#did somebody say... oof?
beatrixstonehill2 · 7 months
"Oof, big bro, I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this up," Kimberly whined.
"What's the matter, I thought you needed a place to crash?" her brother, Derrick, said.
"I do! They tore down my apartment complex..... but, um, your house rules a kind of brutal."
"What did I say? My house--"
"My rules. Yeah. I know. But can't you ease up a bit?"
"Sorry, no can do, little sis. You've got to get used to the new you!"
Kimberly rolled her eyes. "But even my baggiest shirts can't hide these dumb things! Like of course I knew you were a major perv and loved big boobs. You were glued to hentai in your teens. But this is actually insane. My back is totally killing me....."
"Not my problem, Kimmy. You're gonna keep taking those breast growth pills until you can find a place."
"But--I..... who'll hire me like this!?"
"Not my fault you lost your job at that cozy tech firm."
"Yeah, cause somebody kept tipping my HR rep that I was giving blowjobs to male employees for extra money! I was trying to save up for a new place so I could stop taking these things already!"
"Damn. Wouldn't know anything about that! Looks like you should just sit in your room and take a load off. Enjoy yourself."
She awkwardly folded her arms above her oversized, heavy breasts. "My room? You mean the one with the computer chair that has a huge dildo glued to it? The room full of sex toys? Porn posters? BDSM gear? And a convenient PC and equipment to stream with?"
"Wow, sounds like a little angel is telling you to become one of those OnlyFans girls? Why not kick back, enjoy your new titties, and earn money rubbing that fat, pink cunt of yours raw? Might be the only way you can make any money now. The clock's ticking. Your back isn't sounding too good. If those things get much bigger you might become immobile, or your back might go kaput altogether. Wouldn't that be funny? Those boobs get so big your back snaps, then you're paralyzed here and stuck growing bigger boobs forever."
"You are so deranged, big bro. You really are! My back is not going to--!" She pointed at him, and her back made a loud click. She lowered her arm, blushing. "I'll...... go set up an OnlyFans."
"Good girl. Join some other camming sites while you're at it. Oooo, you know what sells really big? Giving your older brother blow jobs and titty fucks on stream!"
"Goddammit..... this was such a mistake," Kimberly grumbled, walking to her room.
"Love you, too!" Derrick said loudly as she closed her door. He shook his head, whispering, "Dang, I really need to up her dosage...."
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lueurjun · 7 months
“ let’s just get married ” | heeseung and jay.
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the boys reaction to you suddenly professing that you would in fact, like to get married.
. . . . . . . ꒰ HEESEUNG ꒱ ,,
give him a sec
he’s rebooting
his mind went through an unplanned update
because clearly there’s something wrong with it since he swears he just heard you tell him you wanna get married
you don’t seem to catch onto his confusion in the slightest
because you’re just sat cheesin
you after breaking your boyf 😃
“like… in a couple of years?”
you shake your head, still grinning as though you just won the lottery
heeseung gulps so loud you can hear it from half way across the world
it’s true. i heard it from here.
to be honest—bros petrified
not that he doesn’t want to marry you
he has visions of it
breaking news! lee heeseung is really that’s so raven confirmed!
but now it’s perhaps a little too early for him
still the look on your face had his heart shitting itself
because you look so excited
and telling you to wait would probably break your heart
which lee heeseung would never do
cos then he’d have to go through me. and i have watched kung fu panda. i know my shit.
so he wraps his arms around your waist and draws you in until your foreheads are touching.
cant see his panicked expression if he connects foreheads
and with a thudding heart, he manages to choke out a reply
“then let’s get married.”
imagine i wrote ‘then marry someone else’. oof the drama would be out of this world
now it’s your turn to be panicked
because the reality of it all comes crashing down on you like a thundering avalanche
and suddenly you’re pushing him away
“i don’t want to.”
heeseung just blinks at you
because weren’t you the one who proposed this idea?
what do you mean ‘you don’t want to?’
now he’s hurt
because why don’t you want to marry him?
“is it something i said?”
he’s frowning now, resembling a puppy that just got kicked
“no! no! it was just in the moment-you know? you just looked perfect and i felt perfect with you and i got carried away. that doesn’t mean i don’t want to marry you in the future! i think we should just wait.”
heeseung breathes a sigh of relief and pulls you back into his arms
“i’m so glad you think so because i am not ready for marriage yet—but with that being said, i will stick the biggest diamond on your finger when i am.”
compensation for making you wait—heeseung is in fact a sugar daddy 💸
he holds you tighter, and your gaze shifts to his ring finger, a fleeting moment of daydreaming how handsome he'd look with a wedding ring on
your mind is suddenly alive with visions of what married life with heeseung would be like, a flurry of images quickly cascading through your imagination
and suddenly, a familiar feeling tugs in your heart
cheekily, you grin up at him
“i’ve changed my mind. i wanna get married again.”
lord help him
. . . . . . . ꒰ JAY ꒱ ,,
did somebody say something?
no really…did they? he had earphones in and heard absolutely none of what you said
me every minute of everyday
he’s bobbing his head to his music without a care in the world
thriving in — unmarried — life, unburdened by any adult responsibilities or worries
he’s truly blissful
until you yank those earphones out of his ears and peer down at him with a scornful gaze
you could’ve sworn he had paused his music when you entered the room
“hey baby.”
i have been watching a lot of drew starkey edits and his ‘hey baby’ is imprinted in my mind so it must be applied to jay. i do not make the rules.
his face is lit up with an endearing smile, his eyes full of affection as he looks lovingly at you
which makes you smile and gaze back at him with the same expression
“i said, would you marry me?”
naturally, jay assumes that you’re just thinking about the future
which is totally natural in a relationship
so he doesn’t think anything of it when he shrugs his shoulders
“i’d marry you tomorrow.”
same. i’d marry you better than him tbh
now jay loves you
his love for you is as constant and timeless as the sun's relationship with the sky
but he wasn’t being literal. marriage is a huge step and as much as he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you
he felt he was still too young
you didn’t seem to realize that it was just an expression because you started beaming
and jay, not realizing you had taken this literally and assumed you just liked the idea of marrying him in the future, beamed back at you
“great! we should look into venues—no! why don’t we fly to vegas? how does one elope? jay! we should look into eloping.”
at first, he's simply enthralled by the sound of your voice
but then the words register and suddenly he’s hyperventilating
he’s so real for that
“wha- el-eloping? like-in the future…possibly in like five years? maybe seven—”
“no? now! you said you wanted to get married tomorrow and i’ve been thinking that maybe we should? i mean, i don’t want anyone else and imagine married life jay! it would be perfect!"
married life with you would be perfect
jay would love nothing more than to wake up beside you every morning, a wedding band adorning your finger and sharing the same last name
he’d love to introduce you as his spouse, the idea of it alone gives him butterflies
but marriage is a huge commitment
“i mean it would but right now?”
hearing the panic in exchange for excitement, the bubble surrounding you pops
and suddenly, you’re no longer the embodiment of happiness
but disappointment
forget ksi and tommy fury, im gonna be in the ring with jay if he doesn’t marry the life out of you
his heart shatters at the look on your face and that alone has him reconsidering
he plans to marry you in the future, might as well keep that gorgeous smile on your face and push the date forward
“you don’t wanna marry me?”
he reaches out to you, taking your hands in his and guiding you to sit next to him. the closeness is almost overwhelming, and you can feel the warmth of his body as he pulls you onto his lap
bro i’m blushin rn!! look away. i don’t want you to see me like this
jay wastes no time showering your face with passionate kisses, eliciting an gradually forming smile from you
“no. no-i do wanna marry you, more than anything! but it’s just a little early, we can wait a few more years. time with you flies anyway so it won’t even be that long of a wait technically, we’re just… a bit too young yet.”
he’s right, and you hate admitting it
nah don’t fold bae. get that ring 💍
slumping your shoulders, you nod your head with a sigh
“i guess you’re right. i got a little too carried away. i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to pressure you…”
jay shakes his head, planting a kiss on both of your cheeks, then your nose and then finally, your lips, though he lets that one linger
that alone manages to lift your mood drastically
“how about, we settle for a promise ring?”
your heart swells with emotion at the sweet sentiment and you find yourself unable to resist leaning in and gently pressing your lips to his once more
after a moment — or several — he finally pulls away and laughs
“i take it you like that idea?”
“i do”
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22-fates · 2 months
Anyway, bestie art req???? COMING RIGHT UP
Everyone's favourite couple (from elehitch) waltzing together after the wedding?? (Just say the wedding post you reblogged and oof so pretty 😍😍😍)
HAHA HIIIIIII dude the second i saw this i was like Omg. Somebody (you) cooked here. HERE THEY ARE! ITS A LITTLE DOODLE BUT I LOVE THIS IDEA SM I MIGHT MAKE A DOUBLEGANGER VER TOO!!!!!
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reorientation · 8 months
So I have a guy friend who super thinks I’m also a cis dude. He’s even asked me for advice with girls! Ironic since most people assume I’m a gay man (I’m bi) but I can’t help but fantasize about him finding out and doing something about it, maybe he says he’s experimenting at first but then he calls me a good girl and I’m just done for
"Man, I just keep striking out. I swear to god, I'm going to have to buy my hand dinner if we keep spending so much time together."
"Oof. Sorry to hear it, man."
"Yeah, like you've got a lot of sympathy. If I didn't only want pussy, life would be so much easier. I bet you've never had so much trouble getting your balls emptied."
"...in a manner of speaking."
"Lucky sonova... Wait. What do you mean by that?"
"Nothing. Nevermind."
"No, not nevermind. That was a really weird way you said that. What did you mean?"
"Well, uh... I guess I never told you, but I don't have balls."
"WHAT? No way! Like an accident or something? Or somebody wanted you to have a better singing voice?"
