#adds quote here to make her look deep and stuff
coffee-master · 3 months
Hello! I want to say that ur AU is AWESOME. I love the way Kai has to deal with being the master of water and basically everything else that comes with it. ANYWAY I want to ask, are u planning on adding stuff about seabound? If so, im rly excited to see how u portray that!
(Also possibly the whole Aspheera situation but no pressure on that)
Have a good day (or whatever time it is where u are) 😁
Dear anon..
There is no such way that I am NOT adding seabound here!!!
I'm planning to make some incorrect quotes and write a fic about the seabound part later.
There is no way that I'd miss such opportunity for angst!
I want write Kai struggle. I want to write him becoming one with the water.
I want to write ninjas break.
I want to see them the those three heartbroken and devastated, while not able to say goodbye.
She'd try to grab her brother's hand unsuccessfully, try to talk to him, but he doesn't listen.
Even though she tries, but when her brother starts going to the water she's scared.
Nya starts yelling at him, while trying to stop him. To hold him. But she can't-
And there he's gone.
I want to see Nya's breaking point, where she blames herself. Where she's devastated, that she lost her older brother once again. (In the pilot Nya wasn't kidnapped by the skeletons. Kai allowed himself to be kidnapped by them to keep his sister safe)
She would be angry, because Kai once again sacrificed himself for their good.
She would burst into flames, while screaming and pounding her fists on the ground senselessly, until the anger is gone and what's left is sadness.
She starts crying on the ground desperately. Jay would come to her and hug her and she'd cry more.
Oh, as if this boy didn't need earlier therapy..
He'd stood there heartbroken, devastated seeing as the person who promised to take care of him and always be by his side suddenly leaves him as if he didn't meant anything.
The Big Brother, who gave him some normal childhood, family-bond or even teached how to tie shoes.. He dissapeares forever.
Lloyd blames himself, for lossing him.
Kai had always protected him, before and after he got powers. He was always able to safe him and be there for him.
And right now Lloyd wasn't able to do the same.
But Lloyd was the green ninja, he should have safed him, he should have been able to do this.
Why this one time he couldn't safe him? Why?
It makes him stood there broken, crying, while looking at the see.
How do you feel when another person, who you loved deeply dies in front of you once again?
When you're aware, that you can't do anything.
When you see them smilling, as if nothing was happening, bit deep down you know that something is wrong.
That this is goodbye.
He's scared. He's broken.
His boyfriend is littelary a floating water, who sounds and looks like Kai, but doesn't behave like Kai. Who talks weird.
Something is wrong.
He's scared, because he knows what's going to happen.
He's broken, because he's going to lose him too.
And before he notices, he's gone.
But for now..
Firstly I want to do more about incorrect quotes for other seasons in my au, answer questions so that people would know how looks the situation in this universe and ect.
Moreover I also want to write more fics for this au, before going into seabound season.
On ao3 I have a series, where some one-shots about this au will be published, but for now I was only able to publish one work.
I'm very slow writer, that's why I know it'll take me a while.
So for now let's enjoy some silly incorrect quotes, please?
Besides that yeah, I'll also add the situation with Aspheera, and It'll be probably more focused on Nya and Jay.
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thefirstknife · 10 months
Apparently there was a roundtable with a senior narrative head at bungie about destiny
where he stated "don't expect to be allies with the hive. or even Savathun"
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which to me seems like a weird choice to say right after deeps ending?
That's interesting. Honestly, valid comment to me. Here's the link to the article itself! The dev that made the comments is Robert Brookes. One extra quote that isn't in the tweet (goes in between the two in the tweet):
“It’s gonna be really hard to walk that back from anyone’s perspective. Even if that ever became a possibility, there’s a lot of ground to cover to make amends for that.”
We often forget about that, because obviously everyone deserves a second chance, especially in a situation where the Hive were literally manipulated into becoming what they did, but at the end of the day, their gruesome conquests that wiped out thousands of civilisations is not something that everyone can or has to forgive.
People are really eager to forgive Savathun, completely, which was always weird to me in a fandom that has gone ballistic over infinitely smaller crimes. And I get it, Savathun is an incredibly compelling character, fantastically written, absolute banger of VA work. She's such a crucial element in the whole setting of Destiny and is fascinating to read about her. 100% one of the best characters in the entire franchise, intriguing and complex beyond pretty much anyone else.
But the characters within the story itself can't view her in this way or it would be immersion breaking. To them, Savathun isn't a character that's well written, she's a monster who is responsible for some of the most horrific things across time and space. I can definitely see any alliance with her to be temporary, out of necessity and not exactly on good terms. I would love for us to eventually get together with the Hive and join forces against those that are responsible for their course in life, but I think it's definitely something that, within the universe in-character, is not something entirely realistic and would be difficult to justify.
Definitely an odd thing to say now though. Maybe it's telling us to temper our expectations next season? We need Savathun's knowledge, but I don't see us being besties with her in any capacity. I'm not sure what people expect from a season where we rez Savathun; there's probably a lot of people who expect a Caiatl situation.
Realistically, it might be an uneasy cooperation that will be very limited and possibly exploited by Savathun to get out at the end. Right now she's dead and she can't do anything and for as long as we keep her, we're safe. But now that we need her... We have no choice. We have to get her out and once she's out, she will not be bound by anything to obey us. It's a very risky move, one that we're looking at out of desperation, and the risks were nicely laid out by Saladin, Saint and Zavala in their conversation. That bit is definitely priming us to expect some heavy resistance to help from Savathun from various characters and this comment might be as well.
I can't wait for the next season's story though! Savathun talking to us again, in any capacity, is something I've been waiting for eagerly since the end of WQ. I don't doubt for a second that the conversations she'll have will be full of some heavy stuff and that she will not play nice with us and that she (and Immaru) will make most of the situation where we're desperate for her help. She will probably also genuinely want to get her revenge to the Witness, but not necessarily as our sidekick. I think that continuing with the animosity between her and us adds an extra layer of depth to the whole story with her and the Hive.
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lit-works · 7 months
Spider-Man : A City in Darkness
I sit there, perched atop a 20-story skyscraper, looking north at the city. No one would know that just a few hours ago this island metropolis was plunged into blackness by some madman, a madman who would likely do it again. A madman with a colossal grudge against me, Spider-Man.
The question is, which madman? I've made more than my fair share of enemies in my career, some of them incredibly powerful. Doc Ock. Hobgoblin. Doomsie, the Frightful Four, Vulture–the list goes on and on, a fact that is not the least bit reassuring. Electro is on the loose as well, but Electro has rarely ever used underlings. He usually teams up with another super-powered felon when he isn't going solo.
Somehow, though, everything ties together; the springing of Electro, the blackout, the electrical equipment theft, the writing in the sky…it all adds up to one thing : someone really doesn't like me.
Well, I can sit on my brains and worry, or I can go out and get to thr bottom of this. I think getting to the bottom of this is the better choice of the teoz but where do I start?
Captain Patricia Amber Nash, commander of the PEGASUS security team assigned to delivering Electro to his parole hearing, sits alone in an office in the justice building. In front of her are reams of paper. She is carefully ignoring the papers and staring at the ceiling, leaning her wooden chair back on its hind legs. She might be deep in thought or just daydreaming.
Hanging upside down, I tap on the window. The sudden noise catches her by surprise, and it is only by grabbing the table that she avoids pitching over onto the floor. As it is, she scattered papers across the office.
Rising from the table, she stomped to the window I was hanging outside of with as much decorum as she could muster. Through the insulated glass she mouthed the words, "what the hell do you want?" She doesn't look pleased.
"Dinner and a movie?" I shout back, loud enough to be heard through the glass. "But I'll settle for some info? How about letting me in before someone sees me out here and calls the cops?"
She looks at me for a long moment, as if weighing the options. Then she unlatches the pane and opens it. "Come in then," she says. "And make it quick. It's getting cold out there."
"Do you know how much paperwork there is for an escaped criminal?" She asks, stopping to pick up the scattered papers.
"No, but if you hum a few bars I'll pick it up." I say.
She shoots me a glare that says, 'dont mess with me; it's been a bad day'.
"What do you want now?" She asks, trying to reorganize the papers and then giving it up as a lost cause.
"How about if I get your runaway electric company back?" I ask.
"Given a choice, id rather take a week off in Jamaica, but it woukd nake things easier," she says, picking up one official-looking form and quoting: 'If said incident involved metahuman individuals, please designate on a separate form the nature, identity, and abilities displayed by said individual(s) and their bearing on the incident.' "can you imagine what it would be like if the Avengers came by to help? At least they have this stuff on reprinted forms." She looks up at me. "Right. Information. What do you want?"
"Well," I say, "the last time we met you were loudly handling the cleanup from that little kidnapping, so we didn't have too much time to chat. And I walked right into the middle of that half-painted picture, so I have no real idea why you were there in thr middle of Manhattan in the first place, unless it's standard procedure to ship dangerous criminals through the heart of the city in the early evening. So, why don't you take it from the top and don't leave out any whys and what-fors."
Captain Nash begins to explain. She and her team were to escort Electro from his cell to a specially prepared holding area for his parole hearing tomorrow morning. While in transit, the team was ambushed by four individuals carrying electrical discharge guns. They opened fire as one, overturning the armored car transporting Electro and blowing open the rear doors. They pinned down the PEGASUS troops while two of the team went in and pulled Electro from the wreck. Electro was heavily sedated, additionally restrained with an insulated straightjacket.
Two of the men headed down the alleyway with the bundled Electro while their comrades kept Nash's troops pinned down with their shock-zookas. By the time I arrived on the scene and free their fire, the others had apparently already escaped out the other side of the alley, but not before leaving an explosive package in the sewers, which according to record, public works is citing as the cause of the blackout.
"Anyone see the goons leave with Electro?" I ask.
"We performed a building-to-building search on the side of the alley with the NYPD, but it turned up nothing. They've vanished completely." She replies.
"How about the goons I fought?"
"Resting comfortably," she says, stretching to relieve a neck cramp. "They were checked out for prior arrests, but they're small fry. They've been keeping pretty mum, but what we did get before their lawyers told them to shut up is that Electro was the prize of their operation, not the boss."
I nod and she continues, "The outfits look like those of HYDRA but are only imitation, According to a source at SHIELD. Talking to the people at SHIELD, by the way, was like pulling teeth; they know HYDRA is up to something, but they don't think they're connected to this kidnapping."
"So that leaves us with the question of where they went?"
"Maybe the earth swallowed them?" Says Nash.
I smile beneath my mask. "Maybe it did, at that. I'm going to go check out the crime scene. Maybe I'll find something else. Thanks, and I owe you a dinner and a movie." I head for the window.
As I dive out into the night air, Nash shouts after me, "how about you just bring me back a pizza? JI'll be here all night! And close the window next time, there's a draft!"
I swing out into the night.
Electro's the key to the entire operation. Whoever stole the equipment was probably in cahoots with the master of electricity and busted him out only when everything was already in place.
If Electro is working with another super-powered baddie, there may be an Intel leak in the PEGASUS security. That thought may have occurred to Captain Nash already.
I retrace my path to where the Project PEGASUS troopers were blasting it out with Electro's mysterious allies earlier in the evening. The ruined armored car has already been pulled from the street, and traffic is flowing normally (for NY, anyways) past the alleyway.
The alleyway itself is no longer empty as I remembered it. The bureau of public works has set up a generator and equipment to clear away the debris kicked up by the explosion and make repairs. Signs warning : 'Men Working' are at both ends of the alley. I land atop one of the buildings overlooking the alley. The alleyway is singed darkly from the blast, more so toward the end where the PEGASUS troopers were fighting.
What if the purpose of the blast was to wipe out any traces of pursuit…if the men ledt behind were abandoned? Then that explosion might be more than just a poor going-away gift.
I swing down the alleyway itself.
"Hey!" Says one of the workers, looking up. "It's that spider-guy!"
"Spider-Man!" I correct him, spinning through the air and landing in front of the workers–three guys apparently on a coffee and pastry break. The speaker nods, a second workman looks surprised, while the third simply bits into an oozing jelly-filled donut. "How's work going?" I ask.
"Real mess down there," says the first worker, apparently the spokesperson for the group. "Looks like they had enough explosives down there to whole the block to the moon and back!" He chuckles at some private joke.
"Then I need your professional opinion," I say, leaning back against the generator. "If someone was down there a minute or two before the explosion, could that person have survived?"
"Hmmm," the union rep rubbed his jaw. "I dunno, man, it's not likely. He'd have to move very fast or it'd be zoom…bang!"--the spokesman claps his hands together and thrn motions to the heavens. His two fellow workmen grunt in agreement. "The passage is blocked and clogged in both directions, and it's gonna take a while to dig a clear path through."
The sewers are closed off by fallen debris, and anyone down there might have been caught in the blast.
The valuable human labor resource flashes his light around the wreckage left underground by the blast. There is a thick smell of something smoldering, and the workman shouts to be heard over the steady din of water running over shattered concrete.
"The main part of the blast is this way," says the worker, making his point by panning the lught over the mess of obliterated concrete that almost fills the passageway. "The other way"--he flashes the light to the area behind me–"is almost as bad, and it leads to a dead end, according to the city plans."
"Such an option." As I glance forward and back at the equally dismal-looking stretches of alleyway.
"Mind if I lend you a hand?" I ask, reaching toward the debris blocking the sewer.
"Don't mind if you do," says the workman. "I'll hold the light."
The debris is not as tightly packed as I first thought, and I quickly dig my way through to the other side of the rockfall. The ceiling holds, as well, and my companion follows me, flashing the light around as soon as I reach the other side.
The other side of the rockfall looks just like a New York sewer. The slime on the concrete appears to remain undisturbed after at least a few generations, and nothing is out of place.
"Blast," I say, my voice echoing down into the depths of the pipes.
"You were expecting something else maybe?" Asks my new friend.
"Some kind of clue. I had a hunch Electro escapes down here. There's another blocked passage behind us?"
"Yeah, but it leads to a dead end."
The map the workmen have of the sewers shows a dead end on the other side of the passage. Which means that Public Works may just decide to forget about digging it out. A perfect way for someone to cover their tracks.
I start digging through the slime-covered rock filling the passageway. The laborer shine his light as I use my spider-enhanced strength to lift and burrow.
I am about halfway through the second blockage, and feel (relatively) fresh air on my face, when my Spider-Sense gives off a sharp warning buzz. Bits of plaster and stone rain down around me. The passage's ceilings are dangerously unstable, and the whole street is about to drop on our heads!
Thinking quickly, I brace the sagging rock above me with both hands, and call down to the worker who accompanied me.
"Quick," I shout, my voice carrying down the sewers. "Get me something to brace this wall with!"
The light that has been shining on my digging flickers and turns away, and I am left in the darkness for a moment. I hear the drip of fetid water and the shout of the worker to his fellow workmen. My arms are beginning to tire, but if I let go, the entire street could cavr in.
After a short eternity, the light returns, with the workmen behind it. "Here ya go, Spider-buddy." The spokesperson says, placing a large device next to me. "One handy-dandy sewer jack, at your service." He turns a crank at one end of the tool and it expands against the floor and ceiling, taking the weight off of my aching shoulders.
"That was close," I say, and in that same inatant, I notice the workman's light flashing down the passage that has been fully opened by the shift.
"That's funny," he says. "The sewer is supposed to end fifteen feet from here."
Instead, the sewer continues down into the darkness. Along the concrete floor of this unknown sewer, the algae and moss have been pushed aside, leaving a clear path into the depths of the city.
'Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly'. Or is it, 'said the Electro, to the Spider-Man'?
I dig out my spider-beacon from my belt, but the workman who has been helping hands me his flashlight.
"That itty-bitty candle ain't gonna cut it if you're going in that direction," he says. "Take this one. It's halogen beam will illuminate a hundred yards down here. It's also shockproof, so you can beat the crocagators with it."
I take the flashlight, saying "thanks…er…"
"Ed. Name's Ed." Says the worker, giving a toothed grin.
A sewer work named Ed. Only in New York. I tell Ed and his buddies that if they don't hear from me or see.me in two hours, they should go to the police with what they know. With that, I head down the path.
Off to see the wizard. Or the doctor. Or whoever.
I reach a corner that carries me out of sight of the repairmen, so I turn and wave, and am gone.
The path through the slime is uncomfortably smooth, clean, and recent in origin. I've gone about a mile underground before I realized what would cause it to be that way: a ground effects vehicle, or hovercraft, traveling on a cushion of air. That cushion would push up the slime and debris as it passed.
I hear a chittering to my right, and swing my light to reveal a large rat, sitting on a pipe. The rat holds motionless for a moment, then squeals and bounds away.
Yuck. The last thing I want to do is meet up with the everyday run-of-the-mill vermin while I'm hunting down a real rat.
The sewer passage widens and crosses a wider sewer, this one carrying a stream of darker water. The path of the blasted algae disappears at the edge and reappears on the other side, about 20 feet away, and then disappears down the tunnel.
Ceiling's too low to leap. The walls are slicker than Jameson on payday. But I think it's climb or swim. I don't think they have a limo service down here.
The walls are covered with a thick gooey slime, as is the ceiling. As I reach the apex of the vault, I hit a patch of moss that must have been what prinitive man used for Teflon.
Choosing my way carefully, I make my path through the slippery muck to the other side. At that moment, I think I see movement in the water: probably another rat or something. Ahead there is a flash of light other than my own, dimming my flashlight. I check out the light at the end of the tunnel. With my luck, it will be an oncoming train.
The glow intensifies until I'm standing in front of a pair of massive doors illuminated by a single powerful light. The trail through the slime ends here. To the right of the doors is a parked hovercraft with a wide bed, suitable for carrying spools of wire.
No welcome mat, though, and I bet this place isn't listed with Triple A, either, looks like I'll have to break in.
I approach the huge metal doors. Something is rotten in the state of New York. Huge metal doors. Hmm….
I dig out a spare metal cartridge of web-fluid and toss it at the doors. The intensity of the flash upon connection momentarily blinds me.
Makes sense. Electro, electrical supplies, huge conductive metal doors. Put it all together and now it spells T-R-A-P. Now, how to get through it without becoming a bag of spider flavored bacon-bits.
I see the hovercraft and smile beneath my mask.
Using a good deal of my noninsulative webbing, I create a battering ram at the front of the hovercraft parked outside. Another two minutes and ai have hot-wired the vehicle and am backing it away from the entrance.
I back up to where the trail crosses the stream, then throw the hovercraft into high speed. The air whistles past me as the vehicle bears down on the doors.
"Cowabunga!" I shout in a loud surfer accent, jumping off the hovercraft at the last possible moment.
The craft slams into the electrified double doors at full tilt. Sparks dance off the webbing protecting the front of the craft. The door gives way with a bone-shuddering crash, and the way is clear.
Score one for Yankee ingenuity. I walk through the now-open passageway.
My feet pad across the concrete, and I notice the area is lit, though not well lit. A single light every twenty feet shines dimly, giving the impression of a coal mine.
Suddenly, the passageway widens into a larger, dark room. I see nothing and hear only an electronic hum of whirring and clicking, and I am reaching for my spider-beacon when lights come on and I see that I'm surrounded!
The lights come on suddenly, blinding me for an instant before revealing a cavernous chamber with a single entrance at the far side of the room. And before me stand five of my greatest foes!
Electro is there, blocking the far exit. Above him hovers the Vulture, beating his long mechanical wings to stay in place. Sandman, who has the ability to convert his body into sand, is to my right. To my left is Kraven the Hunter, holding a net, and behind the criminal sportsman is Mysterio, master of illusion.
Five of the Sinister Six. "What's up, fellas?" I ask a loud.
The five move toward me without a sound.
"Lemme guess," I jab. "It's International Pick-On Spidey Day. Ya know, when I was trying to figure out who was behind this mess, I never figured it would be a committee of chumps."
My foes are strangely silent as they move in. Best to hit them before they all converge. I can reach any of them. Who should I take down first?
There's no way these five could have gotten back together, even to kill me. That indicates a hoax, and Mysterio is the criminal master of such illusion.
I bound effortlessly over Kraven, and land feet-first on Mysterio's glowing fishbowl helmet. The helmet cracks and shatters under the force of my blow, revealing a maze of wires and circuits beneath. The form of Mysterio crumples to the ground, but not before violently shocking me.
I stand for a moment, looking at the shattered remains of Mysterio as the vicious voltage courses through my body. Robot, and wired to shock on destruction. How many of the others as well?
