#because it fucks w my appetite so bad the first few days
trans-xianxian · 9 months
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took my adderall and finally decorated the wall I've been meaning to for Months :^)
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thewildsophia · 10 months
3Below//Krel Tarron x Depressed!Reader
A/N: Re-watching 3Below has reignited my love for Krel. There also aren't any Krel x depression out there so fuck it ima do it myself. For these headcanons, I imagine the reader to have Major Depressive Disorder as opposed to any other kind of depression bc that's what I have. Enjoy!
TW: S//H, S//I, Adult Language
Another warning will be placed before sections containing the above.
Words: 2485
"Read More Link” placed due to length.
Krel Tarron x S/O w/Major Depressive Disorder
At first, Krel would not understand. That is, he wouldn’t pick up on the fact that you have depression. 
His knowledge of human sociology and behaviors is very limited when he and his sister first land on Earth. However, even after he’s spent months here he still struggles to understand and pick up on social cues. 
So even though you exhibit very obvious signs of depression — i.e. lack of energy/appetite, excessive sleeping, and loss of enjoyment in activities — Krel doesn’t suspect anything inherently wrong with you. He thinks that your personality is just different from your other human counterparts. 
And to be fair, for as long as he’s known you, you’ve always acted this way (because you were depressed-). 
You would definitely have to tell him you’re depressed because otherwise, he would never figure it out. You ended up telling him during a period of lucidity where you didn’t feel too bad and were conscious of his lack of understanding of your behavior. 
As you tell him, Krel stares at you intently, committing everything you're telling him to memory. 
Now he really doesn’t understand. 
This whole time he thought you just have a different temperament from the other humans at your school, but in reality, you were suffering from a serious illness that he had no idea you had.
Tbh, Krel’s not ok for a few days after you tell him. For a brief moment, he’s angry that you didn’t tell him sooner, but he quickly understands why and his anger dissolves into sadness. He feels so terrible about not picking up on the fact that you’re constantly in pain and that he’s done nothing to help you. 
Krel spends the next few days after you told him researching all about depression and other similar mental illnesses. He’s honestly a little fascinated by how many illnesses there are lmao. It’s just that on Akaridia-5, there aren’t illnesses like that, so he’s happy to learn something new (even if it’s not under more favorable conditions). 
Krel has a lot of questions about your flavor of depression for when you’re mentally ready to answer such questions. 
Tbh, he’s a little insensitive with some of his questions, but that’s just because he doesn’t know any better. Correct him (politely) and he’ll make sure to be nicer with his questions. 
Not much changes dynamic-wise; Krel’s still your loving boyfriend, the same way that you’re still his loving significant other. 
He does make it a habit to compliment you every time he sees you. Whether it be a compliment about your looks, your school work, or even something as small as “I’m happy to see you today,” he really tries to boost your confidence in hopes that you feel better about yourself. 
He also tries to be around you more often, both to make sure you’re ok and to show you that he’s there for you. 
Krel becomes better at predicting when you’re about to enter a depressive episode. Having been around you for so long and now knowing what the warning signs are, he’s very good at guessing when you’re entering certain episodes (sometimes even before you know. Scary, huh?)
When you enter depressive episodes, Krel does everything he can to make sure he’s there for you, both physically and mentally. He will hold you close to him with all four of his arms while he listens carefully to what is troubling you. 
Krel still doesn’t quite understand the emotions involved in depression. Like many other people, he believed that it was just constant sadness, but the more he read and spoke with you about the matter, the more complex it all became. Sadness, despair, emptiness, fear, anger, jealousy, all emotions that he’s never really felt in full. Not to mention other even more nuanced emotions such as paranoia and shame that he’s actually never felt at all. 
Krel is also very good at helping you through mood swings. He’s come to understand that all humans fluctuate between many different emotions, sometimes in a short period of time. He knows when you want him close to you and knows when you want space. 
If you are someone who is very mature with how you explain how you’re feeling, -- like telling someone you’re mad at them, why you’re mad, and that you want space to cool off/talk with them about it -- Krel has an easier time responding to you. He’s much less likely to misinterpret your feelings and what you want. 
Krel actually learned how to vocalize his own emotions from you whenever he’s distressed or upset which definitely opened you two up for a much more healthy form of communication.
He just struggles with emotions in general, but he makes the effort to understand for you :)
TW: S//H, S//I
If Krel ever gets even a hint that you’re hurting yourself, his mental walls would fall and he’d collapse in on himself.
If there is someone who is threatening or hurting you, he, his sister, and Varvatos can easily get rid of them. If you are sick, he can help treat you until you are better. Even if you do something as small as scraping your knee, he can be there to put a bandage over it.
But yourself? He can’t protect you from yourself. He doesn’t know what to do and that scares him so much.
After what happened with his parents, he is very grateful for the lives of those he loves as he understands just how easily they can be taken away from him. He is afraid that one day you will be gone and all that will remain is him.
Krel would have found out about your self-harm either on his own or someone tipping him off about it. You just didn’t have it in you to tell him yourself. 
Krel then begins to really try and learn human medicine. He would spend hours reading medical articles, watching first-aid videos, and taking copious notes about everything he learns, even if it grosses him out a bit (organic organisms were never really something he was interested in before).
He tries to come up with other things you can do when you feel like hurting yourself; Drawing/coloring, writing, reading, playing games, anything that will distract you. He’s always sending you ideas especially when he’s not with you and knows how you’re feeling. 
And to both of your credits, your self-harm does lessen in both severity and quantity. But unfortunately, it doesn’t always help since old habits die hard.
Krel is there in an instant to help you when you relapse assuming you tell him you need help. Even if you decide not to tell him immediately and care for yourself that day/night, Krel almost always finds out sometime after and worries over you about it. 
His hours spent learning first aid pay off when goes to treat your wounds; Cuts, burns, bruises, bites, you’re convinced that Krel can treat any minor injury. And you’re grateful for that. 
Krel is thorough about disinfecting any open wounds with hydrogen peroxide or Neosporin over burns and is incredibly gentle when wrapping them in gauze. He likes to check on them every few days as well to make sure they’re healing correctly.
He holds you close to him afterward -- all four arms wrapped around you and face pressed into your neck/shoulder -- and begs you not to leave him. At first, you’re confused thinking he meant, like, break up with him. It isn’t until you give it more thought that you realize that he doesn’t want to leave him through death.
If you ever express feelings of guilt -- whether verbal or through body language -- Krel quickly dismisses them from your mind by telling you how he wants to help you and how much he loves you. That he wouldn’t bother doing all of this if he didn’t see anything of substance in you.
If you ever express a desire to die, -- whether through suicide or some freak accident -- Krel will look cool on the outside but on the inside, he will be panicking. As hard as he may try, Krel could never understand why you want to die. 
Even if you explain it to Krel -- Everyone and everything that troubles you and the awful guilt you constantly feel by just being alive -- he believes that there is always a reasonable and achievable solution to your problems. It’s not that he’s trying to downplay your problems or your emotions, he’s just naturally more of a rational thinker even under stress.
But even though he doesn’t understand the emotions themselves, he does understand that human emotions can elicit other undesirable responses and thoughts.
Krel will constantly tell you how much he loves you and that he doesn’t know what he’d do with himself if you were dead. 
He does what he can to push those thoughts from your head.
As written earlier, Krel likes to spend time with you in person. Not just because he loves you sm but also because it makes it easier to keep an eye on you and intervene when necessary.
Def says something along the lines of, “I’m happy you’re alive.” And the first time he said that you cried so hard he thought he insulted you lmao. You had to explain to him that you weren’t insulted but relieved and overjoyed. 
Krel is not the most emotionally intelligent person out there, but he tries to be and is willing to understand them for you.
When you had shown up at school with a busted lip, bloody and bruised knuckles, and a dull gash on your cheek, Krel freaked the fuck out. The moment he spotted you walking to your locker from his own locker he was all over you. 
“What happened?” Krel cried while gently taking your face into one of his hands while the other went to grab your hand.
“It’s nothing,” You mutter, pulling your face out of his grasp and taking a step back. Krel scoffed, looking almost offended while saying,
“Nothing? Nothing did that to you?”
“I just-” You start, raising your hands up in defense before dropping them at your sides, “I got in a fight with Steve. It was over something stupid. We’ve known each other for most of our lives; I just worry about him.” You cross your arms to hold onto yourself and look anywhere Krel isn’t. Krel moved his head so that it was in your line of vision, forcing you to meet his eyes. 
“I take it you don’t want to talk about it?” He asked. You nod ‘yes,’ and Krel frowns.
“I won’t push you then, but I really want to get you treated,” He says, taking a step closer to you. You stay where you are and allow him to hold your hands.
“Later, I’ll be fine for now,” You say while bringing up one of his hands to kiss the top of it, “You can have Aja or even Mother patch me up after school.”
Krel looks at your knuckle hesitantly before agreeing, trusting that you truly would be fine until after the school day.
The moment the last bell rang he made a beeline to find you and ran you to his house as quickly as possible. The two of you were the only ones home when you got there, so Krel wasted no time in having one of the blanks retrieve a first aid kit. Once given to him, Krel attempts to treat your injuries but fails pretty miserably. 
You end up showing him how to clean and wrap different kinds of cuts and bruises. It’s when you’re in the middle of cleaning your knuckles in the sink that Krel says something that makes your stomach drop.
“Mother, can you scan Y/N for any more injuries, please?”
“Wha-Mother! You don’t have to do that!” You shout panicked and covered your arms in a vain attempt to conceal your other injuries. 
“Numerous other injuries found upon Y/N in the upper arm, forearm, and thigh regions. Approximately 27 cuts to the epidermis and 3, 1st-degree burns found.”
“What!?” Krel turned around so fast to face you, you swear you saw his electric blue hair whip from the air, “Where?! I demand you show me!”
“No!” You cry back panicked, hands gripping the side of the sink behind you. Krel scowls and grows before shouting, 
“Mother, show me a hologram of where the injuries are on Y/N!” 
“My King-in-waiting, It would seem that I have breached a highly sensitive topic on behalf of Y/N. I believe it best that they discuss it with you themself.” Mother responds. Krel sighs, his upper right hand running through his hair.
“Y/N,” He starts, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m really worried.” He carefully walks over to you but leaves a foot of space between the two of you.
“Will you please show me where you’re hurt?” He asks quietly. Your eyes begin to burn with tears and your mouth opens to explain yourself before shutting quickly with a ‘clank’ of your teeth. Unable to speak, you place your hands into his lower ones, palms up, and nod your head. Gently, Krel’s other hands push your long sleeves higher up your arms, and he’s baffled at the numerous cuts he sees littering your arms. There were many different colors, thicknesses, lengths, and stages of healing -- some were a day old while others were weeks old. He ran his thumb over one of the older ones.
“Wha…” Krel stutters, eyes dancing over your arms, “What are these? What-Who did this?” His eyes flicker up to yours. 
Your jaw twitches -- wanting to speak but unable to -- and you pull one of your hands away from his to point to yourself. Krel’s eyebrows furrow.
“I-I don’t understand,” He whispers, his own eyes beginning to water, “I want to understand.” 
“I did this,” You mumble out, pulling your other hand away from his, “I am…ashamed.” Tears begin to fall and you scrub gently at your eyes to dry them.
“You-You did this?” Krel asks, confused and stunned, “You willingly hurt yourself? Why?”
You heave out a few breaths trying to figure out how to relay your emotions to him. While difficult to say, you manage to squeeze out three words.
“I hate-” You stammer, “I hate myself.” 
And Krel is immediately embracing you.
“I love you,” He says, cupping your face in his upper hands and staring into your eyes with his other two around your waist, “I love you so much. Please don’t ever say you hate yourself.”
Gently, he kisses your forehead, your cheek, and then your lips.
The two of you are left a sobbing mess of tender skin and emotion in the kitchen for Varvatos and Aja to find later when they arrive home.
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Wrong Number, Asshole - A Bakugou Katsuki Soulmate AU
All Parts 
Part 22:
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You closed your phone, rolling your eyes at his words. 
You were a floor down from Bakugou’s hospital room, currently stood in front of the vending machine. After your collective screaming match, you’d quickly realized just how hungry you were. Apparently, arguing and yelling so much works up one hell of an appetite- who knew? So now here you were, standing in front of the machine, holding a wad of horribly crinkled money Bakugou had insistently and unwaveringly shoved at you on your way out.
Originally, you had fully intended to pay for your own snacks. You’d even sneakily tried to grab your wallet as you left, but apparently that didn’t work. He saw you, because of course he did. So, waffling over it for just barely another second, you put your own money away. You knew Bakugou wasn’t bluffing- or probably wasn’t. It wouldn’t surprise you at all if he truly did know how expensive the vending machine was, down to the very last cent of each item. He was weird like that.
You shrugged, if he wanted you to use his money so badly than you weren’t gonna pick at fight over it. You selected a bag of chips for yourself, and the gross-looking health bar Bakugou had requested- because apparently, even while already uncomfortable and injured, Bakugou didn’t have an easy time giving himself a break. 
When you walked back, entering the hospital room once more, Bakugou wasn’t alone. You couldn’t tell what surprised you more- the three police officers crowding his bed, or the man standing off to the side. A man with hair so obviously fake and stop-sign red that it nearly nauseated you.
You weren’t sure how to proceed, whether or not you were even supposed to be hearing this conversation, but you didn’t have to flounder for long. The red-haired man saw you almost immediately and began making his way over. 
“Hey! How’s it going? I’m so sorry, but Dynamite’s actually not taking visitors right now!” He says, says brightly. Then he’s spinning you around and pushing at your shoulders lightly to get you moving out the door. “My name’s Kirishima though, and I can totally, totally, help you back downstairs to wait with the other civilians!”
“No, but I-” You start, your feet barely able to move as fast as Kirishima is dragging you along. “I have to-”
“Yeah, I get it! And that’s so totally nice of you to want to thank him, super, super nice,” Kirishima interrupts you, leading you down the hallway. “But he’s real busy talking to the police right now so-”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake! I’m his soulmate!” You pull your wrist out of his light grip, halting. “My name’s Y/n L/n.”
“Wait-” Kirishima stops in his tracks, suddenly spinning around to face you. “How do you know that name?”
“Oh my god-” You huff in frustration, shaking Kirishima’s hands off you. “You sound just like Bakugou. It’s- that’s my name- like, my actual name, okay! How else would I know it if it wasn’t me?” 
A beat of silence as you watch his eyes widen.
“So you’re really her?” He says in disbelief.
“Yes! Obviously,” You pinch the bridge of your nose, breathing through your irritation. “Now would you knock it off and let me go back to his room? I get it- you’re like, security, or whatever, but I’m not a civilian and I-”
“He’s gonna kill me.” Kirishima pales in front of you, suddenly grabbing your wrist again and pulling you fast in the direction of Bakugou’s room. “Oh god, he’s gonna kill me.” 
“W-what? Why?” You stumble, nearly falling into his back. “Hey! Slow down!” 
“Because I totally manhandled you out the door- god, that was so not manly of me!” He breathes out quickly, but he listens and drops your wrist, slowing down to a pace you could keep up with. “I’m sorry, it’s just- I thought you were a civilian, you know? They’ve been crawling all over the waiting room since I got here, sneakin’ up and trying to thank him, and I thought you were one of ‘em.”
“Thank him? For what?”
“He didn’t tell you?”
“Um- no?”
It’s hits you then that you didn’t really know why Bakugou was in the hospital in the first place. Only that he was ‘held up’ and then hurt and had been absent for the last two weeks. You wanted to smack yourself in the face. You’d spent the entire afternoon yelling and arguing with him and absolutely not asking the important questions. Well- you did ask some questions, but not enough. Apparently.
“Wow, figures. You know, that’s just like our guy Bakugou! Always talkin’ so much but still never bragging about all the actual cool shit he pulls off.” Kirishima rubs the back of his neck awkwardly for a moment. “C’mon, lets hurry back. I really don’t think he’d be too happy if I was the one who told ya everything.” 
You have a million and one questions sitting on your tongue but quickly decide you’d much rather ask Bakugou than the man standing in front of you. You pick up your pace, finally once again in front of Room 427. When you enter, the police are leaving, all three of them walking past you on their way out. 
“Hey! Shitty Hair!” Bakugou seems to ignore you, instead choosing to yell, loudly, at Kirishima. “Who the fuck gave you permission to go around draggin’ her like that? I fuckin’ saw you, you imbecile!”
“Hey!” The red-head whines, hands out and placating. “How was I supposed to know? You didn’t say anything, man! I didn’t know, okay?”
“It doesn’t fuckin’ matter, you dumbass, I’m not gonna let you just fuckin-” Bakugou starts, but then he whips his head around toward you, eyes catching yours. “Oi- Idiot. What the hell are you standin’ around in the doorway like that for, hah? Look stupid as shit.” 
“Bakugou!” Kirishima seems appalled, grabbing at his chest dramatically. “You can’t talk to her like that! She’s-”
“Perfectly fucking capable of defending herself, thank you very much.” You snark, walking towards Bakugou and tossing the health bar at him lightly. He doesn’t expect it and you watch as it hits him squarely in the chest. You smile. “Real nice catch, angry man.” 
“Woulda fuckin’ caught it if I was in top shape.” He grumbles, but then he’s smirking and opening the snack just the same. “Anyways- yeah, that’s Shitty Hair. Sorry he fuckin’ sucks.” 
You clasp a hand over your as a laugh escapes. Kirishima doesn’t seem to think it’s nearly as funny as you do, and you watch as his face seizes.
“Hey, man! What the hell!” 
“You deserve it, bitch! Shouldn’t a fuckin’ grabbed her like that and dragged her wherever the fuck.” Bakugou shrugs. “If you don’t wanna be told you suck, then don’t fuckin’ suck! It’s easy as shit- even for a clown like you.”
Kirishima just groans, hands beginning to wave emphatically. “Do you even know how many people I stopped from walking in here? I did it for you, man!” 
“Yeah. Whatever.” Bakugou barks, taking a bite of the health bar. He chews for all of a second, before talking through a mouthful of food. “You should fuckin’ leave.” 
“What? Why do I-” Kirishima pauses a second, blinks, looks at you, and then a smirk begins to tug at his lips. “Oh, I get it! Totally manly, Bakugou! It’s because of h-”
“No!” Bakugou defends, his cheeks reddening slightly. “It’s- fuckin’ police, shitty hair! Told ‘em to wait outside. They wanna talk to your dumbass- They have more idiotic fuckin’ questions about after I passed out.” 
“Oh. Yeah. Okay.” Kirishima nods, moving towards the door. “You want me to come back later?”
“No.” Bakugou growls.
That, you notice, strangely doesn’t seem to make Kirishima upset? He instead smiles brightly at Bakugou, giving him a thumbs up, and leaves, pulling the door shut behind him.
It’s suddenly quiet in the room, but you don’t let it last long. You’ve got answers to pry out of your soulmate.
“So- heard you passed out, angry man.” You state simply, dropping once again in the chair next to his bedside. “When’d that happen?”
“Few days ago. Been here since then.”
You roll your eyes at his short answer. Leave it up to Bakugou to tell you only what you literally asked for and absolutely nothing else.
“Okay. But how? Where?” You ask. “What about before then?”
Bakugou huffs at all your questions, but then he’d nodding and answering all the same.
“Had to fuckin’ save this man from hittin’ the ground real hard so I took all the impact. Hit my head or something, when I hit the ground, and I broke a bunch of shitty bones. Guess I was out a few days, and then I woke up here. Then I fuckin’ called you or whatever.”
“You- you took a fall? That knocked you out? For days?” You gasped. “How goddamn far was the fall? Jesus!” 
“Four stories.” Bakugou says, and the uneffected, factual way he says it makes your blood go cold. “My fault. Shoulda been faster but I was already fuckin’ weak from bein’ captured.” 
“Yeah. Went undercover and tried to infiltrate this villian lair, and the fuckin’ stupid group of villians lumped me in with a bunch of other hostages.” He grunted. “I tried to blow ‘em all the fuck up, once I realized, but they had this absolute bitch, with a stupid fuckin’ siren quirk! Sang a bunch of shitty, annoying, fuckin’ songs that paralyzed me. Couldn’t do a damn thing! For over a week!”
“O-okay.” You nodded shakily. “Then what happened? How’d you get out?”
“Fuckin’ didnt. Just sat there, stuck on my ass, kept barely alive by that stupid bitch and her henchman!” Bakugou barked, hands clenching into fists. “Then shitty hair and a few other fuckers came and knocked her out- they stayed to fight the rest of the other villians or whatever but I was still too fuckin’ weak to fight so I rounded up the other hostages.”
“So you fell saving one of them?”
“Yeah. Stupid kid stayed to watch the fight, like a complete fuckin’ idiot, and got blasted by a villian out the window.” Bakugou flushes, averting his eyes. “I jumped out after him. To save him or whatever.”
You nod, very minutely smiling as you looked at his flushing face.
You were proud of him.
He might’ve been bad- had done bad in the past, but it seemed like that wasn’t all Bakugou was. He had good in him. A lot of good. He nearly finished himself off saving an innocent after all- that had to a least make him some sort of a hero.
“Well- okay....That all- that all sounds fucking horrifying, but I get it. It’s your job, right?” You sigh. “I’m just glad you made it out alive. I was really scared, you know?”
“Hah? Scared? Now why the fuck would ya go and do something stupid like that?”
“Because you weren’t answering me!”
“I told you I’d be gone!” Bakugou defends, before pulling out his phone. “Look! Fuckin’ sent ya the texts and everything!”
“You said a few days! Not 2 fucking we-“ You paused. “Wait. Why did you say a few days in the first place?”
“Knew it was gonna be fuckin’ dangerous when I left, so, you know,” He averted his eyes, voice coming out low and guilty. “Was supposed to be incase I got hurt. And was fuckin’ out or something. So you wouldn’t wor-“
“Worry?” You groaned, running a frustrated hand through your hair. “It didn’t- I was worried! I thought something happened! Or worse I thought that-“
“Worse? Fuck you mean, shitty woman? What the fuck stupid conclusion did you come to that’s worse than dyin’?”
“Bakugou,” You huffed, your shoulders sagging. “I thought maybe, that maybe you wouldn’t tell me anything because you were a bad guy- a bad villian.”
