#but because he has the RANGE to be really deep and serious
diseasedcube · 2 years
Nooooooo a new trailer came out
I Literally Hate Bon's Voice So Much 🙃
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hyunsvngs · 11 months
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𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐲 - lee minho x gn!afab reader
wc: 6.1k
rating: 18+. MDNI
cw: alcohol, normalisation of getting very wasted, smut (specific smut warnings under the cut, again minors please do not interact!)
synopsis: the best surprises come from the most unexpected sources - like having your crush corner you in a frat party after hearing you confess your deepest desires of him in the background of a video.
a/n: part one of the fratboy series. fratboy lee minho has now taken over my entire brain, my heart, and also my life, so i hope you all enjoy. PLEASE feel free to stop by our askbox to chat to me abt him because truly, i am obsessed.
sw: swearing, dirty talk, sexy mean minho, no seriously he’s mean, thigh riding, nipple play, begging, dumbification, degradation, penetration with a finger & dick simultaneously, talks about sex slaves (maybe only slightly serious), lovely aftercare
When the opening notes of Half Moon by Dean met your ears, you couldn’t help but groan. You loved the song, but it signalled an incoming call that you’d been expecting all day. You flipped your phone over, confirming your suspicions; Jisung’s squishy cheeks flashed on your screen as his contact icon showed up.
“What do you want?” you asked as you answered the call, despite knowing very well what he wanted. 
At the beginning of the semester, your best friends had joined a fraternity, Sigma Kappa Zeta. It was an absolute dream - on paper at least. You didn’t have to commit to the endless fraternity obligations, which are often ridiculous and sometimes downright dangerous; although you still had regular invites to the blowout parties, owing to your connections to Felix and Jisung. You’d attended a few of these parties and enjoyed them thoroughly. Being pretty meant you got free booze, and what could be better than getting wasted for free, with two of your favourite people? While ogling their endless hoard of stupidly attractive friends, of course.
Your taste in men could be summarised as… unfortunate. You had an affinity for frat boys, the bigger and stupider the better. Muscular guys, with stupid goofy grins and sleeveless tees, bulging biceps and empty heads. Something about them really got you going, and it frustrated you to no end. But you loved to indulge yourself, and Felix and Jisung knew this all too well. And so, they were left baffled when you very quickly stopped attending these parties. Baffled, disappointed, and worst of all, persistent.
“Hey, angel,” Felix’s voice rang out from your speaker.
“You aren’t Jisung,” you stated.
“Very observant,” he responded, leading you to roll your eyes. You didn't even bother to question why he was calling you from Jisung’s phone. “Anyways, I assume you’ll be in attendance tonight?”
You snorted. “Obviously not.” 
“Y/N!” Felix’s deep voice gave way to a drawn-out whine. “Why not?”
“Cause I don’t want to spend time in your disgusting frat house,” you huffed. 
“Not even for me?” he pleaded with you.
“This isn’t working. You can’t guilt-trip me when I can’t actually see your stupid adorable face,” you pointed out.
“Fine, I’ll turn my camera on-”
“No. Look, why don’t you and Ji come drink with me in my dorm? Like the good ol’ days?” you suggested. Good ol’ days referring to a few months ago, before they’d joined the fraternity.
Felix paused for a few moments. “Fine. Maybe. Only because we miss you!”
“Come over then. See you soon!” You hung up before he could argue any more - you all knew you’d won. 
Just moments after Jisung and Felix showed up at your door, you began to consider the possibility that maybe you didn’t win after all.
“Y/N!” Jisung cried, before proceeding to push past you and collapse onto your bed. “Why do you never hang out with us any more?!” 
You turned to Felix. “What have you brought to my doorstep?”
Felix shrugged. “He chugged like, three beers before we even left.”
"I guess we'd better catch up then." 
It wasn't long before you were all feeling merry, though it would be amiss to say you'd caught up with Jisung, given that he often seemed intoxicated even when he was sober.
"I miss you guys, too!" you insisted, hushing the boys' griping. And you really did miss them. Since classes had ended, and people had limited obligations, the frat seemed like a 24/7 party house at the moment, which meant you hardly ever saw them. "I just… these frat parties, it's not really my scene."
The look Felix sent you told you that he didn't buy it, not one bit. The look Jisung sent you, on the other hand, told you that he was currently so drunk that he had a very tenuous grasp on reality, and was just happy to be involved.
"I've seen you eye up at least three guys at the frat. Not your scene? Nothing has ever been more your scene," Felix said, his tone accusatory. "I know it's nothing to do with us. So spill. Why are you avoiding the frat?"
Jisung had wandered off to the other side of your room, where he seemed to be making a concoction of different beverages. He didn't seem to be making a mess, so you thought it best to leave him while he was quiet.
You huffed. "Fine. One of your stupid little frat bro's is driving me insane. But I won't say who!" you added hastily.
Felix's eyes glinted. "Driving you insane? In what way? Like, someone's pissed you off? Or they're making you insanely horny and you don't know how to handle it."
You hid your face in your hands with a groan. "You know me too well, Lix."
Felix laughed gleefully. "Changbin?"
"Don't start guessing! I'm not gonna tell you!"
Felix paused, thinking hard. "It's Minho."
"It’s not Minho!"
He cackled. "You're an open book, it's Minho! You're horny for Minho!"
You let out a weak whimper in protest. "I just… God, nobody's ever affected me like this before, Lix! I don't even wanna be around him 'cause I know I'll say something stupid. Or maybe just start drooling on him."
Felix shrugged. "I guess I can't blame you. He is a gorgeous guy."
"Understatement of the century," you scoffed. "If I had to choose between solving world hunger and sucking his dick, I'd choose his dick. A thousand times."
Felix, in that beautiful drunken phase where everything was utterly hilarious, was clutching his stomach, in complete stitches on your floor.
"I'm not even joking, Lix! I'd devote the rest of my life to being his sex slave. He wouldn't even need to feed me, I'll survive off his cum if I have to!"
Felix wiped a tear from his eye. "Stop, stop. You're killing me." He turned to Jisung, who was still apparently playing potions with various different drinks.
"And that," Jisung said to no one in particular, "Is how you make a Hanji Supreme."
"What the fuck are you doing, Ji? Are you vlogging over there? Get your ass over here and listen to what Y/N has to say about Lee Minho."
"Okay, bye!" Jisung said, still seemingly speaking to thin air. He turned to you, eyebrows raised. "Minho? Y/N has the hots for Minho?"
"Unfortunately," you confirmed.
"We could probably set you up with him," Jisung proposed, a dastardly grin on his face.
"No," you quickly denied. "Never. Under no circumstances do you ever mention my name in Minho's presence. Got it?"
Jisung pouted. "But then your dreams are never gonna come true!"
You chewed on your lip. "I feel like a stuttering mess whenever I even think about him. I can't imagine what'd happen if I actually spoke to him."
"Wait, you've never spoken to him?" Felix clarified, and you shook your head. He smirked. "You were saying some pretty vulgar stuff, considering he's practically a stranger."
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I'm a creep and a perv. That's why he can never find out about this. Seriously," you said sternly, directing this last part at Jisung. He wasn't exactly known for keeping secrets. 
Felix looked him up and down. "I don't think he's even going to remember this tomorrow, if I'm being honest."
"Yeah," you agreed. "He seems like he's done for the night." The boy was lying flat on his back, the brim of his beanie pulled over his eyes. His phone was buzzing away on his chest, notification tone pinging every few seconds.
Felix sighed. "I just hope he doesn't get one of those second winds."
“Jisung, honey, is someone trying to get hold of you?” you asked, the chiming of his phone growing irritating. You figured he’d texted one of his many booty calls and then instantly forgotten about it.
“Huh?” he asked, clearly not really listening.
Felix’s phone began to buzz on the floor. “Someone’s trying to get hold of me.” He brought the phone to his ear. "Hey, what’s up? He's - he's what?" Felix covered his other ear. "It's really loud over there, did you say he's on the table? Christ - okay, okay, we'll be right over." 
"What was that?" you asked. "Is everything okay?" 
Felix sighed. "Hyunjin's partying a little too hard. Seungmin can't deal with him alone. C'mon, we gotta go wrangle him."
"We just went over this - I'm not stepping foot in Minho's territory, not even for a second," you said adamantly. 
"Relax, he's partying with Theta Chi Theta tonight," Jisung slurred happily, sitting upright and fixing his beanie. "C'mon, Y/N, come party with us!"
Felix looked to you pleadingly. "I can't deal with drunk Jisung and drunk Hyunjin without you. Please."
Fuck. Felix knew you could never say no to his puppy-dog eyes.
Even with the knowledge that Minho was preoccupied somewhere else, you still felt a little wary as you stepped into the house. It did occur to you that you could be a little too terrified of this man, but you knew all too well that both your horniness and your stupidity were utterly limitless, which was always a recipe for disaster.
You heard Hyunjin before you saw him - "Why can't I get naked, though? It's so hot in here!" 
You snickered. He was still on the table, although he looked a little wobbly so you doubted it'd be too long until he came tumbling down. Jisung wandered off, probably up to no good, whilst you and Felix hurried over.
Seungmin breathed a visible sigh of relief when he saw you. "So glad you're here. Okay, I'm off duty. Good luck." He had vanished within seconds. 
Hyunjin waved excitedly when he caught sight of you both. "Hi Lix! Hi Lix's pretty friend!" 
You laughed at his drunken boldness. "It's Y/N," you corrected him.
"I know." He grinned down at you from the table, eyes disappearing into crescents. "You're brave, too," he crooned.
"Brave?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"If I was you, I probably wouldn't show my face around here until the end of the semester, at least," he went on.
Felix narrowed his eyes at the boy. "What are you talking about?"
Hyunjin stared at Felix for a moment. Then switched his gaze to you. Then back to Felix. Before erupting into a fit of giggles.
"Oh my god, please sit down before you fall and crack your damn skull," Felix pleaded with the boy.
"Yeah, and more importantly, explain yourself," you added. 
Hyunjin sat obediently, pulling out his phone and handing it to Felix. 
"Oh fuck," Felix breathed. "I have the group chat muted right now." 
"The group chat?" you enquired anxiously. "Please tell me what's going on." Your paranoia was getting the best of you, and while you stood waiting for someone to fucking explain, you were slowly convincing yourself that you'd stolen Felix's phone and confessed your attraction to Minho in the most crass and unrefined terms.
This wasn't too far from the truth.
Felix opened up a video, skipping towards the end. You noticed Jisung, sitting cross-legged on the floor of your dorm room, chattering away about various beverages. More prominently, however, you heard your own voice, from the other side of the room. 
“I’ll survive off his cum if I have to!”
Your heart plummets to the ground as the memory comes rushing back. Fuck. 
You grab Felix’s arm, holding on for dear life. “Tell me this isn’t happening. Tell me Jisung only sent that to Hyunjin and no one else.”
Felix handed the phone back to Hyunjin and placed his hands on your shoulders, steadying you. “Look, it’s going to be okay. People say stupid shit like this all the time-”
“Oh look, Minho’s read the messages!” Hyunjin calls out.
You put a hand over your mouth. “I think I’m gonna throw up.”
“He’s typing!”
“No!” you wailed.
Hyunjin turned his phone around once more. You peered at the screen in turmoil as three dastardly little letters popped up.
"Oh, Y/N, you're so lucky he's not here tonight," Felix said, sounding relieved. Distantly, you felt a shred of relief too, although that was nothing compared to the complete and utter dread you were experiencing. Oh, the consequences of your own drunken, horny actions. Was there anything worse?
"Oh," Felix murmured, pulling his buzzing phone out of his pocket. "Oh." 
"What?" you asked.
"He's calling me." 
You called out "Don't answer it!" just as Hyunjin yelled "Answer it!"
Felix accepted the call, bringing the phone to his ear.
"Oh my god, I'm scared. Hold my hand." You scrambled for Hyunjin, who grasped your hand in his before giggling.
"Your hands are soft," he commented, apparently having forgotten the Minho debacle already. You swiftly hushed him.
Felix also raised a finger to his lips in a shh motion, before putting the call on speakerphone.
"Are you at the house? Is Y/N with you?" Minho’s voice came through the speaker.
Felix paused, looking at you with wide eyes. You shook your head furiously. 
"Uh, yeah," he answered, the traitor. You fought hard not to scream.
"Can you pass a message across?" you heard Minho ask.
"I'm on my way." The line clicked dead.
Your heart was hammering in your chest. “LEE FELIX WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TELL HIM I'M HERE?" 
"I DON'T KNOW, I PANICKED!" he shrieked back, sounding equally as alarmed as you.
“This is crazy,” Hyunjin commented with a dazed grin.
“You are far too drunk to understand the absolute catastrophe I’m in right now!” you accused him. “Oh my god, what am I gonna do? I need to go - immediately.”
“Not so fast.”
You spun around in complete and utter horror, terrified that Minho had somehow materialised from his other party right back to the frat. Only to find Seungmin standing before you - just slightly less threatening.
“Jisung is far too drunk, and he’s begging for you,” he explained.
“God, what is in the air tonight?” you observed. “Do you guys need to do a fraternity-wide detox?”
Seungmin snorted. “Like that’s ever gonna happen. Go on, Jisung’s in his room.” 
God fucking damn it, why were you such a good friend? You tore up the stairs, bee-lining for Jisung’s room, fully intending on hiding in his bedroom for the rest of the night. Minho wouldn’t find you in there if you locked the door, right? You were even willing to put up with your best friend’s snoring.
"Hey, Sungie," you said gently as you walked into his room. You found him curled on his bed, still dressed in his hoodie, cargos and beanie. 
"Y/N… You're finally here…" he mumbled.
"You sound sleepy. Is it bedtime?" you asked, sitting down on the bed beside him. You tugged the beanie off his head, and ran your hand through his hair, scratching his scalp gently. 
"Bedtime? Hmm… No… It's still party time for now." His words were slurred, and you knew he was just minutes from dozing off - seconds, maybe. 
"Sure," you said, as it was typically better to just agree with him. "You wanna get your pyjamas on? We can have a pyjama party."
"No. I'm comfy like this." You seriously doubted it, but didn't have it in you to battle him right now.
Sure enough, he was snoring less than thirty seconds later. You wondered if it was worth shoving him a bit, to climb in bed beside him, or whether it'd be best to just run home. But you didn't know how far away Minho was, and the thought of bumping into him was too much to bear. 
You deliberated for a few moments, but Jisung's snoring was driving you insane, and you quickly realised that you weren't equipped to deal with it tonight.
You pulled out your phone, opening Felix's contact.
[10:44pm] You: lixie do u have minho's location?
[10:44pm] You: lix please please please
[10:44pm] You: felix pls i need to know how far he is
You sat on the edge of Jisung's bed, leg bouncing with nerves. Why was Felix always muting his damn notifications?
[10:48pm] Lix: idk sorry :( i think his party was nearby though
[10:48pm] Lix: look, just run to my room
[10:49pm] Lix: you'll be safe there
You weighed up your options. 
Option one: stay here with Jisung, awake all night owing to his snoring and his complete domineering of 90% of the bed space, stressing about Lee fucking Minho.
Option two: run out of the frat house, and all the way home to safety, but risk bumping into Minho on your way out.
Option three: run down the hall to Felix's room, where you can vent to him all night and then eventually fall asleep with his sunshine cuddles.
It could only be option three.
His room was just down the hall, you reasoned. You would yank open the door, tear down the hallway, and land safely in Felix's bedroom. It would be easy. 
You took a deep breath, before pulling open the door and preparing to run.
“Ah. Look who it is.” 
Minho stood in the hall with an unreadable expression. His eyes scanned your whole frame, and he took his time with his scalding gaze. His eyes crawled all the way up your legs, lingering up your thighs. Slowly moving from your hips, to your waist, to your chest. Before landing on your eyes - that’s where his inspection burned the most. You couldn’t even breathe. 
“All bark and no bite, hm?” 
“I… I just…” you stammered weakly.
He continued to stare at you, waiting for you to finish. “You just?”
“I’m sorry!” you managed, your voice barely above a squeak.
He folded his arms across his chest, looking amused. “What, pray tell, are you sorry for? For blabbing about my dick to anyone who’ll listen? Manners mean everything, sweetheart, you could’ve just asked me nicely. There was no reason to bring everyone into our business, now, was there?”
You simply blinked at him. You weren’t capable of anything more. He was clearly waiting for a response, though, smirking over at you expectantly. “W-What?” you managed eventually.
“Or are you apologising for your dirty mouth? Honestly, I didn’t expect that from you. You look so sweet, who knew you could be so… improper.”
You felt dizzy. “Improper?”
He pouted at you, and it was dripping with condescension. “Can you speak, darling? Or are you so cock-hungry you can’t manage more than a one-word answer?”
“I-I just don’t know what to say, is all,” you whispered.
“Just give me a yes or a no,” he invited you, holding his hand out for you to take.
You gave him a slow nod, placing your hand in his shakily. He smiled as if to say ‘right answer,’ before opening the door right next to Jisung's, and leading you into his bedroom. The room was remarkably neat and tidy, and you would’ve been impressed if you could even begin to process it. All of your mental energy was focused on not combusting - or coming on the spot. 
He allowed you to step into the room before closing the door behind you. You were then quickly pushed up against it, Minho pinning you against the wood with his hips. Had that squeal really just come from your mouth?
His eyes were transfixed on your lips. You waited, heart hammering in your chest, while he had you trapped there. Until this point, you really hadn't been sure whether he was angry at you for saying such explicit things about him. The look in his eyes revealed everything - he wanted you just as badly.
He leaned in slowly. Torturously slowly - evidently, he was going to take his time with you. His lips met yours in a gentle peck, which he repeated, again and again. You sighed against his lips, gripping the fabric of his t-shirt and pulling him closer, but he merely smirked against your pout.
"Please," you breathed.
"You're so desperate," he said with a low laugh. "I could give you what you want, Y/N, but I know you wouldn't be able to handle it."
"I can take it," you protested, your voice sounding much whinier than you wanted it to.
"You can?" he asked, cocking his head and looking down at you condescendingly. You nodded insistently. "Okay."
Minho picked up the pace. His lips were soft but they bit at yours harshly. His tongue entered your mouth and you savoured his taste, sucking on his tongue gently.
Your hands went to the button of his jeans, swiftly unbuttoning it. Minho pulled away, stepping back and leaving you pouting once more. He laughed, that awful patronising sound yet again, that made your palms sweat and your thighs sticky. 
"What, you think you're gonna get my dick that easily?" he asked, cocking his head at you. "No, honey." 
"Please?" you asked. It sounded pitiful, even to you.
You watched as he went to his neatly made bed, tugging off jeans and laying back. "Come here," he instructed, lounging back against the wall. "Take your clothes off for me."
"T-Take my clothes off?" you asked meekly. It sounded pitiful even to your ears.
The look he gave you was scathing, although he did seem rather amused by the pathetic show of stupid desperation you were unfortunately displaying. "Well you can't expect to stay fully clothed if I'm gonna fuck you, right?"
You nodded, standing in front of him and looking down at your feet. "I… I feel shy all of a sudden."
"You feel shy? I don't know if you'd make such a good sex slave after all." He laughed before growing serious. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to. I'll look after you, if we do, but the choice is yours."
His kinder tone set you at ease, and made you realise that you really wanted this, you were ready for this. It also brought about the realisation that you much preferred it when he was mean. You didn't want to dwell on what that meant, though. 
You gathered your courage and slowly pulled your clothes off, standing before him in nothing but your underwear. Minho said nothing, but you felt as though you were on fire under his gaze. 
He wasn't the only one who was enjoying the view. Your eyes traversed his toned thighs, mouth watering as you thought about how it'd feel if he were to press one between your legs. He wore plain white briefs, and you couldn't help but stare at the prominent bulge inside them. Even semi-hard it looked huge. You noticed it twitch ever so slightly, as he looked over your exposed body.
Minho spread his legs slightly, before tapping his left thigh. "Come on, darling. I know what you want."
Was he a mind reader? You wasted no time, climbing onto the bed, straddling his thigh and beginning to slowly grind. He tensed it, so firm and strong beneath you. The perfect platform for you to drag your clit across. 
Minho's hands went to your waist, holding you gently, guiding you as you rolled your hips.
"That's it, baby, there you go," he encouraged you. The friction was enough to make you sweat, the pleasure overwhelming you. He was right - maybe you couldn't handle this. You couldn't even imagine how overwhelming it would be to actually feel his hands on you, feel his dick inside you. 
His dick.
You could see it growing harder in his briefs, a small damp circle near the head where precum had leaked. You couldn't resist the temptation any longer; your hand reached out almost involuntarily, cupping his bulge gently. It was firm, and warm, and growing bigger seemingly by the second.
Minho took your hand, instantly re-directing it. "No, no, don't touch. Not until I say you can."
"But I can see how hard you're getting," you said. "You want it, Minho!"
"Unlike you, I know how to restrain myself." He patted your waist gently. "Keep riding."
You gave a frustrated huff, but did as he said. 
Minho brought a slender finger down to your crotch, hooking it around the fabric of your underwear and moving it out of the way. "Let me see that pretty pussy," he murmured.
The new exposure made you moan aloud, hands gripping Minho's shoulders firmly as you rode him.
"Please," you whispered. "Please, Minho."
"Please, what? Use your words."
"Please fuck me," you asked.
He pretended to consider it for a moment. "Hmm… No. Not yet."
You groaned. "I need it, though!"
Minho snickered. "Don't be such a brat. I want to take my time with you, okay?"
"You can take your time next time! Just - please - fuck, please, I need it."
He raised an eyebrow with you. "Oh, so there's gonna be a next time, is there?" 
You ignored his quip. If you couldn't get in his pants just yet, you'd focus your attention elsewhere. You lifted his shirt slowly, revealing his stomach, where you found lightly toned abs that only made you more desperate to feel him. Miraculously, he humoured you, pulling his shirt over his head.
You gasped, running your hands down his chest. He was beautiful, tight pecs and perfect little nipples that stood to attention in the open air of his bedroom. You ghosted a finger over one of them, entranced.
"I thought that'd shut you up," Minho commented under his breath.
"Beautiful tits," you muttered unintentionally as you admired his pecs.
Minho smiled. "I could say the same thing about you, angel." He placed a hand on your back, pulling you closer and bringing one of your nipples into his mouth. He wasn't gentle about it, sucking and biting without holding back. You cried out, your hips pausing their grinding motions, your system completely overloaded by his harsh actions on your sensitive nipple.
"Keep riding," he mumbled, not even taking your nipple out of his mouth as he spoke. 
You dragged your clit across his muscular thigh, whimpering loudly as you went. "Oh god, please, Minho! I need you inside me." 
"Then beg for it."
You wasted no time. "Please, Minho, please, please! I need your cock, I've never needed anything this bad. I know I'm just a filthy little slut but please give me what I need, fuck, I'll die if you don't!" 
"You really are a filthy slut," he agreed, lifting you from his thigh and laying you on his bed. 
"Yes, yes, please Minho!" you babbled.
He pulled your underwear down, leaving you completely naked before him, before tugging his own briefs off. 
Holy fucking shit, you thought.
His dick was beautiful. That was the only way to describe it - fucking beautiful. It was long, with a vein running along the underside, and the girth was decent too. The head was thick, and red, and if you weren't so desperate to be fucked you would've sucked on it for hours. 
"I know you want it," Minho said. "But do you deserve it?" He stroked his dick slowly, and you watched as the head disappeared into his fist, emerging again as his hand ran along his shaft.
"I don't know, but I need it," you insisted. "I'll do anything." 
Minho shook his head, but he looked smug. "Alright, baby. If you need it that badly."
"Yes, yes, yes," you chattered, intoxicated by a dick that you hadn't even felt yet.
He pushed your knees up to your chest, and you hooked your arms around them, holding them in position and peering down to watch his motions. "Such a perfect pussy." He rubbed the head of his dick across your clit, and you whined loudly. Distantly, you wondered if the sounds of the frat party below would even be enough to drown out your incessant noises of pleasure. It was irrelevant, though; you didn't care enough to stop.
He dragged his dick through your folds, over your hole, back up to your clit. Minutes ago, you would've killed a man to have Minho touch your pussy, but already you wanted more. He made you so greedy. It felt good but your thirst for more was unbearable, intolerable.
