#which is also garbage because no one can tell me how to start hanging around a shop without being a nuiscance
haveyoumetmythief · 1 year
Everything is so fucking difficult all of the time
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seat-safety-switch · 11 months
I worked with a guy once who was one of those people. He kept all of his tools in their exact place. Had little outlines of them on the pegboard, made sure that before starting anything new, he cleaned everything up. I can’t live like that. It drove me mad, as my main method of organization prior to our brief partnership was “piles.”
It also drove him mad, to the point where he once tried to put remarkably-precisely-aimed nailgun nails through my head as I tried to escape down his driveway after using his flathead (not even hollow ground!) screwdriver to open a can of paint on his workbench.
Let me explain why such an act of violence is discrimination, and what’s more, discrimination against society’s most valuable and vulnerable member: me. My desk is a complete fucking mess, as you can see. There’s garbage everywhere. Some projects are half-dismantled lying on the side. One of the drawers is open because I’m using it as a temporary work surface. And if I want, say, a number-two JIS screwdriver, I know exactly where to get it. It’s somewhere over in this general direction... uh, let me move some things around. How long has this been here? No wonder I couldn’t find it last week. Ah. Here we go. A number-two JIS screwdriver. See, a very fast retrieval method.
Some of you out there, who are real neat freaks, are complaining that I could easily put my tools and parts away at the end of each day and simply retrieve them when I need them. I am in fact wasting valuable project time searching for things, instead of doing a project. That’s true also, but have you considered how much time I’m saving not cleaning up after myself? I could tell you, but my stopwatch fell in there a couple years ago, and I forgot what it looks like.
And by far, the worst part about having somewhere to put everything is that you can no longer get more things. If I only have four places to hang Torx screwdrivers, then it’s not nearly as much fun for me to go to an estate sale and come home with nineteen more. I’ll have to decide which ones I want to keep, instead of just chucking them in a pile on the floor and hoping that they’ll still be there when I lose the “good” ones.
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risingsouls · 23 days
What's all this with the rpc making you a villain?
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[I should first preface this with the fact that it isn't the DB RPC. In fact, the Dragonball RPC, save for a few times, has always been chill and a really great place to hang out. There are some really cool and creative people here, and I'm so grateful for them. They're also very chill and, for the most part, can recognize the difference between a harmless opinion about a character in a series, the difference between IC and OOC thoughts and behaviors, and actual, harmful "vague blogging" and toxic behavior.
The rest under the cut because I sort went overboard.
That said, that's basically what I've been dealing with for months in another RPC (which I'm sure plenty of you know which it is if you know my blog count). In short, I've been lectured and turned into a monster by a very clique-ish RPC seemingly for my character not always being sunshine and rainbows and for both of us having opinions that go against the grain of the rest of them. It seems that since a mun did not like the way my character interacted with theirs--this was all IC I want to let you know--they've spread a whole bunch of lies about me being a bully and toxic to the rest of the RPC, which is small and, according to someone who decided to lecture me, "everyone" in this RPC are friends and they all talk (first telling me plainly you're not part of the "in" group so you can't "misbehave" like their friend did with ACTUAL vague blogging in this particular scenario as well as confirming the very clique-ish nature of the RPC). Through this is how THEY heard about how "terrible" I am and told me they didn't want to RP with me. Which you know, on it's face, whatever. That part wasn't the issue and I'm sure you can see what was.
So, since then, it's been a constant fight against people, anonymously or not, coming at me over literal nothing posts. Telling me I shouldn't "vague blog", passive aggressively telling me that there is an X character blog in the RPC and that mine or my character's "harsh" opinion might hurt their feelings. For then and perpetually having to defend myself and explain my POV, that my character isn't a ray of sunshine, that IC =/= OOC. Just to be told I was the one being aggressive and rude and a horrible person for doing nothing wrong from the jump. For making a nothing post about, in this most recent case, the portrayal of a character IN A CANON(ish) SOURCE (it's a side game that technically isn't part of the canon, for reference). Nothing about how someone played them. Nothing about any particular mun. Literally just IC commentary from my character and a short, fair critique of the depiction of this character in this particular source material. Oh, and then it was a lecture about doing it "publicly" (the conversation was in replies where the person STARTED IT I should add), so...you know.
And that's not mentioning the blatant double standard there seems to be when I have friends that post similar stuff and never hear a peep from anyone about it. They're not blocked by basically everyone. They're not getting messages or replies to their posts with people clutching their pearls and lecturing about RP decorum.
I've been basically blocked by at least half of that RPC, a ton of them people I've never even interacted with, so I can't help but feel some type of way about what might be being said about me behind closed doors. I'm not even sure if the story I told you above is where this started. I did make a mistake that I owned up to years ago when I lost my temper, so I'm not sure if that ordeal got me a bad rep or if it's just all this recent garbage that people have flung at me for just...running my stupid blog. For my character being rougher around the edges and for both of us being outspoken and opinionated. Like I understand I won't be everyone's cup of tea. That's fine. But as I've said...I can't help but feel this is a targeted effort. That this is a group of people poisoning my name and putting me on an RPC wide DNI list.
This probably sounds like me playing the victim, but I really don't understand why it's happening. At all. Everyone I've talked to that knows the situation are as stumped as me. I just really don't get it, and there's nothing I can do about it. I guess I just have to accept my role of the resident monster and just RP with the people who give me a chance and who know me already.]
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dragon-tamer-1 · 2 years
Aftermare Week Day 1: Greetings
Idea #2 (canon)
      Nightmare was staying near the shallow waters today, there was a bad storm last night, and he was lucky that he had firmly secured his sailboat to the pier, it would have been swept away if it was just a bit looser than it was. He was also grateful that there was only scratch marks from the boat scraping against the pier, which was very minor damage. He was mainly double checking everything to make sure the storm didn't break something that he might not have noticed on the first lookover.
      As he was sailing the coastline, he saw a tangled up net over a creature that was beached. He set about parking the boat at a nearby pier, and, after securing it, he went to go see what was washed up on the beach. As he approached, he noticed that it looks like a shark.
     He started approaching slower, not sure if it would be safe enough to save it, when he sees it move. When he catches sight of bones, he stops. It turns out to be a good thing he stopped when he did because the skeleton... mershark? had seen him and started flailing and thrashing in the net. Nightmare can tell that it's agitated by his presence, but he wants to help the mershark get free.
     "Hey-" Nightmare flinched back as the mershark tried to lunge at him. "Hey, it's alright, I won't hurt you. I want to help you."
     The mershark seemed to stop to listen, so that proves to him that mers are intelligent enough to recognize speech. He wasn't doubting any intelligence, but can anyone blame him for not knowing some things about mers? They're so rarely seen, so any information on them is limited.
      "How do I know you’re telling the truth? That you're not just saying that to get me to let my guard down?"
      "Well, I promise that the only thing I have on me is a knife, but I promise it'll only be used on the net." He opens his jacket and the knife, whose blade is no bigger than three inches, is seen poking out of his pocket. "I'll only cut the ropes of the net, and I'll stop as soon as you tell me to. May I come closer to help get you out of that net now?"
      "..." The mershark studied him with suspicion, before slowly nodding. This prompted Nightmare to start moving towards the mer, but not moving too suddenly, slightly anxious that moving too fast would startle him(at least he thinks the mer is male, from what his voice sounds like).
     Once he was close enough, he kneeled down and examined how tight the net was and where would be the safest place to start cutting. He carefully takes the knife out, and starts slicing some of the netting where it's not super tight. He wants to avoid touching the blade to the mershark, both to not accidentally hurt him, and to not get attacked by him.
     As he was doing this, he decided to talk a bit, hoping to make this less awkward and tense. "So, uh, are you usually around this area, or were you passing by when that storm came in?"
    The mer stared at him, contemplating whether to answer this strange person. "... I sometimes do hang around here, but I'm usually more careful about the waste you two-leggeds dump in the ocean. I was unlucky this time, though, it would seem."
     "I'm sorry about that, not much I can do about it, but I can say that I haven't dumped any garbage off of my boat. Try to clean some if I find any, as well. I know it's not much, but I do care about the ocean and its inhabitants." He cut a chunk off from the tangled net, freeing the mer's right arm.
      "If I'm going by your word, then you sound like one of the more decent ones." He watched as Nightmare continued slicing more of the net, feeling it loosen up bit by bit.
      "Thanks, I think. I try to be decent, anyway. I know I wouldn't want trash just lying around in my home, so I apply that to the environment as well. The name's Nightmare, by the way."
      "If only that was everyone's logic, then things like this wouldn't happen. As for my name, it's Geno. I suppose it is a pleasure to meet you. You're not bad, for a two-legged."
     "It's a pleasure to meet you, too. Despite the circumstances that led to this. Should be almost done here..." He sliced the last bit that was tangled around Geno's tail, and then put the knife away. "There we go, now to get you back in the ocean. Though, do you have any other injuries? I have a first-aid kit on my boat, and though I'm not too sure any of it will hols underwater, it's worth a try."
      Geno looked himself over, and shook his head. "Thanks, but the net was the only issue. Thanks for freeing me, not everyone would have done that."
     Nightmare smiled at him, "No problem, I'm glad I could help!"
     Geno looked away, covering his reddening skull in his scarf. 'Why was that smile cute?'
      "So, do you think you could get back in the water on your own, or should I try pulling or pushing you in?" Nightmare knew that pulling or pushing him in would be awkward, but he had no other ideas for getting him in the water if he can't get in on his own.
     Geno thought it over, and tested how hard it would be to drag himself into the water. He didn't moved very much due to the loose sand, which, to him, meant that he'd be stuck on the hot sand if he refused help. So, taking a deep breath and swallowing his pride, answered "Pulling me would probably be the best way to do it."
     Nightmare nodded in response, contemplating the easiest and least harmful way to do this. Pulling on his arms would either hurt or be too uncomfortable, so that was out. Maybe if he had Geno grab onto his shoulders and he tried to pull by walking forward? He explained his idea, and Geno agreed to it, seeing that it was the best option available.
     Nightmare knelt down with his back to Geno, and when he felt Geno grab his shoulders and was assured that he was ready, Nightmare straightened up and started moving towards the ocean. It was slow, Geno was a large shark mer, but Nightmare wasn't going to complain. He got a good amount of workout just sailing his boat, and does exercises with his brother regularly.
     Soon enough, they got to the ocean, and Nightmare went a little deeper before Geno let go of him and swam a bit further to a safer distance from the land. Nightmare stood where he was, pretty much beaming that he helped him. Geno smiled as well, happy to be in the ocean again.
      "You know, I might come back here again in a week. If you show up, we could hang a bit I guess."
     "I'll see you again soon, then. I just hope you avoid nets in the future, I'd hate to see you in trouble again."
     "I'll be careful, don't worry. Thanks again, but I gotta go now." He turned away to leave, but stopped. "Do me a favor, though, don't tell anyone about me. Understand?"
     Nightmare nodded, but decided to ask one question. "Would it be alright to just let my brother know? He knows how to keep a secret, I just want to let him know what I'd be doing next week so he doesn't have to worry. I won't if you really don't want me to, I understand why you wouldn't want a bunch of strangers to know about what you are. Not everyone is kind, I understand that."
      Geno could sense the truth to his words, and thought about it. "...Alright, you can tell your brother. But no one else."
     "Understood. Thank you for your trust in me on this. I'll see you around." He waved at him, as Geno gave a small wave back, and disappeared under the waves. Nightmare turned back to head to his boat, sailing back home to tell his brother about the mershark, but in private.
And here's the actual start of the story! I am very happy with how this one turned out!
@bluepalleteuniverse @shinechermont
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polkadotpatterson · 1 year
Hand holding, 14 and/or 42, they're kind of the same. Also, Eugenia and Greer?
finally getting around to the asks from this prompt list! have some early s3 Eugenia still working on being a person, especially the Making Friends aspect of being a person :)
14 + 42: grabbing hand to show them something + dragging the other with them, holding their hand
There’s something oozing under the door of the storage closet.
Half-eaten blaseball in hand, Greer watches it seep closer, wondering if she should move all the other blaseballs out of oozing range or if the gunk might add some flavour. Before she can decide, it gathers itself up and forms into something vaguely person-shaped, looking at Greer with an unmistakable smile.
“Eugenia,” Greer says flatly. “What the hell.”
“Greer Lott!” Eugenia gurgles, undeterred by this greeting. “Found you!”
“Yeah, what's your point? You playing hide-and-seek or something? Because I'm not. I'm just sitting here in this closet minding my own business.” Greer points the half-eaten blaseball at her threateningly. “You’d better not be planning on ratting me out for eating the blaseballs. There's like a million in here, and nobody’s using them for anything. Can't let them go to waste.”
Eugenia shakes her head emphatically, which makes her entire body jiggle. “Won't tell.”
“What do you want, then?”
She wiggles with excitement, reaching out two armlike appendages. One shoves the door open, and the other wraps itself around Greer’s hand, shifting into something almost handlike itself. It's sticky and squishy and strangely warm, and Greer's first instinct is to pull away, but Eugenia pulls first.
“Come,” she says, tugging on Greer’s hand, leading her out into the rest of the Gleek. 
Greer stumbles through the soggy halls; Eugenia moves surprisingly fast for an amalgamation of garbage. “How many times do I have to tell you, I’m not joining your stupid nightmare arts and crafts club for babies!”
Eugenia shakes her head again, the jiggles traveling all the way down her arm and making Greer’s hand tingle. “Just showing you.”
“Showing me what?” Greer shoves the last of the blaseball in her mouth and chews it impatiently.
“This!” Eugenia gestures to the open door of the art room with a flourish.
It looks the same as always. Scattered art supplies on the tables, drawings tacked up on the walls. Greer belatedly realizes Eugenia has a few markers sticking out of her goop as she tugs Greer forward to a piece of paper that's been left on the table.
“For you,” she says proudly.
Greer squints at the drawing. It depicts two figures on a blaseball field, standing next to each other on what seems to be the pitcher’s mound, a pile of blaseballs beside them. One is a blob with a big smile, winding up to throw a pitch. The other is a taller stick figure with an unusually sharp toothy grin and a half-eaten blaseball in their hand.
She recognizes this scene. She’d started giving Eugenia pitching lessons, annoyed at how Hobbs kept bragging that he’d taught the garbage how to bat. Any loser can wave a stick around, but throwing the ball to the losers in the right way takes skill, and anyway, Eugenia had seemed more than happy to learn. She'd accidentally absorbed a few blaseballs before she got the hang of throwing them, but hey, those things are tasty, Greer can't blame her.
“Thank you for teaching me,” Eugenia enunciates slowly and carefully. “I drew it!’
“It's. Uh. It looks good. Nice job on the teeth. Thanks.” Greer is starting to feel weird, all soft and goopy inside, like Eugenia’s sludge that's still wrapped around her hand. Maybe she ate too many blaseballs?