Bakugou’s face crumples. His angry eyebrows fall and his puffed out cheeks deflate, and his mouth closes tip-lipped and tense over sharp teeth. He looks devastated. “It- I didn’t-“ He struggles and you’ve never heard his voice sound so small before. “Y-you don’t think that, right? Now?”
“No!” You try to recover, hands out and assuring. “It’s- after the video, maybe? I did, b-but not now! Not now.”
He doesn’t say anything- won’t meet your eyes.
“Look, Bakugou,” You clear your throat. “I only know you as you are now, not who you were before. And I think- I think that maybe, now you’re almost a different person than before. So that’s why it was a shock. To see you like that. To see you so hateful.”
You duck your head, just barely catching his eyes before he averts them again.
“But that’s not you anymore? Right? You’re not that guy. So it’s okay. We’re okay.” You sigh. “Will you look at me? Please?”
He doesn’t, just continues fiddling with the thin blankets trapped between his shaking fingers.
“Why wouldn’t you just tell me?” You ask, tone pleading. “I feel like, maybe, if I didn’t have to find out like tha-“
“Woulda been the same. ‘S always the same.” He interrupts, voice barely there. “That’s why I didn’t tell you. I didn’t- because it would’ve- there would’ve- you fuckin’ wouldn’t-“
He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes and sitting still for a few moments.
“You wouldn’ta kept fuckin’ talking to me.” He admits. He looks so small in that moment that it nearly breaks you. “Didn’t wanna- I didn’t wanna wait all my life, have this fuckin’ tattoo for so long and still have nothing because I was stupid.”
You pause, the breath knocked out of your chest.
“What- I- how long have you had your tattoo?”
Bakugou lifts his head, finally looking at you. He looks bewildered. Scared, even.
“My whole fuckin’ life- didn’t you?”
“No!” You cried desperately. “I told you, remember? Over text, the first time I talked to you! The day my tattoo appeared!”
“You were serious about that shit?” His voice is utter disbelief, eyebrows creasing together. “I thought- I thought-“
“It’s- it’s not the first time somebody has gotten my number and told me they’re my fuckin’ soulmate. So I didn’t think it was real- thought you were jokin’ or somethi-“
“Excuse me?”
“It’s not- don’t,” He stutters, blushing just a bit. “Being a pro-hero, people always say weird shit to me for fame. So I’ve gotten that before- a fuckin’ random text saying they’re my soulmate.”
“What?” You ask, voice offended. “Who- why- I don’t get it-“
“Every hero gets ‘em- even one’s that don’t even have a fuckin’ soulmate.” Bakugou says. “I guess maybe they just text everybody or some shit- I don’t know? Didn’t matter to me I always jus’ blocked ‘em.”
You could hardly believe your ears, feeling winded as you brought a hand to your chest.
Bakugou had a tattoo- your name for his entire life.
He’d know about you his entire life.
Had been waiting on you for his entire life.
“Why- why’d you believe me?” You ask quietly. “If you didn’t believe the others, why me?”
“Ya told me your name.” He pulls aside his hospital gown, exposing the writing on his ribcage. “It’s- if ya didn’t, I wouldn’ta believed you.”
On his side, just under the last rib, is your name. It’s a simple tattoo- small, but it’s there, and in your handwriting.
“That’s my name.” You say dumbly.
“Obviously, sunshine.” He sort of laughs, something a little sad but a little happy too. “Only been waitin’ my entire life for your dumb ass.”
“Why didn’t you look for me?” You can’t help but ask, pressing your against against your suddenly stinging eyes. “If you knew- why?”
Bakugou goes quiet again, dropping his hospital gown back down. His tattoo is covered, but that doesn’t matter to you, you couldn’t forget the look of it if you tried.
It’s a long few moments before Bakugou speaks again.
“It wouldn’t- I wasn’t ready-“ His voice is low, quiet, the most vulnerable you’ve ever heard it be. “Before now- I wouldn’t have been good. For you.”
He sighs, shifting uncomfortably in the hospital bed.
“Think- I think maybe that’s why yours didn’t come in ‘till now. Wouldn’t of fuckin’ worked before.”
When you pull your palms away from your eyes, it’s like you’re seeing him again for the very first time.
It’s strange- the way your heart seems to be breaking entirely and rebuilding itself completely all at the same time. It’s a wave crashing against your ribs- pushing and pulling and tumbling and pushing and pulling and turning and twisting and- calming when you look at his face. When you look at the way his hair sits and the way his jaw slopes and the way his eyes meet yours. It’s death and completetion and rebirth and red, red wildfire.
It’s your old life scorching and curling and burning up. And it’s your new, better, warmer life rising from the ashes.
“God, I’m so fucking glad I said my name.” You gasp, tears freely falling from your eyes.
Bakugou smiles, so soft and warm and fond. “I know idiot.”
You just laugh at the name, choking on tears and snot and emotion, but you’re smiling. You’re smiling and smiling and it feels like you’re never gonna stop smiling. Will never have to again.
Because he’s him and you’re you and finally- finally, you’re together.
It takes a long while for you to calm down, for your tears to stop falling. But when you finally do, when you finally feel okay, Bakugou’s already looking at you.
So how long are ya plannin’ to fuckin’ stay, idiot?”
“Huh?” You shook your head, tears still drying on your cheeks. “I literally- but- but no- I- D-do you want me to leave?”
“No!” Bakugou groans in frustration. “That’s not- can’t ya just listen to the words I say without fuckin’ readin’ into them all the time?”
“Yes?” You say unsurely, but then your shoulders drop and you sigh. “Actually no. Probably not, sorry I-”
“I told you not to fuckin’ apologize, remember?”
“Yeah,” You say sadly. “But it’s not exactly that easy.”
The room is quiet again, and Bakugou is smoothing out his hospital gown, fidgeting with the tie on the side. He looks nervous, his cheeks red, and his voice comes out quiet and strained when he speaks.
“If- if I gotta work on me not screamin’ and bein’ angry all the time then you gotta stop apologizin’ and worryin’ so goddamn much.” He takes a deep breath, finally turning to look at you but only to just barely make eye contact. “It-we can fuckin’ do it together or whatever. Idiot.” 
You blink, almost shaking your head in disbelief. Bakugou was sitting in front of you, blushing and grimacing and had just said something borderline sweet? Out loud? To you? You huff half a laugh when you look at him once more, at his intense eyebrows and his red cheeks and his pinched expression. He looked constipated. Like saying the words physically pained him.
You soulmate was an utter drama queen, a certifiable child- and you just found it adorable.
“Okay,” You wiped your final tears away, leaned forward on your elbows. Your chest hits the side of his hospital bed, and, extending your hand, you meet his eyes. “Pinky swear on it, then?”
“What? No! You makin’ fun of me? That’s- that’s-” Bakugou growls, but then he sees the hopeful look in your eyes. You watch as his irritated expression melts away and he grumbles as he extends his own hand. “Fine. Whatever.”
When you loop your pinky around his, pulling his arm until it lies flush against yours, you think it feels right. To be that close to him. To be touching him at all, really. You wonder if it’ll always feel like that- if the completeness you feel will ever fade.
 You hope it doesn’t. 
You think Bakugou must feel it too, his eyes focused on the way your skin meets. Something guarded in his gaze softens, almost minutely, but you don’t miss it. 
“Happy?” He suddenly says. He waves your connected hands in the air, but makes no move to shake free from your grip. “Feel all fuckin’ better now, idiot?”
“Much.” You smile something small and tender. “Thanks, Katsuki.”
You yank your hand back in surprise, jumping slightly at the tiny zap you’d just felt on your pinky. It didn’t hurt, didn’t feel like much really- If you had to compare it, it was very similar to tiny, electro-static shocks you’d felt before when touching carpet.
“Did- did you?”
“No!” He yells, hand still left in the air. “I didn’t so fuckin’ shut up about it- it was nothing! You didn’t feel anything! Nothing happened! It didn’t happen! I-”
Mid way through his rant, Bakugou grabs at you hand, awkwardly jabbing his fingers into your palm before he finally just laces then through yours. He continues like he didn’t, though, not taking a single breath between his words.
“-And even if I did- which I didn’t- it’s your fuckin fault! So just- so just shut up about it already!” He huffs, absolutely red in the face as he averts his eyes. He grumbles. “Idiot.”
You just smile, giving his hand a squeeze. 
Bakugou won’t look at you, his eyes trained on quite literally anything else, but you think you seem him smile too. Something small, and unsure, and barely there- just the tiniest hint of his lip curling up. 
He squeezes back. 
hope u all enjoy,, luv u!!
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Giveaway winner for @ophoney Full NSFW alphabet w/ Eustass Kid!
I'm so sorry with my breaks, sudden interest dip for one piece, and Kid being a character I struggle writing for, I'm so sorry that this took as long as it did but it's finally here! I really hope you enjoy! 
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Answered here. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Eutass Kid is most definitely a boob/pec type of guy and blood just absolutely gushes to his dick if you so happen to wear clothing that shows them off. During sexy times the very moment your shirt is pulled off your head it's guaranteed that his mouth will latch onto your nipples (and sometimes he'll even give the occasional honk with his hand) He just really likes the squishy feeling in his hand, lips, and under his teeth it doesn't matter how big or small your chest is a chest and he wants nothing more but to rub his cock between and just soak it with his come. It's very common to find both smudges of his lipstick and flakes of dried come smeared on your chest afterwards. 
On himself he would have to say - besides whole damn body (he knows he looks good) if he had to make a decision it would have to be his arms - well now just arm thanks to Red Haired, the man is strong and it about gets right to his dick if while sitting on his lap either on the deck of the Victoria Punk or in some booth at a random bar you just ran your fingers down ever so teasingly down his arms to come and give his muscles a squeeze (a honk, if you will) and this gets him extra hard and so since he loves getting a little rough with you be expected not to be in your place on his lap for very long to be slammed down on any given surface with his strength before clenching on tightly to your wrist and going to town on you from behind all the while he mutters all the dirtiest things to your ear anyone near be dammed (and Killer has had to apologize to countless of bar owners in the new world because of his captain's horny decisions) 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Kid's cum is extremely thick and given his appetite, it tastes sort of bland but nothing too bad. He definitely likes seeing it on your skin, his personal favorite thing to do is busting inside of you then pulling out and watching all of his juices just flood out of your hole, that and how you look at him with lust dulled eyes and how your lips look as you pant down from your high, it's just the type of sight that always gets him ready for more rounds. 
The man treats your come as if it were crack once he gets some he can't get enough of it with how he's addicted to the way you taste. If he could, he would fucking live off of it. Sure receiving is fun and all but Kid has learned that giving is just as good, his oral game is very strong sure the first few times can be awkward but once he gets the full mental view of your body and all of your spots in his head he memorizes them and actively seeks them out to get you screaming for him. The moment your juices wash over his face does a wide grin appear on his soaked face as he tears away from your sex so you can get a good look at him to see his lipstick smudged (now smeared all over your thighs) and red hair disheveled and stuck to his forehead from sweat, before you can say anything his grin widens before commenting on how fucking good you taste before diving right back in to rock your world for more. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Kid and Killer have been best friends since they were kids so the two completely trust each other completely to where I see Kid having no problem with sharing a bed partner with him and the two have had done so for many years. Sure neither of them will just casually bring it up in conversation but if you just so happen to find out and are down for it, I don't think either of them would decline. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
So like D implied he definitely has had several on and off again and one night flings that would last depending on however long the crew would stay on an island to know the basics of what to do in bed. Although back then these flings were nothing more than entertainment or just a distraction from deeper inner struggles with himself, sex was just sex and besides the basic needs of that nights partner he'd tend to be really selfish and mostly focus on his on pleasures. But once he's with you and knows you're both in it for the long hall he learns how to balance pleasure out for the both of you to where both of your needs are greatly satisfied, after he is going to become King of the Pirates after he beats Kaido and Red Haired's asses and for you to be the one right there by his side with him and the rest of the crew you definitely deserve to know his both appreciation and adoration. 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Answered here. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Sometimes he can be goofy without even realizing it. Like the two of you can be in the middle of doing the dirty where he's has a tight grip on your hip as he bounces you up and down his cock taking in your moans and cries and in his head he'll try and think of something smooth and sexy to say, which is a skill he can definitely do, but sometimes the sexy thought barrel just gets a few cogs stuck and he just says...the most random funny 'sexy' shit, the type that brings you out of the pleasure mindset and and to physically stop yourself from laughing. This of course gets Kid to stop mid thrust into you to demand what's so damn funny and at that that point you just lose it (this makes a pouty grumpy Kid but just give him some kisses and you should get yourself back into favor) 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Kid is surprisingly very taken care of down there since he definitely cares a lot about his hygiene. The hair there is slightly lighter to the tulip that's on his head. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Now Kid isn't just the rough powerhouse magnet man we all came to know and love, he can actually be a gentleman at times and sometimes full blown romantic at others...just in his own way. He can be plowing you full steam ahead his hand grip tightly in yours and in grunts and groans tell you how fucking hot you looked whilst you fought those marines but his hand is tightly clasped in yours and kisses pecked all over your lower jaw to your neck before biting into your skin, taking in every moment as if it was his last. He can go multiple rounds but he always makes sure that you've at least came twice from either his tongue, fingers, or (and more preferably) his cock, he finds your needs extremely detrimental for any sexual situation and is determined to show how much he loves and appreciates you by this because those three words to him are extremely hard to personally say for him at times. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Yes, he'll shamelessly admit he does it often when he's feeling for it, though not as much these days now that you're around he does what to save as much of it as he can for you after all...
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Facial; honestly on both of you, but most you. Like I said in C, Kid absolutely looks the look of his come on your skin so seeing it sprayed on your face is just absolutely gold to him. 
Praise; it's simple it feeds his ego but also self esteem.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He's down for doing it anywhere, but if he had to pick at least a few he'd pick; his personal shower because you both can get an easy clean then afterwards and his desk in his workshop because not only can he easily just easily fling things off of it with his fruit (since most things on it are metal) just having you bent over where he works is like one of the hottest images in the world. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Kid is still young so his sex drive is quite high so it's doesn't take much to get him horny, but one definite sure way is by either doing what I said in B squeezing (honking) his arms or wearing something that shows off your chest it'll immediately get his rocks going. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Kid is down to try most reasonable things at least once but he isn't a fan of using his devil fruit in bed despite the creative things he's thought of doing with it but he doesn't want to risk it by accidentally hurting you.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Like I said in C, his oral game is strong and after being your throat feels like heaven around his cock and he's absolutely addicted to your taste so honestly he can go either way. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Given his nature, Kid does tend to be on the rougher side but given the situation or circumstance Kid can be extremely gentle and absolutely loving. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Absolutely 100% down at any given time just say the word and Kid will whip it out in the nearest supply closet or alley (and poor Wire has a really bad habit of stumbling upon you two at the worst possible times)
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
This is Kid we're talking about, of course he's game for taking risks so doing the dirty in public absolutely thrills him. He loves pounding so restlessly into you as you have to bite on the back of your hand to keep any noises from slipping out any louder for him only to snap into you do sudden, hard, and fast that you completely gasp out and moan out his name before immediately slamming your hand back over your mouth and looking back pissed at him. Ah, it brings him such joy. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Like stated previously, Kid is still pretty young to have a high drive in him so he can rock your world for hours at a time in about 5-6 rounds before then conking out on you. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Yeah with the necessary resources I'd say he'd be able to build his own sex gadgets yo use on you, toys always brings a new twist to things, not that things get boring but it's always nice to have a breath of new fresh air once in awhile. 
Although to use them on himself...Kid would hesitant at first but after some convincing, he does try it out and oh boy - does he fucking enjoy it. They're of course nothing compared to you but they're definitely something, and for you seeing Kid turned from well...Kid to a whimpering whining mess is always a treat to savor.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Eutass Kid is one of the biggest teases of them all, both in and out of the bedroom. But in a bedroom sense, he likes to touch you and please you right like you want him to and the moment you almost crossed the threshold of pleasure he'll pull away with a grin telling you if you want to come so bad you're going to have to give him a damn good reason why he should let you. Cheeky bastard he is. But not to worry, he won't let you hanging for long (as soon as you beg for him at least) 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Answered here. 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Kid doesn't say "I love you" a lot but there are the moments he does which are the instances he puts all of his guards and facades down and just lets you have all him. One such instance was right after he lost his arm; feeling humiliated and dead set on planning revenge Kid completely shut himself off from the rest of the crew, especially you and Killer, you're the two he feels he's let down the most after all. So of course when you try and talk to him about this he shuts you off and when you tell him he's doing just that and that you're trying to support him a loud argument breaks out - but not the usual 'Kid flips over a table and some sort of scrap metal gets thrown somewhere' argument Kid completely opens up in the most cold harshest tone and tells you how he's failed the entire crew and how he's a disgrace of a captain for letting Red Haired get away with what he did. After that the both of you go quiet as the captain slumps back to his desk in defeat. After a very long discussion the sex between the two of you that night is the most sensual you've ever had, Kid isn't rough he's practically putty in your hands as he slumps back on the pillows behind him and watches as you ride him. Kisses are pressed everywhere and while you grip tightly onto him as you get closer to your end, he says it loud and clear. It honestly shocks you at first until he repeats it again and again until you both release. In your sweaty afterglow haze his hand hesitantly cups your cheek so that you meet the very serious yet loving look in his eyes and he says the words again, promising you he's going to personally change all of this and he's going to everything in his power to find the one piece to become King. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Not a surprise but Kid acts like a huge dick and he most definitely has one to match, like previously mentioned he's pretty well groomed down there. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Again like stated previously, Kid's sex drive is high he can on on for a long time and his horny average with you in the picture and you're down to it is about at least once every other few days. 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Immediately conks out after a few minutes after busting, or sometimes immediately. He'll try to talk to you after it but eventually goes "nah fuck it, sleep." and passes out. Although it's after a quickie and there's still shit to be done he is able to compose himself to get done whatever it was he's supposed to do (bit it does encourage him to do the task faster, the man wants body holding (cuddling) time and sleep. 
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catboyshinsou · 4 years
sick headcanons!
anon request: i love your writing smmm !! 🥺 can i request mha sick hcs where they take care of the reader when they don’t feel well 🥺 you choose who !! <3333
a/n: sorry it took so long <//3
pairings: Kaminari, Kirishima, Tokoyami and Monoma x sick,g/n!reader
warnings: none rlly, mention of throwing up in monoma, slight manga spoilers
can be seen platonically and romantically <3
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Tbh i think he’d be quite Useless
Just rlly panicky n stuff bc what the fuck does one do with a sick person???
*walks into your dorm* “hey y-n wanna- WHAT THE FUCK YOU LOOK TERRIBLE”
*you in a blanket and not having enough energy to be offended* “i think i’m dying” “y/n WHAT”
He’d try his best regardless tho
He goes to sato and helps with doing something soothing and welcoming
On his way back to your dorm he passes aizawa and tells him you’re sick in THE worst way
“Oh yeah Aizawa-sensei, y/n is dying-” “THEY’RE WHAT”
Kami would definitely storm into the room with him and be just as worried
What if it was something really serious??? Like the plague?????
