#and I will likely spend well past that <3 love movies love having them in my home
s-cullayy · 6 months
Can’t believe I’ve spent nearly $1k on criterion dvds since starting my collection 😭
0 notes
doobea · 5 months
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synopsis: satoru gojo is spoiled and arrogant. he's also the next in line to inherit his family's fortune. his father sends him far away in a small town for a week in hopes that he'll 'change' for the better. instead of the usual five-starred hilton hotels, he stays at a local inn and starts to befriend the owner's daughter.
tropes: small town romance, christmas au, golden retriever x black cat
contents: fem!reader, spoiled rich boy!gojo, acts like an ass to everyone but hopelessly falls in love with you at first sight, feels like a really bad hallmark movie, mentions of wealth class differences, reader isn't a tsundere - she's just indifferent for the most part and introverted word count: 7.5K (idk i will uh make the fics shorter in the future) a/n: thank you anon for requesting this!! idk if this is what you wanted but hopefully you like it!! :3 everyone also give a round of applause to @popponn for beta reading this big mess LMAO
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Satoru Gojo has a lot of expectations, but this certainly isn’t one of them.
He isn’t particularly excited about spending a week away from his big city penthouse to be rotting in a small town motel in the middle of nowhere but, his father, CEO of Gojo Corporations, heavily insisted that he ‘needs this’ and that ‘it’ll be good for the company’ — whatever that means. Satoru is confident that his father thinks he’s incapable of running the family business after last month’s run with the paparazzi and his third fling of the month. It wasn’t his fault that they got caught doing drugs at one of Zenin's parties, everyone else was doing the same thing, it just so happened that the cameras were only focusing on him. 
Well, that’s what he gets for signing up to be the son of one of the richest men on Earth.
“You need to start taking this seriously,” he recalls his father slamming his fist down at the desk before throwing a bottle of Henessy at the wall. “I don’t want this company to go bankrupt just because I have a son who only thinks with his dick.”
Ouch… but he’s not wrong about that.
So now Satoru finds himself driving up a winding road somewhere very deep in the mountains. Exactly five hours away from the city. And, for the past three hours, all he’s been seeing are miles and miles of pine trees, sheets of snow, and — he had recently learned this from Suguru — sugar shacks. Apparently when you’re out over a hundred miles into wilderness territory these sap houses are littered everywhere.  The fact that Satoru is beginning to count more shacks than designer cars on the road is really starting to get to him. 
“This whole thing is so fucking stupid,” Satoru has also been talking to himself throughout the journey in order to not lose his mind. “He could’ve just sent me door to door caroling instead of whatever this is.” Satoru doesn’t know how to sing well, but he does know all the lyrics to ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’ and that usually gets him all the tips. He wonders if he can manage to make a small side hustle when he starts wasting his week here.
He takes a sharp turn up around the hill before finally recognizing a big red sign with the name ‘Mistle Town’ as seen on the postcard his dad left him before leaving. It takes him another five minutes of driving through said small town, which is quite literally something out of one of those really bad holiday movies that his mom would force him to watch when he was little, before arriving at the inn. Upon arriving, Satoru is noticeably disappointed at the lack of valet assistance and, the size and design of the inn, is rather lackluster. 
First, it just looks like a regular white farmhouse. Maybe having a max of ten rooms, none of them being penthouse sized, Satoru assumes. There are a couple of flowerbeds out front, all covered in a couple of inches of snow, and there’s subtle signs of holiday decor slowly bleeding its way outside. He sees someone dressed in an oversized puffer by the entrance, arms occupied with red tinsel and large white ornaments, and figures that the first nice thing he’ll do is to help out a random stranger — just to prove something to his dad.
Satoru parks his Rolls Royce in a spot furthest away from everyone else in the parking lot and sends a ‘im alive and well’ text to Suguru, because he’s very much so going to be in frequent contact with him for the remainder of the trip, before heading up.
“Need a hand?” He points out the obvious but still manages to throw a smile as if he’s already fixed the situation unfolding in front of him.
Satoru’s presence seems to pull you from your busy trance. You wiped your body around, nearly smacking the damn tinsel in his face, and made a small surprised noise.
“I’ve got it,” you muffle out and he looks entirely unconvinced but, whatever, he tried anyway.
Satoru gives you a few encouraging pats on the back before heading inside, failing to realize his strength and causing you to lose your balance, making a few ornaments tumble to the ground. Thank god they’re all plastic though.
He pretends to not hear you yelling after him as he enters the double doors, immediately greeted by the scent of roasted coffee beans and leather. It’s the precious hour in the morning where nobody comes by, right after the cleaning staff had just finished vacuuming, when he struts in. He immediately spots someone vaguely familiar by the front desk. Long black hair, a red poofy bow tie in the back, and a distinctive scar across her face. The woman isn’t working alone, a man with another facial marking is next to her, brewing two cups of coffee by the espresso machine. 
Satoru looks at the woman again and outwardly smiles. “What are you doing here?”
“Ugh,” Utahime’s composure immediately falters at the sound of his voice, not that it’s a big shock. “Helping the family business, what else?” she throws back with a certain sharpness to her tone, and waves off the casual talk. “Have you even mentally prepared yourself for what you’re getting into?”
Satoru simply shrugs and saunters over to a nearby seat by the counter. “Nah, honestly just planning to fuck around till I get back.”
Utahime flushes a little, though it’s mainly from frustration. “Satoru Gojo, you really are—”
“Utahime,” the man next to her speaks, handing her a cup of coffee, and slides Satoru a freshly brewed one, too. “I can explain the details to him, if you would like?”
The older female rubs the bridge of her nose and exhales a long, overdue sigh. “Please do, Choso.”
“Yeah,” Satoru leans into the counter, lips pointed down at this new face. “Please, do tell.”
“You’re basically our little Santa helper.” A new voice rings out from behind him. It spooks Satoru from his seat and he whips his head around to be met with your narrow eyes.
“Also think of this as an unpaid internship.” You start laughing when he gags on his own saliva at your statement. “Okay, you don’t have to be so dramatic about it.”
Satoru swallows. “U-Unpaid…?”
Now it’s Utahime’s turn to speak, she huffs and tosses a couple of stockings into his arms. “Your father sent us a lengthy email a few days prior regarding your bratty behavior. So, of course, we came prepared.” 
“Prepared…?” He feels the fabric in his hands and whines at the grainy texture. This is so not 100% real wool.
If Satoru thought he had any chance of actually taking over his father’s company, because he knows the difference between supply and demand, he’s wrong.
Customer service is not his forte. He’s always thrown emails and sponsorship paperwork at his many assistants, and Satoru doesn’t even know his own email log-in password. So, when you walked up to him first thing the next morning with a brown apron, the inn’s logo large and embroidered in the center, telling him how to function all these coffee machines that he’s seen behind hundreds of counters, it invoked some fear into his already wrecked nerves. Plus, no one dared to warn him about the clientele during a holiday rush.
“I want a venti peppermint frappe with two pumps of chocolate, three pumps of hazelnut, replace it with almond milk, one shot of espresso, and top it off with a drizzle of caramel on top.”
He slumps against the counter. “You sure you want all of that?”
“Can I please get a half dozen sfogliatella and a cannoli?
He starts picking at his cuticles and sneers. “Sorry, I don’t speak Italian.” 
“My change is supposed to be five dollars, you only gave me three back?”
Satoru groans. “You’re trying to scam me, aren’t you?”
By the end of his four hour shift, Satoru feels like he’s just done more charity work than he’s ever done in his life — actually, maybe this could also be comparable to the time where he did the ribbon cutting ceremony at Chanel; gotta support small businesses, right?
“Gojo.” You’re seated across from him behind the counter, arms crossed and pursed lips.
He barely spares you a glance as he idly plays whatever shitty mobile game that’s number one on the app store. “Mhm? What is it?” He clearly knows you’re upset, your voice practically screams ‘I will end you’ in the most monotonous way possible. But can you blame him? Of all places, Satoru does not want to spend his winter break here.
You jerk your head to the side, fingers rhythmically tapping away on the counter, clearly unimpressed. “It hasn’t even been a full day and you’ve managed to piss off every single customer.”
Satoru expression shifts, brow creasing, and sighs, grabbing a handful of mint chocolate from the freebie candy jar by the register. “Don’t be dramatic,” he rolls his eyes and shoves three pieces in his mouth before jabbing a finger at a young man. “I didn’t piss him off!”
You glower, cheeks slightly puffed out. “That’s Yuuji and he’s practically a family friend and Choso’s little brother, so he doesn’t count,” you explain before adding, “Plus, he’s literally nice to everyone. You’re not special.”
And for a second, Satoru considered arguing that fact. Having been born into wealth, granted whatever wish he wanted, his butlers and maids are always on speed dial, that’s the lifestyle he’s used to. Placed on this tiny rock called Earth just to take over it one day, is what his father used to always say to him. But how can he, Satoru Gojo, take over when he’s stuck working a minimum — scratch that, unpaid — wage job as punishment? 
Instead of fighting, Satoru slumps against the counter and pouts, like a little kid who just got their toy taken away. You and your sister Utahime have a clear advantage over him, by somehow being close, yet distant, friends to his family. Maybe karma is real. 
“I’m putting you on ski lessons later.”
Satoru’s ears perk at this. “Oh, so I get some employee benefits, right?”
You roll your eyes, digging deep in your pockets to pull out a sheet with his name next to a list of others. “Wrong. You’re in charge of teaching five year olds how to ski.” 
Somehow that sounds even worse than being a barista. Kinda. 
By the end of his first day of unemployment, Satoru tries to convince himself that a full change of scenery is nice. Well, he has to convince himself, otherwise he’s stuck dreading each coming day for the rest of the week. 
“Tired yet, Gojo?”
You flop down on a spare armchair in his room, squishing his Canada Goose jacket underneath. He’s too tired to yell at you to get off and tumbles onto his bed, feet dangling off the edge, letting out a loud groan when his face immediately makes contact with the rough wooly blanket. Surprisingly to him, everything just feels so comfortable that the quality of the products doesn’t even cross his mind.
Sure, the air in the room is a bit musty, and he can feel his cheeks flaring up from the sudden change in temperature and the dull aching nag in his legs from demonstrating ski tricks to toddlers, but there’s an odd sense of fulfillment swelling in his chest just about now. He almost suggests taking over Choso’s lesson but, according to the hotel pamphlet, there’s going to be an ice fishing tournament tomorrow and he kinda wants to check that out, too.
“Exhausted,” he mumbles into the sheets, eyes squeezed shut. Satoru wiggles his body around for a few moments before slipping out of his snow boots and stares out the window, noticing flickering green and purple lights in the night sky. “Woah, are those…?”
He hears you laugh beside him. “Yeah, northern lights. We see them all the time during the winter.”
“Only seen them bitches in ‘Polar Express’.” Satoru finds himself saying whatever’s on his mind right now, his brain too whipped out to control his mouth. “You guys are lucky to see this every night.”
“I know you’re all pooped out from today but,” he feels the mattress dip by the edge and your fingers poking at his thighs. “Did you wanna head up to the balcony and watch them for a bit?” you say this experimentally, waiting for his reaction. 
Satoru might be a stranger to most natural phenomenons, having to zone out all the time whenever he did go on family vacations to a fancy national park when he was younger. Though, during the short time of spending his time here, it makes him think about packing up and leaving behind the fast paced city life for a bit of natural beauty and brightness.
“Carry me?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, you’re like a giant.” 
He manages to gather some energy to sit up on his elbows. “You should at least have some form of hospitality to a family friend, you know?”
You eye him for a long moment, and then finally huff, breaking the contact to kick your feet into the festive carpeted floor. “Alright, just don’t lean your whole body weight on me.”
“Wouldn’t count on that.”
Both of you end up tumbling onto the balcony rails around one in the morning. As expected, Satoru couldn’t keep to his promise, throwing his ridiculously long arms around your shoulders, and whining the whole way up the stairs. It’s not his fault that the inn didn’t have an elevator installed. In all, it’s not a bad day — a bad night, even. 
You straighten him against the railing before throwing a blanket over him. The fabric is thick and heavy, and Satoru forgets the ache in his limbs as he watches the way your eyes focus, eyebrows knitted, when you’re making sure he stays bundled up against the winter air. Once upon a time, Satoru never would’ve thought he would actually enjoy being in the company of someone who’s actively trying to teach him a lesson.
“Okay,” you say suddenly, almost like a reminder that you need to breathe, and pull away from him once he’s wrapped tightly like a swaddled baby. 
You both sit in silence for a moment, and Satoru feels the urge to fill all that silence. He supposes maybe that’s why most people find him so annoying. He never really shuts up, always wants to add the last comment to everything. Though, with the help of Suguru by his side, it’s gotten slightly easier and bearable for others but, when his head is big and full of loud thoughts, it’s so hard trying to calm the buzzing noise in his head and —
“Gojo, look,” your pointer finger darts at the illuminated skyline in the distance and he snaps his head, following the trail, before gasping.
He feels your other hand tugging at the blanket when he finally makes out two faint bright lights in the distance. You squirm slightly next to him, to the point where your shoulders touch, and Satoru finally breathes, because suddenly, there’s heat rushing in. The loud, rough winds around him seem to die down and he’s aware of the slightly gazed expression on your face as you look into the far distance.
“Did you make a wish?” he finds himself whispering.
You grin. “Yeah, gonna make you work here for eternity,” you reply back in good natured spirit.
Something stirs inside Satoru. Something important. Well, Satoru-level important, so in the grand scheme of things, not very — but still. He unravels parts of his blanket and throws it over your head, making sure that it messes up your hair, and laughs when you throw him another pout. 
“Did you make a wish?” you adjust the blanket so it covers your shoulders, moving a little closer to him, avoiding the cool breeze.
Satoru nods but presses a finger to his lips. “Not telling, though. Might not come true if I do.”
“Oh, shoot. Maybe I should’ve kept mine a secret then.”
He rolls his eyes and nudges your waist with an elbow. “You will definitely not see me here again.”
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Satoru realizes, very fast, that his life has become very different, very quickly. And it might not be the bad kind of different. 
Over the course of the next few days, he’s practically glued to your side as you’re showing him all things related to hospitality that his father tried to drill into him when he was a pre-teen. Obviously, it didn’t work at the time. Satoru’s known for being defiant just because he wanted to, and eventually his father stopped with the after school etiquette lessons. You, on the other hand, unfortunately have him tied around your fingers.
“You need to tidy up the edges more, Gojo.”
“There’s barely a wrinkle in these sheets!” He points at the bed sheet on the mattress, the one that he’d been working on for the last ten minutes in vain while you stood next to him with slightly concerned eyes. It’s a room service type of lesson today and, even though Satoru has never made his own bed before, he’s positive that he didn’t leave behind any smudges that might catch anyone’s eye.
“Did you check tuck in the sides? Or are you trying to get off easy for today?” You say, there’s a mild accusation in your tone when you speak, smiling as you step aside. 
And, despite the warm smile, Satoru frowns a little, because guess who forgot to tuck in the sides? 
When Satoru ducks his head around the mattress and sees a good loose chunk of the sheets hanging off and groans when you’re right. “It’s not my fault that they’ve made them so big for no reason,” he replies, somewhat embarrassed, rubbing the back of his head and messing up his already ruffled hair.
You roll your eyes and stick a tongue out. “You’re getting the hang of it though, maybe even faster than Yuuji when he first offered to help.”
He flushes at the unexpected praise and quickly fixes the sheets, turning his whole entire body away from your sight. “Better than Yuuji, right?”
“Oh? So, you only work better with compliments, Gojo?” You sound amused, as if a lightbulb just popped on top of your head.  
Satoru flattens out the bed once more, strangely now feeling satisfied with the final outcome before turning around, sticking out a tongue of his own. “Only if it’s from you,” he answers, honestly. 
You laugh, and hopefully it’s not at him. “I thought you would be more annoying to deal with.”
“So, I’m just regular amounts of annoying?” He points out, with a fake frown, his fingers fiddling with the edges of the sheet.
You turn your gaze, seemingly in deep thought, before responding with a small shrug and grin. “Possibly a perfect amount of annoying.”
Satoru feels the blood rushing to his cheeks, again. “Well, of course, it’s the perfect amount because I’m perfect,” he replies, instantly, but suddenly he’s shy and feels the need to go to the next room to fix their stupid sheets before he combusts in front of you.
“Gojo,” you say, almost hesitantly. 
He swallows and rubs the back of his neck, wiping off evidence of his sweaty palms. “Yeah?”
“You missed a spot,” and your pointer fingers direct at the far right corner of the bed frame. He must’ve pulled the sides too hard and it caused the other side to flip over. Ugh, he’s not cut out for this at all.
“I’m… uh, still better than Yuuji, right?”
“Mhm, getting there, Gojo.”
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By day four, Satoru has surprisingly adjusted to the rules and responsibilities. He’s not entirely sure what’s gotten him mildly well behaved, Suguru is a bit surprised by the daily updates being less… aggressive and whiny. What started as long vent paragraphs about the lack of heated flooring and needy customers, soon turned into photo albums of kids face planting into the snow and unconsented selfies with you in the background. Satoru absolutely makes sure you end up looking the worst out of the two because he’s gotta let his best friend know who’s the prettiest and he’s definitely racking up a blackmail album of all of your worst moments in case anything happens in the future. 
It’s closing time and he just got back from the reindeer shed out in the back, covered head to toe in all things hay and snow. First things first, and no one bothered to tell him, but reindeers smell bad. Like, really bad. Especially at the end of the day, where their pens are covered in shit and countless carrots and apple bits from the little kids overfeeding them. Satoru is vaguely aware of the fact that he smells, just like he’s vaguely aware that the hotel lobby is oddly quiet from the usual banter between you and the usual workers.
Utahime and Choso are sitting by the cafe bar, seemingly deep in conversation about ordering more supplies for next week. Satoru thinks about interrupting their session with probably an unrelated dumb question, but the idea dies when Utahime notices his presence and motions him to come over. 
“You stink,” Satoru casts a half-glare at Utahime and begins picking out some of the scattered hay pieces stuck to his sweater. 
“For the record, I became good friends with Rudolph and Vixen today,” he grumbles back and Choso throws him a pat on the back.
“Hey, I don’t mind your stink, by the way. Smells kinda nice,” Choso offers up, but Satoru only shoots him a very unhappy look.
“If you think I smell nice then I’m really worried about what you think smells bad,” then he turns over to Utahime again, who’s engrossed in whatever is on her clipboard right now. “So, what did you need from me?”
“My sister,” she starts and taps away at the clipboard before handing it over to him. It’s pages upon pages of invoices from the past month. “Could you hand this to her? She should be in the back.”
“You treating me like an errand boy?”
Utahime scoffs. “What? Don’t wanna see her?”
“No, I do,” he responds, a bit too fast for his own liking, and straightens out. “Uh, is that all?” Satoru hopes his face doesn’t betray how much he’s a bit excited to interact with you, given that today was a full day out in the trenches, and he absolutely needs to hear you say his name at least twice a day in order to have a good night’s sleep.
Choso is trying really hard not to laugh, and Satoru takes it as a sign that he currently has a cheesy smile on his face — go figure. “One of the corner rooms upstairs requested a weighted blanket, mind also doing that too?”
There’s a certain relief that floods through Satoru and he thinks maybe he can take on a few more tasks for the night if that means spending a little more time with you, even if his body is screaming that he needs to take a two hour long shower. 
“Hey,” he starts to say when he rounds the corner, “Where’d you put those weighted blankets again?”
Satoru expected to walk in on you neck-deep in paperwork. You’ve mentioned earlier in the week that this year would be the busiest and there’s a bunch of stuff due. Something about end of the year tax returns and inventory counts, it all goes out his ear but he remembers something similar that his father told him in a prior conversation. He thinks he could probably help you figure out some of it, but that might be a bit much.
What he walks in on, thought, is you sitting in your little makeshift office. You’re on your laptop, the screen’s tilted just right enough that he gets a glimpse of what you’re looking at. You’re looking at flights and hotels, even got a whole spreadsheet on the second monitor. From what he’s seen of you so far, you didn’t come off as the type to talk about your future that much.
His voice catches you by surprise and your expression flickers from something vaguely focused to embarrassment real quick. You hastily close out the tabs and go back to the hotel’s homepage.
“What is it, Gojo?” And there’s this awkward, oddly frantic moment of you fumbling around with the keyboard and mouse, like a teenage boy who’s just got caught looking at porn.
“Ah,” Satoru thinks seeing your flustered side is rather adorable, to say the least. “You tryin’ to plan a vacation or something?” He struts over to your desk, placing a firm hand onto the back of the chair, and there’s this smile on his face that just screams ‘gotcha’.
Your face scrunches up but it’s not out of annoyance. “Kinda?”
Even with a grumpy look, it’s a good look on you. Makes you kinda dark, brooding, and beautiful, and it turns your eyes into dark storm clouds, or some other weird, waxy poetic shit that Satoru can’t figure out the words to. Either way, Satoru thinks you look cute and can’t stop noticing your little facial movements. You’re more expressive than you would probably imagine.
“Ooh, where to?”
You sigh and start playing with your thumbs. “Malaysia. My friend told me great things about it and I’ve been meaning to go for a while now but time and money are always iffy.”
“Makes sense, I can imagine that being an inn assistant doesn’t pay all the bills.”
