#also i started a new bullet journal !!! for the last 3 months of this year~
nice-bright-colors · 6 months
Tues. Nov. 14th
The last few weeks the state of my mental health has been declining. I’ve been worried about the state of things to come, and essentially stressing over the future. Even more than I normally would. On any given week I feel isolated if I don’t hear about something work related, or from those people. As it has been well established, I’m a strong workaholic. Well, the last few months I’ve averaged less than 8 hours per week. When I look back at the months (years ago) when I averaged somewhere between 65 and 70 hours a week, I feel guilty about working less than 10.
Not to mention I’ve been rather stressed for the last couple of months. I’ve lost about 15 pounds, and my hair has been falling out in clumps. Not all that good. The last couple of weeks I’ve even neglected to set up or complete my weekly spread/ bullet journal. This was once the lifeline of keeping my week organized. I had determined that I needed a change.
So today, I’m mapping out the next 3 weeks with a new layout.
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Hopefully this will keep things from slipping through the cracks. Not to mention keeping the daily shifting arrows to a minimum.
Yesterday I also heard from the group that is trying to get authorization for me to start up a few projects in Texas. Sadly, things cost money. What’s even worse is if you wait too long, they will cost more. They’ve waited about 10 months. Now, it will be even harder to convince the COO to spend extra millions. Next year the pricing will only go up.
If I don’t get the green light soon, December is going to be a thin month.
Maybe next year will bring more diverse projects and more business travel. Maybe next year I’ll need to get some more clients.
Back when I worked those 70 hour weeks, I always dreamt about working so much to basically take November and December off. Now I guess I’m living that dream
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lunapwrites · 4 months
2023 Recap and New Year Reading
One thing I think I'm proud of this year is how I approached bullet journaling. Despite sometimes going weeks at a time without making entries, instead of giving up I just went "ah, hell, we'll try again next month" and went about setting up the next few pages. That's... progress I think.
Anyway one of the reasons I bring this up is because last year, when I started this thing, I kicked off the year with a rune and tarot reading. And I think overall they were pretty on point, even if I was refusing to see the VERY COMMON THEME in all of it. Like... what brand of copium was I on that I saw 3 of Cups with the Empress and the Ace of Cups AND Death and went "Yep nope nothing to see here folks! Having a normal one!"
[This would be where I would stare flatly into the camera, Office style.]
The overall theme of 2023 was change. My partner and I did a lot of evaluating where we were and where we wanted to be, and started making moves to get there - some glacial, some... a lot quicker than I had expected lmao. But I think with my reading, my issue was that I made everything too broad and didn't focus on what was most on my mind - which turned out to be exactly what's on my mind now, and how it related to my existing commitments - including my fandom presence and writing. Which... has been difficult this year, particularly with being sick in one form or another for half of it.
With all of that said, 2024, it seems, is shaping up to be the transitional year - I pulled the Magician, which lends itself to a lot of power and potential. For the first half of the year, there's going to be a lot of good (or at least positive leaning) vibes up until April, supposedly - the Sun, Justice, the Empress (again), the High Priestess... all major arcana, all BDE cards. A lot of the messaging is about joy and balance and trusting my instincts. The vibes will be immaculate and everything's going to fall into place.
...Until May, which is when we can expect the Bean to make their appearance. Which... well, Five of Swords wasn't exactly the most surprising pull here. That is going to be a rough, scary transition, and I already knew it would be. But it's not forever.
We're (probably,) going to get our shit together a bit over the summer and into fall (Knight of Wands, the Chariot, 9 of Wands, King of Pentacles, the Fool) and then we're up for a setback of some kind in November (10 of Swords.) Given the context of the Fool and the overall timing, I think this is going to be related to moving Bean into their own room, and could be as simple as difficulty adjusting (for both of us tbh.) I'm not really seeing anything that indicates major issues, but the final card of the year (Judgement) is giving me a bit of an empowering message here.
Taken in aggregate, the message is clear: I have everything I need to succeed, so long as I remember not to rush important decisions and to ask for help when I need it. We can and we will achieve the balance I so desperately crave if we put the work in.
I did also do a rune reading, which overall seems to support the tarot one and gives me some additional context: likely looking at some conflict with work and family in the coming year (which I expected and which is already occuring to an extent) and my overall well-being is going to take a hit (also expected) - thurisaz and othala (r). However, my biggest pillars (my partner, my friends, and my overall... domestic situation? Home and finances lol) are going to be solid and are positive enough, in my view, to compensate - dagaz, uruz, fehu, jera, laguz. And of course the messaging is all the same: go with the flow, don't be fucking stubborn, ask for help, act with deliberation - tiwaz (r), perthro (r), eihwaz, ingwaz, mannaz.
Anyway. Yeah. Lots of big changes coming obviously, and I don't know what things are realistically going to look like six months from now, but I know whatever it is I'm going to do my best, and I'm gonna remember to breathe.
... And hopefully I can forgive myself for the times I mess up as well as I did with the bullet journal this year lol.
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Techo Kaigi 2023
2023 is drawing to a close and the new planners are sitting in my drawer, calling to me in all their pristine loveliness. But before I talk about 2024, how did 2023 go?
Pretty well, actually.
I started 2023 with the following planners:
Daily personal journal: Hobonichi Cousin
Daily carry: Hobonichi Weeks Mega
Commonplace book: Hobonichi A5 notebook
Writing journal: Hobonichi A5 notebook
Health journal: Hobonichi Weeks
Work journal: Hobonichi A6 Techo
Overflow/bullet journal: Midori Codex A5
By the end of 2023 (actually, by about mid-2023) only two of those got switched out for something else and one got added. Which is pretty good. There are, however, a few other changes I am making next year. I’m going to go through each in detail.
Were these the right journals for me?
Actually, yes. Although there is some reconfiguring, the basic principles of the journals above is going to remain consistent. I need a place to write personal journal entries that stays at home and a place to track things and make notes on the go. I enjoy both writing and commonplacing. If I want to focus on my health, having a dedicated journal helps. And I keep a separate journal for work because it may contain information that shouldn’t really go outside of work. And then sometimes I overflow into another space because I want to deep dive on something that doesn’t really fit in the others. None of this is changing.
Daily Personal Journal
The 2023 Hobonichi Cousin is going to move into … the 2024 Hobonichi Cousin. This book works really well for me. The finder details of how I use it did evolve a bit over the year, but I think I’m happy with where I ended up. I did consider moving into the Avec as my Cousin is fairly chonky at this point, but I prefer to have the book in English. I will use this in mostly the same way as last year as well:
3 months to a page view: I have no idea what I will do with this next year, but I had no idea last year either.
Monthly pages: I write a daily highlight on each day.
Weekly pages: I currently use these for planning, but this will move to the daily carry. So I am expecting this to become a space for gratitude/manifestation.
Daily pages: personal daily journal entries.
Daily Carry + Bullet Journal
Although the Weeks was nice, I found I ended up feeling things got a bit lost in the weekly view. I pretty much only used it for key dates. I had a Midori Codex as a bullet journal (briefly) but it never worked well for me as I really don’t like Midori paper (a discovery from this year) and it wasn’t something I could carry around. So I tried a Traveller’s Notebook, and again, the paper (which is the same, so I should have realised this would happen) was not to my taste. I solved both by getting a 240 page Sterling Ink TN notebook. This has worked well.
For next year, I wanted to consolidate these into one book. Although the weeks and the TN are smaller dimensionally, carrying both is quite bulky! I decided to get a Sterling Ink Common Planner (2 part book) in A5. I expect it to be used as follows:
3 months to a page view: seriously, I never know what to do with these pages.
Monthly pages: key dates and events
Weekly pages: time based daily planning - what do I do when. This will double as time tracking.
Blank pages: bullet journal which for me acts as a place to work when I’m out and about, as well as an overflow journal. I expect to also use it to write consolidated to do lists.
Creativity + Commonplace Journal
Last year was the first time I kept a commonplace book and this really suits my way of working. I have just about filled it. I did add a separate journal for writing learning, a Weeks Sterling Ink, but this is too small really.
I need somewhere to plan my creative activities, and also to plan this website! Especially as I have a lot of pre-planned content for next year that will need some serious planning to fully prep. So this will be moving into a Sterling Ink Common Planner (2 part book) along with my commonplace book. I originally brought this journal for work, but that ended up being the wrong choice. However, it ends up working out just fine as a combined creativity planner and commonplace book.
3 months to a page view: index.
Monthly pages: website and social media posting schedule. I want to be able to look back and see what got planned and what got posted.
Weekly pages: day to day creative planning - writing, the website, reading, etc.
Blank pages: commonplace book and creative ideas.
Bonus journal: A5 Sterling Ink 520 page learning journal
I will keep the learning separate. It makes it easier for me to re-read it and finding all my notes is going to be increasingly important next year for the content I have planned here.
Writing Journal
The Hobonichi notebook worked well last year as the smoothness of the tomoe river paper makes it a joy to write in. I really need the low feedback paper to write without my hands hurting. But, this year I want to focus on a daily writing habit, so I wanted a daily journal. And I wanted to use the new A5 Hobonichi Hon, but was a bit worried about how it would bulk up as my daily journal. So my new writing journal is the Hobonichi Hon A5.
3 months to a page view: actual daily ‘wordcount’. I want to be able to see the patterns of writing I manage to complete.
Monthly pages: I wanted a place to do mini doodle/zentangle art every day. As I don’t really need the monthlies for anything writing wise, I am going to use this space for that.
Weekly pages: responses to prompts, ideas - anything I feel the need to capture. This won’t really be ‘weekly’.
Daily pages: writing
Bonus journal: A5 Sterling Ink 520 page worldbuilding project journal
As my days vary quite a lot, I know I might not actually write every day. But I can write the equivalent of every day. The idea is to try and keep up with the days and that is why I am also recording the actual daily pages written. I also have a worldbuilding project planned and this will be kept in its own journal. Its an alternative history world so I will need to do a lot of research and then ‘adjust’ reality.
Health Journal
The Hobonichi Weeks was perfect for this. I recorded calories and activity against each day and then used the back pages for planning food shops. I am going to switch to the Sterling Ink Common Planner Weeks Compact for 2024 only because I think the vertical weeklies will be better than the horizontal ones (if I’m wrong, I can always get a Hobonichi Weeks).
Work Journal
It turns out I hate A6. I also think having a weekly overview is better. As is being able to keep my notes in the same book. I changed to a an Undated Sterling Ink Common Planner and I plan to stick with that. I got the ‘half year’ size so I can carry it around more easily.
Is everything Sterling Ink or Hobonichi?
Pretty much. There are two reasons for this that I can now articulate pretty clearly:
Tomoe River paper. I love this paper. Fountain pen inks never feather, even the wetter ones. Its incredibly smooth, and reduces feedback, which in turn reduces pain in my hands.
The grid size. This is perfect for me.
There are other companies out there who can meet this need. I did consider the Wonderland planner for a work planner. I also looked at Aura Estelle and I may get an Undated from here when my current work journal runs out (it depends how many of the note pages I end up using).
That is a lot of journals!
Its only 8. Well, 9 because I expect to use another journal as a record of a big trip I am taking next year. I know it seems a lot, but with the exception of the Worldbuilding Project journal, all of these were things I used last year. And most were filled (or will be full either by the end of the month, or when they come to their natural end). That being said, no one should feel like they have to have this many journals. I started with one - a single bullet journal. I ended up filling it very quickly, which is when I started to have more than one. You have too many journals if:
They are the ‘right’ journal, but you can’t fill them/keep up with them.
Keeping up with them is causing you stress.
Other than this, the correct number of journals is the number that help you function day to day, in all areas of your life. That bring you joy when you use them. I would find trying to cram everything into one book and running out of space stressful. This is what works for me, and in 2024, I will be sticking with it.
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etlu-yume · 1 year
Bullet Journal - December Spreads
First weekend means time to sit down and start churning out the monthly spreads and collections! 
1.) The Project Tracker
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Pretty empty for now - mainly a tracker for ongoing or new projects, with a time key to see how much time spent on it per day.
2. Habit trackers - Cleaning tasks and TV shows
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Already populated, but just a simple tracker. Been messing with this one a bit, since keeping the 4 or 5 week checklist for some tasks was a bit daunting. (I mean, this hasn’t quite taken off either but it’s less “oh my god I haven’t done the thing all month”)
[The TV Shows works as “strike out = watched this month”, and “black out = already seen (aka: watched last month)”. 
3. WIP Graveyard **NEW**
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This is a new one because it dawned on me that it’s almost the end of the year and I have some outstanding projects never finished, so. (A couple of these are up on here - like the Animal Emoji Series  and the Spotify GUI concepts )
Hopefully I’ll be able to knock some of these off the list before the end of the year!