They find you just laying in bed, sniffling and groaning
Turns out it wasn’t the plague and just a bad flu
Flu with its whole jazz, you had a fever of 38C and you could barely move
Aizawa got you excused from classes for about a week and left again
Kami just stood there with his soup and went “oh thank god you're not dying”
like i said i think he'd be useless but try his best
he checks up on you every half hour either in person or via text during classes
he brings you stuff like blankets and foods even though you can't taste any of them or have any type of appetite
but! thanks to the fridge in your room you just had snacks for about… forever
he gave you extra attention too
sometimes he'd just sit on the ground and talk about his day and theories while you just laid under your blanket
you appreciated it though
except for aizawa, sato and tsuyu nobody came over and even they just came in every few hours
kami stayed for hours on end and even tried to convince aizawa to let him sleep over so he could “watch over you” incase you “stopped breathing”
it's not like you slept much when he was around anyway, nights were not ideal for a good rest on a sick day
it was endearing seeing him lay on a futon on the floor and poking you when he had to get up for class
he leaves notes and stuff to make sure you didn't get worried
did he do anything to make you feel better physically? not rlly
did he lift your spirits and make you feel less lonely? most definitely
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hear me out
this boy is an angel when it comes to caring for people
when he got into the whole essentially self care stuff he also knows what's best for others
he was probably one of the first to notice you being ~off your game~
whether in class or just yknow vibing, he'd tap your shoulder and softly “you okay man?”
he calls everyone dude and man and bro no matter gender or anything he's just that into the manliness stuff
and yes he puts you in essentially self isolation more for yourself than for others
“your body needs to rest y/n! can't properly get better if everyone keeps bothering you!”
he calls you every night tho and he has aizawa bring you stuff when he checks up on you (he's allowed because he's the teacher ofc also as long you're a UA student like one of your legal guardians which is like a dad and dads can see their kids sick right?)
stuff ranges from just bowls of soup to compresses to the handmade ointment against a sore throat to like socks he knitted or something his parents sent in bc he told them you were sick
yes this boy tells his parents you're sick
i mean someone probably told yours but like twice the parents means twice the comfort!
alternatively if your parents are *cough* he'd tell his parents and put you on the phone with them because everyone needs some parental love from time to time (don't act tough about it, he's gonna make you cry and tell you how manly you are for doing so)
when you're back on your feet he probably still treats you like you're about to fall over for like two or three days more
he praises you for how well you did during your essential quarantine and when you say you didn't do anything he says some cheesy stuff about manliness
“bro i'm so proud of you for getting through it!” “i didn't do anything kiri-” “don't say that! it takes so much energy and manliness to keep in self isolation and get better, you did amazing”
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i love birds
also look at baby toko he's so cute
do birds get sick?
tokoyami is like.. helpful but tries to be undercover about it
he's not gonna ignore you or anything
he's the type to like silently nudge teachers into your area so they could see you were clearly sick and send you back to the dorms to rest
but he'd never actually ask you or tell anyone
it would ruin his whole ~vibe~
dark shadow tells him to tell someone and he rlly does especially if he sees you struggling through it in class but he's also just not great at talking with people so a nudge or “secret note” will have to do
it does work, you're in your dorm right before combat training because mic had sent you up and excused you
mic is sweet he said he'd send aizawa up when he finds him but that you should rest
he also tells you that you have some really attentive friends
you're at this point just letting the sickness take over you so you have no idea what he just said (you heard him but the words just didn't register in your brain)
you get into bed and the first thing you do is sleep through afternoon classes
tokoyami is only at 50% today and so is dark shadow
tokoyami swears he isn't worried, the teachers are capable of taking care of you in an appropriate manner so that you will recover in no time
dark shadow on the other hand is all gittery and doesn't wanna focus on anything but you
off topic but i just think dark shadow is tokoyamis way of showing emotions or well like… like his internal thoughts? not like his internal dialogue but ya know his feelings
so he can act all goth and dramatic but dark shadow is a good way of still giving some of his feelings an output
back to you
so training is over and so is your nap
but you wake up to pillows, stuffed animals, blankets and more pillows surrounding you
half of them weren't yours either
they laid around you like some kind of pillow fortress jusy surrounding you and making sure you didn't hit your head on the wall or fall from the bed
it kinda felt like a nest- oh
you tried getting up, your head almost immediately flinging uoh back into bed but you needed to see if a certain someone would come back in to build the nest
“dark shadow, be quiet we don't want them to w- oh you're up”
tokoyami came in with more stuffies and an extra blanket like it was a siberian winter and your rooms only source of warmth was an almost dying candle
“are those yours?” you asked half asleep, your head absolutely booming
you could barely keep your eyes open, that's how exhausted you were but you made an effort to smile at the bird and his shadow
“uh no, yaomomo-san insisted on making some blankets for you and hagakure-san, ashido-san and uraraka-san gave me all their stuffed animals when they heard i was paying you a visit-” “but the blue star blanket and teardrop pillow are from fumi!! he brought them from home because he can't sleep without them!!” “DARK SHADOW!”
you only chuckled before breaking out in a cough again
aizawa came in some time after and had a hard time finding you under all the blankets and stuffies and even offered to tell the class to stop bothering you
but you just laid there all cozy and told him to let them be
“it's how he shows affection, it's nice”
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oh so the 1A student got sick??? huh??? I thought 1A was invincible hUUUUUUH??? *manic laughter*
so basically the two hero courses are more “in tune” after the joint training
they often have dinners together and it isn't rare to see kendo come over with monoma and tetsu^4
she came over to hang with the girls and tetsu had training sessions with kiri
nobody rlly knew why monoma tagged along though
all he did was spout about how average everything is for the “superior hero course”
he did secretly like the classes growing together more though
he'd sit on the couch with you and occasionally laugh about something else other than his team beating yours during joint training
one day he came in and didn't see you at your usual spot
“ehhhh??? where's the only tolerable person in this course??”
used to his lowkey insults deku pointed you out at the dinner table, head resting on your hand and looking over some homework
“y/n what are you- oh my god you look horrible”
“thanks monoma, you're as nice as ever”
your face was drained of any colour, eyes heavy lidded and you could barely control the pen that scribbled over the paper
he tried grabbing your wrist but pulled back immediately
you were way too hot and the fact that he noticed by grabbing your wrist meant that it was more than just a high fever
“is 1A that incompetent that they couldnt even notice their classmate falling sick??? can you guys do anything but trouble???”
“shut up monoma, we tried getting them to bed but they insisted on finishing up first and there's nothing in the world that can get y/n away from what they've put their head to”, kaminari yelled from the living room space
how were you gonna get anything finished if your head was falling off your shoulders if you didn't hold it up
class 1A really was incompetent
“sato-san, give me a hand”
sato, who was currently cooking up dinner, just held out his hand and some type of chocolate bar which monoma grabbed and ate up
“this is incredibly sweet, i don't know how you do it”
it's become like half a routine for monoma to copy quirks for whatever reason
kiri and tetsu used it to determine which quirk was handier
uraraka’s quirk made cleaning up after a game night easier
it was training for all of them
monoma could train his copy and the others could measure how much they've grown from his reaction to it
sato’s quirk kicked in and he lifted you up over his shoulder
“monoma!” you could barely lift your voice, faintly kicking
before you knew it he placed you on your bed in your dorm and sighed
“you're lighter than i thought”
“i think i'm gonna throw up”
so you hurled into your garbage can
monoma held back whatever there was to hold back
(he was very much disgusted but even he knew that this wasn't the time to let any type of negative emotion show)
“jolly gees y/n, what did you have for breakfast?!”
you laid in bed as he passed you a water bottle
“you need to drink something, you lost a lot of water”
“awe caring for me, monoma?”
“this is for general health, y/n. i would never as much as care for anyone, especially not a brat from 1A. who even knew that any of you could fall sick huh?! weren't you supposed to be superior to the rest of us??!”
he said all of that while putting a blanket on you and opening the window for fresh air
“god you 1A fools really are incompetent!”
he went into your bathroom and soaked a small towel in water
“i'm only doing this so you don't infect anyone. god you could cause an epidemic at UA and in the end 1b would fall victim to you as well! this is all just for the general well-being!”
you didn't even hear what he was saying anymore
with a half empty bottle next to your head, you slept peacefully
monoma let out a deep breath when he saw you
“i'd never care for anyone in 1A, i'm better than that…”
he whispered those words to himself
(he did care)
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And I you...Princess
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I have not written in months so I apologise if this is shit. 
Request: Hi, I was wondering if you could do a one shot of Geralt claims the law of Surprise after he saved the reader's father and comes back for her when she is an adult after a horrible king wants her to be his next wife. She can be a gifted healer and is one of the very few people that is not afraid of Geralt of Rivia
I hope I have fulfilled the request...
Warnings: Swearing, implied smut (I do not write explicitly) 
The city was in the midst of celebration. Men, Women and children all pranced around the streets as if they had been enchanted by a powerful enchantment; the kind that once cast gave little control the those under its spell. However, the people were not so cheerful because of a spell but because of the news of one royal engagement. The King of Skellige had shown great interest in the young princess and gave great promise that once married to her, the kingdoms would unite and become an impenetrable force. A hefty promise, but one the King and Queen took into consideration. A banquet was to be held for the men who shared their interest in the princess but it was well known throughout the castle and through the streets of the city that the princess had already been promised to the King of Skellige. 
His majesty had been married three times, his wives all dying mysterious deaths only a few months after the births of their firstborn; all of which had been girls. But, no one seemed to be considering this except for the princess in question. Sitting in her room watching over the town while one of the many maids played with her hair creating yet another masterpiece for her to show off to the drooling men wandering about the castle. Everything for the night had been laid out on the bed for her to put on when the time came. The flawless white fabric glistened in the light of the setting sun. One may see it as the perfect wedding dress, one fit for a Queen…but Y/N saw it as the dress that would take away her freedom. It was not a soft fabric, but heavy chains that would surely aid in drowning her if she could not give this horrid King a son. For now, though she enjoyed the feeling of the fingers running through her hair. This was always her favourited part of getting ready, it was calming and it gave Y/N time to think and for now, that was a good thing. Her mother had made a note to tell her that she would not have time to think once she was a married woman. Y/N hated the idea, running around some dusty house yelling at the maids and servants to cook and clean. It sounded like absolute torture. 
“Do you think this is a good idea?” Y/N questioned. The fingers in her hair stopped, but only for a moment before they started moving again continuing the job they were intended for. Clearing her throat the maid asked what the princess meant. “The engagement of course.” Y/N scowled. “To this rotten King, if you can even call him that.”
“Majesty?” the maids' voice quivered.
“I mean, the things I have heard might suggest he has no brain. I can never see myself marrying someone so stupid.” She sighed. “I have studied my whole life to become a healer, I find pleasure in helping people who truly need it; not marry someone who needs a quick fuck to try and get themselves a son!” she honestly didn’t mean to yell, but it felt good to get these things off her chest. 
“Perhaps if you tried to think about the positives, things wouldn’t seem so bad” the maid commented.
“Ha!” Y/N chuckled. “There is no bright side, the only side is the dark side my mother is persistent upon pushing me into” Y/N sighed thinking about simpler times, when she was a child who could carelessly run around the castle or if she really wanted to; venture down into the city and play with the other children. But now, she was a proper princess and could no longer afford to get even a smidge of dirt of her perfect little shoes. “It is absolute hell; I have done better things in my life then stand around while the lords introduce themselves. I have healed a Witcher for fuck's sake!” it was only after she had said this that Y/N realised she had made a mistake. “Get out…” she said. 
“I have not finished your majesty.” The maid said, “I have only a few things left to do.”
“I don’t care,” Y/N said “It looks fine, now get out” The maid stopped her work, bowed and left the room swiftly but not before Y/N made her promise not to tell a single soul what she had heard. She had promised the man not to tell anyone she had helped him, to keep their meeting private. For 2 years, she had not let it slip that she had been the one to heal him after he had been employed by her father, to kill a monster that had been wreaking havoc around the borders of the city. She had heard the tales, of course, the Butcher of Blaviken was the one her father was most fond of using. However, when they had met Y/N could not see how the names suited him at all. He was covered in blood, beaten and bruised but his outer appearance gave no insight to the kind of man Y/N saw him to be. He had been nothing but kind to her when she was washing away the blood and wrapping his new wounds. And when he had taken her virginity; he was gentle. So, gentle. She could remember everything about him; the way his muscles moved under her touch when she would wipe a damp cloth over his wounds how his unusual yellow eyes glittered in the candlelight. But most importantly how his body moved above hers. But, after that night she had promised to tell no one of their meeting even if she wanted nothing more than to run away with him, to join him on his many adventures. But no, she was stuck in this godforsaken castle, getting ready to marry a stupid king who was only going to kill her if she couldn’t produce a male heir. 
She had written letters to him, in hopes that someone may be able to find him, letters containing her boring day to day activities and how she wished he would come to her again, beaten and bruised after another fight with a monster. Only for them to spend another night together…because that was the most free she had ever felt. 
But he had never written back. 
All too soon the time had come for the princess to make her way downstairs to the rest of the party, dressed in her new white wedding dress. The time had come for Y/N to drown.
The banquet was in full swing, drunken people stumbling about with what seemed like their twentieth drink sploshing about and spilling onto the floor and music bouncing off every wall in the room. Sometimes someone would yell and everyone else would yell back, celebrating. Every man in the room thought they had a chance. All Y/N knew that even if she had been promised to a king; not one of these fools could win her heart. King Hodus of Skellige was in clear view from where Y/N sat snorting like a pig as he consumed greasy chicken leg, laughing with the men around him about some battle he had won a few years back. Y/N couldn’t help but grimace at the gravy getting caught in his greying beard. “He’s disgusting,” Y/N said, directing her words to the King who sat next to her. 
“He is my friend and you will treat him with respect.” Her father scowled down at her. “Now shut up and eat your dinner.”
“I’ve lost my appetite.” Y/N shot back “How can one be hungry when watching a pig devour a chicken?” She growled folding her arms across her chest; from the corner of her eye, she could see her mother muttering something while shaking her head. “Excuse me, mother, but unless you’re marrying this disgusting excuse for a man then you cannot comment on the matter.” 
“Y/N…” her mother warned.
“Shut up, the both of you!” The King growled. Turning toward his daughter he continued “You will marry King Hodus, to secure the future of this Kingdom and its subjects. I will hear no more argument from you. Do you understand?” Y/N nodded, deciding that for now she would be silenced.
It was another hour before anyone had started to introduce themselves to the Princess, this completely useless ritual only lasted for 5 minutes however, when Hodus yelled amidst the crowd. “Enough of this bullshit, that woman…is mine!” he slurred, unbalanced in his drunken state. “You can all go home; she’s promised to me!” he laughed and Y/N grimaced at his revolting nature. He waltzed up to the Kings table reaching his dirty hand out toward Y/N waiting expectantly for her to take it. However, when she refused to take it he decided to take matters into his own hands grabbing her wrist and pulling her around to stand in front of the crowd trapped in his grip. 
“Let go of me arsehole!” Y/N screamed looking to her parents for help but they remained cold and stone-faced. ‘Dicks’ she thought. Her thoughts were interrupted however when the bastard decided to bash his crusty lips against hers, pulling her even tighter against his fat body. Screaming Y/N tried to pry herself away from his grip but he was much stronger than she was making it almost impossible for her to move away as he slid his slimy tongue into her mouth. Her opportunity came when she found the strength enough to bite the disgusting invader. Hodus shrieked shoving Y/N away only for her to bump into another man’s chest. 
“Don’t fucking touch me” Y/N snarled turning to see who she had been pushed into, only to meet a pair of strange yellow eyes. Time seemed to freeze as Y/N took the man in, he was much cleaner than he was when they had first met, his white hair straight instead of knotted and his clothes were no longer torn. He almost looked like a prince but Y/N knew that would be an insult if she were to say what she thought out loud. He seemed taller than she remembered although it had been two years since they had seen each other so perhaps he had grown a bit. “Geralt?” she asked, eyes wide as he took her by the arm and moved her behind him.
The King stood from his chair, followed shortly thereafter by his Queen both looking furious at the situation unfolding in front of them. “What the hell is going on here!?” The King yelled, silencing any other murmuring throughout the large room. Y/N looked from her father to King Hodus who was glaring at Geralt as if he had just stolen his favourite mirror. She moved further behind the Witcher shielding herself from the disappointed gaze of her mother. 
“What’s going on is that you were about to hand over your only daughter to a murderous rapist with not so much as a second thought.” Geralt growled.
“You have no right!”
“I have every right…or have you forgotten our past?” Geralt huffed. Y/N gazed up at him confused, but he refused to tear his eyes away from the King. “I saved your life old man” he smirked. 
“What are you talking about?” Y/N asked moving to his side. “You never mentioned…”
“It was not something I wanted to talk about Y/N, now shut up and let me talk.” Y/N’s mouth fell open surprised by his rudeness, he had been nothing but kind to her during their first encounter, and yet now he seemed a different man. But before she could counteract his words the white wolf spoke again. 
“I am here to claim the law of surprise.” These words bought uproar throughout the room, everyone screaming their disagreements while Y/N stood shocked. ‘The law of surprise?’ she thought; ‘Married to a Witcher…who had ever imagined such a life?’
“I regret to inform you,” a voice rose above the crowd, “But she has been promised to me, we are the be wed tonight and sail to my kingdom in the morning” King Hodus chuckled. “Best you be on your way, beast.” Geralt did not falter but instead moved closer to the man who had earlier assaulted the princess.  
“She was promised to me first pig.” He smirked. “Besides, you may have kissed her; but I’ve fucked her”
“ENOUGH!” The King yelled, silencing the two men. “How dare you Witcher, come into my home trying to steal my daughter away from her rightful place!”
“She has no rightful place.” Geralt replied. “She has yet to find it.”
“And you think by claiming the law of surprise she will?” The King questioned
“But she is promised to me!” Hodus roared.
“Stop it, all of you!” Y/N screamed. “I have had enough of people deciding my future for me, it is my life and so I should be the one to decide my destiny.” She was beyond angry, at her parents, at stupid King Hodus and at Geralt for thinking he could just step in to save her. “Everyone can go home; I have had enough of this!” Y/N cried tears of anger forming at the corners of her eyes. 
“Y/N” Geralt tried but the girl held up her hand to silence him. She had made her decision, while these men had all been bickering amongst each other she had been thinking. The options for her future and her destiny had been opened to her in ways she had not seen for years. She had a choice. And she had made it. Moving to stand in front of the crowd she spoke. 
“I am princess Y/N and while you are here in my Fathers kingdom you must bow down to me for I am my Fathers daughter. And yet you treat me like a wench you can pick up in a pub. I may not act like it sometimes but I am a princess and therefore I have the right to make decisions. If Geralt of Rivia has called upon the law of surprise, then we cannot refuse him. Tonight, I will go with him, but we will not be married. I do not know this man but I know that a life with him will bring me more joy than living in a castle ever could.” She looked at her parents then to King Hodus. “You can all fuck yourselves” she growled grabbing Geralt by the hand and dragging him from the castle forever. 
Years had passed and Y/N still wandered the continent with her Witcher, going on mighty adventures; learning how to become a true healer of many. Be it human or otherwise, these adventures had enhanced the skills that seemingly sat in a box all these years. Y/N was happy that she could finally help those in need and not just herself. 
A week or so after their departure from her kingdom Y/N had learnt that Geralt had read and kept every single letter she had ever written to him, finding that he had not written back for the lack of ink. He promised her that he had always wanted to come back for her, but being too afraid of losing her stopped him from even crossing the border. On the news of her engagement however, he could not stay away any longer. 
Y/N was glad he had decided to return. She had never been so happy, so free, so in love. Every day would bring adventure, and Y/N found solace in the fact that when they had a moment alone, without any danger or job needing to be done. They could lay in each other’s arms and whisper the words she had been waiting to say her whole life. 
“I love you Geralt.”
“And I you…princess”
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spooky-ghost-boi · 3 years
Words: 1892
Tom Nook x Reader
Warnings: Feederism, feeder/feedee dynamic, mentions of smut, fatass Tanuki, bad writing because I’m tired and too annoyed to edit this properly.
Description: Tom thinks he has to lose weight but his job doesn’t really do him well so he chooses to take a vacation but ends up coming back fatter and you love it.
A/N: what this shit, tumblr could you possibly be any slower? Mentally I am beyond Spain without an S, so if any Twitter bitches see this. Fight me.
Tom sighed as he sat at his desk at the resident services.
He had been trying out various diets that Isabelle had recommended to him, after trying low-carb and Keto he was trying intermittent fasting and he lost about 5 pounds so far but it was making him extremely hangry most of the time. Considering that Isabelle snacked and ate lunch while being in the same room as him.
It was all alright until that damned Kitsune had the guts to appear at the Island and try to sell some faux painting to the Resident Representative, aka you.
Tom was furious and of course, kicked Redd off the Island but in the heat of his fury he tried to calm himself down but it didn’t work especially since the fucking kitsune teased Tom for his weight, which would’ve been fine, if they were alone but you had to witness that.
As soon as Tom came home he.. Well, let his anger out by binging until he couldn’t move.
He actually liked the feeling of being stuffed but he choose to ignore it although it was quite hard and he realized it was better if he took a break from work to focus on his weight loss.
The reason for his weight loss idea was quite simple; he wanted to impress you, the resident representative, he had a crush on you and told Isabelle who suggested that losing weight could help him in winning your heart.
She couldn’t have been more wrong, but it wasn’t like they both knew your kinks.. Although it was obvious. Haha idiots.
Of course Tom had told Isabelle about his plan and she agreed to do the resident services stuff.
Tom had two months of, well, vacation.
He stayed at his house and the first two days it all went great before he started binging. Constantly. To his dismay he actually enjoyed it. He didn’t know w h y or h o w but he actually disliked that he liked feeling stuffed to the brim.
So the thicc Tanuki visited another island in hopes that it would motivate him to lose weight.
(Spoiler: it didn’t HAHAHA FAT TANUKI)
During his stay at another Island he ended up discovering lots of different foods that made him feel better about the whole Redd situation and since his coping mechanism had always been stress eating he piled on a lot of weight. He was in denial, but that didn’t stop him from trying to rationalize as to why he needed bigger clothes.
Of course you were part of his racing thoughts most of the time and he liked to fantasize about you in several different ways.
So he soon returned home.
His vacation seemed to have ended too fast for him but he also wanted to get back to work so he could see you.
He stepped on the scale the evening before he had to return to work again and was surprised when it had said that he gained 30 pounds in two months, including the 5 pounds he had lost. But that couldn’t be, could it? After pondering about as to why or how he could have gained that much weight over mindlessly eating a box of half a dozen doughnuts and two cheeseburgers. He had come to the conclusion that he was too tired and that the scale must be broken.
After dumping the wrappers into the trash, he held his stuffed gut and walked to his bedroom and got onto his bed which creaked under the weight of the tubby Tanuki. Tom eyed tge stash of mini cakes that he had beside his bed, despite feeling full and heavy he decided to have a few since ‘they couldn’t do much damage, hm?’
He didn’t notice that he dozed off and woke up in the morning, surrounded by wrappers.
Tom sat up and grunted, rubbing his still rather bloated belly that sat in his lap whenever he attempted sitting up. It wasn’t really like he noticed or minded, he didn’t even notice how snug his work shirt was. He noticed the bit of rain and put on his jacket and zipped it up, completely obvious to the belly poking out from under the rain coat.
He just sighed softly, before walking downstairs into the kitchen and having some pancakes with lots of syrup for breakfast. For some reason he felt like this wasn’t exactly enough for him and looked at the clock just to see that it was still early as shit and he had t i m e.
As you can imagine the phat Tanuki had binged to the point of being exhausted by breathing but he did have places to be at so he got up anyway and walked to the resident services.
You were there with the Nooklings and Isabelle, you were excited to see Tom again after the two of you didn’t talk for so long. However nobody told you why he was gone.
Eventually Tom entered the Resident Services and Isabelle was quite surprised.
Timmy and Tommy also were surprised.
You were surprised and horny.
Tom could see the surprise in the faces of everyone. But it also made him horny. Not to mention he was a little surprised and shy to see you there and he was blushing a little.
“Ehm, good morning.” Tom responded, he needed a cigarette or some cake.
Isabelle stayed quiet and you smiled at the Tanuki.
You decided to break the awkward moment and walked towards Tom to give him a hug, because yiu had missed him and you wanted to feel all that chonk pressed against you.
Tom hugged you back instinctively, his big belly did push the two of you a bit apart but it was hot regardless.
“I made you some cake! I thought you would like it.” You said shyly as Tom nodded.
“The thing is, I forgot it at home so if you’d like to come by after work.. You could take it home? I mean.. We could have dinner at my place.” You blurted out the last part, keeping your voice so low you weren’t sure whether he had heard you.
“That’d be splendid, hm.” Tom said, then gently let go of you.
You nodded and the two of you returned to both your respective j o b s.
Tom tried to ignore Isabelle’s comments about his weight, he was sure he lost weight. Which probably was due to his lack of physical awareness.