That was probably the wrong thing to say. You huff and glare, an icy-death glare, at him. If looks could kill, Satoru is sure that he’ll be six feet underground by now. 
“Weighted blankets are on the second floor closet by the laundry room,” you answer his initial question curtly before shutting the laptop. “Don’t stick your nose where it doesn’t belong.”
“It was just a question,” he mumbles slowly, and maybe even a little dangerously. “If money’s an issue—”
“Gojo.” Your voice is fixed and rigid, one that leaves absolutely no room for debate. “Your dad was right about you; you always just fall back to your fame and wealth.”
As you’re busy staring, Satoru realizes that you’re kinda being a total ass to him right now.
“That’s not fair,” his voice is rising and can’t seem to put a stop to the words spilling out. “Don’t bring my dad into this conversation.”
“Or what? You can go back to your privileged life anytime you want. This is just a field trip for you while others actually have to try hard and make a living.” You spit out. 
“No one forced you to become an inn worker, you know? If you’re so worried about money then you could’ve just found another high paying job.” Satoru wrinkles his nose and his volume continues to rise. 
You immediately offer him a dark glare and it comes off in a cut-throat way that shuts Satoru up mid thought. The rest of his counters die in his throat when you start making hand gestures at the office exit and he gets the hint: ‘leave before I lose my shit’ is the calling he sees.
And it works, because he finds his tone shifting a little, awkwardly kicking the floor and backing off. “Whatever…”
That was last night and, by now, Satoru is realizing that he’s kind of a giant asshole and the guilt is slowly eating away at him. Was he always like this? It couldn’t have been — he’s only met you a few days ago, and this is only meant to be a quick, ‘vacational’, getaway. Sure he might be a bit selfish and a dick, but he had been able to function perfectly fine before all of this, hadn’t he? 
Satoru’s not really sure.
It’s noon, and he’s lying in bed. Choso had asked him to cover his shift at the cafe, and he’d agreed, readily, even though it’s supposed to be his day off, because you’re working. Choso had texted him, though, saying that you had simply said you’d work the entire shift by yourself.
Of course. It’s absolutely not funny anymore.
Satoru sighs. He’s going to apologize, that’s for sure. It wounds some of his pride, yeah, but whatever, this tension between you guys, though, isn’t worth it. He finds himself wasting his entire morning away rotting in bed. There are things that he could be doing, that he looks forward to, like feeding the reindeers or demonstrating basic ski moves to little kids. Choso and Yuuji totally got him addicted to yelling out ‘pizza’ and ‘french fry’ at every chance he gets. They also got him addicted to a shitty relationship forum they both browse, but somehow the idea of reading other people’s relationship drama, when he’s facing drama of his own, is kinda mentally exhausting.
On second thought, maybe he should post on that forum, actually.
It might not be such a bad idea.
Or maybe he could reach out to Suguru and ask how to apologize? 
His best friend is a bit more grounded and attuned with other people’s feelings compared to him, afterall. Satoru’s not good at this stuff and he’s always just cut others off whenever they do argue, but this feels different. And, well, for the first time in forever, Satoru is desperate. 
“I fucked up big time and I need to apologize, help me out here?”
Suguru scoffs over the line. “Wow, what happened to saying ‘hello’ or ‘how are you’?”
Satoru rolls his eyes. “Hi, hello. How are you? How do I make a sincere apology?”
“I’m good, thank you. Now, for your request, depends on how big the fuck up is.”
He bites his tongue, finding the right words to essentially not sound like a huge dick but, no matter how he wants to rephrase it, the outcome is the same. “I might’ve implied that she’s poor and needs someone to take care of her?” It sounds so stupid, so mean, and so degrading now that he’s saying it out loud. 
He hears Suguru sucking in his teeth and sighs. After a couple of pauses, his best friend finally speaks. “That’s pretty fucked up.”
Satoru frowns. “Okay, yeah, it is,” and he sits up in his bed when a snowball makes an impact against the window. It’s Utahime. And, currently, she’s throwing him the nastiest glare that a woman has ever given him in his life. “Um, I’ll call you back, buddy…”
“What? I haven’t given you—”
“Don’t have time for unwarranted advice right now.”
“You called me!”
“Bye!” Satoru ends the call before shuffling towards the window, swallowing a hard lump, and inches the glass panel just small enough for him to hear coherently and not big enough for her to punt him across the face. “Lovely morning, isn’t it?”
But Utahime is in an obvious shitty mood and Satoru’s lack of charming antics aren’t going to work this time. “I’m going to apologize, I promise,” he tries to insist.
“This is all your fault,” she immediately gets to the point and it makes him shrink back just a tiny bit. He’s starting to see that the bluntness runs in the family. “Just get your ass to work.”
“But my shift doesn’t start till—”
“Doesn’t matter,” Utahime starts to form an even bigger snowball and raises it to the window panel. “Ass out of bed, now.”
Okay, so as much as Satoru had tried to tell himself that this week wouldn’t be bad, it’s really starting to get fucking awful.
Everyone’s in a shit mood. Yuuji tries to crack some jokes but the usual crowd isn’t having it. You’ve been throwing Satoru dirty looks while working behind the cafe counter together and he’s been put on drink duty — which is his worst nightmare — while you’re attending to the customers because you’re young and cute enough for them to be nice to you. Satoru has spilled hot coffee and chocolate on himself like four times so far, and the shift just started. He’s terrified that the rest of this week is going to be like this.
“Can we talk?” Satoru whisper shouts over the espresso machine.
He sees your shoulders tensing up but immediately relaxes them afterwards. “Did you hear something, Yuuji?”
The boy looks up from the bar counter, it’s his day off and he’s catching up on some homework, but the seemingly growing tension that’s unfolding in front of him is making it painfully hard for him to focus on anything engineering related. Yuuji scratches the back of his neck before darting his eyes back and forth between the two of you. Normally, he would be the voice of reason, but Satoru doesn’t blame him when he shakes his head.
“N-Nah, must’ve been the wind or something...” 
Great, he’s been reduced to an air draft.
“Mhm, that’s what I thought,” you agree without missing a beat. As the next customer in line spends an eternity holding everyone up, debating whether to get the seasonal muffin or french toast to go with their drink, you continue, “Thought I heard a rotten brat for a second.”
He absolutely doesn’t expect the harsh insult. Satoru widens his eyes at the outburst and there’s a small pause, the silence ticking in between everyone, and he’s sure that you’re glaring him down somewhere in a small reflection on the counter. 
Satoru debates whether to call out your name and shake some sense into you, but Yuuji quickly swallows and makes a motion with his hands to his throat, a universal signal saying — ‘I wouldn’t test the waters, if I were you’.
And, after the customer finally decides that they didn’t want any pastries with their coffee order, you finish the transaction before announcing that you’re going on a small fifteen minute break to “stretch”. Though, anyone could see that you’re planning to cool off before you manage to actually blow up in Satoru’s face.
“How the hell am I going to talk to her?” he groans to Yuuji once you’re finally away. He’s managing the cash register and, surprisingly, finishes taking the remaining orders quite smoothly compared to his first day. At least he can pat himself on the back for this. 
“You’ve really pissed her off, dude,” Yuuji replies and Satoru just rolls his eyes because that’s all he’s been hearing from everyone else all day today. “You should talk to her when she’s not… charged up.”
“Way to point out the obvious.” Sometimes he forgets that Yuuji is a bit oblivious. How is he doing so well as a mechanical engineering major? 
Yuuji makes an audible ‘pop’ and whistles. “What did you even say to her?”
Satoru groans into his hands. “Did she not tell you?”
“Well, she wasn’t exactly in a chippy mood to talk about anything this morning — outside of work, that is.”
“Here’s a little TLDR version: might’ve said something classist.”
“Okay, definitely said something classist.”
“Then…” Yuuji drums his fingers against the counter, deep in thought. “Y’know, whenever me and Megumi fight, I always invite him out to the movies to try and cheer him up. Might not be applicable to you but…”
Satoru blinks. “Are you suggesting a date would help?”
“Maybe not a date—”
“No, I’m sorry for calling you dumb, you’re so right—a nice date might work!”
“You never called me dumb, though?”
“Yeah, okay, whatever you say, kiddo.”
Satoru unravels the ribbon on his apron and throws it in Yuuji’s general direction, not caring if he tossed the stained uniform directly in his face. He hops the counter and pats the younger male on the shoulder, flashing him a genuine smile because, hey, maybe Yuuji actually is smarter than he looks.
“Gonna totally invite you to the wedding.”
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It’s no secret that Satoru Gojo hasn’t been on a proper date in a pathetically long time.
He has swiped right on a number of highly influential celebrities and figures on dating apps before. Matched with nearly all of them. Gone on…maybe a lot of first dates with not a lot of second dates coming right after. Who cares though, everyone’s just there for the photos and followers anyway. Satoru knows that he’s attractive and that he personally loves big, lavish dates but, at this point, he knows you enough to understand you absolutely hate big gestures. 
After a short winded conversation with Suguru and Utahime, separately, Satoru has concluded on not buying you first class tickets to Malaysia. 
“Are you trying to get her to hate your guts?” Was the general consensus of the conversation with said people. 
So, what’s the next best option if he can’t fly you out to Malaysia? The answer is pretty simple — bring Malaysia to Mistle Town. And no, he’s not going to be relying on his black card for anything, even though the back of his mind is telling him otherwise. 
Choso blinks several times at Satoru’s printed out proposal. The colorful letters and Google image photos of beaches and coconuts slapped poorly onto the document screams back at Choso and Yuuji, bright and early on Christmas Eve. 
It’s unusual for Satoru to be bouncing excitedly in place for someone other than himself. So this catches everyone off guard. 
Yuuji whispers something intangible to Choso, but Satoru is able to make it out as, “Do we even have coconuts here?”
To which Choso replies, “It’s winter, so I don’t think so.”
And Yuuji moves onto the next question in queue, “What should we do about the lack of palm trees?”
A patient sigh from Choso, “We could always trim the pine trees outside?” He lamely suggests. 
“It’s a good idea, no?” Satoru jumps right back in, completely missing the flat vibe from the brothers. He frowns. “Why are you guys giving me that look?” 
And, like his best friend and your sister, the brothers throw him a confused head tilt. 
“Well,” Yuuji weakly starts, “Your plan ‘Project: Bring Malaysia here in hopes of Y/N falling in love with me’ doesn’t really sound that great… even on paper.”
Satoru grins, fully expecting that to be the response. “I’ll order the things, don’t worry about it. I just need to borrow your lungs for this project.”
Yuuji scratches his cheek in confusion, laughing nervously again. “Our lungs…?” he echos. 
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“How long do I have to keep this dumb blindfold on, Choso?”
“U-Um,” Choso shoots Satoru a brow as he carefully guides you through the hotel lobby. 
It’s currently decked out from head to toe in all things yellow, green, and pink beach themed inflatables. Choso and Yuuji reminded Satoru last night that maybe two flamingos would’ve been enough to get the message across, but seeing that he ordered a whole colony? Yeah, he’s sending the rich boy prayers as he reels you in further, avoiding collision with the colorful balloons and seven-foot tall palm trees, too.
He squeezes your shoulders when Satoru shoots him a thumbs up. “Ten seconds.”
Satoru quietly walks over to both of you, tip toeing so the sounds of his loafers are minimized against the flooring. Once he’s inches away, Choso retreats off into a different room, mouthing to him words of final encouragement, which Satoru gladly took. 
You appear restless under the blindfold. “I swear to god, if I take it off and there’s a giant pile of reindeer shit in the middle of the lobby I will actually kill somebody—”
And Satoru quietly debates whether or not he wants to keep you like this for a little while before revealing the big surprise. Seeing you flustered and confused is a very cute look on you, after all. But, he’s gotten you this far and it would absolutely kill him to leave you on such a bad notice. It’s now early evening, and the sun’s just starting to set enough that the golden rays illuminate your features from this angle. It takes Satoru back to his first private meeting with you on the balcony and he remembers why he’s even doing this in the first place.
Carefully and slowly, he slips down the blindfold and softly calls out your name. “Hey, take a look around you.”
Your eyes are blown wide when you see his face. Anger and frustration dissipate from your face when you soon realize that Satoru carries a soft expression. He watches as the emotions wash off as quickly as they came. Then, you finally take a look around your surroundings and gasp. “You—You did all of this for me?”
Satoru tenses a little, a bit on the edge. “You want the short or long answer?”
You don’t notice because you’re too preoccupied with the numerous fake flamingos around you. “On second thought, maybe no answer would also work.”
He laughs at this, slightly, before turning shy again. He feels silly, ashamed, and it makes his cheeks flush. “I wanted to say sorry again for what I said earlier.”
“You finally want to talk about it?”
He looks at your idle hands and then back to your face. When he sees that you don't move them away as he inches closer, he takes both of them into his palms, giving them a tight squeeze. “Yeah, I was a big idiot and I thought I was trying to help in the beginning but I just sounded—no, I am—a giant ass.” Satoru concludes. 
The atmosphere grows quiet and heavy again. The air humid and thick despite the opened windows and you’re looking at him. Then, there are tiny little smiles that break out on your face, like freckles and stars in the sky. 
“You’re such a pillow princess,” and he outright blushes ten shades darker at the nickname, “you’re lucky you’re cute.” Coming from you, that’s as good as a love confession.
I like you, he thinks, but doesn’t say it. He really likes you and doesn’t want to fuck this up.
But, everyone knows that Satoru Gojo is a child at heart. 
Satoru doesn’t know who gives in first; realistically, it might’ve been one of those stupid, rare, impossible moments where it’s completely shared. Suddenly the gaudy blow up palm trees and inflatable pool blur from his vision and he feels the world roaring around him when your palms rest on his cheeks. He ducks his head down but you’re the one who closes the distance between. 
You taste like strawberries and lavender, smell like warm cocoa, and feel softer than any sherpa blanket he’s had. Satoru closes his eyes and his vision goes white, his hands shakily snake around your waist, pressing you hard against his chest as if you might disappear at any moment. Satoru sighs into the kiss, it feels pleasantly warm, that throb in his chest, it’s a slow, steady thrum of simmering desire and comfort. He’s pretty sure he’s adding way too much tongue, the drool and saliva that comes dripping between you two will be uncomfortable soon, but for now, it adds to the blissed out, satisfaction you’re both basking in.
Finally, you pull away, shortening yourself a good several inches from planting the rest of your feet on the ground. Your eyes are glossed over, watery and looking at him without vexation. “You’re something else.” You say, but there’s no bite.
Satoru doesn’t speak for a moment. He’s too focused on the feeling of your warm fingers sprawled all over his heating face. Too focused on the dull pulse of both nervousness and infatuation slowly spreading through his body because you’re giving him that look. This all feels romantic and stupid, he thinks.
“I’m sorry, again.” The words are quiet, hesitant, and Satoru almost regrets them the moment he speaks.
You shift around a little, now dancing on the balls of your feet, but the grasp you have on his cheeks is still relatively firm, even applying a bit of more pressure as if it’s your way of showing reassurance. You tip your head; your eyes are so vivid and bright, it sends a shiver down Satoru’s spine. In this moment, he remembers every single thing between them in shocking detail — the awkwardness, the tension, the frustration, the dumb banters, and suddenly he’s overwhelmed.
“I’ll forgive you if you give me a private city tour,” you laugh. “And come back to work with us again next year.”
Satoru offers a small smile. “Unpaid?”
“Will you say no if it is?”
He hugs you tighter, a chuckle bubbles in his throat. “I don’t think I can say no because it’s you.”
Though, while some might think that Satoru is the real loser here for being whipped so hard over a small town girl, you know that deep down the real loser is you. Because you managed to have the son of a CEO wrapped around your fingers and now you will never know peace again. But you’re not really complaining; instead, you’re working even harder to save just enough to eventually see your dream destination while Satoru whines and sends an ungodly amount of selfies everyday when he’s back home. And you won’t allow yourself to get snappy because, well, you’re very much head over heels for him, too.
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© 2023 DOOBEA. do not copy any of my writing and translate/repost.
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sugrhigh · 2 months
THE BOY IS MINE - ( m.s )
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summary- after years of friendship, you’ve seen matt date people before, but none of them have been as bad as this new one. you’ve never interfered with any of the girls in the past, but one night she takes it too far and your true feelings come out.
warnings- cursing, unprotected sex (pretend ur on birth control but also wrap it before you tap it), choking, cheating, dom!matt, it’s smut with a plot guys are we surprised (read at ur own fucking discretion PLEASE!)
a/n: thank you @stonermattsgf for the request!! i fucking loved this concept and the song eats down i hope i did u some justice <3 the touch it chris fic will be coming too cuz im fuckin with that song as well (if you weren’t tagged it wouldn’t let me tag you, i’m sorry!!)
@fawnchives @teapartyprincess4two @sturnioloco @mattinside @l9vesick @sturnsblunt @ev3rgreenxtrees @wh0resstuff @matthewsmocktails @cherrypostsposts @bxbynyah7 @seababehh @sturnsfav @mattsluv @sturniolossss @melanch0lybby @sturniolos-blog @lustfulslxt @sturnioloobssesd @ginswife @amypull @vivianalovesmatt @st4niolos @sturnioloobessed @sturnlova @bigbeefybitch @minhyucks @iheart-zegras @vicsguitarr @melonjollyranche @hearts4matty @vickyzloserz @user8000000 @xoxo4chrisss @unfilteredassmf @mattsbiggesthoe @chrisstopherfilmed @st3rniolo @goldengrapejuice @luv2matt @vsangel-starbies @mikaelabutterfield @mattnchrisworld @bluesturniolo333 @wurlibydominicfike @kp07on @hayleyreadsblog
in no universe did you expect to be pining after one of your best friends.
it had always been strictly platonic between you and matt, aside from a little harmless flirting over the years. you loved him and his brothers so much that you never wanted to mess anything up, or complicate things when the dynamic was already perfect.
but as much as you’re close with each of them, you know you’ve always understood matt on a deeper level. you share the same goals, the same fears, even the same taste in music and movies.
he’s always been the first person to check in, the only one who can read your mood like the back of his hand, the guy who cheers you up and lets you cry on his shoulder when things are shitty.
despite these sweet gestures, you’ve both had your fair share of relationships and flings while being best friends. none of them have ever bothered you before, and you’ve always tried to be respectful and kind to whichever girl he picks.
that is, until now.
matt is sitting across from you on the couch in their living room, slight frown etched on his face. his girlfriend, maya, has her legs sprawled across his lap comfortably, arms linked like she’s claiming him.
her eyes are practically locked on you. you don’t blame her; she’s well aware that you’re not her biggest fan.
all she does is complain about all of the things she doesn’t like about matt. last time she hung out with you guys, she was bitching about the fact that he kissed her in public at a party, as if she was worried he was scaring off other guys.
when he buys her flowers, they’re the wrong ones. if he takes her to dinner, she whines about the food. she’ll even criticize his clothes, demanding that they match and he hides the tattoos. to her, he can’t do anything right, even though he’s incredible just the way he is.
so it drives you absolutely insane watching the way she walks all over matt, all over his brothers, even you. it’s been two months of this agony, and you can’t believe it’s even lasted this long.
you spend nearly every day thinking about how much better you could treat him. every time he touches you, no matter how briefly, your skin burns in desire. it’s selfish to want someone who’s taken, and you’re well aware of that.
but you just love matt, you know him. and he deserves better. maybe it’s you, maybe it’s not. but it’s certainly not maya.
“give it to me, fuckhead.” chris’s voice rips you out of your trance, and you snap your head toward the middle of the U-shaped sofa.
he’s currently fighting nick for the remote, who slaps the side of his arm rather hard. chris lets go, only to pull his brother into a headlock seconds later. nick lets out a yelp of surprise, jamming an elbow into his side to get him to stop.
in all the commotion, you decide to grab the remote for yourself, a wide smile settling across your features as you take it into your palm.
they both notice quickly, groaning in protest as you wave it at them tauntingly.
“too slow! now i get to pick, idiots.” you tease.
“c’mon, i just went to war for that thing.” nick complains, kicking your leg half-heartedly, but you just shake your head.
“snooze you lose.”
you scroll through your options, trying to pay no mind to the way maya is whispering to matt for so long she could be reciting the bible. then your eyes land on a title that makes you pause, chuckling a little to yourself.
“oh no way, they have fucking cocaine bear on here?” chris cackles.
nick looks rather amused himself, raising his eyebrows like he’s intrigued. “i mean, i’m game.”
you glance over at matt, who’s already looking at you with a grin on his face. he mentioned the movie to you a little while ago, and how he just had to see how stupid it was eventually.
“why would we waste our time watching this shit? isn’t it supposed to be awful?” maya chimes from beside him, and your gaze narrows in on her.
“it’ll be funny, you know, ‘cause it’s so bad.” you reply, trying to keep your voice light and friendly.
she tilts her head to the side slightly, studying you with disapproving eyes. “yeah, i’m not so sure about trusting your taste. i mean, that god-awful outfit is just one example.”
the air seems to be sucked out of the room as you grip your sweats self-consciously. nobody moves, nobody speaks. you feel the anger flare up in your veins as you look at matt, wondering if he’s going to step in like he should.
but he doesn’t. in fact, he’s avoiding your gaze altogether. so you square your shoulders and turn your focus back to the girl you dislike so much. you’re done with the passive aggressive comments, with all of the bullshit glares and insults.
you’re done letting her bulldoze you. if matt wants to go through that, fine. but he doesn’t have to take everyone down with him by subjecting them to maya’s presence.