Eugenia somehow manages to beam brighter than the smile she gave herself in the picture. “You're welcome!” Greer tries to put it back down, but Eugenia shakes her head, dislodging one of the markers. “Keep it! It's yours.”
“What am I supposed to do with it?”
She shrugs, finally ungooping herself from Greer's hand. “Look at it.”
Looking at it makes her feel things she's not used to, so Greer rolls it up and sticks it in her pocket, then swipes the marker off the floor and bites it in half, soaking in the juice. Mmmm, red. The best flavour.
“Wait a minute,” Greer says suspiciously just before Eugenia can turn to go. “Why’d you have to drag me all the way here? You could’ve just brought me the picture. It's like you wanted to hold hands with me or something.”
Eugenia blinks at her, but Greer knows all kinds of plots and schemes lurk beneath that innocent front. “Friends!”
“Friends?” Greer snorts. “We're not friends. I don't have those.” 
Infuriatingly, Eugenia just smiles and oozes away rather than argue about it. Greer mutters a stream of curses under her breath and gnaws away at the marker as she pulls the drawing out again. She tries to ignore the goopy feeling in her chest, tries to pretend it doesn't feel nice.  Friends, with Eugenia? Ridiculous.
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mrs-dr-reid · 2 years
My Personal Peter Parker Headcanons
Part 1/?
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He’s a big fan of the Epic Rap Battles of History, so much so that he can tell you which battle is playing after only hearing the first few opening notes of the beat, and he knows all the words for every battle
When Taylor Swift started rereleasing her old albums, he became a hardcore Swiftie. He buys all kinds of merch (for himself and for you if you’re into Taylor’s stuff), he buys whatever album she drops next, and he dives head first into Taylor Nation Twitter, making conspiracy theories about what album is coming next and over-analyzing every single post she or her team makes to see what hints he can find, and you make fun of him even though you do the same thing
When he’s sad for any reason, he becomes a “Blanket Burrito”, aka he lays a blanket on the floor, lays down on the end of it, then rolls himself across the floor so he becomes cocooned in the blanket and just lays there on the floor in whatever position he ends up in after he’s completely wrapped up
He likes leaving little sticky notes around with cute messages on them for you to find, like one on your bathroom mirror that says “you look beautiful today” or one stuck to your car keys that says “you drive me crazy in the best way”, because he must always pun
One of his favorite shows is New Girl, and you always tell him how he’s like a weird combination of Nick and Schmidt, which he agrees with. He also always says “I refuse to pay for the wiffi!” and “Are you the criminals?! From the statistics?!” unironically, so it works
He volunteers at animal shelters in his spare time to hang out with all the dogs and cats because he frickin loves animals, and you have to go with him to prevent him from adopting all of them
He gets really into Doctor Who after finally caving and getting HBO Max, and his favorite Doctor is 11 because he’s an awkward beanpole like he is. You and him even go to New York Comicon as Clara and 11, and he even made his own sonic screwdriver
He needs to buy really strong sunscreen (I’m talking SPF 100) because he burns so easily. Like, he can’t even take out the garbage without putting on sunscreen because if he stays outside just a few seconds longer than he needs to, he has to bathe in aloe gel
He’s addicted to garlic bread. Dude can house an entire box of Texas Toast in one sitting, and still have room for more garlic bread
He can only drink coffee if it’s 90% cream and sugar, or if he can’t tell it’s coffee from the taste of it, so he is in heaven during Pumpkin Spice Latte season, because then he doesn’t have to dump half a container of creamer into his coffee to be able to caffeinate
He tells everybody his favorite movie is Empire Strikes Back, but it’s actually the movie adaptation of Moulin Rouge from 2001. He thinks nobody knows, but you heard him singing El Tango de Roxanne in the shower once. You’ve never told anybody, but only because it’s good blackmail material
For some reason, his spider powers gave him an extreme aversion to peppermint or peppermint flavored things (because apparently spiders don’t like peppermint), so instead of getting weird looks from people when he tells them he doesn’t like peppermint anymore, he just lies and tells everybody that he randomly developed a really bad allergy to peppermint that makes his tongue swell up and gives him a rash so they don’t ask questions
He still can’t tie a necktie, no matter how many tutorials on YouTube he watches, so you always have to do it for him
He starts collecting vinyl records after he found an old record player in a dumpster and fixed it up. You do a bunch of googling to find secondhand record stores near you, and you make a whole day out of wandering around all of them and finding the best deals
He still thinks the screaming goat meme is hilarious, and he still makes edits using that clip to send to MJ and Ned to lovingly harass them
He buys cookie dough with the intention of making cookies, but you guys just end up eating it raw because salmonella be damned
He is a serial phone charger loser, so he always buys the really cheap ones from the dollar store so he doesn’t lose any really nice ones. He’s only had to replace the charging brick once, but he always misplaces the power cord to a point where it’s kind of ridiculous
He acts annoyed when you do it, but he actually loves it when you steal his Midtown Tech sweatshirt because it’s ginormous on you and gives you sweater paws. He also thinks it’s kinda cute when you flap the sleeves around like the absolute dork that you are and pretend to smack him with them
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daedalusdavinci · 2 years
Post quadsmear eridave bc i am reliable like that
naturally naturally
send me a ship and ill tell you
who hogs the duvet
its dave. eridan sleeps like a fucking mess and keeps way too many throw pillows and blankets and shit in his bed and buries himself in them but at the end of the day dave and his texan cold intolerant ass is winning that fight every time
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
eridan never has to text dave because dave does not actually stop texting him ever it is a nonstop stream of consciousness in the way that only dave fucking strider can manage i know i said dirk does this but dave is the fucking blueprint ok no one does it like dave
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
dave. easily. eridan has more extravagant gifts but that doesnt always mean creative or thoughtful
who gets up first in the morning
dave wakes up at the asscrack of dawn and the only reason eridan wakes up before noon is because of work
who suggests new things in bed
im firmly in the "theyre both sex repulsed asexuals" camp but i think eridan is more in denial about it bc he has unhealthy views on his own self worth so i guess its eridan???? lol
who cries at movies
eridan. seadwellers are weepy they cant help it hes complaining as hes crying that its not that sad and dave is laughing at him he hates watching pixar movies
who gives unprompted massages
dave. hes fidgety and likes physical contact and eridan loves it so like the touch starved people pleaser he is he goes out of his way to do it
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
fussing might be the wrong word. dave is very thoughtful when hes not making fun of eridan for being overly dramatic and whiny about being sick, but hes not like. fussy or worried. eridan..... tries. but he also worries. mostly because his attention quota isnt being met and it makes him really uncomfortable when dave is so quiet and tired. sooooo do w that what you will
who gets jealous easiest
eridan. easily. dave doesnt get very jealous but eridan struggles with it a bit because thats valuable attention that hes not getting
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
dave bc hes a hipster douchebag who only listens to shit no ones heard of but also eridan because he just has bad taste and listens to something cringe like opera or troll kpop (which isnt to say that either of those are cringe but the way he engages with them is. yeah. hes that guy.)
who collects something unusual
dave collects dead things i think he wins this one forever and always
who takes the longest to get ready
eridan. i dont need to explain this we already know
who is the most tidy and organized
its actually dave? they both get really cluttery but dave like....... tries. and eridan does not.
who gets most excited about the holidays
dave never celebrated anything growing up and when he did it usually didnt end well for him so he doesnt super care about holidays at all. eridan does not care about being culturally sensitive and also doesnt care about human holidays. he cares more about troll holidays and participates in them, but not overenthusiastically
who is the big spoon/little spoon
it switches around but id say eridan is usually little spoon because hes a princess like that
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
eridan has problems. he played flarping. yeah.
who starts the most arguments
eridan because hes dramatic and whiny and petty and sometimes dave thinks its funny to deliberately bait and antagonize him
who suggests that they buy a pet
dave. dave wants a lizard, and then he wants chickens, and then a cat, and then-
what couple traditions they have
bullying each other, mostly
what tv shows they watch together
the most garbage reality tv ever, and also documentaries, tho they struggle more with picking one theyre both interested in for that
what other couple they hang out with
dave is attached to roses hip, so whoever shes dating, and also probably whoever karkats with, because karkats a mutual friend
how they spend time together as a couple
its a lot of cuddling and picking on each other tbh. theyre super touchy and affectionate but they can also just drive each other crazy and they manage this all at once
who made the first move
eridan, definitely
who brings flowers home
who is the best cook
gonna say dave. ik its a rlly popular hc that dave cant cook but youtube exists and no one was feeding him so i think he just kind of figured it out on his own. maybe hes not the best chef, but he can feed himself. eridan tho? eridan cant. eridan is a spoiled rich kid he doesnt know how to cook
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public-trans-it · 2 years
CW drug use, abusive relationships, musings on predestination and life
Everything happens for a reason.
I really need to start drafting posts while the acid is still actively in effect and just post them afterwards cause I wanna talk about this stuff.
Like… I’m not kidding when I say this stuff is a miracle drug and is the single most effective treatment for depression I have ever seen. All those studies people spread around where it’s like “Yeah the study showed that a single good trip can be as effective as multiple months of therapy” are actually so incredibly true.
And it’s so so easy to internalize it and become a better person! It felt nearly impossible to see the negative in anything!
My keyboard MELTED. Charging port burnt out and melted through part of the keyboard. That’s a good thing.
Not “Oh I was incapable of processing reality so I mistook that as a good thing.” It WAS a good thing. It happened for a reason. Everything happens for a reason.
The charger that I was using to charge my wireless keyboard was also being used to charge my wireless headphones, my controller, and my phone. It melted down when the it was connected to the single cheapest thing. It also melted down the one thing that wouldn’t immediately impede me spending time with friends and people I care about. It melted down the part of my computer setup most in need of replacing, but that I wasn’t willing to replace cause it was still functional.
But most importantly, the new one won’t arrive for a couple days. We had planned to do the session zero of my new TTRPG campaign this weekend. Setting it up, getting everyone’s comfort levels, setting boundaries and expectations, etc. Session Zero’s rock. Please use them. However, one of the players just got back from a trip. They were stressed about not being ready for it. Not relaxed enough after that trip to jumó directly into setting something like that up. But wanted to attempt to instead of being the reason for canceling. A few others also have been having a rough time and want to hang out but can’t commit to something, but don’t want to be the reason for fault. If I were to cancel it, I know MULTIPLE people would have blamed theirselves as the reason, even if it wasn’t true.
But now it’s not anyones fault. My keyboard fucking MELTED. I can’t start a game like that! That’s absurd! And not a single one of those players could possible look at MY FUCKING KEYBOARD MELTING and go “Oh this is my fault.” But… I still have discord on my phone. We can all still hang out. Everyone can still hang out and relax and just discuss the game without it becoming a commitment to actually formalize it, and people can just shoot the shit and leave freely without feeling like it’s being in the way. It’s freedom in a moment where structure is oppressive not supportive. And it’s all because my keyboard melted. Because that was a good thing, and it happened for a reason. Everything happens for a reason.
I’ve always hated that phrase though. With a passion. It’s used by evangelicals to tell people to accept the pain and misery in their life. It’s always carried a pretense of religious conversion. A kind of “I know how the world really works even if you don’t.” But the truth is the core of the sentiment… isn’t wrong.
If you were given a button that could alter a single event in your life, which event would you pick? Would you make a shitty memory vanish away? Keep yourself from getting together with your shitty ex? Cause I wouldn’t. Every single shitty thing in my life lead to every single positive thing in my life. I had a shitty ex. He was a stalker, he was abusive, and was generally an awful person. But you know what? So was I. I was an awful person. Not in the same ways, but in my own ways. And I was just as bad to him. He fucking hates me and honestly? Yeah he should. I treated him like garbage. But I came out of that relationship with so much knowledge of the parts of myself I didn’t like, and the traits in a partner to be wary of. I became more secure with myself. I knew how to treat others better. I became a better person. I grew, as everyone does. And now I’m in wonderful loving relationships with people I love with all my heart. My girlfriend Paxte. My boyfriend Bear. My partner Jade. They are all incredible people and I’m so lucky to know them, let alone be so close to them.
Barenaked Ladies have a song about this. “Odds Are”. It’s a song about all the shitty things in the world that happen all the time. All the ways things can go wrong. But that it’s absurd to dwell on those things. They are real. They do happen. But so much good happens non stop in the world that we don’t notice. The news has been a nonstop relentless bombardment of crisis after crisis lately. But if someone asked you to bet on on “Which is more likely? Another crisis happening right now, or someone, somewhere in the world, finding love in the next few minutes?” Well… the smart money isn’t on the crisis.
Life is long. It is, by definition, the single longest thing you will ever do. It’s going to suck. Every single bad thing that has ever happened to you will happen while you are alive. But so will so so much good. Every nice meal. Every quiet moment of sitting next to a friend as you both look at dumb memes and occasionally show them to each other. Every vulnerability you show that is rewarded with the care and tenderness of the people you showed it to. And those things only happen because of the events in your life that brought you here.
I am living in the timeline where every horrible thing in my life eventually led to here. To this moment. I’m still alive. I’m happy. And I wouldn’t be right here, in this exact moment, without those bad things. Those are objective facts. I am who I am because of them. I wouldn’t be me without them. They happened for a reason. And it was to bring me to this exact moment in time. And then to bring me to the next one. It might not be predestination or the will of god or whatever else, but it is impossible to look back at your life and see all the bad things and not realize… everything really does happen for a reason.
Right now, that reason is that you are still here. And so am I. And I’m so glad we are.
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elizabethsway · 7 months
Girl needs to try a new channel. Telenovelas aren't working out for her and I'm not about this drama.
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I know we are all struggling and things happen that make it seem hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, I also believe in personal responsibility and just venting, but doing nothing about it, isn't going to help.
Broken records often turn people off.
I have a family member that had something bad happen to her and it also severely fractured a large portion of our families. Over the past 30 years, she has been in a loop or never ending cycle that has increased her victim mentality.
I wasn't even alive for most of it yet I still get blamed. She has played the "blood is thinjer that water" card whenever she wants to use someone for her benefit. If ever they declined or even breathed near her, she would inevitably, bring up the past and blow up.
Most of the time it's people putting distance between them and her because they don't want the drama every time. Which means people don't see her for a long periods of time, despite the fact that she uses her children as guilt trips in order to get people to see her, and it's always on her terms, at her place.
It's just annoying, it's the same thing everytime. She complains that no one visitors her and guilts us into visits buy using her kids. Then while in her company, she starts drinking multiple bottles of alcohol (probably it's a coping mechanism) and says it's fun that we are together and we should hang out more. Then she immediately goes into blaming us for all the misfortune she's experienced in her life and how everyone she talks to believes we are the worst and she should never speak to us and how she agrees hurts we are the problem.