He had spent his time snacking during work and he comfortably filed out papers and drank his coffee. Some Animals teased him but Tom didn’t really mind, in fact it was almost kinda arousing to him and he didn’t understand why.
Eventually he closed off the shop and got into his car and made his way to your house, he was a little tired and actually quite hungry.
He knocked on your door and you opened it, smiling softly at him as he was a little out of breath.
“Come in! I already made dinner.” You said, then led him to your kitchen.
“You have an eye for interior design, hm?” Tom remarked as he sat on a chair which creaked a little under his weight. He blushed, “oh- uh.”
You noted this and smiled sheepishly at him. “It’s fine! Make yourself comfortable, it’s just you and I afterall..” You said. Maybe it wasn’t the most reassuring thing to say, if you took it out of context it could have been maybe a little weird to say that. Almost sounded like you were trying to fatten up the Tanuki and eat him.. Maybe you were but more like in a sexual way.
(A/N: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
However Tom looked a little more relaxed after you said that.
“Well, how was your day, hm?” Tom asked, as you put some food on his plate.
“It was fine, just the usual things.. I went fishing and helped out some villagers. How about you?” You asked, you had put quite a lot of food onto his plate.
“I’ve had some annoying customers, but that’s just normal.” Tom said, as he ate some of the food you had prepared, “this is really good.” He said.
After a few hours of talking the two of you warmed up to each other and you eventually told him how you felt about him and as a surprise, he felt the same way.
At that point Tom had packed away quite a few plates and snacks, the two of you sat on the couch and you straddled his lap.
He cupped your face and kissed you gently, before you fed him a tray of cupcakes. He obediently ate.
A couple snacks ago his shirt button seemed to have popped off and his sweater vest had exposed around half of his pretty chubby belly.
“You’re fat, I mean this in the most loving way possible.” You said and pinched his love handles.
“I’m just bloated-“ he said, jokingly.
“Sure.” You laughed.
“Alright, maybe I am. Happy? Hm?” Tom said as he unbuttoned his too tight pants and pinned you underneath him.
“You’re definitely fatter than before.” You remarked as you patted his overstuffed belly.
“Mhm.. You like it as much as I like it. Am I right?” He smirked.
Anyways it was a very delightful evening for the both of you and I ain’t gonna write smut because that’d be awkward as shit so just imagine it, aight?
Two ‘fucking’ months later.
You woke up next to Tom, who was still asleep and snoring quite loudly.
He had been eating quite well the past two months making him look pretty chubby, he was waddling now most of the time and his belly was s o f t^2.
You walked downstairs and made him some breakfast.
It didn’t take long for him to wake up because he smelled delicious food, he sighed and waddled his way downstairs and sat on a chair. “Good morning.” He said, smiling a little despite looking still pretty tired.
“Good morning! How’d you sleep?” You asked.
“Pretty well.. Well, until I woke up because I’m starving. I wouldn’t know what I’d do without you, dear.” He said.
“Starve.” You said jokingly. “You have quite the big appetite, I give you that.” You said as you placed a stack of waffles.
“Mhm..” He yawned and ate his breakfast, “I’m still.. So tired, feed it to me? Hm?”
You couldn’t tell whether this was a suggestion or order from him, but you wouldn’t be Y/N if you turned down feeding the lazy Tanuki.
You nodded and fed him, you would straddle his lap.. If you could. Tom’s belly was taking up most of it and he didn’t mind.
He ate all of it and sighed when he felt your hands rub his bloated big belly.
Eventually the two of you got ready for work and he waddled to his car, tried to wiggle into the drivers seat which didn’t work out as his tummy was in the way of the wheel.
“Need help?” You asked.
“I would appreciate it, yes yes!” He blushed as he moved to the passenger seat and you drove the car to the Resident Services.
You had gone to work for the day.
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mkkhaikyuu · 4 years
Autumn Skies: Chapter 2
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Autumn Skies - Chapter 2
The Beginning (Part 2)
Warnings: some swearing, anime and manga spoilers, possible nsfw 
Genre: angst, fluff, romance and comedy, smau
Word count: 2.9k words
•°O°• Flashback continues •°O°• 
The days grew shorter as November started to roll in around the corner. Leaves of scarlet and gold fluttered to the school grounds and made crunching sounds beneath your feet as you ran off towards the gym. You should have already been at practice about an hour ago, but the meeting you had with the school’s guidance counselor went on longer than you had expected.
The entrance to the gym comes into view, and you paused right outside, bent forward and clutching at your knees, panting. As soon as you managed to calm the racing of your heart and get some air back into your lungs, you walked in. The team momentarily paused their drills to look over and shout greetings to you to which you merely responded with a nod.
You have never been late to practice before so this rare occurrence had some of the boys wondering what held you up. After all, as the manager, you always made it a point to set the best example for the team. You didn’t even have the time to change into your gym clothes. You apologized profusely to coach Nekomata, knowing how crucial these practice sessions were going to be for the upcoming tournament. Fortunately, he let you off the hook easily, or so you thought.
Over the past several weeks, the team has been really busy preparing for Tokyo’s Spring Interhigh Qualifiers which would take place in mid-November, and most of your weekends since then ended up being spent at the school gym. The boys were determined to snatch the chance to play at the national tournament in January next year and so, practice sessions have been longer and more grueling than usual. You and Kuroo haven’t had a proper conversation in a while – what with the both of you being so busy with things besides preparations for the tournament. He devoted his free time to Hana, while you… you had bigger things to do.
You halfheartedly watched as the team went over their drills. You deliberately tried not to look in Kuroo’s direction unless you had to. He was supervising the team’s training a little ways away to the side, occasionally yelling at Lev to get his blocking right.
Your thoughts went back to the conversation you had with the guidance counselor earlier and sighed wearily.  You decided to distract yourself with your own work instead, finalizing some things you needed to get done for the tournament. It seemed to have worked for a little bit, at least.
“Alright, let’s call it a day!” Kuroo suddenly called out, clapping his hands together to get the team’s attention. You check the time and was surprised to see that it was almost 8 pm.
You all gathered around coach Nekomata as he remarks on the team’s performance and gave reminders for tomorrow’s practice. Your thoughts, however, were somewhere else, drowning out the coach’s voice. You don’t notice when he suddenly turns to look at you and asks “Y/n, is the paperwork for the tournament done?”
A few seconds passed, your mind processing his words as you look back at him blankly. Finally coming back to yourself, you blinked and answered, “Oh! Not yet, but I should be able to hand over the last bit of requirements to the coordinators tomorrow.” The old coach hummed and bobbed his head in satisfaction.
“Good to know. But the deadline is still two weeks away, so there’s no need for you to rush,” he smiled softly at you, something you noted was very uncharacteristic of him. “Is that why you were late today?”
The boys eye you curiously and you feel yourself shrink from all the unwanted attention. “W-well, no but –” you spluttered, then stopped to bow instead.
“I’m really sorry, it won’t happen again.”
Now you’ve done it – earning the coach’s ire. You cursed under your breath, expecting to receive a good scolding from the coach for the first time – and in front of the whole team, no less. Your thoughts came to a halt, and you stood back up when you heard him hum instead.
“No need to apologize, y/n,” he said. “We appreciate the things you do for the team but don’t overwork yourself. If you need time for yourself, you can say so.” 
Without missing a beat, he then proceeded to dismiss the team.
The boys had begun to disperse around you but your feet kept you glued to your spot. What was the coach trying to say? Were you too obvious? You don’t remember making any mistakes while on your duties except for your tardiness earlier. Were you not acting like yourself and was it affecting your performance?
“Hey, y/n.”
You looked over to see Kuroo approaching, your walls going up on instinct. He had taken your bag from the bench and you held out your hand to take the bag from him, muttering “Thanks,” under your breath, refusing to meet his eyes. Kenma soon appeared behind him.
“You hungry? We’re all going out to grab dinner. You should come with us,” he said, thumb pointing to the gym doors.
“Oh. I think I’ll pass,” you answered, a forced smile making its way to your face. Kuroo frowned.
“What? Come on, it’s already way past dinnertime and it’s dangerous for you to be walking home by yourself. Just come with us.”
Outside, the rest of the team had already gathered and were calling out to the three of you. Suddenly, Kuroo’s lips curved into a smirk, and before you realize what he’s doing, he had already taken your bag back from you and swung it on his shoulder. You tried to protest but he only laughed at you.
“Let’s go,” he finally said as he started walking out of the gym. 
You feel your heart flutter in your chest, warmth creeping into your face and the back of your neck, as the corners of your mouth threatened to erupt into a dopey smile – the complete opposite of the jumble of thoughts that have found its way into your head. Kenma’s face scrunched slightly in concern as he looks at you staring at Kuroo’s retreating form.
“If you want, we can go home now,” Kenma offered quietly beside you. You shake your head, mentally cursing yourself for the moment of weakness.
“He has my bag,” you told him resignedly.
You watched as a soft frown graced Kenma’s face under the dim light. Those who didn’t know him wouldn’t notice all the subtle shifts in his expressions, but you knew him well enough to know that under that layer of indifference, he was deeply concerned for his friends. You feel a little sorry for him, being caught in between and having to deal with you and your feelings for his other best friend.
“Thanks, Kenma, but I’ll be fine. Now, come on,” you gave the setter a reassuring smile and pulled him along.
You sat on the train, leaning your head back against the cool glass with your eyes closed. Your calm external demeanor was a far cry from the turmoil that was going on in your head. In your head, you had already body slammed yourself twenty times for your own stupidity – for reading the signs wrong and causing your own heartbreak.
Kuroo and Kenma sat across from you, talking about the game Kenma was playing. You ignored them.
Dinner with the team at a nearby yakiniku restaurant didn’t go so bad. The boys were too hungry, mouths too full to hold a proper conversation – except for Kenma whose appetite was as small as ever. You could tell the poor setter wanted to run away when Kuroo won’t stop shoving food his way, telling him he needed to eat more. You hadn’t felt like eating either, taking it upon yourself to grill the meat instead, and putting the cooked ones onto the boys’ plates. Kuroo had noticed and called you out on it, asking you why you weren’t eating, and without even waiting for an answer, he started filling up your plate with a variety of the food that was served. Time slowed down in that moment as the realization hit you.
With a sense of urgency, you thought back on all the moments you’ve had with Kuroo – the ones that had made you fall for him – sifting through your memory as if your life depended on it, and realized that you had inevitably led yourself on. You thought he did things like that because he liked you. Had all those actions just been out of pure concern for a friend? Seriously, was he just being kind? A memory flashed through your mind, one from the last training camp. The tall, blonde first year with the glasses from Karasuno had asked Kuroo why he was giving them blocking advice, knowing they were rival teams. Kuroo’s words rang loud and clear in your mind.
“I’ve always been this kind,” he had said.
You were a fool for deciding to put meaning behind his innocent actions – seeing feelings that weren’t actually there. You set yourself up for false hope and you had no one to blame but yourself. But then why did it seem like he was flirting with you every chance he could get? And when you flirted back, why did he seem to enjoy it? You weren’t a stranger to his teasing and provocative nature, but you were sure the two of you had already gone beyond friendly territory. Unless…you read the signs wrong and jumped to conclusions again?  
“By the way, Y/n, why were you late to practice?”
You opened your eyes, slightly annoyed at being interrupted from your thoughts and by the person you’re moping about no less.
“There was just something I needed to do, is all,” you muttered, eyes closing again.
“What was it?”
“Nothing important.”
“Then why were you late if it wasn’t important?”
“Can you stop?” you snapped, tone coming out harsher than you had intended. This time, you sat up straight, arms crossed over your chest, glaring at him. Why was he asking so many questions? Why does he even care?
He looked genuinely stunned, like he hadn’t expected you to react like that. You froze, limbs going slack as you looked back at him with an expression that was just as shocked. Your mind finally caught up to your words, but it was too late to take them back.
Warily, Kuroo asked, “Are you okay, y/n?”
His tone was so gentle, eyes so sincere, that you automatically found yourself cursing under your breath, drowning in guilt.
“I’m sorry. There’s just a lot going on in my mind right now and – I really didn’t mean to snap at you like that!” you spluttered.
Kenma stays quiet, pretending to focus on his game and pressing buttons randomly. In truth, he had actually paused his game in case the situation escalated, and he had to intervene, not wanting to lose his progress.
Kuroo opened his mouth to say something but stopped to fish out his phone that was vibrating in his pocket, then raised it to his ear.
“Hana?” he spoke in a quiet voice, mindful not to disturb others even though there were barely any passengers besides the three of you.
“I’m on the train with y/n and Kenma.”
“Yeah, babe. I’ll call you back later, okay?”
“Love you too, bye.”
By the time Kuroo turned his attention back to you, you had already arrived at your stop. The three of you got off and walked to your respective homes as the weight of the unfinished conversation you had with Kuroo hung heavily in the air.
•°O°•Fast forward•°O°•
You rolled your shoulders and stretched, sighing as the tension dissipated from your aching body. The tournament would take place tomorrow and you’d just finished baking a cake for Kuroo’s birthday. That’s right, the tournament was happening on the same day as his birthday. You could have easily bought a cake from the bakeshop but you decided you wanted it to be more special for him – and you also hoped it would double as a peace offering for that one time you snapped at him even though you had apologized for it already.  
Now that you’ve finished putting the kitchen back in order, it was time to settle down for the night. You sneaked under the covers of your bed and fell asleep.
That morning, Nekoma lost to Fukurodani. Your team had almost won but Bokuto’s strength managed to overwhelm your defense, and Fukurodani ended up taking both sets.
Tokyo was a big city so there would normally be two teams representing it at the nationals. However, since Tokyo will be the host in next year’s Spring High National Tournament, a third slot was available to represent the city. The first two slots were already claimed by Itachiyama and Fukurodani. Now you can only hope that your team could claim the last one. They had one last game later in the afternoon against Nohebi.
Coming back from the washroom after having lunch, you meet familiar faces in the hallway.
“Hey, hey, hey! If it isn’t Nekoma’s manager!”
Bokuto ran up to you, lifting you up and spinning you around. You laughed at his antics, his boisterous energy effectively dissolving the nerves that were just threatening to swallow you up. After he gently set you down, you said hi to Akaashi, congratulating them for winning the game that morning. In the middle of your catching up with each other, something caught Bokuto’s attention and you watched as he called out to Kuroo and Hana passing by.
“Hey! Kuroo, bro! You’d better win against Nohebi later!” he laughed.
The couple went over to you, hand in hand.
“Ooh! Who is she? Your girlfriend?” Bokuto asks.
“Yeah, this is Hana.” Kuroo introduced Hana and your two friends from Fukurodani to each other.
“Oh, nice to meet you, Hana!” Bokuto said, before going back to Kuroo.
“But I thought y/n was your girlfriend,” Bokuto said with a laugh, “guess I was wrong!”
Akaashi frowned at that, making a mental note to hit Bokuto’s head later. Meanwhile, Kuroo laughed like a hyena and you forced a laugh yourself, avoiding Hana’s eyes.
“We’re just friends, Bokuto. I don’t know what gave you the impression that we were together,” Kuroo said. You nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, we’re just friends,” you confirmed.
“But I swear you two look and act like a couple someti-“ Akaashi cut off what Bokuto was about to say, as he swiftly came up with an excuse to leave.
Dragging Bokuto away from the scene, Akaashi yelled, “Good luck on your game later! Let’s see each other at the nationals!”
“But Akaashiii! OH, this means I’m free to ask y/n out!” was the last thing you heard Bokuto say before the two turned the corner and disappeared from view.
“So, anyway, I have to go see coach,” you managed to say before you too scurried away from the scene, not wanting to deal with the tension that had developed.
Later that afternoon, Nekoma manages to win against Nohebi. It was a close fight – Nohebi being a cunning team that had dirty tricks up their sleeves – but your first years exceeded your expectations as they proved themselves on the court.
Legs shaking, you rose from the bench, processing the fact that your team won. You did it. You guys were heading to nationals. Everything slowed down around you. You wanted to run to someone – to Kuroo. You wanted to jump into his arms, pull his body to yours and whisper sweet praises into his ears. But you could only watch as Hana and Kuroo ran up to each other, locking themselves in a tight embrace before their lips come together for a kiss.
A bitter smile pulls at your lips, and you turned away from the scene, having seen enough of it to haunt your memory for the days to come. You willed yourself to breathe through the tears that were starting to blur your vision and the tightness that was coiling at your throat. Making sure no one was watching, you discreetly wiped the tears away before they fell down your cheeks.
While waiting for the awarding ceremony, you went out to the gym entrance to meet your friend, Amari. She lived in an apartment nearby so you had asked her if she could keep the cake you baked fresh until after the team was done playing. You baked an extra cake for her, too.
After the ceremony, you were supposed to go out with the team for dinner to celebrate – the coaches’ treat. But you weren’t sure you’d be able to sit through dinner with Kuroo and Hana after what you saw earlier. So as the team was heading off to the bus, you told coach Nekomata that you weren’t coming because you needed to go somewhere.
“Where do you need to go? We could drop you off if it’s along the way,” he said.
“Oh, you don’t have to. I can just walk there, but thanks, coach.”
“Hmm. Alright. Take care of yourself, y/n.”
“Y/n, you’re not coming?” Kuroo had gotten off the bus, “but it’s my birthday and we won!”
He playfully pouted at you so you pinched his side.
“Like I’d forget?” you pulled out the box of cake from the paper bag you hid it in. ”Here, take this. I baked this for you. Happy birthday, Kuroo!”
You smiled up at him before turning to wave to the other boys inside the bus who were protesting your departure. You didn’t wait to see or listen to Kuroo’s reaction.
“Kuroo! Don’t let her leave!” you heard Yamamoto and Lev cry out, pressing their faces against the window. You started walking away, shaking your head at how loud the boys were screaming your name and begging you to join the team dinner.
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a/n: This chapter was really hard to write because of how I set up chapter 1 lol. I’m not too happy with it but I hope it turned out okay. The next chapters will finally be set in the present so it probably won’t be as lengthy as this. And some things you might be confused by will be explained in the next chapters.
Disclaimer: Kuroo Tetsurou, Haikyu!! and other Haikyu!! characters belong to Haruichi Furudate.
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teruthecreator · 4 years
Hey... let’s play in the chaos Fitz space... I’m so curious how magic lessons with Festo would go now Fitz is aware of Chaos in relation to his magic...
anon idk what u were expecting when u sent this, but im sure it wasn’t a 1.7k drabble of fitzroy and festo having a lil chit-chat. that being said, though, this was incredibly fun to do so thanks for the suggestion!!! 
“I don’t want magic lessons anymore,” 
The question makes the fairy halt in their fluttering, staring at their pupil with a curious stare. Fitzroy hasn’t been the same since the centaur assignment, they knew that already. Word has made its way through the faculty about the barbarian’s outburst on the field; hushed whispers of concern that never seem to make it to either headmaster’s ears. Althea Song even came in to discuss with Festo about the future of Fitzroy’s lessons; what might be the safest approach to controlling his wild magic. 
Festo is well aware, though, that “control” and “wild magic” tend to not mesh well. 
This is the first time they’ve managed to get Fitzroy to come to a lesson since his return over a week ago. Usually they meet three to four times a week, practicing simple spells and focusing on how to channel the energy for larger ones. He used to be adamant on his distaste for magic, but after a while he began to warm up to the idea of understanding the arcane abilities he was granted. Snippers seemed to help with that warming, becoming less of a familiar and more of an emotional support crab when Fitzroy’s feelings would go haywire and seep into his magic. But, after the centaur assignment, they were advised to postpone a few of their lessons to give Fitzroy the space to recoup after being cursed (and whatever triggered his outburst). 
After that grace period, though, Fitzroy just became a no-show. No matter how many cheerfully threatening letters Festo would send, Fitzroy never came to a lesson. 
That is, until today, when they came into their class to find Fitzroy already seated in his usual spot; twiddling his thumbs anxiously as he looked down to the floor. Festo was hoping this meant Fitzroy was finally ready to get to work, but...it would seem that’s not the case. 
“...Is this why you’ve been hiding from Festo?” The fairy asks, seating themselves atop a stack of books so they can face the half-elf properly. Fitzroy refuses to meet their gaze, nervously scratching his neck as he nods. “Ah...I see…You do not believe in Festo’s teachings.” Fitzroy perks up at that, turning to them and vehemently shaking his head. 
“I-It’s not that, Festo, really! It’s just…” Fitzroy trails off, looking frustrated and caught between words. “I just...When I came to you first, Festo, it was because I didn’t know why I had been given my magics and, therefore, was unable to control the outbursts. O-Or, that’s why I felt these lessons were good--I know they’re required, given my schooling track, but--” 
“--Festo gets your point.” Festo finishes, not wanting Fitzroy to get lost in the semantics before getting out what needs to be said. He nods his head bashfully and continues. 
“Right, yes. B-But now that I...I feel like now--or, I know now why I have magic. When...When I got cursed? I-I, uh...I met someone…” 
“You met Chaos, yes?” Festo asks, simply. Fitzroy buffers for a moment, mouth sputtering as he attempts to grapple with the knowledge, and Festo snickers. “Fitzroy, did you think Festo did not understand where your powers came from upon first meeting you?” Fitzroy’s cheeks are tinged red as he opens and closes his mouth to try and retort. “Festo knew your magic was wild from before Festo even saw you! There are not many schools of magic that manifest in catfish transformation.” 
“I...suppose so. B-But Festo, if you knew where my magic came from this whole time, why did you never tell me anything?” 
“Because you never asked!” Festo answers cheerfully. Their response makes Fitzroy’s shoulders sag as he pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. “Also, it would not have been wise of Festo to give you such an answer when you were first learning your magic. Knowledge is not always key to understanding.” 
“I’d say it is!” Fitzroy bites back, his hand dropping from his face. “These powers were imparted on me to do evil, Festo! A deity has been watching over my every move, cheering me on whenever I goofed up severely and got people hurt!” The air begins to crackle with static electricity as Fitzroy gets riled up, anxiously running both hands through his hair and lodging them there. 