5. Music Tracking Spreads
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Artists to Follow Up This one is actually new! I’ve been doing an album challenge inspired by a friend and keeping track (or trying to) of what I’ve listened to, what stuck, what didn’t, etc etc. Although since I finished my big list from 2017, I’ve been struggling working out how to keep going with the challenge. So I’ve introduced a page so I can put artists down to check out albums for, instead of letting them get lost in my daily journals!
Album Challenge Just a simple tracker with date, artist, album title, and liked songs*. *liked songs - works on the premise of what catches my eye or attention on a first listen. If more than 50% of the songs on an album achieves a like, it gets added to a month-based playlist and we see where we go from there. Pale green indicates a first pass, a darker green indicates a physical copy has been obtained. (None to show here, for now)
6. Big Bads™
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My overarching Big Heckin Concerns spread. Drawn up so that it can track how the big anxiety-inducing things in my head are going and if we’re making any progress from week to week. Oooooor if it’s barely treading water.
I don’t have an example there, but this is also where I use my highlighter system to indicate progress status!
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fitgothgirl · 1 year
Hiii here have an update :]
Things are decent, not much going on lately. Still making it to the gym about 3 times a week for lifting, but just recently starting to try to get more cardio and steps haha. Lifting is awesome but I would also like to be losing some fat here and there too lol, can’t forget about that. I at least just want to get enough steps a day but I know cardio is good for your heart and lungs and whatever (grumble grumble) so I want to get some times of higher heart rate once or twice a week to start with.
A couple days ago I also started a bullet journal. I’ve always liked these but never thought I could do one since they always look like works of art and I’m not artistic, don’t have pretty writing, etc. I didn’t want to try it and mess it up or end up not using it because I hated my artwork. But I recently saw a tumblr post about how making bujos like that is great for people who can/like to do that, but originally bujos were made by a guy (Ryder Carroll) who wanted it to be super simple and straightforward. In his Youtube intro video his handwriting is even messy enough that I almost can’t read it at times lol. But I guess a lot of people are like me and get overwhelmed at how we normally see bujos and so we avoid them, but he actually invented the method specifically as a neurodivergent-accessible way to stay organized, apparently in particular for people with ADHD. So that made me feel way better about starting my own. I did watch some other videos of people’s minimalistic spreads which I took from that added to Carroll’s original method, like a habit tracker and a gratitude page, etc. But otherwise it’s really straightforward and all I use is just a graph notebook (I like graph paper over dots hehe), a black pen, and a ruler (not even necessary technically) and that’s it!
This is good for a lot of reasons but I especially want to use it to help me with what I think is going to be a New Year’s resolution - get out of debt! Or at least close to out of it - not sure if I could completely get out if it in just a year. My financial situation is horrendous and embarrassing. Since I started my bujo in December, this month’s financial goals included just not using my credit card anymore, and starting in 2023 I want to plan specifics for paying off my cards and saving a little. With Christmas shopping this month, I couldn’t really start with that stuff yet (even though I’m keeping the shopping minimal this year).
I’d also like to start incorporating a way to meal plan/meal prep with it, but I’ll do that down the line a bit. One thing at a time.
Otherwise things are pretty chill. Concerts petered out after October - had just one at the end of November and we have NONE scheduled for the next THREE MONTHS. This is crazy for us lol. I bet at least one will come up before then though. It’s funny though cuz if not, the last concert I went to was AFI, and the next concert I go to will also be AFI haha. The one that just happened was a regular album tour show; the one that will be in March is a special one-off concert where they will be playing an entire album through “for the first and last time” (Sing the Sorrow, since it’ll be its 20th anniversary). We have to travel down to SoCal for that one too. So unbelievable we even got tickets, I’m so stoked. It’s going to be a special night with the most diehard fans.
Anyway, December is surprisingly an almost plan-less month. Just Christmas and New Years obviously, and we’re having a late combo friendsgiving/secret Santa dinner party at the end of the month too. Enjoying the lull in things before the schedule gets packed again in spring - besides that concert in March, there are already plans coming up around then and onward. I love doing stuff and I also love staying home, so I got a good balance right now lol.
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falsebooles123 · 5 months
Confessions of a Recovering Genre-phobic: The Beginning
Hey Whores, So are you ready for one of my many Sexy New Years Resolutions
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I don't understand what the youth are listening these days and overall I find myself listening to the same old music over and over again. Granted my definetion of listening to the same 5 songs over and over again tends to be a bit more varied. Spotify says I only listened to 1,635 unique songs this year so clearly I need to pop my pussy harder.
Ultimately what that means is that I'm gonna start listening to albums again. Its something that I started in aug 2019 and corencidentally I have a list of albums from that exact year that I wrote down in my first bullet journal. And by a few I do mean exactly 175. I had consumed a few albums that year and so over the last couple weeks instead of properlly finishing my 2024 bullet journal I have copyied over the list onto one of my designated 'collections' pages which is what the BulJor community, (if they were famalier with its founder Ryder Carroll original ideas), call personified spreads like habit trackers and similar.
The first 104 albums have been written down, (so that I can randomly generate a album to listen to) which leaves 35 spaces for recommendations. you probably wonder what happened to the 71 other albums well half of those I listened to in augest of 2019 and the other half I listened to this month. Yeah over three weeks in december. I was kinda sad and maybe I listened to 3 or 4 albums a day sometimes because I could. and I am insane. we already knew this.
I'm gonna list out the albums I listened to this month in a moment but suffice to say that most were pretty basic. Some standouts would of course be Biggie Smalls, Barnes BLVD, The Hoosiers, Cake, and Jack Comte but I was already pretty big fans of them to begin with so its not a surprise that I found there albums exceptional. Overall it was a snapshot of what type of music I was listening to and was also coincedental taken line by line from my liked songs playlist on spotify at the time.
List of Albums Listened to in December
Halloway | Tessa Violet 3/5
The MatchBreak (OMPS) | V.A 1/5
PDX Pop Now! 2014 Compelation | V.A 2/5
Bobs Burger Musical Album | V.A 3/5
Prism | Katy Perry 3/5
Kiss | Carly Rae Jepsen 3/5
Shorts Fired x Thirst Trap (LP) | Cakes de Killa 3/5
Waking Ups | OneRepublic 4/5
Be Not Nobody | Venessa Carlton 3/5
Trolls (OMPS) | V.A 3/5
Ready to Die: The Remaster | Notorious B.I.G 3.5/5
Last Summer | Barnes BLVD 5/5
Vaudeville Show | The Bad Things 3/5
Mail on Sunday | Flo Rida/T-Pain 3/5
Couleè-D | Shea Couleè 3.5/5
Metallic Butterfly | Princess Nokia 3/5
The Trick to Life | The Hoosiers 4/5
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 1 Vol 1 | Rachel Bloom 3/5
Mighty Seed | That Way to the Egress 3/5
Bouquet | Caravan of Thieves 3/5
Net Split | MC Frontalot 2/5
Ancient World | Abney Park 3/5
Zero Day | MC Frontalot 3/5\
Fashion Nugget | CAKE 3/5
Beacon | Two Door Cinema Club 3/5
Coup De Grace | Miles Kane 3.5/5
Stars of CCTV | Hard-FI 3/5
VS4 | Jack Comte 5/5
The Moorings | Andrew Duhon 3/5
More Adventious | Rile Kiley 4/5
Looking over the list I have come to two conclusions. 1. I listened to a lot of twee ass music in 2019. Like I still Dark Cabernet and Amanda Palmer but like I had two MC Frontalot albums. I like a novelty song from time to time but theres a wide margin between the kind of silly folk stylings of the double-clicks and the deep ernestness of Nerd Rap. The energy and emphasis and making silly little jokes becomes tiring either that or I just am not a big Frontalot fan as I thought I was.
The Other is that my rating system sucks like why is so many of these albums rated 3/5 is every album I listen to that mid or do I just not have a strong sense of what makes a album exceptional or particular mediocre? Questions to be asked moving forward.
Anyway whores for now please enjoy my ramblings. sighing off.
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carnetsdelaura · 3 years
Journal review series - episode 3
Leuchtturm1917 - 2021
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Wait. Didn’t I already make a post about a Leuchtturm1917?
Yes I did.
But this review series isn’t just about brands; it’s also about what worked or didn’t work for me as a bujo user.
After my last journaling failure, I quitted bullet journal for two years. I even spent a whole school year without any planning system and I still can’t believe I managed it (yes it was the school year 2019-202 with the two months lockdown and online teaching, but still).
At the start of the school year 2020-2021, I bought a teacher planner, and it wasn’t easy to find one that suited my needs. I gave up on it after a few months, and I was planner-less again.
2021 started, and in a really bad way for me. Then, I watched a video of Hannah (A clockwork reader on YouTube) where she set up her next month in her bullet journal. The video was peaceful, journaling seemed peaceful, and I wanted this peacefulness for myself.
Back to bullet journaling it is!
(This was a really long intro)
I had a hard time choosing my journal and I ended with something familiar, a Leuchtturm1917. This one’s only 120 pages though.
It could have been another failure, but I used this journal for 5 months and finished it. If you browse through my blog, most bujo pics came for this one.
What was different this time?
I was in the right state of mind. I needed time for myself, peacefulness, a pretty place just for me and my creativity. I craved all of this, and using a bullet journal gave it to me.
No more « setting up the whole journal in advance ». At most I think I was a month ahead. This allowed to try new layouts, new spread ideas, and let go on what wasn’t working for me. I could adapt my bujo to what I needed and what I wanted to try. I tried Dutch doors, new color schemes… this was my bujo of experiments.
I guess if this one hadn’t worked, I would have completely give up on bullet journaling. But I found what works for me.
I don’t use super artistic layouts with lots of drawings and stickers because I need some space. My journal isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing, but it suits my needs.
And that’s the most important
(Tagging @thecrimsonacademic)
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jo-washere · 2 years
every monthly calendar setup I’ve tried in my bullet journal !
I’ve decided I want to make some posts focusing on how I started in my bullet journal and how I got to where I am now, and the essential monthly calendar seems like a good starting point! Keep reading to see 10 different months out of my journals and how my layout developed to what I use now :)
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May 2020, the first full month I bujoed and the first ever calendar I made. I didn’t get much use out of it because nothing happened in 2020. I don’t like how this spread looks really and I abandoned this layout after June 2020, but I have been considering going back to a full page calendar grid like this. 
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In July and August 2020, I tried out this wheel type spread. I like how this page turned out and the calendar worked just fine, but it’s not really my thing anymore. 
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In September 2020 I kept the wheel but made it two pages. I didn’t like this page because there was too much blank space and it felt very plain and wasteful. Also, you can tell this journal got some use by the split in the middle lol.
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October 2020 is when I struck gold because this is basically the monthly spread I used for the entire next year. Even now my monthly calendar came from this idea. You can see I put birthdays on the calendar and everything else in the appropriate dated box on the right. Later this evolved to not have anything on the mini calendar. 
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February 2021 I clearly did not want to spend time setting up my calendar and I came up with this condensed but still practical version. In March, I went back to my original 2 page spread like October’s. 
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However March was the end of 2-page monthly spreads because my April and May 2021 calendars looked like this. I condensed the date boxes to fit into 3 columns below the mini calendar. 
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In June and July, I did the same basic layout but with both months on one page. Since I don’t have school in those months, I combined them into 2-month spreads for the calendars and habit trackers. 
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Last September is when I came up with the ideal right side page for this school year. There is a lot of blank space, but it’s there if I need it to plan. Also, I made a space for future events (this is when I realized I needed a future log). 
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Once again in October I found a favorite layout. It’s basically the same thing as before but with boxes for weeks instead of days. It’s much less cluttered and easier to read when I’m transferring things from my calendar to my weekly spreads. 
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For December and this month, I did a 1x1 instead of 2x2 calendar and gave myself a little more space in the week boxes, but that’s the only change. Now that I’m in my new journal I have a future log, so I got rid of the “future events” section for now. 
