#also I was like. 2nd place in damage overall so.
daeiran-morran · 10 months
I arrive at my static night-
Mechanics: Learned
DPS: Perfect (2nd place but still good)
Anxiety: Existing (because that’s just me as a person)
I am Forcibly Removed From My Static
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otakween · 6 months
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Digimon World 3 - Final Thoughts
I've beaten the third Digimon World woohoo!! It was a brisk 40 hours, the perfect JRPG length. Overall, it was way better than Digimon World 2, but maybe not better than 1?? I dunno. It was definitely more enjoyable than 1 gameplay-wise, but if I look at it big picture it was way more generic and less memorable. Defeating the first Digimon World felt like more of a triumph and beating 3 felt kinda hollow (because it was easy and anticlimactic).
Despite any gripes I have, I could see myself replaying this. I'm especially interested in a potential revisit (like 10 years from now lol) because I found out that the PAL version of the game (Digimon World 2003) is the true, complete version of the game. Whoops...
So uh...Lord Megadeath and Snatchmon huh...great naming sense guys, good job.
Confession: I straight-up ignored all of the side quests in this game. Skipped all of the card battles, never got the fishing pole, etc. In the end, I don't really regret it because those card battles were kind of pointless anyway.
Confession part 2: I WAS planning on getting back to the side quests in the post-game until I realized that there is no post-game in this game. This is one of those games where you beat the final boss and they kick you back to the start screen with no opportunity to save. I hate it when games do that TT__TT now there's now proof that I beat it!
That ending was kinda lame. I liked the final battle with all of the epic FMVs, but the epilogue with the kids was literally so boring. They did not make me care about any of these characters in the slightest.
Speaking of FMVs, this game had so many!! The FMVs combined with the awesome pixel art definitely made this game great. It was a little lame how half of the world was just the same environments but palette swapped, but eh...whatever. There was enough variation to keep me excited.
Travel in this game was BULLSHIT. I said in one of my previous posts "fast travel will probably come soon!" NOPE, never came. The worst was when you beat a boss and then they made you back track throughout the whole dungeon for no reason. Thank God I played this on an emulator because an unexpected death would have set me back AGES. Very often it would take me an hour in REAL TIME to get to the next place I needed to be. Entire game sessions were just me walking across the map. If it wasn't for this mechanic, the game would have been like 10 hours long lol. Definitely artificial padding.
I noticed a couple of digimon here and there that I had never seen before. I think this game had a great variety in its wild encounters, although it was kind of weird to battle so many ultimates and whoop their butts so easily.
Speaking of easy...I think this game was maybe too easy or at least too exploitable. Health items were dirt cheap so it was super simple to stock up on 99 of each at all times, the counter crest allowed me to deal massive damage beyond my digimon's levels. The final boss fight with Galacticmon was just a game of letting my digimon attack until they died, resurrecting them with a healing item, and repeating that cycle until the battle was finished. The resurrection item brings back all digimon in your party with their full health which is pretty OP. By the 2nd half of the game this strategy became unbeatable and battles became kind of stale.
SO many random battles, like an obnoxious amount. I would leave one random battle, take a single step and another one would be triggered. I listened to a lot of podcasts slogging through this.
One of the weakest parts of this game was the plot/writing, but that was also weak in Digimon World 1 & 2. At least the translation seemed pretty decent this time around. I guess the "stuck in the game world" cliche was kinda fun.
The other thing I ignored in this game was the bonus digimon you can pickup along the way. I did end up getting two of them, but I never used them. They start at level 1 and ain't nobody got time to level up digimon from level 1 halfway through the game. Also, I wasn't super interested in using Guilmon when my Renamon already had MegaloGrowmon in their digivolve roster. I kind of wish this game allowed you to catch the wild digimon because you could create some really crazy parties.
My "main digimon" that I ended up using the most was Kotemon in their Kyukimon form. This was unfortunate because I think Kyukimon is butt ugly, but oh well lol.
The blasted mechanic in battles was really great and I hope they bring it back in future games! It allows you a second chance when you're in a pinch and just feels epic. I rarely used the digivolve option in battles, so it was nice getting a "free" digivolve every now and then.
I could go on and on about this game apparently, but I'm gonna wrap it up here. I have many many more games to get through before I start the next season of the anime. Onwards!
I give Digimon World 3 a solid 6.5 out of 10
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flesh-panopticon · 1 year
Ultrakill WAIT OF THE WORLD update review
this review(?) WILL contain heavy spoilers for the new content, especially P-2.
alright, lets get all the other stuff outta the way on some rapid fire points.
S.R.S Cannon Rocket Launcher variant: sorry but i havent really used it so dont ask me.
Radiant Enemies and sandbox updates: i like the radiant enemy system, being able to modify speed, health, and damage without the hassle of mods is much appreciated. Although the boss health bar modifier is a bit broken on enemies with a name with multiple words it doesnt display the spacing. and sometimes the name is just wrong. like the FLESH PANOPTICON just displays as "fleshprison" (this doesnt happen with the boss version)
Dev museum: its a nice and relaxing place to just chill, learn about the beautiful people who worked on this game, its history (such as scrapped weapons and early enemy models) and just watch the nice scenery. also there are some fun secrets and a neat minigame
5-S: gone fishin'
And now, the main attraction...
ok. so the pre boss fights are amazing. a massive gauntlet of some of the most powerful enemies in the game. Swordsmachines, Ferrymen, Mindflayers, and an invincible stalker sanding every enemy within a 500KM radius and there is nothing you can do to stop it!
Now the bosses.
FLESH PANOPTICON: it is very similar to flesh prison and has a good fight ost but it dies way, WAY too fast. (yes i know its kind of the point but still a disappointment.)
and now...
easily the most brutal boss in the game, he has a range of lightning fast and high damage attacks that are able to be parried but the sheer speed and already relatively small window makes it difficult even for more experienced players. his design (especially in the 2nd phase) is great, i like that his face is only defined with blood red markings. i love how he is built like a powerful weightlifter or sumo wrestler and his 6 meter (roughly 20 foot) height makes him very imposing and strong looking. his voice is amazing and almost EXACTLY what i thought we would sound like. Even his entrance is epic as hell, ripping open the Panopticon FROM THE INSIDE after V1 barely weakened it and then saying "this prison... to hold ME?" is almost scary and it made my heart rush like nothing else. the music... oh THE MUSIC IS SO FUCKING GOOD! Just like the fight itself, the theme is similar to ORDER exept faster, more powerful with loud and imposing drums and the melodies just personify how powerful and sadistic he is.
overall its the best fight in the ENTIRE game IMO and the update as a whole is one of the best ever. the update has been out for just over a day and the community is going insane. And some extremely talented people have already P-ranked it.
now what do you all think
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realcatalina · 1 year
Catherine of Aragon’s health-Part 2: Sweating Sickness
What exactly happened in late March 1502/April 1502 and was it Sweating Sickness which killed prince Arthur? And what exactly was Sweating Sickness? Let’s find out.
 In late March 1502, Catherine and Arthur both became sick.
Arthur never recovered, and died few days later on 2nd of April. But neither was seriously sick before. I know, I know, Dona Elvira and some others in Catherine’s household later claimed Arthur was very sick right at beginning of the marriage. But that was not the case-as far as i am concerned there are big reasons to doubt credibility of those claims. (I voiced my opinions about other reasons for not consumating in previous posts.)
Also Dona Elvira was in middle of fight with Henry VII over her wage when she said Arthur was impotent and she was overall deceitful person.
As possible cause of Arthur’s death many different diseases were discussed and even other possible reasons. Some more ridiculous than the others.
Poison- Pope Alexander and his son were poisoned in 1503. While son recovered, pope died. There’d certainly be reasons why somebody would wish to assasinate prince of Wales, and his wife could have been just colateral damage, due to sharing eviroment and food with him. This theory is not utterly outrageous, as de la Pole already fled England in 1501 and other logical step for him to get throne would be to get rid of Tudors.(One at the time.) We cannot rule this out as possibility, however royals had tasters, and nobody at time of Arthur’s death thought it was poisoning. Hence they found no signs which would make them suspicious of poison or they knew exactly what else killed him. However the notion that Henry VII killed his heir to get his widow(when he was married himself at the time) or that future Henry VIII(ten at the time) had his brother poisoned to become heir are utter bullshit.
Food poisoning-again they had tasters and food poisoning was known at the time. It also is way more likely to happen in summer than March.
Tuberculosis-doesn’t fit, because it is very lenghtly disease, takes weeks or months to kill person and their health slowly detoriates. Since Arthur died suddenly, everybody was surprised by it  and wasn’t seriously sick before, it is impossible. It’s solely due to false testimonies by Catherine’s household that this is being brought up(again and again), despite strong evidence against it.
Testicular cancer-is not contagious disease, such theory ignores that Catherine too became seriously sick. Utter nonsense.
Plague-while possible, it is unlikely because Arthur’s funeral was large, and with plague they tended to do very small funerals. Even for royalty.
Catherine after Arthur’s death was swiftly removed from Ludlow, despite being still very weak(and would continue to be for weeks that fallowed.)
Catherine’s parents were also relieved that she was removed from the unhealthy place-yet Ludlow at the time was fairly comfortable residence.
So could they mean that place was unhealthy because there was outbreak of disease? 
Most evidence points to it being a disease, including contemporary report:
[Arthur suffered from] the most pitiful disease and sickness that with so sore and great violence had battled and driven in the singular parts of him inward; that cruel and fervent enemy of nature, the deadly corruption, did utterly vanquish and overcome the pure and friendful blood, without all manner of physical help and remedy.
Translation: A violent course of disease has killed him, killed this pure, friendly prince, and there was nothing that people could do to help him.
So could it be the famous Sweating Sickness? Yes. It fits very much. Including that Catherine was removed fast. Of course her household didn’t wish to wait around to catch it, and it wasn’t as if they could just leave her there.
Yet at same time it wasn’t as extremely contagious as Plague(even back then they realised it), so that explains larger funeral.
But how could it be so feared, if it was less contagious? 
The answer lie in how Sweating Sickness acted. 
Up to this day we don’t know what the disease was, what was the cause, exactly how it spread and actually not even how it affected inner organs(nobody did autopsies). It doesn’t show up on bones either.
There is even not agreed date when it first appeared in England. Some say it came to England in 1485 with Henry VII’s troops. But lord Stanley initially excused himself from battle of Bosworth due to Sweating Sickness being in the era. Meaning at least he has seen it before and feared it. 
Now, it might be proof that Stanley had been in touch with Henry VII and might have even personally met him and seen what the disease can do.
Or disease already occured in England before.  If it was case and disease really originated in England, Henry VII’s troops having it would indicate Henry VII met some Englishmen before he embarked for England. We know he did, several English nobles joined his ranks. Besides how could Stanley excuse himself upon disease Richard never seen before? Seems to not fallow common sense.
But back to what the disease did.
I am no expert upon Sweating sickess, I found disertation work of Mr Edwin Del Wollert about Sweating Sickness, and I am taking a lot of details about this disease from his work. (if anybody is interested look it up) 
I had to google some words he used(as i didn’t understand half of those medical terms), so I updated his list for you
-the full list of symptoms include:
·         Sudden onset and violent course of disease
·         Sweating, great thirst and great weakness, including fainting
·         Fever, pains in limbs, head and belly
·         Rapid pulse, rapid breathing, quick heartbeat, flushing
·         Vomiting, bleeding and diarhea
·         Neurological symptoms-confusion, irritation, paranoia
·         Signs of organ failure-resulting in death.
Chills or cold shivers also happened ( likely as last stage of dehydration, signalling body is about to give up.)
Truly unpleasant way to go, and truly violent course of disease+ the sudden onset was why it was so feared(alongside death-rate). It struck often out of nowhere, but struck hard.
Many of those symptoms are signs of severe dehydration, and they occured even before strong sweating began(which was usually 2nd stage). As if person was cooking up from inside right from beginning. (Those are my observations not Mr Wollert’s.) 
If so, the recommended methods of treathing the sick of the time, had actually contributed to patients’ deaths.
Because they recomended to wrap them in warm clothing and not give them anything to drink. (Nor eat, but the drink part is more important here.). 
Which is exact oposite of how we recommend to treat severe dehydration, by giving person plenty of fluids and by keeping them cool.
That might have been why the disease was so deadly in England. 
Wrong treatment!
Idk if cooking of the organs could explain why Arthur’s stomach was collapsing inwards. If you cook meat, it shrinks a bit...so maybe his organs shrunk? But true to be told it could be something else disease did to his organs, creating same effect on outside. While yes, that can also happen during cancer, it would still be impossible for cancer to become contagious and for Arthur’s spouse to catch it. So I am standing behind my statement that it is utter nonsense. 
Mr Wollert also mentions that sweating crisis when person is very weak could last 3-14 days(not hours). I believe he is not saying that is how long one would be severely sick, but how long it took for symtoms to go away. 
(Though I can be mistaken.)
(With flu also you have several days where you feel really sick and then few days, when you’re still bit sick but don’t feel like dying-i believe he means this stage, and then if your disease was bad case, you can still feel weak even after this.)
However the disease could kill you as quickly as in couple of hours, or in just few days(which was case in Arthur.)
Another very important trait of Sweating Sickness was that you could get it more than once! Living through it, didn’t give you imunity to it!
