#Since they are the good guys who NEVER kidnapped a civilian
So if it's hamas who kidnapped Israelis and hamas who bombed Palestinians then what the FUCK is idf soldiers doing other than dancing on TikTok?
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qcomicsy · 1 year
Random convo I bet happen between civilians and vigilantes
Civilian: What hair product do you use man?? My man's hair is shiiiiining
Nightwing, chuckling: I just let it dry (lying)
Civilian: Naaaah, man I see you jumping from rooftop to rooftop everyday, tell me your secrets–
Gothamite: And who's gonna pay for this scratch on my car?!!!
Robin (Tim), trying damn hard to stay stealth: Don't you have insurance?
Gothamite, don't giving a fuck: No!
Robin: You should have–
Gothamite: You know what? HEY TWO-FACE–
Robin: No, no, no– Hold on–
Gothamite: HE'S RIGHT HE–
Gothamite: Okay- Cannabis is very much legal in L.A.
Batman: We're not in L.A.
Gothamite: Yeah that's funny because– *runs*
Batman: *Runs after him.*
Gothamite: See I don't hate you
Signal: Always good to hear that–
Gothamite: You doing a pretty good job.
Signal: I–
Gothamite, also a bus driver: But you gotta stop being thrown at my window–
Signal: I don't control where villains throw me.
Gothamite: Yeah bro– But you better start, otherwise there's gonna be one more out there–
Gothamite, also a security guard on his phone at 3 am: Yeah, no honey it's literally desert here–
Gothamite: HOLY SHIT
Gothamite: Fucking warn a guy, mY GOD–
Gothamite: I thought you were taller.
Nightwing: I heard that a lot.
Gothamite: How do you see on that thing?
Batgirl (Cassandra):
Batgirl: I don't.
Gothamite, terrified: Oh okay–
Batman: Shouldn't you be at home?
Gothamite, who's also a teenager very much snicking out at four am: Shouldn't you mind you business?
After being forcefully driven to home on the batmobile
Gothamite That was really unecessary–
Gothamite: Are you alone??? Where'd your dad? Where's Batman?
Robin (Tim Drake, early days): Batman's not my dad.
Gothamite: See now I'm concerned.
Robin: Oh no–
Gothamite: What's is this a internship...? A job...?
Robin: You know what? Yeah, Pretty much.
Gothamite: Really? Oh okay, okay. I'm less concerned– Because–
Robin: Yeah I can see–
Gothamite: Like "is he kidnaping those children"?
Robin, chuckling: No, no–
Gothamite: You get paid?
Robin: Not really.
Gothamite: I'm back at being concerned–
Gothamite, from her window: Have you eaten yet?
Robin (Dick): No– (lying)
Gothamite: Oh, the poor child– Oh shame on you
Gothamite: The poor kid– You're dragging him alone with you to fight crime on a empty stomach?
Batman: I–
Gothamite: Unbelievable. I expected more on you– Hold on sweety I'll see If I have some cookies here to give you.
Dick: :)
Robin (Damian): Do I look like a fucking child?
Gothamite: Do you want me to answer that?
Old Gothamite being around the city since Batman year 1: You sound different.
Batman (Dick Grayson): No I don't.
Gothamite: Yes you do–
Gothamite: She looks different.
Gothamite: Mark is the same girl.
Gothamite: No honey, she looks different, she's was taller
Gothamite: Honey you're being paranoid.
Gothamite: She was a red-head!
Gothamite: Oh, Mark. Now the girl can't even dye her hair? Just because she's a Super-hero? Por girl can't even reinvent herself and people on this city start saying she's a different person?! Let her be! Her life must've be hard enough–
Gothamite: Jennet I swear to God that's not the same girl–
Batgirl (Stephanie), just trying to get some information:
Gothamite: You never notice when I change my hair–
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radiance1 · 3 days
"I need to find my darling husband!" Said Danny, dressed to the nines in a very elaborate royal dress with a lot of jewelry running through the ballroom after having been on the opposite end of a very worrying phone call.
"Seriously, what do you even see in that mortal!?" Screamed an observant and Danny stopped and leveled them with a glare cold enough to freeze over an active volcano and sharp enough to cut through obsidian.
"He makes me laugh."
Unlike those dead suitors went unsaid, but everyone at the ball (read: search for a bride/groom for the royal ghostling) practically heard it anyways.
Meanwhile over in the land of the living
Okay so Jason may have messed up. Now you see, he hasn't seen his platonic husband for tax benefits in a while, and he's been very careful to not let his identity as the Red Hood slip up before . Not even once in their relationship.
(He's not counting the time his in-laws sniffed him out as a Crime Lord, because Danny never believed them.)
Now, it wasn't exactly his fault he slipped up. You try to fight off an entire group after being pulled up on out of nowhere on the phone while trying to hide said noises of fighting.
Who was he calling? Danny of course since he said he was away for business. What business? Never specified and Jason wasn't going to pry.
So now here he was, bound 'helplessly' as Jason Todd along with a few other random civilians. Which, like, rude.
Wasn't he already good enough for this ancient ritual or whatever?
You know, he really should have walked with that "Anti-kidnapping device" he got that one time. Which honestly he feels like he should be surprised that such a thing exists but considering it was from Bruce. Well.
He's not surprised.
Oh, there's the Justice League now. Shame, he wanted to knock out a few guys himself- Oh, now he's being used to summon a ghost from the Infinite Realms of Royal Lineage.
Yea he probably should have walked with that "Anti-kidnapping device."
Wait a goddamn-
Is that-
"My darling husband!" Danny shouted, scooping him off the circle and away from the head cultist and swinging him around. "You had me worried sick!"
Now, he should ask the question anyone would in this situation when finding out your best friend and platonic husband for tax benefits was apparently a ghost of royal lineage.
"Why're you in a dress?"
"Okay, first of all I rock this thing." Danny huffed.
"That you do." Jason agreed rather easily.
"Second of all, blame those guys over there." He jerked his head in the direction of two very green floating eyeball people.
Not the weirdest he's seen, honestly.
The Observants were whispering to each other and leveling them-Jason in particular-a look.
"Now as you can see, I already have a spouse and I don't need another!" Danny hugged Jason closer for emphasis and he took the time to whisper in Danny's ear. "Did you really marry me to play the husband card?"
"Well, yes." Danny agreed. "But also because of taxes, because I love you and you're my best friend."
"So, we're still done for watching that movie right."
A pained grunt came from below them and they both looked down to see Batman standing over a very unconscious cultist and looking up at them.
He forgot they were there.
"So," Jason began, staring Bruce straight in the eyes. Batman's eyes narrowed. "Don't suppose we can push that forward to right now?"
"Yea, sure why not I'm not doing anything important." Danny leveled the Observants a look, and before either they, Batman, or the Justice League could do anything they both disappeared.
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thebirdsandthebats · 7 months
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Okay @s-p-r-i-n-g-t-i-m-e I’m sure you know plenty BUT I’m going to use your wonderful and hilarious comment on this as an excuse to talk about Bernard, bc I realized recently that there are plenty of ppl who haven’t read most of the comics he’s been in. So get ready for my long overdue:
UNPACKING BERNARD DOWD + HIS TRAUMA (for those who cannot keep up with comics but want to get to know him)
So to start, Tim met Bernard years ago ofc, when they were in high school. It’s established pretty quick that Bernard is an extremely Unserious guy LMAO, the first thing he does is literally circle Tim and try to feel him out socially, see what kind of guy he is. He’s the kind of guy who gets himself in trouble with his big mouth, and seems to enjoy poking at Tim and testing his patience. By the time we meet Bernard again in the recent years, he’s grown a lot, but at his core he’s still the light-hearted, fun, goofy guy with very strong opinions. Just less stand-offish, maybe
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Throughout the time Tim spends at this school though, Bernard does experience some wild shit. He lost Darla (somebody he really cared about), he experienced a shooting at his school, and then Darla came back from the dead, kind of scared the hell out of him, and used him to contact Tim again. It was kind of played for laughs, but like. That’s gotta fuck you up. (Robin #140)
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Obviously this is the kind of thing that maybeee has a lasting effect on you. And BECAUSE Tim Drake: Robin got cut so short and the writer had to rush to wrap up the series, we’re left to fill in a lot of gaps and draw conclusions about the years we didn’t see Bernard ourselves. But we absolutely get some insight as to his life after Tim left that school and we stopped seeing him in the comics. Spoiler alert: it was hard.
In TDR, Bernard discusses the the cult that he’d been in that Tim saved him from in Urban Legends. He says that “he’d accepted himself”, but others hadn’t. Obviously there’s the natural reading that he means his queerness (which has me chewing through drywall), but I think that he’s speaking very broadly too. Bernard is a very odd example of a civilian, because he’s always getting dragged into things much bigger than him. And even before that, he had his big ideas, his conspiracies, his loud personality. He tended to rub people the wrong way in high school. Then in issue #7 of TDR (the Bernard pov issue my most beloved, weird pacing aside) Bernard refers to this “oozy, sticky feeling” that he ALWAYS feels when Tim isn’t around. He says when he’s alone it’s harder to put one foot in front of the other. To keep GOING. To wake up every day.
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I think that Bernard has always felt like an outcast. (Robin #121, he doesn’t fit into any clique). He wasn’t as okay with it as he acted. And I think he wasn’t getting any attention from his parents. (Batman: Urban Legends #5, Bernard’s parents nonchalance to the days leading up to his kidnapping)
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So just like Bernard explained to Tim, that feeling got bad. and he wanted to let go. The chaos monsters, the cult, all of it was a means to an end. But then Tim agreed to see him again, and I think that sparked something in him. Because he started learning to fight. When he was tied down to that alter and Tim was saving him, I think it fully sank in to Bernard that he didn’t want to die. Reconnecting with Tim gave him hope and made him really feel something good for the first time in ages.