And that’s all the progress my monthlies have made! It’s cool to look back on things like this and see all the ways I’ve experimented. I will be making a series of posts like this, and I’ll eventually have a masterpost coming as well! Thanks for reading :)
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jiminrings · 4 years
the volleyball shorts
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pairing: jungkook x y/n
wordcount: 5k
glimpse: coach koo’s just dying to know what his present is, you’re panicking because you can’t think of a present, and jimin and the gang tolerate jungkook a little bit better because it’s his special day :D // contains smut + gif isn’t mine!!
notes: happy birthday jungkook!!! i baked brownies irl for you u should come over sometime!!!
if you’ve read most valuable, the piece that started it all, then you knOw what i’m alluding to with jungkook and his relationship with y/n’s volleyball shorts!!
you swear,,
you could even really SWEAR on the brand-new refrigerator that you need to knock twice on to see what it contained that you split the price with jimin
and forcibly with also jungkook because he stays over so much at yours and jimin’s place that he’s basically a roommate now
and alsO forcibly with taehyung and yoongi because apparently your apartment is now everyone’s gathering place and they raid and inhale ur fridge atleast 72 times per day that the electricity bill’s gone up
that yesterday, it was just a month away from jungkook’s birthday!! you swear!!
and two hours ago, it was two weeks away!!
you can’t really digest the truth
that it’s just f i v e days away now
and you have zero thoughts to how you’re gonna throw jungkook his birthday bash :D
the guys probably figured that out too lol because they have an idea to how you’d be all over the place for even something miniscule
like one time you and jimin bought two rugs you couldn’t decide upon then you just agreed that you’d fit it underneath the coffee table and whichever looks ugly, you’ll return it later
but then the two rugs ended up being too pretty that you couldn’t decide nOW
and jupiter barked out of the blue and it was a eureka moment because :D aHA jimin what if we just let jupiter pick out the rug?? then that way it’s fair???
but then jupiter ended up lying on bOTH the rugs and now you were distraught
jimin was reassuring you like eH it’s okay let’s just go about our days and not spend y’know :D all our time trying to figure out what to pick :D
and then you obviously refused and you stayed up the whole night picking a goddamn rug and jimin was so close to toppling over in fear when he went to grab water at three in the morning
that’s why they’re here!!! even before you could call and gather them up when jungkook had to leave by himself to settle some things because he’s the coach,,
even before you could text tae and yoongi to take the elevator, they’re already knocking at your door
everyone’s just looking at each other in this makeshift circle you’re all in around the coffee table
even jupiter’s stopped barking and he’s been barking for the past five minutes at the new cactus succulent that jimin bought!!!
they’re waiting
waiting for that —
“not to stir the pot, but jungkook always zones out at practice and even during games then gIGGLES to himself!! and when i ask him why, he says that he’s just thinking about what you’re getting him for his birthday!!”
jimin shudders at that too because whew
like he knew that koo sometimes talks to inanimate objects but man his superior (albeit younger) is out here imagining his birthday present in the middle of a neck-and-neck game
he’s conversing with himself like he’s talking to you and that just makes him speechless
“kook buddy i haven’t played volleyball competitively in like two years but i sUGGEST you focus or else i will spike you haha jk but no really ahaha :))”
“not to stir the pot too, but jungkook asked me to play happy birthday. on the snare. happy birthday. ON THE SNARE.”
this time, it’s taehyung’s turn to shudder
because he got a new head that’s louder and more tear-resistant and he wanted to try it out ok
and what better way to try that than when it’s in one of your practice games??
he has his drumsticks already lifted but then out of nowhere jungkook pOps out with a cheeky grin on his face and tae almost pokes him in the eye
“how many syllables are your name, tae?”
“... are you really asking me this?”
“yeah!! how many?”
“... three, jungkook. what, do you need ME to count yOUR syllables for you??”
oh my god that is such a stupid question
but it’s coming from jungkook so lmao tae isn’t all that surprised
“what’s three plus twenty?”
“i get that you’re an athlete but don’t you kNOW how to count???”
“hyung what’s three plus twenty??”
“... twenty-three....”
tae’s so close to narrowing his eyes because if this is another one of jungkook’s lame pranks then he’s gonna whack him in the head for this
but then all of a sudden jungkook jUMPS and squeals before clapping his hands
“twenty-three days before my birthday!! quick quick play happy birthday for me nOW :D”
that’s so... chilling
“now not to stir the pot even further, but y/n,,, baby,,, why didn’t you brainstorm earlier??”
yoongi goes straight-in for the kill and it’s his version of “i told you so” but that does not make it better whatsoever
that’s the thing you don’t know either!!!!
and it’s totally your fault and you shouldn’t have been complacent because now you’re paying the repercussions of cramming AND panic-sweating!!!
it’s okay!
you got this! :D
“how about some more black shirts??” tae pitches in and it’s a resounding no from you and the assistant coach
“jungkook has enough of those,, even jimin and i can take a dozen from his stash and it won’t even make a dent!!”
jimin’s racking his brain and he hasn’t thought about something this hard but ok fine anything for you
“new chunky shoes?? but uGH he already has too many of those-“ that makes him groan even harder because buying another pair for kook means him tripping over them
not to mention that the shoe rack is now taken over by jungkook atleast 50%
and once again jimin reiterates <3 this is the y/n and jimin apartment and nOT the y/n and jimin and this dude that dOESN’T pay rent apartment
yoongi’s in deep thought as everyone around him throws ideas around
okay dOn’t tell anyone but yoongi’s now getting into bullet-journaling :D
tae just gave him a dotted notebook one day because he accidentally bought a dozen instead of one from amazon so lol here hyung u like writing right???
by writing, yoongi meant scribbling haphazardly and waking up the next day and trying to decipher his own handwriting
but then he came over to your apartment and you bought pastel highlighters because they were on sale and nOT because you needed them and you wanted to try them out!!! but jungkook was sick that time and you needed to make soup :((
“yeah ok leave it to me,, i’ll swatch it for you or something.,.,.”
one thing led to another and :D AHA
yoongi blackmailed everyone to not say a single word to anyone that he now loves bullet-journaling and he had to whack tae one time when he kept teasing him
also he now has a bujo account on instagram and it’s nearing 5k followers omg and he will d-word when someone irl finds out that it’s him
yoongi says seriously and it makes everyone shut up because he sounded sO sure
he just has this certain authorative aura around him that you wavered because oH right yes boxers,,, will buy,,,, thank you
lol but you snapped out of it
“jungkook already has too many boxers!! he likes basketball shorts more nowadays and-“
“what? who said the boxers were for jungkook??” yoongi scrunches his nose at your ridiculous reply
your eyes are squinted so hard as you try to decipher the flow of thoughts of everyone in this circle
“oh. i want boxers. want them for christmas!! take note, y/n.”
good news: you now know what you’re gonna give to yoongi on christmas
bad news: you dON’T know what to give to your boyfriend on his birthday five days from now
there’s something somewhere in the middle of all the banter that you’ve tuned out though
something that just makes your eyes bulge and hit whoever’s lap is beside you repeatedly (first of all it’s jimin’s for the record and second oW THAT HURTS) with a grin on your face before you hurriedly stand up and they equally as hurriedly do after
“i know what to get!!”
jungkook’s stArting to get antsy if he’s being honest
it’s not because he’s in his own apartment with you after so long he’s stayed over at yours
he really doesn’t mind that bit, no
jimin, tae, and yoongi were all staying over at your apartment instead as they make the last bit of preparations for jungkook’s birthday the next day!!
they all insisted that you rest because you’ve been so frantic the last couple of days and tbh even taehyung hyped of tWO cups of coffee can’t keep up
no — jungkook’s so antsy because he doesn’t know what you have in store for him :((
for the last five days you haven’t touched him nor did you let him touch you :((
a heated makeover that’s cut too short is as far as it could only go and he’s just so????
like is that a part of your birthday surprise or nOT
he has a love-hate relationship with surprises now because first of all,,,
he kNOWS that there’s gonna be a surprise and that excites him
but the worst of it all is that he knows there’s a surprise but he doesn’t know what it is
that’s like uhm
standing fifty feet away and being forced to pick between a lifetime supply of sugar and salt that’s placed into jars but u don’t know which is which
that is such an odd example to compare it to but that’s only what jungkook could process this now oKAY
you still let jungkook cuddle you so he guesses he could still touch you
he could rest his hand on your tummy!!!
but riGht when he’s about to sneak in a lil squeeze at your boob over your shirt then that’s when you slap his hand away and he frowns
just some hOURS left and it’s finally his birthday!!! he’ll just nuzzle to your neck and all would be fine :)
the lil party’s gonna be thrown in jungkook’s apartment anyways because as you’ve all come to known:
his apartment’s bigger than the one you and jimin share and that irks him because!!!
“yOU have the bigger and better aprtment why are you still cramping at ours???”
“i like staying with you guys!!!”
“nO you like staying with y/n and i come in handy when you need to steal someone’s pasta from!! i bought you tupperware and wrote your name on it but you still eat from mINE!!”
now everyone has their designated roles
jimin’s in charge of making the lasagna and he takes great pride in arranging the layers neatly and not half-assing the amount of cheese
taehyung had the great idea of wAIT what if they don’t like lasagna?? (jimin was offended by that omg who wouldn’t like my lasagna are u kiddinG)
so what he did was bring over this foldable table :D lay cups of ramen neatly :D decorate jungkook’s kettle because he realized that it looks like dOlphin when you tilt it sideways :D
and it’s now tae’s ramen station and so far the party-goers are LOVING it and it’s a close tie between him n jimin
yoongi’s in charge of food that the other two didn’t bother to think about basically
you locked jungkook in his own room lmao and had to bribe him with a kiss or two to stay there and not leave until you tell him to
you’re in charge of the decoration and not to toot ur own horn or anything but you did a pretty damn good job :D
there’s foil balloons you had to blow up and decorate meticulously
lol jimin accidentally bought the wrong ones so now it’s JUNGK00K instead of JUNGKOOK
you even learned how to fold paper cranes so u could fold the quantity of them to jungkook’s age for yoongi to stick them up to the ceiling
you EVEN bought blackout curtains and a lil disco light!!! that’s how well-put you were despite cram-planning!!
it was time to let out jungkook because the guests were starting to come in
and oh my gOD jungkook does clean up well..,.. wow
he’s dressed himself in just a white button-up but with the sleeves folded and some buttons left alone
thEn it’s the same black jeans but with a fancy belt he only pulls out whenever he goes to prissy parties!!!
and oh god
oh my
it’s his slicked hair that’s showing his forehead and tHAT’S when it sinks in you that oh.,.,. right.,.. jungkook’s growing his hair out and he’s been in a cap this past week and OH
it only hits you that oh.,.. jesus christ.,.,. jungkook has a mULLET
it’s a mullet-type of situation and it’s part-straight and part-wavy and wOW
you want nothing more but to pounce on him and it makes you audibly gUlp
jungkook’s as surprised as you were of him because w-wait a second
ok you’re wearing your favorite white shirt with the print on it that you wear at home!! he isn’t surprised
but are you wearing vOLLEYBALL SHORTS.,.,..
like as in the same volleyball shorts... that he..... adores..... a-and fantasizes over
oh my god everybody shut up
is that-
the one with Jeon embroidered in the back and the one he wore to death that it still has his scent on it even if you washed it clean???
.... oh
that uH that makes jungkook put a hand over his chest
god im coming up
the party was an absolute bLAST!!
you and jungkook would stray from each other time to time because you’re each whisked away to talk but you’d always find each other after
you cAn’t contain yourselves at the sight of one another
kook keeps putting his arm around your waist and you keep squeezing his forearm
over-all it was such a great party 20/10
the girls chipped in to buy their coach jungkook (u put the idea in their head and they were amazed because they didn’t think of it) a smartwatch and he was so :D upon receiving it because wOah!!! omg he’s now a smartwatch owner sUck that kim namjoon
kim wears these fancy analog watches still and that makes jungkook roll his eyes because yEa that may be a rolex but my team did obliterate yours lmaOoo what about that huh
jimin’s gift was very heartwarming no matter how much he denies it to be
first he bought jungkook matching slippers with him because he’s so irked to see jungkook in chunky sneakers aLL the time
then uhm
an official key to the apartment and a written letter that when the two of your drive back,,, you could all do a handprint at the picture frame with the four of you and that’s jupiter’s paw included
you’re not gonna lie that dID make you tear up a little bit because wow :((( jimin used to be hesitant of jungkook at first but nOw he’s officially welcoming jungkook in with no anger whatsoever
kook also did cry a lil bit and they hugged it out
taehyung hand-knitted a blanket for jungkook with lil dolphins on them
he missed some stitches but he did his best oKAY and koo was so excited because wow omg this is so good!!!
yoongi bought jungkook a guitar because yeah.,.,. u dO get into my nerves sometimes but i care for you and i guess you’re my little brother now :)) i don’t make the rules
and as for your gift
... well
everyone’s already left and it’s just the two of you now finally
jungkook’s sat at the edge of the bed patiently because you’re fishing for the paper bag you’ve hidden and he’s sO on edge alright
he’s closed his eyes and you didn’t even tell him to so he’s THAT obedient
“you can open them now,” you’re sat on jungkook’s lap and it’s quite the tease for you to be perched near to his knees instead of his crotch but oK he won’t complain yet
it’s a box??
... oH
“that’s for me??”
jungkook awes immediately when he opens to box and sees shiny silver gleam right up at him
it’s the matching thick necklace and bracelet he’s been eyeing for quite some time now yet refUses to buy
and here it is!!!! right in his hands!!!
