset, don’t worry about it” she holds your shoulders and smiles before deciding on what you all were gonna do next
“How about we sneak over to 7 eleven, I bet we’re dying for some snacks right now” Uraraka shoots up “yes please!”
And just like that the energy in the room is back to its happy self, you giggling and nodding in agreement
As the group of you all put on your shoes, you ask Momo if you can borrow a hoodie from her closet
The closet, uh oh
The boys are frantically looking at each other, whispering ‘what do we do?!’ over and over, absolutely panicking
Internally, Bakugo is freaking out the most. What would he even do if you find out he heard everything you said? Would things be the same? Not that he cares.
They watch you come over to the closet, bracing, preparing for the worst as you begin to open the door
You softly swing the closet door open, and immediately the sight leaves you frozen in place
In front of you, on the floor of the closet are the boys, and Bakugo, and he’s looking at you with this angrily embarrassed look on his face, cheeks flushed. You blink and feel your cheeks heat up, spinning your head around as Momo asks what’s taking you so long, you look back at the boys, pleading with you with their eyes. You glare at the group of them before shutting the door in their face , telling momo you changed your mind on the hoodie
Relief was an understatement as the door to the dorm shuts and locks, the boys all loosen up as they give out a sigh, sinking to the wall and floor
“I thought we were goners for sure there!” Sero says, still terrified “luckily (F/N) is so cool, if it were anyone else we’d be dead for sure” Kirishima adds
Bakugo feels his phone buzz, he pulls it out to see a message and he freezes
(F/N): you guys better be out of there by the time we come back, I mean it.
He opens the closet door, and gets up “let’s get the fuck out of here, im never doing that shit again you fuckers” this time the boys don’t argue, and they all scurry out of the room, Bakugo says nothing as they go back to their respective rooms, and the boys decide not to push their luck tonight
By the time you return, snacks in hand, you look to the closet before walking over to open it again. ‘Empty. Good’ you thought. Atleast they listened to you, you were ready to rip them a new one if they decided to stick around after you gave them a saving grace
Momo asks what you’re doing, you say you’re admiring her clothes before asking what movie they picked to watch
After that, neither you nor bakugo had spoken a word to each other. For over a week the atmosphere in the classroom is thick with tension, Midoriya is the first to point it out to you while you’re hanging out in his dorm
“Uh.. (F/N)?” He looks up from the controller in his hand, the ‘victory player 1’ text on the screen on the TV blinking at him
You come down from your winning grin “yes Izuku?” He fiddles with the buttons before finally asking
“What’s up with you and Kacchan?” You are speechless, he noticed? Of course he noticed he’s Izuku.
You sigh, sinking into his bed, back against the wall it’s connected to “no point in lying to you huh?” Izuku gives a light laugh “after all this time, no” he looks at you expectantly
Putting down the controller you turn your head to look at him
“I think.. im in love with kacchan” hearing you admit it out loud after all this time was surreal, you thought it was something you’d take to the grave.
Izuku is shocked, of course, he never imagined his two childhood friends would catch feelings towards each other. He’s also used to you being the one giving him comfort or reassurance. He’s not very experienced in the romance department as is, so he’s not sure what to say to you about that. But he does know you like the back of his hand. You give him the same reason you give the girls as to why you’re never gonna tell him. You also tell him he heard everything.
“Wow that must’ve been super embarrassing..” he says, you face palm “I know! I can’t bring myself to look at him, and honestly the fact that he won’t look at me says something too..” you say, dejectedly. Izuku puts his hand on your shoulder, giving you a gentle smile “listen, im not the best with romance n all, but from what I know about the two of you, I think it’s best to just talk it out. You two don’t have to date, but maybe it’ll do the both of you good to get some sort of closure..” the look on your face is hard to read, he guesses you’re taking all of this in “id really hate to see you two drift apart over something like this, after everything we’ve all been through together.. plus I think you’d be surprised over what he has to say”
For some reason, you start to tear up, his words really got to you.
You missed bakugo, and you really didn’t want to lose him
“Is it really worth a try?” You mutter, looking down at your hands, Izuku puts his own hand on top of yours, making you look up back at him “it’s better to try than to not try at all”
Back in your dorm, you stare at your phone as if it’ll start moving on its own
You angrily sigh, snatching it up before finally writing the text you’ve been thinking about sending
(F/N): Hi
Bakugo: what do you want?
Ouch, for some reason that hurts a little after not talking in so long. You know not to take it too seriously though, you’re just glad he replied so fast
Bakugo is also mentally smacking himself for saying something like that right off the bat
(F/N): I was just wondering…
(F/N): Can we talk?
The boy stares at the message, of course he does, the awkward silence that’s been going on between the two of you has been miserable even if he didn’t want to admit it. He scoffs, finally deciding to reply after a few minutes
Bakugo: Ok
(F/N): okay! you want me to go to yours?
Bakugo: That’s fine
Bakugo: Actually, meet me on the roof in 10
Bakugo throws his phone down. He shoves his face into his pillow, screaming
He had no idea what to expect
Heading up to the rooftop, he’s surprised to find you there waiting for him first. He stands there for a moment, watching your hair flow in the gentle night breeze. You’re holding your knees up to your chest, shivering. You were cold
He scoffs, shrugging off his zip up hoodie
You’re shocked when a soft, warm fabric drapes your shoulders. Looking up, Bakugo is looking away from you “dumbass, you didn’t bring a sweater? if it weren’t for me you’d freeze to death” you giggle, exceedingly happy to finally hear him speak to you again
“Hello to you too” he ignores your greeting, taking a seat next to you to enjoy the view as well
“What’s wrong with you?” He speaks up after an uncomfortable few minutes of silence, you sit up straight “Me?! What’s wrong with you?!” Bakugo’s eyebrows furrowed and he shouts back “there’s nothing wrong with me idiot!” He turns to glare at you but he’s surprised when his eyes are met with your smiling face. He looks away “the hell you smiling for weirdo?” You notice the pink tint on the tip of his ears
“I guess.. I just missed you” now it’s his turn to sit up straight, he feels chills run up his body but he equates it to the coldness of the night
He says nothing at first, before looking back at you. You’re now looking up at the sky, a content look on your face. Your eyes are sparkling, and your skin is glowing. He shakes his head, not wanting to think of anything like that before you break the silence again
“the moon sure is beautiful, hm?”
Damnit. Once again, bakugo is speechless. Did you really say that?
He’s brought back to a moment in grade school
“I’m gonna confess to the person I love just like that!” You point at the movie the two of you decided to watch, bakugo looks at you in disgust “ew I did not need to know that you freak” you pout “come on wouldn’t it be so sweet?!” He shoves your face away from his as you swoon “whatever just get off me” you pout once again
He’s brought back to reality by the way you turn to look at him once more. This look in your eyes makes him feel uneasy, unfamiliar, but he can’t look away.
“yeah.. I guess”
Your eyes sparkle, you look back up up to the sky before mustering up the courage
You grab his hand that’s next to yours
He doesn’t do anything, he stays there, still as a rock before you speak up again
“I know you heard what me and the girls said that night” he meets your gaze, and you’re giving him a serious look that almost freaks him out but he lets you continue
“I didn’t want that to change our friendship, but I guess I was too scared that you’d hate me-“
“In what world would I hate you?”
His voice is so soft it makes your heart beat skip, and now it’s your turn to be freaked out about the serious look in his eyes
“Well I- uh. You see-!” You slap yourself, bakugo is taken aback and is about to question you until you finally say what you’ve been wanting to say for years
“Bakugo Katsuki, Im in love with you!”
There it is. That determined look in your eyes that the boy has never gotten sick of, your breathing is heavy and you’re avoiding eye contact at all costs, but you did it. You fucking said it
“I realized it after we stopped talking, I mean how stupid and cliche is that huh? You never know what you have until it’s gone? God what’s wrong with me, I just needed to tell you because it’s better to try you know?! I don’t wanna fuck up what we have, I mean shit it’s been so long you know. God I ruin everything I’m sorry forget I-“
“Stop talking, you sound like that stupid Deku, god you need to stop hanging around him so much”
You freeze up. You peek a glance to bakugo, he’s kept the same serious look on his face
“You didn’t even give me a chance to reply, dumbass”
His grip on your hand tightens, and he intertwines his fingers with yours. You stop breathing
“I don’t know shit about.. love.. or whatever, I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me, I can’t place it but the way you.. god, ugh..” he grits his teeth, his cheeks tainted pink, eyebrows furrowed and clearly angry but embarrassed
“God damn it (F/N) you drive me fucking crazy! It feels fucking stupid to just call it some dumb shit like love, it’s like you’re messing with my head all the time, I don’t fucking understand these.. these.. shit! you-” he meets your gaze, and his own softens
“I just can’t.. lose you, yknow?”