Then we use to apologize and would talk it out, trying to find peace but now, more and more, we remind her of our boundaries and that she shouldn't talk to us in that way.
Then she unfriends us, doesn't talk to us for months or years and won't allow her husband or kids to talk to us. She tells her kids we don't like them and she doesn't reach back out until she need something from us. Then she comes back around without apologizing or even acknowledging that anything happened, until she needs to bring it up to guilt us again.
And I saw this behavior as I was growing up, and everybody in the family talked about it. And I later felt stupid, because I was like "oh well I was just a kid and everything could be here say and she really wasn't around a lot so I should try to build a relationship with her."
I had opened the door to her and started on what I thought was neutral ground, and within a month of this, she starts this process with me too. And she started blaming me for stuff that occurred when I wasn't even alive.
I'm not going to be mean to her when I'm around her, but I have no interest in investing in a relationship with her. And for someone like her, that believes blood means everything - or at least that you have to do everything for family, and even for the rest of my family that believes that you shouldn't cut people off, it seemed weird to them when I didn't try to hang out with her or make peace with her.
Alot of the times I tried going to see her. I do care about her kids and distantly, her, but I know that every time I go to visit her this is going to happen and I don't want that drama.
It has been like 30 years, and she's been in therapy that whole time, and there has been zero progress. If anything she's gotten a lot worse. Even if I continue to give her the space to talk and get things out (hoping for healing), that session for her is really just the fact that she bottled stuff up and is releasing it and just throwing all her garbage at people. She's not actually taking any steps towards healing.
And sure, I don't want to hold anything against her, but I also don't want to repeatedly let someone slap me in the face. I can love you from a distance. I can hope for your best. But that doesn't mean I'm going to let you trample over me.
At some point you have to take personal responsibility for your path to healing. If you're not willing to try, I'm not going to keep trying in a relationship with you only to continually get abused.
I'm taking personal responsibility and taking myself out of that situation.
So when or even if at this point, that I go to visit this person, I will set clear boundaries of when I'm going to be there and when I'm going to leave. And this person definitely loves to push those boundaries, so I start my leaving process 30 minutes before and if y'all haven't gotten your hugs and goodbyes in, I'm already out the door at that time. Sucks for you, should have managed your time better.
And I know some people are going to say that this sounds cutthroat, but I'm tired of this same old cycle. I want so much better for her but I can't be the one to make that happen for her. Nothing I say or do at this point is going to help her she has to be the one to take those steps. At the end of the day, I need to do what's healthy for me, too.
0 notes
Dear Bryan, a blue truck met me at the airport turn-out right as I passed, and then at the fabrication shop a “beardy” (what I call people who try to resemble religious effigies) got into his car exactly as a walked up to it, as it was parked right next to the road. Around the corner, someone dragged his garbage can up to the road, to *meet me* exactly at that point in the corner. 
When I got to the overpass, there was a “pool masters” truck (because my latest gay stalker is a deviant in addition to probably a serial killer), backed up by yet another blue truck. A red honda is parked at the house I normally cross the road to, before the elementary school. At the corner I turn of of iowa on the way to the library, another red honda. I had said that swiss/hungarian woman was my shake with your religion because if “she’s for nazis” then QED your religion is for nazis and “not for me”. These sorts of vehicular encounters represent syndicated stalking, until someone proves otherwise. And the sort of back alley that leads to this library has an arborist nightmare tree on it, that has historically been asplundh or one of the serious pruning outfits tending to it, that today (after the red hondas and the like) some company with a giant “p” on the side of their vehicle (I think it’s supposed to be “p” for phil because ms13) that I’d never seen before. 
(I don’t do hints, impressions, and/or suggestions)
As I have tried a number of things to get around this stuff, I suspect that based on the number of years it has gone on, that “this is how things are around here” and this is what passes for “keeping the peace”. I also think, that being the case, that being harassed and made out the way I’ve been (in the absence of evidence) for someone’s amusement or otherwise, is alternative to “we have some options here” i.e. getting shot on the sidewalk or shanked in or out of prison.
I think all those people out on the mountain road were trying to tell me that I was being watched. And that’s true. When I slept out in the woods, I got routinely spotlighted by BMX riders with headlamps at 2-3AM. People have met me on Guthrie. People have met me on Scenic, on Granite, all the way out on Nevada street, even up on Guthrie to tell me (as a couple I might add) “that’s too much comfort” on the very day I got trespassed from the college library. The couple left their home and walked *all the way down* to the Holly street intersection, to say that to no one in particular. When I had visited my mom, one of two or three of her neighbors was *always without exception* waiting on the sidewalk outside her apartment on the way to her door. Every single time. Sometimes the maintenance guy would be waiting outside the manager’s office. To say nothing of the “Bob Marley” wall hanging clad “lookout” apartment down on the avenue. I’ve had people meet me on Rose street, two towns over. Out at the lake here in Ashland, I’ve had Eric’s “gopher” bighouse we used to call him, seek me out in a sheltered cove or two when nobody else is in sight. On Tolman. On Mistletoe Road. The bike path at all points of access from where it starts here, all the way through Medford. 
I’ve been flown over by paragliders flagging nazi colors. After being buzzed by airplanes (because someone has it in their head that flight PTSD equals being scared of airplanes), I��ve been flown over by helicopters. And since Ashland is a system of impressions that people are supposed to get, nobody tells me what any of this stuff is supposed to mean. A “suicide is painless” still in service Vietnam chopper was among the more interesting of the helicopters, btw. 
I’ve been met by a clown car of armed Mexicans with a “TRIGUN” vanity plate. A lot of -650 (feo) plates. Mexicans say I’m ugly with their signaling apparatus. White people follow me around with mini-coopers and some pride flagged cars and trucks (and I’m not gay).
Something says they’re trying to correct a misperception that I have, which is actually a misperception on their part. I haven’t had medical or dental care outside of emergencies since I was a teenager. That’s nothing to do with gang “pecking orders” that I’ve never belonged to, or social classes that seem far more concerned with me personally than I am with any of them, or even privilege levels. And I *would* call that persecution if asked, and if I had to prove it.
Edit: I’d love to hear about nazis from the horse’s mouth, because there’s a security guy at the library named “lee” full of lake wobegon tales about having everything, in the place of the “first” library security guy who was as close a resemblance to duane as they could manage, and a reference librarian lee-expy named cody who floats around upstairs. You know, where Ken Burns works; no, not the documentary guy. I could see where people would be confused having never visited, though.
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sadomas0chist · 3 years
perfect strangers
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part one; part two; part three
genre: nsfw
pairing: jean kirschtein x female reader
word count: 2.4k
tags/warnings: dom jean, simultaneous masturbation, penetrative sex, oral receiving (female), fingering, swearing, casual sex, partying, make-out session, brother’s best friend, breeding kink, belly bulge.
synopsis: despite being Connie's sister, you were never half the party animal he was. at the moment, getting good grades on your last semester took all your time which made one of your good friends, Hitch, drag you out of your room to the party your brother hosted. what could possibly happen, other than sleeping with your brother's best friend?
a.n. : i was thinking about turning this into a short series but i’m still debating whether i should go for it or not. anyway, enjoy!!!
update: i actually turned this into a series ;) part two is up!!
Being the sister of one of the most chaotic human beings on earth had its drops. I was supposed to be studying for my last semester which was pretty difficult and needed a full-time concentration.
Instead, I was getting dolled up by one of my best friends, Hitch, who was practically begging me to get out of my room and party. "Don't be so nerdy, it's not like you need the extra credit. Connie will be sad if you don't show up. He's been whining to Sasha all day long how his own sister didn't want to attend his own party." She applied some red lipstick to my lips and popped hers as a sign that she was done.
"Hitch, I really appreciate y'all getting worried about me going crazy, but I'm fine really. You know I'm only going because I missed you and the girls." I stood up from my bed and walked to my vanity, gasping at how sexy I looked.
Hitch smacked my ass in response. "Your ass looks good in this dress. Get some tonight." I raised my eyebrow at her. She knew I wasn't in the mood to mess around and get attached again. I shrugged it off and opened my bedroom door.
"Wait, why didn't he invite them to our house?" I stopped, watching her make her way in front of me.
"He needed more space. And a pool. Now come on we're going to be late." she reached out to grab my hand and dragged me out of my house.
"Oh goodness..." I mumbled to myself when I noticed how crowded the place was. Some people were already drunk and throwing up on the grass and in garbage cans, others were shamelessly rubbing on each other, while the rest was either in the pool or at the bar.
"Oh, there's Connie." She pointed at my brother who gave her a tight hug. "Look who's here!" she cheered shaking my shoulders.
"Hey," I smiled and hugged him. "All good?" he smiled down at me and pat my head. I nodded and threw him back a smile. "Aight then, I'm gonna get going. Take care." he pointed at me jogging backward and eventually turned around and disappeared into the crowd.
A pat on my shoulder made me turn around, a grin instantly forming on my lips when I noticed that this hand belonged to Sasha. She jumped in my arms, squeezing me tightly. "Jeez I thought you were dead, never isolate yourself like that again." I chuckled taking a bite of her hot dog. "Hey!" she smacked my arm almost making me choke on the meat.
We caught up on a few things, our conversation getting steamier as Hitch began to mention her sex life and how we should be taking notes.
“No, but really, all jokes aside. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re not getting laid. I don’t even think you know how to pull men anymore babe, full offense.” She took a swing of her beer and shrugged her shoulders. I scoffed, clearly offended.
“Working my ass off for college doesn’t change anything in my flirting techniques.” I scoffed “You know what? I’ll prove it to you right now. Your pick.” I raised my hands up, challenging her. Sasha jumped in excitement next to me while Hitch was inspecting our surroundings.
“Him.” she pointed at the bar. I scrunched my face when I saw a guy who looked musty and crusty. “Girl, not him. Him.” she held my jaw with her hand and tilted my head. My eyes landed on a tall male, manspreading on the stool as his back was leaning against the wooden bar, watching everyone’s move. His elbows were resting on the wood, his right hand holding his drink, swirling it around.
He looked delicious with his tight black shirt and chinos, squeezing him in all the right places. His hair was slicked back, almost dropping to his shoulders. His facial features weren’t clear enough due to the distance I was standing from, but his jawline looked good enough.
He didn’t look like he was expecting company or was here with someone. I smirked and shook her hand, accepting her challenge. “What do you want me to do?”
“Make out with him. You’ve kissed strangers before. I’d like to see if you still have the balls to do it.” I shook my head with a grin. Frankly, I was expecting her to task me with something much worse.
“Done.” Sasha jumped in excitement and Hitch shook my hand. “Watch, and learn.” I turned on my heels and walked to the bar where he was sitting.
“Hey you,” I hissed, getting his attention. “Don’t move,” I whispered as I positioned myself between his legs and grabbed his jaw, placing my lips on his.
From here it could go two ways: he either pushes me off and tells me he’s into guys- yes it happened before, not a pleasant memory- or he kisses me back.
At first, he was shaken. However, it didn’t take him too long to snake his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him, deepening the kiss. He freed his hand from the glass he was holding and wrapped it around the back of my neck, pushing me closer.
I parted my lips, his tongue gently sliding in and toying with mine. When I finally decided it was enough, I let go of him and pulled away, a slight trail of saliva hanging from our lips.
Without adding any other word, I grinned at him and left. He didn’t say anything and sincerely I’m glad he didn’t. He clearly enjoyed it as well.
“Oh my God you actually did that.” she squeaked, shaking my shoulders.
“Hitch, it's not the first time. Also, he was a good kisser. Now, do you believe me?”
She sighed in defeat and nodded. Sasha was long gone, probably dragged to the dance floor by Connie and soon enough Marlo was here to drag Hitch too. I found this as an opportunity to go to the bathroom.
To my surprise, it was empty and clean. I checked if my mascara was still intact and if I needed to fix my lipstick. While I was applying some lipstick on, a group of girls came in, obviously tipsy, and started talking about the guys they wanted to fuck.
“There’s this tall dude with long hair, ugh girl I just want to hump him.” one of them giggled, leaning on her friend for support.
“Stephanie!! He was with a black-haired girl, don't be a slut.” her friend smacked her.
I cocked my eyebrow and added some mascara. I gathered my stuff and texted Hitch that I was going back home.
It was getting lame and my brother was in no way to be seen. I’m sure Hitch and Sasha would understand. I’ve been too focused on my studies and partying wasn’t what I needed right now.
I walked to the gates and waited for a taxi.
“Already leaving?” a voice echoed behind me, startling me. I jumped around to be met with the same dude I made out with, this time, a leather jacket resting on his shoulders.
“I’m not feeling it.” I shrugged.
“You can’t leave alone. Some dudes are total creeps.” He walked to me. His tall frame towering over me, the mixture of alcohol and perfume intoxicating me.
“You could easily be one of them. I don’t know you.”
“Well, if I were, you wouldn’t have made out with me for starters. You look mature enough to distinguish a gentleman from a douchebag.” He grinned, pushing my hair behind my shoulders.
“A gentleman?” I questioned, toying with the pockets of his jacket.
“Only if you want me to be,” he mumbled, raising my chin with his index finger.
We stared at each other for a while. I knew he was another stranger, but he made me feel aroused. Maybe Hitch was right. Maybe I needed some relief. So I did what I thought I’d never do.
“Come over. My brother is having fun at this stupid party and I doubt he’ll be back any time soon.”
I could tell he was hesitating, and to be honest, his silence made me question if I made the right decision asking him to come over. He looked like he didn’t want to take advantage of me. A true gentleman, I thought.
I didn’t really care though. We were both taking advantage of each other in this situation, knowing that we will probably never see each other again after this. It was a one-time thing.
I did have, however, a feeling that I’ve seen him before, but the booze wasn’t making me think straight and I shrugged it off. He didn’t seem to recognize me so there was nothing to be worried about.
“On one condition.” he spoke up. I tilted my head waiting for him to proceed. “Tonight, I’m in control.”
I chuckled and nodded. “If that’s what you want, cowboy then sure thing.”
“Jean.” he handed out his hand for me to shake.
It didn’t take us a lot of time to find his car and get to my place. As a matter of fact, our clothes dropped instantly on the floor as soon as we went through my bedroom door.
“You’re so hot,” he mumbled between kisses, his hand folding my breast. I giggled throwing my head back, my fingers playing with his hair.
His hands traveled down my body, parting ways as one pressed against my heat and the other squeezed my ass. He worked his digits between my folds, my fingers digging in his shoulders.
He gathered my slick before pushing it back with his middle and ring finger.
“Fuck Jean,” I moaned out. I pushed him closer, licking him from the base of his neck to his earlobe, and gently sucked it.