“well, you seem to be the only one who has a problem with my taste, so maybe you should just leave.” you say calmly, smiling sarcastically at the end because you can’t help it.
her mouth pops open, and you can hear chris and nick trying to stifle their gasps and chuckles. even the corner of matt’s lips turn up, which makes you wonder.
maya turns to look at her boyfriend, completely astonished. “are you seriously going to let her talk to me like that?”
he seems conflicted as he briefly looks your direction, clearing his throat to buy some time. you tilt an eyebrow, crossing your arms like you’re just waiting for him to pick his side.
she may have asked the question, but now you’re dying to know the answer.
“maya is right. and, uh, i think you should apologize.” matt fumbles with his words, unable to speak to you directly.
you feel the fury work its way up your face, and you force yourself to blink away the burning sensation of frustrated tears. maya looks far too satisfied, and you want to slap the smirk off of her face.
but you know you can’t lay hands on her, so you decide your words will have to be your knives.
“you know what, i am sorry,” you begin, raising your hands in surrender.
they’re both a bit surprised by this change in direction, so after a brief pause, you continue.
“i’m really sorry that you’re dating a stuck up bitch. i’m sorry that she’s constantly taking advantage of your kindness. i’m sorry that she treats you like shit, that she talks down to you like you’re a child, that she’s never satisfied with the things you do. and i’m especially sorry that you continue to let her, because you can do so much better.”
if maya’s eyeballs could pop out of her skull, you would imagine it would be exactly like how she looks right now. matt is also slack jawed beside her, and you can’t be near him any longer.
so you stand up, turning to leave the boy you love so much without another word.
the fresh night air of spring is a relief once you step out the front door, and you try to let it calm you as you hustle toward your car. you can already feel your phone buzzing in your back pocket as you move, presumably nick and chris.
you hope they’re not angry. it’s bad enough knowing that you’ve royally fucked things up with matt, but you couldn’t bare it if all three of them hated you.
you practically toss yourself into the drivers seat, slamming the door closed with a force that shakes the entire vehicle. you’re peeling out of the driveway before you can even reflect on the consequences of your actions, speeding home as if your life depended on it.
your ringtone continues to erupt as you drive along the backroads, but you force yourself to ignore it for the time being.
only once you throw the car into park in your own driveway do you check the messages, scrolling through the numerous notifications. unsurprisingly most of them are from nick and chris like you presumed, wondering if you’re alright and applauding you for finally standing up to the wicked witch of the west.
for a brief moment, their kind words make you feel better.
but then your eyes catch a contact that you actually don’t expect; matt’s. you stare at your device, throat going completely dry. a missed call and two texts.
i’m coming over
don’t bother saying no, im already on my way
that was five minutes ago, which means he’s not too far behind you. you tear out of your car and across the yard, throwing the door open carelessly.
your heart is still slamming against your ribcage, and fear crawls up your throat as you press your back to the wood, kicking your flip flops off in the general direction of the coat rack.
your mind flashes to the idea of him yelling at you, which you suppose would be somewhat warranted. you’ve seen matt angry on a couple of occasions, and you can’t imagine he has anything kind to say to you right now.
you pace the foyer as you wait for his arrival, picking at the beds of your fingernails anxiously.
and then it happens; the loud knock on the front door, followed by another series of harsh slams.
impatient motherfucker.
you straighten up as your palm wraps around the knob, sucking in a breath before pulling it open to reveal a rather disheveled matt.
he’s breathing heavy, hair messy as if he’s been tugging at it for the entire drive. his earrings glint in the porch light as he stares at you like he’s trying to commit every feature to memory, wetting his lips hungrily.
you barely get his name out before he wraps his ring-clad fingers around your throat, pulling your mouth to his harshly. he molds against you perfectly, his other hand traveling to your hip to hold you flush against his own body.
he just couldn’t help it. he was so desperate on the entire ride over, replaying your outburst on a loop in his mind as he drove further and further away from his girlfriend. there’s been only a few occasions he’s seen you that upset, and your comments had been a necessary slap in the face.
plus, watching you fight for him when he was too much of a bitch to do it himself was a bigger turn-on than he’d like to admit.
all he’s ever wanted is you. and it shouldn’t have taken this long to admit it to himself.
matt guides you backwards, hand still squeezing your neck as he blindly kicks the door shut with one foot. you feel your back bump against the kitchen counter, and you’re trying to register what the hell is going on, but his kiss is so fucking intoxicating that it’s impossible to think clearly.
his tongue slides against yours passionately, and the flavored chapstick you’re wearing is driving him insane. you can feel him growing hard against your thigh as he toys with the elastic waistband of your pants suggestively.
you have no idea if this means it’s officially over with him and maya, but you find that you quite frankly don’t give a shit.
in this moment, he’s yours.
his fingers finally dip into your sweats a few seconds later, traveling down to brush against your clothed heat as he moves his mouth to your jaw sloppily. a breathy moan escapes before you can stop it, involuntarily rutting your hips against his cold rings in search of more friction.
one of your hands goes to grip the hair at the nape of his neck while the other claws at his back, desperately wrapping your knuckle around the cloth of his muscle tee.
“you like that?” matt grumbles against your throat, nipping at the skin as he begins to apply real pressure to your cunt in little circular motions.
your back arches and you tilt your head to the side so you can give him full access, silently hoping he’ll leave a mark behind.
“you’ve been thinking about me touching you like this, haven’t you? wishing i would come fuck you instead of her?” he questions further, moving his head slightly so he’s speaking directly into your ear.
the hand that was choking you slides down so he can grope your chest, his thumb running over one of your hardened nipples through the thin shirt you’re wearing. the combined pleasure has you whining in his grasp, a submissive sound that you wish you weren’t making.
you can feel him grinning as he presses his mouth to that sweet spot below your earlobe, his tongue darting out to wet the area.
“you want me just as much.” you manage to find your voice, though your claim is muttered with no conviction.
matt pauses his movements and brings both hands to your waistband again, which makes you whimper as you clench around nothing. his mouth finds yours briefly to swallow the sound, and he bites down on your bottom lip as he pulls away.
“you’re not wrong. so are you gonna give me what i want, baby?” he asks as he teases your sweats and panties just a little lower on your hips.
“keep going.” you plead.
you let go of your grip on his body so he can tug both items down to your ankles, helping you step out of their grasp before discarding them a couple feet away.
matt doesn’t immediately stand back up; instead he takes his time, kissing the side of your knees as his hands slide up the outside of your thighs. you feel so exposed, so on-display that you clench your legs together before you can help it.
he immediately pries them apart, shaking his head slightly with a little smirk. “don’t be shy now, you had so much to say earlier.”
his words spur you on, so you spread yourself wider, opting to grip the counter as he reattaches his lips to your inner thighs. matt inches closer and closer to where you really need him, taking his time to nip at the supple flesh that comes before.
he pulls away right when you think he’s finally about to put his mouth on you, letting his hot breath fan across your soaked center. it makes you shiver in anticipation, and you’re getting a little too needy now.
“quit fucking teas—oh shit.”
you throw your head back as his two fingers spread you apart, tongue coming in contact with the middle of your cunt as he laps at the wetness that had pooled there.
he slows his pace slightly after a moment, making sure to pay attention to the whole area, working his way up until his nose bumps against your clit. you spit a curse out, letting one hand go so you can grip his soft hair.
matt continues on, his lips closing around the sensitive bud so he can apply more pressure and suction. your gut flips at the sensation and your grip on his roots tightens as his mouth works.
he grumbles, loving the way you’re pulling at him so desperately. the noise sends vibrations through your core, which only makes the experience more enjoyable.
“fuckkk, matt, feels so good.” you praise dumbly, your words slurring.
the vocal admiration makes his pulse quicken, and at this point he’s straining against his jeans. he just can’t believe he’s got you like this, grinding your cunt against his face as if he’s the best you’ve ever had.
he can tell you’re growing closer just based on the little gasps and moans leaving your mouth, and your legs begin to shake ever so slightly. but he won’t let you finish just yet.
“want to be inside this pretty pussy.” he pulls away to say it, pressing one more wet kiss to the delicate area before he gets up.
you’re craving more, so you decide to take initiative, reaching for his belt and fumbling to undo the buckle. you tear it from the loops and toss it away, moving to his zipper as he reaches behind his head to tug his loose tank off.
his pants fall to the floor, leaving him in only his tented boxers. he’s quick to kick his shoes off, followed by his jeans right after.
then his hands go to your waist, fingers digging into the smooth flesh.
“up.” he instructs bluntly, helping lift you onto the end of the marbled countertop so he’s standing between your legs.
he lifts your shirt up next, and you help him out by throwing your arms above your head so he can fully remove it. his eyes train downwards, admiring the way your sheer bra hugs your tits. it hardly leaves anything to the imagination, and matt finds it extremely hot that you’ve been wearing it all night without him knowing.
before he can make a move, you surprise him by reaching back confidently to unhook the garment yourself. you let it slip from your shoulders before throwing it to your side, revealing your bare chest to him wordlessly.
he pulls his lip between his teeth as he exhales, gently guiding you downwards so your back is pressed flat against the cool surface. matt looks intimidating standing over you, his dark eyes drinking in every inch of your body.
“you’re so fucking sexy.” he says in awe, leaning down to give you another real kiss, a salty mix of sweat and arousal on his lips.
then he finds his way down to your collarbone, staying there shortly before traveling between the valley of your breasts. without warning, he presses his tongue flat across one nipple, flicking it back and forth.
you push your chest further into his face with a moan, both hands in his hair this time. he moves to the other perky bud, sucking on it as his teeth graze the tissue ever so slightly.
you’re practically writhing underneath him, and you can feel the pit growing in your stomach again. so even though it feels incredible, you yank his head back off of your chest by his hair.
“need you to fuck me.” you mutter, pushing his hair out of his face with both of your hands.
matt nods once, straightening so he can slide his underwear down. his erection finally springs free, pink tip glistening with precum. you watch as he spreads the wetness around, pumping himself in his hand a few times.
he’s bigger than you expected, and your mouth is watering just thinking about how much you want him to be pounding into you already.
“wrap your legs around me princess.” he commands gruffly, and you do just as you’re told, hooking your ankles behind his back.
his dick presses against your heat, and you buck against it to try and feel more. matt is quick to steady your hips roughly, holding you down against the edge of the counter as he teases himself into your entrance.
you both moan, his low and rumbling, yours high-pitched and greedy. you use your thighs to pull him closer, forcing him to drive into you fully so you can feel that pleasurable stretch.
“mmmn—fuck, you’re so tight.” he sighs, giving you another moment before he begins to drag his cock in and out at a steady pace.
you rock with him as best you can, finding the perfect rhythm so that he’s plowing his full length into you, filling the house with the sound of skin slapping skin.
matt lets one hand wrap around your neck again to choke you, tattoos on display as his muscles flex, and the pressure traps your lewd cries in your throat. his other fingers continue to toy with your nipples, which makes you arch off the counter, head rolled back as your eyes screw shut.
“look at you, taking me like such a good girl. just like i knew you would.” he compliments breathlessly.
he starts snapping his hips harder, enjoying the way your tits bounce as you slide slightly against the slick counter. you look so fucking beautiful, mouth partially open, barely able to squeak out a moan.
never in a million years did matt think he’d get the opportunity to fulfill all of his shamefully dirty fantasies about you, but here you are, completely naked and spread out in your own kitchen.
you’re squeezing around him now with every stroke, and he somehow keeps getting deeper, hitting your g-spot in a way that makes you jerk.
the familiar feeling of your abs tightening occurs as you get closer to your orgasm, and you swear you’re seeing stars at this point. he’s right there with you, a groaning mess as your fingers reach up to dig into his bicep.
“yes, matt, right there! m’gonna—” you fumble over your words, unable to finish the thought as the satisfaction builds.
he uses the last of his strength to drill into you, moving both hands back to your waist quickly so he can slam you down on his cock a few more times.
“come all over this dick baby, don’t hold back.”
you’re practically screaming his name as you hit your high, releasing all over him as his hot cum spills into you at the same time.
he slows his movements as you look up at him with bleary eyes, enjoying the last moments of being inside you before he pulls out. you feel your mixed arousal dripping out onto the counter, and you don’t even care that you’ll have to clean it up later.
that was completely worth the mess.
your chest continues to heave as you relish in the come down, dropping your thighs from his hips so he’s free to move around.
but matt stays between them, leaning down to capture your mouth with his one final time. it’s brief, but it means more than either of you truly understand.
he’s the one to break it first, pressing his forehead against yours before he speaks. “you’re incredible, you know that?”
you smile weakly, pushing against his chest to put some distance between the two of you. reality is creeping back in, reminding you that this was probably a one time thing.
“help me down?” you ask, and he complies.
matt lifts you a bit as you slide off the countertop, setting you back on real ground a second later. you’re not sure what to say as you stand before him, completely fucked out and terrified of whatever is coming next.
“so, um…i should probably get cleaned up.” you try to sound casual, even though you’re feeling anything but relaxed.
he immediately notices the switch in tone, the way you’re wrapping your arms around yourself like you’re trying to shrink away and hide. he’s also pretty sure he knows where this insecurity is coming from.
his fingers go to grip your chin gently, demanding that you look him in the face. your eyes widen as he brushes his thumb along your swollen bottom lip.
“i’m cutting things off with maya. i just…love you. and i’m sorry it took me so long.” matt finally admits.
it takes a second to click in your brain, but when it does a wide grin spreads across your face. butterflies erupt in your stomach, and you kiss the pad of his finger as he moves it along your mouth.
“i love you too, but i think you knew that already.” you tease playfully.
“yeah, maybe. but i like hearing you say it out loud.”
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slytherinshua · 5 months
genre. fluff. a lil f2l. warnings. none. pairing. anton x fem!reader. wc. 1.2k. request. no. a/n. anton delusions to start the new year off on the right foot <3
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boyfriend anton who is the most attentive person you’ve ever met
maybe it’s because he always waits and listens before speaking and that has taught him to pick up on everything, but he never misses anything
if you shiver from the cold, he notices
if you tense up in uncomfort, he notices
if you’re eyeing that one ring on the jewellery stand in the store, he notices 
he loves to take walks with you, but since it’s gotten colder outside, you often get a lot colder than him
he gets into the habit of giving you his scarf or his coat or his gloves
sometimes he offers to hold your hands to warm them up, gently rubbing them to warm them up when they’re freezing from the outside cold
he’ll give you his beanies to keep your ears warm
and when he notices that your cheeks are dusted pink from the cold, he’ll kiss all over your face to try to warm it up
when he’s listening to you talk, he’ll subconsciously mirror your gestures
he’s quirking his eyebrow when you are, fiddling with his thumbs to match your pace, leaning away from you at the same speed that you’re leaning forward
there’s always a balance, and anton always makes sure to keep the perfect harmony between you two
when he’s away on schedules, he’ll always take pictures of his food to let you know he’s eaten
and he makes sure he’s in the frame of the photo too after you said you wanted to see his face as well
even if he doesn’t look the best or takes it from a weird angle, you were his best friend before you were his girlfriend, so he never feels awkward about it
the comfortableness that you have with your best friend was still a very prominent feeling in your relationship
you were always making fun of each other and giggling and sending the ugliest selfies— it made you feel at home
the only difference was that during those fits of giggles, instead of hiding how much he loves your laughter and your smile, he could tell you openly and shower your face with kisses just to remind you how much he loves you
instead of looking back at the selfies he sent you when you miss him, you could just ask for more
you always felt completely yourself around anton, but once you started dating him, you felt even more comfortable
you don’t really have “date nights” with anton
there’s nothing fancy or overly romantic with you two
you’re more comfortable with just hanging out with him like usual
sometimes you do dress up because you want to look pretty for him, of course, but there is never any pressure to
dates with anton are always low stress
your original fancy dinner date got cancelled last minute, you weren’t feeling up for it or anton was tired from work? it’s no problem— you’ll just get mcdonald’s instead and spend the night cuddling while watching old movies
anton always sends you snippets of songs he’s working on, even if he’s not really supposed to
what harm could happen if you heard a single melody line?
plus, he values your feedback more than anything, and your suggestions work their way into the songs even when you don’t realize it
he always takes your advice on everything, because, well, you’re the person he trusts the most in the world
there’s never a reason you need to lie or hide something from him, and because of that, he trusted you every time
he knows everything about you, and he remembers everything as well
it was easy for him to choose gifts for you once you became his girlfriend
he starts buying something for you whenever he buys something for himself just because you’re always on his mind
or when he passes something cute in the store, his brain just goes
“oh, y/n would like that”
and suddenly he’s at the register already paying for it
he remembers every time you mentioned something in the past to him as just your best friend, so he knows your taste better than anyone else
with how attentive he is, he even knows what your new interest is before you tell him
you’re suddenly hyper focused on capsule wardrobes, specifically ones for couples so that you can match with every piece of clothing you own? 
sure, that’s some interesting information that he definitely didn’t already pick up 2 weeks ago
he’s already pulling out the matching clothes before you can get a second sentence in, and you happily spend the next few months matching with anton without even trying
the same thing happens when you decide to try to make your own sourdough bread as a new hobby
anton saw you reading blogs about bread a little too often to just be mindlessly scrolling through your phone
so he picks up a bread book at the store the next day, naturally
he’s always one to indulge in whatever you’re interested in
even if it doesn’t end up being something he also enjoys, he can still buy you things for it because he loves to see you happy
anton is shy
sometimes a little too shy, especially in front of other people
when it’s just you, he can say he loves you pretty easily, and even kiss you without feeling too embarrassed
but he absolutely cannot handle pda
even holding your hand around the other boys or people he knows will make him blush uncontrollably 
the teasing makes it worse, especially it’ll be the only thing eunseok and sungchan talk about for the next week
when he can, he’ll show you affection in more subtle ways
one of his favourites is making little playlists for you
sometimes they’re long, sometimes they’re just 5 songs
but each of them comes with a little note from him in the description, saying how much he loves you or how the songs remind him of you
there are times when you won’t see each other for a while, but listening to the playlists he sends you makes the time away from him more bearable
when you sent him your first response playlist, he almost cried
you had filled it with the most loverboy coded songs— and some of the lyrics had him questioning how you could pick such detailed songs?
because they all hit him so hard, as if the songs were written about you and him
your favourites from those playlists soon found their way into a joint playlist— one you made on anton’s birthday
the boys always tease him about listening to it too much, but it’s not like he can just stop 
he’s addicted to it
not only were the songs good, but they’re the songs that he shared with you
and he likes knowing that he could share something like that with just you made him feel so warm and fuzzy inside
there’s something so special about the love that you have for anton
the more you think back, the more you realize that there was never any other boy in your brain other than him
he had always been your best friend and your secret crush
and now that you could call him your boyfriend, you want to keep it like that for as long as possible
luckily, anton feels the exact same way
his life feels unimaginable without you right beside him
↳ riize taglist: @eternalgyu,, @kangtaehyunzzz,, @weird-bookworm,, @haecien,, @seolboba,, @cyberpunksunwoo,, @cosmicwintr, @chiiyuuvv,, @evalevaeva
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meyobe · 11 months
Pretty privilege…. No MC privilege pt.2
Mc can always expect him to take their side no matter what.
Mc was the first person to see past his angry and treat him like a person.
He is forever imbedded to them.
No matter how criminal the crime.
Mc was the one to start a fight? Well why was the other person fighting back?
Mc broke an expensive vase? If it’s so expensive why it is out, where anyone can reach it?
Mc started a fire in the kitchen? Devildom ingredients can be dangerous for human use-age.
He will most likely find a way to flip Mc problem on the person who accused them.
He his mind you do no wrong.
But not to be mistaken, he knows Mc is reckless but guidance is key! (He thinks)
He will put Mc comfort over his.
He’s spent millennials admiring himself and put himself over other by default.
Mc showed him that his soul is more blinding then any gold or highlighter he puts on.
Mc has showed him a new way of viewing life.
Mc looks uncomfortable sitting on the floor during movie night? Just take his seat… matter a fact his kicking his brother off so you can have space.
Mc is tired of wearing their heels? He’ll switch shoes with you.
Mc is carrying a lot of bags that look heavy? He’ll carry them himself no matter how ugly he thinks it is.
He is letting go of his persona of being perfect because Mc taught him your flaws make you unique.
Buttt old habits die hard but Mc just has to look at him and he knows to settle down.
Mc can use him as a stress reliever( not that way ^_^)
He is the strongest brother( without and magic or demon forms) he works out and knows it can take stress away.
Mc showed him it’s not enough to be strong physically, but mentally.
Mc and beel are two side of the same coin.
He never wants Mc to hold what their really thinking or feeling back.
Mc’s had a really bad day? Are we going to the gym or on a run?
Mc is refaced with a bad memory? Does Mc need to yell he will listen? Or does Mc want to punch someone or something? He is right there.
Mc feels the need to let out some energy? Does Mc want to practice with him and his team?
He knows that sometimes people need to get violent to relive their stress.
Nothing that Mc May do can hurt him. So go crazy >_<
He thinks Mc is the strongest person he will ever meet.
He strive to be just like them.
Mc can expect him to make an effort.