So he feels the same way you do, then. you lean your head on his shoulder, and he doesn’t back away
“You’d never lose me, Katsuki” the use of his first name makes his stomach flip. He wants to stay like this
He wants more moments like this
“We.. we don’t have to rush things, and I won’t force you to share your feelings with me, I think that’s something you should figure out on your own” he scoffs, he doesn’t need to figure shit out
“(F/N)” he says your name matter of factly, you lift your head to look up at him before you feel something soft on your lips
Your eyes go wide, you stiffen up until his hand grazes your cheek gently. As if he was scared you’d break under his touch. You shut your eyes, trying to relax into the kiss
Shakily, you snake your arms around his neck, and he deepens his embrace
Passion, fear, so many emotions and words that could never be said were being spoken through this moment. Everything he’s wanted to say to you, you could feel through the way his lips enveloped your own, the way he gently caressed your back in a comforting manner. All of his feelings, you understood
He’s the one who separates first, you’re left in a daze as he avoids your eyes once more
“That’s all you’re getting out of me, don’t expect more” you giggle, making bakugo look back at you
“Don’t fucking laugh at me you little-“
“Bakugo” he stops, looking at you skeptically, you smile back at him “from now on.. let’s just be us, no more holding back, no more secrets” you tilt your head at him, the gesture makes his own heart skip a beat and his palms are sweatier than usual
“Y-yeah.. whatever I don’t fucking care”
He gives your hand a squeeze “one day, when im number one,..” his red eyes pierce your own “I’ll make you mine, you got that?” You nod, a little flustered at his declaration before gathering up even more courage than before
“What’re you-“ you cut him off with a kiss to the cheek, then a kiss to the forehead, bakugo is getting increasingly more red by each kiss you place on his face and you back away to look at him. he’s got that same scowl on his face that’s a touch softer “the hell was that-“ you cut him off again with a kiss to the lips once more
This time, hes the one who’s frozen in shock, you cup his cheek in your hand, deepening the kiss slightly before you break it. Bakugo almost wants to pull you in for more but all he can give you is a blank expression as you whisper in his ear
“I’m already yours”
He can’t even muster up any words before you’re standing up, pretending like your face isn’t on fire . “Okay! Let’s head inside it’s getting too cold, how about I make us some tea yeah?” He just watches intently as you make your way to the door before following you, wordlessly he grabs your hand as you continue your speech about the different types of teas and what he’d like. You smile when he grabs your hand again, and he smiles when you squeeze his gently
“Aw man I lost!” When the door shuts, 4 people emerge from various hiding spots amongst the roof
Mina saunters over to the three boys before holding out her hand “pay up losers” she sings to them, begrudgingly the three place several yen dollars into her hand
You were the one to confess first, after all, looks like her and Kaminari’s sleepover plan worked
“I’m glad you and kacchan are back to normal, (f/n)” at lunch, about two weeks after the roof incident, you’re sitting with midoriya, you give him a happy look, nodding “yep! better than ever me and him” you can’t stop the blush from forming on your face, you’re saved by a familiar voice
“Oi (F/N)” you look up and grin, he stands there with his scowl. Usually, you’d get up and follow him to eat lunch alone together, but this time you decided otherwise
“Let’s sit here today Katsuki!” You beam at him, he wants to argue with you but he decides it’s not worth it, he groans before pouting as he plops in the seat next to you, you smile “wow, no yelling today bakubro?” Kirishima smirks at bakugo, before Bakugo can retort, Kaminari, unfortunately, starts up again
“You two sure are close nowadays~” Bakugo glares daggers at Kaminari “mind your business you rat” his fist slams the table. under the table, you feel his hand take yours, entwining your fingers “nothings fuckin changed” he mutters. you glance at him, smiling as he begins to eat his food
The conversations moves forward, and throughout Bakugo, or you, have yet to let go of the others hand, like it’s naturally this way as you speak amongst your friends
‘Yeah…’ you think to yourself, stealing glances , admiring his crimson red eyes, his spiky blonde hair, and the way he sends quick retorts back to your other classmates when they annoy him
He glances at you, admiring your infectious laugh, your soft hair, your glowing aura, you
Yeah, nothings changed
Sorry about spelling mistakes I did not realize this would be this long, I thought of the sleepover thing and thought it would be funny and then boom it spiraled out of control
Hope you enjoyed! This is my first time posting a oneshot here so im kinda nervous pls be nice to me ;-;
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peachsukii · 4 months
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Operation: Shut Down
『♡』  fem!reader x bakugo ╰➤ ꒰ Senior year of UA | Characters are all 18 ꒱ ♡ katsuki bakugo masterlist ♡ summary: during their senior year of UA, midoriya, bakugo and todoroki return to endeavor's agency for senior internships. while on a supervised patrol, bakugo experiences his first 'failure' as a hero-in-training and takes it extremely hard. reader makes an attempt to care for his fragile state when he returns to the dorms. tags & warnings:  failed mission, ptsd/trauma, mentions of blood/gore/violence, depression & anxiety, mild angst, emotional comfort, semi-fluff, bakugo and midoriya hug!? a/n: similar to the "tidal wave" story, but this one is a bit grittier and heavier subject matter. hopefully this also isn't too OOC for bakugo! i figure at some point during their time at UA, or in the field, they’ll have to go through something similar to this on their own. ꒰ Ao3 version | word count; 2,671 ꒱
Ahh, Saturday mornings - one of your favorite times of the week! There's something refreshing about being free from classes, surrounded by all your friends as you laze around the dorms. Yourself and Bakugo are usually the first two awake, often bumping into each other in the kitchen for breakfast. Midoriya and Kirishima are typically next, followed by a random assortment of the rest of the class. One thing's for certain, though, Kaminari is always the last one awake. Jiro swears it annoys the shit out of her that she needs to have an extra alarm to get him up, but he never fails to make her smile when she does.
Today, the dorms are on the quieter side as most of the class are off at their senior internships for a long weekend. You completed yours a few weeks prior, leaving yourself and Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido and Yaoyorozu hanging around this weekend. Meandering toward the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal, you run into Midoriya, sitting at the small table - alone.
"Hey! I thought you guys were gone 'til Monday?" you ask, confused as to why he's back early. As you approach the table, you see the somber emotion painted across his face, the usual radiance in his eyes dulled.
"Oh, hey y/n. Yeah, we got back late last night."
There's something unsettling about the way he said "late last night." He still hasn't looked up at you. You place a hand on his shoulder to grab his attention.
"Everything okay?" He jumps a bit at your touch, startling you. He's not typically this jumpy. "You look like you've seen a ghost, Zu."
You can see he swallows nervously, his eyes glued to the table.
"Christ, Izuku! You're scaring me, spit it out already!" you urge, growing impatient with his evasiveness.
Midoriya finally turns to face you, his face not able to hide the fact he didn't sleep last night, the darkness growing under his eyes.
"It's Kacchan...," he starts, stopping for longer than you were comfortable with before continuing quietly. "He's in his room and hasn't come out since last night. He won't talk to me or Shouto."
Your stomach cartwheels with a sour feeling.
"You can't just say that and not give me more background on what the hell you're talking about."
He shifted uncomfortably in the diner chair, placing his head in his hands on the table.
"We were on a supervised patrol with Endeavor after dinner last night. The three of us were responsible for escorting a family across the city when Endeavor received an emergency call, taking Kacchan with him and leaving myself and Shouto responsible for the original task."
Midoriya paused, letting out a soft exhale.
"While on the emergency call, Endeavor ended up getting hurt -," he puts his hands up, waving them as he quickly interrupts himself to say he's fine before putting his head back down. "- due to a fall. Supposedly, the villain they were pursuing took advantage of that as a distraction. Kacchan was able to subdue him..."
Again with the damn pauses.
"...but?" You try not to sound too annoyed, but can't help it. You loved Izuku dearly, but he really needed to learn to get to the damn point.
"...but the civilian he captured wasn't so lucky."
What the hell does that mean?
Something in your gut tells you to sit down for whatever it is he's going to say next. You take the seat next to him, placing a hand on his thigh for reassurance.
"You...don't have to say anything if you don't want to, Zu," your tone shifting from your previous annoyance to concern.
He puts a hand on top of yours and gives it a squeeze. "T-thanks, but it's okay. Maybe you could try to talk with him? I had Kirishima try, too with no luck."
"Okay, sure. Do you wanna tell me what happened, then?"
You're not really sure if you should know, at this point. If Bakugo's locked himself in his room and refuses to speak to anyone? Some serious shit must have happened. He's not one to completely shutdown and isolate himself, let alone from Midoriya and Kirishima.
"The...civilian didn't make it. The villain planted a bomb inside of the civilian as, uh...a backup plan, I guess. It went off as Kacchan was escorting them to the ambulance for evaluation."
Your stomach stirs a second time, afraid to confirm what you think happened. "...so, you're telling me he saw someone...explode?"