"No! Nothing like that. Look, uh... I'm trans. Been taking testosterone shots for a long time."
"Don't be weird about it, please."
"I'm not going to be weird about it, just... I've been complaining to you about how I can't get pussy this whole time."
"So you've been holding out on me."
"What? Man..."
"Look, my dude, I'm desperate. Like I said, my problem is I just want pussy. If it's on a guy, if it's on one of my buds, that's no problem, I guess, never thought about it before... And it's not like I've never caught you checking me out."
"Don't call it that! But, well, I suppose..."
"Fuck, that feels good. God, it's been way too long since I've gotten some pussy."
"I - ah, ah - I said not to call it that!"
"Whatever. You've got the parts, I've got the skill. We're going to have some fun."
"Now get in bitch position - I want to see that cute little ass bounce on me."
"Never thought I'd be grabbing your hips like this... Always thought they were weirdly wide, though. Child-bearing hips, haha!"
"No, I... oh..."
"Getting close. Gonna fill you."
"No! Ah, you, uh, you can't!"
"Shut up. Just take it like a good girl."
"Guess I got a little carried away at the end there. Didn't mean to call you a girl."
"God, you took it so well, though. You didn't look offended afterwards. Mostly looked leaky."
"What, you don't have anything to say?"
"...can you call me that again?"
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vecnuthy · 1 year
"C'mon," Eddie said as he twisted the doorknob and grabbed Steve's hand.
The smell of rain hit Steve's nostrils when they stepped through the front door onto the porch to experience firsthand what they had been watching from behind the door. It was breezy and warm out due to the late spring storm rolling through their Indiana haunt, making the big metal wind chimes clang in low tones. The rain fell thick but with far more grace than Eddie did onto their glider, pulling Steve down with him and making him land awkwardly with an oof that Eddie definitely felt, judging by the wheeze he let out.
"How's your spleen?" Steve joked, shifting into a more comfortable position, his back against Eddie's chest, feet up on the footstool.
"A little banged up," he groaned out with a voice of somebody who had lived centuries, but that melted away when Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve's waist and held him close and spoke, grin evident, into the shell of his ear, "but I've got my favorite heating pad."
Steve's skin prickled to life and he smiled, eyes closed as Eddie rocked the glider into a slow motion. Thunder rolled lazily in the distance.
This was new. Not the two of them being together, but the two of them having this. A big porch. A glider. Those ridiculous wind chimes that Steve thought he'd never get used to but would now miss if they were gone. Their modest plot of land sprawled with more trees than lawn, but there was a big enough clearing to have a garden that they had taken full advantage of. There was privacy there. It was home, and Steve melted into Eddie's hold as they took in the steady, heavy patter of rain around them.
They stayed out there for a while and watched the way the rain bled down the tree trunks and saturated the soil. The leaves already looked more vibrant due to them soaking up the nitrogen the lightning provided, while the taller flowers sagged under the weight of the water trapped in their throats and coating their foliage. Despite the added weight, there was no denying how much better they looked already. It had been a couple of weeks since the last rain, and, honestly? Faucet water just wasn't the same.
"We needed this," Eddie muttered quietly into the crook of an all but dozing Steve's neck.
The only sign of life was his breathing and the lazy drag of his fingertips over the skin on Eddie's arm, still wrapped around his waist. Steve hummed in agreement, unable to resist adding on, "Alright, gramps."
He could feel Eddie's smile against his skin, could feel his teeth nip at what was probably a mole because Eddie was predictable and weak.
Which Steve couldn't say a thing about, because as Eddie's breath washed over and heated his skin, adding to their own humidity, Steve couldn't be paid to move.
And, god, that thunder. Every time it rumbled, Eddie's lips brushed against Steve's shoulder. Steve didn't even know if Eddie was aware he did it, and there was no way Steve was going to point it out and risk it stopping. The fear was totally unfounded (it's Eddie), but still he would keep it close, shelter it like a greedy dragon, because, like clockwork: thunder; feather light kiss. Or a nose rub. And sometimes, Eddie would sigh with contentment, too, chest rising and slowly falling, making Steve sink back into him. No troubles, no worries. Nothing but the rain, thunder, humidity, and mutual adoration.
Eddie was right. They needed this.
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belliesandburps · 6 months
Demonic Burp-Off (Sadao & Urushihara burping fic)
Well, it's been a good hot minute since I posted up any kink fics on tumblr. And since I just finished this reward fic on patreon, I thought I'd post it up here, because who doesn't love some gassy demonic part-timers? ;)
A monstrous belch bellowed loudly and forcefully from within the Demon Lord's one-bedroom “”Castle.”” When it ended, Sadao sighed boorishly and slumped back on the ground, shamelessly patting his very bloated belly in relief.
“Whew! Ohhh man, I'm stuffed...” Sadao moaned, running his hand up and down his glutted gut. The young demon lord was in his usual home-attire; a t-shirt and his boxers, but due to just how much he'd packed away, his shirt was riding up almost just below his chest, completely showing off the near-entirety of his soft, bulging belly.
“Sire, if I may? You've been eating quite a bit lately,” Ashiya mused like a nervous spouse, eyeing his companion and masters overstuffed middle.
“Dude, the fridge is full t'bursting, SOMEONE has to clear it out,” Sadao insisted whilst massaging his hefty, burbling midsection contently.
“Tch, it's not the only one full to bursting though,” Urushihara muttered in his usual bored brand of snark as he browsed the computer and took a sip of soda.
As if to punctuate that point, a thick gurgle bellowed deep from Sadao's belly, making him wince for a moment before another large, rumbling burp erupted heavily from past his lips. “Oof, no argument there...” Sadao grunted as he palmed the side of his belly, causing it to jiggle quite visibly with the impact.
Something Ashiya most definitely noticed, along with Sadao's new curves...
“Sire, it might behoove you to at least pace yourself so you don't eat everything all at once, wouldn't you say? What if your current...erm...'expansion' were to compromise your position at work?”
Sadao just rolled his eyes, making Ashiya frown and turn to Urushihara, who was downing even more soda.
“Urushihara, would you make yourself useful and help me out here, please?”
“Ugh...suck...” the young, purple-haired demon remarked as he rubbed his stomach from under his shirt, ignoring Ashiya's ask. “Too much soda...” he mumbled before he lurched with a long, throaty belch of his own. It completely silenced Ashiya and left the youngest demon smacking his lips contently.
“Whoa, not bad, dude!” Sadao mused in amusement, making Ashiya scowl.
“Sire, PLEASE don't encourage Urushihara's bad behavior,” Ashiya insisted, adding, “his table manners are appalling as is.”
“Tch, what the crap??” Urushihara whined back defensively. “If you're gonna nag at somebody, nag at HIM, you kiss-ass. He's the one who's been burping his fat ass off all day.”
“Whadduya expect? I ate a ton!” Sadao said in a slightly less defensive tone than the younger demon, who opened his mouth to say something before Sadao added, “And if you say I WEIGH a ton too, I'll slam your head through that computer screen, you punk.”
Urushihara paused, then closed his mouth and turned back to his computer. “Whatever...” he said before downing more soda. Like clockwork, another big, brassy burp blasted out of Urushihara's mouth; rather impressive, given how petite and skinny he was. He shamelessly smacked his lips and sighed briskly, earning a snicker from Sadao and a groan of annoyance from Ashiya.
Sadao, meanwhile, huffed as he leaned back and tugged his boxers down ever so slightly, showing off a bit of his hips and more of his bulging underbelly, letting it breathe more. “Oof...man, I really did overdo it today, huh...” Sadao mumbled as he slowly ran his hands up and down his swollen stomach.
Ashiya watched his young lord massage his ample beachball of a belly and frowned with concern. “You're not feeling ill, are you, sire?”
Sadao shook his head and said, “Nah, just-” before he could finish, his cheeks puffed out, and a moment later, he threw his head with another huge burp. It blasted out of him so hard that it made his belly physically jostle from the force of the pressure erupting out of him. He grunted and palmed his chest, knocking loose a thick afterburp. “...Oof...maybe a lil gassy though...”
“I imagine that's to be expected with an excessive influx of grease and additives burbling within your digestive sys-”
-Aaaand of course, poor Ashiya couldn't even finish his boring thought, an even bigger burp bellowed from Urushihara, who moaned in a deeply satisfied manner afterward.
“Ohhhh man, that felt good...” he moaned out, rubbing his flat belly as he did.
“It might feel even better to not to constantly CHUG the sodas down like they're going to magically disappear if you don't drink them down all at once,” Ashiya groused in annoyance with Urushihara's outburst, who literally couldn't care less if his demonic life depended on it.
But Sadao, on the other hand, had a different idea, judging from the rather impish grin spreading over his lips.
“Heh, not bad, dude. But let's see ya top THIS,” Sadao insisted as he grabbed the weighty mass in his middle and jiggled it up and down. Ashiya could practically hear all that digesting junk food in Sadao's belly sloshing around heartily.
Though, it was hard to hear much at all after that since all that jostling eventually rustled loose a gas bubble that rushed violently up Sadao's throat. The burp that Sadao let echo throughout his tiny apartment was positively gigantic.
Sadao huffed, then gripped his bulging belly tightly with one hand and leaned forward with another deep, raunchy belch, followed by a much smaller one; that monstrous pocket gave way to residual pockets of gas rolling out of Sadao one after the other. When it finally ended, Sadao sighed heavily, tongue hanging out of his maw like a panting dog as he said, “WHEW! Heh, that one was brewin' for a good while, man, damn...” He gave his belly a couple of hearty pats of satisfaction, causing the soft, round organ to jiggle with each pat he gave it.
Ashiya rang his ear out and frowned. “Your majesty, honestly-”
“-Tch, I could beat that in my sleep,” Urushihara insisted, much to Ashiya's dismay; any hope of these two acting less boorish quickly being dashed away.