He sighed and backed me until I reached my bed. “Relax now,” He pushed me down on the mattress and spread my legs. I grabbed my pillow and placed it underneath my hips.
He sat on his knees and put my legs on his shoulders, my cunt a few inches away from him. Locking eyes with me, he gave my opening a long lick.
I hissed as he licked my slit, his thumb rubbing small circles to my clit. My hands gripped onto my sheets, my hips bucking. Damn, he was good.
“Shit, ahh, Jean,” I whimpered, his fingers now massaging my insides as his tongue played with my clit. He hummed against me, sending vibrations all over my heat.
I squealed as I felt myself get closer, my legs shakings on his shoulders.
“Be a good girl and come all over my face eh?” he seduced his fingers going faster inside me, occasionally curling to hit my sweet spot.
“I’m so close, fuck fuck fuck fuck.” I chanted gripping his hair, my head pushing down the mattress as my orgasm drove me over the edge.
He stood back up, his stubble coated with my wetness. He sucked his fingers before making them pop out of his mouth.
“Tastes as good as it looks.” He chuckled. “Spread them lips for me again baby let me see your mess”. he purred pushing his hair back.
Doing as I’m told, I spread my folds with my index and middle finger and bit my lip before running another finger between them, feeling my slick. He groaned as I touched myself, slightly playing with my swollen clit.
“You want me?” Jean stroked himself as I dipped my fingers inside me. I nodded biting harder on my lower lip, watching as he pumped himself, his vein now conspicuous.
He kneeled on my bed, pulling me closer to him. “Then take me.” And with that, he rammed himself in. I yelped at the painful stretch, his hands holding my hips. I grabbed his wrist with a hand and tried to reach my headboard with the other.
Once given the green light, he started moving slowly in and out, making sure I was comfortable. Gentleman alright.
His pace was steady, the moonlight lighting his side. He looked absolutely handsome. I wasn’t fragile, nor delicate whatsoever. Still, he didn’t fuck me just to please himself. He wanted to please me and feel me as much as I wanted to.
“Tell me if I’m hurting you okay?” I nodded with a smile. Jean’s thrusts became faster and harder. The deep long strokes were just appetizers for what he was keeping in store. He was big, but he felt incredibly nice.
My room soon was filled with the sounds of our bodies smacking against each other along with my moans and his grunts.
I was already feeling sensitive from my first orgasm, and his strokes were my g-spot almost perfectly. I was a panting mess beneath him, my makeup smudged across my face.
“Ah fuck, you’re choking me so fucking good.” he whimpered throwing his head back. Droplets of sweat trailed down from his toned chest to his abs. I stared at his tattoos and how they complimented him.
“Feel it y/n.” he grabbed my hand and placed it on my lower stomach. Shit.
“I’m gonna cum again, oh fuck, Jean.” I whimpered, his hips rocking my body. I squirmed under him, his thumb rubbing my pink bud, adding more friction.
I wailed as I felt my orgasm rip through my body, his thrusts getting sloppier. I knew he was close.
Fortunately, I’m always on the pill, so I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him down. “I want you to fill me up, please,” I begged, his face buried in my neck, leaving a love bite.
“I’m going to fill you up so good, so damn good.” He lifted my waist with his arms and pulled me closer. “Fuck, yes, oh fuck, yes.” he whimpered in my ear as he emptied himself in me, warming my walls with his semen.
We lead there for a while, motionless. His dick was limp inside me, his arms still holding me.
He feels warm. I don’t want to move. No, he has to move. I don’t do aftercare.
“That was good,” I said breaking the silence. Jean rolled to his side, his cum instantly leaking out of me as pulled out.
“Indeed. Thank you.” I chuckled at his silly response.
“You don’t thank someone for having sex with them dumbass.” A smile formed on his lips as he stood up to grab some tissues from my nightstand to clean me up.
“I’m a gentleman, remember?” he cleaned off our cum and tossed the tissues in my garbage can. “I should get going, we don’t want your brother to go nuts on you.” I nodded and pulled the sheets to cover my nude body. It was a shame that he was leaving, but as I said, I never did aftercare when it came to casual sex.
He put on his briefs and began pulling up his bottoms, however, the most unexpected thing happened, making him stop in his tracks.
“Hey, y/n I brought you some- Jean?!” Connie yelled dropping the bag of chips he was holding.
“Connie?!” Jean who was now half-clothed yelled back.
“Are you- oh my god- did I just sleep with your sister?” He panicked, holding his head with both hands.
I smacked my mouth, my eyes wide open. What the fuck was I supposed to do in a situation like that.
“You sure as hell did idiot!” my brother replied, now both of the males looking at me.
Well, that’s extremely awkward.
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iwadori · 3 years
are you going to do a 'when the haikyuu boys make you insecure' part with Iwaizumi / could I request that?
When they make you insecure part 6 (Iwaizumi,Matsukawa)
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Part 1 Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 Part 6
Word Count: 2.8K
Genre: Angst, Fluff
AN: Did I embedd myself in this story? Yes, yes i did. :3 (it’s only a small part dw loool)
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One day when you were walking to the gym to go see your boyfriend  
You overhear him and the team talking about some instagram girl
“She’s hot” you hear Boktuo yell doing a hoot as he fawns over a picture, with the rest of the guys agreeing.  
“What do you think Iwaizumi?” Hinata ask  
“She’s cute... I guess?” the rest of the guys, grunt in disagreement at Iwa’s lack of drooling over the girl.
“Well I see why you wouldn’t want her Haji-kun,” says Atsumu “you are into the more simple girls bro”
“Simple?” Iwaizumi questions, and the rest of the guys agree
“Yeah simple, you know Y/N... she’s simple” says one of the guys, with the word ‘simple’ rolling off their tounge with a tone of disgust.
“I guess your right guys...” Iwaizumi says “Y/N is pretty basic and simple but-”
You leave the gym before you hear what the rest of them had to say. When you got to your house you bolt straight to the mirror, you look at your outfit and frown. You never thought your style was ‘basic,’ to be fair you wouldn’t describe anybodys style as basic or simple. Of course, you weren’t like those instagram influencers, that wasn’t your thing. But Iwa has known that about you for years... but I guess that’s not what he truly likes.
You go to your closet and take out all the contents, just tossing all your clothes (even some of your favourite items ever) and dashing them in a black trash bag putting them to the side. You were already on a mission to buy a whole new wardrobe, going through all different stores and looking on pinterest for inspo.
You didn’t really talk to Iwa for the rest of the week, since you wanted him to see you in your ‘new form,’ you weren’t being radiosilent but you didn’t initiate any hang outs with him or face time calls (which he did find slightly odd, but didn’t think that much by it.)
Finally, the clothes came and you were kind of shocked at how much you ordered you spent over £200 on clothes from all different places. When you were trying them on, you liked some of them the ones that were kind of similar to your past style but not so ‘simple,’ the others you kind of frowned at since it definitely didn’t feel like ‘you’ at all. ‘This is for Iwa,’ you reminded yourself as your forced a smile on your face analysing yourself in the mirror.
You had everything sorted, your wardrobe was now changed and done the colours and styles you once wore before is now the complete opposite. You invited Iwa over, hesistantly waiting to see how would he react.  
When you hear your door knock, you rush over to open it and model a pose you saw one of those girl do trying to look as natural as possible.
“Hey babe ho-” he says, with his eyes widening seeing your new look “Woah Y/N!”
“Hey Haji..come in!” you exclaim with a beaming smile pulling him inside to the couch. “So, are we going to continue watching the crown, I watched the previous episode and god prince phillip is such a dick.”
You look over your shoulder and see Iwa still standing in your entranceway a bit awkwardly, looking a bit stunned. “Come sit down then, we’ve got an episode to watch.”
“uh oh yeah, sure” he says blinking, following you to the couch.
You got through atleast 4 episodes together, you barely talked as you were really engrossed in the show. Iwa was barely paying attention, he was too busy questioning how you were acting. This definitely wasn’t the girl he knew, even the way you were acting whilst watch the show was odd. The way you’d cutely giggle and ‘sublty’ look over to him whilst laughing at a funny part of the show instead of just doing your usual obnoxious laugh that he loved to hear.
“Oh Y/N, I’m going to go to the bathroom.” he says standing up, you don’t reply you just wave your hand in acknowledgement.
On his way to the bathroom, Iwa nearly trips on a black bag left outside your bedroom door. He opens it, and mildly gasped when he saw all your old stuff jumbled up in there. He picks up the back and goes straight back to the living room and stands in front of you.
“Haji, what are you doing you’re blocking the TV” you complaining trying to see what’s happening behind him.
He drops the black bag infront of you and you internally curse yourself for not moving. You stare at him waiting for him to say something.
“Well whats this then.” he says looking down at you, almost like a disapproving dad.
“Clothes.” you say smartly, knowing what he was asking.
“You know what I meant Y/N, why are all your clothes in a garbage bag.”  
“Because I wanted to put them there,” you wanted to seem as nochalant about it as possible as if putting all your clothes in a garbage bag doesn’t make you feel sad.
“Yeah but why?” he says sitting down next to you.
“Just because I wanted to” you reiterate “what else do you want me to say?”
“Well this isn’t like you, its just a bit random Y/N” he says
“I know this isnt like me you” you spat, standing up “Isn’t this what you wanted anyways.” You head to your bedroom picking up the bag with you, with Iwa hot on your heels.
“What do you mean this is what I wanted?” he says in disbelief “When did I ever say that?”
“It doesn’t matter” you mumble, you start to aggressively take our your old clothes and shove them back into your wardrobe whilst Iwa is just talking. You’re not really listening to him your just putting the clothes back.
“Y/N Stop!” he yells kind of knocking you out of your ‘trance,’ “what is going on with you?” he grabs you hands and pulls them down stopping you from what you were doing and he winced at seeing your tear stricken face.
He gently pulls you into his arms sitting you both on your bed, waiting for you to speak. “I don’t know what you want from me Iwa..” you start your voice slightly breaking “it’s just I did this all for you and you don’t even appreciate it.”
“I don’t know what you mean Y/N?” he says sounding genuinely confused.
“Y/N is simple and basic.” you say repeating words that you heard your boyfriend say about you, you feel him tense as you say it and you slowly get out of his hug.
“Y/N I-”
“That really hurt Hajime, I know now that I'm not your ‘type’ but I-”
“No Y/N, you are my type of course you are!” he says gulping in nervousness “I love you, and your style. I’ve always being enamored by how you dress and present yourself and I don’t know why I even said you’re basic and simple I didn’t mean it that way.”
“Really?” you say sniffling looking down
“Yes really you idiot,” he says lifting your head up “To be fair I don’t care what you wear, since you look great in anthing I just want you to be happy Y/N and especially not dress for anyone including me. Okay?”
“Okay,” you agree slightly nodding your head.
“Good, so can we go and finish the crown and then burn all these clothes?” Iwa jokes as he stands up.
“Burn them!” you exclaim “These cost £200, you muppet.”
“£200! Gosh Y/N, next time you go shopping im definitely coming with you.” he says shaking his head “can’t have you blowing out your bank account for clothes you don’t even like that much.”
You spend the rest of the day finishing of The Crown and you and Iwa eventually both sort out your wardrobe. Your style and aethetic changes a lot more through the times you were together and Iwa was very supportive and helpful of every single change. Especially *insert your favourite dress aesthetic here.*
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You were walking with your friends; Iwa, Tooru, Maki and your boyfriend Matsun. Walking to school as you did every morning, today the topic of conversation was Tooru’s bad taste in women.
“Gosh yesterday was horrible, she didn’t want to talk to me at all,” he complained “all she wanted to do was to come straight to my place, I didn’t even have the chance to tell her my hair routine.”
“That’s why you don’t find dates off of Tinder shittykawa” grunted Iwaizumi
“Well I know that now!” he exclaimed.
“Y/N,” said Makki grasping your attention “Would you ever use Tinder?”
“Well I-”
“Of course she wouldn’t” your boyfriend interrupted wrapping his arm round your shoulder “she’s got me”
“Yeah, but if you two weren’t together, would you use it.”
“Well may-”  
“Y/N definitely wouldn’t” he said interrupting you AGAIN “she’s way to frigid for that shit”
Frigid? You thought to yourself, ouch. Their was a quick awkward silence and all you could hear was Matsukawa laughing with the others laughing after awkwardly in pursuit. After sensing your uncomfortability (is that a word?) Oikawa decides to change the subject to make things less awkward,
“I need a woman who understands me!” he rants “One that can listen to me and appreciate my awesome hair.”
“Goodluck with that Shittykawa.”  
Oikawa rambles on as you walk to school with the other guys chiming in. You on the other hand, were lost in thought. Your sex life wasn’t something you would want to publicly talk about let alone to you and your boyfriends' male friends. Also, with Matsun describing you as ‘frigid’ struck a nerve. You weren’t frigid, well at least to you, you weren’t.  
When you got to school you immediately rushed straight to your lesson claiming that you teacher really needed to talk to you. Which was odd to Matsukawa as you usually all hung around each other until the bell rang, the other boys gave each other knowing looks all assuming the reasons for your odd behaviour.
At lunch time, you stayed in your class instead of going up to the roof where you and your friends usually end up. In the class room you hear one of the girls in your class, Empress having one of her usual gossip conversations with her group of friends.
“Hajime is so hot!” she said, fanning her face being dramatic  
“Of course he is! You should totally go for him.” her friend said and the rest of the friends agreed.
“What do you think Y/N?” she says to you catching your attention “you’re close friends with him right?”
“Yeah, I am” you say a bit sadly “You should definitely go for him, I think you’d be perfect together.”
“Okay! I think I might later” she says smiling. Her and friends leave, but then Empress returns and walks straight to you.
“Are you alright doll?” she asks softly smiling
“I guess so..” you say hesitantly “It’s just something my boyfriend said to me this morning.”
“Matsun?” she asks and you nod in reply “What did he say?”
After you rehash the situation from this morning Empress scowls in annoyance, “Boys can be such pigs sometimes, such a dick thing to say.”
“I know right!” you respond “Even if I was frigid, which im totally not it’s not even a bad thing nor is it something to reveal to people in public in a ‘jokey’ way.”
“Yeah!” she agrees “I think you should go and give him a piece of your mind.”
“I mean...” your voice falters, when it comes to Matsun you’ve never really given him a ‘piece of your mind,’ even when he makes jokes that you’re not so fond of.
“Come on!” she encourages “I’ll come with you and cheer you on.”
“You just want to come to see Iwa Empress” you say pointedly “But fine let’s go.”
You both power walk to the roof where you see the four seijoh boys sitting down and eating. “Oh hi Y/N/-chan and look Iwa its Emp-chan... isn’t that a surprise!” Iwa blushes and the rest of the guys laugh.
