#which would of course lead to him sneaking her into his house too
dire-kumori · 1 year
cassidy surviving william's attempt on her life and swearing revenge as a very alive and very angry grade schooler sounds like an interesting plot point
flkdsjfl;jsdlkfj, it does! I'm just not 100% sure where she'd fit in. The AU's primarily Mike and Evan trying to sneak around Will while repairing their relationship under the most... awkward (understatement) of circumstances. Although....
Another idea I had involved Mike becoming obsessed with studying the paranormal and supernatural in order to learn how to help Evan as best he can. And given the time frame*, this got Mike labelled as a satanist by the people of Hurricane and made him even more of an outcast than he already was. Some even began gossiping that the Bite of '83 was him sacrificing his brother to the devil.
This ties back to Cassidy, I swear.
So, let's say Cassidy survives the attempt on her life and vows vengeance on Will. Not so easy for a teeny kid. And maybe she tries to tell her parents or someone that the man in the bunny costume tried to kill her, but Will is charming and charismatic and manages to convince people that the attempt on her life was simply the result of her overactive imagination. Poor Cassidy gets away with her life, but everyone assumes that she was either lying or getting worked up over nothing and trying to get poor Mr. Afton in trouble.
So she starts keeping an eye on the Aftons, and that's how weird, gloomy, secretive, supposed demon-worshipping Michael catches her eye. She notices that he skips school a lot, never socializes with anyone, and aside from checking the library for things that make suburban moms clutch their pearls, never really leaves his house. She also notices that he and his murdering dad aren't exactly close. It's a risk, but she decides it might be worth trying to figure out what his deal is in order to get the evidence she needs to prove that William is a murderer.
#*a moral panic during the 1980s that consisted of over 120000 unsubstantiated cases of ritualistic abuse#sorry if this is a bit jumbled I literally only thought of it bc of this ask#and kind of blurted it out#but I like the idea of Cassidy (eventually) being brought into the Afton bros' secret#another thought I had was that since Michael obviously knows about ghosts#and that they can possess animatronics#he'd put 2+2 together and realize that Charlie's in the puppet#which would of course lead to him sneaking her into his house too#and so Michael's and Evan's social circle expands from being just the two of them#danke shoen for the ask!#in Ever After I made Mike about 3-ish years older than Evan and Elizabeth#and I imagine Evan and Cassidy are the same age or at least very close#in Ever After I made Mike about 5-ish years older than Evan and Elizabeth#so imagine a 10 year old Cassidy stalking 15 year old Mike trying to figure out if he's a murderer or at least knows murder-y stuff#meanwhile Mike's just very confused by this little goblin who's suddenly started showing up everywhere he goes#and trying very very hard to make sure she doesn't find out about Evbear#Evan's kind of amused by the whole situation and curious about this kid Mike's mentioned once or twice#the reason the blurb about Mike being obsessed with occult stuff was bc in my head Cassidy goes goth as she grows up#so I was gonna say something about how they kinda click and form a weird rapport#but I kinda lost that train of thought up there#ask#anonymous#Evbear AU
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tender-rosiey · 1 year
aww nanami’s daughter who’s very possessive of her mama is so cute she definitely got it from her dad need more of her
sneaky lovey — nanami kento x f!reader
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your daughter was kind of mischievous. you don’t know where did she get it from, but you have a feeling that it’s from her uncle gojo whom she has spent a lot of her weekends with.
it’s cute really, especially when she seems to be driving her dad crazy with her little pranks. after all of that, he still loves her, of course, but he hopes that she would understand that his stress levels don’t need to be any higher.
he also hopes that she learns how to share, especially share your attention and affection.
nanami is a mature man, so he can’t help but let her hog you all to herself whenever she goes, “daddy! I want mommy! that’s enough time for you.”
and who is he to deny her your love?
but in the end, he still is a man who is so very in love you and naturally craves your attention as well.
that leads to you guys to trying to sneak a few kisses here and there along with a bunch of hugs like a couple of teenagers in love.
you find it funny.
the way that your husband awaits any moment that your daughter isn’t there to press a kiss to your lips and have his arms around you.
he looks like a baby that had his toy taken away for way too long and it is so cute. you don’t mind voicing that out and you laugh softly when he sighs about how he just wants time with you.
on the other hand, he doesn’t find it funny.
one moment, he is kissing you and the other you’re being dragged by your daughter to draw with her.
she can not for the life of her let her dad get a second with his beautiful wife.
another example is when one day, you had sent her to her uncle gojo cause she had missed him.
nanami was low-key over the moon and refused to leave your side, leaving kisses on your hand, cheek, and forehead whenever given the chance.
“kento, you’re pretty affectionate today.”
“mm, just missed you, love.”
it was utter bliss, especially when you guys got to cuddling and reading a book together.
and don’t get him wrong, he loves his daughter very much, but he also loves you and it was finally his y/n time.
he enjoyed while it lasted which wasn’t enough to him but like nanami you spent at least 9 hours together what.
the little miss stole you for herself the moment she came home.
she also invited you both for tea in her little toy house, but had nanami put on make up, a crown, and a skirt and go drink tea alone in a corner.
when he asked her why, she just went, “you’re supposed to be the pretty maid so wait until you get ‘i am becoming a princess’ arc.”
the arc never came.
another thing is that nanami finds it bizarre that you wonder where the hell did her mischief come from.
there is no way that it isn’t innate and it is obvious when he looks at both of you, particularly right now.
these smirks and puffed out chests of pride and your shared giggles are full-proof. you had just done a harmless prank on your poor husband and he just stared at you both, unable to form a response to this bullying anymore.
“(d/n), i need to talk to mommy about something so that okay?”
“oh okay! good luck, mommy!”
oh that traitor. probably learned it from uncle gojo.
“yes, my dear and handsome husband?” you say in hopes in flattering him.
he gets up and stands right in front of you. he looks at you, “what was so funny about putting a gojo-patterned tie in my closet?”
you nearly bend over laughing when you recall what you did, but you compose yourself.
your husband isn’t pleased.
“you will have to repay me for that,” he says and you pout.
“how exactly will I do that, my lovely kento?”
he takes a hold of your hand and takes you to the bedroom with a smile, “an uninterrupted night with me.”
you chuckle and ask, “cuddles and kisses?”
“and more if you want; I am all yours.”
in the end, nanami feels and knows that he will never want you guys to stop how you fill his life with colors and laughter.
“haha! dad, I drew on your face!”
or maybe he wishes it would be toned down a bit.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @luciferspen @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or i will bite you
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kenananamin · 7 months
I saw a TikTok of a mom cleaning her daughters room while she slept and I think Nanami would do that with his messy partner. 😭 ❤️
damn, you’re so right anon 😚👌🏼 he would absolutely do that for and with his messy partner and would talk about his whole day and let you rant about literally anything. so with that…
Here are my hcs of Nanami with his partner after the kids go to bed and the next morning
it gets a little suggestive in there but overall fluffy lol
he will go to you for a hug and kiss right after closing the kid’s door. they don’t always lead to something else or get too spicy but its part of the routine now. even on the bad and/or tiring days, he’ll meet you in the hallway for a quick peck and hug that’s got you both happily sighing
he’ll use the time after that to go around the house looking for any dishes the kids may have hidden or just dropped somewhere as you get the dry clothes from the dryer
he’ll pop everything in the dishwasher (yes, he’s a dishwasher user now bc kids go through dishes like it’s their job and they have overtime to do) and meets you on the couch to fold the clothes
sometimes you’ll both talk about the parts of your day that he didn’t see and he’ll do the same, other times you’ll listen to music or a podcast, and other times you’ll watch some brainrotting television
once you both know the kids are definitely asleep and not faking it, you’ll sneak back into the rooms to organize what the kids couldn’t. of course, you both tell the kids to clean but they’re young and don’t always fix everything where it should be (and you’re both a little OCD so you have to fix it behind your children’s back to avoid hurting their feelings)
laughs whenever a toy or thing clanks too loud and your immediate reaction is turn around with your mouth and eyes wide open, panicking if that woke up the sleeping child
gives the kids another kiss before leaving their room and sometimes snuggles with them while they’re sleeping. they’re growing up and don’t want to be hugged all the time and nanami misses when they’d crawl all over him and beg to be carried
will make you a nighttime tea as you put the clothes away and meets you in your room to get ready for bed
will set the bed while you shower and will quickly shower while you do your skincare
gets out of the shower and grabs the hairdryer to dry both his and your hair
you sit him down on your vanity stool and do his skincare while he holds your hips and he uses that time to just look at you. ✨lovingly✨ of course, mucho mucho amor 🥹
pretends to look away while you switch your robe for your pjs. well “pjs” — nanami likes buying silky or lighter pajama sets and he uses the pants while you use the top which is usually always a soft button down or oversized shirt
you pretend to know he’s not looking but give a lil extra while you change bc it’s fun to see him twitch a bit and clear his throat
makes sure the door is locked before… mommy and daddy time 😃👍🏼 does not want to traumatize his kids or have the talk too early on
PRAISES YOU — i will die on this hill but nanami loves praising you. whether it’s your thing or not, he does it from the bottom of his heart bc he loves you and appreciates every single thing you do for him and the kids
…if it is your thing… he likes watching you twitch and squirm 🤭🤭
he’s a giver, what else can i say 🤷🏻‍♀️
unlocks the door afterwards bc emergencies can happen at anytime and wants easy access to the kids and for the kids
will check in with you about 3 different times to see if it’s too cold or hot in the room
will tuck you in on one side then will hug you from the other
if it’s not a snuggling kind of night, he’ll sleep close to you and on his stomach with one arm wrapped above his head or arm stretched out to scratch your head as he drifts off. if he can’t touch your head or hair then his hand is either on your back or stomach as you sleep. always some kind of contact
he’s a light sleeper and wakes up often so he’ll check on the kids once a night then will return to you in bed. once he comes back then it’s a guaranteed snuggle, you feel him and lean into him
wakes up first and early either from the alarm on weekdays or naturally on weekends and goes to wake the kids and make sure they’re out of bed and in restroom/living room/kitchen anywhere but close to a bed where they can lie back down and sleep then be late for school
goes back to the room to wake you up so softly and gently whispers a variation of a soft ‘good morning darling’, ‘it’s time to get up’, ‘you look beautiful’ etc etc
likes brushing his teeth w you. he likes the visual of you both standing next to each other, both with crazy bed head, winkled pajamas and the kids running in to say good morning as your toothbrush hangs between your teeth to hug the kids. so domestic, so simple, and so incredibly cozy
you both get the kid’s clothes out and help in washing their faces, brushing teeth and getting their hair done
you both go back to your room to change for the day. sometimes it’s quick if the kids are still eating breakfast, but if they’re playing or just watching tv…. nanami locks the door again
kisses. lots and lots of kisses. short and quick or long and slow, you both love kisses
OVERALL, nanami just loves and lives for domestic bliss. it’s all he wants, he doesn’t want a crazy life with so many hectic and crazy parts (the kids are hectic enough for now at such a young age but he’s def looking forward to retirement). he wants simple, happy, and completely fulfilling domestic bliss 🖤
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munsonthings86 · 3 months
scattered lilies
eddie doesn't have enough money for flowers before your date so he improvises by picking the prettiest flowers he sees on the way to your house.
warnings: cursing, fluff, soft!eddie, kinda shy!eddie, shy!reader, 0.6k
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"shit," he curses in a whispered tone, desperately slapping at his pockets. he rushes over to his neglected, mountainous laundry pile, digging at every pocket he can find, praying to find a bill, a quarter, shit he'd be relieved to even spot a nickel. but the strewn out clothes with their pockets all turned out to reveal nothing but crumpled tissue and lint, eventually rendered useless.
eddie was becoming hopeless, running his boisterous silver ringed fingers through his curly hair that was growing unruly by the minute. pacing in his room, he nearly toppled over the picnic basket that he'd packed with food, drinks, books, and sweet mary jane for the two of you, which was where all of his money had gone, of course. glancing at the analog clock on his end table, the daunting red numbers blared 4:37.
from what he could see out of his small window, he spied ivory flowers growing out of mrs. hafers front yard of her trailer, and a cunning idea sneaks its way into his conscience. he tried to talk himself out of it as it was mrs. hafer who’d offered to put him to work at her cafe when no other employer in hawkins wanted to hire him after the incident in '86.
he figured he could ask his uncle to spot him so he could head down to the florist to legally obtain flowers instead, but he made the promise to pick you up by 5:00 and he was out of options. he couldn't not show up with flowers. what kind of a gentleman would he be?
he shrugged on his trusty leather jacket, tucking a bandana into his back pocket and scoops up the picnic basket that he hoped you'd love. he nearly knocked his uncle wayne over as he dashed out the door but soon changed his pace, creeping up to the bush of lilies. he plucked as many as he could without leaving the yard looking so obviously tampered with, and made a beeline for the main road.
on the trek to your house, eddie couldn't stop staring at the thrifted bouquet. he knew you loved flowers as you always had one threaded in the strands of your hair and wore pretty little dresses with floral patterns, but he had no clue what your favorite flowers actually were.
what if you hated lilies? what if you were more of a tulip or a dahlia kinda girl? eddie only knew those names because you talked about flowers so often.
he spent the rest of the walk picking any and every flower he saw whether it was red, pink, or white, big or small, tying the stems with a scrunchie you'd given him some time ago, when the bouquet grew too abundant.
his fist shook a little as he knocked on your door, nerves poking fiery needles across his skin, coloring him red. his cheeks and lips pulled into a toothy smile when you answered the door with a grin of your own, doing your best to hide your face with your hair. you wore a blush pink crewneck, styled with a white collar, a skirt of the same hue and sneakers that were almost identical to eddies. you looked nothing short of perfect to him.
"hi, angel," he waved to you the best he could, what with the basket and bouquet occupying his hands, and all.
"hi, eddie," you giggled, closing the door behind you, stepping closer to him. eddie's breath hitched as a gust of wind blew, allowing his senses to be overrun by your sweet, fruity perfume. "got these for ya," he gently rested the flowers into your cradling arms.
"thank you, they're gorgeous," you giggled at the wild assortment of flowers, recognizing some of them from your neighbors yard a few houses down. you decided to not question him about it. no one’s ever gotten you flowers before.
eddie took your hand in his, leading you to the park where he hoped to have a date that was as perfect as you were <3
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💌 1 new message from jojo: if you made it down here i love you :) lemme know if i should make this into a full fic, cuz im thinking abt it…inbox is open!
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wntrs0ldier · 1 year
An Offer · part 04
pairing: mob!bucky x reader words: 4,2k warnings: typical mafia (dark themes, language, violence, etc.)
<previous part | next part> | series masterlist
series summary: When your father dies, the only thing you can do for your family and the empire he built, is to marry a powerful man.
chapter sneak peek: “Bucky…” You hesitated, taking a little more time to sort out what you should really say. “Helps me with some business.” You reached for the glass of wine standing in front of you and took a sip.
“Always helpful,” Rebecca sneered. You noticed that she has been passionately ignoring her brother, but until now you were convinced that this was just a mistaken impression. “And, of course, he wants the best for you, doesn't he?” She faked a smile.
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The encounter with Bucky, which took place a few days ago, turned out to be a new source of worry, leaving you even more confused. Guided by common sense, you tried not to dwell on it, but every time you lost your guard and let your thoughts wander, you found yourself reliving that moment. And each time you asked yourself the same question, Why did an accidental contact lead to such a strong reaction? It wasn't that the two of you had started pawing each other; Bucky accidentally leaned against you. And then he looked at your lips to see if your body was thinking the same thing as his…
You drifted off again, and were made aware of it by the boiling kettle. The flashback of the touch immediately popped into your head like the words of a stupid song you couldn't stop humming. And although you lost your appetite for tea, you filled the cup with hot water.
Michael walked into the kitchen with a newspaper in his hands – the kind he used to bring your father every morning. With a heavy sigh, he put it down on the kitchen counter. When you peeked at him to figure out if that sigh meant he was in a bad mood, you met his gaze. Suddenly you felt uncomfortable.
“Stark is becoming impatient,” Michael began. “Since your father's death, no one really controls the distribution of Stark Industries products. If this outage continues, Stark will quit doing business with us,” he said. Having taken off his glasses, he massaged his closed eyelids. Working with Tony Stark was bringing in a huge amount of money for your Family. As such, you understood Michael's nervousness – you couldn't afford to dissolve your partnership. “In view of this, we have less and less time.”
Biting your lower lip, you ran your eyes nervously over the surface of the countertop. “What about Brock?” You didn't want to consider the possibility that Brock might have turned out to be your last resort, but you knew you should be prepared for it. “Any word from Rumlows?”
Michael shook his head. “I was approached by someone else,” he added. Your first instinct was to feel uneasy, but in the end you decided to give it a chance. It dawned on you that you had to stop being picky, even though it had seemed perfectly reasonable to you up to that point. You had the right to demand to be treated right by any person you were to marry. “John Walker would like to speak to you. Without me or any third parties present.”
This was exactly what you had feared – John Walker joining in. And while he didn't seem as harmful as Brock, you didn't see him as the ideal candidate. But for all intents and purposes, you didn't see an ideal candidate in any man around. 
You swallowed hard. “Did he say anything else?”
“That he will reach you to discuss the details of the meeting.”
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The conversation with Michael was still looming in your head, effectively hindering your preparations for dinner at the Barnes house. All you could do was turn up there and look good, and even that was difficult to achieve. 