The purple-haired boy grabbed another can of soda, popped the top, and immediately started guzzling it down. His slender throat throbbed in and out as he gave one rather audible gulp after another. Urushihara was chugging so intensely that he clenched his eyes shut while his tiny nostrils flared up.
As he chugged, he rubbed his flat stomach up and down; a sliver of his pale flesh peaking from the bottom of his t-shirt. His flat middle was bowing out just ever so slightly, likely from downing two sodas so fast. Amazingly, Urushihara managed to chug the whole thing in one go, though given the fact that the young demon could literally swallow people whole, it wasn't exactly surprising that he'd have a strong gag reflex.
Urushihara crushed the can in his hand as he swallowed the last of the soda in his mouth with one especially hearty gulp, causing a sizable lump to travel down his throat and vanish behind his pronounced collarbone. The demon boy huffed heavily, then grabbed his belly firmly with one hand and threw his head back as an utterly deafening belch exploded past his rippling lips. All that air and carbonation came blasting forth with such power that Urushihara could practically feel the reverberation ratting his bones. Both Sadao and Ashiya could feel the ground itself vibrate a little with that one.
It was only a few seconds long, but the sheer volume was unmatched by anything either demon had let loose up to that point.
Sadao's jaw gaped as that insanely brassy eructation finally rumbled to a finish. “...Okay, that was actually pretty damn good...”
Urushihara groaned in an exerted manner as he rubbed his throat and mumbled, “Ugh, that one hurt...” before putting a hand to his chest and letting loose a long, throaty afterburp. Catching his breath, he smirked back at Sadao and said, “And that's why I'm the champ. Don't quit your day job, dude,” before turning his back on the two elder demons and going back to his computer. “...No, but seriously, don't quit 'cuz no one else makes money...”
At that, Ashiya's gaze hardened.
“The sheer disrespect...!”
Sadao shrugged dismissively and said, “Nah, there's no way in hell I could ever top tha-AAAUH?!?” But Sadao's dismissal became a cry of confusion when Ashiya was suddenly perched right before him and grabbing his bare, bulging belly. “D-Dude! What the hell're you-”
“-Crude and repulsive or not, for ANY lesser demon to act superior to the demon lord in ANY capacity is utterly unacceptable!” Ashiya declared before holding the sides of Sadao's big belly with both hands and heaving it up and down. The glutted lightly tanned ball of flesh jiggled and sloshed heavily as all that digesting slurry within the organ swished around within. The action was so confusing that even Urushihara had to turn and look at the commotion.
Sadao winced rather uncomfortably from all the jostling. “D-Dude, cut it out! You're making me nauseeEOOOOUUUrrrph!!!!” His protests were cut short by a wet burp that cut him off mid-sentence and left him covering his mouth.
“Yeaaaah, you realize you're gonna make him puke if you keep doing that, right? And I am NOT cleaning that up...”
“The Demon Lord's strength of will won't allow him to be so easily bested, you little wretch!” Ashiya declared before turning to an increasingly nauseous Sadao. “Sire, whatever you do, hold it in! Do not eruct until the time is right,” Ashiya insisted as he continued forcefully shaking Sadao's belly.
The young raven-haired devil lurched, going a bit green in the proverbial gils as his bouncing gut began gurgling and burbling rather intensely. His abused stomach churned so violently that it sounded like a witch's cauldron over a roaring flame. Sadao wanted to burp so badly, but he was worried that if he did at this point, a lot more than gas would come rushing up...
Of course, with Ashiya jiggling his belly so relentlessly, a lot more might just come back up anyway...
Eventually, however, there was a thick, telltale gurgle, indicating that the time was nigh...
Sadao's round belly bubbled so aggressively that it jostled in Ashiya's grasp. The eldest demon grinned said, “This is it, sire! Get ready!”
Poor Sadao almost whimpered, knowing what was coming next.
And before he could properly brace himself, Ashiya SHOVED his hands right against the dead center of Sadao's hefty belly. His palms sank into Sadao's soft, weighty flesh.
Sadao's eyes bugged out of his skull as he felt an intense volume of pressure quickly rushing up from his chest and quickly rushing up his throat.
His cheeks puffed out like balloons, and before he even had a chance to stop it, the gates of hell were wide open...
And out exploded a beastly eructation unlike any other...
The entire apartment rumbled aggressively as Sadao released a tremor-inducing BELCH of record-shattering magnitude. That wasn't hyperbole either; debris and dust actually crumbled from the ceiling and corners of the apartment as Sadao burped harder and louder than he'd ever burped in his centuries-long (young for a demon) life. Ashiya pushed his palms deeper into Sadao's belly, prolonging that tonsil-destroying eruption for a staggering ten, uninterrupted seconds straight, only getting louder the longer all that gas blasted out from his rippling lips, along with several strands of saliva.
When it finally...mercifully rumbled to a sharp close, Sadao was utterly dazed and winded. Going cross-eyed, the bloated boy just toppled onto his back. His fat belly wobbling heavily over him as he laid there like an immensely bloated ragdoll.
Both Ashiya and Urushihara stared at their downed demon lord in silence for a few moments, before a wide grin spread over Ashiya's face.
“AHA! Excellent work, my liege! You completely trounced that little brat and reminded him why you're the strongest demon in all the land! Well played! Disgusting...but well played!” Ashiya exclaimed, eagerly patting Sadao's jiggly belly in congratulations.
“You're not wrong about the 'disgusting' part,” Urushihara muttered, crinkling his little nose as he fanned the air around him. “...Also, I'm pretty sure you just killed him.”
Ashiya scoffed before glancing back at Sadao, who, again, was just laying there in a motionless, lifeless daze.
Experimentally, Ashiya pushed on Sadao's belly...
As the push forced out one last heavy burp from Sadao, Ashiya grinned.
“See? He's fine!”
Finally, Sadao managed to speak up.
“...N-Next time the fridge is fuuUuorp...guh...f-full...I'm okay with us just tossing it out instead...”
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lazzarella · 7 days
Okay, I wanted to note down basically every single moment because there was just SO MUCH goodness, ahhhhh. Anyway, here's some rambling from me:
- Noooooo, technical issues?? Whyyyyy? My life is meaningless D:
- ...oh, here we go! Yes!
- Oh no! :( Poor Yak! (I figured his mum was dead but oof)
- Wandee hugging Yoryak! And taking his hand! Ahhhh, opening strong with Dee looking after Yak <3
- Is Ter jealous because he like likes Dee? (A question I kept asking throughout this ep—I think he’s mostly just put out to no longer be the centre of attention)
- "You should know he moves on fast" then Ter said something about "too fast this time" ??? Curious about this??? Maybe just about his dating history?
- Lol @ Yak and Dee dropping each other's hands when they spot Kwan and Ter!!!
- "They have really good chemistry" You're so right, Doctor Kwan
- TER LIVES IN 666!!! Lmaooooooooo. Nice work, set folk!
- that whole conversation over breakfast about Yak being jealous and then already having someone he likes was soooo delicious to me
- TEACHING HIM TO FLIRT!!!!! Oh dee, what have you done, you silly boy? XD he really played himself
- THEY WERE GONNA KISS! God, I want them to kiss already but I also loooove the almost kiss moments so much. Just... the LONGING ugh
- "Did you like that?" Oh, he very much did, Yak
- The whole talk between Yak and Cher... Aside from the content, I love their interactions because it's just nice seeing them established as family I guess?? Like, that Cher isn't just his brother's boyfriend
- Yak saying he's not someone who changes his mind easily is interesting to me! Not just because he obviously does for Dee, but I wonder if that's partly why he's clinging to liking Taem? I mean, I'm not saying he doesn't still have feelings. Just spitballing
- The training scene killed me! Yak getting horny and flustered watching Dee do situps! Dee immediately jumping to Yak being sick and wanting to make sure he's okay! Yak calling Dee cute and *Dee* getting flustered! Taem coming in and seeing them horse around!! Dee getting jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!
- (speaking of horses, I don't understand all the sound effects yet, so I'm not sure what the horse neighing is meant to signify??)
- Have some thoughts about how I love how much of this ep is circling their developing feelings for each other via their feelings for others' (or Yak's anyway)
- the music changes between soft and romantic when the camera is on Yak and Dee vs fighty and upbeat when it's on Dee watching them is too funny lmao
- this situation is getting very 'you love her, but she loves him, and he loves somebody eeeeeelse' (Dee and Yak and Taem and Ter and Kwan and Ohm!!! That's a love hexagon???)
- Taem clocked the necklace 😏
- "Why do you complicate the thing that's already complicated?" Ouch. Kao doesn't know it but he totally called me out there lol
- Isn't their 'fake' dating going to put Taem off though??? I mean, IDT she likes Yak that way at all, but still
- loving the complicated feelings this show is going into! Because Yak does probably still like Taem while he's falling for Dee, and Dee still must feel something for Ter while he's falling for Yak and mmmm. Just delicious!
- and they NEARLY KISSED AGAIN! And then Dee pushed Yak and splashed him lol
- they are SO unconvincing (their reasons for Dee sleeping over)
- love the dinner scene with Dee, Yak, Cher and Yei <3 I love that Cher and Yei are so welcoming to him, even while they let Yak sort out his feelings
- Aww, I had a feeling he was finishing uni for his mum! And I love that he tells Dee that while he wasn't comfortable telling Yei
- Dr Kwan deserves better
- Dee cheering for Yak!!! <3
- Okay, of all the ways they end up tiger/bunny roleplaying, Kao getting them to do it was NOT on my radar lol except Dee is a leopard not a tiger
- Yak sulking! Dee coaxing him with a hug and a cheek sniff kiss!!! Yesssssssss
- ...and now it's a HPV vaccine PSA? Cool! I personally don't really need shows to give me sex ed but, you know what, good on 'em, anyway! I know sex ed, especially on queer sex, is pretty dire…probably most places? So yeah
- Sigh. And the countdown to next week begins again!