"Alright, baby, are you ready?"
"Yes!" you cried out.
Slowly, he sunk the tip of his dick inside you - just the tip. Thick as it was, it slid in with hardly any protest. He sighed as it went in, clearly needing the sensation more than he let on.
"More," you pleaded.
"You'll take what I give you, when I'm ready to give you it." Minho saw you roll your eyes at this, but said nothing.
He pushed the head in and out of your hole, never putting more than two inches inside. 
"Please give me the whole thing, Minho!"
He simply shook his head. "You wouldn't be able to handle it. Dumb baby."
"I can handle it!" you insisted. "I swear I can!" 
He looked at you, raising an eyebrow that told you he was unconvinced. "You can?" You nodded. "You're gonna cry like a little baby." 
"Just give me your stupid dick right now!" 
Minho laughed, shaking his head. "Alright, baby. Here comes my stupid dick."
He held your legs down against your chest, and slammed his whole length inside you. You saw stars. He thrusted, hard and fast, and you were somewhat aware that you were moaning probably louder than you ever had before, but all you could truly focus on was his cock filling you up. He was hitting your g-spot on every single thrust, grunting as he fucked you.
"God, you're tight," he groaned. He re-positioned his hips, and somehow managed to hit deeper. You felt him against your cervix, and cried out in pain.
"Too much," you weakly protested as your eyes filled with tears. 
"I thought you could handle it?" he said, his voice lacking any sympathy. "Fucking pathetic, begging for a cock you couldn't even take." 
"I-I can, just not so deep."
Minho smirked down at you. "It's not my fault my dick's so big," he said, but adjusted his thrusts slightly anyway. 
"I can take it," you promised. "I-I can take anything you give me, Minho."
"That's right, baby. My filthy little whore." His voice was calm, but his eyebrows were furrowed and sweat was dripping down his forehead - the pleasure was overwhelming him just as much as it was destroying you. 
Minho leaned down, connecting his mouth to yours as he fucked you. You sighed happily, wrapping your arms around his neck and taking his tongue into your mouth. You couldn't help but moan. His dick fucking your pussy, his tongue fucking your mouth. This was heaven, you were sure of it.
He pulled away. "You think you could take some more?" 
"More?" you asked, eyes wide. 
"Just a little more. For me?"
You nodded hesitantly.
Minho paused his thrusts, but before you could whine in protest, you felt his finger rubbing at your opening. Slowly, he pushed his index finger inside, along with his dick. The painful stretch was incredible, and you whimpered at the feeling. 
"There you go, babe," he said, beginning to thrust once more. He closed his eyes, losing himself to the sensation. "Fuck, this is nice and tight."
You were barely even lucid at this point. You babbled incoherently, unaware of what you were even trying to say. You were completely and utterly spellbound by his dick, by the sweet burning stretch. 
"Touch yourself for me, baby," Minho directed you. 
"F-Fuck- I don't know if I can-"
"I thought you wanted to be my sex slave, hm? Pretty little slaves do as they're told." 
You whined, but obeyed his command. "M-Minho… I'm gonna cum if I keep going."
Minho barked out a laugh. "Cum then. I don't care. But don't take your fingers off that pussy, not even for a second."
You were beginning to think that maybe you weren't cut out for this. You hadn't even reached your climax yet, and already the overstimulation was too much. Your stretched out pussy was throbbing, and you jolted each time Minho's dick pounded your g-spot. You were drenched, covered in your own sweat as well as Minho's, which was dripping onto you from his hair, his forehead, his neck. The air in the room was thick, and smelled entirely of Minho - you were covered in him. He looked like a god above you, fucking into you like it was his life's mission.
It was too much for you to handle, without a doubt. And yet, you'd be happy to spend the rest of your life underneath him. Or on top of him. Or in any position which meant his dick could be inside you.
"Minho… Minho!" you whimpered.
"C'mon, baby," he encouraged you, his voice strained. From the sounds of it, he wasn't far from finishing either - although you got the sense he could keep going all night if he willed himself to. "Cum around my cock like the dirty little whore you are." 
That was all the prompting you needed.
Your ears started ringing. You let the almost unbearable feeling of ecstasy wash over you, flooding Minho’s cock. You knew you were crying out maybe a bit too loudly - but you didn’t care, thrashing in Minho’s hold and grasping the bedsheets for dear life as he fucked you through it. He didn’t slow his pace, riding out your intense orgasm caused by the man of your dreams and making you feel as if you’d been set on fire.
"Does that feel good, baby?" Minho crooned, continuing to fuck you as he went after his own orgasm. You could only manage a high-pitched whine in response. "Just a little longer, baby, you can do it. Just lie there and let me use your tight little pussy, that's it." His voice was hoarse, and the veins on his neck were prominent. You knew he was going to cum soon, but you didn't know if you could hold on. You were over-sensitive to the point of pain, hands gripping Minho's bed sheets.
"Cum - give me your cum," you urged Minho. "Now, please."
His eyes widened. Your command had seemed to catch him off guard a bit. He pulled out of you, and you watched as thick ribbons of pearly white cum oozed onto your abdomen. You gasped gently as you watched. It was perhaps the most beautifully erotic thing you'd ever seen. His dick was definitely a contender for the prettiest one you'd ever fucked, and his cum was thick and heavy, dripping from the tip like a waterfall.
"Thank you," you whispered. He leaned in, kissing you deeply. He tasted like sweat, hot and sticky, and you moaned. 
He pulled away, before planting one more kiss on your forehead. "You're welcome."
Minho stood, going to the other side of his room. You tried to follow him with your eyes, but you felt so weak and tired that they slipped shut immediately. He returned seconds later, and you lay still, sighing as he cleaned you up. His touch was so gentle, so soothing, so different than it had been just minutes before.
"That better?" he asked, discarding the towel.
You nodded. "You want me to go crash with Felix?" you asked, unsure of what exactly this arrangement was.
"Nah, you reek of sex. Felix wouldn't want you." He helped you climb under the covers. "Plus, I wouldn't mind some company tonight." He slid into bed beside you, and you rolled over, laying your head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, and you felt incredibly safe secure, especially considering just how utterly terrified you'd been of this man a few hours ago.
You giggled softly, so tired and fucked out that you felt a little delirious. "Can't believe you fucked me, Minho."
Minho gave a short laugh. "Can't believe you convinced me to fuck you so easily. You're a little minx. I really wanted to play with you some more."
You nestled into his chest. "I guess there'll have to be a next time then, huh?" 
"Yeah," he agreed. "If you're lucky."
"You wanna fuck me again, Minho, I know you do," you mumbled. "I saw the look in your eyes when you came. You need my pussy."
Minho was silent for a few seconds. "You're awfully bold for someone who was crying on my cock ten minutes ago."
"Get some sleep, sweetheart." No more than ten seconds later, you were sleeping in his arms. 
You slipped into the land of dreams, where you went on to fantasise about Minho - his thighs, his neck, his tummy, his hands. His kisses, his touches, his dick in your throat, in your holes. Minho everywhere. Were you completely insatiable? Maybe. But it seemed very likely that he'd give it to you again. In your sleep, you smiled.
taglist: @moasworld @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @queenofthegardengnomes @boomfrogg @hoeinthehouse @msaddictions @sunnyhonie @hizliyuruyen @jyu037 @jouoy @drhsthl @seungincore @jellylver @veedoesntknaur @meloncremesoda @k-poplv @livieloo914 @fekixfmp @fawnpeaks @minnielvr @imastraykidsfan @hanjisung2023 @hoelynecujoh @kyrviu @sxgeofprohets @everydreams-penumbra @chaneomma @kkissreol @secretjj @phtogravi @princelingperfect @personawthai @dirah-h @straykids5star @luvhyux @chuuswifereal @stg110 @cookiesandmilfx @number1seungminstan
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My baby, my baby… pt.2!
Summary: Leon is a man pushing 40 and you’re a girl in her early 20s. You confessed your feelings but things went south.
Warning: age gap. literally any older version of Leon. reader is young. female reader. smut. mentions of alcohol. unprotected sex. praise. fem receiving. gentle sex. CONSENTED. angst with happy ending?
a/n: I just ate buldak ramen and my asshole is so clenched rn. oh god wtf ts is not for the weak
(pt.1) (pt.2)
“You’re my baby, say it to me” - Mitski, I Bet On Losing Dogs
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Days have passed since that kiss you shared with Leon. And it’s been hell. All you could think about was his touch, his cologne, his eyes… you fell hard for a man who could be your dad. And so here you were, drinking in your studio flat. You walked towards the nearest convenience store to buy the cheapest thing you could afford. Alcohol is alcohol, you thought. It all has the same effect in the end.
You were lying on your couch, drunk out of your mind. Crying and sobbing as you listened to Mitski and some other depressing artist you were so sure your neighbors could hear you but you didn’t care. What you assumed was the love of your life turned cold towards you. And you loathed that feeling. All you wanted was to be in his arms again. To feel those muscly arms hug around you as his soft voice whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
You really shouldn’t be trusted with alcohol and a cellphone because you made the mistake of texting Leon.
Leon was confused when he received a spam of messages at 2 in the morning. Who is their goddamn mind is still awake at this hour. Lo and behold, your name popped up on his screen. He let out a sigh as he clicked on the chat and began to read.
“I miiiiiissss uuuuu”
“pls, I need u :(“
“y r u ignoring me?”
“I thinkI committer tax wvasion”
Okay the last text made him worried. He knew something was up so he straight up just called you.
The phone rang in your hand and your eyes bulged out of their sockets, not literally. Your breathing quickened and you felt nervous. But you still answered, you put the phone on your ear and you swore you almost died from how hot and hoarse his voice sounded.
“Y/n…?” He spoke through the phone, his voice laced with sleepiness as he just woke up. If you weren’t wet, now you were.
“Leooooon, hi” you slurred. You mentally slapped yourself for sounding so stupid.
Leon sighed heavily as he heard your voice, “Y/n, you’re drunk. Where are you?” You could hear the sounds of rustling in the back as he got dressed and got his keys ready.
“Huh? Oh- uh… I’m at home,” you mumbled as your face grew hot.
“Text me your address,” he demanded in a serious but gentle tone as he hung up. And you couldn’t help but oblige. You sent him your address and waited patiently for him to come knocking at your door.
You fixed your hair and tried to look presentable even after crying all day. Your face was swollen and your eyes were red. So you went to your bathroom and washed your face, hoping the hyperpigmentation would disappear.
You rushed to your front door as you heard knocking. When you opened the door, Leon stood there looking godly. He was wearing grey joggers and a loose shirt. His hair was neat, given that his hair is straight as a door.
“Can I come in?” Leon asked after you stood there, staring at him in silence for a good two minutes. You mumbled a quiet sorry and stepped to the side to let him in.
When he stepped inside, he immediately spotted the bottles lying about on the coffee table. He let out a deep sigh through his nose and began to clean up your place. You quickly followed behind him and tried to stop him.
“Wait, Leon- I can do it,” you said as you took hold of Leon’s arm. He turned around and gave you a stern look. “Sit,” he commanded as he nodded his head towards the couch.
You wanted to argue, you really did but the way his voice seemed to have reached your head and pussy made you unconsciously walk over to your couch. You sat on it and watched as Leon cleaned your apartment, because that’s what coworkers do, right?
Once Leon was done with getting rid of the bottles, he turned to you and began to check your temperature. To be honest, you felt sober now that he was here.
“What are you doing?” You asked in a soft tone as he put his hand on your forehead. “Checking to see if you have a fever, do you feel drunk?”
You shook your head no, “No, I feel fine.”
Leon sighed and took his hand away from your forehead before settling down next to you. “Why did you text me?” He asked softly. You shifted in your seat as you tried to come up with a good excuse, “I was drunk,” you muttered.
He gave you a skeptical look, he wasn’t easy to fool, “Y/n, I know when you’re lying. Let me ask you again, why did you text me?”
You swallowed hard and focused your gaze in your hands in your lap, “I miss you…” you began slowly and quietly, almost scared to start crying, “I wanted to hear from you again. I wanted you.”
His eyes softened but he maintained his face composed. “Y/n…”
“I know what you’re going to say-“ you began, “That I’m too young and naive for you. But I really cannot help these feelings I have for you…”
Leon sat there looking at you in silence as your words settled in his head. He didn’t know how to tell you he felt the same. He inhaled sharply brought his hand to your chin and gently turned your head to look at him,
“My heart aches for you, my mind yearns for you all the time…”
He whispered softly, “I tried so hard to ignore you, to forget you. But you always manage to make me feel these things for you.”
You sat there, shocked at him. Is that how he felt? Did he actually feel the same way as you?
Leon noticed your shocked face and leaned down to kiss you softly. His lips tender against yours, a kiss so sweet yet full of love. When he parted his lips from yours, he stared down into your eyes with a gentle look.
“Leon, I…” Your voice was just above a whisper, “is that why you’ve been avoiding me?”
Leon nodded at your words. He’s been avoiding you because he also loved you, the only difference is that he was scared.
You kissed him back, a little bit harder than when he kissed you but he didn’t mind. He moved his hand to the back of your head and pressed you against him, his tongue glossed over your lips and forced his way inside your mouth. His tongue swirled around against your tongue and moaned at the sensation of your hands moving towards his chiseled chest.
He gently laid your back down against the couch, your head resting on the armrest as he parted your legs with his knee and settled himself between your legs, caging you with his hands on either side of your head. He continued kissing you, moving from the ends of your lips to your jaw as he whispered, “I’ve wanted you for so long.” His lips settled down to your neck and began to suck at each spot, leaving hickeys where he wanted. You wrapped your hands around his hair and intertwined your fingers with his hair. You moaned as you felt him find your sweet spot. He smiled against your skin and began to sink his teeth a little bit, not too much so it wouldn’t hurt you. He continued sucking, lewd sounds being heard in the living room.
He moved on to the other side of your neck and repeated the same pattern.
Hickey, hickey, bite. Hickey, hickey, bite.
Your hand tugged at his hair as you moaned and squirmed under him. He pulled back from your neck and you whined in response. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he admired the masterpiece under him, “so perfect…” he muttered under his breath as he tucked your hair behind your ear.
“You’re so perfect, dear,” he whispered as he kissed you once again and let his hands travel under your shirt and caressed your waist and stomach. You let out a breathy moan as your hands explored his chest and shoulders.
He parted from the kiss and laid his forehead against yours as his hands held your waist gently. You stared up at his eyes and admired his features.
“Y/n…do you want this?” He whispered as he looked down at your eyes, trying to read your answer. You nodded, “I do.”
He smiled softly, “I’ll be gentle, I promise,” he leaned down to kiss your forehead before he slowly sat you up to take off your shirt. He pulled the fabric over your head and threw it on the floor. His eyes immediately went to your chest and he gently pushed you down the couch again. His mouth kissed to clavicle and collarbone before kissing the top of your left breast while his hands worked their behind your back and unclasped your bra with ease. He pulled your bra down your shoulders and torso slowly and threw it towards somewhere on the floor.
He pulled back and stared at your breasts, his hands sliding up to hold and massage your breasts in his hands. He leaned to kiss and suck one while his hand groped the other. His thumb and index finger tugging and playing with your hardened nipple as he swirled his tongue in the breasts he was sucking and kissing on. You arched your back and moaned softly. Rolling your head back against the armrest as his mouth worked wonders on your chest. God you tasted so sweet, your skin was soft and sugary. But he wouldn’t say that out loud, he’d hate for you to think he’s a cannibal. He just loved the way your skin tasted and loved the way your body smelled. It only aroused him more.
The bulge in his pants growing bigger against the constraints of the fabric pressed against your inner thigh. You felt his crotch rub against you and it only made you water down at your folds. “Leon…” you moaned out.
He pulled back from your breast, the cold air from the absence of his warm mouth hitting your nipple, causing you to shiver slightly.
“What is it, princess?” He mumbled softly as he caressed his hands down your waist.
“I need more…” you breathed out as you tried to move against his bulge. He held you down by your hips and whispered in your ear, “Patience, I want to treat you right.”
He kissed your lips, your neck, your check and down your stomach before kissing the hem of your shorts. His fingers hooking on them as he slowly pulled them down your legs. He stared down at your panties and saw the wet spot in between your legs, he couldn’t help but smirk as he knew you wanted him too.
He removed your panties gently, watching as the slick of your cunt reluctantly let go of the fabric that separated him and your pussy. He pushed himself between your legs, slowly blowing cold air at your clit and watched as you gripped on the cushions of the couch. He brought his fingers down your folds and slowly dragged them up and down, not entering your eager entrance yet. With one hand, he held your hips down and the other began to gently roll your clit among his rough fingers. He leaned down to kiss your inner thighs, sucking at them just how he sucked on your neck. He made sure you were left marked with his hickeys. Moans and whimpers escaped your mouth as he kept circling your clit until he finally dragged his tongue down your folds. You shuddered in pure delight and closed your eyes in bliss. He moaned as he tasted you, god you tasted even better. He couldn’t help but eat you out like he’s been starving for days.
His tongue delved deep inside your pink walls, swirling his tongue and sucking as much as he could, he pulled his hand away from your clit and held your thighs down so you wouldn’t squish his head. The squelching sounds of him eating your pussy were enough to keep you turned on, it didn’t help that his nose would occasionally bump against your lip and his stubble would crash against your skin, ignoring a fire within your stomach.
Your breathing became more jagged as your walls pulsated around his tongue, he groaned against your cunt. You arched your back and gripped on his hair, pulling him closer to your cunt as he fucked his tongue inside you. He knew you were close to release and he let you cum all over his face. Your moan came out in a high pitched breath as you bucked your hips against his face, riding it as he lapped his tongue to capture your juices. Making sure no drop fell to waste.
He pulled back from your cunt as you panted, your body sweaty and glistening under the shitty lights of your apartment. He slowly unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants. He pulled down his underwear and let his hardened lengths bounce to his stomach, hitting it with a smack ‘thwack.’
Your eyes widened at his size. The tip was pink and leaned towards the right by a little bit. A being visibly protruding slightly as pre-cum slid down to his base. You were salivating at the sight. He chuckled and caressed your cheek, “Say yellow to stop,” he whispered before his kissed you softly on the lips. You nodded and allowed him to spread your legs just a little bit for a part. He didn’t want to hurt you so he slowly aligned the tip on your entrance and very gently pushed himself inside you. You shifted uncomfortably but also in pleasure. His thick size slowly got swallowed by your walls and his eyes shimmered as he saw you taking him in fully. He was impressed but also felt like he had to be more gentle so you’d grow used to his size.
He pushed until he connected his pelvis against your hip, he looked down at you to make sure you were still on board. He saw the way your mouth was slightly parted as your eyes were tightly shut. “Are you okay?” He whispered as his hands massaged the fat of your hips. You opened your eyes and nodded, “Yeah, I’m okay.”
He took that to his heart and slowly began to thrust in and out of you. Not fully pulling out as he still wanted to be gentle with you.
Once he saw that you were enjoying his thrusts, he began to go faster. His hips clashing against yours, the sound of his balls clashing against your ass echoing through your living room. He brought his hands up to your hands and intertwined his fingers with yours. A gesture that meant he was here for you and only you. He grunted and groaned as he squeezed your hands from how crazy your pussy was driving him.
You moaned and whimpered as you felt your second orgasm was on its way. The fire in your lower stomach getting hotter and hotter as your walls clenched around his cock. He shuddered softly as the feeling and cursed under his breath at how well your body felt against him. He whispered sweet praises to help you reach your orgasm, knowing that you may be feeling a little overstimulated. “That’s it, baby, come down on me” “You’re doing so well” “You feel so good, princess”
And it worked. You arched your back, your chest coming into contact with his chest as your cunts gripped and clenched on his cock. Milking him until he felt his orgasm coming as well. But he wouldn’t cum inside of you. He knew better for his princess.
He pulled out and shot his cum on your stomach, his moaned coming out in a husky and low tone. He panted as he stayed there for a moment, while you tried to catch your breath. He got off you and grabbed a tissue from nearby and cleaned your stomach. He then moved down to your legs and cleaned there as well. His touch so gentle, knowing you were still sensitive from him. Once he discarded the dirty tissue, he turned his head up to look at you. You looked so beautiful. He leaned up to kiss you on the lips and smiled softly.
“Let’s run you a bathe, okay?” He whispered and swiftly picked you up bridal style. He walked towards the bathroom and closed the door.
Needless to say, this man is the king of aftercare. After he bathed you, he walked you to your bed and laid you down. Oh and the grown man also loves cuddles, so the two of cuddled to sleep.
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seretoningghost · 9 months
Tamaki Amajiki x Male Reader
Warnings : SMUT
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This ones more like a imagine, Idk why, I'm between finishing and editing like a douzen of works very close to postage finality.
That and Im a huge simp for Tamaki and dunno what to write with this prompt in mind... So send in dms or comments if y'all have any ideas.. :)
....  ....  ....
So imagine, being fuck buds with Tamaki.
Like, Tamaki???? Of all people???? Has a fuck buddy????!????
And imagine he gets banged more than any of his sophomore buds 😵😩😎
But no, listen, its not Y/N askin for it - nah nah. Its TAMAKI.
Tamaki pulled his kohai aside one day, all shy like, and was talking to Y/N out where no one could overhear or see him.
Looking down at the ground because looking at the tall ass held back a grade male would make him pop a boner so hard, and said " y-you w-wanna um... y-you.. w-wanna f-fuck m-me? " a bit rushed.
Y/N just stares, he would have been audibly freaking out if it was anyone else - but its Tamaki. There's no way this is real.
Y/N would have blushed if it was even a slight possibility his crush meant that.
" what? did you get dared? or... hit on the head during training?" Y/N stepped close, Tamaki gulping and face going red - heart pounding in his ears as Y/N's big shoes came into view.
Y/N gently directed Tamaki's face to look up, Tamaki just blushed harder - horny circuits heating up so much they were fusing.
Y/N simply looked over Tamaki's face - checking his eyes for odd dilation, meanwhile Tamaki could hardly keep himself from falling apart.
He just asked his crush to fuck, and he didn't even ask " is this a prank? ".
" well.... I didn't see you get hurt during training... " Y/N tried to pry for a answer.
" I... I'm b-being s-serious! " Tamaki tried to firmly say - failing miserably..
Y/N's eyes went wide, still unsure, but still taken back by it.
" ..... you sure?... "
Tamaki nodded, fidgeting his leg - the warmth of horny overtaking him.
So here it was..
Tamaki months later. Still getting his ass pounded.
Laying belly down on his bed - shirt slightly unbuttoned, and meerly slid up a bit.
Tie undone, pants and boxers hanging around his left ankle.
Body covered in thin sweat.
Legs spread open - quietly moaning and gasping as Y/N's cock penetrated him deeply and stimulated his hidden pleasure centers.
Whimpering at the fabrics rubbing against his nipples and lewdly wet bellend and shaft.
Spit dribbling down his chin as his back arches - letting out a pathetic louder moan as he clutches his pillow tighter.
Moaning lovingly as he shoves his face back into his pillow.
Tamaki never fucks without a pillow in immediate face covering range.
Then there's Y/N - groaning and moaning - body dripping with sweat, giving Tamaki everything he's got.
Doing everything to Tamaki's liking - aiming for deep sweet spots, thrusting as hard as he can, going as deep as he can, slowing his thrusts occasionally because he's found out Tamaki enjoys it.
But Y/N is doing everything in his power to make his upper classmen happy - and blissed out of his mind.
Not knowing Tamaki was going sex crazy over it - falling deeper and deeper in love with Y/N.
It was like Y/N was hynotizing Tamaki with that huge cock.
But what really turned Tamaki on - was Y/N himself, his hips hitting Tamaki's ass, Y/N loosing balance occasionally...
And having to slide his hands slightly, or grip tighter on Tamaki's hip.
Letting out a excited and shocked girly moan, body tensing at each touch.
He really liked when Y/N got close - because Y/N would shift his hand on Tamaki's hip a lot.
Y/N would get more vocal - swear more, which always sounded so hot.