A long, warm bath has improved the state of your skin somewhat – until now it was a little too dry and ashen as a result of the stresses of recent weeks. However, it regained some of its softness. You dried and brushed your hair, moisturised your face and did your makeup a little more carefully than usual, trying to cover up every little imperfection – these, too, have intensified since the burden of serious decisions fell on you. You generally tried not to complain about your appearance, but lately you haven't felt particularly comfortable in your own skin. Still, you saw the positive side in worrying about your looks – it took your mind off the rest of your problems.
The day was inexorably turning into evening, but the weather had not changed much – the temperature outside remained pleasantly warm, perfectly reflecting the deep spring. So you decided to put on a white dress with tiny flowers; it had short, buff sleeves and reached past your knees. The hard part came when you had to deal with the tie at the back; it went in a zigzag from mid-shoulders to lower back. 
You breathed a sigh of relief when you heard a quiet knock on the door – Suzie appeared just in time. 
“I was just about to-” You looked back over the shoulder and felt a sudden wave of heat when you spotted Bucky instead of your sister. Although he'd announced to you that he was coming – this time he'd done it by text, not by standing outside your window – you hadn't expected him this early. And as much as you tried to push the memories of your last contact into some dark, forgotten corner of your mind, these blossomed with vivid colours. “I thought it was my sister.”
“I wanted to wait in the car, but she sent me here,” Bucky said, scratching the back of his head. “Need help with the dress?”
Staring at him blankly, you nodded after a while. 
“May I..?” 
Bucky came closer to you, so you turned again to let him work. 
“Try to straighten the string, okay?” you added quietly. You wanted it to be as perfect as possible. 
Bucky let out a heavy breath and you felt a cool blow on your half-naked back; this in turn made you shiver, much more gently than last time. His fingers slid under the string, and so involuntarily brushed your skin. You felt him hesitate for a moment, but then his fingers moved along the underside of the string, complying with your request and straightening it out. Soon he grabbed both ends and pulled them so that the front of the dress clung to your chest.
“Too tight?” he asked, presumably having heard your sharp sigh. You couldn't tell what it was the result of – the squeezing fabric or Bucky's closeness.
“It’s okay,” you croaked and you almost immediately scolded yourself for how weak and pathetic you sounded. 
Bucky tied the ends of the string in a double bow, probably as a precaution; in case it would come undone at the least appropriate moment. He did it in silence, and although this seemed perfectly natural for such an activity, you got the impression that an awkwardness had crept in between you, which you had managed to avoid at the very beginning of your relationship.
“Done,” Bucky said, and you turned around carefully. Just as carefully, you lifted your gaze to his face. He was surveying you, possibly even more intensely than usual. For a brief moment you wondered if he too was tormented by the same thoughts as you, and judging by the slightly pained look on his face, expressing some kind of longing, you could guess that he was indeed.
“Have you heard?” You spoke after a bit longer silence. 
“About what?” Bucky didn't even for a split second seem interested in the answer that might lie beneath your question. 
“John Walker asked me on a date,” you said calmly, moreover, you were almost tempted to smile – you didn't want to give the situation unnecessary tragedy.
A corner of his mouth lifted, but that gesture had not even a hint of enthusiasm in it. He didn't look surprised or angry. You figured the news had traveled fast, but even if Bucky hadn't been aware of John's offer until now, he predicted it – he told you about it at the very beginning.
“You look really nice,” Bucky’s voice sounded so soft that your face flushed. You wanted to check if he was telling the truth, but you were unable to take your eyes off his.
“Thank you.” You smiled slightly. “I’ll grab a few things and we can go,” you added. You had the irresistible feeling that if you didn't say it – didn’t say something – the mutual gazing at each other would get out of hand again.
“I’ll be in the car.”
You left the house with Suzie. Because of your hands being occupied with a cardboard box, she closed the door behind you, then you both headed to the gate. 
Bucky stood with his back up against his car. Your knowledge of vehicles ended with the identification of brands, but even if that skill was even more limited, you would have easily recognised this one – mainly because of the distinctive wild horse logo. A thought unknowingly popped into your head that the black, vintage Mustang suited its owner.
Pulling away from the car, Bucky pushed his sunglasses on top of his head. He opened the passenger door and put the seat down, allowing Suzie to get into the back. As your sister slipped inside and the front seat returned to its place, you also got in. Bucky walked around the front of the car and sat behind the wheel, his gaze immediately falling on the box you were holding. 
“I made a carrot cake,” you explained.
He raised his eyebrows with astonishment. 
“Barnes don’t eat cakes?” 
“We do,” Bucky differed. You glanced at the way his hand landed on the stick and put it in the right gear. He threw his arm over your headrest to look at the back window, and you felt butterflies in your stomach again. “It’s just… Baking is so…”
“I don’t know, wifely?”
You watched the profile of Bucky's face as he focused on the road. “Is there anything else wifely in me?” 
Bucky smirked under his nose. When the car stopped at the first traffic light, he leered at you. “In you? I'd have to check.” He shrugged. “But those nightgowns you wear…” He pressed his lips together, shaking his head slowly. “Fuck,” he said almost soundlessly, as if he didn't want Suzie to hear it.
You rolled your eyes and smacked his arm, and he snorted a quiet laugh.
For the rest of the way, you didn’t really talk. You were worried that Suzie might feel uncomfortable, or worse, pick up something she wasn't supposed to hear. She was nearly an adult, besides, she had grown up in the same environment as you, nevertheless, you preferred to spare her the awkwardness.
Not long after you had left the city behind, the car turned into a road along which big old trees were growing; their interlocking tops formed a kind of tunnel. At its exit was a large, green plot of land, and you couldn't really tell where it ended. The house on it – tall, with a surrounding porch and walls covered with ivy in places – was probably as old as the trees.
Absorbed in the views behind the window, you didn't even notice that the car had stopped. You only became aware of it when Bucky opened the door for you. You got out, still scanning the surroundings with your eyes, and Bucky freed your sister.
“This place…” You began, and only after a moment glanced at Bucky. He stood next to you and tilted his head slightly to the side. “It’s beautiful here.”
Bucky gave you a half-smile, and this time you could see an undeniable softness and happiness on his face. You were able to tell that he had positive feelings about his family home.
The front door – solid, heavy, with a colourful, floral stained glass window – swung almost wide open. And although you had never really met her, you recognised Winnifred Barnes in the woman who stepped out onto the porch. At first glance, you saw a striking resemblance between her and Bucky – he had her whole face; her big blue eyes, straight nose and strong jaw. 
“Y/N, Suzanne,” Mrs. Barnes beamed warmly at you and your sister. “I’m glad you could make it. Come inside.”
“Thank you for inviting us.” You handed Winnifred the package. “It’s just a cake,” you rushed to clarify, seeing the premature delight on the woman's face.
“That is so sweet of you, Y/N. Jamie,” she turned to Bucky. “Take our guests to the dining room, please.”
Having climbed the few steps leading up to the porch, Bucky joined you.
“Jamie?” you repeated, your mouth curved into a smile.
Bucky chuckled. “Yeah.” He scratched his neck.
You got to the dining room, and although the number of people there exceeded your expectations, you didn't feel overwhelmed by the company. You recognised Timothy first, since you had seen him relatively recently, then Steve Rogers, as he also figured quite vividly in your consciousness. As for the rest, you weren't as sure.
You guessed that one of the young women sitting at the table, who was an almost perfect, and certainly the most faithful copy of Winnifred, was Rebecca Barnes. There was an infant on her lap, banging a spoon on the table top and bursting into laughter after every sound. Rebecca, most likely used to this kind of noise, didn't pay much attention to it; she was busy talking to the person sitting right next to her. This time you assumed it was Josephine Barnes. In fact, you were even sure of it, mainly because of the similarity she shared with Winnifred, Bucky and Rebecca. She only had slightly softer facial features and a not-so-piercing gaze; you also noticed the visible tan.
You almost missed the last one – with her nose in a book she was the least conspicuous. Mary, you guessed. You recalled that she was not much younger than your own sister.
“You okay?” Bucky asked quietly, and it wasn't his voice that revived you, but his fingers hooked on your elbow. You felt electricity radiating from that spot.
Before you had time to reply, something crashed into your legs and embraced them tightly. You looked down, where you spotted a little girl with a grin that missed a few teeth. 
“Hi!” She exclaimed. 
“Hi.” You couldn’t help but smile, too. 
“Oh, Daisy,” Rebecca groaned, clearly embarrassed by the child's behaviour. You therefore concluded that Daisy was her daughter. “Stop that.”
“It’s all right,” you declared immediately. 
Still, Bucky crouched down and pulled the child away from your legs, and this little fuss threw you into the spotlight. Everyone at the table stopped whatever they were just doing and focused on you.
“Jamie brought home a girl?” Josephine asked with surprise and a kind of hope. “How long have you been together?” 
“Is that your girlfriend?” Mary joined the conversation. “Oh, she’s pretty.”
You pressed your lips together in a slight smile; you hoped to avoid becoming the main attraction, on the other hand, you could breathe a sigh of relief – your efforts to make your appearance tolerable had paid off.
“Alright, that's enough.” Bucky gave his sisters a threatening glare.
“They are not a couple,” Timothy, sitting at the head of the table, spoke, drawing everyone's attention. “As far as I know,” he added, raising his eyebrows. “Y/N,” he said to you, his friendly smile didn't match the mysterious expression on the rest of his face. “Sit next to Steve. I insist.” 
You led your eyes in that direction. Indeed, there were two empty chairs between Mary and Steve – probably for you and Suzie. “Of course.” You nodded politely and made your way to that seat, peeking at your sister to check on her. Steve rose and pulled back a chair for you, and once you had taken your seat, you glanced at Bucky confused; Timothy's request seemed more than a little odd to you.
Bucky clenched his jaw. Previous experience allowed you to recognise when he wasn’t pleased, and that was exactly what he looked like at the moment.
Winnifred also appeared in the dining room. As the lady of the house, she sat at the other end of the table. Soon after, the first dishes were served and the room filled with sounds of conversation. The men were talking about baseball, then boxing, and although Bucky was actively involved in the discussion, he seemed a little distracted. Whenever you glimpsed in his direction, you caught him staring at you – you could see that he was a bit disappointed, perhaps even resentful, and there was something dark in his eyes; as if the sea in his irises was hit by a storm. Especially when Steve included you in a conversation, smiled or laughed at something you said.
Winnifred asked about your gallery, the upcoming exhibition, and about Suzie's school. She praised your cake. In exchange you learned that Mary was studying for her biology exam even at dinner, Rebecca had expanded little George's diet – the baby previously sitting on her lap – with more fruit, and Josephine had returned to New York on a short break from her college. 
You were worried that you would feel uncomfortable here, especially as Timothy separated you from the only person you knew, but the atmosphere in the Barnes home was like a warm, safe hug. Even Suzie found common ground with Mary, so you didn't have to be concerned about her comfort.
“How did you two meet?” Josephine asked, and when you looked at her without understanding, she nodded discreetly at Bucky.
“Oh, but we-”
“Yeah, I know.” Josephine waved her hand dismissively. “But I'm interested in every detail. I can't remember the last time Jamie brought someone home.”
You plastered a slight smile on your face, knowing that it wasn't Bucky who invited you here, but his mum. “Actually, we met through your uncle,” you answered. You didn't want to spoil the mood with the subject of a funeral or an arranged marriage. “Bucky…” You hesitated, taking a little more time to sort out what you should really say. “Helps me with some business.” You reached for the glass of wine standing in front of you and took a sip.
“Always helpful,” Rebecca sneered. You noticed that she has been passionately ignoring her brother, but until now you were convinced that this was just a mistaken impression. “And, of course, he wants the best for you, doesn't he?” She faked a smile. 
“Rebecca, honey-” Winnifred interjected softly, and when she did, the table fell silent.
“No, mom.” She shook her head, as if that would prevent Mrs. Barnes from getting a word in edgewise. “It's not fair that some random girl can sit here with us and the father of my children can't.” Tears of anger shone in Rebecca's eyes. “Excuse me,” she said, then got up and left the room. 
You felt guilty. Not because you may have actually taken an undeserved seat at the table, but instead of shame or anxiety, you were intrigued by this unexpected burst. You took another sip of wine.
“What happened to mommy?” Daisy asked. 
“Nothing, baby,” Winnifred told her gently. “She’ll get better.”
With suspicion, Daisy turned her head at Bucky. “Is that true?”
He pressed his lips together in a pale smile. “Of course, Junebug. Cross my heart.” Bucky put his hand on his chest. “How about we watch ‘Finn and Jake’?” He suggested with theatrical excitement, which Daisy shared immediately – she nodded eagerly. “Yeah?” Bucky grinned again, more relaxed this time.
Daisy ran up to him, grabbed the hand he had held out and dragged him out of the dining room. Bucky glimpsed at you, giving you an apologetic look.
Josephine leaned out and laid her eyes on you. “I’m going for a smoke, wanna join?”
Josephine led you to a gazebo in the garden. As she said, she offered you a cigarette, and you both leaned against the railing. The evening gloom was dispelled by the lamps on the lawn and the lighting inside the gazebo; it was getting unpleasantly cold outside, but you preferred the low temperature outside to the tense atmosphere at the table. 
“I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I don't want you to think that my sister is some spoiled bitch,” Josephine began, and you looked at her rather blankly. You didn't want to show too much that she made you curious. “His name was Robbie. The father of her children, as she called him,” she said with distaste. “He was part of the Family. Jamie recruited him, so the whole thing still bothers him. And Robbie was a fucking asshole from the beginning. He spent late nights in bars, gambled all their money away, hung out with other girls. When Daisy was born, it only got worse. He complained that Becca was neglecting him. Didn't help with the baby, disappeared from the house more often and for much longer…” She continued. “Rebecca's only problem is that she has a soft heart. She never said a bad word about Robbie, but everyone knew what was going on. She thought another baby would change him, that it would fix their relationship, but…” Josephine shrugged. She took a puff, and for a brief moment said nothing, staring into nowhere. “So Jamie got rid of him.”
Your brows drew together involuntarily. “What do you mean..?”
“No one knows what really happened to Robbie. He vanished into thin air and never contacted Becca again.”
You felt like a child who had just heard a blood-curdling ghost story. Actually, you only felt that way partly – on the other hand, you were even more fascinated by Bucky. “Well…” You sighed, shaking the excess ash off the end of your cigarette. “He did what he thought was right,” you commented. This time, too, you preferred to be careful, thus not claiming out loud that Bucky had done the right thing. 
“Not according to Becca. She's better than she was at the beginning, but it's still a touchy subject for her.” 
You finished your cigarettes in silence, and that silence helped you to sink into your own thoughts; to see Bucky in a slightly different light.
“Are you sure there's nothing between you and Jamie?” Josephine spoke, a teasing smirk on her face. “I saw the way he looked at you the whole dinner. I know my brother, and if I were Steve I would keep my distance from you,” she giggled.
Your lips twitched in a slight smile. You noticed it too, and although you weren't the only people at the table, you secretly hoped you were the only ones aware of what was going on.
You could have talked to Josephine about it; told her that Bucky had no right to be jealous. You were strictly focused on marrying someone and Bucky excluded himself at his own request. You could have shared all this with Josephine, thereby taking some of the weight off your shoulders. But you didn't want to involve her.
“I’m sure,” you said. “It's strictly business between him and me.”
“Speak of the devil.”
Following Josephine's gaze, you peeked over your shoulder. Bucky was heading to the gazebo. Having caught your eyes, he smirked softly. You struggled to take your eyes off his face and lowered them to his hands – he was holding a piece of cloth that you couldn't identify in the darkness. Only when Bucky got under the roof of the gazebo did you notice that he had brought a sweatshirt. Moreover, he put it gently over your shoulders.
“Thanks,” you murmured, surprised at the gesture, and glanced at Josephine. From the expression on her face, you were convinced that she wanted to say, So there's nothing between you two, right?
“You sneak out to smoke?” Bucky addressed his sister, his forehead creased. “What are you? Sixteen?” 
“Oh, fuck off.” Josephine rolled her eyes.
Bucky reached out his hand, so she handed him the packet and the lighter. With a cigarette between his lips, he looked stunningly – more rough and intimidating. 
“I'll leave you two alone,” Josephine suggested, grinning. She pushed herself away from the railing, and you two watched her leave.
You slipped your arms into the sleeves of the sweatshirt and wrapped yourself in it, discreetly inhaling the familiar scent. You looked at Bucky, and he again gave you a gentle smile; it reached his eyes as well. However, it faded soon after.
“I’m sorry about before. Becca-”
“I had this conversation with Josephine,” you stopped him. “I know what happened and I get it. I don't blame her for reacting the way she did. Anyway, she was right. I’m some random girl who-”
“You are not,” he protested immediately. His mouth set in a hard line as he was staring at you. “I-... I like you, Y/N.” 
Taking a sharp breath, you looked away. You shook your head in disbelief, tried to ignore the fact that your heart was beating harder than you would have wished. “I like you too, Bucky, but I can’t fall for you. I don’t want to.”
Bucky took his eyes off you only to put out his cigarette. Then he moved a step closer to you and hesitantly reached for your hand. You closed your eyes, then fixed them on his fingers – he stroked the back of your hand with his thumb, and you didn't protest. 
