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Today’s Korean class (11) : Can You Recommend some books that can motivate me?
A : 나에게 동기부여할 수 있는 책 좀 추천해 줄 수 있어?
B : 음.. <타이탄의 도구들>은 어때? 나한테 매우 도움이 됐어.
A : 흠, 그렇구나. 읽어보고 토론하고 싶은데. 독서모임이 있을까?
B : 내 친구들 중 한명이 운영하는 게 있어. 거기 참석해보자!
A : Can you recommend some books that can motivate me?
B : Um.. How about <Tools of Titans>? It was very helpful for me.
A : Hmm. Ok. I wanna read and discuss about it. Is there any book club?
B : One of my friends is running one. Let’s attend there!
*Word Explanations
추천 + 하다 = recommend
책 = book
동기부여 + 하다 = motivate
도구 = tool
도움이 + 되다 = helpful
읽다 = read
토론 + 하다 = discuss
독서 모임 = book club
친구 = friend
참석 + 하다 = attend
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Today’s Korean class (10) : Finding my own dream is too difficult to me.
A : 나만의 꿈을 찾는 건 나한테 너무 어려운 일이야.
B : 나도 그렇게 생각해. 알지, 그건 너의 평생에 걸쳐 다뤄야 할 것이야.
A : 무엇부터 시작할 수 있을까?
B : 지금 당장 할 수 있는 가장 작은 일부터 생각해보자.
A : Finding my own dream is too difficult for me.
B : I think so. You know, it is a stuff that you have to deal with in your whole life.
A : What can I start with?
B : Let’s think about the smallest thing that you can do right now.
*Word Explanations
꿈 = dream
나만의  ~ = my own ~
어려운 = difficult
나에게 = for me
평생 = whole life
다루다 = deal with
시작 + 하다 = start
생각 + 하다 = think
가장 작은 일 = the smallest thing
지금 당장 = right now
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Today’s Korean class (9) : I can’t stop watching Netflix.
A : 넷플릭스 보는 걸 못 멈추겠어.
B : 집에서 머물 때는, 침대에서 넷플릭스 보는 것이 최고지.
A : <킹덤>이 요새 나의 최애야. 알겠지만, 그 화려한 모자들!
B : 나는 <모던 패밀리> 정주행 중이야. 그래서 하루종일 침대에서 못 나가.
A : I can’t stop watching Netflix.
B : When you are staying at home, watching Netflix is the best thing to do.
A : <Kingdom> is my favorite these days. You know, those fancy hats!
B : I am watching entire episodes of <Modern Family>. So I can’t leave my bed for whole day.
*Words written in phonetic way
넷플릭스(Netflix), 킹덤(Kingdom), 모던 패밀리(Modern Family)
*Word Explanations
못 + ~하다(v.) = can’t ~
(ex) 못 + 먹다 = can’t eat
보는 걸 = watching
멈추다 = stop
~ 때 = when
집 = home
최고 = the best
최애 = favorite (Korean Slang)
모자 = hat (모자들 = hats)
요새 = these days
정주행 = watching entire episodes (Korean Slang 2)
하루종일 = whole day
나가다 = 떠나다 = leave
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Today’s Korean class (9) : Where is the nearest hospital in this area?
A : 여기에서 가장 가까운 병원이 어디야?
B : 왜? 너한테 무슨 문제라도 있어?
A : 어제부터 배가 아파. 그리고 머리도 어지러워.
B : 내 차에 타. 내가 같이 가줄게.
A : Where is the nearest hospital in here?
B : Why? Do you have any problem with you?
A : My stomach have hurt since yesterday. And I feel dizzy too.
B :  Get in my car. I’ll go with you.
* Words Explanations
어디 = where
여기 = here
가장 가까운 ~ = the nearest ~
병원 = hospital
왜 = why
문제 = problem
배 = stomach
어제 = yesterday
그리고 = and
머리가 어지럽다 = feel dizzy
(자동)차 = car
같이 = with
<5 W’s and 1 H> in Korean
★ Who = 누가
  ex) 누가 그랬니? = Who did that?
★ When = 언제
  ex) 언제 먹었니? = When did you eat?
★ Where = 어디서
  ex) 어디서 그것을 봤니? = Where did you see it?
★ What = 무엇을
  ex) 무엇을 했니? = What did you do?
★ Why = 왜
  ex) 왜 떠났니? = Why did you leave?
★ How = 어떻게
  ex) 어떻게 그것을 했니? = How did you do that?
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Today’s Korean class(8) - Learn by Lyrics!
