#I've thought about drawing him with a gun here and there but I haven't actually done it yet lol
sofyachy · 8 months
Good Omens 3 Thinky-Thoughts
Now that I've had some time to watch Good Omens Season 2 and go through all the stages of grief (including rewatching repeatedly and dreaming up various fanfiction plots), I'm ready to start jotting down some reflections on S2 and where I think S3 should go. So, spoilers! You know what to do...
Pride & Prejudice
First, the Jane Austen / Pride & Prejudice references in the script are no accident. Alright, I absolutely loved the joke about Austen being a jewel thief and brandy smuggler, and Aziraphale trying to make people fall in love at a ball is a very Aziraphale thing to do. But the references go much deeper.
We can see parallels between the way Aziraphale and Crowley relate to each other with Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. After being snubbed at a ball, Elizabeth becomes prejudiced against Darcy in subsequent interactions, and "willfully misunderstands" his behavior and motivations even when doing so would go against her otherwise sensible observation skills. Similarly, despite Aziraphale and Crowley's ongoing arrangement / partnership / friendship / oblivious marriage / etc., Aziraphale repeatedly demonstrates his prejudice against Crowley for being a demon. For example: "You're a demon, I'm sure you've fired lots of guns." "You're a demon, you're one of the bad guys." Throughout both seasons, we see examples of Crowley committing good deeds, but Aziraphale continues to see him as the enemy.
Crowley, meanwhile, shares Darcy's difficulty with communication and recognizing that his desires aren't lining up with Aziraphale's / Elizabeth's. Both of them appear to realize their own feelings before their partner's. We see examples of Darcy singling out Elizabeth in social situations long before he proposes to her. Crowley, meanwhile, appears to have something of a silent epiphany in S2 when Nina mentions that other people's love lives are easier to understand than one's own.
After Nina and Maggie tell him that he needs to open up and tell Aziraphale how he feels, Crowley proceeds to do so at the worst possible time -- making his own version of a proposal similar to Darcy's. Neither one of them could "read the room" and only really considered their own needs instead of the other's. Crowley wants Aziraphale to turn down a new job offer that he's obviously ecstatic about because he himself doesn't want to go back to heaven and be Aziraphale's sidekick. He has too much pride for that, and Aziraphale can't see that Crowley's burned his bridges with heaven anyway.
The results of these failures are as devastating in that final bookshop scene as they are in the drawing room in Hunsford. However, Austen's novel doesn't end there, and so I think Season 3 could follow some parallels with the rest of it. We may see both Aziraphale and Crowley self-reflecting and reconfiguring their understanding of who the other actually is. Maybe they bump into each other accidentally after these reflections and see each other in a new light. Maybe the Second Coming of Christ pulls a Lydia and runs off with a demon, and Crowley has to stop them. (I'm laughing as I write this last sentence.)
The Crow Road
Another book that S2 references is The Crow Road by Iain Banks. I haven't read it (though I'm adding it to my reading list) -- though there is a decent analysis of its use in the story here. I think it may have some clues about possible directions for S3 as well.
Talking to God
Season 2 showed us God talking to Job and Crowley's jealousy with him for being able to have that conversation. God asks Job if he can do certain things that we've already seen Crowley do (manipulate lightning, make constellations, etc.). Maybe this is a hint that Crowley already has the qualifications that Job doesn't and will get that conversation somehow. Crowley still carries a lot of baggage about falling from heaven (and Aziraphale repeatedly rubbing salt in that wound can't be helpful). I think it would help him if he could have a chat with God and maybe find some peace with that part of his identity.
Aziraphale is terrible at deception except when Crowley's at stake. He can see that Muriel is terrible at it when she arrives as a "human police officer," but in the same episode he pretends to be a journalist with no more success than Muriel had. Likewise, he is terrible at sleight of hand magic tricks except when Furfur has evidence that could get Crowley in trouble. At first, I thought there was a pattern with angels in general being inherently terrible at deception, and this would retcon the examples in S1. In S1, Aziraphale first poses as a gardener so he can influence the Antichrist. But maybe this isn't meant to be effective, as he can fool a child but his appearance isn't presented as convincing to the audience. Similarly, we've seen that he can lie to save Job's children from the wrath of God. He only needs to fool the other angels for this, however, and their inherent belief in the goodness of one of their own means that they believe him. At the end of S1, Aziraphale is able to convince Hell that he's Crowley. How could he possibly be convincing about this when he is otherwise so bad at playing pretend? The only explanation that makes sense is that his willpower to keep Crowley safe overrides his angelic need to be true to himself.
Stronger Together
We've also seen that Crowley and Aziraphale are much stronger when they work together than when they're on their own. When they combine their powers to keep Gabriel safe without being noticed by Heaven or Hell, instead of the infinitesimal miracle they intend, they get something exponentially more powerful. It's questionable whether they actually tried to go for the tiny dose of power they said they would give -- I don't think they fully trusted each other to do enough to keep them all safe and could easily have "juiced it" to make up for the other's deficiencies. But the reactions from Heaven and Hell indicate that what they accomplished was worrisomely powerful. It's possible that the reason the Metatron chose Aziraphale to replace Gabriel was to separate the two of them and keep that power in check. In S3, maybe we would see them team up again to wield that power for an even greater purpose.
The Gun
Now, without a better transition, we're probably going to see the Nazi zombies again. We see that they're still around London at the end of the S2 scene in 1941. We also discover that 1941 Aziraphale keeps a Derringer pistol in a hollowed-out book in the bookshop. Following Chekhov's law, that gun is bound to make another appearance. The 1941 scene in S2 ends with A and C (I'm getting tired of typing out their names) hanging out in the bookshop. The zombies know where to find them. Guns can stop zombies. A is the type of angel who would probably bless his bullets and bestow them with special miracle powers. I could easily see the zombies storming the bookshop and A shooting them -- maybe saving C, or maybe accidentally shooting him, too, for the show to really milk some drama. Or maybe we get a callback to the magic show and C catches the bullet in his teeth. In any case, I think we're going to see some gun-on-zombie action.
Other more fanfiction-y thoughts:
Nina and Maggie Summon A and C into a therapist's office for couples counseling. Or maybe Muriel reads a self-help book and tries to do it herself. Crowley tries to take over another patient's session via demonic possession "because it's an emergency" and he absolutely has to rant to someone about what Aziraphale is doing. Please, someone, I absolutely need to read this fic.
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northwest-cryptid · 9 months
I cannot express this clearly enough so let me say it as best I can...
The reason I don't go off about "AI is bad AI is scary!" is not because I condone the use of AI to steal people's art, writing, voice, or likeness; because I don't condone that at all. The reason you don't hear me go off about "AI is bad AI is scary!" is because AI isn't actually the problem here... The people who use AI for these things are the problem and I refuse to let them get away with their horrible shitty behavior by letting them scapegoat lines of code that we've literally had for decades but haven't been usable for the common individual due to a lack of understanding, an understanding that the common individual STILL lacks.
If you actually care to know my thoughts past that summary I got you fam. All that I ask of you is that you have the reading comprehension level to understand that I do not condone theft in any form, outside of shoplifting necessities from specifically large chains (do not steal from mom and pop shops or small chains like mall stores it impacts the workers on the lowest rungs of the ladder.)
I literally expressed to a good friend of mine not too long ago that I had used an AI to generate a reference image since I'm trying to get better at art. Without so much as any understanding of my process he began to shame me for it, which made it very hard to explain to him that I had actually trained the model in it's entirety myself; on my own art so that it would produce reference images closer to how I actually draw already and thus make it easier for me to understand how the drawing would look in my style. He then went off about how even if that were true, it wouldn't know what common things are, like how it knows what an owl looks like; to which I had to explain to him that stock photos exist and how I have literally done photography as a hobby for years so most of the images were literally my own photography (most of my family are artists whether that be photography, writing, music, or painting and I grew up in this environment) the only images used to train the AI that weren't literally created by my hand were legally owned stock photos that I used to help round it out a little since obviously I don't have great photos of everything ever that I might want to try my hand at drawing. This explanation literally took me hours, and the actual explanation would have taken me about 5 minutes but we couldn't get past "AI bad AI scary!" to get to "actually you can ethically train an AI to use art, photography, and images of your own creation and not have to steal anything from anyone; ever. All of the images, and art that are used by my AI are used with permission of their original creator, because I am that creator." The AI doesn't even run on the internet or connect to the internet, so it's not like it could pull results from some secret third party or website or something. It's just a huge help as someone who suffers from ADHD, I can't very easily keep an image in my mind and remember the finer details as I draw, and I am not a skilled enough artist yet to know how things should look in relation to other things just yet. However despite all of this I still have had a lot of people get upset with me simply for even USING an AI in the first place.
It's honestly as if people forget what "AI" really even is, it's code. That's it; that's the end all be all of it. Every video game under the sun that you love uses code, and I'm willing to bet good money it uses AI, it's own AI; because a lot of shit has for a long, LONG time. We're only seeing a problem with it now because it's finally being made open source, brought to the masses; and in those masses there will always be people who use it for the wrong reasons. I've been told that my thoughts on AI sound like some 2nd amendment right winger talking about guns and gun laws, which is honestly just annoying because I cannot in my right mind think of an ethical use case for a gun. The best case scenario with a gun is that it's a waste of money you never have to use. However when you break down what AI really is, it's just a bunch of code that can use the knowledge given to it (by a human being) to discern patterns and calculate what mathematically should happen next based on the parameters and then do that thing. There are so many use cases for that, everything from simply trying to calculate a minecraft seed to stuff as complex as surgery (although I would probably still feel more comfortable with human surgery lol)
The only difference between AI and say a basic start up sequence for a computer is that a sequence like that is pre-written by the programmer, it's a line of commands the computer will just follow; while AI has a line of commands that tells it to basically write it's own code and execute it based on the commands that give it "knowledge" of how to do everything. There's no "thinking" there's no "consciousness" it's all calculation and mathematics; which some may equate to consciousness and thinking; but like at that point I think you're just getting into the weeds about it.
What I'm trying to say with all of this is simple though, the tl;dr is this:
That age old saying of "a computer should never be put in a position of power because a computer cannot be held accountable for it's actions" is how I feel about AI, people want to point the finger at AI saying that it stole someone's art or voice or something; and no it didn't AI didn't do that A PERSON DID, BLAME THE PERSON; DO NOT LET THE INDIVIDUAL GET AWAY WITH USING A TOOL TO MAKE THEIR THEFT EASIER, THE PERSON IS STILL THE ONE AT FAULT.
Ai has no conscious thought, it cannot do anything it is not explicitly told to. If I go out and use an AI to generate art or to steal someone's style, that's on ME not the AI; the AI is just a tool, I could have just as easily gone about it some other way. I view AI as a sort of accessibility tool, it makes a lot of lives easier it can make everything from hobbies to jobs easier WITH PROPER USE, but the lazy idiotic assholes who don't bother with proper use and wish to abuse it should be the ones being held accountable. If a studio uses an AI to steal someone's voice and likeness then blame the studio for misuse of their tools!
If I run over 20 people with my car, the car is not at fault; I am. Rightfully so! If I generate 20 images that uses art from various photographers or drawings from artists without their permission or knowledge well, I guess the AI did it; can't blame me right? When people aren't held accountable, they'll just go do it again.
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mizukiprsk · 2 years
♠ 1st(?) random Q&A with Suki
Some random personal info I have previously said in posts or I just want to let you know now:
♠ I'm 173cm tall
♠ My mother tongue is Spanish, and I'm (sort of) learning Japanese
♠ I play both versions of the game (JP and GL)
♠ Originally, I didn't care for characters/story and just wanted to play rythym game
♠ In terms of creative stuff I do, drawing would be main and writing would be sub
zero-intoner asked: "How long have you been writing and what got you into writing?"
I scripted and drew my first serious comic for class work about 4 years ago. But it's not like I regularly write, it only comes out when I need a script for a comic, and I usually have a hard time writing, which is actually one of the reasons I decided to start this blog: to get better at writing.
About what got me into writing, don't know. Probably a collateral damage from wanting to make comics
For context, anon is referering to this post:
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If Kanade and Emu have ever interacted in game, either I can't remember or I haven't seen it. I think they might be too different and don't have enough in common to bond over anything.
As for Airi and Akito, it's safe to asume that they originally met for Ena, and at some point they might have bonded over their mutual worry for her. It's also clear that they respect each other. I'm speaking from memory, but there was this interaction in which Airi requests Akito to watch over Ena. There is also some instances where Akito tells Ena to not to bother Airi so much, and an area convo with Akito and Airi in which he apologizes for "the way Ena usually behaves" to what Airi tells him not to worry. Airi also notes to herself here that Akito is a good little brother. I'm just rambling at this point lol. Basically, I guess I like that, despite they are not that close, they are able to understand each other enough to have mutual respect.
zero-intoner asked: "Who's your favorite character to write for? Which character do you relate to the most?"
I would like to say it's hard to choose just one, but evidence shows it's Mafuyu. I also enjoy writing Shizuku a lot lol. I have had some writing sprees for Nene, Haruka and Honami so it usually depends on my mood, too
As for the character I relate the most it's prooobably... Mizuki. I've stuggled in the past with the fear of being left behind and not worthy of having friends. But, personality wise, I guess the closest one would be Toya
prsk-krow asked: "HeyaHeya! I was actually curious about something, and I wanted to ask!! Who is your favorite N25 character, and why is it Mizuki? (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) I mean, I'm just guessing, but-"
I actually never could choose between Mizuki and Mafuyu. Sometimes is more Mizuki, sometimes is more Mafuyu, but they are both always there. But if I had to choose, gun pointing at me, I think I might choose Mafuyu because aesthetically wise, is a little more my thing.
Anonymous asked: "This is just for the q&a but if you were to add any one member to each group who would it be and why? Like why would you add emu to mmj or honami to wxs and so on."
I'm guessing you mean adding to the current member, without replacing anyone. Mmmm, I can say a little of my thoughts, but very disorganized.
For example, in Nigo I could see people like Rui, Haruka, Toya or even Honami, if their stories had another circumstances
In Wandasho, somehow Mafuyu and Akito could fit with their "good personas". Probably Airi since she seems good with a crowd. I feel like Mizuki could have fun here making costumes, too.
In MMJ, Kanade would be just so funny, zero stamina idol lol. An kind of has that idol aura that might just work (these two both were already in April's fools YUME YUME JUMP, so). Also, Tsukasa idol career when, he could fit so well here. Saki maybe too, siblings idols(?
In VBS it's kind of hard, but I think Ena could scream from the bottom of her heart here (in songs(?) Shiho kind of fits in street music, I think (? Nene might find use in this for getting over her social problem, and she would be also singing, but not "musical style". Ichika could also do well here, probably
And finally, Leoni, Kohane and Minori could do well in "just some friends vibing" same as Shizuku. Emu is very friendly, so why not
(I ended up making whole new groups of 4 lol but hopefully that answers your question, kinda?)
ootokone asked: "do you have any hobbies? what are they and how did you get into them? "
As said before, I also draw and it's probably my main hobby ( I guess it count's as a job too since I'm on a team as concept/2D/UI artist, yeah all in one, we are a small team). I have been drawing for as long as I can remember, but probably anime got me into taking it a more seriously (Naruto lol)
I also play videogames on a regular basis. I have also played games for as long as I can remember. I'm kind of hooked to OW2 right now but I play many kinds of games. Like, not long ago I was hooked to Puroseka and Elden Ring simultaneously, which I guess sums up my variety of games quite well (I had to drop Elden Ring because my poor 6 year old computer can't take *redacted*'s boss fight. Quite sad. Hopefully I can finish it properly when I get a new PC in the future ;v;)
As for more hobbies... I guess I like gardening, if that can be considered a hobby. I just bought two new plants today, one of them being peppermint because I love its smell. I have always liked nature but never got around on taking care of my own plants until about 2 years ago
Anonymous asked: "a question for your Q&A :)! are you more of an extrovert, ambivert or introvert?"
Oh, definitely an introvert lol. I'm an INTJ-A in mbti, if someone is interested in that.
Also noteworthy, while the other letters are at like a 60-70% the introvert one is at 99% lol so yeah,
Anonymous asked: "if u like emunene do you think if they both cuddle would emu be big spoon or would she be little spoon? and do you think nene would be big spoon or little spoon"
I think they'll be both switches, but it usually goes with Nene little spoon, Emu big spoon because Emu would be usually the one initiating physical touch/affection
One last thing! I wanted to thank everyone for the support on this blog! Really makes me happy that people consider my writing worthy of reading. I'll try to keep this blog up for as long as I can, but my writing sprees are very weird lol
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faithfulcat111 · 8 months
Six Sentence Sunday (kinda)
Happy timezones! I didn't want to to leave you guys with nothing today. The main things I've been working on have been the ST DnD AU and my Big Bang project. Can't exactly share anything from the second one, so have a few bits from the first. This project will probably be released in photo edits and drawings and such more than writing. But I shared the Party previously, so here are the teens now:
Jonathan - half-elf - Monk - multiclass later into Druid
- So, I haven't mentioned the adults yet but just know that firstly, Joyce is a druid. And reading through a bunch of material, kids of members of druid circles are still part of them. So, while Monk makes sense for him mostly, I think it would be interesting to have that Druid multiclass too. Especially since with those two, you can almost only really multiclass into each other. But he is a half-elf like Will is. There is a whole lot more with that that I will happily go into in a future post.
Nancy - protective Aasimar - Fighter - Gunslinger
-Nancy is an Aasimar, just like her brother. I think that race aspect does partly play into her and the boys' relationship. But she is a fighter with her fighting style mostly focused on guns. Like I could ever take those away from her. She's too hot to even think of it.
Steve - human - Cleric - War domain
-If you remember (or go back into the tag on my blog), Lucas is the only human of the Party and I did the same thing with Steve. The fantastical races are way too interesting for me not to include them into everybody I could. But it made sense for Steve to still be human considering. He is just one of those Jack Harkness-types in this universe. But him being a cleric who didn't have the "traditional" focus of life and stuff made sense because I think he is one that would have wanted a purpose but none of the Paladin oaths fit. This made far more sense.
Robin - changeling - Bard - College of Eloquence
-The first time I read the changeling entry in MotM, I immediately thought of Robin. She just has the vibes of a changeling in this universe. She is Robin most of the time, it is who she is comfortable as. But she is also alone because her family is the only changeling one in town that she is aware of (aka I haven't decided yet if there is another).
Argyle - Firbolg - Druid - Outlander
-I knew instantly that Argyle would be a druid. Different subclass than Joyce or (later) Jonathan. But coming up with his backstory was a trip and a half. I literally was talking about the options with some of my roommates and the newest one (who has never seen Stranger Things so purely has the bits I've told him) came up with brilliant idea. I actually loved it so much that I reworked it to be less Argyle-focused into my new character for the campaign we are hoping to start soon (I knew I wanted to be a druid, but this backstory was just *chef's kiss*). So I'll know how well this build will actually work too.
Okay, so those are the teens who got full sheets instead of just NPC sheets. At some point, I'll actually go through the adults too (and Erica) and the various NPCs I've created. Feel free to send me asks because I've put literal hours of work into building these sheets and I'm making up the season 1 versions at least this weekend.
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sysig · 3 years
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Little jabs
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LL S7 can't hurt me if I'm still writing fics set in S2 finger guns
featuring: skittish etho my beloved, can be read as platonic or romantic depending on your jam, articfox!etho headcanon as seen a little here, Bdubs is big of heart, dumb of ass, set in a meta LL setting (aka they're all ppl playing a game who discuss things BTS and take breaks)
The Nether is sweltering. An endless expanse of deadly environment, with the nether fortress they looted just poking out of the thick fog in the distance. The clacking of bones is reminiscent of the wither skeletons that tried to lay waste to them. The grunting pigmen like the brutes that caused Mumbo's death moments before.
