#| Mint | suspicion
seneon · 26 days
waiting for hours ──── seishiro nagi x fem! reader.
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about. in which, nagi awaits your arrival at home for hours. pure fluff oneshot. wc of 1.2k.
notes. this is like, the highest rated chapter in my my oneshot book in wattpad. so im slapping this in tumblr too and happy belated bday to koala boy!! for @hyoismbbg ♡
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𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐀𝐘 was the first time during this year that nagi was able to arrive home early from his football practice. and by early, earlier than the time his lover's work finishes.
he freshened himself up, ate some food in the fridge and waited. it was 8:42pm, almost an hour and a half for you to finish your work.
the football player, now playing for a professional team, was basically bored out of his mind. he could play games until you've returned, but the man had played every game in the universe.he could watch anime, movies or anything. but those would bore him instantly.
honestly, everything is boring to him nowadays. the only thing that would keep him entertained is football and you.
you were practically the same as him, a lazy person who somehow managed to be a successful writer and be in a relationship with another lazy athlete.
nagi waited and waited and waited. for what seemed like hours, he kept waiting for your presence to shine in his day. but every time he checked the clock, only a few minutes passed from the previous.
as tired as the white-haired male is, he decided to make you some simple yet cute supper, prepare your essentials for when you returned from work. nagi even set up your little table in your shared room by the window for when you read or do some planning for tomorrow.
he eventually lost track of time while trying to make everything in the house perfect so you didn't have to do anything else when you came home. an hour or so had passed, and nagi still didn't hear the door twist open.
you yawned, tired from the meeting you had at your publishing company. really, sometimes you wish you could boss around rude people and shut them up from their shitty opinions. but business is business. and rude people didn't really matter anyways.
you set everything the way it is, and stop in your tracks when you see the kitchen counter filled with a plate of delicious food.
the apartment looked pretty neat and clean too. when you looked around in suspicion and curiousity, some of the recognisable things belonging to your boyfriend were laying around freely.
that was when a smile crawled up your cheeks. your mind traveled to nagi who prepared the food and cleaned up the house— just as he walked out the room, an annoyed expression on his face.
"i thought you were never coming home, after i prepared everything for you," he pouted with a poker face, definitely disappointed at how late you arrived home.
"ah— my bad. thank you. you're home early," you shot him a lazy smile before he walked towards you and pulled you into a lazy hug, completely embracing you in his huge form.
"yeah, practice kinda got canceled because coach's wife got into trouble.”
since you were way tinier than him, you practically squished under his body, melting in the warmth of your lazy, sweet loving boyfriend.
he smelled like mint and fresh sugary frosting, from the body wash you gave to him as a present on his birthday. it was a scent that pulled you in so much it froze and destroyed all the negative comments that were written about your books.
as much as you didn't want to separate the hug, nagi gently plucked himself away from you, sternly looking into your eyes.
"eat, and go take a bath. then we can sleep together. practice might be cancelled tomorrow too if coach's wife's trouble is still ongoing.." he trailed off and shook his head. "ehh whatever just go. i made food for you without burning the kitchen and prepared stuff for you in the room."
you chuckled and nodded your head repeatedly, trying to keep in the laugh with his ridiculously sarcastic get funny words. pretty much whatever nagi said could be funny to you.
"i won't doubt your effort. thank you again," you tiptoed and gave him a quick peck on the lips, heading over to the kitchen counter to eat your supper.
the peck made nagi blush. it was the first kiss you gave him this week. it is monday night, the start of the week. and you kissed him yesterday. hah. humour. nagi keeps track of kisses he gets from you.
anyways, he wanted more kisses from you later so he watched you eat while conversing a little about both your writer job and athlete jobs.
then, he waited for you to take your bath, freshen up before you bailed out your little window corner and jumped into bed with nagi.
"thank you, sei," you thanked him again, as he buried his face into your hair, inhaling the fresh scent of your shampoo. "you've thanked me three times already. you're welcome though..."
your fingers moved to lace themselves in the soft fluffy hair of the male, moving around to ruffle and gently play with it.
nagi's hair was fairly soft, like cotton candy that would melt when it came in contact with liquid. it could even be on par with the clouds albeit you've never felt clouds before. but you just know it was more soft and fluffy than anything else.
you found it awfully cute that his love language is physical touch, so much that you often see him as a cat. and for a fact that nagi only needs and wants your attention, not from anyone else because you are everything to him.
the male hummed when your fingers played with his hair, an odd calmness filling over the mind and body of the athlete. you always managed to calm him down, physically and mentally. he loved that it was a good trait of you that he fell in love with.
"i love you," he said against your neck, his breath touching your skin as you couldn't help but smile at his words. he was random, sure, but you know when nagi was being genuine and sarcastic. now, he meant every word of it.
"i love you too," you replied softly, your fingers moving, trailing down to his cheeks to caress his chiseled jawline and softly stroke his cheeks.
such a work of art, you thought to yourself when you faced him and looked into his eyes.
how could a man be as angelic as your boyfriend?
you felt so blessed to have nagi in your life, never regretting that you made the first move for being friends and eventually he would later on give you a lazy confession that was conducted by his friend, reo.
"you're really beautiful, love," he felt himself smile when the both of you were staring into each other's eyes lovingly. "so beautiful.."
"and you're very handsome," you chuckled, going closer to his face. you kept the tiny distance for a moment, having a small time to admire nagi's grey eyes.
nagi then closed the distance between you both, his lips ever so softly closing in on yours to give you a lovely kiss.
it was filled with the purest intentions of showing how much he loves you, nothing else than an innocent kiss that was focused on appreciation and love.
you both pulled away at the same time, your arms wrapping around his neck as his own snaking around your waist to pull you close.
gosh, you love hugs when it comes to your lazy gigantic boyfriend. he always gives you the best ones.
"let's sleep now, okay?" he placed a soft kiss on your forehead, letting you reply with a nod before pulling the soft blanket over you two.
"i've been waiting for hours to cuddle you to sleep. good night, y/n.”
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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artdcnaldson · 2 days
Has reader ever just had a "i have to get out" moment in the changeover universe?
Like art is trying to talk to her after sex and shes just staring at the wall re thinking her decisions.
They are very toxic and i know the reader has feelings for them so i think art would have been very smothering ir clingy if reader made any atempts at going out with another circle of friends and distancing herself
(im sorry i over analyse many situations 😭)
Anon… i love u <3 I love this messy main character bc i too would throw away my scruples for this man.
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Rating: M
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Toxic situationship, manipulation kinda, mild angst
Summary: You say something you shouldn’t. It messes up the fucked up equilibrium that you and Art had found in whatever you could call the relationship you had together.
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For Valentine’s Day, you got Art a teddy bear and a box of chocolates. He got you nothing. He wasn’t your boyfriend, so you didn’t know why you were upset about it, but you were. It stung like a fresh wound, one you could never just let be.
The two of you fucked, because that’s what you always did. The feeling of his mouth on yours, warm and tasting of mint, almost made you forgive him for not getting you anything. He called you beautiful, let his hands trace your body reverently, made you cum once, twice before he pulled you into his lap and let you sink onto him.
His forehead was against yours, breath coming in pants as you rode him, bodies pressed so close it almost felt like making love. Maybe that’s why you said it— the words tumbling out like a prayer.
I love you, Art.
He was tense, for a moment, brows furrowed slightly, before he kissed you and laid you onto your back. He pulled another orgasm from an impossible place within you, one you didn’t know existed. He came, messy on your thighs, and rolled over onto his back.
It was quiet, and you felt so far away from him. Your fingers brushed against his hand, testing, but he pulled them away and stood to redress. It was so quiet that you could hear blood pumping in your ears, like an ocean.
”You shouldn’t say stuff like that,” was what he finally said.
Your lip wobbled, just slightly. And then tears pooled on your lashline. “Sorry,” you said weakly.
“It’s fine.” But you had a sinking suspicion that you’d really fucked up. He handed you a towel, and you cleaned yourself up as best as you could while fighting frustrated tears.
”Are you leaving?” You asked. He was standing in between yours and your roommate’s bed, like he hadn’t quite decided yet. You pulled on a tee shirt and underwear and gave him a pathetic, pleading expression. ”Don’t leave, please. I didn’t mean it. We can watch a movie.”
He acquiesced, and let you cling to his side pathetically after you pulled out a portable DVD player. You split a pair of headphones and watched The Royal Tenenbaums.
Halfway through the movie, clarity hit like a lightning strike. Or maybe it was more like a sinking feeling of dread— of being neck deep in quicksand before you realize you should be crawling out.
You couldn’t keep doing this. Because Art was a dream, really. Handsome, and talented, and smarter than you’d expected him to be. And he was so sweet, when he didn’t realize that he should’ve been discouraging your affection. Or maybe he liked it, but only when it was quiet and he didn’t have to acknowledge that what he was doing was wrong.
Maybe it wasn’t wrong and it was all your own fault for wanting someone who made it clear they weren’t emotionally available. Maybe you were pressuring him into something he didn’t want and it was all unfair to him too.
It didn’t matter. It was fucking killing you.
When the movie ended, he stretched and said he’d see you in class. You nodded, smiling the sad smile of a dog unknowingly being left at the pound.
Once the sadness faded, it was replaced with a molten resentment, an anger at him and yourself over your time being wasted. He still sat next to you in class, sneaking peeks of your notes, but you ignored him as best as you could. Days passed, then a week. You started to feel human again.
A couple weekends later, you ignored the text he sent asking for you to join him at a mixer the tennis team was planning on crashing. You ignored the follow up too.
You wound up at a party on the opposite end of campus with a few girls from the service org you were in. You flirted with a new guy, felt like maybe you were worth more than a casual fuck buddy.
So the sight of him sitting at your door when you finally stumbled home was the last thing you wanted to see. All sad, slumped against your door.
He scrambled to stand, expression filled with longing. “Don’t be mad at me,” he pleaded. “I missed you so fucking bad these past few weeks. Felt like I was going crazy.”
Your heart skipped, and hammered against your ribs. You wanted to reach out and kiss that sad, longing expression off his face. You wanted to tell him to leave. It was all very confusing.
“Don’t say that, Art, please,” you said weakly, lips turning down into a frown. You tried to sidestep him, to get the keys into the door, but he pulled you against his chest.
He smelled so nice— like cologne and cinnamon gum. You gave a pathetic sigh at the warmth of him, wrapped all around you. “I missed you,” he repeated. “It’s like a part of me has been missing. I wanted to talk to you so badly, to kiss you, to watch boring movies with you.”
Annoyance and longing bubbled hot in the pit of your stomach, you had to force yourself to push him away. “You just missed having a cheerleader you could fuck whenever you felt like it.”
He frowned. “That’s not true.”
”What’s my major? What’s my favorite place on campus?” He swallowed hard, exhaling sharply through his nose. “What’s my favorite movie?”
“How would I know that?” He asked, resignation flat on his features.
You rolled your eyes. “Because I tell you about it all the time. Because I’ve taken you there. Because I made you watch it. Twice.” You finally got into your room. When you didn’t slam the door, you realized that you were aching for him to follow. You wanted him to be near you, even if you were seething.
When you turned to face him, you hated that even though you were incredibly mad, you still wanted him to just prove you wrong. To convince you that you were being crazy and he was innocent and the only problem was you being a weirdo about your feelings.
God, he was so pretty. And he looked so sad.
“I’ll try to be better,” he said. “I’ll take you on dates, and buy you flowers, and give you what you deserve.”
But you’ll never be his girlfriend. You knew it, deep down. Even as you caved and gave a sweet, sad little nod. He was across the room, holding you against his chest as you felt annoying tears slipping down your cheeks. Tears of relief, of frustration, of resignation.
“I’m not Tashi,” you said when he pressed his lips to the crown of your skull. It was annoying that he had the power to quell all of your uncomfortable emotions with a single romantic gesture. He pulled back and met your gaze, and you softened. “I know she’s always been your first pick, and I don’t blame you, but I’m not ever going to be her, if that’s what you’re waiting on.”
Something passed over his expression, briefly. “I know you’re not.” It was more of a lament than it was an attempt at comfort. “I’m not waiting on anything.”
His lips trailed down, along your jaw, at the corner of your mouth. He pulled back, looking at you expectantly. Are you going to let me?
Your lips parted softly as you kissed him with lips that tasted wet and salty. It was chaste, and sweet. He pulled back and ran his thumb along your cheekbone. “Let me hold you until you fall asleep? Please?”
It was hard to stay mad at Art Donaldson, even when you knew you really should.
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Thank you for reading! If you have any requests in the Changeover universe, or otherwise send me an ask :)
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kaitsawamura · 2 months
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-> somebody come get her (she's dancing like a stripper)
You have bills to pay. That's the only thing on your mind when you go in for your shift at the strip club. The only thing on your mind until you see Daichi.
Daichi doesn't expect to find you, the girl of his dreams, at the strip club. In fact, he's 99% certain he shouldn't be here. But now he can't stop thinking of all the things he'd let you do to him.
Will your mutual attraction pay off for the both of you?
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Pairing: Daichi Sawamura x Stripper!Reader (get that bread!)
Rating: M for Mature, MDNI
Warnings: My take on a corruption kink except Daichi's the one getting corrupted
Tags: Corruption, strangers to lovers, smut I tell you, filthy filthy smut with my husband, strip club au, oral (m receiving), p in v, creampie, a bit of choking (like a tiny bit), hair pulling, nasty nasty f*cking with my husband, sex in public (sorta, it's in a public restroom), a little dominant confident Reader (if I missed anything y'all can let me know in the DM's)
Word Count: 6.3K
Author's Note: I knew the moment I saw Mint's post . : HERE : . that I had to write something about it. They obligingly gave me the go ahead to be inspired so off I went a-writing. Obviously, this might be considered mild corruption by some but to me? This was like I went into a blackout and woke up not knowing what year it was. So, here you go, enjoy some nasty filthy smut with my love!
Main Masterlist
HQ Masterlist
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“Rent’s due on Monday,” your roommate reminds you, concern masked with sympathy clear on her face. She’s not trying to be mean or overbearing but damn it, the stress of the situation makes you want to snark back. But you don’t.
“Do you have your half?” She nods. You nod back decisively. “I’m working tonight. Fridays are good days to work. It’s my first one without shadowing anyone. I’ll have the rest of my half in tips, don’t worry.” Her face brightens as she pours herself a glass of orange juice, sunlight streaming in the kitchen window of the tiny two-bedroom apartment you share with her.
“Thank god. The landlord’s being an ass again. We’ve been late one time. I have half a mind to give him a list of all the things wrong in this shithole instead of the check.” You roll your eyes conspiratorially but in reality, you don’t know if you’ll make your half in tips or not. Maybe your boss will give you an advance. You’ll talk to him tonight. He was surprisingly reasonable so the odds were at least in your favor.
Either way, you’ll get the money. You just hope you’ll be able to put the nervous energy thrumming through your veins to good use.
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Daichi Sawamura should not have come here tonight. The guys in the office had convinced him, said there was a new pretty girl who was exactly his type. But this place was not the sort he was used to coming to. It wasn’t that this establishment was a bad one or that he had any problem with it; people had to make money how they could. Empowerment and autonomy and all that. It was more that he felt a little inadequate if he was being completely honest with himself. He wouldn’t know what to do with someone from here. He was used to good girls, the ones who had a routine and didn’t like anything too kinky. Which was also fine. But there were things he wanted to try, had a suspicion he would like that he just couldn’t ask of anyone he’d been with. He scrubbed a hand over his face, realizing the conversation he was having completely in his head was stressing him out.
“Dai, bro, just relax. She’s pretty. You better tip her good but you don’t have to talk to anyone but me and the bartender if you don’t want to. Just enjoy the show.” Kuroo smirks at his friend; it has been a long week. It’s not like he doesn’t deserve to wind down. Part of him just wishes he was doing it in the comfort of his home, with his favorite ramen from around the corner and a good movie. But who knows, maybe he’s getting complacent.
So he sits in the seat Kuroo has pulled out for him, a front-row spot directly in the middle of the runway. Right in front of the center pole. The seats are comfortable and he’s got a whiskey neat in his hands. He can feel a little of the stress release from the muscles in his traps, can feel his jaw unclench just in the slightest as the first warm sip of whiskey flows down his throat.
This is fine, he reassures himself, pushing work from his brain. Kuroo takes a sip from his own drink, a fruity one that he insists is the most delicious ever but is just a little too sweet for Daichi. The place is in a lull right now, preparing for the next act. But soon there’s a growing murmur from the back. Someone whistles, and a few others catcall. Daichi bristles just a bit, but he can’t even see anything until you hit the steps and it’s then that Kuroo elbows him.
“That’s her,” he says, raising his voice so Daichi can hear over the now thrumming bass. He feels it in his toes, in his chest, in his head. But your steps, the bounce of your tits in a skimpy bright blue bikini top, he feels in his dick. It barely covers anything, just like the matching bottoms. Cute little bows keep them on your hips and your heels are a deep black. As you get closer, your walk slow and sensuous, he can see the peep toe and your fresh French manicure poking through. He tries to adjust his navy suit pants with little success. He’s in so much fucking trouble.
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You strut up the steps, the blinking LED strips embedded into the floor blinking in rhythm with the bass and the rhythm of your hips. You put a little bit of extra attitude into the sway tonight, praying to any higher power that will listen that tonight will be a good one for tips, even though it’s your first show without any supporting performers. Part of you gets it; you’re new. The owner has to make sure you know how to use those doe eyes and amazing tits properly. The other part of you, the one that knows you’re hot and knows exactly what you’re doing, wanted to smirk a little when your boss had said you wouldn’t get a Friday on your own until you’d completed two weeks of bartending and shadowing.
Your hard work has paid off though, and when you take your place at the center of the runway, you know you have your audience hooked even before dancing. There’s one guy in particular, right below you. He got arguably the best seat in the house along with his friend. You’ve seen the friend before, all confidence, slicked-back black hair, and a steamy attractive smile. Your coworkers say he’s pretty regular and always tips well. Thank god. The one next to him though, you don’t know anything about him except for the fact that the five stages of something flow across his face as you make eye contact with him. The low lighting does nothing to hide the blush flushing from the open neck of his crisp white button up to his cheeks and over the bridge of his nose. He’s got a wad of cash already set casually on the bar top in front of him.