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So now that they’re dating after the cult fiasco, we get to know this current Bernard. A less goading, maybe calmer Bernard. But he’s still himself, of course, rambling about his ideas and making bad jokes and sticking to his guns (he has NEVER been a pushover, no idea where people get that idea?). I think a lot of people complained that Bernard mellowed out too much in terms of attitude, but I think if he seems “nicer” it’s because 1) he’s grown now. It’s been a while since we last saw him, and he’s clearly changed a lot. And 2) because he’s dating Tim now. He likes him a lot, and he’s an affectionate partner. He wants to lift Tim up.
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But the fact that he was pulled into a cult still remains. And as lighthearted as Bernard tries to be, that traumatic experience still happened. It said in Urban Legends #5 while Tim was searching for him that Bernard had welts on his arms and legs and had been acting different, so it’s not like he was just snatched up on a whim. He’d spent significant time there. For those who haven’t read much abt the ways cult trauma specifically can fuck you up, I recommend doing a search if you’re in a good headspace for that and want to understand him more. because it’s pretty bad.
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And then! yeah. you guessed it. Bernard gets kidnapped again. Chained up next to a BOMB that’s counting down. RIGHT WHEN HE’S WORKING ON HEALING FROM ALMOST BEING SACRIFICED BY A CULT.
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And surely this can’t get crazier. He’s almost died twice in the past 6 months. except, remember his parents? In TD:R #7, we really see a little more of his relationship with his parents. He doesn’t live up to their standards, and his dad specifically seems to just want to argue with him. The restaurant they’re at is attacked, and everything goes to shit, and. you know, I think these panels really speak for themselves.
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And for the record, when it’s revealed that everyone is seeing their worst fears, Bernard’s parents fears are not about him.
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So now Bernard has to deal with that. And we start to see that Bernard is really not as okay as he’s tried to be. He keeps a baseball bat by his door because he’s been kidnapped twice now. And just when he’d likely thought things couldn’t get worse, he heard the Chaos Monsters were back. I can’t imagine he feels safe. He lashes out for the first time since all this has happened and yells at Kate and Tim, because while they’re doing what they feel is necessary to save more people (AND I DONT BLAME THEM AT ALL), Bernard can’t talk about it.
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And I will forever be sad and insist that TD:R got cancelled too soon, just before we could get into the really juicy stuff, because things had to be wrapped up pretty quick and this was the only comic Bernard was consistently appearing in. But when Tim is giving himself up to the chaos monsters, Bernard goes out and rallies anyone he knows can help. Things were rushed because there was no more time to flesh out the story the way it could have been, but I’m including these panels just because I love Bernard Audacity Dowd using a fucking flashlight and shadow puppet to call Batman. geeking out for a minute. And then leading the battalion to save Tim with a SLEDGEHAMMER. gay people rule.
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So yeah! While I see the vision of how a lot of Bernard’s trauma was meant to be semi-resolved and let him come to peace after saving Tim back, we just didn’t have the time for him to heal properly. I’d give anything to get inside his brain again. UHH IF YOU READ THIS I HOPE YOU LOVE BERNARD NOW and don’t come at me if I left something out, some of my comics aren’t with me rn. Bonus TimBer for the road:
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jaysgirlx · 3 months
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❥ pairing: dick grayson x civilian f!reader (part 2 of a series)
❥ summary: dick has to find you after all he put you through you don't deserve what your ex is doing to you.
❥ warnings: moreee angst, fighting, acts of violence, many mentions of depression, anxiety and thoughts of death
❥ wc: 3.8k
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"I think the best plan here may be to pay the price, Grayson," says Damian walking into the Batcave, nearly dragging a half-awake Tim.
"That's just dumb, for all we know he'll just use the money to take her away with him. Steph and I will get her back. This guy is clearly a coward" Cass says in an annoyed tone while leaning on Duke who kept quiet.
"What if he has used his own money to hire people to fight us, he can't be that sure that we would actually pay the price," Bruce says interrupting the conversation. "And I do mean "we", y/n is practically family Dick if you decide you want me to pay the ransom we will"
"That's quite a lot of money to risk Bruce," says Barbara "Cass may be right, he might just take her away once he gets the money"
"Stop it you guys, just let me think!" Dick nearly screamed, trying to hold himself together. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see that it was Jason, "I know you're not exactly happy with me right now. But out of all of us, we need to be strong Dick. In a situation like this, we need you as our leader"
Dick didn't know how to feel, of course he needed to be the leader but he couldn't even manage to be a good boyfriend to you. Could he even save you? Were you still even alive? The blood on that envelope had been dried for fucks sake. And Steph had told him she hadn't seen you in 2 months, not since you moved back into your place.
No wonder he couldn't track you, you had been kidnapped for 2 goddamn months, and was his fault. He fucked up and left you alone to heal, he didn't realize how stupid of an idea that was. But for now, he needed to let go of that, he needed to find you and rescue you.
"We're not paying the ransom, even if y/n is still alive…he'll most likely take her with him," Dick says, causing everyone to stop their chatter. "Babs I need you to try and locate them, I know it may be a lost cause but it is our only bet"
He pauses for a second formulating a plan. You had been kidnapped for an estimate of 2 months now and if you were still alive, that meant your ex was still here. Which means he needed money.
"Tim, could you do a background check on y/n's ex? Find out his patterns, if he doesn't get money from me he'll definitely be looking for other ways to obtain some" Tim who was half awake, nodded and opened up his laptop to work alongside Barbara. Dick kept silent for a while before asking the rest of them to try checking abandoned warehouses, or any other places they possibly thought you could be.
Bruce tried talking to Dick but he tuned him out. Over the years he learned how to pick out the bits and pieces Bruce wanted him to hear and ignore the rest but right now he was tuning him out completely. The thought of you being dead made him sick, things weren't supposed to be like this. He was supposed to protect you, he loved you that's all there was to it. He felt a hand on his shoulder and it was Jason. He didn't say anything and that's exactly what Dick needed. He needed a moment to breath and just think.
He knew you ex was crazy but he didn't really know anything else about him. He didn't know if maybe there was a past of crimes he overlooked or maybe your ex was even the man he claimed to be. For fucks sake, he wished he had listen to you more when you talked, when you had practically begged him to. He thought that he was doing you a favor but all he did was put you in danger.
He could only hope that you would forgive him.
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It was cold and empty. The air felt harsh to breathe and you never felt so dead. You weren't sure if something was holding you down or if you just couldn't move.
Everything hurt.
There where flickering screens in the background while soft hum got louder and louder. You could barely make out what was happening around you and maybe you didn't even want to know. Your eyes searched the room, you were in a bed covered by what seemed to be a blanket. You were tied down, your body was just weak. Where were you? What time was it? When was the last time you had eaten food? Were you dying?
The flickering screens finally caught your attention and there you saw him standing in front of a bunch of TVs, your ex-boyfriend and all your memories came flooding back. He kidnapped you...how long ago was that? And where were you? Your mind could only think of one person: Dick Grayson. You meant it when you told him, you couldn't be with him any longer but that didn't mean you didn't still love him. You'd be crazy not to when you and Dick had met you not he was some flirty playboy who flirted with every girl until he showed you otherwise. After dumping your crazy ex and going to Divk for comfort, you realized how caring he could be. So you entered a relationship with him with high expectations that he'd always treat you so well and everything between you to have been perfect.
Then he'd started cancelling plans last minute and you knew something was up. Dick didn't like secrets and it was the biggest surprise when he confided in you that he was Nightwing. You were obviously worried, worried one night he wouldn't come home but you accepted him because you loved Dick Grayson, not Nightwing. You met Jason soon after and the two of you hit it off, Dick wasn't fond of the friendship but Jason didn't mind looking after you. Jason saw you like family. Yes, he was dangerous but he knew it would break Dick's heart if anything ever happened to you.
A quiet sob fell from your lips while you thought about Dick. You hadn't even realized your eyes were filled with tears and that your fingernails were digging into your palms. You wanted to cry and shout, but you knew that was dumb. You didn't know if anyone was coming to save you but that didn't mean you wouldn't try and keep yourself alive.
While you tried you calm yourself down, you saw a black figure walking over towards you. You knew it was Roman so you closed your eyes.
Pretend to be asleep.
He won't notice.
You steadied your breaths and allowed them to fall into a pattern while his steps grew heavier and closer. His hand gently stroked your face, making you mentally gag. "You used to be sooooo perfect for me...but then you put your nose where it didn't belong" You felt something cold and thin press across your face. A blade. If you hadn't been scared before you definitely were now.
The fear inside you wasn't just from the blade but more of what he was going to do with you after. You know he isn't going to kill you because he would've done that by now but no possible way he wants to stay in Gotham. Were you still even in Gotham? There were still so many unanswered questions, but all I knew was that this room was decorated with old TVs that it seemed that Roman had been using. Still, all that didn't matter, staying alive and staying put did. If there was any chance you were in Gotham and anybody was looking for you, all you had to do was just hold out a bit longer. Dick would come for you, if anybody would, it had to be him.
The cold feeling of the blade eventually left your face and after a couple sentences of mumbling and mutters, those heavy footsteps finally walked away and slammed a door behind him. A opened your eyes and your breaths became more frantic, you knew for sure now that you were alive and that you could handle this. Small bits of pieces of what you had experienced here popped into your head but you shoved it back down. Now wasn't the time. You need to calm down and think. For all you know staying put may not work. You wanted to still be angry with me but how could you be when all you wanted was to be in his arms again. You need to see him again, even if it's just to hug him.
You needed to see Dick one last time because you were still so hopelessly in love with him.
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Dick is standing in front of your favorite cafe. It was on the verge of closing and he could never understand what appeal you found in it. You said the coffee was really good especially when you put a bunch of sugar in it but didn't that apply to most coffee? For a brief moment, he smiled at the thought of maybe being able to share coffee with you like that. Just one last time, if you'd still have him.
Dick had always been fascinated by you. You were so accepting of him and his family and there was never a moment where he doubted your love. He never meant to accuse you of cheating, if he could take it back he would. If he could re-do that entire night over, he'd do it properly. He'd apologize for canceling your date and explain to you how he had been feeling for your safety. He shouldn't even have let you go that night, he should have told you the truth.
