#also gonna try to start putting my signature on my art lol
petra-creat0r · 4 months
Annual Update 2024
Alright everyone! New year, new updates for all my stuff!
Starting with ...
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(The new signatures for my main art, AtDFF, and AYC)
As some, and by that I mean most of you have probably noticed, I rebooted AtDFF... again. I technically started a revamp all the way back in 2020 where I was redrawing the older updates to better match the current style and reformat the asks and text for better readability, but that didn't impede on the main updates (well, besides putting more onto mine and the rest of the team's work load.)
The Reboot
This past year though, I made the decision to completely reboot the comic for a few reasons. One was an attempt to renew my motivation, another was wanting to rework some of the lore, yet another was being inspired by @askfallenroyalty to remake the comic and post to ComicFury, but I think the main factor was... I wasn't all that happy with it. I think I kept comparing it to other comics, especially Fallen Royalty, which is my own issue, please don't go blaming anyone else. I knew I could do better, especially after over 5 years working on this, but now looking back, part of me feels that, rebooting it again is, in a way, diminishing those years. Even with the 2020 revamp, prior to it you could go through the updates and really look at how my art has progressed, and though true you can still scroll and find the old updates, it's just... not quite the same. Same can be said for the 2023 reboot.
Does that mean I'm going back on the reboot? No. I already have the next updates planned (I just haven't had a chance to work on them that often) and I really like the new lore of the world that I've come up with. I just think this will be the last time I ever reboot the comic. Whatever happens, happens, and I need to just roll with it. Even if what happens is our little roadtrip getting derailed into a corn field again, lol.
Comic Fury and New Comic?
With that said, what do I have in store for the new reboots of AtDFF and AYC? (yes AYC got rebooted too, I just haven't posted the first update like I did with AtDFF) Well, I mentioned a Comic Fury, which surprise. Both AtDFF and AYC have their own Comic Fury pages now! Don't worry, I still plan on posting to Tumblr as well, but now you can also find them on Comic Fury. Along with another comic I'm planning to do (eventually), Undertale-ish: The Comic. Ever wonder what Ish Frisk's journey through the Underground was like? Want to see what happened in most (not all) of their 800 runs? Want to see this child grapple with their self insecurities, perfectionism, and the responsibility of having full control over time and an entire civilization's lives in the palm of their hand? Want to see Chara as a ghost? Well that's what you'll get with Undertale-ish: The Comic! Coming I don't know since I such at scheduling and time management for these things!
Speaking of scheduling! When are any of these comics coming out? Well... I just said I suck with schedules, and I can't promise really... anything when it comes to release but like... I know I for sure would like to release things... regularly? Even with the start of the reboot, I started it in April, and that stuff extended until at least August. Every summer I naively think "Oh! I'm gonna have so much time to work on the comic!" and then I get a summer job. Because I'm nearly 20 and going to college and even if I'm still living under my parent's roof, I can't entirely rely on my dad to pay my tuition. Only for half the year. Then during the school year, I have classes, and I feel burned out by the time I get home, and- It's a whole thing I need to find someway to work around or else nothing gets done and my brain just screams at itself. So, I think scheduling is something I'm gonna figure out throughout January, and try and get a backlog of updates ready throughout February to April or May so maybe we can start posting again in summer. Does that feel like a long wait? Even being near a year from the first update of the AtDFF reboot? Yes. But also I'm trying to over estimate and give myself the time and space I need while still attending college, and I wouldn't just be working on one comic update, but multiple. I'm trying to give myself space and some grace instead of making promises that feel hollow after a while of being unfufilled.
Lack of Motivation and How to Fix
Another thing to address, is my motivation when it comes to these series. I don't think it's accurate to say I've felt completely unmotivated to work on either comic, I mean, I was motivated for some of the beginning of last year to full on overhaul them, but I will say that, these comics have started to feel like a job. It's been something I've felt for a couple years now, where I've been having less fun with the comic as it's begun to feel like actual work. Believe me, I'm super excited for some of the later plot points of both AtDFF and AYC, and I love Undertale-ish and these characters but to get to those points or character moments, it feels like I'm slogging through what comes before it, which isn't good. This is something that sure, rebooting helped for a bit, before I got caught up in school and other stuff, but it's not a permanent solution and I've felt myself slipping back into the comic feeling like a job.
So how might I remedy this? Well, I think the solution might lie in another series I started this year, Drawing Junior Secret Squad until Chapter 3. Even if DJSSuC3 is more Deltarune focused, I've enjoyed drawing Chicago and my other fankids pretty much daily as, there's not that much pressure on it. Definitely not like there is with AtDFF or AYC. I don't have to line, or even color them since, they're just little doodles. I don't have to worry about missing a day since, I'll just do multiple the next day. They're quick, they're easy, I can just draw whatever idea I have with the characters I want, I'm having fun. Back when Ask the Dreemurr-Font Family was nothing but an ask chat on Amino, that's what I did it for. For fun. I wasn't worried with popularity or being like other creators, I just did silly little character driven roleplays for fun. I think that's been my issue with the comics. They aren't fun anymore. They're work because, I feel it's my job to tell this story rather than just... telling it because I want to. So, I think going forward, I'm gonna try to have more fun with the comics and Ish in general. For you all, that's probably gonna look like more sketches and doodles getting posted and maybe even just sharing small comics based off ideas that pop into my brain or from roleplays that happened in my server. Little things to help me regain the enjoyment I had with these comics and world.
Deltarune: Fool's Fate
I think that's all I've got to say on the Undertale based comics, so how about now we move onto something Deltarune related? As I was doing DJSSuC3, I introduced an idea called Deltarune: Fool's Fate. Aka, Chicago and Co's adventures through the Dark Worlds after Kris denied their destiny. So far, this has just been little doodles, character designs, and a roleplay I've been doing in my discord server. I've been having quite a bit of fun with that RP, we're nearly to the end of what would be the first "chapter" and have been fighting Dorothy, the secret boss of the Attic Dark World and who some of y'all might recall I made a real life doll of when my old computer finally kicked the bucket earlier this month. (I've still yet to make her dress or crown) I think roleplays have always been the thing I find the most enjoyable when it comes to character exploration as, I don't have to spend forever drawing comics and I get to sorta live through the characters. It's something I've been doing for characters from even before I was in this fandom. With the Fool's Fate roleplay too, I've also got to come up with elements that could feasibly be in an actual video game without, you know, actually coding a video game.
I don't know where Fool's Fate will go from here, while it'd be cool to have it be an actual fangame, I don't have that sort of skill. Nor the budget to pay a team. (My team for the comics is really just a bunch of friends I convinced to help me out for free.) Even with a sprite comic, it'd be too much. So, for now, it'll likely just remain a concept and roleplay. But, who knows. Maybe someday I could make it into something. I mean, after watching this year's Underevent I wanted to.
Other stuff
With all the UTDR stuff out of the way, what about some of my other stuff? (Because, surprise, Undertale and Deltarune aren't the ONLY things I do. Just the things I hyperfixate on the most.) Well, I've got my Fakemon region, Azmayca, POW-R, Dragon Riders, and Kinder Eyes which I started last summer. I don't really have any plans for them, asides from bugging people for ideas and doodling whenever I'm in the mood. However I think starting this year, I'm gonna try to post more of the doodles I make. Either ones in my sketchbook since DJSS gave me the confidence to post sketchy silly little doodles like that, or sketch doodles I draw digitally as warm ups. Though who knows. Maybe a hyperfixation swing some time during the summer will cause me to actually try to do something crazy like outline the whole Azmayca region and hypothetical game. Hopefully not something like that though. Making the evolutions of my redesigns of the starters might be nice.
Another thing I'd like to finally do next year is update my commissions sheet. It's something I've had in the work for a while now, and was working on along side launching the comic updates. But, like the comics, school and work got in the way so... I sorta forgot about it. Regardless! I'm gonna try to post my updated sheet some time within the next few months, it's mostly just been havin to draw or find recent examples of my work. Hopefully then I'll actually get some more commissions because, um *looks at the whooping $3.94 in my checking account* I could really use the extra money. I might work during the summers and get grade payments from my dad but, that stuff is to pay my tuition and some of my lunches during the semester, and even with lunches, 500 dollars is spread thin through 17, 16 ish weeks. That's like, only $30 a week, which is maybe enough to cover buying lunch at the campus food court like, once or twice from the food court. Maybe three times if I'm lucky and conservative with my spending. Not to mention that $300 of that went to my new laptop, and even if I should be getting $300 from a paycheck I was never paid back when I worked at Arby's 3 summers ago, I still haven't gotten that gift card in the mail so... Yeah. If I was living on my own, I'd be screwed. Which is why commissions and Patreon are like, my only source of income during the school year. (I still need to look into getting an on campus job for this upcoming semester but that's its own whole big can of worms.)
Speaking of Patreon, that's another goal I want to set. Actually posting to it again. I had a burst early last year were I was regularly posting to Patreon with early access chapters of The Puppet and the Real Boy (before I retconned that with Fool's Fate) and thanks to my only Patreon ever @kierangecko, I managed to make around $50 bucks which ended up being used to help get blanks for some of my Christmas gifts for people (thank you Gecko. I know I did stop posting after like, May, but that money really came in handy.) So for this next year, I'm gonna try to post to that again. Be it WIPs of the comic, scripts, little doodles I don't post on Tumblr or whatever, I want to make Patreon another source of income. Which involves posting to it at least monthly. And even if I don't, then you guys won't have to worry about anything since I've got it set to not charge for months I don't post anything.
Resolution Review
So, to review some of my... I guess you could call them resolutions, though I'd rather think of them as goals I don't absolutely have to hold myself too but would just like to accomplish, I'd like to...
Have more fun when with AtDFF and AYC through drawing and posting more loose, silly comics and doodles
Try figuring out a posting and work schedule for AtDFF and AYC by then end of January
Hopefully get a back log of updates for both comics ready to release by summer
Start on and release Undertale-ish: The Comic sometime this year
Keep doing Drawing Junior Secret Squad until Chapter 3 until Chapters 3 and 4 of Deltarune hopefully come out sometime this year.
Possibly design hypothetical secret boss predictions for Chapters 4 and 5 of Deltarune before the next chapters come out.
Keep working on, designing characters for, and coming up with Dark Worlds for Deltarune: Fool's Fate. Perhaps even drawing some tarot cards with the chapter bosses.
Post more about my other projects, even if they're only sketchbook drawings or warm up doodles.
Update my commissions page and hopefully take more commissions to earn some extra money/save up for college or to move out.
Post regularly to my Patreon, also to earn some extra money.
Generally have a better year than 2023 and to find more enjoyment in my art and projects.
Ho boy! That was... A lot! This has turned out to be one very long post. Hehe. Well, should be over now that I've said all I need too. Also, if I haven't said it already, I'd like to thank all of you for supporting me and my art. Be it my comics, DJSSuC3, my other projects, or anything I've posted this year. It means a lot to me that people even like what I draw and you all mean the world to me. With all of that out of the way, thank you Creative Creators and I hope you have a Happy New Year.
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revasserium · 1 year
rain what are the best books you’ve read since you’ve been away?
*cracks knuckles* oh my sweetest of baby jesuses nonnie, from wheremst do i even stART LOL. well -- i read about 99 books in the calendar year of 2022 alone (some were re-reads, but most weren't), though to be fair, i'd set that goal for myself at the beginning of the year. so i'm gonna pick from that subset + the about 20ish books i've read this year, sound good? alrighty, let's go.
fantasy - wayward children series by seanan mcguire
this is probably my new favorite book series. period. like. i'm trying to think of other series that i've read that i want to shove down other ppls throats as vehemently as i do this series and... it doesn't exist. the lyricism in the prose is just *chefs kiss*!!! they're novellas (about 150pages each!), and there are a ton of them, so i just devoured like the entire series in a single week. pls PLS give this a try!
fiction - a secret history by donna tart
not that i need to tout this book any more than it already has been on tumblr but. it created the entire dark academia movement and is still one of the cornerstones of my personal literary canon; like oH bOY can tart write a fuCKING SENTENCE. this was a re-read, cause i originally read it in like 2015, loved it, and then didn't re-read it again, but i did last year and i want to tattoo this entire book into my bones. this is the kind of writing to which i aspire on the DAILY
short stories - her body and other parties by carmen maria machado
again, i feel like this book has been talked about by everyone and their mother and pLEASE DEAR GOD read the trigger warnings!!! they are there for a REASON! but again, gorgeous writing, INSANE exploration of the female body (and the shit that owners of said bodies have to deal with), gender, sexuality, queerness, and general mind-boggling weirdness.
nonfiction - on writers and writing by margaret attwood
one of the greatest writers of our age, writing about her favorite writers and their favorite writings. what more could you ask for??? not much TBH. and add to that atwood's signature like dry humor and voice and just sldkfjaosidj also, this expanded my tbr by like 30 books cause she quotes SUCH GOOD STUFF at the beginning of each chapter!! and it's a short read - it just puts the art and tedium and magic and mundane of writing into such good perspective??? amazing 100/10, 5 stars on yelp, 3 michelin stars.
poetry - i'll fly away by rudy francisco
ppl who have been here since 3 years ago know that i am a rudy stan. i stan his slam poetry, his written poetry, him as a human being. this is def a more "political" collection than helium (also a fucking bANGER), but i still savored every single word. i love it. i love him.
honorary mentions:
the night circus by erin morgenstern
ninth house & hell bent by leigh bardugo
the house on the cerulean sea by tj klune
red winter series by annette marie
mythos, heros, and troy by stephen fry
if we were villains by ml rio
where the crawdads sing by deliah owens
a lesson in vengeance by victoria lee
evelyn hugo & daisy jones & carrie soto by taylor jenkins reid
grief is the thing with feathers by max porter
rebecca by daphne du maurier
bunny by mona awad
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bluejayblueskies · 2 years
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ehehehee Booke!!!
Im starting out hello my old heart by firebirdsuite, a smaller fic at only 15k - i think i might try iwbta as either my second or project, not sure if jumping from 15k to 50k would be too abrupt of a difficulty spike! (Also thank u for the pdf u used!! :0 what size signatures did u print it at?)
ive done two draft prints to get used to it! my first print i tried in groups of 8 sheets, which left me with two thick signatures and one with only like 2 sheets - tried again with signatures of 4 sheets / 16 pages and thought itd be the final draft until i realized i needed to leave a page at the front n back, bc otherwise id glue the cover to the title page!! Im waiting to print the final draft until i have commissioned art to fill out some space and bring the fully formatted text to a nice even 80 pages :)
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binding my drafts into text blocks was really gratifying!! It truly does feel like im making a book prototype >:3 i used modpodge for the glue since joann’s didnt have any pva glue, amd it seems to work well enough, but just to be safe i think im gonna buy some actual pva glue online once i use all the modpodge
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i think tonight im gonna try making a cover for one of my practice text blocks! This is all going a lot better than i thought it would, I’ve already learned so much and im still so excited to keep going!! :) thank u for the tips!!!
(ahh sorry for not responding to this sooner!)
it looks great!!! i'm glad that the tips helped (and i have definitely also printed the same fic like. 2-3 times because i realized i made a mistake and had to reprint aklgdajg so i feel that). i usually do 6-sheet signatures for letter-sized books, which is what the iwbta document is formatted for! if you want to adjust that, you'll want to go into the word doc version and change that since i believe that PDF is already imposed for signature printing.
and there shouldn't be too much of a difficulty jump from 15k to 50k words! once you've put together a book, the only real difference between wordcounts is more sewing lol (unless you get into mini books 👀). if you get really big, you'll want to start thinking about rounding and/or backing, but that won't be necessary for a 50k story.
(also, i saw your pics in the renegade discord, and it looks so good completed! i'm excited to see what the final draft looks like 💜)
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need1etail · 3 years
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Dove's Wing and Lion's Roar for my AU 👀. Their color palettes are the same as my pre-Dovewing's Silence Dovewing and Lionblaze designs (besides Dove's ginger of course), Lion's Roar's markings are based off cougar markings, and Dove's Wing was based off a mourning dove. Maybe I'll do Jay's Wing someday idk these just took way too long.
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baeshijima · 3 years
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫!𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐲/𝐧
now, childe as a general streamer,,, he’s a whale in every sense of the word 
so childe as a streamer in general would be one word ;
he would definitely be a variety streamer, but more so for games !!
especially pvp and/or pve games
competitive meta mf—
probably plays LoL, overwatch, apex legends, valorant and minecraft
don’t question the minecraft 
he likes mining but has a personal vendetta against the creepers bc once they blew up his mansion 
yes, a mansion
ask any of his community and they’ll tell u he spent a full-blown month and a half playing just minecraft to build it, only for it to go down just like that ;-; 
his chat loved it tho <//3
he’s played honkai too !! mainly for the pve and grinding bc he’s a whale but uh,,, shhh
his community,,, his community are just a bunch of trolls at this point i cant even lie
they just KEKW, SADGE & COPIUM spam everything and the newer viewers get intimidated until they realise he deserves them all HJGKJHF
especially when he starts getting annoyed by the game,,, his reactions are too good to pass up on gn
typically when he does mario kart streams 👩‍🦯 that shit’s wild when it happens oh my
when he falls in rainbow road 🤡 
and especially bc he has his webcam on, his viewers just see him internally dying or wanting to scream
also gets passive aggressive 
shit talks everything and everyone when in that mood <//3
for what’s left of his dignity i won’t disclose what happens
definitely gets jebaited a lot too <//3 unfortunately he’s too easy for his chat ;-;
another mf with a massive community except he has a lot of friends (sorry not sorry albedo)
ppl have a love-hate relationship with him tbh; u either love him or hate him
no inbetween
unless u show ur love through bullying him then go off ig
his discord server, twt + yt are also really big too !! also verified on insta 
also !!
he has lots of plushies :(( esp whale plushies from his community bc he’s the biggest whale they know <//3
but if u look at his setup, there’s a mini whale plushie on the top of his main monitor (he has 3), one big one (like,,, up to his chin) behind him, a smol on the top of his chair so u can see it above his head, and just more off screen HKJSDHL
they asked for a room tour once and half of it was just whale plushies
the rest were LED lights + shelves of merch & gifts from his community !!
he even has some fanmail (actual wholesome ones that aren’t cursed) pinned on a board too 🥺
also has an ensuite—
when he was eating on stream one time, his chat was sent into an absolute outrage
u know why?
bc he was eating noodles with a fork
bby ;-;
so sometimes he’ll get sent those beginner chopsticks with the finger guides to help him 👩‍🦯
he’s actually made sure to eat with them on stream tho bc he was sent one with a narwhal on top and he thinks it’s cute JHGJKH
now, his (also) AR56 ass has been playing since genshin first came out
an og if u will
this man,,, he’s been in love with u even before the game’s official release 🐥
not only were u in the promotional art and trailers, but he was also one of the beta testers so he got to try out ur character first hand in the early stages !!
and when i say he fell hard for u,
i mean it 
when the game wasn’t released publicly yet, he wasn’t allowed to disclose any information and ngl, it killed him that he couldn’t talk abt u :((
so all he could do was say this upcoming was really nice so far and subtly brag abt u to everyone JHGKJSDFHLK
when the official ads & promotional art were finally released 🥺🥺 when i tell u he immediately went live talking abt the game and u HKGJHFDK
he didn’t care that he streamed at an ungodly hour bc he’s been waiting for the reveal for so long he needs to let everyone know </3
he retweeted everything from their official twt straightaway, made a yt video based off his spontaneous stream promoting the game + pinged his entire server abt it
his nearly 200k server all got pinged abt this one game bc he’s in love with a character from it
and he has no regrets abt it <33
the day the game was available for download, he stREAMED THE ENTIRE DOWNLOAD PROCESS
while he and his chat were waiting, they decided to watch the trailers and character showcases to get a feel for the game, and played some mario kart to pass the time !!
as soon as the game loaded, he threw mario kart behind him and went on 🐥
he typed his name (ajax) for the when he chose aether and literally everyone was appreciating the aesthetics HKJFS
but childe,,, he was waiting for it to be over so he could see u ;-;
he appreciated the aesthetics, fighting mechanics & voice acting a lot tho !!
now he had gotten through all the tutorials, got all the chests he could he was finally in mond
and there u were 🥺 after the dvalin encounter u arrived before kaeya did
and boy did he show u off sm to his viewers HKJHKLF
they knew he was down bad before but now?? they know it’s hopeless to save him and if he ever falls out of love that’s when the world ends
luckily that’ll never happen tho <33
but he took !! so many !! screenshots !!
oh, and did i mention he changed his wallpapers to u? and his twt + discord pfps are also some very aesthetic screenshots of u from that first scene ;-;
he just appreciates u sm okay 🥺
he even clutched his chest where his heart is and sunk down his chair when he heard u speak 😩
his chat just spammed his downbad + y/nlove + SHRIMP emotes and he accepted them all with grace <33
now when he unlocks the wishing feature,,, u already know he’s wishing for u as soon as possible
ur in the standard banner so ur always there which he appreciates but he would’ve wanted u to be limited so he can rub it in ppl’s faces ;-;
and since it was the first release rewards, he had tons of wishes right off the bat !!
he was gonna roll for venti after he gets u bc,,, well does he need a reason??
also he doesn’t do well with archer characters in general ;;; but if ur an archer then ur obv an exception sooo
bUT he got a 5 star in his first 20 pulls !!
tho it was diluc 👩‍🦯
while he was happy bc he got an incredibly meta character right off the bat,
he wasn’t interested in diluc,,, (even now his diluc is barely looked after, and only used for spiral abyss, *sweats*)
the next 5 star he got was around the 60 mark, and he got a weapon,,,
i mean,,, he got the weapon that was most suited for u so that’s smth at least (ˉ▽ˉ;)
after he used all his remaining primos and fates, he finally got u 🥺
he just went “fuck the storyline” and immediately put u in his party and just
admired u as a whole 
went through all the voice lines available, ur character story, ur idle animations (he had a heart attack from u and his chat clipped it) and took many, many screenshots 
his favourite voice lines would have to be the night + about us + (y/n)’s hobbies
and then he equipped u with ur weapon and damnnn did u look so good with it 😩
he changed u to be his avatar, with his signature as :
“(y/n)’s whale <3”
and now the whaling process begins 👩‍🦯
after at least £2k, he got u to c6, along with at least 1 copy of all the standard 5 stars,,
then he went for venti’s banner—
his chat were just too focused on how he’s gonna play u to even think of anything else tbh HKJAH
with ur kit, u were honestly seen to be a dps or even a sub dps if ppl don’t want u on the field all the time
so definitely a perfect character for mr meta strimmer tartaglia (his twitch name btw ;;; childe is just smth he prefers his community to call him as but they also call him ajax too HKJSD) here
so he went through the archon quests with u as his carry and i won’t lie, ur name card is smth he has printed and framed behind him after he got it 🥺
he later finds out ur part of the fatui in the liyue archon quest tho and has to fight u with,,,
well, u ;;;
he finds it hot tho so it’s okay—
i won’t lie tho, his zhongli after he got him is his second strongest after u
he just builds all his characters in the most broken way he can so he can show his viewers that everyone can be a dps in their own right, not just the ones meant to be since there’s no right or wrong in this game !!
but now ur weapon is r5, ur lvl 90 and u have lvl 20 5 star artifacts that make u the most broken (y/n) seen
ppl who co op with him are honestly baffled,,, especially when the feature of them being able to view other players’ character stats become available,,,
u with ur nearly 3k atk,,,
he’s hit over 600k with u tho and he’ll always flex that
no one can top him as a (y/n) main and that’s honestly just a fact at this point 😩
when he saw that the dating sim hangouts was official, his immediate and iconic response was simply ;
“so when will (y/n) become a dateable, huh 🤨”
to this day he’s still waiting to be able to date u in-game <//3
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doublerainebow · 3 years
Artist Resources (Part 1?)
This is basically just going to be a bunch of resources I have found to be useful. I can’t say that I’ve used all of them, but I’m sure they’re all worth checking out.
I’m also gonna try to put a detailed description for most of the links so you have a better idea of what you’re getting. I apologize in advance if some of them are redundant lol
(I put “Part 1″ if in the case I make another one)
~Links to Tutorials, Tips, Resources, etc~
Another Resource List -- Leads to another Tumblr post. Apparently, the post isn’t mobile-friendly, so it’s suggested to view this on Tumblr browser. Has a bunch of other links. I’ve checked out a few of them (mainly the copyright stuff lol), and it seems that some of the links may be a bit outdated. Still, it doesn’t hurt to check out the links.
Arms and Legs -- Leads to another Tumblr post. A handy tutorial on elbow and knee placement.
Art & Game Dev -- This leads to my personal playlist of a bunch of YouTube videos. Has a bunch of tutorials and interesting videos that I’ve collected over the course of a few years lol.
Blamblot -- A website that contains resources and tutorials on comic lettering. This is primarily in reference to western comics, but it doesn’t help to take a looksie.
Commission Calculator -- Leads to another Tumblr post. Helps artists to stop selling themselves short.
Comparing Heights (hikaku-sitatter) -- A height comparer for centimeters.
Comparing Heights -- A height comparer for feet and inches.
Mouth Shapes and Lip-Syncing -- Leads to another Tumblr post. Useful for... drawing mouth shapes.
Reference Angle -- Useful for when you’re trying to map out a face from an odd angle.
Soft Proofing for Printing -- Leads to another Tumblr post. Helps when you’re trying to make prints of your artwork.
Textures -- A website full of different and mostly free textures. While this website is made for 3D texturing, it can also be useful for 2D drawings. Signing up gives you 15 free credits everyday, and you can use those credits to download some textures for free.
The Models Resource -- A website of models ripped from a wide array of games.
The Spriters Resource -- A website of sprites ripped from a wide array of games.
The Textures Resource -- A websites of textures ripped from a wide array of games. 
~Links to Stock Images~
Please check out whatever policies they may have for their images before using them!
(not sure if any of them are active anymore as I followed some of these accounts a long time ago when I used to be more active on Deviant Art lol)
adorkastock (formerly senshistock)
anatoref -- Leads to another Tumblr post. Has a bunch of hand photo references
HumanAnatomy4Artist -- Does contain nudity
~Links to Other Artists~
Akihito Yoshitomi -- Yoshitomi is a mangaka who has tutorials on manga making. He also has an insightful series in which he drafts and draws a 30-page manga in 18 days. Remember that every artist works differently and his process may be different from another’s.
Drawfee -- Drawfee is an improv drawing show of four artists: Nathan Yaffe, Jacob Andrews, Julia Lepetit, and Karina Farek. While they don’t have tutorials in a sense, their videos explain the different processes they go through as they draw. They also occasionally provide tips, tricks, and resources in their videos. They do have another channel and a Twitch channel where they host drawing classes in addition to other fun shenanigans.
EtheringtonBrothers -- Has a bunch of useful and eye-catching tutorials called “How to Think When You Draw”.
Mark Crilley -- Mark is a comic artist, specializing in manga, who has a bunch of tutorials about anatomy, perspective, comic making, and other things.
Miyuli -- Miyuli is an artist who posts tutorials on their Twitter. Their tutorials range from anatomy to clothing to other things. They even have a few books of art tips. Currently (as of the time of posting this), their 2018 version is free for download, so I highly recommend you download that. Some tips may be outdated, but they should still be helpful.
Whyt Manga (Twitter/YouTube) -- Odunze is a comic artist, specializing in manga, that has a bunch of tutorials on manga making and drawing characters of color.
~Links to Free Programs~
Blender -- A free 3D program if you’re into 3D modeling and such. I also personally haven’t used Blender (I use Maya lol), but I know it’s a respectable program.
Krita -- A free painting program if you can’t afford Photoshop or Clip Studio Paint. I personally haven’t used Krita, but I have recommended it to a few friends and they have positive reviews about it.
Paint Tool SAI -- Okay, this one isn’t free, but it’s a significantly cheaper painting program where you don’t have to pay a subscription. It’s 5,500JPY (~50 USD). I’m not sure how well it still works on modern computers (the last update was 2016), but I still use it here and there because I love the pen tool feature it has, and it still works like a charm for me.
~General Tips From Raine~
Raine admits that she’s guilty of not following her own advice, but Raine hopes that the tips that she does know will be beneficial to someone who will follow them. She’s also going to keep all her tips under the cut so as to not make this post a huge wall of text (even though it technically already is lol)
Also, if you have some resources, tutorials, tips yourself, please feel free to send them to me and maybe I’ll make a part 2 to this post!
ALWAYS LOOK FOR REFERENCE. This should really go without saying. You can’t draw from life if you refuse to observe life itself.
If you can’t find the exact thing you need, MAKE YOUR OWN REFERENCE. Time and time again, I can’t find something exactly that I need. So instead, what I do is that I take pictures of my own reference. Sometimes I even grab a friend and take pictures of them doing whatever it is I need.
Have a mirror handy when you’re drawing. Sometimes what you need is actually right there in front of you.
Having trouble drawing something? Do some studies. Take the time to understand what it is you’re drawing. I can’t remember the exact story, but I heard that the people who were working on Tarzan were having a hard time drawing his hands. So, what they did was spend a few hours looking at hands to try and understand how they work.
IT’S OKAY TO STUDY THE ART OF OTHER ARTISTS. Just as we look to the old masters as a reference, it’s definitely okay to look at modern-day artists for reference. Just don’t go copying exactly everything that they do, or worse, trace what they do. Just don’t do it... at all.
Not every line needs to be realized. The viewer of your work will automatically connect the dots.
DO NOT TRASH YOUR OLD DRAWINGS. Please, never ever do this. Your old drawings have value to them, even if they look terrible to you. Old drawings may hold ideas for things you could do for the future. They also serve as a way to see how far you’ve come as an artist.