You smile, bright and unguarded, knowing. You’ll have the rest of Monday’s rent if he’s an indication of the rest of the customers that will be coming in tonight. He turns away, uncomfortable. Aw, how sweet. So unlike some of the slimy patrons you’re used to. Something you don’t like trips low in your belly. The biggest rule was no sex with any of the customers. It was in place for a reason and a majority of the time was a good one. You remind yourself of it as the song for your first dance starts playing over the speakers.
Buss it, buss it, buss it, buss it
Is you fuckin’? Two shots, fuck it
You take a deep breath, hands on the shiny silver pole, and wrap one leg around it. The metal is cold to the touch but something else has goosebumps crawling up your bare skin. When you spin, turning in the new guy’s direction, your suspicions are confirmed that the feeling is not the rest of the eyes on you but his. And his are suddenly, somehow, the only eyes you want to perform for. So you do.
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Daichi can feel Kuroo snap to attention next to him; he can’t blame him. You’re stunning and you know it. You look like maybe you shouldn’t know how to do this so well, but none of that matters as all coherent thoughts leave Daichi’s head when you spin and drop, rolling your hips so your ass faces him. You turn and look at him as you rise slowly, a deliciously naughty smile still all over that pretty little mouth. He rushes to take a sip of his drink, drums his fingers on the bartop, runs them through his hair, anything to occupy his hands. Because he knows the only place they really should be is all over you. Oh, the things he would let you do to him. He’d do anything for you. He takes another gulp of whiskey, disappointed when he drains the heavy glass.
Oh, shit. Oh, shit. He knew you were making eye contact with him but when you get on all fours and crawl to him like some lethal jungle cat, the end of the song nearing, he knows he’s in for it. And he’s okay with that. Any doubts he had, about being here at least, have vanished completely. He doesn’t know what’s gotten into him but he leans forward to meet you where you are at the edge of the stage. The crowd is roaring around him, the cheers only growing louder at the chemistry shooting like electricity through the air between the two of you. They’re jealous cheers he thinks, although he’s sure as hell not looking away long enough to check anyone’s expressions to confirm.
“Got anything good for me, pretty boy?” Your voice is pitched low as you blink big eyes at him, a smirk playing on your lips. Because, goddammit, he is pretty. Prettier than any other patrons you’d ever catered to. You would not mind if he came to be one of your regulars, regardless of any funds that might be exchanged. You would not mind if he came regularly—in your cunt, on your ass, on your tongue… A girl could take her pick with a man like him. Thick dark hair, glittering brown eyes, full lips. A barrel chest and wide shoulders to boot. No sex with the customers, no sex with the customers, no sex with the customers…
You watch, heat pooling low in your belly, as he unbinds the cash you had noticed earlier. You can’t quite figure him out. Because he’s making eye contact with you as he spreads the folded bills, licks his thumb, and pulls out two crisp Benjamins but there is a nervous tremor in his large hands as he passes the bills to you. Your eyes widen, the act dropping momentarily before you catch yourself and push out your bottom lip in a pout.
“Hm, a girl should get a little more than that for such a good performance, don’t you think?” You are completely used to this, the schpeel. You’ve done it thousands of times at the last place you worked and hundreds more at this club. It’s part of the persona within these walls. Mystery man is apparently not used to acting this way. You can see the war within him as you take the bills and he leans back, trying to be casual but every line of him is taught like a rubber band about to break.
“You here all night?” Don’t give anyone your schedule. If they like you enough, they’ll figure it out on their own by being a regular paying customer. You nod, liking this new game. Toeing around something you would normally consider dangerous, if only for all the variables far out of your control. But that makes it all the more fun, especially when he clicks his tongue behind his teeth and replies “Good, then so am I. I have more where that came from. Do you?”
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Kuroo is watching the interaction with a gaping mouth. Daichi doesn’t have a clue where this new side of him is coming from. Except. Except he does. And it feels damn good. Despite being sure it is glaringly obvious that he is leaping so far out of his comfort zone, you seem to be very receptive. He shouldn’t be entertaining the idea of staying all night. He could use some sleep. But he could also use that mouth around his cock. You probably have rules, rules that should be followed, for your safety. Daichi knows he’s safe, but you don’t. He most definitely should not ask for your number or give you his or ask what time you’re off. You shouldn’t answer him.
But you do, nodding earnestly when he asks if you’ll be here all night. He has no choice. There’s something about you that he can’t shake off. The extra cash is of no consequence to him, and maybe, just maybe… No, he won’t let that thought go further. He won’t imagine how you’d look on your knees, or bouncing on his cock. He won’t imagine you writhing beneath him or securing him to his headboard with those cuffs he’d bought but never gotten to use. He won’t imagine you breathily calling him pretty boy again even though, fuck, he wishes you would so, so bad.
“What’s your name,” you ask before you can stop yourself, before you rise to your feet. The rules here are good ones, meant to keep both the patrons and performers safe.  You’d worked at other establishments before that didn’t care so much about safety so much as they cared about money.  Your radar has never been off in the past and maybe that shouldn’t be enough for you but everything about Mystery Man makes you want to break every rule ever set before you.  There’s something about him that makes you want to risk it all.  You want to hear him whimper and you’d place bets that you could get him to do it in record time.  Even now, his breathing is shallow and he seems unable to answer you.  His friend leans over, elbowing him into action.
“His name’s Daichi.  And mine’s Kuroo.  Ya know, in case you wanted to know.”  His smile is genuine, not creepy at all.  You return the grin as you stand before turning back to Daichi.  He straightens a little, snapped back to reality by his friend.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you say to Kuroo.  He is attractive, just not who you have your eyes set on.  But it’s good information to pass along to your coworkers.  Judging by his tailored suit that fits just as good as Daichi’s, you’d wager his job pays like his friend’s.  The music swells again, the DJ cueing to your next song.  “Kuroo, make sure your friend doesn’t go anywhere.  Tonight’s for him.”  Kuroo scoffs in friendly disbelief at Daichi’s luck.
“I’m hauling you to the club more often,” he says to Daichi, who flashes a quick small smile.  Oh god, that smile could bring anyone you know to their knees.  It could certainly do it to you.  That smile alone could get you to do anything Daichi would ask.  You point at Kuroo as you take your place at the center pole again.
“I’m holding you to that, Kuroo.”  You brace your hands one over the other on the pole, and shake your ass for all it’s worth.
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Body crazy, curvy, wavy, big titties, little waist.
Daichi’s going to have a stroke, he just knows it.  He can feel the veins in his forehead and neck bulging.  The blood has flowed elsewhere too.  His cock is so hard it feels painful.  There are several different ways he could get relief, most of which he should not be considering seeking in a public area.  But it’s unbearable and there’s no way he’s going to let himself come in front of all these other people.  He waits for the end of your current number and then he’s standing so fast his chair screeches out behind him; a couple of people look his way but for the most part, you’ve got everyone’s attention.  Kuroo glances sideways at his friend; he doesn’t say anything, just smirks as Daichi tosses another hundred on the bar top, telling Kuroo to give it to you before rushing to the bathroom.
He makes his way down the hall and notices there are several doors marked RESTROOM in bold capital letters.  Thank god there are single-person stalls.  He stumbles into one, shutting the door and locking it with shaking hands.  The music is still audible, even here; it seems to have dropped to a low steady hum.  Intermission.  Perfect.  Daichi turns to the sink and splashes cold water on his face, one last attempt to snap himself out of this fucking trance.  Because that’s what this has to be.  He’s getting all hot and bothered over someone who he doesn’t even know.  And god, he wants to think that you like him but he knows he’s tipping good and he’s not one of those creeps that can’t recognize it’s your fucking job.
The image in the mirror is one that almost shocks him; his eyes are glazed, and his hair’s a mess.  Just once, he just needs to come once and then he can stay here until the end of the night like he said he would.  He’ll tip you like a good customer would.  Then he’ll leave and he’ll never come back.  Because this?  This is Daichi out of control and he’s not sure that’s a good thing.  Maybe he should go back to making love to nice girls in his king-sized bed.  Yes, that’s what he’ll do.  He’ll leave here and he won’t come back and he’ll never think of you again.
Daichi unbuckles his belt, the metal of the buckle clanking as he yanks his zipper down.  He lets out a pained breath, his cock straining against his underwear.  He slips his hand into the elastic band, taking it into his hand and bringing it out into the air.  He backs up to the wall, the cool air offering little comfort for the engorged head, and closes his fist around himself.  A breath comes fast and heavy out of his mouth as he starts jacking himself off slowly, trying to make the moment last.
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You watch as Daichi stands abruptly, so quickly and sharply that he almost topples his chair over.  You watch as he tosses another bill on the bar top, leaning in to say something to Kuroo.  You watch as he throws one last glance your way before beelining to the bathrooms.  Idiot.  Absolute idiot is what you are because you’re making your way off the runway, ignoring the audience as a low boo goes through the crowd.  Your boss catches your eye from the end of the bar and waves you over.
“What the hell is going on?”  It’s not said unkindly but more with an air of annoyance.  This is your first Friday night on your own and you might be blowing it.  But you don’t care.  You put on a fake wince and point at your head, trying to look as contrite and imploring as possible.
“I’m so sorry, I know it’s my first Friday and I’m so grateful.  But I’ve really gotta pee and I’ve got this horrible headache starting.  Can I take ten?  Just ten minutes, enough time for an ibuprofen to set in while I go to the bathroom, and then I’ll be back out.  Please.”  You put those big eyes back to use, blinking slow and tilting your head slightly like you’re trying to relieve the pain of your fake headache.  Your boss squints his eyes but doesn’t protest as he pulls a bottle of Advil from behind the bar.  He hands you a couple with a glass of water.
“Ten minutes.  Go to the bathroom.  Take a breather.  Then get your ass back out there.  I’ve seen the business you’re encouraging after two sets.  You’ll be back up there as one of my main performers if you keep up the good work.”  You smile as you throw the pills back with the water and hurry in the direction of the restroom, pulling on one of the extra robes from the bar.  Now to find Daichi.
A couple is making out in the hallway; you brush past them and knock quietly on the first door.  A voice answers quickly that the stall is occupied but it’s not Daichi’s voice.  You knock on two more doors before getting to the last one.  You suppose he could have gone into the multi-stall restroom but you’d seen the look on his face when he’d stood and you’d bet all the cash he’d given you so far that he wasn’t coming back here to take a piss.  You rap your knuckles on the last single-person stall.  You’re rewarded with his voice coming from the other side.
“There’s someone-ha-there’s someone in here!”  He can barely get the words out; you know what’s going on in that stall and you want to help.  You rub your thighs together, realizing you’re already getting wet.
“Daichi, it’s me.”  This is stupid.  Maybe he doesn’t even like you that much.  Maybe you’re just some stripper at a strip club.  There’s a heavy silence now, almost solid enough that you could cut it with a knife.  Another pause and you’re getting ready to leave, cursing your confidence for all that it’s getting you, but then you hear the click of the door unlocking.  He opens it but only just so.  Still, it’s an invitation and one you are eager to accept.  You open the door just wide enough to slip through to shield yourself from any potential wandering eyes in the hall.  The scene inside the stall nearly wrecks you.
Daichi has backed up against the wall, as far away from you as humanly possible.  It’s so obvious that he’s been jacking himself off. His hair is messy, his eyes wild like he was already on the brink. He’s desperately trying to cover his cock with his hands and even though they’re large, they can’t cover it completely. You meet his gaze, which he tries to avoid, his eyes fluttering left then right with shame, before finally settling on you. Something trips across your skin.
“Babe, let me help you with that,” you whisper as you direct your line of sight to his cock. It twitches as you move closer, slowly, as if you’re approaching a cornered animal. Daichi groans a little when you reach him, one hand steadying on his shoulder and the other reaching up to touch his face.
“This is—this is not what it looks like, I swear. I promise I’m not some creep, I just—” You put a single finger softly to his lips, making sure he’s got his eyes on you. They widen just a bit. In the brighter light of the bathroom, you can see how rich the color of his irises are, golden brown like sunlight streaming through an autumn wood, or espresso, or something corny like that. Fuck the rules.
“Daichi, can I kiss you?” The question is out of your mouth before you can stop yourself. His mouth drops open but his eyes rove from yours down to your lips, then your covered chest, and back up. Finally, he nods so you guide his face down to yours and kiss him. His lips are soft and warm and pliable. He makes a little sound in the back of his throat, so unlike the image he’d put out walking in this place with his fine, tailored suit and stack of cash. Your hand slips from his shoulder and moves down the ridge of his pectoral, then lower still to the hard planes of his stomach. You trail your fingers over the now wrinkled fabric, close to his undone belt and open pants. His cock jumps against your abdomen past his hands and he gasps. “Is this okay?” You ask the question, certain that Daichi just needs the chance to give in. He nods again so you smooth your hand lower until it wraps around his cock.
Daichi’s head thunks against the wall of the bathroom as another sharp breath explodes from his open mouth. “Oh, fuck,” he growls quietly. You move your hand experimentally, softly, swiping your thumb across the head, gathering the bit of precome at the tip and smearing it about. You can’t decide what you want to look at more: the red bleeding over Daichi’s skin from the neck up, his heaving chest, or how his cock looks in your hands. He’s so… responsive. Each turn of your wrist has him shuddering beneath you. More. You need more. You want to see him beg. And part of you also realizes that he needs this too. You drop to your knees and his eyes snap back open as he watches you. “What’re you doing?”
“Only what you want me to do, Daichi. Unless you don’t want me to?” You don’t even finish your sentence before he’s shaking his head. He wraps his hand around yours, enveloping it, and moves it once, twice, over himself. A thought occurs to you, one you’re denying even as you ask him “Daichi, have you ever come down anyone’s throat?” The answer is obvious but you still feel incredulous as he tells you no. The veins in his hands are bulging and he’s still, like the calm before the storm. You lean in, maintaining eye contact, as you blow a breath over his cock. “Do you want to?”
It’s like you flipped a switch. Daichi, slowly now so you have time to pull away if you want to, curls his fingers in your hair, stroking them along your scalp. “Yes, please.” He whispers it, certain this is a dream. This has to be a fucking dream. He’s had a blow job before but never has he ever asked to come in someone’s mouth. He’s a clean guy but he’s not clueless; he just assumed most people thought it was gross and never had a problem with the fact that no one wanted to do that. At least not anyone he had been with. But, oh, he’d thought about it, lots of times. Most of those times in one night.
His pupils are blown wide as you lick your lips and take just the tip, swirling your tongue over the head. His skin is smooth, molten hot. The way your eyes never leave his is something else entirely and when you hollow out your cheeks and relax your throat to take all of him, he thinks he might die. He’s trying to maintain some semblance of control but it is already dwindling to nothing. There’s a coil building in his abdomen. Not yet he thinks viciously. Not yet. You take a few more pulls before releasing him with a pop. Frantic, he feels frantic. Maybe you decided you didn’t want to do this and he’d have to be okay with that, he couldn’t blame you but god damn—
“Daichi, eyes on me.” The man’s Adam’s apple bobs as he locks in on you again. “Let go, babe. Show me how you want it. Pull my hair. Set the pace. And when you’re gonna come, you come down my throat. Nowhere else, you got it? I’ve got five more minutes. Think we can get you there, pretty boy?” He nearly blacks out when you say those words he needed to hear again. Oh, yes, yes he’s sure you can. His eyes search yours once more before fisting his hand in your hair, tightening experimentally. You smile around his cock, deep-throating him once more, but waiting expectantly. He’s not going to come back from this. You’ve ruined anyone else for him. And he’s accepted his fate.
The moment he lets go, the moment he breaks down whatever wall is holding him in place, you can sense it. You place your hands on his thighs as he pulls you nearly all the way off before shoving you back down. Your eyes water just a bit but you feel the slick gather between your thighs. Yes, the girl inside of you that wants to see him to the end hisses. He sets the pace, a strong and quick one, but somehow still gentle. If you said you needed to stop now, you somehow know he’d do so immediately. He twists a little more, angling your head just how he wants it. You set your teeth down ever so lightly just to see….
Daichi whimpers and gasps, the sound nearly a sob on his lips. You swirl your tongue again and suck. “Ha—shit. Just. Just like that,” he grits out as he grips tighter. It hurts a little, your hair and your knees, but the pain swirls with the pleasure in a delicious slide of skin against skin. Your nails dig into his thighs again before he takes one of your hands and closes it around the base of his cock. You grip, working your wrist along with your mouth. He bucks against you, a jerky movement. “I’m close, fuckfuckfuck I’m close. I’m gonna come.” His voice lies somewhere between a bark and a whine. He can’t decide if he wants you closer, or farther, to stop or keep going. His brain is short-circuiting. He tries to pull back just a little bit, but you won’t let him in the best way possible.
You quirk your wrist and tilt your head in just a certain way… Daichi cries out, long and broken, as he curls in over you, his orgasm washing over him in waves so intense his vision goes black. His entire body shudders with his release, his form towering over you as he spurts ropes of come all the way down your throat. You milk him for all he’s worth. Not a single drop is getting away from you, no way in hell. Next time, you want him to come in your pussy. Next time? God, you want there to be a next time. He’s still leaning over you when his breathing slows and steadies; his hands are bracing themselves on your back rubbing soothing circles there with his thumbs. He helps you to your legs and steadies you for a moment.
The silence stretches on as you look at each other, both a little shocked at what just conspired. Daichi slowly puts himself back into his pants and you help him buckle his belt. You’re both on the verge of saying something either extremely brave or extremely stupid with each moment that passes. You’re about to make the first move again when he reaches up and takes your jaw in his hand, running a thumb along the corner of your mouth to gently push the last of his spend into your mouth. You lean into the touch and welcome his finger, sucking it clean just like his dick. He thinks he might be in love with you.
A breathless giggle comes out of you as you back away just a fraction, trying to give yourself space from the startling sensation fluttering in your stomach like butterflies. Your boss is gonna kick your ass if you don’t get back out on the floor. “I would invite you to my place to continue this after I’m off but it’s a little crowded and the walls are thin,” you say, hoping against hope that he wants more just as much as you do. There’s no room for doubt when he leans in and kisses you, deep and slow, tasting himself in your mouth.