The others are still moving toward me. Picking myself up, I run to the far exit, where there is a switch and a metal door.
I pull the switch down, and the low-register clicking and buzzing of machinery in the room fades. I look back at my remaining foes, and they are frozen in position.
Dumb robots, I knew the Sinister Six couldn't have staged a reunion bash, even to bash Spidey. These little playthings were obviously guards for the main gates, and the switch allows someone from this end to shut them down so personnel can go in and out. Simple, once you know it. Pull the plug and the toys wind down.
The metal door hums and rises to the ceiling. Five down and it's obvious now who the sixth is.
I pass into the next corridor.
"Ta-Ta, Troopies," I wave back at the inanimate robots. "Time to reveal the puppeteer."
This passage is similar to the last one, dimly lit. At the end I can see through an open door and into a brightly lit room. From my far station, I can see some machinery. The smell of ozone is strong in the air. The walls of this passage are lined with wooden doors, and these are shut and have bars in the windows.
I am halfway down the hallway when a low voice says, "wait!" In a hushed tone. I see a hand wave at me from the bars.
"Doctor Jefferson, I presume?" I say, looking at the psychiatrist captive in the cell. It all fits together now–with five of the Sinister Six being used as lackeys, the sixth must be the head honcho. He must have put another robot in his cell to avoid suspicion.
The bespectacled man nods and puts a finger to his lips. He hands me a note.
The note reads : 'He can hear but cannot see us. He has captured Electro and is using him to power a weapon to destroy you. There is a trap at the end of the corridor. Look up. Don't hurt him.'
I look up and see a ventilator grill above me. I nod to him and, trying to make as little noise as possible, rip his lock out of the door. The complete, I give him an A-OK hand sign.
Trusting that Jefferson is honest and the events aren't monitored, I rip out the grillwork and crawl into the ducts. After about five minutes of crawling I reach another grill. Looking out, I see an incredible sight.
It could best be described as an electrical elephant! It is a huge, almost obscene machine, occupying most of the room. At it's core is Electro, glowing like a supernova star and apparently in pain. At it's crown, riding the elephant, is Doctor Octopus awaiting my appearance at the doorway. The "trunk" of the elephant, the barrel of the weapon, which is probably what did the skywriting is pointed at the doorway.
Definitely the work of a disturbed mind. I look at my foe as I work the grillwork off the vent. At least I'm out of the line of fire.
"Where is he…?" Hisses the Doctor, his mechanical arms adjusting power levels and turning dials on the huge machine. "Why hasn't he appeared?"
"Sorry, Ock!" I shout, leaping from my hiding place. "I had to use the service entrance."
I leapt out onto the machine where the beam could not reach me.
As I land on the machinery, sparks spread out from my fingertips. I feel a tingle akin to my Spider-Sense, but otherwise the massive machine does no damage. Atop it, the madman who has been trying for most of the evening to kill me is watching me, stock still.
Ok, hero, now what? I spy Ock's arms beginning to writhe along the machine toward me. Attack? Talk to him? Free Electro (who really looks like he's suffering)? Sabotage the machinery? He's had me on my heels and on the run all evening, now it's my turn! Think!
First things first. I scrabble across the machine's sides to where Electro is held prisoner. The master of electricity howls soundlessly on the inside of a glass prison. Above me, Octopus is starting to react. I see Doc's metallic arms reach toward me.
The bowl is designed for Electro's powers, not my spider-enhanced abilities. It shatters with a crash and a bolt of lightning erupts from the prison. I am dlung violently backwards and topple off the side of the machine.
Electro emerges from his cage shining like a bright white beacon, throwing everything around me into shadow. Ignoring me completely, Electro moves up the sides of the machine towards Doc Ock.
Ock is read as well, two of his mechanical arms grabbing nets and weapons, while the other pair extend, carrying his body high above his opponent. Electro grasps one metallic arm, and a yellow glow pulsates and courses up the arm to the mad doctor. Octopus howls and stutters in pain.
Uh-oh. The genie is out the bottle. The pair are locked in a deadly embrace. The machinery they are fighting on is breaking, falling apart.
I bound out of the chamber just as the machine starts to smoke and the ceiling caved in. The walls and floors are buckling as I run at top speed out of the complex, only stopping to grab Dr.Jefferson, the imprisoned psychiatrist and bound out. Behind me is the cacophonous roar of explosions.
From the sewer I make my way to the surface. There is one last explosion, this one reaching the surface (an abandoned garbage dump) and spreading light (and garbage) into the sky.
"You think they…" the doctor starts to ask, faltering.
"Survived?" I finish for him. "Don't know. Their kind always has a way of turning up. For now, one more bad guy plan has gone smash, leaving us and the City of New York to pick up the pieces."
The pair of us watch the fire and listen for the approaching sirens as the police come to investigate. I have saved the city, once again.
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michaeljoncarter · 2 years
aquaman: andromeda has awakened the annoying artist side of me like nothing has in years, and i’m making it everyone’s problem
the concept of a deep sea cosmic horror based on point nemo alone is just. magnifique. mixing the horror of all the unknowns of the deep sea and the horror of the unknowns of deep space is an absolutely BANGER concept, and i’m absolutely obsessed with the way they’ve tied it into arthur’s character and the ART!
here’s a post super overanalyzing some stuff because i’m in LOVE and i can’t stop thinking about it. this is a big, rambling mess and i don’t apologize at all. many thoughts, many thoughts. none of them cohesive
the deep ocean is drawn in a way that makes it virtually indistinguishable from outer space. it’s absolutely gorgeous and so incredibly alien, and they do some really interesting things with it
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the way the drop off into the depths is drawn to mirror the black hole in the beginning! with the ice on the surface resembling the accretion disk!
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this portrayal of the ocean as cold and dark and void is in such sharp contrast with the way the surface is portrayed as so full of light, the sun in nearly every panel of the single scene we get during the day, complete with light flares, halos, and sunbeams to emphasize it
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even at night, northern lights, fire, and/or the moon feature prominently in almost every panel above water
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and the way this stark contrast between the surface and the sea manifests in arthur is both fascinating and completely fucking horrific
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the human parts of him want nothing more than to stay on the surface (“One half of him wants for the touch of air on skin. Sunlight on his shoulders.”), but the atlantean parts want the exact opposite. and the atlantean side wins. every time. (“The other half opens its maw and awaits your inevitable return.”)
it’s really interesting how it doesn’t seem like he has much of a choice in the matter at all. it’s like he’s just completely unable to escape the urge to return to the sea, no matter how hard he tries. (not unlike light unable to escape a black hole, if you want to look way too deep into it)
and it’s also interesting how this all ties back to the story told in the beginning
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I remember my father loved telling stories about the water. He spent his years on trawlers, fishing for langouste in the Biscay bay. Never put enough together to have his own boat, but you couldn't drag him away from the water, still. He was in love with it. 
"We live on two worlds, Yvette," he would say. "The surface of the sea is but a meniscus. Be careful what you commit to the water... the shapes of things change once they are within. In her embrace ever we seek to drown our sins, but beware the shapes of forgotten things. Our fears and dreams are not our own once they are beneath. Those are now for the sunless depths, the crawling bed, and the king beneath the sea."
 the “king beneath the sea” is obviously meant to make you think of arthur, but, really, it all applies to arthur.
he (or his father, depending on how you want to look at it, which could add another layer of comparison to the father telling the story) “committed too much to the water.” the “shape of him” has changed. he is “not his own,” “for the sunless depths.” the conversation he has with soatha pretty much directly mirrors this quote if you look at it closely like it’s all just SO
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
Holding Pattern
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“There is no such thing as coincidence, only fate.” 
 ~ “Supersonic” Van Augur
We’ll dive into the heart of Cindry’s story starting tomorrow. I hope you enjoy, it’s been fun so far. Probably also start to see the first spoilers for 1064. I was in the mood for pondering One Piece today, seemed like a perfect chance to take a peek back in on the original reason for this whole blog. The shift in focus has been nice, but with a little distance looking back on the present story...I don’t feel any different. Something’s up.
To recap; Wano’s most beautiful flower was a mystery as the arc wound down. Most notably being the conspicuous absence from a late fight that made one explicit point out of not being there and another that makes a big bookend from her intro. Then Wano ends on a somewhat strange note overall and Egghead Island Arc found itself leaning on a lot of the same thematic threads that Kiku found herself tangled up around, while also generally fitting the narrative role of a soft “Act 4.” SWORD & Drake, Bonney & funky time. Doesn’t have to mean a lot, but it was already enough to ponder if we’re fully done with Big Mum here. If the trend persisted over the next leg of our journey then, what would that mean? 
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Okay wow, even get them both neatly in one strip. Holy crackers. First off, if Drake floating around was worth noting...him plus CP0 heading this way? This is solidly the storyline from Wano bleeding over. Kiku & Izo were the locals tied up in it who just so happened to spend more time building around the wider world and the Straw Hats than leaving closure in Wano. Now add in this quirk of Vegapunk’s. Many faces, many forms. Kaido and Orochi both reflected it back and it was this huge running line of double identities for the Akazaya that Kiku’s the subversion of. It’s one thing to have a relevant thread in play. That can go a different way. But the more you check off the more you zero in to the point there are fewer who can thread the needle. 1062 leaves us there and then...
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Huh!? This is breaking my brain. Not to say I don’t love it but huh? We’re in Egghead Island. Why are we randomly cutting away? This is all close enough I’m not ruling out it being more immediately relevant. Seriously though, what the hell? To quote a long time friend of the blog, this was a choice. A choice an author made. In a scene around Blackbeard. Blackbeard’s scenes are almost always some kind of foil to what’s going on for Luffy. This was a choice. A sudden, jarring choice to make. We’ve...done that before in this territory haven’t we? After all, which of the Titanic Ten did we flesh out after Act 1? 
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“Crescent Moon Hunter” Catarina Devon. That lady with nearly the same fruit as Yamato. A many-faced shapeshifter strutting her stuff right after our intro to Wano where Luffy gets real close real quick with a naturally gifted actress. Who’ll go on to have some deep ties. And it’s all dunked in a Thriller Bark callback. Been sitting on that one a while, glad it found it’s way in eventually. It's not just the ability to find something that connects, right? Sure feels like its happening enough times and getting specific enough it's harder to ignore the undercurrent. All that remains is to see its purpose.
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themarshmallownerd · 2 years
New Chapter: Like Forty Dogs
Link: Chapter 8
Previous: Chapter 7
First: Chapter 1 (AO3)
A/N: No content warnings for this one. Just fluff and the occasional deep conversation.
Preview: Contrary to popular belief, Wanda was not a witch capable of reading minds. Despite so, she could very easily picture the news from the boys’ playground that day still marinating at the surface of Carol’s mind.
Her friend didn’t say anything outright. In fact, she was uncharacteristically quiet when they made it home. Although, the tight-lipped, barely-suppressed grin on her face as she carried the bag of crafts’ supplies inside with her was enough to indicate where her thoughts were.
The boys didn’t take notice, of course, consumed as they were by their excitement for the night of fun to begin. They scampered ahead of their mother and Aunt Carol, making a beeline for the third figure currently at work in front of the stove.
“Aunt Kyrie!” they both exclaimed.
“Qué pasó?” she asked distractedly. Then, upon seeing they both wanted to give her a hug in greeting, ducked down to return the gesture. “Hi! You little morsels ready for tonight?”
“Yeah!” both of the boys enthused.
“Yeah!” Val echoed. “Well, I’m almost finished up here, so as soon as you’ve eaten some real food, we can get into the hard stuff.”
“Yes, please eat,” Wanda put in, coming up behind them. “It will give me ample time to put the finishing touches on all our costumes.”
“Can we still change into them now?” Billy implored.
“Um…I guess so,” Wanda answered after a moment of contemplation. “Just make sure not to get any food on them when you eat, alright?”
Billy eagerly agreed on the condition. Tommy didn’t waste any more time, scurrying off to their room where Wanda had laid out their costumes (minus the finer details she still needed to add) on their respective beds earlier that morning.
“I went with mac and cheese for them,” Val informed, returning to her work and tilting one of the pots just enough for Wanda to see its contents. “Shouldn’t be too messy.”
“Oh, and you used the good cheese,” Wanda noticed. “I just might grab a bowl of that for myself, too.”
“Go for it, Mama Bear. I know that fancy stuff hits different.” She lowered her voice as she leaned in closer to the young mother. “Of course, so would my lower intestine if I were to have any, myself, so it’s all on you guys.”
Wanda was about to respond, keeping the conversation going in comfort that Carol hadn’t said anything this far.
Thus, it came as a surprise to her when said friend made a sudden, unceremonious announcement from behind them. “Wanda’s a MILF.”
“Carol,” Wanda said on the heels of an exasperated sigh. Oh, how she loathed that term.
Val, on the other hand, was wholly unmoved. “Well, we knew that. Why is that news?”
Wanda uttered another sigh, rubbing the space between her brows so she could avoid eye contact as she explained. “There was, uh…a slight incident at the boys’ school. Apparently, word’s been going around that they have, um…a quote, unquote ‘hot mom’. So, today, one of their classmates took it upon herself to ask them if it was true.”
Val hesitated, looking to her girlfriend in an unspoken search for clarification. Upon seeing the now unrestrained delight in Carol’s face, the other woman whispered, “No…no!”
“Yes!” Carol chortled, grabbing at her partner as they both dissolved into laughter.
“Yes,” Wanda stated flatly at the same time. Then, after only a beat of watching her friends snicker between themselves, continued on, entirely unamused, “Yes, I’m glad you’re both enjoying this.”
“Well, it’s just funny,” Carol insisted, “to imagine…just imagine a little tiny one going around calling you—”
“You know what that means, right?” Val interrupted, amusement still glittering in her eyes. “It means they heard it from a big person. Whose kid was this?”
Wanda answered, in spite of being reticent to indulge this any further. “Danielle Cage. Luke and Jessica’s daughter.”
“Oh, I bet it was the mom,” Carol stated confidently. “I thought she was giving you a vibe during the school orientation thing.”
“You think every woman named Jessica has a ‘vibe,’” Val countered.
“Not every Jessica. Though, I am still curious to know why else Drew seemed to be physically incapable of sitting in the chairs at work properly.”
“Can I get to work, now?” Wanda cut in, already stepping forward to take the bag of crafts’ supplies from Carol.
“Yes, yes. I’m sorry,” Carol apologized, handing her the plastic bag. “We’re just happy to hear other people in town know how good James has it.”
That made Wanda pause in her attempt to escape to the other room. “Wha—has what, exactly?”
Both of her friends answered simultaneously, “You.”
“Wha—no, he doesn’t!”
Valkyrie snorted. “Baby, please. What do you think it means when you spend nearly all of your free time attached at the hip? And now he’s even started meeting up with your friends and family?”
“Well, that’s…it’s just a…”
“Why are you getting all embarrassed?” Carol pressed on curiously. “That’s how relationships work.”
“And he definitely seems on-board with it,” Val added. “I mean, we’ve already established you have a great body, for one thing. It’s even got other people and their kids talking.”
“OK,” Wanda breathed bashfully, averting her gaze. “I think that’s enough of this. And I am not embarrassed.”
“Yes, you are,” Carol argued, pointing to Wanda’s face. “Look at you! You’re turning all scarlet.”
“She always turns all scarlet when it comes to him,” Val pointed out with a pleased smirk.
Their friend swatted Carol’s hand away, turning to the kitchen table where her makeshift craft station was. And hopefully hiding her face that was still, indeed, flushed red with heat.
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thisisntfairyporn · 1 year
“oh bloody hell”
word count: 1019
trigger warning: talks of pregnancy, pee, cursing
Her heart was pounding in her chest. It felt as though at any moment it could throw itself out of it. She had not felt this way for a long time. It was not exactly fear. But it was close to it.It had been easier if she was a human to figure this stuff out, for magic often intertwined with this sort of thing. Her mother had handed her a potion though it felt odd, it felt more easy to do it the mortal way. Pee on a plastic stick, get it over with. But those had been confusing. Positive one moment, negative the other. As though it could not decide. The potion worked with pee too. If it fizzed and turned from the clear colour to purple she was pregnant, and if it stayed as it was now, she wasn’t. She took a deep ragged breath. She had peed in a cup earlier so she could add it to the glass carefully. The potion did not respond at first, and she felt almost sad. But then the potion turned purple and fizzed. Deciding it wasn’t enough she grabbed another plastic stick, confirming the same as the potion. 
She was pregnant. 
Asher Beaumont had been many things; but he was not exactly boyfriend material. He was the kind of man who bedded a girl to relieve some steam and then leave this girl. And for Allison that had not been much different. His fangs had nearly pierced her throat many times. His hands sliding down to her hips before spreading her. Even now the thoughts were distracting her. She looked at herself in the mirror before looking back down at the potion and the stick. Sighing deeply she managed to get back to her room. Her mind still swarming. There were so many steps to take. So many things to calculate. For one, how would she tell her family?  Her father, Silas Chevron did not even know yet that she had sometimes been seeing Asher Beaumont. And though Silas kept that family high he had his feelings around Asher. And Lily, who had given her the test but had very worried eyes as she gave it would certainly not feel ready. Moving her curly red hair into a bun she made her way downstairs. She contemplated going to Silas' office, telling him immediately and getting it over with. But she could not. Instead she grabbed her coat and buttoned it up and went to the bar where hopefully she would find Asher. Pulling up her hood she got out of the door. She knew that it would not take long to find him, he was a man who liked to make his mark after all. But she was also not entirely certain what she expected. She did not expect him to stay, no. But she just wanted him to know. Know before someone else would tell him and he would feel as though he was being lied to. 
The city was bustling with people and life. Filled with people shopping and cars. She often came here by bus but every so often she enjoyed the hour walk. Right now she didn’t just enjoy it. She needed it. Needed something to try and clear her mind other than the voice nagging in her mind. Telling her that she was carrying a bastard, and not just a bastard but something that was not human in the slightest. She had not expected that out of all creatures it would be a vampyr that would knock her up. She didn't even know they could, their sperm was supposed to be dead. She opened the door to the bar and he was there, seated with a glass of whiskey in his hand. The smell of tobacco in the air and it smelled almost disgusting to her. Turning her head she wanted to leave, but he looked up already. “I knew it was you I smelled” his accent was English though it had the faintest bit of french. “Smell hm” she said with a snicker. “I did not know you could smell me” she said simply as she got closer to the bar. “Drink?” “It's twelve in the afternoon,” she said, hoping it would cover it up enough. She fiddled with her fingers nervously. Being this close to him it was hard not to remember the evenings they had shared together. “Why are you here Allison, to quote you it’s twelve in the afternoon. Usually you don’t come until later” she sighed. “Can’t I just talk to you? Or do I always need to have a reason to talk to you” she asked. She knew it would come over bitchy but right now she did not care much for it. She only cared that he was talking to her like she was some fucking prostitute instead of a woman. “I did not say that” Asher did not stutter when he spoke to her. His clear grey eyes focused on her entirely. “I just wonder why it is me you are going to when you appear…bored” he said the words plain and simple as he looked her up and down. “I was just wondering what you were doing when I was not around. Though it seems that it is not much different than regularly” she said with a smile on her face. “Drinking and moping” she added as Asher his mouth opened to go onto the defence but he stopped it quickly. “I just wanted to see you, is that good enough reason” “perhaps it would be if we spoke more often, but Allison the last time I saw you was two months ago” Asher said as seriously as he could. He put up a cigarette as the smell made her stomach twist and turn, though she tried to hide it and focus on any other smell. “Allison, you seem off. What is wrong?” he took her chin, his hands were so gentle and sweet she might have cried over it earlier. Her hands going to his hands as she sighed. “I am pregnant Asher.”
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grahamstoney · 11 years
How To Look Spiritual, Even When You're Not
New Post has been published on https://grahamstoney.com/spirituality/look-spiritual-even-when-youre-not
How To Look Spiritual, Even When You're Not
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Looking spiritual can be a bit of a problem if you’re an atheist. This can make it particularly hard to crack onto the cute girl with the aum tattoo on her shoulder. Simply pointing out that all that chakra stuff is bullshit generally doesn’t go down too well.
I hang around with a lot of new age spiritual types these days because they tend to be more empathic and less judgemental than your average person. Less discerning perhaps too, but I’m OK with that. I may not share their wacky belief systems but I still want to fit in.