GETTING BETTER AT DRAWING TAKES TIME AND EFFORT. You’re not gonna get better overnight. It’ll take months, or even years, to feel like you’re a competent artist, and even then, you’ll still have room for improvement.
DON’T LOOK DOWN ON YOURSELF IF YOU’RE TAKING A LONG TIME TO GET BETTER. It’ll be better for your mental health in the long run.
Alternatively, DON'T LOOK DOWN ON OTHER ARTISTS EITHER, ESPECIALLY TO MAKE YOURSELF FEEL BETTER. You know the struggles it took for you to get where you are, so don’t go putting down other people when you’ve been in their shoes once.
KEEP DRAWING. If you’re not making an effort to get better, then you’re not going to be better. I get that it’s hard to find the inspiration to draw (I’m very guilty of this), but just keep trying. It doesn’t have to be big or spectacular. You don’t even have to post it if you’re the type who likes to post their art stuff.
Try to find references from real-life. It’ll help you better understand form, lighting, shadows, etc., especially if you’re going for a more realistic kind of art style. Otherwise, finding reference from things like cartoons, anime, comics, etc. are just as good.
Try new things. Try new art mediums. Try a different art style. Switch up the way you do things. Maybe you’ll hate it, maybe you’ll like it. Who knows if you don’t try.
Watch time-lapses (or speed draws/speed paints) of other artists!
Pinterest and Google are your friends if you need tutorials or references or whatever.
If you’re offering commissions, DO NOT WORK UNDER YOUR LOCAL MINIMUM WAGE. You are literally devaluing the work you actually put into a piece.
I like to think I’m an aficionado of Photoshop, so feel free to ask me questions on how to achieve something! I’ve used Photoshop for about 11 years now and know my way around the program. On another note, I do recommend setting custom keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop because the default shortcuts are terrible (in my opinion), and because having custom shortcuts increases the speed of your workflow.
Because I’ve been seeing this a lot lately in Twitter, you’re never too old to start in art. Art is just one of those things that anyone can pick up at any age because the only thing you really need to get good in art is time, diligence, and patience.
Try not to post hi-res images of your artwork to prevent art stealers from selling your artwork in high resolution.
Always, always, always add your signature and watermark on your artwork. I like to add my signatures and watermarks in places that’ll be hard to erase or crop out. I’ve also seen people add their signatures and watermarks in creative ways (ex. on a character’s shirt). You need to protect your work in an era where people will just blatantly steal it and make profit off your work.
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zosonils-art · 3 years
Do you have a robot master OC (of the eight plus Drum) that you’d say is your favorite? If you haven’t done an infodump for them yet then you should do that one next
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i couldn't choose a favourite if i tried, i love them all, but since you mentioned drum i thought i'd give her some new art and a proper dedicated post too! infodrump [ayyy] under the cut
drum, serial number SWN-002, is my take on the popular [????? i'm still a bit of a mega man fandom newbie i don't know hjdfn] 'wily equivalent to roll' oc template! she keeps things running at the various castles and fortresses and hideouts and whatever else her dad holes up in, whether that's by doing housework, planning schemes, or dodging taxes. whenever wily is trying to take over the world, drum acts as his second-in-command, ensuring that everything goes according to plan and ordering around the latest group of robot masters
she's every bit the edgy mid-00s teenager she looks: sarcastic, apathetic, and always talking back to her dad. she's more obedient than bass is, but she doesn't care for her job at all and will resort to any flimsy excuse or act of malicious compliance she can come up with to slack off. due to her purpose as an organiser and commander, she's a bossy control freak who's quick to anger when things don't go exactly her way, although when she's off work the worst of these traits recede in favour of more conventional teenage apathy. she sees herself as above the time and effort it takes to go out of her way to be mean to people like wily and bass tend to do, but she's equally uninterested in being nice on purpose and her default attitude is squarely on the nastier side
when she doesn't have work to focus on - and sometimes when she does anyway - drum is the lead vocalist and guitarist in a garage band, of which she is [currently - a friend's ocs get involved later, but that's a whole different post] the only member. i'm not good with music terms but she's into whatever genre stuff like wake me up inside and crawling in my skin is [i know those aren't the names hdfjf it's just the words i know people will recognise]. the sort with the crunchy guitar and the very loud lyrics about being sad and/or angry. playing or blasting music helps her to calm down when she's in a bad mood, which is pretty much all the time. the first warning sign of a new wily plot is a spike in search popularity for my chemical romance
i haven't gotten around to designing it, but drum has a non-armoured form like most of the other more explicitly kid-like robots, which she mostly uses for loitering around malls when she has an excuse to not be at home. she rarely buys anything, just hangs out and radiates an aura that makes suburban white women hurry their three kids into the next shop. drum often ends up hanging out with like-minded teens in the same vague area of the goth/punk/emo venn diagram she occupies, and makes a bit of a game out of seeing how honest she can be about her life without revealing that she's one of the world's most wanted robots. she tells herself that it's just something she does out of boredom and curiosity towards humans, but it mostly stems from loneliness and the desire to have literally any friends that aren't her brother's dog
as a sort of contrast to the healthy and positive relationship between their lightbot counterparts, drum and bass absolutely DESPISE each other and make no secret of it. each of them thinks of the other as an insufferable prick and they'll get into petty arguments over just about anything, from whose turn it is on the xbox to who treble loves more. [for the record, it's drum. she lets him hang out in the kitchen while she's cooking and sneaks him food scraps when bass isn't looking. he's the only family member she has an even remotely positive relationship with.] pretty much the only thing that can get them to stop fighting is mutual hatred of a bigger prick, and so far the only person to consistently get them to put their differences aside like this is wily himself - as much as the wily kids hate each other, they hate their dad just a little more, and have a history of teaming up just to mess with him. sometimes mega man can spark that spiteful cooperation, but drum's total apathy towards the light-wily family rivalry means she usually sees him as not worth her time and just finds bass' obsession with beating him even more annoying
drum wasn't made for combat, and as such she doesn't have a signature weapon or any fancy tricks like the copy chip. usually she just orders other robots to do the fighting for her. however, she is equipped with a standard arm-mounted buster, and can hold her own in battle with a 'fight smarter, not harder' approach if she has to. she's also outfitted with the same treble adapter that bass has, so if she's backed into a corner she can call on him for a power boost. treble is capable of supporting both adapters simultaneously, so as an absolute last resort they can all combine into treble-boosted drum & bass, who theoretically has all the combat power of bass plus the strategic thinking from drum and the boost in power from treble. in practice, though, drum and bass are so at odds with each other that they can barely hold together in the same body without either fighting for control or outright splitting apart to argue harder. again, it takes a lot of spite to get them to work together, but if something draws their combined ire and convinces them to cooperate they're an utterly terrifying force to be reckoned with
the game idea i vaguely have in my mind would feature drum as the final-not-final boss before wily reveals he was the mastermind behind it all and surprises absolutely nobody. she was put in charge of the latest world domination attempt, probably as the result of a 'why don't YOU take over the world if you're so smart' conversation, and in true drum fashion she follows a standard wily plot outline to the letter - including the blatant flaws, like all eight of her chosen robot masters forming a rock-paper-scissors wheel just begging to be exploited by the copy chip, and making a clear path from just outside the death fortress to her base of operations. after she's defeated in combat, she sarcasically wonders aloud how mega man could have possibly bested her plan and then helpfully points rock directly to wily's castle. she didn't wanna do the stupid scheme in the first place
again, i love all my ocs too much to possibly choose a favourite, but i'd say drum was the most fun to come up with if only because i had the help of some mates in a discord server. someone was like 'hey if there's bass is there a roll equivalent called drum or something lol' and i SPRINTED to microsoft paint to rough out a character design and the next entire day was just a constant stream of all of us bouncing ideas off each other and creating the meanest girl in the universe. her design changed a little bit from the initial sketch, most notably she used to have the half-shaved hairstyle that every gay person tries at some point before that changed to a midpoint between phoenix wright and sonic the hedgehog, but overall everything about her as a character flowed really well from the start. while she's fallen mostly into my hands since the initial brainstorm, she absolutely wouldn't exist without those friends' input and i feel that that's important to mention!
i'm very tired and i've been working on this on and off for the past day so i'm gonna call the infodrump finished here - thanks for giving me the excuse to talk about her! unfiltered and transparent versions of the art below as always
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Watching the Bay
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A/n: lowkey a baywatch au........really just wanted to write 3RACHA as Baywatch.......guys there is so much jisung on my m.list........oh well I'm whipped. enjoy lots of shirtless jisung. (not thoroughly edited. I will come back and edit it) ALSO THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 2K FOLLOWERS WTFFF!!!!! 
Tag List: @distrikt9​ @mini-meanhoe​ @poeticallyspaghetti​ @hanstagrams​ @desertofdessert​  @yangomangos​ @jisungsjheekies​ @straycozy​ @hoes4hoseok​  @jeonqqin​ @geminirules​ @crscendoforsung​ @mrsunshine999​ @multi-net​ (Tag List is Open!)  (Some are specifically for this fic tho lol)
Warnings: cussing, shirtless 3RACHA, 18+ themes/suggestive, drugs, violence
Word Count: 14.1K
Summary: Based on the hit Tv show and movie Baywatch. Y/n and her friends Jeongin and Hyunjin have been coming to Cheonsa Beach every summer since they met. This summer the steamy lifeguard Y/n has had a crush on convinces them to join the watch. As the new guards of the Baywatch join the force their lives are skyrocketed into a world of chaos, crime, sex, and lots of good ol’ beach vibes.
Genre: romance, minor crack, comedy, lil bit of angst, Baywatch!au, lifeguard!au, college!au?
Three years. Every summer I would come back to this same beach and spend the long hot days on the sand with my two best friends. This summer would be no different. Hyunjin, Jeongin, and I were about to be college sophomores and we were on top of the world. Well, two of us were anyway.
“Yoo-hoo. Head out of the clouds, Y/n.” Hyunjin said, waving his hand in front of my face. Shaking my head I brought myself out of the dreamy summer trance I was in. Hyunjin took the basket from hands and set down all our beach stuff. 
“Sorry, just dazed off for a second.” 
“Well, Ms. Space Cadet, you wanna help us set up, or are you just gonna stand there?” Hyunjin elbowed me, with a smirk. Scoffing, I picked up the beach chair and unfolded it before laying out the towels on the sand.
“Uhhh...guys! A little help here!”
Turning around we saw Jeongin struggling to carry a huge pile of stuff from my beat-up old blue jeep. Scurrying over, I lightened my other best friend’s load. “Come on, guys! We have tanning to do!” Hyunjin called already stripping himself of his shirt.
“More like burns to be received,” Jeongin said to me with a smile. Laughing the two of us joined Hyunjin after finishing out beach set up. Soft tunes played from the speaker Hyunjin brought as the three of us lounged on beach towels in the sun. Jeongin lay on his back, white sunglasses shielding him from the sun. Hyunjin and I lay on our stomachs, feeling the rays on our backs. 
“Guard alert,” Hyunjin said, causing all three of our heads to pop up. “Damn...” He whispered under his breath. Like he said, coming our direction down the waterline were three of  Cheonsa Beach’s finest lifeguards. And quite frankly...all three were hotter than the sun itself.
I pushed my shades down my nose and watched as the three boys- no...three men ran down the beach. Hyunjin did the same.
First on the closest side, Seo Changbin. The shortest of the group, but he was not lacking in form. The boy was built like He-Man on steroids, with a smile that could melt any strong resolved woman- or man. There were rumors he played for both teams.
Falling center was Bang Chan, the oldest of the trio. His light blonde hair bounced with each step. He was not only the kindest man you would ever meet, but he could send the most innocent girl begging for him to show him his dark side. He was the perfect piece of eye candy for any girl to dream about on the beach.
The third ran on the farthest side, water splashing under his feet sending droplets onto his tan and muscular stomach. The ocean drops slid over the scripted tattoo on his right ribcage and splashed against the black dragon like ink across his opposite thigh. Han Jisung, my personal summer daydream. He was almost perfect. His only flaw was that he tended to get cocky at the worst times. It didn’t stop him from physically driving me crazy, his shaggy brown hair blowing in the wind. 
My eyes trailed over every line on his body, studying it like a work of art. The red life guard’s swim trunks hung low on his hips, making my mouth water.
The three of them seemed to move as if time stopped. “How do they do that?” I said, still ogling Jisung. “It’s like they move in slow motion,” I said licking my lips. 
“Oh, you see it too?” Hyunjin said watching Changbin with the same look in his eyes as mine.
Jeongin sat up and took off his sunglasses. His eyes went from Hyunjin to where Hyunjin’s stare was locked on; Changbin’s ass. “Dude...you have a girlfriend....” Hyunjin shrugged and continued to watch his part of the trio as I did mine. 
The whistle around Jisung’s neck swung in rhythm with his steps, bouncing against his chest. He turned our way and I could have sworn he smiled at me, his bright teeth reflecting the sun's rays. Before I could smile back, he disappeared from sight.
“Did Jisung just-” I said hearing a splash. Jeongin laughed, seeing Jisung fall face first into the water. The other two kept running leaving Jisung behind. 
“There’s no way he can recover from that!” Jeongin said rolling around in a fit of laughter.
“Um...think again Innie,” I whispered, watching the scene before me.
Again, it seemed as if he moved in slow motion. Jisung emerged from the water shaking out his wet strands of hair. I took off my glasses fully, the tip of the frames catching between my teeth. I watched the droplets of water catch on the grooves of his stomach sliding over the tattoo on his side. His hand raked through his hair pushing it back away from his face. The water threatened to tug his trunks down even further, making a small line of slightly paler skin show on his hips. He truly was an Adonis. An Adonis that was coming...right...this...way...
Jeongin jabbed my stomach breaking my trance. “Your boyfriend is coming over.”
“Thank you, Innie I can see that,” I said through gritted teeth. I put on a smile seeing Jisung only a few feet away. He smirked, eyes raking over my body. 
“Welcome back, L/n,” Jisung said, pushing his fingers through his wet brown hair. His eyebrow quirked up, noticing the trail of my eyes, up his torso to his face. “You back for another summer?”
“What’s it to you, Han?” I asked looking up at him. He shrugged, a droplet of water falling from his jaw onto the sand. 
“Figured you might have the balls to try out for the watch this year.” I laughed, pushing myself off the towel. Han smirked, now getting a full view of me in my new swimsuit, which I had specifically bought with him in mind. Not that I would ever tell him that. “There’s uh...two spots-...sorry...three spots open this summer,” I smirked knowing exactly the two spots which tripped him up, his eyes still lingering on my chest.
“I don’t know. Hyunjin, Innie? Does that sound fun? I mean, it would take away our time from enjoying the gorgeous beach scenery.” I said motioning to the waves that were rolling in. But, that wasn’t what I was referring to.
“I’m always down for extra cash,” Hyunjin said, bringing his attention to the conversation and away from Changbin who was now just a hot muscular spec in the distance.
“I’m sure Aiya, would love a gift every now and again from her boyfriend,” Jeongin said with a smirk. 
“Aiya....OH! Yeah! She would.”
Jisung was not paying attention to the exchange. Instead, he and I were having a slightly heated staring contest. “So, Jisung,” Hyunjin started, pushing himself into a seated position, long blonde hair, falling into his eyes. “When are tryouts?”
His eyes widened hearing his name and he turned to my friend. “Sorry- what?” Jeongin rolled his eyes and put his sunglasses back on before reaching into our cooler and pulling out a soda. “Uh..tryouts? Tomorrow at noon. The rest of the guys and I will be running them.”
“Well maybe you’ll see us there and maybe you won’t.”
“Here’s hoping,” Jisung said, with a smirk. He shot me a sultry wink before turning on his heel and running off down the beach. Jeongin scoffed watching me shamelessly check out the muscles in his back. 
“So, you guys busy tomorrow?” I asked with a smirk.
My fingers pulled on the straps of the bathing suit top I had chosen to wear. My only one piece I had brought with me. I would not have my tits bouncing all over the place running the stupid obstacle course the boys had set up. It felt weird wearing shorts on the beach for so long. Usually, by this time I would be in the water. 
A whistle blew, calling my attention as well as the attention of the two nitwits beside me to the start of the course. Jisung stood, whistle in his mouth, hands on his hips. The signature red trunks hanging dangerously low in the best way. Chan and Changbin stood next time waiting to address the crowd of about twenty participants.
Changbin stood on top of one of the obstacles, red swim trunks highlighting his tan skin in the sunlight. I turned to find Hyunjin staring lustfully at Changbin’s washboard abs. My elbow jabbed into his stomach earning an annoyed look from my best friend. “What?”
“Aiya.....OH! She’s fine. Ai won’t care.” 
Another shrill sound came from Jisung’s whistle and he let the metal instrument drop from his lips and let it fall against his bare chest. “Alright!” Chan said into a megaphone, addressing the crowd. “We set up a course this morning to test your abilities. Complete the course in under four minutes if you can, which is the standing record set by our current top guard, Jisung, and you move onto new recruit training.”
Changbin motioned for the speaker. My eyes fell back onto Jisung who seemed to have spotted me in the crowd. He crossed his arms, obviously flexing his muscles and shooting a wink my way. Convinced not to give him any sort of satisfaction, I turned back to Changbin. Jisung was obviously frustrated at my lack of reaction. 
“We only have three spots so give it your all! You’ll go do the course in groups of three so get in groups. Try to find some people you don’t know.”
Hyunjin and Jeongin both groaned at the last part of Changbin’s statement. “But what if I don’t like people?” Hyunjin whined. Jeongin let his head hang down, chin touching his tank top clad chest. 
“Hyunjin, I don’t like people either. Suck it up. Extra money. Happy girlfriend?” I said looking around the crowd of participants. Two girls wearing very small swimsuits waved me over. I let out a sigh and began walking over. “Good luck boys!” I called over my shoulder.
I scoffed watching some of the other groups go through the course. The ‘Inies’, as I called them, did fine. Hyunjin and Jeongin completed the course only thirty seconds shy of beating Jisung’s record. My group was the last to go. The three of us lined up at the start of the course and waited for Chan to give us the start.
Jisung leaned against one of the setup poles, clearly watching me with a heated stare. “GO!” Chan yelled. Setting my nerves aside I raced onto the course. First I vaulted onto the metal pole and pulled myself over. My feet flew across the sand as soon as they touched the ground. The crowd cheered and I sensed the other two girls hot on my heels. With a burst of energy I sped through the next two obstacles and then ran into the water.
All that was left to do was swim to the buoy and the crawl under the barbed wire. The sand was sticking to every inch of my wet body, the grains scratching against my skin. Ignoring how uncomfortable it felt I pushed myself out from under the barbed wire and sprinted to the bell the boys told us to ring once we finished the course. 
“That’s time!” Chan called pressing the stopwatch in his hand. I doubled over to catch my breath and Hyunjin and Jeongin came over and clapped their hands on my back. Jisung came to look over Chan’s shoulder and the two exchanged hushed words.
“Listen up folks! Someone has beaten Han’s record. With a time of three minutes and forty-two seconds, and the first member of the new Baywatch recruits: Y/n L/n!” The crowd clapped and Jisung rolled his eyes before sending me a cheeky smirk. 
He grabbed the clipboard from Chan’s hands and flipped up a piece of paper. After scanning through the names he tucked the clipboard under his arm, bicep contracting, making my mouth water. “The remaining two spots will be filled by the next highest times; Hwang Hyunjin and Yang Jeongin.”
My boys high fived each other before running over and wrapping me up in a big group hug. “Congrats you guys!” Chan said coming over and joining our hug. It was a little awkward, but we got over it. “Here are your whistles and if you follow us to the Hut we can get you some uniforms!” Chan cheerfully said. 
We followed his bobbing head of blonde hair to a raised lifeguard station that was four times as large as the others. “Welcome to the Hut,” Jisung said from behind me. His hand ghosted over my waist as he moved past me and to a row of lockers in the makeshift office. He opened the farthest locker, filled with lots of red garments. He tossed the Inies two pairs each of red swim trunks much like the ones he was wearing.
Jisung then handed me three pieces of red and white fabric. One was a standard one piece and the other was a red bikini I had seen some of the other female lifeguards wearing. “Either are acceptable in the workplace,” He said with a wink.
“The three lockers empty lockers on the end are yours. Go get changed and we’ll start training.” Changbin said. I caught him eyeing Hyunjin as my friend turned around to go change in the small backroom. “Jisung, you and I will take the Inies and Chan can train Y/n.”
“What if I wanna train Y/n?” I heard Jisung whine as I made my way to the backroom.
“Oh please. Like anything would get done then.”
Chuckling I pushed the door open and began changing in the dark supply closet. My elbows knocked against a broom leaning up against the wall as I tied the strap of the red bikini top. “Oh shit-” With fumbling hands, I grabbed at the broom and tried to stand it back in its place.
“Y/n, you okay?” A smooth voice asked from outside the closet door. Jisung wrapped his knuckles against the door. He probably heard me falling over the cleaning supplies. 
“Yeah! I’m fine, Han.” I could hear him chuckle from the outside the closet. “You try standing still and putting on this tiny swimsuit!” My ears picked up on Jisung’s quiet laugh. I could see his bright blinding smile in my mind.
“Trust me, I know.”
“What-” He cleared his throat and I heard his feet shuffle on the wood floor of the hut. “Uh....listen. Chan is out on the deck waiting when you finish. I’m taking Jeongin out for training.” After a few seconds of awkward silence, I watched the shadow of his feet retreat from the door.
Peeking my head out from the closet I looked to find the office empty. The huge windows let in warm light basking over the white floorboards. My bare feet padded across the floor and I stuffed my clothes in my new locker and grabbed my whistle tossing it around my neck.
Through the big window, I saw Chan leaning on the rail surveying the beach through a pair of binoculars.  As I walked outside, I realized he wasn’t watching the waves but rather a certain umbrella down the beach. “Whatcha looking at?” 
“AHHH!” Chan jumped almost four feet in the air, screaming his head off. He pressed a hand to his chest and closed his eyes. “Y/n, you gave me a fucking heart attack!” Chan grasped at his chest and gave me a pointed look.
“Sorry!” I patted him on the back and took the binoculars from his hands. My eyes turned to where Chan was previously looking. Under a pink beach umbrella sat a girl with wavy hair wearing a baggy shirt over a swimsuit. She was contently reading a very thick book and sipping on a purple smoothie. “Oh....Now I see what you were looking at.” 
Chan blushed next to me and took his binoculars back. Crossing my arms I looked him up and down. “Who would have thought the Bang Chan, Dreamboat of the Beach, would have a crush on a beach bunny?” Chan’s ears turned a dark shade of red. “So, what’s her name?” I said nudging him, giving him a gentle smile. 
“Cecilia,” He said shyly rubbing the back of his neck.
“What’s she like?” 
He shrugged and looked to where she was lying under the beach umbrella. “We’ve only talked a few times, but-... she’s the sweetest. She’s very wholesome, and a little shy, but... I don’t know. She just makes me crazy in the best way possible.” Chan played with the bracelet on his wrist and timidly looked over at the girl, Cecilia. “She gets a little uncomfortable because I’m always with the guys.”
“Why don’t you go talk to her right now?” 
His eyes widened and Chan practically turned into a little blonde puppy. “I get really nervous around her. Do you think she’d like me?” I turned back to the girl to find her already looking this way. When she saw me watching she quickly turned back to her book, shielding her face. 
“Trust me. Go talk to her.” After a light shove down the wooden stairs, Chan started venturing towards Cecilia only to double back a second later.
“Oh! All the guards are throwing a bonfire party tonight. Even the ones from the north side of the beach. You and the boys should come!” I smiled from above on the deck.
“Then the Inies and I will be there. No doubt about it.” Chan grinned and gave me a thumbs up before jogging over to the pink umbrella. I turned back into the office and sat at the big desk. A huge binder lay on top of it. “Guess I better educate myself then,” I mumbled, taking the heavy folder and laying it in my lap.
The door of my jeep slammed shut as Hyunjin jumped out of the backseat. The three of us had gone back to our beach rental to shower and change before returning to the bash. Also, Changbin asked us to stop by the store and pick up a keg. Jeongin helped me lift the metal cask down from my car and carry it down the huge bonfire that was lit down on the sand. Music could be heard even from the parking lot.
Hyunjin carried the two lightweight beach bags we brought with us while once again, Innie and I were left with the heavy stuff. “ALCOHOL!” Someone screamed pointing in our direction. Two shirtless boys came running up to us pushing passed Hyunjin. 
As they got closer I saw it was Changbin and Jisung. The two skidded to a stop in front of us, their toes burying in the sand. “Wow. This really is the whole package. Hot girl. Beer. What more could a man ask for?” Jisung said throwing an arm around my shoulder.
Jeongin huffed beside me adjusting his hold on the metal container. “What am I? Chopped liver?” I laughed and nudged Jisung’s side.
 “Give me hand with this?” 
“Sure.” Instead of taking my side of the keg, Jisung walked over to Innie and patted him on the shoulder. “I’ve got it from here, bro.” Jeongin looked from me to the brunette beside him. Before I could say anything, he shrugged and handed the keg to Jisung. I blew a piece of hair out of my face and continued to walk down the beach with Jisung. 
The two of us set the keg down near the bonfire. There was a small crowd nearby dancing to the music. By dancing...I meant severely, ferociously grinding. It was an almost laughable sight. “Y/n! You made it!” A voice called. Turning I saw Chan walking towards us, his arm wrapped around the girl from earlier today.
“I did! I see you grew a pair.” He blushed as I motioned to the pretty girl next to him. She was wearing shorts and a baggy t-shirt unlike the rest of us. It seemed everyone else was bikini clad or in swim trunks. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She asked, pointedly at Chan. He nervously laughed and gave me the cut it out signal. 
“Nothing, baby girl. Guys this is Cecilia.” Everyone shook her hand and welcomed Chan’s apparent new girlfriend. Boy, the rest of the daydreaming beach bunnies were going to be sad to hear about this. I saw Cecilia get noticeably uncomfortable when she shook hands with Jisung and Changbin. Oddly Chan was also wearing a hoodie. 
Never a day in my life had I seen the man not shirtless. “Are you okay, love?” I asked trying to reassure her. She timidly nodded, playing with the ends of her loose braid. 
“Yeah...I’m just a little uncomfortable with the whole....man chests out and about. I’m barely comfortable with myself in a swimsuit.” I smiled and playfully covered up Jisung’s chest with my hands since he was standing next to me. 
“Yes. Very.” Jisung said with a smirk. 
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “I wasn’t talking to you, Han.” He scoffed looking towards Cahn who had his head in his hands. Most likely in shame. Or embarrassment. Before my hands could leave even an inch from his chest, he grabbed my wrists and put my hands back. Cecilia chuckled and held Chan’s hand in hers.
“So, are you two like a thing? Chan said you’re both on the watch as well?” She asked pointing between the two of us. 
I looked to Jisung with wide eyes. He let out a flustered laugh, looking between me and Cecilia. “What she means, is that we aren’t a thing...yet.” His hand wrapped around my waist pulling me into his side. This was shocking news to me. I was under the impression Jisung was a player who flirted with everyone.
When no one responded to his awkward answer, Jisung ran an apprehensive hand through his hair. “Umm...well....Y/n how about we save me from this awkward conversation and go for a swim down the beach?” Cecilia and I laughed.
“Sure, why not.”He smiled at my answer. Cecilia turned back to Chan and the two started to wander off on their own. Jisung let me shed my shorts and shoes before dragging me by the hand down the beach a little ways away from the party. Once we were waist deep into the water Jisung let go of my hand only to reach for my waist. Before I knew it I was over his shoulder, his laugh ringing out into the clear night. “Jisung, don’t you fucking dar-” 
He didn’t let me finish. Without a second thought, he tossed me into the waves. Instead of popping up right away, I chose to stay under the water. Though it was dark, I could still make out the shape of Jisung’s legs. His muffled voice was calling out my name, concern lacing in his voice. Being careful to avoid touching him, I swam behind him and resurfaced. I pushed my hair out of my face and launched myself onto his back making him scream like a little girl.
“WHAT THE FUCK????!?!?!”
He grinned, twisting his arms behind him and reaching for me. His smile was lighting up the dark. I had never seen him this happy. “Why have we never hung out like this before?” He asked looking over his shoulder at me. His skin radiated warmth in the cool ocean water. “Like, you’ve been coming here every summer. Why haven’t we spent time together?” 
I shrugged, casually resting my arms around him. “I don’t know. You’re usually on duty or surrounded by hot girls. Or both.” He scoffed and turned around facing me. “I figured you didn’t even have time to look at someone like me.” 
“You cannot be serious.” He laughed when I nodded. “Do you know how many times I was scolded for watching you from the tower? Or going outside my zone just to run past you and the Inies a couple times hoping you would come up and talk to me?” 
A heat flooded my cheeks and I was suddenly very aware of how close Jisung was to me. I could practically see the stars reflecting in his big doe eyes. A wind blew across the water hitting my bare shoulders. The waves pushed us closer to shore, but I was captivated by the way Jisung was looking at me.  His long fingers brushed away a strand of wet hair that was stuck to my cheek.
His eyes skimmed over my lips, thumb brushing over my cheek. He leaned in only the slightest bit. The air shared between us was warm and electric. I could feel Jisung’s heart hammering in his chest. 
Just when I was sure he was about to kiss me, a wave crashed into the back of his head pulling us both underwater. Jisung held tightly onto my waist swimming us both back up to the surface. Our laughs lifted into the night. “Well...I wasn’t expecting that.” Jisung said wading back to shore. He helped me up and took my hand as we trudged onto the beach, sand catching between our toes in a familiar way. “We drifted pretty far from the party. We should head back.”
