#alright time to rebuild this relationship again
strwbrrymlkjh · 9 months
alhaitham x gn!reader
entering a romantic relationship with alhaitham the scribe was one thing but expecting, hoping, to maintain that kind of relationship with alhaitham the acting grand sage was another. or alhaitham asks for another chance.
!!!: texts in italics are flashbacks. POV changes. angst, neglected reader, lack of communication, mention of alcohol consumption, inaccurate lore, i have no idea what alhaitham does as the acting grand sage, maybe ooc, open-ended, not proofread
wc: 2.2k
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An unmistakable mop of silver hair greets you as you make your way through the hallway of your tenement. Sensing your presence, the figure turned his head to your direction and locked eyes with you. The intensity behind those familiar green eyes instantly rooted you to your spot. One look at his face was enough to bring back the painful memories you tried so hard to bury for the past month.
Entering a romantic relationship with Alhaitham the Scribe was one thing but expecting, hoping, to maintain that kind of relationship with Alhaitham the Acting Grand Sage was another.
Ever since his reluctant acceptance of the position of Acting Grand Sage, you rarely saw your boyfriend at home. In fact, you barely see him at all. You understand that he was preoccupied with rebuilding Sumeru and the Akademiya, yet you cannot help but miss his presence; the slow mornings where he would enjoy the cup of coffee you prepared for him, the peaceful afternoons that you would spend together reading in your living room, the dinners filled with pleasant conversations as you recounted your day. You miss him.
The sound of your front door closing jolted you awake from your nap. Sitting up from your spot on the couch, you greeted your boyfriend who just arrived home.
“Alhaitham. Welcome home.”
“Why are you sleeping on the couch?”
“I was reading, actually. I just closed my eyes for a second, and then dozed off, I guess.” You responded, chuckling weakly.
“I recall telling you not to wait for me.”
“I know, but -” I miss you. You cannot bring yourself to tell him. He was already burdened enough as is, and the last thing you would want to do is to add to his worries.
He sighed and offered his hand for you to take. “Come on, let’s go to bed.”
“Haitham, are you free tomorrow? It’s been a while since we visited the Grand Bazaar."
“I apologize Y/N, but I cannot come with you. I still have to review these research projects in need of funding.” He gestured to the thick bundle of papers that littered his desk.
You offered him a smile. “Alright. We can always do it next weekend.”
“I think I can make it in time for dinner tonight.” Is what he said.
You have no idea how long you sat in your dining room waiting for him. The food you prepared was now sitting cold at the table. Glancing at the clock, you felt a sad smile tug at your lips. Another missed dinner. You let out a heavy sigh as you started clearing away the plates you carefully arranged hours ago.
Alhaitham is a very busy man, and with everything that’s going on in the Akademiya, you knew better than to ask him to do things you used to do together.
At this point, the growing list of broken promises were too many to count.
Soon enough, all the pleasant dinners turned into late night meals eaten alone and the once warm bed became your only witness of the cold nights and the silent mornings you endured on your own.
After what felt like an eternity of staring at each other, he took a cautious step towards you.
Pretending you didn’t hear him, you bit the inside of your cheek and fished for your apartment keys inside your bag.
Once again, you hear Alhaitham call out your name.
You are certain that if you bite any harder, you would draw blood, but it was the only way to keep your barely composed façade from cracking.
A warm hand held your wrist as you were about to unlock the door. Startled, you pulled away as if burned. You rubbed the area, a nervous habit.
Even at a distance, you wouldn’t miss how the light left Alhaitham's eyes after seeing your reaction to his touch. The apology was at the tip of your tongue - you did not mean to pull away, you were just surprised, you wanted to tell him.
Your gaze traveled from his crestfallen face to his disheveled hair, sunken cheeks and the out-of-place cape. Looking at him now, you are certain that nobody would be able to tell that the man before you is the intimidating Acting Grand Sage of the Akademiya.
Despite yourself, you wanted to reach out and touch his face, card your fingers through his hair, wipe the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. You clenched your fist at your side to stop yourself.
A month ago, you left your shared apartment with a promise not to get pulled by his gravity again. You feel your resolve falter now that you’re in his orbit.
Green eyes met yours once more and you felt your cheeks heat up. You averted your gaze and headed for your apartment door.
“Wait, Y/N. Please. Can I talk to you? Ten minutes. No. Five. Five minutes is enough. Please, I just need to tell you something.”
You stopped in your tracks. The desperation that laced his voice reminded you of the moments when you had to fight for even a minute of his time.
“It was one date Y/N.” Alhaitham reasons out. “Do not make it a huge deal.”
You turned to him, a look of indignation on your face. “One date? It’s our anniversary Alhaitham. Is it really too much to ask for one dinner with you?” You exclaimed. “I looked like a fool. No, I felt like a fool waiting for you to show up. You did not even think about telling me that you couldn’t make it.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose before turning to you. “I apologize, but you are well aware that I have more pressing matters to attend to at the Akademiya.”
You did not think that your heart could break any further. You have known it for a while now; his duty always comes first.
Alhaitham knew that he did not have the right to be here and his presence was likely to hurt you. It was nothing new, he thought grimly. It seems that that was all he has ever done these past few months - cause you pain.
He unintentionally drove you away and now he was here, consumed by regrets yet filled with determination to do better. That is, if you give him a chance to do so.
It seems the odds are against him as he watches you rub the wrist he touched. It was one of your nervous habits. It could also be that you were trying to erase the lingering feeling of his skin making contact with yours, a voice whispered in his head.
You stood unmoving after he practically pleaded you to hear him out and it was enough to give him a sliver of hope.
He cleared his throat. “Have you been well?”
“You came here to ask me that?” You responded, the disbelief evident in your tone.
“No. I mean -” He closed his eyes tightly, willing his headache to go away. The lack of sleep was getting to him. This was not how he wanted this to go.
Gathering the will to speak again, he continued, “You weren’t answering my letters and I simply wish to know how you have been faring.”
No, these were half-truth, excuses. If he really wanted to earn another chance, he should start with being honest with you, with himself. So, he said, “I am sorry. I wanted to see you. I missed you, Y/N.”
The silence that followed his statement was deafening. He watched you study his face before he heard you ask, “Are you drunk?”
“I did have a couple of glasses at the tavern, yes. But I assure you, I am completely aware of what I am doing at this moment.” He answered honestly. “I am the worst, aren't I? I do not even have the courage to face you sober.” He bowed his head, a weak smile tugged at his lips. “Sorry, I’m just - I really am sorry.”
“Is that the reason why you’re here? To share your newfound drinking habits?” You responded coldly.
“No, I do have my reason.” He raised his head to look at you behind his blurry eyes and the sight took his breath away. “But … were you … were you always this beautiful?” He blurted out before he could stop himself. Though, it was not the alcohol speaking. It was the truth. The sun was setting behind you and it bathed you in its glow, casting a halo around your head.
He felt himself struggle for a silent breath as he took his time taking you in. “You are so beautiful, my love." The term of endearment hangs between the both of you.
You shook your head. “You’re drunk, Alhaitham.”
“I’m not.” He insisted. “I’m not. It’s just … I can’t believe I hurt someone this beautiful so deeply.” And in a quieter voice, as if talking to himself, he whispered, “I’m such a fool.”
He knows he cannot win you back like this; not with flowery words and praises of your beauty. Still, he wanted to tell you that and many other things he was not able to.
Panic welled up inside him as you shook your head and unlocked your door. Chasing after you, he had half the mind to hug you from behind to stop you from leaving. But he knew he shouldn't push his luck right now, if your reaction earlier is anything to go by.
"Y/N, please."
You turned to him. "Then, enough with the nonsense Alhaitham. Just say what you have to say and leave." Your tone was calm but he heard the slight tremble in your voice. Even now, he was hurting you without meaning to.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, he said, "What I wanted to say is that I am sorry. I know I have countless things to apologize for and I … I cannot express how sorry I am. The word 'sorry' is not good enough." He looked down, ashamed of himself, a Haravatat scholar not having the right words to convey his intentions.
He wanted so badly to tell you how much he regrets taking you for granted and to let you know that since you left, all he could think about is you. Even when he somehow manages to stop doing so, everything he looks at seems to hold a piece of you and you invade his thoughts once more, as if you never left in the first place.
Your favorite mug sitting untouched in the kitchen cupboard reminds him of the coffees you used to make for him. The books gathering dust at his study bring back memories from when you would sit beside him, warm body pressed against his as you read your own books. The bed which was too big for one person makes him think about how lonely you must have been, spending those cold nights and silent mornings alone.
He lays awake at night in that same bed, haunted by the defeated look in your eyes the day you decided to end your relationship, or what's left of it. You were tired of fighting for a place in his life, you said.
The logical part of him argued that you were both better off this way. As long as he was the Acting Grand Sage, he knows that he cannot be the man you need, the man you deserve.
But here he was, hoping that you would still have him, because there's no one else for him but you.
"I - I am so sorry." He has no idea how many times he has uttered that word now. "For taking you for granted, for not fighting for you, for letting you go so easily. Y/N, I love you so much. I don't think it's possible for me to love anybody else." He confessed.
His hands itched to wipe the tears that streamed down your face. Gauging your reaction, he took a tentative step forward. "I know that I have no right to ask this from you, but Y/N … can you let me stay by your side again?"
Your heart was racing, everything around you was spinning. Contradicting thoughts were swimming inside your head - you wanted to say yes because you still love him, but at the same time, you wanted to push him away because you're afraid of getting hurt again.
You did not notice the tears freely cascading down your face until a hand wiped them away. Looking up at him, you said, “I don’t know Alhaitham. With the way things are between us …” You trailed off.
He reached for your trembling hand and brought it to his lips. “I never stopped loving you, even if my actions made you think otherwise. Let me prove it to you.”
Seconds pass without any response from you, Alhaitham speaks again, "You do not have to give me an answer now. Take all the time you need. I can wait." His grip on your hand tightened before letting go. “You should go inside now. It’s getting late.”
You nodded absentmindedly. He took a step back and you instantly missed the warmth that his body has to offer. You stepped inside your apartment, but for some reason, you cannot close the door while he is still there.
“Thank you for hearing me out. I meant every word I said, Y/N. I’ll wait for you, no matter how long it takes.”
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thank you so much for reading! comments, reblogs and likes are appreciated ♡♡♡
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lionheartedmusings · 6 months
the thing about q!bad recreating the soulfire base basically block by block and planning to surprise the team with it is that it says a whole lot about him, where is was during purgatory, and where he is now.
q!bad spent months trying to burn bridges and push people away, he effectively placed himself in a distrusted position on the island, his children (the only reason that man breathes) vanished in the middle of the night, he was actively torturing himself and kidnapping people. he was a man on a mission, sure, but time and time again he reinforced to us the audience that he wasn't *happy* about what he had to do. his plan — whatever his plan is — is something he deems necessary enough to have been alright with ruining his own life. as he said to q!baghera: "i'm expendable".
suddenly there's hope in egg island, but egg island is actually a hellscape and he's trapped without his biggest support systems — q!bagi, q!baghera, q!foolish, and even to an extent q!forever were the people he had to take down, they couldn't be there for him anymore. and from his team? other than q!tina and q!aypierre, he wasn't close to anyone or was just... directly antagonistic towards them (mainly q!pac and q!tubbo).
and then the funniest thing happened — he found family in hell and in people he never truly expected to be comfortable around.
he grew to respect and care for q!tubbo, he grew much closer to q!tina, his relationship with q!aypierre was tested and strengthened, he found a connection with q!niki and by god, he protected q!pac — who'd once been terrified of him — with his life. even the people who didn't log on often, he grew to see as part of his pack in a way he (and i) didn't see coming.
when soulfire mains talk about them being the perfect example of found family, that's what we mean. slow, careful changes that grew into love and protection beyond belief — enough that when green gay ninjas were split, everyone was welcomed with a warm hug and a cup of tea, now part of the family undoubtedly and forever. just like that.
their family was hitting their stride when purgatory ended and q!bad tanked a nuke to his back to save his son, and now his bookshelves are all knocked over and his memory's slipping. he's dying, he knows he's dying, and he's holding on by a thread for dapper and pomme even if he's aware that he can't just "bear it" much longer. he's isolated again, hiding and lying about his condition, watching the world turn and knowing his clock is ticking... sometimes he knows nothing at all.
and in this moment of pain, and solemn realization of the end of this version of him?
he's spending his time rebuilding the last place that felt like home block by block, talking openly about how he feels nostalgic and misses their base, their god awful spawn, the memories they made. his time with his daughter has been spent down there.
i know we as a fandom have theorized that one of these days, his memory's gonna snap down there and he'll think he's back in purgatory and it'll be a mess. sure. but right now?
right now that rebuilt base means love, and friendship, and family, and safety. it's the last place things were okay, and he felt cared for in a way that frankly your children can't provide.
a group of ragtag mismatched people got put together in a poor man's hunger games and they saw this demon — bloodthirsty, destructive, full of cold calculated murderous intent and a need to win for his child and instead of being horrified, running away screaming from his fangs and his claws?
they loved him. they found the gentleness beneath the blood and guts. they called him their attack dog because he's so full of love and so protective, and would tear anyone to pieces to protect their family.
team soulfire saw q!bad in a way no one in the island had, and they loved him for it — even when he drove them up the walls and they had to hold the leash tight, they loved him.
and now he's remade their home.
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Accident: part 2
Leah burst through the door of Y/n's hospital room, her breaths hurried and eyes wide with worry, having just landed in the States, thirty minutes ago.
"Shhhh," Maya hushed her, her voice a gentle command cutting through the tense air of the room. "We just got her to settle and sleep after another panic attack. She's not in good shape, but she's awake and coherent, which, considering the crash she had, is nothing short of miraculous."
"Another panic attack?" Leah's disbelief hung heavy in the air. "What's that, the seventh one in twenty-four hours?"
"It might've been more if we hadn't insisted she close her eyes and try to rest," Carina chimed in wearily, her hand rubbing circles under her tired eyes.
The exhaustion was palpable in the room, a heavy blanket draped over each of the women as they gathered around the young soccer star.
"Did Dr. Shepard give any update about her legs?" Leah's voice wavered, the question a lifeline thrown into the swirling uncertainty.
Maya and Carina exchanged a glance, a silent acknowledgment passing between them before Maya took the lead, her voice steady but tinged with concern. "Dr. Shepard said the scans show inflammation compressing the nerves, but she's hesitant to jump into surgery just yet. The risks outweigh the potential benefits. She's not confident Y/n will regain feeling in her legs, but she did offer a glimmer of hope."
Leah sank back into her seat, the weight of the news settling heavily upon her shoulders. She turned her gaze to Y/n, sleeping peacefully amidst the chaos of uncertainty. "Fucking hell. She doesn't deserve any of this. She fought so hard to rebuild her life and soccer keeps her sane..."
"Maya and I are terrified," Carina added, her voice barely above a whisper, "the mere thought of not being able to play again... it's tearing her apart."
Leah's eyes widened in disbelief. "You mean you haven't told her?"
Maya shook her head, her expression pained. "We couldn't. Not with everything she's already been through. The stress, the trauma... telling her now would only push her further into despair. Y/n's mental state is fragile, Leah. We haven’t seen her in that mental state in such a long time. We had to protect her."
“I understand. I haven’t really seen or known of her life before soccer. She still hasn’t shared much of her past despite our two year relationship.”
“Can’t blame her. It took a lot of time for her to trust us enough to let us in even partly but don’t feel any way about it. She doesn’t like dwelling on her past life but I think this might be triggering her to life before soccer.” Carina explained. 
The three women conversed in low whispers until a change in the monitors caught Maya and Carina’s attention. A sudden shift in the monitors' readings drew Maya and Carina's attention like a magnet, their heads snapping in unison towards the glowing screens. Leah, sensing the change in atmosphere, followed their gaze, her heart rate picking up as she struggled to comprehend the significance of the sudden activity.
With a sense of urgency, Carina rose from her seat, her hand outstretched toward y/n's shoulder. Her touch was gentle yet firm, a silent plea for the slumbering figure to awaken. Meanwhile, Maya leaned in towards Leah, her voice a soothing murmur amidst the tension, explaining the possible cause of y/n's distress—a nightmare, triggering an alarming spike in her heart rate.
"Bambina, wake up," Carina's voice cut through the silence, laced with a mixture of concern and reassurance. "Everything is alright. Maya and I are here. Leah is also here with us, but you need to open your eyes to see she really is here. You are okay. You are okay. Bambina, c’mon."
As sweat glistened on y/n's forehead, her features contorted in the grip of her subconscious torment, she struggled to surface from the depths of her nightmare. Carina's words echoed faintly in her mind, but it was another voice—a voice she recognized and cherished—that pierced through the darkness, calling her back to consciousness.
"Hey cookie monster," Leah's voice was a beacon in the darkness, a lifeline for y/n to grasp onto. "I’m here. I just landed not long ago, but I am here holding your hand. I need you to open your eyes."
With each word of encouragement from Leah, y/n felt herself slowly breaking free from the nightmare's grasp, her consciousness emerging. And then, with a sudden jolt, she jerked awake, her eyes darting around the unfamiliar surroundings until they landed on the familiar face of her girlfriend.
Leah's hands cupped y/n’s cheeks, their foreheads pressing together in an intimate gesture of comfort. "You’re hot," Leah remarked, a hint of concern tainting her usual playful tone.
"I’m in a hospital gown," y/n chuckled weakly, trying to brush off Leah's observation with humor. But Leah's expression remained serious as she turned to Carina, voicing her suspicions.
"I think she’s running a fever," Leah said, her voice tinged with worry.
Carina wasted no time, her movements swift and decisive as she pressed the back of her hand against y/n’s forehead, confirming Leah's assessment with a muttered curse in Italian. Without hesitation, she retrieved a thermometer, her brow furrowed in concern as she watched the digital display reveal a temperature of 102.1.
“I’ll go grab a nurse to page Shepherd and Bailey.” Maya rushes out. 
“Y/n, do you feel off at all?” Carina asks. 
“I’m just exhausted and cold. Leah, hold me.” Y/n pleads. Leah doesn’t hesitate to sit on the bed and pull y/n in her arms, feeling her visibly shake. 
As y/n's fever began to become known, she found herself sinking deeper into exhaustion, the weight of her illness pressing down on her like a leaden blanket. Despite Leah's comforting presence, a sense of unease gnawed at her insides, the fear of the unknown threatening to overwhelm her fragile resolve.
Leah sensed the shift in y/n's demeanor, her brows furrowing with concern as she watched the color drain from her cheeks. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked softly, her voice laced with worry.
Y/n forced a weak smile, but her eyes betrayed her inner turmoil. "I'm just tired," she murmured, her voice barely audible above the hum of activity in the room.
Leah's grip tightened on y/n's hand, her concern deepening with each passing moment. "You're not alone, you know," she said gently. "We're all here for you, whatever you need."
Y/n nodded faintly, but a flicker of panic danced in her eyes as a wave of exhaustion washed over her, threatening to drag her under. "I don't know if I can do this," she confessed, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I'm so tired, Leah, and I'm scared."
Leah's heart clenched at the vulnerability in y/n's voice, her own fears momentarily forgotten as she focused on comforting her girlfriend. "You don't have to do it alone," she reassured her, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her. “One step at a time. You worry about kicking that fever off first.” 
But even as Leah spoke the words, she could see the doubt lingering in y/n's eyes, the fear of what lay ahead threatening to consume her from within. With a heavy heart, Leah leaned in closer, her forehead pressing against y/n's as she whispered words of comfort and reassurance.
Meanwhile, Maya and Carina exchanged worried glances, their hearts heavy with concern for their friend. Despite their best efforts, they could see the toll y/n's accident and now fever was taking on her, the exhaustion evident in every line of her face.
"We need to keep a close eye on her," Maya murmured, her voice tense with worry. "The fever seems to be exacerbating her anxiety, and if she's not careful..."
Carina nodded grimly, her thoughts mirroring Maya's. "We can't let her slip through the cracks," she agreed, her gaze never leaving y/n's pale face. “We will handle this together, my love. We won’t have her go back to that mindset. We have done it before.” 
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willalove75 · 11 months
Alcina's New Maid Pt. 12 Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
Summary: You and Alcina are becoming closer, something the both of you are happy about. With the good comes the angst, from two phone calls from Heisenberg, one phone call from Mother Miranda and another encounter with Stefana, things take a bit of a nosedive.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI
Tags: Fluff, angst, canon violence, blood
Notes: Part 12! I've been looking forward to writing this since I started!! This subplot was one of the first ideas I came up with when I was first brainstorming this fic! I hope you all like it💕
Click here for the rest of the series
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Things between you and Alcina continued to progress, the two of you spent some more time together rebuilding your relationship and you've been spending more time with the girls as well. Even though you're still not having dinner with them every night, you've been joining them most nights. A few days ago Alcina asked you to join them for breakfast and when you woke up the next morning, you found a note on your nightstand.
Y/n, You had mentioned that there were mornings you would skip breakfast with us just so you can receive a note from me on your tray. It gave me inexplicable joy when I saw that you had kept every letter and to see how much you cherish them. If it's alright with you, I hope you continue to join us for breakfast and in return, I will continue writing you letters in the mornings. The girls miss having you around during meals, as do I. All my love, Alcina
For some reason, this letter meant more to you than the rest of them, even though they were all so special to you. This letter again proved to you that she's been listening, hearing what you've had to say and that she's been taking action. After you put the letter in the drawer with the rest of them, you get up, get yourself ready and head downstairs for breakfast.
As you walk towards the stairs, you can see Alcina just ahead of you, making her way down. She must have heard your heartbeat because as soon as you saw her, she stopped and turned around towards you.
"Good morning." She says with a smile.
"Good morning!"
"How did you sleep last night?"
"Like a rock, how was your night?"
"Uneventful, thankfully. I was able to get some much needed work done."
At this point, you're on the landing of the stairwell and Alcina is closer to the bottom of the stairs. From where you are, you're almost eye-level with her. Alcina tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and cups your face. She gazes into your eyes lovingly and you return the look. When she pulls her hand away, you reach out your arms to hug her. She happily leans in and wraps her arms around your waist and lifts you up as you wrap yours around her neck. You take a deep breath in while you're in her embrace, your nose filling with the scent of her hypnotizing perfume. On your exhale you relax into her and she tightens her hold on you just a bit. You pull away a bit so you can look at her and the two of you look into each others eyes again for a moment. Alcina smiles at you and places a soft kiss on your cheek, you immediately feel a light blush develop and you kiss her back on her cheek. She hugs you tightly again and cradles the back of your head.
"Oh, my love." She whispers so softly you almost missed it.
You hum and nuzzle into the crook of her neck.
Both of you were so invested in the moment you were having, neither of you noticed Stefana passing through the main hall. Her body tenses up as she glares at you in Lady Dimitrescu's arms. She quickly makes her way into another room before either of you notice her.
"How about we go eat?" Alcina says, placing a kiss on the side of your head. Nodding into her, you give her one more squeeze before she puts you down. The two of you walk towards the dining room, three swarms of flies meeting you at the door as you walk in.
"Good morning daughters." Alcina says as she takes her seat at the head of the table.
"Good morning mother." The three girls reply, all three of them still half asleep.
"What do you girls have planned for today?" She asks.
"Sleep." Cassandra says as she rests her face in her hand and closes her eyes.
"Cass! You said you would help me train!" Daniela says with a pout.
Cassandra grumbles and Bela looks over at Daniela.
"Dani I can help you today if you want."
"Really?!" Daniela all but shouts.
"Of course! Mama what are your plans for the day?" Bela asks Alcina.
"I have work to do, as per usual. Actually, y/n, I was wondering if you were able to help me with a few things today, if you don't mind of course."
"Not at all, I'd love to help." You say with a smile.
The three girls give each other small smiles that don't quite go unnoticed.
After breakfast, Alcina leads you up to her study.
"Thank you very much for assisting me today."
"Of course, I'm happy to give you a hand with whatever you need."
Alcina bends down and kisses the top of your head.
"Thank you my sweet. Unfortunately my filing has seemed to get away from me once again. You remember where everything needs to be filed, yes?"
"Wonderful, I'm sorry to say that there's much more filing that needs to get done today than there was previously and I know how monotonous it can be."
"Alcina, really, it's okay." You say, turning towards her and looking up. "I don't mind, plus, I enjoy doing tedious things like this. I'm just happy I can help you somehow."
She bends down again and cups your face, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Thank you."