For the last month, while Tim and Barbara endlessly searched Gotham's cameras CCTV, and public records the rest of the siblings spent their free time tearing through every abandoned warehouse in hopes of finding you but they failed every single time. Every day Dick contemplated paying the ransom and risking losing you if you weren't already gone. He needed you back and he wasn't the only one worried about you.
Your parents were worried sick, all they know is that you were kidnapped but it still hurts them. Your relationship with them may not have been the greatest but that didn't mean they wanted to lose you completely. They never liked Dick, they tried to be supportive but Dick once showed up. He knows now how badly he mistreated, how much he fucked up. All you did was love and care for him and he let you down time and time again but wouldn't this time. He was going to find you and never leave your side again.
He left the cafe and went towards the phone store nearby. Dick had bought you your latest phone but never got around to connecting it to Barbara's location system which tracks all of them including Bruce. Which meant he had to go to that store and see if they could track it using the information when it was bought. He even managed to find the box it came in in your apartment.
He was able to find out that your phone was either dead or broken because it was disconnected. He thought he had reached another dead end until the cashier said its last location was tracked which was supposedly a play near Gotham's most popular TV company's buildings. The only abandoned one is the former headquarters but just getting into there is difficult, there is no way you'd be there and no one knew right?
He left with that thought on his mind and a cup of disgusting coffee full of sugar.
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The quiet hum of the computers and the small chat between his sibling filled the room while Dick tried to eat his dinner. He picked at the fried rice Jason had picked up for him and the rest of his family. All it did was remind him of you and the way you always wanted to order out instead of eat something home cooked. It wasn't cause you were bad at cooking but more because you loved trying new foods every once in a while. Dick bit down on his tongue hard, tasting a cold metallic taste that barely brought him back to reality.
It had been nearly a month since you had gone missing. Daimen thought you were dead. Cass and Steph kept going through your apartment, looking for something to stop them from giving up. Jason was silent. Bruce was angry, he saw you as the perfect fit for Dick. He had never seen his son happier. Babs knows you're a survivor, you wouldn't die on her like that.
"Dick, snap out of it", Barbara said slowly reeling him back into reality. You and her had always gotten along so well, especially after Barbara got shot, you were there for her like a sister. That when he knew, that's exactly when Dick knew he was in love with you and couldn't handle watching people he cared about in pain. "Tim and I found some stuff...we have good news and bad news"
"Just tell me" He grunted out, whatever it was he could handle it, as long as there was a chance you were alive. You had to be alive, you still loved him and he had so many apologies to give you once he had you back into his arms again.
"Once I hacked the CCTV of y/n's apartment I was able to get a couple of photos of this "Roman Jennings" guy and I had Tim cross-reference them with what we knew already knew about him.." she paused as if what she said next could break Dick "This guy doesn't exist in Gotham. Not only do no records tie to him...there's no information on him anywhere"
Dick knew that most of Roman's murders had been made look like suicides and hadn't been caught but he hadn't realized that maybe "Roman Jennings" doesn't exist and that they might've been following a false lead the entire time. How could he waste a month on this? What if she's really dead-
Calm down, Grayson.
Worrying will get you nowhere.
"I'm guessing that's the bad news?"
"Yup, the good news is that, on the cameras near that abandoned TV company's old headquarters, I found the same guy leaving and entering the building every day for the last 6 weeks. I'm not completely sure but I think that's our guy" Dick was sure he heard her completely but that didn't matter. Your phone had last been located in that area and it was the only lead they had. He knew you didn't have much time and there was no way he was just going to sit here and wait.
"I'm going to check it out, Babs sends me the coordinates," Dick said as he put down the food on the counter. The silence that was surrounding him, should've been a sign that for the words that come next but Dick just couldn't think about all that right now. He needed to get to you, bring you home. Bruce felt a need to interject but he felt that it wasn't his place. But Jason had no problem with interfering especially in this situation, "Y'know you're not going in alone right? And definitely not without a plan"
Jason grabbed onto Dick's arm, roughly pulling him away from the door. The tension between them had never been resolved, no matter how many times Jason tried to make it clear that he never had any romantic feelings for you. Jason saw you as family and tried to be there for you especially since most of the time you got upset because of Dick. Bruce was ready to step in now, seeing as Dick was now angry, stressed, and running on practically no sleep. Dick rips his hand away in anger and pushes Jason, "Jason I really don't need your opinion on this, y/n has been trapped for almost 3 fucking months now. If I don't go right now, she could die"
"If you go in alone and angry, you might just be the reason she dies. Do not fuck this up for the rest of us" It hadn't really occurred to Dick that maybe this wasn't just about him and that the rest of the family had cared about you. Dick had always seen Jason as a wedge between the two of you but he never really thought he actually cared. He thought Jason just did it to mess with him. Before Dick could even respond, Steph spoke up, "She's our family too Dick, we all want her home but we have to do this right"
"Y'know she's the only one, I can talk to about menial matters," Damian says quietly, "She made it easy to just talk about those small things even the stupid ones" Maybe the stress of the situation had caused him to forget how much of positive impact you had on his family and how much this was affecting them. "Look I'm sorry guys I just…
"Want her back?" Bruce says looking over at him "we all do, so just give us a couple more hours to plan how we're getting inside and what we will do?"
Duke who had been quite quiet finally speaks up, "I think you should rest Dick. If you're going to be the one to get her out of there you need rest. Proper rest"
"I second that!!" Cass says, appearing from behind Duke. All Dick could do was nod, he was tired and stressed and just needed a little bit of sleep. He left with a weak smile and found of the guest rooms in the manor. Once he hit the best he was out like a light. That night he dreamt of you, your smile, your cute hobbies, your contagious laughter, and more. While he slept he dreamt of you, kissing you, loving you and even marrying you. Dick Grayson was utterly in love with you and couldn't wait any longer for you to come home to him.
The next morning after that was stressful, to say the least. Barbara and Tim had calculated the best time to infiltrate the headquarters when Roman wasn't there. Except that was during daytime which meant no Nightwing. Attracting attention could only get more people hurt and Dick wasn't going to risk it. Jason, Cass, and Steph agreed to come along while Damian was on standby with Duke and Bruce. Tim and Barbara would be feeding Dick information through an earpiece and would be doing the same for everyone else.
Their plan wasn't perfect but it was the best they had. Dick would in with Steph, while Jason and Cass stayed outside to not only stop Roman from entering but also catch him. Jason and Cass had no problem being ruthless if they had to be but since there was still light out they would have to keep a low profile. Officer Gordon borrowed them police uniforms which they hoped would be enough to scare Roman away if he even sees them. If not, they were ready to fight if it came to that.
Dick and Steph quietly entered the abandoned building, they went through a back door Tim was able to locate after finding the building's original floor pans. The entire building was very old and quite huge so, Tim mapped out the building for them so it would be easier for you to be found. If you were even in there. Inside the building was extremely cold but it didn't seem abandoned. It actually looked like a home. Which was a good sign, it confirmed someone was staying here. It meant there was a chance you were here. "Did she talk about me?" Dick asked Steph, trying to break the harsh silence. The two hadn't spoken up since the two of you had broken up. Steph didn't take sides but she wasn't exactly happy to hear how Dick was treating you and behaving.
"Depends, what are you willing to hear"
"Anything at this point"
Steph was quiet for a while, the two of you had searched through about 2 offices and 4 other open spaces and nothing had come out of her mouth. Dick was just about to let it go just before Steph finally spoke up, "She hated loving you. Not in a bad way, just in a way that made her miserable but feel ungrateful. She thought that she was difficult to love especially since you had been the one to approach her. She hated fighting with you but she hated the thought of her not being enough more"
Dick knew he had fucked up at every turn of your relationship but he hadn't realized how much that really had affected you. how much damage he did. In his mind he was just hurting himself but this whole time you had been the one suffering. "We all have underlying issues Dick so not everything that went wrong was on you and believe me y/n really loved you. After she'd been done ranting, she'd always think of how happy you made her and how sweet you were to her when you actually showed up. There's no doubt she would have married you"
"Would have?"
"You accused her of cheating Dick, she loved you endlessly and you just threw it in her face," Steph said after checking another room that was once again empty. "You hurt her in a way that shouldn't be forgiven and you'd be very lucky if she did forgive you"
"I know, I know! I would do anything to take back what I said to her, what I did to her. Do you know what I would give to be able to restart our entire relationship from the beginning? Do you know what I would give to open this next door and believe she's in it?" Dick kicked open the door in anger, the room was filled with lit-up TVs that seemed to be surveilling the abandoned building and parts of Gotham.
Dick wasn't sure if was he hallucinating from all the anger, stress, and need but there you were in what seemed to be an air mattress with a blanket and a book. You looked weak, like you hadn't eaten much but you seemed okay? Like you weren't hurt physically because Dick knew the deepest scars were always mental.
Your name barely left his lips but it was just loud enough for you to hear. You turn to look at him and first he can see the surprise on your face and the relief but that quickly changes to a soft smile. A smile that could break his heart and fix it in an instant. A smile that he hopelessly missed. Dick never stopped loving you and he could only hope you still loved him and maybe, just maybe in that moment that's all that matters.
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❥ taglist: @meowkn, @kazzattack @chichinaylo, @yourlocalcringydaydreamer, @orchidsangel, @nia-jul, @mayfieldss, @millyhelp
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shadeysprings · 1 year
The Princess of Asgard
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—Loki x F!Reader
Summary: Your supposed vacation on Asgard takes an unexpected turn.
Warnings: kidnapping, non-consensual arranged marriage, betrayal & violence.
A/N: Written for @lokisgoodgirl as they've been wanting some Dark!Loki recently. Ngl, I do miss writing him. Un-beta so may be meh.
Your feedbacks and reblogs are highly appreciated. Support Content Creators! And I hope you guys enjoy! ❤️
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The tears continue streaming down your face as you stare at your reflection in the vast mirror hanging on the wall. The emerald gown you were forced to wear shimmers beautifully against the light of your chambers and you wish you could appreciate such a delicate garment, to bask at the regality being laid upon your feet. 
But you can’t, not even a shred of happiness can be found within, for such gifts have come with a price, one you know deep down you cannot pay.