So here’s how to look spiritual even when you’re not:
Go To Yoga
Put aside all the spiritual business for a moment: yoga is a great workout, the stretching is excellent for your body, and the guy/girl ratio is the most favourable you’re ever likely to come across. I keep a yoga mat permanently installed in my car for emergencies, and women comment on it all the time. The only time I actually go to yoga is when a woman invites me, but that happens more times than you’d think. You may still be an asshole deep down, but because you’re in a yoga class the women will think you’re a decent guy.
Talk About Energy
Forget what you learned in high school Physics and Chemistry about the different forms of energy; that science thing is far too limiting. Energy is everywhere! Energy is everything. If you have any doubts, just quote Einstein’s famous formula E = mc2. That justifies describing pretty much anything as “energy”.
When you see a cute girl, don’t compliment her on her looks. Women hate that. Instead, tell her “Wow, you have a great energy!”. Try to keep a straight face while doing it and before long you’ll be mixing your kundalini with hers.
Study Tarot, Tantra, Chakras and Astrology
If you want to be able to pass for a new-age spiritualist, you need to get some basic ancient disciplines under your belt. Anything discovered in the last hundred years will leave you looking like a post-modernist, which definitely isn’t good for your spiritual image. So get down with the local wiccans, study some tarot, find yourself a tantric goddess to learn from, get your chakras aligned and find out when venus is transiting mars.
Change Your Vocabulary
A few subtle changes to your vocabulary can go a long way towards boosting your spiritual karma. It’s not as if you actually have to learn to speak Sanskrit or anything. Just try replacing these simple phrases with more enlightened equivalents:
Thank You Namaste (add praying hand gesture for additional effect) Listening Holding space Breathing Energising The Body Relaxing Meditating Lucky Good Karma Guilty Bad Karma Die Cross Over, Transition Lust Kundilini I’m Tired My Chakras Need Aligning God Higher Power
Basically, the more esoteric euphemisms you can use, the more spiritual you’ll sound. The more spiritual you sound, the more you can get away with.
Declare Your Home An Ashram
In order to position yourself as a spiritual leader, you need to have an ashram of your own. I was really impressed to hear that Ratu Bagus of Bio Energy Shaking Meditation fame had an ashram in Bali, until a friend of mine who ended up there by a sheer freakish coincidence described it as “just a house, really”. So you only live in a unit now? It’s OK to start small with your first ashram. For extra bonus points, declare your ashram clothing optional and see how many faithful converts you can find.
Learn To Sit In Lotus Position
Never mind that you’ve been sitting in chairs since 3rd Grade, cross-legged is the new cool when it comes to looking spiritual. Even when you are sitting on a chair, you should adopt a cross-legged sitting posture at all times so you look like you now live in a permanent state of meditation.
For extra points, learn to sit in the true lotus position where your feet are shoved right up near your armpits. This will help work out your hamstrings, and give the doctors a good laugh down in Accident and Emergency when you turn up stuck in that position. But hey, plenty of people will be laughing at you now that you’ve adopted an esoteric spiritual lifestyle so get used to it.
Wear A Flowing Robe
Finally, if you want to be taken really seriously as a spiritual guru, you just ain’t going to cut it in a suit or jeans and a T-shirt. You need to get with the program and don a flowing white robe. This gives the illusion that you’re hovering slightly about the ground as you walk, which is good for your spiritual street cred. After all, the street is generally filthy and frankly your hallowed feet are above that kind of thing now.
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casvist · 3 years
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             𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠. / 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠.
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Celebrities manifest all the time (and why you can too) *Rewritten+Updated
WARNING: This post is a long one, you'll notice this is a different blog from the original post - that was my old side blog (so don't accuse me of stealing cause I wrote the original)
Tip! Add some of these celebrities (musicians) to a playlist so you can tap into that manifesting energy honey! 🍯✨💕\
Feel free to comment other celebrity manifestations stories you know, I'm a Westerner so I'm posting those celebs cause that's who I'm familiar with but lets motivate each other 💕
Okay lets go
This is serving primarily as a motivational post so you can see how so many celebrities have manifested their careers, major roles that made them household names, sp's (specific persons), their houses and so on...I know it can be frustrating and disheartening when things don’t manifest right away, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. Celebrities are great examples of that as some of their manifestations weren't instant but look at them now!
Here are some examples of celebrities who have manifested their life (whether it was consciously or not)
Note: I’m not using quotes for all cause some is from memory so sorry haha but I ain’t lyyyingggg y'alllll (try check yourself if you don't believe)
Another Note: You're gonna see as you read, most of these celebs didn't rely on methods, most just affirmed and persisted in that belief and let the universe handle it without panicking about whether it was gonna come, even if it took years, they knew and didn’t doubt.
You’re not even gonna tell me Beyonce isn’t THAT B!TCH when it comes to the industry and she’s my fave example for Feeling in the end! (Notice I said feeling and not living cause I don’t care for the living in the end) In an interview with her old boyfriend, he used to say she ran on the track and sung at the same time and when he asked why she said ‘My dad said it’ll help with breath control and When I’m famous I need to be able to sing and dance on stage without running out of breath’. Also once they got into a small car accident and her a$$ drove away with her cousins before the cops came, her bf was so mad but she was like 'look I can’t be around messy stuff like this it’ll mess my image up’ MIND YOU she wasn’t even in Destiny’s Child yet. Why is this significant? Because so many people want fame so bad, have talent, looks and train their butts off but she did that AND what a lot don’t do and that’s embodying the end to the fullest! She essentially matched her behaviour to the end goal and even though she had a lot of failures, she persisted!!! She said imma be big! And she did that 😎
Another great example I like to look for when it comes to having the deep knowing your desires will manifest as a fact and knowing and persisting that despite negative circumstances you can get your desires. In old interviews about her becoming a star she’s said that she loved singing and knew it was going to be what she does for a living. Rihanna’s childhood was full of struggle and poverty, her dad had substance abuse issues and while her mum worked hard to always make her kids didn’t feel the struggle, it was there. She actually was under such stress from turmoil between her parents she suffered debilitating migraines as a result. Despite this and living on a small island she had said she didn’t know how it was going to happen but she knew it will. Low and behold a music producer just happened to be vacationing with his wife and the rest is history. Even though she didn’t hit all the notes in her audition properly and didn’t have any training like others, they all saw something in her and now she’s one of the biggest names. She persisted in her desire to do what she wanted despite circumstances and experience and it took her far! She has multiple businesses, a crapload of various music related awards, is a style icon (also has many awards for this), was voted most desirable woman (goals), and so much more; she and Beyonce are both at the status where they are completely immune to being cancelled (that's how big they are ya'll)
This one’s short lol but a good example of Affirming and persisting. Before she had made it as a rapper she’d look in the mirror and say “thank god for everything I’m bout to be” (she even referenced this in a song). She affirmed daily in the mirror, persisted and kept the feeling that big things were going to happen for her.
Okay so first off that song 'Just Like Magic' shows clearly she's massively into manifestation and hints at scripting, speaking things into her existence and keeping a good self-concept and mental diet ("Keep my conscience clear, that's why I'm so magnetic…Say, lookin' at my phone, But I'm tryna disconnect it (oh, yeah), Read a fvckin' book, I be tryna stay connected"). Tbh I bet if you could ask her, she'd say self-concept is the most important, I get that vibe tbh (just sayin')
Also, in the song Pete Davidson she hints she manifested their engagement in the lyrics "I thought you into my life, look at my mind, no better place or a time, look how they align, universe must have my back". Other than manifesting her sp (probably her whole career tbh), she manifested her role in the musical Wicked. In a tweet in 2011 she said “Loved seeing Wicked again... amazing production! Made me realize again how badly I want 2 play Glinda at some point in my life! #DreamRole”. Now guess who's playing Glinda in the new big-screen adaptation of Wicked? Ariana b!tch!!!!!
Did you know good ol champagne papi manifested his mansion he had his eyes on before he got signed and also got it for a third of the price?! Yep! Drake’s my example of what keeping a vision board and an intention can do for you (and I got quotes b!tch). He literally manifested the exact mansion that he had as his computer wallpaper before he got signed. He put it out to the universe, and boom.
In an interview he said:
“This house was the desktop image on my computer years before I bought it, I was like, ‘What are the world’s craziest residential pools?’ and when I searched online, this came up.” In 2007, a then-unsigned Drake tried, and failed, to hunt this place down during an L.A. trip. In 2009, the compound hit the market with an asking price of $27 million. The seller, a steakhouse-chain restaurateur, “was at a low moment,” Drake recalls. “He needed money.” In 2012, Drake purchased the property for $7.7 million. “I stole it from him!”
Your boo Tina Snow affirmed it, and let it go cause she knew! In 2014 she tweeted “I need a team bc I promise this rap shit gone take off for me.” Now she's a massive success! She spoke with authority, as if it was already done and let the universe handle the rest for her like a Queen!
I feel like many already know this one but still it's amazing. When starting out Jim affirmed that acting was not only gonna work out for him but he was going to be an all-out success. Before his career took off, he wrote himself a cheque for ten grand and signed the payee as his own name. I think it was some years later but he got a role in Dumb and Dumber which was a massive success! The key takeaway here is persistence, you think he thought "screw it, it's been too long" nah he kept going and soon enough he was able to cash that cheque and then some!
Another great example of affirming and persisting, even if it feels like a "lie" at first. In a 2011 interview she said
“You repeat it to yourself every day, and it’s not yet, it’s a lie. You’re saying a lie over and over and over again, and then, one day the lie is true.”
I'm basically gonna copy+paste what I read in an article cause it pretty much sums it up:
Past interviews with Tom Holland who openly identified Zendaya as his first ever celebrity crush (they're now an item), that he wanted to play Spider-Man in a “reboot of a reboot” (incredible accuracy, here) and that he'd love to act alongside Jake Gyllenhaal (which he did for 2019's Spider-Man: Far From Home).
Bruh hahaha, so he we got an example of speaking into existence an sp (and not some basic b!tch, he got Zendaya of all godly women), a role in a movie series that was successful af and he got to work with his desired actor, We love to see it!
In a 2010 tweet they affirmed they'll sing the national anthem at the Superbowl and guess what? Did it. They also said they'd get a Grammy nomination, they got 2 (probably should've said they'd win a Grammy lol, take this as a reminder to be specific with your intentions). Either way, they said it, and they received it.
THERES SOOOOO MANNNYYYY MOOORRRREEE but if I keep going this post will never end and I think you get the point!
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writingwithcolor · 3 years
Subverting tropes: Black woman protector with happy ending
@allianceblue asked:
Hi there! I’m writing a dragons-and-magic fantasy story, and am concerned my Black protagonist falls into the Strong Black Woman / Mammy stereotype. She was bullied and excluded as a child for her “weird” interests (alchemy, engineering) and as an effect of that undealt-with trauma, felt pushed to protect other outcast kids from that same fate; essentially trying to “save” the young girl inside her who was never protected through protecting others.
She was also forced into even more of a “protector” role by her family. She was burdened with the role of caring for her mother and siblings when their father passed away. All this has lead to my character repressing things like her hobbies, her scared/sad side, small stuff like her use of a sword and shield when she would rather use a bow & arrow—she feels like the shield is more useful to keep others safe, etc.
I try to show how much this role of “Independent, Unfeeling Protector” she’s been forced into has hurt and worn her down, and how it isn’t a good thing. Her overall arc is about learning to be cared for by her family, expressing her emotions, reconnecting with her buried interests, and letting herself fall in love. Her love interest is a kind, emotionally open Black woman, and she has friends who are PoC that are varied and aren’t protector/independent types.
My concern is that I’m still perpetuating that stereotype of the Strong Black Woman who takes care of everyone—even if it’s caused by trauma and loss. I don’t know what the line is between dismantling a trope or perpetuating it and what my role is as a white writer is, and was wondering if you had any thoughts on this. Thank you so much!
Research and feedback are key
I do appreciate that the narrative is addressing these stereotypes to subvert, as opposed to “Embracing” the Strong Black Woman and Mammy roles as acceptable characterization. Allowing her to break free from this role and have her happy ending is great as well. 
However, this seems like a deep undertaking of trauma that you absolutely need to be equipped to write. Your subject matter goes beyond just stereotypes, but forced parenting. 
Mod Norma adds “Definitely agree that parentification is a real form of abuse.”
So, as always, please do your research on such subject matter and have the appropriate sensitivity readers take a look at your story. 
Cue your audience on what’s to come
Something to also note is that, while you are subverting the tropes, some BIPOC readers just 
aren’t interested in subverting as representation
would prefer to read such stories from those who are of that identity and/or have direct experience with the topic(s)
To quote Mod Elaney from the mod representation wishlist
“Lastly, I personally do not want these tropes to be explored and subverted by people, I want them to be avoided entirely because I feel that normalizing positive representation rather than commenting on negative representation is far more beneficial and validating to the people these works are supposed to help and represent. We don’t need sympathy, we need empathy!”
With an extra layer of abuse as a subject matter, that could also make things less palpable to some. 
That isn’t to say you “Can’t” write these subjects of course. Simply check your motivations. Write this because this is a topic you want to address and will heavily research and gather proper feedback on.
I (personally) have to be in the right mood for novels that address Black women going through abuse and oppression. Knowing it isn’t all about that and there’s a bright future for her does soften the blow, though. If there’s any way you can clarify to readers that this isn’t a book simply about “The struggle” and there is a hearty balance of hope and happiness for her, then that makes all the difference.
~Mod Colette
Additional advice
This sounds like a story that could potentially deconstruct the Strong Black Woman and/or Mammy Tropes. If your intention is to show how harmful these roles can play out and how your character is much much more than those roles, showing how she may first seem that way due to suppression of herself, then I think it will be a hard book to write, but a very good read when you succeed.
That said, this story needs to be written by someone who really knows what they’re doing in regards to these tropes, the portrayed identities/representation, and the mentioned trauma and abuse. These are incredibly complicated and hard to do respectfully and properly and even when you’re able to use your own experiences, you’ll need to do a lot of deep research. Especially given the amount of trauma here, this can easily become trauma-porn as well.
~ Mod Alice
More reading
Tragedy exploitation
White Authors and Topics to Avoid/Tread Carefully
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duuhrayliegh · 3 years
dm slide
pairing: sebastian stan x reader
warnings: alcohol consumption, language, nothing else really, it’s just really fluffy i think
word count: 1905
a/n: okay so my other stuff is coming, i stg, i’m just in the middle of finals and moving out of my dorm, and starting a new job, so i’m a bit stressy right now, but i’m getting there loves.
so if this one isn’t as good as it could be that’s why, but i’m hoping to add on to it later
p.s.: my requests and tag lists are open!!
xoxo ray
ray’s m.list
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You were currently at your best friend’s birthday party, polishing off your third overfull glass of wine. Your best friend threw her hands above her head, shouting out “Shots on me!” She thrusted a shot glass in your hand, encouraging you to toss back the liquid. You set down your wine glass, picking up the smaller cup, not caring about the flashing cameras around you.
“I’m so glad you were able to get free from your oh so lavish lifestyle as a celebrity to come hang out with little ‘ol me!” She had to continue to shout for you to hear her over the loud music blasting through the club speakers. She grabbed your arm, pulling you towards the bathrooms. “Are you getting ready to go? The sound system is giving me a headache.” You smiled at her, grabbing your phone from your clutch.
“Absolutely, babes. Let me order the Uber and then we can go.” You held onto your phone tighter, walking up to the bar to settle your tab. “Hey, Gabe!” Gabe, one of the bartenders, turned to you.
“Hey, Y/N!” He went to grab a bottle of your favorite wine to uncork it, but stopped when you held your hand up.
“Just settling up and heading out.” You passed your black AmEx card over the counter to his waiting hand.
“You’re missin’ out, Y/N. The party is just getting started here.” You shook your head at the man.
“Nah, I’m celebrating my best friend’s birthday tonight, so this is her call.” He slid your card back to you, watching you push it into the slots of your clutch. “We’re getting outta here, but that doesn’t mean our party is ending.” You winked at him, meeting up with your companion. You linked arms with her, leading the way through the crowd. It was cold outside, which didn’t mean good things for you because of your almost too short dress. The Uber stopped beside the curb, rolling their window down for you to double check. You climbed in beside your friend, scooting closer to increase your warmth. The ride to your apartment wasn’t too long, thankfully because Uber’s creeped you out, no matter how safe you were.
Walking into your apartment was difficult to say the least. You both were stumbling the entire way to the elevator and then stumbling into your couch cushions. The two of you managed to make it to your bedroom, swapping out your tight garments for some more ill fitting attire. That was not before you took an absurd amount of photos together in your bathroom mirror. You sat across from each other on the black couch in your apartment, sifting through the pictures of the two of you. Your best friend was leaned over your shoulder, watching as you scrolled through.
“Oo! That one!” She pointed at the screen quickly, stopping your scrolling. It was of you holding the phone, leaning backward staring at the phone in your hand. Your best friend was facing you, her bare back displayed from the deep dip in the back of her dress. “We look so hot.” You both shared a look and then burst into a fit of laughter. You posted the picture to your Instagram, tagging your best friend in the corner, wishing her a happy birthday. She slid away from your, covering her lower half with a blanket.
“You want a water?” You asked as you rose from your spot on the couch. She smiled big at you.
“Can I convince you to mix up some margaritas?” Her bottom lip rolled inwards, waiting for  your response. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head before opening your liquor cabinet. You pulled down bottles of triple sec and tequila, reaching into your freezer for the bag of strawberries and limeade. You brought your Ninja Bullet out to make individual margaritas for both you and your drunk friend. Walking back over to her with containers in hand, you plopped opposite her on the couch.
“You’re literally the bestest ever.” She slurped on the drink through her swirly straw. The conversation faded between the two of you, allowing the both of you to go through your socials. “Did you see that Lizzo got a message back from Chris Evans the other day?” You laughed at her question, remembering your reaction to Lizzo’s TikTok.
“Mhm. Can you imagine getting a reply back from one of those hunks of men?” She shook her head while guzzling her margarita.
“I can’t, but I bet you can.” You scrunch your brows at her and she groaned. “You’re a celebrity too, dumbass. Girl, the amount of times that I’ve gotta remind you of that is insane.” You laughed at her, rolling your eyes.
“Babes, just because I’m quote, unquote famous, doesn’t mean that I’m on their level.” She pointed a finger at you.
“Hey, just shoot your shot, Y/N.”
“I literally don’t even know which one I would DM.” Your best friend scoffed loudly.
“Bullshit!” You choked at how loud she yelled. “You don’t know who you would DM? I know who you would DM in a fucking heartbeat.” You looked over at her with raised brows and in unison you said. “Sebastian Stan.” “Sebastian Stan.”
“Mm, he is a six foot tall Romanian God.” You shook your head while fake moaning, your friend laughing in the background. She reached for your phone before you could protest, typing away on your keyboard, smiling mischievously. She thrust the phone back into your hands, the empty DM screen of imsebastianstan on Instagram staring back at you.
“All you gotta do is send something.” She smiled at you while you glanced down at your phone screen nervously. You began typing something quickly then locked the screen, placing it facing downward on your lap, a giggly smile resting on your face. She scooted closer to you, folding her legs up to her chin. “Wait! What did you say?” You unlocked your phone, showing her the screen. She laughed at your message, drinking the rest of her margarita.
y/n.y/l/n: hi, i’m y/n and you’re the love of my life ;) <3
“That’s so fucking good, oh my God.” She glanced at the clock on your phone. “Oh girl, we’ve gotta go to sleep.” You checked it as well, dropping your head into your hands.
“Mhm, you’re right.” You stood from your spot, holding your hand out to your friend to help her up. “Let’s go to sleep.” You both crashed on your king sized mattress underneath your white fluffy duvet. You were about to drift off to sleep, when your best friend’s voice floated into your ears.
“Do you think he’s gonna reply to you?” Her voice was slurring more and more from the amount she drank and the sleep weighing on her mind. You smiled at her, it was a long shot that he would even see it, much less reply.
“We’ll have to see, babes.” She didn’t reply to you as you both fell off into a dreamless abyss.
The sun streaming into your room woke you up in the morning, light hitting your eyelid just right. You blinked harshly, bringing your hand up to block the glare. A groan escaped your lips, stretching out from your best friends grip. “Fuck me.” You held your head in your hand, groaning about the headache blossoming at the nape of your neck. You left the bed, pulling a sweater over your tank top to catch some warmth. You tucked your phone into the waistband of your shorts. You padded into the kitchen, grabbing your Advil bottle, dumping two pills into your hand. You got a glass of water, settling down on the couch after gulping down the headache medicine.