And Scar's sword swinging towards Etho with intent; green eyes nearly swallowed by bloodlust like the netherrack surrounding them. 
Bdubs has barely lowered his shield as a fluffy tail vanishes into swirling purple. The space Etho stood is empty.
"I thought we weren't supposed to use those abilities?" Scar asks, sword by his side and his eyebrows furrowed. Bdubs throws his shield on his back, running towards the portal.
"We're not!" He yells, jumping into the center with a final shout towards Scar. "Call a break, I'm gonna go after him!" 
Bdubs snatches berries from the first bush he sees. The thorns scratch his fingers, uncovered by his gloves, but he ignores it in favour of clutching the handful tight enough they threaten to burst. The land is empty of any glimpses of white. Nothing darting between trees, or curled up in the shade. 
"Etho!" Bdubs calls, waving the berries in the air. "We're on a break, buddy. Nobody's gonna hurt you." He keeps his eyes peeled, wondering if a spyglass would actually be useful here. Well, he thinks Etho would move too fast to follow. Bdubs groans, trying to figure out other things that could draw out the elusive fox. Chicken? Rabbits, maybe?
He jumps down a hill, tapping his free hand against his thigh. Where would a skittish Etho go seeking safety? He hears his communicator ping with a private message, sliding it into his hand.
<Grian> everything okay? scar said something happened
Bdubs sighs, smiling as he types his reply.
<BDoubleO100> etho's run off and hiding somewhere. 
<BDoubleO100> im looking for him though!
<Grian> ok, ill hold the break for you.
<Grian> if i see him ill let you know
<BdoubleO100> thanks g!!!
During the time spent chatting, Bdubs has wandered in Skizz and Tango's direction. The server is quiet and he imagines most of them will be hanging out at their bases during the break. But, if there's one place Etho might feel safe, then it would be with Tango and Skizz, right? Their two closest allies, on the server and off it!
"Bdubs!" Tango calls, holding his arm out in greeting. "Welcome, welcome."
"Bdubadubs!" Skizz calls, waving his sword in a way that makes Bdubs much prefer staying in the doorway. "And no Etho. Did he ditch you, homie?" Bdubs sighs. He crosses his arms, leaning back whilst Tango takes a seat.
"I'm looking for him, actually," Bdubs replies. "Neither of you have happened to see a small white fox running about, have ya?" Skizz's face scrunches up, but Tango's eyes widen, mouth opening.
"Where is everywhere?" Tango asks. Bdubs groans as he tries to mentally backtrack his footsteps. Curse of a new server, he has no idea where everything is yet!
"Ah," he says, smartly. A few seconds later he follows up with.
"No, we haven't. Where did you lose him?" Bdubs holds his hand up to gesture, resting it on his elbow. "We were in the nether and he ran through our portal. I haven't seen him since and I've been everywhere. I've been walking around with these berries like a fool, Tango." Tango snorts. He stretches a hand out, poking at the bundle of red. A few have burst onto Bdubs' hand, staining his skin and gloves, but they're mostly intact! He'll grab another bunch if he sees them.
"I came through our portal, grabbed some berries. I did a full lap around our base, I walked around the nearby forest… then I headed here!" 
"Bdubs," Skizz says, leaning onto his knees. "Did you actually check in your house?" Bdubs blinks.
Bdubs' lungs are burning, heels rubbing and food half gone by the time he makes it back to their base. He breathes deeply, resting his hands on his knees outside the cobblestone hut. It's a miracle he doesn't topple straight off the unfenced patio sides. But, despite his exhaustion, he opens the door to the hut carefully, slipping inside. He shuts it with barely a click.
"Etho?" He calls, voice a gentle whisper. He frowns, trying to scope the room without moving further in. Is he hiding in a chest again? No, oh-!
There, against the wooden bedframe. Underneath the white covers is a fluffy tail brushing the floor, and a little black nose half stuffed under the pillows. Bdubs places his weapons delicately in a chest, crouching a few big steps away from the bed. 
"Etho! Hey, buddy." The nose pokes out, two eyes following. Bdubs makes sure he's sitting on the left, where Etho's black eye can see him. "We're on a break right now, so you have plenty of time to relax," he explains. "So, I can just hang out with you, and let the others know when we're ready to continue! Sound good? Great." Etho doesn't move any further than that. If anything, he shrinks further back into the covers, snowy ears flat against his fur. 
So, Bdubs pulls out his communicator. He makes sure Grian know Etho's safe and that he's letting him calm down. Then he pulls up Snake, settling in for a few rounds of it as he waits for Etho to make his move.
Which Etho does in the form of a nervous footstep. He treads one paw down on the grass floor. Then another. Then in one swift movement, he's curling up in Bdubs' lap, blanket still wrapped around him. Bdubs can't help a soft 'oof', head falling back at the pain of a fox paw with its full weight on his leg. But his hand falls to Etho's neck, scratching around the shawl and the blanket to reach soft fur underneath. Like a big furry blanket. With a blanket of his own. Double blanket!
"Why hello there," Bdubs says, looking down at Etho. Etho flicks his tail, only getting slightly caught in the fabric. "Yeah, yeah, here you go." Bdubs holds out the berries (he picked the ones outside their house, too.) Etho snatches them one by one. His teeth don't catch Bdubs' skin once. Inventory emptied of the sweet treat, Bdubs holds his hands up. "All gone!" Etho stands, nudging at his palm. Finding them truly empty, he huffs, curling back up with no intention of moving. "Okay, okay," Bdubs says, laughing. He resumes petting him, ruffling small ears. "We can wait here for a little bit."
The session continues as normal once Etho gives his word. But Bdubs and Etho sit together a while longer. Etho's shawl pulled up, arms tucked around Bdubs' neck. They're sitting on the bed, now. Far comfier for Bdubs, who doesn't have a built in layer of fur.
"What do you think," Bdubs says, Etho lifting his head from his shoulder. "About making our base out of snow?" Etho smiles, solemn expression brightening as his ears stick up straight. 
"Yeah," he replies. "I think that'd be pretty cool."
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galacticwildfire · 3 years
Memories | Bucky Barnes
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x oc
Summary: Ada grows tired of the uso show and wants her abilities to be put to use, so she agrees to help Steve rescue his friend Bucky from inside a Hydra base and finds herself strangely attracted to the soldier who wants to know who the Red Widow truly is.
Warnings: swearing, slapping, exploitation, mentions of torture and experimentation, angst, fluff, violence, flirting
Word Count: 4.2k
November 1943
The wind is cold against my legs, hardly covered in see-through nylon, despite all my performances I've never felt as bare as I do now, a damn pin-up girl for soldiers who probably haven't seen a woman in months. They begin to heckle both Steve and I, Steve raises his shield and says to me "I don't think they like us."
"Oh they like me very much," I reply hearing the comments thrown at me about America's greatest ass. "It's you they don't like."
"Why?" he asks so naively, as if we aren't a big slap in the face to the real soldiers.
"Because we might as well be a circus," I mutter and step off stage the moment before they start pegging fruit at Steve.
"Get back up there!" Senator Brandt's aid scolds and I'm certainly not forcing a smile for him.
"How the hell did you think bringing Captain America to an actual war camp would inspire the men?" I spit, able to smell the reek of blood and alcohol from here. "It's a humiliation for all of us."
"Then why don't you walk those pretty little heels back on stage and defend him," he suggests, and I strike him hard across the face as the showgirls quickly run past us from the wings. "You are a bitch of a thing you know that!"
"I'm a trained spy, not a damn pin-up girl for the soldiers to jack off to," I retort and stick my finger into his chest. "I don't belong in heels twirling a damn baton, I should be holding a gun and actually doing something for my country."
"Then I suggest you bring that up with Senator Brandt since you're a damn Soviet," he says coldly and I feel Steves hand on my arm before I can strike him again.
"Come on it's not worth it," he says leading me away, only stopping so I can snatch my jacket on the way out.
Peggy sits with me that evening after she comes back from seeing Steve. The only other woman in the camp.
"I'm guessing you saw the circus?"
"I did," she sighs and looks me up and down, freezing cold in my pin-up outfit and a jacket. "You were recruited because Doctor Erksine believed you were the best possible candidate, fluent in German and Russian, perfect aim with firearms, skilled in coding and operating complex machinery as well as a perfect physical standard of health. You were a weapon-"
"And now I'm a pin-up girl," I finish bitterly, lighting a cigarette. "I don't understand why Colonel Phillips won't put me in the field, is it because I'm a woman? Because I was raised in Russia?"
"He won't put Steve in the field either but you have far more training. I mean here I am stuck behind a desk but you should be infiltrating Nazi headquarters not stripping off for crowds of men," she says, pitying me and looks around us. "They're men who've been through hell, I don't know how Brandt thought his little show could have a positive reception here."
"What happened to them?"
"The 107th," she begins and the number rings a strange bell. "Most of their unit was killed or taken captive, these are the survivors."
There's a pit in my stomach as I look over to where Steve sits, drawing in his notebook and take a deep puff of my cigarette, knowing I have news to break.
"We need to tell Steve." She looks at me in confusion and I stare out into the rain. "His closest friend was in the 107th."
Her face falls and silently we walk over to Steve, a man who despite my initial hesitance, and even annoyance, has become an ally. Perhaps even what one might call a friend.
"Steve," I begin carefully. "That friend you told me about, the man of Barnes, he was in the 107th wasn't he?"
His eyes widen. "He is."
Peggy steps forward. "We should see Colonel Phillips."
"What - why?" he trembles and Peggy and I share a look.
"Steve," she says with an affection for him in her eye. "These men here are what's left of the 107th."
Immediately he's on his feet and we're following after him as he barges into Phillips tent.
"Well, if it isn't the star spangled man with a plan and little Miss America," Phillips patronises when he lays eyes on Steve and I. "And what is your plan today?'
"I need the casualty list from Azzano."
"You don't get to give me orders, son."
"Just give him the damn list," I mutter, not caring for the hateful glare I receive for it.
"I just need one name," Steve pleads. "Sergeant James Barnes from the hundred and seventh."
I watch silently as Phillips goes through his papers, in my gut knowing the answer won't be good. And I know it's true when I actually see pity on the Colonels face for the first time.
"I have signed more of these condolence letters today than I would care to count, but the name does sound familiar," he says to Steve with a heaviness in his voice. "I'm sorry."
"What about the others?" Steve immediately asks. "Are you planning a rescue mission?"
"Yeah, it's called winning the war."
"How far behind enemy lines are they?" I interrupt and Phillips actually looks surprised at the words that come out of my mouth.
"They're thirty miles behind enemy lines. Through the most heavily fortified territory in Europe. We'd lose more men than we'd save. But I don't expect you to understand that, because you're both chorus girls." "I think I understand just fine," Steve says bitterly but I raise my finger to quieten him.
"Get me transport to behind the lines and I can infiltrate the base," I tell Phillips who just laughs at me, like I'm just a stupid girl. "I was eighteen and infiltrating Nazi bases in the core of Germany, always finished the job. There is no one better equipped for this kind of mission than I am."
He stands and proceeds to attempt to intimidate me, but I could have him dead in an instant.
"You may be the Red Widow but I do not trust you, I don't trust you to have any level of access to our intelligence and certainly not to act on the behalf of the united states in infiltrating Hydra."
My voice is ice. "And why is that Colonel?"
"Because you are a damn soviet, we know damn well why they call you the Red Widow. I'm surprised you don't come armed with a hammer and sickle."
Peggy comes to my side. "Just come with me."
"No, I don't come armed with a hammer and sickle, I come armed with supersoldier serum," I remind Phillips. "Our government wanted a weapon, well here I am. I suggest you put me to use or someone else will."
And with that I turn my back on the Colonel and return to my tent.
It's not long before Steve comes barging in with Peggy following, and I know he has no intention of obeying oders.
"Can you infiltrate the base?"
"I spent years in and out of Hydra bases," I tell Steve, extinguishing my cigarette. "I know my way around. Give me a weapon and I'll get your friend out alive"
Peggy hands me a soldiers uniform and a pistol. "Then get dressed soldier, we leave within the hour."
Sure enough within the hour Peggy, Steve and I are being flown into the Austrian Alps by Howard Stark.
"The HYDRA camp is in Krausberg, tucked between these two mountain ranges," Peggy tells us in her brief. "It's a factory of some kind."
"We should be able to drop you right on the doorstep," Howard says as I step into the cockpit, looking out at the mountains ahead.
"We should be able to drop you right on the doorstep," Howard says as I step into the cockpit, looking out at the mountains ahead. "Ready to finally be in the field?"
"I'm surprised you offered Stark," I say, being genuinely surprised by him in a way that is very rare.
"You know me, anything for you Adelina."
He vouched for me at the start when nobody else did aside from Erksine, but this is something else. "I suspect the colonel won't be very happy with you."
He just looks at me with that infamous playboy grin. "Well, for a lady like you it's worth it."
And I entertain him. "Perhaps I'll thank you with a dance then."
"I hope so," he says looking me up and down, and I look back at Peggy and Steve who stare at me incredulously.
"Just get us as close as you can," Steve says, who should be glad I'm taking Starks eye away from Peggy.
"This is your transponder," Peggy says handing it to me. "Activate it when you're ready and the signal will lead us straight to you."
"Are you sure this thing works?" Steve asks sceptically.
"It's been tested more than you pal," Howard teases and I attach the transponder to my belt and ready my parachute.
"Stark where did you put those grenades I asked for?" I ask and Peggy brings out a box of them.
"Are you sure those will be necessary?" Steve asks as I sling the holder around my shoulder and secure it, my knives already attached to my belt. "Have you used those before?"
"Many times," I assure him as I walk to the door of the plane, having to steady myself against the wall as Howard swerves and we hear the artillery fire. "Shit, get us close to the mountain and get the hell out of here!"
"Get back here!" Peggy orders. "We're taking you all the way in."
"No you aren't!" Steve argues while I look down below for a landing spot.
"You can't give me orders!" Peggy argues back, desperation in her voice.
"The hell I can't! I'm a Captain!" "Follow my lead," I order Steve before I throw myself from the plane into the warzone below.
Steve and I approach the base in plain sight, the helmet of the Hydra guard I killed hides my face, makes me just another one of their sheep as I hold a gun to Steve's back. I spent the entire walk here convincing him of the plan, yet he's still sceptical.
"Are you sure about this?"
"Stay quiet," I order, shoving him for the guards around me to see as we reach the front door and in perfect German I tell the guard. "A prisoner, may you direct me to the holding cells?"
Oblivious he gives me the directions to where the other prisoners are being held, just as planned.
"Move," I order Steve with my gun at his back.
Silently we walk through the base until we find the holding cells, dozens of men cramned into what resemble large bird cages.
"Another one?" the guard asks as I bring Steve over.
"Hw many men are on duty here?"
"Half a dozen of us?" he answers in confusion.
"Thank you," I say pushing Steve aside and firing on the guard, with single shots taking down the others who come.
Three others run down with guns raised. "What happened!"
"Prisoner escape," I say with my gun pointed at Steve before taking them down as well.
I look to the prisoners and find Steve already freeing them with the guards stolen keys.
"I can't find Bucky," he panics and one of the prisoners interrupts.
"There's isolation cells nearby, but no one's ever come back from them."
"I'll search the isolation chamber," I tell Steve, as the prisoners start running through the halls. "Focus on getting these guys out of here alive."
He's hesitant. "If you find Bucky-"
"I'll find him," I promise Steve. "No man left behind."
He gives me a single nod before running off with the prisoners and I turn my heel to go deeper into the base. With my Hydra uniform I may as well be invisible, so there aren't any incidents as I pass by them.
"I have orders to run checks on the isolation cell due to the prisoner escape," I tell one of the guards and he points the direction for me.
Yet as I enter the isolation cell it becomes clear to me it is anything but that, this is a lab. There's a sickness in my gut as I find a man strapped to the table and immediately I know.
Pulling my knife free I make quick work of cutting the restraints and gently slap the mumbling mans cheek. "You alive?"
"Barely," he groans and I search him for wounds but he seems to be alright aside from the malnutrition and exhaustion. And the other truama that comes with being one of Hydra's experiments.
I grab his dog tags and let out a breath of relief. "James Barnes."
"Yeah?" he says still half-conscious.
"You're safe, you hear me?" I say but he resists when I go to help him up, lashing out in a pure response of fear, fight or flight.
"Bullshit," he curses and I remove my helmet leaving him stunned, for just a moment forgetting his fear, and he stops fighting. "Who the hell are you?"
"I'm here with Steve Rogers," I say carefully and his eyes widen.
"Steve, Steve's here?"
"He's helping the rest of your unit escape," I answer and extend my hand knowing how disorientated he is, looking into those bloodshot eyes, so big and full of fear. "Now James, will you let me help you?"
Dumbfounded by the relevation about Steve he nods and groans heavily as I help him into a sitting position. "Can you stand?"
He nods weakly and I press a gun into his hand, knowing he has no choice but to keep fighting despite his current state. "Then on your feet soldier."
Holding onto his arm I help him to his feet, having to hold him up as he finds his footing. "It's alright I've got you," I say slinging his arm around my shoulder when it becomes clear he in fact cannot stand. "Let's get out of here."
"You don't need to tell me twice," he says as I half drag him out of the lab not letting go until he has some stability. "Okay I think I've got it, well I hope I do," he says trying to stand on his own and while it takes a great amount of difficulty he does it. "Thank you, I- I didn't catch your name."
"You can get it when we've made it out of this damn base," I say pulling free a grenade from my belt and looking at the lab I pulled him out of. "Now let's light this place up."
He shields his eyes as I throw the grenade down the hall and I hold his arm to steady him as the explosion shakes the entire wing.
"Someone would have heard that," he says as we begin running down the hall.
"I assume Steve has them occupied," I reply and we turn a corner to find a dozen guards running at us. "Or not."
I quickly pull another grenade free and duck back behind the corner, dragging Barnes with me, and sure enough a moment later there's no more guards.
"Problem fixed," I say looking him in the eye, our chests rising and falling from where we're pressed against the wall and raise my gun. "Come on."
Yet as we turn the corner again a man runs behind us but the split second before I shoot I recognise the shield he carries.
"Steve?" Bucky murmurs at the sight of his friend who is not doubt twice the size he was the last time he laid eyes on him.
"Bucky!" Steve yells and I watch the two friends reunite in the hall.
"The hell happened to you?"
"I joined the army."
They embrace yet sure enough more guards come to break up the party. I put a bullet in the head of the first one who appears, and then the rest.
"Nice shot," Bucky says eyeing me with an adrenaline fuled astonishment.
"Sorry to break up the reunion boys but there's a lot more where those guys came from."
"I was chasing Zola," Steve says and my lips part.
"Zola?" I whisper, knowing the name far too well and I look at Barnes with a heaviness in my heart at the knowledge of what must have been done to him. "Where?"
"I don't know I lost him."
I nod and load my next round. "You two get out of here, I'm not leaving this base until I find Zola."
"Oh no," Steve says. "You're coming with us."
"I don't take orders from you Captain," I remind him. "This is personal-" I'm cut off by the sound of distant explosions shaking the building, more powerful than any grenade or tank. "Shit, they've initiated self destruct. Go!"
"No man left behind remember!"
Bucky grabs my wrist and looks me in the eye, telling me in a low voice "Zola isn't worth it."
I'm not the only one this is personal for, which is the only reason I listen.
"Then follow me."
The boys follow me through the base as I mow down the soldiers, Steve using the shield to deflect the fire coming out way and make sure Barnes doesn't collapse on us.
Finally we reach the main reactor room, unsurprised to find it collapsing in flames. "Keep running," I say clambouring up the stairs, looking back to make sure Steve has Bucky. But before we can make it to the other side an all to familiar voice calls out.