“yes and they dOn’t allow refunds so please just wear them and don’t make yourself guilty!!”
you’re taking it from his hands and he’s smiling giddily when you clasp the cool jewelry around his neck and on his wrist
and now it’s time for —
“i’m sleepy. are you sleepy yet?”
you do your part in messing with jungkook as you stifle a yawn, pretending to arrange things around the room before settling near him at the edge of the bed
he almost gives himself whiplash to look at you because you can NOT be serious
“no you’re not. you aren’t sleepy. your eyes tear up when you wanna go to bed.”
it’s endearing for you that he knows thay but you just continue to deadpan for the time-being
“i do? well i think i’m tearing up now.”
jungkook scoffs and crosses his arms across his chest because nO your eyes are dry!!!! look at them!!!! not a single tear!!!!
he’s looking at you so pointedly that it makes you chuckle, finally sitting down on his lap properly like he wanted you to that it makes him grunt
jungkook hasn’t had any decent action for a week now and even the slightest contact of you sitting on him, still-clothed, already makes him cRUMBLE
the thought that you’re in your volleyball shorts doesn’t help at all
it’s nice seeing him so flustered and willed right now,, his pupils already blOwn out and you haven’t even done anything
jungkook’s beautiful and that isn’t up to debate but even more-so up close that you could hear his labored yet trembling breathing
“you wanna kiss me?”
that dOES it for him and he almost leaps at the question but that’s when you pull back to which he audibly whines
you come back again but it’s you who initiates it and jungkook practically melts at the taste of your mouth, already getting handsy as he squeezes at your thighs
he’s the one who’s gaining the upper hand and that was nOT the plan so that’s why you pull away right when he’s getting drunk on you
he’s chasing after your lips and you practically tut at him condescendingly that makes him huff again
“say please.”
jungkook’s eyes widen at that and he scoffs in disbelief because oh my god so tHIS is what you’re doing
now this is what he makes you say
and you never got him to say please because whenever you urge him to he just laUGHS upfront and it makes you pout
no jungkook’s not gonna do —
his giggling’s cut short when you let your mouth wander to his neck and right on to his sweet spot, immediately sucking on it harshly to paint your mark on
there’s slow kisses on his jugular nexy and you won’t do the same as what you did to him the first time and it’s frUstrating
add on to that with how you remind him you’re still on his lap with you grinding on him tOO pain-achingly slow
ok jungkook might say please after all
you’re coming back up to his jaw again and kissing everywhere but his lips that it’s starting to make him cave
“pl-“ he stops himself because oh gOd is he yielding but that’s when you snap too smoothly right on him, the intimate yet clothed feeling of you enough to make him moan in distress
it’s instant relief when you’re back to kissing jungkook again and he might just bURST at this point and you’ve only been kissing him
tasting your lips is his first priority and breathing’s his second that it makes you chuckle with how needy he is, having to push him off because you know he’s getting light-headed
jungkook’s regaining his breath and he still wants mORE unsurprisingly
you’re taking off his shirt and stripping off his pants that leaves him with his boxers but on the other hand, you’re sTILL fully-clothed sans the varsity jacket
he’s about to do something with that which explains his grabby hands trYing to take off your shirt
but his hands not only get slapped away again, you’re pINNING them down back to the bed
“y/n i swear-“
he’s growing restless because he needs you right here and right now but you’re just tOO stubborn and bossy which is definitely a switch of roles
you grind on him a little too roughly than you intended to but the feeling’s more than welcome because you feel so fULL already and it makes jungkook unintentionally thrust into you
your shorts are feeling more than damp and his boxers are being a little tOo tight now
that’s when you lift yourself up from his crotch and let go of his hands, your face dangerously near his as his pupils shake
jungkook’s clearly looking at your centre and he whines when you still (purposely) won’t get what he’s trying to say
he’s always clearly had a vision of eating you out in your volleyball shorts that’s for sUre
but he didn’t imagine it like this and you know what he’s not complaining his hips try to buck up but to no avail, your finger hooked underneath his chin to make him look at you again
jungkook looks sO fucked out and he knows that far
he cries like a lost puppy with how you press your thumb to his bottom lips, your other hand making soothing circles on his chest
“you want a taste?” you ask ever so gently and that makes kook nod more than eagerly, about to pull you by your thighs and his mouth’s wAtering just by thinking about it
it’s the tut you give him again that makes him succumb, throat strained as he trains his pleading eyes on you for permission
“p-please?” jungkook’s too impatient to wait for an answer as he roughly grabs you to position your clothed core right above his face, immediately pressing his nose to inhale the scent of you with his lips ghosting your already-soaked folds — something so obscene about it that it almost makes your knees buckle, “that’s a g-good boy.”
he’s rELISHING on the slip of your tongue and he wastes no times in taking off your shorts, diving in with an eager tongue that takes you off-guard
now this is the real deal
jungkook takes mUCH pleasure in giving you yours and the unhinged and dirty moans you’re giving him are egging him on further
you taste so sweet and it’s enough to make him dizzy with how you’re opened up to him and for him only
he has a death grip on your thighs because you keep twitching and on the other hand he’s cravinG for you to take everything he’s giving you
he slips his hand to thumb at your clit in desperate circles and god the countdown to when you’re gonna reach your peak becomes alarmingly too near
jungkook doesn’t stop when you’re tugging at his hair roughly or when you’re yelling out his name like a mantra
jungkook doesn’t stop either when his face from the nose down is starting to get messy with the taste of you
doesn’t stop either when he’s starting to see your eyes become glassy and your lip trembling
absolutely doesn’t stop when you snap suddenly and gush over him because in fact, he still continues with much more fervor
jungkook was messy and kept lapping up at what you were giving him that’s enough to drive you into anoTher orgasm with how sensitive you are
holy fuck
jungkook’s laughing against your neck as you’re draped over him, making flowers bloom on your neck with his tongue as he makes you catch your breath
“there’s still another gift i haven’t showed you.”
okay nOW you’re nervous
kook stops pressing kisses and your words obviously make him perk, trying to hide his fascination and excitement but that’s poorly-done with how he’s trying to hide it
“you have mORE?? think y’already gave me heaven if i’m being honest”
he wouldn’t be opposed because honestly speaking his stamina as of the moment would last him aLL night and he’s on a high just from eating you out!!
oh my god you can’t possibly fall in love more with jungkook
you’re tracing the sweat that’s going down on the necklace and it makes you go lightheaded with how perfect he looks
the imprint of his bracelet’s marked snug on your left thigh with how hard he was gripping you earlier
he’s patiently waiting and waiting on you, drumming his fingers on your thighs in anticipation
here goes nothing!!!!
you take off your shirt and aHH jungkook visibly moans at the sight of a bare you
he’s right you are the present
but nO that’s not what you’re trying to get at
jungkook has his wandering hands taken down for the nth time this week but something about this feels a bit more special and reserved
he’s a little lost when you get off from him and instead sit beside him against the pillows, still kneeling on the bed so you could be higher than how he’s sat right now
he is mORE than lost when you smile at him gently and take his hand to —
oh my god
it’s a tattoo
it’s a tiny and dainty tattoo on your rib in black ink
“jjk? that’s-“
holy fucking sHIT
everybody shut up!!!
everybody pLEASE be quiet jungkook needs a moment rn
it’s his initials
in his handwriting
on your skin.
oh my god
you’ve always adored jungkook’s tattoos i mean it’s nOt a surprise for anyone
they peak from time to time but sometimes they get covered with his coach jackets and his hoodies
and it’s at home where you can see them all
there’s a little inkling in the back of your head that oOH you’ve always wanted one like what he has
what was holding you back was that maybe it would affect your career or whatever
you and jimin read the guidelines for a whole hour and it wasn’t illegal for players to have tattoos!!!
as long as it doesn’t go against the rules and it won’t hinder your play
tattoos on the wrist or in between the fingers or in the forearm were a little risky because it’s always in direct contact with how you play
jimin was all thumbs-up on your idea because he himself has a couple of tattoos and was all wOah that’s so sweet!!!
taehyung was very warm with your idea and he swears that he’ll get one soon just give him some tIME to conceptualize what would his first one be
yoongi agreed and he alsO has tattoos himself and he was the most realistic (?) out of the four of you going “well you and jungkook better not break up lol”
he thought of it more and honestly?? he doesn’t see you and jungkook breaking up because there’s just sOMETHING alright??? something so unbreakable
jimin and taehyung and yoongi made a bet when you were getting your tat cleaned up that lmao what year would jungkook propose in
it’s your first tattoo and like you didn’t want to dive in head first and have a whole sLEEVE tattooed on the first occassion ya know
so why not the one you love?
and like it’s hidden by a shirt and obviously not a LOT of people would know about it and —
oh wow
jungkook’s.... crying?
he loves you sO much you have no idea
you’re tasting the salt from his tears when he kisses you so tenderly but it’s okay you don’t mind
he’s the one pinning you down this time and well he used to swear that he’s nEver the one for giggly sex
but oh god look at him now
he has your hands flat against the mattress before he holds them :D
this is jungkook’s best birthday eVER 
“wanna spend all my birthdays with you.”
you instantly giggle to his neck and that tickled him a little bit okay
“you wanna marry me??”
you’re feeling everything at once and you have never grinned sO hard and laughed
jungkook rolls his eyes but that’s only because he might burst if he keeps looking at you
“well i don’t have the ring yet dummy but yEs i do want to marry you!!”
mrs. jeon!!!
wow that sounds hEAVENLY
you raise your head to whisper to his ear, leaning down for you instead so you wouldn’t strain yourself, “say please.”
“i hATE you,” jungkook cackles and it should be illegal to how warm and content he feels!! 
“you love me!!” there’s a lil sing-song voice and of cOURSE he does!!
he’s so whipped for you and he might go to the ends of the earth just because you insist
“solid facts.”
“my god—“ jungkook stills, laughing at you who’s underneath him before he breaks out into a grin
a little tiny ᵏᶦˢˢ on your nose
“what was life before you?”
237 notes · View notes
aelaer · 3 years
First: welcome home & I hope you get the sleep you need to get back into your routines! Second: it's Feb. 2, a significant day to our beloved Stephen Strange. I know you're exhausted right now, and the timing is poor--but perhaps when you're up to, you could write a little one-shot about his feelings all these years later (is it 2022 or 2023?) on the anniversary of the accident that changed his life forever. Can't think of anyone better suited to write it! xx
This was sent a year ago but last month I planned to have it out for Feb 2nd, hah.
For canon, he comes back in 2023 in what I think was likely after Feb 2nd, so realistically he can address the anniversary again in 2024. It'd feel like only 3 years for him while, in actuality, it'd been 8. But when it comes to his experienced time versus actual passing time, Stephen's pretty messed up without the Decimation already (I'm not sure how I feel about the name of the "Blip" yet.)
The prompter also requested first person after I asked for more details, and I haven't ever written Stephen in first person so I thought I'd give it a go. I know first person isn't everyone's cup of tea, but if you're willing to give it a shot, call me very obliged.
Warning for canon compliance :P
Staring Back In Time Rating: G (well, other than language)
An entry from the memoirs of Doctor Stephen Strange, Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, during his time as the Master of the New York Sanctum, several months after the Battle of Earth against Thanos:
February 2, 2024
Calendars don't mean as much as they used to. Once upon a time my life was ruled by the calendar. Consultation here, surgery there, society dinner over the weekend. Dates were important and generally set without change once marked down.
It doesn't work that way as a sorcerer. I keep a schedule, of course, one that marks down classes with apprentices and adepts and meetings with other Masters, never mind all the business outside of Kamar-Taj. But I learned early on that these set times shifted occasionally to accommodate the emergencies that the order often had to quash down, and it became obvious that as a Master, my schedule was more of a hopeful guideline than anything set in stone. Flexibility was a necessity.
Ever since my return to the living, keeping anything resembling a set schedule has been more of a laughable dream. Earth being the center of two universe-changing, Infinity Stone-powered events in a matter of hours did serious damage to the fabric woven about reality across the planet, and the Masters of the Mystic Arts are going to be dealing with the multidimensional repercussions for years to come. Nothing is predictable in my day-to-day anymore.
My relationship with time was fucked the moment I confronted Dormammu, so I can't say it's a large surprise that calendars have become mostly irrelevant.
If someone had told me that I, Doctor Stephen Strange, a man of order and precision, would learn to live with such unpredictability, I would have laughed in their face. But I'm not the man I once was (and thank God for that; that man was a dick). However, it's also because of this change that I didn't realize the day until it was nearly done.
I was reviewing my schedule for tomorrow, which I had set up on Google Calendar (Google had, naturally, survived the Decimation just fine, but like most other non-vital services, had many of their upcoming products delayed for years. But their email and calendar services continue to work great). Tomorrow's a Saturday, which means nothing in my world. My work continues on. The threats on our reality care little for weekends or holidays.
Still, it was only during this review, shortly before I planned to retire for the night, that I realized that today is February 2nd.
I won't ever forget the day, of course. It was both three years ago and eight years ago—or perhaps many lifetimes ago would be a more accurate description, though I lost track of time in both of my major journeys with the Time Stone. One day I'll write about them. Not now, but one day. Both memories are still too fresh.
The memory of the day of the accident, though? It feels both like yesterday and centuries ago. Some parts of the day are engraved in my memory like a film. I remember the last surgery down to the individual conversations. Christine's "thank you". Nick's watch. The cling of the bullet as I dropped it onto the tray.