You walk straight up to Matsun and stand right infront of him. “Matsukawa I need to talk to you,” you say folding your arms. “Why whats up babe?” he says, still sitting down with a cheeky grin on his face.
“Alone.” you say turning around walking to a secluded spot. Behind you, you hear Matsun get up and the rest of the boys saying “oooh Matsukawa your in trouble” as they laugh.
“What’s wrong with you today Y/N?” he asks slightly accusatorily.  
“I didn’t appreciate the comment you made today on the way to school,” you say with your arms folded.
“Oh that little comment about you being frigid, come on it was just a joke I wasn’t being serious.” he says lightly laughing but he stops once he sees the glare you give him ”you knew it was a joke right?”
“Matsun, some are your jokes just aren’t funny,” you say “especially when they're about me and our sex life in front of our friends too.”
“Y/N I didn’t mea-”
“You just come off as a huge dick sometimes, and I can’t do this anymore if you keep on making these comments anymore I don’t think I can do this.”
“Woah Y/N, are you threatening to break up with me?” he asks “Over a few little comments?”
“These aren’t a few little comments, sometimes what you say is just unnecessary and rude.”
“Okay well...”
“Well...” you repeat staring at him waiting for to apologise or atleast say something, “fuck you Matsukawa.”
You storm away and walk bout to the group saying “Empress lets go.” She jumps of Iwa’s lap and waves by to them following you back down to the school. You walk into the bathroom and just start to cry, “Y/N whats wrong?” Empress says pulling you into a hug  
“H-He doesn’t care,” you cry “He pretty much excused his stupid comments, passing them off as little ‘jokes,’ that didn’t apparently mean anything.”
“Oh dear,” Empress says consoling you “he’s not worth your time right now.”
“B-but but I love him.” you wail fat tears streaming down your face.
“I know sweetheart, I know,” she says letting go of the hug “so what do you wanna do about him?”
“I don’t know,” you say “I don’t want to break up with him or anything, but is there a point in staying if he’s just going to make these comments again.”
“I don’t know Y/N, but whatever you wanna do I’ll support. Wether it’s keying his car or reading shitty fanfiction and crying.” Empress says making you laugh.
The final bell rings and now it's time to go home, of course you don’t walk with the guys so you just enjoy your own company walking home.
“Y/N! Y/N!” you hear from behind you and of course the only person it can be is Matsukawa.
“What do you want?” you mumbled  
“I..I want too” he says heaving out of breath from the running he had to do “I want to apologise. I need do.”
“Okay...” you respond
“Im sorry, Im so so sorry,” he says “those jokes and comments were stupid and I agree I can be a dick sometimes. Well a lot of the time, but I never wanted to be a dick to you.”
“Well you were.”
“I know I was, and I’m so sorry. There’s no excuse what I said and what I have said before I just hope I can make it up to you.”
“Okay then.”
“So are we not broken up?”
“No we’re not broken up, but it’ll take a lot of making up to do for me to fully forgive you.”
“Great! And I'll spend every day to get you to forgive me.”
Which he did, he spent every day showering you with love and affection. He was way better than he was before, you even went on double dates with Oikawa and his flavour of the week and triple dates with Iwa and his girlfriend. Matsukawa, although he still made jokes, he never targeted them and centered them around you in an insulting way.
AN: I didn’t really like the matsukawa one since i couldn’t really write for him properyl sooo sorry bout that one kids.
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halloweenbitch2764 · 3 years
I can request a scenario in which the reader is rescued by the police or by someone who cares about her and thinks she is saving from the Slachers (Brahms, Jason, Michael, Vincent, Bo and another killer of her choice).
What would happen next, would the Slachers go after their reader and bring them home with them? Would the Slachers cause a massacre with people who cross your path, perhaps?
((Note: S / O is not a victim or hostage of the Slashers, but his girlfriend)).
Absolutely! Thank you for the request and patience! I think family/friends will work better in these situations so I hope you don't mind! Also I'm gonna skip Michael because I can't come up with anything for him and the other scenarios are super long. I hope it makes up for it <3
TW: Violence
F/N: Friends Name
Brahms Heelshire
It had definitely taken some getting used to when it came to living with Brahms
Between the HUGE mansion and the man himself
But you adapted into the role and settled in relatively well
However, you dropped contact with outside people quite suddenly
The cell reception had became increasingly worse and the landline phone had finally given out
When you tried to leave Brahms would insist on you staying
Which left your brother quite worried (pretend if you don't have one)
After multiple failed call attempts he decided to visit the address you had given him after accepting the job
He continued to try and call once he landed
Sure he'd be annoyed if you answered but would be happy you even did
However you didn't
So he made his way out to the mansion and parked in front of you
You were busy doing some cleaning and hadn't heard the car door slam shut
Brahms did though
A knock rang from the front door and you answered it, seeing your brother in front of you
You were confused and questioned why he was there
"You haven't been answering ANY of my calls. What the hell happened?" He seemed more concerned than angry
You knew Brahms would have heard him by now and one major rule was "no visitors"
Your stomach dropped
"Oh, um. The cell reception here is garbage and I haven't had time to get a new landline." You partially lied
"Well I'm glad you're safe. Mom wanted me to stay for a few days if that would be alright. I hate to invite myself but you know how mom is."
Your stomach sank further
"U-Uh actually, I'm not allowed to have visitors stay. Really not supposed to have anyone stay at all."
He raised his eyebrow. "Aren't you just watching some doll? Come on, Y/N you gotta be lonely. This place seems huge."
"Just go back home and tell mom I'm fine. I'm gonna be here till my job is done. Okay?" You wanted to make him leave without worrying him or him seeing Brahms
However, you noticed his eyes shift behind you and then widen
Oh fuck
"Go. Home." You told him but he didn't have to be told twice, already halfway to his car
You turned around to see Brahms behind you and you figured his size was enough to scare your brother
You just hoped he wouldn't tell your mom what really happened
Jason Voorhees
You had been at Camp Crystal Lake with Jason for quite a bit before anyone came to see if you were there
Cell reception was basically nonexistent so you hadn't had contact with the world since you had decided to stay with Jason
Your sister (pretend if you don't have one) remembered how much you loved Crystal Lake though and wondered if maybe you had ran away to the abandoned and dilapidated cabins
You were just taking a walk when your heard a female voice screaming your name
You instantly knew who's voice it was
You hoped Jason hadn't heard, scared of what he would do to her for trespassing
You ran towards the voice and you thought your sister was going to faint when she saw you coming towards her
"Y/N?" She almost didn't seem to believe you were right in front of her
"Hey dork, what's up?" You asked, trying to seem casual
"What's up?" She seemed stunned and then angry. "What do you mean 'what's up'?! You ran away and then just act as if nothing happened?!"
"Hey keep it down. Look, I'm sorry. I just was tired of everything and decided to see if I could stick it out here by myself for a while. I'm trying to renovate an old cabin to make a sort of house and I don't want ANYONE knowing where I am." The whole story was pretty much a lie. "I was just so overwhelmed with everything I needed a getaway. Don't tell anyone where I am. Please?"
She was silent as she processed everything. "What about Jason? Isn't he supposed to kill anyone who lives here or roams here?" She was almost positive the whole story of Jason wasn't real but she was still curious
"Well I mean. I'm still intact so I'm gonna say he doesn't exist." You lied.
She nodded a bit. "I've just been so worried about you. Just...try and let me know you're okay ever so often. Alright?"
You nodded and she headed back for her car
Once she was out of sight you started to head back to the cabin only to bump into Jason's chest
You jumped slightly in surprise, not having heard him sneak up and explained that she was your sister
He nodded before bringing you back to the cabin
Vincent Sinclair
You were sitting silently in the woods with Vincent as a victim made their way into the small town, pulling into the gas station
You were fairly far away and hidden by the foliage but you recognized who stepped out of the car
He had papers in his hand with large red letters spelling "MISSING" on the top and your face under it
It was your friend
Well he thought of himself as your friend
You didn't mind him but he would act obsessive towards you, wanting to hang out as much as possible and even interjecting himself into conversations you were having
You knew he had good intentions but couldn't help but feel annoyed just by his presence
He walked into the gas station, likely to ask about you
You knew what would happen
Vincent seemed to notice how closely you looked at the guy
It was different from past victims
"Who's that?" He signed
"An old...friend of mine. Well, he thought we were friends. He got on my nerves." You signed back
Vincent nodded a bit as you continued, "He had a thing for me I think. He was obsessed to say the least."
Jealousy started to come over him at what you said even though he knew you didn't return the feelings
He'd make sure he wasn't made into a wax figure
Just tortured and then disposed of
Bo Sinclair
You leaned against the gas station counter as Bo worked in the garage as per usual
You were fairly sure it would just be another normal day
Nobody coming to bother you
However a car pulled up and parked by a gas pump, shutting off as someone stepped out
No it couldn't be
Your old friend
You hadn't spoken to her in years
She still looked the same
You didn't know if you hoped she wouldn't recognize you or that she would
She pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head as she pushed the door opened but stopped in her tracks as her eyes scanned your face
You reluctantly nodded and stood up, walking out from behind the counter
Tears welled up in her eyes as she pulled you into a hug to which you returned
"I-I can't believe this. We all thought you were dead!" Emotions swirled rapidly through her voice. Pain, excitement, nostalgia
"What?" You asked, confused
"I've missed you so much." She held you by your shoulders. "I didn't even mean to come here. I made a wrong turn and then was gonna come ask for directions."
Well that sounded oddly familiar
"Well I'm glad to see you. I'm alright. Just uh, decided to live here. I like how secluded it is." She turned to look at the side door to the garage as it was pushed open and Bo entered the room.
"Well hello there." He said in his normal charming accent, greeting your friend and seeing her as a victim. "Who might you be?"
"Oh this is F/N, she's been friends with me since we were in school."
He nodded a bit and she raised her eyebrow. "Well who's this Y/N?" She smirked
"This is Bo. He's my boyfriend. He works in the mechanics shop." You told her
She nodded and smiled.
"Well have a look around if you want any snacks. I gotta help Bo with something in the garage." You lied, tugging him into the garage and shutting the door behind you
"Do NOT hurt her." You sternly said and he raised his eyebrow
"I can't risk her telling people about this town." He responded.
"She doesn't even know what this town is. I think she missed the sign." You told him and he sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose
"She could be lying."
You shook your head. "She won't tell anyone."
You walked back out and smiled at her, taking her money to pay for her snack
"You didn't see me okay?" She raised her eyebrow
"Some things happened that I don't want to get into right now but I can't go back for a while. Just let them think I'm dead and move on. Okay?" She nodded after a moment
"Have a safe trip." You said sweetly, giving her one last hug before she left
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attemptinghaikyuu · 3 years
Joking About Dating A Friend But They Take You Seriously
A/n: I feel like this aligns with my love for fake dating scenarios, it was also just as fun to write as those scenarios
G/n reader
Pretty setter squad (most of them~)
Akaashi Keiji
He freezes on the spot, turning and looking at the smile adorning your face as you look up at your friend. “Boyfriend.” he corrects himself
Maybe it’s stupid but he wishes he had at least been able to tell you his feelings before he knew it was hopeless. If he’d confessed he could have at least known there was nothing he could do right now. Akaashi’s walking away from the two of you as soon as he can. He’s having a hard time not crying after finding out
The next day when you try to talk to him he’s ignoring you. If you’re persistent, he’s still speaking as little as possible
You can tell somethings putting him in a sour mood, so you back off and give him some space, but it hurts being ignored by your crush…
When you talk to Bokuto later and you mention your friend, imagine your surprise when the ace asks “you mean the one you’re dating?”
“What are yo- oh!” You start laughing at that and explain that your friend and you had only been messing around
He’s sprinting to tell you how he feels and is in literal tears, when you say you feel the same way
Akaashi is going to be such a caring and considerate boyfriend, though he’s also going to be very clingy whenever you’re around that friend… not that you mind <3
Kenma Kozume
He hears it and freezes and at first, his brain doesn’t want to process what he heard
But as soon as it sinks in, he’s shoving his face in his game screen and trying to pretend that it doesn’t matter
He won’t straight up ignore you, but it’s obvious he’s distancing himself from your friendship. Short answers to any questions you ask, zero eye contact, and it’s like he’s shrinking in on himself whenever you’re around
Obviously this upsets you as much as him, and in response you end up hanging around your “girlfriend” more
Kenma sees you hangout with your friend more and only ends up feeling like he’s fully lost you :(
Kuroo being the observant, kind friend that he is, decides he’s going to give the person who played with his friends heart some very special words
He finds your club room and listening into you’re conversation, discovers you trying to figure out what you should do about your crush on Kenma, when it seems like he doesn’t even want you around
He hears your friend say “well sweetie, maybe you need to just tell him~”
It clicks with Kuroo pretty fast that this is a misunderstanding; the teasing tilt to your friends voice and the fact that you literally just said you liked Kenma?
Kenma ends up almost not confessing when he finds out, he feels like a jerk for acting the way he did
But after some convincing from Kuroo, Kenma grabs your hand and squeezing his eyes shut, with his head down, tells you he likes you
Biggest blush when you tell him you like him back, and if it’s possible, gets more flustered when you ask him if this means your dating and tells you yes
Kuroo’s so proud, he takes credit for getting you two together whenever he can
Oikawa Toruu
He’s like “no… because I like them… so they can’t date.. someone else..”
It hurts
It really hurts, and all he wants to do is run up to you and tell you he is so much better then them
But he barely even knows your friend and how could he possibly say that if you’re smiling and laughing, poking the sides of the person who’s making you happy
Oikawa is forcing a happy smile on his face, walking over, and congratulating you and your partner
Except you’re laughing harder when he tells you how lucky you are to be dating someone who makes you so happy
And he can feel his insecurities bubbling up inside him, all while his confusion for your continued laughter grows
But then he here’s your next words
“I- no offense,” you’re barely holding it together when you glance at your friend. “But I’d never date you-”
Hearing these words, which you somehow managed to wheeze out, Oikawa almost falls to his knees to thank whatever god out there for being on his side
His mood has done a complete 180 and as smoothly as he can, is asking you out he’s going for it right now after that heart attack
Is absolutely so smug about you saying yes, and will be parading your relationship around that friend (they’re either really confused or find it really amusing how your boyfriend could be worried about them trying something)
He’s just really happy though, okay? Please, he’s in so deep, he’ll stop being so obnoxious around that friend if you ask
Sugawara Koushi
He can’t breathe for a moment. It’s like everything stops and all he can do is stare at you
The heartbreak he feels as he watches the scene in front of him is honestly too much to take
Suga just walks out
He can’t stay and watch that. He doesn’t want to cry in front of you and than burst out crying that he’s in love with you when you’re dating someone else
He wonders if he’ll be able to face you again, especially when he’s breaking down over just hearing the news of you dating some other friend
Nearly doesn’t hear you shouting his name as you run after him
Only stops when he feels your hand on his shoulder and sees your concerned face come into his line of sight
Try’s to hide his tear stained face by turning away but it’s too late
“Koushi, whats wrong?”