"Ah, the Red Widow herself," Schmidt taunts from the other side. "And Captain America. Glad to see Erksines hard work finally being put to use."
Without hesitations I raise my gun and pull the trigger, only to find the chamber empty. "It appears you're out of bullets." He hardly reacts to the knife I throw, catching it with ease before it meets his head. "Oh Miss Adeline, you should know better. After all I was Erksines greatest success."
"His greatest monster," I retort as he tears off his flesh mask, revealing the red skin beneath that I had heard rumours of for years now.
"You guys don't have one of those do you?" Bucky asks, still half delirious and I shake my head.
"The Red Widow, Hydra's greatest weapon, oh how you have neglected your potential, while I embrace it fully, without fear."
"Then why are you running?" Steve asks and they open fire just as I reach for my grenade, yet the elevator doors shut the moment before it makes impact.
"Damnit!" I curse as the reactors below continue to explode and I grab Bucky by the arm, pulling him along the platform as we run for safety. We find just one way across, an unsteady beam.
"It's weight should hold," I say looking at Bucky, malnourished from imprisonment, but I definitely can't say the same for Steve.
"Ladies first," Bucky says and I don't argue, knowing I'm the lightest.
"I'll cross, then Bucky, then you Steve."
"Alright I've got your back," Steve says as climb over to the railing to the beam, glad for all my training over the years, with light feet I make it across without trouble and pull the metal guard free, making it easier for the boys to get to the platform.
"Barnes your turn," I call out and Steve helps him over the railing, he's determined as he takes steps forward across the unsteady beam until it begins to collapse as he's halfway across. He stills and I extend my hand to him. "Come on, I've got you!"
It creaks and collapses fully as he jumps, grabbing my arm as I pull him onto the platform and we topple to the ground, his weight on top of me. Whatever relief is short lived as I look over his shoulder to Steve and we realise he can't get across.
This time he helps me to my feet and calls out to Steve "There's gotta be a rope or something!"
"Just get out of here, go!" Steve insists.
"No, not without you!"
"Move," I order as I pull free the grappling hook from my belt and throw it to Steve. "Attach it to the beam above, it will hold as long as the beam does and swing!"
Bucky grips the railing tight in fear for his friend and I hang onto his arm in almost equal anticipation as Steve readies himself and swings across. He lets go and Bucky and I both reach for him, pulling him onto the platform and not another moment is wasted as we get the hell out of there.
We run outside to find the prisoners celebrating their freedom, their victory.
"We did it," Steve breathes.
"Yeah you did it you crazy son of a bitch!" Bucky exclaims and I watch the boys embrace laughing, high from adrenaline and slapping each other on the back as boys do.
"Come on get in here," Steve says when he notices me standing there and when I hesitate Bucky pulls me into their embrace.
"I can't believe we made it out of there alive," Bucky laughs and for the first time in so long so do I.
It's late when the prisoners are resting in preparation for the walk ahead seeing as the transponder got slightly fried in our escape. I sit on the outskirts of the makeshift camp by a fire, watching the prisoners all praising Steve, their hero, while I watch on in silence. I was never raised to be a hero, to want the glory, I was trained to get my job done as efficiently as possible and go home. Yet it does sting a little.
I'm pleasantly surprised when a familiar man comes and sits beside me, away from the commotion.
"I was waiting to ask Steve who the beautiful woman who saved my life was, but it seems I won't get a chance," he says looking over at Steve still surrounded by a crowd of soldiers and I smile at his attempt to charm me, now of all times. "You know, I never did catch your name."
"Adelina Viktoria Morgan," I say, feeling a sense of comfort with him.
"James Buchanan Barnes." he says holding his hand out to me and shaking it in a formal greeting. "But everyone calls me Bucky."
"And everyone calls me Ada," I tell him, while in truth very few people know me enough to call me anything.
"Ada," he repeats, taking the time to finally observe me just a I study the features of his face, handsome. "That's a lovely name."
"You were barely conscious a few hours ago, are you sure you're in the right mind or place to be flirting with a woman?"
He wears a grin at the challenge I put forward. "Well I was thinking of asking you to check my wounds but you don't seem to be a nurse."
"And how do you know that?"
"I've never seen a nurse with a grenade," he says and I smile a little, unlike most soldiers he has a way with words.
"Steve's told me a lot about you."
"And I've heard nothing about you," he says with a curiosity in his eye. "What you did in there, I've never seen anything like it." A small smile comes to my face. "Are you like Steve, a supersoldier?"
I nod and look over to steve, still receiving pats on the back. "Yes but I don't receive quite the fuss he does."
"Well you should," he says much to my surprise. "These guys, they haven't said it but they know what you did for them, for me. You saved our lives, especially mine."
There's a geniune gratitude in his voice, and my concern for him hasn't wavered since I found him in the lap.
"But really how are you?" I ask remembering the delirious state he was in, a sign that for more than physical torture was performed on him, but also psychological. "I saw the lab, how did they hurt you?"
"You seem like a smart woman whose familiar with that doctor, so I think you know the answer to that question," he says thickly and clears his throat. "But I'm fine now."
"You were a prisoner of war James," I say gently, knowing telling him to keep marching on won't do him any good. "You don't have to be."
His demeanour changes and his voice becomes defensive. "No, I do have to be."
If I was anyone else I'd walk away now, but I can't. "I know what Hydra does to people in those labs because I was one of them once." He goes silent and watches me as I lean forward. "Which is why I intend to kill as many of those bastards as I can, Zola most of all."
"I don't doubt that," he says with a slight smile, a newfound respect in his voice. "You really are something else."
"And what is that exactly?" I ask, testing him.
"I don't know," he admits and I can't tear my eyes away from his. "But I'd like to find out."
There's a sadness in my chest as I reply. "No, no you don't."
Yet he only sees it as a challenge. "And why's that?"
I struggle to find the words, the words to tell this man that as much as I wish to know him I can't. And that if he wants to know me he will never see past the surface because I'm just a weapon in the hands of those who misuse me. Not a woman.
So I just look at him and quietly say "You've been through quite the ordeal James Barnes, you should sleep well before we return to camp."
Dusk still hasn't come when I lay there awake, looking at the stars and the smoke that clouds them when I overhear Steve and Bucky nearby having talked all night with months to catch up on. But nothing has caught my attention until now.
"Tell me about her," I hear Bucky say to Steve.
"About who?"
"Ada, who else."
I tilt my head slightly, curious.
"Don't tell me you've got your eye on her."
"Why, do you?"
"Oh god no," I hear Steve say, and while that's certainly a relief it does sting a little. Yet it's what Steve's implying about Bucky that makes something in my stomach twist.
"And why's that?" Bucky asks, the defensiveness in his voice surprising me.
"She is a brilliant woman, extremely intelligent, a fighter but in truth that's about as much as I know. She's been my partner for months and I don't think I've ever seen her smile, like really smile. She keeps to herself and the only time I've ever seen her take the slightest interest in someone it was Howard Stark but I've learned she collects ally's, not friends," the words sting greatly, because they're true no matter how much I wish they weren't. "I've heard enough stories to know that none of the higher ups trust her because she's a Russian, because she worked for Hydra."
My jaw trembles at the numbness I feel, at the memories that haunt me.
"Or was she forced to?" Bucky asks and it is the first time I've ever heard someone try to defend me, to see beyond what they all say.
"I like her, I do," Steve insists just as he should. "She's a good partner and I like to think she's becoming a friend but if you have your eye on her I'd recommend looking the other way. I don't know what they did for her to become this way, but I don't think she has it in her to look at you the same way."
I put a hand over my heart, which is so numb, it has been for as long as I can remember. Silent tears slip down my cheeks in frustration, at wanting to so badly prove them all wrong. Most of all myself.
"Well I don't know about what you've said," Bucky says as dawn starts to rise. "Because last night she was smiling. Maybe this is where she belongs, out in the field. Because if I was someone like her and was told to be a circus act I'd be pretty pissed at the world too."
"Well you aren't wrong there," he says and a smile tugs at my lips. "If nothing else she's got a mouth on her, and she's not afraid to follow it up. I had to stop her from hitting our superior before we came here."
"I like a woman who's true to her word," Bucky says and I can see the grin on his face. "Which is why I'd like to get to know her."
"I didn't think she would be your type of girl," Steve mentions in pure surprise.
"Neither did I but can't lie, I haven't met any girl like her before," he says polishing off the barrel of his gun. "Not even close."
Neither of them notice me get up until I'm standing over them with my rifle hanging by my side, a smirk playing on my lips as I meet Bucky's eye. "On your feet soldiers, we've got a long walk ahead."
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imthepunchlord · 2 years
Oh wow, that one ask and answer REALLY has me gunning for Turtle!Marinette in Dodged a Beetle. Not only because we haven’t seen your version of Wayzz with Marinette long-term yet, which I personally would very much like to see, but also because this AU’s whole setup would lend itself well to the pairing, the reasons why not limited to but including the things that anon and you talked about. Like, whenever after Marinette gives the Earrings to Lila and begins to see her truer aspects peek out both in their friendship and in her hero work and partnership, it would be really nice to see Marinette get direct reassurance from Wayzz that neither he nor Fu blame her for transferring the Earrings to what she thought was a better candidate, and that Wayzz himself was uncertain of Master Fu's choices based on where she and Adrien were mentally. That kind of encouragement is usually most effective coming straight from the source, especially since Marinette may or may not brush off anyone else doing it as them only just trying to make her feel better. And as Tikki would no doubt try to passive-aggressively get Marinette to keep the Earrings in Princess Fragrance, it would be so satisfying to see Wayzz and indirectly Fu be like “yeah, no, this is a recurring problem with Tikki, it’s not you, and honestly the girl you chose needs more of her brand of teaching anyways so it all works out”. While it would depend on how long you’d want her to double-down on being stubborn, and while she would brush off Wayzz, Plagg, and Marinette individually as you’ve said, the specific combination of these three along with Fu himself telling her that she needs to learn how to adjust herself and actually absorb criticism when it’s given has the best chance of getting her to actually listen and GROW, albeit bitterly like Lila in Princess Fragrance, which would draw a nice parallel between them as well. Also, since we never got to experience him and Nino spend time together or really work as a hero pair, I would really like to see Wayzz interact with a young person of the current time period and have some growth of his own. It’s ridiculous enough that we don’t have a lot on the kwamis themselves despite being four seasons in to the point where we STILL don’t know the symbolism or powers of four of the Zodiac kwamis, but the fact that Wayzz has been here since the beginning as the GUARDIAN’S kwami yet we have so little on his personality and beliefs beyond the surface is nothing short of laughable. But of course, that would have required focused episodes on his relationships with Nino and Fu as well as continuous worldbuilding through a character that actually lived through what he’s talking about, and we can’t have nice things. Anyways, sincere apologies for rambling, this got way longer than I meant for it to lol, but I would love to hear your thoughts on all this even if you go forward with something else whenever you start writing DaB.
Yeah not sure on Turtle!Marinette for Dodged a Beetle.
I will say, nothing is for sure as I haven't thought about what miraculous Marinette will get, or how she is going to be on the team, and how well received she will be. Its one of those things where its all up in the air. I've have considered possible matches here and there but nothing concrete as I'm not that far planning wise.
But so far, Turtle has not been of those considered.
Especially since that isn't reassurance Marinette needs to hear. She doesn't doubt her pick in Lila or that she was wrong in her choice of giving up the earrings, and honestly, Tikki isn't going to go out of her way to be passive-aggressive with Marinette all that much. She's going to be far more focused on Lila and doesn't trust this girl to leave her alone long enough to go berate Marinette. In Tikki's eyes, Lila requires a full time babysitter. At most, she and Marinette have chance encounters where Tikki isn't as patient or kind as she could be, but it's over and done, she has a willing hero that requires her full attention and focus.
Marinette is no longer much of a priority or care to Tikki.
So getting Wayzz as a source of reassurance about this choice isn't something Marinette needs as she doesn't think she's in the wrong for that. What she needs is a more flexible kwami that won't discourage her from opting in to join right away. The biggest thing was the pressure and the must do this there's no other options, you were picked, you gotta do it now! Marinette is an amazing hero, the big issue in Origins was the pressure and the rush and the lack of options she got. And the factor that canon wise, Marinette took on the earrings fully out of obligation than actual want cause there was no one else in that moment. It's actually one of the big reasons Plagg would've been a better kwami for her as he's a lot more lenient, less pressure, and his miraculous isn't a MUST be out there and its the only one to solve everything.
Either way, Wayzz is another kwami that would prefer his full time hero to act and be involved now. His power is about protection. You cannot be a protector by taking time on the sidelines and trying to decide if you really want to join the fight or not. I do think he and Marinette would have a wonderful friendship, as based on the little we see, Wayzz appears to be very observant and adaptable, as he was very quickly able to learn how Nino works and met his needs so they're able to get along. But he won't be coming in to help Marientte in the way she'd need which is patience and flexibility. His power would be another demand to be out there all the time if with a full time active hero. Honestly, for Adrien, out of the 7, this is why Turtle would've been his best. It matches him liking to be in the heat, works off his instinctive protective nature, offers him far more defense, and has him matched with a kwami that will offer him sound guidance and help him learn caution, but Wayzz will observe and adapt to Adrien so he can better get along with him, and in turn, be listened to more easily. He'd probably have a far closer friendship with Wayzz than Plagg honestly.
Another big issue is that in this, Fu has no reason to give up the Turtle. Out of all the miraculous he has, he picked that one as it offered him the most security; and based on what the 5 are, Turtle should've had an edge over Butterfly. Canon butchered it, but hey that's why we throw canon in the trash where it belongs.
I thank you for sharing your thoughts, but this isn't the fic for Chelone. I'll have something for her one day, but its more likely to be like, Fortune Favors the Brave than this.
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paper-cloud · 3 years
Tumblr media
i. the crushing weight of what happens next
part of "(there will be a) tomorrow"
fandom: prospect (2018) characters: ezra, cee rating: T words count: ~3K context: post-canon general warnings/tags: see series masterlist warnings/tags for this chapter: ezra's pov. angst. not graphic descriptions of wounds, blood and amputated limbs. mentions of minor characters' death. (probably very) inaccurate but anyways vague descriptions of medical treatments and post-anesthesia symptoms. taglist: @ravensmutty @buttercup--bee @thegreenkid (again, thank you all for your interest and encouragement! :3) @krissology @ezrasarm @bonktime (please forgive my nerve, i won't tag you in the next chapters unless you'll explicitly ask me to! just thought about someone else who might be interested and you guys are AMAZINGLY talented and inspiring "prospect"/ezra writers. it's not my intention to waste precious moments of your time! 🤡
He'd have thought it was almost ironic – opening his eyes to the light only to see nothing. To feel pain.
He'd have laughed about it, most likely. A bit later, he'd have acknowledged it was a reasonably fair compromise; for him and any other wretch that'd ever dared play dice with darkness and miraculously made it out alive.
And in the very end he'd come to laugh at himself, too.
He knows the drill. Someone who trades their own life with the contract of the highest bidder doesn't see the universe in black and white, let alone is in a position to draw the hypothetical line between the two of them.
Must be an even more wicked universe than he's ever cared about, then.
At least, that's where the struggle of opening his eyes made him stumble upon; when a blade of light thrust through that hint of a gap he'd pushed himself to create in the middle, resonating through the dark coils of unconsciousness like a harsh, unforgiving bell.
A skilled mariner over silky rivers of natural redundancy and rapids of professional edges, Ezra is a man who can appreciate a sharp wit when he recognizes one.
That was too much even for him.
Floundering in between a blinding whiteness and a black hole that wasn't even completely black, but permeated by a thick, suffocating haze that filled every ghost haunting his mind with its stench. With the color of diabolically lush leaves.
Forest— spores— poison— death.
It hadn't been enough to let him dangle in apnea above a roaring vortex of lifeless emerald; take him away from the grey flow whose elusiveness he'd come to appreciate more than he'd ever hated to endure its chaos— from the bubble built on the routine series of one last jobs that, in the end, never really were.
There'd been a moment when, from the higher parts of the room, his pupils tumbled down, tripping over a patch of green discreetly lurking in a corner.
He almost threw up.
It had taken him a while to clear out the misty grit clotted in his corneas— focus on white walls, light wood paneling... a harmless seedling in a pot.
He'd breathed heavily, deeply. He sure hadn't got much relief from it. Still, he'd been able to hear its sound, louder than he'd ever heard it before, the musical, cooling mesh of oxygen particles in and out of his lungs almost begging his fingers to be touched.
Fresh air.
Had he been less sore – less convinced it was just the residual effects of anesthesia pulling pranks on him –, he would have burst out laughing. Even more so if some poor soul of the medical staff nearby would have called for reinforcements from the other side of the space station before storming into his room.
He'd be laughing now, too. The best he can manage is sitting on his bed, leaning his back on the headboard – which is what he's struggling to do right now— and well, sometimes the room lighting still slightly bothers him. Of course, with all the painkillers and antibiotics they've given him, he wouldn't feel like the wound on his stomach is swallowing the entire arsenal of stitches and bandages.
He just wouldn't like her to get the wrong idea.
He blinks several times, like a man who no longer trusts his eyes. How can he, when they're burning like that, in such a different fire from the one from days before – damp and flickering? For reasons he can imagine, she seems to be faltering. Totally beyond his comprehension, he could swear she's smiling at him. Something inside his ribcage creaks oddly, while the curve of his chest arches upward.
It's just a huff of breath, weak and hoarse, yet scratches his throat all the same, in a way that its walls feel studded with rock spurs. Actually, Ezra doesn't remember talking since they left the Green behind – which, being him, is saying something – and it's like an eternity has passed since their pod docked up there.
The nurse who let her into his room has just left and Cee sinks her hands into the pockets of her sweatpants. She's still smiling— just the faded shadow of a smile, now that he takes a better look at her.
"How's your wound?"
It sounds a lot less plain than he expected.
She hasn't moved towards him any further, and for now she's not showing any hints at wanting to. In her irises, Ezra recognizes thumping stars and cerulean clouds, all clustered in the black circle cut by the large porthole next to his bed. All before catching the thin mist veiling them. As if she did want to reach those stars, let herself get carried away by those streams of bluish dust, but she had no idea how or what to do there.
He looks down, the borders of the bandages over his abdomen slightly raised under his black short-sleeved tee. He clears his throat.
"S'healin' nicely", he says, with a deliberate lightheartedness that costs him a sharp, bizarre inflection in his voice. He closes his eyes soon after, tilting his head condescendingly. "That's how the nurse feels about it, anyway... S'not like I can feel much more right now."
This reminds him of those vacuous moments between brief, chaotic waking states and delirious dreams. When he'd managed to reconnect some essential key points scattered around in the talks of surgeons and nurses; the weariness he felt from simply gathering he was on a space station due to enter the orbit of Mesos in three cycles and something standard hours. All while his only solid reference point – the only indisputable proof he was still alive – was the sequence of beeps chirped by the medical monitor perched nearby. Constant, not monotonous. Friendly, even. Sometimes, he actually comes to miss it.
"A trust fall to the extreme, I'd guess", he snorts, a sly laugh as weak and heavy as the words trudging out of his mouth. As the whole rest of him.
Whatever answer she's considering, Cee freezes it in a quick purse of her lips – maybe a nod, but for his own good he'd rather be doubtful. Then she starts looking around.
There's a chair under the board firmly anchored to the opposite wall – probably a desk or something he's never needed to test, whatsoever. She grabs it and puts it next to his bed. She sits down, bringing her legs to her chest, squeezing them in her arms.
Waiting for what, Ezra has no idea, and he's afraid she doesn't have any, either.