Also, some people even after they survived could suffer long-term consequences. 
That thankfully wasn’t the case with Catherine. But after Arthur died Catherine spent weeks recovering. She probably wasn’t still well when Henry VII started to inquire if she was with child or not. Hence her not being to able to tell him outright, that there was no hope of a child. 
When she was well enough to join the court, negotiations for match with new prince of Wales have already started. 
I hope you have enjoyed it. Please be polite in comments or rebloging.
Update: As I said before people later testified stating Arthur was sick. Either that at beginning of marriage or upon coming to Ludlow he supposedly became sick.
Majority of these were former or current members of Catherine’s household or people who met them-claiming they heard them say something.
+ some English people also voiced something of the sort around same time.
Two problems I have with these reports:
A)They appeared during Great Matter. During that time, truth didn’t matter that much to either side. It’s time of half-truths, half-lies. 50% of truth and you don’t know which 50%. 
B)Some of these are not even from  primary source(person who was there), but secondary. They heard it from somebody. Or claim to heard it. 
Hearsay is not very credible! 
I am not sure because it has been long since I read up upon this stuff, but I vaguely recall that Catherine’s former physican was dead during Great Matter and instead of him testifying, somebody who met him testified instead. Hence that 2nd person could completely be making stuff up.
(But perhaps my recall is wrong. I am human I do mistakes.)
The primary person was dead already. And it gets misquoted, as if that person himself testified.
I’d  also very much caution against using Suffolk as credible source for Arthur being sick since February. Because credibility of Suffolk is imo 0. He was overall very immoral person and very ambitious. Look up his first marriages, and how he tried to make Margaret of Austria to marry him! How he swore to not marry Mary Rose, and then he did it anyway!
He was exact oposite of honourable and trust-worthy!
That he wouldn’t have reason to lie because he was king’s friend? 
He was married to King’s sister, younger sister true, but if King didn’t have a son and wasn’t allowed to remarry, then perhaps English lords could be persuaded to reject Margaret and her Scottish son, in favour of Suffolk and his wife!
He was certainly ambitious enough for me to believe he’d lie for the throne!
It could also be the case that Arthur caught something very minor during late winter 1502, and while still not 100% recovered, he was unfortunate enough to catch Sweating Sickness, which then killed him. And later people overexagerated his minor sickness to give their version of story more credibility.
Still I believe Queen Catherine was telling the truth. People around her just had tendency to embelish the story beyond recognition.
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i had to reread n edit this before posting like i was going over an essay jesus christ ((tristamp spoilers))
tldr; i was honestly disappointed but i still don't think it was completely awful + i hope if they do a 2nd season it's better *wants to see milly*.... fuck the director though
EDIT!!! 2nd season was confirmed so you can ignore the points where i question if it will happen lol
EDIT 2 actually idt i'll watch the 2nd season... for reasons that just hit me so.... + fuck night*w as well
most of this was written before the finale eek
the major problems were that the pacing was soooooo weird n some of the changes (both story wise and design wise) they made were questionable esp towards the latter half
my positive points:
i do still think individual eps at the first half were really good
i loved the animation + how they used colors
the backgrounds are cool
the artstyle shift in wolfwood's flashback was cool
i've always been "ok" abt vashwood honestly (sorry) but i will acknowledge they were very yaoiful here. i saw a person who didn't ship vashwood say the ep in tristamp where they literally just met made them ship it which was really funny bc how did that change your mind so fast
i'm ngl the milly + eriks name drops made me *JAWDROP* but that's something that only matters to ppl who watched/read the ogs first
my negative points (uh oh):
white washed wolfwood (+ his skintone is soo inconsistent in merch)
they gave vash no room to breathe n he doesn't get big sillay moments after ep 3
^ this is true for every character except i guess roberto? more on roberto later
^^^ goes with the previous too points but it felt like they were way too focused on the drama n sadness without enough (long lasting) happy or hopeful moments to contrast or balance it out overall - to the point were the characterization of our main cast suffered for it bc there wasn't enough there with them to make that properly work. and THEN the silly moments ended up suffering too bc they start feeling out of place. the drama beats kept happening one after the other at breakneck speed without breaks, messing up the pacing as well (i can kinda blame this at least partially on the fact they only had 12 eps when the og was 26 eps but i've watched plenty of 12 ep series with great pacing so i don't really know what happened here?)
i disagreed with this at first, but the lore with vash being front-loaded really did hurt the story a bit in the long run. obviously they did still spread the full details out over the course of the show but it was :\
specific to "the running man"- it's my fav ep tbh but it was strange how all the townsfolk were partying w the nebraskas with no indication they'd arrest them after they did so much damage n vash didn't even get to fix the damaged plant?? so why were they so joyous when the initial problem wasn't solved?
roberto.... was such a weird character... he managed to be both a dick n a guy w no personality, he was there to give exposition + attempt to be funny? n then die. also the marketing staff fucking hates him he's never in any merch wtf ((edited after the finale: well now we know he wasn't meant to replace milly (i had a whole paragraph complaining abt that lol) + now i feel like they added him just to kill someone other than wolfwood off))
i can't speak much on elendria bc i had so much trouble reading trimax forever ago that i never retained anything abt her other than she's trans, but everything involving her in tristamp felt strange/ like it didn't work. i have essentially same feeling about livio here. they threw legato to the side??
what the fuck was the thing with the plants towards the end. it just hit me what the hell
minor nitpicks:
i miss the old anime's ost :( tristamp's ost isn't bad by any means n there are tracks that i really like it's just idk man. especially with the the op song, i couldn't get myself to not skip the op SORRY. could you imagine how hype it would've been if a new rendition of H.T. or NO-BEAT started playing
i'm fine with stamp vash's design (blasphemous i know) but man would'n've one of his og coat designs worked well in 3d? i feel like it would've ((added after the finale: the new coat did look nice in black + they brought back his old hair in the last ep tho so. MAYBE... IN SEASON 2.... CLASSIC COAT....? *delusional*))
NO LOVE & PEACE?!?!?!?!
one of my nitpick points was that they technically didn't give vash the black hair bc i really wanna see it animated one day but assuming they are teasing a season 2 maybe they will eventually. but then how...?
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ispyspookymansion · 1 year
my true and correct ranking is
evil dead - all good
child’s play - mostly good people r to mean to seed it’s fun
final destination 3/4 but 4 is terrible
scream 4/5 and 5 isn’t that bad
saw - mostly good sometimes really great and even the bad ones have their moments
friday - mostly terrible but all extremely enjoyable
nightmare - 3 great movies and new nightmare and like the bad ones are fun
chainsaw - two fantastic movies i can take or leave the rest
psycho - i love 1 & 2 but the rest of them are notverygood
halloween - great opening wild sequel i own season of the witch merch and a dvd copy of h20 but christ alive when it’s bad it’s terrible
write-in last place is alien cuz those first two are without comparison but prometheus is the worst movie i have ever seen
saw should maybe be higher cuz i like her more than scream but if we’re looking at them as a franchise than i think 3D and jigsaw really bring her down cuz they kinda loose what makes those movies work so well i loved finally seeing the reverse bear trap in action tho
also i’d be reeeeally incherested in knowing ur rankings :D we’ve all given our terrible opinions i’d love 2 know urs
sorry this is abt to get so long and just know i dont necessarily believe any of this im saying words recreationally ! and i tried to think abt them as in quality of franchise, but i am obviously human with personal tastes and biases. i generally counted how many movies i gave 3 or more stars on letterboxd to get my numbering. below the cut for my takes!
- saw (8/9 or 88%) my babygirl. my sweet cheese. i can get why some people dont rock with it but writing it off as torture porn is unforgivable both in that its not, or not entirely, and okay so who cares torture those bitches !!!!! saw’s Quality is not consistent, but its premise is and its one of the most interconnected franchises which strengthens it as a series
- child’s play (6/8 or 80%): prefacing by saying this doesnt take the show into account, but the show is a wash for me anyways. child’s play is a perfect mix of funny and scary, both on a movie by movie basis and as a franchise. don mancini sucks at writing a tv show but his consistent hand in the series makes it a good franchise as far as consistency. edit i forgot about the terrible remake um. yeah. eep.
- final destination (4/5 or 80%): 1, 3, 5 are really good, 2 is decent, theyre fun! i rewatch them from time to time i love the concept i love tony todd and i think its impressive that theres really only one stinker (the final destination aka final destination 4 you will never be famous)
- scream (4/5 or 80%) very partial to the original, and i respect a lot of what scream does even in the movies i dont like as much, but the last film + upcoming no sidney lose points for me for sure. the first movie is standout, the rest are pretty consistent even if its at a level far below the first film. i havent seen the tv show
- noes (6/9 or 66%): my beloved <33333 i loooove the first three and i love new nightmare! the quality steadily deteriorates between those though it Is in a fun way most of the time. the atrocious remake damages this a lot for me but it Knows what it is, so you cant fault it for that. i would fight for noes as a favorite above scream and final destination, but its a weaker franchise overall imo
the next three i had a hard time putting in order tbh, but i guess what i’ll say is:
- psycho (3/5 or 60%): i really was surprised by how good the 2nd one is, cannot state that enough. but 3 flopped to me, the bates motel tv movie sucks, and ive heard the remake is horrible. the prequel is alright (it and 3 both get a half mark), though the whole franchise loses ground for the inherent issues with norman’s character. i havent seen the bates motel tv show.
- evil dead (2.5/4 or 63%): look. sorry, but its not for me. i love the first one and i love the remake, but the style of comedy isnt my thing in the two in between. its not BAD in the sense that it is what it set out to be, but i just dont like that thing very much, and i struggle to call it a better Franchise than most due to how varied its parts are. ash williams tboy swag you Will always be beloved tho, and the first one is a real fav of mine
- halloween (7/13 or 53%): the original is very dear to me, i love the weirdass hustle of 3, and i think halloween 2018 was a great start to a disappointing trilogy. the muddied timelines mean the franchise itself is a mess. one great movie does not a good franchise make! i might put this above psycho depending on the day, but the last movie was so atrocious it leaves a very bad taste in the franchise mouth
- friday the 13th (5/12 or 42%): i love campground horror and overall, the quality of f13 as a series is pretty consistent! its just that its pretty consistently bad. i respect the hustle of sending jason to space and manhattan but its not my kind of film
- tcm (3/9 or 33%): only the first two and the 03 remake are really good to me. i dont think people realize there are NINE of these. a lot of the other sequels are decent movies, bad tcm films, so a low ranking as an overall franchise. sorry tcm, your writers dont understand what makes you great!
so um yeah. im pulling for scream or noes to win at this point, but my opinions are clearly not very shared....also these could change at any time i cant stress enough how much even the lowest franchises here are beloved by me, rewatched by me, have posters on my walls, etc etc!!!
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captainericvgc · 1 year
Adding still not really knowing how I’m going to write these as things that I’m looking to improve on. Shoutout to BauerdadVGC for the PASRS. Being able to do a data driven analysis of my team and my match ups even at a rudimentary level this past week was big. I’m calling this past week as Week Zero because I just vaguely said “I need to play more Pokémon” and set out to play as many matches as I could. I didn’t really have a gameplan or schedule in mind. I just needed to play and while I’m happy with how it went, I’m excited for how this week will look with a little more structure.
The team went 25-13 on ladder which included a 2nd place finish in an Regulation C VGC Tour. I could’ve had a better result but I went on a rough little slide at the end after letting tilt sit in. I hopped up to 1321 rating which was about 200 points better than where I started. I nearly hit 1400 before tumbling on Thursday. This puts me at 29-17 overall in Regulation C on Pokémon Showdown. Let’s just pretend this a baseball season and last week is May okay. PLAYER OF THE WEEK:  Brute Bonnet was a new add to the team and I don’t care what anyone says, it was a hoss for me. I went 15-7 (.682) when bringing it, 8-4 (.667) when it lead and 3-2 (.600) when it was my Tera. People need to stop looking at Brute Bonnet as an offensive Amoonguss; it is a completely different Pokémon and when allowed to play like its own mon it put in work. WHO LET HIM COOK?: Arcanine had the worst win rate on the week overall (10-9 .526) and as a lead (4-4, .500). The colloary is I was 15-4 with Arcanine benched. That’s almost an 80% rate and that doesn’t make sense for a Pokémon that’s as good of a support Pokémon as Arcanine is.
So on the one hand I didn’t play as many games as I would’ve liked last week but 38 games is way more than I’ve done in a week ever. I checked my recorded history on Pokémon Showdown and I apparently only signed in for 76 matches for the entirety of SwSh. I recognize that getting more games in and sticking to a schedule is going to be strengthening a muscle and so long as I keep doing better than the previous week I’ll count that as a win
2. NEED MORE DAMAGE The addition of Brute Bonnet gave me more damage to start out with but I was amazed with how switching Flutter Mane’s hold item to Booster Energy from Life Orb and going to Modest 116 up from Modest 36 and moving to max attack Baxcalibur helped turn some 2HKOs to OHKOs
3. IS BAX HIM? Yes. The add of Brute Bonnet gave more opportunities to bait fire attacks for Bax to eat for the Thermal Exchange boost and make the opponent uncomfortable. I went 18-9 when bringing Baxcalibur, the 2nd highest win rate behind Brute Bonnet. On the other hand, Baxcalibur was my most commonly Tera’d Pokémon (12) but had the worst win rate of my Teras at 7-5 (.583).