“That’s no problem, princess. If you’re still feeling this when you’re off, I’ve got a penthouse all to myself.” Oh, there it is—the swagger you expected him to have. Your eyes glitter as you smooth out your hair, knowing it still looks good enough to perform. If anything, the smell of sex and the appearance of your swollen lips will get you better money, as long as your boss doesn’t catch on. You don’t think he will. “I’ll find you at the end of the night.” You nod, suddenly the bashful one.
Somehow, everything that just transpired did so all in your ten-minute break. In fact, you have one minute to spare as you strut back to the runway, giving your boss a wink and blowing a kiss to the stupefied audience.
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“Harder, Daichi, harder.” You can barely get the words out as he thrusts inside of your aching cunt. Your face is pushed into the pillows on Daichi’s king-sized bed, your ass in the air. The sound of skin slapping on skin in the quiet of his room is pornographic but you can’t waste any thoughts on being even remotely embarrassed. Tears stream down your face as he continually hits that spot inside of you that you’ve only been able to hit with a dildo and even then it never came close to this. Daichi’s a machine, the way he keeps going. After you sucked him off and he came so quickly earlier in the night, he was determined to make this one last longer. One of his hands is gripping tightly into the plush of where your hip meets your ass cheek, the other is splayed over your back, even now caressing the skin, alighting it with goosebumps. “Oh, fuuuuuck,” you whine as that same hand snakes around to your neck to pull you up.
His fingers and palm ghost over the skin as he thrusts up into you and it’s all you can do to hold to his thighs for dear life, your nails digging in so hard you’ll know they’ll leave a mark. “Are you close, princess?” He whispers it labored into your ear, his breath hot, his mouth even hotter as he leans in to nip at your pulse point from behind. You nod frantically, almost unable to answer. “Can I come inside, baby? Will you let me? Will you let me be a good boy for you?” His hand moves from your throat to your clit, stroking one slow circle over the oversensitive nub. Thank god for birth control.
“Yes, Daichi, yes, come in my pussy. Oh, god, yes be a good boy for me.” You squeal as he thrusts hard, once, twice, swiping his fingers over your clit again in a more concentrated pattern and you feel your first orgasm of the night sweep over you as Daichi finds his own release with a mangled, animalistic groan.  You think he’s done, especially when he pulls out leaving you feeling way too empty.  But you’re wrong, so, so wrong.  He proceeds to flip you over and push back in, a ring of white forming around where he’s begun thrusting inside of you again.  
“I thought about this all fucking night.”  He surges up over you, grabbing your wrists and pulling them above you.  “I thought about that pretty little cunt around my cock.  I thought about how pretty you’d look laying in my bed.”  One thrust, slow and teasing.  You roll your hips up to meet him, even though your thighs are weak and shaking.  “I’ve never–I’ve never fucked anyone like this before, it’s,” he leans in to suck on your pulse again, runs his tongue over the salty skin there, “magical.”  You whimper beneath him when you feel the familiar coil tightening once more in your belly.  
“Do you think I can make you come again, Daichi?  Can you come for me one more time?”  He groans, sealing his lips over yours as he releases your hands so that can pull him closer into you.  You scrape your nails from the nape of his neck into his hair, and grip, breathless, as his rhythm becomes choppy again.  God, you don’t know how he’s still going.  The two of you are so frenzied, the blood in your veins hotter than a blue flame.  “Look at me when you come, baby, look at me,” you whisper, bringing your hands to his cheeks.  His eyes are glazed, his face strained but still beautiful.  “I’m going to touch myself now, okay?”  His mouth pops open again as he nods, before watching as you wrap one arm around his shoulder and bring your other hand to your clit.  You swipe around his cock, collecting some of the mess you’ve both made there.  You know how to pleasure yourself and with Daichi’s expert stroke, it doesn’t take long before it snaps over you, the walls of your pussy squeezing around him forcing spend from him one more time.  It’s not as explosive as the first time but still enough that you can feel the wet leaking out onto his sheets.  “So good for me, Daichi, look how good you are for me,” you chant as you wring the last of the pleasure from each other.
When it’s over, he stills, pulling out of you and collapsing onto the bed beside you.  There’s a sheen of sweat covering you both.  The cool early morning air coming in Daichi’s open window creates the perfect juxtaposition of sensations.  He reaches over to trace patterns into your palm.  “Can I hold you?”  The question is so sweet, it makes you huff out a laugh.  The man just blew your back out and he asks if he can hold you.  But you are more than willing to oblige him so you roll into his open arm and lay your head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart.  You wait a moment before looking up at him, relishing the feeling of his fingers now tracing patterns into your arm and shoulder.
“Didn’t you mention something about handcuffs earlier?”  He looks down at you jerkily, a sheepish grin on his face.  You smile mischievously.  You’re going to ruin him.  He’s going to let you.  And he’s going to love it.
“Let me make you breakfast first, yeah?”  You nod and breathe in the smell of him, all sex and musk and expensive cologne.  Neither one of you knows where this is going to go but right now, it doesn’t matter.  You yawn and snuggle closer.
“Just so you know,” you intone sleepily, “I like French toast.”  He laughs softly, his own body relaxing into a lazy slumber.
“Hm, French toast?  I pinned you as a pancake kinda girl.  Good thing I also like French toast and always keep the supplies in to make it.”  His breathing is slow and shallow, matching the rhythm of yours.  The sun peeks over the cityscape around you as the two of you go under, cradled in each other’s arms.
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This work and its digital elements (photo credit to photographer) are © Kait of @kaitsawamura 2024. Please do not alter or copy this work. Please do not repost this work to other platforms without my express permission.
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aquagirl1978 · 28 days
💐 Harri fluff pretty 🙏 please with strawberry milk on top
(Have you considered that one can probably taste the strawberry milk after kissing harri? *sighs as I stare wistfully into the distance*)
Love <3 V
Thank you @vioisgoinginsane - I had a lot of fun writing this and hope you enjoy it!
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To Catch a Thief
A/N: The first fic in my Naughty or Nice event and my second entry for An Invitation to Crown hosted by @judejazza Pairing: Harrison Gray x Reader Prompt: play fighting Word Count: 730 Tags: fluff
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“I have a problem and I was hoping you could help me,” Harrison said, plopping into the seat next to you on the couch.
“Good morning to you, too,” you replied, not looking up from the book you were reading.
“Morning,” he muttered as he ran his hair through his hair. He leaned a bit closer to you, dropping his voice. “I’m trying to catch a thief and I could use your help.”
“Oh?” You put your book to the side and stared into his mint green eyes, suddenly intrigued. 
“Yeah,” he continued, “I went to the kitchen just now, looking forward to drinking my strawberry milk. And could you believe it, but there was none left. Someone here drank the last glass, knowing that that was my milk.”
“The nerve of them!” You gasped dramatically at his predicament. “Whatever shall we do?”
“I have a list of suspects.” You raised a brow, curious to know who made the list. “Will loves strawberries, so he would be a prime suspect –”
“Except he’s not here now,” you chimed in.
“Exactly. You’re very observant. Alfons isn’t back yet either, so he’s off the list.”
“What about Jude?” 
“While he’s rude enough to commit such a crime, he’s not a fan of milk. I think we can safely cross him off the list.”
“Nah, he’s more of a tea and scones guy for breakfast. Elbert probably hasn’t left his room since last night, admiring all his stuff.” Harrison sighed, truly perplexed. “That leaves Roger, Liam and Ellis.”
“Ellis does like sweets.” 
“Another excellent observation. He’s possibly our prime subject right now.”
“I’m glad we were able to sort that out.” You smiled smugly at Harrison, pleased you were able to help him. 
“Yeah, well, there’s another problem. Ellis isn’t here either. Some kind of early morning emergency that Victor assigned to him.”
“So then it has to be Liam or Roger.”
“That would seem to be, but there is one other possibility we haven’t explored.” Your eyes widened when he said your name. 
“Was it you?” he asked softly. “I won’t be mad if it was.”
“No,” you replied, perhaps a bit too quickly. “It wasn’t me. I wouldn’t do such a thing to you. You’re my boyfriend. I love and adore you and know just how much you like your strawberry milk.” You flashed him the sweetest smile as you rested your hand on his knee.
“Look me in the eye and tell me you didn’t drink my milk,” he replied with an even sweeter smile.
“It wasn’t me,” you repeated.
“Of course, it wasn’t. I was silly to even question you.” He cupped your cheek and caressed your skin softly with his thumb. “I think you deserve a reward for helping me.”
He leaned closer, his lips barely brushing yours. “Is this a suitable reward?” he whispered. Your breath hitched as he covered your mouth with his in a kiss. Running his fingers through your hair, he held you closer as he deepened the kiss, his tongue probing your lips. With a soft sigh, your lips parted, inviting his tongue to sweep your mouth.
He pulled back, breaking the kiss, his hand cradling your head. His eyes met yours and he smiled.
“I knew it was you the whole time,” he admitted quietly.
“What? How?”
“I had my suspicions, but you should know better than to lie to a fox.” Your face fell; he saw through your earlier lie. “That and…” He brought his mouth to yours and nipped your lip. “I could taste the strawberry milk.”
“That was evil.” You grabbed a nearby pillow and hit him on the shoulder with it. Gently. 
“It's what you deserve for drinking my milk,” he said, laughing. Grabbing a pillow of his own, he swatted you back. Not so gently. 
Peals of laughter filled the room as you took turns hitting each other with the pillows. That is, until Harrison grabbed your pillow and tossed it to the side, leaving you defenseless. He pressed his body against yours, his lips dangerously close to yours. Your eyes drifted shut as your lips moved closer to his, eager for his kiss. 
His hand ran down your ribs, his fingers brushing against your most ticklish spot. Your eyes flew open. 
“You wouldn’t,” you hissed.
“Well, I am a villain,” he said with a wicked laugh.
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @themiscarnival   @coral-relevium @cyberk1ee     @kookie-my-little-sunshine @pathogenic       @ellisgivesmelife013 @ikemen-writer   @nightghoul381 @judejazza @xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia @ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia @lunaaka @ikesenwritings @starlitmanor-network
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lalacliffthorne · 9 months
because Instagram has been showing me a lot of dudes on motorcycles lately and that just really messes with my brain. so here's a lil modern!Az drabble. with a motorcycle.
(this actually might be a tiny lil sneak peak at a new drabble universe I´m currently building... 👀)
Trudging down the steps to the parking lot, I blinked into the sun that was already close to the horizon, sending warm golden rays over the few cars still there. Letting my eyes flicker over them, I felt my brows crease a little in confusion when I couldn't find Feyre's old mint-colored Bronco anywhere.
Beginning to slowly make my way through the parking lot, I looked over my shoulder, sliding my phone out of the pocket of my jeans as I looked back ahead - and stilled on the spot as my heart missed a beat, leaping against my ribs.
Near the entrance of the parking lot, Azriel leaned against his motorcycle. He was so tall, he basically lounged on the seat, his long legs stretched out on front of him. As usual, he was wearing all black, his jeans tucked into his boots, his armored jacket open over a plain hoodie. A strand of dark hair had fallen over his forehead as he looked to the side towards the other entrance, his brows crunched a little against the light of the low sun that made his skin shimmer golden.
Next to him him, two helmets sat on the tank.
My lips parted slightly, my breath hitched, and like he could feel my eyes on him, Azriel turned his head, his gaze finding mine.
The crease between his brows smoothed a little, and I thought I saw a soft twinkle flash through his eyes. Then one corner of his lips curved, and he straightened up, slipping his hands into his pockets and raising a brow at me.
Beginning to slowly move towards him, I squinted against the golden light, something beginning to pound against my ribs as I fought the ridiculously wide smile threatening to spread over my face and called: "What are you doing here?"
"Just finished class." Azriel's deep, steady voice sent shivers through my body, my heart stumbling in its rhythm when he watched me approach him, a soft twinkle dancing in his eyes. "Rhys texted me that Feyre's stuck at the gallery and that you needed a ride home, so I waited."
Something skipped against my ribs when I came to a halt in front of him, tipping my head back to frown up at him in slightly confused suspicion.
"And you just happened to have another helmet with you?"
Azriel's eyes flickered over my face, and one corner of his lips curved a little. Then he started stripping out of his jacket.
My heart tipped over in my chest, and my breath hitched as my eyes darted up to his face.
"What are you doing?"
"As long as you're on the back of my bike, your safety is priority." Azriel took a step forward, towering over me as one side of his lips quirked upwards. "Which means there's no way I'm gonna let you ride like this." Sliding the strap of my bag off my shoulder and dropping the tote between his feet, he straightened up again, handing me his jacket.
Feeling my brows furrow softly, I slowly took it, squinting up at him. "What about you?"
Azriel was standing so close he had to dip his head down to look at me, the golden specks in his eyes glimmering in the sun. "I'm fine."
My frown deepened. "No, you're not."
Az huffed, but the look he sent me lacked any heat, seeming more amused than anything else when he raised a brow at me and rapped his knuckles against his chest. "Armored."
"You run around with an armored hoodie and your jacket on a random Thursday?" I stared up at him with a suspicious frown even as my lips curved upwards and something suddenly fluttered against my ribs, and Azriel's cheek creased just a little as he looked down at me.
"Just put on the jacket, smart-ass."
Staring up at him for another second, I then grumbled softly and slowly complied.
The armor fitted into the material made the jacket pretty heavy. Slipping into the sleeves, I felt something in my chest dip softly when a wave of Azriel's scent washed over me; his cologne that smelled warm like cedar and something that was just him, deep and earthy and unobtrusively addictive.
The weight of the jacket felt strangely comforting when I slid it over my shoulders, tugging the hood of my sweatshirt out from underneath. The material was drowning me, far longer than it was supposed to be and probably looking ridiculous, and when I raised my head, I just caught Azriel's eyes flickering over me. He blinked, then he took a step forward, and my heart swerved sharply when his chest almost brushed against mine. My eyes darted up, and suddenly, my throat felt a little dry.
Azriel's iris was piercing as it moved over my face. I could feel the warmth radiating off his body when he reached out, carefully freeing my braid from under the material, then he reached down and tugged the jacket close. His knuckles grazed my chest when he zipped it up, straightening the collar, and my heart tipped over when his rough, warm skin brushed over my skin.
One corner of his lips twitched, and gently, Azriel raised a brow.
"This good?"
I swallowed softly and nodded, because his deep, quiet voice made something thrum so heavily in my chest, I didn't trust my own.
The corner of his lips curved up a little more, then Azriel took a step back, leaning down and picking up my bag to stuff it into his backpack. Taking it when he handed it over, I slid the straps over my shoulders. It wasn't too heavy, even with my things inside as well, which was a bit strange, considering I knew he must've had quite a few lectures today and had definitely needed his laptop -
Azriel stepped towards me, and my heart stumbled again when his hands closed around the straps, tightening them until the backpack was sitting snugly against my back. I tried to keep my breath from hitching as I looked up at him, the strand of hair still stubbornly curving over his forehead as he dipped his head to check the zippers of the jacket again.
Azriel threw me a look, and there was a light crease to the side of his lips, then he blinked.
"Alright." He pulled a pair of gloves from his back pocket, looking over my head when a car rolled past. "Put these on."
"You just happen to have another pair of gloves?" I felt my lips curve into a slow, incredulous grin as I raised my eyes to stare up at him, simply because this was getting ridiculous, and Azriel threw me a glowering look that made me beam.
Azriel's lips curved a little, then he turned around, and I slipped into the gloves. They were quite big, and I had to pull the velcro strap tight over my wrist so they wouldn't slip. Then I raised my head, and my breath hitched when Azriel swung a leg over the bike, sitting down on the leather seat. I could see his shoulders shift even under the loose hoodie as he picked up one of the helmets, holding it out to me.
Stepping forward, I took it and carefully pulled it over my head, the feeling a little strange as I shuffled it in place. Trying to tighten the strap under the chin, I furrowed my brows in frustration. How on earth was I supposed to do that with these huge gloves o-
Fingers slipped under my jacket and into my belt loops, and my eyes darted up, my breath hitching and stilling when Azriel pulled me forward until I bumped into his side.
My heart did a backflip before tilting, and Az reached up to gently pull the strap tight until it rested against my skin. His fingers brushed over my throat, causing a soft shuddering tingle to travel down my spine, then they slipped down, checking the jacket, the straps of the backpack and the gloves. I felt my heart beat into my throat as I stared at the focused crunch of his brows, then I blinked when Azriel raised his head.
"Alright, I already set up the comms, so you'll be able to talk to me even with the helmets on."
I nodded, flexing my shoulders as my heart started fluttering in my chest, and Azriel's gaze moved over my face, his iris looking like molten gold in the sinking sun. Then one corner of his lips quirked.
I exhaled softly, shaking out my arms and nodding, feeling my heart skip, now in nerves and excitement. "Yep."
Azriel straightened and looked over his shoulder as I stepped forward. Just sitting upright on the bike, he was still tall enough that I had to actually raise my arms up to grab his shoulders as I placed my right foot on the rear footrest. Azriel's hand came up, closing around my elbow to steady me as he looked back at me, and my heart skipped a beat when his amber eyes settled steadily on my face.
"One, two -" His hand squeezed my elbow, and I pulled myself up onto the seat behind him.
A soft, breathy giggle left me, and I thought I felt Azriel's shoulders vibrate in a quiet, amused chuckle. Then he looked over his shoulder, and my heart rose when I saw the twinkle in his eyes. "You good?"
I nodded, my hands slipping over his back as I shuffled until I was comfortable, then I raised my head, and Azriel arched an eyebrow. "I'll need you to hold on tight and stay close, okay?"
I saluted cheekily, something under my ribs suddenly hopping with excitement, and Azriel huffed, but I saw the curve of his lips as he turned back around.
I drummed my fingers against Azriel's back as he put on his helmet, the giddy feeling in my chest expanding when he slipped on his gloves. Then he looked over his shoulder, and I almost jumped a little in surprise when I heard his voice clearly in my helmet.
"You ready?"
Quickly wrapping my arms around his middle and squeezing, I nodded, and even though I could barely see the outline of his face under the dark visor, I was sure to see Azriel's lips curve. Then he turned back around.