He kept his hand wrapped around mine as I watched him guide me back to the party, water lapping at our feet. Little pieces of sand were stuck to his tan skin. Instinctively I brushed them away from his back. He turned at the unexpected touch. “Sorry,” 
“No...It’s fine.” 
Jisung looked down at his feet as we continued walking. My mind started to run wild. What if that wave hadn’t knocked us over? Would he have kissed me? My body knocked into Jisung’s shoulder as he stopped suddenly. “What is it?” Jisung stared down at the sand, his brows furrowed. He bent down and brushed some sand off a bag about the size of my palm. White powder filled half of it. “Ji?”
He had a serious expression I had never seen before. Jisung scanned the horizon and the way we had just come down the beach. “Ji, talk to me. What is it?” He looked back down the bag in his hands. 
“We’ve got a problem.” His fingers brushed over mine as he handed me the bag. “It’s C17H21NO4.” I looked up at him brows drawn together.
“Can’t you be a normal person and say cocaine?” 
A few days had passed and working on the watch was turning out to make the best summer ever. You got to hang out more with the boys. You discovered that Changbin, Jisung, and Chan were all music majors at the college about an hour away from yours. They were even in a group together called 3RACHA. Chan tended to play their music in the Hut. Hyunjin and I particularly loved a song on Chan’s laptop we found called ‘Wow’. 
Jeongin, Hyunjin, and I were all jamming to the song as we waited for the boys to finally come into the hut. We had all woken up early and gotten there early to our shift. “WOW! SHE’S HOT!” We all screamed as the door to the hut opened and the three boys walked into the room. They all grimaced hearing the song.
“IRON MAN IN THE STREETS, BUT I’M BETTER THAN TONY!” We sang just as Chan lunged for the speaker turning it off. “Awwwww! We were having fun!” Changbin grimaced at us and yanked open his locker. Changbin ripped off the tank top he wore and shoved it on the top shelf. Jisung moved to his and did the same. Hyunjin elbowed me in the stomach when he saw me drooling over Jisung’s toned back, eyes wandering once again to the words inked on his side. 
“You’re leaking from the mouth.” He said with a smirk. 
“Am not.” Just in case, I swiped my hand across my lips. He laughed and grabbed a white cap from his bag covering his blonde hair. “So, Chan, what are we doing today?” Chan shredded his lifeguard hoodie before grabbing a clipboard on the desk. 
Jisung and Changbin’s whispering was silenced by Chan throwing a shoe at them. “Ay! Bro! Don’t throw the Nikes!” Changbin said walking over rubbing his head. With an aggravated grumble, Changbin grabbed the clipboard out of Chan’s hands.
Before Changbin could even read the first station, the door to the hut opened and a familiar head of wavy blonde hair walked through the door. “CELI!” Chan screamed. He scrambled to the window and pulled the curtain over his chest. She blushed walking into the room. “Y/n...could you do me a favor...” Chan asked shyly pointing to his discarded hoodie on the floor. 
Rolling my eyes with a smile, I picked up his red hoodie and handed it to him. Chan covered himself before emerging from the billowing curtain. Cecilia came to stand next to Jisung. Her eyes glanced over and her ears turned as red as a tomato. Chan immediately took notice and his hands flew to Jisung’s chest.
“Dude. What the fuck are you doing?” 
“Censoring your nipples. Duh.”
“......” Jisung looked down at Chan’s hands, to me, then back up to his friend. “This has never been an issue before-”
Hyunjin and I were doing our best not to laugh at Chan’s freakout. “Chan, it’s fine. I can handle it. Yeah...sure.” Cecilia gave a  sweet smile and inched farther away from the still shirtless Jisung, who rolled his eyes. 
Changbin cleared his throat and tapped the clipboard, annoyance in his eyes. “Can we get back to our jobs people?” After a series of grumbles, Changbin looked down and begin reading off our assignments for the day. “Jeongin, you are working the west tower solo today. Chan, you have the east tower.” He rolled his eyes as Chan whispered something to Celi with a big grin.
“Moving on,” He said pointedly. “Hyunjin you’re with me on Southeast ground patrol. Y/n, you’re with Han covering the southwest near the docks.” He tossed the clipboard on the desk and grabbed his whistle.
“YES!” Jisung cheered, punching the air in joy. 
Everyone gave him weird looks. Chan shook his head. “Jisung, you’re the one who made the schedule.” 
Jisung’s eyes flicked from me to Chan before he rubbed the back of his neck. His confident smile was now fueled by awkwardness and embarrassment. “Yeah...I remembered that...Come on, Y/n. Let’s go!” As we left Changbin turned the beach speakers on to the playlist for the day. A happy song blasted through the speakers all across the beach as people started to arrive. I think it was by a singer named Jessi. It made me feel confident about the day ahead of us. 
Jisung and I ran down the beach to the sector we were covering for the day, waving at pedestrians who called out to us. “We haven’t really gotten a chance to talk since the bonfire,” Jisung said whistle bouncing against his chest as we ran. 
The bonfire. Where he almost kissed me. Where he maybe...could have...kissed me. My chest swelled and I decided playing it cool was the best option. “Yeah, what about?” We were nearing the docks so we slowed down to a walk. Jisung seemed more focused on me than on observing and watching the safety of the beachgoers. 
“Umm...Why don’t we take our break?”
“Jisung our shift started twenty minutes ago.” 
“Let’s just talk under the docks okay?” He said a wild smile lighting up his face. Taking my hand he led me under the sturdy wooded structure. Once again water lapped at my toes, a cooling sensation flowing over the skin on my feet. 
My back pressed against one of the wide wooden poles holding up the wharf above. Jisung stood in front of me, hands behind his back, and stare aimed firmly on the watery bay. “Is this about the bag we found on the beach that night?”
“The C17H21NO4?”
“For fuck’s sake just say cocaine, Ji.” 
“How do you even know that means cocaine?” 
“Ji, I took chemistry. I’m not stupid.”I said with a laugh. He smiled feeling my hand brushed over his arm. Jisung let his gaze wander over me. He smiled taking a step closer. Soon his chest was brushing up against mine.
“No more Han? I’m Ji now?” He smirked. Jisung’s brown shaggy hair fell in front of his eyes. I watched his teeth drag tantalizingly across his bottom lip. His tan skin felt warm under the palm of my hand. Just like the night of the bonfire, there was an electric air between us. It was amazing to feel him so close to me.
Far away music drifted under the dock, but all my focus stayed on the man in front of me. His left hand rested just below my hip. “There are many names I could start calling you.” He rose his brow in interest.
“Like what?”
He leaned down and placed a kiss just above my jaw. He smirked against my skin hearing me let out a small sigh. “I don’t know,” All the nerves in my body were firing off like rockets. “Idiot, knucklehead...my personal favorite is dumbass.” Jisung laughed, his teeth nibbling gently on my ear lobe. 
“I can’t take this anymore,” He whispered, in a labored breath. I stared into his brown eyes. The way he was looking at me made my knees go weak. 
“I’ve got to kiss you or I’m going to go crazy.” He didn’t wait for my answer. Jisung’s lips smashed against mine. He kissed me like he had eaten in days and I was his first taste of succulent delicious food. I let my fingers tangle in his dark brown hair pulling him closer to me. I would have fallen had the pole and Jisung not been holding me up. 
Kissing Jisung felt like music. Not one moment was the same but it all flowed as if it was made for one purpose. I felt his hand start to move below my waist, pulling me closer against him, as if there was any space left to begin with. 
“Hey, guys.” The walkie-talkie crackled to life. Changbin’s voice had me pulling away from Jisung. He sighed ignoring the call, moving to continue our little makeout session. 
“You should pick up; what if it’s important.”
Jisung shook his head kissing me again. “I trust them. Plus they’ve got the Inies.” I smiled, reaching behind Jisung. He smirked feeling my hand on the back of his swim trunks. “Oh really?” He asked, our noses brushing together. He let out a breathy laugh as I bit my lip. His smile fell when I pulled the walkie talkie from its place and pressed it against his chest. 
“Pick up the call.”
He sighed, pressing his forehead against mine. “This is SW Patrol; Jisung. What the fuck do you want Changbin?” Jisung backed away only far enough that he could talk on the radio. I smiled watching him all pent up. 
“We got a complaint about some serious PDA on the beach. Could you check it out?” Changbin’s voice crackled through the channel. Jisung sighed, but he had a knowing smirk on the corner of his lips. 
Another channel crackled to life before he could respond. “Actually that might have been us,” Chan said over the channel. Jisung and I both laughed. 
His long slender fingers pressed down opening up the channel for him to speak. “Yeah. It was Chan and Celi. Totally no one in our sector.” Changbin sighed over the radio. 
“Both of you quit making out and do your jobs.” 
The radio went silent and Jisung returned to his previous position. “Now where were we?” He asked, his hands wondering lower than publicly appropriate. You laughed and kissed him again. “Please just be my girlfriend already?” The boy whispered against my lips. 
I opened my eyes to look at him, but something in the distance caught my attention. Out on the water, there was a billowing trail of black smoke. My eyes widened realizing what it was. “Fire.”
“I believe the correct answer is ‘yes’.”
“No, Jisung. Fire. Out on the water.” I exclaimed harshly turning his head out to the bay.
“Oh fuck!” He hastily grabbed the walkie-talkie and tuned into an open channel. “All guards! We have a 10-73! There’s a boat on fire to the southwest. Prepare to go for first response.” 
The two of us sprinted out from under the docks. I looked frantically around before my eyes landed on a jetski by the pier. “Ji, let’s go!” I said making a run for it.
I reached the vehicle first and strapped on the emergency belt. “Move. I’ll drive!” Jisung said motioning for me to scoot back. 
“Jisung just get on! We have no time for this.”
“But the guy always drives-”
 Without another word, Jisung threw his leg over the back and we took off out on the waves. The wind blew through our hair as we raced to the sight of the fire. In the corner of my eye, I saw the rescue boat coming from the south with the rest of the boys on it. With one arm, he held onto my waist as I drove the water vehicle and with the other, he reached down and readied some rope and a buoy for survivors in the water. “So,” He said over the roar of the waves. “You didn’t answer my question!” 
Unbelievable. “Ji, there’s a fire! Are you sure this is the time?” 
“There couldn’t be a better one in my opinion.” I heard him laugh behind me and I couldn’t help but smile. The fire was getting closer now. There were flames burning on top of the water and I could now see that the burning vessel was a yacht. 
“Yes. I will be your girlfriend! Let’s do our job now!” 
The rescue boat pulled up alongside us, Chan at the helm. “We need to send a team aboard to get survivors!” He called down as I shut off the engine a couple yards away from the flames. 
“Don’t worry! I’ve got it!” Before we could say anything Jisung dove into the water and under the flames. 
“JISUNG!” I screamed. Without hesitation, I dove in after him.
The heat of the flames brushed above my back through the ocean water. I swam to avoid pieces of falling firey debris. Just as my chest started to burn I resurfaced on the other side of the flames. Frantically I looked around for any sign of Jisung. 
The first twenty minutes of us dating and he decides to literally jump into a wall of fire. “Jisung I’m going to fucking kill you when I find you!” A head popped out of the water, shaking out his dark hair. “HAN JISUNG!” I screeched watching him tread water. 
He turned,  a cheeky smile on his face. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?” I swam over just to whack him upside the head. He rubbed the back of his head before swimming towards the yacht. “You can hit me later. Let’s save some people.”
Together we swam to the side of the ship. The muscles in Jisung’s back flexed as he pulled himself over the side. His hand reached for mine, lifting me over the side of the white boat. Black smoke filled the air and Jisung and I looked for a way into the cabin of the burning vessel. 
“Help me!” A girl screamed. I turned seeing a hand reaching out from around the corner. 
Jisung and I rushed to the woman. She was stuck under a piece of fallen equipment. “Ah! You, sexy water man! You are here to save me, yes?” Somehow despite her dire situation the young woman still managed to push her large breasts forward like a peacock showing off its plumage. 
“Y/n, can you get that side and I’ll pull her out?” Nodding I positioned my hands under the heavy equipment and lifted on Jisung’s count. With a grunt I let the heavy object fall back down once the girl was clear. “Signal Chan to come around port side.” 
While Jisung busied himself with grabbing an intact life vest for the woman, I ran to the helm sending Chan the signal to come around to the right. When I turned the woman was trying to throw herself all over my new boyfriend. He carried her in his arms, life jacket around her neck. They stood on the port side waiting for Chan. 
“Okay, handsome! If you want me you can have me, But, quickly cause the boat is on fire.” She exclaimed, wrapping her long painted fingers around his neck.
She leaned in to kiss him, but before she got close I grabbed her from Jisung’s arms and tossed her into the water where Chan was swimming to the boat to help. 
“He’s got a girlfriend too! So don’t try anything!” 
Jisung laughed before tapping my shoulder. “That was hot.” Rolling my eyes, I moved back to the cabin which was still very much on fire. 
“IN HERE!” Another voice called. Jisung looked for a break in the fire near the door. I watched him ram his shoulder against the wood several times before it broke. The two of us searched the rooms looking for the voice. 
I burst through the bedroom door, pain shooting through my shoulder. How the hell did Jisung do it so effortlessly? Probably his Herculean broad shoulders, I thought scowling. The frown fell when my eyes fell to the center of the room. A man maybe in his late forties lay dead on the floor. A bullet hole centered perfectly in his forehead. 
All the drawers and closets were spilled open and a trail over white powder stained the carpet. “Shit.” I looked around for any other survivors. “Jisung! Dead body.” 
“What do you mean dead bod-” He said walking into the room with a girl, soot covering her face. “Oh...that dead body.” He started stuttering, brown hair falling in front of his round eyes. “Uh....take her. She’s the last one. I checked.” Nodding, I took the girl by the hand and pulled her through the burning boat. 
“You’re leaving that lifeguard? What about Councilman Kang?” The skinny woman whined in my arms. 
“Don’t worry about Jisung. He’ll take care of it.” The girl screamed as I tossed her overboard to where Chan was waiting below. Not looking back, I dove into the water and swam with Chan and the girl back to the boat. 
“Where’s Han?” Chan said as we pulled ourselves aboard the lifeguard's vessel.
The speedboat started moving around the yacht. “He’s towards the front. There was a body.” Chan nodded and looked back at the burning boat. Through the thick black smoke, I saw Jisung at the bow of the yacht carrying the dead man. The flames surrounded the boat giving him no clear place to escape. 
Changbin steered the boat as close as he could, but couldn’t get to him. “He can’t go under the flames. Not even Jisung could swim that far carrying that much weight.” The boy said.
“JISUNG!” Chan called, hands cupping around his mouth. The man turned at his hyung’s voice and strained to hear what he had to say. “Move to the back! We’ll come get you!” 
“There’s no time!” 
Again, Jisung ignored Chan, diving under the water with the dead Councilman. “JISUNG!” I screamed. We raced into action. Jeongin and Chan jumped on the jet skis attached to our boat and I grabbed a preserver before diving in after him. I was seriously going to kill him if he didn’t die first. 
The fire cast a bright orange glow under the water. Spotting Jisung, his body limp and still holding onto the dead man, I started swimming deeper. He must have hit his head on some hidden debris. 
Working with fast fingers, I pried his strong grip from the Councilman and pushed the body away from us to the service. Chan would pick it up. I panicked seeing Jisung’s unconscious face. Wrapping an arm securely around his chest I began swimming upwards, the task eight times harder while carrying Jisung’s weight against gravity. 
I gasped breaking through the ocean surface. My legs pumped through the water trying to keep both of us afloat as I waved down Jeongin. “Innie! Over here!” My friend steered the jet ski over to us, his black hair flying in the wind. 
“He’s unconscious. Help me lift him up.” 
Jeongin groaned, trying to lift Jisung onto the ski. I did my best to push him from the other side. “How can he be this heavy? His waist is fucking tiny!” I said pushing my most likely concussed boyfriend across the ski. Changbin was already steering the boat away from the burning yacht as the Coastguard approached. “Let’s go. Jisung needs attention.” 
“What else is new?” Innie mumbled before driving the ski towards the boat. I held onto Jisung making sure he didn’t fall off. My hand wrapped securely on his shoulder and thigh, rubbing over the intricate design of the dragon on his skin. 
Changbin stopped the boat letting us pull up alongside. Chan and Jeongin carried Jisung laying him on the floor. I crawled over him, checking his mouth to make sure his airway was clear. My hands pressed to his chest starting compressions. After a minute he coughed spewing water up at my face. 
Jisung gasped, rolling over but not going far with my ontop of him. The first thing he looked at was me. “You fucking idiot!” I yelled, slapping him across the cheek. 
“You could have died, Ji!” 
“Dude, she’s right. That was really stupid.” Changbin said starting the boat again. With tired arms, Jisung pushed himself up to a sitting position and wrapped me up in a hug. I heard the girl from before huff and saw her cross her arms watching Jisung hold me so tightly. 
I stuck my tongue out at her which earned me a slap on the head from Hyunjin. “Let’s just get back to shore so we can give the police our report,” Chan said handing the girls some towels. 
“Anybody have some aspirin?” Jisung asked, rubbing the top of his head.
“Is this what dating you is going to be like?” I asked. Jisung sat on his kitchen counter holding an ice pack to his head. He shrugged and watched me open the first aid kit. Chan sent him home since he had used all his stupid passes for the day. 
I drove Jisung to the beach house he rented and was now searching through his inadequately stocked medical supplies. 
“Yeah, but I was quite the hero today wasn’t I?”
“You would have been a dead hero had I not gone in after you.” The shirt Jisung lent me brushed over my thighs as I walked back over to him. Delicately, I cleaned the cut on his forehead, ignoring the whines from Jisung. “You saw the drugs in the cabin, right?” I asked hesitantly. 
Jisung nodded, looking into my eyes. “Just like we found on the beach the other night.” He looked out the window staring at the sea. Working for the Baywatch must have given him a huge discount because the house was right on the waterfront. “Chan and I have been trying to get the police involved, but they won’t take us seriously.” He laughed and took the supplies from my hands. “They said we were just a bunch of goofy lifeguards probably getting high on the stash we found anyway.”
His hands wrapped mine, playing with my fingers. “Speaking of high,” I said, playing with the bottom of Jisung’s tank top. “Changbin texted me. He said the girls we rescued were high as kites. They were partying below deck so they have no clue how the Councilman ended up with a bullet in his head.” 
“They probably got it from the stash on the yacht.” Jisung hopped down from the counter and stood in front of me, his chest brushing against mine. “Also, that was badass what you did to that girl.” With an embarrassed laugh, I buried my face in his chest. “If you want me you can have me, but quickly because the boat is on fire!” Jisung mocked in a high voice. 
“Don’t tease her!” My hand softly smacked against his chest. “She was high and you were hot.”
“Were? Past tense?” 
“Well, you do have on more clothes now.”
“So, you’re saying I have circumstantial hotness. I see. So, you are only with me because of my abs and tattoos and general lifeguard sexiness?” Jisung smiled, watching me laugh. 
“Tell me I’m wrong. If we weren’t dating you would have taken that girl home with you.” Jisung sighed, pulling me closer to him. “That isn’t a no,” I said with a small laugh.
“But, I brought you home.” Jisung’s hands fell below my waist, a smirk playing at the corning of his mouth. He walked me backwards until I was pressed against the kitchen wall, a position he seemed to like me in. 
The air had changed between us, now charged with sexual tension. “I would have you right here until you begged for mercy twice,” Jisung whispered, staring into my eyes. My brow quirked up, watching him hungrily gaze down at my lips. 
“I’ve never begged in my life.”
My stomach began to twist itself in knots, making me squeeze my legs together. Never before had I imagined Jisung would be like this. Never in my wildest dreams, which were getting wilder by the second. He exuded dominance pressing his hands firmly into my hips. “Twice?” He nodded leaning closer than I thought possible. His warm breath fanned over my lips. 
Just the way he was looking at me was almost enough to push me over the edge and take him right on his kitchen counter. “Bedroom. Now.” My voice was muffled and came out more like a whine feeling his thigh push between my legs. His head dipped letting his lips drag just below my ear. 
“Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.” All it took was for him to feel me nod before he pulled away and kissed my lips deeply. “Bedroom is that way.” Jisung jerked his head towards the hall pulling his hips against mine. 
“Well, you’ll just have to catch me then,” I said cheekily slipping from his grasp and slapping his ass as I ran down the hall. He laughed, the sound of his steps thundering down the hall after me. 
I screamed feeling his arms wrap around me and lift me into the air. Setting me down, Jisung enveloped me into a kiss letting his fingers tug my shirt over my head. He tossed me onto his bed, leaving me to watch as he ripped off his shirt. My eyes hungrily dragged over his torso eyeing the tattoo on his side and the way his muscles flexed and contracted as he let out shaky happy breaths.
“You keep staring at me like that and I’ll have to ruin you.” Jisung’s shoulders dropped watching my tongue whip over my bottom lip.  “You naughty, naughty girl.” Grabbing my ankles, he tugged me across the bed before sliding my shorts down and flinging them across the bedroom. 
Jisung hovered over me, hands traveling anywhere he could reach. I was growing impatient not being able to touch him the way I wanted. My hands pushed against his strong shoulders, flipping him back onto the bed. His arms wrapped around my waist, letting my legs fall on either side of his hips. 
I sighed against his lips, feeling his hips press up against mine. Letting my lips guide my actions I moved down his neck and chest. I looked up to see Jisung’s hands covering his face, attempting to silence how I was making him feel. Seeing his reaction, I let my tongue slide over his toned stomach and graze across the inked skin on his right side. A heavenly moan left his lips. My hand fell down further and ghosted over the growling bulge beneath his shorts.
“Ah...fuck-” He moaned as my tongue licked down his torso, inching dangerously close to the low hanging waistband. His head lifted up when I pulled away. “Shit- why’d you stop?”
Smirking, I started playing with the band of his shorts. “Oh, don’t mind me. Just enjoying the view.” As my fingers hooked around the fabric he pulled me back up to his lips and helped me pull them down. “Do you have...you know?” I asked between heated kisses. 
Jisung nodded, hands groping my ass and grinding up against my core. “In the drawer.” With quick impatient hands, I reached over to the nightstand yanked open the drawer. “You’re on the pill right? Just in case.” 
“Yeah, of course.” Finding a strip of condoms I tore one off, and returned to Jisung’s lips. My eyes closed, letting myself fall into the blissful daze Jisung was sending me into. Letting him wreck and ravish my body was the only thing on my mind. 
Almost a month later I found myself in the same place. Jisung’s bed. A light sheen of sweat lay on my skin and his. His sheets did a lousy job of covering anything but my hips resting over his. My head rested on his chest, letting his fingers play with my hair. 
His legs were tangled with mine around and under the covers. The art on his side drew my attention. Jisung watched my fingers trace over the words on his ribcage. I had watched him for so long and been with him more than a few times and I had yet to ask him about his tattoos.
Delicately, I traced each line of the words on his ribs; ‘I See’. “What does it mean?” Jisung looked down at me, watching my hand move over the ink.
“It’s the first song I ever seriously wrote.”
“Can I hear it?”
A cool breeze floated through the open windows in his bedroom. The stars reflected on the rolling waves. Jisung shook his head. “It’s nothing much.” He nuzzled into my hair, letting me draw over the natural and drawn lines on his body. 
“I doubt that if it is physically inked on your skin.” A laugh rumbled through his chest. My touch wandered down to the dark ink on his thigh. “What about these?” 
He looked down and laughed. “Oh- I just like dragons.” Among the black lines and shading of the large dragon wrapped around his thigh were other gorgeous drawings like out of an ancient Japanese text. A symbol caught my eye.
“Is that the Chinese character for soup?” 
“No. It means perseverance.”
“No. It means soup.” 
Jisung laid his head back on the pillow, eyes wide. “That would explain why the guy was laughing so much when he did the tattoo.” He rolled over on top of me, adjusting the sheets to shield us more from the night wind. His head nuzzled into my neck. “Where do the Inies think you are?” Jisung questioned. 
I shrugged. “Hyunjin could care less. He spends most of his nights facetiming his girlfriend, Aiya.” 
“Can’t relate. Mine has been in my bed every night.” 
Scoffing, my fingers began threading through his dark hair. “Innie is a little suspicious. But, usually, I just buy him boba the next day and he doesn’t care.” Jisung nodded and held onto me like a teddy bear. His warm skin acted like my own personal sun.
“Noted. Jeongin can be bribed with boba.”Jisung’s head lifted hearing a yawn slip past my lips. “You tired, baby? I nodded, cuddling further into him. “Get some sleep. We both have shifts tomorrow.” Jisung leaned over pressing his lips gently against mine. I fell asleep with my arms wrapped around him and his lips sleepily trailing down my neck and shoulder. 
“Every night?” My dark haired friend asked in disbelief. Jeongin walked beside me as we made our way back to the Hut. The sunset cast a gold and red glow over the beach.  Our shift would be over soon and I could not wait. This had been a long day and I wanted nothing more than to go home and collapse in bed. “You guys are procreating like rabbits.” I laughed at his word choice. “I’m sorry, but I do not need mini Y/ns and Jisungs running around.”
Jeongin climbed the creaky wooden steps up to the Hut. Rough outlines of his feet in sand followed his steps to the door. Through the windows, I could see Hyunjin, Changbin, and my boyfriend inside. “Where’s Chan?” I asked seeing him missing as we entered the base.
Changbin sighed, flipping through the day’s log. “He took Celi down to the dock to watch the sunset.” I caught Jisung eyeing me from across the room. He stuck out his tongue and shook his head at me, eliciting a laugh.  
“So, Inies,” Changbin started. The blonde and brunette raised their heads waiting for what Changbin had to say. “Looks like it’s your turn to do the night walk.” They groaned and whined. The night walk was done by two lifeguards after the beach closed. It was typically a long cold walk with flashlights making sure no one was on the beach. It usually took an extra two hours that you did not get paid for. 
“But, Aiya is waiting for me to call!”
“I just want to go home!”
Jisung shot me a look standing near his open locker. He crossed his arms, tan shoulders leaning against the cool metal. Despite my tired feet and my urge to sleep for a week I smiled, knowing what he was thinking. 
“Y/n and I can do it.” The Inies quickly stopped their pleading turning to my boyfriend.
“No argument from me. They can do it.” Hyunjin said grabbing his stuff and racing out the door. Jeongin quickly followed. Changbin shrugged, tossing the clipboard on the desk. 
“Y/n, you might want a jacket. It’s going to get cold.” Changbin said, patting my shoulder. He turned to the boy with tousled brown hair and threw him the ring of metal keys. “Jisung, don’t forget to lock up when you’re done.” 
With a final wave, Changbin grabbed his bag and shut the door behind him, descending the stairs. “You’re buying me dinner,” I said wrapping my arms around his waist. “Pizza sounds good.” 
“That’s fair. I’ll get you pizza.” Jisung cupped my cheeks before pecking my lips. He turned back to his open locker, pulling out a grey unzipped hoodie. “Here.” The fabric swallowed me as he sweetly helped me slip my arms into the jacket. Listing his head, he smiled, cheeks filling and eyes turning into crescent moons. “You look too cute.”
I smiled watching him lean down and capture my lips in a kiss. My stomach twisted in knots only he could tie. “We should get going. I want my pizza sooner than later.” He nodded and grabbed two flashlights. Slipping my phone into the jacket pocket I followed Jisung down onto the beach. 
Time always seemed to pass quickly with him. It felt like this summer had only started yesterday, so by the time we reached the end of the beach hand in hand my tiredness was long forgotten. 
“Yeah, so then Changbin-” Jisung interrupted his own story. His eyes strained against the dark. “Do you see that?” Further down the shore, my eyes pushed past the darkness to see the outline of a speedboat beached on the sand. Several men were loading packages onto the vessel. 
“Yeah,” I latched onto Jisung’s arm looking up at him. “You want me to call it in?” 
He shook his head continuing to watch from afar. “No, Changbin already left. Stay here. I’ll go check it out.” Turning on his flashlight, he kissed my cheek before walking down the beach. 
A chilling breeze blew over the sand. Shoving my hands in my pockets I watched Jisung approach the four men. The beam from his light fanned over the wrapped cargo. My skin crawled. Something felt off. I couldn’t hear anything from where I stood, but I could tell the men were getting more than angry at Jisung for walking into whatever they were doing. 
The muscles in Jisung’s back rippled as he pointed up the beach, most likely telling them to leave. My body froze. Under the moonlight, I thought I saw the glint of a gun being pulled from a jacket. All I could do was try not to scream hearing the sound of a round being fired and watching Jisung fall to the ground. 
Ignoring the man they just shot, the men pushed the boat out into the water. The sand beneath my feet made it hard to run. I slipped and fell but scrambled to my feet racing over to Jisung. He clutched his stomach, labored breaths struggling to escape. 
“Jisung!” He looked up at me as I kneeled next to him. Moving his hands I saw blood seeping out of the bullet wound. Jisung struggled to keep his eyes open. “Ji, baby, stay with me.” He cried out in pain feeling me put pressure on the wound. Hands shaking, I pulled my phone out of my pocket. 
Dialing emergency services, I waited for someone to answer as Jisung still bled out beside me. “Yes? Hello! I’m at Cheonsa Beach! It’s an emergency. We need an ambulance.”
“Okay, calm down Miss.”
“Calm down? My boyfriend was just shot!”
The sound of her typing carried through the phone. “The ambulance is three minutes out.” Nodding, I looked back at Jisung.  “Just keep pressure on the bullet wound and make sure your boyfriend stays awake.” In the distance, I heard the sound of sirens. 
“Over here!” Several EMTs ran towards us with a gurney. “We’re over here!” More sirens approached, flashing red and blue. 
“What happened?”