“I know,” he rasped. “But I just need to protect you. So please, let me protect you. Okay? Because I feel like everything is getting out of my control. And I’m fucking tired of it.” 
You raised your gaze to his eyes. He glared into them pleadingly and with some kind of fear, as if your rejection would shatter him into a million pieces. You nodded slightly, unsure if you really did; if you really agreed to fall under his protection.
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taglist: @goldensunflowe-r @nefri-black @vickie5446 @learisa @sjsmith56 @aya-fay @hhiggs @wishingwell-2 @buckysgirl01 @emily-roberts @prettylittlepluviophile @leakingston
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avalynlestrange · 10 months
In My Head
Theodore Nott x Reader
Reader: She/Her Pronouns, no house mentioned
Warnings: None I don’t think? Please let me know if there is any I should put here. I haven’t proof read this so please kindly point out any grammar or spelling mistakes.
Category: One-Shot, Angst?, Fluff?, Songfic, Unrequited Love, Mutual Pining, No use of y/n
Summary: In which Theodore Nott is the man of your dreams. Literally. Who is his?
No sneak peaks 😋
Request: anon requested
Author’s Note: I wanted to write a few more daydreaming scenes but this felt like the right amount. Hope you enjoy! 😊
Word Count: >2k
To The Library (Main Masterlist)
To The Kitchen (WIPs)
To more Theodore Nott fics
To Maisie Peters Anthology
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Heartbreak Saturday nights, you are in your bedroom twirling a quill in your hand. You tap it against your notebook. Instead of working on another paragraph of the dream diary Professor Trelawney has assigned, you fantasise about sweet things. Lately both nighttime and daytime dreaming were filled with scenarios of one Theodore Nott…
You were getting ready for the winter ball. Floor length gown sparkling and the colour picked to match Theodore’s tie and pocket square.
You put on every perfume. You make sure you smell like his bedroom when you were in it. It drove him crazy. You danced all evening and he never let goes of your hand. Oh how you wish it could on forever.
You stay in this scene all night…
His touch sends goosebumps all over you as he sways you to the music. Laughing and talking until the moon goes to bed. Not caring about the classes that will be missed that morning.
You sigh. This is all in your head so you continue to write last night’s dreams in your diary. Of course you don’t mention his name in the assignment. After all you were to share this with your class group in which Theodore was in so that you can discuss some interpretations. Your cheeks are red just thinking about what he would say if you mentioned they were about him.
“Darling I was dreaming of you all this time too.” He smiles and you gaze into each others eyes longingly. “Will you be mine?”
“Theodore, I’m yours.”
But this is all in your head.
The next day was a Hogsmeade visit and you had plans at the three broomsticks with your friends for the evening. The sun was shining so you are wearing a cute frock. You imagine a moment in your pretend relationship timeline before you were his…
You are wearing the dress you wore when you met him and sent him spinning in the great hall during breakfast. He was on a date with another girl but caught up with the group afterwards. He doesn’t compliment you or pay any attention to you at all.
You see him send glances your way and you flirt with his friends. But it's a beggars revenge cause she's with him again. Theodore shakes his head towards the exit to and you try to look away.
He isn’t very patient and pulls you away outside. He leads you to
“Shouldn’t you be with your date?”
“I told her I couldn’t see her again. I want you.” He confesses.
“Theodore, I’m yours.”
But alas this is all in your head.
The three broomsticks is stirring and brimming with students. A cover band fills the pub with their rendition of Weird Sister’s ‘Blood Sucker’. You find yourself bobbing your head to the music.
Glasses on your table are in need of refills and you offer to buy more. The bartender asks what you want as they reach for some stuff in the cupboard under the counter.
“I’ll have a…” A voice overlaps with yours. “Please can I…”
He apologises. “I didn’t see you there.”
You have the urge to pinch yourself because you can’t believe whose voice you are hearing.
He helps you bring the drinks over to your table and your friends fawn over the fact that your boyfriend is such a gentleman. Theodore has his hand in your thigh throughout the night.
And when it’s time to go home, the snow starts to fall like a fairy take. Your dress’ too nice for a jacket, so you’re freezing. Theodore notices you shiver. He takes off his coat and places it on your shoulders.
He’s walking past to the carriage and leads you inside. You sit next to him and on habit, you lean in on his shoulders as you journey back to the castle.
“Say that you’re mine again.” Theodore kisses your head.
“Theodore, I’m yours.”
But once again this is all in your head.
The time for lunch is nearly over and you had divination next. It was your favourite subject - well only because you were sat next to your crush. The circumstance was a blessing and a curse. You tend to stumble over your words and not pick yourself back up, and sit in silence the rest of the lesson.
You take your seat and Professor Trelawney instructs you all to share your dreams and talk over possible meanings. Whilst Padma and Parvati gossip about the Yule Ball instead of the assignment across you, you notice that Theodore is squirming in his seat more than usual.
“Is everything okay?” You ask, and you desperately want to reach for his hand as he is so close to touch. He is like a magnet and your fingers draw closer until they are on his. He shifts in his seat slightly cause you to move your hand to your lap. “I’m sorry. You just look a little upset.”
“No it’s okay. I just can’t stop thinking about my dreams.” He grasps his dream journal tightly.
“Why don’t you share and we can unpick it together?” His ears turn a shade of red at your suggestion, but he doesn’t say no.
“There’s this girl. She keeps popping in my dreams. We’re always together in each one.” He fiddles with the corner of the diary cover and when you catch his eye, he quickly looks away. “Sometimes we’re not dating and I get tongue tied about asking her out but mostly we seem happy.”
In the corner of your eye, you see the Patil twins turning their heads towards Theodore.
“This girl must be very important to you. Are you together in real life?” Padma asks as she rests her chin on her arms. Parvati leans in.
‘Please say no’ You plead with your eyes. You feel like half of you is missing but there's no hope. Even if he says no, this girl is literally the girl of his dreams.
“No. I-“
“But you clearly want to be if you’re dreaming about her this much.” States Parvati. Her sister nods in agreement.
He picks at the strands of his quill. “I do but-.”
“You should ask her to the ball!” The girls giggle. “Yes that would be so adorable!”
“But I don’t know if she feels the same way.” A crushing weight is in your chest as you hear him say these words. That is one lucky girl.
“I think she’ll be lucky to be asked out by you.” You hear yourself say aloud.
Theodore’s head sharply looks up to stare at you. His cheeks matches his pink ears.
“You think so?” He smiles. You melt under his gaze.
“What about you? Tell us about what you’ve been dreaming about.” Padma taps your notebook.
“I’ve been having similar dreams I guess.” You mumble.
“Say that again?”
“There’s this one guy who’s been appearing every night.” You glance and take in a view of a frowning Theodore.
“Sounds like you need to fess up to your dream person too.”
And when you don’t elaborate, the sisters go back to their whispers about their gowns and dates. The remaining minutes of the lesson compromised of scribbles and a huffing Theodore.
You want to pour out your emotions. Scream at him, ‘I’m hurting and I’m here. You’re still not looking at me. I’m real and I’m yours for the taking.’
He, however, is occupied with writing and frowning. You conclude that he must be deeply in love with his dream girl so as you look out the window…
At the end of the class, you were the last one out. You had a question for Professor Trewlaney and now you are walking out of the divination classroom.
Theodore stops you at the door frame.
“Walk you to the next class?” He asks and takes your bag off of you.
“Oh thank you.”
There was an uncomfortable silence shared between you. Both of you itching to find out who was in the other’s dream. Theodore calls you to stop and you do.
“Don’t go for him.” The tips of your shoes touch as he steps toward you.
“What do you mean?” You look up. His face merely inches away from yours.
“Forget the guy in your dreams and be with me.”
By his collar, you pull him for a kiss and call him an adorable idiot.
“Theodore, I’m yours.”
“Hey!” A voice snaps you out of your daydreaming.
“Hey Theo.” He smiles at the nickname.
“Walk you to the next class?”
All you could do was nod as your lips seems to be sealed shut.
Unlike your dreaming, the silence was comfortable. It was the air that jolted you ensuring you that this isn’t a dream. Is it?
“Would you meet me at the clock courtyard after dinner?”
Nothing looks or sounds strange. However, this can’t be real. Your lips are still stuck and can’t reply.
Theo stops in his tracks. “It’s okay if you don’t want to. I under-“
“I’ll meet you there.” You turn your head so he doesn’t see your pink cheeks.
Is this all in your head?
What did Theodore want from you? You frown in front of the mirror. Have your delusions gotten the best of you that you’re meeting him tonight?
You pat the creases of your dress. If you were going to meet him and he was really there then you might as well put on an outfit that you see yourself in every fantasy. You tell yourself that you should know better but you can’t forget how things were in your head and if this was a vivid dream you’ll take what you can get.
And he’s there. The moonlight shining on his form. Theodore stands when he sees you. There isn’t many students around. He stands by the fountains and you sit on the ledge.
Water splashes you slightly making you jump. He immediately takes off his coat and puts it around you. A gentlemen in real life too. You thank him and the pair of you stare upwards to the sky.
“You wore that dress when I first got the chance to talk to properly. It was first year and you were sitting on this spot with your friends.”
You can’t bear to look at him fearing he’ll disappear within seconds.
“The wind was blowing in your hair. I wished I could talk to you the previous night.” He chuckles at the memory. “I actually threw a sickle in this fountain. I read about it in a muggle book once. That day you dropped something out of your bag on the way in and I thanked Merlin for granting my wish.”
Your eyes widen and you start playing with a loose thread on this coat.
“Too bad that was the only time I got the courage to talk to you outside class. I wasn’t sure if you liked me enough to be my friend. You never spoke to me except for classes.”
His gaze burns your face. Hot red.
“But I watched you everyday. You were always away with the fairies, grinning at yourself and laughing when your friends caught you.”
You gather enough courage to look his way. Eyes piercing through you and the arrow hits your heart.
“Listen. I don’t know who this guy is in your dreams but I want you to know you are the one in mine. It’s torture and a pleasure to have you in my head but I want you to know that I want you to be mine in real life.”
You fish out a sickle out of your pocket. One you were going to use incase he didn’t come to your meeting.
“I guess I won’t be needing this.”
Theodore takes it out of your palm and tosses it into the fountain. He cups your cheeks and leans his forehead against yours. You couldn’t wait any longer and you press your lips to his. You feel complete. When you both pull away to check the other still exists, you breathlessly whisper,
“Theodore, I’m yours.”
You hold his hand in yours and for once it’s not in your head.
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wandafiction · 3 months
Water Fight - Just Us Chapter 31
Warnings 18+: Fluff, Smut, Thigh Riding (Wanda), Slight choking,
Word Count: 3679
Series List | Chapter 30 | Chapter 32
"Okay what's the game plan?" Me, Yelena and Natasha are standing at the back of my car looking at all the water guns. 
"I want that one." Yelena's eyes have a devilish glint to them as she points out the gun.
"Okay so Yelena gets the Super Soaker Hydra." I grab it, passing it off to Yelena as she takes in the details of the plastic toy.
"Natasha, which one do you want?" Natasha doesn't speak, she just leans in the back grabbing out another one of the big guns, I also don't miss the pistol she puts behind her back. "The Super Soaker Soakzooker, excellent choice."
"What about you Y/n?" I turn to look at Yelena, a smirk growing on my face.
"I've got my baby right here." I open up a box in the back that I hid the gun in to make sure I got it. "Brand new Spyra Two."
I chuck the rest of the guns in a duffle bag, there are a few super soakers, a couple of pistols and one of those small rubbish pistols for Nathaniel to use as he is still too little to pump the guns properly to get them to work. We make our way into the house, checking our corners to make sure we are not going to get caught on our sneak attack, hopefully everyone is still in the garden. 
"Psst, come this way. Will can fill them up in the sink out here then sneak out the side door." Natasha waves me and Yelena over to the utility room, filling up the large sink so we can fill the guns up. 
All the guns take a while to fill up, because of course we had to choose the biggest of the lot but once we are ready we make our way to the side door that opens up to the side of the backyard that you can't see from the decking. Natasha leads, with Yelena close behind and me at the rear as she slowly and quietly opens the door swiveling her head left from right to make sure no one is in view. She lifts her hand in the air wiggling one finger silently, telling us to follow her. 
"Are you sure you're not a Russian spy Natasha, this all seems very tactical." I hear her huff out a laugh rolling her eyes at me as she turns to face me.
Just as she is about to say something we hear laughing close by and we simultaneously press our backs to the wall, crouching down to try and hide ourselves a little more. When the laughter moves away from us Natasha slowly slides her body along the wall putting her head past the corner to check the surroundings, holding up a fist to tell us to stay where we are. Me and Yelena hold our breath waiting for Natasha's singal.
We wait…
Her finger waves us to move as she moves around the corner.
"WATER FIGHT!" Yelena shouts as she rounds the corner immediately aiming for Sharon, firing with no remorse and laughing like a crazy person when she gets her right in the face. "Bullseye!"
I turn to see the children running away, so make my way towards them as Tommy and Billy group together to protect Nathaniel. If I wasn't so interested in attacking them with my water guns I would have melted at the sight, but I couldn't let it distract me. They hid Nathaniel behind their bodies who was shouting out about how the alien is after him. 
"Don't worry Nathaniel, we will protect you." Billy raises his arms in front of him, like has some sort of magic powers that are going to stop me.
"Your powers aren't going to stop me Billy." 
"Billy take Nat, I will distract her!" I smile at the nickname they have given him as Tommy shouts at them as he runs towards me, jeez Wanda's right this kids quick...but not as quick as me.
I turn my body running after Tommy who is already a few paces ahead of me, so as I am running I move my gun to aim for his back. When the cold water makes contact with his shirt he squeals a bit zigzagging around to try and put me off. He makes his way up the decking, essentially trapping himself so I spray him a few times and he dramatically collapses to the floor shouting 'man down, man down'. 
I turn around to search the backyard for the other two boys taking in the sight of Yelena chasing Sharon as she vaults over a plant pot or two showing off the skills Shield has obviously taught her as she avoids heavy fire from the young Russian. I also see Wanda, who has been cornered by Natasha, holding her hands in front of her face to try and stop the water as she laughs that gorgeous angelic laugh of hers. I pull my eyes away from watching Wanda, looking over to where I see Billy and Nathaniel running towards Wanda to go and help her. I smirk as I vault over the railing landing in front of them causing screams of horror to leave their mouths as they slide to a complete stop in front of me.
"Go Nathaniel!" Nathaniel darts back the other way as Billy holds up his hands waving them in the air. 
I stop all my movements like he has got me in his trap, frozen on the spot. His eyes widen slightly as he looks at his hands then back to me with a smirk. His smirk drops when my hand twitches, the gun moves ever so slightly upwards as the water makes contact with his face.
"I'm too powerful to be stopped by you Wiccan!" 
"Wiccan?" He tilts his head, wow he is just like his mother.
"Uh, yeah just came up with it now. Like you're some form of wizard with what you were doing with your hands."
"Oh cool. I like that." 
"Good because it's sticking."
"Does Tommy have a nickname?" As I'm about to answer I realise he is just trying to distract me so I shoot his forehead one more time.
"Don't distract me." He laughs at me as I scoot past his body searching the backyard for Nathaniel, smiling when I see his small body behind a tree. 
I take quiet steps till I'm close enough to the tree to get the rascal. I see his hand move to his mouth as he tries to hold his breath, obviously sensing that I'm close, but it's too late for him because I jump around and start shooting at his body. He shrieks as he runs back towards the other people who all stop their movements when they hear a very horrific scream only laughing when they realise it's Nathaniel being very dramatic. They all laugh as I wrap my arms around him instead of shooting him with water, and he kicks his legs around and he screams to the twins for help.
They make their way over to me trying to pry my arms open to allow Nathaniel to escape. I quickly bend down to place Nathaniel on the ground, as he turns to run away I quickly grab the twins wrapping my arms around their bodies so I can hold one under each arm. Damn they are heavier than I expected. So I don't drop them on the floor. I quickly make my way to the edge of the pool that is in the backyard and the boys look up at me in pure horror. I turn to Wanda to make sure it's okay to chuck them in, and as soon as I get a small nod I take a few steps back running towards the pool. As I jump I let go of the boys making sure to push their bodies away from me so we don't end up colliding as we go underwater. 
I bring my head up below the surface of the water, as the boys make their way to me pushing me back under. I flail my hands while under grabbing a leg of one of the boys, I hear a muffled scream from underwater as I pull the body under with me and push myself off the bottom of the pool so I come to the surface. I see Tommy above the surface so it was Billy I dragged under, I wait until he pops back above the surface before I swim towards Tommy who makes a quick swim towards the stairs. 
Tommy manages to get out of the pool, running towards Wanda and the other woman who have been watching this whole thing go down with Nathaniel standing there, his small body wrapped in a fluffy towel as his lips have a tiny hint of blue, he must have been standing still for too long. Instead of continuing the chase with Tommy, I stop and turn to Nathaniel even though we are having fun I can't let my little brother die of hypothermia.
"Do you want to dry off and get changed or do you want to put your swimming shorts on and get in the pool with me?" I see Tommy poke his head out from behind Wanda as he realises I have put a pause on the game we were playing.
"Ca-can I get in the pool. I want to p-p-play some more." His teeth chatter a little as he speaks.
"Of course let's get you warmed up a little first." I pick up his tiny body, making sure the towel stays securely on him and I tuck the extra length under his feet so he doesn't drip water through the house. 