"Then let's go." He started the engine, and my breath hitched when the bike sprung to life, vibrating a little. Azriel leaned forward, and I followed his movement, slipping my arms tighter around him as my body curved into his back and my heart fluttered in excitement. Then Az pushed off, and I buried my fingers in his hoodie when we turned in a wide arch, the rumble of the engine causing my spine to tingle giddily as Azriel headed for the exit.
The golden sunlight illuminated the streets, its rays falling through the red and yellow leaves and reflecting off windows as the cool wind brushed over my ankles, sending happy shivers down my spine as I held onto Azriel and looked up at the buildings zipping past as he weaved through the early evening traffic. I could feel his muscles shift under my arms wrapped tightly around him.
"You okay?" His deep voice vibrated through me even forwarded by the comms, and my breath hitched when his right hand slipped off the handle, reaching back to gently close around the inside of my knee. Even with gloves on I swore I could feel the warmth of his skin seep through the material of my jeans as he squeezed lightly, and something swerved in my chest.
I nodded quickly before realising he couldn´t see it, and my heart skipped as I called back, a wide, beaming smile spreading over my face: "Yeah!"
A soft chuckle vibrated through Azriel's body. For a second, I could feel his hand linger, body relaxed as I buried my fingers in his hoodie, then he slipped it off and looked over his shoulder, and I leaned to the side a little so he could see past me, squinting into the sun as Azriel switched lanes.
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Stepdad! Steve and his Bestfriend Eddie. Innocently corrupting little girl!reader. Reader thinking playtime with Daddy and Uncle Eddie is a normal thing. Steve and Eddie coming home and being like “hey! Uncle Eddie’s here!” And reader being giggling like “im not done with homework yet!!” Getting pulled into their laps. Up to you from there. Thanks preemptively!! I love your work 💜💜💜!!!
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh omygod.
CW: ddlg dynamics, little(ish)!reader, stepcest mentioned, dark content, stuff about taking advantage of reader
they're so touchy and playful with you at first... lifting your skirt up 'jokingly' as you squeal-- giggling when they snap your panties onto your skin. just finding any excuse to touch you or kiss you or expose your body in some sort of 'innocent' form.
when steve calls out to you that your "..uncle eddie is over for playtime!", you giggle, excitement twirling through you before responding to your stepdad with an, "m not done with homework yet!!" right before you hear the dominant thumps of eddie's combat boots on the floor as he makes his way to the kitchen table with steve where you sit, scribbling on some paper. eddie groans jokingly as he pulls your chair out, picking you up and plopping you onto his lap; rubbing his hands all over your waist as he kisses your cheek. "you're not done with homework?!" he exclaims in faux shock, and your just all smiles and giggles--blushing when eddie sighs, running his hands on the side of your upper thighs.
"she's been working all day, eddie.." steve grins, cupping your chin with his palm so he can kiss the top of your head as he makes his way around the table to take a seat on the chair across from you and eddie.
"yeah?" eddie grins, his pearly whites slowing his chewing on the mint gum in his mouth. he looks at you."you been a smart little girl today--huh, baby?"
you nod, smiling shly as he pinches your cheek with his tattooed pointer finger and thumb, scrunching his nose up slightly before kissing the corner of your mouth softly--the hair above his upper lip and chin tickling your skin.
eddie turns to look at steve, running his right hand down your shoulder and arm.
"god..she's fuckin' adorable, steve.."
your stepdad adjusts himself in his seat, tongue poking the side of his mouth as he chuckles, nodding.
"like i don't know that already.. she's my favorite girl." he winks at you, and the way they are talking about you as though you aren't in the room makes you warm.
eddie and steve admire you for a few moments more until steve pipes up. "hey, you wanna beer?"
eddie nods, "yeah, thanks, man," before steve gets up and goes to the fridge.
your 'uncle' adjusts you on his lap, his leather jacket crinkling as he plays with your pigtails, flopping them up and down, tugging lightly on your left one.
"so," he begins, "your daddy been driving you crazy, sweet girl?"
you turn to face him, a meek smile on your lips as you furrow your brows. "no..he plays with me all the time! i love him." you whisper the last part, swallowing.
eddie narrows his eyes in fake suspicion, making you laugh, your face hot.
"yeah? what uh--what do you guys do for fun, huh?"
you shrug, thinking. "sometimes he tickles me," you note.
eddie raises his eyebrow. "..tickles you?"
you giggle, thighs clenched. "y-yeah.. he tickles me in my--my princess parts.. when 'm feelin tingly 'n stuff."
you feel something hard beneath you..the belt buckle of eddie's pressed more firmly against your ass than three minutes ago.
"y-yeah?" eddie clears his throat, his left hand sneaking underneath your skirt and inching its way to your clothed cunt. "daddy makes this cute little pussy gush all over him?"
your whole body goes hot.
you aren't able to respond at his crude language as steve makes his way back to you both, handing eddie his beer and then groaning softly as he sits back down in front of you.
"what were you guys talkin' about?" steve asks, taking a swig from his beer.
eddie smiles, patting the side of your thigh as you yelp and jump slightly. "nothin' much..jus' wondering when this sweet girl's gonna be done." he mouths over your neck as you squirm in his grasp, whining.
"been waiting all day for our playdate, princess..." eddie whispers in your ear before pulling away, sipping his beer and smirking at your flustered state as steve eyes the two of you.
the metal-head beams smugly, pulling away from your neck and putting the beer on the table in front of you as you quiver lightly.
your eyes flit to the drink as you fidget with your pencil. eddie notices asking, "you wanna try, sweetheart?" he lifts the bottle to your lips.
before you can respond or open your mouth, steve does first. "hey, she doesn't need to be having that.."
"she can try a little bit.." eddie reasons, his voice gentle.
steve stays quiet for a moment so you look up at him, eyes shimmering. "can i, daddy?" your voice is soft and unsure.
your stepdad shrugs, pursing his lips and nodding once. "only a little, baby..don't want you getting a tummy ache later."
you nod, giggling lightly as eddie lifts the beer to your lips, praising you softly with a "good girl" as you drink the bitter liquid, grimacing slightly.
your daddy and 'uncle' chuckle at your reaction. eddie pets the side of your head, tucking some loose strands behind your ear. "your first big girl drink. look at you, sweetheart--all grown up." he pretends to cry, making you laugh, forgetting what he said to you earlier (but only for a moment as you feel his hand sneak between your warm thighs).
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milunalupin · 2 months
— mint to be
remus lupin x reader ★ 1k words
The little bell above the door jingled as the last customer left the bookstore. Remus let out a deep sigh as he looked around at all the picking up and re-sorting he had to do. He went to reach for one of the mint candies by the register he offered to customers, but his hand stopped and brows furrowed as he noticed a few of the candies were missing their wrappers. He picked the bare candies out and tossed them in the bin under the counter before grabbing a new one and popping it in his mouth while he went to get the book cart.
Remus had started working at the bookstore just over a year ago, Mr. Brown being the only shopkeeper in Hogsmeade kind enough to offer him a job with a livable wage. He had always been an avid reader and lover of all literature so it was a match made in heaven. The bookstore was in a quieter corner of the Hogsmeade, standing right across from the town's magical creature research center and rescue. Nothing exciting happened on this side of the village, until he met you.
"Have you got any plans tonight, Remus?"
"No, why do you ask, Sir?"
"Saw your little bird working today, assumed you'd see her once you were done closing up."
Remus' sweater suddenly felt a little too warm, his fingers reaching up to pull at the neckline, as Mr. Brown smirked at him from across the shop. "N-no sir, I'm not."
"You should think about doing that instead of ogling at her all day, eh?" the shopkeeper shook his head and tutted quietly to himself, waving goodbye for the night, leaving his embarrassed employee alone in the bookstore.
Remus was never the most talkative person in the first place, but the moment you walked into Brown's Bookshop, he had suddenly forgotten every word he'd ever read. You had introduced yourself as Mr. Scamander's new apprentice, babbling on about your love for magical creatures, to which Remus could only smile and nod as he tried not to fall in love with you right then and there. You left the shop that day with a few books on your favorite beasts and an admirer.
Remus wishes he had met you back at Hogwarts, where he might've been lucky enough to be partnered with you in a class, or perhaps he would've been brave enough to invite you to one of the parties his friends always hosted. Now he just watches you through the shops windows like a fucking creep. It's not like he didn't want to talk to you, but how could he? Remus sighed at took one more glance out the window before leaving the shop himself, locking up and heading home with a heavy heart.
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You froze as soon as you walked into work this morning, golden wrappers scattered across the floor, your eyes squinting in suspicion. You picked up the wrappers on your way to the backroom where the new Niffler rescue was, shoving them in the pocket of your cardigan.
"Hey little guy." you coed softly, picking up the small fluffy creature, and bringing him to your face. He squirmed in your hands, reaching for the corner of plastic sticking out of your pocket. "Are all these wrappers your doing?"
In a second the Niffler was out of your hands and scurrying out he door. You grabbed your wand as well as a small cage and dashed out the door, eyes scanning the cobblestone streets. "Oh you're going to be in so much trouble!"
You caught a flash of blue fur and ran ahead, apologizing to the Hogsmeade patrons you bumped into on the way. Hurrying into the shop, you failed to notice which fine establishment the little troublemaker had led you into, only realizing as reached the front desk as saw one surprised Remus Lupin.
"Hello there, can I help you with anything?" Rosy cheeks and warm eyes greeted you, his big sweater and fluffy hair making him look exceptionally huggable.
"Remus, hi! Yes, it seems that.." your eyes trailed down from the face you've been not-so-discreetly staring at every time you go to work to the wooden bowl next to the register. It was filled with gold wrapped mints with a 'Please take one!' post it note stuck to the side. You felt hot with embarrassment, making a mental note to not give the Niffler extra treats today. "That little-"
The two of your turned to see the blue devil standing on the book cart with his paws on the side of his head is surprise. You cast 'Accio' on the mini beast and made sure the cage was locked once he was inside.
"So he was the wrapper thief, huh." Remus chuckled, coming around to your side of the counter and bending down to look at the Niffler behind his tiny bars, sticking a finger through the gate to pet the creature.
"I'm so sorry for any disturbances and inconveniences he's caused, I owe you one, Remus." you sent him a tight lipped smile and turned to head back to work to save you from any further embarrassment.
"Actually, you would do me a huge favor favor by coming with me to the Three Broomsticks tonight." he suggested, stuffing his hands in his trouser pockets.
"Really." a surprised laugh left you, your cheeks warming up as he stepped closer to you. "Well, I suppose I could help you out there."
"After I close up I'll come grab you and we'll have a bite and a round of Butterbeers, does that sound alright with you?" his eyebrows went up in question, a shy smile adorning his flushed face.
You agreed and and basically skipped back to work, missing the way Remus fist pumped the air, taking another candy as his reward for finally asking you out.
The niffler tittered in his cage, with you laughing along with him. As you places him back in his enclosure, you could've sworn to Merlin he winked at you.
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hadesrise · 1 year
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meet the addams.
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previous part.
summary ➳ the bat family meets the addams family
pairings ➳ jason todd x addams!male reader
warnings ➳ fluff, strong language, pet names, hesitant bruce, weapons, typical addams family behavior ( homicide, dark humor, weird, etc ), jason and reader being a simp for each other, the addams being wholesome as always, implied reader’s atheism (i think the entire addams are atheist tbh), mention of torture
author’s note ➳ wow, hades updated !! shocking, i know. i'm sorry for the long hiatus and inactive, i wasn't okay and it was difficult for me to write when my mind was in such a messed up state. mental health can be a bitch, you know :D i'm trying to recover, and went back on writing again. hope this was a good comeback.
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Letting his family meet you hadn’t crossed Jason’s mind at all until that very day when his annoying older brother caught him by the ice cream truck buying a dark chocolate and a mint chocolate flavored ice cream.
Dick was on officer duty patrol in undercover civilian clothes that afternoon, walking around the streets of Gotham in hopes of catching some shady business going around the city or just someone doing a simple act that goes against the law, being a good police officer that he is. Though, instead of seeing criminals like he assumed he would, his most rebellious little brother dressed in bad boy-ish clothes as usual buying ice creams caught his eyes.
He was supposed to walk right past since there really is no reason to approach Jason, but seeing him sit down next to a mysterious, old fashioned, well-dressed, expensive looking guy in all black with sunglasses resting on the bridge of his nose and give the dark chocolate flavored ice cream to? Now, Dick certainly can’t walk past without knowing about you because he’s a little shit who just can’t help but stuck his nose into his brother’s business. That and, well, he also found you really cool. There’s not a thing in this world that can stop Dick Grayson from wanting to befriend someone who seems cooler than the Dark Knight himself.
So, in all his glory, Dick approached Jason with his usual charming smile dancing across his lips.
“Oh, god...” Jason groaned in annoyance as soon as he spotted the grinning male, rolling his eyes. Peace seems to never be an option whenever he takes you around the city for simple walks.
“Jason, are you uttering your all father’s name religiously or simply as an expression as of the moment?” Your elegant yet soothing, deep voice speaks out a sentence composed of well thought words and syllables, innocent curiosity behind the gentle tone.
Dick takes a mental note that your way of speaking sounded similar to the way humanity used to speak centuries ago, when everything was still old-fashioned and technologies hardly ever existed. It made him feel like you came from the past, as if he was witnessing the existence of a time traveler. Stopping in front of you two, he gives you a charming grin as soon as your eyes catches his. A hint of curiosity and wonder flashed within them behind the dark shades of your sunglasses before they were gone in an instant, replaced by a questioning look instead.
“May I help you?” You simply asked, but Dick doesn’t fail to notice the sudden drop in your previously soft tone and the piercing, calculated gaze holding wariness as well as subtle suspicion.
“Sorry, I’m Dick Grayson. I was curious about the person Jay’s hanging out with, I couldn’t help myself but approach.” He elaborates himself while trying his best to ensure he wasn’t a threat through body language, relaxing his figure. “I’m sorry if I freaked you out a little.”
Recognition flashed in your face, brows raising only barely to show subtle surprise, “Jason’s older brother. The name’s (Y/n) Addams. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” You smiled, and even something just as simple as that looked graceful in Dick’s eyes.
Somewhat unsurprisingly, you were enchanting to look at as everything you do or say was captivating. How Jason managed to pull you was beyond him.
“Nice to meet you too,” He says back with a soft smile.
Even though his little brother hasn’t introduced you yet to their family, at least you seemed to know about them. Hopefully, nothing unpleasant has been said, but Dick doubts Jason would hide his trauma from you, considering how he was leaning to your side now subconsciously, as if being away from you will bring back awful memories.
He was worried about his practically traumatized-for-life little brother living alone, but it appears he didn’t have to worry at all.
“What are you doing here, Dick?” Jason more of grumbled, annoyed that your date has been interrupted. Almost automatically, one of your hands move to settle itself on his thigh to give it a gentle and soothing rub to ease his growing annoyance, while the other held your dark chocolate ice cream that you had begun eating with clean manners. He relaxed in an instant after feeling your touch.
“I think you should introduce (Y/n) to our family, Jay.” Dick suggests with enthusiasm that didn’t match Jason’s, not really answering his question. “They would want to know who you’re going out with. We can all have a dinner together!” There was excitement shining in his eyes as he shrugged his shoulders, trying to remain nonchalant despite his body language practically screaming excited.
Your lover groans, “Why the hell do they have to know who I’m going out with?”
Amusement crosses your face as you smirked, licking off the small bits of ice cream that got on your lips. “I wouldn’t be opposed to that. I’m certain my family will be more than happy to meet them.” Jason gives you a look, to which you responded with an innocent smile. “Oh, mon amour. What could go wrong? I have been looking forward to meet your family, but you’ve never considered to bring me there. It’s a little concerning how you seem too hesitant to let them meet me.” You pout, feigning sadness.
Your lover widens his eyes, panic appearing in them as he gripped your hand that was on his thigh after realizing what you were implying. “That’s not what it looks like, babe! I just don’t want you to meet them ‘cause they can be a bit unbearable. Bruce is the worst person you could ever meet,” He scrunched his nose. “It’s not you I don’t want them to meet, it’s them I don’t want you to meet. There’s a difference. You’re never the problem.”
You chuckled at his quick attempt of elaboration.
Jason feels his cheeks redden at how deeply elegant and amazing your laugh sounded; it never fails to make his heart go haywire even after all this time. You manage to effortlessly make him fall in love with you deeper and deeper every day without even meaning to.
“Worry not, darling. I was just teasing you. I’m far from upset.” Reassuring him, your hand gently cups his cheek to rub the skin comfortingly. “Let me meet them once you’ve gotten rid of your doubts completely, my Jason. It isn’t necessary to rush.” You then let go of his face to push some of his hair away from his forehead before leaning back to continue eating the ice cream.
Dick witnessed a starstruck smile spread across Jason’s lips in an instant, the way his expression was so soft when looking at you, how his emerald eyes that usually held pent-up rage towards the world sparks brightly in love and adoration.
Huh. He’s never seen his brother this happy and content.
Maybe you are Jason’s one true love.
“Dick,” Jason calls out after watching you eat your ice cream with a barely hidden happiness. You looked happy to meet one of his family even though you haven’t said anything, and he was willing to throw away his pride if it meant making you happy.
“Hm?” Dick hummed, smiling when Jason glanced at you and looked back at him.
“Tell the others.”
That was all he needed to let out the excitement he was holding in, beaming at you two. “Right away, little bird!” He doesn’t waste a time to pull his phone out of his pocket, “I’m going then. It was nice meeting you, (Y/n). I’ll text you when!” He waved his hand and walked away, already dialling Bruce’s number.
Jason watched him go incredulously. “Did he just come here to convince me to introduce you?”
You chuckle under your breath, “Perhaps. Your brother has sorted out his priorities well.” However, a frown appears on your lips when you turned to Jason. “Do you genuinely feel comfortable letting my family meet them? We could always cancel, mon amour. There are many other fascinating activities we can bother ourselves with.”