I can remember my last conversation with Billy, too, in the car. Every damned word. But the drive itself is fuzzy, even in my head with my memory. I remember it began to rain during the drive, not beforehand, and I know the road was narrow and two-laned. I know I avoided a direct route to avoid traffic, driving first into Jersey before heading north and crossing the river again. But the rest is forgotten to time, or perhaps to trauma.
I was told that Billy was the first to call 9-1-1 as he heard the tearing of metal and shattering of glass before the connection was lost. The driver I hit—I learned much later that she escaped with only minor injuries—called a couple minutes later. But it was out in the mountains, dark, and raining. It took them hours to find me and extract me from the car.
Funny. Never thought I'd ever write about one of the worst days of my life like this. But I was told early on that personal journals were encouraged for all who stay in Kamar-Taj. Something about its therapeutic benefits was mentioned at some point. I only picked up the practice once I learned that each gifted journal was inaccessible to others until the time of their death, and after I mastered the art of enchanting a pen to write the words I spoke. Unfortunately this journal appeared to others after the Decimation, but Wong has reassured me that no one read it and it has since disappeared again from public view. 
Still, the point is that, one day, someone just might read this—account of a man who was part of an effort to save the universe. And it is difficult for a reader to judge my actions if they don't know how I was the one who ruined my life. My driving was reckless and stupid. I was running a little late, but it wouldn't have mattered in the long run had I been fifteen, twenty minutes, thirty minutes late. Not really.
Then again, I suppose it would have. I certainly wouldn't be here right now.
One could say that the accident and everything that has followed is some sort of penance for my hubris as a surgeon. I enjoy my newer abilities—quite a bit—but the responsibility that has come with them has not come without its own hardships and sacrifices. Perhaps the worst of the sacrifices were the ones I was unable to prevent others from performing, all for the sake of the universe.
Those sacrifices were made willingly, but I cannot help but feel responsible for them, regardless. 
During my first winter again returned to the living, when the days grew colder and my hands ached in the bad weather, and the only thoughts to accompany the pain were bitter, another thought was born. I was tempted, for the first time in a long time, to give it all up, restore my fine motor skills with channeled magic, and go back to the world I once knew, for a life much, much easier than this one is now. Even with all the troubles that had cropped up as people tried to reorganize a world that doubled in size overnight, it was miles away from the difficulties we were facing in Kamar-Taj.
Their sacrifices—the fates I pushed so many people towards—quelled the idea quickly. It did little to ease the physical pain or sting of guilt, but it lifted the temptation. And ever since that day, I have considered the situation and I don't think I will ever be tempted by the idea of giving up my duties for an easier, pain-free life again.
And I suppose that counts for something.
(Hey look, my interest in geography's leaked again.)
I've always wondered where Stephen actually crashed mostly because New York City is *flat* and those mountains were *very much not flat*. I figured out the bridge that he crossed to get out of the city (there are like, 21 bridges that lead out of Manhattan) was the George Washington Bridge, and it leads to New Jersey—but that's not necessarily useful because it can quickly turn back into New York state if you turn north. We also know he crashed down into a body of water, which *might* be the Hudson, but also might not, but that the body of water is to his left, which narrows it down a bit. But again, not much. And the site of his crash is so dark in the videos and screenshots that I can barely tell what's on it. It looks like a bridge and some industrial building, so the Hudson's a good guess, but otherwise? Well, basically I turned on the topography part of Google maps and started searching.
The 202 on the east side of the river just north of Peekskill (again in New York) matches the movie road's windiness, height, and closeness to the river, and even has a bridge that could be just to the north of the crash site. Unfortunately the railing's off and there's no industrial building thingy by the bridge. It also makes the route out of the city via George Washington Bridge make no sense. Like the Stark Industries area in LA in the films, it's probably a completely fictional landscape.
But as I wasn't able to find a better locale that was still close enough to NYC to direct an emergency helicopter to, my headcanon for this scene is that he left via George Washington bridge to avoid some major traffic or something, crossed the river via the 287 a bit further up north to get back to the east side of the river, then went up the 9 to the 202. Unless someone who lives in the area can find the actual road he was driving (if it's real), this is what I'm gonna go with. (And if someone DOES please let me knowwwww). Funny enough, I don't see him getting led to *his* hospital totally unrealistic, because he'd need a very talented orthopedic surgeon with a specialty in hands to come in, and generally speaking a patient can be helicoptered to another hospital where such a surgeon is available. If Stephen is working at the Metro-General, it's likely they can afford a large cast of talented surgeons. So I don't think Nick was necessarily the lead surgeon in his case, just one of many necessary surgeons.
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theacademicnerd · 2 years
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I posted 19 times in 2021
11 posts created (58%)
8 posts reblogged (42%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.7 posts.
I added 21 tags in 2021
#healthy - 3 posts
#goalsetting - 2 posts
#school - 2 posts
#studying - 2 posts
#stress - 2 posts
#healthyfood - 2 posts
#theacademicnerd - 2 posts
#thelazystudent - 2 posts
#remember - 2 posts
#dailytip - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 21 characters
#life quote of the day
My Top Posts in 2021
If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way
Napoleon Hill
A daily tip that you should all remember. It’s something that I always think of. I may not be the next Nobel Prize Winner, but maybe I can impact someone’s life.
2 notes • Posted 2021-12-07 02:56:32 GMT
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Going to be eating a super healthy crustless quiche! Yum! Be sure to eat healthy (though sometimes you need a cheat day) and just be happy! What you put into your body is what you get. ;)
2 notes • Posted 2021-12-07 02:46:55 GMT
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I got new notebooks that I am finally using! I am starting a new bujo journal because I ran out of space on my last one. It’s like that time when you don’t have enough pages to finish something  - like sometimes I finish a study notes journal, but the school semester isn’t even over! I spent about 3 hours doing this December/Winter spread. I did a calendar spread. It was super simple and then I put a few pictures and doodles in there. Then I did a section for lists like what I want for Christmas or the different playlists that I listen to each month. On the other side, I will draw the different highlights for the month and I did a few cute doodles and a quote. For this month, the first two weeks are super busy for me so I just did a simple spread. You also could have noticed that my theme was winder/Christmas and it corresponded to my marker colours. The last picture is my weekly spread which I did super simple boxes and a to-do list with a symbols box just to make sure I knew what each symbol meant. Then I put some washi tape as decoration and did a few doodles! This month is going to be really fun and I hope you guys will enjoy it! This is just some inspiration that you can take if you are doing a bujo! Have a great day and see you next time! ;]
2 notes • Posted 2021-12-06 23:08:19 GMT
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Types of Healthy Foods To Give Your Brain More Nutrients
Protein - (Bean, lentils seeds, nuts, legumes, meat, fish, and eggs). These foods improve your mood!
Antioxidants - (Fruit and vegetables) Delays aging and memory loss in the brain  
Water - Staying hydrated is crucial for the human body! Water helps to get rid of toxins and dead cells. It also regulates stress and anxiety.
Monounsaturated Fats - Foods with healthy fats such as nut oils can help improve your memory.
Dietary Cholesterol - Dairy and eggs are great for Vitamin D, which regulates brain function.
2 notes • Posted 2021-12-05 22:07:28 GMT
Welcome to my blog! I am The LazyStudier aka. The Academic Nerd. In this blog, I will be sharing my tips and tricks in studying and test taking! I am passionate about learning science and would love to share my knowledge of what I have gotten over the last few years. I will show you my strategies to being a straight  A student, without spending so much time studying! I will be creating a ton of series, from how to get into university, review in AP courses, bullet journaling, and so much more! Join me on this journey and I hope you will succeed! I plan to post bi-weekly so watch out for them!
2 notes • Posted 2021-12-05 21:46:04 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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monstersandmaw · 3 years
Evening to ya, Ghosti✌️😆
Sorry if the wording sounds silly, but I wanted to ask if you know any rituals I could do for the New Years. 🤣 Christmas hasn't been exactly an easy time for me for various reasons and I tend to get the holiday blues pretty bad, and for a long old while New Years has felt very similar. I'm doing my best to feel hopeful and to have some faith for the new year, but it's turning out to be trickier than I anticipated. So I wanted to ask for suggestions as to do anything that could help feeling more hopeful, I dunno. :3
Though feel free to ignore this if you don't have the energy for it. I hope you had delightful holiday however you celebrated!!! 😊💖💖💖💖
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Hey anon! (it’s now afternoon here in the UK, and it was morning when I started this! I got a bit carried away). I don’t know that I’m necessarily the right person to ask about this, but here are some ideas of things I’ve found helpful/centring/calming anyway which you could draw from. Other folks, please feel free to chime in with your favourite ways to put the old year to bed and welcome in the new one!
(first of all, I’m sending you lots of virtual ghostli hugs to help drive away those holiday blues. That sucks, and I’m so sorry it’s been so tough for you.)
Here’s a rundown of what’s below, and I’ll put in a ‘keep reading’ so that it’s not an incredibly long post! Some of it is more on the ‘spiritutal’ side of things, and others are just mundane and practical things.
Congratulate yourself on making it through the clusterfuck that was 2020
Make some tea and meditate on what’s been and what you wish for
Go outside, be still, and breathe deeply
Let go of negative events and thoughts by writing them down, then safely burning the paper
Disconnect from social media for a few days (or however long you’re comfortable with)
Start a bullet journal
Write lists of goals for 2021 and then refine/distill them down to 3 manageable objectives
Commit 100% to 6 months of positive change
Pick three dates/months in the year when good things will happen, and make them happen (including growing veg/fruit)
Light a candle on the full moon or New Year
Ok, so, first of all, you’ve made it through this year!! That’s no small accomplishment, given the sheer volume of absolute shite that has been flung at us from all angles, no matter where in the world you live. Celebrate that. Seriously, I’m not being flippant. Take a moment of stillness wherever you are, be ‘present’, and just think about the fact that you’re here, right now, reading this post. Not everyone is here any more for one reason or another, but you did it. Congratulate yourself and celebrate that. Treat yourself to a slice of cake (or something you really enjoy) specifically to celebrate making it through 2020.
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Make a cup of tea (try a new blend or recipe perhaps, or stick with your absolute favourite), or make a comforting drink of your choice. As you pour the water into the cup, breathe in the steam and enjoy the scent of it. Try and imbue all the positive things - memories, achievements, moments etc. - that you encountered this year into the tea/drink, and think about them growing in strength as the tea steeps, and envisage them continuing on to next year too. When you drink the tea, you take the positive thoughts into yourself and they become a part of you. You could try it in the morning with a caffeinated drink (if you enjoy those) and let it fuel you for the day, or you could try a herbal tea at night to let the good vibes steep overnight while you rest. Make it part of your daily routine; a private meditation.
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Go outside and find a quiet spot somewhere and either stand or sit and just soak up the atmosphere. If there’s a tree nearby, think about the way its roots are planted in the earth, its trunk stands tall, and its branches reach towards the sky. Feel that space inside you. Breathe deeply in and out, visualising your lungs filling to the deepest parts, starting at the bottom. Count to four for each inhale, and six out (or whatever you’re comfortable with, so long as the exhale is longer than the inhale). This will help to still you and calm you.
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If you have something fireproof (can just be a ceramic bowl), take a piece of paper and make a moment to write down all the negative things about this year, using a pen that you’re comfortable with. If you’re not one for words, draw pictures. You can make it really beautiful or just scribble it all down - it doesn’t matter. Get that shit out. Look at it for a while and read it through, mentally letting go of each thing as your eyes pass over it, then light one corner (carefully!!!) and let it burn somewhere with good ventilation (a cooker hood is good for that, but outside is better). Visualise all that negativity being swallowed by the universe and let it go. My favourite line from the Seamus Heaney translation of Beowulf comes at Beowulf’s funeral when a Geat woman is singing her grief at his passing to the sky, and there’s the simple sentence: “Heaven swallowed the smoke.” How beautiful is that? The sky swallowed up her grief as she poured it out to the universe. The negativity might take some time to vanish from your life (it’s not going to disappear at the same time as the paper, sadly!), but watching it go can be the first stage of letting things go. I did this last year, and I’m only just letting go of the last things on that list, but it was a start, and it made me feel more at peace. 
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Disconnect from social media. I know that with so much more happening online this year out of necessity, we’ve become even more dependant on our phones and computers, and it’s wonderful that we have this chance to connect with people when we can’t see them face to face, but social media can also act as a crucible for negative feelings. People usually post the best or the worst aspects of what’s going on for them or what they care about, so it leads to a skewed view of both the world and of what’s going on amongst our connections. It’s easy to start feeling insignificant next to someone else because of their achievements or their looks etc. and it’s also easy to start to get a bleak outlook when the news is full of terrible stories and people are reacting to it in a volatile and often knee-jerk way. Take some time off - uninstall the apps, or put the limiter setting on, or just step back - for a day, two days, a week, whatever you’re comfortable with. It doesn’t have to be forever. If you use those platforms to talk to people, tell them what you’re doing, and give them another way to reach you if they need. No need to isolate yourself completely!! Think about how you felt before you started it (write it down?) and do the same afterwards, and compare. If it didn’t work for you, then that’s fine too. 