"Can someone show me where our bags are please?" 
"I will come with you. Come on boys you should get into your shorts too if you want to stay in the pool." Wanda takes the lead as the four of us follow her inside, the other woman heading back to the table to catch their breaths and finish their drinks.
"Tommy, Billy your clothes are in Yelena's room so you can get changed in their and the bathroom opposite. Y/n and Nathaniel, your clothes are in the guest room with mine." 
Tommy and Billy disappear into a room on the left side of the hallway while I follow Wanda, Nathaniel still in my arms as he snuggles closer to me trying to keep warm, to the end of the hallway. She holds the door open for me and I place Nathaniel on the bed as I go to grab his bag, picking up his red and blue swim shorts. 
"Alright buddy, up." He pushes his body off the bed, as I bend down to match his height, rubbing my hands up and down the outside of the towel to help dry him off a little while creating some warmth. 
"Here you go buddy." Wanda pulls one of the blankets off the bed wrapping it around his small body to try and help warm him up.
"Thank you Miss Wanda."
"Wanda is just fine, bud." She gives him a gentle smile as she strokes a hand through his short brown hair.
"Okay Wanda." He shuffles his body closer to her, as she wraps her arms around him moving them up and down to help keep him warm.
"Are you warming up?" 
"Yes thank you Wanda." 
"Good. I will leave you to get changed, just come and get me when you're done so I can get sorted." 
"Okay. Thank you Wanda." I could really kiss her right now, but Nathaniel would witness. Wanda seems to be thinking the same as she takes my hand in hers and gives it a light squeeze, stroking her thumb on my knuckles before letting go and making her way out of the room.
"Okay buddy let's get you sorted so you can play in the pool."
Once Nathaniel is changed I tell him he is okay to go back outside as long as he is with the boys or one of the adults in the pool, while I get changed myself. Before he leaves he gives me a hug and squeezes me tight.
"You okay there buddy?" He nuzzles his head into my neck.
"I'm okay. I'm really happy right now! Thank you for today. It has been a lot of fun! Can we do this again sometime?" I stroke my arm up and down his back as a smile fondly at his request.
"Of course we can. We will talk to Wanda and maybe organise something with the boys and we can bring your brother and sister next time too. How does that sound?" 
"Amazing!" He gives me a sloppy kiss on the cheek before trying to wiggle out of my arms. "Can you put me down now please? I want to go and play again."
He gives me the biggest puppy eyes ever, so I give into his request giving him a quick kiss; and place him on the ground. I'm amazed when I see him calmly walking out of the room, closing the door behind him. He must know not to run in the house. I make my way to my bag pulling out my bikini, which is a Nike sportswear one as I'm not very comfortable with wearing two pieces of fabric held together by string. Instead this has high waisted bottoms, and a crop top like top. It gives me enough coverage to be comfortable but still shows off everything a normal bikini does. It's a win, win for me. 
I have just finished changing my bottom half, and as I'm taking my top half off I hear the door of the room open and close in quick succession and then a small click. I turn my head to see Wanda leaning against the door as she drinks me in with her eyes, her bottom lip between her teeth. 
"Take a picture it will last longer." What I don't expect to hear or see is the sound and flash of her phone taking a picture. I turn my head to look over my shoulder ready to give her the 'really' look, but when I see her eyes darkened with lust a small smirk plays on my lips. I see another flash. When she looks down at the picture and then up at me I see her gently squeeze her thighs together, eyes closing when she catches me staring. 
"Like what you see princess?" All she can do is nod, her lip still between her teeth as she puts her phone down on the desk by the door, her hands resting on her thighs gently scratching at them with her nails. 
I turn my whole body around now, her eyes drop to my chest a small whimper leaving her mouth as her thighs clench even more. I start walking towards Wanda as her eyes watch my every movement moving from my chest, to my chiselled abs back to my chest then up into my eyes. I come to a stop in front of her, looking down at her as she looks up at me, her pupils blown wide open with lust. I place my left hand on the door just above her head so I can lean over her some more, but leaving enough room for her to move if she needs to. 
My right hand comes to rest on her cheek, stroking it gently, before using the tip of my index finger to draw a line from her cheek, down her jaw to her neck then from her neck to her shoulder. My finger is barely touching the skin but goosebumps grow along her skin the further I get, her body arching slightly to get closer to me wanting more friction. My finger dances down her arm until it reaches her hand where I place my palm in hers, pushing my fingers between hers. I move my left arm down to do the same with the other arm, before suddenly moving them up above her head using one hand to hold both her wrists. My right hand coming down to hold her waist, holding her against the door.
"These stay here babygirl. Is that okay?" She gives me a nod. "Words babygirl."
"Yes, please, just please."
"Desperate, much? What's going you so riled up?"
"You." She states quickly.
"What have I done?"
"Vaulting over the railing. God that was so fucking sexy, like my god I didn't realise your muscles could look any better and then they tensed and your veins. Don't even get me started on your veins." She lets out a moan as I push my knee between her legs putting pressure on her core, she starts moving her hips riding my thigh.
"Keep going." My hand on her waist helps guide her movements against my leg, letting her know I am more than okay with her bringing herself to an orgasm.
"And when you did those press ups. Baby you're so strong, your muscles nearly broke through your shirt. I've had to control myself all day, to make sure I didn't drag you into the bathroom to let you take me. I need you." Her voice is becoming breathy the more she rides my thigh.
I stop her movements for a second, she lets out a small whine but moans when my hands make contact with her clothed core. I move my hand to the band of underwear pulling them down till they fall to the floor. I slam my lips against hers in a passionate kiss, keeping her arms above her head as I put my leg back between hers. The grinding of her core against my thigh immediately continues and I can feel the trail of wetness her movements are leaving behind.
"That's it babygirl. Work yourself up for me. Be a good girl and make yourself cum on my thigh." Her pace picks up as moans and sighs leave her mouth. I let go of her wrists, her hands drop to my shoulders for support and I bring the hand down to her neck giving it a slight squeeze.
Her breath hitches in her throat.
"Is this okay babygirl." She nods but then sees the look on my face.
"Yes it's more than okay." 
"Good because you have to be quiet there are other people here." Wanda bites her bottom lip to suppress her moans as her movements become erratic against my thigh.
"Please baby I'm so close." 
"Please what babygirl?" I squeeze her throat a little tighter, before releasing the pressure not wanting to hurt her or leave a mark.
"Please can I cum, I want to cum." 
"You've been such a good girl controlling yourself all day, so cum for me." I move my mouth against her ear, poking my tongue in her lobe to see how she reacts, I hear a moan from the back of her throat and smile. "That's it babygirl. Be a good girl now, cum for me."
With those final words her hips jutter as her head flings back against the door, eyes rolling to the back of her head. Her back arches, her body coming into contact with mine as I feel her juices release onto my thigh, her nails digging into my shoulders, one of her hands flies to her mouth to muffle her moans. Her hips move lazily against my leg a few more times before her body completely relaxes against mine slumping into me.
"You okay princess?" I cup her face with my hands, moving her hair behind her ears.
"More than okay." I smile down at her bringing our lips together for a few seconds before leaning my forehead against hers.
"Feeling better." She smacks my arms gently as I let out a small laugh.
"Rude, but yes so much better."
"Well seeing you cum against my thigh is something I'm not going to get out of my head." She hums as she pecks my lips a couple of times. "I think I am going to shower before I head back downstairs don't want to get in the pool with you all over my leg " 
Wanda's face flushes at the thought, burying her head against my chest to try and hide it. I don't say anything but start stroking my hand through her hair. After a few minutes of calm she rests her chin against my chest looking up at me. 
"Y/n I...I…I…" She bows her head, becoming all shy before taking a breath and looking back up at me." I want to join you in the shower."
"Won't your friends and the boys wonder where you are?" She shakes her head.
"Natasha told me to stop staring and just get laid. Her words not mine, she was fed up with me just watching you. And Yelena and the boys are playing in the pool." 
"Okay well I'm more than happy for you to join me." I grab her hand, dragging her into the ensuite locking the door behind us. 
I wonder why she got so nervous about asking to join me? I would never say no. Unless she wanted to ask something else but got too shy or nervous. I will speak to her later about it. For now I am going to enjoy this shower, which is definitely not going to stay PG for very long. I hear the water turn on and see Wanda stepping under it and I can't help but stare at her.
"Take a picture, it will last longer." I laugh at her using my own words against me as I step in the shower to join her.
"Your beauty cannot be captured by a single moment. A picture would do what I see in front of me no justice because you are too beautiful to describe, you Wanda are ethereal." 
"And you Y/n are ravishing." 
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I love your x teen reader fics <3 I have a request if you feel like writing it :)
Spencer x son!teen!reader where people expected Spencers son to be as smart and articulated as he is, but in reality his son is clumsy, adhd ridden with short attention span. But all he wants to do is prove to his dad he can be as smart and useful as he is. One day reader goes too far and accidentally gets involved in a case (kidnapped/hurt/whatever you want I don’t mind).
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Spencer Reid X Son Teen Reader
Request: where people expected Spencers son to be as smart and articulated as he is, but in reality his son is clumsy, adhd ridden with short attention span. But all he wants to do is prove to his dad he can be as smart and useful as he is. One day reader goes too far and accidentally gets involved in a case.
Set in season 12
Third person pov...
It had been 2 months and 10 days since Y/N Reids dad had been in jail for, the teen had been staying with his Godmother JJ and her husband Will, as they didn't want him to be alone.
Currently the 14 year old is in a spare room writing things down in a notebook. He knows his Dad would never kill anyone-unless they were an Unsub.
"It has to been Scratch that bastard targeted Hotch now Dad for some reason" he mutters biting the pencil, without him knowing Micheal sneaks up behind.
"Rahhhh" yells the toddler making the hyperfocued teen jump from his chair, of course with how clumsy he is he ends up knocking it and himself over.
E/C eyes widened as he landed hard. "Ouch" he mutters rubbing the back of his head hearing cheerful laugh above. He looks uo to see Micheal.
The little toddler had suck up behind him. "Micheal I told you the knock before coming in" he says making the laughing toddler stop and giggle.
Y/N smirks and leaps up grabbing the little boy and tickling him, the toddler squeals with laugher and wriggles around trying to escape Y/N let's him.
The young boy runs out of the room giggling Y/Ns laugher stops as he looks back at his notes then closes the door and reaches under his bed.
It was a copy of the file the team have on Mr Scratch, Y/N knew is was him but didn't know how to find him.
The teen wasn't like his Genius dad at all while his dad was smart and articulated Y/N was the exact opposite. Y/N was clumsy, adhd ridden with short attention span.
But over the last couple of months Y/N had been giving it his all into finding Mr Scratch because his dad's teams couldn't do it by themselves.
Little did Y/N know that as he was trying to solve the case, he was being watched. The one behind Spencer's misfortune was an old enemy of the BAU, Peter Lewis, alias ‘Mr. Scratch’.
Seeing an opportunity, later that week he went after William in the hopes that he would be able to get the information he needed to take down the BAU.
The Boy was walking back to his Godmothers house, infront of him were Henry and Micheal as he walked he kept his focus on his shoes.
He stepped one foot on one square as he did this he didn't hear someone appear behind him suddenly was knocked unconscious no time to react.
Hours later JJ and Will couldn't contact Y/N, Michael and Henry hadn't seen or heard from him as they were walking home.
The team gathered trying to figure out who took Y/N, as JJ was looking in his room she found the copy of the file of Scratch.
She bought it to Quantico to show everyone. "He was looking into Spencers case and Mr Scratch" she says slamming the file and Y/Ns notes onto the table in the briefing room.
The teen had been abducted by Mr. Scratch and taken to an undisclosed location. The BAU team worked tirelessly to locate him.
They frantically searched for any leads and evidence that could help them find Y/N and bring him home safely.
With Y/N...
The 14 year old slowly came to he was in a room, he could feel his hands and legs strapped down on a chair.
He could feel everything which meant he was unharmed but was in some kind if state his head felt all fuzzy and eyes blurred.
"What happend" he mutters twisting his wrists and legs seeing how tight the restraints are but of course he was taken by a professional.
The teen waits he can't do anything now except wait for the team to find him and catch Mr Scratch, he looks around the room he's in.
It wasn't to big but large enough, Scratch could drug him make him hallucinate but instead he hadn't which confused the teen.
"Awake I see" comes a voice making Y/N flinch, he looked around as best he can and spotted him. "You what do you want?" He demands making the psycho laugh.
"What I want, I want your father and his team to suffer" Says Scratch getting closer to the teen, Y/N wriggles again not able to sit still as the Man get closer.
Y/N glares "you're not getting anything out of me you bastard!" He yells the psycho smirks before the sent of sage sent Y/N off in a daze.
The teen tried to resist but instantly vegan hallucinating jsut as Scratchs previous victims had done.
Scratch left the boy on his own but watched from afar as he hallucinate, in Y/Ns hallucination he was back in the court room when he dad was denied bail, But something felt different.
He sat in the stands behind his dad next to JJ holding her hand as he watched his dad at front.
"Bail denied" the judge speaks smacking the hammer down, everyone on Reid side stood up ready to argue but with one look from hotch they quietened down.
Y/N was among them, he watched at his dad locked eyes with him, he tried not to cry he really did but as he was held by his Godmother he cried and cried and cried until he was outside the court room.
He was surrounded by the team getting hugged left and right being patted on the shoulder and reassured that his father would be okay, minutes later his dad walks out.
Before the door closes Y/N in running into his dad's arms ducking under the cuffs on his wrists.
"Dad!" Sobs the teen hugging his dad tightly, but his dad didn't hug back like he did before.
Instead he stood motionlessly. "I'm not going to see you again Son, forget about me"he says emotionlessly.
Y/N feels himself shaking his head as he stares at the man who wasn't his dad. "No dad I won't forget you!" He yells trying to get him to see reason.
Spencer just smiles at his son is being walked away. "No dad! Please no don't leave me" he hears himself shout.
He opens his eyes and see "JJ" he mumbles staring at his Godmothers face wondering if she was real, the woman laughs behind a sniffle.
She pets his head gently as he is untied and put onto a gurney and in ambulance. "It's okay N/N your okay Scratch is dead your Dad is free okay he will meet you there" she says to him as he is taken in the ambulance.
Finally, after days of investigating, the team has found Y/N, safe and sound, and Spencer was free from Prison he was on his way to the hospital to meet his son.
The team was overjoyed to find him, but their relief was short-lived when they learned the truth about why Y/N had been taken. He had uncovered evidence that pointed to Mr. Scratch. Knowing that he was the one behind it all, the team worked to bring him to justice.
In the end, the BAU team was able to bring Peter Lewis down and Spencer was able to see his son safe and sound.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, I'm currently trying to catch up with all the reqest I've gotten sorry if I don't get to yours for a while.
Request are open!
Word count: 1340
93 notes · View notes
Still Into You
Summary: Cassian stumbles into the middle of Feyre and Rhysand's yearly mating anniversary, and learns the secret to making a relationship last: lying.
Thanks to @the-lonelybarricade for this drabble prompt. In her defense, I play blatant favorites and also she suggested this yesterday.
2k words
Cassian knew better than to be in the house any time leading up to the anniversary of Rhys’s mating bond. Everyone knew it, to be fair, making themselves scarce for a solid month and hoping when they did return, Rhys had gotten it out of his system. It was the night of, and normally Cassian wouldn’t risk being anywhere near the smells likely leaking out of the River House if it weren’t for one thing:
Nesta had left her favorite book in the guest room. She hadn’t asked him to get it for her, nor had she said one word to him, specifically, about wanting to finish reading. He’d overheard her lamenting to Gwyn and Emerie that she’d left on a cliffhanger while her friends had gloated over knowing the ending. 
Cassian figured he could brave his brother for a few minutes in order to give his own mate some satisfaction, too. Cassian arrived just as night began to fall, blanketing Velaris in shadowed, pinky hues. He moved quickly, wings tucked tight against his body. He could do this. 
His hands were sweaty as he turned the knob, heart pounding in his throat. It wasn’t that Cassian had an aversion to sex, or that he was too delicate to hear it. Though he certainly didn’t want to hear what Rhys might do to Feyre, who he loved like a sister, it was the mindless aggression that came with the acceptance of the bond. Cassian knew it too well—he’d nearly taken Lucien Vanserra’s head off for wishing Nesta a good morning while passing down a hall once. Rhys was the High Lord and already territorial even in his most rational moments. 
If he caught Cassian sneaking through his home, he might think Cassian was after his mate and then Cassian would have to fight him. He made his steps quiet, an arduous task given the size of him. Maybe he should have asked Az, who’d vanished the mere second Feyre had cheerfully announced her upcoming anniversary. He was likely burrowed somewhere deep in the content by now. 
Cassian’s nostrils flared at the scent of something rotten…something burning, something—something…
“Cassian!” Feyre’s voice interrupted his wild attempts to figure out what he was scenting. Diverting his attention from the sweeping wooden steps that would take him to the guest room he’d defiled more often than he cared to admit, Cassian pivoted toward the dining room. Rhys was perched at the head of the table, those violet eyes glittering not with anger or suspicion, but amusement. 
Cassian turned again, one palm raised in apology. His eyes snagged on the painting Feyre had done of him and Nesta at their mating ceremony—fuck Nes was so beautiful clad in all that flowing white—and forgot to say anything.
That was his first mistake.