“We were making sure everyone had left the beach. We saw some guys loading packages into a boat and he told me to wait while he went to check it out. The next thing I know they shot him and sailed off.” They nodded and lifted Jisung onto the gurney. Running alongside them, they asked me questions about Jisung, most of which I couldn’t answer. “Sorry, I don’t know.”
“Okay. You can ride with us to the hospital. You’ll have to give a statement to the police and you’re boyfriend will most likely need surgery.”
Hoisting myself up into the ambulance I sat next to the gurney, holding onto Jisung’s hand. The EMT with us tried to keep him awake by asking him questions. “Is he going to be okay?” 
“He just in shock right now. We’ll have to do more tests when we get to the hospital.” She gave me a less than an optimistic smile. “Just in case- we tell most everyone this. You should call someone to be with you.” Not letting go of Jisung’s hand I reached once more for my phone. My heart stopped seeing the dark red stains on my hand. Shakily I called the first person I thought of who I wanted with me. They picked up on the second ring.
“Y/n, what’s up. I’m not-”
“Jeongin...something happened.”
The bright lights of the hospital hallways were still hurting my eyes despite the many hours I had spent here. Jisung’s blood stained hoodie still hung on my shoulders. Jeongin had grabbed some board shorts from his bag so I was a little more covered standing in a passageway teaming with medical professionals.
Apparently, he and Hyunjin had just gotten back to our rental house so they raced back over still in their beachwear. Jeongin called the other boys and Chan left Celi to meet us at the hospital. It was almost eighteen hours since Jisung had been admitted and I had been talking to the police for the last three. Changbin stepped out of the room an hour ago letting me know that he Jisung had woken up. 
My mind was elsewhere, thinking about nothing but seeing my boyfriend. “Thank you so much for your statement. We will be in contact later about the investigation.” Nodding I bowed to the officer, desperately wanting to go back into the hospital room. “An officer will be back in a few days to take your boyfriend’s statement as well. I hope he makes a quick recovery.” 
The officer shook my hand and then bid me farewell. The click of the door was an announcement of my entrance. All five pairs of eyes stared at me as I closed it behind me. I was first drawn to the dark round set sitting in the bed. Wasting no time I rushed to Jisung. It took all of my strength not to cry feeling him hold onto me so tightly.
“You’re okay,” I whispered into his neck.
“I’m not going anywhere, baby. You’re stuck with me.” Jisung pulled me to sit on the bed so he could hug me even tighter. The second I felt him pull away I was prepared to let him go, instead, he pulled me down kissing me deeply. 
“Guys- get a room.”
Jisung pulled away, eyes wide and a shy smile on his face. “Hey! This is technically my room! I’ll kiss my girlfriend if I want to.” 
Jeongin rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his bare chest. “That’s my best friend your kissing. Watch your hands, assface.” Jisung removed his hands from well below my waist seeing the death inducing glare the youngest Inie was sending his way.
“How are you guys not cold?” I asked noticing all of them had come still in their beachwear. None of them seemed to find the time to put on a shirt. Changbin shrugged and flexed next to Chan. “No shirt, no shoes, no problem.” He said slapping his bicep. 
“I don’t think that applies to a hospital,” I whispered, lacing my fingers with Jisung’s. He chuckled, but winced clutching his side. 
Chan sighed and motioned me over. Reluctantly I left Jisung to talk to him. “The doctor said he’ll have to stay here for at least a week. Maybe a couple days more.” My fingers raked through my hair as I watched Jisung swat away Hyunjin’s hands from a box of chocolates someone had left for him. “We’re going to have to keep a close eye on him when he gets discharged.”
I nodded. “Look I’ll stay here tonight with him. When he gets discharged, I’ll stay at his place and make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.” 
“Y/n,” Chan started, gently holding onto my arm. The action felt brotherly, like he was taking care of me. “You’ve been awake for over thirty-six hours. I can stay here tonight. Celi said she would drop by later anyway.” 
“Chan, I’m not leaving him.”
He opened his mouth about to say something but was interrupted by the door swinging open and a cheery brunette waltzing in. She carried a plate covered in a clear wrap. “Knock, knock! I- oh....this is uh...” Her eyes widened and her cheeks turned red seeing all but Jisung standing around shirtless. Eyes bulging, Chan lept for the curtains covering himself. Jeongin grabbed an extra blanket form Jisung’s bed and Changbin hid behind me. Hyunjin grabbed the nearest object to him which happened to be a bedpan. 
“EEEEKK!” He screeched realizing what it was, the metal object crashing onto the floor. 
“Celi! Uhh... I thought you were coming later?” Chan stuttered from behind the somewhat sheer curtain over him. He seemed drawn to curtains in these situations. 
Doing her best to suppress the blush on her cheeks she set the plate down on a table and pulled a hoodie out of the bag she had with her, tossing it to her boyfriend. “Well, I made cookies and thought it would make Jisung feel better.” She motioned to the platter filled with homemade baked goods. 
Jisung’s eyes narrowed in confusion. “I got shot. How are cookies supposed to help?” 
A fire lit in Chan’s eyes and I sent an equally chilling glare his way. “Jisung!” I scolded through my teeth. 
“THANK YOU FOR THE COOKIES! I LOVE THEM VERY MUCH!” He screeched in higher register than I thought possible as he slid down the headboard, hiding from the combined power of Chan and my glares.
Thanking Cecilia again on my boyfriend’s behalf I took the cookies and brought them over to his bedside table. Like second nature, Jisung pulled me next to him on the bed and watched me unwrap the plate. He opened his mouth, expecting me to feed him a still warm and gooey cookie. 
Jisung whined when I bit into it instead. “Y/n, baby, I got shot. Please!” Rolling my eyes I placed a cookie in his mouth and watched his cheeks fill up with the sweet goodness Celi had made. He smiled and gave her a thumbs up. “Thank you, gorgeous.” He said kissing my cheek. I shrugged and fought the smile edging its way onto my face. 
“You get shot again, and I’ll have to kill you, Han.” 
Jisung smiled, eyes crinkling up before he nodded. “I promise I won’t get shot by drug traffickers.” I leaned down kissing him again. His familiar long fingers brushed over my cheek. 
“Y/N L/N!”
My name was screamed from the doorway. Jumping away from Jisung I saw my parents standing there, fury the only expression on their faces. “Mom?”  Jisung looked from me to my mother, eyes wide and most likely more afraid of her than he was of me earlier. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” My father yelled. Even Changbin flinched at his tone. Hyunjin and Jeongin were used to situations like these and slowly decided to hide behind the closet. The tension in the room couldn’t be cut with a knife it was so thick.
“Who the hell is he? Is he the one who almost got you shot?” My mother screeched, pointing at Jisung. I stood at a loss for words. The man in the bed looked up at me with soft doe eyes, clearly confused. 
“Mom, you don’t understand. It wasn’t Jisung’s fault. He did nothing wrong-”
“You could have died because of him!”
My father sighed stepping in. The rest of the room watched the exchange quietly. “Your mother is right. You are coming home with us. We let you come to the beach one last time to spend the summer with your friends. Instead, we get a call in the middle of the night saying your little boy toy has you involved in a drug investigation.” Jisung threw his legs out of the bed but I stopped him from getting up. 
“Dad, Jisung is-”
“I don’t care if Jisung is Gandhi. You are coming home with us and you are never coming back to Cheonsa.” Not letting me say another word, my father grabbed my wrist and began dragging me out the door. I heard Jisung clamber out of the hospital bed and the others attempt to stop him. Looking back I saw him tearing out IVs and pushing past the boys as my parents dragged me away. 
“Dad, please!” 
“Sir! Mr. L/n! Please!” Jisung ran after us down the hall nurses staring as he clutched his side. “Please! Mr. L/n! I love your daughter. Please, let me explain!”  I turned back with wide eyes, but all I could see was Jisung and the heartbroken look on his face as my parents pulled me into a closing elevator. 
He loved me.
Jisung’s POV
I sat staring at my phone. Nothing. I had heard nothing from Y/n in the past twelve days. The Inies reassured me that she was fine, but her parents had confiscated her phone and basically put her under house arrest. 
This was all my fault. 
It felt like a part of me was missing. My thumb hovered over my gallery wanting to look at her pictures again. Unable to resist the urge I opened the app and smiled seeing her face. In only two months my camera roll had become full of her. 
Just as I was about to click on a photo my phone was snatched out of my hand. “You packed, bro?” Hyunjin asked tossing my phone onto the bed. I nodded towards the bag in the chair. I was being discharged in an hour. Yesterday I passed the physical saying I was good to go home. But, home wasn’t home without Y/n. Jeongin entered the room and gave me a pity smile. With one last check-in from the doctor, I was released. 
“Is this really necessary?” I questioned the nurse as Jeongin pushed me through the lobby in a wheelchair. Hyunjin was taking photos of me a giant grin on his face. 
“Yeah, is this necessary?” Jeongin groaned from behind me. The nurse nodded and opened the door for us. Jeongin noticed my, for lack of a better descriptor, depressed as fuck face. “Dude, if you miss her this much go get her.” 
Jeongin stopped just outside the hospital doors, making me turn my head. “I can’t even protect myself from thugs on the beach. How am I supposed to take care of her? How am I supposed to prove myself to them? I’m a music production major. Her parents aren’t going to take me seriously.”
Hyunjin rolled his eyes coming to stand in front of me. “Okay, first of all, you were attacked with a gun. You aren’t fucking Superman. No matter how much you work out your abs will not stop a bullet.” I looked down at my hands, taking in everything the blonde said. “You’ve just got to seize the day. If you want her, go and get her.”
“Seize the day? Really?” Jeongin asked, brows raised. 
“I watched Dead Poets Society last night. Sue Me. Robin Williams is a fucking genius.” 
As the two of them argued about Robin Williams, I thought more about what Hyunjin said. I was never going to get her back if I didn’t try. If I didn’t believe I could convince her parents, then I wouldn’t be able to. I would do anything to be with Y/n. “You’re right,” I said standing up from the wheelchair, stopping the Inies’ argument. “I am gonna seize the day!” 
It was Jeongin’s turn to roll his eyes and he pushed me back down into the chair. “Seize the day when there is less of a hole in your stomach.” With a huff, I sat back down as Innie pushed the chair forward towards the car. “Also,” The young black haired boy started. “Seize your wallet. There’s a taco truck down the street and I’m hungry.”
Reluctantly, I pulled my wallet from my bag to pay for Jeongin and his tacos. I wasn’t about to wait on Y/n though. The second I was able, I was going to get her back.
Y/n’s POV
“Y/n, are you sure you don’t want to eat?” My mom called from downstairs. I laid on my bed staring up at the ceiling. Subconsciously I lifted the black shirt I was wearing up to my nose and breathed in the scent. My parents were kind enough to let me go back to the beach house the Inies and I shared and let me pack.
Wearing Jisung’s shirt gave me a little bit of comfort. That was until I thought about the fact my parents never wanted me to see him again. The shirt smelled like rain on the beach. A very certain scent. A scent that seemed to follow Jisung no matter where he went. 
“No. I’m not eating,” I shouted back. 
Rolling over my bed, I turned to see a stuffed octopus staring back at me. “What are you looking at?” It did nothing but keep its sewn smile on its purple face. Downstairs I heard the doorbell ring. Not taking the plush octopus’s shit, I threw it across the room in anger. Faintly I heard the sound of the door opening and a familiar voice floated through the house. Great, now I was imagining his voice. 
Wait. No. That was him. That was Jisung’s voice. Falling off the bed, I scrambled to my feet swinging my bedroom door open. Hiding behind the stair banister, I watched my mother reluctantly let Jisung into the house. His dark hair was neatly styled and pushed away from his forehead. Simple silver earrings dangled and bounced against his skin. He wore a navy suit jacket and a simple white shirt, tucked into the matching dress pants. The pants were cropped making him look a little taller and revealing the tan skin of his ankles. 
Jisung respectfully bowed as my father entered the room and looked around, eyes turning to the staircase. I ducked down, hitting my head on the railing in the process. “Ow-shit,” I whispered rubbing the top of my head. 
Peaking around the corner I saw my parents lead Jisung into the living room. He sat down on the couch, still in my view. My parents sat across from him, their backs to me. Just seeing his face made my heartrate shift to lightspeed. 
“I would like to reintroduce myself,” He started, deep voice bouncing off the walls and carrying to my hiding place. “My name is Han Jisung. I’m twenty years old. I’m a music production major at Seoul University....and your daughter is the love of my life.” 
I could already see my mother shaking her head. She wouldn’t except less than a rich doctor with a terrible personality for me. Let me tell you, most of the medical students don't have time to date. I could tell Jisung was starting to get nervous by the way his leg shook and he began anxiously turning the ring on his left hand round his finger.
“Let’s just push away the fact that you nearly got my daughter shot.” Jisung winced and looked away, before meeting my father’s eyes once more. “What are your intentions with my daughter, Y/n?” 
Jisung sighed, wringing his hands together. What were his intentions with me? I knew that he was serious about our relationship, but past that I was clueless. With an unwavering gaze, he looked back to my father. “I intend to marry her, sir. Not any time soon, but I do want to marry her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I love Y/n.” 
It was impossible to keep the smile from spreading over my face. My parents shared a look, but from their body language, I already knew what their answer was. “Mr. Han,”
“Please, Jisung is just fine.” 
“Jisung,” My mother continued in a cold tone. “We want you nowhere near our daughter. She has a bright future in front of her and you will only hinder it. You are just a constant reminder of her days prancing around on the beach. We cannot allow this relationship to continue, especially with her safety involved.”
His eyes visibly saddened and his shoulders sunk. “But-”
“If you know what’s best for you...what’s best for Y/n...you will let her go. You will walk out that door and never see her again.”
“What if I say no?”
My mother straightened her posture and smoothed out her dress. “If we find out you are seeing Y/n...we’ll withdraw her tuition payment and disown her. She’ll be kicked out onto the street. Can you live with that?” 
I watched the gears turn in Jisung’s head. I wanted him to stand up and say that he didn’t care. To say that he just wanted to be with me. I would choose him in a heartbeat. 
Instead, his head hung low and he ran his long fingers through his dark locks. “No, I couldn’t.” 
My mother, obviously pleased, stood up a clear smile was heard in her voice. “Then your business here is done.” Jisung watched my mother move towards the entryway, clearly wearing his heart on his sleeve. He made no attempt at hiding how heartbroken he was.
“Will you at least let me say goodbye to her?” He pleaded, round doe eyes turned down and expecting a bad answer. My father sighed, before looking upstairs. 
“Make it quick.”
Jisung’s head shot up, eyes filling with hope. He looked to the stairs before hesitantly walking towards them. I sprinted to my room leaving the door open just a crack. As I turned, I face-planted onto my carpet. Looking back I glared once again at the purple octopus that had caused my fall. Angrily chucking it somewhere else in the room I stood up and waited for Jisung to come in. 
A hesitant knock filled my bedroom. He did not wait to enter. Jisung looked around before his eyes finally settled on me. I wasted no time in rushing to him. Wrapping my arms around his neck I crashed my lips onto his. My heart broke feeling him hold onto me so tightly. Jisung pulled away with sorrow filled eyes. 
“I came to say goodbye.” 
“I know. I heard everything.” Jisung rested his forehead against mine, eyes closing. “Jisung this isn’t your choice.” He shook his head still not looking at me. His lips pressed against mine softly once more.
“I’m not letting you throw away your life for me.”
“What if I want to?” Jisung looked me in the eyes. I could tell he was searching for any hesitance. “You love me.” It wasn’t a question and he knew it. Silently, he nodded still searching my face. 
“Let’s run away. Screw my parents. I have enough in my savings to finish my degree.”  
“Baby, I can’t do that to you. There’s no guarantee in my future. I might not be able to provide for you. I love you enough to understand that letting you go while it kills me...is what is best for you.” Our voices had moved to hushed whispers. 
The back of my hand brushed over his cheek. “That’s not your decision to make.” He chuckled, still wincing a little from his healing wound. “I love you, Jisung. I’m asking you to run away with me.”
Once again I saw the gears begin to turn in his brain. He took more time thinking this through than he did downstairs. My heart hammered in my chest waiting for his answer. It stopped when his lips pressed against mine in a slow sensual kiss. 
“Pack your bags,” Jisung whispered against my lips. 
A year had passed. My legs rested on either side of the surfboard floating on the water. The waves swayed them beneath the surface and I watched the slim form of Jisung ride a wave closer to where my board floated. I smiled watching him wipe out, disappearing beneath the blue water. Turning back, I saw the beach house on the shore, lights on, and waiting for us to return home from our sunset surf.
“Hey, gorgeous,” Jisung said popping up beside my board. His long fingers were wrapped around the tip of his own surfboard keeping it from floating away. His other arm rested on top of mine and lacing our fingers together. He smiled watching the glint on my left hand shine in the setting sun. 
My eyes fell to his chest, most of it submerged. Through the water, I saw his newest tattoo and smiled. My name right over his heart. “Nice wipeout.” Jisung rolled his eyes before letting go of my hands and swimming over to his board and pushing himself up. We let the slowly decreasing waves push them next to each other, our legs brushing through the cold clear water. 
“You don’t regret leaving with me do you?” Jisung asked, looking at the sunset. 
I shook my head, staring at the red and orange glow of the disappearing sun. “Not one bit.” Jisung turned, grabbing my hand. With a smile, our lips connected just as the sun sunk beneath the waves. This was only the beginning of my life with Jisung.
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bookshelfdreams · 3 years
Ahhhh, your self bound books just look really beautiful? All the color choices and the layout just look soooo good together. And that's such a beautiful gift? I have not read primium non nocere, as I haven't watched Charité but if it is worthy of such a tribute I am definitely giving it a shot anyway. I'd also be really interested of your creative process and choices with the binding, if you're willing to talk about that
hi omg! thank you so much <3<3 Primum Non Nocere is a very good story, and I'd say even if you haven't seen the show, give it a shot anyway, if you're interested? I mean, by all means, try the show as well, season 2 is on Netflix w english subs afaik and it's also really, really good (not perfect, but leagues better than the stuff this country usually makes abt the nazi regime). It's a retelling of canon events from a character's perspective who isn't a focal character in the show - there's probably one or two points at which it skips canon events or may seem a little jumpy, but overall, it's more of a companion piece to canon than a classic fanfic. It's very well researched and detailed; it expands on canon in beautiful ways and honestly, fits with it seamlessly; it might as well be an official novelization (although its focuses are a little different than the og)
as for the bookbinding, I'm really flattered you're interested in my process! I'm still very much a beginner, but I'm slowly figuring out something that works for me.
Also, I don't really know what information you're looking for, so I'm just gonna share some things that come to mind. This isn't really a step-by-step how-to but if you're interested in that, I can try to take some pictures next time I make a book and make a better reference post.
I typeset in OpenOffice because that's my office suite of choice & I'm old; I have never used google docs and I don't plan on starting. I download the fic in html, and then just copy/paste the text chapter by chapter; that's easiest for me. As for fonts, I wanted it to look vintage but I definitely didn't want it to have Nazi aesthetics. I went with Baskerville for the main text (which is such a beautiful font, it might become my go-to) (Garamond is what is most commonly used in books I think, but it almost looks too professional for me. I love that Baskerville has this very distinct, vintage feel to it.) and an Art Deco font for the title and chapter headings. Overall I think it looks more 1920's which, considering that the Nazis really hated the Weimar republic, seems fitting. I'm happy with how it turned out and I hope the author is, too :) As for the rest, it's set in 16pt, 120% line spacing and the margins could be a little larger, tbh, but it works and I'm a little stingy with the paper XD
OpenOffice also lets you draw simple graphics directly onto the document which is what I did for the title page and the little ornaments at the beginning of the chapters.
To make signatures, I use Quantum Elephant Bookbinder. It does what it's supposed to, the only thing that doesn't quite work is the flyleaf option, but I can just add that in the og pdf.
Book construction
I print on copying paper, 80gsqm. It's recycling, 55CIE which is really quite grey; I like it, because white is uncomfortable for me to look at. As for grain, I cut my sheets from A3. The grain is also wrong there, so I ended up wasting half the paper. Whatever; I think it's worth it. Having the grain in the right direction (parallel to the spine) makes it feel so much more like an actual book and not just a stack of copying paper stapled together. I honestly believe it's more important than having fancy paper.
After folding, I do not use a model and an ale for punching holes; instead I put all the signatures together in my makeshift press (2 old cutting boards and 2 bar clamps), I draw some guidelines and then I use a fine saw to cut them all at once.
I sew the signatures on tapes for stability; it makes keeping consistent tension easier. I use linen bookbinder's thread (worth it) and cotton tapes from the craft store (they do their job, and linen sewing tapes are hard to source & expensive). I do not have a sewing frame; but what I do is, I tape the tapes to the underside of my cutting mat, place the signature on top (fold aligned with the edge of the mat) and use a weight to keep it in place. It works okay.
After sewing, I round the spine with this method, which works surprisingly well. I do not trim the edges (I know myself well enough to know that it would not end well) & instead tap the short sides & spine to the table to align the signatures as perfectly as possible.
The rest is done as in pretty much any other tutorial. No backing, because I don't have equipment for that. I like to sand down the edges of the cover boards a little, so they're a bit rounded; I think it makes for nicer haptics.
I like to make as much of the book myself as possible. There's several reasons for that; first of all, fancy handmarbled or printed paper, headbands, bookmarks etc are expensive. Second, I have a crafting addiction & what's the point of projects like this when you buy everything you could make yourself, right? But thirdly (most importantly) it's simply that my book blocks look pretty shitty (that's, untrimmed and uneven). But that's okay; you gotta embrace the "amateurishly handmade" look & just have to amateurishly handmake everything. Adding just one or two perfect, machine-produced details looks kinda jarring.
Paper decoration - mix water soluble paint and wallpaper paste and go wild (videos are in German, sorry, idk if this is a thing that's really done in the anglophone world? But I think they're pretty easy to follow even if you don't understand the instructions). I like to use this for covers, mainly, I'm also experimenting with decorating endpapers this way. The paste makes the paper really rough and horrible to the touch; as the very last step, I wax the cover (with a beeswax-based furniture polish. Floor wax works as well, it just doesn't smell very nice). Be careful not to get any on the bookcloth, it will cause stains & ruin everything at the last second.
Headbands - I found this tutorial very helpful.
Bookmarks - this gave me so much trouble. Most amateur bookbinders seem to use cotton, polyester or satin ribbons, which is fine, I guess. I don't particularly like either option. At first I thought I could weave my own; that didn't work out, because weaving tiny bands is harder than it looks (& also the resulting ribbon was much too stiff). But! Bookmarks in professionally made books aren't woven at all; they're braided. Seven-stranded braids work pretty well (tutorial is for 5 strands, but 7 strands work the same). As for the headbands, embroidery floss is best imho (silk would, of course, be traditional but come on). Mercerised cotton crochet thread works as well but isn't quite as nice.
this turned out way too long lol. Sorry. Hopefully the answer you were looking for is in there somewhere. Again, thank you and have a lovely evening!
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tsubaki3192 · 4 years
250+ Follower HCs! Spending Time With Their Kids [Nobunaga, Kenshin, Yukimura
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Requested by: @nad-zeta​
Aww Thank you so much Love! <3 
Yuki added on her request! :3
Warnings: .... YUki’s became crack I’m so sorry... so I’m putting that at the beginning lol
Tags underneath cut! Let me know if you wanna be (un)tagged! :3
a…. Girl?
Hmm… I dunno. Haven’t put much thought into this one. But it’d be funny if his child was a girl.
He… Doesn’t know how to react to his baby girl.
Maybe it’s bc he has no idea how to treat her, but when she’s a baby, he does talk and interact with her more
Okay, let’s timeskip to the future and your daughter is now…. 7.
Yukimura probably has a tendency to avoid girls other than MC, and I think that also goes with his daughter… Not because he doesn’t like her, but because he has no idea how to care for her.
She grows up with a ton of toys… But….
QUESTION WHY ‘Daddy won’t spend time with me’
YOU’RE LIVID- Tbh, I would smack him for that and Shingen or Sasuke wouldn’t even be able to hold her back, and Kenshin would be impressed….
He does end up spending time with her tho.
It’s awkward at first
And then he opens up, even if he’s grumbling about the messy makeup and mess at the end of the day.
It’s not surprising that since Yuki wasn’t in her life, she usually goes to Shingen for help bc he’s been so open
Yuki actually cries at that, but only with you… there was this one time she actually caught him crying, so she started crying and it became this mess of “Stop crying” “no u-”
They bond pretty quickly after that lol
LOts of outings and helping Yuki to sell goods :3
Any piggy backs
Lots of piggy backs
He has become so cute wtf
A boy…. then a girl... I think.
So I stan an overprotective father here for his daughter, in the very least.
That’s not because his son is ‘too weak’- It’s the fact that culturally and in that time period, he’s supposed to be the stronger one.
Kenshin teaches him the art of sword-fighting from the age of 5, but soon realises that he’s much more into Senbon and, well… Flowery stuff. It’s good, in a way, since his son has quite the feminine face shape and your eyes. It’s a very good thing, actually. He’d make a successful ninja- 
So that’s what he becomes, xD 
Together with Sasuke, Kenshin trains him in the art of ninja skills. It’s significantly more interesting to him, maybe because you’ve told him random stories you’ve read from your time. 
There’s fluff time too- You pretty much bring all the warlords together and teach them how to sew. Yuki too, because Shingen and you have told him it’s the exact same thing as sewing a wound and practice is good.
Kenshin’s baby girl is a complete treat to the whole family.
You know she’s bound to be spoiled in the same way as you- With probably twice as much gifts as he gives you, and his special fatherly-love.
“I hope you remember she’s a baby, Kenshin… No stop- A dagger isn’t suitable for a baby-”
So it’s a lot of cooing, playing with toys given to her by both Shingen and Kenshin and cuddles… 
Ironically or not, the boy also becomes protective of his mother and his younger sister, no matter how young he is. He’s spent quite a bit of time with Kenshin, after all.
Ngl, but I think when the girl is older, she’s not gonna like the over-protectiveness. So expect a lot of ninja work by her brother, joined by Sasuke bc Kenshin doesn’t trust everyone to be safe xD
She still, notices them tho….
*Cue scolding by Daughter bc of of irritation*
MC does nothing to help bc they honestly deserved it xD
A son… I mean what did you expect?
So Nobunaga and his son are the most endearingly domineering… pair?
I mean your son’s personality stems directly from Nobunaga, despite having your looks and that does make you wonder why, since you spend the most time with him.
Nobunaga’s probably the busiest man on Earth. So when he does find time to spend with his son, they’re the most mischievous pair. You’re not even surprised when Masamune joins in one day, with Mitsuhide just chucking away at the sight.
Hideyoshi doesn’t even try when they get to this messy point, and to be fair neither do you. If you stopped them, they’d casually rope you into the mess.
You’ve long learnt to leave them be when they’re like this.
You pretty much take over the castle when they’re playing- Can’t have the castle’s structure falling apart because of a handful of idiots, right?
Hideyoshi still hasn’t learnt his lesson, it seems-
The two of them are always thieving konpeito from the kitchens and screwing around the castle in the most ridiculous ways.
You swore they had somehow once gotten hold of some black paint (or was that charcoal?), only to end up fully covered in the colour…
You only found out after nearly giving Nobunaga a back massage- His back was COVERED in the pigment. Obviously, your son had dropped a handful and some down his clothes and back.
Honestly? You just sighed at their antics and dragged him by the ear to the bathhouse. And you can’t even say anything when he drags you in, fully clothed.
When Nobunaga does spend time with his son, the adrenaline and joy just lasts until the following morning when he’s slept it off. It’s very different from the type of adrenaline from war- Less stress and fear, and more joy and… out of control actions.
So expect an extremely hyper Nobunaga when you both retire to your bedroom…
A girl. I don’t budge. … Okay, maybe a baby boy in the future, but for now? Just a baby girl.
So Mitsuhide’s one of those ‘I-never-expected-to-be-this-happy’ or ‘I-never-expected-to-one-day-have-a-family-of-my-own’ warlords.
So when you announce you were having a baby, he just… freezes. Like one of those signature ‘holy-crap-what’ freezes. 
He’s so silent you swore you broke him. But when you reach out to press a hand against his cheek, he turns, presses a deep, loving kiss to your palm. He’s exceptionally gentle with you now as he draws you to his chest, thanking you for every miracle you’ve given him.
So I also headcannon that Mitsuhide’s the epitome of practicality y’all… Like he’s so busy he doesn’t have time for anything he deems ‘useless’... or will he buy things that will never be used.
So expect some gender-neutral toys and tiny clothes for your young one, even before she’s born.
Did I mention he’s also quite protective of you? That doubles or triples when he finds out you’re pregnant. And again, when he finds out it’s a girl after birth.
Literally. It has to be either him or Kyubei with you and the ‘little one’. AT ALL TIMES.
Mitsuhide’s the only one he’ll allow to care for the your- and his- daughter when you’re busy with something. On occasion, it’s Kyubei, but it does mean that he and his daughter must be in the same room.
More than often, this ends up with Mitsuhide being W E A K for his daughter’s laugh and dropping his work- That can always be finished later, after all.
Dress up. Make up. Toys. Games. Anything. Mitsuhide would literally kill for some time with his daughter.
When she was younger, Mitsuhide used to cradle her against his chest, whispering sweet stories or singing to her as she giggled from the vibration of his low voice.
Now that she’s older, he spends his time with her carefully. Teaching her with gentle teasing- Something she’s become accustomed to 
NGL, but Kyubei ends up being her ‘older brother’ figure when she grows up.
The look on Mitsuhide’s face when she says she wants to marry Kyubei is gold.