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Within his grasp...
A certain someone (you know who you are) somehow made me even MORE of a simp for Jade. Can you believe that?!
This may or may not be the result of that...
Warning(s): delusional yandere, kidnapping, biting
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That was a wonderful day, looking back on it...
He was frustrated at the time, yes, a no doubt delicious piece of meat had somehow managed to wriggle away from him, but now...
Now... he looks back on that day fondly...
For that was the day he met the love of his life.
He can remember everything about that day. Your pathetic flailing, your adorable crying, your scream of pure pain and agony... the taste of your flesh...
Ah... he just can't wait to see you again!
He wants to experience all of that again... but the two of you don't even speak the same language.
But he doesn't care. He doesn't care. He doesn't care.
He NEEDS you.
He just needs you... he needs to taste you again... he needs to feel you squirming in his grasp... he needs you to love him.
He thinks you're such a... strange little creature. Your kind clearly isn't built for the water, so why is it that you're drawn to it?
It must be him.
You come to the water even though your species is built for the land... it must be because you love him. You want to see him again, just as he wants to see you again.
You look so scared everytime you're near the water, though...
Ah! That must be because you're scared you'll never see him again! That has to be it!!
You won't have to be scared much longer...
You used to love going to the sea, but... after what happened, you just can't bring yourself to get in the water.
You still have the scar from where that... thing took a chunk out of your thigh...
Disappearances have spiked since that near-death-experience you had.
You're worried that...
No... that can't be it...
That's just... unrealistic.
Now, both concoctions are complete.
One to temporarily make him into one of your kind, and...
One to permanently make you into one of his kind.
A strange man arrived in town the other day.
According to people, he's very strange, and doesn't say anything to anyone, or at the very least he doesn't say much. People have said he says some specific phrases, and... and...
A certain name.
...there... has to be someone else in this town with that name, right?
As you're trying to wrap your head around the situation, somebody knocks on your door.
You wonder who it could be, not many people in the town just visit you out oof nowhere.
You open the door, and see-
Ah... that strange man... is at your door.
"Hell...o... ag...ain...!" He said, a smile on his face. He was clearly straining himself to speak.
"What do you mean 'again'? We've never met-"
He pushed past you, letting himself in your house.
"W-what?! You can't just come inside!" You yelled.
He was excitedly looking around your house.
That was when you realized something. Everything was just a bit... off about him.
He was just a bit too tall... his smile was just a bit too wide... his teeth were too sharp, his eyes looked wrong, his nails were too sharp...
He... he can't be human.
After he finished rummaging through your stuff, and smiled at you once more, leading you to realize that... he had too many teeth... that's definitely not a normal amount...
"Jade." He told you, a hand on his chest.
"Is that... your name?" You asked. "But why did you know mine...?"
He suddenly grabbed your arm, and then he bit into it. You screamed out in pain and fear before tearing your arm away from him. He was blushing profusely as he swallowed your blood and the chunk of meat he'd taken off of your arm.
...hang on...
This bite mark... it looks exactly the same as the scar on your thigh...
That's when it hit you.
This mysterious person in your house is the monster that attacked you that day.
Jade suddenly grabbed you by the chin, and forced a bottle into your mouth.
The liquid was thick, almost like honey or mollasses, but without the sweet taste... no, this tasted horrible, like rotting fish and eel guts...
He held your mouth shut, preventing you from spitting it out.
So, with no other option... you swallowed it.
It took effect almost immediately.
Your body violently began its transformation to a form more suited to the water.
Jade picked you up and ran out of the house with you, he knew that soon your lungs would adapt to the sea and you would begin to suffocate without the water.
You couldn't protest, you were too focused on the pain.
Jade threw you into the water as you screamed in pain and agony.
He could feel the potion he took beginning to wear off, too.
Once the pain subsided, you were left shaking and heavily breathing. What was that?!
That's when you looked down at your body. Slightly bloody fins were protruding from your arms, and...... your legs were gone.
Someone dove into the water. From the face, you could tell ot was Jade, but...everything else about him was completely inhuman. He looked more like an eel than a person.
Jade coiled himself around you, affectionately speaking in a language you couldn't understand. He softly bit into your neck, casing you to moan slightly in pain.
Then, he whipered to you, something you could understand loud and clear.
"I love you."
You were finally within his grasp once more.
And he would make sure you never escape again.
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sauriansolutions · 5 months
Tweels Burping Dialog
My blog isn't nearly gross enough... So, hello, The Internet! Have this terrible thing I made!
I haven't posted my real burping headcanons (burpcanons, if you will 🙄) for any Twst characters yet. (Poke me if you wanna see them!) (Don't be shy!) (I don't bite!) (... without explicit consent~ 😏)
Anyway, important context: Jade's dialog changes based on circumstances. Mainly, whether he's alone, in public with Polite Mode turned on, or with somebody who's got An Interest.
Honestly, Floyd's dialog also takes various circumstances into account... it's just that, unlike his brother, Floyd does whatever he wants, and is largely oblivious to other people and their feelings.
Here we go~
(after letting out a small/muffled burp)
- Oh my. Please excuse me... the food was delicious. 
- Mmh *licks lips* Beg pardon. Ahh, that was truly delightful... is there any more? 
- *pauses to pat his stomach and let out a tiny sigh, with a brief glance and a wry grin at you, before continuing to eat*
(after letting out a medium-sized burp)
- Oh *goes all wide-eyed* Ah. How unmannerly... please excuse me. 
- *holds up a finger to pause conversation, right before burping* Ahh, there it is. *smiles wide* Sorry for the interruption... please, do continue.
- *after trying to unsuccessfully muffle a burp into his fist* Haah... terribly sorry... I'd been holding that in for far too long.
(after letting out a gigantic belch) 
- Oh! *covers mouth delicately with fingers, blushing* That took me by surprise as well! Goodness, I sincerely apologize for being so rude. 
- *clapping a hand fully over his mouth, looking away in embarrassment* Oof... um, I am... terribly sorry about that... 
- *completely flushed, hiding his face in his hands and mumbling* Oh dear... ahh... I don't know what's come over me... I usually have much better manners...
- *looks impatient while the burp seems to go on forever. holding another fork full of food at the ready while he waits*
- *licks lips and tilts head, seductive* Mmm... how did you like that? *stroking circles 'round his tummy* Fufu, I'll confess, it was rather nice for me.
- Ohhh... that felt wonderful~ I, however, still have a bit of internal pressure in need of release... if I have your permission? 
- Hmm, not bad. *evil grin* Well, what do you think? Would you like another? *places your hand just below his ribcage* I'll need your help, though...
(after letting out a sickly/nauseous burp)
- Oh. *goes wide-eyed and pale* That... did not feel very good at all...
- *exhales sharply* Sorry! ...Ah, no, no... my stomach is just a bit upset... I am fine.
- Hrrk! Nnnh... *wipes mouth with back of hand, looking around frantically* Um... ah, one moment... e-excuse me... *speed-walks in the direction of the nearest bathroom*
- *convulsively swallows* Ah, this is bad... *voice drops to a barely-audible whisper* I... I think I might need to be sick...
- *drooling into receptacle* A... apologies for my lack of manners... *burps wetly again and shudders* Ugh, this is disgusting... you, you know, you... *gulp* really don't need to watch...
- *uncharacteristically swearing under his breath* P-please... can you kindly give me just... a moment of privacy... *burps again* Ngh! Ahhh... I- I'll be fine momentarily, I promise...
(after letting out a small/muffled burp)
- *lets out a sigh of relief, then continues smiling like nothing happened while his companions (I like Azul and/or Riddle for this) glare at him*
- Hehe! That was my tummy saying, "Thanks for the food!"
- *goes wide-eyed, startled* Hiccup!
- Aww man, that was weak... Betcha I can do better! *thumps chest to work up a bigger burp*
(after letting out a medium-sized burp) 
- Mmph... ahhh! *thumps belly* Nice n' full now~
- What? *grins devilishly* Wasn't me! *points to whoever happens to be sitting next to him*
- Ah... urgh? *presses a fist hard into his belly, forcing out another, louder burp* Phew! There we go~ Anyway, what were you sayin'?
(after letting out a gigantic belch)
- Whoa! Ehehe, I didn't even feel that one coming! Ahh, I feel better now though~
- Haah... whew! My tummy really needed that! 
- Whoops! *grins sheepishly* Might'a nommed my food a little too fast just now...
- *singsong* Excuuuuse meeee~!
- Yaaay! Now I got room for more~ *immediately goes for seconds*
(after letting out a sickly/nauseous burp)
- Urghhh... *rubs stomach with sour expression* Oww... my tummy's hurtin'...
- Whoa, whaa? Geez... S-somethin' ain't sittin' right...
- F...fuck... Nghh...! *burps* Ughh, sorry...
- *covers mouth and whimpers* Oooh. Shiiit... kinda feel like throwin' up...
- *continues letting out a string of burps, back-to-back, each one causing him to jerk forward until he eventually crashes to his knees*
- Oh man, what the hell, I can't sto-ehhHRRP! ...Grrgh... buUurping? ouuUURRp! Seriously what the...! UUURRRRP! Oh my god this suuuucks....
- *looking shocked* Wah... what was *that?* Oh... *stomach rumbles* Ohhh n- *projectile vomits everywhere*
- Y/N-chan... *sniffles* I threw up... *hugs stomach, proceeds to rock back and forth and sob uncontrollably*
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luxthestrange · 1 year
Incorrect quotes#749 Hell-a DogCop 4 High-five
Luke:Who is Shy Shen?!*Holding the Toy Gun to Beelz head*
Beel*With a cocky smirk,tells Nun Simeon something*
Luke: What did he say, Sister? *Looks at Simeon*
Sim:He said "shoot me"
Luke*Pulls the trigger but nothing happens,looks at cerberus*Cerb, there's no bullets in here!