Having Y/N's big body looming over him, Y/N's thrusts getting a bit sloppy - yet firmer, his large warm hand gripping tighter on Tamaki's small hip - his hot breath fanning on Tamaki's back, neck and hair.
" FUCK..! " Y/N huffed between thrusts, more like a quiet grunt.
It was so hot.
Y/Ns other hand would occasionally shift on the bed, ruffling the sheets, fingers grazing Tamaki's belly.
Tamaki would get close too, body quaking, if getting plowed didn't get his close - Y/N being sexy would.
Then Y/N would crane over, chest almost rubbing against Tamaki, despite the super hot air Tamaki could still feel Y/N's radiating heat.
He almost wanted to beg for Y/N to put his body weight on him and squish him.
But by now Y/N would be groaning and swearing right in Tamaki's ear, Tamaki would be girlishly moaning into his pillow - hoping Y/N didnt notice.
" ah~.. ah~ ah~! "
Which Y/N did, with how much repetitive quick moaning - even the slap of Tamaki's ass with each thrust could distract him.
Tamaki would be rocking back and forth roughly with each thrust, enjoying feeling so small.
Then Y/N and him would cum, the condom Y/N used getting filled.
Tamaki would make a quiet " mmNnhhh- " noise as he shuddered, quietly cumming his sheets.
Soon after a little pant time, Y/N would pull out - looking Tamaki's sexy body over as he marveled in the after glow of Tamaki's sexy body..
His chest raising and lowering with soft pants as he laid there, still holding his pillow.
Y/N always wanted to go again, but felt that since Tamaki never asked for it - he didn't want it.
But Tamaki always kinda fantasized of hearing a second condom rip open while he rested.
Y/N would take off the condom, tie it up - toss it away, clean himself up - and... Well...
Always want to help clean Tamaki up... But...
Y/N tried once - had a warm wash cloth, tried to rub down Tamaki's back - Tamaki jumped, looking over his shoulder bright red.
" w-what are you d-doing..? "
Y/N explained, suddenly blushing too, frozen - and a bit scared by the sudden reaction.
Tamaki gave a small " oh... " and just looked away and didn't move.
Y/N - not wanting to step his boundries again took that as a stop.
And asked if Tamaki would like him to draw a bath.
Tamaki said no - hoping instead that Y/N would continue to clean his body.
Y/N didn't, and Tamaki saw why not - he was holding back and being wary of him.
Seems Tamaki started Y/N.
Tamaki was upset about it, but was too shy to mention anything.
So Y/N never tried again.
After cleaning himself up Y/N would leave, saying goodbye.
Now how did the two even decide when to fuck?
Tamaki would walk over, tug on Y/N's hand and simply utter " u-um... ", and Y/N would follow Tamaki to the dorms.
But imagine the first time Tamaki asked to fuck again?
Y/N thought the very first time was just a one night stand.
So when Tamaki walked up to him 4 days later - tugged on his and and stuttered.
Y/N turned and stared intently, wondering what Tamaki had to say.
It took a while of Tamaki stuttering and vaguely insinuating for Y/N to get the idea.
Y/N was almost instantly erect.
Other than approuching Y/N, Tamaki would occasionally text to meet up in one of their rooms.
Tamaki usually did this late at night when the dreadful horny struck.
Usually asking if he could sneak over to Y/Ns room.
Since Y/N agreed that he didn't care if anyone knew Y/N was fucking, but they usually fucked when no one else was in the dorm.
Tamaki would sneak over to Y/Ns room - more like just slowly walk over to Y/N's room, if anyone saw him they usually just assumed late night snack or a walk.
But little did they know that was the excited fluttery hearted walk of a man about to get his ass pounded.
Did Y/N's next door dorm-mates notice?
Occasionally they noticed Y/N fucking.
But not often, they assumed he got his cock wet occasionally, but not nearly as much as he actually did.
They were only up occasionally, that or they slept with headphones on.
It was a highschool dorm, someone was usually fucking or masturbating.
No one would have guess it was Tamaki though. Not only cause of the girly moans, just all around Tamaki's mannerism.
Ooh~! What if Tamaki was dragged into a truth or dare with class 1-A!
" c'moooon~! you only have to play threeeeeeeee rounds! " one of them would convince.
So here Tamaki was forced.
And Tamaki is a coward - and well " how bad could their truths really be anyway- "
" soooo... are you a virgin Tamaki? " Mina would ask.
Tamaki went beet red, wanting to lie and chock the blushing up to it being a embarrassing question.
" no. " he would blurt, turning even more red, it was hard to say yes when all he could remember was Y/N fucking him..
" shit... " Tamaki was done for.
He wanted to die. Right then... Right there.
He knew that everyone would take the chance to ridicule him, and bully him into spilling all the details.
Everyone seemed surprised and intrigued.
He tried to insist his 3 rounds were up before someone finally got to him, but everyone kept saying " three rounds of questions directed at you ".
Tamaki tried to refuse, and tried to just walk away - but Mina grabbed his leg and held him back.
Tamaki didn't even look back as he stood still in defeat, staring at the ground.
" ...... let me go....... " he whispered quietly.
" only if you answer one more truth! " she bargained - more like terrorist.
" ...... fine......" he had no other choice.
" who-"
" No. "
Mina had to think up a good one now, when was his last time? (Last night) Where? (Y/Ns room) Ah ha!
" how many times have you done it total? " of course she picked practically the second most personal question..
(Last time done it being the first)
Tamaki paused, actually sweating as he tried to wrack his brain for a answer.
He could just lie - but again Y/N fucked the smarts out of him, and thinking of him had the same effect.
" um.... a-actually.. I-I... I don't I-know...? " Tamaki mumbled.
Everyone's jaws dropped, they were expecting a 1.... Maybe 4.... Max 8?
Nope. Tamaki couldn't. Even. Fathom.
Tamaki lifted his leg out of the slack gripped Mina quickly, and sped walk away.
Eventually Y/N and Tamaki would confess their feelings... And begin a relationship - and finally come out a month after starting their official boyfriends relationship.
And Class 1-A would just stare slack jawed..
Neither of them knew why.... Until... Tamaki remembered...
He became insanely red, and said he was gonna get a snack.
So Y/N was left to hang out with his friends.
After a bit they suddenly asked " so... your who fucked Tamaki so many times he couldn't even count them? ".
.... Oh ....
.... .... ....
So Idk, I didn't know what to do at the end.... Like I always do....
But I really liked the scenario - and for a thirst its decent. B]
I have another fic you guys'll get tommorrow, for now have this.
Idk if I'll ever write this out fully? Maybe if someone suggests something good for it? Idk.
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lostfracturess · 5 months
symptoms and causes | ch. 05
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ღ pairing professor gojo x med student reader
ღ summary he's arrogant, self-centered, and he's your professor. renowned for his brilliance in neurosurgery and infamous for his allure. too bad you have to work with him on this research team. now you're stuck with dr. satoru gojo, delving into the complexities of both the brain and the heart—and of how far you'd go for a love that could destroy not only him but you as well.
ღ wc 11.4 k
ღ warnings [18+] this story contains substance abuse/addiction, (rough) smut, mature themes, self-destructive behavior, (heavy) angst, mentions of death / illness / blood / abuse, graphic medical procedures. reader discretion is advised.
ღ author's note dive in and let me know what you think—i love hearing your thoughts! & pls like or repost if you enjoyed, it means the world ♡
series masterlist + playlist + ao3 + wattpad
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The alarm rang.
The shrill sound pierced the morning silence.
It rang again.
And then a third time.
Each buzz felt like a hammer against your skull.
You groaned, turning over and burying your head under the covers. All you wanted was to sleep—to sleep and forget.
The alarm rang a fourth time.
With a sigh, you dragged yourself out of bed.
You felt sick.
By the time you hurried towards the auditorium, the sun was already high in the sky, casting harsh lights across the campus. You slipped through the doors. The lecture was already in full swing, the professor's voice echoing through the large room filled with students scribbling notes.
Finding your way to where Toge, Maki, and Yuta were seated, you quietly slid into the empty seat beside them. Maki glanced at you with a raised eyebrow.
"Why so late?" she whispered.
"Poor sleep," you muttered, keeping your gaze lowered to hide the dark circles under your eyes.
'Poor sleep' was an understatement. 
'No sleep' was more fitting.
Yuta leaned in. "After the surgery, I thought you'd be on cloud nine! You're practically a campus celebrity now."
Maki nodded. "Seriously, it's insane. Dr. Handsome letting you take the lead in such a surgery? That's crazy."
Your stomach churned at Maki's casual reference to Satoru as 'Dr. Handsome.' 
Because he was far from.
"Crazy," Toge repeated.
"It's really not that big, guys. Let's just focus on the lecture," you urged. Somehow, their congratulations felt hollow, knowing the full story was far from great as they painted it to be.
Your friends shot you surprised looks, taken aback by your restrained response. 
But talking about the surgery—the surgery you had to lead because Satoru was fucking high on some shit was really the least thing you wanted to talk about. And you couldn't really talk about it either, could you? Not really.
Maki and Yuta exchanged glances, their expressions shifting from excitement to concern. They could sense something was off, but they didn't press further. Toge only gave you a reassuring pat on the back.
As the professor delved into—... whatever he was lecturing on—your mind couldn't help but drift back to the surgery, replaying every moment—the fear, the nausea, the burden Satoru had forced onto you. Your head throbbed with a dull, relentless pain.
The rest of the lecture seemed to drift by in a blur.
Your pen moved mechanically across the notebook. You barely registered the words on the page. As the professor finished and the students around you began to stir, Yuta leaned over. "Hey, if Gojo needs a kick in the ass, just say the word. We've got your back."
You mustered a small smile. "Thanks, Yuta."
Then your phone vibrated in your pocket. You pulled it out to see Geto's name flashing on the screen. You pondered for a moment if you should even answer the call. Taking a deep breath, you answered.
"We need to talk about the surgery," Geto's voice was serious, almost grave. "The university director wants to see you in his office. It's urgent."
Panic fluttered in your chest. "Has something happened? Is it about Gojo?"
"It's better we discuss this in person. I'll be there too. Just come as soon as you can."
Ending the call, a heavy weight settled in your stomach. 
Apologizing to Yuta, you quickly gathered your things. "I need to go."
Maki's eyes followed you. "Is everything okay?"
"I'm not sure. Something's come up."
Yuta and Toge exchanged a glance, their expressions mirroring Maki's concern. "If you need anything, just let us know," Yuta said.
You nodded, offering a half-hearted smile. "Thanks, guys. I'll catch up with you later."
As you hurried out of the auditorium, your mind raced. What could they possibly want to discuss about the surgery? And why now? Was this about Satoru?
The walk to the director's office felt like an eternity, each step echoing your growing anxiety. The campus around you was bathed in sunlight, the sun burning on your skin. Students laughed and chatted around you. You wanted to shut them up.
Reaching the office, you took a moment to compose yourself before knocking. The door swung open, revealing Geto and Satoru seated in front of the director's expansive desk.
"Please, come in," director Yaga gestured for you to enter.
Director Yaga moved to sit behind his desk, his face unreadable. You took a deep breath and stepped inside. Satoru rose from his chair as you approached to offer you the seat. 
Stupid Satoru, why he be so gentleman after all.
As you sat down, Satoru remained standing next to you. His hand rested on the back of your chair.
Director Yaga adjusted his glasses, his gaze sharp. "I've called this meeting to address concerns regarding the recent surgery," he stated. "It has come to my attention that you, rather than Dr. Gojo, performed the operation. I would like an explanation."
You felt a lump form in your throat, your mind racing to find the right words. Before you could answer, Satoru spoke.
"Director, I assure you, the decision to let her lead was entirely professional. Her capabilities made her the best choice for this surgery."
Director Yaga's gaze hardened as he turned to Gojo. "Dr. Gojo, may I ask you, are you out of your mind? There are protocols and hierarchies in place for a reason. Allowing a student to lead such a critical procedure is not only unconventional—it's downright mad. This could have serious consequences."
"Director, I understand your concern. However, I made this decision not only because of her exceptional skills, but also to promote her potential. It was a calculated risk, one I felt was necessary for her growth as a surgeon."
Wow. He lied very convincing.
Director Yaga seemed surprised for a second. "Promoting potential is one thing, being stupid is another, Dr. Gojo."
Gojo shifted slightly. It felt as if he moved a little more in front of you. 
At this point, Geto, who had been silent, spoke up. "I was aware of Dr. Gojo's decision and supported it. The success of the surgery speaks for itself and reflects the high level of training our students receive here. I'm sure the press will acknowledge this as well."
"Why must you two always cause me headaches?" Director Yaga sighed, rubbing his temples wearily. "Nevertheless, the media coverage has been overwhelmingly positive. It seems the press is quite taken with the story of the 'unconventional surgeon duo' at our university."
"In light of this, there will be a press conference next week to celebrate the success and highlight the university's advances in medical research. I expect the three of you to attend. It's an excellent opportunity to showcase our institution's capabilities and your work," Yaga continued.
The idea of a press conference made you sick. 
You did not want any of this. You did not want praise for something you did out of necessity. The thought of facing the media and answering questions about the surgery made you sick.
Geto's expression tightened. "And to gather more funds for the university, I assume?"
Director Yaga met Geto's gaze squarely. "You understand the game, Dr. Geto. Positive publicity translates to funding opportunities. And let's not forget, it's funding that enables us to pursue advanced research and provide top-tier education."
Director Yaga leaned a bit more over his desk. "Especially given the... unconventional methods you two seem to prefer. Remember, such reckless gambles come at a cost."
Geto exhaled deeply. "Understood, Director. We'll be there."
As the meeting concluded and you stood to leave, Director Yaga added, "This is a great moment for all of us. Let's make sure we present ourselves in the best way possible."
As soon as the door to Director Yaga's office closed behind you, you wanted noting more than to leave.
Looking at him hurt.
"We'll talk later, Geto," you said abruptly.
Geto nodded. "Take care."
You offered a quick, forced smile and hastily made your way down the corridor. Gojo made a move to follow. However, Geto reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder to halt him. "Let her go, Satoru," Geto said quietly. "She needs some time alone."
Gojo stopped. He watched helplessly as you disappeared around the corner.
─── ·✧· ───
Later that day, you found yourself in the university's library, surrounded by books and notes, with Toge, Maki, and Yuta. Your friends had been tiptoeing around the subject since the morning, but their curiosity about the surgery was so obvious.
"So," Maki started cautiously, "what did Director Yaga want to talk about? Was it about the surgery?"
You felt a chill at her question. "Oh, it was just some standard follow-up stuff. Nothing important."
Yuta leaned in. "But you were great in that surgery. Everyone's talking about it. You should be proud of yourself."
You forced a smile. "I am, Yuta. More or less. I just don't like the spotlight."
Toge chimed in, "Pressure."
"Yeah, exactly," you agreed.
Maki observed you closely. "And how are things with Dr. Handsome? Everything okay there?" 
You felt a lump form in your throat. "Everything's fine."
However, Maki didn't seem convinced. "You know you can talk to us, right? If something's bothering you—"
Yeah, you wished you could do that. But the reality was that you couldn't.
"It's complicated, Maki," you said softly.
Maki's frown deepened. "You know, whatever it is, don't let him get to you too much. He's just a man after all."
You knew Maki meant well, but it wasn't as simple as she made it out to be.
"Maki, it's just—"
"I get that something's going on, but remember, no matter how great a surgeon he is, or how charming he is, you are the real star of this surgery. Don't let anyone, not even Dr. Handsome, mess with that," Maki added.
You looked at her, your lips twitching upwards. "Thanks, Maki."
Exhausted, you let your forehead rest against the cool surface of the desk. "There's going to be a press conference about the surgery," you said, your voice muffled. "A celebration or something. And honestly, I'm already hating it."
Yuta perked up at this. "A press conference? That's huge! You're basically a celebrity now."
"I'd rather just focus on my studies and not be in the spotlight like this."
"Hey, think of it this way—it's a great chance to show off your talent. Plus, I heard the medical faculty is throwing a party afterward," Yuta said.
Maki nudged you playfully. "Come on, it might be fun. We'll wait for you at the afterparty when your conference thing is done."
You raised your head and rested your chin on your hand, considering their words. "Well, a party doesn't sound too bad, I guess."
Maki clapped her hands together. "That's more like it! We'll make sure you have a good time."
"Exactly!" Yuta said, grinning.
"Party!" Toge added.
A small smile crept onto your face as you looked at your friends. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. Besides, as the saying goes, a little party never killed nobody, right? 
... right?
─── ·✧· ───
"Here, for your nerves," Geto said, handing you a glass of champagne.
"Thanks." You grabbed the glass and downed the bubbling liquid in one gulp. "This is quite a place."
You and Geto entered the conference venue. 
The main foyer had soaring ceilings adorned with dazzling crystal chandeliers, casting a soft light on the marble floors below. The crowd, a blend of famous medical professionals, university staff and press people, mingled in groups, all engaged in animated discussions that filled the grand space with a lively hum. 
"Remember, just stay calm and be yourself," Geto whispered as you both moved through the crowd. "You've earned your place here tonight." Then he handed you another glass of champagne, fetched from a passing waiter.
You nodded, trying to suppress the urge to flee.
The room was filled with faces, some familiar and others new. The conference area was impeccably arranged, with a stage set up at one end of the hall for speeches and presentations. Press cameras lined the sidelines. Tables adorned with floral arrangements were spread throughout the room.
"All this for a single surgery?" you asked Geto as you scanned the room.
Geto swirled the champagne in his glass. "It's more than just the surgery. The university needs money, that's why we're here."
"Looks like they're spending more than they'll earn."
Geto subtly gestured with his glass towards an elderly woman across form you. "See her? She's one of our main benefactors. Director Yaga would do anything to please her. So, we dress up, exchange pleasantries, sip champagne, and in return, she continues her generous support. That's the deal."
Your gaze followed his. "So it's all about keeping the money flowing. They're not really here for the research behind the surgery."
"Does that surprise you?"
You took a sip of your champagne. "No. It makes me sick."
Goto let out a huff. "By the way, you look stunning tonight," he remarked, his eyes tracing your form, but it didn't feel uncomfortable.
You were dressed in a sleek, black dress. Black heels. Elegant but nothing special. You didn't want to draw more attention to yourself than you already were. 
Geto walked beside you, dressed in a meticulously tailored black suit that fit him perfectly. Beneath the suit, he wore a white dress shirt and a black silk tie. If you didn't know better, you could have been mistaken for a couple, given how matching your outfits were.
"You don't look to bad yourself."
He laughed. "Well, I'll take that as a compliment."
As you mingled with the guests, you could feel the curious glances and hushed tones of those around you. Word of your role in the successful surgery had obviously spread, and now you were the center of attention for the evening.
Geto stayed by your side the whole time, introducing you to important people and making sure your champagne glass was never empty. You weren't sure the latter was such a good idea. But it calmed your nerves.
You were deep in conversation with a group of medical professionals, discussing the surgery, when you suddenly felt the atmosphere changed. Your eyes swept over the crowd and there he was—Satoru Gojo had just walked in.
Every head in the room seemed to turn in his direction, yet his eyes seemed focused solely on one person. You weren't sure you knew how to breathe anymore as his gaze seemed to pierce through the crowd, settling directly on you. It was the first time you'd seen him since director Yaga's office.
He was dressed in a sharp black smoking jacket, his bow tie perfectly knotted. But his eyes looked tired. His lips parted ever so slightly.
One of the medical professionals from another University in your group—her name was something with Tsukomu, or Tsukumo? You didn't quite get it—waved him over. "Ah, there's the star of the evening," she exclaimed.
Satoru made his way through the crowd. As he reached your group, he positioned himself next to you as if it were the most natural thing in the world—as if he belonged there.
"Dr. Gojo, we were just discussing your remarkable surgery," Dr. Tsukumo said enthusiastically. "Your work is truly groundbreaking in our field."
"Thank you, Dr. Tsukumo. However, I must clarify that the true credit goes to this talented surgeon," he said, placing a hand on your shoulder. You wanted to break his arm.
She laughed uncomfortable. "It's rather unusual for a student to lead such a complex surgery. Quite an unconventional approach, don't you think?"
"Unconventional, but successful," Satoru replied sharply. "Here at Tokyo University, we rather encourage innovation. Perhaps your institution wouldn't be so terrible at research if you were willing to take more risks?"
God, what was he doing!?
Was he high again??
You looked up at him, his gaze fixed on Dr. Tsukumo. Even in heels, he was still at least a head taller than you. But he didn't seem to be high or something. He seemed clear.
Dr. Tsukumo's eyes narrowed slightly. "Well, Dr. Gojo, that's quite a statement. But you know, there's a fine line between taking risks and just being plain reckless."
His hand still resting on your shoulder, Satoru met her gaze squarely. "You're absolutely right. There is a fine line, and you'd be well advised not to cross it," he replied. "In this case, though, it was a calculated decision based on her proven skill, not recklessness. Sometimes embracing innovation and trusting our young talents is what drives progress, don't you think?"
Geto leaned in. "Satoru, that's enough," he murmured.
Satoru removed his hand from your shoulder and stepped back from the group. His eyes briefly met yours. "Excuse me," Satoru said curtly, before turning and making his way through the crowd.
Your eyes followed him until you could no longer see him.
As the evening wore on, one conversation blended into another.
Wow, you're so young? Already performing surgeries? How did you manage that? You must be a natural talent!
You heard it over and over—answered the same questions over and over. No one really seemed to care about the details of your work, the thought process behind it, or how the patient is doing now—or how one patient had to die for the surgery to be successful.
Recognizing your discomfort, Geto suggested, "Let's step outside for a bit. I could use a smoke." 
Following him, you left the bustling conference hall and ventured out to the quieter grounds surrounding the building. The cool night air was a welcome contrast to the warmth and buzz of the event inside. The building's exterior was illuminated with soft lights, casting a serene glow over the surroundings. 
Geto pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He took a long drag before exhaling slowly. "You're doing well in there," he said, glancing at you. "Don't fret too much about it. We're just here to keep the university happy."
"Is that all?" You retorted. "Putting on fake smiles for director Yaga's sake, so the university gets positive publicity, while no one mentions how much effort it took, or that one patient had to die before it became a success?" You sighed. "This all feels like a cruel joke to me."
"Welcome to the world of research," Geto said, taking another drag of his cigarette.
"Why do you even stay in research then?" 
Geto paused, the smoke swirling around him. "Why? I wonder that sometimes too."
You watched him for a moment, seeing the tension in his shoulders ease somewhat as he took another drag from his cigarette. Geto, catching your scrutinizing gaze, said, "Don't look at me like that. I'm not the addict you should be worried about."
You turned your gaze away.
After a few seconds of silence, Geto flicked his cigarette away and turned to you. "You want to leave?"
You took a deep breath. "I do," you said, but then shook your head. "But I promised to go to the after-party with my friends, so I'm staying until then."
"An after-party, huh?" He snuffed out the remaining embers of his cigarette.
Upon re-entering the conference hall, the lively chatter and clinking of glasses continued. A waiter passed by, and without much thought, you reached out to take another glass of champagne.
It was your seventh or eighth glass—you had lost count. 
But alcohol was the only way you could get through another hour of talking about how brilliantly you did the surgery. Oh, how you hated it. Because you did not do it brilliantly, you did it because you had no other choice. That's a completely different thing.
As you chatted with Geto and a journalist, a waiter passed by with a tray of drinks. Your ninth glass. However, before your fingers could grasp it, a hand from behind swiftly intercepted the glass.
"How many drinks have you had already?"
Of course.
You turned around to find yourself gazing into Satoru's striking blue eyes. Geto, meanwhile, continued to skillfully handle the press. "It's none of your concern," you said to him.
"Don't be stupid. You should seriously stop drinking now, otherwise you will soon lose—"
"Lose what? Control?" you cut him off sharply. "Isn't that a bit hypocritical, coming from you?"
He ran a hand through his hair, the strands now slightly disheveled. "That's not what I'm saying," he replied, his voice softening. "I just... I don't want to see you making decisions you'll regret."
"Like revealing your precious secret?"
His jaw clenched. "Go ahead, if that's what you want. But what I'm concerned about right now is you, not me."
"Who are you trying to fool here, Satoru?"