He doesn't speak, though, nor does he encourage her to do the same. Her pearly gaze roams steadily but unhurriedly from him to somewhere beyond him, her nose buried in the gap between her knees. He studies her carefully, two purple crescents above her cheeks, a few hair strands swinging down her face without her wiping them out. The nights she's slept through haven't been any more peaceful than his.
Trust, he recalls in the meantime.
It sure brings an odd taste to his mouth. Something close to sweaty spacesuits, grimy paths and gone-off ration bars. A single word for two human beings forced to share the same air filter for days; that, and the image of a dead body left to rot miles behind and the desperate commitment not to end up in the same way.
His gaze just happens to trip over his right side, taking in the deflated sleeve over the emptiness that saved his life. When he lifts it back to the girl, meeting her eyes just before they can flutter away, he realizes they were both looking at the same spot. And he realizes something else— something he's already understood, yet not quite.
There is no tube binding them now.
"Why d'you do it?", he mumbles a split second later, almost like somehow the thread of his question has immediately knotted to the one of his previous thought.
He huffs. He shouldn't even have asked her, in all honesty. Seeing her like this, at least he should have put it in another way, danced around it, it's not like he’s never been good at stalling, after all—
"Comin' back", Ezra says instead, and when he swallows, he mainly does it to send his heart back down his throat. If he'd died without being given the last chance to be this straightforward on this matter, he would have probably kicked his ass all the way to the other side. 
This time, Cee doesn't avoid his gaze. He shouldn't be surprised by how collected she looks, given the calmness she handled his infected arm with and then told him about when she used to slip into Jata Bhalu carcasses. But he can't help it when he thinks she can't be much older now than what she was then.
He watches her breathing in, wobbling her pupils here and there, seemingly considering his words. She's not afraid, not any more than what she seemed to be when she walked into his room. Maybe she's just better than him at playing pretend – but this, he can't tell whether it's more of a good than a bad thing. Especially for her.
One thing he can tell is that she's not the same girl who pointed a trembling gun at him before running away into the woods. He knows she's not afraid.
He knows...
So is it the hunter's instinct he has to blame if he feels she is?
"Guess I've seen too much death on that forsaken moon to just... turn my back on one I can help– one I can do something about."
If he was standing in front of an entire mountain crumbling down into the ocean, he wouldn't hear its sound. ‘Wouldn't even be the worst he deserves. She did hesitate before adding the last few words, but Ezra refuses to believe she did that because she was afraid of hurting him. He may be a wretch, but not a fool.
Kevva, for a man who's always managed to untwist himself from far tougher situations with the tangles of his tongue alone, he's sure having a deal of trouble – and he wishes he could put all the blame on his current physical condition.
There is no word he doesn't have to weigh carefully now, to prevent it from taking too sharp edges once out of his lips. He may float around it forever. But once he's let her go without saying anything, he'll hardly find the courage to look within himself again, more than after any other job that hardened his hands with calluses and tarnished his eyes with blood.
He doesn't know for sure. In fact, everything he was sure to know – about the turning direction of the universe and the one of the wheels in his head – has already collapsed in front of him, tracing a flaming tail. An unforgiving meteor following a trajectory far beyond his grasp.
He just knows silence scares him, in a way that a wrong word will never do again. It terrifies him. More than as a talkative person, as a castaway on a hostile moon for too many cycles to keep their count – with the only company of a mute. Silence is green; the green of the most poisonous pollen, lethal in his brain just like toxic spores enveloped in his lungs. The green of snake scales ready to stand and scratch his flesh until liquid crimson pours out of it.
And at the end of the day, this is the only fucking thing he can tell himself to know without having his guts churning and chest heaving a beat later.
"Stop looking at me like that."
It's more of an exhausted prayer than an annoyed remark. Ezra blinks, stunned by the sudden return from the shapeless stream of his thoughts.
"Like what?"
"Like you're looking for the words to thank me", Cee settles back into her chair and this time she lets one leg touch the floor, "Tell me you owe me, and you– you're sorry about what you did."
Ezra sniffles. "Would it be bad?" 
"No, it—". She closes her eyes for a moment, clenching her jaw. "Just no good", she breathes out, calmer.
And the discordant note in those words conjures up ghosts not yet vague enough for Ezra to be able to tolerate them without something twinging inside him— like a violent flutter of wings. Voices groping their way up ravels of compromises. Damon, deep in the forest. Himself, with the mercenaries in the Queen's Lair. Cee, days before that. After he—
She's right— those words she hasn't said yet, but whose shadow he feels looming every time he catches her wetting her lips.
Some things just can't be split evenly.
"This is not the Green", she states, suddenly more confident but no less exhausted. "If you're going to hang around just because you need to, once we reach Mesos¹ you'd better be on your way."
Ezra doesn't interrupt her. A faded echo starts making its way into his ears. A former prospecting partner, many years ago. An easy job on a forgettable Fringe moon.
Gems don't have an expiration date. Deals do. Strike 'em if you need to, get rid of them as soon as you can. Unless you care to dig a quicker way to your grave.
He didn't pay attention to it, then. He'd thought it was just the empty rhetoric prospectors drop absentmindedly to fill the time between an unrewarding digging and the next. All the more so under the rickety advice of a couple too many.
His eyes still wide open, hands shaky, he merely reciprocated the awkward bottle lift of his partner, whom he didn't know more than the meanders of that quarry. A toast to a faceless future – a nothingness still more reassuring than what was all around and behind them. Not to the darkness of the cave, basically unbreakable if only for the red halo thrown by the twinkles of sharp, sinister Prystines². Not even to the two poor bastards that had set out with them, ending up skewered a few hundred paces behind – one by mistake, the other to return the favor of saving him from the clutches of a furious Aiu³.
Like an idiot.
Several contracts later preventing him from missing a beat in front of similar hiccups, the logic of that statement no longer sounds so absurd to Ezra. Luckily for him, Cee understood it long before him.
"I was just lookin' for the words to tell ya you'll be better off without me—"
Half a truth. Half a heartbeat. After all, she isn't the only one of them who knows how to sell it.
He leans his head back against the headboard, eyes half-closed, a sly grin baring a couple of his upper teeth. It would almost be intimidating, except that the glint hitting them doesn't quite match the dying one in his eyes.
"—But you beat me to it", he finishes, and he sounds like he's about to fall asleep.
He slowly turns his head away, looks through the porthole. His gaze clutches to the passing asteroids outside, distant nebulae spraying the sidereal black with hues of purple, blue, red— then green, again. A climbing plant squeezing him from the inside, discomfort starts creeping on him an inch of his body – what's left of it – at a time.
He doesn't want her to think he's angry at her, and it's the only concrete foothold emerging from the fluid, magmatic chaos in his mind.
How could he be, when she came back to get him?
She didn't have to.
She doesn't have to be here, either...
"I'm sorry", she suddenly blurts out.
He meets her eyes again, a mix of bewilderment and disapproval shading his own. He shakes his head.
"I just—". She starts fiddling with the extra fabric created by the folds of her sweatpants. Then she sighs deeply. "I have no idea what I'm gonna do now."
He snorts. "Not that it's s'pposed to make you feel any better, but... neither do I."
He doesn't have a hazy helmet choking the glimmer in his eyes, an air filter breaking some frequencies in his voice— maybe just those making him sound sincere, while saving those trapping him into the swamp of self-loathing.
He was nothing but honest when he told her the rules of the game on the Green. When he openly admitted he was a killer, and when he assured her he wouldn't trade her for the Sater's Aurelac. And she's always seemed to believe him, maybe for that kind of desperate inertia that washes over people when they need something to cling to. Whatever the case, Ezra can only hope she wants to believe him now. But she doesn't speak, and for a moment his fear of not saying enough overcomes that of crossing her boundaries.
"But w—", he immediately bites his tongue, "—you still have three cycles to figure things out. Someone up here will be able to help you. Even so, please know you'll always have my most sincere gratitude."
The effort of lining up all those words and so few pauses to catch his breath casts a thick fog over his ears. His eyes suddenly hurt again and he finds himself squinting.
What happens next, he just records it, hardly managing to follow each cause-effect relationship. A series of events softly raining on him without making a noise, while he can quite imagine them to be way more prolonged in time. Cee leaning towards the lighting panel on the wall, sliding her finger counterclockwise, and the white coating the walls turning less painfully bright; her getting up, walking away, dwelling just before the door. "I'll come to check on you tomorrow", she says, sniffling.
She tilts her head, holding his gaze in her watery one for an agonizingly slow while – Please, don't ask me why.
He blinks once – Of course.
Then, the automatic door is once again engulfed by the wall, closing behind her with a metallic rustle.
His heart is taken by a spiraling jolt that leaves an empty cave behind. When it falls back into place, Ezra finds something has tripped in there, shapeless and quivering like the nucleus of a newborn star.
Hope, terror and everything that lies in between. 
1) Mesos — Invented planet. Its only raison d'être is that "mésos" in Greek means "middle" and my intent was to frame this story in a moment of transition (after those of movies) for both Ezra and Cee. 2) Prystines — Invented kind of crystals. They're implied to be huge, red and very sharp, thus endangering the path through the cave. 3) Aiu — Invented predator, ideally a big feline.
Yeah, uhm... at this point, if someone was ever to give me any kind of feedback, constructive criticism or random thought, I think I'd just melt into a puddle for the attention alone. And to all those who came all the way down here, your bravery shall not be forgotten. ♥️✨
In my defense, it's (almost) all P**** P*****'s fault & of his habit of taking orphans under his wing from one planet to another.
I know people in the fandom generally tend to make Ezra and Cee go along straight away after the movie, so this will be a slightly different take on things, I guess... But even if I don't know if I'll keep this series going atm (life & maturity exam suck), a final reconciliation is definitely on the way. ;)
Oh, and any beta reader that should feel like helping me out for when I'll have the next chapters ready is warmly welcomed! My DMs are always open and I swear I don't bite! :3
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kinglivv · 4 years
13th Doctor X Fem!Reader
Summary: The Reader is the Doctor's wife, who she hasn't seen in years.
Warnings: Guns/murder
A/N: Decided to do an actual HAPPY fic for once. I sort of imagined the reader being a bit like River in this. Sorry it's a bit messy, it was a last minute thing I decided to write along with my Root X Shaw fic which I've just posted, so be sure to check that out if you're interested!
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The office was dark.
It doesn't look like much of an office anymore - the gun fight had left it in tatters. Computer screens smashed, papers all over the floor, chairs toppled over. There's dozens men in suits - agents of some kind - all lying on the floor, passed out or groaning over their bullet wounds. You sigh as you kick a gun away from the last one lying flat on the carpet. Whoever had sent them after you would surely be sending more, and you needed to get out quick.
You had gotten the files you needed, tucked securely under one arm. You reload your gun and begin to stalk towards the door, the green exit sign gleaming through the darkness.
You stop just short of the doorway, pressing up against the wall and listening for movement.
Your heart rate picks up - you can hear footsteps, the unmistakable clicking of brogues. You click the safety off of your gun, ready for them to appear when...
The door swings open and the man falls through, landing flat on his front. He was out for the count, and you're thrown for a minute. He had clearly been wide awake two seconds ago, and you certainly hadn't been the one to knock him out. That could only mean...
"Come out with your hands up," You hear a Yorkshire accent say from the other side. "You've hurt a lot of people - I think it's time you stopped."
"Fat chance." You smirk, gun aimed at the doorway, ready to fire.
There's no reply, and suddenly a woman steps out from the darkness, followed by another woman and two men. She's got short blonde hair and a strange outfit on. She looking at you with a look you can't quite decipher.
"Y/N?" She asks softly, and your gun hand flinches a little.
"How do you know my name?"
She smirks, before taking an all too familiar item out of her pocket. A sonic screwdriver.
"Doctor!" You break into a grin, dropping the gun before she runs at you, pulling you into a crushing hug. You swing her around as you laugh, before pulling away to look at her, taking in this new regeneration.
"Look at you." You smile, tears in your eyes. "Finally got the upgrade."
She smiles back before leaning in to kiss you. When she eventually pulls away, you finally catch sight of her bewildered entourage behind her.
"Doctor, who's that?" The woman asks.
"This, Yaz," The Doctor says proudly, turning to face them, your hand on her back. "Is my wife. Y/N."
"I'm sorry Doc, but since when were you married?" The older man pipes up and you smirk.
"Are you that ashamed that you didn't tell them about me, Doctor?" You raise an eyebrow jokingly.
She rolls her eyes in response, a familiar movement mirrored by all of the regenerations you'd met. You haven't seen her in years - a part of you thought she was dead honestly, but here she was in the flesh and you couldn't be happier.
"What are you doing here?" You ask her.
"We were passing by. Heard gunfire." She shrugs. You can tell that's only the half of the story, but you're too caught up in the fact that she's here to care. "What are you doing here?" She retorts.
"I work for Torchwood now. This is my job."
She frowns, looking at the state of room. "Killing people?"
You purse your lips. You had often wondered what your husband now wife would have thought of your job.
"Not now, love," You tell her lightly. She's about to reply, but the hand on her back very quickly slips under her shirt and begins to draw circles. She bites her lip. Luckily the others don't seem to notice the exchange.
"Who are these then?" You ask her, motioning to the group of people who she seems to have brought with her.
"This," She says, "is my fam! Meet Yaz, Ryan and Graham. We met in Sheffeild about a year ago. They've been with me ever since."
"You lot have been looking after her while I've been gone?" You smirk.
"Yes, minus the fact we didn't know you existed until 2 minutes ago." Ryan replies, and you feel the Doctor falter next to you.
"Here," She says to them, attempting to shift attention away from what Ryan had just said. "There's a really good sushi restaurant down the street. You lot go there and I'll meet you later."
They take the hint, and say a half hearted goodbye, before trailing out the door. Almost as soon as they're gone, the Doctor's back in your arms, lips on yours.
"I've missed you," She murmers in between kisses.
"Likewise - " You cut yourself of with a moan as her hand buries itself in your hair and she tugs. "Where's your TARDIS?"
"Round the corner," Her other hand is sliding under your top, nails scraping over newly exposed skin.
"Don't think we'll make it," You reply, and she looks at you wide eyed. "There's an empty storage cupboard in the next room. Come on."
You grab her hand and she follows suit, a grin on her face.
Taglist: @queerconfusionthings @truthbehindthemysteries
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girlpornparadise · 4 years
The Caged Bird Moans (pt 1)
Pairing: Diego Jimenez/f!Reader (Power - Starz)
Word Count: ~2600
Warnings:  It's a bit Stockholm syndromey, but that's not a real thing anyway (look it up). Not exactly non-con, but it skirts the idea, so if power disparities aren't your jam, please move along. It just real dirty. SMUT!
Personal ramble: Would anyone actually react like this to the situation I've set forth? No. But just as the pizza guy is never hot and doesn't offer you his extra sausage, this is porn people! So suspend your disbelief and don't hate on me for my bullsh*t.
I also wrote all this nonsense a week ago before I read anything from the lovely @1zashreena1 , @heresathreebee or @nicke0115 so sorry if it looks similar, I swear it's a coincidence.
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"Ouch", you think to yourself but instead swallow the pain. Your arm hurts under the firm grasp of the thug dragging you from the elevator into the spacious penthouse.
"Be careful with that." Says a commanding voice from across the room.
The grip loosens, but he's still using your momentum to force you forward. You stumble, unsure of just how much danger you are in.
As you take in your surroundings the owner of the voice turns around and approaches you. He looks you up and down, examining you like a prize he had won.
"We can't afford to damage her." He states plainly, looking at the man still holding you in place.
As he examines you, you examine him right back. Whereas he is doing it in an obvious way, head nodding to rake his eyes over you, you move your eyes only, unable to control your body in this moment. You follow the carefully polished boots up past the fitted black jeans to the black buttoned up shirt with the slight sheen to it, that accentuates his frame. Everything is obviously expensive and very deliberately chosen. As your eyes settle on his face, a recognization dawns on you. Diego Jimenez. One of the heads of the Jiminez cartel. His reputation was well known to you. An unstable, merciless man whose penchant for partying made him a big name in certain circles. You were scared before, but now your body goes rigid with fear and your gaze hits the floor with force.
Though you're no longer looking at him directly you can sense his smugness and satisfaction at knowing you are now showing the appropriate amount of fear for the situation you're in. Maybe it's your hind brain telling you you are in the presence of an apex predator. Maybe it was the clipped snort he let out, tinged with amusement as he nodded with approval.
After what feels like an eternity, but was probably mere seconds, he speaks again.
"Take her to the guest room." He orders the man still firmly gripping your arm. "Lock this little bird in her cage."
Dragging you again, this time down the hall, Diego's orders are followed to completion. You are practically thrown into the room as the door slams shut behind you.
You stumble, catching yourself on the bed. You collapse onto it as tears prick your eyes and subsequently fall down your cheeks. You begin to sob, but muffle it in the covers, assuming someone is standing guard outside and not wanting to seem even weaker in such an intense situation. But the tears flow freely as the shock of what's happened slowly wears off and you begin to process the details of your abduction.
You hadn't grown up in this world, though your ties to it were strong. You were part of the Bennet family, a rival cartel, headed by your grandfather. He insisted you grow up distanced from this world. A world of violence and cruelty. A world of drugs and guns and transactions ending in death. Based on your current reaction, you couldn't help but think maybe it was because you're so weak. Both you and he knew it was true, you were too soft to be a part of the business, too kind to do what would be required of you. So he kept you away, from his city and his dealings and all of the darkness that came with it.
You were in town for a rare family visit when you were taken without warning, snatched from the street at gunpoint. They were able to do it without drawing attention, entirely professional, and you complied with their every demand as a sense of terror ripped through you.
And now here you were, trapped by a barbarous stranger who could end your life at any moment without a second thought.
As you wore yourself out from crying, you began to take in the room, determined to get your bearings. It was sparsely decorated, obviously the work of a man unattached. It was also immaculately clean, obviously the work of his maid. As your breathing slows and your senses sharpen, you become aware that the comforter you are still on top of is plush and expensive, like the kind found at a swanky hotel.
Curiosity returning with your senses, you walk over to the window that stretches from floor to ceiling and take in the impressive view of the city. If the long elevator ride weren't a clear enough indicator, the view tells you that you are in the penthouse of a very upscale building.
Next to the window is a large bathroom and you walk in. You splash cold water on your face and dry it on one of the plush towels. You can't help be momentarily amused by how well stocked the room is with soaps and lotions. There were definitely worse places to be trapped. Was this the definition of a gilded cage?
As you settle down, you take off your shoes and sit back down on the bed. You're exhausted to your core, and you sink into the mattress, wanting to disappear. You want to keep your wits about you, alert and on guard, but instead the stress combined with the late hour forces you to sleep.
You are woken up abruptly the following morning when the door swings open and you are literally dragged out of bed by the same man as yesterday. 
You're a bleary eyed, rumpled mess and the same fear and pain shoot through you as you remember where you are and how you got there. Your breathing is shallow as you try not to panic.
You've been dragged before Diego who is standing imposingly before you, hands clasped in front of him, chin slightly upward so he can look down his nose at you.
He examines you once more and you can tell he's disgusted by what he sees.
"Get our guest something to wear." He barks. "And get her something to eat. We can't bargain if she's broken."
As he turns away from you to resume whatever you interrupted, you catch the flash of the gun in his waistband and the fear settles once again in the pit of your stomach.
You are escorted back to the room forcefully and your mind is racing. You know everyone who comes through the penthouse is armed to the teeth and there's no chance of escape. You're not just weak, you're helpless. You assume you're being held for some kind of ransom, probably territory or resources as opposed to money, and you silently pray that a deal for your release is struck quickly so this nightmare can be over.
Soon after, the door opens and a housekeeper enters carrying a couple of bags of clothes. She doesn't look you in the eye and you wouldn't know what to say to her anyway. 