He hesitates. "Y-yeah. Endeavor told us he went into shock, which isn't like him at all but completely normal, all things considered. He went non-verbal until we got back last night. He didn't even yell, told us he was going to bed, walked off and slammed the door."
"Fucking hell...do you know if he at least got some sleep on the drive back?"
"Funny enough, yeah. He fell asleep on my shoulder." He smiles faintly, trying to look at the positive in this situation. You can't help but smile, too, imagining Bakugo passed out on him without a care in the world.
Midoriya rubs two fingers against his temple - he's intensely fighting to stay awake. But who could blame him? His best friend just went through something extremely traumatic and he doesn't know the best way to help him.
You rub his back, attempting to calm his visible anxiety.
"Alright, I'll tag in. Please Izuku, go to bed. You need to rest," you assert, knowing that he would keep himself up until he physically couldn't stand if it meant helping a friend - especially Bakugo.
"Yeah. Thank you, y/n," Midoriya says wearily. As he stands, you jump up from your own seat to wrap him in a tight hug. He accepts, sighing into your shoulder as his body deflates into yours.
"Come on, I'll walk you back to your room."
After you walk Midoriya back to his dorm room, you go inside with him for a few minutes to be sure he actually gets into bed. He lazily crawls under the sheets, letting you tuck him in as his eyes are fluttering closed. You pat his head and mutter a 'night Zu' as you tip-toe to the door, carefully shutting it behind you.
Jogging up to the 4th floor, you make your way down the hall to Bakugo's room. You stand outside for a moment before knocking twice.
No response.
You give him a few seconds before knocking again.
Nothing. You don't hear any movement on the other side of the door, either. Maybe he's asleep?
One final try before you give up and resort to calling him.
Thudding footsteps are stomping on the floor from inside his room after the third set of knocks. The sudden sound shocks you as the door flies open, Bakugo's scowling face emerging from behind it, the whites of his eyes faintly pink in color. Has he been crying?
"God dammit, nerd! I fuckin' told you -," He doesn't notice it's you right away as he's shouting in your face. Once the realization sets in, he visibly recoils at his mistake. "...sorry. Thought you were Izuku."
"I could go dye my hair and draw freckles on if you wanna yell at me," you joke.
He doesn't laugh - not even an eyeroll.
Your heart sinks.
Neither of you say anything, standing there awkwardly as the air thickens between the two of you. Bakugo audibly exhales and you can't tell if he's annoyed, angry or...sad.
"Can I come in?" you ask humbly.
He says nothing, retreating back into his room - but, he leaves the door open for you. You take that as an accepted invitation, coming inside and closing the door behind you. He sits on his bed, knees tucked up to his chest as he scoots back to the wall.
Seeing Bakugo like this tugs at your heartstrings, despondent and detached, the opposite of any emotions he'd usually carry. You follow him to the bed and quietly ask permission to sit with him.
"Do you want me to sit with you, Kat?"
He doesn't move, just answers with a muted 'whatever.'
As gentle as you can, you climb onto the bed and shimmy next to him, back against the wall. You'll take this as a win, especially since Midoriya mentioned him not answering anyone else. You're about to say something as you hear a sniffle, confirming your suspicions.
Bakugo was and has been crying.
You reach over to put a hand in his hair in an attempt to comfort him. Instantaneously, he smacks your hand away - hard - and a spark jumps off his palm. Normally, he'd let you touch him without an issue - to an extent, of course, but right now? You understand why he wouldn't want any physical touch.
"Okay, I'll sit here as long as you want," you affirm, retracting your hand and pulling your own knees to your chest. "You don't have to say anything."
With that, the flood gates busted wide open. Bakugo whips his head in your direction, his nose red and eyes swollen, and frantically scrambles on to you. The two of you fall sideways into the pillows at the head of the bed as he wraps his arms around you into an awkward embrace. He buries his face in the curve of your neck, latching onto the back of your shirt with an ironclad grip as he begins to sob.
You have never heard him cry this hard over anything, not even after his fight with Midoriya back in their first year.
You don't wait for Bakugo to say anything before you're cradling him against you, one hand delicately stroking his hair while the other massages light circles on his back.
"I've got you, Katsuki, it's okay," you whisper soothingly while trying your damndest to stop yourself from crying along with him. You wish, more than anything in the world, that you could physically remove the memory from his brain to free him of this trauma.
"I'm not going anywhere, I'll stay as long as you want."
He doesn't respond, only pushes himself deeper into your embrace. You can feel the material of your shirt sticking to your skin at your collarbone from his snot and tears, and you're definitely going to have bruises on your back from his fingers digging into you for support. None of that matters though in the moment, what matters is that he's getting the initial shock out of his system.
You're not too sure how long you both lay there, but with time, you can tell Bakugo's calming down by his sobs mellowing out. His body begins to loosen up, the tension melting from his tightened grip around you. And then you hear it - a low snore.
He'd fallen asleep.
You tilt your head back to get a look at his face. His features have relaxed around his puffy eyes and pink nose. Without thinking, you run a hand through his bangs, exposing his forehead and press a tender kiss to it. He doesn't stir and continues to take deep, sleepy breaths.
Bakugo wakes an hour later, dazed and exhausted. When he starts to shift in your arms, you open your eyes. You give him a hearty smile as he releases his hold, rolling onto his back next to you.
"Mornin' sunshine. How're you feeling?"
He snorts as his eyes focus on the ceiling. "Like shit."
He pauses before looking back at you. "But less than before. Thanks. I'm just fuckin' tired."
"You scared me, I've never seen you that upset before," you admit. "You don't have to talk about it now, or ever, just know that I'm here for whatever you need."
"I don't even know what to say about it. Shit sucked, but it's what we signed up for." He's very monotone, but at least he's talking.
You roll over to face him. "I'm sorry you had to see it."
Bakugo sighs. "'S what it is. I'll get over it. Endeavor told me the first one is the hardest, better to get it outta the way before becomin' a pro."
Damn, that made your heart ache.
"Just 'cause we wanna help people doesn't mean we can't also ask the same for ourselves. Heroes need a hero, too."
He lolls his head to the side and stares at you, a gleam in his tired eyes. "...yeah."
The room is silent as the two of you take a break from the rough conversation. If he doesn't want to continue talking, you don't push it. Instead, you offer a distraction.
"I'd love to take you hiking today, if you're up for it," you say with enthusiasm. "I know how much you love that one trail nearby with the overlook of the city."
Bakugo felt his heart flutter at the proposal, confusing the hell out of him, but offered a sense of comfort that he needed. He loved that you remembered something so niche about his interests.
"Maybe tomorrow."
"Sure! You tell me how early you wanna go and I'll get my ass out of bed. Just for you," you tease, jokingly smacking his arm. "We can get lunch on the way back from the hike, too. Wherever you wanna go!"
Between the swirl of emotions from earlier and how sweet you're being to him now, he's overwhelmed with a feeling he can't quite place.
"Y/N, can I ask you something?" he asks abruptly.
Well, that came out of nowhere.
"Always, Kat. What is it?"
He stalls his follow up, seeming to think a little longer on how he wans to phrase his question.
"Why...are you here with me?"
His question baffles you. "Because you're my best friend?"
Best friend, he repeats in his head.
You notice the pondering look in his eyes as he turns to face you, shifting to lay on his side.
"It's because I care deeply about you, Katsuki. Nothing'll ever change that."
"...promise?" His voice is shaky, a nervousness to his tone.
You reach out and touch his cheek, stroking it lovingly with your thumb.
"Is that even a question? Yes, I promise. You're stuck with my ass forever, like it or not. I’ll be cheering for you every step of the way."
He laughs - genuinely.
And then he smiles. Your heart soars into the heavens.
"There's my favorite firecracker!" you boast, squishing his cheek in your hand.
Bakugo huffs at the sudden affection, a dusting of pink on his cheeks and nose.
"Th' fuck?!" he curses, playfully poking your forehead. "I'm not a firecracker!"
“Coulda fooled me, Mr. Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamight.”
The two of you play fight, cackling like children as the tension melts from the room.
Even if it’s just for a little while, Bakugo forgot about the agonizing dread from hours ago.
Later on in the dorm lobby, you’re sitting on the couch with Bakugo, feet in his lap watching TV as he’s reading a book. Midoriya comes prancing into the room, fresh faced from his nap. His eyes brighten when he sees Bakugo on the couch.
“Hey guys! Kacchan, how are you feeling?” he asks cheerfully, taking a seat on the couch next to him.
Unexpectedly, Bakugo wraps an arm over Midoriya’s shoulder, tugging him into his side.
“Fine, nerd. Thanks.” He lets go, puts a hand on his head and roughly fluffs his curls - just like when they were kids. Midoriya is so taken aback that he doesn’t say anything, he just smiles and relaxes next to him.
“What are we watching?”