Beel*Jumps in fear and curses*!?!
Cerb*Nudging with his nose,nerf bullets towards Luke*"Oof I'm sorry"
Luke: I am trying to kill somebody,Man!*Reloads the toy gun* Shucks!, OK You better tell me something right now. I'll send you right to heaven, man- I don't even care no more!
Luke: I'm marked for death, I ain't got nothin' to lose!?!
Sim*Starts to pray for the soon to be "departed" Beelzebub*
Luke:That's right, Sister-Call the Lord and tell him he 'bout to have some company!
Luke:Tell me something!
Luke: Oh~, he's almost done Forgive me!, Father, for I have sinned!?
Beel*Looks at Nun Simeon speaks in panic*!?!
Sim:He says wait!
Luke:What did he say?
Sim:50 Franklin D. Roosevelt. Geneviève
Cerb"Thank you"*Wagging tail as he knows they won*
Luke:Nice workin' with ya, Sister*Grin at Nun Simeon*
Sim:Anytime, brother*Gives Luke CRISP highfive*
...Luke really wants to act like Mammon as a cop...and simeon doesnt know how to feel about that internally but he cant say no when Luke and Cerberus are both matchin in those cop costumes!~
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mcubuckyxlokisbitch · 5 months
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Short Series !
Female Asgardian reader (now avenger) X TVA Loki
Chapter 1: Avengers I need your help (done)
Chapter 2: Interrogations and proclamations (done)
Chapter 3: Even Asgardians have myths (comming soon)
Chapter 4: -
Chapter 5: -
Chapter 6: -
Warnings: Alot of angst <3, somebody kissed but im not saying who
Summary: After your Lokis death and have moved on and joined the Avengers. After the aftermath of Endgame you and the other remaining Avengers all seek shelter in the new Avengers Warehouse Pepper Potts bought as a temporary replacement while the Avengers mansion is being renovated. What happened after a very tired mission. Well, you're speechless, to say the least.
"Avengers We need your help."
The whole room was quiet, someone they would not expect to see even after everything they'd experienced.
You froze to sight you pray to see every night but not like this.
"Loki....." Thor muttered out.
The room was silent again. Everyone had their weapons pointed to the good of mischief. He had a woman in his hands dying with every breath she took and another man with silver hair was clinging to his shoulder that looked like he took a really bad beating.
"Loki? I thought Loki was yuh know. " Scott continued with a chocking. Yelena shoved his stomach signing to shut up. "OOF , I'm sorry it was just a thought."
You couldn't hear anything, you could barely breathe.
"She doesn't know who you are dude, now put the chick and the dude down," Sam says pointing his wings at him. "And tell us who you really are."
"I am who I say I am. I may not be the Loki you know but I am a Loki from a different universe, another timeline. I am not the Loki you have...." Loki looks at Thor then you. "Lost."
"Friday check for his, their signatures," Bucky shouted. "On it." the robot replied.
Silence again, frozen again. You look at his face it's just like his, with shorter hair, and more lines, from what looked like stress. He looks just like him.
Tears were forming in your eyes. That night he died. He had the same look of fear in his eyes the night he died.
"Y/N please believe me."
"Y/N your territory what's your call." Bucky looked at you, who were on the verge of crying. Thor noticed how hooked you were and finally said. "Y/N. It's not him. but ... he might be telling the truth."
His voice comforted you and finally snapped you back.
"When did you give me my sword?." You finally said testing the man who stood in front of you.
"What?! My friends are dying and you concerned wit-"
"Do you wish to save them? Tell me, when did you give me my sword. If it is truly you." You sternly said.
"Do you truly think-"
"Answer the question man." Scott pointed.
"Answer. The. Question." Your voice started to break.
"It's a trick question. " Everyone in the room was confused except for Thor who chuckled slightly. "Heimdall gave it to you and it was on the day you became general. I gave you the dagger you hold in your hand. I made the colour of the sleeve wrap to matches your eyes. "
You tighten the grip around your dagger as you let out a strong breath, "Bring the injured to the med bay and bring him to the interrogation room." Everyone was in shock with your composure.
You noticed the girl he was holding struggling to breathe even more as the white haired mans head gash started to bleed more. You also noticed no one was doing what you ordered them to "MOVE.."
Everyone rushed to their aid and Sam and Peter brought (dragged) Loki after a hard struggle and hard eye contact between you two finally dissapeared into the corner.
You finally gasped for air and dropped to your knees as Thor catched you and Bucky came to you aid.
"He's alive again, it's like Ragnarok all over again. Then when I fall in love he's gonna die again and his blood will be on my hands."
"His death is not on your hands. Non of his deaths were on your hands" Thor comforted you as he rubbed your back. Bucky assisted you up as you wrapped around your arms and plopped yourself on the couch. "James, darling I need time alone with Thor."
"Anything Doll, I'll check on our .... guest..." He kissed you cheek and walked away.
"Could it be him."
"He's not our Loki y/n, look at him it is the small features he may live the same timeline to a certain extent but he is not the Loki you fell inlove with. Not the same Loki who saved you from Thanos, not the one who changed on that ship." Thor stated as he hugged you tight. "But I do think if anyone should talk to him it should be you..."
"We must try Barnes, Y/N is the only one who knows Loki like the back of her hand. She is the only one he seems to trust at the moment."
"Or the imposter in there might be a Loki Varius or whatvever he said, and trick her and hurt her."
"Y/n is completely capable of defending herself she is a Asgardian General. Compared to you. She surpasses you strength, speed agility-
"I don't care if she could kill me in 1 stare, I'd still be protecting her which was very clear in the battle of Wakanda something you COULDN'T DO-
"How dare your simple midgardian mind challenge I, you will never be able to protect Y/N as I did in her previous battles and wars for lasting centuries. You weak mortal." Thor tauntingly poked Buckys head making him stumble slightly.
"Oh you better take you finger out of my face." Bucky pointed back at him more intensely
"How dare you point your finger to the god of thunder ."
"Boys. Enough " Wanda used her magic to gain their attention "Have both of you ever took the time and asked what Y/N wants?" she then pointed to you.
"Y/N." Bucky sighed
Crossing your arms you looked at Loki with a pale expression "I'm ready."
"No ones forcing you to be ready at this moment." Bucky gentley placed his metal arm on your shoulder
"We can't risk whatever he is saying to be true or not. All we know is that we have a man beaten to an inch of death and a girl whos been stabbed by an Asgardian relic dagger." You looked at Thor with daggering eyes.
"Wait are you certain. I didn't-"
"Ivars dark matter Dagger, a god killing weapon." You starred at Loki through the glass. You finally stormed out of the room and faced the door leading to Loki. You opened the door for Loki to stand up frantically "Finally Y/N please you have to listen to me."
"Please Loki sit down." You raise your hand.
"Y/N nonono you have to-
"We have to talk like normal beings. Sit. " You showed the chair. Loki sighs and finally sits down. "A man once told me a calm storm is more tamable and weaponized-
"Than a rough and frantic one I know, father will never let that go especially on Thor." Loki rolled his eyes and finally landed on you. You smiled and he giggled.
"So, you look frantic..." You leaned forward folding your arms together. Loki crossed his arms tense covering any and all of the scars he could. You used your magic to heal any clean and open wound and heal the small cuts that were visible to your vision. "You need to understand with how you look and the knowledge we have of your status, we have..... questions."
"I understand." he said plainly
"So lets start with, who are you and what are you doing here." You crossed your arms and leaned back on your chair.
Loki grinned and leaned forward towards you"I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened wit-"
You used your magic to throw a spark at him, which made him flinch backwards. You could hear from your intercom ear Bucky and Thor Laughing while a small echo of Wanda snickering. "Ow yes I deserve that- Force of habit." Loki said rubbing his cheeck.
"Shall we try again." You expression never changed.
"I am Loki Odinson, I come from a timeline where I was captured by the TVA, the time variance authority a group of people who are organized to protect the sacred timeline during the yeear 2012. Ruled by He who remains. Right there I met Mobius who at the time worked for the Time variance authority, although to be fair at the time is uncounted because thats not how the TVA works, time doesn't run normally in the TVA there might not be a past, present or future. But catching Sylvie was one hell of a job especially trying to befriend her, Odins beard, oh Slyvie she is a variant of yours truly, oh and a variant is another verison of yourself from a completely different timeline. Sylvie planned to stop He who remains right after we truly found out everyone in the TVA are people from ruined timelines whom lives were taken from them. The timeline was destroyed at some point because He who remains decided that he infact should destroy it because he has the power to let it start from 0 but we couldn't let that happen that would mean no free will for anyone, we got into this huge battle where variants were trying to fight off Mobius and I, Mobius got hurt. Sylvie manage to pass me the Cronos bulb that could manufacture the machine to destroy the timelines that He who remains was going to use for the distruction of the timelines. But he used Ivars dagger to stop Sylvie but I manage to pull them both out but we fell into a time current when I was trying to push in the coordinates back to the TVA and ended up here, where we need to return the cronos bulb, before the timeline becomes unstable then kill He who remains before he reaches the cronos bulb to destroy all original timelines." Loki hyperventalated while slamming the table infront of you.
You look at Loki who was on the verge of tears his eyes did something you thought you will never see, beg, but that didn't stop you from looking confused at whatever he was saying before.
"You don't understand me do you, no one will. ODINS BEARD IM STUCK HERE AND NO ONE ON THIS MORTALIZED PLANET WILL HELP US, NOT THE FOOLS BEHIND THE WINDOW PANE, NOT THE WORLD NOT YOU. I WAS A FOOL TO TRUST YOU." Lokis eye glared green as the table tossed to the wall and he stood up to point to you. Loki sighed heavily against his gritted teeth and fell on his knees. You on your chair held your hand up giving a sign to Bucky and Thor to stay put.