★ Eric Nam - Paradise
1. Lyrics in Korean
새장 안에 갇힌 채로 너무 오래 흘렀어 탈출하겠다는 마음은 전부 잊고말았어
자유라는 열쇠는 갈수��� 멀어지고 그려왔던 미랜 점점 흐려져만 가
이게 전부 라고 믿고싶진 않아도 창밖의 세상은 멀게 느껴져서
Lost in this paradise 영원 같겠지만 다 지나갈거야 Cause we are born to fly
2. Lyrics translated in English
Being locked in a birdcage Time passed so far Thinking about an escape, Already forgot all about it
The key of freedom is Going further away The future that I dreamed is Getting faded away
I don't wanna believe that Everything is done, but The world seen through the window Seems too far away
Lost in this paradise It feels like being forever, but Everything is going to pass by Cause we are born to fly
3. Learn these words from lyrics
새장 = birdcage
~안 에 갇히다 = being locked in
탈출 = escape
잊어 + 버리다 = forget
자유 = freedom
열쇠 = key
꿈 = dream
미래 = future
전부 = everything
믿 + 다 = believe
창 = window
세상 = world
느끼다 = feel
멀리 있다 = far away
영원 = forever
지나가다 = pass by
(~할 + 거야 = ~ is going to V. )
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Today’s Korean class (7) : Here’s a Surprise Present for Your Birthday!
A : 생일 축하해! 여기 깜짝 생일 선물이야!
B : 와, 진짜 고마워... 지금 열어봐도 돼?
A : 물론이지! 
B : *열어봄* 어... 사실 나 어제 이거랑 완전 똑같은 거 샀는데. 우리 사무실 바로 앞에 있는 백화점에서 샀어?
A : 뭐?! 이리 다시 내놔. 세상에!
A : Happy birthday! Here’s a surprise present for your birthday!
B : Wow, Thank you so much... Can I open it now?
A : Of course! 
B : *open* Uh... Actually, I bought the exact same thing yesterday. Did you buy it at the department store right in front of our office?
A : What? Give it back to me. Holy Cow!
* Words Explanations
생일 축하해! = Happy Birthday!
cf. 축하해! = congratulations!
Translating literally, “생일 축하해” is equal to “Congratulations, your birthday!” but in Korean, “생일 축하해” usually translated into “Happy birthday”. 
깜짝 선물 = surprise present
고마워 = Thank you
지금 = now
열 + 다 = open
사실 = actually
완전 똑같은 것 = the exact same thing
어제 = yesterday
백화점 = department store
~앞에 = in front of ~
사무실 = office
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Today’s Korean class (6) : The advertisement video of Korea, “Feel the Rhythm of Korea” is becoming popular.
A : 한국 광고 영상인 “Feel the Rhythm of Korea”가 유명해지고 있네.
B : 그 가끔 유튜브 광고에 뜨는 그 영상말이야?
A : 맞아, 그리고 8월 이후로부터 각 시리즈가 2,000만 뷰를 달성했어.
B : 시리즈로 제작됐어? 독특한 음악과 퍼포먼스가 눈길을 끌긴 했는데. 
A : The advertisement video of Korea, “Feel the Rhythm of Korea” is becoming popular.
B : You mean the ad that sometimes pops up on Youtube?
A  : Yes, and each series hit 20 million views since August.
B : They were made in series? Its unique music and performance had caught my eyes though. 
* Words written in phonetic way (English -> Korean) :
유튜브 (Youtube), 시리즈(series), 뷰 (view), 퍼포먼스(performance)
* Words Explanations
광고 = advertisement
영상 = video
유명 + 하다 = popular
뜨 + 다 = pop up
각 = 각각의 = each
그리고 = and
8월 = August (-> appendix included)
독특한 = unique
음악 = music
~의 눈길을 사로잡다 = catch one’s eyes
*  Numeration of months in Korean = Number + 월
1월 = Jan. / 2월 = Fab. / 3월 = Mar. / 4월 = Apr. / 5월 = May / 6월 = Jun.
7월 = Jul. / 8월 = Aug. / 9월 = Sep. / 10월 = Oct. / 11월 = Nov. / 12월 = Dec.
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Today’s Korean class (5) : What kind of cafe beverage is most preferred by Korean people?
A : 한국 사람들은 어떤 카페 음료를 제일 선호하니?
B : 당연히 아메리카노지. 한국 사람들은 카페인 없이는 살 수가 없어.
A : 그래서 길거리에 테이크아웃 카페가 그렇게 많구나.
B : 맛으로 마시는 게 아니야. 살기위해 마시는거야.