“Did you come for dinner?”
Dinner? He turned again, tearing his eyes off Nesta in her mating gown and the rising memories of what he’d done to that dress in the aftermath to look at Feyre. “You made dinner?”
He didn’t know Feyre knew how to do that. 
Of course she did—and she invited all of you, which she does every year, came Rhys’s smooth voice. Sit down and smile. 
Mating bond chafing already, Rhys? Cassian couldn’t help his taunt, stepping onto the sand colored rug beneath the elegant table. They’d had many a meal here—prepared by the serving staff, by Elain, and once by a red faced Lucien, clearly at Elain’s prodding. Never Feyre, though.
“I did come for dinner,” Cassian lied, curious as to what was happening. Rhys was utterly relaxed, his head tilted toward Feyre who was an utter mess of ingredients. Multi-colored smudges of food substances graced her high cheekbones, her braided golden brown hair, and the soft slope of her collarbone. And though she wore an apron, he could see it had done little to protect her long sweater and leggings beneath. 
“I was beginning to think no one ever would,” his High Lady said, her eyes sparkling with delight. “I’ll make another plate.”
I was dawning on Cassian that the terrible smells were coming from the kitchen. Feyre vanished behind Rhys, trailing her fingers over his shoulder before she went. Rhys immediately leaned forward, his face harsh and unforgiving. 
“You’ll eat everything she serves you with a smile,” he growled, looking more battle ready than Cassian had seen him in a long time. 
“Why didn’t you tell us Feyre invited us to dinner?” Cassian asked instead, well aware his brother was hogging her attention. Rhys’s lips pulled over his teeth, smothered when Feyre reappeared balancing three plates on her arms. The smell hit Cassian like an arrow to the chest. It was a mixture of rotting, hot garbage and fish, somehow both salty and sweet. 
“What brings you down?” Feyre asked, taking Rhys’s other side opposite Cassian, unaware of the vicious stare her mate was lobbying at Cassian. As if he’d ever insulted her. 
“Rhys promised Nesta some new dresses,” Cassian said slickly, slamming the walls of his mind closed before his brother could argue.
Why not have a little fun while he was here? That sharp talon sliced brutally against his consciousness, but Feyre, so obviously and openly delighted, kept Rhys from doing anything but offering a too sensual smile. “I came to collect the coins…and a book Nes left upstairs.”
“You should have brought her!” Feyre declared. Rhys looked at Cassian with a look that said, now you’ve done it. 
“She wanted to come so badly,” Cassian replied, feeling bad for the lie. He hadn’t yet looked at his plate, but he knew from smell alone Nesta would not have been able to keep her reaction from her face.
“She’s helping Emerie with something for her shop.
“That’s so generous,” Feyre, unaware that neither Rhys or Cassian had begun eating, turned to her own plate. Finally, Cassian looked down, his stomach flipping. This was the Illyrian war camps all over again. Some sort of mystery meat, covered in a blackened sauce and surrounded by a limp, too-wet vegetable greeted him. 
“Wine?” Cassian asked casually, and with a snap of Rhys’s fingers, three goblets appeared before them. Rhys began cutting his over-done, too tough meat with all the grace and elegance of a well-bred High Lord. Feyre didn’t watch at all, doing the same. Cassian lacked their easy graces and, to be perfectly honest, was desperate to escape. Not just the meal, but the way Rhys’s eyes kept darting to Feyre and how they both thought Cassian couldn’t see Feyre’s hand sliding up Rhys’s thigh. Mother save him, he thought, forking his piece of meat and bringing it to his lips.
The taste was like nothing he’d ever experienced in his life. In a bad way. As though Feyre had concocted a dirt and wet cat meal when he knew full well she’d added neither. His High Lady was beaming at him, his High Lord glowering, both waiting for his assessment.
“Wow,” he finally managed, swallowing while holding his breath. He’d had worse meals, he told himself, though not for centuries, certainly. This would have been gods sent back when he’d been starving. He might have begged for second helpings, even.
Now, though…?
You’ve gotten soft, came Rhys’s snarling assessment in his mind. Whoops. He’d dropped his shield. 
“Elain is teaching me,” Feyre told him, eyes shining with pride. “We’re bonding.”
You need to get Elain out of your house, Cassian told Rhys silently. She’s a terrible teacher.
Rhys looked like he might throttle Cassian. “Try the vegetables,” he said instead, spearing his own on a fork. Rhys ate like it was the finest meal he’d ever had. Cassian did, too, nearly gagging when they dissolved into wet mush on his tongue. Gods, this had to be torture—something Az had devised, or maybe some divine retribution for past crimes he couldn’t recall. Cassian couldn’t do it, bracing his hands on the table just as another invisible force shoved at his shoulders. 
Sit down and finish dinner, Rhys ordered silently, smiling at his mate.
“You’ve outdone yourself this year.”
“I burned it a little—”
“I like the char,” Rhys informed her smoothly. Cassian was close to gagging, not from the taste but the purr in Rhys’s voice.
I’m trying to eat here, he grumbled loudly so they could both hear him. Feyre smothered a smile, attacking her food again while Rhys remained unbothered and smug. The quickest way out of this, Cassian realized, was to just finish his food and make his excuses to leave. Cassian was beginning to believe no good deed went unpunished, not when he had to choke the rest of the meal down between long gulps of wine. Rhys and Feyre were becoming more heated by the moment, clearly having some silent conversation Cassian wanted to know nothing about. 
Rhys finished before Cassian somehow, sliding his plate toward his mate.
“Is there more?”
Cassian choked. Surely Rhys was joking. 
“I gave it to Cassian,” Feyre said apologetically as Cassian rose from his chair so quickly it nearly toppled to the floor. Rhys glanced towards him, now inching back to the hall.
“A moment, darling,” Rhys said smoothly, rising from his chair. “I owe Cassian some money.”
“Thank you for coming,” Feyre told Cassian with the sweetest smile. Cassian immediately felt bad for every mean thought he’d had about her cooking. 
“Can’t wait for next year,” Cassian said, thinking he’d force Azriel to join him. Rhys was quick, hand on Cassian’s shoulder as he led him into the hall and up the stairs. The sound of dishes clattering chased them away, and Cassian couldn’t help himself.
“Do you really enjoy her cooking?” he asked the moment they’d reached the landing.
“Yes,” Rhys replied immediately. “Every year Feyre recreates our mating bond by making me a meal, and every year she tries to outdo the last. Tell me, brother. If Nesta cooked you a mating meal, would you refuse it over the taste?”
Fuck no. And while the thought of Nesta in the kitchen certainly amused him, he knew he would have licked the plate clean had she ever put in the effort it took to cook something. Rhys could hear his every racing thought, his face settling. 
“Exactly,” Rhys said, digging in his pockets. “For Nesta’s dresses.” Cassian took the money, well aware Nesta would spend it on books.
“Have fun,” Cassian called over his shoulder, making his way toward the guest room.
“You have five minutes,” said Rhys, his steps thundering down the stairs. Cassian snatched the book from a side table and went out the window when he heard Feyre’s loud, happy giggling floating up the stairs. Good for them. 
Cassian didn’t need to see what Rhys was doing to the dining table he’d just been sitting at. In fact, Cassian didn’t think he dared a breath until he was back up at the House of Wind, strolling into the bedroom he shared with Nesta. She was already in a night dress, her hair unbound and falling in loose waves around her shoulders. 
“Lovely,” he couldn’t help but say, grinning as he strolled in. Nesta looked up, those silvery blue eyes narrowed as he tossed her book to the bed and Rhys’s coins on the desk at the end of the room. 
“You went to see them?” she asked, arching an eyebrow. “How was it?”
Cassian shrugged. “Fine. And then weird. But mostly fine. It was worth it to get your book,” he added as she picked it up. Nesta’s face erupted with delight, looking up at him with unguarded pleasure. Cassian slid onto the bed, unlacing his boots so he could stretch out beside her. 
“Well, thank you,” she said, brushing her lips over his jaw. He knew he was going to lose her to the book in a moment, and took the opportunity to ask, “Would you ever cook for me?”
She started to scoff before truly looking at him. “I don’t know the first thing about cooking,” she admitted. “It would be awful.”
She had no idea. Cassian was willing to wager it couldn’t be any worse than what he’d just eaten, though. “That’s okay.”
Nesta held his gaze. “You better eat all of it,” she grumbled, settling back against the mountain of pillows propping her up. Cassian grinned, diving beneath the blankets to take her with him.
"When has that ever been a problem, Nes?” 
And for once, Nesta had no comeback to offer.
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lilis-doodle-dome · 7 months
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Mafuyu looks,,, so much better than Kasa. Oops-
Mfks swap au group lv 1 Kizuna ranks
There was more interest in this au than expected, so I’ll add more info on this post. But also please feel free to ask any questions you have!
More info:
- The Tenma parents should probably be divorced with how much they fight and usually Tsukasa ends up being the rope in their constant Tug-of-war
- Tenmama treats Tsukasa like the daughter she always wanted to have (despite literally having a daughter) so that’s why his hair is long and some of his casual clothes are feminine colors! She wants him to follow in her footsteps to become a pianist, since he’s such a prodigy.
- Tsukasa has mentioned the fact Saki enjoys the piano and would probably be happy if her mom took an interest in her playing, but Tenmama thinks Saki would need ‘a few more years of experience before she really gets it’ since ‘after all there’s a difference between a child enjoying making pretty sounds, and a real appreciation for an instrument’.
- That sentiment made no sense to Kasa bcs he doesn’t care at all about the piano and so how could *he* appreciate it more than someone who loves it, plus he thinks Saki’s playing is much better than his. It also caused a weird tearing sensation in his chest, but he didn’t understand it.
- Meanwhile the Tenma dad is also awful. He is very tied up in traditional masculinity, so he gets upset with Tsukasa for doing so many feminine things, despite that literally being Tenmama’s doing. He wants Tsukasa to have academic success and get a prestigious career (lawyer, doctor, etc.) since ‘men aren’t lucky enough to be able to marry into money so they can do frivolous things like play piano’
- He does respect that mr. Aoyagi was able to make a career out of piano, but sees him as one of the ‘lucky few geniuses’ that made it and thinks it’s far too unstable of a job for Kasa to pursue. He wants to ‘set his *son* up for success’ after all
- This forces Tsukasa to have an incredibly strict routine each day so he can do enough to satisfy both his parents, bcs if the Tenma’s think he’s even slightly prioritizing one of his tasks over another they’ll start fighting about him ‘taking a side’
- which can lead to fun results such as: The time his father came into his room while he was asleep and cut his hair to a ‘proper male’ length, or when his mother bodily dragged him out of cram school with everyone watching bcs he needed to spend more time on piano instead. Their fighting always seems to hurt their kids more than them.
- Also Tsukasa usually wears his school uniform, instead of casual clothes, everywhere since his parents can’t argue about a school mandated outfit. The only thing he wears as an accessory, and he wears it with every outfit, is a fish hairtie Saki got him when they were younger. He makes an effort to hide it in his hair since otherwise his parents would take it, but it’s the only clothing item that is strictly *his* and he can still remember when wearing made him happy. Even if he can’t feel it anymore the memory is still nice.
- Saki also gets mistreated but in a different way, even worse than treating her like glass, the Tenma’s treat her like she’s still the toddler she was when she first got sick. They act like she’s an incompetent, whiny baby rather than a Teenager in their first year of Highschool and it infuriates her to no end. So most of the time spent with her parents is spent fighting angrily about something, while they patronizingly laugh her off with comments like ‘Young girls these days, so spirited’
- it doesn’t help that Tsukasa absolutely refuses to get involved and when he is dragged in, he always makes non committal statements that are more platitudes than actual thoughts on the matter. Which of course just frustrates Saki even more
- especially since Tsukasa has been helping Saki sneak out of the house during her ‘rest time’ (she basically has one hour of free time after school then she’s expected to stay in her room the rest of the day to ‘destress’, this was not recommended by the doctors her parents just decided on their own) so she can actually live life now that she’s out of the hospital. So clearly he does agree their parents are too overbearing in ‘caring’ for her, so why doesn’t he say anything when she argues with them?
I was planning to talk more about the group’s dynamics and Sekai’s but umm,, guess it’s all just Tenma’s dynamics instead. I still haven’t covered even close to everything about this family mess ha, they’re complicated.
I will mention, however, since it ties in to what I’ve talked about:
- Tsukasa’s Sekai is the Chess Sekai, it’s a massive chessboard with a stretch of grey area that cuts right through the middle of it, each VS’s appearance is based on a piece. The remaining pieces are based off of expectations that have been placed on him (e.x a piano for the piano career and on the opposite side books for the academic career)
- The pieces will move based on what is currently ‘winning’ in his life ( e.x. The books will be further forward if it’s currently exam period and the like). But since there’s that section of grey cutting the board in half none of the pieces can ever cross to the other side and the game is in a perpetual stalemate, with pieces moving meaninglessly back and forth forever
Not technically relevant but I’d feel bad not mentioning:
- Mafuyu’s Sekai is the Storybook Sekai, if you’ve ever seen Van gough’s painted world (it’s a movie) that’s what her Sekai looks like, it’s like being in a painting but the world still moves around you so you can watch the brushstrokes shift as if they were the real thing they depicted. Rather than plushies she has little cartoon animals from various fables she’s read throughout her life, their personalities reflect the story they come from.
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hippolotamus · 3 months
writing patterns
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
it's tempawrary (Stevie Budd | 3.1k | T)
Stevie is at least 87% certain this week can’t possibly get worse. For starters, she’s in the motel lobby surrounded by overstuffed bankers’ boxes. Boxes that now belong to her, courtesy of Aunt Maureen’s highly inconvenient death.
stay here honey (i don't wanna share) (Lutalia | 1.8k | E)
Lucy drapes one arm around Natalia, burying her nose in her hair. Nat smells like the overpriced mousse from the salon. Like sweat and sex. She smells like Lucy. That knowledge sparks a primal, possessive urge, just enough to make itself known. The one Lucy isn’t ready to admit to having and Natalia won’t admit to loving.
if this love is pain (let's hurt tonight) (Buddie | 3.2k | T)
Eddie knows it’s him immediately. Feels the weight of his presence like a favorite coat that doesn’t quite fit anymore. Of course he does. Try as he might, Eddie will never not know when Buck is nearby.
with eyes wide open i tore you apart (Buddie | 377 | G)
“Which is why I have to make the most of every single moment.”  Even as Buck says the words, they taste like ash on his tongue. Because his heart’s not in them and he knows Eddie’s not buying it either.
if i’m being honest (it scares me to death) (Buddie | 2.9k | T)
Just got in. See you tomorrow.  Buck pockets his phone and enters the apartment — it’s not home, never really has been — his movements slow and easy, like he’s floating. Buoyed by the sort of love and contentment that can only come from spending an evening at the Diaz house.
the only thing that matters now (is everything) (Twylexis | 882 | G)
Alexis combs her fingers through her hair, letting manicured nails lightly scratch along her scalp while she stares at the ceiling. Golden wavy strands glide between her fingertips before dropping back to the pillow, a feeling she wants to take advantage of while she can. The self-soothing act had always calmed her as a little girl. Tonight she’s not exactly troubled, but ever since the tests came back, and the immediate future is wrapped in so much uncertainty, she’s found herself doing it more often.
a prelude to a kiss (Twylexis | 335 | G)
It’s no secret that Alexis has kissed lots of people. Like, so many. Men, women, non-binary, genderfluid… Alexis Rose has locked lips with them all. Even so, none of those could ever compare to the woman standing in front of her. To the moment they’re about to share.
I know all your secrets (David/Patrick | 4.6k | E)
In all the years of artfully sneaking around for missions, Agent Patrick Brewer never thought his expertise would lead him here. At least, not as many times as it has.
Whatever may come (your heart I will choose) (Buddie | 77.4k | M)
Love /lǝv/ (n) - strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. Warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion. Unselfish, loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another. Thousands of years ago, the Ancient Greeks identified eight types of love: Agape (unconditional), Eros (romantic), Philia (affectionate), Philautia (self-love), Storge (familiar), Pragma (enduring), Ludus (playful), and Mania (obsessive).
all in the Jee-tails (Buddie | 4.5k | T)
Okay. Just a little turn aaaand- yes. Alright, only one more to go. You got this, Buckley.  Buck watches with fascination as the sewing machine’s needle dips and resurfaces, piercing the shimmery blue fabric. A wave of satisfaction and pride washes over him when the final stitches meet seamlessly with the beginning ones.
umm... i don't even know how to categorize whatever's happening there. although i feel like i can confidently say that i love using parens in titles 🙃
tags below the cut. if you see this and wanna play, too, consider this your tag!
thanks for the tags @lemonzestywrites @honestlydarkprincess @wikiangela @spotsandsocks @tizniz @thekristen999 @jesuisici33 @hoodie-buck @apothecarose 💖
no pressure tagging @stereopticons @blackandwhiteandrose @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz mi amor @disasterbuckdiaz @elvensorceress @barbiediaz @buddierights @chaosandwolves @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @eowon @fortheloveofbuddie @gayedmundodiaz @giddyupbuck @heartshapedvows @indestructibleheart LOML @lizzie-bennetdarcy @ladydorian05 @loserdiaz @monsterrae1 @spaceprincessem @statueinthestone @steadfastsaturnsrings @the-likesofus @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @thewolvesof1998 @vanillahigh00 @watchyourbuck @wildlife4life @your-catfish-friend @rmd-writes @weewootruck @welcometololaland and anyone else who wants to 😘
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princessconsuela120 · 4 months
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Summary: Sirius has found hatred for the new girl at Hogwarts, or in other words…you.