He’s had lots of time to dwell on his past mistakes and understand where he went wrong.
He will spend an eternity trying to make things right.
He wants Mc to know he’s trying his hardest for them.
He’s trying to living up to the honor them Mc gives him.
Mc has been feeling stressed? Flowers and a gift basket are at their door with a note that has the letter “B” on it.
Mc has to go to a meeting but also need to do my chores? He’ll make sure they’re done before Mc is back.
Mc and Belphie got Into a fight? He’s still texting them “ Goodnight, I love you “ because he knows how easily you can be taken away.
All his life his been deemed lazy or useless. It never bother him until Mc.
He is becoming the best version of hisself because he wants to be the demon whose worthy of a pact with Mc.
A/n/: should I write this for the dateables?!?!
I should also mention that I love writing so feel free to request!!
A new post about volleyball will be up soon!
Ty all!❤️
Pt.3 is up!!
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nonstoplover · 10 months
sleep without you ~ charles leclerc (cl16)
my masterlist | my f1 masterlist
pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader
song inspiration: sleep without you ~ brett young
summary: charles struggles to function properly without her by his side, or a story of a night without his girlfriend.
words: 2.1K
warnings: nothing, just fluff and a slightly clingy charles baby <3
a/n: idk why but this song honestly screams charles to me whenever i hear it, so i just had to make it happen. also this was supposed to be posted on my one year f1-aversary as celebration (well technically it should be more if counting my childhood f1 years but anyway), but i was so caught up in another wip that i couldn't do it. so happy anniversary to me and f1 (two weeks late) with this lil ficlet <3 thankful for all that f1 gave me.
big thanks to the amazing lovely silverstonesainz for helping me make this better and to the equally awesome monzabee for making me much less anxious with her words. love you sm queens!!
please, don't be a ghost reader, leave a comment or rb!
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Charles spends a whole afternoon trying to convince her to have a night out with her friends. Just because they're in a relationship doesn't mean they can't have fun without the other as well from time to time. There are still a couple of weeks left of winter break, plenty of opportunity to spend time just the two of them before the season starts again. So the usual point of view, the usual reasoning doesn't stand a chance – that they should spend as much time together as they can, before he's back to travelling all around the world.
"Go to a club, grab some drinks, dance and laugh the night away", he tells her. The usual bestie coffee dates or walks in the park that she usually raises as argument are not the same as a night out, and she hasn't done that for so long now. Definitely not since he's been back home, and he knows just how much she enjoys dancing her heart out.
(y/n) agrees after a short while, accepting his reasons, knowing full well that he's right, and after a few phone calls she starts getting ready, soon walking out the front door, dressed all pretty and dolled up.
Doesn't take long before Charles realises what he's done. A feeling tingles in his chest, one he recognises swiftly. He's miserable. Solely because she's not there by his side, as he makes dinner, eats it – all by himself –, before settling on the couch to occupy himself with a movie. It doesn't matter though, he doesn't pay any attention to it. He doesn't even know what's going on, he hasn't heard a single line, too busy thinking about her.
When the credits start to roll, he switches the TV off with a surprised look in his eyes – how did it already end? He doesn't even remember the first scene ending. Then he moves into the bathroom to do his night routine, from taking a shower to putting on some skincare products, all the while wondering how long she will be out for? Will she come home soon? Hope tingles in his chest that the answer to his question is yes.
Having finished with everything, Charles lies down in bed, trying to read a book, then scrolling on social media, doing anything to keep his mind from straying over and over again back to her. He knows this is stupid, he was the one telling her to go out, why is he like this now? Lying awake on his side of the bed, the fingers on his right hand tracing figures onto the sheet where her body usually rests.
This is pathetic, Charles thinks. He never thought he would be like this, so miserable and impatient just because she's not at home, with him. He's tossing around, unable to find a comfortable position for himself – it seems like he forgot how to sleep without her. No matter how many times he's had to do just that, in hotel rooms all around the world. The past few weeks erased all those nights from his mind.
The delicious scent of her shampoo fills his lungs when his face lands just a bit too close to her pillow, and all of a sudden it's like he's burying his nose in her hair. It only makes him miss her more. Sleeping is impossible, he knows it now. He's only daydreaming, not actually dreaming, of her arriving home and being in his arms again.
Charles imagines the way she dances in the middle of the floor, her hands in the air, shouting the lyrics loudly to the song currently playing – most probably something she knows and loves –, and he can't help but smile fondly. Just the thought of her having fun is enough to make him happier, even in his misery.
He pictures a scene where a random guy tries to get too close to her, as it has happened so many times, whenever he leaves her alone for a few minutes at any club they've been to. It doesn't matter where they are, doesn't matter if they spent the night so far together, all over each other, someone comes into the picture immediately when he leaves, either to grab a drink for the two of them, or to go to the restrooms.
It's not like he doesn't understand those guys. She's simply gorgeous, and radiates such a vibrant aura that everyone is drawn to her. He honestly just finds it funny at this point. Nothing makes these men back off more effectively than her. Oh, the amount of times he bit back laughter watching the scene unfold from a distance. Seeing men crumble and disappear looking all ashamed, what a sight that is. And he doesn't have to do anything.
He wonders how many times she's had to fight off guys so far tonight, with him not even in the club, and he finds he can't wait to hear all her stories of the newest victims. Pierre never understood why Charles found it so amusing, he didn't seem to get it. The trust they have in each other. Knowing that it's him she'll come home to at the end of the night is enough to make him only feel entertained by each instance, and not irritated at the slightest bit.
But thinking about (y/n) fighting off men is only good enough entertainment for a limited amount of time, and soon the smile fades back into a miserable pout on his lips, as his thoughts turn back into ones of impatience, trying to make time move faster with short little prayers falling as mumbles from his lips.
With a sigh, he eventually sits up, looking around to find something he can do. At last he decides on grabbing a drink himself, maybe it will help stop the flow of thoughts racing in his head. A little welcomed dullness.
He takes a seat at the kitchen table, sipping on the liquid in his glass, enjoying the feeling of the light alcohol gently burning his throat on the way down, numbing his tongue along the way. His fingers stay restless, now drumming on the wooden surface. A few minutes later he realises they play a song, soundless except the soft thud of his fingertips with the occasional louder tap or little scratch of his nails when a finger finds a different angle to hit the table with.
A melody appears in his mind as he watches his fingers move, imagining how it would sound if it was his piano instead of the kitchen table. He would go sit at the beautiful, white instrument and try it, but he doesn't want to be so loud at such a late hour. And anyway, he's way too comfortable sitting where he is to stand up and go somewhere else.
He looks out the window, catching sight of the moon – almost full, just a tiny bit of it missing, and Charles examines the craters that are visible to the naked eye, though only as spots of a darker shade on the round shape.
Maybe he'll name this new musical piece that's being born in his head right now after her – well, if he ever finishes it. He'll keep the usual format, three letters of a city name and a date, only this time putting the time and place of when they first met. Or should it be the time and place of when he first asked her out? Or their first date? Or when she agreed to move in with him? God, there are way too many options to choose from. He decides to put this problem aside for now, he's not in a rush to name a song not even written yet.
As the clock on the oven changes all four numbers to display 2am, the action rouses his attention and makes him tear his eyes away from the moon and look at the numbers instead.
He would've never ever thought that he'd be like this.
Raising his glass he notices that there's only a small sip left in it, which he downs in a short moment. His tongue darts out to gather all the minuscule drops that might rest on his lips still, not wanting to waste even that much of the delicious drink. Then he stands up, placing the glass down into the sink, making a mental note to clean it in the morning before (y/n) wakes up.
Just as he ponders putting another movie on, maybe only as background noise if nothing else, his phone buzzes in the pocket of his pants. Taking his time, Charles pulls the device out, expecting nothing more than a useless notification from a social media app he shouldn't spend so much time on anyway.
Instead what he finds is a text. From her.
in a cab, be home soon &lt;3
Charles lets out a relieved sigh, his lips involuntarily curving into a smile, one that you could almost call giddy. It's not just the thought that she's going to be here soon, but the fact that she remembered to text him to let him know. He's in her mind, just like she's in his, even though she's been out with friends, having fun, drinking, while he's only been at home, all alone with his misery.
Now he can move back to bed happily, knowing that shortly she will join him.
It truly doesn't take long until Charles hears the front door creak as it opens, then the familiar jingle of her keys hitting the drawer in the hall, and his heart flutters with happiness. Finally. The high heels she chose to wear hit the floor with a soft thud as she presumably removes them, and the growing anticipation in his body seems to eat him whole.
Her steps grow louder and louder as she moves closer to the bedroom, and time slows for Charles. He watches in slow motion as she appears in the doorframe, being propped up on his elbows to have a better view, a lazy smile curling onto his face, and his eyes lidded with drowsiness.
"You're still awake?" (y/n) giggles, pausing in her steps for a second as her eyes take in the view he provides lying there. His lack of reply to her text made her think he's already fallen asleep.
"Of course," he mumbles. "Come to bed."
His voice is whiny and he behaves like an actual child, he knows, but he can't help it. He wants to sleep, and he wants to sleep beside her, feeling her warmth against his skin. That's the only way he can.
"Let me get changed first," she starts towards the closet, when a grunt of pure displeasure sounds from him along with the thump of his back as he falls into a lying position once more, making her glance back at her boyfriend. "What, can't wait a single minute?"
"No," he protests, pouting . "I've been waiting for hours."
His accent comes forth stronger when he's sleepy, and she can't help but smile adoringly upon hearing it. He's just so cute.
"Okay, fine, you'll get one kiss," she gives in. Charles resembles a lost puppy and she's sure he knows that's her weakness. She can't ever say no to anything when he looks like that.
So that's how she finds herself crawling into bed, trying to get as close as possible to the boy without causing damage to her dress. He grins, as much as his tired facial muscles allow, awaiting her lips touching his own. His pout becomes even more apparent, right until the moment he finally gets what he wants. His goodnight kiss. It's soft, slow and just so full of love it makes both their hearts flutter.
Then she caresses his cheek gently, whispering a barely audible good night, sleep tight to him, before moving back off the bed to disappear in the closet, leaving Charles to think about how he'd happily convince her again of going out if it means she'll come home to him, looking so radiant, properly buzzing with energy, eyes shining, hair messy but still looking so breathtaking. It's obvious how much it meant to her that she had this night out. He made her happy with telling her to go out with her friends, and he didn't regret it, despite all the miserable hours.
By the time she finishes her night routine and walks back into the bedroom once more, he's fast asleep, quiet snores filling the silence of the room. She bites into her bottom lip to keep in the giggle threatening to burst out, and with a heart full of adoration and a head slightly dizzy from the drinks she's had, she gets in bed beside him, snuggling up close to him, revelling in the feeling of his arms instinctively finding their way around her body even when he's sleeping.
He truly only waited for her to come home and give him a goodnight kiss to finally be able to fall asleep.
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strniohoeee · 7 months
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is a virgin who so badly wants to have sex with Matt, but she’s scared. However when they’re alone in the triplets house things take a turn….this is for the two requests I got for a virgin reader having soft sex with Matt🥹
Warnings⚠️: This is soft cute sex. Virginity lose, and that’s about it 🫶🏽
Song for the imagine: J’s Lullaby(darlin I’d wait for you) Delaney Bailey
⚠️This is an 18+ story, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
Matt and I had been dating for roughly 7 months at this point. These past 7 months have been the best months of my life. I was surrounded by 3 people I loved, and making memories that would last forever
About five months into the relationship is when Matt and I finally decided to tell their fan base. Since I was always in their videos, some fans started to notice some vibes between the both of us.
Honestly I was petrified to tell them because a lot of their fans were super protective over them, and I’m a sensitive girl. I didn’t want to get any hate. Surprisingly we received way more love, and the occasional hate from some 14 year old, but nothing to make me feel any type of way.
Constantly Matt and I would watch shipping edits of us, some that even showed how we acted like a couple months before we even started dating. We loved it so much
Other times I would watch edits on my own of us, or just of Matt, and the comments had my jaw on the floor.
“I know he gives y/n the pounding of her life”
“He’s a skinny white boy. You know he be laying that pipeeeee”
“Poor y/n…..I know he be tearing her shit up”
Although these comments made me laugh, they also made me blush from embarrassment because they couldn’t have been further from the truth. I was a virgin, and Matt and I had only really made out and got handsy. Usually I’d break away and stop it, and he respected it and never said anything about it.
I knew he wanted to have sex because he’s a 20 year old man, and I for sure wanted to have sex because?? We’ll have you seen Matt??
But in the back of my mind I was so fucking nervous. I had never ever had sex. I’ve never given a handjob, a blow job, a hickey…..I’ve never even seen Matt’s dick.
Many times I would crave this intimacy, but I always allowed my fear to get to the best of me. However I was more than ready to have sex with the love of my life, Matt.
Matt and I were alone at their house since Chris and Nick had an event that Matt really could care less for. We spent the whole day together, and now we were currently in his room watching a movie
The whole time I kept thinking about having sex with Matt, and what it would be like. If I’d be bad, nervous or just out right not cut out for losing my virginity.
“Matt…” I said waiting for him to look over at me
“Yeah?” He said looking over and smiling at me
“Can I ask you something?” I said
“Of course baby” he responded back as he paused the movie
“Do you want to have sex with me?” I asked him, and to this his eyebrows raised
“In general or right now?” He asked laughing a little bit
“In general” I told him
“I mean it’s not something that’s necessarily crossed my mind. Of course I get urges, and want to have sex, but it’s not something my mind is always on.” He responded
“Well how come?” I asked him
“I mean I just care about you, and making you laugh and smile, and spending time with you. I just love to be in your company” he said back
“Oh….well have you ever thought of having sex with me…like at all??” I asked him
“I mean sure. Whenever we’ve had heated make out sessions it has crossed my mind. You know? It’s like I think to myself could this go further” he told me
“Oh…” I responded
“Have you thought of having sex with me?” He asked
“Mmm quite often actually” I said being completely honest
“Oh?” He said starting to blush
“But I know I always pull away before it goes any further” I told him
“Yeah, but I don’t mind at all” he said smiling at me for reassurance
“I guess I’m just scared” I said
“Scared of what?” He asked me with a head tilt
“Well I’m a virgin” I told him
“Oh” he said actually shocked
“Yeah, and I just never felt like I could move forward. Not because of you! I know I want to lose my virginity to you, but because I’m so afraid of being bad, or too nervous that it doesn’t work out” I said to him
“I get that. Losing your virginity is very intimate, and for sure scary. That’s valid” he said to me
“I was thinking maybe we could have sex” I told him
“Yeah of course” he said nodding his head and smiling
“Tonight” I then responded
“Tonight?” He said surprised
“Yes. I think I’m ready for tonight” I told him
“Okay. Then tonight it is” he said leaning over and kissing me
Matt and I had been making out for a good five minutes
“Are you doing okay?” He asked looking into my eyes
“Yes Matt I’m doing great” I said giving him a smile
Matt had kissed down to my neck. Leaving light kisses that were making me burn up inside. He had removed his shirt, and I removed mine as well
“Can I take your bra off?” He asked me leaning back a little bit
“Of course” I said shyly
Matt reaches behind as I lift up, so that he could unclip my bra. Slowly pulling it off of me, and allowing my breast to fall exposed
I started to blush. Never allowing a man to see me this way causing me to get a little shy
“Don’t get shy on me baby. You look perfect” he said giving me a sly smile
Matt had started to kiss my neck, and slowly went down to my breast. Massaging both breast before taking one into his mouth
“Oh Matt” I said in a whisper as my eyes fluttered shut
He then went down to the valley of my breast, and started to kiss down leaving sloppy kisses on my stomach. I was aching for his touch.
He kissed both hip bones before looking up at me
“Can I take your pants off?” He asked, and I nodded
He started to take my pants off as I lifted up a little for him to get them fully off. Matt in return removed his sweat pants as well
He went back to kissing above my underwear. This feeling alone left my hair rising and my thigh quivering
Matt laid next to me, and started to kiss me soon breaking away
“Okay baby. I have to stretch you out” he said. I turned my head towards him and agreed
Slowly he trailed his hand down to my underwear. Slightly dipping his hand in to massage my pelvic area before completely sticking his hand down my underwear
“Open wider baby” he told me, and I allowed my legs to open up more for him
“Perfect” he said, kissing me, and then he slid his hand all the way down coating his fingers in my arousal before bringing them back up to massage my clit
I just gasped and opened my mouth as Matt and I kept looking at each other
“Feeling okay?” He asked
“I feel so good Matt” I told him licking my now dry lips
Math started to rub my clit in circular motions. Allowing me to squirm and moan at this foreign feeling.
“Okay baby this may hurt” he said before sinking his middle finger to my entrance. He was looking into my eyes as he slowly started to insert his finger into me
This was a burning stretch I’ve never felt before, causing my eyes to shut and my brows to furrow
“Ow Matt” I said finally opening my eyes
“Too much? I can stop” he said reading my face
“No no keep going” I told him, and so he did. He slowly started to rock his fingers in and out curving them up to hit my G spot
“Oh fuck” I moaned out
“That feels so fucking good” I said as he started to rub my clit with his thumb
Slowly he inserted his ring finger. This burn was something that almost made me stop him, but I wanted this way too much for him to stop now.
Once he got the second finger in he started to pump in and out at a come here motion
“Oh Matt….ive never felt something like this” I told him as my mouth fell open
“Does it feel good?” He asked
“So so good” I said whispering the last part
He was slowly fingering me for 5 more minutes before he decided to stop
“Do you think you’re ready?” He asked me
“I think so” I told him, Matt removed his underwear and my mouth fell open
“Matt….I don’t know that that will fit in me” I said almost laughing
“Baby don’t boost my ego. It will fit” he said blushing and biting his lip
“This will hurt, so I’m going to go slow, and if it’s too much I’ll stop” he said
“Okay thank you” I whispered to him
Matt had both arms on either side of my head and was looking into my eyes
“Ready?” He asked one more time
“Yes Matt I’m very ready” I told him
Matt grabbed his dick with his right hand and slowly started to push the tip in. Looking up at you to read your face. He slowly started to push the tip in, and as he started to get in is when you winced
“Fuck Matt that hurts” I said gripping his left arm with my right hand
“Want me to stop?” He asked
“No no keep going” I told him
He slowly started to insert himself into me. Paying close attention to my face. Soon he was all the way in, and he let out a sigh
“So perfect,” he said, moving my hair out of my face. Matt was allowing my vaginal walls to relax around him before moving
“You can move” I told him, and so he did. Slowly sliding back and then in. My pussy was still stretching and burning around his dick
He was letting out little moans that were making me so wet.
Slowly Matt started to pick up his pace. Sliding in and out of me in such a delicious way
“Fuck Matt you can go a little faster” I told him
Matt started to thrust into me a little faster and I was completely losing my mind. If sex felt this good, why was I waiting this long?
“Matt this feels so good” I said moaning
“You feel so fucking good around me” he said moaning the last part
Matt had gotten a little more on his knees, and allowed his arms to bend. Coming down closer to me our chests were touching, and his head was right next to my ear
I could hear his pants into my ear as he was thrusting into me
“Fuck Matt you sound hot” I told him pulling his hair at the back of his head
“Yeah?” He said in a breathy tone
“Yes…so so hot” I said as I continued to pull at his hair
Matt continued to thrust into me becoming a sweaty and groaning mess above me
“I’m going to start rubbing your clit, and you’ll be able to cum in no time” he told me before snaking his right hand down to my clit starting to rub
“OH MY GOD” I screamed out at the intense sensation I was feeling
“Too much?” He asked looking at me
“No no just right keep going. Fuck Matt I think I’m going to cum” I told him as I started to clench on his cock causing him to moan
Matt was fucking into me at a good pace and rubbing my clit, going in between slow and fast circular motions
“Matt Matt Matt” I said scratching his back and clenching down on him harder
“Come on baby! You can do it for me” he said rubbing his fingers faster
“I’m going to cum. Fuck fuck fuck” I said shutting my eyes and throwing my head back even more
“Come on. Come on give it to me” he said into my ear
“FUCKKKKK MATTT” I screamed out as I started to convulse and tremble. My orgasm completely washing over me. I was seeing white and my legs were shaking as I was cumming so hard. Slowly I started to come down my from my high with heavy breathing and dry lips
Matt pulled out of me when I stopped twitching around him. I felt weird without his dick in me. He started to pump his cock
“Fuck I’m gonna cum” he said kissing my lips
He pulled away and his lower abdomen started to contract as his mouth fell and his brows furrowed. He looked into my eyes as he came all over his hand and my lower stomach. Slowly coming down from his high and rolling onto his back next to me
“Matt that was amazing” I said looking over at him
“Was it? You don’t have to lie” he said catching his breath
“No matt. It was amazing, and you were so careful with me I appreciate it” I said rolling over to my side and kissing him on the cheek
“Anything for my pretty lady. I love you” he said looking over at me
“I love you too Matt” I said smiling at him
“Let’s get you cleaned up. Follow me let’s shower” he said and grabbed my hands
When I got off the bed my legs completely gave out on me and I almost fell to the ground
“Oh my god Matt…my legs are fucking jello” I said laughing as he grabbed me and helped me walk to his bathroom
“I’m sorry baby” he said also laughing
“I can now say Matt Sturniolo has made me weak in the knees physically” I responded laughing
“Shut up” he said all shyly as he turned on the hot water and let me step in first
We had showered together, and then spent the night watching movies until we eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.