Just don’t let Masamune hear okay?
Tagging: @tsuki-no-usagiii​ @unstoppablelinda​ @zavannahmj​ @nad-zeta​ @thesirenwashere​ @ikemenmitsuhide​ @choi-jiyu​ @nuttytani​
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dbzebra · 4 years
Surpassing The Strongest CH 2
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I hit a wall for a long time but finally got past it! Just a reminder, this is kind of an End of Z retelling but will have obvious changes going forward. Also i apologize in advance for the linebreaks, tumblr ruined my formatting so i had to imprpovise lol Enjoy! 
Chapter 2: Goten’s Resolve
“Train hard, study well, eat well and sleep well. That is the Turtle Hermit way to learn!”
Those were the words Master Roshi had told Goku and Krillin during their first day of martial arts training all those years ago. That motto had stuck with Goku his entire life, and molded it into how he trained both himself and his sons throughout their lives, even to this day. 
It was break time from training. Father and son were lying in the grass with their hands behind their heads, watching the fluffy clouds roll by. Pan wasn’t due back for a few more minutes going by the speed of her approaching energy, so they took the time to relax for a bit. 
Neither really spoke for a while, just listening to the sounds of nature. Birds chirped happily, the wind softly rustling the leaves above their heads, and the quaint sound of the river flowing nearby. 
It was Son Goten who finally spoke up, breaking the silence, not breaking his gaze from the clouds. 
“So, what’s next on the agenda?” Goten knew his father likely had an intense training schedule planned, but he was ready. 
“Well, besides our regular sparring, our next step-- is to help you reach Super Saiyan 3.”
“Me? Reach level 3?” Goten quickly sat up, pointing to himself with a dumbfounded look. 
“Of course!” Goku replied, sitting up as well. “That’s been your goal from the start since you began training again, right? And after what you showed me earlier, I think all that’s left is for you to push for the top.”
“Easier said than done! Trust me, I’ve been trying, it ain’t working!” Goten said. 
Goku grinned and put both hands on Goten’s shoulders. “You did it before as Gotenks, and you were only a kid back then. I can feel it in your energy, Goten.  You just gotta break through that last barrier.” 
“How did it work for you? Like how did you reach level three?”
Goku looked up to the sky for a few moments, trying to recall just how he ascended beyond Super Saiyan 2 back in Other World. “Super Saiyan 3 was much different than the previous two forms. While levels one and two required intense rage--in most cases, level three was a different beast entirely. It took intense training and complete mastery of Super Saiyan 2.  At the time, I was wondering how I could go even further beyond or if it was even possible. So one day, I was training with this guy called Pikkon. I kept feeling this really tiny tugging feeling deep inside.” Goku pointed to his stomach, and mimicked a back-and-forth motion with his hands. “And over the years of focus and training, the more I fought the more I felt it. So I worked towards that. I kept pulling back every time I felt that pull. Harder and harder, until--” he made a fist and then opened it-- “Bam! I unleashed all my energy once. And that’s when it happened.”
“...I don’t get it.” Pulling? It all sounded like crap, if he was being honest. But to be fair, he probably wouldn’t be able to explain the feeling either. 
“Just try it out. I know you did this earlier. Remember how you went level three as Gotenks, and combine that with what I told you.” Goku stayed in his cross-legged position, while Goten jumped up to his feet.
The teen took a deep breath. “Alright. Here I go…!”
Goten bent his knees and  let out a mighty roar that reached the heavens. His muscles bulged and once again electricity swirled around the teen as he ascended to Super Saiyan 2, bringing his ki to its utmost limits. The earth itself seemingly began trembling in fear of the awesome display of raw power.
‘This next energy… has to come from deep inside! Push hard to find it!’
The words that Goku had said to him and Trunks that day long ago echoed in his mind. The same words from when they took a break from learning the Fusion technique to see a first-hand demonstration of the ultimate Super Saiyan transformation.
“I did it back then, so I can do it now!” Goten told himself. He gritted his teeth hard and when he closed his eyes, he could almost  see the visage of a Great Ape roaring. As he continued powering up, he felt a tiny, almost insignificant tug from within. That miniscule flicker deep in his stomach was like a just-barely-lit candle. “There!”
This was it.  He had found it! The tremors began increasing in ferocity as the ground cracked beneath him and small rocks rose up into the air.  The ‘flame’ from within grew in size and heat. Goku watched on, smiling  with pride.
But just as he had it, he lost it. Goten’s  golden hair reverted to its original black color and he dropped to his knees. The stones that floated around the teen fell back to the earth and everything was quiet again. Panting and out of breath, the disheartened teenager cursed under his breath and teen slammed the ground with his fist, causing it to shatter beneath him. “I… I can’t do it, Dad! I just can’t! I’ve been stuck doing the same thing for months, it’s not working! I’m just not strong enough to turn Super Saiyan 3!!”
For the last eight months, Goten tried and failed to ascend. He thought he wasn’t making any progress at all, but that was usually the case with self evaluation: you judge yourself much harder. To Goku, however, he  noticed as clear as day that  his son was making leaps and bounds of progress in strength. 
Goku went to console his son, gently putting a hand on each of  his shoulders. “Hey, don't be that way! It’s totally okay! You are good enough, Goten. Remember, you were the youngest Super Saiyan ever, and reached Super Saiyan 2 at only fifteen! You were right there! I promise you!! It took me six years to reach level three, and I was dead! You're doing great.” Goku said, and it seemed to encourage his son going by the faint grin that dared to appear on the teen’s face. ”Let’s switch gears. How ‘bout we try some image training instead?” 
“Image training? What the heck is that?” Goten looked completely lost. 
Goku put his hand on his chin to think how to explain it. It was one of those things where it was easy to understand, but putting into words was a bit more complicated. But after a moment, it came to him. “Basically, it’s kinda like meditating, but you project an image of yourself in your mind. Then, you link up with someone else using telepathy, and fight that way.”
“That doesn’t make any sense. How do you get stronger just by thinking about it?” Goten flatly said, causing Goku to chuckle in response. Much like himself at that age, Goten was never one to mince words. 
“Just trust me, Goten. Your brother and I did the same thing while we were training to fight Cell.” Goku said and crossed his arms, keeping the same grin. “And besides, if we do this image training, you might get to see my secret ultimate technique.”
Now Goten was interested. It never took much to convince him. “Really? What’s it look like?!”
“You won’t know unless you try it out!” Goku goaded his son further. In all honesty, the new technique he developed was a finishing move, meant for a new enemy in case one ever came. It normally took a lot out of him, but just showing Goten once wouldn’t hurt. 
Just as they were about to continue however, the two Saiyans sensed a familiar energy source rapidly approaching. Goku had sensed it from far off from a while ago, but he could see that his son was too preoccupied to notice until now. 
“Guess we’ll save the image training for later then!” Goku said and jumped back to his feet. 
Still seated in the grass and leaning backwards on his hands, Goten turned to the direction of the approaching person. It was far too large to be Pan’s. He knew who this was. The teen’s wide smile returned as another young man with short lavender hair wearing a sleeveless yellow vest and black pants dropped down on the grass in front of his oldest friend.
“Hey bro! What brings you by our neck of the woods?” Goten asked. Still a little sore from training, he held out his hand and Trunks pulled him up. 
Trunks smirked and poked Goten playfully in the chest. “I heard through the grapevine that you were gonna enter the Tournament next week. Tryin’ to sneak a win by without telling’ me?” He raised an eyebrow at his friend. Knowing Goten like he did, he figured there wasn’t any malicious intent. 
“Ah, Mar told you? Sorry about that.” Goten replied with a sigh. “I legitimately thought you already knew and planned on entering. I meant to tell you, really!” Between spending hours with Marron after school on their date yesterday, the excitement over his new gi the night before,  and then the morning training, he didn’t really get an opportunity. 
“It’s fine. I’m just glad to be out of my house. My dad hasn’t shut the hell up about it since! He was grilling me all morning! God, I had to practically throw Bulla at him just for a momentary distraction then I just bailed.” Trunks threw his hands up in frustration. His family got on his last damn nerve sometimes. 
“I hear that. This one over here,” Goten said, gesturing to his father with his thumb, “pulled me out of bed at the crack of dawn while I was in the middle of an awesome dream!”
“Oh quit complaining.” Goku scolded his son while Goten shrugged.
Trunks snickered. “An awesome dream, you say? What kinda dream was it?” 
Goten shot him a dirty look, but before he could think of a comeback, a little toddler dressed in a red gi flew in and landed in the middle of them. 
“I’m back Grandpa!!” Pan chirped, raising her little fists in the air. “I flew around the whoooole world again, just like you said!”
With that signature Son grin of his, Goku smiled down at her. “That’s amazing, Pan! Thats your fastest time yet!”
Pan’s dark eyes lit up at hearing that she was getting better. “Think I’ll be ready for the Toonament?” She asked, innocently tilting her head to the side. 
“Wait, Pan, you’re seriously going to enter the Tournament? There’s no Junior Division, don’t tell me she’s gonna fight with the rest of us!”  Trunks was baffled. Pan nodded up at him, her smile still as wide as could be. She didn’t seem to have a care in the world. 
Goku proudly pat his granddaughter on the head. “Don’t worry about her. She may not win, but she’ll do just fine!” 
“She might end up doing better than Goten.” Trunks added.
“Very funny.” Goten dusted some blades of grass off of his pants, and glanced over to Trunks again, who teasing smirk only seemed to get bigger. The younger Saiyan sighed, shaking his head with a smile. “Dad, can we take a little break?”
“Sure, don’t go too far though. We’re gonna pick up where we left off in a bit.” Goku replied and Goten nodded in affirmation. 
The two teenaged Saiyans walked over to the riverbank for a private chat. They kept their voices low, so a certain little toddler didn’t accidentally overhear certain stuff and then go repeating it, which would end badly for the both of them. 
Trunks stood peering over the rushing waters with his hands shoved into his vest pockets. It was mesmerizing.. His phone buzzed, but decided it wasn’t that important. Meanwhile Goten put his hands behind his head and leaned on the tree nearby, staring up at the branches above. The sun was shining high in the sky; its warm light breaking through the gaps between the trees.
When he was small, he used to play a game where he had to only stay in the shaded parts and couldn’t touch where the sun hit. He smiled at the memory for a moment as his thoughts drifted back to the upcoming main event. 
“So, you gonna enter?” 
Trunks blew air out his nostrils and smirked. “You bet your ass I am.  I’m not just gonna let you just walk in and sweep the competition against a bunch of nobodies! I’ll win,  just like I did last time. If only Mr. Satan was entering, I’d smack him into next month.” 
“Yeah right!” Goten fired back and puffed out his chest a bit, the confidence in his voice building.. “The outcome won’t be the same as last time, I can promise you that. I’ve been training constantly!” 
“HA!” Trunks scoffed. “Good one, man. If by ‘training’, you mean you’ve just been getting handsy with Marron all the freakin’ time, then sure! Meanwhile, I’ve actually been training!” Trunks said, with his usual smug smile. He felt a little bad, but busting on Goten was too easy. 
Goten’s whole face flushed a scarlet color at how nonchalantly Trunks could just bring up what he did with his girlfriend in private. Any confidence he had in that moment fizzled right out.  “H-Hey!! Mar and I aren’t getting handsy!!” Goten blurted out louder than he intended and then swiftly covered his mouth with his hands. “That much…” He said again, practically as a whisper that time.
Trunks tried not to burst out laughing as Goten looked towards Pan, hoping she didn’t overhear him and then go repeating it to Videl or Gohan. Or worse, his mother. Not that she would get mad, just that her teasing comments would only get worse!
“Cut the bullshit, Goten. We’ve been friends for like, seventeen years, and I know when you’re lying. Even after all these years, you still have no poker face. And Marron isn’t exactly the best at keeping something like that hidden either.”
Was he really that obvious?! Goten kicked himself for being such an open book. He huffed and kicked a nearby pebble into the river. 
“Look, no shame! I’m proud of you, man. Good for you. Marron’s a real catch!” Trunks said and proudly patted Goten on the back. The older Saiyan figured Goten would fire right back with a comeback of his own, likely about all those vulgar girls who kept throwing themselves at him at school. It wasn’t his fault he was so good looking! Trunks may have had the outer confidence and charisma of his mother, but like his father Vegeta, Trunks was a bit of a prude when it came down to it, for the lack of a better word. He was all talk, as Marron had pointed out. 
However Goten’s gaze didn’t leave the gentle flowing river, his eyebrows furrowed as if he were lost in thought. Trunks’ face fell. “Hey, my bad, man. I didn’t mean it that way. I really am happy for you.”
“Huh?” Goten blinked, coming out of his thoughts. He put a hand behind his head with an apologetic smile. “Oh, don’t worry, it’s fine. I should be the one apologizing. I’m just… really distracted.”
“You alright, bro?”
Goten didn’t respond immediately, but after a moment he slowly nodded. “I dunno why, but I’m really nervous about this Tournament. I’ve hit a wall trying to reach Super Saiyan 3, and it’s stressing me out. Nothing’s working, and I don’t know what to do. At this rate, I’m almost afraid I’ll end up fighting my dad in the first round and getting wiped out like some chump.”
Trunks knew how Goten felt. Living up to Vegeta’s expectations was tough at times. And frustrating. He also had no luck on reaching the third level. What came easy to them while fused together proved to be their ultimate challenge while separate. But he wasn’t giving up. And he wasn’t about to let Goten give up either.. “Tell me something, Goten. Why do you choose to fight?” He knew the answer fully well, but wanted to hear Goten say it.
“Why does that matter?”
“Just humor me.”
Goten sighed, and then his lips curled into a smile when he thought of a certain pretty blonde. “Marron.” Her name rolled off his tongue effortlessly. “Mar is the reason I started training again. She’s the reason I want to get stronger. She means the entire world to me.  I’d do anything to keep that smile of hers safe.”
After the fight against Majin Buu, Son Goten slowly grew out of fighting over the years. Sure, he trained for exercise or if he had nothing else to do, but it wasn’t much of a priority for him until he started dating Marron two years ago. Once they became a couple, it was like a lightbulb went off in the boy’s head. He knew what he had to do--what he wanted to do. And so he trained intensely, day after day.  To prevent anything like the Majin Buu incident from happening ever again. 
Feeling a second wind, and not wanting to be left behind, Trunks soon joined him as well. It wasn’t long before Goten had closed the gap between them, and together the boys broke through the first Super Saiyan barrier: finally reaching Super Saiyan 2. 
“My point is, look how far you’ve come since then. Marron may be a loudmouth, but she’s a true ride-or-die girl. If there’s anyone who doesn’t care where you place in the Tournament, it’s her.”
“Yeah, you’re right. She said something similar yesterday.”
“See?” Trunks smiled. “I’m far from being the best at pep talks, but I know for a fact that you’re much stronger than you think. I wouldn’t count yourself out just yet. Forcing Super Saiyan 3 won’t help things either. It’ll happen, man. For both of us. Basically, what I’m getting at is; it’s just a Tournament. We have our whole lives to surpass our dads. Let’s just make this one a fun reunion where there’s no genocidal egomaniacs for once.”
Goten truly started to feel better.  “Thanks, man. Really.” He said and the duo did their signature double fist bump. 
“Hey, I have an idea.” 
Goten turned, eyeing his friend suspiciously.. Whenever Trunks Briefs uttered the words ‘I have an idea’ it usually was always something insane, but he decided to hear him out. “Lay it on me.”
“Why don’t we enter as Gotenks? Nobody could stop us that way, not even your dad!” Trunks said excitedly, pumping his fists. “I don’t care about the prize money either, so when we win, I’d just give you my half.”
Goten was touched.  Trunks really was a true friend. Sure, they busted on each other constantly, to the point where outsiders may think they disliked each other, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. When it came down to it, they had each other’s back. 
“I appreciate it, really, but… I can’t. I want to go up against my dad with my own strength. If we won the Tournament that way, I’d feel like I cheated. Besides, the fusion only lasts for thirty minutes; less if we went full power. And then we’d have to wait a whole hour to be able to fuse again, so it’s not exactly practical.”
“Shit, you’re right. I forgot about that.” Trunks replied, scratching his head. His phone buzzed from his pocket again, but ignored it.  “Was worth a shot!”
After the third time his phone buzzed, Trunks picked up and immediately got an earful from his mother, ordering him to come home. He groaned and quickly  hung up. For a moment he considered tossing his stupid phone into the river. But used his better judgement and shoved it back into his pocket.
“Well that’s my cue. Gotta get going before I really get in trouble. My mom just realized I snuck out. Besides, I should let you get back to training.”
“Good luck. You’re gonna need it.”
Trunks chuckled. “Next time I’ll see you it’ll be Tournament day. I hope you’ll be ready, man. It’s gonna be me versus you in the final round.” Trunks said with a smirk. “Oh, and tell Marron I said hi.”
“You can count on that.” Goten replied. “And sure.”
A translucent white colored aura surrounded Trunks’ body. He waved and he took off to the west like a torpedo. And like that he was gone over the horizon.
Goku came up, with Pan trotting along behind him. “Feelin’ up for some lunch before we continue?”
“You bet!” 
Two days had passed since then. Only four days remained until the big day.
Feeling revitalized, Son Goten continued his training. The day quickly approached, and he wanted to be ready. Super Saiyan 3 or not.  The young half Saiyan blitzed back and forth, kicking  and punching ferociously into the air, appearing only as a blue to the untrained eye. He kept vanishing and reappearing across the whole sky, leaving a golden trail in his tracks. Lighting swirled around his body like a thunderstorm. Goten  fired blasts forward, and teleported in front of his own oncoming attacks and blocked at the last possible second. 
On both of his wrists and ankles, he wore large, red colored weighted training bands. Each one had  twenty-five tons of force. One hundred tons total.  And yet, Son Goten made it look easy.
Meanwhile, a small hot-pink colored air jet sped towards Mt. Paozu. On the side of the left wing had the number 404 written in big black font. The opposite side sported the signature Capsule Corporation logo. 
Bubbly pop music blared from the radio as the teenage girl with hair tied into twin tails piloting the car enthusiastically sang along. She had sunglasses resting on top of her head and wore a small pink crop top and blue short-shorts that showed off her fit, athletic figure. The blonde was giddy with excitement- she was planning to surprise Goten during his training today. She could already picture his adorably stupid face, and giggled to herself just thinking about it! 
From the sky Marron could see Goku and Gohan’s home sitting side by side, in front of Grandpa Gohan’s old nut. It made a picturesque sight for the blonde. She wondered if she’d be living out here with Goten in a house of their own someday. 
Just then, shockwaves shook the air car violently back and forth, but Marron was no chump when it came to this. She easily got the vehicle under control and continued on her path.  Sure, she knew how to fly now, and her fear of heights was long gone, but she still overall preferred traveling this way. The wind while flying was still a bit too much for her.  Unless of course, she got to ride on the Nimbus with a certain boy.
Out of the corner of her light blue eyes, Marron saw a flicker of gold. She could just barely see, but she knew. High in the air appearing like a golden star in the middle of the day. It was beautiful. The blonde smiled as she lowered in altitude as she approached a field next to a river located nearby from the two homes, touching down on the grass a few moments later. 
Marron hopped out of the vehicle and stretched, taking in the clean air of the country and the quietness of nature. She was a city girl at heart, but in some ways this came pretty close. The blonde pressed the button on the side of her jet and with a puff of smoke, the jet returned to its capsule. She moved the sunglasses to her face to cover from the sun. Once her eyes adjusted, Marron pulled out the ribbons from her hair and shook her head from side to side, freely allowing her blonde locks to cascade down to her shoulders. Much better, she felt, 
She squinted and looked up to see if she could see him, but the sub was too bright even with her sunglasses. 
 Just then, as if on cue, a golden haired boy dropped down on the grass in front of her. 
“Hey, babe!” Goten said. Seeing Marron was exactly what he needed right now. He sensed her up in the air and he waved, but he was too far away for her to see. A warm smile curled onto the boy’s lips. He wore a white muscle shirt with blue sweatpants, and his signature yellow boots.
“Hey yourself~” She couldn’t help but gawk. Her blue eyes glanced over his muscles, and for a moment she wondered if it was more than the summer heat that made her feel hot all of a sudden. Marron fanned herself with her hand, trying to ignore the obvious that ran through her mind. But the blonde shook off her dirty idea when he walked up to her. “I hope I’m not interrupting your training.”
“Nah, perfect timing actually. Was gonna do one more thing then take a break. It’s great to see you, Mar. You look great--like a movie star.” Still in the Super Saiyan 2 state, Goten went over to his girlfriend and kissed her forehead.  “I’d hug you right now, but I’m all gross and sweaty from training.” 
Marron giggled, and ran her freshly manicured fingers through her hair. “There’d be plenty of time for that later~!” She winked at him and he grinned.  But when she noticed he was alone, she was a little confused. Not too long ago, she sensed another ki with Goten, who she assumed was his dad. “Oh! Where’s Goku? I thought he’d be with you.”
“Dad? He’s out doing some solo training somewhere in the wilderness. We sparred earlier, but said we should train separately for a little bit. So he got me this heavy training gear. I’ve been out here pretty much all day. After today though, I’m all done training until the Tournament. My dad recommended that I should rest my muscles a bit beforehand so I don’t mess myself up for the fights. I’m free tomorrow, so let’s go somewhere!”
Marron clasped her hands together happily. “Oh, that sounds amazing!”
“Then it’s a date.”
But for now, he had to get back to work. He removed the weights from his wrists and ankles, placing them back in their box. With a click of the button on the side, the box returned to its capsule form. 
Sighing with relief, Goten stretched his arms and legs as Marron watched. He punched the air a few times, satisfied with the result. She loved watching him. Not just because she generally preferred watching fights over fighting herself, the blonde genuinely loved watching her Goten grow and get stronger. She was so happy for him. 
Next, he moved to doing ten thousand push-ups wearing a fifty ton turtle shell on his back, courtesy of Master Roshi. It was a bit of a struggle getting it on, but he managed. Marron sat on top of the shell, her long legs dangling off to the side. She almost wanted to mess with him, but didn’t want her Goten to get distracted when he looked so serious.. So instead she just gave him support. It was getting warmer out, but the mountain breeze made the humidity doable. She didn’t care if her hair got frizzy. 
“Ok, here goes!!”
Fifty tons on your back was heavier than he thought. Harder than the previous exercise, if he was being honest. But transforming into Super Saiyan 2 made it much more doable. In his training, Goten had discovered a form, not quite Super Saiyan 3, but something beyond Super Saiyan 2. However that form was for another day. He wanted to perfect the second level as much as possible.
He started off strong, but about halfway through he really started to feel the strain. But this was normal for him. Unfortunately,  it didn’t get any easier from then on. Normally, it was child’s play. But coupled with wearing a heavy turtle shell on his back, it was no easy task. Still, Goten thought it was fun. 
He counted off the numbers, quickly approaching his goal of ten-thousand. 
“Hey~~” Marron hummed, cutely twirling a strand of hair in between her thumb and index finger. “You’re doing an awesome job! When you finish, I’ll give you a present~”
Goten grinned. “What kind?”
“You’ll just have to see~” She said, giggling. 
“Easy for you to say, you’re just sitting up there looking all hot in that little outfit!” Goten joked as he continued his workout. Marron gasped slightly and touched her blushing cheeks at the compliment. He was too sweet. Always knew how to make her blush. 
The minutes rolled by. Marron happily timed him. And soon he was in the final stretch. 
“9,998…” He grunted, his arms felt like jelly. “9,999…. 10,000!! Aaaand, done!” Goten cried out and practically collapsed onto the grass, drenched in sweat. In between his heavy breaths, he laughed slightly. He could feel he was progressing. A little more each day. He recalled what Trunks and his father told him, which only fueled his refound drive further. 
“You beat your record! Congrats, sweetheart!” Goten winced, almost losing his balance, and it weren’t for Marron helping him up, he very well might have. With a grunt, Goten dropped the ten ton turtle shell, cracking the ground around it upon impact. She happily pecked him on the cheek for a job well done.
He dropped back to base form--his hair and eyes now their original black color. “I’m exhausted…” He grabbed a fruit from a nearby tree and ate it whole. And then loudly burped. Goten sheepishly smiled. “That hit the spot…”
Marron giggled, walking up to him with her hands behind her back. “Well, I’m a woman of my word. Time for your surprise. Okay~ Close your eyes.”
“Why should I? You might play a trick on me.” 
Marron pouted. “Rude. I’d never do that!” Her voice came out squeakier than she intended but it just made him smile bigger. He thought her voice was adorable.
“There. They’re closed.” Goten said, still grinning. He liked to playfully push her buttons; her cute pouting face made it  worth it. “Now can I have a hint?” He sniffed the air, trying to guess. “Is it a snack?”
“No peeking. Or else.” Marron said in a demanding voice, but it still  just came off as cute. 
Marron leaned up, and cupped Goten’s cheeks in her hands. Before he could respond, the blonde gently kissed him on the lips. It was only for a moment, but they were both smiling when she pulled back.
“Pretty great surprise.”
“You’re welcome.” She purred and they kissed again, deeper this time.
After breaking apart that time, she held his hand in hers as they walked along the riverbank, which led to a large lake with multiple branching paths. The same lake where he taught her how to fly. Marron smiled at the memory.
“I’m dying out here!” He took a whiff of his black muscle shirt and grimaced. “Ew. And I smell like crap too. I'm gonna take a swim and cool off. Wanna join me?” 
“I would, but I don’t have my bathing suit with me.”
“So I’m not getting down to my underwear!” Marron huffed. 
“It’s not like I haven’t seen you in your underwear before. Besides, nobody else is around. We’re all alone out here.”
“T-T-This is different! Idiot Goten!” Marron’s entire face turned a bright crimson-red from ear to ear at the implication. The blonde definitely didn’t mind if one thing led to another and passion got the best of them right there on the grass, but… but what if they got caught??! She’d probably die of embarrassment if that happened.
Goten only kept his smile; he could tell her imagination was running wild again. He threw off his clothes and laid them on the grass nearby. threw them in a pile nearby. He’d wash them later. Now down to just his boxers, he jumped high into the air and did a cannonball into the lake causing a big splash. He emerged a moment later, spitting water out of his mouth. He swam on his back, just relaxing. The cold temperature instantly made him feel refreshed. It was like he could feel his sore muscles being healed.
Marron dipped her feet into the water.. She closed her eyes and exhaled happily. Life didn’t get much better than this. She sighed blissfully and closed her eyes.  “Hey~ Where should we go tomorrow? The waterpark? Aquarium?” 
No response.
“Goten?” She opened them again to see that he was gone. Cracking a smile, Marron tried to listen for where he could be. “...Come on out, you dork.”
Something touched her foot and she yelped. 
“Goten!!” Marron said again, the panic in her voice growing and she pulled her feet out of the water.  She looked around, still nothing. She pouted. He was playing with her. Well she’ll show him. She had her own ways of playing with him. 
Just then, the teenaged Saiyan poked his head out from underwater and splashed the blonde right in the face. 
“Got ya!” He snickered.
She really didn’t have plans on going in the water. 
Until of course, he just declared war. 
“Oh, that’s it. It is so on.” 
“Bring it, Blondie.”  Goten deviously smiled back as he disappeared underwater, preparing for his next attack.
Marron smirked and dove right in after him.  
She’d made him pay for that. 
Four more days rolled by. 
This was it. 
The 28th ‘Strongest Under the Heavens’ World Martial Arts Tournament had finally arrived. 
Skilled fighters who wanted to test their abilities  against the best of the best. Devoted fans who wanted to see one of the world’s biggest events from across the planet. All flocked to Papaya Island. It was the most anticipated event on the planet. Even those who didn’t attend planned to have their eyes glued to the television and radio for this year’s competition. 
Krillin, 18, and Marron were the first of the group to arrive. The family of three stepped out of their red capsule jet and then returned it to their capsule. Roshi and Oolong were next. Marron happily greeted the old man with a hug, Master Roshi was practically her grandfather: always kind to her and gave her wise advice whenever she needed it. If Marron ever got into an argument with her parents, Roshi’s island was always her first stop. 
A blue aircar landed nearby, and out jumped Yamcha, wearing a yellow suit and his black hair tied back into a ponytail. Puar sat on his shoulder “Hey man! Good to see ya!” He greeted his old friend and then waved to 18 and Marron, his goddaughter. It felt like yesterday he was babysitting and telling her stories as a toddler , and now she was a beautiful young woman. Time really flies. 
“Yamcha! How are ya, man? You here to enter?” Krillin asked. 
Yamcha shook his head. “Me? No way. With all those Saiyans, and mostly likely Piccolo too, I’d just embarrass myself. I’m just gonna watch.”
“I’d think you’d do great, Uncle Yamcha!!” Marron exclaimed, coming to his defense. 
Yamcha smiled at her. “Never change, Marron.” The blonde giggled in reply. 
“By the way, have you seen Tien?” The former monk asked. 
Yamcha shook his head. “I mentioned the Tournament to him when I went to visit last month, but haven’t heard much since. Knowing Tien though, he’ll be here.”
18 looked around,  honestly unconcerned with what they were talking about. 
She could tell Marron was preoccupied too. The teen kept fixing  her hair in her pocket mirror, wanting it to be perfect. 
18 smiled. “Teenagers.” She fondly remembered those times when she was that age, just her and her twin brother against the whole world. “Are you here or not, 17? You better not have bailed.”
“Goku said he’d meet us at the main gate. No use idling around here.” 
“Let’s get movin’ then!”
The Son family arrived at the southwestern side of the island. The family of seven, consisting of Goku, Chi-Chi, Gohan, Goten, Videl and the Ox King all made their way towards the registration tables to meet up with their friends and sign up. 