You lean sideways to catch a glimpse of the boys together on the couch, co-existing without any negativity. Even after all the shit life throws at them, they still find ways to shove it all away to enjoy each other’s company. Sometimes, they just need a little help getting back to that mentality.
A silent huff escapes you as you lay back into the couch.
These boys are going to be the death of me.
i love these goobers and wanna buy them a lifetime’s worth of ice cream and take them to disney world to make them happy :’)
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o0azalie0o · 2 months
My Hero Academia Final War Arc: Character Status (MANGA SPOILER 420)
Disclaimer: These statuses are not 100% accurate since it is sometimes hard to make them out.
List gets updated every chapter.
Class 1-A
Yuuga Aoyama: severely injured, large head injury
Mina Ashido: injured, severely dehydrated,
Tsuyu Asui: injured
Tenya Iida: injured, mufflers destroyed
Ochaco Uraraka (unable to battle; close to death): severely injured, stabbed through the gut, severe blood loss,
Mashirao Ojiro: injured
Denki Kaminari: injured, exhausted from Electrification
Eijiro Kirishima: severely injured
Koji Koda: injured
Rikido Sato: injured
Mezo Shoji: injured
Kyoka Jiro: severely injured, left ear and earphone jack blown off,
Hanta Sero: injured
Fumikage Tokoyami (unable to battle): severely injured
Shoto Todoroki: severely injured, severely burned
Toru Hagakure: seemingly uninjured
Katsuki Bakugo (unable to battle; close to death): severely injured, fractured right arm, large facial injury, heart and lung injury, heart failure, severe blood loss
Izuku Midoriya: severely injured, severe stomach injury, large head injury, large facial injury, loss of both arms (rewinded), severe blood loss, lost One for All, lost all stockpiled Quirks,
Minoru Mineta: severely injured, large head injury
Momo Yaoyorozu: injured
Class 1-B
Yosetsu Awase: missing in action
Sen Kaibara: missing in action
Togaru Kamakiri: uninjured
Shihai Kuroiro: seemingly uninjured
Itsuka Kendo: seemingly uninjured
Yui Kodai (unable to battle): severely injured
Kinoko Komori: severely injured
Ibara Shiozaki: uninjured
Jurota Shishida: uninjured
Nirengeki Shoda: missing in action
Pony Tsunotori: uninjured
Kosei Tsuburaba: uninjured
Tetsutestu Tetsutetsu: seemingly uninjured
Setsuna Tokage: uninjured
Manga Fukadashi: injured, head injury
Juzo Honenuki: seemingly uninjured
Kojiro Bondo: missing in action
Neito Monoma (unable to battle): severely injured
Reiko Yanagi (unable to battle): severely injured
Hiryu Rin: uninjured
UA Big 3:
Mirio Togata: seemingly uninjured
Nejire Hadou (unable to battle): severely injured, stomach sliced
Tamaki Amajiki (unable to battle): severely injured
Other UA-Students
Mei Hatsume: minor injuries
Hitoshi Shinsou (unable to battle): severely injured
YuYu Haya: injured
Business Course Students: uninjured
KetsuButsu Students
Yo Shindo: minors injuries
Tatami Nakagame: uninjured
Shikkui Makabe: uninjured
Itejiro Toteki: missing in action
Shiketsu Students
Inasa Yoarashi (unable to battle): severely injured
Nagamasa Mora: seemingly uninjured
Seiji Shishikura: severely injured
Camie Utsushimi: severely injured
All Might (unable to battle; close to death): severely injured, severe blood loss
Endeavor: severely injured, severely burned, lost right arm
Hawks (unable to battle): severely injured, sliced face and chest, lost Fierce Wings
Best Jeanist (unable to battle): severly injured
Edgeshot (unable to battle; close to death): severely injured, reduced to the size of a thread
Mirko (unable to battle): severly injured, lost right arm
Kamui Woods: severely injured
Wash: missing in action
Ryukyu: uninjured
Gang Orca: injured
Shishido: injured
Mt.Lady (unable to battle): severely injured, sliced stomach
Fat Gum (unable to battle): severely injured
Manual: injured
Mandalay: uninjured
Pixie Bob: injured
Tiger: severely injured
Cementoss: uninjured
Ectoplasm: uninjured
Eraser Head: seemingly uninjured
Ms. Joke: minor injuries
Present Mic: last seen uninjured
Rock Lock: uninjured
Power Loader: uninjured
Thirteen: uninjured
Vlad King: missing in action
Snipe: missing in action
Selkie: missing in action
Side Kicks
Burnin: severely burned
Kido (unable to battle): severely burned
Onima (unable to battle): severely burned
Sirius: injured
Former Villains
Gentle Criminal: seemingly uninjured
LaBrava: uninjured
Lady Nagant (unable to battle): Severly injured, severe blood loss
All for One: original body died from rewind, vestige resurfaced in Tomuras body
Tomura Shigaraki (unable to battle, exact status unknown): soul disintegrated, lost Decay, body hijacked by All for One vestige
Kurogiri: unstable/glitching
Gigantomachia (unable to battle): severely injured, half of the body destroyed
Dabi (unable to battle; exact status unknown): severely burned, exposed Bones and tendons, lost right arm
Himiko Toga (unable to battle; exact status unknown): severe blood loss
Spinner (unable to battle): severely exhausted
Moonfish: arrested
Skeptic: arrested
Kunieda (unable to battle): severly injured, arrested
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serxinns · 6 months
Who remembers when @thefiery-phoenix made class 1a x scarlet witch reader well I wanna make a part 2 (or my version of it) of it because I LOVE IT and because I want more op readers cause they're hated
Disclaimer: This is a gift for both @thefiery-phoenix and @lady-ashfade CAUSE I LOVE THEM and their fics please go support them
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
Yandere class 1a (and some teachers) x scarlet witch reader Headcanons
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Class 1a (romantic)
• Your powers are very strong and you knew that you could bend iron, and have chaos magic, telekinesis, Teleportation, energy manipulation, and light manipulation you were so powerful (not as powerful as the big 3 tho) that you got many praises from your elementary and middle school teachers but the other students despise that and called you a witch or a villain despise your past you were gonna keep going and be a hero! With your classmates totally not insanely infatuated with you supporting your goal!
• the class has been obsessed with you ever since day 1 there was always someone walking with you to class, school, and even home, and even when you arrived at home they would always spam text you about your day or did you arrvied safe at home, wanting to spend time with you, you it gets a bit annoying but you didn't mind much or see it wrong with it
• Whenever if it's lunchtime both Bakusquad and Dekusqaud fight over who gets to sit with you and whoever wins in the end both squads glare at each other or one evilly smirks while the other glares at each other
"They should sit with us!" ochako grabbed your hand and tugged you over to their table only to be stopped by Mina "Back off you already had a turn!" Mina glared at her "That's because you're always hogging them *kero*" Tsuyu said with a bit of venom in her voice "Not true!!" Both groups were going at each other arguing you were getting tired of this so you walked over to where Jiro, momo, tokoyami, and Ojiro sat and ate there while the group was busy fighting
"Are you ok dear?" momo asked worriedly while the others looked in concern "Yeah it's just them fighting again and I couldn't take it so im sitting here!" you smiled the group signed dreamily wishing you were theirs, they'll be the one to see that smile "you're always welcomed to eat with us whenever you don't wanna eat with them plus dark shadow always loves your company" tokoyami said while dark shadow was smiling and waving at you "aw guys you're the best!" you beamed unaware that dekusquad and bakusquad were sending a menacing glare at the group your sitting at they did a "we won you lose" smirk
•the class is VERY protective of you if you get a small injury from a villain battle or even a single scratch from a villain everyone is trying to assist you whenever you need something like a drink some more bandages or even carry you to the bathroom they would it's like a competition to them for who cares more for You
•in training your classmates would be pulling you around like a doll arguing about who will be your training partner and at the end of the day it gets so bad that Aizawa, mic, or Midnight had to step in and be your partner while they assign your classmates into their partners they all groan
•When hanging out Dekusquad would always either cuddle with you when it's movie night or a sleepover or whenever you walk beside them their hands are on you whether it be your shoulder, your hand, or even ur waist (if you're comfortable) anywhere for the bakusquad they would always go to trampoline places or arcade games to compete who gets the most tickets and would see who got the best gift for you. They would always flirt with you trying to get a reaction from you whether it be a flustered face or an annoyed glance they'll still be in awe
•Your classmates make sure you don't overwhelm your powers iida makes sure you don't overuse your quirk and tries to observe it Izuku would write down 4-5 pages about your quirk and maybe some unnecessary things about you too he needs to learn more about it he just has to even if it means to sneak in your room for it bakugo would try to make you spare with him and lecture about your skills and quirk and how you should use it safely Kirishima and mina is your hype friend they'll try to hype you up whenever your tryna spare katsuki even try to sneak in a new strategy or 2 but katsuki would always yell at them
•You and Koda have a bond because of animals he likes to about animals he helps you learn about nature and animals and would make flower crowns for you and him. he adores it when a bunch of birds fly on you and starts to nuzzle on your cheek he instantly Dies of cuteness right then and there and swore to always protect you