You sound so worried and now he feels like a garbage friend, of course your gonna be freaked out after he runs out and ignores you telling him you’re dating someone
“Sorry, you just surprised me… I didn’t realize how emotional I would get finding out my friend was dating someone,” he has to pause to take a deep breath. “I’m really happy for you though.”
He’s trying so hard and you kinda realize what’s going on
“Sorry to burst your happy bubble then,” you chuckle, grabbing his hands. “But I was just joking around with them, I actually like someone else. Umm, he’s really cute and considerate, and worrying me a bit… I just hope he’s okay though.” Saying this, you pull one hand away to wipe the fresh tears falling from Suga’s eyes
Disbelief filling him, he can only stare at your embarrassed state and wonder how you can make him feel so much
It takes awhile, but with a watery laugh he confesses his feelings and asks if you’d take him as your boyfriend
He’s never gonna stop telling you and anyone who’ll listen, how lucky he is :,)
Atsumu Miya
Is shocked when he hears you say that you and your boyfriend are gonna go on a date later
He doesn’t take the time to process your joking tone
Is steering clear of you and if he does see you? He’s turning the other way without a word
Atsumu has a lot of pride, and he was not going to let you see him in this vulnerable state
He feels guilty about his avoidance when he sees the confused and hurt look on your face as he ignores you trying to talk to him
It’s like at every turn you’re their to make him feel worse about what he’s doing, and when he notices a lack of you he realizes you must’ve stopped trying to talk to him
You giving him space leads to Atsumu feeling worse about it
Him and you dating had seemed so inevitable to him, so he can’t help but feel cheated
And he’s not sure what he’s supposed to do, get over his feelings? Is that what would fix things?
He really misses you, it’s been two weeks and he’s a mess
Samu knows his brother is stupid sometimes, so he tells him to talk to you… and that he’s a dumb ass who misinterpreted the whole situation
He’s so mad for depriving himself of time with you
At this point he could care less if he’s dating you, he was bound to stop and find a way to make peace with just being your friend anyway
But that doesn’t mean he isn’t confessing right after Samu tells him of his mistake
And Atsumu knows he’s never gonna take you for granted after what he just went through
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Sing to me: JJK x Reader 🔞
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Mermaid AU, Siren!Jungkook, Prince!Jungkook, homeless!Reader, Romance,  Smut duh
Wordcount: 5k (medium)
Tags/Warnings: okay so, spoiled kook, possessive kook, Theres literally an attempted murder lol, drowning? whoops, blood oh no, reader is hella fucking dense ok, biting, courting lol, fish boy is in love, whoops, anyways we got sexy times too, because in this AU fishboy got legs n all of that hah, unprotected sex because, guys pls this ain't supposed to he realistic, wrap it before you tap it folks, its also not all that filthy lol, blink and you'll miss the scene, honestly I didn't include much smut because yall nasty so you will ask for dirty drabbles anyways, not that I mind lol, k I'm done I think, wow mom I've sinned less than usual..
Summary: Help me love myself, and I might learn to love you as well.
Or alternatively: you save Jungkook from being killed, and he totally gets the wrong signals. But he's cute, so its fine. Probably.
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Jungkook is floating.
He thinks about what lies above the waves, and cant think of anything he really finds interesting. The surface is littered in junk, in things humans leave behind without thinking twice about it. It's air is thick and stuffy, hard to breathe and never clear at all. It's crowded, with creatures who at the end of the day all look the same in his eyes. There's nothing exciting about the world people walk on.
Its boring, and dirty.
His own home is, compared to that, a kingdom radiating like the moon itself. It shines and sparkles, and harbors some of the most beautiful creatures ever to be found. He and his family, as well as everyone else, live in peace with nature down underneath the waves, existing side by side instead of trying to gain the upper hand all the time.
And he's reminded of the cruelty of man, when he finds himself caught in a net.
He's somehow made the fishermen drop it instead of pulling him up on their boat. But that doesn't mean he's free- he's still struggling with it, fighting it, but he cant rip it apart. All he does really, is tie the knots tighter, have them dig into his skin until spots are rubbed raw. He can't really swim anywhere at this point, gives up as he can see the last lights of his distant home fade into the distance.
Jungkook is floating.
He's slowly being led by the waves, by the love of wind and waters, as he closes his eyes. Its a pity, really; for a prince held so high to die by the mere hands of the poor, he thinks. It's upsetting him, very much so, but he takes it as it is. There's nothing he can do anyways, as he slowly comes into contact with the sand below. It washes him up onto short, the dry sand sticking to his body, waves pushing him higher and higher onto the ground.
He shivers, the cold outside air biting at his skin now unsheltered and defenseless.
He doesn't know how long he lays there.
But at some point, steps are heard on the sand. He keeps his eyes closed, doesn't care about what will happen next- he really just wants to have it be over by now, the ropes already painfully burning his skin at certain spots. He's sure theres sand in his wounds as something touches him- warm fingers, hesitant, and almost shy.
He keeps his eyes closed.
"My god, I hate humans.." You mutter under your breath, your voice hitting his ears, making him notice the way it sounds. He thinks it sounds very similar to some of his kind; sirens being blessed with voices sweet and enchanting. Maybe you were one of the strays who had decided to live on the surface for some reason? But your smell was entirely human, although much sweeter and pleasant than anyone he'd met before. And then, after a small short moment of pain-
He's free.
His arms flop to his side, and he breathes in deeply- finally able to fully move again. His eyes open, and adjust to the night for a moment, before they meet yours.
How interesting.
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"Jungkook?" Jimin asks him, curious to what has gotten the young Siren so occupied. Typically, Jungkook would be watching the annual kingdom dances with at least some form of interest; even if it was just a glimpse of it, just to make his parents worry less about him misbehaving. But today, as the graceful dancers move around to the orchestra playing, the young prince is absolutely not there. At least not mentally. "Jungkook." The older one scolds, getting Jungkooks attention- his gaze hard and annoyed. "Please, young prince- at least try to pretend you're interested. This is after all part of our culture." He strategically uses his title as teasing- something which makes Jungkook snort without any fun.
"I really don't want to be here." He explains, and Jimin sighs. "I'd rather be at the surface.." He mumbles, being careful not to be too loud- but Jimin does pick it up, and so does his partner, Taehyung, next to him- now leaning a bit forward to hear better.
"Oh?" Jimin asks. "What could be of interest there, I wonder?" He teases, and Jungkook grows even more irritated.
"Nothing that should interest a whore like you." He says harshly, though Jimin knows he means no harm with it. Jimin is, after all, a man who enjoys the simple pleasures in life- which is why he can't quite grasp why Jungkook, a young man in his prime like himself, doesn't seem to care about whats going on around him.
"Hm, but I think she must be absolutely divine if you're willing to risk the wrath of your own mother just to see her." He says, and Taehyung snickers next to him, clearly amused.
But to both of their surprise, Jungkook grows.. calm. Theres even a glimpse of a smile on his lip as he rests his head on his head, elbow on the armrest of his throne. "That she is." He says, quietly, as he watches the young woman in front of him. He has to imagine you there instead, moving oh so gracefully to the sounds of his Kingdom's greatest musicians- dressed in the most beautiful gown he'd gift you. "That she is.." He repeats, a dreaming look on his face that Jimin has not seen before.
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Jungkook watches you.
He enjoys watching you on your daily trips to the beach, picking up cans and bottles, and other things people throw away without care. You're cleaning up the beach, and he thinks its a very good behavior- he likes the way you always carefully scan the ground and sides for any garbage. He swims a little closer as he spots you squatting down; eyes lighting up as you pick up a shell he'd personally not care much for. It's slightly pink- but nothing he hasn't seen in his life. They're so common, and he suddenly thinks that if this already makes you happy, what if he was to bring you something else? Something better, something more worth your attention?
He feels a rush of excitement.
Dashing into the opposite direction, he makes his way towards the ground below, eyes scanning the ground as he searches for something. He spots it after a few minutes of searching, but when he holds the pearl, he hesitates.
Its not enough.
No, that's not what you should get. He's only paying back his dept, yeah, that's what he's doing. But what if he was overdoing it by bringing you something too expensive or rare? No, he should be smart about it, yeah. Start small, and work your way up he thinks, as he takes the pearls he's collected while deep in thought, and pushes himself back to the top, swimming easily. He hopes you're still there-
And there you are, dipping your feet into the water.
He looks at what he can see; only able to see clearly underneath the waves rather than above. There's a bracelet hanging around your ankle, and it looks cheap, he thinks. It only helps him by giving him ideas for his next gifts- if you would accept his first, that is. He's never been rejected before, but then again, has always rejected instead. Nothing had interested him to the extend you did. Maybe you really were of his kind, secretly.
When he slowly brings his head up the waves, you don't get scared, or flinch. You simply look, spot him, and smile.
He likes that expression.
He comes closer, free hand helping him onto the stone you sit on, his hand holding your gift eagerly pushing against yours. You understand quickly, and open them, and he smiles. You're smart, he notes, and it only adds to your qualities, he thinks. Dropping the pearls, your eyes sparkle again- as they should, he thinks with pride. You inspect them with big eyes, as if you've never seen something alike. He enjoys your reaction- and you nod at him. "Thank you- are they for me to keep?" You ask, pointing to them, and then at your chest. He's not fully fluent in human language, but has picked up on some words and phrases, since Seokjin had recently strayed- teaching him some stuff whenever he got bored and visited his younger brother.
So Jungkook nods. "You." He says, and you like the sound of his voice; fittingly just as handsome as the rest of him, you think. But then again- his kind is known for its beauty and enchanting voices. "Keep." He tells you, pushing your closed palm a bit closer to your body as if to underline his statement. You think its cute, in a way.
"Okay." You say. "I'll keep them-?" You ask, and he doesn't understand, until you point to yourself, and say a name- yours, he supposes.
"Ah-" He starts, pointing to himself. "Jungkook. Jeon, Jungkook." He tells you, and you nod, smiling.
"It's nice to meet you, Jeon Jungkook." You smile, and he grins back, slightly sharpened canines in stark contrast with his bunny-like smile.
He thinks its nice to meet you too.
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"But you're a witch, aren't you?" Jungkook argues, staring at Taehyung. "I thought you were all so capable." He challenges, and Taehyungs eyes darken- quite literally, since sea witches do technically have black eyes- but conceal them, as to not scare off people. He regains his composure however when Jimins hand lays on his shoulder.
"Now now, no need to become huffy." He says. "He didn't say he can't do it- he simply told you that its not that easy." He explains, and Jungkook sighs, rolling his eyes. Ever the spoiled prince, they think to themselves.
"I don't care about that." He states. "Can you do it, or can you not?" He asks, and Taehyung thinks for a moment.
"I.." He begins, before he sighs. "I can. But, there's a catch, Jungkook." He tells him, and this time, the youngest of the group seems just as serious as he listens. "I can't promise that.. the result will be what you will expect." He says.
"What do you mean?" Jungkook asks.
"There's a chance she won't survive it."
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He doesn't think much about why you're so often sitting on that rocky structure close to the deep- he likes not having to get out of the water to be close to you. And you think, Jungkook is quite the interesting being.
He’s curious; that much you can tell. His hands rest on your knees, your toes sometimes brushing against his abdomen as he swims closer- face coming forward to properly look at you. His vision must be bad outside of the waters you assume, his brown eyes squinting in concentration until he huffs and let’s himself back into the waters. You chuckle, and simply take off your jacket, slipping into the water as well as you control your breath- his entire face brightening at your body now underwater in his world, finally clear to see for his eyes.
You’re pretty, he thinks, definitely prettier than any other human he’d encountered before. The clothes covering your breasts and private parts a bit dull and boring for his taste- but he’d change that soon. He smiles, happy, before holding up his finger as if to signal for you to wait before he swims away, elegantly and fast. You swim up to breath some air, catch your breath, until there’s a hand around your calf, holding, fingers running over the skin, signaling you to come down again. You follow his question, taking a deep breath to meet him underneath the surface; his excited hands wrapping something around your neck, before he swims in circles as if he’s suddenly got too much energy. You point to yourself, as if to ask if you can keep it- and he nods, wide eyes watching you with a smile that you can’t help but mirror.
You don't quite realize what he's doing.
He however thinks you know. You know that he's courting you, and you're interested in him. You know that he's just given you more than a simple gift. He only believes you're letting him work for it- something he happily does, taking on the challenge as always. He swims closer, holds your shoulders, as his eyes look into yours, his gaze happy and child-like almost. He's close to finally showing you affection- but you suddenly swim to the surface instead.
And even though he knows you only wanted to breathe, he can't help but feel slightly sour at the ruined moment.
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"You're awfully happy these days." His mother says, watching her son in the gardens of the palace. "May I ask what has gotten you in such a bright mood?" She asks, and Jungkook doesn't quite know how to break it to her. He knows its not forbidden, knows it has, and does, happen each and every day it seems- but there's still fear inside of him. Theres still hesitation, even though he is not ashamed of what has happened- of what he has done. His mother however notices. "You know you can trust me, right?" She says, and he nods.
Its now or never.
"I've found a mate." He says, and his mother smiles warmly, holding his cheek as she kisses it in congratulation. "Its a human." He says, quietly, hurried- but his mother continues to smile.
"I have suspected as much." She states. "Your friend- Park Jimin- is not very good at talking quietly." She snickers, and Jungkook curses under his breath about how he wants to strangle him. Theres a huge weight lifted off of him however; finally having said it, made it very real to him, in a way- even though it was already.
Because, after all; you were wearing his kingdom's sigil around your neck already. He had claimed you.
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He's restless the next time he swims to the shore to meet you again- eager to see you to give you the news of his family's acceptance.
You're late- later than usual, and his brows are furrowed, mood upset at your mannerism. You're usually always on time, always just as eager to see him he thinks- but this time, you're not there. After his anger however, he grows increasingly worried instead. What if something had happened to you instead? Oh what a bad person he would be to be mad at you for getting into an unfortunate situation. As guilt slowly makes his way into his body, claims his muscles, he moves to sit on the stone he usually finds you on. He tries to look around- rain on his skin making it possible to be out way more comfortably.
He spots movement above.
Theres a person he can't make out- throwing something off the cliff down into the sea, and Jungkook clicks his tongue in anger, already upset- but still curious on what it was the person had been so eager to discard. Typically, its tiny things or plastic he finds- but this is something else, he knows.
Underwater, he smells blood.
His pupils contract, eyes widening, as he spots the black bag slowly making its way to the bottom of the sea- red trail leading from it. Its not the blood however that makes him frantic- its the smell of it, of you, that stops his heart.