You look around to see a handful of large stacks of papers around the room. This will definitely take you some time, but truthfully you're just happy to be around Alcina again without your heart feeling like it's shattering inside of your chest. After clearing a spot on the floor, you sit down and get to work, separating the papers like you did last time, making little piles. Alcina sits at her desk and shuffles through the paperwork in front of her.
It takes you almost two hours to sort through and organize all of the papers. Truthfully, you were surprised at how quickly the time went by, you felt so relaxed being around Alcina, she seemed to be relaxed as well in your presence. Well, as relaxed as she can be as she deciphers the chicken scratch on the letters from the mayor of the village.
"It is incredible how someone so unintelligent hasn't accidentally set fire to the entire village yet." She says to herself, frustrated.
A chuckle escapes from you before you're able to hold it back and Alcina side eyes you and smirks.
"Sorry." You say softly, pursing your lips to hold back more laughter.
"Something funny?" She asks, her tone is stern but her eyes have a playful look to them.
"Nope, not at all." You say as you file away a stack of papers.
"Mhm." She mutters as she arches an eyebrow.
Alcina puts the paper down onto her desk and rolls her neck out. You can feel her eyes on you while you file away another pile and you turn to look at her.
"May I help you?" You playfully ask.
She smirks and inches her finger towards you, signaling for you to walk over to her. Alcina cups her hand under your jaw and lifts your face to look up at hers. Her thumb caresses your cheek and you involuntary close your eyes and smile, when you open your eyes again you're met with Alcina's gorgeous gold irises.
"You are a very efficient helper my dear."
"I'm glad you think so."
"Come." She says, patting her lap. You smile and walk closer, Alcina lifts you up and sits you in her lap facing her. She leans back in her chair a bit and laces her fingers together behind your lower back, her thumbs gently caressing your sides.
Alcina tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and cups your face. After she looks at you for a moment she wraps her arms around you and pulls you into her, you hear her sigh and relax into you when she buries her face into your neck. You respond by wrapping your arms around her waist and holding her close.
"Are you okay?" You ask.
"Mhm." She mumbles before placing a kiss on your neck. She sits back up and looks down at you. "Yes, I'm alright. I just- I-" She looks away, furrowing her brow and biting her lip. You smile up at her and study her face as she works through her thought. Alcina isn't the best at being vulnerable, it's something you've known for a long time now. Although she's gotten much better at expressing herself and being vulnerable with you, old habits do indeed die hard. She wants to say "I missed you, I missed this." but she's having a difficult time forming the words.
Instead, you decide to wrap your arms around her again and rest your head on her chest, holding onto her tightly. She responds by doing the same, resting her chin on top of your head, gently running her hand up and down your back.
"I missed you too Alci." You say quietly.
Alcina's breath hitches in her throat, it's the first time you've called her by her nickname since everything happened. She never expected to become emotional when you called her that again, truthfully, she never really thought about you calling her Alci again. Not that she didn't want you to, it was just never something that crossed her mind as monumental. But hearing you call her that nearly brought tears to her eyes, the sense of familiarity, the feeling of closeness you get when the one you love calls you by your nickname hit her like a ton of bricks. Such a simple thing showed how comfortable you were with her once again and she had never been so grateful to hear that name before in her life. She cradles the back of your head and places a kiss on the top of it before resting her cheek there.
Alcina opens her mouth to say something and is interrupted by the phone. You can feel the low growl in her chest, aggravated that the moment was interrupted. Placing a hand against your back to secure you against her, she leans forward and picks up the phone.
"Lady D-" you feel her body tense underneath you and a louder growl emerges from the back of her throat. "Heisenberg. What do you want?" You can't hear whoever is on the other end of the line but whoever it is, she doesn't seem happy to be talking to them. "I don't care what your mutts-" . . . "They what? . . . And why are you just making me aware of this? . . . Have you spoken to Mother Miranda about- will you stop interrupting me! . . . Fine. . . . No I will not . . . Because it's your dirty mutts who found them! . . . Stop acting like a child and do your job! . . . You've wasted enough of my precious time, goodbye."
Alcina all but slams the phone down and pinches the bridge of her nose and inhales deeply, slowly exhaling. Looking up at her, you can see the stress of the conversation slowly melt away as she grounds herself. She opens her eyes and looks back down at you and gently smiles.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yes, I apologize for the interruption. That was my idiot younger brother, Karl Heisenberg. I hope you never have this misfortune of meeting him but unfortunately he's a parasite that's difficult to get rid of."
"I didn't know you had a brother."
"He's not my biological brother, heavens no, sharing genetics with that imbecil?" She says with a laugh. "I would rather die than be blood related to that child. He is one of the four lords."
"Oh, I thought the name was familiar."
"Yes, we were all brought together by Mother Miranda to rule over the village."
"Gotcha. Was everything okay? You seemed a little concerned."
"Yes, everything is fine for now. It's nothing I cannot handle and nothing I want you worrying your pretty little mind about." She says, gently booping your nose. You crinkle your nose and smile in response.
Her eyes wander from your face back to her desk and she sighs.
"As much as I would love to sit here all day with you, unfortunately I have some things to finish that cannot wait any longer."
"It's okay, I still have some filing left to do anyway."
Alcina kisses you on the forehead and lifts you from her lap. As she lifts you, the phone rings again. She puts you down and she picks up the phone.
"Mother Miranda, what a lovely surprise." She says with her best customer service voice. You look over at Alcina and she looks at you.
"Do you want me to go?" You mouth, pointing at the door.
Alcina shakes her head "no" so you continue to file away the papers.
"Yes, I just spoke with him. . . . Well yes, it is quite concerning but from the information I received, it's nothing we haven't dealt with previously. . . . Of course. . . . Yes next week is fine. . . . What?" The tone of her voice drastically changes and her wide eyes glance over to you. "Yes, she is still my handmaiden. . . . Mother Miranda, I must insist-" . . . "Yes Mother Miranda, I will make sure she is there. . . . Thank you Mother Miranda, goodbye."
Alcina hangs up and brings her hands up and gently rubs her face, sliding them back towards her temples where she massages them for a moment. She sits up, dropping her hands and turns towards you.
"Mother Miranda is requesting your presence for a meeting with the rest of the Lords next week."
"What? Me? Why?"
"She says she would like you to take notes for the meeting, however I can't help but feel she's testing me in some way."
"Why would she be testing you?"
"I have a feeling she believes that you are more than a simple handmaiden to me. I believe she wants you there to test my loyalty, as well as yours quite frankly."
"What's the meeting about? Does it have to do with whatever Heisenberg called about?"
"Yes, his lycans regularly patrol the forests and they've come across a group of hunters. Which is not uncommon, however there were more than usual."
"Yes, there are groups of men, usually, that try to hunt us. Well, myself and the girls more often than anyone else." Dread fills your chest for a moment and Alcina immediately picks up on it. "Which is exactly why I did not want to tell you to begin with, but given you'll be in the meeting we're having next week to discuss the matter, you have a right to know. But don't worry, they've never gotten past the castle walls and none of us have been seriously injured in decades. They're usually smaller groups of five to eight hunters, but the group the lycans spotted had about a dozen. They were able to take care of most of them so the threat is neutralized for now, but its still cause for concern."
"What happened when you were seriously hurt?"
"That my dear is a conversation for another day."
"I could use a drink." She says, lighting a cigarette.
"Do you want me to go down to the kitchen and get you some wine?"
"Absolutely not, last time you went down there on your own you were almost killed. I'll have Zina bring it up along with a pot of tea."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." She said, leaving no room for argument in her voice.
Alcina picks up the phone and calls down to the kitchen, taking a drag from her cigarette. Exhaling the smoke from her nose, the rest escapes from between her lips as she begins to speak.
"Yes, would you please send up a bottle of wine to my study? As well as a pot of tea with two cups please. Thank you."
You go back to filing and Alcina continues her paperwork, taking drags mindlessly from her cigarette.
A few minutes later there's a knock on the door.
"Come in." Alcina says.
Zina walks into the room with a large tray. A bottle of wine, a wine glass, a large pot of tea, milk, sugar, a flask of what's probably blood and two teacups sitting on it.
"Good morning my Lady." Zina says, placing the tray on the table near the door.
"Good morning Zina."
Zina looks up at you and shoots you a wink. She pours her a glass of wine and brings the glass and bottle to her desk.
"How did you possibly know which I wanted first?" Alcina says with a chuckle as she takes the glass and swirls the contents in it before smelling it and taking a big sip.
"Just a hunch." Zina says before turning around, heading back to the tray. Alcina smirks at her and goes back to her paperwork. "How would you like your tea, y/n?"
"Oh, you don't have-"
"Please, I insist." Zina says.
You tell her how you want your tea and she walks over to you and hands you the cup and saucer.
"Thank you." You say, taking it from her.
"Tea my Lady?"
"Not right now, thank you."
"Is there anything else you need from me my Lady?"
"I don't believe so, thank you Zina."
"My pleasure."
As Zina leaves the phone rings again, visibly annoyed, Alcina downs the rest of her wine and answers.
"Yes? . . . Heisenberg." She growls. "What do you want?! . . . Absolutely not! I don't want those mutts anywhere near my castle! . . . Then clean up your own messes!" She slams the phone down onto the receiver and balls her hands into fists. "That man-child is so infuriating!" She says out loud.
"Y/n," she says, bringing her hands to her temples.
"Do me favor love, take two very large steps to your right."
"Uh, okay." You say as you take a few steps, putting about five feet of distance between you and the spot you were occupying.
Alcina growls and grabs her wine glass and launches it across the room into the wall, it shatters as it makes contact, sending shards of glass everywhere.
"Thank you dear."
"I'm gonna go grab a broom." You say.
As you walk past her, she reaches her arm out and wraps it around your waist and pulls you into her. She leans her head into the crook of your neck and takes a deep inhale, your hand slides to the back of her head and you can feel her relax as she exhales. When she pulls away you gently cup her face and gaze into her gorgeous gold eyes.
"You okay?"
"Yes, thank you." She leans in and kisses your forehead. When her lips leave your skin, you hold one side of her face and stand up on your tip toes and kiss her on the cheek. Alcina closes her eyes and leans into you a little.
"My sweet girl."
"I'll be right back, okay?" You say, your thumb gently caressing her cheek.
"No dawdling." She says with a wink.
"Never." You respond with a smile.
Closing the door to her study behind you, you check one of the closets in the hallway for a broom but can't find one. The maids must have them. You decide to check the closet in the main hall, that one usually has extra supplies and a few brooms.
As you start to walk down the stairs you see Stefana walk across the main hall. You freeze for a moment and she looks up and sees you, the look on her face immediately hardens as she glares at you. She changes direction and heads towards the stairs. For a moment you consider turning around and running back to Alcina's study but you don't. You're so fed up with dealing with Stefana, with avoiding her, with having to sneak around the castle hoping you won't run into her. Things between you and Alcina are going really well and she's right, you shouldn't have to be afraid in your own home. So you decide to continue your descent down the stairs and try to walk past her when you get to the landing. Stefana steps in front of you and doesn't let you past her.
"You fucking bitch." She growls at you. "What the fuck did I tell you? Stay away from her."
"No." You say, looking her in the eye. "She told you to leave me alone, if you really loved her, you'd listen to her."
"You stole EVERYTHING from me!" She yells.
"I stole nothing. If you should be mad at anyone, you should be mad at the Lady, I did nothing to you, I never did anything to you."
"You're going to pay for what you did to me!"
"You're insane, leave me alone or the Lady is going to make sure whatever you're thinking of doing will be the last thing you ever do."
"Stefana!" You hear a voice yell from behind you. You turn around to see Zina standing at the top of the stairs. "Leave the girl alone."
"NO! She stole her from me!" She yells at her.
"She did no such thing. I warned you and you didn't listen. Your errors are not her fault."
"She doesn't love you." Zina says.
You step around Stefana and try to walk away but she grabs your arm and turns you towards her.
"She's going to love me again, mark my words."
"You're fucking cra-" you're cut off when she backhands you across the face.
"Stefana!" Zina yells.
In shock, your hand cups your face and you look into Stefana's eyes, they're dark, angry, unhinged. You see something snap inside of her and she shoves you backwards. Fear shoots through your body as you feel yourself fall, the world goes into slow motion and you try to steady yourself but you just fall further and further back. In an instant everything speeds up you instinctively put your arm back to brace yourself and the second you hit the step you feel something snap and you cry out in pain. After that you feel the world spin as your body hits every step on the way down. You don't even feel like you're in your own body, you're aware of every time your body makes contact with a step, and you know it's painful, but you don't feel any pain, but somehow you know the pain is there. At some point you definitely hit your head but all you can think is that the room is spinning more than it should and that you're falling for too long.
You roll off of the last step and onto the floor, you can barely open your eyes but when you do you see Zina at the top of the steps, a horrified look on her face and you see Stefana, she has an absolute crazed look on hers as she stares down at you, smiling with the most terrifying smile you've ever seen on someone.
You think you hear Zina scream "MY LADY!" but your heartbeat is so loud in your ears you're not even sure she spoke. Stefana starts walking down the stairs and your eyes close, you feel like you were unconscious for a little while but when you open them again, Stefana is just a few feet away from you.
"Just die already!!" She screams. You see her leg swing back and she kicks you in the stomach. In a split second it feels like all of the air was forced out of your body and you can't breathe for a few seconds. Instinctively, your arms cover your stomach to protect yourself and you see her reel back to kick you again and you close your eyes.
A horrified scream rings throughout the castle, so powerful you could have sworn you felt the vibrations through the floor. You open your eyes and first notice Stefana turning around to face where the scream came from. The next thing you see is Alcina at the top of the stairs, you've never seen her look so scared before in your life. Her fear morphs into unbridled anger when her gaze shifts from you to Stefana. Alcina begins to walk down the stairs, she could have ran down them but time seems to slow down and speed up randomly.
"Alci," you try to say, but your voice is weak and the room spins again.
Alcina is shaking, from both anger and fear as she descends the stairs. As she gets towards the bottom she unsheathes her claws and plunges them into Stefana.
Your vision gets blurry but you can hear Alcina's calws, looking up at Stefana as she faces Alcina. She twitches and a split second later you see Alcina's claws come out through the middle of her back, your vision comes back clearly and you lay there, horrified. You open your mouth to scream but nothing happens.
Alcina lifts Stefana up, bringing her up to her eye level.
"I warned you." Alcina growls. "I told you the next time you so much as breathe in her direction, it would be the last breath you take."
"I love you." Stefana says. "She wasn't worthy of you love, I was."
"You are not worthy of anything."
"At least my blood will help sustain you." She says, her voice rapidly weakening.
"I would never taint my wine with blood as disgusting as yours." Alcina sneers.
Stefana's face twists into a look of horror, of deceit, of heartbreak.
"I loved you, mistress."
"I never loved you, vermin."
Alcina retracts her claws and Stefana plummets to the ground. Her body twitches for a moment before she becomes still.
You watch in horror as Stefana's body falls in front of you, she killed her. Alcina killed her. The blood pools around her body as is pours out from the wounds from Alcina's claws and as you stare at it, you begin to disconnect from the world, from the pain that was starting to creep up on you, from everything.
Alcina steps over Stefana's body and kneels on the floor next to you.
"Y/n," she says as her voice trembles. She goes to touch you but pulls her hands away, afraid to injure you further.
You look up at her and see the tears in her eyes, the fear on her face. She just brutally killed someone in front of you and she's worried about you? You try to sit up but the moment you move anything pain shoots through your entire body.
"No no no love, don't move, don't move honey." She touches your cheek like you're made of the most fragile glass in the world.
Your eyes close, you're not sure if they closed for a few seconds or a few minutes again but when you open them, Stefana's body is still in front of you. Staring at the pool of blood around her, you see more out of the corner of your eye. When you look you see more next to you, you're confused for a second before realizing that you're laying in a small pool of your own blood. Fear courses through your body again and you begin to cry. As you cry, you feel the pain in your stomach and it was as if feeling that one pain was a switch because suddenly, you feel pain everywhere.
"Shhh love, it's okay, you're okay." Alcina says.
Looking up at her you can see the tears rolling down her cheeks. When you gaze back forward, you see Stefana again and it clicks in your mind again that Alcina killed her.
"You killed her." You say softly as you cry. "She's dead, you killed her." Crying harder, you continue to repeat yourself like a broken record.
"I know, I know, it's okay, you're okay, you're safe. You're safe my love."
Every cell in your body feels like its in pain and all you want to do is stop staring at the body in front of you but you can't seem to pry your eyes away from it.
"Daughters!!" Alcina yell out. She turns around and see's the three girls standing behind her. How long were they there for? Alcina thinks for a split second. They must have been there long enough because Daniela has tears running down her face, Bela is standing next to her with her arm wrapped around her shoulder trying to comfort her even though Bela has a horrified look on her own face. If she was thinking clearly, Alcina would realize that she's never seen Cassandra look so angry in her entire life, the look in her eyes is terrifying.
"Someone get rid of this!" She yells, gesturing to the body. "And don't put her anywhere near my distillery. I don't want a drop of her in any of my wine!"
"What do you want us to do with her?" Cassandra asks, her voice is steady, so steady it's almost scary, and cold.
"I don't care just get rid of it!"
Cassandra turns into a swarm and appears next to the body, an evil smile crosses her face before she turns into another swarm and surrounds Stefana, the flies completely cover the body and Cassandra flies towards the dungeon stairs and disappears.
You lay on the ground, still hyperventilating.
"Y/n," Alcina says softly, "just breathe." A whimper escapes from you as you try to breathe in. "I know it hurts love, I know, just keep trying to breathe for me, okay?"
"Mamă, ce facem?" Daniela softly says. (Mama, what do we do?)
Alcina turns towards her girls.
"One of you call Donna, tell her to bring every healing herb and salve she says immediately."
"Should we call uncle Sal?"
"Absolutely not, I cannot trust him to keep this from Miranda."
"What else?" Bela asks.
"Get someone to clean this damn mess up!"
The girls disperse and Alcina turns back towards you, you've stopped hyperventilating but you're still crying.
"Y/n, what hurts? I need you to tell me where you're hurt."
"Everything hurts." You cry.
"I have to lift you off of the floor, okay? I'm going to be as gentle as I can but it's going to hurt, okay love?"
Nodding your head as you cry, you brace yourself. Alcina carefully slides her hands underneath you and lifts you bridal style into her arms. As she's lifting you, you cry out from the pain of being moved but as soon as she pulls you into her it subsides. She slowly stands up and begins walking up the stairs. Zina is on the landing, standing there in shock with tears in her eyes. She looks up at Lady Dimitrescu as she walks by.
"My lady, I'm- I'm so sorry. I should-"
"None of this is your fault Zina, please don't blame yourself. The blame is to be placed on her" Alcina says, nodding towards the pool of blood where Stefana was. "and myself. I should have done something much sooner, I never should have let it go this far." Zina goes to speak but Alcina cuts her off. "Take the rest of the day off, that's an order."
"Yes my Lady."
Zina begins to descend the stairs and Alcina carries you into her bedroom.
Alcina sits on her bed and cradles you as you continue to cry. You're not even sure why you're crying, if it's from the pain, watching Alcina kill Stefana, all of the fear you felt in such a short amount of time, everything combined or for no reason at all. The only thing you can do is grab onto Alcina's cream dress with one blood stained hand like your life depended on it while you cradle your other arm and cry. She gently rocks you as she tries to soothe you, careful she doesn't injure you further or aggravate your injuries.
"It's okay, you're safe now, okay? You're safe now." She says, pressing the most gentle kiss to your forehead as a tear rolls down her cheek. "I'm so sorry," Alcina whispers. "I'm so sorry for not protecting you. I'm so sorry."
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theother-victoria · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS: Accountability is a bitter pill to swallow, but what hurts more is being forgotten by the one he loves the most. As he rebuilds your relationship once more, Scaramouche has a difficult decision to make: have you live in blissful ignorance or admit the truth and risk everything falling apart again.
TAGS: angst w fluff, happy ending bc I’m not that cruel, major spoilers for the “Inversion of Genesis” interlude archon quest, scaramouche is referred to as “Ena” bc that’s the name I gave him, gn reader, 11.7k word count
NOTES: so this is where I’ve been for the past *checks calendar* three months
Here’s the in-depth explanation and analysis behind this fic if you want to read it afterward!
Watch me post this and then inevitably disappear for a few more 🫡
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Scaramouche has been acting strange lately.
He’s been unusually silent like he’s pondering something and staring off into space most of the time. When you ask him about it, he shrugs your questions off and says it’s nothing.
“What’s on your mind, Scara?”
“Nothing. Just… thinking.”
And the conversations always end there. He makes no effort to elaborate and eventually, you stop digging for answers. Other than that, he still acts normally. He still has his sharp tongue and attitude. You still get into your daily fights and scuffles with him over nothing. You’d return home from work and he’d return home from whatever he was doing in the city (something along the lines of community service was what you managed to gather from the bits and pieces of information he told you). In a sense, everything was still the same. His sudden radio silence at times was startling, but nothing ever changed in your relationship as a result of it.
… But really, it’s kind of scary how intensely he zones out sometimes.
Then, everything changes one night.
You’re getting ready for bed with him while he stares out the window as usual. If you follow his line of sight, it leads to the Sanctuary of Surasthana. He’s been oddly fixated on that place lately and you haven’t been able to get an answer as to why.
You take a seat on the bed next to him. There’s a look in his eyes that tells you he’s plotting something- that there’s an idea brewing in his mind.
“Thinking again? What nefarious scheme are you plotting-”
You don’t even get the chance to tease him further before he pulls you into a tight hug. Normally, he’s nowhere near this affectionate, preferring to keep his distance even in your close relationship, but now he’s holding you close as if he’s afraid he’ll lose you otherwise.
“...Scara? Is everything alright?”
“Yeah. I just wanted to give you a hug.”
His soft violet hair tickles your neck and you feel his hands absentmindedly tracing circles around your waist.
“Is there a reason as to why?”
“No. Just felt like it.”
You eye him suspiciously. As soon as it started, he pulls away from the hug and flicks your forehead.
“Go to sleep now. I’ll join you in a bit. Just… let me think for a bit longer.
“I love you.”
He says the last part like it’s nothing. It nearly gives you whiplash and you look at him strangely. He’s really lost his mind this time, hasn’t he? He almost never does that.
“What’re you gaping at me like that for? Go to sleep already.”
He lightly hits you over the head with a pillow before you can say anything else. You roll your eyes and with a huff, roll onto your side until you’re fast asleep within a few minutes.
Scaramouche doesn’t join you as he promised. Instead, he continues to stare out the window at the moon, his gaze occasionally flickering back to your sleeping figure. A rare expression of uncertainty crosses his face as he sinks deep into thought.
Is this really the right decision?
Time stretches out over an eternity. Hours pass and the moon rises higher into the sky. Scaramouche debates with himself, unsure of what to do.
This is a decision I can’t go back from.
Throughout his long life, he’s never been faced with a choice as difficult as this. Neither decision ends well for either of you. Deep down, he knew what the correct answer was, yet he refused to consider it for more than a few seconds.
What would he do if he lost everything all over again?
Time was running out. Scaramouche gets up to leave with his mind made up. Lying to himself wouldn’t do anything and Nahida was waiting for him. He plants a soft kiss on your cheek and stares at you longingly one last time before putting his hat on and heading out the door. It closes behind him with a silent click.
Whatever happens next, happens. He’ll witness the results of his actions tomorrow.
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The next morning, you wake up feeling refreshed and your mind clearer than it’s ever been. It feels like you’ve been asleep for a very, very long time and you’ve just woken up.
And instantly, you notice something is off.
There are traces of another person everywhere. From the Inazuman-style clothes hanging in the closet that most definitely aren’t yours to the ink-wash paintings hanging on the wall, it’s evident that someone has influenced your life tremendously.
But who? Your mind is drawing up blanks as to who it could be.
When you get downstairs, it’s even more prominent. A pair of slippers that are too big for you by the stairwell. Books sitting on the bookshelf that after examining their titles and summaries, aren’t to your liking but are still there anyway. Traditional Inazuman sandals and shoes are lined up next to yours by the front door. None of it matches the vibe of your house and yet, they look as if they’ve been there forever, weathered and worn with time.
There’s a photo sitting on a side table in the living room that catches your attention. Upon closer inspection, it’s of you and a young man sitting side by side and posing for the camera. His attire is… unique. You can’t say you’ve seen anything quite like it before.