Jason felt his heart swell at your gentle tone and concerned eyes, making him feel loved in many different ways. You don’t even realize that you’re slowly healing his troubled heart with simple things like this. He already knows you love him more than the Guillotine itself (which is a really big deal since nothing except him could ever beat your love for it) as you’ve always told him before, but the way you treat him, talk to him, and look at him just adds so much weight on your words. You don’t just tell him you love him — you show it in the most perfect, best, casual ways.
Intertwining his hand with yours, he brought it up to rest on his chest, hiding how overwhelmed he was with the love for you. “Like what, sweetheart?” Faint amusement laced his tone as he already knew the answer.
“Like slicing or shooting criminals, of course.” You winked before bringing your intertwined hands to press a kiss on his knuckles.
Jason laughs, and you admired the way he threw his head back to let the sound escape. “Knew you would say that!” He wheezed, before calming down to kiss your knuckles just like you did to his. “But it’s really fine, (Y/n). I want to introduce you and your family to mine.” His expression then turns apologetic, “ ‘m sorry if it seemed like I was keeping you in the shadows.”
You shake your head and leaned in to capture his lips in a peck, a gesture to let him know you didn’t mind. “If you were keeping me in the shadows, we wouldn’t be having a date out in the open where any of your family can see me. Don’t be apologetic, chéri. I’m nowhere near upset.”
Letting a smile break out, Jason leans in to kiss you more longer this time before pulling away.
Just like that, you both sat on the bench and ate ice creams in comfortable silence, holding each other’s hand.
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Dick, Tim, Damian, Barbara, Cassandra and Stephanie all stood in front of the Wayne Manor with barely contained excitement, waiting for the infamous Addams family and Jason to show up.
Dick was mainly looking forward for his family to see the side of Jason no one had ever seen before, Tim was occasionally standing on his tiptoes to see if any car was nearing, and Damian was keeping himself still but his body practically trembled with excitement due to being a fan of your vigilante persona for a long time. Barbara had a smile on her face with a hint of nervousness, while Cassandra and Stephanie talked to each other to calm their nerves.
Even without research, the Addams family was quite the celebrity family in Gotham because of their richness that seemed to tie with Bruce Wayne, but moreover, they were rather infamous for being “weird” and gothic as those experts for minding businesses that aren’t their own paparazzi claimed. The Wayne family didn’t really need to dive into the deepest parts of internet in their computer; one newspaper — with the front cover of five people with gothic outfits standing in front of the big ass almost-castle-house — dedicated entirely to the weird family already helped.
Only thing they needed to research about was you, and surprisingly, it wasn’t hard to find information about your vigilantism — which is how all of them realized not only was Jason dating the person Damian idolizes more than his own father, but also the one who brutally tortured and straight-up dumped Joker into Arkham Asylum. Needless to say, it kinda made sense to them that Jason’s dating you, though Bruce wasn’t pleased.
The gates being opened to a black limousine caught their attention, making Cass and Steph break their conversation to watch the car drive closer before eventually stopping in front of them. A butler, who took them by surprise due to his seemingly inhuman looks similar to the Frankenstein monster, got out to open the door.
A man wearing a black suit with white stripes was the first to come out of the limousine as he smiles cheerfully at them, helping his wife to step out. Cassandra’s jaw dropped at the beautiful woman with black, long and silky hair who gives them an enchanting, almost hypnotizing smile.
Next to step out were a boy wearing black and white striped shirt and a girl who had her hair braided on two sides. The boy gave them an all too adorable friendly smile, but his sister only held a blank face as she observed each of the Wayne members. Finally, Jason got out together with you, all of them noticing your intertwined hands.
Your lover raised his brows, “Why are you all here?”
“Well, Bruce said we didn’t have to, but we wanted to welcome you here.” Dick shrugged, nodding at you. “Good to see you again, (Y/n).”
“Likewise, Dick.” You smile. “Greetings, ladies, gentlemen. The name’s (Y/n). This are my parents Gomez and Morticia,” Your parents greet them with a nod and friendly smile. “And my siblings Wednesday and Pugsley.” Pugsley waves his hand, enthusiastic to meet Jason’s family, while Wednesday crosses her arms above her chest and simply nods without a word.
Dick was grinning at your siblings because of their adorableness, not even the slightest bit bothered by Wednesday’s lack of emotion. Cassandra and Tim were gawking at Gomez and Morticia, how they seem so perfect and gorgeous, not only each on their own but together as well. Stephanie and Barbara beamed at you while Damian observed Wednesday and Pugsley, but there wasn’t any hint of malice or bad intention in his eyes — just curiosity. The Addams family sure are good looking individuals.
“Uh — hi,” Tim was the first to speak out of the Wayne’s, awkwardly waving his hand because of the fact he felt as if the Addams were ethereal beings due to their beauty. “You... You all look beautiful. I’m surprised.”
Wednesday’s brows raised as you tilted your head slightly to the side, looking confused. Morticia and Gomez exchanges a glance from not knowing what to say, while Pugsley smiled nicely at Tim despite the truth of being called beautiful feels like an insult. Yours and your family’s reaction immediately worried the Wayne children; none of you seemed pleased or happy with the compliment Tim gave, in fact, you kind of looked offended.
Seeing his siblings getting worried that they might’ve done something wrong, Jason clears his throat to catch everyone’s attention and successfully did so. “What he means is you all look deadly and loathsome. He wasn’t trying to offend you in any way, he just isn’t used to our ways of compliment.” He elaborated with a genuine look, and his siblings looked taken aback that he seemed really calm and gentle with you and your family. Jason have always had anger issues; his rage was explosive everywhere he goes and the main victims of it were criminals, but sometimes it was directed entirely at Bruce because of their unpleasant history.
He was never known as a calm person even in the family. Always seemed on edge, like a walking bomb that’s ticking every second, unknown by people how to stop it from exploding so suddenly. However, as Jason stands with you holding your hand tightly, his entire demeanor was almost completely different from what his family was used to. He was as calm as a wind that caresses the Mother Nature so softly in fear of disturbing her and as gentle as anyone who holds a little kitten in their hands — there was no ticking time bomb, just a soft man caring and pouring his heart and love out to his awesome lover. Jason looked comfortable around you and your family, extremely to the point that he hadn’t noticed practically calling himself an Addams. It made his siblings’ hearts swell with happiness.
“Oh,” Morticia sighed in relief, and even just that felt and looked so heavenly. “We’re sorry, my dear. We weren’t aware of that. I was afraid you found us tolerable.”
Tim chuckles, not really knowing what to say. He was visibly confused, though from what he was able to pick up on, negative comments seems to be taken as positive ones in your family. While most of them were confused just like Tim, Damian quickly understood how compliments worked within the Addams and smirked fondly.
Dick finally gathers his thoughts to clear his throat, “Well, let’s go in now, shall we?”
As your family nodded in sync, you turn to Jason while fixing your collar with the empty hand. “Love, do I look menacing? I have to look presentable when meeting your father. I despise looking good.” You stated, checking your outfit and trying to fix where you found unpresentable.
It’s rare to see you fidgeting and uneasy, making Jason smile. He knew you lose your composure only when it comes to him and it made him feel so loved, appreciated, and important. “You always look menacing, babe. Could scare off any children that passes by.” He compliments, bringing up your intertwined hands and kissing the back of yours.
The corner of your lips twitched up, squeezing his hand back as amusement and adoration shows themselves on your expression. “That’s very lovely. This is why I loathe you.”
The flirting between you and Jason was so natural that even Damian wasn’t affected by it — he’s mostly disgusted and cringed out when people flirt in front of him, but for some reason, Jason flirting with you didn’t bother him at all. Perhaps, because it isn’t a modern type of flirting where couples show disgusting amount of PDA or say things halfheartedly just to make their partner feel good, but rather, it’s one that uses old-fashioned yet romantic language which truthfully comes from the heart. You and Jason flirt with respect for each other, where neither of you objectify nor sexualize the other.
There was a clear unspoken understanding between you, which was shown in just this little flirtatious moment. The way you show your love for each other might be old-fashioned and out of ordinary in this modern day, but it’s honestly more romantic than any of the modernized ones.
“You two always flirt,” Wednesday spoke as she swiftly turned around to meet yours and Jason’s eyes. “It would’ve been more perfect if you were holding a human heart and giving it to each other.”
Barbara, Cassandra, and Stephanie all widened their eyes at her opinion — is she telling you to kill someone, take their heart out, and give it to each other to show your love? That wouldn’t be a romance anymore; it’ll be a dark romance.
However, you only shrugged your shoulders while Jason chuckled in amusement, as if that comment was as normal as seeing trees and nature everywhere. Neither of you were even concerned with what Wednesday said. “There’s precisely a possibility of that occurring, though it’s not yet now.” You responded calmly, as expressionless as Wednesday but slight amusement littered your tone.
The others tensed at your statement with the exception of Damian, who only smirked in pride, as they all remember the news of Joker getting dumped into Arkham Asylum by a vigilante that isn’t Batman. Like mentioned before, Joker was in a really bad shape when he was quite literally thrown into the Asylum, very visible signs of torture coating his body everywhere.
When Bruce visited, it was worse than how the media portrayed it to be. Tongue cut off, fingers broken and two missing, heavily concussed, several cuts along his face and body, and bruises covering most of his body parts. Worst of it all was that Joker didn’t seem like himself anymore; he does laugh — never had been a time when Joker didn’t laugh — but it wasn’t his typical laughter. All the mockery, self-confidence and cockiness weren’t there. Instead, fear and paranoia filled the laughter Bruce was so used to hearing. It was so uncharacteristic and very unlikely of Joker.
He’s finally put behind bars for good, but how the fuck can a vigilante absolutely destroy the Joker? He was indestructible yet you managed to break him so bad that his insanity got flooded with immense fear rather than the urge to kill everyone and everybody for no reason.
And as they stand in front of you now, none of them can even imagine how such a gentleman like you could’ve broke him completely. You seem so respectful, sweet, gentleman, and lovely that it’s almost impossible to believe you were the one who did it. But everyone should always expect the unexpected, right?
“Dick,” Jason’s voice snaps the oldest boy out of his own thoughts as he nods his head towards the door. “Let’s go in.”
The Grayson only hummed, turning around to open the door and gesture inside with his other hand, bowing a little to show respect. Morticia and Gomez smiled pleasantly and brightly, touched by his manners as they enter. Wednesday followed next with a usual expressionless face, and Pugsley said “thank you” first before entering, then Jason pulled you along with him at last. The door closed behind Damian who was the last to enter.
“Welcome,” Bruce immediately greeted as soon as all of your eyes met his, and your parents doesn’t hesitate to smile respectfully and kindly at him.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wayne.” Gomez steps forward with his hand extended to shake Bruce’s hand before gesturing to his wife standing beside him. “She’s my wife Morticia and these are my children. Perhaps, you already know about (Y/n)?”
Bruce’s unreadable gaze shift from your father to you, attempting to figure out your characteristics by just looking. However, despite the nervousness you’re feeling, you didn’t fail to compose yourself and appeal confident with the usual emotionless expression on your face. Your gaze sparkling darkly under the light made him feel uneasy somehow, as if you knew all of his dirty little secrets and his entire characteristics as well as personality and attitude without analyzing that much.
Truth be told, you heard Bruce’s attitude from Jason when he opened himself up to you. Your Beloved was extremely traumatized by what happened with Joker that it affected the way he saw the world; it should’ve been that way too with Bruce because he’s Jason’s adoptive father — yet what really happened was the complete opposite.
Bruce may not have had an ill intent of dismissing or ignoring what happened to Jason, but to continue living like Joker didn’t kill his second son made him unlikable on your list. You’re a very respectful person as Gomez and Morticia didn’t raise you to be an awful entity, and you would never want to go against your lover’s adoptive father — although, that does not mean you accept his morals.
Hiding the unsettled feeling building up in his stomach, Bruce attempts to smile at you and shake your hand. “So you’re (Y/n). I’ve only ever heard once about you.”
Only the corner of your lips twitched, a barely formed smile appearing as you shake his hand, eyes still piercing through him like a dagger. “And I’ve heard a lot of... things about you, Mr. Wayne.” The calculative tone in your voice set an alarm within Bruce’s head and he would’ve pulled his hand away from your grasp if it wasn’t for his conscious mind forcing himself to calm down. “Be not afraid — You’ll see no judgement here.” You gave him a pointed look.
Jason quickly goes behind you and wraps an arm around your waist, the soft look on him being noticed by everyone present in the room. “Babe, let’s have dinner first. You’ll absolutely love Alfred’s cooking. They’re hella tasty.” He compliments, winking at Alfred who stood at the side. Alfred smiled with gratitude.
Bruce notices the way a small bit of light shine on your dead-like eyes as soon as you looked at Jason. “Well then, may we?” You shift your soft gaze from Jason to Bruce as you tilt your head slightly to the side.
From then on, the peaceful dinner began with mainly your parents and Bruce sharing thoughts about their own children while the others watch with a smile as Damian starts a conversation with you, the one he idolizes the most. It’s surprising to see Damian being really talkative — for the first time ever, he was being an actual child, asking you questions after questions with his eyes sparkling in joy. Not wanting to ruin this seemingly precious moment for Damian, everyone just decided to listen and chime in only once in a while when they feel like it. You were extremely patient with Damian the entire time he was bombarding you with questions, answering all of them without getting annoyed.
Jason felt relieved to witness the dinner going smoothly.
Truth be told, he was secretly worried about it turning into a disaster due to your vigilantism — Jason knew how Bruce felt about you after realizing you were the unnamed vigilante that nearly killed the Joker, and he thought Bruce would bring it up right away soon as dinner started. Luckily, he didn’t. It made Jason sigh in relief and relax on his seat, smiling as he watched you talk with his siblings.
However, perhaps it was too soon.
“(Y/n), how long have you been a vigilante?”
Jason immediately froze at Bruce’s question. The chit-chatting within the dining hall quickly falls into silence as everyone, too, froze — except the Addams family, who were still eating calmly and quietly, unbothered.
You first swallowed the food you were chewing before wiping your mouth elegantly with a napkin and not even hesitating to meet Bruce’s piercing eyes. “Since I was a child, Mr. Wayne.” You answered simply.
Bruce leans on the table, taking it slow. “Why did you become one?”
You felt Jason squeezing your hand under the table, as if to say you don’t have to answer everything. Though, you still did. “One of our ancestors was a vigilante, although he was hanged alongside his wife’s burning body when a rumour spread that she was a witch. He’s quite the legend within our family, you see.” Dick, Stephanie and Barbara’s jaws dropped. “I could say I was inspired by him. Although the sole purpose of my vigilantism is to bring justice to those who were rejected, neglected, and ignored by our unpleasantly ridiculous, worthless justice system.”
Feeling nervousness radiate off of Jason from how he squeezed your hand even more strongly, you gently hold and knead his hand to give him relaxation. After he stopped squeezing and slightly calmed down, you readjusted his hand so your and his fingers would intertwine with each other. You could feel him staring, but you never avoided eye contact with Bruce.
“To bring justice...” The Billionaire trails off meaningfully, as if it was something he wasn’t expecting to hear from you. “Was that your way of bringing justice?” The sharpness in his tone clearly gave everyone an idea of what he’s talking about.
However, despite the tension thickening and Bruce’s eyes narrowing in judgment, you kept your composure with an expressionless face, nerves surprisingly as calm as water flows. There wasn’t anything you were feeling at the moment, just the patience you need to deal with Jason’s shallow-minded father.
“I’m most definitely certain yours and my understanding of justice varies.” You immediately responded without missing a beat. Bruce’s eyes pierced through you, but your (e/c) eyes were much worse. It was reading him thoroughly, looking into his soul, his mind, feeling as if you knew everything.
“Though, I must admit for everyone’s knowledge, just so no one is left unaware — I tortured Joker not to seek justice for my lover, but to feed my vengeance and urge to revenge.” Your dark eyes glinted in amusement under the lights as the confession slips from your mouth with no restraints, like you’re just talking about nonchalant things. That’s not the only thing that made a cold shiver run down everyone’s spine; it was also the way your supposedly expressionless face completely shifted for the first time only to form a dark, prideful, egotistical look, accompanied by a smirk which obviously stated you weren’t regretful.
Now, there’s no way Bruce would take it lightly.
Sensing the events had turned out more worrisome, Jason tries to tug on your intertwined hands. “(Y/n), sweetheart, we should—”
Your cold gaze avert towards him, and it softened only a bit. “Apologies for interrupting you, my love, but leaving our dinner without finishing them would be disrespect to the person who cooked them for us.” You placed a gentle kiss on the back of Jason’s hand to assure him. “Worry not so much. Your father and I are only getting to know one another.”
As soon as your cold and piercing eyes returned to him, Bruce immediately feels an unsettling feeling in his gut as his heartbeat quickens. He could see it’s easy for you to deal with him or this kind of confrontation — the dangerous thing he noticed about you is that you never lose composure and patience regardless if the situation at hand benefits you or not. The only time you’ve probably ever lost your collectedness was with Joker, whom you actually had every right to get absolutely livid at. You love Jason more than words could ever tell, Bruce can easily see that, but your actions not lining up with his morals made it difficult for him to accept you willingly.
While the Addams simply minded their own business by continuing to eat, the others couldn’t find it in themselves to act like there was no tension rising in the air. They knew this confrontation was coming, but witnessing it unfold before their own eyes isn’t easy. Most of them had to swallow the lump that formed in their throat, with Damian being the only one who isn’t nervous in the slightest.
“Mr. Wayne, I have a deep understanding of your morals and the regulations you’ve set in this home... how none of your family is allowed to kill criminals.” You stated with a smile that was barely visible, though respectful nonetheless. However, it instantly vanishes. “But I must remind you one thing — just because you believe your morals are correct does not make it righteous in any way.”
That certainly struck a core in Bruce.
“We, humans, are incapable of finding the correct morals that all of humanity would agree on. You may believe your morals are absolute and there could be a wonderful soul who has developed the same belief as you, but it would never be everyone.” Your hand gracefully gestures to the people in the dining room to emphasize your point before it comes to rest on the table as you intertwine it with your other hand. “You see, humans are not humans without distinctive differences, and pushing your own standards on others likely causes more harm than it should help put them in control.”