A : What kind of cafe beverage is most preferred by Korean people?
B : Definitely Americano. Koreans can’t live without caffeine.
A  : So that’s why there are tons of take-out-cafe on the street.
B : They drink it not to enjoy. They drink it to SURVIVE.
* Words written in phonetic way (English -> Korean) :
아메리카노(Americano), 카페인(caffeine), 테이크아웃 (take-out),카페(cafe)
* Words Explanations
사람들 = people
음료 = beverage
선호 + 하다 = prefer
당연히 = definitely
살 + 다 = live
길 = street
마시 + 다 = drink
즐기 + 다 = enjoy
살아남다 = survive
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Today’s Korean class (4) : Jessi is hitting the music chart with her new song, “NUNUNANA”!
A : 제시가 신곡 “눈누난나”로 음악 차트를 휩쓸고있네!
B : 맞아! 그녀의 음악, 목소리, 랩, 그리고 심지어 몸매까지 흠잡을 데가 없어!
A : 그리고 태도. 자신감있고 당당한 태도가 많은 사람들에게 사랑 받고있잖아.
A : Jessi is hitting the music chart with her new song, “NUNUNANA”!
B : Right! Her music, voice, rap, and even her body are flawless!
A : And her attitude. Her confident and self-assured attitude is being loved by lots of people.
* Words written in phonetic way (English -> Korean) :
랩 (rap), 차트(chart)
* Words Explanations
신곡 = 신 + 곡 = new + song
음악 = music
목소리 = voice
심지어 = even
몸매 = body line, body shape
흠 잡을 데 없는 = flawless
태도 = attitude
자신감 + 있는(a.) = confident
사람 + 들 = people
cf. 사람 = person
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Today’s Korean class (4) : Can you recommend me some places in Korea to visit?
A : 한국에서 가볼만한 곳 좀 추천 해 줄 수 있어?
B : 어떤 여행 경험을 선호하는데? 옛 한국 문화? 도시 지역에서의 쇼핑? 아름다운 경관 구경?선택지가 많으니까, 그냥 골라봐.
A : 음... 옛 문화가 좋겠어. 너 나 역사에 관심 많은거 알지?
B : 그렇다면 “경복궁”을 추천해. 작년에 가봤는데 정말 아름다웠어.
A : 얼른 코로나 19 상황이 완화됐으면 좋겠다. 사진으로만 한국 풍경을 보는 건 질렸어.
A : Can you recommend me some places in Korea to visit?
B : What kind of travel experience do you prefer? Ancient Korean culture? Shopping in the city? Seeing beautiful landscapes? There are lot of choices, so just pick one.
A : Well... I prefer the ancient culture. You know that I’m interested in history, right?
B : Then I recommend “Gyeongbokgung Palace”. I visited there last year and it was so beautiful.
A : I hope the COVID-19 situation to be settled soon. I’m tired of seeing Korean landscapes through pictures.
* Words written in phonetic way (English -> Korean) :
쇼핑 (Shopping)
* Words Explanations
추천 + 하다 (v.) = recommend
여행 = travel
경험 = experience
선호 + 하다 (v.)  = prefer
문화 = culture
아름다운 = beautiful
풍경 = landscape
역사 = history
작년 = last year
얼른 = 곧 = soon
상황 = situation
사진 = picture
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Today’s Korean class (3) : What is your favorite scene in “Parasite”?
A : 너 “기생충”이라는 영화 본 적 있어?
B : 당연하지! 나는 그 영화 오스카 상 후보 되기도 전에 봤어.
A : 네가 가장 좋아하는 장면은 뭐야?
B : 음... 기택네 가족이 테이블 밑에 누워있던 장면. 왜냐면 긴장감이 정말 대단했잖아. 
A : Have you ever seen the movie “Parasite”?
B : Of course! I saw it even before it was nominated by the Oscar’s.
A : What is your favorite scene?
B : Well... The scene that Kiteak’s family lay down under the table. Because the tension of that scene was so dramatic.
* Words written in phonetic way (English -> Korean) :
오스카(Oscar), 테이블(Table)
* Words Explanations
영화 = movie
당연하지! = Of course!
지명 + 되다 = nominate (-> 후보 + 가 + 되다)
장면 = scene
밑 = under
왜냐하면 = because
긴장감 = tension
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Today’s Korean class (3) : W.A.P challenge in Korea?!
A : 요즘 한국에서 ‘W.A.P 챌린지’가 인스타그램에서 유행임.
B : 카디 비의 W.A.P 말하는거야 설마...?