You notice Loki was scraping against his lap and tears started falling from his eyes. You got up and knelt down to him placing your hand on his forcing him to stop scratching. "I'll have to talk to my team, but Loki believe me when I say... I trust you... I will always trust you."
Loki looked up to you eyes bloodshot red and a pained look, you smiled soflty at him pushing his hair behind his ear. "Breathe with me..." You cupped his face and stroked the cut on his cheek to heal it.
Loki held your hand on his face tight and leaned towards it. He took a breathe then looked back at your eyes. Loki leaned his head on to yours and yelled out all this rage as he let out a painful sob.You let the seconds tick, and allowed Loki to take his time. You hugged him and brought him up with you when he allowed.
As you both seperated you looked up at him as he leaned out to kiss you. Your were stunned and muffled against the kiss and shoved him off you-
Bucy kicked down the door which made you both look towards it in shock "OKAY MAN I LET YOU HUG HER AND CRY AND DO THAT FORHEAD THING BUT THIS HAS GONE TO FAR." Bucky brought his gun aiming at Lokis head. Bucky pushed Loki Against the wall. "You get your slimey Asgardian Royal ass lips off my girlfriend... you two timing- "
"BUCKY..... he couldn't have known...." You crossed your arms at your boyfriends. "LET HIM GO... PUT THE GUN DOWN."
Bucky glared at Loki while Loki stared down towards the Sergeant. "If it weren't for her your asgardian mouth is gonna taste a 9mm bullet going 2100 miles an hour."
"I am enjoying the show too much." Thor laughed leaning on storm breaker.
"I'll get him off." Wanda used her magic to seperate the both of them. Bucky floated while Loki was sat back on his chair. Bucky was carried out as he kicked his feet and Thor carried the table back to where it was.
"I'll let you too uh," You Look at Thor and Loki who were across eachother, " You both have alot to reconcile, good luck, I have to deal with my boyfriend." You left the room with Wanda and a struggling floating Bucky.
Thor looked back at Loki who seemed older than when he last saw him, and Loki looking at Thor who has had way more scars than he could count. Two souls where at one point in time would protect eachother by any means necassary now strangers.
"So y/n is betrothed to another man?" Loki raised an eye brow and a smirk.
"Yeah I can't do this." Thor lifted storm breaker and walked towards the door.
"Wait." Loki chuckled, "I.... what happened brother." Thor sighed and crossed his arms, "Alot"
"You know of what I ask about, your eye, your hammer... your scars there are more from the battle of niffleheim." Loki scolded.
Thor looked at his brother, " I am not interested in this "small talk" if you will excuse me."
Loki streched out his arm and used his magic to stop Thor, "Wait, I truly have missed you brother, other than Y/N none of this is fammilliar to me other than you so pleasem stay."
"My Loki will never show this kind of weakness and petyness."
"The years have changed me if you can see."
"I can, I have mourned you too much to get too attached, respect that I may not brother you as I once did. I know by the end of this time, you will leave us again." Thor said plainly. "There is no reason for me to stay. Y/N will decide if we should help you and after we do or don't we shall part ways."
"Has it been that hard."
"When I- this- this is a road I do not wish and never wish to go down unless we are in the banquet halls of Valhalla." Thor sighed, and slammed the Door behind him. Thor crunched the door handle and dropped storm breakers as he breathed in.
"It has been hard."
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"What... was that about?!?!?!?." You scolded the man infront of you who was clearly avoiding eye contact crossing his arms. "He clearly didn't know I had a boyfriend, cut him some slack."
"Yeah and what if that kiss was to stab you, double cross you, poison you or worse." Bucky scolded back. "This is Loki were talking about, the villain of the unexpected, you really wanna trust him just because he cried infront of you."
"This isn't about trust is it." You sighed.
"Ofcourse it is, if anyone laid a hand on you, and I don't care if its some kid I'll still knock their lights out." Bucky gritted through his teeth. He looked back at you who was clearly trying to stiffle back a laugh.
Bucky sighed and confessed, "Okay maybe the jealousy kicked in, but if anything happened to you in that rooom and I did nothing to help you know I would never forgive myself."
You pressed your lips pitying the sergeant and walked up to Bucky and cupped his cheeks as he dove in to kiss you. He pushed you against a wall as both of your lips danced on eachother. "Now this is the Asgardian I wanna be pinning against the wall." As he leaned back down to give you a gentle kiss which you changed to another make out session.
"If your both done, exchaning gross saliva we've got an emergency here. The blonde chick with the bad roots is not doing too well. And the stuff we have at the medbay didn't help with her ASGARDIAN BODY, which might need oh I dunno maybe AN ASGARDIAN TO HEAL HER?!?!?!." Yelena said through the speakers.
You both parted and you blushed slightly, you smiled to Bucky as he brought your hands to his lips. "Go they need you, I love you doll, I'm sorry about how I reacted."
"No I understand, I underreacted in the situation. I know how you feel."
"You should your burned a girls hand in the bar last week because they touched my metal arm."
"She had it comming."
"Be patient Yelena."
"I'm sorry but the girl is not dying any slower."
"Go, I'll look after Loki."
Finally, apparently my ideas only come out when Im depressed. Hopefully I get depressed soon so I can write the next one.
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floral-force · 1 year
Hi! I love your work and I have seen that you are looking for Frankie Morales requests. So I'm here.
I was thinking about post break up Frankie and the prompt "i was made to love you." Maybe he fucked up, but they have kid so they have to see each other often and he just can't make himself love somebody else. So maybe getting together again?
ok so fair warning this is very angsty (but it has a happy ending I promise). I was in a mood while writing this, but I'm happy with how it turned out. this was a great way to practice frankie, especially since I love soft!frankie. I hope you enjoy this, nonnie! ♥️
requests are open! send me an ask!
I Was Made to Love You
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francisco "catfish" morales x f!reader
summary: Frankie’s mistake cost him your relationship and your love. You remain connected through co-parenting your daughter, but you never forgave him for what he did. Despite it all, something still remains, waiting to be discovered.
words: 2k+
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY/NO MINORS, infidelity, angst (with a happy ending), soft!frankie, mentions of pregnancy and labor (nothing graphic/detailed), brief mention of sobriety/implied past addiction, mother!reader, I'm bad at titles
read on ao3 | fic masterlist
You got up from your spot on the couch to answer the door. As soon as you opened it, you were greeted with a squeal from your smiling daughter, Isabella. You crouched down and scooped her into your arms with an oof.
“Hmph—Baby girl, you’re getting so big! Mommy won’t be strong enough to hold you soon,” you laughed, running your finger across her small, soft cheek.
She pouted and your breath caught in your throat. She had Frankie’s mouth, and her little pout was nearly identical to his. It always threw you off and reminded you of one of your first dates, back when you were both young and in your mid-twenties. You’d gone to the aquarium together, and he threw that look your way to get you to buy something dumb for him—a goofy fish plushie that made him smile like a dork. You were going to get it anyway, but you couldn’t resist when he gave you that puppy dog face.
Sometimes, in the pictures he sent you of Isabella, she was holding it.
You dated for four years, and he proposed just a month before you showed him a positive pregnancy test. Isabella was definitely not planned, and both of you always thought you’d live a childless life, but something must have changed. Frankie became a different person after you both discussed whether to continue the pregnancy or terminate it and chose to keep it. He’d been sober for a few years at that point and made even more of an effort to stay committed to it.
“For you, and for my little girl,” he’d said, placing a calloused hand on your bump.
“How do you know it’s a girl, Frankie?”
He’d shrugged and gave you that sly smirk you adored. “Just do.”
Frankie was right and made sure you never forgot about. He’d let out a cheer at that appointment, getting a stern glance from you that instantly cracked when you saw how joyful he was. You’d never seen him that happy. It had brought tears to your eyes, and it still did when the memory randomly crossed your mind.
He built her crib, saying he’d tell her one day about how her mom was constantly pulling splinters out of his hands. Frankie read all the books he could. Went to every appointment. Comforted you when everything hurt, got you whatever you were craving, told you how much he loved you and how beautiful you were. Frankie was there the entire time you were in labor, never leaving the room unless you—not the doctor, not the nurses, you—told him to. 
“What if I’m a bad mom?” You’d asked one night, still catching your breath from the orgasm he’d just coaxed out of you.
“Don’t say that,” he’d murmured against your neck, pressing hot kisses into your skin. “You’re the most incredible, beautiful, and caring person I know. You’re going to be a great mom.”
Frankie was a fighter, a protector, and stubborn as hell. You loved him dearly for it, and loved the way he made you feel special and adored. Around others, he was quiet, but you didn’t mind. His hand was always holding yours or on the small of your back. He wasn’t afraid to show you his intense enthusiasm and endless affection for you—not just during your pregnancy, but throughout your relationship. That made it even harder to accept what you saw on his phone that night in December. 
You’d called off the engagement when Isabella was just a month old; she’d been asleep in her crib when you confronted him about the woman who was texting him nudes—and why he was responding. You asked him why it’d been going on since your second trimester, why he did it, how he could hurt you like this. He’d begged for your forgiveness, but it was too late. He sobbed when you told him he had 3 days to pack up his stuff and leave. In an act of mercy, you told him he needed to remain in Isabella’s life. You refused to let your daughter grow up without her father, even if he’d crushed your heart under his boots.
To his credit, Frankie was a man of his word—when it came to Isabella, at least. He always picked her up when he was supposed to, made sure to get a two-bedroom apartment and fill her room with toys and books, and spent as much time as he could with her now before co-parenting became difficult with preschool on the horizon. She had just turned 3, and in the spring, you were going to start looking at programs. 