1. TRUST THE PROCESS The main competition right now is against myself in getting more matches in which will lead to more data which will lead to better play and so the main focus of this week is to stick to the schedule and not let KQ or going out deter me too much.
2. TRIPLE DOUBLE VS BAXBALANCE Sometimes an idea seizes you and if you don’t acknowledge it, you will never know peace. With that in mind, this week I’m going to test out a strategy that I did in SwSh where I have three paired Pokémon and rather than trying to think of 15 flow charts for the different team combinations I really only need to think of 3 (six if you want to get technical depending on which pair goes first). The idea is fun and exciting but it’s also a little more tricky than I normally play. At worst, I’ll have invented another way not to invent a light bulb. Also this will inform what I’m going to run for June ladder so there’s that. 3. A STUDY IN SCARLET Pokémon HOME is eventually going to be released and for that purpose I’ve gone ahead and purchased Scarlet Version and I need to get to getting on completing the story and getting access to Area Zero so I can easily move the Past Paradox Pokémon to my main account of Violet (and in their proper Luxury Balls to boot)
WHAT’S NEXT? Building the Triple Double team and getting to work testing it out on ladder tomorrow. Then on my off day on Friday I’ll need to decide if I’m going to use the Triple Double or Baxbalance on the official ladder Saturday and Sunday.
Weigh Anchor!
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aztralsea · 1 year
Things I noticed about the newest One D&D playtest (Cleric and revised species)
Avoiding using the term "Race" and moving to "Species" as far as the statement they put out about this change they seem pretty certain this is the way to go forward (and I agree) and it would take A very large negative reaction to change their mind.
There is a new type of action called the "magic action" this is to help codify and explain what was already in 5e. I think this reflects a larger change we're seeing in One D&D which is that though things are being streamlined, more "crunch" is being added (at least the way I see it) and bringing us to a nice balance between 4e and 5e's approaches, by this I mean, One D&D will likely retain 5e's tone of voice and aim to try and sound like it could be a real tome of ancient lore (like 5e) but also be more open in it's use if keywords to simplify things. Take for example, a magic item that stops other magic. In 5e you might say "any creature that fails the save cannot cast spells or use magical items or abilities" whereas in One D&D it would say "a creature that fails the save cannot take magic actions" this is another good change in my eyes
There's a channel divinity option called divine spark, which seems a little strong for me, it's an ability you can use at a very early level (1st or 2nd I forget to be honest) and it either heals (PB)d8 hp to any target within range OR forces a save (wisdom I believe) against taking that as DAMAGE (and it's half on a failed save as well so it's a pretty reliable combat option if you have the channel divinity to spare). It's very difficult to judge however seeing as we haven't seen the monsters yet (more on that in a sec)
Something that stood out for whatever reason was that they chose to use the word "can" instead of "may" which they had previously used all over the place. This is either an oversight, or One D&D is going to use slightly more natural language which might be both a blessing and a curse.
The Cleric now gets a "Divine Order" that seems reminiscent of the Warlock's pact boon in that it's not the subclass but rather a small little bit of customisation for your character. They get 1 of these at 1st level and another one later.
The choice of Divine Domain has been moved to second level rather than first. I see this as a good thing, for one, new players can now play a cleric faithfully (see what I did there) without worrying about who they worship until later. It just gives them more time to feel it out
Divine intervention is now an 11th level ability rather than 10th, doesn't seem like a big deal to me
The Dragonborn seems to have been given a slight buff, though I haven't had the time to read through it extensively
The Ardling has been given more of it's own identity in comparison to the Aasimar. All looks pretty good to me excuse for a couple of things. For one, I don't want a flying race in the PHB. I'm not gonna ban flying races but being honest, they do kinda make things like pit traps etc. Practically nothing, compared to the deathtrap they can be otherwise. Also I still think they should just put a new version of the Aasimar in the PHB rather than the Ardling. I'd love to see the Ardling in a sourcebook but it just feels unnecessary here.
Last thing is that I noticed when saying "or half damage on a successful save" they added "(round down)" this is odd to me as previously the rule had been to always round down unless stated otherwise, making me wonder if that is no longer the case.
I'm also very happy to have watched the video made in response to the survey feedback that genuinely seems to be addressing problems the fans had (nat 20 always succeeding, that was a big problem) and being a little transparent about the design process.
Overall I'm pretty happy with this UA and can see things going one if two ways
a) they build in more and more keywords and customizability (someone tell me how to spell that word please) but maintain the streamlined-ness to create my dream version of modern D&D
b) they basically just do 5e but with more little rules and natural language making things confusing. Still fine but not as glorious as option a
Though ofc it's likely to be somewhere in between and things will change as we playtest more and more.
I'll add more to this list as I continue to read
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samriddhi-01 · 6 months
Keeping up with Fashion - se01 ep 01
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Sustainability the EXPOSED TRUTH
Eco fashion ,Slow fashion ,Ethical fashion, we call it a lot of names but it all stands towards one thing SUSTAINABILITY towards fashion .As we all know how fashion is evolved from wearing a simple , a single piece of clothing to designer accessories luxury clothing and overall a lavish lifestyle defined by how fashionable you are but us humans wants to be so upto the point in our fashion game owing anything and everything , it has established an unhealthy relationship with our Environment , being so neglectfull about our mother earth has sarted a rumblling towards fashion industry . Within a blink of an eye we the fashion industry had become the 2nd most pollution causing industry it became responsible for generating over 1.2 billion tonnes of green house gas .
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This has to STOP
a lot of brands alot with the help of the new government treaties have taken matters into their own hands from using less water in producing clothing to upcycling clothes . we the fashion indusrty have come a long way but all these big changes still feels small because the damage done in the first place is BIG , to fill the bullet holes carved by this everyday eveolving industry should be HUGE . A wide range of factors has to be taken into consideration for ba walk towards Sustainablity
Cutting of Co2 emessin
Controlling Overproduction
Reducing pollution and waste
supporting biodiversity
The motive of fashion industry is to find a coexistince between man made creations with gods creation that is flourishing ecosystems and community with certain protective activities .
According to a research done by students , concluded that 64 percent of people believe that sustainability can be achieved by l :-
Prolonging lifecycle of materials [ fabrics ]
increasing the value of timeless pieces
reducing the amount of waste clothing or re using old clothing
GREEN CONSUMER an aim towards sustainability , providing more sustainable clothing options and decreasing huge amt of clothing that ends up in landfills
some challanges which i believe are still standing strong as brick wall in front of this industry are:-
Ever body wants to be in profit , create wealth , and good name amongst society , sustainability can't be achieve until and unless the perception and attitude of fashion design practioniers is changed
The consumer demand which changes every year , month , every season and even everyday
Fast Fashion BRANDS and their Sustainability IDEOLOGY
being a brand with it's jonour being denim in fabrics it was important to figure out how to use less water while washing it luckily levies has taken a big step regarding this
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accepting used clothing , recycling the fabrics and also giving DISCOUNTS if a customer donates his/her old clothing .This proposal was a huge success
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2023 targets
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many more brands like Westside , Only, Veromoda ,Forever Young etc are also stepping towards sustainability
PROS and CONS of sustainability
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Consumers have some direct control over their fashion related sustainability footprint.
The market for rented clothing is expected to grow in the future The market for second hand clothing is expected to grow in the future.
Some estimates indicate that a significant % of pre-owned textiles can be recycled or re-used.
Subjectively, is appears public awareness about sustainable fashion is growing, and/or is becoming more consistent.
More clothing utilisation options are becoming available Public figures and influencers might have some power to start trends and change across some areas of more sustainable or ethical fashion.
Solutions to more sustainable fashion may exist in trying match sustainable fashion solutions with humans' psychological side and ultimately primeval behaviors.
The burden to increase sustainability in the fashion industry might be unequally left to the smaller companies .
Recycling textiles and 'circular fashion' has major challenges and isn't effective in a number of countries Fashion may have a problem getting 'good data, and misinformation may be an issue when it comes to sustainability statistics, trends, and data.
There can be issues with awareness, transparency and tracking/tracing in the supply and sourcing chain
Fashion might still need improvement across several key sustainability and even ethics indicator
Several key sustainability indicators have questionable forecasts for the future
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scrabblevegas · 10 months
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Ode to David Gibson (1951-2019)
Being at a Scrabble tournament always makes me think of the late David Gibson who died suddenly of cancer right before the pandemic in November 2019 (obituary). David Gibson is my all-time Scrabble hero and was the best Scrabble player in the world. Gibson would not have come to Vegas (he didn’t like to fly), but his spirit is definitely present and many people here would’ve known him. He was active in the Asheville Scrabble club and generously mentored players (including myself!) from all over the world.
His last Nationals was in Fort Wayne where he started out his first morning 2-2 and then went on to dominate most of the tournament in Division I. I remember seeing him in between games (me, the lowly Division 3 player) and he would ask, how are you doing? Meanwhile he was mopping up the floor at Ft. Wayne - winning 1st place handily. In the Nationals appearance before that (2012), Gibson lost first place to another Scrabble legend, Nigel Richards (who famously won the French National Scrabble Dictionary without knowing French). Gibson and Richards had the same Win-Loss record (22-9), but Richards had an overall point spread difference in the tourney that was 16 points more than Gibson’s spread. In the course of 31 games where might he have picked up 16 measly points??? There are some really fun YouTube histories of Nigel vs. David that Will Anderson made.
Off the Scrabble clock, David Gibson was a math professor at Southern Methodist College and played Scrabble nightly with his wife, Nancy, in their “Scrabble Room.” This reminds me of my parents who have also had a nightly Scrabble game for as long as I can remember.
Gibson is described as modest, soft-spoken, and a "provincial mystic.” As a testament to his modesty and supreme awesomeness, when Gibson won one tournament he set aside some of the prize money for charity and divvied up the rest of the winnings in individual checks (along with a handwritten note) sent to every competitor not finishing in the top 10 of the tournament (from Sports Illustrated article).
The “Gibson Rule”. Gibson had such a knack for winning that an official Scrabble rule was created and named after him during the 1995 Super Stars SCRABBLE Championship. David had clinched the #1 slot with more rounds to play. No matter what, no player would be able to catch up to him. The Gibson rule was instated so that the #1 player can be “Gibsonized” and removed from playing in the final rounds. This allows the competitors vying for 2nd and 3rd and so on to play amongst themselves instead of damaging their ratings or shot for 2nd or 3rd by playing #1. Gibson was frequently “gibsonized” in local tournaments.
I had the good fortune of playing some friendlies with David Gibson in Knoxville, TN (image above). I can attest to his humility, kindness, and straight-up wizardry with words. We played as a team against Mia & Nancy. I was frustrated that we had 0 blanks in two games and pretty terrible tile luck. But David on the other hand was enjoying the games and said he actually thought it more fun to work with a bad rack. We lost those games, but I (humble jedi-master-in-training) learned a lot in the process. Playing with this Scrabble legend has helped me coin my mantra for Nationals (and for all Scrabble games) ... WWDGD (What would David Gibson Do?).
The short answer to WWDGD? is ... WIN. The longer answer to the question is: be humble, play your best, reflect on the games afterwards using Quackle (his advice to me), and think of each rack as a new, fun challenge.
Further Reading:
Price, S.L. “Your Words against Mine.” Sports Illustrated 83, no. 26 (December 18, 1995): 106.      
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rock-n-onyx · 1 year
Found an old fic idea of mine, I have no desire to return to it and actually make it, as the fic itself would basically be a canon rewrite and very long. Figured I might as well post it here, who knows, maybe someone will be able to make something out of it. This is for mha btw, and a lot of stuff below.
Plot ideas:
Main Idea: Kai has a quirkless friend turned villain named Rin, or his villain name: Min-Rin. She must navigate high school in U.A while also trying to change Min-Rin's mind about society.
Explain world/quirks
Setting (Time): 3rd year of Junior High, January
Setting (Place): Aldera Junior High
Event: Kai announces she wants to go to U.A to Rin. He is upset, but hides it, acting indifferent.
Setting (Time): 3rd year of Junior High, February 26th
Setting (Place): U.A High School
Event: Entrance exams are happening. Kai is taking normal exams, not recommendations. She is not in Midoriya's cohort. She saves a couple people.
Setting (Time) : 3rd year of Junior High, Early March
Setting (Place): Makino Residence
Event: U.A's letter arrives. Kai has been accepted. She calls Rin to tell him. He lashes out. She is concerned.
-Rising Action-
~1st event 1/2~
Setting (Time): 3rd year of Junior High, Early March
Setting (Place): Musutafu/Minami Residence
Event: After the phone call, she heads out to Rin's house only to find him gone. His mother says that he left the house in a sour mood. She searches the surrounding area, but doesn't find him.
~1st event 2/2~
Setting (Time): Same as 1st event 1/2
Setting (Place): Minami Residence/Musutafu
Event: Shows Rin's perspective of the phone call. Shows him leaving the house and where he goes. Giran approaches him. Offers him a spot in the LOV. Rin is unsure. Leaves without making his decision. 
~1st denouement~
Setting (Time): RIght after 1st event 1/2 & 2/2
Setting (Place): Minami Residence/Makino Residence
Event: Rin returns home, demands to be left alone in his room. His mother calls Kaede to tell her Rin is safe. Kaede tells Kai. She is happy but worried about his reaction to her getting into U.A.