You blame your naivety, for it’s what brought you into your situation in the first place. The excitement burst from you when Thor and his brother, Loki, invited you to see their home. The stories of Asgard have held a vice on you since you were young, mesmerized at how beautiful the images scholars painted of a place they’ve never seen before. And being given that opportunity, to witness what no one else on earth has, was too irresistible not to take.
“What are you wearing?” Loki asks upon seeing you when you open the door, his eyes trailing down your body before stopping at your face.
“Oh, am I underdressed?” You ask, looking down at the graphic tee and canvas shorts you put on that morning. “I just thought of dressing light since it’s summer here.” 
“Not at all, darling.” He smiles before ushering himself into your room along with a stout middle-aged woman with stacks of fabric nestled in her arms. “But I was thinking you would dress like an Asgardian during your stay here.” 
The woman, who Loki introduces as Thyra, lays the assortment of fabric on the foot of your bed, dresses of silk and satin, looking delicate to the touch. You look up at Loki, eyes wide in disbelief and awe. 
“Take your pick.” He instructs but nears the emerald dress all the same and runs his fingers against its skirts. “But I personally think you would look good in this.”
You scan the garments, the gold and beige sitting idly on the mattress, both in the same cut and style. Only the emerald dress stands out from the bunch, looking regal and elegant. But regardless of his suggestion, your eyes still land on the beige, hand reaching over to caress the silk before taking it. 
“But this would look more in season, don’t you think?” You tell him, a smile playing on your lips. He smiles back but you can’t help but notice how it doesn’t reach his eyes. 
Though after that morning, the dresses presented to you were all of the same color, emerald fabrics dancing against the lights of your room, leaving you no choice but to wear the green thrust upon you. 
Your first week on Asgard was spent touring the palace and the outer grounds, Loki always at your side, arm intertwined with yours as he introduced you to his friends, along with the other lords and ladies in Thor’s court. A feast was even thrown in your honor, and even if you found the extravagant event fun and entertaining, the way you were regarded by royals and commoners alike threw you off guard. 
But it didn’t stop there. Even after the feast, people bowed at your wake and called you princess, the title off-putting considering you were not close to such status, a mere civilian and average citizen on earth. 
You thought they were doing so to show respect to the king and the prince’s visitor, but that one-morning exchange with Thyra, when she entered your room without your permission and started laying out a dress on the top of your bed, told you otherwise. 
“It’s unheard of in all the realms for a princess to dress herself.” Thyra says in disbelief when you try to dismiss her. “I would not want the prince to scold me for not doing my work accordingly.”
“Oh—but I’m not a princess.” You tell her with a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes. 
“Not yet.” She simply responds before bending low and turning to leave.
And that chance encounters with Lord Fandral as you walked through the corridors of the palace alone.
“Are you lost, princess?” He asks.
You don’t understand why you’re being addressed as such. Is it customary to give visitors of the royals such titles?
With your brain too muddled with errant thoughts, you choose to brush it off and ask Loki later why they are treating you as such, you give the golden lord a smile and ask him where you can find the kitchen. 
“I’d be happy to escort you, princess.” Lord Fandral says with a smile as he offers his hand for you to take.
As the days turn into weeks, the once magnificent palace felt all too suffocating; with Thyra’s constant insistence to serve you, the whispers you heard from the servants as you walked past them, and most of all, Loki’s indifference each time you asked him why you are being treated in such a weird way. 
Until that day, all the answers were finally laid at your feet.
“Darling, Thyra has told me that—what are you doing?”
You don’t spare Loki a glance, irritation filling your senses as you pack all your things. “I’m leaving. I thought visiting Asgard would be great but things here are just fucking weird.” You spit, shoving your clothes in your duffel but stopping when Loki places a hand over your bag.
“You will do no such thing.” He says and you scowl up at him, but your anger shifts into curiosity, and your spine shivers when you see the seriousness in his emerald eyes. “You’re not to leave Asgard until I say so.”
“Why?!” You push his hand away and try to grab your bag but he latches onto the strap, pulling it completely from your grasp, and throws it on the ground. “What the fuck?! You can’t keep me here, Loki! I’m telling Thor and you won’t be welcomed back to the compound!”
“Go on then. He’s in the throne room right now.” He says, moving away and gesturing to the door. But the tone of his voice, calm and resolute, has fear crawling up your skin.
Yet still, you push on and walk past him, marching yourself through the halls as you try to navigate your way. You sense Loki following behind, but give him no mind, though once you find yourself lost, his chuckle resounds in your ear and you stiffen when his hand rests at the small of your back and whispers, “Just through here, darling.” 
He leads you through a set of double doors and you look ahead to see Thor sitting on the throne, Mjolnir laying inanimate at his feet while addressing the people surrounding him. 
His eyes meet yours and he smiles, dismissing his subjects when you march up to him. But the friendly smile fades when you stomp up the steps, a frown playing on his lips. “My lady, you seem to be in distress.” 
“Hell yeah, I am.” You almost shout, pointing an accusing finger at Loki who stops at the foot of the steps. “Your brother is being an asshole. He said I can’t leave Asgard without his permission.”
Thor looks startled at your words, eyes shifting to his brother and then to you. “But why would you leave Asgard when you’re to be wed?”
You stiffen at the word. Wed? What does he mean? Your eyes dart to Loki who casually stands by the steps before climbing up toward you. He reaches for your hand but you quickly pull away, your eyes focused on him before looking at Thor who stands from his seat.  
“Have you not told her, brother?” Thor asks, but his eyes remain on you. 
“Told me what?!” You respond in a rush, panic rolling through your veins.
“I was supposed to while we ate breakfast but she banished her handmaiden and I caught her packing her things.”
Thor sighs but chuckles after. “Loki, you know midgardians are more unrefined in these situations than us.”
“I took your word into account, brother. Thought I would break it to her gen—”
“What the fuck are you both talking about?!” You shout, anger and fear mixing within you. “What the hell is happening?! What are you not telling me?!”
“Do you want to tell her or should I?” Thor asks his brother and Loki simply grins, giving a solemn bow to his brother. Thor faces you, blue eyes serious yet full of mirth. “You’ve accepted my brother’s gifts, have you not?”
“The dress.” He waves a hand in your direction and you look down at the green silk hanging from your shoulders. “You wear his colors, you’ve accepted his invitation to come home with him. Your chambers, adjacent to the prince’s, and a handmaiden for you to use as you please. Each one deserving of a princess.”
“But—” You stammer and shake your head. They can’t be gifts, you never even thought them to be; simply thinking that everything was part of Asgardian culture and you were not one to question their way of life. “I didn’t know they were gifts. I thought they—”
“I thought you were a smart girl but you’ve proved me wrong, little one.” Thor laughs and waves to his brother. “Enlighten her with the situation, we can’t have a scene played before the court on the day of the wedding.”
“But what if I decline?” Your voice trembles as you speak, body shaking as everything starts to make sense; why everyone calls you princess, Loki’s looming presence, and Thyra forcing you to wear the dresses instead of putting on the ones you brought with you. “I should get to decide, shouldn’t I?”
“But the decision has already been made,” Loki rebuts and you take a step back when he steps closer. “And it is seen as treason and punishable by death to go against the will of the royal family.”
You blink slowly, the air leaving your lungs as you try to process all the information that has just been said. You can’t get married, Loki may be handsome but you have no feelings for him. You feel betrayed, played with, and the pain feels too overwhelming as you saw the brothers to be your friends. 
Why would they trick you? What have you done to merit such devious intent?
“It will be easier once you’ve had some food in you, darling.” Your eyes meet Loki’s when he stands close to you, his hand wrapping around your arm, thumb gently caressing your skin. “And realize that being my wife would be the best thing that has ever happened to you.”
You don’t want to agree. What the hell do they know about what’s best for you and what’s not? But you don’t fight back, instead, you nod and allow Loki to take your hand, bowing your head to Thor before following his brother out of the vast throne room. 
But as soon as you pass by the doors, the guards closing them at your wake, you stomp down on Loki’s foot and clench your fists before thrusting it towards his neck, making the god stumble back while he chokes.
You don’t waste any more time and run as fast as you can, sprinting through the halls and staggering down the stairs. Several servants squeal in shock at your wake but you give them no mind, set on finding your way out of the palace and towards the bridge that you once crossed when you arrived. 
Several footsteps stomp behind you and you push further, urging yourself to run faster. You can hide in the forest once you leave the palace and plan from there. All you want now and all you can do is get away from Loki and his brother and hope that you can find someone to help you and take you back home. 
But you grunt when something solid catches your waist, your back pressing hard against a surface that you soon realize is someone’s chest. You try to pull away, clawing on the arm that restrains you to set yourself free, but you whimper when you feel the edge of a blade pressing against your neck, tilting your head back to avoid being cut. 
“I will not be insulted by your insolence, darling.” Loki drawls against your ear. “I have been very patient with you, I have been kind. You do not want to test these waters only to end up drowning.” 
“Please, Loki.” You cry and hiss when he breaks the skin, the metallic tang of your blood wafting in the air. “Why are you doing this? I thought we were friends.”
He chuckles and you let out a breath when the blade leaves your neck. But such reprieve is lost when his fingers wrap around your throat, his nose trailing down your temple and to your cheek then pressing a soft kiss against your skin. 
“Well, darling,” He breathes, feeling rather than seeing his grin. “You thought wrong.”
Quickly, you wipe your tears away when you hear the door of your room open. You keep still, hearing soft footsteps pad through the open room and into the bedchamber, your body going stiff when you see Loki’s reflection in the mirror and resting his hands on your shoulder. 
“I hope those are happy tears, darling.” He says as he greets you with a kiss on the cheek. “Today is a joyous day and I expect nothing but.” 
You stay silent, unsure how to respond for you feel the opposite of happy. You’re trapped, kidnapped, into a foreign land, and betrayed by the people you’ve spent years who you trusted, and depended on to keep you safe. 
Your eyes then shift to the side when Loki holds up a necklace with an emerald crystal hanging by the chain. He takes the liberty of clasping the chain around your neck, whimpers leaving your lips when his hand grazes the tops of your breasts, his finger caressing the jewel that sits on your cleavage. 
