#Weird facts
wikiweird · 11 months
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Cosmic latte
"Cosmic latte" refers to the average color of the universe as determined by a team of astronomers led by Karl Glazebrook and Ivan Baldry. In 2002, they conducted a study to determine the color of the universe by combining light from over 200,000 galaxies.
After analyzing the spectral data from these galaxies, the researchers calculated the average wavelength of light and determined that the color of the universe, when viewed as a whole, is a pale beige or light brown. They humorously named this color "cosmic latte" due to its resemblance to the color of milky coffee.
The color was arrived at by combining the light emitted by stars of different ages and colors in the observed galaxies. It represents a composite color that takes into account the distribution and intensity of light throughout the universe.
The discovery of the cosmic latte color provides an interesting perspective on the overall composition of the universe. It indicates that the combination of stars and galaxies across vast distances creates a uniform hue when viewed from a distance.
While the term "cosmic latte" is not an official scientific term, it has gained popularity in popular science discussions and has become a recognizable way to describe the average color of the universe. It serves as a playful and relatable way to conceptualize the vastness and complexity of the cosmos.
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benoits-neckerchieves · 6 months
Just found out there’s an island called Inaccessible Island that’s almost completely surrounded by cliffs, and one of the cliffs is called Where-the-Pig-Fell-Off, because humans can’t live there so they tried to fill the island with pigs and they all died. Oh, and the only way to get there is to travel for 7 days in a boat from Cape Town with permission from the government. There’s also an extinct volcano :)
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These are all true.
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lemmeplaymom · 2 months
Ace: *snickers* Seriously?! "Walking Encyclopedia" Was your old nickname?! Guess I'll be asking you for answers from now on.
Yuuka: It's not like the answers you would see on a school test. It's just oddly random stuff.
Ace: *smirks* Okay, I'll bite. Give a random fact that not many people know.
Yuuka: Hyenas aren't really dogs. They just look like dogs, and the females evolve a false penis that they have to give birth through.
Ace: ...
Yuuka: They can also purr.
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unbfacts · 2 months
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My NSA agent must be so confused, because one day, I binge true crime shows while researching how long it takes for a body to decay in various elements, and the next, I spend hours scrolling through pictures of kitty cats while singing One Direction on repeat, and sometimes, I look up useless facts, like why hospital layouts are designed the way they are, or a synonym for pretentious--just to shake things up.
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echo-stimmingrose · 1 month
If I had a nickel for every time a major country declared a war on a bird and lost, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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Weird Facts That Don't Make Sense
The Can Opener Wasn't Invented For Almost 60 Years After Canned Food
The University Of Oxford Is Older Than The Heads On Easter Island
Abraham Lincoln And Charles Darwin Were Born On The Same Date
Marilyn Monroe And Queen Elizabeth Were Born In The Same Year
Woolly Mammoths Were Still Alive While Egyptians Were Building The Pyramids
Oxford University Existed For Hundreds Of Years Before The Aztec Empire Was Founded
Nintendo Was Founded When Jack The Ripper Was Still On The Loose 
Anne Frank And Martin Luther King Junior Were Born In The Same Year 
The Fax Machine Was Invented The Same Year The First Wagon Crossed The Oregon Trail
You Could Take The London Underground To The Last Public Hanging In The UK
Princess Diana And Mother Teresa Died Days Apart
Ecstasy Was Invented The Same Year The Titanic Sank
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saturnisscreaming · 6 months
Fun fact I used to laugh in my sleep and sleep with one eye open
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hereticalheraldry · 2 years
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The Scottish Highlands, The Appalachians, And The Atlas Are The Same Mountain Range, Once Connected As The Central Pangean Mountains
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In chi's sweet home, it's established that chi got her name after hearing yohei telling his parents that he peed himself (or "chi'd" himself as he called it) and responding to it, thinking it was her name. No one acknowledges this fact afterwards so i just want to remind everyone
THIS FUCKING CAT IS CANONICALLY NAMED PISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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wikiweird · 11 months
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Wow! signal -
In 1977, a radio signal was detected from outer space that lasted for 72 seconds. This signal, known as the "Wow! signal," remains one of the most intriguing and unexplained mysteries in the field of astronomy.
The Wow! signal was detected by astronomer Jerry R. Ehman while he was analyzing data from the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University. The signal was so remarkable that Ehman circled it on the printout and wrote "Wow!" next to it, giving it its name.
What makes the Wow! signal particularly intriguing is its unusual characteristics. It was a narrowband radio signal that appeared to originate from the Sagittarius constellation. The signal's intensity was over 30 times higher than the background noise, indicating a potential artificial origin.
Despite extensive efforts to re-detect the signal and determine its source, it has never been observed again. Scientists have proposed various explanations, including potential extraterrestrial origins, but no definitive conclusions have been reached.
The Wow! signal continues to spark fascination and speculation, representing one of the most enigmatic and unexplained phenomena in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. It serves as a reminder of the vast mysteries that exist beyond our planet and the ongoing quest to understand the universe.