You opened your phone while basically inhaling your water. Your memories of last night were fuzzy, you drank quite a bit. Did you drink too much? Maybe… but did you regret it at all? Not a second of it. You had the best time hanging out with your best friend. You check your Instagram post, replying to several different comments. A red bubble was pinned over your DM button in the corner. You tilted your head in curiosity, wondering who messaged you now. You swiped over, eyes widening at the new message.
imsebastianstan: Hi, Y/N. I’m Sebastian, thank you for professing your love to me.
The feeling of panic running through your veins didn’t last long, A gigantic smile spread accompanied by a giggle. What the fuck do you do now? Your fingers hesitated over the keyboard, thinking through what you want to say back.
y/n.y/l/n: hello sebastian, what do ya say we  figure out if it’s a match :)
You sent the message before you could chicken out, locking the phone shortly after, shoving it in your waistband. You got up, refilling your glass of water, leaning against your granite countertop, tapping your fingers impatiently. You squealed as you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket.
imsebastianstan: What do you have in mind?
y/n.y/l/n: 917-555-0545 <3
Oh my god, you can’t believe you just did that. Holy shit, what are you thinking? Maybe this will all work out in your favor. You really had nothing to lose but your dignity, right? A disturbance in the peace to the right of your caught your attention.
“Why the hell are you up so early? We drank last night, that’s an excuse to sleep in, you fuck baffoon.” Her hair was tousled on top of her head, shirt hanging off one shoulder. You turned your phone around, thrusting it towards her face.
“There’s been recent developments on the Stan front.” Her brows raised, face becoming shocked.
“Oh. My. God. Are you fucking serious?” She snatched the phone away from your hand quickly to scroll through the messages. “You gave him your number?” She yelled at you as she stretched across the couch, laying her head in your lap. Your phone buzzed in her hands and her eyes widened to unbelievable proportions. “Bitch, you just got a text from an unsaved number.”
“Shut the fuck up.” You looked at the phone in her hands. “I didn’t think he was actually going to text me, I sent it as a joke! What’s it say?”
“How are we going to figure this out?” You both shared a look, shrieking enthusiastically. “Y/N! Sebastian Stan texted you!” She jumped up and down on your couch, pulling you up with her.
“What do I say back?” You held the phone against your chest, staring expectantly at your best friend. She shook her head at you.
“Nuh-uh girl. This is all you.” She held her hands up in surrender. You looked down at your keyboard, the blinking cursor waiting for instructions.
“Okay, okay, how ‘bout, ‘discuss over coffee?’” You looked at your best friend for approval, still standing on your couch. You sent the message after she nodded. A message bubble popped up, three blinking dots inside.
There’s a coffee shop on 8th street,  just outside of Washington State Park.
wanna meet up around three?
I’ll be there, Y/N.
You turned to your best friend, holding the phone to your chest. “Babes.” She raised her brows, waiting. “I have a fucking date with Sebastian Stan!” You both squealed, excited for what would happen on your date.
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wondersofdreaming · 3 years
Sex on Fire
Co-written with @radaofrivia​
Characters: AU Captain Syverson - Gynaecologist, dr. Syverson x female reader
Word count: 4.522
Warnings: NSFW! Smut, so smutty. Gamahuche. Licking. Bodily liquids. Fingering. Sucking. Hair pulling. Begging. And I’m out of whatever else there is, but I’m sure there’s more - let me know and I’ll add them XD
Author’s note: This story was co-written with the always gorgeous and incredible @radaofrivia​! She is the Brain to my Pinky! The Barney Rubble to my Fred Flinstone! My goddess Saga and my muse Erato! My drinking buddy and who will stay up till 4am with me to finish this story.
Please go enjoy her stories here:
Rada’s Masterlist
I do not own any characters in this short story, except the reader who is a figment of my imagination.
*Edit: The title was decided before I realised that it is a song by Kings of Leon. These two have nothing in common except for the title.
Sex on Fire Masterlist
Feedback is appreciated.
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(Credit to original gif owner - if this is yours please contact me so I can give you proper credit)
The grey concrete building stood tall in front of you. You leaned your head back to see the top, but it was nearly impossible. All you could see were windows leading into the sky. A doorman in a black uniform stood by the entrance, watching whoever went in and out. He nodded his head with a stoic look in a greeting.
The lobby looked more welcoming than the outside building. There was a fireplace with three sofas surrounding it and a coffee table stacked with magazines. A few women were already sitting there, gossiping about the new dapper doctor that had rented the entire top floor.
You rolled your eyes and went over to the reception. A man stood to greet you with a smile, but he was talking to someone in his headset, which only took a few seconds before he hung up.
“I am sorry about that, how may I help you, miss?” he asked.
“I’m here for an appointment with dr. Syverson,” you said a little nervously.
“Ah, yes. I have a form you need to fill out,” he handed you a piece of paper and a pen, “The elevators are just right over there. Take it all the way to the 52nd floor. Another receptionist will be there to guide you further.”
You accepted the paper and went for the elevators. A chill went down your spine as the cold air from the air condition hit you. You pressed the button for dr. Syverson’s floor. An orchestral song started playing over the speakers. It wasn’t until you listened closely to the lyrics that you noticed it was ‘Nothing Else Matters’ by Metallica.
You closed your eyes, swaying to the beat of the soft drums. Lars Ulrich had been your celebrity crush as a teen, and you still listened to their older songs when you had a bad day.
The elevator doors opened with a loud ‘ding!’, pulling you out of your trance. Another receptionist stood at the opposite side. She looked up from the computer and smiled.
“Welcome to dr. Syverson’s clinic. Do you need help filling out the paper?” she asked nicely. You quickly scanned what you needed to scribble down. It was mostly your personal information and history of health.
“No, I think I can manage, thank you,” you smiled back.
“You can take a seat in the sofas, and when you’re done just fold it and put it in the mailbox, dr. Syverson will call you in, shortly,” she motioned to a black mailbox by the elevators that you had missed when walking past it.
You nodded and went for the sofas. The room was warm and comfortable with green plants everywhere. The sand-coloured leather sofas were softer than you expected as you sank down. You filled out the form and put it in the box.
Instead of sitting back down, you decided to walk over to the floor-to-ceiling windows and take a look at the impressive view of the city. Your eyes widened at how far you could see, all the way to the ocean, and if you squinted your eyes, you might have been able to see your apartment building, even the bar you had often been frequenting lately.
Dr. Syverson walked out of his office. He stretched his arms above his head, feeling a bit sore from having sat down reading his patients’ charts all afternoon. Now he just needed to check on his last appointment, before he could go home and enjoy an ice-cold beer.
His receptionist was packing her stuff, sending him a kind smile. The perks of working with his sister were that she didn’t try to seduce him, or leave her underwear in his white coat pocket like some of his patients tended to do.
He smiled back and looked around the room. His gaze landing on you. His first thoughts were not ‘oh there’s my patient’, no, his mind went straight to ‘YOWZA!’.
“Last patient for today, Luc. I’ll be leaving now, see you tomorrow,” he heard his sister say to him. She smacked his arm to get his attention. He was pulled back to reality, saying goodbye to her before walking towards you, changing his mindset from dirty to professional.
You gasped when a flock of seagulls flew by, making you take a step back and hit a wall. Except the wall had arms that grabbed your shoulders before you hit the floor.
“Whoah, careful there, miss,” a deep rough voice said. You looked up and saw a man with a trimmed beard, a soft smile on his lips, and a mischievous look in his cerulean eyes.
“I’m so sorry,” you choked out. You quickly remove yourself from his arms, first now noticing that he was wearing the white coat signalling he was dr. Syverson. And if that didn’t kick your brain in gear, then the name tag on his chest should do it. Dr. Lucas P. Syverson.
“It’s all good. This way, please,” he made sure you followed him to his office. The wall colour changed to a more soothing beige colour and was adorned with colourful paintings. You didn’t notice what they depicted before you stepped closer to one. It was of naked human bodies in various forms and shapes, very fitting for a gynaecologist’s office.
He had various books about his profession, but a few stood out to you. One had a peach on the cover and was written by dr. Syverson himself. You were impressed but wondered about the peach until you saw the title that made you blush deeply.
“How to eat a peach for dummies.”
He motioned for you to sit in the armchair, while he plopped down on the opposite one. He grabbed a chart from his desk and a pen.
“I’ve had a look at your medical history, and the…” Dr. Syverson looked down on the chart, “three gynaecologists that you have been referred to have written that you are in a state of good health. Well, we’ll see about that, I’m not too keen on some of these doctors you’ve had appointments with. They’re as old as Methuselah.”
You let out a peal of laughter. The joke having put you at ease with the doctor, who was smiling as you calmed down from your fit of giggles.
You were a little bit shocked by this doctor. Dr. Syverson was nothing like how you had imagined him. He couldn’t be over 40, with the extended educational schooling he would have had to go through. You remembered having read somewhere that it took at least 12 years to become a gynaecologist.
“Oh my gosh, they were. Another thing they had in common was that they would take a “quick” peek, not caring that I was screaming in pain, and then tell me that I’m healthy as a horse.”
Dr. Syverson sat back; his brow pushed together. You could practically hear the gears turning behind his forehead. He ran a hand through his beard, which made you notice that he wasn’t wearing a ring. If he wasn’t your doctor, you might have asked him on a date. Had you only met him at a bar instead of his office, and not being his patient. Damn it.
“There is definitely an issue we need to figure out here. I want you to know, miss that I plan on solving this mystery. Please, tell me in your own words what you think is wrong?”
You opened your mouth to explain, but all the sentences you thought of were too embarrassing to say out loud.
“Miss, you can say anything here. Nothing leaves these four walls, I promise you,” dr. Syverson tried to make you feel more comfortable with him with his gorgeous smile. His presence alone was putting you at ease. How did he do it?
“It burns when I’m penetrated,” you confessed.
“Penetrated how? During intercourse or masturbation?”
“I haven’t had sex since this happened. I can barely stuff two fingers in there,” you blurted, turning tomato red, confessing something so private to a total stranger, but it felt great to finally say it out loud, like a heavy stone being lifted from your shoulders.
“How about I take a look? Let me see with my own eyes that you’re ‘healthy as a horse’,” he quoted the old men, making you giggle. “You can leave your trousers and underwear on the bench, and have a seat on the table. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
The dashing doctor left the room while you removed your clothing. Feeling a little self-conscious, as you walked over to the gynaecologist table with the stirrups and sat between them, trying to cover your private parts with your shirt.
Dr. Syverson came back soon with a variety of scented candles in his arms.
“The smell of something nice usually helps my patients to relax a little,” he explained. He held them up for you to choose.
“This one,” you smiled and handed him the one called Ocean Mist.
“Nice choice, that one is my favourite,” the doctor grinned. He set the lit candle on his desk. The scent of a sandy beach and salty ocean soon filled the room. The doctor pulled the ultrasound machine towards you. You leaned back on the table inhaling deeply, willing your abdominal muscles to relax. The sounds of a guitar reached your ears. You watched as he set a portable speaker on the small table next to you.
“I hope you don’t mind a little music,” he said, smiling, while he put on a pair of bright orange gloves.
“I love Metallica, so please keep it flowing.”
“Can you guess the song I’m playing? Put your legs up here for me,” he patted the stirrups.
You lifted your legs, intensely listening to the instrumental version of the song.
“Is it ‘The Unforgiven’?” you asked.
“Correct, you’re good. This is going to be a little bit cold,” he squirted a large amount of gel on the ultrasound wand. He slowly inserted the rod inside you, pushing ever so gently. “How long have you listened to Metallica?”
You winced at the invasion but tried to keep your muscles from tightening around the smooth object. You didn’t see the set jaw on the gorgeous looking doctor. Your sweet scent was tickling his nose and making his mouth salivate by the thought of tasting you.
“Since I was a teenager. I’ve been to at least one concert per tour they’ve done,” you groaned in pain.
“I’m sorry, your right ovary is a little difficult to find. You’re doing great. Your left ovary is the epitome of health. Are you on any kind of birth control?” he asked casually, trying his best to make you feel safe around him.
“N… no… I…” your voice broke, and tears started streaming down your cheeks. Doctor Lucas quickly removed the wand, cleaned it and sat down next to you.
“It’s okay. Let it all out,” he told you softly. Concern for your well being was painted on his chiselled face.
“It’s just that… I haven’t had sex for years, YEARS doc. No man wants a broken woman, especially not a woman that cannot be penetrated without her screaming in pain.”
You babbled so much you forgot that you were in a gynaecologist’s office and not at a psychologist.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to blurt all that out,” you started to blush a crimson red.
Lucas fought hard not to pull you into his arms. His protective instincts were on high alert; he wanted to make you feel safe, make you feel loved. He was cursing the bastards who had hurt you. To him, women were the stronger sex, had to endure more pain than men. Women are precious, made to birth life, made to give love and be loved.
“It’s quite alright. You’ve had a rough time,” he patted your arm, the safest place to touch you and went to get up. “I’m going to feel around to see if there’s something I’ve missed with the ultrasound. What other bands do you listen to?”
You watched as doctor Syverson slapped on another pair of gloves and squirted a smaller amount of gel on his finger, on his long thick finger. You were practically drooling by watching him prepare to examine you.
“Eh… I listen to a little bit of everything,” you said. You laid back down and draped an arm over your eyes. Watching the handsome doctor working was becoming too much for you. He was stirring feelings inside you that you hadn’t felt in a long time, and not in this form or quantity. You had taken a look at his well-proportioned ass when he walked out earlier, and his black trousers did very little to hide his hefty package.
“I’m sorry, but, again, this is going to be a little cold. What was the last song you listened to?” he warned.
It was an erotic scene, watching him standing between your legs, one hand on your belly, while the other was about to enter your most sacred place. You felt him enter. A soft moan escaped your lips.
Lucas’ ears perked. He hadn’t expected to hear that sound coming from your full lips. Had he heard correctly? The little vibration from you sent a jolt straight to the beast he was trying to keep dormant. This wasn’t the first time a woman had moaned while he examined them, but you were different. Another sweet sound reached his ears. You were so responsive to his touch, so open, so reactive. His mind was racing, but one word kept popping up, more.
You had forgotten how to speak, how to form sentences, how to communicate. You could only feel.
“The last song? You listened to,” he didn’t mean to sound so tense, but he had to distract himself, his treacherous mind, he needed to keep the small-talk going, to break the silence. He wanted to kick himself in the balls for thinking about you, while he was fingers deep inside you. His compassionate instinct was winning over his lust.
Stop it, Lucas! You’re a professional. You cannot mess up! You CAN NOT fuck this up! She needs your help. Lord, give me strength.
“Oh...” you murmured, coming back from whatever universe he had sent you to with his finger technique, “Ehm, before the Metallica song in the elevator, I listened to ‘What’s Your Country Song’ by Thomas Rhett.”
“That’s a great song. I like country music.”
“I wouldn’t have guessed you as a country kinda g… GOD!!!” you gasped as he curled his finger, touching the spot.
You released a louder sinful sound, a sound that hadn’t left your lips in a very long time. Lucas watched as your chest was heaving, gasping for air. The room was suddenly suffocating him. He felt like he was burning up from the inside. His breath was hitched, and he couldn’t form a coherent sentence. Why did you have to sound like desire itself?
“Does it hurt when I do this?” he asked, his voice lowering an octave and reduced to a velvety whisper. He hooked his finger once more, listening intensely to the sounds escaping you.
You couldn’t take it anymore. Your eyes rolled back in your head. You lifted your hips, moving your pelvis closer, needing more friction, needing to feel him deeper inside you.
He was watching you, vehemently. A fire was burning deep in his groin, heck even his eyes were flaming. His shoulders moved fastly up and down as he was heaving in the air through his parted lips, he needed oxygen, he needed to control himself. He was scolding himself for feeling like a horny teenager.
“This is… wrong,” he said in a panic. He moved his hand away from you. You wrapped your fingers around his wrist in a fierce grip.
“Please…” you begged, “please don’t stop. I… I haven’t felt like this in a long time. Please, Lucas… I need you… I need you to finish this.”
He could hear the need in your voice. He could smell your arousal. You were clawing your nails into his skin. The look in your eyes was clear that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you. The same eyes were shining with unshed tears, begging him for release, and the sound of his name from your lips was making him so close to breaking his resolve.
“I… can’t… you’re my patient,” he groaned, his forehead showing the concerned lines of wrinkles, which made him look even more desirable.
“Can’t you make an exception? Just this once? Please...”
Lucas ran a gloved hand through his short-cropped hair. He turned away from you, needing support for his shaky legs he leaned against the back of his office chair. He was thinking about it, really thinking about it.
“Please, doll. Don’t test me. I’m standing on the edge, and I’m this close to jumping in with both feet. I can lose my career, and I don’t want you to regret this tomorrow.”
You watched as his shoulders sank. You moved off the examination table, pulling the hem of your shirt down to try to cover your nakedness.
“I’m sorry, dr. Syverson. I… I didn’t mean to put you in such a precarious situation,” your voice was small. Your gaze firmly on the wooden floor beneath your feet, you felt so ashamed to have tried to seduce your gynaecologist, who was only trying to help you. Lucas turned around to the sound of your voice breaking, and a little saddened that you started calling him his title again. Your cheeks flushed, your arms wrapped around yourself. You gathered the courage to move towards your clothes.
“Damn it!” he cursed. He moved towards you with the speed of lightning before you could take a single step. His large muscular frame wrapped around you, your head was laying on his chest, listening to the racing of his heartbeat.
“Say ‘you’re fired’,” he ordered, his voice husky and commanding like some kind of army captain, but it was also desperate. Desperate for you not to leave him. Craving your touch. Desiring, longing, yearning, lusting for you. 
Your eyes widened in shock as you processed his words. He heard you gasp as you realised what he was saying.
“Dr. Syverson… you’re fired,” you whispered seductively, although a little shaky too. You watched as the sweet and calm doctor changed before your very eyes.
He clashed his lips with yours in a hungry kiss. He was starving; his only thought was to taste you that was his only goal. Your scent had been making him insane; famished was more correctly described.
While holding you in his arms, he made you move backwards until your bum found the end of the exam table.
His kisses were desperate, and so were you. Your heart felt as if it was about to beat out of your chest. Your breathing was shallow. It was going to happen; it was really going to happen.
He lifted you up and made you sit on the exam table. He parted your legs and went to stand between them. He cupped your face between his warm palms, leaning down to kiss you again. He kissed your jaw and all the way to the shell of your ear.
“Please, don’t regret this,” he whispered and went to touch his forehead against yours.
“I want it, even more than you do,” you answered breathlessly.
With your consent, there was no turning back now.
He devoured your mouth while his hands roamed all over your body. He unbuttoned your blouse while you shoved his white coat to the floor. You pulled at his button-up, buttons were flying everywhere. He shoved your shirt down your shoulders and off your arms before he threw it somewhere behind him. You ran your hands up and down his hairy chest, wanting to feel all of him, not the doctor, but the fine specimen of a man that he was.
He removed your bra with a flick of his fingers. Slowly revealing your breast to him. Your nipples two hard buds, waiting for his mouth to suck, lick, bite, whatever he wanted to do.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” he whispered. His voice was desperate, so filled with lust, but also something oh so sweet.
Lucas moved his lips down your collar bone. Feasting on your breast, nibbling at your skin, before he finally went to town with your nipples. With the first touch of his tongue on your left breast, while he pinched the right, you let out a loud guttural sound. Just him playing with your bosom was about to send you over the edge. The coil in your belly was so close to snapping.
“More… Please, Lucas, more,” you whimpered, pushing his head to the place where you needed his mouth the most, right between your thighs.
You heard him chuckle. He gently pushed you down, making sure you were comfortable before he hooked your legs over his shoulders for better access to your glistening desire.
“Fuck…” you mewled. The sight of the mountain man between your legs, the growing bulge in his dark trousers was so erotic you were about to combust. Your sex was on fire.
“Your body is divine, bug. It was made to be worshipped. I want to make the pain go away,” he said softly.
You didn’t get to say a word as his tongue ran along the seam of your wetness, making you shutter from the first contact. His tongue was wide and long, his mouth blowing hot air as he sucked your lower lips gently.
That tongue of his was everywhere, inside you, lavishing you, adoring every centimetre of your flushed skin. You lifted your head to watch him working you into a frenzy, right as he sucked his index finger into his mouth, coating the digit with his saliva.