“A beautiful present for my bride.” He whispers, the words stabbing your chest and you can’t help the tears from spilling once again. His brow furrows, turning you from the mirror to face him and you look down when he cups your cheek. “What’s the matter, darling? Do you not like it?” He asks. “I can get you another one, a bigger one if that’s what you want.”
“I want to go home.” You blurt out and cover your face as you sob against your palms. This can’t be real. This can’t be happening.
Loki then pinches your chin, making you wince and you drop your hands to your sides when he lifts your head and forces you to face him. A breath catches in your throat as you’re once more filled with fear, seeing his green eyes glow dangerously and the mischievous smirk forming on his lips. 
“But darling,” He breathes, “You are home.”
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I no longer keep a tag list but if you want to be kept updated on my fics, follow my side blog @springdandelixn-archives and turn on notifications.
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Danny always wondered what the strings on his finger meant. He had asked Jazz about it when he was younger and she had no idea what he was talking about. She couldn't even see the strings even though he could see them plain as day.
He made the mistake of asking his mother exactly once and never made that mistake again. Jazz eventually found something about it online, stating that there was a legend about the red string of fate connecting the pinky fingers of destined loves. Danny wondered what it meant if he had three.
Being Phantom changed things. For one, the stings would react oddly whenever he had gone ghost. He could feel what he could only guess were the emotions of the people on the other end of the string. They seemed to be reacting to his "death(s)" every time he changed forms and presumably had similar reactions when he "revived".
One seemed to be very worried about him, another frantic in a search for answers and the third was just deeply intrigued and almost...eager? Huh.
Nightwing hated dealing with Klarion, a sentiment the rest of the JL and YJ teams agreed on.
It was even worse since they were in Gotham and the bats were working together to fight him off. No one was sure what he wanted but he seemed to be having a little too much fun battling them.
It was only after they entered the basement this old dilapidated church that he took note of the chanting. -he blamed the concussion for his lack of awareness- As it turns out, Klarion was attracted to Gotham by this one cult preforming ancient magics from this weirdly glowing spellbook they had found. No idea why he was so interested in it but It couldn't be for anything good.
Red Robin came bursting into the room -late to the party but forgiven considering the circumstances- followed closely behind by a shock of blond hair, and for a moment he thought it was Steph, -stupid concussion- but quickly realized it was Bernard, one of Tim's soulmates and the only one he had found so far. His still very CIVILIAN soulmate. "Ugh. Can today get any worse?" Appearently he should have kept quiet because Klarion turned to him wearing a grin like razorwire and said, "I'm glad you asked!" Before sending a burst of red magic from his hand down to where the cultists were fearfully chanting. The explosion was deafening and where the people once stood was now a green and red portal...
By the time he turned sixteen Danny had gotten pretty good at this ghost thing. Making allies out of some of his old Rouges, making pacts with ghost countries and negotiating treaties between others, many have declared him the new Ghost Prince, regardless of what he had to say on the matter.
Of course the moment he starts to have any self confidence his faith is shaken by some odd supernatural occurrence coming completely out of left field. In this case it was an odd red and green portal opening up right in front of him. He knows he shouldn't, but the strings were leading right into it and he just couldn't resist.
He popped though.
Danny knew he had made some kind of mistake when he saw what he swore was an actual devil, complete with suit, tie and horns. And one of his strings lead directly to him. "You know, being put in a casket is actually looking pretty good right about now."
Devil guy seemed delighted and actually laughed at his humor instead of giving a sarcastic "ha-ha" or concerned sideways glances. Maybe this guy was alright after all.
Tim was freaking out. One of his soulmates was freaking Klarion! Klarion! Oh God, why??? And who, or with his current luck- what was that glowy guy supposed to be??? Oh no he was also his soulmate??? Wtf?!
Bernard was of no help whatsoever as he introduced himself to both of them using his real name. GFDI Bernard! One of us has to have survival instincts, he was sure of it.
Aka: Au where Tim Drake, Bernard Dowd, Klarion Bleak and Daniel Fenton all meet on the battlefield and discover they're soulmates. Klarion then kidnaps everyone, leaving Nightwing alone and injured with backup on the way.
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haemosexuality · 11 months
im rewatching she-ra and naturally im gonna want to write about it a lot. starting by breaking down the catradora conflict origin story scene from s01e02 the sword part 2
people have said this before but the most important thing to keep in mind here is how different their understanding of whats going on is. theyre both approaching this with completely different views and so they misunderstand what the other means.
Adora: There's no time. We have to put a stop this.
Catra: What? Why?
Adora: Because this is a civilian town. Look around! These aren't insurgents. They're innocent people.
Catra: Yeah, sure. Innocent people who kidnapped a Horde officer. Now come on, let's get you back to the Fright Zone. Shadow Weaver is freaking out. [laughing] It'd be funny if she weren't such a terrible person.
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so immediately theres two things i wanna say about this part, about how catra reacts to stuff. first off, something we learn about catra throughout the whole show and especially in the portal-alternative-reality, is that shes big on Pretending Nothing Is Wrong. whenever shes feeling upset or angry about something, she will start joking around and acting like shes just totally super chill guys, dw ("Ugh, whatever. It's not like I even care. I just wanna get out of this dump at some point before I dieee of boredom). Shes acting like that in this scene. Adora was missing for hours, shadow weaver was breathing down her neck and threatening her, she was already worried adora might have left at this point. she cant let adora know how worried she was tho, so shes all jokes and fast paced conversation. To Adora, tho, it just looks like catra doesnt care, like she doesnt understand the gravity of the situation.
and the other thing is that honestly? I dont think catra does care. about the town, i mean. i think catra was ready for war in a way adora never was. theyre both seeing combat for the first time here, and adora hates it. training for war is completely different than being in the battlefield, and adora couldnt handle it. face to face with it she couldnt tolerate seeing people suffering and dying, houses being burned down, a whole village destroyed. when the horde brainwashed adora into thinking they were only doing the necessary to save etheria, she completely and fully believed it, and when faced with the reality of the horde she immediately realized how wrong that was. Catra, tho, could not care less. she never believed in what the horde said, she knew full well what the horde did, so this isnt a surprise for her. and i do think shes naturally a bit sadistic, or at least growing up among the violence of the horde made her so. either way, shes seeing battle here for the first time and shes completely fine with it. doesnt even spare it all a second glance. why would she care about these people she never met if the most important thing in the world is right here in front of her? (i think even if adora hadnt left that night and went into the battlefield as a force captain, she wouldve ended up deserting. she cant stand seeing people suffer and she cant stand not saving them. shes too good, too selfless for that. catra isnt.) (also she is so ready to kill at all times. she loves violence. i once saw someone say how shadow weaver thought adora was the "cutthroat, ruthless warrior" when that was actually catra and they were totally right)
adora is also trying something futile here, she doesnt need to explain to catra that the horde is bad and hurts innocent ppl because catra has known that all her life
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Adora: Catra, no. I can't go back. Not until the Horde leaves this town alone. You have to help me.
Catra: What are you saying?
Adora: I’m saying, this is wrong. They've been lying to us, manipulating us. Hordak, Shadow Weaver, all of them.
Catra: Duh! Did ya just figure that out? Manipulation is Shadow Weaver's whole thing. She's been messing with our heads since we were kids.
(the captions in the pics are slightly wrong, nvm that.) everything i said before. adora just realized all of this, while catra has always known, probably because the abuse adora suffered was more manipulation-and-brainwashing, while shadow weaver always made clear to catra that she didnt give a shit about her, so she suffered physical abuse with little attempt to convince her this was fine.
the "what are you saying?" is one of the things that show how different their perspective is. adora is talking about going against the horde and helping the town, while catra immediately gets more personal. what do you mean? are you saying that you might leave the horde? leave me?
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Adora: How could you possibly be okay with that?
adora means, how could you be ok with the horde lying about its actions, and killing innocent people? how could you be ok with the horde raising us to do the same? and catra hears, how could you be ok with shadow weaver and hordak abusing us?
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Catra: Because, it doesn't matter what they do. The two of us look out for each other. And soon we'll be calling the shots. Now come on, can we go home already?
catra replies: because, i love you. because you have my back and i have yours. because nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other, remember? and soon enough, we'll be powerful enough that they cant hurt us anymore. Adora hears, because i dont care about these people dying, the only thing thats important is you and i. and anyways, soon its gonna be Us killing them, isnt that good? lets go back home to the evil murder place.
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Adora: I'm not going home, Catra. I can't. Not after everything I've seen. Come with me. You don't have to go back there. We can fix this.
adora says: im starting to realize now how wrong i was about everything. we're not the good guys, and i cant stand for that. i cant stand around and watch people get hurt. i cant stand around and watch you get hurt. lets leave, together, and have a better life, please. lets do the right thing.
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Catra: Are you kidding? You've known these people for, what, a couple of hours? And now you're just gonna throw everything away for them?
catra hears, shes willing to leave me. after everything i did for her, all that i took, all of these years of us being together, she would still leave me. she would break our promise. she would leave me behind.
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and then she straight up electrocutes adora. ok
she says it was a reflex, but i dont know if i believe her. i dont think she likes hurting adora (not physically. not by this point, anyways), but i do think that shes the type to lash out when upset and immediately regret it, then feel guily about it. which just makes her more upset. :(
Catra: Oh, man. That was a lot stronger than I thought. Are you okay?
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Adora: Why are you doing this?