The first thing that catches your attention is the wide-brimmed hat he’s wearing. It’s ornate, with gold decorations and a veil in the back. His clothes seem like they cost a fortune and appear to be from Inazuma, similar to the ones hanging in your bedroom closet. A smirk plays across his face, yet there’s a gentle look in his eyes as he gazes at you smiling at the camera. An arm is slung around your shoulder, pulling you close.
Clearly, you have- or had?- some sort of special relationship with him according to this photo. But you don’t recognize his face. You can’t remember anything about this man. You don’t even know his name.
Who is he?
Someone knocks at the door. Three solid thumps against the wood and then silence. The sound echoes in your ears and you can feel yourself get up to answer the door. Why does it feel like you have no control over your body right now? Why does time feel like it’s moving so slowly?
Why are you so afraid of what awaits you on the other side of the door?
You open the door to reveal a young man waiting patiently. With a shock, you realize he’s the same man in the photo. He has the same fair skin, the same eyes, and the same blunt haircut.
(He’s even prettier up close and in person.)
He’s changed quite a bit too. His attire is different now. He wears an open-chested kimono with a black bodysuit underneath and pleated shorts. The furisode kimono is dyed in shades of blue and white that resemble the sky and small birds are depicted on the long sleeves as if they are taking to the skies. His hat has lost the veil, but it’s more ornate and now resembles a lotus, the metal gleaming in the late afternoon sun. More surprisingly is the Anemo vision pinned proudly to his robes. By the looks of it, it seems as if he built his entire outfit around it.
But what surprises you the most is his face. He seems… unburdened now. Like a heavy weight has been lifted from his shoulders for the first time.
There’s a look of trepidation on his face and a small spark of hope in his eyes as he meets your gaze.
“... Can I help you?”
The spark of hope quickly dies at your response. His face is crestfallen, yet all he does is let out a resigned sigh.
“I’m a lost traveler that’s in need of a place to stay. Do you mind if I stay at your house for a little while?”
You glance back at the photo, then back at him. Under any other circumstances, you would have said no, but this time…
“Of course. But I don’t know your name yet.”
He pauses for a moment. His gaze darts around like he was searching for an answer- or several answers. You’re beginning to wonder if you said the wrong thing before he chuckles and smiles, finally relaxing.
“What you call me doesn’t matter. Call me anything you want.”
“That doesn’t answer the question.”
He huffs a sigh. Persistent as always, he thinks.
“Others call me Wanderer. Call me that if you’re strapped for ideas.”
It’s an interesting name for sure. In your opinion, it really can’t be considered a name. It’s more suited for a description.
“That’s quite the interesting name you’ve got there, but it’s awkward to say and isn’t really suited for a name.”
“If you don’t like it, call me something else then,” he retorts. You ignore the remark and mentally go through the limited collection of Inazuman names you know of. None of them are suitable until a long-forgotten one hits you out of the blue.
“Hmm… how about the name Ena?”
“Ena,” he repeats to himself, trying the name on for size. To your surprise, you watch as his scowl melts into a grin and his eyes soften. His eyes shine with delight and he lets out a little chuckle.
“Meaning ‘gift from god’. I like it.”
I wouldn’t consider myself that, he thinks. Far from it, actually. But if that’s what you think I am, then I’ll believe it wholeheartedly.
“And by the way, Ena is a girl’s name.”
Your eyes go wide with shock.
“I-really? Wait, I’m sorry for-!”
You’re interrupted by his unabashed laughter at your dumbfounded expression. The smug look on his face tells you that he got the desired reaction out of you.
“You should’ve seen your face! It’s so easy to get you worked up over nothing, you know?”
“Stop pulling my leg like that!”
For some reason, this kind of argument with him over nothing feels… familiar. You push the thought to the side and storm away, huffing and puffing in irritation.
“Whatever. Come inside and make yourself at home. Just don’t make a mess of anything.”
Ena goes quiet and his wistful gaze lingers on the spot you were just a few moments ago. He lets out a drawn-out sigh and an unwelcome, though familiar, feeling tugs at the heart he now knows he has. Was it regret? Sorrow? Longing for something so close yet so far, barely out of touch?
Whatever it was, the full weight of his actions had finally hit him. Karma had finally come back to make him pay. He lifts his Anemo vision up and eyes it. It glows in response and he scoffs.
… He can’t say he misses the feeling of it.
It’s a bitter pill to swallow- accountability and the uncertainty of the future. He glances inside your house and sighs before shaking his head and heading inside.
You’re just as lovely as the day I lost you.
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The next day, he has an interesting idea. You were eating breakfast around the table with him not-so-subtly criticizing your cooking skills and you telling him to “make his own if it’s so bad then.” He had scoffed and said he’ll take you up on that offer.
(This scene feels strangely domestic and familiar…)
Ena pushes his (empty) bowl to the side. There’s that look in his eyes that tells you he’s up to no good. How you managed to recognize it after less than a day with him, you have no idea.
“How would you like to travel the world with me?”
You pause and stare at him blankly.
“You heard me. How would you like to travel the world? I’m sure you’ve always wanted to do that, right?”
“With you in the way? No thanks.”
He scowls at that and flicks your forehead. You yelp in pain and bat his hands away before turning and staring out the window for a bit.
“But all jokes aside, you’re right. I’ve always wanted to travel the world ever since I was little.”
You pause and bite your lip before giving him a suspicious look.
“First off, why are you offering this?”
He rolls his eyes and laughs.
“I just thought it’d be pretty pathetic if you died without ever seeing the world. Plus, I wanted to-”
He stops himself from saying anything else just in time. You stare at him strangely and he brushes you off. It’s your turn to roll your eyes now as you gather the dishes and begin washing them.
I wanted to show you the places I once took you to that you’ve now forgotten, was what he wanted to say. How will you react now that we’ve started over? Will you react with wonder at the dazzling lights of Liyue Harbor? Laugh and dance happily amongst the wide expanse of grassy plains in Mondstadt? Go silent with awe at the solemn rule of the Shogun in Inazuma?
He silently laughs at himself. He’s become weaker ever since he met you all those years ago. Not like he minded.
You’ve finished the dishes and you’re staring at him with an idea brewing in your head.
“So what I’m hearing is an offer for a free vacation with no strings attached.”
Your tone is mischievous and there’s that shit-eating grin on your face he knows all too well. Ena groans and rolls his eyes in faux annoyance.
“If that’s how you want to think of it, then yes.”
You snicker victoriously and it’s all he can do to not go over and (lovingly) flick your forehead as hard as he can.
“But what about money? A trip around the world is going to cost a fortune, right? Plus, there’s my small business I have to worry about. It’s my only means of income…”
Ena waves a hand at you. “Don’t worry about the money. I’ll handle it. Focus on making sure everything’s in order for the house and your business.”
I’ve got more Mora than I know what to do with, thanks to my time in the Fatui.
He looks over his shoulder at you.
“I recommend you pack your bags as soon as possible. We leave when everything is done and ready.”
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The first nation he takes you to is Mondstadt, the land of freedom. A warm breeze brushes your skin as you step foot into the city, carrying with it the scent of dandelion wine and the familiar feeling of well-wishes.
The city is so lively. Children and teenagers chase each other down the cobblestone streets. A crowd of people gathers around a small child selling flowers, the sweet fragrance of them making its way over to you. The colorful banners strung overhead between buildings flutter in the wind. A group of adventurers pass by you and give you bright grins.
“A pair of travelers, eh? Welcome to Mondstadt!”
A bard clad in green sings and plays his lyre to a captive audience by the fountain in the city square. The smell of freshly-cooked food from Good Hunter on your left tempts you and through the door, you can hear the clink of bottles being toasted and the cheers of rowdy but good-natured patrons.
You feel Ena tug on your sleeve. He’s grinning at you mischievously.
“Come on, slowpoke, we’re not stopping here. There’s more to see than just the city.”
The next few weeks pass by in a blur.
Soon after your arrival in Mondstadt, he takes you to the Thousand Winds Temple on the eastern coast of Mondstadt as the first stop. Stone arches tower above your head and you have to crane your neck upwards to see the end of the pillars that seem to stretch upward forever. The sheer size of the temple makes you feel almost insignificant, but ivy and fauna have slowly reclaimed it with overgrowth rampant everywhere. It’s nothing more than crumbling ruins at this point, but it must’ve been beautiful centuries ago.
… Still, you’re a little confused as to why he would bring you all the way out here just to see a dilapidated temple.
“Is there a specific reason why you brought us here?”
“Nothing really, other than that it has quite a long history.”
“I didn’t take you for the scholarly type, Ena.”
“Shut up.”
You begin to curiously explore the temple. Parts of it are locked behind gates and no matter what you do, you can’t get them to budge. You manage to climb over some walls onto what appears to be the stairs and take a seat there. From here, you have a better view of the temple and you try to piece together what it used to look like. Eventually, you come to the realization that it must’ve resembled an amphitheater.
Meanwhile, Ena strides across the arena and comes to a stop, facing the sea. His coming here was purely for selfish reasons.
This was where I first met you. I was on a mission in Mondstadt to investigate some strange occurrences that had been happening. Back then, you were still a student in the Akademiya researching these ruins. We had run into each other accidentally and immediately started arguing over some petty matter and were practically at each other’s throats.
He looks over his shoulder to see you attempting to scale a pillar to reach the elemental monument above and quietly laughs at the sight. He’s glad that you can’t see the fond smile stretching across his face.
You’re still the same fool now as you were back then. Some things in life never change, do they?
On another day, he brings you to Starsnatch Cliff late at night. You grumble and curse at him for disturbing your sleep the entire time, to which he tells you to shut up after being chased by monsters several times.
(You keep your mouth shut after that.)
Ena uses his Anemo vision to quickly fly to the edge of the cliff and avoid the grueling upwards hike. You, on the other hand, are forced to make the trek and arrive several minutes later, panting in exhaustion.
“You’re too slow.”
“Not my fault that I don’t have a handy vision to help me out,” you snap back as you take a seat next to him. The cool evening breeze tickles your skin and you lie on your back to see the stars and the moon. There’s not a single cloud in the sky and you can see the arm of the galaxy that stretches across the night sky in a twinkling display of stars and stardust.
“Now I see why you dragged me out this late. The view is beautiful.”
“I told you.”
You glare at him in response and begin picking the Cecilia flowers that grow on the cliff to make a flower crown with them. Ena only rolls his eyes at the action and lies down to look at the sky.
The second time I met you was here, not long after our first encounter. You were doing the same thing- making flower crowns. When I asked you what you were doing, you gave it to me. Quite the bold move, considering I could’ve ended your life at any moment. Although…
He looks back at you lying sprawled out like a starfish in the grass and holding the finished flower crown in your hands. Your eyes meet his gaze and you wordlessly place it on his head. You giggle at the sight and the blush that creeps across his face as he glares at it.
“It suits you! You look even prettier with it.”
Your eyes shine with a mix of amusement and adoration. To Ena, your smile rivals the brilliance of the moon above and he swears he can feel his heart skip a beat all over again.
Although, how could I have even considered that thought? Especially when you looked at me back then the same way you do now?
Midway through your stay in Mondstadt, he brings you to the famed Angel’s Share for some drinks while subsequently making fun of your inability to hold your alcohol.
“What, can’t even handle wine?”
“Shut up,” you cough out- or rather, slur out with the alcohol getting to you. A blue-haired man sitting at the other end of the table pretends to not hear you, but you can see his shoulders shaking as he tries to stifle his laughs.
With the sweet taste of the tavern’s renowned Dandelion Wine, you didn’t expect it to pack that much of a punch. Your face is already flushed and you can feel just how unbearably warm you are. With a groan, you rest your head against the cool surface of the table and sigh in relief. Ena rolls his eyes and finishes the rest of your drink in one go.
“Seriously, how are you still fine after all of those drinks you had? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have an inhuman alcohol tolerance,” you grumble.
A thin glass of apple cider is placed in front of you by the bartender. You instantly recognize it as a drink for sobering up and Ena cackles at the realization scrawled all over your face.
“Come on. Finish that and we’ll go back to our place.”
He ends up having to carry you on his back. You passed out while you were still in the bar and now you’re sleeping peacefully, occasionally mumbling nonsensical things as you dream. Ena grumbles and curses you out all the while, but it lacks any real scorn.
Many months later, I came back to Mondstadt and found you in a drunken stupor here. You had just dropped out of the Akademiya and were worried about what you’d do now and dreaded having to return to Sumeru. You had drunk so much that you passed out and I ended up having to carry you back to your place.
He looks back at your sleeping figure and sighs.
“The past likes to repeat itself, huh? And your alcohol tolerance hasn’t improved one bit since then.”
Really, it made for a comical sight. The Sixth Fatui Harbinger, capable of striking fear into the hearts of the masses, carrying an Akademiya dropout who’d cried and drank themselves to sleep back to their house like some sort of gentleman? Most people would laugh at that.
His hand grasps yours as he looks back on the past that only he remembers now.
Lost in thought, he misses how you gently squeeze his hand in return.
On the very last day of your stay in Mondstadt, Ena waits until sunset to drag you to the Church of Favonius. He carefully led you around the vigilant eyes of the Knights and passersby until you were at the back of the church. You weren’t expecting this to be your final stop and you stare at him, confused.
“Just trust me, ok?”
You don’t get a chance to respond before he scoops you up into his arms and soars into the air with the help of his vision.
“Wha-hey!” you shout as you nervously flail around. “What’re you doing?”
“Be quiet!” he hisses. “Do you want people to hear us?”
Ena quickly sets you down on a ledge atop a spire and you go silent. From here, you have a perfect view over all of Mondstadt, from the sprawling city before you all the way out to the great oak tree in Windrise and the Statue of the Seven shining beneath it, and everything in between. The skies are clear and Mondstadt is bathed in a rosy pink glow.
“Don’t fall off now,” he teases as you lean forward.
“How did you find this spot?” you ask. He looks off to the side as if embarrassed to admit the truth.
“I saw the Traveler and a girl in red up here one day. They seemed to be enjoying the view so I stowed the idea away for later.”
That was half the truth. Not like you’d remember the other half of it anyway.
You were awfully persistent back then, he thinks as he watches you sneeze when a cluster of dandelion seeds blow past, carried along by the winds. Hanging around with a Fatui Harbinger like it was nothing and having the gall to talk to me like we were equals. I seriously thought you had no sense of danger back then. Or maybe you just had a death wish.
One day, you had offhandedly told me that a view over all of Mondstadt could be seen atop the spires of the Church of Favonius. The look in your eyes implied that you wanted to see it for yourself. You thought it was a great idea. I thought you were insane.
But I managed to make it work after happening to see someone else do it. Late at night, we snuck up here together to go stargazing. We had a beautiful view that night. The sky was clear and all the stars were visible. But it wasn’t the sky or the stars that caught my attention- it was the look in your eyes.
For a moment, I saw everything I ever wanted reflected in them.
You swing your legs in contentment as a flock of birds flies past you. Ena eyes you nervously as you sit precariously close to the edge and reaches out to gently grasp your wrist.
“... Is something the matter?”
“You’re sitting too close to the ledge. Move back a bit.”
“Didn’t know you were such a mother hen.” But you do as he says.
You gaze upon him fondly and there it is again- the look that stole his heart. You looked at him as if he was your entire world. He would do anything to have you look at him like that for just a little while longer.
“Can we stay like this just a little longer?”
“Of course.”
The sky begins to darken and the temperature starts to drop. The people of Mondstadt gradually head home one by one until the streets are deserted, but above it all, you and Ena are lost in your own world- one that only he now remembers.
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The seasons have changed. Summer has faded and it’s colder now. The days are shorter, much to your displeasure. Almost all vegetation has died out- the tree branches are stripped bare of leaves and a light dusting of snow from earlier covers the ground. There’s a light crunching sound as you walk, leaving footprints behind.
You shiver as a cold breeze passes by and without missing a beat, Ena gives you his scarf. He wraps it around you and tightens it securely before tugging at your coat zipper to make sure it’s zipped up all the way. He nods in satisfaction.
“Keep it. You need it more.”
You pass by a Statue of the Seven and head down some ice-coated stone steps. The horizon is bright and as you look up from the ground, you see why. Liyue Harbor is aglow with warm orange lights and countless paper lanterns float in the air, scattered throughout the sky.
Ena looks over your shoulder at the glowing port.
“We’re in luck. We made it just in time for the Lantern Rite.”
You hear a smidge of smugness in his voice.
“In luck, you say? Something tells me you planned this,” you tease. Already, you can feel a rush of excitement bubbling up as you grab him by the wrist and pull him along with you toward the city.
“Who knows? Maybe I did.”
The entire harbor is decorated for Liyue’s biggest festival of the year. Red paper lanterns and bundles of firecrackers hang at the corners of businesses and houses alike. Spring couplets and squares of red paper with the character for “fortune” are pasted onto doors everywhere you look. A group of children runs past you waving sparklers to celebrate and the mother of one opens the door to call her child in for dinner.
A storyteller tells the tale of how the Lantern Rite came to be as you run through the stone streets. Aided by the folding screen behind him that depicts a panorama of Liyue in the past, his rich voice and reenactments of scenes captivate his starry-eyed audience that hangs onto every word. An amber-eyed man listens intently, a peaceful expression washing over his handsome face as if he is recalling pleasant memories of days gone by. The sweet scents of steamed rice, caramelized sugars and smoke, and various fragrant spices hit your nose as you pass by a restaurant across the street with a long line of people waiting to order outside. A girl with short blue hair runs out of the kitchen, carrying several plates of food to the establishment with the storyteller.
“Excuse me! Coming through!”
A small stall wedged in the space between the restaurant and another building harks its goods to passersby.
“Cheap and tasty chop suey! Special Lantern Rite deal- half off of everything!”
The path curves down from there, leading to the shipping and loading docks of the port. You go past that toward where everyone is gathered. You gasp and momentarily, you go speechless. It’s simply gorgeous. You have no other way to describe it.
Lotus-shaped lights illuminate the pathway and golden lanterns are strung about, bathing you and Ena in an orange glow. Parasols of every shape and color hang from the scaffolding above, casting shades of color across your faces. An old man off to the side adds some last-minute touches to the giant puppet head that will be used for tonight’s dragon dance. You catch a glimpse of it as you pass by and it is a true labor of love, painstakingly crafted down to the tiniest detail. The performers for said dance rehearse the complicated choreography to your left, running in circles and weaving in and out of each other to the point where your eyes hurt from watching. Stalls and vendors sell a variety of goods- street food, paper lanterns to release into the sky, firecrackers, decorations, toys for children, and flowers with auspicious meanings among many other things.
The heavy crowds and sounds of cheer and festivities make you almost forget about the chilling mid-winter cold. Ena disappears for a second and reappears with a bundle of flowers that he swiftly tucks behind your ear.
“Hmm? What flower is this?”
“They’re peach blossoms.”
You shoot a glance at the pale pink blossoms and smile as a thank-you before returning back to the celebration. He stifles a laugh upon your reaction. Clearly, you were unaware of the symbolism behind the flowers.
Peach blossoms symbolize romance. It’s often gifted by young people, as they believe it will bring romantic luck.
(He mentally thanks Nahida for forcing him to go to school. Some of the stuff he learned there was actually helping him.)
To your right, two girls perform on an illuminated stage, one singing while the other plays the guitar to the thunderous applause of the audience. You sneak past the crowd to admire the Mingxiao lantern the size of a parade float that towers above everyone behind the stage. It depicts a gold and red goose (an Adeptus?) taking to the skies, with the jagged peaks of Liyue in blue behind it. A yellow whole moon partially hides behind the tallest one and wisps of fog obscure the ground and lazily wind around the mountaintops.
The energy of the crowd has been palpable ever since you got here, but it increases now as you look toward where everyone else’s gaze is directed at- the sky.
“Hurry, it’s about to start!”
“Over here, over here! I saved this spot before anyone else could get it!”
Mere moments later, a loud boom goes off and an orange firework explodes in the sky. Then another one. And another one. The fireworks show has started and while they are beautiful, you’re having a difficult time enjoying it while everyone else is jostling for a view. Unfortunately, that means you can’t see much of anything either…
You feel a sharp tug at your wrist and look back to see Ena trying to squeeze his way through the crowd without losing his hat and being crushed alive.
“I know of a spot. Follow me!”
With much difficulty and after almost getting your ribs crushed, you break free of the crowd. Ena hoists you onto his shoulders and speeds through the now-empty streets with the help of his vision, carefully avoiding the Millileth stationed.
“You seem to be enjoying this position,” you offhandedly comment as he squeezes your thighs.
“It’s one of the only ways I can get your lazy ass places,” he says, like the liar he is.
(He secretly just likes the feeling of your thighs around his neck.)
He comes to a stop atop a building on the outskirts of the city and from here, you have a perfect view of the fireworks. Some whirl into a spiral while others slowly shoot straight up as they explode in a glittering multicolored shower. Some fireworks tumble like a waterfall and others pepper the sky in rapid flashes of light that have you seeing stars afterward.
“Isn’t what we’re doing right now technically illegal?” you ask while still keeping your eyes on the firework display. He laughs and you can practically imagine him rolling his eyes.
“Would you rather be here or before where we were practically suffocating to death?”
You laugh as well with a smile on your face. Ena squeezes your hand in his (when did that get there?) while he pulls something out. You look away from the show to see him place a red and gold metal canister between you two. It’s rather similar to the fireworks launchers you saw in the city…
“Ena, don’t tell me you-”
“What, it’s not like they’re going to notice one gone! They’ve got a bunch to spare anyway.”
He motions for you to move away from the canister and pulls out a bamboo tube with a conical cap mounted to a stick. He strikes a match and after lighting the fuse, sticks it into the mortar and moves away. You both cover your ears and after a few seconds, it shoots out with a high-pitched whistling sound before exploding in a golden display that resembles the branches of a weeping willow tree.
“Did you steal the fireworks too?” you ask with a wide grin on your face. He scowls at the question and begins to prepare another one for launch.
“No. I bought them,” he grumbles. The next firework exits the mortar and explodes in the sky. It resembles a white chrysanthemum.
You’ve all but forgotten about the official show as you take turns launching fireworks and creating your own (illegal) display. The official show may be more flashy, but yours has a magic of its own that can’t be recreated.
“Aw, how cute! This firework is shaped like a heart!” you exclaim as you watch it scatter in a shower of pink sparkles. The amount of fireworks being launched from the harbor suddenly increases and you realize it must be the grand finale already.
Ena pulls something out again. Two Mingxiao lanterns. He passes one to you along with a brush and some ink.
“The people of Liyue have a tradition of writing riddles on lanterns during the Lantern Rite,” he explains upon seeing your confusion. “Write whatever you’d like- it doesn’t have to be a riddle- and once the fireworks are over, we’ll release them into the sky, ok?”
He watches you frown and mull over what you want to write, face scrunching up into various expressions of contemplation and hesitation. He internally laughs at the sight before returning to his lantern, brush gliding over the paper with confidence.
I wish for (Name) to accept me for who I am.
And as the last of the fireworks explode in the sky, you and Ena release your lanterns in unison, soaring into the sky and joining the lanterns of everyone else. You lean against his shoulder (when did the distance between you two get so close?) and gaze at your lanterns drifting away.
“What did you wish for?” you ask.
“It’s a secret. I’m not telling you.”
“Fine. I’m not telling you mine either.”
You silently laugh to yourself. You had gotten a glimpse of what he was writing and while it may have been written in the old Inazuman script (most likely to confuse your prying eyes), you were still a former Akademiya student and you still had a decent knowledge of languages. The Inazuman language was one you were proficient in before you dropped out and you could get the general idea of his wish written onto the lantern.
How cute.
And as for what you wrote?
Ena couldn’t help but peek when you were writing. With the light of the fireworks, he had seen what you were written and a long-forgotten emotion erupted in his newly-acquired heart.
I wish for Ena to receive the love he deserves.
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The last nation he takes you to is Inazuma.
You had spent a few months in Liyue until the weather warmed up, discovering everything the nation had to offer. You had ventured into the Adepti’s abode in Jueyun Karst, visited the famed turquoise waters of Luhua Pool, and explored the countless ancient ruins scattered throughout the land. At one point, with a letter from the Traveler and special clearance from the Millelith, he takes you to the Chasm. There, you had carefully crossed the creaky wooden walkways with high winds whipping you around and had scaled the high peaks covered with ochre grass and trees with crimson-colored leaves. The gaping maw in the center leading to the Underground Mines had tempted you and there you had stayed for a while, staring down into it.
(He contemplated bringing you there because it had a beauty of its own, but ultimately decided against it due to how dangerous it was.)