“I ripped a man’s hand off, Festo! That’s fucked!! I struck fear into innocent bystanders! A-And the worst part of it is th-that...I didn’t feel bad for doing it! The hand part, at least--I felt awful once I noticed how everyone was...was looking at me like some sort of monster. It’s terrible! I can’t sleep because of it, I don’t have an appetite anymore because anything I look at just becomes a hand or a shitty magic apple, a-and I can’t...I won’t do magic anymore.” He looks to Festo pleadingly, hoping they see his anguish and understand. “I-I can’t even summon Snippers anymore because I’m paranoid about him being a direct line for Chaos to watch me mess up! I-I don’t--I don’t want my magic anymore, Festo.”  
Festo sits there, watching as Fitzroy huffs and puffs on the verge of a meltdown. Then, after Fitzroy seems to have regained a little bit of his compuse, they get up and fly over to him, grabbing his right hand with both of theirs and flipping it over so it’s palm-side up. 
“Make a flame for Festo,” they command, not even bothering to look up and see the utter confusion and hurt on their student’s face. “Just do it, it will be fine. Have faith in Festo.” Fitzroy sighs, deep and long, before shutting his eyes and concentrating. In a few short moments, a small blue flame appears in his hand. Festo makes an affirmative noise as they study the flame. “How did that feel for you to do?” 
“Um...Fine? I guess?” Fitzroy replies, sounding unsure. 
“It did not hurt?” 
“Did not feel forced out of you?” 
“You feel confident that it was by your will that this flame came to your hand?” 
“Y-Yes, Festo, what does that--” 
“Then you are fine!” Festo states matter-of-factly. They push Fitzroy’s palm closed, thus extinguishing the flame. “You should not feel worried about Chaos’s influence!” They look up in time to see Fitzroy’s eyebrows furrowing. “You said yourself that the magic felt natural to you--it was not forced out of your hand or influenced by a force that was not your own brain, yes?” 
“R-Right…” Fitzroy responds. Festo flies up to his face and pokes their forehead with maybe a bit too much force than necessary. “Ow! What the heck, Festo!?” 
“Your magic may have been bestowed upon you by a being of influence, but it is you who controls how that manifests.” Festo explains, suddenly sounding wiser than normal. “Chaos can only influence your magic if you let them; other than that, they cannot control how you choose to use the gift they gave you. From Festo’s experience, they actually hate doing that, so you should not worry about being ‘controlled’!” Fitzroy’s eyes widen and he guffaws for a moment. 
“W-Wait, Festo, you’ve had experiences with Chaos?” Festo twirls around in a circle and giggles mischievously. 
“Not in that way, silly! Fairies are creatures of unpredictability; Chaos is one of our patron deities! Festo has had quite a few communes with them in Festo’s lifetime!” Fitzroy’s face scrunches up in disgust at the implication of their first sentence, making Festo laugh again. “You were the one who said ‘experiences’, not Festo!” 
“Right, but I was not implying you had sexual experiences with a deity, Festo. I really don’t want to be thinking about...really anything like that ever, thank you very much.” 
“You brought up sexual! Not Festo!” 
“Ahhh! I am covering my ears until this conversation ends!” Fitzroy screams as he slaps his hands over his ears. Festo rolls their eyes and kicks Fitzroy in the nose. “OW! Are you even allowed to hit a student?!”
“Festo has tenure, remember?” Festo chides, letting out a snarky “teehee” before flying a little further back so Fitzroy can look at them properly. “Now, do you still want to stop your lessons? Festo won’t make you do anything you’re uncomfortable with.” Fitzroy stares for a long moment, brows furrowing once more as he thinks. He doesn’t think for too long before squaring his shoulders and sitting a little more confidently in his chair. 
“Y’know what, Festo? I think...I think I’m going to keep at this magic thing! Show that Chaos who’s boss!” Fitzroy announces, his usual bravado back. Festo claps their hands as a shower of sparkles rains around them. 
“Hooray! Festo is proud of you for conquering your fears!” Festo cheers, making Fitzroy flush a little with the praise. “Now, to make up for your missed lessons, Festo wants you to come here every day for the next two weeks after your classes! This is non-negotiable!” At this, Fitzroy deflates, just as Festo expected. 
“Alright, I suppose I...deserve that for ghosting you for so long…” Fitzroy groans. 
“Correct!” Festo chirps, causing Fitzroy to roll his eyes. “Now, to pick up where we left off, show Festo how you’re doing with Mage Hand…” 
It’s later that night, when the school has settled and all the students have gone to bed, that Festo returns to their office. They pull a set of small candles from one of the drawers in their desk and lay them out in a pattern on the desk’s surface. With a flick of their wrists, the candles are lit in an iridescent flame, and they close their eyes to pray. 
Coming to, they find themselves in a familiar woodland clearing, looking unimpressed at the figure seated across from them. The figure, on the other hand, looks positively delighted to see them. 
“Festo does not want you meddling with Fitzroy anymore,” Festo says, their voice uncharacteristically serious. Chaos smiles and shakes their head. 
You, of all the beings in my court, should know I cannot do that. They reply. I have a special mission in mind for him, and I do intend on seeing it through to the end~
Then, the wind blows, and Festo wakes up back in their office in a circle of smoking candles. With a sigh, they put the extinguished candles away and leave. 
Futile as it seems, Festo is determined to give Fitzroy control over his powers, Chaos be damned. 
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kpoptart216 · 4 years
Can’t Do This Anymore
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Angst with a hint of fluff if you squint.
Summary: You both notice your relationship falling apart, the love fading. The only difference between you two is that you actually tried. 
A/N: This is a oneshot based on a request from anon. Please don’t send more requests to me, I just wanted to do one to get my motivation and inspiration back. This oneshot felt too real for me. 
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What makes a relationship last? Make a relationship the relationship? Was it not as simple as forming a strong bond with your partner, choosing them every time, committing to them? 
If only that was enough. 
They say someone in a relationship will always love more than the other person, and for all the relationships in your life, you were that person. You gave 110% to everyone in your life, and maybe that’s where you failed. 
When you first started dating Yoongi, it finally felt like you found someone who was meant for you. Someone who adored you and treated you the way you knew you deserved. Someone who put in just as much as effort as you did. 
You met him when you got hired as BTS’ new choreographer. You worked extensively with the boys and thats when the love between you and Yoongi had bloomed. 
The first 6 or so months were amazing. Despite the both of you having busy schedules, you both made the time for each other and constantly talked over text or phone calls. You both knew everything about each other and the whole time you felt like you were on cloud nine. 
But when did things start to change? Maybe you only noticed when it was too late. Maybe you both got too comfortable? Or was it just him?
The time you spent together became less and less, the texts and phone calls became less meaningful, and the affection just seemed...forced on his part. You now just felt like you were an obligation for him.
But you were anything but a quitter and your relationship with him meant too much for you to just give up on. So you swallowed your pride and you put in the effort for him. 
You gave it your all, and he seemed to just absorb that and take it for granted. You scheduled your time together, you cooked for him, you were his emotional tampon, his friend, his lover, and everything in between. 
But you gave so much of yourself away that you failed to see that you didn’t get any fulfillment in return. 
At one point, you felt like friends with benefits at best, but you still loved him. And he surely felt the same right? Because you gave it you all. 
But sometimes, even that isn’t enough. 
One day, you again made plans to hang out. You hadn’t seen him a while and he had to cancel the last few times you made plans since he had something come up, though he didn’t really explain what. 
You had dressed up and got all excited as you drove over to his place. You knocked on the door, and you could hear Yeontan barking on the other end of the door, which immediately put a smile on your face. 
Yoongi opened the door with a small smile, and you noticed that the dorm seemed rather empty but you didn’t think much of it and went straight to Yoongi’s room. Yoongi sat on his bed as you played with Yeontan for a bit before also sitting down on the bed. 
And that’s when he said it. 
“I’ve been doing some thinking and I think we should break up”
You just looked at him in shock. 
“W-what? w...why?” you asked. 
“I think right now, I really just need to focus on my career. I feel like I don’t really have time for anything else. I barely even get to see my friends and I just don’t want us to resent each other in the future. I can’t give you what you want, Y/n” he said. 
“Have I ever come in the way of your job? Or your future?” you asked, sadly. 
“No, no Y/n don’t think that. This is all on me, ok? This has nothing to do with you” he says calmly. “I hate that I’m doing this to you”
“Then why are you doing it? Why are you breaking up before things even get bad?” you ask.
“I just have a gut feeling, Y/n. And I want us to keep each other in our lives. I hope we can be friends, I hope that we can still share our accomplishments, I’d hate to hear about you from someone else other than you” he says. 
You spent the two hours trying to reason with him, but if there’s one thing you can’t be in a break-up, it’s logical. 
He had made up his mind. He mentioned he also didn’t believe in people getting back together, so this was it. This was the end. 
“Sometimes, I think I’m just meant to be alone. I feel like I’m hardwired to be alone. And I’m a piece of shit and I truly hope you find better” he says. “I know you’re strong, and confident, and resilient. You’re an amazing person, and I hope you find someone better tan me” he says, as you stood to leave, teary eyed. “I understand if you hate me. If you want to yell and scream at me go ahead” he says, getting ready to face you. 
“I could never hate you. You may think that you deserve to be alone, but I hope you find that someone Yoongi. The person you can depend on and love, you deserve the world. I don’t hate you” you say again. “I want to be friends, but not right now. I need time apart. Goodbye Yoongi”
You opened the door, only to find the rest of the members in the living room. You hadn’t noticed when they came back, and they all greeted you cheerfully as they saw you emerge from the room, only to be quiet when they noticed your teary and red eyes. They stayed quiet as they watched you leave, the only sound in the dorm was Yeontan whining when you didn’t pay him any attention and just left. 
“Hyung, what happened? Is everything ok?” Jimin asked.
“We broke up” Yoongi says, bluntly. No emotion on his face. 
“WHAT?” some of the boys say in unison. 
Yoongi doesn’t explain as he retreats back into his room. 
The following week after the break-up was hell. You cried everyday and cried yourself to sleep. You didn’t have an appetite what so ever and your heart just felt so heavy, starting the second you woke up. You felt, empty. 
It took you passing out during the middle of dance practice that you finally had enough of your own pity party. Your coworker had taken you to see the doctor and your doctor had mentioned how concerned he was with the lack of sleep in food. 
From that day on, you decided that you were going to put yourself first. For the first time in a long time, you put yourself up on a pedestal instead of someone or something else. 
You started to eat better, exercise more, meet more friends, and just simply do all the things you loved doing. You were slowly getting back on your feet. 
It didn’t really help that you worked together with your now ex, but fortunately you were just working on new choreo and didn’t have to interact with the boys for another few weeks. As far as you have come in the weeks following the doctors visit, you simply weren’t ready to face Yoongi again. 
Yoongi on the other hand felt a little free after the breakup. The boys had grilled him about it and he finally told them why he broke up with you, and he could see the disappointment in their eyes. They were all fond of you, and they all thought you were the one for him.
At first, he felt a weight off of his shoulder. He no longer had the burden of a relationship. He didn’t want to keep you waiting and have you resent him in the future and he found some comfort knowing you still wanted to be friends.
But as each day passed, he felt that become more and more uncertain. 
It had now been over a month since the break-up and you hadn’t reached out to him. He didn’t see you at BigHit anymore, and he was itching to see you, which was ironic since he couldn’t even be bothered to make plans when he still had you. 
He wasn’t active on social media and though he followed you on various platforms, he didn’t want you to know that he was still following up on you, though he was dying to know what you had posted on your story. 
The boys still kept in touch with you and they’d mention your name around the dorm sometimes, but Yoongi just pretended like he didn’t care. His friends had joked before that you were too good for him, and now those words sometimes haunted him at night, 
One day at the studio, Yoongi drowned in own thoughts. He thought he was getting over you, but his thoughts just naturally wondered over to you. How were you doing? Were you eating, sleeping properly? Did you move on? 
He reached for his phone and pulled up your contact. Should he call you? what was he going to say anyways? A tear slipped past his eyes without even him realizing. 
It was then he realized he fucked up. He gave up on some one truly fucking amazing. He missed you, and he wanted you back. No, he needed you back. 
It was another few weeks before he saw you though. You had actually texted him first. when he saw your notification on his phone, his eyes almost popped out of his head, and he felt his heart race for the first time in over a month. 
“I just a little kitten by my apartment like the one we fostered a year ago! It made me think of you. Hope you’ve been well, Yoongi!” your text read cheerfully. It immediately put a smile on his face, and one that wasn’t forced like all the ones he put on for over a month. 
He had sent you a reply, and just like when you both first started talking you both had spent hours talking after. 
It just came naturally, and Yoongi just felt happy. 
He then asked if you could meet him for some bubble tea the following day for which you agreed. 
You both then spent hours talking and walking around the small park near your apartment after getting boba. He hadn’t felt this light and happy in so long, and it warmed his heart. Not to mention, you looked amazing. You had that “post break-up glow up”. Yoongi had a hard time looking away from you. 
“I should probably get going, I have some work I need to get done” you say, glancing at your watch. “It was nice seeing you again, Yoongi. Good Night!” You smiled as you turned but you felt him grab your arm and turn you around. 
He pulled you into a hug. 
“I’m so sorry. For what I did, to you. To us” he said. 
“Yoongi...” you started. 
“I missed you. I miss you still. I miss the way you call me Yoongs. Do you have any idea how many times I had to stop myself from calling you? I thought I made the right decision at the time, but I’m not so sure anymore, Y/n”
“What are you trying to say, Yoongi?” you asked, confused. 
“Give us a second chance”
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A/N: this one hit kinda close to home. I’m sorry, this is kinda trash LOL but It feels good to write again. Hope you look forward to the other parts of my series!
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katehuntington · 4 years
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Title: In Bad Waters - part eight Word count: ±2900 words Episode summary: Still in possession of the Winchesters’ belongings, Zoë meets up with the hunters on her next case. When it turns out to be a little more complicated than anticipated, she accepts their help in order to make an important deadline. Part eight summary: Zoë might have accepted the boys help, that doesn’t mean they get along. If the hostility between them isn’t enough, Sam and Dean have some unresolved issues of their own. Episode warnings: Dark! NSFW, 18+ only! Descriptions of domestic violence/child abuse. Drug use/addiction. Angst, gore, violence, character death. Description of blood, injury and medical procedures/resuscitation. Swearing, alcoholism. Supernatural creatures/entities, mentions of demon possession. Descriptions of torture and murder, drowning. Illegal/criminal practices. Mentions of nightmares and flashbacks. Author’s note: Beta’d by @winchest09​​​​​ and @deanwanddamons​​​​​. Thanks, girls! Gif isn’t mine. If you are the creator or know who made it, please tell me so I can credit you.
Supernatural: The Sullivan Series Masterlist
S1E02 “In Bad Waters” Masterlist
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     A little less than an hour later, Sam, Dean and Zoë are sharing a table in In-N-Out. All three scheduled in some time to trade their business suits for their everyday clothes. The boys are comfortable in plaid shirts, worn jeans, and dusty old shoes, while Zoë looks like a totally different person now that she left her black pumps, blazer and dress pants in her hotel room. She’s wearing her hair down, her blown locks playfully curled up after last night’s shower. Her grey shirt has the famous Pink Floyd logo on it; a ray entering a triangle and breaks off into a rainbow when it exits. The brand new biker jacket hangs over the back of the bench while she plays with the loose tie of her All Stars shoe, wiggling her foot rhythmically. 
     U2’s Beautiful Day is playing in the background. It fits, considering the clear blue sky and warm sun outside. Satisfied, Dean and Zoë devour their burgers while Sam has settled for a milkshake, since they don’t have salads at this restaurant. Stunned and a little disgusted, he watches how Zoë intends to break the world record, tailed by Dean. The younger Winchester stares at them both, as the huntress swallows the last bite of the massive Animal Burger and starts on an additional cheeseburger she ordered. Apparently, Zoë doesn’t feel the need to hold back, despite having company, but then again, she wouldn’t change her demeanor for anyone.
     Dean doesn’t even notice her manners as he shares her appetite. He’s more annoyed that she finished her burger before he did. He looks up for a moment as she licks the sauce from her fingers after finishing, then continues eating even faster than he did a moment ago.
     “Dude! Seriously, a food race?” Sam chuckles.      “Wholth?” Dean says with his mouth full.      He swallows his bite, which apparently was a little bigger than he anticipated. He coughs and hits his chest with his fist, Zoë can’t help to laugh when she sees tears appear in his eyes.      “What are you? Fuckin’ five years old?” she grins.      “I wasn’t racing you,” he mutters hoarse.      “Oh, you so were.” She sniggers, dipping one of Dean’s fries in mayonnaise. “Are you gonna eat that?”      Obviously enjoying herself, she waits for his reaction. He watches her move the fry to her mouth with a look of shock and repugnance on his features. How dare she?      Zoë chews on the snack provokingly. as expected he goes for the counter attack.      “Don’t touch my fucking food,” he warns, pulling his portion of fries to his side of the table, clearly annoyed with his colleague stealing. “And I wasn’t racing you, ‘cause if I did, you would be many burger lengths behind, woman.”      “That’s what’s bugging you the most, isn’t it? Dean Winchester just got defeated by a girl,” she nags.      “I can take you with ease,” he claims, confidently.      She laughs in return.“You wouldn’t stand a chance.”      “Wanna bet?”      “Knock it off, you two.” Sam breaks it up and looks from one to the other. “Now, could we concentrate on the case? We all got better things to do.”      “I have better things to do. You on the other hand just have an unhealthy obsession with helping me,” she corrects, as she drinks from her milkshake through the straw.      “Whatever,” Sam counters with a huff. “Let’s focus here. We’re dealing with a frustrated child spirit most likely on a killing spree.”      “Yeah, but how the hell is she still here? I already burned her bones,” Zoë brings to mind.      “She must be connected to some kind of object then, are you sure you burned everything?” Dean checks.
     Zoë slightly tilts her head and glares at him with an attitude. Is he fucking kidding?      “We’re sure, I was there with her,” Sam confirms, jumping in before the huntress can snap at his brother.      “Nothing more romantic than a night at the graveyard,” Dean comments with a little grin, earning a death stare from Sam, and so he continues seriously. “We need to figure out what’s keeping her here before she goes all Mike Tyson again.”      “She probably targets the people who are directly or indirectly responsible for her death. I don’t think she’ll rest until she kills every single one of them unless we do something about it,” Zoë speaks up.      “So, who could be her next target?” Sam wonders.      “It could be anyone, but the biggest candidates for a one way ticket to the land of the dead are probably Mrs. Shire and her son, maybe even Mrs. Dawlson,” Zoë realizes.      “Who?” Sam and Dean question at the same time.      “Her teacher at Elementary School. She knew about the abuse,” she informs, sipping her shake.
     Dean seems confused. After all, he knows Zoë only arrived here last night. “How do you even know that?”      “Because I had a fucking chat with her, asshat,” she claims, snappy.      Dean bites his tongue and shakes his head slightly, letting a silent sigh slip from his lips. This woman is unbelievable. If it wasn’t for Sammy being so dead set on helping the bitch, he would get the hell out of dodge.      Ignoring her comment, he picks up a few fries and stuffs his mouth full, not noticing the exchange of looks between Zoë and Sam. As soon as the youngest Winchester makes eye contact, he knows she didn’t talk to Mrs. Dawlson; she saw something in one of her flashbacks.      “There could be a dozen more possible victims we don’t know about,” Sam states, quickly filling the void before it becomes noticeable.      “True, but to figure out who might be next, we need to find more info on what happened to Laura,” she declares.      “We already know what happened to her. Her dad abused her till death followed, nothing to add to that,” Sam says.      “No, I mean after that.”      Zoë leans forward, snitching another fry from the hunter across from her, who snaps his head up to her, staring her down and wondering where she got the nerve to steal his food twice.      “Don’t you think it’s a little strange that no one found out about this murder yet? Because that what it was; murder. Her father killed her. Child services should have been all over this, especially with another minor in the household. Laura was buried without a conviction, while she obviously did not die of natural causes,” the smart woman brings to mind. “Why is that?”      “I mean, the system is flawed. Maybe they missed it?” Sam suggests.      “No, I don’t believe that. She must have been a mess, considering what her victims look like,” she ponders.      Both boys nod as a sign of agreement; she has a point. Dean rubs his chin as he thinks. Then his facial expression changes, the metaphorical light bulb switching on in his brain. He glances up at the woman opposite of him, who watches him questioning.
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     “Dr. Hughes”, he says out of the blue.      “I know that name,” Zoë realizes, trying to remember where she has heard it before.      “It’s the doc from the morgue that we talked to,” he fills in. “He did the slicing on Shire’s dead body and also mentioned Ronald was a friend of his. I thought he responded weird when Sam mentioned the Hobbit dude.”      “Is the Methodist Medical Center the only dead men’s storage in town?” Zoë asks the whizkid on Dean’s right.      “Not sure. Let me check.” Sam takes out his laptop and sets it up on the table. As he works the computer, Zoë continues their brainstorming session.
     “One way or the other, we need to get our hands on Laura’s death report and we need to figure out who wrote it. I’m guessing someone covered for Shire,” she speaks up.      “How is that even possible these days, with all the paperwork and the forensics?” Sam rubs his temple, taking in Zoë for a second, but then returns his gaze to the laptop screen in front of him.      “You think we’re the only ones who lie and deceive?” Zoë returns, smartly. 
     “We need to talk to more people. Someone who was there and experienced the abuse first hand and might know more about the cover-up. The Shire dude’s wife maybe?” Dean suggests.      “We can’t turn up on her doorstep and confront her. If she doesn’t know her husband possibly erased evidence, it’s just gonna bring a shit ton of drama and a hell of alot explaining to do when she starts asking questions,” Zoë makes clear.
     She forks her fingers through her hair and checks her phone for the time; shit. It’s almost 1 PM. Frustrated about the many blank pages of this case, she sighs, pulling at the corner of her bottom lip with her teeth. There’s so much about this job that doesn’t add up.      “I don’t get how she could still be here. There was nothing left of her remains,” she sighs.      “There has to be an explanation for that,” Sam ponders, as he stares at the address on display. “Anyway, there are no other morgues in town besides the one at the hospital on W. Kingshighway.”   