Catra: Because you left me! And if I don't bring you back, Shadow Weaver’s gonna have my head. So, enough with your weird little identity crisis and let's go home already. Or do I need to zap you again?
thats the last time they talk. adora gets teleported away by glimmer, and when they see each other again, its clear that they both made their choice.
the moment adora showed catra she was willing to leave her, there was no coming back for them. because catra would never get over that. she'd spend all her life in that hellscape, putting up with abuse and bullying and probably so much more we dont get to see, because of the promise adora made her. and, in her eyes, adora was ready to leave her on the first opportunity that came up. that hurt. that broke her. and that released something really ugly inside of her.
cue in 2,5 years of homoerotic rivalry and trauma. ok post over if you read this i hope you liked it <3 bye
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trashlama · 10 months
Heeeeeyyyyy.... guess who's ADHD can't let them write for shit?~ This bitch✨~
I suuuuuucck guys I know! I did a poll and everything just so I would have to write some of these! I just couldn't help but get side tracked.... My brain is in the LMK and Spiderverse fandoms!!! Though I will say I basically got this Rise Donnie x Big Mama Assistant req almost done. Almost I say. We'll see if I post it in the next two days and not something else random instead.... I suck lol
Anyways— here's my 3am thoughts from the other night that I'm finish up tonight ironically at 3am again. Soooo bare with me these are basically a bunch of summaries/plots/not fully flushed out possible one shot ideas I might do. Probably could've re-read it a couple more times buuuuttt it's about to be 4 now so....
I hope you guys enjoy!
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Sorry this is long↓ I don't own these memes. I've never claimed to do so. I just come across them on Pinterest when I'm on break at work and think they're funny so I like to share them. If I mistakenly put one on here that I shouldn't have please let me know! I like to respect people's wishes. And if you could add the creator names too that would be great so the same mistake isn't made twice. Sorry for the inconvenience that my sharing may cause. I hope you have a good day.
Sooooo I was going through the Across the Spiderverse tag(specifically Miguel O'Hara) because you know he's hot. Priorities— Anyways— I kinda had an idea. Brahhzz what if I just took the whole Miguel kidnapping his dead wife/lover's alternate dimensional copy deal that everyone has been throwing around and introduced a new take on this tale?
We all know that the Spiderverse is very open to a wide selection of possibilities and versions of Spiderman and we're all aware that the same thing applies to other characters as well. Soooo who said that Y/n has to be a civilian/or a version of Spiderman for this idea to work?
My fellow peeps I introduce to you Earth 2099 Miguel O'Hara x  Villain/Alchemax worker/Morally Grey scientist Reader!
I can kinda see this playing out in a few ways.
1.)Villain reader investigating the strange phenomenon that occurred a couple months before hacking the multi verse and stirring up trouble. Miguel intervenes and takes what he wants.
For the last year since the bizarre phenomenon in downtown Brooklyn you've been stirring up more trouble than you typical due to collecting the materials needed for your "experiments" to figure out what that phenomenon really was and what the hell was Alchemax —your ex-employers— were up to with your research. With some finessing of the illegal kind you figure out what the corporation was up to. Before being fired you had discovered the existence of the multiverse however before you could investigate any further you were let go. Now that you have your research back you're able to Doc Octo this shit and break into the multiverse. If you could pull this off nothing was stopping ya' from fulfilling yer goal and maybe scoring some fame while you were at it. After some convoluted ass science mumbojumbo. You manage to Doc Octo this shit and break into the dimensional web that held the spider verse. Inside the alternate universe you immediately start messing up shit straight off the back as soon as you fly through the colorful portal. Miguel is quick to pick up on this anomaly and sends some Spiders out to handle the issue. Long story short— they fail. Forcing Miguel's hand to go and correct the anomaly himself. Only to find that it was you. Her. His dead wife/or dead lover. The only problem is that you're obviously not a good guy. Miguel being Miguel will try to rationalize it to himself as he demolishes your equipment/suit that you're not his Y/n, you're a villain, he can't keep you without risking a whole universe just for his selfish desires. However as he stood over your defeated helpless form. He decided. If one anomaly can exist and not destroy existence why can't another? There were ways around this. There had to be. Holding you in his grasp again the hero wasn't sure if he could let you go once again....
2.) You're an inventor/scientist that works at Alchemax/or your another rogue scientist . Either way you're looking to get into the Spider verse. Since the phenomenon from a couple months ago you've been intrigued by the strange occurrence. The news labeled it a "strange weather occurrence" however you knew that wasn't the case. If you're working at Alchemax you've known about the phenomenon since the beginning. If you're an inventor/scientist (with some grey morals) you found out after some research and trespassing. Either way your tinkering pays off thanks to the help of some stolen tech from Alchemax and an interesting glitch from the hacked tech. You eventually have yourself a fully operational universe hopping watch. And where do you end up? Right in the middle of Earth 2099. Miguel is immediately alerted of your presence. An obvious stranger to this Jetson world you find yourself quickly apprehended by a small group of spiders/or Miguel. Either way the red & blue leotard nosferatu as soon as he catches sight of you the dude is all over you. Miguel may be a man who would like to believe he is in control of himself and his rash decisions buuuuttt that's gonna be a nah. Never had the Spiderman ever expected to speak to an alternate version of his dead wife. Especially in person. Every time he's stolen a glance it was from a distance or behind one of his various monitors. He couldn't risk ruining another verse. However somehow regardless of his attempts to keep his desires at bay you've still managed to break past that last thing that was keeping you from him. Now that you're here the thirty year old wasn't sure if he could let you leave him again...
3.) What if instead of breaking into the multi verse. Alchemax employee/Morally Grey scientist Reader! is lured into the multiverse? In your home verse the Miguel who you had married was dead. Struggling with piling debt and depression you choose to bury your problems under research into the weird phenomenon that occurred in downtown Brooklyn a few months before. During this time of trial and error you figure out how to access the multiverse thanks to some misplaced Alchemax files and risky choices. The documents aid in building the device that would aid in your plan to find your ex-husband's alternate universe copy. All the while you were walking right into Miguel's clutches. Cause like you Miguel was having an equally hard time getting over his family's death. Although they are gone the widowed father couldn't help but, search for his loved ones amongst the various worlds that rest at his finger tips. He needed them. He needed you....and you needed him. Although you guys weren't from the same earth you both can replace the pain that was birthed from this tragedy and regain something more. Just be a family.... Hopefully you want to play his game because Miguel couldn't watch from the sidelines any longer.
Alrighty guys that's all for now! Sorry if they're a little all over the place. Regardless I hope you guys liked them and I hope you guys have a good week!
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eretzyisrael · 2 months
JTA and Andrew Lapin
Almost as soon as the piece appeared online, it began drawing criticism from within the Guernica staff. Founded in 2004 partly in response to the Iraq War and named after Pablo Picasso's famous anti-war painting, the nonprofit magazine has long married literary bona fides and left-wing politics.
Joshua Gutterman Tranen, an anti-Zionist Jewish writer who has published in Guernica in the past, specifically pointed out a passage he found objectionable in which Chen briefly pauses her volunteer work after October 7, writing, "How could I continue after Hamas had massacred and kidnapped so many civilians, including Road to Recovery members, such as Vivian Silver, a longtime Canadian peace activist? And I have to admit, I was afraid for my own life."
"The moment in the Guernica essay where the Israeli writer – who never considers why Palestinian children don't have access to adequate healthcare b/c of colonization and apartheid – says she has to stop assisting them getting medical support because of 'Hamas,'" Tranen tweeted. "This is genocidal."
Chen's essay is not the first time progressive Jews and Israelis have been condemned for being insufficiently critical of Israel. The official movement to boycott Israel, for example, called for a boycott of Standing Together, an Israeli-Palestinian coexistence group that opposes the war, saying that the group promotes "normalization" of Israel. And when Haymarket Books, a left-wing publisher, recently announced a book co-authored by longtime leaders of the anti-Zionist group Jewish Voice for Peace, it drew sharp criticism on Instagram – in part because one author, who supports boycotting Israel, is married to an Israeli and has family members in Israel.
For some Jews who have questioned their place in progressive and literary spaces since October 7, Guernica's retraction offered new evidence of a toxic discourse in which no Israeli or Jew can pass muster.
"THIS is what was beyond the pale? This essay of nuance, lived experiences, fears, hopes, and continuing to strive in her own way for peace?" tweeted Sara Yael Hirschhorn, a historian of modern Israel who has written about her own struggle to sustain her liberal Zionist outlook after the attack, after reading the retracted piece. "Obviously this is just a bigoted decision about an Israeli and Jewish author … This virtual burning of books is bareknuckled antisemitism."
Emily Fox Kaplan, a Jewish writer who had shared the essay before it was retracted, wrote that she saw the criticism of Chen's essay as part of a much wider dynamic.
"The problem, when it really comes down to it, is that it presents an Israeli as human," she tweeted. "The people who are losing their minds about this want to believe that there are no civilians in Israel. They want a simple good guys/bad guys binary, and this creates cognitive dissonance."
Some non-Jewish writers also lamented the piece's retraction.
Matt Gallagher, a war correspondent who is also a veteran and who opposes the Israel-Hamas war, said his own work had benefited from reading thoughtful authors whose perspectives were different from his own.
"If you want the war in Gaza to end, as I do," he tweeted, "shouting down calm Israeli voices mulling the ruin of it all isn't going to help."
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
If you do miraculous ladybug I would like to please request yandere adrien/cat noir head canons!!! Thank you ^W^
"Even if everyone leaves you, I will always stay by your side." - Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir.
❝ 🐞 — lady l: Hey! A little time without seeing each other, huh? I've been pretty busy these last few days dealing with personal issues so I haven't had the time and I didn't want to write or post anything, but I'm back. Anyway, I hope you like these hc's for yandere Adrien/Cat Noir. 😉
❝tw: yandere themes, obsessive and possessive behavior, manipulation, overprotection, inferiority complex, suicide, mention of kidnapping and implied murder.
❝🐞pairing: yandere!adrien agreste/cat noir x gender neutral!reader.
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Adrien Agreste is your servant, your obedient and loyal boyfriend, your best friend and no one else loves you like he does. That boy would do anything for you, absolutely anything.
He is very shy and awkward around his obsession, Adrien would be even more closed off about his feelings than he normally is. He doesn't want you to hate him, for you to find him disgusting, for you to walk away from him.
He's the kind of guy who prefers to watch his sweetheart from a distance so he doesn't risk being rejected, so he's more than satisfied just being your one and only best friend. Just the two of you, as it should be.