He gets you out the bag, his anger over the entire situation diminishing into nothing as he holds you close, eyes spotting the deep cut on your side, and the scratches on your face. Unsure where to bring you, he holds you close, brings you onto his back as one of his hands hold yours, your arms around his neck. He swims quickly to the only place he knows you can breathe.
The underwater cave is big enough for now, he thinks, as he brings your body onto the ground, out the water. He doesn't notice he's crying, doesn't quite speak, his native language of clicking sounds and little noises escaping him as he whines out for your attention, waiting for you to wake up somehow. He's been so invested in making you like him and accept him that he's got no idea what to do with a human. Are you cold? How can he warm you up? How does he stop bleeding wounds? How much can you bleed before you die? Are you already dying?
Jungkook doesn't know what to do. So he simply lays by your side, holding you close, in hopes his slightly higher body temperature can keep you warm.
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"He's doing the best he can-" Jimin says, Seokjin next to Taehyung as they both lean over your body. Both witches are concentrated, already exhausted, but there's no way they're giving up on you now. Not only because you're important to Jungkook- but because no one deserves to simply die like this.
"I know, I know!" Jungkook huffs out, pupils turned into cat like slits- a clear sign of the absolute terror and chaos inside of him. "What if they're best isn't good enough? Jimin, I can't loose her, you don't understand-" He starts, but Jimin holds the younger one's shoulders, for the first time serious with him.
"I do." He glances at Taehyung. Jimin had saved Taehyung before as well- the young sea witch having been hit by a fisherman's harpoon years ago. Ever since then, Jimin had been attached to the witch like glue. "Trust me, I really do. And they're doing all they can to make sure she's going to be fine." He promises, and Jungkook nods.
All he can do is pray.
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When you wake up, there's several things you notice.
First, you're alive. Having a raging headache, and your limbs and muscles feel horribly tender, but you're alive. There's also strings of rope tied to two rock formations acting like a clothing line, several blankets and clothes hanging from it. They don't look human-made to you- the fabrics and designs not something you would think of as regular. There's a bucket and several stained rags- now copper-brown with old blood. Its then that you look down, seeing your cut sewed shut.
You also notice its rather soft underneath you.
Its sheepskin laid over seaweed you notice- the whool soft and fluffy, and warm. Everything seems to be so thoughtfully placed, even some decorative items- you can spot fireflies casually sitting in a jar close by, and burned wood, probably to . Probably to make light during the night. You're tired however, so you simply lay down again. Quite honestly, surely you should fee worried about the situation- but then again, there was no one to miss you, no place you called your home anyways. No use in worrying- because deep down, you had your suspicion.
A Jungkook swims to the surface with the plastic box in his arms, he's careful not to throw it too hard onto the ground. As he steps out the water, he's sure to at least try and his his hands of most the water before he goes to check on the blankets he had brought this early morning. They've dried enough, he notices, and is glad about that, as he picks one up.
You don't have to be cold anymore, he thinks.
He's unnaturally careful for his typical character- his usual behavior quite the opposite as it was now. Now, he's making sure you're properly tucked in, as he notices your eyes watching him.
He freezes, for a moment.
Jungkook hasn't really thought much about what would happen if you were to wake up- after all, Seokjin had told him he was unsure if you were to wake up this early in the first place, and Taehyung didn't even know if you would wake up at all. He'd told his younger brother to be prepared for any reaction really; fear, confusion, maybe even anger. But you seem calm, curious even, and Jungkook decides to sit down in front of your face, waiting.
"You brought me here, right?" You ask, and he nods, eyes not leaving your form.
"You-.. hurt." He points to the spot where your wound had been. "Also hurt." His hand points to your head. "Brothers, helped." He informs you, and you smile, nodding at his words. He suddenly looks at the ground, mumbling. "I.. worried. Thought... you, dying." He tells you, and you sit up slowly again, keeping the blanket around your shoulders.
"I'm not dead though." You say, and he nods. "Thank you, Jungkook. Now we're even." You say, and he tilts his head in confusion- a mannerism you could only think of as cute. "I saved you- you saved me." You say, and he smiles, nodding.
"I-" He starts, leaning forward a bit, now way more energetic and lighthearted as before. "I- we-" He growls a little in frustration, and you cant help but giggle at his troubles- the chirps and clicks escaping him foreign- but somehow, they feel hazy, as if your mind knows the language, but has forgotten what it meant. He's trying so hard you notice, and appreciate. "You like here?" He asks, and points around. You nod, and he beams at you. "I made." He tells you, proudly so.
"I guessed as much. Its very thoughtful of you, thank you." You say, and he nods, happy you like what he did for you. Its not a permanent solution, obviously, but as soon as you're healed well enough, he already planned a new spot for you to come with him.
You just don't know it yet.
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There's a weird feeling inside of you.
It's like homesickness, you think. Every time you look at the waters, you feel- sad? It's making you uneasy, and with every day passing by, it just gets worse and worse. But it's today, that you cant take it.
When you dip your legs into the water, it soothes an ache you can't recognize ever having. It helps your skin, it somehow feels as if you're breathing again. But It's not enough, you think- before you let yourself fall into the deep end.
You're floating.
It's like leaving a stuffy and crowded mall, just to stand in a park, fresh air after it had rained, and light breeze clearing your head. Everything is silent, but not at the same time- the water around you feeling as if you're being hugged, held. It makes you relax, makes you let go, makes you only exist for a moment.
You're floating.
And there's a sudden wave of realization that you're also breathing. There's no water in your lungs- or maybe there is, and you just don't feel it being there. Darkness surrounds you as you don't know where you are exactly- theres no telling where is where, no way to know if you're upright or not. Maybe you've died?
Did you drown?
If you did, it would explain Jungkook being there. He's swimming towards you with a face full of worry, as he grabs your wrist and holds you close. "I can't even let you out of my sight for a mere day it seems, my love." He sighs, and your eyes widen. Its almost comedic how his own do the same, focusing on your neck, as he touches.
You're sensitive, and shift away from his touch.
"It-" He starts, now holding your shoulders, as he begins to smile. "It worked! It really did- by the dragon kind, you look absolutely divine!" He laughs, and can't help but hold your hands, eyes roaming your appearance, as you don't quite get it- until you follow his gaze.
Just like him, there's fins now on the sides of your calfs, smaller ones on your ankles as well. Theres also ones decorating your outer forearms- they look like the ones you'd always see on goldfish as a kid. There's something alike to scales as well, but barely noticable. "I- what happened to me?" You ask, and Junkook smiles.
"You.. almost died." He admits, taking your hand and swimming to what you assume is back towards the cave. "You had been robbed during the day, and when I found you.. well, you know what happened." He says. "While you were asleep, we were thinking about what to do. There was no way you would survive as a human- so, a friend of mine- Taehyung- performed a ritual, together with Seokjin, my brother." He says. You finally spot light, glad to be able to have at least some form of orientation. "I'm glad you're adjusting so quickly, my love." He states, smiling at you.
You notice the petname again.
"Jungkook-" You start, as you both reach the cave again, sitting on the edge of where the ground of the cave meets the water. "Why are you.. calling me that?" You ask, and Jungkook seems confused.
"Why do you ask?" He questions. And you don't quite follow, until he continues. "You're my mate- I am only addressing you as such."
Your eyes widen. "Wait- we're-" You start, and its only then that it clicks in Jungkooks head.
"Oh." He says- the dissapointment bitter and evident in his voice. "You.. didn't know?" He asks, and you shake your head, unsure what he means. "I see.." He tells you, suddenly distant. "I.. will bring you breakfast tomorrow.. sleep well." He abruptly says, and before you can say anything, he's already gone.
What just happened?
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"There you are!" A voice says, deeper than Jungkooks, but not unfamiliar. Taehyung had been visiting and bringing you food and nescessities ever since that talk with Jungkook. This time, however, Taehyung seems like he wants to say something. You look at him, silently urging him, and he sits down next to you, sighing.
"Does he hate me?" You ask, quietly, and Taehyung looks sad.
"He could never." He says. "He just.. didn't take the rejection well. He'll need time to come around. It won't take that much time- his mother is already trying to get a new partner for him." He explains, and your head whips around towards him. "I- you.. did reject him, right?" He asks, slowly. "You do.. not love him, right?" He urges again, and you groan suddenly, throwing your face into your hands.
"Oh my god I'm so stupid.." You say. "It all.. everything was so overwhelming, I didn't even notice what he was doing." You cry into your hands, as Taehyungs hand places itself onto your back, trying to soothe you. "I though.. especially after I found out about his status.." You mumble. "How could he want me?" You ask, and Taehyung sighs.
"Head up, little siren." He says. "He's still able to hear you sing, if you want to." He says, and you look at him.
"But how?" You say. "I have no idea where the kingdom, or anything really is. And he won't come see me until its too late." You say.
"Well-" Taehyung says, standing up, and holding out his hand. "-allow me to escort the future princess to her lover."
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"How did you find me?" He simply asks, not turning around, as you float closer. "I'm sorry, but I still need time to.. get over-" He starts, but you don't let him finish, instead leaning into his back, your arms around his middle.
"I'm stupid." You say. "I'm really, really stupid." He shakes his head, but you continue. "Just because I didn't realize- doesn't mean that I don't feel anything for you." You say. "I just.. felt unworthy, I guess. Insignificant." You admit, and he turns around, holding your face in his hands.
"You really are not gifted with the mind of the dragons king, my love." He states teasingly, the glimmer in his eyes returning. "My status means nothing to me, if that meant I could not have you." He says, and you lean forward, capturing his lips. "I hope you know what this meant, at least." He teases, and your eyes widen, scared you might've done something wrong. "It means you love me." He says, and you chuckle.
"Good." You say. "Because I do."
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Even though he thinks you looked like a goddess reborn in your white and pearl decorated gown from the wedding, he enjoys you without it, close to him, just as much. He's alive, he's feeling, he's in love, as his hands move over your skin, his senses filled with you and nothing else.
The sounds you make for him are sweeter than any siren's song he's ever heard or could ever sing himself. No member of his kind is as enchanting as you, he decides, as he bites and kisses the sensitive skin of your neck. Jimin had teased him relentlessly the entire evening and night by trying to send you sweet words, to which you didn't react- but that didn't mean that it didn't piss him off.
You were his.
His princess- and soon to be queen, one day.
And he's planning on making that very evident, as he marks up your skin with little bites, visible for everyone to see. He wants everyone to know, even though by tomorrow, the entire Kingdom will celebrate the marriage of its prince anyways. He's more than ready to show you off, to hold you close, to have people see the divine being at his side that's you.
It's only natural for his hands to roam your skin, for his lips to worhip every inch it seems, as you reach out for his hand every second it leaves you. It's painfully endearing he thinks, how you can be so innocent and pure, while he's between your legs, performing the sinful act of pleasuring you with his mouth.
You pull him towards you, as you straddle his waist, leaning down to kiss him. He's in god's divine lands he thinks, as he suddenly feels you sinking down on his awaiting length. You fit around him perfectly, more so than he could've ever imagined. And as you both move, he holds you close, happy that here, in his world, he doesn't need to breathe.
He can kiss you as long as he wants.
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(c)Bonny-Kookoo. I spilled strawberry milk on my poor laptop while writing this.
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taeescript · 3 years
29+1 (Part One)
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𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰: In which Seokjin is the Devil from The Devil Wears Prada, Taehyung is your work Jesus and Jimin is your handsome successful brother. 
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: seokjin x reader (taehyung x reader if you squint real hard) 
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: slice of life; ceo!seokjin (diva!seokjin)
𝔴𝔠: 3.6k
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: heavy use of alcohol as a coping mechanism, a plethora of sarcasm (please don’t be offended) and a sprinkle of softness (is that a warning?). 
𝔞/𝔫: this sat in my unwritten folder since 2017 no lie. I wrote the premise and a singular paragraph at that time, then just gave up. I opened it a few days ago, got inspired again and this word vomit came out (heavily influenced by a midnight Zoom call with my friends). Ngl this was so much fun to write, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. This will probably be in three parts.  𝔡𝔦𝔰𝔠𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔯: I did not know that DailyHive is an actual online news source when writing. This work is purely fictional and has absolutely nothing to do with the real DailyHive. 
part two
Your friends have a saying: After 29, nobody shares their age until they’ve accomplished something. 
In the past, you didn’t understand it. What’s so bad about saying you’re 30 or you’re 32? That’s still a young age! Sure, you’re not exactly in your prime anymore but you’re not old, right?
So, you continue in your own wondrous world of naïveté until that fateful day at your class reunion. You had simply been walking around, minding your own business when you had been stopped by an old colleague.
“Hey, Y/N, right?” she waves you down. 
You smile kindly, not even bothering to try and remember her name (you sucked at names, what could you say). 
“Hey…you!” you chuckle lightly, “How have you been doing?” 
An everyday question leading to catastrophic effects. 
“Oh you know,” she says and rolls her eyes as if you truly did know, “I’ve just been out and about. Did I tell you though? I got married last year!” She holds out her hand in which a giant diamond adorns her finger. “Wow!” you gasp, feigning interest. It’s not that you aren’t happy for her, but you are reminded of just how single you are currently. When was the last time you felt another human’s touch? Does kissing come back as easily as riding a bicycle? “Hey!” she says suddenly, “I’m actually meeting with a couple of friends from our class. You should come join! I’m sure they’d be happy to see you again!” You want to wave her off, but against your better judgment, you find yourself following in her footsteps and listening to her speak about wedding venues and honeymoon destinations.
“Oh my god!” another female voice filters in.
The “couple of friends” this old classmate had mentioned is in fact a fairly impressive size of twenty. This is also the third time the wedding announcement has been made. 
“Last year?” the female continues, “Weren’t you young?”
Yes, you want to respond. Yes she was young. A full 365 days younger than she is now.
Your classmate, Sooyoung (or Kiko as she insists going by now) titters in front of you. “I mean, you can sort of say I’m a late bloomer. I got married when I was 31.”
Her words unintentionally cut into you. Here you are at 29 without a beau in sight. You take a fast swig of your beer and end up hitting the empty glass with a clink to your teeth. Nobody notices.
“Enough about me, however, how about you?”
“I started my own business actually. It’s been doing really well and it’s been a crazy mind. Imagine me, my own boss at only 33!”
You nervously join them when they suddenly laugh together.  
“Hi, can I get another pint please? Actually add a tequila shot to that,” you whisper the last part to the waitress you had just stopped.
And that was how the rest of the night went. People asking one another what they had accomplished. Any moment in time after 30 would not be mentioned until somebody travelled to Uganda to build houses at 31 or another gave birth at the same age. Below 30, anything would be attributed to luck or in your case…
“What are you doing currently?” somebody asks you, “The little baby of our class.”