The way you’ve said every word with such grace and elegance was nothing but fascinating as everyone found themselves suddenly voiceless. Your every gesture and movement showed an exquisite manner no other human beings were blessed with, alongside your use of sophisticated language that silently told your high level of intelligence. Other than that, Bruce was speechless from how much your words contained truth and wisdom only a philosopher has. He had never seen nor met someone so wise as you.
Perhaps, that’s why you’re so intimidating — every bit of your intelligence and attitude is your very own power no one else could ever have.
Taking a deep breath, Bruce clears his throat to find his voice and meets your eyes. “Are you implying I should accept how different yours and my morals are?”
“Precisely,” You answered without hesitation, sipping the wine Jason had poured for you when the dinner started. “My morality is concerned with the victims, not the perpetrators nor myself. Your morality is concerned with your inability to control your murderous urges when committed.” Bruce inhales sharply, making your eyes glint since he proved you right.
Gomez and Morticia smile to themselves as they felt proud of how you’re always able to point out things others usually don’t or can’t. Despite your brutal honesty, there is clearly respect within the way you speak to Bruce, which is why neither of them stopped you from defending and proving yourself. Helping you was not in their options; they knew you can handle yourself perfectly fine with the number of times you’ve put people in their place physically or verbally.
“(Y/n), baby... It’s okay,” Jason quietly attempts to stop you, knowing those words were intentionally spoken to strike a nerve in his non-biological father.
He knew how your blood boiled when you found out Bruce didn’t kill the Joker because of his ridiculous morality. He can still remember the way your eyes always darkened at even the slightest mention of Batman or Bruce Wayne. It took two years for you to overcome your wrath on the billionaire before you went after the Joker.
Before you could respond to your lover, Bruce caught your attention again with a simple question — “Why did you do it?”
You look back at him, seeing him staring at you and waiting for an answer. The corner of your lips lifted. “Well, wouldn’t we do anything for love?” Bruce's brows raised at the warm look on your face, not knowing your face was capable of making such expression. “No one hurts my soul and live freely without heavy consequences.” You shrugged, looking heavily smug.
Wednesday scoffed, “You should’ve just put a curse on him. It would have saved you all the trouble and exhaustion.” She looked at you as if what you did was the most incorrect thing in the world.
“No, should’ve electrocuted him!” Said Pugsley with a grin. “It didn’t make me insane when Wednesday did it to me, but it could break his mind.” Everyone’s face shifted into a look of shock at the sudden revelation.
“Now now, children.” Morticia interrupts, “What (Y/n) does to his enemies should be decided by him and him only. You don’t decide for (Y/n).”
“Well, Joker hurt Jason and he’s our brother. Nobody hurts my brothers and lives.” Wednesday responded immediately with empty eyes seeking vengeance, stabbing the steak with a fork and making Dick, Tim and Stephanie flinch.
You threw a knife at her with a single flick of your wrist, just narrowly missing her face, stabbing the wall behind her. She doesn’t flinch and instead gives you a look, which you ignore and reach for another knife to cut your steak with. “Manners, Wednesday. If you wish to stab something, search for someone that would be worthy of it, not a supper.”
“You missed on purpose,” Wednesday complains, annoyed.
You sarcastically smile, “Perhaps, I wouldn’t intentionally miss again if you’re respectful towards a supper.”
She glared, “Miss again and I’ll dump you in a paint full of pastels.”
You just rolled your eyes at her tactics while Jason bursts into laughter, knowing how much you and your family hate pastels. To the Addams, pastels and joyful people are the most insufferable matters in the world. There’s nothing you all hate more than that.
His father and brothers couldn’t believe what happened in front of them. None of the Addams, even Jason, cared that you just threw a knife at Wednesday. In fact, your parents were far from concerned as they only watched with warm smiles on their faces, because truthfully that was just you and Wednesday bickering. It’s nothing serious although others might disagree.
“Apologies for our children, Mr. Wayne.” Morticia says casually after Wednesday had returned to eating her dinner, making Bruce turn to look at her. “They’ve always bickered even when they were just a child. (Y/n) and Wednesday in particular, they liked to attempt burning each other alive ever since hearing the story of one of our ancestors who got burned at the Salem Witch Trials. Children love those stories, you know.” She places a hand on her chest, right above her heart, smiling at her children.
“Wait, hold on— You tried to burn each other alive?” Dick was the one who questioned what everyone couldn’t find their voices to ask about, too shocked and horrified that attempting to kill each other seems so natural and normal within the Addams family.
“Yes, for the record.” You answer without looking up. “Being burned alive is classified as the most painful, agonizing way to die, which is why it had been the perfect punishment for those who were accused of witchcraft in 1692 and 1693. My sister and I were intrigued to see whether this was a fact or just merely false information, so we would always attempt to burn each other in hopes of discovering the truth.”
“Funny thing is, they never did.” Jason cackles as Wednesday shot him an unamused look. “(Y/n) still wishes he could die being burned alive, though.”
The corner of your lips merely twitched in a soft smile as you kissed the back of Jason’s hand affectionately, eyes closed. “Have I ever mentioned I want you to do the honor?” You say with such a loving and adoring tone that Jason felt his heart swell, knowing this is somewhat a proposal that only an Addams would understand.
It was a traditional Addams way of showing they love the person rather than wrapping it up in just three words that rarely comes from the bottom of one’s heart. You would die for him, and only he could bring your ultimate demise, no one else. You were offering him your heart and soul, as well as life, permitting him to hold and treasure it for the rest of your lives. It was an implication that you would dedicate your life to him with nothing in return — you will do everything for him. It’s easy to kill — you’ve nearly done it with the Joker — but it’s not easy to live and die for him, but you will and you would.
Feeling overwhelmed with all the love you endlessly give and show, Jason couldn’t help but hide behind his empty hand in an attempt to hold his tears in, always being emotional whenever he gets the love he doesn’t think he deserves. But he does. You’ve never failed to show him he deserves everything you offer. God, how did he even end up with you? You’re so good to him, so loving and giving, Jason didn’t even expect you’ll be like this back when you two were just strangers building friendship. Jason can’t let you go anymore, and he would never even if you asked him to. He loves you just as much as you love him, although yours seem bigger than his.
The Wayne family witnessed Jason, the usually insufferable Todd who thrives off of violence, cry at the mere love and affection his lover gave. Jason was crying because you reminded him of how significant he was to your life. The big bad wolf, the ruthless Red Hood, the boy who had an immense thirst for vengeance, the boy whose blood is filled with utmost rage towards the world, was crying at the simple showcase of love.
And that’s how Bruce — no, his entire family — knew they failed to love him enough.
But they don’t have to make it up to him anymore. They can’t, because you’re already showering him with love and adoration and appreciation and everything he deserves. You did everything what they were supposed to do — what Bruce was supposed to do.
“Oh, mon amour...” You let go of his hand to gently hold his face with both hands, kissing away the tears that overflowed from his eyes. Jason stayed still, relishing how good you are, how soft you treated him as he gripped your gentle hands. Once you’re done kissing his tears away, he buried his face into your chest while wrapping his arms around you, embracing tightly. You kiss the top of his head, caging him in your arms as you gently run your fingers through his hair.
Jason closes his eyes within your embrace, inhaling your calming scent mixed with a cooling hint of cologne. It’s funny how you’ve always associated yourself with death and darkness, yet for Jason, your mere presence is a light at the end of the tunnel that makes him alive every day. “Thank you, (Y/n)...” He murmurs into your chest, barely audible, but heard by you nonetheless.
You gently scratch his scalp, not caring about your meals and attention solely focused on your lover. “For what exactly, chéri? I have not done anything for you to give me such gratitude, at least not that I remember. I have only been attempting to drown you in my love and affection, haven’t I? Are they worthy of your gratitude?”
He chuckled, “You know damn well they are.”
You tilt your head, a smile tugging at your lips. “Even so, do you truly believe it’s significant for me more than just your presence?” Jason slowly looks up at you, his mesmerizing eyes meeting yours, before shaking his head quietly. A satisfied look crosses your face at that, “There you go. It isn’t difficult to figure out now, is it?” Jason shakes his head, burying his face into your chest once again.
As you continue to comfort Jason, Damian stares at the sight with a weird look. “Todd is extremely quiet when he’s around (Y/n). It’s... weird.”
Dick nudged him, “Hey, let him be. Jay’s probably just very comfortable with him.”
“It’s still weird, though.” Tim insists.
Barbara and Stephanie watched with smiles while you kiss Jason’s forehead, too willing to accept you despite finding your family quite strange. People have different traditions and cultures anyway; they figured yours are just too extraordinary and unusual that don’t fit society’s standards. Being different doesn’t matter when it’s clear that you love Jason too much, in your own special way.
Cassandra glances at Bruce, who seemed to be in deep thought. “I don’t think you have any other choice but to accept him.” Her voice snaps him out of his thoughts, “Look at them. They’re very much in love. More than in love, I’d say. It looks like they were meant to be with each other. Like destiny’s the one who wrote them together.”
Bruce looked at the two of you, who obviously saw nothing but each other in your little world.
“Besides, he basically called bullshit on your morals. And you know all too well he’s beyond right.” Cassandra smirks, “I hope your pride doesn’t get in the way of welcoming a new member, dad.”
Bruce sighed.
Well, it’s inevitable that you’ll be a member one way or another. Cassandra was right about that, and although he didn’t want to admit it, Bruce knew he accepted you the moment you stood up against him. It’s not always there’s someone who is brave enough to speak up against the Bruce Wayne.
Though, he may have to teach you not to strangle literally every single person who mess with Jason.
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© ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴅᴇsʀɪsᴇ. sᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ, ᴘʟᴀɢɪᴀʀɪᴢɪɴɢ, ᴏʀ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏɴᴇᴛᴀʀʏ ɢᴀɪɴ ɪs sᴛʀɪᴄᴛʟʏ ᴘʀᴏʜɪʙɪᴛᴇᴅ. ᴀsᴋ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪɴɢ.
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bambisnc · 4 months
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he's the one that's livin' in my system baby! [02]
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pairing : sungchan x reader genre : fluffy roommates au <3 lil angst bc reader is really out here questioning their whole existence (js like me fr) cw/tw : sungchan spills coffeee + reader is freaking out a bit bc of feelings tm + minor swearing + use of caps wc : 1k !!!!!!!!!!!!! everyone cheer and clap for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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you sit up at your desk with a start, head hitting the lamp that you had so thoughtfully adjusted to be right above earlier in the evening. as you check the alarm clock, it's.. 2.59 a.m. already?! shit.. the last you remembered it was barely 10.00 p.m. and you had just gotten ready for a "super intense cram session", to be able get at least a little ahead in preparations for your finals.
that totally worked out well huh?
as your still sluggish mind slowly catches up, you notice a shawl wrapped over your shoulders.. and that candle you'd lit had been blown out as well. hmm.
your suspicions are easily confirmed when you notice a little yellow piece of paper stuck to the wall with a simple "you got this ^^ ♡" on it.
before you're fully able to let yourself swoon at the thoughtfulness of your roommate - it would honestly not be an overstatement when you question how much of a saint you must've been in your past life to be graced with a roommate like him - you hear a concerning clatter from the kitchen which makes you immediately rush towards the source of the sound.
and there stands sungchan, scrambling around the drawers looking for something.. the puddle of steaming brown liquid, coffee probably, indicates that his search is most likely for a dishcloth.
you move up behind his now bent figure as he rummages through the lower drawers, as carefully as you can to pull out one and dangle it in front of him teasingly, "looking for something~?"
"i could've sworn that was not there before?? dude are you sure you're not some kind of sorceress in disguise looking to prey on pretty boys like me?" your close proximity doesn't seem to affect him in the slightest; you however very much are affected. which obviously means you'll yet again hide behind a safe fool proof technique : a teasing remark.
"pfft- is that the best you could come up with? rather basic, no? you need to up your game seriously - when i first moved in, didn't you accuse me of being an evil horticulturist because i got you flowers?"
"hey no you see that was totally valid and besides the jury is still considering that possibility"
"the jury?"
"mhm, the people who said they'll get back to me on r/horticulture."
you have to laugh at this but as you accept your defeat you flick sungchan's forehead slightly, and roll your eyes at his exaggerated whine.
the dishcloth in your hand suddenly brings you back to earth, you know, as compared to how rather over the moon you feel in his company, "wait catch me up on what happened here?"
"ah.. i was making you coffee. i don't support caffeine at uh 3 am usually but i know you really wanted to get done with some of those worksheets of yours so.."
there he goes being all thoughtful again. god sometimes you really don't even know how to form coherent replies when he shows his care for you so, so unabashedly.
"right yeah.. i appreciate that. but you really don't have to sungchan-"
he doesn’t have to. doesn’t have to make you coffee, doesn’t have to stay up for company when you’re pulling all-nighters, doesn’t have to cuddle with you during your pirated show binges, doesn’t have to hold your hand during late night grocery store runs, doesn’t have to share his mint-choco chip ice-cream, his favorite, with you when your spicy ramen starts getting a little too spicy, doesn’t have to comfort you when everything, everyone gets too overwhelming.
“i know. i’m not doing this because i have to - i want to do this for you… is there a problem with that?”
yes, you want to say, yes there is. he’s making you feel emotions you’ve only ever read about in webtoons and fanfictions, and you’re scared of that. you’re terrified of that. “feelings” never lead to a good outcome unless they’re overly romanticized in various media; and this is definitely not a romance novel; nor is this a kdrama. “feelings” lead to vulnerability, to rawness, to your heart being completely exposed, because it’s undeniable that the defenses you’ve worked to set up around it all your life will break down in a single instance, if he asked it of you. you know that.
“..no. of course not.”
sungchan’s face lights up with one of his trademark smiles then, as he directs you back to your room assuring you that he’ll be “right there with your coffee madam <3”
you’re unwilling to leave but you’re also unwilling to stay. you make your way to your desk, mind still a jumble of complicated thoughts, all revolving around him. it’s genuinely shocking how, despite having been in your life for such a short period of time, he’s somehow wedged himself completely and truly in your mind and heart.
“what’s on your mind hmm?” you find yourself in a similar position to merely 7 minutes ago in the kitchen, except this time it’s him with his arms moving around you to place your coffee mug on the table, diligent in taking care to avoid your laptop and notebooks.
“nothing much,” another safe, noncommittal response to hide behind, “feel kinda sleepy, still.”
“well, caffeine to the rescue!! but i would definitely suggest getting a few hours of rest.” he still hasn’t moved, his arms now resting on the wood, as he slightly tilts his head to look at you.
for once you decide to let yourself bask in the safety and comfort he exudes, overthinking and complications can, with all due respect, fuck themselves. “thank you, sungchan.” you’re unable to add in the ‘for everything’ so you can only hope he understands. you reach forward for the coffee, nose wrinkling slightly at noticing how hot it is.
and then. he leans in slightly till you can see your reflection in his warm, mocha-coloured eyes and inside you it’s as if 2 separate beings are desperately fighting for attention; one adamant on backing away as far as possible because it’s safe but the other yearning to pull him even closer. both beings are unfortunately unable to come to a conclusion, forcing you to rigidly stay fixed, not unlike a statue.
his voice is barely above a whisper when he goes, with all the devotion and affection you’d imagined in the gazes of every fictional crush you’ve ever had, “you drool when you sleep. it’s really cute.”
a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose and then he’s gone with some sort of a pleasantry but you’d be damned if you could remember even a word of it.
you blink. once, twice.
change of plans, then : instead of studying, you might need to pull out your softest, most sound absorbent pillow and scream into it, “jung sungchan. fuck. you.”
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old notes : somewhat of a prequel to the other one? idk it's in the same univ u can fit in the pieces wherever u like also head empty worrying about exams also. sumchango love dive. ty for ur consideration . new notes : its a series now !11!!!! + [series m.list] [m.list]
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sodamnradd · 6 months
“I have a confession to make,” Draco said, reading the front page of the Prophet from over her shoulder. It montaged a nondescript wizard dipping a woman in his arms on an illuminated battleground, kissing her like it might be for the very last time.
He tapped his finger on the photo. “I’ve never done this before.”
Hermione looked up at him, puzzled. “What?”
“Kiss someone.”
She snorted. “O-kay.”
“Pansy never wanted to kiss on the lips. She was saving herself for the one. Or whatever.”
“You lost your virginity three years ago.”
“Yeah,” he confirmed, shrugging. “Never kissed her.”
“And there was nobody else?”
“I don’t… do that.”
“Stray. Once I’m hooked on someone.”
Hermione’s stomach fluttered. She fiddled with the edge of the newspaper, trying to appear aloof. “And your heart’s still set on Pansy?”
His gaze drifted slowly down her throat. “Is that what you think?”
Hermione froze as he grasped her tie. “What are you doing?”
He undid the loop, dragging the striped red fabric from her collar until it unraveled in his hand.
“It was crooked.”
She had to remind herself that grinning like a fool whenever Draco was nearby was pathetic. But he was a shameless flirt and a damn good co-head. Two things she had not foreseen at the top of the school year.
“I have a confession to make,” Hermione echoed.
Draco lifted a brow, encouraging her to go on.
“I don’t believe you.”
His cheek dimpled. “Shall I demonstrate my wretched skills to prove it?”
Her skin sizzled with heat. They’d been friendly to the point of rousing suspicion among their friends. But this was the first breach beyond platonic friendship, and she wasn’t prepared for the impact.
“I’m terribly hopeless, Granger,” he lamented, draping the tie around her neck asymmetrically.
Hermione swallowed as he coaxed her forward by the ends of the fabric until their faces were inches apart.
“You’re a liar,” she insisted, her voice little more than dazed breath as he righted her collar and crisscrossed the tie, fingertips grazing her chest.
He was all-consumingly close. Daydream Draco close. The one who refused to vacate her mind and never failed to rid the room of oxygen.
He expertly looped the fabric into a Half Windsor, his brow creased in concentration. Maybe if she weren’t so hypnotized by his proximity, she would have noticed the way his breath hitched and the blacks of his eyes expanded. But all she could do was melt when he nudged the knot into place, and whispered, “So kiss me.”
He made a soft moan the moment their lips touched, and she knew it, she knew it, because nobody kissed a girl like that and claimed to know nothing. He yanked the tie. Parted her lips. Teeth and tongue.