Now docked at Ritou Harbor after a long passage across the sea, Ena watches as the sleep disappears from your eyes, only to be replaced by wonder as you take in the silent harbor that is beginning to stir. Ships are anchored along the pier and unloaded. The fishermen are coming back as the sun rises above the horizon and are laying out their catch to sell. Purple banners planted along the boardwalk that are emblazoned with the Electro mitsudomoe proudly signify the reign of the Shogun. Maple trees dot the landscape and Mt. Yougou towers above in the distance with a faint green light emanating from it.
Ena’s eyes narrow and he bites his lip at the familiar sights. Returning to his homeland left him feeling conflicted and while nobody would remember him- namely, the Shogun- unpleasant memories still resurfaced. His abandonment, the place he once called home, and especially now, the regret and rage that fills him as he recalls those he considered family and Dottore who twisted the truth into a lie, ruining his life.
But he casts his thoughts aside. His past no longer defined who he was, especially at this moment. Besides, this was your first time in Inazuma. What kind of tour guide would he be if he couldn’t cast his own prejudices aside?
Long ago, when he was still in the Fatui, you had asked him about his origins.
“Scara, you’re from Inazuma, right?”
“Yeah. What about it?”
“I’ve always wanted to visit the nation. Can you take me there someday?”
“Once the situation there clears up, sure.”
He was never able to fulfill that promise with his previous self. Now, he could finally be true to his word, even if you could no longer remember.
Narukami Island dazzles you with its splendor and tradition everywhere you look. Sakura blooms drift along the warm spring breezes in Inazuma City as you pass by stores selling elaborate kimonos and blacksmiths continuing the art of forging that had been passed down for centuries. Ena proves himself to be quite the knowledgeable tour guide, pointing out cultural relics and small facts that you wouldn’t have known otherwise.
Early on in your stay, Ena pays a visit to the Statue of the Omnipresent God near Tenshukaku. He just… stands there. And gazes up at it. In the short time there, a lifetime of emotions crossed his face. Betrayal, wrath, denial, emptiness, regret, and even acceptance.
(You notice that the statue doesn’t look like the Electro Archon at all. What could it possibly be here for then?)
“Let’s go.”
With a light tug at your wrist and a final glance back at Tenshukaku, he leads you ahead without another look back.
The main attraction aside from the city is the Grand Narukami Shrine. From what you’ve heard, the trek there is long and arduous but worth it for its beauty and view over Inazuma. Ena leads you there through Chinju Forest which takes you onto the shortest route. The forest is tranquil and you hear the sound of running water from the large stream cutting through the forest. Blue flowers glow underneath the moonlight in large clumps and tanuki statues are found everywhere. Red torii gates are scattered throughout and mark pathways.
While the forest is beautiful, it’s also a little eerie. The lack of light and silence creeps you out and Ena has the brilliant idea to tell you ghost stories here, of all places.
“There’s a legend of a yokai that lurks in the forest around here,” he begins. “Care to hear the tale?”
You swat at his arm to silence him. He dodges your hand quickly and smiles impishly at you.
“What? Scared already?”
“Shut up.”
You leave the forest, refusing to speak to Ena and ignoring all of his purposeful attempts to rile you up. A blue-haired girl and her brother stand at the entrance to the lavish estate to your right. She pulls out her folding fan, covering the smile on her face at your petty arguments.
The path leading to the shrine is an arduous trek and not to mention slippery, as it had rained the day before. He has to help you up in some parts where there are no stairs, lest you slip and fall. The steps are steep and the path winding around the mountain seems never-ending. After much grumbling and pleading on your part, Ena finally agrees to carry you on his back.
“Thank you…”
“Stop being lazy,” he retorts. You rest your cheek against his shoulder and he immediately goes silent. Your hand brushes against his and in an uncharacteristically bold move, Ena grasps it and squeezes lightly. A light giggle escapes you. His hand is delicate and soft against yours, much like a doll’s.
At that moment, he’s glad you can’t see the blush dusting his cheeks.
But the rumors were right- the view is indeed gorgeous from here. Ena stops at one point and you peer over his shoulder to see the landscape of Inazuma. Jagged boulders float in midair with sakura trees planted for decoration and lanterns to aid shrine-goers in the dead of night. The vast blue sea that seals off Inazuma from the rest of the world stretches as far as the eye can see with several smaller islands and shipwrecks dotting the landscape. Chōchin lanterns hang from the branches of trees, swaying lightly in the wind and scattering sakura petals. Some red foxes are resting at the bottom of the stairs and come up to cautiously sniff at Ena. He leans down to pet them for a bit, allowing you to do the same, before continuing.
As you ascend the stairs winding around the mountain, you pass through countless torii gates with red tōrō lanterns and shoji lamps decorated with the symbol of the shrine flanking your sides and realize the shrine must be just up ahead. And indeed, that hypothesis proves to be true as Ena finishes climbing the last set of stairs and stops in front of the shrine. He takes his hat off and you hop off his back.
The shrine is awe-inspiring. It’s larger than you thought it’d be and built from red lacquered wood with chōchin lanterns hanging from the eaves of the roof. Two thick shimenawa ropes with shide papers attached to them stretch across the entrance and the small body of water the shrine is built upon reflects the early morning sky above. Sessha shrines line the outskirts with various offerings and resemble miniature versions of the Grand Narukami Shrine.
As you take in the sights of the shrine and the view of Inazuma from above, Ena looks around cautiously, hoping that a certain meddling pink kitsune wouldn’t show up.
What a nuisance that’d be, he thinks as he squints against the sun’s rays. He quickly picks up on your confusion as you look around, unsure of what to do.
“Relax,” he says, taking your hand in his. “I’ll guide you through the whole process.”
Ena leads you through everything, from purification to burning incense. At that stage, he had asked you if you had any injuries. You had looked at him strangely and he explained that some people fan the smoke toward themselves for healing purposes.
“Oh, that’s interesting,” you said. “But I’m fine, so there’s no need to.”
You miss how he fans the smoke toward his heart when you turn away. He stares at his Anemo vision for a split second before returning to your side.
You’re staring at the large bell attached to a bundle of multicolored cords hanging from the ceiling. He steps forward and shakes it, making the bell chime loudly. You watch closely as he drops some Mora into the offertory box before bowing twice, clapping twice, and then standing straight with his hands joined in a prayer position. You then do the same, albeit with less confidence.
“Hey,” you whisper. He peeks an eye open. “What do I pray for?”
“Anything,” he whispers back. “Good health, fortune, success at school-”
You roll your eyes.
“- or even luck in romantic relationships.”
You look off to the side at that one, hoping he doesn’t see how the tips of your ears are flushed.
Ena closes his eyes again and thinks for a bit about what else to pray for. He had already wished for acceptance from you during the Lantern Rite. Just now, he had prayed for your health and the safety of Sumeru, along with wishes of well-being for Lesser Lord Kusanali. What else was there?
(He had contemplated praying for Dottore’s downfall but ultimately decided that wouldn’t be appropriate within a shrine setting.)
Pray for (Name) to fall in love with you again, says the voice in his head. You did tell them that praying for romantic luck was common among shrine-goers, so why not do that yourself?
Ena feels his face heat up and his heart starts pounding rapidly. With a light shake of his head, he clears his mind.
I wish for (Name) to fall in love with me again. I have already lost Niwa, Katsuragi, the rest of my family in Tatarasuna, and the fledgling child who was just like me long ago. After wandering across the world for several centuries, I long for a place to call home now.
Archons above, I am a changed man now. Please, allow me to have the simple joys of love and solace.
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Your trip is nearing its end. The days are much longer now and the weather considerably, almost unbearably at times, warmer.
Now in the last leg of your journey, Ena gazes out at the sea aboard the boat carrying him to your last destination, Kannazuka Island. The last time he went back to Inazuma was during the Vision Hunt Decree to retrieve the Electro Gnosis and that was on orders from the Tsaritsa, plus that was restricted to Narukami Island only. Ever since the disaster that had befallen Tatarasuna, he hadn’t gone back out of fear and shame.
And that is who he really is. A man who was ashamed of his past and afraid of witnessing the consequences of his actions. Ignorance is bliss, yet that belief was unable to prevent the shield of scorn and egotism he had built up for himself from crumbling down in an instant in Sumeru, the cracks that had been forming for a long time now exposed and the truth finally revealed.
How pathetic, mocks the voice in his head that never seems to go away- perhaps the only remnant of his former self. Look at who you’ve become. How weak. What a disappointment. Such activities are beneath you, yet why do you indulge them with your divine presence?
Shut it, he thinks. Enough of you. My roots may be divine, but they have no influence on who I am today. I am a different person now, whether you like it or not.
Ena looks around him and sighs. He had sworn to never return to this nation that he harbored only bitterness and bad memories toward. He had cursed the Archon’s name and denounced her reign, laughed at her frivolous pursuit of eternity, yet here he was once again.
The prodigal son had finally made a return home.
Love really makes people weak, doesn’t it?
The boat gently comes to a stop against the shoreline of Nazuchi Beach. Rotting shipwrecks and driftwood litter the white sands and warm shallow waters. Faded and frayed war banners lie half-buried in the sand with arrowheads embedded everywhere you look- the only remains of the several bloody wars that were waged here.
You hop off the boat, eager to explore what lies ahead, while Ena lingers for a bit to gather his thoughts. Already, he can see the familiar silhouette of the furnace and its purple glow in the distance. An unfamiliar feeling of dread settles in his stomach, twisting and turning anxiously. But dallying and wasting time will not change the outcome of anything.
And so with bated breath, he leads the way. Passing through the entrance that leads to Tatarasuna, the full scale of the site becomes apparent. In the middle, a floating rock formation hovers above the water and is linked to the rest of the island via walkways that are now rotting and falling apart. A strange purple glow radiates from the center. The houses built have long since been abandoned, their windows dark and empty. Hovering above it all is the Mikage Furnace. Although it was shut down a long time ago, small sparks of Electro are still intermittently emitted from it.
The ancient machinery quietly creaks in the wind. The air feels electric with the heavy concentration of Electro energy present, making his hair stand on end. Carts filled with iron ore lie off to the side, looking as if they were haphazardly abandoned. He can’t help but feel a little remorseful at the sorry state the place is in now.
There is one last task for him to finish here- one that he should have completed long ago.
Better late than never, he thinks as he rummages around for a sword of some sort that may have been miraculously left behind. Most of what was here has been pillaged by the Fatui; he recognizes their handiwork- sloppy and inconsiderate, but by a stroke of luck, he finds one.
Meanwhile, you investigate what’s nearby. Soon into your investigation, you find some yellowed notes scattered about. The age of the notes has made the words rather difficult to decipher and the elements have worn away much of the original content.
… We at last made a single nagamaki. We call it the Daitatara Nagamasa. The Inspector was in high spirits, and he and the Vice Armory Officer… Nozomu was so taken by the beauty of the Daitatara Nagamasa that he drew a picture of it.
The Inspector flew into a rage and slashed Katsuragi. The great blade cut deep into the flesh… cast his own nagamaki into the furnace’s flame… Nozomu could not abide by that order, and drew the completely melted weapon out of the furnace… He was horribly burned.
… Nozomu died that night. I daresay that while Sir Katsuragi may have committed malfeasance, it was out of the goodness of his heart.
“(Name), can you go pick some flowers for me?”
His question comes suddenly and unexpectedly. You look up from the notes you are reading. He holds a rusted sword in his hand and gives it a few experimental swings. You soundlessly nod and disappear.
There are some old polishing stones lying beneath a table and he gets to work. It’s the first time he’s touched a blade in 500 years, yet in his mind, he’s transported back to the moment he learned how to forge and polish swords under the watch of Niwa and the others. Their gentle guidance from ages ago resurfaces, guiding him through the sacred process. Bit by bit, the rust is scrubbed away and its original sheen is restored. It is difficult work, but it’s cathartic. It feels like he’s making amends for his past actions.
After wiping away the last few drops of water, the sword is now finished. It shines brilliantly without a speck of rust showing. The handguard and hilt have been cleaned thoroughly and it looks as good as new.
Ena walks over to a grassy spot near the water and digs a small hole, where he places a few items before covering it up again. Some small candies, cigarettes, six coins for safe passage to the afterlife, a white kimono, and a pair of sandals.
He drives the sword into the soft earth. He tugs it a few times to ensure it won’t budge before pulling out some sticks of incense and lighting them. The woody smell with hints of spice and resin is carried through the air.
On your way back now, you smell something spicy and familiar drifting from the direction of the furnace.
“I’m back now,” you call out. “What did you need these-”
The lit incense sticks, the sword stuck in the ground, his head bowed. The realization hits you instantly.
So this is why he asked me to gather flowers. It’s a memorial- a grave.
Dendrobiums, stalks of Naku Weed, Sea Ganodermas you had harvested in the shallow beach waters, and deposits of Crystal Marrow are arranged around the symbolic tomb in the best flower arrangement your limited skills could make.
“Thank you,” he whispers as you kneel next to him.
“Who is it for?”
“Everyone,” he says, gesturing around him. “It’s for everyone who was here.”
Ena looks up from the ground and for a second, he thinks he’s gone back in time. The sun shines, bathing the abandoned mine in golden light. The fires in the furnace are stoked and plumes of smoke drift out of the tall chimney. Katsuragi smelts the red-hot steel in the tatara while Niwa hammers and folds the cooling metal. The residents of Tatarasuna, people from all walks of life, children and elders alike, live their lives with joy and pride.
Ah, it’s been so long since he’s last seen them, yet he can still remember their faces clearly as if he never left.
One of them- a child- sees him out of the corner of his eye. He says something- no words can be heard but Ena reads his lips.
Look, Kabukimono is back!
One by one, the rest of the residents take notice of him. They each bear varied expressions on their faces weathered by hard work- some cover their mouths with their eyes blown wide in surprise, others heave a deep sigh of relief with smiles stretching across their faces, while others have tears of joy prickling at the corners of their eyes.
Archons, it’s been so long since I’ve last seen him.
Tell us what you’ve been up to lately! I’m sure you have many stories to share.
My, look at how handsome he is now!
The ward we took in has now finally grown up.
It makes me so proud to see him like this.
There’s a tight feeling in his chest as he stumbles forward toward the sea of familiar faces, beckoning him with warm smiles and welcoming arms. He lurches forward again, and three pairs of warm hands as fleeting as a feather lightly brush over his shoulder, steadying him. Looking up, he sees the familiar faces of Niwa, Katsuragi, and Nagamasa. They beam at him, not a hint of betrayal or anger present in their smiles.
Ena’s heart seizes up in his chest. What does he say in a situation like this?
Did you find your heart at last?
“... Yes,” he finally answers.
“It was here all along.”
We’ve missed you.
Crying is for the weak. It is a useless display of emotions. That is what he has told himself repeatedly throughout his life.
And yet, he can’t help the tears that threaten to spill over.
He rushes forward, longing for one last chance to make amends. They surround him in a warm embrace, murmuring words of reassurance as the tears finally spill over.
“I’m sorry!” he chokes out. “I should have been there! I shouldn’t have run away!”
A strong gust of wind blows through the clearing and the ghosts of Tatarasuna waver, their images beginning to fade and dissipate in specks of golden light.
His blood runs cold in terror.
No, not yet! There’s still so much I want to say- so much I want to apologize for!
The sound of gentle laughter is carried along with the wind and as the last of their shimmering visages fade away, he hears their final words.
What do you mean, Kabukimono?
We forgave you long ago.
It was never your fault to begin with.
You are our pride and joy.
This is goodbye now. But we, the residents of Tatarasuna you considered family, will always be with you.
We can now move on safely to the afterlife.
We can now rest after seeing our little Kabukimono at peace with himself.
Thank you for returning home one last time.
The last of their afterimages vanish, leaving nothing behind. The sun retreats behind the clouds once more, the clearing now cloudy as it was before. But at last, Ena feels at peace- as if a great burden had finally been lifted from his shoulders. The unfinished task from centuries ago had finally been completed.
“Let’s go home now, (Name).”
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Ena has been acting strange lately.
On the way back, he kept pacing back and forth. He had kept toying with his Anemo vision and staring at the sky. When he thought you were asleep, he would hold you tightly in his arms as if he was afraid to lose you. You would catch him with his hands clasped together and praying when he thought you weren’t looking.
But praying to who exactly?
At last, you are at home in Sumeru again. It is late at night now, and the streets are silent. Most of the residents are asleep except for a few late-night stragglers coming home from work or the tavern. That night, you fell into a deep sleep and for the first time ever since you were a child, you dreamt.
But much to your surprise, you see Ena and Lesser Lord Kusanali in your dream soon after falling asleep. This feels vaguely familiar and something tells you this was done on purpose.
“Welcome back,” she says. “How was your trip?”
“Fine. I enjoyed it,” he responds.
She giggles. “That’s good to hear. I take it that your goal is complete and that you got to tie up some loose ends?”
“You could say that.”
The little Archon turns her attention to you now. Her eyes peer at you curiously and you get the vague feeling that she can read your mind.
“You must be (Name). You’re a smart cookie- smarter than people give you credit for. I’m sure you’ve wondered what you and Ena are to each other at least once by now.”
“There’s been a few hints dropped here and there throughout our journey that made me question the nature of our relationship or who we once were,” you admit.
“But I can’t help but wonder what happened to… ”
You gesture at the space between you and Ena.
“... Us?”
A translucent green box materializes between her hands. It glows and floats, emitting specks of Dendro energy intermittently.
“Please suspend disbelief for a moment, as what I’m about to say may sound unrealistic. This box you see here is a copy of his memories from his creation up until recently. It contains the true, unaltered version of history.”
Creation? Copy of his memories? The unaltered version of history?
A thousand questions swirl inside your mind, waiting to be asked, yet they all dissipate at her next question.
“Do you wish to remember the past?”
You hesitantly look at Ena. He turns away as if he is ashamed of meeting your gaze.
“This decision is all up to you,” she adds. “Rest assured that whatever you choose will not affect your relationship with Ena. He has told me that himself.
“But please bear in mind that in his past life, Ena was what many would consider as ‘evil’. He had committed countless crimes and many people had died because of him. With this preface, do you still wish to remember the past?”
You glance at Ena again, who is still avoiding your gaze. The delicate balance of your relationship hangs on the line. Was it even worth knowing the truth? You were perfectly content with the way things were as of now.
… But the voice in the back of your head urges you to dig deeper and uncover the truth.
“I still do. Please, show me everything.”
Ena winces slightly, bracing himself for the worst.
“Very well then.”
The green box slowly drifts toward you before suddenly slamming into your chest. You let out a choked gasp, your vision slowly going dark as all his memories begin to flood your mind. The last thing you hear is Ena’s concerned question.
“Will they be alright?”
“It’s the same as when you regained your memories,” replies Lesser Lord Kusanali. “They’ll be in for a shock but will ultimately emerge with a newfound understanding of who you are.”
“Set him free?”
“A puppet? What’s he doing here…”
“You’re a human as far as I’m concerned.”
“What a fine blade! Nagamasa will be thrilled.”
“He took it straight from the chest of one of his innocent servants.”
“What a joke… it’s just ashes… nothing left but ashes.”
“Are you deaf or just stupid?”
That’s the sound of your own voice. In the midst of his memory space, you freeze. The version of yourself you see is one from several years ago, back when you were still in the Akademiya. The sight of the green uniform and beret sends a wave of nostalgia through your heart. Ena resembles the version of himself you saw in the photo at your house- dressed in shades of dark purple and black with accents of red and gold.
“What did you want to tell me? You dragged me out here late at night so it better be worth-”
“I hate you.”
“Excuse me?”
“I hate you,” he repeated. “Everything about you annoys me greatly. You can’t handle your alcohol, yet you still insist on having drinks every week. I can’t tell if you’re idiotic or-”
“It’s Mondstadt, what else am I supposed to do here? And why is it that you carry me home on your back each time without fail?”
“Because you’d look pretty pathetic otherwise. I’d get secondhand embarrassment if I didn’t do something about it.”
You rolled your eyes at his remarks.
“Your taste in music sucks and you always have the strangest ideas. Seriously, where do you even come up with-”
“If you think they’re so strange, then why did you agree to dance with me in the town square yesterday? Entertain my silly idea of participating in the festival that was happening last week even though, in your opinion, you thought it was ‘stupid and a waste of time?’ Although, it looked like you were having fun as well…”
“...That’s beside the point. You also talk too much. It hurts my ears just listening to you sometimes.”
“Is that why you were glaring at the guy I was chatting with the other day?”
“No- I mean, yes.”
The look on your face tells him you don’t believe his blatant lie one bit.
“I can’t think properly when you’re around me,” he snapped in an attempt to change the subject. “You make me feel strange and I hate it. Whenever your eyes linger on me, I feel strangely exposed. When you touch me, my skin burns and I can’t breathe for some strange reason. You wear your heart on your sleeve but you’re also difficult to understand. I can’t figure you out for the life of me. You cry and laugh when you’re mad, but when you’re actually upset, you hide your tears and go silent. You’re a walking contradiction, which makes me even more confused as to why I feel this- hey, why are you laughing?”
He glared at your figure shaking with laughter and a clear expression of understanding written all over your face.
“Nothing, it’s just… I think we both know why you’re feeling this way, Scara,” you whispered as you leaned in to cup his cheek. He shied away from your touch but still accepted it.
“Don’t make me say it,” he grumbled quietly. “It’s embarrassing.”
He closed his eyes and leaned into your hand cradling his cheek.
“But it’s the truth, is it not? In that case, what is there to be embarrassed about?”
You’re so close to him that he could feel the soft exhale of your breath tickle his cheek. He looked away, avoiding eye contact with you, but he could still feel your burning gaze of adoration on his skin.
“Say it,” you breathed. “I want to hear you say those three words, Scara.”
“... You are the one I hold dearest to my heart,” he finally whispered. “You are my first and only love.”
The gap between you closes. He saw the moonlight reflected in your irises clearly and your eyes glimmering with hope, heard the way your breath hitched in anticipation. As his lips brushed against yours, he finally whispered those three words you’d been longing to hear.
“I love you.”
With a start, you are brought back to reality. Lesser Lord Kusanali and Ena watch you with concern in their eyes.
“Welcome back,” begins the former. “How do you feel with this newfound information?”
“A little overwhelmed,” you admit. “But everything makes much more sense now.”
You turn your attention toward Ena, who eyes you warily much like a stray cat would.
“Well then? What is your verdict?” he snaps harshly. “Going to abandon me the same way my mothe- my creator did?”
“Quite the opposite, actually.”
You mull over your words momentarily, wondering where even to begin.
“What do you do with a broken doll?” you finally ask. Ena looks at you strangely, like he wasn’t expecting you to open with that starter of all possible options.
“Do you fill in the cracks with gold to embrace its flaws? Paint over it to hide the defects underneath? Give it a newer and stronger shell? Or perhaps discard it entirely in favor of a new one? From what I saw, you’ve cycled through all those options haven’t you, Ena?”
He looks away.
“Like the Inazuman art of kintsugi, you tried to embrace your defects when you were still known as Kabukimono. Despite being considered flawed, you still attempted to show how beautiful and strong you could be. During your time in the Fatui when you were known as the Balladeer, you hid that part of yourself underneath a veil of arrogance, hating how weak you were despite said weakness being something your first self saw as a sign of strength more than anything. As the Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom or Shouki no Kami, the Prodigal, you quite literally gave yourself a stronger shell in your attempt to ascend to godhood. But despite the grandness of it all, it was nothing more than a cheap veneer on the same self-loathing that brought everything crashing down when you were so close to everything you had ever hoped for.”
You reach your hands out and intertwine them with his.
“In such cases where all other options have failed, starting over is the best decision. The neglect and decay that have accumulated over several hundred years will be purged and a new healthy base made from only the purest of white wood will be used.”
You squeeze his hands lightly.
“Sometimes, you have to let those parts of yourself go. Otherwise, you will never obtain happiness. By discarding who you once were, you’ve healed and learned how to atone for your actions.
“You’ve changed for the better, Ena. The metaphorical blood on your hands has been washed clean. So then why should I abandon you? For abandoning you who I once loved, still love, and will continue to love means invalidating all your past struggles and how much you’ve changed. What kind of lover would I be if I did that?”
Lesser Lord Kusanali claps and smiles.
“That was a good use of metaphors, (Name). I liked it!”