For now, though, you planted a kiss on her forehead and smiled at her adorable giggle.
“Isabella, why don’t you go up and say hi to your stuffies?” You set her down and she nodded, her eyes twinkling up at you. 
You watched her climb up the stairs, then turned to face Frankie. He’d set her small duffel bag down inside the door, his feet still planted on the cement of your porch. You saw his Adam’s apple bob with a hard swallow, noticed his fists clench. His ratty green shirt complimented the golden skin you used to run your fingers over, the mossy shade one you’d always loved on him. You had a sneaking suspicion this was one of the shirts you’d gifted him all those years ago. He stared at you with big doe eyes, adjusting his navy blue ballcap and disturbing his dark brown hair with a shaking hand.
“Thanks for taking care of her this week,” you said, breaking the tense silence. “I know it was really last minute, but my mom needed me home.”
“Of course,” he replied, that gravelly voice that you used to love hearing whether it was whispered in your ear or moaning it into the night tugging at something within your chest. “Anything for her.”
You nodded and looked at your feet as you rocked back and forth, crossing your arms. Defending yourself from him. There was something brewing inside of him, and it was about to spill over—you could see it in his nervous swallows, the way he cleared his throat, how he shifted and hunched his shoulders forward. It was never good news when he got anxious like this. He always complained about your intuition, but you told Frankie that he was just easy to read. You loved that about him.
He said your name, his voice cracking. You looked up at him, meeting his glassy gaze.
“Listen, I—I—” he groaned and clenched his jaw, squeezing his eyes shut. He looked back up at you with watery chestnut eyes, and you inhaled sharply. Goddamn, those eyes. “Fuck, I—I don’t know how to say it.”
“Hey,” you said softly. “Just say it, Frankie.”
He took a deep breath and looked straight into your eyes. “I can’t live without you.” 
You rolled your eyes and scoffed. “You didn’t have this epiphany before you traded pics with that—that—” you shook your head and lowered your voice. “I don’t have the fucking time for this. I’ll see you next week.”
You went to push the door closed, something tightening in your chest—sadness? Anger? Grief? You didn’t want to keep looking at him, you knew that much. Before you could even move it an inch, his large palm slapped against the wood and stopped it. You glared at him and clenched your jaw. 
“Please, listen to me.”
“And why should I?” you spat. 
“Because I love you, dammit!” He raised his voice, something he rarely did. He didn’t even do it when you confronted him that snowy night. Frankie rubbed the back of his neck and his voice wavered when he said your name. “I never stopped loving you.”
You felt your body shaking, your eyes watering. You gripped the edge of the door and looked him dead in the eyes, hoping he could feel the anger radiating off you.
“If you really loved me, you wouldn’t have broken my fucking heart. You wouldn’t have cheated on your fiancée while she was 20 fucking weeks pregnant.” You felt your lip begin to quiver. You hissed, “I was carrying your goddamn baby while you were fucking her over the phone, Frankie!”
“And I’ll never forgive myself.” He stated. You saw tears slide down his cheeks, both red with emotion. “I think about it every fucking day. I think about you every day.”
You looked up at the doorframe and gazed out at the sunset sky, clouds painted in oranges and reds with splashes of golden yellow. You chuckled in disbelief and put a fist on your hip. “Should’ve thought about that before you got her number at a bar.”
“Do you really think I’d do half the shit I do for you if I didn’t love you?” he snapped, wiping away his tears with the back of his hand. The sight of it made one roll down your hot cheek. “I don’t have to come over and fix a leaky pipe or help you negotiate at the dealership. I could just fuckin’ tell you to ask your dad or call a plumber.” 
Frankie sighed and slumped his shoulders forward in defeat. A part of you liked seeing him hurt like this, like you had—but another part of you ached with him, yearned with him. When you remained silent, sniffing and wiping your nose and cheeks with the sleeve of your cardigan, his face broke and he looked exactly as he had three years ago when you’d railed into him. Broken, anxious, uncertain—something Frankie never was.
“Frankly, I don’t think you hate me if you still text me and ask for my help.” Frankie’s lip shook and he rubbed his hand across his scruff-covered jaw. “I think a part of you still loves me, too.”
You clenched your jaw and snapped, “I’m polite with you because of Isa—”
“No, no.” Frankie interjected. He waved his hand and gave you a somber shake of his head as he said your name. “I know you. You can’t hide how you feel, even when Isabella is in your arms.” He chuckled, something sad underneath it. “You never could.”
You hated that he was always fucking right. It made you straighten and purse your lips. “Then what, Frankie? What do we do?”
“I have no damn clue,” he admitted with a shy smile. 
It reminded you of the one he’d given you on your first date. He didn’t know it then, but he’d had your heart from the first smile he sent your way. Boyish and sweet but rugged at the same time, hardened and aged beyond his years. Charming without trying, whether he knew it or not.
“All I know is, I was made to love you.” 
Your sob got caught in your throat. You squeezed your eyes shut and felt tears start to stream down your face like waterfalls. Frankie’s rough thumbs wiped them away, just liked they had so many times before. He still remembered that you loved it when he stroked them across the top of your cheeks, his other fingers gently laying over the lower half of them and gracing along your jaw. You didn’t push him away or ask him to stop. 
Why was he always right? Maybe you were easier to read than you thought. Or, maybe, you were made for Frankie, and he was made for you. You opened your eyes to see his only inches away, the corners of his crinkled with a gentle smile. Those soft lips, that sweet voice speaking your name, those crying eyes—they were yours as much as they were his. That tight string in your chest snapped, and you realized that although you may not forgive him for what he did, you still loved him. And you wanted to start again.
When you nodded and smiled through your tears, Frankie grinned like he had when you found out you were having a girl. Joy at the thought of starting something new and from the thrill of being right about something you doubted. Joy only you could ever spark within him. The thought of that made you warm inside. It would take time, that was for damn sure. But you were willing to try. You were made for this man as much as he was made for you.
reblogs and comments are so appreciated! I love hearing what y'all have to say <3
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@hardlystrictlystarwars, @hrtsforpascal @notsosecretspy
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
[Macaque still feels sympathy for his little parasite. .. - but def imposes a restraining order, cus if he sees the Super-Fan around his husband or kids again he will kill them without hesistation.]
Not sure if it brings the mood up or down or sideways - but it is the case that stalkers don't always obey the restraining order. Since the order does tell the other party the places they can't go (i.e., schools, homes and workplaces), some used it as places to stake out. I recall reading one time it ended up with the judge just telling the offender not to go anywhere in a whole state that the victim moved to, because of how they were being harassed.
Just saying that, this is a plot that might seem like resolved long ago, gets a second wind years later - now out, meaner and more obsessed (after all, Mac did say only about nearing the Husband and Kids - not hard to imagine somebody who's cuckoo for coco-puffs to would reconstrue that to mean that the husband and kids are an obstacle).
sequel post to this prompt about Macaque getting a stalker fan.
Oof. Almost like a "Buddy turning into Syndrome" situation.
Just realised that LMK has a lack of well... human threats.
Even in Jttw, there was the threat of jealous monks, bandits, unreasonable kings, etc...
But the scariest human threat we see in LMK is the Speedy Panda delivery drivers.
A human person geniunely obsessed with someone powerful like Macaque is a legit interesting concept for a LMK villain/threat. No powers, no magic origins; just a disturbed person who won't take no.
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nighty-night-nh · 2 months
I finished two books in the span of a month, be proud of me.
Here I stand on the other side of Eagle Strike and I have some Thoughts. A little negative to start but we go up from there.
First off, not gonna lie, I think I was less engaged with the book than the others for the first half. Unfortunately I didn’t find Damian Cray an interesting main villain at the start or when it was all over. He’s at the bottom of favorite main bad guys for me at the moment behind Julius Grief, and I like Grief so that’s an oof for him. He does get brownie points for the pennies execution method and his own ‘Syndrome from The Incredibles’ adjacent death.
Don’t get me wrong, there were definitely bits at the start I enjoyed. Like the fact that we hardly get 300 words into the book and Yassen is just There to ruin Alex’s holiday and the matador moment but overall it was a slightly sad “Ok he’s dealing with a madman with nukes that thinks he’s doing the world a favor two books in a row. Sarov did this way better than you months ago and this book is rapidly ending. Where is the third act shoe-drop that makes people like this book?”
And, um, the shoe certainly did drop. Several of them.
Starting with Sabina’s kidnaping at the hospital. Not only was it the first ‘normal’ thing in the book grounding it to reality but it just made me feel sick to my stomach because something like that happens to girls often irl. I really hope she does ok until the next time we see her. Then there’s the whole business with the plane. I’m not American but as somebody who watches videos speculating on hypothetical WWIII start points, the hijacking of air force one did properly freak me out.
And finally, what you’ve probably been waiting for me to get to: Yassen and The Big Reveal.
Yall just watched me get attached to this man knowing full well this is the book he died in, huh.
I was so enjoying him fighting himself on what he was doing with Alex and trying hard not to strangle Damian. Of course there’s the conflict of interest: Money vs not being able to live with himself if he killed the son of the man who saved him. No wonder he spoke so fondly of him. I mean he still put him in the bull ring but w/e. But this isn’t everything. He may be dead now but I’m still in the dark about a part of his story. Why and how did he start? How did he get to be this good, and this hardened to contract work? Where exactly did his code of not killing kids come from? It couldn’t have been from Alex, he already didn’t kill kids. I have so many questions that’ll probably get answered in the next few books.
My last point of note is realizing the Rider brothers were on two sides of the same coin. They both killed. John was a contract killer for money, Ian worked for MI6 and both hid it from people in their lives. Did they know? Did they ever know? We can’t ask dead men questions, can we.