It was the kind of kiss she’d only ever dreamed of. Hidden in the depths of the library, alone, but not so remote that nobody could stumble upon them. He wasn’t trying to hide her.
Hermione sank her fingers into his hair, tasting sweet mint, wondering which spell would keep it engrained in her memory for all her future daydreams.
When they separated, Draco’s eyes were hooded and his knees were touching the insides of hers.
“Not bad for a first kiss,” she murmured, distantly aware the bell was ringing.
He took her arm and unrolled her sleeve, buttoning the cuffs. Then did the same with the other. With a wave of his wand, her books tumbled into her schoolbag. He swung her bag over his shoulder and stood, grabbing his own by the handle. The Daily Prophet floated back on the shelf.
“I have a confession to make,” he said, offering her his hand.
Hermione slipped her fingers through his, rising to her feet, looking up at him curiously.
“I wish that was my first kiss.”
And then he kissed her again. So swiftly, she didn’t register it until they were halfway to their next class and her heart was pounding so hard, she couldn’t breathe.
(673 words, prompt: so kiss me, cross-posted from twitter)
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feyerfleyes · 6 months
MORNINGS LIKE THESE coriolanus snow
summary. after the games you find out what life is like with coriolanus outside of the capitol.
warnings. none....just fluff. wordcount: 439. (a/n this is my first fic so...)
It was a cold winter. really cold. the temperature was nothing compared to the cold demeanor coriolanus portrayed while in the capitol, though. luckily ever since the games, you and coriolanus had gone your own way. It was a small forest – the only thing in the array of debris was an abandoned cottage that coriolanus of course took the liberty of fixing up for you guys. It wasn’t much, and was definitely nothing compared to the luxury of the capitol, but it was enough for you and him. You and him – that’s how it had always been ever since you guys met; and that’s how it would stay. days at the cottage were peaceful. the suns rays peaking through the curtains you had made by hand as coriolanus stirs from his rest. you were awake. you were always awake before him, but somehow he never realized. you slowly bring one eye open as to not raise suspicion as coriolanus peppers kisses on your bare shoulder. it was mornings like these you appreciated. mornings like these that made you grateful you were his and he was yours. eventually you have to get up, and without a word you kiss him before leaving the room. the taste of mint lingering on yours and now his lips from when you had brushed your teeth earlier that morning. you decide to make breakfast for the both of you since coriolanus can’t cook for the life of him. you thought he had went back to sleep, but your speculation is quickly put to rest as you feel his arms wrap around your waist. “you never said good morning” he whines as he lays his head on your shoulder. “was my kiss not enough for you?” you retort as you turn the stove off. “Maybe another” he replies as he moves his hands towards your hips to turn you around. he kisses your cheek; not once, not twice, but three times, or at least that’s what you counted. “don’t be stingy” you say under your breath as you stand on your toes to pull him in for an actual kiss. his hands on your hips keep you steady as you run your hands over his freshly shaved and bleached buzzcut. he was convinced he wouldn’t let it grow out after moving here with you – which you were perfectly fine with. he pulls away to go do what you presume is taking a shower, and you walk away with a crimson red blush spread throughout your face. mornings like these were what you looked forward to. mornings like these were what made you realize you loved coriolanus snow.
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zomb1eturtlez · 9 months
"At the risk of stating the obvious, no woman can mate with a bull and produce a child. Recognizing this simple scientific fact, I am led to a somewhat interesting suspicion: King Minos did not build the labyrinth to imprison a monster but to conceal a deformed child, his child.
While the Minotaur has often been depicted as a creature with the body of a bull but the torso of a man, centaur-like, the myth describes the minotaur as simply having the head of a bull and the body of a man, or in other words, a man with a deformed face. I believe pride would not allow Minos to accept that the heir to the throne had a horrendous appearance.
Consequently, he dissolved the right of ascension by publicly accusing his wife Pasiphae of fornicating with a male bovine.
Having enough conscience to keep from murdering his own flesh and blood, Minos had a labyrinth constructed, complicated enough to keep his son from ever escaping but without bars to suggest a prison. (It is interesting to note how the myth states most of the Athenian youth "fed" to the Minotaur actually starved to death in the Labyrinth, thus indicating their deaths had more to do with the complexity of the maze and less to do with the presumed ferocity of the Minotaur.)
I am convinced Minos' maze really serves as a trope for repression. My published thoughts on this subject (see "Birth Defects in Knossos"Sonny Won't Wait Flyer, Santa Cruz, 1968) inspired the playwright Taggert Chielitz to author a play called *The Minotaur* for The Seattle Repertory Company. As only eight people, including the doorman, got a chance to see the production, I produce here a brief summary:
Chielitz begins his play with Minos entering the labyrinth late one evening to speak to his son. As it turns out, the Minotaur is a gentle and misunderstood creature, while the so-called Athenian youth are convicted criminals who were already sentenced to death back in Greece. Usually King Minos has them secretly executed and then publicly claims their deaths were caused by the terrifying Minotaur thus ensuring that the residents of Knossos will never get too close to the labyrinth. Unfortunately this time, one of the criminals had escaped into the maze, encountered Mint (as Chielitz refers to the Minotaur) and nearly murdered him. Had Minos himself not rushed in and killed the criminal, his son would have perished. Suffice it to say Minos is furious. He has caught himself caring for his son and the resulting guilt and sorrow ineeses him to no end. As the play progresses, the King slowly sees past his son's deformities, eventually discovering an elegiae spirit, an artistie sentiment and most importantly a visionary understanding of the world. Soon a deep paternal love grows in the King's heart and he begins to conceive of a way to reintroduce the Minotaur back into society. Sadly, the stories the King has spread throughout the world concerning this terrifying beast prove the seeds of tragedy. Soon enough, a bruiser named Theseus arrives (Chielitz describes him as a drunken, virtually retarded, frat boy) who without a second thought hacks the Minotaur into little pieces. In one of the play's most moving scenes, King Minos, with tears streaming down his face, publicly commends Theseus' courage. The crowd believes the tears are a sign of gratitude while we the audience understand they are tears of loss. The King's heart breaks and while he will go on to be an extremely just ruler, it is a justice forever informed by the deepest kind of agony."
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
pg. 110-111
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greytongue · 10 months
Hi! I really like your fics, so I will be glad if you write for me!
Leon x f!reader please
Let's say that f!reader doesn't like the taste of mint, but since Leon chews gum (we know that this guy offered Luis gum instead of cigarettes in re4) with the taste of mint and kisses with him always have a mint taste. Eventually, the reader starts chewing mint gum because he misses Leon while he is away. Leon should definitely tease reader a little about this when he gets back
hi!!! tysm, you’re the first person to request something from me and i am so honored!!!! hope you like this one <333
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minty fresh
cw/themes: leon is obsessed with gum. reader hates it. no smut. yall kiss. he steals your gum.
leon is a chronic gum chewer, always has been. the day you met him, he was working on a piece in between his molars and when you two actually got around to talking, you could smell the freshness of the mint on his breath. it wasn’t too intense, but it was there.
he chews gum pretty often. most days you’ll see him with a piece in his mouth, especially when he’s stressed.
now, you weren’t very fond of the flavor yourself. but you thought that his little habit was cute. especially when his jaw and temples flexed when he did do it.
he would definitely offer you a piece if you were around. you always politely declined, mentioning that you didn’t really like the flavor. he shrugged his shoulders, mumbling a “suit yourself.” before placing the strip onto his tongue and flicking it into his mouth. you were quick to turn away so he couldn’t tell by your expression that little trick he always did made you feel a certain way.
you began to associate the type of gum with him. if you saw the brand in stores or commercials, it’d make you think of leon. sometimes you’d buy a pack and leave it where you know he’d find it. he’d always seek you out to thank you, sometimes giving you a gift in return.
you’d been around his mint gum so much that when your mutual feelings were established and the both of you were involved with each other, kissing wasn’t a problem, really. leon ventured out into trying other brands so the flavor wasn’t as strong. but in all honestly, you’d grown fond of how fresh he always tasted. one time he left the gum in his mouth during a make out session, and you thoroughly shocked him by taking the piece into your mouth to have for yourself. he was turned on, to say the least.
it sucked when he left for missions and assignments. you missed him, missed knowing you weren’t the only one in the house. going to the grocery store and buying things you know he likes. knowing he was at least in the same city as you.
it was embarrassing admitting it to yourself, but… you missed how he tasted. you missed the damn gum. your hands gripped the handle of the shopping cart, staring at that certain gum. leon’s favorite. you bit at your lip in deep thought. he had been gone a month and you hadn’t heard much from him, it was getting unbearable. you caved, grabbing the packet and throwing it into the cart.
you fell asleep that night on his side of the bed, one of his shirts in place of the usually pillow case, and a piece of gum that you had passed out with in your mouth. little did you know, leon would be arriving home.
it was late, bordering on 4am when he entered the bedroom, jet lagged out of his mind until he saw the scene before him. dropping his bags, he gently made his way over to his side of the bed where you laid, smiling when he saw the shirt.
“hey there,” he slowly sat by you, carefully taking his hand to brush the hair out of your face and you began to stir.
that’s when he saw it, partly smelled it, on the bedside stable. his brows furrowed as he looked back at your face, glazed over with sleepiness. you rubbed at your eyes and began to yawn. that’s all he needed to confirm his suspicions. he saw a glob of white loosely placed on your tongue.
‘is that…?’ he had a thought.
you gazed up, eyes adjusting before registering that it was him. your leon, in front of you.
“le-“ your eyes widened, about to say something, he was quicker.
“open your mouth for me.” he whispered softly, one of his hands gripped the sheets and the other cupped your jaw, thumb bringing your chin down to part your lips slightly. the blond man immediately leant down to capture your lips in a kiss, humming at the freshness your mouth provided. it was different coming from you. you sighed into it, arms lazily sprawling over his broad shoulders, hands gripping over his shoulder blades as an attempt to ground yourself.
your lips moved in sync, sides of your noses brushing up against each other. his thumb came back, nudging in between your mouths. not allowing the intrusion to stop the motion, the pad of it gently nudged your lips to part more and his tongue invaded in, dipping to scoop up the gummy substance into his mouth, finishing the kiss off with one more press of his plush lips to yours before pulling away.
you inhaled deeply for air, on the borderline of panting. your lids fluttered open and were greeted with a smug looking leon, chewing away at the piece of gum you previously had.
“missed me that bad, huh?” he teased, giving a wide grin as you rolled your eyes, covering your face.
“shut it, kennedy…”
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cryptidtyping · 8 months
I want to go back
Summary: It's not easy coming face-to-face with your own dead body. You wish the demons you live with would even pretend to care. Lesson 16 spoilers
Content Warnings: Suicide attempt.
This is angst, all hurt, little/no comfort.
As the brothers rejoiced at the reappearance of the youngest, Belphegor (the same brother you went out of your way to help, the same brother you endured Lucifers threats and suspicion for, the same brother who took your trust and broke it and threw it in your face, the same brother who had just killed you), you felt… empty.
Over the past few months, as you watched movies with Mammon, or played games with Levi, or ate at Hell’s kitchen with Beel, or did skincare with Asmo, or read with Satan, the hollow little crack where your soul would be had filled up. With joy, with content, maybe even with love… there was nothing, all of it evaporating into dust.
You watched Mammon needle Belphegor, hiding his smile as he did, and you felt cold. Did your first demon not remember holding your corpse, only moments ago? Crying for you, yelling at the same brother he laughed with now?
You’d never be able to forget looking at your own dead body, how limp it was, the vivid bruises encircling your throat like a necklace. How it had simply faded away before your eyes. (you remembered clawing at unrepentant, unmoving hands and gasping for breath and fighting and fighting because you thought happiness resided with this literally damned family)
Looking at the happy family, you felt a chasm opening between you and them.
How silly you feel, now, thinking you could ever be a part of their family.
They’ve already forgotten you existed.
Empty. You felt so empty.
Why hadn’t you just stayed dead?
The front door clicks shut, but they don’t notice.
‘I want to go back.’
How often had you ended up at this same bridge during your stay in the Devildom, the one that overlooked the city with the palace a striking silhouette against the sky? Too often, perhaps, when you needed space and quiet.
‘I want to go back.’
You’d stepped over the guardrail, toes dangling over the abyss. Your hands were firmly gripping the bars, head tilted down to stare at the serpentine river far, far, far below.
‘I want to go back.’
Tears slipped down your nose.
You wanted to hate Belphegor, and you do, but you couldn’t help but also be grateful. Never before had you known the peace, the quiet, the warmth, that he’d helped you discover on the other side.
‘I want to go back.’
Head tilting back, you stare at the twinkling stars in the sky. Suicide was a sin, so you’d probably be right back here, but…
Maybe God would take pity on your poor soul, and you’d get to go to Heaven.
‘I want to go back.’
No one was coming to stop you. A sob rips itself from your throat.
Your fingers begin to relax, and you let go.
But someone was holding onto you.
Your savior hauled you back over the guardrail, your body splaying across rough cobblestone and scraping any unlucky bit of exposed flesh. The hand around your wrist had disappeared, and the unknown person did not remain a mystery much longer.
“____, what happened?” Simeon asked gently, softly, hands fluttering around you nervously but never landing for fear of triggering your haphephobia. He was knelt before you, smelling of baked sweets and honey and mint, and he was looking at you.
He saw you.
(Finally, finally someone saw you and your pain and and-)
You throw yourself into his arms and sob.
Death had nothing on the peace and warmth you found when the angels arms hesitantly wrap around you.
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wolfnlamb · 1 year
Can I touch you more?
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Suwa Rei’s never been intimate with anyone before until he starts dating you.
Disclaimers: under 18 do not interact. Rei losing his virginity. Rei's the age he is in the anime, about 25. Fem reader, reader has long hair, wears a dress, vaginal intercourse, male receiving, fingering, established relationship, it’s not mentioned but reader takes bc. Word count: 3k. Crossposted on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45403453 Thank you @brujaovermoxy for beta reading and always encouraging me to write <3
Rei lays in bed nervously, still fully clothed in his hoodie and blue jeans. He tries holding eye contact with you from the foot of the bed, but his nerves get the best of him, looking away. He eyes your naked thighs and bare shoulders. You wore a strapless dress this afternoon, the one he always says is pretty, knowing it'd be easier to take off once you both were alone. 
You wanted his first time to feel good; have him relaxed and feeling safe. He was a different kind of man; quiet, a little uncomfortable around large groups of people, and always insisting on staying in for date nights. You knew he loved gaming but if you could convince him to leave the house, he always enjoyed walking around the aquarium or the zoo. It took a few dates before he reached for your hand; it happened one day while you both gazed at the tropical fish exhibit. You expected the first kiss that day too, but it never came. 
Soon after, he admitted he’d never had sex before. You could see how much it embarrassed him to tell you that night. Of course, this didn't bother you at all. The information tied all your suspicions together. You explained to him that whenever he was ready for more, you’d be ready too. 
Rei decided the very next day, he was ready. A soft, reassuring smile lit your face when he finally looked back at you, and his jaw relaxes. You crawl across the mattress towards him, and he scoots to the side to make room for you. Laying on your side facing him, you prop your head on your arm.
“We can do whatever you want,” you softly tell him. 
Rei hums, the vibration deep in his throat as he contemplates what exactly he does want. He isn't sure where to start. He knows what sex is and how it works, obviously. He's seen couples passionately kiss in movies, he's heard musicians sing about wanting to touch their lovers. Some of his video games even have scenes where the characters are being ‘intimate’ (He plays those at night when everyone is sleeping) But he doesn't know how to mimic them…how to show this same passion to another. More so, he's worried he’ll fuck it up. 
While Rei’s lost in his thoughts, you place your hand on his chest gently, and it brings him back to the moment. 
“Do you want to kiss for a little bit?” 
Kissing. A kiss. Yes. That's what he wants. 
Rei nods slightly and turns to face you. His blue eyes look a little bloodshot, and his hair’s a bit messier than usual. But he looks beautiful, regardless. So sweet. You brush his fluffy bangs back from his forehead, caressing him softly and his eyes flutter. Knowing he may not make the first move, and wanting to take the pressure from him, you lean in and press your lips to his. Your noses smash together by accident, not expecting him to lean in abruptly as well, and you laugh. Panic spreads across his face for a split second and he apologizes quietly, but you return his apology with another kiss before he can continue. 
His lips are chapped, and he smells like cinnamon. He must have eaten a mint beforehand, you think, which makes you smirk into your kiss. You slip your tongue across his lips a few times, urging him to part his lips. 
The softness of your tongue on his lips has him in a trance, and the thought of touching each other's tongues sends a jolt from his abdomen down to his crotch. He opens his mouth and lets you swipe along his, and he moans involuntarily. Still, with eyes closed, you search for his hand and bring it to your hip, and his fingers dig into the softness of your flesh, scrunching the fabric of your dress.
The afternoon light seeps in between the blinds above the bed as you two continue kissing, becoming more feverish for more. You want so badly to push him back and climb on top, to grind down onto him desperately. But you're going to take your time with him and go at his pace. The more he gets used to your lips, the way you tilt your head to the side and he follows your lead, the more he eases into the rhythm. His hand grips your hip more, and he pulls you closer to his body, letting his fingers slowly gather the material of your dress. Soon your ass is exposed, the coolness of the room drifting across your skin. 
Rei pulls away just a few centimeters, lips swollen and a deeper hue than before. 
“Can I touch you more?” he asks, his deep voice ringing in your ears. 
“You can touch me however you want, Rei,” 
His hand grazes across your exposed hip, sliding down your thigh. 
“Will you tell me to stop if you don't want to do this anymore?” he asks, his eyes diverting back down to your mouth. He can't bare the thought of you not wanting him at this point, the humiliation of fucking up a perfect moment with you burning unto his cheeks. What if he ends up being really bad at this, and you find him pathetic?
You notice the blush appearing on his face. 
“I won’t want you to stop, trust me,” your giggle makes his lips curl up into a smile. 
You drape your leg over his hips, straddling him, and he slides his hand up your thigh again. He wants to squeeze the plushness of your ass so badly.
“I promise, I’ll say something if I need to. But you have to promise you’ll tell me if you don’t like something, alright?” 
Rei nods quickly and hums. “Mmmhmm.”