•You and Sato bonded because of your love for sweets he loves to make all sorts of pastries and if you don't like pastries that's ok he'll search up your favorite food and surprise it for you with a big smile on your face whenever he's baking he always let you be the taste tester he loves how your eyes sparkle and always complimenting his dishes it makes him more confident to bake more and whenever he makes a big batch he always have a leftover portion in a box or bag with a cute bow on top just for you
•Jirou loves to jam with you and makes you hang out in her room if you are a singer or play some type of instrument she will take you somewhere so that the two of you can be alone and y'all can jam out make jokes and talk about your favorite band she would always gift your my melody gifts while you gift her Kuromi merch or plushies you 2 even have matching my melo and kuromi hoodies
•Ojiro would always wants you to touch his tail every time he sees you his tag is wagging like a happy dog! He always wraps his tail around you whenever you cuddle with him or when you walk with him he wraps his tail around you whenever you're out in public ojiro usually hangs out with Tokoyami and Shoji cause they're the only people he trusts around you and he didn't mind he, loves to hold you up in the air or toss you up
•Shoji is like a giant puppy he sees you hurt wraps his arms around you and quickly finds safety whenever one of your classmates tries to check on you or tryna get you out of the fleshy cocoon he "Politely" tells them to back off and uses excuses like "they need rest" or "I'll quickly rush to recover girl (he would sneak you off into his room right after unless u had bad injuries ) needless to say he'll spoil you rotten with his amazing Hands and cuddles
•Tokoyami prefers to be in a quiet place alone with you so whenever you want to study to get your obsessive classmates off your back he would offer you to stay with him just in case you need some quiet time or wanna go to the food court to study tokoyami is a pretty good study/project partner if you get to know him, whenever your in trouble dark shadow would go feral like a wild animal for whoever messes with you tokoyami loves to hang out with you and dark shadow it lights up his world and he won't let anyone take his light
•Hakagure is like a lovesick puppy she would always follow you around ALL THE TIME wanting to talk, talk, talk but you didn't mind it was annoying but tolerated whenever you were asleep or hanging out with your classmates she would always sneak into your dorms and steal your things whether be a headband, your shirt that you never wear, or even a pen (if anyone mentions yuri istg/J 😭) she has a small little shrine for you with a bunch of photos of you, If you love any fashion aesthetic like gyaru, lolita, kawaii core, or even scene you better let her be ur stylist cause if she finds out about your fashion choice her and mina are the MASTERS
•Whever you train them they'll be so spellbound to your fighting and ur quirk heck they'll even hype you up whenever they get the chance cheering for you they love how you'll get so happy but that's cause you to float up to the air (hehe another reference) which they'll panic trying to get you down
•They will never let you go you're the glue that keeps them together (hehe reference)they want you no they NEED you in their life whether you like it or not your theirs
Ua Teachers (platonic)
• Aizawa is the strict but loving type he knows how strong your quirk is and decides to keep his eyes on you he gives you private tutors to try to improve your quirk and studies it he makes sure you get proper rest and if you don't he'll give you detention only for him to get you another sleep bag and fall asleep (the class tried to get detention as well but Aizawa refused) and remember the the class was arguing about who get to be your training partner? Yeah he got insanely jealous and was tired of them treating u like a doll so he pulled u away and threatened them to suspend them if they ever did that again
•dadzawa makes sure ur grades aren't slipping and if you ever had Abusive parents or just bad guardians in general, he's angry now how dare they hurt his favorite student as much he wants to kill them he reminds himself that he's a pro so he can't but he'll do a little blackmail to make your guardians disown you so he can have custody of you nobody is gonna treat you like that and he'll sure of it after all you are his favorite student
•Mic is like the overprotective clingy type he always wants you near him he even assigned your seat at the top so he can see his little witch whenever you try to spare mic always gets you to win just so he can see that smiling face he likes a fun whenever your feeling overwhelmed or using ur quirk too much he quickly stops what he's doing and immediately takes you to recovery girl crying thinking you're gonna die mic is like an uncle or a cool dad to you he always spoils you whenever he gets the chance like giving you breakfast from your favorite fast food place (you never told him our favorite fast food place) he teams up with Aizawa to also learn about this quirk of yours
•Hes so spellbound by your quirk that he always praises you for it he always loves to see how you train and how you work he's extremely protective about ur clothes he doesn't care if ur showing an inch of your stomach or even ya knee caps anywhere above your knees is off limits unless your wearing tights other then that it'd a no-no for him he doesn't wants those filthy perverts look at his listener or they will be consequences~
•Midnight is like ur aunty or ur momma she would always take you out shopping making you wear the most fashionable clothes or take you to cute little cafes she calls it mother-daughter/son/child dates after school she would never whip you with her whip she can stand her little moonbea (hehe another reference) getting hurt she whenever your bad or fall asleep in her class she gives you detection only for you to get a free cuddle session with midnight (and to piss off aizawa)
•Midnight is also very worried about ur quirk what if your quirk hurts you what happens if you use it too much that you'll die? She gets all these thoughts that make her almost cry so she lets you skip out training a bit but aizawa and Mic would yell at her to stop but she has tricks on her sleeve
More characters I wanted to make a hc of but is too lazy
Hawks would be a big brother type of yandere
Nezu is ur rich uncle
Fatgum would be the fun uncle
Vlad king would be your strict uncle
Mount Lady would be ur cool aunty
All might is your favorite grandpa
And endeavor just wanna go home
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honey-milk126 · 7 days
Dating the MHA characters. (Pt.2)
Includes:Koji Koda,Mina Ashido,Tsuyu Asui, Ochaco Uraraka, Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyoka Jiro, Neito Monoma, Shota Aizawa, All Might.
A/n: sorry if I get the ages wrong, I googled them, I don't own the gifs, they do not belong to me at all!
Koji Koda (16)
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1. Loves to look at animals with you.
2. Buys you flowers every Friday.
3. Is still super shy with you.
4. Will talk with you, but not so often. (Like twice a day)
5. Amazing at keeping secrets.
6. Will get rid of bugs for you. (Even though he hates them)
7. Teaches you sign language. (If you don't know it.)
8. Loves to cuddle.
9. Tries to be protective of you. (Especially when mineta is around)
10. Gets you a ton of stuffed animals.
11. Loves to get you snacks.
12. Loves to cook for you.
13. Loves to brush your hair.
14. Loves to put flowers in your hair. (& make you flower crowns)
15. Loves Romance movies.
16. Nicknames for you: baby, puppy, my love, sweets, sweetheart.
Mina Ashido (15)
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1. Loves carnival dates
2. Loves to roller skate with you.
3. Loves to dance with you.
4. Loves to show you off.
5. Loves walks around the park.
6. You have bakugo to protect you from mineta.
7. Loves to cuddle you, while watching movies.
8. Loves to star gaze.
9. Likes to train with you.
10. Loves to try new foods.
11. Loves roller coasters. (But won't force you to go on them, if you don't like them)
12. Loves ice cream dates.
13. Loves to prank people. (Helps you prank mineta)
14. Loves to do your hair and nails.
15. Nicknames for you: babe, baby, pumpkin, my shooting star, my love, sweetie.
Tsuyu Asui (15)
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1. Loves to swim.
2. Will teach you how to swim, if you don't know how to.
3. Loves to teach you about her quirk. (Answers your questions happily)
4. Loves to cuddle.
5. Loves to dance in the rain.
6. Gets you frog plushies.
7. Hopes you like frogs.
8. Will take care of you if you get sick.
9. Loves to watch random movies.
10. Will people watch with you. (You judge them)
11. Has yelled a mineta for bugging you.
12. Loves to sleep on your chest.
13. Loves tik tok complications on YouTube.
14. Loves to walk in the rain.
15. Nicknames for you: babe, sweetie, my love, sweet heart, love, dear, baby.
Ochaco Uraraka (15)
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1. Gets embarrassed easily. (So no pda)
2. Loves movies.
3. Loves to walk around town
4. Loves to joke around.
5. Tries to spoil you, but loves it when you get her stuff. (Kinda)
6. Loves to look at animals with you
7. She lives to pick you flowers.
8. Hopes you like her parents.
9. Tries to live comfortably
10. Will fight for your safety
11. Has made mineta float to space for a day.
12. Hates when villains attack on date nights.
13. Loves to cuddle.
14. Will sleep on your chest.
15. Nicknames for you: My baby, love, dear, my star, my flame.
Momo Yaoyorozu (15)
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1. Loves to spoil you.