Goten felt nostalgic as he walked with his hands behind his head, wearing his new gi. This was the place he finally met his dad for the first time. Changed his life for the better. 
Pan clung to her grandfather’s pant leg, in awe of her surroundings. Everything looked so much fun!. Gohan and Videl prepped the toddler for today's fights the previous night. They were admittedly a little worried, but knew Pan could handle herself. And there were so many of their friends and family around--Gohan himself included-- that in the slim possibility of something going wrong, they’d intervene in an instant. 
“This place is really buzzing! Far cry from when I entered way back when.” Chi-Chi said.
“It doesn’t even feel like a Tournament anymore.” Videl added. “It’s like a festival! Even more so than last time.”
Pan tugged on Goku’s pant leg. “Hey Grandpa! Grandpa! Let’s go play!” The toddler said and  ran off into the crowd.
“Be back later guys!” Goku called and ran off. 
“Don’t go too far, Dad! You’ll miss registration!!” Gohan called. Goku gave his older son a thumbs up and disappeared into the crowd after his young granddaughter. 
“Two peas in a pod, those two.” Chi-Chi sighed.
“They’ll be alright, Mom.” Gohan said. “Dad’s great with Pan, He won’t lose track of time.”
Pan and Goku went on a ‘carnival adventure', as Pan described it. Well, it felt like one to her at least. She got to try all types of good food, fed the birds, met a giant robot bunny, and even won first place at one of the games, winning her a giant teddy that was at least three times  her size!
Meanwhile, a small boat arrived at the docks on the southeastern port of the island. Out stepped a small boy, no older than ten. Frail, almost appearing malnourished. He had dark skin, and black hair styled into a spiky mohawk. The young boy’s clothing was dirty and torn up a bit from his life on his family’s farm. 
“T-Thank you for the ride, sir.” He reached into his pockets and pulled out a small sac. “Please, it’s not much, but please take this zeni for helping me.” He was supposed to use it to buy food, but the boy couldn’t just accept a free ride.
“No, please, put your money away, my boy.” The jolly old boat captain said with a laugh. “You came quite a long way to get here, I couldn’t take the last of your change like that. It’s the least I could do. After all, you’re fighting in the Tournament, correct? You’ll need food to keep yourself strong!”
The young boy’s eyes sparkled a bit, and he smiled for the first time all afternoon. It helped ease his pounding nerves somewhat. 
“Do you by any chance know which way I have to go? It’s my first time in a big city like this, and it’s rather intimidating.” He said, trailing off and looking around behind him at the bustling crowds and stalls that seemed endless. 
“Head straight that way.” The captain replied, pointing behind the boy. “You can’t miss it, it’s the huge building with the multicolored streamers coming out in every direction.”
“Thanks again! I’m in your debt.” The boy bowed his head, clasping his hands over his chest gratefully. 
“Wait, I never caught your name, son!”
“Uub. My name is Uub.” The boy now known as Uub replied meekly. He always felt his name was weird, 
“Well Uub,  good luck in the Tournament.”
Uub  bowed to the captain one last time, and was on his way. 
The captain waved as he watched the boy go, happy he could help. “What a nice lad. I hope he makes it to the top.” He got back into his boat and made a U-turn back to the mainland to pick up the next round of passengers. Hopefully they were as nice as Uub was. 
As Uub made his way through the city, he was shocked how big everything was. Skyscrapers that seemed to go on forever. He felt so tiny in comparison. Uub looked down to the ground, avoiding eye contact with most people. Just keep following the signs, he told himself.
Eventually, Uub reached the Tournament grounds. Bustling crowds lined multiple stalls. Food, games, merchandise, you name it. Uub was in awe. They were practically giving food away! His stomach grumbled just thinking about it. Figuring he should fight on a full stomach, young Uub got in line at the nearest burger stand. He never had one before, as his village was very poor. Uub’s village, a tropical settling to the south of Papaya Island, didn’t have the luxuries of fast food. He hoped to change that. 
While he was in line, a little girl with short black hair wearing a red gi ran by a few yards behind him, happily giggling. Not too long after, a certain man with a signature palm tree hairstyle ran after the girl. When the man passed Uub, he stopped for a moment to stare to really confirm it.
“So it’s really true. He’s here!”
“Grandpa, come on!!” The little girl’s voice could be heard from up ahead. But when Uub turned around, the little girl and whoever she was talking to were already gone. 
Uub paid for his burger with his last two hundred  zeni. He just  stared at it for a moment, his mouth watering. “My first burger… Mom, Dad, everyone, I hope you’re proud of me! I’ll try my best!” 
Uub devoured his burger and got on his way. As he walked, he saw monks directing people where to go. Up ahead he saw a man at a booth with ‘Registration’ written on the front in big bold letters. Uub smiled. He made it. He really made it. Uub timidly approached the table when he saw there wasn’t much of a line. 
“Are you here to register for the Tournament, my boy?” he smiled warmly at the young boy. 
“Y-Yes. M-My name is Uub.” Uub averted his eyes. This was too nerve wracking.
The monk looked him up and down for a moment and then wrote something down on his clipboard. “Uub,” he repeated, “okay, you’re all registered. Please follow the path behind me to the courtyard. There you will draw a number.. The preliminary test will begin in about a half hour.”
“Thank you, sir.” Uub nodded and continued on his way. It was becoming real for him now. He gulped. This was it. No going back now.
Goku returned with Pan, lugging along her prize from earlier. He found the rest of his family idling around the foot court about an hour later. Still plenty of time to register. 
“Mama! Papa! Look! I won at the hammer game! I rang the bell and then it exploded!! The nice man gave me Mister Bear!” Pan cried happily, jumping up and down. Videl and Gohan looked at each other and smiled. 
“That’s amazing, Panny!” Videl said. “I’ll take your bear for you so he doesn’t get lost, okay?” 
Pan happily nodded her agreement and then ran back over to Goku. “Grandpa are we really at the Toonament?”
“Sure are, kiddo! You still wanna fight, right?”
Goku’s ki sense picked up on someone familiar approaching. He turned around and saw the Briefs family: Vegeta, Bulma, Trunks, and little Bulla.
Bulla and Pan ran over and hugged each other. 
Trunks nodded to Goten. The lavender haired teen wore sweatpants and a black muscle shirt with ‘Capsule’ written on the front in big white letters.. For a moment the two teens stared each other down, electricity sparking between them. Their friendly rivalry was reaching its peak, both believing they’d face the other in the final round. 
Chi-Chi pinched Goten’s ear while Bulma clonked Trunks on the head.
“Be nice, Goten!”
“Yeah, don’t be a hotshot! We already have enough of those with your father around!”
Chi-Chi and Bulma playfully scolded their respective sons. Even when they were practically adults, Goten and Trunks were still easily defeated by their mothers, just like when they were small. 
“You’re entering too, Vegeta?” Goku asked his former rival, now close friend.
Vegeta smirked. “For once, Kakarot, I’m fighting just for the fun of it.”
“Plus, he’s been gettin a little tummy lately!” Bulma poked her husband’s chest causing him to blush and storm off with a scowl. Trunks sighed in exasperation while Goku and Bulma grinned.
Bulla trotted after Vegeta. “Daddy, why do you call Mister Goku a carrot?”
Vegeta knelt down and patted his daughter on the head. “I’ll explain it later, Princess.”
“I almost forgot!” Chi-Chi exclaimed. “Before anything happens, boys, are you gonna ban Super Saiyan this time around too?”
Everyone glanced to Goten and Trunks. The two most likely culprits to break the rule anyway. 
Goten put his hands up in defense. “Hey, don’t look at me! It was an accident last time!” 
“Yeah, besides, we should give those sheep out there a show! Something they’ll never forget.” Trunks added. 
“That’s that then. Anything goes.” Goku said and Vegeta smirked in affirmation. The boys high-fived each other, and with that, once the group finished their little pit stop they were on their way.
The two families went as one big group and together they reached their meetup spot and linked up with Krillin and the others. Even Piccolo and Dende showed up, but they were off to the side, not liking the attention and looks from the crowd.. Piccolo had decided to enter rather last minute, upon the request of little Pan. He couldn’t say no to her, no matter how hard he tried.
“There they are!” Krillin pointed at them, about ten yards away. Goku waved from afar.  
When Marron saw Goten, standing clad in his brand new orange and black gi, the blonde practically flung herself at the young half Saiyan. He happily caught her and spun her around, and they shared a quick smooch. 
“I’m so glad you came, Mar.” She looked gorgeous with that pretty red dress of hers. She was his cheerleader. His number one fan and reason for going on. With her in his corner, he felt like he was the strongest guy in the universe. 
“Of course, sweetheart! You’d think I’d ever miss my boyfriend becoming World Champion? She winked at him. She started fussing over his gi, adjusting it so he looked neat. He looked so handsome, she thought. “I’ll be cheering for you~”
“Can I have one more good luck kiss?” Goten said in a low tone, so nobody heard him but her. His  strong yet gentle arms wrapped around her waist. She smelled really good. 
“I’d be happy to.” Marron replied with a sultry grin.. She flipped her hair behind her back, draped her arms around Goten’s neck.
Just before their lips touched again though, Goten was yanked backward. Marron pouted at the culprit. 
“Come on, lover boy. You two can be gross and suck face all you want later, unless you want to watch the Tournament from the stands. As a spectator.” Trunks grumbled as he dragged Goten away over to the registration stands. 
Marron only giggled and blew her boyfriend a kiss. “Byyye! Good luck! I love you!”
Goten waved back with both hands as he got dragged away, mouthing ‘I love you too’ and Marron just about melted. 
The two teenaged Saiyans went to sign up while Marron went with Chi-Chi and her mother to find a seat. Krillin stayed around to chat with Goku and Yamcha, catching up and reminiscing about the previous times they were all here. 
From deep in the crowd, a blonde woman with a big red ribbon spotted that signature hairstyle. That was unmistakable, even with his back to her. After all these years she could spot him from a mile away. Luckily, she kept her firearms at home. Well, most of them. She had no plans on using them. Unless they needed a crowd clearer. Maybe. 
“I knew he’d be here.” She said to the taller man, her husband, beside her.
“Yes. It’s been too long.” The bald man said. He turned to the smaller man on his shoulder and smiled. “Figures we’d reunite here, right Chiaotzu?”
Chiaotzu nodded. “I’ll be fighting as well.”
And like that, the blonde ran off ahead in the direction of their old friends. She ran right up to Goku and playfully slapped him on the back. “Long time no see, boys!”
“Hey, what’s the-- L-Launch?!! Is that you?!” Goku’s irritation immediately turned to joy at the sight of his lifelong friend. All three of the former Turtle School fighters greeted Launch happily. 
“Wait, if you’re here, that must mean…” Krillin started to say, and then the duo in question appeared. Tien and Chiaotzu. 
It didn’t need to be said, but both Tien and Chiaotzu had gotten stronger. Much stronger. Goku couldn’t wait to see their new abilities. 
“My apologies for the surprise.” Tien said with his usual serious expression. Launch stuck her tongue out and  blew raspberries at him. Chiaotzu laughed at that. “It’s good to see you all again.”
Yamcha  patted Tien on the shoulder with a grin. “Come on, man, we’re your pals. No need to be so serious!”
“So how’s married life treatin’ ya?” Krillin smirked jokingly.
“Great! Right Tien?” Launch poked Tien in the chest. 
“Um, y-yes.” Tien blushed. The Turtle trio all exchanged similar grins. He still wasn’t the best at expressing his emotions in public, especially when teased, but they also knew him too well. 
“This one is a big worrywort. Especially now.” Launch patted her stomach. She was pregnant with her first child. Eight weeks. Admittedly it was a little trippy to find out, after her blue self was the first to learn the news, but her blonde self was equally as happy. Her life on the farm in the western mountains--a life without crime-- was much better than she had imagined. 
Each of the Turtle School trio and Master Roshi sported similar elated grins, as they hugged Launch and gave their congratulations to the future parents. Their little gang would soon have one more member.
A voice came over the sound system. “Last call for registration! I repeat, last call for registration. Please come to the registration desk! Registration will be closing in three minutes!”
“Well, that’s my cue!” Goku said and went to sign up along with Tien and Chiaotzu. The three fighters signed up at the very end, in their typical fashion. The three fighters waved and parted ways with Yamcha, Roshi, Krillin, and Launch, who went to join the others. 
“Just wait till everyone sees you! This’ll be a great surprise!” Yamcha exclaimed. Just like old times. 
The last remaining fighters signed up, and registration came to a close. 
In a private room of the main building, a middle aged man with blond hair adjusted his tie in the mirror. He wore an impeccable suit, ready for another year at the best job in the world. 
He peered out the window at the crowd of participants gathering in the fighters courtyard while thousands of  guests filed into their seats of the main stadium. The man cleared his throat, smiling. Announcing and commentating the World Martial Arts Tournament  was second nature to him now. 
Tournaments past were some of the most exhilarating moments of his life. 
And only one thought echoed through his mind.
“They’ll be here this time. I just know it.”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Chapter 2; Avengers Assemble
*Author’s note*
Like I promised, more chapters still to come. Here we are with chapter 2 ya’ll so I hope all of you are ready to buckle up and prepare yourself for the upcoming rollercoaster ride I’m about to put you guys through, this is just the start of the rising action (speaking as an English major here lol) Now I just have a specific request for all of you, I have linked a video to listen to as a scene is playing, can you all please listen to that song, it will definitely put you all in the scene, thank you all so much. Enjoy this next installment chap.
I felt a stroke of my head and when I opened my wolf eyes I saw Wanda kneeling beside me.  My tail wagged softly, and I licked her cheek and she said to me.
“We’re here”. I stood up and looked out the window and saw a place that I had not seen in over 2 years.
The Avengers facility.
It had gotten some upgrades since I was here, but it was still my old home after the whole Ultron fiasco.  I phased into my human form and said out loud.
“God in a way I’ve missed this place, this was my first real home in so long”.
“Mine too Wolfie, mine too” she said as she stood beside me.
“Come on you two, we’re heading in” said Nat as she peeked up at us from the bottom of the ramp.  Wanda and I walked down and that’s when Sam piped in.
“And sleeping beauty awakes”.
“Shut up Birdbrain, I’ve been planning a wedding for the past several weeks and barely had any sleep doing it. When it comes time for you to find yourself a girl and tie the knot, I’ll be saying the same thing to you”. I said as I punched Sam in the arm with my metal arm making him cry out in pain.
“Alright you two, calm down. We’re heading in and we may not be the best people to see right about now” said Steve.  We all then walked inside and walked towards the conference wing to see Rhodey on virtual comm-link with the man that started all this bullshit between the Avengers, Secretary Ross.
I walked between Steve and Natasha as we all piled in and Steve said.
“Mr. Secretary”.
‘You’ve got some nerve, I’ll give you that’ Secretary Ross stated as his hologram walked up towards us.
“You could use some of that right now”. His attention then turned towards me and he said.
‘And you—you’re still alive?’
“Surprise bitch. Throw me to the wolves and I’ll come back leading the pack” I stated smugly with a grin but also showing him my wolf eyes telling him that I was done playing by his rules.  If he hadn’t come in with his fancy suit and law-making small talk, telling us we were a danger to the world, maybe all of this could have been prevented before it even started.
‘The world’s on fire, and you think all is forgiven?’ Ross said as he walked up and stared down Steve.
“I’m not looking for forgiveness, and I’m way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we’re here to fight”. He then walked right up to Ross and finished, “And if you wanna stand in our way….we’ll fight you too”. Ross then turned to Rhodes and said plain and bluntly.
‘Arrest them’.
“All over it”. He then swiped Ross away and soon the table of pointless diplomats and generals disappeared from our sights as the computer beeped.  “That’s a court-martial” he said.  But in the end, he shrugged it off and said as he held out his hand, “It’s great to see you, Cap”.
Steve walked down to Rhodes and the two of them shook hands as Steve said.
“You too, Rhodey”. Nat soon joined in and the two of them hugged each other and soon Rhodey’s attention came onto me.
“And look at you She-wolf, nice suit”. I smiled at him and walked down the steps and hugged the man I looked to as an uncle.
“Ohh Rhodey I missed you, how are your legs?”
“Ahh you know, at least it was just my legs and not my life. But Stark took care of it with these,” I soon took notice of the devices connected to Rhodey’s legs and that’s when he noticed my arm. “What happened there? That didn’t happen in Siberia did it?”
“No, no. Well long story short Klaue blew it up with his sonic canon arm as I was trying to save some boys, then my mother killed him in vengeance. Was depressed for weeks until finally I decided what the hell give me a metal arm like my brother Bucky”.
“Klaue did that to you?” asked Steve.
“Yep, but like I said he’s dead and been dead for 2 years now thanks to my mother”.
“Your mother? Wait I thought your parents died when Hydra invaded your village?” asked Sam.
“Not my birth mom, there’s this woman whose an old friend of T’Challa’s, she trained me, taught me some mystic arts, helped Bucky with his trigger words and long story short I call her my mom since she became like a mother figure for me while I was in Wakanda. You may have heard of the Jaguar, that’s her”.
“Wait that name rings a bell, yeah in South America the Jaguar once stopped an illegal trade of Hydra intel and experiments, that was her?” said Nat.
“Yep, that’s my mommy”. After that exchange of stories, Rhodey then piped up as he got a look at Sam, Wanda and Vision.
“Wow, you guys…..really look like crap. Must’ve been a rough couple of years”.
“Yeah, well the hotels weren’t exactly five star” teased Sam.
“Uh, I think you look great”. We all turned around and soon coming out of a room was Bruce Banner.
Wow, I had not seen this guy ever since Sokovia, he had disappeared supposedly when he tossed Ultron out of the quinjet and then we never heard from him since, but now here he was alive and well.
“Uhh—Yeah I’m….I’m back” he stammered softly.  With one sniff of the air, I could smell the awkwardness as Nat stated at him and she said softly.
“Hi Bruce”.
“Nat” he nodded softly at her.  Silence rang through the air and that’s when I heard Sam whisper.
“This is awkward”.
“You’re telling me, you should sniff the air” I muttered back to him.
We now stood in the conference room with an image of the two aliens we had just fought.  Bruce had explained to us exactly just who these guys were and who we were going to go up against, a mad Titan named Thanos who wanted to destroy half the galaxy once he got all six Infinity stones.
Bruce said that he had already killed half of Thor’s people just shortly after them escaping Asgard from some war with his sister and he didn’t know whether Thor and Loki were still alive or not.
“So, we gotta assume they’re coming back, right?” asked Rhodey.
“And they can clearly find us” stated Wanda.
“We need all hands on deck, where’s Clint?” asked Bruce.
“After the whole accord situation, he and Scott took a deal. It was too tough on their families. They’re on house arrest” explained Nat.
“Who’s Scott?” asked Bruce.
“Ant-Man” answered Steve.
“There’s an Ant-man and a Spider-man?” I rolled my eyes remembering that little punk kid from the airport. He seemed charming but due to us being on opposing teams, I couldn’t really like him. Plus, he was a showoff. “Okay look, Thanos has the biggest army in the universe…and he is not gonna stop until he gets—Vision’s stone”.
“Then we have to protect it” I said.
“No, we have to destroy it” Vision spoke up as he was leaning against the back door.  We all turned to him and he continued, “I’ve been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head about its nature. But also, its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source…something very similar to its own signature, perhaps….its molecular integrity could fail” Vision now stood in front of my sister.
“Yeah and you with it. We’re not having this conversation” Wanda stated firmly.
“Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain Thanos can’t get it” Vision tried to reason with her.
“That’s too high a price” my sister said.  Vision cupped her head gingerly and he said as he stared into her eyes.
“Only you have the power to pay it”.  Wanda looked at him before walking away and not looking back on him as she stood beside me.  I took her hand in mine and squeezed it comfortingly as Vision continued, “Thanos threatens half the universe, one life cannot stand in the way of defeating him”.
“But it should,” said Steve. “We don’t trade lives, Vision”.
“Captain, 70 years ago, you laid down your life to save how many millions of people? Tell me, why is this any different?”
“Because you might have a choice” stated Bruce. He walked up to Steve and Vision and said to Vision, “Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me, the stone. All of them mixed together, all of them learning from one another”.
“You’re saying Vision isn’t just the stone?” asked Wanda.
“I’m saying that if we take out the stone, there’s still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts” explained Bruce as he turned toward my sister.
“Can we do that?” asked Nat.
“Not me, not here” said Bruce.
“Well you better find someone and somewhere fast. Ross isn’t just gonna let you guys have your old rooms back” said Rhodey.
I looked down at my metal arm as well as my suit and turned toward Steve who was already looking at me.  I grinned at him and it was then Steve spoke up.
“(Y/n) and I know somewhere”. I smirked softly, and I hopped off the table and said.
“I’ll make the call”. I then walked out of the conference room and walked down the familiar hallways towards my room to get something I knew no one would think of importance.
My essence.
Play video
I picked up as many as I could and then quickly raced outside.  I set the four large essence sticks representing a compass before closing the gaps with stones that I could find.  The rest of the team came out and Bruce said.
“Wouldn’t it be easier to just give them a call?”
“Spiritual communication is the faster way to reach the one person I know who can get to T’Challa”.
“Your mother?” asked Wanda. I nodded then I said.
“Now I need you all to step back and try not to disrupt my concentration, what you are about to see will be—intense”.  I then raised my hands up in the air and chanted out in Cherokee.
Graceful winds of the spirit world,
I beseech thee, hear my howls.
I slowly lowered my hands and made a few more hand motions.
The Wolf Messenger seeks to you.
Carry her message with your might.
Carry my message in your spirit arms.
Send my soul to the one I seek.
I picked up my hand which held some dust and soil at the palm of it and I slowly blew on it, sending it into the wind. Around us, the wind slowly began to pick up and suddenly a light began to shine within me and my eyes went pure gold.
I let out an exhale and soon coming out of my was an aurora that almost resembled the Northern Lights and soon it began to take shape in the air until it formed a beautiful blue and purple wolf with stars for eyes.
*3rd Person POV*
The Avengers stared in pure awe at what was happening before them.  Once the wolf took full shape and stood just as tall as (y/n)’s wolf form was, Wanda spoke up.
“(Y/n)? Is that you?” The wolf nodded once before letting out a proud howl and soon shot up like a beam of light before shooting across the sky.
Out in space through the night sky, (y/n)’s spirit ran through the sky, trailing and creating the Northern Lights as she raced across the sky towards Africa.  Even in the daytime, the Northern lights shined proudly just as they would if it had been nightfall.  She continued to race through the skies with great speed until finally she reached just where she needed to be.
In the palace, Okoye and Morowa were discussing the plans for the upcoming war that was to come when Morowa felt a strong, magical presence heading her way.
“What is it?” asked Okoye.
“Don’t worry nothing bad” answered Morowa.  She then saw the Northern lights suddenly appear in the sky and that’s when a voice cried out to her.
‘Mother. Mother’. She turned around and there standing just a few feet away from her was a giant spirit wolf.  Her spiritual tail gently waving almost like wind was blowing against it and the fur around her neck was doing the same thing.  Okoye suddenly went on the defense holding her spear outward when the wolf spoke again, ‘For someone who always prays to the ancestors, you’d think you’d know magic when you see it Okoye’.
“(Y/n)?” she asked.  The wolf nodded before turning back towards her mother.
“What’s wrong (y/n)?” asked Morowa.
‘Nothing in particular, I just need to ask T’Challa and Shuri something, where are they?’
“I will get them” stated Okoye before leaving the room.  The two waited for a moment when she finally came back with the King and Princess of Wakanda.
“What is it (y/n)?” asked T’Challa.
‘Well for one thing I have to ask this, what army are we looking at so far to fight this war?’
“The King’s guard and the Dora Milaje have been alerted. Those that are left of the Border tribe, the Jabari and of course the chimeras” stated T’Challa.
‘Good, now remember how I told you about the stone and Vision?’ she said. They all nodded. ‘Well we’ve come to the decision to try and remove the stone from Vision, but we can’t do that in New York. Shuri do you think you can do it?’
“Hand over the droid that I seek, and I’ll see what I can do” she stated.
‘Good. And of course, since we’re technically made of up wanted criminals I will need the King’s permission to enter Wakanda’.
“You and your friends may enter; how soon can you get here?”
‘We’ll leave immediately as soon as I get back to my body’ (y/n) said.  Suddenly a bright light shone in the room and (y/n)’s wolf spirit disappeared and was immediately back in her physical body.
*My POV*
My astral wolf form soon entered back into my body and I let out a wide gasp before panting softly.  Steve came up beside me with a hand to my shoulder and I waved him off telling him I was fine.
“I’m fine, I just never get used to the reentry”. He helped me stand up and I said. “Fire up the quinjet, we’re going to Wakanda”.
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call-me-rei · 3 years
Chapter 33
“So gone to the point I can’t believe this was all from a kiss.”
I was on cloud nine for an entire week. My stressed out, anxious, overthinking brain was finally calmed and not making up different scenarios that would cause panic attacks. For the first time since we moved, I was truly happy.
And I had Vic Fuentes to thank.
As cheesy as it sounded, Vic was the reason I had a stupid smile on my face. After our talk the week before he’d made such an effort to be more open with me. We spent a couple nights texting about how we felt about each other. Some of those texts may have been suggestive, but we hadn’t gone further than texting.
We mostly texted about Vic coming out. He wanted to be able to call me his boyfriend eventually, but he knew he couldn’t do it if he was still in the closet. I told him he needed to take his time and only tell people he knew he could trust and rely on to keep it quiet until he was ready to tell everyone he needed to. I was glad he was talking to me about something so personal. I knew how hard it was to tell anyone that you weren’t who they thought you were, and I was happy to support him any way I could.
My stupid smile lasted through choir and afterwards when Mr. Urie let us out a few minutes early. I was glad to finally be able to text Vic back since second period. Using your phone during choir was frowned upon, not that it was very possible anyway. There were only chairs in that room so there was nowhere to hide anything.
I walked down the fine arts wing and into the main hallway. I decided against standing in front of Vic’s physics class for fear that I’d look too desperate. Instead I went to my locker and stood against the metal door. I had some time to kill before the bell, so I texted my group chat to let them know I was out of class and wanted to go off-campus for lunch.
It was the Friday before winter break, and we had all talked about doing something before we went our separate ways for Christmas and New Year’s. I figured that lunch off campus would be the perfect thing. What I didn’t account for was the fact that my friends were so indecisive and couldn’t agree on anything if you asked them to. If you told them where they were going, they wouldn’t complain, but give them the chance to choose and you’d be spammed with hundreds of argumentative messages, kind of like I was at that moment.
I chuckled to myself as I read the messages between Lynn, Tyler, Sav, and Tori. It was the epic argument of tacos or burgers. Sav and Tori wanted a vegan option, and since vegan burgers places were closer to the school than vegan tacos, they campaigned for that. Obviously Lynn and Tyler wanted tacos while I was there just enjoying the show.
YOU CAN’T JUST ASK THIS QUESTION THEN GO GHOST YOU COWARD! Lynn angrily texted at me when I stopped replying to their messages.
Lol I don’t care where we go. Just pick before lunch ends, I replied.
I laughed to myself and switched messages to Vic. They would figure it out eventually, and as fun as it was to witness, I wanted to talk to the person who sent the butterflies in my stomach into flight. I sent him a text asking if he wanted to come to lunch with me. I even invited Mike, Jaime, and Tony in case he would feel out of place with my friends. I wasn’t sure what his response was though because someone caught my attention.
“Quinn!” I looked up from my phone and immediately rolled my eyes. Of course, when I thought I was having a good day I’d see him.
Jacob approached me, his footsteps sounding through the quiet hallway/ “And here I thought I’d have to wait until after school to get you alone,” he spoke as he walked up.
I had looked back down at my phone by the time he was standing in front of me. “What do you want?” I asked uninterested.
“To finish what we started last week.” I looked up at him as I put my phone back in my pocket. I didn’t intend on entertaining this jerk, but he for sure wanted to intimidate me. I just couldn’t give him that satisfaction.
“Oh yeah?” I pushed myself away from the locker and squared up to him. “I’d love to if it’ll shut you up.”
He smirked then snapped his fingers. Two of his friends seemed to appear out of nowhere. They stood in front of me, surrounding me with my locker behind me. I looked between all three of them as I sized up the newcomers. They were both as buff as Jacob was; they were probably also football players. They had broad shoulders and you could see their biceps flex as they cracked their knuckles.
“Isn’t it kinda sad that you come when he snaps? Like c’mon, be your own person.”
All three of them scowled, staring daggers at me. The one on my left ran his fist into the locker by my head. I couldn’t help but flinch.
“Oh man, this is gonna be great,” the other one of Jacob’s goons said. “Fuentes isn’t here to stop us so let’s have some fun.”
I gulped. I wouldn’t have been so afraid if I wasn’t in a cast and still had fresh stitches in my head. I didn’t want to die at school, but those guys looked like they wanted to kill me.
“Not so cocky now, huh?” Jacob asked with a smirk. He took a couple steps closer until he was six inches away from my face. “I’m gonna enjoy this.” In one swift movement he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and lifted me up; my back slid along the metal locker and my shirt choked me. I gasped as I tried to get some air into my lungs.
My vision started getting hazy all too quickly. That all too familiar feeling of passing out invaded my consciousness and threatened to take over. I didn’t want to accept it. Out of all the instances I’d had with death, I didn’t expect to get that close to it at my high school because of a guy I’d known about for a week.
Jacob’s grip tightened when he noticed I was starting to struggle less. My vision went darker and my breaths became more shallow. My final thought was a prayer that another student, a teacher, the SRO, hell even the principal, would come and stop this.