The sound of a throat being cleared snapped you back to reality. Geto and the journalist had paused their conversation, their attention now squarely on the two of you. 
You avoided Satoru's gaze. "Excuse me for a moment," you muttered, hastily excusing yourself towards the bathroom. The door had barely clicked shut when it swung open again, and Satoru slipped inside, locking it behind him.
You spun around. "Satoru, what do you think you're doing?"
"We need to talk."
"I don't want to talk, Satoru. Not now. Not ever!"
"Are you planning to avoid me forever?"
"Seems like a good plan to me!"
Satoru took a step closer. "I know I've put you in an difficult situation, but—"
"Difficult situation?" you said, your voice rising with every word. "Do you even realize how much pressure you've put me under? Fuck, Satoru I had to lead that surgery because you were fucking high! Satoru, you're an addict!"
Satoru looked pained. "I know, and I'm sorry for that. But I have it under control."
"Control?" you scoffed. "You call that control? Satoru, that was the most important day. The only day you were supposed to get your goddamn act together! And you say something about control? You even hear yourself? You can be high on any other fucking day, but not when we operate on a fucking teenager!"
He was silenced.
Your voice cracked as you continued, "Do you even realize how scared I was?"
His brows furrowed slightly as the words left your lips. The intensity in his blue eyes was unsettling, and there was a vulnerability in his gaze that you had never seen before. You weren't used to seeing him like this, and it left you feeling strangely vulnerable yourself. 
Still, you pressed further.
"You made me do it. Because you have no control over it. So don't tell me anything about control or that I'm drinking too much when it's just my way of dealing with the damage you've done to me."
"I never meant to hurt you," Satoru said. "But I knew you could do it. I wouldn't have let you lead the surgery if I wasn't sure about that."
"That's not an excuse Satoru. It was wrong and you know it. You left me no choice. I don't know what sick game you're playing with me, but it has to stop."
"Game?" His voice rose. "You think this is a game for me?"
You flinched back slightly, the intensity in his tone catching you off guard.
He took a few steps closer. "You just don't get it, do you?"
"Get what?"
"You consume me!" he blurted out, his voice raw. "I had it under control, I was stable until you came into my life! But now, you're all I can think about!"
"Don't make this about me," you countered sharply.
"That day, I was more nervous than I had ever been in my life," he continued, almost pleadingly, "because I knew that if this surgery failed, it would hurt you—it would kill you, and it would end the research once and for all. And I couldn't bear the thought of you crying again. Not because of me."
"You're just finding excuses."
"Oh, sweetheart, I wish it was. But it's the truth." He closed the gap between you. "God, I can't think clearly when I'm around you! I can't sleep without thinking about you! All there is is the need to be near you, and nothing ever compares to that."
This can't be real.
He could never feel this way about you.
Because someone who would feel that way would never do what he did.
"You're lying." You stepped back, your spine hitting the cold wall behind you. But he was quick to close the distance between you again.
"You're not believing me?" His eyebrow arched in question. In a swift motion, he pulled you close to him, one hand around your waist, the other gripping your jaw between his thumb and fingers. You gasped at the sudden force.
"You need proof?" he said, his words a mere prelude to the searing kiss that followed. Your eyelids fluttered closed as the immediate surge of heat and adrenaline coursed through your body. 
He pressed you against the wall, his body molded against yours. You could clearly feel the intensity of his emotions, the raw need in his movements. His frustration, his desire, his confusion—all were laid bare in that kiss.
"You drive me fucking insane," he breathed against your lip. His tongue brushed against your lips, seeking entry, and you eagerly granted it. Without hesitation, his tongue boldly delved into your mouth. Your lips melded against his, causing you to moaned into his mouth.
His hand moved to your hair, grasping it, forcing your head back to deepen the kiss. His mouth covered yours, demanding more, you could barely catch your breath. You were hot all over. He tasted so good. He felt so good.
You were acutely aware of every point where your bodies touched, the pressure of his weight against you, the force of his grip in your hair. His touch was like fire on your skin, igniting a yearning you couldn't contain. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer still.
You hated him.
You tried to remember that, but all good reason left you as his lips moved over your cheeks, trailing down your jaw to your neck. You found yourself giving in to the sensations, arching your neck to give him better access. His grip on your hair tightened.
Fuck, you hated him.
He lied to you.
You hated him.
Your fingers clutched at his shirt, desperate for more contact. Satoru's hands slid down your sides to hike up the hem of your dress. In a swift motion, he lifted you, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he pressed you against the wall.
The friction of his body between your legs was maddening. You could clearly feel the hard outline of him. Your breathing grew ragged, your back arching further, grinding yourself against his hardness.
"Take them off," you muffled against his lips.
Satoru pulled back, leaving a trail of saliva that briefly connected your parted lips. "What?" he gasped, his half-lidded eyes searching yours.
"Your pants," you panted.
He smirked. Without warning, he spun you around and set you down on the marble counter of the sink. The coolness of the marble beneath you contrasted sharply with the heat of his body pressed against yours.
His lips found yours again, fierce and possessive, as if staking his claim. His hands pushed your dress further up, exposing more of your skin to his touch. He didn't break the kiss as he began to undo his belt, the clinking sound of the buckle sending shivers down your spine. 
His hand gripped your hips, his fingers slipping under the silk strap of your underwear. With a deft twist, he wound his fingers in the fabric and pulled them down. He gripped your hips and pulled you close to him.
"Might want to cover your mouth," he whispered against your lips.
Without another word, he positioned himself and pushed all the way inside. You bit down on your lip as you tried to stifle a scream from the sudden stretch, feeling every inch of him fill you up. The sensation was both painful and exhilarating, causing you to tighten around him. 
You clung to his neck, your chest pressed firmly against his. "Fuck... Satoru."
"Shh." He placed a hand over your mouth. "Quiet, sweetheart."
He withdrew, teasingly brushing the tip against your entrance as if to savor the feeling of your dampness coating him. Then he slammed back into you again, causing you to accidentally bite down on his hand. He didn't flinch.
Your mind emptied of all thoughts as he drove deeper and harder into you, leaving only the sensation of his thickness filling you completely.
He picked up speed, pumping his hips into yours with increasing urgency. With each deep plunge into your core, you felt yourself being stretched impossibly wide—felt his cock hit bottom again and again.
Every move he made felt so good, too good—as if he knew your body better than you did yourself.
He shifted his stance, lifting one of your legs over his shoulder. You leaned back against the cold marble countertop, letting go of everything else as he changed the angle of his hips, hitting spots that instantly made your legs tremble.
You cursed, the sound dying away under his palm. You cursed yourself for doing this and cursed him for making you feel so fucking good.
Your stomach tightened and you could feel an orgasm building dangerously fast. The sound of the mirror behind you shaking grew louder, echoing through the room. But all you could focus on was the man between your legs, driving into you with a ferocity that left you breathless.
"Turn around," he ordered, having already swung you around halfway. He placed a hand on your back and pushed you down onto the counter. Your heated skin touched the cold marble. You stared at your reflection, taking in your glazed eyes and swollen lips. 
Satoru locked briefly eyes with you through the mirror. "Keep quiet, will you?"
You clamped your own hand over your mouth, not trusting yourself to keep quiet. His eyes burned into yours as he continued his thrusts. Slowly this time, driving his cock into you inch by inch until he was buried to the hilt. You moaned into your hand.
"Fuck," he gasps, his eyes closed and brows etched in pain. "You feel so good."
Satoru pulled out and pressed back into you again, your entire being quivered with pleasure. You clenched your hand tightly over your mouth, biting down on your palm to stifle the sounds wanting to escape. Every muscle tightened.
With each thrust, he did pause briefly at the tip of your entrance, teasing your senses with anticipation, before pushing further, burying himself deeper and deeper into your core, filling you completely. It was like he was savoring every second as if this was the first and only time he could fuck you.
Your head hung heavy, your hair cascading down your forehead. Every nerve ending in your body came alive as he hit all the right spots, coaxing you closer and closer to your orgasm.
He quickened his pace again, pounding into you with a frenzied urgency that left you gasping for air. With each hard thrust, his cock pulse inside you, driving himself harder and faster towards release. Your limbs went weak as you surrendered fully to the pleasure.
And then, suddenly, everything exploded into blinding white light, consuming you whole as you cried out, muffled against your palm. Your entire body convulsed in pleasure.
"You're so fucking tight," Satoru hissed as you clenched around him. He followed close behind, his body convulsing as he released inside you, filling you completely. He collapsed against you, panting and shivering as he tried to catch his breath.
You opened your eyes, meeting Satoru's gaze through the mirror. For several moments, neither of you spoke, just gazing into each other's eyes as you felt the slow drip of his cum running down your inner thigh.
You watched the slight rise and fall of his chest as he regained his composure, the muscles in his arms tensing and relaxing subtly. His ragged breath filled the room. It stopped only for a moment as he pressed a tender kiss to your back.
Then, he pulled out of you, causing a faint wince.
"Fuck—This is...," he started, but words seemed to fail him. He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head slightly, as if trying to clear his thoughts. He stepped back, pulled up his pants, and straightened his disheveled suit.
Yeah. Fuck.
In the sudden absence of adrenaline and desire, the reality of what had happened hit you hard.
What you had just done.
With whom you had done it.
Fuck, he was your professor. And even worse, an addict. What were you thinking?
You felt a knot tighten in your stomach.
"Did I hurt you?" Satoru's voice cut through your thoughts.
His question surprised you. As if physical hurt was the worst thing in the chaos of what had happened. Even though his firm grip on your hips would surely leave marks.
"I'm fine." You pushed off the marble counter, hastily pulling your dress down and fixing your tousled hair. 
Your mind raced as you watched him.
He adjusted his bow tie, his breathing still labored. His muscles quivered subtly. A thin layer of sweat glistened on his skin, making his white hair cling slightly to his forehead. When his eyes met yours you saw a vulnerability in his gaze that made your heart ache.
You looked away.
"I need a drink," you said, more to yourself than to him. You needed space, time to think, to process. Without waiting for a response, you unlocked the bathroom door and stepped out, leaving Satoru behind. "What? Wait!"
The bright lights and lively chatter of the conference washed over you as you emerged. The noise and the crowd felt like a tidal wave, engulfing you as you navigated through the sea of elegantly dressed attendees.
Spotting a waiter carrying a tray of sparkling glasses, you reached out to take one. But before you could grasp a glass, you felt a firm grip on your wrist. You spun around to find Satoru right behind you, his expression grave.
"I think you've had enough to drink for tonight," he said in a low voice.
"I don't need you to monitor my alcohol intake, Satoru," you snapped, trying to free your wrist from his hold.
As he was about to argue further, your conversation was abruptly halted by the approach of an elegantly poised older woman. Satoru's grip loosened, and he turned towards her with a noticeable shift in demeanor.
"Mother," Satoru greeted her dryly.
You stood there, momentarily baffled.
His mother was dressed in an elegant dark blue evening gown that clung to her slender figure, adorned with lace and sequins. Her white hair was immaculately coiffed and cascaded down her back in soft waves.
She had steel-gray eyes that looked like a faded shade of Satoru's striking blue eyes. But there was no warmth to them as her scrutinizing gaze traveled up and down your frame. Her left eyebrow raised slightly. It made your skin crawl.
"Satoru," she greeted him in a tone that matched his.
"I can't say I expected you to show up here," Satoru replied.
She surveyed him with a critical eye, her lips set in a thin line. "Why must you always greet me with such coldness, Satoru? I am here to celebrate your success, after all."
"Yeah, I'm sure that's the reason."
Subtly, Satoru shifted closer to you, almost as if to shield you from her piercing scrutiny. Yet, her focus remained on you. "And who is this? The talented young surgeon I've heard rumors about, or simply another one of my son's fleeting amusements?"
You bristled slightly at her insinuation.
Satoru's jaw clenched visibly. "That's enough."
"Oh, Satoru, don't be shy," she waved a dismissive hand. "She's a pretty one."
„She's talented," Satoru said.
"Oh, even worse," she mused, taking a sip of her wine. "Let's see how long this lasts. But please, Satoru, try to keep the family's dignity."
Satoru's patience was visibly wearing thin. "Shut it, mother."
His mother laughed. "One last thing, darling," she said, turning back to you. Her hand extended towards you. "Your lipstick is slightly smeared. Next time, do try to be more subtle about your affair with my son."
Satoru's reaction was immediate. "Get your hands away from her," he warned sharply, swiftly intercepting his mother's hand before it could reach you.
"Mrs. Gojo, what a pleasant surprise to see you here."
You turned your head to the familiar voice and saw Geto approaching with a courteous smile. Satoru's mother turned to him. "Mr. Geto, always the charmer," she responded, her tone suddenly devoid of all coldness.
Geto flashed a bewitching smile. "I was hoping to have a word with you. Could I steal you away for a moment?"
With a curt nod, Satoru's mother agreed. "Of course. Satoru, we will talk later." She cast one last pointed glance in your direction before allowing Geto to guide her away.
As they walked off, Satoru exhaled deeply, the tension in his shoulders easing. "You're not the only one with a complicated mother."
Somehow, Satoru's addiction was no longer that surprising.
You quickly touched up your lipstick. "She's a bitch."
Satoru gave a wry smile. "She is."
At that moment, your phone buzzed with a new message. You glanced at the screen.
[10:44 PM] Yuta: Hey, we're all at the afterparty. You coming?
Without saying anything, you turned to leave, but Satoru's grip on your wrist stopped you once more. "Where are you going?"
"I'm heading to the afterparty."
Satoru raised an eyebrow. "I thought you weren't much of a party person."
"Well, I might have changed that," you retorted, attempting to pull your wrist free.
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"Too bad you don't get to decide that."
"Don't be stupid. I'll bring you home."
"Stop it, Satoru! You have no right to care about me. I don't want you to care about me! Now let me go!"
You could see the hurt in his eyes at your words. But he released your wrist. "Please, don't do this to me," he murmured, almost pleading.
"Like you forced me to do that surgery?" Your words felt like blades in your throat.
Satoru fell silent.
Without another word, you turned and walked away. You didn't look back.
─── ·✧· ───
The pulsating beats of the club greeted you as you stepped inside. The rhythmic bass of the music pulsed through the floor, vibrating up through your feet. It was overwhelming, yet oddly calming.
Your friends were already there, somewhere amidst the sea of bodies lost in the music. Pushing through the crowd, you scanned the area for familiar faces. The club was packed. Laughter and conversations melded with the music. The sweet scent of alcohol filled the air.
Eventually, you spotted your friends huddled near the bar. As you approached, they waved you over. "There you are!" Maki shouted over the music. "We were starting to think you'd stood us up!"
You forced a smile. "Wouldn't miss this for the world," you replied, trying to sound more upbeat than you felt.
Yuta leaned in, his eyes curious. "How'd the conference go?"
"Nothing special happened. Let's just have fun tonight," you shrugged off his question. You didn't want to delve into the shitty evening you had, not here, not now, not ever.
Turning to the bar, you ordered a drink, something strong and quick. The bartender slid a glass towards you, and you downed it in one smooth motion. The liquid burned its way down your throat, momentarily stealing your breath.
Maki raised an eyebrow. "Wow, going hard tonight?"
"Just catching up," you said.
"So, what's the story? Did Dr. Handsome finally realize he's madly in love with you? Come on, there's gotta be some steamy OR drama you're hiding from us."
Her words slurred just a bit. She clearly had a few drinks already.
"You're just imagining things, Maki."
"Well, can you blame me?" Maki laughed. "Every time you two are in the same room, it's like watching a drama unfold. The tension, the glances—come on, spill it!"
Toge nodded in agreement.
You rolled your eyes. "Trust me, it's far from that."
Yuta jumped in. "Come on Maki, don't push her. We're here to have fun, remember?"
Maki punched Yuta's arm. "Oh, like you're not dying to know too!"
The group laughed, and for a moment, you allowed yourself to be swept up in their infectious energy. You all moved to the dance floor, where the pulsing rhythm of the club's music enveloped you completely. The bass reverberated through your body.
Surrounded by the crowd, you found yourself moving to the beat. You clearly felt the effects of the alcohol, a pleasant buzz that dulled your worries. But here, in the midst of a sea of bodies, those worries felt distant, as if they belonged to another life.
It allowed you to lose yourself, to forget, if only for a while. The heat of the crowd, the scent of sweat and perfume, the sensation of being surrounded yet utterly alone in your thoughts—it was intoxicating.
Your friends were nearby, also lost in the moment. Maki's laughter rang out, clear and carefree, cutting through the music. Yuta performed a series of hilariously exaggerated dance moves. 
At one point, he attempted a robot dance, his limbs moving in jerky, mechanical motions that made everyone burst out laughing. Toge even joined in and added his own twist to the robot dance.
You laughed. You laughed so hard like you haven't in a long time, the stress and worries of the day momentarily forgotten. And you were so grateful to them, even if they didn't know what was going on.
You ordered a round of shots for the group. Coming back to your friends group, you all gathered in a small circle, holding up the small glasses.
"To friendship and unforgettable nights!" Maki toasted.
The shots went down with a burning kick.
As the night continued in a whirlwind of music and laughter, you noticed a young man weaving his way through the crowd towards you. 
He had a confident stride, a slight smile playing on his lips. In his hands, he carried two shots. You recognized him as a fellow medical student from the university, though his name escaped you in the moment.
"Hey there," he greeted, offering you one of the shots. "Thought you might need a refill."
You accepted the shot with a smile. "Thanks, stranger."
He chuckled. "Well, we're not exactly strangers. I've seen you around university. Your beauty is pretty hard to miss."
"You have a way with words, don't you?"
"Just speaking the truth," he replied smoothly, raising his glass for a toast. "To a good night."
Glasses clinked, and you both downed the shots, the liquid heat spreading a pleasant warmth through you.
The conversation flowed effortlessly, his charm and easygoing nature making it easy to talk. He asked about your interests outside of medicine, and you found yourself sharing bits and pieces about your life against the backdrop of the party's rhythmic music.
Every so often, your eyes drifted to your friends, ensuring they were still within sight. They seemed to be enjoying themselves, occasionally glancing over to check on you.
As the song changed, the young man extended his hand. "How about we take this conversation to the dance floor?"
You hesitated for a moment, a brief image of Satoru flashed through your mind, but you quickly dismissed it, drowning out any thoughts of him. "Sure, why not?" you said with a smile, as he dragged you away from your friends.
The music and the rhythm of the dance floor were momentarily exhilarating, but as you moved to the beat, an unsettling sensation began to take hold. The lights of the club began to blur, and the pulsing music seemed muffled, as if you were underwater.
A wave of nausea swept over you, and your surroundings began to feel surreal and disconnected.
He leaned in closer, placing a hand on your waist. "You want to go outside?"
You flinched slightly. His touch felt awful. You didn't want him to touch you.
Not him. 
"No, I'm... I'm going to the bathroom real quick." Your voice sounded alarmingly faint and distant to yourself.
"Should I come with you?"
You shook your head, trying to clear the fog that seemed to envelop your thoughts.
Somehow it became hard to push through the crowd. Your legs barely moved at your command. Everything felt muffled. As if the sounds and lights around you weren't really reaching you anymore.
Stumbling slightly, you made your way toward the exit instead to the bathroom, each step feeling heavier than the last. Once outside, the cool night air hit you, but it did little to ease your spinning head. 
The world around you seemed to tilt and sway, the bright lights of the club's exterior sign blurring into streaks of color. You leaned against the building for support, trying to steady yourself.
This is not normal.
Something was very wrong.
Could it have been the drink?
Where was your phone?
You needed to call someone.
You fumbled for your phone, wanting to call your friends who were still inside the club. Your fingers felt clumsy and uncoordinated as you tried to unlock the screen, the icons dancing before your eyes.
After several failed attempts, you finally managed to dial Maki's number. You pressed the phone to your ear, each ring echoing distantly, as if coming from far away. "Come on, Maki, please pick up," you whispered under your breath.
Maki didn't answer.
Yuta didn't answer either.
Neither did Toge.
The loud music in the club probably drowned out the sound of their phone.
Panic set in. You knew you couldn't go back into the club in your current state, not with the risk of running into that guy again who probably put something in your drink.
You scrolled through your contacts with trembling hands, your vision swimming. Then, without a second thought, you dialed a number. The phone barely had time to ring before he answered.
You let out a shaky breath, not sure what to say only his name escaped your lips in a whisper, "Satoru..."
That was all he needed to hear.
All he ever needed to hear.
"Where are you?" He said without missing a beat.
"I'm outside the club... I think someone drugged my drink," you stammered, struggling to keep your thoughts coherent. "Everything's spinning, I can't..."
"Stay right there. I'm coming," Satoru cut in. "Don't move, and tell me exactly where you are."
You gave him the best description you could manage of your location, your words slurring and overlapping as the world around you spun out of control. Satoru continued to talk to over the phone, telling you to hang on, that he was on his way, but his voice seemed to fade in and out. 
Time seemed to lose its meaning. 
The moments stretched on, each one feeling longer than the last. You were vaguely aware of voices and the sounds of the city around you, but they felt distant.
Then, abruptly, a familiar presence cut through the fog.
Without saying anything, Satoru's arms gently lifted you from the ground. He held you close, the warmth of his body a soothing presence as he carried you towards his car. The world seemed to spin and blur around you. Clinging to his neck, you managed a faint whisper, "Satoru..."
"It's okay, you're safe now," he assured you in a calm voice.
Reaching his car, Satoru settled you into the passenger seat of his car, securing the seatbelt around you. Sliding into the driver's seat, he started the engine. You felt his car begin to move. His hand rested on your thigh.
You twisted uncomfortably in the seat, fighting the nausea that threatened to overwhelm you.
"Hang on, we're almost there," Satoru said.
The drive felt surreal, the city lights passing by in a dreamlike blur. When the car finally came to a stop, you realized that you weren't at your apartment. "Where are we?"
"We're at my place," Satoru unbuckled his seatbelt. "You think I would leave you alone after you got drugged?"
"No, I'm fine," you protested weakly, though your body betrayed you with its unsteadiness. Satoru was already at your side, lifting you into his arms once again with gentle care. As he carried you from the car to his apartment, your head spun, and your protests faltered. "I'm fine, Satoru, I really..."
He glanced down at you. "Don't be stupid."
You wanted to argue more, but the dizziness made it hard to focus. Reluctantly, you allowed him to carry you inside. Maybe, even let yourself fall more into his embrace.
Once inside, Satoru carefully set you down on the couch in his living room. In the next second, he was kneeling in front of you and removed your heels. You flinched slightly at the touch of his hands on your ankles.
"You really don't have to do this—"
"Stop it, already. And let me take care of you," he replied, his tone leaving no room for argument.
You sighed and lay back on the couch, your body feeling strangely heavy.
"Wait a second," he then said and went into his kitchen. You rolled over to your side on the couch, still everything spun. You reached for a cushion and laid your head on it, legs curling up to your chest. You tried your best to not throw up on his expensive looking furniture.
Your eyes wandered around Satoru's apartment. 
The open living area was spacious and airy, with large windows that let in the soft glow of the city lights. The walls were adorned with a piece of art, abstract in design, with bold strokes and vibrant colors that perhaps cost as much as your entire university tuition.
Your gaze drifted to a bookshelf lined with medical books and journals. On one shelf were several trophies lined up, each one gleaming under the soft lighting. As you focused on them, it became clear that they were from basketball matches. 
Then Satoru returned with a glass of water. "I didn't realize you were that good at basketball," you said, trying to distract yourself from the nausea.
Satoru followed your gaze and a slight smile crossed his face. "Yeah, I was not that bad."
He sat down on the couch beside you, and handed you the water. "This should help," he said revealing a few pills in his other hands.
"What are these?" you asked as you pushed yourself up a bit. 
"They help you get off whatever it is in your bloodline."
He must know, right?
Was it wrong to think that you were glad to know someone who was an addict when you were being drugged yourself?
Anyway, you took the glass of water and swallowed the pills.
Satoru watched you for a moment, before standing up and walking over to the kitchen again. As he returned, he had donned a pair of gloves and was carrying a syringe.
"Wait, what's that for?" you asked, eyeing the syringe.
"Hold out your arm to me," Satoru ordered as he sat down beside you. "I want to take a blood sample and run some tests."