~2nd event 1/2~
Setting (Time): Sunday, start of U.A 1st term (Second week of April)
Setting (Place): Musutafu
Event: Rin disappears again. Contacting Giran on a burner phone, he finally accepts his offer. Kai is worried, but unable to search because she is on the train to U.A.
~2nd event 2/2~
Setting (Time): Same as 2nd event 1/2
Setting (Place): U.A High School
Event: Arriving at U.A, Kai enters Class 1-A's classroom. She did get here before Deku did. She doesn't mingle at first, but some students introduce themselves. Quirk apprehension test begins.
~Quirk apprehension test~
50-Meter Dash: Used Greyhound. Time: 2.67 seconds
Grip Strength: Used Brown Bear. Result: 68 kg
Standing Long Jump: Used Rabbit. Result: Landed half-in half-out
Repeated Side-steps: Used N/A. Result: Okay
Ball Throw: Used N/A. Distance: 17.2 meters
Distance Run: Used Wolf. Time: Amazing
Seated toe-touch and sit ups: Used N/A. Results: Okay
Overall placing: 10th
takes place during Kamino Arc (saving of Bakugo)
Character refs:
Mom: Kaede Makino
Age: 45
Birthday: April 4th
Hero name: The Transformation Hero: Morpha
Quirk: Morph
Description: She can morph into any plant or animal as long as she has a piece of them. Something like a tooth, stick, leaf, anything that contains DNA.
Hair: Red, long straight
Eyes: Amber
Backstory: She lived a pretty normal life.
Dad: Taiyo Makino
Age: 46
Birthday: September 27th
Quirk: Sunbeam
Description: He can use the power of the sun to blind his enemies by absorbing sunlight, then shooting it out of his hands. Unfortunately, it doesn't do any damage, so he never became a hero.
Hair: Yellow, short and wavy
Eyes: Brown
Backstory: He also lived a pretty normal life
Kai Makino
Age: 15
Birthday: August 7th
Gender: Female
Hero Name: The Wild Hero: Tsubame
Quirk: Beastmode
Description: She can take the form of any animal, as long as she has a piece of their DNA, such as a tooth, bone, or piece of hair. The part of her conscious that is animal appears when using her quirk. Named 'Feral Mind' they will try to take control, causing a rampage. Though this depends on the type of animal. If its prey, it will run away from everything. If its predator, it will attack anything. The longer she uses her quirk, the stronger Feral Mind gets, and the harder it is to keep control. Time limit varies depending on the animal. Also, Feral Mind speaks human the tongue and will use that to their advantage. No matter the animal she transforms into, her eyes will be a slightly glowing yellow/amber color and when Feral Mind takes over, they turn into a crimson red.
Special Move: Second Input
Description: Using this move, she can let Feral Mind take over. But only certain aspects. She uses this to draw out the strength that lies hidden within Feral Mind. This allows her to break her previous limits and draw out more power, strength, speed, etc. and use more than what she normally can. With this in use, one eye is yellow/amber and one is crimson red.
Available Animals: Common dogs, house cats, different rabbits, common songbirds, Blakiston's fish owl, White-tail Eagle, Red fox, Common Birds of Prey, Brown Bear, Wolf
Hair: medium and wavy, red
Eyes: blueish gray, sometimes they change to a glowing yellow/amber, a side effect of her quirk.
Backstory: Born to Taiyo and Kaede, she lived a normal life. When she gained her quirk at age 4 her parents were delighted she had inherited her mother's quirk. She had a friend called Haru, but when his quirk never manifested he was distraught. He soon became jealous of Kai and her quirk and when they both reached the end of their 3rd year in junior high he left. Before he left, Kai told him she wanted to go to UA and become a hero like her mom. He was upset, they planned on going to the same high school. (Her mom wanted to get her in on recommendations, but she said no because she didn't want to have an advantage over others.)
Personality: She may be an introvert, but if you are rude or disrespectful of anything, she will not hesitate to correct you. Doesn't really care for human interaction, but was inspired by her mother to try. Being an only child and having one friend didn't help her social skills either. She tends to stop and analyze a situation first, but if someone she loves/cares for is in life-threatening danger, she'll leap in without much of a thought. She tries her hardest to earn straight A's, but often she'll have to cram at the end of a semester to bring her grade up. Actually quite intelligent when she stops to think.
Places of Education: Aldera Junior High (w/ Rin), U.A High (w/o Rin)
Character Ark: She will go from introverted, to more outgoing but also mature a lot.
Hero Costume: Camo Sleeveless shirt, black fingerless gloves, bronze circlet w/ feathers, heavy duty belt w/ multiple pouches holding her animal DNA, small claws and teeth hang from leather strips on belt, camo shorts (loose fitting), barefoot w/ bandages wrapped around her feet to protect them, the claws, teeth, and feathers can be used for easier access to transform.
How she'll help Rin: She will help him realize all the people he has hurt. Help him regain a moral compass. She'll do this through conversations at each main point involving LOV. At climax she will (save him or refuse to fight him). Resulting in someone else attacking her and Rin saving her by sacrificing his life.
Friend: Rin (Cold{persona.}) Minami (South)
Age: 15
Birthday: October 13th
Gender: Male
Villain Name: Min-Rin
Quirk: N/A (orig.) Icy Haze (Given)
Description: Not born with a quirk, this quirk was given to him by All for One in turn for joining the League of Villains. Using this quirk allows him to emit and manipulate a fog of freezing temperatures. Overuse can cause hypothermia, frostbite, and other ailments. This quirk naturally lowers your core body temp so he is always bundled up for warmth.
Hair: Short, dirty blond (Pre-Villain), Short, Icy blue (Villain)
Eyes: Blue
Backstory: Led a normal life, until the age of 4 when Kai's quirk manifested, and his didn't. He was taken to the doctor when he was told he would never have a quirk. At first he was heartbroken, it was his dream to become a hero with Kai. He gradually became sour and jealous of everyone who had a quirk, including Kai. He was teased all through school, but Kai stood up for him. He wondered why someone would want a quirkless nobody. Over time he lost faith in heroes, and became purely bitter. But she always stayed with him. When she told him she was going to UA to become a hero, he was outraged. They were supposed to go together, but no quirk meant no hero school. When Kai was accepted, he left and joined the LOV, gaining gaining the quirk Icy Haze.
Personality: Rin is an emotionally detached person. Not really close with his parents, Kai was the closest person he had for a majority of his youth. He would get picked on, but he didn't really care. He already agreed with most of them. He never understood why Kai stuck by him so much, why she was ruining her reputation by hanging out with him. He was jealous of all the quirk users. Including Kai. He just wanted to be like them, not quirkless and useless. He doesn't care about his grades much, despite Kai's constant pestering. He definitely wasn't a people person, also lacking in the social skills department similar to Kai. He can talk to people just fine, albeit not in the most polite way, but he chooses not to.
Places of Education: Aldera Junior High (w/ Kai), N/A
Character Ark: He will go from being indifferent, to becoming a villain out of spite, to finally realizing his mistakes and showing he truly changed by sacrificing himself for Kai.
Villain Costume: Fur hat; warm, dark blue jacket; black ski pants; heavy duty boots; thick, black gloves.
Why he became a villain: He was tired of being bullied and being weak. He was jealous of others with quirks. Clouded by his emotions. When Kai left, he gave up. Went to LOV to become stronger, abandoning morals basically.
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stay-healthy-org · 1 year
The Only Real Way to Detox Your Body
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The Only Real Way to Detox Your Body - After indulging in unhealthy treats and drinks for extended periods, such as during summer BBQs or holiday celebrations, the idea of a quick fix to restore oneself to their best state becomes very appealing. Activated charcoal, green juice, herbal tea, and apple cider vinegar are touted by the internet as all that's needed for a quick detox. The detox industry is having a moment -- it is currently thriving and profitable. However, the concept of cleansing impurities from the body is not new. Ayurvedic medicine, a 2nd century BCE traditional medicine, employed a five-part detox method including medicated enemas and drug-induced vomiting. Today, our understanding of detox needs is much improved.
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The human body has several internal systems, such as the liver, kidneys, and digestive system, that work together to eliminate harmful substances and keep the body in a state of balance. While a short-term "detox" or cleanse may provide some temporary benefits, it is not necessary for maintaining overall health and wellness. Instead, the best approach to detoxing is to support your body's natural processes by eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding exposure to harmful toxins when possible. “If your body already has a working liver, working kidneys and working lungs, your body already has the balance it needs,” says Katherine Zeratsky, a registered dietician at the Mayo Clinic. Alluring detox tools really aren’t necessary.
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More to the point, there’s really no evidence that detoxes remove toxins from your body in the first place. While detox methods may not be effective, they are generally not harmful. However, they do come with risks. Drinking only green juice for several days can cause imbalanced nutrition but is unlikely to cause harm, according to Zeratsky. Every individual's situation is unique, as demonstrated by a woman who developed a severe kidney issue in 2019 due to a past gastric bypass surgery and recent antibiotic use while on a green juice detox diet. If you are considering a detox, it is crucial to consult with a doctor first. Additionally, do not expect immediate results as fasting or frequent bathroom trips may lead to fatigue and discomfort.
The Only Real Way to Detox Your Body
There’s also evidence that detoxing might not serve your mental health. In one Hungarian study researchers interviewed people staying in juice cleanse camps, a sort of health retreat. They found that detoxing was the number one reason cited for the juice cleanse, which was commonly paired with laxatives. Participants’ reasons for detoxing commonly overlapped with indicators of purging disorder and orthorexia nervosa, an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating. The risks to long-term mental health may therefore be worse than any immediate physiological risks.
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Most of the time, when people say they are looking to detox, what I actually hear is that they want “to hit the reset button,” says Zeratsky. “You can do that with good nutrition.” Cleanses and charcoal aren’t really worth the investment. So if you do want to ditch the drowsiness and rejuvenate, you don’t need to buy teas and tinctures. Try these tips instead to keep your body’s natural detox system in optimal shape.
Get Enough Sleep
First, don’t skip out on your nightly seven hours. Research has shown that your brain undergoes a natural detoxifying process in the wee hours of the night, removing harmful byproducts—like the amyloid plaques that cause Alzheimer’s—produced during a normal day of neurotransmission. But that process is only completed when you get the full seven hours of rest. Without adequate sleep your brain is slower to process information. One less hour of recommended sleep per night can also throw off your metabolism and increase your risk of pre-diabetes. Insufficient rest overall has been linked to diseases like obesity and hypertension, and seems to damage your immune system and lower your life expectancy. Nothing seems to go untouched when you skip out on the shut-eye.
The Only Real Way to Detox Your Body
Drink Plenty of Water
Water is critical for more than feeling hydrated. It keeps your bodily fluids flowing so that the lungs, kidneys, and liver can do their jobs. All bodily processes release some kind of waste, and having enough water is critical to keep blood vessels open and those byproducts flowing to the liver and kidneys where they can be filtered out. (In the kidneys, you need enough water so that extra ions, sugars, and waste products can diffuse from the blood into the kidney and eventually leave your body as urine.) But when you’re not sufficiently hydrated, your kidneys try to conserve water by concentrating your urine. In the short run, the higher concentration of waste products in your urine means you lose less water, but in the long term it increases your risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infection.
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Ironically, some detox methods—like colon cleansing, which can cause cramping, vomiting, and diarrhea—can actually work against your efforts to stay hydrated. Getting rid of fluids via excessive urination or defecation just makes it harder for your liver and kidneys to function. So grab your pillow and a water bottle, and make your first purchase of the year something more fun—and effective—than a detox. Read the full article
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uncreative-media · 11 months
Happy 2nd birthday to the Wintertwined demo!
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Exactly two years ago I posted a demo online for a game I had been making in my spare time during the pandemic.
This game came to be known as Wintertwined, my first ever long term project.
I had spent most, if not all of my free time during the lockdowns working on my little game.
With the amount of free time I had, it slowly changed into something a little bit bigger than I had anticipated.
What was supposed to be a little side project, got out of hand and slowly turned into something a little more profound and personal.
Looking back, I don't know whether releasing the demo, when the game itself was just 25% finished, was a good call or not.
On the one hand, it made the game better. The amount of feedback I'd gotten was both kinda scary at first, as much as it was welcome. It all helped to shape the game into a better overall product.
On the other hand though, 2 years down the line and it still isn't done yet and I feel like I've killed most of the momentum the demo had.
Since the pandemic restrictions got lifted and I got back to working my day job, I got to spend less time on the game.
I was working a job that, to me at least, felt restrictive and kept me from growing into the industry.
This slowly started to burn me out, especially since it had been my intention to work full time from the very start.
Instead I got covid, which damaged my lungs and made me exhausted whenever I had to do anything physical.
I've also had multiple health related setbacks that made it impossible to sit for hours.
For almost the entirety of 2022, I'd slowly chip away at the game, desperately clinging to the idea that the game must be released that year.
Obviously, that didn't happen.
I've since put the development on hiatus and it hurt to post that.
No more estimated release dates, this created so much unnecessary pressure before.
I also had to learn the hard way, that making a game is hard, and when I say hard, I mean it's HARD fucking work.
I've gained so much respect and appreciation for developers and the medium as whole through this journey.
Something you can really only learn, by making something yourself.