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Start a bullet journal! Now is the perfect time to start bullet journaling. I first started this year when I felt like time was slipping through my fingers and my life was out of my control, and it’s really helped me to get a sense of order back. It’s not the magic cure-all for procrastinators and time wasters, trust me, but it can help to organise your mind as well as your day, and keep track of your habits etc. It can be literally whatever tool you need it to be. There’s a trend on social media - particularly Instagram and YouTube - that shows off these gorgeous journals that are basically works of art in themselves, and while it’s absolutely fine to aspire to that if you want to, the essential point of the bullet journal is to be a tool. You can buy print-outs from Etsy if you don’t fancy doing your own spreads. But don’t get completely hung up on pretty spreads and layouts because you won’t use it fully then. If you’ve got ‘new book fear’, like I did, make your own! I literally started my journaling by folding a few pieces of paper over, slapping a few stickers on them to cheer them up, and writing some lists. I didn’t buy a ‘proper’ journal until July 2020 when I’d got the hang of what I wanted out of the tool, and how to use it. I adapted one or two things, and I’ll be changing one or two things for next year, but it was a good way to start.
Here are two ‘minimalist’ journals and styles that I found helpful when setting mine up. They focus on usefulness and practicality, rather than overwhelming, artistic spreads and cutesy designs. I’m about to do a ‘plan with me 2021’ journal video for YouTube, so I’ll put that up when I’ve finished it, in case that’s helpful. 
Elsa Rhae
Pick Up Limes
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Write down the things you want to achieve for 2021. These can be more abstract concepts like ‘more organised’ ‘healthier’ ‘start a business’ etc. Then, when you’ve got as many things as you’d ideally love to achieve/accomplish/manifest (don’t hold back at that stage), take another piece of paper and choose a maximum of six from that first lot to focus on, and below that, choose just three absolutely essential things to focus on. Make those your things for 2021.  
Now, this one is a personal one for me, so it may not be applicable at all to you/others, but I’ll share it anyway. For me, I need to make some significant lifestyle changes for my physical and mental health. So, I’ve decided to commit to 6 months of really hard work to bring about those changes. Time is going to pass anyway, from January to June. Six months will come and go anyway. Where will I be in six months’ time? I could be physically and mentally exactly where I am today. That thought is super depressing to me. Or, I could devote 200% focus, commitment, and energy, and bring about those changes, and be the ‘me’ I want to be in six months’ time.
It’s like the adage of ‘given a week to write a speech, it will take you a week, but given a day to write the same speech, it will take you a day’ - your brain will tell you it takes the amount of time that you have at hand to accomplish the task, and that’s simply how long it then takes. Use those three things from the 2021 list above, and commit to making those three things happen.
As an aside, tell someone (whose opinions you value) that you’re going to do this. By telling someone, you’re helping to cement the idea in reality, and you’ve got a support to turn to if it gets rocky, someone to cheer you on, and someone to celebrate with who knew what a struggle and commitment this was to you in the first place. 
Pick three points in the year where good things will happen. Book yourself something nice, save up for something and have it delivered then, or tell yourself that you will have achieved [x] by May, or September, or December. For me, it’s a working draft of my novel, and certain health goals by October, but make it yours, and keep those points fixed in your mind. It will help 2021 not to be one amorphous mass of time, and will give it structure and form. You could also choose to grow something in a pot - lots of vegetables can be grown cheaply from seed in a pot on a windowsill, and you’ll have something tasty to eat at the end of it!!
Here’s a slightly gentler idea to finish with: 
On New Year’s Eve take a moment to yourself, go outside if it’s not raining or too cold etc., light a candle, hold it (safely) in your hands, and be still. It doesn’t have to be exactly at midnight, but it will help your focus if it’s dark. Otherwise, go to a quiet part of the house and turn the lights down so that the candle flame is your focus. As before, think about what you’ve achieved this year, and be honest, not just negative! It’s very easy to say ‘oh I didn’t achieve anything, it all sucks, it was all awful’, when there will be tiny victories tucked away in there, I promise you, even if it was the toughest year of your life. Then think about where you are at the moment, mentally and physically. Acknowledge that state of being. Look at it with honest eyes. This moment is not for anyone else, so you don’t need to colour it one way or another. It’s for you. If you’re finding it hard not to be negative, be neutral. Let those thoughts come and go, and then turn your mind to the future. Mentally feed those negative thoughts into the flame in front of you, one at a time. Say it out loud if that helps, but do what makes you comfortable. Let the light from the flame fill your mind and your heart, and think about your intentions for the new year.  
Tonight (30th Dec) is a full moon, so if that is significant for you, you may wish to do this tonight instead of tomorrow. 
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I hope that some of that gives you some inspiration, and I hope that people will chime in with their own new year’s rituals and habits. Be honest with yourself but not harsh, and be positive but not unrealistic. This year has been one hell of a ride, and we’re not done yet... Here in the UK, we’ve got the highest numbers of Covid that we’ve ever had, we’re in the harshest lock down (Tier 4) and can’t visit anyone, and we’re also going through Brexit (which is proving a nightmare for everyone, especially small businesses...).
Control the things you can control, and learn and employ systems to ride out the things that are beyond your influence. And take heart - you have a family of folks on here, all across the world!
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summertime sadness .4.
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Sequel to kiss me in the d-a-r-k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (masterlist under construction)
Warnings: dub con sex (oral)
This is dark!(dad)Steve and dark(professor!)Bucky explicit. 18+ only. I know they aren’t super dark, but like questionable so I’m keeping those tags just to be safe.
Summary: You settle into your new job but can’t get too comfortable.
Note: Okey, dokey. Here’s the fun part (for me at least). Still tryna figure out how exactly this one will pan out by part 6 but we’re all having a ride together, eh. Thanks everyone for their support and I love you all! 💋
<3 Let me know what you think in a reblog, reply, or like. I’m loving the feedback from y'all and the enthusiasm! Also as always, memes accepted.
It had only been a few weeks since your last visit to the university but it felt longer as you walked onto campus. Just as planned, you were due to meet Bucky in his office. He texted you as you rode the subway. He was eager to start his ‘marking’. You smirked and wondered how long he’d last at that.
You entered the English Building, the elevator back in service and empty. Not many instructors were in their offices on a Saturday and most students were hungover or readying for another party. You knocked on Bucky’s door before you entered. He had a stack of essays on his desk as he sat behind them listlessly.
“Finally,” He said.
“I slept in.” You replied. “For the first time in a week.”
“Then you’ll have lots of energy,” He reached below his desk, the sound of his zipper discernible beneath it. “I’ve got about forty papers here.”
“Forty? And how many do you think you’ll get to?”
“Knowing that mouth, maybe one.” He snickered. “Come on, baby, I’m rock hard over here.”
He rolled his chair back as you neared and set your purse down behind his desk. He slapped your ass and you got to your knees. You grinned up at him as you ducked under his desk and gripped his thighs as he pushed closer. You pulled down his briefs and his cock sprung out. He groaned and grabbed his pen.
“Fuck,” He swore under his breath. “I can’t believe you’re actually doing this, baby.”
“You’ve got marking to do,” You reprimanded and stroked him. “Now get to work.”
You stretched your lips over his tip and he groaned. He slid closer and you could hear the clumsy scratching of his pen on paper. As he reached the back of your throat, his leg twitched. You pushed past your gag reflex and he nearly choked. You pulled back and felt the shiver in him.
“Mmm,” He hummed and flipped a page. “Just like that.”
The sloppy sounds of your mouth added to the flutter above, the scribbles of ink. You bobbed your head steadily, every now and then forcing him to your limit and holding him there. And then you stopped as a knock came at the door. You both froze.
“Shit,” He pushed himself against the desk entirely and trapped you underneath it. The front shielded you from view on the other side. “Keep going.”
“Slowly, quietly.” He grabbed his dick and slapped it against your lips. “Now.” He cleared his throat and shoved your head down as he glided into your mouth again. “Come in.” He called and the door opened.
Your eyes widened as he pulled his hand away. You carefully dragged your tongue along his length.
“Hey,” He greeted in a smooth tone. “Tanya.”
“Sorry to disturb,” His visitor replied. “I was just grabbing some stuff from my office and I just remembered I still had this.”
A thump sounded on the top of the desk as you slobbered down his cock.
“Thanks,” He said and squeezed his legs around you. “I almost forgot myself if I’m being honest.”
“I owe you one,” She said. You recognized her voice. She taught the other section of journalism, though you had her for a social movements class in your first year. “Maybe a drink. I could hang around til you finish with those.”
“Ah, you know, I wish I could,” He lamented. “But I promised a buddy I’d swing around to watch the game.”
You kept from gagging and held your breath, afraid to give yourself away.
“You don’t seem like the sports type,” She countered.
“Not really but a few beers and I am,” He dismissed her easily.
“You sure you’re not avoiding me?” Her toe tapped impatiently just on the other side of the desk.
“Avoiding you?” He chuckled. A slight quaver in his voice as you swirled your tongue around his tip. “Why would I be doing that?”
“Well… Ever since our little… you know…” She hesitated to say it aloud.
“I thought we agreed that it was just a little fun.” He said and you stopped suddenly. He nudged you with his toe and you wrapped your lips around him once more. “A drunken bit of fun.”
“Hmmm…” She sounded disappointed. “You free tomorrow?”
“Sorry, maybe next weekend,” He said. “But I really gotta finish here.”
“Okay, okay,” She accepted with a trill. “We’ll sort out a time then.”
“Sure,” He confirmed unconvincingly. “Next weekend. See ya.”
“Bye,” Her voice was cheerier as her heels clicked back across the floor and the door opened and closed once more.
You tried to pull away but he caught your head and held you down as he emptied himself down your throat. You choked and smacked at his thigh as he cupped his sac with his other hand. He left your mouth salty and sore as he slipped out and rolled back with a sigh.
You spit his cum into your hand and crawled out from under the desk. “What the fuck?”
“Sorry, I had to-- fuck, I almost came with her right there.” He grabbed a tissue and handed it to you.
“You could’ve warned me,” You wiped your hand off with a grimace. “What was that anyway? Did you fuck her?”
“Why? You jealous?” He cleaned himself up and zipped up his pants.
“No,” You rolled your eyes. “But I did just suck you off within two feet of her as she obviously wanted to do the same.”
He laughed and pushed his shoulders back. “It was months ago. Before… us. There was a conference, there was wine, and I regret it.” He sighed. “And she looks back on it fondly but… lots of teeth and she was stiff as a fucking board.”
“Wow,” You said dryly and wiped your mouth. “You know, I’m barely surprised.”
“This… thing between you and I, it’s not--”
“It’s just a bit of fun. Trust me, I get it. I haven’t got time for anything but.” You tossed the kleenex in the small bin beside his desk. “Right? That’s what it is?”
“So much fun,” He assured you. “You wanna hang around till I’m finished?”
“Thought you already were,” You jibed. His brow furrowed and you grinned. “Sure,” You pulled up a chair. “I got nothing better to do.”
“Well, don’t sound so excited,” He said. “Besides, I might need some more help sooner than later.”
You scribbled along the margin of your agenda and dropped the pen. The keys clacked beneath your fingers as you typed up a manic sentence. Your screen glowed back at you as the seconds ticked by with each letter. So enthralled by your task that the speck in your peripheral gave you a start.
You leaned back and turned your chair to face the man watching you. Loki’s lithe fingers swept up your golden pen and he admired the engraved letters beneath the fluorescent light. You watched him nervously as you pushed yourself away from your keyboard.
“Mr. Laufeyson.” You greeted him meekly. “I am just finishing the blurb you wanted.”
“Hard at work, as always,” He mused as he carefully set the pen back on your desk. “A beautiful pen…”
“A gift,” You smiled awkwardly.
“Well, I hate to interrupt you so I will let you finished,” His fingers brushed along your desk and he leaned on it as he casually cross his right leg in front of the other. “But when you have, I would like a moment in my office before you leave for the day.”
“Of course,” You affirmed. “It shouldn’t be more than twenty minutes.”
“As you will,” He stood straight and smoothed his jacket and buttoned it. “Then you are free to enjoy your weekend.”
“Okay,” You nodded and he turned away. 
You watched him go, his strides long but lingering as he retreated to his office. The usual crowd had thinned out and Stacey was readying for her own departure. You spun back to your computer and resumed your work. Your second week down and not a stumble yet. You dared to be proud of yourself. Even, to be happy.