God, always the doctor.
Reluctantly, you extended your arm.
Satoru's touch was gentle as he skillfully found a vein and drew a small sample of blood. "There, all done," he said, applying a small bandage to the puncture site. "I'll get this to the lab first thing in the morning."
Satoru tore off the gloves. "How are you feeling?"
"The room's not spinning as much," you said. "Thank you."
He reached out, gently cupping your face with one hand, his thumb softly tracing your cheek. "Did you see who gave you the drink?"
"I don't remember his name... but he's from university. I've seen him around."
His expression hardened, his hand dropping away from your face. You watched as Satoru stood, the frustration evident in his movements. He began to loosen the bow tie of his suit he still wore.
"You're staying here tonight," he stated.
"I'm not sure if—" 
"You're staying, no arguments," he cut in firmly.
You shut your mouth.
He took off his suit jacket and threw it over a chair. Rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, he suggested, "You can borrow something to wear from my wardrobe," nodding towards a door across the room.
You wanted nothing more than to finally get rid of that dress.
It felt filthy.
Your whole body felt filthy.
You stood, but your weakened form betrayed you once more. Suddenly off-balance, you almost fell, but Satoru was there in an instant. He quickly wrapped his arm around you. 
You found yourself unexpectedly close to him. His lips hovered just an inch from yours. "You need help?"
"I'm—" you started, but the words caught in your throat as his gaze locked onto yours. "I'm fine."
For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Your lips lingered there, barely touching.
Slowly, he loosened his hold on you. "Call me if you need anything." 
With weak legs, you made your way to his bedroom. The moonlight streamed through the windows, casting a serene glow across the room. The bedroom was spacious with a large, comfortable looking bed dominating the space.
The room smelled like him.
You approached his wardrobe, which was open and neatly organized. As you browsed through his clothes, you couldn't help but notice that everything, from his shirts to his trousers, seemed to be expensive, each piece perfectly tailored.
It sure had its benefits when you were one of the most famous neurosurgeons.
Feeling a bit out of place among such expensive pieces, you reached for a pair of sweatpants and a soft cotton shirt. They were obviously his, likely to be oversized on you, but you couldn't help but notice his familiar scent lingering on them.
You threw the cloths on his bed and tried to change out of your dress. Your hands fumbled with the zipper at the back of your dress. You twisted and turned, trying to reach it, but it was no use. The zipper remained stubbornly just out of reach.
You considered just ripping it off for a second.
But then you took a deep breath.
"Satoru?" you called out.
After a brief pause, you heard his footsteps approaching the bedroom. You hadn't bothered to close the door. He appeared in the doorway, leaning casually against the frame. His eyes held a hint of amusement as he observed your struggle.
"It's this zipper... I can't get it," you said, turning to show him the back of your dress.
Satoru moved closer. "You know, that's a pretty lame excuse to get me into the bedroom." You felt a shiver run down your spine as his breath lightly brushed against your neck. Gently, he gathered your hair and swept it over your shoulder, exposing the length of your back. 
"Still, you're here," you whispered as he reached for the zipper and slowly pulled it down. Cold air hit your now exposed back.
"I'll always be there when you need me."
You inhaled sharply as you felt the dress loosen around you.
Satoru remained close to you. His warm hands reached up, brushing over your arms up to your shoulders. His fingers traced the thin straps of your dress, lingering just a moment too long, as if contemplating if he should slip them off your shoulders or not.
You didn't want him to slip them off.
Or not?
Or what was it you wanted?
In that moment, time seemed to pause. You both stood there, caught in a shared suspension, the room around you bathed in soft moonlight that filtered through the windows. The silence only broken by the sound of your heavy breathing. 
"You should get some rest," he murmured. "We can talk tomorrow."
No you didn't want to talk about it.
You didn't want to admit it.
You took a deep breath.
"I'm fine," you countered in a whisper. "I don't need to rest."
His lips drew nearer, and he placed tender kisses along your shoulder, igniting a trail of warmth that seemed to awaken every nerve in your body. His hands found your hips, anchoring you firmly to him.
"You should. It's been a long nigh."
Your heartbeat quickened. "Don't try to tell me what I need."
Satoru sighed. His lips continued their exploration, moving up your neck with a softness that belied his restraint. "Don't make this so hard," he murmured. "I'm trying to do the right thing here."
"It didn't seem to bother you too much in the bathroom earlier."
You turned around to face him. Satoru's hands found their way to the small of your back, pulling you closer still until you were pressed tightly against him.
"I know," he said, his voice strained. "And I'm sorry for that, we shouldn't have—"
"Stop, Satoru," you interrupted. "I don't want your apologies." 
He paused.
You swallowed hard. "I want you to make me forget this fucked up day."
"Not like this. You're drunk and also probably drugged," he said, but you could almost see his resolve wavering as he held you close, the contours of your bodies molding perfectly together. 
You exhaled softly, your gaze fixed on his lip. "I don't care."
Because you really didn't.
You needed him right now.
Needed the feeling of his skin on yours.
You knew it was wrong—using him like this was wrong, but you didn't care. Perhaps it was the drugs in your bloodline or the alcohol but you didn't care. You wanted him, craved the escape he—and only he—could offer you.
Satoru was close, so close that you could feel the warmth of his breath mingling with yours. The struggle in his eyes made it clear that he was losing whatever battle the rational side of him was waging. So, you waited—waited for him to lose against his self control.
"I get it, you're hurt. But this won't give you what you need and I won't use you like that."
The irony wasn't lost on you. Weren't you the one who was about to use him?
"Maybe I want you to use me?"
"God, what are you saying?" He almost trembled under the strain it took him to hold back, as his hand reached up to grasp the nape of your neck. "You'll regret his tomorrow. You'll hate me for this," he breathed out, pained.
"Then let me regret it, Satoru." Your fingers reaching up to slowly unbutton his shirt. His mouth hovered over yours, his lips grazing yours in a torturous almost-kiss, yet still maintaining that maddening distance.
"I don't care," you breathed, continuing to slowly unbutton his shirt.
As the last button was undone, the fabric of Satoru's shirt parted, revealing the well-defined muscles of his chest. Your fingertips grazed his skin, feeling the rapid beat of his heart beneath your touch. Satoru inhaled sharply.
"Listen, we can pretend what happened earlier in that bathroom was just a stupid mistake. I'm fine with that." His gaze dropped to your lips. "But we can't keep making the same 'mistake' and deny what's happening. If we cross that line again, it changes everything."
"I know. But I don't care. I can't...I need you."
With that, the last restraint he held shattered.
Satoru's lips finally found yours, igniting an immediate fire within you. 
His mouth moved hungrily against yours, deep and consuming. He didn't give you a second to catch your breath, but you didn't care. You didn't need air when you had him. 
You melted under his touch, surrendering completely. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss even further. The heat of the moment consumed you, and all you could think of was him, the way he tasted, the way he felt, the way he made your heart race.
The world around you faded away. 
Slowly, deliberately, he began to undress you. "Tell me to stop," he said as his kisses trailed from your lips down to your neck. You closed your eyes, moaning softly at the way his touch made you feel alive.
You shook your head. "I want you."
"Please, tell me to stop," he said again, even as he slipped his shirt off from his shoulders, revealing a landscape of defined muscles across his shoulders, neck, and abdomen. His hands brushed over your body, taking in the curve of your hip bones and the smoothness of your skin.
In that moment, everything that had held you back—the fear, the hurt, the lies—crumbled into insignificance. There was only the undeniable truth of what you felt for each other, a connection that was as intense as it was complicated.
"I'm yours, Satoru," you whispered. "All yours. Do whatever you want to me."
He paused, locking eyes with you. "Is that what you want? What you need?"
Yes. A thousand times, yes.
Somehow this man in from of you had the power to let you forget every rational thought. And somehow you needed this right now—needed him to make you forget all the hurt, he partly is the reason for but still—you wanted nothing more than to be his in this very moment.
You nodded, unable to speak past the lump forming in your throat.
"Then I'll take care of you."
Without breaking contact, Satoru swept one arm beneath your ass while grasping your waist with the other. Your legs wrapped around him as he lifted you effortlessly off the ground. He carried you to the bed, before laying you down.
Your back pressed firmly against the mattress as Satoru followed, covering you completely. He leaned down and captured your lips in a slow, lingering kiss. His body molded perfectly to yours, as you traced your fingertips across the expanse of his exposed chest and toned abs.
Satoru pushed your thighs apart, spreading your legs wider. His finger wandered under the hem of your underwear, tracing torturous lines over your skin. You arched your back upward, silently begging for his touch.
He obliged, pushing your underwear aside and sliding one finger inside you. "Is that what you need?"
You moaned softly, as he delved further into your core. His movements were slow and deliberate, your breathing quickened, becoming shallow and rapid. "Yes...yes, please..." You arched your back, urging him further. 
His other hand slid beneath you, cupping your hip bone firmly. The sensation of his finger moving within you sent shivers coursing through your veins, igniting an intense fire deep in your core. You clutched at his hair. "More, Satoru."
His response was immediate. He slipped another finger inside you, stretching you wider. The sensation was overwhelming, leaving you helpless in his grasp.
Before long, his mouth met yours once again, taking control of the kiss as his thumb brushed gently against your clit. With every stroke of his fingers and flick of his thumb, you felt yourself growing increasingly close to the edge. 
"Tell me exactly what you want me to do to you, sweetheart," Satoru muttered against your lips as his fingers drove deep into you, burying themselves to the limit. Your grip on his hair tightened as you felt him hitting your core.
The sound of your breathless moans filled the room as Satoru's skilled hands worked their magic on your body, making you yearn for more. "You know what I want, Satoru...don't make me beg for it."
Satoru's lips trailed down your jawline and towards your neck. "Bit unfair, don't you think?" His teeth grazed your sensitive flesh, sending shivers down your spine as his finger continued to thrust into you. "Wanting me to fuck you, but not letting me tease you a bit about it?"
As he made his way further down your body, you closed your eyes, surrendering yourself entirely to the feeling of him inside you. He trailed kisses all over your body until he reached your parted legs, planting featherlight kisses along the sensitive skin of your inner thighs.
He smiled up at you, his dark eyes sparkling with wicked intent. "But don't worry, you don't have to say anything, I know exactly what you need." He positioned himself firmly between your legs. His hot breath against your clit, making you quiver with anticipation.
He pulled his fingers out of you briefly to pull down your underwear. Then, without warning, he plunged his tongue into your core, sending you reeling with pleasure. Each stroke of his tongue sent electric sparks shooting straight to your core. Moaning loudly, you writhing beneath him, urging him onward.
He delved deeper, suckling hungrily at your clit, his tongue leveling deeper into you. "Oh God, yes...please don't stop," you panted, gripping his hair tightly as he was buried between your legs.
"God, you taste so good." He pulled back his tongue, licking over your clit and inserting his two fingers again, pumping them vigorously in and out of you. "Can you take on more for me?"
You gasped as he pushed yet another finger into you, stretching you impossibly wide. But you couldn't help but crave more—more of the intense sensations coursing through every inch of your being.
His lips closed around your clit once more. He sucked hungrily, flicking his tongue against you as he curled his fingers inside you, hitting all the right spots in a way that left you gasping for breath. You tightened your grip on his hair. It must have hurt. But he didn't care.
With each passing second, your release drew nearer. He could feel it. He quickened his pace, pushing deeper and harder into you. "Come for me, sweetheart."
And then, without warning, it hit you. You cried out, your body shaking with the force of it all as he continued to suckle and thrust simultaneously, drawing out every last ounce of pleasure from your quivering frame.
"Stop, Satoru..." you panted as he continued to devour your oversensitive core with his mouth. Your legs trembled. It was too much—far too much. "Fuck, stop."
He pulled away from you and moved upwards. His lips brushed softly against yours, making you taste your own arousal. "Don't act like you can't take it," he murmured against your lips. "Wasn't that what you wanted?"
Your breath hitched as his eyes suddenly darkened. "You wanted me to make you forget about your fucked up day, remember?"
He pulled back, kneeling before you as he zipped open his pants and pushed them down along with his boxers, exposing his cock—pre-cum already leaking from the tip.
He lowered himself onto you again, pressing his erection against you. "You should be really careful of what you're asking for," he whispered into your ear.
Your heart skipped a beat as his hand found your throat, his grip tight. Yet, you couldn't help but crave more, wanting to surrender completely to his will. "Satoru, just...do me already," you gasped as his pressure on your throat increased.
He smirked. He knew exactly how much power he had over you.
And he liked it.
"You're so damn hot when you beg for more," he whispered against your lips.
Without warning, he surged forward, burying himself deep inside you, savoring each inch as you gasped and arched your back. You bit down on your lower lip, stifling a scream as he filled you completely, every inch of his length stretching you wide.
"Don't hold back, I want to hear you scream my name," he said as he began to move. His movements were rough and unforgiving, pounding into you relentlessly. You cried out his name, writhing underneath him as he took you without mercy.
You clawed at his shoulders, pulling him closer, begging for more. But he was in control here, and he loved the way you responded so eagerly to his every move. He paused suddenly, pulling almost all the way out before plunging back in.
Tears prickling at the corners of your eyes as his cock slid back in, filling you once more, sending shivers through your entire body. Then, he picked up pace, faster now, harder. Your walls tightened around him as he pounded deeper and deeper, making you feel alive in ways you never thought possible.
You clung to his shoulder blades, your fingers digging into his skin, leaving marks as he thrust into you. His eyes locked onto yours, watching as pleasure etched itself across your features. He leaned forward, bracing himself above you, and delivered another hard thrust, eliciting a sharp gasp from your lips.
Suddenly, he pulled out, flipping you over onto your stomach. Before you even had time to process what was happening, he pressed you face-down into the bed, grabbed your arms and crossed them behind your back, pinning you firmly in place.
Your moans turned into cries as he hitched your hips higher, burying himself even deeper inside of you from this angle, his hardness stretching you wide. It wasn't gentle anymore, far from it. He was rough, almost cruel, pushing past boundaries until you weren't sure if you could bear it any longer.
And yet you couldn't get enough.
You closed your eyes, burying your head into the sheets. He slammed into you again and again, each time he hit bottom. Your body quivered beneath him, and you let out a series of whimpers and gasps as he pushed you closer to the edge.
He tightened his grip on your wrists, pulling you closer against him. His breathing grew ragged as he lost himself in the sensation.
You wanted nothing more of him than to lose himself.
As he buried himself deep within you once more, you felt yourself shattering. Every muscle in your body convulsed, your cries muffled by the sheets beneath you. You shuddered violently, writhing underneath his firm grip as your orgasm threatened to consume you whole.
His rhythm faltered slightly as he felt you clench around him before picking up the pace again, and soon after, he followed you over the edge. He came inside of you, filling you whole with a sharp hiss of pain.
Satoru released the grip on your wrist and collapsed over you, resting himself on his arms. He remained motionless for a moment, both of you catching your breath. You lifted your head off the sheets, swallowing hard as the sensation lingered.
He leaned down, his breath warm on your back. His tongue ran along the curve of your spine, savoring the salty taste of your skin. "Feeling better now, sweetheart?" he asked, as his cum dripped onto the sheets.
Turning your head, you caught his eye. His gaze held yours, a sly smile on his lips.
You didn't know what to say—what to think even.
There was just this man who drove you absolutely insane—your professor, your research partner, your mentor's best friend, and...
...an addict.
"You have to get clean."
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author's note: thank you for the wait dears, this chapter did turn out super long. also two smut scenes haha. i actually don't really enjoy writing these and it takes me forever but somehow i wrote two now... i blame it on ovulation. also i'm not too happy with the second smut scene but i edited it like three times already and can't seem to get it right, so i'm just posting it now. anyway thank you for reading, feel free to leave your thoughts! :) 
🏷️ @sad-darksoul @aerithsthingss @mylovelessnightmare @bbyxxm @musababy @neuviloved @ykehqqy @hexrts-anatomy @fvsm4x @tw0fvced @heijihattorisgf @sadmonke (pls comment on the series masterlist to get tagged in the future!)
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shycloudkitty · 5 months
His Sweetest Escape
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Summary: Leon returned from a mission. Safe but exhausted and traumatized as hell. He doesn't want to drown in the suffocating thoughts of survivor's guilt. He wants an escape. And you were always his sweetest escape.
Pairing: RE6 Leon Kennedy! × Fem! Reader 
Tags: (NSFW 18+), MDNI, FWB relationship, Angst at first, talking about Leon's trauma (necessary for the plot), Oral (f receiving!), Cunnilingus, fingering, sitting on Leon's face, nipple play, Leon being a tease. A bit ooc? Probably. 
A/N: Hello Guys!!! My FIRST smut fic is here🤭. Yes I know…FWB again, but I just really wanted to write a smut fic with that trope😭. Also I am very serious about minors not interacting with this post. Please don't.
(Edit) : This can be considered a sort of rough prequel to Just a little touch. Cause for a prequel I have something else cooking up🤭
Hope you enjoy this and have a good day!! 😊😊
A huge thanks to @elfven-blog and @luniaxi for helping me a lot. A little birthday (belated) present to @nexysworld 🥰
Dividers by: @/cafekitsune
WC: 5.6K
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Another mission. Another horde of zombies and tyrants. And dozens and dozens of lives that he wasn't able to save in time. But it was a successful mission or at least that's what he was told by his superiors. 
Leon tiredly pushed open the door to his apartment and deeply sighed as he slowly entered and closed the door behind him. 
It is said that a home perfectly reflects people's personalities. The things there give bits of how a person lives and wants to live, their likes and dislikes and much more. 
And his cold and empty apartment gave a perfect reflection on who he was. The furniture was there, furnished of course. But that was it. No decorations or signs of someone living there. And that's how he felt he was. A person who had all the features of a normal person but cold and empty on the inside. 
But then again he never found a home. This was just a place to live in. 
Leon found a whiskey bottle from the liquor cabinet and dropped to the couch, groaning as he sat down after a long time feeling his injuries stretch uncomfortably making him wince. Leaning his head back and staring at the empty ceiling, flashbacks of the mission running wild in his mind. Taking a big swig of his whiskey to numb it. Trying to forget everything about that God forsaken assignment. 
Leon kept drinking and drinking till he started to feel a bit numb to it and sighed tiredly to himself and pushed the bottle aside. Allowing himself to get a bit lost in his thoughts and closed his eyes. 
He was so fucking tired of all this fighting, fighting it to no fucking end and never seeing the ray of hope that all of this shit would end one day. Instead it only got worse. And he fucking hated it. 
His survivor's guilt continued to eat at him slowly and bit by bit on his consciousness, till he felt suffocated by it. 
He opened his eyes, taking a deep breath and groaned in frustration. The fuck was wrong with him? Actually don't answer that, he already knows. 
He took a deep breath to calm himself. Closing his eyes and taking small deep breaths. 
Leon shook his head to himself and sighed again. This wasn't going to go away anytime soon. And he really didn't want to wallow and drown in the guilt or he was sure it would kill him more than it already had. He wanted an escape. 
A sweet escape that always made him forget about the hellish missions and the guilt that comes with it. 
He opened his phone and searched for your contact and pressed the call button. Bringing the phone to his ear as it rang. 
For some reason he felt a bit guilty for only calling you for these things, which was weird because it has always been like this between you both… and neither of you minded it before. 
Maybe he needs this more than he thought. 
“Hey handsome” Your sweet voice rang in his ear from the other side of the call making his mood a bit better. 
He cleared his throat and said “Hey… Doing anything right now?” Trying not to sound too desperate for her and playing it cool. 
“Sort of… But… I can be free if you want~” trying to tease him a little bit. 
A small smile bloomed on his face when he heard that and teasingly replied. “You will make time for me huh? That's sweet.” 
You chuckle and tease him back. “Oh you know… I could never say no to you…or a good time.”
Your teasing words made Leon smile a bit more. Knowing you could always tease him a little and get away with it and he wouldn't mind it even once cause he loved the tease. 
Leon then says. “Then be free and come here.”
“Uff… So bossy. Can't add a ‘please’ in your sentence?” You asked in a playful way. 
“One more comment out of your smart mouth and I will come to your apartment to show you how bossy I can actually be.” Voice getting sultry as he teased you. 
It's not like it will be the first time he bossed a sweet thing like you around… always so eager to please him, following the orders he used to give you while you were a moaning & whimpering mess but oh, so ready to do them… just for him. 
How could he not feel like a God when you were always ready to be his devoted worshiper. 
There was a beat of silence, and Leon smirked knowing that teasing worked perfectly in making you flustered. 
He took the opportunity and said “Hmm… that's what I thought, now come here…please” emphasizing the word please more on purpose. 
You lightly huff over the phone. “You know you are making a lot of promises.” your voice was clearly flustered even if you tried to hide it. 
“Cause I can keep ‘em. I don't make empty promises and you know that…” His voice lowered. He knew how much he had an effect on you, and he couldn't help but use it to his advantage. 
Leon waited for a response. 
“...I do.” your voice came out more breathy than he expected. 
“Good girl… now come soon. I am waiting.”
He cut the call and tossed his phone aside, taking a deep breath. He wasn't going to lie to himself, he got plenty worked up from just one call and it was probably less than a minute. 
You were a damn vixen and he loved it. 
Now that you were most certainly coming over, he could at least take a shower. He got up from the couch with a groan and stretched his arms a bit and made his way to his bathroom. 
Removing his gear and soiled work clothes, he got in the shower and turned it on. Letting the water slowly wash the grime and dried blood away along with the horrible memories of the mission. 
Instead he focused his thoughts on you. He let his mind slowly fill with the sweet memories of you. Your soft red lips against his… They tasted like candy, sometimes cherry but always something sweet. 
And he especially loved when your pretty lips were wrapped around his cock…slowly taking him in and looking up at him with those greedy eyes all your senses focused on him to pleasure him. 
How could he not want a sweet thing like you around forever? 
But he wouldn't admit that out loud. 
Leon could feel himself get more worked up as he felt more images fill up in his head and groaned quietly.
He huffed lightly, and quickly finished his shower and got out of it. Moving towards his wardrobe and wearing his sweatpants and one of his casual blue t-shirt. And decided to wait till you arrived. 
15 mins later his doorbell rang and he grinned at the thought that it was you. And quickly walked towards the door and opened it. 
And there you were, a smile on your face and a soft blush on your cheeks. Wearing a white crop top and blue jeans to pair it up with and he couldn't help but smirk at the sight. He bit his lip lightly and teasingly said. “You came huh?”
You rolled your eyes and smiled playfully at his words. “You called.” your voice being equally teasing. 
He grinned and let you inside his apartment and closed the door behind you. 
“When did you come back from your mission?” You asked as you went over and sat on the couch and looked at him. 
“Today actually…” Leon said as he came over and sat beside you. You raised an eyebrow and said. “Today... Like..Just now?” 
Leon nodded and shrugged lightly and looked at you. “Yeah. Why?”
Your eyes widened and said. “Wow… aren't you tired and sleepy as hell?”
Leon chuckled and shrugged. “No, not really.”
Well to be fair he was exhausted but that's why you were here… to take it all away. 
You frowned slightly not believing his words. After all, he was gone for a considerably long time. You then slowly ask. “Are you sure?”
Leon just chuckled and teasingly replied with a smirk. “Don't worry your pretty little head about it… Although I am flattered that you care that much about my health.”
While he was grateful that you were concerned for him, he didn't want to talk about it. He would rather focus on you and get lost in you than talk about his awful work. 
You roll your eyes and smirk at him and playfully reply. “Please… I am only asking because I don't think you will be able to last if you just came back home tired as hell.” 
You knew what you were doing, but again a little friendly fire never hurts anyone. And in this, you don't care if it hurts you. 
Leon looks at you in amusement and scoffs lightly, shifting closer to you as his voice lowered. “You think I wouldn't be able to last long hmm?” Slowly bringing his hand to your thigh and caressing it gently while looking in your eyes. 
You bite your lip and slowly say. “You heard what I said… Did I hit the nail with that?” 
No, but you did hurt his ego. And he was going to prove exactly how wrong you are. All in the name of friendly fire. 
Leon started to gently run his fingers to your inner thighs and rub teasing circles there. His hand inching closer and closer... but never touching you where you really wanted him to. 