The End
I hope you guys enjoyed this one! And for the two people that requested this I hope I didn’t disappoint, and I’m so sorry it took forever for me to get this out 🥹❤️❤️
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honeytonedhottie · 3 months
honeys guide to throwing a slumber party⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🛍️
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CUTE INVITATIONS ; when throwing a slumber party, you MUST spread the word with style. if ur sending out invitations digitally, make sure to decorate and use cute fonts and colors.
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if ur sending out invitations physically (my preference) use cute stickers, ribbons, and pens. cute decorated slumber party invitations are super fun to make and spark excitement to whoever receives them.
some information that u should include on the slumber party invitations include ;
the date of the slumber party
the time when the slumber party begins - the time when the slumber party ends
dresscode (cute pajamas duh)
also just a reminder to NOT give out invitations in front of those who aren't invited cuz thats not hot ✨
PLANNING ; a good slumber party needs a few things one of them being snacks. when planning for snacks, make sure to choose snacks that u and ur guests would like.
choose 3-5 snacks (depending on the amount of ppl attending the slumber party) then use a randomizer to assign snacks to each person, so that the expense is spread out and everyone brings something.
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a good slumber party is also coordinated, so make sure to choose and bring supplies for whatever activities that you'll be doing at the slumber party which leads to my next section.
ACTIVITIES ; this is the fun part, choosing what activities to do at a slumber party. i'll list some possible activities that u can do at the slumber party with ways to prepare and coordinate each of them.
watch girly 2000's movies or whatever movies u prefer
some movie recommendations include the bratz movie, mean girls, clueless, legally blonde, 16 wishes and the princess diaries.
sing karaoke songs
fan girl and watch kpop fancams and music videos
i love to watch older gen kpop music videos, some of my favorite groups include AOA, sistar, SUGAR, after school, and KARA.
build a blanket fort
do facemasks and paint each others nails (try nail designs too)
take buzzfeed quizzes and tests
make ice cream sundaes
make a video diary entry together/make tiktoks
girl talk is SO much fun, but rule of thumb with girl talk is whatever u talk about doing girl talk stays between you guys. whether y'all r gossiping or just chatting.
dreams, goals and aspirations that u have
if they're doing well physically and mentally
beauty secrets
SECRETS in general
crushes and who has their affection rn
past experiences/experiences u wanna have
i think that having a slumber party is such a cannon event and all in all just a rly fun and cute way to spend time with ur friends + grow a stronger bond. ✨
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sthavoc · 3 months
A Latina singer who does sings in English and Spanish who's actually very famous who has been dating Enzo for years but people are just now finding out and putting it together. People now realizing there's been so many sightings of them together or him at her shows.
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𖥔 ࣪˖ pairing: enzo x latina!singer!fem!reader
𖥔 ࣪˖ summary: enzo and you have been dating for the past 3 years. nobody knew you guys were a thing but after reaching his peek after the drop of Society of the Snow, fans begin to piece pieces together.
𖥔 ࣪˖ warnings: only fluff I believe
𖥔 ࣪˖ note: I love this idea!! did this in headcanons. I hope you enjoy this anon and everyone<3 for the sake of the fic i’ll say she wrote some of the songs but all credit goes to its respective well talented owners.
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☆ You and Enzo had met at a cafe. A classic frankly. The thing was that you had a concert in the city and Enzo was just visiting. The two of you hit it off well.
☆ You weren’t sure if to feel surprised or not at the fact that he didn’t know who you were at first. But later he told you he didn’t know much about famous people so that fairly made you understand. In some way, it also made you feel better at the fact that he wasn’t dating you because of your fame but because of the kind of person you were.
☆ If the man had the opportunity, he would go to your concerts. He would even take pictures of your fabulous outfits and of the whole arena filled with fans. It was as if you had your very own photographer.
☆ You would write him songs. There was no denying it, and he would know. One of his personal favorites was Lover. When you wrote it, both of you had just turned one year. To you, it felt like you had been dating that man for years instead of one. You were in love, and the fans knew it.
☆ Your favorite song for him was Disfruto. Not only because it was in Spanish but because that was your way of expressing that you would do anything for Enzo to feel safe with you. Never let him down since he is the one you want to grow old with and spend every important moment with.
☆ Later on, fans began to spot Enzo in your concerts. The thing was that in most of your shows, he wore hats, and due to the dimness of the light you wouldn’t be able to see much from his complexion, only his apparel. They would ask themselves. Who is that guy? However, overall they were happy for you.
☆ When the movie dropped, everyone was going insane with Enzo. That also entirely complicated how the two of you would have your relationship established now. Your fans knew you had been dating someone, and you somehow managed to keep the man a secret. But did you?
☆ When Enzo got his fans, and his media only grew bigger, a lot of pictures were revealed on the internet. Some of them would be from the movie, with the boys, from previous years, him as a teenager. There were specific ones of him with an Iron Maiden shirt. For some reason, the fans recognized the shirt.
“I swear I’ve seen that shirt on before him before.” They would say.
When they also went into one of his highlights out of curiosity and found a picture he had taken at one of your concerts. At first, they assumed he was a fan of you, but later when videos of the mysterious man at your concerts started to pop up again was when they began to question. Since some of the shirts Enzo would wear, he would have pictures with them. But fans still wouldn't be sure.
☆ Until there was a picture. You had posted a picture years ago of Enzo but you couldn’t see his face completely. Only a tad bit of his eye and nose. He laid on your legs as he napped, while your hand rested on his cheek. It almost covered most of his face, and he wore the Iron Maiden t-shirt. You had taken that picture down but of course, screenshots exist.
☆ Fans were jolted by the image and asked when that picture was taken. Everyone was saying that the picture was from 2 years prior, and that was when they started to connect everything thoroughly. That Enzo was the mysterious man in your concerts and the picture he had taken of the arena was just him being supportive. And that from that very picture was where they recognized the shirt from.
“YOU GUYS that was Enzo all along!”
“you’re telling me we’ve seen this man even before he reached his fame???”
☆ Enzo and you had gone public officially, after a month since the two of realized the fans already knew. You would go on dinner dates, breakfast, and brunch. And of course, if he had time in his schedule, he would still be there at your concerts. Videos of him would be on the internet the next day. With his camera resting on the strap around his neck and a huge smile carved on his lips with the glint of love in his eyes.
“Guys, look at Enzo being the best supportive boyfriend he is.”
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luna-andra · 9 months
Domesticated!König Headcanons ✨
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Image: @Jispooks (Source)
Some HCS I thought up of for funsies, take it with a grain of salt if you disagree with any of it. And let me know what you would think differently! If this gets any love, I have a couple of more headcanon ideas to post as well, so please support my delusions of grandeur!
Part 2 is out! StepDad!Konig
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Adjusting to civilian lifestyle for König proved to be challenging. Thankfully, he had you to help him along the way.
If you're not from Austria, König will compromise with spending summers in Vienna in the vacation home and live full-time with you in your home county (or wherever the hell you decide to choose. As long as he's not a convicted war criminal there.)
König tends to keep his PTSD episodes in check for the most part, except when he has a few drinks. He opts to sleep in the guest room after scaring you one night from the terrors. The years away from his past life helps them fade, but he will always carry that shit with him.
You help him job hunt. Blue-collar work was for him, the less human interaction, the better.
With that being said, König insists on DIY-ing every problem in the house. He tried figuring it out with his own basic knowledge, but became unstoppable when you introduced him to the DIY side if YouTube. Some projects had him at his wits end, and when you hear him cuss up a storm in German, you have to hold your laughter back until you're out of earshot.
The grocery bill. That's all I gotta say.
Add a couple more bills on it if you got a kid(s).
Most days, König is careful with not trekking mud in from the job site, leaving his boots in the garage/on the front porch. If it slips his mind, you know he's tired. It took a couple of scoldings to figure it out, but he does his best to make it up to you.
König had been okay with living where you wanted to, but he doubled down on living somewhere secluded, or at least outside of the city. Meaning longer drives/day trips if you wanted to shop at outlets. Totally fine, you talk his ear off during the drive to catch up on what he's missed out on during his long week of work.
Tons of nature hikes. If you weren't used to the outdoors, König would get you shaped up. He was so damn proud of you when you stopped relying on GPS and used maps/surroundings/cardinal directions, etc.
Dog or cat family, but I also see him being a reptile dad, too.
WANTS KIDS. THE MORE, THE BETTER. He wants to age and be surrounded by his kids & grandkids every holiday.
When you would go out on dates/shopping trips, there was no avoiding the double takes and stares. You man was giant, it wasn't something he could help. It would grind on his nerves when it came from grown ass adults, but he had a soft spot for children. They didn't know better, so he'd flash a friendly smile or wave so they're not afraid. Those moments would bring back the baby fever for him.
Nothing made König more happy than coming back home to the home you two have made after an adventurous day, watching you saunter happily to the kitchen to grab drinks and snacks to settle down into the plush couch next to him to watch some movies. Your choice, always. And if that baby fever was raging, he would toss you over his shoulder to settle that urge in the bedroom 😏
If this does well, I'll consider posting some other headcanons I have been thinking of! Likes & reblogs are always appreciated <3
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pyro-les · 2 months
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It's a blessing and it's a curse part 3
Regina George x Reader
After dropping Gretchen and Karen off in town Regina goes to drive along the route Y/N walks home. They had already arranged for Y/N to quickly hop into her car discretely when she goes past, whe even took her mum's car so it wouldn't be easily recognised as hers if anyone saw.
Finally spotting Y/N's figure Regina slowly pulls up alongside her so she can quickly jump in the car before continuing to drive. "Hey baby." Regina says sweetly as Y/N gets in.
"Hi." Her girlfriend says, smiling softly. "How's your afternoon been?" She asks.
Regina sighs saying "Awful, I missed you." Y/N giggles saying that it had only been 3 hours since she last saw her. "Don't laugh, do you have any clue how hard it is putting up with stupid boys like Aaron all day when all I want to do is spend time with you?" Regina pouts.
"Well we've got all of tonight and tommorow morning, we can just order take out, watch a movie and cuddle." Y/N replies
Pulling into Y/N's driveway the couple head into the house holding hands with Regina leading the way, eager to finally have some proper alone time with her girlfriend. What they don't realise however, is that Damian had just got to the door of Cady's house only a few doors up and had seen a flash of blonde hair entering Y/N's house seemingly dragging her in behind them.
"That was weird." Damian says as he enters Cadys house to see her and Janis already sitting on the sofa happily chatting away.
"What was?" Cady asks.
"I just saw some blonde girl drag Y/N into a house down the road." Damian says kind of confused. "I didn't think she really hung out with anyone other than the drama kids at school, and well none of them have hair like that. Or are even that tall to be fair."
"That's weird. I mean I don't really see her around them in school much, let alone out of school. " Janis says equally as confused.
Cady, realising the girl Damian had seen must have been Regina tries to stop the conversation. "It's probably just someone from out of school, or a relative or something. I mean it doesn't really affect us. Can we just watch a film now?"
"That's a good point it could be a relative!" Janis exclaims. "Wait that's quite sad, if she doesn't have any friends. Maybe we should invite her over here." Janis proposes which Damian immediately agrees to.
"Um I'm not really sure if my mum would like that." Cady says earning looks of confusion from Damian and Janis. "I just mean that she only agreed to you two coming over. I guess I could ask when she gets home though." She adds on.
Back at Y/N's house Regina holds Y/N from behind, her arms wrapped tightly around her waist as she puzzles her head into her neck. "What are you doing baby?" Y/N asks as she tries to make some tea however that is proving a bit difficult with Regina stopping her from being able to move around the Kitchen.
"I'm hugging you duh." Regina says confused why Y/N is asking about something so obvious. "Am I not allowed to love you?" She adds on with a pout.
"Of course you can, but you're making this kind of difficult. I can't get to the fridge." Y/N replies.
"Hmmm fine." Regina says moving to get the milk from the fridge for her girlfriend.
"Thank you" Y/N says with a smile as she takes it from Regina who gives her a light kiss on her cheek.
After they finished making their tea the couple headed to Y/N'S room to watch a movie. They had already been home over an hour watching a random show Regina chose although neither of them really paid much attention, opting to talk to each other instead. Just as they started to head up the stairs they heard a knock on the door.
Turning to Y/N quizzically Regina asks "who is that? Is it your mum?"
Y/N shakes her head "no, she's working a night shift today. And she has a key anyway, she wouldn't need to knock." She pauses for a moment wondering who it could be before adding on "it might be one of the neighbours, I think we got a parcel for one of them."
Taking Y/N'S mug from her Regina says "OK, I'll take these upstairs while you answer it then."
Heading back towards the door Y/N hears a few muffled voices from outside now even more confused on who it could be, who would need multiple people to pick up a parcel? "Hey, I've got your-" Y/N says as she opens the door before noticing who's there. "Oh, hi? What are you doing here?" She asks incredibly confused.
Janis smiles and says "we're watching a movie at Cady's house, do you want to join?"
Hesitating for a moment Y/N says "I'm really sorry I can't I've got, um, homework to do. Yeah homework, I really want to finish it before my mum gets home."
Damian and Janis glance at each other seeming to know something, but what? Y/N wonders if they realised she's bluffing. "Oh, OK well we just thought we would ask because you seem pretty cool and we don't really talk as much as we should." Damian says with a smile.
"Thanks! I really appreciate it, I'm just really busy tonight but I'd be down to hang out another day?" Y/N offers, genuinely happy they want to be her friends.
The pair nod and smile before Janis says "that's alright, see you at school next week?"
"Yeah, definitely. See you!" Y/N says with a smile as Janis and Damian turn to leave.
After Y/N closes the door, Damian asks, "Did she have a lipstick print on her cheek?"
"I think so"
Back inside her house Y/N hears Regina ask who was at the door as she heads up stairs she shouts "it was Janis and Damian." Reaching her bedroom door she sees her girlfriends confused face and adds on "they wanted me to go to Cady's house to watch a movie with them."
"That's weird. What did you say?" Regina asks as Y/N sits next to her on her bed.
"I told them I had alot of homework to do. They were fine with it but it's just really weird, I mean they're nice but we barely talk to each other and now they're suddenly inviting me to hang out with them." Y/N responds.
Regina just hums in agreement grabbing her cup of tea before saying "Anyway, what are we watching today?"
"I was thinking we could continue our Ghibli marathon?" Y/N says as she grabs the TV remote.
Leaning into her girlfriends side Regina responds "Yeah that sounds good."
"Good" Y/N says with a smile, "I still can't believe you hadn't watched any studio ghibli films before, not even Totoro."
"I only really watched whatever was considered cool, no one ever recommended it to me before you and everyone else I know thinks anime is really lame." Regina says a bit sadly.
"Honey, you shouldn't let other people's judgements effect what you like, if you're interested in something then watch it."
Regina nods before saying "I know but it's hard, I'm getting better at doing my own thing though. And I do really like the films now, I'm glad you recommended them to me."
Smiling Y/N says "and I'm very proud of you for that."
Finally finding what she was looking for Y/N smiles pressing play on the film and says to Regina "okay so now that we've gone through some of the most famous ones you can finally watch my favourite, When Marnie was there."
Even though she doesn't know what the film is Regina finds so much joy in seeing Y/N this excites about it and happily agrees to watch it saying that she's sure of her girlfriend like it this much then she will too.
And she was right, the two happily watched the film together as they lay in bed holding each other close occasionally talking about the plot with Y/N trying really hard not to ruin the ending and she just about managed to not spoil it. Instead she got to see Regina's reaction to who Marnie really was exclaiming that she thought they had a bit of a thing going on and it wouldn't work now causing Y/N to giggle before telling her her own original thoughts when she watched the film.
She also got an earfull when Regina started crying in parts of it exclaiming that she didn't tell her it was a sad film to which Y/N responded "Hey atleast it's not grave of the fireflies!" Leaving Regina confused and now scared for when they'll watch it.
After the movie the pair ordered pizza and watched a movie of Regina's choice however they spent alot less time watching the film and alot more time either talking or making out, neither of them half as interested as they had been in the previous film. Everything had been normal, the most weird thing being some strage noises ourside when they had been making out, otherthan that it was what the couple would call the perfect night at home. There was nothing more they could ask for than relaxing, watching movies, having good food and being together. Everything was perfect, as far as they knew.
Thanks again for reading I hope you enjoyed this (I think) slightly longer chapter, as always let me know what you think and if you would like to be tagged on the next part. Also let me know if you have any ideas on what the strange noise outside was, I'd love to see if anyone got it right.
Also, please note this is not proofread so I apologise for any typos or grammatical errors, that being said if anyone wants to beta read to both help me and essentially get early reading access that would be greatly appreciated! :)
Thanks for reading!
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always-andromeda · 4 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨ 𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐞 ୧⋆。˚ ⋆
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⟡ Frankie Morales x F!Reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 ⟡ 3,038
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 ⟡ After recruiting you to be his plus one for yet another wedding, Frankie can't help but ruminate on and regret the last one he brought you to.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ⟡ Hey, Lolabee!! I'm super excited to finally share that I'm your secret Valentine!! I apologize in advance for posting this so late in the game; exam week has been super hectic. That being said, I decided to give myself a little bit of a challenge and write something for Frankie for the first time ever. I should preface this by saying that when I read your prompt for rom-com vibes, I immediately began filing through all of my favorite rom-coms. And since my current favorite is Plus One, this fic is very much inspired by it!! Happy late Valentine's Day!! (dt: @thelightsandtheroses) (divider credits: @cafekitsune)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ⟡ fluff with little bits of angst (regardless, minors, please do not interact), no physical description given to the reader except for the fact that she wears makeup, mentions of alcohol and references to the reader drinking, the slightest references to Frankie's past, this fic is almost entirely removed from the movie's canon (these characters are basically my paper dolls that I'm making do cute things<3), idiots in love, they tease each other, they go to a wedding, misunderstandings occur, but it all works out <3
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“You’re bringing your own tissues this time, right?” Frankie called from where he sat at the edge of the bed. He’d slept in far worse places. But he could already feel new knots forming on top of the old ones in his back. Needless to say, he wasn’t looking forward to spending yet another night attempting to sleep on the dense hotel room mattress.
You replied from the bathroom, “Oh, yeah, don’t worry. I’m prepared.”
“You better be. Because you’re not using my tie to blow your nose again.”
If you were in the room, Frankie could’ve practically felt your glare burning a hole through him. But instead he only heard the clear exasperation in your tone when you answered, “I did not use your tie to blow my nose.”
“Might as well have…” he mumbled. Santi’s wedding had claimed that casualty. By the end of the ceremony you’d soaked his tie in tears and covered it with a fine layer of translucent powder from dabbing your face off. And as much as he teased, he hadn’t minded it. He hadn’t minded it any more than he’d minded the distant friends and relatives who’d assumed that you were his girlfriend. Which…wasn’t an insulting assumption by any means.
The next time – at Benny’s wedding – Frankie brought you tissues. He didn’t like to think about Benny’s wedding. But if there was one thing he was happy about, it was that he’d thought far enough ahead to bring them for you. He was glad to see your smile. To feel your arms wrap around him as you thanked him and told him he was such a sweetheart. He was also grateful for the Hawaiian sun; for the developing sunburn that had prevented you from seeing how much that one nickname made his cheeks flush in that moment.
Your head popped out of the bathroom doorway, your makeup only half done, to aim a smartass smile at him with your lined lips. “Hey, I like to think of it as a gift. You should too.”
“Your ability to cry at the drop of a hat?”
“You're damn right,” you said indignantly.
Frankie sighed, pushing his hair back for about the dozenth time. He then laid back on the bed and stared up at the popcorn ceiling. “If we’re lucky, this is the first and last time you’ll need to worry about packing some to begin with. Will’s the last stop on the wedding train.”
The thought almost made him misty eyed. Within a few hours, he’d be the last single man in his crew. The last one awake at the sleepover. Eyes so wide they were practically ablaze staring through the uncertainty of night. Unable to find sleep. Unable to believe he’d ever find it to begin with.
Your voice cut through his trance. “I wouldn’t be so sure. Maybe next year we’ll get an invite for Tom’s second wedding,” you teased. 
Frankie rolled his eyes. At least he could take some sort of comfort in that. Redfly had tried out the whole settling down thing. And it just didn’t work. Frankie wished his buddies well, but he couldn’t help but feel deep down that they’d never be made for domesticity. They weren’t made for teary-eyed speeches and destination weddings. 
“Don’t count on it,” he drawled.
“Don’t count on it,” you mimicked Frankie’s slow, gruff voice which earned a small laugh from him. “I’ll tell you what, I bet you that Ben’s best man speech isn’t going to be nearly as good as Will’s was.”
He attempted to recall what Will had even said only a few months prior. It had to have been good, the man was a public speaker, for Christ’s sake. He guessed, “That one was long, right?”
“Yeah…don’t you remember it? Frankie, were you even there?”
“I was there alright.” He laughed to mask the wince he wanted to let out. Then he cleared his throat, throwing out another vague guess, “But I seem to remember that by the end of it, he needed some damn tissues too.”
“If you had a shithead little brother who managed to get married before he could experience massive head trauma, you’d probably get a little choked up too.” You added more to yourself than to him, “God, Frankie, how do you forget a speech like that? It was fucking beautiful.”