Ena lets out a long sigh of relief and tips his head back. He hadn’t cried ever since his creation 500 years ago but now, he was filled with the overwhelming urge to cry. There’s a burning sensation at the back of his eyes and he fights the urge to release everything he had been holding back.
Is this what people called tears of joy?
“Thank you, (Name).”
What once was has now been rediscovered, no longer consigned to a thing of the past. That which he had longed for was now finally in his arms. Ena closes his eyes and pulls you into a hug. It’s a wonderful feeling- forgiveness and love.
Maybe, just maybe, he can now finally be at peace with himself.
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bimobuddy · 8 months
Cheering up a Clown (Helluva)
Helluva Boss tk fic
Asmodeus x Fizzaroli
CW - Suggestive joke, but no actual NSFW content takes place.
Takes place after S2-E6 (spoilers)
Summary: Fizz is upset about his friendship situation with Blitzø, Ozzie decides to cheer him up
Fizz looked down at his metallic hands and sighed a little. His right arm a slightly lighter shade than his left, having been just recently replaced after the kidnapping incident.
He had spent fifteen years angry at his best friend, not talking to him, and the thing that brought them back together was a hostage situation. He knew logically what happened to him was a genuine accident, but getting over fifteen years of anger and sadness was easier said than done. And that bothered him.
"Deep in thought, are we?"
Fizz turned to look up at Ozzie, changed into his robe for the evening. "Hey, there's my Big C-" "You're making a rooster pun to avoid talking about it, Fizzy." Darn, he knew him well. Ozzie sat on the large bed next to his tiny partner. "If you want to talk, Fizz, I'm here to listen." He said with the most love and compassion Fizz had ever heard from anyone in Hell. And the fact that it was directed at him made Fizz want to open up.
"Blitzø and I made up during that hostage situation.. I wouldn't have escaped if not for him, and I realized the whole.. blowing up incident.. it was a genuine accident on his end," He looked up at Oz, who was listening, nodding every once in a while, "I also learned he tried to visit me multiple times, but the staff at the circus told him I didn't want to see him, and they never told me he came to see me.. They lied to us, Ozzie, to keep us from talking." He felt tears start to sting his eyes, both from anger at the situation, and sadness that he had lost fifteen years with someone he had considered his best friend.
Upon seeing the tears, Asmodeus was quick to scoop up his little clown partner and hold him in one arm, using the other to wipe his tears away. "Fizzy, dear, it's going to be alright. I can't tell you that the pain will just go away, but remember we don't die of old age, you have an eternity to rebuild this relationship with him, if that's what you want." Fizz looked up at him and nodded. Ozzie continued, "I also can't say I know how you feel, but I can imagine it's probably very frustrating, upsetting, and difficult to fully process right now. Right?" Fizz nodded again.
Oz sighed, "My poor little froggy, I hate seeing you so hurt," He gently pressed their foreheads together. With Fizz having robotic limbs, this was how they cuddled or showed affection, as his head was the most sensitive part of him now. He continued, "Everything will work out, alright? It will take time and effort, and I'll support you every step of the way, but it will work out."
Fizz managed a smile and nuzzled his forehead again, his tail flicking a little. Ozzie smiled right back and held him closer. "Hey, there's my happy little Jester, where'd ya go?" He joked, causing Fizz to giggle. It was quiet and soft, since he had just been crying. It was a start, but not enough for Ozzie.
He started to pepper kisses over Fizz's forehead and face, while a gentle hand skittered up his side. "Smile, Fizzy~" Fizzaroli arched his back and leaned away out of instinct, rough giggles bubbling from his chest. "Ohohozziihihie!" He giggled, turning his head to hide his face in his lover's fluff. Oz simply followed him, tickling side to side over his tummy, how he knew Fizz liked it, even if he'd never admit it. He paid attention to his little gremlin.
Fizz arched and squirmed and curled up, but never truly made an effort to get away or ask him to stop. He'd let out half hearted 'nooo's and 'please' but never did he communicate that he wanted it to stop yet. "Ohohozzie, nohoho!" He squealed as Ozzie pinched at his lower sides, just above his hips, which made him curl up, and giggle much harder, gently swatting at his hands.
Ozzie brought Fizz up higher and nuzzled into his tummy, something he knew drove Fizz up the wall. Fizz immediately started to push against the rooster's head, kicking his legs out (careful not to actually hit Oz), while he giggled so hard, his sides would ache later. His tail went wild, waving from side to side. "Ohohoz, nohohoho, ihit tihihihickles!" Oz chuckled into Fizz' tummy, which only made it worse. "It tickles? Well that is kind of the point, Fizzy." Fizz shook his head, causing the bells on his hat to jingle. "Ihihit tihickles bahahad!" "And yet you haven't told me to-" "Stohop!"
Instantly, Ozzie stopped, and held Fizz close. He gave him enough time and space to breathe, and once he knew he was fine, Oz pressed their heads together again. "Feeling better?" He asked. Fizz let out another giggle, "Yeah.. I am." he said, stretching his arms around the bigger demon.
"Good, that's all that matters to me right now." Ozzie replied, laying down with Fizz on his chest. The former clown was quick to fall asleep, tired and feeling loved, and Oz was close behind.
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bluedeedeedoop · 1 month
My Thoughts on Tales of the Empire; mostly Barriss (spoilers ahead!)
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Ah hello all, i have had some days or so to think since watching the show and to say it has completely wiped me of my life force would be... pretty accurate tbh. BUT I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED TO POST MY THOUGHTS. will this cover my entire though process that im sTill working through? PROBABLY NOT! my thoughts are very unorganized and very unstable! ANYWAAAAYS.
Now I just gotta say overall, the show itself definitely passed the test. To be completely honest, i wasn't really paying attention to the Morgan parts as i was the Barriss parts, since it was literally what I was looking forward to this entire time.
Though I will say that the first Morgan episode was pretty neat! it was crazy seeing that perspective of the Nightsisters again and god did they make Grievous fucking terrifying. Honestly, bravo to them, it was amazing. I diiiiid end up just.. kinda spacing out the rest of it tho unfortunately cuz i just wanted to see barriss..
Visuals 10000/10. stunning, amazing, phenomenal, gahdamn. the animation was so smooth and fluid and uGHH it was amazing throughout the entire show. Acting amazing as always. BUT GOD I CANT GET OVER HOW AMAZING THE ANIMATION WAS.
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In my opinion, they got her character pretty on the dot. I am SO glad they did. I was rlly rlly worried they were totally butcher her character and make her unrecognizable to all of us but oml they didn't completely disappoint us, she has her morals, SHES STILL A HEALER! Im so happy from that.
Now although i did enjoy it, i do have my own little complaints.
Now okay one i noticed since the trailer and has REALLY been bugging me; where are her hand tattoos??? idk i guess i just wasn't expecting them to just be gone?? they couldn't have just forgotten them.. right? I dunno, but unless someone has a genuine answer for that, imma just keep drawing them on her in the future.
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Alright another thing i've been seeing ppl post about is how come she looked so old at the end? I am also confused on that and i've seen multiple theories. She should only be like 30-35 max right?? Because i'm assuming the last episode took place a the time in Rebels where the inquisitors were after the force sensitive children, and Ahsoka was around that age a the time, so why is Barriss any different?
I suppose the one i think makes the most sense is the force healing? I guess it could take a toll on her over the years causing her to look more aged, but still, i'd really prefer an explanation. Also what happened to her hair coverings?? Is that not her culture?? I dunno, again, i really need an explanation. I suppose that maybe her perspective has changed since trying to come to terms with her new life, and her ditching the coverings is a way to free herself from her past? Honestly i have no clue but i just need a lot of things answered.
That's mostly my complaints on it! I just felt things weren't explained enough but to be fair, they only gave her like 3 15-ish min episodes?? I really think they got some explaining to do. Which brings me to my next points.
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I'm like... 98% sure that the "old friend" is Ahsoka that she was talking about. Who else would it be?? Like cmon. And if it is Ahsoka, why did we not get to see anything about the moment of confrontation? or at least more of a mention? I guess they wouldn't rlly wanna rush that scene, and tbh, im glad they didn't. It's not some "we talk for 5 min and everything is fine" type of situation. it'll take time. time to rebuild that trust. time to discuss. YEAH. I've heard many people state how it would be more likely and realistic to see a novelization of that and i agree. I would want it to take time, showing the build of the relationship over time, going on further into the story as we watch their strong bond mend from the trauma it's faced. I'm not saying this as a crazed Barrissoka shipper, i mean it that I would genuinely want to see how that confrontation is handled, as do many others and not just as a ship!! It's been a decade! the fans wanna know!
And my last point.
The more i rewatch it, the more i believe it. the first time around i had my doubts, but something tells me they are NOT done with her character. At least before the stabbing scene anyway. There's too much stuff that's left unanswered for it to just end that way! I dunno man, but Lyn's "i'm going to get you out of here" sounded way too determined for a "im going to move your body out of here" type of thing yk? maybe she could sense she was still alive, just barely hanging in there? I don't think they are done with Barriss Offee, and I wont think so unless we see her corpse being fucking BURIED. Not to mention the UNGODLY amount of parallels of that scene along with them exiting the cave. I've already seen so many point it out. Post-Vader and Ahsoka fight on Malachor?? Back when we all thought Ahsoka may or may not be dead?? sounds familiar hello?? Also a parallel from earlier in the show itself when Barriss saves that unnamed jedi! she HEALS them when they were going to be left there. Something tells me the same fate may happen to Barriss. Idk call me crazy but i will say it again, i don't think they are done with her story.
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Thank you for reading my very unorganized thoughts! this has taken me longer to write than expected because i did not predict this to make me have to step away from making SEVERAL times- but yeah! lmk what yall think! and yes you can be expecting some art here and there! i know i've been slacking- Also lmk if u want me to post my crazed Barrissoka thoughts! because aHa i have them. i have them a lot. send help.
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dnvrsmedia · 10 months
Looking Towards A Better Tomorrow
Ellie Williams x Reader
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Summary: aftermath of Seattle & Santa Barbra
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort
an: if you’ve seen this before it’s because i’m reposting from my ao3 do not be alarmed!
The sun beamed onto your skin as the world seemed to turn slowly. An off feeling encapsulating you, sucking you in like quicksand. Tumultuous waters never let up, drowning you in a flurry of conflicting emotions. Stuck in a state of emotional limbo, your far off stare didn’t go unnoticed by all. The auburn haired girl furrowed her eyebrows. Your catatonic like state sending a pang of worry in her gut.
It’s been months since the tragic events of Seattle occurred. Months since the three of you made it back to Jackson by the skin of your teeth. Yet, Ellie wonders if a part of you stayed all those miles away. Your bright and bubbly exterior dimmed almost completely all those months ago. Neither of you ever managed to get a full night's rest without the other waking up in a cold sweat, screaming in terror. Walking on eggshells around each other didn’t help either. Her refusal to think about the events combined with your selective mutism caused conflicts to arise.
You didn’t speak for a month straight following the events. Maria begged the two of you to join Jackson’s weekly counseling sessions. She mentioned something about the importance of working through trauma. That day was the first time you laughed in weeks. Not because there was anything funny, but in frustration. Words cannot explain what Seattle was like for you. How could anyone understand the awful things that happened? How terrified you were at not only yourself and the world around you, but at the person your lover was becoming. The sweet, snarky, and sharp little girl was no longer there. Revenge flowed through her veins, constricting all rational thought—leaving behind a tunnel visioned killer.
There is no doubt that the two of you have changed—arguably for the worse. The innocence ripped from your chests made it hard for you to stay in Jackson. The memories flooding your mind as you walk past Jesse’s old place leaves a sinking feeling in your gut. Suddenly you’re feeling the burning sensation of an arrow piercing through your skin as you drop to the ground. The scent of the red metallic substance pooling out of your body and onto the wood floor takes over. Your breath constricts as the feeling of a bicep as big as your thigh cradles your neck in its deviously tight restraint. The whales of Ellie pleading to spare your life start to drown out as the thumbing of your heartbeat overtakes.
“Hey, Hey! It’s alright, you’re home.” A familiar voice breaks through your flashback. Your eyes blink one then twice, adjusting to your surroundings. When did you get on all fours? Your body is heaved over as your hands grip the soil fueled by terrifying strength. A freckled hand moves to cup your jaw. The back and forth motion of her thumb sends a soothing vibration across your body. Words of affirmation spew from your lover’s lips as your breathing slows. Your canonic like state continues on until the move is made.
The farmhouse was a blessing in disguise. Not only for your sanity, but for the growth of your relationship with Ellie.
As the days pass and as the night goes, glimpses of your personalities before come back in pieces. Substituting the painful reminders with tending to the farm allowed you the space to slowly heal not just emotionally, but heal your relationship with Ellie. You wouldn’t want to admit this out loud, but you held resentment against your freckled faced lover. You asked yourself day in and day out why you weren’t enough. Revenge overtook her life and swept her up in the flurry of it all, leaving you behind—broken and battered. Rebuilding your life from ground up once again. You cursed her name in a silent prayer; eyes burning holes in her body, wishing that there wasn’t a single part of you that belonged to her. Yet, you stayed. Through all the times your anger almost moved you led with blind rage, you stepped away. No matter how
much you lost, you will never succumb to hate. Rage ruined your life, took away your freedom, your friends, your smile, your light…her light. Rage took your girl away from you.
“We need to talk.” A solemn face adorned your features—this seemingly permanent look etched into your skin since Seattle.
Ellie— currently tucked in the chicken coop, tending to Bertha, the ginger feathered Golden Comet. A grunt in acknowledgment is given as she finishes laying the feed inside of the coop, walking out to you at the door.
She goes to fidget with her two fingers and is met with the top of her palm. A familiar sinking feeling lands in her gut at the memory. The physical reminder of all that she has lost. Ellie takes a short breath and shoves her three-fingered hand into her back pocket. Ellie’s eyes fail to reach yours—she knows what your face looks like. The upturned brows with a sad smile. She knows you worry. She also knows she’s hurt you the most.
“You know I love you, Ellie Williams.” Your jaw clenches—‘you will not cry before you finish’ repeats in your head like a mantra.
Ellie’s eyes finally meet yours as she tentatively nods her head, scared to see where this is going.
“My love for you is what has made me stay. No matter how much you have broken my heart, Ellie, I stayed. I stayed with you even though I had no idea why I'd do that to myself,” Your eyes gaze up at the setting sky as Ellie trails your face, taking in your words.
“I have been so fucking good to you!” You huff with a sad smile.
“I stayed and I killed for you Ellie. I’ve done things that I can never undo. I’ve done and seen things that have changed me forever. I mean I can’t close my eyes without seeing death. I can’t sleep without hearing Seattle.” Tears frustratingly slide down the rounds of your cheeks, once overused by the smile that seemed to never leave your face oh so long ago.
Tears well up in your lover's eyes as she frustratingly wipes her eyes, hating the vulnerability.
“I spent so long asking what I did wrong after you left. If I was ever enough for you, and it broke me. It broke me so fucking bad, Ellie.” You sobbed, unable to keep your tears at bay.
The sound of your cries sends a knife through the auburn haired girl's heart. Ellie pulls you into her chest, encapsulating you in her arms—your home.
“I know, babe, I’m so fucking sorry.” Ellie whines as her tears flow more freely. You breathe in her scent, calming you down.
“But I stayed, okay? I’m always here. We went through hell back there and I know that we are just barely surviving with our heads above water, but i’m fucking here okay? You don’t walk out on me ever again you hear me?” You pull your body from the crook of her neck and speak, holding her eye contact intensely.
“And you talk to me, you hear me? None of that holding it in. You talk to me, Williams. We have no one left and I refuse to lose you too. You may not care about your life but I. Fucking. Do.”
With those words, Ellie breaks down in sobs. You haven’t seen her cry for months. Ellie is a protector, she puts everything on the line to protect those she loves, even if it means sparing her own feelings. Or at least, what she believes to be her feelings. Ellie had never been in a position where she felt safe enough to express or engage in her feelings. If she did, there would be consequences immediately causing her to never open up again. She also views this as a preservation of your life. Everyone she has ever opened up to has died because of her one way or another. Why have the gift and the curse of being immune if all she caused was death all around her?
Heavy heaves and blubbers of ‘I’m sorry’ leave her mouth as she clings onto you for dear life. The decades of guilt and trauma being released from her body as she crumples in your touch. These tears aren’t only for the pain she’s inflicted upon you, her light, but for everything. For never meeting her mother to losing her first love, to Joel. All of these events shaped her to be who she is today. How cruel? To have a life full of loss but a gift so precious. When those who love her dearly die, those who she believes deserve life more than her. What a cyclical fate to be bestowed upon an ordinary girl. Having to know so much yet never knowing herself.
Your heart breaks as you hold onto the fragile frame of the girl you love. Steady steps are taken to make way back inside. Hoping this is a turning point, you sit her in the bathroom and heat up some water. Ellie’s tears have calmed as she watches you gather the buckets of heated water. You fill up the tub before turning to reach her eyes with a saddened smile.
“Arms up.” You tugged at the bottom of her now off-white vest. A small yet grateful nod is given by your lover before she lifts her arms above her head.
This was a routine you have done many times with Ellie after tough patrols. Whenever her body ached too much or her thoughts ran too deep, you would bathe her. The memories of these flood back to her as you help her undress fully. Ellie plants a kiss to your temple before you usher her to lay back in the tub.
You unwrap your favorite package of soap you had been given by Dina on your last trip back to Jackson. The beautiful lavender was your signature scent Ellie grew to love just as much as you. Ellie reached for your hand tentatively— gauging for your reaction. She takes it as a sign to further her touch when you intertwine your fingers. Her chapped lips press kisses to your palm and hand, showing her gratitude.
“M’ gonna have to let go so I can help, El.” You laugh.
Ellie’s eyes snap up to yours at the nickname she missed hearing so badly. She never realized how much she could miss someone she stayed under the same roof with. Fearing that this intimacy would flutter away, Ellie grips your hand tighter. Fear showed in her eyes as she pleaded for you to stay.
“Don’t…please, just,” She huffs as she feels herself becoming emotional. Learning that your emotions are natural will be a learning curve; proving its difficulty right now. “Could you…come in with me?” Ellie closes her eyes to calm herself down.
The skilled killer no longer made a home in your partner's body. All that was left of her was the fragile soul of a girl who’s been hurt too many times. The girl who wanted to be protected, loved, and happy for once.
“Okay, baby girl. I’m here, alright? Just gotta let go for a bit so I can get undressed but I'm right here.” You kiss her palm once before slowly letting go of her fingers. The tense grip on your hand loosens as she watches you move towards the tub.
You slide your body behind your lover gently before picking up her designated shower rag and your favorite soap. Your hands gently work through the auburn haired girls' taught muscles. Nimble fingers taking away all tension she has been carrying on her shoulders while scrubbing her clean—leaving a new start. A start full of love and light for the both of you. Of mourning your past lives, but embracing the good yet to come. Embracing the healing.
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all-risejd · 1 year
A New Judgment Chapter 6: The Dinner and Some Questions (A Poly Judgment Day Fic)
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Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7.
Rhea turns towards the door that Nessa and Damien just entered through and a look of relief comes across her face. Nessa sees Dominik pacing and muttering under his breath in Spanish. "Oh, thank god, he won't listen to a word we say and can't understand a word he is saying," Rhea tells Damien. Nessa goes to stand between Rhea and Finn as Damien goes over and starts to talk to Dominik the conversation clearly heated.
"Dominik is bitching about me putting myself in harm's way, about his dad not being careful with me and is unhappy with the story Triple H wants us to do because the drama is real and not just a story." Nessa roughly translates and continues as they do. "Damien is just trying to calm him down and to not go after Rey because it was an accident..." Nessa trails off as Dominik begins to spout off specifics as to why it was not ok for Rey to grab her like that. Nessa's eyes go wide, and she jumps over and grabs Dominik's face, "Dominik, you need to stop and calm down. You are telling MY past to someone I barely know. That is my story to tell, not yours. I am fine physically and mentally, now will you calm the fuck down before I have to have Mami beat the shit out of you again" She tries to lighten the mood with a joke from the story last year that started it all. She feels him deflate, her hands still on either side of his face as he nods his head.
Rhea, Finn, and Damien share a knowing look and smile. Glad she was able to stop Dominik from spiraling and doing something he'd regret. "I'm sorry Nessa, truly for that and everything else." He apologizes again and she huffs, her hands dropping to her side.
"Dom I forgave you, I'm letting you rebuild a relationship and trust with me you can stop apologizing." She flicks his nose gently and laughs as he scrunches it up, his bad mood effectively broken.
"I know, but I don't think I can forgive myself." He glances at his partners who discretely gesture for him to continue then act like they are engrossed in their phones so they can talk sort of privately.
"Dom, forgive yourself. Don't beat yourself up, that is my job and I don't want to." Nessa tries to joke again but frowns as he doesn't even crack a smile that time.
"Look, since you are going to be traveling with us, let's go to dinner before returning to the hotel and I can give you that explanation I owe you now instead of later." He asks, grabbing her hand giving her puppy eyes.
"Dom, I would but I am going to dinner with Luis. We need to talk about our storyline among other things." She explains and he glances in Damien's direction before letting out a soft
"Hey where are you all going till Monday since it's only a few days?" She asks coming up with a plan.
"We are driving up to Seattle and will spend a few days there. After Raw we are going to New York at Luis place until we fly out to Smackdown on thursday." He explains, still glancing between Nessa and Damien confused.
"Ok how about this I ride with you and we can talk then is that ok Dom?" She offers and gently grabs his chin so he will look at her. He nods again agreeing with the plan. She turns to the rest of the group. "I know you were listening, is that plan alright with you guys too?" She addresses them and gets a chorus of agreement.
"Are you rooming with me tomorrow in Seattle?" Rhea asks, winking at her.
Nessa rolls her eyes. "You already know the answer. Yes, I am. He wants us rooming together."
"And you are ok with that?" Rhea tries to make sure Nessa is comfortable.
"Why wouldn't I be Demi? You respect my boundaries. It doesn't make me uncomfortable to share a room with you." Nessa shakes her head.
"I just wanted to be sure babe," Rhea shrugs and goes back to her phone and tweets about the show. Damien puts his phone away and stands up and grabs his bag to go into the bathroom to change, Finn following suit. "Dom why don't you go change with the boys and let Nessa change. I'll knock on the door when she is done, I know it'll be cramped I'm sorry." Rhea strongly suggests gesturing to the bathroom the other two men are in.
"Yeah, uh, sorry Ness." He mutters again and disappears in the bathroom.
"You know I'm not changing right? I'm just going to throw on a jacket till I'm back at the hotel." Nessa looks at Rhea who is looking at her like she is crazy.
"You are going on a date with Damo? Wearing that? No I don't think so." Rhea stands up and goes through Nessa's bag.
Nessa stands stock still, the air pulled out of her lungs. "It. It's not a date, I, uh, wha?." Nessa stutters.
"Oh relax Nes, I'm just messing with you. Finn was right, you are too easy to rile up. I honestly thought I fucked up when I texted you good girl." Rhea tries to calm her down and get reassurance for herself..
"No that was fine honestly that did something," Nessa admits, blushing. She snaps her head towards the crashing sound that just came from the bathroom.
"Everything ok in there boys?" Rhea calls out hearing two ' yes 's and Damien's deep voice grumbling something they can't make out.
"A-ha." Rhea cheers as she finds the corset top Nessa wore at Wrestlemania.
"You can keep the pants on, they are fine but here put this on I'll turn around." Rhea hands it over and turns around dramatically covering her eyes. Nessa rolls hers as she does as told knowing it is no use arguing she won't win this fight.
Once she has the corset snapped in place she calls out, "Hey Demi can you tie it for me, I'm a little too sore to do it myself from earlier." Nessa admits holding the front so she doesn't spill out over the top.
Nessa hears Dominik call out, "Oh come on" and she snickers, guessing what he is thinking. Rhea quietly comes over and tightens up the back of the corset, unnaturally quiet for the first time since Nessa met her.
"Hey you ok?" Nessa asks and she hears Rhea take a breath and swallow before answering.
"Yeah, I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable while I did this for you." Rhea pats Nessa's shoulders letting her know she is done and Nessa turns around.
"I'm fine, I was more uncomfortable with the sudden silence, I thought I upset you." Nessa responds watching as Rhea goes over and knocks on the bathroom door, the boys spilling out shoving each other.
Finn nods in approval of Nessa's outfit. "You look good Ness, not that you don't always look good It's just you, gah" Dominik tries to compliment before running his hand down his face.