Once she has left, you rummage through the clothes. There's nothing there you'd pick for yourself, but you settle on a white fitted t-shirt and jeans. You carry them with you into the bathroom along with a handful of drugstore makeup you find in the bottom of the bag.
You look at yourself in the mirror and the reason for Diego's revulsion becomes clear. Your clothes are wrinkled and creased and your mascara is smudged under your eyes. You lock the bathroom door behind you, strip down and take a shower. The running water calms you and once you finish you get dressed and approximate your normal makeup routine with what you have. If you're going to put on a brave front, you need to be as put together as possible.
When you emerge from the bathroom a tray of breakfast is waiting on the nightstand next to the bed. Eggs sunny side up and toast, simple and straightforward. You devour it greedily since you haven't eaten since lunch yesterday.
The day passes with 2 more meals brought to you by the same housekeeper at the appropriate intervals. In the absence of your phone, you distract yourself with mindless TV on the rather large set opposite the bed. You don't take in much as you think about your predicament and then try to force those thoughts of the worst case scenario from your mind.
Your sleep that night is restless.
You are brought before Diego once again in the morning, shortly after you wake. 
This time you are allowed to walk under your own power, though your legs feel wobbly and your feet unsure as you approach him.
You're wearing a cotton t-shirt and shorts,  the closest thing you could find to pajamas. As he looks at you, you become painfully aware that you're not wearing underwear, his eyes seeming to stop at all the places where it should be.
You are at least able to look at him and take in more this time. He's clad in a similar black button up shirt and black jeans as yesterday, a uniform of sorts to convey his status. His hair is neatly cut and accentuates his angles, sharp jaw and well placed cheekbones. His greying facial hair gives him some earned distinction and his expression is hard and deliberate to elicit a specific reaction of fear. Through the careful tailoring of his shirt you can see that his body is sturdy and muscular. His tense posture using his frame to his advantage, making him seem larger than he actually is. You know to fear him, but he may be the most attractive man you've ever seen in real life.
He obviously cultivates an aura of power, and you can't help but be drawn to him as an Alpha Male. As you steel yourself, you dare to look him in the eyes. His eyes are cold but impossibly magnetic and you can't look away. He's looking back at you now, into you. Your heart forgets how to beat in rhythm and you swallow thickly.
He sees your fear and is clearly amused by it.
"Breakfast will be ready soon. You should go take a shower." He says, his lips curling upwards. 
"I, I was going to." you stammer.
"Good girl." It comes out as almost a purr and sends a shiver down your spine.
This time it's Diego, not his associate who accompanies you back to the bedroom. His hand is hovering above the small of your back, ushering you forward while maintaining a small distance. You enter the room and the lock clicks behind you.
You turn to see that he's still in the room and with his gaze set upon you, you begin to back away towards the bathroom,  afraid to turn your back on him. This was clearly his intended effect.
You expect him to leave, but he's doing the opposite. He is stalking forward. Your heart is pounding out of your chest and your uneven breathing becomes gulping for air.
As he closes the gap between your bodies, he repeats his suggestion. "You should go take a shower." It's not a suggestion though, it's a command.
He leans in. "Go on." His lips are close enough to your ear that his breath catches in your hair.
His thick body is now urging you through the bathroom doorway by its approach. You back through it, still transfixed by his gaze. 
You glance side eyed to your left at the shower that takes up the far wall. It's one of those large walk-in showers with a stone floor and a rain showerhead. It suddenly seems less like a shower and feels more like a trap about to spring shut.
"Take off your clothes." He says. He's not asking.
You gulp, your eyes have gone wide at the demand.
"Take. Off. Your. Clothes." He repeats in a tone that is both amused and losing patience. He raises his eyebrows slightly as he says it.
You look away, ashamed, and slowly and nervously acquiesce. You stand before him completely naked and try to avert your gaze. You are drawing your body inward, trying to conceal yourself in any way you can.
"Turn on the water." he says with his wicked smile widening.
You turn on the shower and wait for it to warm. It dawns on you that there's no shower curtain to protect you or glass wall to hide behind. You are fully exposed and will remain so.
You step under the water, unsure of what to do next. You'd obviously showered hundreds of times, but this wasn't a shower. It was a show.
"Wash yourself." His voice is quieter, more of a harsh whisper.
You grab a washcloth and pump the foaming body wash onto it. You rub it on the back of your neck and slowly work your way down to your shoulders. Your nerves have subsided a little as the water washes over your skin.
He's mesmerized by the motion of your hands and you drag the washcloth across your collarbones and down to your breasts, where you languidly rub them with the cloth as well as your free hand.
Your nipples harden at your own touch. He notices and his tongue drags over his bottom lip. You close your eyes in an attempt to momentarily escape.
When you open your eyes you notice him shift his weight and catch a glimpse of the shift in his muscles under his shirt. You get a rush as you feel the power dynamic shift slightly. You are slow to rub the washcloth down your legs and you arch your back slightly as you bend over, purposely sticking out your ass more than you naturally would. 
His eyes are dark with lust and you can feel the warmth radiating from between your own legs.
"Rub your clit." He says, reclaiming his power.
You look at him with shocked eyes and your eyebrows knit.
"You heard me." he says. "I won't ask again." His head tilting slightly.
You put the washcloth aside and tentatively slide your middle finger between your thighs to your bundle of nerves. You notice how wet you already are and using gentle pressure you begin to rubbing in circles.
You close your eyes and swallow as your walls contract and release. Your breathing gets heavier and heavier until you're panting. Panting and touching yourself for this fixated man. 
"Cum for me." He demands. "I need to see you cum." 
You think to fake an orgasm. To end this little game he's playing, but it's too late. Your finger presses harder on your clit and you tremble as the real thing rips through you. You close your eyes and cry out with abandon.
When you regain yourself you look at him. You are raw and exposed and at your most vulnerable. His mouth is in a wide smile and his eyes gleam with satisfaction. 
He reaches out to you, towel in hand. You steady yourself, turn off the water, and take the towel from him. You wrap it around yourself, suddenly panged with shame at how readily you revealed your most intimate self to this menacing stranger. Your posture closes, and reflects your return to shyness.
"Good girl." He says, and you feel the words like honey dripping in your ears.
He turns and leaves, his confident stride drawing your attention to how his jeans hug his perfect behind. 
You dry yourself off and as you get to your inner thighs you're reminded of how wet you are. How wet you are for him. You want to blame the shower, but you know the truth. You're spellbound by this man, and god are you in trouble.
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one-spidey-boii · 4 years
BUMMER SUMMER || peter parker; ch. two
read chapter one here
an; welcome back y’all. thank you to all who have read so far, even tho it’s only chapter two. i’d love to hear your feedback! enjoy!
**italics indicates flashback**
warnings; mentions of battle wounds (i.e. blood/scars/etc), future smut, mature language, fluff, angst, both peter and oc are 18+!!
word count; 2.2k+
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edie's pov
so that's spiderman? seems like a fun guy, i think as i walk through the dark alleyways so i don’t draw unwanted attention to myself. it's late and i'm navigating my way home, still thinking about my run-in with the red and blue clad boy. it's easy to tell he's young by the sound of his voice, leading me to believe he’s twenty at most. that doesn't bother me of course, as i too am considered young for a crime-fighting vigilante.
i turn the last corner before reaching my street and sigh with relief at the sight of my apartment building. the light in my window is off, aiding in the illusion that i'm asleep so my mom doesn't come in while i'm away on my semi-nightly adventures. just before i can touch the brick stones of my building as i pass by, a mechanical swoosh comes down and picks me up off the ground. i let out a small yelp and quickly find myself placed on the roof.
"hey, wolfie." mr. stark says as he walks out of his iron man suit. i let out the breath i was holding and turn around to face him. i offer him a small smile and take my hood down.
"mr. stark, hello, sir."
"school's almost out, right?" before i can answer, he keeps talking, "good. i'm gonna need your help with something."
i wipe away the beads of sweat running down my forehead as i bend down to pick up my throwing knives from the concrete ground. i steady myself and focus on the tattered piece of cardboard nailed to the wall that is my makeshift target. with a small grunt, i fling one towards the center of the red dot, hitting it dead on. i continue this activity until i run out of things to throw and my arms feel like jelly. i lost count of how many times i'd hit the center of the target in a row.
stepping back with a satisfied smirk, i collect my knives, shoving them back into their rightful place in my bag or around my waist and turn on my heel to head home. i manage to take two steps before a voice stops me in my tracks.
"hey, don't walk away now, kid, the next one would have been fifty." my eyes widen at the familiar voice that often appears on my living room television. i slowly move to face the man and gulp, mouth opening and closing like a goldfish, not being able to say a word.
"come on, one more. show me what you got." says tony stark, with a loose smile on his face.
without a word, i force my trembling hands to grab my favorite knife from my right boot and brace myself for a throw. my breathing is shaky as i raise my right arm and inhale along with it. i can feel the sweat running down my back as i close my eyes for a moment. don't embarrass yourself, e, i think to myself. with that i snap my eyes open and silently chuck the knife towards the target.
i missed.
"oh for fuck's sake." i groan into my hands before i remember who i'm with and freeze. i keep my head in my hands, making sure to cover my face, only gathering enough courage to peek at tony stark through my fingers.
"well, that's awkward, i won't lie," he says, looking uncomfortable, "but i think i saw what i needed to see beforehand. i'm tony stark, or iron man if you wanna get fancy." he reaches a hand out in my direction.
"edie wolfe, hi." i reply with a defeated and lame handshake. to save both of us from looming silence, he pulls at my hoodie before continuing on, "okay, ms. wolfe." he pauses to inspect my attire, "what is this? leggings? and a hoodie? kid, if you're gonna be throwing knives, you gotta expect people to throw them back at you. this isn't going to cut it." he motions to the thin fabric covering my arms and chest.
i laugh at his words, "oh hey i see what you did there."
not catching on to his own pun, he moves on again, "what? actually never mind, we have a lot of talking to do, wolfie."
ever since that night, he took me under his wing- and a week later i got a package with a brand new suit in it. one that would protect me a whole lot more than what i was working with before.
"earth to wolfie, beep beep boop," mr. stark says as he pokes me in the forehead. i swat his hand away and give him my full attention. he continues on, "so you're in? a summer at the compound, being scary and keeping bad guys away?"
i raise an eyebrow at him, "what makes you think my family will be okay with that?" i ask. mr. stark simply rolls his eyes, "i already talked to your father, need i show you the proof?" i shake my head and he nods with satisfaction.
"okay, kid. see you in a few days." he says, preparing to get back into his suit, but before he can fly away i stop him, a question looming over my head, "am i doing this alone?"
"of course not. i wouldn't leave you alon- well actually i can't leave him alone so that's why you're gonna be there," he explains with a shake of his head.
"and who exactly is this person?" i ask with my arms crossed.
"how about one friendly neighborhood spiderman!" he yells and takes off before i can say anything back.
finally, the last day of school was upon us. it seems that the ending of every school year is bittersweet, and to be honest it hasn't quite hit me yet. senior year was way lamer than everyone played it off to be. you're told that you're officially ‘top dog', but let's be real- no real credit is given until you've graduated. but hey, here's to making it this far.
i'm sitting at my usual lunch table, surrounded by peter, ned, and mj. we pass jokes around the group and take in every moment we have left of our time together, yanno, since peter is leaving. but so am i. which is something i still have to share with everyone.
"uh, hey, guys. can i be a debby downer for a moment?" i ask, clearing my throat and disturbing the light mood of the afternoon. the table quiets down and all eyes are on me. "so you know how peter is leaving this summer?" i ruffle peter's hair in an attempt to not make that statement so sad.
"yeah, edie, we know." mj says with an eye roll as she picks at her cold french fries. i roll my eyes back at her and mock her voice. i can't help but notice peter's guilty face sitting next to me, little does he know i am going to make it a whole lot more weird up in here.
i take in a big breath and hold it to up the anticipation, "well it looks like i'll be gone too."
ned drops his chicken wrap and shakes his head furiously, "nuh uh, nope. no way. sorry, e, i can't allow that to happen," he says with a stern voice. peter chooses this moment to negatively highlight my new confession, "edie, how dare you! someone needs to be here to look after the kids."
i lower my head in shame, god this was so hard to do. faking a playful smile, i try to make light of the situation, "hey, c'mon, we all know mj is the mom friend of the group."
mj shakes her head violently and protests against my statement, "absolutely not. i veto that with all of my being, ned is the mom." she insists as she points to the pouting boy. we all laugh at that before falling into an uncomfortable silence. i glance in peter's direction and try to smile at him. doing this to him was the hardest, i tell him everything and knowing full well that i can't tell anyone about my stay at the compound, it just hurts my heart. we won't be able to communicate all summer.
"my mom signed me up to be a camp counselor...at, uh, a self-defense camp." i panic at the last second, realizing i never thought about what kind of camp i would fictitiously be a part of. the whole table bursts out into laughter.
through short breaths and a hearty laugh, ned pokes fun at me, "edie? teaching children how to kick someone's ass? look at you, you're like a soft pillowy little marshmallow." i stick my tongue out at him and cross my arms.
"hey, i wouldn't shut down the idea too fast, remember e's dad is like, an actual fbi agent. i'm sure he's taught her some stuff," peter chimes in, coming to my rescue. i nod along and hum a 'mhm', snickering inside at how much they don't know.
once i'm home, i pack my suitcase with all the things i think one would need to stay at a high tech superhero compound. i grab all of my knives and shove them into a utility pack, along with my suit.
my parents know where i'm going, and lucky for me they’re okay with it. well, at least my dad is.
my father, sam wolfe, works for a hidden branch of the fbi that trains government spies and the occasional assassin. thus being the reason i grew to be so good at combat. he would take me onto the roof of our building and have me shoot at targets and hit punching bags. we would practice for hours at a time, his booming voice critiquing my every move and decision as i worked. i've never been comfortable with a gun, so i stuck with knives and made that my craft.
i haven't seen my dad in a few months now. to 'protect' me and my family, we weren't allowed to know where my dad was going or why he had to leave in the first place. once mr. stark came into my life, he and my father became close, putting his trust in mr. stark to watch out for me whenever he was gone.
my mother on the other hand, she hates everything about it. she’s afraid of the world and all the things that lurk behind closed doors. when dad isn't around, we aren't allowed to talk about anything related to knives or fighting or tony stark. and for my nine-year-old brother's sake, i oblige.
pulling my bag onto my shoulder and lugging my suitcase through the hall, i meet my mother and brother in the living room. she meets my eyes with her cloudy ones and closes the distance between us with a strong hug. i chuckle at her before wrapping my arms around her plump frame.
"mom, it's okay-" i start, before she cuts me off, "shhh, edie. let me have this moment."
i shut up and continue to embrace my mom. i know this is hard for her, but she needs to understand that this is an amazing opportunity for me. i'm being put in charge of the avengers compound for the entire summer. i wish i could share this excitement with my dad, but i know he's happy for me, wherever he may be.
"edie, promise me you'll come home if you can't handle it. no one is going to judge you for that. you're only eighteen. i can't believe your father is letting you do this." my mother rambles as she pulls away from me. i smile at her and just nod my head.
my little brother looks over in our direction with a shy smile on his face. i ruffle his hair and pull him to me for a quick hug, "take care of mom for me, booger." i whisper into his ear. he gives me a simple nod and backs away.
my phone buzzes in my pocket. i pull it out to see a message from mr. stark.
'beep beep, i'm here'
i sigh and look up at my mom one last time, "that's my ride." she lets a single tear stroll down her cheek before wiping it away and shooing me out the door.
once out of the apartment, i lug my suitcase down the three flights of stairs and out onto the sidewalk. mr. stark is pulled up to the curb in his fancy black car. he rolls down the passenger side window and yells at me through it, "time to party, wolfie."
i stroll to the car and pull the back door open to throw my stuff down. then i hop into the front seat and look at mr. stark, "you know, you could have come in."
"yeah, well we all know your mother doesn't like me very much. i don't wanna poke the bear," he says as he pulls his sunglasses over his eyes and revs the engine, "let's get you to your new home for the next three months, shall we?"
|| taglist; @my-patronus-is-mabel-pines
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ma-gic-gay · 3 years
Just as Michael's about to answer their question, Jason's phone goes off. "Perfect timing," he mutters before going outside to take the call. "Jason Morgan."
"Mr. Morgan, it appears Mr. Renault is at the office demanding to speak with you. What should I do?" One of his employees informs him.
"Cyrus has my number. If he would like to schedule a meeting, tell him he can call me and we'll have one."
"I've already told him that and he won't agree to it."
Dammit. Peace in this town is fragile enough; the last thing they need is an angry Cyrus. He's been unstable as of late, not agreeing to this could lead to a gunfight. Well, that's actually to be expected. "We'll meet at the office in twenty minutes then. Tell him to call off his men, including Brando. Look around the perimeter and have the rest of the guards check to make sure that there's no one on the premises or within range of hitting someone."
"Yes sir," the employee agrees, hanging up the phone.
"Business stuff?" Willow asks cautiously. After all, this is the first time she's been in this situation.
"Yeah," Michael answers, sensing from the businesslike stance he's taken in their kitchen. "Let's go check on the kids."
They leave the room and instantly Carly asks, "What did he do?"
"Demanded we meet. I don't know why or what this is about, so please tell me you didn't do anything stupid that could cost the truce to be undone."
"I haven't done anything. I've considered it, but I haven't done anything yet," she tells him. "How long til the meeting?"
"I've gotta get going. You have to stay here, this doesn't concern you. Cyrus is looking for a fight and you'll give him one. He's looking for any reason to violate the truce and take me out," Jason informs her. "I mean it. No showing up."
"Is it a solo meeting?"
"You want me to sit here and list out the times he's tried to kill you this past year and a half? Jason, you can't got to a meeting alone. You'll get killed!" Carly exclaims.
"No I won't, Carly. I've got it handled, I told you," he says, glancing at his watch.
"Yes you will! You need to stop agreeing to these one on one meetings because one of these days he's going to get you killed and I won't be able to survive that!"
"I told you, I'm not getting killed!"
"Can you predict the future? No, you can't! I know you might want to go and have this meeting but you can't do it alone!"
"I'm going to the meeting, Carly. You are going to stay here with your kids, grandkids, and Willow," he says, voice unbudging. She's not going to win.
"Promise me you'll come back."
"Promise me, Jason, or you're not going!"
"I promise."
"Fine, you can go," she surrenders, hugging him. "But be safe."
"As safe as I can be, meeting with him," he agrees.
"Alright, well you better go now or you're not going to be able to say goodbye to the kids."
He bids them all goodbye, hugs Carly again, and leaves for the meeting. His gun is on him, as is his cell phone. Though the usefulness of a cell phone is to be questioned when it's a mob meeting he's having. Not like he can exactly call the police if anything happens, they'd arrest him.
Arriving at the office, he senses that today's going to be a long day.
"Hey Harry, is it clear?"
"Yes sir."
"Alright, thanks," he says before walking into the office. "Cyrus. What's so urgent?"
"Well, Sonny's been gone a year now. I was hoping we could revisit us joining together for a way to continue the peace in this town," Cyrus answers.
"Like I told you the day you found out he was missing, that isn't happening. You're not going to run your product through this town and ruin it. This was Sonny's territory and if he's not dead and comes back, it'll be his again. We both agreed no drugs. It's not happening. Is that all?" Jason asks, bored.
"No, actually. I was wondering how Mrs. Corinthos is holding up. Given that this is the anniversary of losing her husband, I'd presume not well."
"None of your damn business."
"No need to get so defensive, I'm merely posing a question. Trying to make conversation."
"If you don't have anything related to business to discuss, my men will escort you out."