2. Gets you anything you look at.
3. Loves picnic dates.
4. Loves to cuddle
5. Loves to look at animals
6. Loves romance movies.
7. Loves to read with you.
8. Will help you study.
9. Loves to look at Christmas lights with you.
10. Loves to cook for you.
11. Loves when you do her hair.
12. Loves to get you flowers.
13. Loves to gossip and have tea with you.
14. Loves to go to cafe's with you.
15. Nicknames for you: babe, my flower, baby, my love, sweetie.
Kyoka Jiro (15)
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1. Loves to play you music
2. Loves to teach you how to play.
3. Will write you songs.
4. Loves to steal your clothes
5. Loves to wear your hoodies
6. Loves to sleep on your chest.
7. Loves to star gaze with you.
8. Loves to go to concerts with you.
9. Likes to watch scary movies with you
10. Loves to go on walks with you
11. Likes to write you notes
12. Loves to pick flowers.
13. Likes to make flower crowns.
14. Loves to dance with you
15. Nicknames for you: babe, my rock star, pumpkin, sweetie, love.
Neito Monoma (16)
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1. Gives you his clothes to wear.
2. You guys have inside jokes.
3. Has threatened class 1-A. (For you)
4. Has paid someone to send mineta away. (For your safety)
5. Loves to cuddle with you.
6. Loves when you sleep on his chest
7. Loves to mess with your hair.
8. Hopes you like his family.
9. Loves your family.
10. Loves to get you flowers.
11. Loves to make you notes.
12. Writes you love notes.
13. Loves to go o walks with you.
14. Has a ton of pictures of you.
15. Loves to star gaze with you.
16. Nicknames for you: babe, my love, sweet heart, dear, my queen.
Shota Aizawa ( Age : 31, head cannons : 15)
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1. Loves to sleep with you.
2. Loves when you make him lunch.
3. Loves to look at cats with you.
4. Loves when you mess with his hair.
5. Loves to fall asleep to movies.
6. Loves to cuddle.
7. Loves when you sleep on his chest.
8. Loves to get you flowers.
9. Tries to keep you safe. (No late night walks)
10. Loves when you wash his hair.
11. Gets you a kitten.
12. Loves to feed the stray kittens with you.
13. Loves to cook for you.
14. Loves to watch movies with you.
15. Nicknames for you: baby, kitty, my love, sweetie, my kitten.
All Might ( Age: 58, head cannons : 14)
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1. Loves when you cook for him.
2. Loves to cuddle.
3. Loves to watch movies with you.
4. Hates when he has to leave for work.
5. Tries to hire you a bodyguard.
6. Loves when you make him lunch.
7. Loves to go on walks with you.
8. Hates the paparazzi, especially when he's with you.
9. Tries to keep you safe.
10. Loves to have a movie night.
11. Loves when you wear his clothes.
12. Loves to get you new things. (He's spoiling you)
13. Keeps you away from the news.
14. Nicknames for you: babe, my love, dear, sweetie, sweet heart.
End, let me know if I missed someone you wanna get head cannons for!
There will be a pt. 3 for the villians, and anyone else I missed.
I hope you enjoyed this!
(I kinda ran out of ideas for them sorry)
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xkaidaxxxx · 1 month
Murderer's in love
Dabi x reader
Mentions: Aggressiveness, Murder, l.o.v, Emos, Sex, Virgin Reader, squirting(simple), Fucked Dumb, Fluff ending.
“ y/n you will always be an orphan! You will never have parents who care about you!  You will never experience a parent's love!” Momo yelled at you. The party was going very well, laughter, food, drinks, games, etc. Bakugou was playing Just Dance way too seriously with Mina and Jiro, Denki stuffing his mouth with food. Uraraka recorded everyone doing silly things. 
You looked at Momo, “ W-What?” you said. “ Woah calm down.” Kirishima said. Izuku was thinking of a way to clear the tension. “ What’s gotten into you, Momo?” Tsuyu asked. You started crying. “ It’s the truth.” she replied and turned away. You weren’t about to let her get away with what she said and so you gripped her hair then made her fall to her knees. “ What are you going to do? Hurt me? I don’t think our friends would be happy about that.” she said. The smirk on her face made you even angrier. You dragged her outside. They followed. You had multiple quirks. This time you’re using them for evil. 
All your life you were treated badly and being a hero you promised to help civilians have a peace of mind. With the money you make from being a Pro- Hero you're planning to open an orphanage and make sure children will be safe and being cared for. 
 You made Momo levitate in the air. “ Y/n whatever you’re going to do. Don’t do it!” Izuku yelled. Momo isn't the only one who can create things. You tied a noose around her neck. Everyone was too shocked to even move. They couldn’t believe their beloved friend was doing such evil. You tied the other end on a tree. You were crying. Crying in pain. You’ve had enough. Everyone ran to Momo except Katsuki who held you down to the ground. You struggled to move. You’ve had it. Enough is  enough. “Hurry up Idiots!!!!!” Bakugou yelled. You started burning his arms. No matter how much they tried to untie the knot and bring her down they struggled like crazy. It wouldn’t undo. They’d have to beat you unconscious if they want to save her. Denki zapped directly at you. You yelled in pain. “ Sorry..but you’ve crossed the line.” Denki said. You snapped your fingers and she was let loose. You made sure she couldn’t save herself. You laughed with tears running down your face. Bakugou let you go. “ We will give you a 10 second head start,” he said. Ida ran to the station and informed what happened. Within seconds other heroes showed up and at a distance sirens were heard. You caused a very huge explosion causing the fire and with that cover up you left. You knew exactly where to go. Your old hideouts as a child. Very hidden. 
You’re officially a murder. A villain. You manage to live. Stealing was easy. Food, electricity, even water. A distant hidden location. It looked like no one lived there when you first moved in. After a month and a half. Someone kicked open the room's door. “ We like the update. Get out. You’re in our turf.” a man with a touch of gray and blue hair said.  He had hands over his body. He looked in his early 20’s ? You yawned getting up off the couch remembering him. “League of Villains…Shi-Shigaraki.” you spoke. You’re a little scared and nervous. “ I’ll kill you,” he said. “ Go ahead. I’m fine with it. I’ve lived enough in this shit world.” you responded. He hesitated. Every Villain has a hard past. “ Who would’ve thought a little mouse like you would end up here.  A pro hero.?” Dabi asked. He gave you a teasing look. You know they want from you. Intel. “ You will tell us everything you know.” Shigaraki said forcing you to sit down. Toga stared at you and licked her lips. “ You think you can get to me just because I murdered a hero?” you said crossing your legs. “Well now we know the reason you disappeared!” Toga said, giggling afterwards. Dabi was eye fucking you. “Quit eye fucking me. You’re old.” you said. “I’m still in my 20’s babe.” he replied sitting next to you. “If you give us some answers…we’ll reward you.” Toga said. “ I don’t need money so good luck.” You replied. “ I’ll kill your family.” shigaraki said. “ You can forget about that one too.” You replied. They felt bad for you. No friends, No family. Nothing. They also had no family but at least they have each other. 
A month went on by and they basically lived with you. You wiped your tears and then shook Dabi awake“ I can’t sleep…had a nightmare. Can..I sleep with you. Only for tonight?” You asked. “ Okay.” He replied. You immediately got into bed. You kept your distance. Dabi is a hugger and so in the middle of the night he pulled you to him. You both felt comfortable. You slept so well that night. Like a baby. 
You woke up in his arms. Clinged onto him. “ You’re finally awake. Can you let go now. I woke up 2 hours ago. I tried to get you off but you’re very clingy and strong.” he said as you let go. “ Drink tea for nightmares…chamomile and Lavender helps.” He said. You started getting ready for the day. Once you were done, you walked downstairs seeing your fella villains. “ Why did you kill a classmate?” Toga asked. “ You ask me that every morning it's annoying.” you replied. “ Leave her alone Toga. After all it’s her Birthday..” Shigaraki ordered. You looked over. “How the hell do you know?” you asked, upset. “ Ua students can’t just roam around freely. I’m sure you still have information.” he said. “ I don’t have any information. You can interrogate me all you want and threaten to kill me but I have nothing.” you replied drinking water. “ Lets celebrate! You’re one of us now. We always celebrate each other's birthdays. I know it must be shocking for you.” Toga said smiling. Twice handed you a full bottle of  Whiskey. You sighed and said, “Fuck it. Why not?” Shigaraki smirked. “ There’s more where that came from.” Twice said. “Happy 18th Birthday to me.” You said chugging the alcohol given to you. It’s your first time drinking. Tears slipped from your eyes. They all knew how you felt so they didn’t stop you. You eventually stopped and burped. “ Like it?” Dabi asked. You nodded. “ Strong but enjoyable.” “Toga go do your job for her special day.” Shigaraki ordered. “ My classmate always bullied me..I kept pushing forward…My class planned a party to relax… she just bursted on me. She said that I'll always be an orphan. That I will never have parents that care for me and their love. That was my last straw. I have multiple quirks and I can create more..I used them to hang her.” you said aloud. “  Your 1st murder always hurts you but eventually you’ll know that killing people is for a good reason sometimes.” Shigaraki said. Villains are emos for sure but they hide. Your birthday was surprisingly fun. They really care in their own way. 
