#babashook meme
stinkgh · 2 years
Y'all remember when the Babadook was a gay icon
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flowahboy · 7 years
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Are you ready to be BABASHOOK?!? ❤💛💚💙💜🖤 Hope everyone had a good pride month. I have a lot of leftover shirts I hand-dyed available up on my Etsy page right now! There's a limited amount so get one while you can! BUY HERE: http://etsy.com/shop/kyesmithart/
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I’ve got a lot of thoughts about that whole “Babadook is gay” meme. The more I’m reading on it, the less I think Bi folks should support it. In fact, I’m of the opinion that the Bi community should stand AGAINST the meme. A quick recap: the Gay community (and I’m talking specifically about gay men when I use that) by and large started this notion that the Babadook is Gay. Not Bi, but Gay. They use specific parts of Gay (not Bi) culture as evidence to back this up. That part’s fine. And if it stopped there, I’d have no problem...but part of the joke is that a Gay Male Icon is what “the ‘B’ in LGBT stands for”. And that’s where the problem comes in.
Implicit in their rallying cry that “the 'B’ in LGBT stands for Babadook” are biphobic and misogynistic notions about bisexuality. It also happens to be a case of literally erasing Bi people from the broader queer community as part of a joke. I don’t see how you get around that. It’s there as the text of the joke. So let’s talk about the first part.
An ongoing struggle with Bi men in particular when interacting with the Gay community is the mistaken notion that Bi men don’t exist. We’re “gay and lying”, we’re “doing it for attention”, our attraction to women is “just a phase” and we’ll get it over it. This is nothing new or groundbreaking in Bi male discourse - and more broadly when Bi people interact with monosexual people in general. So of course it makes some twisted sense to colonize the space: if Bi men don’t *really* exist, why would anyone complain? And since that space is being colonized by Gay men pushing a biphobic agenda, it also happens to double as misogynistic erasure of Bi women and Bi non-binary people.
This wouldn’t be the first time that monosexual people in the wider queer community have taken place in organized in egregious and awful acts of biphobia and bi erasure. Because make NO mistake about it - saying that a Gay Male Icon is “the 'B’ in LGBT” is literal definition of colonization Bi space and erasure of Bi folks.
There’s nothing wrong with the Gay community making culture that is relevant to the Gay community. That’s what memes do well - they’re units of transactional culture. In most cases? Great. Have at it and more power to them. This isn’t one of those cases. Please don’t tell me it’s just a joke, either, because as always intent doesn't​ mitigate harm. 
The harm this’ll have is clear to me as a member of my community...and if you wonder why the Bi community are treating the L and G communities with increasing hostility, start here. This moment. THIS is why. The ‘B’ in LGBT will ALWAYS stand for Bisexual - no matter how much the L and G communities wish it didn’t.
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Sometimes my mom comes into my room to see me with all the lights off and the shades drawn and she says I'm like a vampire
Woman I am a vampire
A gay vampire
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olkarianprincess · 7 years
Coran/Alfor crackshipping
Sorry I finally got back to these 
*Ahem* Pushes glasses back
As it turns out, the King & His Adviser is quite a common fandom trope with a treasure trove of headcanons:
Alfor and Coran had to visit a very beachy planet on a diplomat mission
Have you ever seen Coran in a swimsuit? 10/10 Alfor couldn’t resist
Que having to put sunblock on each other
When Alfor finally confessed his love, Coran was 100% shook
Because, to paraphrase Coran, he’d been “dropping the moves” on the king for years - only to be ignored!
Coran’s pet name for Alfor is “quanzenoot”
Alfor absolutely has a swimsuit with Altea’s national flag on it, and Coran loves it
Alfor started the “Coran, Coran the Gorgeous Man” thing and wouldn’t let Coran live it down, until he finally embraced it
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karlicartoons · 7 years
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I’ve been wanting to make a Pride pic all month, but I was waiting for inspiration to hit. I’m Babashook.
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desmondsdemonds · 7 years
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he’s here.
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pansexual-cake · 7 years
Fact: The GB in LGBT stands for Gay Babadook
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michaeldavanzo · 7 years
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This is why I love the internet sometimes
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peteisfanaticyo · 7 years
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jumping on the bandwagon has got me babashook
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x-phoid · 7 years
You've heard of none cheese left beef, well get ready for
None hetero left babadook
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skeleton-quays · 7 years
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a friend of mine said I must draw babadook for the pride drawing challenge for some reason I got it into my head that I wanted to do a homage to Liza and so I guess this is what they call synergy 
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babashookethed · 7 years
I regret nothing.
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ladygrinningsouls · 7 years
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YOU BABA WERK! I drew this in June for Pride Month and never posted - behold! 💀🌈 #babadook #babashook #babadookgayicon #gaybabadook #horror #lgbtpride #pridemonth #meme
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dykelittlemy · 7 years
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Disservice to humanity
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michaun · 7 years
honestly ngl kinda wanna buy you the miseducation of cameron post bc it's literally/??????? one of the best books I've ever read... ever... it's so good... gsdfkgj
if you bought me a book…
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