“Put him down,” a voice growled from the distance. Jacob’s grip loosened giving me the chance to take in a few grateful breaths. When I was able to gain focus, I saw my three assailants look to their right then look at each other. I looked in that direction as well. Relief rushed through me when I saw Vic standing at the end of the hall with his arms crossed over his chest and a pissed off look on his face.
“Fuentes, hey…,” Jacob said shakingly.
“Put. Him. Down,” Vic enunciated angrily. Jacob’s lackies looked at him with pleading eyes before Jacob sighed and dropped me. Luckily, I wasn’t too far off the ground so I landed on my butt. I groaned from the impact but breathed a sigh of relief.
“I have a bone to pick with him though, and you,” Jacob growled.
Vic shook his head as he walked closer to us. “You really wanna try that shit? You remember what happened last time?” One of Jacob’s friends snickered which made Jacob stare daggers at him.
“Get lost,” Vic continued once he was in front of the three. “And if I find out that you’ve bothered him again, I’ll deal with you personally. And I know you don’t want me to do that again.”
Jacob grimaced at me then at Vic but left without another word. His two friends followed suit.
I slumped against the lockers and closed my eyes. I was glad that Jacob was gone, but I was happier that Vic was the reason he left. I opened my eyes and looked at my hero who was staring down the hallway. Curious, I looked in that same direction. Jacob and his friends had just walked that way but there was no one there at that moment.
“What are you looking at?” I asked. Vic didn’t respond, he didn’t even look at me. He stayed stoic for a minute before he joined me on the floor.
“Sorry, I was just making sure they were gone.” I would have questioned it, but I trusted Vic’s weird sixth sense.
He turned to me with his winning smile, the same smile that had been flashing through my mind and consuming my thoughts for days.
"What’s up, KQ?" he asked, his smile never faltering.
“Not much, VF.” We both paused and stared at each other in confusion. I scrunched up my face. “Ew, nope. Hated it as soon as it left my mouth.”
Vic almost doubled over in laughter while I pouted. “Aw, what’s wrong?” he asked when he calmed down and had noticed my expression.
“You have all these cute nicknames for me: Kells, Quinn, KQ. I have nothing for you.”
He looked confused. “You’re upset because you wanna give me a nickname?”
“No,” I said still with a pout, “I’m upset because I haven’t given you a nickname yet. I wanna even the playing field.”
“But Vic is my nickname.” I rolled my eyes. He wasn’t getting it.
“Oh, you mean the name that I and everyone else already calls you? Yeah, no. I need something more original.”
He leaned his back against the lockers and looked into my eyes, his signature sly grin on his lips. “I mean, you can always call me ‘daddy’.”
I rolled my eyes, trying to keep myself from blushing. “Or I could call you ‘pretentious fucker’.”
“As long as you’re calling me, baby.” He reached up and ran his thumb along my jawline. I bit my lip softly, enjoying the feeling of his hand on my skin.
“You know, I really like it when you bite your lip,” he whispered. He was holding eye contact with me as his thumb gently pulled my bottom lip from my teeth. “Makes me wanna do it.”
I blushed. “We’re in the middle of the hallway.”
“Then maybe I should make this quick before someone comes.” He guided my face to his and kissed me softly. My eyes closed and pleasure and desire took over. Just like our first kiss, his lips molded against mine perfectly. They were so soft yet dominating. I knew he wanted to take control, and I’d let him.
But before I could deepen the kiss he pulled away. I pouted but he stood and held his hand out to help me off the ground. I was going to ask why he stopped when the bell rang signaling that it was time for lunch.
Students rushed out of their classrooms and into the hall. I leaned back against the lockers trying to catch my breath and regain composure before anyone noticed. Vic was standing in front of me with a small smirk fighting against his lips.
“You’re a pretentious fucker,” I whispered.
He shrugged and tapped his lips twice before our friends came up to join us.
Vic and his friends agreed to join us for lunch. We settled on getting street tacos on the beach, much to Sav and Tori’s dismay. It didn’t matter too much though; they’d still have to eat.
Vic and I had arrived at the beach before everyone else. He snuck me away while our groups of friends were grasping the fact that we were having lunch together. It wasn’t a new thing, but my friends assumed that since we were going off campus we’d be out of harm’s way. Then I told them about what Jacob had done and convinced them that it would be better if Vic and his friends tagged along. They didn’t argue.
Currently Vic and I were sitting at a table in the picnic area of the beach. Our friends would arrive soon, so we were cherishing our alone time before we had to act like we weren’t dating.
I sat across from Vic just looking at him. He was typing away on his phone and chuckling occasionally at something on his screen. I smiled to myself as I watched the corners of his mouth turn up. He really was cute, and I couldn't believe that he wanted me.
"What are you thinking about?" I snapped out of trance and focused on Vic. He was giving me his cocky grin.
"Nothing," I muttered embarrassed that he'd caught me staring.
"Bullshit. You're thinking about me, aren't you?"
I scoffed. "You wish."
He smirked. “No, I wish that we could finish what we started in the hall.”
I felt the heat rush to my cheeks at the thought of what happened just minutes ago. “It’s so easy to make you blush,” he said with a chuckle. That comment brought my temperature back down.
I rolled my eyes. “Especially when you’re a pretentious fucker.”
“Hey, that wasn’t very nice.”
I smirked in an attempt to mask a giggle that wanted to escape. The look he was giving me didn’t help me hold in my laugh. I bit my lip as I snickered to keep me from doubling over.
“You know, I still wanna bite that lip.” I blinked. Once again, he had said something I wasn’t expecting and it threw me off.
“Really?” I asked.
“What, you don’t think I will? I’ll bite it right now.”
I scoffed. “I’ll believe it when it happens, Victor.”
“Victor?” His face contorted in disgust. The reaction made me giggle.
“Yeah, I think it works,” I said referring to our nickname conversation from earlier. “It’s a strong name.”
He shook his head. “You’re not gonna call me that again.”
“Oh yeah?" I challenged. "Try me.”
“Is that a request because I’ll take you up on that.”
We held each other's gaze so long that anyone passing by or looking at us could feel the sexual tension. I couldn't deny it either; I would've jumped on him if we were alone.
“Oh c’mon, just kiss already,” we heard a voice groan. We turned our heads and saw Mike standing at the table. We hadn’t noticed he had arrived.
Vic blinked a few times in shock. “W-wh-huh?” he stuttered.
I looked between him and his brother. “What are you talking about?” I asked.
“Don’t play dumb. I know. Hell, we know.”
As if on cue Lynn, Tony, Jaime, and Sav joined us. Vic and I looked at them and then at each other.
“You know what?” Vic asked.
“We know,” Jaime emphasized.
I looked at all of them. “You know?”
“Everyone at this table knows,” Mike replied.
Vic looked at me again before he asked, “How?”
“Well for one, you’re not very subtle. I was kinda convinced you guys were fucking this whole time.” I blushed at Mike’s comment.
“And we’re Kellin’s friends. He told us about the date you guys had,” Lynn answered.
“And I’m your fucking brother. I know you almost as well as I know myself. Of course I know you’re into guys.”
“And we’re your best friends,” Jaime added putting his arm around Tony.
“We kept it silent for Kellin. He didn’t want his shit getting out,” Sav chimed in.
“And it’s not our place to tell other people something that you need to admit to yourself. I knew you’d tell us when you were ready. But yeah, we know.”
Vic looked at me one more time after Mike finished talking. The earlier emotions that had flashed across his face when our friends approached the table – fear, embarrassment, and maybe some guilt – were replaced with relief after their little speech.
“Well, I’m ready.” I looked at Vic in shock. He just smiled at me and reached his hand across the table. I smiled back at him and placed my hand in his. “Guys,” he started, “I’m gay and I’m dating Kellin.”
I had to look down at my lap because I couldn’t contain my emotions. Just days ago he was worried about being affectionate in public, and now Vic was coming out to our friends.
He lifted our hands and planted a soft kiss on the back of mine. I looked back up at his face to see the biggest, brightest smile I’d ever seen him wear. I couldn’t help but smile back.
0 notes
moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
What if Gladnis did, the chapstick challenge? (If u don't know what that is there are tons of videos of it on Youtube)
I did have to check it out on YT because I had no idea what it was, and kept mentally picturing the Gladnis and DUDE, YES. (ノ*°▽°*)
I’m in for this!
Gladnis did the chapstick challenge and had a darn good time with it.
Did you know that they did it on a video, too, not just alone?
The video is up on Eostube, as well! It’s got over four million views already, and it’s in Prompto’s channel! That’s right, Prompto’s a vlogger. 
Since he doesn’t talk much with his parents and he has no other friends to share what he does with his friends, but wants so much to talk about it, then why the hell not talk to the camera?
And so he started vlogging! It wasn’t in his intention to grow famous, he only wanted someone to share his experiences and feelings with, and as he had no one in particular, then why not whoever wanted to listen? So of course he tossed all his videos onto Eostube.
He had no thematic at first, since he just shared random stuff and events.
People started liking and suscribing and asking him things, so he started making it much more formal and putting more of editing hours into it, and his suscriptions grew and grew and never stopped!
He films and takes photos of the places he goes and the things he does (without exposing his adress or anything too personal). As the channel grew, he started making some thematics into it: he has Q&A Fridays, ‘Chocobo Hunt’ (he’s just filming places where he spots a chocobo, whether real animal or not), ‘Dead or Alive’ (he goes to taste test to different stalls or restaurants and marks ‘dead’ or ‘alive’ according to whether he liked it or not), and, among some others, he has the space ‘Princefriending - A Common Friend.’
He’s gotten so used to Noctis as his friend that he just filmed the two of them doing things without giving weight or particular highlight that this is the prince, until the people in the comments recognized him. And ofc the Q&A went on and on until Prompto had to open that space just for things regarding his adventures with Noct and company!
At first it was only Noct, but Prom introduced Gladio & Ignis at some point.
Prompto has an adorable video of him ranting and reacting to the news that Gladio and Ignis are a couple (only released on his channel after Gladio and Ignis confirmed it was okay to make it public).
And so, while most of the videos focus on all 4 or Prom and each bro individually or etc., Prom has Gladio’s and Ignis’ Chapstick Challenge on his channel (ages; Prom - 19, Ignis - 21, Gladio - 22).
Coon has a special net that connects to Eostube, so I’m gonna describe it to you:
*www.eostube.lcs**Enter**Typing on Search Box: ‘Promptocobo Gladio and Ignis’**scrolling down**Clicks on thumbnail that shows the caption ‘Chapstick Challenge ROYAL edition!? /open-mouthed emoji/’**slams the heck out of the ‘Skip Ad’ box*
*8-bit Chocobo theme song playing; a toon Prompto dancing in the middle of the yellow, white and blue colored background; there’s a signature in a corner of the fanartist*
P: Hello and welcome to…. PROMPTOCOBO ヽ(・∀・)ノ
P: I am Prompto! And this is another video for… *sounds and visual effects* Princefriending! Or, videos where I rant and show you a commoner’s life as friend to the Lucian prince and company.
P: Today, in case you haven’t read the title, or the caption, or seen the thumbnail,or the description, I bring to you the so famous: Chap- stick  Cha- llenge! *sound effect of cheering*
P: Now, I know what you’re thinking: am I kissing Noctis? Is Noctis kissing me?
P: The answer is a magnificent No!  ☆ ~(‘▽^人)
*sound effect of sad Aaw*
P: *sigh* I know, I know. Pretty disappointing. He’s missing a lot.
P: So you can skip this video if that was what you were looking for, BUT, you’d miss the opportunity to see… “Cockatiel Chef” *picture of Ignis pops up* and “Boulder Bookworm” *picture of Gladio pops up* make out in front of the camera, oh yeah  („ಡωಡ„)
P: Please don’t tell them I called them that.
P: So as you know, Noct’s adviser and his Shield are dating-
P: Creepy.
P: -And they’re gonna give the Chapstick challenge a go!
P: *taking the camera off the tripod to carry it in hands* Let’s say hello to…Mr. Gladiolus Shield Amicitia, and Mr. Ignis Adviser Scientia!
*Prom turns the camera so instead of self-filming, he’s filming said guests.*
*They’re in a cozy apartment or home, nothing too extravagant; both are sat at the sofa, and it seems they had been casually talking before this, and they wave at the camera as casually and carefree as if though Prompto had as casually started filming this instead of this being prepared*
P: Say hello, you two!
G: Hello, you two!
P: That was lame.
I: Hello, everyone.
P: Ignis, classy as always.
P: *self filming again* Now, you may be wondering…how did Prompto get *visuals of a black background and big, thick captions in red appearing word per word as Prompto says with a dramatic voice* THE HOTTEST COUPLE OF EOS *black background turns into animated fire; screen goes back to Prompto as normal* to agree on Chapstick challenge? Gladio and Ignis, the relationship made public, still don’t often show PDA to the media or even at work at all, so- how did I get them to agree to not only kiss to the camera but also accept the Chapstick Challenge?
P: I did not!
P: Honestly the only thing I did was to say ‘Hey, why don’t you try the chapstick challenge?’ and they agreed before I even explained what it was.
P: *turns the camera to them* Wanna explain that?
G: Eh, yes. Thing is *points at Ignis* This idiot over here says that he’s got a more sensible and better developed sense of taste than I do. And obviously that can’t be.
I: Honestly, it can be and is. This twat over here *points at Gladio* thinks that only because between the two of us it is me who cooks and he who swallows the entire refrigerator at once-
G: I do not-
I: -he’s got a more sensible sense of taste than me. Which is obviously ridiculous.
G: See, what you say makes no sense. It’s obvious that the one that eats more has a better sense of taste, and that’s…me.
I: *sarcastic, elegant laugh* Gladiolus. Dear. *places fingertips to his own chest* I am the chef.
G: ….so?
I: So, it is obvious I’ve got a better sense. It’s not about how much you eat, but how many things you’ve tasted. As a cook, I’ve tasted many, many ingredients and a wide variety of dishes, most of which you couldn’t even pronounce the name of.
G: That was low. Right, okay, but it’s not about who’s eating more or better. It’s whose tongue is more sensible to the ART of the culinary art itself.
I: That makes no sense.
*G & I continue to argue*
P: *self-filming again* ……
P: So what happened is, these two have been arguing over this for days, I got exhausted, and I suggested-
P: sarcastically and not even expecting them to have heard
P: - “hey why don’t you make the Chapstick Challenge? I mean, it does have a lot to do with the ‘sense of taste’”, and because all their ‘arguments’ end up in them making-out anyway, why not argue, figure the answer, and make-out all at once?
P: Just when I said what it was about both screamed ‘YES’ and didn’t even question me or the game; they only needed to know there was a game where they could compete against each other and prove who’s better, and the rest doesn’t matter.
P: These two are so competitive over everything.
P: Honestly I’m not sure if I respect or fear them.
P: *sounds of the couple friendly arguing in the background* …
P: Okay just- let me control these two
*black screen, the chocobo theme, and the captions ‘84 hours later…’*
P: AAAAH! So, where were we? ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
P: Right!
P: *filming the couple, still sat at the sofa at a height that suggests Prompto put the tripod at a similar height as if the camera were his own eyes and he’s sat across them. Gladio and Ignis look at the camera, both smiling each their way; Ignis has a leg crossed, and Gladio rests the head against a hand. Both are paying attention*
P: So, what we will do is….here I have, packed and new-
G: *contains a laugh as Prom speaks, Ignis subtly nudges at him*
P: -*showing to the camera* twenty different chapsticks, all a different flavor. So I’m going to put them all in this bag *showing it to the camera*, we’re gonna, you know…shake it-
G: *is about to burst out laughing again; Ignis, once more, tries to subtly nudge at him but starts starting-to-laugh as well*
P: -and I’m going to pick a random one, so while one of them is blindfolded-
I: *snorts*
G: *laughs as quietly as possible*
P: …
P: ….
P:… ohmYGO-
*black screen, high pitched beep, and captions in white ‘We’re experimenting technical difficultitties, please stand by’ and a ‘lol u read that wrong’ pointing at the ‘difficultitties’*
*Back to the couple sat at the sofa, different poses, both are smiling as if recently done with laughter. Ignis’ expression could be saying ‘My gods, what the heck are we doing?’ but he looks amused*
P: So as I was saying, we put the chapsticks in the bag, one of them closes the eyes or wears this absolutely beautiful eye mask, I pick a random chapstick, I give it to the one that didn’t close the eyes, so he puts it on, they…do that thing with kissing, and the other tries to figure the flavor! Easy enough, guys?
G: Yep.
I: Understood.
P: Okay, so…who goes first?
G: Me, of course.
P: You’re not gonna fight that, Iggy?
I: Not really.
P: Okay, so, have the eye mask, Big Guy.
G: *while they talk unimportant stuff, takes the mask, sees it and laughs, puts it on. It’s got a pair of big Kenny-Crow eyes on them.*
I: *stares at him trying not to laugh*
G: So. How do I look?
I: Terrifyingly handsome.
G: I know. *smirks for a moment, and then starts making kissy gestures at Ignis*
I: *holds it only a moment, bursts out laughing and smacks Gladio in the face*
*change of moment, same scene*
P: Okay, so…I pick a random one and… *digging into the bag; takes one out, shows it to the camera. Works on the lense’s focus so it can be readable. It reads ‘Coconut’*
P: *shows it to Ignis*
I: *sigh* I am disappointed. This represents no challenge to either of us, but…
G: *talks unimportant matters while Ignis puts the chapstick on,who’s only replying sarcastic ‘Huh’s at Gladio’s ranting*
G: You’re not listening, are you?
I: Are you going to kiss me or not?
G: *short but exaggerated deep breath, moves towards Ignis blindly* Come ‘ere you loser.
I: *reaches closer to him and uses a fingertip under Gladio’s jaw to guide him*
G: *holds his face and pulls him close, holding him in place, and kisses him*
I: *smiles during the kiss*
G: *kisses him more*
*chibi-like Prompto’s head popping from a corner with the little caption OMG*
G: *pulls apart and licks own lips, making unnecessary/exaggerated noises of tasting*
I: *smiles, lips still ghosting and face still trapped in Gladio’s hands*
G: Hmm….this tastes and smells like your shampoo.
I: *rolls eyes, but keeps smiling*
G: That’s easy. This is coconut.
P: *cheering, at the time Fanfare song plays background and a chibi Prompto appears from the bottom of the screen, holding two little flags*
I: Okay. My turn.
G: HAH. See, I got it at the first try *pulls mask off* I am the master of this, Iggy, I don’t know why you still want to try.
I: Honestly, this one shouldn’t even count.
G: Oh, so you’re not gonna count it?
I: Yes, I am. But the only reason I’m counting it is because you’ll do so poorly with the next ones that it will embarrass me that your counter stays 0 by the end.
G: *exaggerated offended expresion*
G: That hurt.
I: Good.
P: *laughs*
G: You are so mean. What are you waiting for, put it on!
I: I am not putting that frightening mask on myself. I am beautiful as I am.
G: *rolls eyes* Put it on, it’s to be sure you won’t look and cheat.
I: I can just close my eyes.
G: Unfair.
I: What, do you not trust me?
G: No.
*background music stops playing at the time Ignis gasps; Gladio & Ignis hold eye contact in total silence, tense*
*dramatic piano music; screen shows a black and white picture of the couple as if it was about a poster for a dramatic movie, with captions ‘Are Gladnis breaking up!? Find out in Season 2′*
*back to normal screen, Gladnis friendly arguing lowly; Ignis ended up just closing the eyes*
*Prompto’s digging for a new chapstick and shows it to the camera; it reads ‘Ebony’*
G: UNFAIR. Pick another one.
I: That’s cheating.
G: Shut up, Scientia.
*dramatic zoom to Ignis’ face, as he raises an eyebrow. Chibi Prompto pops out with caption ‘LMAO Gladio gonna DIE’*
*Prompto takes out a new chapstick. It reads ‘cake batter’*
G: *exasperated sigh* My god, what did you buy, ‘Ignis’ choices of chapstick flavors’?
*the guys talk while Gladio puts the chapstick on; they friendly argue when Ignis asks him if he’s done, Gladio bursts into a Patience rant, and Ignis growls that that’s not what he meant*
G: Kay, I’m ready.
I: Okay. *awkward silence; voice louder as if nagging* Well would you be so KIND to come kiss me? I can’t see.
G: Didn’t know you kiss with the eyes.
P: *laughs*
I: That was lame.
G: Well, actually you do. You know your sweet, sweet gaze feels like a kiss to my heart, don’t you?
*background music stops playing, at the time Ignis turns the head in Gladio’s direction and smiles. Ignis puts a hand up and sweetly caresses the Shield’s face with his knuckles*
*Screen changes to a chibi Prompto that looks between terrified and disgusted*
*Back to normal screen. Gladio takes Ignis by the face again and brings him close, guiding him. He closes the eyes when their lips meet. Ignis kisses him very slowly only a few times; takes as long as Gladio did, except slower*
I: *pulls apart and stays quiet*
G: …so?
I: Hm. It’s tricky. I am going to assume this may be vanila?
I: What?
I: Seriously?
P: This says ‘Cake batter’, Iggy.
I: ….
I: Nonsense. That doesn’t taste like cake batter at all.
G: Loser.
I: It’s unfair, does it taste like cake batter to you?
G: Yes.
I: You don’t even know what cake batter tastes like, then.
G: You’re just claiming the flavor is nothing alike because you’re too proud to admit you’re mistaken; how is this not going to taste like it should, what is the point on naming it this then, what is-
*Prompto self-films a blank expression while the couple argues background*
*Next chapstick Prompto pulls reads ‘Ebony’. There are many complaints, but Ignis accepts it claiming he’s not a cheater ‘like some others’, puts it on and reaches for Gladio. The couple kisses for a while, and Gladio lingers on his lower lip, with a ‘Hmmm’ of thinking before he lets go of Ignis’ mouth.*
G: …that’s…I don’t know…bitter cocoa?
P: *bursts into quiet laughter*
I: *snorts*
G: What?
I: I feel personally offended, Gladiolus. By this point of our relationship you should be pretty acquaintanced with my favorite drink.
G: Wha- *pulls mask off, reaches for the chapstick on the table and reads it, shocked. He looks at it intensely like the more he stares could make the flavor change; eventually puts it down and turns to Ignis*
G: That doesn’t taste a single bit like Ebony!
I: *raising the pitch of his voice* ‘You’re just claiming the flavor is nothing alike because you’re too proud to admit you’re mistaken’
G: How DARE you use my own words against me, Scientia
I: See, these don’t even taste at all like they should. You lose this round.
G: Wha-!? Not fair! Bu- say, we’re still 1 - 0 to my favor. I’m winning. I lost the battle but not war.
I: A rough beginning tends to predict a sweeter victory for the one in disadvantage.
*Prompto continues to pull chapsticks from the bag, showing them to the camera, and handing them to the respective gamer. Eventually, the count is 5 - 6 to Ignis’ favor*
G: *exasperated sigh after losing again*
P: *laughing* Heeeey, Big Guy, what is the probleeeem? I thought you had this!?
G: Shut up, blondie.
I: Rough beginning; a sweeter victory.
G: You too shut up. Your turn, babe.
*Prompto digs through the chapstick; by this point Ignis has closed the eyes and is staring away, waiting; the mask has been thrown behind the sofa 3 chapsticks ago. Prompto murmurs a ‘what the f*ck?’ and shows the chapstick to the camera; it reads ‘Popcorn flavor’. He hands it to Gladio, who, after reading it, stares up at Prompto and makes a face that clearly asks ‘How in Eos is that even possible, wtf does this mean???’, but none share a word. Gladio shrugs and starts putting it on*
*Gladio finishes putting it on and turns to Ignis, claiming he’s ready*
*Ignis tries to get close but doesn’t get anywere when-*
G: *sigh* Iggy, this won’t work, it’s stupid and awkward-
*P and I are asking him separatedly what does he mean, but Gladio continues talking no interruptions*
G:- we’ve been sat side to side all awkward and it’s uncomfortable, if I’m going to be kissing you for like another two hours I want to be comfy and I want to hug you, so you have to come ‘re-
*Gladio’s hands sneak around Ignis’ hips and under his ass at the time the Shield turns to his side and tucks the legs onto the sofa, scoops Ignis up at the same time and pulls him onto his lap so he’s straddling him, his thighs at each of Gladio’s sides, even though camera doesn’t offer a sight of it, showing from torso to head, Ignis barely reacting or having time to do so*
G: *serious* See, much easier and comfy!
I: *blinks a bit startled at first, but immediately smiles softly. He gets secured in his place crossing the ankles behind Gladio’s back, without applying pressure, and rests his hands on the Shield’s shoulders*
I: Much easier and comfortable, indeed.
P: Eeew, you guys going to do the thing or are you turning this into a cheesy romantic video?
G: What, wasn’t this supposed to be so already?
I: *laughs very quietly*
G: Kay, chapstick’s on, Iggy. So, kiss me.
I: Make me.
G: *raises eyebrow; dramatic zoom to it; dramatic extra zoom and black and white filter along dramatic music for a few seconds*
*screen back to normal*
*Ignis reaches down to kiss Gladio; his hands still rest on Gladio’s shoulder and they caress subtly on them. He’s got the eyes softly closed, like the Shield. Both focus on the kiss for a moment. Gladio tries to break apart, but Ignis requests ‘One more’ and they lean into the kiss only an inch after separating.*
*Ignis asks Gladio for ‘one more’ around five times; by the fourth, Prompto’s face appears by the corner, with a disgusted expression; by the fifth and as they kiss the Shield widens a smile*
G: *not opening the eyes, lips still rubbing on Ignis’* You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t ya?
I: *soft chuckle* You wish. One more.
*Gladio laughs softly only for a second before leaning closer for another kiss.*
I: *a few seconds after breaking apart* This…is…new.
G: *smirks at him*
Ignis: …I don’t know. Honey?
G: Yes, sweetheart?
I: *smacks his shoulder; Gladio only laughs*
I: Is it honey flavour or not?
P: *sound of Fail/Rejection similar to a NYEH*
I: Wha-!? But why!?
G: *laughs* See, you suck at this game, too. It’s nowhere close, does it taste like honey to you?
I: Of course not, but-
G: Then why the hell would you say so?
I: -No, listen, it’s just- the Cake batter flavor didn’t taste like Cake batter, the Caramel didn’t taste like caramel at all, Sugar was almost the entire opposite, so if nothing tastes like its name suggests, Honey wouldn’t either so as this doesn’t taste like Honey but is similar to-
Gladio: Ohmygod, Ignis, it’s Popcorn.
I: How is that even a flavour!?
G: Look, I didn’t make the rules!
*Prompto self-films his blank expression again while the couple continues arguing background*
*The next that Prompto digs from the bag is Cherry. Ignis looks at it and smiles, and mouths at the camera that ‘Gladio will like this one’’; captions included for those not catching it and non-native speakers*
*Prompto has to get closer to hand it over to Ignis seen as both refuse to move from their “Comfy Love Nest”. Ignis takes it, argues with Gladio when the Shield gets worked up by Ignis’ telling him to ‘keep the eyes closed’, ranting about trust issues and going full fake drama on him while Ignis rolls the eyes and puts the chapstick on*
*Ignis hands it back to Prompto, and as he moves the lips to spread the chapstick on them real good, camera makes a zoom into his face and captions write ’Fabulous’. A note appear saying ‘Ignis got angry at me for that caption. He said I forgot to add ‘& Splendid’*
I: Okay *rests the forearms on Gladio’s shoulders* I’m ready.
G: Kay, come and kiss me. I miss you already.
*Quick appearance of doodle Prompto’s disgusted face*
I: *laughing softly and leaning down* Aren’t you the smooth talker?
*Gladio smiles but doesn’t reply; Ignis pressed their lips together and Gladio catches Iggy’s; they kiss only twice before they pull apart half-an-inch*
G: *shaky voice* Oh, my Six, I like this one.
I: *subtle turn to look at the camera and half-nods as if saying ‘Told you’*
*While Ignis did that Gladio had reached up for another kiss, but found Ignis’ cheek instead; the pressure makes Ignis’ cheek sink and grow rounder, and the adviser grins happily while Gladio complains on ‘where did your mouth go?’ Ignis turns to face him again, still happily smiling, before reaching to kiss him again*
*kisses lingers too much. background music stops playing to make this much moreawkward on purpose (for viewers, that is)*
*Gladio purrs out a ‘Hm, yeah’ after another kiss and doesn’t break apart. Ignis keeps smiling and lets Gladio kiss him long and slow. The Shield still hugs him by the waist, very softly, and Ignis moves the hands to Gladio’s face to cup it*
I: One more?
G: Just shut up.
*Ignis gets to laugh for only one second before locking the lips with Gladio’s again. Along the kiss Ignis asks ‘You done yet?’, ‘Got the answer?’, ‘Is that enough?’ and other similar questions, only to be answered with ‘Nope’s, ‘One More’s, and ‘I need another hint’ and similar responses*
*The kiss goes on for thirty slow seconds in silence and awkward.*
*Dramatic zoom in to the counter* *Dramatic zoom to the kissing couple* *Zoom into the time counter* *Zoom into the couple, and then a dramatic zoom into Ignis’ thumb (the one the camera can see) catching the subtle way it caresses Gladio’s face*
*Black screen with an entire white toon Prompto with a blank expression*
*Zoom into counter that reads 3 minutes into the kiss*
*Back to toon Prompto, this time terrified while screeching*
*Back to normal screen; the couple is still kissing, holding each other and mouths connected. Gladio looks rather serious and focused, Ignis looks happy and purely content*
P: *standing up and crossing the camera’s sight* That’s it, I can’t, I won’t stare at this all day.
G: Oi, blondie!
P: *stops and turns as if prepared to retake the game.*
G: *stretches a hand towards him, palm up* But leave that cherry chapstick with us.