"I get what you are trying to say Dom relax we've been over this, please stop trying to walk on eggshells around me." Nessa throws the shirt she changed out of at him.
Damien just laughs at Dominik getting flustered before addressing Nessa, "He is right you look divine," He eyes Nessa up and down and she quirks her eyebrow up at him again.
"And you look fine!" She shoots back and he can't tell if she means just fine or the compliment FINE. Dominik laughing tells him it's the former.
"What... what's wrong with what I'm wearing?" He holds his arms out and turns around showing off his Jeans, slayer t-shirt and Jacket he is wearing over it.
"Nothing" Nessa shrugs and grabs her jacket and purse and tries to grab her bag but Dominik beats her to it.
"Nuh-uh, you don't carry your luggage around us, we do it for you and Mami."
"Dom, I'm not at the same hotel as you so give me my luggage." Nessa holds her hand out to grab the handle only for Damien to reach over and grab it, putting it on top of his since it is just a small carry on bag, daring her to argue with a look like she did to them earlier. Nessa huffs and stomps her foot, aggravated but thankful nonetheless.
Finn laughs at her reaction. "Get used to it love you won't win that argument ever." Finn warns.
"You ready Mamita, I'm hungry." He stands up grabbing the handle of their bags and gestures towards the door.
"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow Dom, pick me up at my hotel yeah?" She asks verifying the plan with him and he smiles.
"Yeah see you then Nes!" Dom calls.
Nessa walks with Damien to where his rental car is, making silly small talk along the way. Once they get to the car Nessa goes to open the passenger door and stops when Damien clears his throat. She turns to look at him, he is standing with his arms crossed looking annoyed. "What do you think you are doing mamita?"
"Uh, getting in the car?" She answers sarcastically.
"Let me get that for you," He steps forward and reaches out to grab the handle only for Nessa to smack his hand away.
"I can open the door myself." She answers trying to open the door but Damien holds it closed and leans closer to her, she doesn't back down.
"Not while we are around you don't. We open doors for women around here. It's the respectful thing to do." He tries to explain.
"And if she wants to open her own doors?" Nessa yanks again but it is no use he is much stronger than she is.
"Then she deals with it and lets us treat her right. Do I need to have a talk with Dominik about how to treat a lady?" Damien quirks an eyebrow.
"No, he always insisted but I always beat him to the car. Seriously, why are you so insistent." She groans not giving up on tugging on the door yet.
"Because my mother raised me right, now do you want to eat or not because I can do this all night." He stares down at her, and she pulls her hand back and steps back both hands in the air in a temporary surrender.
Damien opens the car door, and she gets in and buckles up, "This isn't over Luis!" She calls out as he closes the door gently and Nessa rolls her eyes. He puts their luggage in the trunk and gets in the car.
"What sounds good hermosa?" He asks as he starts the car.
"A good burger honestly." She answers and he hums in agreement and pulls out of the parking lot.
"I will open my doors, you know. You won't win this." She all but challenges him.
"That's cute, mariposa." He taunts and she glares at him.
"What is cute?"
"That you think you win this" He laughs as he pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant.
"Oh it's on." She tries to open the door but it is locked and Damien full belly laughs.
"I told you, you won't win this." He gets out of the car smiling as she tries to open the door and can't. She huffs waiting for him to open the door. He winks as he opens the door and holds it open. She gives him a gentle shove once she is out of the car.
"Did you turn on the child lock on the door!" She asks incredulously. He only laughs, throwing his arm around her shoulders. They get to the door of the building and Damien smiles like the cat that ate the canary and opens the door for her, she steps in and tries to reach for the second door only for his giant frame to dwarf her and reach it first and yank it open. She looks up at him, "You are a very persistent person." She grumbles and enters the building stopping at the hosts podium and he laughs again, amused at her frustration.
Once they are seated and their food ordered they sit in a semi-awkward silence, Nessa not knowing what to say or how to ask what she wants to ask. "So you wanted to talk, Hermosa." He takes a sip of his drink waiting on Nessa to start.
"Yeah, I just don't know how to ask what I want without it sounding judgemental or rude..." She starts wringing her hands and Damien frowns, noticing this is a common occurrence for her.
"Just ask, I promise I won't get offended or upset. It is coming from a place of genuine curiosity." He soothes, reaching over the table to grab her hand. She can't help but blush at the sweet gesture even though she pulls back her hands, needing to keep them busy somehow.
"Ok uh, how does it work?"
"How does what work sweetheart? I need a specific question to be able to answer." He leans forward so she can ask as quietly as she wants so she can limit her embarrassment.
"You are all romantically together, how does that work? I just want to understand." She averts her eyes and starts chewing her thumbnail.
"Hey, it's alright hermosa." He reaches over and grabs her hand again and rests it on the table still in his grasp so she can't chew on her nails more.
"Yes, and it works because there are boundaries that we respect and do not cross. It is discussed at the beginning of the relationships to make sure it is right for them. We have different sexualities and preferences, kinks even. But that's not necessary to the conversation right now."
"Oh ok. So can you explain what it means that you all are romantically together? I am having a little trouble wrapping my head around it." She gestures her free hand around in a circle. Damien smiles at her, happy with her openness to learn.
"Do you have a pen in that black hole you carry?" He asks, trying to ease her discomfort with a joke. She lets out a shaky laugh and hands him a pen and he grabs a napkin and writes down four names.
"Ok so here is me I am dating Demi, Finn and Dom," He draws arrows from him to the other three and continues. "It is the same for them so we are all connected to each other." He looks at her to see her reaction.
"And how are decisions made, living situations, group dates, individual dates? Demi offered for me to join you. How would that change things? She starts rattling off questions.
"Woah, slow down mamita one question at a time and to answer some of them I'll need to ask a few questions. I'll need the truth as well." He tells her meeting her gaze and he can tell she is still nervous but nods her head in agreement. "Ok decisions are made together, we all have to agree or compromise until we agree. Telling you so quickly was one of our quickest decisions. For your second question. We don't always stay with each other, sometimes we need our own space. Most of the time however we take turns. Dom has a pretty small place, so we aren't there often. Demi and Finn have the biggest place so we go there pretty often. Sometimes one of us needs space or we all need space so we go on our own." He pauses again to gauge her reaction and she nods her head following along, "We do individual dates with each other and sometimes big dates but those have to be careful at least for now because of work." He smiles at her acceptance. He sees her relax the more he explains. It, so he continues, "Now to answer your last question I have a few of my own. Would you be able to be romantic with Dominik again?"
Nessa swallows her bite of food before answering. "Honestly yes, I still love him, I never stopped. There is just some trust to build back again." She takes a drink to try to clear the dryness forming in her mouth.
"We would all need to sit and talk and renegotiate boundaries as you are a new piece to the dynamic, so I can't answer for sure yet how it would change things but there are some things I can." He explains and writes Nessa's name on the napkin now and starts drawing the lines between people. "You are willing to be with Dom and we know he still wants to be with you in some aspect," She opens her mouth to say something but changes her mind so Damien can continue. "You clearly are willing to be with Demi, correct?" He asks and she blushes. He tries to suppress a chuckle as he draws the line between Nessa and Rhea. "And what about me, Hermosa?" He wiggles his eyebrows and she laughs at his ridiculousness.
"I think I could give it a shot." She snorts, laughing at his ridiculous expression. "I do want to learn more about each of you individually and see how you interact as a group," She admits quietly.
"Hey Mamita, there is no rush, you are just asking... it is a big decision to make." He points his fork at her for emphasis. He picks up the pen again to continue explaining.
"That leaves Finn," with that he draws a line to Finn finishing what appears to be a pentagram and she laughs, of course it would be a pentagram.
"Finn would take some time. You already have his attention, he wants to get to know you, but you would need to build a strong relationship with you before any physical intimacy would happen. He is demisexual." He explains and she nods along. She notices he stops speaking and sees he is expecting additional questions.
"I understand different sexualities. I told you mine the other day. However, I hear there is a new term which better explains it as Omnisexual. So no extra questions on that except you could tell me more about him." She gives him puppy eyes, fluttering her eyelashes.
"Nuh uh no, you gotta do the work there Hermosa," He shakes his head, smiling at her pouting. "Let's continue, Demi is the same as you sexuality wise, I am Pansexual. I'm sure you know of Dom's." He states and she nods, leaning back in the chair. "Are you ok Nes?" Damien asks, wanting to gauge if he should continue, worried it was too much.
"No, Yeah. I'm fine, it is a lot to process." She begins to chew on her nails again.
"Ok, that's it. Let's change the subject for now," Damien firmly suggests and Nessa drops her hand immediately.
"No, please, I do that for a lot of things, not just being uncomfortable. It helps me think. It grounds me." She tries to explain.
"Fine, but if you do it again the conversation gets tabled. I will not continue it if you are clearly uncomfortable." He lays down no room for negotiation this time. Setting a firm boundary for both of them.
"Ok, I am only uncomfortable because I don't want to offend you or ask or say the wrong thing." She admits, meeting his stern gaze which softens when he sees nothing but truth in her features.
"Ok just ask what you want and I promise I wont get upset or offended," he sits back and waits for her to ask her next question.
"Ok, how does the sex work? I see different scenarios in my head and don't know what to think." She asks and Damien belly laughs making some patrons of the restaurant look in their direction. Nessa blushes and stares down at her lap, pushing food around her plate in embarrassment.
"Oh that was adorable I'm sorry for laughing," He apologizes and tries to suppress a laugh again and Nessa whines, her face getting even redder.
"Oh pobrecita, I'm sorry now I have made you uncomfortable." He stands up and leans over the table, his hand gently under her chin lifting her head up to meet his gaze.
"I'm sorry Hermosa, I didn't mean to embarrass you, it won't happen again." He apologizes and she nods still pouting as he sits back down and begins to answer her question.
"We don't always have sex all together like an orgy, sometimes it's just a few of us or just two of us. It's situational. We can go in-depth on that later Hermosa. If you wish, I know you have more questions."
"Let's stay on the sex questions, so let's say you and...m.. Mami," she catches herself and continues, "You two can just have sex, and the others won't be upset?" She watches as Damien shakes suppressing his laugh and she pouts again.
"Yes, so long as we don't constantly exclude each other, we are equals in equal relationships," He answers knowing what she was going to say, "My turn for a question, remember you promised honesty too..."
She nods earnestly waiting for the question
"Have you ever been with more than one partner at a time? What are your interests in bed? How much sex do you need to be satiated?
Nessa takes a breath trying to control herself so he doesn't table this conversation and answers.
"Yes, there have been instances of multiple sexual partners at a time just not in a poly relationship. Varied interests,'' She blushes and continues "And I don't know honestly, because of COVID I've been touch starved I barely saw Dom then let alone been physical until late 2021 even then with the schedule and still quarantining if I was exposed to Covid again to protect him and his career I have been, starved for lack of a better word. Honestly, I kind of think that is why he left me and I can't blame him." She shrugs and Damien looks at her sadly.
"Well that will be different if you do decide to join us mariposa, will be discussed when you are ready. Can you answer a few more questions?" Damian asked, softly.
"Yeah," She smiles, now more comfortable in the conversation.
"How do you like it? Rough? Gentle? Do you prefer to be manhandled? Are you a cuddler? Do you enjoy being tied up or being told what to do?"
"Yes..." She answers, tapping her fingers on the table and meeting his gaze, she doesn't shy away this time. He however is taken aback by her concise answer.
"Yes what?" He shakes his head, confused.
"Yes to all of that, it is situational." She shrugs, owning her preferences, something she is always open about.
"Well, we don't have time to unpack that but I am glad to hear it." He tables the conversation for his own sanity so he doesn't overstep her boundaries.
"How do you like to be treated after?" He asks and sees her clench her fists and changes direction.
"One more question, are you asking because you are interested in joining us?" He leans forward, resting his forearms on the table and continues realizing how that sounded. "Now I'm not asking for an answer about joining us right this moment, just that you are considering it."
"It is something I am considering, I need more information before I decide." She keeps her promise of honesty.
"I will talk to the others and we will follow your lead when it comes to this conversation, but Nessa," He starts his voice getting low and serious,
"If we make you uncomfortable you have to tell us, we won't have you uncomfortable and suffer in silence because you don't want to upset us. That would upset us more than anything. You have to be vocal, promise me that or this won't work." He taps on the napkin where he drew the relationship chart.
"Yeah I promise Luis," She smiles, and he stands up,
"I'm gonna go pay Mamita I'll be back," She opens her mouth to argue but he is already halfway to the counter with the bill. She grumbles to herself, "Goddamn giant and his goddamn long legs..." Nessa eyes the chart on the napkin and smiles to herself. She grabs it and stows it in her purse making sure Damien doesn't see.
After a few minutes, he comes back and holds out his hand, she rolls her eyes but takes it allowing him to help her up and guide her toward the door. He uses his body to block hers as she reaches for the door so he can open for her.
"You know what, tall person you are unlikable sometimes," She grumbles and stomps her foot as she exits the building and Damien laughs, shaking his head at her temper tantrum. He sees the gears turning in her head as she decides to make a break for the car to get to the door before him.
"Oh come on," She groans, throwing her hands up in the air as he beats her to the car.
"I'm faster than Dom Dom Chiqui and bigger, you can't win this fight." She sticks her tongue out at him as she enters the car and he is just finding it hilarious.
"Hey Luis?" She calls his name to get his attention while he drives.
"Hmmm..." He hums, waiting for what she wants to say.
"Tell me about you? I want to learn more about you." She asks and he glances at her and is silent, unsure what to say for the first time.
"What would you like to know?" he finally asks.
"I know you are from Puerto Rico, I want to know more of your past, your likes and dislikes in general not from our conversations earlier" She lets out a nervous giggle.
"Uh, I love baseball, DC comics and metal music." He lists off and she snorts.
"Define metal," He glances at her again, appraising the shift in mood.
"Slayer, Metallica my favorite, Iron Maiden, Megadeath. Bands like that." He answers and she nods appreciatively.
"I quite like metal too, though it isn't my favorite. I love for whom the bell tolls and she aint my bitch, they are my favorite Metallica songs." His head jerks to look at her before returning to look at the road. Shocking Damien with her choice of music.
"I don't know why you are shocked. You see what I wear and some of my tattoos" She shakes her head and continues,
"I am a big fan of pop punk however and alt rock like Motionless in white and Black veil brides." At this admission Damien shakes his head and responds,
"You and Demi will get along just fine."
"You mentioned you like comics?" She asks for clarification,
"Yeah, specifically DC, I love Batman." He smiles appreciating her attempts at bonding especially after such a loaded discussion over dinner.
"I am more of a Marvel comics girl myself, specifically the x-men though there is a special place in my heart for Wonder Woman. The tv series is what got me into superheroes anyway. She is the most powerful and just the best. Out of all DC and Marvel comics."
"That is an argument we can have later mamita we are almost to your hotel. So you like Iron man over Batman then?" He asks as he pulls into the parking lot.
"I didn't say that, they are the same but in different fonts, orphan and rich being a vigilante, though Iron Man admits his ego, Bruce acts holier than thou and it is hilarious people won't admit it. Iron Man, at least owns up to his ego where Bruce just acts like he is always in the right", She laughs and tries to open the car door again and immediately pouts again and crosses her arms waiting for him to go and open the door.
He helps her out of the car, her bag in his hand. She holds her hand out for the bag expecting him to drop her off there and he quirks his eyebrow up at her. "Do you think I am going to leave you alone this late at night in a parking lot and not walk you to your door?" He snorts and gestures for her to lead the way.
"I mean it is a well-lit parking lot with cameras and the door is like 20 feet away." Nessa keeps her hand outstretched.
"No can do Hermosa, I'm talking about the door to your hotel room, no bag carrying."
"Du farkirst mir di yorn," she mutters under her breath,
"I'm sorry, what was that mariposa?" he laughs enjoying her frustration,
"You'll be the death of me." She complains as he jumps ahead and opens the door following her into the hotel.
"And when it comes to Batman you are entitled to your wrong opinion..." he winks as she does a rude gesture as they enter the elevator.
"It's not wrong, you can try to goad me, but you won't win." She bumps her hip into him and pouts when he doesn't move an inch and he laughs at her.
The elevator doors open and he stands aside for Nessa to exit first. "Ok then Mamita,I'll have to prove you wrong."
"Is that a promise!" She taunts trying to grab her bag from him and he only holds it over her head. She glares up at him through her eyelashes, "I will stomp on your foot you, you, you Mazik," She finally finds the word in her vocabulary.
"How about you tell me what that means as you guide me to where your room is then I will give you your bag." He suggests, gesturing down the hallway.
"You know what, how about you give me my bag now and then I tell you." She stands tall, not backing down.
"It seems we are at an impasse, reinita." He steps forward and leans down so his head is level with hers, not breaking eye contact.
"You seem to think being stubborn is going to get your way, let's make a deal."
"You want to know what I called you and I want to carry my bag. You can still walk me to my room door. That is the offer." She smirks at him and he matches her expression.
"Or, I can look it up later and carry your bag as we continue to your room." He counters still at eye level with Nessa, his eyes flick around watching her expression.
"Fine," She answers softly and Damien returns to his full height smiling triumphantly as she continues to grumble under her breath in a language he doesn't understand but he can guess from her tone she is complaining and potentially cursing him. She stops in front of a door at the end of the wall and he takes mental note of the number to tell Dom.
"Goodnight Nessa, I'll see you tomorrow in Seattle." He gently places her bag on the ground in front of the door Nessa just opened. They stand there awkwardly until Nessa decides to step forward and wrap her arms around his waist, her head barely coming up to his shoulder, Damien wrapping his arms around her shoulder and giving a chaste kiss to her hair. She picks up her bag and steps into the hotel room, gently closing the door.
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imagineanime2022 · 1 month
Toji With A Daughter
Toji Fushiguro X Daughter!Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Heyyy idk if you write for toji from jjk since I didn't see him in your masterlist but if you're open to it… could you write toji x daughter reader?? Like he has a teen daughter and how he would raise/treat her?? Tyy
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💴 Alright honestly on brand like in the series we know he’s a confused Dad… By forgetting his own son's name. 💴 However he does care about his kids, in a way, he’s not very good at showing it but he does care. 💴 So you will have had to be the first child that he had, you would have to be older than Megumi. 💴 Since we don’t actually have an official age for Toji, let's for the sake of this fic say that he had Megumi at 30 years old and had you when he was 18, which would make you the same age as Gojo in the grand scheme of things. 💴 During his lashing out phase when he was still with the Zenin, he slept with a lot of people in my opinion and you were the result of one of the hook ups. 💴 Luckily your mother never went looking for your father, so the Zenin clan never found out that you existed and it stayed that way for about 5 years. 💴 He eventually found your mother after being encouraged by his new wife with the news that he had a daughter. You would have been 5 at the time and that was where the relationship started to rebuild. 💴 This is where everything starts and your relationship is… Interesting. 💴 I honestly believe that the relationship is based on your age and has nothing to do with gender. 💴 Since he’s with Mama - Fushiguro he’s in a much better head space and that meant that when you started showing signs of cursed energy, Mama Fushiguro would probably talk him into teaching you some self defence even if it was just that. 💴 He likely wouldn’t teach you much more he doesn’t want you anywhere near the Zenin clan and he wanted no reason for tem to be looking for you. 💴 He definitely spent a lot more time messing around and teasing you, he prepared you for the most annoying humans in the world, you’d either hit him to shut him up or develop the patients of a saint. 💴 He’s not anymore gentle with you when playing, he’s favourite thing is to press his hand to your head holding you at arms length while you tried to get to him. 💴 He never has any money so the presents that you do get from him are like treasured items. You once gave him a small bracelet that you had made and while you never saw him wear it, he did tie it around the hilt of his favourite weapon, a reason to win. 💴 He’s also not the type to tell that he loves you all that much but you can find the love in his actions, like making sure that you're walking next to the wall instead of the road or just straight picking you up and putting you on his shoulders when it gets too crowded. 💴 Unless you break a bone or are haemorrhaging he’s going to tell you to shake off. 💴 Problems start up again when Mama Fushiguro dies, you gained a little brother but you barely got to meet him before him and your father disappeared. 💴 It took a further 3 years to find them again and during that time a lot had changed, you had met them on separate occasions because 💴 Tsumiki was quick to accept you even if you weren’t her biological sister, Megumi was harder to get to know. 💴 Toji on the other hand seemed to have all but forgotten that he would have a 15 year old daughter, now honestly at this point it hurts but it’s so on brand that you're not even surprised. 💴 You would have to be persistent as hell to get him to acknowledge you and the extent of that acknowledgement is asking you how much money you can make for him and testing whether you were able to carry out some of his jobs for him.
SEASON TWO SPOILERS 💴 After Gojo sent this man to his next life he asked for two favours from Gojo, the first for Megumi and the second for you, he asked 💴 💴 Gojo to make sure that you knew that you had a brother and a family. 💴 Gojo noticed the small black hand made bracelet on the hilt and while Gojo disposed of the dagger himself, he did take the bracelet back to you.
This next part is just something that I thought would be nice to add at the end. 💴 Alright Gojo was able to track down Megumi and by extension you, you had been making sure that they were looked after now that you had accepted that your father was basically a child. 💴 So Gojo essentially tries to poach your brother but you were waiting for him that day, Megumi never needed your help with him and told him to get lost but then Gojo set eyes on you. 💴 You remember when I said that Toji was preparing you to deal with annoying people, this was the insufferable idiot that Toji was preparing you for. 💴 Gojo handed you back the bracelet while offering you the chance to train with him. 💴 Whether you say yes or not, you will be a major part of Megumi’s life so you're gonna see Gojo a lot after Megumi starts attending Jujutsu High. 💴 So in the end Toji wouldn’t have been a traditional father in fact he taught you every lesson through absence, the importance of things by taking them away and the permanence of mistakes by the consequences he pushed on you. 💴 Like I said, Toji in’r a good Dad and I wish that I could say that he tried his best but there were definitely things that he could have done better. 💴 Maybe in another life he’ll be given the chance to make it up to you.
Request Here!!
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pendarling · 1 year
no rush obv but i really enjoyed dont lie! Would you mind doing a part 2?
🩷Thank you!🩷 I tried writing a little more, I don’t know where the story is supposed to go either lmao :)
Don’t Lie 2
<< Start < Part 1 • Part 3 > End >>
Cornering would be the correct term for situations like these.
Villain's plan was easy, and it came naturally too. Just a little over the course of a few days in preparation. Sometimes they had to commend themselves for their evil genius.
Their spouse was always doing something on their phone and one thing they’ve made clear at the start of their relationship was that privacy was a set boundary. Villain wouldn’t break that agreement but some things had to happen.
There was a good chance— and they weren’t saying that it was stupid to be dating Hero— but was it possible that their spouse could be Hero? The off-chance that Villain could’ve missed all the signs?
After all, what was that mask doing in their room at an awkward time? Villain has never once suspected their spouse was doing anything outside of their office job. They always arrived home on time too.
Well… a little late into the evening their spouse would be typing away on their phone, probably cheating.
Today they sat unknowing at the end of the table without a care.
"So, how was work?" Villain could just hear the gears working in their head to make their next response as beliveable as possible. On normal occassions, they wouldn't ask, but this was special.
Other than catching a potential cheater, Villain had collected their other villainous friends to hijack an event somewhere downtown.
It would be enough to get media attention. Including every hero possible.
At the same time, them and their partner could finally focus on rebuilding their relationship in a nice restaurant somewhere out of town. Away from the distraction.
"Hmm, why?" Their spouse looked at them confused. "It's just the usual at the office. Did something happen with you?"
It seemed like their partner was smarter than they thought. They already turned the question onto their own personal life, then again they could really just be curious.
Alright, we can play games.
Villain exhaled long, they had to keep their cool just a bit longer. Revenge was best served cold, afterall.
Settle, heart.
God, they couldn't stand their eyes. Their warm, sweet, delicate eyes… it was hard to not look away.
They stared down at the plate in front of them, another painful smile coming across their face. "Nothing, just… thought we should go on a date on Friday"
"Really? Well, then I'll make sure to clear my schedule."
If they could make it then it would confirm that their spouse was in fact a true civilian. But that would couldn’t clear them of cheating with Hero or anyone else.
If they couldn’t make it, then that would be enough to prove Villain’s partner was Hero. Either way, it was abhorrent to know they would keep such a huge secret from them.
Then again, weren’t they also being secretive with their (hopefully civilian) partner?
It didn’t matter. They would see through all of this. Whatever it took to save their relationship.