Another weekend ahead of you and you weren’t entirely excited. You liked being in the office; liked working with the other journalists, writers, and editors. Enjoyed your chance to shadow one of the most powerful men in New York publishing. And he had achieved it all at such a young age. You could only hope to achieve as much in the next fifteen years. 
It was more than a bullet point for your resume, it was your own paradise.
So you finished up your blurb and attached it to an email. You logged out and packed up your agenda and pen beside your laptop. You pushed your chair in as you hooked your bag over your shoulder and trod tentatively to Loki’s office. You knocked on the open door and he looked away from his screen.
“Ah, there you are,” He beckoned you in with a wave. “Close the door behind you, please.”
You glanced back into the main office and did as he said. You stepped inside and sat across from him, your bag set down against the leg of the chair. His green eyes focused on you and he tilted his head as he absently traced his fingers over his phone. You fidgeted as you struggled not to shy away.
“I just wanted to check in,” He said. “And I was recently reviewing your references.”
“My references?” You wondered.
“Mmm,” He hummed. “Your professors speak highly of you. One of the reasons I even considered a second year, let alone one who had so suddenly changed majors, was a certain word on your behalf.”
“Okay?” You were confused and gripped the arms of the chair as you blinked at him dumbly.
“James Barnes has earned his tenure at the university and on occasion, he has written pieces for my own magazine. A respectable writer, admirable in his work both in teaching and otherwise. And when he proposed this workshop, the tours, I thought it was a charming idea. He proved me right so I had no doubt when he spoke to me of you.”
You gulped but said nothing. Your stomach churned and you brought your hands together and wrung them.
“You see,” He lifted his phone and blindly unlocked it. “You have lived up to his reference and your work is commendable…” He smirked as he flicked a finger across the screen. “But I still questions the veracity of his endorsement as I find his integrity has come into doubt.”
He set his phone down and slid it across the desk. He nodded for you to pick it up. You slid forward on your chair and took it. Your lips parted in horror as you stared at the screen. It was you and Bucky in the bookshop, your lips locked and his arms wrapped around you. You looked up, mortified, as the phone shook in your grasp.
“I…” The breath went out of you and you put the phone back on the desk before it could fall. “How did you--”
“It’s a quaint little shop.” He purred. “I venture in every now and then.”
You chewed your lip as your cheeks burned.
“You do realize that this could be… damaging. To you more than him.” He stood slowly and came around the desk to stand before you. “He has tenure, he is established. You, my dear, you’re barely getting started.”
You gaped up at him. The pet name unsettled you and you wiped your sweaty hands on your thighs.
“And aside from the ethical dilemma, I do wonder what a girl your age sees in a man his age. Especially when your work speak so boldly on its own.”
You shook your head, speechless.
“Surely there are boys your own age who would be delighted to offer you… companionship.”
“I never… I would never use him like that.” You insisted. “It’s all… my work. My own work.”
“Oh, I know it, dear,” He said as his lips curled. “But to risk that work on him? On an affair better fit to a dime store erotica?”
“Are you-- Are you going to report him? Me?” You asked. “Am I fired?”
“Well,” He leaned on the desk, his long fingers gripped it’s edge as he leered down at you. “That depends on you, my dear.”
“Me?” You squeaked.
“Oh yes, this is a very powerful secret, don’t you think?” He slithered. “And in our business, well, it would sell.”
“What do you want?” You asked.
He pushed himself away from the desk and reached to tickle your cheek. His fingers crawled along your chin and he brushed his thumb over your bottom lip.
“I haven’t yet made up my mind,” He bent so that his face was only inches from yours. “But when I do, my dear, you will appease me, won’t you?”
You shuddered but didn’t pull away. You were too frightened. A lock of his dark hair fell forward as his pale skin shone sinister in the lamp light. His green eyes bore into yours and you wanted desperately too look away.
“Y-yes,” You stammered weakly. “I--I will.”
“Very good,” He drew away slowly. “Now, darling, go enjoy your weekend.” He scooped up his phone and tucked it in his pocket. “And give the professor my regards.”
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curiouscarllee · 3 years
Hello, I'm making a list of my OCs with a bit of art and information! I am doing this because I feel as though I post a lot about my characters without ever providing any detail, so, here you go :) On top of this, I'd like to state that I am always intrested in hearing about your ocs as well, you are more than welcome to send me an ask about them or about my own characters :)
Fairlynn: My Main
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Fairlynn is a bosmer, he is the Hero of Kvatch and also Sheogorath. He is a tad unpredictable and has some mental issues in regards to mirroring the mad god and myself. Fairlynn was 28 when he started with saving the world, only 29 when it ended and full of grief with Martin's passing. This drove him to the Shivering Isles in hopes that he could persuade a daedric prince to revive his beloved. That's not at all how it went down, upon noticing this realm was not one of a stronger prince, Fairlynn was tempted to leave the plane but found himself infatuated with it instead.
After a few years, the princes sensed a danger approaching, one in the form of an imperial male that had the possibility of defeating them. Therefore, they agreed to send one of themselves down to nirn in an attempt to stop it. Unfortunately, they chose Fairlynn to get the job done and yeeted him down where the bosmer began to gather enforcments in the form of other people which he thought would become allies when they grew older.. But what he didn't expect was the imperial managed to befriend every. Single. One. Of the people Fairlynn had set on course to hate the man, none of them truly did. That's the exact moment where he went, "if you can't beat em' join em'." And promptly joined the group in his mortal form without revealing to them who he was. Instead the group thinks he's just a skooma addict that is talented in the ways of fighting. They have no idea.
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This is that imperial male stated in the last description. This man is destined to destroy the influence of the daedric princes on the mortal people, however, he has the intelligence of a box of rocks and everyone doubts this prophecy to be true. The only time one can possibly think this true is when he displays his power in the midst of battle, he was blessed by the divines at birth, each giving him power to defeat the evil of the world. He his bound to use it.. But he never uses it for good, I mean,, why would he? He could kill anyone he wants! No way he's gonna be the "good hero"! (Basically, this was my brother's character and he used mods to make him op so I had to improvise.)
Past wise, my brother and I decided to intertwine him with the lore. You rememeber the song Ragnar the Red? That was Ragnar's father. In truth, his name should be Ragnar the second or Ragnar Jr. but his mother, Matilda, said "hahahaha, no, your father was a mess and you shall not be him." and removed the second part. After his mother died of a sickness, Ragnar hesitantly moved towns in search of work. He missed his mother greatly and would give anything to have her back.
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Meet S'arra, she is a khajiit female and the heart of the group (along side another who you'll meet shortly). S'arra is the youngest, she may be sweet but she'll rob you blind if she sees a chance. S'arra came from a happy family in Elsywer, she was the child of F'awn and Ja'zaka, two khajiit with completely different sets of morals. Ja'zaka was a born bandit, he was wild and carefree, F'awn (My friends oc :)) was a gentle and caring woman, she loved to live. When F'awn got pregnant, her brother, J'ar, lost his mind. J'ar was fueled with anger towards Ja'zaka and at one point made an attempt at his brother-in-law's life. It was at that moment J'ar was kicked from F'awn's life, he ran from his home and joined a vampire clan/bandit group in Skyrim.
Only months after her birth, Ja'zaka disappeared. He ran and never came back. F'awn tried her best to raise S'arra, but one morning S'arra was taken from her by a rabid animal that invaded the town. The creature took off with S'arra and lead the small khajiit to it's den where a caravan traveling to Skyrim would soon find her and take her with them, raising her as their own on the roads of Skyrim. The caravan was killed and attacked by a certain bandit group/vampire clan (hahaha, yup, the one J'ar is in). S'arra joined the group in hopes of revenge, although, she'll keep that bit to herself. ;)
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Now this orc, oh he's amazing. He is an old man, a precious old man with a past of pain and betrayal. In order to introduce his past, we need to introduce his adpoted brother first:
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This is Adoren's adopted brother, Zanik (grandson of Nellie), a not so nice older man. Zanik was thrown out by his father a young age, more precisely, he was thrown in a river by his father in one of his father's crazed fits. Zanik can't swim, he hates water more than anything else in his life. The dunmer was washed to shore near an orc stronghold where he was picked up by Adoren and adopted by the orcs family. Zanik and Adoren lived happily for many many years, one day they went on an exploration to scout for different hunting grounds. It started to pour causing the two to take shelter in a dwemer ruin. That's when they heard soft groaning and sounds of pain coming from down one of the halls. Hesitantly, they explored. Only to find:
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My most lore breaking character! Meet Kidawe, a small snow elf from one of the last remaining villiages of falmer! Now, yes, I am breaking the lore because, since when has canon lore stopped me? Kidawe lived on top of the mountains to the north of Cyrodiil and the South of Skyrim. His village is small and portable, in case they need to move, the tribe of elves is shrouded in mystery, they've managed to live this long and refuse to leave their mountain. Kidawe doesn't listen to that, he runs off each night in search for dwemer ruins, things he find more then interesting. The young elf holds no fear when he's in his element, and he loves to explore. One evening, while in a ruin he is attacked by a vampire/bandit named Raeferth (the leader) who pushes him to join the group, trying to convince the snow elf that his expertise is needed. Kidawe refuses and then engages in battle with the nord, he looses and ends up pinned under a fallen pillar that crushes his arm.
Upon waking up after falling unconscious from the pain, Kidawe is met with the sight of Adoren and Zanik standing over him. After many many months of trust building, the two get Kidawe to befriend them. Kidawe uses their help to fashion himself a new arm from dwarven parts found in the ruin. After a few years, Kidawe disappears. He was taken by force by Raeferth (the others do not know this). Adoren and Zanik are heart broken. They miss their friend greatly.
Adoren/Zanik Pt.2
After losing Kidawe, these two go off and join a bandit group.. Yes the same vampire clan group. Adoren thrives in the group, he his strong and more then willing to get his hands dirty. Zanik.. Not so much. Zanik is only kept around because of Adoren. They all know not to mess with Zanik or else they mess with Adoren.
After spending a few years with them, Adoren decides he can't continue this. Zanik begs him not to leave, trying to make the orc realize that this group will not let them go without hurting them. Adoren doesn't listen and leaves the bandits, later that day the stronghold is burnt to the ground. Adoren looses everything in the fire, his parents pass away, his friends and family. Instead of processing lose normally, he makes it up in his head that the reason Zanik was warning him was because Zanik had a hand in it. Therefore the two fight and Adoren punches Zanik, he's wearing a ring that catches under Zanik's flesh and pratically tears off his cheek leaving the dunmer with a horrible scar. Adoren warns Zanik never to speak with him again.
Which of course doesn't stand because after they grew up into old men, they cross eachother's paths once more. They both join up with the good guy group at different times, Adoren joins first after he finds them in his house, and Zanik joins when he is once again found washed up on the shore.
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Not much on this boio, he was my first oc in the Elder Scrolls. He's an argonian heavy set warrior. Zorlin is silent and cut throat, he is a part of the Brotherhood and only joins the good guy group after his brother, Tu'ru is 'murdered' by Raeferth.
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There is so much on him. I'm just going to do bullet points:
Born in Skyrim 200+ years ago. He never knew his true parents and was instead brought up by a wealthy noble family. They more kept him around for labor.
He befriends 3 local kids, Mayrn (breton like him), Raeferth (nord trouble maker), and Lynik (Raeferth's brother).
They all cause problems and Tristane falls in love with Raeferth :D
One day Raeferth claims to have found immortality, Tristane instantly says "No, I'm not doing this." And leaves the friend group, trying to focus on himself.
He is then framed for a crime he didn't commit and sent to Cyrodiil's Imperial Prison. Then he is bailed out by the Emperor and sent to Morrowind.
Morrowind happens, Tristane changes from whining child to even whiner child with the ability to cast spells.
After Morrowind, Tristane travels to Solstiem where he is confronted with Mayrn and Lynik (both as bandit vampires).
Mayrn and Lynik try to force him back to Skyrim to see Raeferth and join them. Tristane, as he said before, says "no". So they kill him.
Now they don't really kill him, they use a method I made up called Soul Gem Reflection. This is something I completely made up but I like it so sue me. I can write an entire post on this alone so we're just gonne say, "Soul gem reflection is a method in which the targets soul is directed towards an object they held dear in life instead of dying. They're life essence is held in the soul gem, but they live in the object."
In this case, Tristane was reflected in his journal.
Lynik felt horrible for doing this to his friend, he felt guilty and returned the journal which he unknowingly relfected the breton in, and gave it to Tristane's family who in turn stuffed the journal in the basement.
Fast forward 200+ years and Adoren buys the manor, finding Tristane's journal inside and opening it. Surprise! Out springs a ghostly figure of Tristane who then convinced Adoren to take him along with the group!
Other Characters:
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This is J'ar. He's mentioned above.
Also, here's some more character that aren't affiliated with the group:
-Baendil and Baendal are bosmer brothers, they were abandoned by their parents and instead found by cranky altmer father Kornan. They're bandits (not related to vampires at all). They're bad, not morally wrong but actually just bad at being bandits. They couldn't rob you even if you asked them to.