There was a very high likelihood that he had forgotten. Frankie spent almost every day following that entire night trying to forget it. And he wondered how in the world you remembered it either considering how much you’d drank.
If you could remember what Will had said…you should’ve remembered what you’d said too, right? You, standing in the bathroom and observing yourself in the mirror as you combed through your lashes to separate them, had to have known what you said to him that night. Because he knew it. Whether he liked it or not, he had that particular speech memorized with the way it ran through his head.
Frankie had known you were in a tough spot. Hell, it was part of the reason why he’d brought you along; part of the reason why Benny had insisted Frankie take you. 
She just got broken up with, Frankie had tried to reason.
Benny had merely smirked, Which is the exact reason why you should invite her out. Give her a chance to get fucked up. Spend the night with one of the bachelors. It’s the quintessential wedding experience.
Frankie couldn’t have even pretended to mask his disgust at the idea. But he couldn’t lie…bringing you along again sounded leagues above going alone. 
And now, sometimes he wished he had toughed it out instead.
No matter how much he tried to forget, the details always flashed through his mind. The way your fingers ran through his hair. How your touch managed to stay so soft despite how completely out of it you were. But that’s how you’d always been with him. Even at his absolute worst points when he was a less than ideal man, you found some shred of decency inside him that you never hesitated to cradle and nurture.
Maybe that’s what had made those tangles form in his stomach; the idea that he was taking advantage of that kindness.
Because that wasn’t…you. You wouldn’t have done that in your right mind. If your boyfriend hadn’t just broken up with you. If you hadn’t just found out that the entire time Nick had been cheating on you with that woman from accounting in his office. If you hadn’t drank way too much. None of this would be happening if you weren’t at your absolute lowest. 
So he wiped the slate clean. It’d almost always been easy to do that. To simply forget. But he should’ve known better by now. Those things he somehow managed to lock up always found a way to ooze out of the cracks in his facade.
There were a few times Frankie thought you might crack during the ceremony. Especially when Will read out his vows, because of course the guy went the extra mile, delivering them with that stern reverence that made him the kind of guy you wanted on your team. 
But you didn’t cry. This time…you grabbed his hand. It almost didn’t occur to him that you had until Will kissed his now wife and you squeezed Frankie’s hand in excitement. For a moment, he wondered if you’d managed to get a drink in before the ceremony. You couldn’t have; the bar wasn’t supposed to open until afterwards. He knew it couldn’t have been an alcohol induced action but he was still afraid to acknowledge it. 
So he kept as still as possible. Even when the ceremony ended and you began to pull him around the venue. Though he knew his hand was getting clammier with every minute that passed, he let you drag him around the little circles of friends and family of the bride and groom. He had checked out enough that he didn’t quite realize what he’d gotten himself into until you were bringing him to the dance floor and positioning his hands on your hips.
Only when you let go of his hand and placed your own on his shoulders did it strike him how similar this felt to that night at Benny’s wedding.
You spoke like you were treading thin ice. “That speech was…surprisingly alright.”
“And you didn’t cry,” he remarked equally as carefully.
“I didn’t cry!” you exclaimed.
“It would’ve been fine if you had.”
You shook your head, “That wasn’t the kind of speech you cry at. It was simple. Sweet. I liked it. Who would’ve thought Benny’d have it in him, right?”
“So what do you do for that kind of speech?” Frankie asked, raising an eyebrow.
“A polite clap. Maybe a cheer.”
“A cheer? Maybe you should’ve brought your pom poms instead of tissues.”
The way you scrunched up your nose into a playful grimace tugged at his heartstrings. Then you laughed, “Shut up.” God, he loved when you and him fell into this groove. 
So he continued with the bit, “You should get some for Tom’s wedding. The guy deserves a whole damn squad if he gets all tied up again.”
“Thought you said I shouldn’t count on it?”
“If you’re gonna count on anyone getting married soon, it’s better if it was him.” Frankie clicked his tongue, “Not like I’m going off the market anytime soon.”
“Oh, Frankie, stop it.” Your smile dropped ever so slightly, eyebrows turned inward as you gazed at him with something akin to pity or sympathy; he wasn’t sure which was worse. “You have no idea what the future could bring.”
“Not a wedding, that’s for damn sure.”
Your expression only intensified. He recognized it well after the amount of times you’d talked him off a ledge. “You can’t just discount the possibility entirely,” you argued.
“I can and I will,” he said stubbornly.
You were quiet for a few seconds, “So you’re telling me you’ve never thought about it? I mean…who would your best man be?”
“I’m not answering that.”
Your lip quirks to the side of your face as you feign a contemplative look before concluding, “Probably Santi.”
“Look at you, you did it for me,” Frankie deadpanned.
“I could plan the whole damn thing for you, don’t test me.”
“Why’s that?”
This time you pressed your lips together. And Frankie swears he felt you stumble over your own feet ever so slightly; like he’d caught you off guard with the query. “Oh, you know…weddings usually aren’t those things that people are eager to plan.”
“But why would you specifically be planning it? Unless you’re–”
A beat passes before you break out into an incredulous grin. “You’d want me to marry you and plan our wedding? That’s a tall order. I’m afraid you’ll have to pick one or the other, sorry.”
Frankie chuckles. He let the remark pass. He always enjoyed this back and forth. How you and him had always been able to bounce off of each other. It was hard enough keeping up with some of the guys. But keeping up with women was a whole different story. He always seemed to be a few steps behind most of them. For some reason, your pace was just perfect. Your humor, your timing, it all clicked with his personality.
Just like you were prone to doing, you broke the silence with an awkward laugh and big eyes staring right into his. “So…which one do you pick?”
He almost didn’t catch the question; almost didn’t want to. “Hm?”
“Would you rather marry me or have me plan your wedding?” you clarify.
“Come on, you know I’m not answering that.”
And the tide shifted once more. Just as quick as you were to smile, your expression melted into one of muted mortification. Like you’d just tilted your hand a little too far
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” you mumbled to yourself. Your hands slid off his shoulders and you wiped them off on your dress before wrapping them around yourself. That was when you retreated, leaving him standing there looking like more of a fool than he ever thought he had.
He stared after you for a few seconds, struggling to process what had just happened when it finally registered.
Soon he was following after you. How you knew to navigate the venue so quickly, he couldn’t be bothered to wonder. All he knew by the time he got to the lobby of the wedding hall was that something was wrong.
He spotted you rushing down the sidewalk as he stepped outside. In all his exasperation, all he could get out was, “Hey, what the fuck?”
The cool night air of the fall settled in and billowed around him like a curse. He wasn’t quite sure if the deep chill that ran down his spine was from the weather or the sight of you turning around, eyes already wet with tears that you were desperately trying to blink away.
Your voice came out hoarse as you shouted back, “You’re asking me what the fuck? No, Frankie, what the fuck is up with you? I kissed you…God…how many months ago? And you don’t say a fucking word. I keep talking about Benny’s wedding and you keep acting like none of it fucking happened.”
Frankie threw his hands up. “You were drunk. I don’t even remember how many fucking drinks you had.”
“I had a couple virgin cocktails,” you scoffed. The admittance wasn’t stubborn. But it did come with a tone of disdain, “I wasn’t drunk.”
“You wouldn’t–” he stopped himself. You wouldn’t have done any of that unless you were drunk.
“You acted like you were drunk.”
You shook your head. “I was having fun. I was with you and I was having fun, you dumbass.” Then you sighed, gaze darting towards the street nervously. “And I woke up the morning after and I thought that…I thought you would’ve at least said something. I thought you would’ve asked me how I felt. I thought you would’ve had the decency to at least check in. But you were just…you were completely fine.”
“I wasn’t fine…”
“And now you want to crack jokes about marrying me?”
Frankie wagged a finger in your direction, an almost childish defense. “You brought that shit up first.”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Frankie, that doesn’t matter,” you muttered before raising your voice once more. “What matters is that I kissed you. I looked into your eyes and told you I fucking loved you and you said nothing.”
Hearing your voice say it again, even filled with such frustration, such anguish, he could help the way something fluttered in his chest. And even still, he shoved it down deeper than he ever had before.
“Because I wasn’t going to hurt you the way that Nick did.” He watched your gaze soften. “It would’ve killed me to hurt you like that.”
With the sounds of the city passing you both by, Frankie caught one of the worst sights possible. The tear that rolled down your cheek. And then the few more that followed, all shamelessly continuing their desolate stride down your neck. How you unclenched your jaw and unfolded all of the pain you’d kept since that summer into a few words. “You hurt me worse than Nick ever did.”
Your whole being compacted in on itself once more, recoiling from the vulnerable admission with a breathless conclusion. “Fuck you, Frankie. Fuck you.”
There it all was. And all he could think about was that night at Benny’s wedding. The night you told him you were glad Nick was gone. The night you smiled softly at him, thumb running over his bottom lip as you whispered.
I love you.
They were such fragile words. Words he hadn’t wanted to put any weight on, lest they shatter from beneath him and leave him falling face down in his own hopes. Because a small part of him had almost always hoped it was you. He never let himself truly believe the idea for long. But, God, he wanted to…could he still? He squeezed his eyes shut, holding back his own tears.
“I’m sorry.” His voice trembled in time with his hands. And he’d fully come to terms that it wasn’t just the cool air. He wasn’t a stranger to fearing for his life, with the work he’d once done, it was a given. But this wasn’t that. This was different. It was a fear of something a little more abstract. Because following this risk, there wouldn’t be oblivion. On the other side of his eyelids was a world where you either forgave him or you brushed him away. He certainly believed he deserved the latter with the way he’d been. But he’d never know unless he took the plunge.
When he opened his eyes again again he was grateful to find you still standing in front of him. He wouldn’t let this night steal his courage again. He repeated, voice firmer than before and charged with certainty, “I’m sorry.” Then finally replied, “I love you too. I love you.”
You gave him those hope filled eyes once more. He saw how it slowly morphed into joy; the kind that carried peace. You stepped closer, fingertips brushing against the material of his jacket as you reached for him.
Frankie closed the gap without any hesitation, his own hand moving to cradle your face as he moved in to kiss you. None of his recollections of the first time he’d done it could’ve ever lived up to the second one. There was no dread, no looming guilt, no fear. Only excitement and hope.
“If I could only pick one. I’d marry you. Any day…I’d marry you,” he mumbled against your lips.
You pulled back. And with his eyes still closed, he felt you smile as you answered, “Maybe I’ll ask you again next year. For now, let’s have this.”
“I can handle that,” he smiled then melted into you once more. And already it was something he knew he could easily get used to. Next time you asked, he’d be ready.
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jinkookspencil · 9 months
one to seven | jjk
you're finally ready to get intimate with your boyfriend one day... but it quickly turns into seven...
pairing: jk x chubby reader (f)
words: ~6.3k
tags and description: fluff but suggestive 18+ (read note) / established relationship but it’s early on in the relationship / i hope this is clear in the fic but it’s divided into seven days and the first bit before ‘one’ takes place during the seventh day, then it goes back to one (the first day) and leads up to that beginning (seven) / probably could be considered slice of life but yn does go through some sort of change/arc since yn is insecure.... at first / one-shot / obviously inspired by seven by jungkook / as requested by this anon! tysm for requesting!!
note on the rating and label: i labelled this suggestive, but it’s really all about sex (since it’s inspired by seven) and yn’s relationship with sex, especially in relation to jungkook / with that all said, i wouldn’t consider this smut because even though it’s all about sex, it doesn’t really go into them actually doing it and describing sex in graphic detail. that is what i stopped writing. this fic has more of the build up and the ‘after’ - the time surrounding the actual sex. i think this is as ‘nsfw’ as i’m willing to go. it alludes to many different aspects of sex though (yn is having fun).
author’s note: these past few days, i’ve been quite down. jungkook made me smile more than people i know and needed in real life, so i’m always thankful to him, but i’m also very thankful to the community on here and the anon who requested. writing this kept my mind busy on nights that were otherwise heartbreaking and tiresome for me - if i didn't spend those nights writing this, i probably would have cried myself to sleep. so really, thank you. i'm so happy to have this community and the other requests in my inbox to work on and give me joy in the meantime. i needed this, and the fact that i hit a follower milestone on here (1k yay!) while writing this makes it all the more meaningful. thank you guys. i hope you guys enjoy reading this, please let me know what you think <3 💕🌻
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The sunlight streaming in beneath the curtains wakes you, interrupting the pitch-black darkness of Jungkook’s bedroom… But your boyfriend’s arm, suddenly wrapping around your naked torso calms your aching body.
Just a week ago, you’d been too shy to be so intimate with your boyfriend. Sure, you’d been together for months, but that’s how long it took for you to finally get comfortable enough - and Jungkook, the angel that he was, waited. Instead of making love, he spent all his time proving his love, kissing you as you liked, praising you, making sure you were always comfortable and always knew what you deserved… as well as how deeply he felt for you. He never rushed, never complained - only pleaded to be kissed and touched in the ways you were comfortable with, never more.
It was a regular Monday when everything changed. No sudden, irresistible ‘turn-on’. No sudden urge of sexual desire that overwhelmed your senses. Not even a sexy picture from Jungkook - those he loved to send just because it made him happy to do so (and to receive compliments from you).
But rather, it was a settling feeling of happiness and contentment that did it. A magical ‘you know when you know moment” that shook your entire world and made itself apparent… when he sent you an adorable selfie of himself in a frog hat at work with the caption "prince charming". As expected, he was still wearing said hat when greeted you at his front door with a wide smile and wide arms, and you pull the hat off of him when you tip-toe to kiss him.
This was home.
A hearty meal (that Jungkook prepared himself) later, you stop the movie you’re watching and move to touch your boyfriend’s cheek. “I kinda really wanna make out with you, Koo.” He wastes no time and your lips are interlocked in seconds. You place Jungkook’s hesitant hand above your waist, guiding his fingers to the hooks of your bra, but he moves it swiftly to tug at your neckline and kiss you on your shoulder, where you’d just begun allowing him to kiss.
“I hope I’m loving you right, baby,” he whispers onto your skin, pecking it once more.
The words broke your heart. Of course, he was loving you ‘right’. His efforts did not go unappreciated or unseen, especially after years of heartbreak and boys who saw you as nothing but 'beautiful on the inside,' fetishes, momentary and secretive pleasures, or simply not a girl worth sticking around for. Jungkook, on the other hand, was almost hard to tame. He praised you constantly, but never just your appearance and never just in private. Early on, it seemed that neither of you was into PDA, but soon enough Jungkook was mindlessly touching, kissing, and holding you in public - and you found out that you actually loved it. You loved him.
“You’re loving me right, Jeon Jungkook,” you whisper back into his hair to reassure him, and you feel him smile against you.
“You deserve the world. You’re my world,” he says, breaking away to look at you and cup your cheeks, only for you to pull him closer once more, and he yelps when you return his hand where you’d wanted it. “Cheeky!”
“Jungkook, I’m ready. I'm ready to...,” you announce in a blurt, placing your hand on his chest.
“What? Hun, if this is about what I said, I didn’t mean-“ he panics.
“I knew I was ready before you’d even opened up your beautiful mouth, Koo. I saw the frog hat, and I just knew."
“Do you have a ‘thing for frogs’? Is that what did it? You’re teasing me, aren’t you?” he giggles. “Very funny. Let’s just kiss-"
“I want this, Jungkook. I want you. I’m scared… but I want you.”
Immediately, his eyebrows furrow, and he’s staring at your lips attentively. “What are you scared of, my angel?”
You’re unable to look at your boyfriend anymore, hanging your head low. “I'm afraid that you won’t like my body. I wouldn't have taken this decision if I didn't know for certain that you found me beautiful but... I'm still scared. Because what if you change your mind? I waited until I knew I wanted to be with you fucking forever, and… if you change your mind about me -”
Jungkook pokes his cheek with his tongue - and it’s so attractive but so damn nerve-wracking that you’re unable to complete your thought, the deep-rooted fear inside your head, and your voice trails off.
He breaks away, cupping your cheeks. “Look at me,” he says. When you muster up the courage to do so, he is already staring into your eyes. “I could never change my mind about you. What did I say, hmm? You’re my fucking world, and I already want that forever too.” He plants a soft kiss on the edge of your lips before continuing. “I know saying 'don't be scared' might not calm your nerves, but I mean it if that's what you're afraid of. I've felt your body, love. I've seen you a million different times and I think you're gorgeous every single time. I never said this to you before because I never wanted to pressure you, and I want to, you know, love you right, which is respectfully and the way you deserve, but baby… I’ve wanted to see... kiss your body for ages. Do you know how many times I’ve dreamt about this? About seeing you? About making love with you? I want you - in every single way possible.”
"You've been so patient, and I know it must've been hard... I'm sorry, Koo," you mumble, tears forming at your waterline as you take a deep breath.
“Don’t be, my angel,” he whispers, pulling you in for a hug and kissing your forehead. “I want you even if sex was entirely off the table because I want you.
When you first told me about everything, it's clear you went through a ton of shit you didn't deserve. It makes me so furious but I’m glad you know what you deserve. Someone who listens to you, who makes you feel comfortable and safe, and loves you. I’m trying to be that guy because you’re the girl worth waiting for, baby. The girl worth a thousand, million universes rather than this world alone…. and I love you more than anything.”
He kisses you, deeply and truly, more passionately than he’d ever done - and you know you meant your words as well.
“I love you more than you can imagine, and I said what I said too… I- I want..you, Jungkook. I’m ready,” you say, leaning in with your breath ghosting his lips.
“Are you su-“
“I’m sure, Koo…. I’m wearing lingerie under these clothes,” you whisper with a giggle that he echos.
“Oh, my love….” Jungkook says fondly, inching closer towards you to kiss you once, then staring into your eyes as he pulls you into a hug and moves a hand to rest where you’d wanted it before holding your hand with the other, kissing your knuckles as he led you into the bedroom. But he quickly lets go. In a flash, Jungkook hurriedly dashes around his room, muttering to himself while lighting every candle he owns. “I need to make this romantic - my girl deserves ultimate romance! If I’d have known I would’ve gone all out, I would’ve… I don’t know what I would’ve done other than jack myself off beforehand at the thought of it finally happening, but - fuck, Jungkook, what are you saying? No, it’s good you didn’t tell me beforehand. God, you’re so hot for being spontaneous.”
Jungkook ends his panicked monologue entirely relaxed and only an inch away from you, his demeanor transformed, and your endeared giggles stop at the scene of it all becoming very real.
“Stop me whenever you want me to,” he whispers, caressing your face.
You nod with a smile as you sit back on his bed, taking a deep breath when Jungkook hovers over you and helps lift your dress over your head, leaving you in the new silky lingerie set you’d bought.
It was hard to ignore the excitement on Jungkook's face, of which he made no effort to hide. “My beautiful girl,” he says, taking in the sight of you before finally looking at your face once again and pressing his lips against yours, undoubtedly feeling the rush of your heartbeat with your chest against his and his fingers at your neck.
“Let me ease your mind,” he whispers, letting his hands wander to your hips, gripping them as he lowers himself until he is face to face with your waist. He was steady in his pace, still not rushing while he kissed your waist and up and down your torso with careful touches…. despite the fact that he soon tore your new lingerie into pieces.
Jungkook wakes up beside you the same way he’d made love to you both times the previous night: slowly and gently. Vanilla, just like the scent you inhale on the arm he wraps around you, but passionate and caring in a way that proved your feelings about him, and his towards you. Just what you needed.
The love and care he showed you that morning, from the sudden morning fuck session to the following hours twisted in bedsheets grazing each other's skin, and the soothing, soapy shower you took together, were among the most blissful moments in your entire life. Refreshed and giddy, you meet Jungkook in his kitchen in just your bra and one of his oversized tees - the most naked or revealing you'd been in front of him, save for the night before and the morning you'd spent together…. There probably was no need to cover up anymore, you happily thought… until he seemed to notice your stretch marks.
“Next time, we’re keeping the lights on. How’d I not notice these last night? Or in the shower?” he asks curiously, pausing while plating your meal just to see the lines at your hips.
“You were probably too mesmerized by my beautiful eyes,” you joke, ruffling his hair as he bent down to inspect your marks.
“Way more than just your eyes, baby,” he giggled. “Do you have them anywhere else? I think I see some on your thighs.”
“Yeah and on my stomach too. They’re all over,” you say, showing him, before finally dropping the question on the tip of your tongue. “Are they… a turn-off?”
“A turn-off? Not in the slightest. Why would they be?” he questions curiously.
“People don’t usually like em,” you say, grabbing Jungkook’s arm. “My skin isn’t ‘picture perfect.”
“It’d be boring if it is. Mine isn’t. Look at the arm you’re holding, babe. I added tattoos so my skin wouldn’t be picture-perfect, baby. Except your markings are entirely your own, and hey, the way they look like roots? It’s almost poetic, isn’t it? Wow.”
You kiss his lips immediately, tasting the berries he’d whipped up into your smoothies - but the breakfast was quickly forgotten. Jungkook places you onto the kitchen counter instead, tracing and kissing every mark on your body so lovingly with the daylight shining onto you…. and you’d discovered that Jungkook ate everything with passion and furrowed brows.
Though you’d been spending days with Jungkook already, Wednesday was the day you had a planned date - one that was actually outside, after the back-to-back days spent intertwined all around his apartment.