The pleasure that he was giving you was overwhelming. The moment he pushed his finger inside your womanhood, was like nothing you had felt before. His finger was warm, and it was a whole different feeling than when he was gloved. His tongue darted out to play with the glistening pearl hiding between your lips, sucking in his finger. Your wetness allowed his movements to be smooth and easy, in and out, and he found that spot that made you howl in ecstasy.
“Luc… I’m… I’m so close… FUCK!”
The coil broke, snatched, ripped apart. You weren’t pushed over the edge, you were shoved, hard, and the pleasuring waves kept coming and coming. It felt as if your orgasm was never-ending. You never wanted to come down from that high. It was addictive.
You released your hold of Sy’s head from your thighs, not having noticed you had trapped him. You were panting hard, trying to catch your breath after the tsunami of an orgasm the doctor had given you.
Lucas’ palm covered your cheek, wiping the tears that had fallen from your eyes.
“Did I hurt you, doll?” his face scrunched in concern.
You shook your head, no.
“No… that was the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced.”
The smile on Lucas’ face was breathtaking. He was beaming with pride. You watched as he leaned back, noticing he was still wearing his trousers. The apparent bulge in his abdominal area looked painful.
You moved to sit up, motioning for him to stand.
“I want to return the favour,” you told him, unzipping his trousers. You were gentle, as the tent grew more extensive, the more you released his manhood from its confinement. You helped him out of his black boxer briefs and came face to face with the finest cock you had ever laid eyes on. You were drooling, licking your lips, dying to taste him.
“You don’t have to, angel,” he groaned as your tongue darted out to taste the precum leaking from the tip, hearing him growl, a sound coming from deep inside him.
“Please let me, Sy,” you pleaded, taking his length in your hand. You looked up to see Lucas nodding slowly. He groaned in acceptance.
You ran your tongue over your palm to lubricate it. Lucas’ eyes widened to the size of teacups. His cock jolting in excitement, his heart skipping a beat at the erotic scene happening right before him.
One hand touched his hips, moving to the small of his back, to have a grip on his ass, pushing him closer to your face. He filled your hand beautifully with his hardness, yet he was still soft to the touch of your palm. You started moving your hand up, slowly, hearing his gasp was turning you on even more than you already were. You smeared the clear precum around the glans with your thumb. Delicately wrapping your mouth around him. Your lips were stretched to max capacity, a voice in the back of your mind was telling you that you had to be careful not to lock your jaws, but then again you had a doctor right in front of you if the situation should happen.
You languidly moved his member further into your warm mouth, coating him with your saliva. Your tongue gliding over the tip. Lucas released a low moan that sent vibrations through his body. He lifted his face towards the ceiling. Your hand left his ass, moving down his thighs, tickling the backside of his knee, before travelling up the inside of his thigh and gently cupping his balls.
“Fuuuuuuck…” he guttered. You sucked the part that could fit in your mouth in synchronicity with your hand’s movement. He felt the tightening deep within his testicles. The hitching in his breath notified you of his coming release. You led his hands to your scalp, letting his fingers fisting your hair, before giving him a sultry look with his cock in your mouth.
He was grunting hard as he set the pace, while you did your best to keep up with him. Moving his hips, chasing his release inside your mouth. You relaxed your throat, letting him take over. You wanted so much to please him. 
“Fuck, sunshine… I’m so close,” he growled.
“Come in my mouth,” you uttered. It was like something within him snapped the minute you voiced the words. He moved faster, harder, rougher. Until you felt the first spurts of his seed hitting your palate. You swallowed everything he spilt and then licked him clean.
Sy fumbled with his office chair as he sat down with a satisfied hum and pulled you to sit on his lap.
“That was amazing,” he smiled at you, kissing the tip of your nose, your cheek, the corner of your mouth and lastly a lingering kiss on your reddened lips.
“Glad you approve,” you grinned back, “Can I ask you something?”
“About those books,” you pointed towards the books you had peeked at earlier.
“Theses I had to write for med school.”
“Tell me about them while you rest for round two.”
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crescentsteel · 3 years
When in Brazil - Heat
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pairing: Hinata x f!reader x Oikawa genre: SMUT wc: 12.1k (I don’t have excuses anymore. Bear with me pls) warnings: threesome, double penetration (all holes involved byee), anal, oral (giving and receiving), degradation, fingering, creampie, unprotected sex, spanking, dumbification, squirting
For maximum experience, you have to read the series chronologically for context.
Can you believe it? This took me more than a month to finalize because the Oikawa-Hinata dynamic is fucking hard to polish.
I'm staying away from writing smut after this (don't quote me on this).
I need to bathe with holy water after this.
Enjoy, I guess?
Here’s the AO3 link in case tumblr is being shit and crashes on you. 
The day is almost over, yet it feels like the minutes are ticking by too slowly. You just want to go home. You’re in the diner but all you can think about is throwing yourself onto your mattress and sleeping off the weariness brought by the surge of customers on a Friday night. To make things worse, Shoyo is not doing deliveries today so you have to close the diner all on your own.
You release a burdened sigh before you plaster a rehearsed smile on your already exhausted face. When you are able to recollect yourself, you go back to the array of customers waiting to be attended to.
Amongst the seated crowd is an all too familiar tangerine that stood out effortlessly. He’s never been in your diner as a customer, so seeing him as such is a nice change.
He’s with someone and is so engrossed with their lively conversation that he doesn’t notice you at all. Despite that, it’s still nice to see him. You always see him working so hard that it’s comforting to watch him hanging out and having fun with others.
You’re probably staring because his eyes suddenly dart to you.
Of course, Shoyo being the sunshine that he is, he gives you a warm smile and a friendly wave that you take as your signal to come over to their table.
“Fancy seeing you as a customer, Shoyo,” you say just as affectionately as his smile is. “You brought a friend too,” you add as you turn your head to greet his company.
Once your eyes land on his friend, you feel the strain in your facial muscles as you try to maintain the smile you’re wearing.
It’s the fucking tourist!
“Ms. Local!” he yells out with familiarity and delight dancing in his surprised eyes.
“You know each other?” Shoyo asks.
You and the tourist speak at the same time.
“No.” “Yes.”
Shoyo looks back and forth at you and the tourist with apparent confusion.
“He must be mistaken.” Despite the panic that’s starting to rise in your chest, you’re able to maintain a calm facade. “I don’t know him,” you add confidently because it’s the truth. You don’t know him aside from two facts you got from his last time: he’s a volleyball player from Argentina and he’s a hot scum of a tourist.
You give the tourist the most hospitable smile you can muster, hoping that he’s actually decent enough to get the drift.
He looks at you from head to toe before an amused grin forms on his lips. He rests his elbow on the table and lazily places his cheek on his palm. “She’s right, Shorty pie. I was mistaken. I actually don’t know her too,” the tourist says as he regards you meaningfully.
Shorty pie? Did he just address Shoyo as shorty pie? How snotty! Shoyo is not that short.
“Y/n, this is the great king, I mean, Oikawa-san, I mean uhhhh,” Shoyo turns the tourist and says something in Japanese. You try to get cues as to what they’re talking about but the language is incredibly different. You might’ve found it rude but it was Shoyo who did it. You can’t imagine him saying anything bad about you.
The tourist faces you with a wide smile. “You can call me Tooru, Ms. Local,” he introduces himself.
“Her name is Y/n, Oikawa-san,” Shoyo kindly corrects Tooru, not a drop of suspicion present in his tone.
“Right! Y/n it is.” He continues staring at you with a very smug look on his face that makes you want to kick him out of the diner. But even if you were the owner, you can’t do it without letting Shoyo know why.
You distract yourself and turn your full attention to Shoyo. “So, what’re you boys getting?” you ask cordially.
“Let me ask him, y/n. It’s his treat.” Shoyo faces his annoying company. You softly tap your feet on the floor and refuse to get back to Tooru, hoping that it’ll still be Shoyo who’s going to order for the both of them.
“Y/n, hallooo.”
It’s taking everything in you not to roll your eyes and exhibit a grouchy behavior unacceptable towards a customer. Goddamn it, you can’t even sigh to calm yourself down.
You force yourself to face him and let out a high-pitched “Yes?” paired with a feigned smile.
He chuckles uninhibitedly before he answers. “Actually, I don’t know what to order. I just wanted you to look at me,” he admits without any trace of shame.
You try to laugh your irritation away but it comes out awkward and loud that some of the customers near their table turn their eyes at you.
You clear your throat to shake off the embarrassment. “Since you’re undecided, Sir. We’ll get you our three best sellers which will take no more than 20 minutes to prepare. I’ll be back when it’s ready,” you say all at once. You don’t wait for their response as you turn around and hurry back to the kitchen.
You tell the cook their order and excuse yourself to go to the restroom.
As soon as you close the door, you cover your face with both hands and pour a regret-filled squeal onto your palms.
You certainly have been complaining about life being dull and repetitive. But this is too much of a mayhem for you to handle!
Out of all the strangers you could’ve possibly slept with, it had to be someone Shoyo knows. Fuck! What if the tourist, what’s his name again? You were too busy panicking that you didn’t even catch his name when he said it. It was something like Tori? Taurus? Tooru!
Tooru, the scumbag tourist.
His name is not really that important though. What’s more pressing is the possibility that he might tell Shoyo.
You really like your lively and good-natured friend. You don’t want him to think you’re a lady of loose morals for sleeping around.
Loud knocks on the door pull you back to the reality that you need to get back out there. You can’t stay in the restroom room wishing you can turn back time, even though you do. You wish you just stayed home the night you crossed paths with the tourist.
You take a deep breath and step out.
“What took you so long? Orders are piling up in the kitchen,” your fellow waiter reprimands you.
“Sorry,” you apologize before hurrying to the kitchen. You take the cooked meals and get them to their respective tables.
When the tourist and Shoyo’s order comes in, you collect yourself for a quick second prior to heading back to where they are. Despite dreading each step you take towards them, you manage to get there with an amicable smile.
“Here you go,” you announce as you put down their plates.
Even when you try your best to ignore the tourist by focusing all your attention on Shoyo, you can feel his avid stare boring onto your face. You’re just glad he’s not talking at all, so you don’t have a reason to face him.
“Thanks, y/n!” Shoyo says appreciatively which eases your discomfort a bit from having Tooru ogle at you.
“Anytime,” you respond just as kindly and head back to the kitchen. A huge wave of relief hits you when you’re finally away from their table.
Oikawa follows the sight of your back as you leave. What were the chances he would see you again? You gave him nada after your sexy encounter that night, not even a name. So you both parted ways still as strangers. What’s even more amusing is the fact that you’re friends with Shorty.
The world just couldn’t get any smaller - seeing Shoyo out of pure coincidence on the beach. Then finding you here when you didn’t want to be found.
He turns his attention back at his former opponent and finds Shoyo’s gaze at you as well. The glimmer of fondness is blatant on his eyes as they linger on your back.
“Shoyo,” Oikawa calls out.
The short volleyball player instantly flicks his eyes back to Oikawa, oblivious that he was just gawking at you.
“Do you like her?” Oikawa asks, straight to the point.
A faint blush pops out of his tanned cheeks as his eyes go wide, an instant giveaway that Oikawa hit the bull’s eye.
Shoyo breaks into a flustered smile while he rubs the back of his neck from embarrassment. “Yeah. She’s a good friend,” he states, his eyes shining with less than innocent admiration as he looks back at the direction you disappeared in.
Holy shit. Holy Shit. You fucked Shorty too!
Upon the realization, a chuckle escapes his mouth before he can thwart it. No wonder you came up with that spot on guess before. You got the story from someone who did the same.
A small world indeed.
Shoyo is probably the good fuck you were talking about that night. Looking at the former middle blocker, he certainly didn’t think that Shoyo would have enough experience in the bedroom to be considered a “good fuck.”
“Why don’t you invite her to watch us play tomorrow?” he suggests.
Shoyo’s face brightens up with excitement from his suggestion. “Yeah! I think she’ll want to. I told her that I play volleyball and stuff.”
He leans back on his chair as he grins from Shoyo’s response.
“Should be fun, right?” he asks with hidden deviousness.
When Shoyo asked you to watch their game, your understanding by ‘their’ is him and another local he regularly plays with. Not him and the freaking tourist!
If you had known, you would have politely declined.
Now, you’re sitting there on the sands of Copacabana with nothing but foreboding as you watch them start the game with two other players.
You know close to nothing about volleyball. You only came out of curiosity because Shoyo talks about it like it’s his life. Maybe it is. He did come all the way from Japan to a foreign country all on his own.
And so did Tooru.
You’re just starting to wonder if he loves the sport just as much Shoyo does, but you don’t wonder for too long. He gives you the answer with the way he plays.
Knowing that you’ll be watching two grown men playing, you expected them to be show-offs impressing the girl they invited to watch. However, they don’t even spare you a glance after they get a point in.
You don’t take offense in it though. Instead, you find yourself growing envious of them. Their personalities are so different but the look of passion and determination is burning similarly not just on their faces, but on their whole being.
Tooru is still a tricky scum in your eyes. But when he’s playing, he looks larger than life and brimming with pride and dignity. His cocky smirk is still there, but it’s more of an affirmation to himself and Shoyo that they’re doing hell of a good teamwork.
Shoyo, on the other hand, is all smiles and easy going everytime you talk to him. He still is inside the sandy court, but he’s intensely focused and totally lost in the game that sometimes, very briefly, he almost seems scary.
It’s so strange. One second they’re totally immersed and serious, then on the next they’re suddenly grinning and laughing even if they didn’t score a point.
You’d think they were teammates before from how they seem to communicate without really saying anything. But if they were then, Shoyo would have undoubtedly told you about him.
When the game ends, the two of them share victorious smiles. Why wouldn’t they? They did snatch the game. They’re so earnest and driven that you can’t help but be in awe, despite the one of them being real shady.
They both head towards your direction, Shoyo almost running towards you while Tooru striding slowly with pride.
Your attention inevitably goes to the orange ball of energy first. “Were you watching, y/n?” he asks while trying to catch his breath. He must’ve been really absorbed in the game that he didn’t notice you arrive earlier.
“You did great, Shoyo!” you sincerely applaud him as the tourist catches up to where you are.
“You too, uhh, Tooru,” you commend him awkwardly. Until now, you’ve only called him ‘tourist,’ so saying his actual name feels weird.
“I didn’t expect you’d let me toss to you, Oikawa-san,” Shoyo says with the thrill of the game still oozing from him.
“Would be a waste if we don’t try something totally new when the opportunity is there,” Tooru responds just as high-spiritedly, but you feel off about how he calls Shoyo.
“Why do you let him call you such names?” you ask Shoyo even when the tourist is right beside him.
Shoyo just laughs it off, obviously not minding the rude nicknames. “It’s actually comforting, y/n. It reminds me of home,” he says with a nostalgic smile that makes you feel bad about his situation. He misses home so much that even rude nicknames are welcome because it brings him closer to it.
“Should I call you ‘Shorty’ too?” you sincerely ask but he only grimaces. Meanwhile, Tooru laughs to his heart’s content.
“Sorry! I thought you’d like it.”
“Not from you, y/n,” Shoyo sulks a little, but buries the misunderstanding immediately. “Anyways, should I walk you home tonight?”
You appreciate the thought. It has been a while since you had the pleasure of his company.
“Yea, please do.”
“Can I come?” the tourist butts in, reminding you that he’s also there.
“Aren’t your teammates waiting for you?” you ask, subtly shooing him away. You saw the two men he was talking to earlier. Judging from the language they spoke, which was undoubtedly Spanish, and their athletic build, you concluded they were his teammates.
“Nope. I asked them to go ahead,” he shrugs and flashes you that too-charming smile he has.
“Oh, why?” you ask amicably to hide your distrust of him.
“It’s my last night here and I thought, why not make friends with a local?”
You don’t buy it, but it would seem strange to Shoyo if you blatantly refuse Tooru. In Shoyo’s eyes, you and Tooru haven’t met before. It would be suspicious for you to be so wary of him when he’s been ‘nice’ when Shoyo’s around.
So you agree. You won’t see him anymore after tonight anyways. A walk home won’t do any harm.
When you reach your place, only then it dawns on you that if you invite Shoyo inside, you’d have to offer the same invitation to the tourist out of common courtesy.  You really want to let Shoyo in, but if they come in pairs, you’d rather invite your friend another night.
Your turn around and what awaits you is Shoyo’s hopeful, hazel orbs.
Meu Deus, how can you refuse him when he’s looking at you like that?
You go to the kitchen to grab one glass of water for each of the two men in your living room.
You tell yourself that everything’s all good and harmless when you invited them in. If it was Tooru only, it would’ve been a different story. You wouldn’t have even allowed him to walk you home.
But since Shoyo is there, you feel somewhat safe. The tourist might be douchey but surely he won’t do anything with your tangerine friend around. They won’t stay long anyways, so it should be fine.
You close your fridge when you hear Shoyo’s familiar footsteps.
“Y/n?” He stops briefly on his tracks when you turn to him.
“Yeah?” you respond before he continues making his way to you. “What’s wrong?”
He’s only a step away when his profile reveals a somber expression he’s never shown you before. “Did you really do it with Oikawa-san?”
You feel the rapid increase of your heartbeat from his question. Did Tooru tell him about it while you were in the kitchen? To think that you were starting to believe that the tourist is not as bad as you thought since he’s been amenable the whole night. He proves you wrong before you actually believe that idea.
Now you have no choice but to admit it to Shoyo because you don’t have the heart to lie to him.
“It’s okay, y/n. He told me he tricked you into it,” he tells you with a sad yet understanding look on his face.
“Are you… disappointed at me?” you ask guiltily.
He shakes his head instantly. “No, but...” He averts his eyes downwards, dejection clear and evident on them. “We’re not going to do it anymore, aren’t we?” His tone drops woefully with his assumption.
Oh goodness, he’s so adorable. It’s like one of his favorite things was taken away from him. You would’ve dragged him in your room right now to prove him wrong if it isn’t for your other visitor in the living room.
Instead, you grab his hand and pull him closer to you as you lean back on the counter. You cup his chin to raise his gaze back to you.
“I missed you,” you tell him rather than directly answering his question. You move your hand from his chin to his cheek before you claim his lips. Like an automatic response, he envelops his hands around your waist.
He really is the sun, not only bringing rays of joy to you, but also heats you up all the way to sinful madness.
His hands drop down your behind and gropes them to draw you towards his body, letting you know how excited he’s getting just from kissing and holding you.
You still haven’t had your fill of his lips when he lets go of yours. “Did you feel good with him, y/n?” he asks, centimeters away from your mouth.
You pull back slightly from surprise. “Why are you asking that?” You try to decipher what he’s thinking but you can only see his need for you as you stare at him.
“I want to know how to make you feel better,” he says as an ounce of insecurity bares itself for you to see. You drape your hand from his neck down to his chest, caressing the broadness of it. “You already know how to make me feel good, Shoyo,” you say as you offer him a gentle smile.
“You didn’t answer my question,” he persists.
You sigh when you realize that he’s not going to let this go unless you answer him. “I don’t like him, but yeaa... it felt good,” you look away as soon as you admit it. You don’t know how he’ll react, but you know that wouldn’t be able to take it if he looks at you with disappointment or disgust.
To your surprise, he pulls you close again and rests his cheek against yours. He asks something too softly -- something you wouldn’t hear had he not been standing so close. “Can I watch him do it?”
You flinch away from his hold with eyes wide from the appalling question. “What?!”
Shoyo becomes alarmed at your reaction and completely releases you. “But if you don’t want to, it’s fine!”
He waves hands mid-air, panicking at how aghast you are from what he said. “We just thought it would feel good for you. Ahhhh.” He rubs his face with embarrassment. “I’m sorry, y/n. I’m getting way ahead of myself,” he apologizes with a regretful look.
Tooru must have told him prior to tonight. If they talked about you to that extent, the little time they had in your living room wouldn’t have been enough. Shoyo knew even while they were playing and he didn’t treat you differently.
Meanwhile, that tourist was acting all goody-goody because he’d already told your friend that you two fucked. You only become more annoyed when you realize that the idea couldn’t have possibly come from your adored friend.
You squint at Shoyo as you ask him. “He put you up to this, didn’t he?”
Shoyo looks up, genuinely unsure how to answer you. “Uhh. He said I could learn a thing or two from him.”
You laugh dryly from the lack of words that could describe your vexation towards Tooru. The audacity of that fucking tourist! How dare he think that he’s any better than Shoyo. How dare he make Shoyo believe that he’s the lesser sex partner.
“Y/n?” Shoyo must have noticed your silent fury because he looks concerned when he returns his gaze to you.