     “I tell you what.” With a neat throw Zoë tosses her empty plastic cup into the garbage can across the aisle. “Sam, you keep an eye on the Shire family. Dean’s gonna have a chat with Dr. Hughes, see if you can get some info on the death report. I’m gonna tail the teacher for a while,” she decides.      Sam nods approvingly before his brother can object. He folds down the laptop screen and gets up. “Sounds good to me.”      “Make sure you keep your eyes open, that little pain in the ass manages to beat up grown ups without the people next door noticing,” Zoë warns as she picks up her helmet from the bench.      “You think this is our first rodeo?” Dean responds with a scoff.      “You didn’t see me coming the other night in Rochester,” she counters sassy.
     As she passes him she pets his shoulder, the one she put a bullet in only two nights ago. Dean flinches when a dim pain shoots through his arm again. That fucking b--      Before he can call her names, she exits the fast food restaurant, probably expecting the Winchesters to follow like obedient dogs. Stunned, he watches her walk over to her motorcycle, huffing in disbelief. First she doesn’t want their help, and now she’s giving out orders like she rules the fucking world. He didn’t think it could be possible, but his detest for her just grew to an all time high.
     “Mark my words, one of these days I’m gonna shoot her down,” he announces frustrated.      “Ahuh,” Sam responds, cynicism on his tongue as he puts the laptop in his backpack. “Just make sure you don’t pull a gun on her in public, will you?”      “Can’t make any promises.” His brother huffs. “Anyway, you can have the car if you drop me off at the hospital. Let’s get this over with so that we can put some distance between us and the Wicked Witch of the West.” 
     Sam’s lips form a constricted smile, luckily his brother doesn’t notice. He has to admit that he’s enjoying the fact that his big brother is being told what to do by a girl, while normally he only takes orders from one person and one person only; their dad. What he finds interesting, however, is that despite a few muttered objections, Dean actually follows through with it. 
     “And you know what’s the fun part about all this?” Sam nags as they exit In-N-Out.      “What?” Dean responds, annoyed, scanning the parking lot in order to spot Zoë’s Road King.      “You have to dress like a penguin again.” The younger Winchester grins as he opens the door to the passenger’s seat.
     His brother stares at him over the top of the car, realizing he’s going undercover as the FBI Agent Young once more.      “Ah, come on! Can’t we trade?” he asks desperately.      Sam laughs and sits down. “No way, dude.”      Dean does the same and closes the door, complaining. “Man, I hate suits.”      “You think I’m comfortable in one during these temperatures?” Sam returns.      “Sam, even if I’d be freezing my ass off, I will never be at ease in that ridiculous outfit,” Dean states while turning the ignition, allowing Gimme Three Steps by Lynyrd Skynyrd to play on the cassette deck.
     “I’m not trading places. I can work some stuff out while I’m guarding the house,” Sam explains, looking outside the window, squinting his eyes to protect them from the sun.      “What stuff?” Dean questions, making sure it’s not just some lame excuse.      Sam looks aside and hesitates for a moment, but then tells him anyway. “I want to call some friends of Dad,” he admits.
     He feels Dean’s piercing gaze, but doesn’t look up. It’s only a matter of seconds before Dean pops the first question.      “Why?” Dean asks sternly.      “Why?! I don’t know about you, Dean, but I wanna find him,” Sam returns defensive.      Dean grips the wheel a little tighter; as if he doesn’t want to find Dad. Seriously? “So do I, but I don’t think it’s wise to start calling random hunters to ask where he is, Sam.”      “I won’t call ‘random’ hunters. I’ll call a few old friends, and why the hell not?” his brother questions.      “Because Dad doesn’t want to be found,” the oldest of the two claims.      “How could you possibly know that, Dean?! Seriously, do you have some kind of telepathic connection with the guy or what?” Sam reacts.      “Hey, you’re the psychic one, not me,” Dean counters. “If Dad wants us involved in his hunt, he will contact us one way or the other. You know that.”      “No, I don’t! I haven’t heard a word from him since I left for Stanford. I don’t understand the blind faith you have in the man,” the younger brother argues.      “You were the one who fucking left, Sam. And let me tell you somethin’,” Dean pauses to enforce his words. “I trust him because he’s a damn good hunter.”      “He’s human! He makes mistakes just like anyone else, only this time you won’t be around to back him up. It’s not some monster that he’s hunting, this is the monster! The one that killed Mom, that killed Jess!” Sam adds up.      “You think I don’t realize that?” The car stops at a traffic light and Dean turns to him, his piercing green eyes judging his brother, the same way John so often has. “Of course I’d rather be backing him up right now, but he decided to do this alone and I accept that.”      “Why the hell, though? Just because he says so?” Sam huffs, shaking his head disappointed.      “Hell yes, because he says so!” his brother snaps. “He leads this mission, and we stick to the orders he gives us. It’s about fucking time you show him the respect he deserves.”      “He has to earn that first,” the younger Winchester responds.      “He earned that a long time ago. Every time he protected you, protected us. Everything that we were taught, all the skills that we’ve learned. You were so caught up in the illusion that school was gonna work out, that when he objected because he didn’t want you to be on your own, you cut all ties,” Dean barks at him as he accelerates faster than necessary. “Why the hell do you want to find him so bad if you hate his guts, huh?”      “I don’t hate his guts,” Sam says, his voice a lot less hostile than a moment ago.
     Dean takes his eyes off the road again and glances at the passenger, noticing the defeated expression on Sammy’s face. Annoyed with himself he looks ahead again, shutting his eyes for a second when a pang of guilt distinguishes the anger in a matter of seconds. He meant to give his little brother a reality check, but all he did was hurt him.      “Sam, I get you want answers. But calling his friends isn’t the way to do it. We just gotta be patient.”
     His brother's jaw clenches and he looks away, not denying nor confirming that Dean is right and that he himself will listen. It doesn’t matter anyway; there’s no way he can turn his brother’s mind around. And Dean claims Sam is the one who is like their old man? Just now he was sure to sit next to a younger version of Dad. 
     He can't agree with the reasoning behind Dean’s actions, though. His older brother dragged him out of school to find Dad and now that it’s coming down to that, he doesn’t want to go out on a search. Sam on the other hand, he has to find him. Not only does he have some unresolved issues with his father, John is also the only hunter who has been tracking the thing that ruined their lives. He is the key to finding answers. It’s all he can think of; hunting down the bastard that killed Mom and Jessica. 
     Without saying another word, Dean drives his Impala to their motel, convinced he made his point, even though he hurt his brother’s feelings to get the message across. But Sam isn’t going to let go, neither will he trade places with Dean on their jobs. During his hours of watching the Shire family, he’s gonna make those calls and he is going to find their father. Whether Dean likes it, or not.
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Thank you for reading. I appreciate every single one of you, but if you do want to give me some extra love, you are free to like or reblog my work, shoot me a message or buy me coffee (Link to Kofi in bio at the top of the page).    
Read chapter nine here
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Wonderfully Gentle and Loving
Part 2 to Wickedly Vicious and Vile 
Summary: After the horrible incident with the Pagan Gods, it’s up to Dean to help Y/N recover.
Warning: Angst. Mentions of sexual assault (not a lot though). Bit of fluff.
A/N: @fofisstilinski​ I made a part 2!
I’m honestly quite unsure about this one. I’d love some feedback from y’all.
Word Count: 2734
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It had been two week since the incident with the Carrigans. The three of them were staying in a motel holed up in their own rooms. Y/N and Dean still shared a room but their sleeping arrangement changed. Y/N had reacted pretty badly when she woke up in the hospital. She immediately went into a panic attack and wouldn’t let anyone near her to the point where Dean had to step in and hold her down, while the nurse sedated her. Things remained bad when she woke up. Though she calmed down, she wouldn’t say a word and not even Dean could get a reaction out of her. The only blessing was she didn’t freak out when Dean was in the room. She somehow still trusted him, though she didn’t let him touch her. Which is why they booked a twin bedroom. Y/N needed him there but she could not share a bed with him just yet.
Dean got his wound stitched up. He had nearly passed out next to Y/N on the backseat of Baby once his adrenaline wore off. But when they reached the hospital they fixed him right up with some pain killers and him being the stubborn man, refused rest so he could keep an eye on Y/N.
Sam sported a few nasty bruises that needed loads of painkillers and ice. But nothing he couldn’t handle. When the three of them were released from the hospital, he took his own room few doors away to give them their privacy. He took up the job of bringing them lunch and making sure they had what they needed. Dean visited him whenever he could to check up on him and update him on Y/N’s condition. It wasn’t easy leaving Y/N alone at first since. She refused to let him out of her sight for the most part. She had developed this fear of being alone and a fear of the dark. So it was only when she slept that dean could sneak out for a while.
He still remembered the first time she had freaked out in his absence…
It was the second night after leaving the hospital. Dean wanted to go check on Sam few doors down. So when Y/N went to the toilet, he had left. He was talking to Sam when he heard her scream his name. His heart sunk into his stomach as he ran to her.
“Y/N!!” He exclaimed before nearly bumping into her in the hallway. He made the conscious effort to not touch her or get too close in fear of sending her off into another panic attack. “What happened?!”
“Dean! W-where did you do?!” She was gasping in deep breathes. That was the first time she spoke after everything and he was so glad.
“Nowhere, baby. I’m right here.” He said trying to console her.
“P-please! D-don’t go.” She begged crying a little. “Please don’t leave me.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so so fucking sorry.” He said tearing up himself. He had never before seen her so broken. “I was checking on Sammy, but I’m here now. I’m not leaving you.” He took a step closer to her in hopes that he could do more than just talk. But his heartbroken further when she stepped back shaking her head at him.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered.
“No, sweetheart. I’m sorry.”
“C-can we please go back in?”
“Of course, honey.” He followed her back to the room, turning off the lights except the bathroom’s. They got into their own beds, staring at each other for a while, neither not knowing what to say, except “goodnight” before going to sleep. Y/N tried to sleep but Dean stayed up longer to watch over her incase she needed him.
~flashback end~
If there was one thing that was royally kicking her butt, it was the nightmares. Being a hunter, Y/N was used to nightmares. But after going through something so traumatic and so dehumanising, she was unable to handle them. Every time she closed her eyes, she’d think about it and her skin would crawl, feeling that bastard’s hands on her again. She’d wake up in sweats and screaming, only to be calmed down when Dean manages to get her to listen to his voice.
It had become part of their night now, waking up to calm her down. Dean couldn’t imagine what she must be going through and he did everything he could think of to help her.
But that night nothing was working and it was one of the worst ones. Y/N ’s nightmare was consuming her and she wasn’t waking up. Dean in a desperate attempt got in bed with her to wake her up. But it made it worse to the point, Sam barged into the room with his gun drawn. Luckily the floor they were on was empty. He saw Y/N thrashing around and Dean holding her down to prevent her from getting hurt. He looked just as panicked as he came in but for different reasons.
“Y/N!! Wake up!!” Dean was yelling at her. “You got to open your eyes, baby! Please! It’s just a nightmare. It’s not real!” His voice broke and he had tears streaming down his face.
“Dean.” Sam called out.
Dean didn’t even notice Sam barge in. His head whipped to see his brother there.
“Sam! I don’t know what to do!” He was doing his best to stop her from hitting him.
“Get into bed and hold her tightly. Don’t let her arms go.” Sam said quickly putting his gun away, helping Dean hold her down.
Dean did exactly what was told not questioning it. He wrapped his arms tightly around her which seemed to help a little. Y/N was still mumbling incoherently as Dean whispered into her ear.
“Thanks Sammy. Sorry we woke you. I got it from here” Dean whispered to Sam.
“Don’t worry about it, man. I just want her to get better just as bad.” He said smiling sadly.
“How you holding up, Dean?”
Dean shrugged, not looking at him. He was doing as well as can be expected for someone who was tortured and was forced to watch his girlfriend get hurt in disgusting ways. He too suffered from horrible nightmares and loss of appetite, but most of his pain stemmed from watching his girl suffer. But he couldn’t let it get to him. He had to remain strong.
“Dean, you need some time for yourself too. This can’t be good for you.”
“I can’t just leave her.”
“I’m not asking you to. You just need to-“
“I’m fine Sam. Go to bed. You need your rest too.”
Sam sighed at his bullheadedness. He worried for Y/N just as much. She was his best friend after all and like the sister he never had. But Dean was running himself into an early grave. Sam knew of Dean’s nightmares. He wouldn’t tell him what it was about but he could take a wild guess. He had nightmares about that night too. He just wished he could erase it from all their memories. He quietly shut the door and went back to his room, knowing that Dean could not be reasoned with now.
Dean was holding onto Y/N tightly, making sure she was safe. This was the first time since the hospital when he held her like this. He had missed it so much. Perhaps the only reason she hasn’t freaked out yet was because she was deep asleep. But whatever little contact he got from her, he’d take it. Holding her like that gave him some peace that he hasn’t gotten in a while.
When he felt her stir a little and saw face frowning, he began singing a song. It seemed to calm her down immediately which surprised him a little. It warmed Dean’s heart knowing that his singing brought her some peace.
In the morning, Dean went back to his own bed before she woke up. He didn’t know how she’s react to such close proximity. But Y/N revealed later that day that she knew he shared her bed and helped her.
“I’m sorry I don’t let you touch me, Dean.” She said. “There’s something about consciously accepting comfort from someone, it scares me. I keep talking myself out of it.”
“Sweetheart, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe and as comfortable as possible. Anything for you.”
“Thank you.” She whispered, smiling softly at him.
Y/N got better at being alone for a short amount time eventually, making it easy for Dean to move about a little. Not that he wanted to leave her alone or get away from her, but it was nice to get some fresh air with Sam. She even became okay with Sam coming over and spending some time with her.
Seeing that she was getting better, even if it was slow, Dean decided that some fresh air will do her good. So he planned a small date to surprise her.
He walked up to Y/N who was on the bed reading.
“I’m going out with Sam for a bit.” He started slowly, but quickly added after seeing her expression, “I won’t be long! I’ll have my phone on with me at all times, ok?”
Y/N was looking at him with wide eyes. He did go out once in a while, but it didn’t get easier being alone. But she understood that he needed fresh air and couldn’t be cooped up with her all the time.
“Where are you going?” She asked tentatively.
“To the supermarket near by. Just to get a few things.” He smiled softly at her.
“Okay. Be careful.” She added with a tiny smile.
“Of course, baby” He said turning to leave.
“Dean?” Her small voice came out.
“Yeah?” He turned back.
“C-can you get me some chocolate?” She asked reluctantly.
Dean smiled widely at her, She had taken the initiative to eat something and he was so proud of her, “Of course, sweetheart. Anything else?”
She shook her head at that before going back to her book.
Dean and Sam went to the supermarket to pick up some stuff for the date. It was nothing big, but just special enough to show Y/N that nothing had changed, and she was still the most amazing person Dean had the privilege to call his.
By the time they were back, it was past 5 and Dean figured it was the perfect time to leave. He went to their room and found Y/N coming out of the shower.
“Oh that’s perfect! Wear something nice, baby. You and I are going out for a bit.” He grinned at her.
She looked at him wide eyed. She hadn’t left the motel in a week and she didn’t know what Dean was planning but she wasn’t sure if she was ready for this yet.
“Dean…” She said, her voice showing that she was scared.
Dean smiled at her softly, “I know you’re scared. But, do you trust me?”
“Then come on, it’s a date!” He looked so giddy and happy. Y/N couldn’t say no to that. He had after all done so much for her this past week alone and he had always put her and Sam before himself. So it was time for her to give back a little. With that, she got dressed in jeans and a tank top, and wore a flannel on top to keep warm. While Dean went to freshen up.
“Where are we going Dean?”
“You’ll see soon, honey. Be patient.” He winked at her making her giggle. He had missed that sound and hoped to hear more of that.
There was a knock on the door and Y/N looked through the peephole and realised it was Sam. She opened it to see him grinning at her.
“You clean up nice , L/N.” He said happily. “I just came wish you a nice time.”
Y/N laughed a little. “I guess a small part of me is looking forward to this date.”
“I’m glad. It’s nice seeing you smile, Y/N” He said smiling softly at her. “I miss my best friend.”
“I miss you too, Sam.” She whispered.
“Alright, enough with the chick flick you too.” Dean’s fake annoyed voice came through, making them Sam roll his eyes.
“Have fun you too!” Sam said before he left closing the door.
They got ready to leave when Y/N stood at the door, a nervous look on her face. The outside was right there, with other people in it. She was safe in this room with Dean, and Sam was just few doors away. Outside, she’d be exposed and bad people were there.
“You can do this, Y/N. You’re such a badass. You made it this far and I’m so proud of you.” He said from behind her.
She took a deep breathe. She was a hunter for Chuck’s sake. She killed monsters that make grown people cry and wet their pants. She could muster some courage for tonight and do this for Dean.
They were finally on their way. 45mins later they were leaving the town behind and hitting the country side. The sun was starting to set as Dean pulled to the side and got out of the car, moving to Y/N’s side to open the door for her. He was full on in date mode, being a gentleman for his lady.
“Did you plan a picnic?” Y/N asked.
“Of sorts. But more like sit on Baby, watch the sun set with some AC/DC in the background, have a beer and some snacks, and count the stars kind. Is that ok?” He asked, suddenly unsure of the whole thing. Maybe it was too soon for her.
“It’s perfect, Dean” She looked into his eyes, a small smile graced her face. Dean found her to be the most beautiful person he had ever met.
“Come on then.”
He got everything set up and they got comfortable on baby. They still maintained some space between them. They spent the whole time talking about things. The incident long forgotten. And for the first time since then, they felt this peace envelop them. Sitting there on Baby, Dean and Y/N got closer if that was even possible.
“Dean?” Y/N called after a bit of silence.
“Yeah, baby?”
“I’m sorry.”
“What for, Y/N? He said, looking at her confused.
“I spent the last three weeks away from you. I mean emotionally, mentally. I should’ve been there for you and Sam too. You went through pain too and I just succumbed to mine. I’m very sorry, Dean. I hope you can forgive me.” She said voice cracking.
Dean didn’t say anything for a few seconds, scaring her. She was about to say something, but he finally spoke.
“Y/N. I did what I did because you mean everything to me. You went through so much that night, more than I or Sam did. We both understand that. What I went through was nothing compared to the pain I felt seeing you so broken and beaten down. So I have to take care of you because getting you better is the only thing is my mind. And as chick flick as this sounds, it’s the only thing that will make me better.”
“I-I know you have nightmares too.”
“Nothing I haven’t handled before, love.” He smiled at her.
A slightly tensed silence settled upon them, Dean could practically see the gears turning in Y/N’s head. She was mulling over what was said. A few minutes later, Y/N slowly reached over and wrapped her pointer around his, surprising him. It was the first contact they had in over two weeks, except for that night he held her in bed. His heart soared in his chest, hope filling it to the brim. He had a huge grin on his face as he tightened his finger around hers. He didn’t dare do anything more. This was huge in itself. The tension melted away, making it seem as if it wasn’t there at all. That was all required to let them know that it was going to be okay. They were always there for each other.
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@hobby27​ @akshi8278
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deobitchxx · 4 years
Can I get request fluff or smut Haknyeon tbz where his s/o surprises him with something (shoot if you wanna take this in a smut route, w/ the something being handcuffs or lingerie 🥴go ahead if fluff it can be homemade foods) -maybe I am extra with the detail but oh well
[ 12:05 // 12.07.20 // R.SMUT ] “But can you come home tonight?” “No babe, my boss suddenly asked us to gather around to have a quick meeting that seemed important.” A sigh escaped from Haknyeon’s lips, as it could be audible for you to hear through the line. “I will try to make it up with you, alright? Love you.” “Love you too.” The response wasn’t something that you would hear every time both of you hung up, it was obvious that he sounded so disappointed but you couldn’t do anything about it either. Your boss threatened you that if you aren’t going to attend the meeting then you won’t have to come to work again tomorrow, or for the rest of your life. You released a deep sigh and put the phone on the table again, eyes rolling to the back as you threw yourself back on the chair, waiting for the boss to arrive. That’s what you, or probably everyone that works under him, hates the boss so much.
It was almost 11 in the night and you just arrived at the shared apartment with your idol boyfriend, Ju Haknyeon. He is an idol member of The Boyz, a group that slowly got recognised by the public due to their outstanding and magnificent performances at Road to Kingdom. They got first place and you were very proud of them, mostly your boyfriend. Thus, as a reward for their efforts, their boss gave them a week break and Haknyeon decided to spend the whole week with you. Since he’s getting busy, every second you have with him is very important that it shouldn’t be wasted that recklessly. It was already the fifth day of the week break so he got very eager to spend every hour with you. It was understandable when he started to get upset over your so-called-principes toward work. 
Your feet immediately brought you to the bedroom, seeing the latter already laying on the bed with his back facing you, discreetly trying to tell you that he’s still upset with you. You found it adorable though, the fact that he’s jealous with everything that interrupted him from having you. It might look like some creepy obsession of his towards you, but you never take it that way because he never did anything wrong yet to you like a psycho should do. You approached him and laid your body next to him, casually placing your arm around his waist and snuggled closer to his body. “I miss you.” Silence dominated the room for a while before he replied, “Go take a bath. You just came back from outside and you made contacts with the humans, who knows you might get infected with the virus.” His response made your eyebrows furrowed down, and it seemed like he was still upset with you. “Oh come on, it’s not like I hug them or whatever.” “Just go take a bath. You stink.” 
Yeah, he was rude to you that night but you can’t even blame him for being one. He wanted to spend every oxygen that he inhales with you since he knew that after the seventh day coming, you will end up alone in this shared apartment. Both of you won’t get to see each other anymore physically, only through the stupid rectangle sized of phones. You knew it would take a very long time for him to apologise, because his pride seems to dominate him whenever he is distressed. Therefore, you decided to plan a small surprise to him to make him feel better. That’s what results in you at the kitchen 6 in the morning, preparing homemade foods for breakfast. Haknyeon isn’t a picky eater and that’s what made him extra attractive. He would always eat your foods with so much appetites as you gained your confidence in cooking thanks to him.