Months passed and you were getting close to dabi. Too close. You’re 18 legal of course but he’s 5 years older. You didn’t care because you were underneath him. 
“ You sure you want this y/n?” he asked. You nodded. “Words little flame.” he said. “ Yes Dabi please. I’m ready.” you replied. He slowly slid his cock into you. You whimpered in pain gripping his arms. “ It’s okay. It will go away. Relax, please you’re going to break me.” he said, allowing you to adjust to him. He pecked your forehead. He started thrusting. Groaning in pleasure from how tight you were. He loved the feeling of your gummy walls sucking him right back in. He started fucking you hard. “ D-Dabi!” you yelled out as you felt immense pleasure. “It’s daddy now. Got that my baby girl.” he responded. He knew you wouldn’t last long. That won’t stop him from finishing. “Come on baby girl. Say it.” he ordered slapping your cheek softly. Your eyes rolled back with your back arched as you said, “Daadddyyy please.” He smirks, giving you what you desire. He was rough and fast. You gripped his arms and eventually left scratches all over his back. “S’close. Daddy.” you said legs spasming. “ Cum f’daddy baby. Make a mess.” he ordered. You came and squirted. A few more times as he kepted going.  That only made Dabi chuckle and grow harder. Your juices were all over him and on the bed. After he played with you for awhile you were fucked dumb. He finished cumming. 
He was planning to make you his since the moment he saw you. As he pulled out he noticed you were responding. He shook you softly. “ Passed out. I should’ve held back.” he said. You both developed feelings for each other. You guys wouldn’t have had sex. He knew you were a virgin and you wanted to lose it to someone you trust and like. He made you take a bath. You were too tired to even wake up. He also bathed. 
The following day you woke up to him dressed in his usual clothes.. You sat up in bed feeling pain. “ Rest.” he ordered. You didn’t listen and got out of bed falling on the ground. You felt pain on your back and legs. “ What did I tell you Y/n. You need it. I’ll be taking care of you. You’re mine now. My girl.” he said, setting you back on the bed. “ I’m all yours and You’re mine.” You said smiling. “ Yes I’m yours y/n. You passed out on me last night. You didn’t even know we bathed together. It was a bit of a struggle but it worked out. I’ll make dinner for you. Something quick and yummy.” he said ruffling your hair. You fixed your hair shocked. “D-Dinner? What did you do to me?” you asked. “ I knew you would finish first. You came a few times. I needed to finish too. I overstimulated your body and you passed out by the time I came. You were great. I loved it. I hope you enjoyed your first time.” he replied. You blushed “ Yes I did. I didn’t think it would take a huge toll on me.” you replied. “ Sweetheart, I like it hard, rough, and fast. You’d obviously be tired and weak.” he replied, handing you a pain killer with bottled water. You swallowed the pill with the water. “ Hey..um..I know…I’m not much of an emotional dude in front of people..but with you.. I love you.” Dabi said while facing away from you. “ I love you too, idiot. Look at me please.” you said holding his hand. He faced you and you surprised him with a kiss. He returned it. The make out session started and it was full of passion.
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pocketramblr · 2 months
How abt a crack au where after the cultural festival class 1a decide to all quit school and be a band full time, and they become so popular that most villains give up villaining to go to shows instead and to make sure 1a dont feel the need to switch back to being heroes
1- a quarter of the class has already committed vigilantism, Izuku just encountered two more and is musing on the meeting while riding the high of Jiro's song being able to do for Eri what several heroes couldn't, so a lot of the class is like "well it'll be fine, we can do music and help people on the side, technically until they cancel our provisional licenses or they expire in three years, it won't even be illegal."
2- Todoroki, who doesn't have his licence yet, weighs the pros and cons. He'd like to not have to go to any more remedial lessons where his dad shows up when when he's not supposed to. He asks Jiro about more ice and fire effects, and agrees to go. Tensei was in the family audience and tells Tenya he did an amazing job, which Tenya takes as permission and encouragement to go even though that's absolutely not what Tensei meant and he had no suspicion of the plan at the time. Uraraka looks at the streaming numbers and how much they can earn even with low priced tickets, and agrees. Etc etc etc
3- Bakugou only agrees because Kaminari needled him about being too good to. Unlike Todoroki, he does still attend remedial classes and sends in his normal assignments to UA, somehow while in the band full time, and in the group constantly on the run from Nedzu and various others trying to hunt them down.
4- crime rates plummet to pre-Kamino levels due to villains realizing if the kids stop the band, they're all screwed. The fact that several different villains go to a show and somehow aren't seen again doesn't really get out though to warn anyone off, probably because nobody cared about the Chimera and Mummy, and because when Tomura sent Dabi to find out where Twice and Toga had vanished to, he didn't bother to look.
5- Most of the vestiges are unhappy with this decision to join a band, Second and Third loudly complaining about the immaturity, Yoichi quietly confused and disappointed, Hikage nursing a permanent headache, but Banjo is thrilled, En doesn't say anything either way but wanted to be in a band himself when he was alive, and Nana's just glad Izuku's having fun and helping people smile. For his part, Toshinori is having a blast and is amazed at how Izuku is getting stronger with his quirk even focused as he is at using it for shows and dancing. AfO is a distant threat but one he knows Izuku can handle if he ever breaks out of prison, and in the meantime he needs to make sure all his former students are eating enough to keep up their strength. Hey what's that black stuff coming out of young Midoriya's arm-
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dark-nimbus · 5 months
Well I said I’d ruin the mood, so let’s ruin the mood
Deaf/HoH Bakugo who misjudges the force he needs to move his arms around when he’s not wearing his gauntlets
He accidentally whacks Kirishima in the face mid-conversation, but Kirishima activated his quirk on reflex
The yelling that followed after could be heard all across the dorm
Kirishima: What I did? You slapped ME man!
Kaminari would hear it all from like seven doors down and instantly grab his phone and start filming
Jiro would hear it from the other side of the damn building and just crank the volume on her speakers up
I can also see Bakugo signing aggressively to paparazzi after taking down a villain and he accidentally uppercuts himself trying to call them a bitch, and right as he did someone snapped a photo. Now it’s making its rounds on the internet as the next hottest meme.
It’s been printed out on shirts and stickers, and if Bakugo catches someone with it it’s on sight
By the end of it all his PR team demands a raise
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greenhappyseed · 10 months
MHA 399 leak reactions
We’re left hanging on All Might vs AFO and I think that’s a good thing. It gives us time for a few more subplots to converge.
I’m loving the AFO mouth vore stuff. We saw that earlier in this arc with him and with TomurAFO:
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At the start of the chapter, All Might had referenced all 1-A students except Aoyama, Hagakure, Momo/Creati, Bakugo, Jiro/Earphone Jack, and Mineta. I think we can include Shinsou too. :)
Toshi could also have moves that mimic Izuku’s other quirks like Smokescreen, Float, or some smashes? But I don’t think he’d have equivalents for Gearshift, Fa Jin, or Danger Sense?
I was excited to see what Mouseketool Toshi asked Toodles Anima to go fetch for him. Laser is the answer, and it makes perfect sense. (Btw, if you don’t get that reference then you haven’t been near a toddler in the US in the last decade….or seen this meme):
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We switch POV to Aoyama vs Kunieda in the Takoba parking lot (which is near Sero, Ojiro, Sato, and 1-B’s Tsuburaba (Solid Air), since they are inside the arena, I think against Gashly??). I’m not entirely sure how a flower villain is kicking ass when Aoyama has a laser beam quirk but okay! Glad to see Aoyama learning from the licensing exam and letting his quirk go as hard as he could. IIRC, last time Iida had to sit with him and talk him into one last laser blast.
FATGUM. NO!!!! My (other) beefy blondie had better be okay! I mean, it was pretty clear his quirk wouldn’t do well in this matchup, so that part isn’t surprising, but I like him too much for him to have his nutrients sucked out and turned into a flower with his face (?!?!?!?) It’s all the body horror of hanahaki but without the love part or the self-flagellation over whether to confess. Just the pain.