<< Start
< Part 1
Part 3 >
End >>
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onward--upward · 1 year
waiting game
sorry, i had to jump onto the 6x10 spec game. here's some bobby pov from the hospital, post-lightning strike. [read on ao3]
“Hey hon,” Athena says, leaning in to press her lips to Bobby’s cheek. “I brought you coffee. How’s he doing?” 
“Thanks.” The coffee is a welcome offering – Bobby is exhausted. They’d been nearly through with their shift when Buck got hit, and he’s been sick with worry ever since. “He’s alright. Doctor’s say he’s stable. It’s just a waiting game, now.” 
Athena’s eyes drift over to the open door to Buck’s hospital room. Bobby keeps his eyes on his coffee – the image of Buck’s broad frame somehow dwarfed by the crisp hospital sheets is burned behind his eyelids, and he doesn’t anticipate it going away anytime soon. It hurts to look at him for too long – but, then again, it all hurts, right now. Jagged pain behind Bobby’s breastbone, a reminder of every person he’s already lost. The only thing that would bring him relief would be the sweet burn of bourbon down his throat until he didn’t have to worry about things anymore, but that’s not something he can even consider, now or ever. The coffee is a poor replacement, but at least it’s warm. 
“Has he been in there the whole time?” Athena says softly, hand reaching out to tangle with Bobby’s free hand, a warm weight that anchors him to his body, to the moment.
Bobby looks up, following her gaze to Buck’s bedside, where Eddie is folded into the too-small chair, his fingers tangled up with Buck’s own, unfeeling against the white sheets. “Yeah,” Bobby confirms. 
“Poor boy,” Athena murmurs. She squeezes his hand, and for a moment, the weight of her hand in his echoes the two men in the hospital room in front of them – tethered together. A safety line. 
Bobby has never been sure what, exactly, Buck and Eddie’s deal is. It’s none of his business – he’s always had faith that they would manage to figure things out for themselves. But it’s so, so obvious, no matter the nature of their relationship, that they don’t suffer from a lack of love. The love has always been there. He’d heard it, years ago, when Eddie had been buried in that well, and Buck was losing himself with panic. And he’d heard last night, when Buck was thrown from that ladder, and Eddie was ready to do anything to get him down. 
The love, it seemed, was always coloured by pain: near death experiences and old traumas, shallowly buried. Bobby had watched them rebuild, this year, getting themselves back on solid ground. Together, always together. 
And now they were falling again. 
One could only hope that that love could pull Buck through this. 
“Hey,” Athena says, her voice, as it so often does, pulling Bobby back to himself. “Are you okay?” 
Is he okay? No, because he can’t help but think about worst case scenarios. Buck has been scrambling for solid ground for as long as Bobby has known him, and it seemed like he might be making his way there. What happens if he doesn’t pull through this? Bobby is left with a hole in his heart and his life? He never gets to see the life that he knows Buck has it in him to build? “I don’t know,” he tells Athena finally. 
“He’s strong,” Athena says. “One thing I know about Buckaroo – he never gives up.” 
Bobby closes his eyes. “I know.” 
“So don’t you go giving up on him either.” 
Bobby squeezes her hand. “I won’t,” he says. 
Bobby looks up to see Maddie and Chimney hustling down the hallway towards them. “Hey, guys,” Athena says, letting go of Bobby’s hand to pull them each into a brief hug. 
“We got Jee-Yun set up with Albert,” Maddie says. She looks as exhausted as Bobby feels. Her eyes keep drifting back to Buck’s room, a compulsive motion, like she’s checking that he’s still there. “Any change?” 
Bobby shakes his head. “Still the same,” he says. “Doctor says he’s stable, but that doesn’t mean much unless he wakes up.” 
Maddie flinches almost imperceptibly at the implication, and Chim wraps his arm around her. “He’s stubborn,” he says softly, practically into her hair. “You know he’s fighting like hell in there.” 
Maddie sniffs, nodding. “I know,” she says. She wipes at her face, eyes drifting back over to Buck’s unconscious figure. “It looks like Eddie hasn’t even moved since we left,” she says. “Is he doing okay?” 
No, Bobby is fairly certain he isn’t. But then, none of them are. “He hasn’t said much,” he says. 
Silence falls, and they all look at Eddie for a moment, at the empty, destroyed look on his face. 
“You all should give him some company,” Athena suggests gently. “He looks like he could use some love.” 
And that’s easy enough to agree to. Maddie and Chim make their way into the room – Chim squeezing Eddie’s shoulder, and Maddie brushing Buck’s hair back from his forehead. Eddie looks up when they come in, blinking hard like he’s surfacing from a nightmare. 
“Hey,” Athena says, and Bobby turns his attention back to her. She looks tired, too, but she probably looks a hell of a lot better than he does. Athena has always been better at compartmentalizing than he has. “I’ve got to get to work, but you should get in there, too,” she tells him. 
Bobby shakes his head. “He doesn’t need me.” 
“He does,” Athena says. “When – Listen to me, when that boy wakes up, he should be surrounded by his family. That includes you.” 
Bobby looks over, at Buck with his sister and her partner, and his… his Eddie. Whatever Eddie may be to him. The Buckley parents are conspicuously absent – Bobby knows they’re in town. It’s typical of everything he knows about them, that Buck’s life is hanging in the balance and they still won’t show up for him. 
“Okay,” Bobby says finally. Buck deserves a parental figure at his bedside, even if it’s just a poor substitute. “You’re right.”
“Love you,” Athena says, leaning in for a goodbye kiss. “Now, you get in there and make sure that boy knows his whole family is waiting for him to wake up.” 
And so Bobby sees her off, and then he claims his own tiny, uncomfortable chair and settles in for the long haul. Buck is strong, he reassures himself. He’ll pull through this. He has to. 
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hookhausenschips · 3 months
3) "Don't look at me like that." "Like what?" "Like you still love me." With Billy Gunn please?
I am so sorry that this has been sitting in my inbox for MONTHS but here it is darling, have some tissues near🖤
Reblog and like if you enjoyed!
Third Person POV
The air hung heavy with tension as Y/N and Billy stood face to face in the dimly lit locker room. Their eyes met, a silent exchange of emotions that spoke volumes without uttering a word. Billy's heart ached at the sight of Y/N, her gaze filled with a mixture of longing and pain.
"Don't look at me like that," Y/N whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Like what?" Billy asked, his voice tinged with sadness.
"Like you still love me," Y/N replied, her words hanging in the air like a weight too heavy to bear.
Billy swallowed hard, unable to tear his gaze away from Y/N's hauntingly beautiful face. He had spent countless nights agonizing over their failed relationship, replaying their final moments together in his mind over and over again.
But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling that they were meant to be together, that their love was worth fighting for.
It had been six months since Y/N walked out of Billy's life, leaving behind a trail of broken promises and shattered dreams. Billy had tried to move on, to bury his feelings for Y/N beneath a facade of indifference and apathy.
But no matter how many distractions he threw himself into, he couldn't escape the memories of their time together, the echoes of their love reverberating through his soul like a haunting melody.
As he looked into Y/N's eyes now, he saw the pain reflected in her gaze, a mirror image of his own heartache. He wanted nothing more than to reach out to her, to hold her in his arms and tell her that everything would be alright.
But he knew that it was too late, that their love had been lost to the passage of time and the weight of their mistakes.
As Y/N turned away from Billy, her heart heavy with regret, she felt the weight of their shared history pressing down on her like a burden too heavy to bear. She had spent countless nights replaying their final moments together in her mind, wondering if she had made the right choice in walking away.
But no matter how many times she tried to convince herself that it was for the best, she couldn't shake the feeling that a part of her would always belong to Billy, that their love was worth fighting for.
"Don't go," Billy pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. "Please, just give me another chance."
But Y/N shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "It's too late, Billy. We can't go back to the way things were. We've hurt each other too much."
As she walked away from him, the echoes of their love lost followed her, a painful reminder of what could have been. But deep down, Y/N knew that she had to let go of the past and find the strength to move on, to start anew in a world where love was not tainted by pain and regret.
Weeks turned into months, and Billy found himself haunted by memories of Y/N at every turn. He couldn't escape the feeling that they were meant to be together, that their love was worth fighting for.
So when he ran into Y/N by chance one rainy afternoon, his heart leaped in his chest with hope. He could see the pain etched in her features, the scars of their shared history still raw and fresh.
"Don't look at me like that," Y/N whispered, her voice tinged with sadness.
"Like what?" Billy asked, his heart pounding in his chest.
"Like you still love me," Y/N replied, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Billy reached out to touch her, his fingers trembling with emotion. "Because I do, Y/N. I've never stopped loving you."
As they stood there in the rain, their hearts laid bare for all the world to see, Billy knew that this was their second chance, their opportunity to rewrite the ending to their love story.
As Billy and Y/N embarked on the journey to rebuild their relationship, they knew that it wouldn't be easy. They had hurt each other deeply in the past, and the wounds they carried ran deep.
But they were determined to make it work, to learn from their mistakes, and grow stronger together. They spent countless hours talking, opening up to each other in ways they never had before.
Slowly but surely, they began to rebuild the trust that had been shattered by their past actions, laying a foundation for a love that was stronger and more resilient than ever before.
As the days turned into weeks, Billy and Y/N found themselves falling deeper and deeper in love. They laughed together, cried together, and shared their hopes and dreams for the future.
And as they stood together on the precipice of a new beginning, they knew that their love was worth fighting for, that they were stronger together than they ever could be apart.
"Don't ever leave me again," Billy whispered, his voice filled with emotion.
"I won't," Y/N vowed, her heart overflowing with love. "I promise."
And as they embraced, the echoes of their love lost faded into the background, replaced by the sweet melody of a love rekindled, a love that would stand the test of time.
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mina-saiyat · 1 year
Twice Interactive Story Part 641.5-677.5 Can't Live Without You (Momo, Chaeyoung)
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You look at the phone, your still not change the wallpaper with you and Nayeon. 'Momo...' You quietly say her name.
I close and lock the door before calling Momo back.
You sit down and take a deep breath, then you call Momo again.
'Y/N?' Momo answers you in a shaken voice.
"I'm back, sorry. Are you alright?"
'No, I am not right when I am not with you.' Momo answers you.
'I'm sorry, I really shouldn't send Nayeon the photo.'
"Yeah, thank you for apologizing. Momo, I'm not looking to be in a relationship right now but we can always go out together. How does that sound?"
'You know I love you, I... I just don't want to be one of your causal friends with benefits, I want to be special.'
'I don't need to be your official girlfriend, I just want to have a piece of heart.'
'I'm sorry if I ask for too much.'
"We're going to need to rebuild our relationship Momo. We can't just go back to how things were. We can try. But if you do something like that again it's over."
'How can I prove my love. I really don’t know what to do. All the way before at the gym, I was just using my body to make you happy. I really don’t know, Y/N.'
'But I can't forget the moment We kiss at the shower, I...'
"Are you free tonight, Momo? Let's meet at the park. We can talk better there."
'Why don't we meet at the gym, you can meet me in my room. But aren't you said you need to pick your sister from airport tonight? You will come afterwards, right? I will wait you at the gym.'
"Yeah, I'll come as quick as I can but make sure Daniel isn't there."
'Why? You afraid of Daniel? And I haven't seen him for a long time, so it's ok.'
'I can't wait to see you, Y/N. Be safe when you drive here.' Momo blows you a kiss before she ends the call. You look at the clock, and realize you should head to Airport for Chaeyoung now.
You arrived and waiting for Chaeyoung, suddenly someone grabs your cock from behind, you turn around to see it is Chaeyoung.
"Really Chaeyoung?" I say as I now face her. "That’s how you greet me?"
You don't know how much I miss this big guy, of course you too, Oppa.' Chaeyoung says.
'I want to show you my new tattoo, free tonight? I will come after Dahyun eooni sleeps.' Chaeyoung whispers in your ears.
"I need to meet with someone after I drop you off at home so it'll have to wait."
'OK, we still got lots of time.' Chaeyoung hands you the suitcase and you two walk to the carpark.
'By the way, Nayeon eooni told me that you aren't going to fix it, what happen?'
"I just don't deserve her. She should have someone better than me. Listen Chaeyoung I don’t feel like talking about it right now." I respond.
'Sorry, I didn't mean it.' Chaeyoung grabs your arm and acting cute.
'I just worry did Nayeon eooni know what's between us.'
"No, she didn't know. Oh, and I think Dahyun is trying to have the same type of relationship."
'What? Dahyun eooni?' Chaeyoung is shocked. 'I don't think she is someone who will ask for sex proactively. But did you two start already?'
"No, She's being shy about it. She started talking about wanting to be seen as a woman and wanting to be in a relationship."
'So, what are you going to do?' Chaeyoung asks. 'Well, I wouldn't mind if you do that. If Dahyun eooni wants.'
'Just make sure you don't put all your attention on her. ‘Chaeyoung smirks.
"Already getting jealous?" I ask as I finish putting her stuff in the car. "Come on, let's go home."
'Of course! I can only meet you on holiday as we are in different city.' Chaeyoung answers you when she enters the car.
'Dahyun eooni is staying here, so she could have much more time with you.'
"Yeah, I guess so. Oh there's something else too." I explain Jihyo's situation and the reason she's staying with me to Chaeyoung as I start driving us home.
'Oh, she is so poor, marrying such a bad guy.' Chaeyoung pours as she hears Jihyo's story.
'But why would she trust you, you are a player too huh? You have girls besides Nayeon eooni... Oh, sorry, I didn't mean it.'
"I'm single now, and when I do get into a relationship, I'm ending everything else." I tell her. As I continue to drive, I move over and slide one of my hands into Chaeyoung's panties and rub her. "I'm going to have to punish you for bringing her up again, Chaeyoung."
'If it's the punishment I guess I will speak about her more.' Chaeyoung adjusts her position to let you fingering her better.
'You are not worrying Dahyun eooni will suspect anything huh?' Chaeyoung says while move her hands to your thigh and teasing you.
"I don't think so. I don't plan on letting you cum Chaeyoung." I rub her clit until I know she's about to orgasm before stopping and taking my hand out. "That’s your punishment."
'No! Put it back!' Chaeyoung roars when you denied her orgasm.
'I'm nearly cum, please let me cum. I am so sorry, I won't do it again, please, Oppa.' Chaeyoung begs for your hand. 'I would make you feel good too, Oppa.' Chaeyoung's hands starts caressing your cock from outside of your pants.
"Hands off Chaeyoung, or I'll make sure you won't be able to walk tomorrow. What would Dahyun think?"
'Oh, I would love to do that, such a welcome form your right?' Chaeyoung started rubbing the clit herself while her keep squeezing your cock, it begins to harden.
'Plus, the one who should explain to Dahyun eooni is you right? What would she say if she enters your room and see you are fucking me.'
"Chaeyoung stop, you're going to ruin the inside of the car." I finish the drive home and take out Chaeyoung's luggage from the car.
'Ah, ah, ahhh!' You come back to the car with the suitcase and Chaeyoung eventually cums on your car.
'Such a nice ride, oppa' Chaeyoung says while hands your her finger which is cover in her juice.
I grab her hand and pull her out of the car, "You're gonna gets yours soon Chaeyoung. Let's just get inside"
'Yeah, I will see you soon Oppa. Don't back so late, ok?' Chaeyoung tidy up and get the suitcase before entering the building.
You then drive to the gym, you are thinking about what you could say to Momo.
You steps by Momo's room, and you see she is keep walking inside the room, look frustrated.
I knock on the door, and wait for a response.
Momo comes and opens the door, when she sees it is you, she says nothing, just hug you so tightly, not willing to let go.
'Y/N, I miss you so much, please don't leave me again.'
"Why were you pacing inside your room Momo?" I ask as I pat her back.
'I am so worried, I afraid that you won't show up, I afraid that I won't see you again.' Momo looks up at you but still hugs you tightly.
"Yeah, well I'm here." I push my way inside and close the door behind me. "Let's talk a little Momo."
'I think I have said what I want to say in the phone, Y/N. What do you think?' Momo sits next to you while laying her head on your shoulder.
' I really really wanna be with you, I can't imagine my life without you.'
"Momo, I'm not really looking to be in a serious relationship with anyone right now. I did a lot of wrong. I know you don't want to be friends with benefits, and that's fine. I'm just not looking to have a relationship." I tell her. "So that leaves us here, and I'm not sure what to do."
'I can wait, Y/N. I just want you to know I would always wait for you.' Momo cups your cheek.
'I can be your secret lover after you got a new girlfriend, or even if you get marry in the future. I want just a little piece of your heart.' Momo says and she leans to kiss you.
"Momo, when I get into a relationship again. I'm not going to do the same things. I want to be a better person, you can have a piece of my heart but I don't want to be cheating on my potential partner again."
'What do you mean Y/N? You accepting friends with benefits in your relationships but not secret lovers? You are not cheating on your future partner Y/N, we love each other, right?' Momo grabs your head to kiss you again.
"Momo I mean that when I'm in a relationship again I won't have any friends with benefits, and secret lovers. I want to do things right. I do love you Momo."
'No, no, no! It shouldn't be like that.' Momo let's your head go and shakes her head.
'Everything was in a good balance before, we 3 are all good, I will have you when she is not there for you. Why can't we be like that?' Momo still can't face the fact that you denied her.
"Because I want to be a better person Momo. I hurt Nayeon, I hurt you. I don't want to be the same person." I put my hand on her head. "I'm just going to have casual relationships right now."
'Casual relationships?' Momo looks up at you in disbelief. 'You mean I could only be with you if I am your friend with benefits? What are you talking about?'
Momo grabs your hand on her tits 'So you only want my body huh, fuck me then! Go ahead! If that what takes you to stay with me.' Momo says while start undressing herself.
I pull my hand away from Momo. "You're not understanding Momo. I'm not doing this because I just want your body, I'm doing this because I don't want to hurt anyone." I Give Momo a hug, "Think about it for a second." I stand up ready to leave. "Look Momo, we could go out on dates sometimes and not have to worry about anything, anyone but right now I'm not going to be tied to anyone."
'You are hurting me if you leave right now.' Momo says while your hand reach the door knob.
' I really love you, but I don't know how to make you love me too. I see you like my body, so I use it to get closer to you but it seems didn't work. I am sorry if I am forcing you.' Momo's tears start dropping.
I sit back down and pull Momo onto my lap. "I do love you Momo. I'm just not ready to be in relationship like that. Put your clothes back on, let's go somewhere." I gather Momo's clothes and help her put them back on. I start to think of where to take her and decide on an ice rink.
You and Momo then leave for the ice rink. You two get changed for ice skating. You grab Momo's hand and slowly guide her to the ice.
You walk on the ice and find that Momo is not following you, you turn back to see she is still standing at the entrance.
'Sorry, Y/N. I don't know how to walk on the ice.' Momo looks at you shyly.
I go back and take hold of her hands. Gently pulling her toward the ice, while telling her how to do it.
You hold both of Momo's hands and guide her to walk on the ice.
Momo seems so nervous and eventually loss the balance, you two fall together while Momo lands on you.
Embarrassingly, Momo's face directly hits your crotch, she blushes and covers her face, 'Sorry Y/N, I can't even do simple things. I am ruining our date again, sorry.'
I kneel on the ground, "give me a second. That hurt." After a moment I stand back up. "Come on, let's try again. Besides this is actually pretty hard."
You help Momo gets up and keep teaching her. Momo strugglely walking but keep falling.
Although Momo is keep falling, you can see she is improving.
'Ah, it's so hard, Y/N. I can't do it.' Momo is frustrated as the lack of progress.
"Hey, hey, look at me. Momo you're doing well. You're getting the hang of it. I see it."
You cheer Momo and slowly free her hands, let her to walk on her own.
'Yes, Y/N, I can do it, I can do it!' Momo finally can walk on her own. She is so excited and rushes to hug you.
You hold her tight, you two spinning on the ice, Momo blushes and close her eyes, waiting for your action.
I kiss her forehead and go ahead of her, "come on, Momo let's see how far you can go.”
Momo pours her face as she is disappointed you only kiss her forehead. 'Y/N, I think I need more motivation.' Then she starts to chase you from behind.
However, as Momo is still a beginner, it's difficult for her to catch you from the back.
'Ah! I will get you!' Momo is triggered by your laughter. She lets out her hand try to catch you, it's so close, but still inch from you.
Momo leans her body too forward, and she loses her balance. You hear her falls, so you come back to get her up.
'Why I just can't catch you, in skating I can't, in real life I can't.' Momo sighs.
"That’s just life Momo. Who knows, maybe you might one day. Life is unpredictable." I skate by her and poke her nose. "Come on, let's go." I help her up and gold her hand as I lead her to the exit.
'Not might, I will catch you for sure, Y/N.' Momo holds your hand and you two leave the ice rink.
Momo still holds your hand after you two get changed, you two walk in the mall and figuring where to go.
'Any idea where to go next? Or we should back home?' Momo asks you.
"Why don't we get something to eat and then I'll drop you off at your house." I answer.
'Yeah, sure, I am hungry too.' Momo nods. 'But you are not staying with me tonight? I won't take any photos this time, really.'
"My stepsister wanted to do something later tonight so I can't." I respond. As I lead us to a restaurant.
'OK then' Momo pours her face while eating.
'Promise me you will stay next time we meet, I really miss sleeping with you.' Momo gives out her little finger before she ready to leaves your car.
Momo kisses your cheek before leaving your car. 'Goodnight, Y/N. Hope we will meet again in your dream.'
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Chapter 6
Series Summary: There are moments in our lives that have a major impact. The interactions, the adventures, and the love, all make up who we are. But when Harry can't remember those moments with YN, they are both left wondering what that means for themselves and their relationship.
Chapter Summary: This is (again) from Harry's point of view. Harry is at a crossroads now and he knows that whatever decision he makes, someone will end up being hurt.
Thank you to @runway-to-my-aid and @behindmygreyeyes for the brainstorm sessions for this chapter!
Chapter Warnings: Some explicit language, ex-girlfriend, mentions of cheating, ANGST
It's been a week since Harry has seen YN, and while he would like to say that time is exactly what he has needed to get clarity on this entanglement of his mind, he can't. If anything, it's only made things more difficult. Besides a doctor's appointment and a midday meetup with Tabitha, he has been sitting in his childhood home and alone with the tormenting confusion he has been so desperate to resolve.
He thought the familiarity he feels with Tabitha would instantly make her the one he chooses, but the guilt he is experiencing over the situation with YN has caused him to wonder why he feels it so deeply. He knows that the memories his mind has hidden away would answer that question, but he doesn't know where to find that lock box in his brain. Hell, he doesn't even know if he has the key.
As selfish as it probably is, he can't help but pity himself for how unfair this is on him. At least YN knows how she feels. At least Tabitha knows what she wants. Everything else, the things that change everyone's lives from here on out, are all on him and he has never felt his life more turbulent than it is right now.
He can't decipher what's holding him back. Does he actually want to be with Tabitha, or is the comfort just too difficult to give up? She is sociable and determined, both good qualities that he admires. She is someone he knows, someone he can understand, someone he would be able to jump back into a relationship with. However, even though she stated she wanted what they once had, there hasn't been an extraordinary amount of effort put into rebuilding anything. She can become distant, he has experienced that before, always attributing it to her busy schedule. However, there is a little frustration in Harry, thinking that she should at least try to work this out if it's what she wants. Then again, he could simply be reading too much into all of it due to the stress he is experiencing.
On the other hand, does he want to be with YN, or is he just feeling guilty for being so hesitant with someone who has been so kind to him? It really is amazing the effort she has put into helping him with everything, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally too. She's been abundantly supportive. However, he wonders if it's only due to the accident and his injury. What would happen if they start over again and it isn't as good as it is being made out to be, or he can't be who she expects him to be? What if he doesn't like who she knows him to be?
He finishes his morning coffee and decides that a distraction is something he desperately needs. It's possible that it could help clear his mind, since constantly letting his thoughts and feelings run rampant, yet trying to make sense of them all, is hardly the best technique. An idea pops in his head, and it is something that he knows will, at the very least, allow his mind to temporarily focus on anything but his current turmoil.
"Alright everyone, I know you're excited that Mr. Styles is here, but we are still running class as usual." Sarah states to the students. "Jeremy, come on… just sit down. Drummers keep the beat, man, be a leader."
Harry chuckles as he watches his students compose themselves and get back to their lesson. Edison Academy of Arts was at the top of Harry's list in terms of a career. He loves the structure they implement, allowing him to stay with the same students throughout most of their time at the school. This means, much to Harry's immense pleasure, that he knows the kids in his class. The missing memories are not keeping his love of music and his class from him, and considering everything else he has forgotten, the relief he feels about that fact is overwhelming.