Sometimes I rewatch live streams and let's plays from time to time, and I get a weird sort of reassuring feeling that I made something good. So, to those people a genuine, heartfelt thank you.
Luckily, the road ahead is looking bright.
I've switched jobs recently, and I think I've finally found a place I love and will love for a long time.
Not only that, but most of my health related issues are getting better as well!
Currently, I'm getting used to my new job and with this, comes a new schedule.
One that allows me to make time for my hobbies, which in terms means development time.
I'll be trying to pick up development once a week, keyword being try!
But I'll be doing my best, I can't wait to share my game with the world.
I’m beyond excited to start working on Wintertwined again and want to thank all of you for being so patient with me.
Thanks for reading my ramblings <3
And happy 2nd birthday to my little demo
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kitsu-katsu · 3 years
Why c!Wilbur blowing stuff up for shits and giggles as a child makes no sense for his character (and why that would reflect a lot more badly on c!Phil anyways if that were the case):
Warning: c!Phil critical ahead, if you don't like that, skip this post
Now, to those of you that decide to read this: Strap in folks! We've got a lot of ground to cover this from and a ton of quotes ahead!
1) Wilbur’s a pacifist through and through. He always preached words over weapons, only fought when attacked first, wanted to ignore a war until it went away, considered giving up his nation many times, etc. A few examples of quotes to show this thinking:
“Basically, we have such a lower opportunity here that we probably just need to accept the conditions of surrender, just so we can save any more bloodshed, any more destruction on our land. They’ve entrapped our land, they’ve set up bombs on our land, they’ve destroyed all our homes. To stop any more bloodshed, I feel I would be a bad general if I didn’t look for conditions of surrender.” - (Wilbur’s The Revolution is Coming: 30:32, 2nd Aug)
“Tommy, we need you alive. Tommy, this isn’t worth it. Tommy, your life is worth more than the revolution.” - (Wilbur’s The Revolution is Coming: 34:57:, 2nd Aug)
“What has made you do everything you’ve done up to this point?” (Quackity)
“That’s a- That’s a big question. Um. I guess it’s just protection for my people. I mean, I- I- I just want to see them thrive, and I want to see them safe.” (Alivebur)
- (Quackity’s Killing My Enemies: 1:03:02, 12th Apr)
“Look, do you know how long and how much blood was shed to get L’Manberg to the point it was at? You know what would happen if we manage to get L’Manberg back again? More blood would be shed, and we would be the illegitimate rulers of a nation.” - (Wilbur’s video Am I the Villain?: 18:52)
“We don’t win wars with battles and with armour. We win wars with our words, Tommy. We’re starting a revolution, not a war.” - (Wilbur’s The Wall: 4:54, 29th July)
“I’m not a fighter, I’m a writer.” - (Wilbur’s The Wall: 1:48:31, 29th July)
“Fighting is not necessary right now, Tommy.” - (Wilbur’s the election results: 43:42, 22nd Sep)
“Tommy, control yourself. Tommy, control yourself, it’s not worth it. Tommy, do not take your shot! He disrespected me, yes! But we’ve talked about this, Tommy…!” - (Wilbur’s techno and wilbur make cave better: 59:36, 23rd Sep)
2) The reason his thoughts about blowing it all up in Pogtopia even hit as hard, the reason all his allies were so shocked about him going through with it IS his pacifism first mindset (which has only been put second when he’s been attacked first and put in the defensive or in the case of his speech to Quackity after the political debate he genuinely thought, by the previous failure of his philosophy and the war trauma spurred on mainly by the FCR and Eret’s betrayal, that the only way to truly win respect and make a change in the world was through fighting and killing, which he was convinced of but was ultimately always too soft to actually go through with (note how he doesn’t kill anyone in the L’manburg explosion and how in the times during Pogtopia in which he declared he wanted people dead, he got second thoughts, regrets, retracted his statement or protected people with his actions):
“If you want to really help people, you’re gonna need power, Quackity. You can make a movement, you can make a resistance, right, you can go out and you can come back, and they’ll give you a ticker tape parade. They’ll cheer for you in the streets, but you will change nothing.” - (Quackity’s Killing My Enemies: 1:05:42, 12th Apr)
“If you have a revolution, everyone will hate you, you will sacrifice everything, and you will lose everything you’ve ever had, but you’ll come back and everything will be changed.” - (Quackity’s Killing My Enemies: 1:05:59, 12th Apr)
“And power isn’t gaining from diplomacy, and bureaucracy, and giant courthouses suspended in the sky, blah blah blah. It’s gained from swords, Quackity. It’s gained from blades, it’s gained from steel, iron.” - (Quackity’s Killing My Enemies: 1:06:19, 12th Apr)
“We blow up the entire fucking place to kingdom come. I want no survivors. God help whoever’s caught in the fucking crossfire.” - (Wilbur’s video, Am I The Villain?: 17:52)
“And, I know you’re scared, Tommy, I understand you’re scared. And it’s scary, it’s scary, Tommy, but do you know what? You know what? In a time like this, when a man has nothing to lose, do you know what that means? It means we can do what we want. We have a man on our side who literally rigged our nation with TNT. We can do the same to them. We can rig this festival with TNT. We can kill them all, Tommy. ” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:15:52, 8th Oct)
“Anyone caught in the crossfire is caught in the crossfire. That’s how it goes, you know? - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:41:22, 8th Oct)
“Chat, do I wanna- Chat, do I wanna, do I wanna do it? I’m having second thoughts about the TNT. Chat, I’m having second thoughts about the TNT. Do I wanna kill these people? Seeing that they’re my friends.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 34:09, 16th Oct)
“Tommy, I’m getting second thoughts. These are my friends, I don’t- Do I- I don’t know if I wanna [inaudible].” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 36:17, 16th Oct)
“Just, if you’re gonna kill anyone else, kill me. Don’t kill anyone else here.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 1:10:53, 16th Oct)
“You sounded like you were gonna murder another person. You sounded like you were gonna go for Niki.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 1:12:34, 16th Oct)
“Oh, yes, sorry, Niki, you missed that part. I was gonna blow up Manberg, I was gonna completely destroy it in a huge fireball. Look, Niki, come to Pogtopia, you’re safer here. You’re not gonna be hurt by anyone.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 1:17:59, 16th Oct)
“No you two can escape, I’ll be the… I’ll- I’ll- I’ll be… I’ll be trapped in here…” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 27:27, 17th Oct)
“I don’t, I don’t, I don’t want to kill you two. I don’t want you two to die.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 28:53, 17th Oct)
3) He was inspired by Dream blowing up L’manburg first with Eret’s betrayal during the first revolution. He knew Dream wanted L’manburg out of the picture and had tried it before. It’s why he knew to immediately ask him for TNT, because either way, Dream would benefit from both side’s mutually assured destruction:
“Here’s the plan, right, Dream. Dream is on our side, Dream has TNT, Dream has everything, right. I say we talk to Dream, and we ask him very nicely, very kindly, ‘Dream, give us all the TNT you have’. ” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:12:22, 8th Oct)
“Remember, how he rigged L’Manberg, like ages ago, during the War? And then he detonated the TNT and destroyed the entire thing? We do that again, everyone, we blow up the entire fucking place to kingdom come.” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:12:36, 8th Oct)
“The only reason that Dream is working with us, is because of the fact that we are the enemies of his enemies! That’s it! That’s all that joins this!” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:14:35, 8th Oct)
“Dream, let me be your vassal. Dream, I understand you have a lot of TNT, a lot of the ol’ trinitrotoluene in your possession, don’t you? You do! Dream, I want to be your vassal, I want to set this up, I want to rig the city.” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:33:27, 8th Oct)
4) Wilbur hesitated a LOT with the detonation, wanted to be stopped, told people his plan in detail and was overall in a deep internal conflict about the whole thing (and didn’t blow it up once to not kill Tommy and Quackity too, this is also the moment in which his suicidal tendencies are the most clear in his lines before the 16th). Ultimately he decided to do it because he was suicidal and deeply suffering from mental health issues, believed himself to be the root of all bad in the server and by extension, L’manburg was too, and by that point his original view for L’manburg had been so twisted by Schlatt anyway that in his POV it’d only be used to hurt more people anyway:
“I- Look, rigging L’Manberg is not gonna help us get it back, I’m aware of that. But sometimes in order to feel comfortable and safe you have to be ready to give up the things that you’re worried you might lose. And in this case, I think I might lose it already.” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:17:57, 8th Oct)
“I know there’s a lot of people, Tommy! … I’m not telling you where the button is, man. … Tommy, it’s over that hill, it’s over that hill, right there!” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 28:30, 16th Oct)
“Chat, do I wanna- Chat, do I wanna, do I wanna do it? I’m having second thoughts about the TNT. Chat, I’m having second thoughts about the TNT. Do I wanna kill these people? Seeing that they’re my friends.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 34:09, 16th Oct)
“Tommy, I’m getting second thoughts. These are my friends, I don’t- Do I- I don’t know if I wanna [inaudible].” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 36:17, 16th Oct)
“But this is the opportunity- this is the opportunity. If I don’t blow it up now, when am I gonna blow it up?! When am I gonna blow it up, Tommy? But when do- when do we do-” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 36:30, 16th Oct)
“If I don’t do it now, what happens if this is the only chance I get. Everyone’s in this close situation, I can do some proper damage. Look, this isn’t a- He needs a consequence for his actions, Schlatt does, he can’t just keep being handsome and powerful and strong all the time. He needs, he needs to be put down a peg.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 37:07, 16th Oct)
“I can still call off this whole detonating at the end of the speech, dude. I can call it off.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 38:24, 16th Oct)
“Should I show you where the TNT’s laced? ‘Cause in a, in a last ditch effort, we may need to destroy it by hand, okay? So, under the chair, where Schlatt sits, there’s about twenty pieces, right? And then going under, under the main area here, following this red line, there is TNT all the way, and then it jut- and then it- … It darts up here, and over to the dance floor, but it doesn’t touch the water.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 38:29, 16th Oct)
“I have to light it, I’ve got to light it, I’ve got to light it.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 1:08:17, 16th Oct)
“Yesterday I had the perfect opportunity to blow everything up and finally end it, you know. I had the perfect opportunity to finally blow up everything and end it and just completely save everyone, right, from the tyranny of Schlatt and the tyranny of the existence of Manberg and L’Manberg, right.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 25:17, 17th Oct)
“Explain it to me! Give me a reason! Give me a reason!” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 26:50, 17th Oct)
“Who else is it gonna hurt?! It’s gonna hurt Schlatt, Manberg, and-” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 26:55, 17th Oct)
“Why did I bring- I should have just done it. I’m such a fucking showman. I should have just done it.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 27:18, 17th Oct)
“No you two can escape, I’ll be the… I’ll- I’ll- I’ll be… I’ll be trapped in here…” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 27:27, 17th Oct)
“I just- I just want to f… I just wanna end it, I wanna end it. I wanna press that button, man.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 28:08, 17th Oct)
“I don’t, I don’t, I don’t want to kill you two. I don’t want you two to die.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 28:53, 17th Oct)
“Ohh, fuck you! Fuck you, man! Why do you make it so hard?! I should have just- I’m such a fucking showman.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 29:29, 17th Oct)
“Tommy, we’ve tried my ideas. I’m willing to listen to you. I’m gonna follow you, Tommy. Whatever you think is gonna be the best way of taking down Schlatt, we’ll do it. We’ve tried my ideas.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 32:01, 17th Oct)
“My L’Manberg. My L’Manberg. As long- As long as I know the button is here… as long as I know. As long as I know the button is here. It’s just not today. I just need to know that it’s there for a fall-back. I need to know it’s there.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 33:46, 17th Oct)
“I’ve been hasty. But the fact that I know it’s there, and I can just stroke my right mouse button, that’s all I need. As long as I know it’s there.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 34:27, 17th Oct)
“You’ve convinced me, I don’t wanna go straight to Plan B, if Plan A fails.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 39:02, 17th Oct)
“Look, Tommy, at the end of the day, if this doesn’t go well, I’m gonna blow the place to smithereens. The place will be gone, I’m gonna detonate it and blow it to smithereens, right, if this doesn’t go well. But it will go well…! … ‘Cause it’s literally- there’s no one on Schlatt’s side.” - (Wilbur’s smithereens: 21:00, 16th Nov)
“But none of them have the same anticipatory love of what they’re doing, unlike us. Everyone on our side is fighting for something we’ve loved, and had for ages, right. That’s why we’re gonna win, and that’s why you shouldn’t be afraid. And yes, the whole place is rigged.” - (Wilbur’s smithereens: 21:38, 16th Nov)
“I could, I really could, that’s the thing. That’s the bit that I like. It’s the bit that makes me smile the most is the fact that I definitely could.” - (Wilbur’s smithereens: 26:28, 16th Nov)
“Chekhov’s Gun. Chekhov’s Gun. I’ll be honest with you, chat, I’ve been wondering this whole time if it still works. I’ve been thinking to myself does it still- ‘Cause I fixed it up for today.” - (Wilbur’s smithereens: 1:11:36, 16th Nov)
“Phil, I’m always so close to pressing this button, Phil! I have been here, like seven or eight times I have been here… Seven or eight times” - (Wilbur’s smithereens: 1:14:56, 16th Nov)
“Phil, I’ve been here here so many times.” - (Wilbur’s smithereens: 1:15:13, 16th Nov)
“I don’t even know if it works anymore, Phil. I don’t even know if the button works. I could, I could… press it, and it might-” (Wilbur’s smithereens: 1:15:29, 16th Nov)
5) The one time anything about Wilbur using TNT while young (and here the age isn't as clearly implied as in Phil's thing, this could very well be more of teen Wilbur than kid Wilbur) is mentioned in the actual text is this one maybe-canon-maybe-not-so-canon-anymore line:
“Tommy, have you heard of TNT duplication? The flying machines that dup TNT? Phil taught me about them. He taught me about them- I’m sure he wouldn’t have taught me them if he knew what I was gonna do with them. But, he did teach me about them. … They were very useful, in this.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 11:30, 16th Oct)
Now let’s pretend that headcanon makes any sense and that yeah, Wilbur totally just enjoyed building shit to detonate and said tendency encouraged in childhood just up and carried into adulthood and manifested as him internally going “I must blow up this thing I made because that’s what I do” and let’s pretend that he didn’t have a big ass internal conflict about it.