His lips curve in a smirk and biting his lip lightly. “You really think that huh...” his hot breath hitting your neck. His gaze falling on your lips, on how you are slowly biting them. 
Your face grows flushed and goosebumps rise on your skin as he… slowly moves his free hand on your other thigh and does the same thing there. His smirk grows wider when he feels you squirming a bit. 
Everything around you feels so much hotter now… his touch, his eyes shamelessly tracing every inch of your soft body. 
Leon watched as you cleared your throat and looked away from him. “Not really… I was just joking, you know.” 
Leon smirked some more and teasingly repeated your words. “Just joking hmm?”
Your breath hitches when Leon presses his lips on your neck and presses feather light kisses on it while gently nibbling on it too. You tilt your head back giving him better access, eyes fluttering shut as his teeth lightly scrape your skin.
Your perfume slowly fills his senses and makes his mind hazy with lust. You smelled so fucking good to him. All this teasing was doing a number on him. So much so that now all he wanted to do was to fuck you dumb against this couch and still keep going. 
He gently bites your earlobe and mumbles. “Can't have you making jokes everywhere on serious matters baby…”
You gasp as he suddenly spreads your thighs apart, settling himself between them. His bites on your neck get a bit more harsher as his hands start sliding to your ass. Gripping them tightly and bringing you close, pressing you against the couch and him.
He then whispers. “Can't have a sweet thing like you leaving my bed thinking my cock wasn't good enough for your pussy…”
You squirmed in his grip as his words shoot straight at your core. His touch felt as if it was burning right through your skin. You opened your mouth to say something and a small whimper escaped your lips as he bit down on a much sensitive part of your neck. 
“Oh Leon…” You mumbled and looked at him. And he quickly sealed your lips with a kiss and mumbles against your lips. “I know baby, You love that cock don't you? Love how good it feels when it ruins your little cunt.” 
A small mewl left your mouth as two of his fingers reached your center, sliding them up and down on your clothed cunt giving you the stimulation you were craving. 
Leon smirked at your little sounds and snakes his other hand under your crop top, slowly groping your right breast in his hand. And tauntingly says. “Yeah…Feels good when I give that cunt a bit of attention, Doesn't it? Already squirming under my fingers and I haven't even started.” 
Your body grew hotter as his fingers started to rub small circles over your cunt and now groping your breasts a bit harshly now. You can feel your panties getting wet from his teasing and lean more into his fingers to search for that friction. You whine and pout at him. “Leon…Stop teasing.”
He bites your earlobe. “You try to tell me what I should…And teasing you will be all I do tonight.” You pouted him in response and he just gave you a teasing grin.
As he says that he pinches one of your nipples making you jolt in surprise. You whine as he continues to pinch and roll it teasingly between his fingers drawing a needy moan from you. 
He then pulls away slightly and starts to unbutton your jeans and kisses you. He lightly tugs at your lower lip, giving you a pleasant shiver down your spine. Removing your jeans he cups your ass and drags it a bit closer for him to see. Smirking at the wet spot on your cute lacy panties. 
Soft moans and whimpers fall off your lips as he presses his thumb on your clit over the thin layer of the fabric and rubs slow teasing circles. 
His free hand makes its way to your chest and eagerly lifts your crop top and tugs your bra down to free your breasts. And latches his mouth to one of them and eagerly starts to suck on them, not even bothering to fully remove it.
He then starts to slowly suck on your nipples taking his sweet time with it while still paying attention to your cunt. His eyes are shut as if he was concentrating on the world's most important task ever. Your moans started to get louder and more whiny, and feel the flimsy fabric of your panties sticking to your folds by now.
He suddenly pinches your clit at the same time he gives a harsh tug at your nipple. Your body twitches from the sensation and you whine louder than before. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you gasped for breaths.
You looked down to see his face and whined to him. “Leon, I want more…please.” Your voice was more breathy than before. You gave him a pout and looked at him with those same needy eyes which he usually gave into.
He feels so proud for having you this way, seeing how quickly you used to melt for him and gave him the control he was so desperately craving without any resistance. And he loved it every single time. Seeing your red pouty lips, eyes filled with lust, messed up hair, flushed face, it made his heart skip a few beats every time… He could always get lost in your beauty and he wouldn't have it any other way.
Leon presses a kiss at your temple and drops another at your shoulder. And smirks and in a taunting tone whispers. “We just started baby, Already can't last hmm?”
Ass. That's what he was. An ass for using your words against you. 
He then pulls back and you whine at the loss of his touch. Panting softly, your skin feeling as if it was burning under his hot gaze. You look up at him and he wasn't any better but he had a better control on it. 
He grins and kisses you softly on the lips to make up for the teasing and softly asks “Want to move this to the bedroom?” You nod and kiss him back. Wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling him close. 
You both kiss each other softly and he slowly removes the rest of your clothes and lifts you up in his arms and slowly stands up. You wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. Your hands gripping his shoulders and continue to kiss him softly while he makes his way to his bedroom. 
He places his hands on your hips to hold you and never breaks the kiss even once. If anything he pulls you more close and deepens the kisses. He opens his bedroom door and slowly lays you down on bed and pulls away a bit and smiles at you and softly whispers. “Want more?”
You nod and he leans in close and deepens the kiss. Gently caressing your body all over, his hands kneading the soft plush fat of your thighs and hips. Tongue exploring your mouth sensually while kissing you. Both of your eyes closed while enjoying the sensual kisses and touches. This was much calmer than what you both were doing earlier but still very sensual to keep you both going. 
“Feeling better?” He mumbles against your lips. 
You chuckle softly and in a teasing tone reply. “I would feel much better when you actually start.” 
You feel a deep rumble from his chest as he laughs softly at that and shakes his head lightly. His voice takes a quick change from soft to sweetly seductive and whispers. “Fucking insatiable…Love it. Who could tell that a cutie like you was such a slut inside. But you are not gonna hear any complaints from me.”
Your cheeks burn red from his words as he now starts to kiss your neck and collarbone. A moan slipped from your mouth when he pressed himself forward and his boner made contact with your sensitive clit, letting you feel how much he was turned on right now. The cloth of his sweatpants gave enough friction to feel amazing as you started to grind against him, wanting to continue where he left off. 
Soft grunts slipped from his mouth as he felt you eagerly rub your pussy against him. A rough chuckle leaves his lips and he mumbles. “Patience baby…” and moves his hips away to stop it, pulling a whine from your mouth from frustration. 
He brings your lips in a deep kiss which you were more than happy to respond to. His hands found their way back to your chest to your breasts. Groping and massaging them and giving light tugs at your nipple which made your body twitch in excitement. 
He then tugged your lower lip, gave a harsh bite to it and tweaked your nipple lightly. He continues this motion of torturing you like this. While you lay there under him writhing and moaning for him. “Leon… I can't take it… please..”
The little piece of shit just laughs and tweaks your nipples once more making you whimper for him. And in a taunting tone says. “Oh yeah? You can't take it hmm? Too damn bad…”
You feel him rubbing those little buds under his thumb sometimes rolling it between his fingers while basically tongue fucking your mouth. You whimper, whine and even try to push him off but if anything that encourages him to do more of that. 
Soon you feel that invisible band in your stomach stretching and stretching… just waiting to snap. And Leon notices it, the way your body starts shivering and your moans get louder. He then leans in to whisper. “Gonna cum baby?”
You nod and look at him with a pout. “Please…” He just smirks and keeps doing what he was doing. Your body twitches and holds onto his shoulders. Your eyes flutter shut. You are just so close… Right… there. 
And he pulls away. 
Your eyes immediately shoot open. “Nooo!” A loud whine leaves your lips and look up at him with a frustrated expression. 
How could he do this to you? Such a fucking tease? And you were so fucking close and he just had to pull away and ruin it. 
He had a big shit eating grin on his face but he wasn't faring any better than you were. His shirt was clinging to his body, face flushed red and his hair messed up. And the way you can see his dick bulging in his pants proved he was just as pent up as you. 
He was just teasing both of you to hell. Asshole. 
You gave a pout as the tears from frustration started to brim in your eyes. “You are so mean…” 
Leon smiles as he leans down closer to you and softly coos to you. “Aww… is my baby angry at me?”
You nod and continue to pout at him. Leon smiles and takes your face in his hands. And kisses you gently on your soft lips. You don't kiss him back at first but you hear his soft whispers to forgive him for teasing you so much. “Please baby… forgive me? I swear I wouldn't tease you now… Kiss me back?”
And you really wanted to stay mad at him but… you couldn't do that for much long. 
How could you when he looked at you with those blue lust blown eyes and gave you soft kisses across your face to make you forgive him? 
You then slowly kissed him back and he was more than happy to oblige. Kissing you softly, taking his time to ease you and then he says. “Ride my face? I promise I will let you cum this time..”
Your face went red and your eyes widened and mumbled against his lips. “Really? Are you sure you want me to do that?”
You feel him nod, lightly tugging at your lower lip and say. “Of course…Want that pretty pussy of yours on my face.”
It's not like this was your first time riding his face either...
Your face goes red but you are more excited than embarrassed. You nod and kiss him back with more fervor. “Okay… I will.”
He pulls away and finally removes his clothes. Removing his sweatpants and freeing his cock from it. Groaning softly as his cock slaps against his stomach. Precum leaking from his cock. Spreading it with his thumb from his tip to the rest and lightly strokes himself. Hissing at how sensitive his cock was from all that teasing. 
Your mouth waters at the sight of him naked. His body was littered with scars but that only made him more alluring at this moment. You just wanted to kiss and nibble on each scar till he was red from all the hickeys. It always took your breath away when you watched him like this. 
You lick your lips and come closer to him and give him your most innocent doe eyes and make your voice as seductive as possible. “Can I taste you?”
Leon feels his cock twitch at the request and lightly bites his lips. He was really really tempted to take you up on that offer but he had other plans… 
He tilts your chin up and says. “Look at you… so eager for this cock hmm? Already want to wrap your pretty lips on it.”
You feel yourself getting more slicked from his words and eagerly nod. “Yes…please, want to suck your cock so bad…”
Leon smirks and gives a teasing kiss on your lips. “Some other time baby, want you to ride my face today.”
Your face flushes deep red and nod. “Okay…”
He grins and lays back down on bed adjusting himself with pillows under his head and motions for you to come up. 
You bite your lip and slowly crawl over to him. Slowly bringing your thighs on either side of his head, hands grasping at the headboard as you position yourself over his face. 
A loud groan leaves his lips as his eyes locks down at your drenched cunt. He licks his lips and feels his mouth water, he immediately grasps your hips and thighs and positions your cunt in front of his hungry mouth. 
You gasp softly as you feel him suddenly shift you more and look down at how hungrily he was looking at you. 
Leon moves his hands to your ass and squeezes it gently. And looks at you. “Come on baby sit. And don't hover, don't want to waste a drop of you”  His words make your stomach flip. Your heart thundering in your chest as you try to come up with something to say but feel your words stuck in your throat. 
You bite your lips and follow his words. And slowly sit down on his face and the moan he let's out when his tongue makes contact with your clit was downright pathetic. He immediately tightens his grip around your thighs and your ass, closing his eyes and lapping at your cunt happily. 
You moan softly as you feel his tongue give you lazy, slow licks from your labia to your clit. Taking his time with it, slowly tasting through your folds. Swirling his tongue around your already sensitive clit giving it occasional tugs with his teeth.
Your body twitches above him as your moans turn into cries of pleasure. Trying to move away from his face but he grunts and grabs your ass and pulls you back in. Giving your ass a light spank, “Don't move…” 
You squeal and close your eyes as you focus on his tongue, trying not to move that much. Biting your lip, one of your hands makes into his hair. He groans at the feeling of your fingers lightly threading through his hair. And pushes his tongue inside your sopping hole, slowly fucking you with it. 
He moans when he feels your juices on his tongue. You always tasted like a fucking heaven to him. He could stay between your thighs all day if he could. Drinking what you had to give to him while hearing sweet chorus of whines and moans as they left your mouth, his own favorite music to listen to when he came back home from those fucked up missions. 
You were his personal haven, letting him have you like this, he felt the luckiest man in the world. Feeling you tug his hair, squirming on his mouth and still riding his mouth like it was your last day on earth. He fucking loved it. He could get off on having you just like this. 
Your thighs squeeze around his head and tug at his hair a bit harder than necessary pulling a groan out of him. It only encouraged him to fuck his tongue into you faster. You squealed a bit as lifted you up a bit only to feel two of his fingers enter your cunt drawing a long moan out of you. Slowly sliding in and out of you, your wet walls eagerly sucking him back in. 
A loud groan leaves your lips when he starts to suck on your clit too. “Oh fuck…Leon!” Hips moving on its own, as he continues to finger you and tug at your clit. Curling his fingers inside and moving them against the spot which always made you see stars. Your body twitches and eyes roll in the back of your head as he moves his fingers faster. 
His fingers constantly assaulting that sweet spot within you, sometimes slowing them down to hear your pretty whines of protest and suddenly increasing the pace just to fuck with you. Feeling your thighs squeeze around his head tightly drawing a loud groan from him, the vibrations going straight to your core and giving you an instant jolt of pleasure. 
All the teasing slowly piled up and you felt that familiar band in your core just waiting to snap at any moment. You clenched tightly around his fingers. He hummed in satisfaction as he felt you do that, removing his fingers and pushing his tongue inside, wanting you to cum on his tongue instead.
He held your hips tightly to support you and let you ride his face as much as you wanted. Both of your hands going down to his hair, tugging at it while riding his face at your pace. Your clit constantly bumping against his nose making you a moaning mess above him. “Fuckkkk… Leon… feels so good… Just like that! Fuck! Yes!”
His eyes roll in the back of his head as he feels the stinging pain as you tug at his hair. Loving the pain and pleasure that came with it. One of his hands goes down to his cock and stroking himself in time with the pace that you set. Feeling himself getting closer and closer as you both kept going. 
He felt he could burst at any moment just from hearing the lewd noises you both were making. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
You open your eyes, your gaze drifting to the sight of him between your legs. And it instantly brought you closer to the edge than ever. His eyes were screwed shut, focused on giving you the high you were so eagerly chasing. His grip on your ass was tight enough to leave bruises, not that you cared.
You loved seeing his marks on your body anyway. 
“M’ gonna cum… so close…” you whined as you looked down at him. His eyes opened to look at the heavenly sight of you writhing above him and smirked. 
He winked at you and moved his tongue faster inside you and gave you a sudden spank from the hand that was already gripping you while he stroked himself with the other. 
You whine from the spank and feel that band inside you finally snap “Leon!”. He soon comes after you with a loud groan and hisses as ropes of thick hot cum fall on his thighs and abs. 
Your body twitches and shakes when the euphoria flows through your body. You felt so lightweight, feeling like you could drop at any moment. Leon gently grasped your waist with one hand and the other on your thigh, slowly helping you ride through your high. And eagerly drank up every drop. Humming softly in satisfaction. 
You whined softly still feeling his tongue swirl around your clit. You tried to get off of him whining softly in protest and he gently lowered you down in bed. His chin was soaked with your release as he wiped it away with the back of his hand. 
He brought you close to him, pressing you against him and giving soft kisses on your forehead and cheeks. Both of you were breathing heavily in each other's arms. His soft kisses act as a soothing balm to your tired body. 
You gently caressed his hair and face in return as he started to pepper kisses along your collarbone now. “Feeling good?” Leon's soft voice entered your dazed mind. You smiled lazily at him and sighed softly. “I feel amazing…”
Leon chuckled and gave a soft kiss to your crown and pulled you closer. “Good…I would be disappointed otherwise.”
You chuckled and teasingly say. “In me or yourself?” He snickered and replied “You of course. I am amazing at what I do.”
You raise an eyebrow at him and say. “And I am not?” Leon smirked and bit your earlobe playfully. “That’s up for debate…”
You scoffed, giving him an offended look at him and narrowed your eyes at him “Excuse me?”
Leon had to bite back a chuckle as he saw you trying to be serious, and he could tell that you weren't serious either. Seeing your smile threatening to take over your face.
You huff when you saw a chuckle slipping from him. “You are laughing at me aren't you?” Still keeping your eyes narrowed at him. 
Leon cleared his throat, trying his best to be serious. “No, I would never laugh at you.” 
You rolled your eyes at him and said. “Liar.” 
Leon chuckled, shaking his head in amusement and playfully whispered. “You look cute when you are angry.”
Your eyes widened at his words and looked away from him to hide your blushing face from his comment “Whatever.”
Leon chuckled. “Uh huh… What is this then?” Poking at your red cheeks. 
You pouted at him and huffed. “Nothing okay? Just shut up.”
Leon’s snickered and a mischievous grin spread on his face. “You want me to shut up? Sit on my face again and then I will think.”
Leon's smirk widened as he saw your face flush red and looking away from him, squirming slightly as you thought about doing it again. Leon squished your cheeks and turned your face back towards him and looked at you with a smug face. 
“You want to sit on my face again don't you?” A knowing smug smile on his face. 
Your face turned beet red as you felt yourself heat up again from his words and slowly nodded. 
Leon smirked and started to kiss your neck all over again and mumbled. “So...fucking...insatiable.”
This was sure as hell gonna be a long night for both of you. But none of you had any complaints. 
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God. It's done. Oh my god. FINALLY. I honestly didn't expect this to take so much of my time but it surprisingly did. I guess it did cause it's my first time writing smut rather than consuming it lol.
Anyways... I hope you liked this fic. Hope it made your day!!🥰😊.
Until next time 😊❤
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drizztdohurtin · 3 months
BG3 Tiefling Purring Headcanons
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okay guys i'm so fucking serious right now I was working on my general tiefling headcanons post and I got to the purring part and I was like.... I literally have to make this its own post because I have SO MUCH to say
if anyone gets particularly inspired by any of my headcanons and decides to write something involving it, PLEASE send it to me so I can read it, or tag me in the comments or something <333333
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purring is a reflection of emotions the majority of the time, but it can be done both voluntarily and involuntarily
i think of it like a deep rumbling at the bottom of the throat where you feel your two collarbone bumps, and you can physically feel the rumbling if you were to put a hand on their chest or neck
some have louder 'default' purrs than others, but if they focus on it then they can manipulate the volume
my overarching concept for their purring has to do with the idea that it's mainly used for comfort
my absolute favorite purring hc that I've thought of is that it's used to soothe their babies!
if a parent tiefling is holding their distressed, crying baby, they will automatically purr to comfort them
I also think that they will use it to comfort other people that they're very close to when they're really upset
going back to the baby thing, I believe this kind of purr will almost always be an instinct...
okay bear with me for a second.... you know how people who breastfeed (STAY WITH ME) their bodies automatically know what nutrients to put more or less of in the milk based on their baby's needs? it's like that.
no matter the sex of the parent, their body automatically knows how it should purr to best comfort their baby (think of pitch, volume, and the resonance of the vibrations)
but I think this instinct goes away after their child is around the age of 7 or 8 -- and it doesn't apply to what I said earlier about purring to comfort people they're close to
NEXT: they purr to comfort themselves <3333
It sorta depends on the person, some might be quicker to do it than others, doing it even when they're just mildly upset, and others only doing it in the most extreme circumstances
NEXT ☝ obviously it's also a sign of extreme comfort or contentment <33333
I love a good fluff moment, thinking about one of our beloved tiefling NPCs cuddled up with their significant other and they're just so deep in their happy place that they start to purr
generally, I think of the concept of purring to be an emotionally intimate thing - so it's not to be done for just anyone
they use it for their babies, their loved ones, and anyone else that's very close to them,
it'd be rare to do it for just anyone, even if they're a friend... they'd have to be a very, very close friend
because of this, each type of purr will sound different in some way
Alright, let's take this party down below
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speaking of being extremely contented, they might purr in bed heh
because purring is an intimate thing, purring in sexually intimate situations would only happen in established relationships
they also might purr when they're trying to initiate sex, but this would be accompanied by feeling up their partner/giving them suggestive kisses or bites on their neck, or something similar
this "suggestive purr" would be light and hushed, hard to pick up on by anyone outside of a radius of 2-3 feet, as it's meant only for their partner to hear/feel
☝ take a minute to imagine your tiefling lover walking up to you and giving you a kiss, feeling the lightest flutter of a purr from their chest as they press a few gentle kisses to your temple, cheek, and jaw, then giving you bedroom eyes... maybe nuzzling their nose against yours or against your neck........ good god.
now, purrs of pleasure during the act having a much wider range of pitch and intensity
I offer you a brief description of a blurb that I often see in my head before falling asleep: Rolan going down on reader/tav, instinctively purring because he loves doing it so much (fear not, I will definitely talk more about this in my rolan nsfw headcanons &lt;333)
the general takeaway is that when they feel great pleasure (physically, mentally, and/or emotionally) you might earn a purr from them
the caveat to that, though, is that they would only be able to do it when they're not exerting a lot of energy, as it would be hard to purr and breathe heavily at the same time - their body would prioritize breathing
because of that, I really only see this happening if they are having slower sex, maybe something very intimate, or just lazy? like early morning sex or sleepy sex
really just anything slow, including giving and receiving head <33
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That's all I have to say for now but I hope you enjoyed this because ☝ I certainly did
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zarvasace · 2 months
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And here are Dire and Madness, dark Twilight and dark Four!
Rambling and more art beneath the cut as has been standard :) only two more left to do and guys I love them
Dire is dark Twilight. 
He and Twilight share one major trait: they are protectors. Not even a process that bastardized Sky’s kindness could take that away. By no means is Dire nice, however. He is a Twilight that has lost all control and doesn't care to regain it, because that would mean facing all he's done. Some part of Dire is aware and suffering, but he purposely buries that part.  
But on the surface that he presents and identifies with, Dire lashes out at everything that causes him pain—which is a lot of things. Dire is no different from the other Darks, in that he can't stand the light and gets annoyed quickly. He doesn't often speak, and nobody is really sure how much he really understands of what's around him. He acts more like an animal than a human in a lot of ways, and is often a little more cruel than he has to be. He's unnaturally strong and quick, and his weapons of choice are his nails and teeth. He indulges his brutal urges because the alternative is thinking.
For plans that require destruction and fighting, the Darks let Dire run out first. He could probably fight an army on his own, provided that he has plenty of darkness and an enemy without too much strategy. He's powerful and extremely dangerous. Due to that, the Darks don't let him run free. They use the shackles around his wrists and neck to keep him nearby and out of maiming range. When they do let him out though (to hunt or fight or exercise or whatever), he always comes back…
Because Dire is a protector. He leans more offensive than Twilight, but Dire too knows friend from foe. He doesn't always care, but Dire has sorted the other Darks as “friend” in his head, and he won't let anything hurt them except for themselves, if he can. He's particularly fond of Madness and Nothing, and has been known to grab them and not let them go, even when they start biting. 
Dire’s design pulls a lot from the fever dream in Twilight Princess: gray skin, blank eyes. He has longer, more matted hair than Twilight. His claws are wicked sharp, and he wears tattered clothes without shoes. His wolf pelt is the softest thing about him, and it really should be washed. His markings are a bit more dramatic than Twilight’s, extending down his cheeks and arms and legs. 
Despite the markings, Dire does not have an alternate form like Twilight. Well, he might, but he was never cursed the same way, and this technically is his dark world form. Some combination of magic might give him the ability to shapeshift, but he doesn't need it. He's bestial as it is. 
Madness is dark Four! There is one big question here: is Madness the same person as Shadow from the manga?
Yes and no! Madness and Shadow do not exist at the same time as separate individuals. They were both made from Four’s darkness, but for different purposes. Shadow really did die when he smashed the mirror, and this isn't exactly a second chance… but it might be. Think of it like this: that body is a computer. Shadow was an operating system there, logging away memories and performing programs. Madness is on the same computer, but is a different operating system (a weaker one, really). However, those memories and personality from Shadow still exist, buried and only subconsciously influencing Madness’s behavior. They act eerily alike sometimes, not that anyone but Four would notice. Perhaps someday, Shadow’s OS will break through and become dominant, but even if he did, he wouldn't be the same. Madness would still be there. 