"What've you lot been working on?"
He listens as his students perform pieces they've been practicing, and beams with pride. Finally, he feels some uncomplicated joy. Finally, there is something he does remember and knows that he still has. Finally, there's a moment in his life, since the hospital, where he feels balance and stability.
The bell rings to dismiss for lunch and Harry says goodbye to each student as they walk out. Sarah suggests they go to the teachers lounge to eat but Harry timidly asks if they can stay in the room, not wanting to ruin the peace he feels by getting overwhelmed with questions from the other teachers, as well-intended as they would be.
"So, why are you at your mom's?" Sarah asks, taking a bite into her sandwich and staring at him with an expectant expression.
"Bloody hell, y'just gonna dive right into it, hmm?"
She chuckles as she finishes the food in her mouth, wiping off her hands and staring straight into his eyes. "Well, yeah. What else would we talk about?"
"Literally anything else." He responds, sending her a glare before looking down at his own food and sighing. His moment of joy and balance is quickly dissipating. "I dunno what to say."
"Alright." She states, suddenly softening her tone and her expression. "We don't have to talk about it."
"S'just… I feel like I'm fucked either way."
"What do you mean?"
Her brows quickly furrow in confusion, and Harry's body tenses with the realization that Sarah might not know the details of the situation he is in. The situation he has put both himself and YN in. In fact, as far as he knows, none of his mutual friends with YN know what has been happening.
"Umm… shit." He runs the back of his neck, hoping that the motion will bring him some kind of comfort, or help him to disappear and avoid this conversation. "I… have been having a hard time… choosing…"
"Choosing what…?" The stern expression still plastered all over her face.
"Choosing… who I want to be with…" He admits, immediately dropping his gaze out of shame, as his chest tightens.
Sarah doesn't immediately respond, continuing to stare with the confused expression that had appeared a few moments earlier.
"Like… between YN and… who?"
Harry knows and loves Sarah, and Mitch, and trusts them with so much in his life. He has kept all of this from everyone, but Sarah is someone he does feel he can confide in about this.
"And Tabitha."
She suddenly sits up straight in her chair and presents shock throughout her features. They know him well, more than most of his friends do, but this is something that he is concerned could potentially strain the close friendship they've all had. Because, as much as he knows they love him, it has been made very clear that they love YN just as much.
"You can't be serious, Harry." She shakes her head in disbelief. "Why… why is she even an option?"
He sighs and clears his throat, wishing some sort of residual effects from the accident would cause him to pass out, or combust if possible, and take him away from this awkward conversation. But, as close as they are to YN, he feels as if she can understand his need for familiarity.
"I just know her. Y'know?" He shrugs, looking up to see her understanding, but being met with an even sterner look.
"No! I don't know!" She scolds, causing Harry's body to tense completely, and his breath to momentarily leave his lungs. He was not expecting her to be so upset. "It's stupid!"
"Ease up, Sarah. I remember being with her, and loving her. It's hard to give up the relationship I remember being in."
She scoffs, causing a slight frown to form on Harry's face. He understands her closeness to YN, but she knows Tabitha as well, and he's not asking her to choose between them.
"Okay, so what about YN? You said you're having trouble choosing… so, what about her?"
"YN is…" He pauses, really wanting to be thoughtful about his answer. Not just because he is explaining it to someone who is friends with her, but also because he wants to understand it for himself. "Comfortable… in the way that… that we were able to just hang out and it was good. We didn't, like, have to do anything fancy."
That may have been the first time Harry was able to articulate his feelings and reasoning for wanting to stick around YN.
"Yeah." Sarah responds, a subtle smirk appearing on the side of her mouth furthest from Harry. "That's YN."
"That's what I've been told." He replies, wishing that his memory wouldn't have been taken and he remembered, if only for the reason that this entire situation could be so much easier. He takes a big sigh. "Why does this have to be so difficult?"
Her demeanor quickly changes, at a pace that almost shakes Harry in his seat. She leans forward, the most unreadable expression on her face, and he shifts uncomfortably in his seat.
"I don't know, Harry. I honestly don't know what's wrong with you!"
"What the hell is that s'pose to mean?"
"I just don't understand why this is even something that's confusing to you."
"Because I only remember loving Tabitha…"
"Right. But you also broke up with her…"
"I know. Well, I don't know, but I've been told." He sighs and spins one of the rings on his finger. Everyone remembers this, everyone remembers the hurt and heartbreak he supposedly went through with Tabitha. Everyone except him. "But it's what I know, or remember. I wish I remembered YN, but I don't. Tabitha feels… safe…"
"Safe? What the fuck? She cheated on you!" Sarah states blankly, causing Harry's entire body to freeze. He knows they had some issues at times, every relationship does, and the week before that Christmas Gala had been a bit rough, but this is not something he ever thought possible. He's not even sure Sarah has her facts straight.
"What?... No… She-"
"Didn't you talk to her about this? YN said you met up with her to clear things up!"
He thinks back to that day in the cafe, sitting across from Tabitha, and hearing her explain what happened between the two of them.
"She said I broke it off."
"Yeah, you did. Because she cheated on you." She replies sternly, not necessarily towards him, but seemingly towards his ex.
"She said… fuck… she said I didn't like her working so much-"
"Kudos to her, that isn't completely untrue. But it was because she was fucking her coworker."
What Harry had been worried about with Tabitha, what he had been trying to push aside and blame on the stress of the situation, was all starting to culminate into one big knot in his stomach. He expected sadness to fill him up, but instead it's a pool of anger. She hurt him, then lied about it, and then tried to convince him that they were good together… that they would be good together again.
He immediately stands up, not even feeling fully in control of his body. He thought he knew Tabitha, he thought he remembered Tabitha, he thought his feelings for her were valid and reciprocated. And now, if anything, he feels like an idiot.
"What are you doing?" Sarah asks timidly, a friendly concern apparent in her voice.
Harry's mind is racing, to the point that he doesn't even have a clear answer. Everything since the accident is replaying in his head, and it fuels his anger even more, leaving him unable to solidify any sort of plan before he grabs his things and pushes the chair in.
"Dunno. But I'm going to see her." He growls, quickly glancing at Sarah to see her nod, and turning to leave. "Thanks Sarah."
"I'm always here for you Harry."
After charming his way past the receptionist, Harry stands in front of Tabitha's office door, doing what he can to regulate the rhythm of his chest due to his rapid breathing. He decides she doesn't even deserve the decency of a knock, so he grabs the handle and swings the door wide open.
"Harry!" Tabitha exclaims, a similar shock to Sarah's instantly plastered all over her face.
"You cheated on me." He states, not asking and giving her a chance to deny it.
"Harry…" She begins to reply, motioning him to close the door and sit in the chair on the opposite side of her desk. Harry's body is so tense that he almost doesn't move from his spot, but he isn't one to make a scene in such a public place, so he gives her this one courtesy.
"Tabitha, you told me that I broke up with you. You told me that it was my decision. You told me that I insisted we were different people and that I ended what we had!"
"Yeah." She shrugs, her elbows resting on her desk and her chin propped up by her fists. "It's true…"
"Except you left out the most important part!" He growls, his palms clenching tightly into fists in his lap. Suddenly, for the very first time since the accident, something pops into Harry's mind that he didn't realize was even there to begin with. "It was Devin, wasn't it? It was your boss, Devin!"
She lets out a sigh and his anger rises as he notices a subtle roll of her eyes.
"Yeah. It was."
"I can't fucking believe this." He runs his hand through his hair, shaking it in disbelief. What surprises him about the gesture is that it's not due to her actions, but instead due to how easily he trusted her without question. He just let his desperate desire for normalcy and familiarity blind him from the reality of what their relationship had become. He hid their recent hangouts from his friends, not wanting them to convince him to do otherwise, but he never stopped to think about why he was afraid of them attempting doing so.
"Geez, Harry, what do you want me to say?" She snaps, causing Harry's eyes to send her a heated, piercing glare. She's so casual about this, as if she picked up the wrong kind of cereal from the grocery store.
"How long? I just wanna know how long you were seeing him while we were together."
His knuckles turn white as he grips on to the armrests of the chair. Not that he remembers everything, but he is certain he has never been this angry before, ever. She used him, she took him for granted, and betrayed him. And as he waits for her answer, he feels rage as she bites her lip as she ponders his question and prepares her answer.
"Six months."
"Oh for fucks sake, Tabitha! We were together for just over a year!" He exclaims, once again uncontrollably shooting straight up from the chair. "And for almost half of our relationship you were fucking someone else... Wait…"
A sensation runs through Harry's brain, almost like the tiniest spark has just ignited inside and it almost drops him to the floor. Suddenly, a picture runs through his mind and his heart almost stops beating.
"It was the Christmas Gala…" He almost wants to cry. Not because of the words he is about to say, but because of how he is even capable of saying them. "I found out at the Christmas Gala. That was the night we broke up."
He has finally remembered something.
"Harry… look… yes, I made a mistake, but I still think we can be together again…" She smirks, standing from her own chair and slowly making her way around the desk. She reaches out to grab his arm. "I can end it with him if yo-"
"You're still with him?" He begins to shout, no longer caring about the discretion he wanted to give her earlier. "God you're unbelievable! You're so fucking selfish!"
Suddenly, something else pops into his head. It's not a memory that had once been hidden, but it's of something he had recently experienced. It was of YN. She had never once been selfish since the accident. She took care of him, she never hoarded his time, and she waited as she hoped he would regain his memories and come back to her. As if he didn't already feel like an idiot before, he feels like he didn't even deserve a brain at this point, because he clearly hadn't been using it at all. His chest quickly tightens as he moves out of Tabitha's reach and towards the door. He hurt the one person who, as far as he knows, has never hurt him. Not like this. Definitely not like this.
"Whatever this was going to be, it's not." Harry replies, swinging the door open once again and stepping out, clearing his throat in hopes that he will be loud enough for her coworkers to pick up on. "Try not to sleep your way too high up the corporate ladder, yeah?"
With that, Harry turns around and heads out of the building, feeling another sort of contradictory emotion as he walks a few paces down the street and presses his back against the wall. He is proud of himself for what happened, no longer feeling inferior to the person he was once with, and giving her exactly what she deserves. But there is a hurt there. A hurt, not because of Tabitha, but because of YN. Because he hurt her. Because she deserves way better, and he wants her to know it.
He didn't waste any time heading over to the flat. He doesn't know what he is expecting, except maybe a door slamming in his face, and he doesn't even know what he will say, but he wants YN to at least know that he is sorry for putting her through all of this.
The closer he gets to the building, the more he thinks about how amazing she has been to him, and how comfortable he has actually been with her. He probably won't stop scolding himself for how he let someone from his past, someone who really wasn't good for him, enter back into his life and overshadow everything YN had been giving him.
He likes the comfortable nights they spent having dinner together, watching a show or reading books. Even though they were often on opposite ends of the couch, it always felt easy, and natural. He likes the way she looks at him with a little sparkle in her eye, shying away when he meets her gaze, which he realizes was her way of not forcing herself back into his heart. He likes the way she got excited about the littlest things that meant so much to them, even if he couldn't remember. He definitely regrets snapping at her that night it started raining. He likes how she is so passionate about her work, but never lets it take over her life. He likes how she, from what he's been told, encourages him with his own passions, especially with music. He likes how she gets along with his friends, having made them her own, and bringing a few others into their tight knit group.
He likes YN.
Not for the first time today, he feels like an utter fool. From day one of waking up in the hospital, she has been there for him, and he didn't even give her a full chance. He would say he has been missing out on all those good things, but truthfully, he hasn't. She has been doing them for him the entire time, and he took it all for granted. It wasn't his intention, but it also wasn't right. So no, he wasn't missing out, but he wasn't experiencing it to the fullest. He was too scared to allow himself, which in hindsight seems ridiculous. There's a reason his mum, his sister, and his entire friend group love her so much and tried so hard to get him to see why. Because she was so good. She was so good to him and for him, yet he has been anything but good to her.
He is so deep in his thoughts that he doesn't even realize he is standing in front of the door to the flat. He raises his fist up, no longer having keys to what was once a shared space, but stops and runs his hand through his hair. He doesn't even know what to say, and he doesn't even know if he deserves the chance to anyway.
He takes a big inhale and slowly breathes out, trying to ground himself before he hits his knuckles against the door and waits anxiously for a reply.
He didn't know if he expected YN to be home, but he didn't necessarily expect to see the person that answered his knock.
"Oh god." Adhira states.
"Hey. I know… I mean… I'm sure I'm not anyone's favorite person, but is YN here?" He mutters, suddenly feeling less enthusiastic and confident about this interaction.
"When will she be back? I just… I have a few things I want to say."
"She's not coming back for another week."
"A week?" Harry replies with a loud, shocked tone. "Where… where did she go?"
"She went to visit with her parents for a bit." Adhira sighs, her gaze flickering all over his figure as he begins to fiddle with his rings, then rub the back of his neck. "Come… come in, Harry."
She moves to the side as Harry walks through the doorway and into the flat. He knows it hasn't been long, but nothing has changed. Even with all of the things he has taken to his mum's, it still looks like the place they had apparently made their home, together. The coffee machine that admittedly didn't make as good of a latte as Way Cup, a few framed photos of them together throughout the last two and a half years, and as he looks over to the couch, he notices his favorite blanket sprawled across the back of it.
"So… are you staying here?" He asks, eyes still fixed on the couch.
"No… I just came to get the mail." She replies. He had forgotten to take the blanket as it had been tucked away out of sight. But seeing it laying out there in the living room, now knowing Adhira wasn't using it, means that YN has been, and the guilt he feels for everything will be what stops him from taking it back. "What are you doing here Harry?"
His eyes snap back over to be met with Adhira's questioning look and he knows the pain he has caused YN has also spread to her friends. Their friends.
"I want to tell her that m'sorry."
"Okay… Sorry for what?" She replies, crossing her arms across her chest. He senses her caution, and her guard of YN, and he can't blame her. She is testing him, to see if he truly knows what he is apologizing for.
"For how I treated her. For how I took her for granted. For how I couldn't make a decision, and it hurt her." He actually feels mildly proud of how quickly and effortlessly he was able to explain himself. With how jumbled his thoughts have been over the past few weeks, this is the clearest he has felt in a long time.
"Look, Adhira, I told Tabitha we weren't going to be anything. And even if YN never wants…" The sadness he suddenly feels when he begins to make his statement is a little out of left field. He had only just recently realized, or rather acknowledged, that he likes YN, but the thought of her never wanting to see him again made his breathing race faster. He knows he doesn't deserve a chance to start things over with her, but he is now discovering that he wants that chance. "If she never wants to see me again… I just want her to know that I know I fucked up, and m'sorry."
Adhira stands there for a moment, studying his face as he shifts his weight between his legs, unable to stand still for more than just a few moments with the amount of anxiety flowing through his veins.
"Why did you cut it off with Tabitha?" She asks.
"Some things were bothering me. And then Sarah told me that she cheated on me, and I was done."
"You didn't know she cheated on you?" She replies, a wide and seemingly mildly judgemental look on her face.
"No. She lied to me. But I don't wanna get into that. I just wanna talk to YN."
"Well, she's not here. But I don't know if that's a good idea. I think she needs… space… and her own time to think about what it is that she wants now."
Harry's heart stops for a moment. Maybe it's too late. Maybe she already doesn't want to see him anymore. He can't blame her, he did this to her to a much deeper degree, and this is his consequence. But his mouth drops open and he can't hold back what he says next.
"We're supposed to be together." The sentence rolls out, one similar to what she had said to him, that he is supposed to want her.
"This isn't an obligation, Harry. She doesn't want to be that!" Adhira throws her hands down to her hips. "And she doesn't want to be your second choice."
"She's… she's not!" He shouts, instantly becoming aware of his volume and clearing his throat as he tries to compose himself. "I want… I want to be…"
The words get stuck in his throat as his mind begins to swirl again. All the positivity and small amount of hope he had been feeling have disappeared, like his memories, potentially along with his chance to make things right with YN.
"Be with her?" She asks, only being met with a nod. "Harry, she was hurt by not being remembered by you, then she was hurt by not being chosen by you…"
"I know." He lowers his gaze to the ground, feeling as if his body could follow along with it.
"I'm just saying that I don't want to see her get hurt again." She explains, Harry quickly gazing up to see her softened features.
"And I don't want to hurt her again." He whispers. He begins to feel hopeless, and helpless. He shouldn't have hurt her in the first place, it was unintentional, but he doesn't want her to go through anymore. The accident in itself was enough for her to have to deal with, but the stress, the nightmares, and his indecisiveness piled on top was just cruel, and it was his fault. He wants to make things right between them, but he doesn't really know how, and now he definitely doesn't think he deserves the chance to. Because he doesn't want to fail her anymore. "I should… I should go."
"Harry… I'm just-"
"No, s'alright. I get it."
He shoves one hand in his pocket and the other one throws up a little wave.
"Oh. Wait. I've got something for you." Adhira quietly states, jogging into YN's bedroom and returning with two shoeboxes in her hands. "I, umm, I was cleaning her room and found these in the back of the closet… they have your name on them."
He grabs the items and opens the lid of the box on top, seeing a stack of his writing journals inside. They are filled with all sorts of melodies and lyrics for songs, something he turns to a lot when he needs to express himself or an idea just pops in his head. He has a feeling that there is a decent amount in there about Tabitha, but probably way more about YN.
"Thanks." He mumbles. He should've known things would end up this way, without either of the people he had been torn between, even though there was really only one good choice in the first place. He doesn't pity himself. This is what he deserves- slinking out of his old flat, literally caring all of his feelings with him.
A knock on his old bedroom door awakens Harry from a sorrow-induced nap. He honestly never thought he'd feel this low, especially about someone he still doesn't remember before the accident, yet here he was. He hasn't stopped thinking about how truly idiotic he has been, not truly giving his supposed relationship with YN an actual chance. Hindsight is evil in this case, as he becomes so aware of how amazing YN was to him. She really is someone who is beautiful inside and out.
"Harry?" Anne's voice vibrates through the door, pulling him further out of those sleepy, regretful thoughts.
"Come in, Mum." He replies, sitting up and scooting to the edge of the bed.
Anne opens the door with a hot cup of tea in hand, making her way to sit next to her son and offering it to him, which he gladly accepts.
"What's going on, sweetheart?" She asks softly, placing her hand on his shoulder. "You've been grumpy since you moved back, and mopey since you got home today."
The comforting beverage in his hand serves another purpose, keeping Harry from throwing his hands up to his face. Instead, he looks quickly over to his mother, and then straight down to the ground.
"I fucked up."
"How so?" She asks lovingly, though he is fully aware that she can sense some of what is to come in this conversation. Not the details, but certainly the underlying tone.
"With YN. I was such an idiot." He replies, trying to take in a few breaths to keep himself and his thoughts together. Everything has been racing the last few weeks, and he reveled in the slightest relief he had from it as he made his way to the flat today, only for it to be snatched away from him and replaced again by the swirling tornado inside his mind. "I was too scared to try and make it work."
"Honestly, dunno. Afraid of the unknown maybe." He shrugs, disappointed in himself for how he handled it all. "And I let the familiarity of… Tabitha… keep me in that state of fear."
"Tabitha?" Anne replies, a bit of a hiss behind her words. "Harry… no…"
"I know. I know. It was the relationship I could remember, so I grasped onto it. But it was so stupid. I was so stupid." He winces, partially at the recollection of his poor choices, but also in anticipation of a scolding from his mum. Instead, there is silence, which causes him to look over to her. He can see her opening her mouth slightly, only to stay silent, and it makes him feel even worse that his own mother doesn't even know what to say. "Oh god… did you know? Did everyone know?"
"Know what?"
"That Tabitha cheated on me?"
Anne pulls her lips in and Harry notices an apologetic look in her eyes. His stomach knots tighter the longer she stays silent.
"Fuck! So… that means YN knew too…"
Harry suddenly feels as if he's been punched in the stomach as he watches Anne nod, painful to the point that he curls over himself, bending at the waist and almost dropping his cup of tea. YN never said anything about it, though to be fair, she also didn't know that he had been hanging out with Tabitha until recently. But even still, she didn't acknowledge it. No wonder she kicked him out. "I hurt her, Mum. Fuck. Now I dunno if I can make it right."
She places a hand on his thigh and gives it a couple of pats, something she had done throughout his childhood when they were engaged in a serious conversation.
"Harry…" She sighs, turning her body slightly more towards his and giving him a small smile. "I talked to her yesterday…"
He straightens up, unsure how he feels about the statement she just made. Is he hopeful that the connection they have with each other could give him a shot at making things right, or is he afraid that she is now cutting ties with anyone that has a connection with him?
"Y-you did?"
"Yes." She nods, giving his thigh another pat, which only causes his uncertainty to rise to the next level. "I probably shouldn't say anything."
He drops his head. That doesn't sound like a statement that would be positive for him, and he squeezes his eyes shut, letting in a large amount of air into his lungs to attempt to stay somewhat stable.
"Okay." He sighs.
She removes her hand from his thigh and begins to fidget with the hem of her jumper, clearly being the influence of his own nervous habit.
"She still loves you, Harry. Of course. But you're right, she is hurting." She states, looking to Harry with a complicated expression- compassionate yet concerned. "Do you have your memories back?"
He shook his head, furrowing his brow at the reminder of the only lost one he has managed to regain. "Only one, of the break-up with Tabitha."
"So… you want to work it out with her… even though you don't remember her from before?"
"Yeah." He softly mumbles, surprised at how well she communicated that statement. He hadn't thought about it like that. It made a smile form on his face, knowing that it means he truly does like YN, but it quickly disappears knowing that it might not matter anymore.
"Well, maybe not all hope is lost. Give her some time."
He nods, but his stomach turns in knots again and his heart sinks. He told her that he needed time, which created this painful position he finds himself in now. Time wasn't what he should've asked for, and if she ends up needing it herself, he is afraid that it won't end the way he hopes it would.
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rocksandmirrors · 1 year
something quick i wrote based on this drawing bc why not, but to make it more interesting i gave myself the rule not to use any dialogues bc i rely on them too much. i think it came out alright <3
also i know it's not that long but i'm still putting a read more thing just in case lol
During the week, the late hours of the afternoon were dedicated to work, or studying; Augustus knew that, and he usually stuck to his schedule. He didn’t take into account, however, his boyfriend’s dire (and often unexpected) need for affection. Mattholomule had fallen asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows, and their respective books had been discarded a while ago all over the bed. All the work he was doing to rebuild the Isles wasn't helping either, and although a part of Augustus felt guilty for not doing as much as he had planned to, a simple glance down at the boy sleeping in his arms was enough to dissipate his worries.
If it was even possible, Mattholomule’s arms tightened around Augustus’ waist, to the point he wondered if he would ever be able to escape his boyfriend’s grip- not that he minded, but he had noticed he tended to be clingier whenever he relaxed in the privacy of one of their bedrooms. To think that, out of the two, Mattholomule was more reluctant about doing ‘couple stuff’ at the beginning of their relationship. Now, they couldn’t nap together without him clinging to Augustus like his life depended on it, even when in a deep slumber. He wasn’t sure he realized, though, considering how much of a heavy sleeper he was.
With a smile, Augustus brought a hand to Mattholomule’s hair and started playing with it. Still half-asleep, his lover just grumbled something he didn’t catch, barely cracking one eye open as he looked up. He snorted at his disheveled, fresh out-of-bed look, his face framed by the golden light of the sunset through the window. Still silent, as if any word pronounced would destroy this peaceful moment, his hand traveled down and cupped Mattholomule’s face, his own grin still wide. His thumb hovered on his cheek, drawing slow, circle motions. The older witch just kept staring at him with a blank face, slowly blinking, almost wondering how he got there in the first place. Augustus nodded at him, waiting for him to speak, but nothing came out of his mouth. Instead, he just closed his eyes again and nuzzled his face against Augustus’ stomach, holding him as close as possible. He was almost pinning him down on the mattress with his weight on top of him for the most part- and boy, was he heavy, now.
Augustus just sighed and buried his hand into Mattholomule’s unruly locks again, but this time the other boy didn’t react. He winded a strand of hair around his finger, then let it escape before cupping the back of his head.
Yeah. Augustus was embarrassingly in love with Mattholomule.
And seeing him not only so vulnerable, but also putting so much trust in him made him fall even more.
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