"Oh, but I doubt you will," Cyrus says, laughing evilly. "You'll be too dead to even have the chance to get me out of this room." He takes his gun from his pocket rather dramatically for Jason's taste and aims for him.
Drawing his gun himself, the now mob boss ducks, narrowly missing the bullet before firing his own, missing the other mobster by only a few inches. That was on purpose; a warning shot of sorts. "It never occurred to me," the ponytail clad man continues unaffected, "that you'd be so easy to take out. I mean, really. Your reputation is that you're businesslike and directly to the point, but then you've agreed to several meetings with me alone. I was planning on having some fairly difficult plans to kill you, but you've simply fallen into my lap. I do suppose I feel a bit bad, however, that Mrs. Corinthos will have to deal with you being dead as well."
There's a line you just don't cross in business, and that's been crossed. He remembers his promise to not die and snaps into action. "Fire that gun again and I hit you right between the eyes," Jason warns, setting himself up for his shot.
"I sense I've hit a nerve," Cyrus smiles, "mentioning her like that. Tell me, Mr. Morgan, has it ever occurred to you that you're the reason she even knows about this business? With you gone, I suppose she'll be taking it over. Though I don't doubt her, I do doubt her ability to properly run this business. It's doubtful that she'll even make it a few weeks before she's ki-"
Another warning shot goes from Jason's gun, this one only barely above his head. "Last warning, Cyrus. This isn't a game. She's barely involved in this business and you have no right to bring her up when this fight is between us. So drop the gun and get on the ground."
Chuckling as though he doesn't even really believe that he's about to be taken out, Cyrus stupidly continues, "I'll probably send one of my men to kill her, you know. Try to make it painless out of respect for her."
"Talking about me?" Carly asks, walking in with armed guards. She's got the worst timing.
"Yes I was, Mrs. Corinthos. How are you?"
"I'd be better if you were in a casket six feet under," she answers calmly. "Now, put your gun down before I kill you with my bare hands."
Where the fuck did she learn how to do that? He didn't teach her, neither did Sonny. Who did? Not the point, Carly isn't supposed to be here. She's now got the chance to be shot. That would kill him faster than the bullet wound he feels he could get.
"You heard her," Jason says. "Gun down, on the ground."
Turns out that's what needed to be done. The guards with guns pointed at his head doesn't hurt either, he's sure, but Cyrus finally gets on the ground and drops his gun.
"Good. Get Mrs. Corinthos out of here, now," he orders, to her complaints. "Carly, just go."
"I, personally, have nothing against her being here," Cyrus voices.
"You have no say." When Carly leaves, Jason calmly continues, "You mention her name again in front of me and I'll kill you. Talk about your plan to take me out again and you'll be dead. Nothing is changing. This is your last warning. Next time you try to kill me or someone I care about, you'll be dead quicker than you can even move from the scene. Get out."
Angrily, the ponytail clad man leaves, escorted by the guards. Jason then makes sure everyone knows to make sure there's no evidence of what happened, and that there's especially none Carly was ever there before he joins her in her car.
It's a quiet ride, with him firing off orders for his men and her pouting.
"I was right! He wanted you dead! You fell right into his trap!" She exclaimed when they walked into the living room of her house.
"No I didn't! Carly, I had it all under control!"
"Gun pointed at you, Jason! I walked in and there was a gun pointed at you!"
"I had mine pointed at him too! You can't walk into a gunfight!"
"Oh, but you can start one? You can get shot, I can't? Is that how this works?"
"The only reason you'd be shot in general is because of me, Carly! I introduced you to the business, I'm the reason you and Sonny got together, and I'm the reason you're still apart of it. I can deal with getting myself shot, I've survived other bullets before, but I can't deal with you getting shot!"
"I didn't!"
"Yeah, because I kicked you out of there!"
"I brought the guards, I was safe!"
"You walked into a gunfight when I told you it was the stupid thing to do! I told you not to go but you couldn't help yourself, could you, and you went to the meeting."
"You want me to tell you I was wrong and apologize? I'm not gonna do that! You could've been killed! God knows what Sonny's livelihood status is, but yours is alive. Alive, Jason! I'm not risking you dying, alright?"
"I've survived bullets before, I'd survive this one!"
"How do you know that? I need you to stay alive, so I don't care what your feelings are on the subject and I'm not apologizing! If I had to do it again and it was the only option, I'd go unarmed and alone. I would've been shot if it meant saving you from that! Cyrus wants you dead!"
"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you died because of me! Your kids need their mother! Cyrus wants you dead too and I'll be damned if I let it happen."
"So what, Jason, you'll do the noble thing and die instead of me? That'll kill me. I couldn't breathe when we thought you were dead last time. Imagine how I'd be if I knew I was the one who caused it!"
"You're not dying!" He shouts back, but there's no edge to his tone anymore. He's less pissed. "Not when it's preventable. You're not getting shot either Carly. If I cause your death, I'll hate myself."
"And you think I won't hate myself if I cause yours?"
To be continued after midnight bc I have thing to add to my blog
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: Oi Jimmy: we forgot another one off the 💀💀💀 list Jimmy: you gonna stick or twist? Janis: 👊 me if you give a shit Janis: need all the ways at my disposal Jimmy: here you are then, hot glue gun Janis: 🤔 Janis: sounds like a bit of 💀👑 & 💀#2 if you take it to your 🗢 and slowly starve Janis: still leaning towards 🔪 personally Jimmy: Alright, I'll invite them over Jimmy: keep your jealousy in check, my dear Janis: Jealous of you or them? Jimmy: ain't goals either way Janis: Neither is you taking up crafting, tbh so Janis: why have you got a hot glue gun? Jimmy: these cotton wool balls won't stick themselves to a 👕 Jimmy: gotta get 'em on before 💀👑 and 💀#2 think I've put snacks on Janis: 🤢 Janis: new 😎 look? Janis: 👎 Jimmy: piss off, this 🥉💡's nowt to do with me Janis: Who's is it? Janis: they ain't wasting snacks Jimmy: dunno, some other dickhead online whose kid don't wanna be a 🐑 an' all Janis: Ohh Janis: one of the more creative nativity outfits too, unlucky Janis: no tinfoil 👑s or dubious tea towels Jimmy: still looks shit enough to make our kid 😭 Janis: and you ain't got enough days to ship a probably shittier version from China Janis: alright, hold on Jimmy: I get that you live in the middle of nowt but nicking a 🐑 for #inspo ain't gonna help Janis: yeah, way to ruin my fun Janis: but my ma has had enough kids to have some ideas so you owe me for how 🥱 but informative this will be Jimmy: be a right laugh for you, be another pet I didn't ask for and have to piss about with Janis: or sunday lunch Janis: pessimist Jimmy: he's 😭 already, dickhead Janis: and I thought you northerners were meant to be hard Janis: grim and that Jimmy: @iantaylor8 Janis: Anyway, you want me to surprise you with the 🥇💡 or do you just want the lowdown on where to go Jimmy: depends Janis: on? Jimmy: if I can unstick myself or need your 💪🏆 Janis: 😏 Janis: how about I get on the bus to town now Janis: and if you manage to deal with your sticky fingers before I get there, then you can go? Jimmy: how's your ankle? Janis: not even on the scale now Jimmy: might be after you've put your foot down 🚍💣 Janis: Keanu could untangle you in 90 minutes, I reckon Janis: easy Jimmy: he ain't been pissing about 🐕🏃 Jimmy: how many you done? Janis: loads Janis: 💸 'cos the gifts don't buy 'em selves and the 🐕 owners are too busy sticking cotton balls to t-shirts, clearly 🎄✨ Jimmy: nice one, Janet Jimmy: now I'LL have to keep my jealousy in check while you put your 🦶 up on some other 🚍 riding knobhead Janis: only fair Janis: especially as you've reminded me how rammed that fucking bus is gonna be now Jimmy: I'll give one of my 👮 mates a bell to get you a 🚔 escort, hang on Janis: 😍 the perks Janis: there had to be some Jimmy: 🤡 perks off you Jimmy: won't be no struggle getting yourself on that 🚍 however full it is Janis: I'm pretty flexible Janis: contortionist might be a bold claim but 💪🏆 Jimmy: but it ain't a proper flex til I say it Jimmy: 💔 for you Janis: that's a fake flex Janis: don't need you for nothing Jimmy: after what happened on the assault course it'd sound like a real pisstake Janis: 1. that's agility if it's anything 2. also your fault Jimmy: never said it weren't, just how it'd sound Janis: No need to tell me what it 🔊 like Janis: the DMs are on the up again, yeah? Janis: same Jimmy: tis the season Janis: cutting it a bit fine to get a decent gift out of it Janis: but I suppose the couply selfies you can take are a close 🥈 for them Jimmy: can't keep the receipt on chlamydia but you can blag you went somewhere nice for the hols Janis: girls are actually demented Janis: at least no lad is gonna try and put me in matching knitwear and make me meet his nan Jimmy: 🥇💡 idea though I'll get you a #goals gift that ain't a trip to the cemetery Janis: oh yeah Janis: I'll get you something as well, even though I'm not required to try as hard Jimmy: stick a 🎀 on yourself and have done Jimmy: what the rest of the lasses do Janis: yeah literally Janis: as long as I heavily imply I'm gonna suck your dick, all is well, all is #goals Jimmy: 👍 Janis: but if you don't do good that # is gonna be a read Jimmy: challenge accepted Janis: even if you get out the glue after me Janis: you can come to the shops too Jimmy: I thought you were gonna say even if you give me the glue gun #regifted Janis: I mean Janis: not quite handcuffs Jimmy: fuck's sake babe, let me leave my work at work Janis: fine Janis: the 🚔 escort will as you won't Jimmy: you and your stolen 🐑 Jimmy: dead romantic, that Janis: I'm not from the middle of nowhere, tah Janis: 🐑shagging isn't a hobby Jimmy: back to the drawing board for our fake break up Janis: all the shite songs they pump out have plenty of inspo in 'em Jimmy: nowt I don't know about 🎄🎵 been forced to hear 'em since November Janis: 💔 gutted Jimmy: no chance of 🎻 Janis: how have you not fully lost it yet Janis: only a few days to go Jimmy: how'd you know I've not? Janis: I'd have heard of a mass shooting Janis: not that out of it Janis: also my sister wouldn't be about no more which would be a bigger giveaway Jimmy: 👻 letdowns Jimmy: worst I can do is rattle a few cups Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Janis: I'm used to it Janis: the friendmas organisation is in full swing Janis: 🤡🔫 Jimmy: where's my invite? Janis: OMG, no boys allowed! 🚫 Janis: though bets on Mia breaking her own rule there just to torture Grace Jimmy: I'll 👗👠💄 and be a prettier lass than any of them Janis: 😍 what kind of fake gf would disagree Janis: aside from the fact that ain't a stretch on a good day Jimmy: tah Jimmy: when is it? Janis: [some day as close to xmas as you are allowed 'cos pretending we're such good mates like okay] Jimmy: alright Jimmy: 🖋🩸 Janis: like, no offence or anything, babes Janis: but I don't see you passing REALLY 😬 Janis: and even they might notice they've picked up another desperado Jimmy: 1. piss off would I not 2. call it my 🎁 seeing the look on 💀👑 when I bring her 🎄 cake Janis: it would be decent craic Janis: they never do it at ours though Jimmy: typical, that, can't get sodding rid the rest of the year Jimmy: have to get us an 💌 then, won't I Jimmy: hang on Janis: I get it Janis: you miss Asia Janis: don't think 💀👑 has 'em do team-building exercises 💔💔💔 Jimmy: yeah, cupid's arrow's got nowt on falling on your arse when the ground's near froze Jimmy: reminded me of home 😍😍😍 Janis: she's well considerate like that Janis: not so braindead after-all Jimmy: 🤞 Jimmy: don't wanna give 💀👑 the 🎁 of seeing I've had to flirt with her to crash their bollocks festivities Janis: can't play into her hands that hard Janis: keep your 😍😍😍 focused in the right direction Jimmy: 🚍 Janis: yes, this is your driver speaking Jimmy: be a 🚑 if your mum ain't cracked on to a way I can chuck this glue gun Janis: I've sorted it Janis: well my sister's shit taste in fashion helped Jimmy: usually get 💰 for 3rd degree burns, me Jimmy: how's that for a flex? Janis: You made a rod for your own back being the artsy one or what? Jimmy: weren't gonna let a 6 year old have a go, were I? Janis: and it's not Ian's thing Jimmy: dunno where he is Jimmy: might be work, might be the pub Jimmy: be a better shout to give it over to my sister, anger issues an' all, any road Janis: you can put it down and get yourself a drink now Janis: all I need you to have is a black marker, which I know you do Jimmy: #whenshereallygetsyou Jimmy: 🥃 cheers Janis: you know those sherpa jackets they all have Janis: makes them look like a giant 🧸 but not in the adorbs way they're hoping Janis: Penneys has loads of them, get a paper plate, glue it on the hood and colour it in black, cut another in half for the ears and ta-da Janis: and I'll just take the jacket so no need to pay me back Janis: only in favours, obviously Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: IOU enough 🚬 to send that cheap shite up in flames, I get it Janis: yeah, probably don't string some fairylights round his neck as well Janis: would've taken hers but it's almost pink and I reckoned that'd just make him 😭 more Jimmy: you'd have to nick them an' all for him to be in any danger Jimmy: and what kind of fake boyfriend would let you up on the neighbour's roof with that ankle Janis: you want some lights? Janis: it's the easiest shop to borrow from Janis: they must have some that aren't shaped like the 🍆 emoji or a fucking unicorn Jimmy: 💔 I ain't coming with, you've really sold it to me Janis: oh, duh Janis: you call it primark Janis: it's hell on earth, you'd love it Janis: when they ain't guzzling your over-priced coffee, they're getting fast fashion made by little slave kids 💖 so cute Jimmy: hang on, why the fuck do you call it something different? Jimmy: now I have to come, not gonna knit an ugly jumper myself and nan's 💀💀💀 Janis: adds to our delightful charm? I don't know Janis: imagine the atrocities Janis: I'm gonna find the best, by which I mean WORST, one Jimmy: I'll meet you there Jimmy: be enough dickheads to follow if I get lost Janis: follow the knock-off UGGs they've trashed in the rain and snow Jimmy: hot Jimmy: don't get enough wet 🐕 smell off of you as is or owt Janis: err fuck off Janis: I haven't even got a dog, you have Jimmy: I have nowt to do with it, you can't move for 🐕🐾💩 Janis: 1. I don't fucking smell, dickhead 2. you're well opposed to me showering so you'd have yourself to blame if I did Jimmy: I'll nick you a 🦽 and you can do what you like Jimmy: many cold 🚿 as you need, mate Janis: you just want me to freeze now Janis: and your ⛓ kink hasn't got any less blatant Jimmy: weren't the way you wanna 💀💀💀 Janis: It ain't Janis: so your genius plan better include a way to warm me up Jimmy: might do Janis: the ugly jumper don't count Janis: cheap shit, as mentioned Jimmy: don't remember chucking it in the ring as my 💡 Janis: I don't wanna dress up as a sheep neither 😏 Jimmy: 💔 you'd be a well fit and mysterious one Janis: the racial undertones of ba ba black sheep have already been pointed out Janis: very on the nose Jimmy: I ain't got as far as black facing our kid, what more do you want? Janis: yeah, minorities are WELL demanding like that Jimmy: that'll be why Ian's steering well clear Janis: 💔💔 of course Jimmy: 🎻😭💔 Janis: thank god this is fake dating Janis: don't need a get out situation, tah Jimmy: knew you were protesting too much about the ⛓ Jimmy: you love it, Jules Jimmy: don't even need the stockholm syndrome to kick in Janis: not so much I wanna try it with your dad Janis: that's more 💀👑 gig Jimmy: UGH FINE we won't pass you round Janis: 😂 you're vile Jimmy: 💕 Janis: not as bad as some of the 'people' on this bus though Janis: won't be too hard to pretend to be glad to see you, in case any of the herd as in Penneys Janis: glad to breathe clean air more like but 🤫 Jimmy: 🚭 I get it Jimmy: very subtle Janis: easier to get you to cut down if I just take half Janis: but alright Jimmy: stop having a go at my stamina, dickhead Janis: make me Janis: 🤐 Jimmy: 🏃 after your 🚍 ain't the way to go about it Janis: Impressive but also stalkerish, yeah Jimmy: turning every dickhead there into a fan ain't clearing either of our DMs Janis: I doubt all these 👵👴 have Instas Janis: but the single mums with the screaming kids, definitely Janis: don't wanna ponder the creepy guy at the back Jimmy: but have you double checked it ain't Lucas in a disguise? Jimmy: he'll be missing you SO bad by now Janis: 😱😱 Janis: my hopes? ⬆️ Jimmy: 🎁's have begun, Jasmine Janis: Good Janis: I do expect one every day tbh 💅 Jimmy: alright Janis: that's a joke though Jimmy: don't have to be Jimmy: 🏆🥇 me Janis: only if you're gonna steal 'em all Janis: don't need to waste real money for the fake #goals Jimmy: DUH Janis: then proceed Janis: I can slowly just put them in Grace's room, I'm sure Jimmy: we could use the glue gun to stick 'em to her ceiling Janis: now you're talking 😍 Jimmy: do 💀👑 an' all if that's where their friendmas is but probably need a ladder to reach her ceilings Jimmy: no standing on the bed when you're 💰💰💰 Janis: You love to carry me, I'll get on your shoulders Jimmy: 👍 Janis: I think it's at hers Janis: maybe 💀#2 but none of the others want their houses and lives judged that hard so they opt out Jimmy: we'll be able to get some more blackmail material either way Janis: Did you seriously get an invite? Jimmy: are you actually doubting me or what? Janis: I know Asia's thick as shit but Janis: what did you say? Jimmy: [sends her the messages cos it seriously wouldn't be hard since the flatwhites think everyone wants to be their BFFs even though the opposite is true, so all he'd have to do is be like soz about the school trip we're just SO IN LOVE WE CAN'T HELP OURSELVES] Janis: 🙄🙄 Janis: fairplay but 🤢 🤮 🤧 😷 🤒 🤕 new scale needed Jimmy: go on then Jimmy: where are you? Janis: Do you actually know your way about yet or? Janis: I'm still a bit away, though, if that's what you mean Jimmy: I did mean on your new 🤢 🤮 🤧 😷 🤒 🤕 scale Janis: 🤕 then Janis: clearly Janis: you? Jimmy: 🤮 Jimmy: weren't talking to 💀👑 Jimmy: directly anyway Janis: She'd not have said yes Janis: unless she's got some pig blood just waiting, like Jimmy: she's so #invested in our 💘 she'd say yeah near enough whatever I said Jimmy: probably reckons she can 💔 us before the pudding's served Jimmy: her 🥇💡'll be to have Asia in a sexy santa outfit ready to crack onto me or some bollocks Janis: nah, seriously Janis: wanna talk pimps Janis: one of Asia's only uses Janis: poor bitch Jimmy: I'll take my 🎻 Janis: as long as it don't look like you're 💔 you can't go there, fine by me Jimmy: I get that none of them can read body language but facial expressions are a bit easier Janis: and you are so expressive Janis: 😒😎 Jimmy: for you, baby, the 😎'll be off Jimmy: nowt to do with the 🌧 and 🌨 Janis: 😳😖🤤🥴 Janis: so many expressions 🏆 Jimmy: Oi, I wanted to give you the 🏆 Jimmy: pissed on today's 🎁 Janis: 😮 there's me, still acting surprised Janis: you can't say you're gonna give me something then not Jimmy: SUCH range, you Jimmy: where would I steal a 🏆 from? nah, you'll get something Janis: I take my wins in many forms Janis: you can just tell me Janis: that'll work Jimmy: you can just wait Janis: 🥺 Janis: original scale Jimmy: it'll be worth it Jimmy: famous last words Janis: can poison the dish we have to bring Janis: if you're ready to go 💀💀💀 Jimmy: I don't wanna go with them Jimmy: just you Janis: I can promise it'll be worth it then too Jimmy: alright Janis: am gonna make that meal fucking inedible for them Janis: even if it's coming straight back up in most cases Janis: and fucking with them however else we can  💭 Jimmy: 🤞 Bill's 👻 knows some others, Dickens would be a good shout to keep things on brand 🎄 Jimmy: but whether he do or don't I've had loads of piss poor dinners Jimmy: Ian knows how to pick well #goals girlfriends Janis: think he'd be the 'what's the point in you if you can't cook n clean?' type Janis: being mysterious runs in the family, clearly Jimmy: beggars can't be choosers, mate Jimmy: slim pickings round that office when you've already been done for harassment Janis: 😬 Janis: need to talk to Mia's dad, work out the legality of being a perv with no repercussions Jimmy: how he tells it he's had loads 