Warnings: cursing, not many, just annoying sirius as always.
Author’s Note: I already love this series so much. I have at least 5 chapters planned as of now, so it’ll be quick and sweet. For now, enjoy you guys!
Now, a week ago Sirius never would have imagined finding himself following y/n sallow around Hogwarts, not a clue where he was going. Ever since he had gotten to Hogwarts, Sirius had an unnerving opinion on every wizard he would meet. Considering he had grown up in such a troubling environment, his only opinion on wizards was bad. He didn’t want to live around people like his family all his life. So when he met James Remus and Peter, he assumed they must have been three in a million. He clung to them, never letting anyone else in their little circle because it was already perfect. That is until Remus found friendship in Lily and Marlene. Then came Dorcas, then Mary, and then Sirius started to feel a little more comfortable in his skin.
But when y/n joined in their 5th year, Sirius didn’t like the change in his comfortable life. He hated the change that it brought. Wether she was a Hufflepuff or a Slytherin didn’t matter, she was something new. Sirius didn’t like new. That why he wasn’t sure why, but he was astounded to be following her around Hogwarts. His obsession with change somehow managed to bring him even closer to it. Which of course meant that he wouldn’t shut up the entire walk.
“Where are we going?” He grumbled, following y/n with a brisk clip as he grunted, trying to keep up with her.
“You’ll see.” She whispered, her wand illuminating the only source of light for them to see through the hallway. Now Sirius was all for break ruled, but he usually didn’t sneak out after curfew without James cloak. This was new, he hated it.
“I don’t like this…how do I know you aren’t leaving me to my death?” He teased, making y/n scoff.
“What if I am?”
“You’re being awfully cryptic..” he hissed, making y/n smirk.
“Good.” She nudged him before heading forward, waving her wand around, seeming to follow a certain trail left on the ground. “You don’t need to know anymore than I’m willing to tell you.”
She stopped walking, stopping in front of a tapestry of two trolls, one which looked familiar to Sirius. He stepped back, his jaw slightly agape as he watched the brick wall across from the tapestry reveal a door. It’s not that he hadn’t seen magic like this before, just that he and James had been trying to access the Room of Requirements for years now and she just did it in two seconds.
“The room of requirements.” He muttered, causing y/n to nod.
“You’ve heard of it?” She asked softly, leading him into the room.
“Yeah, I just never knew where it was. Every professor refused to tell me.”
He rolled his eyes, causing y/n to chuckle softly.
“Yeah well, joining in my 5th year does have some perks.”
The two finally were into the room after walking through the small archway at the entrance. Sirius couldn’t help but Woden his eyes when they walked in.
He would be even more astounded in a week from now, when he finds y/n’s house elf, Bucky, who takes the time to take care of the room while she’s gone. But Bucky was on a trip to visit a few Jobberknoll’s in the highlands at the moment, directed to do so by y/n, so when he does return with seven jobberknoll’s in a small pocket sized bag, Sirius decided he would never not be amazed by y/n and her secrets.
“Wow, it’s huge in here! It seemed so much smaller from the outside.” Sirius exclaimed, standing in the center of the room as he looked around. The walls and ceilings were adorned with a yellowish gold shade, accompanied by many hanging plants and potting stations. It had a certain herbology flair too it, not surprising Sirius considering y/n was top of their herbology class.
“It’s magic, what can I say.” She shrugged, as Sirius pointed at one of the large archways in the room.
“Is that, a unicorn poster on that window?” He asked, confused by the appearance of said poster, which was glowing white, a unicorn coming in and out of view the more he looked at it.
“Actually it’s a real unicorn.” Y/n said, reaching her hand through the doorway to gently pet the unicorn’s main, conjuring a brush before pulling her hand back and letting the unicorn be groomed. “That’s one of my great grandmother's vivariums. I use it to contain magical beasts to protect them from poachers. A way of continuing her legacy, sort of say.” She stepped inside, pulling Sirius with her, his hand lighting up at the feeling of her touch. “Besides, it’s wonderful to see which beasts she brings in.”
She stepped off to the side, quickly refilling the beast feeding station, causing a few magical creatures to hurry over to eat before the two left through the doorway.
“Oh, great, you guys are in here too.” Sirius snarled, gesturing to the painting of Sebastian and Constance that hung in the center of the room, being the centerpiece to one of the main archways.
“We’re all around the building actually.” Sebastian said with pride, causing Sirius to roll his eyes.
“What a joy.”
“Come on, it’s over here.” Y/n said, grabbing Sirius’ arm once again as she playfully rolled her eyes.
“Over here? You mean this room is bigger?” He asked, once realizing one of the four archways contained a staircase, which lead down to another large room. “It’s like a freaking garden in here?!” He said with amazement, gawking at the thousands of potting tables bursting with plants. There were cauldrons bubbling with colorful potions, and potting tables with venomous tentaclulas, which shook slightly when harvested. Sirius couldn’t believe his eyes, it was beautiful.
“It is, it works great for planting and potions.” Y/n explained, gathering a bit of wiggenwield potion in a small bottle before handing it Sirius.
“No wonder you’re so ahead of everyone.” He teased, rolling his eyes as she scoffed.
“It’s in here.”
“What is?” Sirius asked cautiously, causing y/n to sigh once again.
“The answers to your questions.”
She lead him to another white archway, which when pulled in revealed a small chamber. The chamber was full of chests, which held different outfits and accessories which looked to be from the 1800s. But maybe the most impressive thing about the room, was the bundle of Nifflers swimming in the gold. Their were purple one, blue ones, brown ones; every color niffler you could imagine were all running around together in the same chamber.
“Are those, Nifflers?” Sirius asked, trying to shake one off his leg as it attempted to pull his chain off his trousers.
“Yes, they’re mine actually.” She explained, picking up one of the blue ones and scratching its head, causing the niffler to happily snuggle into her arm.
“Holy shit…”
If Sirius thought he was speechless before, he was kidding himself. Y/n pulled him into the locked door behind where all the nifflers had been hanging up, revealing a large costal like vivarium. From the distance, Sirius could see a large figure standing, but he didn’t notice what is was. He was distracted by the hippogriffs flying around in the sky above his head, before he finally looked back down, and came face to face with a trap horn. It was sitting up, gently bowing its head to let y/n pet him as she rubbed its nose.
“Be respectful. This graphorn has been around for Merlin knows how long. He’s a symbol of my grandmothers power. The guardian of the Pensive.” She explained, Sirius watching as the Graphorn moved to the side. Y/n stepped forward as a small birdbath looking statue that had been hidden behind the graphorn. “That’s where we’ll find your answers.” She said, gesturing for the two of them to carefully put their faces in the water. Sirius knew what a pensive was, but he had never experienced one before.
It was like he was there, watching Constance and Sebastian fight the goblins. The defeat, the journey, the grief. The story played all of her memories, all up until the repository was drained, before Sirius and Y/n pulled away with a deep breath.
“Woah. So that’s, that’s what you have?” He asked, causing y/n to nod.
“Yes, the ancient magic.”
The two made their way out of the vivarium, locking the chamber doors as they returned to the seats in front of the painting.
“How though… I thought the final repository was destroyed during the battle?” Sirius said, causing Constance to speak up as she sighed from the painting.
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out.” Sebastian said, drawing their attention back to the painting.
“For the last two generations, ancient magic has been lost from our family. That is, until y/n.” Constance explained, causing Sirius to shake his head, trying to understand the information he was being told.
“Which must mean there’s a repository somewhere left.” Y/n spoke up, causing Sirius to furrow his eyebrows at her.
“We think that when I had passed, my magic manifested itself into a repository, somewhere around Hogwarts.” Constance explained, making Sirius bite his lip as he thought of the memories he just witnessed.
“Could it be under the school, like it was before.”
“We aren’t sure.” Sebastian said with a sigh. “The only way to be sure is for me to go find it.”
“Go find it? Isn’t that dangerous?” Sirius said, turned to y/n with a look of concern.
“Could be. It’s not like I have much of a choice.” She said with a shrug, causing Sirius to look at her strangely, not understanding her idea to jump into the danger he had just seen.
“Why not?”
“The death eaters… word travels fast in Hogwarts.”
Now he knew that was true. Growing up in a family of death eaters, he had his own experience with the kind.
“Lucky for us, there weren’t many dark wizards to worry about, just the three. You guys have many different to worry about.” Sebastian explained. Y/n grabbed Sirius’ arm, causing him to turn to her.
“If the death eaters get word of this repository, they can do just as Ranrok did. If they learn how to harvest the power, it’s only a matter of time before their power takes over.” She explained, making Sirius nod with understanding.
“So this is bad.” He stated, causing her to nod.
“Very bad.”
“When are you planning on finding this repository! I mean, you can’t go alone, you’ll die.” Sirius stressed, pacing back and forth as he ran his fingers through his hair. Y/n was confused at his outburst, only having seen him stress this much when accusing her of dark magic to his friends. And yes, she did hear when he did that.
“I have to.” She said, clenching her jaw and she rolled her eyes at him. “What, are you gonna follow me?”
“What? No.” He crossed his arms, avoiding y/n’s eye contact as he grew with sass. “I don’t know, I mean, Hogwarts is in danger, the whole world could be. It’s not just something you can do alone.” He explained, making her raise an eyebrow at him.
“And why not? Cause I’m a woman?” She teased, adjusting her stance angrily, making Sirius begin to sweat with nerves.
“Be careful son.” Sebastian whispered, earning a shove from Constance.
“No. Not at all. I have the right mind to know you could blast me into next week, but that doesn’t mean that you’re strong enough to contain that magic.” He sighed, looking down at his hands before meeting her eyes. “I don’t think anyone could be alone at least.”
For the first time, maybe in his entirety at Hogwarts, Sirius looked into her eyes. He looked at her eyes, into her face, and he really dive into them to try and see what she was thinking. He felt his heart clench slightly, nit being used to looking at her that way. It was odd, yet nice, and he wished it had lasted longer than it did.
“Well, I don’t have a choice.” She hissed, quickly ignoring his longing stare before turning swiftly on her heel. She didn’t mind that she was leaving Sirius alone to his own devices in her Room, but she assumed he wouldn’t do anything stupid with Sebastian and Constance in there. And besides, she didn’t mind if it meant she could leave.
“So, how’d you stumble upon the Undercroft?” Sebastian asked, causing Sirius to turn to face the painting. He was watching Y/n leave, turning to the painting with a gloomy look on his face.
“Oh um, I just happened upon it.” He stuttered, making Sebastian scoff.
“You know you suck at lying.” He teased, making Sirius roll his eyes.
“I’m not lying.”
“I know you followed her.” Sebastian responded quickly, making Sirius open his mouth to speak, before closing it and huffing.
“How do you…”
“Paintings talk, Black.” Sebastian said with a smirk. “Speaking of, your great grandfather was a horrid school headmaster.”
“Oh I know. I don’t associate with my family much.” Sirius said, quickly looking down at the floor to avoid the topic of his family.
“Neither did my friend Ominis.”
“Ominis Gaunt?” Sirius asked, Sebastian’s eyes lighting up at the name.
“You know him?” He asked, which surprised him. Usually only the Slytherins knew about him. Ominis’s portrait was hung up by the fireplace in the common room, where he would convince the 1st years of the mermaids outside the window.
“No, but we’ve learned about his family in history of magic.” Sirius said, making Sebastian sigh.
“Yes well, I doubt they tell you everything. He like you, didn’t find his family well. You know what else he did? He helped us, with the repository, with containing the magic.” Sirius perked up, having wondered himself how one could even help with the repository. “It’s true, containing it alone is impossible. Y/n doesn’t see that, but she does need help.”
“Well, I mean I can’t help her. We’re rivals, we don’t get along.” Sebastian snorted.
“Again, the lying thing. You know you really gotta leave that to the Slytherinss…” he teased, earning a shove from his counterpart.
“Oh shush Sebastian. You know, Sirius. Just the fact that you followed her here means you’re already ready to help.” Constance explained. Sirius stuttered, shaking his head.
“But I, I can’t..” he mumbled, making Sebastian and Constance share a glance.
“Sleep on it, yeah? When you change your mind, come see me in the slytherin common room. I can guide you.” Sebastian explained, referring to his single portrait that hung up in the Slytherin common room.
“But I’m a Gryffindor, I’m not allowed in the Slytherin common room.”
“Then find a way.” Sebastian explained, making Sirius roll his eyes.
“That seems like a lot of work considering I don't want to help her.”
“Yes, well, when you change your mind you’ll find a way.”
Sirius scoffed, turning to stare at the door where y/n had left. He wasn’t gonna help her, he didn’t like her. He wasn’t, he couldn’t.
It took him two class periods before he clipped a strand of his brother's hair to make a poly juice potion.
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f10werfae · 2 years
1- Questioned and Loved
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pairing: Construction!Chris Evans x GF!Reader
Summary: After Y/n and Chris' first “date” There seems to be a lot of sneaking around which doesn’t go unnoticed by some…
Warning: Smut, flavoured condoms, multiple positions, kissing, dirty talk, slight humiliation, oral (male receiving), Thigh riding
- Requests are open for oneshots!
Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Build up Masterlist
Chris Evans Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Taglist Form
“Come on baby, let me come over” Chris whined down the phone, despite it already being 1AM, this man’s energy was not one to be messed with. Y/n couldn’t help but smile down the phone at the idea of her new older boyfriend dying to spend time with her.
It had only been a few weeks since he first fixed her ma's windows and took her for a drive down to the coast where he stole a kiss. Yet the two were smitten already, nightly phone calls, stealing kisses whenever he was over to fix any new “broken” things. Tonight was no different, Chris would spend hours teasing his new lover talking about the things he’d love to do with her, their future and how much he just wanted to hold her.
“I dunno Chris, my parents are asleep” Y/n whispered down the phone, luckily her parents' bedroom was further down the hallway but she didn’t want to take any chances with that. She could practically feel the buffer man pout down the phone, something he did when he didn’t get his way.
“Pleasee, I promise i’ll be quiet, jus wanna hug n' kiss ya” The sound of his voice was something she was going to have to learn to say no to, but today was not that day nor would it be tomorrow or the next. Sighing down into the phone, Chris knew he had finally gotten his way, they were each other’s weak point.
“Ugh fine alright, but stand outside my window alright? I’ll help you up somehow” Y/n said turning onto her side to try and look around for anything long enough to throw down, pursing her lips in the process.
“Don' worry sugar, I can take care of myself. I’ll see ya in your room in 25. Love ya” He smiled, putting down the phone and rushing to get on his sweatpants and old college hoodie. Within minutes he was in his pickup truck and on the way to his girl’s house, another midnight adventure for them both.
(Y/n's P.O.V)
“Chris what the hell?!” I whisper shouted seeing my hunk of a man using nothing but bare strength to climb up to my window, sure there were a few slips and tumbles at first, but God is he strong.
Helping him in by his arm, his strong cologne filled my nostrils instantly calming me down. “Aww baby I missed ya too” He cooed finally standing up straight, his hood falling off his head to show off his growing brown locks. Even though I was now close to 23, it still felt exhilarating to sneak a boyfriend in, almost like it was high-school all over again.
“So this is your room then eh?” He breathed out looking about my room, my cheeks starting to heat up when I caught him staring at the array of puppy posters decorating my pink walls.
“Well it’s not updated from high school but yea”
“Whose this then?” He asked leaning in to see my old photos with my friends back then, specifically a photo of me and my friend Andrew back at graduation.
“That’s Andrew, why? You jealous?” I teased watching him turn around slowly, his lips pursed tightly making me laugh at his reaction.
“What? Course not. You’re mine now aren’t ya?” He quirked toeing off his socks and shoes, flopping himself down onto my bed, a massive creak sounding out.
“You idiot my parents could wake up” I whispered hitting his shoulder, his face contorting in fake pain, I couldn’t even stop a smile from finding its way onto my face. Quietly he army crawled his way up my bed so now we were both against the headboard, our hands intertwined tightly between us. The soft atmosphere leading my head to his chest as we slowly slid down to lay more on our backs.
“I can’t believe at the ripe age of 30 i’m still sneaking into my girlfriend’s house” He chuckled stroking my hair with his hand, his fingers running through any knots and tats gently.
“Yeah well I can’t believe i’m dating a senior citiz-“
“Oi, stop it”
“Fine fine” I sighed listening to his rapid heartbeat hammering in his chest, it kind of felt like mine at that moment, uncontrollable. “Give me a kiss baby” He whispered pulling my head up, his pink lips pressing themselves to the corner of my lips before I turned his head to kiss him fully. My heart was practically pounding at the feeling of his hands in my hair, his lips on mine and just the pure feeling of love and passion.
“Ya realise you’ll have to leave before my parents wake up right?” I said pulling away to look at his face, pulled into an expression of bliss.
“Mhm I know sweetheart, wouldn’t wanna get ya in trouble” He whispered going back in to press another kiss to my already swollen lips, his tongue tying in with mine desperately
(Chris' P.O.V)
Slowly slipping out from underneath Y/n, my face pulled into a grin when I saw her immediately cuddle onto one of the pillows on her bed, the one I specifically was laying on. Quietly putting on my shoes, I opened up her bedroom window and climbed down onto their driveway.