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cocogum · 1 year
Weird HxH Facts you might’ve not noticed before (part 9)
Fact #1: Feitan doesn’t eat food that has already been touched.
For someone whose job in the troupe is to interrogate people through the use of torture, Feitan would never touch someone else’s food.
This is particularly odd for him since he has no problem playing with the bodies of his victims while questioning them but seems to not dare cross the line on eating another person’s meal.
Chapter 398 perfectly demonstrates his refusal to do such a thing.
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Fact #2: Nobunaga hates shellfish.
Never would we have learned that Nobunaga would despise shellfish.
It’s a completely different thing to hate it for personal tastes but the main reason why he’d never eat one would be because he almost got food poisoning because of one.
It’s rather hard to imagine a member of the Phantom Troupe getting poisoned by a shellfish of all things.
He immediately backs down from eating an oyster made by Hinrigh in chapter 398.
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Fact #3: Despite coming from Meteor City, Feitan’s main language isn’t the same as his companions.
Even though Feitan is an original member of the Phantom Troupe, he seems to not have properly learned Japanese while growing up in Meteor City like the rest of them.
*the word “Japanese” in their universe has been altered to something else but we’ll call it “Japanese” since the true word for it hasn’t been revealed to us yet*
It has been shown that instead of speaking in Japanese, Feitan seemed to be most fluent in Chinese. Whenever he’d get angry during a fight, he’d suddenly switch his butchered Japanese and convert it to Chinese, implying that he was letting go of his restrictions to fully express himself.
This shows us that, unlike his companions, his first language is Chinese and his second language is Japanese.
During the Phantom Troupe’s backstory, Feitan has been shown speaking zero times but does look like he perfectly understands what everyone around is saying. We don’t specifically know when or how Feitan learned Chinese at such a young age given the fact that most Meteor City children at the time couldn’t read.
Fact #4: Baise and Ivlenkov get killed by a sentient vacuum cleaner.
It is hard to believe that someone could have been killed by a vacuum cleaner no matter if it was a sentient one or not.
And yet, this is exactly what happened to Baise and Ivlenkov in chapter 73 during the Yorknew City arc.
As the two are running away from the auction massacre to warn the others, Ivlenkov gets killed by Shizuku followed by Baise right after.
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Fact #5: Tsubone has a granddaughter even though zoldyck butlers aren’t allowed to have their own families.
A lot of rules need to be respected to become a butler for the zoldycks.
Not only will you have an extremely dangerous life due to serving a family of assassins, but your life will also be monitored and controlled by the same family you chose to attend to.
Since the butlers should be completely devoted to their masters, this means they are strictly forbidden to have a partner and/or children.
If you happen to be a zoldyck butler and have been discovered to have broken this distinct rule, you’ll either get killed or punished severely. A good example of this would be in chapter 322 when a butler named Kasuga had been caught having a lover which made Illumi give her to Nanika so that she would become another one of its victims.
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This rule however doesn’t seem to apply to Tsubone since Amane reveals in chapter 326 that she is her granddaughter.
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Whether Tsubone adopted Amane or got into a relationship in the past to make her own family is unclear. Even if we assume that Tsubone might have been allowed to have a family so that she could produce more loyal butlers for them, the zoldycks would have still broken one of their own rules for her making her the only exception to this one specific restriction.
Fact #6: Luini learned of the Phantom Troupe thanks to Wikipedia.
The Phantom Troupe is one of the most infamous and dangerous groups in the world.
Even if someone wouldn’t be knowledgeable about their history, they would still have a big idea of who they are as individuals by just hearing their troupe name alone.
Luini, an assassin for the Heil-ly family, chose to learn more about them in the most relatable way possible.
Upon meeting three members of the troupe, Nobunaga, Phinks and Feitan, he exclaims that their capabilities could have been more than enough to slaughter the rich but he must’ve guessed they were more “behaved” than he thought they would be given that he believed a bit too much on what Wikipedia had to say about them.
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The fact that an assassin had to use Wikipedia to learn more details about an already notorious group leaves a lot to the imagination.
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weirdfact · 2 years
Size comparisons of the US and other places
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^US to Australia
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^US to Europe
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^(Texas to Europe)
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^US to Africa
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^US to China
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^US to Russia
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^US to Brazil
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^US and a bunch of others to South America
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^US to India
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^US to UK
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^US to Vietnam
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rosejigglypuff76 · 1 month
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Fun Fact: When Rockstar enters the cake shop, he uses his Pre-Playable Design (aka; OG Ovenbreak Design) 🎸🍰
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Interesting Enough: Once you complete the cake order, Rockstar uses his current design as a Playable Character in Kingdom! 🎸🎂
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oswaldskovich · 1 month
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Here's a random history fact that made me laugh hard: The Kugelpanzer ("ball tank") is a one-man armoured vehicle built by Nazi Germany during World War II. The history of the vehicle is practically unknown other than the fact that at least one example was exported to the Empire of Japan and used by the Kwantung Army. The machine remains something of a mystery due to the lack of records and the incompleteness of the sole surviving model.
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