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: woe's him Janis: woe's the stupid bitches still going there after, more like Janis: have a word, ladies Jimmy: sort your heads out Sharons Jimmy: need a new mum who's got her shit together, tah very much Janis: one who's handy with a hot glue gun Jimmy: or a sewing machine, why the fuck not dream big? Janis: steady on Janis: #mommygoals isn't a hashtag I wanna endorse Jimmy: 😏 Janis: take mine, if you like Jimmy: bit weird Janis: I only 🐕🏃 Janis: cooking, cleaning, hot glueing, not services I provide, soz Jimmy: I'll live Jimmy: more #goals to be fuming about your mother in law Janis: easily done Jimmy: with my mum an' all, soz you'll have to take my word for it Janis: you're unlikely to see mine Janis: unless you have a banging selection of herbal teas Jimmy: gutted she don't wanna see her 🐑💡 brought to life on stage Janis: reckon turning up when you ain't got a kid in it gets you on a register, no? Janis: my dad coulda, sure some of his spawn are performing too but alas Janis: she didn't have that many 🥈 Jimmy: Ian's seat's going spare is all, obvs it were front and centre, dad of the year that he is Janis: what's he got on? Janis: latest disciplinary Janis: is your brother gutted? Jimmy: he'd be gutted if I weren't there Jimmy: what a #humblebrag Janis: good thing you can be arsed then Janis: and you have a sister too, right? Jimmy: dragging her along, kicking and marding 💪🏆 Janis: know the feeling Janis: bribe her with maccies after and tell him it's a treat for being a ⭐ Janis: everyone's buzzing Jimmy: what've you got on? Janis: me and my absolutely packed schedule? Janis: only 🐕🏃 ain't far off, aside from what I wanna, which can be done any time I want, of course Jimmy: nowt 🥇 about mine but we could edit it to look like we're #livingourbestlives Jimmy: I live right by the school, you could wait for me there, take some 📷 or whatever Janis: It's actually not an awful shout Janis: they're all obsessed with the cute kid thing Janis: and actually, Asia might be there with hers so Janis: very goals Jimmy: do try and put it out my head there's more than one set of those 🦷🦷 about Jimmy: fuck it, come then Jimmy: least I know you'll be sitting down Janis: 😂 fuck marrying a doctor, she's gotta find a dentist, for the whole family's sake Janis: I'm not coming in a 🦽 though Janis: that's a bit much Jimmy: #ultimategoals Jimmy: just admit you want me to carry you, girl Janis: behave Janis: might not be OUR teachers, but they'll have no issue telling you off, I'm sure Jimmy: donkey'd be a bit much but as fake pregnancy announcements go, top tier Janis: so gutted I can't fake labour and give birth to the new lord and saviour Janis: really steal the show Jimmy: could if it's Lucas' and you're making a Christmas cuck of me Janis: um, it's God's Janis: keep up Jimmy: sure it is Janis: 😱 Janis: didn't catch Joseph acting up like this Jimmy: didn't give him any lines, did they? Janis: I think he gets to ask if there's any room at the inn Jimmy: Oi mate, give us a 🛏 Jimmy: brought my own ⛓ like Janis: don't even get a break mid-labour Janis: hardcore Janis: weren't you Joseph in your nativity then? Jimmy: that your guess? Janis: yeah, I reckon Jimmy: what were you? Janis: just a generic angel Janis: was going to be one of the wise men but grace threw a fit if we weren't exactly the same Janis: tah for the downgrade Jimmy: if they could 👀 you now Jimmy: oscar worthy fake girlfriend performance day in, day out Janis: obviously they didn't see my potential like you, babe Janis: she might have legitimately tried to murder me if I got to be Mary 😂 no she weren't a twin, like Jimmy: I actually were one of the wise men, soz, sweetheart Jimmy: could've been #fated Janis: bet you was frankincense 'cos you could say big words Janis: I'm so 😭 honestly Jimmy: as roleplays go, not my top choice, but owt for you, babe Janis: if anything is a test of how well you can fake it Jimmy: you testing me? Janis: depends Jimmy: ? Janis: if we have the time to make THREE costumes instead of one Janis: I highly doubt it Janis: 😏 Jimmy: challenge accepted Jimmy: tin foil 👑 weren't it? Janis: yeah, and some kind of bedsheet robe, bit of tinsel Janis: sorted Jimmy: bet they have a 👸🏽 I can nick for you if your description of that shop were owt to go by Janis: definitely Janis: even if the hen party ones have L plates and dicks over 'em, the Disney ones should be a bit more nativity appropriate Jimmy: steal the show piss easy Janis: LOVE making little kids cry, obvs Jimmy: same Jimmy: just ain't as good when they're deaf, you can't get the volume out of 'em Jimmy: gutted we didn't end up with one who always shouts, obvs Janis: I'm gonna assume you got that deaf free pass and not go there myself Jimmy: safer to take owt I say with  🧂🤏 Jimmy: all fake anyway this Janis: ain't forgotten, you're alright Jimmy: didn't hit your head, I remember Janis: wouldn't tell you if I had Janis: the drama'd be too much Jimmy: I'd have worked that much out Jimmy: northern and only a bit thick Janis: 😵😵 Jimmy: no excuses, pisshead Janis: I know, I know Janis: you pride yourself on being 🏆💪 at the whole fake caring bf thing Jimmy: you saying I'm not? Janis: didn't say that, nah Jimmy: what then? Janis: what do you mean what? Janis: nothing Jimmy: 👌 Janis: you're lucky you live in town Jimmy: about the only thing mine's got going for it Janis: yeah Janis: this bus ride has nothing though so take the 🍀 Jimmy: how long? Janis: gimme 15 Jimmy: [gives her whatever he's drawn her for the first advent doodle because I was hoping to find something but I've been cockblocked] Jimmy: [maybe it's her as a lil bub wise man though now cos live your dreams] Janis: [love that, when you dunno what to say for a hot sec so you post it first being fake but lowkey having to tell the real story somewhat 'cos like, why and what else so it can't be that fake] Janis: you are good at art, give you that Jimmy: @ Ms Howe Jimmy: 💰 on her having a real account but dunno what it is Jimmy: @artteacheroveralls73 Jimmy: @reasonswhyloadsofartistsareproblematic Jimmy: @ihatenortherners86 Janis: you aren't her fave? Janis: 💔 Janis: cliche affair could've cut out any need for fake dating Jimmy: not a lass with a bowl cut and 🖌 behind her 👂 Janis: you've got the same type Janis: bummer Jimmy: piss off Janis: 😂 Janis: we can say it is Janis: maybe one of 'em will chop off all their hair Jimmy: you'd have to an' all Jimmy: unless you're that 🥇 I've binned off my type Janis: Precisely Janis: no competition Jimmy: what's yours then? just 👴 who teach you or what? Janis: must be Janis: not a lesbian and that's the other guess Jimmy: 👍 Janis: tah Janis: well affirming Jimmy: didn't need telling that you weren't gay Jimmy: not that good of an actress Janis: rude Janis: basically got an oscar Jimmy: off who? Jimmy: don't count if you give it to yourself, Judith Janis: you Jimmy: you've had nowt off me but that top quality 🎨 Janis: only because you can't find a 🏆 to give me Jimmy: 'cause it's up to me what I give you Jimmy: and as rewards go, I can do better Janis: I like the drawing Jimmy: yeah? Jimmy: you can have it, instead of just a 📷 if you want Janis: alright Jimmy: alright Janis: what do you actually want Janis: in return Jimmy: what's #goals? Jimmy: other than all this nativity bollocks Janis: true, very selfless of me Jimmy: there you go then Jimmy: weren't wrong about the 👼🏽 casting even if you were fuming Janis: I can fake 👼🏽 yeah Janis: but it's not really that selfless with all the #content we'll be getting Jimmy: still, I'll leave off taking your halo for a bit Janis: 'til you get me my 👸🏽 Jimmy: only fair Jimmy: can't fit a bobble hat over a head that big and with all that hair an' all Janis: still not getting a bowl cut Janis: let it go, babe Jimmy: good Jimmy: hard enough to fake the 😍 as you are Janis: yeah right Janis: hear the 🎻 from here Jimmy: play them like you mean them, babe Janis: if you wanted this to be easy for you Janis: should've picked an art hoe you could get properly 😍 over Jimmy: you're alright, a lass like that wouldn't be impressed by owt like a quick 🖋🎨 Janis: so now I'm TOO easy, yeah? Jimmy: not a tweet I'll be sending but Janis: fuck you either way Janis: just because I'm doing my job 🥇 you're gonna have a go Janis: thank me, more like Jimmy: fucking me regardless is something an easy lass would do 😏 Janis: yeah but I only fuck you 'cos you're the perfect little boyfriend so don't matter Janis: no one knows how much of a colossal dickhead you are, remember Jimmy: be about right Janis: you haven't bumped your head and forgotten the plan neither Jimmy: not yet, like Jimmy: but hell on earth were what you said Janis: if you get in way of a big mammy and her Christmas deals, you might be in luck of a fair smack, yeah Jimmy: #kinkunlocked Janis: good 'cos I won't be saving you Jimmy: 💔🎻😭 Janis: 🖕 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: entertain yourself Jimmy: easy Janis: contrary to your opinion, not obsessed with your 🍆 or what you do with it Jimmy: got an inbox full of lasses who are, I'll live Janis: yeah, you're loving it Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: [a picture of him waiting for her wherever the bus comes in doing his own 🙄 because he's a nerd and also he's never gonna just wait for her outside the shop when THAT ankle] Janis: Wow, if you're gonna leave, politer ways to 💔 Jimmy: ruder ways an' all Janis: idk Janis: quite rude, that Jimmy: is it? Janis: suppose I don't have to fake my 😍 at your mug right now Jimmy: there you go then Janis: Not going to say thank you still Jimmy: 💔🎻😭 Janis: you don't need to wait though Jimmy: can't chuck myself under the 🚍 til it gets in Janis: not how you wanted it Janis: or how I said I'd do it Jimmy: never said it'd 💀💀💀 me Jimmy: you want a 🦽 or what? Janis: you want matching Janis: alright Jimmy: what could be more #goals? Janis: I quite like walking but you know Janis: as you like it Jimmy: dry your eyes, mate Jimmy: bit more nursing and you'll be well away Janis: you gonna let me go then? Jimmy: 💪🏆🥇 you Jimmy: not gonna have a choice Janis: thought you might finish the job Janis: 🦶🪓 Jimmy: did cross my mind Janis: No shit, Kathy Janis: the kink is blatant Jimmy: you could do worse, Lucas ain't gonna let you piss about in bed all day when it's his turn Janis: 🤤🤤 Janis: I like the challenge Jimmy: #blessed Janis: counting down the days Janis: #tilwemeetagain Jimmy: 🤞 you'll have him all to yourself in detention Jimmy: no tah needed Janis: you heard anything yet? Jimmy: he ain't using that for why he's not bothered to crack on with crafting a 🐑 costume Janis: 👎 Janis: he's gonna look cute Janis: not your dad Jimmy: I get it, no need for a poor man's Lucas when you can have the real thing 🥇 Janis: something like that Jimmy: 👴💕 Janis: [better show up gal] Jimmy: [resist the urge to immediately pick her up please sir] Janis: [when you're awkward like it's been ages just because there's been like a night or a day whatever reprieve love it, just like let us get to primark to get this sheep costume moment hun] Jimmy: [are we doing both on mobility scooters or him pushing her in a wheelchair/trolley because v different vibes but both iconic] Janis: [hmm, I assume their Dublin store would be big so I reckon we could go mobility scooter, you would find that more fun once you get into it too] Jimmy: [love that just don't do a me and knock a whole display of bras over yourself] Janis: [I did say we threw our bra on Mia's head so let's not reclaim that for yourself hen, though I do find them difficult to drive as someone who hasn't needed to so it will be carnage, like Primark at xmas isn't already hehe] Jimmy: [10000% am gonna say he takes off her shoes and won't give them back so instead puts on some OTT christmas slippers that are shaped like a xmas pudding or some nonsense because she's been on that ankle too much honey and we are cross] Janis: [we do not love ourselves or our lives enough to take a break so it's tea also that is amusant so yes because shan't be buying and that's the kind of mankiness you can expect from this shop or any high street one lowkey] Jimmy: [literally just gonna chuck them back on the floor or leave them in this scooter basket soz not soz, she's not walking around they won't get too trashed hens] Janis: [peeps do go feral so so can you lads, not to mention taking the piss out of all the weird things they put on clothes 'cos it do be wild] Jimmy: [they are gonna have a lovely time taking the piss out of everything and everyone tbh] Janis: [there should be peeps from school in there but like randoms so not enough to warrant a full show but as an excuse you barely need for couplish behaviour when spotted] Jimmy: [great idea cos you know there would be loads of peeps out shopping rn odds on some of them you vaguely recognise, I vote for some art hoes for the lols] Janis: [ha some art hoes out with their fam or something I live] Jimmy: [aesthetically doing the most haha] Janis: [just immaturely like there's your real girlfriend] Jimmy: [will get you with this scooter like they're bumper cars like oi] Janis: [when you don't know her name obvs so you're just shouting out really pisstakey ones like oi clem oi wren etc] Jimmy: [can't not lol] Janis: [sorry to this girl but we're not, just don't trash these scooters that we're using to bump into him/everyone/everything] Jimmy: [also not sorry for whatever he's chucking at her as the mood takes him] Janis: [just don't chuck that stripper jumper or we'll actually be raging] Jimmy: [can't wait for your jumper try on sesh when we reach that section lads] Janis: [oh lawd] Jimmy: [they should try on like onesies and all sorts so we have to have a full big disabled changing room moment] Janis: [the filmsy excuse like must you? yes obvs] Jimmy: [we live for a flimsy excuse in this era] Jimmy: [actually gutted the flatwhites aren't here because they have beds set up with xmas covers etc in the big primarks imagine the show they could've put on] Janis: [we must be prepping our low-cal xmas meal lmao] Jimmy: [Asia won't be making her sister's donkey outfit] Janis: [lmaooooooooooooooo what else can you do in a primark hmm] Jimmy: [I don't think we can get decs cos they all suck we're gonna have to steal them from elsewhere] Janis: [that fine, any other shop will have some that aren't horrific, primark might have the kind of make your own vibe that Bobby would like] Jimmy: [aww that'd be cute] Janis: [you crafty boi, you'd also know how to do it without a kit girl so if you wanna come through you can, as for primark, we probably get the vibe, unless there's anything specific we wanna say/do?} Jimmy: [I think we've covered it so you can go back to his gaff and construct this 🐑 lewk] Janis: [at least we've made your life 10x easier with this coat, also gonna be the first time you've been to his so probably just hanging about outside like am I leaving now or] Jimmy: [will carry you over the threshold like that was what was stopping you coming in even though he blatantly doesn't need help & make you tea so we can have that milk two sugars revelation] Janis: [just like sup bitch to Twix] Jimmy: [the beginning of the real love story] Janis: [not like we're pure awkward and like hi dog this I can do right at least] Jimmy: [I hope they've found a christmas jumper for you too Twix cos there's no festive cheer in this gaff] Janis: [casually assess how many decs we gotta get, also dread to think the jumpers you've ended up with] Jimmy: [give her that doodle you did and dramatically sign it like a nerd] Janis: [🙄but 😏 'get famous and I'll flog it'] Jimmy: ['you've posted it, bound to get insta famous' cue a fake dramatic scroll through his phone] Janis: ['if you have to put a word before it, it don't count' and mimes shooting him in the chest 'cos insta fame is all we have hunny] Jimmy: [does an OTT death scene] Janis: [twix will be trampling all over you like oh hey what you doing down here] Jimmy: [😒 but we secretly love her really] Janis: [just like it's your own fault boy but putting out a hand to help him up] Jimmy: [takes it and pretends like he's gonna pull her down which is accidentally saucy, remember that mud moment lads, but doesn't obvs] Janis: [😳 and lowkey pretending you're gonna drop him so he's reminded of Asia and the assault course instead] Jimmy: [puts her foot up and generally fusses like a nurse because we know it's fucked] Janis: ['you're meant to be drawing a sheep's face right now' 'cos you cannot like focus boy] Jimmy: [gets and chucks a bag of frozen peas at her so he can put a tea towel on her head like an even bigger nerd but then does get his craft on] Janis: ['downgrade' like where's me crown but staying put 'cos it'll be more fuss if you don't] Jimmy: [obvs does make her a crown that's actually decent because that bitch] Janis: [so amused 'cos impressive 'wasted on me and not quinn'] Jimmy: [takes a pic like it's not wasted now but really it's to hide our heart eyes/stop him saying something that he can't pretend is fake when there is nobody here] Janis: ['rather this than a sheep, I guess' like not a #goals lewk soz bobby it will be on you] Jimmy: [chucks all those cotton wall balls he couldn't attach at her like they are little snowballs because playfights forever] Janis: [just juggling with them like I too can be impressive lmao] Jimmy: [craft break while he tries to have a go/tries to get her to teach him how to do it because we're impressed but also competitive] Janis: [love that for y'all, I can't do it but I assume you'll at least be able to do 2 or 3 jimothy] Jimmy: [one should fall in his tea though because 💔] Janis: [devastation] Jimmy: [cue OTT pout soz for how distracting that always is] Janis: [getting up like calm down, I'll make another one, 'cos looking for an excuse to move tbh] Jimmy: [gotta push her back down into that seat before she can because sauciness forever] Janis: [just like OI but a LOOK too] Jimmy: [giving that LOOK back as standard] Janis: ['I can do it'] Jimmy: [putting out a hand to help her up for that parallel] Janis: [reluctantly taking it with a 😒 'cos omg we're fine even though we aren't but you know] Jimmy: [does the drawing a smile with his finger tip thing because if we actually touch her rn there will be no stopping us and this sheep isn't gonna finish itself] Janis: [run and make that tea gal distraction distraction] Jimmy: [likewise get crafting again jimothy] Janis: [let twix out the kitchen door 'cos she's being cray no doubt] Jimmy: [of course she is] Janis: how old is your brother Jimmy: 6 Janis: cute Jimmy: I'll pass that on Janis: the only kids I know are toddlers and babies Janis: have to be a bit less annoying at that age, right Jimmy: he's the only kid I know Jimmy: don't do my head in as much as the screaming 👶's at work Janis: yeah Janis: my oldest sister has a couple, they're nightmares Jimmy: 🤞 Ian's past it Janis: 🤞 his girlfriends are Janis: blokes never are Jimmy: depends whose arse he decides to slap at the photocopier this week Jimmy: 🤞 for a barren Sharon Janis: Christmas wish, or whatever Jimmy: @ Santa Jimmy: have a word Janis: plenty of sad christmas movies with that premise Janis: your brother really needs to be the ⭐ though Janis: you're well past it Jimmy: piss off am I Jimmy: every teenager on telly is played by a 35 year old, me and my crows feet are well in Janis: and I'm saying you pining for a step mum is for a whole different type of film Jimmy: dunno what you mean by that, Jenna Janis: 😇 Janis: [come back with that tea and the most dubious sure jan face] Jimmy: [😏] Janis: [shakes head like tut tut] Jimmy: [sips tea in a sassy manner] Janis: ['animal' and pointedly checking out his progress] Jimmy: [imaginary watch check time lol] Janis: ['never ends, eh?' squishes his face like poor boy] Jimmy: [a shrug 'not til you kill me'] Janis: ['better put in your appearance first for the kid'] Jimmy: [nods because no fucker else is gonna do it 'whatever they're using for the baby jesus might come in handy an' all, fake kid for you to remember me by' because we think we're leaving lol] Janis: [such an unamused face 'no thank you' like you don't know how rife teen pregnancy is in this fam lol] Jimmy: [a look like yeah it won't look as fit and mysterious as me but still] Janis: ['it's always some pale ginger kid anyway'] Jimmy: [picks up Twix and wraps her up in the sofa blanket like a little bub and hands her to Janis like there you go cos looks a bit like them being white but with whirls and she was a bit gingery when she was a pup] Janis: [when you can't just yeet this dog so you have to take her and give her some love but you're like 😑] Jimmy: [squishes her face like she just did to him] Janis: [swats him away 'prick' and is on our phone like we're very busy but we just don't wanna make this bad mood more of a thing] Jimmy: [Twix just kissing her face like ILY] Janis: [can't be mad at this pup at least, in reality we just seeing where nearby does decent decs that you can go and get] Jimmy: [meanwhile we're getting the bae painkillers cos we think that's why she's cross] Janis: [shakes head, 'saw Helena earlier'] Jimmy: [shrugs like suit yourself 'tah for keeping it off the 'gram' like she's cheating on you with Helena imagine] Janis: [? then like ugh 'turns out she sells 'em so well in' she does not and we did not, the utter lies girl] Jimmy: [we're ignoring that bollocks and drinking our tea/finally finishing this sheep] Janis: [ta-da gesture 'where is he, anyway?' like neither of us can model this sheep moment adequately] Jimmy: [looks around OTT dramatically like 😱 where IS he? cos can't just answer a question] Janis: [lifts up a cushion or something like hello?] Jimmy: [cue a silly fake hide and seek] Janis: [Twix will give you away so easily lmao] Jimmy: [eventually flopping down OTT dramatically basically on top of her like you're so knackered because always taking the piss out of his stamina] Janis: [acting like he's so heavy like you're gonna kill me] Jimmy: ['not the way you wanna go'] Janis: ['is that even a question?'] Jimmy: ['didn't draw owt' because he did draw ? on her with a fingertip during the school trip and it was very flirty] Janis: ['there you go then' like no need to answer] Jimmy: 'reckon we're on our own' like there you go then for that question you asked about Bobby's whereabouts but you're still basically all up in her grill so it's accidentally flirty as well as a no shit answer] Janis: [takes a picture to be like now we ain't] Jimmy: [do a little photoshoot so you can have an excuse to make out because it's been FOREVER as far as you're concerned] Janis: [when we haven't even processed any of this lowkey] Jimmy: [it's a headfuck kids] Janis: ['did you go to school this morning, after?' 