Now with all of that out of my system, I move onto Scorpia. Which is the book I am actively scared of. I heard whispers of it in Never Say Die, Its consistently voted the favorite of the entire series and I’ve heard it’s the start of Alex’s even emo-er arc which he 100% deserves by the way.
I am in for a world of pain for this next book n’ I don’t think I’m ready.
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mightymizora · 5 months
Answering my own reading questions!
because I can! feel free to do these as asks or just fill them out I'm a nosy bitch.
How many BG3 fics did you subscribe to or bookmark on A03 in 2023?
22 bookmarks and 9 new authors subbed to! There's been so much great stuff out there.
Did you have a favourite canon character to read?
I love a good Gale fic, but actually it's default Durge, if that counts. If not, Gortash.
Do you have a favourite OC of somebody else's that you fell in love with this year?
Oof, a tough one but I've gotta say that I love @mordymord's Labrys and @popiellart's Wormwood like AIR. Both have some similar traits in a lot of ways, being lean, clever demigods, but both are also so distinct. I don't think I've read any other characters like them. There's SO many good Durges but I fell for both of these fic-first.
Which fic that you've read has been the most popular?
Probably @aliquistis' excellent Gale/Tav fic Witch Ways, which has one of my other favourite OCs. Echo is excellent, and the fic is SO well done. No wonder it has 25k hits!
Which fic has been your hidden gem that you think deserves a wider readership?
I can't choose one, so have three: I'm coming around all of your houses with print outs of Intimate Connection by @plethomacademia because it deserves a HUGE readership. I think Concentration (a moment's silence) by @smoreofbabylon (and all of 'smore's fics) are just excellent. And please, read @des-no9 the one who bleeds, it's fucking beautiful.
Was there a fic you read that was completely out of your comfort zone, but you absolutely loved?
Loook I'm not a monsterfucker but. Also! I'd say that Subjugation by @say-lene is not my usual dynamic but I ADORED it. And I loved Voyeur which again was not something I'd ordinarily reach for but I think @rowanisawriter is SUCH a talented writer, I gobble up everything.
Is there a piece of description from a fic that you particularly loved?
this from FIRE WALK WITH ME by @todderwodders
Enver suspects his parents do not fully appreciate that she is a middleman. Her eyes, wine dark as they were, and her fine, perfectly kept curls may be charming, but there is an air of servant that comes clear as she speaks in winding language that seems intent on sewing confusion. No patriar or lord would sit down to a cobbler’s dinner. No patriar or lord would deny themselves a drink, or read paperwork aloud to lay people. This wine dark woman is a warlock, and he roughly knows the vague mechanics of warlocks in the makings of a deal with someone of more importance and as a result benefiting in magic and boons. That she should be as she is makes a kind of sense, then. That interests him, draws him in, even as his mother has that glazed look she always gets when she only half cares to listen to what people say to her. She has counted and recounted coin, measuring and remeasuring where it is all meant to go on her abacus. Sometimes he suspects her mind wanders without permission if she is not kept busy. Often, she comes back to the present sharply, eager to needle endlessly over past slights or gossip, over the current conversation. He wants to explain things to her in a clearer way that she will listen to, to ask questions of this dedicated warlock where she numbly nods along. 
Is there a piece of dialogue from a fic that has stayed with you?
Listen I sometimes find myself doing everyday life things and stopping and thinking about this exchange from The Dark Urge sleeps alone by @popiellart
"You remind me of my sister."
"What's a sister?" Lae'zel demands breathily, and drops her hips down, spearing herself on him without hesitation, drawing a desirous, possessive growl from his draconic muzzle.
His eyes, half-lidded with hunger, have that foggy, far-away look that vexes others, but she doesn't mind.
He is living, yawning death on the battlefield, his scales turning regal crimson whenever he's bathed in blood, and when he violently grips her and slams her down on the crumbling altar, bruising her back and cracking this font of worship to some dusty, dead god with the roaring fire of their living, he is a dragon red enough for her.
"I don't know," he admits, finally. "Something sharp, I think."
What was your overall most read type of fic in 2023? Were there tropes you particularly loved? A pairing that you adored?
Dark as shit Dark Urge fic. GOD the fandom has just taken all of the little strands given by Larian and run with them. The endless invention, expression, interpretation of the fans has been extraordinary. I love you guys. Never change. Keep weird.
What would you like to read in 2024 if you could wave a wand and get exactly what you wanted?
More Jaheira/Halsin. Just ANYTHING I am desperate for more of this.
Something with Wyll/Karlach which is very, very sexy and very queer. Top Karlach! More t4t!
More Gale/Lae'zel that reaaaally leans into her alien qualities honestly. I love this ship and might start writing it.
Filthy, filthy Ketheric stuff. FUCK THAT MAN TO DUST.
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lumpyrock · 1 year
This is the weirdest and most personal AU I have done yet. TLDR, when I was 11, I was going through it and I found solace in two things: The Greatest Showman Soundtrack, and Mario Kart Wii, therefore those two things are linked in my brain. So, who's ready to be hearing this weird ass AU? (Based on the soundtrack with slight inspiration from the movie)
(The Greatest Show) It's a sneak preview to the end. It's Wii Bowser's castle (second to last track on the special cup) and we follow Luigi as he narrowly avoids a blue shell, only to be beat out at the last second by a mysterious somebody.
(A Million Dreams) Actual beginning of the story, Luigi and Mario (as children) decide that they want to do something grand with their lives. They want to make something that people will remember. (Blah blah blah, you know the drill.) They're grownup now. They decide they want to make a race, and Peach, being hopelessly in love with Mario, agrees to give funding and labor.
(Going to ignore the reprise.)
(Come alive) Luigi is sent out to find willing participants in the race, scout out new land, and get some sponsors. Some sponsors are also going to be in the race (i.e. Luigi). They set a date but uh oh! They need twelve racers and they've only got eleven. And they're really stretching it! They went back in time to get Baby Mario and Baby Peach, for goodness sake!
(The Other Side) Luigi is sad. He really wanted to do this, but it seems like it won't work. He goes to a bar to hopefully drink his worries away. But who does he find there but Bowser. This is perfect, he's just who he needs! (Insert the actual song here.) Only problem, Bowser will only do it if Luigi is his babysitter for a day. Luigi agrees. How bad could the kid be?
(A Million Dreams (reprise)) Really bad. Painting on Luigi's face, refusing to go to bed, Bowser Jr. is terrible! Hijinks insue. Luigi finally gets the kid into bed but then the kid says, "When I grow up, I'm gonna do something no one will forget, like you!" Luigi needs to win this race.
(Never Enough) It's the day of the first race, named after Luigi, of course. Race starts and Luigi nearly swerved off the road because Peach threw a bomb. He gets second and confronts Peach and Mario. "Why are there bombs?! You could've killed me!" "Oh, they're harmless! We just thought they'd be fun!" "'We'?! When did you decide on that?!" "When you were gone. We thought you wouldn't mind!" Oof.
(This is me) The amount that that hurt. This was his and Mario's dream, when did Mario and Peach start deciding things without him? He doesn't show up to the race the next day, and a random Toad takes his place and gets twelveth. He's sulking in his room when he gets a knock at the door. It's Bowser, wondering where he's been and if he's okay. He also got first today so he brought him the winning bouquet. Luigi says he's fine and to not worry about him. Bowser is about to leave when Luigi gets an idea. "What if we team up?"
(Rewrite The Stars) "team up" means having each other's backs and trying to help out where they can, not like in double dash. The next day, the next race, Bowser gets 5th and Luigi gets 1st. Toad's factory, Bowser's in 1st and Luigi's in second when the blue shell hits. Bowser does the trick, hitting the Mushroom at just right second and glides past it while Luigi gets hit by it. Bowser goes back and gets him and they get 3rd and 5th. Luigi asks how Bowser did that he tells him about the trick.
(Tightrope) Only four races left. Luigi has to beat Mario and Peach. Dry dry ruins, trys the trick but fails and ends up in 3rd. Moonview highway, he keeps getting run over and Bowser doesn't notice because every time they pass each other, Luigi's under another car. He ends up in 9th. Luigi goes to Bowser and asks why he didn't help him. Bowser says he didn't know he needed help. Luigi blows up at him. "Don't you want to win?! We're the losers, we need to help each other out! We passed each other so many times, how could you not notice?!" Bowser stares at him. "This is all in good fun, why do you need to win?" "I don't know why, I just need to! And because of you I'm going to lose!" "Wow, okay. I thought this was gonna be fun, but apparently not. It feels I'm walking a Tightrope with you. You know what? Team up over."
(Never Enough (reprise)) a shorter chapter, Luigi goes to Mario and tells him what he feels. Mario, he needs some time to process. He won't show up for the next race.
(From Now On) And we're back at Bowser's castle. Same stuff as before, but it's revealed Bowser won. Luigi's even more mad. Final race, Rainbow Road, notoriously hard. 3... 2, the Rev of engines... 1, go. Luigi zooms into first on the speed panels. He's getting a decent lead, when out of the corner of his eye, he sees Bowser Jr. The one he wanted to win for. What is he doing? This isn't right, he's winning but at what cost? He's pushed away his brother, his friend, and Bowser. Winning isn't fun when it's-- OH MY GOD, YOU HIT THE RAILING ON THE HAIR PIN TURN, YOU IDIOT! He's falling to earth, and he's going to die! He freezes up, not sure of what to do. When suddenly Bowser catches and pulls him back onto the road (without his kart). Luigi apologizes about how he blew up and Bowser gives him a hug. They both get on Bowser's bike and they get dead last. But hey, it's the thought that counts.
(The Greatest Show (reprise)) apologies, apologies all around. He wasn't being the most fair. Also Mario and Peach apologize for not telling Luigi about the sudden change of plans. Bowser, Luigi, and Bowser Jr. Sit on the game over hill and that's the end.
Hope you enjoyed! This was so long!
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