Mentally fist bumping when I realised I had done so successfully without waking up her parents, looking up at her window I blew a kiss and off I went back to my pickup truck.
My body still feeling her touch on mine, my lips still tingling from the abundance of kisses we shared one after the other until we ran out of breath.
My wrist still had her hair tie that I had taken off to play with her silky hair, the smell of her shampoo still lingering on my senses.
Pulling up into my driveway I suddenly felt a sense of emptiness, something I never felt after meeting with a woman, never mind one i’ve known for barely 3 months. Yet here we were, moving as fast as the seasons change here in Texas, perfect just for us.
Chris found himself waiting outside of Y/n's current job, a cute well known restaurant in their home town, she had just gotten the call that she was being appointed as assistant chef. For her? That was amazing especially at such short notice. It had become routine for him to pick her up from work after her day shifts, refusing to let her walk home in the dark, hell he wouldn’t even let her walk to her door alone either.
Y/n smiled cheerfully walking out of the restaurant, her cute white button up and black work trousers only made her that more beautiful, Chris thought it made her that bit more irresistible. Whistling, he winked as she approached his pickup truck, standing by her door getting ready to open it for her.
“Hey baby, thank you for pickin’ me up again” She beamed up at him, swaying her body side to side bashfully. Chris tapped his cheek twice, not wasting any time Y/n instantly pecked his cheek not once, not twice but three times.
Sliding into her seat Chris jogged over to his side of the cab, his smile not faltering once, he even had to bite his lip just to not widen it anymore.
“How was work today sugar?” He asked holding her hand as he worked the gear shift, his head turning while he backed out of the parking lot of the restaurant.
“Hmm it was busy but it was okay, my coworkers were really nice to me today so that was good”
“That’s good to hear baby” Chris nodded driving on down the road,
“How about your day bubby?” Y/n asked tilting her head to the side,
Y/n felt her breath hitch when Chris stopped in front of her house, there he was standing in front of the door, her dad.
“It’ll be alright pumpkin” Chris whispered as they sat wide eyed, Y/n's father approached them both and boy did he not look happy.
“Y/n. Inside. now.” He said opening the door roughly making her flinch,
“But pa i’m-“
“Now Y/n L/n, please I won’t ask again”
Chris knew better than to argue with him, if he ever wanted things to work out with Y/n he knew he had to work on this. Hell ever since he found out about their meet-ups a week ago after one slip up during one of their multiple sneak ins, Chris was not in this man’s good books. I don’t even think he was in the books period.
Chris sighed watching his girl rush into the door, not forgetting to give him a cute little wave before she was pulled in by her mother who was smiling mischievously. Chris smiled but that was immediately interrupted by the scare of a dad in front of him, Mr. L/n’s arms were crossed over his chest, sunglasses covering his eyes with a trucker’s hat on his head. A true southern man who treated his daughter like she was golden.
“Nice to see you Mr. L/n” Chris said confidently, holding out his hand for a shake which soon turned awkward when he realised the man wouldn’t even touch him.
“What’s your intentions with my daughter Evans?”
“Sir you’ve asked me this everyday this week” Chris sighed pleading with him, the older man not wavering once
“I know, cause I don’t believe ya one bit. What sorta established businessman goes after a woman finding her ways in the world?”
“One that loves and cares for her, sir”
“Just get outta here boy”
“I’m so sorry Chris, I don’t know why he’s so rude” Y/n whined down the phone, her lip jutted out into a pout as she listened to hear her boyfriend’s voice.
“ ‘is alright sugar, I know he jus wants to protect his daughter” Chris replied, despite everything that happened that day he couldn’t help but smile at the sound of her voice. It always sounded so pleasant and welcoming, something he didn’t always sound like unfortunately.
Scratching between Dodger's ears Chris sat down onto his large L-Shaped couch, his business had definitely started to boom more recently with more people wanting to move to Texas. Wearing nothing but a pair of sleep pants he lay down with his arm over his eyes, just listening to Y/n talk about what happened when she got home.
Which consisted of trying out new recipes, telling off her dad some more, catching up with the girls and touching herself.
“Wait back the fuck up, what’d ya jus say?” With a sly smirk gaining on his face he sat up a bit, biting his lip at his girlfriend’s perverted confession. With radio silence on her end he peered further,
“Come on sweetheart, you’ve already said it. Tell your man what you were thinkin' about”
“No! that’s private. And it’s embarrassing” Y/n whined down the phone, her voice wavering as her face flushed. Her legs kicking in the air as she rolled about, Chris' deep chuckling causing her heart to flutter majorly.
“Come on I thought you said no secrets?”
“Mhm well you already know what I was thinkin’ bout, you jus wanna embarrass me”
“How about you come over and show me what you was thinkin' about then?”
“O-oh Okay babe”
“Actually, i’ll pick you up, it’s not safe for a sweet little thing like you to be out there”
“Are you sure you’re okay babe?” I whispered tightening my grip around her waist as she leant up against me on the sofa, despite the both of us knowing we wouldn’t fit, we decided to squish together with her on top of me. After catching her she jumped out her window, we drove giddily back to my house, hands touching everywhere and anywhere. Nodding her head I felt her nuzzle into my chest,
“I wish I could cuddle you even closer” I heard her say while turning to look up at me with those sparkling eyes of hers,
“Bub i’m basically your blanket right now, ya wanna wear me as a hoodie or sumthin?”
“I mean if you’re offering..”
“Behave Y/n L/n ” I growled feeling her hands crawl up under my shirt, her newly acquired gel nails scratching up my stomach satisfyingly.
Moving down I felt her insert her whole body into my t-shirt, her head now on my bare chest underneath the soft fabric, her hands nestled onto the sides of my waist.
“You comfy baby?” I asked lifting up my shirt to see her peek up at me, her smile pulled into the cutest thing ever as she nodded and pecked my lips quickly and softly. Enough to make me melt right then and there. Her lips peppered soft kisses over my chest, sucking on hickies, occasionally getting groans out of me.
“About those strawberry condoms I saw in the kitchen when we came in-“
“Go on then love, they’re sittin in the bottom kitchen drawer”
“OKAY LOVE YOU” She said excitedly shimmying out of my shirt and running towards the kitchen, a smile coming onto my face as I watched her semi naked body hunt down the box of latex with such eagerness. When we first got in I forgot to put away the condoms I had bought earlier that day, completely forgetting that she was going to see them. You see, Y/n had been sending me these tictacs? tiktoks? Of couples trying them out and she’s been buggering me for ages, but hey I was bit complaining.
I watched her pretty self skip back towards me, successful with her hunting mission as she handed the box over to me to open up. Y/n pulled out the first condom, ripping it open, showing the new pink coloured latex.
“C-can we try it?” She asked shyly,
(Y/n's P.O.V)
Chris nodded leaning back comfortably onto the couch, shrugging his sweatpants halfway to his knees, showing off his red hardened cock. The tip of it already glistening with pre-cum as he pumped it a few times to get it even harder.
“Go on then sweetheart, put it on for your man”
I rolled the large condom down onto his cock, with him hissing due to how sensitive he was already. Kneeling down onto the floor I licked it slightly, a sudden burst of flavour exploding on my tongue.
“Ya like that baby?” He asked biting onto his lips, I licked mine nodding eager to taste more of the strawberry goodness now coating his cock. Taking him down my throat, I felt him choke a bit as I just kept sucking on his condom covered dick without mercy.
“You treating my cock like a popsicle baby, all wet and desperate for it, since ya like it so much maybe we can leave a review after it”
Nodding my head I just focused on getting as much flavour as possible, not even noticing how the condom expanded as Chris' cum filled it to the brim, some of it even spilling down to land onto his balls.
“Fahk babe you didn’t even notice, too busy suckin weren’t ya?”
“Mhm sorry Chris” I mumbled delicately pulling off the slippery latex,
“Well let me give you something to notice”
Within seconds Chris had brought me up to straddle him, his cock already threatening to push my thong to the side.
“Actually first, let me see my pretty girl get off on my thigh” He smiled transferring me to straddle his right thigh, his leg hairs already stimulating my already tingling clit.
“Come on baby, move on me” He whispered, his hands settled on my hips as he moved them back and forth slowly.
(Chris' P.O.V)
I felt her nails dig into my shoulders as she grinded onto my leg, her mouth gaping open with moans just spilling out. I watched as she slowly started to drool out the side of her mouth, laughing as it dripped down onto her hardened nipples causing her to moan. My girl is always so sensitive.
“Fuck baby you’re so pretty for me” Pushing her hair back, I cupped her face and made her look at me, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth with her breath turning ragged. Her hips started to go crazy on my thighs, her moans turning to soft whimpers.
Right before she was about to cum I pulled her up and sat her right onto my cock, feeling her sigh in somewhat relief and excitement.
(Y/n's P.O.V)
“Wait wait” I whispered getting off and getting back on, this time with my back facing him. His hands slithered up and cupped my breasts, my feet planted on his knees as I prepared myself to ride the fuck out of him.
Slamming my hips down, his hand squeezed my left breast,
“gosh sugar you’re so fucking dirty, fucking yourself on my cock like this, jus takin what’s yours” He whispered into my ear out of breath, his fingers tugging on my nipples roughly causing them to pebble out.
Turning my head to the side Chris' tongue met mine, our saliva going everywhere as we just swapped spit for a good while as I grinded my hips in slow circles. His paws giving my breasts a soft knead, his tongue leaving mine, his hips starting to smack up into mine unexpectedly
“oOH FucK, FUCK CHRIS BABY” I shouted while he pounded into me, his teeth biting into my neck as he basically used my breasts as handles to help push me up and down.
“Y/n i’m gonna spill my cum right inside this pretty pussy of yours, keep it warm all night for ya”
“You wanna g-give me a load Chris?”
“Give you one? Baby i’m gonna give you as many as you fucking want”
“T-that sounds good” I whispered
“Doesn’t it? Sounds absolutely perfect baby”
(No one's P.O.V)
“Your pa is gonna kill me someday” Chris whispered snuggling further into Y/n's arms, with him laying his head on her bare chest. Her nails raking through his head lovingly, with her constantly giving him kisses onto his forehead.
“mm he’ll get used to you bub, don’t worry” Y/n said cupping his face and kissing his lips lightly.
“But it’s important he likes me Y/n, I truly do want us to go far”
“And we will Chris, just enjoy the now hun. You know my ma loves you and will practically have your back for life” She commented causing them both to laugh a little despite the heavy topic at hand.
“You know if you think we’re movin too fast we can slow down right babe? I don’t wan' ya to feel forced” He said kissing her chest softly, his head nuzzling into it like a puppy would.
“I don’t think anythin of it baby, we’re two consenting adults who are very much falling in love with each other okay?”
Raking her hands up and down his back, his breathing slowed down into a gentle rhythm, both of them acting oblivious to the sound of Y/n's phone blowing up on the bedside table. She’d just have to deal with that tomorrow.
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saintarmand · 1 month
wait I need to hear about the Daniel Lestat parallels
in answering your question i ended up typing a lot about a lot of things... some of which i think is pretty good and some of which is messy nonsense. enticing sneak preview:
daniel and lestat's similarities
the show overall as a story about how substance abuse affects families
how daniel mirrors both louis and lestat as a husband and as a father
facts, conjecture, and lots of theories about different aspects of daniel's backstory:
how antoinette may parallel armand, madeleine, and daniel's daughter
how daniel might mirror claudia???
like lestat, daniel can be pretty arrogant. they both love to lecture. "this is just how it is, listen to me, i would know! i have so much experience and knowledge to share." classic old white man behavior. hell, they're both old bisexual white men even. like lestat, daniel doesn't think of himself as racist but is still throwing microaggressions at both louis and armand.
daniel & lestat, danlou & loustat
lestat and daniel are both judgmental of some of louis's life choices (though usually different ones) and are not shy about saying so. they both make faces at louis eating animals—daniel also just louis eating in general ofc. but WE KNOW he still secretly thinks it's sexy and is also perhaps a bit jealous when louis is drinking from a hot guy, much like lestat. (don't pick the jacked sailor louis!!! great aesthetic but NO.)
so personality-wise, daniel is a combination of both louis and lestat. (he even has some claudia in him with his quest for the truth. i bet claudia would love to be a journalist, digging up dirt on people, exposing corruption! she's already a prolific writer too. but i'm getting sidetracked.)
both loustat and danlou are fond of each other, attracted to each other, but are also constantly bickering, sometimes in all good fun and sometimes not.
we see daniel yelling at louis in the show, and he's always yelling at armand in devil's minion. like lestat, he has a lot of anger in him. i bet he could throw a punch too back in the day. and while i don't think he was abusive to his wives, we know he wasn't a good husband either. especially while he was using.
and this is where we get to the most important parallel between them: lestat's "overindulgence" in killing is analogous to substance abuse. of course drinking too much blood doesn't actually make him act the way he does, but what happens in the show is still very reminiscent of the way alcoholism and drug abuse contributes to relationship problems. the substance itself doesn't lead to abuse, but it exacerbates things.
human blood is drugs actually
in the books, lestat talks about getting drunk a lot when he was human. louis calls himself a drunk too, and in the show their relationship starts by them going out all night almost every night. then they start going out every night to drink human blood. louis feels pressured to drink in order to please lestat, but eventually he wants to cut back. lestat is angry, telling louis it's stupid, there's nothing wrong with drinking, it's pointless, it's gonna be so hard, you won't be able to do it. and of course he feels like it's an attack on his own blood drinking. louis doesn't ask lestat to quit with him, but out of respect for louis's choice, he doesn't drink around louis anymore. lestat starts having parties at the house all the time. louis is totally fine with it, he's there, it's fine, it's fun. at least until it starts to get out of hand. and then lestat's fucking around on him too. eventually louis has a big relapse, things get way out of hand, it costs him his job even, lestat's like lol welcome back! told you this would happen! so louis breaks up with him.
but whooops he comes back carrying a child. you know, in his arms! he really wants to keep the kid. lestat acquiesces. louis doesn't go back to drinking human blood, but he doesn't have to because lestat has a new drinking buddy, a 14-year-old girl! he gave her a taste and she loved it! yay! louis tries to warn her about potential consequences. he's had a lot of them. she was a consequence even, but a good one. but she likes drinking with lestat, and eventually she starts going out on her own. and it gets out of hand.
daniel is sober now, "like louis", but he had a big drug problem back in the day. louis asks him about the "best he ever had." black tar heroin is nothing compared to what lestat gave louis that first time. yeah, it's not just drinking, it's hard drugs that lestat gave his kids.
louis's family doesn't know what the hell he and lestat get up to all night but they know it's nothing good. he stopped coming over for months, even years, but one time he showed up, watched the baby for just a second, dropped him on the floor. he wasn't invited to the kids' birthday party cause they're afraid of him. he showed up late and broke the door. they cut him out entirely. are he and his... partner, the right kind of people to adopt?
one time the cops get called. they raid the house but the evidence is well hidden. mostly. they refrain on calling the child welfare league but they don't like what they see. louis and lestat lecture claudia; louis about the drugs themselves, lestat about not hiding her tracks well enough. and speaking of, are those track marks on her arms? we don't do that kind of thing in this house!
claudia tells louis he's the one who brought her into the house. enabled lestat to give her a taste. she leaves home, staying somewhere new every night. she's still using, on her own and in dangerous situations. eventually she returns home. it's safer with someone watching your back.
lestat and claudia say louis's abstaining comes off judgmental. so he starts using again too. they throw a big big party with great party favors. claudia puts something in lestat's.
in season 2 (and i'm spoiling the whole plot), claudia and louis will travel around looking for people who are into the same stuff. the ones they find are pathetic, living like trash. then they find a group having some real fun, big parties. louis's not into it, but he's into armand, who doesn't mind that he doesn't use as much. claudia will get sick of the parties but get louis to give this woman she meets a little taste like lestat did with her. but armand doesn't want claudia around. armand and louis will keep using together, meet a guy in a bar. give him a taste of the good stuff. eventually louis will want to cut back again, and armand accepts it, even helps him. but louis's not much fun anymore.
just this once, daniel is a step ahead of louis; daniel's second marriage has already fallen apart.
daniel and alice
daniel compares louis to his first wife when he tells her about her dyeing her eyebrow; she thinks she has a flaw and tried to cover it up, but daniel likes her the way she is. lestat treated louis's aversion to killing like a flaw, and louis internalized that, calling himself a botched vampire, but daniel likes that about him. louis is like alice in a way.
some wild conjecture: what if alice was an addict too? what if daniel somehow contributed to her addiction like lestat did with louis? what if alice stopped using like louis, while daniel continued like lestat? or maybe she never used any drugs, but started drinking due to strain on her marriage; a more indirect cause. and what about the kids? what if, like claudia becoming a blood drinker like her parents, daniel's kids ended up inheriting his addiction too? becoming alcoholics as teens or adults? or maybe it affected them even more directly, like one of them accidentally ingested something he left lying around, and almost died like claudia? okay, that got dark... maybe daniel avoided getting his kids directly involved, perhaps by simply not being around much, and that's one of the differences between their stories. narrative foils aren't supposed to be identical after all, just further the same themes. a parent's substance abuse affects the children, one way or another. we don't know the details, but like lestat's fledglings, daniel's kids don't talk to him anymore.