Adrien is very impulsive, he acts by emotion and not by reason, if someone is taking too much of your time he should and will act quickly to change that. He wouldn't be so direct as to threaten someone, but he would be subtle, manipulating you to get away from them and if that doesn't work then maybe they'll get a visit from Cat Noir.
He will do anything and everything for you, you are his princess/prince so you don't have to bother lifting a single finger because he, like a good boyfriend/friend, will do whatever you want. He'd be more than happy if you asked him to help you get ready, Adrien doesn't miss a single opportunity to stick close to you.
Adrien is extremely overprotective of you, if you are a Miraculous wielder he will try to get you to give up on and if he fails to do that, in a fight he would never leave your side. He can't and won't risk you being harmed by a villain or even Hawk Moth. Speaking of which, if any of these villains managed to crack a finger on you, Adrien, more precisely Cat Noir, would get rid of them once and for all and in a more definitive way.
Jealousy? No, Adrien is not jealous, he is possessive. Agreste is jealous of anyone or anything that has your attention no one but him should get your precious attention, no one but him can hear your beautiful voice and see your pretty face, hey, he's a famous model, a beloved superhero and your best friend, is that not enough for you? Is he not enough for you?
Adrien is friendly, empathetic and generous to everyone and those traits will always carry on, that's who he is, but if you asked him he'd put aside all his friends, even Ladybug, hell, he'd go so far as to disobey his father for you. He is your biggest support, whatever you want to do or have planned, you can be sure he will be there for you. Always.
Adrien has a desperation to be loved, he desperately wants to receive his father's approval and love, but since he doesn't, it's you he seeks love and approval from. He's very reckless and he doesn't mind getting hurt in his superhero duty or as a civilian, if that's the price he must pay to get what he so craves so much, so be it.
He is very insecure, Adrien always needs confirmation that he is the person you love and care about the most, if not, he gets paranoid and can get to the point of getting hurt and asking you questions like ''Why don't you love me?'', ''I… I'll do anything! Please, Y/N, don't leave me!''. Adrien would go to extreme lengths for his sweetheart, you are the only person important to him, if you left him, he would not try to hurt you, no, he would kidnap you and, after realizing what he had done, he would kill himself. Adrien can't bear the thought of being taken away from you, so if he can't be with you in life then that he will meet you in death or another life. Either way, you two will meet again.
He's a walking danger to himself and others, but not to you, and the fact that he possesses the Miraculous of Destruction doesn't get anyone excited. Although he is very honorable and kind, Adrien will not hesitate to use a miraculous for a selfish reason for you. He will destroy the whole world just for you if you ask him, so it would be perfect, wouldn't it? Only the two of you would be left, the only people that really matter.
In general, Adrien is a safe enough yandere to be trapped, he would never hurt you and would do anything for you. But as I said before, he only loves and values you and your opinion, Adrien would get rid of his friends and his father if they tried to stop him from being with you, no one who tries to keep him away from his obsession can be good and he swore to rid the world of bad people. He will make the world a better place just for you, all the bad people will be eliminated and no one can stand between you. Perhaps he ends up destroying himself in the process, maybe even becoming Cat Blanc, but none of that matters to him and only the fact that you are safe and with him. Only with him until the end of yours lives.
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I can't believe I have to fucking say this, but here we go, since I'd rather deal with this now than when someone messages me some random bs about the current situation (thank fuck I'm not Jewish nor have family or friends in Israel, or this would be much more angry than I'd like, but here we are).
The killing of civilians is not OK. Celebrating it either is not OK. BEING HAPPY THAT PEOPLE ARE BEING RAPED AND KILLED IS NOT FUCKING OK YOU ASSHOLES.
Do none of you who are doing this over the Internet HAVE ANY FUCKING EMPATHY FOR ANYONE IN THIS CONFLICT.
Look, I'm South African. I'm black. We can argue AS MUCH as you fuckin want about the ethics of using violence and that jazz to 'achieve means' or whatever fucking buzzword you guys want to use to 'end the apartheid in the Middle East'. I won't respond to you, but whatever.
You can talk AS MUCH as you want about how 'Israel deserved this', I'm not gonna argue with a random twat. Send me anonhate for all I care, call me 'anti-Palestinian' or something for all I fucking care.
You can talk about settlers, me being 'right wing' (I'm actually, left, but fuck me, am I right) or whatever hot takes you want to jab to me about how 'this was inevitable' (and the thing is, if the crazies on both sides were non-existent or not in power (because I 100% know Israel has it's crazies, and that Palestine has theirs too) IT WOULD Have, but I'm not discussing fucking politics today. I have school and assignments and a fanfic chapter to write))
If you needed this message, I beg of you, grow a spine, a skull and get a brain to replace the one that melted out of your ears.
If you think that what Hamas is doing is morally right in anyway, shape or form, please block me and never speak to me again.
Do I know of skeletons in the closet? Yes, I do. But, here's the thing: If you decide that's entirely justifiable to commit acts of terrorism, just...leave my account. Now.. You are not welcome here, nor do I wish for you to feel welcomed by me. Leave.
Let all those who are suffering find relief and rescue, and those who died be in peace, and their memories be remembered forevermore. Amen.
Rant, over. Good Gd I am this close to slapping someone
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veny-many · 9 months
Previous post :
Thinking about survived Order 66 Plo Koon AU
What I saw, Kel-Dorian often worked as a bounty hunter or something like that due to their strong judgment of the right and wrong.
So what I am thinking in my headcanon sandbox: Plo acting as a retired bounty hunter. And like "what is Jedi? I didn't hear of them. Of the lightning from my hand? It is Kel-Dor ability no need to worry :)"
Wolffe is by his side as a... colleague? Or successor?
Some people think it's odd that Kel-Dor and clone like human wandering around and got suspicious.
"I knew it! You guys not just some bounty hunters teaming right?"
"You Kel-Dor adopted human! I never thought any Kel-Dor clan would accept other sentients as their family!"
"Excuse me what"
Wolffe feels strong responsibility of protecting Plo because he never deserved this and he still feels guilty(despite how many times Plo told him it was not) so he often acts in front.
But since he was naive and honest clone(be honest, Wolffe is not good at lying and he is softy despite his sass) Wolffe often caught up in troubles in civilian and underworld life. In this case, Plo steps front and negotiate or talks about troubles.(thank you and not thank you Micah for always dragging his naive friend to underworld)
Wolffe feels frustrated and powerless when this happens.
After Malevolence, he always feels bad when he can't act in front. It means his brother will suffer instead of him.
Wolffe sometimes thinks, if he was not here, Plo would be more easily live and hide under Empire's hunting.
He doesn't know that when he is fallen asleep, Plo often strokes his hair, and recites Jedi Code in his mind to send his never-ending grief and regrets to the Force.
One day, Wolffe didn't come back to their hideout till late evening.
Plo: I knew that one day he will get lost, like other children.
And half true, because Wolffe got kidnapped by underworld criminals.
The kidnappers recognized Wolffe has same face with the clone troopers, and he was deserter from Empire. So they thought if they get him and make him talk about the army information, or just send him back to Empire for reward. Or just sell him to slavery, because clone troopers also known as a great soldier and worker with no worries about someone would try to find them.
What they didn't know, that there was one Jedi who was tracking them for one clone they trafficked.
Lightning. Because why not. Plo couldn't use his saber because it was too dangerous for his and Wolffe's hide, but instead he uses his Electric Judgment to knock down kidnappers. He frees abducted peoples and finds Wolffe.
Wolffe, who was tortured and hurt because he tried to protect other young slaves.
And Wolffe tells Plo that it was too dangerous and meaningless. That it was too risky too use his Force tactic to rescue one clone.
And anyway Plo gathers Wolffe in his arm and goes to their hideout.
And tugges Wolffe in warm blankets and gives him warm soup. And water.
After Wolffe is calmed, Plo tells him his honest mind. That actually he is doubting that they could fine any Jedi survivors, or even if there are any other survivors at first. And after Jedi Order's fall, Plo felt like he lost his whole life's purpose, that was meant to serve the Force and greater goods.
But Wolffe was still there, and he found his first new purpose for his life, to protect this young soldier and help him learning to survive the real life outside the army life. And with that, when he finds many others who are in danger, he could help them even after Order's fall, and he was grad to be alive thanks to Wolffe's existence.
Wolffe just keeps weeping silently while listening Plo's talk. And Plo had to give him more water to prevent dehydration.
Stay hydrated everyone.
Peoples who got freed kept their secrets, for the Jedi who saved them. But anyway the rumor spread to underworld, that there was one Kel-Dor with iron arm who striked to trafficking hideout and fried criminals and released slaves.
Ahsoka and Rex in Rebellion heard that rumors with newfound hope.
Wolfpack in Empire army heard that rumor with burning desire to hunt down their commanding officers who betrayed and left them.
That's all for now. Thank you everyone have a nice day.
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lady-byleth · 2 years
Love how people always treat it as fact that Crow and the ILF tried to fire the railway cannons at Crossbell even though Scarlet literally says that everything at Garrelia Fortress and in Crossbell went precisely how Crow planned, meaning they never planned to wipe out thousands of innocents (including Towa) to get Osborne
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The Nord Highlands, Heimdallr, Garrelia Fortress and Crossbell, Roer were scare tactics and long term diversions
Establish the ILF as dangerous lunatics that go for large scale targets without any regard for civilian casualties and then use the oldest, most direct way in the book to take Osborne out - good, old fashioned assassination
You'll notice Crow's plans don't ever result in civilian casualties, only military ones, unless someone (Gideon) goes off the rails
He's even established to help civilians outside his C persona, even gets commanded on it by the government because of how many witnesses see him do it. He could just use helping as an excuse to run off and get changed but he actually does it
He also seems to be aware of Osborne's plans to take over the whole continent since he chooses the war declaration speech specifically to assassinate the guy
Now if we take into account how much Vita knows, which is a whole shit ton, and that he's her right hand man who helps her while advancing his own plans...it puts a lot of his actions into a different light
Now, to be completely clear, I am not excusing his actions, but I think putting them into perspective and accounting for his personality makes them more interesting
Osborne has been planning to invade Calvard for a while, we know that much. Has been preparing for it a long time actually.