'cos saying you clearly didn't] Jimmy: ['what kind of question is that?' cos clearly didn't either, nods in the direction of the sheep costume fail like] Janis: [shrugs 'maybe you give up easy' like he came home did ten minutes and was like nah] Jimmy: [a look like very subtle challenge there babe] Janis: ['piss off' and pushing him a bit away 'cos we haven't moved evidently] Jimmy: [gets up and starts cleaning up all the crafting mess like fine I can take a hint] Janis: [ah the frustration, getting up like well then 'what time's the nativity thing?'] Jimmy: [telling her whatever time it is] Janis: ['meet you there then' and peacing] Jimmy: [so many things he wanted to say but we're not saying any of them] Janis: [oh lads] Jimmy: [sends her a pic of Bobby when he tries on that sheep lewk] Janis: 👍 Janis: looks pretty good I reckon Janis: he happier now? Jimmy: he's moved to 😢 Jimmy: should've kept your 👑 'cause the only 🏆'll be the FUMING mum's 💔 they never 💡🥇 of pissing about with their old clothes Janis: it's an improvement, suppose Janis: nah, could've earnt it if I committed to taking my sisters and glueing a paper plate to it Janis: 💔 oh well Jimmy: far as thankless tasks go, it's got nowt on 👴👵☕ Janis: you can wear it then Janis: have to size it up Jimmy: you gonna give me a hand or what? Janis: you did such a good job first time 'round Jimmy: without the tweet singing my praises, how would I know? Janis: if you want me to post, just say so Jimmy: if I have to tell you how to do the job, might as well do it myself Janis: fuck's sake Janis: we're literally going to clog their feeds later with all this nativity shit Janis: don't act like I ain't doing anything Jimmy: didn't have you down for a part timer but alright Janis: what you have me down as is irrelevant 'cos you don't know me Jimmy: weren't about to start a Q & A Janis: Good Janis: I know how to do the job, so do you Janis: leave it at that Jimmy: I were only pissing about, what's your problem? Janis: nothing Janis: there's just no need to do anything else Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: okay Janis: don't forget the santas hat you said he needed for jingle bells at the end Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 👋 Jimmy: 😘 Janis: not worth a screenshot Janis: but I got the message, like Jimmy: what message is that? Janis: more 👏 content 👏 Jimmy: steady on, I ain't 💀👑 Janis: the point was bigger and better, weren't it Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt Jimmy: you said nowt Janis: when did I? Jimmy: no need to do owt else, weren't it? so there's no need to make me sound like a tory slave driver Janis: just forget it, alright Jimmy: forget what? Janis: that I said anything Jimmy: or what? Janis: why would you not? Janis: there's nothing to gain from this Jimmy: might be if you stop being a dickhead and tell me what's wrong Janis: I'll just stop Janis: if you do as well Jimmy: what have I done? Janis: do you think you've done anything? Jimmy: that's not an answer Jimmy: the answer's nowt Janis: there you go then Jimmy: stopping doing nowt means doing something, so go on, what do you want? Janis: I don't want anything Janis: alright Janis: I shouldn't have slept with you Jimmy: freezing weren't how you wanted to 💀💀💀 either Janis: what Jimmy: I weren't gonna let you sleep out there on your own Janis: are you serious Jimmy: are you? Janis: you've already called me desperate for it Janis: now you think I'd just do it for the warmth and you get to be some kind of gentleman for bothering Jimmy: 1. I've said nowt of the sort 2. sort your head out if that's where you reckon mine is Janis: You said I was easy Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: that were you, for a start Janis: no it wasn't Jimmy: bollocks Janis: it was you Janis: anyway, it was a mistake Jimmy: you legged it, you're calling it a mistake, nowt to do with me, that Janis: because I'm not easy and you've got the wrong idea if you reckon that Janis: so let's stick to what is actually working and leave it Jimmy: you're being a massive dickhead Janis: and what Jimmy: and nowt's gonna work if you don't leave it out Janis: that's literally what I've said Jimmy: fuck's sake Janis: how are you gonna have a go at me? Janis: you could've just shut the fuck up and it'd be fine Jimmy: how would it? Jimmy: you're sitting there 😒😤😭💔🎻 over some bollocks you reckon I said and you weren't gonna say owt Janis: don't take the piss Jimmy: or what? Jimmy: that's what you've been doing all day, mate Janis: fuck off have I, I've been helping you out Jimmy: suffering in silence 'cause I'm such a bastard, more like Jimmy: have a 🏆 Janis: you're the one being dramatic, I didn't say that Janis: I just didn't appreciate what you did, that's it Jimmy: you spent ages with me after I apparently called you a massive slag, what else do you call that? Janis: I was already on my way Janis: what am I gonna do, actually turn the bus around, no Jimmy: not be a doormat Jimmy: there's your mistake if you're looking for one, Jodie Janis: fuck you Jimmy: this is me being a prick since you need a hand working out the difference Janis: stop talking to me Jimmy: stop putting words in my mouth Janis: I didn't Jimmy: I don't think you're easy Janis: right Jimmy: Why would I? Jimmy: don't flatter yourself, alright, my benchmark for that is set at fucking half the north Jimmy: and even then, you'd have to really be dating me to get me to give a shit about it Janis: I didn't ask you to give a shit, nor do I want you to Janis: and it's hardly flattering but doormat is worse so yeah Janis: go away now Jimmy: 👌 Janis: I hope your brother doesn't totally hate it Jimmy: don't bother wasting your christmas wish Janis: well, he'll be fine, there are worse things than stage fright Jimmy: don't waste the reassurance on me either Janis: Jesus, whatever then Jimmy: there's nowt worse than having no parents about when every other dickhead does Janis: Yeah Janis: he won't be the only one Janis: and at least someone is there at all Jimmy: tah for that Janis: it's the truth Jimmy: most helpful you've been, pointing that out Janis: well what Janis: what else would you want me to say Janis: it's shit Jimmy: I didn't ask for you to say owt about it Janis: so you brought it up to what Janis: get a 👍 or 👎 Jimmy: you brought it up Jimmy: reckoning you know what's our kid's problem how you reckon you know what I think Janis: no, I was going Janis: I was literally just saying hope he doesn't have a terrible time Janis: don't have a go at me 'cos your dad ain't going Jimmy: leave it out Jimmy: I'm having a go at you 'cause you're doing my head in Janis: then I'll be going Janis: we don't need to talk to each other Janis: right now or barely at all Jimmy: 👍 Janis: when we need to do more fake shit, then we'll do it Jimmy: alright Jimmy: you know where I live Janis: Yep Janis: later Jimmy: [not gonna reply cos have a nativity to get ready for] Janis: [ah soz for the mess that has been made everyone, gutted we will not see the sheep costume in action] Jimmy: [how dare you arseholes ruin my festive fluff] Janis: [my boo is fuming, at least we can force you together easily enough after, and you did help with the costume] Jimmy: [we've ticked that and jumpers off the list, well done us]
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spawnofdeath · 5 years
"Interesting. Truly fascinating" Ford muttered to himself, turning the heart in his hands. "This must be what keeps them alive."
He pocketed the item and instead pulled out his journal and a pen. He flipped to the page that held the half-finished drawing, he just had to use this opportunity. After all, this corpse, though a bit mangled, was a much better reference than the live specimen that he, for the most part, hadn't been able to get a good look at while fighting them off.
"You just love to waste my time, don't you?"
The voice of the angel prompted him to look up from his drawing.
"I sent you here to retrieve the ink hearts for me, not to conduct a field study on those vermin!"
"Maybe we should listen to her" Dipper said, looking around nervously.
He liked this place even less than the rest of the studio. From what he could see from up here, the floor of level 14 was completely covered in ink, and one or two times, he'd even thought he'd seen something, a figure, carrying a light, wandering through the darkness. He really just wanted to collect those hearts and get back out of here as soon as possible.
"There can hardly be anything down here that we won't be able to deal with" the other man next to him, Henry, said, sounding confident, though Dipper could see he was gripping the barrel of the tommy gun so tightly his knuckles had turned white. "I can't quite recall what it is, but I'm pretty sure I've beaten it before."
"You can talk." Dipper furrowed his brow, unconvinced by Henry's attempt to reassure him. "Unlike you, we've never been here before. And I think we can all agree that we don't like this place one bit."
"I for one find it to be quite interesting" Ford argued.
Henry nodded.
"Me too" he replied. "During the first loop. But trust me when I say that'll wear off quickly. Soon, you'll become too preoccupied with surviving. And you haven't even seen half of what you're in for yet."
"Well, then how about you tell us?" Dipper was getting a little irritated.
Henry shrugged.
"I don't really remember what it is" he said. "If I did, I would tell you, but I don't."
"That sounds like an excuse." Dipper, again, was unconvinced.
The man crossed his arms.
"Honestly? I wish it was. But my memory is a blur. I don't know what's coming, just that it's horrifying beyond comprehension and all different kinds of deadly."
"Well, that's reassuring. I'm feeling much better already!"
Sarcasm was dripping from Dipper's voice like the ink from this place's ceiling.
"Look, I get it" Henry tried once more. "You want me to help you get out of this place, I get it. But I can't. I've been stuck here for probably years by now. I've probably gone through this whole spiel a thousand times more than I remember! I've never found an exit for myself, how would I find one for you? You came here, and you realized you shouldn't have, but it's too late now. You're stuck here. Everyone is stuck here. Noone leaves this place. Ever."
"You know what?" Dipper threw his hands in the air. "I just wanna get this over with, so let's go already. We have one of those hearts, that leaves four, let's find them."
Actually, I think I'm just gonna leave it at this. This has been sitting in my drafts for longer than I remember and I still don't know how to continue, so this is the end now.
Either way. This is my entry for day 24 of the ink demonth, crossover. I decided to go for my favorite show of all times, Gravity Falls.
How did these two end up in the studio? I'm not sure. I just know they would, somehow, if BATIM and Gravity Falls were set in the same universe.
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molly2140 · 5 years
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Introducing Octavia Freeman 😎
Includes brief shit about my Half-Life universe.
Gordon has a twin sister, Octavia, she's approx. 4 hours younger than him if that matters haha. Their mother died during their birth (depressing as hell I know but I like the tragedy and dramatic shit), so their awesome father took it upon himself to raise his twin children the best he possibly can and give them a good life. Since Gordon can't speak, he, Octavia, and their father learned ASL in order for them all to communicate. Octavia acts as Gordon's voice and helps translate his signs for those who don't understand ASL. While growing up, Octavia becomes very defensive for Gordon, she hates when people make fun of him for not being able to speak. High school consisted of lots of fights and detentions for Octavia simply because she's defending her beloved twin. The two have a very unique bond, not only are they twins but they are best friends. Gordon has a really hard time opening up to other people, especially other girls, but he's always found it easy to confide in his sister, and Octavia is extremely supportive of him.
About a year after Gordon and Octavia graduate high school, their father falls ill and soon passes away, by then they are sharing an apartment on the university campus. Gordon is undoubtedly a genius, Octavia is quite intelligent as well, but she is studying for casual things such as photography and journalism, compared to Gordon who's clearly working for his PhD in science stuff. Soon after their father passes, Octavia finds herself taking the loss much worse than Gordon, and somewhere down the line she finds herself addicted to heroin. If Gordon wasn't home the night she finally overdosed, she would have died. During her rehabilitation and healing process, this brings the two of them closer and Gordon simply tells her that he cannot lose her, because she's the only family he has left. From that day forward, the two became even more inseparable.
Gordon and Octavia both end up at Black Mesa! Gordon obviously working in anomalous materials, whilst Octavia became the first female security guard, and she and Barney form a great friendship. Barney even tells her about his interest in Lauren, and she instantly hooks them up and everybody watches them fall in love. Octavia, like Barney, is a huge party animal, and enjoys grabbing some beers with Barney and Gordon after a long shift. Did I mention that Octavia and Barney are huge Queen fans? 😎 They will blast their music every day when they hit up the shooting range or while on lunch break. Also, Barney proposes to Lauren and Octavia was so happy when he announced it to her that she literally would not shut up about wedding plans for a whole week.
Black Mesa Incident time, yayyyy.
Octavia loses her shit when she can't find Gordon, she knew he was going in the test chamber that day, she wasn't supposed to know but he had told her anyways. She and Barney team up to fight the foreign alien creatures in order to escape Black Mesa alive. They are extremely pissed about the military simply executing any scientist or Black Mesa employee, however their highest priority is finding Gordon. Octavia and Barney get separated inside the Lambda facility, Octavia is trapped within and simply focuses on finding Gordon. She finds a portal to Zen, where she fights more of the alien creatures and soon realizes there's no way back to Earth. Suddenly the G-Man introduces himself to her, and offers her a job, she hesitates, but accepts when he tells her that he has Gordon. Together, the twins are put into stasis until their "hour has come again".
I'm not gonna get too much into the Half-Life 2 era stuff cause I'm planning on making a fan fic of it but here's some highlights and other facts about Octavia.
The land outside City 17 is fairly different, White Forest still exists, however everything is more inland and not next to the coast. The only large bodies of water are rivers and lakes. Technically City 17 is somewhere in Russia or in Soviet territory because I noticed a lot of the buildings and signs there are in Russian, but let's pretend City 17 is in the US because I want Octavia and Gordon to find their home as well as the ruins of Black Mesa. :3
City 17 has a wall around it that the Combine patrol heavily, the canals still exist but there is also underground tunnels that lie below City 17. The Combine are completely clueless of the underground tunnels, therefore Alyx uses them to help transport supplies and escort citizens to other outposts.
The Combine become aware of Gordon and Octavia's return a couple months after they arrive, unlike literally within the first day in the actual game.
Gordon and Alyx do fall in love of course. :)
Barney and Octavia fall in love too. :) Not gonna spoil shit about what happens to Lauren though I'm sure you can figure it out easily.
Eli's lab is far outside City 17, further west, so instead of it being called Black Mesa East, it's now Black Mesa West. It's actually a fairly large building that is partially submerged underground and is hidden in the trees so the Combine aren't aware of it. There's a nice open area to the south of the lab where Alyx and Dog have plenty of room to play fetch.
Since the lab is partially submerged underground, kinda like some houses where the back end is underground but the front isn't, that's literally this concept. So you can basically walk onto the roof, and that's Barney and Octavia's hang-out spot. This is also the spot where they confide in each other and talk about their tragedies, for Octavia, her heroin addiction and overdose, and for Barney, what happened to Lauren.
Oh yeah they also stole a Combine helicopter and fixed up Black Mesa style. 😎
Octavia helps Barney cope with his reoccurring nightmares over Lauren and the things he's seen working undercover, oh, and about that cat.
Barney managed to save some of the old mixtapes he and Octavia made back in the day, as well as the portable cassette player, which he rigged so it doesn't need batteries. So they constantly jam out to their favorite old tunes when hanging out or going on supply runs or hunting trips.
Octavia is definitely a night owl, Gordon is as well and they both have troubles sleeping sometimes. Gordon sometimes joins Octavia on the roof at 3am to talk some energy out in hopes of going back to sleep.
The classic desert eagle is Octavia's preferred weapon, the one she used while on security at Black Mesa. She is forever grateful that Barney managed to find and keep her prized gun after the Incident, as well as Gordon's infamous crowbar. The crowbar he still swears his life on by the way, ha.
Like Alyx, Octavia is quite fit and flexible, it's obvious they're experts at parkour. ;) If you haven't noticed, Alyx has a hoodie underneath her leather jacket with the Black Mesa logo, so I decided Octavia's shirt should have the Lambda logo with a similar color concept as seen on Gordon's HEV suit.
Octavia sometimes will go undercover with Barney to try and understand what he does every day, as well as gain more Combine information. She starts doing this soon before they confide in each other and confess their newfound love for each other. They definitely feel like they're working together again like in the old days but now forming secret crushes on each other.
Okay I'm not gonna spill too many more details without spoiling everything haha. But this is Octavia, as well as a brief explanation on my Half-Life universe. I showed my finished drawing of Octavia to my boyfriend and he swears she looks like me in real life but I don't see it other than the fact we both wear glasses and we both have our hair in ponytails all the time lol. The pose was based off of Kibbitzer's reference sheets, as mentioned before, you can find Kibbitzer's sheets on DeviantArt, their Patreon, or by simply searching it in Google. So yeah, this is my OC, Octavia Freeman, I hope you guys like her because I've put a lot of thought into her character and I've never done that with my other OCs haha. But I'm really proud of it. :)
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