“Haknyeon, wake up and let’s eat hm?” You gently shook his arm, as he opened his eyelids and immediately shut them again because of the sunlights that came through your bedroom’s windows. “I cooked your favourite homemade foods, go wash your face first and I’ll wait for you at the dining room.” You placed a soft kiss on his forehead as it happens to be your morning routine when he’s around. You waited for him at the dining room for a couple of minutes, before he came out from the room and hand still rubbing his sleepy eyes. However, his eyes got wider once he saw the amount of foods that displayed on the table. His smile can’t cooperate with his egotism. He ran to take a seat in-front of you and fingers rushed to hold the pair of chopsticks near his rice. “Thank you for the food!” You nodded as he began to eat everything in-front of him that you prepared for him. You enjoyed watching him the most when he’s eating, especially when he eats your homemade foods. As if you were a proud mother who enjoys watching her little son eat all of your foods with a lot of appetites. 
However, the happiness didn’t last long as his egotism dominated him again. You released a deep sigh whenever he tried to ignore you and purposely being busy so that he won’t have to face you. It was pretty childish if you have to admit. Hence, you decided to pull out your last card. It was already 8 in the night, Haknyeon just finished taking his shower after enjoying the dinner you made for him. Grabbing the doorknob and twisting it to open the door, he was drying his hair with the small towel and seemed to not notice what was waiting for him on the bed. Once he laid his eyes up, his heart skipped a beat over the alluring scene displayed just for him. You were kneeling while wearing his favourite lingerie, a red coloured one that was made of silk. Your vision was limited due to the blindfold that wrapped around your eyes, as your hands were at your back, handcuffed. Oh shit, how hot you were at the moment. “W-What are you doing..” Even the guy who was so cold to you back then became a stammering guy once he saw you on the bed. 
He tossed the towel to the other side, taking slow steps to you before sitting on the bed, his hand made contact with you. The sudden warm touch shivered you due to the cold temperature in the room, but you know by any minute soon the whole room will start to heat up. “You look so beautiful..” His hand played its magic on your arm, before going up to your face and caressed your cheek. “What am I supposed to do with you?” He asked, as his voice was a few octaves lower from his usual voice. “P-Punish me..” You gulped dry air and earned a raised eyebrow from the latter, “Mind to corroborate with that?” It was either you answered him and got the thing that you wanted the most at the moment, or stayed silent and ended up helplessly horny for the rest of the night. “I’ve been a bad girl.. I made you upset last night.” “Oh, did you?” He asked you in a teasing tone as his hand went south, stopping once it reached your collarbone. “How did you upset me, my love?” His finger wandered your skin before his other hand joined before both of his hands slowly wrapped around your neck. Instead of answering him, you were enjoying the pleasure but it didn’t seem to be a good view to the latter. “Didn’t I tell you that I hate brats who aren’t answering me? Are you a brat?” His thumb pressed harder on each side of your neck. 
“I focused more on my work than you. I should’ve just gone back home instead of staying at the office. I made you angry and upset.” The corner of his lips raised out of satisfaction, “So what should we do with you?” “Fuck me. Make me go back to you. Make me think about you and only you” “Magic word?” You rubbed your thighs together to avoid the pool spreading all over your panty as you muttered, “D-D-Daddy..” Soon after, you heard the struggling sounds of him eagerly taking off his shorts as a hand placed behind your neck. You could feel the tip of his cock tapping on your mouth, asking for an entrance. Without wasting any time, you welcomed his cock with your widened open mouth. Your tongue flatten under his dick, sucking it as if it is one of your favourite ice cream. His hand now held your hair into a ponytail, as his other hand on your cheek, caressing them to tell you that you were doing a good job. His touch made you more spirited to please him, as you hollowed your cheeks and puffed them in, earning a sharp moan from the latter.
He began to thrust into your mouth without giving any mercy and shot his load into your mouth after several thrusts. His breath got quicken and he took his dick out from your lips, sighing in relief and amazed with the amount of cum inside your mouth. It was a lot, as some of them slowly dripped out from your lips. He immediately caught them from falling down to the bed and inserted his finger into your lips, who can’t seem to find the word ‘exhausted’ and began to suck them again. From his thumb, to his index finger, and even to his middle finger, you sucked his fingers so well. “My baby girl sure knows how to use her lips well huh?” He smirked as his wet fingers went south and stopped once it reached your panty. “And this needed to be off,” he took off your panty away, revealing your core for the latter to salivate. His fingers rubbed your cunt before pinching them, earning a loud moan from underneath him. He rubbed your clit with the fingers you sucked before returning your flavour, placing his lips on your clit.
“Daddy!” You moaned shamelessly, as you began to chant his name once his tongue licked all over your clit. Oh how bad you wanted to grab his hair and shoved him into your pussy, begging him to stop teasing you. “Please daddy… Stop teasing me,” Your hips grinded against his lips, hips moving forward as well to tell him that you were so eager for him to just fuck your pussy with his tongue. He smirked under your clit, knowing how powerful his lips held on you. He began to suck your clit, earning another sharp moan from the beautiful lady. You can’t stop yourself from letting the neighbours know who made you feel so good as the latter can’t stop either to pleasure you. He inserted his finger into your hole, helping you to pace faster to reach your cloud nine. Oh, how nice he was-- Or was he? Your high-pitched moans and hips moving aggressively signalling him that you were very close to your euphoric but all crashed down once he took out his fingers and his lips away from your pussy. Your whines could be heard afterwards as he leaned closer to your lips, whispering, “I want you to cum on my dick only.”
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lordseochangbin · 4 years
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50 shades of changbin: the end
a/n: wow.. my first long ass fic coming to an end, this is sad lol anyways! thank you reading <333
jisung stood outside your door, a bottle in his hand and a smile on his face as he remembered what happened the last time he dropped by. 
after a few knocks, you opened the door, thanking the gods that you two had the same attire on. you wore a casual white tee with black sweatpants and he wore just about the same except with a blue printed tee and a beanie. 
“come in” you seductively said, making him laugh as he placed the bottle on your kitchen counter.
“so pasta? give me a bite” he requests as he grabs the cooking spoon from the counter and takes a bite of pasta over the stove.
“what? it’s tasty”
meanwhile, it looks like hannah and changbin are enjoying their first date. holding hands, candle light dinner, privately booked restaurant… all the cameras flashed inside- almost blinding changbin and testing his patience.
“how much longer do we have to be here?” changbin asked with an annoyed tone.
hannah smiled back at changbin, gritting her teeth, “until the press sees that we’re a happy couple”
“you don’t seem too happy with all that food on your plate” changbin remarked, leaning towards her across the table and holding her hand.
“just lost my appetite looking at your face” she replied, rolling her eyes
“aww, do you want me to feed you?” changbin asked in a baby-like tone
hannah cocked her head to the side, noticing some of the press leaving. “thanks changbin, but i’d rather shove it down my throat”
“i know what else you can shove down your throat…” hannah’s eyes are bulging from changbin’s words before she could kick his shin under the table. 
“changbin, why are you making this so hard for me?!” hannah asks, dropping her fork on the plate 
“i’m sorry, what did you say? ‘hard for you’?! right because being blackmailed to leave my girlfriend and watch her flirt with some other guy in front of his own building isn’t hard enough” changbin saying in a mono-tone voice, trying his best to keep a smile on his smile as his heart does that thing again. the thing where it feels like his heart is sinking inside him. 
he used to be stone hard, in more ways than one i guess you can say, girls coming in everyday and never appealing to him. now he feels like his heart has hit an iceberg, tragically falling apart and sinking underwater. 
“changbin…” hannah whispers in shock, taking his hand in hers before changbin could casually pull away.
“don’t- you’ve been such a bitch to her. can you just tell her about this? please?”
“changbin you know i can’t-”
“please” he repeats, his voice cracking at the single piece of hope left. “i don’t want her to hate me forever hannah, i can’t”
hannah stares at the floor, thinking about how to explain the whole situation to you before looking up to changbin. “fine. i’ll talk to her tonight.”
changbin drops hannah off at the front of your apartment complex, looking up to see the lights on in your apartment and sighing in relief.
“are you sure you don’t want to come with me?” hannah asks for the third time on the way here. changbin nervously shakes his head before looking away.
“okay then, i’m not sure how long i’ll take so if it takes too much time just let me know and i’ll take a taxi”
as soon as the elevator makes that ‘ding’ sound, hannah head is filled with thoughts. maybe she should just tell you everything. from the drug case, the secret lover, the fake relationship with changbin, the blackmailing. 
she was never good with words, but she knew once she started talking she wouldn’t stop. she was going to tell you everything.
wiping off excess sweat on the sides of her jeans, hannah musters up some courage and walks up to your door, giving it a few knocks. after a bit of time, she stares at the floor thinking maybe you didn’t want to see her before the door could open.
“look y/n i’m sorr-” you jump in your seat at the familiar voice, running to the door that jisung opened as you pull hannah into a hug.
“hannah, what are you doing here?!” you ask 
“y/n! what is this piece of shit doing here?” she asks, throwing your arms off her as she goes to confront jisung.
“hannah.. hannah look-”
“stop! you don’t get to talk to me jisung. you don’t get to say anything!” hannah screams, bursting into tears. you pull hannah into a hug, wiping her tears as she found comfort in the crook of your neck.
she’s full on sobbing as jisung tries his best to look away, “look.. umm.. maybe i should go..”
but you’re not sure what’s going on. “look, i’m sorry but do you two know each other?”
before the question could leave your lips jisung was out the door.
“y/n..” hannah says, wiping her cheeks with her sleeve.
“what’s going on hannah?!” 
“i-it’s kinda a long story?”
“and i have lots of time, considering my company just ran out the door”
“have you read any of the articles about how i got arrested?” hannah abruptly asked as the two of you sat on the couch.
“no?? i was curious but i had no time to, why?”
“well jisung, he’s a cop. he had me arrested.”
“what do you mean?!” you replied in a shocked tone, leaning closer to hear what she had to say.
“jisung and i go way back, i suppose. we dated a bit, and i honestly liked him until i got into the drug scandal. once my name was blacklisted to the public, he asked me to see him so he could help.. but he betrayed me and got me arrested”
you looked down into the palms of your hands, wanted to slap yourself a thousand times. “s-so…” you wiped your sleepy eyes trying to comprehend the whole situation, “jisung, the guy who was just in my house, had my best friend arrested.. who was also his past lover”
“and my best friend is now dating my boss…”
“OH right! about that, we’re not actually dating”
your eyebrows creased as you stared at her dumbfounded, “hannah?! what do you mean??” 
she let out an exhausted sigh,  taking your hand in hers as she explained. “i just needed him to date me for awhile to get my name out of the papers”
“and you didn’t think about telling me??”
“i couldn’t risk getting caught! if the media saw you with him everyone would know i’m lying!”
“jesus hannah.. seriously. you’re telling me this whole thing was set-up?”
“it’s actually very annoying, but yes. changbin is an annoying asshole by the way” hannah added, making you laugh
“tell me about it”
she leaned on your shoulder, making you unconsciously lean on her head as she whispered, “friends again?”
rolling your eyes, you tickled her side making her fall off the couch before agreeing. 
“fine… friends again”
once hannah leaves, the familiar car leaving your house late at night, you’re forced to think about how changbin must’ve felt this entire time. the way you shaded him must have been hard enough, but you knew it must have been hard to keep such a secret. 
a few knocks are heard at your door as you get ready to leave. you’re surprised by the familiar face. “jisung!” you sarcastically exclaimed. 
“oooh, you told you everything didn’t she?” jisung replied back with a cringe face.
“yeah but don’t worry, at this point i’m just trying to understand everyone’s viewpoint” you chuckled, the sleepless night you just had bound to take its toll on you before jisung hands you a coffee. 
“well if it helps…”
“thank god, i seriously needed this”
you two arrive at the company building, jisung opening the door as you walk out. 
“thanks for the ride ji, i’ll see you later?” 
“of course” he winks, watching you before you head inside. 
changbin can’t believe his eyes. seriously? after last night this dumbass is still hanging out with him?
he gets out of his mercedes, throwing the keys at the valet. “park at the front, i have something to deal with.” 
jisung’s in the midst of getting inside his car before changbin steps in. if a punch couldn’t be avoided, it could definitely be stopped by a guy who’s had three years of training as a cop. 
jisung could only flinch at changbin’s attempt to swing at him, his hand on changbin’s wrist as he smirks. “think you forgot i’m a cop sir”
changbin pulls his arm away from jisung’s grasp, pouting at the print around it as he looks up at jisung. 
“look, if you’re going to date y/n just treat her well-okay?”
“date? y/n and i are just friends” jisung replied, leaning back against his car.
“oh… well i’m changbin, her boss.. i just wanted to check up on her”
jisung nearly chokes on his breath at the introduction. “w-wait what’s your name again?” 
“seo changbin…”
“fuck, oh my god” jisung laughs, patting a hand on changbin’s shoulder as he remembers the name that you moaned in the middle of your… your night. “you’re one lucky dude changbin”
“what do you mean?” changbin asks, a face expressed with confusion as he pulls jisung’s hands away from him. 
“bro, she still likes you. she likes you a lot. believe me”
“for real?” changbin asks, feeling bad for all the times that he believed you had gotten over hi”m. 
“seriously, yeah” jisung was cut off as hannah walks up to changbin, hugging him from behind. 
“there you are handsome” hannah whispers, kissing changbin’s cheek as he scrunches his face up in an unpleasant way. 
“did you just kiss me?” changbin replies, disgusting from the gesture. 
“just go with it” hannah mutters under her breath, completely ignoring jisung’s presence. 
“anyways! enough talking with backstabbing idiots” hannah states, gesturing at jisung as he glares back at her, “let’s just go inside”
grabbing his arm, hannah walks away, making sure to kick jisung’s shin as she walks out.
“shit!” jisung exclaims, grabbing his shin in pain as he hops inside his car. 
“she still knows how to make pain with pleasure” he laughs off to himself, rubbing his leg before driving off.
you’re typing away at your desk, not sure how to approach changbin after learning the whole situation. it’s awkward, you even moved your stuff to the main desk the other day to avoid both hannah and changbin. after you and hannah reunited, she’s been switching off between the two of you, trying to get you two to make up. 
“come on! just talk to him!” hannah urges as you try to ignore it. 
“he’s busy hannah, and so am i. just drop it”
hannah walks away unsatisfied before seeing changbin’s eyes glued to the screen. 
“hannah?” he asks, showing her the current news. 
“yeah?” she joins him at the desk
“your face is off the news, i think everyone has forgotten it”
you roll your eyes at the paper in front of you, realizing it needs changbin’s signature. getting up from your seat, you drag your heels to his door before stopping at the sound of his voice. 
“let’s call it off now, okay? i can’t stand lying to y/n anymore.”
“honestly changbin i can’t either, maybe i should call it off tonight.. i’ll contact my manager”
“sounds good, so this?” 
you peek inside to see changbin standing with a piece of paper in your hand. 
hannah points at it before saying, “shred it” 
the contract is shredded before the two of them shake hands. “release my nudes and i’ll sue your ass” changbin smiles at hannah before she replies, “funny because i never had your nudes- deleted them a long time ago” 
you watch as hannah turns around, looking for the nearest place to hide before resorting to the plant near his door. 
“i saw you y/n, now go inside, he’s all yours” she winks before walking away. 
peeking inside, you see changbin stare at his phone. he seems busy, quickly making a phone call and you realize you caught him at a bad time. you slump back over to your desk, calling one of the assistants to get him to sign it. 
maybe you’ll stop by another time. 
walking past the mob of cameras, hannah hides out at a nearby bar. thank god this bar is a place where no one goes, otherwise she’d be screwed. 
“i need a drink” she mutters to herself, sitting at the bar table as she taps the lonely guy next to her.  “what are you having?”
“a martini blue- oh” jisung turns around, in shock at the face next to her.
“it’s you” hannah glares at him, the bartender passing by and she requests, “i’ll have what he’s having..”
jisung stared ahead of him, eyes fixated at the lines of beer bottles held up against the wall before asking, “why would you even want to sit next to me? don’t you hate me?” 
a hint of sorrow was heard in his voice, making hannah turn her seat to face him. “i don’t hate you jisung, that was my problem- it had be called out at some point”
the sounds of laughter and club noises were muted out as a stray tear left jisung’s eye.
“i’m really sorry hannah.. i just wanted to help” 
hannah’s hand only went to wipe the tear off, taking his face in her hand. “i know jisung.. i know” she smiled before pecking his lips. 
when the assistant dropped the papers you asked her to sign for you, you grabbed them from the floor. 
“changbin wants you to come and ask him to sign these, sorry miss” you roll your eyes at his request, leaving the papers on the floor
“that’s alright, i’ll just chat with him then.” 
you straight up your shirt before walking towards the room. the familiar doors open once you press your card against the reader, changbin’s face looking up from the stack of papers on his desk. 
“changbin, i quit.” you simply state, throwing your card on his desk as he runs over to the other side to stop you.
“wait y/n don’t do this-”
“don’t do what? it feels so awkward just seeing you and none of us are making a move to-” you stop mid-sentence as changbin presses his lips against yours, taken aback by his sudden action. 
“changbin..” you breathe out, wrapping your arms around his neck as he presses you against the desk. 
small kisses are felt on your neck as he whispers, “i’ve been waiting forever to talk to you.. i assume you know what happened with hannah” 
“i do..” you can't help but to grab his hair as he sucks on your collarbone. 
“so you know that i never loved her y/n, i only loved you this entire time”
“i-i know” you stutter as his hands reach to remove your shirt. 
“are you really going to quit? after all of this?” changbin asks, looking up at your blissed out figure 
“i think so changbin, it was fun while it lasted but i’m not sure if i could keep it up”
“perfect, then i guess it’d be fine if i fucked you against this desk right now? right?” he chuckles.
“what? i am my own boss” he winks, removing his coat as you run your hands over his clothed abdomen.
“then come here mr.seo” you laugh, pulling him closer by his tie as he turns you around, head pressed against the desk as he tucks your skirt down. 
“this ones for your last day” he says, unzipping his jeans before you feel his member pressed against your ass. pumping his member a few times, you turn your head slightly to see his cock covered in pre-cum and before you know it, your nails dig into the wooden desk as he thrusts his member inside you. 
“fuck!” he hit your g-spot so well you couldn’t even help the noises that passed your lips, changbin didn't seem to mind though. his hands held your waist tightly as he continued his assault on you. 
he threw your head back at how you took him in, his pre-cum itself was enough lube to make him stretch you out so nice. hands grasping onto the edge of the desk, you feel your breasts press against the platform. 
the friction past uncomfortable before you feel changbin’s hands palm your breasts, whimpers leaving your lips at the way he stuffed you with his cock. you felt his heavy breaths near your ear as he collapsed onto your back, still thrusting harshly before letting out one last groan as he cummed inside you. 
you let your cheek press hard against the desk as you finally reach your orgasm after him, your heavy pants filling the room before changbin could peck little kisses on your shoulder. 
“i love you so much y/n” he whispers into your ear before pulling out. you close your eyes at the sudden stretch out near your core before turning around. 
“i love you too changbin” you smile into the kiss he pulls you into, arms wrapped tight around your waist before he could ask, “so you’re still going to stop by and visit right? because my lap needs to be occupied at all times”
“shut up changbin.”
“it’s true!!” he grins, fingers drawing circles on your lower back as he seats you on the desk. 
“i’m sure we could arrange something mr.seo” you wink before he could fit his figure between your legs. 
“now round two?”
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coastaldragon · 3 years
Dragon Diary 1/7/21
So...this is my resolution for the year.
I wanted to start a kin-related diary. I found myself missing how often I used to muse about myself and my experiences here, and have long since felt...detached from myself. Stuck in the loop of going through the motions of “human.”
A week late on my first entry, but so it goes.
These entries will just be flow-of-consciousness blabbles for the most part. I’ll talk about any kin-related thoughts I’ve had that day, how I’ve been feeling, how my otherkinity has affected my day, etc.
I have a lot of catching-up to do with you all, so the first few entries may seem disjointed and a little long. Lets get started. This is long. And a bit negative. But hopefully they won’t all be.
cw for death and drug mention and health talk like needles and stuff
I don’t quite remember why I dropped Tumblr like I did. I think I was getting annoyed at all the UI changes, and just overall very busy with “real life.” These things happen. I slowly drift away from a platform. Sometimes for weeks, months, or years in this case. Then I’ll drift back. Kind of like a scrap of wood on the waves.
In the time I’ve been gone life has been...interesting. The source of the stress that caused me to awaken in the first place is gone. He OD’d in...2014? 2015? Some time around there. My grasp of time is worse than ever.
We hadn’t even known he’d be using anything. Turned out he was stealing my late father’s remaining fentanyl supply. One of those guys who preys on widows like my mother. He lied about everything. His entire past as we knew it was a lie. And he was just leeching off of us.
It was...hard. I was the one who found his body upon getting home from work. My mother is still traumatized, even now. Even after all he did. She did love him.
I think all that hardened me quite a bit. And I’m sad for it. I’m still trying to soften myself again, but my trust has never been shattered like that before or since.
My now health is...poor. I had a great job working at an independent pack-and-mail sort of place for a few years. Very laid back, when the customers were nice. Helped me build a lot of strength and muscle. Quite enjoyed showing off by hefting 50lb boxes onto my shoulders. Helped me feel less weak in this squishy human body of mine.
But about...2 or 3 years ago [again, time is a myth to my brain] I woke up and my shoulders were just.
It felt like someone had stuck paint spanners under my shoulder blades or something. Not only that, but I was weak. I barely had the strength in my arms to lift a half gallon of milk in the morning.
We thought I’d just hurt myself showing off, somehow. So we gave it some time. Took ibuprofen, used pain creams. Took a few days off work.
But it didn’t get better. It got painful. And the moreso. And moreso. And then my back began to have trouble as well. It was spreading. I felt...ill.
So. Doctors. Tests. More bloodwork than I’ve ever had in my entire life. [10 vials at once for one appt!]
My primary, who is a garbage person I never wish to see again, insisted it was just a sprain. Or something. Whatever. But I knew it wasn’t. My mother knew it wasn’t. Everyone I knew knew it wasn’t.
Specialist time! At the behest of my cousin, who has a litany of autoimmune disorders, we hooked up with a rheumatologist. Who I will call Dr.M. 
Dr.M is an angel on Earth. I am convinced of it. A full year he spent with me, ordering tests, trying treatments, working with me to figure out what the hell was going on. And we did. And what a mouthful it is.