You give him a too-sweet grin despite the exasperation boiling in your chest. “You know what? He can join, but he’ll be the one watching.”
You drag Shoyo back to the living room, ignoring him as he utters words of disbelief that you’re too mad to understand.
When you meet Tooru’s gaze, he gives you a knowing smile which you return with a resentful one.
“Shoyo, can you go to my bedroom first? We’ll be there soon,” you say while you keep your eyes trained on Tooru.
“Can’t I know what you’re going to talk about?” Shoyo sounds almost sulking, but you don’t deter. You turn to him with a pout of your own.
“I promise we’ll be there soon, mkay?” You stroke his hand which you’re still holding.
Shoyo nods and obediently heads inside your room.
You march to Tooru and yank his collar. Despite being surprised by your action, he looks pleased with your aggressiveness.
“Congratulations, Tourist. You successfully earned yourself a threesome,” you spit out, but he only smiles with satisfaction as you just consented to what he’s probably going for. “Now listen to me and listen well. You will be the one doing the watching. You will remain seated while you watch Shoyo fuck me. You don’t get to join unless I let you. Do whatever you want - jack off, drool, have a seizure, I don’t give a shit. But if you make yourself cum, you don’t get to touch me. Got that?”
He only blinks at your litany of rules, but you trust him to be smart enough to get that in one go. Quickly enough, he lets out a short whistle as he reiterates your rules in just one sentence.  
“Basically, no touching and no cumming from me, right?” he states with a pleased grin that makes you want to punch his pretty face.
But you have better plans, so you let him go and join Shoyo in the bedroom. You don’t have to tell Tooru to follow. He stands up on his own and heads for the bedroom a few steps behind you.
When you get in your room, you find Shoyo sitting at the edge of your bed. He looks so worried, looking at his feet while fiddling with his hands. You feel bad that you kind left him out in the dark because you’re too pissed at the tourist’s presumptuousness.
You sit beside Shoyo and grab his hand. He eyes you fretfully, obviously addled at what’s going to happen next. Rather than explaining, you cup his cheek and moor your mouth to his. You straddle him while your other hand clutches his hair. His palms immediately get underneath your shirt, skimming the bare skin of your sides while your lips ravage one another.
Shoyo suddenly pulls back, his confusion now mixed with lust as he looks up at you. “What about Oikawa-san?” he huffs.
“Don’t mind him,” you mutter on his lips as you descend on them once again.
Shoyo doesn’t ask further, discarding his qualms earlier and heeding your instruction like the good guy he is. He rids you of the top you’re wearing, his palm immediately covering the softness of your clad breast while his mouth seeks the weak spot on your neck. When he does find it, you reward him by pressing your groin against his.
You can’t help but laugh a little at how his arousal is already poking beneath his shorts. “You’re already hard, Shoyo.”
He doesn’t respond and proceeds to unclasp your bra that’s preventing him from feeling your bare breasts.
Like he always does, he takes a moment to revel at your half nakedness like it’s the first time he’s seeing you as such. And like every time he does it, he never fails to make you feel like you a marvel to look at.
“So pretty,” he murmurs to himself.
He plants fervid kisses on your chest until his mouth captures a perk bud. The action causes you to grind on his lap, attending to the ache that’s settling in your groin.
You itch to roam your hands on his body and groans with disappointment that it isn’t his skin you’re touching. He hears it and does you a favor by quickly discarding his muscle tee.
“Shoyo,” you whisper with brewing desire as your hands travel from his neck down to his chest.
“Yes?” he asks, completely bewitched even when you’re only half naked.
“I really missed you.”
You feel his erection grow even more while his face shines with adulation from your statement. He grips both cheeks of your ass and takes it upon himself to roll your hips again on his bulge.
“I missed you too, y/n,” he says before resuming what his mouth was doing earlier: devotedly twirling his tongue around one hardened bud while his fingers fiddle with the other. With already several visits from him after work hours, he’s well familiar with how you want to be had.
He demonstrates so by gently tugging your nipples with his teeth and fingers, making you cry out from the slight pang that heightened your craving for more.
You’re reminded that someone else is in the room when your wooden chair creaks audibly for you to hear. Shoyo is doing such a great job of taking you to a scandalous place far away from your mundane room that you almost forget that Tooru is there.
You take one quick look at the pretty guy sitting on your chair. He’s doing as he’s told and is watching intently, particularly at where Shoyo’s mouth is.
As much as you want to totally lose yourself in the sensation of Shoyo’s hands and mouth, you have to show Tooru what he missed on that one night of encounter.
You clutch Shoyo’s hair to pull him away from your body, earning yourself a baffled Shoyo when you get off his lap. You just smile reassuringly at him as you get on your knees. You try to lug his shorts down but fails as he remains seated, totally beguiled at the sight of you kneeling down for him.
You look up to him doe-eyed as you ask him, “Won’t you help me a little here, Shoyo?”
He snaps out of his daze from your question. “Ah! Yes, yes. Sorry.” He does the work for you and hurriedly pulls his shorts and undergarments down.
You squirm on your knees at the sight of his swollen cock. It’s been a while since you did it with him that you find yourself more than eager to have him inside you again; whether in your mouth or somewhere further down, you can’t decide.
Once again, the tourist distracts you when he lets out a whistle. “Damn. Who knew?”
You can’t help but agree with him. When you first saw Shoyo’s size, you were shocked as well. He, however, doesn’t get what Tooru is talking about. He eyes Tooru worriedly as he asks confusedly, “What?”
Tooru doesn’t answer Shoyo and just grins at him, so he turns to you instead. “What’s he talking about, y/n?”
You respond by gripping the base of his cock and taking him slowly in your mouth. You hear him hiss as his hand grabs the back of your head.
“Ahhh. So warm.”
You look at him and find him with lips parted and eyes shut as he relishes the way you gradually swallow his size.
Once your lips reach the hilt of his shaft, you drag your lips back up and release his cock. Instead of sucking it again, you tease him by flicking your tongue on his tip, twirling the hot, moist muscle around it whenever you feel like it.
Shoyo clutches your hair, oblivious to the strength he put behind it as he unknowingly forces you to meet his pleading eyes.
“Suck it again please,” he asks nicely despite his tight grip on your hair.
You smile tenderly at him, tracing the length of his cock with your tongue before engulfing it once again with your mouth. As you descend on him, you lock eyes with Tooru, making sure that he’s watching how devoutly you’re tending to Shoyo’s desires.
Satisfaction kicks in when you notice the undeniable bulge on his shorts as he keeps his eyes on you and Shoyo. This is supposed to be a show for him, but you feel yourself getting wetter from Shoyo’s whines and how Tooru is starting to palm his erection above the fabric of his shorts.
Shoyo takes hold of your attention again when he starts thrusting against your mouth, causing you to whimper on his dick. You squeeze his thighs to signal him to slow down. He stops completely, letting you withdraw away so you can breathe.
He opens his eyes and trails his hand from the back of your head to your cheek. “Sorry, y/n. It’s starting to feel really good,” he explains apologetically.
You offer him a delicate smile right before you descend your mouth on the whole of his cock in one swift motion, the tip of his cock tickling the back of your throat.
“ Ah! ” He throws his head back from the sudden movement.
“Shit,” you hear the man seated across the foot of the bed curse. You turn your eyes on him and witness how he frees his bulge from his shorts. He fists it slowly, matching the bob of your head on Shoyo’s dick. You quicken your pace and his hand mirrors it as well.
You unzip your shorts, unable to help yourself.  Without bothering to remove them, you slip your hands in and touch the moistness of your slit. You moan at Shoyo’s cock as you feel the pads of your fingers on your slick arousal.
“Stop touching yourself, y/n. I’ll do it with my mouth later. Make me feel good first.” Uncontained desire is swimming on Shoyo’s orbs as he stares at you while his mouth pants  with need.
You pull out your hand and plant it on the side of his thigh as you suck faster, hoping that he’ll cum soon so his tongue can replace what your fingers were doing.
Your pussy is throbbing so hard from how he’s learning so well. He pulled the same card you did the first time you sucked him off and it’s turning you on even more that you have to clench your thighs together just so you can ease your arousal a little bit.
“Let me do it,” you hear Tooru’s breathy suggestion. You’re not surprised that he noticed. After all, watching is all he’s allowed to do.
Shoyo gently pulls your head back as he asks, “Do you want him to?”
With his dick still stuffed in your mouth, you shake your head to answer ‘no.’ You want to alleviate the delicious tension between your legs, but you want Tooru to remain where he’s seated for a while more.
“I can do it well, y/n. I’ll trace my tongue on your cunt the way my fingers did on that beach. Let me taste you. I’ll get you even wetter with my mouth.”
You grip Shoyo’s thighs as you moan on his dick from Tooru’s lewd words. You didn’t want him to touch you yet, but the visceral imagery he provided you is making your lubricious needs unbearable.
You look at Tooru as you tell him with a wavering voice, “Come here.”
“Finally,” he says as he tucks his rigid member back in his shorts and rushes to where you are.
Shoyo helps you stand up and positions your back against the headboard of your bed. Meanwhile, you feel Oikawa’s hands grasp the seams of your shorts.
You’ve already unzipped it earlier so all he needs to do is pull it down, which he easily does as you lift your hips up for him.
“Please don’t forget I’m here, y/n,” Shoyo reminds you with a sullen tone.
Oikawa spreads your legs while you weakly grab Shoyo’s dick. You pump him a few times before taking him again in your mouth. At the same time, Tooru gives your already moist slit a well drawn out lick.
Your groan vibrates on Shoyo’s cock as your thighs involuntarily press together. Strong hands placed on both thighs prevent them from doing so as Tooru swirls his tongue on your throbbing clit.
The delicious strokes of his tongue lapping up your juices are incredibly distracting, making you a drooling mess on Shoyo’s cock. You grip his shaft to regain some control as you start quickening the bob of your head, your fingers hitting your lips as you take him fast and deep.
Tooru distracts you even further when he roughly pushes two fingers in without any warning.  “Oh my, would you look at that?” He laughs right between your legs. “My two fingers easily got in,” he says and starts languidly pulling them in and out of you.
You want to say something but Shoyo beats you to it. “Please don’t stop, y/n. I’m about to-uugghh .”
He starts taking shallow breaths while he keeps his hazy eyes on you. “Can I cum in your… in your mouth?” he asks as he starts staggering his hips faster than the bob of your head.
You give him a small nod, trying your very best to continue sucking him even though Tooru’s fingers are sending you to another kind of delirium.
Shoyo’s moans permeate the air as his orgasm erupts in your right in your mouth. “ Ahh, ahhhh, y/n, am cumming ,” he says before his hand goes to the back of your head and shoves his length at your throat, forcing you to swallow the entirety of his load.
“Holy shit,” you hear Tooru say as he stills his fingers inside you.
Shoyo eases his grip on your hair as he releases a satisfied huff. Your jaw feels relief as you remove your mouth off his member.
He takes his seat at the bed as he steadies himself again.
“I didn’t think you’d be one to swallow.” You turn to Tooru and see him no longer situated in front of your crotch.
He stands up and takes off all his clothes without any shame. You stare at his glorious nakedness, acknowledging that the last time’s encounter did not allow you any of the view he’s currently gracing you with.
His face isn’t the only pretty thing about him, it’s everything. And you can tell he knows it with how proud his strides are as he makes his way beside you.
Your dazed eyes follow him as he rests his back on the headboard.
“This is when you sit on my cock, y/n,” he says with that fraudulent smile of his. He’s so damn infuriating, yet, you can’t deny that you want to do exactly as he said. His tongue on your dripping pussy did nothing but fan the flickers of arousal in your stomach, so even if you still despise him, you don’t mind being fucked by him. You already know he’s not going to disappoint anyway.
You climb on top of him with an irritated expression and a soaked cunt that coats the tip of his member. “Please stop talking. Don’t make me hate myself for being horny over you,” you state almost resignedly. Levity spreads across his gorgeous face as a laugh starts to rumble from his throat.
“You’re so funny, y/n! I knew I made the right choice to fuck you that night,” he says with mirthful smile. You ignore him completely, tuning out his fatuousness as you align your entrance to his cock that’s been poking at you.
You anchor yourself with one hand on his shoulder while your other seizes his member for you to descend on.
“Oh no no no~” He grips your hips and stops you. “Why are you in a hurry? We have all night, don’t we?” He asks as he trails his fingers on the sides of your hip, effectively heightening your wanton desire to be stuffed by him.
You shake your head ferociously as you remember how intense he teased you and edged you on the beach. “None of that teasing crap anymore,” you say as an infuriated plea.
“Hmmm, “ he hums as he thinks about your belligerent request. “Kiss me first,” he says in a light tone but you hear the smidge of authority behind it. You gladly oblige as you hurriedly reach for his mouth.
Replicating what he did with his fingers, he fastens his grasp on your hips and rams you down on his cock. Your moan falls on his mouth mixed with his own. He pulls away from your lips, a string of translucent liquid connecting his to yours.
“Ahh, Ms. Local. You look so hot with that lewd expression on your face,” he says, his eyes hazy with his own dark, sinful yet alluring desires. “Since you wanted to be fucked so bad, why don’t you move for us?” he asks before he goes for that exact spot on your neck that makes you weak.
You start grinding against him, taking your time to revel at the feeling of his cock rubbing against your dewy insides. He startles your slow rhythm when you feel the sharp sting of his palm on one ass cheek.
You yelp out from the sudden pang burning on your skin. “Seriously, y/n? That’s really all you got?” he taunts while his hand on the other cheek caresses it, a soft warning that the same slap is about to hit it too.
Fuck. What even gave you the idea that you can take charge of this asshole? You kinda feel stupid now from your naivety and from how he’s making you lose yourself from the painful delight he just inflicted on you.
“Oikawa-san! Why are you hitting her?” Shoyo voices out his concern which makes Tooru’s hand still from its circular caresses over it.
Tooru weaves his head to the side to look at Shoyo while you slouch and rest your head on Tooru’s shoulders.
“You don’t?” he asks inquisitively to the other naked man on your bed.
“Why would I do that? I don’t want to hurt her,” Shoyo responds out of genuine concern that it makes your heart melt despite being impaled with the cock of another guy.
Tooru chuckles at his innocence before inviting him, “Sit beside us and watch, Shoyo.”
You feel the shift of the cushion beside you, indicating that Shoyo had followed Tooru’s suggestion.
“Ready to show your precious Shoyo how perverted you are?” Tooru whispers to you, delivering a wet stripe on your ear.
You struggle to hide your face on his shoulders as you answer him with a quivering “no.” The spank that follows is harder than the previous one, forcing you to throw your head back as you wobble from the pain.
“See, Shoyo-kun?” Tooru turns to your friend, treating you like an educational material for him to learn from. Meanwhile, the tangerine remains silent and eyes you with awe from discovering this side of you that even you weren’t aware of.
Your mouth gapes open while you try to think of something to explain yourself to Shoyo as you meet his gaze. Tooru makes use of the opportunity and sticks in his fingers inside your mouth.
You turn your attention to Tooru, a bunch of incoherent words coming from how he’s violating your wet cavern with his digits. Your plan to defend yourself to Shoyo is discarded when Tooru moves your hips against him with just one hand.
You go with the rhythm he’s setting while he thrusts his fingers inside your mouth.
“Hhhrrrmmm ,” you moan disorderly on his slender digits, making its owner chuckle with grisly amusement.
“She likes it,” Shoyo comments like he’s figured out what Tooru was talking about.
“Damn right she does.” Tooru presses his pads firmly on your tongue, coercing you to open your mouth wider. Then he trails his digits down, leaving your tongue lolling out of your mouth while his drenched fingers turn their attention to one nipple. To reinforce his point further, he pinches it, eliciting a pained groan from you as you shut your eyes.
“Wanna try for yourself, Shoyo-kun?” Tooru asks as he lays his grip back on your butt.
With your eyes closed, you don’t see how he reacts. You just feel him settle himself kneeling behind you and a different set of thicker fingers replace Tooru’s.
“Like this?” You can tell that it’s not you Shoyo’s talking to with how he’s obstructing your mouth from forming anything comprehensible. You feel the other set of digits find their way on your tits, making use of the slick that Tooru gathered from your mouth and fiddle with it.
“Do you feel good like this, y/n?”
You shudder from the feel of Shoyo’s lips on your ears. As always, he never fails to ask for validation if he’s making you feel good enough. At the same time, Tooru starts picking up the pace of how he’s rolling your hips against him, rendering you unable to respond to Shoyo’s question.
You can only interchange moans and whines from the different sources of pleasure swiftly leading you to grasp the edges of your climax.
Shoyo continues adoring you with his fingers at work and his mouth trailing zealous kisses from the back of your ear to the column of your neck. You feel his cock raging once again as it rubs on your ass while Tooru guides your pelvis to grind on him.
“Shoyoeeehhmmmm .”
He removes his fingers off your mouth and plays with your other nipple that’s been craving for attention. His tongue takes the place of his fingers as he slides it inside your mouth while he kneads your supple mounds. He starts grinding on your back as well, taking whatever pleasure he can get from the friction.
“Don’t forget I’m here too,” Tooru harshly reminds you of his presence when he puts a thumb over your clit and rubs the bud in brutal circles.
You tear your mouth away from Shoyo’s to cry out from the added stimulation that builds on to the pile of pleasure that’s about to explode.
Then, Tooru cuts all those coming from him, lets go of your hips and takes his thumb off your clit.
Even though Shoyo’s doing a great job of making feel good, it only intensifies your need for a release, not provide it.
“Why did you stop?” you mewl with the vehement need for him to make you cum.
“We’ve played this game before, can’t you tell?” he taunts aggravatingly because you remember it too well - how he made a complete mess out of you in public just to make you beg for him. You try to defy him by gyrating on your own, but the firmness of his hands lets you stay in place.
You groan with defeat. “Do you want me to beg again?”
He nods agreeably. “Beg for Shoyo to fuck you instead.”
You're taken aback by his request. You’ve never actually begged Shoyo the way you pleaded for Tooru because Shoyo always makes sure he gives you the pleasure you seek by asking nicely.
“Y/n, you don’t have to,” your friend counters his old rival’s order. Tooru slams a palm on your ass again before pushing his thumb on your clit. “Beg for him or this will go on for a while,” he warns.
You lean your head back on Shoyo’s shoulder as you look at him with lustful urgency. “Shoyo, please fuck me,” you beg with frustration. “Let me get a condom,” Shoyo says, and although you appreciate the thought, you halt him before he can leave the bed.
“I need you now. I need your cock inside me. Make me cum with it. Please …”
You feel his arousal pulsate at your back from your plea. Tooru lets go of his hold on you while Shoyo pulls you away to get you on top of him instead. Shoyo’s girth is thicker than the tourist’s so when he prods your entrance, you hiss at the additional stretch he’s giving you.
“You okay?” Shoyo utters caringly as he sweeps the strands of hair stuck on your face. You give him a frail nod as your pussy tries to accommodate his girth. When he bottoms out, you don’t give yourself time to adjust and hastily chase for the gratification Tooru denied you of.
Shoyo grabs you to lie right on his chest as you bounce rigorously on his cock.
“Shooyooooo, haaaa . I’m gonna--”
A spank lands on one butt cheek - a rough, sharp hit that instigates tears to prickle on the corner of your eyes from the sting, the very same hit that topples you over the edge of ecstasy. When your body begins thrashing on top of him, he continues moving for you, letting you ride the apex of your orgasm to its maximum.
“Y/n, uughhh, you’re clenching on me. Can I keep moving?”
He asks while rocking your hips to keep them moving. You want to tell him to wait for a good while, give you a minute for a break, but you’re too breathless to speak.
Tooru answers for you though. “Yes, Shoyo-kun. Keep moving, just move a bit slower.”
Damn. Will he ever say anything that you actually agree on? You’re just thankful that at least he made Shoyo slow down. He grabs your waist and hoists you up from Shoyo’s chest. “How’s it feel to be spanked by your dear friend, y/n?”
You’re a bit spent from your orgasm, but he’s overbearing that you just had to say something. “You’re a scumbag,” you puff angrily.
“I know,” he smiles sweetly before capturing your mouth while he leads your hand to his stiff member. He covers your hand with his and basically uses it to jack himself off.
“You could’ve had this taken care of earlier,” you whisper. He could’ve just continued fucking you until he got off, but for some reason, he made you do it with Shoyo.
“I have other things in mind.”