A knock was at your door just as you were putting on the final touches to your outfit - a dainty set of gold jewelry - and you were still fiddling with the earring when you answered.
Jungkook showed up at your place to pick you up, dressed in a grey, collared shirt with a striped tank top underneath - adorable enough to drive you crazy - but more importantly, he’d shown up with a heartwarming bouquet of sunflowers in one hand and a picnic basket in the other - but he drops both at the sight of you.
“Oh baby,” are the first words Jungkook says, rushing in to pull you into a kiss. “Can we forget about the picnic? This… this is my fantasy.” His finger skim over the cotton fabric at your hips, scrunching up the fabric over your thighs.
“It’s forgotten,” you reply, letting his hand wander. “Tell me all your fantasies, Kook.”
“You, my dream girl. You’re my fantasy….. and fucking said dream girl - you - in a sundress… oof. This was… This always was….”
A laugh escapes you and a feeling of comfort floods your senses, seeing marvel on Jungkook’s face as he studied the floral dress that lay on your body. Neither of you bothered to move about the apartment for a while, kissing, touching, and more then and there behind the front door, until Jungkook pulled his hand from within your underwear to tug the dress off your body, revealing your sheer slip underneath.
“No fucking way,” he sighs, placing his hand behind you, fingers digging into your plush thighs and swiftly lifting you in his hands. With Jungkook still kissing your clavicle and ignoring your fearful, pleased shrieks, you have no choice but to comply, wrapping your legs around him and edging closer to his body, giggling as Jungkook rushes to the couch.
“Ride me? Ride me in this, pretty?” he pleads, kissing your neck once more before already leaning back.
“I’m scared, my love. What if I crush you?” you say, skimming his abs.
“Oh, wait - there’s another fantasy,” he proclaims with a smirk. “I’ll be fine. If you’ve crushed exes in the past, I’m actually jealous. though they probably weren’t strong enough.”
“No one ever wanted me on top, JK… but I guess you're strong enough since no one ever carried me like that before.”
“Fucking weak ass idiots. I don’t want to think about that now. I want you on top of me… in this pretty little dress that lets me see… everything,” he gasps, cupping your breast over the fabric before quickly adding, ”…if you’re okay with it.”
“Tell me if I hurt you,” you say as you help undress him.
“You could never.”
You could never forget the whimpers and the laughs you’d heard from Jungkook that evening, both when you’d asked him the same question. “Am I doing okay?” in the heat of the moment, was met with an ineligible whimper you’d heard for the very first time from Jungkook, who could only respond as such for minutes.
“Fuck, yes, you— you’re doing so good, baby,” he let out, continuously praising you afterwards, even until you asked the question again.
“Was that okay?” you ask him breathlessly when it was all over. He burst into a laugh, and if he hadn’t held onto your body so tightly, you’d have thought he was laughing at you.
“Okay? OKAY?! Honey…,” he starts, placing soft kisses on your skin as he talks. “Let me explain…This angle was… the way I could see you... your body...… and what you were doing to me. Oh, what did you do to me?! The way you wrapped around me, the way you rode… It was just right. And the fact that it’s your first time in that position? Then you pinned me down and I lost myself, I really did. You’re not a mortal human. You’re a witch. Some sex witch. That’s what you are - and you took my soul pleasuring me like that. No… no human woman could ever ride that way… that well. I’ve never felt that good… ever.”
Finally reassured, you wrap your arm around his tattooed one. “My spell worked! I’m glad you felt so good, baby.”
Jungkook sits upright, holding your hand. “Wait, did you feel okay? How was it for you?”
At that, you grab one of your nearby pillows to cover half your face, your shyness returning merely to answer his question honestly. “Jungkook… I know you’re big, but I’ve never felt you that deep before.”
“And? Does it hurt?” he asks with wide, concerned eyes that briefly trail down your sweaty body and how the fabric clung onto it even more.
“A bit,” you admit, throwing the pillow aside. “But it was… very good and very fun once I got over the scare and saw that you seemed to be enjoying yourself, playing with my tummy and tits and all, lifting me up a little too….” You trace his arms, hesitantly finishing the rest of your thought. “And then your hands stayed at my hips and ass. Albeit I missed the beginning, but god, was it heavenly - with your moans and the way you looked so helpless, in awe... pleased... because of me…. I kinda liked seeing you under me then, I liked having that….,” you pause, holding Jungkook’s face in your hands. “To have that control over you. To see you moan like that because of me. It was fun, baby. I wanna ride you again.”
“Yeah?” he asks, laughing again, and even harder when you nod eagerly.
“Oh, baby… You’re in for way more fun than you ever imagined.”
Jungkook reluctantly left your apartment the next day and kept his promise to return by bedtime. But when he shows up at your door at midnight, entirely devoid of color, you’re concerned.
“I know I look like shit, and I do feel like shit, but I’m okay,” he says instantly, quickly explaining that because he’d been spending his days and nights with you, he’d barely had time to go to the gym, so he’d crammed in an intense session before the planned picnic the day before and spent hours boxing after leaving you that next morning.
“Couldn’t you have told them you’re doing enough cardio with me?” you joke, poking his arm, but Jungkook winces through his smile and grazes where you’d touched him - this was the most he’d do to admit that he was so sore.
You wrap your arms around your boyfriend to envelope him in a tight hug, and he does the same, squeezing your soft body and letting out a moan as he does so. “This feels so good. So cozy.”
“Then it’s just cuddles for you today, baby,” you say, rubbing his back and tapping his ass gently. “I’ll go change out of all this lingerie I’m wearing underneath.”
“No, no, no,” Jungkook pouts, shaking his head, nudged in the crook of your neck, as he begins to tug at the hem of your shirt. “My body is still strong, I promise. You proved that you’re not a mere mortal - I’m the same! I won’t let my physical human-appearing body stop me - wait, don’t learn this lesson from me, by the way. You have to tell me whenever you’re in pain, okay?”
“Okay,” you groan.
“Are you still in pain, actually? From all the riding?” Jungkook says teasingly, wiggling his eyebrows, with his hand softly resting on your stomach.
"Yeah, a little - especially this morning. But it’s like my body craves you so much that it basically got over it by nightfall… that doesn’t mean you’re not sore, though, Koo.”
“Please, baby,” he protests, kissing you. “I want you. It’ll help me forget the pain…. Do you really have lingerie under there?”
You allow Jungkook to pull up your top to see your breasts, held just right in pink lace.
“Fucking hell,” he says, rushing to take your top off when you let it drop over your body. “Please tell me you’re down to fuck.”
“Jungkook!” you yelp, pushing your boyfriend’s ticklish fingers aside until you’re able to hold his hands. “You’re in pain, and you’ve been making me feel better all week, baby… Let me do the same for you, hmm? Please?”
Jungkook cocks his brow as a reflex but doesn’t move. He lets you caress his face and kiss him deeply before leading him into the bedroom. He doesn’t say anything beyond quiet gasps of amazement when you begin undressing, down to your lingerie, nor does he say anything when you take off his clothes for him and push him onto the bed...until you let your hand skim down his torso...
“I can fuck, I promise,” Jungkook says in a panic. “Fuck… Are you su…?”
Looking up, you see anticipation in his eyes, his gaze flickering between himself and your salivated lips. You’ve never done this to him before. Surely, he’d been wanting it, and still, he never rushed you… It’s best you hurry up to it.
“Shut up, Jungkook,” you say. “Let me swallow your damn pride.”
It was no lie you’d blushed often after your first night together - merely days ago - and though you’d had each other a number of times since, Jungkook kissed every inch of your face every time it flushed in the slightest. It was only natural for you to do the same to him when he spent the entire morning after your fourth night together flustered.
“You told me not to be shy, and now you’re going all red?” you giggle, kissing your boyfriend’s red ear.
“I can’t help it,” he says, touching where you’d kissed him. “My girlfriend is a fucking sex witch… Wh-where did you learn to do that?”
“The noises you made were a pretty good indication of how you like it,“ you say, letting your hand trail down his chest.
“…God you sound so fucking cocky right now, and it’s turning me on even more”, he groans, his hand resting over yours but letting you lead the way rather than guiding it himself.
“So…. you liked it, huh? Me taking control a little?”
“A little? Hun….” he trails off, so you kiss his forehead. “Can you….”  He fiddles with his fingers and his face flushes again, so you kiss his lips. “Aish....” he giggles, trapping your arms to finish his sentence in peace. “Baby, can you…. Can you boss me around again tonight?”
“You want me to dominate you?” you ask, taken aback.
A wide smirk appears on Jungkook’s face.
Such a request proved to be a night for your classic black lace lingerie set, with matching robe and dark lipstick… but Jungkook smiles too innocently when you enter the dimly lit bedroom, looking as such.
“I can’t be all bossy if you look at me like that, Koo.”
“I can’t change my round face and round eyes, baby… but then again, I thought you couldn’t switch up your ‘sweet, innocent girl’ persona until yesterday,” he smiles.
You roll your eyes. “Keep saying more things like that. That’ll make it easier to dominate you. I’m not so innocent, you know?”
“Oh, I know. I was there last night.”
“I have no idea how to go about this,” you admit, shoulders dropping in front of your boyfriend. “Tell me what to do.”
“No - you tell me what to do. Boss me around a little. No ‘please’. No pet names for now. Just commands. Tell me exactly what you want. What you want me to touch. What you want me to do What you want me to say. I'll help, and the instructions will help me please you just the way you like it in the future.”
“And if you get uncomfortable?”
“We have the safe word.”
A final kiss and nod of reassurance give you all you need to go on.
Trying it out, you manhandle your incredibly strong boyfriend until his arm wraps around your waist, his left hand resting just where you wanted it at your hip, while you guide the other hand to your heat. Already, you’re electrified by the control and decide to prolong this for as much as possible…. Might as well have some fun...
“First things first….” You say, backing away to lie on the bed and gently pushing Jungkook off when he follows, so he still stands in front of you, waiting. “Strip. To that song from your Calvin Klein ad.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Jungkook was a smartass. He clearly didn’t mind being bossed around for a little - the ‘clear instructions’ did help him, and he seemed to be enjoying every minute of it, as he’d claimed - but when you’d tapped out from it all at dawn, there was not only amusement behind the smile on his face, but pride as well.
“That’s my girl,” he said, kissing your hand when you were both ready to pass out. “Oh, I worship you.”
The little brat knew the effect it’d have on you, and you didn’t wait until the next morning to call him out on it.
“Did you want me to take control because you thought it’d make me more confident?” you ask while Jungkook cleans you up, and he smiles at your question.
“If you feel that way, it’s all you, baby,” Jungkook says, kissing your body. “Is that how you feel?”
“I feel… powerful,” you admit.
A moan promptly escapes Jungkook at your words, and his kisses grow hungrier, finally meeting your lips and letting out another noise when you tug at his lips. Jungkook only breaks away to look into your eyes and sigh in adoration before kissing you once more.
The night made you feel like a whole new woman. And you were ready for more, too, feeling the urge to grab Jungkook the moment you wake up…. but you soon realize you had his bed to yourself. Seeing the messy sheets and his hairbrush tossed onto the mattress, you briefly recall being nudged awake at noon and him muttering some words about a sudden work meeting. A Post-It note tacked onto the bedside table backed up the fact with a short message in Jungkook’s handwriting.
“Baby - Got called into the company. I’ll be there til 7 at least. Text me when you’re awake. I love you.”
Washing up didn’t do anything to wash away the urge to have Jungkook once more - if anything, it only prolonged your steaming shower. Wrapped up in a robe with nothing to do in your boyfriend’s apartment on a quiet Saturday, you get an idea.
Risque pictures were never something you’ve done before, and an hour passes by the time you’re comfortable with the ones you’ve taken. Looking through your camera roll, you weave through and delete awkward photos until you were left with a variety of shots that left you surprised by how hot you’d looked, whether you were entirely bare or with the lingerie you’d worn the night prior.
Though it’d been the afternoon and a long while since you’d woken up, you send the photos to Jungkook.
you🌻 [5:01pm]: “good morning baby :)” (5 attachments)
A text arrives a minute later.
jk💕💫 [5:06pm]: “Oh fuck.”
jk💕 💫[5:09pm]: “what have i done”
jk💕💫 [5:09pm]: “what have YOU done”
you🌻 [5:13pm]: “well besides take the photos, i took a very, very long, very hot shower… since you’re not here. hope you’re having fun at work xx”
No texts arrive while you lounge around the apartment in one of Jungkook’s T-shirts, reveling in the image of him being hot and bothered for you during some meeting … but close to an hour later, you hear the familiar beeps of the keypad at Jungkook’s front door.
Your boyfriend storms through the door with furrowed brows and a stern look, his jacket thrown aside and his shirt already off of him and discarded by the door. Somehow, he manages to squiggle out of his trousers on his way to you, and he’s naked save for his boxers by the time he gets to you on the couch - which all took mere seconds.
“Jungkook!” you squeal with joy when he lunges at you, biting your neck and quickly taking off the t-shirt you were wearing. His bites resume at your clavicle and above your chest, which he aggressively holds in his hands, tutting at the fact that you hadn’t worn any underwear or a bra underneath it. But his fingers move to the small of your back, forcefully pushing your hips upwards and towards him while he wedges his leg between your thighs.
“Brat,” he whispers. “Missed me, huh?”
“You’re one to talk. What happened to staying til 7?” you quickly ask.
“Fuck that,” he says, continuing to kiss you, but soon you’re unable to let go of a nagging worry.
“Baby,” you stop him, placing your hands on his bare shoulders. “I don’t want the boys to hate me. I don’t want to be the reason you’re missing work.”
“You’re saying this now? After you sent me the sluttiest photos I’ve ever seen in my life? While knowing I was at work? And right before the fucking we were going to do because of said photos?” Jungkook asks with raised brows, but you feel his shoulders slouch, and he squeezes between his eyebrows before his hands stroke your arms.
“Baby, it’s fine. I guess I have something to say about it, too. Taehyung hyung…… fuck… he accidentally saw the photos. I was so distracted and obviously aroused by your nudes that I just stared into my phone for a damn while. He was sitting right beside me and peeked. Since I gave him an earful for not looking away until I caught him, he’s apologizing by covering for me. I’m sorry he ever saw it, baby. And for what it’s worth, they all told me they love you already - apparently, I’ve never been so giddy. They can’t wait to meet you, honey….So even though it’s unfortunate that he saw it… at least we get to fuck, mm?”
Smiling, you hold Jungkook’s hands in yours and kiss him quickly. “So… Taehyung didn’t look away, huh?”
Jungkook’s jaw drops, and for the first time in your relationship, he looks genuinely irritated. “And why do you care?”
“I like knowing I’m sexy, boo,” you say, leaning back on your hands. Jungkook seemed to be just as you expected and hoped him to be - the jealous type. “Aren’t you proud to have such a hot girlfriend? One the guys are so jealous of?”
Jungkook’s eyes turn feral, and suddenly, he lunges at you with the same hunger he’d met you with earlier. His lovebites on your neck and shoulders are sure to leave very visible marks, and you couldn’t be happier.
Suddenly, he whips his head up, his nose brushing yours, while his fingers wrap around your neck, grazing over where his mouth had been.
“Listen to me, brat,” he says, obviously resisting the smirk that appears on his face when he catches your knowing, anticipating glare. “I think I let you have too much fun, hmm?”
You nod, slowly, and his fingers tighten around your neck while his other hand finds your chin.
“Don’t you ever forget: I’m yours.”
The both of you try to catch your breath, and Jungkook realizes that tears are streaming down your face before you do. His behavior stops at once.
“Baby? Baby, what happened? Did it hurt? Was I too much? I’m sorry,” he says with a croak in his voice, kissing your wet cheeks.
Your angel - though minutes ago, it seemed as though Jungkook had transformed into your own personal sex demon, torturing you with endless, repetitive, fiery bouts of pleasure. It felt too good - why were you crying?
“Jungkook, no,” you let out, catching your breath. “No, it was… electric. Can you cry from feeling too good?”
He lets out a sigh of relief as he wraps his arm around your sweaty waist. “I’ve read once that it can happen to some people, yeah. I’m just glad to know you’re okay.”
“Angry sex hits different I guess,” you say. peeking at Jungkook through your periphery. His eyes seem to be wet too.
“I still haven’t forgotten what you said, you know?” he says, bringing his leg up to wrap around your thighs in a cuddle. “Are you really happy that Tae saw your photos? You want him to think you’re hot? Do you think he's hot?”
“I don’t care at all, my love,” you say, softly scratching Jungkook’s scalp and seeking his gaze. “I just had an urge. To fuck or be fucked angrily - but the thing is, you never get angry. I figured jealousy might do the trick, but… it was childish, and I didn’t mean what I said in the slightest - so I’m sorry.” Jungkook remains silent, tracing the marks on your stomach in thought, so you go on.
“You fuck me passionately enough, Koo - too passionately, even - if that’s what you’re wondering. I guess what I said is only half the truth. I knew it might work because I get jealous over you, too, you know? I get angry. Sure, it’s rare nowadays since you’re always there for me and make my world happier and calmer…. but I guess I buried my anger and jealousy, how pent up I can sometimes get seeing other girls - models, idols, staff, fans… everyone - they ogle you and visibly want you for themselves… and I won some cosmic lottery because you’re you and you’re mine! Naturally, I get worried. Jealous.”
He takes a deep breath, and you quickly whisper an afterthought. “I hoped you felt the same way about me. That I’m yours.”
Jungkook sits up, grazing your hair now, before placing a soft kiss on your forehead…. and flicking it right afterward. “My beautiful idiot - and I will only call you an idiot this one time because you’re acting like one! Did you miss the part where I gave Taehyung an earful? I know he respects me, and he respects you, but I still got jealous that he even saw it. I rushed here, so hot and bothered and ready to fuck because of the photos but also because of that anger. I wanted to fuck my beautiful girl. You know how you say you love it when I wrap my arm around you in public - I do that all the time since you said it, but do you know the first time I did it was because a guy wouldn’t stop staring at you? It’s happened far too many times.”
“I was probably too happy to have your arm around me to notice,” you whisper.
“Maybe, baby. Exactly, actually. Baby, you need to look at me when you see those girls you mentioned because if you do, you’ll see what they see: someone so ridiculously in love already. I never took notice because ever since I met you… every other girl ceased to exist in my eyes. The only one I see is my beautiful smartass witch who has taken over my brain and magically transfigured herself into my whole world.” You chuckle, but he goes on. “My love, I can’t tell you not to get jealous. God knows I can’t stop myself, either. But if there’s one thing in the world you shouldn’t worry about, it’s me thinking of anyone else.”
“Neither should you, Koo,” you say, holding onto him.
“I’m yours… and you’re mine.”
“I’m yours, and you’re mine,” you repeat, tears streaming down your face once more.
And once again, Jungkook kisses your tears away before kissing you more deeply, and you discover make-up sex to be more passionate than angry sex.
The sunlight streaming in beneath the curtains wakes you, interrupting the pitch-black darkness of Jungkook’s bedroom… your boyfriend's arm wraps around you, pulling you tightly against his body in his sleep. You remain that way, happily pressed against him and breathing to the magically rhythmic beat of Jungkook’s snoring and mumbling. A feeling of sleepiness returns as you close your eyes with your mind drifting away in your feelings of contentment… so much so that you don’t notice that his snoring has stopped.
“I think I met you in another life,” he whispers.
Sharply exhaling at the most romantic words you’d heard your entire life, you face Jungkook, brushing away the hair on his face, and to your shock, he opens his eyes widely.
“Oh, baby. I didn’t realize you were up,” he mumbles, with his face flushing.
“I think so too,” you say back, instantly kissing your boyfriend and suddenly bear-hugging him underneath the covers. Ready to fall asleep once again, you rest your head on Jungkook’s shoulder while he moans, happy as ever to lay underneath the weight of you…. but you soon pull away to confirm your suspicion. He is excited.
“Oh, Jungkook, baby…. With the week we’ve had…. I’m exhausted,” you admit while still clinging onto him tighter.
“It’s not a week yet, baby,” he moans, his hand finding the small of your back. “I’ll take it slow.”
“You’re lucky it’s Sunday, and that we have the whole day to ourselves, you little sex demon,” you say, grazing up his chest until your fingers find his nape and you’re able to pull him in for a sleepy, sloppy kiss and mindless touches.
“Let’s sleep in.”
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crystallilytarot · 5 months
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Choose a random item! Fanfiction trope with your partner
1- ship
It's written Capri on the ship, so maybe Italy is an important place for you or your partner, or maybe you or them are from an island, or you will go there together.
So, it feels like friends to lovers. But like a superhero movie :) You will have some difficulties in your life and your partner will help you or even save you, stand up for you. I feel after this, you will be friends first, so it's not a fast moving relationship. You go to the same school or you work together, or maybe you move to another place, and they will help you with your baggeges or show you the city. They can be someone that you already know, but you were never been more than friends until now. There will be some people who will try to sabotage your relationship, but don't listen to their lies! In the end you will be together and it will be a very loving, nurturing and romantic connection. Honestly, you are cute together.
Significant numbers maybe : 1, 5, 7, 8, 18, 85.