“Still rivers run deep”—to me, this is very much Four. One body, four colors; a deep knowledge of his chosen trade; a rather serious demeanor with a lot of variety and thoughts; plans and ideas backed up with a combination of emotion and logic. He's balanced. In contrast, Madness is a “fast river running shallowly,” an unbalanced amalgamation of too much, all at once, a broad variety with little substance. 
Madness is a little… unhinged. He's clearly smart, but he speaks in roundabout ways, making connections that don't exist or are too convoluted for anyone to follow. He stares into the distance a lot, and can be quite unnerving if you try to notice how often he blinks (rarely). Nobody can really decide how much of his behavior is on purpose or just how he is. When let loose, Madness shows unparalleled capacity for complex plans, but he doesn't always know how to hold back and often goes overboard. He'll beat that dead horse, and bomb those charred ruins, and smash that fallen vase… You get the picture. 
A lot of these Darks have an odd magical power, and Madness’s is one of the more prominent ones. With a touch, he can attempt to bury a bit of his power in the mind of a sentient being (human, Rito, Zora, Minish, etc) and turn them into a thrall. While a being is a thrall, their eyes turn red and their consciousness goes to sleep. Madness can give them mental commands, and they technically work under his processing power and not their own, so no matter how vague the commands are, they do what he means them to do. Madness can also jump into thralls’ heads to pilot them specifically, seeing from their eyes and speaking from their mouth. He doesn't magically know everything about the thrall, though, so he still has to try to impersonate, and that doesn't usually work well. While he pilots, Madness is still technically in his body, so he will say out loud anything he's commanding the thrall to say, which limits his opportunities to trick the others. 
Without commands, the thralls sit in still silence, which means that over extended periods of time, Madness does have to worry about food and rest for them. The more thralls he has, the less effective he is, because his focus is split, even if he isn't directly piloting more than one person at a time. If he lets someone go even for a moment, the connection is severed entirely. He absolutely refuses to use any thralls in a combat scenario, because he feels their pain, even though it's fainter when he isn’t directly piloting. He uses thralls instead to gather information, start rumors, purchase/steal supplies, and often just cause chaos. 
Madness is actually rather genre-aware. He knows that their schemes are destined to ultimately fail, because the Darks are the “bad guys” and they will lose. As such, he's hedging his bets and logging away information for an inevitable betrayal to the Lights. He does not intend to be on the losing side when it gets down to it. He has half-baked plans to snatch a few of the other Darks and take them with him, too. Madness absolutely does not take any sort of leadership role, which means that he doesn't feel any responsibility to rein in Nothing, making him Nothing’s favorite. Madness also spends time hanging out with Dire, who he thinks understands more than he lets on. Those two would be his first choices, and he thinks Nothing might know that. (This is not at all related to the fact that Shadow’s memories of betrayal are both sweet and bitter.) 
Madness does not get along well with Agony—Madness prefers chaos and mind games over Agony’s stab-first approach. He purposely annoys everyone else. Along with Depth and Shackle, Madness is one of the few Darks who can pass as human, so he's been on a few excursions into towns or groups, and he likes emphasizing his unnerving traits. He'll use a sword if he has to, but prefers bombs and words. He doesn't have any powers from Shadow (shapeshifting, stretchiness, whatever else), but he is very sensitive to light, like most of the Darks. 
Madness casts a wide net, putting on an air of randomness with a sprinkle of insanity for flavor. He connects more dots than he appears to, though, and has a few unexpected urges toward the light. Make no mistake, though, he is a Dark, and he has no intention of doing good just to do good. His ultimate goal is to survive the Dark Chain’s fall, and beyond that… traveling? Therapy? Living at home with people he doesn't hate? (Why does he feel an emotional connection to his Light? Why does he want to protect him? Why does he want to exercise his freedom? Why does it feel like he's running out of time until—)
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comicaurora · 11 months
Have you seen the new Superman show on adult swim? Himbo Clark Kent rights
It's off to an extremely encouraging start! Thoughts under the cut!
I like how they portray Clark's super-strength and how comfortable he is flying and using super-speed. They really feel like innate characteristics of his body rather than powers he switches on and off - things he keeps toned down when people are watching, but things that are always present regardless. The number of times I've pulled a push door or shoved something that was stuck and thought "if I had super-strength I wouldn't get a Take Two on this because my hand would've gone straight through that" is clearly something the showrunners have also thought about. This Clark lives in a world of cardboard and physically cannot stop himself from putting his hand through it at least once a day.
There's a physicality to the way Clark takes hits that really communicates how little he feels them most of the time. Eyes open, mouth closed, immediately getting back into the fight after getting punched into a crater. This is stuff I also think about when I draw supernaturally tough characters in combat situations, and it's cool to see someone else doing it - especially since one of my very few complaints about the older DCAU is that Superman always took every hit like it was a fully incapacitating blow, which Worf'd him pretty constantly.
I also like that we have so far never seen Clark angry. We've seen him scared, flustered, disappointed - but not angry. Even in fights where he's taking serious hits, he's only motivated by wanting to protect and save people, even his opponents - he so far has never been motivated by a desire to destroy. That feels like very good writing for Superman.
It's currently a little unclear how exactly his powerset is scaling - it looks like the blue-eye-glow-and-suit-emblem thing is a legitimate powerup that lets him hit harder and recover faster than his normal baseline, but how exactly that works isn't clear yet - although that is very obviously going to be a plot point later, since they keep giving him little flashes of the story of Krypton's destruction and what shenanigans they were getting up to when it exploded.
On that note, Kryptonian tech has never looked or felt so otherworldly. I love the distorted electronic backward-voice choir they use exclusively for when Clark is on the ship. I love that hologram Jor-El can't speak English, but can clearly understand Clark - also this is the coolest Jor-El has ever looked. Some comics wax poetic about how Clark is an alien space god who only pretends to be human, but I like how this show is firmly putting Clark on the side of the audience with regards to how unsettling the "alien space god" vibes truly are. He can't understand the nature of the ship or the words of its holographic inhabitant, he's not really interested in what it means or where it came from - he just wants to know who he is, or rather who Superman should be. And I like that he concludes that Superman should be him - the heroics he was already doing, except this time on purpose. Superman should not be this spooky glowing alien god thing, even if that's the vibe we get from Krypton itself.
I like that the ship gave Superman his modern no-underpants-on-the-outside suit and Ma Kent was like "we can do better than that" and added the underpants back on.
I also like how much setup there is for future plot stuff that a DC-familiar audience can see coming. Clark hasn't used any of his vision-based powers yet, and it's possible he doesn't know they exist. No sign of Lex Luthor or Kryptonite yet, two problems we know will become more severe with time. We've already got Amanda Waller being stoically nefarious in the background. Young Hot Deathstroke is a hell of a design choice and I am Here For It.
I also appreciate how many little referential jokes are packed into the dialogue, ranging from the obvious "it's a bird it's a plane" to some hella deep pulls like Jimmy Olson's youtube channel.
And fundamentally I love how this show starts from the jump with the thesis that friendly, humble, Normal Man Clark is the real person, and Superman is the job that Clark Kent does. The title of the show is "My Adventures With Superman." The POV character is Clark. He is the "my" in that title. This is Clark's story about Superman.
I really, really hope Batman eventually shows up, because this Superman would make that hilarious.
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feariteriu · 2 years
𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲 — 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬
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𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬: y/n gets a late night call from the boy that has her completely whipped, she’s confused as he rambles on drunken thoughts to her.
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦: cursing, under age drinking? lol just really fluffy tbh.
𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚: miles morales x female y/n
𝗔/𝗡: sorry it’s kinda long hope you like it!
Collapsing on your bed, you moved your arm to rest over your forehead. You were exhausted. The party you'd just gotten home from had completely drained you. You were moments away from falling asleep when your phone rang. Groaning, you lazily reached across your bed for it. "Hello?" you murmured, answering without bothering to check the ID. The sound of pounding music and muffled chatter echoed through the speaker. "Hello?" You repeated.
"Y/N!" Sitting up, you quickly checked the caller, "Miles?"
"Where are you?" His voice sounded slurred. "Are you drunk?"
"No-maybe-that's not the point."
"Are you still at the party?" you questioned, checking the time. "Do you need to be picked up or something?"
"No," he denied. "I need to know-" he paused for a moment. "I need to know where you are."
"Why? What's wrong?" Miles muttered something incoherent under his breath.
"Just tell me where you are!"
"I'm at home," you told him, confusion filling your face. "What's wrong?" He released a deep breath of relief, "When did you-when did you leave?"
"I don't know," you sighed. "Maybe half an hour ago?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I hadn't seen you for a while," you explained. "I didn't even know if you were still at the party. I thought maybe you'd left with someone."
He snorted, "As if I'd leave with any of these people," he muttered, trailing off into something you couldn't understand.
"Miles," you sighed, "you're drunk."
"Can we please just talk tomorrow?" you requested, rubbing your temple. "Are you safe?" he asked you, his voice turning serious.
"What are you talking about?"
"I thought something had happened to you, I was looking everywhere," he explained. "No one could tell me where you were and I-I was really worried and I just-" he fumbled on.
"Miles, calm down," you instructed. "Take a breath." You held back your laughter as he followed your instructions, the action being much more dramatic than necessary. "Now, why were you worried?"
"Because I couldn't find you! I was looking everywhere," he repeated. "I'm sorry you got so concerned," you told him. "I promise you I'm okay."
"You promise?" His tone was much softer now, his voice so quiet it was barely audible over the background noise. "I promise, Miles," you smiled. "How much have you had to drink?" you inquired. "Just a little bit."
"A little bit?" you repeated, lying back down and turning onto your side. "Are you sure?"
"Maybe-maybe a little bit more than a little bit," he replied. "I take it you're still at the party?" you asked him, though you already knew the answer. "Mm-hmm."
"Did you need a lift home?" you offered. "I can come get you."
"No," he denied. "I'm crashing here tonight. A few of the others are too."
"Are you sure?" you asked, toying with your bedspread. "You sound like you're ready to go to bed," you told him honestly. "I don't think you'll be able to get any sleep there at the moment."
"I guess not," Miles agreed. "What are you doing?" you questioned, the background noise changing and becoming more muffled. "I'm going outside," he said. "There's a pool."
"Miles no! Don't get in the pool. You're probably too drunk to remember how to swim."
"That's not true," he muttered. "Oh shi-"
"What did you do?" you sighed. "Someone left their shoe in my way," he groaned. "Are you sure it wasn't your shoe? Did you fall?" you asked, unable to hide the amusement from your tone.
"I'm going to ask once more, are you sure you don't want me to come back and get you?" There was silence from his end for a moment and you felt your heart pick up the pace.
"I'm here," he whispered.
"You okay?"
"I'm fine. Keep talking," he instructed.
"I like your voice." You could hear the smile behind his words. "It's a very nice voice."
"Thank you?" you laughed, not sure of how to respond. "I can't say I've ever been complimented on my voice before."
"You should have been," he responded. "It is a very nice voice," he said again. "With a very nice face to match.”
You and Miles had known each other for a very long time. You wouldn't ever admit it aloud, but he had always been the one who was able to make you smile and who was able to make the butterflies in your stomach come to life-especially when he said stuff like that. He definitely wasn’t aware of the effect he had on you if he did he would stop saying things like that right?
"Why aren't you talking?" From the tone of his voice, you could tell he was pouting. "Sorry," you smiled. "I'm talking now. Will you be okay tonight? I really want to come pick you up," you sighed out.
"I'll be all good," he responded, dragging out his words. "I've found myself a nice chair," he laughed, his laughter soon turning to giggles. "It's so comfy."
"I'm sure it is."
"You sound tired," Miles commented.
"That's because I am," you told him. "And I think you are too."
"I think I am, too. You're so smart. Did you know that? And very pretty. And you have an amazing voice."
"I think you should probably go get some sleep, Miles," you sighed, trying not to read too much into his words because of the state he was in. "I'll ring you tomorrow to check on you, okay?"
"Okay," he mumbled sadly. "You promise you'll ring me?"
"Of course."
"Pinky swear?"
"There's no other promise," you insisted. "Goodnight Miles."
"Goodnight (Y/N)!" Shaking your head, you rolled onto your back-opening your messages to text your friend who was still at the party, asking them to go check on Miles. Once they had replied, you tossed your phone to the side before sliding under your covers. You understood that Miles was under the influence of alcohol and that probably wouldn't remember the conversation you had just now.
You didn't want to get your hopes up, have any form of expectations. Pushing certain thoughts out of your mind, you hugged your pillow to your chest, closing your eyes-ready to fall asleep. Tomorrow you would ring Miles to check on him and you hoped by then your head would be clear.
. . .
Entering a small little cafe of his choice, you cast your eyes around trying to find Miles. Unable to find him in the cafe, you made your way towards the counter. "Hey," you greeted.
"Hi," she smiled. "What can I get for you?"
"Something strong and sweet please," you answered. "Has a black guy with dark curly hair and a dopey smile been in here yet?" She shook her head, "Sorry, haven't seen him. Go take a seat and I'll bring this out to you."
"Thanks," you told her, following her instructions. Taking a seat at the table with two chairs, quickly looking over at the door to see if Miles was nearby. You'd rang him earlier like you had told him you would do last night and you'd both made plans to meet up here.
The conversation hadn't lasted long, Miles had only just woken up when you called him and he was getting ready to go help clean up. He asked you to meet him at the cafe and you jumped at the chance. Pulling your phone out, you spent a few minutes replying to a friend before a steaming mug was placed in front of you.
"Thanks again."
"Let me know if there's anything else you need," she replied, heading back to the counter. You weren't sitting alone for long when Miles sat opposite to you. You jumped slightly in surprise at his arrival. "Hi," you chuckled, taking in his appearance. "You don't look..." you trailed off.
"Yeah I know," he sighed. "I think I may have gone over my limit a little yesterday," he admitted. He took a deep breath before resting his arms on the table, "Hi," he smiled finally.
"Besides the obvious...are you doing okay?" Miles nodded, "I guess, just a little embarrassed," he told you, his cheeks flushing. You raised an eyebrow, "What do you have to be embarrassed about?" you asked him.
He sent you a knowing look, "Last night," he clarified. "I'm sorry for disturbing you."
"Miles," you groaned. "You're one of my closest friends," you told him. "You weren't disturbing me, I'm just glad that you're okay."
"Right," he said, his tone almost sad as he muttered something under his breath. Before you could ask what was wrong, the waitress from before placed a drink in front of him, "You look like you need this," she laughed, walking off once more.
His hands immediately wrapped around the mug, "She's like a mind reader," he mumbled, taking a small sip. "Can I ask you something?" you questioned, almost hesitantly.
He nodded, confusion crossing his face for a brief moment. "You don't usually drink so much," you began, "and I was just wondering..." the boy sighed, "Why I ended up as smashed as I did?" You gave him a short nod.
"It's a little...stupid," he confessed, you could tell he was reluctant to divulge his reasoning to you. "It's okay," you said. "You don't need to tell me, I just hope nothing's wrong," reaching across the table to rest your hand on his. Noticing how his body tensed at your touch, you retracted your hand immediately. "Sorry," you squeaked.
He shook his head, "No, it's not-don't be," he insisted. "I uh-you rang because you were worried about me...do you remember?" He brought his hand to rest on the back of his neck, rubbing at it awkwardly, "Yeah...I remember. I thought maybe you'd left with one of the guys," he admitted.
Your brow furrowed, "Why would you think that?"
"I overheard-actually it doesn't matter," he told you. "I'm sorry about all that. Ringing you I mean."
"It's okay," you admitted. "It's good to know someone cares," you joked. "Of course, I care," he said softly. Smiling down at the table, you moved your hands to wrap around the mug in front of you. "Do you happen to remember what else you said?" you dared to ask, your face heating up at the thought.
Miles laughed, "Now I think you're just trying to embarrass me."
"So you don't?" you questioned, trying to hide the hurt from your tone. His expression turned serious, "No I-I do remember," he confirmed slowly. "All of it." Miles leaned back in his seat, "Last night I learned that I become very...vocal and honest when I drink."
"Well you do have a very nice voice," he replied playfully. "And an equally pretty face." You could feel your face redden further, making him laugh. "It turns out drunk me has more confidence around you than sober me."
"What do you mean?" The boy's smile turned shy, "It seems I'm much more likely to spill certain things," he hinted. "I don't understand," you replied.
"Don't worry about it."
"Okay..." you drawled. "Did you end up sleeping out on the pool chair?" you questioned. Miles shook his head, "F/N helped me find an actual bed, thank you for that by the way," he said, giving you a knowing look.
You shrugged innocently, "A pool chair is not a good place to spend the night," you commented. "I owe you for that," he continued.
Scoffing, you take another sip of your drink, "That's not necessary. Like I said, we're friends." The hurt that flashed across his face matched the feeling that had risen within you at your words. "Friends," he sighed under his breath.
Miles seemed to be in the middle of a debate with himself. "Are you okay?" you asked, the concern evident in your voice.
"Actually," he announced, "I want to ask you something...I was talking with F/N last night, and she kind of helped me realize a few things," he admitted. "And if I read into her words correctly... then I think..." He found it hard to finish what he was trying to say.
"What is it?" you laughed nervously. "I'm just going to say it," Miles told you. "Right now. Out loud." Not wanting to interrupt his thoughts, you both fall into a small period of silence.
"I like you," he blurted out.
"I like you," he repeated, meeting your eyes.
"I like you too, Miles," you insisted, tilting your head.
"No," he smiled, amused at how oblivious you could be, "I like you."
"Oh." Miles suddenly grew nervous, "That's your only response?" he asked. You moved your hands to rest on your lap, "I don't really know what to say," you said slowly.
He took your words as a sign that you didn't feel the same way. "Right, I'm sorry," he laughed. "Just forget I said anything," he said, averting his eyes from you. "No!" you shouted, feeling your cheeks heat once more-not meaning to be so loud. "Sorry...I just-you took me by surprise. I was just...not expecting you to say that."
"Is the concept of me like you so hard to imagine?" he joked, but the nerves behind his eyes were still there. "No...what's hard to imagine," you told him, "is that you feel the same about me as I do about you."
The boy's mouth parted slightly, "Wait..." You laughed at his expression. "You like me too?" he grinned. Nodding, you wrapped your arms around yourself loosely, "For longer than I think I want to admit," you told him bashfully.
He beamed at your words, "So...does this mean you'll go on a date with me?" he questioned hopefully. Chuckling, you found yourself staring into his eyes, "I would love to go on a date with you, Miles."
“I just realized we never paid for our drinks.”
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artandshid · 1 year
“Eddie it’s one in the morning why are you calling.” You say groggily into the phone.
“I’m sorry sweetheart we’re you sleeping?” He says with a laugh and you roll your eyes
“Of course not I was getting ready to start my ten mile run.”
“Let’s go for a drive.” He says ignoring your sarcasm. He knows you’re grumpy when you’re tired.
“Eddie, like I already said, it’s one in the morning. Where are we going to drive to? If I leave my house my parents are going to be pissed.”
“You don’t have to tell them, sneak out the window. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” He says to you.
“Eddie seriously why are you being so persistent? You’re acting crazy man.”
“Y/n, please, as your best friend I am asking you to just come with me.” You’re silent over the phone, because of course you want to go with him, he’s your best friend, but you don’t want to get caught by your parents. “Y/n please.” His serious tone makes you change your mind immediately and that’s how you find yourself getting ready to go for a drive wherever your best friend has in mind.
You hear the knock on your window just as you put your jacket on and see your frizzy haired friend with a smile on his face. “You ready to go?” He mouths to you and you nod your head.
In his car, he has his music playing lowly and he’s rubbing circles on your hand. Which isn’t an abnormal occurrence, but the gesture always brings you a sense of peace.
“So why are we going on a drive again?” You question him and you see him swallow thickly.
“I just needed to get out of the trailer. Couldn’t get out of my own head you know?” You nod your head because you know that he gets like that.
Eddie is a very creative person and with being a creative and innovative person, you have a lot of thoughts. Those positive thoughts are what he turns into art, unfortunately, your best friend hasn’t mastered how to turn those negative thoughts into art, too. That’s why he has you.
“Where are we off to anyway?”
“Where do you want to be off to Sweetheart?”
“Let’s take the drive to Chicago.” You tell him with a smirk, knowing that you guys both love the city and it’s only about an hour and a half away.
“Chicago? You were just complaining that you didn’t want to get in trouble by your parents, if we go to Chicago there’s no way I’ll have you back before they wake up.”
“Then I get in trouble, so what. Let’s go to Chicago.”
He turns to you and smiles, “What have I turned you into?” and you laugh.
You guys are walking around the city hand in hand, just like you used to do when you were kids.
The topics have ranged from his band, to DND, to Motley Cure’s new album and how dreamy Tommy Lee is, to what you would name your pizza shop if you had one. They could talk about anything and everything together.
Suddenly Eddie got serious and you asked him what was wrong. He shakes his head and kicks a rock, you choose not to push the topic and instead welcomed the comfortable silence.
All of a sudden he stops and you turn and look at him, “How are you and Caden?” Caden was your on and off again boyfriend for about 8 months. Eddie doesn’t like him, he thinks you deserve better, and you know you do, you just stay with him because you were too scared to tell the one you really want that you love him.
“We’re okay right now, but if you ask me again tomorrow the answer might be different.” You say with a laugh and try to get a read of his face.
He takes a step closer to you and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “You deserve better than him.”
You roll your eyes and laugh, even though you can feel your face burning at his touch, “I know Eds, you only say that every single time he gets brought up.”
He lets out a small laugh but then looks serious again, there’s something behind his eyes that you can’t quite pinpoint which worries you because you always know how he’s feeling.
Your eyebrows pinch in concern and you search his eyes, “Eddie, what’s wrong?”
He takes a deep breath and steps even closer to you, your faces barely an inch apart and he whispers, “I think I’m in love with you.”
Your breath hitches and the screen in front of his eyes was pulled away and all you can see is love and you’ve never been happier.
“Eddie you have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear those words from you. I’m in love with you, too.”
He smiles the widest you’ve ever seen him smile and he leans closer to you, you’re about to kiss him, too, but then you remembered Caden.
You push a little on Eddie’s chest to get him to stop and he looks at you confused.
“I can’t cheat on him, I’m in love with you, but I can’t physically cheat on him.”
He looks hurt, but he backs away and puts his head down.
“I’ll break up with him tomorrow, for good. Because I want to be with you, forever and ever. But I can’t be a cheater, I’m sorry.” You tell him with tears running down your face.
He smiles at you and brushes your tears away. “Until tomorrow then. Let’s head back to the van, yeah?”
You smile back at him, “Yeah, until tomorrow.”
Guys, i’m really in the writing mood, and I don’t know how long it’s going to last so here’s another one.
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autistichalsin · 4 months
I have very complicated feelings about Halsin's Drow brothel dialogue that I want to share. I want to say, immediately, that I am not telling any other survivor how to feel about this, because we all have our own experiences that affect how we feel about this, and I will ask that you show me the same courtesy. I have had past posts of mine met with rudeness- from questioning whether I really had seen the scene in question to someone accusing me of having a "fetish" for rape recovery- telling me "go do Astarion's storyline instead"- to someone saying "the entire concept" (of trauma recovery, I guess?) is "western nonsense". Do not do that on this post.
The most common statements made as criticisms against Halsin's scene, post patch 5* are the following:
*Pre-patch 5, most of the criticism was about how out of left field it is and how there was no ability to follow up with Halsin about it/ask if he's okay.
It's OOC (or at least just nonsensical) for Halsin; he's a big, strong, wise Archdruid, so it makes no sense that he was raped.
Halsin obviously healed completely from his Drow-related trauma offscreen, and any statements from the player questioning this are condescension and/or infantilization and/or the same as demanding Halsin go through therapy onscreen- demanding all survivors have the exact same cookie-cutter reaction to be "valid".
The presence of the one rude "sounds traumatic, you may need to reflect on that" line means the entire scene is condescension as well.
Halsin's trauma isn't actually trauma/Halsin doesn't count as representation because it was not put in the story in good faith/was a joke, and it's insulting to change the scene to be more serious.
By changing these lines, the creators have prioritized one group of fans (those who wanted to see Halsin discuss what happened to him as an assault, not as a "fond memory") over another (those who felt this conversation was an indication Halsin had already had a complete recovery).