You’re about to ask what but Shoyo suddenly hits a spot that makes you grab onto Tooru for support. “Fuuuck,” you moan while looking at Shoyo helplessly. You just came, but his slow plunges are quickly reviving your crude desires.
He lets his hands mendear all over your body, worshipping every nook, every curve he can lay his hands on given how he’s lying beneath you. Tooru lets you go to let you fall back onto Shoyo’s embrace.
Shoyo stops moving you and does the work himself, plunging his thick cock inside you faster - a familiar feeling that always gets you reeling from his intensity.
What isn’t familiar is the prodding of something on an opening that’s never been touched. You harshly snap your gaze to Tooru to check what the hell he’s doing this time. When your eyes make contact with each other, he waves at you while his other hand rests on your ass.
“This will be awesome, I swear,” he assures you with no hint of sincerity. You see him spit on your ass before inserting one finger in your rear.
It’s totally new to you, a strange sensation to be penetrated in that particular entrance. But Shoyo’s thrusts are too good of a distraction that it weirdly adds to the sensation he’s providing.
“You’re so beautiful when you’re feeling good,” Shoyo says with his stare boring on your face.
Goddamn. One who reveres you and one who toys with you, how will this night end for you? Your thoughts get all frenzied up when you feel him add another finger in.
“It feels weird, Tooru! One is enough,” you tell him even with your attention all on Shoyo and the complete adoration he has on his face.
“Okiee,” Tooru says amiably, then inserts a third digit in your tightening hole. “There, one more just like you said,” he announces proudly as he slowly drives three fingers inside your ass.
Your breathing starts to get uneven from the foreign feeling. “Shoyo, I feel weird,” you turn to him.
“Should I ask him to stop?” he asks as he cups your face with sympathy.
“Yeaah aaaaaaaaahhhhhh, ohh shit.”  A different kind of pleasure assaults you when Tooru starts pumping his digits unforgivingly.
Shoyo interprets your moan as discomfort as he tells Tooru to stop. “I think she’s in pain, Oikawa-san.”
Tooru acknowledges Shoyo’s statement and stops. “Don’t move too, Shorty.” Shoyo immediately complies but asks, “Why?”
You get the answer when something bigger and thicker than his fingers penetrate your back entrance.
Oikawa winces at the first two inches he sinks in you. You’re so fucking tight that he can surmise it’s your first time to be taken in this hole. Shit, it’s already clamping on him despite not being even halfway in.
He nudges further, managing to shove in almost his whole length but that’s when you get alarmed. “Tooru, no more, please,” you plead with discomfort gleaming clearly on your features.
“Shoyo, move again.” He ignores you, but if you still don’t relax after this, he’ll pull out. Fuck. Shorty better does the trick. He’s been waiting for this. That’s why he’s been holding back and letting you and Shoyo have all the fun.
Fortunately, you do loosen up as Shoyo starts to rock himself inside you again. “I-I’m.. haaa,” you whine with pleasure more than pain.
Hell yeah. It would’ve been a waste if he doesn’t get to experience your ass. He was tempted to play with it that night on the beach, but the location did not permit him to do all the things he wanted to do to you, including this.
But no matter, he has the chance now, even better, Shorty pie is here to help him soothe you.
His hands wander on your chest, groping their softness before they travel down to the sides of your waist, then to your hips. Then, he rams his remaining length inside your tight gummy walls.
He can almost hear your throat scratch from the loud scream that came from it. “What did you do, Oikawa-san?!”
Tooru wipes a sweat from his forehead as he answers. “Relax, I just stuck my cock in her butt that’s all.”
“What?! No wonder she’s feeling weird. Why did you even do that?”
He grins at Shoyo’s lack of experience for these things, and also at you who seem to think that Shoyo knows how to make you feel good. To be fair, Shorty is very well familiar with your body and knows how you want to be held and to be fucked.
But nothing more than that. Shoyo obviously did not push for anything more than what you told and showed him.
Lucky for both of you, he’s there to expand your horizons.
“Yes, Shoyo. You can fuck someone in the ass,” he enlightens the ginger as he starts shoving his cock in and out to tend to his own needs.
“How does it feel, y/n?” he asks you. You turn your head back to him with that hateful yet intoxicated look in your eyes and he already knows that your ass will be for him to wreck tonight.
“I d-don’t like- mmmm -it,” you protest with a frail voice, but Tooru doesn’t bother to stop. Rather, he speeds up.
It’s definitely strange for you, being stuffed by two men whose thrusts are distinct from the other. You’d hear and feel the slap of skin to skin contact when Shoyo buries himself inside you, but when he pulls back it’s followed by Tooru fully sinking himself in your ass.
It’s absurd and absolutely lecherous, yet it feels fucking incredible. They’re stretching both holes while you can do nothing but grasp at Shoyo’s chest as you hear their groans and mewls taint your room.
“Do you really not like it?” Shoyo whispers for only you to hear.
The genuine care in his eyes makes you tell him the truth. “It feels,” you bite your lip when Tooru’s moans become louder as he pounds your ass faster. “G-good, Shoyo. Feels s-so good,” you somehow manage to finish speaking despite your head starting to get clouded from frenzy.
Hinata’s never felt anything like this before either. He can feel Oikawa inside you with that flimsy muscle that separates your two holes. Your little pussy feels more snug against him, swallowing his dick tighter for him to revel on.
But the look on your face tells him that this feels way more intense for you than for him. Your pupils are blown out, your cheeks are flushed, and you’re almost drooling at his chest while you claw on him. It’s so sexy -- the sexiest expression he’s ever seen from you. He can cum just from this, but he can’t help but wonder.
“Oikawa-san. I want to see,” he stops moving altogether when he tells the setter.
You widen your eyes at him. You probably don’t like his idea, but he can only apologize for his curiosity is getting the best of him.
He pulls out from you and watches Oikawa grab you to rest on his chest. Oikawa leans against your headboard and spreads your legs to indulge Hinata the view he requested.
“Here you go, Shorty-pie. I’ll slow down for you,” Oikawa says.
Hinata’s attention is all on your ass being spread out by Oikawa’s dick. It’s so obscene. He never imagined you could be fucked there. If he knew, he would have tried it himself.
“Shoyo, don’t look at me,” you plead.
His eyes shoot up to your embarrassed face, not understanding why. You look fantastic like this: sprawled out for him to see everything. our rear being defiled, your pussy dripping and gaping at nothing, your body glistening with sweat, and that erotic expression you have.
“Uhhhh, ” you shut your eyes when Oikawa starts toying with both your boobs as he continues thrusting at you.
“Don’t be so stingy, y/n. Shoyo wants to see you like this,” then he turns to Hinata. “Isn’t she so slutty, Shoyo-kun?”
“I’m not-”
A slap on your clit stops you from finishing your sentence. Your cunt starts clenching on its own from the sting. “Fuck, y/n. Even your ass is throbbing from that. You really like being hurt, don’t you?”
He says all that while his middle finger rubs circles on your hard nub. God, your mind is in ruin from this slow, venereal torture Tooru is subjecting you to.
“I d-don’t,” you pant heavily from the heavy ache in the pit of your stomach.
Another slap hits your cunt, ripping a shrill whine from you, followed by a slew of whimpers when his fingers fondle with your clit again. “What’s that again?” Oikawa hums on your neck.
“I’m a slut! I’m a slutty girl, so please. Please don’t stop again,” you admit defeatedly, overwhelmed by the intense craving to be fucked properly.
“See, Shoyo-kun? Your good friend over here is a pervert who has a talent for begging.”
You look at Shoyo, ready for the scandalized and disgusted look on his face. But what you see is mesmerized hunger with his eyes on your body.
“I want to fuck her ass too, Oikawa-san.”
Tooru takes out his dick as Shoyo requested. “Go ahead, Shorty.”
Shoyo grips your knees and pushes them back a little before he probes your entrance. Oikawa tilts your face to his and engages you with a messy kiss where he darts his tongue inside your mouth right off the bat.
Then he puts his hands back to work, one on your tit and the other on your pussy, distracting you from the pain of Shoyo’s size penetrating your other entrance.
“It’s so big,” you whimper on Tooru’s mouth, which makes him stop all his ministrations and retreat a bit. “Geez, y/n. Are you trying to insult me?”
“N-no, it’s just uughhh.” You feel the whole of Shoyo’s length inside your rear end.
“Does it feel good, y/n?” he asks even though he’s already moving in and out of you with less sympathy than he used to have as he doesn’t let you adjust to him. And when you’re finally used to his girth, he pulls out completely and hammers it inside your sopping pussy.
He thrusts a few times then gets back to your ass again. He does this several times, the pleasure barely setting in on one hole, then proceeds to fucking the other before it feels too good for you.
“Shit, Shoyo. That’s fucking hot. Our y/n here loves it. Look at her.” Just as he’s ogling at you, you watch him as well. He’s completely lost in it, his eyes trained on where your bodies are connected, not aware that he’s driving you mad with the way he’s abusing two holes interchangeably.
“What?” His voice is gruff as his alternating thrusts are getting faster, making you squirm on Oikawa’s chest for you can’t decide what you want to tell him. You don’t know if you want Shoyo to fuck your cunt or your rear.
You’d hate to admit it, especially with Tooru holding you captive in his hold, but you want both caverns stuffed to the brim.
“Can you choose one? I want to fuck her too, Shorty,” Tooru’s voice is laced with need which wasn’t there earlier. Finally, you agree with him on something. It pops off Shoyo’s enthralled selfish state of gratifying his pleasure alone.
“My bad,” Shoyo mutters before slotting his cock deep inside your pussy, choosing it for him to ravage on, which leaves your behind for Tooru.
When you get what you’ve been craving for, it’s mind-shattering. You’ve been edged non-stop that the feeling of being pummeled by Tooru’s and Shoyo’s cock shatters any slew of dignity and shame you had. Your head is filled with nothing but their dicks battering your insides with an uncoordinated, wild rhythm.
“Yesssss ahhh. ”
Tooru’s chest vibrates from his low laughter as he asks, “Does my cock feel good in this hole of yours?”
Shoyo spreads your cheeks apart, increasing the effect of Tooru’s words as he glides in easier and faster from Shoyo’s action.
“Yes! Please, keep fucking my ass, Tooru. Oh god, fuck. Shoyo, you’re hitting so deep, I - haaaa. ” Oikawa starts sucking a sensitive spot on your shoulder while Shoyo leans down inches from your mouth.
“Can you stick your tongue out, y/n?”
You don’t ask anymore, you just do it. You poke your tongue out as Shoyo requested. He does the same to play with yours, his moist, warm muscle clashing and colliding over yours.
Shoyo is different from usual and so are you. You feel so perverted, but you’re relishing every second, every thrust by both dicks.
“‘ m genna cuuhhmmm,” you slur.
Shoyo retrieves his tongue, leaving yours hanging out of your mouth. “I can’t believe you’re this slutty, y/n.”
You lose it. Shoyo’s crude words make you convulse on top of Tooru as your orgasm comes crashing down on you. You didn’t expect such treatment from Shoyo. You also didn’t expect you’d cum because of it.
You try to arch your back but Tooru is quick to grab one wrist while his arm snakes around your waist to prevent you from doing so. You’re left with no choice but to stay a whimpering, writhing mess in between two men who continue to slide in and out of you while you reel from your second climax.
With your one free hand, you wearily reach for Shoyo’s wrist. “Let me rest.” Your body is beginning to feel overwhelmed from the consuming pleasure they’re assaulting you with.
“Ehhh? That’s boring. Wanna try something fun, Shoyo?” You don’t miss the naughty suggestive tone of Tooru, but you’re too out of it to react.
Shoyo disregards your frail request and nods eagerly at the man behind you. With Shoyo’s approval, Tooru slips his cock out of your ass and pushes it into your pussy that’s already occupied by Shoyo.
“GAAAAAAAAAHH!!”  You struggle again to break free from Tooru’s embrace but combined with your fatigue and his strength, it turns out futile. The stretch is atrocious. It’s like you’re being split open to no end.
“Too tight,” Shoyo bites his lip with distress.
“Spit on her cunt,” Tooru quickly provides a solution which Shoyo does without thinking twice, gathering drool in his mouth then barbarically spitting on your pussy.
“I can’t do this. I’m going to break,” you voice out to no one, hoping that one of them takes mercy on you.
Tooru growls right on your ear. “Now won’t that be interesting?”
Then he rams his dick inside you, successfully joining Shoyo’s.
Another scream rips out of you as the two of them try to fit inside your already wrecked cunt. It hurts. You feel the burn of being outstretched together with discomfort of overstimulation. Even then, the moans that come out from you are of carnal thrill and elation.
It hurts, but in the best ways possible.
Your toes are curling from the lack of grip on reality while your hands tremble as they sought for anything to hold on to. One is shaking as it grips on Tooru’s forearm while the other is quivering at nothing in mid air.
Finally, Shoyo takes notice of you. You don’t care how you look right now, but you’re just glad that he’s looking your way again.
He hooks your calves to his shoulders, freeing both of his hands to hold yours. He intertwines them with his, allowing you to ground yourself on him that way.
Tooru’s thrusts become erratic as hands find purchase on your tits to paw. “Fuck, I can’t take it anymore. I’m gonna-uughhhh -cum.”
Your response is one driven by vulgar desires. “Cum inside me, Tooru. Pleasee,” you tell him as you look him in the eyes.
“Fuck yes! ”
The slap of his skin against yours gets louder and faster while his high-pitched whines fill your ear. “Yeaaah, cumming, Ms. Local. Shiiiit.” He stills completely while you feel spurts of warm liquid fill you up.
His hot breath fans your neck as he comes down from his climax, but he doesn’t budge and remains inside you. You wiggle above him, trying to get his cock to slip out, but he only fastens his grasp on your waist.
“Trust me, y/n. I’m doing this for you. Without my cock, this cunt of yours will loosen up. You and Shoyo-kun will take even longer to cum with how stretched and wet you already are.”
Shoyo, on the other hand, pummels inside you even faster from the lubrication Tooru gave. “You feel so amazing, y/n. Hmmmmppp. So tight, so sexy, so haaaa.” His fingers are almost crushing your hand, but you only feel the pleasure of being drilled with his dick.
Tooru’s hand flies to your sex and frantically plays with your clit again. But this time, the effect is even more immense as he consistently rubs it with his calloused pads in rapid up and down strokes. His other fingers add another stimulation for you, tweaking one perk nipple - pinching and pulling at his leisure.
Your whole body is on fire. You feel so dirty with sweat, drool, and cum all mixed and squelching from your slit. You feel it - the impending orgasm that feels different from the rest. Your head’s all fuzzy while your vision is getting blurry for some reason.
When a hiccup escapes your mouth, you figure out why - you’re sobbing. Tears are welling in your eyes from the overstimulation. “Too muuuuchhh, is tooo muaaa-aaaahhh.”
“Almost there, y/n. Just a bit more,” Shoyo says with eyes closed and clenched jaw as he continues roughing up your already sore pussy.
Shoyo starts thrusting a bit upwards, hitting a spot that’s doing something inexplicable to your senses. “Something — oh god, something’s uuuhhh, noooo.”
You hear a deafening wail from you as clear liquid gushes out from your sex while you thrash uncontrollably. “Holy shit, she squirted.” Tooru’s voice seems distant with how you’re still teetering from the violent orgasm that exploded from you.
“What was th- shit! I’m cumming. I’ll cum inside you too, y/n. You’ll let me, riiight?”
His hips rut viciously onto yours, prolonging the intensity of your own release. His mewls get louder and louder paired with your cries until he delivers one sharp thrust that unloads his seed inside you.
You feel so full with two dicks still inside you with both their cum dripping down your pussy. Tooru is the first to pull out while Shoyo is puffing with his hands still tightly clutched onto yours.
A massive weight looms on your chest, extending all over your body now that the euphoric yet salacious fog in your head is slowly being stripped off. Your vision is clearing out, the light bulb on your ceiling suddenly seeming too bright for you. The tenderness of certain body parts are getting noticeable. The sweat and saliva on your skin suddenly feels too sticky, too filthy, too disgusting.
You’re not even aware you’re trembling once again.
Oikawa, being the one holding, immediately takes notice. “Y/n?”
Your response to him is a whimper. “Shit. Let go of her. Now,” he says with urgency.
Shoyo opens his eyes and is alarmed when he sees you in a rattled distress. He softly draws you away from Oikawa and cradles you himself.
Oikawa stands up and goes to your drawers. Hinata doesn’t know why but doesn’t mind and turns his attention to you instead.
“Y/n?” He caresses your shoulder down to your arms, trying to ease whatever it is that’s bothering you. You hang onto his bicep but it slides down from the dampness of his skin. His concern grows when you let out a soft sob.
He holds your hand delicately, brushing his thumb against it. He tries to get you to look at him but you persistently shun your face away. “Please look at me. I’m so sorry. Was I too rough?”
You swing your head side to side, refuting his assumption. “I feel nasty and gross,” you sniffle. “But you’re not. You were so beautiful and sexy and amazing,” he says truthfully as he remembers how ravishing you were laid out for him.
You finally look at him, the most vulnerable he’s ever seen you.
He nods earnestly before planting a tender kiss on your forehead.
Oikawa comes back to bed with fresh towels at hand. He wipes the clammy fluids on your body, patting the warm cloth on your arms, thighs, and torso which alleviates further your malaise. Then, he wraps a new one around you and lifts you up to a sitting position.
“You’re far from being disgusting, y/n,” Oikawa whispers on the back of your head. He carefully lays his hand on your shoulder, testing if his touch triggers any unpleasant reaction from you. He skims it towards your neck and cups it. With no resistance put up, he places a chaste kiss on your nape.
“You were incredible,” he hums on your skin. “Let’s take a shower? Get you cleaned up, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you murmur weakly. Oikawa looks at Hinata and signals him to carry you since you’re more comfortable with him.
You sigh once the warm trickles of liquid hit your skin. It’s calming, soothing the distraught uproar in your thoughts and nerves.
A hand rakes up the wet strands of your hair and lathers your soap on your back. On your front, a familiar set of lips kisses you while water streams down on both of you. It feels like a hazy, tranquil dream. You just hear the cascading of water, echo of footsteps in the wet tiles, and a couple of sighs.
Next thing you now, you’re snuggled up in bed with someone drying your hair. You open your heavy lids and catch sight of a topless Tooru seated next to you as he tucks you with a blanket that smells like your drawers.
The bed is no longer drenched and everything feels crisp and fresh, lulling you deeper to rest.
“Stay with her until the morning, Shoyo.” It’s Tooru’s voice.
“You’re leaving?” Shoyo questions him as he stops patting the towel on your hair..
“Nah. She doesn’t like me. She’ll probably scream or hit my face first thing in the morning.” He’s about to get up when you muster whatever energy’s left of you to grab his wrist.
He regards you with care as he takes hold of the hand you’re tugging him with. “Yes?”
He smiles with affection, a novel sight he’s shown you only now. He joins you in bed, filling the empty space on your left side. You close your eyes again, relishing the soft caresses and gentle pecks on your body as you peacefully drift off to sleep.
You wake up with the warmth of another body radiating onto yours. A heavy arm is draped across your waist and your cheek is nestled to a chest that rises and falls in a calming tempo that makes you want to drift back to your slumber.
But curiosity gets you. You slowly open your lids and are met with rays of sunlight glazing the orange strands of hair of the man next to you.
‘Sunshine on sunshine,’ you thought.
It’s a stirring sight to behold, but you have to wonder. He’s never stayed until morning. What happened last night that made him do so?
You scuff around, getting ready to sit up when you feel a heavy ache from your abdomen all the way down to your legs.
Wha- oh.
That happened.
After your mind refreshes itself and replays some key scenes from last night, you glance back at Shoyo with no ounce of regret from what happened. You give him a soft peck on his chest and carefully shuffle out of the bed, making sure you don’t wake him up.
Up on your feet, you walk to your dining room and find what you’re looking for - the other accomplice of last night’s feat.
He’s seated comfortably at your table with a hot cup of coffee. “Buenos dias, señora,” he greets in his own dazzling way.
“I thought you were leaving,” you state with no trace of hostility as you trudge to the kitchen from how tender your lower body is.
“I clearly heard you asked me to stay,” he ripostes.
You get your own cup of coffee and join him in the dining area. “I did, didn’t I?” you ask with a soft whimsical grin ghosting across your lips.
“Mmhmm,” he sips from his mug leisurely then asks, “Any regretS?”
You meet his mellow eyes with your own. “Weirdly, none.”