And with that, he grabs your ass tightly, kneading his fingers at a steady pace. You both continue kissing and groping on the tiny bed, Rei letting you suck and kiss his neck while sliding his thigh between yours. The pressure of his jean-clad leg against your core makes you whimper, grinding down on him. 
Eventually, the pulling and grinding of each other makes your dress slip down, exposing your breasts just barely. Rei sees your nipples peeking from the top, and he dips his head down to kiss them. He licks at the pebbled skin, kissing around the sensitive nub. The sensation has you panting, soft moans escaping your mouth, making his cock twitch in his tight jeans. Rei sucks one of them between his lips gently and you grab a handful of his hair. 
He pulls your dress down more and cups both of your tits, massaging them sweetly. He loves how soft you feel in his hands, and how you whimper each time he licks them. He isn’t thinking about how bad he might be at this anymore. All he can think of is how he’s making you feel good, and that makes his cock even harder. 
He snaps out of his trance when he hears your voice, worried he overstepped. He looks up at you.
“Take your shirt off,” 
You both lean upright in bed and he quickly throws the blue hoodie off then begins pulling his old gaming T-shirt up over his head. He struggles a little, getting his arms caught awkwardly and you help him lift it off completely. Your laugh puts him at ease, a little smile appearing on his face just before he cups your face for another kiss. 
The tent in his jeans is so glaringly obvious as he sits on his knees while kissing, hands trailing down to hold your tits again. It keeps poking between your legs each time he moves, and soon you realize he’s rutting his hips instinctively against you. 
You pull him back down into the bed, kissing his scarred chest. Your lips lead all the way down to his belly button, his happy trail appearing just beneath his waistband. Rei’s breath hitches in his throat as you kiss along his waist, gently planting your lips across his skin. The warmth of your breath so close to his cock has him inhaling deeply. His needy breaths make your core ache even more, the slickness soaking your panties thoroughly. 
You lean back while straddling him and pull your dress over the top of your head. Rei’s eyes trail down your body and land on your panties. They’re so sheer, letting him see your bush. His heart starts to race faster. There’s a small gossamer strand connected between your thighs, glistening in the sunlight. 
“Do you want to take these off?” you drag your hand along his jeans as he nods, his own hands working to undo the stubborn button at his waist. 
At the foot of the bed, you help shimmy his jeans down while he lifts his hips up, thinking maybe you’ll leave his boxers on for now, and keep easing into the moment with him. But Rei hooks his thumbs under the waistband and pulls them down too, letting his cock spring out of its confines. 
You don’t shy away from the sight and take the time to admire him: his girth is perfect, laying against his abdomen, thick and hard. There’s a sheen on the tip of his cock, so shiny with his arousal. 
Rei watches you stare at his cock, wondering what you could be thinking. A blush appears on his cheeks again, spreading to his ears. You slide your hands up his thighs, feeling how muscular he is, and how soft his leg hairs are. Standing back at the foot of the bed still, you tell him how good he looks. 
“You look so sexy like this,” your voice laced with a playful lust. 
He scoots closer to the edge of the bed towards you and wraps his arms around your waist. He kisses your tummy, thinking about how beautiful you are and how he can’t believe he gets to touch you. 
“You're the sexy one, I can't believe you’re with me right now,” he says
As you run your fingers through his hair, he lifts his head and rests his chin on your stomach. His fingers start to slide under the strings of your panties. You help him, placing your hand over his as he pulls the lingerie down to your thighs. Your slick is sticky, clinging to the fabric as Rei watches. 
You’re both completely naked now. Rei runs his hands up your legs, the curves of your ass, and up your sides, admiring you. 
“Lay back down again,” you tell him. 
Reluctantly letting you go, he scoots back and lays his head against the pillows. You crawl between his legs, pushing his thighs wider so you can nestle between them. Rei’s thoughts begin swirling in his head rapidly. Your face is inches from his cock, and it can’t help but pulse at the sight of your pretty face so close to it. He might cum right there. 
“This will feel really good, if you’ll let me,” you say, your breath fanning across his erection. 
You rest your cheek against his thigh.
“Can I touch it?”
“Yes,” his reply is husky, filled with anticipation of what’s to come. 
Still resting your head, you take his cock in your hand, squeezing it gently as you slide your fingers up his shaft. You can feel him pulsing under your touch. 
“Just relax, we have plenty of time,” you coo at him. Rei closes his eyes, bringing the back of his hand to his forehead. Maybe if he keeps his eyes closed, he can settle down. Seeing you stroking him between his legs, feeling your hair draped across his thigh is pushing him over the edge. He doesn’t want to finish too soon, especially since he hasn’t gotten to please you yet. 
Lazily you stroke him, watching your fingers glide across the velvety skin of his cock, squeezing the tip to coax his precum out. Your index finger toys with the slit of his cockhead, spreading his arousal languidly. Rei moans softly and opens his eyes again to gaze at you. Smiling, you press your lips against his shaft and kiss him sweetly. 
“Does this feel good to you?” 
“Yes it does, it feels so damn good.” 
You press his cock against your lips again, kissing and licking up from the base. At the tip, you take him into your mouth. Rei’s stomach flexes, and the sensation of your wet mouth on him makes his eyes glaze over. He’d imagined so many scenarios of this exact moment before, but nothing could compare to the actual feeling. The soft but firmness of your tongue encircling his cock. Or the sounds you make as you hold him in your mouth. Or the look in your eyes each time you gaze up at him. The thought of how willing you were to please him made his chest burn with desire and happiness. 
Rei’s hands make their way to your face and brush the few strands back that keep falling. He can feel your chin pressing against his balls with each bob of your head, and the swirl of your tongue around his shaft. Rei’s mouth falls open as he gapes at your mouth, full of his cock. 
“Wait—wait, slow down,” Rei brings your face off of him, your lips swollen and glistening. Something takes hold of him and he pulls you closer, kissing you deeply. He tastes the mixture of your tongue and himself, sweet and salty. It leaves him feeling dazed and pulls you to this side, slipping his hand down between your legs. He traces his fingers across your lips, spreading your slickness. Rei feels the urge to spread your lips apart and plunge his fingers into you. He knows this is something you’d probably like, but he hesitates. He presses his forehead to your temple, his breathing somewhat steady again:
“I wanna finger you,” he says slowly just before pressing his lips to the corner of your mouth. You giggle. 
“Go ahead, I want you to.”
You place your hand over his own, atop your pussy, urging him to rub his fingers up and down your slick. Rei’s eyes dart down to watch, lips parted as he tries not to pant. You push one of his fingers down between your lips, and he can feel how much more wet you are at your entrance. 
Rei works his finger into you, slowly, feeling the inside of your gummy walls. He slides it in and out curiously, listening to the sounds of your slick and the whimpers escaping your mouth. You’re so warm and wet…and slippery. His finger slips in effortlessly with each stroke. His mind wanders to how his cock would feel sliding into you, making it twitch against your thigh. Your hips buck into his hand at one particular swipe of his finger, hitting your spot just right. 
“Does it feel good right there?” he asks breathily against your face. You whimper and nod, spreading your legs wider. Rei presses his palm down firmly to your clit and you sigh. 
“Put another in, please,” you plead to him. Your skin feels so hot and sweat collects across your brow. His long, slender fingers seem to reach perfectly inside you. Rei does as you ask and slips his middle finger in. He shoves his face into your neck more and nips at your sensitive skin while curling his fingers inside you. Your moans become repetitive, telling him how good he’s doing. Rei’s hand works a bit faster, matching the speed of your moans. He wants you to cum so bad for him. 
“Oh fuck, that feels so good–” you mewl. You slip your hand down to your pussy and begin rubbing tight circles on your clit. Rei looks down to watch, noticing your movements, trying to mentally take note. 
“Go faster,” you tell him. Rei pumps his fingers in rapidly, but the angle of his wrist begins to hurt. He leans up beside you where he can thrust faster. He can feel your pussy tightening around his fingers, watching his ministrations, hand glistening from your slick. 
You can feel a wave building up inside your core as Rei finger-fucks you for the first time. You're amazed at how quickly he caught on to what he was doing; how he watches you intently with each buck of your hips and tightening of your pussy. As he leans over your side you admire his lean arms as the muscles contract, the many scars scattered across his back, and the tiny moles dispersed along his back and hips. You're enamored by him. 
“Mmmph–Im gonna cum,” your voice cracks as your orgasm approaches fast. Before another word can escape, you shake uncontrollably as it hits you. Rei watches how you shake; the way your skin ripples and hips gyrate upwards in awe. With his fingers still inside you, he feels you spasming, sucking them in further. Grabbing his arm tightly, you cling to him, digging your fingers into his skin. 
“Come here,” 
Rei climbs on top, careful not to put his entire weight on you. You reach down to his cock, still so hard and flushed a darker hue than the rest of his skin. You give him a few pumps before he reaches down too, dragging it across your still-sensitive bud. 
“I want to fuck you so bad, can I?” he whispers.
You nod, and he begins pressing his cock against your folds, sliding between them and searching for your hole. He struggles, pushing in at awkward angles, and you caress his arms reassuringly. Rei’s blush appears again and he stutters. 
“M’sorry, I–”
“Here, it's okay,” 
You grab his cock and guide it, sliding it down until it catches your entrance. Smiling, you grab his face and as he pushes in gradually. 
“You can move fast if you want, I like it,” you tell him between kisses. Rei sheaths himself completely in and you clench around him. You nip at his lips a little harder, trying to encourage him to let go of his inhibitions. He’s lost in the feeling of your tight pussy, feeling so connected to you, cradled inside. Below him, you're lost in ecstasy; so open to him, pleading with your eyes with parted lips. His hips begin rutting into yours instinctively.
You pull him down on top, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. Rei gives in, letting his full weight lay across you as your legs wrap around his hips, too. He doesn’t know he lasted this long up until this moment, but he’s never been more thankful. 
The sun has set more by this time and the rays shining into the room are a deep orange. The room is filled with the sound of the creaking bed mixed with your moans. Rei’s panting picks up more; deep and gravelly, occasionally cracking from how good it feels to fuck you. He can't stop kissing you; always pressing his mouth to yours between his heavy breathing. 
He can feel a tightening in his core, steadily rising as he continues thrusting deeply. He’s losing his composure, wrapping his arm around your head to hold you in place. The chanting of your voice, begging him to keep fucking  you rings in his ears. 
Before he can get the words out, he’s cumming in you, hard. His cock pulses as his hips rut erratically.
“Oh fffuck, fuck,” he whines into the pillow, still holding you tightly. 
You hold him close still, keeping him inside you. His bangs are stuck to his forehead and the nape of his neck is drenched from his sweat, too. You kiss him, a few pecks to his panting mouth and he chuckles. 
“Are you okay?” he asks. A silly question at this point you think,  but endearing. You laugh while nodding.
You both lay in the messy bed together, trailing your hands across his chest, caressing his face as his eyes start to show that familiar sleepy look. 
“That felt amazing…you felt amazing,” he says, breaking the silence. Grinning, you lay your head on his shoulder and he drapes his arm over yours. 
“Good. I wanted this moment to be perfect for you.”
Rei pauses.
“Do you think I was good at it?”
You laugh by accident, snorting through your nose and Rei gives you a perplexed look. 
“Um yes, I’m gonna say you were really damn good. I don’t think I can go very long without you now…”
Your hand snakes down his abdomen and playfully cups his balls, making him jolt. You both giggle at each other just before Rei kisses you deeply and pulls you on top of him. 
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blueicequeen19 · 1 year
Now & Forever
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Warnings: mostly fluff, breaking and entering, unprotected sexy time
You knew something was up. JJ was too nervous and antsy. Someone on the outside might think he was just being his usual goofy self but you could tell. JJ was hiding something and you were the last person he kept secrets from.
He’d insisted you wear his favorite dress and he even cleaned up nicely with his black button up and jeans. He could be wearing a onesie and still look irresistible.
"Do you know where we are?" JJ's comforting voice draws your attention as he pulls you to a stop on the beach. The moon was the only light available for you to take in your surroundings. The ocean looked like a pot of black ink and even the usual white sand still looked black. You glanced around, recognizing the lighthouse in the distance as you dug your toes into the sand.
"Is this the beach where we first met?" You smirked, feeling his hand tighten in yours.
"Where I was trying to surf and you laughed at me?" You tease, giggling as he pulls you into his big strong arms.
"I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing over how angry you were." JJ kisses your forehead.
"Then I marched up to you and told you if you could do it so much better than to have at it." You smiled against his chest, his heart racing beneath his black button up shirt.
"And I showed you up and you were embarrassed. You didn't talk to me for two weeks." JJ chuckles, tilting your chin up to steal a kiss. You smile against the softness of his lips, practically tasting the mint on his tongue. He even wore cologne tonight which only heightened your suspicions.
"And you made up for it by teaching me how to surf and letting me push you off your board more than once." The memory enhances the butterflies you already have in your stomach. It warms you to think someone so carefree and good, took notice of you. JJ was perfect just as much as he was impulsive. He was fiercely loyal and protective but you loved that. You always felt safe with him and he never failed to make you laugh.
You almost laugh, remembering you’d never told him you knew he frequented that beach and you only attempted surfing to get his attention. You just hadn't counted on him laughing and you getting overly embarrassed.
"Do you remember our first time in the light house?" You look over your shoulder, still safe and sound in his arms and inhaling his intoxicating scent. Your cheeks heat as you think about how many other times you'd hooked up in that light house. The man was always horny and you could never tell him no.
"When I scuffed my knee because I had to be inside you on the stairs?" His low growl meets your ears and you gasp, your hands tightening in his shirt. "Or was that the time you finished me twice with your mouth?" Heat pools in your belly and your eyes threaten to fall closed, the memories almost overwhelming as you felt your panties grow wet through clenched thighs.
"JJ Maybank, you have a dirty mouth." You tease playfully, reaching up on your tiptoes and kissing him passionately, threading your fingers through his soft hair. He groans, always losing himself when your tongue slips past his lips. You're both lost in the kiss when he finally pulls away, his forehead resting against yours and his erection prominent against your navel.
"You know I love you right?" His voice is barely more than a whisper, his fingers toying with the hair that hangs down your bare back. Every brush of his skin against yours gave you goosebumps.
"Yes. And I love you." You whisper back, kissing the tip of his nose.
"No, like, I love you more than anything. More than I've ever loved anybody. You're everything to me and I don't know what I did all those years without you because now, I can't picture a future without you in it." You pull back enough to look up into those ocean blue eyes, your heart in your throat. He smiles, the love he feels is written all over his face. The man practically has heart eyes. You never doubted how he felt about you but it was amazing to hear.
"You don't have to, J. I'm yours. Now and forever." You kiss him and he kisses you back harder before pulling away and dropping to one knee in the sand. Your eyes widen as he withdraws a white jewelry box from his pocket. Your mind draws a blank as the box opens and you're left staring at a beautiful white gold band with a single round diamond. It seemed to glow under the moonlight.
"Y/N, will you marry me?" JJ lets out an uneven breath, his nerves getting the best of him as tears fill your eyes. A sob leaves you before you can find the words to answer.
"Yes! Oh my god, yes! Absolutely!" You cry, refraining from throwing yourself in his arms as he lights up with a smile and quickly slides the ring on your finger. JJ quickly stands to his full height and picks you up by the backs of your thighs, your legs going around his waist as your lips meet.
It takes you a few moments to realize that he's walking and you don't have to look back to know where he's heading. You giggle against his lips, your arms around his neck as your tongues collide and he steals your ability to breathe. Your back meets the door of the lighthouse and you groan, needing him inside you.
"JJ--." You whine, grinding your body against his.
"I have to pick the lock." JJ growls, pulling his lips away and sitting you on your feet. You impatiently wait as he takes his tools from his pocket and quickly picks the lock. You hear the lock give and you gasp happily before he shoves the door open and picks you up again. He slams the door behind you, engulfing you in darkness as he presses your back against the cool wall, kissing you like he'll die if he doesn't.
"Please, baby, I need you inside me." You beg, tearing at the buttons of his shirt.
"Trust me, I'm going to fuck my fiance." You moan when he calls you that, feeling him free himself between your bodies. You feel him against your thighs; thick, hard and hot. He puts you on your feet and spins you around, pulling your white sundress over your head in haste, leaving you in nothing but a sexy lace thong. He groans behind you, dropping to his knees as he pulls the tiny fabric over the swells of your ass and down your legs. His fingers slide between your legs, stroking your clit enough to make your knees wobble.
"Always nice and ready for me." JJ's lust filled voice has your clit throbbing in response as he raises again.
"Don't scrape your knee again." You tease, feeling his shirt come off next. He places it in your hands and you lay it across the third step so you have something to kneel on. JJ roughly grabs your ass, growling as he pushes you to your knees and spreading your thighs. You were so wet you were dripping.
"Does this mean I don't have to wear a condom anymore?" His raspy voice meets your ear, his lips finding your neck as he guides himself to your waiting entrance.
"Are we married yet?" You tease, pushing your ass back to torture him.
"We can go to the courthouse tomorrow." JJ growls, fingers digging into your hips. You were too far gone to think of something logical to say back, not with the head of his cock kissing your entrance. It seemed silly now to deny him now that you were engaged even though you weren't on birth control.
"You have to pull out." You practically plead, your body aching to be filled. JJ's lips find your spine, he kisses your skin before dragging his tongue upwards. You groan, sparks shooting through your body.
"I will, I promise." JJ groans, cupping your right breast with ringed fingers and tweaking your pointed nipple. You whimper in frustration, reaching beneath you to guide him inside your aching hole. JJ hisses and your eyes flutter shut as the thick head slips inside you. You suck in a breath as he pushes the rest of the way, filling you to the brim. You hear a string of colorful curses leave his lips and you bite back a laugh, fighting to slow your racing heart and the urge to move.
"Ahh, I can't wait to make you my wife and come home to this everyday." He makes his point by thrusting in hard just once, making you gasp.
"I can't wait for everyone to see my ring on your finger and my kid in your belly." You moan loud and long, clenching around him so tightly that he growls in response as he thrusts once more. You wanted nothing more than to give him all those things.
"I love you Mrs Maybank. Now and forever."
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