I love how AFO brings literal darkness over Toshinori, only for Toshinori to say “Hey bozo, you forgot that light bends and can be reflected and refracted.” And then we see Aoyama and Hagakure do exactly that before we cut back to Toshinori standing up naked metaphorically in the snow. He doesn’t have to huddle over the OFA fire anymore— it’s not for him to protect by himself at this point in his life. He’s still there stoking the flames, his soul burning in service to others, but he can embrace other kinds of light now too. He’s gonna fire a freakin’ laser beam into the darkness. Like Stain told him:
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mytheoristavenue · 10 days
MHA Fumikage Tokoyami x Reader - Dangerous - I
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Summary: After losing your quirk, you confide in Tokoyami that your situation does, in fact, bother you.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, comfort, mentions of trauma, reader has a specific quirk, fem!reader, loss of quirk
You sat on the balcony of Heights Alliance, hugging your knees close to your chest as you stared up at the stars with glossy eyes. From inside, you could hear cheering. Your classmates were having a party to celebrate everyone coming home somewhat safely from a terrifying encounter with the League of Villains. The party was actually meant to be in your honor, mostly. To commemorate you finally coming home from the hospital after such a long stay. That being said, it didn't seem like anyone minded you not actually attending.
The previous weeks had flown by for you, almost as if you were on autopilot. You hadn't had any kind of time to accept the things that had happened to you, but everyone seemed to have already moved on, so you did your best to pretend you had as well. You didn't want to rain on anyone's parade.
Tears welled in your eyes as you twirled a dead strand of hair around your finger, pulling it from the follicle almost instantly, and you stared at it, pinching it between your fingers. Heartbroken at the frailty and dullness of it, you blew it out of your hand, letting the wind carry it away.
Suddenly, you wiped your tears onto your sleeve, hearing the sliding glass door hit its frame as someone stepped out. You didn't need to look, you already knew who it was. Heavy footsteps were a dead ringer for the identity of the person. Only two people in class wore combat boots casually- Jiro and Tokoyami, and you could hear the former's distinct laugh coming from inside.
"You'd think if someone threw you a party, you might show up," Tokoiyami said, sitting beside you, one leg straight out, popping between the bars of the railing and the other bent with his knee to the sky as he rested backward on his palms.
"Yeah, kinda rude, don't you think?" A raspy, graining voice chastised from behind him, only to be waved off by the raven.
"Enough," He said, willing Dark Shadow back within himself.
"No," you protested, a bit too late. "He's right, you both are." you replied, finally acknowledging him. "It is rude of me not to attend my own party, especially when everyone went to such trouble..." You had to stop faking a smile as it was making your lip quiver. You felt a sturdy hand on your shoulder, and a staticky feeling on the other.
"Are you alright?" Tokoyami asked, giving your left shoulder a reassuring squeeze as Dark Shadow rested his head on the left.
"I-I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" you answered, conviction wavering greatly as you stifled sobs. "You all went to such trouble to make sure I felt welcome when I came home, I'm just so happy to have caring friends." You were only half lying. Throughout your entire hospital stay, someone was always there with you. A few students rotated spending nights with you or sitting with you to ensure you didn't get lonely. Sato kept you in supply of so many sweets you were sure you'd gained weight as a consequence, and the girls kept your room cute and full of fresh flowers to lift your spirits. They had all gone out of their way to make you feel cared for. "I'm just going to miss you all so much..." You finally confessed almost silently.
"We aren't going anywhere, I promise," He said, comfortingly, eyes softening. "Why would you think that?"
"I know you aren't leaving, Toko," you corrected with a sniffle. "I am."
His vermillion eyes widened in pure shock. What did you mean, where you running away?" "No you aren't," he said in disbelief, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pulling your back against his chest. "You're still a part of class 1-A, no matter what happens."
"I'm getting expelled, Tokoyami." You stated flatly. "I'm quirkless, I can't stay here."
He was silent for a moment before speaking again, softer than you'd ever heard him. "That won't happen, it's in the bilaws. A quirk isn't required to be enrolled at UA anymore, ask Midor-"
"Nezu said it himself," you explained matter of factly, feeling honestly numb about the whole thing. "He said I'm in more danger here as a student and without a quirk I'm a liability. I can't protect myself or anyone else if the villains were to attack us again. He's sending me home tomorrow and my family and I will be placed in witness protection."
Suddenly, everything made so much sense to him. Why you had mentioned wanting to stay in the hospital, why you didn't want to join the party. For the class, it was a welcome home party. For you, it was for going away.
"I-I see..." he muttered into your back, tucking his head between the two of you to gather his wits. "That's...unfortunate, I'm going to miss you...very much." He confessed, his stomach dropping to his stomach at the revelation.
"I'll miss you too," you replied softly, gazing up at the stars. "Probably the most out of everyone."
"Is that so?" He asked, chuckling sadly. "I'm glad I could be your favorite."
"Nobody else ever had a chance of being my favorite," you confessed with a relieved smile. This all did feel good to get off your chest. "I liked you since day one."
You could feel Tokoyami freeze against your back, his eyes shot wide open. "Y-You...liked me?" he asked carefully, almost as if asking for confirmation would scare you away like a deer when approached by a human.
"Present tense," You responded sweetly. "I still do. Just thought you outta know."
You felt his grip on you tighten as his head perched on your shoulder. "How bittersweet..." He mused lightheartedly.
"What is?" you asked, cocking your head away from his in a feeble attempt to look his way.
"I always thought I'd have more time to collect myself beforehand..." he answered cryptically. "I thought I might wait to tell you until we're older."
"Tell me what?" you pressed, becoming nervous and annoyed at once.
"That I am..." you could feel him inhale through his nostrils. "Irrevocably infatuated with you." He finally admitted, sanguine as he held you in the peaceful cover of night.
"Would have been nice to know." You laughed, cheeks running hot, but not as much as they would have been under better circumstances. "Maybe we'll find each other later in life, maybe in another life entirely. Sometime after this is all over."
"I'd wait eons to be with you, (Y/n)." he accepted, knowing the time wasn't right, but that you were the right person.
"I think I would too," you agreed, nuzzling his feathered cheekbone lightly. "I suppose there's no point in asking you out now, is there?"
He unfortunately shook his head. "I'm afraid not, but at least until morning, we can be one, even if day break means separation."
"That sounds nice..." you cooed, resting against him as your gaze naturally lilted upwards to his, already waiting. "Fumikage...can I call you that?" You asked, almost sure of his answer, but wanting to be respectful none the less.
"You may call me anything as long as you call me yours." He replied, nodding.
"Wanna kiss...?" You could tell the suggestion caught him by surprise by the way he withdrew slightly, and you thought for a moment that you'd ruined everything. No matter if you did, after tomorrow, you'd probably never see him again.
"More than anything, yes," he answered breathlessly. "But I can't kiss you...by conventional means." He confessed, suddenly bashful. It was then that you realized it never dawned on you that Tokoyami's beak may not have been pleasant to kiss.
"Why don't you kiss me then..?" you suggested serenely. "That way you can show me how to kiss you back, it's not like I've ever kissed anyone anyhow."
"A-Are you sure...?" he asked, swallowing hard as you shifted in his lap to face him.
"I am," you confirmed with a smile, leaning closer expectantly. Tokoyami suddenly felt incredibly nervous.
Slowly, he leaned in to meet you, first nuzzling his forehead against yours and then your cheek. "I-It's called preening..." he said softly, beak parting as he took the gentlest nibbles at your cheeks and bottom lip. You couldn't help but blush as you struggled to stifle a giggle, failing miserably, making him yank back in embarassament.
"Thank you..." you smile sweetly at his fluster. "For sharing that with me, I could tell it was special."
"It's how birds show affection," he explained halfheartedly. "We clean each other's feathers, though, obviously you don't have any feathers, so I improvised..." Tokoyami felt like he was digging his own grave as he withdrew from you.
"It was precious..." you murmured, bringing your fingertips up to your lips, as if to hold his kiss there for as long as possible. "I loved it."
"T-There is something else we could try..." he suggested sheepishly. It's a bit more human but its...also a bit more how do I say it...?"
You tilted your head, eyeing him curiously. "Passionate?"
"Something to that effect..." He muttered, on the verge of humiliation, until you nodded your head with a glint in your eye that made his knees weak. With trembling fingers, he raised his hand, trying his best to imitate things he'd read in gothic romance novels. Hooking your chin, he pulled you infinitely closer, tilting his head opposite of yours as he guided you to do the same, and he parted his beak again, this time wider than before.
Nothing could have prepared you for the sensation of his tongue pressing against your lips, but you tried to adjust quickly so as not to embarrass him further. Letting your lips give way, your own tongue inched beyond them, touching his so very gently. Shocked, he almost pulled away but willed himself still, letting his tongue gently brush against yours with a furrowed brow. He had to concentrate in order to keep his beak from hurting you, but he was finding it so easy to lose focus as you crawled closer and grew bolder, pressing your face against the side of his in order to explore more of his mouth.
"My lark..." Tokoyami sighed, feeling lost in the moment as he shivered at the sensation of your tongue grazing the back of his teeth. As his hands slithered around your neck to cup your jaw, he couldn't help but feel his attention split at the overwhelming warmth that sat there on your shoulders. Eyes fluttering open, they suddenly snapped wide at the sight of you, magenta locks aflame.
"Lark," he repeated, pulling away, breath dripping with astonishment. "Your hair!"
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