The smiles that spread on your faces mirror each other, humored and satiated. Last night was definitely an experience - a mind-blowing one, and you’re extremely thankful that the aftermath of it was extremely catered for you as well.
The remaining contents of his coffee were spent in comfortable silence. “I think this is when I say thanks for the sex and coffee, then leave.”
Your reaction should be of animosity. This is the part you detested, when you’re treated like a part of the Rio de Janeiro local tour. But for some reason, you found the current situation funny.
“I believe it is indeed that moment,” you agree congenially.
“See you when I see you, Ms. Local,” he gives you a wink and gets up. The smile you had doesn’t go away as you bring your cup to your lips.
You hear your door open and a sudden need to tell him a parting message bursts on your chest.
“Hey, Tourist,” you break the stillness of your apartment as you call him out and turn around on your seat to face him.
“Hmm?” He regards you quaintly with his hand still on the doorknob.
It is long overdue and inappropriate in various sorts of ways, but you say it anyways.
“Welcome to Brazil.”
masterlist of other stuff I wrote
Taglist (those crossed out can’t be tagged)
@ameliaxo @suikrem @akaashisslave @tsumurai  @babythotshq @loving-unicorns106 @flairlust @crescenttooru @yashuaaa @liberhoe @richkookie @hqbeesun @megatron-1199​ @kawaiiisis​
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sokkastyles · 3 years
I’m one of those who can’t see the appeal of canon Maiko, so i peruse the metas, then i keep seeing people (and even a creator’s quote) claiming Maiko to be childhood crushes to each other. We know of Mai’s crush but Zuko too? Like, when???? But more importantly, why wasn’t it mentioned in canon?
Cuz i think this can change the meaning of their canonical relationship, and probably would’ve justified their finale more. But the narrative never framed Zuko’s love as anything rooted from the past or deep or important. It’s only Mai’s love for Mai’s arc.
Is this another case of JK Rowling to Potterverse, where creators add transformative facts to their og stories, just because? (Or am i just reading too much into this?)
The thing is, it would've been really easy to establish that Zuko liked Mai back or like, have him acknowledge that she liked him. We know she liked him as a kid because she has that short look and blush, it wouldn't have been hard to show Zuko blushing back and turning away, and it would have added to the "childhood crushes" thing. I guess he saved her from a burning apple, but just like zutara antis are fond of reminding us, Zuko would have done that for anyone.
The reason I think that didn't happen is because MZ was never supposed to be framed as a mutual childhood crush. The purpose of establishing that Mai liked Zuko in the flashback was to show how Azula took advantage of that to manipulate and humiliate her friend and her brother. I'm not even sure if the intention was for them to get together at all at that time, and I definitely don't think they were intended to be endgame. It's just not written that way. Mai was introduced along with Ty Lee as Azula's henchwoman and foil, so her main purpose here has to do with that. The fact that we're NEVER shown any real indication that Zuko likes her back is something that I've also said hurts their relationship. We're not even shown how they got together, we can only assume that Mai asked him out because we know she at one point had a crush on him. I don't even think I noticed Mai's blush the first time I watched the show because I remember thinking I had missed a scene when Mai and Zuko got together. Clearly the writers didn't care to establish it as an important or meaningful relationship.
And yeah, I do think that it's a case of creators trying to add things after the fact and insisting it was planned all along. If the answers to our questions can only be obtained in supplementary materials that are going to reach a much more limited audience than the original series or Word of God, that shows how much investment the creators actually put into the relationship. And most of the time when that happens, fans aren't buying it, because fans know when creators try to pull this kind of stuff and it makes them feel like they're being toyed with.
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holidaywishes · 3 years
a bit of stress relief
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  Requested: 👍
  Summary/Request: Can you PLEASE write about Freddie coming to your work and having a quickie in your office
  Warning: smut, fluff, whiny Freddie
  Author’s Note: REQUESTS ARE CLOSED for a bit. I do have one more in my inbox right now so I’ll add it to my drafts but after I write that I won’t be taking requests for... a while. Maybe a month? I have a few series I want to finish up before I start having requests piling up. I always love seeing my inbox full of requests for different types of fics, so this isn’t forever, just until I’m able to finish my Gally series for sure and possibly my 9-1-1 series. This request was fun and I just couldn’t say no lol. Thanks in advance for your understanding and I hope I’ll be able to get back to requests sooner than later but I’ll keep y’all updated! Stay Golden, loves! <3 
  the other masterlist
  Your boss asked you to go into the office on a Saturday to finish an assignment that she had forgotten to mention earlier in the week. You would’ve argued that you had plans but your boss said it was for a presentation the next morning that they needed the information for
  “I’m sorry, Freddie,” you whined to your boyfriend as he tried to convince you to stay at his apartment, “believe me, I’d much rather be here but I’m not about to get fired...”
  “It’s not your assignment, it’s hers,” he argued, “she made the mistake. Why do you have to do it for her?”
  “It’s my job” you admitted
  “Except when it’s not...” he groaned
  “Freddie,” you sighed, “I won’t be long I promise. I just need to go in and print up some stuff and make a couple calls. Nothing major...”
  “So why can’t your boss do it?” he challenged, “it’s her mistake, so.. she should be responsible for fixing it”
  “I know,” you repeated, wrapping your arms around his neck before kissing his cheek, “but I can’t lose this job. I have loans to pay off”
  “You know I can help with that”
  “No,” you scoffed, “no you absolutely cannot. I don’t want to feel like I owe you anything. That’s not the relationship we have... I’m not your sugar baby”
  “But you could be”
  “But I don’t wanna be”
  “Alright...” he laughed, kissing your nose playfully
  “I’ll call you when I’m finished okay. I give it one, two hours tops”
  “If you’re not finished in two hours, I’m coming down there and taking you home” he teased
  “Okay,” you scoffed, “I’ll see you later.” You got to the office and rushed into your boss’s office to find the information you needed to work on. The office was empty, as it should’ve been, but when you heard the door open and close, you popped your out of the door to see who was there, “Hello?” you called
  “(Y/N)?” your co-worker asked
  “Mason? What are you doing here?” you returned, noticing now that a bunch of your co-workers were walking in
  “We could ask you the same thing” he chuckled
  “Laura forgot to do stuff for the presentation tomorrow, so she asked me to come in and do it”
  “For the conference?”
  “Yeah,” he replied, “our team is having the same issue. Except they’re saying they ‘lost it’ or that it ‘must have gotten deleted somehow’ so now we have to be here all day trying to fix this”
  “Why are any of this people in charge again?” you asked
  “Maybe they slept their way to the top” he joked before waving you goodbye and heading to his station. You started at this company as an intern, mostly handing out mail and grabbing coffee for everyone, but they kept you around because you had a good eye for graphic design which was important in a marketing firm. However, your boss, Laura, had replaced Debra, the former Head of Marketing, a month before you were hired to be her assistant and she really wasn’t all that fond of you. She claimed that your degree should be in Business or Marketing not Graphic Design and that you’d only ever be an assistant in this industry so ‘don’t hope for more than that.’ You didn’t think too much of her comments though, at the end of the day, you had a job to you and you were going to do it well; even if it meant coming in on the weekend to do her forgotten assignments. When you finally found Laura’s papers, you groaned audibly, realizing this wasn’t going to be quick work
  “Hey!” Freddie greeted you from the other end of the line when you called him to let him know what was happening
  “Hey...” you sighed
  “What?” he groaned, “what’s going on?”
  “It looks like I’m gonna be here for a while. Laura underplayed how much work there was for me to do...”
  “You can’t really be doing this?” he whined
  “Babe, I have to. I told you, it’s my job. But,” you added, hoping it would make him feel better, “it’s not just me! Apparently, all the senior staff forgot to do these super important assignments for the conference. So, a bunch of us are here working until we finish them”
  “You need to quit this job,” he grumbled, “clearly no one is good at what they were hired to do”
  “I can’t quit unless I have something lined up,” you argued, “babe, I’m sorry. I know I promised that we’d lay in bed all weekend because this was the first time that you had free time but I have to do this. I promise, I’ll work as fast as I can but the longer I’m on the phone, the longer I’m at the office. So, I gotta go. I love you and I’ll see you as soon as I’m done okay?”
  “Call me and I’ll pick you up,” he replied, “you shouldn’t have to take an Uber back here...”
  “Okay,” you smiled, “that would be nice. Talk soon. Love you”
  “Love you, too” he said before you ended the call. You took a deep breath and started getting to work. Organizing timelines and trying to understand doctors-note-handwriting from past meetings
  “How can she possibly expect me to be able to understand this?” you thought to yourself. You signed onto her computer and were immediately left in shock at the jumbled mess of her desktop, “holy fuck!” you exclaimed silently, it’s no wonder she gets nothing done, “she’s the most unorganized person I’ve ever seen!” You spent the next 20 minutes opening files to find what you were looking for, closing what was not it immediately so you could legally say you didn’t see anything, and then you had to spend the next half an hour printing documents and running back and forth between Laura’s office and the copy room
  “How’s it goin’?” Rob, one of the other team members who was forced to come in and work on a Saturday, asked when he noticed you rushing throughout the room
  “Oh, you know, I’m sure I’ll have a panic attack in the next, oh, twenty or so minutes” you replied, sighing as you walked back to the printer one last time. You had managed to get most of the paper work done but you still had to make a few phone calls to get estimates on some of the ad spaces needed and whether or not there could be a discount involved for the company
  “Hey!” Freddie said gleefully, walking into your boss’ office like he owned the place
  “Freddie,” you gasped, a slight sneer on your tone, “what are you doing here?”
  “I came to see you...” he replied, furrowing his brow at your response, “when you said you were gonna be longer than you thought, I thought I’d come down and surprise you. Maybe take the stress off a little?”
  “That’s sweet, babe,” you smiled, noticing the look in his eyes and realizing what he was really there for, “but I have to make some calls so I can’t... do that”
  “We can make it work” he teased, biting his bottom lip quickly before pulling you close to him
  “Fred...” you whined, kissing him once before pushing him away from you and walking back to Laura’s desk, “I really do have to work. You can sit if you want but that’s it...” he slumped onto the plush couch against the window and frowned before scrolling through his phone as you started to call the businesses on your list. After about 10 minutes, you noticed Freddie peering up from his phone to look over at you, as if he was trying to get you to hang up the phone just from a look, choosing to walk over to you when you didn’t. “Yes, that’s right. I know you’ve been with us for quite some time and our relationship has helped both our businesses grow,” you spoke as Freddie swiveled you and your chair out from the desk, “we want that relationship to keep growing” you continued before noticing the smirk on Freddie’s face as he hovered over you, kissing your neck as you tried to pay attention to the call. “Mhmm,” you said to the person on the other end of the phone, distracted by Freddie’s lips pressing against the sensitive skin on your neck, his hot breath cascading down your neck, “mhm, sure. I understand” you said again, trying not to let on what was happening. “Laura is so sorry she couldn’t make this call to you herself,” you lied, Freddie kissing his way down to your core, pulling off your leggings quickly and kissing your inner thighs as you spoke, “however, she is excited to showcase your work to those at our conference tomorrow. We all just wanted to make sure the numbers were 100% accurate...” you had to bite your lip and move the receiver end of the phone from your mouth in case any sound escaped when you felt Freddie’s tongue finally press against your clit. “Oh that’s great!” you exclaimed when the partner on the phone added a discount to the quote you’d already been given, claiming that, had he known other businesses would be hearing of his services earlier, he would’ve offered it sooner. “Thank you so much,” you smiled, Freddie’s hands pulling your body closer to his him as his mouth brought you closer and closer to your orgasm, “I or Laura will let you know how everything goes. Thank you again” you said quickly before hanging up the phone. “Fuck,” you cursed breathlessly, “oh my god, Freddie!” your back was forced to arch, as you were pretty much falling out of your seat as Freddie continued to stimulate your clit, only now moving his finger to caress your folds before slowly inserted it inside of you and pumping until you whimpered, tugging at his hair. “Freddie,” you squeaked, trying not to be heard from outside the office, “fuck” you repeated quietly, your grip loosening from his hair as his ministrations slowed and your breathing steadied.
  “How’s your stress now?” he smirked, wiping his mouth casually before standing up in front of you once more
  “You can’t do that” you said, small pants escaping your lips, making Freddie believe you less than you intended
  “I think I can” he teased
  “I was on a business call, Fred!” you exclaimed, pulling your leggings back up, “what if they heard something?”
  “They would only hear something if you let them” he countered and, ultimately, you knew he was right but you still shook your head
  “You can’t do that” you repeated and he scoffed, hovering over you once more to taunt you with a kiss but stopped right in front of your lips
  “We’ll see about that...” he smirked, taking his hands away from the chair and walking back to sit on the couch
  “What’s goin’ on with you?” you asked
  “I just want to be with you,” he whined, giving you puppy dog eyes and earning a scoff from you, “that’s what we were supposed to be doing anyway...”
  “I told you we would when I got home...” you said
  “Come here,” he said, patting his thigh, “come sit on my lap” you chuckled but obliged. You wrapped your arms around his neck after sitting on his thigh, playing with his hair and kissing his nose before he spoke again, “see, isn’t this better than making a few phone calls?” he asked, his hand beginning to rub your back lightly
  “You know I would rather be doing this, or more than this, with you,” you admitted, leaning in and kissing him softly, letting your lips linger a moment before you pulled back, “but I have to do this stuff...”
  “Just a quickie...” he whispered, “and then I’ll go. Then we can pick up at home”
  “This is my boss’s office” you whined
  “All the more reason to do it. We’re in a private spot, secluded from everyone else, it’s perfect” he replied, kissing your jaw before moving down to your neck and you let your head fall back to give him more room
  “Mmmm,” you hummed, melting into his kiss, “I can’t”
  “(Y/N)...“ he groaned
  “Just a few more calls,” you argued, “I don’t have a lot left. Just like, five, maybe six”
  “That’s a lot. How long are each of those calls? 10 minutes? 20?” he asked, “we could do a lot with that time...”
  “Stop,” you smiled, standing up from his lap and walking back to the desk chair, “just a few more calls...” you repeated. He slunk into the couch and angrily unlocked his phone while you picked up Laura’s phone and began dialing. You were able to make three calls before Freddie began sighing loudly across the room and you had to glare at him, which is when the texts started
  “I want you” he sent as you spoke to another advertising partner on the phone
  “Like now” another came through
  “I’m gonna come over there”
  “And make you cum again” you glared up at him and he smiled
  “And again” you shook your head, turning off your sound so the partner didn’t hear the constant dinging
  “And again”
  “And again”
  “Until you can’t cum anymore” you noticed him smile as he thought up more responses and you threw a pencil at him, still paying attention to the conversation on the phone before mouthing ‘stop’ to Freddie but he just shook his head with a teasing smile
  “You won’t be able to walk”
  “Your legs will be numb”
  “Your chest will be heaving because you can’t catch your breath”
  “You’re gonna crave my dick”
  “Every time you move”
  “You’ll have to physically stop yourself from jumping me in public”
  “Because you’re still feeling me inside you” your eyes went wide as you read his messages, heat flooding your face as you ended the call, forcing yourself to dial another number before Freddie could get the upper hand. He slowly made his way to the desk once more and you gulped as you swallowed the saliva that had filled your mouth, Freddie hung up the phone before it ever even really began to ring
  “Seriously, don’t...” you whispered, knowing that you were about to break from whatever move he made next
  “But I want to” he growled, grazing your nose with his and you started to give in when he walked toward the door, “crap” you thought to yourself when you thought he was about to leave but he was only locking the door
  “What the fuck?!” you exclaimed, “that was unlocked this whole time?!”
  “Yeah?” he chuckled
  “Freddie! What would have happened if someone walked in earlier?”
  “They would’ve gotten a great show” he replied, walking over to you, leaning over you but not doing anything. You took a deep breath before running your hands up his arms, tangling your fingers in his hair before bringing him down to kiss you
  “We have to be quick...” you whispered, earning a grin from Freddie before he pulled your leggings off and directed your thighs around his waist so he could pick you up to carry you to the couch. You laughed when he sat down and you fell into him clumsily, “quiet” you shushed him before kissing him slowly and trailing your hands down to his waistband, pushing his pants down just enough to free his erection while his hands lifted your shirt up, stopping to massage your breasts. You heard a laugh outside of the office and stopped what you were doing, “wait,” you whispered, “I think someone’s there” he didn’t listen, kissing your neck and lining himself up with your entrance before bucking his hips to yours; your nails digging into his shoulders to stop yourself from making any sound. His hands gripped your hips as he thrust into you, bringing your attention back to him while your lips found each other in a clumsy rush to muffle the sounds of each other’s moans
  “Fuck,” Freddie moaned first, “fuck” you were about to reciprocate his sentiment when the phone rang and your head jerked back in panic
  “Shit” you sighed, worry mixing with pleasure as Freddie continued to grip your hips tightly
  “Ignore it” he said, kissing your peaked nipple over your shirt before moving a hand to your core, but your head still stayed looking at the ringing phone
  “What if it’s her?” you whined, referring to your boss
  “Ignore it” he repeated
  “What if it’s one of the partners or the vendors? What if it’s one of the really important clients?” you asked, knowing he wouldn’t give any helpful advice other than
  “Ignore it” he said once more, pulling your face back to his before kissing you harshly. The phone stopped ringing and you felt a faint sense of peace course through you as you softened the kiss that Freddie had started, your tongue begging for his lips to part, a muffled moan intertwining with his warm breath as it brushed over your exposed neck. Your tongue danced with his for a while as his fingers circled your clit, pressing down on the sensitive flesh every so often
  “Fuck” you breathed finally, now beginning to ride him faster, feeling his thighs flex underneath you as he welcomed the sensation of you crashing onto him. “Fuck,” you repeated, “shit, oh my god. Fuck Freddie” you felt your climax build as his lips met your neck, his finger still working on your clit while you rode him harder; the loud ringing of the phone the only thing that brought you back to where you were. “Ugh” you groaned
  “Leave it” he groaned back
  “Fuck” you sighed, reluctantly ignoring the phone to continue fucking your incredibly broad shoulder boyfriend
  “That’s my girl” he smirked, watching you bounce up and down his length
  “Fuck, Freddie, I’m gonna cum” you panted, your hands clutching his shirt as your hips began to shake. “Sh-i-it, god fuck! Freddie” you moaned, still trying to be as quiet as possible but knowing that everyone in the office was probably putting on noise cancelling headphones just to try to escape the sounds they were undoubtedly hearing.
  “Almost there, baby” Freddie breathed, clutching onto your waist to assist your movements. Fuck, his hands fit so perfectly on your body, you really hated that this had to end so quickly, but that’s what he came here for. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum in you”
  “Fuck” you breathed, dropping your head onto his shoulder, your body taking over until you and Freddie met your release. Like clockwork, the annoying ringing of the phone appeared and you had to scoff at Freddie while you quickly got dressed
  “That was fun,” he smiled, “you sure you don’t wanna go round two?”
  “Hello” you greeted, picking up the phone to continue the work you had come to do, “I am so sorry about that. I’m not sure what was happening with the line…”
  “So we’ll continue this at my place then?” Freddie teased before and you nodded with wink before shooing him away but not before he kissed you goodbye. You were dreading the walk out of the office if Mason and his team hadn’t left yet but you knew it had to happen sooner or later
  “So, should we hire a clean up crew before your boss gets back?” one of the guys teased
  “Shut up” you said, hoping your embarrassment didn’t show too clearly
  “You do know we put on our headphones as soon as we saw him,” Mason admitted, “we knew there’s no way that he was gonna just show up to say hi”
  “He could’ve,” you tried, exhaling when you realized you were never going to fool any of them, “fine. Just, please, don’t rat me out. I just pulled together a miracle in that office and I don’t need Laura finding out about my office sex-capades — I don’t want that to be the reason she fires me. I’m not that girl…”
  “We know” another co-worker smirked
  “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with us,” Mason assured, “it’s a don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy as far as we’re concerned” you gave him an appreciative smile before heading out to meet Freddie in the parking garage
  “Hey” he smiled as you sat in the front seat
  “Hi” you replied, leaning over to peck his lips
  “Did you get your work done?” he teased
  “Yeah,” you chuckled, “it was a miracle but I got it done” he took your hand and brought it to his lips to press a kiss to it
  “No more quickies,” he whined, holding your hand for the remainder of the ride, until he needed it for one reason or another, “I need more than that”
  “I agree,” you smirked, “now, let’s go home so you can fuck me until I can’t walk
  “Yes ma’am.”
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