Strangers to lovers definitely! It's a faded connection, you are literally meant to be together. I feel some fun times here, a trip, amusement park, garden, flowers, maybe a costume party. You will have fun that day, and you will have fun together too, it's like love at first sight. It can be a birthday or a celebration too. For some of you, you will spend the night together that day wink wink :) But after that you or them will feel regretful, I think maybe both of you, because you will think that the other person don't want anything else, but it's not the case at all! Another scenario is that you will be in separation for a while, but not because a breakup, these person live somewhere else. And they don't contact you right away after they go back home, so you will think it was just a fun night for them. You two will have a long distance relationship for a while, but one of you will move to the other person's place, and after that you will be inseparable. :) I see a lot of cuddling, pillow talk.
Important numbers maybe : 2, 4, 9, 10, 29, 94, 99.
3-cherry blossom candle
Spring may be important for you or some of you are from Japan or Japan is an important place for you.
Ngl it feels like a sugar daddy / sugar mommy and sugar baby relationship :) Even if it's not, they will be very supportive and caring towards you. It can be someone from your workplace, maybe your boss. I feel like your job doesn't pay well enough, but you will have a better opportunity and you will meet them there. Or you will have 2 people who wants to be with you, and you will have to choose. It probably will take some time for you to think about this and choose. I don't think that you will choose the money, there are emotions here. And it's not about the money, but this person will treat you right, and you deserve it! If you want to have children, you will have a family with this person, or pets, most likely dogs, but can be other types of pets too. I see a garden and a very comfortable, cozy home. You will take care of each other, both of you will nurture this relationship, but still, I feel like them will treat you like a queen/king. It's not just financial support, but emotional too. You will move to their house or it can be like you will left your past behind. It feels like after all the hardships you will have your rewards from the Universe!
Important numbers maybe : 1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 19, 21, 66.
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awesomefringey · 5 months
I haven't been able to find a good fic to read in about 7 months, I've only read A Distant Hazy Light over and over, but I need a good fic to get this out of my system
Ok, I understand we need to do something about it but first of all @greenfeelings wrote a brilliant series! So, I get it!!!
I read so many wonderful fics this year, here are some of them, maybe they’re for you too:
Is This Flying Or Falling by Holdingontochaos (A/B/O) It’s very sexy and very emotional. It’s also a lot of hurt and comfort. (Harry is traumatized from a past relationship, see the tags for triggers)
Quiet People Have The Loudest Minds by @2tiedships2 (A/B/O) I rediscovered it this year and couldn’t put it down again. It’s so very very sweet and made me feel warm and fuzzy.
Danger I Can’t Hide by CelticSky This is the most epic fic. I was worried it would be too dark and too real for my liking with the WWII setting, but the author finds a great balance to create a very real and life threatening atmosphere without it being too unbearable. Although I cried a lot! It is one of the best fics I’ve ever read. Great writing, amazing pacing, a truly unique love story.
Just Breathe With Me by @she-bear369 The Yoga fic. I couldn’t put this fic down. I loved their chemistry and how it was immediately palpable that there was something between them. Also Yoga instructor Louis is truly inspiring! Both Louis and Harry come with a bit of trauma they need to work through, but I loved to watch them process them and grow to be even better people, for themselves and for each other.
Love Is A Word You Gave It A Name by @larrydoinglaundry (3 part series) This one is pretty popular, so maybe you’ve read them already? If not, you must! I can’t really prepare you for it, other than that Louis and Harry will build a room in your heart and never leave it. I’ve read this one (and the 2nd part) multiple times, just to spend time with them.
Secrets, Santa? by @indiaalphawhiskey This fic is a gift to our fandom. I still don’t understand how we deserve authors like India. I’ve been wheezing and screaming over Harry, he’s absolutely hilarious and I love him to bits. The way Harry stubbornly thirsts after Louis is as silly as it is understandable because DAMN Louis is a CEO and Harry is his assistant and why isn’t this a Hallmark Christmas movie and thank god it isn’t because this one is so much better! I read this multiple times and it’ll be forever my go-to fic to get into the Christmas spirit.
And a little extra rec because you’re into A/B/O:
Behind Smoke Stained Curtains by @jaerie This fic was recommended to me recently and I haven’t read it yet but will before the year ends. So if you’re curious, give this one a go.
You can check my tags as well: larry fanfic rec, abo larry fanfiction or larry fanfiction (which is all of my reblogs for fics)
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tanniefm · 1 year
christmas & chill | jjk (m)
sequel to all to you
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summary - it’s the most happiest time of the year with your needy boy.
pairing - jungkook x reader (f)
genre - established relationship, pwp, fluff
word count - 3.7k
song inspo - the entirety of ariana grande’s ep christmas & chill ofc!
warnings - reader and koo are hopelessly in love sigh, lots of cum, unprotected sex (pls don’t be dumb like them i beg), koo kinda switches lowkey sorry, overstimulation, hint of dacryphilia, koo’s a lil crybaby, extremely needy koo, praise, riding, backshots yayyyy, oral (f receiving), squirting, cum eating, pet names (ur his angel <3), reader is chubby coded (is that a thing? i’m making it a thing), reader suffers from FPS (fat pussy syndrome) whilst jungkook suffers from FDBS (fat dick and balls syndrome) 😞
a/n - a lil gift from me to u ♡ thank u all for all the love. i wanted to post something for christmas as a 2 year anniversary to my first ever fic i posted on here. hope u enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it. see u next year!!
The semester is over, finals are a thing of the past, and your lovely new boyfriend is coming over in 15 minutes. Merry fucking Christmas to you! 
Due to finals being obnoxiously cutthroat this year, you’ve barely been able to spend any time with Jungkook. He offered to help you study multiple times, but you felt it would be more responsible to study on your own without any…distractions. You learned from last time that studying with him ends with materials being forgotten and clothes being strewn about. So for two weeks, you put a sex ban on the both of you so that way when you were able to reconnect, it’d be 10x better. Jungkook reluctantly agreed but had a huge pout on his face that you oh so lovingly kissed away. Ever since you two made it official, it’s like all you ever think about is being grossly lovey-dovey with him. In your defense, he makes it a little hard not to. He’s the sweetest boy in the world, of course you wanna shower him with kisses and endless praise and let him pump as much cum into you as his heart desires! The look on his face does you in every single time, just thinking about it is making you squeeze your plush thighs together. 
You shake your head to re-focus on the task of getting ready. Your roommate has the same plans as you do with her own significant other so she notified you she’d be gone for the weekend with a sly smile. Fortunately for her, this means she won’t have to hear the headboard banging rhythmically into the wall at 3 am anymore - well, at least for the weekend. You’ve decided to pamper yourself a little before he arrives. Showered, shaved, moisturized, spritz some sweet-smelling perfume, and even put on a little bit of makeup just to make yourself feel extra cute. You put on some fuzzy pink shorts that make your legs and ass look good, and a tank top with Hello Kitty positioned right in the middle of your boobs. You look and feel so fucking good right now. ‘Jungkook’s gonna bust in his pants again,’ you sigh blissfully to yourself. However, tonight you want him to fill you up completely. It’s what you deserve after such a stressful month of non-stop studying and crying over due dates. You give yourself a little smile in the mirror before you walk to the living room to turn on the tv for background noise. Watching movies is the last thing on your mind at the moment.
Your head springs up when you hear melodic taps on the door. Anytime Jungkook knocks, it has to be to the tune of whatever song he was listening to earlier, it’s a habit you’ve always found to be endearing. You skip to the door happily, excited to see your favorite boy.
“Hey angel, I got us- mph,” you interrupt his sentence with a deep kiss. Fuck, you missed him so much. Although you’d never admit it to his face, as he tends to get a bit cocky (which never lasts once you’re on top of him), this sex ban has been torture for you. You made the foolish decision of adding that neither of you was allowed to touch yourselves while you cracked down on studying. So to say you were pent-up was a gross understatement. You parted from him for air and saw how dazed he looked. Pink cheeks and shaky breaths. Just like always.
You smirk and look down at the bags he has in his hands. “You got food? Aww, you’re too sweet, come in! It’s freezing,” you say innocently. You grab the bags of takeout from him and usher him inside. He’d like to blame his rosy face on the cold wind, but you and him both know you just caught him off guard. And turned him on a little. These past couple of weeks have been what Jungkook would imagine hell is like. And then to add the extra challenge of not masturbating? November is over! What happened to Destroy Dick December?? Nevertheless, he’s ecstatic to see you again. He has so much to give you. He knows you can take it, he just wonders if he can. Other than his incessant horniness though, he’s just as excited to curl up with you under your warm weighted sheets and hold and kiss and love you endlessly. He walks inside to see you’ve transformed the living room into a cozy holiday getaway. Fairy lights decorated the tables and doorway, soft music flowed throughout the room, chilled wine set out on the table, and you, looking as gorgeous as ever. God, he’s so in love with you. He wants every holiday season to be spent with you by his side. He plops himself down on the couch and stares at your pretty figure retreating to the kitchen to collect plates and utensils. He notices that you’re wearing the short fuzzy shorts that he likes. The ones where he can clearly see the soft thighs he always imagines rutting himself between. Maybe if he’s good tonight you’ll let him. His dick slowly hardens at the prospect. 
You come back with eating materials in hand and sit next to him closely on the couch. “What’s all this for?” he asks distractedly. He notices you’ve also put on the perfume he can’t get enough of. It’s subtle enough to not mess with his sensitive nose but sweet enough to keep him wanting more. He wants all of you. Right now. “I thought I’d make the atmosphere nice and warm for us since it’s been so long since we’ve had a chance to be alone together,” you say smiling brightly. You dig into your food ignoring your very erect boyfriend. “You aren’t hungry baby?” you ask with a slight pout. He shakes his head slowly and scans your body up and down, seeing that you’ve foregone a bra. Your nipples poke through the little tank top you’ve thrown on and he desperately wants to lean down and put them in his mouth.
You snicker at how obvious he’s being. You knew he’d get like this as soon as he saw you. You’re surprised he didn’t crumble and fall to his knees the moment you kissed him. There had been many nights throughout these past few weeks where he’d text you alluding to wanting to see you, touch you, taste you, anything. All of which you would shut down and sternly tell him to not touch himself. “The only one that’s making you cum this month is me, do you understand?” you had firmly told him one night. He whimpered and whinily agreed. He’s such a good boy, your good boy.
Now with you right in front of him, looking the way that you do, he doesn’t know what to do with himself. You laugh and swallow the last bite of your food and turn to him. “Ok ok, I get it,” you say as you lean in to kiss him. He immediately wants to deepen it but you push him back before he has the chance. “Don’t you want to make a little toast first?” you don’t think he could get any poutier. “If I drink this wine can we have sex after?” you giddily nod and pour your glasses. “To us,” you clink your glasses together and watch as he hastily downs his whole cup. This is definitely gonna be a long night.
Without even considering letting you finish, he dives in for another long kiss. You smile into it and place your glass on the table to focus your full attention on him. Tongues dancing for dominance that he beautifully succumbs to. You climb on top of him slowly and straddle his firm thighs. You’ll never get over how such a strong man will willingly submit to your every whim. He’s so perfect. 
He runs his hands up and down your sides and feels how soft you are. He knows you’ve been insecure about your body in the past, but he’s always loved it. Even before you agreed to be his girlfriend, he’d savor any ounce of physical contact with you if it meant he got to feel your tiny squishy self against his lean muscular form. Your thighs squeeze around his hips and you push your heat against his straining bulge. He moans wantonly. This is what he’s been craving. Your warmth on top of him. The only thing that could make this better is you letting him inside of you to feel it completely. He bucks his hips into yours to hint at what he wants. But you know, you’ve known since before he walked into your place. If he had things his way, he would’ve picked you up and taken you on the front door. But he enjoys the teasing and the waiting. He enjoys the thrill of not knowing what’ll happen next. He enjoys anything you’ll allow him. 
Your kisses descend upon his jaw and neck as his cold hands fiddle with the hem of your tank top. He gives you a pleading look, silently asking if he can take it off, which causes you to nod as an affirmative. He quickly takes it off and leans back to do the same to his own shirt. Seeing his bare chest will forever be a treat for you. You're sure he could say the same if his ogling of your boobs is anything to go by. “You’re so pretty,” he sighs. His pupils dilate as he softly squeezes them in his hands. “Wanna suck on them,” he mumbles. You giggle and tell him to go ahead which he does swiftly. There’s something lethargic about watching him suck and play with your nipples. Even when not in a sexual context, he likes to have you in his mouth absentmindedly. You’re starting to think it’s become a comfort thing for him. He looks so at peace. His cold fingers contrast his warm tongue and it only adds to your pleasure. You rock against him harder which causes him to part from your nipples to whine. 
“Please- please can I be inside of you? I need it, I’m so full angel please,” he rushes out. “You wanna fill me up baby?” you respond gently, cupping his face with your hands. His doe eyes framed by your fresh set of acrylics is such a pretty sight to see. He nods and whispers another please. He looks so good when he begs. You wish you could take a mental screenshot of this moment.
You get up to discard your shorts and lacy pink panties while he impatiently just tugs his pants and boxers down to his knees. You’ve decided he’s had enough teasing for the night and quickly guide his throbbing length inside your embarrassingly wet pussy. He lets out a sob as you bottom out on him completely. You give yourself a brief second to adjust and let him recuperate from everything that happened in the last 60 seconds or so. You give him a small peck and ask if he’s ready, to which he replies with a soft yes and squeezes your hips for emphasis. With that, you slowly lift your hips and plop back down with a quickness. He’s so fucking big; not only is he long, but he’s slightly thick too. He’s always leaving your poor pussy sore but he fills you so fucking well you can’t find it in you to care. You set a fast pace as you’re overcome with your own need to feel good. You can’t wait for him to cum inside you. The moment you told him you were on birth control and that you were ok with him finishing inside he almost lost his mind. You’ve come accustomed and even excited to feel his love filling you in the most physical way. 
His hands grip your hips firmly as he throws his head back and takes the pleasure he’s receiving. You’re squeezing around him tightly and bouncing up and down on him so swiftly, he feels like he’s basking in the glows of heaven. “Ahh ____ you’re gonna milk it out of me fuck,” he moans loudly. His voice tends to heighten in pitch whenever he’s close and his eyes start to water as if he’s on the verge of bursting into tears. This however, only encourages you to get him there quickly. You wanna see tears streak down his face as he releases two weeks’ worth of cum inside of you. You bet he has so much. It might even overflow. With this thought, you move even faster, telling him to keep his eyes on you. “Don’t close your eyes baby, I wanna see those pretty eyes when you cum inside me ok?” you tell him. He tries his hardest to keep his eyes open, but the tears in his eyes cloud his vision. He blinks profusely in an attempt to clear them. He wants you to be the only thing he sees. He’s gonna cum any second now. It feels too good, you’re overwhelming his senses and he can’t hold it anymore. “____! I- fuck I’m cumming I’m cumming I”m sorry I can’t hold it,” his revere breaks as you feel spurts of warm cum release deep in your heat. You gasp and furrow your brows as you halt your movement. Pleasure racks through both of your bodies as you both cum together. You rock your hips back and forth to ride it out but it only causes him to whine loudly in overstimulation. He wants to go again. He still has more to give you.
“Keep going please I still have more,” he says breathily. Unfortunately for him, you are far too tired to keep riding him. Your legs are sore and you’ve frankly overexerted yourself. ‘Maybe I should take up on his offers on going to the gym,’ you think offhandedly. You place your head next to his ear and pant, “Fuck me baby, c’mon. Do whatever you want.” It’s almost as if a flip switches in his brain as he’s given permission to fuck you in any way he pleases. At this, he grips his hips and lifts you up slightly to pound his cock into you. His balls slap against your soft pussy as he sets a quick pace. You feel like a little doll with the way he fucks into you. You can’t help but notice that even when he’s fucking you like this, manhandling you into any position he wants, he’s still whining and looking at you with complete and utter adoration. He pulls you in to give you a sloppy kiss as he cums for the second time that night. He moans into your mouth as you feel the tears that seem to continuously fall from his eyes on your cheeks. He pulls away to give you both a chance to breathe. 
His forehead rests against yours as he gasps for breath. You feel his cock twitch inside of you. “Kookie..are you still-” you stop yourself as he buries his head into your chest and cries. “M’ sorry I just- I missed you so much. I’ve been wanting this so bad angel. I just wanna fuck you over and over again. I’ve been saving it all for you. Just like you told me to,” he sobs into you. Your poor baby, he’s been suffering more than you thought he has. You wonder how he would’ve coped had you not have added the dumb “no touching yourself” to your little challenge. Probably by stroking himself to the thought of you every night. You clench at the thought. He lifts his head with widened eyes. You didn’t cum! And he did! How selfish could he be? He gently lifts you off of him and lays you back on the couch. He gives you a big, loving kiss and makes his way downwards. “Wait! Not on the couch, this shit is hard to clean,” you hurriedly say. He smiles bashfully and picks you up to carry you to your room.
It’s like you weigh nothing to him, a sentiment that makes you blush and giggle into his neck. He smiles and pecks your head before he flops you down on your soft sheets (that’ll definitely need to be washed thoroughly once he’s done with you). He gets down on his knees and looks up at you. You are nothing but a goddess in his eyes. The love of his life. He’ll do anything for you. You stare back at him and card your nails through his hair, gazing at him tenderly. This is exactly how it should be. Him on his knees staring up at you in awe, and you, pushing his head straight to your cum-filled pussy. You’d laugh if he didn’t instantly wrap his lips around your swollen clit. 
He runs his tongue up and down your cunt, cleaning it the best he can whilst simultaneously trying to get you to climax on his tongue. He fucks his tongue into you as he brings his chilly fingers to your clit. You yelp and moan loudly. “Fuck yes, just like that baby. That’s so good,” you praise. His bright eyes look up at you as he rubs your slick bud in circular motions, his tongue never stopping its pace inside. He parts from between your thighs briefly to whisper to you “Please cum for me angel. Wanna make you feel good,” and goes back to eating you with intent. That does it for you, you see a burst of white behind your eyelids as you cum messily on his face. This has got to be the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had, as you can’t stop shaking and trembling. He kisses your shaky thighs and caresses them softly to bring you back down.
He kisses his way back up to your face to check if you’re ok. “You alright?” he asks delicately. He pecks all over your face as he sees you slowly but surely come back to him. When your eyes flutter open, you’re shocked to see that his face is drenched. “Did I…,” he smiles brightly and nods. “I made you squirt angel,” he says with a grin. He’s lucky he’s cute, otherwise you’d be extremely annoyed with his cockiness. He looks so proud of himself though, so you’ll let it slide this one time. While you’d love to just pass out and deal with the mess later, you can’t help but notice the incessant hardness poking your stomach. “One more?” you question. He pouts once more and nods with pleading eyes. “Just one more, I promise,” he says. You relent and turn over on your stomach, maybe if he goes easy on you, you can even rest a little while he reaches his peak. But this is Jungkook, of course that’s not going to happen.
He grips your hips and hikes your ass up to get you into just the position he wants. He’s kind enough to put a pillow underneath you so as to not strain your back as much. The tip of his cock has been leaking ever since he got on his knees to eat your pretty pussy that he loves, and the throbbing was starting to become painful. He runs his dick through your folds to slicken himself up and whimpers when the tip catches onto your slit. With a soft kiss to your back, he thrust himself inside. Since he’s eaten you and stretched you so thoroughly, there’s no need for you to adjust, so he starts jackhammering into your cunt right away. He still feels so full, he loves the sound of his fat balls pounding away your plush little pussy. When he feels this good, he can’t seem to keep quiet.
“Mmmm this is so good, so fucking good. I’m so sorry baby, I can’t stop. I wanna fill you over and over. Look so pretty with my cum stuffed inside of you,” and here come the waterworks. He’s so sensitive, fucking you like this almost hurts. But he can’t stop, not until he’s completely empty. His thrusts are nothing short of quick and concise. He loves when you let him use you like this. Nothing but sounds of your wetness, his balls pattering against your bud, and the sounds of your combined moans run throughout the small apartment. You’re definitely gonna get another noise complaint.
“Baby, you can slow down it’s ok, don’t overwork yourself,” you plead. His tears almost make you want to stop him altogether and give him a chance to calm down. Jungkook, on the other hand, has no intentions on stopping. “No! I can’t, I need to keep going! Please don’t make me stop I wanna cum again please please please,” he sobs. He’s so close, he can feel it swirling in his stomach. He just needs a little more and then he can finally milk all the cum he’s been saving for you out of him. You, incidentally, are close to cumming too. In fact, you’re learning that this feeling you’re experiencing is that you’re about to squirt again. “Koo- oh my god, I- baby I’m gonna-” you stumble. “Me too, me too, fuck. Let go angel, make a mess on me again,” he rushes out as his thrusts increase. He spits on his fingers and runs them along your hard little bud. You try to muffle your scream into your pillows as you release all over his chest and your sheets. Seeing and feeling you squirt all over him causes him to reach his climax as well. He pumps every last bit of cum that he has inside your battered pussy as he thanks you profusely. Just as you expected, it overflows and drips back down your thighs. Jungkook collapses as softly as he can on top of you as you both breathe heavily. His cock finally softens and he reluctantly pulls it out as gently as he can. 
As he heavily plops himself down next to you, he sees that you’ve knocked out, already snoring lightly. He chuckles and pulls you into his chest. “Thank you angel. I love you, so so much,” he whispers. This is exactly what he wanted for Christmas. You safe in his arms and full of his cum.
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