*Screen with terrified, screeching Prompto again, zoomed in*
I: *sighs and closes eyes*
G: *smirks up at him* Can’t miss it. This one does taste of cherry.
I: Alright. That’s a point to you.
P: That makes the game even!
I: …*looks at a side*
I: …actually…that’s not quite correct.
P: Huh? Of course it is, it says on the-
I: *gestures for him to keep quiet, talks slowly and in a clear lie* No. Apologies. It is not cherry, Gladio.
G: Oh? *smirks and raises an eyebrow* It isn’t? *pecks Ignis on the lips* *fake gasp; talks with faked, flamboyant voice* You’re right. It is not cherry. I am afraid I can’t name it… Some come ‘ere, I gotta study this real good.
*Both lean into the kiss; this time, Ignis wraps his arms around Gladio’s neck and Gladio hugs him tighter*
P: *crosing the camera again in the opposite direction than before*
I: *not opening the eyes and basically mid kiss* You suggested we’d make this.
G: Can’t complain, sunshine boy *immediately retakes his slow kissing with Ignis*
*screen shows the couple for a few moments, before it turns blue & golden with jazz music background and captions ‘I came back thirty minutes later and found them-’ ; caption changes into a smirk emoji; changes to new captions reading: ‘NAPPING, THESE IDIOTS WERE NAPPING WTF I FEEL LEFT OUT >:’(*
*screen comes back to the living room, the couple is sat side by side on the sofa, holding hands; Gladio yawns heavily and Ignis, head rested on the Shield’s shoulder, sometimes rubs at his eyes; Prompto’s inventing a silly rant on how it is rude to nap on the prince’s couch without his permission, lecturing them like it’s a serious issue except he sounds silly and trying not to laugh*
*silence with the sleepy couple after Prompto shuts up; Gladio’s staring at Ignis and lazily plants a kiss on top of his head, and Ignis rubs at his eye from under his glasses once more before putting the fist down*
P: ….did you understand?
I: ….*sleepy* what?
Chibi Prompto appears at a corner, laughing
*same scene, different moment*
P: SO! We’re obviously not doing ALL the chapsticks we’ve got or this video would be like three hours long-
P: Especially with how long these two take with their smooching
P:- so we’re keeping it there! Are you guys content with the results?
G: *lazy smile* Yeah…
I: But you didn’t win.
G: So? You didn’t win either.
I: …true.
P: See, that must mean that I win. I was never mistaken.
G: *laughs* That doesn’t count.
I: He didn’t get any kiss. Let him have some triumph.
G: *histerically laughing*
*a :’( appears on screen*
P: that was mean. So mean. *Gladio’s still laughing* You know what guys, this is the last time I guest feature you in my channel. *another :’( appears* Why are you so mean to me
I: *Tenderly and quietly, with a little smile* We love you, Prompto.( ´ ▽ ` )
*A :’) appears*
P: Ohmygod, Iggy, that’s… *a ;A; appears on screen* That’s so nice, I love you too!
I: Really?
P: Yeah!
I: Nice :)
G: And do you guys love me?
P: Yeah!
I: No.
P: Oh. *pauses before bursting out in laughter*
*Gladio only lets out a little ‘Dammit’.
*screen goes back to Prompto as the video started, with the camera on the tripod, giving its back to the sofa/living room area, and Prompto as the focus, only the wall visible behind him*
P: Well, guys, that was it for the Chapstick Challenge, royal edition! Featuring Iggy and Gladio, the chamberlain and the Shield of the prince, but, more than just that, his friends and brothers, and who I’ve had the pleasure to know and befriend as well.
P: I hope you enjoyed this new video for ‘Princefriending - A Common Friend’ it was a pretty traumatic experience to me in some points, but- I had fun and they did too, so…hope you guys had fun too!
P: If you liked this video do consider liking it and suscribing in the buttons down below.
P: Like always, remember to stay well hydrated, stretch those legs, and-
P: *dramatic gesture of self-hugging*
P: Receive a TIGHT, TIGHT HUG from me-
P: And see you next-
P: *looking off screen, as if offended* O h  m y g o d, THEY FELL ASLEEP AGAIN>:’(
P: I can’t believe them, it’s like I don’t even exist-
P: *quiet*
P: *stares at both sides*
P: *stares at the camera*
P: * smirks and glares at the camera*
P: *same expression than before, but now he’s holding up a marker*
P: *same than before, but there’s a filter ofanimated fire and sound effect of a demon-like laughter*
P: *back to normal filter and happy looks as if nothing had happened*
P: So, see you next time!
P: *Kisses two of his fingertips and uses both hands to salute, waving them from his forehead to the outside; winks and says ‘See ya!’*
*screen changes to the blue&white background, 8-bit chocobo themeplaying, and a toon Prompto sits in a corner with a pet chocochick; two other thumbnails show rounded by their respective links*
*Three seconds of a photo of Gladio and Ignis asleep; Gladio lies on the couch, and Ignis sleeps on top of him, head to the Shield’s chest. They’re hugged during sleep. They’ve got whiskers, chocobos, little toon Promptos and little hearts all over their faces. Gladio has a unibro and Ignis was given a mustache*
*End of video*
Hahaha, well this was a lot of fun! I feel like this turned out rather ‘short’ compared to the time I feel I spent here, but I’m content with the result.
Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! (o´▽`o)
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thotyssey · 4 years
It makes sense that there’s a “Job” in her name, cuz this queen is Working! Currently a digital darling, reality TV starlet and video vixen, the Minneapolis-born burlesque clown gogo queen Glow Job can’t wait to get back to a real life stage… but until then, let’s get on point with this rising drag star.
Thotyssey: Yo, Glow! How is quarantine treating you on this beautiful day?
Glow Job: Hi! It really is a nice day out. At least we got that going for us! But, you know… Quarantine Life. Just when you think you’ve got some rhythm, things change up. I’ve somehow got a lot on my plate, all of a sudden!
Yes, I noticed! How are you liking the strange new world of digital drag?
At first I was really reluctant–mostly because I didn’t want to come across as sad or desperate, even though in the beginning I was. But after realizing there was a way to get in this space beyond just doing a number in my living room–and started thinking outside the box–I started getting into it. That’s not shade. I just saw everyone flood the market, and it was overwhelming. I definitely wasn’t “crushing quarantine” the way I saw others do, and wasn’t feeling inspired either. But the Met Gala got the juices flowing again, and then I just started to create. I did the online challenges, and had some real fun.
And now with Black Live Matter taking the forefront, I really have the time and energy to put my drag to good use and be a part of that movement, too. So, being a part of that and making my drag mean something more: from raising money in Zoom parties, to taking some leadership with online communities, to being out on the protest lines, to producing my own parties. Again, I feel like I have a place in this new world.
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[Photo: SidewalkKilla]
Indeed you do! I’ve also been enjoying a lot of the pre-recorded pieces many of the queens have been putting out there, including your clip for the Grace Jones showcase you were part of, where you performed “I’ve Seen That Face Before.” It was really polished, stylized and fun. But it must have been a huge effort putting that together, and shooting with limited access to resources in quarantine.
Well, my style is basically “I have an idea, and I’m gonna wait until the very last minute to do it all.” Seems to work for me! So for that number I figured out the storyline, sort of made a quick shotlist, got into drag and filmed and edited it all in one day, all by myself. I almost forgot I have a background in video editing, and I never had really used it in my drag before. So it was fun to incorporate that skill. But yeah, tripods and ring lights are my new best friends. Also, I already happened to have an accordion from the time five years ago when I thought I’d try to learn that! I have a lot of random stuff in my apartment that sees the light of day eventually.
Werq, Prop Queen! Actually between that clip and your role in Bright Light Light Bright’s music video for “This Was My House,” you are a veritable video vixen of the modern era. 
That shoot was super fun! I love Rod and Bright Light Bright Lights music! I’ve been a fan for a while, and was kind of in awe and starstruck when he started DJing my Retro Factory parties. So I was honored to be in his music video, but also because it is exactly the message I want to spread with my drag. And it’s catchy as hell! We shot that all in one day, and just every hour went to a different location. It was a little party. It’s a little surreal to see it now, ’cause it was shot right before lockdown.
It’s a great video! And I see that you appeared in the third episode of a Bravo reality show, Camp Getaway! I’m not familiar with that yet; what’s it about, and how did you get involved?
It’s a show that basically follows a group of camp counselors–or social coordinators–at this camp in Kent, Connecticut which gets turned into an adult campground each weekend. I’m friends with Glen North, who is one of the featured counselors. He is the only queer cast member, and actually was integral in getting me and another drag queen, Sol, there for their LGBTQ weekend.
That particular weekend was especially cool, and for me personally it came right on the heels of me ending my marriage. You don’t get to see much of my story (and there were so many stories shared from other people that day too, like one guest who decided to live her life as a trans woman thereafter), but it was cool to be in the show and get featured regardless. There was even a contest with Carson Kressley judging… and I won’t give any spoilers, but let’s just say he gave me a real boost of confidence in the choices I was making in life.
I see that you’re a Minneapolis native, and and I’m  guessing that growing up queer and Asian in that predominantly white, hetero-normative city was tough on you.
More than ever right now, I’m seeing how desperate I was trying to fit into a white supremacist normative that I was never going to fit into. All my friends were white. I’m actually half-white, but definitely look Asian. There was no way around that, no matter how much Abercrombie cologne I’d spray on. I think I suppressed so much of who I am, including being gay, that I didn’t truly explore those parts of myself. It wasn’t “tough” because I ignored it, and laughed off any micro-racism or homophobia I felt or saw.
So I overcompensated. I got everyone to like me; I became all the things in high school. But it wasn’t until I was in New York for college that I came out. And it was here, after college, that I started hanging with non-white people. It wasn’t until the last few years that I started exploring drag and gender expression. And it wasn’t really until this past month that I started breaking down how much I was subscribing to a system that wasn’t designed for a small, Asian, non-binary queerdo–and how I was then contributing to that culture. So fucked up. And it’s been tough hearing how silent it is now from my MN peers.
It must be very surreal and upsetting for you to see how things have unfolded in Minneapolis.
Seeing how people are reacting is making it super clear that it isn’t a surprise that that stuff is happening there. So many people just live, acting like it isn’t their problem. It’s super upsetting. I have a couple friends who have really stood up as allies though, and I know a couple are looking to me for guidance and support. So I try to offer that now, at the least.
[Photo: Fwee Carter]
[Photo: Bronson Farr]
[Photos: Fwee Carter and Bronson Farr]
You said you didn’t create Glow Job until recently… what were the exact circumstances of how she got born?
The first time I took my drag to the streets was the Women’s March in DC. It was incredibly powerful showing up in the biggest, loudest, queerest way I could imagine. Then the first time “Glow Job” was fully realized was when I did my first show put on at Bar 9 for an amateur showcase, featuring drag queens and comedians from the NYC gay dodgeball league Big Apple Dodgeball. There were, like, seven of us that wanted to do drag, and Jose Paz / Miss Ogeny just decided to create her own show from scratch. Since then that group has expanded, and I had been going back every so often to perform.
But truly, my drag came from the realization that drag can be whatever I want it to be, and it combines many of the things I am already good at! And now it incorporates my love of circus, gogo-ing, pole dance, painting, photography, video editing, costume design, set design, etc. I have a background in ceramics, so that’s gotta be incorporated next somehow too!
I’m actually just super excited about my drag right now, and where it’s going, and how it’s finding new life (especially when I thought Glow had died this March once Covid hit), so I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m bragging! I just love it so much!
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[Photos: Fwee Carter]
 Brag away, it’s well-deserved! How did you come up with that four-“pronged,” butterfly-shaped signature lip that you often have? It’s striking! The only other queen I’ve seen sport something like that is Sandy Devastation.
Love Sandy! Madame Viv once told me I looked like her… just less devastating, lol! I dunno, I just didn’t like how painting my regular lips looked. And I wasn’t looking pretty like I had hoped when I started, so I definitely veered into a more clown aesthetic. I was sort of doing clown work, so it came from that… and it just stuck. It was one of the first decisions I made [for Glow’s look], and the only real original signature aspect I kept. I love them, too; they go well with the name.
You’ve done Viv’s “Hot Mess” drag competition at House of Yes a bunch of times. Do you consider yourself a Brooklyn girl?
House Of Yes is a bit of a home base for me. I had been working the line entertaining people as they waited to get in, and also gave the consent speech for them in my own way. I also did set design, and ushered for them, too. My style, I suppose, is more Brooklyn Drag? Or maybe it’s Sunnyside, Queens drag!
But I’m kind of all over, and doing my own thing. I’m the resident burlesque drag queen with Siren Pack; we performed at Madame X in the Village. I hosted [the party] Ultramaroon at Blue Midtown. And I recently got in Susanne Bartsch’s crew!
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[Photo: Chris Sorensen]
Your last digital show with the POC Drag Art Collective (headed by Thee Suburbia) was that Grace Jones tribute, but now when you all return to our screens for a new show on Wednesday, June 24th (on Zoom, with proceeds going towards the Black Trans Protesters Emergency Fund) it’ll be the Solange songbook that gets the star treatment! What an interesting choice! Do you have an idea what you’ll be doing for that?
I have an idea… but knowing me, it could end up being anything. It’s gonna be meaningful, though! Know that!
Then on Thursday the 25th, you’ll be livestreaming all the body-ody as a digital gogo boy for Michael Block and Haireola Grande’s Zoom  party, Elation!
Yasss! Love that! It’ll be super fun, turning a look and giving some energy and moves. Being a professional hype-person is my most natural state. And it’s for a good cause. So yes, very happy to be in this show.
As far as the Bartschland crew goes, you were just part of her BLM fundraiser that earned a whopping $32,000 in donations. And now comes “Pride On Top of the World” on Sunday the 28th, once more care of Zoom! Several Drag Race faves will be in virtual attendance including Latrice Royale, Laganja Estranja, Scarlet Envy and Aquaria. And of course, the large cast of beautiful Bartschies! 
I’m so excited! I’ve been going to Susanne Bartsch parties forever, and always just showed up in typical club kid fashion. She’s nightlife royalty. I can’t wait to be in this one, too! I gotta figure out my look; I feel like nothing is too big with On Top!
Anything else coming up for you?
I’ll be out protesting again on Juneteenth, but on the 20th after more protesting some of us are gonna put up an outdoor show in front of the Barclays at 7pm. And then I’ll be on the front lines again in drag the following weekend with the Bushwig crew, starting at 5:30 in Maria Hernandez Park.
Fight the good fight! So, to end on a light note: whose team are you on for All-Stars 5?
Shea Couleé is perfection! But Jujubee cracks my shit up!
Thank you, Glow!
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[Photo: Kenny Rodriguez]
Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Glow Job’s upcoming appearances, and follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
  On Point Archives
On Point With: Glow Job It makes sense that there's a "Job" in her name, cuz this queen is Working! Currently a digital darling, reality TV starlet and video vixen, the Minneapolis-born burlesque clown gogo queen Glow Job can't wait to get back to a real life stage...
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captainschmoe · 7 years
I Will Survive [Beta] - Chapter 5: Flash of Fire
[A/N: It’s going to get violent. I mean, it’s an Anti fic. Of course it’s gonna get violent at some point. The Nice Guy GlovesTM are off. Also, I’m going to give myself extra time for the next chapter. I need to both write it and also figure out some background/spoiler things. :D]
[Summary: In which somehow Bio Inc. gets uploaded anyway. Neurological violence ensues.]
[Previous - Next]
“Gah.” Sean floppily rolled over and gave his alarm clock a good whack. He lay with his arm dangling over the edge of the bed. Ugh. He did not want to be awake right now. He had to be, of course. Always shit to do. A good cup of the ol’ dirty bean water should help refresh him. As it always does. As should some breakfast. He was starving, hunger shakiness and all. Well, of course he was fucking starving, he never got to digest that sandwich.
Hopefully he could digest the eggs he could smell from the kitchen. So hungry. So caffeine-deprived. His feet automatically carried him there, where he found Signe, already dressed to take on the day, doing exactly what his nose predicted she was doing. Ooh, were those sweet potatoes getting put into the other pan? Yeeesss.
“You want some?”
“Yes, please.” Sean groggily started up the coffee pot. He leaned against the counter, hands at his sides gripping the edge. His eyes drifted shut. Mmm. Such good smells all around him. And sounds - the whirring of the coffee pot, and the sizzling of breakfast in the pans. It helped his eyes flutter back open for a moment.
“You feeling okay?”
“Yeah, just super hungry. Puking didn’t help.” The coffee started flowing into the pot with its signature satisfying babbling.
“I’m sure this’ll help wake you up, too.” She transferred half the contents of each pan onto each of the two plates she’d set out on the counter. Sean wasted no time grabbing a fork and scarfing down half of his serving right then and there, to Signe’s shock and amusement. “Oh my God. Don’t choke.”
“I wasn’t kidding,” he said with a little bit still in his mouth. Wow, he felt better already. Maybe he could slow down now. He swallowed what he had. “Plus eggs get cold fast.”
Signe started on her portion, too. Probably figured might as well, as long as Sean was eating here. She shook her head and laughed. “Not that fast.”
Sean took the initiative to grab mugs as the coffee pot finished filling. “Want some?”
“Sure. Just a little.”
Sean could feel the steam kissing his face as he poured her cup. Way too hot to drink right away. Signe agreed, blowing tiny waves into her drink, and flinching away when her efforts proved fruitless. She set it aside for now - as did Sean - picking up her plate and finishing her food. She leaned back against the counter, casually engaging in conversation.
“I think I’m going to go out today. It might help clear my head.”
He nodded, polishing off his last bite and setting his plate in the sink. “I think that’d be good for you. Where were you thinking?”
“I don’t know. Probably nowhere specific.” Signe finished her food and set her plate down on top of Sean’s. “I’ll know where I want to go when I see it.” She picked up the coffee mug again, blowing on it again and taking a tentative sip, and drinking more now that she was able to. Sean tested the temperature of his with the tip of his finger, not wanting to burn his lips or tongue. Still a tad hot. Would take a while longer since there was more in his mug.
“Even better. Just wandering around the city. It’s nice.” Sean took a test sip in the pause. Still pretty hot, but tolerable. “You heading out right now?”
“Yeah. I’ll be a couple hours, probably.”
“Well, you know where you’ll find me. Screaming my fucking head off.” He leaned down for a goodbye kiss. “See you later, babe.”
“Bye. Love you!” She set off with one of her classic cute waves that never failed to bring a smile to Sean’s face.
“Love you, too.”
Once alone again, Sean’s gaze drifted out the window, which he opened to let the breeze in. Nice and warm, but not too hot. Not bright or sunny, but that was okay. That was normal. He drank up his coffee, taking a bigger mouthful now that it cooled off enough for him to not scorch himself. The familiar comfort of the bitterness on his tongue and the heat expanding in his belly helped wake up and raise his spirits. Maybe he could make today a good day despite Anti’s fuckery.
What if it was all just a big prank?
If Anti followed the rules of Sean’s characterization of him - which may not be the case, he was willing to accept - then the possibility that he was merely out to fuck with everyone rather than actually harm them was a possibility that existed. What if he was getting worked up over nothing? What if they just warned dozens of people, who had little to nothing to do with any of this, of worse things to come that was actually coming? Felix and Marzia, at least, seemed to take it pretty seriously. Not the Felix would ever admit it, but Sean could hear the slightest twinge of fear in his voice as they talked. Normally he’d poke fun at him for it. This wasn’t a normal time.
It was weird, as scary as the whole thing was, no one had actually gotten hurt. Yet. As far as he knew. There was still that doubt with Mark, gnawing at the back of his mind, to consider.
He suddenly remembered that odd... dream? From last night, that conversation with that voice. Who were they? Anti? No, they didn’t seem malicious. He couldn’t remember all of what they talked about, but he did know that it was pleasant and calming. Nothing at all like Anti. Sean tried his best to remember what the voice sounded like - if it was identifiable to one he knew in real life. He didn’t remember it sounding like Anti’s, either. But he didn’t remember it sounding like anyone’s he knew. Maybe his memory was just bad. Didn’t they say they’d see him again soon? Maybe they’d show up again tonight?
Sigh... There was nothing he could do about any of this. Nothing beyond taking it one step at a time. One day at a time.
One recording at a time.
It’s time to start the day.
Whoa, look at this! Whoa, look at that!
That was pretty much all this recording session was going to be. God damn, this community made so much good shit. Look at all this art of him, of him and the Whoosh, of him and his friends, of all the egos...
“Aw, we should make a video game with them all, with all the characters.” That would be amazing. Especially an RPG, seeing how the community fleshed out and developed and interpreted the characters.
Who was this guy on the far right-hand side?
Jack the Magnificent, huh? He never gave the magician guy a name, did he? It felt a little weird, though, having three characters with “Jack” in their names. Jackieboy Man he could leave alone, since that was already a name he’d officially given him. Well, back in the video he showed up in, the name “Marvin” was the name that was given, right?
“That’s his name! That’s what we’re gonna call him from now on: Marvin the Magnificent! You all helped, ‘cause we did Marvin’s Magic.”
This was fun, making more characters! The community was gonna love this, having a new little baby to call their own. So was Sean!
Sean gradually sidled up next to Signe on the sofa. Bit by bit. Inch by inch. Until he was practically merged with her. While she let the game she was playing keep running - she could afford to, it was the middle of a Pokemon battle - the visible pause in her hand movement served as her acknowledgement of his playful pestering. She slowly turned her head towards him. Sean gave a wave, a smile, and a “Hi.”
“Do you mind?”
“Nope.” He peered over her shoulder. “Did you catch ‘em all yet?”
“Getting there.”
“What do you mean, ‘getting there?’“ He leaned back out of her personal zone, opening up Twitter on his phone. “You should’ve finished that a long time ago. You’ve been playing nonstop for, like, a month.”
“Have not.”
“You put in, like, three hours an hour.”
Signe flung her arm towards the window. “I went outside earlier! You saw!”
Sean shook his head and started scrolling through Twitter. “Probably out trying to find Rowlets on a power line.”
...Wait, what?
“You can’t get Rowlet in Pokemon Go.”
Hang on.
“I’m happy with my little Cyndaquil, though.”
This conversation was going to have to be dropped. Something was horribly wrong. These tweets...
Towards the end of the new Bio Inc I was getting migraine headaches. lol what if Anti’s real?
> same here??????
> Thirded. Like really bad too. And double vision.
“What the fuck?”
“God,” he muttered under his breath, “the ride just doesn’t fucking end.”
Signe shut her 3DS and leaned over his shoulder.
“I never fucking finished it,” Sean said, largely to himself.
“What’s going on?”
“They’re all talking about Bio Inc. And they’re all getting, like, headaches and shit from it, apparently.”
> My sister had a literal seizure after watching it!!! No family history of epilepsy or nothing, shes never had a seizure before!!
> headaches with aura and nausea. the fuck is happening Jack!?!?!
> wow everyone’s feeling like that? holy shit im scared D:
Sean opened Youtube in a new tab. There’s no fucking way. There couldn’t be. He was more willing to believe that Anti was making shit up on Twitter than actually uploading an entire nonexistent video to Youtube and giving millions of people migraines and seizures from it.
And yet, there it was. The newest upload. Not Suicide Guy as was intended, but rather:
KILL JA̠͎̭̕CKSEPTICEYE | Bio IN҉̱c. RedempT̡͟I͘on #5.
Then again, he had to admit, Anti uploading a video wouldn’t be the craziest thing to have happened thus far.
“Wa-pssh! Top o’ the mornin’ to ya, laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye, and welcome back to Bio Inc. Redemption!”
So at least it started off normally. Jack quickly became nauseated, desperately trying to hold back vomit, and ran off camera, with Dr. Schneeplestein appearing in his place. All as Sean originally wanted. It looked as though it was genuinely edited from what he did manage to successfully record. Even the mini bloopers with his face mask. But Sean knew better. Something had to be different.
Something such as the Anti moments that rapidly filtered in. Sean had planned for them, he did. But of course... it wasn’t finished. He didn’t record the little blips yet. Robin didn’t edit the Anti moments yet. There’s no way they should have been there. Yet they were. Sean’s head and vision pulsed with every blip.
Or another something such as Schneeplestein taking off his hat at the end, and Anti’s evil laugh filtering in. As if taking over the doctor’s body. Sean didn’t plan for that.
“I need your help!” Schneeplestein cried. “Save him! Save Jackse-”
“I’m feeling dizzy,” Signe said. Sean wrapped his arm behind her, stabilizing both of them. Her breathing turned quick and shallow.
Schneeplestein suddenly tried to strangle himself with the headphone cable, correcting himself with a “What am I doing?” For a moment, Sean swore he could feel his own throat closing on itself.
His heart raced.
As Jack’s condition worsened, the screen decolorized. It was growing more and more obvious that Schneeplestein was operating under Anti’s control, with Anti breaking through as his name was inadvertently mentioned within “antidepressant” and “anticoagulant.”
Jack ultimately died - as planned, Sean wished he could say. And in his place...
“Ẃell, ͜lo͢o͘ḱ ͏who'͞s͡ ba͟çk!”
Sharp ringing pierced Sean’s ears and black splotches formed and disintegrated in his field of vision. Signe flinched as well. Jesus Christ. The community weren’t fucking kidding.
“I’m tired of playing pr̸̨ȩt̀en͠d́! Sick of it!” Anti’s hair started flickering between green and red - giving Sean a bit of a headache - gradually remaining red for longer blips of time as his demonic speech carried on. “And y̴ou th̶òug͝h̵t ͏you h͠ad ͡h̛i̕m ͝b҉ac̡k͜...” It reverted back to green.
“What the fuck is this?” Signe cried. She doubled over, hands clamped over her ears, breathing quickening even more to the point of hyperventilating. She ripped herself from Sean’s grip and took off before saying anything more, and before Sean could stop her and ask if she was okay.
“ I've k̴e͢p̶t͏ c̛ontr̀ol all this time.” Anti ran his fingers along the edge of the blade. Almost... seductively. Sean felt like he was suffocating. “N̨͝o̡̡͜͟t̵h̛́͟i͡҉͠n̷̷̢g̸̷͞ gets rid of me!” A shock blasted up his spine, throwing his head backwards against the back of the sofa and sending the phone flying out of his grasp. He may not have smacked against a wall, but it still hurt like a bitch. From the other room, he heard a thud and Signe yelping in pain at the same time as his head smash. Please be okay... Vertigo kept him trapped in place, and his vision turned dark again.
Anti’s voice continued, now seeming to come from within Sean’s own head as much as from the distance. “Mo̡c͞k̶i̛n͜g̢ ̢m̸e with your ‘glitch bitch’...” One of his evil laughs followed, and shocks ran through Sean’s body again, this time pinning his limbs down. His jaw, too, locked shut. Was this what having a seizure was like?
Signe’s shriek made his blood run cold. He desperately wanted to respond. He couldn’t.
“Wh̵o͝ do̡ you̡ ͏th̴i̕nk ͢y̷o͘u̧'̵v̴e ҉be͜e͠n҉ ̶w̸a͝tch͜in͢g all̸ t͞h͟is͡ tim̷e? My p̴̨u҉͟p̷͜͝p̛è͘t̷s̢.”
Fuckfuckfuck... Let me up! Signe, no...
“I̧f͏ ́y҉ou ̕wan̶t͡ h͠i͠m̕ b́a͝c͟k̀ so badly, then why don’t you ̶sav̸e ̵hi̵m̛?”
“Sean, hel-” She was silenced mid-sentence.
Signe! He tried with all his might to break out of his locked joints. To no avail. No!
“There are no̢ s̛tr̛i҉ng̸s͞ on me.”
His brain was screaming. Ringing. Pulsating.
And then all was silent.
“And for you! This isn’t over.”
Sean couldn’t get up. His joints felt released. Relaxed. His breathing and heartbeat slowed to a crawl. Too relaxed.
“I wonder what will happen to your favorite boy next time.”
Why did Sean feel so calm?
“See you soon.”
God damn, Anti was pissed this time around. All of the fun of his last two appearances was gone. Despite being a fictional character, Alyssa felt a significant quiver of fear in her chest after watching Bio Inc. Or maybe it was the drugs the doctors ordered for her. Who knows. It wasn’t pleasant to watch either way. Not that it was bad. The video was phenomenal, as always. A ray of sunshine on her fourth gloomy day in the hospital. It was so obvious that Jack and Robin had a blast creating this character, and the fun really rubbed off on Alyssa.
One, two, Anti’s coming for you~
It was Anti’s voice, unmistakable. But it sounded like it came from within her own head? Her eyes flicked around the room, scanning every corner; her ears opened in a vain attempt to catch another sound from him. Was she just going crazy? Was it just a side effect of whatever drugs they gave her?
Suddenly her nose and throat were forcefully blocked by a searing mass of thick fluid. Black mist flecked with green spanned across her field of vision. Something grabbed and squeezed her whole body like a giant’s hand, even holding her a few inches off the bed. Shocks shot through her spine and head. She needed to scream, but couldn’t. The fluid was real. Her arm was pinned to her side, unable to reach the call button that was otherwise right there...
It felt like the fluid in her lungs burst out and ripped down through the rest of her insides. Like her body had been hollowed out and filled with magma. Her spine bent backwards farther than she’d ever thought possible. The pain was mind-shattering. So much that she couldn’t even think about her imminent demise.
The first nurse on the scene about fainted at the sight. Staff crowded around, speechless. Alyssa’s father waited just outside the door, receiving no words of comfort about his baby girl.
This was no mere code. There was no resuscitating this one.
The next thing Alyssa knew, she was somehow alive, but alone, greeted by a gray, twilit sky and the hospital’s equally-monochrome edifice.
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