-I will add more later I'm sure.
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genevievemd · 3 years
Can I ask you some questions about Ethan and Genevieve I discovered your page a week ago just finished all the fics I'm interested in your version of the characters
Oph MC is usually seen as flawless and perfect (like every other MC in choices) what are some bad habits or flaws your MC has and we know Ethan's flaws he is one of the few li's who have actual flaws but still I'd like to know your Ethan's flaws which are personal or you have imagined them. (English is not my first language can't explain my request more clearly than this)
Do you see them married with kids in the future ( ik the marriage part you have a fic about it but here is what I specifically want. both of their opinions on this matter before meeting each other and after spending a year or two dating)
Does Ethan have extended family that you have created like a cousin he is very close to or a best friend (if yes can you make a fic where Genevieve meets this best friend or cousin?)
Any hobbies or skills Genevieve has?(like sketching or piano or something idk why Genevieve gives me piano vibes)
Which med school did you have Genevieve go to?
Are they fresh air kind of people or city air kind of
Do they believe in aliens
Opinions on pineapple on pizza
And last but not the least body language ( signs their body gives off when they are anxious, scared, happy and excited)
Ik they are a lot of questions and you probably hate me for making you answer this question air but either way love your work♥️♥️✨💫
Yes! You can always ask me questions and I LOVE these questions. I’m very attached to Gen lol so I’m always willing to talk about her! 
Thank you for reading all my things! 
And I don’t hate you for all the questions, I answered every single one, under the read more because they got lengthy. lol 
First Question: 
I definitely don’t see Gen as perfect. I’ve kind of put a lot of myself in her, which I’ve never done with any other MC I’ve played. I kind of see Gen as as a perfectionist, to the point where she gets in her own way. She also, like Ethan, tends to put everyone’s problems on her shoulders and feels responsible for thing that are way out of her control. And though Gen is patient, sometimes too patient, she can hold a grudge. It’s unhealthy and she knows that, but she has a hard time over coming it. Like with Landry, deep down Gen wants to let it go and move on. But there’s a small part of her that will always feel angry and betrayed. Gen’s also not one to put her own needs ahead of others, it’s rare that she’ll ask for what she needs, unless she 100% trusts the person she’s confiding in. (I have a headcanon where her dad cheated on her mom when she was in high school, they didn’t get a divorce, but Gen was the one who discovered the affair and it left a sort of trust/abandonment issue.) She can be rather clingy in a relationship, at first, something Ethan was annoyed with, he’s rather independent I think, but once he understood where that was coming from it didn’t bother him as much. It was just Gen’s way of reassuring herself that Ethan was hers, that he wasn’t going anywhere. Plus her love language is physical touch/affection and spending time together. 
As for Ethan, I think he’s a very closed off person, has a hard time trusting people. He absolutely will push someone away, not because he necessarily wants to, but in order to protect himself. For me, I think one of the main reasons why he didn’t dive 100% into a relationship with MC was his fear that he’d lose them. That they would walk out the same way his mother did. I also think he’s way too stubborn and has a hard time admitting when he’s wrong. He won’t be the first to back down in a fight, even if that means it makes him unhappy. 
Second Question: 
I absolutely see Ethan and Genevieve married with kids. Gen has always wanted to get married, always wanted to be a mother. She’s had a pinterest board since high school thats dedicated to her dream wedding lol. When she found out Ethan wasn’t 100% on board with marriage, she was bummed. But at the same time, she was/is willing to let that go if it meant she could be with him. As long as she has Ethan, she doesn’t need a ring. Gen’s also always believed in soulmates and fate, she knew after their kiss in Miami that Ethan was her soulmate. 
As for Ethan, I think deep down he’s always wanted kids but never saw them as an option because he never thought he’d find the right person to settle down with. I think that also ties into his past with his mom. Same with marriage, when he wasn’t in love, it didn’t make sense to him. But once he was, realized he never wanted to lose Gen, he understood it. Once he recognized how much he loves Gen, he wanted everything with her. Marriage, kids, all of it. With MC/Gen he realized he could be the parent he wanted to be. 
I have a scene in chapter 3 or 4, I can’t remember which, in Love You Home where Ethan and Gen have the marriage/kids talk. 
Third Question:
I think Ethan has an extended family. We don’t know much about his parents, if they are only children or not, but I think either his mom or dad has a sibling or two. They’re definitely not close at all, he probably doesn’t see them. But they exist. Gen’s influence definitely persuades him to reach out, in the same way she influenced him to give his mom a second chance. 
As for a best friend? I don’t think he has one, I think Naveen is his closest friend at the moment. But I would love for him to get back in touch with maybe a childhood friend or friends from collage. Maybe even become friends with some fellow attendings at Edenbrook. Again, I think have Gen/MC around has really opened his eyes to different things and realizing how important friendships and relationships really are. 
And at some point I may write something for that. 
Fourth Question: 
I love that you see Gen as a piano person because I also see Gen as a piano person. She doesn’t play much now, lack of access to a piano and too busy with work but she does know how to play. She also speaks a baby bit of french, not enough to be fluent but enough to understand her maternal grandparents (they’re first language is french, so they speak it interchangeably with english). I also think she’s a pretty decent singer, she did choir in middle/high school.
As for hobbies, Gen is super into photography. She’s not the greatest, but she loves it. It ties into her being a super sentimental person, she likes to have tangible memories. She also loves journaling, she definitely has a bullet journal that she does herself. It’s relaxing for her, after a stressful day. And I don’t know if you’d count make up as a hobby, but Gen is super into it. On the daily, she really only wears eyeliner, mascara and a light lipstick, but on her days off she experiments and does more intricate looks. I have a headcanon where Ethan comes home and sees Gen in like a super dark lip with a kickass winged liner, very femme fatale, and he’s shookith. 
Fifth Question: 
I go back and fourth on what med school Gen went too, I googled top 100 med schools when I started open heart so I could pick a good one for her lmao Its a toss up between University of California or University of Pennsylvania. Gen is from New England, she grew up on the coast of Maine - not too far from Providence actually. So I sometimes think UPenn because Gen would want to be close to her family. But then sometimes I say Cali because she wanted the adventure of going off on her own. At some point I’m going to have to choose obviously but where not there yet lol Still a toss up. 
Sixth Question: 
Genevieve is absolutely a fresh air girl. She loves the beach and being outdoors. Boston is a bit of a change for her, being a city but it doesn’t take long to find some country air here in New England so she gets both. lol 
Seventh Question: 
LMAO I love this question. I never thought of this but you know what Gen absolutely believes in aliens. Not in a weird conspiracy kind of way, more in a scientific kind of way. There’s no way Earth is the only planet in the galaxy to have life. The galaxy is freakin huge, scientifically there is no way we’re the only planet with life. 
Eighth Question: 
Pineapple on pizza is a crime. End of story. No one should ever have pineapple on pizza. No just...no.
Ninth/ Last Question: 
I’m going to answer this for each of the things you listed in your question. 
Anxious: It’s very easy to see when Gen is feeling this way, at least to Ethan and her friends. She retreats inward and does this like twisting motion with her fingers. Like cracking your knuckles but not actually cracking your knuckles. She’ll also bite the corner of her lip. 
Scared: Gen doesn’t scare easy, but when she does she kind of hugs herself, makes herself smaller. Will hide behind things or run away. She’s a flight not a fight when scared. Especially if its like a spider, bug or snake - she’s terrified of those. That’s a freeze or run and scream situation. 
Happy: Super easy to tell when Gen is happy. She gets really smiley, a little bouncy. One of those people that does that little happy dance of swaying back and forth. 
Excited: Same as happy, big smiles. Jumps around. a little dancing. Lots of giggling. 
I’m gonna add one more here, for shipping purposes lol 
In Love: Gen is affectionate af, very touchy. She’ll show you how much she loves her way before she ever says it. Ethan realized she was in love with him months before she said it. Just by how much more open she was with physical affection. Always gently touching his arm, or kissing his cheek, always willing to hug him or snuggle in close. 
Thank you so so so much for the questions, these were so fun to answer! Feel free to drop in any time. I love Gen and Ethan so much, I will always answer any questions you want to ask me about them.
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creepingsharia · 3 years
They’re back: Al Jazeera, funded by terrorist-funding Qatari govt, starts ‘conservative’ online media platform for US run by ex-Fox News editor
We just got rid of Al Jazeera America, but like Obama and Clinton and other bad dreams, they just don’t go away. The jihad is relentless. Terror-friendly al Jazeera sees Fox News’ demise as an opportunity and Qatar sees Biden’s Hamas friendly government and open borders as an even bigger opportunity.
Will it become like Faux News, a place where terrorist-linked sharia-supremacists like CAIR are given free air time to spew propaganda unchallenged? And where Qatar dictates what can and can’t be discussed?
Also recall, Emails Reveal: Hillary Clinton plotted with Qatar to establish $100M ‘Voice of America’-like media channel for the Muslim Brotherhood. Could this be the alternative?
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Below, an anti-Al Jazeera posters that appeared in Egypt saying, “A bullet kills a man, a lying camera kills a nation.”
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Qatari government-funded Al Jazeera starts conservative online media platform for US called Rightly that will be run by a former Fox News editor
Al Jazeera is starting a conservative-leaning digital media platform based in the United States called Rightly that will be run by a former Fox News editor.
The media network, which is funded by the Qatari government, announced on Tuesday that Rightly will generate content for 'audiences currently underrepresented in today's media environment'.
Scott Norvell, who worked at Fox News and News Corp for more than a decade, will head Rightly as its editor in chief.  
The platform will launch its first opinion program on Thursday with additional programs to follow within the next few months. The first show to air on the platform will be hosted by conservative political commentator Stephen Kent.
It will stream on Rightly social media and podcast platforms.
Al Jazeera, which is headquartered in Doha, launched its left-leaning US network - Al Jazeera America - back in 2013. It closed down the American arm in 2016 but has maintained a presence in the US online with its international AJPlus video and Al Jazeera English platforms.  
'American conservatism has never been monolithic,' Norvell, Rightly's editor-in-chief, said in a statement announcing the platform.
'With Rightly, we are hoping to create a platform that amplifies the voices of an array of personalities that more accurately reflects the racial, cultural and generational diversity of center-right politics in America than existing outlets.
'We aim to bring new Americans, young Americans, and Americans of color together and present conservative ideas that transcend the barriers which identity politics aim to put between us.'  
Norvell is a Fox News veteran and worked at the network is varying capacities between 1996 and 2009.
After a brief stint with CNN, Norvell worked as Fox News' Miami bureau chief before becoming the network's London bureau chief. He later became the bureau chief of the New York newsroom and then a vice president of news for the network.
Norvell left Fox in 2009 to take on a chief operating officer role at NewsCore and Fox's parent company News Corp. He has been working at a screen company since 2012.
Norvell authored several articles that appeared online with Al Jazeera English last year that touched on Donald Trump, anti-racism protests and COVID-19.
Former President Donald Trump has been rumored to be plotting his own conservative online news channel to take on Fox News.
Rightly will soft launch with its first show, 'Right Now with Stephen Kent,' on Thursday.
Al Jazeera described Kent as 'one of the rising stars in Millennial political circles in the United States'.
The network said the show will be an in-studio interview program that focus on the issues 'animating right-of-center Americans'.
Kent is a libertarian podcaster, TV commentator, political writer and media consultant. He is currently signed to Center Street, a conservative book company that also represents Donald Trump Jr and former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.
'I'm one of millions of Americans who grew up identifying with the conservative movement only to reach the times we're living in now and recognize very little of its politics,' Kent said.
'This show is going to be about searching for a home if you're someone who doesn't feel represented in the current political climate. The majority of Americans want a sane political conversation rooted in humility and openness.
'We're going to do just that by hosting weekly conversations on the state of the right and have some fun doing it.'
Michael Weaver, a senior vice president at Al Jazeera Media Network's Digital Division, said Rightly would provide 'fresh voices that are too often left out of the mainstream media a space to engage and debate the issues that matter most to them.
'Rightly will also be a platform where the full spectrum of political voices can expect to have, or find, a thoughtful debate on the future of the United States.'
Update 3/1: Jihad Watch picked up on this story - excerpts below:
Qatar is the Muslim Brotherhood. It’s arguably Al Qaeda and ISIS. It’s a regime that funds the murder of Americans. It ought to go without saying that no conservatives should be promoting, appearing, or consuming content from it.
Qatar trying to set up its own political influence operation in conservative media is a symptom of a larger problem where many conservatives simply don’t care whom they’re retweeting, promoting or cheering on as long as it attacks the Left.
I won’t be too surprised if Rightly content routinely ends up being tweeted and shared by conservatives who don’t know and don’t care that they’re promoting the sponsors of the Muslim Brotherhood.
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DC Journalism Museum “Newseum” That Honored Terrorist  Hamas and Hosted  al Jazeera America Has Closed
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