Ok, so Phil said that Wilbur blew stuff up when little, so he’d have connected it to the button room. Now think for a moment: How does that reflect on Phil as a parent? Let’s forget about everything else for this one moment (and believe me, I’ve got no shortage of stuff to critique c!Phil on in regards to his relation with c!Wilbur) and just focus on this one action. A man freely lets his son use TNT to blow up some random stuff presumably made out of toys. Just a little kid playing with TNT, yup, that’s his boy. And it was to such a degree that the same man just went “Oh yeah! It’s totally the blowing shit up thing!” in a fraction of a second after seeing the button… And then yeah, saw all of the hesitation, the breakdown, the struggle, the wishes to die and impaled him with a sword, but we can go deeper into those aspects in another post
Then Phil tried to make it better by saying to chat that all kids just break stuff apart, more implying that little Wilbur wasn’t actually using explosives which… makes the whole thing even dumber, ngl, because at that point c!Phil is just saying “Oh yeah, he knocked over his lego houses when he was four, so when I saw that button I immediately went ‘Oh, of course! He rigged the place! What an obvious connection!’”. You see what I’m getting at?
TLDR: It doesn’t fit with canon and even if we shove it in with its implications, then c!Phil is just an idiot, whether it be from letting his kid freely play with TNT to such a degree that he deduces where his most drastic measure resulting from trauma and breakdowns is going just by seeing the button OR whether it be from him connecting dots where there are none if he tries to save his skin as a father and just say “Oh yeah, no, who didn’t knock over stuff as a kid, what do you mean?” not realizing that… exactly… who didn’t…. so it wouldn’t connect with the button room at all
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reverielix · 3 years
Bang chan as a boyfriend based on his chart?
Sure ;)))
Let’s get straight into it!💭
I’ve been wanting to talk about his interceptions/duplications for some time, and now it finally fits haha!!😊 His Venus is intercepted and...let’s say that his chart (+ Saturn singleton and other aspects) poses some obstacles for romantic relationships, and suggests a personal transition/journey he has to go through in order to even allow himself to experience romantic love and affection....🤭
Scorpio is intercepted in the 6th house in his chart while Taurus is intercepted in the 12th house. Capricorn makes up for it and rules both the 8th and 9th house as Cancer rules both the 2nd and 3rd house. So what does that mean?
First of all, the qualities associated with Scorpio and Taurus are hard for him to access as they weren’t taught or understood at an early age. This can further suggest that he experienced a lack of love and tenderness, while receiving criticism, (Saturn singleton, 6th house stellium, Chiron in the 6th makes him extremely sensitive to criticism, he started young as a trainee and went through monthly evaluations and such for 7 years!) which probably influenced his self-perception, as he already has low self-esteem and lots of self-doubt implied in his interception, which suggests a need for validation and extra-love, though he was given the opposite. Moreover, he could’ve had issues forming an opinion and sticking to it (supported by his Libra placements), fully devoting himself in a relationship (any type, Mars conjunct 7th house) and leaving his comfort zone. Lack of privacy, fear of loss and struggles regarding finances/recourses may have also occurred in his life. These aspects in regard to the 6th and 12th houses hint at an unstable and insecure environment as a result of lacking routine (e.g. going to sleep at odd hours with Pisces and Virgo here) and giving into bad habits. Something generally big in his chart is his insecurity and deceiving perception of himself as well as his ways of coping (intercepted Taurus, Saturn singleton, Virgo Chiron,... surpresses/ignores feelings or ignores them). He may use his self-doubt and criticism from both others and himself as a “fuel” for his determination and work-ethic to try and prove others and a part of himself wrong. Although one might argue that using negativity to grow from it is benificial, he harms himself subconsciously by having that mindset, since when a) he fails, like all of us do sometimes, he will fall into a pit of self-hatred or b) he achieved a goal, but after it, he’ll still be unsatisfied and want more. It always ends back where he started; craving for UNCONDITIONAL love, but he won’t give himself that type of love (unconditional love can also be associated with Neptune, which is in retrograde in his chart, and can contribute to hyper-awareness of his own wrongs). The love he gives himself is conditional and situational, which he adapted from all the lack of love and criticism and makes him feel like he will never be enough. A big lesson he has to learn is that his work/success doesn’t define him, and he is enough without his awards and wins. He’s an amazing person just being himself, and once he realizes that he deserves unconditional love, he will also be a step further to allow love to come his way. (You can’t come from a place of hatred and expect love to come out at the end!)
In terms of his Venus and his 7th house conjunctions, I can see how he craves love deeply and intensely, he craves privacy and validation, though with intercepted planets the individual isn’t allowed or suppresses a core-part of their personality. In Chan’s case, he suppresses his longing for romantic love and relationships as he is taught to focus on his work (he channels all his energy through his Saturn singleton, work is existential to him) rather than his need for affection, because “I don’t deserve love anyway” (conditional self-love, damaged awareness of self-worth). He perhaps doesn’t consciously know who he is looking for, but craves stability, (a routine to help him feel comfortable, as he values that with his Cancer and Capricorn duplications, but we’ll get to that later) sensuality, validation, appreciation, inspiration, acceptance and most importantly: love! In terms of Taurus here, which is intercepted and is ruled by Venus, I can see how a big life lesson is to value and appreciate his materialistic possessions and achievements that originated from hard work. He needs to learn how to feel appreciative of his past efforts and learn to feel satisfied with himself and his past efforts as well as allow himself to rest.
His Saturn singleton in conjunction with what I’ve discussed previously briefly points out; he channels his entire energy though his work, through restrictions, through his reputation and his ambition. (This Placement fits perfectly with him being on stage. He performs with such purpose, with such determination and devotion by using his body (Aries), and most importantly with his group (11th house).) The Pluto Mars conjunction also hints at Chan being a very devoted individual, who can get engulfed in his task and even isolate himself when doing something he’s passionate about. His Saturn is also in retrograde, which internalizes this placement and makes him very conscious about his success, reputation and overall misery and hardship that he wants to (perhaps aggressively or boldly) take action on and improve all the time. He fears letting people down and wants to live up to their expectations, while often letting himself down in the process, which feeds into his conditional self-love and lack of self-acceptance. He sets limits for himself, when actually, he wants to be free, because he lives in fear of not being enough and fulfilling people’s expectations of him as he wants to have a good reputation and success, be better than all the authority figures with criticizing eyes he’s been exposed to all his life. A contradiction within himself here is that he doesn’t want people to tell him what to do, he doesn’t like being pushed around and wants to be his own boss, but as soon as somebody expects something of him or questions his authority, he wants to prove them wrong and so does what they want. He is a pushover, in a way, but is consciously very resistant toward rules and boundaries other authority figures set for him to follow. Additionally, valuing tradition and following a routine (6th house interception) can be hard for him (especially when it comes to sleep, 12th house). Further interpreting, his Sun (Libra, 5th house) is opposite his Saturn, which can indicate a gap in self-perception that I touched on in the previous paragraph, outlining his rather subconscious (12th house interception, so this part is more “hidden” from him, while the 12th house is already hard to access in the first place) way of self-destruction considering his way with doubt and criticism and how it will forever remain a spiral of negativity that results in no progress if he doesn’t understand he is deserving of UNconditional love). Additionally, he might believe he can only be loved when he performs well and succeeds, which is obviously not true, though it is a big life lesson for him to truly understand that, with his 12th house interception and his tendency to ignore his intuition/spirituality to listen to the logics (air signs and other). He can escape this spiral of negativity by learning this big lesson; he is worthy, he deserves love, he deserves privacy, he deserves care (from himself and others).
Ways to “unlock interceptions” and learn the previously mentioned life lessons are to look at the “directors” (the signs that rule the intercepted houses, so in Chan’s case it’s Libra and Aries), the duplications and take into consideration his intercepted Chiron. First, let’s look at his 6th house ruler: Libra. Libra ruling the 6th house is usually a sign of self-care in a physical sense and beauty and care in everyday routine, pets or a desire of taking care of one. Though, with his Saturn singleton in Aries (opposite Libra) I can see how he works too much and disregards his mental and physical health (12th house would be mental health here). A helpful way of dealing with this is arranging a routine in which he assembles self-care and private time (he had a lack of, which the interceptions point at) to feel instead of brushing his emotions off (12th house interception). He will feel lonely. He longs for love with his Pluto conjunction his descendant, he can even become obsessive about it and feel the need to be with somebody. But as long as he doesn’t understand he deserves UNconditional love from most importantly himself, he won’t be able to allow (healthy) love in his life and recognize when he isn’t being treated the right way, because he pushes others away and has no clarity of what he deserves. In this routine that I have previously mentioned, where he shall implement self-care and privacy, he needs to give himself time to feel and not push his emotions away anymore. And as he accepts his emotions and turmoil, this 12th house part that we all have (this part that Billie addresses in idontwannabeyouanymore), that is hurt and deals with all the things we brush off in a “call me what you wanna, ‘cause I’ve probably called me worse.” way (self-criticism with the Chiron in the 6th — as Chiron is also healing and the 6th house comes together with routine and stability, I can see how this fortifies my claim — and interceptions). When he lets himself feel, accepts his negative feelings and takes care of himself, he will learn to love ALL of him (also his “demon” and will learn to access his 12th house). Through all of this, he will trust himself and his intuition more, learn to use both his brain & heart — here I think it’s remarkable that Melanie has multiple Taurus placements and a Scorpio rising — as the line between reality and delusion isn’t blurry anymore. Listening to his intuition, he will start to feel comfortable with himself and the things and people around him. He will learn to surround himself with the things he feels comfortable with, and not only “should” (brain). This is a big desire: comfort. His Cancer/Capricorn duplications leave him longing for a home, though as long as he doesn’t feel at home with himself, he won’t feel at home anywhere (ties in with 2nd house Cancer and his self-esteem being ruled by the moon with a desire for comfort). And when he learned to love, accept and feel comfortable with himself, he will allow love into his life and not push anyone away anymore (he will learn that it doesn’t matter if he failed or not, if he worked hard enough or not: he deserves love and care like he gives it to others). This is how he could “unlock” his Venus, perhaps. Regarding his Neptune retrograde in the 9th; in conjunction with his 12th house being intercepted, he needs to learn to create a sleep pattern that is healthy and provides him with enough rest. This will then also strengthen his trust and intuition.
Also, his Pluto Mars conjunction conjunct his 7th can imply that whenever he experiences hurt or is left by somebody else, he can transition this pain and obstacle into power and drive, motivation with which he approaches new relationships. This ties in with the dominant role that Saturn plays in his life, as Saturn is essentially working hard through hurdles and misery to come out successful.
So, now that we’ve established that his chart is challenging in regards to his love life and really just anything, we can get into the actual thing haha
⇢ confession/beginning stages
His Libra Sun and Mercury in the 5th, Gemini rising and Aquarius mc can give him a very playful and airy first impression
He is generally attracted to mannerism, soft spokenness and gentleness, as he also likes showing these parts of himself to romance others haha
Would probably take it slow and not rush into relationships (would take a while to confess, he first has to relish in the feeling of having a crush lol)
He might want to introduce himself as the fun and flirty version of himself, though I feel like he’d be way less bold than Minho (he’s a shy Libra bean) — it doesn’t mean he’s “acting” or anything. That’s just as much him as is every other part of his chart.