Now, people always say that by instigating a conflict in the Nord Highlands the ILF could've kickstarted a whole ass war between the two nations. Which is completely true. But it would've also given Calvard more of a fighting chance against the Empire by starting the fighting early before the Empire was finished with its preparations
It takes away the element of surprise that would've worked in Erebonia's favor by surprising the Empire into the conflict as well, in a place that isn't typically seen as being a highly contested area and only has token security measures in place
It also plants the seed in people that there's a faction of people who just want to hurt the Empire no matter the consequences. If Gideon knew of this part of the plan is debatable but I doubt it.
Heimdallr is the seat of power for the Imperial government. I'm not sure what kidnapping Alfin would've accomplished but considering the imperial forces and RMP have such a heavy presence in Heimdallr its entirely possible it was just meant to be a psychological attack to shake the trust in Osborne. Crow also managed to establish himself as both a helpful person by being highly visible when helping civilians, got himself an alibi doing it and also made C an honorable figure who protected Alfin and Elise's life from Gideon while also making him even scarier because of the scale of the attack covering the whole damn city.
Garrelia Fortress is the biggest and most powerful tool against the republic Osborne has. Fie offhandedly comments that taking it over would take immense prep work and we're treated to a small scene with some mechanics where they get additional orders via orbal network and complain about how there's no free time for them because of it
Both of those establish C as both a highly intelligent and extremely cunning person the very next day. Plus, Scarlet mentioning that everything went according to plan is a huge power play. They didn't fire at Crossbell, they didn't plan to, but they could have.
The plan of one man led the ILF into the heart of Garrelia Fortress, got the railway cannons into their hands and even got them firing on Crossbell. Plus, Crow being as intelligent and hyper prepared as he is would absolutely have accounted for the blanks. Scare tactic.
At the same time Gideon and his crew disrupted the trade conference which multiple people have established to be a thinly veiled attampt of both Erebonia and Calvard to get their hands on Crossbell and especially its tax revenue. Those talks were violently interrupted, setting the war effort back again by cutting the funds Osborne was sure he would have and Crossbell declaring their independence was just a nice bonus on top for the ILF
Everything the ILF does is designed to be terrifying and witnessed by as many people as possible while also throwing a wrench into Osborne's plans. Until the mines.
C fakes his own death, puts the public at ease again. The danger is past, the ILF's leader - who seemed completely untouchable through his meticulous planning and presence alone - died and has been dealt with.
So Crow moves on to the final stage of the plan; good old fashioned assassination.
And cuz of how dramatic and highly visible the ILF has been acting so far absolutely no one sees this coming. Even the intelligence agency, who never managed to actually identify him as C despite their suspicions later on and have been accidentally feeding him information about what they know for months now, can't stop him in time.
After months of high profile operations that kept growing in scale Crow just shoots the guy, no fanfare or distractions, just one simple shot. Osborne even praises him for getting one up on him with this.
The ILF did an amazing job of establishing themselves as highly dangerous, their leader as extremely intelligent and cunning with a flare for dramatics, their operations as ruthless and with no regard for casualties, while only stalling the war effort and limiting Osborne's funds
And when Osborne is "dead" Cayenne uses the opportunity to start the civil war...which again keeps the imperial government from placing the blame in Calvard, keeping the army occupied and also advancing Vita's very pragmatic plan which is technically for a good cause
There is a huge reason the war against Calvard doesn't start until games 3 and 4, and that's entirely because of Crow, Vita and the ILF
Like, their methods are not heroic, absolutely not. But I don't think we can argue against it ending up leaving the world in a better state than Osborne being allowed to run free would have...and does in 3 and 4.
Anyway, in the larger context of the series I'd definitely root for the ILF and not for Osborne. Thank you for your time.
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rzypl · 1 year
i need a shigadabi where dabi or touya whatever, is tomura's weakness, just let dabi be the damsel in distress pleasemaybe where touya is still a civilian and his life after the coma was that he had to stick with the todorokis but it's very complicated shit because there is no good relationship with his father and there is still comparison with shouto (and all the additional traumas, those never go away) but after a big fight with enji about how the situation is being dealt with after the big confrontation the heroes had with the villains and remarking to enj that it's unfair he leaves home very late and somehow he doesn't know he ends up straying down alleys he doesn't know and out of nowhere he sees a lump on the ground and touya's first instinct is to get out but then the guy on the ground groans in pain and and well touya reacts, then touya has the basic knowledge of wound care on his own but whatever happened to the guy must be more than what touya is used to because he seems to be in agony, he crouches down and tries to get him to sit against the nearest wall they have, that's when he realizes that this man is the same one who has caused catastrophes in just days, then he has shigaraki tomura dying in an alley and touya is the one who actually helps him, the reasons are the least of it, maybe out of simple selfishness towards enji or because he couldn't let someone die who could help, I really don't care and it all goes from there you have a resentful touya keeping tomura alive for some reason and maybe the first reaction when shiggy wakes up is to attack but then you have a pretty face with big blue eyes and he's just a man okay?everything is a blur from that moment on, touya explains that he found him in an alley and he didn't really have a reason to save him so he owes him his life (i'm paraphrasing) then tomura also tells him without being asked why he was in that alley without his people and they never stop talking as if they've known each other all their lives and somehow touya becomes everything to shiggy and tell me if it's not powerful that the same man who brings down cities with a touch is willing to give his life for ONE person to add spice to life, in the end the rumors that there is someone with the fucking tomura shigaraki spread like wildfire and touya is kidnapped and tortured to such an extent that they end up killing him and neither enji nor tomura can do anything to stop it and tomura no longer has anyone to feel sorry for, the world knows no peace since that day.
o o also one after the war where dabi gets pregnant (because there is too much need for more omega dabi fics) (but it's hard for me because i don't like omegaverse fics too much let me)
and then they have a crisis because he thought he couldn't have children but he wants children, that stability of being able to form a family (traumas) he tells tomura and although at the beginning he was also undecided but seeing the happiness of his omega is enough, practically they won the war so everything is fine until dabi is 4 months old, somehow the heroes have tracked them to where they are and there is a raid.
things go wrong very quickly, even though everyone in the league was unharmed they still got it very complicated, they have to escape but dabi tells shiggy that for a moment he looks like he is going to faint then there is blood running down his legs.
obviously this is a big shock, in the few years the two had become so attached to the fetus and then dabi has a miscarriage due to a situation that they don't control but that doesn't make it any more enjoyable. they have a very, very bad time and then they have another raid when shiggy and the others go to look for supplies and only toga and dabi are left and although toga does his best they end up taking dabi with him.
clearly chaos ensues
(as an extra point dabi has a twin pregnancy and only one dies so 😁)
everyone has a hard time here, don't worry
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meekmedea · 1 year
The Rogues Take Action
In which Wally's Rogues wonder about their current Flash. A deleted snippet from ch.40
“Okay, has anyone noticed that something is up with Flash? Is he getting old or something?”
“Isn’t he near your age, Hartley?” Leonard shook his head at Mick, though he ignored the silent warning and continued, “Are you sure you’re not one we should worry about?”
“What if he’s sick?”
Mick raised an eyebrow. “And why do you think that?”
“Now you’ve just given him a reason to ramble,” groaned Leonard. 
“Think about it,” says Hartley. It was clear to the rest of the Rogues he’d spent a lot of time thinking about this. “When was the last time we were getting that many hits in? Like ever?”
“It’s the same as ever.”
“No, it isn’t. He never pulls his punches like this and–”
“Wait, Mick. He’s got a point,” says Mark carefully. “The last time - sometimes we get him with that mirror trick. But never that quickly. Not since he was Kid Flash.”
At that, the room quietened, pensive. 
“We can’t let this go on.”
“No, we can’t.”
‘He’s not the one we have a problem with anyways,’ is how they justify it. 
Medea blinked as the blindfold was removed from her. It was a surprisingly very gentle kidnapping, like they weren’t trying to hurt her. They’d been very apologetic about it when they’d taken her from the clinic. 
Across from her, sits Wally, dressed as Flash and tied up in the same manner as her. Once his blindfold is removed, he looks equally as confused as her. 
“This is for your own good, Flash,” says Pied Piper, pulling out a knife. To her surprise, he slices the ropes tying her down. “I apologize if they were a tad tight, but you see, we’d like to hire you for a job.”
She nodded, not quite following. 
He then gestured to Flash. 
Oh. She turned back to Wally and raised an eyebrow. What did you do?
“Guys, you can’t kidnap civilians off the street,” says Wally, still confused. 
“Why not? Besides, she works at that clinic. This is right up her alley.” Almost as an afterthought, Pied Piper tells her, “We’ll pay you for your services if you can check up on him.”
“I’m fine. Really. She doesn’t have to check me.” To her, he directs, “Doctor, really. I’m fine. Trust me.” 
“You’re sweating bullets,” Medea notes to his horror when she got close enough. There was a scalpel in the pocket of her lab coat. It was probably sharp enough to cut his ropes. Or the knife in her boot if that didn’t work. “What’s got you so nervous?”
Wally ignored her question. “So you can just let her go.” 
A chuckle left Captain Cold as he entered. “Are you worried your little assassin girlfriend will mind? I doubt it, she’d probably want you alive rather than dead. That is if you made things up with her after last time.”
Wally turned as red as his suit and he looked anywhere but at her. 
“Got to say, kid. I’m almost jealous.”
If it was possible, Wally looked even more red than before. She was almost impressed. 
“You will introduce us eventually, right?” says Trickster cheerfully. Medea remembered him from last time, the one who’d shook her hand enthusiastically after she had taken Gorgona down. 
“Guys, please–” pleads Wally. “It’s not like that.”
“So she’s not your girlfriend?” The man seemed pretty amused. “Just someone who you have exclusive nemesis rights with?”
“How come you never offered any of us that before?” asks the Pied Pieper.
“Have you seen your ugly mug?” teased another. “I would run the other way too. I bet that’s why Flash runs so fast.”
“Flash does not. Right? Flash, you wouldn't do that, right?”
Medea tried not to laugh at Wally’s exasperation.
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