Gently and respectfully, I don't agree with any of these arguments. My feelings on these, point by point, are:
Rape can and does happen to anyone. Quite the opposite of being OOC for Halsin, it's important to have Halsin as representation alongside Astarion, to show that big, strong men can be victimized too, by any gender. Victimization can happen to a wide range of people, be committed by a wide range of people, and can have a wide range of effects on the survivor.
I love healed survivors, and I would love to see more in fiction. However, Halsin never once came across like a healed survivor to me, in this scene or otherwise. He came off like someone deep in denial (or perhaps just crisis mode) who was victim-blaming himself to downplay it. He called his rapists "hosts", himself a "guest, prisoner, and consort", himself a "foolhardy young Druid". Those are worrying ways to describe being made a sex slave for three years. I personally can't imagine how we were supposed to hear that repeated denial/downplaying/use of euphemism and infer healing from that. If that was truly what the writers intended, I think an exchange to the effect of "are you okay?" "Yes, it was a long time ago, and the wounds have healed" would have been acceptable- it's weird to think that wanting to be able to talk to Halsin after that and ask if he's okay is the same as "demanding he go through therapy for us" to some folks.
That one line isn't the best or most sensitively phrased, but it is HARDLY unique in that respect; there are many moments where your responses to delicate situations are awfully callous instead, even your "nice" ones. (See: immediately after Wyll gets his horns, where your nicest option is "The Blade of Frontiers has some explaining to do." No "oh my gods, are you okay? Are you in pain?") The lines following the nasty option include some wonderful choices (and a few callous ones, as per usual); "It's not for me to say- I wasn't there. But I'm here now, if you wish to talk," for example, which leads to Halsin thanking you and explaining that he hasn't had anyone to confide in for a very long time. Also, the offputting "you may need to reflect on that" option isn't the only way to get to the following lines; a Seldarine Drow, for example, can offer empathy by telling him he threaded the needle by surviving Lolth's pitiless followers at all. Sometimes, a writer's abstraction of situations like these can be really hard, and sometimes writers for dialogue trees fail to anticipate the responses players will want to give. (I.E. not foreseeing that players might want to sound less judgmental to Halsin's recovery, or that players' first concern will be with Wyll's wellbeing in the aftermath of him growing horns, not anger at his "dishonesty".) I would like alternatives to those callous responses, sure, but I don't think they imply bad intentions. Occam's razor and all that.
The truth is that we will never conclusively know what the intentions were behind the original version of that scene. However, in following with Occam's Razor, the simplest explanation is the best one, and it is almost always simpler to assume good intentions than to assume malice. With the care this game showed to rape, slavery, and other issues in the rest of the game, I find it much easier to believe that there was just bad conveyance of Halsin's past than I do that it was intended as a meanspirited joke against sexual assault survivors. Even if it was intended as a meanspirited joke, quite a lot of people had already found comfort in Halsin's character. There is no un-ringing the bell, so the best alternative was to improve the writing to address fan concerns.
Truthfully, any decision made could be argued to be prioritizing one group of fans over the other; if they had kept the status quo, they would have been prioritizing the group of fans who liked Halsin's downplaying of his trauma. Ultimately, Larian has shown that they enjoy making changes to the game over time (sometimes over the objections of fans, I.E. Gortash's letter); if they truly felt the true vision of their story was the original version and they felt it important to stick with it, they would have had no problem ignoring those fan complaints. Hell, one of THE most common complaints about Halsin is regarding his polyamory (especially from Early Access fans on the forums, who are quite vocal about feeling betrayed that Halsin isn't monogamous), and Larian has kept him poly because it is how they intended him to be. Larian didn't change Halsin's post-Drow scene solely because of fan outcry- they changed it because they wanted to. They have no problem keeping unpopular characterization beats and scenes in the game. If it were really a matter of "fan outcry = changed scenes" there would be an evil ending epilogue by now too.
Those are just my thoughts on the issue. I am leaving this untagged out of respect for other survivors who may not agree, but please feel free to reblog or comment- as long as discussion stays respectful.
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sugoi-and-spice · 5 months
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Chapter Twenty-Five - Leap Without Looking
Summary: Tomura Shigaraki was her dad’s boss’s son. He was the creep that stole girls’ underwear and tried to grope her in his room. But it’s not like he could get her Dad fired just because she wouldn’t sleep with him, right? …right?
CW: Quirkless!AU, Explicit Smut, Dub-Con, Coercion, Blackmail, Cheating, Sexual Guilt, Humiliation, Unhealthy Relationships, Virginity Kink, Groping, Power Play, Hate to Love, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Animal Death, Slow Burn, Misogyny
Notes: Happy 2024 friends! We have officially crossed the 600 page threshold with this fic and my husband has informed me that in that amount of words, I could've finished three novels by now... I think I've spent my time wisely on this xD
Anyway, thanks as always for following the progress of my long-ass, over-emotional dub-con fic!
Read Full Chapter on AO3
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What was she doing? No seriously, what the hell was she doing?
That’s all she could think as she paced anxiously in her living room. She hadn’t even planned on calling Shigaraki, her fingers had just moved before her brain could. She’d been so worried about leaving him hanging the way she had at the arcade, that he was going to do something drastic, she knew she needed to get back to him as soon as possible. That action, she didn’t kick herself too much for.
But then he had texted her.
[on the train]
[b @ ur place in 20]
She should’ve corrected him. Told him to meet her at a restaurant or a train station or a diner. Wait, yeah! A diner! That’s what she’d told him earlier, they’d go to a diner! A public, safe place that would pose a much lower risk of clothes being lost (although, not a zero chance, she admitted bitterly as she remembered one of their last serious talks over dinner). 
But no, she’d been too preoccupied trying to work out what to say, that when she’d finally gotten her head put on straight, about fifteen minutes later, she’d found a new reason to lose it. Tomura Shigaraki was going to be in her house, in the middle of the night, when her parents weren’t home. 
Nevermind the rather important question regarding how exactly he knew her address already, just what expectation was she setting with that?! Especially right after telling him that she and Mirio broke up. There’s no way Tomura Shigaraki of all people was coming over with anything other than sex on the brain. 
All of the fully rehearsed words she’d had suddenly didn’t feel sufficient anymore. This was way more serious than she was ready for. It was all happening way too fast. She didn’t even know what she wanted. She hadn’t even had the courage to fully admit to herself that she had very serious feelings for him, didn’t even know if she wanted to date him, so just what the hell was she supposed to say now in her house?!
Her heart just about beat out of her chest when the doorbell rang. That terrible cheerful little jingle that signaled the demise of her self-control. What was going to happen when she opened that door? How could she stop whatever he tried to make happen?
Especially when it was something she deep down really wanted to happen.
Luckily, she didn’t have to think of a solution. Because when she opened the door, she did not find Tomura Shigaraki holding flowers or video games or ready to sweep her off her feet (and into her bed). She saw him instead, hunched over panting, soaked to the bone, and not wearing shoes.
“O-Oh my god!” she practically shrieked.
“I didn’t bring anything,” was all he managed to say through heaving breaths. 
As if she would’ve expected him to bring a home gift under normal circumstances, let alone when he was hunched over and dripping onto her welcome mat.
She huffed in confused exasperation and pulled him into the house by the front of his sopping wet shirt, “Get in here right now!”
“W-Wow. It’s warm…” he muttered, looking around the living room in a daze as she closed the front door behind him.
“Yeah, I’m sure!” she snapped, “What happened to you?!”
“You said you wanted to talk in person.”
“So what, you ran all the way from Roppongi?!” she demanded.
He looked away, a blush dusting his cheeks, “I took the train too…”
She shook her head in disbelief, “You’re not even wearing shoes…”
Before he could say anything more, embarrassing himself further, she pressed a hot hand to his neck with a quickness that had him shuttering out a sigh. But she didn’t notice what she was doing to him. 
(She never truly did, did she?)
“Oh my God, you’re freezing!” she grabbed his shirt suddenly again, this time pulling it straight up over his head, “Take these off— take them off now!”
It all happened too fast for either of them to really process or be embarrassed about. She peeled his clothes off piece by piece, all while shoving him frantically down the ever-warmening hallway of her home. At some point he blinked and found himself stripped down completely and standing alone in the middle of her bathroom, fluffy beige towel in hand.
Shigaraki blinked as he finally had a coherent thought for what seemed like the first time in the last five hours. That thought being that when he’d pictured himself naked in her house, this is not the way he’d thought it’d go. 
He looked around the room, still in a bit of a daze. It was a typical Japanese bathroom, a nice one, he supposed, with its auto-filling tub and real tile, notably not laminate. But it was cozy (the nice way of saying small) and the only one for the whole household. The whole house seemed to be that way, from the quick glimpse he saw of it all. Simple, modest, warm. Quite a difference from his own luxurious and picture-perfect, but admittedly cold household. 
It surprised him a bit, the modest part. Though maybe it shouldn’t have. The more he learned about her and her family, the clearer it was that maybe she wasn’t as overtly privileged as he’d once assumed, as he was used to. Sure her family was comfortable, but there was a much wider gap between them, the family that packed onigiri and Don Quixote-purchased lawn chairs for swim meets, and he who had a Kurogiri at his every beck and call.
By the time he got to running his fingers along her slew of floral body washes and shampoos, he couldn’t help but shake his head and laugh over the situation. The ridiculousness of it all. How panicked he’d been, how undoubtedly panicked she’d been waiting for him. How all of it seemed to go instantly out the window the moment she saw him and had something all new to worry over. No, not just something. Someone. Him. Him and his well-being. 
Well wasn’t that something new.
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meggiesposts · 1 year
i love your monoma posts they give me reason to live 😭 if u get the time, i think a funny premise would be if the reader was thristing over monoma (to like… an unhealthy extent), and he just can’t pick up on it?? like he’s calling them and their friends 1-A losers n shit and the reader is giddy over the fact that he’s just talking to them lol. maybe kendo can break the news that the reader has a giant crush on him and he like… doesn’t know how to act at all. he can’t tell if he should give them mercy and be nicer to them or call them out and be a little bitch about it 🤭
WARNINGS ⚠️ : reader thirsting, Monoma (kidding I love him), kendo being done w Monoma, reader being kind of a pervert, tried to make reader gender-neutral, a kiss, delusional Monoma
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They are done.
Class 1-A is officially DONE.
Done with your bullshit.
Every time he comes around you go insane. So insane that you’ve said to his face that you would take him out on a date if he would let you.
His response? “Why would anyone go out on a date with a 1-A loser?”
They were done with listening to you thirst over the man that hates their guts. Mina was done listening to you choke over yourself with how much you want him.
Honestly she can’t listen to it anymore- listen… she loves you. More than anything in the world. But if you don’t stop- she’s going to burn your tongue off. She can’t hear your reasoning anymore either-
“But Mina- his arms-”
“I swEAR TO GO-”
She’s done.
She’s tried to talk to you about it too. What do you actually see in him, Ya’know? To be fair, you gave some valid reasons.
His eyes being the color of the ocean and his hair in line with the sand. His smile- taunting or not- was indeed- maybe, on some molecular level- attractive.
He also had potential to become a great hero! Seriously, he did! But oh- oh god his mouth. Every time he opened his mouth- all she saw was thousands of reasons why you shouldn’t like him.
Hell- Aizawa had to tell you to knock it off a couple times- and god forbid that one time you got put in a sparing match with him. The collective number of groans that rang throughout class 1-A was comical.
You rode that high for weeks. Let alone the fact that you used it as a chance to get your hands on him. With the strength of your quirk that- unfortunately for him he could not copy- you sometimes just held him.
He of course didn’t notice- using bakugou’s quirk to fill the air with dust from exploded cement.
You even got to straddle him- to which you told him to yield. He didn’t.
But that knowledge was just for you.
Yet he remained oblivious.
The class can’t count how many times they had straight up watched you say he was hot and how many times you had asked him out- to his face- which he didn’t understand.
The people of UA didn’t know what was worse. Your blatant thirst for the man- of the fact that the man was such an idiot he didn’t see.
It was clearly starting to piss even you off.
So finally, Kendo had to take it into her own hands.
It was gruesome.
“Y/n likes you-”
“Of course they do- the 1-A’s should bow to us.”
“No- Monoma- y/n likes you like-”
“A god? I am one.”
She looked deep into the eyes of the disgruntled man as he rubbed the back of his head. The intensity of her silent stare man his shiver as he cowered back.
“Listen to me Monoma. I am being serious. Y/n likes you. Like a married couple. Like a significant other. They want you to be their boyfriend.”
“You serious?”
She’s done.
Now Monoma is hit with new information as he dwells in his dorm lair. He laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling as he was stuck in his thoughts.
On one hand. Your pretty. Like- really pretty. Like walk into a pole on the street because he was starting at you busy. Your strong, fast, really smart… aaannnndddd you like him. A major plus if you will.
But- you were in class 1-A. Could he even date someone in class 1-A after trashing on them so much?
He couldn’t decide yet. So he let it sit.
Unfortunately for him, due to his new knowledge of you, he became hyper-aware of everything you did.
The comments, the touching, asking him out point blank.
Everyone saw the change in him too.
The way he suddenly got tongue tied when he stepped up to class 1-A and you made a comment on how he looked hot when he smirked.
How when paired together he was suddenly stiff and stopped communicating.
He was flustered.
Something that you realized. Something you were going to have fun with.
Oh and you did.
Any chance you got you touched him. Your hand flat on his chest or wrapping your arm around his waist, you did everything.
It builds and builds and builds of course. So the next time he sees you- he snaps.
You were just trying to get a drink after going to the bathroom. It was pure coincidence that he was out too.
To say you were shocked when you were suddenly body slammed into the corner was an understatement.
You stared, wide eyed at the boy in front of you at he fumed.
You stayed quiet, waiting for him to say something- anything really. But he doesn’t. Just holding you in place- breathing heavily with anger swirling in his eyes.
You couldn’t complain- no.
His face was so close to yours. His breath fanning your lips and his body continuously brushing against yours.
You finally broke.
“If you wanted me like this so bad, you could’ve just said so-”
Lips cut you off. Soft, warm- and you melt. Your arms instantly forcing him against you as you eagerly push against him. Your head is fuzzy, filled with him, everything is him.
His warmth, how soft he feels, his hair under your fingertips.
It’s driving him crazy how easily he drives you crazy.
When he finally manages to pull away, he’s disoriented. His hair is a mess, his eyes trained on your love-stuck eyes and your swollen lips.
It takes him a minute of the close proximity to get his head clear. He suddenly shoves you back against the wall again as he pulls a few steps back.
He swallows thickly as he tries to get his barring together. Straightening his uniform shirt he quickly points at you.
God that love-sick smile your wearing, it makes him sick. Sick in love- sick with vile he doesn’t know.
So he points at you and he says-
“Keep quiet about this. I-I can’t be seen with a 1-A loser.”
He doesn’t mean it. Not really.
But that’s okay.
You’ll steal these flustering moment alone where he moans into your mouth and clutches so tightly onto your hips while he lives in his beautiful delusion.
You’ll keep openly pining after him while he continues to hate on class 1-A.
It’s okay though. You know where you stand. So you’ll let him continue to loose his own mind figuring you out, not fully realizing the extent in which your all his.
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nishloves · 1 year
June 14th • ksy
pairing : kwon soonyoung (hoshi) x f!reader
theme : short oneshot, fluff ☁️, mildly suggestive (nothing over explicit) 🍋, angsty and sad if you squint 🌩️
warnings : suggestive but very mild, implied age gap, overthinker!serious!hoshi
words : 1.8k
synopsis : when everyone asserted that kwon soonyoung was a happy go lucky person with craze and vigour you begged to differ, as much as he was fun and warm, he was serious and devoted, both to his work and his family. so when he forgets his birthday due to hectic schedule, you made your mind to make atleast this birthday memorable which left soonyoung into a deep mess of overthinking.
happy hoshi day!<33
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when you had said that you had a surprise for the tiger fanatic, he went out of his way to uncover it from you and then found his birthday gift two hours before his actual birthday (it wasn't intentional); he pretended as if he didn't know about it at all but when you saw that the gift was stored differently than you had, you were fuming, you didn't scold him that day but you did have a sudden realisation.
don't tell him or even hint at any plans.
so now, when your boyfriend was back after a tour, he surely didn't have enough time to manage a party and wasn't able to meet his parents due to full schedule, so what did you do?
go behind his back and plan a party of course.
yet his own birthday was the last thing on his mind, it wouldn't be wrong to say that he had almost forgotten his birthday because of his hectic life and you found that sad, for he went out of his way to keep track of all special events for you both and yet was so ignorant of his own birthday, you wanted to make him feel special, as special as he makes you feel.
but for a specific kwon soonyoung, it was a nightmare, you were on your phone longer than before, excuse yourself to the balcony at odd times, stay on call with people for hours and even though he wasn't the one to snoop he heard you talking to chan on a phone call, and you were definitely enjoying it.
he didn't question you, he believed in chan and more so he believed in you; yet he couldn't help but notice how chan is closer to your age, how you both have such similar personalities, how easy it is for you to just get each other, he wasn't the one to be jealous but he was... he really was.
yet when you jumped on him after your phone call and kissed him so repeatedly and then cuddling you after, he felt great again.
"babe?" he asked, hugging you closer to himself.
"i— i..." am jealous.
was what he wanted to say but never did, he thought that you might feel offended by it, even though he knew you wouldn't, he just couldn't help overthinking.
"soonyoung?" you asked, ever so innocently.
"i really have to use bathroom."
you giggled, and set him free as he brisk walked towards the bathroom he saw you taking your laptop out and start working.
he sighed, he couldn't blame you... he had to work a lot too.
so when on June 14th he received your texts saying that some friends were over, he thought about how he wished to leave his work soon.
his agency and members had repeatedly reminded him that it was his birthday the next day, but he was so immersed in choreographing for the new song that he forgot it.
others, even dino had left early and he was all alone in the practice room, listening to the song again and again from his phone and when he was disturbed in the middle of his practice, he didn't appreciate it.
his phone rang and instead of the song, the default ringtone rang around the room through speakers, he unpaired his phone, only to see dino's name on the caller id.
hoshi checked the time, 11:38 p.m.
"yeah? what happened? why are you calling so late? you alright?"
"are you home yet?"
"no? why do you ask?"
"well, y/n has been helping me with somethings these days—"
"yeah, I heard," he almost pouted, remembering all the times she talked with chan rather than him.
"she told you?"
"nah, I just overheard you quite sometimes..." he admitted, fiddling with his ring.
"you were evesedropping you mean?"
"no! I have no idea whatsoever you were talking about— I just heard her saying your name." he remembered his jealousy, he just wanted to cuddle her so bad.
"well whatever, y/n isn't picking up her phone," dino said.
"no shit, you're calling near twelve— wait, she had her friends over right?"
"I don't know."
"then, she must not be sleeping right now," soonyoung said.
"I called her like eight times and she didn't pick up."
"eight times!?" soonyoung was worried, he was already under a lot of stress these days so he became more paranoid about you, not to mention you were a light sleeper (even if you had the ability to fall asleep anywhere).
did you drink a lot? did any of your friends drug you? he didn't know them much because he didn't get the time but some of your friends he had met were really sweet so that was unlikely... were you sick? did the food made you queasy and you had to go to hospital? were you in any kind of accident? did the bottle cap flick your eyes?
he got all so worried, he cut the phone and ran out to his car,
11:46 p.m. it was.
with his speed he will definitely make it by 12.
as he drove he repeatedly called you, yet you weren't picking up, he was going nuts. he sighed and tried to relieve his heart, were you just sleeping? sleeping deeply because you were tired? you had been working hard on your job...it wasn't unlikely either.
he slowed down his car as the parking lot came in the view,
11:58 p.m.
while riding the elevator all he could think about was your well being, not remembering the day he was about to step into.
as soon as he punched the password of the house he was met with darkness, you never slept with all lights off, something about keeping one light always open for emergencies and stuff, but the whole apartment was dark.
soonyoung stumbled on his foot as he held onto the door handle,
and then
"happy birthday kwon soonyoung!" was rung out as the lights blinked open, and confetti shot towards the sky, a doll dangled in the sky with slit eyes doing a weird voodoo dance, a doll? as the candles of the cake lit up with luminescence.
the cake was in your hands, his seventeen members and some of the staff closer to him— they were all there,
he frantically checked the time, 12:02 am, June 15th.
he laughed, he was not mad, he was touched, touched by your efforts. he saw his apartment decorated with numerous tiger print balloons and tiger stuff toys lying here and there.
all his members came forward to hug the shit out of him, after being repeatedly squeezed by twelve monsters and them all together, he finally saw you coming towards him, before anything you put the cake and he wished,
"i wish for the wellness of my friends, family and y/n, please take good care of them, oh and me too!"
"what did you wish for?"
"you aren't supposed to ask that woozi," jeonghan hushed the guy as he put an arm around soonyoung, who looked at you with such love lidden eyes that it was evident, evident to anyone watching him just how much he loved you.
the small party went on, after you created a fuss on soonyoung not having his dinner because he was so immersed in dancing and then, chan flicked his forehead because he reminded him to have food atleast five times before leaving.
you didn't stay mad at soonyoung for long, no one could stay mad at soonyoung.
so when all his friends had left, he turned around to beam at you,
"i was so worried when chan called and said you didn't pick up his phone."
"i thought so... i am sorry for that," you admitted, walking towards him as you gently slid your arms on his waist, he rested his head on yours as he replicated the gesture.
"we will go to your hometown in the afternoon and return tomorrow morning," you said, caressing his back.
"shh, I already took the permission, your parents and sister would love seeing you."
"my sister? isn't that too far fetched?"
"hey!" you hit his chest as you both erupted into a fit of giggles, feeling lucky for having each other.
"thankyou so much for that, y/n," he spoke out, as he kissed your forehead, "I really missed them."
"yeah baby?"
"I love you," you whispered, your hands now buried in his hair as you leaned forward to kiss his cheek.
"I love you too y/n, so much, I love you so much," he was never shy to admit his feeling, yet you were and he felt golden after hearing your words.
you smiled as you pulled him closer for a kiss, a kiss you never imagined to turn wild, but soonyoung really can't keep his hands off you.
"i thought we were going to sleep for the trip," you said breathlessly, your lips now swollen and your buttoned up shirt half undone.
he grinned as he swiped his hand across the shirt and somehow all the buttons were undone? you yelped out of surprise as soonyoung steadied your half naked figure, making you both laugh as he kissed you again, again and again.
"I gotta unwrap my gifts now, shouldn't i? I started with my favourite," soonyoung smirked, taking off his shirt and leaving you oh so ever breathless.
"but we have a trip tomorrow, hoshi~" you reasoned, but your own hands were caressing his torso as you batted your eyes at him, your hand resting on his jaw as you left kisses on his neck.
he groaned, "we were leaving in afternoon right? we still have the morning to ourselves," he spoke out, pushing you on the bed as he pounced on you, trapping you between his arms.
you still chuckled, living with hoshi was nothing short of fun, you had never been happiest with any person before and you were determined for him to like your little gift, which you hid among the bundles of clothes and everything.
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 6 months
Agent 1: Why are you Zor's nemesis?
Phoenix: Ok, rude.
Agent 1: No, just like... you're rank and file, right? Good rank and file, but rank and file. You'd think Director Morales would be their nemesis.
Phoenix (deadly serious): It's because they owe their power to something important that they stole from me.
Agent 1: Wait, really?
Phoenix: Really. Remember how when we first encountered Zoraxis, the communications we intercepted used he/him pronouns for Dr. Zor?
Agent 1: Wait-
Phoenix: But now Dr. Zor is they/them, and has that voice modulator that varies their voice pitch and resonance instead of keeping it solely in that deep male range.
Agent 1: You can't-
Phoenix: It was around that time that I started questioning too. Dr. Zor stole my goddamn gender. My gender and my pronouns and even my name, why do you think everybody calls me Phoenix now?
Agent 1: Isn't that just a codename like-
Phoenix: I'm going to defeat them, and I'm going to get my goddamn gender back.
Agent 1: Are you fucking with me or not I legitimately can't tell
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