I don’t think his Venus would shine through in the beginning (I’d be more his air signs taking the lead, talking away and vibing lol) He’d most likely keep it light and nice on the first date, show off his manners yk👀
His intercepted Venus stressed that it would take him a lot of work to let himself freely express his love language and refrain from bottling it up
But once he does let himself express his love freely, during his confession or an intimate moment, it would fizz all up
His confession may be very thought through and planned, though in the moment, he’d just improvise anyway and fizz up like a bottle of sparkling water under too much pressure from holding back everything
Heartfelt confessions are his specialty, though he’d probably get very emotional
Scorpio is already kind of a wild sea, waves hitting the stones, but that interception would just contribute to this inner tension and turmoil
Once he feels attraction toward somebody, it can be very intense, even scary at times
His confession would be the one of a young boy who feels love for the very first time, intense and emotional, maybe clumsy
Though he’d mean every word
He’s just such a loving and caring person,,,,I’m not crying you are because even astrology says he’s nurturing and lovely
⇢ overall behavior in relationship
I feel like this short fic describes it pretty well haha (I read it and immediately thought of his Scorpio Venus interception)
It could be scary for him to be in love with somebody and go past the first, flirty phase
He’d be very devoted and give his all in the relationship (like how Minho would)
Just with the exception that Minho is pretty aware of this part of himself and embraces it with confidence
Though Chan on the other hand would get to know himself in another light
His emotions would fizz up, as he’s held the desire for love back for way too long (his Libra placements and especially his Pluto descendant conjunction have been begging him) and he could perhaps find the intensity of his romantic feelings scary or shocking
His Pluto descendant conjunction gives him a transformative feature. He can be drawn to relationships in which power dynamics can become toxic, though he has the skill to take the pain and transform himself from a hurting to a more powerful person in control. This can be something to look out for when he hasn’t yet gone through the lesson of acceptance and love for himself as his little self-esteem can be abused by a partner with this placement (Also, his Taurus interception hints at a lack of self-worth and boundaries, just like his 12 and 6th house interceptions do, as he can have issues recognizing when something is happening to him that is not right and he doesn’t deserve). Pluto conjunct the descendant can also hint at a partnership in which both partners are very successful and work together toward wealth, success and a comfortable home. His Venus is intercepted and this aspect points at, amongst other things, an unknowingness when it comes to an ideal type or what someone looks for in relationships. The Pluto descendant conjunction and Venus placement suggest that he is subconsciously on the outlook for or especially attracted by somebody who he can work hard together with and is devoted to the relationship and him. He may end up with somebody very successful and wealthy, who transforms him deeply as this person can feel to him like they are too intense for words to describe them.
His Mars conjunct his Pluto and the descendant accentuates what I previously said as he tends to express his drive and motivation in one-to-one relationships, which can bring a passion and determination into a relationship. He tends to get swallowed up by what he does, oftentimes forgets time or a sense of when to stop when he’s especially motivated or passionate about something. In a relationship that could mean a great deal of loyalty and devotion as well as proactiveness when it comes to achieving shared goals and fulfilling shared desires.
His Venus is in a square aspect with his Neptune, which is in retrograde. As I have discussed before, he needs to give himself time to let himself feel. Here it is suggested that there can be a cloud where certain feelings lie. He has a hard time accessing his subconscious, dreams, spirituality and intuition (in conjunction with his 12th house and Neptune rx he, as he has also confirmed, doesn’t have a good relationship with sleep). He has difficulty with his feelings and recognizing, accepting and embracing them. He can be prone to deception and misjudgment (reality and delusion are blurred, as I said previously and also mentioned a way to “unlock” that). Here it’s possible he may choose a partner not right for him, somebody who deludes him into that tale of an intense and powerful bond as his Venus interception also suggests, as already mentioned; he doesn’t consciously know who he’s looking for. He simply craves love and a comfortable, successful future and tends to see that in people who are not for him. It may be hard for him to feel fulfilled if he doesn’t feel fulfilled with himself yet and also because of this deceptiveness he tends to have.
All these things, the 7th house, Pluto, Scorpio, Mars and the interceptions are very much rooted within him. Having watched this video (I would highly recommend you to check her channel out if you’re into astrology!) on shadows and blind spots in astrology, I realized that love and Chan’s attitude toward love is deeply rooted in him. It can be a sensitive topic and bring out blind spots, parts of himself that he doesn’t really know or want to except. He may push his s/o away for bringing out these deeply rooted and emotionally triggering as well as intense things and shining a light on these aspects he dislikes and rejects about himself. He can live in denial of his longing for love and behavior in love as well as his desires, and be protective over these things. This can express itself in engagement with toxic endeavors and relationships. A build-up of jelousy, rage, vengeance and other negative qualities associated with especially Scorpio can come into play. He may be in denial of them and hardly even be able to access these parts, though I feel like in relationships, these qualities are prone to explode in his chart, as he is also likely to bottle anger up and avoid conflict. Maybe he has a hard time staying with somebody, though he is a devoted lover, because he can’t address the problems rooted within himself and rather projects them onto others in one-to-one relationships. Again, though, when he lets himself feel all these negative feelings, all the hurt and aggression, he can transform into a very powerful person and change who he is on a deeper level. These placements, which are tightly conjunct with love and relationships, point at the most vulnerable and scariest parts of him. Confronting scary parts and being brave is the key here!
His Venus interception, if not resolved, (though even when it’s resolved, it won’t forever be gone,) poses obstacles in love style and overall behavior in specifically romantic relationships. He may be shy and tapping into the unknown as he can be clumsy and confused in love. Like a boy loving for the first time, he will have issues expressing his love in a way he feels like is true to himself or feels comfortable. He has difficulty accessing Scorpio qualities and since his Venus lies in Scorpio, I can see him also bursting sometimes. As in, one day he’s more cold and holds back and on another day he showers his s/o with all the love. He can be very intense in love, especially on these days where he just can’t hold back anymore, where this intensity fizzes up.
I think he’d run into a lot of problems finding somebody who is right for him, but once he’s figured it out, he will be such a devoted partner with a passion to proactively work on the relationship and shared goals and desires. He will work hard for the relationship, just like he does for everything, because after all, that’s how he expresses himself with his Saturn singleton; through work and dedication. Love can be life-changing for him. But emotional highs and lows can occur as he “transitions” and continues to grow. It can often be a deep transformation that can feel like death and rebirth. This is the thing I’ve talked about earlier: he is self-destructive (and can also project these denied things about himself onto others) as he tries holding things associated to Mars, Pluto, the 7th house and Scorpio in his chart back/in. The interception being “unlocked” doesn’t make it disappear though — he’ll still be struggling with it and find it hard to address his emotions, establish routine or take care of himself as he gets lost in his passion and work-ethic.
Lastly, we cannot forget that the 5th house, the Sun, the Moon and the 2nd house usually play a big role concerning love in the birth chart as well. Most of these placements reflect how he knows himself and identifies with certain traits. All the previous things I’ve discussed are things hidden and deeply-rooted in his persona that he can have difficulties recognizing and coping with. So let’s jump into the parts of himself that he’s more comfortable with and more aware of, which also implies a more direct and conscious expression of the following aspects. As I already said referring to the first stages; he approaches romance in a flirty, gentle, fun and romantic way. He may enjoy going on dates a lot, meeting new people, being open-minded and generally gets along with most. He just has an easy time with romance in general as he possesses a natural way with words, though shyly, and a characteristic ability to attract many. It could be that he sees it as a priority to keep the romance alive, so he will keep arranging dates and such all throughout the relationship. Somebody with Libra placements or traits can make him feel special and admired, understood even. He can be a good advisor, great at giving compliments or a “therapist figure” to his partner, and is generally very giving. Good for him would be somebody who gives him validation, reminds him of his self-worth, respects his personal space and creates an environment of privacy and intimacy that’s in a way secret and visatable to only him and his s/o. Somebody who provides comfort, care and affection. (Something else would be conditional love. He could base love off of fairness and imply conditions, which both his Libra placements and his Neptune rx suggest, as Neptune can represent unconditional love and the “merging” of two souls. His Venus in the 6th can also suggest high expectations that hold him back from forgiving his partner’s mistakes and flaws as he could hold a grudge or hold these mistakes against his partner in future affairs.) He may also show his affection in a more practical way with gifts, acts of service and touch.
⇢ dates
I can see him being pretty spontaneous haha. Sagittarius is on the cusp of the 7th house and his Pluto and Mars, which are conjunct his 7th, are also in Sagittarius, so he may enjoy little trips into other cultures with his partner to relax a bit from work. Also, let’s not forget, he has his Sun and Mercury in his 5th and many personal Libra placements, he’s a big romantic. It’s how he knows himself, how he shows himself, how he communicates and how he feels. I thought I’d mention this part of his personality, because it’s the most straight-forward and commonly known “version” of Chan, even to himself. Since a partner tends to bring out 7th house qualities and motivate a person to be less their ascendant (the person they were motivated to be as a child or in their early lives) and more a “hidden” version of themselves (so in Chan’s case more bigger-picture-oriented or in favor of getting to know new cultures instead of only taking short road trips,...). So, here’s a little scenario in 1st person (just skip it if you’re not into flash fiction haha):
After 17 hours of flights and waiting, a hard-bedspring hotel mattress seemed a dream, but “the stars shine bright tonight,” Chan smiled
So instead of a douvet, a beach towel pressed against our backs
It had been 2 months, and though it was only an extended weekend, I was gonna spend every second enjoying him and Montpellier.
“I still hate that I forgot my dress.”
“You look better in my jacket anyway.”
The waning moon painted the sea, shone in his eyes
“Can’t have a cute French guy steal my baby.” Sweater paws covered his dimples, but his eyes told in the way they winged up
The Scorpio and Pluto conjunction is coming through🤭
Taper candle lit and polyester napkin folded into a lotus, we sipped on the nicest sounding wine the menu offered.
He laughed with gold in the eyes, an Italian-style suit and curls on his forehead.
“I’ll get whatever they do.” He tilted his head as shadows traced his dimples. The waiter rose his brows.
“I’d like...uhm...Beu- Boeuf bouuu-” Letters morphed into each other, a strand fell.
“Boeuf Bourguignon. Oui, ready in a minute, madame, monsieur.” He left behind an onion smell.
When Chan reached for Ficelle slices, sleeves were loose on his suit.
“This garlic spread’s nice.”
“So nice, you’ve got to have it on your face?”
He covered his face with the sleeves as he wiped
And then some of the spread ends up on his sleeve lol
If life is a movie // Oh you’re the best part.
D-Major vibrated off his acoustic guitar, and his voice accompanied mine through the last chorus
The mattress was softer than expected and his voice fuzzier than I’d remembered.
Love me, won’t you “ever leave me”
Guitar on the bedside table, his arms enclosed me. Nowhere else would I have rather been. (Lol sorry for being cheesy)
Also can we just appreciate his TALENT for a second like this man gives me goosebumps with that tone and his stunning vocal stability☁️💗
Additional small thought; I think with his Sun conjunct his Mercury in the 5th, he isn’t only good at communication, thinks a lot and is proud of it, but also probably talks to himself haha
Feel free to lmk your own thoughts on this post as well as other aspects concerning his chart, let’s chat!💫
//I also want to add that, yes, without the possibility of him using his birth chart to his advantage and making his “demons” a controlled part of him that he turns for the better, he does have a very difficult love life focused on business and unhealthy power dynamics in which he would most likely be the one seeking control, considering his libra placements as well as the significance of Saturn in his birth chart suggesting that he feels the constant need to conform to societal norms for self-esteem reasons and others talked about above like the Saturn retrograde.//
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Hi, hope you’re well! I was wondering about the hidden enemies aspect of the twelfth house. Does hidden mean the types of people (people with influence of the sign in your 12h) you are unaware are antagonizing you or is it that those characteristics in someone throw you off but you can’t really put your finger on why? Can these people believe that they are helping you but really they’re holding you back in some way? Can the hidden aspect go both ways? Why does 12h synestry have this effect? I have cancer on the 12h cusp and I’ve never really been able to develop any meaningful relationships with any (cancers) that I’ve met though I’ve been trying to emulate characteristics of this sign (12h as repressed tendencies). Note: I unfortunately have no water placements to help me out what so ever lol. Thanks for your help, your blog is absolute gold ✨✨✨
12th House and Hidden Enemies
Since the 12th house is ruled by Neptune, this is the place in our chart where things can be difficult to ascertain. Things are murky and veiled here. Not only can you be unaware of where people are causing trouble for you but there can also be a weird “vibe” that something is not right with something or someone but one may not be readily able to make it out. In the natal chart, synastry, or composite this can display itself as mentioned above. Things can get triggered here in ways you are not altogether comfortable with. And of course, because like the 8th house, things can be deeply buried or repressed. For more insight lets look further:
Aries/Mars in the 12th
Hidden or unconscious foes can often attack a native’s go sense of self. This is because Aries/Mars rules the 1st house of self. “I AM”. Often a native with this placement may wind up feeling victimized without being able to put their finger on the source if said feeling. An astrologer/native will want to observe one’s Mars placement and the contacts it is making to other planets in the natal horoscope or in synastry/composite [Mid-point or Davison]. Ex: Mars in the 1st can indicate conflict to the self. Mars in the 7th can indicate complexity with enemies being close relationships. One can have issues with authority figures or those in leadership. Hidden enemies can be competitors or they may feel anyone who triggers these planets is a rival they need to “beat”. People who trigger “lust” or “Sexual urges” in a native may be perceived as a nemesis. In addition, rivals/enemies might display aggression, antagonism, self-serving habits, and impulsivity. Watch out for those who display toxicity in the form of domination or those who overall try to silence or step on your drive. These people can be ruthless, cruel, “bullies” or simply those who charge in a shoot first/ask questions later. 
Taurus/Venus in the 12th 
Enemies are involved with 2nd house realm of “possessions”. Things we get territorial over. This includes finances and things we appreciate. Enemies may accuse the native of stealing/taking something precious from them. Things they value. Be on guard for those who encourage over-indulgence, general excess, and materialism. Someone who once wore the mask of a friend may turn foe due to being envious of the things a native owns. The things a native has or their wealth. Venusian placements can indicate the type of relationship a native has with their enemy. Ex: Venus in the 4th may indicate secretly toxic family members. Venus in the 11th= friends or those in their general social network. Venus in the 5th, casual lovers, etc. Fixed tendencies or feelings can exist in the underlying relationship between secret enemies. Be on the lookout for undoing in the physical/material realm. This includes thievery, hoarding, over-spending, or living beyond practical means.  Undoing can come from going after comfort and security in toxic or co-dependent ways. Lovers or those who provide wealth and security may become enemies by withholding it from a native or trying to gain control over it behind the native’s back.