Swallowing your third tequila shot of the night, you wonder for the umpteenth time how you had become a part of this giant sharing circle. You wonder if it’s a blessing or a curse that you had graduated a little early and thus was younger than most of your peers.
“Well,” you start, “I’m currently working at DailyHive.”
“Ohh!” a man gushes. You recognize him as the once-upon-a-time science partner you used to cheat notes off of. “I use DailyHive nearly as much as Instagram these days. You guys cover everything from news to sports to fashion.”
You shrug. “Yeah. It’s, uh… it’s a pretty big company!”
“What are you doing there?”
Kiko-ex-Sooyoung hits the man teasingly on the shoulder. “Y/N is probably the Director of Marketing or something. Remember how she used to spend all class doodling in her notebook?”
“Or sleeping!” someone quips.
You don’t join in when they all laugh.
“I’m…an intern,” you say with as much pride as you can in a group of established professionals ranging from dermatologists to that one guy who had flown around the world as a TedTalk guest speaker.
A hushed silence befalls everyone.
“That’s…cool!” the same man encourages you, “Interns are totally rad! Everyone wants an intern spot these days.”
His girlfriend pats your arm, almost empathetically. “Yeah. I know a bunch of people who first start off as interns and then they shoot up the ladder quick enough. As long as you’re no longer an intern at 30, you’re golden!”
Once again, the entire group laughs as if she has said the most hilarious of jokes.
She composes herself and says to you, “Because after that, you should have accomplished something.”
Her words still ring in your ears as you sit at your desk this morning.
Yeah…something. All you need to do is accomplish something in the next three months before you are officially, 29 + 1.
Your fingers tap against your thighs silently while you observe the current debate that is occurring in the conference room. You barely have time to sweep the falling hair back behind your ear as your fingers ferociously fly across the keyboard to keep in track with the meeting.
Fei is arguing that the implement of a new search word system would boost users while Daniel says that it is a waste of resources. Instead, everything should be put into updating the entire system as a whole. You have long since lost track of their words as neither pertain to what you do as an intern.
“Enough,” the CEO of DailyHive holds up a hand. His one word causes the entire room to hush over – truly, the words of a god.
And that might as well be what he is. With his hair swept back and a lone tendril curling perfectly above his brow, Kim Seokjin is legitimately a walking god. Off his broad shoulders hang an expensive white linen suit bought with his pocket change and your yearly salary. A pair of sunglasses hangs in the V of the collared shirt dipping low enough to blur the lines between being fashionably professional and just downright sexy.
The snap of his fingers brings you back to the present.
He dramatically rolls his eyes and accepts that you are an incompetent minute-taker.  
“I have to remember that the world just doesn’t move as fast as I do.”  
                                                            - Quote: Rolling Stones 2019 Kim Seokjin.
Now if only he’d remember he had once said that.
He points at each of them with one finger, then swipes to the left. “Both of you, solve this outside. I don’t want to hear your voices any longer. You two from the marketing team, Ungroomed Stache and Acne Chin, create me a report if we are to implement Ms. Song’s idea. The two of you from…” he takes a pause here clearly having forgotten who his employees are, “The two of you do the same thing but for Mr. Hwang.”
The pair from accounting open their mouth to protest that they are in charge of only numbers, but they are ignored.
“All of you out now. Except you,” he points his finger directly at you, “Stay.”
Nobody utters a single word until they have all left and you are left alone with him. Standing before him with your hands folded nicely in front of you, you blink and wait.
He stares right back at you, picks up his coffee mug and drops it. The clatter of ceramic smashing against the ground causes a pause in the loud buzz outside the room. You know everybody’s focus has been shifted into the room.
“Do you want to kill me?” he drawls.
You take a long inhale. “No,” you say.
“No?” he repeats the word, “Well I think you do. Did you check this coffee before you brought it to me? I tasted cinnamon in it. You know how I’m allergic to cinnamon. Get me a new cup. And this mess, get somebody to clean it. I don’t want the smell of coffee in this room when I have my next meeting here in twenty. I’m taking a smoke a break.”
He stands up and brushes past you without saying anything else.
Nobody can be allergic to cinnamon. Besides if he had actually tasted cinnamon and was that sensitive, he would be dead. And good riddance to that.
Of course, you say none of this and wordlessly begin to pick up the broken ceramic pieces of the dead mug. The bustling outside the meeting room has returned back to its normal state of chaos. Seeing the ugly stain of coffee on the once pristine carpet causes you to swear beneath your breath.
“Who the fuck is allergic to cinnamon?” a new voice says, sliding up beside you.  
The second god in DailyHive; the much nicer and evidently preferred Kim; Taehyung takes the mug pieces from you and drops it into the garbage bin.
Blessed with not only intelligence but devilishly model-like features, he is your desk buddy in the small space allotted for interns and your sole friend in the company.
“Tae,” you sigh with exasperation upon seeing your lifesaver, “What am I going to do about this stain? He’s going to return in fifteen and there’s no way I can get a coffee stain out of this expensive-ass carpet.”
Taehyung taps a long finger to his lips, leaves the room briefly, and returns with a roll of Bounty sheets and a can of Febreze. He promptly blots as much of the coffee off from the carpet then proceeds to pull the meeting table.
“C’mon, Y/N, don’t just stand there. Help me! Time is of the essence!”
You laugh and join him in moving the table so that one of the legs cover the stain 80% of the way. Once he is satisfied, he takes the Febreze and sprays until the whole room smells like “Hawaiian Aloha”.
“You’re welcome.” He gives an extravagant bow, the motion popping open the top button of his shirt to expose a surprisingly chiseled chest.
Fei returns back into the room holding a phone to her ear and a clipboard in her left hand. “What the hell? It smells like a Bath & Body Works in here. Intern, aren’t you supposed to be filing or something? Stop standing around and be useful.” She grips Taehyung’s arm and drags him out of the room. “Button up. This is a professional workplace.”
You give him a tiny wave as Taehyung is steered away by his girlfriend and back to the cubicles.
Taehyung may be your saviour at work, but outside, it cannot be denied that your brother is the true Fountain of Life.
A week has passed since the coffee incident (you suspect a cleaning personnel had found the stain and cleaned up after your improv as aforementioned stain can no longer be found), but Jimin still brings it up.
“I still can’t believe that he said he was allergic to cinnamon. I’ve never heard of such bullshit before,” your brother says over the phone. You can practically hear his eyeroll from across the world.
As a renowned ophthalmologist, you have not seen Jimin for close to a year as he has been initiating his new clinic, a flying eye hospital.
“You should hear his Starbucks order. I always feel like I’m ready to launch my next EP whenever I’m at the counter,” you say.
Jimin laughs. There is the muffled sounds of voices as his never-ending flow of patients have arrived for the day.
“I shouldn’t keep you,” you say upon hearing that, “You’re probably really busy.”
“No,” he says, “I’ve got a few minutes if you’ve got a few. I miss talking to my baby sister.”
“I’m not a baby anymore, Jiminie,” you say using the nickname he hated.
“Oh that’s right. Your birthday’s in a little under three months, right? My baby sister is turning the big three-oh.”
“God, don’t remind me.”
“Want me to come visit you?”
You contemplate the idea once, having not seen Jimin in quite a while.
“Only if you have time. But I feel like Mom and Dad would probably want to see you more. Speaking of which, um… How are Mom and Dad?”
“They’re good. I hear Dad is finally going to retire this year. He’s giving his practice to Kibum, you remember him? Mom will probably start pestering us about what to do for his retirement party.”
There is a pause.
“You know, it wouldn’t hurt to say hi to them once in a while.”
You sigh. “And say what? Hey, it’s me. The child that ran away from home at 18? Yeah, I’m not a doctor like everybody else in the family but a 29 year old intern at a popular app company. Whassuuup?”
“Y/N, that’s not what I – ”
“It’s okay, Jimin. I’ve come to accept that not everybody is cut out to be a doctor. I just wish Mom and Dad could realize that.”
Jimin sighs on your behalf. There is the sound of a crying child coming through the earphone. “Well, your contract expires a few weeks after your birthday, right? Who knows, you might be the next Mark Zuckerberg.”
He has never explicitly inquired about your life plan and you know this is as much as he is willing to push without asking, “What’s next after this intern hiccup?” At least he had the decency to compare you to a controversial Internet entrepreneur.
The child is crying much louder now.
“Again with my birthday. But I’ll let you know,” is the only reply you can come up with at the moment. “Okay, brother, go forth and heal the blind. I bless thee in the name of the Holy Spirit, Son and Ghost.”
There is true laughter that rings from Jimin as he ends the call. “It’s Father, Son and Holy Ghost you dweeb. I love you sis.”
“You too.” You hang up first before he can add anything else.
With that, you enter into the 7am Starbucks queue and prepare yourself in running the first single of your long overdue EP.
Seokjin leans back in his chair, watching you from inside his office. Today he has chosen a black turtleneck and a brazen maroon-nearly purple suit jacket to complete the outfit. For once, there is an empty mug of coffee beside him and his morning headache has been appeased.
He knew he had given you an impossible task.
“Compile all the troubleshooting errors we have received since the launch of DailyHive. Organize it in a manner that allows me to identify the most prominent problem. Run it through whomever you please before giving it to me. I don’t need to waste my time correcting your mistakes.”
There is an amused smile that bubbles beneath his otherwise stoic features. He cannot deny that there is, might he dare say, a cute quality about you as you manually scan through the received concerns on your laptop dating back to the initial beta tests – the ones that were lost in a data crash and only backed up with unintelligible scribblings of previous interns.
The moment you had been introduced as the new intern, you had caught his eye. You are exquisitely mundane, and perhaps the reason you had even caught him the first time was due to solely to the fact that you were older than most interns – himself even. Nevertheless, you continue to present him small surprises in your tenacity and capability to tackle challenges.
“Mr. Kim.”
His intercom comes alive with the voice of his secretary.
Seokjin’s eyes do not leave you as he answers.
“Mr. Hwang is on line two. Would you like me to defer him to a later time if you are currently busy?”
Seokjin cannot help but sigh. Hwang Junho, his co-founder, while a genius in international business is also a notorious chatterbox and gossip. There is seldom a reason for Junho to call him except to relay the cover titles of E!Magazine.
“Did he mention a reason for calling?” Seokjin inquires.
His secretary seems to be reading from a note. “He says it’s to do with the company. Something he read from Cosmopolitan this morning.”
So not E! but another sister celebrity gossip blog. He checks his watch and duly notes that he certainly has no meetings scheduled until later in the afternoon where your report would be needed to run a preliminary analysis.
“Yes, put him through. But tell him I’ve got only five minutes, so he’s better give me the Cliffnotes version,” Seokjin sighs again.
Before he can be connected, Seokjin quickly says, “What’s the name of that intern again?”
“Who?” his secretary asks, “We’ve hired four since the beginning of the year.”
“The one who keeps wanting to poison me.”
“I’m sorry, Sir?” she sounds concerned.
“The one who keeps forgetting that I despise cinnamon.”
There is no response.
“The older one. Spilled coffee a while ago but still has enough coordination to pull together a decent report.”
“Ah,” she says.
He waits patiently as she searches through the database, eventually giving him your name. He gives a slight pause and then says, “Good. Now patch me with Junho.”
There is a momentary buzz as the call becomes connected in which Seokjin turns over the syllables of your name wordlessly.
“Mr. Kim. The man of the hour. How are you, my brother?” Junho’s baritone fills the office in a manner of seconds.
Despite the little annoying quirks, Seokjin cannot help but smile when hearing the voice of his best friend.
“You’ve got three minutes, Junho.”
Junho grumbles. “That’s not my fault. You were the one still on the line with your secretary. Is it still Yerin? ‘Cuz I won’t blame you if that’s the case. Did I catch you doing some naughty phone sex during office hours?”
“Holy hell. Fine. It’s always business with you. That’s why the tabloids are always writing you as an uptight asshole.”
This shifts Seokjin’s attention to the phone. His name is seldomly mentioned except for the features in business columns. He prefers to stay out of the limelight.
“Put your name on Google.”
Seokjin does as he is told.
There are millions of results, but the first few pages share the same headline. He clicks on the first one with a grimace.
“Kim Seokjin. Mr. Worldwide Handsome as noted by his fans, has recently sparked Internet outrage.”
A quick skim of the otherwise trashy article brought to the surface a summary: his last dating scandal had ended badly and the repercussions of blowing off a famous celebrity’s daughter had finally caught up with him. The Internet was calling him arrogant, narrow-minded, and even greedy. “The young Chief Executive Officer of booming social media app DailyHive has been accused of using his relationship with actress XYZ to further his own business. Once he gained recognition from aforementioned relationship, he has cold-heartedly cast her away to pursue his next.” “You’re calling me for this bullshit?” Seokjin scoffs. Junho tuts his tongue loudly. “This is not bullshit. It’s affecting the image of your company. Do you think people want to download and support an app that is run by somebody who is being called cruel and dishonest? You’ve got to address this soon before it gets out of control. You’re lucky I have alerts set for these type of things. I caught it for you just in the nick of time.” Seokjin inhales deeply. “You’re also lucky that I’ve got the perfect solution in mind.” “That is?” “The Silver Gala,” Junho references the prestigious event. The Silver Gala is hosted annually and attended by the largest celebrities as well as other wealthy investors and guests. Those in the social circle shared between Seokjin and Junho often yearned for tickets to attend events such as this, as they serve as excellent networking opportunities. Besides the above, such events are circled by reporters and writers of gossip columns to get the exclusive scoop on any eyebrow-raising rumours. “The solution lies in such an event,” Junho continues, “You know how many people will be there. All you’ve got to do is show up with your average girl-next-door type and it’ll show how you’re actually really humble and down to earth. Kim Seokjin is perfectly capable of dating like any regular human being. He doesn’t use “love” or whatever to further his business. Love is the connection between two souls; two individuals who – ” “Beep. Your time has run out Junho. I’ve got another meeting scheduled right this moment,” Seokjin interrupts. “Dude, seriously. Think about it. You could bring Yerin. Everbody loves a good CEO and his secretary affair. And if that’s too juicy for you, I can introduce you to some girls. Or maybe we could go back to our university days and hit a bar, y’know?” Junho tries his best to persuade. “Fuck!” you swear beneath your breath right as you walk into Kim Seokjin’s office. His door had been open and, in your excitement to show your completed report, you had dropped all the loose papers on the ground. Four hours of organization gone, just like that. You hope that at least Seokjin hasn’t heard or noticed you as he had been engrossed in his phone call. Seokjin had in fact noticed you. He can’t help himself but follow the curvature of your bare shoulder as your bangs escape the hold of your scrunchie and sweep across your skin. “Don’t worry, Junho, I’ve just thought about it,” he says with a smile.
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