daniel proposed to alice "after he got his shit together" but we don't know when this was. we do know daniel had a daughter by 1978 (7 years before car seats are mandatory) though we don't know how old she was—probably under 6 given he was imagining her in a car seat. we can probably assume alice is the mom, and based on her commenting on this part of his memoir that he never owned a buick, we can probably assume they were together around this time, or at least in contact. we also know he used black tar heroin in 1978.
this is only like semi-canon but on his linkedin page it says he started working as a freelance investigative journalist in 1982. it could be a random date but i imagine he's "got his shit together", working real jobs. so maybe it was around this time that he and alice got married. if we're assuming the devil's minion mind wipe theory is true, it would also be very fitting if the confusion of lost memories was what drew him specifically to investigative journalism as opposed to the portrait pieces he did before that. he doesn't know what the truth is anymore, so he starts looking for it wherever he goes.
and speaking of devil's minion, if daniel was cheating on alice with armand, then he's a lot like lestat indeed. but his secret lover is so secret he himself doesn't even know about him anymore. (or maybe alice did know there was someone, and felt very gaslighted when daniel suddenly started insisting it never happened after basically admitting it before? or maybe daniel's denials just suddenly got so convincing she agreed to marry him?)
two marriages, two children?
in 1985, daniel and alice were talking past each other when she told him she was pregnant. he was like remind me again later
louis and lestat didn't have another kid together, but lestat did make another vampire: antoinette. lestat had a child! while the marriage was going badly, a few years after getting (back) together. just like our boy danny.
after "breaking up" with lestat, louis will also have a "child", madeleine. he's giving claudia a "sister" while he's dating armand.
so here's a two-part prediction: 1. alice dumped daniel before their second child was born. 2. daniel met his second wife before his second child with was born.
so like lestat turning antoinette, daniel got alice pregnant BEFORE getting dumped like lestat (pun intended).
and like louis turning madeleine, daniel's second child was born AFTER he met his (soon-to-be) second spouse.
what if, like armand, the second wife didn't like daniel spending much time with his kids? it's been known to happen. we know absolutely nothing about this second marriage but i think we'll get something in season 2. is there something daniel shares with armand as the types of husbands they make? i bet there will be
daniel's childhood?
we know where daniel is now, and a little bit about how he got here. but the thing we know absolutely nothing about is where he started.
daniel was already struggling with drug abuse by the time he met louis and armand, doing what he "had to" to get high. we know it's not really the only reason he frequented gay bars, but still. he was at a point where he was willing to play the crack whore. so what led to it? addiction doesn't come from drug use alone, and genes aren't enough either. there's always something you're struggling to cope with that leads you to drug abuse. so what was it? his sexuality could be enough, but i bet there's more to it than that.
if we're looking for lestat parallels, rape trauma works. maybe his interest in claudia's assault was personal, his flippancy a defense mechanism? certainly a possibility. but childhood trauma seems like the safest bet, doesn't it? lestat certainly had it. but i don't wanna focus on him now.
i mentioned earlier that daniel and claudia share a passion for the truth and for writing. what if he had some of her childhood too? abusive parents, parents abusing drugs or alcohol, parents fighting a lot, parents cheating on each other. pick as many as you like. maybe he was even a band aid for a shitty marriage. maybe there was a difficult divorce. maybe one of his parents had an awful new partner and said they'd dump them but never did, or got back together every time. picked someone else over him over and over again. he certainly had a lot to say about that! maybe he gets so incensed over being lied to because his parents always lied to him too. maybe his outburst wasn't about louis at all. maybe memory is the monster. maybe his parents cursed him into the darkness. lestat's did, and he cursed his own children in turn. i bet that's what happened to daniel too: they fuck you up, your mom and dad; the poison drips through; we dance on the strings of those who came before us; memory is a monster. maybe daniel became his own father too. his father or his mother or both. it's usually both, right?
this is louis's story first and foremost but parts of it are claudia and lestat and armand's too, and daniel functions as a funhouse mirror for all of them!!!
in adding the chapter headings i ended up moving things around so idk how coherent this is but i fear proofreading would only result in me editing this forever and i would really like to avoid locking even more posts into the drafts vault. 😭 hopefully it coheres? thank you for reading and please let me know your thoughts!
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prythianpages · 4 months
ACOSM Headcanons | Rhy's Sis x Azriel
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a/n: This is based off of this request here. You can find the masterlist of imagines here. I actually had more planned for Val's early life but I didn't get to writing them but I was going to mention them in future parts as flashbacks. Here's a few of them/ideas I didn't get to write out:
Shortly after Az arriving to the little house in Windhaven, Val insists that he learns how to play piano, "if you won't sing from your mouth, you should at least learn how to sing from your heart, shadowsinger."
Unbeknownst to him, Val had overheard one of the camp's healers tell her mother that Azriel should exercise and stretch his hands to prevent further stiffness. He was hesitant to learn at first due to his hands but Val was always patient. She was also just happy to have a new friend as Rhys and Cas often stuck to each other more at this point. (I feel like she's the type to enjoy taking care of others, acts of service and quality time are her love languages. She's so used to being taken care of by her mother and Rhys that whenever she can return the favor, she's happy to do so.)
There's one night where Val wakes up to a shadow tugging on her arm and it guides her to Azriel, who had snuck out and was sitting on the small porch, looking up at the moon. Poor Az had to suffer through a lot at such a young age ): so he's obviously still struggling. Though Val is his friend at this point, she can sense he doesn't want to talk about it.
"She's my friend, too. The moon. You can talk to her about anything and she'll listen," Val tells him and then moves to leave to give him his space only to be stopped by Az who tells her to stay. So they sit beside each other that night in silence until her mother wakes up and forces them back inside. A couple of nights after this, she finds Azriel staring back at the moon with a smile.
It's shortly after this that Val suggests for them to fly and they all learn that Az doesn't know how. "What do you mean you don't know how to fly??" Rhys blinks back at Az. They then decide to teach him and you can read more about here.
The three teaching Az how to fly is what kickstarts his friendships with Cas and Rhys. They realize how much better and stronger they'd be as a trio and the bat boys club is formed lol.
Of course, Val starts to feel left out. She no longer has her coloring partner (bc Cas much prefers wrestling in the living room with Rhys) and now no longer has her piano partner (bc Az would rather play cards with Cas and Rhys.) They start hanging out more and even sneaking out more to fly at night without Val.
This leads to her seeking out Rhys's attention because she misses having a friend only for it to turn into a fight. "Can you shut up?" "I'm not saying anything!" "You're thinking so loud!"
Their fight spirals out of control and ends with Rhys calling her weak. "If you're so strong, then why do you still play with that ugly doll?" "She's not ugly and her name is Darla!" This fight turns physical and leads to them wrestling on the dining room floor and ends with her doll being torn. It's the first time Rhys makes Val cry and she runs into her room, clutching the pieces of her doll to her chest.
"She doesn't have any friends, Rhys," their mother scolds him. Rhys blinks back at her, "she has us," to which their mother replies "You three have been excluding her more often. She just wanted your attention."
All three boys immediately feel guilty. Rhys asks his mother to teach him how to sew her doll back together. Though he does a terrible job and the doll looks absolutely terrifying after he's done. "Umm...why does Darla have her leg coming out of her arm socket?" Val asks when Rhys finally returns the doll to her. "It gives her character," Rhys grins sheepishly and Val is just so happy to have her brother back, she can't find herself to care. Cas and Az also apologize to her and they all make a note to include her more often whenever they can.
In fact, it gets a little overbearing as whenever Rhys gets bored, he decides to annoy her. He randomly walks into her room just to look at himself in her mirror. Sometimes, Cas joins him. They also like using her lotions and often tend to steal them lol along with her books and any little trinkets she has. It's usually Az who drags them both out her room and returns her stolen items.
On one Solstice, Cas gifts Val a tiny violin (like the one Mr. Krab from Spongebob had) and of course, she plays it for Rhys when he gets rejected by a girl or loses in a sparring match during training just to annoy/spite him.
When Rhys dares Val to go find Bryaxis, Cas valiantly offers to go with her. As they approach the darkness within the depths of the library, it's Cas who's shaking and absolutely terrified and nearly pisses himself. Val is also scared but she hides it better and when they meet Bryaxis, she finds her curiosity overcoming the fear. "You do not fear me?" "My brother taught me not to fear the darkness." in relation to one of the scenes from this imagine
*mini spoiler but not really for a future part* Years later, when they're adults, Val goes to meet Bryaxis in search of some answers. She doesn’t want to go alone but during this time, her and Az aren’t speaking. So she drags Cas along but he doesn’t go all the way down. “I got your back…from right here.”
Around the age of 15, Val gets her first period. Their mother happens to be away so of course she freaks out. Cas is the one to notice her weird behavior and panics "what do you mean you're bleeding??" "Shut up and help me!"
Val is more concerned over what this means because she's of age now and not only does she fear for her wings to be clipped but also the prospect of her father marrying her off.
She asks Cas to get Rhys but much to her horror, he brings Azriel instead, who is just as clueless as Cas. But with their three brain cells, they manage to find where her mother keeps supplies and make her some tea.
Still, Val is freaking out because she doesn't want anyone else to find out so Cas comes up with the lovely idea of masking her shift in scent by covering her in mud from where Windhaven keeps their livestock. That's how Rhys finds them and when Val learns the magic of ✨glamors✨ which later comes in handy when her and Az spend the night together 😉
After finding about the Valkyries and sneaking out info from Cas, she decides to pay them a visit. She asks them to train her and they're a bit hesitant because she's the High Lord's daughter and they sense he has no clue she came to them. However, Zeila, one of the leaders, also senses her strength and determination. She decides to take her under her wing and Val asks Tanwyn to not say anything to Cas.
It's when Cas is visiting Tanwyn at the Valkyries camp, three months later, that he spots Val on accident. She usually is good about hiding from him. "Mother's tits! What the hell are you doing here, Val??" "You say anything and I'll tell Rhys and Az you pissed yourself the night we met Bryaxis." "Fine." Your deal is sealed with a tattoo.
Cas doesn't really care that Val is training. If anything, he encourages it but this promise keeps him from gossiping to Rhys and Az about on accident. He usually is the one to tend to any injury or wounds she gets from her training session until the night he's not there and it's Az who finds her injured instead.
a/n: Here are some headcanons that may have tiny spoilers for future parts so please don't read, unless you really want to! I only put a few as I'm still working out some details:
The year Val joins the bloodrite is also the same year that Lord Devlon's son does. During this week, is where Val finds out that the reason why Damien doesn't even look her way anymore is because Azriel scared him away the night Damien broke her heart. Damien is with a group of "friends" but decides to spare her the first night he runs into her because he doesn't think she'll survive much after that.
She also sees the little gravesite made of tree branches and stones the guys made for her friend, Mal ♡ (I don't know if Illyrians go back for their dead but considering the location is sacred and kept secret, I imagine they just leave their bodies there?)Val going through the blood rite is also a way of her being able to pay her respect to where Mal's body rests and she's determined to get through the week for not just her but in memory of Mal too.
It's a hard week for her, both mentally and physically, but she manages to pull through. Of course, the moon gives her comfort at night and she finds herself talking to the moon a lot. (Meanwhile, Az also talks to the moon at night, a habit that she got him into, because he's worried about her. They both realize this when they reunite after the bloodrite.)
On the last day, just as she's starting her climb to the mountain, she encounters Damien again. He's still with that same group of allies but notices their group has decreased in numbers. She also hears them turn on him. She has a little "not my circus, not my monkey" moment where she tells herself to just go on and keep climbing but she ends up helping Damien and saving his life. It's her way of giving thanks to Lord Devlon for allowing her to join the bloodrite. and below is a little snippet of a scene of their reunion after the bloodrite:
Her violet eyes scanned the faces of the three males before her.  “Would you have stopped me if I told you?”
She raised a brow at Rhysand and Azriel before turning to Cassian with a look of appreciation. “Thank you, Cas. At least someone here believed in me.”
“Whatever. So what? I may have stopped you.” Rhysand huffed, giving a playful tug at her braid, earning a glare in return. “But it’s not because I doubt your skill. It’s because I’m your older brother and it’s my responsibility to protect you.”
“I’m proud of you,” Rhysand added, giving her a small but genuine smile. “Truly.”
His smile fell as his gaze drifted to something behind her. She followed it to find Damien, Lord Devlon’s son. Azriel shifted beside her and in the blink of an eye, Damien tore his gaze away and turned back around.
“What was that all about?” Rhysand asked, glaring after the younger male.
“I have so much to tell you,” Valeria replied with a sigh, stretching out her wings. She grimaced as dirt fell off them. “But first, I need a bath.”
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love-toxin · 2 years
sometimes i lay awake at night dreamin of being fruity fours innocent lil angel baby. they just want to take care of me n snuggle me on their laps <3
nancy would naturally take on a mama role. brushes through your hair after a bath and rubs lotion on your legs while you fall asleep on the bed. makes sure you eat well and drink enough water and leaves lists of meals and bathtime routines for the other three if shes ever going to be gone. it’s a little overboard because she just wants you to be taken care of and fed and happy *sniffles* but she also likes just shopping with you and taking you out to dinner. spoils you as much as she can because you’re so good. she is responsible for the majority of the stuffies that hide throughout the house and wouldn’t have it any other way!!!
dad steve of course. enforces bedtime like a meanie but he always kisses away your pouts and totes all your stuffies to your bed to say goodnight to you. he tries to remember all their names but it’s hard!!!!! he does have a favorite tho. maybe an old teddy that has been with you for a while. he will talk to him and ask him to protect you while you’re sleeping. steve is most likely to baby you. wants you in his lap all the time. holds your hand when you’re crossing the street and when you’re in crowds. pouts until you let him feed you or bathe you. definitely hogs you while the rest of the fruity four whine to have you in their laps.
and eddie, sweet eddie. he’s probably the most tender with you and will let you get away with anything. ice cream for dinner? sure. running out in the rain without a jacket? absolutely. not listening and being bratty? “c’mon guys, don’t be hard on her. she’s just a baby.” and if you’re staying up past your bedtime just know that eddie’s doing it with you. he’s the best at making blanket forts and doing shadow puppets for you and robin. if you ever get spanked (usually by steve) you’re running to eddie after with tears in your eyes to be babied and coddled until you’ve calm down. your eddie’s sweet little girl that leads him around his trailer park picking flowers and braiding his hair, sticking in your pretty barrettes and bows. side note…. he is the tickle monster and if you’re being especially whiney usually a brief visit from the monster will do before you’re his good angelbaby again.
then there is robin. or robbie as you sometimes call her. she remembers all of your stuffies names because you share them with her too. she’s the best at cuddles and you take all of your naps with her. she plays with you in eddie’s blanket forts and will sneak you sweets when nobody is looking. knows how to cheer you up when you’re sad and knows what stuffies you will need to make you all better. the other three know that your relationship with robbie is special so they’re usually calling on her to help console you when you’re tired or fussy. will stamp kisses all over your face and tummy until you’re breathless and sing ridiculous songs until you’re all smiley again. then its her idea to cram into steves car and take you for treats. <3 i lub her so much
ANGELBABY !!!!! why can't this be ME anon you're so full of good beans........mama nancy.....i love your idea of her being so meticulous and yet she's also so reckless with getting you things you like. she knows your plushie collection is huge, and yet whenever she passes by an especially cute one in a store window or a catalogue she just has to buy it for you. she'll think of a name for it on her way home because she knows all the other's names and you've gotta have something unique for your new friend!! that excitement on your face and the "thank you, nancy!" when she hands it over is worth every penny and more. she's just such a caretaker she can't help doing everything for you, and spoiling you when she knows you deserve it.
and steve....inherent dad steve.....there's so many people in the house that will sabotage your bedtime which is exactly why he has to be strict with it--he can't have his sweet angel getting all cranky and upset cause you're sleepy, that just won't do! and the small shows of dominance, the leading you around and ordering food or drinks for you (because he knows all your favourites), helping you make decisions when you're unsure, because you know that if you just tug on his sleeve and look at him for help he'll step in for you. so overprotective sometimes but so loving and devoted at the same time, you just know you're safe with him always and it's so, so comforting.
and eddie is the biggest menace that sabotages your bedtime--nancy and steve and even robin sometimes have to give him a kick for getting out of hand, but it's all for you. he "angel's just a baby"s his way through any trouble he gets into with you, always on your side and always willing to test the limits by being a little naughty with you. the freak of hawkins that everyone thinks is sacrificing virgins and worshipping satan is the same one that sits patiently while you braid flowers into his hair, who writes little lullabies for you, and who makes the best pillow forts and picks out the most seasoned plushie warriors to stand guard at the gate while you two giggle inside. and the one who tickles you while teasing about getting his angel back, because pouty angel won't give him all the kisses he wants!! such a softie.
robbie my love.....a sweet talker, a little angel in her own right. she's the angelface whisperer, the one the others have to ask if they forget something miniscule because she'll always remember if it's about you. if ever your plushies get knocked over or out of their usual order robin's the one fixing them, even if you don't notice she'll get up off the bed and start rearranging them while you chat her ear off about something. she knows it's hard for you to communicate what you need at times, so she slowly tunes herself to match you so she can tell what you need and when you need it--she rubs your tummy when she can tell it's aching, brings you a treat she knows will perk up your mood, and she learns those lullabies that eddie writes for you so she can sing them into your ear whenever you're having a nap together. she's a best friend and a lover all wrapped up into one, perfection.
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