Gemini/Mercury in the 12th 
Secret enemies can come in many forms. Generally, this will be in the realm of communication, ideals, or intellect. The interactions may be formidable and stem from communicative interactions or opposing views. A  secret enemy will often challenge the native’s wits or will simply strive to appear more intelligent than them. Superficiality, fakeness, disingenuousness, and two-faced behavior are common threads. Undoing can display itself as blockages to learning, gaining insights, and general discouragement of focus that can make the native grow. An enemy will, in layman’s terms, try to make you look stupid. Insult your mind. Make you lose focus. Mercury aspects and placements can reveal more. Ex: Mercury in the 11th can indicate surface level bonds with peers and communication that is not honest. Friends may lie. Mercury in the 9th possibly indicating enemies who may try to manipulate beliefs or manipulation in regard to teaching and religion. Secret enemies will reveal themselves in their communication methods with the natives. Through dialogue. Enemies here can use sarcasm, cowardly subs, insults veiled through “back-handed compliments”, passive aggression, insult you subliminally so you don’t realize you were attacked or insulted until after-the-fact. Slander, libel, or general shit talking. Think of Regina George:  “OMG I love your skirt!” only to turn around and say “That is the fugliest effing skirt I’ve ever seen”.  with the 3rd house involved, siblings and extended family could be culprits or part of the problem.  A toxic person may try to attack your intellectual confidence. Unethical approaches involved with words and general attacks of the mind. These people may intentionally cause confusion or gaslighting. Watch out for people you perceive to be liars. Therein lies the foe.
Cancer/Moon in the 12th
Veiled Nemesis’ are often difficult to feel. Things will be subtle. Their tactics or vibes will often display themselves in the form of manipulation, passive aggression, or a general “toying with the feelings”. Since the moon/Cancer often represents the “mother”, toxicity from a parent or child may be an issue or the culprit. A native will often feel their sense of security or safety being “attacked”. Enemies will attach their healing methods and/or emotional confidence. The placement of the Moon can indicate where emotional damage typically goes on. Ex: Moon in the 10th can indicate attacks to the public person or prestige or even the career. Coddling, not being able to let go, clinginess and overprotection are general themes. Perhaps a parent or guardian, lover, or close friend is incessantly over-protective that it causes a stunt to general emotional and mental growth. Again, it may be hard to see since it is the moon that can be a mysterious place as is the 12th house. The channel that one discovers said enemy will typically be through intuition and even dreams. Remember, through said over-protection and general fear of letting go can lead to the native’s undoing. We often see the toxic side of femininity with this placement. Mom, Grandma, sister, great grandmother, etc can be involved in the problem here. Child-abuse, using the child as a pawn during custody battles, emotional manipulation in order to get what the enemy wants can be what causes the nemesis theme. A hidden enemy may cloak themselves as “just wanting the best for you” or “I do it because I love you and care.” The enemy may not be able to let go.
Leo/Sun in the 12th
Foes will strive to exert their and dominance over a native. This will display itself as the spirit of competitiveness, bullying, domination, bossiness, arrogance, etc. Think leonine traits at their worst. Leo in the 12th will do this behind the scenes with power plays. How they can lord things over a native. The father could be a culprit in this or the father could be part of the issue. Daddy issue [regardless of sex]. Internalized misogyny. The Sun’s placement can reveal more. Sun in the 3rd will try to influence the mind or dominate the intellect. Sun in the 6th indicates a coworker or boss or one may feel/be overshadowed at work. The battle will always be involved with the core ego or one’s sense of self. A hidden enemy will try to greatly influence this person in this realm. A hidden nemesis will try to act like the dominant parental figure or act as if they are giving good sage-like guidance or person. They will try to act like the authority figure. This person will drain the native’s energy stores. The definition of an energy vampire. Why? because even as humans, we get our energy from the Sun. We are heliocentric. One can often feel drained energetically after dealing with such an individual. This will reveal to you “who” the enemy is. In addition, we can see more themes of toxic masculinity here just like Mars in the 12th. Moreover, the enemy may not be another person but the own native’s hubris. They need to take care not to allow their ego to run roughshod over them. Pride comes before the fall.
Virgo/Mercury in the 12th 
Secret enemies with this placement will often reveal themselves by criticism. More specifically, criticism about things a native is very insecure about. The critiquing will be neither healthy nor remotely helpful. It will scar instead fo heal. Hidden foes will wear the mask of the “caretaker” or “healer”.  Their behavior will simply be a means to an end. The native will often find themselves internalizing the criticism which is exactly what their enemy wants. The words the foe spouts will be sort of like Simon Cowell’s analytical stance. Harsh but not in a way that builds. One may often find the enemy saying things like “that’s just my opinion.” they will veil it under the mask of “honesty” when in reality it is just shit-talking for shit-talking’s sake. These people don’t really care, they just like to take people down a peg. Be on the lookout for those who display “Munchhausen by proxy syndrome” towards you. The caregiver who secretly injures by tries to gaslight and cover it up under the guise of “love”.
Libra/Venus in the 12th 
Like Taurus in the 12th, similar issues will display themselves through relationships. The ones closest to us. Your hidden foes may hide under the mask of “friend”. They are nearer than you are probably comfortable with. Look for those who are near and dear. Now, will all your teammates, family ties or friends be enemies? No. But you’ll want to be careful who you let into your circle with said placement. Best friends turn to enemies. The ones who hate on you when something good happens. The friends who link with you through trauma bonds but when you successfully break that tie, they are angry at every “win” you have. These people will be the ones who don’t clap when you win. The people who say they are “there for you” but stab you in the back.  They’ll secretly compete with you. Those who thrive and gloat when you are down and out. Enemies in this house will threaten your harmony and balance somehow. They will not respond well to diplomacy or will mask their ill-intent through the mask of “sweetness” and “Friendliness”. You’ll feel a shallow vibe from them. They’ll say one thing but their energy screams something else. Friends who are fair weather. Those who take advantage of a native’s attachment, or infatuation. A lover who ghosts or tries to make you co-dependent on them. An enemy or toxic person may actually lust or secretly desire you but manipulate you into thinking you are the one obsessed with them. There will be subtle mind games. They will enjoy toying with you. Delayed gratification or just manipulation. Think 5 of swords and 3 of cups paired.
Scorpio/Pluto in the 12th 
Paranoia resides here. Hidden foes will be quite underhanded and manipulative. Secrecy is seriously involved. People with this placement live by the mantra “expect anything from anyone, the devil was once an angel”. Betrayal, possessiveness, control and power themes, vengeance, and guilt are involved with enemies. Anyone who triggers these themes recurringly may be individuals to keep your distance from. People who trigger self-destructive tendencies are enemies to look out for. Moreover, a native can feel like they are their own worst enemy. Remember, a Scorpion is prone to stinging themselves. Enemies here are prone to trying to turn the native against themselves. This toxic behavior will be intentional. Toxicity will display itself through trauma bonds, possessiveness, gaslighting, manipulation, envy, or just general attempts at control and domination. Remember, the general theme here is “power and transformation.” Enemies are often those who boast a considerable amount of power [over the native or those who are powerful in general]. The danger in this placement? A native may feel a strong magnetic pull or obsessive fascination towards the enemy. This can appear in the natal, synastry, or composite chart. Watch out for the lover who seems to have a hold on you but you don’t know how or can’t seem to break it. They know what they're doing *sucks teeth*. Secret enemies desire to manipulate you or play the ventriloquist. Their goal is to see you be your own downfall. They’ll wade in the shadows, pouring gasoline on the fire of the flames of your self-destruction. Watch out for those who smirk while you’re going through a hard time. Or those who encourage you to do things you inwardly know aren’t good for you. Be on the look out for power-hungry individuals. Those who NEED to be worshipped. The types to lead “cult-like” followings and draw you in. This can often be displayed through seduction.
Sagittarius/Jupiter in the 12th
Hidden enemies/foes will be very fanatical and zealous. Enemies here lie in the realm of philosophies, teaching, higher learning, or religious beliefs. These enemies will be toxic gamblers. People who enable you or encourage self-indulgence, promiscuity, and general recklessness. They won’t ever warn you or ask you to heed caution. Ever. They’ll mislead you, tell you half-truths, or cherry-pick facts and figures to suit their own needs. They’ll make you think you’re getting the full picture but you won’t be. They’ll teach harmful beliefs, things that destroy faith in what is tangible or real. Make shit up to suit their own propaganda. It’s very similar to Neptune since both Jupiter and Neptune rule the spiritual. What they teach you may make you feel bogged down. They’ll use beliefs and doctrine to control. Their passion and zeal may make you feel as if what they are spouting is the end-all-be-all but it tends to be the opposite. Gloating and one-upmanship are themes as well. These hidden enemies will reveal themselves by questioning your beliefs or forcing you to believe theirs or causing dramatic scenes when you don’t conform or question theirs.  The nemesis might be a professor, guru, preacher, priest/priestess, or political leader. They’ll be exaggerators, quite preachy, and cloak their arrogance under another mask. Often it will be “confidence” but ultimately it’s bravado or self-absorption. They’ll be charismatic, yes, but they’ll attack your aspirations, idealism, talents, and dreams or simply try to tell you they’re not there or tell you you don’t really know yourself- they do. They’ll tell you they “know you better than you know yourself”.  Again the theme is “beliefs”. They will dissuade you from forming any thought process that doesn’t align with their own. They won’t encourage you to learn for yourself, cross reference, cite your own sources, or guide you to thinking for yourself. It will always have to be in the confines of what THEY believe for it to be seen as “appropriate”.
Capricorn/Saturn in the 12th
Hidden enemies or foes will often be a threat to growth. They’ll be restrictive. Threaten a native’s ambitions, reputation, prestige, groundedness/security. They may present themselves or even be authority figures. Power games are seen here. Guilt, repression, feelings of guilt, and/or general suppression of self-expression and drive. These individuals will be calculated. Very chess-like. Wealth or the legacy of a native and their possessions will be threatened or at risk when one has this placement. The enemy will display an austere persona. Could even be the father, grandfather, great grandfather, etc. Masculinity is involved here. Disappointment and criticism are extreme themes they’ll subject you to. This is how you’ll figure out who they are. They’ll be cold, want control, or be controlling. EXTREMELY negative. They’ll also be greedy or attempt to hold a native back from success, prosperity, or independence. Maturity will be inhibited. Opportunities thwarted. But they’ll mask it all under “wanting the best for you.”  The enemy could even be an individual's lack of exploration or their own self-repression. They could cause themselves to be too hard on themselves which could lead them into self-imposed depression. They must learn to be free. LIVE.
Aquarius/Uranus in the 12th
Hidden foes and/or enemies can be erratic. They’ll operate in a very unpredictable manner.  Their behavior will be exciting so it may be hard to recognize it at first. They may appear out of the blue. The nemesis might attack a native’s individuality and freedom. They may cause chaos and disruptions in your life. The enemy may not respect your individuality or differences and/or freedom. They’ll disapprove of the unique way of life your lead. [Look at Saturn as well as Uranus]. Your freedom will always be a threat to theirs and vice versa. Look out for those who seem “out there” and who try to coax you into avant-garde ways of doing things. It may not always be in your best interest. You could wind up with sudden breaks, accidents, unpredictable events because of them. They may cause disruptions to your security or cause so much confusion they can cause severe damage to your psyche [Uranus can also rule intelligence and mental dealings]. They’ll be recognizable as the “rebels”. They may not always be the types to intentionally wish you harm but may lead you to it. They’ll be, eccentrics, or anarchists and can lead you astray. Their agenda is to be agents of chaos. Think of the Joker from the Dark Knight. “Do I really look like a guy with a plan?” It will be hard to see. You may even be enthralled. Again this is the 12th house. Lots of instability here. The enemy could even be the individual's need for rebellion which can cause them to get themselves into trouble because they don’t see the threat or danger involved or they simply don’t care.
Pisces/Neptune in the 12th
Hidden foes may have may connections to karma. The feelings will be extremely felt through intuition and psychic insights. You’ll feel them but not really know where they’re coming from. Often there will be a “Nessus/Dejanira” theme going on. The victim and abuser. Often, the native will be the abused.  Strong Manipulation. The enemy will make you drink the “Kool-aid”. Their abuse often stems from their own hurt and trauma. They’ll claim they want to heal you or help you. Their “aid” will be cloaked under sympathy and love. Often it is an illusion. In reality, they’re wanting something. Being used can often be a theme. Themes of addiction or drug abuse can live here, too. Think of Bobby and Whitney or even Syd and Nancy. Enabling addictions are very prevalent. Now the enemy may not even be a person but addictions themselves can be the undoing or downfall. One with this placement must be careful in indulging in mind-altering substances. Alcoholism can be an issue as well. If it is an actual individual, the foe can play the martyr or cause you to sacrifice something precious to you. They can play off your insecurities or weakness and keep you emotionally dependent. They can toxic to your spirituality or try to influence your spirituality as well.
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