Ankylosing spondylitis. No, it’s not a dinosaur. [Though I do think I’m ‘hearted for ankylosaurines...I don’t think it’s related lol!]
You can look it up if you like. But basically: My immune system is fucking crazy and attacks all the things. Most places describe it as being a lower spine disorder, and while that is certainly where its centralized in most folks, that’s not all it is.
For example mine is, obviously, centralized in my shoulders and upper back. But it does aaaaaaaaaaall sorts of crazy shit. Every day is different. Joint pain, exhaustion, GI trouble, stomach upset, lack of appetite, murderous migraines. The usual for an autoimmune illness. But also wacky shit like costochondritis [painful inflammation of the cartilage of the ribs], random organ inflammation like in my kidneys [not fun], lungs [I had a 3-month stint of chronic bronchitis last winter], and even my heart [very not fun.] Sometimes it likes to attack my “integumentary system” aka shit like my skin and hair meaning I’ll have weeks where my hair just. Sheds. Like a damn cat. It gets everywhere and w/ my long-ass quarantine hair it’s so annoying.
This attack dog immune system does mean it’s unlikely for me to catch little bugs like your common colds and stuff, which is appreciated. But it also likes to maul anything else it deems foreign. Like medication! I took Humira shots for a few months and had a “paradoxical reaction” aka it did the literal opposite of what it was meant to, because the injections pissed off my immune system so much it went scorched-earth on whatever it could. Mostly my thighs, since that’s where the injections were. I still get stabbing pain in them and it’s been over a year. [No, I don’t think I can sue Humira over this. Though I have discussed it w/ my Dr.]
This also means that if I do get sick, it’s bad news. Something strong and unique like COVID? Death. Deaaaaaaaaath. Would likely trigger something called a “cytokine storm” aka my immune system nukes everything and my organs die and so do I.
So guess whoooooooo’s been locked up at home for almost a full year now? :’)
I luckily am able to work from home, though it barely pays the bills, and my health has suffered from a lack of being able to Do Stuff I normally would.
As a result I decided to get back in touch with myself.
It started with Second Life, because of course it did. A new dragon avatar came out. Shiny and mesh and easy [by SL standards] to modify. So me and a few friends [some kin, some not] made a group for sharing stuff for the av and just hanging out. It’s fallen by the wayside unfortunately but those nights spent chilling in SL with a bunch of other dragons roaring and goofing off felt really really good.
And then I made a kin Twitter. [And found some exceptionally cool kinfolk in the process.] 
Then came Othercon the virtual otherkin convention and OtherConnect, the Discord spawned from the community that rapidly formed within the con. Othercon felt incredible. Panels and lectures about the history of otherkinity and alterhumanity and how we are today and rep in the media and just so! Much! Cool! Stuff! And tons of great kinfolk too! 
To not only be within a community but seeing others like me and speaking with them, not just typing back at words on a screen. It was...so very, very reaffirming. It felt like a second awakening almost. I wanted to cry for finally, truly not feeling alone.
And now I’m here. Because I need to be. Because something, deep down, is telling me I’m going to be needing myself sometime soon. So I’d better get started.
I hope I don’t drift away on the tide again. I’ve missed this site, worse for wear as it is.
But I’m a bit tired today. A nasty headache lingering from yesterday’s nastier flare up. Accursed cold fronts. I used to enjoy them but not so much these days. Ah well.
I know there wasn’t much kin talk in this first entry, but as I said, we had a lot of catching-up to do!
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Terms of Engagement ch.7
Summary: Rus is still a kid himself and with his life turned upside-down, he has no idea how he’s going to take care of his baby brother. Having other kid skeletons appear in his world wasn’t exactly the help he was looking for.
Tags: Pre-Spicyhoney, Underfell Papyrus, Underfell Sans, Underswap Papyrus, Underswap Sans, Undertale Sans, Undertale Papyrus, Babybones, Scientist W. D. Gaster, Possible Past Child Abuse, Skellie Daycare, Growing Up Together, Big Brothers Caring For Their Little Bros, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Violence
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | 
Chapter Six
Read Chapter Seven on AO3
Read It Here!
The artificial light streaming in through the window was already conspiring to wake Rus when the kicked open door finished the job. He groaned aloud, rolling over and yanking the blanket over his head as he mumbled, “c’mon, bro, five more minutes.”
“Is that how you always greet Blue in the morning? Because if so, you and my brother have a great deal more in common than I thought.”
That deep, raspy voice was nothing like the sweeter, higher version of Blue’s. Rus scrambled to sit up, fighting free of the tangled blankets and choking back a scream as he met a pair of crimson eye lights set in a scarred face.
Memory jolted into place and shame came fast on its heels, fuck, how would that have made Edge feel, that the sight of his face scared the shit out of him? Wasn’t like the scars were the kid’s fault or his LV, if Rus was understanding things right.
Edge’s mouth twisted wryly and Rus’s soul ached guiltily. Might not have hidden that as well as he hoped. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. How are you feeling?”
“fine,” Rus croaked, sounding exactly like shit. “better, i mean.”
“Hm.” Edge sat on the side of the bed, his bed, Rus realized, made in the form of a race car like Blue’s was of a Volkswagen beetle. Always those almost similarities, younger brothers instead of older, turn left instead of right, their worlds not the same but still not exactly different.
Edge pulled up the blanket enough to expose his ankle. The testing pressure of his fingers made Rus wince. “Still a little bruised, but you should be all right.” That touch lingered, soothing over the dark spots mottling the bone, until Rus shifted uncomfortably. Then Edge drew away, straightening. “Red wanted to speak with you.”
“yeah, i bet.” Maybe in the time Rus was asleep, he’d come up with some ideas on how the hell he was going to get home. Edge went over to the closet, rummaging through looked like a sparse selection, and finally brought back a neat stack of clothes.
“Here, you’d probably like to change. I’ll wait outside the door if you need help down the stairs.”
“thanks,” Rus said, weakly. Edge only nodded and left, closing the door behind him.
The pants fit at the hips well enough, but Rus had to cuff them to keep from dragging on the floor. That was a novel experience, not too many Monsters back home were taller than him, especially not Blue.
He paused to think of his brother, closing his sockets. Right about now Blue would usually be waking him up to head out to his sentry post. Not today, today he was worried, maybe out searching the woods for him. maybe he’d been searching since last night. There was no way of knowing when Blue discovered he was actually missing and not just slacking off over in one of the Hotland posts, selling hot cats for an extra buck. He knew his brother, so well, and Blue would be frantic by now, Snowdin would have been searched from top to bottom and there was no way to let him know Rus was all right.
Well, mostly all right.
Rus sighed shakily and pulled the shirt Edge gave him over his head. He couldn’t worry about Blue now, worry wasn’t gonna get him home. But as he pulled on the shirt, he could smell the same laundry detergent his brother used, exactly the same, and by the time he yanked it down to his waist, Rus was angrily swiping away tears.
Time to get downstairs and start planning.
He limped his way cautiously to the door and happened to catch sight of himself in the mirror over the dresser. If he sounded like shit, he looked worse, but that wasn’t what froze him. The shirt was plain cotton, worn to softness over many washes, and looked as if once it proclaimed the wearer to be a ‘cool dude’. That was slashed across with red paint and bold penmanship declared overtop, “Bad Ass!”
It made him smile, a little sadly. The Edge he’d met yesterday seemed like the type to wear something like this but it was hard to reconcile that with the sweet kid he’d known, the one who was so awed by his first bisicle.
(I’m going to marry you, Russy.)
Rus shoved that memory back into the mental box at the back of his mind and headed out the door. Edge was waiting and again Rus was struck by how damn tall he was. It was one thing to notice it when he was sitting down, something else entirely when Rus was standing next to him and actually had to look up.
“Let me help you,” Edge said, reaching for him. Rus shied back, almost stumbling as his weak ankle protested.
“no! No, i’m good, thanks, i got it.”
If he didn’t already feel like shit, then the flutter of emotion that crossed Edge’s face would’ve done the job. The briefest flicker of obvious hurt, quickly masked.
Rus swallowed hard, “sorry, i didn’t mean--”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Edge said gruffly. He went past Rus, keeping a careful distance between them and headed downstairs.
Well, fuck.
He was feeling raw and unnerved, but there was no reason to take it out on the guy who was only trying to help him. Rus heaved a mental sigh and hobbled down after Edge, following him into the kitchen.
Red was already sitting at the table and the spread of food around him made Rus stare in drooling shock. There was a heaping plate of pancakes, melting butter oozing down the sides from the top of the stack. A plateful of brown sausages next to a bowl of cheery yellow scrambled eggs, golden hash browns, and fluffy biscuits alongside an open jar of bright red jam, a sticky spoon poking out of the top.
“mornin', bean pole,” Red mumbled, shoveling in another bite. “grab a plate and we’ll talk.”
Rus didn’t have a stomach to rumble, but damn if his soul didn’t give a lurch like it was about to hop out and load up a plate of its own. Rus hastily grabbed a plate and filled it, moaning aloud as he scooped up his first bite of syrupy pancake.
“this is so good,” Rus said around the mouthful. The look Edge sent him was so much like Blue, a pointed ‘Really? Those are your manners?’ stare, that he couldn’t help grinning sheepishly, swallowing before he repeated. “it’s great. considering some of the crap you cooked up back in the day, i gotta say, seeing you making decent food is probably the freakiest thing here.”
“nah, this ain't me,” Red said around his chewing. Edge swatted him on the back of the skull. Looked like he was less restrained with challenging his brother’s manners. Red swallowed and gave him an unapologetic grin. “sorry, bro. anyway, i don’t do the cooking, ‘bout all i can handle is reheating and dishes.”
“oh.” Rus managed a smile for Edge, trying not to let his gaze linger on the heavy crack through his socket. There was no good way to explain that it wasn’t the scar that put him off, it was what it meant. That innocent kid suffering and some part of Rus still believed he could’ve stopped it. If only, if only, and yeah, he hated that crack, hated it. But for right now, delicious pancakes were the game. ”edge, this is really amazingly good.”
“Thank you.” To Rus’s delight, his cheek bones went faintly pink. That scarred face was like a mask overtop the kid he’d known and every once in a while, the kid would peek out shyly. “This is somewhat more expansive than we’d normally have, but since we have a guest for breakfast--”
Red interrupted with a loud guffaw, “yeah, he put on the ritz for you. stay as long as you like if it’s gonna get me this kind of spread.”
Delicious as the food was, that reminder made Rus’s appetite wane. He managed a few more bites, not wanting to waste the food when he damn well knew himself how scarce supplies could be from time to time. In the end, Rus had to push his plate away, only half-eaten. Red was already finished, his plate practically licked clean and Edge only began eating after they finished, polishing off the cooling food and, yeah, maybe his manners were a little better but he still ate hungrily.
Red poured out coffee from a carafe, pushing mugs around the table. “okay, rus. now that we’ve got the eats outta the way, we need to figure out how the hell you got here. i’m guessin' you weren’t trying to show up at our door.”
Rus shook his head. “sorry, but no.” He took a sip of the coffee and almost gagged, “what the fuck is that?!”
“Chicory,” Edge said. He didn’t even bother to stifle his amusement and Rus pretended not to see he was finishing off the leftovers from Rus’s plate. “It’s easier to get and cheaper than coffee, but it does take some getting used to. Here.” He went to a tall cupboard and rummaged, bringing back a small jar. It was honey and Rus took it gratefully, stirring in a healthy (or not so much) spoonful. His next sip was still lingering bitter, but not quite that dark-roasted nightmare of the first.
“happy now?” Red asked lazily.
Rus was about to answer when Edge said, stiffly, “Yes.”
“good, then let’s get started.” Red leaned forward, elbows braced on his knees and his crimson gaze intent, “start from the beginning. tell me everythin', every detail, don’t care if you think it’s stupid, got me?”
So Rus did. Every detail, from getting up that morning, the way he’d been thinking about him and Edge, remembering them for no particular reason he could come up with. The way he’d felt agitated, almost urged to head downstairs to check on the machine. Despite what Red said, he still felt stupid describing how the machine made him feel, like it wanted to be used.
But the Fell brothers only listened intently and Edge nodded grimly as Rus haltingly explained how just being around the machine made his bones crawl.
“...and that was when i shortcutted out. i was trying to shortcut out to my sentry station, but--”
“wait,” Red interrupted, latching onto that eagerly, his sockets narrowing. “shortcut?”
With a jolt, Rus realized Red hadn’t been there when Sans taught him and it seemed he hadn’t figured it out on his own. “um, yeah, it’s kinda like teleporting. sans figured it out and he showed me how, before we shut down the machines.”
“Like teleporting?” Edge paused as he was clearing the table with a stack of plates in his hands. He looked a hellava lot more shocked than Red, sockets wide and astonished.
Red waved it off. “not that much of a surprise, bro, we know the docs were tryin' to find a way outta the barrier. okay,” Red said, slowly. “so you usually take a shortcut to your sentry station. you ever shortcut around the machine before?”
“loads of times,” Rus shrugged. “that’s how i got the damn thing to snowdin to begin with, i don’t even know how you two managed to move it.”
“we’ll go back to that. show me how a shortcut works.”
Red raised brow bone and asked with sardonic politeness, “you wanna get home to blue?”
“um, yeah.” Guess Red had some asshole left in him. Rus looked around uncertainly. “i’ll go out to the living room?”
“wherever works, try it.”
Rus nodded and took a deep breath. Shortcutting was easy once you knew the trick of it. Drawing on his magic, the picture of where firmly in his mind, and all he needed to do was step through the void and--
Rus choked on a scream, every atom in his body felt like it was tearing itself apart from the inside in agonizing slow motion. The sear of pain blinded him and he nearly fell, saved only by Edge catching his arm and hauling him back upright. Thoughtlessly, Rus lurched into those strong arms, clinging as the pain slowly, slowly ebbed. They slipped around him after a startled moment, then pulled him in close, settling Rus to sit on bony legs as Edge murmured soft, wordless noises of comfort.
“oh, oh fuck,” Rus sobbed. His hands fisted into the shirt beneath his cheek bone. Little aftershocks were still spiking through him, vicious needle jabs of pain. “oh, that hurt so much.”
“easy, easy,” Red said, behind him, clearly upset, “shit, sorry! i thought somethin' might happen but I didn’t expect that!”
Rus barely heard him. He looked up at Edge, his vision blurred with tears as he whispered hoarsely, “i can’t shortcut.”
He’d been able to shortcut for some fifteen years now, it was his escape, his power, and to lose it felt like he really had lost a leg.
“I’m so sorry,” Edge said, softly. Offering gentle sympathy even though his face was proof he’d gone through so much more than Rus could imagine.
Thoughtlessly, Rus raised a hand, tracing that crack through his socket with a timid fingertip. He’d kept it for the effect, Edge said, offered to let Rus kiss it to make it better. That socket widened but Edge didn’t draw away, let him trace the ragged line down his cheek bone.
Then his sense kicked back in and Rus realized he was damn well sitting in Edge’s lap, groping his face like some kind of pervert.
Rus took a deep, shuddery breath and lurched unsteadily to his feet. “can i go outside and smoke here?”
“sure, go ahead,” Red said. His crimson eye lights searched Rus’s face carefully. “don’t wander too far from the house.”
Rus nodded and fled.
He walked slowly upstairs to get his cigarettes, where once he would have simply shortcutted up. Didn’t think about that, only rummaged through his hoodie for his smokes and lighter.
Downstairs, he hesitated at the front door. His shoe was stained with marrow, dried into dark splotches. Rus’s mouth tightened grimly as he shoved his bruised foot into it anyway, not bothering to tie them as he slipped out the door. The artificial light was at its highest, close to simulated noon, damn, he had slept a long time.
Rus dusted off the porch and sat down, shaking out a cigarette and lighting it despite the trembling flame of his lighter. The first rush of nicotine into his magic soothed him and Rus sat there, smoking quietly, but he couldn’t quite relax. He could still feel the low thrum of the shielding magic around the house, essentially checking and rechecking him for Intent, and finally, Rus stood and took a few steps away until the feeling faded.
From here, he could get a pretty good look at the town. If it was maybe a little dingy-er than his version of Snowdin, that wasn’t the only change. Instead of the bright, elegant sign lettering for Muffet’s Bakery, there was bold, plain one declaring itself as Grillby’s. He was too far away to see inside, but the Monster stumbling out the door didn’t look like they’d stopped in for a pastry.
The only Grillbie he knew was a Fire Monster who lived over in Hotland and she wouldn’t have been caught alive in Snowdin, since she was pretty much sure the snow would snuff her out two steps in.
He wondered if this world’s Muffet was in Hotland, if she ran her bakery out there and did she stop at a sentry station sometimes for a hotcat, or whatever they had here? Was Edge friends with this Grillby, did he stop in to get all the gossip? What else was not quite the same, tipped to one side and wrong? He didn’t know, but it was something to think about, wasn’t it. Better than remembering that he was stuck here and the wall surrounding Snowdin was in sight, a magic-soaked barrier to keep out whatever horrors lived in the Woods.
He stood there, lost in his wondering with nothing but miserable time to do it in, and that was how the children found him. The same kids he’d seen yesterday or maybe not, Rus couldn’t be sure.They approached him curiously, warily, all of them in worn clothes showing neat patches and clomping around in an older siblings’ hand-me-down boots. But their cheeks were full and their eyes were bright, interested in this new stranger in their midst. The pack of them were standing around the mailboxes, huddling together as if by sticking close, maybe Rus wouldn’t see them staring.
They almost looked familiar, another sidestep away from his world.
“hey,” Rus called out to them. A half dozen pairs of eyes went wide, one kid muffling a startled shriek and Rus shook his head. Kids. Looked like they were about the same even in different universes. He crouched to put out his cigarette in the snow before shoving the butt into his pocket. “hey, you guys want to see a magic trick?”
That got ‘em. Rus reached into his pocket and pulled out a G coin, weaving it easily through his fingers. It was a cheap trick but it do look impressive to a kid, and soon the boldest of them left the herd, creeping in closer to watch with wide eyes as Rus spun the gold piece through his fingers, walking it across his knuckles in a spin and a dance.
Since he didn’t grab the brave one and eat him or something, the other kids seemed to decide he was safe enough. They all crept closer, a collection of wide eyes and runny noses, watching as he switched hands, staring as that coin pirouetted and twirled across the backs of his fingers.
He ended with a flourish, the coin spinning up high for Rus to snatch out of the air. He bowed grandly and the kids gave him a smattering of applause.
“ah, but i’m not finished! watch this.”
He crouched down next to the bold kid and showed him the coin. “i bet you can blow this coin away. wanna try?”
The kid nodded furiously and Rus went through the whole show of it. Waving it around so all the kids could see, carefully palming it before holding out his empty fist for the kid to blow on. The round of gasps that came when he opened his hand to show the ‘vanished’ coin was better than any applause from doing card tricks at the NTT resort.
“oh, but wait!” Rus reached behind the kid’s head and ‘plucked’ the coin from thin air, showing it to them all. “Didn’t get far, did it? Here, kid.” He flipped the coin and it spun in the air, head over tails. The kid fumbled for it, wide eyes shining almost as much as the coin.
“For me?”
Again, that memory of the bisicle, of Edge’s low, childish whisper as if he couldn’t believe anything so wonderful could be his. This time it was almost paralyzing, Rus standing with his grin frozen even as the child’s smile began to wobble.
“um. yeah.” Rus fumbled for words before that smile could disappear. “yeah, it’s...it’s all yours, big guy.”
The kid didn’t even say thank you and Rus didn’t give a shit. It was all right there, in those wide, wide eyes and all the kids surrounded him as they walked away, chattering excitedly. Rus watched them go, the turmoil of his emotions swerving into a new direction.
“That’s the second time I’ve seen that trick and I’m still not sure how you did it.”
If he wasn’t already a skeleton, Rus would have jumped out of his fucking skin. As it was, he jerked so hard he almost toppled into the snow, his sore ankle raising everloving hell. Edge was a few feet away, hands tucked into his pockets and a faint smile playing on his mouth. Maybe Rus was getting used to that scar, he actually relaxed to see it was only Edge.
“a magician never reveals his secrets,” Rus said breezily. Then curiously, “you remember that?”
“Of course. That was the last morning I saw you.”
Edge reached into the front of his shirt and pulled out a chain and Rus blinked when Edge showed him that dangling from it was a G coin, as untarnished and shiny as the day he’d given it away.
“you kept it?” Rus asked, disbelieving. He reached up to touch it without thinking, hesitating inches away, his hand curling into a fist.
Edge didn’t seem to notice. His wry grin was softer, teasing. “Well, I had to. It seems that my world doesn’t take G with the Queen’s face on it.” Then he sobered. “I wouldn’t have used it, anyway. You gave it to me.”
“i…” Rus didn’t know what to say to that. He looked up into Edge’s face, searching for any sign of that kid...kids. He looked around wildly, but all the sprogs were gone. “shit! that means he won’t be able to spend that!”
“I’ll take care of it. It was kind of you, to give him that.”
Rus shrugged uncomfortably. “no big deal, it’s only a g.”
The way Edge studied him, deep crimson eye lights resting on Rus’s face, was unsettling in a way Rus couldn’t quite explain. “You still do that, too.”
“do what?” Rus asked distractedly. Another cigarette sounded great right now and he started rummaging for the crumpled pack, fishing one out.
“Deflect when someone compliments you.”
Rus froze, unlit cigarette clenched in his teeth. No fucking way, Edge was hardly more than a baby bones when they closed off their machine, he didn’t need late-day psychoanalysis from someone who slept with a teddy bear. Rus shook his head, trying not to snap as he said, “i do not! it’s not a big deal, that’s all!”
“You do, but that’s all right, Russy.” Edge smiled and there it was, always in that smile. Little Edge, the kid who sat in his lap for stories. “I don’t mind telling you again. Excuse me, I’d better catch them before they try to use that coin in the shop.”
He strode off and Rus watched him go. Putting this version of Edge on top of his memories was almost exactly like trying to compare this Snowdin to his own. Not quite right, tipped a little to the side, and off.
He still wasn’t sure whether it was a good or a bad thing.
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