A : 응, 그 W.A.P 맞아. 한 포스팅에 적어도 13만뷰 정도 되더라.
B : 말도 안 돼... 나같은 유교걸은 완전 이해 못 해...
A : ‘W.A.P challenge’ is now a trend on Instagram in Korea these days. 
B : You mean... Cardi B’s W.A.P...?
A : Yes, THAT W.A.P. One post got at least 130,000 views.
B : No way... Confucianism girls like me can not understand that at all...
* Words written in phonetic way (English -> Korean) : 
챌린지 (Challenge), 인스타그램 (Instagram), 카디 비 (Cardi B), 뷰 (view)
* Words Explanations
요즘 = these days
유행 = trend
적어도 = at least
말도 안 돼! = no way!
~같은 = like
이해 + 하다 = understand
못 +하다 = can’t
완전 = at all
* Korean buzzword : 유교걸
유교 + 걸 = Confucianism + girl
Korean people had been widely influenced by Confucianism culture since Joseon dynasty(around 15C ~ ). And the culture based on Confucianism is very strict, suppressing one’s own feelings and desires. But as you know, now that kind of thinking has been almost washed out these days, and it became a representative culture of ‘elders’. And ‘Confucianism girls’ means that young girls who didn’t think themselves effected by Confucianism culture realize they were strict in the deep down in their heart. (And who on earth can not be shocked seeing Cardi’s M/V...?) 
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Today’s Korean class(2) - Learn by Lyrics!
Today’s Song : BTS - DNA
Lyrics in Korean
걱정하지 마 love 이 모든 건 우연이 아니니까 우린 완전 달라 baby 운명을 찾아낸 둘이니까 우주가 생긴 그 날부터 계속 무한의 세기를 넘어서 계속 우린 전생에도 아마 다음 생에도 영원히 함께니까 이 모든 건 우연이 아니니까 운명을 찾아낸 둘이니까 DNA
2. Lyrics translated in English
Don't worry love Because all of this is not coincidence We are totally different baby Because we found out the destiny
Since the day when the universe has formed, continuously Beyond centuries of the infinite, continuously Even in previous life, even in next life, We are together forever
Because all of this is not coincidence Because we found out the destiny DNA
3. Learn these words from lyrics
걱정 = worry
하지 마 = Don’t ~
우연 = coincidence
운명 = destiny
우주 = universe
계속 = continuously
세기 = century
영원히 = forever
Here’s all for today, and please comment me if you have anything to translate!
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Press Heart If You Are Interested in Korean Language
Grace from W.K.C
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Today’s Korean learning class : Hey, have you ever heard about the game “Among Us?”
A : 야, 너 “어몽어스”라는 게임 들어봤어?
B : 그게 뭐야?
A : 요즘 한국 게임 스트리머들 사이에서 유명한 게임이고, 엄청 재밌어. 해볼래?
B : 좋아! 디스코드 채팅 들어와!
A : Hey, have you ever heard about the game “Among Us?”
B : What is that?
A : It is a famous game among Korean game streamers these days, and is very enjoyable. Do you want to try playing?
B : Cool! Come into Discord Chat!
* Phonetic notation (English -> Korean) ;
어몽어스(Among Us), 스트리머(Streamer), 게임(Game), 디스코드 (Discord)
* Words Explanations 
~ 들어봤어? = Have you ever heard about ~
뭐 = what
그게 = 그것이 = is that (Be verb included)
유명한 = famous
사이에서 = among
엄청 = very
요즘 = these days
해 + 볼 + 래 = playing + try + want to ~ ?
들어 + 와 = come + into
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Toady’s Posting - Learning Korean
Today, I would like to introduce you some Korean sentences. You can use it in communications, and if you want to learn more, please press heart and repost this! And if you got any words or sentences you wanna translate in Korean, please message me :)
안녕 - Hello, Hi
만나서 반가워 - Nice to meet you
내 이름은 ~야 - My name is~
이름이 뭐니? - What is your name?
                                                            *The word “이름” means “name”.
한국에 가보고 싶어 - I want to visit Korea. 
                                                             *The word “한국” means “Korea”.
Here are some really simple sentences that can be used when you meet a person in first time. And like I said, If you have any thing that you want to translate, please message me!
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BONUS: Jimin made a typo (He wrote #JIMIM as he was crying and overwhelmed with joy)…and ARMYs trended it #2 worldwide and in 22 countries (The #1 worldwide was #BTS1Hot100)… Only ARMYs will trend a typo as if it’s nothing and start crying over it. I love us! 
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Cr twt tr doolsetbangtan
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