myhauntedheart · 10 months
"Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic."
-Oscar Wilde
"Detrás de cada cosa exquisita que existía, había algo trágico".
-Oscar Wilde
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myhauntedheart · 11 months
Some people die at 25.
We just bury them at 75.
-Benjamin Franklin
Algunas personas mueren a los 25. Simplemente las enterramos a los 75.
-Benjamin Franklin
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myhauntedheart · 11 months
Please don't try to fix me. Please understand that I just get sad sometimes. Sometimes I shut the world out & when I feel better, I'll let it back in.
Por favor, no intentes arreglarme. Por favor, comprenda que a veces me pongo triste. A veces cierro el mundo y cuando me siento mejor, lo dejo entrar.
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myhauntedheart · 1 year
hello, i’ve been struggling with this for a while now. i think it’s some type of anxiety. i just overthink so much sometimes to the point where i’m unable to talk in certain situations. like i can’t express myself properly, because i’m overthinking THAT moment and what i’m about to say, and how i sound, how i come across ... etc. it’s really bad. idk how to stop it. i have also gotten really self-critical ... and i hate that, i have to pick at every little thing! even though there is nothing wrong with me, but my mind constantly thinks there is! i constantly think i’m broken ... and need to fix something about myself, i obsess over every little ‘wrong’ thing about myself, and often after social interactions over everything i said, HOW i said it, and then i’m kinda mad at myself that i couldn’t really talk so freely and have a nice chill conversation and i blame it on a ‘bad day’ and i have been having these ‘bad days’ a lot lately, somehow i just can’t let it go or let it be, my mind doesn’t work like that, and so yea, on some days! i have these difficulties, talking, because i overthink too much ... any tips? i really need help with this
Hi, the first thing I always explain to people is that nobody is perfect & "normal" doesn't exist. I believe it is human nature to naturally go over what was said in a conversation after, but there is a limit. Ask yourself what is within my control & what isn't. Another way to help the overthinking is writing. I love writing my thoughts, especially when overwhelmed. It really helps to get everything down & and reflect on what I can do to better myself or the situation. Writing especially helps with my bad days. Sometimes, if anxiety worsens for me to the point where I'm on the verge of a panic attack, I use the five senses rule. Find 1 thing you can see, taste, touch, smell, & hear; continue this until your mind clears. I hope this helps.
Feel free to message me anytime.
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myhauntedheart · 1 year
"If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes into you"
-Friedrich Nietzsche
"Si miras largo tiempo a un abismo, el abismo te mira a ti"
-Friedrich Nietzsche
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myhauntedheart · 1 year
Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes
But when you look back everything is different.
-c.s. lewis
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myhauntedheart · 1 year
"If I were to kiss you, then go to hell, I would. So then I can brag with the devils I saw heaven without ever entering it."
"Si tuviera que besarte y luego irte al infierno, lo haría. Entonces puedo presumir con los demonios que vi el cielo sin entrar jamás."
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myhauntedheart · 1 year
3am is the hour for writers, painters, poets, overthinkers, silence seekers, and creative people. We know who you are; we can see your light on. Keep on keeping on...
Las 3 am es la hora para escritores, pintores, poetas, pensadores excesivos, buscadores de silencio y personas creativas. Sabemos quién eres; podemos ver tu luz encendida. Mantente adelante...
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myhauntedheart · 2 years
"Sleep, those little slices of death; Oh how I loath them."
"Sueño, esos pedacitos de muerte; Oh, cómo los detesto."
-Edgar Allan Poe
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myhauntedheart · 2 years
"...To love another is something like prayer and can't be planned, you just fall into its arms because your belief undoes your disbelief."
-Anne Sexton
"...Amar a otro es algo así como la oración y no se puede planificar, simplemente caes en sus brazos porque tu creencia deshace tu incredulidad".
-Anne Sexton
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myhauntedheart · 2 years
"At the midpoint on the journey of life I found myself in a dark forest, for the clear path was lost."
-Dante Alighieri
"En el punto medio del viaje de la vida me encontré en un bosque oscuro, porque el camino claro se había perdido".
-Dante Alighieri
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myhauntedheart · 2 years
"At the midpoint on the journey of life I found myself in a dark forest, for the clear path was lost."
-Dante Alighieri
"En el punto medio del viaje de la vida me encontré en un bosque oscuro, porque el camino claro se había perdido".
-Dante Alighieri
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myhauntedheart · 2 years
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myhauntedheart · 2 years
Have you ever locked yourself in the bathroom, cried, wash your face, and came back like nothing happened?
¿Alguna vez te encerraste en el baño, lloraste, te lavaste la cara y volviste como si nada?
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myhauntedheart · 2 years
"Abandonment trauma with lead you to sabotage your relationships as a way to affirm your fears."
"El trauma del abandono te llevará a sabotear tus relaciones como una forma de afirmar tus miedos".
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myhauntedheart · 2 years
Love eternal.
Lust infernal.
-my haunted heart
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myhauntedheart · 2 years
No love just hate
I swear they're both the same
They both ignite passion
They both ignite pain
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